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Agreement amongst republicans. The president s second executive order on immigration is about to take effect. A new legal challenge could stop it. The northeast bracing for a monster storm that could bury some under 2 feet of snow. It gets loose. There is trouble on pit row. Kyle busch blood on the forehead there. Going to get it. Any blows landed between the two of you . None to me. Life in the fast lane slowly make you lose your mind life in the fast lane. Brian well, the one guy everyone in nascar is they have great personalities like hockey players. The one guy speak for you, steve, was joey logan thata he was like the nicest kid he. Ainsley i love going to hockey games for that drink beer and drink a fight. Now you can go to nascar. They love country music. They love america. They fight. They race. They go fast. Brian is this an episode of cheers . Whats going on. Like to drink beer and fight. Ainsley saw some blood. They will probably kiss and make up later. Right . He did something in the first lap that he didnt like so they got in a fight. I love it. Steve we can tell. Anyway, welcome aboard, folks. Lets talk a little bit about whats going on. Its monday morning and still the Mainstream Media has been chewing all weekend long over et fact that this is the New York Times was talking about how this is the slowest transition for a president in decades because he hasnt had his people on. Well, on friday, the attorney general of the United States, Jeff Sessions asked for all 46 of the remaining u. S. Attorneys to submit their resignations; that man right there pictured right there said no, im not going to do it. Ainsley they asked for 46 resignations one said no. Steve yeah. They always do that. He said no. And now its a big deal about well, whats going on . Was he investigating donald trump or something . Brian he did get okay from donald trump. He went and saw him and famously he went to the tower and came down and said i had a great conversation. And president elect trump wanted me to stay on. Steve for how long though. Brian when he fired all 46. Ainsley in his words that he was what he said. He said donald trump promised me i could stay on for the time being. Which he actually did. Donald trump told him that in november. Brian looked like he was going to keep his spot. Maybe something happened. I dont know. This guy is somebody that is known in new york because one thing were forever thankful of the most corrupt people ever to run a state are Sheldon Silver and dean skellos. He went after them. Governor cuomo a democratic. Even though he is he a disciple of senator Chuck Schumer. He was doing a good job gutting the place in new york. He used to work for Chuck Schumer. We will talk more about his boggographer in a littl little. After he did what many have done in the past. Elizabeth warren the senator from the great state of massachusetts said weeks ago real donald trump promised to keep bharara as the real prosecutor of manhattan yesterday fired. Yesterday fired. Why . Ainsley one of many tweets yesterday. Bill clinton did this. One of them were Jeff Sessions. These are guys who dont agree with the president. If you work for the company and you find out somebody is investigating you within your company, you are out of the door, buddy. Im sorry. Have you got to be loyal. Have you got to be a family player. Team player. This has happened to every administration in the past. Republicandemocrats never had am with it. Brian in that tweet that went out, steve, do you have it in front of you. Steve i do. Enough to i know what the Mooreland Commission must have felt like. In 2013 Governor Cuomo appointed this Mooreland Commission to investigate corruption. Next thing you know they are investigating the Cuomo Administration and so the year after Governor Cuomo got rid of it. So the suggestion is well then maybe he was investigating donald trump. There was a suggestion, i think in one of the newspapers that said as late as last wednesday, somebody said why dont you, mr. States attorney, investigate whether or not the president of the United States broke the clause of the constitution by accepting money from foreign governments which he has not. Ainsley heres the thing. Even if he is not investigating he is a democrat. Steve is he for the most part above politics, you would think. Ainsley 46 people were asked to resign. Not all of them were investigating the president , to our knowledge at least. So thats its just protocol is my point. This is what people have done in the past is what other administrations have done in the past. And if they are going to do this, i think the next thing that donald trump needs to do is find the leaker and they need to be out. Brian definitely in the state department something is going on there. Maxine water to show how disingenuous she is in 2009 she was upset with president obama for being so slow. The protocol has been that u. S. Attorneys would hand in their resignations and give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments. We dont see that happening quite fast enough. So she is saying its not happening fast enough in may. Steve right. Brian in march trump does it and now some democrats are upset. Steve surely. Ainsley right. Steve Newt Gingrich a great student of history put it this way yesterday. I would say to every cabinet and agency identify the people opposed to us and figure out how you are going to fire them or reassign them. We may have the largest federal office was in rural idaho and montana you have ever seen. But i would methodically go through the entire government. Abraham lincoln when he came in fired 70 of the senior bureaucrats in the federal government. They had to get rid of southern sympathizers and had to have people in place willing to fight a civil war. 70 in the first couple months. Trump is going to have a similar process. Hes not going to have any choice. Remember, 95 of the money given by federal officials was given to Hillary Clinton. 97 at the justice department. 99 at the state department. Now, that tells you. Pete thats staggering. A lot of folks aint for donald trump and they aint going to help them. Ainsley electrics have consequences. This is what happens. Steve Donald Trumps office did try to call the man twice last week and apparently he did not pick up the phone because he didnt get the okay from his bosses. Apparently what donald trump wanted to tell him, according to the New York Post is thank you and good luck in the future. Brian right. He he wanted to do that. Evidently he wanted to get fired he tweeted out that he got fired. The big story today is probably today is going to be the cbo report. Going to have a chance to score what paul ryan has led and put together in the house that they voted through two committees on the American Healthcare act. And many are bracing for it to be to be more expensive and cover less people. And a lot of democrats a lot of republicans are saying wait a second. Remember how wrong they got it when it came to obamacare and what we have now is a dying package. So keep your powder dry before you overreact. Ainsley so you have the democrats and the republicans, of course, on sunday shows yesterday. Here is the democratic reaction to obamacare, whats happening now with the new bill. They say its a disaster. Listen. Its a disaster. It is a disgrace. By the way this really has nothing to do with healthcare. But this has everything to do with is a massive shift of wealth from working people and middle income people to the very richest people in this country. In my view and what the American People want is an improvement on obamacare. Not the decimation of obamacare, throwing so many people off of Health Insurance and raising premiums substantially. Steve okay. Ainsley republicans dont want that either. Steve Congressional Budget Office comes out with their numbers people will be able to say this is the cost. In terms of people no longer being covered the thing about this as opposed to obamacare, obamacare made you buy it whether you wanted to buy it or not. I was doing brians radio show with him on thursday. Every caller had a different story about how theyre family was on the verge of bankruptcy because they went from being able to afford healthcare to premiums were were so high and deductibles so high they were priced out of the market. Ainsley brian has a radio show. Brian both of you guys are wonderful contributors. Everyone will not be republican or democrat when it comes to this plan. It will be how it effects him. Especially in the individual market. Here is paul ryan yesterday on what to keep in mind as they get this thing scored. How many people are going to lose coverage under this . I cant answer that question. Its up to people. Heres the premise of your question. Are you going to stop mandating people buy Health Insurance . People are going to do what they want to do with their lives we believe in individual freedoms in this country. Its not our job to make people do something they dont want to do. Its our job to have a system where people can get universal access to affordable coverage if they choose to do so or not. Thats what were going to be accomplishing. Steve if they choose. Brian go back and forth with what republicans have a problem with. Go in and do the fixes and let the president negotiate if he wants to. Ainsley Bernie Sanders despicable or whatever his words were. The way things were going with the democratic plan, president obamas plan it wasnt going to work. No one could afford it like you said and it cant sustain itself. Something has to happen. Brian if Hillary Clinton would have won she would have to change it too. We all know what Steve Jonathan gruber . Brian bill written in tortured way to make sure the cbo did not score the mandate as taxes. If the cbo scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies. They made a program that they knew that the cbo would score inaccurately in order to get it past. Now seven years later we are stuck with the corpse. Ainsley this is the same guy who said the American People are too stupid to figure it out. Steve tricked the cbo essentially . Brian thats what to keep in mind today. Steve look, the cbo number is this. Ainsley they called it mandates instead of attacks and that tricked the cbo . Brian absolutely. Hook, line, and sinker. Who actually want a single pair plan the cbo people. Steve there is a lot of talk about hilton care. Mick mulvaney did say one thing over the weekend and that was this is just a starting point. This is a framework. We are open for negotiation. Ainsley bowling and pizza gentleman. Steve bowling and pizza tomorrow night. Were not invited, dang gone it. How you can order pizza from your shoe in 20 minutes. Ainsley i did it again. I ate pizza on a sunday. Im trying to do better. Might have to do a lot of that the next couple days. He he. Ainsley why is that . E. He. Heather huge storm. Up to 2 feet of snow. Right now the storm is pushing through the midwest before pushing with another system off of the east coast. Meteorologist adam klotz will have the latest on the storms path in just a few minutes. Stay tuned for that. Chaos breaking thought ferguson, missouri overnight after new film surfaces in Michael Brown documentary. [shouting] [bleep] heather protesters yelling and chanting at officers outside the Convenience Store that brown allegedly robbed. Riots sparked by this unreleased Surveillance Video in the documentary stranger fruit. The filmmaker claims that it shows Brown Exchange ago bag of drugs for cigars. But a lawmaker for the market says that it was edited and that he will release a full version today. Brown was shot and killed back in 2014 which sparked days of protests in the city. And those are a look at your headlines so far. Back to you. Steve so far. Thank you. Brian 13 minutes after the hour. Thanks, heather. The Mainstream Media over the firing of 46 u. S. Attorneys. Abruptness. Abruptness on a friday afternoon. Very unusual i cant ever remember seeing a case like this. Brian where was all the outrage when president obama and president clinton did the same thing . Ainsley red, white, and banded cant be patriotic at a basketball game because the refugees come from Refugee Families z2a1fz zx9z y2a1fy yx9y experience exciting offers on sales event is here. Our most thrilling models ever. Get up to 2,500 customer cash on select 2017 models for these terms. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Needles. Fine for some. But for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. Ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. An unjection™. I work with people everywhere on sea, on land, and in the air. Inspecting towers way up high avoiding turbulence in the sky. Personalizing treatments with dna and recommending who should play. A dress that thinks, which crops to grow, tax prep to help keep payments low. You can find me on an oil rig, i answer questions small and big. Hello, my name is watson. Ainsley breaking news surrounding the sudden order for 46 u. S. Attorneys to resign. The abruptness makes this stand out. The abrupt order on a friday afternoon after promises were apparently given amidst Everything Else going on at the trump justice department. Its very unusual. I cant ever remember seeing a case like this. This. Brian wow, the media in hurricanes over President Trumps he he administration firing 46 attorneys. Ainsley bharara reafing to design is it really unprecedented. Steve chief correspondent joining us from washington, d. C. Is it that unprecedented . No. A quick Google Search. Thing called google. Type in janet reno and u. S. Attorneys. We know this has happened before and media is up in arms. There is a larger narrative here. Media looking for anything to in essence trying to get donald trump. Been a game of gotcha since the i have beginning. If President Trump served vodka why was it russian vodka. Its gotcha at this point. Ainsley look at 2009 versus how they are covering trump in 2017. Obama to replace u. S. Attorneys. They are acting like thats a normal thing. Politico 2017, the headline is trump team ousts obamaappointed u. S. Attorneys. Ousted. And then you heard. By the way that was the same reporter. Ainsley did it abruptly, hastily. Language is different. Beyond that think about that in the clip you just used. How many times did we hear the word abrupt. Look at the New York Times. They are use offing the word abrupt. Associated press this morning out with the word called abrupt. There 500. That Mainstream Media liberal called done always uses same buzz words all part of a narrative. Look at richard nixon, donald trump, how many headlines have we seen about the nixontrump parallels. This is the broader issue, folks as you know, gang, this is something that they have done for a while now and they are trying to build a narrative and basically convince americans. Brian got to friday without a major controversy because the president had a very good week last week and a lot of substance and a lot of issues. And it didnt seem like the media was happy with that. No, not at all, brian, youre right. Think about this look at those words, rocky encounter for the Law Enforcement agencies again. Once again a narrative they are trying to form here. This is a much bigger issue than just the u. S. Attorneys. It now, once again, they are looking for the u. S. Attorney story to play into what they want the narrative to be. Ainsley all right. David brode chief Political Correspondent for christian broadcast network. The one that got in the first question in the press conference and the Mainstream Media wasnt happy about that. Thank you for being with us, brode. We appreciate it . You bet. Brian how can we find out whats in the healthcare bill . We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. Brian now nancy pelosi says we have to read it before we pass it. Is that fair . The woodhouse brothers dont like each other. Can i get some help. Watch his head. Im so happy. Whatever they went through, they went through together. Welcome guys. Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. Hey you know, progressive is americas numberone motorcycle insurer. Yeah, she does purr best bike i ever owned no, youre never alone, because our claims reps are available 24 7. We even cover accessories and custom parts. We did get an early start took the kids to soccer practice. You want me to jump that cactus . All right. Aah that ladys awesome. I dont see a possum ways wins. That ladys awesome. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. Brian sports headlines right now. Get those brackets ready march madness here. The field now set for the ncaa mens basketball tournament. Villanova is the first overall seed seeking a Second National championship. Gonzaga. Kansas, and North Carolina round out the rest of the number one seeds. The action begins tomorrow. Please watch. And nascar wreck triggers a post race fight between drivers. Joey logano ramming the car. Without word busch throwing a word at logano leading to a pit row brawl. Logano says the crash was not intentional. Lets talk about something less confrontational like obamacare. Want to know whats in obamacare . We have to bass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. Brian right. She was looking straight ahead not at the prompter. How quickly she forgets in a letter to paul ryan she types this out. The American People and the members have a right to know the full impact of the legislation before any voting in committee or by the whole house. Its already through two committees. Here to debate it president s united for change Brad Woodhouse playing the role of the democrat and brother head of the North Carolina g. O. P. And that is dallas woodhouse. He is not a democrat. He certainly isnt. Brian dallas, where do you stand on this . I mean, are you in the ryan camp . The pelosi camp . Or, i dont know, the cotton camp . I am certainly not in the pelosi camp. I dont even want to know where that zip code is. I am encouraged by what paul ryan and the republicans are doing. I think that there are valid criticisms with any bill. Theyre going to make this better. We inherited a really bad problem. Got nowhere to go but up. Made worse by obamacare. What we have to do is make it better for an overwhelming vast majority and thats what were going to do. Were doing it in the light of day. Its going to take some time. But were going to get it right. Im confident about that. Brian we are seeing a lot about it, brad . Right . We are reading a lot about it. For nancy pelosi to ask for this thats audacity. What she said in that 125eu78in thatstatement was sheo see a cbo score. Thats what you all file recognize. When this was debated in 2000 and 2010. The democrats waited for the cbo to score this bill. And plenty of sometimes times from the time that president obama was in office until the time that he left, including sean spicer, republicans praised the cbo when they criticized any program of barack obamas. Now, they are preemptively criticizing the cbo because they know their bill is a disaster for millions of American People who are going to lose coverage. Paul ryan brian do you seerk disaster though . Absolutely not. Let me tell you something about obamacare. Republicans lie about obamacare, including my brother, every single day. We have heard thieves lies about programs. Wow. Come on, brad, you have the real life stories. Nobody thinks obamacare is working. They spent 77 million to sell us on this through a marketing plan in 2016. Let me tell you something about obamacare since you asked. Obamacare has covered more people than any other Government Program to help with insurance except medicare and medicaid. Reduced costs for millions of people. Brought millions of people insurance. Brian handful of them, dallas . I have got to tell you, brad just doesnt want to admit that this program has failed. And its doing things that we really dont need to be doing. Its putting able body deed working men on medicaid i have got to tell you something. The scores and everything were so irrelevant because they passed a bill and obama never let the bill work as passed. They took all the sticks out of it and didnt follow the bill as written. It was useless exercise. Obamacare was never implemented how it was written. Obama just changed it. Constitutionally on a regular basis. This is a classic republican tactic. Look, all the viewers need to know is republicans hate Government Programs. I want to finish. Republicans hate republican programs so they always say they are in crisis. In 2005. George bush said Social Security was in crisis. Its still here. In 2010, paul ryan said medicare was in crisis. Its still here. Youre saying obamacare is in crisis. Its a lie. You are doing it because you want to undermine a Government Program and you transfer. He. Brian etna lying . This is a republican effort to transfer money. What about all the Health Insurance companies that are leaving the market . This is a republican effort to transfer money thats going to cover people now to provide tax breaks for rich people. Brian my last question dallas is to you. Dallas, wouldnt this have been better if the republicans, at least, made an attempt to deal in democrats or, i mean or are you seeing something im not . I think republicans have welcomed democrats to the table. Hid the bill. Hiding in the cave. They dont want to admit there is any problem. Its perfect. The high premiums arent a problem. The expansion of medicaid states cant afford is not a problem. Nothings a problem to them. Premium increases. They admit there is a problem. Brian we have got to governmental 3 in effect. 3 . Brian sorry i had to do that but it was very good debate. Tell you whats coming up straight ahead. The democrats desperately want to sell kremlin. Where is the outrage over the reports that hillarys people met with russia, too. Plus press Secretary Sean Spicer got ambushed. You know you work for a fascist. Right . How do you feel about that . How do you feel about destroying our country, sean . Brian what happened to josh earnest. Carlie shimkus here. Why sean spicer cant go to apple store. Plus, happy birthday to william h. Macy he is 67 years old today. I tell you once more before i get off the floor dont bring me down this is the story of Green Mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets take a trip to la plata, colombia. This is boris calvo. Thats pepe. Boris doesnt just grow good coffee, boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even Better Coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. Thats blanca. Yup, pepe and blanca got together. Things happen. All this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee. Packed with goodness. Dont let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. Steve all right. You know what . The brackets are out in all of the newspapers today. Time to start thinking about march madness. Of course, when you think about march madness, what do you think about . Pizza . Ainsley not basketball. Brian if you want pizza during march madness but youre saying to yourself where is the yellow pages, i have to find a pizza place in my neighborhood. Steve yellow pages. Brian is there any alternatives. Steve these are called the by pie tops. Push that button when you are hungry and order a pizza. Ainsley thats amazing. Steve you got the app. Set up on your phone, right . The pizza hut app. Were going to get a large hand caused pizza lovers pizza. Then, is it time . Ainsley its time. Steve squeeze that watch the app. Steve i wasnt squeezing it hard enough. Shows exactly where we are located. Thats scary. 1211 avenues of the americas. Confirm the order. Brian get pizza at this hour. Steve with your shoes. They will be here in half an hour. Ainsley didnt have to put in anything else . Steve squeeze that. Ainsley come confirm it over on your phone. If your kids come over and click, click, click. You dont order pizza without you ordering. Brian did you hear about the storm thats coming . Steve riding the storm out. We need th areo speed music. Entire home encased in ice. Ainsley my word. Brian everything from the porch to the walls to the riff covered in thick icicles. Ainsley today a different system is on our radar. A massive blizzard heading toward the east coast. Adam klotz is live with the latest. Hey, adam. Adam temperatures already there. Its cold out. Waiting on the moisture. Its keeping this direction as a result all of the northeast sunday a winter storm warning. And then if i take you a little bit tighter here in new york city. Zoom me on in, that is a blizzard warning, which means near white out conditions. We will see really strong winds tomorrow. The timing on this . Thats what Everyone Wants to know. Here is a look at that your future radar. I will put this in motion. Some of the snow moving across the northeast. When will it arrive here . Begin to see it merge from the system from the east coast moving in on through the Early Morning hours tomorrow. 