Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20170519

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He leaves for saudi arabia this afternoon. That will be a big deal. That will allow him to announce and really exemplify a huge change in foreign policy. Breaking news now on fox news channel, United States air strike has just hit in syria. We have to get back to running this country really, really well. My total priority, believe me, is the United States of america. I want to take a ride with you steve if you ever ron der if you had a restaurant what you would call it. Ainsley never thought about it. Steve, does that keep you up at night . Steve you drive by a place and you see a sign and it says three sons diner if you are in warren, michigan, and thats where pete is today. Whats the story behind it . Are there three brothers running that place or whats the deal . I believe. So i think its named after me. Im one of three sons and i have three sons. So i feel quite at home here. I have to find the back story and get back to you on that, steve. A bunch of manufacturers on this strip. A lot of great Trump Supporters who helped michigan gore for him and get their sense what they care about. Is it all the comey stuff or maybe jobs and the economy . Brian thanks a lot, pete. If you are looking for the president , dont worry about washington. Going to be a huge impact. I cant believe how its still picking up steam. Kind of unfolding on the fly in some respects. Especially his first stop. Steve first stop saudi arabia. Apparently they are really going to roll out the red carpeted. Is he going to leave joint base andrews this afternoon. Among other things he have a tour of the world three great religions. He is going to address et muslim world from saudi arabia. Some have suggested it will counter Barack Obamas cairo speech in 2009 and very an arab summit in saudi arabia. Ainsley going to israel and meet with the palestinian prisoner and going to the vatican as well to meet with the pope. He was talking yesterday about that appointment of the special counsel. Listen to what he said. I respect the move but the entire thing has been a witchhunt. There is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. But i can always speak for myself and the russians, zero. I think it divides the country. I think we have a very divided country because of that and many other things. So i can tell you that we want to bring this great country of ours together. Brian i always feel bad for the leader to lets no questions at all because we really just want to talk to the president. Colombian leader okay we are emerging country. Just ridded our nation of terrorists but i guess you would rather talk about impeachment or investigations or are you, as president of the United States, just going to turn over the keys to Vice President pence at some point . I just think the investigation, i think the whole thing with the special counsel is kind of interesting. Because, as they started looking into this lawmakers are realizing that the thing they pushed for is going is going to deal them out. All going to be about Robert Mueller, not going to be about them. Mueller is going to have the access and they wont have the power. They will be pushed aside to the audience which finally might squelch the leaks and devastating information which much of which is inaccurate. Steve special counsel Robert Mueller, some of his people are quote i had as saying we are going to ask essentially the five congressional hearings. There are five going on, to essentially stop all their public investigations because its going to get in the way of the fbi investigators. So, Going Forward, were probably not going to see so much up on capitol hill. Brian he has the money. He is going to have the access. As Elijah Cummings says we have people investigating part time. Mueller has the budget. You could tell how long this investigation will be when you see how many people he hires and how much money he needs. He goes mueller could get this done quickly if he is told that way or really do a comprehensive thing that could take over a year. Ainsley waiting to seat james comey memo and all of those notes. They have a week to turn that over, the fbi does. Meanwhile a few weeks ago on may 3rd james comey himself said it never happened. He was never asked to stop investigating for political purposes. Listen. Is the attorney general or senior officials at the department of official opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that fbi investigation . In theory . Yes. Has it happened . Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the fbi to stop doing something without appropriate purpose. I mean, we are oftentimes they give us opinions that we dont see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it, but im talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal e its not happened in my experience. Steve so what he said in public regarding the attorney general and whatnot is much different than what came out in that colemany memo comey mem. He never saw the memo he read over to the phone. Brian he actually told that to brian williams. He was a little aghast. You never saw it. Someone read it to you. Yeah i had an idea he wrote everything down so i kept pursuing this angle. Same reporter that during the San Bernardino terrorist attack these terrorists were overheard talking about jihad. It turns out that was totally not true and he was reprimanded by the New York Times saying you have got to set up some type of criteria before you run with these stories. Steve have you good beware of that the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein briefed the entire senate yesterday behind closed doors. And the senators came out one at a time and revealed some things, for instance, apparently he said that donald trump, he knew that donald trump was going to fire mr. Comey before that memo came out. Whats interesting though is senator mark warner, who is tops on the intel committee, he said rosenstein for the most part did not answer specifics on virtually any question asked. They are tightlipped to protect the fbi investigation. Meanwhile youve got Dianne Feinstein from out in california. When it comes to the ultimate question was was there collusion between russia and the trump people. And thats what this is all about. And they have been investigating this for months. And you know what . So far they dont have any evidence of that. Listen. The last time we spoke, senator, i asked you if you had actually seen evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the russians and you said to me and im quoting you now you said not at this time. Has anything changed since we spoke last . Well, not no, it hasnt. So i would depend on this investigation that were talking about that would bring forward any criminal activity. So far you have not seen any evidence of collusion; is that right . Well, evidence that would establish that there is collusion. There are all kinds of rumors around. There are newspaper stories, but thats not necessarily evidence. Brian talk in the bathroom and some people go yes, i also saw a flier on the streets and newspaper stories. Newspaper came in and had a story in it. Thats exactly how want running this investigation. Steve that book shattered which came out a couple weeks ago the details of the loss of Hillary Clinton, in that book the authors talk about how the day after Hillary Clinton lost, what they were going to do. They all got together in a room and said okay now what are we going to do . You know what . Lets push this russia thing . There is nothing to it. Lets go ahead and push it because we have gotten some tracked in the press with rumors with what she is talking about. Lets push that. Ainsley thats what he victor was saying last night on tucker. Political historian and comment territory. Listen. I dont want to be too dramatic. A slow motion cue where have you a celebrities, academics, the democratic and progressive parties and then you have the media and they feel they can delegitimize a president with a thousand nics. None of them significant in themselves. They coalesce to build a narrative that trump is inexperienced, unkuth, crude, reckless. Each day is to drive his popularity down one half a point, one point until he cant function in congress because purple state congressional representatives dont want to take the risk to negatives. Meanwhile the aca, tax reforms, aappointments everybody agrees excellent. Brian a lot of people think et republicans caving like Rush Limbaugh yesterday saying the republicans caving and going for this special counsel was a huge mistake. They are going to get something. Also bring up the fact that senator ron johnson democrats should look out for what they wish for because they just got it. Not only is their investigation nullified and sidelined, but there is other people and other que things that took place during that campaign and we will see if that comes to light. Ainsley i think we have breaking news about Julian Assange oreilly right, jillian . Jillian thats right. Lets get you caught up what you need to know now. The top prosecutor in sweden dropping the rape case against Julian Assange. He run off to Ecuadors Embassy in london in 2012 to face extradition in sweden where he is accused of sex crimes against two women. He has been hold up there ever since. He is afraid if he is arrested he might ultimately be extradited to the United States and chargets charged for leaking hundreds of thousands ever secret documents. Last month trump said he would support any decision by the Justice Department to charge assange. We will keep you potioned there. The plan who plowed his car into times square hurting 22 people and leaving 18yearold girl dead was high on drugs. Got a car running people. Multiple people run over. Video hard to watch. A navy vet plowing into a crowd. His car going airborne before hitting a row of steel barriers finally stopping him. 18yearold alyssa from michigan killed in front of her little sister. He tested positive for drugs. He heard voices in his head and he thought the world was coming to an end. He faces murder charges. The president could make a huge announcement about the future of the fbi at any time. Very blessed fbi director. Senator lieberman jillian former Vice President ial candidate Joe Lieberman one of four people interviewed at the white house this week. Not giving specifics on when he will announce his choice to replace james comey. The internet just cant get enough of this candid moment on capitol hill. Senator ben sasse tweeting this picture of himself decked out in basketball shorts and a tshirt hanging out with Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer with his tie undone, hair blowing in the wind. Senator tom cotton there but this a full suit. Holly molly it looks like senator h he schumer andry smoking refer outside of a wedding wrib brian i dont know they spoke to each other. Steve jillian, thank you investment. Thats the way washington works serve cordial until the cameras are on and then suddenly its like i hate you. And i hate you. Brian should never put came are as on. Steve looks like smoking weed outside a wedding. Ainsley we know how the president feels about the investigation. The entire thing has been a witchhunt. There is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. Ainsley how do the American People feel about it . The new dials just in next. Brian is he a convicted cop killer so why did one major American City just honor him with his own day. Thats why they call me bad company i cant deny i joined the army in july of 98. Our 18 year old was in an accident. When i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. Before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. I was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. 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Ainsley President Trump speaking to the media for the very First Time Since the special counsel was named to investigate russias interference in the 2016 election. How did he do . Our pollster lee carter is here with the grades for us. Lets go through different sound bites and see what the dials said. First one we will start with was when the president was asked about what he thought about a special counsel appointed. I respect the move but the entire thing has been a witchhunt. There is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. But i can always speak for myself and the russians, zero. I think it divides the country. I think we have a very divided country because of that and many other things. So i can tell you that we want to bring this great country of ours together. You can see there republicans gave this an a. Independents a b, democrats an f. What we are seeing here is republicans and independence really are done with the russia thing. They do believe this is a witchhunt. They want to get back to the issues. On the other hand we talk to democrats who are saying there is no question something happened. When you ask them what happened, they have no idea, but it is something. Ainsley like Dianne Feinstein we dont have any evidence but we think there is some. Yes. Ainsley the president was saying, just like you were saying, we need to get back to work, lets stop focusing on russia. I hate to see anything that divides. Im fine with whatever people want to do, but we have to get back to running this country, really, really well. We have made tremendous progress in the last 100 and some odd days, tremendous progress. You see job numbers. You see all of the production that is starting. Plants starting to open again. Havent been open in years. Im very proud of it. Thats what i want to be focused on, because, believe me, there is no collusion, russia is fine. But whether its russia or anybody else, my total priority, believe me, is the United States of america. You can see there republicans a. Independents b and democrats an f. Republicans off the charts here. They want to hear him talking about the agenda. Lets talk about what we have done and what you are going to do. Lets put russia behind us. With democrats now, its not surprising to say that they havent asked but they are unwilling to listen to anything he has to say. Whenever he opens up his mouth, they hear liar. They hear impeachment. It is really getting worse than i have seen in quite some time. Ainsley even without the evidence, they are not giving it a good grade. Its interesting to see those independents they are really up there with the republicans. They are. We have seen the independent support soften somewhat especially when he is talking about russia. When he gets back on aagenda they are right on board. They want to hear tax reform, healthcare, america first, make America Great genget all the reasons why he was put in office. Ainsley thanks so much. Great to be here. Ainsley Police Officer opens the door to his house and he gets shot. Was it random or was the officer targeted . The president of northwestern says the First Amendment isnt absolute. Two students here to react after protesters shut down another speaker on a College Campus well, i spell trouble the moment turns romantic . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Change your wifi password to something you can actually remember, instantly. Add that premium channel, and watch the show everyones talking about, tonight. And the bill you need to pay . Do it in seconds. Because we should fit into your life, not the other way around. Go to xfinity. Com myaccount brian back with a fox news alert now. Iranians are voting for a new president. Its happening today. The countrys current leader rouhani is expected to win another term. Could reach far reaching on the United States. President trump has called the worst deal in history. Off duty officer is shot inside his own home. The cop went to answer his door in baltimore when someone shot right through it he was rushed to the hospital and expected to be okay. Its unclear whether or not this was targeted attack. Steve . Steve thanks, brian. Student protesters at Northwestern University shut down sociology class after a professor invited a representative from ice to speak to the class. The protesters claim that speech could make some students feel uncomfortable. So it was shut down. All of this as the schools president says free speech is not absolute. To talk about in this morning we have the president of the Northwestern College republicans david donley and Public Relations College Republicans sammy quaddle, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you so much for having us. Thank you for having us. Steve david, let me start with you. This professor invited in he wanted both sides of the story. The first would be the ice agent who could talk about their mission and the second guest was going to be somebody who was in this country illegally. What happened when the ice agent was talking . Essentially what happened was that a lot of several students on campus got together and they were upset that the ice agent was coming. They felt it threatened undocumented immigrants who were on northwestern campus. In reality what it really was a pr person for ice i what it was supposed to be a twoday sort of seminar that was going on in the sociology class that would give the students two really great perspectives whats going on in the Immigration Reform debate. Steve surely. Apparently some had complained that the appearance by the ice representative, sammy, would make them feel unsafe although i think the ice representative probably felt unsafe because he got a completely disrespectful reception from the class. Exactly. Thats why professor red byrd had no other choice but to cancel the event. Really this is a very trouble ling trend around the whole country universities are becoming less safe for freedom of speech and less safe for expressions of differing ideas it disappointing. Steve did you go to colleges to hear all points of view. If you want to be in a echo chamber thats easy, do it in your own basement. David, while they did shut down the ice representative, your university had no problem inviting somebody who was convicted for, as a terrorist, for killing two students when they the organization hid a bomb that box of candy. That person was able to speak on campus, werent they . Yes. They were invited by a stupidity group on campus. And there was also a protest by northwestern students on that same day, also. But it was more akin to what were used to at northwestern which is usually peaceful protests that do not have the objective of shutting down the event. A lot of the students actually had a silent candlelight vigil where it was being formed. Example of good form of protest. The speaker still got to speak. Students in opposition to it were very clearly able to make their point. Freedom of speech basically won the day that day. Steve if you say so. But then i saw in the wall street journal apparently the president of northwest said that the First Amendment, sammy, the First Amendment is not absolute. When you heard that did you think wait a minute, whats going on, where am i . Yeah. This is the same, you know, i love but at the same time i think he is really wrong about this. Freshman class he defended safe spaces. I think in a lot of ways the administration has been a little bit complacent. They havent been aggressive towards free speech in general. I think they can do a little bit more to defend it and at least tone down the extremism by this group of students. Steve yeah. Not to jump in here but to be clear president shapiro was very clear on condemning this specific incident. In the past he said freedom of speech is not salute. I think from his perspective ang up in situations like. In in terms of this specific ice event. He has con dirm condemned it. The university is opening up an investigation. Steve toler rent of point of view. In a safe space speaking. Thank you for getting up early out there in chicago. My pleasure. Thank you so much for having us. Steve coming up on this friday, he is a convicted cop killer, why did a major American City honor him with his own day . Were going to tell you about that. And is our nations history being erased . The statue thats coming down today. The latest right back. We didnt starter the fire it was always burning since the worlds been turning we didnt start the fire a clear, tastefree, 100 natural daily fiber. Thats clinically proven to help me feel fuller longer. Benefiber® healthy shape. This i can do [ barks ] radio scorching heat today, staywalter ut there stop suffering with hot ac. Cool it yourself with a c pro. In just 3 easy steps, enjoy the comfort of 2 times the cooling boosters from the 1 selling coldest air. Nothing cools like a c pro. Atmore than one flavor, oruch texture, or color. Ing. A good clean salad is so much more than green. And with panera catering, more for your event. Panera. Food as it should be. Click male announcer hit escape with great deals on great gear. Like our best selling fish fryer for under 30. Only at bass pro shops. Steve were back now with a fox news alert. In a couple of hours President Trump is going to embark in First International trip as commanderinchief. Ainsley with the first lady by his side he heads to saudi arabia visiting five countries. Brian they are rolling out the red carpet. Kevin corke is at the white house with what we can expect. Ambitious agenda awaits the president as he makes his way to the middle east as he takes americas message abroad to the world. Leaving behind the political storms here in the us of a. He is going to begin the trip to the middle east. Is he going to make his way over to europe with a particular focus on improving economic and security coongs. In that theme of international engagement, just yesterday you may have seen the president met with the president of colombia. Respect for our countries very much in line with what the president will say when he meets about b. Netanyahu in israel. To put it mildly a little bit complicated. Here is the secretary of states take on the trip ahead. The purpose of this trip is really one of conveying a message that america is back in terms of our role, as a convener, our role as a facilitator to address the daunting challenge he is that exist in that part of the world. Most particularly the challenge of global terrorism and how we confront global terrorism as a global peoples. Yes, indeed. And my colleague john roberts and i will be on that trip and live coverage right here on fox friends. For right now back to you. Brian do you have your seat assignment yet because i know special report is going. You are right. i dont want to say how close i am but i can say can i throw a cheerio and hit him in the head. Brian i hope you dont. You represent us. Ainsley thank you, kevin. Steve also the First Lady Melania Trump is going to be accompanying the president. Ainsley what a way to seat world is to go with the president and his wife. Steve donald trump a famous home body likes to sleep in his own bed he apparently said nine days, five countries. Cant we do it in five days, be more efficient. You have so much to do you need fine days. Kevin corke is out of town. Ainsley he will be busy covering it. Jillian cant waste the cheerios, have you got to hold on to those things. Brian especially if you have children. Jillian this story is really going to upset a lot of people. A cop killer honored with his own special day, yes, you heard belief right. The mayor of cincinnati approving a proclamation to celebrate trey pierre cummings who killed officer sunny kim in 20156789 the mayor breaking down while apologizing claiming this was all an accident. This was a huge mistake. It was not done intentionally. It was human error. Jillian you can tell he is visibly upset. The proclamation requested by his father to honor the cop killer as a champion of mental health. The mayor says the apreefl for tre day was mistakenly stamped for a new staff who did not research the mans back ground. New orleans removing a last standing peels of history taking down the last of four confederate statues this morning. Crews shutting down surrounding streets as they remove the 60foot statute do you of robert e. Lee. Supporters and protests still in disagreement over the removal. One saying the statues are the reminders of slavery and seeing grey gasmghts others say important part of history. Beauregard and others removed by the city. Take action against new sanctuary city bill. The law will require local governments to cooperate with federal immigration policies. Governor greg abbott signed off on the bill last week. Critics say its unconstitutional. But supporters claim its a necessary safety measure. Often city officials hope they can block the law before it goes into effect in september. Thats a look at your headlines on this friday morning. Its hard to see that first story. He was just so visibly upset. Brian he blew it you have got to read what you are signing. He rubber stamped it. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. Extreme weather. Tornadoes carving a path of destruction right in the middle of the country. Massive funnel cloud touching down in oklahoma. Steve meanwhile the National Weather service kansas, texas, and oklahoma accompanied by high winds and hail. Ainsley meteorologist janice dean is live tracking all these storms. Janice . Janice unfortunately we have the threat for severe storms today again from texas all the way to the great lakes. As you reported close to two dozen reports of tornadoes yesterday as well as large hail, damaging winds. That threat is going to be ongoing today. If i can show you maps i will show you where that Severe Threat is again today. Storm move across the east coast and bring the potential up flooding rain fall as well as heavy mountain snow. Just be aware if you have a tornado watch or warning. Where are you from . Come over here. Im from cleveland, ohio. Whats your name. Stacey. Janice what are you doing get close tote family we are. Joe bets from arkansas e. Hi, im brook. Janice having fun on a friday . Do you want to say hi to anybody at home. I would like to say hi to my husband gary and dog lieuy. Hey to roger. Janice hi, wronger. Hi mom. Janice hi mom, back inside. Steve thank you very much, janice dean out on the streets of new york city with the folk he is. Meanwhile latest chapter of the monster masterpiece. Covenant hitting theaters are star studded cast featuring all sorts of people. Brian headed to the fox light right now. Michael tammero because you interviewed the cast. Steve is is he gorany weaver in this. She is not. Stock up on xanax because the space hunters are back and they are as disgusting as ever before. Ainsley yes. Just the way we want them. Caught up with the cast in london who told me all about this latest movie. Whats happening . I need you here right now. I need you. Calm down, sweetheart. Calm down. Dont tell me to calm down. You are breaking up. Start our new life. What was it like for you to focus or revisit this franchise . Its fun. He is a fun character. He was a lot of