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Disappear. Whats taking place is illegal between Justice Department and the fbi and secretary of state. Its totally illegal. Its a criminal act. The state Department Spokesperson john kirby here to respond to that and the allegations. We always love seeing the admiral. New video showing the dangers our officers face every day. A criminal slamming a cops head into the pavement because she doesnt fight back because shes afraid of the media attention. An iphone video, how do you do your job that wway . Well examine that. Fox and friends starts right now. I dont quite get it. Supposed to be record high hot here today. Going to be hotter in new york than las vegas which were going to right after the show. I dont know whose idea it was to put earth on the axis. We keep spinning around. You know i speak a bunch of languages. For example, quid pro quo. 21 days before the president ial election. Is america paying attention . What does it mean again . It means something greek. Something bad in this case. You do something for moo. Brand new documents confirming an attempt to cover up information on a private email server. Donald trump says thats breaking the law, its a felony. Senior National Correspondent john roberts is live in las vegas where were heading shortly with the latest. John . Steve, good morning to you. Dont be dissing the weather in las vegas. Right now at 3 00 in morning, its beautiful here. You can be outside and not spend the whole day in the casino like i know youre going to, steve. Good morning, ainsley and brian as well. Donald trump believes he has an issue that he can actually make some headway on and clear the decks of all of the other news dogging his campaign for the last week or so. This idea that the wikileaks email dump shows that the under secretary of state, Patrick Kennedy, apparently offered a quid pro pro to the fbi offering slots on some of Hillary Clintons emails. It was a big topic of his speech last night in green bay, wisconsin. Listen to this. The fbi documents that show undersecretary of state Patrick Kennedy made the request for altering classification as part of a quid pro quo. In other words, a deal. This is felony corruption by any standard. Undersecretary kennedy needs to resign. And now donald trump is calling on congress to launch an investigation into all of this right away. In an interview yesterday in green bay, was very critical of republicans for not acting more quickly on this. Listen to what he told carl. I think its crazy whats going on. Its totally illegal. Its a criminal act. Its a crime. I hear the republicans are going to hold hearings after the election. Why would you hold them after the election . You wont hold them before the election, but this is a criminal act and its incredible that they can do this and get away with it. Now, this is an issue that donald trump may be able to get some traction on, ainsley, brian and steve. Because, lo and behold this is one of the lead stories in the New York Times and the Washington Post today. So Mainstream Media is paying attention to it. Back to you. John roberts out in las vegas where he said its really pretty and delightful. John roberts, to his point, this is what happens when you dont youre not saying anything like drug testing Hillary Clinton or doing something that would smother that story. Without that story being smothered, it becomes front page news. Hes staying on message and the message is, hey, it looks like quid pro quo because thats what they said. They actually said quid pro quo. Thats a depiction of Hillary Clinton. Shes hunkering down. Its her bunker hill as she prepares for the debate. Quid pro quo to security detail hates her. She stole a bunch of furniture. Every wednesday theres a shadow government that has aided her. Theyre the people at the state department figuring out which emails to release. You cant make it up, folks. Its unbelievable. You wonder why they say the media is rigged. Melania talked about that with me yesterday. When you look at the journalists giving money to the different campaigns, which many people say you shouldnt be doing that as a journalist because you should be fair. Journalists have given almost 400,000 to Hillary Clinton compared to donald trump 14,000. Thats 27 to 1. Part of the Wikileaks Dump shows that politico reporter named glenn thrush, he did a great ebook was critical of barack obama early on in his first term, he essentially was sending his story to john podesta to edit before it actually posted. Fact check this for me. Plus, chuck todd apparently had a big swanky dinner party for highranking Government Official on the democrat side. The funny thing is, chris at the Washington Post says reporters dont root for a side, period. He took a lot of blowback online for that. Because look at that, 96 of the donations thus far recorded have gone to the democrat rather than the republican, including apparently Hillary Clinton, friend larry king, donated the maximum, 2700. Because he s disagrees with donald trump on abortion and immigration. Remember, carol simpson, the first africanamerican woman to moderate a debate, she also has donated the maximum to Hillary Clinton. It does look like the Fourth Estate is pulling for there was a reporter with espn, the new yorker, they were both writing things. They not only gave money, but they were writing negative stories or tweets about donald trump. Even the late night shows. I watched stephen colbert, the whole thing was antitrump. Brutal antitrump. Then he does a friendly interview with barack obama and bill oreilly. Shocking. Thats 20 minutes. The jimmy fallon, johnny carson, jay leno template is the way you do it. Equal opportunity offender. It confirms what everybody already knew. Meanwhile, of course, donald trump has taken a lot of heat since that nbc, it sure looks like strategically timed that billy bush bus video and then it was going to come out on the same day as hurricane and then somebody at nbc news leaked it to the Washington Post. Well, now, because billy looked bad, nbc facing a p. R. Nightmare, it looks like they have fired him and it looks like, according to tmz, because he was making 3. 5 million a year, he had just started a brand new threeyear contract, he probably got a 10 million deal to walk away from the job. His off mike moment done years before getting a job at nbc after doing a great job at access hollywood, because hes phenomenal. He gets fired after saying he was fine. So nbc had the tape, knew it existed, still gets the job and then gets fired because of how its being perceived. Let us know what you think about this. Do you think he could have kept his job and it would have been okay . Many people say he was egging on donald trump to do that. But was it just being innocent and trying to play along . The deal at nbc was to take the videotape and edit billy bush out and take the embarrassing thing out. But because the hurricane was messing up their plans, they leaked the whole tape and thats how come billy bush got in big trouble. The reason they had to pay him the full contract is because everybody had heard billy talk about this particular tape before he went to the today show. Its kind of like you knew what was going on, folks. Melania trump is glad they did keep it in because she thinks people like billy bush are egging on her husband. Its not just her husbands fault. Look at the interview. I sat down with her for the very first interview since that billy bush video was released. Watch. Those words, they were offensive to me and they were unappropriate. And he apologized to me. And i expect i accept his apology and we are moving on. From a womans perspective, what were your thoughts when you heard the tapes . This is not the man that i know. This is as i always said, as my husband said as well, for a successful businessman, entrepreneur, entertainer, to the he did it so much in his life, so many shows, so many tapes, its very hard to run for a Public Office and he did it anyway. He said i want to help American People. I want to keep america safe. I want to bring back jobs, bring back economy. So our children, our future will be the best way possible. What do you say to women that are watching, women voters, female voters that havent been able to get past this . What do you say to them . Whats your message to women . My husband is kind, hes a gentleman, he cares about people. He cares about women. He pushes them to the best level they could be. He gives them a chance to prosper in his organization and in his campaign. And hes not the man that we heard him on the tape. You know, he also has a lot of people, miss california, miss universe, other people have come out in the past and said listen, he was a great guy to me. In pushback on the what did you think . I thought she was a strong woman. She talked about what its like to be a mother, what its like to be a part of a president ial