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Demanded that senator al franken of minnesota resign. I do not feel that he should continue to serve. Senator frankens conduct is wrong. Fire departments across Southern California are on very, very high alert. Alternate jurors speaking out after illegal imgrant found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. We were found at the beginning of the trial that immigration was not an issue in this trial. 3, 2, 1. [cheers] lets get it started lets get it started lets get it started in here. Steve thats pretty good music to start the program. Live from studio f here on the mezzanine level, fox news world headquarters. It is december 7th. 2017. Ainsley say that out loud. Lets get it started. Pete lets go. Ainsley the weekend. Smell it. Right around the corner got to get that Christmas Shopping done. Done. Pete pearl harr bon day today. Remember it forever. Ainsley i watched the movie the other day. You watch that movie so many days. Steve saving private ryan . Ainsley pearl harbor. Actors in it you know. Pete ben affleck. Great movie if you havent seen it, you should watch it reminded me what our military went through. Many of them were trapped inside the boat going down and they couldnt get out. Pete surprise attack. Steve busy three hours going on. Down in d. C. All eyes on senator al franken aspects mounts his announcement will be today will be his resignation. Ainsley comes as democrats are turning on him. Now demanding that he step down after an avalanche of Sexual Misconduct allegations. Pete our own Griff Jenkins live at our Nations Capital with what we know at this at ths moment. Good morning. We know Sexual Misconduct allegations two of them flooding in yesterday. A seventh woman accusing franken of trying to kiss her. Aides say he groped her posing for a photo. If he does resign later today as expected it will be the Democratic Women in the u. S. Senate that brought the pressure to bear by the end of the day 14 of the 16 democratic females in the senate were calling on the former comedian to resign. Amy clob which yoklobuchar. The tie breaker was kristin jill brand. I do not feel he should continue to serve. When we Start Talking about the differences between sex assault and Sexual Harassment and unwanted groping you are having the wrong conversation. Draw a line in the sanctioned and say none of it is okay. None of it is acceptable. Frankens office quickly down played the news saying no final decision had been made and he is talking with his family and plans to make an announcement today. This as the most powerful democrat in the Senate Chuck Schumer joined the chorus of calls to step down saying, quote, senator franken should resign. I consider senator franken a dear friend and greatly respect his accomplishments but he has a higher obligation to his constituents and he should step down immediately. We will see what the day brings. The timing outrage over franken. Roy moore could be headed to washington. And will face ethics investigations no doubt. We will see what happens. Of course, we did see a resignation yesterday in the democratic party. John conyers stepping down. Ainsley we will definitely go live whenever franken decides to make this announcement today. Pete democratic governor of minnesota will appoint a replacement. Franken h he elected in 2014. The replacement will be in 2020. Steve lets talk about the what the replacement of the United States did yesterday. Midday, he went to the diplomatic receiving room and he made historic announcement. United states of america after many president s promised it. And after the u. S. Congress passed in 1995, the United States of america finally recognizes jerusalem as the capital of israel. And will officially move our embassy to jerusalem as soon as the state Department Finds some land. Ainsley he did it. He delivered on that Campaign Promise. Unlike other past president s did. Benjamin netanyahu was praising. Other World Leaders not so worried so much about Peace Process. Pete you cant understate the historical significance of what he did. The courage to stand up alone and say previous president s promised it. Im going to do it. Also understand the ramifications rationally. Other nations who have responded. As he stated over and over again, this is what we said we would do. This is the right thing to do. This is the historic capital of israel. Jerusalem may be divided right now. But it is the undivided capital of the jewish people. He was full throated case for americas support for israel. It was harry truman that declared israeli state first. He followed through on that commitment yesterday. Steve a little more than 20 years ago, nancy pelosi actually signed it she was on board with the Jerusalem Embassy act. Yesterday she was against it as were many members of the global world communities because they think the president is breaking a promise to look for peace in the middle east. How has that been going lately . Not so well. Watch this. Other major news tonight President Trump reversing seven decades of u. S. Policy now recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. He has promised this day would come. But to hear these words from the white house was jawdropping. Not only signing a proclamation reversing nearly 70 years of u. S. Policy but starting plans to move the embassy to jerusalem. No one else on earth has an embassy there. The department is concerned about any possible via lengths reaction to President Trumps announcement today. The president here is making a risky bet that doing Something Different will eventually end up productive for peace talks. But he is about the only one making that debt. Bet. Seven decades of u. S. Policy changed in an instant. Steve whats extraordinary is President Trump is the first presidency being attacked for keeping a promise. Pete thats right. Thats his only sin. Congress has passed. President s have declared it its been our official policy. His sin is im going to actually walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Ainsley nikki haley said this is not risky. This takes courage. She said its nothing more than recognition of reality. Listen. Lets be clear, lets do a reality check. Jerusalem is the capital of israel. We are acknowledging something thats common sense to everyone. The parliament is there. The Prime Minister is there. The Supreme Court is there. That is the capital. And by us putting the embassy there, thats a u. S. Decision. Having said that, courage doesnt come by doing what everybody else says. Courage is doing what you know is right. This is the right thing to do. What the president is doing is showing leadership and will there be those that have negative feelings about what were doing . Yes, of course. But could this possibly lead to a Peace Process . Absolutely. Pete try something new when the old stuff hasnt worked. Steve president clinton said he would do it. President bush 43 said he would do it. Pete president obama. Ainsley lets talk about the fbi this morning because there is major news developing this morning as well. The doj is finally combing through all those Text Messages that peter strzok sent to his alleged mistress lisa paige. He was a top fbi agent investigating the russia collusion case and investigating Hillary Clintons email. We are all asking what did mueller know . What did his boss know . Pete and when did he know . It. Ainsley peter strzok was demoted in july. All of these months have gone by and we are just finding out about his demotion through leaks. Steve chris wray is going to be in the hot seat. He is the fbi director right now. People want to know directly. You know, it looks to many as if there is a political bias ahead of the fbi with the Senior Management there. When you look at the 10,000 emails exchanged by peter strzok who is one of the lead investigators on all sorts of things like russia and Hillary Clinton. To his girl friend who was a lawyer on the special counsel you wonder what is going on there. Ainsley antitrump Text Messages and prohillary Text Messages. I read an article about some of the congressman are saying how can you put someone who is in her fan club as the head of the investigation . Pete or the deputy to bob mueller who we know now is a top donor to Hillary Clinton and barack obama. Everyone in the fbi clearly have their own political affiliation. If that clouds your judgment in an investigation, that becomes problematic. We have evidence of that. Steve one of the top guys who had been there during the obama years after all, his wife did run for congress out of virginia is Andrew Mccabe. Andrew mccabe was the deputy steangts director of the fbi for a while. Now, according to john solomon at the hill, he has been told ron castanza great congressman of florida told by retired fbi supervisor Andrew Mccabe that guy right there. There is in castanza, told him not to call benghazi attack terrorism when giving fbi findings to the intelligence communities even though they had already connected the dots. They knew al qaeda had directed the attacks after been told. Now it just looks like there is a political bias throughout the top management. Ainsley continuing to change the language. Pete remember when the benghazi attack happened right before the 2012 election. This was about changing the narrative to make sure that it didnt look like. Ainsley so obama was reelected. Pete the situation wasnt out of control in libya. Keep a lid on it change the language. Nothing to see here people. Everything is fine. Steve one thing to have susan rice who was the National Security advisor who worked in the white house, go out and say it was all based on a video because she was essentially a political animal. Its completely different to have Senior Management at the fbi do exactly the same thing. Pete yep. Ainsley let us know what you think friends foxnews. Com. Meantime, we will hand it over to jillian who has headlines. Jillian good morning to you guys. To you as well. We begin with your headlines and a fox news alert. Several major wildfires now burning in Southern California. Just look at that video. The latest sparking near the blair neighborhood of los angeles prompting thousands to evacuate. And both sides of the bidsiest highway in america. The 405 freeway are on fire. Jillian that is scary. It could get worse today as forecasters predict Hurricane Force winds we are talking like 80 Miles Per Hour. On top of that, there is no rain in the forecast for the next week. We will be live on the ground in Southern California at the bottom of the hour. A fox news alert. Its just a matter of time, north korea threatening war with the u. S. Overnight. The chilling warning coming after a u. S. Super sonic bomber flew over south korea yesterday in a show of force. As part of a large weeklong military exercise. We now know there were supposed to be two bombers in the air. The second one was grounded after experiencing a Maintenance Issue while taxiing for takeoff. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas on capitol hill. Lawmakers stepping outside to watch the capitals Christmas Tree lightup in the night sky. Speaker of the house paul ryan sharing the true meaning of christmas during the ceremony. When the angels appeared in the night sky to herald the birth of a amid our cares and troubles we gather to see for ourselves that the light overcomes the darkness. Jillian this years tree came from montana. 11yearold boy hailing from the state had the honor of flipping the switch and lighting it up. A look at your headlines. I will send it back to you guys. Steve tis the season. Thank you very much. Ainsley its the question Everyone Wants an answer to how is five time deported immigrants acquitted of Kate Steinles murder . A juror just broke his silence and thats coming up. Pete liberals still scratching their heads over how trump won. They failed to deliver. Today i am delivering. Pete Erick Erickson explains a great column yesterday. Stick around. Hes got the answer. We finally acknowledge the obvious that jerusalem is israels capital. I am also directing the state department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. While previous president s have made this a Major Campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today i am delivering. Steve he did indeed yesterday. President trump making good on Campaign Promise declaring jerusalem arrests the capital of israel and beginning to move the embassy from tel aviv as soon as the state department can find some land. Next guest argues why President Trump is in the white house. Joining us is Erick Erickson. Good morning, eric. Good morning. Steve so the headline in your oped in foxnews. Com is jerusalem is why trumps in the white house. President trump is making the most grievous sin a politician can make in washington. Is he doing what all the politicians in washington say they want to do and they know they dont have to. Is he taking them at their word. Just like he tyke republicans at their word they wanted to repeal obamacare when they probably didnt. He is moving capital to recognize jerusalem is the capital of israel. It is he just recognizing reality. Both parties of congress in their platform documents and a bipartisan resolution of congress all declared that we should do exactly what he did. And now that he has done it, they are like oh gosh, he cant do that. Steve in fact, nancy pelosi, who was just a member of congress back in the mid 90s, she voted for this and now she is against it. Whats up with that . Look, this is just washington hypocrisy these politicians do things and go fund raise on them saying i support this knowing its never going to happen. Its really rich to watch these democrats who says we have got to change our cuba policy because it wasnt working so as long as suddenly say we cant change this policy in israel thats not working to something that might actually work. Steve trumps critics say he ruined the middle east Peace Process. Really . Which process . Right. Listen, in washington, theres this little game where they turn a blind id to all of the violence happening in israel. All the rockets launched by palestinian activists until israel does something. Then suddenly they do this both sides are to blame. Both sides are not to blame for this stuff. At least we finally have a president willing to say