2 00 in the morning. Start to see snow here. Pick up in a big way by then morning and then afternoon. Guys maybe as much as a foot of snow. Two feet of snow in some areas. Its going to be baking one. Ainsley excited, right . I feel like we have had a mild winter, adam, im excited about this. One more snow. Brian that makes one of us. Dont include me in then enthusiasm. Ainsley okay. Party pooper. Steve live in a city. Ainsley come stay with me. We have a party. It will be fun. Heather, you are welcome too. Heather i think some people are going to take you up on that. Be careful what you ask for. Headlines that we are following for you at this hour though. A spokesman for russias president Vladimir Putin is turning the tables dropping a bombshell saying the Russian Ambassador also met with Hillary Clintons campaign team. Not just President Trumps advisors. If you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton, during her campaign, you would probably see that she had lots of meetings of a that kind. There were no meetings about electoral process. Heather really interesting. He said talking to officials and advisors on both sides of the aisle is part of the job. And some iowa teenagers called offensive for wearing red, white, and blue. Valley High School Students decked out in patriotic colors for a basketball game. Well, the problem, the opposing team from Des Moines North High School has players from Refugee Families. Any normal person, any educated person can look at that and think what the hell are these kids thinking. The Student Government at valley high hand delivered an apology letter to it other school. The students say they didnt mean to offend and that it wasnt the first time that they have used a patriotic theme. And stop what youre doing. Take a look at this crazy video. This suv loses control and crashes into a roof of a house. The driver apparently trying to rah void another collision accidently steps on the gas. And then the terrifying moments call on surveillance camera. This happened in china. The driver looked around smiling while stuck there half an hour before rescue you had. The police using a crane to remove that suv. At least he could smile about it, right . Steve nobody got hurt, it doesnt look like. Heather it doesnt look like it. Brian another reason why its dangerous in china. Always said that. Steve White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer hassled. Response going viral. Ainsley today with headlines 24 7 reporter carlie shimkus. Good morning. This is getting a lot of eyeballs on social media today. A woman bombarded sean spicer at the apple store. His response, very interesting. He responds to this pretty intense situation with a smile. Take a listen. You know you work for a fascist. Right . You work for a fascist. How do you feel about that . How do you feel about destroying our country, sean . Steve just trying to buy a new iphone. Some of those iphones. Brian every day he is having a better time with it. I think if you watched him on friday, he was fantastic. Steve yeah, that was at work. He shouldnt be harassed out in public. Thats what a lot of people online are saying. Have you to wonder what this woman was trying to get at. Not going to answer because coming with hostility. Echoing what you said. Contrary to popular belief, Public Officials have families and a private life, too. They are human, too. And janey says i just cant get behind the public harassment of anyone because of their politics. It just escalates the anger on both sides of the aisle, actually. Steve meanwhile just talking about the storm and sounds like democrat is trying to make hay with the storm. I like how did you that there Donna Brazile is trying to say that the snow storm could possibly sink President Trump. In a tweet she said 43 twisted with katrina. 44 soaked with sandy. Will donald dump stella. Can 40 Million People find tell lay sobering under 45 leadership. A lot of people dont know what she means by. This Donna Brazile are you now rooting for the suffering of others for political advantage . And mike said it is about 40 Million People being safe. You almost wring hands hoping for 45 to fail. And then another response from gary, he says i heard President Trump received the answer to stella snow feel totals in advance from the weather channel. Ainsley referring to the fact that she gave Hillary Campaign the answers to the debate. Steve crazy stuff. Absolutely. Busy day. Steve coming up on this monday, what happens when a conservative activist donald trump meeting. Dont take one persons word for it dont take the aclu word for it think for yourself. There is a everyone larger picture here. Steve there she is talking. What did the aclu do . They called the cops on her. Wait until you hear what happens next. Brian feeling the extreme case of the mondays. Tips to spring forward and survive Daylight Saving. You can survive if you concentrate wake me up before you go, go i dont want to miss it wake me up i mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to compete . Ready to welcome . The floors, matsspotless. The uniforms, clean and crisp. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Im ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. Cintas, ready for the workday. At bps cooper river plant, employees take safety personally down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Why do so many businesses rely on the u. S. Postal service . 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Steve ginger mcqueen urging people at the meeting to think for themselves blavment did the aclu people do . They called the cops on her. She iyou went to this event and were covering the event. But at some point you just had heard what and decided to do what . At the end of the presentation, they had a question and answer session. Steve right. Prior to the aclus presentation that was being livestreamed. I chose to stand up and speak. Steve what did they say that so irritated you . Well, there was a lot of misinformation in the power points that were presented. Steve like what . Oh, it was everything from healthcare to Donald Trumps Mental Health issues. Steve okay. So you heard that. You felt it was propaganda and what did you say . I stood up and asked them to speak for themselves or to think for themselves. Not to just take the word of the aclu. Were in a situation where we have a lot of organizations with established structure who are using that structure to promote propaganda. And someone needs to speak out against it. And thats up to us. We have the option to go cast a vote once every four years. And this time around reneed to remain active. Steve you listened to the propaganda, in your words, and then during the question and answer thing, you made your address like that, and how did they respond . The room lost their mind. They started circling me. Recording me with their phones. Demanding to know what organization i was with who i was. What my name was. They were looking up my social media accounts. It was interesting. Steve then they called the police. Which is interesting because the aclu sue sod people could film the police. When you film the aclu, they call the cops on you. Exactly. So we had a room full of people who dont understand what the aclu stands for. Steve okay. And they are believing whatever they are told. Steve when the cops came, is it true they were laughing and shook your hand . One of the cops went inside to address the people with the aclu and others stayed outside. He took my name and address and shook my hand and left, yeah. Steve Jennifer Mcqueen who went to the aclu stop trump meeting. And lived to tell. Thank you for telling your story on this monday. Thank you. Steve what do you think about that . Democrats outraged over the socalled abrupt firing of the u. S. Attorney here in new york. What does the white house have to stay in Kellyanne Conway is going to join us about a half an hour from right now. This morning one of the most dangerous time to be on the road with drowsy drivers suffering from the Daylight Saving adjustment. That man has some tips to make today easier. Ladies and gentlemen, all rise, dr. Oz. Traveled the world and the seven seas everybodys looking for something with e trades powerful trading tools, right at your fingertips, you have access to indepth analysis, level 2 data, and a team of experienced traders ready to help you if you need it. Its like having the power of a trading floor, wherever you are. Its your trade. E trade. Start trading today at etrade. Com ainsley a dangerous few days ahead as our bodies adjust to Daylight Saving time on the monday after we spring ahead, did you know there is a 6. 7 increase in fatal Car Accidents . Thats pretty scary. And a 24 increase in heart attacks. So can you help your body make that small shift . Here with some tips is the host of the dr. Oz show dr. Mehmet oz, thank you so much for being with us. Kind to have me. Ainsley i cant believe these statistics. Our clocks automatically spring forward. If you have iphone or i watch it automatically springs forward for you. But we all lost an hour of sleep on saturday night. The is the rhythm doesnt construct so easily. In the 60s and 70s people thought they would save energy a National Endeavor because every state was different until then. The question really is did it really help us as a nation . Thats part of the reason why i got interested in this topic. Sleep score. Biggest study ever done in america with a high quality device. Ainsley what was your score. My score from last night as an example. This is how did i last night. Its pretty similar to how we all did. Look at my score. Get up in a second i will explain it. I got an 82. Which is a b minus. Look at the very top there on the left yellow box next to the blue boxes. That yellow box means it took me a long time to get to sleep. Once i got to sleep i stayed asleep. When you wait to get to sleep you lose sleep time. My total sleep for the night was under six hours. Ainsley thats probably consistent with the rest of the country. We know that because we have the data. Historically we thought we lost about 40 minutes of sleep. This clock springs ahead an hour. You trimake up for it. You do a little bit lose about 40 minutes. The loss is about half that. So not quite as bad as we thought. But heres the bigger issue. We began to look at what other problems occur. You mentioned Car Accidents. 21 of traffic fatalities are linked to sleepiness. Not to alcohol or drugs but sleepiness. We have increase in that the week after. We also have more heart attacks especially today monday is going to be a big day for heart attacks, unfortunately, strokes increase. We pay a penalty physically for not being able to sleep normally. People try to rougher it through it. We start to realize. Ainsley what do we do . First consistency. Basically time shifting like you travel like jet lag. If you can start friday before or thursday before the shift to begin to urge yourself, you get used to going to sleep earlier. Same i had trouble falling asleep because my clock was off most of america did. Consistency helps with that turns out alcohol does not hurt you. Ainsley thats great news. Brian is taking notes over there steve is too. Sleep is actually helped a little bit by alcohol. You cant have a ton of it. Ainsley glass of wine before did you go to bed helps calm you down. Does seem to help. Caffeine doesnt hurt as much. Can have up to 3 cups of cove. Taking aggressive stimulants isnt going to help you through the night nearly as much. You want to be able to see best way to deal with jet lag in general but deal with the sleep problems america is facing right now. Get up in the morning like you normally would and he see bright light because it you locks in your rhythm. This time of year when you shift earlier part of the traffic fatalities still dark. See bright light. Get outside and it helps make a difference. Ainsley great to see you, dr. Oz. You are such a genius. I love listening to you. A lot on capitol hill today. Huge show still ahead. Kellyanne conway is going to join us live she is on the curvey couch. Stay with us. Big time making it big time big time ive got to make it big time or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Circadian. Youre either ready or youre not. Whats wrong . I got ten new guys starting tomorrow. Ten . Paul, pauline. Is pauline a guy . Sorry. Mike, mike, mike and mike. Michelle. Okay, you need uniforms, work gloves, goggles, hard hats, all the safety gear. Im on it. Well thats good, cuz i got 15 more new guys starting tuesday. Im ready. Youre ready . Oh, im ready. Am i ready . What . Am i ready . Youre ready. Im ready cintas. Ready for the workday. The president had every right to ask for their resignation. Other administrations have done the same thing. The president does have that prerogative. There is a thing called janet reno. Type in janet reno and eric holder. We know this has happened before yet the media is up in arms. I believe we can get the votes out of senate. If we dont act, the system is going to collapse. It is an absolute disaster. It is a disgrace. The president s second order on immigration. He the northeast bracing for a monster storm that could bury some under 2 feet of snow. If you want march madness. He get these squeeze that button and watch the app. , i will confirm the order. Brian can you get pizza at this hour . Steve can you with the shoes. Okay. They will be here in half an hour. Signed, sealed, delivered im yours here i am, baby signed, sealed, delivered im yours. Steve we ordered the pizza 25 minutes ago. Somewhere in new york city man in a pifs zoo hut uniform is racing to bring us a pep pepero. Ainsley occasionally we will bring in food. Last week we tried to order pizza because it was staff appreciation day. I could not find a pizza place on this Food Ordering Service here in new york. I could not find a pizza place that was open. This is the city that doesnt sleep. Im so glad you have the tennis shoes. Steve pie top. Ainsley instead of high top pie top. I think you should wear them for the rest of the show, brian. Just saying. Steve lets talk a little bit about this. Friday night the u. S. Attorney general for the United States Jeff Sessions fired all of the remaining u. S. Attorneys across the country. Ainsley he didnt fire. He asked for resignations. 