campaign, with decisions theyve had to make together as a couple. This is just a little bit. Well see the whole interview in about ten minutes and playing more of it throughout the show. Have we said hello to heather yet . We havent. Such a busy morning. Nice job with that interview. Really well done. Well start out with breaking news now. The most aggressive attack yet to take out isis intensifying overnight. Watch this. That is brand new video just into our newsroom showing iraqi troops on the frontlines. Artillery rounds firing, pounding the terror group in the fight to retake the city of mosul in northern iraq. Now take a live look right outside that city. Troops advancing in that area. Already gaining control of several villages. The iraqis are saying theyve taken control of 20 of them within the past 24 hours. Well keep you posted on any updates. Back here at home, two Police Officers forced to shoot a man when he ambushes them at a starbucks near san francisco. Dramatic Surveillance Video shows a suspect in body armor approaching the coffee shop, pulling out a semiautomatic rifle. But then that gun jams. Man with a rifle. Trying to ambush at the starbucks. Hes carrying a rifle. Shoot him. He was shot three times by police and is in critical condition. Police say this was a targeted attack and he cased the store minutes before the ambush. Powell, a convicted felon is considered a person of interest in the shooting of his 2yearold son. That boy injured just hours before the attack on police. Those are your headlines. See you in a bit. Thank you very much. For years, president obama has hammered the republicans for their criticism of obamacare. But our next guest is a doctor and republican congressman and his diagnosis is that the plan is on life support. Its actually on the verge of collapse. Hes next. The price is really right here. The game show moment that has never happened before that just did. That is a happy woman. Youre not a cook, if you dont cook. Youre not a firefighter, if you dont fight fires. Or a coach, if you dont coach. And you cant be our leader, if you dont lead. Our next president needs to take action on Social Security, or future generations could lose up to 10,000 a year. Were working hard, what about you . Hey candidates, do your jobs. Keep Social Security strong. Anknows how it feelsiabetes to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could. Love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. 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Obamacare was supposed to offer better access to Health Insurance for many people while cutting the cost of premiums. Take a look at this. When president obama took office, family premiums for employer provided coverage cost about 13,000 a year. Now theyre close to 18,000. A little north of that. Poor enrollment numbers is why dr. And texas congressman Michael Burgess believes obamacare is on verge of collapse. He joins us live. Good morning to you. Good morning. I remember the way they were selling obamacare back in the day is your premiums are going to go down 2500. Instead, theyve gone up 5,000. They went the wrong way. The first step in resolving a crisis is admitting you have a problem. Looks like right now the country is finally waking up to the fact this thing is not as advertised. Absolutely not. Premiums in minnesota skyrocketing 56 . In oklahoma, 76 . The exchanges across the states that did pick them up are failing as well, right . The coop has certainly failed. Some states, like my home state of texas did not set up an exchange. You cited the cost in employer sponsored insurance. But in the individual market, for the person who says ive never had insurance, im going to go to health care. Gov and get covered, their policies are they have gone up so much in the three years theyve been available that people are simply walking away. The other side is the deductible is huge and oh, yeah, my doctor isnt on there. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, remember that . Oh, yeah, i remember that. He said he would take the system and figure out something to do with it. Whats Hillary Clintons plan. The public option, remember the trouble weve had with coops. This is applying the coop principle to the entire country so that could go bankrupt. Also increase the penalties, maintain the reasons that people arent signing up for the insurances. The doggone penalty isnt coerce sif enough. Finally, we wants to increase the amount of dollars of subsidies going into the subsidized plans. The problem is, if you are making enough money that youre not covered by a subsidy, when that price increase hits, youre not protected by sub sudden i increase. Plus, she wants to include illegals in on the coverage as well while our veterans arent getting the benefits they deserve. Thats a travesty. Kind of a mess. Well see what happens on november 8 pt. Doctor, thank you very much. Safe travels. Meanwhile, straight ahead on this its tuesday. Still ahead, what does Melania Trump think about Hillary Clinton . I think shes fighting. But i see its like a clinton machine behind it. More of ainsleys exclusive interview on this tuesday. Trump says were going to build a wall and mexico will pay for it. What about canada . The shocking new report coming up straight ahead. A man attacked me in a parking garage. Tried to stab me with an 8inch knife. But i carry a pistol. I fight back. Thats why im still here. Every woman has a right to defend herself with a gun if she chooses. Hillary clinton disagrees with that. Dont let politicians take away your right to own a gun. Donald trump supports my right to own a gun. Some headlines now. An iraqi refugee who planned to blow up two malls in houston pleads guilty of supporting isis. Omar l hardin planned to use these cell phones to detonate homemade bombs in trash cans. He came to the u. S. In 2009 as a refugee and was in the process of applying for citizenship. Donald trump, we might need a wall in canada, too. Criminal and terrorists may be sneaking in from our northern border as they focus on mexico. There are long stretches of land along the Canadian Border unpatrolled with only cameras to monitor illegal activity. Theres the border, theres us. A long space for a wall. Need a bricks. It is official, billy bush reportedly fired from the today show after nbc executives threw him under the bus in a covert attempt to derail the trump train. This morning, Melania Trump speaks out for the very First Time Since that 2005 videotape was released. I had an opportunity to visit trump tower yesterday for the exclusive oneonone interview. Excellent. Melania, thank you so much for sitting down with me today. Of course. Welcome. Youre married to someone running for president of the United States of america. It was quite an amazing year and a half. It was a lot of excitement and a lot of drama. Were just enjoying it. Im very strong. Im very confident. I what i will not allow, people saying lies about me, saying lies about my family, my husband. And i file a lawsuit and i will file to the end because i will not allow that. What lie made you the most upset and how would you like to set the record straight . The lie was that i was working as an escort. That is not true. It just terrible whats going on out there. Double standard with the main striem media. It is a double standard. I think the media, they want to damage my family and my husband. There were reports about your immigration issue and how you got into this country when you started model here. Your visa, becoming a u. S. Citizen. What are the facts . The facts are i always obey the law. I have all the documents. I have very clean past. I would never state here as undocumented. I think all women in america felt for you and what you went through. And just all the allegations of these women coming forward. What was your reaction . I was not surprised in one way because, as i said before, everything was organized. Why now . Why three weeks before the election . And what theyre accusing my husband, that is not the person that i know. What is your message to these women . That all the allegations should be handled in a court of law and without the evidence to accuse somebody, its a man or a woman, its damaging and unfair. When he came out, he apologized immediately on that owe the tape was released on friday. He immediately came out and he said i said it, i was wrong and i apologize. Those words, they were offensive to me and they were unappropriate. And he apologized to me. And expect i accept his apology. We are moving on. What do you say to women that are watching, women voters, female voters that havent been able to get past it . My husband is kind, hes a gentleman, he cares about people, he cares about women. Hes not the man that we heard him on the tape. Many times i give him an advice and i didnt agree to do all the tapes on howard stern, with billy bush because i know those people. They hook him on. They try