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So is the clinton camp throwing huma under the bus. Looks like it. Then, Hillary Clinton and her team declare war on the fbi. Look, you cant break both of these protocols and leave it up in the air with a question mark. You owe people the complete information. In fact, its not just strange, its unprecedented and it is deeply troubling. Back off, everybody. Is she the victim . Who caused this . Were going to talk about that. With only eight days left until election day, one of the largest newspapers calling on all democrats and the news media to demand Hillary Clinton step down . Wow. Please, put something on. Your mornings are better with friends. Of course, brian, you always are telling people to put clothes on in the morning because you have the vision of everybody in america standing there naked. Today is halloween. So put on a costume. Not only a vision. I got confirmation. What . Herman cain is only partially dressed right now. Stop. How do you know that . He said to me, i saw him in atlanta and he said to me, brian, when you say that, almost every day i am getting dressed at the same time and im thinking to myself, how does he know . Is that incredible . Thats incredible, yes. Youre assuming everybody goes to bed naked then. Right. Ive heard enough. Lets move on. What a big weekend. After the show on friday, unbelievable. We have a fox news alert. Were going to tell you the latest on whats happening with humas emails. Theres 650,000 emails found her husbands laptop, anthony wein weiners. There was a warrant. People were wondering. Do they have a warrant to read these . Now the warrant has been issued. Apparently ned a warrant to look through his regarding his sexting with an underage minor. But now yesterday apparently the fbi did get a warrant. Heres whats interesting. As they go through the 650,000 emails and apparently the feds were working through the weekend to look through them, heres what some feds think might be on there. They think those 33,000 missing emails could actually be on this particular laptop. Which would make sense. Mr. Comey said theres pertinent information regarding the clinton email server investigation on the laptop. That would make a lot of sense. That would connect a lot of dots. That would be a blockbuster. What do you do if youre at Clinton Campaign . Youre stunned, on your back and you believe the wikileaks stuff. They couldnt believe she was doing this with a private server. When this comes out, they need a strategy and quick. Heres what their strategy is. Here is robby mook. There is someone who knows whats in all those emails and thats huma abedin. Has secretary clinton asked her whats in those emails . Well, chris, the problem with what youre saying is we dont know where the emails are from. Youre making an inference that it could have been huma abedin. Your dwguess is as good as anyo. Im asking a question. Has secretary clinton asked her what was on that laptop . She hasnt. She hasnt. Thats unbelievable. They also say Hillary Clinton hasnt spoken to her number one confidant on the planet, huma abedin, which is unthinkable and illogical. We can all assume that huma abedin was the one married to Anthony Weiner, i think we can conclude that, who might have the same email and have the emails turn up on her laptop. Theyre lashing out and saying, hey, james comey, show me what you have. We want to see them. Really . Do you really want to see all those emails . Huma abedin has the right, like any of you and any of us, to go and make them all public. Chris wallaces point is, if she doesnt have anything to hide, why doesnt she tell us whats in the emails. Sure. We dont know if theres classified information on them. We dont know. We know its pertinent to the investigation. She backed up her blackberry or whatever device she uses on to that laptop that belongs to her husband. Its great to know that they had access to the 650,000. Donald trump was concerned about in late july. Wouldnt anybody be. Heres the thing. If its not classified, what else could possibly be on there . Could it possibly show that somebody it would prove that somebody lied to the fbi during their investigation, which culminated in the first week of july. That would be a crime. So when you look the sad part about all of this, the Justice Department working against justice, which is the word justice. The Justice Department working against the fbi. They say dont go out with this. The fbi is saying why shouldnt we . The new york office perhaps is looking into it on their own. Over the weekend people were saying, theres got to be a revolt within the fbi. Weve kind of touched on this. People in the fbi were upset with comey because he said she did lie about classified information, she sent classified information. She said she used one device, he said she used more than one. Theres 33,000 missing emails. After all of that, he didnt indict. So now theyre bringing forth this investigation. So over the weekend, all my friends were saying, this must be big. It must be big for james comey to state his reputation on this. Taking it from all sides. These are the Ongoing Investigations. You knew that the hillary server was investigated. However, it was revealed that a few Clinton Foundation, thaefrpt, the fbi after the server he decided not to recommend charges in the server case, then in july they started looking and refocusing on the Clinton Foundation to find out whether or not there was any financial impropriety there. It involved four field offices and also the third regarding carlos danger, Anthony Weiners sexting case. The fbi agents here in new york were looking and saying wait a minute, were looking at the meta data. The stuff you can look at. They have these Hillary Clinton email server return addresses along with state. Gov. Thats when the light went off and somebody said, this could relate to the Hillary Clinton thing, lets call the boss and thats how we got where were at. The meta Data Information is they got positive hrc emails. Fox news learned last night that theres simply, and democrats like to think differently, there is no way, none at all that comey would have gone forward without knowing something about what substantially is inside. You know whats interesting too, brian, the guys were investigating it in weiners emails, they did call the boss. Guess who the boss is . Andrew mccabe. The gaia fi affiliated with mcauliffe. Theyve all been blaming james comey. Trent gowdy was on a special report with bret baier. Hes clear. Theres one foeperson to blame. Its not james comey. Hes not responsible for a single fact at hand. He didnt tell her not to turn over her devices and got knows he didnt tell Anthony Weiner to send sexually explicit texts to allegedly underage people. Comey is not responsible for any of this. The timing is a direct and natural consequence of decisions that Hillary Clinton made. So i get that podesta is upset. Brett, remember, he didnt each know about the email situation and then he thought it had been taken care of by mills and kennedy. I get that hes frustrated. Hes frustrated at the wrong person. So the question is, do you care . A recent study said 71 said i dont care. 29 do care of that study and 29 could decide this entire election. I thought it was noteworthy that the Chicago Tribune has a columnist named john cass. Alleging. Hes been around a tough guy. Hell write on everything from the cubs to whats going on in this election. He said something astounding. Listening to what he wrote yesterday. Think of a nation suffering a bad economy, continued chaos and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president. The best thing would be for democrats to ask her, meaning hillary, to step down now. It would be the most responsible thing to do. If the nation were more important to them than power. The American News media or not firmly identified in the public mind as mrs. Clintons Political Action committee, should begin demanding it. He is not a conservative columnist. Thats huge. So this is barack obama, president obamas hometown. This is her hometown sometimes. This is her hometown newspaper saying that she should step down . How many months ago was it that members of the Mainstream Media were talking about how the Republican Party, the gop, should Ask Donald Trump to step down and they had all these machinations about how that would work. Ultimate ultimately, her hometown paper saying she should do it. If she did step down, would it be kaine because hes on the ballot or joe biden. Shes not going to step down. That makes it easy. Shes quoting scripture. Theres a lot of praying going on right now, no doubt about it. Donald trump going all out on the Hillary Clinton renewed investigation into her email server. And hes taking his message on a lastminutes push in michigan and an effort to win traditionally democratic states. John robert joins us from grand rapids, michigan. There have been bad days and good days. These seem to be really good days for donald trump. Reporter good since james comey sent that letter. Were outside of grand rapids where donald trump will be later on today. You say wait a minute, isnt this the state that barack obama won 5445 over mitt romney in 2012 . I know you all had the percentages at the tip of your tongue. Yes, it is. The Donald Trump Campaign is saying even though the real clear politics poll shows Hillary Clinton leading by seven points, they have internal polling that suggest the race is closer than that. Maybe just three points. Thats why donald trump is here in michigan today to see if he can flip this traditionally blue state red. Also the race tightening up nationally. The latest abc news tracking poll. Well get another one today. This is from yesterday. Its a point apart. 46 to 45. Thats a gain of donald trump of eight points. Thats an amazing trajectory. In michigan, he will continue to talk about the fbi investigation being reopened. All of the emails as he did over the weekend. Dont ask me where we were because i forget. But suggesting that maybe all those missing emails that Hillary Clinton deleted suddenly may have been found. Here he is in albuquerque, new mexico. Now the fbi has found, youre not going to believe in one, this just happened, another 650,000 emails. I think thats called the mother lode. I think they found them all. How do you have that many emails . What do you do, sit down all day and keep typing. Hey, no wonder nothing gets done in our country. Donald trump critical of the attorney general for trying to strong arm the fbi director to not send that letter to congress suggesting without any proof, we should add, that maybe shes being bribed here. That Hillary Clinton is offering her the attorney general slot should she become president. By the way, the rnc, rps Republican National convention happy where they are in early voting. In florida, republicans are up. 64,000. Democrats up in person voting. 41,000, the net more 22,290. Back to you all. Very good. John roberts. Weve got so much on this halloween edition of fox and friends. Who is behind that door in the hallway . Monty hall. The ghost, goblin or the congressman with a law background talking about where we go from here. Thanks, congressman. Great to be with you. Are you ready . . You gotta be ready. Oh, im ready i mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to compete . Ready to welcome . The floors, matsspotless. The uniforms, clean and crisp. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Im ready for you everybody wants a piece of ready. Cintas, ready for the workday. Glad youre up. Is attorney general Loretta Lynch credibility in jeopardy. Tried to squash the fbis letter to congress and reopening Hillary Clinton investigation. Why would she do that . This months after lynchs private meeting with bill clinton aboard a plane on a phoenix tarmac that made her recuse herself from this investigation. Was she ever really recused . Joining us now is republican congressman. Its pretty clear whats been going on for some time. June 27th is when the happenstance meeting on the tar mark. Wasnt happenstance. You cant have that a happen stand meeting on a tarmac. Then Hillary Clinton sits down for 3 1 2 hours and the very same day, according to the New York Times, friends close to Hillary Clinton say she wants Loretta Lynch to stay on as attorney general. If hillary even indirectly indicates that she would like her to stay on as attorney general, its a crime. You have a situation now where the Justice Department tried to tell james comey before he came out with this letter he better not do this, really shouldnt do this. How concerned should we be about how our government is being run . Well, its very clear for a long time the Justice Department has been used as a democratic tool. You look back at 92 when four days before the election, walsh came out and announced indictment of bushs bush 41. Thats right. H. W. Bush. Announced indictment that helped them win. It made it seem like bush 41 was trying to hold hide his role in irancontra. In the big picture, i got tohis. 