46 resignations. Steve ultimately they got rid of all of them. I said there are only 46 left. Thats because out of the close to 100. Half of them already knew with the new administration, you know what . Our time is limited, lets find new jobs. There were only about 50 left of and apparentl aapparently prt bharara. Brian told me i could stay. Tweeted out how appreciative he was having his job and what he has done. He has accomplished a lot. High profile guy. Remember Rudy Giuliani really got his name that way. Remember governor Chris Christie made his name as a u. S. Attorney over in new jersey. So a lot of people think he is going into politics. Bottom line, he didnt want to back down because he is in the middle of multiple investigations one on our terrible mayor mayor de blasio. The other one he got rid of Sheldon Silver democratic who is as corrupt as the day is long. One is heading to jail. The other one is going to jail. They pointed out his successes. But, bottom line is, he is a democrat. He worked for senator Chuck Schumer, and he also donated to president obama. So that makes if you are looking to set up loyalists and have you been stabbed in the back already by multiple people in the Previous Administration as did you go to take over, its only logical that the president of the United States drains the swamp. Ainsley if you watch the Mainstream Media they are awful saying this was done so abruptly. Guess what . Every other administration has done this, too. They have all wiped out whoever is not supporting them. Because have you your Little Family and you want people to work for you to be loyal. It makes sense, right . You know when you are getting one of these positions that you are probably going to lose the job if someone from the opposing party is elected. Bill clinton, he let go of 90 individuals, 90 people, including Jeff Sessions and then this guy, the preet guy has said if you watch Mainstream Media i was watching this morning. Of the president prom missed him he wasnt going to lose his job. He is saying the preet guy says back in november. I cant remember his last name. Bharara. Ainsley he kept it another five months. Steve hypocrisy is crazy. Janet reno and eric holder did exactly the same thing. Re promised to keep bharara as the prosecutor in manhattan yesterday he was fired, why . And the media has said, you know, they are knot looking at the hypocrisy. They are just trying to damage donald trump as he is doing something crazy thats never been done before, even though its been done before. Watch. Breaking news surrounding the sudden order for 46 u. S. Attorneys to resign. The abruptness makes this stand out. The abrupt order on a friday afternoon after promises were apparently given amidst Everything Else thats going on at the trump justice department. Its very unusual. I cant ever remember seeing a case like this. Steve we have david brode on from christian broadcasting. He had this observation, watch this. A quick Google Search and there is a thing called google. Type in janet reno and u. S. Attorneys. Type in eric holder and u. S. Attorneys. Folks, we know this has happened before, and, yet, the media is up in arms. I think there is a larger narrative here. That is the media are looking for any thing to in essence try and, quote, get donald trump. Its been a game of gotcha since the very beginning. Steve okay. So he said google. What happened in 193 with janet reno . We did. We came up with this coverage. Here is cnn. Janet reno fired every holdover republican u. S. Attorney all across the country. I have asked for their resignations at the request of the president. All 93 u. S. Attorneys, a oneday clean sweep. Well, that was then. And it sounds like they were playing this on a victrola that was 1993. Why does it sound so bad . Steve its youtube. Ainsley not a news story. Steve janet reno did it, eric holder did it, Jeff Sessions did it. Yet, when you look at the coverage, the hypocrisy is startling. Ainsley of course donald trump doesnt want them working in his administration. If you look who this guy is he donated to obamas inauguration. Rumored to replace eric holders. Protege of Chuck Schumer and went after the bush administration. Brian i would say this he also as i mentioned before trying to fix new york. Went after democrats. Got rid of 8 corrupt officials under Governor Cuomo and who knows where that investigation was heading and the New York Post which i believe works here because i see a let of people with ink stained hands on the fifth floor, they said we recommend to President Trump that he stick around. Regardless, he decides to let go of all. Ainsley the president is the one who makes that decision. Im not saying this guy is a good guy or bad guy or didnt do this or didnt do that the thing is he is a democrat. Do you expect donald trump to keep him on . Its never happened before. Steve donald trump must have seen this as a all or nothing, ask for the resignations of everybody. At least in his case apparently he said im not going to quit so wound up firing him. Somebody who knows all about him is den issue in dsouza he ended up being prosecuted by this guy. We will talk to him about what happened to the u. S. Attorney for new york. Brian lets talk about whats happening today. The cbo score the plan put forward by paul ryan speaker of the house. They got their hands full passing it through the house. Certainly going to have a challenge as they mark it up in the senate. However the cbo coming out with their score is going to be significant. The republicans are bracing everyone to say, listen, when it comes to coverage and comes to prices, they are way off on obamacare so dont look at them as the gospel although the person heading up the cbo was put there by president bush 43. Here is Bernie Sanders because he likes talking. It is an sloo absolute disas. It is a disgrace. It has nothing to do with healthcare. This has everything to do with is a massive shift of wealth from working people and middle nook people to the very richest people in this country. In my view and what the American People want is an improvement on obamacare, not the decimation of obamacare and throwing so many people off of Health Insurance and raising premiums substantially. Ainsley well, that socialist plan didnt work. It was way too expensive. People were waiting a long time to get into their doctors. They couldnt keep their doctors. It was clantsing. The country couldnt afford it. Brian talk about the cbo and the score. Im not saying the people there arent great people. Working there for very little money that seems to be the fact. However, as you talk about with the cbo scoring things. Remember how they got it wrong . Maybe it wasnt their fault. Jonathan gruber made it clear bake in 2009 they put this thing together to throw off the cbo. Listen. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting this thing to pass. Steve so they tried to keep as many details from the cbo as possible. And ultimately the cbo, Congressional Budget Office estimated 8 million more americans would wind up on obamacare than did. Which just goes to show while they put their heart into it sometimes they get it really wrong. Ainsley after it all passed then that sound bite comes out dont be transparent. The American People are stupid. Dont call them attacks. Call them mandates and it will pass with the cbo. Steve he is the architect. Brian here is the quote if the cbo scored the mandated taxes, which by the way it was, the bill would have died. Somebody changed it. Made a mandated. Ainsley why didnt the cbo pick up on that. Steve because the administration told them it wasnt a tax. Then john roberts at the u. S. Supreme court chief justice said it was a tax and. Thats history. New and improved American Healthcare act. Brian now up to republicans. Hello, heather. Heather did you hear a storm is headed our way . Ainsley a big one. Heather going to talk about that right now. Extreme weather we have been discussing all morning. Of the northeast bracing for a blizzard as millions of americans prepare for plunging temperatures, fierce wind gusts and 2 feet of snow. Slick roads, low visibility in chicago. Storm is pushing through the midwest before merging with another system off the east coast. Protests erupting in ferguson, missouri overnight. Look at this new video. Its from this Michael Brown documentary suggesting that he did not rob a Convenience Store. Instead, the filmmaker behind stranger fruit claims the Surveillance Video shows brown was involved in a drug deal with employee he is a lawyer for the market says this was edited and he will release the full version today. Brown was shot and killed by a white Police Officer back in 2014 sparking days of protests in ferguson. And just hours from now, the man arrested for jumping the white house fence will face a federal judge. 26yearold Jonathan Tran coming within feet of actually getting inside before he was finally stopped friday night. The secret service says he was armed with mace and had a letter for the president. Tran telling them that he was a friend and that he had an appointment. He faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted. And environmental activists leaving their mark on one of President Trumps golf courses. Look what they did. The braising group of vandals break into the 250milliondollar Trump National golf course in california, carving 6foot tall letters into the fifth green with the message you cant see it right now but it said no more tigers, no more woods. The disgusting damage now covered with tarps. The l. A. County sheriff is investigating. We will keep you updated on that, too. Steve what does that mean no more tigers no more woods . Heather play off tiger woods environmental policies. Brian i had no idea what that means. I read it too and couldnt figure it out. Steve anyway. Vandalism. How are people changing their gender on their birth certificate without getting surgery . The loophole thats allowing them to do that coming up. Brian make an x in a different box, maybe . Obama wiretapping in u. S. Attorney firings. Covering the big story with Kellyanne Conway which she joins us on the couch that curves straight ahead American Woman momma let me be calcu. Shall we initiate the restart sequence . Thrivent mutual funds. Managed by humans, not robots. Before investing, carefully read and consider fund objectives, risks, charges an in the prospectus at thriventfunds. Com. Guests can earn a how cafree night when theypring book direct on choicehotels. Com and stay with us just two times . Spring time. Badda book. Badda boom. Or. Badda bloom. Seriously . Book now at choicehotels. Com the search for relief often leads here. S, today theres drugfree aleve direct therapy. A high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. For deep penetrating relief at the source. Aleve direct therapy. He he Dinesh Dsouza was sentenced to spend 8 months. It all began with the Obama Administration tried to shut me up. Steve remember when filmmaker Dinesh Dsouza was convicted of election fraud. It was ousted u. S. Attorney Preet Bharara who spearheaded mr. Dsouzas prosecution. Ainsley it wasnt a surprise when he tweeted good riddance to the outgoing prosecutor. Brian here is filmmaker and convicted felon Dinesh Dsouza. Must be a great day for you. I cant imagine the feeling if somebody put me in jail for 8 months and now all of a sudden they are ousted. You can now tell us something that you were never age t able o say before about your case. Congressional Oversight Committee has been trying to get a copy of my case file now for well over year and bhararas office line blocking this saying it was ongoing case. Of course my case efnedded in 2014. Finally now congress has the case file and its very interesting because it kind of is a revealing window into bhararas way of doing business. First thing highlighted in my case file is that im a conservative. A prominent critic of the Obama Administration. This should be completely irrelevant in the decision about whether to prosecute me should be beside the point. But, of course, in bhararas case it was the point. So there is evidence in this case file and there is a lot more that this was a political prosecution conducted by bharara as the henchman for the Obama Administration. Ainsley who is Preet Bharara . Is he a ruthless and very deceitful guy. The proof of this is that when he was trying to convince a judge to lock me up, to put me in federal prison. Now, remember, no american has ever been prosecuted, let alone locked up for doing what i did. So how could bharara succeed in convincing a judge . Well, he took a series of cases, all involving corruption and altered the facts of those cases to conceal the corruption to try to con the judge into sending me to federal prison. It didnt really work. But its a kind of window into the soul of Preet Bharara and kind of deceitful man that he is. Steve dinesh what do you make of the media outrage that he was abruptly fired even though janet reno, eric holder all did the same thick . Yeah, i think this is the kind of grandstanding that bharara has come to specialize in. He is a media darling because he kind of plays to all this and he is kind of acting like he is some kind of martyr. But, of course, president s have a right to appoint their own guys. So, for me, this is actually kind of nice. When i was in confinement, bharara was laughing. Now that he is unemployed, im kind of laughing. Brian yeah. We will see what happens. Dinesh, very interesting. If you want to get dineshs movie to put him in jail because the Obama Administration believes him. Go out and get it dinesh da would yodsouza. Ainsley thanks dinesh. My pleasure. Steve blasting the republicans healthcare replacement plan. It is an salute disaster. Idisas absolute disaster. It has nothing to do with with healthcare. Steve really. Kellyanne conway joins us. Ainsley thinking keeping you up at right . You are not alone. Christie rand is here how to get your job off your mind and still get ahead at the office before its too late head games its you and me, baby. This is the story of Green Mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets take a trip to la plata, colombia. This is boris calvo. Thats pepe. Boris doesnt just grow good coffee, boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even Better Coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. Thats blanca. Yup, pepe and blanca got together. Things happen. All this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee. Packed with goodness. Dont let the food you eat during the day haunt you at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. 