fun, you know, so i was really excited to see what he has been up to where we pick him up 10 years later. For me its a 38year process. And, yes, i was glited to come bang. I was a little frustrated he was dead and gone. So i wanted to revive him because i think he is special. Thats how this evolved. What was it like to be immersed in that world. Fascinating. Step into every new set, it was a complete surprise. For how disturbing and creepy and terrifying it is somehow really inviting environment for actors. There is so much to do. There is physical challenges but also i think we were all inspired by that original film. Encountering any master craftsman whatever they do is pretty extraordinary experience. And to get to be a part of that collaboration while he is in his little workshop making up all these incredibly disgusting and sick and horrifying things that was a one of a kind experience. How did franco get off so easy by the way . Who is his agent . I think he spent more time on the flight than on the set. Sign me up for that. The news of the day is scary enough. Is it harder to scare audience in 2017 . Yeah. Hit with abundance of excessive violence any way. Yeah, its getting harder and harder. People get completely desensitized. Where is did . Let me out steve oh, man. I wish i could tell you about the movie. My eyeys whose closed 90 of it. Steve thats a movie cue see starting tonight. Two weeks from now big announcement. Fox fan weekend everyones favorite time of the year. Saturday june 9th and sunday june 10th. Join us at yankee stadium. Giewns. Com. A chance for good time. Steve its a chance to meet hundreds of our fans and people who lo to watch the fox news channel. On fox news but one thing hasnt changed the fans. Brian one thing has changed yankees got good. Brian soaks sighting and young. And the mets did it. Ainsley apply for tickets. Michael does a great job. Box seats. Get to set under a cover. If it rains no, big deal. He provides tons of food. Lots of drinks. So fun. Brian one of you get to hit cleanup in the first inning. Steve maybe. All right. Michael, thank you very much. Pete hegseth is having breakfast with friends at a diner. Three sons in warren, michigan, a state that turned red in 2016. Pete . Pete did i find out, pete, its owned by three sons thats why we are here. Warren michigan, talking to the pundits and the politicians and socalled elite media all the time. I would rather hear from susan, adrian and kate. You will hear from them all shortly on fox friends. Youre going my way i want to drive it all night long i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans. Better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. But. Theyre not all the same. Turns out, theyre really. Different. Who knew . I had no idea. So, she said look for. One thats shaped like a dental tool with a round. Brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to. Gently remove more plaque and. Oralb crossaction is clinically proven to. Remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb the 1 brand used by dentists worldwide. Oralb. Brush like a pro. 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Apoquel goes to the source of the itch to provide relief in as little as 4 hours. Woof and apoquel is safe without many of the side effects associated with the use of steroids. Apoquel is for the control of itch associated with allergic dermatitis and the control of Atopic Dermatitis in dogs. Do not use apoquel in dogs less than 12 months old or those with serious infections. Apoquel may increase the chance of developing serious infections and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers to worsen. Do not use in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. Most common side effects are vomiting and diarrhea. Dont wait. Ask your veterinarian about apoquel today. Apoquel. Its itch relief worth barking about. Bark steve as we discovered in ainsleys segment with lee carter. The people of the United States want stop talking about russia. Ainsley they want to talk about putting people back to work. Pete he hegseth is in warren michigan called three sons. Hey,. Pete pete thats right. Good morning, guys. Thanks so much with wonderful people here in warren michigan. This is macomb county. Critical county that went twice for barack obama and then overwhelmingly for donald trump. Sent him the Electoral College and ultimately the white house. What the folks here think really matters much more sew so than the hysteria we are hearing in the media. We are having breakfast with friends. Good morning. You are retired. What do you do. I am retired now. I was formerly working with a credit union in credit card fraud. Pete when you look all the hysteria going on russia, comey, flynn, does that matter to you if not what matters most to you. Healthcare matters most to me. Number one list tops. Pete why is that . I pay almost 800 a month healthcare with 7,000 plus deductible. Next year i will be 65. I dont go to the doctor until next year where can i afford an office visit. Pete are you following the trajectory of the Obamacare Repeal and replace. I have read some of it. Not all of it. I wish they would bring it in and then tweak it. I know some people will fall between the cracks. Not everybody is going to be 1,000 happy but they need to do something and quickly. Pete do something and quickly. Pete a message that doesnt happen very often in washington. You are a retired School Teacher . Retired math teacher. Pete what did you teach . Middle school math. 8th grade. Pete very nice. Did you support President Trump as a candidate. Yes. Pete what issues do you think he should be focusing on . I think he should be focusing on the United States to show we are a powerful nation. I didnt like the fact that with president obama we kind of looked like the wimpy kid. Pete on his first foreign trip coming up. You expect that to be a different message. I think so. I think the whole world needs to see that we are a strong nation and we need to show that because otherwise we need the backing of all the other countries and they need to support us. Pete great message indeed. I didnt hear the word russia yet. Indicate, kate, i appreciate th. What do you do. I currently work in position. Its been entirely impacted with obamacare with the mandate. Pete you voted lifelong democrat voted twice for barack obama and switched to donald trump. Why did you. I want jobs. I want security in our nation. I want the wall to be built. I think that its important that we secure our borders and our country, take care of our people. And not take care of those across the globe. And that is what resonates here in michigan. Pete very much. So if you turn on any other channel all you hear is comey, flynn, russia, russia, russia. Why is that . Because they many of the Mainstream Media are liberals. There is saw in wikileaks theres there was collusion in the Hillary Campaign toe produce a positive narrative versus President Trump. They are always going to be going against him. And im sick of it. I think they need to Start Talking about the jobs and the other agenda points that President Trump is focusing on. Pete kate, thank you very much. You can hear not a whole lot of desire to talk about russia here. They will want to talk about jobs. They want to talk about healthcare. They want america to not have apology tour across the globe. Ainsley speaking of swag. Did you see his shirt . Lets find out what his shirt says coming up. Brian incredible commencement speech went viral. Asking for clarification. Its important to understand an idea, in other words, before you advocate for or against it. Brian the dean of the Harvard Grad School here with five ways to change your life and i think you will love the book as well. Thanks so much. He also prescribed lyrica. 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Brian graduation season and harvard commencement speech still resonating from last year after going viral and getting 8. 6 million views. For example a very effective way of asking for clarification. Its important to understand an idea, in other words, before you advocate for or against it. Brian you have to think big picture and very astute audience and jim ryan did both. That speech inspired a brand new book called wait, what . And lifes other essential questions. James ryan is the graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of education. He joins us with a grea great story. You were adopted. You dont have a legacy of ivy league educations. You are successful and why others arent. Thats what got me interested ned occasion in the first place. I feel like i went to Public Schools my whole life. Neither one of my parents went to college. I had some teachers who cared about me and i was lucky enough to go to yale and it changed my life. I have been wondering why the system worked for me when it doesnt work for others. Brian shooter is better. Did the speech in under 20 minutes and huge impact. Wait, what . What does that mean . The speech itself is about the importance of asking good questions. You know, as well as anyone, that if you dont ask the right questions, youre never going to get the right answer. And so instead of keeping it just general, i went through these five questions, the first one was wait, what . I asked that first. My wife and i have four kids. They ask that question all the time. You might think its kind of annoying. I think its a great way to make sure you are asking someone to slow down so you make sure you understand what they are saying. Brian simplest command to clean your room on down. Exactly. Brian next one i wonder. What do you mean. Asking i wonder why remain curious and engaged in the world. Kids are born curious but become less curious over time. This is a reminder to stay engaged. By asking this question i wonder why i found is a longer story in the book that i found my birth mother four years ago. Brian wow. Unbelievable if we cant agree on everything can we agree on something . I know had you big papi on this week. Brian david ortiz. Im a yankees fan. One way can i find Common Ground with Boston Red Sox fans couldnt we at least agree that derek jeter and big papi were great players. Absolutely. Brian how do you live up in the last speech. Unbelievable. All in the great book. Up next denish due den dsouza e jeanine secretary rick perry and ted nugent up ahead. At angie there are certain things you can count on, like what goes down doesnt always come back up. [ toilet flushes ] so when you need a plumber, you can count on us to help you find the right person for the job. Discover all the ways we can help at angies list. Because your home is where our heart is. 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Donald trump was elected because he wants to change washington. Were very close to an fbi director. The leading candidate for that is the former connecticut senator Joe Lieberman. Joe lieberman to me is a true patriot. Steve in just hours President Trump is going to embark on First International trip as commanderinchief. Ambitious agenda awaits the president as he makes his way to the middle east as he takes americas message quite frankly abroad to the world. That will be a big deal. It will allow him to announce and really exemplify a huge change in foreign policy. The Vice President and his wife were in montana over the weekend. And things got really interesting when secretary of interior ryan zinke decided to aggressively line dance with karen pence. Picked her up, swung her around life in the fast lane, slowly make you lose your mind life in the fast lane steve its fast lane in a fast line and pete hegseth live at three sons diner in warren, michigan, they are cooking politics and you are talking politics, pete. Pete thats exactly right, it is three sons that own this place. Talking politics with the people in a key county that went for President Trump after going for obama twice. And its heating um. So come on out, three sons diner. The voice of the people to you in a place where you are not going to get anywhere else. Steve we understand that man sitting next to you wanted to know what your tshirt says. Pete well, come on. We are capitalists here in this country, right . Thats what we are rosenbacher rocking this morning . Its all about the jobs. Ainsley thank you so much, pete. Ted nugent is from that area. He is from michigan. He will be on our show. Brian stay away from his house. Is he here. He doesnt want you there. The president is going to go on first overseas trip. Stunning what saudi arabia is doing. First stop maybe as early as our show. Going to be announcing a huge arms deal between our two nations. Number two, saudi arainia, not only rolled out the red carpet. They have got other area officials and family royalty out there. Sunni nations almost all. To greet donald trump. And is he going to be speaking to these nations. Basically, its going to be the arab world and free world speaking. Donald trump is going to be the keynoter. Its amazing. A guy getting a lot of guff because of a six nation ban or seven nation ban who made some statements on the campaign trail that people thought were antiislamic. No one told the saudis and no one told the people of cutter. No one told united arab emirates. They love he is coming. This is going to be perhaps his answer to president obamas cairo speech. Its no longer about iran in the region. Ainsley he is also going to israel and meeting with netanyahu. Also going to sicily. Did you know that the vatican is its own country. Smallest country in the world. Is