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After historic flooding in california. There is no place in america for hatred or acts of prejudice or violence or antisemitism. Hello cpac. President trump will be the first sitting commanderinchief that speaks since Ronald Reagan. Youre a shining star no matter who you are shining bright to see steve i use to have all these albums before they were digital files. They had round things called records that you could actually put on your record player. Brian you mean a dvd . Steve no, a record player. These kids these days. Abby i love how you were bobbing your head to earth, wind and fire ainsley is out for much needed time with girlfriends. Im excited to be here today. Steve a lot to talk about. Have you been watching television . There are a number of organized protests. Did i say these protests were organized . Pete do not do that. Steve they are not organized according to the Mainstream Media. Organic people saying look were sick and tired of our congressman who is always a republican his support for the getting rid of the Affordable Care act, building the wall. Immigration stuff. We will show up in great big numbers to protest. Pete such a great point. Happens to always be a republican that the town hall is packed in. Constituents hot Mainstream Media likes to call at this point. Always citizens or voters. Which is a very different label that oftentimes was used against maybe some other protesters at other moments of time in our history. Abby i feel bad that show up who actually want to hear what the republican lawmakers are here to talk about. We are at a point in history where there are really important issues that need to get done and they are focused on. They travel there and they want to talk to their local constituents, the people that they represent. And they go there and steve, half the time they dont get to hear anything. Steve absolutely. Abby drowned out by all the shouting and anger. Steve Mainstream Media if you walsh the big three nets. Not organized protest even though we know organizing for action, which is president obamas Political Action group, their partner is called indivisible. They came out with a manual online to shows you exactly what to do. Okay, go early. Be quiet in the halls. Dont raise suspicion. Sit up front so when you burst into some loud protest the tv cameras can getcha. But the Mainstream Media says nonetheless, theyre not organized. Nothing like those organized people who were out of hand. Watch this. We have got some headlines as it turns out. That were going to show you that depict what it was like, for instance, getting ugly. These are regarding the tea party protests 8 years ago. Abby that was back in 2008. Pete thats the contrast. Unruly press in 2009. Very bad title used. They are racist. Theyre crazy. Theyre revolutionaries are these Tea Party Folks whereas today you have got they are being characterized today as grassroots resistance or progressives and having their voices heard when if you look at the tea party. I remember that flashback to 2009. These are citizens saying hey, we dont like the expassengers of our government. We want to have a discussion maybe some are loud. What have you today are people shouting down members of congress. There is no discussion at these town halls it is listen to us yell at you. Sit down. We are resisting you. Thats not town hall thats harassment. Abby just because theyre loud doesnt mean they are powerful. You think about the Tea Party Movement they stood for something. Very much against government taking over our lives. Im trying to wrap my head around what these protests are coming together to protest. You know, what is their main theme . What is their message . Help me understand, steve because im not sure. Steve they are trying to get these republican congressman from the various districts to second guess their support of donald trump Going Forward. Pete correct. Their main theme is donald trump. They want to resist him. They want to discredit him. They want to undermine him. They want to make it look messy for him. Prevent him. Abby that doesnt get people out to the polls. That does not get people motivated to vote for something. Thats just anger and going out against something. What are they fighting for . What is their agenda . What is their platform . We will talk about that later in the show about the dnc and who is going to lead that Going Forward. Real discussion how the democrats rebuild their party. Steve its a fight for air time. They want to get on the nightly newses to show there are so many people against the republicans and President Trump. They are angry that he won. For instance, a couple nights ago they had town hall out in california at Tom Mcclintocks district in a town, maricopa, california of 2,000 people. 1,000 people showed up. There is Tom Mcclintock right there. Also in some of these they will say, you know, im really upset that President Trump is going to take away my obamacare. And then they say well, tell us your story. Well, im 75 years old and i wait, stop. Youre 75 on obamacare . No, youre not. Youre on medicare. Pete sure, details, details. Abby pointing it right out. Mitch mcconnell is one of these events sort of laughed at it. You know what by all means, protest but im still here peter Peter Joni Ernst had a town hall the veterans didnt get to speak. Abby thats whats sad about it. Pete conversation that needs to be had doesnt happen. Mainstream media lap up one side. Speaking of Mainstream Media. Kellyanne conway is sidelined from tv. Steve i saw that. This as she actually heads to cpac with Vice President pence to speak at big event tonight. Abby Griff Jenkins is there with all of these details. Good morning. Big day at cpac. Reporter it is a big day, steve, ache buy, and pete. Good morning. Right now there is only me and a zamboni getting ready for it. Cpac largest gathering of republicans in the country. Reclaiming americas promise. And Kellyanne Conway, you mentioned, will open this conference. There were reports that she had been sidelined from tv. She took to hannity last night to address those reports. I imagine we will hear something from her on the stage. But the real draw at the big event is President Trump. Consider this. A year ago candidate trump did not come here. He skipped it because he was worried that they wouldnt see him as cervel enough. A year later, President Trump picks as his Vice President one of conservatives biggest stars, mike pence. He nominates the Supreme Court kneel gorsuch who was the favorite for conservatives for that swing slot on the Supreme Court. American conservative union who puts on cpac. Rates every cabinet in history they picked donald trump the most conservative in history so far. Mat schlapp the chairman of the American Conservative Union what the goals are and what they hope to accomplish over the next couple of days. Take a listen. Legislatively the two things that matter the most to people are repealing and replacing obamacare and really doing something to overoverhaul the tax system. I would say both of those play into a bigger theme, a broader theme. Lets get the economy moving again. Reporter getting that economy moving of course is front and center as well as immigration and all of the other things that President Trump has done so far, which is really tapping conservative policy issues. What you will hear are a lot of discussions of the real in the weeds on these issues. For example, senator ted cruz will be talking about constitutional issues on that stage. We will also hear from secretary betsy devos and our own judge jean pirro who will speak right before mike pence, guys . Steve Griff Jenkins live at National Harbor where there are three people in that room. Abby making sure its clean. Tomorrow President Trump will be speaking since the First Time Since Ronald Reagan since a sitting president has been able to speak at cpac. Steve thats happening on the conservative side. On the Progressive Side the Democratic Party, the dnc on saturday in atlanta will pick their new official chairman of the dnc. One of the front runners right now is congressman from your state. Pete thats right. Steve Keith Ellison on minnesota. Pete play a flashback clip of representative Keith Ellison who represents the minneapolis area of minnesota and his thoughts on the man who will be speaking at cpac tomorrow, donald trump. Here is what he said. This man has got some momentum. We better be ready that he may be leading the republican ticket. I know you dont believe that but i want to go on. [laughter] sorry to laugh. We had Jesse Ventura in minnesota win the governorship. Nobody thought he was going to win. Stranger things have happened. Abby there is no mainstream bias. Pete we would never laugh at the fact that the dnc would pick Keith Ellison to be its standard bearer right now. Radical congressman from minnesota. This is the guy, this is the guy just recently and i think we are going to play the clip later on in the show who is already talking about potentially impeaching donald trump. Steve because they feel under the constitution the president cannot monday advertise icannot. A cannot be held in a conflict of interest. Way things written back then. Keith ellison did accurately predict in that sound bite we just ran. Look out donald trump could win. Donald trump actually sent out a tweet later and said hey, good job, Keith Ellison. Abby i think the bigger point of this conversation is what direction is the Democratic Party going to move in if you have someone like Keith Ellison leading the way. You look at the people that have come around to support him. Elizabeth warren, chuck schumer, Bernie Sanders who he was one of the first to jump on the Bernie Sanders train. You wonder more the party will move to the left. And what does that mean for their future success the polls two years from now they have a number of senate races, for example, that can make a huge difference of what could happen. Pete talk about what coalesces them. If you start with the impeachment of impeachment of a sitting president we are running against that guy. We are running against donald trump not for something that will be problematic for them. Steve if he wins, thats going to be their approach, essentially, because he has backed that listen, he is not going to be impeached this week. Pete no. Steve hes not. Were just saying. Impossible. But you know what is happening within the next week . Pete something pretty cool. Steve fox friends is going to interview the president of the United States. We are going to go down monday afternoon because on tuesday the president is making andreas between a joint session of congress. We are going to go down to cover that before we do that, we will interview the president. If you have a president you would like us to ask the commanderinchief, email us at friends foxnews. Com. You could tweet us or facebook us. And we are going to ask a whole bunch of your questions to the president. Pete be prepared, steve, for a big stack of paper. We asked the same thing secretary of the v. A. We got a stack this tall. Steve today is the day you are going to be asking him their questions. Abby questions of what . Pete questions of viewers. Everyone wrote in and said this is what you should ask the v. A. Secretary. That means the stack for the president is going to be to the ceiling. Pack an extra suitcase. Steve you never know. Pete he took on the toughest job in the country fixing the v. A. V. A. Workers who sell cocaine or dont show up. My intriewf the v. A. Secretary. Steve no matter how much its never enough for the Mainstream Media director is here to call the Mainstream Media out. Stick around, folks. Sir theres been a breach. We need your password so we can lock down the system. My password . Yes, sir, we need your password. The password that i use . Yes, sir, your password. Theres been another breach sir right. Okay. Iha. Temyjob1. Ihatemyjob1 . Wanna get away . Now you can with southwest fares as low as 59 dollars oneway. Yes to low fares with nothing to hide. Thats transfarency. Sfx clap, clap, ding start here. 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Oh woah. Thats different. Check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Can you name the other times that the president has denounced antisemitism . It is very hurtful for him in general because his daughter is jewish. His soninlaw is jewish. This lie that keeps going up trying to label the president as not being compassionate about that is totally false and preposterous. Whats the lie, bruce . You keep asking the president about, you know, denouncing. He has denounced it a thousand times. He has not denounced it a thousand times. When they. You are making up lies and it needs to stop. Steve you are making up lies and it needs to stolen. No matter how many times the president denounces racism its never enough for the Mainstream Media the director of communication bruce lone wolf is coming out and calling the Mainstream Media on it. He calls the media on it. Thanks for coming on, bruce. Thanks for having me. Steve whats the mainstream line against President Trump. This is what birthed the National Diversity coalition it was founded by Michael Cohen who is Jewish American and his father is the survivor a holocaust survivor. We have a lot of deep roots in the coalition that grew over 1 million plus signups past the campaign and all the way through his presidency. Its a lie that they tried to paint to make this president to be out something that he is not. We are here to defend him, steve, to the end. Steve so at every turn the playbook against donald trump is call him a racist. Call him an antisemite, right . Thats correct. This is ongoing, ongoing. I have dealt with this thousands of times all over many, many times on every show. They never bring any good policy or dialogue. They always start off the set with some race or some garbage. Steve you look at his personal history, his daughter converted to judaism. You know. Exactly. Steve donald trump through ivanka and Jared Kushner a kosher wedding. That doesnt sound like antisemite to me. No. Its not. Thats why its like i said, its crazy. And we will fight to the end, steve, you know. We will. We are committed. Donald trump, President Trump has kept his campaign promises. He has resurrected a pulse of america. And, you know, i invite all americans out there to stand up, stand strong, dont be scared because they are going to throw rocks at you. But you have got to keep going at it and throw a rock back. Stand strong. Steve bruce, i was reading that you have said in the past being a trump supporter down south has been trouble for you. Well, yeah. Its tough. Look at me. Im an africanamerican man in the south. I have been a republican my whole life. Im 52 years old. I started when i was 18 stuffing envelopes for reagan. Im committed. Im committed to the president. The coalition is committed. And, you know, it comes with the price, unfortunately. Its not favorable but im very optimistic that hopefully some day my prayers, these, you know, folks that are just so working against the president will finally wake up and see that he would be the best president this nation has ever had in the history of these United States of america. Steve all right. Bruce level, the executive director of the National Diversity coalition for President Trump. Bruce, thanks for joining us from atlanta. Thanks for having me, steve. Steve what do you think about that. Email us at friends foxnews. Com. Supreme court. Highest court in the land. He also left behind a son who is carrying on his fathers legacy in incredible way. Father paul scalia here with that next we always find a way back home with every early morning. Every late night. And moment away. With every click. Call. Punch. And paycheck. Youve earned your medicare. It was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. 