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In northern california. This incident as bad as it is, could have been so much worse. Republican National Committee is Pulling National field staffers out of the Alabama Senate race. After 40something years, im now facing allegations and thats all the press want to talk about. Live from new york city. It has been a crazy morning. Thank you so much for joining us. Fox friends, world headquarters. Ainsley good morning, its wednesday. Brian a lot of times these are not the preferred seats. We open up on the second floor. Ainsley dont you hate it when it says m, overlooking the lobby. Brian exactly. Steve kind of middle. Ainsley either one, two or three. I say we are on the second floor. Steve third floor is right there. Maria bartiromo is right above us. Brian she makes a lot of noise. Ainsley we need to take a broom like my sister does. Brien meanwhile yesterday was dominated by something we didnt program but we did put on the schedule, attorney general Jeff Sessions, he returned to the house to answer questions with, i guess, really two themes, you had one theme and incidental meetings with the russians, jeff, why dont you get together a special counsel to investigate uranium one. Im not sure that anyone got what they wanted. Ainsley this was the response for the first theme when he denied lying in the past. In all of my testimony i can only do my best to answer your questions as i understand them and to the best of my memory. But i will not accept and reject accusations that i have ever lied. That is a lie. Let me be clear, i have at all times conducted myself honorably and High Standard and responsibilities of the office of attorney general which i revere. Steve thats what he said in opening prepared statement and he said he now recalls meeting with two different people who had been on the campaign who had mentioned russians. George who as we know took a plea deal with the fbi because he lied with the fbi, he as it turns out, had the great idea, mr. Sessions lets have donald trump have meeting with Vladimir Putin. He has recalled it because it was chaotic. Hey, im going to russia and i may meet with some people as well and he goes, okay, fine. Essentially that was the contact he had with people on the Trump Campaign when they mentioned russia. Now he remembers it, he didnt when he first sat down in the hot seat. Brian you know what it comes down, before the whole started, before he got the job, he should have said, staffers, by the way, he was fully staffed, who did i meet as senator, refresh my meeting, what happened here, im going to go in front of hostile people like al franken and he will look for russian link. Jeff sessions did not go through the things i did list and thats caused a problem because theres no there there but because he didnt do thorough examination of play book, thats why hes back there again. Ainsley most people at home are tired of russian narrative. And theyve been investigating that for a very long time. The real thing that most people we wanted to hear yesterday was about the special counsel, will Hillary Clinton be will she go in front of a special counsel, will she be investigated, will she, would the dnc, james comey, people are wondering, thats the next thing people are focusing i feel like. It was down party lines, if youre a democrat, you wanted to know about, hey, why did you tell us a lie and if youre a republican, hey, stuff has been revealed through the course of this investigation, when is there going to be a special counsel. Jim jordan is very frustrated. He went down a litany and prosecuted the case against james comey and said, okay, when will we get a special counsel, if you missed some of that exchange, here a little bit. Whats it going to take to actually get a special counsel . It would take a factual basis that meets standards of the appointment of special counsel. We know one fact, the Clinton Campaign and democratic National Committee through law firm paid for dossiir and the fbi was paying the author of the document and sure looks like a Major Political party was working with the federal government to then turn an Opposition Researching document of some National Inquirer story into an intelligence document, take that to fisa court so they could then get a warrant to spy on associate in trumps campaign. As 20 members of committee wrote you to do. Steve this is essentially what mr. Sessions alluded to is special career prosecutors are looking at the evidence and trying to figure out if theres conflict of interest, if there is, the fbi should hand it off to special counsel. If there is not, there were able to investigate inside maybe. Maybe thats whats going on. Brien in theory the special could believe thats currently enjoined should be able to handle this. Robert mueller is conflicted. He was fbi director during the time there was uranium deal was done and and james comey, of course, is under, i think, a lot of scrutiny because what did he use in order to push for any type of unmasking of trump officials, did he use that gps, fusion gps document which was by the way on the other side of town, on the other side of the capitol, fusion gps glen simpson president , he was answering questions behind closed doors. Steve you know what makes it complicated, brian, ainsley, the fbi is looking behind the scenes. The department of justice is trying to determine is there a conflict of interest regarding mueller, if there is not, we can go ahead and do it. We dont know about it. Ainsley is it a matter or investigation . Youre right. To your point, democrats are pushing the russia gnashtive. We saw that yesterday. So many were questioning, take a look at the montage about the topic. Once and for all, can we answer the question. I am once and for all answering the question. You testified that your story, quote, has never changed; is that correct . Weve added things that i did not recall at the time. Youre acting me of lying about that . I say thats not fair, mr. Jeffress. Did donald trump afterask you to pledge oath of loyalty to him . No. If donald trump would ask you to pledge loyalty to him, would you do so . I dont know what a pledge of loyalty oath is. Steve also trey gowdy, he has been around the law for a long time, he made it very clear during his comments that the house of representatives is going to investigate the department of justice and the decisions that mr. Comey made in 2016 and 2017. So essentially is saying, dont know what the department of justice is going to do but we are going to try to get justice here in the house of representatives and look into it ourselves. Brian forget about special counsel. Listen. Asked you whether or not it was appropriate for the president to weigh in in an ongoing information and, of course, the answer to that is no, it is not appropriate in 2017, it wasnt appropriate when president obama did in irs scandal, it wasnt appropriate when president obama did it in Ongoing Investigation in Hillary Clinton server. It is never appropriate for a president to tell a Department Justice what outcome it should reach. I just wished my friends on the other side had the same outrage, how do you restore peoples confidences confidence in a department of justice when it seems like different rules applies depending on who is in power. Brian you may have had Loretta Lynch there, eric holder there. Steve he is not yet sold of the idea of special counsel. Hes got people he has his best people working into whether or not that should go forward. Jillian good morning you as well. We have breaking news. Fox news alert. Massive manhunt underway for a violent psychopath killer who escaped from Mental Hospital and bowered a plane. In 1979 randal was found until the in brutal murder by reason of insanity, shows him walking out of mental facility in hawaii before picking up a backpack full of supplies and hopping in a taxi. Got on a charter plane before flying special to san jose, california where his family lives. We now know the identity of the gunman, sprayed an Elementary School with bullets, rammed his car into a fence in rancho, california, opened fire and try today break in the classroom but the school was locked down. He then continued his rampage shooting random victims until he was killed in gun battle with police. Four people are dead, at least ten are hurt include two children. Ucla basketball players arrested for shoplifting in china will speak out for the first time. Liangelo ball and riley, release days after President Trump asked chinese counterpart. Its official, Blake Shelton is this years People Magazine sexiest man alive. We are down to somebody who is somewhat symmetrical. It turns out that the internet agrees with the country singer. Way to hold it out there for the 7s out there. [laughter] jillian i dont want to live in a world where blake shelt oan shelton is the sexiest man alive. Brian he has the humility on the voice. Isnt sexiness more than just looks. Yes. [laughter] ainsley i love him for his personality. He is handsome. Steve President Trump has returned to washington. Later today he has a big announcement about all the trade deals with various countries and all sorts ainsley is he going to sleep . We need to give him some sleep. Brian he has set a lot of relationships and great progress. We will talk about it later in the show. Steve overnight Senate Republicans announcing change, live with details on that. One university canceled free speech, this is not a joke. When i walked through a snowstorm for a cigarette, thats when i knew i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. Ththe next energyngs toto power our dreams,re will be american energy. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. 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Steve how pure i dont say . Lets furious . Lets ask Griff Jenkins. Senate republicans are taking another swing at killing off obamacare. Yeah, we are optimistic that inserting the individual mandate repeal would be helpful and thats obviously the view of the Senate Finance meeting republicans as well. House republicans set to vote on their tax bill tomorrow will not include the repeal last night in an exclusive town hall here on fox news, Speaker Paul Ryan explained why . Obviously we were in favor, given we did not have the votes before. We want to see the senate go first and then we will discuss whether or not it gets included at the end. Another problem that the house leadership has, they have whipped the bill, adding anything new could jeopardize passage. Here is where we are, the house expects to pass the bill tomorrow, and the senate out of committee this week hopefully or next setting up a full vote, possibly thanksgiving and then only then if they pass both chambers can they blend the two together and thats when they can possibly include the Obamacare Repeal. Brian wow. I never thought we would get the term breaking news in legislation in the same sentence but thats whats happening this week. Thats whats happening in quick pace. Ainsley tax reform and Obamacare Repeal. Steve all right, griff, thank you very much. Brian wherever you are, we all say goodbye to you. Jihadis to rehab to get steve tommy is fired up. Joins us next. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. And thats wins goat, adi. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. Making the coffee erupt with flavor. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. That erupts with even more flavor. Which helps provide for wins family. And adi the goats family too. Because his kids eat a lot. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Packed with goodness. The ford yearend sales evente. Is here. I can guide you in . No, thanks , santa, i got this. Looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs and Just Announced. Get 0 apr for 72 months plus 1000 cash back take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. Steve we are back with fox news alert. Major win in war on terror. U. S. Air strikes taking four top leaders on battlefield, Senior Leader and mastermind behind a number of terror plots. Pentagon confirms bombs were dropped in iraq and syria within the last three weeks. A new option for terrorists hope to go avoid getting blown up by the u. S. Syria is starting a new terror Rehab Program aim to go reradicallized, participants take parts and lectures focusing on things like Psychological Development and media. Brian by the way, syria also wants us out now that we killed our the terrorists, not a chance. Colin kaepernick called citizen of the year. Ainsley started controversy. Steve here to react tommy, joins us from la today, tommy, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve in the corner of the gq magazine, new american heros, im sure he is a hero to many, what do you think about this selection . I have to tell you, wouldnt it be nice if some of the mainstream fashion magazines and lifestyle magazines look at the actual heros we have, law enforcement, military, everyday heros like that as citizens of the year and not someone who simply disrespected the flag, the National Anthem and the military, you know what, hey, thats gq for you. Brian New York Times under fire for oped, can my children be friends with white people, in fact, the guest was earlier on with Tucker Carlson earlier this week, what do you think about this, is this to create interest or is this a legitimate question . Clearly the title of the article is meant to be quickbaiting, lets just take a moment and think about the article titled can my children be friends with black people and people would have outcry over it but because Colin Kaepernick is citizen of the year. Thats liberal logic for you. Welcome to their world. Ainsley they were screaming at the sky at the university of President Trump being elected, now they are building a resistance hotel in dc, antitrump hotel, what do you think about that, will you be staying there . You know, i think you can probably answer that question, but i just think its so odd that we had generations of americans black and white, brown, every color of the rainbow that fought segregation and now we have liberals that are actively wanting to segregate us by Political Party, by color, in some cases, good luck on your enterprise and also i would like to note that its the free marketplace and capitalism that allows Something Like this to open up a hotel but they probably dont understand that because the leftist world they live in. Brian they counter it by saying that the trump hotel has turned into a protrump hotel. That wasnt the intention. It was being built before he declared running for president. Well, lets talk about all of the employees of the trump hotels and trump international. I have personally stayed in trump hotels, staff was fantastic and service fantastic. It was proservices, proguests and i had a great time there and im looking at all the people that were employed by it and i think thats a great thing by the United States of america. Maybe the antitrump tower will employ folks as well but really disgusting message behind it. Brian i went in there and got a new tie at trump hotel, i needed a new tie, i went to mens area, i said, what if i give you a down payment. It was an expensive tie, i needed financing to walk out with this tie as my own. Ainsley trump tie . Brian very luxurious. Steve tommy, thank you very much for joining us from los angeles, we covered a lot of territory. See you next week. You as well, im looking forward to seeing that tie, brian. Ainsley you can pick it up in december. Steve trump tie . No. Ainsley plaza has expensive shops. You dont go there for 25 off. Steve you could have gone to the sale next door, not only selling neckties for 2, but you can get a lovely hermes bag for ten. Ainsley did grow to washington and interview the president and you forgot your tie . [laughter] brian i forget a few things when i travel. Texas congressman questioned Jeff Sessions about a special counsel for the clintons, did he like the answers, well, we asked for his picture because he will be on soon. Ainsley saving students from a fiery crash. We have to exit. The bus is on fire. Theres a fire, get off, get off. Ainsley dramatic moment caught on camera. Those are children, wow. Steve happy first to chief correspondent john roberts. Happy birthday. To celebrate we will bring this iconic moment from the campaign trail, do you remember that. We prompted him from the couch in front of our building, there he is going up the museum in philly. Brian took him at least a year. Happy birthday john roberts. Ainsley glad you were born. You can do it. You can do it. Wait a second. Ainsley hes wondering that. He cant hear us. [cheers and applause] youre the man. [laughter]. And pretty. New always discreet boutique. What im asking from you is to hear from you that you are prepared, no, that you are committed to go wherever the facts and evidence lead you regardless of the political consequences for any Political Party or any person. Yes, i am and the department of justice is. Brian was that true, texas congressman john ratcliffe, you just saw him. The big question will the ag assign special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the uranium one deal. Congressman ratcliffe joins us now. What do you conclude from five and a half hours of testimony . What you heard from the attorney general, much of the clip showed, hes willing to go with the facts and evidence lead. Hes prepared to Second Special counsel prepared to be appointed. Those questions may come from department of justice, Inspector General, may come from any 93 u. S. Attorneys, but we need answers to those questions and the attorney general agreed with me yesterday that the American People deserve nothing less. Brian my opinion watching the attorney general get the information from you and people like jim jordan. He was hearing in detail for the first time, do you get that sense . You to remember the scope of everything that falls within the department of justice and this was a guy that has been rescued from certain matters that are now at issue, so, you know, brian, the other thing in that five and a half hours was the irony was rich and hypocrisy was very thick, you had democrats for five and a half hours not talking about civil rights, gun violence, daca or dreamers and spent time with attorney general asking him questions about russia, a matter from which he has rescued himself because the democrats demanded that he recuse himself and appoint a special counsel. Brian right. I want you to hear what you witnessed, one of the colleagues jim jordan, was going back and forth, this will give clarity for people who had to work 9 00 to 5 00 yesterday. Whats it going to take to actually get a special counsel . We will use the proper standards and thats what the only thing i can tell you, mr. Jordan. I appreciate you can have your idea but sometimes we have to study what the facts and to evaluate whether it meets sts well said. Requires a special counsel. So thats some of the exchange. Hes not there yet. People came in waiting, when you have a special counsel, becomes a wild west, we are seeing that with Paul Manafort being in trouble for something that has nothing to do with donald trump. Thats the investigation gone wild to many. Real quick, he also said there were 27 separate investigations into leaks, what does that make you think . Well, that was one of the most important pieces of evidence that the attorney general disclosed yesterday. As you talked about, 27 matter where is they are looking into disclosure, illegal unmasking of americans and thats a market increase. He related that there had only been nine cases prior three years, why thats so important, brian, as we know, when people disclose americas most Sensitive National security information, there has to be consequences and thats one of the things that i was most comforted to hear from the attorney general was that theyve got the pedal to the metal with respect to Holding People accountable for those types of violations of law which are the most serious and the most damage to go national security. Brian if you want to stop future leaks, scare the heck out of people knowing that theyll be hell to pay. Congressman, thanks so much, you can do a morning show, thats how fresh you look right now. [laughter] thanks, brian. Brian i asked her to put together news, this time did you say yes . Jillian i felt like giving you what you wished for. Is that good . Brian thank you. Jillian woman convicted for murder plot faints in the courtroom moments after hearing the verdict. We the jury find guilty of the crime to commit murder. Jillian losing consciousness and going limp in her chair, led to husband telling campus reform they wanted to a 9ball in chicago and letting people write whatever they wanted on it. The administrator shut the event down and threatened to hold participants accountable but did not specify exactly how. You have to see this, the bus driver now held a hero after saving kids from fiery crash. We have the exit the bus, the bus is on fire. Theres a fire, get off, get off. Jillian the bus engulfed in planes after a truck slammed into it in atlanta, filling with smoke. The drivers and kid are taken to the hospital, they are expected to be okay. You have a chance to spend the Christmas Season just like kevin mcallister. Excuse me, where is the lobby . Down the hall and to the left. Thanks. Jillian home alone 2 package celebrating the 25th anniversary, its complete with a tour of new york, of course, and a huge ice cream sunday, but its cost you 895. A look at the headlines. Ainsley fox news legal analyst mercedes made remarks on air which she would like to clarify. I would like to clarify comments that were made that do not reflect my values and my beliefs. First off, i want to make absolutely clear that i believe and know there are victims of Sexual Harassment and sexual abuse. I in no way intend today minimize their pain with your experiences, i was referring to my professional experience as an attorney and judge during which i have witnessed claims that do, indeed, lack merit. I was horrified when i realized that my statements could imply that the victims of harassment and abuse were very few and far between. My Life Experiences as friends, colleagues and family are unfortunately to the contrary. My comments were never meant to dissway victims from coming forward to report sexual abuse or undermine the victims who have, i sincerely apologize for the confusion and pain this has caused. Thank you. Ainsley thank you, mercedes. Now upstairs to brian with more. Brian thanks, ainsley, are you stuck with a job you do not like and need help jumpstarting your career, we will answer emails with career and your life. Nothing better than pete hegseth, breakfast with friends in florida, this is a revisit, right, pete . Pete thats right, brian, a year ago ainsley was here talking to floridans about election. We are going to ask patty how they feel the president is doing here at mels dinner in fort myers, florida. Coming up next. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. 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Thats almost double, what do you recommend . Lets focus on the word afraid on the question. The number one thing humans are afraid of are the unknown. Write down what the concerns are, if the concerns are about the company or the role, then you need to get some clarity, more clarify from the person that would offer you the job or is offering the job. If the uncertainty is about your abilities or competency, then lets talk to some people who know you best, do i really have what it takes dodd the job, once we have clarity and she doesnt feel good about it after clarity, lets move on but but move onto Something Else quickly. Ainsley maybe she doesnt like the job and take her back at her position. Thats a lot of money to pass up. I ran a landscaping and lawn care company, i want to help my workers develop skill and career, what can i do to help my guys, what a nice thought . I love that question. Ainsley me too. Trait them like you want them around a long time. The first is recognition, the second is rewards and resources, recognition is simply a private recognition and then public recognition in front of their peers, rewards are simply could be a trophy in front of everybody, a day off, vacation, whatever it is, 83 of people said that recognition meant more than compensation. Ainsley thats interesting, dont give a bonus, give a trophy. For small business, that doesnt cost a lot of money to reward and recognize. Ainsley thats true. We all need to hear that pat on our back. Im in my mid40s, i have no idea what talents and gifts are, how do i find out what that is . Wow, this is big, this is the big life question, why i am here . You have to start with discovery, i want you to write top strengths, talents, what do you do best, secondly, write passions, what you love to do the most. How can i use my top talents to perform the work that i love to do. You can finish that sentence, then youre on your way and now its just about going after it. Ainsley this is laura in arizona. I have 180,000 in debt toward my law degree. I failed the bar a few times but im not sure that i want to be a lawyer anymore. My plan is to become a lawyer long enough to pay off loans and move into something that i really love s this a good plan, poor, laura. Wow, thats a gigantic question. We have to know more. But the first thing i would ask her, why did you not pass the bar, we need to look at that. Then id ask is it because you have failed the bar that youre discouraged and now you dont want to pursue the law. Just because we have failure does not let us failure shouldnt define us, it should refine us. If youre down because you havent passed the bar, stay in it, do whats needed to be done to pass it. You keep going for it and doesnt work, then we are starting to see a pattern and once we know the why, we can decide where to go from there. Ainsley i didnt realize law school was that expensive. 180,000 and shes overwhelmed right now. Ainsley thanks so much for being with us. Athlete who is protest the National Anthem are they called patriots in your mind . One coach may think so and it might surprise you who. One year since President Trumps historic election pete hegseth is talking to some of the voters that helped get him to office. Hes having breakfast with some of our friends in fort myers. Thats coming up next bp uses flir cameras a new thermal imagining technology to inspect difficulttoreach pipelines, so we can detect leaks before humans can see them. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. I am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org everyone was here when i showed up. Excited for election day. We have to have we have to make America Great again. We have to bring back honesty to government. Steve this was this program live last year down in florida covering election day firsthand with people that help put President Trump in the white house. Ainsley how do the voters feel now one year later, lets ask them, pete hegseth, located in fort myers, florida, hey, pete. Pete if theres one consensus opinion in this dinner this morning is that they are disappointed that i am here instead of abby. Lets be clear about that. As this program has done from the very beginning, we want to get the pulse of the people, what the folks are really thinking, florida carried by President Trump just ohio where i was. Im with the owner and employee here at mels diner and with gary from new jersey, everyone from here is from someone else, floridas is a melting pot. You voted for President Trump on Election Night . Yes. Pete a year later. What is your feeling about how donald trump is doing . I think donald trump is great job, best president weve had since reagan. Pete how do you feel that way . Hes a man of his word and gets the job tone. Pete what about the fact that he hasnt passed repeal of obamacare . People arent backing him up. Nobody is backing him up. Pete pee why would republicans not back up a republican president . I think they are jealous of him. Hes not a politician. Pete hes not one of a them. Good stuff, appreciate it. You were here with abby, fortunately for you and unfortunately today. I think he says what other people are scared to say, politicians specially and i think those that have a problem with him have a problem with everyone. I dont know if that makes sense pete the people who voted for him. Oh, gosh, oh, my goodness. Still get flag. Pete you hosted us a year ago. Does that feeling of trump supporter still exists . 100 . The main feeling that we are getting is that he needs to curve what he says and stay focus on what his job really is. They want to make America Great again but he needs to filter what he says because its scaring the American People. Pete to that point, do you feel that theres people that need to be scared and shaking up is whats required . A lot of shaking in washington. Us as people, we get pushed aside and their pockets get rich and pushes us down farther and farther. That starts the impression of america by them lining their own pockets. Pete i see you shaking your hand. Totally agree. There needs to be a shakeup in the country. Just from the past history its not working. There needs to be change. Pete whats the biggest thing you want him to get done in the next year Going Forward . Tax reform. Pete you think he will get it done . I do, i do. Like the gentleman says here, he needs backing, he needs his people backing him up there and as far as jealousy, yeah, i agree with you on that. I just think that, again, theyre scared that the people are going to revolt and they dont want to look bad in front of anybody. Pete shocker, politicians afraid of the people as they often are. Gary, bill, sandi, thank you very much. As you can see a year ago, their opinions on President Trump were supportive, they still have today and keep asking questions throughout the entire morning. If youre down here in fort myers, join us. I hear that joeys parents eat at the dinner. Parents and grandparents. Pete its on the bucket list for me. Guys, thanks for having us. Ainsley i hear they were going to show up steve what abbey did was go table to table with a big pot of coffee freeshenning freshening cup up. Brian congratulations, twins. Ainsley thank you, pete. Steve lots of Program Still to go. Susan summers will be with us. Rock legend simmons. Brian you like her too. Steve yeah, we all do. Shes on the coach and so is a busy show lets get the big guy in place. The ford yearend sales event is here. I can guide you in . No, thanks , santa, i got this. Looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs and Just Announced. Get 0 apr for 72 months plus 1000 cash back take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. When i walked through a snowthats when i knewtte, i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. Dear dauwith our used to motherdaughter matches. But ive been taking osteo biflex ease. Its 80 smaller but just as effective. Which means, ill run you off the court. Hugs and kisses, mom. Osteo biflex ease. Made to move. But having his parents over was enlightening. You dont like my lasagna . No, its good. Hmm. Oh. Huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. Blow on it. You see it, right . Is there a draft in here . Im telling you, its so easy to get Home Insurance on progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents. But we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. Can we answer the question . I am answering the question. I dont understand why you wont take my answer. You had democrats for five and a half hours asking him questions about russia. A matter from which he has rescued himself. Whats it going to take to actually get a special counsel . We have to study what the facts are and to evaluate whether it meets a standard. A major win on the war on terror, u. S. Air strikes taking four isis top leaders we are told on the battlefield. Ainsley it is all systems go for House Republicans just days before they vote on tax reform. Lets get rid of the loopholes and just use that money to lower rates across the board. Mass i have manhunt underway for violent sciek path killer who escaped from a Mental Hospital and bowered a plane. Heather antitrump hotel is set to open stores in washington, d. C. Next year. We have liberals that are actively wanting to segregate us by Political Party. Quite disgusting. Steve gene simmons, the legend from kiss, brandnew book, on power and one of his tips is we are waisting too much time. You have to stop waisting so much time. Ainsley we are excited to talk to him. [laughter] there is gene simmons. Brian i hope hes not reading it for the first time. Ainsley i like the leather jeans. Steve thanks for joining us on wednesday, if you were watching the channel yesterday, it seemed like it was on all afternoon for five hours before the house judiciary committee, theres Jeff Sessions, the attorney general of the United States, and it was combative at time because we told you yesterday before it started that because he had written a letter to the chairman of that committee open to special counsel to investigate the clinton scandals democrats were furious and the republicans were expecting some sort of a big announcement. Well, you know, it didnt really come that way. Brian right, Jeff Sessions came out and he said a couple of things. He turns out he did meet and one time in the office where two generals were there. They could have vouched for him. They found out that he was at a meeting when papadopoulos comes out and says, i have an idea, lets get Vladimir Putin and donald trump together. He reportedly said, thats a bad idea, dont bring it up again, he never said that to begin. Is there a problem with that, no, the fact that he didnt say, now is the problem, what else havent you told us yet, i dont know why he go through daily planner, im helping donald trump to become president and i may have come across from russians. Did i meet anyone . Ainsley i never met with russians to talk about interference. He never lied about what he did in the past. In all of my testimony i can only do my best to answer your questions as i understand them and to the best of my memory, but i will not accept and reject accusations that i have ever lie lied. Let me be clear, i have conducted myself honorably as the attorney general which i i i revered. Steve did you commit perjury, that kind of track. The republicans, meanwhile, there were a number of members, including gym jim jordan. So many people talking about russian thing, did anybody look at the email server thing. Theres so many dirty things we feel happened with the Clinton Foundation, will there be a special counselor, we sent you a letter three and a half months ago, havent heard from you, listen to this. Whats it georgia going to take to get a special counsel . We know one fact, the Clinton Campaign and the democratic Natl Committee paid for thes dossier and looks like the fbi was paying the author of the document and sure looks like a Major Political party was working with the federal government to turn Opposition Research document pulled off National Inquirer story and take that to fisa court so they could get warrant to spy on Members Associated with the Trump Campaign. Ainsley basically saying its hard when one party has one standard and the other party has another standard. If youre going investigate President Trump for alleged russia collusion, you need to investigate the other side. Brian i want to hear about the informant that knows all the information about uranium one and fusion gps who should be coming forward. Now they have permission to go forward and tell your story. That might change attorney general sessions mind. Steve that particular informant was so compelling and a number of people wound up going to jail, so it sounds like certain members of certain committees are going to be able to entire view him. He will talk to jim jordan himself an hour from now. All system goes for House Republicans just days before their plan to vote on taxes. Ainsley this as the senate has Just Announced a big change to plan thats making democrats furious. Brian up to me to toss to griff, griff. [laughter] Mitch Mcconnell blindsided democrats when republicans are taking a swipe at killing obamacare by adding it to the tax bill. Yeah, we are optimistic inserting the individual mandate repeal would be helpful and thats obviously the view of the Senate Finance committee as well. House republicans set to vote on tax bim tomorrow will not include the repeal. Speaker paul ryan talking in exclusive town hall on fox news explained why. Obviously we didnt want to complicate the passage of tax reform given we did not have the votes before to get this through the senate. We want to see the senate go first and see if they can get that done and discuss whether or not this gets included at the end. Republicans are whipped the bill, anything new would jeopardize things, democrats oppose it and speaking of being furious, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi went to far to suggest that this bill will bring violence to our countrys future. This tax plan is predicated on a budget that does violence to our countrys future as well as wellbeing of working families. The house expects to pas bill tomorrow, the senate expects to pas theirs out of committee this week then if they pas both chambers, they will blend it together possibly including the obamacare care repeal finally. Brian Pretty Amazing that Lisa Murkowski and senator collins could be on board. Peter king doubling down in new york, if you dont do something about my hightaxed deduction, i cant get behind it. How many bigstate congressmen or women with they lose . Steve people in other states are going, look, why should we have to subsidize the high tax that is new york is charging citizens. Whats interesting regarding that story is if they are able to successfully repeal the individual mandate which unfairly targets people who dont are unable to afford health care, generally lowincome and taxes, theyll be able to have a onetwo punch. It looks like they were going to have one win this year, they might actually wind up with two. Thats the senate plan. The house has their plan that will go to committee and they are able to pull anything from the bills and make it one perfect tax bill and release something thats close to perfect. Steve democrats arent going to like it. Brian anything close to perfect, thats how President Trump used his trip, laned at 9 00 oclock last night. Hes come back feeling he has a big announcement to make about what tangible he walked with. We know 250 billion worth of business deals and we also know that he got role ucla shoplifters out of china and also know that they believe that he was behind china sending envoy to north korea who should be arriving today. He wanted to see hem do something sincerely to rein them in. Steve it does sound like the president is making statement from the white house later today. On the plane back he said, 300 billion of worth of trade deals, essentially that figure will quadruple quickly, over a trillion dollars worth of deals he negotiated on the five countries. Ainsley china is negotiating on their best, we are going to negotiate based on our best interest and no longer going to take advantage of us. Steve good. Great. Brian tpp is going on without us. He wants to set Bilateral Agreements with those countries. No word if we are making progress there. Ainsley jillian has news for us. Jillian massive manhunt for four dangerous teenager who is escaped a detention facility in new jersey. Police say they overtook