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Longest serving republican in the senate and a former boxer is throwing in the towel. I brought that fighting spirit with me to washington. Every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves. What is gangsters paradise lost. You said gangsters instead of gangsta on that song by coolio so we take 200 away from you so you are now in second place. Run away, run away you better get away, get away steve live from new york city, its mostly cloudy, it is 17 degrees and, according to my device, it feels like 11 degrees. Brian right. How does your device know how you feel . Thats the crazy thing. Steve hold on thats another, swipe right. Brian thats a different app. Ainsley everywhere i go people ask me why are you wearing sleeveless when its winter. Brian we work indoors. Ainsley exactly. I dont want to wear long sleeves every single day. Brian i have long been a proponent of deltoid exposure. Steve is that the airline . Brian exactly. Ainsley clearly you are a fan of deltoid exposure. Brian i have to dress like a guy. Steve cant find a saddle long enough. Ainsley i will wear a jacket. Steve a wednesday that feels like a tuesday. Kim jong un says i have built a bomb that can blow up the United States of america. Nuclear button is always on my desk. The u. S. Can never fight a war against me and our state. Thats what he said on monday. And you know it was going to lead to a show down with the president. Ainsley our president tweeted. He said Korean Leader kim jong un just stated that the Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times. Will someone from his depleted and food stanksd havregime tell him i have a Nuclear Button, but it is much bigger and more powerful than his and my button works. Brian his policy has been 100 percent correct. I was watching a couple other channels last night listen this is as close as we have gotten in north korea because the status quo was not acceptable. I thought the second half of the president s tweet is so telling. That army is starving to death. There are reports that these guys are allowed to leave their post to go out and hunt for food. We know the handful of defectors that have come forward and gotten across the line have been not only malnourished but riddled with bacteria. Ainsley we saw what happened to otto warm beer. We saw the officer trying to get across the line shooting at him. He got shot a few times he made it over to south korea. They are not allowed to escape. They are not allowed to watch tv. They dont know what the rest of the world thinks of them because he controls everything. Steve he hypotheticalsed that the sanctions that the United Nations and World Committee have imposed are actually taking a toll. What he said was that the economy encountered, quote, unprecedented impediments in 2017. Now, if there is a silver lining, it could be the fact that apparently yesterday north korea picked up this phone that has been not used for the last year or so and talked to south korea and said, hey, you know what . We would like to talk to you about coming to the Winter Olympics and they said you know what . We he would like to talk to you. That really is the rub. The United States cannot now take any sort of unilateral action against north korea if they are in talks even if they are about the Winter Olympics. Ainsley with south korea. Brian tactical move for them. Ainsley thatting me is going to take place next tuesday. Our sanctions are working. Now he wants to work with south korea because they are feeling it. Steve right, at the same time, you cannot look at what north korea said townhouse about we can blow up the United States. Thats a threat. We have got to take that serious. Ainsley absolutely. Brian if north korea wants to watch, thats one thing. If they want to play they are not allowed. Together they have anyone skis. Thats not going to qualify you for the Winter Olympics. Steve is that true nine skis . Brian maybe 11. Im not sure that gets threw. Im not sure if north going to see south korea they do participate and Lindsey Graham weighed in yesterday. If north korea goes, we are not going in my view. Nine minutes after the top of the hour. Fascinating developments four cities in iran as we see unrest happening. Whats the main difference between the 2009 uprising and 2017 . According to iranian experts this starts almost all young, this starts almost all rural. And believe it or not it was the leak of a document that spurred this unrest that showed the top secret budget proposed by their president are rowhanihow much was going t, syria and iraq that got the population outraged where most of the young under 25 are unemployed. Four out of every 10 dont have a job. Steve absolutely. The sanctions against iran are working as well. You look at what is going on over there. They dont like the president , even though they kind of like him, dont like him really, but they really hate the ayatollah. Keep in mind one of the things Sarah Huckabee sanders said yesterday people of iran must be given human basic rights. There was a guest on Robert Bartlett retired Staff Sergeant injured by iranian bomb. What he depicts over the last number of years how many people United States citizens have been injured by iran. Watch this. You know, when they got the blood of 500 americans just in the last few years on their hands, you know, they have been killing americans since the 1970s, we just havent done a whole lot really about it. Billions of dollars and money to go over that obviously is not going to the people under a are seeing the protests now. Ainsley thousands of americans blood on their hands. They support hezbollah. They hate israel. Our president is now saying he supports these protesters. And in two weeks he has the opportunity the sanctions were lifted in 2015 with the Iran Nuclear Deal. He has to every 120 days the president of the United States has to go back through and decide whether or not he wants to continue those sanctions to be lifted. So he has a major decision to make in the next few weeks. Brian what they have to do and im sure the president very few president s are better at this than our current president. Working oneonone with other leaders. Maybe merkel and he still have some friction. But he can work with theresa may. He can work with mccrone. He can work with the italian leader and get everybody on the same page to say if the crack down continues with 21 dead already, if the crack down continues where you shut down social media, were going to begin to put creep sanctions back. In not just from the u. S. But from the european leaders. The president has got to work the phones to make that happen. Steve lets see if they do because they have taken down instagram, telegram. The people who want to know whats going on dont know but the United States has made it very clear fix it. Ainsley all these iranians just want freedom. Steve why wouldnt they . Ainsley from this ayatollah, and some of these i was reading one article. One woman stood up and saying this ayatollah needs to be taken down. And she is risking her own life. She is risking her familys life to do. This whoever started these protesters and movement are very brave. Brain brian thats one way in which if you have a burqa to cover your face it works to your advantage. Steve through social media sanctioned smart phones they have been able to take a look at what freedom looks like it looks like this. It doesnt look like what they have over there. We will see what happens. Yesterday we told you as of january 1st, california became sanctuary state. Jerry brown, the democratic governor out there said okay, im going to sign it and you know what going forward, what that means, of course, is state officials, Law Enforcement and whatnot will not cooperate with ice when it comes to federal immigration issues and also you cant ask somebody who is detained in california hey, are you in the country legally . Cant do that. Brian its unbelievable. Ainsley it is. Brian give them hypotheticals. Im amazed at this. Tom homan on, director of actuary of ice. He was on neil cavuto. Instead of saying good luck california. Theyre not going to be going to texas or mexico they will be going with you. I will be standing there with my men and women looking to stop the flow but they are going to be coming. Listen. Street cops, they do not like this legislation. They are totally against it the street cops understand what we are trying to do. We want to take Public Safety threats out of the communities. And so this comes to this is a political decision. Sonoma county didnt honorable a detainer. What happened . Two weeks later he dhald girl. Now two young daughters without a mother. State of california better hang on tight. They better hold these politicians personally accountable. More citizens are going to die because of these policies and these politicians cant make these decisions and be held unaccountable for people dying. We need to hold these politicians accountable for their actions. Ainsley went on to say they knowingly putting Law Enforcement at risk and politics in front of Public Safety. Brian homeless situation that they have people choosing to be homeless who are 21 to 28. I have never seen anything like it. Now basicfully california saying illegals are more important than the citizens of california. No matter what other city you are in they are more important than you are because thats where the money is going. Steve he hit it right on the money he said it was a political calculation essentially to do that. Rank and file cops dont like it. What do you think about the people who live in that city. Do you think they like it . Ainsley what about Kate Steinles family that guy is going to be sentenced on friday. Steve there he is right there and there she is. Very busy wednesday. Jillian joins us in studio. Jillian it is busy. Good morning to you. Get you caught up at home as well. Honoring a california deputy days after died after attack on new years eve. Lining up and saluting aces had casey county left the hospital. San bernardino detective said 70yearold larry was beaten unconscious by another driver after a car crash. He was off duty at the time. The suspect is in custody. He served the department for 36 years. He was the oldest deputy on the force. An American Hero killed in the line of duty in afghanistan on new years day. Four other service mens are hurt following a combat engagement in an area where the u. S. Has been fighting isis and the taliban. New jersey senator corey booker identifying the fallen soldier as Sergeant First Class senile here in 2009. He immigrated from latvia 13 years ago and wanted to serve his new country immediately. He leaves behind a 6yearold daughter to. Extreme weather now a monster winter storm taking part down south now. Freezes over in georgia and soutSouth Carolina where temperatures are about 30 degrees below average. Snow flurries falling in florida. Out whenout conditions causing deadly pileup near buffalo, new york. Look at that this is freaking bonkers. You cant see a gosh darn thing in front of you. Everything blurry. Complete whiteout. Cant tell. I still cant feel my finger tips from walking not even a quarter mile from my vehicle. Jillian janice dean will keep us updated on the weather, guys. Ainsley you know that song i cant feel my face when i was walking with you. Yesterday when i was walking i was like i cant feel my face. Thats what the song is about. Brian song dedicated to the wind. Steve one of the promises that put President Trump in the white house. We are going to drain the swamp. [cheers] steve just now learning how deep that swamp is we have the hard numbers. They will shock you coming up next. Brian remember the professor who wanted a White Genocide for christmas . Hes back thats why they call me bad company hey, man. Oh nice man cave nacho . [ train whistle blows ] what . stop it mmhmm. Weve been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. This bar is legit. And now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. I can get used to this. It might take a minute. Swing and a miss slam dunk touchdown together sports when we win tomorrow, we are going to drain the swam swamp. Steve well that one of the president s most notorious comments. But now exactly how deep is the swamp and how is it spending your taxpayer dime . Now thanks to our next guest you can find out open the books founder andrew created a new tool breaking down the 136 billiondollar federal payroll by zip code. All you got to do adam is just know your zip code and you can figure out what . Well, we want to invite everybody to plate game, steve, at the fox opinion section right now my editorial is published up there. And it links through to this widget where we literally map the swamp. The 2 million federal Civil Service employees by zip code so everyone watching the program can you click a pin your zip code or any zip code across the country and see your little piece of the swamp anywhere. Anywhere across america. Its expensive. Its a Million Dollars a minute. Its a half billion dollars a day. And we found 30,000 federal employees that are every governor of the 50 states. Steve unbelievable. Federal employees bureaucrats making more than members of congress. There is at least one guy making more than the Vice President of the United States. Adam, we have got over here on the big wall swamp by the numbers. 407,000 federal elmly n employs are making over 100,000 a year. 400,000 make more than 190,000. And one more graphic as well. 165 increase in federal employees making 2 over 200,000 from 2010 to 2016. They are lawyers they should be adequately compensated, shouldnt they . Well, and you are exactly right. Out of the top 25 bonuses last year and the bonus bucket was expensive to taxpayers. It was 1. 5 billion on the year. We found in the top 25 bonuses 12 of them were general attorneys, scientists, doctors. We did find other federal workers like at the presaidio trust San Francisco in california small federal agent the top bonus in the entire federal system last year went to a Human Resource manager. It was 141,000. At the Presidio Land managesment society. They are not attorneys or doctors. Realtor for 80 grand and Program Manager for 57,000. Steve it is an eye opener. Adam, thank you very much. Folks can go to our website friends foxnews. Com and look for oped and go ahead and play with the widget. Thank you for joining us today from chicago. Thanks for your interest in our work, steve. Steve interesting stuff. All right. We are in your home. Isis terrorist posting a chilling selfie with that message outside a major new york city tourist attraction. Look at that there is the museum. Pot is legal in california. Does that mean its not dangerous . Dr. Marc siegel on the health risk to your health next. Its a free ride started searching for her words. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. 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So far 26 corporations have pledged to give bonuses or increased wages in the wake of the tax overhaul. And from heavyweight champion to the hangover . I can feel it council in the air of night. Steve guess whats coming from mike tyson . Pot rancher. Boxer turned actor now breaking ground on 40acre future tyson ranch in california. The farm will include a marijuana Cultivation School supply store and campground. And speaking of pot, ainsley. Ainsley thank you, steve. California is the eighth and most populist state where marijuana is legal. Brian dr. Marc siegel is here. Ever since colorado passed it on their own inspite of federal law we have been trying to study what legalizing would do. What are you finding . First finding, of course, colorado. Talk about them since 2013 Recreational Marijuana has been legal, brian, raised half a billion dollars with doing that with fax taxes and fees. Heres the problem fatal Car Accidents involving pot has doubled over that period of time that doesnt mean that pots the cause but they are finding that people who die in car wrecks twice as many as before have some marijuana in their system. Ainsley San Francisco Police Department saying one in every four drivers, one in every four that they are pulling over is stoned this was before it was even legalized it. In a way its worse than alcohol because it stays in your system for days and days it impairs judgment. Thats what you need when driving. Where you perceive the next car being. Brian talk about pregnancies. You know it leads to more birth weight the fact that its more acceptable will make people do it more. Im worried about morning sickness. Ainsley knows this when you are pregnant and have morning sickness it can be a really awful symptom. I tell my patients dont take anything maybe mylanta not marijuana. There is a study in california where its being legalized recreational already before recreational pot was legalized already before 7 of pregnant women were using pot and 20 under the age of 24. Do you know what that leads to . It leads to children that have blaferl problems, that cant focus that have memory problems. That dont do as well in school. It rides to low birth weight infants, preterm labor. This is very bad for pregnancy. Brian have that faux medical marijuana where anyone could walk in with a prescription get it. No one monitoring it. Ainsley if you do this, its going to kill your brain cells. Is that a myth. No. It actually does kill your brain cells. It effects your lung and heart. You do not perform as well on tests. Do you not do as well in the workplace it effects relationships. So longterm use and we are talking about once a week. Were not talking about somebody who uses it once or twice. Regular use of pot definitely impacts relationships. Steve yo ainsley you have probably seen that. We see it in the office all the time. Ainsley there were a lot of people in my asal high school i thought were so smart and they would do that and go down the wrong path. Huge increase of alcohol use among people also using pot. Brian you talk about that being a gateway drug and poisoning. Gateway drug per bishop allen talked to you yesterday completely agree gateway drug to other drugs. Poisonings increases among teens. Colorado three times as many teens end up in the emergency room. They dont die from it but end up with rapid heart rate paranoia, anxiety. Brian you are against this. Other thing not on the card is edibles. Thats where the poisons are coming from have it in candy and drinks. No stop sign on there at least when you are smoking it you know how much you are getting. You dont know how much you are getting when you are eating it leads to emergency room visits, paranoia psychosis. Ainsley we had the bishop on. He was saying he was addicted to drugs and he would smoke marijuana and he wouldnt get a high off of it and would have to smoke another one and another one and smoke four in one sitting i think he said Something Like that. That would lead to another drug he wanted to try because you dont get high if you continue to do it. When i debated the bishop he said it led to opioid use and had to be shocked out of it by being in prison. I believe in a therapeutic approach to that i think we have to start with pot and marijuana. Making it harder for her teens to get. Three times as many people using pout are also drinking alcohol. The combination medically of alcohol and marijuana on the system, it put you at big risk of Car Accidents of doing a lot of things you are going to regret. Brian Counter Point its out there anyway. At least you would be able to regulate it and get tax dollars for it should study 8 states and see if the federal government is going to start suing. Its a big problem for these states. You lose control medically thats what im concerned about. Good to see you. Brian great to see you. Utah senator orrin hatch says im done, im finisheddism im through. Will mitt romney make a run for the senate seat. He just dropped a big hint. Jason chaffetz who knows mitt romney. Fought for mitt romney will weigh in about mitt romney. Ainsley i will take getting a bad rap for 200, alex our judges have reevaluated one of your response as few moments ago and take 3200 away from you ainsley the jeopardy moment going viral this morning we will show it to you. Brian first, happy birthday to a guy i watched grow up. He is 37 years old. Is he done as a new york giant . Thats what eli manning looks like and is he celebrating just three wins this year. Ainsley happy birthday he is 37. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. 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This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. When the president visited utah last month, he said i was a fighter. I have always been a fighter. But every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves and for me, that time is soon approaching. Steve with that orrin hatch has announced he will be hanging up the gloves at the end of his term. Is he from utah and so is former congressman jason chaffetz. Good morning. Steve everybody is looking at the tea leaves obviously this now means mitt romney changed location on facebook from massachusetts to utah he is running. I checked my magic 8 ball and i think the answer is certainly yes. I dont know why. I think we need to ask mitt romney and he needs to tell the voters of utah why he wants to do this. If he runs, he is one of the most beloved figures. He has a home in hollywood utah. Holiday utah. Set president ial nominee. Is he going to win i think he will be actually a really good senator. The relationship with donald trump is going to be fun to watch. Brian ambassador huntsman in russia they have a little rivalry we understand in utah. How would that be . Will there be huntsman supporters that will push back against romney and try to find another . The states largest newspaper the tribune is owned by jon huntsman jr. s father. That creates an interesting dynamic. The most beloved political figure in utah is mitt romney. He will be the next senator if he decides to run. Ainsley whats the real reason why is orrin hatch stepping down. He was elected in 1976. He is in his 80s and he has served the country well. Ainsley when he says is he stepping down when a fighter knows when to get out of the ring there was a problem but maybe there wasnt. No he said in last election he wasnt going to run again and is he living up to that word. Brian most important question for republicans if mitt romney gets elected will he be like ben sasse, respected by the republicans but ben sasse does not like the president. Will mitt romney be that . Would he be the thorn in the republican thorn that jeff flake is in the president s side . I dont think mitt romney will ever make it personal. I think he wants a high level of discussion where he agrees with the president. He will say and do as much. I dont think he has a personal animus towards the president. Remember, he was inches away from becoming secretary of state. I think that was very real. I think the president and mitt romney will get along on certain parts. If mitt romney disagrees. Ainsley maybe that was part of the conversation when they were sharing that dinner in columbus circle. Not secretary of state but maybe you should run . I dont know. I think he needs to answer the question why. He would be one of the oldest senators ever elected. Steve stay tuned. Today is going to be a big day. Devon nunes has subpoenaed a bunch of records from the department of justice. We will find out exactly how many of them show up and how many of them are blacked out. John solomon has had good reporting over at the hill where they revealed yesterday that there is evidence. There is written evidence that apparently the fbi believed that laws were broken regarding the Hillary Clinton email scandal. And it looks like that it guy covered things up when he even though they were subpoenaing the email records, he went and bleach bit it or whatever he did to it. There was hammers and bleach bidding. When you listen to james comey back in july of 2016, you really thought that she was gel to get indicted. This is a closed case. There is no reason why the department of justice should hold back any documents from. Steve why are they . The key you need to listen for today i guarantee you the department of justice will tout how many documents they are turning over. The question that trey gowdy always asks which is the right one is what percentage of the documents. You want 100 percent of the truth on a closed case, then turn over all the documents. But i dont think theyre going to do that. They have been asking for these documents under subpoena since august. And they still havent gotten it. Steve it is the deep state. It is the deep state. I was skeptical what that means having lived through it is very real. Brian lets talk about fusion gps. They wrote editorial overall rebuke to the republicans who they say are not being transparent about fusion gps. Fusion gps answered back in todays New York Times. In their editorial they come out and you know where they are coming from where they exap compare this whole conversation production point of view to richard nixon. They come out and say they have a whole bunch of information about the president that the republicans dont want out there. They also say that there is a wide range of russian involvement with the president. That they dont want out there. They said that they never went out to get the president. That Christopher Steele was so overwhelmed by the information he was able to get he went directly to the fbi. Rather than to their client, which walls the dnc and Hillary Clinton. And they explained it unwinded. Lengthy rebuke to what republicans have been saying about them. You looked at this as chairman of oversight. What did you take . When i read, this its chalked full of holes. Political spin at its best courtesy of the New York Times. Nevertheless. Brian not courtesy of the New York Times its their word. They gave them the space in the paper, which is fine. Heres the reality of it. You have got to go back and look at the fact that the Hillary Clinton campaign, the dnc, mark allies is the name people are going to get to know over the course of time are paying millions of dollars to get somebody overseas which is against the law by the way to go provide this information. What is not talked about in that editorial is bruce ohr, one of the senior most people at the fbi, his wife is involved and engaged. You dont see her name in this. Steve she worked for fusion. She worked for fusion gps. Was that document choked full of holes use you had as a document to go to the fisa court to spy on the Trump Campaign. Brian couple things stand out to me. Christopher steele says we never told Christopher Steele who he was working for. Christopher steele is writing down information on donald trump. Who do you think is he working for there is political election. Brian gives 10 million doesnt give the information to fusion. I have got to go right to the fbi who they say corroborated in information corroborated with what the fbi found out. Really . James clapper and james comey said this salacious uncorroborated information in this dossier when he was president s elect trump. So this stuff does not add up it really is almost come mick call if fusion gps halls nothing to hide give it to the congressional investigators something they have not been willing to do. An organization with 15 people they get millions of dollars oh by the way one of our employees works her husband works for the fbi and is in charge of this Hillary Clinton investigation. What a coincidence. Steve pretty cozy. Thank you for dropping by the couch. Happy new year. Happy new year. Steve meanwhile its cold outside exstream weather south is artic blast northern portions of florida. Brian this pond in South Carolina is frozen solid. Why did you let that happen ainsley. Ainsley now a Police Department wants to nab the person behind the cold snap issuing an arrest warrant for queen elsa from the movie frozen. Let it go let it go i am one with the wind. Steve those images from americas most wanted right there talk it over with janice dean who has the latest on what could be a major winter storm. Problem with a big storm, cold temperatures, trees knock out power. Someone is going to get this storm along the east coast. Then we will see some of the coldest air that we have seen in years. If your power is knocked out. And have you below zero temperatures. Have you got to know what you are going to do once this storm passes. Current temperatures right now, you can see its cold enough for snow in north florida. Florida panhandle and thats exactly whats happening right now in florida, north florida, georgia. In towards South Carolina. This is epic because they dont typically dewintertype weather in this area. People are urged to stay indoors. Stay off the