78 of republicans in states like pennsylvania are only going to vote for trump. 91 sounds like a lot but not enough in North Carolina. Ultimately, if things trend this way and donald trump is to lose, you could say its because republicans didnt vote for him. Hed be right when you say that. This is so serious. This is not about trump. This is about hillary not appointing scalias replacement. If she does that, 4 out of the 10 original bill of rights will be gone. Republicans know that. Do you think this will change anything real quick . Too many have been told by the republican leadership, protect yourself, run from trump. Well, were all going to live or die together in this election. We need to come back and make sure that hillary doesnt win. The crimes that have been committed need to be investigated and it will never happen if hillary is elected. Congressman, you were not originally going for trump. No question. No choice. Louie gohmert, thank you so much. Great to be with you, brian. Still ahead, a lot. Capitalizing on the obamacare disaster. Is it enough to move the needle in critical states like new mexico. A new document on what he says will end up with hillary arrested. Look out honey. The highly advanced audi a4. Aint got time to make no apologies. Good morning. Welcome back to fox and friends. Were back with a fox news alert. Panic on the runway. A possible bomb threat from a passenger forcing hundreds of people to evacuate their plane overnight in florida. Twitter Video Showing Police removing someone from the plane but reportedly not until two hours later. More on that story as we get it. Another alert right now. That deranged killer who sparked a massive eightday manhunt in oklahoma was killed in a shootout with Police Officers there. Officers quickly moving in on Michael Vance after he was spotted camping out in a field. He was wanted for allegedly killing two Family Members and shooting at responding officers. An out of control car plows through a group of nascar fans sending nearly 2 dozen people to the hospital. This happened after a race at Martinsville Speedway in virginia. Horrified witnesses saying that the truck driver tried to pass another car and then lost control in a crowded parking lot. No charges have been filed at this time and were wishing all the victims well. Thank you very much heather. Donald trump going scorched earth on obamacare. The Trump Administration will immediately repeal and replace obamacare. Federal Health Care Premiums are scheduled to skyrocket. Skyrocket across the country. How is this going to impact the swing states . Here to break down the numbers the chairman of business and finance at Kings College here in new york city. Brian, bren berg. Professor, good morning to you. Good morning. Fridays october surprise from james comey, we got the Affordable Care act surprise which was a gift for donald trump. Absolutely. The data has been so bad, on premium increases and deductible increases. In North Carolina, the increase is 40 . In pennsylvania, 53 . Hes getting momentum because of these increases. In the state of arizona. Triple increase. In new mexico, what does that mean for us theyre saying . Theyre seeing the big increases, pocketbook issues for voters. They care with them. Its not just the premiums. Its the deductible. Even in states where its not going up as much, you see its a 15 increase in dee dublt i believes from last year to this year. That average is now 3500 for a family its nearly 7500. How did we get to this point . I remember before it was signed, we got to sign it before we figure out we were told that the average American Consumer would save 2500 a year and now it is so underwater the other way. Its all built on this problem of young people not signing up for everything depended on that happening. It hasnt happened. As a result, the population who hasnt is sicker and not been able to get the premiums they can it all started with that assumption that young people would buy into this. They vbt. Unfortunately, the number of Network Providers has shrunk as well. In situations where your premium hasnt gone up that much, your network narrowed. One way to to funnel you to a smaller pool of doctors. In many cases, people are losing their doctors. So many times with the Affordable Care act over the last number of years, bad news always came after the election. Why did they mess up this time . Yeah. This is politically inconvenient for Hillary Clinton. Its certainly been a help to donald trump. All the data, people are seeing the data and feeling it as they enroll for the plans and thats causing them to rethink what should i be doing in november and thinking about the next can donald trump fix it . Hes got to get more specific. Absolutely he can. He hasnt given a plan that has given people a sense that he knows how he wants to fix it. Hes been very good at critiquing obamacare. But he has to provide more details if people believe he has a plan to bring the costs down and expand their options, create more choice we know that she has supported the Affordable Care act throughout its life. Continues to do so. Been a problem for her. Professor, thank you very much. Good to be here. Straight ahead, Mainstream Media praised james comey when he let Hillary Clinton off the hook in july. But now he has shown that he is responsive to, a, pressure from the congress. In fact, if he said this is not an investigation, this is just finding out, he could have said theres nothing criminal here. He could have put in we dont know, we have not seen the emails. Why are they doing a 180 . Well talk about that next. Plus julian assange, talks about a new document dump that he says could put hillary in jail. Were going to tell you about that. First, happy birthday to vanilla ice. Our buddy watching us in florida right now. Hes 49. Its endless shrimp at red lobster. With another new flavor you never saw coming. Grilled, glazed korean bbq shrimp. And try as much as you want of flavors like new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. Just come in before it ends. I thodid the ancestrydna toian. Find out im only 16 italian. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path and the seagulls theyll be smilin and the rocks on the sand its so peaceful up here. Yeah. [eagle screams] that the whole wide world is watchin. Introducing the new turbocharged golf alltrack with 4motion® allwheel drive. Soon to be everywhere. From the beginning, he has shown that he is responsive to, a, pressure from the republican congress. Could be duplicates or not relevant to the case. Is that why theres been some news that the Justice Department was against the idea of director comey sending a letter . He could have said this is not an investigation. This is just finding out. He could have said theres nothing criminal here. He could have put in we dont know, we have not seen these emails. Well, it didnt take long after the news broke for millry to get her friends in the media to trash director comey over this email investigation. Joining us now to react is houie carr impactful talk show host and hosted a donald trump forum. Are you surprised about the 180 that both parties are doing on james comey . No. Its only to be predicted, brian. I was amused that paul krugman, the New York Times columnist within moments was describing the release of the letter as comeygate. Like its his problem. That hes done something wrong here. Its amazing. I looked at the headlines yesterday in the Washington Post. James comeys dangerous october surprise. James comey fails to follow Justice Department rules yet again. James comey needs to clean up his mess. You know, its the damage comeys bad timing could do. What kind of bad timing . They said this guy was a lifelong republican, a devout catholic. He was the dudley do wright of washington. Now hes the worst guy in the world. This also reminds me, while Hillary Clinton is calling foul, how you and i are old enough to remember, it was 24 years ago on the weekend before George Walker bush versus bill clinton that weinberger, his secretary of defense was indicted. The indictment was later thrown out. But at that point, bill clinton seized on it and said, see, this proves the culture of corruption with the bushes. Exactly. Thats the other thing here. Jamie gurel i can, the number 2 person under clinton. She wrote an oped piece and said in the last 60 days, the balance should be struck against returning indictments. I guess only if youre investigating a democrat, right, you should lay off in the last 60 days . Theres obviously a double standard. The statute of limitations had run out on that Casper Weinberger indictment. It was a transparent way to get headlines for clinton when he was failing in the polls. Back in july when it came out and comey did not indict hillary, the Washington Post Editorial Board said the republicans are attacking mr. Comey for doing his job. What are they going to say now for him doing his job . You know, its ridiculous. This is like 1984. The ministry of truth turns on a dime and were supposed to forget what they were writing a few months earlier. Loretta lynch, of the attorney general, saying that hes violating the rules. Is it a good protocol for her to be meeting with the potential person of interest, husband on the tarmac in the Phoenix Airport . I mean, come on. This is ridiculous. Lastly, howie, theres a problem. Our Justice Department might be at war with the fbi. Our fbi is mad at their leader. Thats why on october 3rd they get the 630,000 emails, they start seeing them. Later on they inform james comey we got this. Comey is in a nowin situation so to speak. If he holds it, his hands are on the scale. If he releases it you could say hes putting his hand on the scales. If he holds it and in january it turns out this investigation had seen it on october 3rd, hed go down in history as a man that thoroughly affected this election. I agree. I agree. You also got to remember, this guy, the number two guy in the fbi, mccabe, hes the one the wall street journal has been reporting on this for days, his wife was running for the state senate in virginia. Got a lot of money from Terry Mcauliffe, a clinton confidant. Over 500,000. He tried to put the kibosh on the reopening of the investigation. This is just trump is right. This makes watergate look like childs play. Four separate fbi field offices were conducting their investigation. It never stopped. New york led the way in this case, aided by little rock. Howie, thanks so much. Look forward to what you have to say on your show today. Thank you, brian. Thanks everybody. Thank you. Heather with headlines. Good morning. Lots of other things going on. A whole lot of news. A bombshell new batch of wikileaks emails now revealing a link between Hillary Clintons campaign and cnn . Dump 23. Thats how many have come out so favre John Podestas emails showing clintons chief strategist secretly forwarding an aisle ma aides and staffers. Heads up, between us it was titled. An alert to the Clinton Campaign. The favorable poll numbers before the poll is released which is a big no no. All of this as the secret sharing site warns phase 3 of election coverage is now on its way. After 115 days at the International Space station, american astronaut kate ruin ins has rue bins has returned to earth. Liftoff. Congrats, kate. Great to have you home. Space capsule carrying she, a russian and japanese astronaut. The trio spent four months in space and rub yins making the first person to sequence dna above the earths atmosphere. Broken bones, punctured lungs and no 911. A chilling goodbye video after a deadly crash that killed his best friend. The man lost his strength as he waits more than 30 hours for help. Hi everybody. [ bleep ]. All i can really say. 50 feet down in the ravine. Just want to say i love you guys. Sorry being stupid. I got a broke sternum i think. Maybe back. Goodness. He said im sorry guys. What i did was stupid. In total darkness, struggling to speak. A passing driver hears his cries for help. This man is now recovering in the hospital and is expected to be okay. Those are your headlines. How difficult to watch him going through that. No kidding. I didnt know if he was going to live or not by the story. He did. Just the fact that while he was talking to the camera, you could hear people driving by. Thats got to be frustrating. Because theyre way up there and cant see you. Somebody finally heard him. Not his time. A miracle. Thankfully, someone found him. Amen to that. On a different note, where do we find janice dean. Shes dressed up for halloween. Its my favorite time of year. You guys, you know that youve been in my office and i have a closet full of costumes. They will be changing throughout the morning. Stay tuned. All right. It is the spookiest time of year and it actually might be the warmest halloween on record for a lot of folks. Look at your temperatures across the country. Central u. S. , southern plains, warmer than average. 