both sides arent to blame here. One side is a western democracy that we should be supporting. Steve got to read the last line of your column says the prove that the voters were right all along about the liars inside the beltway and that, in turn, will probably help reelect the president in 2020. If you want to read it, go to foxnews. Com. Erick erickson, always a pleasure. Thank you very much. Steve what do you think about that email us at foxnews. Com. Should you have to get a test if you want feud stamps. Some people against it why . Stick around. Well be right back. Scream and shout and let it out we say we owe we owe we owe we owe and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. If youd have told me three years ago. That wed be downloading in seconds, what used to take. Minutes. That guests would compliment our wifi. That we could video conference. And do it like that. snaps if youd have told me that i could afford. A gigspeed. A gigspeed network. Its like 20 times faster than what most people have. Id of said. Id of said youre dreaming. Dreaming definitely dreaming. Then again, dreaming is how i got this far. Now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. Comcast, building americas largest gigspeed network. Ainsley heres some quick headlines for you. Los angeles is expected to become the lancasterist city to legalize recreational marijuana. City Council Voted to license sales starting next year. You have to be 21 years old to smoke the marijuana. Can you only possess up to an ounce at a time. Medical marijuana has been legal in that state for two decades now. And its a boy. Its a girl. Or expects x. Washington state considering a third gender option on birth certificates. Right now state officials looking for Public Comments on the proposal. If its approved, parents can skip labeling their newborn child as a male or female starting next year. Oregon and california, believe it or not, have already passed similar laws. Steve . Pete wisconsin could soon become the first state to drug test food stamp applicants. The states Lieutenant Governor said this about the plan on fox friends yesterday. This is a means to an end. The end is this dignity of work and an opportunity to climb the ladder to your own american dream. We just need more people with talent who are clean who can go into our workforce. Pete well, those who failed the drug test would receive treatment if they couldnt afford it. Shouldnt this plan be a nobrainer . Here to debate it is democratic strategist tarren rosenkrantz and republican strategist chris bruno. Chris, i will start with you. If you want to receive support from the government, lets make sure you are clean in doing. So where does that logic go wrong. Sure. Im going to take the moral argument out of it for a second about protecting the most vulnerable in our country and in that state and just look at the example of what wisconsin is actually doing. Selfadmitted by the governor, there is about 0. 03 less than half of a percent of people they expect to test positive. This means its not a widespread problem. Its not rampant. The state so you know the state of wisconsin has actually had terrible budget short falls and shortages and they are having all kinds of issues. So to spend like scarce resources on less than half of 1 , which isnt a rampant problem, is actually not going to encourage the jobs and more drugfree workers in the workplace. Its really not going to have much of an impact at all it is going to take much needed resources away from prevention programs, job trainings, education, the schools already having budget short falls there. What we really care about said indicating our children and making sure our families have what they need. Aside, like i said, the moral argument that this is a safety net for the most vulnerable. Keeping all that in mind i dont think its a nobrainer at all. Pete chris, taxpayers matter at all. Put up statistic here. Amount of food stamp enrollees in wisconsin 670,000 in a population of 6 million. Even if its 0. 03 whatever percent it is. Does it make sense for the government do their Due Diligence and make sure if theyre giving out taxpayer dollars they will give it to people use it responsibly. Absolutely. Pete. One dollar is too much. One person is too much. We have to start cutting down on wasteful spending and look, Governor Walker is absolutely right. It is not unconstitutional to go get a job to take care of yourself. Welfare is not designed for you to stay on and to be a crutch. There are people who are career welfare recipients. We have to stop that stop enabling people to be on the welfare system. This is not a plan to target the low income. This is a plan to target whats wrong. And what is wrong is being on welfare and doing drugs. Im certainly sure there are many other individuals who may do the level of drugs or other things. Pete you cant be on drugs and be in the military. Why should you be able to be on drugs and receive my taxpayer dollars and this Program Provides for followup treatment for those who are testing positive. So is this not a way for government to evaluate efficiency in their services but also take care of people who are addicted . Well, the part that no one is mentioning is that this has been deemed unconstitutional. I know you said that. It has been deemed unconstitutional not for the reasons you said. Everyone agree with that that you certainly dont. Why its unconstitutional its been deemed that way for unlawful search. Pete i cant vet. That was before they inserted. Want to uphold the new constitution. The Trump Administration has not acted on that yet. So right now, this is Governor Walker acting alone with scarce Budget Resources focusing on something thats not going to be helpful. I agree with you that welfare reform and i think that democrats in wisconsin agree that welfare reform is something we want to look at. More importantly we want to look at how we can prevent drugs in the first place. After School Programs education and job training in the workforce. Pete very briefly, chris. We dont want to be enablers of people. This is why the governor put a new piece of the policy in place which is an aspect of it to actually drug test. That was not originally in before the federal appeal. Pete not the first time that Governor Scott walker has stood alone recalls and others. Taryn and chris, thanks for the debate. We appreciate it back to a fox news alert. Unbelievable and stunning images out of california as those wildfires intensify. Take a look at those. Now scorching 0,000 acres. Authorities saying the worst is still yet to come. Worse than that as you are looking at right now. We are live on the ground. Plus, President Trumps decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem not sitting well with all of our allies including u. K. Prime minister theresa may. She has been on the wrong side of a few issues recently. Host of the next revolution, steve hilton is live here on set to weigh in on this historic decision coming up. But, first, happy birthday to larry bird. Hes 60 years old. He is my fathers favorite player of all time. One of the greatest celtics of all time. Happy birthday larry bird. And the worlds going to know your name and you will be on the walls of the hall of fame you can run the mile you can walk straight through hell with a smile for adults with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer, previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, heres a question who wouldnt want a chance for another. . Whod say no to a. . Who wouldnt want. A chance to live longer. Opdivo nivolumab . Opdivo demonstrated longer life versus chemotherapy. Over 40,000 of these patients have been prescribed opdivo. Opdivo works with your immune system. Opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. This may happen any time during or after treatment has ended, and may become serious and lead to death. 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Carving a path of destruction in Southern California. Pete apocalyptic scenes playing out in one of los angeles most exclusive neighborhoods. The furious flames spreading by the minute. But the worst they say may yet to be to come. Ainsley Jonathan Hunt live on the ground from santa paula with more for us. Jonathan . Ainsley and pete, good morning to you. We have been on the front lines of the thomas fire the worst of those burning in Southern California all night. Take a look at some of the video we just fed into with from our cameraman keith railly. Up close on the fire lines with firefighters battling in extraordinary fashion to prevent the forward progress of flames towards the small city of santa paula. They appear to have been successful so far here. There is a long 24 hours ahead with the santa ana winds, due to kick up even more and fan the flames. As you were mentioning another one of the dramatic and frightening fires took place the exclusive neighborhood of blair in los angeles. Over the past 24 hours. Four expensive homes burned there. It caused some chaos for commuters along the 405 freeway. One of the busiest in l. A. As i say, 24 hours of intense winds and intense battles ahead for firefighters. Pete and ainsley, back to you. Pete all right. Steve thank you very much. It sounds like there is a possibility there could be Hurricane Force winds, 80 mileperhour winds. Ainsley spreading the flames even more. Lets bring in steve hilton, host of the next revolution from california. He is here obviously in new york. Is this affecting you . This is close to the bureau where you work. We were just discussing it. Literally minutes from where our show comes from. You have been there, steve, its so shocking when you see these events so close to where you live and work. Earlier in the year, just a few weeks ago, we had a similar experience up in Northern California where i live with my family. We go out in the morning, thankfully we werent affected directly. You can literally smell the smoke from the wildfires in the northern bay area. Ainsley work your whole life to build your home. So awful to see this. Every single time i think of the firefighters, the incredible work that they could. Pete yep. To keep people safe and protect them. Steve steve you work for david cameron. The Prime Minister theresa may did not have kind words for President Trump when yesterday he declared jerusalem is the eternal capital of israel and we will move our embassy there. The specific words that she used was unhelpful. That word took me right back to my time working in 10 downing street. Thats exactly the kind of bureaucratic language that these politicians come out with. It is why donald trump got elected. Unhelpful. Hang on a second, how helpful by the way has she been, has all the people who have been critical of this decision. President macron of france, the eu. Theyre all condemning it. Pete why is it unhelpful . How helpful have they been . What have they done . How successful has the status quo policy on middle east peace been . All these people who are criticizing this move, they are defending a failed move. Ainsley is this why you moved to america. Im so happy to be here and its so good to be. This is actually so true. This decision of the president s is just like all the others on paris, the climate accords, on some other things where he does something that is different to the status quo, to the way things have been done, and then everyone around the world says look at that its the absence of leadership. Its america its the on sit. Opposite. To challenge the status quo and move things in a different direction. Pete israels democracy is a capitalist country contributed great things to this world. Why is the western world rejecting the idea we would acknowledge their capital . I think because there is this group think. The word Tucker Carlson uses all the time on his show. So true here. Group think that affects the politicians, the diplomats, the brew democrats between the eu and u. N. And the way things have been run. They all think of the same way and cozy ways of doing things. When its disrupted they cant cope. Steve steve, its always a pleasure. Thank you for joining us today. Good to be here. Steve we will be watching your voyeur . Weekend. 