corrections officers, stole the keys to one of their cars before crashing into a house near atlantic city, schools nearby are closed and people are being told to stay inside with doors locked. One guard was hurt in the escape is expected to be okay. We will keep you posted. We now know the identity of the gunman who killed four people in deadly rampage in Elementary School with bullets, kevin rammed car to fence at school in california, opened fire and try today break in to classroom but the school was locked down. He continued rampage shooting random victims until he was killed in gun battle with police, four people are dead and injured including children. What do you think im going to do . Why do you think theyre giving me this trouble . Why do you think im being harassed by the media and by people pushing for allegations . Jillian five women claim the candidate harassed them. A poll by fox 10 shows moore ahead of opponent doug jones by 6 points. Meantime alabama voters say they are getting fake robo calls claim to go be from warble post reporter offering women for damaging against moore. Take a look at your screen, incredible video overlooking the city showing a fire ball light up the sky. Could be part of meteor show. What did i see last night . Steve did you see nope. Coming up on the wednesday, the fix for Hillary Clintons nomination but her arrangement with the party legal . Our next guest is Campaign Finance attorney and she says there are serious red flags. Brian one head coach says yes heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Patients they ask me all of the time. I tell them the thickness of your enamel determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. The strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. I would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish their enamel. Theyre going to get whiter, brighter teeth. This is a really great product for my patients. Steve new questions this morning and the ealled rigging of 2011dnc primaries this after former party chair Donna Brazile accused of Hillary Clinton of striking a deal with the dnc in order to secure her own nomination. In a new oped in the wall street journal our next guest questions the legality of the agreement writing, quote, the memorandum raises the possibility that Clinton Campaign took advantage of dncs higher limits then availed itself of all the resource it is dnc would buy without having any of the costs or expenditures assessed against the campaign. What does that mean, mere to weigh in political law attorney plita mitchell. Good morning. Good morning. Steve the department of justice and federal Election Commission to look into the fishy scenario where essentially the Clinton Campaign used the higher limits of the party rather than what they were entitled under the law, right . Thats exactly right. There are very strict limits on what a Political Party can give to its candidates, can share with its candidates and looks to us former fec commissioner wrote the piece for the wall street, looks to us as though that the men ram do you mean of information between Clinton Campaign and dnc essentially gave Clinton Campaign complete control over what the party did, everything that it bought, research, hiring, firing, thats against the law. Steve okay, if its against the law, is it a criminal offense, could somebody possibly go to jail for Something Like this . Well, it could be because men passed congress included provision that says if theres knowing and willful activity that violate it is Campaign Finance laws and if the amount involves 25,000 or more, then thats a criminal offense. This involved half a billion dollars. Steve holy cow. Im reading your research. The party, the dnc, you can contribute up to 334,000 a year versus 2700 for individuals. Thats a big number. Its a big number. Well, the Party Committees have a lot of things that they do. Steve yeah. For all of the candidates up and down the line across the country. They are not just supposed to be owned by one president ial candidate which is what happened here. Steve sure. When you look at the what we have learned in the last couple of weeks thanks to the Donna Brazile book and other sources, apparently the dnc has had their bank account in our Nations Capital in washington, d. C. For decades, its always been there until this deal with the Hillary Clinton campaign and suddenly they move their bank account to her bank in brooklyn. Thats right. And that was one of the big red flags for me when i was looking at the fec reports, they moved that bank account the same month that they entered into this memorandum of understanding between the campaign and the dnc and essentially gave the Clinton Campaign control over all of the dncs money. Steve well, looks fishy, doesnt it . It does. Theres a shock, right . [laughter] steve lets see what the department of justice, if they do anything or the federal Election Commission does as well. Thank you very much for joining us from our Nations Capital. Appreciate it. Steve what do you think about the email in fox and friends. Com. Prolife testimony gets shouted by democrats. I feel disingenuous, abortion is the leading cause of death in black community today. Shows ignorance. I expect an apology. Steve star parker is still waiting on his apology, she will be joining us live coming up next my experience with usaa has been excellent. They always refer to me as master sergeant. They really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. Weve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. Usaa was there handson very quick very prompt. I feel like were being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. Were the webber family and we are usaa members for life. Usaa, get your insurance quote today. Ainsley it is now time for news by the number. First start with six, foreigners with suspected tied to terror under the diversity visa lottery. There are their pictures. It is the same program that allowed the isis sympathizer that admit today ramming into a crowd in new york city last month killing eight people. Thats where floridas Interstate Falls under dangerous highway list. Steve, you were down there a lot i4 connects orlando, tampa and Daytona Beach and exit for disney world. Be care nfl youre in that area. 50,000, thats how much its going to cost you to get your dog cloned, Company Offers to duplicate your pet dna, would you do that . Would you that . Steve would the dog be exactly the same . Many questions ainsley we can bring zach back. Steve there you go. Meanwhile conservative commentator made prolife argument before congress and she got shouted down by democratic congressman from tennessee. Watch. The issues of medicaid would come up and other opportunities for us to readdress what has happened and broken out in most distressed zip codes. I am not disingenuous about anything i say about medicaid or medicare or snap programs and to suggest im disingenuous shows ignorance or your absolute inability to deal with Congress People the way they should. I believe in those issues and i think they are proper and to say im disingenuous are just wrong and i expect an apology. Brian the next guest says shes still waiting on apology, center for urban renewal, star parker, were you taken aback . Either one. Actually i expected him to respond that way. When you look at the district, he has true disdain for constituents so to bring that out publicly is actually a service to them. Steve star, when you were talking about something being disingenuous, tell us the larger point and why did you say that . I said that because during particular statement and ultrasound a protestor started yelling about chip and started bringing welfare programs to the table when we were talking about a heart beat bill and talking about abortion, abortion like slavery is a crime against humanity and we need to address it and what the heart beat bill is saying if the heart is beating, then the baby should be protected. What happens with liberals, they want to bring up welfare programs because they think abortion is welfare, what he has done in constituency and district looks like is all of the social ills, we can look at his district as exhibit a for everything thats gone wrong in america when it comes to liberals. Big government and abortion. Thats all they want for their districts and its its just tragic for them and for us as a nation. Ainsley star, what is your history, how did you get to this point where you feel strongly about prolife . Well, my own history has abortion in it as many people know because im very vocal about it. Its one to have reason that is im adamant about telling the truth in particular districts there. When you go into the messaging in communities, the poor, poor because of wealthy are wealthy, my problems are someone elses fault. I got caught up in aggressive living. It wasnt until the fourth time i went into one of their socalled safe clinics and had a gut instinct maybe something is wrong with this. Its one of the reasons that im so adamant that we really need to address this in the law because people dont have the right information when they go into these abortion clinics and therefore we become sloppy as a society. People are being molested in abortion clinics with no federal oversight. Ainsley you were so civil and watch him respond to you, were you shocked at the way he was talking to you . I was much more surprised when it he came up after and demanded that i come to his office to apologize. I apologize for his constituents that i havent spend time in the district. I am going there and the more resources we have, we are going in there and we are going let them know the truth about what their congressman represents and that the answer to poverty is really freedom and personal responsibility. Its not a welfare state and certainly not abortion. Steve star kind of a sad state of affairs when they call you before congress to give point of view and your Life Experience and he listens to it and he calls you ignorant. I mean it was crazy and then Louie Gohmert came to my rescue and next thing you know steve king had to shut the whole thing down because they were ready to argue about what i put out, its facts, Public Record to see and he couldnt dismiss any of those position that is i brought forward and so therefore he went after me personally. Brian we will see where it goes from here. Star parker, thank you very much. Ainsley thanks, star. Thank you. Steve thats something. Pentagon disagree today cover sexchange surgery for a transgender soldier and your tax dollars are paying for it. Brian the will against President Trump and one head coach thinks so. He works in the nba where they are not allowed to take a knee, gene simmons has a different take. Good morning, gene. Hi, gene. [ keyboard clacking ] [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. You feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. Theyre biggest breakthrough yet. Advanced engineering promotes Healthy Posture and relief for achy shoulders and back. Visit tommiecopper. Com to see the entire line of wearable wellness compression. They have you covered from head to toe. Go to tommiecopper. Com right now and find out how you can save 25 on your first purchase, plus first shipping. Life hurts, feel better. Plus first shipping. When i walked through a snowthats when i knewtte, i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. Steve come on, gene, sing along. I cant sing. Steve rock icon gene simmons is in the house with he has a brandnew book called how you get. Let me show you how to do it the right way, ducey. You just kind of go in. Ainsley hold it up. Steve hi, mom. I promise im going to get it for you. There you go. The interesting thing here is you were duly reof minute of your duty if you dont trademark the assets, so i literally own this trademark. Brian you own the bag of money . Yes, i do. And i have for 28 years. Ainsley what is it about . Tell us how to get this book. Look, i was a 6th grade teacher in spanish harlem. I wasnt born in america. I know i dont look swiss. So when i came to america as a legal immigrant, notice i emphasis that because there is a difference, profoundly so. I accessed all the power and privilege america gives anybody, whether youre a natural born or immigrant, i wanted to give back, so i started teaching 6th grade, but i noticed something very important. Everything that you and i and everything that everybody learned in school really did you little good. Columbus discovered america in 1492, which is also profoundly untrue doesnt tell you anything about capitalism, whats a mortgage, how taxes work. Steve practical stuff. Yeah. Ducey, what was the name of the class in high school that would prepared you to be steve ducey. Steve that would have been nothing. That doesnt exist because you played hooky all the time. So this is a real interesting, fascinating book by the powerful and attractive gene simmons, and i want to take just 30 seconds to tell you living in wisconsin and davenport, iowa and michigan what this means. Theres no graphs, no nothing. This is like a this is something that will help you get through life. So heres what it is. There are 52 weeks out of the year. Two days out of the week if youre not