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Excitement is high as we head to our nations capital. This stars and stripes flight is taking 150 veterans to see the memorial built in their honor for the very first time. Steve an appropriate song for this. It is the 10th day of november. Usually veterans day is 11 11 and today though because it is during the week, today its being observed its a federal holiday. Ainsley if you served our country thank you from all of us as fox friends and fox news channel. It is such an honor to wake up with you every morning. Thank you for your sacrifices. Todd it is literally one of those things we cannot say enough. Steve of course. Tomorrow is the real veterans day and there are going to be commemorations throughout america. Today though lets talk about where our salesman in chief is he has arrived in vietnam. Lets get to a fox news alert. We are talking about President Trump. There he is taking the stage at apec, the Asian Pacific economic summit suspects in danang, vietnam right now while the president of the United States has had many different messages so far ensure mayor factor access. In the end, unfair trade undermines us all. We can no longer tolerate these chronic trade abuses. And we will not tolerate them. The current trade imbalance is not acceptable. I do not blame china or any other country of which there are many, for taking advantage of the United States on trade. If their representatives are able to get away with it, they are just doing their jobs. We should consider trump is doing something different. Is he projecting American Power with a lighter touch. He has connected culturally with the chinese by honoring their history and appreciate their hospitality. That might not be a bad idea. Ainsley so true. No matter what he does, they are going to criticize. If he was too harsh, he was too harsh. He shouldnt have done that he should have been nicer. He should have worked with them and negotiated. If is he too soft. No matter what he does. Steve its just like that. One thing he did do though. We kind of had the ink links he was going to announce something. They did announce chinese firms, 37 u. S. Firms have made big deals to the tune of a quarter of a trillion dollars between the United States and also china. And being a businessman, he loves that. Todd thats a great point. The businessman point. If you know anything about how to operate with the chinese, im going with all the respect to trumps granddaughter im going to try to Say Something in chinese here its called. [speaking chinese] about forming relationships before you get into the heavy business. Loosely translating im reading here. Lets first become friends and then do business. Hes a businessman. He is the first real businessman in the oval office. This is what he is doing. The Mainstream Media is attacking him for. Ainsley finds common ground. They negotiate after a lot of negotiation. That is the art of the deal. Steve indeed. We were telling you yesterday there is a possibility he would be meeting with Vladimir Putin later today. Now the white house is saying scheduling problems. There is no scheduled meeting but dont be surprised if they bump into each other in the hall. Just maybe. Steve hey, i know you. Come on lets sit down and lets talk. Steve meanwhile this week we have been talking a lot about Donna Braziles book which blows the lid off of what was going on at the dnc. Now, there are a number of people who are saying, including cleta mitchell, who is a Campaign Finance attorney, she says that the department of justice and the federal Election Commission should investigate exactly the relationship between the Hillary Campaign and the dnc because there is a real good possibility they broke some laws. Ainsley she is an expert. This is what she does for a living. She was on with tucker last night. Listen to what she said about Hillary Clinton and the dnc. Any Campaign Finance violation involving 25,000 or more if the activity was knowing and willful, and this was actually a Chuck Schumer amendment to the Campaign Finance law, that is a criminal violation, and the department of justice has jurisdiction to investigate. So i think both the fec should investigate and i think the department of justice should investigate and one of the things i think is important to note here is that all of these people who call for all these restrictions, they have apparently have no attention of abiding by them. Steve one other telltale sign is the fact as we talk about the clinton takeover, apparently they moved the dnc bank account from washington, d. C. Apparently to the same bank as Hillary Clinton was using for her campaign. Very cozy. Ainsley whats ironic about this is Chuck Schumer is the one who supported this amendment that you cant misuse campaign. They are the ones who say there are limits how much can you give a campaign. How much a campaign can spend. And they are the ones, according to cletus, they are the ones ms. Using the funds. Steve more on that later. The white house responding this morning to new Sexual Misconduct allegations against judge roy moore, the Republican Senate candidate down in alabama. Todd Griff Jenkins joins us live from washington, d. C. With that very latest. Griff, good morning. Good morning, guys. The white house is responding this morning to here to ceasous Sexual Assault sales as denailed a the Washington Post article against Senate Candidate judge moore accused of trying to initiate sexual relations with four women. One as young as 14 when he was in his 30s. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders cautioned against rushing to judgment but sending a clear message if they are true, then here is what she says. Like most americans, the president believes that we do not allow a mere allegation in this case one from many years ago, to destroy a persons life. However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, judge moore will do the right thing and step aside. Judge moore is emphatically denying the allegations calling them false and desperate. Taking to twitter saying this is a coordinated effort by his political enemies in the liberal media and he is in a quote spiritual battle with those who want to see you lens his message. This as Richard Shelby weighed in. If the revelations, if thats true, i dont believe there would be any place for him in the u. S. Senate. Judge moore faces Democrat Doug Jones in a december 12th special election to replace now attorney general Jeff Sessions. Guys . Steve all right. Griff jenkins in our nations capital. Thanks, griff. Good morning, guys. Good morning to you at home. Get you caught up on headlines at home. Starting with. This new video just released of the Texas Church Shooting hero. Shows him visibly shaken talking to Police Moments after shooting the gunman who killed 26 people during that service. I was home when i heard the shot, and i didnt know what was going on. I had to god, i had to get in my faith. He was in the corner with his truck. I dont even know you. Thank you so much. I cant think of any other reason why he took that sign out and ended up in that ditch. I know i put some well placed shots. Jillian you could see his handshaking in that video and he was bare foot because he didnt take time to puts shoes on. That building will be demolished and turned into a memorial site to honor the victims and their families. Bombshell development in a rand paul assault investigation. We learned the kentucky senators neighbor Renee Boucher could face federal charges as prosecutors say the attack could have been politically motivated. Boucher pleading not guilty in court and his lawyer claims the dispute was over landscaping. Pauls Senior Advisor releasing this statement saying quote this was not a fight a blind side violent attack by a disturbed person. Criminal charges could bring up to 10 years in prison. Just days after he avoided prison from a military judge former Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl could cash in a huge check from the pentagon. The army says he could get more than 300,000 in back pay for the five years he spent in captivity after deserting his post in afghanistan. Bergdahl discharged and demoted. He could also owe the army money if they determine he was overpaid after returning to the u. S. No word when the army will make that decision. But, of course, we will keep you updated when we hear any more information. Steve absolutely. Thank you, jillian. Bowe bergdahl broke a very important rule there are some suggestions he got soldiers killed and now the possibility that he would be getting back pay to the tune of 300,000 . Holy cow. What do you think of that . Email us at friends foxnews. Com. Disturbing new warning, terrorists turning drones into killing machines. The target . A commercial airliner. Ainsley county republicans tax plan be a win for American Workers . Our next guest says yes. He is willing to bet his Manufacturing Business on it. Ive been taking care of business every day taking care of business every way ive been taking care of business its all right taking care of business working overtime steve first the republicans in the house unveiled their plan and yesterday Senate Republicans did the same, in response to the g. O. P. Plan. But county final bill be a win for the American Worker . Our next guest thinks so and is he willing to stake his Manufacturing Business on it. Joining us right now is the president of martin Steel Wire Products in baltimore drew greenblatt joins us from our nations capital. Drew, good morning to you. Hi, good morning. Steve just like the house bill, under the senate bill, the corporate rate would be reduced from 35 to 20 . Would you explain for folks at home how the fact by lowering the corporate rate thats going to help everybody . Absolutely, what that means is that Companies Like caterpillar and emerson, boeing, when they compete with their foreign rivals, they will be able to lower their prices to accommodate the cheaper tax rate. This is going to mean that a boeing and ca caterpillar will win more jobs. When they win more jobs we will ship. Boeing is going to have to hire more people. Caterpillar is going to have to hire more people. Allamerican factories are going to see a huge surge of production in the u. S. A. If we have competitive tax rates compared to china, canada, germany. Right now were under water. We are in deep problems because we cant compete with these countries. It will be great for the American Worker. Steve your company does compete with companies in mexico and china as well. Explain personally how it would impact you. We make everything in america. We buy u. S. A. Steel from indiana and illinois and we export to 39 countries. We make it 100 percent in the u. S. A. If this tax bill happens, whats going to happen is we are going to get a lot busier. We have to hire more talents. We already have all in. We know its going to happen. We are enthusiastic about it happening. We invested over a million dollars. Were a small company. 1. 2 million in new technology, new automation. We have all kinds of electricians in our factory to keep up with this enthusiasm. It is very exciting for the american economy. Its good news for the American Worker. Steve okay. When you look at the individual tax the tax rates think will stay in seven brackets or might go down about 3 in total. But, does it simplify things like the president said . The president said he wants it much simpler. I think thats what we are going to get. 90 of americans will be able to file their whole tax package, their tax forms on a postcard. H and r block is not going to like that. All the americans are going to love it this is a good thing for the nation because all of a sudden our standard deductions are going to double from 12,000 a year to 24,000 a year plus they are expanding the child tax credit. This is good for the average american. And this is going to be wonderful for american factories. We will hire a lot of people to keep up with the new growth and optimism coming into our great country. Steve you are very optimistic. Lets see what happens next. Drew greenblatt, thank you for coming to our nations capital. Thank you, sir. Steve over a decade he spent as a spokesman for bashar al assad. Now he has got a new job. Hes a College Professor. And a little girl gets a big surprise just in times for Veterans Day Weekend. How this heart warming moment happened straight ahead. The inlaws have moved in with us. And, our Adult Children are here. So, we save by using tide. Which means we use less. Three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. Those are moms. Anybody seen my pants . Nothing cleans better. Put those on dad its got to be tide. vget great phones during thes sprint deal spectacular you can get the new titanium crafted essential phone for just 5 month. And get some of our hottest Samsung Galaxy phones also starting at 5 mo. Hurry in while supplies last. Spectacular deals from sprint with the best price for unlimited. Switch to sprint and get 4 lines of unlimited for 25 per month per line and well give you a fifth line free. Sprint. Works for me. For people with hearing loss visit sprintrelay. Com. Todd 24 minutes after the hour now and quick headlines. Jury dlictions will start over next week in senate bribery case. After a jury was dismissed say telling the New York Times she would have for all reasons. Will make a trip after the jury could not make a decision in three days. Federal judge dismisses for a second time. A pair of lawsuits trying to force the state department to find lost emails from then secretary of state Hillary Clintons private server. The judge saying the fbi exhausted all of its options to track them down during its investigation. Ainsley, over to you. Ainsley thank you, todd. The former syrian diplomat who spent more than a decade defending the assad regime in syria now has a new job, College Professor here in new jersey at rutgers university. Steve terrific. He is teaching, among other classes, anticorruption and international law. What exactly is rutgers thinking . Joining us right now is campus reform. Org correspondent and rutgers student andrea, good morning, andrea. Good morning. Thank you for having me. Steve u. N. Watch has called on the school to fire this guy. Why do you think rutgers was wrong in hiring him in the first place. I think rutgers was wrong for several reasons. First off, because rutgers is a public