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Ainsley Christie Wright here from Ramsey Solutions. Ainsley do you mind if we eat while we talk to you . Brian not going to eat while you talk. Thats rude. Steve thats why we invented commercials. Steve we brought you in because sometimes people when theyre going to bed they are just talking about work, work. What do i have to do tomorrow . What did i do today . Who ho is out to get me . How do you turn off the voices in your head . Christie wright from Ramsey Solutions joins us live. There are a few things you can do. Really it starts during your day. Maximize the productivity in your day by time blocking. Creates focus. Opposite of multitasking where you are giving incredible focus one thing at a time. As a result more momentum and focus. Get more done. Ainsley working moms, we put our kids to sleep and then have you to go to bed pretty early especially when you work an early shift. Have you like annual hour to yourself. Right. Ainsley so hard to turn the tv off and lights off. You want a glass of wine. You can feel the pressure of the clock ticking because you need to be in bed. Most americans lay down and get ready for bed by looking at their phone. When you are looking at your phone, or a screen, youre checking email. Your brain is in working mode. When you close you your eyes yor brain is still in working mode. Lay down with a book. Talk to your spouse. Relax. Brian set boundaries. Be present wherever you are. When you are connected with technology 24 7. When you are at work, bust it. And when you are home look your kids in the eye and put your phone down. Brian focus are able to do that look you in the eye that person really is paying attention. Thats what you say about trump. Absolutely. Ainsley changing your attitude good thing too. It is. Ainsley if you want to take a nap, i recommend thats a good thing. Steve you also suggest rather than just laying in bed thinking i have got to do this tomorrow and that tomorrow rather than remember it write everything down. This is a huge helpful technique. Here is why. When you are trying to remember everything, your brain is working so hard. Kind of like when you go to the Grocery Store and you expect to remember everything. You never do. But if you write a list, your brain can relax because the list is going to do the work for you. You can depend on it to hold you accountable. Same with the tasks during the day. Write it down and capture it. Ainsley dont have a pen or pencil there is a note section on your phone. Set a timer. Set it at 10 00 after the show call this person, call that person. Its so easy. Great tip to help. Steve be intentional about what you put in your mind before bed. So, in other words, you edit what you think about. Putting your phone down and have a different nighttime routine more releaksing. Whether snuggling with your kids or talking with your spouse. With kids its hard to connect with your spouse. Doing the business of your life. Ainsley have you master he had this. No. Its a daily struggle. Brian leave the television on or off. Can you watch it anything creating your brain working really hard. You want to major sure that you are starting to relax and wind down. Ainsley make sure if you are watching shawnt hannity you dont change the channel. Nighttime activities that wind down. Steve all right. Excellent segment. Would you like a piece of pizza . Im good. Thank you so much. Ainsley wow, she is disciplined. Steve Kellyanne Conway is next on fox friends. We will see if shield like a pizza. Plus she is going to talk about the news of the day coming up. Come on, in Kellyanne Conway. Ainsley comfort food. Move it on over kevin, meet your father. Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin trusted advice for life. Kevin, hows your mom . Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. [ om[ sniffs ]c ] little girl daddy trapped by your unrelenting nasal allergies . [ meow ] [ sneezes ] try clarispray clarispray provides unsurpassed relief. Its 24 hour, nondrowsy and prescription strength. Free yourself with clarispray, from the makers of claritin. Whattwo servings of veggies . V8 or a powdered drink . Ready, go. Ahhhhhhhh shake shake shake shake shake done you gotta shake it i shake it glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. Steve look who is here. Kellyanne conway special advisor to President Trump joins us live on the curvey couch not in d. C. Today. How are you . D. C. Soon. Today. Brian 53 days in. What does it feel like . I always count the Trump Administration days in dog years. Seven days for every one only because the president is constantly acting and making good on his campaign promises. You see the stock market loves his candidacy. Job creators love his excuse me. His presidency. 245,000 new jobs created many in manufacturing, construction, mining. Less than 50 unemployment rate. You already see the impact of his presidency. Brian what i love is the two numbers. I want the normal 4. 7 people in there the other number matters, too. Of the people who are just out of the workforce and not counted. And lets just try to work on both those numbers. Would there be a political issue with that . The president is working on both of those numbers, brian. I think the Consumer Confidence you see, the Economic Optimism where, yes, jobs are being created buff people also feel better. People are spending their money. There is Consumer Confidence. And also, when you repeal and replace something as draconian as obamacare, youre going to unleash more Economic Prosperity because people through these tax credits who dont get employer sponsored or medicaid sponsored Health Insurance will have the opportunity, the choice, the competition to buy across state lines and get Affordable Care. You know, right now, people have some people in this country have an insurance card and literally cant use it they cant afford to pay the premiums or the detuck deductib. You have edge many states that only have one choice. Ainsley bco report comes out today. You had democrats and republicans on all the sunday shows over the weekend. Had you democrats like Bernie Sanders saying its ridiculous. Insanity. Listen to what he said. It is an sloo absolute disas. It is a disgrace. By the way, this has nothing to do with healthcare. But this has everything to do with is a massive shift of wealth from working people and middle nook people to the very richest people in this country. In my view and what the American People want is an improvement on obamacare, not the decimation of obamacare and throwing some people off of Health Insurance and raising premiums substantially. Steve im confused. Because when obamacare went into effect, suddenly a lot of people who had been buying Health Insurance couldnt afford it. Couldnt afford it anymore. That was one of the big lies along with the if you like your plan keep your plan if you like your doctor keep your doctor. Bernie sanders ran on and he lost and Hillary Rodham hillary. You need fundamental reform. Health savings accounts better control of health spending. Medicaid dollars spent. Those closest to the people in need will be able to administer. When he says shift from middle class and the workers, thats absolutely false. We are trying to repeal and replace strategy here through the American Healthcare act is to take those farmers, those mechanics, those Small Business owners who cant currently access and afford healthcare pooling together in one Place Associated plan. Thats prong three. Brian phase three. Phase three is 60 votes in the senate. Thats right. Brian thats going to be the biggest challenge. Also where you get insurance across state lines . Yes. Brian thats going to take wheeling and dealing. Tell me, Kellyanne Conway, i remember when you came out and you said when mitt romney secretary of state im not comfortable with that a lot of people said waited a second, is the president elect comfortable with you saying that from having said that from what you observed, have you seen that the president has the ability to do what he does best and thats negotiate . Yes. Brian vow Elijah Cummings says is he talking to me about bringing the price of big pharma down, you have rand paul saying i talked to him and this president want to deal. There is a sense that paul ryan doesnt want to deal. Is the president going to get his way on that and say okay, this is the ryan plan, i listened, i also listened to others talk, and im going to factor some of this in . The president and Vice President have leaned into this legislation and the president did what leaders do this week. He listened. He is negotiating. But he is also. Brian paul ryan isnt moving. What the president has said is that if you have cool goode improvements to the bill lets hear them. Just this past week he had leaders of the Grassroots Movement in who represent millions of people who are concerned about healthcare. He had 35 of the whips in. Vice president pence is up on capitol hill at a lunch with the republican senators talking about healthcare. The president had dinner with senator ted cruz. He has talked to senator paul on the phone. He is working the phones. He is meeting with people in person. Brian i know. I think legislation as President Trump is really a great sweet spot for him. So far everything has been in executive in nature. This being the first big piece of legislation under his presidency. So appropriate is he doing what leaders do. Listening, he is negotiating. Receiving many different inputs. Everybody knows as is always the case. President trump is the ultimate deal maker. Also the ultimate decisionmaker. He. Ainsley Charles Sandberg leaning in. Did you read the book . Its good. Steve ultimate for all plans. Pass this first then comes tax reform, infrastructure. All the education reform he has talked about. Of the budget will be presented this thursday, too. 54 billion in defense spending. We need a stronger military. We have been under investing in our military. Ainsley gosh, we would all agree with that. Brian john mccain says 54 billion is not enough. Keep in mind 30 billion supplemental coming in. There is additional funding for Border Control and there is additional funding for veterans. But, anyway, we have just under invested in our military. This is something that the president promised out on the campaign trail that he would never forget our veterans. He talks about them being demoralized, under funded, demoralized and really just people who need equipment and resources to do their jobs. Brian whats interesting is this is an opportunity for republicans is because you work for a dealmaker. The best. Brian if the house and senate go democrat, he is going to do deals with democrats. Up to republicans to do something he can work with is he going to be there four years and these republicans arent if they are not productive. So the president , i would like would like to have a Republican House and senate. Very happy that the voters said the excuse of divided government is over. We want somebody who is actually going to solve problems and give him Republican House and senate. Frankly republican state legislators and governors also and largely in republican control. Thats causation not coincidence that people want problems solved. You have in the white house a disrupter for an entrenched bureaucracy who went to washington owing no one anything. And who in his first 53 days has made good on a number of promises not least of which draining the swamp but also being able to effectuate solutions not just talk about them. People are great talkers but he has been a man of action. I think you see most specifically in the repeal and replace ainsley you talk about draining the swamp or yesterday or over the weekend at least he asked for 46 resignations. One of them refused. That was this prosecution prosecutor for the southern parted of new york. He refused so he was fired. Mainstream media had a ma hay dy with this. Said it was not normal. Yet other administrations have done this in the past. Whats your reaction or the president s reaction. This is not a news story. Noise not news. Very common for president s to ask for the resignations of political appointees like ambassadors and like u. S. Attorneys. The past few president s have done. This we made it uniform. Of the president made it uniform. So that there were no carveouts. There were no special