working, i know youre blessed to have a job. If youre not working, you have two days off to dip chips and binge watch times 52 weeks is 104 days with christmas vacations and Binge Watching fox news and all of that, you spend more days doing nothing than not. So heres a good idea for the family. Get your kids, get your family members, get your friends. The room that you type all of your emails at. Steve yeah. Make that your Business Office for a new llc. A limited liability corporation. The government wants you to do that. They dont want you to clog the highways and waste gas and all of that stuff. So start a new business. Dont quit your day job. Stay at home, self popcorn farts or steve what . Brian gene, heres the thing. Youre saying be productive, be creative, and take chances. Steve and dont waste time. And take charge. Dont spend two hours on the highway going nowhere going nothing. And you can amass a small fortune and bring the family together and get the kids involved and what capitalism is all about. Teach them what school doesnt. Brian dont you think school should have something to do with all of this . Learn the stock market. Heres the best part. You can deduct the Square Footage of the room as the business headquarters from the new llc from taxes. What . Yeah, that means the room that youre going to have your computer on and capitalism. Ainsley so pick the biggest room. Well, pic you can argue about all of that. Steve gene simmons is telling you how to set up a home office. Brian heres all the seriousness. You are an entrepreneur, a musician, youre maximizing gene simmons potential. You want americans to feel the same thing that you are feel. That is moat invade. But i want to say by some economists point of view, everyone can be rich. Rich is a relative term, but you can have profoundly multiple times what youve got. Theres so much wasted money. I mean, look, sit down at a restaurant, most of the food that you order, you dont even eat. So we can all do a little bit better. Americas big, fat, and bloated on fox business when i rang the New York Stock Exchange in 2008, the dow was right under 8,000. On the floor, you can google this, gene simmons on fox business going invest in america, buy mcdonalds, buy cocacola, whatever it is. Invest in america. Its going to go up. Its now 23,300 or so. And if you would have done what i suggested because i cant tell you what to do, its a minefield, its my opinion, you would have been multiple times richer in the amount of money you would have invested in the stock market. Steve he who has the gold makes the rules. In the meantime, gene, right over there, in addition to power, would you like to do precipitation . Oh, my gosh. Gene simmons doing weather . Ainsley janice, gene is now the weather machine. We are maximizing gene simmons potential with the weather mass. So take a look at it. Show me. Give me some temperature. Well, if youre in provo, of course, why arent you . Its 32 degrees fahrenheit as opposed to celsius. Now, albuquerque, which is difficult to spell but i know that because i used to be a 6th grade teacher is now 48 degrees. But you notice in kansas city depends on whether or not youre in the state nearby spreads two different states. Kansas city, missouri, kansas city, kansas. Youre right again, ducey. Thats why youre on fox news. You deserve a raise. 45 degrees in chicago. And this depending on the hawk, which is the winds that come out of the north did make much colder, much faster, and the moisture, forget about it. Ladies and gentlemen, gene simmons. [applause] brian what was that . I will not be doing that. Brian gene, thats awesome. Thank you, sir. Ainsley thank you, gene. Great to have you here. It is 39 minutes after the top of the hour. Steve now whats going on . Oh, my goodness. Ainsley hes dancing over there. Steve hes about to give Stuart Varney the heimlich. Ainsley hey, gene, it has been one year since the historic election. Look at this, gene. Hes down in florida having breakfast with friends and fort myers. Whats going on there . Steve plus george soros and liberal friends is telling them to cut taxes because they want more power. Stuart varney says theyre trying to trick you. Hey, stuart, say hello to gene simmons. Hes dancing. 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And university silences free speech event over hate speech fears. The schools Young American liberty chapter telling campus reform they wanted to roll a big ball around chicago campus letting people write whatever they wanted on it. Then threatened participants if they did it anyway. Ainsley. Ainsley jillian. George soros, along with more than 400 other liberal millionaires and billionaires sending a letter to congress urging them not to cut taxes because they want to pay more. Steve really . Stuart varney says thats myth. Theyre just trying to bamboozle us. Yes. Steve who does want to pay more in taxes . Well, let me make two points here. First of all, if youre rich, youre wealthy, and you want to pay more to the government in taxes, write the check. Nobody is stopping you whatsoever. Theres no law against it. Of course you do. The United States treasury, xnumber of dollars. Here you go. You can do it in a heartbeat. Theres no law against it. But the real thing here is theyre misleading you. These are wealthy people that are sitting on wealth. That might be what . 5million worth of stock, or they own a company. That wealth is not taxed. We dont tax wealth in america. We tax income. While these rich folks are saying is, hey, you upandcomers, you income earners, you pay more. We dont have to pay any more. Theyre saying, no, were not going to come along and have 20 of our 5 million bucks taking office. We dont do that. They are saying you. You income earners. You strivers. You people trying to climb the food change. You pay more. Thats gross hypocrisy, its misleading from what theyre saying lets all pay more in taxes, its just not right. Its just wrong. Brian theres a fear that this tax plan. I know you dont love it but some tax cut is going to pass and republicans might get a win. So how do you stop that . Be a rich person and say i dont want a tax cut. And that backs schumers mantra. Well, look, the rich folks are saying these millionaires, 400 of them, theyre saying if you cut taxes, we dont need the extra money. And b, you cut taxes, it will not produce growth. That is absolutely wrong. In the 1980s when Ronald Reagan first cut taxes from the moment when that tax cut took effect to the moment when Ronald Reagan left office, the growth rate in america was over 4 . And for many years, 4 . Steve sure. Stuart now, economy, you cut taxes in america today, you put more money back into the economy, you will grow this economy iraq and businesses for the most part get the biggest share of the tax cut. Stuart yes. Steve but then, you would think they want the middle class people, and thats the intent of this. You would think that they would want them to get a tax cut. Stuart yes. Steve because that would help everybody. Stuart and maybe they do. But they themselves, these millionaires, 400 of them, say were rich, we should pay more, we dont want a tax cut. Thats what theyre saying. And theyre misleading us. Brian and, by the way, you said this went crazy on your show, varney company, which starts every day at 9 00. You did this story, and it went viral. Yes. Of course, you were on the show yesterday, and we talked about this with you. Ainsley oh, there you go. Brian i had no idea that was the same topic. Ainsley thats why the ratings went up. Brian get full credit. Ainsley hes auditioning on your show now too. Stuart everywhere. Ainsley hes sick of us, apparently. Steve ratings dont come out until 4 15 this afternoon. How would you know, brian . Its rigged. Ainsley brian just assumes. Stuart im just trying to give the guy a compliment. What can i say . Steve nice of you to stop by today, stuart, before your show. Stuart thank you very much. Brian the fox and friends home game. Youre eligible. Steve meanwhile, straight ahead on this telecast, ohio congressman jim gordon grilling attorney Jeff Sessions about a special council for clinton, comey, and more. Did you get the answers that he wanted . Were going to get the answers when he joins us live in about 20 minutes. Ainsley and pete is having breakfast with friends in fort myers, florida. Hey, pete. Hey, guys, were having more fun than you should be allowed to have. Here in florida talking about how they feel about President Trump a year after his election. A couple of nurses and a butcher. Were going to be talking to you next here on fox and friends. Dont want to miss it were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Fulldied. It all starts with a wish. The lincoln wish list event is here. And a complementary first months payment. I am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org steve well, just one year ago, we had dispatched Abby Huntsman in fort myers, florida. Had a great conversation with the folks down there about the election. Ainsley thats right. One year later, we sent pete down there to talk to some of the same folks. Was anyone there last year, pete thats there today . Yes. A number of people. Ainsley really . Last hour we talked to the owner and the waitresses were here, but we talked to people here both on election day and two lays later, abby, reacting to election day. We say the pulse of the people, were still eating the same pulse of some of the same people to see what they think about how the president is doing a year later. Im here with jan. Lives in minnesota during the beautiful months of minnesota and then down here when its cold. And actually shops at the same grocery store, presumably that my parents do in florida. Youre also a nurse, retired. You voted for President Trump. I did. A year later, how do you feel like hes doing . I think hes doing a great job. I dont think hes getting a lot of support from the established republicans. Hes a republican. No. Hes not. Why are republicans rejecting him . Because hes not a politician. Hes not one of the club. So i mean, i love what hes doing. I voted for him because hes not a politician. In fact, i prayed for our country for a long time and god gave us trump, and i think he has some humor too. [laughter] speaking of, do you feel like he can get tax reform done. Yes. Yes. He can do what he can do. I mean, he has to rely on these career politicians to get the job done. Youre right. Barbara, youve said a lot of the same things. You support the president. Youre also headwinds for him. Yeah. I support his effort. I think hes trying to do a fantastic job, and his effort is spectacular, its just the road blocks that keep getting set up over and over and over. And it seems like its being set up out of spite. Im happy with the work that hes trying to get done, and i think hes really trying to do a good job. How do you feel about all the russia stuff a year after . Oh, god, russia. Russia, russia, russia. I think they need to get over it already because a year later, you know, they dont have any evidence of him colluding with russia. Theres nothing concrete, and i think the russia investigation needs to be diverted to the real issues with russia. The Clinton Foundation. Yeah. To your point youre a butcher, which is super cool, and you say the rib eye is the best cut, which i agree with, but you voted for him. As someone who would like to see a tax cut, how do you feel hes getting done and how do you feel hes doing a year later. I feel hes doing really good. I feel everyone thats working against him just hates his brutal honesty. His what . His brutal honesty. Yeah. And thats, you know, one thing hes sticking with. I feel like hes he talks about the forgotten man and woman in the campaign. Right. Do you feel like hes sticking to that. I dont feel like hes changing at all. I feel like everyones trying to change him, but hes stayed in course. Whats the biggest thing you would like to see him get done . I think he needs had to get tax cut done. And then after that, he needs to try to divert his attention back to health care. Lets do a im going to do a show of hands of folks in the diner here. Who here would vote for President Trump again . Well. I didnt even rehearse that. We just made that up on the spot. So we got a lot of support here a year later and folks that are enthusiastic to give their opinion and support this president. And im going to get a free cut of meat, hopefully. Well see. Brian go for the fillet. Ainsley im surprised you didnt say bacon. Steve well, hes the guy with the butcher. Pete from fort myers. Thank you, pete. Brian one hour to go. Ainsley thats right. Attorney general Jeff Sessions in the hot seat. But while democrats focused on russia, sessions dropped the bombshell about the leaks that you might have missed. Brian plus, many on the left screamed at the anniversary of Donald Trumps win. Now they have a new target. Ben shapiro, exclamation point. Hes here to respond coming up, exclamation point again. You always pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Can we answer the question . I am once and for all answering the question. I dont understand why you wont take my answer. It is all systems go for House Republicans just days before they vote on tax reform. This tax bill for the average taxpayer in every income group gets a tax cut. Steve new questions this morning about the alleged rigging of the 2016dnc primaries. The dnc essentially gave the Clinton Campaign complete control. Thats against the law. A massive manhunt on the way for four dangerous teenagers who escaped a detention facility in new jersey. People are being told to stay inside with their doors locked. I feel its disingenuous. Suggest im disingenuous shows your ignorance. I expect an apology. Shows true disdain, so to bring that out publicly is actually a service to them. Gene simmons doing weather, come over here. Well, if youre in provo, of course, why arent you . Its 32 degrees fahrenheit. The city spreads two different states. Kansas city, missouri, kansas city, kansas. Youre correct again, ducey. Thats why youre on fox news. You deserve a raise. 