10 to 30 degrees above average. We do have a system across the northwest that could bring inclement weather. Maybe an umbrella. If you live across the northwest, the northern plains. But otherwise, the rest of the country looks good and its going to be warm. So back home in canada, i used to wear my snow suit underneath my costume. In a lot of places you wont have to do that. Maybe theyll be wearing bathing suits. Heres your spook cast. 86 in houston. 86 in atlanta, georgia. 54 in new york. Its going to be in the 60s in fargo. Again, its going to be quite a warm halloween. Back inside, ainsley, steve and brian. J. D. , you say you have a lot of costumes. Youre not going to change into one of those scary clowns, are you . No, i have no scary clowns. That would scare me. What are you going to be next . You have to stay tuned. A tease. Thank you. Watch the show. Janice dean, the costume machine. Meanwhile, they both handled mishandled classified information, but only one is in jail. Were going to talk to the mother that of sailor who is serving time while Hillary Clinton is free to campaign for the white house. Former disney star hilary duff is forced to apologize for what people are calling an offensive halloween costume. Look at that. Did she need to say im sorry for that . Is she a pilgrim. And hes an american indian, i think. Donald trump over the weekend comparing Hillary Clintons investigation to other classified document cases that ended entirely differently for different people. The young man that he mentioned, u. S. Navy sailor cristiano owe was sent to prison for taking photos in a classified area of a submarine. You might remember we interviewed his mom. That happened in 2009. His mom kathleen agrees theres a double standard for hillary and her son while her son sits in prison. This really must be tearing you up to see the double standard to such a stark degree that were witnessing right now. It is. Its been devastating for our family. As you obviously said, my son is in prison, his wife and daughter without him right now. So that in itself is pretty rough. Then seeing someone else not held to the same standard is mindboggling to me and disgusting. Why do you think she got off and your son didnt . Or might be getting off. Who knows . The only thing i can say, ive said it over and over every time ive interviewed, theres obviously a clear double standard. Either youre connected to the corruption thats existing, what were seeing whats being exposed more and more in our government or youre not. If youre an average american, you are not held to the same standard as people like Hillary Clinton and her staff. The fbi director revealed back in july that she did have classified information on her email which is against the law. She really shouldnt have done that. What did your son do . When my son was 22 in 2009, he was aboard a submarine. At that time there were no cell phone bans. He and many submariners or young men were taking photos. Unfortunately, my son had six photos on his phone which was an insecure device. Are these the pictures . They showed pictures at the treadmill an the picture there. They showed the engine room. Showing the treadmill is against the rules . Well, its the things that are behind the treadmill that they were concerned about. The gizmos. Which is, again, as you can see, theyve been declassified. One of the statements that donald trump made over the weekend was this is a 40yearold submarine and probably 30 years ago if the russians wanted that information, they would have had it. Whether thats the truth or not, i dont know. What i can say is, the comparison is very clear to me and so many others. Both Hillary Clinton and my son had classified information on an insecure device. The plot that changes or divides them is that my son, theres no evidence he transmitted or shared them. Where i believe an email is consistently transmitted. An email is transmitted. So she had information on insecure device, it was transmitted. Mishandling classified information, you heard comey said there was no intents on the part of Hillary Clinton. There was no intent on the part of my son as well. If intent matters it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter. Thats what they told your son. Thats why hes in jail. Correct. What could you do to bring this case up again or is this ever go to trial . It never did go to trial. The week before trial the department of justice and the fbi became intimidating and threatening to my family. My son made the decision to take a plea agreement to stop what was going on for us. We spent everything that we had. We went forward with that. He accepted responsibility for having the six photos. Part of the plea agreement. Unfortunately, the Fbi Department of justice required there was no appeal allowed in that plea agreement. As well as we found out that because he was sentenced to one year versus one year and one day, he will be required to serve the full one year. In addition, hell be on six months electronic monitoring home arrest after and three years we can visit him now and were grateful that we have that opportunity. Meanwhile, Hillary Clintons millionaire could become president of the United States and did send classified information. Your son is behind bars. His wife lost her job because she has to take care of her child at home. Doesnt have child care. Financially, its a strain on your family. Its a horrible strain. I myself had lost my job because i was a federal employee as i stated. Ive mentioned before when i was on here and im going to say it again, i have a strong faith in god, that god will take care of us. I continue to pray for that. I recognize that as a federal employee, two months ago i would not be able to come on the tv under the hatch act. Which has been brought up for comey. Im grateful that god has allowed me to have this opportunity to speak out. Its not just about my son. Its about ever american patriot. What happened to us can happen to anyone. You clearly have faith in our country. We wish you all the best. Check out our facebook page. Is james comey the one to blame . Forced to apologize. What people are saying is an offensive test test test test test. Test test test test test test. Test test test test. Test test test test test. A celebrity, that woman right there is forced to apologize for dressing like a pilgrim. Here with a breakdown of whats trending this morning is carly shimkus. Hillary duff is in that costume dressed as a pilgrim and her boyfriend is dressed as an american indian. People went on social media and accused her of being racist. Dressing like a pilgrim is racist. She was forced to apologize. She said im so sorry for people i offended for my costume. It was not properly thought through and i am truly from the bottom of my heart. Im sorry. A lot of people said this is crazy. You did not nothing wrong. Its offensive that you are apologizing. Stop if someone got offended. Thats not your problem. They can deal with it. Tough. Kim, said im native american and not offended. People need to stop reverse racism and maybe go out and meet a native. Thats her opinion. Meanwhile, theres a mom who is very creative deep in the heart of texas and deep in the deep freeze, this is head in the freezer costume. God love her. Her name is alicia williams. She won over the internet and also won her Office Halloween costume contest. She went to her Office Contest with in the refrigerator. She has eggo waffles on the left side. Bag of chicken nuggets. Shopping list on the front. It took two days to make that costume. She used rock candy. She cut her finger and used the blood. Social media reaction to the seahawks player who got a penalty for hugging a referee. No hugs allowed. They said all you need is love. Apparently not if you are an nfl ref. He scored a touchdown against the saints. He hugs the ref and the ref throws a penalty flag for unsportsman like conduct. Heres the reaction. Maybe it doesnt matter. A lot of people were outraged. Its crazy. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. David bossi from the Trump Campaign coming up next. First, all customers who have been impacted will be fully refunded. Second, well proactively send you a confirmation for any new checking, savings, or credit card account you open. Third, weve eliminated Product Sales goals for our retail bankers. To ensure your interests are put first. Were taking action. Were renewing our commitment to you. I found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. And a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doctor. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. Or you can call 1800medicare. Medicare open enrollment. Youll never know unless you go. I did it. You can too. You want a van that if you wdoes the same. Ng, mercedesbenz vans. From the fullsize sprinter to the midsize metris. These are vans for professionals. Strictly professionals. Were good. Mercedesbenz vans. Featuring the new worker vans, starting at 25,995. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. Good morning. Tomorrow is november. Today is halloween. October 31st. Im ainsley earhardt. We start with this. Hillary clintons top aide is lawyering up after an fbi gets a warrant to read more than 650,000 new emails on Anthony Weiners new laptop. How do you get to 650 . I think thats called the mother lode loed hou do you get that many emails . No wonder nothing gets done in our country. What do you think is the hillary camp, the Hillary Clinton camp throwing huema under the bus. The fbi has derailed the Clinton Campaign. Now they want to charge the fbi direct we are a crime and wait until you hear about who is behind that. Remember him . Harry reid parting shots. Eight days left. All democrats is calling for Hillary Clinton to step down. You woke up and your morning is better because you woke up with friends. Lets get straight to that fox news alert. The fbi under fire now. Senate democratic leader harry reid accusing the director of the fbi, james comey, of breaking the law. As Hillary Clintons email investigation ramps up overnight. The feds are officially getting a warrant to search the laptop of huma abedins husband. It was a join laptop. They both owned it when they were married. Were following the latest developments. There are plenty. Oh, my goodness. Were learning a lot more this morning about what exactly is on that laptop and how it got there. Two sources with direct knowledge of this investigation say that laptop was used to back up huma abedins phone multiple times, including some of her emails. The wall street journal put the number at 650,000. They were uncovered by the fbi office in new york which is investigating an i abedins husband Anthony Weiner. It turned up positive hits for state. Gov. The fbi had the laptop for several weeks. When did james comey finally learn about it . Democrats are demanding that he release more information. The top democrat is accusing him of breaking the of the law of violating the hatch act. Senator reid sent him a letter that says your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for treatment of Sensitive Information with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one Political Party over another. But remember this is the same Democratic Party praised him for not bringing charges against Hillary Clinton. So what do you think . I think this is an amazing time for donald trump, taking his message to all americans, and were having a great time with our positive message of hope, growth, opportunity, for all americans. Donald trump said it many, many times. He wants to be president of all americans, and were looking forward to election day. Ive been watching some of your live events. One thing is consistent. You start with obamacare, and then you go to the emails. Why do you think that obamacare resonates more. What are you seeing . The American People have always wanted to talk about the substance of the issues, and we have been saying mr. Trump has been saying for a year and a half that he wants to repeal and replace obamacare. Thats going to be his number one signature issue. To get that off the backs of the American People. And make American Health care great again. And what weve seen is through our events across the country, mr. Trumps been traveling expensively over the last extensively over the last several months. Weve seen the American People respond to that issue and thats why were talking about the issues. Obviously, the fbi issue is a big one, but the American People care about whats affecting them on a daytoday basis. Sure. ChicaChicago Tribune is not supporting Hillary Clinton through all this. This is what the columnist wrote. Think of a nation suffering a bad economy and continuing chaos in the middle east and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president. The best thing would be for democrats to ask her to step down. It would be the most responsible thing to do if the nation were more