to get from him some some unappropriate and dirty language. When he decided to run, is it true you were pushing him to do that and did you have a conversation that, okay, some of these things might come out . Some pictures, some conversations . His life is open book. My husband is raw and hes real. He tells it as it is. What do you think about becoming first lady of the United States if donald trump wins . What do you envision . In 21st century, its important that we see social media. It can be very, very bad. Ive seen what the children go through. Its really sad. I would focus on that. What do you think of Hillary Clinton . I think shes fighting. But i see its like clinton machine behind it. They are playing politically correct games. And they are protect it very well. There are a lot of people that want to hear more from you . It was my decision not to be on the campaign trail. My priority is our son and i want to be a mother first. I wanted to ask you about the debate. What is your advice to donald trump . Just to be himself. Keep it calm, cool, focused. And to talk about issues that American People want to hear about. Thats great advice. You know, thats a real eyeopener, seeing her because shes a big part of his life and the way she looked at the very things that popped up. She wants to win. Thats what i take from it. If you want it, you can have it. Watching that, she really wants to win. I walked into that apartment thinking i was going to she wasnt going to be as strong as she is. Shes extremely strong. I loved her answers. She says no one tells me what to do or where im going to be on the campaign trail. Im a mother first. Thats why im not out there. Thats why she collapsed a jewelry line. She said id rather be with my son. Why did i become a parent if im traveling all around . Great questions and great answers. Thank you. Meanwhile, straight ahead on this tuesday, shocking new video just released of the butte al moments a criminal beats a woman Police Officer. Look at this. Taser is not working. Taser is not working, but that officer refuses to fight back because she was afraid of the potential backlash. Were not kidding. Fantastic. Hes known for riding horses shirtless. Hes an expert judo guy. Vladimir putin showing his softer side. Mr. April. I cant wait to see what november looks like. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. For four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. announcer vo you can go straight home. howard stern on radio welcome to show business. announcer vo or you can hear the rest of howard. Bababooey announcer vo sorry, confused neighbors, howards on. Siriusxm. Road happy. If youre looking to see a debate. I believe its between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Watch tomorrow night at 9 00. It is going to be fantastic. Its going to be crisp and clean. Everything is on the line. Of course, Chris Wallace will be the moderator. I guess it is going to be two podiums facing the moderator. I think so too. Its going to be tomorrow night, 9 00 p. M. Eastern time on the fox newschannel. I sent chris a note last night because weve been showing the banners and his face is in the little tab. I said congratulations. Its official. Youre on tv now more than the mike pillow guy. Thats right. Thats right exactly right. Hes going to be fantastic. How can we make it really fun . I think we should all wear elvis costumes on the plane. We can easily get the costumes. I would say, looking for i dont think dressing like elvis will do it. Are you with me . Im with you. I was packing last night. My son peter said, i was trying to figure out what to bring. He said even i, mean i mine i mow mom. Or rock paper scissors. Never know what we end up with. Got a couple news headlines. Chicago Police Department now releasing shocking new video of one of their own under attack. A suspect punching and slamming a cops head on to the pavement, but she doesnt fight back. The reason . She was afraid of media attention. Get down on the ground wow. You can see the suspect beating the female officer as other cops try to handcuff him. Hes not letting go. Were tasing him. Its not working. The suspect eventually arrested charged with attempted murder. Police officials now say that the officer did not pull her gun because she didnt want to cause National Outrage over race and policing. Unreal. Wow. The former al qaeda spider infamous for publishing the diary at gitmo is that man is now back in northwest africa after 14 years in that prison camp. This morning, just 60 detainees remain at gitmo. The diary became an International Best seller even though hes been connected to the 9 11 hijackers and a plot to blow up the los angeles airport. An unbelievable showcase showdown on the price is right when all three contestants spin a dollar. Watch this. Just might happen seven times. Threeway tie. Three way tie. Thats ace never happen. If you dont watch the price is right, you got to know this. Actually, its happened a couple of times in the shows history. Each contestant spinning the wheel getting different money combinations to reach the dollar mark. The odds of that happening, less than one in a thousand. The lucky winners walking away with each a thousand dollars. Thats nice. Hopefully they get to pick from the big showcases with the rv, the motorcycle combination. Sure, new washer and dryer. Rotator cuff surgery by the way they were using their shoulders. Guys, a year ago i was able to put out George Washington secret a lot of people thought it was great to find out we had a spy network back then. Then we looked at the george bush came out and said we got to take on bin laden. This adderall islam. People thought this is the first time. It turns out Thomas Jefferson was the first one to take on these terrorists. Heres how it happened. Heres what he did and heres what we can learn from it. The year, 1785. The United States of america was the worlds newest nation. No president , no constitution. But buried in war debt. It already had its first enemy. Off the coast of north africa. Islamic radical pirates. Pirates from four islamic nations, morocco, algiers, tune is, tripoli. Without a navy for protection, our merchants were help lis and vulnerable at sea. They turned the crews into their slaves. American ships, well they were easy targets. Creating a crisis that put our economy on the verge of collapse. Congress tasked two future president s to come up with a deal. John adams and Thomas Jefferson. They met with the tripoli ambassador face to face. The a. M. Bass does was unkromsing and demanded money for passage. According to the quran it was their god given right. They didnt have a deal on the prisoners and they didnt have a deal on safe passage for a merchant ship. Back in the United States, they waited for a recommendation. Thats where adams and jefferson split. Adams said, you cant fight them unless we want to fight them forever. For jefferson, says you cant pay for peace. He sensed that the attacks would start and the price would only go up. In this case, jefferson was 100 correct. The United States caved to the pirates, borrowing money costing them up to 20 of the entire National Budget. Yet somehow, the attacks continued. When George Washington took office, he would continue to make the payments. But he would also commission the building of six ships, including this very one. The u. S. S. Constitution. What were they like . They had copper bottoms, they had solid oak sides. They were fast, they were strong. And they were built to fight. The training at sea would get intense. It wouldnt be long before the confrontation would begin. The American Forces were brave and brash. Like marine legend presley owe bannon, the general William Eaton and the navys cap tap edward pref i will. None as impressive as steven decatur. Commanding the crew of the gunship enterprise. He led the charge against the pirates. Even blew up an American Ship, the u. S. S. Philadelphia that the pirates once claimed as theirs. Jefferson knew diplomacy would be tried but ultimately he knew he had to use force and decatur was the guy to get it done. So successful was decatur in 1805 as well as 1815 that soon after, britain, sweden, france and spain would do the same exact thing. An american not yet 40 years old was showing the rest of the world the way to confrontter rorp, through strength brings peace. Now, we put in the after word. Steven decatur got a house for being a hero. If he didnt get shot in a duel, who didnt. He probably would have been president. Decatur, georgia is named after him. Hes a legend that nobody knows about in america or very few. Thats in the afterward. Ill be in tulsa talking about it. Then in atlanta, georgia and november 11th. I think thats in the orlando area and then somewhere at the villages shortly. Fantastic. Telling the story. A lot of people dont know it. American history. I went on amazon this morning and bought your book. Its