85 degrees. Brian we knew it before he was famous. Now hes really famous. Steve yep. Just like gene simmons who just did the weather. Back in the olden days whenever we were lucky enough when we first got started 20 years ago, when we were lucky enough to have a famous person, we oftentimes would have them do the weather. Do you remember when henry can can idid the weather . Brian no, we gave him soap on a rope because a lot of people cant find the soap in the shower. Ainsley inappropriate. Inappropriate. Now you could not do that now. Brian right. Ainsley in other news, Jeff Sessions was in the hot seat yesterday. He went in the House Oversight committee for several hours yesterday, they were grilling him on russia, russia, russia, whether or not theres going to be special council, and then talked about the leaks. Steve they did, indeed. And in particular, what the democrats were looking for was they wanted to prove that he had been before the committees before and had lied under oath. And the republicans wanted him to say okay. You know what were going to do . Were going to come up with a new special council. Nonetheless, it was out of the box prepared to march. He wanted to make sure everybody understood. He said some things before, you know, now he recalls things differently, given the benefit of testimony from other people. Here he is making it very clear. The attorney general is not a liar. And all of my testimony, i can only do my best to answer your question as i understand them and to the best of my memory. But i will not accept and reject accusations that i have ever lied. That is a lie. Let me be clear. I have at all times conducted myself honorably and in a manner consistent with the High Standards and responsibilities of the office of attorney general, which i revere. Brian listen, no one doubts his integrity there, but he got himself in his own trouble. Hes the one that kislack came to visit, had to come back and explain himself. Made al franken look good, and hes the one that finds out when George Stephanopoulos comes out and said, yeah, i was talking to then senator Jeff Sessions, and i asked to set up a that had vlad mere putin and donald trump meeting, and he said dont do that. Well, he never said that to begin with, and then he came back and said i cant remember everything. It was a chaotic campaign. Bottom line, thats why you have staffers. Have your staffers go through your book. He didnt do anything wrong but because he wasnt transparent in the beginning, it makes him look like he was hiding something. Makes him look worse for the president. Steve theres people you met with officially. Ainsley shook hands with. Steve if you see george at a staff meeting or Something Like that, and he goes, hey, why dont you set up a meeting between Vladimir Putin and the president of the United States. Brian theres a picture, steve. Theres a picture of the actual event. Theres no excuse for it. He, again, has made the president look bad. Steve its something that a staff member, i dont know, could have, you know, lets go through all the pictures. No doubt about it. He felt bad about the fact that he is brian well, he should. He has caused the president a lot of grief as attorney general. Reaccusing himself and not becoming transparent in the beginning. In fact, if he had said in the beginning i met with kislack and nothing happened, he probably would have been attorney general and the attorney general the president appointed. Ainsley well, to his defense, when you go to his book signings brian im not the ambassador from russia whos in the middle of an investigation. Ainsley okay. All right. I understand what youre saying. But then he came back and said we didnt sit down. I didnt have a meeting with him to talk about the elections. All right. Lets move over because yesterday he also talked about the leaks. He said there have been so many leaks. There are so many that are under investigation. 27, to be exact. He said that is so many more than the obama administration. Listen to this. Members of the committee, we had about nine open investigations classified leaks in the last three years. We have 27 investigations open today. We intend to get to the bottom of these leaks. I think it has reached epidemic proportions. It cannot be allowed to continue, and we will do our best effort to ensure that it does not continue. Brian and that was the headline to come out of this that people were expecting that there is leak investigations going on, but theyre not supposed to be talking about on going investigations, unless youre in that setting. Steve well, its good news for people saying why are all of these leaks to major publications classified information to make this administration look bad . Ainsley i always thought they were being swept under the table. Under the rug. What do you say . Under the table, under the rug. Because i thought they were letting them go because theres so many of them. If youre going to do that, youre going to be held accountable, hopefully. Steve well, just this past week, there was the leak from somebody in one of the congressional investigation committees to the atlantic talking about how don jr. Had been apparently direct messaging with somebody at wikileaks. Ainsley that was in the as you committee. Steve behind closed doors. Ainsley right. Somebody leaked that to the media. Brian leak, leak, leak. Throwing a curveball in the tax, putting that in the deal. Steve House Republicans are sticking to the original plan for now. And on both sides, democrats not happy. Ainsley Griff Jenkins joins us live from washington to break it all down for us. Griff, could we get tax reform and repeal and replace at the same time. Yes. You can. Possibly before christmas as the president wants. But first, let me tell you. Mitch mcconnell traumatized democrats when taking another swipe at obamacare adding it to the tax bill. Yeah. Were optimistic that inserting the individual mandate repeal would be helpful. And thats obviously the view the Senate Finance Committee Republicans as well. But House Republicans set to vote on their tax bill tomorrow will not include the repeal. Speaker paul ryan explaining in last nights town hall why. Obviously, in favor of repealing the individual mandate, but we didnt want to needlessly mandate tax reform, given we did not have the reform to get this through the senate. So we want to see if the senate can get it done, then well discuss whether or not it gets included at the end. House leadership already got the vote. So adding anything new like a repeal could jeopardize things. Democrats, of course, uniformly oppose it. And Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi went so far to suggest that this bill brings violence to our countrys future. This tax plan is predicated on a budget that does violence to our countrys future as well as to the wellbeing of americas working families. All right, ainsley, so heres where it stands. The house is set to pass their bill tomorrow. The senate expects to pass theirs this week, setting up a vote after thanksgiving that they both pass it in both chambers. Theyll begin putting it together in one final bill. That as the president hopes to gettochristmas. Ainsley moving right along. I didnt think it would happen this quickly. Steve unlike another famous bill, they dont have to pass to know whats in it. We apparently know a lot. Brian its going through the committee process, but theres a lot of changes going through. But lets go over to jillian. You have a fox news alert. Thats right. We have been following out of new jersey right now. Lets get you caught up on what you need to know, and this is happening right now. A massive manhunt underway for four dangerous teenagers who escaped a detention facility in new jersey. Police say they with it overtook corrections officers, stole the keys to one of their cars and crashed into a house thats happening in atlantic city. Schools nearby are closed and people are being told to stay inside with their doors locked. We now know the identity of the gunman who killed four people in a deadly rampage and sprayed an Elementary School with bullets. Police say suspect kevin neil rammed his car into a fence at the school in california, opened fire, and tried to break into classrooms. But the school was locked down. He then continued his rampage shooting random victims until he was killed in a gun battle with police. Four people are dead and at least ten are hurt, including two the children. The ucla basketball players arrested for shoplifting in china will speak out for the first time today. Jaylan hill and cody riley landing back in the u. S. Overnight. Their release coming just days after President Trump personally asked his chinese counterpart to help resolve the case. The freshman could still face punishment from the school. All right. This is awesome. You have to see this. Boston celtics superstar irving literally giving his shirt off his back after the game to our nations heroes. Thank you so much. The 25yearold handing over his game jersey to a group of veterans Standing Court side on military Appreciation Night in brooklyn. Irving led the celtics to a 109102 win. He walks away shoeless. But someone actually tweeted me weeks ago saying its good to be reminded that 90 of them are great people. Steve well, that was a nice thing to do. Ainsley how sweet of him. Im going to be following him now. Stories like that, that touched your heart. Brian winning an nba championship didnt move you, but this is better. Thats good. I dont blame you. Ainsley its the good guys. Brian 11 minutes after the hour how grilling Jeff Sessions about a special council for clinton, comey, and moore. Did he get the answers he wanted . Well ask him next. He probably wont bewaring a shirt. A jacket, i should say. Steve i think he might be wearing both. And are athletes who protest the National Anthem patriots . One person think so so, and it might surprise you what he has to say for my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch to miralax. Stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. When i walked through a snowthats when i knewtte, i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. And it sure looks like a Major Political party was working with the federal government to then turn an Opposition Research document of some National Enquirer story to take that are to the pfizer court so that they could then get to spy on President Trumps campaign. Ainsley gop congressman jim jordan putting Jeff Sessions in the hot seat demanding whether a special council will be probing Hillary Clinton and james comey. Steve so what we can expect, congressman jim jordan joins us right now in the statutory hall in congress. Good morning to you, sir. Good morning. Steve im confused. Jeff sessions. Did he say he could appoint somebody, he would appoint somebody, wouldnt appoint somebody, what did he say . Well, im confused a little bit as well, steve. In fact, he gave, i think, within a fiveminute span, a few different answers. On the one hand, he said relative to the uranium one issue that he could appoint a special council. Later in the same questioning, he said he wasnt sure. What we do know is one was wandered. Thats why three and a half months ago, we asked for one, and we didnt even get cass closest to an answer until yesterdays hearing when he said hes still considering and thinking about it. But, you know, well see. It needs to happen, though. Brian if you were to do this, would it just be on uranium one . Or would it be about fusion gps and its role in this whole investigation . No. Great question. It needs to be about everything, including mr. Comeys handling of the clinton investigation 2016. The Inspector General is looking into that right now. Were going to look into it as a congressional many committee. But it needs to be the full gamut because frankly, its all tied together, and we believe in mr. Ways, rosenstein and mueller are related. What i do believe is the dossier. The fact that a Major Political party can finance this dossier at the same time it looks like christopher, the author of the dossier was paid by the fbi. So are they complicit in putting this together . If that happened in this great country, that is just so wrong, thats why it warrants a special examination of this whole issue. Ainsley congressman, why wont they have this . Why you