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President trump now leaving that decision up to the states instead. Officials in new york and california have already promised to continue to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. Why do i think this debate will continue . Abby over to you. Abby thank you, pete. The soninlaw of the late Justice Scalia is writing his own opinion about his relationship with religion. New book nothing may be lost. Takes stories from scripture and cast them into a whole new light. With me is author of that new book author paul scalia. Good to be here. Thank you. Abby collection of writings you have done for years. Tell us about it . As you said a collection of things that i have written for various publications over the years. Over the past 20 years. And in a lot of it while i was in parish work. So they are different essays on scripture, on the saints, on the screments o sack cramen e Catholic Church. Receive them more devoutly. Thats the goal. Abby this is one of favorite excerpts from the book the human heart is created for the truth and the truth is meant for the human heart. Too often we separate these two or set them at odds with each other. Great liberal and conservative debates truth vs. Love dogma vs. Charity. In fact, these two are to be united and its part of a priests duty to establish that union. I love that. Abby well, yeah. Thank you. Exactly. Its very central to my priesthood to how i, you know, discerned to become a priest was seeing the need for the catholic truth, catholic doctrine to be expressed and taught in such a way people realize its for their good. Not just for their salvation but for their fulfillment in this world. We separate truth and charity. Truth is a dry thing sterile and need to combine these things saints paul said we have to do the truth in love and always combine those two things. Thats what i hope that a lot of these essays do. Abby a lot of it was through your upembryonicking and what you were thought. We know so much about your father Justice Scalia when it comes to the law. Tell us about him as a man and father. We have been connecting over. This im one of seven. We went to the same high school. We were laughing we both eat too fast because at the dinner table fighting to get something at the dinner table. Tell us what upbringing was like for you. A lot of people said news have been amazing the conversations at the table. Honestly, dad was dad. And even though he was the Supreme Court justice and we knew he had important job. We knew that somehow in a vague way. But he was dad. And he was probably like any other dad. He forced us into yard work. Abby you probably didnt want to do half the time. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. But, in looking back now, there is sort of a great reward in having had those times of, sense of, you know, doing things with him those are great memories now. Abby do you often think what would my dad do when you are in situations now . Gosh, yes, i do. Its more how we think through this situation . You know. And its regards the book, it will come as no surprise to anyone that my dad really, you know, he prides the catholic doctrine and truth that the Catholic Church enunciates but there was this great love for catholic liturgy the beauty the church has and in her liturgy and saints. I think he also lived that unity that the book tries to express. Abby where can you find the book . You said its out in march. Out in march. Its on amazon ignatius press. Both those web sites have it. Abby all right. That nothing may be lost. Good to have you here. Thank you. Abby lets ask the brand new v. A. Secretary. I could be fired right now. I mean, half of our viewers could be fired when they walk into work tomorrow for not doing their job or not showing up. You have v. A. Workers who sell cocaine or dont show up or view porn at work. Abby its a good one. Its an interview you will only see right here on fox friends. Veteran pete hegseth was able to snag it. Plus, did you see what katy perry did last night . She mocked President Trump. And thats not ivan all. More after this. I will never wash my hair again. New pantene doesnt just wash your hair, it fuels it. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. Whattwo servings of veggies . V8 or a powdered drink . Ready, go. Ahhhhhhhh shake shake shake shake shake done you gotta shake it i shake it glad i had a v8. The original way to fuel your day. This is the story of Green Mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets take a trip to la plata, colombia. This is boris calvo. Thats pepe. Boris doesnt just grow good coffee, boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even Better Coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. Thats blanca. Yup, pepe and blanca got together. Things happen. All this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee. Packed with goodness. A farmers market. Ve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Of course another big story is trumps ongoing feud with the media especially his tweet where he called the press quote the enemy of the American People and then the American People said nope, that would still be kale. No one likes kale. [laughter] abby thats hilarious. I love kale, really . I love kale. Especially when they fry it up and have you kale chips. Steve i have had that. Not too bad. Its wanna be lettuce. Couldnt quite be lettuce. Pete why have kale chips when you could have potato chips. Abby supposed to be healthier. Pete behalf. Abby do you like kale or not . Steve meanwhile, now something you only see on fox friends, exclusive interview, that man sat down with a brand new v. A. Secretary dr. David shulkin. Abby its a good one. Pete hegseth got a oneonone interview with the man tasked with still recovering deadly wait time scandal. Pete appreciate the opportunity to sit down with the secretary. Only six days on the job. Within his first week, this is a guy tackling the second largest bureaucracy in the federal government. Charged by donald trump 10 point plan to fix the v. A. Abby no pressure. Pete take on the swamp to do it. Sit down and ask you some of the tough questions, when you get to washington where you already are you need to have answers and be ready to go. This is what secretary shulkin told us on fox friends. So who is David Shulkin and why are you the man for this job . Well, im a physician by background. And thats really what defines me. In fact, i still see patients. I see them at the v. A. And thats my passion. Pete some have pointed out you are the first nonveteran to be the v. A. Secretary. How would you answer those critics . Well, im very respectful when i hear that and i consider this my greatest professional honor to be able to look after our countrys veterans. But when i talk to veterans and i have had the opportunity since i have been in v. A. For 18 months. When i talk to them about what they want from a leader, they want somebody who is committed to fixing the system and making it better for them. Pete you were a part of the obama, bob Mcdonald Administration on this. What do you say to viewers that say secretary shulkin is just the swamp . I came at a time of crisis when the v. A. Was in crisis. And i came to help fix the system. I have been in the private sector my whole life running big hospital systems. And i came to help fix things. Pete how do you drain the swamp at v. A. . Well, i made clear to the congress and going through the confirmation process, that if they expect the v. A. To be fixed, they have to give the secretary the authority to be able to fix it. And hold the secretary accountable. And thats what i really expect. And so im working now closely with the congress both the house and the senate to be able to make sure that we have accountability bill that allows to us make sure that if people shouldnt be working in the v. A. , they wont be working in the v. A. Pete i could be fired right now. Half of our viewers could be fired when they walk into work tomorrow for not doing job or showing up. You have v. A. Workers who sell cocaine or dont show up or view porn at work. Watch us. People who dont show up to work, who do cocaine and are watching porn at work are going to be fired because im not going to tolerate it. They are going to be out of our system. Pete one thing that sticks out to me added a voyeur cat of reform the v. A. Will not be privatized. Strawman oftentimes that is built of reformers. A vernal deserves the very best healthcare anywhere. So that means sometimes they should go out into the private sector if something is being done better than the v. A. Pete who will make that choice . The veteran. What im looking to do is to build a system of what i called integrated system of care. Best of the v. A. , the best of the private sector. Veterans able to take advantage of both systems. Pete what powers do you need to make sure it runs like a private sector hospital. So that it can compete so that veterans want to go to the v. A. This is what i am working with members of congress on and working with the president on to make that we have that ability. Our budgeting. We need greater flexibility. When i ran. Pete does that mean more money . No, that does not mean more money. Pete we have heard about more money and how more money is going to fix this. Im not talking about more money. Im talking about the ability to use the money that we currently have in a way that we can shift it to where the greatest needs are. Pete you are sitting in arguably one of the toughest positions in washington, d. C. You have 100 to nothing vote. For the first time you propose Something Real. The swamp is going to react. They are going to fight back. The unions, the democrats, the republicans, whoever doesnt like it, are you prepared for that moment . I have to tell you i do not experience, my discussions with members of congress that way. When you are talking about veteran issues, veterans arent republicans or democrats. They are purebred patriotic americans and actually members of congress treat veteran issues that way. The ig recently did another review of healthcare and wait times, and the recognition of the ig, even in january of 2017 was with all the billions spent, with the two years since the scandal, wait times have barely improved, in fact, have gotten worse in some places. Our focus has not been on the number of patients waiting because quite frankly there are people waiting for routine exams and eyeglasses. I wish no veteran had to wait for anything my fetus has been if you have an urgent problem you cant wait at all. Waiting three or five days isnt good. That day you need to be seen. Okay . So we have taken the number of veterans waiting for urgent consults from when i first came to the v. A. At over 57,000 were waiting more than 30 days for an urgent consult. Totally unacceptable to today almost none. Close to zero. Pete interesting. So you will be, of course, judged on those promises. Absolutely. Pete we will track those. We visit v. A. Facilities and ask veterans all the time. Steve we all want to do well. Is he not instituting his policy. Donald trump has a 10point plan and he put it on his desk and said okay, doctor, make this happen. Pete 245es what i asked him about. Make it happen. Hold people account being. Give veteran a choice as oppose to the bureaucracy telling them what they will do. Tomorrow we use the viewer questions some of which focus on. So same issues. We just asked fox friends viewer questions straight to the secretary. Abby have you tough questions. How are you going to drain the swamp . What if people fight back. Pete i was voted 100 to zero. You are going to get resistance. How with you going to fight back . He is going to see reflection in the v. A. Space. Abby great interview. Go over headlines with heather. Heather good morning to you. Violent protest he is breaking out in los angeles outside the home of a Police Officer accused of shooting a teen while off duty. Protesters flooding the officers front yard. Thats his front yard calling for criminal charges. They are smashing windows. Davidgeing cars. 24 people in all arrested. All of this comes as the lapd investigates a video allegedly showing the off duty officer fighting with a group of teenagers outside of his home when he pulls a gun and it goes off. So no one was hurt by that gunshot. The fight stemming from ongoing dispute apparently with the teenagers walking on his property. The officer says that he heard the teen threaten to shoot him. The teen claims he said that he would sue, not shoot. The officer is currently on administrative leave. Well, to new york city where the top cop is outright defying President Trump. James oneil vowing not to enforce federal warrants for Illegal Immigrants in internal memo he wants everyone, including Illegal Immigrants, to ask for help without hesitation, anxiety, or fear. City officials have been at odds for months over the president s plan to slash federal funding from sanctuary cities like new york. And finally, Hillary Clinton supported katy perry bringing her antiPresident Trump show on the road. Mocking the president and british Prime Minister dancing with skeleton puppets of the two leaders. Were going to dance, dance, dance keep it on repeat heather