roads. Very slippery and, of course, School Closings will be imminent here. Here is our future radar. I have to tell you this is one of the hardest storms we have ever had to predict. I would rather people overprepare and think okay, three inches, i think thats conservative, especially if you live along the coast from new york city up towards boston. Boston could see a foot. Blizzard conditions, long island could be buried starting tomorrow morning. Stay tuned we will keep you posted and check in with your forecast a lot today. Back to you. Brian or ask us in the hall. Ainsley all those schools in South Carolina and charleston. Janice they will get several inches of snow. Ainsley call it the trump effect, Business Owners investing in america again. What does that mean for you and your family . Stuart varney says big things. They are going to be huge. I want it all i want it all i want it all and i want it now i want it all i want it all i want it all words are powerful. Some can hurt. Others bring sheer joy. And some, you just make up along the way. In the end. Words bring us together. And just one can change your life. Download the new words with friends 2 from the app store or google play. Ainsley good morning and welcome back. We have a fox news alert. Quote, we are in your home. Isis terrorist posting this chilling selfie in front of new york city met museum. Picture comes after the Terror Group Calls for more knife bomb and Pressure Cooker attacks. The nypd beefing up security on some of the busiest streets in the world. Installing over 1,000 barriers that you see right there in the city. The plan follows two deadly vehicle attacks in manhattan last year. And the liberal College Professor tweeted he wanted White Genocide for christmas has a new job. George ciccariello says he a visiting scholar at new york university. He was bull idea by the media for his posts on social media. Among them saying he was going to get sick over a men giving up his airplane seat for a soldier and also blaming the Las Vegas Massacre on, quote, white victimization. A look at your headlines. Steve . Steve all right, jillian. Thank you. Its being called the trump effect. American Business Owners jumping into 2018 investing in new plants and factory upgrades feeling optimistic about the surging economy with less regulation. Brian here to weigh in is the host of varney and company. Has he changed . Is he still the same stuart we used to know. Same accent. Ainsley good morning. Brian are you excited there are changes to the Economic Forecast for individuals even though its a Corporate Tax rate. Yes. This is extraordinary good thing. Look, lets be honest here. Business got just about everything it wanted. It got a whopping great big tax cut. It got deregulation. And it got the promise of no new regulations still to come. Business actually is kind of on trial here. They have got to perform. You got what you wanted, now perform for america. They have got to invest. They have got to hire. They have got to grow. They have got to put all the money thats coming their way to work for america. And so far its very good news. This morning we just got word that American Airlines is going to give 1,000 bonus to its employees. Ainsley and southwest. Giving about 130 million. As you say southwest is doing exactly the same thing. Thousand dollar bonuses to all their employees. Already see tat 1,000 bonuses. Boeing. Its a long, long list of the money going directly to employ years. Ainsley why are they doing it just to say to them thank you so much we dont want you to leave our company . I think there is a political reason in the background. Steve i think you are right. Business has to perform. If they dont put that money to work in america, the democrats, led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are going to say see, it was just a give away to the big corporations and to the rich. They are not doing their duty putting the money to work in america. You know, stuart,ing when they put the money in the pocket of their employees they will spend it at local pizza parlor. Going straight to the economy. I think the economy is going to expand close to 4 rate by the end of this year. Thats very big news. Because thats pretty much close to double the rate of expansion that we have had over the last decade. Thats good. Brian real quick. We see mark meadows going to push to make the individual rates permanent. Do you think thats going to work . Have you heard they are getting much momentum. I dont know whether that will work or not. That might interrupt the politics of the situation. I dont know whether it will work or not. As of now, everybody who pays federal income tax will get a bigger paycheck because that rate is going down. Brian varney and company fbn 920 noon be there. Filling the blitz online for posting a picture of his hunting dog. This morning he is firing back. Ainsley she is one of racings biggest stars how does she stay fit . She is making a pit stop at fox friends. Steve its breakfast time no two of us are alike. Life made more effortless through adaptability. The perfect position seat in the lincoln continental. ainsley well, you know her as a record breaking race car driver, but did you know Danica Patrick is also an expert at maintaining a very healthy lifestyle. Brian i didnt know but i will pretend i didnt know. Danica has a 90 day program to scunt your body calm your mind and achieve your greatest goals. Steve here to cook up one of the delicious new recipes from her book race car driver Danica Patrick. Good morning, how are you. I feel like you need breakfast here because its a little early. Steve what are you going to make. Potato crusted egg bake. Its really simple. All there is potato, eggs, kale. Just some odds and ends. Steve this is what it winds up looking like. Brian give away the ending. All do you is take so there is some melted ghee. Ainsley where do you buy the ghee. The book is paleo style eating. Butter without the dairy. You mix this up. Ainsley i thought those look like carrots. Sweet potatoes. Get your Food Processor out. Preheat oven to 400. Mix the ghee in with the potato. Dont do anything with the, you know, whatever you cook in whether its a skillet or this. And so just spread it out. Have something kind of flat so you can pack it down and thats all do you is pack it down so it makes a nice steve how did you learn. I lived alone in england when i was 16. I have been cooking for a long time. Brian british arent know for eating out. I had to do it myself. You pack it down and over here you have your eggs and we have got a dozen eggs. Brian a lot of eggs. This is like breakfast all week. This would be perfect for you guys because you leave so early in the morning. Steve come in every morning and cook for us . Sure i would. Brian now that you are heading towards retirement have you thought about not watching the weight . I think i can watch it each more because yowf to worry about having the energy to do four hour races on sundays. Although i have two more next year. Ainsley have you daytona and indy and then you are done. Thats right. I am done. Steve is that kale . This is kale. I am really excited. I am nervous about indy because i havent done any since 2011. Mix the kale. Thats it. Super easy. Tut it in there. Steve ainsley put a couple toe natos on top. Add cheese. I say pat dry out tomatoes because they are moist and it takes the water out of the top. Thats it. Top it with cheese. Steve recipe on foxandfriends. Com. Ainsley pretty i didnt know tense. That was pretty intense cooking session. Brian i want you to come on more now that you are going to be retired soon all right . All right. Toothpaste. You can feel safe for only 49. 00. That includes security panel, keypad, key fob, entry and motion sensors and for a limited time, get a camera included and installed at no additional cost. A trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. Applied the day of chemo, Neulasta Onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the next day, so you can stay home. Neulasta is for certain Cancer Patients receiving strong chemotherapy. Do not take neulasta if youre allergic to neulasta or Neupogen Filgrastim . Ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems, allergic reactions, kidney injuries, and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. Report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. In patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. The most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. So why go back there . If youd rather be home, ask your doctor about Neulasta Onpro. The. The situation intensifying between north korea and the u. S. As President Trump fires back at kim jong un. Someone from his deleted and food starved regime please inform him that i too have a Nuclear Button. Brian fascinating developments 40 cities in iran as we see unrest happening. We have had a bad regime for a long time in iran that we have been dealing with and kill americans and blood on their hands for years. Talk budget caps and other policy battles to be fought in the new year. The president wants to have responsible immigration reform. We hope to be able to work with members of congress to get that done. Why does the left want so many Illegal Immigrants . Why do they want amnesty . Lets be honest they want their votes. How deep is the swamp and how is it spending your taxpayer dime. We found 30,000 federal employees that ordered every governor of the 50 state. Donald trump loathes the media and tweeted this quote i will be announcing the most dishonest and corrupt media awards of the year. The president will have his work cut out for him this weekend trying to narrow down that list. Holding me back this Nothing Holding us back. Brian only Thing Holding us back was a few commercials. Steve we love the commercials. They pay our salveries. Ainsley miami where its warm. We need to go to miami. Steve i have got news for you it was snowing in northern florida today. Ainsley northern florida. We need to go a little south. Steve i was in south florida a couple days ago its chilly down there. Ainsley seriously i dont mind the cold weather because you get to layer and wear fun clothes and boots. Steve thats what brian said. I love the warm weather for the fun boots. Brian exactly what i said during the break i didnt want to say on the show top secret. Steve another reason to love the commercial. Brian exactly. Never mind. If it was 1998 i would have said it. Ainsley dont say it you will get in trouble. North korea our president is hitting back at kim jong un. He said during that press conference the other day that he has this nuclear but button on his table the entire u. S. Is in striking range. The u. S. Can never start a war against me. Our president is firing back with this tweet. Steve is he a number of characters at the time the president stated kim jong un stated the Nuclear Button on his desk at all times will someone from his depleted and foodstarved regime please inform him i too have a Nuclear Button but it is a much bigger and more powerful one than his and my button works. There you have got the president of the United States taking a shot at little rocket man as the president refers to him. Brian as everyone is focusing on these tweets they being are provocative and different. I look what else is going on. He called 00 the russians and he called out out the chinese about what theyre doing to violate the sanctions. He talked about the transfer of oil. I also look for the fact that we have had a couple of defectors who are basically starving to death who are riddled with bacteria and then there is a report today out that the north korean army is allowed to go out in shifts and leave their post to scrounge for food along with proof from Satellite Photos that the gas lines are getting longhorns and locker and the prices are going up. Thats going to be the most effective way to bring north korea to their knees. That will be a slow strangulation and if you cannot adhere to those sanctions i love the fact that the president called out the chinese and the russians. Ainsley thats why iranians are protesting whats happening in their country. You have the leader in venezuela. Have you the leader in iran who are starving their people and theyre getting sick of it. Thats what freedom looks like it. Hasnt happened yet in north korea. At least this dictator in north korea kim jong un is willing to negotiate or work with south korea. He has now said and our president is saying its because of all these sanctions. The north Korean Leader is now saying i want to meet with south korea. We are actually going to do that next tuesday to talk about the Winter Olympics because we want to take part he is saying. Steve so for them to actually pick up the phone to call them, thats big. You combine that with as brian mentioned they are having trouble putting food on the table. The gas lines are getting longer and longer. So clearly something is working with the sanctions. Regarding the president s tweets, look, how many president s over the last 20 years have tried to do something about north korea to no effect . I mean, how many times has north korea lied to us saying yeah we dont have any nuclear program. They were building it in the back room the whole time. This president has unconventional way of dealing with things because just as the way he got elected he is a disrupter. And he is disrupting north korea. Ainsley nothing has worked in the past so he has to do something different. Brian huge connection between iranians and north korea ans and russians. Now they have icbm technology. They are being helped. A lot of people believe the iranians have temporarily exported their nuclear program. Gismg igiven it to north korea d give it back when this deal evaporates in 10 years thats by the way by treaty. I was fascinated to find out how these 40plus uprisings have happened cities began to rise against government. Turns out there was leaked document. We see this every day. They dont see it the part of the budget that created so much ire and angst was the fact is that in that budget they published the top secret stuff. The amount of billions that go to the clerical elite, the amount of billions that go to revolutionary guard, hamas, hezbollah, houthi rebels. Wait a second, you are cutting back on our entitlements, we have 40 entitlements, 40 unemployment to those under 25 years old. The 7 growth that