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Congressman conyers should resign. Connell years is an icon four country. Matt lauer demanding a payday despite being fired over Sexual Misconduct allegations. 3, 2, 1. Brian right to a fox news alert now. In case you went to bed, i have some news and most likely be very disturbing to you this morning. An illegal immigrant found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. Steve a San Francisco jury clearing jose of murder and manslaughter in the sanctuary city of San Francisco. Ainsley william la jeunesse live with details on the verdict thats shocking our country. William . Remember, virtually all the information that made this case so infamous that angered so Many Americans the jury never heard that he was illegal immigrant, seven time felon. Deported five times and the only reason he was on the pier that day is because the city of San Francisco chose as a sanctuary city chose to protect him from deportation. He was cleared of first and Second Degree murder. He was let off on manslaughter as well. The definition had argued that he had found this gun wrapped in a towel and picked it up and the weapon accidently fired no. Intent, no motive. The physical evidence has always supported the finding that this was an accidental occurrence. And i think the jury came to that conclusion. Now, prosecutor sai zarate admitted to firing the gun and threw it. The jurors expected the gun last night. They felt the trigger themselves and rendered their verdict. The steinle family said they are shocked and saddened by the verdict. The ice director tom holden released this statement it is unconscionable that politicians across this country continue to endanger the lives of measures with sanctuary policies while ignoring the harm inflicted on their constituents. The jury did find him guilty of a felony possession of a gun as a felon. He would likely get a two year sentence. He may get time served and ice said he will be deported. Back to you. Steve hey, william. Just to be clear. The jury was never told he was in the country illegally and were not told that he was a 7time felon . Thats correct. That information was not presented to the jury. He was just another guy who found this gun under the bench and it accidentally fired there was a lot of talk about the trigger pull of this particular weapon. That it may have been altered if you will. As you know it had belonged to a federal agent. At this point in time thats what the jury said. One of the jurors said last night he is not yesterday arready to speaknow maybe we wim him. Ainsley when we heard from the family two years ago. We were told that the gun went off. The guy fired the gun three times is that the case . How could that be an accident . What they are saying because it ricocheted, the bullet that stuck kate ricocheted about went 12 feet and hit the cement and then went up again and hit her. So that is why the defense argued listen, it was no intent here that it just went off. Ainsley one shot, not three. Steve william, thank you very much. Also remember in the very beginning, he perfectly what the jury found out during the course of the trial, was in the beginning, this illegal said yeah, i had the begin. And i was trying to kill the seals. So that explains. He was trying to kill the seals but then the defense was so effective in saying, look, it wasnt his gun. He didnt take it there it ricocheted and she is dead. Its terrible. Brian meanwhile, Michelle Malkin was on our prime time last night. Listen. This really is, i think, al damning indictment of socalled San Francisco values. Where is nancy pelosi tonight . Where has she been for the last 25 years . This is her city. And it is her open border policies that have haunted so many innocent people and innocent lives in San Francisco. And it is the conversion of america into a sanctuary nation instead of a sovereign nation that has endangered us and one of the primary reasons that President Trump was elected in the first place. When will this city and county sheriff in San Francisco and that mayor and the governor ever be held accountable for the deaths as the result of bloody open borders . Brian Deputy Director tom homan says in this entire tragedy could have been prevented if San Francisco turned the alien over to ice instead of releasing him back into the streets. Its unconscionable that politicians across the country continue to endanger the lives with sanctuary policies. Ainsley many are saying sanctuary city is what killed kate steinle. This guy had seven felons, deported five times, protecting him over this innocent, young lady who had her whole life ahead of her. There she is. 32 years old when she died. She sold pacemakers which means she saved lives in the operating room. She was in love with a young lawyer at the time of her death and she was planning on marrying him. Steve so the public defender made the case that it wasnt his gun, went off disengeghtsly even though we had heard another story from him personally. And then as soon as the verdict was read, Matt Gonzalez, who was his lawyer, and he went out to the cameras, and he essentially politicized the verdict. And took a shot at the president of the United States. For those who might criticize this verdict, there are a number of people that have commented on this case in the last couple of years, the attorney general of the United States, the president , the Vice President of the United States, let me just remind them that they are themselves under investigation by special prosecutor in washington, d. C. And they may, themselves soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence and beyond a reasonable doubt standard. And i would ask them to reflect upon that before they comment or disparage the results in this case. Brian okay plato, thanks for the great advice. The president and Vice President are not under investigation. Thrrl is investigation russian effect on our election. Also important to point out the president was relatively measurabled compared to what i thought he was going to be. He has always talked about this distinctively and artfully. He said a distasteful verdict in the kate steinle case. No wonder the people of our country are so angry with illegal immigration. Steve he tweeted that last night. Just two minutes ago he tweeted. This the Kate Steinle Killer came back and back over the weekly protected obama border, always committing crimes and being violent. And, yet, this service was not used in court. His exoneration is a complete travesty of justice. Build the wall. Ainsley well, he was up, first degree murder. Not guilty. Second degree murder not guilty. Involuntary manslaughter meaning he didnt mean to do it not guilty. Assault with a semiautomatic weapon not guilty. The only thing he was found guilty of possess ago firearm by a felon. Which means it seems like to me they would know he is a felon if they convicted of him of possess ago firearm by a felon. Steve whats interesting is i was reading one of the San Francisco papers this morning, they essentially said that San Francisco may have violated their own law because apparently in 1992 they put in an amendment that excludes protections for illegals who are in this country without papers who have mitted a felony. So this guy should not have wound up having the sheriff allow him to skate after he was released on pa thought charge. Brian he might be deported and he could get up to three years, still. Steve and the doj is going to investigate, it sounds like. Brian Kellyanne Conway is going to be with us at 8 00 talking about this as well as the latest drama with tax reform. Ainsley now, back in 2015, she died on july 1st. We got to sit down with the family to talk to them and find out how they were feeling about everything that had gone down or happened to their daughter. This was three weeks after their daughter was killed. What did she i know what she said to you what did you say to her during those moments . Just hang in there, kate, keep breathing. I cradled her head. There wasnt much to do. I just kept talking to her. And listened to her breathe. And she was, you know, breathing fairly normally. And when she didnt, then i would start mouth to mouth. But it was just a horrific day. Ainsley is there any peace that you can find knowing you were with her when she took her last breath. Absolutely. Absolutely. Im glad i was there. You know, it could have been a car wreck. It could have been somewhere else. Ainsley listening to sanchez talk about how he found this gun wrapped up in a tshirt and he accidently shot three times and then you look at his rap sheet, whats your message for him today . What was your reaction to what he said . We had no reaction to him whatsoever. Our face and no rooour faith is. I dont know if its that strong as of yet. Faith is a work in process. And progress. Not going to forgive him as of yet, no. Ainsley thats kates dad joan next to her. Mom elizabeth and brother in the back sitting next to his wife. I was pregnant with my little girl at the time. I was thinking what a parents reaction would be if i was in that reaction. Kates brother was pregnant with a little girl. I asked them what are they going to name the child are they going to name her kate . They said they would Catherine Reese catherine. Steve they were down in washington to help push for kate steinle legislation. Kates law was eventually passed by the u. S. House. It is now waiting for the u. S. To take it up. Ainsley that says any illegal alien convicted of a felon who comes back into our country after being deported would serve five years the first time federal prison. No no ifs ands and butts if second they would serve 10 years. Brian jillian. Jillian tough news for a lot of people this morning. We do have more news to get to. Lets start with this story. President trumps landmark tax bill could face a final vote today. Senate republicans working around the clock to holdouts. Steve danes joined us earlier with why he is now voting yes. The outcome here is going to be able for american businesses to win, creates more jobs it will raise wages so this tax plan is going to put more dollars directly in the pockets of hard working americans through lower taxes, its going to increase wages. Jillian the president wants to sign the final tax bill by christmas. Disgraced math laura wants nbc to pay out the remainder of his contract after they fired him over Sexual Misconducted allegations. These daily mail. Com photos showing laura for the First Time Since the scandal broke leaving his home in the hamptons to meet with his lawyer. He could have as many as 8 victims. He has apologized saying some of what has been said is true. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas in the capital. President trump lighting the National Christmas tree. 2, 1. [cheers and applause] jillian jill the president s extended family also joining in the moment. That time of season. Steve today is december 1st. Ainsley it is. Advent calendars. And wreaths. The calendars you pull back the door every single day and chocolate is behind it you start it today. Steve yahoo. Thank you very much for joining us on this friday. Coming up more reaction to the shocking verld of Kate Steinles killer cleared of her murder. Our next guest her son was killed by an illegal. 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Steve a fox news alert. Shocking acquittal of illegal immigrant in the murder of kate steinle 18yearold son joshua was murdered by an illegal in 2010. Laura wilkerson joins us now with her reaction to the verdict that we found out last night or yesterday appear laura, what was your reaction . Laura, can you hear me . I can. Steve can you hear us now, laura . We are having audio problem. We will take a quick time out and fix that and you will hear from her in just a moment. With advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . In the water, in the water ayou ready for this . Anshe doesnt like it. Is. You gotta get in there okay, okay careful not to get it in her eyes i know what a bath is. Smile honey this thing is like. First kid here we go second kid you coming in mommy . 