university, i think it has duty to use taxpayer money effectively. And it shouldnt be going to fund the income of someone who literally defended the assad regime in front of the u. N. , which is a regime has he been accused of committing the worst war crimes, including gassing its own people. Ainsley exactly. We had you on over the summer talking about the microaggression, the course that everyone is forced to take at your school. It just says you are not allowed to ask anyone where they are from. We also were there a few years ago talking about Condoleezza Rice. She was invited and then uninvited. As a student there and you clearly disagree with them hiring this professor. What made you want to go there . Oh, i always i like rutgers university. I appreciate different points of view, which is why i wanted to go there. I appreciate listening to what liberals have to say. But the problem at universities is that liberals dont want to hear what conservatives have to say. For example, with the Condoleezza Rice thing. They invited her to speak and then the rutgers faculty protested calling her a war criminal and then she eventually rejected the invitation. But, at the same time, when rutgers hired someone who defended a war criminal, no one bats an eye. Its ridiculous. Steve is it hard to be a conservative student on that liberal campus . It is very difficult to be a conservative student, yeah. But, it provides like a fun challenge. I enjoy it. Steve well, the very latest news and this guy just got pay increase. He is now an adjunct professor. Rutgers put out this statement regarding him. Faculty members enjoy some of the same freedoms of speech and expression as any other individual in this country. Rutgers will not defend the content of every opinion expressed by every member of our academic community. I dont think this really is about the content of what he has said. I think its the content of what he has done, isnt it . I agree completely, yes. And rutgers, the fact of the matter is that rutgers made a mistake by hiring him in the first place. And in addition, Leadership Institute campus reform did more research on him and found he had said very antisemitic things in the past from accusing the Israeli Government of harvesting organs to just general blood liable. This isnt the first time rutgers has had an antisemitic faculty member. It really makes one question if rutgers truly stands for tolerance and diversity as it claims to be. Ainsley a petition has been launched urging people who want to dump this professor, basically, want him fired to sign the petition. As two of days ago they had 600 signatures. Do you know anyone who has signed it or have you seen it going around campus. I have seen it going around campus, yes. The student body, from what i have interacted with is very concerned about this, especially my jewish friends because as i mentioned previously this man has said antisemitic things. Last i checked this morning, it has closer to 3,000 signatures. Steve he has been on campus since 2015, and they just made him an adjunct professor. The criticism has been out there. So obviously rutgers is doubling down. Yep. Ainsley do you know anyone whose taken his course . No. The course is offered in spring 2018. Ainsley you havent signed up yet. No. Ainsley and you probably wont. Probably not after doing this interview. Ainsley andrea, thank you. Steve thanks. Ainsley what a Smart College student. I was into partying. Good for you. Thank you. Ainsley American City set to leverage huge fines. Steve boom, into the fountain. How has President Trumps presidency impacted United States standing in the world. There to discuss. There they are coming in nextu on fox friends. All civilized people must drive out extremists and terrorists from our societies. Stripping them of funding territory and ideological support. We must stop radical islamic terrorism so let us Work Together for a peaceful, prosperous and free endo pacific. Together, we will achieve everything we dream for our nations and for our children. Todd President Trump continues trip to asia ask the question how has the world stage been impacted by the presidency . We bring in amazing panel of military veterans. I said it at the top, i will say it again. We cannot thank you folks enough for all that youve done for this great nation. Lets begin with Johnny Joey Jones who lost both legs in service. Not kick the can down the road. What do you mean by that . Teddy said speak softly and carry a big stick. And obama was speak softly and give the enemy your stick and will trump is speak loudly about how big your stick is it is a stark contrast. So far its proving effective. We are defeating isis in a lot of places. Just like any whackamole they will pop up other places. This is true a threat that is ideological and how we back that up moving forward. So tactically, we may be sound, but strategically, looking long term, you know, im still beat ago donald trump waiting for what is our goal in some of these places in the long run. Todd Darren Porcher we talk to you a lot on the fox news channel. You are a good friend of the show. Army veteran and former nypd officer. You say the president has really established the u. S. As a world power by expanding the militarys war on terror. Obviously in light convenience we just saw here in the big apple a few weeks ago and what we see around the world, what do you mean by that . I think donald trump has asserted himself as a true leader for us as americans. Its very important that we have someone on the grandiose stage that represents america accordingly. When we look at whats happening in north korea we have had failure upon failure with past administrations. As we look at what donald trump is doing right now some think its bellicose its necessary step reestablishing us going back to the reagan era as a super power. Todd not everyone here on the panel agrees with President Trumps language. I want to go to katie, u. S. Marine corps veteran, v. P. Of operations at selfmade. You say the president s style creates quote, unquote, noise. You agree with the Foreign Policy but the Communication Style does not engender support. What do you mean . Personally for me, its very distracting, hard for me to cut through the noise. The aggressive twitter diplomacy and comments he makes to actually get to what he is trying to accomplish. I think that can detract from his message and what he is trying to accomplish. I do agree with his priorities. I dont necessarily agree how is he going about doing it i would like to see him exercise soft power both in rhetoric and another example is the cuts in state department. Many different ways to diplomacy. Sometimes walking softly and carrying a big stick is a good way to get what you want instead of just being aggressive. Todd while we have the mike in close proximity to honor is parnell i want to go to him. Retired u. S. Army ranger. He says he really likes the Foreign Policy. You like the fact that we have a president that speaks with what you call moral clarity. Explain that. Yeah. I think its refreshing that the president speaks with such moral clarity on a number of issues. I mean, really puts our enemies on notice that the United States of america is back. And it makes our allies feel good to be honest with you. You know, and i think President Trump and the nine months of his presidency disseminated isis. Mosul has been liberated. He has dessert find the Disastrous Iranian Nuclear Deal and he has brought countries like saudi arabia and china to the diplomatic table where we havent seen anything like that in decades. So, i think i dont think the president gets the credit that he deserves for the Foreign Policy accomplishments that he has made in just a short time. Todd one of the areas where the president gets credit from a lot of base, i know i talked to these people out in the middle of the country is that priorization of America First. I want to get to you first Jason Beardsley, former green beret awarded two bronze stars. You say you love the fact he has prioritized american citizens and emphasized security that he wont acquiesce that he will take action . Yeah, absolutely. Sean said it, but we have got a president now thats leading from the front. He has established that western values are great. He did it in poland and saudi arabia. We are bringing allies on and welcoming people into nato and pushing back on north korea, belligerent states, bellicose states. I will agree with sean again there that bellicose sometimes that moral clarity that cuts through the white noise that we hear elsewhere. We have got an economy thats on the rise. We have got employment, i think its the lowest in 17 years. So there is a lot of things that are happening underneath all that noise. We are excited to see that leadership. Army guys we have the in back even on this panel we have each others back. Todd with that i will go to another army guy. Todd former nfl linebacker with the lyons and few other teams. You say you like the job with diplomacy. We are a messy hall. The reaction is reactionary not strategic, what do you mean by that. Everything is reactionary based on whats happening. I understand i applaud the president for having our interests and protecting America First and im so thankful that especially being an american but it just seems like everything is reactionary especially with the blanket statements. For me i think there is a 24hour rule. I know this doesnt necessarily apply when it comes to american terrorism or threats according to our nation but 24 hour rule like how i respond whenever something happens. 24 hours later, i usually dont respond in the same manner. So i dont really have necessarily, you know, an approval when it comes to these blanket statements. They seem more reactionary than strategic. Todd the army navy battle is going to be in a few weeks. We will stage it now. Carl higbie is the navy guy. Lets go to karl right now. Im the only navy guy. Chief of external affairs for americorps. You say he is doing amazing job focusing on isis on the run, troop morale and world starting to respect us again. Biggest thing can i say about what President Trump has done he has instilled faith in the veterans when they come home they will be taken care of. Americorps and the department of labor has rolled out a number of programs prior to veterans day, veterans they understand that they are possibly going into conflict on behalf of this nation and, you know, at the president s behest. When they come back, they know now that they are going to be taken care of too, much further extent than they ever were before. I think thats a very powerful thing for morale and their ability to fight this war. Todd finally but not least Cathy Barnett served years in the armed forces reserve. What say you . What say i . I say what we just heard two days ago just this week where the Korean National assembly introduced President Trump as the leader of the world. Not the leader of the free world. Not the leader of just america. But the leader of the world. And only democrats and despot regimes are the ones who take issue with the Foreign Policy he is of this president. Its enormous pivot from the apology tours we endured for the past 8 years. I read the 70point immigration plan. I agree jot and title of it. The Paris Agreement simply redistributed americas wealth to the rest of the world. We finally have a leader and i believe the International Community is taking a collective sigh of relief of a leader who says what he means and means what he says and i agree with that. Todd along those lines you mentioned the last 8 years. Quick show of hands who feels better now with regard to military issues than they did over the course of the last 8 years . Can i put two hands . Todd sean parnell the army guy is cheating putting two hands. More in the next hour ainsley. Thank you for your service. Facebooks former president just made an ashocking admission. You wont wants to miss this one. Saying that it was designed to exploit your weakness. Kurt the cyberguy here to react next. And, a trip for veterans decades in the making. Former Navy Fighter Pilot lee gabriel takes us along for the honor flight. Thats coming up next. Were thankful for the freedom this country gave to me be counted man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Thats why feeling safe fullbodied. Is priceless. With adt, you can feel safe with an adt starter kit professionally installed for only 49. 00. Call today, and install an adt starter kit that includes security panel, keypad, key fob, entry and motion sensors and for a limited time, get a camera included and installed at no additional cost. Thats a 449. 00 value, installed, for just 49. 00. Adt has over 140 years of security experience, with our commitment to customer service, and roundthe clock professional monitoring, you have the comfort of knowing that adt is helping to protect what matters most. Call today, or visit adt. 