9 00 p. M. On the fox news channel. Steve is he able to work that plug in. Exactly. I know what im doing now. Ainsley right behind is you jillian. She has headlines for us. Jillian hi, good morning. I got nothing. All right. I tried. Good morning to you at home. Congressman al greens attempt to impeach President Trump failing miserably. Donald john trump by causing such harm to the society of the United States is unfit to be president and warrants impeachment. Ainsley the House Democrats article of impeachment did not allege President Trump committed any crime instead argued he is a disgrace to the presidency. But it failed in a 364 to 58 vote. Top democrats including nancy pelosi tried to stop greens attempt saying now is not the time. And alternate juror speaking out days after illegal imgrant is found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. That juror now reveals the facts that the killer had been deported five times was virtually ignored. The crime was specified by the prosecutor. In this case that was specified as brandishing of a weapon. At the end of the trial right before the closing arguments, i think that was the first time we heard the word brandishing before this five week trial. There is no evidence that the defendant did that. It made it nonstarter for the manslaughter charge. Jillian in a controversial decision, a california jury acquitted jose garcia zert of murder and salesman slaughter. Painted as accident. He now faces federal weapons charges. A road rage incident turns violent when two men start firing at each other in the middle of the day. A news crew in houston happened to be there and capture the frightening moments stemming from a fender bender. An innocent bystander was grazed by a bullet. Off duty emt coming to that womans aid and applying pressure until medics arrived. Both suspects were taken into custody. One was rushed to the hospital. Frightening scene. You may remember earlier when the u. S. Arizona survivor reached out to fox news pleading for the sailors life to be recognized. Here he was, he saved six peoples lives and he didnt get anything. Somebody in washington should have the guts and the honor to take care of that. Jillian and now 76 years later on this pearl harbor day the navy is delivering. Donald stratton one of the five uss arizona survivors says petty officer first class Joseph George rescued him and the sailors during the pearl harbor attack. Follow our report, the navy tweeted that they will award george with a bronze star today. He retired in 1955 passed away in 1996. Thats a look at your headlines. Very deserving honor. Steve no kidding. Pete never ever forget those moments, that moment on the uss arizona burned in his brain forever. He will never forget that guy. History will go on. Memories will go on. When someone pulls out and saves you to go all the way through and them to recognize him amazing. Ainsley to save some lives. Think about what happened after that. Those five individuals that he saved went on to start their own families, generation after generation saved because of that one individual. Pete he will be recognized by the navy today thanks to this program and others. Awesome stuff. Remember when liberals screamed at the sky like that over President Trump. Ainsley we love this video. Pete great, a lot of tears it. Their message for anyone daring to call them snowflakes. They say thats offensive. Ainsley House Republicans demanding answers on whether Hillary Clinton received special treatment during email investigation. And whether a new investigation should be opened up. Judge napolitano says skip that and go right to indictment. The judge is here. Steve doesnt mince words and i say heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Steve we have got some quick thursday Morning Headlines for you right now. Before you head to the airport for the holidays and christmas. The tsa is reminding to you leave your knives and guns at home. Just saying. In florida alone, agents have found more than 400 people tried to bring guns on to planes just this year. If you are found with a firearm in your carry on, you could be fined up to 13,000. So, leave it at home. Meanwhile, walmart is changing its name by dropping the hyphen in word stores from its legal name. The company says the move is a part of an effort to serve shoppers beyond physical stores such as online shopping. They want to compete with amazon. The change goes into effect on february 1. Meanwhile. Ainsley today fbi director Christopher Wray going to be testifying on capitol hill as g. O. P. Lawmakers demand answers for the alleged special treatment that was given to Hillary Clinton by the fbi. Nobody should get special treatment. And nobody should be subjected to special bias. Each day we learn more information that reflects the double standard. Why are there two different standards of justice . Special deals for special people is not the american way. Steve here to weigh in is fox news senior judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano. Judge, over the last week we heard some instances of people at the senior level of the fbi. It looks like they have a political bias and they went easy on Hillary Clinton. Well, they go easy on Hillary Clinton. Remember, the fbi just gathers information and presents it to the Justice Department. The lawyer us in the justifiable department decide what to do with it, except in the case of Hillary Clinton. Where jim comey did what i have been arguing for 18 months now is profoundly wrong. He was wrong on the facts. He was wrong on the law. He was wrong to make the decision were not going to prosecute her. Thats a decision thats made by professional prosecutors, not fbi agents. Im very anxious to see what director chris wray says today because he, of course, was in private law practice when all this happened. The wrong people are telephoning Loretta Lynch should be testifying. James comey should be testifying. But, beyond this testimony, beyond investigating the investigators, Jeff Sessions, the attorney general of the United States, should reexamine the evidence against mrs. Clinton, give it to prosecutors and say present it to a grand jury. The evidence of her guilt is overwhelming on espionage. Steve why doesnt he does that . I dont know, steve. Now we know the evidence of her guilt in lying to the fbi is overwhelming. All of that should be sent to a grand jury. They instruct the grand jury on the law and they let the grand jury decide. Pete some are calling for another special counsel as you said to investigate the investigator. You are saying there is a normal process for this. Lets treat it this way. Yes. Im also saying that the public is going to be at its whits end and lose respect for the government if it just keeps hiring special counsels to investigate the investigators. Do the right thing. Present the evidence against her to a grand jury. Should have been done a long time ago. Ainsley what about Christopher Wray . You knew him. Is he trustworthy . What do we know about him. Chris wray is very trustworthy. He is very new in the job. He is going to get some slack basically. He has the unenviable position of defending events and decisions that took place long before he was there. Ainsley what is he earlier, the wrong people are testifying. Those republican congressman that you just ran the clip, they have very legitimate complaints and they represent complaints from huge numbers of American People. The complaints should be put to the people that caused the complaints. Jim comey and Loretta Lynch. Chris wray had nothing to too with this. Steve also, judge, it does look like Robert Muellers team is stacked with people who hate the president. I dont know if thats the case. And maybe andrew weissmann, peter strzok. Pete how do you know, judge . My fellow princetonian, we were talking about this story during the break. Maybe im jaded by it. Every fbi agent i know. You know these men and women. Pete yes. Political opinions like the rest of us. Steve sure. If the fbi hates the mob, can he be involved in a mob investigation . Steve judge, when Andrew Mccabe apparently instructs people do not refer to benghazi as terrorism because we dont want that out before the election, that just looks bad. Of course it does. When Loretta Lynch tells james comey dont call what were doing with hillary a criminal investigation. Call it a matter. It looks bad. Fbi agents have biases like everybody. Judges and juries have to be pure as caesars wife. Ainsley they have to put people in that are not biased. Going down to watch that hearing today. Steve report back. Pete former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich will join us live. Hmm. Oh. Huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. Blow on it. You see it, right . Is there a draft in here . 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Everybody start Christmas Shopping find the mega morning deals icon on fox friends. Pick a stencil. Get 3d creatures. Normally 149 bucks, you guys. Its only 28 today. Its flat and then you color it. This is my favorite right here. This one is only 19. 50. All do you is you put your phone on you put your music on and you slide it right over that round circle there. There is no blue tooth, nothing. The amp stand. Today 65 70 off. Its normally 65. So fun. Adrienne made these handbags. Vegan. Animalfriendly. New laptop pocket. Do you have one over there, janice . You put all sort of pockets inside, guys. She is classic. Been around forever. Trusted designer name. Love they are vegan. Little special laptop pocket 82 off so 39. Janice buy one in every color. For the guys you dont know what to buy them leather watch boxes. This is by royce it holds up to five watches. Nice wallets and ridf protection. When you are in the airport they can steal your identity not with these wallets. Today 29. They come in beautiful blue gift boxes. We dont want to wrap things. Right . 71 off. Feel, this so these come vacuum packed like i dont want to deal with a comforter in the mail. They come nice and flat. When they come out, they are so fluffy and soft. You guys, 29 for a comforter. Up to 70 off. So mega morning deals. Fox friends website. Everything is going to come in time for christmas. Get started. Stuff goes fast. I dont want you to be upset. So start shopping. Ainsley you will be back in the next hour. Ainsley with more gifts. Bonus products not on the table but online. Ainsley we love to save money. Thank you, meghan. We have a big show come up. Newt gingrich, ohio representative jim jordan and bob massi. Stay with us. And when i woke up i realized that i was in anaphylaxis and went to the emergency room. I dont know what i would do if he wasnt there. Hes the best boy. vo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped the ascpa save nearly forty thousand animals so far. Get a new subaru and well donate two hundred fifty dollars more to help those in need. amanda put a little love in your heart. What is this . When we love someone, we want to do right by them. But some things we cant control like snoring. snoring introducing theravent antisnore strips. Clinically shown to reduce snoring. Theravent. The answer is right under your nose. Clinically shown to reduce snoring. [burke] abstract accident. Seen videoit. Covered it. C we know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. The jewish people and the jewish state will be forever grateful. The department of justice officials pouring over 10,000 Text Messages between strzok and his fbi lawyer girlfriend. It makes it really difficult for us to would like to defend the integrity of former prosecutors and heads of the fbi. 30 Democratic Senators demanded that senator al franken of minnesota resign. I do not feel that he should continue to serve. Senator frankens conduct was wrong. He has admitted to it he should resign from the senate. Fire departments across Southern California are on very, very high alert. Alternate jurors speaking out days after illegal immigrant is found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. We were told at the beginning of the trial that immigration was not at issue in this trial. 3, 2, 1. [cheers and applause] renegade hey, hey, hey living like renegade. Steve studio f as in fox friends. Tis the season to be jolly. Brian is off today and in his place we have pete hegseth. Pete sorry replacement instance ains its thursday. Are you working this weekend, too . Pete i am. Im working tomorrow too and this weekend. Ainsley filled in for you yesterday. Pete today is your thursday and today is my tuesday. Steve thank you very much for joining us on this december 7th. Ainsley thats right. Pete pearl harbor day which we do honor and recognize. We talked about on this program. Its like 9 11 of our generation. We will never forget. Imagine world war ii generation. We are losing them too fast. That moment changed history forever. Ainsley the greatest generation. Steve the story we did in the last half hour about the fact that somebody who was there and saved so many lives finally being recognized after seeing his story on fox. By the navy today. Ainsley all eyes now are on senator al franken. Theres speculation hes going to definitely have an announcement today. There is speculation he might resign. Pete thats right. It comes as democrats turn on him, demanding that he step down. Steve Griff Jenkins live in our Nations Capital with what we know about al franken. Griff . Good morning, guys. We know there is new Sexual Misconduct allegations a seventh woman accusing him of kissing her and aides saying he groped her to pose for a photo. Democratic senate forced him out in a titled waive that began with new york senator kirsten gillibrand. I do not feel he should continue to serve. When we start having to talk about the differences between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment and groping. You are having the wrong conversation. By the end of the day 14 Democratic Senators were calling on him to resign with fellow senator amy clob which you stopping short of calling for his resignation but confident he would make the right decision. Chuck schumer joining the chorus of calls said is he a friend but he should resign immediately. The timing of this democratic outrage as Monica Crowley weighed in last night on hannity. Its politics but its also very strategic because they ar teeing this up for 2018 and 2020. They want to say look we took care of all of our perverts. We got rid of all of them. The republicans still have a bunch o perverts. We are also going to run a rumor. The senator down played the rumor of resignation. He is going to be make an now. Announcement today. We are told it will be on the senate floor. Ainsley did he it. Steve he was following through on a campaign pledge. He said if you make me president of the United States, i will keep my promise and after many years the United States will jerusalem as the capital of israel and we will move our embassy there as soon as we can find the spot to put it. Pete we talked about history, pearl harbor. Felt like watching that announcement yesterday watching history. Immediately after he made the announcement recognized jerusalem as the eternal capital of israel. You saw the projection of the American Flag and israeli flag on the old city, which having been there, its amazing to think about b. B. Netanyahu came out right away after being quiet for a couple days saying this is an amazing shift. It is historic moment. Steve thats what you are talking about right there. Pete if you have never been to jerusalem the old city walls surround the old city of jerusalem. Western wall. All the things so significant for different faiths. Extremely significant. Steve lets go to jerusalem right now. Because there are live protests because there are so many people who are upset. Many international leaders, the pope unhappy with the president of the United States that he would announce. This in fact, his critics say he has ruined the middle east Peace Process, even though there isnt much of a Peace Process. Last number of years. Ainsley within minutes of that announcement. Embassies in turkey and jordan and germany and britain all issued security alerts saying that americans need to be cautious because they were worried about the reaction. They were worried about the protests. Nikki haley says we shouldnt live in fear. Actually, this is nothing more than just a recognition of reality. Because jerusalem there israelis believe