were seeing economically with the sanction relief, none of it is going to us. Thats how it started. Young people in rural cities now its in major cities for the most part thats what is scaring this leadership to death. They dont know thousand control this. Steve look at the young people that you are talking about, brian. There are people who are engineering degrees. There are doctors. They dont have any jobs. Because the sanctions over there are working as well. There is Something Else that they dont have there. Human rights. Basic human rights. Yesterday Sarah Huckabee sanders said we would support them and we will do everything we can so that they have basic human rights. We want them to open up the internet social media so that instagram and telegraph are back on so people can talk about whats going on in their own nation. Right now they dont know. And the other thing she added and this is what it is all about for us, iran is still a state respons sponsor of terror. They support hezbollah and hate israel. Robert bartlett retired Staff Sergeant. This guy has been there he was injured by iranian bomb. He was actually injured in iraq but he has been in that area and tells us what is happening in iran. Listen to this. There is plenty of good people in the world and in every country. The problem is bad regimes. We had a bad regime in iraq. We have had bad regimes in afghanistan and we have had a bad regime for a along time in iran. You know, when they got the blood of 500 americans just in the past few years on their hands, they have been killing americans since the 1970s, we just have really havent done a whole lot really about it. Billions of dollars. And money to go over. That obviously is not going to the people. And you are seeing the protests now. Ainsley blood of thousands of american soldiers on the hands of the iranians. He was in iraq and injured by iranian bomb. Brian europeans who help us out here. Start putting sanctions on them. A lot more trade than we do. Stop threatening them to stop cutting off the social media. Im sure google and company and amazon whoever works these apps has a way town block them. Some of these students have already figured out ways to overcome what the government is doing so they can communicate. I hope people realize there is a window here of opportunity. Steve then have you got the media in this country. Take a look at the headline from newsweek. Remember them, the once grand weekly trump who blocked americans on twitter tells iran to unblock social media during protests. Whats that talking about . Well, as we were telling you, over in iran they have turned off instagram, facebook you, telegram, things like that so people cant communicate. Whereas donald trump, now famously is being sued because there are a number of people bad mouthing him on twitter and he blocked them. They say that infringes on First Amendment right. Listen, for newsweek to say that having someone block you on twitter is the same as a regime turning off the internet thats crazy. Ainsley they are comparing blocking one or two people or dozen people to whatever it is to blocking the entire country. Like you said unbelievable. You want to hear Something Else unbelievable . Listen to what joy behar said on the view. Its not apples and apples. Its not equal. But we are on a very slippery slope in this country towards throwing item casey out the window every single day. We have to defend the freedom of the press and civil rights here. We do not being stoned in the street for being gay. They are completely. Thought yet. Steve there at the end. Meghan mccain said we do. But you are not being stoned in the street for being gay and joy behar said not yet. Not yet. Ainsley what she doesnt understand is the president is supporting the protesters in iran. Why are they protesting . They are protesting against genocide. They are protesting against being killed for being gay. The president is supporting them. Steve its all about freedom. Brian i feel bad for meghan mccain. Did you see the look on her face . Thats what happens when you go over there. You cant believe what theyre saying. She exsass per rate offed by it feef. Steve what do you make of newsweek friends foxnews. Com or tweet us at our twitter still working right now or facebook. Brian i love when people telling the president he should be quiet. We tried being quiet. How did it go last time. The regime cracked down and killed 80 people. Arrested 5,000. Steve it is 7 11 in new york. Ainsley jillian has headlines for us. Jillian good morning to you and to you at home as well. Passengers on Board International flight forced to make a uturn not once but twice. First, the london bound plane making Emergency Landing in atlanta after pilots heard a strange noise. The plane turned around about an hour into the flight over North Carolina. Those passengers then put on another plane that took off hours later but get, this it was forced to turn around over North Carolina again. No word on why it turned around a 60 time. Frustrating newly released taliban hostage under arrest expected in court today facing 15 charges. Joshua boils offenses include death threat, Sexual Assault and misleading police. He and his american rife were abducted by terrorists backpacking in afghanistan. Prior to his current rife, he was briefly married to the sister of a former gitmo detainee. In just a few hours doug jones will be sworn into office tina smith will also be sworn in to the senate replacing disgraced democrat al franken this as former representative Michele Bachmann eyes a run for frankens seat. She says if she is called she will run. Dad im going to the olympics not me im not that talented. Awesome father son moment caught on camera when a hockey player tells his father is he representing the red, white, and blue. [cheers] thats bobby butler of the milwaukee admirals and nhl affiliate team. Obviously his dad loving every second of it congrats to both of them. Right . Thats awesome. Steve fantastic. Ainsley is he going to the olympics. Thats wonderful. Brian not going this year. Ainsley i dont think a lot of them are. Brian i dont think they are allowed to. Steve changed the rules again. Brian 12 minutes after the actor. Tom homan sending word to california after it officially becomes a sanctuary state. California better hold on tight. If the politicians in california dont want to protect their communities, then ice will. Brian this man was killed by illegal immigrant in california in 2010, now his father has a message for everyone who lives in that state. Plus,. Ainsley plus, more than 20 years after ma that infamous attack on Nancy Kerrigan her rival, Tonya Harding has a stunning admission. Your one a day is showing. Save up to 8 on one a day. See sundays paper. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to Liberty Mutual, you could save 782 on auto and Home Insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Brian President Trump making his message clear brutal foreign regimes have been bothering us for decades stressing his support for prefers in iran while putting north korea on notice and pakistan on notice. So how does this strategy work today . Will it be effective . Fox news contributor Michael Waltz retired green beret author of warrior diplomat worked for dick cheney and breaks it all down for us. First off the initial challenge goes out to iran. We have another window of opportunity. This starts with young people in rural areas rising up because their life isnt great and it could be a lot better and they blame the government. Do you like what the president is doing diving right in directly . Hey, brian. Yeah. I do like what is he doing. And you know, president obama missed a huge opportunities in 2009 as we have discussed. These protesters need to know that we have their back. That the United States is going to lead and the United States is going to engage and not just leave them hanging for this murderous regime to suppress and you know we have seen this work time and time again, this strategy of supporting dissent and opposing dictators, going back to reagan who supported folks across Eastern Europe and supported folks fighting against the soviet union. Brian colonel, we have got to get our european allies involved. President one of his greatest assets is the personal relationship thats builds and the respect he seems to get. Now its time to work the phones starting now, right . Thats right. Well, you know, the europeans are putting in a little bit of a pickle here because on the one hand they are dying to do business with iran. On the other hand, they cant be now seen as we have essentially culled out the regime and these brave protesters are calling out the regime for what they are. More broadly, brian, President Trump stands the basic premise that obama never got and thats that you have to stand up to bullies. I mean, every kid in the school yard understands that if you punch them in the nose and you stand up to them, they are going to back down. Thats exactly what he is doing around the world. Brian a lot of the people going crazy last night about the president s provocative tweet to kim jong un i have a Nuclear Button on my desk i have got one and it actually works and is bigger and more powerful. Could yodo you have a problem wh that . Wouldnt be something that necessarily dick cheney or george bush or bill clinton or certainly barack obama would do. Its not necessarily the way i would do it, brian, on the other hand, he is making the point that Nuclear Deterrence is in effect. We will match power for power and, you know, one of the things about President Trump is he is not doing, you know, kind of following the same old same old protocol whether its call out pakistan, whether its calling out iran or whether its standing up to north korea, you know, these problems were dumped into his lap. Kicked down the road year after year. Now he has to deal with them and dealing with them in a very different way. I like the fact that he is opposing strength with strength. The United States is the most powerful nation in the world. We have the most powerful military. But, if our enemies dont believe that well use it. Brian gotcha. Then what good is it . Brian tip of the spear. Next wave of demand diplomacy and fire power. Colonel, thanks so much. All righty. Brian thomas homan sending a warning to california after it officially becomes a sanctuary state. This man was killed by illegal immigrant in california. His father is here with a message that Everyone Needs to hear. H n grab. H n grab. The gummy squish. Centrum micronutrients fuel your body from the inside out. Grab a centrum and join in. Repeat daily. keybdear freshpet, tank was overweight and had no energy. Until freshpet. Put the puppy back in my dog. Brian all right. Time for news by the numbers. First number 5 billion. Thats how many items amazon shipped to prime customers in 2017. 5 billion. Company also said that more customers paid for those prime benefits which included Free Shipping than ever before. So good for them. Meanwhile, next up 967,000. Thats how much a court in taiwan is ordering a dentist to pay back his mother for raising him and putting him through school that he apparently signed a contract 20 years ago where the doctor agreed to pay her 60 of his income. Go figure. And finally, the year 2050. Thats what Scientists Say the worlds chocolate supply will melt away. What . Why was this not the lead story . Scientists say Climate Change is threatening to shrink rain forests where cocoa beans grow and thats where chocolate melts. Ainsley california is now a sanctuary state and the acting ice director tom homan says people who live there better hold on tight. At least 50 being he a leased back into the public reoffend the first year. 75 reoffend within five years. This is a victimization of the american community. This isnt mercury grew up. In we have got take these sanctuary cities on and take them to court and start charging some of these politicians with crimes. Ainsley here to reacts is a man whose son was killed by Illegal Immigrants in 2010. Thank you so much, don, for joining us. For folks at home not familiar with your sons story. What happened to drew. Ainsley, first, thank you so much for having me. Drew was on his way home. He was in law school on his way home one evening when row better teo toe gallow made a last second turn. Instead of stopping he drove back and forth over him three times killing him trying to flee. Ainsley what about roberto gallow, did he have a long rap sheet. Actually did he not. He had been in the country 11 years illegally. He did go to trial. Although the charge was reduced from a felony hit and run to a vehicular manslaughter. He was convicted. Cis refused to deport him. Took me about 8 months i finally got him deported and as far as i know now he is back in honduras. Ainsley what did you think what was your reaction when your governor, the golden state governor said to the 2. 