important to them than power. And the American News media, fairly or not firmly identified in the public mind as mrs. Clintons Political Action committee should begin demanding it. Whats your reaction . Thats columnist john kass. These are not friends of donald trump either. What they are saying is another four years of clinton investigations. They lived through the 90s where one investigation after the other of the corruption that was the Clinton White house from 1993 to 2000. And they just dont want to see it again. They are seeing issues like this with james comey this past weekend thats raising that bar for them. They are bringing up an issue that the democrats need to consider seriously. Sure. You know, david, there have been three big october surprises in your favor. Wikileaks. You had the Affordable Care act which you talked about with brian a moment ago and now james comey. That could explain how in the very latest Washington Post abc poll Hillary Clintons 12 point lead has evaporated in less than a week. Right now, they are neck and neck. According to the New York Times, donald trump is up by 4 in florida. Why is it that people who have been on the fence seem to be going your guys way . This is exciting. This is what weve been always been hoping and planning for in this campaign. Mr. Trumps message to republicans is really resonating, and to independents, its really resonating. Thats who is coming home to mr. Trumps candidacy. Thats why were seeing this lift in the polls the last few days. I am surprised personally that you are in new mexico and michigan. Not North Carolina and pennsylvania whats going on . Were in pennsylvania and florida as well. Were if pennsylvania tomorrow. What are you seeing in michigan . What were seeing is polls tightening. Weve had three polls in the last few days that show us within the margin of error in michigan. Were excited to be able to bring our message there and mr. Trump is doing some great events there later today. We look at new mexico, michigan, pennsylvania, new hampshire, and others as an opportunity for us to expand our map. To be on offense this last week, and mrs. Clinton, while in between naps is really trying to in between naps, david. Is seen as being on the defensive. Shes having to protect her areas. She wants you to let go. She says i want to see those emails, james comey. Do you feel the same way . Thats a defensive posture. Do you want to see them . Shes able to say that because james comey is not able to provide them. Shes demanding something that is not possible under our current system. Because it makes it look like shes saying i didnt do anything wrong. I want to see these emails. We all want to see transparency when in fact she and huma abedin knows whats in these. They will not complete the investigation before the election. Of course not. This is going to take months. We as all americans are concerned about electing somebody who is going to be in such have such criminal problems as president. David, for the fbi director to come out on friday and do what he did, what does that suggest to you is in this 650,000 email cache . Its interesting. Ive worked in investigations for a long, long time. This is very serious. Because no fbi director 12 days before the general election for president of the United States is going to take that action unless he or she has seen evidence that has requires this type of action. Raising to the level. It has to have reached the level in which his Senior Leadership in the fbi demanded action and i think he relented to his Senior Leadership. You believe theres something going on in the fbi that forced him to do that, within the fbi. This happens in every case. Because people come to you and say we need to do this. They make arguments. He was clearly convinced that there were possible crimes here by the candidate and her top aides. Look, lets not forget five of her aides received immunity. These people this is a an octupus. You have harry reid blaming james comey. James comey is investigating her emails. Harry reid is a political hack. Hes on his way out. So he has nothing to lose. Hes not running for reelection and quite honestly, thankfully. These democrats will do anything to try and muddy the waters and we just need to let the fbi do their job. David bossie, thank you very much. Thank you very much. We should point out we did invite folks from the Hillary Clinton campaign and they declined to appear. When i woke up this morning, this is the last full week before the election. Exactly. Game on. We all know she has a butler. Hope you are off to a great monday and happy halloween to you. Starting off now with a fox news alert and a real panic on the runway for passengers aboard this flight. A possible bomb threat from a fellow passenger forcing hundreds of people to evacuate this plane overnight. It was a Spirit Airlines flight from Fort Lauderdale and it was just about to leave for dallas. A twitter Video Showing Police boarding that plane, quickly removing the person who made that threat. But outraged passengers say they had no idea what on earth was going on. Listen to this. They left us on the plane for hours. We were not allowed to get up, go to the bathroom. Were not to get any of our things. Passengers were loaded on to buses until the allclear was given. More on that as we get it. Another fox news alert right now. That deranged killer who sparked a massive eightday manhunt killed in a shootout overnight with oklahoma police. A farmer spotted Michael Vance camping out in a field. Officers then were quickly able to move in. One of those officers was shot but is expected to be okay. Vance was wanted for allegedly killing two of his Family Members. And then shooting at responding officers before he took off in a stolen car. Thats the video of him right there. Well, the last time Melania Trump delivered a speech about her husband it was at the Republican National convention. Remember this. If you want someone to fight for you and your country, i can assure you that hes the guy. Well, now shes heading out on the campaign trail for the first time. She will deliver a speech on thursday in philadelphia. Melania spent most of the campaign at home with her young son baron. She told ainsley about that one. No word yet on what she will say on thursday. Thats a terrific interview you did with her, ainsley. I think she found out for the first time she was doing three speeches in the final week. Really . I had no idea. It was a big news week. Everybody was talking about richard gere and lily tomlin and the iphone. What were the top trends . You get a lot of perks if you are the president if you dont mind the taxpayers footing the bill, if you want to play golf with tiger woods. Why do some cash back cards make earning bonus cash back so complicated . They limit where you can earn bonus cash back to a few places. And those places keep changing every few months. The quicksilver card from capital one doesnt do any of that. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Leave complicated behind. Whats in your wallet . This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Eight days until the election and another huge weekend in the news, this past one. Everybody was talking about trending wise, richard gere, lily tomlin, and thats if you ask facebook. 95 of Campaign Contributions from the Tech Industry went to their candidate, Hillary Clinton. Senior editor of the federalist, Molly Hemingway joining us now from our nations capital. Good morning. How is it possible if you look on facebook you dont get anything on Hillary Clinton and the new fbi investigation . This weekend, donald trump tweeted that they were not covering this news about Hillary Clinton. Thats not true. It was trending on facebook and on twitter and top of the google news. There are problems with social media and how they control news stories. It was just this year that facebook had to do that big facesaving meeting with conservatives when it was revealed they were going through news from conservative outlets. You dont get the actual results, they want to get what they say are the actual results and they have a political position, google news, the ceo of googles Parent Company eric schmidt was exposed as working intimately with the Hillary Clinton campaign. Twitter kicks people off. It was a very legitimate concern how the social media giants are controlling information. Sure. And were going to put up you mentioned some of the social media executives who are supporting Hillary Clinton. You got the guy from one of the facebook founder, facebook ceo, yahoo. Eric schmidt wants to be hillarys number one outside adviser. People should not think when they go on social media its fair for the most part because it looks like if you look at that, if you believe that, molly, they all tilt way to the left. Well, there is a very big problem in Silicon Valley of a political unevenness and a bias there. Facebook did say that they were going to allow donald trump to post his opinions, but they werent extending that that same generosity to actual members. You have to be careful. At the same time, social media is a great way to work around normal Mainstream Media constraints. Youve seen these videos exposing the voter fraud schemes, the democratic dirty tricks. Those were not covered very well by Mainstream Media. They were spread with social media. You saw the same thing with under cover videos, exposing planned parenthoods participation in selling fetal body parts. Social media is still a great tool for conservatives to get their message out but they should be concerned about controls at the top. People would like to follow Molly Hemingway on twitter, whats your handle . Mz hemingway. What do you think about that . Email us at fox and friends. Com. James comey just blew Hillary Clintons chances at the white house, but republicans say she can only blame herself. Weve got a fairandbalanced debate straight ahead eight days out. The world is full of surprising moments. Theyre everywhere. And as a marriot rewards member, i can embrace them all. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. So no matter where you go, you are here. Join or link accounts at members. Marriott. Com. Time now for your news by the numbers. 54 million is where we start, thats what the department of defense paid for life saving epipens, they paid full retail price buying through private pharmacies. And 6. 3 million thats how much you she would out shelled out so president obama could play golf with tiger woods. Finally, 32. Thats the cubs beating the indians in game five. Forcing a game six. Bad news is its back to cleveland for six to seven. Thats only bad news if you are a cubs fans. You are biased. Hillary clinton and her team declaring war now on the fbi. The fbi director, okay, you violated these two protocols. You are the public you owe the public full information. We find it strange ten days out hes putting this letter out there. In fact, its not just strange. Its unprecedented and it is deeply troubling. But is the fbi really the one to blame . Here to debate this is trump surrogate and radio talk show dr. Gina louden and also phil levine. Ill start with you dr. Louden. Do you think is it james comeys fault . Who is to blame here . No, this is a pattern of the clintons and their cronies. They blamed the women that her husband attacked. They immediately hired private investigators to trash them. This is what they did with james okeefe, they blamed him. Wikileaks, they blamed the russians. That proved not to be true. This is their m. O. And they dont want the truth to be, it looks like this this company of people are so mired in scandal, ainsley, i dont even see how she would govern at this point. They dont want the American People to see that. So its a distraction. Phil, had back in july, when they said she was not going to be indicted, the democrats were saying hes just doing his job. Is that fair . All of a sudden, theres these new emails that came out. The fact of the matter, those are most likely backed up emails. My god, im hearing from the folks in south florida, people that came from countries like venezuela, where they have actually seen things like that happen in their countries and thats why they are living in miami now. This is concerning to all americans. How do the director know this weeks and weeks in advance and 11 days before they decide to bring this out. My god, something doesnt smell right here. My instinct tells me this is a problem here. This is not a great week for the fbi. All americans need to understand why are they getting involved in this election. Dr. Louden, is timing the problem or what she actually did the problem . I think what the American People are waking up to is number one this would be a daily occurrence if she were president. Kind of a horrifying thought because she does have so much scandal, but i think also when we worry about corruption, i think we have to think about if this is on some, you know, sexual perverts computer