that jerusalem is their capital already. Pete this is completely predictable reaction of how the left and the international intelligencey react. Declaring eastern jerusalem occupied territory. This is a dispute that is not going to be solved at this moment. But at least the u. S. Has come down squarely on the side of an ally in israel. Steve Erick Erickson was live with us an hour ago. He said promises kept what others in washington said out loud but never did anything about. Watch. He is actually doing what all the politicians in washington say they want to do. They know they dont have to. He is taking them at their word. I mean, just like he took republicans at their word that they wanted to repeal obamacare when they probably really didnt. Is he moving the capital, recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel. Which by the tway already is. He is recognizing reality. When every major politician, every president ial candidate. Both parties of congress in their platform documents, and a bipartisan resolution of congress all declared that we should do exactly what he did. And now that he has done it, they are like oh gosh, he cant do that. Pete do you know who he is protesting, the islamists who dont like this. The right people are protesting then maybe you did the right thing. Steve palestinians are saying you cant make jerusalem the eternal capital because its our eternal capital. We will keep you posted on that. In the meantime, here in. Pete just read the history books. Steve not only though, but our own u. S. Congress back in 1995, passed the Jerusalem Embassy act where we were supposed to move it. But every president has kicked the can down the road until now. Ainsley its a done deal. The president has declared the capital and now we are moving onto the fbi. There is a lot of information here. We are all asking what did muller know . When did he know it . The ousted guy. The guy who is demotion peter strzok that top fbi agent investigating hillary, investigating russia for a year . He apparently got that demotion to h. R. Last july. So he stayed on those investigations for a year. Steve yeah. So senator ron johnson of the chairman of the house homeland or rather the Homeland Security department, he want to know when did the Inspector General of the department of justice realize there were these Text Messages. When did mr. Mueller realize there were Text Messages. Was this a violation of the hatch act . And have you looked into allegations that other Senior Management at the fbi were involved in something political . Pete thats right. All raising concerns about was this investigation legitimate from the beginning . It was above board from the beginning . Do we have to investigate the investigators . We had the judge Andrew Napolitano on. You shouldnt have to do that. You want to assume your justice and Intelligence Departments are bo that. Ainsley yeah. Pete we had representative gates and meadows. They have been out there from the Freedom Caucus talking about this with some suggestions about where we may go next. Take a listen. The attorney general needs to do his job and end this witchhunt charade. We have a clear double standard and you see it and the American People see it. Hillary clinton is being investigated by her own fan club before the 2016 election. And now the only way you seem to get on muellers team is to demonstrate a hatred for donald trump. I think that the way mueller built his team was finding people who had a bias against the president and doing everything he could to include them in this investigation. The time is now for Jeff Sessions to do his job and if he doesnt do his job, you know, he needs to step aside and let somebody else do it. Ainsley hillary was investigated by her own fan club he says. Steve man oman. Pete great line. Crystallizes it. Really does. Steve every day more nuggets of information pointing that wait a minute john solomon at the hill had a story where he quoted ron desantis, congressman from florida. Who was told by retired fbi supervisor that the fbi deputy director, Andrew Mccabe, remember him . We talked about him last year. His wife ran for congress down in virginia. Got 700,000 as a democrat from Terry Mcauliffs pac and stuff like that. Andrew mccabe apparently told the fbi not to call benghazi attack terrorism. Even after the fbi findings were the al qaeda directed it. And it was terrorism. Of course, that was before the election. Ainsley changing the language there. There were reports of the language being changed. Pete aint nothing to see here. Ainsley watering it down. The fan club. Pete nothing to see here. Steve ron desantis said this about that. What would there be issue edict to agents in the face of virtually conclusive evidence to the contrary not to categorize the benghazi attack as terrorism by placing the interest of the Obama Administration over the publics interests. The order is yet another data point highlighting the politicization of the fbi. Pete because, tonight forget, when did the benghazi attacks happen . Before the election. Steve seven weeks. We had al qaeda on the run. We were on their heels. Ainsley sit in a room underneath the white house underneath the ground hold on this cant happen before the elections. We have to change the narrative. Just get through the election and then we will reveal the truth. Steve new fbi director is going to be on capitol hill today. Im sure you are going to watch it live right here on the channel. All right. Pete jillian, good morning. Jillian dont watch it live you will talk about it tomorrow morning. Ainsley we have al franks announcement today and fbi director being questioned today. Jillian a lot of stuff happening today. Stay tuned for that but we do have other headlines, fox news alert. Near Hurricane Force winds expected to worsen the already devastating wildfires in Southern California today. The latest fire sparking near the blair neighborhood of los angeles, forcing thousands to evacuated. Those winds fueling the blaze could reach up to 80 mileperhour in some places. On top of that, there is no rain in the forecast for the next week. Also breaking right now, its just a matter of time. North korea threatening war with the u. S. Overnight. The chilling warning coming after a u. S. Super sonic bomber flew over south korea yesterday in a show of force as part of a large week long military exercise. And we now know there were supposed to be two bombers in the air. The second one was grounded after experiencing a Maintenance Issue while taxiing for takeoff. Even the first lady is a fan of fast food. Melania trump and second lady karen pence spotted at the famous texas burger chain what a burger. No word on what they ordered for themselves. We do know they treated the pool to french fries. That made me hungry. Steve what a burger. They do have great fries. Ainsley have you never tried it have you . We have. Jillian all fries are good fries. Pete i dont like sweet potatoes. Steve put gravy on them. Pete sorry america. President trump taking historic steps to fulfill a Campaign Promise. Something his predecessors failed to keep. Declaring jerusalem as the capital of israel. They failed to deliver. Today i am delivering. Pete in his first interview, a fox news exclusive. The u. S. Ambassador to israel David Freidman joins us live from tel aviv. Steve remember when people were screaming at the sky over President Trump . Their new message for anyone daring to call them snowflakes, they find that offensive. That story coming up. [screams] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. I want ycome on mom t easy. Go slow. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Pete welcome back. President trump making good on a Campaign Promise. His predecessors, they all failed to keep declaring jerusalem as the capital of israel. And beginning to process to move our embassy there from tel aviv to jerusalem. Ainsley here to react in exclusive interview is the u. S. Ambassador to israel mr. David freidman. Ambassador, thank you so much for being with us. What is your reaction to this . Well, ainsley, i am really proud of the president. I thought this decision was bold. It was courageous. It was really smart. It was the right decision at the right time. And i think it reflects the popular will. After all, i think only six months ago the senate recognized yet again the centrallality 90 to 0. How often does the senate agree unanimously on anything . I also think its the best path for peace. I think this puts the United States very much in the right place and it puts the president very much on the right side of history. Steve mr. Ambassador, how does this put us on the right path for peace when you see just looking at live demonstrations in jerusalem. Hamas is angry. They are encouraging people to do all source of stuff. How does the president s decision put you on the right path for peace . We are obviously concerned about the demonstrations and the United States has taken all the appropriate precautions to protect american citizens abroad. But, if you look at the Peace Process if you will over the past 25 years, the palestinians have had a basket of issues that they have been attempting to advance during the course of the negotiations. Im not going to comment on the merits of those issues. But they have had their issues. And whatever issues they had yesterday, they still have today. The president made very clear he wasnt seeking to foreclose any of those issues. But heres what the president did want to foreclose. He wanted to foreclose the fantasy. And thats all it is a fantasy that somehow jerusalem could be disconnected from the state of israel. The president didnt want the israelis to show up at the bargaining table and be forced to negotiate for something that they already had. That wasnt the right structure for negotiations. So, you know what . We understand and expected the emotional reaction. The disappointment, but people who are demonstrating today did not listen carefully enough to the president s speech. The president remains committed to a Peace Process. He is committed to good faith negotiation to all the final status issues. What he did yesterday was to simply speak the truth and to develop for the first time a Foreign Policy based upon reality, rather than fantasy. Pete the president is negotiator taking a new approach negotiation that hasnt gone well for a long time. Ambassador David Freidman. Thank you for joining us. Certainly an historic day yesterday. Thank you. Steve straight ahead on this thursday. Ainsley from the battlefield of new orleans all the way to thet white house. Andrew jackson remarkable life. Brian is going to join us to discuss his remarkable book. The best simple salad ever . Hearthealthy california walnuts. The best simple pasta ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. You. Pete i always like this music. Time now for news by the numbers. 200 million thats how much nfl commissioner Roger Goodells five Year Contract extension is worth. The deal comes after goodell faced heavy criticism from fans and the president for not requiring players to stand for the national anthem. So, dont do your job well, 200 million bucks. Next, 26,000 thats how much hackers wanted mourning ins largest county to pay up. They wont get a dime. Mac lenberg cyber crooks ransom. Believed to be from iran or the ukraine. Finally, 20. Thats the age of the hacker responsible for the uber data breach that exposed the information of 57 million people, including possibly me. Reuters reports of the company paid him 100 grand through a Security Program so that nobody found out. Ains aping well, from the carolina back woods all the way to the white house, Andrew Jackson lived a remarkable life. But it was his heroics on the patel field that actually saved america. Over there were thousands of british troops. What they wanted was over there. That was new orleans. What they wanted to control was over there, the mississippi. Whats at stake in the future of the country. What did Andrew Jackson do . Win. Steve joining us now is the author of Andrew Jackson and the miracle of new orleans, fox friends own Brian Kilmeade. Its a little cold here in new york. Suddenly he is off to orlando. Look at that. Ainsley brian, weird when we get a card that says your name on it Brian Kilmeade cohost of fox friends. Steve says how do we pronounce his last name . Brian well, listen, you got to be on your best behavior because you know im judging you first off. I dont need a card today and your makeup people are very nice as well as the hair division. But that was 110 degrees shooting that new orleans. Here its 85 and humid. There its 12. But the whole thing is finally going to air. The special is going to air Andrew Jackson hero under fire. When we started the book two years ago nothing to do with the news. I thought it was going to be great history piece. I had no how similar this host of the apprentice would be to Andrew Jackson who ends up in office. Both under fire for certain things they say. Both are similar candidates for what they did. That battle in particular is where Andrew Jackson made his name. Steve so, brian, what is the difference between the book and the special . Well, the book is to battle new orleans. In terms we lay out the whole thing how it happened and how he pulled it off. The special is going to be Andrew Jackson hero under fire. We go to Jackson Square where there is a group of people who want that statue down. The guy who saved new orleans before the future president of the United States they want his statue down. Then we go in front of the white house and we go into the white house. And we talk about the similarities between President Trump as well as president jackson and why Ronald Reagan and fdr and harry truman and especially Abraham Lincoln looked to Andrew Jackson as a prototype who made the decisions he made. In fact, here is one the questions i pose is how jackson and trump, when they took the presidency, how they were both under fire going in and once they got the job. Take a listen. You would read the paper and then he would write comments in the margins. Is this good or bad. There is one article in particular that really took him to task. There is a great big x through the whole article in ink. Donald trump brags on being a counter puncher. So was Andrew Jackson in battle as you know very well. You have write about it in politics and also in duels. Andrew jackson was in a duel. He let his opponent. Perfect shot shot and apparently missed. Andrew jackson didnt police. He cooley deliberately aimed and shot the man dead. Afterwards, they learned he had been shot two inches from his heart and carried that bullet until he died. Pete Andrew Jackson had no twitter but he wish he had. Brian right. He also used to pick up newspapers make markings and get ahold of those reporters much like the current president today. I also think its interesting to see that back then they settled their disputes by shooting each other. Just anyone who thinks that were in unprecedented situation in terms of bare firstefisted politics. This is mellow. Both of them dont know how to back down with from a fact. Trail of tears is he responsible for. He had slaves. No one could excuse that he was a person of his time. We understanding that but, again, evaluating his presidency today the way he lived 200 years ago is forgetting the fact that he was the most famous man in america who was orphaned at 13 years old. This guy should have been a criminal. He should have been a i have a grant. He should have been a no name. Instead he was a congressman, a senator, attorney general. Legendary general. And a twoterm president. That, to me, and we stumbled on to. This thats what america is about. Although now we have University Systems and we have social programs. Back then they said basically youre on your only. Have you no family. Your brothers are dead. Your mom passed away. Your dad died before you were born. Good luck, son. And he said fine. Ill do the best i can and, man, i thought he did pretty good. Steve extraordinary american. Thats why he wrote the book on it you are going to be later today on december 7th the 1 00 books a million in sanford, florida. 