he going to stop there to meet with the pope. Steve whole trip kicks off today at 2 10. Today is, by the way, the 120th day that the president of the United States has had this job. And yesterday he appeared in the east room for a little bit with the president of colombia where they were talking about efforts to wring the countries together in all sorts of way. Of course, each side, you know, of the colombia press, the american press, each gets two questioners. And, of course, the american questioners wanted to know about that special counsel that was announced earlier this week in the form of former fbi director mr. Mueller. What did the president say . He said this. I respect the move but the entire thing has been a witchhunt. And there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign. But i can always speak for myself and the russians, zero. I think it divides the country. I think we have a very divided country because of that and many other things. So i can tell you that we want to bring this great country of ours together. Brian i think the president would be probably right. Best interest not even to talk about this from now on. I understand it was white hot. The tweets that go out. Focus on it does not work for him. My hope is now that Robert Mueller intact. Pretty clear to those in that private meeting with the Deputy Attorney general that there is not going to be much going on for the senate or the house investigative committees because all the attention, all the money, all the staffing, all key fbi guys and women are going to be going to mueller. That was essentially read to them and Lindsey Graham came out and said, listen, we are pretty stunned. We have been sidelined. And democrats who wanted to make hay for this, leaks come out from robert plurl going to be out without information. He is such a law and order guy that he will lock that place down. Ainsley he loss got a few questions from this one reporter asking about the comey investigation saying did you, when you sat down with comey, did you actually say that you wanted to stop that investigation of general flynn . Listen to this. Did you at any time urge former fbi director james comey in any way, shape, or form to back down the investigation into the Michael Flynn and also no. No. Next question. Steve the next question was from the same reporter. Were talking about this is not a member of the National Press team that covers the white house. This is a guy from wjla scott to you thatman at the local abc 7 down there after he asked that. Then he asked the president one thing that many have said you really are going to go there . He did. As you look back over the past six months or year, have you had any recollection where youve wondered if anything you have done has been something that might be worthy of criminal charges in these investigations or impeachment as some on the left are implying. I think its totally ridiculous. Everybody thinks. So again beings, we have to get back to working our country properly so we can take care of the problems that we have. Brian i think it also is though the one story that comes at. He did answer one other question and essentially said when asked about any russian contacts. He said i have not had essentially any russian contacts which doesnt mean that his staff didnt. There is a reuters story that comes out today e there is 18 separate calls, emails or Text Messages between his camp and russian officials whether its an ola dar ole oligarch, which e wayry have never met one they seem nice. Kiskiss steve their investigation is looking at exactly the deal that mr. Flynn had with turkey when he was getting Something Like half a Million Dollars and what he might have done on their behalf. By the way this russia thing yesterday hit a crescendo that i had not seen before. Maxine waters, who clearly has said some. Brian she will not vote for donald trump if he runs for reelection. Steve probably not. She said yesterday thats true expression lock her up and crooked hillary, which we heard a lot during of the campaign, who came up with those . Did you hear this . Ainsley no. What did she say . Steve we had heard lock her up in unison from a lot of people at the trump events and crooked hillary was from donald trump, right . According to her, vladimir putin. These are expresses that were created and developed by people at the kremlin. Brian unbelievable. Steve those expressions according to Maxine Waters are from russia. Brian same woman Jason Chaffetz is he retiring because of his links to russia . Jason chaffetz. Steve he is from utah. Ainsley let us know what you think. Like the dials are showing, are you so sick of the russia narrative . Steve can i vote on this . Ainsley all we talk about every morning. Steve it would be one thing if there was some there there. We just heard Dianne Feinstein. Ainsley who is a liberal from california. Steve she said there is absolutely no evidence that she has seen and she is one of the Top Democrats in the senate. She hasnt seen anything. Ainsley thats what so crazy. Brian Time Magazine has the white house covered up in cartoonish way turning into the kremlin. Ainsley saint basils cathedral. Brian some important person i. Steve meanwhile it is about 7 10 here in new york city. Jillian joins with us a big news story out of sweden. Jillian good friday morning to you guys and you at home as well. Top prosecutor in sweden dropping the rape case of Julian Assange he ran off to london in 2012 to escape extradition to svedaible where he is accused of sex crimsz against two women. He has been hold up there ever since. Assange is afraid if he is arrested he might ultimately be extradited to the United States and charged for leaking hundreds of thousands of secret documents. Last month President Trump said he would support any decision by the Justice Department to charge assange. Keep you posted. The man accused of plowing his car into times square hurting 22 people and killing a young girl was high on drugs and is charged with murder. Got a car running people over. Multiple people run over. Video shows richard, a navy vet, driving into a crowd. His car going airborne before hitting a row of steel barriers, finally stopping him. Chilling video and picture showing him trying to get away from the scene. Can you see him right there. As a mother gripsz her two Young Children in the background. A bouncer working at Planet Hollywood in the scene tackling him and stopping him from hurting anyone else. 18yearold alyssa elseman a tourist from michigan killed in front of her little sister. He tested positive for drugs. He was hearing voices in his head and thought the world was coming to an end. Well, the president could make a huge announcement about the future of the fbi at any time. Were very blessed with an fbi director. Is senator lieberman on your he is. A. Jillian former vis president ial candidate Joe Lieberman one of four people interviewed at the white house this week. The president not giving specifics on when he will announce his choice to replace james comey. I never thought she was a great candidate. Former Vice President joe biden tearing into Hillary Clintons failed bid for the white house at a conference in las vegas. Biden revealing, quote no man or woman should announce for the presidency unless they genuinely believe that at that moment in the nations history they are the most qualified personal to deal with the issues facing the country. His answer when asked about running in 2020. Probably not. Look at your headlines right now on this friday morning. Brian i dont know if that was the prompter. I think he kind of adlibbed that. Steve thank you very much, jill i cant believe. We do know from the books that have been written apparently joe biden was Barack Obamas number one replacement for barack obama. Joe biden said im not going to do it my son and everything else. The president went around and started talking to Elizabeth Warren and she said no. This is not my year. And then they wound up settling on Hillary Clinton. His third choice. Brian in shatter evidence they do say biden thinking about giving one last one. Ainsley when we all thought comey would indict her and who would take her place and it would have been him. Maybe they are regretting that. Steve you think . Maybe a little. Coming up, remember when president obama traferld the world apologizing for america, some say . The United States will be willing to acknowledge past eras when this error have been made. Sought to dictate our terms e. Steve what can we expect from trump. Brian not that pl med comparing the white house to the kremlin. Thats the Time Magazine cover. Please dont buy it. Everybodys talking about the you sound funny its still rock and roll to me whats the matter with the car im drivinged new coppertone whipped. Because protection matters. Tech when your windshield trust safelite autoglass. Our exclusive trueseal Technology Means a strong, reliable bond. At safelite, we stand behind our work. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. Whats the story behind Green Mountain coffee and fair trade . Lets take a flight to colombia. This is boris calvo. Boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. All for a smoother tasting cup. Green mountain coffee. Briathe customer app willw if be live monday. Can we at least analyze customer traffic . Can we push the offer online . Brian, i just had a quick question. Brian . Brian. Legacy technology can handcuff any company. But yes is here. Youre saying the new app will go live monday . yeah. With help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. With the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. In america, there is a failure to appreciate europes leading role in the world. There have been times where america has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisk. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. The United States will be willing to acknowledge past errors where those errors have been made. We have at times been desengaged and at times we sought to dictate our terms. Steve there have you some sound bites from 2009 and president Barack Obamas socalled apology tour by some. Meanwhile today at 2 10 this afternoon from joint base andrews President Trump takes off for his first overseas trip. So how should he make it different from president obamas apology tour gist 120 days into his administration . Here to discuss is conservative filmmaker Dinesh Dsouza joins us from washington. Good morning. Steve obviously this president s message is going to be different than the last president s message, right . I certainly hope. So with obama, youve got this spectacle, tragic as well as calming leader elected by americans for america. Nevertheless, for pretending to a kind of olympian detachment from america. Almost like obama was standing outside america, lecturing america about its own sins and promising to be a president ial curb on americas behavior. I think with trump i hope we see the antiobama, which is a president who is confidently willing to assert american ideals and american interests. A president who asserts that american exceptionism is not incompatible with american universalism. What i mean by that is that the american recipe, although this invented here by the founders is nevertheless a recipe that can bring prosperity and happiness to other parts of the world. Steve sure. Dinesh, have you got to figure the president of the United States has got to be happy to get the heck out of town after, for the most part, 120 days of the Mainstream Media and many on the left just talking about russia, russia, russia. Which we knew right after the election back in november that was going to be their story line that the russians stole the election. Now we have got a special counsel, that is to say, to continue to look into this for perhaps years so the democrats got what they want. And the president now is getting out of town. Ive got a feeling he is not going to mention russia one time unless he is talking about that country up there. Well, i do think that we see from whats been hang here at home that the main force of opposition to trump and the republicans does not actually come from the democratic party. It comes from hollywood and the media and academia. These sort of cultural weapons that the left has deploying with full force against trump. I think the appointment of the special counsel is a mistake. The republicans are naively hope by segregating this to one corner, they can somehow keep it confined. I think on the contrary, this will be a constant vehicle to bash trump and try to interrupt the rest of his agenda. Steve you never know. All right, dinesh, thank you very much for joining us today in texas. My pleasure. Steve you bet. Meanwhile, President Trump vowing to solve the Health Crisis at the v. A. Now he is enlisting the Energy Department to help. Energy secretary rick perry is leading the charge as he joins us live next. An accident. When i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. Say no to this because of my bladder . Thanks to tena. Not anymore only new tena intimates has Proskin Technology designed to quickly wick away moisture. To help maintain your skins natural balance. It goes beyond triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture. So you can feel fresh and free to get as close as you want. For a free sample call 1877gettena ostriches dont really stick vitheir heads in the sand. Ve horns on their helmets. And a real john deere is actually real affordable. You learn something new everyday. The surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. 