a best seller. I know you would have given me, but i want to support my friend. Im really proud of you. Okay. Im going on during the commercial. Well have to contact Chris Wallace. There you go. Bombshell reports, one of Hillary Clintons most trusted lieutenants tried to make a deal with the fbi in the middle of her email investigation. Wait. Isnt that a crime . Judge napolitano reporting for duty. Live from new york city. Were going to talk quid pro quo with him. He has a sharp wit. A winning smile. And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. I find this stunning. New bombshell allegations of a quid pro quo offered by the state department to the fbi to reclassify Hillary Clintons emails during the investigation into her private server thanks to wikileaks. Yeah. Reclassify down. Did he classify. Donald trump calls that criminal. Its illegal whats taking place is illegal between Justice Department and the fbi and secretary of state and state department. I think its crazy whats going on. Its totally illegal. Its a criminal act. Its a crime. So is it a crime . Is he right . Is there a smoking gun . Lets acts our senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. Good morning, guys. It is a crime to offer a bribe even if the bribe is not accepted. Its obviously not the crime of bribery its the crime of offering the bribe or attempted bribe. A quid pro pro is a trade. Ill give you this tie for that tie. The quid for the quo. The offer, the tradeoff was, if you can take this document and reduce its classification from top secret to secret or from secret to confidential or from confidential to unclassified, we will provide more opportunities for fbi agents to do their work in the middle east. An area where theyre generally prohibited from working. Tell me if i have this right. The reason why this is so important is that Hillary Clinton told everyone she never had classified information coming in or out on her server. Now, if she is found to have classified information on her server, labelled like that, she would look like a liar and irresponsible. Yes. She very carefully parsed words almost as precisely as her husband did back in the sexual investigations. She said, i have neither sent nor received anything marked classified. That is technically literally true because nothing is marked classified. The classifications are, the markings are top secret, secret or confidential. Listen, these markings change all the time. There are very vague lines between them. Top secret is something, if revealed, would harm the National Security gravely. Secret is something that would harm the National Security seriously. How do you decide between serious and grave. Often the markings change so people can look at them. But the markings never ever ever change after the document has been subpoenaed, when its in the hands of the fbi, in the midst of a criminal investigation. Thats called tampering with evidence. Or because of a bribery. Yes. Should somebody be indicted . I originally thought so. The fbi doesnt think so. I dont know why. I can speculate why. Either the fbi agent who reported this didnt have credibility or the offer was so vague, well give you guys some opportunity to work oversea, they didnt consider it a bribe. The fbi wanted to do their job better it seems like. We want access to country into iraq to do our job better. Theyre asking for a favor to do their job better. But the favor is the illegal part. To make it more complex, under john kerrys watch, when it was made in 2015, mrs. Clinton was out of office for two years. This is largely john kerrys responsibility. Patrick kennedy, number three in the state department, still there, allegedly made this offer, which the fbi didnt take seriously. This is like offering money to a Police Officer when you get pulled over to get out of a ticket. Does that work . No. Youll go to jail. Of course. Yes, you will go to jail. Patrick kennedy, apparently will not. Good luck in vegas, guys. Thank you. John kirby is going to react to react to those quid pro quo allegations. Stay tuned for that. Its the patriotic moment that will make you even prouder to be an american. The story of a Football Player standing up for his country when his team would not. They stayed in the locker room. Carly shimkus has the top headlines in a moment. Its not just a car, its your daily retreat. The es and es hybrid. Get up to 5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. See your lexus dealer. Comedian amy shumer facing major backlash after slamming donald trump during one of her shows. Totally unnecessary. Siriuss Carly Shimkus is here. 200 people walked out of amys show after she blasted donald trump on stage after calling him an orange monster. Here she is trying to manage the fallout from that. You can leave whenever you want. So everybodys point is a okay. Go. 200 people walked out. Never really good to be a comedian. She challenged them to walk out. Yes, she did. She appears to be taking this whole situation in stride. Tweeted all love tampa and a link to the tampa bay times. Tampa bay is very republican. Thats why they walked out. Weve got this picture of a college Football Player. This is the shot of the day. Connor brewer stood on the sidelines alone during the National Anthem as all of his teammates were sitting in the locker room protesting the National Anthem. How brave is he . Hes getting a lot of praise for that patriotic act. I want to fly out and shake his hand. How pathetic. Were saluting him because hes standing alone. So embarrassing for the rest of that college and everybody else. We love showing all these pictures of Vladimir Putin like he was shirtless. Whats the latest . You might want to get your credit cards ready for this. The official Vladimir Putin 2017 calendar just hits stores. Heres him snuggling a cat. A day in the life of brian kilmeade. I think its going to make a great Stocking Stuffer for all the little children in russia out there. Look how innocent. It is in russian, though, right . It sure is. Maybe not useful. A hotticket item. Were going to be listening to you over on xm chance 115. Im going to get my credit card out to buy brians book. Oh, really . Coming up, does Melania Trump think that bill clintons history is fair game . More on that exclusive interview in the next hour. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business but theres so much more to it. Heres how benefiber® works. Inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. The prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them. And what helps them, helps you. Clear, tastefree, benefiber®. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Good morning to you and your family. Melania trump breaks her silence for the very First Time Since the tape of that husband leaked and i wanted to know is bill clintons past, does she think thats fair game . They bring my past. Why not . They are asking for it. They start it. Much more from my sit down with Melania Trump. Bomb shell reports that the state department tried to cut a deal with the fbi to make that pesky email scandal go away in some measure. Admirable you dont know kirby is here to respond. When you thought it couldnt get more outrageous and inappropriate. White house weighed in. The candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs. Let me remind you your mornings are better with friends. Were august flying out to las vegas. You had a very busy day talking to melania. After the show yesterday, i went to trump tower. Went up 65 floors, overlooking central park. A beautiful view. Sat down with melania first interview shes given anyone since the tapes were released. Were going to play the whole thing. Heather is telling us now whats happening. We have major news happening overseas. Weve been talking about the push to retake mosul from isis. Its the most aggressive attack now to try to fight isis. It intensified overnight. Take a look at this. Brandnew video into our newsroom showing iraqi troops on the front line, firing artillery. Take a live look now outside that city. Troops advancing on this area, already getting control of several villages within the past 24 hours and they are being backed by u. S. Forces. An attempted ambush back here at home foiled by two brave Police Officers near san francisco. Watch this. Man with a rifle just decided to ambush us at starbucks. Hes carrying a rifle. Shoot him it shows the suspect in body armor, approaching starbucks. Pulling a semiautomatic rifle. The gun gams. Adam powell runs off. It was a targeted attack and he cased the store just minutes before the ambush. Powell, a convicted felon is also considered a person of interest in the shooting of his twoyearold son. That boy was injured just hours before the attack on police and we are praying for that little boy this morning. The all clear is given overnight after a bomb threat at a republican headquarters in phoenix. Police trying to figure