3 million Illegal Immigrants that live in california you know what . It doesnt matter what your crimes are, you can stay, you are illegal, we will let you stay here. Whats your reaction to that . I mean, this has been going on for years. It certainly wasnt unexpected on my part. Im furious. Im waiting now for the Justice Department to go after these guys. Its not just outrageous what they are doing. Its illegal. He made a comment when he designed the bill that this was a balance of Public Safety versus reducing the fear of those here illegally. Well, first of all, there is no balance between criminals and Public Safety. Ainsley what about reducing the fear of all the moms and dads in the state of california that fear. Thats a parents biggest nightmare, biggest fear is what you are going through. Absolutely. Look, to even to this day, the phone rings at an off hour, or if, you know, neither of my kids are in the house anymore. One is in college and one has graduated but they dont connect back to us. We send them a text or something. Its aimmediate fear of what is happening. Everybody should be fearful. As a matter of fact, those people that are here illegally and havent committed other crimes should be fearful, too. Because they werent in a target to be deported but now they are going to be if these people arent turned over in jails and are set free and ice has to go after them. Ainsley don, i know you have been in touch with the isis director sanctuary cities. If the president is watching this morning or if the governor of california swatching and up pretty early, whats your message to them . My message is pretty simple. We have laws and thats what made this country a great country. Those laws have to be followed, particularly when they are so deadly. There are over 52,000 in 2016. Over 52,000 illegal aliens in prison and collectively they committed about 400,000 crimes. Not all in 2016. Thats a mainly, major problem and they need something they need to do something about it im working with other people and we hope to file an initiative by later this week that would repeal the sanctuary state law and add in some legislation or some verbiage to actually require Law Enforcement to cooperates with ice. And if anybody is interested. They can go fight sanctuary state. Com we need peoples help the public is supportive of us. Fight sanctuary state. Com and we welcome help from all over the country because whatever starts in california ends up going across the nation. So if we can defeat it here, it will be a lot harder for it to take hold somewhere else. Ainsley there is your son who was a lawabiding citizen in law school had so much to contribute to our great country and he is no longer. Im really sorry for your loss. Thanks so much. He was a great kid and we miss him every 60. Ainsley i am sure. God bless your family. Thank you. Ainsley still ahead, eagle star quarterback carson wentz feeling blitz online just for posting a picture of his hunting dog . This morning is he firing back. I will take getting a bad rap for 200 alex. Thats coming up. The jeopardy moment going viral this morning. What is gangsters paradise lost. Our judges have reevaluated win of your responses and we take 3200 away from you. Ech . Every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. 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They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Steve everybody is talking about the weather and it is extreme on this wednesday morning. A monster winter storm taking shape down south right now with millions. Watching right now there is a real good possibility you are in its path. Ainsley thats in savannah, georgia. Fountains are freezing over. We showed a picture earlier where a fountain freezing over in greenville, South Carolina. Temperatures are 30 degrees below average. This isnt something that you see every day. Those are snow flurries falling down in florida. Brian in buffalo they laugh at this. Its a whiteout though conditions and it was a deadly pileup. But these people actually drive in the winter. Bonkers. You couldnt see a gosh darn thing in front of you. Everything was blurry. Complete whiteout right now. I still cant feel my finger tips from walking. Not even a quarter from my vehicle. One person dead, several others injured. Steve go over to janice dean tracking this great big storm. Currently down south. By the time it moves up. Janice, its going to be a noreaster. Absolutely. One of the most powerful noreasters we have seen in years. I must mention we are getting breaking news out of tallahassee i 10. A stretch of i 1040 myles long is shut down because of freezing rain and ice. And this is the situation that is unfolding over parts of florida as well as the carolinas. Charlotte, might get 4 to 6 inches of snow. They actually might get records of you how much snow they are going to see. This one is hard to forecast. Im not going to lie. If you live anywhere along the east coast. Checking in with your forecasters several times today. If this storms shifts a little bit more towards the west thats going to be the between a couple of inches to a foot of snow. They are going to have a blizzard on our hands tomorrow afternoon especially for new england. Im world about long island. Im worried about coastal new england. Im also worried for areas that dont at thi typically see snow and dont quite know how to handle it on the roadway. Listen to your local officials. There are going to be school closures. People are not going to be able to would to work today. We will watch this thing develop. We talk about bam bow genesis. Where the pressure drops 24 millibars in 24 hours. This one is going to double that this is going to be almost like a hurricane, a coastal hurricane offshore with Hurricane Force winds certainly blizzard conditions. And i need you to overprepare for this because some of the snow totals could be conservative. Again, a wobble 50 miles could be a big deal during the rush hour. Steve talking about cold weather anyway. Whether you have hurricane, you are talking about 75 mileperhour winds on top of that. What would the wind chill be with that . Heres the thing im worried about. There are going to be Power Outages especially in new england. As we get into the weekend, there are going to be temperatures below zero. If we have Power Outages for a couple of days, people are going to deal with life threatening conditions. You need to know what you are going to do if you dont have power and the temperature is below zero. Brian if you can afford it go get a generator. Especially the ones we demonstrated the other day the generators with battery. Janice have a plan, have a plan, have a plan. Steve no kidding. J. D. Thank you for the warning. Its needed. Ainsley hand it over to jillian that has more headlines. Brian thats our plan. Jillian stunning admission for from Tonya Harding for the first time in near 24reu 4 years. Former figure skater revealing what she knew about the infamous attack on rival Nancy Kerrigan. I knew that something was up. You never said to jeff lets do this . No. I did, however, overhear them talking about stuff well maybe we should take somebody out so we can make sure she gets on the team i go what the hell are you talking about . Harding opening up about the incident to abc news. Kerrigan was clubbed in the knee before 194 skating practice by hardings exhusband and friend. Harding was banned from skating for life. Alaska airlines forced to cancel a flight after a rat jumped into the plane. All of the passengers were taken off the plane in oakland, california as crews searched for the four legged stow away. The plane will remain out of service until it is declared rodent free by exterminator days after delta plane turned around midnight after a bird was spotted in the cockpit. Chip and joanna gains will soon be fixing up a nursery. She is not pregnant but we are actively trying. Im just saying. Everything is okay on the home front. Thats the couple on fox friends a few months back now the hgtv fixerupper star announcing they are expecting fifth child together by posting this hilarious picture on instagram. Congrats to them. Ainsley look how funny that is. Jillian they are hilarious. Thats really funny. Brian i guess their marriage is fine. I guess so. Ainsley they said it was. They said those were all rumors. Five kids u how fun would that be. Steve i know it jillian, thank you very much. Now lets do a little kind of sports story you know Philadelphia Eagles quarterback carson wentz. Well, he actually a couple days ago posted that image right there about his dog. It says happy birthday to momma henley, thats the name of his dog. We have been through a lot in five years. Best dog and hunting buddy i could ask for. As you can see right there. If you notice, right there, on the left side of the screen, that shows some of the birds that apparently was part of the they got that day out hunting. And somebody didnt like that. Ainsley someone wrote you hunt makes you feel tough . Now i dont give a darn im not going to say word because i dont kids are out there watching. I dont give a darn that the eagles are a one seed and with no quarterback, karma. Steve right. Also there was somebody else on social media who said you might want to take down that image because some people would find dead birds offensive. Brian and he wrote appreciate that but offensive and controversial two of the main things i tweet about are jesus and hunting. Thats what im passionate about. That wont ever change. When you love something, you talk about it stay convicted about it and dont worry what other people think. Thats because he is mature and he has learned in his age or through his trials and different experiences to be himself. You have to be genuine. You have to be true to yourself. Within reason. Have you to be a good person. He cares about jesus and cares about hunting. Both of those are legal. You are allowed to do that its the United States of america. Many people like the fact that he is hunting and he loves jesus. Steve its a picture of his dog. His hunting dog. Whats the matter with that . Brian right. Steve whats the matter with that . Ainsley someone is offended. Steve okay. Folks at home, do you find that picture offensive . Some do. Ainsley faithful dog on the left who loves his owner. Going hunting look how cute the dog is on the right. Thats when he was just a puppy. She was. Steve what do you think friends foxnews. Com tweet us or facebook us. Meanwhile, the city of baltimore down in maryland setting a new record with 343 murders the past year. Some people are blaming the spike in violence on the police. Former Baltimore Police officer on next. Brian you saw senator orrin hatch after 42 years will retire. Will mitt romney make his run for the senate seat . Former president ial candidate just dropped a big hint poker face achoo snap achoo snap achoo achoo snap snap achoo achoo feel a cold coming on . Zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. Steve baltimore, maryland setting a new record as you can see there 343 murders last year making it the most per capita in that citys history. And get, this some people there are now blaming the violence on a reduced Police Presence. Distance themselves and it can distance themselves even further. As a result of this, we dont see the police level of policing we need in our community to keep the crime down in these cities that we are seeing bleed to death. Somebody who knows all about this is former Baltimore Police officer kneel franklin who joins us now with radicalization. Officer, thank you very much. Is he seeing the reduce you had Police Presence has resulted in a hire murder rate. Well, why exactly is there a reduced Police Presence . Well, i dont know what you mean by reduced Police Presence. Steve thats what he was referring to. Oh, i guess he is talking about the lack of engagement. But you have to understand Baltimore City just went through a department of justice investigation and from that investigation, yeah, we discovered there have a lot of improprieties that there were a lot of unconstitutional policing but thats a leadership issue. Thats a management issue. Lets stop blaming the street cops. Do they have their problems . Yes, but this is a management issue with the leadership issue. Lets stop dumping on the cops for what is truly lay societal failure many factors that come into play here such as jobs, healthcare, education, housing, a whole laundry list of things. If you want to dump on one segment of society, lets different on our political leaders who had the power to change things at the societal level here. Steve ultimately, neill the beat cop feels threatened. You look at freddie gray, we have seen this all across the country after ferguson as well. There are so Many Police Officers who are reluctant to be proactive because they are worried they are going to wind up on the 6 00 news. Thats true. Think back to 2005, we made 108,000 arrests in Baltimore City. Where we have a population of about 600,000 people. Yeah. That was over policing. That was a big problem. But what were the police doing . They were doing what they were directed to do. The police will do what you tell them to do, what their leadership has them to do why need strong leadership at the political level to direct those Police Officers to teach them how tone gauge the public with respect and dignity. Do it assertively, not aggressively. Steve sure. Neill you were talking a little while ago how societal preciouses. One of thospreciouses pressures. Importance of the family. In many cases the Family Structure has broken down. It has. Again, there are plenty of reasons for this. And this didnt happen overnight. We are talking decades of decay in cities like baltimore where you dont have the support mechanisms for these families that truly need it. At the end of the day, they become incapable of raises children under or a moral foundation our criminal justice snl. Again, who is responsible leadership. Steve you are saying dont blame the cops, blame the city and unhealthy community essentially. Oh, absolutely. We got to dig deep to find out how these communities got to where they are with this decay and the disintegration of the family unit. If we do that put forth a longterm plan for fixing it, not a twoyear or fouryear plan in line with the next election. Its got to be generational plan, 10, 15 years at least. Steve all right. Tall order. Neill franklin former Baltimore Police officer. Thank you for joining us live today. My pleasure. Thank you for having me. President trump quick to stand with iran amiddays of violent protests there. Where was president obama when there were similar protests in 2009 . Was he too worried about messing up that Iran Nuclear Deal . Were going to talk about that. And remember when vanity fair offered new years resolutions for Hillary Clinton . Take up a new hobby in the new year. Volunteer work. Knitting, improv comedy. Literally anything that will keep from you running again. Steve well, turns out hillarys team still bitter about that video and they are taking it out on mitt romney. Carley shimkus is here with the big trending stories for this wednesday. Youre watching fox friends live from new york city. They appear out of nowhere. My secret visitors. Hallucinations and delusions. The unknown parts of living with parkinsons. What plots they unfold, but only in my mind. Over 50 of people with parkinsons will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. If your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinsons specialist. There are Treatment Options that can help. My visitors should be the ones i want to see. Ainsley utah senator orrin hatch is retiring. So will mitt romney rub for hirun forhis seat now. Getting lots of buzz after changing twitter location from the state of massachusetts. Brian where he was governor. Ainsley now he is living back in utah. Steve you can see it