somewhere, what Foreign Government has information on mrs. Clinton or those closely associated with her and how would they use that against the American People, ainsley . I think that is the real corruption that we need to be concerned with and the things that many that have come to the United States have fought freedom for is freedom from the kind of corruption that plagues the clinton camp. What do you think about this . Its affecting her in the points. She was up 12 points a few days ago and now shes leading by 2. Florida is always going to be close. It was close in 2012. Its close in 2002. We know the election is going to be close. For the sake of transparency because of the director of the fbi is getting involved in the election, why doesnt the commissioner, the irs get involved in the election. We know that donald trump is under investigation. The irs should follow the lead of the director of the fbi and release his information and the state attorneys general should release information on Trump University and all the fraud cases going across the state. Lets bring it all out there right now. Thats what the government should do. Wow. Whats your response to that . Is that a pivot or what, dr. Louden . That is a masterful pivot. How about a hillary just doesnt destroy evidence, doesnt hammer peoples phones. Thats a great lie because you know its not true. Doesnt bleach emails. Its on a server. What happened, they had a bad investigation . They all of a sudden found 600,000 emails. [ both speaking at the same time ] irs, give us that information. Thank you so much, mayor, and dr. Louden for being with us. Brandnew details on that 767 that exploded on the runway. Is it part of a bigger problem affecting planes . A new problem for Hillary Clinton. Clinton didnt break the law. Her server did. Will her server do hard time . Shes going back to look at the server. Thats what he said. So the server is were going to charge the server with time . Do you think it would do hard time . Perhaps the Death Penalty . Ial. Really . The fbi said there were 110 classified emails that were exchanged. Hillary lied. And another lie . I respect the second amendment. But behind closed doors, hillary told liberal elites. The Supreme Court is wrong on the second amendment. Hillary will lie about anything to get elected. The nra institute for legislative action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Try theraflu expressmax,nd flu hold you back now in new caplets. Its the only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Theraflu. For a powerful comeback. New expressmax caplets. H but they only see hisfrom farwrinkles. Hes gotta play it cool to seal the deal. Better find a way to smooth things over. If only harry used some bounce, to dry. Yeah. He would be lesswrinkly and winning at life. The front runner of this race is under criminal investigation by the fbi and your position appears to be no, shes not, tucker. I dont believe when director james comey says hes going back to look at this other server that Anthony Weiner had, i dont believe that means that Hillary Clinton is under criminal investigation. What he said is hes going back to the server. The server is under investigation. Is that your position . Do you think the server would do hard time . Perhaps the Death Penalty. This is crazy talk. He has admitted that he doesnt know that there are any emails there that are connected to this or not. Thats what hes admitted and thats what you my friend gloss over. My friend, you gloss. Mr. Glossy. Tucker carlson joins us right now from our nations capital. He did call you his friend. Omalley is not dumb. He ran from president. Hes hardly a dummy and hes forced by his feel at this to the Democratic Party. Republicans have no problem. We have the Chicago Tribune columnist who says they are so upset they are not voting for Hillary Clinton. If you see john kasich or jeb bush, youll see no reference to the Hillary Clinton investigation. The Republican Party for all its money flaws, basically is an ideological party concerned with ideas. They feel strong about them. The Democratic Party is about wielding power. The presumption being were good people, were smarter and more virtuous than you. There are a couple of differences. In general, its just about winning and governing. Thats scary, actually. Tucker, yesterday, i was watching judge jeanine pir rows show. And he said hes a long time Clinton Family friend and he said i cant vote for her now and the judge said what . Did i just hear you correctly . Whats your message to the independents that still have not decided who they are voting for . Dougs reason was interesting and pragmatic. Shes under investigation personally. Her Family Foundation is under a series of investigations. Her closest aide is under investigation. Her long time fundraiser Terry Mcauliffe is under investigation. There are a lot of criminal investigations clustered Hillary Clinton. If she were elected, what would that mean . We could wind up in an actual crisis, leave office crisis. Potentially. Thats his concern. I think voters should think that through. It doesnt mean shes guilty of anything. Im not alleging anything. Im merely saying this is a big deal and pretending its not happening which is the position of most democrats is not adequate. Its actually happening. The fbi has got through 650,000 emails to figure out whats going on there. Meanwhile, you know, apparently, while Martin Omalley have the new talking points. Blame the server. Dont blame the gunman. Blame the gun. Youve got howard dean back to his old tricks. Ironically comey put himself on the same side as putin, along with the congressman from the great state of ohio who is a democrat, tim ryan. Listen to this. I cant imagine theres anything there there thats going to have an effect on the election is. The question is where did these documents come from, how did they get to the fbi, is russia involved in this. We dont have any clue where this stuff is coming from. We dont have any clue from the stuff is coming from but were going to mention russia every time we have a chance. I dont think you can say howard dean knows better. He has his talking points confused. These are separate stories. They are separate investigations. Theres no allegation of russias involvement in the current fbi criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton whatsoever. They are just kind of throwing it out there. Heres the ominous part. Russia is an actual country with nuclear weapons. Its a player in europe. To change our Foreign Policy to suit her president ial campaign for the final week of it is a very reckless thing to do. Were taking a newly aggressive posture against russia just to help Hillary Clinton. Trump is often called reckless and in cases true. This is really reckless. This is an example of what happens if donald trump doesnt get in his own way by sticking to the prompter and doing select interviews hes allowed Hillary Clinton to become the story and hes picked up 12 points in almost in the latest poll. Hes within one on the cbs tracking poll. Hes within two on the investors business daily poll and hes on the march. Where do you think were going to end up in eight days . I think obamacare has driven most of this. The polls have not observed the news of the new investigation. Trump is doing better right now than he has at any point during the entire expanse of this race. Shes lost more than 10 points in a week. Thats a dramatic movement. I would never presume to predict the income. You know where its going. She cant come from behind. She has to have something happen to have her come from behind. You always want to peek at the end which is anything can happen. Tucker, all weekend, your hair looked good. Your hair looks best today. The part is pronounced. Its right on the money. Its so tired. I let the hair lady have her way. She did. She had her way with your hair. She did. Tucker, have a great halloween. Its great to have you guys this morning. You cant even see us. Get some sleep. Hes on every show. He just doesnt sleep. Hes a busy man. Meanwhile, its about 20 minutes before the top of the hour and heather joins us with some aviation news. He has cute hair. Its like little boy hair. I love that look. Good morning to you. Couple News Headlines i want to bring you right now. Plane maintenance records are now under the microscope as this plane burst into flame at chicagos ohare airport. Investigators are looking for clues about what happened. They say there was an uncontrolled engine fire that caused this horrifying scene. It sent parts flying and sparked a fuel fire. A pew passengers few passengers suffered injuries in a rush to escape. A california woman missing for five days is lucky to be alive today. The 69yearold driver crashed her car in a ditch in the mohave desert. Five days later, rescuers finally reached that woman. They spent an hour trying to pry her out of that wreckage. She was airlifted to a nearby hospital where she is now listed in serious but nonlifethreatening condition. Thank goodness for that. This is another unreal and outrageous story. This combat veteran says she was humiliated by American Airlines and shes now suing that company. Arguing back and forth, humiliation, harassment, and ultimately my flight was denied. The whole situation perpetuated my disability. It sent me into crisis mode. This is about her service dog. The airline refusing to let lisa mccombs from boarding her flight with her service dog, despite her paperwork and her veteran status. The lawsuit alleges an American Airlines agent argued with her, asking what is your disability anyway . Shes now asking for unspecified damages. This story drives me nuts. Ive been on planes so many times where ive seen young women with little fluffy dogs and they claim its a therapy dog or really their therapist or somebody wrote a note for them. This a legitimate case, the American Airlines needs to do the right thing. Thank you very much. It is 18 before the top of the hour. Fbi agents investigating the clintons on the verge of revolt over interference from the Justice Department and attorney general Loretta Lynch. Has she finally crossed the line . Former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez is here next. Donald trump is making the most this week on the campaign trail. Were live on the campaign trail next to find out his strategy for the next eight days and hillarys as well. When the ship comes in by the hollies oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path and the seagulls theyll be smilin and the rocks on the sand its so peaceful up here. Yeah. [eagle screams] that the whole wide world is watchin. Introducing the new turbocharged golf alltrack with 4motion® allwheel drive. Soon to be everywhere. On a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Due to your first accident. My frii say not if you this protect yourself. Ary. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. 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Donald trump going all out on Hillary Clinton over the fbis renewed investigation into her emails that came out on friday. And mr. Trump is taking his message on a lastminute push in the state of michigan in an effort to win what is traditionally a democratic state. John roberts joins us from grand rapids, michigan, with the latest from the trump camp. Hey, john. Good morning. Folks showing up for Donald Trumps rally. And you are saying, wait a minute, doesnt Hillary Clinton have a lock on the state . Real clear politics poll shows her up an average of 7, but donald trump says weve got other polls that show it more within 3 points. Certainly the race is tight nationally. The new abc news tracking poll came out. Hillary clinton leads by a single point. 