well, the oscars as well might want to check the politics at the door. During this weekends broadcast new poll found that nearly two thirds of President Trumps supporters say they will turn off the show if it gets too political. Those are a look at your headlines. Katy perry always had some white houses like houses dancing behind her and one of them fell off the stage. And there is that. Steve great. Abby thank you, heather. Steve meanwhile, coming up. Police officers told to hold their high fives because it is offensive on high five friday. We will talk to one mother who calls the decision ridiculous. Abby while you were sleeping the Trump Administration reversed prompts controversial bathroom order. Judge napolitano breaks us down what all of this means. Good morning with the rebel yell she cried, more, more, more in the midnight hour more, more, more gs than rheumatoid arthritis. Gs than before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and monitor certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Xeljanz can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate, and is also available in a oncedaily pill. Ask about xeljanz xr. Heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho its off to work we go heres to all of you early risers, whats up man . Gogetters, and shouldbe sleepers. From all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who cant wait to get out in it. Abby year night protesters hitting the streets outside the white house hours after the Trump Administration reverses the guidelines for transgender guidelines. Steve despite the guidelines the attorney general argued the guidelines did not fit the legal analysis of the law regarding title 9. Here with us is senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. While its being protested on the left say this is a win for states rights. Also a win for the constitution. Because out of blue, with no dispute before it, the Obama Administration issued a ruling to all School Boards that receive directly or indirectly federal funds, which is every school board in the United States. Reconstruct your bathrooms. So as to accommodate the needs and the gender migrations of all the lbgtq students have you there. And a school in virginia declined to do it, and a student and the students parents sued, and they lost and they appealed to the Fourth Circuit and the Fourth Circuit reversed the trial court and said rebuild the bathrooms. And then the school board appealed to the Supreme Court. On the eve of oral argument of the Supreme Court, the Trump Administration rescinded the Obama Administration order. So the order to all School Boards that receive federal funds, that is all of them to reconstruct bathrooms doesnt exist anymore so the case is now moot, meaning the decision on bathrooms is going to be resolved by local School Boards and not by bureaucrats in washington. Abby a win for states rights. Isnt it also a win for republicans pushing back saying we dont want to be told at the federal level. We want to handle it more locally . Well, this was a hot button issue in certain parts of the country during the campaign. Donald trump said he would do what, in fact, he did last night. Which was direct his attorney general on secretary of education to rewrite the regulations so as to let local School Boards control. The concept, were talking about this during the break, of federal briewts telling federal Bureau Democrats how to construct the school and run the school finds no comfort in the constitution whatsoever. If anything is local and should be out of the hands of the feds its the education of children. Pete does this mean it will get litigated at state capitols. Probably some states will go some ways. Ronald reagan says can you vote with your feet vote where you like the laws. All the best, guys. Steve coming up on this thursday, Police Forced to cancel high five friday at one school because it might make some kids uncomfort being there. Were going to talk to one mother who calls the decision by the cops to cancel it. Ridiculous. Shes next. Pete uncomfortable. Youve only had to run so far so good but you will come to a place where the only thing you feel are loaded guns our heart healthy idaho potatoes, americas favorite potatoes, and donating to local charities along the way. But now its finally back home where it belongs. Aw man. Hey, wait up. Where you goin . Here we go again. Pete hold the high fives. Police officers in a small massachusetts town forced to cancel high five fridays at an elementary school. Some worried a small few worried that union formed officers could upset undocumented children and minorities. Well, high five friday has ended right now. We would wait for the children to get off the bus. We would high five them if they wanted one when they got off the bus and they would go upon b. Their day. Pete sounds dangerous. Are parents blowing this out of proportion . Steve lets ask one. We have traditional shah kerry and her 10yearold son attends North Hampton elementary school. She joins us from boston. Good morning. Steve on days of high five fridays your 10yearold son used to love that day because he would just jump out of the car and find the cop and give him a high five. Well, i definitely have to say that getting him to school was a little easier on the days that the police were there for sure. Steve why do you think that is . You know, i think that the Police Brought their presence at the schools let the kids know they were human and approachable. Steve umhuh. And just establish a Good Relationship with them. Pete thats the whole point of communities and Community Policing is this idea that the cops are there to protect you and they are your friend. But that someone complained or a group of people complained. Can you explain what happened . Why did high five friday stop . So my understanding is mostly from social media. Steve okay. It sounds like small majority of the population was against ohio five fridays, this initiative. Pete how small . So, there was a meeting, apparently a parent felt that children of color particularly undocumented children or children who had previous poor experiences in the past with police would feel intimidated or threatened with Police Presence in their elementary schools. Steve did you say one parent complained and they stopped it . Thats my understanding. I wasnt at the meeting so unfortunately. Steve through social media. Exactly. Pete you would acknowledge that the point of the program is to make kids feel comfortable with police. So wouldnt that be the point with that child or any other child that you meet a Police Officer thats there to be your friend. Absolutely. I thought it was phenomenal initiative. You know, i also have an 18yearold son. Kind of know where things are going. Its important to me that my children feel that they can approach the police and have a good rapport with them. Steve you know, i know the police now are trying to figure another way to interact with the community and the kids as well. Would you support that . Absolutely. Thats my understanding. And even if high five fridays, that initiative didnt come back, i still feel like the North Hampton Police Department has extended the olive branch. They certainly let us know they are available on the streets for a fist pump or high five. When things like this happen i feel like we as parents need to take some initiative and have some responsibility, too. There is nothing from stopping me to taking my kid out on the street and engaging with Police Officers. I dont need high five friday to do that necessarily although it was a really nice, sort of convenient effortless initiative on the part of the North Hampton Police Department. Steve easier way to get your son to school on friday. Pete one person shutting it down feels a bit much. Steve thank you, trisha. Thank you so much for inviting me have. A good day. Pete can we do high five thursday . Steve thats enough. Pete come on. Kellyanne conway has not been sidelined. She will join us live to react to that fake news. Steve if she was sidelined, she wouldnt be here. And speaking of fake news dr. Oz is here answered wants to know can fake news actually change your brain and hurt your health . The answer is yes. He scans peoples brains to find out. Dr. Oz coming up next hour. Fox friends on high five thursday. Anything can happen anything can happen when did mixing food, with not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. The whole country booking on Choice Hotels. Com. Four words, badda book. Badda boom. Let it sink in. Shouldnt we say we have the lowest price . Nope, badda book. Badda boom. Have you ever stayed with Choice Hotels . Like at a comfort inn . T go wrong. I like it. Promote that guy. Get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. When you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Book now. With e trade you see things your way. You have access to the right information at the right moment. And when you filter out the noise, its easy to turn your vision into action. Its your trade. E trade. Start trading today at etrade. Com [shouting liar, liar, pants on fire] i think people are a bit upset there is a manufactured base in there. Do your job. Folks working against the president will finally wake up and see he will be the best president this nation has ever had. I have only been here for four weeks. Healthcare is moving along nicely. This kind of legislation is very intricate. People just need to calm down here a little bit. Trump administration reversing the rules on president obamas transgender bathroom guidelines. The decision on bathrooms is going to be resolved by local School Boards and not by bureaucrats. Finding a second earth is not just a matter of if but with when. Thousands returning to their homes destroyed by water after historic flooding in california. Theres no place in america for hatred or acts of prejudice or violence or antisemitism. Hello cpac. President trump will be the first sitting commanderinchief to speak since Ronald Reagan. Days go by i can feel the fire like a hand out the window in the wind the cars go by its all weve been given. Steve its already thursday. This is fox friends. Today we have abby and pete. Abby pete hegseth. Steve its such good news that now there are more planets out there that we have discovered because now. Abby i know where this is going. Steve more planets can be subjected to kale. Pete kale. Steve did you miss this sound bite from the first hour of fox friends . Another big story is trumps ongoing feud with the media, especially his tweet where he called the press, quote, the enemy of the American People. [laughter] then the American People said no, that would still be kale. We dont like no one likes kale. Steve and so what happened in the first hour of fox friends was abby actually said she loves kale. Abby i love kale. Steve pete said it tastes bad. Pete she says she loves kale chips which i have never heard of. Abby then dont judge. Abby we asked our producers if you can get us kale chips. Producer said i dont think they sell kale chips at the vending machine. I think pete is winning this battle. If you are out there and like kale and support what im saying, let us know what you think because i need some help. Pete tweet atable buy. Abby on every menu now like brussels sprouts today. Steve more money. Look, fancy lettuce. Pete fries on every menu, too. Steve kale to the chief. Pete well done. Steve lets talk a little bit if you watch the Mainstream Media you would think at every town hall in every Civic Auditorium in the United States of america there is an organized effort that is organic where people are complaining about our new president , donald trump. Pete thats right. Its always about the voices being heard of voters and constituents and citizens from the Mainstream Media but always pushed back, always fight back against whether there could be any organization at all. Take a listen. Hostile homecoming, angry crowds erupt confronting republican members of congress all across the country. Americans across this country determined to have their voices heard. Republican members of congress holding town meetings with constituents are facing loud protests from opponents of President Trump. Some voters angry with President Trump. Others demanding more from congress. Is professional agitators were lurking in the line outside the Jefferson Parish library today, we didnt meet them. These protesters dispute that anyone was paid. Still the tension is gaining traction. Could you pay protesters if you wanted to . No. So the networks are denying that there are these outside organizations when, in fact, i think it was last week on cbs Dean Reynolds spoke to the father of two who got his marching orders from a website, a progressive website and then chip reid interviewed the founder of progressive web site as well. We know for a fact Barack Obamas organizing group ofa, organizing for action is paired up with a group called indivisible. And what they have done is had a six week training operation to train these people to go out and organize these particular town halls to make it look like everybody is against our new president. Abby so interesting though. We just showed sort of the Mainstream Media coverage of how these have been playing out. You compare that 8 years ago the rising of the tea party. The coverage could not have been more different. Look at some of these headlines. This is abc back in 2009. Getting ugly. Cbs 2009. Unruly protest. Is this the New York Times beyond beltway hot debate turns hostile. Its interesting to see how both of these are protests in their own way. One seems peaceful. People letting out their own thoughts and the other is angry and up in arms. Pete people wonder why the left stream media. Abby is that your new name for it. Pete of course. Totally slanted. They have done it to themselves. Pick one side of the argument and rahm it down your throat using different words. Use words like voters and constituents and citizens. But when they talk about the tea party 8 years ago it was astro turf. They were racist. They were angry, they were screaming, they were loud. People are smart enough to look at those clips from whats happening right now, watch protesters shouting down congressman. Thats not a town hall. Thats shouting town. Steve thats a town brawl. Pete you are good at that this morning. Steve its the coffee. Abby must have had a kale milk shake. Steve is that whats in there. Abby do you know the difference . Tea party had agenda. They had something they were fighting for. Their whole thing was we want