sent the letter three and a half months ago, nothings been done, all i mean, many people, were on the road. Many people tell us all the time that the republican i mean, the Democratic Party needs to be held accountable for this, theyve gotten away with this time and time again. So what is the reason hes saying youve got to do our research, do our investigations, its been three and a half months since he made the request, and probably looking into this even longer. There have been 27 leaks that hes looking into. So in your heart of hearts, whats the real reason there hasnt been a special council . Im not sure, but i think it has to do with the career people at the Justice Department just dont want to go there. I really think thats the case. Ainsley theyll go there for President Trump, but they wont go there for Hillary Clinton and her team . Yeah. And i think, unfortunately, the attorney general is a good man. I think hes compromised because he recused himself from some aspects of this, but hes not sure what other aspects he can get involved with. I think theres that confusion. I think theres all of that, which is why we said okay. Name a special council. Lets do it, and we should look at it as well. But youre exactly right. When you talk to folks back home, theyre tired of double standard. A different set for the politically connected. Steve sure. And you made it very clear congress is going to investigate what the department of justice did in 2016 and 2017, so thats where its coming. Also, it looks like you could vote on tax reform very shortly. What do you make of the Senate Republicans throwing in yesterday a repeal of the individual mandate . So if you dont have it, you dont have to pay the penalty anymore . Yeah. No, its a great move. I mean, theres a couple things. One, it actually helps us keep our promise. We told the American People were going to deal with obamacare, so were actually doing what we said. And also, by the way, it frees up money the way cbo scores these things the way we can cut taxes more, let families keep more of their hardearned income. This is a winner something that im 100 for, so lets get it in the final bill and tax relief and do some repeeing of obamacare at the same time. Brian i know two things going to cross your desk at one point. How do you feel an expiration of 2025, thats what hatch is putting out there for individual tax rates. So were going to have to do this again in 2025, and also how do you feel about waiting until 2019 for Corporate Tax reduction . No. It was Corporate Tax rates to go away to be permanent. The way scoring works around here it bo, if that were to happen, when time goes, like many of the bush tax cuts were temporary, but the vast majority of them got renewed because once people get to keep more of their money, its a thing called freedom. They like that, and its tough to turn it back. Steve i think we all like freedom. Yeah. Steve jim jordan, thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you, guys. Take care. Ainsley well, you know you love her from Threes Company her and her husband are revealing their secret to a lasting marriage like not spending a night apart in 37 years. Brian i want to see video of that. Ainsley seriously . Not one night apart. Not one night apart . Really . It all starts with a wish. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. Brian quick headlines right now. New option for terrorists looking to get blown up by the terrorist. Starting a new terror Rehab Program to deradicallize people in their country. Theres 100 or socalled former terrorists currently enrolled. Participants takes part in lectures and seminars and hopefully for extra help. And russia wants people to think the United States is actually helping these terrorists carry out attacks. Only problem is their evidence is from a video game. Posting this video, this photo on social media saying it shows the u. S. Led coalition helping an isis convoy. People on the internet quickly pointing out the screenshot from a game called ac130 gunship simulator. Sorry, russians if you can understand me because im speaking english, not russian. It does look real, though. Steve it does. Meanwhile, her author and entrepreneur and, of course, actress and comedy icon from the tv show Threes Company. That was really a dumb thing. Just one of those rotten breaks. Rotten breaks . Yeah. The cars got those too. Oh, jeez. How much is it going to cost to fix all of this . You dont know to know and i dont want to tell you. In the objection overruled days, they used to chop off the bearer of bad news with an axe. How much . 300. Get the axe. Where are we going to get 300 . We sold the car, we could get 200. [laughter] ainsley but perhaps her most Important Role has been her 50year romance with her husband and business partner. The two tell all in a new book called twos company. Brian yep. Joining us right now susan along with his husband in a place called canada, especially. Steve the far north. Brian everyone right now is sitting at home with a number two pencil with a yellow pad saying whats the secret to marriage. Were about to learn why twos company. Madly in love. Were still really in love. We love each other, but were in love. Brian you guys are never apart. Were never apart. Ainsley never spent a night apart . Never. Well, no, the first 13 years. I thought of one time we didnt sleep together. I was sleeping at my sisters house in lake tahoe. How did that happen . I dont know she had a lot of boys, so she had twin beds and there was another girl in the other bed who couldnt believe she was sleeping and every time i would wake up, this girl would be staring at me. Like, yeah, okay. Could you i cant believe either. Brian did you get lucky to pick the right person, or did you decide to Grow Together . Allen. I got lucky. Okay . He did. I got lucky. I saw her, and i was; right . And i walked over, and i never been good with come on lines. So i walked overthinking what am i going to say because everything i say always the bs light starts flashing. And shes already famous; right . No. This is ten years before. I cant believe he asked me out. She was hired as a prize model on a game show i was doing. He asked me to his hotel room first time we went out, and i went, and i was standing there, i had platform shoes on because in the 60s, you wear platform shoes, and he said its a japanese suite, you have to take your shoes off, and i said what else do you have to take off . [laughter] brian there you go. So thats the secret. Go to the room. Brian thats chapter 1. Ainsley honestly, after 50 years, it hasnt been complete roses and bliss; right . No. Ainsley how do you get through the struggles. Throwing stuff at me. Actually, the first ten years, she kept throwing things at me. Its what we did at home. Brian and you would duck. I would duck and finally one day i said i have to stop this, so i picked up the chinese that she loved from the dynasty, and i through it across the room and hit the room and smashed into 1,000 pieces, and she said why would you have done that . And i said because you keep throwing stuff at me, and that was the last time she through anything at me. We were blending families at the time. I dont know if anyone here has done that because theres no child who wants a new parent, and are we reached the place. Steve he had children. He had two, i had one. Yeah. Child and a teenager. And gosh, weve had a lot of fun. And what i didnt realize the arc of this book when i say of writing it, i didnt want to rehash Threes Company. Steve thats been done. But i was firing to be asked to paid to commensurate with the men. And he was portrayed as the guy who ruined susan summers career. Steve and what was not known is that lavern and shirleyy had just do redone their deal, they were getting a lot of money. It was secret, and you looked like you were a moneygrubber. Right. And they had actively decided he got a call the night before the negotiation meeting saying you didnt hear this from me. But theyre going to hang a nun in the marketplace, and its going to be susan. Because lavern and shirley got all of that money in back end, and i had signed for nothing i didnt make any money off Threes Company. Now its year six, number one show, highest demographics of any woman in prime time at the time. Ainsley you deserve. All right. You did deserve it. Not so much feminism but shouldnt you be paid commensurate with the tickets youre selling . At that time men were making 10 and 15 times more. So he walked in and said there was no negotiation. They didnt counter or anything. So i assume, ainsley, youre making as much money as these guys. Ainsley i would hope so. Ive only been here for a year and a half. Year six, guys. Year six, guys. Brian long walk. Ainsley yeah, right. Steve well, its a great book called twos company. With Lessons Learned in love, life, and business. Susan and allen, thank you. Ainsley come back every year. After shes written the 26th book. Youre always welcome. And then i had him over for dinner one night. Brian ben shapiro. Ainsley hes coming up next. Brian he gets a free master. Ainsley congratulations, guys. The video is frightening, a plane engine bursting into flames minutes after take off. How passengers were able to escape. Thats next. Steve plus, liberals screamed at the sky on the anniversary of trumps election. Now they have a new target. Susan summers dining partner ben shapiro. He climbs up the stairs. Come on over here. He comes over by the curvy couch, and he gives them a hug paying less for my medicare . Im open to that. Lower premiums . Extra benefits . Its open enrollment. Time to open the laptop. And compare Medicare Health plans. Why . Because plans change, so can your health needs. So, be openminded. Look at everythinglike Prescription Drug plans. And Medicare Advantage plans from private insurers. Use the tools at medicare. Gov. Or call 1800medicare. Open to Something Better . Start today. Wthey had me at fort knox as, they keep all the gold there. After that we moved to georgia for a couple years. Then we spent some time in korea mmm seaweed snacks. And now we live here for good. Our members call many places home, oh, lots of questions. So we made owning a home easier. Navy federal credit union open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans, and their families. [screaming] brian well, ben shapiro is the daily wires columnist and still chuckles at that video that weve been watching for the last week commemorating one year since donald trump shocked the world and won the election. Ben, why do you laugh . If one thing can make trumps presidency, its that video. That video is spectacular. Steve some republicans were screaming too; right . That is sure enough. I think thats true. The reaction of the left really over the last two years, i think, in the run up to the election has been so extreme that it wasnt really a surprise to see people screaming at the sky. Im not sure how they think its going to help. But. Steve there are a number of democrats who are just screaming at the tv every time donald trump comes on television. In fact, there are some House Democrats who are going to launch another swing at impeachment later today. I cant imagine what theyre thinking. If they were actually skegged in impeaching trump. Lets say they were going to win the house next year. The impeachment doesnt go through, so they dont convict in the senate. That would be the stupidest thing they could do because nothing would rally trumps base over an impeachment over charges to be specified. They actually have to provide some sort of grounds for getting rid. Otherwise too much tweeting. I guess that would be it. Brian well, you see the fantasy spot that tom bought saying look at all of the things that hes done. But twothirds of which is pure fiction. But people believe it. Well, i think people believe what they want to believe in these situations. I mean, the left is still focused on the idea that trump somehow stole the election in collusion with russia, and thats Wishful Thinking than it is reality. The better move for the democrats seems to be happening, actually, now in which theyre throwing Hillary Clinton under the bus piece by piece and doing that and moving away from this election cycle is probably their best hope for regaining power. The longer they are stuck in relitigating 2016 election, the worse it is for them, the better it is for President Trump. Steve ive been looking at your day planner. You were supposed to go to a tough university to give a talk, but theyre trying to pull the funding for the security . Whats going on . I had heard Something Like that. I know a lot of these students have been protesting and yelling at the administration and suggesting that it created an unsafe environment. Steve how do you do that . I dont know. I dont see that physically imposing to me. But apparently all of the things that i say, particularly when i talk about the men or women, or i talk about being individualism, where White Privilege is not the rule. When i say these things, it makes people feel insulted, and they get offended. Steve well, maybe its because the students there, that is their safe place, and you should not invade it. Yeah. I think theyve really conflated my different