out who left a threatening voicemail just one day after a North Carolina Republican Office was fire bombed. That place was left completely charred. Volunteers are now setting up outside the area. Were not going to miss a day, were not going to miss a beat. Well be going until november 5th. Just hours after the fire bombing, the head of the states republican partys email was hacked. Dallas woodhouse sending out a warning and an apology for the phishing email. And white house laughing off Donald Trumps request for a drug test before the debate. Donald trump suggested that president ial candidates should have to take a drug test. You are telling me that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of drugs. Thats a Curious Development. Wow. That coming from the White House Press secretary. Reporters asked him what he meant by that. He said he was trying to have fun with the press. The press wasnt laughing. Big story is this all quid pro quo thing over at the state department and weve got state Department Spokesperson admirable john kirby joining us. Good morning, guys. Good to be with you. It wasnt too long you were sitting on our couch. You listed that right under admirable as career highlight. Just to talk about this. It doesnt reflect directly on you but maybe you could provide some insight on this. These documents it seemed we got verbatim a quid pro quo happening between the fbi and the state department where Patrick Kennedy is saying do me a favor, reclassify this and in exchange the fbi seems to want to get into countries that they were forbidden from operating in. Do i have it wrong . Actually, you do, brian. What were talking about, its called a 302. Its a summary of an interview with one fbi employee who gave these views. We looked into this and the fbi looked into this. It is just not true. There is no quid pro quo. What did happen is pat kennedy did talk to the fbi as he did on other email traffic that we were getting ready to release to foia to discuss and better understand. Did you say the fbi guy got it wrong . What im saying is the fbi as an institution said there was no bargain suggested. You are blaming the fbi . No, no, no, not at all. What im saying is that both the state department and fbi looked into this and there was no bargain even suggested by the then why did why was the term quid pro quo used . Its one thing to suggest it looks like quid pro quo. There it is, quid pro quo. Why dont we show the viewers at home the exact email and they can make up their own minds. It says the agent advised that in exchange for the marking for marking the email unclassified, state will reciprocate by allowing the fbi to aplace for agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. You do this for us. You change it. You declassify that secret email and well put more fbi agents in the middle east for you guys. If thats not what quid pro quo, i dont know what is. The term was used. If that in fact had happened, yeah, you are right. You are saying that didnt happen . Why the email then . The individual who said that wasnt one of the two individuals involved in the conversation, pat kennedy and the other fbi official was not the person would gave this interview. I cant speak to what that individual remembers or how they remember it. What i can tell you is we looked into this, there was no quid pro quo suggested and there was no inkling of that. The fbi said the same thing. They gave a very detail statement right after the story broke that explained in detail how it came about. Would you argue as well that Patrick Kennedy never asked for it to be declassified so that he could then essentially as the story goes put it in the basement of the department of state . Nobody would ever see it. Was there an action on the part of the department of state to declassify it so that it wouldnt be, you know, looked as a problem having been on Hillary Clintons illegal email server . Not exactly. What pat did talk to the fbi about was this particular email which we did not warranted to be secret. We did not think it deserved to be classified at the secret level. The fbi obviously had a different view. We ended up losing that argument. The fbi won. It was classified secret and was heavily redacted. You can see it on our website. Its right there. We did not believe it needed to be. They thought it should be. We obviously deferred for them. The fact that we had debates and discussions inside the agency over the classification of these emails is nothing new. It happened quite a bit in the release of the 55,000 pages. This is just one example of exactly that kind of debate and discussion. We disagreed with their view but they won the argument. Part of the reason is i know you can understand this, theres so much at stake. We want to find out if maybe the future president of the United States would be that irresponsible when it comes to top secret information. Number one, setting up the server, the American People can decide. Sending in surrogates perhaps to make sure you dont look bad as you try to get the presidency is something else. You can understand people looking at this what was going on behind the scenes, would we ever have known this if it wasnt for wikileaks and these hacks . Listen. Brian, i certainly understand the curiosity that is raised about this. Honestly, there was nothing there. Nobody can call pat kennedy a surrogate for anybody for the United States and the state department. Hes been a loyal Public Servant for four decades. Hes a very dedicated man to his job. He was simply doing his job and debating with the fbi with our view on this particular email. I was going to ask you why is he still working there if hes behind all of this, but you are saying it never happened. It was just a conversation. It was not even an email. Hes behind nothing other than trying to serve the American People through the state department. You have to understand why the American People, all of our viewers are so frustrated with whats happening. Cant you understand that . I can understand when the press coverage on this certainly broke. I can understand the concern which is why i asked to come on your show today to explain it to your viewers. There was no barringen. When you do leave, are you going to take a lamp or couch . Why is it that Hillary Clinton is allowed to take this stuff with her . Whats the future what is the story behind that . I cant speak for that. Whenever my time is up, i intend to take a nice nap. Lets put it that way. I would take the lamp. Its smaller. You could probably transport it. Is it usual for a secretary to leave with furniture . As i understand it, those were her personal belongings that she brought from home to decorate her offices and took them back again. I hope so. I have stuff that i hang on my wall. As long as she paid for it and we the taxpayer did not. As i understand it, these were her belongings. All right. Thanks for dropping by. All right. So we also in other news i know, right. It was very nice of him to come on. It was great. It still looks fishy. We sat down with Melania Trump yesterday. She opened up her home. Very nice to allow us in there so we could talk to her about what happened with the billy bush stuff. And you think about whats at stake when you walk in there, theres nine women who have come forward and accused her of husband doing things. We wanted to see what it was like inside. We wanted to get that interview last week and they decided they wanted to do the interview this week and we got a chance to sit down with her and ask her. Has the Mainstream Media been fair . Is it fair for donald trump to go after bill clintons past, listen. Is it fair for the media to bring up bill clintons past or for donald trump to bring up bill clintons past . Well, they bring my past. Why not. They are asking for it. They are asking for it. They start it. They start it from the beginning of the campaign, putting my picture from modeling days as you want that to be a first lady. That was my modeling days and im proud what i did. I worked very hard. Shes got a great point. She said some of the rumors out there that the media has been saying about her they are false and she has several lawsuits against some of these publications. Thats right. Whats interesting, michael who used to be at news week and nbc, now he is calling for nbc to release a tape done with Juanita Broderick who claims bill clinton raped her years ago. Nbc ran part of the stap where she talked about the rape, but they did not run the excerpt where she talks about how Hillary Clinton threatened her and was trying to destroy her. Nbc has not released that and he would like to see them do that. As many people would. Because that would be fair too. The media just is there to report the story. Not take sides. One thing i noticed about Melania Trump, because shes a model, you see her with her child, did a christmas special, shes as normal as any mom on the sidelines, watching her kid play sports. Play soccer. She likes to stay at home. Shes a home body. I can understand why. Im sure shes bombarded when she goes out. She would rather be at home. Great job. Well see more later on. Straight ahead, the people in charge of protecting Hillary Clinton blowing the lid what it was like when she was at the state department. Like how she put their lives in danger for a photo op with friendly journalists and thats not all. Who is trying to silence Julian Assange after leaking thousands of Clinton Campaign emails. Someone cut off his Internet Access. Word is hes going to be arrested soon. Maybe in a matter of hours. [ boomer ] imagine what you wear every day actually making your body feel better. Making your whole day better. Hi, everybody. Im boomer esiason. 