4645 but in the cross tabs theres some interesting trends developing here. Hillary clintons unfavorable ratings in this poll is now at 60 . That is higher than donald trump at 58 . A couple of things to watch for since the new fbi investigation news broke. Theres been a fourpoint drop in enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton and trump support among republicans at 89 is higher than Hillary Clintons at 87 among democrats. So things to watch over the next few days. Donald trump today of course will be talking more about the renewed fbi investigation as well as issues. He likes to talk about obamacare because with the double digit increases a lot of americans will be facing, its a huge election issue and he plans, he said this yesterday in colorado, to end the most divisive election we have seen in a long, long time on a positive note. Heres what he said. I will continue to address and expose the criminal corruption of Hillary Clinton and the threat to the survival of our democracy, but i also want to spend these next nine days with the wonderful people of this country talking about my vision for making America Great again and lets talk positive. It should be a good crowd here in grand rapids today. That building hose holds 62,000 people. At this point in the election, enthusiasm counts for a lot which is why that number between Hillary Clinton and donald trump about who has got the more enthusiastic support among the parties, very important. Thank you very much. John, by the way, talking about enthusiasm, you are there at the delta plex. On november the 5th, they are having a bacon and beer celebration there. Its 20 and its pretty much all the bacon you can eat. Just another reason to love grand rapids besides the ford museum. Fantastic. Thank you. Good look in the smell. Who doesnt love the bacon smell . In the afternoon. They do. They sell cologne for men. I would buy it. Fbi agents investigating the clintons on the verge of revolt because of inference by the Justice Department and in particular attorney general Loretta Lynch. Were going to talk to former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez about that next. Country while nobody is looking. Were going to steal their money, sir . No, we are going to destroy it. Were going to finish this mission. Anything we find is ours. Do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks . I mean the rush, ive never felt anything like it. If we stay here were going to die. Then we die. Over the summer, attorney general Loretta Lynch reduced herself from the investigation of Hillary Clintons emails. Has she been pulling the strings all along . We were just talking during the break. We say we dont know whats going on between justice and the fbi and what do you mean she might not really have reaccused herself from the investigation. If there was a formal recusal and there was a process involved, she wouldnt have been able to comment at all as to what director comey did last week. Once you recuse yourself, you are nout completely. That doesnt mean theres no direction from justice. At that point the Deputy Attorney general steps in and thats what so peculiar about all of this. The absence of justice. What about the tension clearly between justice and the fbi Going Forward . Is that highly unusual to you . Well, occasionally from time to time theres going to be tension, of course, between the investigators, and the prosecutors in terms of whether or not to go forward or not. Investigators may think theres enough evidence to go forward. Prosecutors may look at the evidence and decide, no, we disagree. It is our job to make that calculation. So sometimes theres going to be tension, but obviously what makes this unusual is the fact that were just a week away from a president ial election involving one of the candidates, and thats what makes it so unusual. The other thing that makes it unusual, of course, is the way that james comey announced this summer that they would not move forward with any kind of criminal charges. So theres very little about this investigation that is consistent with protocol, quite frankly. We understand too that justice found out that the new York Field Office was continuing to pursue this email investigation and the Clinton Foundation and according to the wall street journal article, they are extremely angry with the fbi for Going Forward with this after james comey made his little speech. That to me is somewhat surprising. You got the u. S. Attorneys general who are the field generals for main justice. Their job is to make sure that they are aware of any investigation which could be considered high profile. This would be. I think harry reid came out and said i think james comey is in violation of the hatch act. He might bring legal action against him. Is he in violation of anything that you know of . I dont know if this is in violation of hatch act. It was intended to prevent government officials from going out and politicsing on behalf of a candidate, using Government Resources on behalf of a local candidate. Im not sure this reaches a violation of the hatch act. You are one of the rare people that really has an understanding of the inside and outside. As you look at this situation, what bothers you most . Well, one of the there are many things that bother me most about the investigation. One is the absence of the attorney general, and the prosecutors in this case. Its as if they have stepped aside completely and allowed the Playing Field to james comey who heads up the investigators and that is not the appropriate role of main justice. Their job is to take their evidence gathered by the investigators at the fbi and make a decision as to whether or not a crime has been committed. One of the next few drops, i hope you stay by your phone. Thanks so much. Straight ahead in our final hour. Hillary Clintons Campaign manager under intense heat this morning. The democrats top aide, huma abedin no longer on the trail. Did they throw her under the bus . Mike emanuel is traveling with hillary. We asked him to check under the bus. Well tell you what he found. announcer vo when you have type 2 diabetes, theres a moment of truth. And now with victoza® a better moment of proof. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. The one i used to take. And better than that diabetes pill i used to take. jeff victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in three ways in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. And while it isnt for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Today is halloween, its october 31st. Im ainsley earhardt. Eight days until the election. We have a fox news alert for you. Hillary clintons top aide lawyering up now after the fbi gets the go ahead to read more than 650,000 new emails on Anthony Weiners laptop. Another 650,000 emails. I think thats called the mother loed. We never thought we were going to say thank you to Anthony Weiner. De. We never thought we were going to say thank you to Anthony Weiner. Thank you. Hillary clinton and her team declare war on the federal bureau of investigation. We dont know whether they are to or from hillary at all. They could be things that dont have anything to do with Hillary Clinton. In fact, in fact, its not just strange, its unprecedented, and it is deeply troubling. Yep. Back off, everybody. Shes the victim some say. Were going to tell you what we know on this monday morning. And one of the biggest names in news. Chicago tribune calling on the Democratic Party, at least one columnist across the country to stop propping up Hillary Clinton and demand that she drop out. Wow. Keep in mind, your mornings are better with friends. Get dressed it is such an important story. Were going to get straight to the fox news alert. The fbi is under fire now. Senate democratic leader harry reid accusing james comey of breaking the law as Hillary Clintons email investigation ramps up overnight. The federal government officially getting a search warrant now, the fbi, i should say, to search the laptop of huma abedins husband. I think they had it in joint custody. Mike emanuel is live in west chester, new york, following the latest developments from the clinton camp. Good morning to you. This renewed fbi email probe has sent shock waves to the Clinton Campaign. The mood on the Campaign Plane has shifted from super confident to stunned and even angry. Huma abedin did not travel with Hillary Clinton over the weekend to battleground florida which is highly unusual since abedin is her closest aide. The discovery of hundreds of thousands of her estranged husbands laptop has reignited the email controversy. Before that, we saw a very confident democratic nominee in senior advisers. There wasnt talking about winning the white house. They were talking about winning back the majority in the u. S. Senate and sending more democrats to the house of representatives. Clinton faced a question on her Campaign Plane last week about whether she would meet with donald trump, paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell after the election. She said she wanted to be the president of everybody and she wanted to reach out to those who didnt vote for her. That seemed to reflect super confidence that she was looking past november 8th, past the election. Now her campaign is dealing with this email mess months after they thought it was all done and settled, and her Campaign Manager is struggling to answer direct questions. Has secretary clinton asked huma abedin what was on that laptop that she shared with her husband Anthony Weiner . She hasnt because you just offered a hypothetical on the table. Let me offer you some hypotheticals that ive read in the press. Ive heard a hypothetical that these emails had nothing do with Hillary Clinton whatsoever. She didnt receive or send any of them. That doesnt today, my team is going to fly with the Clinton Campaign to battleground ohio. Well be there if she wants to take some questions. This as her aides try to find a way to get director comey to it say more. The uncertainty is damaging to the campaign. Do you believe what the campaign has been saying that no one has spoken to huma abedin . Does that sound logical to you . It does not sound logical when you consider our close she is to the candidate, how close she is to the inner circle of this clinton team, and so you wonder whether the lawyers have said dont talk about any contact that has been under way, but it would seem illogical and we know that friday night they were together when the bombshell went off. So it would seem to be since they travel together in the front compartment of the plane that at some point the democratic nominee would have looked over and said what do they have . Exactly. Mike, thank you very much. Besides they would have the conversation, you know what, maybe you should lay low for next three or four days. Why dont you go to your apartment and i will go campaign. I wouldnt say that. I would say before you go anywhere, what is on there, what could potentially be on there, and why would their tactic would be i dare you fbi to release everything . Because the fbi cant. Its good pr spin. Its like, hey, fbi release everything. They cant do that. The thing that weve been witnessing is the leaks. According to sources, it says in this email, fbi has pride too. They are being told they are trumping this up. No pun intended. All of a sudden, next thing we know it leads to this. Look at all the things that kathr kathryn harridge and bret baier. She wasnt indicted even though she lied to the fbi about sending classified information. She lied about having only one device. She lied about saying she turned over all her emails and she wasnt indicted. For them to open up the investigation again, they must have something major. We dont know the nature of it. Heres the thing, the feds have said this to i think one of them leaked it to cnn over the weekend. They think theres a possibility that if there are 650,000 email on this laptop that hue ma and carlos danger shared, theres a real good possibility, you know those 33,000 email that she deleted, they were backed up on the cloud or some way on to this and next thing you know, you crack it open. And the reason we know about this is because they were looking into carlos danger, Anthony Weiners sexting to the under age teenager. They discovered, hey, wait a minute, there are all these emails from state. Gov and from the Clinton Foundation, thats when they called the boss and said hey, there might be something here. They took a look and theres something there. Lets get a search warrant. Now they are sorting through all this stuff. They came forward on friday. Meaning meanwhile, the Ongoing Investigation continues. Hillary clintons server still looking into that. Clinton foundation links and possible pay foyers paytoplay, and weiners sexting. The one that led the charge that brought this up to james comey was the new york office because they were pursuing this laptop and the weiner investigation. So steve and ainsley to the early point that friday was pertinent information reveals we should explain to you that the investigation will be reignited. By sunday it is a source tells fox there is no way, none, that james comey goes forward without knowing something about what substantially is inside. So thats why they keep on going, are you going to keep calling me out because ill keep telling you more and more information. Thats why she didnt say a word yesterday, i imagine. Her surrogates decided to do it on sunday. Theres so much unrest and revolt going on inside the fbi. People have been all over james comey for not zieting indicting her. The former new york chief james costru mu. He said this is like a crime family. Comparing them to the gambinos. Saying she sold her office for money. The clintons are a cesspool and the shes a liar. This happens in every case because people come to you and say we need to do this. They make arguments. He was clearly convinced that there were possible crimes here by the candidate and her top aides. Look, lets not forget. Five of of her aides received immunity. Th octopus, this investigation. Something big. We still dont know. But its ongoing. They are also apparently going through the