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Brian did you think you got justice because you were in texas and not in San Francisco . Im sure it helped to be in texas. Kate stein would be alive today had they honored the detainer put on him. There is no question about it. Had nancy pelosi tell me that all of her illegals in her area were lawabiding citizen which is a flat lie. You know, they are not citizens to begin with, let alone law abiding. Steve sure. Of course thats what the sanctuary cities. But then again he should not have been in this country at all. But, during the last administration, in particular, we saw a relaxation of a lot of the border protection. Thats exactly right. He shunned have been here. Whats he going to get now time served and then get deported . Wow. I dont think thats deterred in the first five times. He will be right back. Its ridiculous. Ainsley he knows how to do it, laura. Exactly. It doesnt seem to be too hard for him to do it five times. It just amazes me. You know, im kind of sick of hearing about the wall is going to be built. Were going to stop the funding for sanctuary cities. Sent them a letter for stops the funding. Do it today. How many more american citizens have to die. You know, and there will be some today whether you hear about them or not. Its absurd and my heart is just broken for our country and for the steinle family. Brian your son dies brutally at the hands of illegal immigrant. What was it like to go through a trial for a family member. What do the steinles go through. That trial is devastating to sit through. You hear, you know, so many things that you didnt know. Its basically their case until you sit there and listen to it i never heard the word torture and stuff before i sat through trial. It absolutely takes everything youve got to do it. And then when you go home, youre absolutely it was the loneliest time in our familys life. That was with the killer convicted. I cant remember what they feel like today. Its like somebody punched them again in the stomach. Its our government and our judicial system that did it. I cant imagine. Steve laura, what do you make of right after the verdict was read at that courtroom in San Francisco the public defender Matt Gonzalez who acted as this mans defense attorney came out and took a shot at the president of the United States . Yeah, i think that was absurd. I swore i wanted to hit him, actually. It is absurd. I think thats his 10 minutes of fame. Why didnt he have the dignity to come out and say you know what . Nobody wins today. Everybody loses. This guy is a killer. And the kate steinle family will forever be changed because they lost their daughter. Decency at best to. Make it political just means he needed 10 minutes of fame. I dont have my stomach is just sick about him. Ainsley laura i know you were with the president on the campaign that trail and other angel parents are. What happened to his killer . Joshua was giving a kid ride how many from school. The kid murdered him for his truck, we believe, to sell or scrap for money. What he did was beat josh in the head with a closet rod until it broke in four pieces. He kicked him so hard in the stomach that his spleen was sliced in two. It was painful. It was torture for the medical examiner. He strangled him and let him go. Strangled over and over again until he watched him die. The kid said this from the stand he watched him die and then they took him and put him in joshuas truck. Drove around and bought gas. Laid him in a field and set him on fire. He did get life sentence in texas. That means 30 years before he is up for parole. It just was the seventh year so he has 23 years to go before he is up for parole. What about the deportation . I hope to be alive and standing there to make sure he is deported but we have some families that are covering up here shortly, you know, their kids killers are getting out. For them its devastating to get out and come right back. In. Ainsley how do you go on like Something Like this happens to your child . God. Jesus is the only way i have been able to make it i dont know how people who dont have jesus in their life get through it i heard your thing about Kate Steinles father saying it was his faith. I will tell you what, i could not have survived without him. And nothing is bringing josh back but its taken seven years to process it and get your head around it there is no other way. Jesus carried me through the whole thing. Steve it is such a terrible story. Laura, you know that kates law did pass the u. S. House. They are just waiting for them to act on it in the u. S. Senate. And then obviously the president of the United States would sign it but for any senators watching right now, democrats, republicans, whats your message . Why should they pass kates law . Because, i mean, think about if it happened to your kid . If it happened to your kid, you can tear up. The next five minutes you can channel the change of your grief and go on with your day. This is something that lives with us forever and ever and ever. Our lives are not the same on this earth. Its just absolutely they dont understand the pain. They want to look away and not face it. It was an accident. Who cares . This is a violent felon who had been deported, accident or not, i dont think that im going to leave here today and oh i found a gun under the bench and just took a practice shot and killed somebody and get off with it its absurd. Ainsley the law certainly let them down. It was preventable. It is. Steve thank you for telling your story and your reaction this morning. Ainsley god bless you, laura. Thank you. Ainsley coming up next dan bonginos reaction to Kate Steinles verdict. Steve i think you can imagine what that is. What does the republican tax plan mean for you . Some big changes, it sounds like, overnight. And that is next. 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Senate republicans working around the clock to win over all the holdouts on capitol hill. Meanwhile from the beginning democrats raise concerns about the republican tax cut bill. The g. O. P. Tax scam raises taxes on 82 million middle class families. Eliminates the state and local Tax Deduction and blows a hole in the state and local budgets across america. Unravel the aca, the sneaky aca reform repeal. And with all of that, increases the National Debt by over 2 trillion. Ainsley are these concerns justified or just democratic hyperbole. Brian here to debunk all of this, perhaps is myth buster herself tax attorney and former Legal Advisor to the chief counsel irs rosemary becky. Good morning. Good morning. Thank you for having me. Brian first off, we hear about the deficit and add a trillion dollars to the deficit. Thats just completely false. There is so much in this bill that will generate an Economic Growth. And that Economic Growth will put us on a path to fiscal responsibility. There is a lot to be in this bill for everybody. Steve to chew on and thats why we are looking at it. We heard from nancy pelosi. She called it a scam. What about the fact that so many democrats, rose mary have said its going to be a tax hike on the middle class . Thats just not true. This bill will give benefits to both the low middle and high income earners, it provides tax cuts straight across the board. Ainsley she also said healthcare tax hike. Is that going to happen . No. Not at all. What the bill includes is the repeal of the mandate and if you recall, the mandate is simply a penalty for not purchasing healthcare. All it does is eliminate that penalty. Thats not a tax. Saves people money if they dont want to do it . Exactly. Brian proportionally it hurts people make 50,000 and less. They have to make the decision do i have to pay the fine or i do actually buy a plan . Which sadly the obamacare plans are not what they promised. The high premiums, high deductibles. Therefore, these people are in a conundrum. This would help them. Thats absolutely correct. Moving on to what i said before about the deficit. It would add a trillion dollars to the deficit if you dont factor in the fact that the economy is supposed to grow. Bringing in additional revenue called dynamic scoring. If you feel as though the economy is going to stay the same, it would blow a hole. If you are betting it is going to grow, it would actually reduce the deficit. Right. Thats right. This bill will put more money in to the pockets of both americans, as well as businesses. And people will reinvest that money. As a result of that reinvestment, we have Economic Growth. And Economic Growth will generate more taxes. Ainsley what about the wealthy . When the president was running he said im going to decrease taxes for everybody. He said in a press conference yesterday or the day before that he said im going to pay the penalty. Im going to pay more in taxes because im one of the wealthy. Right. Most americans, most wealthy americans pay the most taxes in this country. Ainsley thats the way it is now, right . Exactly thats the way it is. So, as a result these tax cuts will disproportionately help you were income taxpayers. Steve umhuh. Thats just the reality. But, what this tax cut does cuts at all levels, high earners middle and low income taxpayers as well. Steve it hit a logjam last night. They are trying to work out the details. Brian steve, just to expand on that because of the trigger mechanism, right and parliamentary a procedure move. You are not allow to trigger in automatic tax increases if the deficit if the deficit begins to grow, corker and company want and flake wanted to add a provision in that would up the taxes on people. Steve parliamentarian said you cant do that in this kind of bill. The problem is because the nonpolitical scoring committee that came back with a number yesterday. Brian parliamentarian . Steve no, the score keeper said it would add a trillion dollars over 10 years to the deficit. So bob corker said well, i cant go along with that what theyre talking about doing is making the cut smaller. And so its going to start at 20 for corporations but slowly go up. A bunch of republicans are going wait a minute. Brian wall street wont like that. Steve wall street journal doesnt like it this morning. We will sees a they take up a vote later today. Rosemary, once again, thank you very much. Ainsley thank you. Steve meanwhile, 24 minutes before the top of the hour. Ainsley hand it over to jillian. Jillian hey, guys. Good morning. Good morning to you at home as well. Get you caught up on headlines. The houses top democrat nancy pelosi putting more pressure on john conyers to bow out. The congressmans lawyer is firing back saying thats not her call. That is not up to nancy pelosi athens pelosi did not elect the congressman. And she sure as hell wont be the one to tell the congressman to leave. Ainsley the embattled democrat is now hospitalized for a stressrelated illness as calls for his resignation grow. The 88yearold and longest serving member of congress is accused of harassing female staffers and settling a lawsuit with taxpayer money. Stepping up to fix the American Airlines glitch that could have caused complete chaos this Holiday Season. The company says only a few hundred flights remain under staffed a much smaller number than the 15,000 trips originalfully jeopardy. A computer glitch let pilots take vacation at the same time creating a massive scheduling problem at the end of december. Pilots now aware of the issue signing up to captain those flights. The fight not having played all season long Collin Kaepernicks kneeling protest have earned him yet another honor. Sports illustrated giving him the mohammed alli leg georgias award. The protest he started still underway in the nfl. All players standing for the National Anthem for thursday night football. David irving raising his fist at the end. The cowboys dominating the Washington Redskins for a 3814 win. Have you ever bee hangry thats when you are so hungry you become hangry. You are a little hangry, claire. Im not hungry. Hungry and angry you are hangry, claire. New yorkers are the hannest people in america. Foods sparking bad moods. California and florida wind out the top three. Wisconsin, delaware and least. Steve now we know wisconsin the dairy state not hangry at all. Ainsley i wonder why new york is the hangryest . Brian one one out of every five people have to leave. Streets are too crowded and subways. Steve go outside and tell people they have to leave. Brian 1, 2, 3, 4, go. 1, 2, 3, 4, go. Ainsley all three of us are very hangry this morning. A fox news alert. Shock across our country after the illegal immigrant accused of killing that young lady right there kate steinle is found not guilty of her murder. How could that happen many are asking . Dan bongino joins us live to react next. Steve bias against conservatives in the classroom. A daughter spotted a big problem with one of her assignments, her mother says its indoctrinating kids straight into liberalism. Thats what the monday says. Shes going to join us next we dont need no thought control i no longer live with the uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. Ainsley we are back with a fox news alert. The nation left in shock verdict kate steinle case illegal immigrant deported five times found not guilty for murder or even manslaughter in San Francisco, which is, as you know, a sanctuary city. Steve lets bring in dan bongino, former secret Service Agent and officer and host of the dan bo bongino show he joins us from florida. Dan, if San Francisco were not a sanctuary city, and if he would have been deported and stayed in his home country wouldnt she be alive today. Steve, there is absolutely no doubt about that the lawyer said what about the rights of immigrants. Vindication of rights of immigrants the defense attorney. I thought to myself with this case what about our rights, steve . What about the rights of an american citizen like kate steinle to walk down a pier in San Francisco and not have her aorta severed by a. 40 caliber round from a stolen United States government agents gun why a guy who fled from the scene afterwards and threw the gun in the bay. What about our rights . You know its widely reported that her last words were help me, dad. Guys, listen think about that. Paint that picture in your head what that looked like. What about our rights . Do we matter anymore . Is this all politics and justin been thrown out the window. This is a travesty this case, a disgrace. Every american better perk up and listen to what happened last night. Ainsley what about a sixth deportation. Do you think that will make this guy clean up his act . This isnt like a rumor about cats and their nine lives. If five didnt matter, would six matter . Would nine matter . Would 22 matter . No. Yes we do have to deport people here illegally. Point stipulated. The only way to do that is to build a wall and create obstacle to keep penal who should not be in the country. We have walls in our house. They incentivize them to come through the front door and not climb through the window. It is certainly going to put an obstacle in front of some people who said you know what . Laws, rules, regulations dont matter to me. They are going to matter to you. If they dont we will put that wall as an obstacle in front of you. Brian think about what Kate Steinles death has done. Argue one of the key moments when President Trump decided to make this his case and act emotionally and distinctively and talk about her emblematic what happens Illegal Immigrants in our country. It propelled him to the white house. Whats going to do make the case to build the wall because of this horrible decision . Its going to help it. What else is going to get hurt . Daca. There is a different feeling in this country because of that abhorrent verdict. Well, brian, there should be a different feeling