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Get this one done ask about prevnar 13® at your next visit to your Doctors Office or pharmacy. You just heard uses talking about it. A quid pro quo bombshell striking Hillary Clintons Campaign Just 21 days before the election. Your turn, brian. We just spoke to state Department Spokes american admirable john kirby. That went well. John roberts live in las vegas with the very latest. Hey, john, the admirable says no lawyers are broken laws are broken. Shows is over. Donald trump says this is an actual issue he can use against Hillary Clinton. Good morning to you. Hes likening this to watergate thats what he said last night at a rally in green bay, wisconsin. Hes not listening to the admirable this morning who is saying hey, there is no there there. There is no quid pro quo. These are discussions we have all the time. Donald trump is anxious to find a topic to change the subject of the news thats been dogging him for the last seven days. This is being covered above the fold in big newspapers like the Washington Post and the New York Times where they are talking about this idea of a quid pro quo, and last night in green bay, wisconsin, donald trump hammered that point home. Listen to what he said. The undersecretary of state, Patrick Kennedy illegally pressured the fbi to unclassify emails from hillarys illegal server. In other words, the state department was trying to cover up hillarys crimes of sending classified information on a server our enemies could easily access. You could bet that donald trump is going to try to bring that up at the debate tomorrow night at the university of nevada in las vegas. The very last debate of the president ial season. Something else hes hammering at his events. He wont necessarily bring it up at the debate, though he might. The idea that the election is rigged against him. Hes been talking about Illegal Immigrants voting, dead people voting. Hes drilling down on this idea that there is collusiia and the campaign to take the election away from him and a new Study Suggests that on one particular point, at least, donald trump may have some backup. Listen to what he said last night. A new report from the center of Public Integrity shows that 96 of socalled journalists or reporters who made president ial donations, gave their money, gave themselves, gave everything to crooked Hillary Clinton. Can you believe it . Boo they even want to try to rig the election. Now, there is that new study out there that suggests overwhelmingly journalists who made political donations donated to Hillary Clinton. It was 96 for clinton versus 4 for donald trump. Im not sure who those journalists are because ive never given a political contribution in my life, nor have many of my colleagues. You know whats great about las vegas, by the way . You are never far from home, so lets send it back to you in new york. John roberts showing us, it looks like the Empire State Building or something. Oh, its new york, new york. John, see you at the airport at 2 00 in the afternoon. One opportunity to get away and he still wanted to be in new york. I hope we can make it there. Meanwhile, the very latest on mosul coming up. Mplings thats all he has to say. Enough said. Bye. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. announcer vo you can commute. man on radio . 40 no flags on the play cheering announcer vo or you can chest bump. Yo commute, we got serious game. Siriusxm. Road happy. When youre on hold, your business is on hold. Thats why comcast business doesnt leave you there. When you call, a Small Business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. No annoying hold music. Just a real person, real fast. Whenever you need them. Great, thats what i said. So your business can get back to business. Sounds like my rides ready. Dont get stuck on hold. Reach an expert fast. Comcast business. Built for business. It is time for your news by the numbers. First, 96 , that is Hillary Clintons share of Campaign Contributions from folks who work in the news business. The findings by the center for Public Integrity could give donald trump some backup to his complaints that the media is rigging this election. Next, 721,000 thats how much the government has spent to analyze food mentions on twitter. The most Popular Foods and drinks, coffee and beer. Those are both drinks. 23 , that is the surge that we are seeing in illegal immigrant arrests over the past year. Newly released Homeland Security numbers show more than 400,000 Illegal Immigrants have already been caught this year. Brian. Iraqi troops are moving in on mosul as the video shows the fight is intensifying. Watch. Obviously, at the outskirts, Coalition Forces pounding the terrorist group. What kind of iraq will the next president inherit when mosul does fall. Here is pete hegseth. The president wants to get mosul back. Is everything good if he gets it back . No, not necessarily. We all want to defeat isis. We will take mosul. It depends on im not sure how long it takes. The aftermath is by far the most important piece and what hasnt been figured out at all. Theres no deal for what a post invasion plan looks like in mosul. Its a traditional powder keg of different egg nisities. Youve got the turks and the sun in nie. We have leverage to say well do this if you put together a hybrid force of sunnis and shia and dont fire all the shias, making them ripe for an insurgent turnover. We didnt do it . Whats our evidence that it will work. It hasnt been before. George w. Bush gift wrapped to barack obama. Hes gift wrapped confusion and chaos to the next president. What needs to happen in iraq is a dramatic change. The sunnis are not going towork. Iraq will never be the coherent state that we thought it was. Lets start having a serious conversation about what it would look like afterwards so we can get stability and not have to go in and create some coalition thats fake in the moment to take out isis and hope it works out in the end. Part of the reason the surge worked is the Security Force afterwards being paid by us and the Iraqi Government to stay there. Dont become terrorists. Keep peace in the area. As soon as we pull out, they are trying to hold the sunni area and thats why it was ripe for isis. The residents say ill take the terror group because of the iraqi forces because we think its the lesser of two evils. Believe it or not. Iraq did have a past of a multiethnic society. When we abandoned it militarily and diplomatically didnt say there, then the more extreme forces like iran and shias militias came in and they didnt care iraq and we have to care about it again. Well take mosul. Its going to be chaos afterwards. My fear is they give it to iran. You know the people who are fighting the fight. The people in charge of protecting Hillary Clinton, borrowing the lid off what life was like inside her state department. How she put them in danger for a photo op. Thats not all. Shes a brutal, horrible person. A group of strangers coming together to lift a car that flipped on top of a woman. The amazing rescue caught on camera. Some things are simply impossible to ignore. The strikinglydesigned lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Get up to 5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. See your lexus dealer. Only new alkaseltzer plus justfree of artificial dyes and preservatives liquid gels delivers the powerful cold symptom relief you need without the unnecessary additives you dont. Store manager clean up, aisle 4. Alkaseltzer plus liquid gels. Things got super cute at the trump rally in wisconsin last night. Hi. Do you love wisconsin . Say yes. Yes. When a boil billionaire tells you to say yes, you do. The crowd going wild over two cuties. Trump seems to be winning over kids one by one. This tiny trump made headlines after joining him on stage in pennsylvania and eventually he wound up right here on the curvy couch in new york city. That one work out pretty well. He said do you want to be with . Your parents or donald trump. He said trump. History will be made first time ever. A fox news moderator will be moderating the third debate. Hillary clintons security