5 00 this afternoon you will be at the barnes and noble at the villages. Pete and then tomorrow, noon as Kravis Center for the performing arts in West Palm Beach and be on this program. Ainsley special is sunday night 8 00 and 11 00. Brian, i think its great that you have brought this to light for some people. Especially the younger generations that doesnt know anything about Andrew Jackson. Pete like me. Ainsley no, you are not young. Brian you actually fight in the wars, pete. I think you know about all this stuff. Also, he went to princeton, guys. I dont know if you know. So they make you learn history at princeton. Its exciting. So i love talking about it. Pete Andrew Jackson couldnt be a more relevant figure at this time. So kudos to you. Steve brian, travel safely, and the folks are going to come see you for the book and watch the special this week. Ainsley brian, tell them all to get dressed. Brian all right. Everybody please guessed dressed and at the end of the day remember to get undressed. [laughter] ainsley okay. Pete wise words. All right. Stick around. Joining us live next is Newt Gingrich. Steve remember when some liberals screamed at the sky over President Trump . Their new message for anybody dare call them snowflakes . They find it offensive and something to scream about we can work it out we can work it out i was born in a small town small town steve once upon a time john cougar and he went back to real name John Mellencamp as you look at the small town of washington, d. C. Its pretty small. Only 10 by 10 miles. Pete very deep and very wide. Steve lets bring in Newt Gingrich, fox news contributor, former speaker of the house and author of vengeance New York Times best seller. Good morning to you. Ainsley there is a picture of the book. By the way, i want to mention about brians last segment. When i wrote understanding trump. I have a whole section on how parallel trump and Andrew Jackson are i think brians book on Andrew Jackson is remarkably helpful for people who would wants to have a better understanding of how President Trump operates. Jackson was remarkable figure. Brian did a Great Service to the country by writing that book. Steve there you go. Lets talk a little bit about the people who serve our nation. It looks, mr. Speaker, to a lot of people, that when you look at some of the things that have been revealed in the last week or two, regarding Senior Management at the fbi, that there could be a political bias, clouding determination whether or not to go forward with prosecutions and whatnot. You look at the case of peter strzok who was text messaging apparently to the tune of 10,000 Text Messages to his girlfriend who is a lawyer apparently also on the special counsel and you wonder, you know, how did they find out about this . How did the Inspector General find out about it . How did mr. Mueller find out about it . There are a lot of questions that are really perplexing people. Well, first of all, if you have 10,000 Text Messages you have to wonder when did he get any work done . Apparently spending a lot of time just texting each other. Ainsley can you imagine whats in those Text Messages . I hope they are going to be revealed. I think first of all that we now know that had hillary won the corruption would have gotten bigger. It would have gotten deeper. We have never learned any of this. I think its pretty appalling. The level of corruption were beginning to see in the fbi, i mean, for example the number two person at the fbi shouldable recusing himself because his wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars of donations as a democratic candidate. How can you seriously say this guy is neutral. Its clear that mueller was bringing in people who are aggressive democratic donors as the lawyers. Several of whom have very Bad Reputation for overreaching as prosecutors. Have been knocked down by the Supreme Court on 90 votes. I originally thought mueller might be an honest and reasonable man. But the more i watched who they were hiring, how they were organizing, what they are doing, and ask yourself this simple question. How can millers assistants all have lied. The key assistants clearly lied to the fbi. Not a single one of them has a felony conviction. On the other hand, if you have served your country for 35 years, as general flynn did, now and the argument is not by the way anything that happened in the campaign. Its not anything about collusion. Its about something he did during the transition when he was the president s appointed transition leader for National Security. The difference in approach to clinton corruption, which gets a pass, and general flynn is, i think, a sign of how sick the system is. Pete mr. Speaker, how then could you restore trust . Is it relooking at Hillary Clinton . Is it doing this investigation differently . What do you do . Well, the first thing you do is you get the congress to do its job. Why is mcnabb the number two guy at the fbi not recusing himself . Why is he in a position of authority . You go back and look at why was hillary not put under oath . She could never be charged as flynn was because they never put her under oath. You know, this whole thing comey, i think, was engaged. The system clearly at the very top. The average fbi agent is still as honest and as serious and as hardworking as ever. At the very top, the Justice Department and the fbi became corrupted and i think we have to be honest and use that language. This is not an occasional mistake. This was covering up for the next president they thought. Covering up for their foundation. Covering up for their relationship with russia and uranium one. Covering up for the entire process for the entire investigation. How could she delete 33,000 emails and not have been guilty of something. How could she no have a private servener her basement illegally against rules and not be guilty of something. Why is the witchhunt over here for people who have served their country in battle and basically decent guys and who are getting picked off frankly i think and michael adean wrote a great article about this and knows general flynn very well. Adean said look, the fbi has the power to tell you we are going to bankrupt your family. Were going to go after your son. Do you want to take a minor plea and get this over with or do you want us to destroy you . Well, thats not justifiable. Thats the worst kind of third world petty dictatorship exercised by bureaucrats. Ainsley corrupt and seems like a double standard. Mr. Speaker, we want to ask you about this. Yesterday as you know, the president declared jerusalem as the capital of israel. Pope francis immediately slammed the president yesterday morning for recognizing jerusalem as the capital. So, your wife is the ambassador to the vatican. We want to know how does this affect our relations with the vatican . Where do we go from here . Well, i think you have two extraordinarily strong historic personalities in pope francis and in President Trump. They had a very, very good meeting when pump visited. I know that the vatican would like to have a good relationship. Sometimes they have deep disagreements. This is one of those times. On issues that calista is working on like human trafficking. Helping defend christians in the middle east. Working on refugee camps. There are a number United States is the largest donor, for example, to helping refugees in the world by a huge margin. There are places where we are very much in agreement. There a couple places we are in disagreement. I think the goal here is to be honest with each other. Recognize when there is a disagreement. But also recognize how many different ways in which the vatican and the United States are actually collaborators in favor of similar patterns. And its also complicated. I mean, thats just the nature of Foreign Policy. Pete just briefly, why would the vatican take issue with this position . Well, i think, look, the pope believes deeply that keeping jerusalem separate from politics as the center of judaism and center of christianity, the third most important city in islam, that that is a better strategy. The president , looking at the right of israel to name its own capital, disagrees with that this is honest legitimate disagreement. These things are going to happen on occasion. And what you have to do is decide that the larger relationship is worth preserving, even though you agree to have a strong disagreement about this particular issue. Steve Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the house, we thank you for joining us from the washington, d. C. Area. Ainsley thank you. Steve carrying concealed weapons across state lines. A major bill for gun rights just passed u. S. House despite fierce resistance from gun control advocates. Joining us next a survivor the Las Vegas Massacre who says he wishes the bill would have been in place the night that guy is tha started shooting from the mandalay bay. Ainsley its a boy . Its a girl . Or is it x . That will soon be an option on birth certificates . You get to choose this is the pathway when it comes to heartburn trust the brand doctors trust for themselves. Nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day all night protection. When it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. Lets get back there at Bass Pro Shops santas wonderland. Where kids can get a free picture with santa and you can save big on great gifts you feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. Theyre biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Ainsley good morning t jillian good morning to you. U. S. Athletes may not be competing in the upcoming Winter Olympics in south korea. Nikki haley making the shocking announcement on fox news. As north korea threat intensifies the safety of our athletes comes first. There is an open question. I have not heard anything about that. I do know that in the talks we have whether its jerusalem or north korea. Its always about how do we protect the u. S. Citizens in the area. Jillian the 2018 Winter Olympics start february 9th and held pyongyang 50 miles from the demilitarized zone. New research why millennials tend to do this too often. [screaming] a new survey by the Insurance Company areva 20 of millennials think being called snowflake damages their mental health. Its used to mock sensitive young people. 52 of millennials feel the term is unfairly applied to them. Thats a look at your headlines. So, guys, dont call them millennial snowflakes. Steve all right, jillian. Pete i will keep doing. So. Steve meanwhile, conceal carry bill has passed the house. Easier for gun owners to carry legally concealed weapons across state lines. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi saying in a vote two months after sixening attacks in las vegas and souter land springs, republicans have decided to honor the families of the victims by passing a stunningly dangerous bill that opens the flood gates to guns. Our next guest survived the Las Vegas Massacre that left 58 dead and says he wishes the bill would have been in place during the shooting. Joining us now is dan watkins, the survivor, along with the author of the bill North Carolina republican congressman richard hudson. Guys, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve okay, dan, lets start with you. I understand that initially we now know that the shooter was up on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay but initially you thought it was somebody ground level making their way through the crowd, right . Thats correct. I think as we heard the sound initially by the end of the first voluntarily it was apparent to me that it was probably gunfire and i started looking to my right where the strip was to see where the shooter was. I expected them to be on the ground. Steve you wish this particular bill that has passed the house would have been in effect then. Why . Well, i have an office. My partner and i have offices in Southern California and nevada. I have a son in arizona. And i travel on the road back and forth a lot to these different locations. I have thought about in the past getting a license to carry a concealed weapon just for safety in the travel. And then some of what i do work wise presents a little bit of a threat. But the rules in california dont make it very easy. If i was to get it in nevada it wouldnt help me in california. So i kind of tanel tabled it. Had i been able to carry and shooter was on the ground, it would have been nice to have that ability to protect myself and my family and those around me. Steve absolutely. Congressman, some on the political left are saying that this particular bill will increase crime. What do you say to that . Well, unfortunately facts are a tough thing. And the facts just dont bear out the doomsday scenario that nancy pelosi and others try to portray. In states there are 12 states out there that actually have constitutional carry which means you dont have to have a permit to carry as long as you are not federally permitted from having a firearm. In those states once they instituted this freedom, crime went down. Gun crime went down. So the statistics just dont bear this out. There was another study done in florida and texas showed that Law Enforcement officers when they are off duty commit more crimes than conceal carry permit holders. We are talking about lawabiding citizen trying to do the right thing. Steve absolutely. And, congressman, it does not override state gun laws. Right . Absolutely not. Every state and municipality retains the right to determine the laws for their own state or municipality in terms of what can be carried, where it can be carried. We dont in any way infringe upon that this bill doesnt in any way increase the amount of guns on the street. It doesnt make it easier to get your hands on guns. Steve right. All it says is like a drivers license, each state has to recognize the license from other state. Steve all right. Well, lefts see where it goes from here. Next stop the u. S. Senate. Richard and dan, thank you very much for joining us live today. Great to be with you. Thank you. Steve all right. Meanwhile, it is the question everybody wants an answer to. How was a 5time deported illegal acquitted of Kate Steinles murder . An alternate juror just broke their silence. You will hear what they have to say coming up. Plus, struggling to find the perfect Christmas Gift . How about this set of luggage for 80 off . Its just one of the deals straight ahead for fox friends viewers. You will see the luggage and so much more coming up. Asters sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. And thats wins goat, adi. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. Making the coffee erupt with flavor. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. That erupts with even more flavor. Which helps provide for wins family. And adi the goats family too. Because his kids eat a lot. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Packed with goodness. Hello there friend hi hey there. Im an Imaginary Friend of a kid just like you. Youre going through a lot right now and i know youre scared. But youre stronger than you know. But look, well get through this together. And remember. We at the Imaginary Friends society always have your back witness katy perry. Witness katy perry become a legal witness. Witness katy perry and left shark. Or a card shark. Grandma . Witness katy perry work. Witness katy perry firework. Witness katy perry swish. Witness katy perry. Aaaaaaw look at that dog katy perry with music videos and behind the scenes footage, xfinity lets you witness all things me. [laughter] ainsley all right. Its time to scratch more items off your Holiday Shopping list and save lots of cash. Pete mega meany is back with more mega morning deals exclusively for our fox friends viewers. Ainsley good morning. Yes. Icon to look for on the fox friends website mega morning deals. This is a glow in the dark. This track glows in the dark. And the car has a little led light on it. The is slippery but easy to put together. 16 to 18 bucks for this. Typically more like 50. So great deal. And then love the hospital ball. These are comic book dangers. Marvel characters. Sensor controlled by your hands. No remote control. Got to get one of those for the kids. Waterford crystal ornaments. A pack of three, you guys. Break them up and have three gifts in one. Normally 109. 65 off today. Only 38. They have love, peace, and hope and snowflake themes. So prettiy, right . Ainsley they are not plastic. They are heavy. Crystal. I almost broke one. This looks real. Highest quality cubic sir cone i cant. White gold plated tennis bracelets and earrings. Classic, so sparkly. Wear them to the holiday party. Give them as a gift. 20 to 24. Ainsley why pay 40,000 when you could buy one for 24. Pete absolutely. These are for the guys cutter and buck high end golf wear. Sweaters long sleeve. Zip up and button down shirt. Every color. All the way up to xxxl. 16 to 24. You cant beat it when you are taking trip after all that shopping you are going to go relax after christmas, get some new luggage. This guy here, the hard case, the carry on has a secret compartment for your laptop. Do you know when you are putting it on the carry on you dont know where to put your wallet. Pete you have to pull it out. Easy to grab right through there. Set of three. 119 is what they start at. We have all different colors here. Up to 83 savings. So its mega morning deals. Thats the icon. Fox friends website. You guys, this stuff sells out so fast. You have got to be quick. Helicopter ball. No remote control. Pete read it for me. Ainsley i will read it for you. Senator al franken has a wig announcement today is he stepping down . We are live at the top of the hour. Hillary Clinton Emails troubles are just getting started. Congressman jim jordan on that. More people shop online for the holidays than ever before. And the United States Postal Service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. Because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. Trump it is time to officially recognize jerusalem as the capitol of israel. This was bold, it was courageous, it was really smart, it was the right decision at the right time. Hes actually doing what all the politicians in washington say they want to do, and they know they dont have to. Pouring over 10,000 Text Messages between struck and his fbi lawyer girlfriend. The level of obstruction seen in the fbi is appalling. Senator al franken speculation that he might resign. I dont think he should continue to serve. Out of control wildfires. Look at that. Carving a path of destruction in Southern California. Speaking out days after an illegal immigrant is found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. We were told at the beginning of the trial that immigration was not at issue in this trial. Three, two, one. Steve today the gang on the couch includes pete who is in for Brian Kilmeade who is down in orlando, florida talking about his book. Pete thank you for having me. Steve great to have you. And the great thing is youve been able to do a little Christmas Shopping. Pete this is little captain america robot that were going to use. Ainsley do you have a dog at home . Pete i do not. Steve thats not safe. Thats not safe. Ainsley hurt your hand . Pete no, its totally safe for kids. Captain america remote control. Ainsley no, i think you got that for you. Not your son. I think thats for you. The Fidget Spinner that you always steve he does indeed. Anyway, thank you very much for joining us. We have a busy final hour. Ainsley yes, we do. Pete all eyes on senator al franken. Steve it comes as fellow democrat turn on him demanding in lots of instances that he call it quits. Ainsley most of them women. And Griff Jenkins life from our capitol with what we know. Yes, theres new allegations with what are the pattern of misconduct of seven women accusing him of kissing her and an eighth saying pose for a photo. Forced him out in a tidal wave. We need to draw a line in the sand and say none of it is okay. None of it is acceptable. Democrat senators were calling on him to resign with his fellow minnesota senator amy stopping short of calling for resignation but saying she was competent he will quote make the right decision. Minority leader Chuck Schumer also joining the calls saying he considers franken a friend but should resign immediately. However, some are questioning the timing of this democratic outrage as Monica Crowley weighed in on hannity last night. Its politics, but its also very strategic because theyre taking this up for 2018 and then 2020. They want to say, look, we took care of all of our perverts. Were also going to run a woman. Downplayed rumors yesterday of a resignation but were told is likely going to be on the senate floor today. It would be interesting to see if he does resign and if he does make a fuller acknowledgment of his allegations. Theres been a slew of allegations out there, guys. Steve thank you very much. Yesterday Senate Public radio said that he was going to resign and then his staff said thats incorrect. He hasnt decided. So today well know. Pete upwards of 30 senators have come out on the democratic side saying he should resign. The governor of minnesota is a democrat, so it wouldnt be a net gain or loss. Sets up for 2020, so this election will happen in 2020. Steve meanwhile, lets talk about the fbi. Ainsley wondering what did mueller know and when did he know it . Because republicans are now demanding answers about the antitrump fbi agent as the doj combs over those 10,000 texts that were exchanged between peter and his mistress, his girlfriend, we dont know whats going on. But hes been allegedly dating this girl. Steve an fbi lawyer. Ainsley shes an fbi lawyer on this investigation. And they were exchanging Text Messages. And if they were dating, and its a mistress, i dont want to to know whats in these Text Messages. Pete no one wants their Text Messages read. But if youve been trashing Hillary Clinton, yet youve been in charge of the most important Hillary Clinton investigations in the past and now youre in charge of the present, can you truly be present . We need to know what exactly did he know about it. Steve when did the Inspector General know about it . When did mueller know about it . And are there other individuals . We have two members of the Freedom Caucus, and they say it is time for the attorney general Jeff Sessions to do his job or get out. Attorney general needs to do his job and end this witch hunt. Hillary clinton is being investigated by her own fan club and the only way you seem to get on muellers team is demonstrate hatred for donald trump. I think the way mueller built his team was finding people who had a bias against the president and did everything to include them in this investigation. It is time now for Jeff Sessions to do his job and if he doesnt do his job, you know, he needs to step aside and let somebody else do it. Steve sarah carter formal from circa now, i believe, at the hill doing great reporting. She says that the Inspector General and department of justice is looking at 27 leakers in the department of justice and there could be a major shakeup what these names to be ralston. This could be month, it could be early january. Nonetheless, she said it could be a big shakeup at the fbi. Pete all of this comes as the fact that the president has acknowledged it in the fact. And the attorney general recuse himself from the beginning. And a lot of the critique is lets bring the control back to the doj where it belongs. Thats what the doj and fbi are supposed to do. Steve but also remember if Jeff Sessions had not become the attorney general, we wouldnt be having a special election down in alabama on tuesday. Ainsley right. True. Well, also in the news, the president yesterday, you probably saw this. He named jerusalem as the capitol of israel, and hes telling the state department get ready, prepare the embassy because were moving to 1,00 1,000 personnel from tel aviv to jerusalem. Pete because he has to tell the state department that because theres been a lot of resistance. The consulate currently in jerusalem is very different from the embassy in tel aviv. Theres political motivations. A lot of people feel like the state Department Employees at the consulate do not believe in this president s decision, that theyre going to have to fight to move this embassy. And these are live pictures. Steve yeah, these are live pictures out of bethlehem. Keep in mind the palestinians do not like it, and theyre throwing rocks. We knew that. I will say this, though. There are a lot of democrats who are applauding the president of the United States. So he is getting bipartisan support for what he has done. Brian Chuck Schumer, one of them. Steve absolutely. Ainsley who represents new york city. Or new york, sashed. Steve but he has a lot of critics around the world internationally where its this is going to destroy the Peace Process. Hello. Where are we on that . Pete the one that has been working so well so far . Steve yeah. Right. In particular. Pete nikki haley, the ambassador of the un talked about how courage. Lets be clear. Lets do a reality check. Jerusalem is the capital of israel. So were acknowledging something thats common sense so everyone. The parliaments there, the Prime Ministers there, the Supreme Court that is the capital. And by us putting the embassy there, thats a u. S. Decision. Having said that, courage doesnt come by doing what everybody else says. Courage comes by doing what is right. This is the right thing to do. And what the president is doing is showing leadership. And all right. Be those who have negative feelings about what were doing . Yes, of course. But could this possibly lead to a Peace Process . Absolutely. Steve so maybe the president of the United States announced this yesterday as parts of a negotiation. Because we that know Jared Kushner and company are working to try to broker of some sort a peace deal. Weve seen theres been a reaction from the palestinians and many in the arab world this morning. So maybe thats going to give people a little incentive to finally do something. Pete take a meaningless chip off the table because everybody already knows what it is, then engage in the process. But it hasnt been clear at any point that the palestinians are willing at all to recognize their ability to exist. You cant submit to a fellow partner who wants to kill you. So recognize this reality and move on from there. Ainsley why didnt past president s who said they did going to do this, why didnt they do it . They were fearful . Steve they were told dont do it because this is going to enflame the arab world. Pete the socalled experts that have gotten so much right for so long, yet, the common sense values of americans in the Congress Said