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Since enbrel, dads back to being dad. Visit enbrel. Com. And use the joint damage simulator to see how your joint damage could be progressing. Ask about enbrel. Enbrel. Fda approved for over 14 years. Jillian terrifying threat from the skies. Department of Homeland Security warning about terrorists weaponizing drones were explosives bring down passenger planes calling it the bigger challenge since 9 11. Recreational drone was flying higher than regulations had allowed and hit a passenger plane over canada. And texting and walking about be dangerous, right . In chicago that could soon be illegal. Proposed ordinance aiming to prevent pedestrians from burying their phone when crossing the streets. They want 90 fine for First Responders with repeat violations costing as much as 500 bucks. What do you guys think of that . Steve thats a lot of money. All right. Thank you, jillian. Meanwhile, former facebook president sean parker with the shocking statement. That the social media site was designed to exploit us. Heres what he had to say. Its a social validation Feedback Group because you are exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology. The inventors, creators, you know, its me, its mark, its the, you know, kevin sister hand at instagram, its all these people understood this consciously and we did it anyway. God only knows what its doing to our childrens brains. Ainsley great. Joining us now with his reaction is kurt the cyberguy. Kurt neutz son. Hey, kurt. You know, facebook has some great value to it but this guy is finally calling it. This is the first time we are hearing from somebody on the inside so this is a former president of facebook. Remember the movie the social network played this guys character sean parker. Speaking out saying all along facebooks goal was to get us consumed and our attention really consumed. Actively addicted to this social network. The more time they have from us, the more money theyre making. Guess what, it has worked out. I have a joke in my family, which is when we see our friends that seem obsessed with social media, where they seem to be checked out of real life because this is where they spent their time, theyre always hunting for the like. Steve a thumb up. Its human nature to look for that sort of approval and acceptance. So, our joke at home is, like me, please please like me. Saying that to exaggerate and how ridiculous this is that they have got us going down this road of looking for validation every moment. Todd is this adown jets cigarettes. The addictive nature of cigarettes . Its beyond cigarettes and alcoholism. Look at the amount of time of our lives that goes into this. Now, there is some great stuff that comes of it. I have found friends i would never know. Cat videos. I mean, there are some great value in connecting through that social network. But dont be fooled that it has not been made and designed like an addictive drug and this is the first time were getting sean parker saying and calling you know he left that interview laughing saying i bet zuckerberg will block me and guess what . Guess what . Im convinced the day will come and it is shear opinion and experience that some people, like myself, have been turned down on facebook when they dont like what you are saying. So if you are critical of them, i notice that, boom,. Steve big brother is watching. Ainsley thank you, kurt. Steve senate releasing its own tax plan now, whats in it and how does it help the middle class . We will talk to pennsylvania senator pat toomey in about 20 minutes. Ainsley a trip for veterans decades in the making u Lea Gabrielle Fighter Pilot she takes us along upon an honor flight. Thats coming up next. What does it feel like right now to get that welcome home . I cant say anything. No, im going to cry. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. I am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org todd tomorrow is veterans day when we honor our heroes who have served. Ainsley one organization takes that mission to heart korean and vietnam war make it to washington, d. C. To see their memorials. Steve they do. Fox news correspondent and navy veteran Lea Gabrielle is here on the couch with more. Good morning to you. Can you imagine being a veteran and serving in these wars and never see the memorial dedicated in washington, d. C. . Well stars and stripes honor flight is changing that and i was honored to be on their 43rd mission. Take a look. Whose broad stripes and bright stars. Its 5 00 a. M. On a saturday but at Mitchell International airport in milwaukee, you would never know it, many of these veterans have memories of leadinleaving airport somber and destined for war. Now, its a party to celebrate and honor those who served. How excited are you about this . S im extremely excited. Its a good feeling. Its a very good feeling. Its just amazing. Excitement is high as we head to our nations capital. This stars and stripes honor flight is taking about 150 veterans from the vietnam war, world war ii and the korean war to see the memorial built in their honor. Some for the very first time. Among them, three brothers, roger khan and grant hagan all served in the vietnam war between 1964 and 1974. A miracle the fact that we all survived. Three served different roles, a grunt, an instructor, a pilot. We dont talk about it. Most guys dont. For some reason, it feels okay to do that this weekend. Thats just one part of the stars and stripes honor flights mission. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] i get a tingle inside my heart making them smile its just awesome seeing the smiles on their faces [applause] you guys were in vietnam and you didnt get that welcome home. What does it feel like now to get that welcome home . I cant say anything. Im going to cry. When we got back from vietnam, there was no welcome. It was like nobody cared about us, to be honest with you. Its the welcome home we never got. Time world war ii memorial awe while the vietnam brought tears. As you approach the vietnam memorial, there is a sea of names. Names that mean so much to these veterans. Every name on there represents a family that thats also on their minds as they saw the wall and the gray stones agravestones. I got shot down in the helicopter. It was like a car crash. We were going into the top of a mountain, mortars went off. Everything went wrong in the helicopter. The way down on fire, smoke, holes appearing in the windshield, it was somewhat traumatic. Ainsley you were the pilot that brought the helicopter down and everyone survives. Thats correct. If i could salute you. Thank you. Back on the plane, a special surprise. Mail call, mail call. You got mail. Vets received letters of thanks from their loved ones. This is my grandchildren. Im their hero. It has been a long and fulfilling day but its not over yet for many returning for loved ones is that welcome home they have been waiting so long for. So how are you feeling right now . Top of the world. Steve they finally get their welcome home. I wants to wish all our veterans a happy veterans day. Gregory pryce, one of our security officers. Steve he is this was such an amazing opportunity to be with these people i want to mention jacob barnes who is the Milwaukee Brewers pitcher. Standing up for our flag and our country. Steve more information, stars andpa stripes. Org. That. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Did yon the National Debt . Ssman get elected by talking tough will they stay true to their words . Or did they promise you one thing. Only to do another . Right now, congress is talking about tax cuts that will add trillions to our National Debt and hurt our economy. Its time to tell congress. Dont borrow more money from china. And leave more debt to our kids. Keep your word. Tax cuts shouldnt add to the National Debt. In the mirror everyday. When i look when i look in the mirror everyday. Everyday, i think how fortunate i am. I think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure . I think how much i can do to help change peoples lives. I may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but im sure going to. Im bringing forward a treatment for alzheimers disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore. He has put down the marker that he will defend the rights of the American People. Senate republicans unveiled their tax plan this afternoon. It includes some stark differences to the house plan. These two bills can be compromised and make america better. Everything he told the voters he was going to do with tax reform, both of these bills do. Stop al amaam. Secondself pleading not guilty. Accusations that roy moore initiated a sexual encounter with a then 14yearold girl. The Moore Campaign says that this garbage is the very definition of fake news. Excitement is high as we head to our nations capital. This stars and stripes honor flight is taking 150 veterans to see the memorials built in their honor for the very first time. Courtesy of the red white, and blue thats great. Thats their version of it thats 4 troops courtesy of the red, white, and blue. Steve hello, everybody. They have been on the program on fox friends. Brian is not on the program today. He is out with his book. We have todd piro. Todd they let me in from the omelet land. I have gained 10 pounds since doing the diners. Thats not a joke. Steve its a tough job. Todd last week you had the guy who killed bin laden in this chair. This week you have the guy who eats omelets. A step down but thanks so much for having me here on such a special day when we honor so many who have done so much. We are wearing these celebrating the 242nd birthday of the marines. You see that pin right there. And coincidentally we just all happen to be wearing red, white, and blue, not coordinated even though today veterans day is 11 11. Today we are observing it federal buildings are are school. A lot of schools and banks are open. This hollywood not like a lot of them nonetheless we salute everybody. We ask you to send us pictures of some of the veterans in your family. Amanda sent us this photo of her husband john served in the u. S. Air force proudly for 10 years of her father serving during the korean this is don serving in the u. S. Air force in 1977. Here is a special one to me, obviously. Here is my grandpa in the middle there. Is he no longer with us. He fought in world war ii. Great man eisenhower military police. Is that your brother. Thats my brother. People say we look a lot and i couldnt be more honored to have that resemblance. Keep the pictures coming. Friends foxnews. Com tweet us or facebook us as well. Ainsley thats right. The president was speaking last night at the asia Pacific Economic cooperation summit in vietnam. He had a message to the ceos, the u. S. Is no longer going to be taken advantage of and pledged to put America First. Take a listen. Simply put, we have not been treated fairly by the world trade organization. World organizations like the wto function properly when all members follow the rules and respect the sovereign rights of every member we cannot achieve open markets if we do not ensure fair market access. In the end, unfair trade undermines us all. We can no longer tolerate these chronic trade abuses. We will not tolerate. Current trade imbalance is not acceptable. I do not blame china or any other country of which there are mantaking advantage of the United States on trade. If their representatives are able to get away with it, they are just doing their jobs. I wish previous administrations in my country saw what was happening and did something about it think did not but i will. From this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore. I am always going to put America First the same way that i expect all of you in this room to put your countries first. [applause] steve its interesting though when you listen to what he said where he said i dont blame china for taking advantage of us. Essentially what he is doing he said we did some bad trade deals in the past. And it was previous administrations thats the part in parentheses, that allowed us to go down that road. That day is over. There is a new salesman in chief and the president made it very clear when it comes to chinese hackers and whatnot stealing intellectual property of the United States been big complaint of american corporations, thats got to idgesd as well. Ainsley left is saying is he too soft on crime. Listen im going in there working with the host hosting you at the time. You find common ground, negotiate and that is the art of the deal. Like you said, steve, he said it was very unfair, these trade deals we did with china, i dont blame you china, because you were looking out for your country, i have got to look out for mine. Im just surprised our past administrations allowed you to take advantage of the United States. Todd what the American People seemed to understanding that the Mainstream Media and the left does not. Is that a Strong America is great for the world. Not america giving things to the world, whether its just handouts or horrible trade deals. We need a Strong America to benefit the world. When we have been in that position, the world has been pretty good. Steve great message for veterans day. Meanwhile, speaking of veterans. Lets talk a little bit about Bowe Bergdahl. You know about him. He had deserted his trip and escaped to uzbekistan and ultimately to russia. Six heroes died looking for him. Last week he received a honorable discharge. He will not serve any additional prison time because of the time the taliban kept him. Last week his lawyer said he deserves the pow medal because he was held by the taliban and now there is word that Bowe Bergdahl could get 300,000 in back pay. Ainsley wow. So they have to decide. Here are the choices. First of all, his punishment was he was demoted from sergeant to private. He did get dishonorable discharge but no prison time. Now they are trying to decide if he should get the p. O. W. Money. If you are a p. O. W. You get 150,000 plus you get hostile fire pay, plus you get your basic pay that you accumulated while you were in captivity. So the army has to decide should he get it all or just get his basic pay or should he not be paid at all and have to pay back the government what they paid him and what he accumulated. Steve can we vote on this . Ainsley what would you do . I think i know. Todd what we also have to remember is that we, the United States government during the Obama Administration traded five taliban members. Ainsley terrorists. Todd for Bowe Bergdahl. Its not like these individuals are home knitting right now. All likelihood they are back in the fray doing bad things against our country. So, look, it is an unfortunate situation. I think any way you cut it. And i think about those individuals that were maimed trying to go find this individual. Ainsley you mentioned the alleged six or seven that they say some folks fighting with him said they went out searching for him and lost their lives as a result. Then you have the Master Sergeant mark allen shot in the head. And now wheelchair and family members. Steve look at the v. A. One of them is money. Vets not getting what they need. And, yet, this person who many feel was a traitor could get 300,000. Ainsley he pleaded guilty to that. Steve why should he get the money . Let us know what you think, friends foxnews. Com or tweet us or facebook us as well. Ainsley nine minutes after the top of the hour. White house responding to new Sexual Misconduct allegations against judge roy moore. The Republican Senate candidate in alabama. Steve Griff Jenkins joins us from d. C. With the very latest. Good morning. Good morning, guys. The white house is responding to serious Sexual Assault allegations, details in the the Washington Post article against candidate judge roy moore accusing him of trying to initiate sexual relations with four women one as young as 14 when he was in his 30s. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee sanders cautioned against rushing to judgment but sent a clear message if true. The president believes we cannot allow a mere allegation in this case one from many years ago to destroy a persons life. However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, judge moore will do the right thing and step aside. Judge moore defiantly denied the allegations taking to dewitter calling this a coordinated effort by enemies in liberal media saying he is in a spiritual battle with those who want to see you lens his message. This as alabama republican senator Richard Shelby weighed in. If thats true, i dont believe there would be any place for him in the u. S. Senate. Moore faces Democrat Doug Jones in the december 12th special election to fill the vacancy left by attorney general Jeff Sessions. This races eyebrows in what is considered a safe republican seat. Steve lets see what happens. Griff, thank you very much. Ainsley hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. Good friday morning to you and to you at home as well. More disturbing Sexual Assault allegations out of hollywood. Hbo severing ties with five women accusing him of inappropriate behavior. The network was cancelled his future events. Stem troubled by the accusations. New overnight second escaped inmate back in jail leaving one fugitive still on the run. Is he one of three who escaped, including this inmate who was on tennessees most wanted list. Dillon ferguson already turned himself. In still on the hunt for the third fugitive. He escaped a jail by removing a wall speaker, crawling through a hole and lowering themselves into a maintenance room bed sheets. Emotional fifth grader reuniting with her military dad after nine month tour overseas. Crying] Army Sergeant first class pulling off the surprise by having his daughter nina called into the Principals Office at her Elementary School in kansas. Piper returning from his fourth tour in afghanistan. Oh, she probably thought she was getting in trouble. Steve get this straight, so im not in detention. I know. I cant get enough of those stories. Ainsley crying out of relief and happiness. Will will. Steve thank you, jill i cant believe. Coming up, the u. S. Senate has released its own tax plan. Whats in it and how does it help the middle class . We will talk to pennsylvania senator pat toomey when he joins us next. Todd liberals screaming helplessly at the school. We have heard this guy of course on the anniversary of President Trumps election. How do we end this mass hysteria . We will discuss that when fox friends returns here on a very special friday morning. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Get 24 7 digestive support, with align. The 1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. Also in kids chewables. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. 38 million middle class households are facing. When they say its for the middle class, it is not. This bill is a lose lose for them. They lose if they pass it. They lose if they dont pass it. This is going to hurt them throughout america. Steve i dont think he likes it democrats slamming Senate Republicans on their newly unveiled tax plan. Whats really in the plan and what does it do for the middle class . Joining us right now to walk us through it is republican member of the Senate Finance committee senator pat toomey, the great state of pennsylvania. Good morning, steve. Thanks for having me. Steve give me the highlights. The highlights are we are going to have tax relief for middle income and low income families. Theres going to be more simplicity and easier to fill out your returns and were really going to kick this economy into high gear because were going to allow our business to compete. The rest of the world has changed their tax code made it more competitive over the last 30 years. We havent done anything with our tax code since 1936. Thats going to change. More businesses more growth more jobs and higher wages. I think its going to be terrific. Steve of course, most of the cuts go to businesses and you would go from the high rate of 35 down to 20 . But there is a one year delay. Yeah. Steve for the folks watching right now saying wait, why is it going to be a delayed a year. Whats the explanation . Well, thats our version on the senate side. The house has it kicking in immediately. We have to work out that difference at some point. The fact is there is only so much in revenue reduction we can do. Under our rules, under the senate rules and the budget that we pass. And if you kick that in immediately on day one, there is more lost revenue than if you wait a year. Thats the main driver. Now, it is important that many of the other really progrowth reforms kick in immediately like the business for business to completely deduct the cost of new equipment that they purchase when they purchase it. Steve with the house plan, i think there are three brackets plus the zero bracket. Right. Steve under your plan you keep all seven brackets. Yeah. Steve it doesnt look like it is the president wanted things simple. Simplified impacting the middle class, it doesnt look like its that much simpler. So, the way i look at the tax returns, for an individual for a family, i think how you define the income is more important than how many brackets you have. And so by simplifying the process, you will be able to fill out your tax return on one page. Steve promise . Most people will. Most people will, yeah. Steve okay. Ultimately, when what it comes down to is will this pass in the u. S. Senate. I feel very good about it we have rolled it out among republican senators, our democratic colleagues, some of them are just reflexively, they were opposing it before it was written. That was predictable for some. But there are others that are taking a hard look at it i think were going to pass it. Steve do you think that once it becomes abun dancely clear that its going to pass with the requisite number of republicans there are going to be some democrats who are in some red states who are going to say, you know what . I got to go for that im going to have to vote for it. Are you suggesting there would be some democrat votes . I would not be surprised if that happens in the end. If we actually need the votes to get across the goal line, then i think its unlikely that the democrats will provide them but if we got votes among republicans they might want to come along with the ride. Steve tax cut for corporations and businesses. And individuals. Steve the hope is it gets the economy going and the president would like to see up to 4 . Important thing is its not just a tax cut complete restructuring our workers and businesses can compete. Thats whats going to generate the growth. Steve all right. Fingers crossed on the republican side. Lets see what happens. Thanks, steve. Steve pat toomey, thank you. Coming up on this friday, this drexel professor blames whiteness for that massacre in texas. Why is this kind of outrage continuing to creep into the College Campuses . And is there anything you can could do to stop it if you want that . Professor Jordan Peterson is coming up next. And the cost of the Obama Administration still being uncovered. Wait until you hear how much money you spent on government parking places and spaces that were never used. We dont get fooled again keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. Ainsley some quick headline for you. Corroboration striking just moments apart at georgia gas station. First they robbed a customer while he was pumping gas, then moments later pulling up beside a woman forcing her from the drivers seat before stealing her car that was found later but the crooks have not yet been caught. And an incredible dash cam capturing the moment a 96yearold driver in australia slams into a parked car. Got it from all these different anglings the driver saying he lost control, luckily no one was hurt. These three robbers feeling generous at houston doughnut shop. Not only did they demand money and take the customers cell phones, then one of the robbers hanged the same customers donuts before fleeing the scene. Why not . Ainsley so far they have not been caught. Steve give me the doe. Todd remember that will professor who wanted White Genocide for christmas . I hate saying that he is back. Is he blaming whiteness for the Texas Church Shooting. Whiteness is a structure of privilege and power and structure when it feels threatened lashes out. Ainsley wow. So is this another sign of chaos on College Campuses and is there anything we can do about it . Steve joining us now is a psychology professor from the university of chicago and author of the upcoming book 12 rules for life antidote for chaos dr. Jordan peterson. Thank you for the couch call today. You bet. Steve what do you make of this drexel professor who has been in and out of the news so often and now he is blaming that for the cause of the shooting in texas . I think hes applying his ideological formula to a very complex problem. Its an easy thing to do. Sort of post modern formula taught to University Students everywhere now. Steve what is the formula. Attribute everything to Racial Disparity and oppression. Victimization. Steve just everything . Well, essentially. Its a recasting of marxism i would say. With the marxist theory it was rich against poor. And that was recast in the 1970s as oppression due to Group Identity essentially. And so thats where identity politics came from. Its a formula you can learn in about a day. And then you can use it to explain everything. Todd college is designed to teach you to think about the world and prepare you for the world outside of college. How is this helping that and what kind of students are we getting when theyre 22, 23, whenever they graduate . You have the tense wrong college was that it is not that many cases now especially in the liberal arts. Thats a real catastrophe. Todd much different than my experience 15, 20 years ago. Things have changed dramatically in the last five years i would say. We saw this rise of Political Correctness in the 1990s, it burst forward between 1990 and about 1993. And then it seemed to subside a little bit. Its back with an absolute vengeance now. We know that most of the University Campuses in liberal arts anyways are heavily dominated by leftist thinking and radical leftist thinking for that matter. Steve what happened doctor in the early 1990s to spawn this . Well, i think its popped up more or less repeatedly since the late 1960s, im not sure exactly. Steve started with the Antiwar Movement . Yeah, with the Antiwar Movement. There was a fair bit of radical thinking in the 1960s on the left side. Many of those people ended up teaching in universities. With the rise of post modernism, thats a huge factor. That was a french intellectual school that was trans for immigration of marxism into identity politics, essentially. And because its, i think, in some sense because it requires no intellectual effort and leaves with you overwhelming sense of moral sportswriter, its very attractive to people. They are basically teaching young people, i would say, to be ideological avatars to go act out this pernicious doctrine in the real world. Ainsley some of them are doing that they were howelling at the moon. They were screaming in the night upset anniversary few days ago President Trump being elected. What do you make of that . I a think a lot of that is a kind of narcissism. That public display. Its probably amplified by a great degree by social media and media in general, right . Because this sort of highly emotional display does make a reasonable news clip but, will. Ainsley whats the danger here . The danger is everywhere at the moment. Increased polarization. We are seeing that nonstop at the moment. I think its mostly because the people on the radical left are pushing way too hard. Thats my estimate. You see that in canada as well as the United States and all around the western world. Todd i want to ask you this because i live from a very democratic state, connecticut, right . Yeah. Todd none of my friends would never operate like this. Granted my friends are older. They find this represent prehence sick. It seems like a lot of democrat are fired up about this idiocy. Lots of people how might describe as the liberal center are very unhappy that the Political Landscape on the left side has shifted way over to the radical leftist side. Thats a very common sentiment now. I think its happening faster than people really understand. Its almost impossible to overstate how influential these post modern doctrines have become. And how they are seeping in now into corporations, mostly through h. R. Departments. Ainsley i read an article it was about barbara corker. She was talking about people she hires and doesnt hire. Investing in Companies Like we see on shark tank, she says if you are a victim, she hates the word victim and people who have that victimized mentality where theyre the victim. Whoa is me. Do you see that more and more . Is that like a millennial thing or is it well, its a form of justification for the use of power. You know, if you are a victim and you can ascribe more entirety to yourself then you are justified in the use of force. Did i a paper with a student of mine who had been toured the mass graves in Eastern Europe in yugoslavia with the u. N. We looked at the precursors to genocide. One of them was enhanced sense of victimization. That allows you to lash out at the hypothetical perpetrators before they do anything because you are being victimized. You saw the same thing in some degree in nazi germany. Todd hitler felt very victimized. Hitler claimed that the jews were victimizing germany. Once you are a victim and have the moral status that goes along with being a victim, you cant do any wrong essentially. Steve interesting discussion. Dr. Jordan petersons new book is called 12 rules for life an antidote for chaos which we certainly need now. Thank you, doctor. Thanks very much for the invitation. Thank you. Steve thank you for taking us up on it senator rand pauls neighbor pleading not guilty to assault, but, you know what . He could face federal charges. And i got a feeling its not over landscaping. Ainsley we do mark the one Year Anniversary of President Trumps victory, has he delivered on the promises that he made to our veterans . Our panel of veterans, theyre back to discuss next. Lets get the big guy in place. The ford yearend sales event is here. I can guide you in . No, thanks , santa, i got this. Looks a little tight. Perfect fit. Santa needs an f150. Thats ford, americas best selling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs and just announced. Get 0 apr for 72 months plus 1000 cash back take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. You feel better. Introducing tommie coppers all new shoulder centric posture shirt. 