detail that served during her time as secretary of state. Some of them refuse to work for her because she put their lives at risk. And perhaps the strangest accusation. Although it sounds familiar, when she left the state department, she stole lamps, and other stuff. For more on that, we turn to the author of guilty of sin ed kline. Why does she do that . I think its a sense of entitlement. Everything belong to her. The country belongs to her. The white house belongs to her. Furniture belongs to her. Whatever she wants, shes entitled to it. And were going to talk a little bit more about it. When they left the white house, they took a bunch of stuff. They had a huge van pull up in front of the white house. They took half the china from the white house, if you remember. They had to actually return it later on. Sure. I thought what was most interesting are the secret agents or agents on her detail that said they didnt want to work for her. This is listen to this, prior to clintons tenure being an agent on the secretary of states protective detail was seen as an honor and privileged reserved for senior agents by the end of her tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her. Explain that, ed. The same thing happened when she had her secret service agents, when she was the first lady. These people hated the secret service hated working for her, she would greet them, the secret service would say good morning, maam and she would say four letter words and six letter words. Get out of my way. To government employees. They hated her. So it was considered the single worst job you could possibly have in the secret service and then the Diplomatic Service as well. According to this report, it looks like to get good press coverage, she would often time surround herself with friendly journalists but she would also ask to go to hot spots where the security detail actually felt like things were not right. For instance, once in jakarta, this came out and ds agents felt this excursion into potentially hostile areas placed clinton, her staff, and media and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for her election campaign. Ultimately, apparently they did enough yelling, they relented and they would you know up going into this hot spot. These Diplomatic Service guys told me that hillary had three priorities when she got in the state department. First priority, running for president from the moment she arrived at the state department. So all these trips, 130 countries, she took along these reporters who were favorable to her because she was setting up the time when they would be covering her when she ran for president. Also, she was on the phone with donors when she was in the state department, getting contacts with people who are going to donate to her president ial Campaign Later on. So her basic goal in the state department was putting the groundwork for her president ial run. The other story is going to the palestinian territories in an armored car. She insisted on rolling down the window. Think about that. There is a connection between how she treated security with her Diplomatic Service and how she treated security in benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four americans. Regarding the wikileaks, daily mail has got a headline. Bill is having a hard time. Chelsea is livid and hillary is peeved. It also says donald trump is upset by bill clinton. Donald trump may have done 20, 30, ten years ago. In my book, guilty as sin im talking about what hes doing right now in little rock getting foot massages from interns. Nobody is covering that. Yeah. Which by the way she couldnt be doing that because its not a residence. Evidently, hes not being taxed on it. Put down the foot. The National Archives is footing the bill. What is their . Why is this happening . Its continuously happening. Were always hearing these stories with whats happening with women life and the energizer bunny. She has parties on his fifth floor of his William Jefferson clinton library. He takes out the garden hose and hoses down the women and wet tshirts. What about two for the price of one . Hes not running for president. When you get a clinton, you always get a second clinton. Its spring break every day in the attic. In your book you talked about how he wanted to build a pool on the roof and have these nude swim parties. Like jfk. This guy, bill clinton is the very person that Hillary Clinton said if i get to be president , he will be in charge of the entire economy of the United States. Mainstream media is not even talking about that. Double standard. Thank you, sir. Beat that, heather. I cant beat that. Heather my mouth just dropped. It was wide open when we talked about that. You and i are looking at each other, what all this stuff currently happening, ed. Something else. Good morning to you. Let me get to your headlines right now why we try to digest that last interview. We now who severed julian asanchs life line to the rest of the world. We can confirm ecuador cut off his Internet Access shortly after publication of clintons Goldman Sachs speeches. Hes currently hold up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in london. No word on why they would want to cut him off. Well look into that. Call them seven safe i dont recognize. Save i dont remember a woman was thrown from her car after she hit a tree in new jersey. The car flipped over and landed on top of her. Seconds later, Good Samaritans came over to free her from the wreckage. I can see her face. Her legs were in a strange position. Her arms were out and she kept trying to lift her head up and moved and moaning. I was like its okay. The woman is in critical condition, but shes expected to be okay. Thank goodness for that. A brandnew bomb shell accusation in the multimillion dollar Kim Kardashian jewel heist. The concierge in paris is speaking out. He said the gang robbery could have been prevented. He said management ignored concerns about unlocked doors, cameras that are broken. And unchanged key codes. Leave the garlic at home. This is your chance to spend halloween night in Draculas Castle free of charge. Woohoo welcome to my home. Heres whats going on. Air bn b is launching a horrifying new contest. Offering a free trip to transsylvania to spend the night in his home. To enter, you would have to tell what you will do if you came facetoface with count dracula. There are some rules. Guests have to close the curtains before sun rise and mirror selfies are forbidden. You can sleep in could have fins. There are weird people out there that would want to do that. I would spend a nice in a castle but never in a coven coffin. I think the manlt of you would want to do that. Nothing shocks me and theres no judgment. As long as you got a necklace of garlic, you are fine. The only two counts i remember was sesame street the count, and count chocula. What is your favorite cereal . I like qisp. It doesnt have styrofoam for the manufacturer who is thinking about calling us right now. Hes kidding. Sorry that Little Company called quaker oats. [ phone ringing ] brian, its for you. Shocking video just released of the moments a man high on drugs apparently beats a female chicago Police Officer. Look at this. Let go of her taser. Its not working. Why didnt she use her Service Revolver . Well, there is a reason, and the potential backlash is why. Were going to talk a cop in chicago about that. Caution, dead men voting and guess who they are pulling the lever for this election season. I do not know [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] on the road again [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . 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Weve heard donald trump talk about how this election is rigged, and Rudy Giuliani, we ran a sound byte from over the weekend where he said that there are a lot of dead people going to vote in this election and they are going to vote for democrats and a lot of people point out maybe if people will show up and vote, maybe that corruption is not there. Maybe when it comes to registration is the problem. If you are lying during registration, then you show up and it looks as though you belong on the rolls. Whats happening is people register to vote and they die before the election rolls around. George will, the famous conservative columnist a never trumper. A never trumper, who has not been a supporter of donald trump, kind of agreed with donald trump regarding the whole rigged thing. Listen to this. It is hard to think of an innocent reason why democrats spend so much time, energy, and money, scarce resources all, resisting attempts to remove voters from the rolls. They fight tremendously against voter i. D. Laws. They say that burdens the exercise of a fudge fundamental right. No one thinks showing an i. D. At the airport burdens that fundamental right. We know that the 2010, 12 and 13 elections were rigged by the most intrusive and potentially punitive institutions of the federal government, the irs. Hes absolutely right and he did mention how the Mainstream Media mention whoever the republican nominee is. They are saying donald trump is irresponsible for bringing it up. It has to be rigged. Look at journalists supporting the democratic candidate. I dont think you should give money to the campaign. Hillary clinton got 4 u. N. H 400,000 from journalists. Trump got 14,000. Sharp contrast. Is it rigged . You be the judge. Lets change gears. Shocking video to be released. The moment a man high on drugs beat a chicago Police Officer. Why didnt she pull her gun . She was worried about the backlash. 