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They were hitting the ride on their way to the ground unfortunately. Helicopters had to lift them to the hospital. The incident is now under investigation. Brian number of leaks under President Trump is on the rise. We dont know where they are coming from. They could be coming from the inside. Steve how county president plug the leaks . Ainsley here to weigh in on this is secretary of the u. S. Department of energy rick perry. Governor perry, good to see you this morning. Ainsley, how are you . Ainsley thank you. We are great. How do you think the president can stop all of these leaks . What needs to happen . Number one have a cadre of people around you that are loyal. That believe in your philosophy. Want to go where you want to go. I will be pretty blunt about it those that want to govern through leaking go work somewhere else. Brian who are they . You have been in charge of the state that decides the most countries. How do you quickly. Can you offer advice to do that. Having people that you know are going to be loyal to you. That is something that the advice that i would give is have people truly loyal to you, to your vision, the president knows who those individuals are and sort it through and, again, ask people, you know, what ised in the best interest of america . And if out gossipping, passing along leaks is your idea of patriotism, i greatly disagree with you. Find another place to work. Steve sure. Its good advice. Governor, the president is in a pickle. It was just about a year ago donald trump, who was starting to lead in the polls and eventually would win the presidency, he didnt have that many people on his team. And so his white house, a lot of the people in his white house worked on other campaigns you have people not always aligned with donald trump. Maybe they dont like donald trump in one fashion or another because they were working for somebody else running for president a guy like you or paul ryan or rather scott walker or somebody else. Im just throwing those out there. There are a million different names or people in the permanent government like over at the state department or the nsa you hope would never leak. And we hope they dont. But you have got those people as well in the deep state which you read the papers it sounds like they are leaking. Well, again, i dont know where all the leaks come from, but, it if you care about this country, you need to help it move forward. This idea leak a day, the media obviously is greatly interested in a lot of media. Let me put it that way and driving that narrative. The president will sort it out. He has i dont know to the American People, time after time, and said listen, here is what we are going to do. We are going to reform our tax code and get rid of obamacare. We will get this country economically headed in the right directions and make america secure and lead the world again. Thats what this trip to the middle east will reinforce. He is going to own those headlines if you will. I think set a very clear path forward for america being back in that position of leading the world, our friends in saudi arabia and israel. Other middle eastern countries, jordan, standing up with him and i think sending a powerful message of americas strength, this president s strength, and this president s focus. Ainsley you talk about making sure you can trust the people that are working in the white house. He mentioned yesterday senator lieberman as the possible pick as topic for the fbi. Can he be trusted . I mean, that was kind of shocking to me knowing that he was a democrat, then he became an independent. I know he did endorse john mccain when he was running for president but he also endorsed Hillary Clinton just a few months ago. I try to remind people Ronald Reagan was a democrat once. I was a democrat once. So that doesnt necessarily take you off the board. Loyalty is isnt a partisan issue. Loyalty is an issue that you either have in your character or you dont. I would suggest the president is pretty good about analyze hog is going to be loyal to him and his philosophy. Whoever he decides upon, and i dont have any inside information that he has made a final pick. My bet is he probably hasnt. He is talking to a lot of folk he is, as he does. And he will blake a choice that is loyal to him, loyal to the philosophy that he has of making this country great again. Steve great. We have received a leak that apparently the departments of energy and Veterans Affairs are going to team up to help use some of your Super Computers to figure out how to make our Veterans Healthier. Could you explain that to us . Not a leak. That is a full on blasted out press released story. As you all know my interest in veterans go back to a substantial lengthy time in my back ground to where a young man who came and lived with us with posttraumatic stress or traumatic brain injury. The challenges that you have being at war through all those many years, that has manifest itself. As the governor, looking for the different ways to help these veterans. As i have ended up at the department of energy, working with secretary shulkin, dr. Shulkin has a passion for these vets as well. There will be some other agencies that we incorporate to help create an effort a federal government wide effort, if you will, in a lot of different agencies to support these vets. The million vet project is one that got started some months ago out of the v. A. Collecting blood of these veterans in turn analyzing them for their d. N. A. So we can look into the future, if you will, look into their personal d. N. A. And give them some advise and ideas about here is what you may be facing later in life. Be prepared for it. Here is the treatment, et cetera. That is a great gift. Its one that we are halfway home. A little over half a Million People in this program now. You have to be able to analyze that data and the Super Computers over at the department of energy, we offered that up. So you are going to see an office of Veterans Health at the department of energy before this is all said and done. So were focused on helping our vets as well as moving this country forward on the technology front. And our National Labs are amazing jewels. Brian go get them, mr. Secretary. Thanks so much. Ainsley thanks for what you do for the vets. Brian have you seen this . Time magazine comparing the white house to the kremlin showing its being taken over. Don bangino don dan bongino. Steve he will explain next. To err is human. To anticipate is lexus. Experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Yeah here we go doocy doe come on, baby lets go booting oh, cadillac blackjack baby, meet me out back were going to boogie oh,. Brian thats a heck of the secretary of the interior. Ainsley thats ryan zinke dancing steve in the cowboy hat. Karen pence. Steve the music just moved him on the stage he was doing aggressive line dancing. Brian thats where he lives. He is a navy seal. Is he a man who loves the outdoors and boy is he physical . Ainsley i dont know if she was expecting that though. Steve who would be. Brian if geraldo had done that he would have won dancing with the stars. Steve if geraldo had done that he would be in traction right now. We have the host of the renegade republican. Brian can i say his name . Dan bongino or don bangino. Whatever. Ainsley dan, have you gotten that before . Yeah. Unfortunately. You know, i have only done the show with brian like 500 times. Im going to have to start calling him like brad mead kill. Brian call me brain which was con on my birthday cake. No problem. Steve today, you were down in Palm Beach Gardens and to the north of you about 900 miles in washington, d. C. It seems like everybody is simply talking about russia, russia, russia, and now Time Magazine, which was once one of americas great weeklies now has a cover of the white house merging with saint basils cathedral as if russia is taking over the white house. What do you think about that . Yeah. This story is really infuriating, steve. I mean, this is a complete total fabrication. They mention though another reporter on another network that their there may be russian agents somehow colluding with trump. You know, there are russian agents out there but its the left wing media. Thats the joke of when whole thing. Old school communists understood america could only be destroyed from within. They never thought the Democratic Media complex would make the so thing so easy. Its a disgrace, total lie a cam this russian collusion story. Brian very interesting story today this is no longer making the russians happy. They are unnerved whats going on. They lost control of whatever they were doing. Its out of control. And any hope they had of having better relations with us because they need us as the world needs us, are by the boards. Because they cant even figure out whats going on been arrested in the last three nongts. The number of arrest in from ice agents has indegreesed 38 . 75 of those arrested are convicted criminals. That includes homicides, assault he is, sexual abuse and drugs. What else your reaction . This show as failure of the obama rhetoric for 8 years. Words matter for two reasons. One, amongst the illegal immigrant community, word spreads quickly that if you come here and there is a real light environment to Law Enforcement light touch you are probably not going to be arrested. Therefore, everyone else should come to. Amongst the Law Enforcement community where i work, ainsley, it matters. They want to know that they are going to have the government is going to have their back, political leaders is going to have their back when they do their jobs. That stuff matters. Steve absolutely. One of the things about dan bongino when he was in secret service he knew he had made it when he was finally made the lead agent on some of these overseas trips that the president of the United States took. And today at 2 10 this afternoon from joint base andrews, dan, the president is going to leave on a five country, final day tour which, you know what, as we put the map up, is going to change the subject. People arent going to be talking about russia, they will be talking about making America Great, making the world great. This is going to help him reset the narrative, isnt it . Absolutely. Whereas barack obama started the apology tour, you know, trump, this is going to be the apology tour apologizing for Barack Obamas apologies for america. We have nothing to be ashamed of. That make America Great again is really going to change the narrative on an overseas trip. I have been embedded in these. Nothing imposes more gravity on a presidency than being overseas with International Leaders signing agreements, engaging in press conferences and showing the power of the United States on foreign soil to countries that frankly need us. This war on terror is not going to be won alone. The trip to saudi and israel is going to be a big message to the International Community that the United States is back. Were ready to start kicking butt in this war on terror. We are looking for people to join us and the apology tour for america is over. Those days are done. Stick a fork in them. Brian message to iran, too. Thanks, dan, appreciate it. Dan dan yoit. Thanks. Ainsley you got his name right. Jillian good morning, guys. Good morning to you at home. Bombshell new report claims president obamas former Justice Department formerly refused to hire military vets according to the u. S. Special counselor. The doj refused advice to pull their applications. The agency then reposting the jobs with new qualifications, purposefully excluding the vets. The osc called them out for that incident. The Justice Department retrained their staff. A Yale University dean is placed on leave over her scathing yelp reviews online. One critique for a restaurant reading, quote if you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you. College administrators taking action against june chu after discovering numerous posts with inappropriate language about race and class. She has apologized for those reviews. And how about this . Caught on camera, police calling off incredible pit maneuver stopping a suspect on a dangerous high speed chase. Look at that. Look at that aggressive pit. Whoa, right into a pole. Those officers right there. Look at that out there. Somebody trying to get out of the way. Officers running there right behind them. That guy finally running out of steam. There you go,. Ainsley i dont know whats better the moves or the play by play. The driver weaving and out of traffic packed highway for miles. Eventually speeding into a neighborhood. Officers spinning out the truck which spun into a power pole and sending tires he is accused of stealing flying. The suspect then takes off. You can seat foot chase there cops tackle him in front of a yard and haul him off to jail. A stretch of road once used by americas first spies during the revolutionary war is now designated the washington spy trail. 50mile route on long island, new york used to deliver secret messages to general George Washington helping the colonists beat the british. Can you learn more about the culprit spy ring by reading Brian Kilmeades best selling book George Washington. Brian i couldnt have done that book without all those people in that area. Just coming to long island Walking Around you will see the signs of all the important places. We were able to contribute. Ainsley we didnt know the story until we read the book. You brought that to life for all of us. Its really cool. Brian go to long island and look around. Ainsley a fox news alert. President trump striking syria once ben holding that pits accountable. Were live from the middle east coming up next. Its like nothing youve seen. The power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. All day, and all night. Now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. New clearminis from nexium 24hr. See heartburn differently. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. For healthy gums, and strong teeth. Leave bleeding gums behind. New parodontax toothpaste. Brian fox news alert now. The u. S. Military launching fresh air strikes in syria. Ainsley proassad troops pounded after ignoring repeated warnings from both the coalition and russian forces. Steve so whats going on over there . John huddy is live in our middle east newsroom with the very latest details. John . Well, steve, syrian and russian officials are condemning the attack, calling it at least this according to Russias Deputy foreign minister completely unacceptable. With that said u. S. Officials say this was purely a defensive measure. Take a look at the map here and give you an idea. This happened near the military base in southern syria. Its a couple miles from both the borders of jordan and iraq. Kind of the corner where those countries meet. Officials say the air strike was carried out on a militia convoy heading towards the base shared by both u. S. And British Forces and u. S. Backed Syrian Rebels that have been fighting isis in that region there. Now, the convoy, according to military officials did not respond to repeated warnings that he was getting too close to coalition forces. U. S. Commanders say they alerted russia of this. And syria officials confirm that the attack hit, quote, one of our military points. We are hearing tanks, armored vehicles. This attack was a very rare close confrontation between u. S. Forces and fighters that are backing syrian president bashar al assad. And all those forces and the militias that are part of that fight. Still, having said that defense secretary jim mattis said that the u. S. Is not quote increasing our role in the Syrian Civil War but we will defend our troops. This attack was perhaps a signal to assad forces to stay out of those areas where the u. S. And those syrian the u. S. Backed Syrian Forces are fighting isis. So a very serious situation. Steve indeed. The United States strikes syria. John huddy in the middle east, thank you very much. Brian you never know how anybody is going to respond. How does turkey feel about it how does russia feel about it how does syria feel about it . Most complicated situation in the world. Ainsley pete hegseth is out having breakfast with friends at a diner in warren, michigan, a state that turned red in 2016. Hey, pete. That is right. This is a table of you might call them deplorables. They are nice guy. They are working men of warren here. They are having a great conversation. We will bring it with you. Speaking with the pundits and elites. Lets talk to the people. Table full of people here and bring it to you next on fox friends you can talk to meith me got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you . Of your allergy season for continuous relief. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy, 24hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Every day. Z286oz zwtz y286oy ywty steve all right. Did you realize that eminem the famous rapper is from warren, michigan which is where we dispatched our own pete hegseth. Brian im more an l. L. Cool jay. I like eminem. Well have to ask the folks. The folks are fantastic. Having a great moment. Enjoying some upon cakes for sure. Start with you, talking politics here at the table. Whats your back ground, sir . Im a retired skilled tradesman. Auto industry. Got it. We have been talking about the treatment of the president. How do you feel like the media has been treating president obama or President Trump . I would say its almost treason news. Thats how bad it is. Pete the way they go after him. Yes. Pete have you ever seen anything like it. No, nothing even close. Pete you voted twice for president obama but you switched over to President Trump. What do you hope he can accomplish. Everything he says he is going to accomplish. I think he is doing a terrific job. Pete very good. Rick, whats your background . I drive car carrier. Im a teamster. I work right here out of detroit. Pete we hear all this about russian collusion and james comey being fired. Is that something you are worried about or are there other issues that motivate you . I think thats trivial. Im more worried about like he says jobs, the security of the country. You know, we need to focus on what the problems are. Its just something to pull our minds off whats really going on and what matters in the country. Pete well said. I appreciate that. Dan, youve got a tshirt on. I dont know if we can get the shot of his tshirt it says drain the swamp. The president has been there for 120 days. What more could he do to drain the swamp in your mind . Just need to keep doing what he is doing right now. And stay with the policies and forget what the other media is saying. Fox news seems to be the only ones that tell the truth. It just its very difficult. But he seems like such a strong guy that its amazing to see him just kind of go on no matter what. You know. Pete what big policies would you like to see him pursue if you could . The tax reform, i think, is the main thing. On the healthcare, im glad we have gone as far as we have but that needs to be worked out a little better. Pete sure. The security of our country. The borders. Im very concerned about our police and their protection. Im so thrilled to see him in such support of our police. Pete absolutely. I fear for them every day. Pete i appreciate it. You say you pray for cops. Every time i see a cop i pray for them. Pete very, very cool. Whats your background, sir . My back ground is machine Tool Engineering and design. And thats the primary background. Pete the cover of Time Magazine this week shows the white house turning into moscow. What do you make of that . Its a joke. Its an salute joke. You know, you tell a lie enough, maybe somebody will believe you. So they are trying everything they can. This guy, we elected him to take care of a list of things. Most people know what they are. He needs to just stick to it, get the congress behind him. Guest the job done and ignore these people that are just trying to make a mockery of this country. Pete one last thing, daniel, we didnt get a chance to talk to you very much at all. Briefly, what would you say about how the president is doing so far. Doing a great job. Keeping the entrepreneurship going. Thats what he does best. And he knows it real well. Pete there we go. Well said. Deplorables delivered. There we go from the cheap seats as well. We will be here from the rest of the morning. Steve great to hear what the folks said. Russia trivial. Things that matter, jobs. Healthcare. Brian still ahead on our show judge jeanine and Rocker Ted Nugent separately. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. You wish to know how to protect your Sterling Credit score. Se man. My credit is off to a good start, but knowing so many things can go wrong with it. Kinda freaks me out. Well, unfreak yourself out. And download the free creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise gives you a credit score, and alerts you to changes. Even if im not a capital one customer . Nooooo yeah, its free for everyone. Thank you. Gravity, is a fickle mistress. 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Capital punishment has the appointment of the counsel is a mistake, and this will be a constant vehicle to bash trump and try to interrupt the rest of his agenda. Have you had any recollection where youve wondered if anything you have done has been something that might be worthy of criminal charges in these investigations or impeachment . I think its totally ridiculous. Donald trump was elected because he wants to change washington. Were very close to an fbi election. Joe lieberman to me is a true patriot. In just a couple of hours, President Trump is going to embark on his First International trip as commanderinchief. Whereas barack obama started the apology tour, trump, this is going to be the apology tour apologizing for what barack obama did. Nothing to be ashamed of. My total priority, believe me, is the United States of america. Dreams i live with leave the stars on the ainsley they came all the way from the great state of texas to sing for you this morning texas axm. Steve over 60 strong, theyre going to be joining us at the conclusion of the program to get you in the patriotic mood with all theyre going to be singing God Bless America. Brian menial, we have other guests were pretty excited about in studio. They have demanded a red wall. That wall was a different color. They said im a rockstar. I do whatever i want. Ainsley teds just enjoying. Brian can you ever see ted in a chorus . Steve maybe. Hell probably be packing. Steve you saw you about an hour ago, you ride your bike to work. I do ride my bike to work. In manhattan, the killer driver one block away, i mean, it took me so long to get to work by car in the upper side of manhattan, the bike is the fastest way to go. Ainsley is it a huffy . A what . Ainsley like a motorcycle bike . No. Mountain bike. Steve geraldo, hes not traveling by bike, hes taking 747, air force one on a license, and were talking about the president of the United States first u. S. Trip. Hes going to change the subject now away from russia, which the Mainstream Media has been wanting to talk about, and you think the russia thing is a load. I think its a load of crap, but you can get killed when a load of crap spills on you, and you have to be careful not to fall on it. Its always the crime. Never the coverup. Remember, its my contention there is no crime at the heart of russia gate, you know . Whether somebody was cheering on russias committed a crime. They hacked. They gave it to wikileaks. But its no crime as ive said on and on and on for someone in the United States to say, oh, i hope those russians dump a bunch of stuff on Hillary Clinton during the election. Brian he has to be careful with his tweets and his taunts and his interviews. And his interviews under oath or to federal officials. Brian because also, do you think he should get a private attorney . Thats the big talk right now because remember, thats what bill clinton did. I think that the president should exercise extreme caution from here out. Some of the bolder statements he has made, some of the reckless tweets he has sent out, i think he has to be very measured now. And lawyer up. I would definitely a key white shoe criminal attorney to everything he makes. Steve yeah, but if he hires a criminal attorney, thats going to be the headline. Better that than to stumble and Say Something thats contradicted. Thats why i believe russia gate will ultimately be. Youre going to see mike flynn is going to go down. Why . Because he told tales out of school. He spoke to the Vice President said one thing. Spoke to other federal officials and said something else. Steve well, lying to the fbi is the problem. Well, i say this about obstruction, socalled. If youre the federal obstruction statutes, they require corrupt intent. Theres no way even if you read comeys memo about the president of the United States in the most negative light, there is no evidence there that there was an intent to corruptly influence a public official. If i say to brian go easy on steve, hes a buddy of mine. Its not a crime. Or i wish you go easy. If you say if you dont go easy, im going to fire you, thats a crime. Ainsley well, thats what he said. I hope. And if they are friends, then i hope youll let this go. You would probably say that. 30 seconds. Celebrity apprentice. Me and kevin jonas. One of us has to be fired. The nbc producers telling trump the host fire geraldo. Kevin jonas will get the better demographics Going Forward with the show. Steve wait a minute, they do that . Apparently. He said im not going to fire geraldo. Im going to do the right thing. Im firing kevin jonas because geraldo. Trump will do the right thing. Ainsley kevin jonas got so mad on that show. Brian i would not be surprised if thats brought up by Donald Trumps attorney. Steve now looking into jonas gate. Ainsley that is such great tv. Brian geraldo, the other thing when comey comes back at the end and says he is a good guy. To me, evidently what the reporter said that the person on the other end was reading the memo. He said easy, mike flynn, whatever he said, but he ends up as a good guy and then comey comes back and he is a good guy. Not i am outraged. You cant do that. Im running the fbi. And it was in february. Its may. Hes a tremendously loyal person, donald trump. Thats the thing about mike flynn. We have never served. We always envied those who did serve. Mike flynn is a patriot. You can see how donald trump with 40 years of personal experience, hes so loyal. Im going to try to cover the best i can for my pal. But general flynn is in a heap of trouble. Ainsley heres the problem. The people who voted for him, he loves the fact that he speaks his mind, and he does love a lot of people love the tweets. Brian not many. People are falling out of love with the tweets big time. Ainsley well, you go to Middle America and they like the fact that the president is speaking