here. Any republican watching this program now, who is even thinking about sliding amnesty into any kind of a spending bill right now, let me tell you something, you pert rethink that decision and rethink it quick. This is the kind of decision that wakes up every american out there got to start realize amnesty is not about immigration its law breaking. My mother and wife and great grand parents. We have also been a welcoming company. You are not welcome to walk in the back door, sneak, in use a stolen firearm, it goes off and 32yearold woman dies in her fathers arms, no, no, no. Thats not what we are about in a free constitutional republic. Im sorry. Seriously if you are a republican now thinking about that can you expect a lot of calls flooding into your office objecting to your really dopey decision. Steve we have a spokesperson for the department of justice with us a little later on. She is going to talk to us about the possibility that the doj does file additional charges against this guy. But, dan, we want to shift to taxes because it looked like taxes were going to be taken up and voted for last night in the u. S. Senate. Then a nonpartisan scoring organization said it would probably add over 10 years 10 trillion to the debt you have bob corker and jeff flake and senator johnson where they go wait a minute we cant be on board with that. We have to chop 25 of it off. Its going to be a smaller tax cut for a lot of people just to make these three happy. I dont know what these guys are thinking. These scoring mechanisms, steve, are always wrong. Let me just pose a simple question to american liberals out there because i know they watch the show. Okay . Tell me a big federal income tax cut in American History that has led to a decrease in government revenue . We are all waiting. You are not going to be able to find it because it hasnt happened. Doubled. Throw these stupid scoring mechanisms out the window and rely on what happened in the past. Thats usually a good indicators of what is going to happen in the future. I dont know what corker and them are thinking on this. Lets get this tax cut through. Put the money back in american wallets. Not in the cesspool of waste called the federal government right now. Its going to flush it down the toilet bowl. Brian find a way with the parliamentarian approving. If you want to have an automatic trigger. Make automatic trigger cuts to programs and spending. They do it with sequester. They did it with all these with what happened to the Defense Department over the last few years. Why cant it go across the board spending cuts . And, brian, thats a great points. I heard you bring up the dynamic scoring before. You want a trigger . I have a trigger for you. I will tell you what, if this stacks cut brings in more money like it did under Ronald Reagan and george w. Bush and Calvin Coolidge if it brings in more money can we get more of a refund . Put a reverse trigger and then i know you stand for something. Brian remember president bush gave us 250 back. In. Ainsley remember getting that check in the mail. Its our money. Brian i got ainsleys. Steve dan bongino, thank you for joining us on this ferrari busy friday in florida. Brian meanwhile, straight ahead. We have much more to come. Explosive new revelations about the explosive tarmac media between Loretta Lynch and bill clinton. Did she bring her plane to her or did he bring his plane to her. Ainsley the moral of the story they both have planes. Bias against conservatives in the classroom it is a homework assignment that one mother calls indoctrinating kids straight into liberalism. She is live with us next. Keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Lets get the big guy in place. The ford year end sales event is here. I can guide you in. No, thanks , santa. I got this. Santa uh, it looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. For a limited time, get an additional 1,000 cash back on top of 0 financing for 72 months. Get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. Gllgt mother of a seventh grader is outraged after she says her daughter got assignment how school favors the left. Here is what that assignment said. Kevin is opt mist, a liberal and believes government can help people help themselves while amos is pessimistic, a conservative and believes Government Support makes people lazy. The concerned parent, her name is Sally Phillips and she joins us now with more. Thanks for joining us, sally. Thank you. So this school district, you live in charlotte, north korea. North carolina. Your daughter goes to caramel middle school your daughter comes home and says what to you. She says mom and dad we had an assignment today i want to bring to your attention. It made me feel really bad. And i want you to see this. Ainsley wow. And we read it and we were both shocked at what we read. Ainsley why were you shocked . We were shocked because of our conservative belief it portrayed conservatives as negative and if it was reversed and the liberal was, you know, viewed as a negative pessimist, then im sure it would be on every news outlet in the School System. Ainsley did you talk to the teacher about it . We have a meeting today with the principal and the teacher. Ainsley what was the reaction . How did you get the meeting when you called the school . What did they say . I emailed the principal and he emailed right back and we do have the appointment today at 1 00. Ainsley we did get a statement from the school it says this content was not approved by charlotte mecklenburgberg schools for inclusion in the curriculum nor Teaching Resources and has been removed from use. So why did you decide to speak out because a lot of parents would think i dont want to say anything. I dont agree. I dont want to say anything because i dont want retaliation against my child. Why did you decide it was important for you to come on fox this morning . I think its important to speak out when you become aware of the content of the curriculum at your school like this. We are outraged. We cannot believe that this is a Critical Thinking assignment its really not Critical Thinking its insidious indoctrination of our child. Im speaking out in hopes that other parents will speak out when they see things like this. I think that people are afraid to. And we need to empower them to bring awareness and i want to know how long has this been going on in the School System . And is it in the sixth grade . Is it in the eighth grade . Is it in other curriculum . Ainsley how do you feel about your daughter . Im sure you are proud of her. Im so proud of her. Because i know that she was felt so bad when she was. Ainsley very bold. Yes. Ainsley thank you so much sally for joining us this morning. Thank you for having me. This is a huge issue. Ainsley yes, it. Believe me. Ainsley thank you for bringing it to our attention. More fox friends coming up. Thank you. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . What if we could keep more amof what we earn . D. Trillions of dollars going back to taxpayers. Who could possibly be against that . Well, the National Debt is 20 trillion. As we keep adding to it, guess who pays the bill . Him. And her. And her. Congress, we should grow the economy. Not the debt. Apes 80s verdict shocking our country. Brian illegal immigrant found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. I was sickened by the verdict it seems like such a travesty and mockery of the Justice System. His attorney said its a message to President Trump. He tweet add response to the verdict, quote a disgraceful verdict in the kate steinle case. If this doesnt change the debate, nothing will. President trumps landmark tax bill could face a final vote today. I believe we are going to get it done. That news sent stocks surging on the tax cuts hopes. The dow crossed the 24,000 mark for the first time. Congressman conyers should resign. John conyers is an icon in our country. Matt laura demanding a payday despite being fired over Sexual Misconduct allegations. 3, 2, 1. [cheers] [joy to the world] steve it is friday, december 1st, and this is a fox news alert. An illegal alien is found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. Ainsley a jury clearing zarate of murder and manslaughter in the San Francisco city of San Francisco. The doj considering bringing federal charges against him. Brian william la jeunesse making sense of it all what happened with the verdict and why. William . Start with development from the doj moments ago. What it means is this is that zarate wont immediately be deported but charged with felony reentry because of his previous convictions he could get a 10year sentence in front of an immigration judge. Not a San Francisco jury. But, lets go to last nights verdict right now. This is the third time the steinle family has been let down by the Justice System again. One when the feds sent him 20 San Francisco on a minor charge. The city doesnt prosecute. Secondly when San Francisco released the seventime felon despite a federal order to deport him and now. This the jury acquitted the 45yearold mexican of first degree, Second Degree murder and manslaughter and assault with a Deadly Weapon even though he admitted firing the weapon. The verdict shocked prosecutors but not his public defender who argued the gun just went off accidently. Killing kate steinle as she walked on the pier with her father. They should not interpret this verdict as diminishing their loss. Its not about that. 40 or 50 accidental shootings every day. Somebody dies every day. And this is just a tragedy. Prosecutors said zarate deliberately fired into the crowd. Admitted firing the gun. Threw it into the bay and ran from the scene instead of helping the victim. The jurors after deliberating six days asked to see the gun last night. They felt the trigger themselves. Then rendered their verdict. Both sides had good lawyers in court. It presented the case the way that they did. And at the end of the day its the jury that determines what the verdict is and the jury came back with the verdict that they did. And well respect that decision. Now steinle family said last night they are saddened by the verdict. They are suing ice and the city of San Francisco for ignoring that deportation detainer. In a statement ice blamed San Franciscos sanctuary policies saying, quote, this tragedy could have been prevented if San Francisco had turned the alien over to ice as requested instead of releasing him back under the streets. So the jury did find zarate guilty of possession of a weapon. Thats about a twoyear sentence. He could get time served but ice has said they did file a judicial warrant. That means the california standard, so he should be deported. Now with the doj saying they may file additional charges, either felony reentry or denial of civil rights, we dont know where this is going to go today. Brian william, if they file it, does everything get tried there or if the doj decides to file these charges they move it to washington . No. I believe it would be in Federal District court in San Francisco, brian. It could be, again, a denial of civil rights. It could be a firearms violation or it could be, of course, this felony reentry, which is pretty cut and dried since he had been deported five times. Ainsley we have a spokesperson from the doj coming up on the show so we will have to ask all these questions to find out details. Thank you, william. Steve well, i will tell you what, the outrage over this verdict is widespread. Ainsley you are all fired up. Getting so many many emails from you. Steve mark steyn from the mark steyn showed said this about the verdict and probably reflects a lot about what you feel. I weep for Kate Steinles parents tonight. I do not know how i could go on living in that city god forbid my daughter would be shot by someone who should have never been in the country in the first place and is actually being protected by the entire bureaucracy political media class of the country at the expense of american citizens. Steve there he is last night with tucker we said the outrage is widespread and we have a lot of it. Ainsley thats right. This is what pam wrote us the kate verdict is disgraceful. Trump should immediately with pen and phone stop all funding to any sanctuary city. Steve hes trying. Brian what are you supposed to do when the courts keep stopping you. Carol on facebook this really makes me mad exclamation point three times if you are listening on radio. These sanctuary cities need to go two exclamation points how is he not found of Involuntary Manslaughter is beyond me and has my head spinning. Steve injustice for the family and all americans. The system fails everyone except the criminal. Brian i will tell you right now the president take advantage of this opportunity and take the anger and energy towards building the wall or whatever barrier works for whatever part of the southern and northern border to he has to push it forward. People are actually listening. Ainsley i agree with you. He could take advantage of this. Many democrats would still feel the way many of you are feeling. Many of you are writing us, emailing us. Blowing up. Our producers are saying we are getting more emails than we normally do from you guys. Most of the country is outraged about this. Child for the Holiday Season again. Steve the guy was in the country illegally. And San Francisco, the sheriff released him two months before she died. And ice was waiting for him. They wanted to know just give us a call. We will come pick the guy up. He would have been off the street because he was to be returned to mexico again. Thats one of the frustrating things. The other thing to brians point about the earlier thing about cutting off the actually, it was your sound bite that somebody wrote. In regarding cutting off money for sanctuary cities, right now, the congress is considering spending bills. What they need to do is include language so that these particular Justice Department berne grants could be cut off