politics with me insulting their identity. Its one of the most Dangerous Things thats happening politically in my country. If i disagree with you, its not a disagreement over the issues or over what we believe, its a disagreement with you as a human. Ainsley goes back to tolerance, unless you feel differently than we believe of. How many colleges have refused for you, or youve had a situation like this, a hiccup where you werent able to talk. Berkeley. There was university of wisconsin we had protesters that held up the speech so much that the legislature actually passed the bill. We had cal state los angeles where there was a riot, university threatened to arrest me if i stepped on campus. Steve for what . Brian you were invited. I was invited by the students and the administration. I was literally standing in front of their security chief, and they brought in the Cook County Sheriff and said if you take one more step, well arrest you. Brian heres what the student Facebook Event said. Ben shapiro history spreading fake news and fearing mongering, particularly around issues of immigrations. But many of our communities intangible amounts of danger, ben shapiro invited to campus, he will be given a legitimate platform that continues spreading these lies. That says do you even recognize that description . Ainsley do you feel like youre dangerous. No. And thats also a pretty astonishing statement, particularly that my statement is immigration. Ive been for a wall. Im for Immigration Enforcement but its to increase Legal Immigration and to ensure that the people who are here, on a case by case basis and put them at the back of the line if we think they should stay and throw them out if we think they should go. But that doesnt seem like a hard line position. Brian do you get insulted personally . I dont get insulted as much as confused. Im confused why people are exercised of me showing up on their campus. Steve but the controversy is probably good for your personal brand. Because ben shapiro, hes a trouble maker, we want to hear from him. Yeah. Thats right. Were packing lecture halls across the country, showing up in lecture halls with 1,000, 2,000 people and packing them. I spoke to ucla the other night and 600person hall, but they had 1400 people who registered beyond that. So people are interested in hearing the message. The stupid thing that the left can do is do to me the exact same thing theyve done to President Trump. Go overboard and make the issue about me as opposed to making the issue about the issue. Brian youre also getting rejected in sarah is could you say, even though the Republican Party wants you to come. The administration doesnt. That wouldnt be surprising at all. They dont want the controversy, they dont want to be what they perceive to be the security risk. Even though the past few lectures ive done, there hasnt been any opposition at all. Berkeley, there were 600 Police Officers and members of antifa, but thats about it. Brian where do you stand on roy moore . Do you think he should be seated if he wins. No. I dont think he should be seated. If a man has incredible allegations as a child molester should not be seated as a senator. Steve well, youre going to be on another curvy couch doingout numbered today. Yeah. I look forward to it. Steve and, by the way, somebody on our crew listens to your podcast. If you havent heard it, go to itunes. Soundcloud, any of the apps. Yeah, thank you. Ainsley lets hand it over to jillian for headlines for us. Good morning it. Good morning to you at home. Lets begin with breaking news right now. Fox news alert. Massive manhunt underway for a violent psychopath killer who escaped from a Mental Hospital and boarded a plane. In 1979, randall was found not guilty in a brutal murder by reason of insanity. Surveillance video shows him walking out of a mental facility in hawaii on sunday before picking up a backpack full of supplies and hopping in a taxi. Got on a charter plane before flying commercial to san jose, california where his family lived. Brandnew video of a plane bursting into flames moments before takeoff. Showing the British Airlines jet up in flames as passengers evacuate down the emergency slide. This is in las vegas. The ntsb releasing the clip more than two years after the fire saying it started from engine failure. No one seriously hurt. Athletes who protest are patriots. Thats the message from Detroit Pistons head coach in a Time Magazine open ed. The coach writing quote i have an obligation as a citizen to speak out and to support in any way possible those brave and patriotic athletes who are working to bring change to our country. And also calling on people to publicly support those players. Critics say he needs to stick to basketball. What do you think . Steve stick to basketball. Twitter, anything. Sure people are outraged. Brian same way over in san ontonio and, you know, youve got same with the golden state coach feel the same way. Ainsley thanks, jailian. Steve all right. Still ahead on this wednesday. Pete is having breakfast with friends in fort myers, florida. Were going to check back in with him and see who hes talking to right there coming up. Ainsley and fizzle model. Is here. Shes going to join us live on the curvy couch. There she is. Get up here. We opened our doors with 70 megawatts, 35 mules, and an ice plant. But we brought power to the people redefining what that meant from one era to the next. Over 90 years later, we continue to build as americas 3rd largest investor in infrastructure. We dont just help power the american dream. Were part of it. Did yon the National Debt . Ssman get elected by talking tough will they stay true to their words . Or did they promise you one thing. Only to do another . Right now, congress is talking about tax cuts that will add trillions to our National Debt and hurt our economy. Its time to tell congress. Dont borrow more money from china. And leave more debt to our kids. Keep your word. Tax cuts shouldnt add to the National Debt. Steve well, you know what happened during the last commercial. Ainsley was looking at the live shot down at pete in fort myers and, pete, her comment was look at that french toast. Ainsley one of those things you cant eat a lot of, but you always want to. Always. You always want to eat more. Its so good. Its just a couple of bites. So in honor of you when im done, im going to deep dealership this in the seeper and enjoy it. Ill bring you some, but it wont be as good when you do it. Steve we have some in new york. You do have french toast in new york. Were talking to some wonderful people here in fort myers florida, home of the spring training, which aim honoring this morning. Florida really is the melting pot in many ways of america. Im here with florence and her daughter sandy, both of which are Trump Supporters. Youve heard rosy, this is florence the riveter. She was part of that in world war ii, committing to the war cause. Youve seen a lot in your life, maam. Youve done a lot. This president was elected, President Trump a year ago. Youre 92 years old. Have you seen anything like his presidency in your lifetime. Like roosevelt that used to be a good president. And how do you feel like President Trump is doing. I think hes great. Why . Why . I think hes for the people. And help the people. And help all of us. And well celebrate with him. You said you dont use twitter, but you have strong feelings about his tweeting. Pardon. You like that he tweets the way he does. Yeah. , yeah, yes. Hes good. Absolutely. Sandy, what is your take . A year after the president was elected. I think hes doing a wonderful job. I just wish that he had more help from congress. Because they seem to stop everything he wants to do. Why do you think they do that . Its politics. Thats all. Thats all it is. Of the Trump Supporters that you know, are there any that have abandoned him since voting for him. I think a couple of the senators have, yeah. And the republican senators. Its just like i said, its establishment people. I mean, hes fighting for the people. Us. And they keep trying to block him. Thats very, very true. Well said. Sandy, florence, the riveter, thank you very much for your time. Were here with fill up and carol as well from ohio. Youre passionate about tax reform. Why . I think its going to help the economy get going even better. I think right now, you know, if we get the corporate down to 20 and do it now, then were going to see a big and its going to help the stock market, its going to help the country. Carol, briefly. Whats the biggest thing you would like to see the president accomplish. Tax reform . Yes. We have Small Businesses in our family, and i think it would really help their business to survive. To keep more of their money. Yes. Absolutely. I also have to give a shout out to mels. They do an annual helping kids with cancer on january 12th, 2018. You can go to barbara friends. Org if you want to participate down in fort myers. They also feed the homeless on thanksgiving. They cook hundreds of meals for the homeless before they even open the diner. Just a reminder of what makes america the greatest country earth, and were having a lot of fun and, ainsley, i will now be dipping my french toast in seeper in honor of you. Ainsley and i will be officially jealous. Steve and the verdict. How is it . The what . Its amazing. Fantastic. Words cant describe. Brian it looks like it. Pete likes french toast. Ainsley coming up next, super model is here. Shes going to join us live on the curvy couch after the break. Shes walking into the studio. When did you see the sign . When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Yeah now business is rolling in. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Good morning, everybody. Is the Obamacare Repeal really about . Also, peter king going after the tax plan. Mcmulvaney reaction from the white house. Well talk to both in a moment. Interesting reaction from both men on that. Jeff sessions had his day yesterday. What next on that . Tray gowdy will talk about that. And with all of the harassment allegations, predictions that a day of reckoning is at hand for washington, d. C. Tell you what thats about today when sandra and i see you in seven minutes. Top of the hour here in americas newsroom. Steve in 2004, remember this. The devastating tsunami struck Southeast Asia and killed a quarter of a million people. Ainsley that tragedy was super personal for super model. She hung onto a tree for eight hours until the water subsided. She survived, but her fiance did not. She was hospitalized with severe injuries, including a shattered pelvis. Brian that didnt stop her from giving back in a big way, rebuilding schools. That was back in 2004 and, man, has this organization grown. One of our first big time guests back on the couch. Happy to be back. I have news for you. Ainsley great. What are they . First, coming back here year after year saying we have rebuilt 60 schools, 100 schools, 130 schools, and on friday, we opened our 171st school. Brian after natural disasters. And i have other happy news with you. You have seen what has happened with harvey, maria, earthquakes in mexico, and i have seen this happening for the past 12 years and disaster after disaster, it takes years for children and families to have a rebuild homes and schools. And, to me, each time, it breaks my heart. If you imagine for a child to wait six years to go to school, and you lose a generation. And looking at it year after year, there must be a way to make this whole process faster. And not just having children forgotten. So we have partnered first two years ago with an Organization Called all hands volunteers. And they have been doing amazing work rebuilding not just schools, but homes as well. Brian so you merged both foundations . Yeah. Thats the big news. So we can be more impactful, we can be faster. So weve seen from rebuilding actually, now we can rebuild schools. And we have rebuilt the first school in a very challenging environment after the 2016 earthquake. And in a quite difficult country. In peru in seven months after the disaster, the construction takes only three months. Brian and youre also helping in houston; right . Were helping in houston. We were there right away after hurricane harvey, and we made commitment to the community, to the families two years minimum to help them. Mainly housing, debris removal, mold removal, and we are committed to these families. Because once First Responders leave, the hope leaves as well. And knowing someone is there for longterm, it helps the families. Ainsley well, the tsunami really reshaped your life and now youre helping so many other people who have been through it too because you know what its like. Thank you so much. No. Thank you for letting me share. Steve whats your website . So now brian quickly. Allhandsand heart. Org. And you can share your videos. Brian good job. Thank you. Brian more fox and friends in just a moment. Dont go anywhere. Well slowly zoom out. I promise when i walked through a snowstorm for a cigarette, thats when i knew i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. Every great why needs a great how. I got this. N there . Thats the new man, huh . Yup. 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