right there. Social media reaction coming from all sides including a bitter team hillary. Here to break it down 24 7 reporter carley shimkus. Vow mitt and hillary in the same report. Carley yes, Hillary Clinton is now part of the conversation over mitt romneys potential senate run in utah. How does that happen . Steve yeah. Carley i will tell you. Vanity fair magazine recently received a little bit of backlash. Steve a little . Carley Hillary Clinton take up knitting during 2018 to distract her from potentially running for office again. A lot of people didnt like like including a lot of people who used to work for Hillary Clinton. Check out some of this reaction tying these two stories together. Brian, who was Hillary Clintons former spokesman tweeted mitt romney may run for senate. I thought failed president ial candidates were only allowed to take up knitting. These not all. Nic morrow who was clintons former press secretary chimed in saying strange how losing failed candidate mitt romney is being immediately discussed as replacement for orrin hatchs senate seat and isnt being told to take up knitting. A campaign aid chiming in saying political romney lost and media begging him to run for office. Hillary clinton won the popular vote and they told her to take up knitting. Sexism at work. Brian how mitt romney and al gore handled their loss they went away. Thee didnt handle it that way. Thats why she got criticism. Thats it. Carley completely different races. Mitt romney is extremely popular in utah. Different narrative right there. Steve meanwhile like 10 days ago we heard about all these Big Companies giving out bonuses now the news is apparently Southwest Airlines and american thousand dollar bonuses. Do you remember what nancy pelosi said about the tax reform bill last month . Take a listen. Healthcare, the debate on healthcare is like death. This is armageddon. [laughter] carley like you said American Airlines and southwest are giving their employees thousand dollar bonuses. Steve armageddon. Carley james says it doesnt sound like armageddon. When will the slaughter end . Dana loesch also said when i was told tax reform would make thousands die and another twitter says horrible news charitable donations were all going to die, of course, all sarcastic there. Brian do we have time for jeopardy . Carley we got to get to jeopardy. Brian lets listen to the mistake first. Actually no jeopardy it was all about gangster. Ster. Ainsley tweet out the video watch it there. He said er instead of a and he lost. Ainsley being played in the next hour. Thats a tease. Steve good thing about having a three hour show. Brian until i hear it i dont believe it. Carley shimkus might be coming back President Trump is not mincing words for north korea. Is his tough talk for the rogue nation actually working . Ainsley should people getting benefits get drug tested first . The administration could make that a wall i said hey, hey, you heres to first dates you look amazing. And you look amazingly comfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. , thats when you know, its halfwashed, add downy to keep your collars from stretching, unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. So next time dont halfwash it. Downy and its done. Proud partner of the olympic winter games. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. The situation intensifying between north korea and the u. S. Has President Trump fires back at kim jongun. Will someone from his depleted and foodstarved regime please inform him that i too have a Nuclear Button. Brian 40 cities throughout iran as we see unrest happening. Those protesters need to know that we have their back. That the United States is going to lead and the United States is going to engage. Ainsley california is now a sanctuary state. Its not just outrageous what theyre doing, its illegal. And im waiting now for the Justice Department to go av these guys. Steve its being called the trump effect. American Business Owners feeling optimistic about the surging economy. This is an extraordinary good thing. Business got just about everything it wanted. They got it before. Steve he will be hanging up the gloves at the end of his term. Now looking and going obviously this means mitt romney, hes running. I checked my magic eight ball, and i think the answer is certainly yes. In your. Brian there you go. This is us still. Third hour. Ainsley third hour on wednesday. Its 8 00. 8 01 to be exact here on the east coast. Its been a short workweek. Steve thank you so much for starting 2018 with all of us here at fox. Brian summer conscious series. What band do we have to this week . Steve go do that thing on the flagpole like in the movie. Holly cow. It is chilly here and theres big storm coming. So good thing for you to do today would be sit back, relax, and let us tell you about the news. Ainsley they closed school in South Carolina and said they closed school. Brian how rare is that, by the way . Ainsley very rare. When i lived in South Carolina, we prayed for snow storms. They came along once in a blue moon because you wanted to slow down the street. , well, it happened at the beach. Very, very rare. Steve and janice will be by shortly to tell us all about that. Brian we know the president was a little bit surprised on january 1st or might have been new years eve when kim jongun came out of the western style outfit, by the way. I thought that was significant. He came out with a normal suit, and he addressed everybody. But tweeted this out first. He came out and says, hey, i have a Nuclear Button. Its on my desk, and i can hit any major city in america. So a day went by, and we didnt hear much from the president and then the day yesterday came by, and we heard a tweet. Earlier kim jongun stated that the Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times. Will someone from his depleted and foodstarved regime please inform him that i have a Nuclear Button, and it is a much bigger and powerful one than his. And my button works. Steve i have news for the president. He does not actually have a button on his desk. He has a guy with a football as we know and then its kind of complicated, thankfully, to start a nuclear war. Then the guy with the football gives the thing. Theres codes inside, theres a business can you tell. It is complicated. There is no button. But the president is making you know, hes raddling a saber saying come on, buddy. We have a bigger arsenal than you, and were more accurate. Ainsley yeah, the president is also saying these sanctions that we have against north korea, theyre working because now north korea is picking up the phone, as you would say, steve, calling south korea saying lets meet. Steve about the olympics. Ainsley about the Winter Olympics because north korea wants to participate. South korea saying, hey, lets talk. We havent done this in forever. Lets do this. Lets talk. And its getting a lot of attention. Now, also, there is some analysts saying that they believe there could be some missile tests. North korea could launch some more missiles and test more missiles in the next week or so. Steve on the 70th anniversary. Brian which would be september. Ainsley but then maybe other analysts saying while hes having talks with south korea, maybe sanctions that america has put on north korea, maybe they are working and those talks will prevent any more missile tests. Brian but i will give you the flip side of that. This liberal leader of south korea who got elected by saying i want to talk to the north and then nothing but threatened. Then he wanted to put the sad missile test in and then allowed presence to build up, allowed the Missile System to be installed. Now all of a sudden this liberal leader says might be vulnerable. Ill have a dam and begin the divide and try to separate america from the south korean ally. Thats what Ambassador Haley addressed yesterday and said, by the way, youre never going to separate us. Steve i love the fact that north korea picked up the phone and said, hey, we would like to come to the olympics. Thats the first step. Clearly whats going on regarding the earlier threat that kim jongun put out on new years day where he said, you know, i could hit any place in the United States with my big bomb. A real threat like that has to be taken seriously and clearly the president is doing so. Ainsley yeah, and nothing has worked in the past so the president is saying im going to go against this dictator, tell him what we think of him. That were stronger than he is. And also doing that in iran. Saying that these protesters are happening. People are furious with this. Hes starving his people, very similar to what kim jongun is doing. Isanctions. Ainsley so, yeah, hes putting sanctions on iran or threatening that and has the choice to do that over the next two weeks, and he has the option to renew them in two weeks because the president has to renew sanction waivers every 120 days. Brian right. Already kicked to congress saying evaluate this because it did not get the majority of votes in the senate. When president obama pushed it through unless twothirds vote it down, it got passed. So a lot of people like senator schumer and ben did not vote for it so wanted to kick it back to congress and say you decide whats going to happen in terms of reupping this. But this riot. These uprisings have caught everybody by surprise. Even experts. Because the experts were saying we were talking to the wrong people. We never thought the uprising would happen in rural areas among purely young people. Not politicallyoriented whose lifestyle is curtailed and hurt because entitlements have been cut back. Because jobs have dissipated, gas lines are growing, yet the economy supposedly by numbers is flourishing. And they published this budget and it shows billions going to clerical elites, which we know, terror groups Islamic Jihad as well as hewitty rebels over in yemen and all the money they created in iraq and syria. And, by the way, syria has a billiondollar line of credit from the iranians. Steve but this is exactly whats supposed to happen when we levy sanctions against a company. Just like in north korea the soldiers are taking off for the woods looking for berries and nuts to eat in the country in iran now. There are people who simply are fed up. Why am i poor . Why do i have a doctorate degree . I cannot find a job. And you go back to 2009 had barack obama then president of the United States and, in fact, eli is going to be talking about this. Had barack obama done something last time rather than look the other way so that the iran nuke deal went through, he may not be having whats going on there right now. You know whos standing with the protesters . The president of the United States and Lieutenant Colonel Michael Walsh says thats the thing to do. President obama missed a huge opportunity in 2009 as we discussed. These protesters need to know that we have their back. That the United States is going to lead and the United States is going to engage and not just leave them hanging for this murderous regime to suppress. Brian so he was happy. He was happy with the president s stance on Pakistan Holding back the money. Hes happy with iran. Happy with north korea. Happy with the Palestinian Authority. Saying why am i giving hundreds of millions of dollars with the Palestinian Authority we gave hundreds of millions and dollars and now wont even engage in talks. So now dealing with all problems all at the same time. Ainsley thats what he meant about making America Great again. Caring for america and putting america first. Other countries have been doing it. Why arent we doing it . All of your tax dollars are going to all of these countries that support terrorist organizations. That arent willing to talk and have the peace process. Why are we going to continue to fund you if you dont have americas best interest. Steve meanwhile, here in the United States of america on january 1st, california became a sanctuary state. In other words, state and a local Law Enforcement that cant ask somebody if they stop them in a traffic thing whether or not youre in this country legally, they wont cooperate with ice on waiver detainers and things like that. Tom who is the current acting ice director think so whats going on on our west coast is awful. The street cops, they do not like this legislation. Theyre totally against it. The street cops understand what were trying to do. We want to take Public Safety threats out of the communities. And so this comes this is a political decision. Sonoma county didnt honor a detainer. What happened . Two weeks later he killed that girl. Now has two young daughters without a mother. The state of california needs to hold on tight. The other thing they need to do is hold these politicians personally accountable. More people are going to die and these policies cant make these decisions and be held, your honor, being thible for people dying. We need to hold these politicians accountable for their actions. Brian and a california state assemblyman travis allen said wait a second. Were not allowed to do this as a state and critic the federal government and make a sanctuary state. Hes urging the federal government to sue california to get their act together. And, by the way, youre basically saying if you are a legislature in california with a governor or a small state senator, youre saying the illegals are more important than the california citizens because thats where the tax dollars are going. Theyre going to fund these illegals who are taking over that state. Steve well, there are certain states rights, and we would love to see the states do that. But at the same time, everybodys got, you know, everybody looks to the rule of law. And it simply does not seem to apply to california. Ainsley well, and think about all of the parents that weve interviewed on this show that have lost their children to Illegal Immigrants. And many of them have long rap sheets. Look at kate steinle in that situation. That guys going to be sentenced at the end of the week, by the way. Steve so anyway. Ainsley jillian has headlines for you. Lets begin with this. A massive procession overnight honoring a california deputy who died days after a violent attack on new years eve. Dozens of fellow Law Enforcement lining up the streets for miles as his casket left the hospital. San bernardino detective 70yearold larry was beaten unconscious by another driver after a car crash. He was off duty at the