if you are a sanctuary city. Right now the language is they get to keep the money. Ainsley is this your america . We live in this country to be protected, to protect our kids so you can walk down the pier and not have to worry about someone who has been in and out of our country illegally over and over and over from shooting our child dead. The family is fighting back. They are trying to sue and try to go get kates law passed and nothing is happening. And its happening over and over and over again. We talked to another mom earlier in the show who lost her son to an illegal immigrant and she said today kids are going to die and were not going to hear about it because its happening so often. Brian switching gears now and talking about tax reform. Huge news yesterday when senator john mccain many people thought would vote the same he did with the bush tax cuts and go against it he said the bill is not perfect. Were going to support it thought wait a minute, john mccain was supposed to be a no go. Republicans can only afford to lose two votes. They only went until about 10 00 last night. The trigger mechanism put in place by senator corker, senator flake and senator johnson if a if the deficit went up, taxes would go up with this new tax review plan now probably senator corker would have been out of office by then. He is not running for reelection. Of the parliamentarian said no, you cant really do that they were put on heir heels. Made it clear they did not have the votes the senate last night to pass it senator flake, senator corker, and senator johnson and maybe senator collins who wanted to offer about 10 amendments are not on board with this yet that could change and have a vote as early as 11 00 today. Steve ultimately what it comes down to is those republican senators said, you know what . Its going to be too expensive ultimately. We have to pare it way back and thats what they are trying to do right now. Apparently the new idea is start the Corporate Tax at 20 and then they would stair step it in increments in later years. It would shrink the size of the tax cut by 350 billion. So, in other words, were going to be getting back 350 billion less, thanks to corker, flake, and johnson. Ainsley three people. Brian got into it last night about this saying ted cruz saying all you guys insist on doing is raising taxes. What kind of republican raises taxes . So they were going back and forth on this. The question is are you betting on america . Are you betting on america if you give them more of your money corporations. If you incentivize money to come back here, will you put it back into the economy . And will the revenue grow . And so the republicans want to bet on americans to be more productive and the economy to be more profitability. And democrats just keep looking at and senator corker in this case keep looking at the number and saying well, i just see less revenue therefore the deficit is going to continue to grow. These people that watch the deficit double are all of a sudden going crazy about 1 trillion. A lot of money but not when you consider we put 10 trillion into overdraft already. Ainsley the president said he tweet tweeted this morning republican senators are working hard to pass the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. The bill is Getting Better and better. This is a once in a generation chance obstructionist dems trying to block because they think it is too good and will not be given the credit. Steve there is a possibility that Chuck Schumer might realize when he sees 50 on the scoreboard for republicans he might say to some of the moderate democrats senators who live in states that President Trump won, go ahead, take one for the team right now. You can go ahead and vote with the republican. If they really had courage, they would announce they are a yes vote for it. For instance, manchin and mccaskill before they get to 50. Ainsley i doubt if the republicans have 50 i doubt any democrat is going to support it. Steve i tend to believe you are right. Ainsley they stick together. Brian if that theory is true and bantered about if they are close moderates jump in. Steve it will pass. Brian if they jump, in president you should tweet if you are going to get in get in now. We will know what you are doing. Steve be the first one to vote. Have Claire Mccaskill and joe manchin be the first two to vote. Lets see how they come down. In the end if they say yes, even though they were a no. Going to be a big day. Ainsley how does it work . Who gets to vote first . Republicans vote first. Steve no, everybody can vote at the same time. Brian here is one thick i would love to see. I would love to see that joe march an these guys step out first. President working the phone with them. Unlike the past president he talked to democrats. John tester. Steve none of them have ever responded. Ainsley not talking to nancy or chuck. They dont show up. Brian he is laying out what they need. He is here listening to what they say and making them go on to account to tell him what they need. Steve so anyway, it looks like they could have a big vote later this morning. Ainsley if not, it carries over to next week. Steve there you go. Meanwhile, we have some other news on this friday. A county sheriff taking Immigration Reform into his own hands identifying illegal aliens, even mouths gang members hiding in his jail. His idea already sparking outrage on the left. He is going to respond to that plus the kate steinle verdict coming up. Ainsley they are the outofcontrol ultra liberal group causing chaos and insighting violence against conservatives. Now antifa can be in big trouble. The federal investigation straight ahead. Its dry. Your scalp . Mine gets dry in the winter too. Try head and shoulders dry scalp care it nourishes the scalp and. Keeps you up to 100 flake free head and shoulders dry scalp care previously treated withd platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, heres a question who wouldnt want a chance for another. . Whod say no to a. . Who wouldnt want. A chance to live longer. Opdivo nivolumab . Opdivo demonstrated longer life versus chemotherapy. Over 40,000 of these patients have been prescribed opdivo. Opdivo works with your immune system. 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Bristolmyers squibb thanks the patients, nurses, and physicians involved in opdivo clinical trials. Brian a fox news alert now. Kate steinles accused killer illegal immigrant deported five times found not guilty of murder yet his gunshot her. Our next guest is helping ice by stepping up to identify illegals for depoor nation in his own jail. Unfortunately thats not happening. Thats happening in maryland. Joining us right now from Hartford County is sheriff jeffrey galler. Sheriff, first off, your reaction to the verdict in San Francisco yesterday . Good morning, brian. I think like a lot of americans, very, very disappointed in the verdict and as egregious as the verdict was, you know, i dont understand why there wasnt a manslaughter at least that kind of charge sustained against this individual. Its more agreen just that he was even in the country in order to commit this act to start with had been deported five times before and should have been turned over to immigrations and Customs Enforcement and been deported before he committed this heinous act. Brian if you say number one were you surprised when they came in, i know you are Law Enforcement and not necessarily in the legal aspect of this. But when they decided to not enter into the fact of his immigration status, i knew there could be something horrible about this decision. Do you get the same feeling . Certainly. You have to question it. And you have to wonder exactly what the jurors heard. Unless you were there for every moment of the testimony, you know, youre not going to know exactly what they heard to base their decision on. But just the facts that we know the facts that have been shared with from the media how egregious is this that this loss of life, when was so preventable was allowed to happen and no one is going to be held responsible for it. Brian lets talk about your county. Why wouldnt this happen in your county . Well, we entered into back last year we entered into a program, began to process in 2015. Its about a year vetting process to get in with immigrations and Customs Enforcement on the corrections side of the house through our corrections. We screen every single individual who is arrested in Hartford County as they come in to the detention center. And part of that screening process is to see what their legal status is in the United States. And through that we partnered with ice. We had deputies trained. Deputized as federal agents and they are able to do the screening process. We have ice agents in our facility. And we are able to identify those here illegally and committing acts criminal acts against our citizens. And then ice determines whether they are going to be detained for removal procedures. Brian so that means if im here illegally. I havent broken a law in maryland in Hartford County. You are not coming up to me saying show me your Social Security card and show me your passports. Get to the corrections part of this which means you have been accused of breaking the law. Correct . Absolutely. I have both Law Enforcement and corrections as sheriff in Hartford County. This is not a Law Enforcement program. Its strictly corrections based. It doesnt matter whether whether the Sheriffs Office arrest you or one of our Municipal Partners or state police. Whoever is bringing you in to that facility and it doesnt heart no you are. 5500 prisoners last year were brought into the Corrections Center we screened every one of them, man, woman, black, white, item graphics aside. Every Single Person is screened in this process. Brian sheriff, that answers the argument when people say this program will breed mistrust with police not really unless you break the law. Absolutely. Again, ice has their job to do. And they have had some challenging years. And they need to do their job. We need to do a better job as a country securing our borders in my opinion. With that said, this is a Great Partnership and were not out there looking for people who are simply here trying to make a better life for themselves. We are looking for those trying to victimize our community further. They are already in the country illegally committing one act against the citizens to take that further and to commit other criminal acts that, you know, bring you into the detention center, there is no reason, as chevy want to open the door and let them back in Harford County and reoffend. Brian unbelievable why you have to explain to people why you are enforcing the law. Exexasperating i dont care if i am in maryland, San Francisco or dallas, texas. You all have the same exasperation in Law Enforcement and its sad. Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler thank you so much. Thank you for having me. Brian first, he was gq citizen of the year. Now is he Sports Illustrated and muhammed ali winner. Unbelievable, Collin Kaepernick another award. Make room on the trophy shelf. Watch me. Ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. Think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx®. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. 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Pages fbi documents overnight. Feds were more concerned about meetings leaking to the public rather than the actual meeting itself. Documents also show that then fbi director james comey seemed to learn of the meeting from news reports. The controversial 2015 meeting took place just days before comey publicly cleared Hillary Clinton looking like his old selfreturn to the pga tour. Slightly down hill. Yes, sir. This is 430 of the day. Jillian coming off fourth back surgery in three years. Woods three under par three strokes behind the leader world classic in bahamas. First event since arrested for dui back in may. Brian . Brian i will bring the other anchors in. Fresh off being named gq citizen of the year. Anthem kneeler and nfl quarterback Collin Kaepernick has been given another award. Ainsley this time he is going to be the recipient of the 201 2017 Sports Illustrated muhammed ali legacy award which according to the magazine are awarded to people who make the world a better place. Steve is he living up to the legacy of a sports legend like muhammed ali. Here to join us with reaction is Kevin Jackson who joins us from phoenix. Good morning, kevin. Ainsley good morning. I thought i was going to win that award. Steve sorry, Collin Kaepernick gets it this year. This is what Sports Illustrated said. Kaepernick is not alli he is quieter and not naturally endearing. Alli was a showman who loved entertaining reporters. Kaepernick does not care for the attention and prefers not to do interviews. They both sacrifice for greater good at a time Many Americans could not see it was a greater good. What do you say to Sports Illustrated regarding their choice . They just turned muhammed alis legacy award into toilet paper. You know, a lot of people are telling me, kevin, i feel like its a participation award. Look, kaepernick is no alli. And the idea that the left continue to want to sell this lie to america that this man stands for something that supposedly is happening in this country thats not just shows you that the left will never give up on this narrative. And its sad. Because foods for oppressive government who wanted him to go fight for a borrow. No vietnamese has ever called me the n word and i get called it in america. Now we have got these kids who belief that they are being oppressed and i would defy you take any of these kneelers, by the way, should all get the same award because its worthless. Its just a participation trophy, but take all of them and compare their lives to what muhammed ali and the blacks of the past went through and fighting real oppression and you get an idea of whats going on here. Brian lets talk about the differences. Muhammed ali gets told you are drafted go. And he says im not. Its against my religious beliefs i wont do it so he is out. They strip him of heavyweight title which is bizarre in retrospect. Three and a half years he has absolutely no money. Collin kaepernick has already made a zillion dollars wasnt much money in sports back then anyway. He walked away from that contract in 2016. He would have been still on that roster. They would have had to cut him and had payout. You are exactly right. So Collin Kaepernick chose his own fate and there are many other bad comparisons. One of the things about this award, brian, is they say its a philanthropic award. Donated money to terrorists. Thee are radicals in many cases. Very antiamerican. Ethno centrically racist black organizations. And again built on a lie. It would be different if we could really get behind this and feel like it was done in the spirit of the guy getting a raw deal. Muhammed ali got a raw deal. Collin kaepernick did not get a raw deal. Sad part also is Collin Kaepernick is an example of how Great America is a kid whose black father walked away from him. Whose italian mother put him up for adoption and a white family adopts him and he is completely antiwhite. Problack this. And for the sake of this discussion, i want to let everybody know, all of us are proamerica. If kaepernick had a legitimate beef we would be with him but he doesnt. Brian his adopted family seems to be outraged by his behavior. Steve kevin, we thank you very much for joining us today from way out west in phoenix. Thank you, sir. My pleasure. Ainsley thanks, kevin. A fox news alert. Shock and dus disgust as the shr of kate steinle was found not guilty. We will show the emotional interview coming up next. Steve and its the reason for the season, giving back during of the holidays, the mission, 1 million toys. How you can help spread the joy with a toy. Ainsley listen to elmos laugh. Brian everyones favorite toy is over there. 