email as of this weekend. The review will not be done before the election. It doesnt look good for the Democratic Party. One thing is for sure, if Hillary Clinton wins, the next day, were talking about this investigation, where its heading. This is Something Else were talking about. If she wins and shes indicted before shes inaugurated, who becomes president . If shes just indicted, you know, you dont lose it for indictment. You got to be convicted and all sorts if that happens, who becomes president . It wouldnt happen before the inaugurati inauguration. Paul ryan . Ultimately, she could pardon herself. She absolutely could. This is crazy. Its a criminal investigation. They got to move forward. Now we understand, according to the New York Times, theres a blitz to get through as many of those emails 506,000 before election day. You are saying that cant happen. Thats why the New York Times says theres a huge effort. I dont need to go any further than the ninth email because i have enough here. There are two entities here. You got the fbi looking through the email and if they find something they suggest charges of the department of justice. But as we have learn the department of justice does not feel like anybody should be influencing an election. So will there be charges . Dont hold your breath. You mean the department of justice under the obama administration, Loretta Lynch. It looks a little political. Lets hand it over to heather who is telling us other news this morning. Grng everybody. Fox news alert. Panic on the runway there was a possible bomb threat from a passenger that forced hundreds of people to evacuate their plane overnight. How terrifying that would be. It was a Spirit Airlines flight from Fort Lauderdale and was about to leave for dallas. Twitter Video Shows Police on board quickly removing the person who made the threat. Outraged passengers saying they had no idea what was going on. They left us on the plane for about two hours. We were not allowed to get up, go to the bathroom. We were not to get any of our things. Well, passengers were loaded on to buses until the allclear was finally given. Another fox news alert right now. That deranged killer who sparked a massive eightday manhunt was killed in a shootout overknight with police in oklahoma. Heres how they found him. A farmer spotted Michael Vance camping out in a field. He then called police. Officers quickly moving in. One of them was shot but is expected to be okay. Vance is wanted for allegedly killing two Family Members, an aunt and an uncle and shooting at Police Officers before taking off in a stolen car. And an outofcontrol car plows through a group of nascar fans. Sending two dozen people to the hospital, including a 13yearold. This is at martinsville in virginia. The driver tried to pass another car and lost control. I was standing right behind that chevy oldstyle truck. I felt the wind go behind me and i heard screams. 22 people hurt. The driver not yet charges. It is a very happy halloween for cubs fans. The Team Still Alive in the world series against the indians. A threerun inning and closer Aroldis Chapman got the final eight out to finish the game. There will be a game six. Cubs win it 32. Indians still lead the series 32. Game six tomorrow night in cleveland. Congratulations to those cubs. It came down to the allstar game and that could be the reason why cleveland wins. Clearly both great teams to make it this far and to be so competitive. How philosophical of you. Heather just mentioned, halloween at the conclusion of this hour, were going to be dressed up in a special costume. At least two of you. Im antihalloween. You are a fun person. You got to show people how fun you are by dressing up. Not on halloween. The surprises coming on the Hillary Clinton camp. Julian assange says the dump could finally put Hillary Clinton in jail. Could it doom democrats from winning back the senate . Our next guest says it looks bad for the dems. And preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you dont. Store manager clean up, aisle 4. Alkaseltzer plus liquid gels. As a combination of see products. And customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. We are only eight days until this election and the reignited investigation into Hillary Clintons email server could not only affect the president ial race but also control of the senate. A new poll shows 30 of voters are less likely to support Hillary Clinton after the fbi reopened the investigation into her private server. There are six states where polling shows the race for the senate is neck and neck. Here to weigh in on this, is ian pryor. Hes the Communications Director for american cross roads. Out of those six states, which ones are most important in your opinion and why . I dont know if i can label one more important than the other but i think one thats particularly interesting is nevada and thats harry reids seat. I think you see harry reid go nuclear last night accusing james comey of a crime. Hes trying to put his handpicked success is into his seat. Meanwhile, they have a dream candidate in joe heck. That race has been neck and neck for months and joe heck has had a slight lead in the public polls for several weeks, but the slightest breeze in either direction can shift that race. I think with this Hillary Clinton email situation thats the kind of thing that ultimately could impact a race like nevada. You know, brian early in the show made a great point. He was talking about Donald Trump Campaigning in new mexico, michigan, and colorado, those are traditionally democrat states. Hes looking at those points. Thats a tough list seven, eight days out from the election. He must be seeing something in the polling where he thinks he can sneak a win in some of these blue states. Ive heard a lot about republicans have to win in the state of florida and in the state of North Carolina. Donald trump is doing better than Hillary Clinton in the state of florida at least according to the latest polls. What about North Carolina . And talk about that senate race too and what that means for congress. Yeah. I think if donald trump is going to win the presidency, he absolutely has to win North Carolina and the trends havent been going his way lately but this is again something that could shift his way. Part of the problem in North Carolina, though, is early voting. You go down to the senate race and in between the president ial and the senate race is also a governors race there, but in the senate race we have richard burr and debra ross were going after pretty hard for her work in the aclu. We think its having an impact. What are Hillary Clinton supporters saying this morning . Former special counsel bill clinton, laney davis is on deck to debate that. Ah, no shes not. Since when . Since now. Shes into tai chi. She found disc sports too stressful. Hold on. Let me ask you this. Whats she gonna like six months from now . Who do we have on aerial karate . Steve. Steve. Steve. And alexis. Uh, no. Just steve. Just steve. Just steve. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Hillary clinton and her supporters blasting the fbis decision on friday to talk about the email server case. Im sure that some of you may have heard about a letter that the fbi director sent out its pretty strange to put Something Like that out with such Little Information right before an election. Its unprecedented and it is deeply troubling. Well, joining us right now is former special counsel to president bill clinton, landie davis. Gorpg to you. Good morning, steve. You loved james comey in the summer but you now you hate him. First of all, i dont hate him. 200 former prosecutors, including former republican Deputy Attorney general, even your previous guest attorney general gonzalez have all said its unprecedented what james comey has done in such a vague manner, especially without even saying that he knows anything that might be significant. So thats what is strange, but i also heard your new cohost declare Hillary Clinton guilty of lying and lots of other very intemperate words while mr. Comey determined that she was not at least of the last time and still hasnt contradicted guilty of anything. In fact, he said it wasnt even close. I think mr. Comey in july said she was careless but not suggesting any charges. Just the way it looks, hes the fbi director. Hes americas number one law man. For him to say hes got something pertinent regarding the case, you just figure it must be big. Well, steve, youve used the word must be. You are entitled as an assumption. But when you declare something as a fact when your cohost said corrupt, lied, that is irresponsible, the fbi director who was responsible said he doesnt know whether there was anything significant. So if he knows nothing is significant yet and he has nothing further to say, mrs. Clinton has said put it all out. Publish all the emails, but lets not speculate on what a fairandbalanced program, fox friends, all speculation but you shouldnt be using words of corruption without evidence. I think she was just expressing her opinion. Opinion. I got a question because we give you the facts and our points of view as well, thats what people expect in the morning. Lets talk a little bit about the fact that they are going through 650,000 emails. What were and apparently according to the metadata, there were a number of state. Gov and Clinton Foundation emails in there as well. What were all of those things, all those emails doing on the laptop that she shared with her husband, Anthony Weiner which we now know about because the fbi was looking into his inappropriate relationship on line with a teenager. Again, steve, youve used the number 650,000. That comes from news reports. It does. We dont know what the truth is. The Los Angeles Times reported that none of these emails were sent to or received by Hillary Clinton. We dont know whether thats true. Theres a lot we dont know. Absolutely. So therefore speculating for your entire program what might or may be the case can be solved if director james comey had not violated protocol that offended a former republican Deputy Attorney general and lets publish all thee emails right now as secretary clinton has asked. I dont believe that 600,000 is a realistic number. There are probably a lot of duplicates. You dont know either. You dont know either. No, i dont. Lets publish them rather than in the last week. If this were the shoe on the other foot, can you imagine the Republican Party with a democraticappointed director of the fbi putting out a statement so vague that he says he doesnt know whether anything he is saying is significant in the last week. There would be outrage among republicans had that been done. Sure. As ainsley said earlier and weve been talking about, huma turned over all her devices and said thats it. Nothing else on any other devices. That apparently not true. Apparently, she was unaware or forgot. We havent heard yet exactly what is on that computer. How do you forget if your work email somehow just mysteriously appears on a laptop in your living room . You know, to be fair, director comey knows the answer to these questions yet he sent a vague letter where he said i dont even know whether theres anything significant. Yet not only fox but all the news media have called this reopening an investigation where the director says i dont know whats significance. Huma abedin isnt on the air today. Shes under the advice of counsel. It is entirely possible that she did not remember her then husband, they are now separated, are these emails and that we dont know how they got there. So the final verdict here is out and director comey has it within his power. You guys would certainly appreciate him speaking and clarifying what the word pertinent means. Sure. And he said significant. He needs to be at least more clear in the last week before an election. Right. No doubt about it. There are a lot of blanks that need to be filled in and it would be great if we knew that. One of the things. Let me quote wikileaks for a second. Im sure you are going to say it came from the russians. No, no, wait a minute. 17 intelligence agencies say it came from the russians. Not me. Please. Dont embarrass yourself. 