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Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Our veterans are a national treasure. And i thank them all for their service, fact size, and patriotism. To each of you with me today, you are the heroes who fulfilled your duty to our nation and each of you under the most difficult conditions did what you had to do and you did it well. Ainsley overnight President Trump marking the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war and honoring our veterans. So as we mark one year since his victory, has he delivered on those promises that he made to our veterans when he was running for office . Here to weigh in on this bringing back our Veterans Panel. First of all, thank you all for serving, Johnny Joey Jones is on the front row. We interview you will at time. You made such a sacrifice for our country losing both of your legs in afghanistan. Do you think the president is thats a load question. Im excited to have the rhetoric in there of lets take care of veterans, lets do this right. A little bit less defensive where the v. A. Is, where it is in that. You know, for example, the veterans choice program, maybe the most loudly bragged about achievement, but really what are we doing there . We are paying the v. A. More money to pay someone else to do the job we are already paying them to do. If i take my veteran off and put my conservative hat on, my fiscal conservative heat on, this is a bandaid fix to a tourniquet problem. I look at it as just a campaign win, the effectiveness isnt there. Oh, and by the way, the v. A. Doesnt pay out very well. So, if you do go find a doctor under that program the chances of keeping them or getting them paid are pretty slim. There is a lot more still to do. I hate to be raining on the parade but see some effective and actual changes that make lives better. Ainsley katie, i want to ask you, u. S. Marine corps veteran and Vice President of operations at selfmade. Do you think the president is following through with his promises and what about the v. A. Hospitals . How are they now. I do think he ran on the platform to fix the v. A. Is spot on. Shulkin made inroads in accountability, modernizing the v. A. Access to care. Everything is headed in the right direction. I do believe in what he said, there is still a lot of time that needs to go by before we see any impacts at the actual veteran level. In terms of the veteran who seeking care today, i dont know if he or she is going to see a actual impact. We need to give time for these policies to take effect. Ainsley dr. Darren porcher on the back row. Former nypd officer, what are your thoughts about how the president is doing now . I think this president is doing a family noal job. Whephenomenonnal job. This earmas platform of what he came in and this is what he ran on. There is a lot of great things that he is doing. Such as we look at what is happening in north korea. We look at the translation of Iranian Nuclear deal. There is phenomenal excuse me, he has been doing phenomenonnal things. He needs to say consistent. We are only 10 months in. We have another three years. Lets see if he can continue with the surge that he has progressed with from the start. Ainsley carl higbie next to you. Former chief of affairs for americorps. Carl, what is the most important issue facing you as a veteran . Is it National Security . Is it north korea . Is it syria or here at home with veterans hospitals. Now my current appointed role under President Trump, one of the things we are focused on at americorps and working with the vets as well is taking care of veterans when they come home. Some of the initiatives President Trump has launched i talked about it in the last hour is helping get vets hired and accountability. You asked some questions about the v. A. And accountability and how its going, President Trump has appointed people to the v. A. Right now like Brandon Comey who is a frequent guest here that original civil blowers trying to reform the v. A. They are in charge. Which is an awesome thing to see. Now its bringing true reform to that agency. Ainsley what remember hearing on the frongtsd row retired army ryu tenants and former nfl linebacker. What are the issues to you and how is the president doing so far . Just what they have all said. I want to take care of veterans as they transition out and get into civilian life. I think there is a lot of focus on veterans and maybe like the ptsd or the issues they are facing. I wants to see this narrative shift. And i want to start, you know, training managers and giving managers in the workplace context of a veterans life so they are better able to assist veterans as they transition into the workplace and then we can position them for success that theyre capable of. Veterans are assets to the community and the workplace and we need to do our best to make sure that theyre positioned rightly to you righto succeed. Ainsley anyone on the panel have a problem transitioning when you came back when you fought overseas . All of you did. Its a challenge for sure. Ainsley sean parnell u. S. Army ranger. A lot of people on this set today. A miracle we didnt break something thats very expensive because most of the time we do. So lets. Ainsley bowl in the china shop . I think the president is the commanderinchief. Commander is his most Important Role we heard will dishing out on swanky dinner to do dinner with the troops. The soldiers and troops see that it matters. You read quotes that the president had an opportunity to meet out there, it was i cant believe i just had the opportunity to shake hands and meet my commanderinchief. And you see President Trump coming off of marine one, marines cover falls off. He stops what he is doing, puts the cover back on his head and juxtapose that to prompt coming off the chopper saluting with a starbucks cup. There is no comparison. The troops love this president. He has made them a priority from the moment he came down the escalator in trump tower supporting our troops and making sure that they are successful at home has been priority one for him. Ainsley i want to get to cathy and jason. Cathy, i will start with you. Do you feel the same way . Were you a trump supporter out of the gate . Of course i was. You remember, i announced it here with you. Im so very proud of what we see him doing. The numbers that matter to me is that we have over 20 million veterans in america. And 22 veterans commit suicide every single day. And so although we find ourselves haggling in our nation, talking about healthcare and tax reform. Im very encouraged to see us moving forward and making significant changes in the v. A. Where it really matters, where lives are being impacted and getting to those particular people. Just a couple years ago, we had over 600,000 veterans who were waiting over 125 days just to get a decision on their benefit. Now that has been significantly cut. Beyond half. And that is just within 10 months. Im very encouraged to see the gi bill is now called the forever gi bill. I for one would not have been able to complete my education without the added benefit of a gi bill. Im very encouraged to see what the president is doing. Whether on choice with their programs or just draining the v. A. Swamp and getting people fired who should be fired versus transferring them to another area so they can mismanage peoples health. Im encouraged. Ainsley Jason Beardsley former special Army Operations and former green beret, when you came on the panel this morning, whats one thing, i have not served our country, i love you all for doing that and i appreciate it what is something for folks at home like me, what needs to be highlighted because im not in it so i dont really know obviously as well as do you. Everybody here is service oriented. We love leadership. So those of us who served do it with honor. We will do it every single day. It requires that clear decisive leadership. We have seen that now. Lets put this all together. You talked about the v. A. And. So struggles we are still going to see. Put the own news where it belongs and get our congress and senate lets get them in the leadership seats. The administration can only do so much. They can pass legislation and recommend it we are waiting for taxes. Im a Small Business owner. I have heard a bunch of others over here. I have friends hiring the veterans. You talk about transition, getting them into programs. Thats a community thing. We are waiting for congress. You know, to get off their heels and do something. They havent passed a tax reform yet. We are waiting for that. Thats going to help Small Business owners, thats going to let us reach out in the community, my company. We want to reach out to veterans and pour money back into them. To do all that, it takes leadership and we are starting to see that now. Ainsley god bless you all. Thank you so much. I think all branches are represented here. Flight god bless you all. No air force. No air force. We have four army and no air force. Thank you. [inaudible] ainsley cathy was three months in the air force. That counts. Senator rand paul attacker pleading not guilty to assault. Key Face Criminal Charges . Rob schmitt has new developments coming up next. When it comes to heartburn trust the brand doctors trust for themselves. Nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day all night protection. When it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. I cannot imagine managing my diabetes without my dexcom. This is the dexcom g5 mobile continuous Glucose Monitoring system. A small, wearable sensor measures your glucose every 5 minutes and sends the data to a dexcom receiver. Dexcom helps lower a1c and improves quality of life. If youre over 65 and you have diabetes, you should have a dexcom. If you get a dexcom, youre going to be very glad that you did. Visit dexcomnow. Com to learn more. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Youve probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck. But not any more. I am done with that. Ooh, ooh hot just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog. Tv anncr the big idaho potato truck pulled into town today and its really a sight to see. Oh man. Lets go. distant you comin, boy . Sfx dog gulp woof. Todd 47 minutes after the hour now and senator rand pauls neighbor could face federal charges as prosecutors now say the attack may have been politically motivated. Ainsley his name is how do we pronounce this. Steve Renee Boucher. Ainsley pleading not guilty to assault charges. Steve rob schmitt joins us with the very latest. Rob, it looks like it might not be about the leaves. It depends on how believe in this thing. We have to find out. Retired doctor accused of attacking senator rand paul could face 10 years in prison on federal charges if this attack is deemed to have been political in nature. Renee boucher, pauls next door neighbor, allegedly tackled the senator from behind while he was mowing his lawn last friday night resulting in six broken ribs. Boucher is said to be outspoken liberal. He and the pauls have not talked in years. Nationally relationship unattainable. They have lived together in long time in affluent neighborhood in bowling green, kentucky. At this point boucher has been charged with misdemeanor assault and released on bail. But sources at rand pauls office told our judge Andrew Napolitano that boucher could expect federal charges. That will depend on whether federal investigators believe bouchers story that the dispute was over crard trimmings or if they think the doctor attacked the senator over his conservative politics. Senator paul is a very conservative voice on the republicans. He was hold out on modest republican plan repeal and replace obamacare. Paul seniors advisor releasing a statement, quote this was not a fight. It was a blind side violent attack by a disturbed person. This attack comes four months after a craved liberal gunman in Bernie Sanders Campaign Volunteer shot up a republican baseball practice in d. C. , we remember. Senator rand paul was there. Dodging bullets in that horrific event that nearly killed House Majority whip Steve Scalise when he was shot. Scalise did go on to recover slowly and recently returned to washington and to his job. So, which side is the truth is the big question. Did a wealthy doctor attack a senator, his next door neighbor over yard clippings or did years of bottled up anger over politics explode while rand paul was mowing his lawn last friday night . Thats what they got to get to. Thats the difference between no time and potentially 10 years in prison. Steve no kidding. Man, just targeted over politics and six broke broken ribs. Rob live together all this time not like his politics has changed. Ainsley so bizarre. He attacked him from behind. Todd blind side. Rob there is no conversation anymore. Ainsley and he is a doctor. Rob is he a retired doctor. Ainsley so no more patients. Good. He is a little violent u. Todd thanks, rob. Geraldo rivera still here to react to fiery speech overseas. Thats coming up. Steve mortgage free homes, many vets honored at special celebration last night. Our own bob massi was the master of ceremonies u look, hes next on fox friends. You look beautiful as always. Ainsley how did it go last night . Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Nice man cave nacho . [ train whistle blows ] what . stop it mmhmm. Weve been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. This bar is legit. And now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. I can get used to this. It might take a minute. Swing and a miss slam dunk touchdown together sports touchdown i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org i am the proud father of aeness very strong little girl named adelaide who was diagnosed with infantile spasms an incurable and debilitating form of epilepsy. Its been a devastating journey that has robbed my baby girl of normal development. Thats why i have launched the my shot at epilepsy campaign and im asking you to join me. Take your shot at the hamilton pose, donate to help us find a cure, and lastly, share it on social media. This is our shot to take. Learn more at myshotatepilepsy. Org i feel truly honored and humbled to be a part of something thats so much bigger than myself. Becauses as i speak another soldier may be wounded in iraq or afghanistan. Steve that was just one of the many deserving veterans who has received a mortgagefree house from building homes for heros that program. They are on track to donate 36 homes by the end of this calendar year. Ainsley its an Amazing Organization celebrating those heroes at their annual dinner last night in new york city as well as honor our own liz claman from the fox business channel who has helped raise more than 33 million for that great cause. Legal analyst and property man bob massi is the host of property man. Selfless warriors. When you are in a room with men and women the honor you feel being in their presence and sacrifice they make is unbelievable. Liz told a story about one of the young men who wasnt there. Who literally had lost both legs, both arms. And then through a medical miracle two arms were built and actually had feeling and fingers and showed him doing pullups. You wanted to talk about tears, its unbelievable. Steve you spoke to key martinez. They were over in brussels suicide bomber and her mother was killed in front of her eyes. Four children were there. She survived along with her siblings and her father. Ive got to tell you, when she talked last night, just martinez the father says this is the hero. This is the hero. And this young woman here is, i believe in southern florida state, just doing an amazing job. She is just phenomenal. Steve lets listen. Please. Building homes for heroes, provided us a home and a support system. It created a new foundation for us. So we were able to anchor ourselves upon there and move forward. They helped us heal. They were with us every step of the way. Steve changed that familys life. Ainsley what can we do to help . The awareness of it. For our viewers to know that this building homes for heroes, among many other wonderful organizations of the United States is there because basically what they do is get mortgage free homes and to the credit of many banks out there, chase bank, for example, dont United States homes that were foreclosed on. These contractors come in make it user friendly for whatever challenge they have. Ainsley i have been in some of those houses and they are beautiful. Beautiful. They outfit them for whatever that veterans needs are go to building homes for heroes. Org. Good to be on the couch. Thanks, buddy. Ainsley meanwhile, President Trump telling the world the u. S. Will no longer be taken advantage of on trade. What does geraldo think of that message . Hes going to join us live next. U gotta do on your own. And some you shouldnt have to shoulder alone. Like ensuring hes well taken care of. Even as you build your own plans for retirement. See how lincoln can help protect your savings from the impact of longterm care expenses at lincolnfinancial. Com. more people shop online for the holidays than ever before. clapping and the United States Postal Service delivers more of those purchases to homes than anyone else in the country. because we know, even the smallest things are sometimes the biggest. Trump from this day forward, we will compete on a fair and equal basis. Steve republicans in the house unveiled their plan in yesterdays Senate Republicans did the same. Were going to really kick this economy into high gear. All american factories are going to see a huge surge of production. The army now deciding if disgraced arm sergeant bo bergdahl is entitled to a 300,000 payout. This is essentially blood money the arm should take and redirect it to people who suffered from this. Roy moore initiated a sexual encounter with a then 14yearold girl. Judge moore is denying the allegations calling them desperate. Trump we must stop radical islamic terrorism. I guess obama speaks off the enemy of your stick and now speak about how big your stick is so far progressive effective. Steve we are free, thanks to americans veterans and veterans of foreign wars for many, many years. And joining us right now, weve got geraldo on the couch for veterans day. Geraldo, we asked folks to send in photographs of their loved ones in the military, and we got so much of them. Pretty much melted the email machine. Sherry sent in this image of her dad who served in world war ii. What a great shot. Ainsley wow. This is her husband. Of the air force handing out toys at the air base in afghanistan. Steve and don sends in this photo of his dad at the age of 17. Ainsley 17. I would love to have my dads picture. I didnt get the memo. A Staff Sergeant in world war ii. Ainsley did he share so many stories with you . Yeah. Lots of tales. Lots of pictures of him looking spitsy in his uniform standing next to mom. Steve the president of the United States commanderinchief is making news this morning over in vietnam. We understand he is en route to the big gala. But, geraldo, he made a very clear earlier when he was talking to ceos, and he said what you know . The United States is no longer going to be taken advantage of on trade. Weve had some bad trades in the past. I dont blame china and others. I blame, essentially, what he said, is the people here in the United States who made the bad deals. Well, i think that the president has done a brilliant job. I dont think hes been given nearly enough credit by the Mainstream Media because he this has been a performance. He has really done, you know, the job of delivering as a movie star. The movie star he is. Hes very charismatic. He has put a hand of friendship out. Even as he was chastising china for the grotesque trade imbalance, he was congratulating xi saying this guys my pal. I dont blame china. I blame the United States and the greedy merchants who mark up the trade. I thought he has done a really good job. By far his best trip. And his message talking tough on trade and holding out the olive branch on the other is very good. Ainsley last night, mitchell the finance attorney on with Tucker Carlson last night. Obviously, thats her job. She knows Campaign Finance. All the rules. She said what Hillary Clinton and the dnc did, she said it could have been criminal, and she wants the doj to investigate. Listen to this. We have a sound byte from the show last night, and then well get your reaction. Any expenditure, any Campaign Finance violation involving 25,000 or more if the activity was knowing and willful and this is actually a Chuck Schumer amendment to the Campaign Finance law that is a criminal violation. And the department of justice has jurisdiction to investigate. So i think both the fcc should investigate, and i think the department of justice should investigate. And one of the things that i think is important to know here is all of these people who called for all of these restrictions, they have no apparently no intention of abiding by them. Steve what do you make of don abrazils book, which is laid bear of what was going on there. And now she suggests there may be something quite corrupt and illegal. Well, i think two things. And i think theyre separate, though, steve. I think don abrazils book shows the Democrat Party thats absolutely in disarray. It has no center, it has no soul. Steve well, it did last year. It was the clinton campaign. It was for sale last year. Steve yeah. And i think it really bodes ill as the national institution. But im telling you, when you start looking at these investigations, i look back on benghazi and how certain members of congress had their heads destroyed knocking their head against the benghazi thing to total distraction and virtually every other issue. Thats why the republicans werent ready with a replace and repeal for obamacare. They were too busy attacking Hillary Clinton 13 hours of testimony, 11 hours of testimony on and on and on. Steve yeah, but, geraldo, somebody had to look into benghazi. The federal government, the administration was uninterested in it. Steve, im telling you the more the Republican Party now in power wastes its time spinning its wheels, doing stuff like investigating the dnc. And once you hit that tar baby, you cant get your hands off it, and youre not free to do your tax reform. Youre not free to do so many other issues, positive issues, i think that the Republican Party should get in its head what james said so long ago. Its the economy, stupid. The economy is booming. 3 growth we have now. The potential of what 3 growth does for the American People, thats the message the gop has to continual stress. Were the party thats going to make you much more prosperous. Were the party thats going to make the world more fair. Were the party thats going to get americans goods. Steve and right now the party is trying to do that now that the senate bill, the tax bill is working on that. They presented is yesterday. Whats interesting is the president wanted the tax reform bill to be very simple. Its not so simple anymore. The senate has seven different brackets, and the tax cut for corporations doesnt go into effect for a year. When Obamacare Repeal failed because they had nothing to replace it with, then they went to tax reform. And i said my goodness, you have to try something simple like repatriation of American Investment broad. Do infrastructure, get everybody together. Well build schools, well build highways, well build whatever you want to build. At least have something where you have some positive message, where you have optimism, where you have the Republican Party demonstrating that it wants everybody to prosper in this rising tide. I think tax reform is another loser. I dont know how they get it build by christmastime. I know theyre striving for it. I know they think they can pass it with just the republicans involved. I just dont see it. When i go out there, and i do these containers, thats what everybody wants. Everybody wants tax reform. And theres a definite concern. Hannity mentioned it on his show yesterday. If republicans do not get tax reform by 2018 and corporate effect that take place by 2019, they will lose. Thats what sean hannity said, and i agree. I dont know what you had at that diner, todd. Steve people gained 15 pounds. People do not want tax reform. People want their tax to be cut. Thats what people want. Steve absolutely. People want a tax cut. I paid 100 last year. I want to pay 80 or 75 this year. When you Start Talking about what tax reform really means. It means the main headline in tax reform is the Corporate Tax rate goes down from whatever it is. Steve 35 . 35 . Im fine. Thats what it is. But when a corporation gets a tax cut, that doesnt mean you or i get a tax cut or the people in that diner get a tax cut. It means like ibm and at t and ge, they get the tax cut. Maybe they repatriot some funds from overseas. But its a Corporate Tax cut, and then theyre talking about th the end of the estate tax. I love it because i have some modest wealth that i have cumulated that i would like to give to my children. But thats a hard sell. But what about the farmers . You save the farmers. Thats bs. You save 2 of the farmers who are agribusiness. You dont save mom and pop and kid farms. I think theyre going to lose another challenge. Thats why i think President Trump is on the right path when hes talking trade in the far east. Let him come home now, talk to the economy, get you to work, were going to get this going. Were going to bring this broadcom is going to give us 100 billiondollar investment, and i think the president was elected for a lot of reasons. Charisma, certainly important. But as a businessman. The man who rebuilds 42nd street. The man who put that golf course on the garbage dump in the bronx. The man who put that tower as were looking at the shadow right here on 56th street. I think trump the builder. When you start investigating like you do the dnc, youre going to get tax reform and youve got all of these lobbyists going through peoples pockets and so forth, i think that the republicans really need President Trump to take over as the businessman and chief. Steve well, hes been the salesman and chief in china and asia, and hes headed back in a couple of days. Geraldo, always a pleasure. Thank you. Ainsley thank you, geraldo. Lets hand it over to jillian. Hey, geraldo. Good morning to you at home. Lets begin with this story. The white house responding to new Sexual Conduct allegations against judge moore in alabama. Accused of trying to have sexual relations with women, one as young as 14. Sarah Huckabee Sanders sending a clear message. Like most americans, the president believes that we do not allow mere allegations. In this case, one from many years ago to destroy a persons life. However, the president also believes that if these allegations are true, judge moore will do the right thing and step aside. Moore faces Democrat Doug Jones in a december 12th special election to fill attorney general Jeff Sessions vacated seat. The Church Shooting hero shows him have i seenably shaken talking to Police Moments after shooting a gunman who killed 26 people during the service. He was on the corner with his truck, and i dont even know you, man. And i said thank you so much. I cant think of any other reason why he took that sign out and ended up in that ditch. I know i put a wellplaced shot. He was even bear foot because he didnt take time to put his shoes on once he heard gunshots from his house across the street. That Church Building will now likely be demolished and turned into a memorial site to honor the victims and their families. Well, all eyes are on President Trump and vietnam. South korea planning rare joint military drills in the pacific tomorrow. The United States will participate in artillery drills. The exercise is in response to north koreas mounting north korea threat to make a joint show of force during President Trumps asia tour. First Lady Melania Trump hanging out with panda bears while her husband visits vietnam. She was even serenaded by Elementary Students waving the chinese and american flag. Our first lady making her final stop in asia today at the great wall before heading back to the u. S. Wasnt that pretty when you saw the kids . Ainsley it was beautiful. Very nice. Steve thank you very much, jillian. Meanwhile, on this friday, the Mainstream Media taking a victory