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We got to sit down with Kate Steinles family three weeks after their daughter was murdered. And we went to washington because they were there pushing the passage of kates law. We salt down with them, the mother, the father, the brother and his wife. Listen to this. You know, we just want something good to come of this. We want to be prideful forever kate and strong for kate because thats what she would want. I think some people wonder what are we doing and why are we so strong and were strong for her. Were strong for the rest of humanity. That this wont happen to another person. Ainsley tell me about that day, walk me through the events that happened on the pier. We decided to go into the city. I gave kate a call. I said hey, kate, were coming into the city. What do you have going . She says well, thats cool. Nothing. Just give me a call when you come out and i will come pick you up. It was a Beautiful Day in the city. Nice breeze. It was perfect. So we walked to the end of the pier, about three quarters of the length of the pier turned around and walked back and stopped a couple of times just to enjoy the day. And she took us kate took a selfie of the three of us. And we turned arnold and to walk out and go back over to her apartment, and a shot rang out, and kate went down and she went down she turned and said help me, dad. And so and then all chaos ensued. The Police Showed up. They did a magnificent job the police and San Francisco. And it happened to be rush hour, so it was a little time before the paramedics got there. But i performed mouth to mouth on her. Another gentleman, we did all we could right there on the pier. And the rest is history, i guess. Ainsley i know what she said to you. What did you say to her during those moments . Just hang in there, kate. Keep breathing. I cradled her head. There wasnt much though do. I just kept talking to her. And listened to her breathe breathing fairly normally. When she didnt, then i would start mouth to mouth. But, it was just a horrific day. Ainsley as a father, as a man, what was going through your head . Did you understand what was happening . Did you know she had been shot . No. But my military training teach to look for signs and, again, the kind gentleman came over and we rolled her over on her side to see just try to find something. And sure enough, she had been shot in the back. So, we rolled her over on to that side, and thats about it. Paramedics showed up about five minutes later if not less. And they took her to the hospital. Before she passed. Ainsley is there any peace you can find in knowing you were with her when she took her last breath . Absolutely. Absolutely. I was glad i was there. Ainsley listening to sanchez talk about how he found this gun that was wrapped up in a tshirt and he accidentally shot three times and then you look at his rap sheet, whats your message for him today . What was your reaction to what he said . We had no reaction to him whatsoever. Our faith is strong. And there is no room in our hearts for a thought of that person. Our faith is strong. I dont know at this point if time if its that strong as of yet. Faith is a work in process. And progress. And not going to forgive him as of yet, no. I think the forgiveness has to come from god. I dont think its for us. He is a pathetic human being. Steve its so heartbreaking to hear those prophetic words from them from almost two years ago. And how heart broken they must be today because even though they have lost their daughter, im sure they felt they would eventually get justice and to them exactly right. Lady justice let them down. Brian here is the thing. The word preventable keeps popping up because it didnt have to happen. It wasnt anybodys time. It was a series of steve it was a perfect storm. A sanctuary city. A felon seven times deported five times. It didnt have to happen. Ainsley thats why the family is suing ice and the family is suing the city of San Francisco to hopefully get some justice. Brian ice can only do what the city lets them do, sadly. Hey, jillian, i know you have other news that matters a lot. Jillian yeah, just a heart breaking story. Lets move on to other headlines right now. The houses top democrat nancy pelosi putting more pressure on john conyers to bow out. The congressmans lawyer is firing back saying thats not her call. That is not up to nancy pelosi. Nancy pelosi did not elect the congressman. And she sure as hell wont be the one to tell the congressman to leave. Ainsley th jillian the embattled democratic calling. The 88yearold longest serving member of congress is accused of harassing female staffers and using taxpayer money to settle lawsuits. [shouting] jillian fbi director Christopher Wray telling the House Homeland Security committee they can only open an investigation if there is credible evidence of a federal crime or a threat of violence. He stressed they are not pursuing antifa members because of their association with the group. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas in the capital. President trump and first lady melania marking another first with the lighting of the National Christmas tree. 2, 1. [cheers] jillian beautiful. The extended trump family also joining the moment. The one hourevent included performances from the beach boys, Country Singer winona judd and u. S. Navy band. A look at your headlines. Send it downstairs to you guys. Steve tis the season. Thank you, jill i cant believe. Brian last 70 years toys for tots made it their mission to supply toys to children in need. This season they are getting help from hasbro. Ainsley this is amazing through the be fearless be Kind Initiative hasbro will match every toy donation toys for tots up to 1 million toys. Steve joining us now of marine corps toys for Tots Foundation lieutenant general. Good morning. Steve how did you wind up with this assignment . After 37 years serving in the marine corps as i was leaving the active duty ranks, my predecessor at marine toys for tots said pete i think you are the right guy. Im ready to step aside. Will you take it commandant twisted my arm and last i have had the best job a guy could ask for. Brian get to see your softer guy. Started 70 years ago a Single Campaign in los angeles. Today over 800 campaigns taking place. Big towns, big cities all across. Ainsley tell us what it means. Why is this important . What are recipients like of these amazing toys. Through the gift of a new toy, game, or book, help bring the joy of christmas and send a message of hope to americas less fortunate children. Unfortunately we have over 14 million children in our country that live at the poverty level. Jillian what can people at home do . I feel like sometimes people think if i only get this toy its a couple of dollars. Will it be enough. The hero is the guy who goes out and buys the toy and drops it in one of our barrels. Steve how do you find the barrel. Obviouslily located near toy stores, malls. If you dont know where one is, go to our website. Toys for tots. Brian we had to rack our brains and find out and remember what was our favorite toy growing up . Steve what we have got, all right, ainsley, whats yours . Ainsley mine was a tossup my favorite one was the mr. Potato head and mrs. Potato head i also loved janices . Janice mine is the easy bake oven. First time i ever made and probably the last time. Steve monopoly and game of life. Brian i love anything gi joe. Jillian i will go with elmo mine was candy land, too. Ainsley jenny of these left your favorite. Brian brian took mine. Janice what about hasbro . Hasbro is going to donate, right . Hasbro donating. A toy for every toy thats donated by marvin the american public, they will donate a toy as well up to 1 million toys. Brian by the way this happens to be the generals favorite. My little pony. Of course. I will put that in the barrel. [laughter] steve general, thank you very much. Ainsley thank you, hasbro. What a Great Company to do that. Look at this we are cleaned out. Steve general, before did you go what is the website. Www toys for tots. Org. Thank you. Steve coming up on this friday, more on the shocking verdict in the kate steinle murder trial after that illegal alien accused is found not guilty. But this morning, word federal charges could be on the way. Sarah flores from the department of justice joins us live with that next. Brian its become a christmas tradition here at fox friends challenging santa and friends to repel down a 22 story skyscraper. This years victim todd piro. Santa claus is coming to town hes making a list checking it twice going to find out than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. From our family to yours. May all your wishes come true this Holiday Season. Steve this is a fox news alert. The u. S. Department of justice now considering bringing federal charges against Kate Steinles killer, an illegal alien found not guilty in her murder. Joining us now with the very latest is sarah flores the director of Public Affairs for the department of justice joins us from d. C. Sarah, a lot of people were disappointed last night in the verdict from the jury in San Francisco. What is the department of justice considering . Absolutely. Were looking at pursuing federal charges in this case. And i think its important to reassure everyone who is concerned about this that we will prosecute this to the fullest extent available under the law. Brian where is the injustice from the department of justice perspective . Well, i mean really you have to look at these sanctuary city policies as a whole. This is a person who should not have fln b. En in San Francisco to begin with. Kate steinle should still be alive today. This is true in several jurisdictions in the country right now. Its why attorney general Jeff Sessions is looking at grant conditions against these cities to prevent them from getting federal taxpayer dollars and some of these Law Enforcement grants that go to cities that actually are not working with federal Law Enforcement to get criminal aliens off their streets. These people should be tee deported. These are criminal aliens who are then returned intentionally into these communities that then victimize their neighbors. Its unconscionable that cities are allowing this to happen. Steve sarah, right now, congress has got to be rewriting those laws. And we were told they have got to pass them by, what, december 8th . Yes. I mean, the president has sent over very important immigration priorities to congress. And the attorney general has urged congress to look at those. And sanctuary cities are a key factor in that we have to have these local jurisdictions working with feel immigration authorities to detain and detort criminal aliens so they are not returned to these communities. Ainsley if San Francisco were not a sanctuary city, would kate steinle still be alive . I dont think there is much question of that, sadly. This is a person who had been deported five times and kept returning. He intentionally went to San Francisco, he said, bowers he knew about their sanctuary policies. He had been convicted multiple crimes including drug crimes. This is a person who should have never been on that pier and kate steinle would still be alive today if he hadnt been. Steve the department of justice, sarah are considering charges what would those charges be. I dont want to get into too many specifics on that. Looking at a number of cases. Steve felony reentry, is that a possibility . Absolutely. You know, one possibility is this is a person who had been convicted before and so hypothetically a felon on supervised release, for example, who is then found guilty of felony possession of a firearm could have violated that supervised release just as one example. But were looking at every option. And we will, again, prosecute this to the fullest extent available under the law because these cases are tragic and they are entirely preventable and the attorney general just urges these jurisdictions