time. The suspect is in custody. Served the department for 36 years. He was the oldest deputy on the force. Overnight, passengers onboard an International Flight forced to make a uturn not once but twice. First, the londonbound plane making an Emergency Landing back in atlanta after a pilot heard a strange noise. The plane turned around about an hour into the flight over North Carolina. Those passengers were put on another plane that took off hours later but that plane was forced to turn around over North Carolina again. No word on why it turned around the second time. Millions of dollars still up for grabs after no winner drew the megamillions jackpot overnight. The prize now surging to 418 million bucks. Your next chance to win is friday. But tonights Powerball Jackpot is 440 million. The combined total 858 million is the biggest in history. Look at your headlines. I dont play the lottery. I dont play it ever. But i just tweeted, hey, if you win, can you share . Steve jillian, its a dollar. Or its 2, actually. I just wont. I dont know. Ainsley what if we did a work thing. We all put in money. If you won, would you come back to work . Brian i dont play lottery either. I dont believe its right. Steve theres a story how a couple of waitresses split one and won 300,000 and one of the waitresses is missing in action right now. Ainsley with the money . Yeah. Brian so my dad gets a tips a scratch off ticket. The guy wins 10,000. The person who gave it to him sues. They spend ten years in court. They end up with, like, 500 each. Thats why im bitter. Amid days of violent protest in iran. But where was president obama when protesters broke out in 2009 . Our next guest says he was too worried about his Iranian Nuclear deal that we all hate. Ainsley the Trump Administration could make drug tests a law. Former drug czar is here to weigh in on that. Coming up parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try parodontax toothpaste. Get ready for centrum microworkouts. The bottle curl. The twist n turn. The stretch n grab. The gummy squish. Centrum micronutrients fuel your body from the inside out. Grab a centrum and join in. Repeat daily. Steve antigovernment protest in iran growing more violent by the day. Its biggest uprising since president obamas first year in office back in 2009. But our next guest argues back then, president obama was focused on his iran deal. And now we have the chance to help iranians take their country back. Bloomberg view columnist eli lake joins us live right now from dc. What do you think . Well, i think right now we dont know whether the regime will fall tomorrow, and it probably wont. But there needs to be a process where those of us in the west show solidarity with a movement thats making it Crystal Clear all over iran today and the last week that they are tired of knowledge ruled over by a clearly tyranny. Steve well, and the president of the United States has made it clear that hes standing with the people of iran. But go back to 2009, we really didnt hear much from president obama back then and now people are saying, well, maybe its because he had the grand plans for this iran deal the whole time and didnt. The to screw it up. Well, you know, obama did eventually speak out. He was late in my view. Steve he was really late. Yeah. More importantly, though, he never said what the 2009 protesters were asking to say, which is to acknowledge that the election was stolen. And that, you know, to this day, the leaders known as the Green Movement remain under house arrest or in worse conditions in prison in tehran. And there was the opportunity to use the process in the obama years to also get the iranians to treat their process better and respect human rights. But he ended up going for a narrow Nuclear Agreement that didnt address any of those things. Steve sure. Now theres an opportunity for those of us in the west to say iran, if you want to be treated like a normal, you need to free your lawyers and students from jails that youve been arresting for decades now. Steve and i know that in your column yesterday you suggested that even though hes retired, now would be a good time to president obama to actually come out and support the people who are standing in the streets. Right. And i think that what were seeing in some ways is a People Power Movement in iran. Its different than in 2009 because its largely leaderless it appears and theres a violent element to it. But barack obama who began as a Community Activist in a lot of ways knows a lot about this process. And its a very powerful process. And he has this unique experience. Steve right. I think he would be an excellent kind of spokesman for the western Solidarity Movement to support but not lead the kind of new Iranian Campaign for freedom. Steve well, lets see what he does. All right. Eli lake from bloomberg view. Thank you very much and happy new year. Thank you. Steve lets know about that email, let me know. Also President Trump rolling out the red carpet for fakenews. Also former Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager says democrats need to end their obsession with russia, russia, russia. The investigation is a winning message. Steve really . Is he right . A debate. Next. [narrator] imagine a shirt that actually makes you feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. Theyre biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Ainsley heres some quick headlines for you. President trump announcing an awards show for one of his favorite topics. Trust me its all fake news. Its phony stuff. Fake news. Fake news. Ainsley as promised, the president tweeting hes going to award the dishonest and corrupt media on monday. Last week, the rnc and Trump Campaign released a poll asking supporters to rate the fakeness of three big stories. Abc corruptive report on Michael Flynns fbi testimony, cnns reporting that don jr. Had early access to wikileaks documents, and the times report that the president removed a Martin Luther king jr. Bust from the oval office. And more American Workers are cashing in, thanks to President Trumps tax plan. Both american and southwest airline employees are going to get 1,000 bonus checks. So far, 26 companies have pledged to give bonuses or increased wages in the wake of the overhaul. Brian. Brian thanks, ainsley. Hey, democrats cant stop obsessing over russia. I dont know if youve noticed. But Hillary Clintons former Campaign Manager says that is not going to do them any good at the midterm elections later this year. I dont think the russia investigation is a winning message, you know . Voters are seeking they watch, and they look to see what your priorities seem to be. This is actually why the republicans are looking to have a fight over immigration. They want to send a signal to voters the democrats are not focused on the voters. Brian right. So is the evidence the democrats only about politics, is that something thats going to be a Winning Strategy . Here to debate it. Former Campaign Manager and chief of staff Senate Majority leader, mitch mcconnell. And Campaign Director for the senate for American Progress action fund emily is here. Emily, do you buy what robbie said on another channel . Russia is not a Winning Strategy . Well, i think theres some issues that are just above politics. And a foreign power influencing the u. S. Election. That should be above politics. That should be bipartisan. I think the fact that republicans arent looking into this and arent taking it more seriously will actually have consequences against the republican party. Not just against trump because people are going to see that the party was putting party and partisanship over the democracy. When it comes to the midterm elections, there are plenty of issues for democrats to run on, including the tax bill. But i think theres plenty there. But theyre two separate issues. Brian well, we were just talking about campaign strategy. Should russia be a1, exhibit 1 . How do you feel about that, josh . Well, look, if anyone can speak with absolute authority about what a Campaign Message sounds like, its the Campaign Manager for Hillary Clintons campaign. I mean, of course this is a bad message for democrats. But if you step back for a second, and you look at a couple of things that emily just said. The tax bill for one, the discussion about health reform, the discussion of ultimate implementation of regulatory rollbacks that have helped fuel the incredible economy that we see today. Democrats have chosen not to participate in it. And the reality is all theyre left with is russia and thats why theyre talking about him all the time. Ainsley i know but the polls to emilys point do say that the American People want to find out what happened. But, emily, dont if you think theres a sincere look of trying to get into the bottom of this, we would have John Podestas tony podesta, he was running the whole agency. The agency that wasnt registered at the time. That he has since disbanded to further any turmoil in his life. Dont you think it would be good to get both sides on the page . Look, everybody wants the truth to come out. Unfortunately, the congressional investigations that have been looking into the collusion with russia and the hacking are turning up to be pretty partisan. The republicans are running both sides and are not really working out very well. So it really does leave it up to the Mueller Investigation to actually be holding the administrations feet to the fire. The information we have in public that weve seen already is that there was collusion between the Trump Campaign. Brian wow that is just ridiculous. Theres absolutely no evidence of that. There absolutely is. And if there wasnt, then why would flynn keep lying about their contacts with the russians . Why would everyone keep lying about it . What we found out brian let josh answer. What we found out from these investigations is theres absolutely no evidence of collusion. None whatsoever. We found out that theres a couple of people who have gotten in trouble of what they said to investigators about a investigation. We have found out no absolutely no evidence of collusion. Brian and then we if people want to get to the bottom of it, they cant be hardened by the story in the New York Post today that says one of the people that was fast to testify in front of this grand jury, they describe the jury as the people that would appear at a Bernie Sanders rally. So its not even emblematic of something that might be demographically pursuing justice. But emily, i want to end with this. Right now democrats are in a very good spot moment and historically. Do you think they should play ball when it comes to immigration . Do you think they should play ball when it comes to infrastructure . Play ball when it comes to any type of major issue leading up in this Election Year . I think democrats need to hold a hard line and stand for principles that they believe in. When it comes to immigration and infrastructure. Brian would you compromise . Well, i think that there should be some deals made if thats what they get to. But not they shouldnt compromise so much to lose their own principles. If a infrastructure deal looks like giving away to private business and wall street like the tax bill does, if thats not Real Infrastructure building. And the same with immigration. If were going to try to protect dreamers at the expense of all other immigrants of the country slowing down the current immigration process, democrats should not deal on that. Thats not a real deal. Brian josh, do you expect something to get done reason quick . If theyre going to want something done with daca, they have to deal with border security. Whether its chain migration issues or this ridiculous visa program we have. So far they refuse to do so and a little bit bipartisanship would do them very good right now. Brian yeah, im hopeful because while everyone was talking taxes, they had been meeting about this spending bill and immigration. So maybe something will get done even though its Election Year. Josh and emily, thanks. Thank you. Brian after days of protest, the left has a very different view. Were on a very slippery slope in this country toward throwing democracy out the window. Not being thrown in the street for being gay. Brian former education secretary bill bennett will try to make sense of that show. And ill try to take a bad rap for 200 going viral this morning. What is gangsters lost. Our judged have reevaluated one of your responses a moment ago. May we take 3200 away from you. Ing so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum he gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using. Tripadvisor thats because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot. By comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. Saving you up to 30 youll be bathing in savings tripadvisor. Check the latest reviews and lowest prices. What is this . When we love someone, we want to do right by them. But some things we cant control like snoring. snoring introducing theravent antisnore strips. Clinically shown to reduce snoring. Theravent. The answer is right under your nose. Its not apples and apples. Its not equal. But were on a very slippery slope in this country toward throwing democracy out the window every single day. We have to defend the freedom of the press and civil rights here. We do but were not being thrown in the street for being gay. Not yet. Brian right. Thats exactly where were heading. Steve bill bennett is the former secretary of education under president reagan and former drug czar. Also a Fox News Contributor, and he joins us right now. Bill, happy new year to you. Ainsley good morning. Good to be here, guys. Steve what did you make of the conversation on the view yesterday . The look on megan mccains face is what i was thinking. Gosh, when does this end . Is this believable . Try running the view in iran and saying things about the leaders of iran that are said on that show about our leaders. Its just ridiculous. By the way, are they arguing with the democratic results in the state of alabama or virginia or new jersey . Democracy is alive and well in america. The problem is they just dont like the results of the last election. Ainsley it doesnt even make sense because the president is supporting the protesters in iran. The protesters in iran are saying we dont want you to kill gay people in the streets. We want freedom there. The president is standing up with them but