lap after this weeks election results. Tough Election Night for President Trump and the gop. Its the democrats who are celebrating now. Ed dipped into the trump playbook, and it appears to have backfired. Steve could there be some media bias in that report . Were going to talk about that. Ainsley and bo bergdahl is a free man, despite pleading guilty to desertion. Now he could be a rich man too. Should he really be paid for his troubles . Our panel of vets here to discuss that. Straight ahead we begin right now with this fox news alert. President trump arriving right now for the apex summit gala welcoming ceremony there. You see the president getting out of his motorcade, greeted by the vietnamese president and trump is going to be attending the apeck gala dinner shortly. You see him right there entering. There he is. A little casual president without his tie. Traditional garb, it looks like there. Hes about to meet the vietnamese president right now. This is a huge trip for the president. It has been thus far with stops in china, korea, now here in vietnam. A crucial, crucial trip for the president as we really try to attack this trade imbalance. But also, the specter of north korea hanging over our heads as a nation and the world. Lets watch as the greeting takes place. All right. You just you saw President Trump right there. Again, theres the motorcade or the president ial vehicle. This is a huge summit, like i said. Hes about to go into a gala dinner. The welcoming ceremony. And, of course, were going to touch on this throughout the course of the morning as the warrants. Of course, the Mainstream Media taking a victory lap this week after this weeks election results. The tough Election Night for President Trump and the gop. Its the democrats who are celebrating now. Big victories last night in virginia and new jersey races for governor with exit polls showing voters wanting to send a message to President Trump. Republican ed dipped into the trump playbook, and it appears to have backfired. So is that true . Or is it just another case of immediate bias . Here to weigh in is reporter for the federalist. Thank you so much for being here. And im going to start out with new jersey because as somebody who was born and raised in the garden state, it is a totally democrat state, a democrat win. The media says, well, clearly, thats a repudiation of trump. How did they get there . Yeah. Thats a great question. I mean, this is a state that voted for Hillary Clinton by 14 points in november over donald trump and in the past. Six president ial elections have voted democrat. So its no surprise a blue state that has voted democrat or sorry. Voted for democrats historically the past six elections decided to vote for a democrat governor again. And if you looked at the polls, this was phil murphy and the republican candidate all throughout the entire election. This is no surprise that the democrat won. And if you turn to virginia, thats also a state that voted for Hillary Clinton by five points in november. So, i mean, these are two states that voted for Hillary Clinton that decided to double down on their decision to vote for democrats just a couple weeks ago. This isnt a rejection of trump. This is people who didnt like trump to begin with deciding to double down on that position. Lets look at some full screens right now some headlines. Virginia rejects trumpism as democrats score major wins across the u. S. I have to ask you this, brie. Rejects trumpism with a candidate ed who himself rejected the president. Didnt want to campaign with him and at the last minute accepted some robocalls from him but never embraced the trump movement. How can the media turn around and say clearly, he lost because of the president . Well, theyre turning around and saying that because they dont understand what trumpism is. This is a consistent theme that weve seen throughout the entire past i dont know. Three years. And also, we should point out the fact that ed two weeks before the election actually had a fund raiser hosted by a coke brothers operative; right . Which is repudiated the president for the past two years. So i mean to say that, you know, ed was this trump kind of guy. He tried to adopt trumpian rhetoric towards the end there within but hes really a swamp monster in chiefs clothing. And to say that the Republican Party is in trouble is just completely false. I mean, the reason the Republican Party is in trouble and republican senators are dropping out and retiring like flies is because the Republican Party cant get anything done. I mean, this is a party in power. They failed to pass the comprehensive Health Care Reform plan and just yesterday they said that they were going to slow down lowering the Corporate Tax rate and slow down that timeline. I mean, they have both houses. They have a majority in both houses and a republican president , and theyre just completely unable to deliver on any of their promises, and theyre revealing themself to be evil liars. And thats a great point because youve heard those in the conservative media saying these elections really dont matter. Looking at 2018, thats what matters and the things you just talked about. Tax reform and things along those lines. That is whats going to hurt the Republican Party come 2018. Thank you very much for your time and your insight is it fair to state. We appreciate it. All right. One group is taking a stand against anthem protesters. What hundreds of thousands of people are promising to do this Veterans Day Weekend. And mark steyn is coming up next. Dont want to miss him when fox and friends returns unstop right there im about to pop a cap of mmm fresh in that washer. With unstopables inwash scent boosters by downy. Ah, its so fresh. And its going to last from wash to. Wear for up to 12 weeks. Unstopables by downy. Hesumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets go to sumatra. Wheres sumatra . Good question. This is win. And thats wins goat, adi. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. Making the coffee erupt with flavor. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. That erupts with even more flavor. Which helps provide for wins family. And adi the goats family too. Because his kids eat a lot. All, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain Coffee Roasters. Packed with goodness. Steve time for some quick nfl headlines. First up, more than 200,000 facebook users boycotting the nfl this Veterans Day Weekend over the professional players nonstop anthem protest. The Group Planning the protest says quote until millionaire Football Players stop protesting the National Anthem in the United States, well be here. We love football, but we love our flag more. And one player saying thursday night games should be illegal. Seattle seahawks wide receiver dug baldwin making the statement this after his teammate and star quarterback Richard Sherman suffered a seasonending injury. Baldwin saying four days to physically prepare for the game is not enough. All right. Are House Democrats dreaming of a trump free christmas . Al green certainly think so so. Listen to this. Ive now announced that before christmas, there will be a vote on the chief in kreuter of racism, bigotry, there will be a vote in the u. S. House of representatives, mr. Speaker, on the impeachment of the president. Ainsley joining us to weigh in on this is author and columnist mark steyn whos over there laughing. Im pretending to take it seriously, ainsley. Steve he is very serious. I know. I would like to have an advent cardinal over whatever it is, 28 days to the trump impeachment. And you open a little door each day. This is why these guys they said hes just labor labeling people here. Sexist, transic, whatever. Mitt romney whos a pussy cat, he flies around like a vampire giving women cancer. He drove his dog to canada. He was the worst human being in history and then what happens . They find a guy whos indestructible to all of that and they still dont know any better and still trying the same, dumb labels. Steve i think the way it works in the house is paul ryan would have to say, yeah, thats a good idea. I dont think hes going to. Yeah. But theyre in alternative reality land. I mean, he could actually stage a fake vote. I mean, we dont know. Theres nobody actually in that chamber with him. Hes announcing to a grand an empty room. He can book an empty room. He can book a room at the comfort end and impeach trump. Ainsley whats the point of him standing up there and wasting everyones time and saying all of that . The serious point here is theyve never accepted the legitimacy of this president a year on. Steve they wont. And they never will, and this is their only way of keeping that going. Speaking of not accepting, lets get to our next topic. Washington post. Imagine if hillary had won with two alternate timelines. I mean, what do you say to this . Its been a year. Its over a year now. You lost. Move on. Yeah. I read this, and it comes from something called the Washington Posts quote department of satire, unquote. And if you need a department of satire, youre actually doing it wrong. Right. They assigned four reporters to write this, frankly, and that actually explains why the american newspaper industry is going broke and dead faster than any other industry in the englishspeaking world. Any other newspaper. Ainsley if you read the article, on election day president Hillary Clinton took the oath in a headband and pantsuit. Can you put some spin into it . Ainsley judgments descended on the mall for the mens march. Yes. Thats great. Come on. Put some light into it. Youve got to go. Youve got to slap your knee when you deliver those lines. Trump tv is a ratings bonanza. Remember when comedy used to be funny, mark . Yeah. I dont think its a but all of the obsessions of that like theyre talking about freestyle rap at the inaugural ball and barbr Barbra Streisand going to a bank withet. That kind of obsession, you know, celebrities, coolness, thats why they lost. Ainsley did you like the howling at the moon . Yeah. I thought that was good. I was just talking with some of the veterans that are here for veterans day, and we were saying imagine like in poland. Oh, brilliant. Oh, yeah. Thats the way i feel reading the Washington Post. Imagine what im saying to some of the veterans. Imagine if poland, theyre the soviets invade from one angle, the nazis invade from another. What are you going to do about it . Well, i thought we would all stand in the street and howl at the moon. That will really show these germans. Snowflake werewolves. Thats what it has come to. Steve did you just invent that . Snowflake werewolves. Its going on a shirt. Im pitching it to paramount next week. Thats the way it works. You should always think of the funniest line, and then do it for real sincerely. So snowflake werewolves, have at it. Its a hit proposition. You just invented it. Steve markstein, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Ainsley coming up, bo bergdahl is now a free man, despite pleading guilty to desertion. Now he could be a rich man too. Should earlier be paid for his troubles . Our panel of veterans, theyre back to discuss it next. Steve i think we know what they think. And the marine core 242 years old today. In celebration on our plaza. Next. This is fox and friends on veterans day. Ainsley cake. Steve veterans day friday america. America. God shed his place on me. Ainsley we are so grateful for gods grace and for our military. We want to wish a happy birthday to the u. S. Marine core. They are celebrating 242 years of service. Were out here on the plaza with a cakecutting ceremony. Here to do the honors colonel. Thank you so much for thank you for having us this morning. Ainsley what does it mean to you . So weve had 242 years of making marines and saying back into society as better citizens and winning the nations battles. Ainsley were a better country for it. Thank you. Appreciate it. Lets do the normal cake cutting. So the first piece. We cut three pieces. The first piece goes to the guest of honor, which is going to be you too. If you dont mind. Ainsley im not worthy. You served our country. Youre definitely worthy. Ainsley and then the second piece goes to. Thats a big piece. I like it. The second piece goes to the oldest marine, which is myself born april 5th, 1971. And then ill pass the last piece to corporal naught here who was born june 22nd, 1997. Wow. 1997. Yeah. A little young. Ainsley now, where are you from . Are we able to put a microphone on you . Where are you from . Im from virginia. Small town. Going here, its a big change, but its an amazing experience. Ainsley you just made a big commitment to our country, and we appreciate that. What made you do it . The pride and also my familys tie to the military but no one is in the marines, so i wanted to be the first. Ainsley wonderful. We want to thank you. We also want to thank carlsons bakery for this amazing cake. Take a bite. It goes without saying thank you, all, for what you do. Ainsley thank you, gentlemen. God bless you. Steve, were going to bring you cake. Steve all right. Good enough. Thank you steve, ainsley, and todd. Meanwhile, bo bergdahl is a free man despite pleading guilty to desertion. But now he could be a rich man too. Should he be paid for our troubles . Our panel joins us right now to discuss. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. So it looks as if the army is going to decide whether or not bo bergdahl would get the 150,000 special compensation for being a captive soldier and then back paid. Totaling 300,000. Can i see the hands of anybody who thinks this is a good idea that he would get 300,000 . Can i see the hands of those who think this is a bad idea. All right. Lets start with you. Carl. Why. Well, i think as an Administration Official now, im going to defer this to the dod and let them take the course. But i think it might send a bad message that a lot of people are obviously pretty upset about it. But i will defer to the dod. Im sure theyll do the right thing on this. Steve right next to you is jason, former green beret, what do you think . We have plenty of heroes. And we can announce them and celebrate them. There were a lot of questionable circumstances here and, frankly, those of us who served in harms way. Joey up front, sean, these guys and carl yourself. Theres plenty of people to celebrate. Lets slow down, go back and find out exactly what happened before we start awarding people for things that are questionable. And this is a very questionable circumstance. Steve you just mentioned joey in the front row. Joey lost both of his legs. A former marine core bomb technician. What do you think of bo bergdahl getting a 300,000 payday . We have to juxtaposition this thats a big word, isnt it . It is. Im surprised that you can handle that in front of marines. Amazing. Marine core birthday. No, but to be serious for one minute, a year ago we had dozens of soldiers. I believe it was in california being asked to pay back a signing bonus that was rightfully theirs because their recruiter made a clerical error; right . Mortgaging their home to pay this back. An act of congress to let them off the hook. And now you fastforward a year this bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy doing what is technically right not what is morally right. Bo bergdahl may get 300,000 as a signing bonus for joining the taliban. This doesnt make sense at all. Our next guest is sean, former army ranger. Youre rolling your eyes. Yeah. I think this is wrong on a multitude of different levels. But ill just break it down. When youre in combat surrounded by death and destruction, every day at some point after a certain amount of time, you give up hope that youre ever even going to come home. The small glimmer of hope that you cling to the whole time is that the man or woman in the foxhole next to you wont desert you. And bergdahl betrayed that sacred trust and with no jail time betrayed that trust as well. And if we give him 300,000 in backpay, i just wonder a terrible precedent has already been set. I just wonder what precedent it will set even more. I mean, its a terrible thing to reward somebody who voluntarily left his post to join the taliban. Steve Caleb Campbell is in the front row. Former nfl linebacker. You were in the army, lieutenant as well. What about the you know, there are stories perhaps as many as six americans lost their lives looking for him. What kind of a payday did they get . They obviously dont get a payday right now and for paying that ultimate sacrifice, i would like to see that 300k distributed amongst their families. And regardless of what happens with bergdahl, i just want to acknowledge the United States military and the men and women who put their lives on the line to go search for him. I think that speaks absolute volumes about the type of military and the character of the men and women in our military. Thats who america is, and thats what we represent. So im hoping to see justice in forms of this 300k being distributed amongst the family. Steve well, apparently katie here in the front row, the army has to decide what to do. You were in the marine core. Now youre Vice President of operations at self made. What do you think about this potential 300,000 payday for bo bergdahl . I echo everything said here. He admitted to it. He put everybodys lives at risk. I think its ridiculous that theyre even considering giving this to him. I like your suggestion if they were going to pay out money, it should be to the families of the people that were affected by going to search for him. Even if they did offer it to him, he has gotten a great deal for him. I would say no, thank you and try to preserve self respect. In the front row, kathy, a veteran, she was in the air force for three months and then switched over to the army. Kathy, what sort of a message would this send if heres a guy who was convicted of desertion and yet he still got that money. Yeah. You know what . I echo, again, use your word of the sentiments that have already been displayed here. But, you know, encouraging the same disrespect and dishorn only obliterates our future. We have little children who will who are watching and who will grow up and become future citizens or the future citizens, future taxpayers, future adults. And to teach them this kind of disdain and respect, i think it sends the wrong message that we want. Steve dr. Daryn, youre the final one. As an officer, i preach the chain is as strong as its weakest link. And by mr. Bergdahl, and i refer to him as mr. Bergdahl, not Sergeant Bergdahl stepping off posts, he violated that code of trust and that code of honor that we have as soldiers fighting in a war. Steve okay. So i think i know how all of you feel about this. Lets see what the army does. All right. Because this is going so well, were going to keep you and hold you over. Coming up next, were going to talk a little bit about should patriotism be political . You see so many people kneeling during the National Anthem. How do they feel . Find out in two minutes. When you have a cold stuff happens. Shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Steve tomorrow is officially veterans day but today is for holiday purposes being observed, and we have a great Veterans Panel right now joining us. Show of hands, how many of you think that players in the nfl should be kneeling during the National Anthem . Okay. In the front, calebs going like that. Who thinks, show of hands, patriotism should be political . All right. Caleb, lets start with you. You were a player with detroit for a while, so youve got a unique point of view because youre also a veteran. Yeah. I think first and foremost, i want to say, like, what makes america beautiful is that we can voice dissent without the fear of retaliation. And its that conversation that propels america forward. When were actually willing to engage in a dialogue and have a conversation. I do think that one of the most patriotic things we can do in 2017 is simply listen. Now, with that being said with the nfl protest, we have to ask, like, what is the actual goal here . There are has been a conversation that hasnt started between players and the nfl, and thats great. And i think this protest has rendered ineffective. We should ship fire. And if you want to still continue to protest and inequalities or Police Brutality or systematic differences in america, we should fire. I have a unique perspective. I became twitter famous tweeting Colin Kaepernick that i would stand up pride for both of us and subsequently became good friends and talked to colin. And ive been very outspoken in this, and i spent time in locker rooms with a group of vets where weve been invited. And i gained some perspective from them. And i think at the end of the day, i dont want to make players stand. I want them to feel what i feel so theyll want to stand, and thats where i end with it. Steve doctor in the back row. Caleb was talking a little bit about how maybe its not as effective today as it was in the very beginning. You were also a police officer. How do you feel about this . Yeah. I was a police officer, and im a army veteran. I have a issue with the players not standing. And in connection with your statement about the politicalization of this, i think donald trump did an excellent job. He did politicize an aspect of patriotism, but i thought it was very necessary when he spoke of the players that werent standing for the flag. So i commend, and i salute President Trump for that. Steve okay. Kathy, right next to him. Yeah. What you know . Only democrats can distinguish between disrespect and honor while disrespecting the very symbol of honor the american flag. For the rest of america, we see the lunacy in that. The honor and sacrifices of so many who rushed in behind that. Steve absolutely. Carl higbie in back row. All of us here fought very hard for peoples right to do this. And we dont argue with their right. Its perfectly legal to poke yourself in the eye as well. That doesnt mean you should do it. It makes me very sad to see people kneeling for the National Anthem. And i worked at a organization that is primarily made up of people who voted for the other side of the aisle, and theyre all very patriotive. Yeah. I think for us its common sense respect and what you said, carl. They have the right. These are teams, a franchise, its a business. But a lot of us love this country so much. The president was elected because he said were going to make make America Great again. We want to recognize that sovereignty. Ill stand every time. Steve all right. Lets go to the final two in the front row. Katie, what do you think. I just think its a distracting vehicle for a really important message. So by choosing to protest on the National Anthem, the conversation becomes about respect for the nation, for the service members, et cetera, and were not actually talking about the issues that they wanted to discuss in the first place, so. Steve so it got derailed. Bad judgment, you could say. So i will say patriotism should always predispose politics. And heres why. You know, when youre on the battlefield, i had guys on my platoon from every race, creed, religion, skin color. We didnt see eye to eye. In fact, there was a lot of political disagreement. But we could all agree on the fact that we loved this country and appreciated and saw firsthand the sacrifices that guys made for the freedom that we had. So its critically important for us as americans to raise our children with that same level of appreciation, so they know and understand and respect freedom in this country. Steve well, there have been calls for boycotts of the nfl games this Veterans Day Weekend. Lets see how that all pans out. Great discussion today. We thank you very much for joining us live today. And thank you for your service. All right. Come up on this friday, harleydavidson is hitting the road to help our heroes. Making a stop in the plaza to celebrate veterans next. And also in the news hey, did you hear bill hemmer, apparently donald trump just shook hands with Vladimir Putin. Im hearing that. Were going to show that to you in a moment, actually. Steve good. Did they talk . Well find out; right . Next trip well underway, steve. What the president said overnight and what about this Putin Meeting . Well tell you about that. Tax bills getting a once in here big way too. What is in it for you . Can it pass . Well talk to a leading member of the Republican Party on that. Should the fbi be allowed to open your smartphone . And what kind of mess has donna brazil left for the Democratic Party . Sandra and i will see you ten minutes away on a friday morning steve fox news alert and moments ago. Take a look. As you can see in the right third, youve got the president of the United States, and he just shook hands during the photograph with Vladimir Putin. There he is slapping him on the back as well. We had heard earlier from the white house no scheduled meeting. As we pan across and take a look at the participants of the asiaPacific Economic summit. And there you see the president of the United States and Vladimir Putin standing side by side. Are they actually going to have a meeting . Stay tuned. All right. That was moments ago. Now lets go outside to the plaza. Ainsley and todd. All right. Steve, we are kicking off Veterans Day Weekend with the partners of mission thank you. A coasttocoast tour to thank those that have protected our freedom. Ainsley harleydavidson has teamed up with the warriors project in scooting america to award some of our nations heroes new motorcycles. How cool would that be to get one . Founding of scooting america. Michael, ceo of the Wounded Warrior project. And we can chair that school. One of the finalists for the new bike. Thanks for being here on a little bit of a chilly morning. Ainsley adam, tell us about your morning. What is scooting america. Scooting america is to visit every harleydavidson in america. Being the first person to do that. Ainsley how many are there . 270. Ainsley whoa. I thought you were going to say 50. Ive been coast to coast nine times on my harleydavidson. It was all about raising money and awareness for our military and their needs. You know, i never served in the military, so this was kind of my way of saying, hey, you know, if you dont serve, give back. Mike, well talk about why this is important. It is important and harleydavidson has been in peace. But what he said he hasnt served. He has served. He has served doing exactly what he intended for his tours. Raising the awareness for our veterans. Raise money for our veterans, and then give back, and it has really been important in our relationship with healer has been fantastic. Ainsley and you did sacrifice a lot for our country and in the navy. How did you get involved in this . This whole thing was nominated by my wife, which is pretty special to me. Ainsley why is that . It was kind of like a heres to our heroes deal. Like, how do we thank our service men . She went in and did that. You sold your harvey to pay for your wedding. Ainsley so as an adult, what are you doing today . Were here to honor all of our veterans. We have a brandnew harleydavidson sitting here from their new line. Ainsley and we have about ten seconds. Well be right back, guys. Were going to when we come back. Okay. Not yet. Its not yours yet. The best simple salad ever . Hearthealthy california walnuts. The best simple pasta ever . California walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. I got this. N there . Thats the new man, huh . Yup. Getting kinda close to my ride. Wow. Now, thats how you make a first impression. Theyre going to love you. Thats ford, americas bestselling brand. Hurry in today for 0 financing for 72 months across the full line of ford cars, trucks and suvs and just announced. Get 0 apr for 72 months plus 1000 cash back take advantage of these exclusive holiday offers during the ford year end sales event. I want to hand you the keys to your new motorcycle. Push that button right there. Bill good morning. Breaking news now overseas, President Trump and Vladimir Putin in the same room both for the economic summit in vietnam. Live pictures here. The president telling all the asian leaders the u. S. Will no longer be taken advantage of when it comes to trade. A lot of that on our plate as we say hello to friday. Bill hemmer, welcome. Sandra that makes it sound good. Quite a week. Welcome to americas newsroom, im sandra smith. One of the Big Questions today, will President Trump meet with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of this summit . Moments ago the two shaking hands on the way into this gala dinner in vietnam. The fourth stop on what has been a whirlwind trip across asia. Right now the president sitting down for dinner with other World Leaders after a speech that

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