that are pursuing sanctuary policies, refusing to work with immigration authorities and putting criminal aliens back on the streets, please reconsider your policies. Please look at the harm this can do to your communities and this case is such a good example. Steve it is indeed. Ainsley thank you, sarah. Thank you. Ainsley coming up the washington rumor mill swirling this morning as Rex Tillerson are his days numbered as secretary of state . We are going to ask Kellyanne Conway at the top of the hour. Steve its become a christmas tradition on fox friends prospelling with santa down a 22 skyscraper in connecticut. Todd piro is at the top. Brian yankees wearing a devils jersey jumps down the building. Will he survive . For deep penetrating lower back pain relief. And now get aleve direct therapy with 10 off at your local target. So we know how to cover almost weve anything. St everything even a redhot mascot. [mascot] heyoooo whoop, whoop [crowd 1] hey, youre on fire [mascot] you bet i am [crowd 2] dude, youre on fire [mascot] oh, yeah [crowd 3] no, youre on fire look behind you. [mascot] im cool. Im cool. [burke] thats one way to fire up the crowd. But we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum brian now its time for your yep, now its time for the trivia question of the day born on this day in 1988, this actress is the daughter of a musician, a 1980s child star and the answer is zoey kravitz. We did not give you any time to answer. Did we just ask the question and show you. Steve i dont remember asking the question. [buzzer] ainsley thats a little bit of trivia you didnt get a chance to respond. Brian but congratulations. Steve gets a copy of our book. Steve thank you very much. Its become a tradition here on fox friends to watch santa and friends repel down a 22 skyscraper in connecticut. Todd is taking the plunge. Who are you with right now. We are live . Im here with the two brians, he is in charge of this whole thing is he santas elf. And cashman manager of your new york yankees. Here we go. I have got to get my foot out of there and then we are going to go. All right, here would go. So, guys, what are you guys doing for christmas . The Holiday Season . Anything exciting. Im hoping to get i got to ask you a question. You were a little bit late to the party here today. Is that because were going to get a manager for the yankees or are we going to just have everybody tweet in what lineup they want at the beginning of each game . Were definitely getting a manager of the yankees. We are getting towards the end of that process. And you know, that will happen soon. And hopefully, you know, we will be improving the club as well on the field too. Todd obviously im busting your chops here. But you do what you want to do and it has worked because you won a big award. Tell us about the award you just won. I got executive of the year award. And its nice. Its a representation of the entire franchise and everybody thats working together to be the best we can be. Its nice for the yankees to get recognized that way. Todd let it be known that at the event i just saw you at i gave you a bunch of suggestions how to improve the yankees at the trade deadline you ignored all of them and made it to within one game of the world series. Thats why you won that award and im in a jacket rappeling down this building. Steve todd cant hear us right now. They do thisser year to practice for the Big Christmas Tree Lighting in downtown stamford on monday. Brian people are worried like batman. Batman pretended to go down the wall. They are actually going down the wall. Kellyanne conway. Remember how the economic crash was supposed to be a wake up call for our government . People all across the country lost their savings, their pensions and their jobs. Im tom steyer and it turned out that the system that had benefited people like me who are well off, was, in fact, stacked against everyone else. Its why i left my Investment Firm period. Is really for the wealthy and big corporations, while hurting the middle class. It blows up the deficit and that means fewer investments in education, health care and job creation. Its up to all of us to stand up to this president. Not just for impeachable offenses, but also to demand a country where everyone has a real chance to succeed. Join us. Your voice matters. Oh very nice. Now im turning into my dad. I text in full sentences. I refer to every child as chief. This hat was free. What am i supposed to do, not wear it . Next thing you know, im telling strangers defense wins championships. Well, it does. Right . 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This condition has not been reported with entyvio. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Ainsley verdict shocking our country. Brian illegal immigrant found not guilty in the death of kate steinle. I was sickened by the verdict. Seems like such a travesty and mockery of the legal system. Ainsley the attorney said it was message for trump. Disgraceful verdict for the kate steinle case. What about rights for american citizen like kate steinle. What about our rights . Do we matter or is it just politics. Ainsley President Trumps tax bill could face a final vote. I believe well get it done. The dow passed the 24,000 mark for the first time. Congressman conyers should resign. John conyers is an icon in our country. Matt lauer demanding a 30 milliondollar payday despite being fired over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Three, two, one. [cheering] steve this is fox news alert. Stunning news out of San Francisco last night. The killer of kate steinle, jose zarate, an illegal alien who had been deported five times, seventime felon in the sanctuary city of San Francisco, was found not guilty in her shooting death, not guilty of murder, not guilty of even manslaughter. However he was found guilty of poe test sing firearm by a felon, punishable, 16 months to three years in jail. Ainsley two questions. I want to know did the jury know he was felon . That he was deported five times. Steve didnt know. Ainsley if they did not know that, why did they find him guilty after possession of a firearm by a felon . Steve excellent question. Brian Law Enforcement firearm. He claimed to be shooting in the ocean at seals. Ended up ricocheting going into kate steinle. The fact it was ricochet, backed up the claim by defense attorney was an accident. This whole thing was an accident. Amazing the defense attorney go off if he knew the attorney would go his direction and warned the president of the United States, and the Vice President , youre being investigated too. You want due process. So that is what we got here. So dont criticize. Ainsley bring in Kellyanne Conway. Counselor to the white house. We have her live. What was the president s reaction . He has been tweeting about it last night, saying it is a disgrace. Deadly disgrace. Have you talked to him this morning . What is his reaction . This news broke last night when theres with a Staff Christmas Party here obviously hosted by president and first lady. Shocked, saddened, really outraged. This is a president who as campaigner, now as president remain committed not just memories of kate and all other victims but those angle moms and angle dads courageously went on the campaign trail with donald trump, have been here to the white house since then to meet with President Trump on actual legislation. I sat in the room with them. We cried on each others shoulders. They made very clear, these angle moms, angel dads, they want resolution. As one mom put it, we want action that is the form of kates law and no sanctuary for criminals act of the house passed it earlier in the summer. We want action because this is very simple. This makes common sense to the american people. If someone flouted the law, broken the law, here illegally, comes back five times. Steve right. That is why folks want the wall built. Thats why they want more agents at border. Why they want to make sure our brave men and women at border to have equipment they need to keep criminal aliens out and poison of drugs out of our society. No sanctuary for criminals act, tells major sanctuary cities youre not getting federal funding steve steve right. You apply for dhs grants, you know what you need to do to get a threshold . Obey the law. If you flout the law youre not getting money. This is outrageous verdict. We will not stop until justice is served and until, until there is legislation on the books, federally that, prevents this in the future. Also makes clear to these cities, you better stop putting criminal aliens before the safety and protection of our american citizens. Steve kellyanne, right after the verdict, this illegal aliens lawyer, fellow by the name of Matt Gonzalez, went out to the cameras, apologized, essentially he felt sorry for the loss bit steinle family, but then he took a shot at the president of the United States in a fashion a lot of people are shocked. Well play a little of it. Well get reaction. For those who might criticize this verdict, there are a number of people that have commented on this case in the last couple years, the attorney general of the United States, the president , Vice President of the United States, let me just remind them that they are themselves under investigation by special prosecutor in washington, d. C. , and they may, themselves soon avail themselves of presumption of innocent and beyond a reasonable doubt standard. So i would ask them to reflect on that before they comment or disparage the result in this case. Steve the president commented via twitter. What is the response for mr. Gonzalez . You know what the president has done . He invited mr. Shaw senior, his guest at congress, because his shaw. Jemele shaw, jr. , was killed in the prime of his life by a an illegal alien. This investigation has nothing to do with a criminal alien who had been deported five times, who was convicted seven times, and for him to equate the two is really ridiculous. I dont know im sure he is looking for some book gig. Im sure he will be a guest on tv shows all weekend. It is actually, i dont feel like dignifying with a response since the two have nothing to do with the other. Brian i dont think so. A lot of other networks dont think it is important enough to cover substantially. I noticed that in their crib sheets, when they sent out their tip sheets what is important to the rest of us, they, it is amazing what, again, parallel universes. What america says is important to them. It is important to everyone because the safety and security of this country comes first. That is what this president and commanderinchief made clear, our safety and security, prosperity and accountability and transparency. It is such a coincidence the representative out there is nancy pelosi . She is having a tough week too. I dont know if she made a statement here. I dont know if she is expressing anything to the steinle family. Obviously their daughter is still murdered. Obviously she is has a loss. She doesnt know where she is on sexual harrassment, particularly if the perpetrators, or alleged perpetrators are in her party. Brian she doesnt like your tax bill. Doesnt seem to matter. In the senate, they stopped voting in the senate last night to do it again today. They will take place before noon. Looks like deficit hawks, corker, flake, johnson werent able to pass the trigger mechanism to parliamentarian procedure reason, would kick in if the deficit started growing under this, under the president s tax reform. Because of that, nothing was voted on last night. How would you characterize the president s mindset with the delay . Well, they will be voting on it today. They expect to vote later this morning. That is the process. Were watching with rapt attention and great deal of optimism. The president is ready to sign into law before the end of the year meaningful tax cuts for middle class, reduction of corporate rate, repatriation of millions of dollars of wealth parked overseas, simplification, wasting so much time, so much money, billions each year complying with this code. Were watching the process. We feel very optimistic. Were very happy all these senators who had concerns and had ideas have brought those to the fore ahead of vote. Steve theyre in the game. Theyre in the game. Were waiting for democrats to come to the table. We know there are constituents in every single state that want tax cuts. Job creators that deserve tax cuts. We know that this gdp, the 63, the gdp with two consecutive quarters of over 3 readjusts yesterday to 3. 9 , even though we had hurricane spending, rightfully so you have got 63 or so record stock market highs. Dow jones hitting 24,000 for first time ever. It was 18 the week President Trump got elected. 