treatments. Only two people who are kind of exempted if you will are people who are having a different role in the administration, mr. Rosen stein and dana who is the acting Deputy Attorney general. But other than that, its uniform across the board. Steve what about the fact that apparently this fellow went in and talked to donald trump, i think it was in november, and came out and said yeah, it looks like im going to be on for a while. Brian bharara. Thats the way he expressed it. This is what president does routinely. Steve the Mainstream Media is saying maybe the president changed his mind or maybe mr. Bharara didnt understand what was being talked about. The commonality and union fornlt of the resignation is the key here. Brian why is the president going to nashville . The president is going to nashville to take his case directly to the people with respect to particularly repeal and replace. And he also will be talking about other pieces of his agenda. Im sure he will be talking about the incredible job growth, job creation, low unemployment rate. The fact that you have many Different Industries responding to his presidency in these early days, brian, by committing to not bring jobs to mexico, by committing to not expand, retract retain a Great American workforce and expand on our soil and no go abroad. You see investment, energy investment. Talking about infrastructure. By the time he gets there the budget will be almost completed. Brian thats going to be this week we will see his budget. Thats right. Another biz were week for him. The fact is he will go out there and bring his case to the American People. He needs to cut through the noise and silence. The news and silence of the news sometimes they dont want to cover anything at all that he is doing. Thats the silence. Noise, things either misinterpreted or undercovered or frankly just unfairly covered. I think donald trump is at his best as the president when he takes his case directly to the people he is the most brilliant communicator and natural director i have ever seen. The more he can do that and get out of washington and takes his case to the people. People will see it on the tv live and in person. Ainsley Kellyanne Conway, will yo kellyanne will you stk around after this break . Of course. Steve more pizza . Im traveling at the speed of light want to make a super sonic man of you dont stop me now im having such a good time stock prices, earnings, and dividends. 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Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. President trump has to provide the American People, not just the intelligence committee, but the American People with evidence that his predecessor, former president of the United States was guilty of breaking the law because our director of national intelligence, general clapper testified that there was absolutely no truth to that allegation. So, i think the president has one of two choices, either retract or to provided information that the American People deserve because if his predecessor violated the law, president obama violated the law, weve got a serious issue here to say the least. Ainsley we have Kellyanne Conway, the advisor to the president on the curvey couch with us. He is saying either prove it or drop the accusation. What i was just tweeting out is that we are very happy that the house and Senate Intelligence committee have agreed to add this piece of the investigation to their existing attenuated and unproven investigation about russia and the campaign. And we will comment further after those findings are made clear. I also would note on a Different Program yesterday that congressman adam schiff of california, democrat often on tv, said that he will ask director comey about this when he has him in front of the Committee Later this month. So this is ongoing. But we will comment further after the investigation. Steve there is no doubt about the fact that at least Michael Flynn was wiretapped. I mean, the New York Times said he was wiretapped. Thats how they got his end of where he was talking to the russian people. And you know what this is about. The president has made very clear that he is incredibly concerned about these leaks when the intelligence and security communities are coming from somewhere. Where have you a readout of his private calls with other heads of states. Where have you that particular incident that you have mentioned, steve. So we know this happens. As goes trump tower though, we all see where these investigations lead. Brian is the president disappointed in the past president in that he thought it was going to be a good transition and now it looks as though from what he tweeted out last saturday saying that he tapped my lines to he believes that obamacare was timed to blow up in 2017. Does he have a new view of his predecessor . We were very pleased to receive so much public help from president obama and some of his senior advisors meaning they were out there saying we want a smooth transition. Thats what democracies need is a smooth transition in power. Now it does seem that some of president obamas former staffers or, perhaps his supporters are out there organizing against this president s agenda. And perhaps, you know, going out and making statements that arent particularly helpful or true to that peaceful transition of power. Steve sure, what about the people embedded in government burrowed in . You have got folks there that we saw the New York Times article. Steve state department. Department of justice . Thats right. This is where the alleged leaks are. In other words, have you got people in there who arent supporting this president and his agenda. I would just point out the day after his masterful joint session to congress the New York Times ran an article that said the Obama Administration was in a rush to preserve and sprinkle around the government intelligence information. They werent expecting donald trump to be the president and so they were in this rush to do that. Why would do you that if it wasnt to hurt. Ainsley are you confident can you find the leak. Im confident the president is very focused on this. Is he absolutely correct, ainsley we cant have intelligence and National Security leaks. This impayrolls our National Security. Brian no nominees is there a pathway in the administration to get these nominees out there. Our office of personnel is very busy at all times. The fact is we have many qualified men and women applying for these positions. The democrats held up our cabinet nominees for so long we still dont have them all confirmed the fact that the president was able to get so much done in the first 534 days with so many pieces of it lacking cabinet secretary in that particular department or agency is that much more remarkable. But, these completely broken owe records in terms of the obstruction and resistance to just simple confirmation hearings of the cabinet nominees. So that has to stop. Steve Kellyanne Conway have you got to catch a flight and go back to work. Thank you. Great to see you. Brian meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, something fun. March madness, what better way to fill out your bracket than with basketball icon dick vitale. Finally in a good mood. Is he here with us to show how you can compete against us in a moment. Steve its the bracket, baby. Hey, hey goodbye. No na na hey, hey goodbye to not just accept what you see, but imagine something new. At invisalign®, we use the most advanced teeth straightening technology to help you find the next amazing version of yourself. Its time to unleash your secret weapon. Its there, right up to 50 faster. Se. R best e visit invisalign. Com to get started today. Pay your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you 24 7. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance brian march madness is here. Im sure you know that already. Which means it is officially time. Ainsley brian is going mad. Brian time to fill out your bracket. Ainsley here now is dick vitale. Dad, i hope you are watching. One of the favorite coaches here. Nice to have you here at you all make a big difference in the lives of others. Brian who didnt make it. Who are you shocked . Put me on the spot early in the morning. I thought syracuse should have been in. Brian absolutely. I think the committee did a great job basically. Definitely could have seen werent deserved to get in lost three times to very mediocre teams. They beat three top ten teams. I did that game. Big syracuse guy. Eating your heart out as much as Jimmy Boeheim is. Ainsley i understand we are going to fill out brackets. Coach, we need you to help us. Do yours over there. And do ours over here. Should we choose based on who the mascot is. Greek life. Pretty colors . Simply this. My daughter was in a pool one time and she called me up and said dad, they told me not to use you to help me. Can you help me . Called me up after, she finished last. Brian there is method to this. A computer filled this up to here. Bring me to the final four right right on your side. Ainsley this is what you do choose between kansas and iowa state . Brian have you got to do it yourself. Ainsley are their colors and mascots . Ainsley i will do kansas because steve is from that area. Brian that is not a solid theory. Ainsley watch, i will probably beat you. Oregon and louisville. Louisville because they have a great horse derby. Kentucky derby. Brian horse derby. [laughter] ainsley carolina and butler ucla or kentucky . Ainsley kentucky because they have a great basketball team. My dad loves them. North carolina here because thats the other carolina. Brian heres what im going to do. Tell me what you think. Big shooters. Brian duke is so hot. Gonzaga. Ainsley yeah, go with florida state. Brian then we get to the final four, im going to say duke is going to have upset. Pretty good picks. Ainsley thats a terrible one. Not bad. Ainsley i will do duke. Lets do duke against North Carolina. Wow. Unbelievable. Is that good . Tremendous. Ains heinz do you have . First of all, i have got to tell you this. If you really want to find out about your picks go to all state and go to their bracket. Com. And go to the allstate predicter. You go to that tool and simply get all the probabilities. Brian computer . Find it crunches, all the numbers. You find everything possible. All state predictor. My pick . I got kansas and louisville here. Ainsley we have 10 seconds, coach. Who is your final pick . My final pick im going with the tar heels winning the National Title this is the story of Green Mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets take a trip to la plata, colombia. This is boris calvo. Thats pepe. Boris doesnt just grow good coffee, boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even Better Coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. Thats blanca. Yup, pepe and blanca got together. Things happen. All this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee. Packed with goodness. Spewed it is intended really to ask. Other administrations have done the same thing. The media is up in arms. For me this is many speeeight winners and confinement and i was laughing. The system is going to collapse. Its an absolute disaster. He lost that Hillary Clinton ran defending obamacare. I dont think im in the halls and patching that is enough being the men arrested for jumping the white house fence. 