to them and they want him to speak to his friends and say, look, can we work this out . You have comey being questioned on may 3rd steve under oath. Ainsley under oath. Saying have you ever been pressured to stop an investigation for political reasons . He says no. Listen. Is the attorney general or senior official at the department of justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that fbi investigation . In theory . Yes. Has it happened . Not in my experience because it could be a big deal to tell the fbi to stop doing something that without a appropriate purpose. Were oftentimes they give us opinions that we dont see a case there, so you is aught to stop investing resources in it. But im talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason. That would be a very big deal. Not happened in my experience. Steve that lies in the face of what the New York Times said. Thats a very telling sound byte and, to me, takes the wind out of the sale out of the allegation that he was attempting to steer in a criminal way the federal probe where the fbi probe. I want to talk about the special prosecutor because its really a big deal. But before i do, i have to say special counsel. But i want to Say Something about what ainsley said. Ainsley is the nicest person maybe ive ever met in broadcasting, and you always see the bright side of things. And i appreciate that. But when it comes to the tweets, the tweets have done him far more damage than ainsley you should have just stopped at that. [laughter] i know; right . Brian it really killed everything last week. I volunteer. I want to for free of charge, i will be the tweet editor for the president of the United States as my civic duty. Brian and you will use spellcheck. [laughter] at the very least i will use spellcheck. Steve he sent one out yesterday it was misspelled. Lets talk about roger ailes. He died yesterday down in palm beach, florida at the age of 77. He was the chairman of fox news channel. He hired all of us and got us started. I just going back to ainsley, its not about her but yesterday morning 24 hours ago, i thought that she captured the sentiment of everybody in this building. He had a checkered last nine, ten months of his life. His career here ended in a very sorry and melon collie way. But that must not ever detract from the greatness of this man. He invented fox news channel. He gave voice to half the country who was voiceless when it came to news and information. He was a genius. He hired me twice. He was a loyal friend to me all those times i was in iraq and afghanistan, i knew if anything happened to me, roger ailes would have my back. I was proud to be present at the wedding beth with president giuliani. Ive known him for years, his son zack now a teenager, those who were treasured who really knew him. Im sorry the way things end up. When i said yesterday if his life had ended 11 months ago before any of this crap came up, he would be on moun mount rushmore. He was that important. Brian st. Patricks. Or in st. Patricks cathedral. Open hearted. Had various afflictions or complications in their life Standing Shoulder to shoulder with those folks and saying dont worry. We have your back. Hes the kind of friend that you treasure forever. I lament anything that i ever said that can be used to attack him now. I lament that his obituaries have been the first paragraph talk of this various scandal and so forth, but i want folks to know that this was an essentially good man. A good man who loved his family, loved his country, and loved his colleagues in a way that made us all feel like family in this building. Ainsley and loved to be generous. He said if anybody asked me help, how could i say no . He gave me ten grand for celebrity apprentice. Just saying. Brian bought wedding dresses. They were 5,000 a piece. Another 5,000 on me last week. Steve mr. Moneybags. Well, he has a great cause helping intellectually disabled veterans. Steve geraldo, thank you very much. Thank you. Ainsley celebrate his life. He influenced all of ours. Everything youre watching goes to rodger. Ainsley thats right. Steve coming up, did you hear President Trump say this . Theres no collusion. Russia is fine. But whether its russia or anybody else, my total priority, believe me, is the United States of america. Steve yeah, forget about russia. What about america . So you how do the voters react . Including independence. Lee carter is here with poll results. Ainsley and speaking of voters in Middle America, pete is on the ground this morning in michigan and a county that voted for president obama four years ago. But looked to donald trump. Why did they do that . Were going to find out. Bacon. When it comes to heartburn. Trust the brand doctors trust. Nexium 24hr is the 1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. For all day and all night protection. Banish the burn. With nexium 24hr. In the mirror everyday. When i look when i look in the mirror everyday. Everyday, i think how fortunate i am. I think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure . I think how much i can do to help change peoples lives. That helps me to keep going to cure this. My great great grandfather lived to be 118 years old. Ive heard many stories from patients and their physicians about what they are going through. I often told people oh im going to easily live to be 100 and, uh, it looks like i might not make it to retirement age. We are continually learning and unraveling what is behind this disease. I may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but im sure going to. Im bringing forward a treatment for alzheimers disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. Brian President Trump speaking to the media for the First Time Since the special counsel was named to investigate russias appearance into 2016 election. So how did he do . Lee carter is here. Lee, where do you want to start . Well, lets take a look at how he talked about getting back to running the country. Brian all right. Lets roll it. I hate to see anything that divides. Im fine with whatever people want to do, but we have to get back to running this country really, really well. Weve made tremendous progress in the last 100 some odd days. Tremendous progress. And you see job numbers. You see all of the production thats starting, plans starting to open again. Havent been open in years. Im very proud of it. Thats what i want to be focused on because believe me, theres no collusion. Russia is fine. But whether its russia or anybody else, my total priority, believe me, is the United States of america. Brian well, ill read that ekg. As soon as he says running the country, the blue line fell through the floor. They dont think hes doing a good job at all. And they dont want him running the country. They dont. And they dont want to give him permission to do anything. Its a flat line there f. I apologize gave him a b. They want to hear about the agenda and everything hes accomplished. No more russia. Lets get off message and talk about tax reform, jobs, the economy, thats what people want to hear about. Brian he also talked about the treatment of the media. And hes had it. Hes fed up. Watch. Never, ever, ever give up. Things will work out just fine. Look at the way ive been treated lately. Especially by the media. No politician in history, and i say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly. You cant let them get you down. You cant let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams. You can see the republicans gave it a b, i apologize a c, democrats an f. Now, the democrats will not move. This is worse than ive ever seen it. Republicans and independents. They want to hear donald trump 1. 0. They want to hear all theyre talking about before. They want to hear the russia thing go away. Its really interesting is that when i spoke to people, we were talking about who do you trust more . If you voted for donald trump, you trust donald trump. You want to hear his own words. You love his tweets. If you did not, you believe the Mainstream Media is right and that there is something, theres smoke, theres fire, and its completely divided and people are unwilling to listen to each other. Brian if he does well overseas, it could change things, although you can count on the media breaking some things here. No. Question. Brian coming up straight ahead, we change gears. Hes a convicted cop killer. So why did a major American City honor this guy with his own day . And the left will not let go. But is there anywhere you can go without russia coming up with the Trump Administration . Judge is here. The last one to talk about trump in an interview whoa, this thing is crazy. I just had to push one button to join. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Intuitive one touch Video Conferencing is a reality. And now its included at no additional cost with vonage business. Call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. Business grade. People friendly. How to win at business. Step one point decisively with the arm of your glasses. Abracadabra. The stage is yours. Step two choose la quinta. The only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free nightinstantly and win at business. But so we dont have tormin wad to get clean. Charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. It has comfort cushions you can see that are softer. And more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. Enjoy the go with charmin. The shlike a bald penguin. How do i look . [ laughing ] show me the Billboard Music awards. Show me top artist. Show me the top hot 100 artist. They give awards for being hot and 100 years old . Well take 2 [ laughing ] xfinity x1 gives you exclusive access to the best of the Billboard Music awards just by using your voice. The Billboard Music awards. Sunday, may 21st eight seven central only on abc. Ainsley im going to give you my microphone. Okay. Im going to read. Julian, i dont think your microphones working, honey. All right. Next 17. 31. Thats how much a woman paid a guy she met online after she sued her for texting on their movie date. We told you about this earlier this week. The guy dropping the case after she paid in full and finally, 16 . That is how many millennials still sleep with a stuffed animal. [laughter] brian oh, my god. That is one ugly staffed animal. Ainsley with their bubbles and their coloring books. Im just kidding. All right. Only 8 of generation x and 2 of baby generation snooze with toys. Steve of people in their 50s and 60s. Brian no one would ever answer positively to that. Do you sleep with a teddy bear . Yeah, why do you ask . Can i go now . Steve judge, Mainstream Media in full attack mode this week, despite white house denials reports the president leaked intel to russia. It has been quite a week, hasnt it . This week, weve watched this since the election. Weve watched the left try to delegitimatize the president , you know, try to protest everything hes done. But this is when they really dug low. And now what weve got is an america as the president said is very divided. But people are now buying some of this lune sea. Lunacy. Theyre saying if this is what happens, then this has to be bad. I think the president has to continue to do his job, focus on what the American People elected him to do and not get caught up in this socalled investigation. Brian now he can be in legal trouble by doing it; right . Right. And he has to understand that he is in treacherous waters now because youre talking about every step potentially being evidence to impeach him in some way or beseech brian judge, im going to ask you. I know you have a bunch of sound bytes and your interview was great. But youve known him for so long. Yeah. Brian the word is hes so angry Walking Around the white house. I didnt get that sense. I was with him last friday. Brian and tell me what it was like. He called me into the oval office, we had a few laughs. We went out and did the interview, and then we spoke afterwards. Look, he is not i dont know what people are talking about. Should the president be frustrated, brian . Absolutely. This is a full scale assault on the president and the institution of the president. Ainsley that was such a good interview. Congratulations. We appreciate that because we wanted to hear from him. You were the first, the only one that got the interview right after all of this stuff. We went to the streets, though, because we were wondering what the americans wanted. Theyre sick of talking about russia. You went out to find out. Well, the problem is some people would come up with an answer but most people were so fixated on the negative that theyre simply repeating and now we have this visual on Time Magazine where the russians are overseeing, you know, america. People are just repeating what theyre hearing. Its like propaganda. Brian well, when you see Time Magazine now, you just keep walking anyway. Yeah. Thats true. Heres what the judge found on the street. What do you want the president to do for you . I think he should continue to make America Great again by fixing our economy, continue putting on more jobs for the people, and i think hes doing a great job. Building the wall, being more president ial, not shooting at the hip. Keep doing what hes doing. Hes doing a good job so far. I want him to have the courage to do whats right . If the democrats could work with him a little bit, he could get a lot more done. Stop tweeting. Just keep doing what hes doing. He needs to ignore these folks because theyre trying to distract him, get him off his game. Do you agree . I agree totally. Keep doing it, donald. Steve and the president agreed because yesterday at the conclusion of that appearance with the president of columbia he said, look, im going to get down to the work that people elected me to do and thats jobs, tax reform, health care, all of that stuff. And, you know, a lot of people i had to really focus them and say to them, you know, what do you want the president to do . They were, like, i want him to stop tweeting. I want him to do this. I want him not to connect with russia. What do you want him to do for you . Most people couldnt think of a thing. All they can think of is hes got to stop doing all the things that theyve been hearing about and that has been propagandized for the last four months. Brian right. So it is, you know, unfortunate but people kind of just repeat what they hear. Brian from the Mainstream Media. What you do over the weekend, youre going to be hosting; right . Yes. Are you . I thought we were going to cohost one day. Brian we are. Well, you have to reach my financial demands. Your financial demands . Coffee . Brian thats all i take. Steve brian, heres your coffee. Ill have it on a cart outside. Brian judge, thank you. Ainsley being cleared of all the charges so whats next for wikileaks founder who leaked so Many American secrets. Steve but first, ted and his wife are here. Youre next. Our next contestants on fox and friends when did you see the sign . When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. I was active. Th chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Woman for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. N, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. 