joy is acting like our president is against gay people. Yeah. This is very good and very strong of President Trump. The ambivalence at best of barack obama was very harmful that he did not give the support at that time. It could have been crucial, that support. Verbal and otherwise. Things can be done. I was interested in your conversation with eli lake. But these folks coming from a rural area in iran is surprised how it started. But they do need help. They could use communications help you he. They could use help in networking obviously since theyre trying to shut them down from networking, and we need to get state of the europeans. Look, youre with us on this or youre with the iranians. Make up your mind. We have a great opportunity here thanks to the brave people in iran, lets not let them down again. Brian right and we dont know. We dont want to make ourselves a target there but the president is not backing down on that. It would be great in the big picture for people at home not to give President Trumps critics something to go on when Samantha Power and tommy theodore of the Previous Administration and susan rice weigh in to ridicule our own president before the people of iran even responded. That makes us seem fractured at home. There is no code here. Yeah. No, there isnt. Theres no code of honor. Theres no honorable behavior here. But lets remember how much blood is on irans hands. The blood of many service men. And we know the influence they have. And this could be a very key moment and, again, im very proud of the president. Steve and hes standing with the people of iran and that they got to restore basic civil rights as well. Yesterday orrin hatch made it clear hes going to call it a career at the end of his term now that hes in utah, which is one of the places where mitt romney has a house and because yesterday mitt romney changed the location on his facebook from massachusetts to utah, people are saying. Okay. Hes in. If he does run, what kind of senator do you think he would make given the dynamic hes had with this president . Yeah. Well, i was afraid you were going to ask me about this. I was a romney guy when he was running. But when he said about trump is unforgive ab. Said he was a phony. Its worth as much as a degree from trump university, which is a fraud and then sought the endorsement from President Trump when he was running for president. I dont know what kind of senator he would be. I am trying to find it in my heart to forgive him. I suppose i will follow the example of our leader and if donald trump can forgive him for what he said about him, i can too. So ill fall in line if necessary. Ainsley we also wanted to ask you about another topic since you were the former drug czar under hw bush, president bush. We wanted to ask you about the drug testing for unemployment pay because Congress Killed it last year. The president is now saying he is considering bringing it back. Where in order to get unemployment check, you have to get drug tested first. What do you think . Well, you know we have a terriblyserious drug problem in this country. This Opioid Crisis and other things. Its just awful. Its worse than the cocaine epidemic there in the late 80s. If someone has a serious drug problem, lets make it common sensual and you give them a check, what do you think theyre going to spend their money on . I mean, this is what happens. Brian but is it dehumanizing to have the humiliation of having to get an unemployment check in some cases and then say okay. Get a drug test first . No. Its not dehumanizing. Whats dehumanizing is the use of drugs because it destroys the soul and hinders the mind. Thats the real dehumanizing thing. Saying there are remember what welfare is for and unemployment was for. The subsistence and food and housing for people who were in desperate circumstances and in this case dont have jobs. Cant we require one condition at least since we know that if they get those funds and they have a serious drug problem, thats where the moneys going to go. No, i think the president s right to push this. He feels very strongly about this. His own experience in his life with his brother really has moved him on this. And i think his instincts are absolutely right. Steve well, weve had a wideranging conversation this morning. Bill, thank you very much for joining us in the new year. Ainsley thank you so much. Happy new year. Good to see you guys. Brian too bad you couldnt be here. You would be able to ride the mechanical bull. Steve five minutes in the cold weather well be getting thrown off the mechanical bull. Brian i never get thrown off. The mechanical bull has never been able to throw me off. Ainsley were cranking it up today. Brian im just telling you its not possible. Is the bull heated . Brian i was studying John Travolta today. Ainsley onehanded . Brian sometimes not. Were going to stay tuned and find out. We do have a fox news alert, guys, so lets get to this breaking news right now. We are in your home. An isis terrorist posting this chilling selfie in front of new york citys museum. The picture comes after the Terror Group Calls for more lone wolf style bomb and Pressure Cooker attacks. The nypd now beefing up security on some of the busiest streets in the world installing over 1,000 barriers that you see right there on your screen throughout the city. The plan follows two deadly vehicle attacks in manhattan last year. The liberal College Professor who tweeted that he wanted White Genocide for christmas has a new job. Hes now a visiting scholar at new york university. He resigned last week saying he was harassed by the media for his post online. Among them saying he was going to get sick over a man giving up his airport seat for a soldier and blaming the Las Vegas Massacre on quote white victimization. This jeopardy contestant should have paid more attention at the school of hard knocks. A song by cool i dont from dangerous minds goes back in time to become a 1667 john milton classic. Nick. What is gangsters paradise lost. Yes. Our judges have reevaluated one of your responses a few moments ago, nick. You said gangsters instead of gangstas on that song by cool i dont. So we take 3200 from you. Despite that set back, he still won the game and cool i dont told tmz saying he should have been given credit. Everybody knows its gangstas. Ainsley he said gangster invest gangsta. Steve that will do it. I love thats a question on jeopardy. The smartest guys. Brian what were the bowery boys . Were they gangsters . Steve i think thats just a gang of young men. Brian so that would have been fine. Steve meanwhile, janice dean is outside where it is really cold. It is cold. Very cold, and were expecting a blizzard here in the northeast, and we have snow here in florida are my friends are from. Where are you from . Were from florida near the space center. And what are you doing in new york isnt. Freezing. Oh, yeah, and you guys. Were from port angels, washington. Im going to be doing some bull riding. Will you be my stunt double . No. Listen, excellent. We are dealing with cold temperatures. We are dealing with the potential noreaster coming up. We will be covering it here on fox and friends so stay with us back inside. More bull riding to come. Steve plenty of that. All right. Jd, thank you. Meanwhile, something the democrats have called for since President Trumps election. I will fight every day until he is impeached. Impeach 45. Steve but our next guest who voted for president obama says this narrative only helps republicans. When you have a cold, stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and Home Insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh, thats my robe. Is it . When you switch to Liberty Mutual, you could save 782 on auto and Home Insurance and still get great coverage for you and your family. Call for a free quote today. You could save 782 when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. Important that we not let the failure of the republicans to stop us from doing what is right . If we fail to file these articles of impeachment, we would be failing to do our jobs. Steve calling to impeach the president. Thats all weve heard from a number of democrats this past year. But our next guest who actually voted for barack obama now argues this narrative only helps the republicans and even sets the tone for what to expect in november of this year. Here to explain New York Post columnist and Fox News Contributor michael goodwin. Michael, happy new year. Thank you, steve. You too. So given the fact that republicans are going to run on we gave you the tax cut, we gave you gorsuch, we gave you, you know, a better economy, democrats really dont have much message except. Impeach, impeach, impeach. Look, as a strategy, i dont think its a very smart one. I think its empty. Its just a version of what Hillary Clinton tried in 2016. You think im bad, look at the other guy. Steve right. Theres no hope in it. Theres just anger. And i think its all about trying to recover through impeachment what they lost at the ballot box. And i dont think the public is going to respond to that unless theres some real meat on the bones. I mean, the people who are out there beating this drum now, they have nothing to point to other than they dont like donald trump. They dont think he should be president. And they dont think hes fit to be president. But he won the election fair and square and trying to overturn it through impeachment i think opens the door to hell. Steve but because so Many Democrats have said that for so long. Although, not the management of the Democratic Party since they realize its a loser. Its getting to the stage where its kind of a dial tone, isnt it . Absolutely. Look, you look at the polls. I mean, there was one recently. 83 of democrats nationwide poll. 87 of democrats thought trump should resign over the sexual allegations against him. More i mean, overall, about half the country. So this is a Real Movement out there. But i think ultimately, when you get into a president ial election and people come out to vote, youve got to have something to vote for. Steve in your column you wrote i never thought the democrats would go down such a low road. Well, look, when trump first took off; right . After the election there was all of this shock among democrats and there was a lot of rage demonstrations everywhere. And i really believe at some point that would peter out. That people would get tired of it and the democrats would get down to work, try to legislate, do what they could, prepare for 2018. But thats never happened. The movement to oust trump has really just continued. It has grown. And now i think the democratic leadership as youre saying has essentially bought into it because its either get on the wagon or get run over by the wagon. And i think Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi, they havent voiced that support yet. But theyre not exactly proposing alternative legislative answers either. Steve i guess stay tuned. All right. Michael, thank you very much. My pleasure, steve. Steve all right. Coming up next, were going to take the bull by the horns. World champion no. No. No. Steve will show us how its done and janice will show us how its not done. But first, check in with bill hemmer. You have ten minutes. Come on down. Youre next. Those gears are going to freeze today, steve. Many put on notice pakistan north korea tipping point. Kellyanne conway is here live. Shell take in all of that in a matter of moments here. Fresh off tax victory. What comes next in the new year . Sandra and i will see you. ] you ever feel like. Cliche foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason . Nah. So, why dont we like flo . She has the name your price tool, and we want it. But why . Why dont we actually do any work . Why do you only own one suit . Its just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. Youre right. Thanks, bill. No, youre bill. Im tom. You know what . No one cares. Its time for sleep numbers lowest prices of the season on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Its the lowest prices of the season on the queen c4 mattress with adjustable comfort on both sides. Now only 1199, save 400. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Steve he became the youngest World Champion in professional bull riding history at the age of 20. And this morning hes going to show us how its done right here on the plaza. Brian joining us right now Jeff Lockwood whos going to be at Madison Square guarden. Whats going to happen there . Going to be the top 35 bull riders in the world and this is a s going to be something youre going to want to see. Brian want to be successful on the mechanical bull. Is it better to be high . Yeah. Stay up and stick your chest out and squeeze with your legs. Brian and action. Go, ainsley. Brian lets go. There you go. Electricity. Go with the flow; right . Yeah. You just want to follow what he does. You want to keep that hand up. Six seconds. Congratulations. Youre up. Dont stop. Go ahead. Steve oh, am i going next . Oh, for goodness sakes. I cant get on this darn thing. Ainsley here we go. Kick your leg over. Steve and action. Women rule. Women rule. No falling, janice. Brians up next. Brian. Two years old and this is what i wanted to do and thats when it all started. Steve janice, you made eight seconds. Hop on. Brian how long do you think im going to last . Ten seconds. Brian ten seconds. Whatever feels comfortable. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Oh. Hes the king of the world. Steve down went brian. Steve thank you so much. Thank you. You do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. What a good sport . If you want to watch pro goes january 57 to Madison Square garden, right, jeff . Bye, everybody. Bill good morning, everybody. Breaking news from overnight. A possible sign in easing tension in korea . North korea opening a communication line with the south. Theyre speaking to each other to a degree for the first two years officially as President Trump issues a new warning to pyongyang. The team is back together live in new york city. I know you worked yesterday. Sandra good to be back together this morning. The whole team is here, happy new year to you. Bill welcome to americas newsroom, im bill hemmer. Sandra kim jongun wanting to open the phone line with the south. President trump tweeting north korea leader kim jongun

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