26 wrote Jonathan Tran will face a judge. A monster storm that will stop under two feet of snow. Theres trouble in the road. Hes going to get it here. To iraq this time, not too many cars in front of our world headquarters. Yesterday was a happy day and then it turned weird. Kyle busch, we all kind of liked it. If i go to a hockey game. I hate to say it, but nascar gets a ton of publicity every time they have a fight like that. Isnt that why they drink milk . Was that Paul Mccartney with the wings . Or the beatles. Ladies and gentlemen. Is a little bit about the Mainstream Media. The sudden abrupt ousting of the u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. Preet bharara. Heres the thing. He allied with the remaining 46 other u. S. Attorneys as his standard course were asked to submit their resignation. He didnt want to do it. He felt like he had to deal the term so you would say no. Ultimately, Jeff Sessions called and said youre not going to quit . Then youre fired. Ainsley Mainstream Media didnt like it very much. Listen to what he saw over the weekend with some of the shows. Breaking news surrounding the u. S. Attorneys to resign is to make the makes this email to promises were apparently given and missed Everything Else going on at the trump justice department. Very unusual. I cant remember a case like this. Steve david brody was found early on fox and friends and told people to get out their times to do some googling. A quick Google Search. Type in june at reno, eric holder and u. S. Attorneys. We know this has happened before in the media is up in arms. There is a larger narrative that the media looking for anything to innocents try and get donald trump with a game that got you since the beginning. Knows what he was saying. After he said that, producers went back and said i wonder what didnt happen in 1993 when bill clinton fired all those people. Lets listen. Jinnah reno fire. Every republican u. S. Attorney all across the country. I asked for the resignation of the request of the president. A oneday clean sweep. What you expect . If you have a company of people to work for you that can be investigating the case somewhere saying he was investigating price midterm or didnt agree with you or with their loyal to your family, you would ask that to fire them. Its exactly what President Trump does. He fired many people and why he might not be welcome in the trump family because he donated to president of others in a duration in rumored to replace eric holder as attorney general and the administration. Protege of Chuck Schumer went after the bush administration. You mightve voted for Hillary Clinton and you like guy, but donald trump is a republican. This guy is. The next somebody who did not shed a tear was diminished this news. This man, Preet Bharara actually put him in jail for ms. [applause] we asked earlier how we fund about this tournament and peer this is what he told us. Is a ruthless and deceitful guy appeared took a series of cases involving corruption to conceal the corruption and to try and calm the judge into sending me to federal prison. The window into the soul of Preet Bharara. Im a conservative, and the Obama Administration. This could be completely irrelevant to the decision about whether to prosecute besides the point. In Preet Bhararas case that was the point that the henchman for the Obama Administration. I dont think there is much controversy going on. They wanted to make something happen. The real challenge is coming in contact to normal. The normal administration. People getting used to the fact donald trump on. A proposal to fix something broke in to dolby about the cbo and republicans trying to see if they can change the plan to get more onboard. Some of the groups against it, President Trump talk to them. Senator rainfall does not like to play in. Too much upon the care and appear the president president talked to him. Elijah cummings, a Democratic Senate because he wants to drive costs down. He called them three times. Thats what this week is going to be about. Getting through this program to get more republicans on board. The real story is what happened after the cbo releases the report. Ainsley the report comes out today and will basically out and how much it will cost this new bill. We are the democrats say we shouldnt repeal and replace in only few at the cbo says. Today did they get their chance. Number of trump folks on Television Seen it would put too much stock in the cbo. They scored upon the care they were off. And then youve got jonathan gruber, the architect of obamacare and he is the architect loved the fact that the way they were able to disguise the details actually helped them pass it. Watch this. As those printed a tortured way to make sure they did not score the mandate. So its written to do that. In terms of subsidies, a loss that Healthy People will pay an insane people get money. It would not have passed. The lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and calls the stupidity of the american folk or whatever. I was really critical. The m. I. T. Professor is the guy is smarter than everybody else bragging about the fact that a press conference saturday with students in the background how he put one over on all of us. We are too to figure it out. It worked because they passed obamacare. Theyll be transparent. He said called mandates instead of taxpayers because it will pass. If the cbo to blame here . Can we trust the report that the cbo was filled to figure up in a Fairly Famous taxes . The first is a bush ple attee. Cbo, they push towards singlepayer. With that in the back of the minds will score this. Class will be reasonable but congress will look like a lot less coverage of the plan. Millions of americans no longer afford health care. A lot of people at a problem with obamacare you were being forced to buy even if you didnt want it. I had to buy it pay the penalty. Under the new plan if you dont modify, you dont have to. The bottom line is to pass it practically. Tom cotton respected by the president is not onboard. When paul mann on board. Up for election in a for election and escape election in this state that early clinton wanted. The president has got to get paul ryan to be flexible so you can factor in concerns. Youve got to do something about their requests. Dont you agree . Ainsley hopefully paul ryan and other of these republicans will do that. Doesnt mean he has to pass all of them were gray all of them. Trade for the fact he called elisha coveted spice on friday, but what about thursday shows not only is he listening that pays attention to a democrat whose like to make some changes. Now they are the highway or they are inflexible. The office of management and budget says we are going to negotiate with people. We will put something good into it. I hope that is not pr. I hope thats true. Ainsley they are going to have avoided it right tomorrow, tuesday so they can talk about this and get on board with each other. I wonder if they will order the pizza with a shoe like we did the first hour. There was a pizza hut shoe. Push the button on the flap of issue flap of the shoe and orders a pizza through the phone app that it was here 45 minutes later. Ainsley because its too much to push sand on your phone. We have sent Severe Weather headed our way. A lot of people say in it, perhaps eating pizza. The northeast bracing for millions of americans prepared for fierce wind has into feet of snow. Hundreds of flights already canceled throughout tomorrow. Bring a video showing the effectiveness for milwaukee. Right now blasting through the midwest before merging with another system . The east coast. Adam klotz will have the latest on the storms path. Stay tuned. Ferguson, missouri overnight, a new video and Michael Brown documentary. The filmmaker behind stranger fruit claims the Surveillance Video shows he was involved in a drug deal with employees suggesting he did not rob a Convenience Store. The allegations leading to a deadly confrontation with police. A lawyer says is edited and he will release the full version today. His death sparked days of protests in ferguson act in 2014. Been arrested for a job in the white house as well face a federal judge. Jonathan tran within feet of getting inside before he was stopped friday night. The secret service was hard with me for not a letter for the president. He was a friend and he had an appointment. He faces up to 10 years in prison if quebec did. Those are the headlines so far. Steve they will make the fans 12 feet higher. 12 feet high, four feet high or so will be harder for people like mr. Tran to get in. He was running around a little while. Since when was patriotic effect offenses. They cant wear red white and blue because to me the other team and come or both. Ainsley President Donald Trump will make america prosperous again. Hows it going to do it . With money. How are they going to make money . Stuart varney has died. Coming up next. Stuart varney has been that. Coming up next. Thrivent mutual funds. Managed by humans, not robots. Before investing, carefully read and consider fund objectives, risks, charges and expenses in the prospectus at thriventfunds. Com. Z2a1gz zx9z y2a1gy yx9y start your day with the number one choice of dentists. Philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oralb 7000. Experience this amazing feel of clean. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare. Save now when you buy philips sonicare. What makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts. R . The best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. My budget will give Americas Armed forces the resources they need to achieve solid total military preparedness to meet any and all global challenges. In the family well. President trump set to release his first budget this week. The proposal is likely to bolster defense spending. Billions and billions of dollars making sharp cuts in Government Programs. Created a stir. He turned to stuart varney. I call him the pocket hercules. Can you give us an idea whats in the budget it was found . First of october 54 billion or or thereabouts increase in the spending budget. 54 billion. Cuts in other areas. A proposal that we here made the cut the state Department Budget by a third. Cut the epa budget. National institute of health. What youve got dsa, coast guard. What youve got shaping up here as the titanic clash within the republican party. Conservatives dont want more spending cuts. Moderate republicans dont want the spending cuts. Mitch mcconnell leads republicans in the senate. If you cut the state department will never pass the senate. Rob portman, republican from ohio said its not cutting the epa budget. Dont do it. The same old problem. How do you cut federal spending when it affects individual congressmen and spend it in their congressional districts. Have a lineitem veto. Maybe thats an answer. The clashes coming into current array now. The same clash between socalled moderate republicans and conservative republicans. Ainsley conservatives might say we want our spending for military and make our military stronger obviously. If we cap reviewer there they might not be reelected. The deficit will go on. I dont care what passes in the final form of the budget. You are going to get a bigger deficit. Thats going to happen. Pets by donald trump wants the economy to get going. It will stir more revenue for the federal government. The poll says 54 supported the President Trump can bring us prosperity. All the negatives against, 54 think he can achieve prosperity. 570 billion more that we brought it last year. Not easy. Thank you so much. Ainsley more liberal chaos erupted at a republican town of as protesters shout down congressman darrell issa. Have you gladly support President Trumps agenda to cut the epa, got basic science. Ainsley the congressman will join us to respond. That is next. 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Seinfeld star Julia Louis Dreyfus celebrating her sons teammate in the tournament tweeting out at t. Did i say that right . The action starts tomorrow. A nascar postrace fight between chile locarno ramey kyle buschs car. Moments later throwing a punch leading to an allout road brawl. The crash was not intentional. Later saying he was never a cover may a cover immunity is a cover may be used to wonder had kyle busch. Meanwhile, his first town hall since donald trump is elected president. Congressman darrell face a tough crowd at home this weekend. Watch. Helped turn the United States is a multibillion dollars business. Cap protects those at the top ernie the billions of dollars. Please get to your question. Youre done. No, no. He asked his question. Is that you this book called Climate Change for beginners. For 16 years who touted the fundamental science. Ester question comely young man. Atbat a little heated. What exactly do they want . Congressman darrell issa joins us now. Thank you for being with us. I come our youth. Angry. How are you doing . It was lengthy. Two backtoback title meeting today met with protesters directly at my office. The questions didnt change between your can as there a lot of constituents with false information leading them to specific fears as to what the some of these reforms. I think we were able to align. They also had interesting points and taken back to washington. Like, for instance . An example of congressman murphy particularly interested in Mental Health came up a couple times to the people that ha area they want to make sure are still covered as we change the law. These are mostly medicaid related. Obviously the gentleman who gave me a free copy of Climate Change for beginners was actually a declared candidate who decided he was going to use an official event has a campaign event. This is part of american democracy. The challenge is to make sure you do still get to your constituents while they want to break up that event with their behavior. What proportion would you say people were there to hear you and ask pointed questions about what to do in washington simply to raise a ruckus to get it on youtube and southerly youre yelling at somebody. Sometimes they are both. We as a system where people registered within the district so we were dealing to the greatest extent with people who live in the district. A great many are active members of an organized group that does not support donald trump. You have to look and realize people even if they never vote for me they still have indeed everything to be heard. We were able to give to tens of thousands of opportunity. We went back into it twice which is a credit to you. Are you a developer the speaker ryan playing right now . Are not prepared to go for a breakout. Thats not because of a specific this is unacceptable, but because we can do better in a number of areas including we still have a problem of the shrinking pools weve are created under the Affordable Care act. Its important when you look at the individual cd to play it. Can we attack to darrell issa make sure it doesnt get skewed by such a large amount for sick people because if we cant find those portable player, we generally move people back into medicaid or other aids. Its important we do a little bit more. Im looking for the budget number. In general, we do something about a program fairly they didnt achieve what it said it would achieve it as you might know, we also have to deal with the cost drivers. Fta, Liability Reform and so on. Congressman sunday, thank you. No surprise here, Bernie Sanders lasted the Republican Health care plan. Its an absolute disaster. It is a disgrace. This has nothing to do with health care. Isnt this better than rated after you pass the . 