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We have plenty to shoot at. In downtown new york. Drain the swamp in manhattan as well. There are more rats here. What would your question be . Thanks, we grew up listening to ted nugent. When did you get into politics and have you run for office and would you consider running for office to be well supported in michigan . I am a terminal american patriot, the most important political job participating, sacred experiment demanding constitutional accountability from elected employees. That being said at the tender age of 69, what we are willing to do to help this country be great especially my birth state of michigan which needs to work right now. That does not sound like a no. I had my know amputated. Thank you very much. You have been mentioned as a candidate for u. S. Senate. I have been talking to my republican friends for a long time. I am a hell raiser. They like that idea. We got a hell raiser in the white house and it is all about the constitution, the bill of rights, the 10 commandments, be the best you can be, in your own way. I am radical. There is no limit. Would he be a good candidate . I do except he doesnt like to wear a tie. I dont rule. People are fine with that. They want yo to be your self. You should get into politics because you can believe you can make a difference and i believe you can. Essentially a disruptor in the white house like you said a moment ago, what is a donald trump needs to do . Mainstream media, a lot on the left making it about russia which there is no evidence of that. What everybody is talking about. America first, make America Great again, jobs, security, secure the borders, it is so simple even guitar players can figure it out but he is on course and here is the most important thing, if you are not idiots you are an idiot, he is not an idiot. He is driving the idiots crazy. It is easy to sit here in new york city and la to tell the audience what they want to hear, what they think, and you are asking the right guy. You people getting up early in the morning, we love the way you do that. I share hundreds of campfires every hunting season, do charity work for the military and children. The heart and soul of this country, if they like everything about the status quo of donald trump, that is why we voted for him and didnt vote for mccain or romney. We want somebody with more vinegar. That is what the president represents. That is working hard playing hard pulse in this country that has what about the female perspective . Everybody is working hard. I think there is a growing population that wants to return to our roots, live off the land, we talk about grass fed and that is how we live, healthy, vibrant and we went to be the best we can be and more people are really searching for Middle America. A month ago we saw from sarah palins facebook feed that you and kid rock and sarah palin went to the white house and had dinner with the president of the United States. What can you tell us . Tried to get a haunch of venison but they stopped me at the gate so we had to eat lamb. The cuter the critter the sweeter the meat. They let us into every room. You were too but it felt like old home week like we were sitting on the kirby couch with you guys, how was knew that i had the pulse. I have done 6580 concerts, we had a meeting before and after every one of those concerts. My hunting buddies. Carpenters and electra nash and common sense and logic, genuinely interested in that pulse. Wanted to know what working hard, playing hard americans in the asset to the column that he cares about. God bless america. Good friday morning at home, getting close to 9 00, 20 minutes away. Dropping the rate case against Julian Assange. In london in 2012. To escape extradition to sweden where he is accused of sex crimes against we do women. And charged for leaking hundreds of secret documents. Donald trump said he would support any decision by the Justice Department to charge Julian Assange. A Police Officer shot inside his own home. 50yearold cop went to answer a knock at his front door but before he could someone fired through the door. The injured off the rushed to the hospital, is expected to be okay. It is unclear whether this is a targeted attack. A cop killer honored with his own special day. You heard me right. The mayor of cincinnati approving a proclamation to celebrate a man who killed officer sunny camp in 2015, the mayor breaking down while apologizing claiming it was an accident. A big mistake. It was not done intentionally. It was human error. Reporter the proclamation was requested by his father to honor the cop killer is a champion of mental health. The mayor said the approval was mistakenly stamped by a new staffer who did not research the mans background. I will send it back to you guys. That is an embarrassment. Next up, talking to more voters in michigan, a state that went from blue to red in 2016. Reporter a critical spot, a former trucking executive heard us on fox and friends, came out and said i have a message for donald trump, he is going to deliver it on the other side, you will want to hear it. When you have allergies, it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. Luckily theres powerful, 24hour, nondrowsy claritin. It provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. Live claritin clear. Mattress firmness . Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Save 700 on the temperature balancing i8 bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Brandnew video showing president erdogan stepping out of his car, looking on as his security detail inexplicably kicks and punches protesters on the ground, are you allowed to do that . Two arrested and several others injured, this happened hours after erdogan met with john mccain, senator john mccain is outraged, leading calls for the turkish ambassador to be kicked out over the us. Imagine if we went to turkey and had trump have his guys do that to protesters outside the us embassy, that would be outrageous. These are americans. That is not how we operate here. Time for breakfast. Breakfast at 3 sons diner and warren, michigan. Look at these friends we have got here coming on out, delivering message of the people which warren did overwhelmingly by 12 points in a place the twice a gun for barack obama. A lot of voters switched to trump supported a few more folks, supporters of the president. We are 120 days into his presidency, you are a medical secretary in the area. How do you feel the president is doing. The president is doing a very good job but there is too much opposition and he is being treated unfairly. Reporter so much noise, russia, comey, what issues matter to you . The defense of our country. It has been weakened over the last we 9 years which i would like to see our defense buildup and our service men and women all over the world have the proper tools and protections they need. Reporter to your wonderful mother and caregiver to your husband. What issues matter most to you . Taxes but even more than that our appearance in the world is disgraceful way our president is being treated and it is a reflection on our whole country. I think we have to pull together. What would your message be to republicans . Surround him, back him up, tiresome that they are fighting against him in ways. Reporter dont mess with moms, another good message. You heard us this morning and decided to come out with a passionate message. If you have a message for the president what would it be . We are supporting you, we voted for you, we are still here, dont try to win over the people at wont support you they are never going to support you, theres nothing you can do to please them. People that elected you are still strongly behind you. We have your back, move forward, move things that you promised you would do and we will be great together. Reporter you voted i knocked on doors, observed, got abused by friends, family, kicked out of my barbershop. This is not an easy state to support donald trump. Reporter have you always been a republican . My whole life. Reporter what is your message to republicans . Stand up and support our president. This is our party, you guys are silent, democrats are absolutely oblivious everywhere, every talkshow, every chance they get to talk about it. Republican supporters voted for donald trump. You are obligated to support donald trump. Reporter from the mouth of a trump supporter in michigan, a state that went for the president and sent him to the white house, breakfast with friends, pancakes were fantastic. What a great story. The last guy barbershop. Supporting the president. Coming up, president bushs 93rd birthday, you will hear them here, texas a and m cadets live in the plasma. Or get the outlander 450, starting at 5,499. Visit your local dealer for details. So i use excedrin. Ments from my life. It starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. And it works on my symptoms, too. Now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] tech when your windshield trust safelite autoglass. Our exclusive trueseal Technology Means a strong, reliable bond. At safelite, we stand behind our work. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. The president set to kick off his First International trip as commanderinchief. Owing to the fbi before he leaves. Will the trip reset the narrative . A house briefing with the attorney general overseeing the russia investigation. Congressman Brad Winthrop will drive us and congressman Marsha Blackburn to talk about that rumor that the house will have to vote on healthcare again. We will see you at the top of the hour. Our next guest privileged to perform for president bush up celebrations over the years. They are about to perform their 93rd birthday but first the 62 members of texas and in cadets, handsome men and women over there. Good to be with you guys. We hear of this first. Good deal, take it away. Give me your sons your poor your huddled masses yearning to breathe free the wretched refuse on your teaming shores send me your distraught to me God Bless America land that i love stand beside her and guide her with the light from above from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans like before God Bless America God Bless America my Home Sweet Home the storm clouds gather all across the sea to a land that is free let us all be grateful as we raise our voices in one breath God Bless America land that i love stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above from the mountains to the prairies mom, i have to tell you something. Dad, one second i was driving and then the next. They just didnt stop and then. Im really sorry. I wrecked the subaru. I wrecked it. Youre ok. Thats all that matters. vo a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. For all kinds of things. Like walking. Ewarded hey, honey. Dad, wheres the car . Thought wed walk. Hes counting steps. Walk, move and earn money. Goal dad. Hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. Look at this dad, hes got some moves money you can use on outofpocket medical expenses. Hes ok, yeah unitedhealthcare the senior producer of fox and friends welcoming her first child olivia lee into the world right after midnight. 5 pound 8 ounces, 20 inches long. Congratulations to everyone and this core use. Bill President Donald Trump said to make his first overseas trip. Huge after a tumultuous week in the d. C. Swamp. He says he is the subject of a political witch hunt. That all adds up to a big morning here inside of americas newsroom on a friday edition. Slight broadcast today. Im bill hemmer live in new york city. Shannon, good morning to you. Shannon im Shannon Bream in washington hours from now President Donald Trump will begin his first overseas trip as commanderinchief making stops in saudi arabia, the vatican,

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