overwhelmingly jerusalem is the capital. Lets do it. God bless the president that has the willingness to actually stand up to do it. Ainsley the guts to do it. Lets hand it over to jillian because a lot of people acted n california affected by the fires. Huge fires. Out of control fires right now. Its really sad, these images, guys. Lets begin with that. Near hurricaneforce winds expected to worsen. The already devastating wildfires in Southern California today. The latest fires sparking near the bel air neighborhood of los angeles forcing thousands to evacuate. [sirens] those winds fueling the blaze could reach up to 80 Miles Per Hour in some places. And on top of that, theres no rain in the forecast for the next week. The smoke is so intense, it can be seen from space. Also breaking right now, its just a matter of time. North korea threatening war with the u. S. Overnight. The chilling warning coming after a u. S. Super sonic bomber flew over Southern California yesterday in a show of force as part of a long weeklong military exercise. And we know now there were supposed to be two bombers in the air. The second one was grounded after experiencing a Maintenance Issue after taxiing after takeoff. A Border Patrol officer was murdered. The bombshell of martinez was sworn in a after the filed in federal court. The fbi is now questioning two brothers. Both Illegal Immigrants as persons of interest in the case. Denied any involvement but investigators found redstained fabric in their car. One border agent survived the possible attack but does not remember what happened. An incredible story on this pearl harbor day. A uss arizona survivor reached out to fox news pleading for the sailor who saved his life from the attack to be recognized. Here he was. He saved six peoples lives, and he didnt get anything. Somebody in washington should have given him an honor. And now 60 years later, delivering one of five uss arizona survivors saying first class Joseph George rescued him and the sailors. That they will award george with a bronze star today. He passed away in 1996. His daughter will accept the award from the Deputy Commander of the u. S. Pacific fleet. Such an amazing honor, isnt it . Steve better late than never. Absolutely. Pete want to appreciate the fact that your government doesnt forget. Steve jillian, thank you very much. Today is december 7th. Pearl harbor 76 years ago today. Pete well always live in memory. Steve as federal officials file new charges to the kate steinle case, our next guest why San Francisco was more of a sanctuary for the killer than for her. Joins us live next. Pete and its a boy. Wait. Its a girl. You use pink. You use blue. What color do you use for x . Ainsley maybe yellow. Pete maybe yellow, maybe gray, maybe brown. I dont know. On birth certificates, this is a new thing. Well bring it. Hello, im an idaho potato farmer. Youve probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck. But not any more. I am done with that. Ooh, ooh hot just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog. Tv anncr the big idaho potato truck pulled into town today and its really a sight to see. Oh man. Lets go. distant you comin, boy . Sfx dog gulp woof. The ford yearend sales event is in full swing. you are going to be a big surprise. whining aww, i see a big puppy. I see a biig puuppy. Hey greg thats ford, americas bestselling brand. Now get exclusive holiday offers, with 0 financing for 72 months across a full line up. For a limited time, get an additional 1,000 cash back on top of 0 financing for 72 months. Get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. Get these exclusive offers run, jthe power of in to tempurpedic sleep with our 90day trial and being the highest ranked mattress in Customer Satisfaction by jd power, its easy to love. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com steve remember when then candidate donald trump said this . My opponent wants sanctuary cities. But where was the sanctuary for kate steinle. Steve that question still looms after last weeks not guilty verdict in the murder of kate steinle. Our next guest expands on that in his new wall street journal oped. Manhattan Institute Senior fellow and the author of false black power jason riley. Jason, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve you know, friday morning, we woke up to the news. People were shocked. How could that person not have been found guilty of her killing . Clearly, hes the guy who pulled the trigger. Clearly. I have a seventime felon who should not have been in the country in the first place firing a stolen pistol and killing someone, and he essentially gets off with a hand slap, i think if you ask me. I mean, the jury went so easy on had me you, i just think it has a lot of people shaking their heads. How could this happen . Steve the last line of your wall street journal column is so provocative. It said kate steinle was also a victim of ideological jurors sending a message to the president. Yeah. We know that donald trump is not very popular in San Francisco. I think fewer than 10 of he won less than 10 of the vote last year. And it could be that the jurors were going to send a message to the president. He made illegal immigration a big deal in the campaign and perhaps they wanted to push back. Because its hard for them to see looking at the circumstances of this case and deciding that this guy should get off the way he did. Steve sure. And when you he was deported five times, seven times felon, he shot the gun three times. And then initially i think in the first police report, he said i was shooting at the field and then i through the gun into the water. Yeah. The other thing to remember here is this guy did not slip through the cracks. Its not like someone in San Francisco screwed up when they released him. That was the policy, steve. And then the real strategy here or the additional strategy is that it remains the policy. San francisco is not changing its policy. He would be released again today. Steve and as the president of the United States said when he was candidate, where is the policy for her . Americans think our policy should favor the americans over the nationals. Steve read all about it in the wall street journal. Thank you very much. Really interesting column. Thank you. Steve straight ahead, Hillary Clintons email troubles just getting started. Congressman jim jordan on that live next. Plus, we told you about the grinch who stole one towns elf yesterday. Well, we just found out what happened to zippy. [narrator] imagine a shirt that actually makes you feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. Theyre biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Los angeles set to become the largest city to legalize marijuana. Voted to license the sale starting next year. People must be 21 years of age to smoke the marijuana, and they can possess up to one ounce at a time. Legal marijuana has been in that state for two decades now. Washington state considering a third gender option on birth certificates. Right now, state officials looking for Public Comments on this proposal. If approved, parents are able to skip the labeling of their newborn starting next year. Oregon and california have already passed similar laws. Pete. Pete thank you. Well, today fbi director Christopher Ray set to testify on capitol hill as gop lawmakers including our next guest demand answers for the alleged quote special treatment given to Hillary Clinton by the fbi. Gop congressman jim jordan is vicechairman of the house Freedom Caucus, and he joins me now. Congressman, thank you for joining me this morning. If youre a member of the general public, youre looking at this and saying investigation, subpoena here, attempt of congress. But how do we get to the bottom of whether or not theres a double standard for how this president is treated by the fbi and how Hillary Clinton is treated. You have director ray release the application that was taken to the fisa court to secure warrants, to file with the Trump Campaign. Release the information. What was taken to the fisa court. Thats what we called him to do just two days ago. Hell be getting questions about that im sure today in the hearing. Pete do you believe they will release that . And if so, what will that show . Well, you have to go back to the basics. Remember, we have Mueller Special Council coming in investigating possible coordination between the Trump Campaign and the elections. To date, we have zero evidence of that taking place. But what do we know . We have learned the last several weeks that the Clinton Campaign paid the law firm who paid fusion gps who paid christopher the mi6 agent who paid russians. The Clinton Campaign paid russians for this report, this dossier, and it has been reported that this dossier was all dressed up by the government taken to the fisa court and became the basis to spy on americans. So i think thats what happened. All the evidence points to that as being what took place. But Christopher Ray can clear this all up. The fbi can clear this all up. The attorney general could clear this all up. If they just clear the application and prove it didnt happen. Pete you mention the attorney general. If Jeff Sessions wont do it. If he wont if the recusing so big that he cant do his job. If he wont and he doesnt know where his recusal starts and stops. That was in front of the judiciary committee. If youre not going to appoint a special council to get the questions from a host of others, then step down. That was a question in an oped that we put out two weeks ago. If theyre not going to make this application public so that the American People can learn. Bank account what took place, maybe. If this actually happened. If you had the government working with one campaign to dress up a fake News National inquire garbage report up to dress it up as intelligence, take it to the fisa court to get a warrant to spy on the other campaign, that should not happen in this country. It looks like it did. And the way to disapprove that is release the application that was taken to the court to secure the warrant in the first place. Pete ultimately, youre doubling down saying if Jeff Sessions has too much recused himself and cant do this and if there is no special another special council to investigate the investigators, then the attorney general needs to step down and bring someone who can actually shine light on it. He needs to appoint a Second Special council. Mueller is inherently compromised on this. So theres you and sessions has recused himself from this. How does it work . The only logical way to get the answers for the American People is to appoint a Second Special council. And, again, if the attorney general isnt going to do it, frankly, i dont think he should be attorney general. Pete strong stuff. And ultimately, we have to get to the bottom of it. Thank you for your time. Appreciate it this morning. All right. Pete back to a fox news alert. Unbelievable images coming out of california as these wildfires intensify, and its about to get a whole lot worse. We are live on the ground. Plus, ford is testing out new Driverless Cars and our own jeff flock, hes risking his life to check it out for us. Jeff. Exclusive access to fords new push into autonomous vehicles. Look at the front seat. It looks like nobodys driving. Well, actually, there is somebody there. Well explain whats going on. Looks like halloween here at ford. Ill tell you why thats not the case. Just a moment. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. And thats wins goat, adi. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. Making the coffee erupt with flavor. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. That erupts with even more flavor. Which helps provide for wins family. And adi the goats family too. Because his kids eat a lot. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Packed with goodness. Ainsley Driverless Cars are coming whether you like it or not. Pete ford will start making them in michigan. Steve but first, they have to test them out and see if they work. And look at this. Jeff flock sitting in what appears to be fords latest selfdriving car. Jeff, do you trust that thing to get you where youre going . Well, heres the deal. You say appears to be, and youre absolutely right, steve. It appears to be a selfdriving car. But if we look more closely, this is actually a seat suit that someone is wearing thats actually cowho is an engineer at ford. Hes behind this suit. Youre in there; right . Yes. I am. Yes, he is. There you go. This is to test peoples reaction. As you point out, these vehicles are coming whether you like it or not. And they want to know how people are reacting. Also, outside the vehicle, theyre testing lights that would, you know, typically you come up to a stop sign like we are right now and you say, well, you know, theres a pedestrians walking across. Maybe you have hand signals or something that indicates whats. So. Well, you dont have that, obviously. That kind of communication with a driverless car, so theyre testing lights outside the vehicle to see how that all works. As you point out, ford making a big push into autonomous vehicles. Jim talking exclusively with us this morning. The president of ford Global Markets about who theyre developing this new vehicle with. We learned so much funny from dominoes. So much of their cost is moving that warm food to customers. And avs can really drop that cost. And so they are developing an allnew vehicle. It will be ground up design to meet the needs of dominoes, lyft, and others. They say this is the future whether we need it or not. Ainsley get work done, send a text message while youre driving. You can make phone calls. Steve is the guy in the seat driving, or are you in a robot car . No. No. Hes driving. If you look, you see his hands down there. But it looks like its halloween. And hes behind there looking out. He can see out this little, you know, glass thing. Ainsley but eventually he wont be there. Pete they want to see how people react to a car. People freak out about this. Come up to a driverless car, and they want to see what the reactions are. Ainsley you should drive up to a drive through and see what the lady says. Try to run that lady over. Can you drive that lady over . No, hes not going to do it. He wont play along. Steve jeff flock live in