17 intelligence agencies. We know, you are cracking me up here. You know myrrha emailed john podesta, do we know who told Hillary Clinton she can use a private email server . That person should be drawn and quartered. Firl do we know gave her that . Donald trump is saying that apology in that locker room talk. No apology to the khans. Who told her . I dont know who told her. I know shes said a mistake. Donald trump, i dont think anything was a mistake. As to whether she wrote the words or not, its not funny steve and its not a joke, 17 of our u. S. Intelligence agencies which we have reported. Have confirmed that these leaks came from the russians and that mr. Putin has interfered in our election process. Were it to the benefit of a democrat, can you imagine what republicans were saying . You want to come on and say your speak. Thank you for being fair, steve. You always are. We try to do that here on the show. Fair and balanced, our opinion, plus some details. Well take a quick timeout. Larry sabato is joining us eight days out. How could the email thing change the race . Well talk about that next. And cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. Were going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. Were going to steal their money, sir . No, we are going to destroy it. Were going to finish this mission. Anything we find is ours. Do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks . I mean the rush, ive never felt anything like it. If we stay here were going to die. Then we die. Millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you eight days to go. Were your ears burning . I was listening. I was back in the back and listening to your interview to mr. Davis as he was saying i was calling Hillary Clinton a pathological liar and i was saying she sent classified information and corruption. I was quoting and if you watch the show clearly he forgot to say this, i was quoting james kalstrum with the fbi. He said that the clintons were liars. Then i quoted james comey she did use more than one device. The 650,000 number. You are right, james comey didnt come out and say it. I like our reporting with kathryn hair herridge. They also go on to say that our fbi sources have said that they claim to have told they were told to stand down by the Justice Department. They did not. There are sources also say there is no way that james comey goes forward without knowing something about what substantially is on the inside of those emails. You can sit there back there and look at that one letter and say thats the reporting. Or you could use reporters who have sources to move the story forward. Were not just making up things. No, were reporting and letting you decide. Right. His whole point is he would like the fbi director to release more data which he hasnt done. But his point was saying something negative about fox news again. I dont know why he comes on here if he finds it so unreasonable. He wants to give the other side. Were fair and balanced. President obama is still campaigning for Hillary Clinton despite the renewed probe into Hillary Clintons email server. Chief washington correspondent james rosen is outside the white house. Whats going on here . Reporter i find all three of you unreasonable but i come on the show quite willingly. Because you are paid. If you are going to say that, say that to our faces. I appreciate that. Reporter they are lovely faces and good morning to you, guys. In june, president obama became the first sitting president of the United States to endorse a president ial candidate under active fbi investigation. This weekend, he became the first sitting president to campaign for one. Mr. Obama conducted a Conference Call for volunteers working with the Hillary Clinton campaign yesterday in which he urged them not to become distracted by what he called the noise and distractions of the final days of this campaign. He praised the democratic nominee who is no stranger to tough fights and who when knocked down gets back up. Fridays bombshell news that the fbi has reopen its investigation into the server that secretary of state had used, the president made no mention and neither did he in orlando when he offered the comment that this is a volatile election with the voters in a volatile mood. The media stories go up and down and theres a lot of noise and sometimes its hard for folks to sort out whats right and wrong and whats true or whats false, which the other guy can say whatever he wants. So we have to work hard. Later this afternoon, the president and first lady will welcome to the south portico local children and sons and daughters of military personnel for trick and treating in the white house. You have to wonder whether you are in a nineyearold showing up in a costume, whether you are going to get the good stuff, like the butter fingers, sweet tarts, or something heavier. How does the average kid get into the white house . These are not average kids. They are local children and they are the sons and daughters of military personnel and so the whole process of course is carefully managed. James can i offer a suggestion to mrs. Obama if she does not want to give out any of this the ring dings or the reeces pieces, what about giving each kid a torch kept lit . Children love william f. Buckley, especially your commentary. This would be a crowd pleaser, no question about it. Congratulations, in all seriousness. Great job putting this together and everyone is talking about it. Awesome. Thank you so much. You are kind to mention it. What a great project for you. You love buckley. Always talk about him. This is a great book for you. Lets talk a little bit about the Chicago Tribune, one of americas great newspapers over the weekend, they are ledged endary op ed writer john kass said she should step down. Think about a nation suffering a bad economy and continuing chaos in the middle east and now also facing a criminal investigation of a president , the best thing would be for democrats to ask her to step down now. It would be the most responsible thing to do if the nation if the nation were more important to them than power. And the American News media, fairly or not firmly identified in the public mind as mrs. Clintons Political Action committee should begin demanding it. Step aside. On the other side, republicans as of lets say before the scandal broke were not rallying in great numbers like they did for mitt romney, john mccain and george bush to this republicans nominees side because hes an orthodox candidate. Whatever the reason is true. If it doesnt happen, probably trump doesnt win. Louis gohmert said ive made the adjustment. Where are the other guys . Protect yourself, were going to live or die together in this election. We need to come back and make sure that hillarys doesnt win. The crimes committed need to be investigated and it will never happen if hillary is elected. I think what has happened over the last couple of days with this email thing, i think ths going to be a big motivator for the people on the republican side. Many of them might not have been trumps fans, if you are a republican, you know what, im going to vote for everybody republican except the president. Thats essentially a vote for the other side. It will be interesting to see what the polls are this week. It will split the ticket. A lot going on. Eight days to go. Still ahead on this monday, former disney star hillary duff forced to apologize for her costume. Some say its offensive, but did she really need to say sorry about that. Well talk about it. Democrats insist the email scandal will not hurt Hillary Clinton in the polls. Is that just wistful thinking . Larry sabato is here. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do. Release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. 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With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Good morning. Welcome back to fox friends. 15 minutes until the top of the hour and some quick headlines to bring you. A new batch of wikileaks emails now revealing a link between Hillary Clintons campaign and cnn. John podestas email sent favorable new polls that the network hasnt released just yet. Hillary duff was dressed as a pilgrim and her boyfriend was dressed as a native american. Duff tweeted this, im so sorry to people i offended with my costume. It was not properly thought through and i am truly from the bottom of my heart, sorry. What do you think about that . Offensive . Renewed investigation into the Hillary Clintons email server could end up hurting at the ballot box some would say. Weve got a new Washington Post poll finding a third of the voters will not support her. The rest dont care. Dr. Sabato joins us. How much would this hurt . How will we know . When this broke on friday, my guess it costs her a point or two. Everything ive seen confirms that. Places like arizona, florida, and maybe North Carolina, and a few other places, ohio, iowa, these things can matter in a close race. The question is will anything else happen . Will her hear will we hear from the fbi director further in one direction or another or will it last . Weve seen a strange phenomenon in this campaign. One candidate, trump or clinton, take a big hit, go down for a while and they will pop back up. Will that happen again or not. The collapse of obamacare is also noteworthy, trump not creating his own controversy is also noteworthy. Things were trending before fridays letter, correct . I think it was you. I think you said that more republicans were moving back to trump and they are called reluctant part i sans. They come in right at the end. They havent supported the nominee. Not just trump, but this frequently happens with other nominees, and so it moves the partisans into not unanimty, a more solid group for the nominee. Was it smart for Hillary Clinton to go after the fbi . Was that a smart move tactically . Well, they had to push back in some way and how do you push back against anybody but the director who made this announcement and lets be honest, its very controversial. There are a lot of people backing her up on that, and at this point its all about energizing your partisans, thats all its about. Trump has energized his using this announcement. Shes trying to energize hers in another way using anger. Im pretend im dr. Larry sabato, not only is it negative for Hillary Clinton, but it reinforces her biggest negative which is trust. Well, it certainly hasnt helped on the honesty and trustworthy part. Its driven up her unfavorables and she and trump are back. She had done better before the general Election Campaign and thats vanished. If you want to go ahead and be me, you dont have to put any kind of costume on for trick or treat, you are frightening enough just going as me. That hurts my feelings. No. Ill take that into account. But do me a favor. Take out your iphone, put it down wednesday, fox friends, thats when these polls will hit. Well get your instant analysis for what it means on november 8th, all right . Ill look forward to it. Fascinating time. Thanks so much. Ten minutes before were done. Are you wearing a costume to work . Were going to find out what everybody else is doing. Im looking im looking at somebodys leg. Its definitely not ainsleys. So good monday everybody. Lets just state it. Theres a lot we do not know but we do know that there are eight days remaining before america chooses. What is the effect of the fbis decision . Why is it happening now . What our reporters are learning about all of this today. Well go by it piece by piece as best we can in the coming hour. Trey gowdy here, ron johnson is here, our analysts will tell us how it affects the vote and more. Its an important day and martha and i will see you shortly on americas newsroom six minutes from now. Brian, back to you. After a Long Campaign cycle, its time we have eight days to go until the election. For our halloween costume, we wanted to come together and show you we are still one United States, even alaska and hawaii. Ladies and gentlemen, we are the United States of america and janice dean there im representing alaska and hawaii. Which seems appropriate. Shes not depicted here. As you can see we have thumb attacks where our homes are and janice is technically a canadian. Thats okay. Im glad to represent hawaii and alaska. You know, because we would have had to put a thumb tack in one of our heads to show im sure brian would have loved that. Absolutely. Brian hates halloween. We have to get into that. Megan made this for us. Unbelievable costume. We know why brian doesnt like halloween. He doesnt like kids on his lawn. Get off my lawn very nice. Happy halloween, everyone. Tomorrow is november. Enjoy today. Tomorrow, you start christmas shopping. Its a good thing were here. You got to dance in your costume. More fox friends in just a moment. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. 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After the show show, well talk to megan about making this amazing costume for bill so here we now enter the final full week of the president ial election, and it begins with Hillary Clinton again on the defensive over those emails. After the fbi director, james comey, delivered an explosive october surprise on friday afternoon. His agency is looking into potentially hundreds of thousands of newlydiscovered emails as we say good morning. Its a trick or its a treat, it is what it is for now, as we go through this today on a monday, im bill hemmer. Welcome into americas newsroom. Martha happy halloween. Trick or treat is right. Good morning, everybody, im martha maccallum, this news sent shock waves across washington and turned this election season on its head. At the center of it all,

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