the government out of their lives. Im still trying to wrap my head around what these protests are about. What they are so angry over. Really to me it seems like theyre against donald trump or want to get him out of office. That seems to be their main goal. Pete it is. Steve targeting congressman up for election at the end of next year. And they are saying hey, look, you are supporting that guy . Are you kidding . Well, if you are supporting him, we are not for you. Abby guess what, 10 senators running for reelection in two years. States won by donald trump. They need those seats because right now republicans control the house and the senate. They cant afford to lose more seats. Steve republicans feel they could pick up six of the 10. Pete what those republican congressman senators need to realize they win when trump wins. If economy comes back and economy is revived they will be successful. If they start running for the hills now and abandoning them the protesters get what they want. Steve they are only talking to the protesters on the Mainstream Media. Talk to people for donald trump we met a number of them traveling down south of our nations capitol. So people came up and said donald trump is getting so much done. Its refreshing that a politician would keep his word. Anyway, Kellyanne Conway a trusted advisor to the president. Target of fake news seeing a cnn report that she has been sidelined from tv appearances is not true. Pete counselor for the president setting the record straight to fox news as she gets ready to head to cpac with mike pence. Abby Griff Jenkins at cpac. By yourself this morning but soon its going to be packed. Reporter thats right, abby, steven, and pete. Its not a town hall. This is truly the wood stalk for conservatives largest gathering of conservatives. Kellyanne conway will kick it off on the stage behind me. We suspect she will address rumors of fake news. There was reports that she had been sidelined by the white house as counseled from going on television. She took to hannity last night to address those reports. I dont think i have to explain myself if im not going to go on tv for a week. Im out with four kids for three days looking for houses and schools. A lot of my colleagues arent trying to figure out how to be a mother of four kids. I assure you. Five of what im being asked to do in this white house counselor role is tv. Thats about right. He is the president now. He is his own best messenger. Reporter now, we are in the 44th annual cpac. Its been going since 1973. Whats really special is that President Trump is speaking he will be the first president since Ronald Reagan to address this crowd in its first term. In 1981 Ronald Reagan did that. A year ago candidate donald trump did not come here because he was worried that he wouldnt appear conservative enough for this group. But this year he has done a lot of things. Mike pence, his Vice President , a huge conservative star and picking neil gorsuch a favorite of conservatives. We caught up with matt schlapp the chairman of cpac here and he talked about the significance of this year. I want republicans to realize that for the first time in a very long time and i want conservatives to realize for the first time in a very long time its not about what we would do if we had the man mantel of government on our shoulders now its about what will we do. Its about getting into the weeds and details of what those policies are. Reporter and we will hear from senator ted cruz, reince priebus, steve bannon and our own judge jean pee jeanine pirr. Abby she knows how to rile up a crowd. That will be fun to watch. Steve she sure does. I was thinking about how we started this hour how we are talking about how the Mainstream Media trying to depict all this town hall stuff. Its so antidonald trump, obviously. These are trained protesters who are out causing trouble according to things that we have read. So, all the networks are leading with that. And, yet, i wonder how many of the networks tonight are going to lead with cpac where people have a protrump message . Pete dont hold your breath. Abby i already know how that is going to play out. Pete they will hear from President Trump. You will hear from him maybe more directly. Steve i hope. So fox friends were actually going down to washington, d. C. For the address the president is going to make on tuesday night before the joint session of congress. On monday appear were going to sit down with the president in the east room of the white house and ask him questions on our mind and if you have got something you would like to ask the president , please email us friends foxnews. Com. You can facebook us or tweet us at the fox friends site. Pete very cool. Abby i love that. Steve all three. Pete cool. Steve were trying to get the curvey couch in the overhead bin. Pete you need to do that. Steve might have to take the train. Abby lets get over to other headlines with heather childers. Heather i dont know if it will fit. Spiking of protests, breaking out overnight at the white house just hours after President Trump revokes president obamas transgender guidelines. The policy allowed students to choose their bathroom based on gender identity. President trump now leaving it to the states to decide. Judge napolitano joined us earlier saying it is a win for liberty. The order to all School Boards that receive federal funds. That is all of them reconstruct bathrooms doesnt exist anymore. The case is moot. Meaning the decision on bathrooms is going to be resolved by local School Boards and not bureaucrats in washington. Gvote with your feet go. And live where the laws are that you like them. Heather already promised to continue allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice. In just a few hours secretary of state Rex Tillerson and dhs secretary john kelly sit down with mexican president nieto. Come over immigration crackdown and construction of a border wall. And we just learned that the new executive order and travel ban will not come until next week. It will target the same seven countries, except visas, green card holders and legal permanent residents and drop the immediate ban on syrians. This is really awful chilling new evidence that could help solve the murders of these two teenage girls. Police in indiana releasing the voice of the killer who murdered Abigail Williams and liberty german. Officers believe that liberty courageously recorded him as he demanded that they move down the hill. Cops hoping that someone will recognize this voice so listen closely. Down the hill. Down the hill. Down the hill. Heather absolutely chilling. Investigators found the recording along with a picture of the suspect on libertys phone. The girls vanished during a hike last week. And those are a look at your headlines. Thats the suspect right there. Abby thank you, heather. Steve coming up on this thursday, meet the man who wants to become the new face of the dnc. I think that donald trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment. Abby wow. Steve is that kind of talk okay. Former congressman democrat Dennis Kucinich is going to join us live on that next. Pete want to destroy property while protesting . Sure, just get ready to say lose yours. Sounds fair, right . The tough new crackdown coming. Maybe its not too late z2a1fz zx9z y2a1fy yx9y batteries you can trust against the ear hair you cant. Without them youre conducting business with an armpit on the side of your head. Thats not just some battery. Thats a duracell battery. Thats a power you can trust. Withevery late night. G. And moment away. With every click. Call. Punch. And paycheck. Youve earned your medicare. It was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. Thankfully, President Trump does too. I am going to protect and save your Social Security and your medicare. You made a deal a long time ago. Now, its congress turn. Tell them to protect medicare. Befi was active. Gia, i was energetic. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. He also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. 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Steve well, the Democratic Party taking a hard left turn as that man, democratic congressman from great state of minnesota, Keith Ellison arguing to impeach President Trump. He is currently about the leader of the pac over at the dnc. The race is going to be held on saturday down in atlanta. Here to react Fox News Contributor and 2008 democratic president ial candidate and somebody who actually does love kale Dennis Kucinich. Congressman, good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Steve all right. Keith ellison, you like him, right . Keith is a friend of mine. I have known him for years. Steve do you think its appropriate at this stage barely a month in to be talking about impeachment . No. And, you know, i am someone who has actually participated in a debate over one impeachment when president clinton was in and voted against it. And also offered impeachment resolutions for another president relating to iraq. Its a very high standard. And its a destabilizing process. And while the government right now would appear to be shaky to some people, i think that we have to be very careful in putting that on the table so early. Steve absolutely. Meanwhile, you know, here in new york city, the cover of the New York Daily News is the hell we will. It talks about how the top cop here is not going to follow President Trumps immigration guidelines that he has issued in the last couple of days. There is a new poll out from harvard that shows that 80 of americans dont want sanctuary cities. The cities that arrest illegals should turn them over. 80 support that are we at a Tipping Point with the sanctuary city thing where people in cities like new york city, if theyre going to want the federal money they better, you know, forget about the sanctuary city business . Well, there is a couple different issues here, steve. First of all, congress does have the authority, if it chooses, to put restrictions on federal tax dollars and who can receive them. But i want to say there is another principle here that doesnt get much discussion and that is the principle of home rule and popular sovereignty. When the federal government was create created it was thought of preserving the rights of states and even localities to be able to rule themselves, popular sovereignty, home rule. And thats a conservative principle. What were doing here is enabling Big Government to create a big foot. Steve conservative principle somebody is in the country illegally and been convicted of various felonies and they are supposed to be deported, they should be deported. You know, if someone has committed a Violent Crime and been convicted of a felony, i think there are federal laws that provide for enforcement. Steve sure. However, this is another area here, steve, which is fine to put local Law Enforcement under control of the federal government. Steve lets see what happens. Thank you, sir dr. Oz is next. Hi, im frank. 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Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Abby back with the quick headlines, democracy dies in darkness. The Washington Post debuted a new online slogan the paper insists it has nothing to do with the criticizing the media began slogan to launch a new snapchat channel. New york times ignore another best selling book. Todd starnes book deplorables guide to make America Great again selling enough copies to hold the number two spot but it is nowhere to be found. The book is on several other best selling lists including amazon and u. S. A. Today. Pete the failing New York Times. Steve heard the term a lot lately but can fake news actually change your brain and impact your health . Pete interesting. Dr. Oz is a fake news victim and that exactly is what he wanted to find out. Abby the host of dr. Oz show dr. Mehmet oz joins us now good morning. Good morning. Abby how our brains are impacted when it comes to fake news. Steve fake news, victim yourself. I actually wrote a piece on this new york observer. Topic of todays show. Play it out quickly. Social experiment. We took women, conservative and liberal and exposed them to fake articles that we had written by a real scam artist Justin Culler actually notorious for he agreed to do. This liberal who wrote articles that catered to the alt right. Wrote negative articles about his own candidate its about the money. Its not go about the agenda. Here is what they did. They wrote the fake articles. We showed these women these articles and looked what was going on in their brains. We put eegs on their brains and see what happens. The neurobiology of the brain. What goes on inside there this is what was most shocking to me. Women react weathered they read an article that didnt agree with physical beliefs as though they were being physically attacked. They lit up like a fire cracker. What ends up happening is you have these visceral instinctive responses to the information. You are not thinking it through. Like a fish being hooked in and reigle yoreeling you in. These scoundrels know how to write the articles. Tunnels under the mexican wall. Fake article. Women got irate about that. Climate change advocate jailed by donald trump. Fake news. Woman who we tested felt strongly that was terrible. Her brain lit up like there were fireworks in there. Pete what got you so interested in this in the first place. I have been dealing this 10 years. When i was back doing the oprah show before my show launched i was doing programs this is good antioxidant next day there would be at the time fairlfair primitive ways of takg advantage of that these are all fake ads. I dont sell anything. Steve your picture is on it. You would think thats illegal. Strictly speaking it is. No one is going to enforce it. Abby those are all fake ads who is to blame. Biggest companies in america are partly to blame. No question there are really bad people making ads and making hundreds of millions of dollars off them. The problem in america is the biggest most respected companies in america are looking the other way. Steve like google and facebook. Stuff like that . I admit its hard to do. They are Successful Companies who are good at so many things. I know if they wanted to tackle this they could and they will. We had the leader of the entire organization who actually has these guys as part of his membership. On my show giving a plea out to say listen, clean the neighborhood up. Its unsafe to walk in the web right now. And fake news is hurting us at so many levels. Part of it is us. We have to be