18,000, folks. This is not rounding error. Expectation of a massive tax cut for middleclass families and for corporate america, our job creators has stimulated so much confidence and movement in the economy. That now we need it done. Well get it done. Ainsley go on next topic. A question about tax reform. Brian i wanted to talk to the senators on the shelf back and forth, they dont know how they will get past this. Does the president feel he has to play a role trying to find deficit concerns with this, or will he sit back. Do you know . Donald trump does not sit back. He is involved in every negotiation, every conversation with any meaningful piece of legislation and folks know they can call here, they can come here. He has been going up to capitol hill. They have been coming here. He has been working the phones. Were happy to have the inputs. Our legislative team, National Economic council has done a fantastic job up on capitol hill here at the white house. He is ready to sign it into law. Ainsley kellyanne, there are rumors Rex Tillerson, secretary of state is expected to step down in january. What can you tell us . He is coming here for lunch today. I have saw that on the president s schedule. As the president said yesterday, rex is hear. He is at his job. You always hear these personnel stories and palace intrigue stories. There is heck of a lot easier for lots of people than learning finer points of massive tax relief, of learning finer points of what repealing, replacing obamacare would do brian this is powerful position. You can understand secretary of state. Weve been talking about this whole year. Ainsley yes or no . Yes or no what . Ainsley is he resigning in january . Will he be there in a month . You have to ask the person if they are resigning. Im telling you what the president said yesterday. The president said yesterday hes here. Rex tillerson, secretary of state is coming for lunch. Scheduled to have lunch with the president today. Already on the books. Everybody serves at pleasure of the president. Everybody serving yesterday is serving today. Brian would you say the story is inaccurate . Which story. Brian Washington Post story says secretary of state tillerson is out, pompeo moves over and tom cotton goes to the cia . I would repeat yesterday what the press secretary on behalf of the president. He will repeat it. Secretary of state is showing up for work today like yesterday. In fact today he has lunch for president. Steve this is one of those stay tuned. But again, youre asking me, but im sorry, youre asking me to project hypotheticals. Are any of you going to be there next month . I sure hope so. You have highest ratest show in the morning. Ainsley we want to know if it is true. Steve story out there. In a bunch papers. I guess ainsley we get what youre saying. You dont know. I will be here. Jo thanks, kellyanne. Brian i agree with ari fleischers tweet. Regardless if it is true or not it is damaging. It is damaging to the country. His tweet said for this leak to come out is damaging to the country, bus the secretary of state looks diminished. For the secretary of state not to have a full strong, portfolio representing administration is problematic, especially with north korea simmering. Steve you heard kellyannes take on verdict in kate steinle case. Our next guest dedicated her life to helping families that lost loved ones to illegals. Why she said americans deserve better coming up. Ainsley he was gq citizen of the year. Colin kaepernick is given a new award by Sports Illustrated. Dont be fooled. Why it is just a new way to attack President Trump. I can breathe again i can breathe again vicks sinex. Breathe on. But it might be hard to handle like the flame that burns the candle the candle feeds the flame topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Ainsley back with fox news alert. Kate steinles accused killer, illegal immigrant deported five times, found not guilty of murder. Steve joining us the snags director of the remembrance project, maria espinoza. Her group advocateds for people with loved ones killed by Illegal Immigrants. She joins us live from abilene, texas. When you heard the news when this man who clearly shot her was found not guilty, what did you think . It is shocking, steve. Unfortunately it is unusual for the illegal alien to be treated better than a u. S. Citizen who is placed above our own families, which time and time again they have seen this happen in california, georgia, North Carolina, texas, all across the United States. Illegal aliens have been placed above citizens and considered untouchable here. We have to press our elected officials to follow President Trumps America First agenda. Brian if there is anything that could come out of good for this, do you think the country is now aware that the court system is not on the side of the victim . Brian, weve been trying to expose the truth since 2009 with our still life quilt banners which is a visual memorial of americans who have been killed by illegal aliens. When miss steinle was killed almost yearandahalf ago, that should have been awaken. Should have been awakening when john penneys daughter, fell leash is felicia ruiz was killed. Kendrick owen. The list is so long. We could sit here for hours. This is an outrage and current last have to be enforced. We need that border wall as you can see. Everify must be implemented immediately. Ainsley maria, important to know that that the five is deported five times, and is seventime felon. Right. Ainsley we heard different reports that the jury didnt have the information. Is that the poor job of the prosecution if that is the case, not to get that submitted into court . In your experience does the persons criminal past, does it ever come to play in the courtroom . I think it depend on what the case is. Im not a lawyer. However, look, ainsley, this man should not have been here in the first place. He picked up the gun. He knew what a gun was. He pointed it and pulled the trigger. That is murder. Simple. That is murder. He should have gone, he should have been found guilty of murder. Steve right. It is pool were looking at from San Francisco liberal agenda. They want to send a message. Well, i ask your viewers to stand up and speak up and send a message in return and, stand up for the families across the United States. Steve a lot of people watching maria, they refuse to go to sanctuary cities like San Francisco if they can help it. This opened up a lot of folks eyes. Maria espn knows is a, the remembrance project, joins us from abilene, texas. Thank you, maria. Thank you so much. God bless you, ainsley. Steve on this friday, some on the left claim it is the president s rhetoric on North Carolina is dangerous. Ainsley north korea. Steve north korea, sorry about that. What about their own . Is it liberals are escalating tensions . Well debate that coming up next. Brian theyre out of control. A group causing chaos, inciting violence against conservatives. But now an antifa could be in big trouble a federal investigation is happening. Well give you details. Good morning, welcome back. Some quick headlines. Volunteer search team scouring a North Carolina neighborhood for missing toddler maria woods. The 3yearold disappeared from her bed sunday night. The fbi is waiting for test results from several items of interest to figure out what happened. Secret tarmac meeting between then attorney general Loretta Lynch and former president bill clinton was with his wife was under investigation. Judicial watch releasing 29 new pages of fbi documents overnight. They revealed the feds were more concerned about the meeting leaking to the public rather than the actual meeting itself. The conversation took place just days before then fbi director james comey publicly cleared Hillary Clinton over her private email server. Brian. Brian thanks, jillian. Brand new satellite images show north korea may be preparing for yet another Missile Launch much separate from the 1 30 six hours ago. Comes days after kim jongun fire ad monster missile off the coast of japan, went out of either. Are many trump critics, most of which are on the left, increasing the odds of war with their antitrump rhetoric . Blacks lives matter, ray mckesson, north korea fires a missile. How do we let the North Koreans know we dont support this guy either. Dont blow us up. Keith ellison said something detrimental. Kim jongun is the seems the more responsible leader. Does that really matter. We have a former, foreign advisor, date tefori, Lieutenant Colonel tony shaffer. Does it matter to kim jongun looks like the president s critics are questioning his sanity . I think so. Anytime youre facing off against an adversary, especially one like un, you have to make it very clear there will be consequences to bad behavior. Again we saw this during the cold war. The democrats tried the same thing with president reagan. We had to do a number of things to reinforce the fact while we did not seek war, we would go to war to defeat them. We would do it in very severe, hard way. Anytime you have this leftist rhetoric which actually denies the fact we need to do this ted liu did something on another network hour ago reflecting this very attitude. That somehow we are not united behind the president. Look, were at war with the North Koreans. That war has never ended. There is armistice put it on hold. We have to be very clear our job to defend the United States and our allies in the region. Brian david, have you ever seen in your lifetime more politicians trying to diminish our president , democrat or republican . You make a good point. It is not just liberals that are criticizing President Trump. Remember that two weeks ago at halifax security forum, general heightened, in charge of Strategic Command questioned whether he would launch Nuclear Weapons if ordered to do so by President Trump. Said he would not if he thought the order was illegal. That is a stunning comment from the general in charge of our Nuclear Weapons. Remember that senator corker, who is the top senator on the republican side on Foreign Policy held a hearing earlier this month about whether we would launch Nuclear Weapons if ordered to do so by President Trump and questioned whether President Trump should have nuclear codes. Not just liberals who are questioning President Trump. Brian everything you said is accurate. Everything you said is accurate. Thank you. Brian do you see it damaging to our Foreign Policy though . Do you see the objective to keep americans safe and diminish our enemy which is clearly north korea, we agree on that . Do you see how damaging this could be . Look we should all behind the president when he tries to solve this vexing problem. Kim jongun is a dictator. He is renegade. He is very hard to deal with. That is not just with President Trump. That is with every president , past president s as well. We should all be behind the president. We live in democracy. Question the emptys demeanor and approach to the vexing problem. Brian go ahead, colonel. This is insane. The general who said that comment, norad, if i were joe dunford i would fire the man. That is insane. Secondly regarding disloyalty, regarding the fact that president is the president , his job to defend the country, makes no sense. We have to be very clear on this other folks out there on the left, tulsi gabbard, who is completely clear trying to do the right thing to defend hawaii, and the nation. Remember why were here, david, because the democrats failed cereally to do their job. They denied sdi, trying to get the right Missile Systems up in orbit to defend this sort of threat. They completely pushed that away. North koreans are near because of the 94 Framework Agreement by president clinton. All these failures should be thing people focus on before they criticizing the president. Were here because of their failures. Brian i think were better when were united. You can question, dont question the president s sanity. Dont say things like kim jongun makes more sense than President Trump or president obama or anything like that. I would feel the same way if they were doing it to democrat as well as republican president s. Thanks, guys. Thanks. Thank you. Brian by the way, nothing else has worked. Fox news alert. Shock and outrain spreading across the country after this illegal immigrant accused of killing kate steinle found not guilty of murder. Ainsley interviewed the steinle family. Well show you the emotional part when we return. First gq named him citizen of the year. Colin kaepernick has been given a brand new award by Sports Illustrated. But dont be fooled, why it is really an attack on President Trump. Looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs and just announced. 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An illegal immigrant is found knot guilty in the kate steinle case, for murder and Involuntary Manslaughter. A jury clearing jose zarate, deported five times, in San Francisco which is sanctuary city. Brian he said he didnt mean to shoot steinle on a pier in 2016. He found the gun in dumpster, picked it up and fired it and itry coshead. Steve the jury convicted him on a felony firearm charge. I. C. E. Working to deport him. Department of justice telling fox news that federal charges are being considered. Sara flores talked to us earlier on this program to talk about that. This person who had been deported five times. Kept returning. He intentionally went to San Francisco he said. He knew about their sanctuary policies. He had been convicted of multiple crimes including drug crimes. This is person never should have been on the pier. Kate steinle would be alive today if he hadnt bid. Ainsley she was killed july 1st, 2015. Her parents went to washington to push the passage of kates law. Kates law says, i have it written down, any illegal alien convicted of felony ho comes back would serve five years in prison. Second offense would serve 10 years in prison. That is still making it through capitol hill right now. Steve right. Ainsley well keep you posted. We sat down with the family 20 days later. She was killed on july 1st. We sat down with her on 21st. This is what aired the next day on the the on 22nd. We just want something good to come of this. We want to be priedful of kate and strong for kate. That is what she would want. I think some people wonder, what are we doing and why are we so strong and were strong for her. Were strong for the rest of humanity, that this wont happen to another person. Mr. Steinle, tell me about that day. Can you walk through the events what happened on the pier . We decided to go into the city. I gave kate a call. Kate, were coming into the city. What do you have going . Thats cool, nothing. Give me a call when i come out of the bart. I will pick you up. It was a Beautiful Day in the city. It was nice breeze. It was perfect. We walked to the end of the pier, three quarters of the length of the pier. Turned around and walked back. Stopped a couple of times just to enjoy the day and she took a, kate took a selfie of the three of us and, we turned around to walk away out and go back over to her apartment and, a shot rang out and, kate went down and she went down. She turned, said, help me, dad. And