dearborn. We thank you very much. Ainsley if you drive that thing in new york, no one will even notice. No one looks up. Steve a little peak at the future. Meanwhile, a peak at the headlines. Good morning to you. Lets begin with this story. Congressmans al greens attempt to impeach President Trump failing miserably. Donald john trump by causing such harm to the society of the United States is unfit to be president and warrant impeachment. The House Democrats article of impeachment did not allege President Trump committed any crime. Instead, argued that he is a disgrace to the presidency, but it failed in a 364268 vote. Top democrats including nancy pelosi tried to stop green saying now is not the time. Days after an illegal immigrant found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. That juror now reveals that the fact that the killer had been deported five times was virtually ignored. The crime was specified by the prosecutor in this case that was specifying by brandishing i have a weapon. In the trial in the closing arguments, that was the first term we heard the word brandishing during this fiveweek trial. There was no evidence that the man did that. It was a nonstarter for the charge. No, maam. Controversial decision, the california jury acquitted jose garcia of murder and manslaughter. Instead, the shooting in the sanctuary city of San Francisco painted as an accident. Now faces federal weapons charges. Take a look at this video. A road rage incident turns violent when two men start firing at each other in the middle of the day. A news crew in houston happened to be there and captured the frightening moment stemming from a fender bender. A bystander was graced by a bullet. One was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest. This is so important. We have critical christmas moods. News breaking right now. Zippy the elf is back. A new community is happy to report its beloved lifesize elf on the shelf has returned. That the mysteriously vanished from the town earlier this week. Now its still unclear whether or not the grinch was involved. But zippy just reappeared on someones doorstep safe and sound. Zippy has been a staple in the community for years. So rest assured, kids, zippy is back. Ainsley thank you so much. Steve thats good news. Meanwhile, whats going on over here. Janice dean has the fox cast for Southern California and not good for the wind. Not good, actually. Today could be the worst day for them and the santa ana winds with wind gusts in excess of 50, 75 Miles Per Hour. Santa ana winds here. No relief in sight. But we will get a little bit of relaxing of the winds for the weekend. But no rain in the forecast for this next seven to ten days. The other big story. Okay . I just want to mention this. Snow from texas up toward the southeast. If this forecast verifies, this is going to be quite an event for southern louisiana, mississippi, alabama into georgia. Okay . Were going to be watching that tomorrow into the weekend. Before you go, we have a big reveal here. Pen tone has come up with the color of the year, everyone. Brian the color of 2017 or 2018 . I have the honor in this box never has been seen before. Ainsley explain quickly what they determine, like, how decorators theres always the color of the year on the runway that fashion houses. That you can put on your walls. Are you ready, ladies and gentlemen . Ainsley oh, my gosh. What is it this year . The color. Ultra violate. Thank you, pantone. Pete is that like purple . Steve in a cup, thats the color. Its better than purple. Pete you know what . This is for 2018; right . My vikings are 102, the super bowl is in 2018, and this is their color. Youre telling me something. The color of the minnesota vikings. Thank you, pantone for the color of the year. Ainsley is that an amethyst . Im not sure. Steve did they put an eggplant in there . No. That was a few years ago. Look at that. I do weather and color. Steve the color of the future. Thank you. Meanwhile, have you heard what nancy pelosi think so of the president s tax cut plan . This is armageddon, assault, the health and wellbeing of americas seniors. Kill the bill. Kill the bill. Kill the bill. Steve but bob massie says its her fault we even need this plan. He joins us live next. Ainsley plus, all week weve been highlighting veterans who talk their calls of Service Beyond the battlefield giving back to our country by starting their own businesses. That army captain right there is about to show us his patriotic lifestyle brand. Patrick woke up with a sore back. But hes got work to do. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Check this sundays paper for extra savings on products from aleve. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. This officer is overcome with the heat. Steve indeed, he is. A live look at the out of control wildfires carving a path of destruction through Southern California. It looks like hell on earth. Pete is sure does. Apocalyptic scenes playing out in one of los angeles most exclusive neighborhoods. No one being spared here. The flames spreading by the minute. But the worse they say may be yet to come. Jonathan is live on the ground from ventura. Good morning, jonathan. Good morning, pete and steve. Thousands of firefighters across Southern California battling today to prevent more of this. We got a rare chance overnight to join some of those firefighters on the front lines. Heres what it looked like. Were in the hills above santa paula in Ventura County here and what firefighters are doing is try to prevent the flames of the burning here from jumping these roads, so theyve been setting backfires. The intensity of the flame quite extraordinary at this point. And you can see the firefighters all backing off now away from it. This is an intense firefight. It is likely to go on for at least another 24 hours. And that is part of the fire which has so far scorched Something Like 90,000 acres in Ventura County and destroyed more than 150 homes. Another dramatic and frightening fire took place in the heart of l. A. In the last 24 hours in the exclusive bel air neighborhood. Four homes destroyed there among many multimilliondollar homes. And the fear today, pete and steve, is that the santa ana winds, the warm winds that these flames are going to get stronger and stronger and the words of one fire chief make firefighting almost impossible. Pete and steve. Steve thank you very much. Meanwhile, lets go live to vegas. Ainsley thank you so much, guys. It is time now for the massie memo. Republicans are racing to pass the tax reform. The property man bob massie with the massie memo today. So, bob, why is it the democrats are rejecting this new tax plan and all the benefits that come with this . Ainsley, since the day that President Trump was elected and sworn in, what they do is they instill fear in people. Thats what this is all about. Pelosi comes out and wants to instill fear in the Senior Citizen that this is going to be armageddon. Its going to be the end of medicare, end of social security, and this is going to be their platform for the 2018 midterm elections. Theyre setting the base now saying look at what theyve done. All are going to be gone. Youre not going to be able to get medicare. Social security is going to be slashed. Thats what they do because thats all they have. Ainsley so, bob, why do you think that the gop tax bill is exactly what our country, what America Needs right now . You know what, ainsley . You travel all over the country. Steve and all the other guys do, and its, like, look. There is an attitude right now that theres an opportunity for growth. We didnt have that for many years. When i heard schumer the other day talk about the 1 trillion that hes speaking about for this tax reform. Im thinking wait a second. Am i wrong or did you increase it 10 trillion in eight years . We need it because people have felt oppressed. Businesses have felt oppressed. Theres a positive attitude. Thats why you see the market through the roof. Thats why you see growth. Thats why we need is it perfect . Absolutely not. Is it better than what we have . Absolutely yes. Ainsley so why is it good for our economy . Well, because its going to grow. Look, the democrats say all the rich people, theyre going to get a break in taxes and so whats going to happen is theyre just going to theyre going to spend our money and grow their businesses. First of all, thats just not a true statement. Some will grow their business. By the way, some will spend. What does that mean . Theyll invest in their 401 k s, theyll buy vehicles, theyll buy second homes, theyll buy property, theyll do things that grows the economy. People that are successful arent successful because they squander their money. Theyre successful because they grow. Look at the companies in our country that grow. More money comes in, Smart Business people invest it in economy and employment and growth. Thats what youre going to see, and then what are they going to say . Ainsley and that is the massie memo. Thank you so much, bob. You can catch him on Fox Business Network friday night at 8 30 p. M. Well, they answered the call. Thanks, bob. They answered our call to serve on the battlefield and now theyre giving back to Small Businesses that man right there showing it on his sleeve. Literally. His patriotic lifestyle plan coming up next. But first, were going to check in with bill hemmer at the top of the hour. Good morning. Were about to see the fbi director appear before the house committee. This could get interesting. Tray gowdy live on what to watch for this morning today. And what will al franken do . And theres more news on the tax that could affect every one of you. Senator john addresses that live. Hope to see you in ten minutes when sandra and i join you at the top of the hour nahelps protect eyesin blue from damaging blue light, filtering it out to help you continue enjoying your screens. Or. You could just put your phones down and talk to each other. [laughing] natures bounty lutein blue. Because youre better off healthy. Pete all week weve been introducing you to veterans who took their call to Service Beyond the battlefield. Giving back to the country they risked their lives for by starting their own businesses. Steve today, we introduce you to the patriotic lifestyle brand nine line apparel that joins us right now owner and cofounder former apache Fighter Pilot captain tyler. Ainsley thank you. Steve where did this idea come from . So the name itself, youve been in the military before. Nine line is the distress call. Its my job to come in whether or not under fire to get people who have been injured. Now, the wounds aside and they return home, theres still a need for care and need to highlight a lot of the issues that plague not only our military members but first responders. And thats indicative of who we are and what we represent. Pete and you have folks with you this morning. Interesting folks. Some very interesting folks. Steve lets start with the first guy right here. Former top cop in new york city. What is he marge . So hes actually turned male model. And bernie reached out to us a little while ago about doing an initiative to give back to the nypd. I was fortunate to partner up with him. Ainsley bernie, im going to give you this microphone. Tell us why youre wearing these clothes and what is interesting to you about this company. I cant talk today. Tyler and his family and the people at nine line are giving back to the military, theyre giving to first responders. Two years ago, i went to him. I wanted to celebrate the 15th anniversary of 9 11. He put together a shirt. I think they raised last year alone i think 300,000 that was given to charity. Theyre constantly providing to charities in the name of nine line. Theres not a better product out there and a Better Family thats doing it. Steve great endorsement. Right behind you is lauren young. Captain, whats lauren wearing . Lauren is wearing our recentlyannounced partnership, so the government contract for pistols. And we partner with them. And then lauren herself was a military police enlisted soldier. Ainsley where . Nevada in the national guard. I was in the 485th military Police Company and was there for eight years deployed to afghanistan in 2011, 2012, and, yeah. Ainsley thank you for your service. Thank you. Steve and next to you is bobby hill. We just heard your boyfriend. Whats bobby wearing . Bobby is wearing our new jacket line as well as American Made only 100 cotton American Made undergarment thats approved for dod. Pete oh, yeah. You can wear this under your uniform. Ainsley now, bobby, did you serve as well . Yes, maam. Im still serving. Ainsley youre still serving. What are you doing . Im an infantry officer right now. I just finished up Company Command at fort stewart. Served with 82nd airborne and deployed with them in 2012. Steve captain, in addition to the tshirts, you have a wide range of things. Heres a shot glass with a bullet in it and a flask as well. If people would like more information about your company, whats your website . Its actually printed right in front. Its ninelineapparel. Com. And we have a special promo. 25 off everything in the store just is for one minute showing our appreciation for being on here. Ainsley and continuing to give back. Steve merry christmas. Ainsley forefox and friends straight ahead shostakovich playing from our family to yours. May all your wishes come true this holiday season. This s electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. Thats me this is something he is researching at exxonmobil using fuel cells to capture Carbon Emissions at power plants. This is the potential. Reducing co2 emissions by up to 90 . While also producing more power. This could be big. Energy lives here. Bill people take questions amid escalating accusations about the agencys integrity. It could get hot. Im bill hemmer, a lot on the line here live inside of americas newsroom. Good morning at home. Sandra, good morning. Sandra im sandra myth. New revelations in the russia investigation. The Justice Department is pouring over 10,000 Text Messages between f. B. I. Agent peter strzok, the man pulled from the mueller teams investigation, and his mistress. Congressman trey gowdy says this kind of problem does not reflect well on the agency

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