aware before we share. Part of the reason why i was science of the brain being hacked by fake news is if you can realize its your emotions driving you, maybe you will take a step back and leave a quick checklist i should leave with your audience look for you should not be taken. Be aware before you share. Check the urls out. Steve little line at the top that shows where it came. From a lot of times they will put extra letters in there it wont say fox news. It will say foxs news. Number two check the sources. Is it legitimate source. The idea is huge, other reputable sources as well. Doublecheck that. One big one real journalists dont write all their letters in caps. If its all in caps, guys, theyre looking for you. Steve they are yelling at you. Its fake. Abby dangerous stuff. Im glad you leaked deeper in it. Pete potato chips or kale chips . Steve oh, please, its dr. Oz. I brought the kale chips for you. Abby love it oh, i love it. I want you to have some. Abby we got to go to commercial. Steve thanks a lot. Pete we will be watching the show. Steve from fake news to baked news. Pete i dont like baked chips. I like frida fried chips. Steve where has Kellyanne Conway been . The Mainstream Media says she has been sidelined. Can you say fake news . She is not sidelined. She is joining us next taking what theyre giving because im working for a living hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Looking for clear answers for your Retirement Plan . Start here. Or here. Even here. And definitely here. At fidelity, were available 24 7 to make Retirement Planning simpler. We let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your Retirement Plan, youll always be absolutely. Clear. Time to think of your future its your retirement. Know where you stand. Time to think of your future this is the story of Green Mountain coffee and fair trade, told in the time it takes to brew your cup. Lets take a trip to la plata, colombia. This is boris calvo. Thats pepe. Boris doesnt just grow good coffee, boris grows mindblowing coffee. And because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm to grow even Better Coffee and invest in his community, which makes his neighbor, gustavo, happy. Thats blanca. Yup, pepe and blanca got together. Things happen. All this for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. Green mountain coffee. Packed with goodness. Mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Right now find our queen c2 mattress at 599, save 200. Sale ends sunday. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Whoa, whoa everybodys dreaming big whoa, whoa everybodys just getting by abby just like her momma. Your shot of the morning. How is this for lesson in civics. Thats ivanka trump taking her daughter to the u. S. Supreme court to hear the justices argue a case in person. Pete bella trump walking down the steps after getting front row seat in the courtroom. Steve ivanka trump tweeting im thankful for the opportunity to teach her about the judicial system in our country firsthand. Pete very cool. If i took my 5yearold he would be kicking the seats. Abby typical boy. Steve get the word from the white house firsthand from Kellyanne Conway who joins us from the north lawn. Kellyanne, good morning. Hi. Steve thanks for joining us this morning on fox friends. The other channels, apparently, are freaking out about President Trumps revoking president obamas transgender bathroom guidelines. Can you explain from the White House Point of view why this is a victory for states rights . This is all about states rights. The president believes in federalism and he thinks the state each state has the right to decide what is best with respect to this particular issue. Steve and i know Going Forward the president wants states to determine it, but what in the argument, i saw that apparently the language in the obama executive order was a little vague when it came to how exact there pertains to title nine and Going Forward they will let the states decide on a casebycase basis what to do, right . Thats correct. If released statement by attorney general jeff sessions, he has made clear we need more judicial analysis on this particular issue. But this is very consistent with the president who has promised to bring power back to the states. That which is not reserved to the federal government belongs to the states. Steve okay. Pete Mainstream Media is also covering Something Else quite heavily this morning these liberal town hall protests mostly republican members of congress. Some are going so far suggesting these are republicans dissatisfied with President Trump which when you look at the actual evidence of who these many professional protesters are just seems absurd. Set the record straight if you would about what youre seeing at these socalled town halls . Well, i think its a combination of people. Some people are upset with an election result they didnt see coming. And the fact that this president , a man of action and impact is actually keeping his promises at very fast clip early in his administration. Nobody should be surprised that President Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do. I know washington is not accustomed to that i frankly think the country is not accustomed to having president ial leadership of that sort. This is what he prom policed to do and this is what he is acting on in very quick fashion like brilliant businessmen do. Secondly, you see people who are concerned about the swiftness of change. Have you some members heeding that call and taking their questions. I just dont hear a lot of solutions. Thats what concerns me. Protesting is covered unelsd the first amendment. Thats all fine. But come up with your own solutions. You know, the Democratic National committee has been without a permanent chair for seven months. The Opposition Party is exactly that these days. They belly ache and money and complain about most things. I havent heard any solutions. Its just like Hillary Clinton in the campaign. What was her message let alone her positive mast message. Donald trump ad, im not donald trump. Thats not a message. If you listen to these folks, some of them are echoing and articulating fears that are unfounded and are not going to be realized by this president. He said he would repeal and replace obamacare. Why . Because we want it to be more patient centric. Have you counties in this country that have one provider. You have people you have had insurers pulling out of the market saying that obamacare is a quote death spiral. We have got to do better. Get people covered who arent. And we certainly are going to have middle class tax breaks. This president is doing things to boost wages. To open up these pipelines to create jobs, to renegotiate trade deals, to have a sovereign country with borders and so that we have respect for borders the way that we are helping to respect and fund other peoples borders. Abby also let the lawmakers go out and speak and let their constituents hear what they have to say most importantly. I want your thoughts on Something Else. The media also reporting about you, kellyanne, that you have been sidelined by the trump team. Whats your response this morning . Well, here i am. [laughter] steve you were on tv last night. How sidelined was that . I was on tv last night. I offer to go on tv often. First thing, the questions for me are different than for some other people here. I dont know why i would have to explain myself but okay i will. I spent the last several days with four kids looking at schools and homes in d. C. And i actually think now that were in the white house, i have said this for many months before these silly articles with people close to the white house, former campaign officials, whatever that means. Abby where do those come from . I dont know. I think it builds you up to tear you down kind of town. Thats all right. Im focused on why we are here. Im focused on the president s agenda, what he has entrusted all of us on his senior team to do for him and for this nation. We are playing long ball here. He will be here for eight years. We recognize that we recognize that there will be people who will be trying to throw crocodiles in our way. Look, all that aside, i do feel, you know, that there is a different sets of questions for me. But, now that he is president , he is his own best messenger. The message of the day and what needs to be communicated and connected directly with the American People comes mostly from president donald trump. I have said for months that i wanted to reduce my tv exposure, my press portfolio mostly because i think he is his own best messenger. He had a press conference last week, 77 minutes, 17 yes, sir. Two days later he had a rally in florida. Sean spicer is our press secretary, im not. He does the Daily Briefing and he press shop. There are many different ways we are communicating with the public. I recognize if i am on tv other people arent. So maybe folks on the outside would like that, but i also cant worry about it because he is the president. And we are here to impact peoples lives. You have to really keep our eye on the ball. This country, for 24 consecutive years e gave its president s two terms. This country decided that with president s clinton, george w. Bush, and president obama four years is not enough for them to execute and deliver on their vision. Four weeks certainly is not enough time for folks to judge the accomplishments of his presidency. Steve i will tell you what, he has gotten so much done in the last four weeks with the executive orders and we know much more is to come. Its interesting. Some of our producers, kellyanne, have been monitoring the other channels. And when they refer to at least in one cases where they were talking about the speakers at cpac, which is going on today, Going Forward down in our nations capitol area, they refer to the speakers as fringe. Im the opening speaker but okay. And President Trump and Vice President pence will be there. Steve doesnt sound very fringy to me. Actually majority party. Lets just review. We have the presidency, the vice presidency, moist of the governorships, almost 1,000 state legislative seats went democratic to republican under the eight years of president obama. Thats not called coincidence, thats called causation. We have majorities in the house and senate. This country has decided it wants action not gridlock. And this is the man for the time. I think that President Trump shows a real realignment of the movement as well. And you will see that at cpac. He will have a heros welcome tomorrow at 10 00 a. M. Eastern when he speaks and. So rest of us in the administration are speaking as well. The reason is, he, like many of these young people, are outside of government. They are not particularly enamored with politics but they believe in Public Policy and they think enroach coaching and overreaching federal government religious liberty, overregulation, taxation, governmentrun healthcare, they want somebody in leadership who is going to stop this encroachment overreach of the federal government. Secondly, donald trump is not a legacy politician. He is not a bush or a clinton. He is his own new type of nonpolitician leader. Thats very much in keeping with what many of these young conservative and libertarian members of cpac believe in themselves. They are not really institutional. They are not about the establishment and the elites. So he really is a man for this time. I was there last night sitting with fox news sean hannity for an interview. And the energy in the room. Cpac hadnt even officially started but the energy in the room, the excitement people have about solutions and specifics, you cant deny its very you can contrast that to the dnc chair race where they cant come to consensus. They have no real message. They are the Opposition Party, the party of no. I feel really good about where our party and the movement are. But most importantly where this white house is. Pete kellyanne we only have a moment left. Beyond cpac and we know what the next executive order is going to be on immigration. Can you give us a preyou have a beyond that with the executive orders and energy they have given, can you give us a sense of what might be next . There are a number of things in the pipeline being discussed by legal team. I wont get into those since he has his joint session to congress on tuesday night which is very exciting otherwise known as the state of the union whennot your first year your first term. So i wont get ahead of the president , but i would remind everyone all have you to look at are all of his promises because is he a nonpolitician so theyre not really promises they are vision and plans. Youve seen already everything from pipelines to getting out of t. P. P. To loosening those regulations on the coal miners, the manufacturers. Is he still talking about cyber security. Pick a card, any card. I think people just arent really accustomed to this and they are getting used to it. You will see a number of executive orders coming forward. You will see the president at that joint session talk about the legislative solutions he will be working on with congress. Obviously repeal and replace obamacare, tax relief, infrastructure big ones. Steve all big. We will be looking forward to that plus, kellyanne, you did mention a joint session of fox friends in the east room of the white house. [laughter] monday afternoon we are going to interview the president of the United States. Were inviting our viewers if they have got a question for your boss, the president of the United States, to email us friends foxnews. Com. Thats fantastic. We look forward to that thank you. Abby good to see you this morning. Take care. Abby President Trump promising as you just heard big league tax reform. Property man bob massi says it could change everything especially if you are in the market for a new house. He joins us next were going to rock this country were going to rock u at night. Nexium 24hr. Shuts down your stomachs active acid pumps. To stop the burn of frequent heartburn. All day and night. Have we seen them before . Banish the burn with nexium 24hr. To err is human. To anticipate is lexus. Experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. Experience amazing. Abby welcome back. Well tax reform under President Trump could lead to Big League Home buying and remodeling. So what do you need to know . Lets bring in fox news legal analyst bob massi. He is also the host of the property man. Bob, good to see you this morning. Good morning, abby. Abby off the top we were talking to Kellyanne Conway, tax reform this is coming, this is going to be big for a lot of people. Yep. Abby how can we prepare for it . Well, lets talk about remodeling and lets talk about things you need to look for. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is when they go remodel is they dont use their licensed contractor. They may get a very qualified handyman that can come in and make the additions, the problem is that is a big mistake. If youre going to remodel your home you get a licensed contractor, make surety permits are pulled. Look at yourself, if you are going to buy a home and see a room edition, abby, the first thing you as a buyer is was that done by a contractor, does it meet code . Is it the way it supposed to be. If you do a makeshift bandaid thats going to be a problem when you buy a home or sell that home. Abby thats interesting. What can effect timely Home Improvement . Payout. Let me tell you. Lets say you are going to put a room edition on and say its going to cost you 75,000. There is a thing called construction control. What that basically means is a third party, usually the bank, if somebody is involved with basically a loan that was taken out, they will pay directly when as each section gets done the contractor and subcontractor. The reason thats important is you always want to make sure that those people that youre dealing with that you never meet, the people that deliver the materials to the house, that things for the roof, whatever it may be, you dont meet those people. You dont know if they are paid. If they are not paid abby, they could put a lien against your house. Construction control is a very big part whether you are building a home or remodel to make sure everybody is paid and there is no liens against your house. Abby quickly, you have been talking about these contractors, whats the impact of Home Improvement if its not done by a licensed contractor . When you and i sell our home, abby, we have a responsibility to disclose everything to that perspective buyer. If we put a home editio he addin on and we dont licensed contractor and permits werent pulled that could cause a problem. By the way, before we go, when you buy a home, even if you know that it was done by a licensed contractor, i always tell my clients go down to the county, make sure permits were pulled, make sure it was done the right way, make sure it was signed off so you know that when you are getting exactly what you are bargaining for. At some point you are going to have to sell it again. If you want, you have a disclosure issue all the time. Abby super helpful. Bob malicey, thank you for being with us this morning. Thanks for breaking it down. Thanks, abby. Abby if you have a real estate question email foxandfriends. Com. Thdemocrats may have found another way. How one state is trying to strip your Second Amendment rights any way they can do it. Thats next. All fired up all fired up fired up whoa check this out. Theres always kings hawaiian rolls inside. Whoa irresistible kings hawaiian foods. Coming this spring, barbeque sauce. sfx 2 kids scream ways wins. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. Pete the cost to protect yourself is about to get much higher in the state of connecticut if new legislation passes, the renewal feel for handgun permits would, get this, quadruple fee would increase from currently 70 to 300. Fees for background checks would increase from 50 to 75. And state republican lawmakers and gun right supporters have outraged and rightly so. Could this stop some from exercising their constitutional right . Here to discuss is director of education for connecticut for the Group Connecticut carry his name is Ray Johannsen. Thanks for being here this morning. Thanks for having me. Pete where do you think the idea came from to raise these fees . The idea to raise these fees was actually chill the right to exercise the right to keep and bear arms in connecticut. Pete so the governor, governor maloy. Umhuh. Pete has been sort of a gun protection or how would you frame his perspective . I think governor maloy and his administration has been very hostile to people in the state of connecticut who wish to purchase and carry and possess firearms. Pete so he is using this as a budgetary argument but instead you think its a Second Amendment Chilling Effect . I dont necessarily see this as a budget argument. They have already stipulated that this is not a fund to administer the pistol permit. We havent seen any budget requests for additional personnel and special licensing and firearms. And they have also admitted that the increased fees would actually go to the general fund rather than to special fund. Pete your Group Connecticut carry. Do this cheaper instead of having to tax people. We want to make sure that peoples rights are being protected but also pragmatist when we realize that the pistol permit process is there. We want to be able to streamline it as well as reduce the cost of administering the program. Pete isnt it ironic the left howls every time there is a voter i. D. Law that could impede someones right to vote but then they jack up fees impeding on the right to bear arms . Right. I think people will make an analogy to a poll tax. This is a perfect analogy to that where we are using the cost of a pistol permit to prevent people from actually exercising their rights. Pete easy way to think about it Second Amendment poll tax. It cost you so much defers people from doing it. Absolutely. Thats the intended consequences of the rate increase. Pete Ray Johannsen thank you for being here. I really appreciate it. A huge show still ahead. Laura ingraham, Texas Governor abbot and senator paul join us next hour. You better stick around were going to rock this town rock it inside out make them scream and shout rock, rock, rock you wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. A fire truck. Even a marching band. Et. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. We ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. [shouting] i think some people are clearly upset but there is a bit of professional protester, manufactured base in there. If you listen to these folks, some are echoing and articulating fears that are unfounded. Only been here four weeks. Health care is moving along nicely. This legislation is very intricate. People need to calm down here a little bit. Foot Trump Administration reverse rules on president obamas transgender bathroom guidelines. The decision on bathrooms will be resolved by local School Boards and not by bureaucrats. Finding a second earth is not just a matter of if but when. Donald trump already has done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment. We have to be very careful putting that on the table so early. Hello, cpac. Trump ongoing feud with the media, especially his tweet where he called the press, the enemy of the American People. The American People said no, that would kale. Nobody likes kale. [laughter]. Steve our own couch fired up over the jimmy fall been joke how kale is the enemy of the American People. Pete and i hate kale. Pete yes. Steve be abby loves it. In fact dr. Oz abby gigantic thing of kale salad he brought for his breakfast. It is so chew which. Like really thick lettuce. Pete like eating my lawn. Abby this is the first time pete tasted kale in his life, you asked me one of the best questions ever, do men and women have different taste buds . Pete there is basic dynamic. Guys likes potato chips. I will get in trouble. Abby first time ever. [laughter] you know its good. Steve try one of these. Salt and vinegar potato chip. I will try eight. Abby i had no idea kale was so controversial. Email and fox friends blowing up. There is no middle ground. You either love kale or hate it like i do. John emailed begin knee pig that loves kale and gets it every single morning, does that count . Steve no, john, that does not. Marcy emailed, when my goats get in the garden the only thing they wont eat is the kale. Abby our own john roberts emailed me, his favorite salad is kale with brussels sprouts. Pete this is test, if you have one final meal in prison is anyone ever going to order kale . Never. Steve do it in new york city, trendy restaurant on both coasts. Not a big fan. Laura ingraham will settle it. Abby come on. Abby is totally right. Abby thank you. Thank you. [cheering] pete, you know now all feminists are going to say youre a misogynist. Yesterday i had my lunch with my political director john, he had a salad. John, are you getting kale. He said no. I got kale and spinach salad and hazelnuts and blew berries. It is so good. At the end of the lunch, my daughter comes home from school, mom, you got some big green stuff . So i have been Walking Around the whole afternoon with green junk sticking out of my teeth. It tasted food. Abby laura ingraham. She is just like you. Pete badge of honor. Steve talk about a badge of honor. If youre progressive seems like youre encouraged to go to the town halls. Mainstream media says look, these are not organized, we know organizing for action Barack Obamas Political Action group are working with a group indivisible. They have a manuel. If you go make sure you take pictures. Unless there are pictures it didnt really happen. Be noisy and make a lot of racket. This is obviously happens. Im sure people go because they heard about it. This is becoming a social club for the embittered left, these town hall events. Some people go and really angry. Theyre upset hillary lost. They want to make their voices heard. I have no problem with that. That is fine. That is part of the democratic process. Let the congressman and senator speak and ask a question. It should be a conversation. I think when you watched someone like senator grassley or chaffetz, i think they did a good job. They did a good job answering questions. I didnt have any problem with that. The left is using this as a way to try to put, salve on the wounds on leftwing activists who are the core of the Democrat Party. I have a suggestion for a lot of these folks. If they really want to be as effective as tea party which wasnt centrally organized much to the chagrin of conservatives, maybe start protesting town hall events of democrats and senators and congressman who routinely miss the signals of the middle class in this country that has turn away from the Democrat Party to the republican party. That is what the tea party did. They for the most part were protesting against republicans failure to stand up and then they made their voices heard on substantive issues on obamacare and overspending. Abby you use words like substance and solutions all these things. How can you be effective when you dont have any of that to back it with up . We had Kellyanne Conway last hour, that is the biggest problem, theyre not talking about any solutions. Take a listen to what she said. I just dont hear a lot of solutions. Thats what concerns me. Protesting is covered under the first amendment, that is all fine. Come up with your own solutions. The Opposition Party is exactly that these days. They bellyache and complain about most things but i havent heard solutions. Donald trump bad. Im not donald trump. That is not a message. Listen listen to some of these folks. Some are echoing fears that are unfounded. Abby that is the problem. What is their platform. What do they stand for . That is the big question for democrats, isnt it . I think it is about exerting what little power they have. What republicans had to do and what they did frankly rejecting the old burke establishment gop they said, you know, this hasnt worked. No offense to the bushes, no offense to the old ways of doing conservative politics and globalization and all these megatrade deals, no offense that. It didnt work. Well try Something Else. It is unconventional. It is some ways not conservative. It is nonidealogical more pragmatic approach to governance. Well try that for a while to see if that works. The democrats they dont want to do that. They never want to look in the mirror to have a conversation with themselves about, gosh, maybe nancy pelosi wasnt as effective as we thought . Maybe the pushing the social agenda which really turns off tens of millions of faithful catholics other christians and frankly even some muslims around the country, maybe we should focus on fixing our economy and giving people a better chance making a better life for themselves. They have gone so far left, so far radical i think theyre actually hurting themselves, not helping themselves at these town halls. Pete laura, speaking of democrats going left and going right, right seems some level of fiscal conservatism breaking out on democrats. They want to pinch pennies over inmill graduation enforcement. Steve can we afford this . Pete what do you make of you all these representatives coming out saying it cost too much, we cant do it . We wrote a piece on lifezette about this could congressman i believe he is from new york, i believe he is on new york, went on and on about the cost of deportations an border wall. I love it because, you never hear democrats talking about trying to save money. They believe in spending gobs of money on things that frankly dont work, or throwing more money at the welfare state. What a lot of us believe when you tackle the issue of border enforcement and immigration enforcement, give meaning to the sovereignty we are entrusted in our country, you will save money in the long run because the Heritage Foundation study on this a couple years ago determined it was 54. 5 billion a year is what we spend on the illegal immigrant welfare and various other federal programs, public schools, health care, that they invariably get when theyre here. 54. 5 billion. 