so, then all chaos ensued. The Police Showed up. They did a magnificent job, the police, and San Francisco. It happened to be rush hour. So it was a little time before the paramedics got there but, i performed mouthtomouth on her. Another gentleman, we did all we could there on the pier. The rest is history i guess. Ainsley what did she you said what she said to you. What did you say to her during those moments . Just hang in there, kate. Keep breathing. I cradled her head. There wasnt much to do. I just kept talking to her, and listened to her breathe. She was, you know, breathing fairly normally. And when she didnt, i would start mouth to mouth. It was just a horrific day. Ainsley as a father, as a man, what was going through your head . Did you understand what was happening . Did you know she had been shot . No, but my military training teach to you look for signs. Again, kind gentleman came over and we rolled her over on her side, to try to find something. Sure enough she had been shot in the back. So we rolled her over on to that side, that is about it. Paramedics showed up about five minutes later. If not less. They took her to the hospital. Where she passed. Is there any peace that you can find knowing you were with her when she took her last breath . Absolutely. Absolutely. Im glad i was there. Ainsley listening to sanchez how he found this gun, wrapped up in a tshirt and accidentally shot three times. Then you look at his rap sheet, what is your message for him today . What was your reaction to what he said . We have no reaction to him whatsoever. Our faith is strong. There is no room in our hearts for a thought of that person. Our faith is strong. I dont know, at this point in time if it is that strong as of yet. Faith is a work in process, in progress. And, not going to forgive him as of yet. I think forgive has to come from god. I dont think it is for us. He is a pathetic human being. Steve he should not have been on the streets. Keep in mind, two months before he killed their daughter, the sheriff in that sanctuary city of San Francisco didnt call up i. C. E. Like youre supposed to as required by law but you know how sanctuary jurisdictions work. Ainsley you dont have to. Has he called them, he would not have been on that pier that day because he was wanted on another charge. Ainsley listening to the dad talk about holding his daughter when she is taking her last breath, can you imagine, as a parent knowing also what we know now that it could have been prevented . It is heartbreaking. Ainsley kate steinle was 32 years old when she died. Steve coming up theyre the out of control group causing chaos, inciting violence against conservatives. Antifa could be in big trouble. There is investigation by the feds. That is straight ahead. Brian talking about trouble, todd piro is hundreds of feet off the ground repelling off the side after building. Is he crazy . No. This is fox friends annual tradition, he is doing it with the executive of the year, brian cashman. Steve we rented a chopper. [ coughing ] when you have a cold. Stuff happens. [ sneeze ] shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Tired of sore throat lozenges that only last a short time . Try new alkaseltzer plus sore throat relief. The melts dissolve quickly. Plus, the powerful pain reliever provides longlasting relief for up to six hours. Try new alkaseltzer plus. You feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. Theyre biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Good morning to you. Welcome back. The fbi investigating people inspired by a quote kind of antifa ideology. [shouting] stop fighting. Fbi director Christopher Wray telling House Homeland Security committee they can only open an investigation if there is credible evidence of a federal crime or, threat of violence. He stressed they are not pursuing antifa members because of their association with the group. Despite not having played all season long, Colin Kaepernicks kneeling protests earned him yet another honor. Sports illustrated giving the former quarterback the muhammad ali legacy award. Fox news contributor Kevin Jackson weighed in earlier. They just turned muhammad alis legacy award into toilet paper. Kaepernick is no ali. Any of these kneelers, should all get the same award because it is worthless. Its a participation trophy. Protests capper nick started underway in the nfl. Cowboys tackle, irving raising his fist during the thursday night football. Cowboys beat the redskins 314. Steve thank you, jillian. Kellyanne conway with a message to sanctuary cities enforce the law or else. Tells our major sanctuary cities youre not getting federal funding. You apply for dhs, doj grants, you know what you need to do as threshold, obey the law. If you flout the law youre not getting money. This strikes Many Americans as common cents. It is outrage just verdict and we will not stop until justice is served and until, until there is legislation on the books. Steve this in the wake of shocking not guilty verdict in the kate steinle trial. Is this a final wakeup call for these sanctuary policies . Here with the debate, former trump hispanic advisory Councilmember Steve cortes, joins us from the sanctuary city of chicago. Syndicated columnist ruben navrete joins us from the sanctuary city of san diego. Good morning. Good morning. Steve ruben, it is clear he pulled trigger. You would thought i would having an charged would be convicted of at least one murder charge, did you . No i did not. I would thought he would be convicted voluntary manslaughter. The prosecutors went after officers agree, seconddegree murder. You heard father speak on fox friends here. It was ricochet of at pier. He heard a shot come out. I thought watching this, steve, the story that the suspect, killer confronted the steinles. He didnt. He was some distance away. This was complete accident. So i would have liked to seen Involuntary Manslaughter. Steve ruben, at very least, ruben in the beginning his first story was yeah, i had the gun and i was going to shoot at seals. So, then for the, for the defense attorney then, steve cortes, to come up with this, you know, he found it and he picked it up and it went off and it shot three times. What is up with this jury out in San Francisco . Well apparently they believe fairytales. But the sad thing is, im not trying to be funny about it, because there is nothing funny about this story a beautiful Young American is dead and why . Because of the misbegotten socalled sanctuary city policies of San Francisco and a lot of jurisdictions including where i am as you mentioned, chicago. Liberal politicians in this country would rather put illegal immigrant and rather put their narrow political agenda over the safety of the sit then they are supposed to serve citizens. Steve i hate, why we some degree surrendered the language to the left this was no sanctuary for Kate Steinles poor father who had her die in their arms. Some americans killed. They had dreams to. Not just illegal young people are dreamers. Americans have dreams. Reclaim the language. I call them outlaw cities. It is important that the federal government rein this in. I think a massive issue for 2018 elections. Steve ruben, this guy at time of killing was seventime felon. He was deported five times. He should not have been in the United States of america. You would agree if somebody is deported theyre a felon they should not be in this country, dont you . Absolutely right. If anything, the story tells us that deport somebody, they dont stay deported, they dont come back. You cant deport our way out of immigration problem. He have did come back. All these were nonviolent offenses. Drug and alcohol crimes. He had no record. He wasnt an ms13 gangbanger had history of killing people. You have to steve he was felon. Deported. Keep him out. It is felony when you come back into the country after being removed once before. Steve he did over and over. The reason depositive stations have not been working because we dont have control of our border. Were getting control thank goodness under President Trump. I have to disagree. I have to disagree. Steve one at a time. Once he is done with his sentence for his gun charge. This creep needs to be deported immediately and we need to build that wall so he can never come back to the United States. This is not about the wall. Employers higher Illegal Immigrants. When they interviewed suspect, why did you come to San Francisco. His first answer, i came to work in the restaurant industry. I came for a job. There is no such thing as sanctuary city. Steves city of chicago, my city of san diego, today immigration agents are arresting people in our cities. It is not true. Steve hold on a second. Its a sanctuary city because he was arrested and he was deported out of San Francisco but he kept coming back because it was San Francisco and they were turning a blind eye. Steve cortes. He saying cam back for the jobs. The sheriff said repeatedly i. C. E. Never asked for issued a warrant in this case. If i. C. E. Wanted him so badly they could have issued a warrant for him. When it all went bad, cops pointing fingers at each other. This was never the perfect test case. Steve that is problem with employers who hire undocumented aliens. Steve cortes, give you final word. Look also sadly this is hardly an isolated case. Just in california alone, sandra duran in los angeles. Jemele shaw, jr. , both killed by multiple times deported and convicted Illegal Immigrants allowed to stay in the sanctuary jurisdiction. I hate the term. Outlaw cities. Outlaw cities in the country prevents cops on the ground cooperating with i. C. E. To get known, dangerous out of hire. That lunacy has to stop. President trump i emmore you to take more action in this regard. Steve shocking verdict. Both of you were expecting him to be convicted in your case, ruben, manslaughter. That didnt happen. Steve you wanted murder charge and conviction. Thank you very much for the conversation. 20 miles north where im sitting, todd piro is 350 feet off of the ground about to repel off the side of that building. It is a fox friends tradition and it is coming up next. When heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums do you need the most trusted battery this holiday . Maybe not. Maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. screaming or, you could just trust duracell. Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas Steve its a tradition. We do this every Christmas Season on fox friends, watch santa and friend repel down a 22story skyscraper. Ainsley we like to sit here and watch other people do it. We have this year a new face taking the plunge, our own todd piro. Hey, guys. Were going right now. Hire we go. Steve todd, you did this about an hour ago. How scary is it going over the side of that building . Its, really not that bad, i got to be honest. For the first time you go it is a little bit sketchy, you realize guys and gals here have you set up pretty well. Speaking of which, introduce one of them, gentleman to my left, buy who is in charge of this whole thing. Why do we do this . This is promotional spot for the big event on sunday. Its a family event. It kicks off samfords christmas program. We have been doing it 20 years. We have santa come in repel down the side of the building to a crowd of 4 or 5,000 people. Bring your family. Started at 4 30. We go live under the lights with the repel at 5 10. Reporter i get in problem with producers, my new york yankees i have the greatest manager of the best professional team in sports, brian cashman. Thank you for taking time out to do the event. This is your 8th year doing it. Why do you keep doing it . Who gets invited to jump off a 23 Story Building to repel down . If you say no to that opportunity youre nuts. Reporter last year we on the same day, got Didi Gregorius who was throw away shortstop. He is the heart and soul. He is great. Last year matt holiday, who was vital beginning part of the year. What do we have on top for 2017. Best foot forward with the presentation to otanison. Bring in we hope one of great talents from the world in japan. That plays out over time still. Were working on selecting a manager. Think were at final end of that process. Reporter i know you have to prepare for mr. Otani. How many other general managers in Major League Baseball are climbing down a wall demonstrating their commitment to their communities . Mr. Otani, i think the answer is clear. I also got myself a otani jersey. That would be great. We are very honored to have the opportunity to sell you on the new york yankee opportunity. We say it loud, say it proud, say it on top of buildings. We say, as loud as we can. Time for us to say it again. Steve after a brief time out. Ainsley well talk to them when they get their footing i should say. Well be right back. Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. Advil liquigels and advil liquigels minis. What pain . Lets get the big guy in place. The ford year end sales event is here. I can guide you in. No, thanks , santa. I got this. Santa uh, it looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line up of ford cars, trucks and suvs. For a limited time, get an additional 1,000 cash back on top of 0 financing for 72 months. Get these exclusive offers during the ford year end sales event. We have to get ainsley in dallas this weekend. Bill thank you, everybody. Friday morning breaking news, the stunning verdict in the kate steinle murder trial. A california jury acquitting a man of murder. A debate over sanctuary cities. We say hello here inside of americas newsroom. Ill bill hemmer. Good morning. Sandra im sandra smith. Kate steinle was shot and killed in july of 2015 on the San Francisco pier by a Mexican National who had previously been deported five times. Attorneys reacting to the jurys decision. Both sides gave it their all. Both sides had good lawyers in court. They presented the case the

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