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This has everything to do with a massive shift of growth for working people and middle income people to the richest people. In my view and let the American People want is an improvement on obamacare. That the definition of a bioterror doing so many people often raising premiums safely. Is he still running for president . Mississippian on the red sea trade to win them over. For brad to add. And had raised their fox news chief correspondent. We are all waiting for the score from the Congressional Budget Office melts all the congressmen and senators how much the replacement bill for the affordable tractable costs. Will have a big impact on the debate. Back to the Obama Administration they they basically tried to cook the books that the cbo was a one day to help them sell to the American People. Not so sure they have much credibility. Whats fascinating is that reminds me a little bit about whats happening with the u. S. Attorney situation. The people lost their jobs seem to forgot elections have consequences. Bernie sanders approach on socialist health care did not carry the day of the election. For donald trump to be elected, that tells us the American People do not want that plan. Where was Bernie Sanders and other democrats four, five, six years ago in the early stages of obamacare what it was really not working and they tell the American Public we dont need to change it at all. Now you have the ceo of an basically seen this plot is in a death spiral clearly not working. It is the one point Bernie Sanders made that makes a lot of sense. The American People dont just want repeal. They want Something Better than obamacare. They have no choice. Our country cant afford to continue down the path we are taking. Kellyanne conway we played that over the weekend. This was her reaction. Bernie sanders ran on singlepayer mosque and eloquent henry and she lost. I dont think plugging the holes and patching it up is enough. You need fundamental reform. We are going to give these governors for for flexibility delay medicaid dollars are spent to and they will be able to eviscerate. But he says the shift her middleclass, that is absolutely false. These republicans have ideas of what they want in the new pill. While they compromise and ill be happy to be in . Nobody knows for sure, but frankly they can cut a compromise. If they simply repeal obamacare and address a variety to replace it, Bernie Sanders will be right that youll have something worse than obamacare. Thats the point democrats are right on. They can fight for a while. They are in disarray. This is the congressional process. After a few days, republicans are going to have to come together when youve got rampal on one side. At some point they have to compromise or wind up with something worse. The president has the latitude to cut a deal. I hope people let him cut a deal ultimately. Great negotiator. Well see. Steve 22 minutes before the top of the hour. All sorts of news this morning. Heather has been helping us. Reporter hello to everyone at home. Something developed overnight. President translated to oust the president to china at the winter white house next month. A twoday visit is planned for april 6th and 7th at the estate in palm beach, florida. The first facetoface beauty between the two world leaders. Russias president on america is turning the table dropping this bombshell say of the Russian Ambassador also met with the campaign team. Not just President Trumps advisor. If you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see he had lots of meetings of that kind. But there were no meetings about elections. You want to say talking with officials and advisors is part of the job. Are you driving now . Expect to pay more. Restaurants are taking it out of your pocket with the labor surcharge. The extra 3 to 4 tracked under build except for the increase labor costs. Business groups claim raising the min wage in some states as high as 15 an hour is reckless warning it could lead to job losses. Offenses for wearing red white and blue. Students at Valley High School in iowa decked out in patriotic colors for the basketball game. The opposing team from Des Moines North High School has players from Refugee Families. Any educated person can look at that in a week what are these kids thinking. The Student Government at valley high had delivered an apology letter to the other school. The students didnt mean to offend and it wasnt the first time they used a patriotic theme. Your comments continue to come in. That to you. You would think that would be okay to dress in red, white and blue. The majority has to pay the price. I think red, white and blue should be universal, but what do i know. Meanwhile straightahead. Ainsley a comeback as millions of americans brace for a blizzard. Whos about to be buried under 18 inches of snow . We are not going to tell you. Youve got to stick around. The ousting of the u. S. Attorney Roberto Gonzalez came under fire from now attorney general who he did the same thing under president george w. Bush. He will respond wimax. Why next. At fidelity, trades are now just 4. 95. We cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. And at 4. 95, you can trade with a clear advantage. Fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. Actually making your body feel better. Thats exactly what tommie copper does for people everywhere. They call it wearable wellness, and tommie copper has infused it into everything they do. Why not experience the difference tommie copper can make in your life . Go to tommiecopper. Com, enter your email to become part of the tommie copper community, and get 15 off your entire order, plus free shipping. Life hurts, feel better. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. 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Bush attorney general appointee Alberto Gonzales came under fire for ousting a number of u. S. Attorneys claim he he did it based on poor politics. That alleges several years in the now Famous Exchange with the future attorney general ben senator Jeff Sessions. The thing that caused a lot of us concerned with you at a press conference at the department of justice. It was not involved in seeing any memos or any discussions about what was going on. I dont recall the contents of the meeting, senator. I know, but i guess im concerned about your recollection really because its not that long ago it was the point at the point of issue and thats troubling to me. I was the beginning of the end or gonzales to resign. Now hes back. Attorney general and oscar have true faith and allegiance. Alberto gonzales joins us right now. Good morning. Good to be back. Here in new york they make a big deal out of Preet Bharara being ousted. He was asked to resign and said im not leaving so he and wound up getting hired. Something like 46 remaining u. S. Attorneys were asked to resign. They saw the writing on the wall. Why is this a story . Im not sure why it is the story. Preet bharara and others have done her work will service on behalf of america and department of justice but in the end it doesnt matter. Such is the way it works. They serve at the pleasure of the president to know that. When the president asks you to leave, you leave. Quite honestly i respect the work, but its very good to say im going to stay and have the president and attorney general fire you. To me its very unfortunate. Absolutely. The hypocrisy is stunning. Gina reno did the same thing. Eric holder did the same thing. They try to make it sound like donald trump woke up and by sundown he would fire all of them. The president has a great deal of discretion with liberal appointees. He can move someone for no reason and cover for bad reason. He can do whatever he wants to. We may not like it. They may think its a bad idea, unfair that he needs to give notice and opportunity to buy a job get a new job. Im not quite sure where the story is quite frankly. Only 46 for barack obama u. S. Attorneys first of remaining out of close to a hundred because half of them do. Do administration who want his own team out there. Thats correct. There is reporting out there Preet Bharara was assured he would remain. Nonetheless, the president can change his mind. Preet bharara is in no position to complain. The fact that theres so much reporting tells me there is a lot of politics involved. I think youre right about a lot of politics be there. In the new yorker Mainstream Media and looks like some are suggesting donald trump fired him because he was going after donald trump which theres nothing to suggest that at this point. Thats correct. If that were the reason that would be a big story. Is that it would look into that. He removed them all. As you said earlier, that is something typically done. The bottom line is this happening every administration. The new president wants their own team. Whoever is left over is pretty much hit the road. They understand they serve the pleasure of the United States. You should know. Alberto gonzales, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. True to millions of americans under blizzard warnings. Ive coverage coming up shortly. Take a look at bill hemmer in 12 hours hell be shuffling. No question. The Baghdad Health care. Well tell you what you need to know in english. Her road trip for the president and where hes going this week. Is there evidence trump tower was tapped . Stephen should millions brace for a whopper of a storm. We will see you in 10 minutes on a monday morning here in americas newsroom. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. The see you around, giulia im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. Im the money you save for retirement. Whos he . Hes green money, for spending today. Makes it easy to tell you apart. That, and i am better looking. I heard that. When its time to get organized for retirement, its time to get voya. We are back live with extreme weather. A monster blizzard for the northeastern millions of americans for plunging temperatures, fierce winds and two feet of snow. Ainsley we need a little bit longer to where the layered outfits and flooding. Right now the story was pushing through the midwest. A live look at the rose in chicago. Sorry for those folks. Their verdict canceled a lot of flights. Hundreds in fact. Brian meteorologist adam klotz. Reporter disjoined still about 18 hours away or so. Have you ever been in a blizzard . You guys are in store for some fun. We are under a blizzard warning in new york city. Winter storm watch is up down the coast. Lets dive right into a forecast. Take a look at the hour by hour forecast and we expect the system to move this way. Theres your future radar. Do they eventually the overnight hours and early tomorrow morning to start to css are lifting up the east coast and after midnight, 1 00, 2 00 in the morning the snow boosted to do a good area to push its way further north through the midatlantic and yes i think all they too are we talk about this. Anywhere from 18 inches to two feet of snow. That is when you start to talk about a blizzard. Starting 2 00 a. M. Eastern. Thats the initial snow will only pick up the rest of the morning. Back to the weather center. Pride will be in the doghouse because he works the morning show and his wife has to shovel the snow. It happens every year. I thought we would be okay with one snowstorm. Ainsley massachusetts could see the heaviest snow. Brian some forecasters predict dean snow in one hour. The depot where people are buying snowblower, shallow, hasty military cover stuff like that. Reporter she is here and she has an aerosol for you. Ill tell you that much. Everyone can rock salt of course. Thats what they typically will run out of at this point in the season. We havent had that harsh winters so it may not be as extreme as you would see before the typical storms. The Grocery Store is located a lot today. People buy the milk and bread and marveling at the pictures they put out is to grab of the seashells they left behind. Thats the damage consumers are doing as they prepare to hunker down a couple of days. Not me. Ill be outstanding in the snow. When you talk about 18 inches, you talk about a story that will mess up the roads and not a lot of power out. A good idea for people to stock. Thank you very much. Tomorrow will be a different story. More in just a moment. Calcu. Shall we initiate the restart sequence . Thrivent mutual funds. Managed by humans, not robots. 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Im bill hemmer back in americas newsroom. Shannon im Shannon Bream for martha maccallum. The Congressional Budget Office will release an estimate on how much the health care could cost americans and many are warning many could lose coverage. We came into

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