20 billion leaves the country in remittances every year. Im looking for republicans moving forward on taxing that. Tax remittances leaving the country going back to salvadore, honduras, mexico. Where are the democrats on that tax . Pete money they dont want to touch. Steve we have a sound bite from him where rereveals on television a number of his family are actually in this country were at one point illegally. Listen to this. We were here on a visitors visa. We overstayed our visitors visa. Eventually we were here without any documents. Actually had to go back to the Dominican Republic for our green cards. We faced the predictment, had we not gotten our green cards we would have been stuck there. Steve what do you think. That worked out for him. I hear a lot of Illegal Immigrants are in the shadows. Theyre showing up at he protests, town hall meetings. Theyre graduating from universities. Some are being arrested for ms13 gang violence. The whole thing about in the shadows. Retire the phrase once and for all. Nobody is in the shadows. Most of the Illegal Immigrants are working. A lot for cash. Others using false documents. President trump is doing what most people in the country believe is the right thing. Tackle the criminal aliens first. Make sure the border begins to get enforced as it should be. Apply laws more evenly. That is, much less, that is much less irrational than the policies weve had now. So he is doing what most people want and the left is going to continue to whine and moan about it. Full team ahead. Abby on monday fox friends will sit down with President Trump. We asked the viewers great. Abby we asked viewers to send in questions. If you could ask him one question, laura, right now, what when will the administration start putting real pressure on republicans in congress to move forward with a real repeal and replace of obamacare. This can not be put off and we need to have real weight from the white house being applied, pressure being applied from the white house through the congressional liaison. This has to be seriously done, seriously considered. That can not wait until the end of the year. This has to be done and done well. We have to bring down the cost of health care. I would press him on the pharmaceutical companies and everything happening with the rise of drugs and big pharma. He said he was going to do asking on that. So far looks like there is some backoff on that. I would press him on both things. Steve i have a feeling well do just that. Going back to my kale omelette. Abby your teeth are perfect and clean. Abby i cant get this kale taste out of my mouth. Pete i was gargling coffee in break. Abby what do you think about kale . I prefer spinach. Im old school. A small group of liberals triggered by President Trumps decision to revoke the president obamas transgender guidelines, protesting at the white house. They allow student to choose their bathroom based on gender identity. President trump leaving to the states to decide. Judge napolitano joined us earlier, saying a solid win for liberty. The decision on bathrooms will be resolved by local School Boards and not bureaucrats in washington. Ronald reagan said you can vote with your feet. Sheriff where are the laws that you like them. Officials in california continue to allow transgender student to use the bathroom of their choice. Just hours from now secretary of state Rex Tillerson and dhs secretary john kelly sit down with mexican president nieto. The meeting comes amid tension over President Trumps immigration crackdown and construction of a border wall. Weve learned that the new executive order and travel ban, that wont come until next week. It will target the same seven countries. Exempt visa and green cardholders and legal permanent residents and drop the immediate ban on syria. That is the news for it. Abby thank you, heather. Steve by the way i have an observation. I actually now love cale yarborough. Abby i love it. Pete chip it better. Abby who doesnt love a good potato chip. Meet the man who wants to be the new face of the Democratic National committee. Donald trump has already done a number of things which legitimately raise the question of impeachment. Pete hmmm. Chief National Correspondent ed henry on that live. Abby look at that photo of him. music plays heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho heigh ho its off to work we go heres to all of you early risers, whats up man . Gogetters, and shouldbe sleepers. From all of us at delta, because the ones who truly change the world, are the ones who cant wait to get out in it. What makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts. R . Because the ones who truly change the world, the best simple veggie dish ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. The best simple dinner ever . Heart healthy california walnuts. Great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. So simple. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Right now, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Sale ends sunday go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Steve months after Hillary Clinton lost the election the democrat appear to be changing their strategy Going Forward. Abby the party taking a hard left. Pete joining us now with the evidence, chief National Correspondent ed henry. Good morning. Reporter good morning, guys. You have seen Elizabeth Warren take on a bigger role in the party leadership. Top two contenders for dnc chair will go to atlanta on saturday to vote. Those top two contend remembers hardcore liberals. Former obama labor secretary perez and congressman Keith Ellison. He had to distance himself from defenses of controversial nation of islam leader louis farrakhan. The president , President Trump seems happy to exploit the left ward shift, tweeting yesterday, one thing i will say about representative Keith Ellison, in his fight to lead the dnc he predicted early that i would win. This was ellison in 2015. This man has got some momentum and we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket. [laughter]. I know you dont believe that but i want to go on. I have to laugh. We had Jesse Ventura in minnesota win governorship. Nobody thought he would win. I Stranger Things have happened. Reporter ellison thought he was right and a lot of media figures laughing it off in 2015. Ellison was suggesting last night that donald trump should be impeached. Last night on fox friends Dennis Kucinich said, whoa, that is. The government would appear to be very shakery. We have to be careful putting that on the table so early. Reporter Maxine Waters democrat from california had choice words for republicans and the president and his cabinet and also suggested there should be impeachment. Were barely a month in, guys. Abby unreal. Steve they cant get used to it. Thank you, ed. Reporter good to see you. Steve liberal mayors vowing to defy President Trump and keep their cities sanctuaries for the country illegally. The executive order will not change how we enforce the law in new york city. Were going to stay a sanctuary city. Youre safe in boston. Steve that is boston and new york and elsewhere. In texas, Governor Greg Abbott says that will not happen in the lone star state. He joins us live next. Pete i sat down with the brand new boss at the department of Veterans Affairs at the va. When will he Start Holding people accountable . He answers that question in my exclusive interview coming up. Ve works . You might be surprised. 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Police in indiana releasing the voice of the killer who murdered Abigail Williams and liberty jordan. They believe liberty courageously recorded him as they moved down the hill. They hope someone wail recognize the voice. Listen. Down the hill. Down the hill. They had to have been terrified. Investigators sounded recording along with the picture of the suspect on libertys phone. The girls vanished during a hike last week. That is the suspect. Lawmakers cracking down on violent protests weve seen on around the country. Rioters in arizona destroyed property that is not theirs will hand over their own stuff. Yep, the senate approving a law allowing property to be seized from anyone who plans or takes part in a protest that turns violent. Those are the headlines so far. You like that one, pete, right . Pete i do. Abby unreal what is going on there. Thank you, heather. Steve were joined from our nations capitol with the governor of the great state of texas. Governor greg abbott. Good morning to all three of you. Steve great to have you. When we were down at the super bowl talking about how in one of your counties in texas, one of the sheriffs there will not cooperate with the federal Government Regarding saying wear bring cities. Bring us uptodate what is the latest with that situation . The latest because that sheriff has now adopted a sanctuary city policy as governor, i defunded government grants to that city, to the tune of 1. 5 million. But that is just the starter. We now have passed out of the texas senate what is called senate bill 4. What senate bill 4 does is impose real penalties for sheriffs in county like this. It has fines that could add up to about 9 million a year. It adds real penalties including the possibility of criminal penalties for Public Officials who adopt sanctuary city policies. We, this is passed out of the senate. We look to have it pass out of the house. I will be signing antisanctuary city law into law in the state of texas here in the coming month. Texas will come down hard on any city, any county, any public official that adopt as zing wary city policy. Steve governor are you suggesting that the sheriff of that county in texas could be actually arrested . Yes. Under this new law, if you have a public official including a sheriff, who continues to adopt sanctuary city policies after this ban goes into place, they could be criminally prosecuted and themselves wind up in jail. The place where they are releasing dangerous criminals from. Pete dont mess with texas. Abby youre so passionate about this, governor. Because you see this every day. You see this firsthand. What message do you have to President Trump and lawmakers and people around the country that may not be on board with more Immigration Reform and building the wall . As i said, you see this in your state every single day. We need to see the consequence of what the sheriff in Travis County did. She has in this month alone, in february, she has released 50 criminals from her jail including a criminal who is charged with sexually assaulting a woman. Including a woman who sexually assault ad child. Putting them back out on the streets where they can commit more crimes. This is dangerous. I will not allow it as governor of texas. Here is what we need from the Trump Administration. The Trump Administration has articulated exactly what needs to be done the what we need, we have a need for speed. We need congress to fund this so the Trump Administration will rapidly dei mr. The resources he promised to dedicate to the state of texas. Pete youre talking about funding for i. C. E. Agents or Border Control agent or for the wall itself . Youre saying hey the executive orders are fantastic, set the right priority, leadership is shown and ultimately you have to fund it, that is the problem of the wall in the past as well and making sure our Law Enforcement officers are supported . Exactly right. A plan accomplishes nothing. It has to have funding that goes with it to have the plan executed. We know the way the funding mechanisms work. It takes time for this to get into place. They need to hire the people, train the people. Get them into place. While all this is happening we continue to have people coming across the border illegally. Remember this the number one place in the United States where people are coming across the border illegally is in the state of texas. Let me make one quick point here. I was reading a story about a local constable in the rio grande valley, pointing out that a lot of the people who are coming across the border, theyre not from mexico. He says it is common to see people coming in from china and obviously from central america. These are people coming in from across the entire world. People need to understand the magnitude of problems were facing. Steve sure. I know our secretary of state Rex Tillerson is meeting with mexican officials today along with the secretary of the department of homeland security. Not surprisingly, governor, apparently the country of mexico says theyre not going to accept the new executive orders via donald trump. In fact they may actually go to the United Nations to complain about how we are treating people who are in this country illegally. Slightly different than that let me narrow this down. What mexico is talking about that you were referring to the notion of what the president suggested, and that is that the u. S. Would deport to mexico everyone that came across the border. Not just citizens from mexico but citizens around the world texas would be sending them back to mexico. That is what mexico was pushing back against. That is why secretary tillerson is down there to work out the issues about that. Bottom line, though, that we wont have these issues at all if the night begins to step up and finally do its responsibility, protect our sovereignty and secure the border. Abby governor you see it every single day. We know what youre talking about. Thanks for being with us. Pete texas versus the u. N. That is fight i like. Steve there you go. Abby teens in his own front yard and offduty officer is under investigation for trying to protect himself . Pete plus can anyone fix the department of Veterans Affairs . I took that question debtly to the new boss. Youre sitting arguably in one of the toughest positions of washington, d. C. First time you propose Something Real, the swamp is going to react. Are you prepared for that moment . His answer to that, much more in my exclusive interview with the va secretary dr. David shul kin coming up. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Withevery late night. G. And moment away. With every click. Call. Punch. And paycheck. Youve earned your medicare. It was a deal that was made long ago, and aarp believes it should be honored. Thankfully, President Trump does too. I am going to protect and save your Social Security and your medicare. You made a deal a long time ago. Now, its congress turn. Tell them to protect medicare. Steve now an interview you will only see on fox friends. Exclusive oneonone with the new va secretary David Shulkin being sworn . Abby pete got to sit down with the man fixing the system still recovering from a deadly waittime scandal. Pete spoke to him. Six days on the job. New position. Tough spot for him. Va secretary David Shulkin, he may have the least favorite job in washington, draining the swamp of one of the worst bureaucracies. Who is David Shulkin, why are you the man for this job . Im a physician from my background. That is what defines me. I still see patients. I see them at the va. That is my passion. Pete some point out youre the first nonveteran to serve the va as secretary. How would you answer the critics. Im very respectful when i consider this. This is my greatest professional honor when i look after my countrys veterans. When i talk to veterans, ive been in va for eight type months, when they want from a leader is committed to fixing the system to make it better for them. Pete you were part. Obamabob Mcdonald Administration on this what do say to viewers, secretary shulkin is just part of the swamp . I came to the va in time of crisis. I came to help fix the system. Ive been in the private second for my whole life, running big hospital systems. And i came to help fix things. Pete how do you drain the swamp at va . I made clear to the congress and going through the confirmation process that if they expect the va to be fixed they have to give the secretary the authority to be able to fix it and hold the secretary accountable and thats what i really expect. So im working now closely with the congress, both the house and the senate, to be able to make sure we have an accountability bill that allow us to make sure if people shouldnt be workings in the va, they wont be working in the va. Pete i could be fired right now. Hatch of our viewers could be fired walking into work tomorrow for not doing their job or not showing up. You have va a workers who sell cocaine or dont show up and view porn at work. Watch us. People who dont show up to work, do cocaine, watching porn at work will be fired. I will not tolerate. They will be out of our system. Pete one thing sticks out, va will not be privatized. Privatization is the straw men built of reformsers. A veteran deserves the very best health care anywhere. That means times they should go out into the private sector is something is being done better than va. Pete who will make that choice . The veteran. What im looking to do, build a system of integrated care, the best of the va, the best of the private sector, veterans able to take advantage of both systems. Pete what pow do you need to make sure it runs like a private sector hospital, that it can compete, that veterans want to go to the va . Im working with the what members of congress and president on. To make sure we have that ability. So our budgeting. We need greater flexibility. When i ran a hospital pete does that mean more money. No, that does not mean more money. Pete we heard how more money is going to fix this. Im not talking about more money. Im talking about the ability to use the money we currently have in a way that we can shift it to where the greatest needs are. Pete youre sitting in arguably one of the toughest positions in washington, d. C. You had 11000 vote, first time you propose Something Real the swamp is going to react. Theyre going to fight back, the unions, the democrats, republicans whoever doesnt like it. Are you prepared for that moment . I have to tell you i do not experience my discussions with members of congress that way. When youre talking about veteran issues, veterans are not republicans or democrats. They are purebred patriotic americans and actually members of congress treat Veterans Issues that way. Ib did another review of health care and wait types and recognition of the ig, even in january of 2017 was with all the billions spent, with the two years since the scandal, wait times have barely improved, in fact gotten worse in some places. Our focus has been not on the number of patients waiting because quite frankly people are waiting for routine exams or eyeglasses. I wish no veteran had to wait for anything but my focus has been if you have an urgent problem you cant wait at all. Waiting three or five days isnt good. You cant wait at all. That day you need to be seen. Pete okay. So we have taken the number of veterans waiting for urgent consults from when i first came to the va at over 57,000, were waiting more than 30 days for an urgent consult, totally unacceptable. To today, almost none. Close to zero. Pete interesting. So that, you will be of course judged on those promise. Absolutely. Pete well track those as we always have. We visit va facilities and ask veterans all the time. In addition well be asking him tomorrow viewer questions which were submitted. He will answer those. Abby he will respond. Great questions. Pete i hope he does. Abby a lot to tackle there. Heather what is going on with headlines . More headlines. Good morning to everyone at home. Protests breaking out overnight outside of a home of los angeles Police Officer trying to protect himself from a group of violent teenagers. All this outrage is over this video take a look. The man in the played shirt is that officer. Around you can see a group of teenagers attacking him in his own front yard. Seconds later, that officer shoots into the air. [shouting] [gunfire] he shot into the air. His yard. No one was hit. Fight stemming from on going dispute with the kids walking on his property. Two of the teenagers were arrested. That officer now under investigation, and on paid leave Vice President mike pence rolling up his sleeves between a vandalized jewish cemetery. 200 headstones damaged in st. Louis. The vp condemning the criminal act. There is no place in america for hatred or acts of prejudice or violence or antisemitism. There have been more than 60 bomb threats as well in the last month. Avid Hillary Clinton supporter katy perry bringing her antitrump show on the road, mocking the president and british Prime Minister. So the skeletons meant to take a jab at two leaders as the back up singers dressed as white houses. Oscars, might want to check the politics at the door though. New poll showing 2 3 of President Trump reporters change the channel when award shows get political. Abby no surprise there. You expect it at this point. Abby thank you, heather. Pete thank you. Abby rand paul being branded by the liberal media as President Trumps top stooge. The senator will react to that next. Steve he has to be crazy about that. He fell in love with elvis music when he was newspaper years old. I introduced him to my darling and while they were dancing steve wow. Getting a chance to play the king on the silver screen. Pete he has the hair now. Jailhouse rock jet. Talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. [ rear alert sounds ], by Willie Nelson ] [ music stops ] again just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and you can lease this 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. Plus a 500 president s day bonus. Steve all right, senator rand paul being branded by the liberal media as President Trumps top stooge. But since when is siding with the president such a bad thing . Joining us to react kentucky senator rand paul. Senator, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve new York Magazine says youre trumps most loyal stooge because while other members of your party have some opposition to mr. Trump you seem to want to actually try to advance his agenda. Haters are going to hate, what are you going to do . But what i would say the evidence is quite to the contrary. Im probably one of the most independent senators on the hill. I work with democrats, i work with republicans. If i like what the president is doing, i think a lot of what he is doing is good, im happy to support it. Im not embarassed to support conservative policies but i was only republican that voted against a budget that would have added 9 trillion in new doubt. Im hardly someone who is afraid to tout the party line. Steve it was probably click bait. We clicked on it and you agessed it. Thank you, sir. You were with us 10 days ago about your senate bill 222, which is the obamacare replacement act. What is the status on that right now . I think it is gaining momentum. The House Freedom caucus, 40 of the most conservative congressman have endorsed it. That is a big deal. And they have introduced a version of that. Congressman sanford from South Carolina has introduced a version in the house. Now we have ours in the senate. I think conservatives coalescing around the idea we dont want obama care light. House freedom caucus, myself, other conservatives said we want complete repeal of obamacare. Thats what we voted on a year ago. Do it again and complete repeal and do a separate replacement package not another Big Government program, but market reforms that bring down the price of insurance. Steve sure. What do you make of some criticism from the left, and from certain members on the right as well, that the republicans have an about trying to get rid of obamacare. Now theyre on the verge of being able to do something about it but they dont have a plan . You have actually got a plan and some other guys an gals do too, right . Not only do we have a plan, many aspects of our plan have been around 20 or Third Quarter years. Hoof of my replacement bill was taken from tom prices legislation, why we think the administration will support it. It is basically three things. Legalize the sale of all kinds of insurance, inexpensive insurance. Health savings accounts with the tax credits so you can save, deductible, copay, weight loss, vitamins, exercise. The final aspect of the plan is to let individuals join in an association. What really worries people, whether republican, democrat or liberal, someone in your family will get sick and the Insurance Company will drop you or raise your rates. If everybody were allowed to join an association, that would never happen again, people would get less expensive insurance also. Steve interesting. What about some of the other things people like with obamacare, if you have a preexisting condition, you know, you would be covered and also, it would allow parents to have their children on to age 26 . Is that one of the ideas behind it as well . On the age 26, that would probably stay or go under the repeal aspect, not the replacement aspect. I suspect that is probably going to stay. On the preexisting condition, if you let people buy insurance after they become sick, if they wont buy it when theyre healthy around buy it when they are sick, that is the death spiral obamacare is in now. We let people sign up for two years. During the two year period, sick people will be able to sign up. Then you have to keep insurance because we cant have people going in and out of the market. That really leads to an untinnable business model. Steve well see what happens in the senate. Senator rand paul, thanks very much for joining us today. Thank you. Steve meanwhile, moving on changing in subjects, he fell in love with elvis music when he was only nine. I introduced him to my darling, and while they were dancing steve got the voice down and the look. Drake milligan is here to perform live. Lets check in with Shannon Bream for preview what happens on the channel. More executive action from the president as he prepares to address congress and the nation. Well dig into what is new. Dip into cpac, the most conservative within the gop kissed and made up. More raucous town halls. Who is organizing and footing the bill but how many are good ol fashioned americans. All that and more. Bill and i see you at the top of the hour. Abby we are so excited about this our next guest fell in love with Elvis Presley when he was just nine years old. Pete since then he has taken his talent from the stage to the screen. Now he is stepping into elvis blue swayed she is for the new cmt series, sun records which is premiering tonight. Steve 18yearold Drake Milligan joins us live from fort worth, texas. Good morning. Steve you were eight years old, your family goes out to eat for supper, next thing you know, there is elvis impersonator. I want to be one. I was enthralled and Read Everything i could about elvis and started watching all videos and everything. Abby youre a texas boy though. Fort worth. Abby who would have thought you would be impersonating elvis. Its a journey. It is cool. Pete as you have learned more about him, done your own impersonations what draws about Elvis Presley . He was a humble person. He never forgot where he came from. You hear stories about him giving away cars. I think that is so cool. Abby do you do elvis all the time or go back to drake . No, no. I like to stay myself most of the time. I like to stay myself most of the time. Steve you have the elvis voice, how do you do that . Something i kind of fell into. Steve he not only sounds like him but really sounds like him. You are doing a number for us . Absolutely. What number . All shook up. Steve Drake Milligan. Im in love, im all shook up ooh. Yea, yea. Well my hands are shaky and my knees are weak, i cant seem to stand on my own two feet, who do you think, im in love im all shook up ooh, yea yea. Well please dont ask me what is on my mind, im a little mixed up but im feeling fine, when i met a girl that i love best my heart beats so it skies me to death her lips are a like a volcanos that hot. Im in love, im all shook up, ooh, ooh yea yea ooh, ooh. Yea yea im all shook up. [cheering] vo maybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. Kelley blue books most trusted brand. And best overall brand. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. The whole country booking on Choice Hotels. Com. Four words, badda book. Badda boom. Let it sink in. Shouldnt we say we have the lowest price . Nope, badda book. Badda boom. Have you ever stayed with Choice Hotels . Like at a comfort inn . Yep. Free waffles, cant go wrong. I like it. Promote that guy. Get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed. When you book direct at choicehotels. Com. Book now. Another big story is trumps ongoing fight with the media. The American People said it would be kale. Kale is the enemy of me and pete. Abby loves it. This morning weve been asking you what you think. The email machine melted down. Email from tiffany who said the only person who likes kale in our house is our pet tortoise buster. David says you yankees eat the strangest foods. If you come to louisiana your taste buds will change and youll never eat those things again. Peter writes, get worn out trying to chew the stuff. Only a cow has a strength to chew that stuff. Its good for your hair and skin your nails. I dont mind having bad looking hair, skin and nails. It may be organic. These have a flavor enhancer. Yuck. An email from a guy named michael. Kale, not food. Its what food eats. Have a great day. Enjoy your kale today. Its good for you. Well be back on the couch. Until then time for americas newsroom. Bill were watching two big initiatives from the trump white house. First the administration undoing the Obama Administration guidelines on transgender bathrooms and now were getting new key details to the executive order on immigration. Were watching that. Im bill hemmer. Bream is back. Shannon im Shannon Bream in for martha maccallum. President trumps revised order definitely the white house gets rid of federal guidelines on transgender bathrooms in schools put into place by president obama saying it will be up to the

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