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Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. The chicago, illinois Police Department has realed shocking new video of one of their own under abeing at that. A suspect high on drugs, punching and slamming a Police Officers head into the pavement. Look at this. Get down on the ground. Get down on the ground well, that Police Officer never pulled her gun. Why . Because apparently she was afraid of the potential backlash. The suspect was eventually arrested and charged with attempted murder. Here to react is retired Chicago Police sergeant. Pete, good morning to you. What do you make of the very latest thing where the Police Officer is afraid to use her Service Revolver because she doesnt want the backlash that she might wind up in the paper in the morning . You cant have that thought in your mind when you are going out and working. You cant have that hesitation. You cant have that onesecond delay to that let person to get oneup on you. This woman got beaten severely. Shes still in the hospital. The stun gun the taser didnt work. They put it on stun. That doesnt work and this woman was taking a severe beating for a couple of minutes. Her partner could have shot this guy and he didnt do it. How can we turn around and have these kind of thoughts and these kind of things in our minds about what are we going to do when were faced with something . Yeah. Pete, i know, apparently you said that if you watch the video, you see the two sheriffs walked up during the fight. They dont involved. This is all part of the medias false narrative, pete, of where, you know, out there in america, cops are killing black men, right . But the statistics show that its not just black men. I believe the statistics show its a lot more diversified than just black men, and you know, people use the ferguson effect. Michael brown, a young man, sad, but he was a thug that beat a store owner. Then he turns around and beats a policeman and tries to get his gun and they make this guy the face for black lives matter. Pick another issue. This guy was not the guy that you should have the face for your movement. Sure. Pete, ultimately, because of this media narrative, this Police Officer, lets hope they gets out of the hospital shortly. She was afraid shes going to wind up in the news because she shot a guy. Shes going to lose her pension. Her family is going to be ruined. Ultimately, youve got to protect yourself if you are a Police Officer and your life is in danger. Right. What this guy did fell in the parameters where this woman could have used deadly force. Her partner could have used deadly force. Any officer in a situation like this thats thinking about what the news is going to say or is my career going to be over or am i going to be indicted or am i going to be going to jail . Thats not the right thought to have in their these young policemen were trained better than we were in my day. These kids have to react and they know the parameters of which they can use what kind of force they can use. Yeah. And if you have to use deadly force, dont hesitate. Dont risk your life or the life of somebody else. Im sure you wouldnt want a policeman to hesitate if a guy has got a gun on you. Absolutely not. Forget about the backlash. I got to be worried about life. Pete, thank you so much for getting up so early out there in chicago and giving us your point of view on this. Thank you, sir. What do you think . Police email us. Did the state department try to make a deal with the fbi . What john kirby told us. What does Melania Trump think of Hillary Clinton . 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Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Which is good for me 200degree range of sight hey and bad for the barkley twins. Take care of all your most important parts with centrum. Upgraded to our most d3 ever. Psh psh lunch is ready campbells spiderman soups. Made for real, real life. Thanks mom good morning, it is tuesday, october 18th. Im ainsley earhardt. The debate is tomorrow and today, Melania Trump breaking her silence for the very First Time Since the tape of her husband was leaked. Those words, they were offensive to me and they were inappropriate, and he apologized. This is not the man that i know. Plus, what she thinks of Hillary Clinton and my exclusive sitdown with Melania Trump. You are going to want to hear that. Plus, did one of Hillary Clintons lieutenants at the state department try to mike a deal with the fbi over try to make a deal with the fbi over some of her email . Donald trump, says that, ladies and gentlemen, is a crime. I think its crazy whats going on. Its totally illegal. Its a criminal act. Its a crime. One of clintons biggest advocates is here live to respond. Lani davis in five minutes. The white house decides to weigh in. So you are telling me that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs . Let me see. Unbelievable. You are watching fox news channel, home of the 2016 election aleppo we are nutty today because were getting on flights and were going to las vegas. Were nutty . Well, we are. No, were excited. Your birthday is tomorrow. My birthday is tomorrow. You know what that means. I get to say im glad you were born. I love it when you do that. Its awesome. We are glad that you would join us because we got a lot to talk about in this final hour of fox friends for this tuesday. Its three weeks to the day until the president ial election and now a quid pro quo bombshell. Brandnew documents confirming an attempt to cover up classified information found on Hillary Clintons private email server. And donald trump says thats a felony. Fox news correspondent john roberts is live in las vegas with the very latest outside what looks to be new york but its not. Brian, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. Everything in las vegas lms something but its really not. Donald trump has been anxious to change the subject from all of these allegations leveled at him by the nine women who have come forward and he may have just found the issue on which to do it. This idea that was demonstrated by the wikileaks leak that maybe there was some activity behind the scenes at the state department to change the classification of Hillary Clinton emails. The under secretary of state Patrick Kennedy offering the fbi, according to these emails, the quid pro quo, if you change the classification on the emails, well do something for you. Donald trump last night telling carl cameron that republicans in congress should look into this right away and actually being critical of them that they may wait until after the election to do it. Listen to what trump told carl. I think its crazy whats going on. Its illegal. Its a criminal act. Its a crime. I hear the republicans are going to hold hearings after the election. Why would you hold them after the election . You want to hold them before the election. This is an criminal act and its incredible they can do this and get away with it. One of the other things hes been talking about at length is this idea that the election process is rigged against him, talking at length last night at a rally in green bay, wisconsin, about voter fraud, saying that research from the Pugh Foundation and an investigation by the Washington Post back up what hes saying. Listen to what trump said. People that have died ten years ago are still voting. Illegal immigrants are voting. So many cities are vote and are corrupt and voter fraud is very, very common. We should point out that the Washington Post investigation found that in elections past, noncitizens have actually voted and while its a very small percentage of the overall vote, the Washington Post made the point in a very, very tight race, that could make the difference. Brian, ainsley, steve. Yeah, and if they can stay if donald trump can stay away from controversial remarks and people start looking at what exactly happened in Hillary Clintons state department it could give momentum to the other side. But thats not been the case lately. Well see if we can do that. Its been a challenge for him throughout this entire election cycle. He does seem to be on point. Well see if he can stay on point tomorrow night because a lot of people believe this is the last chance for him to turn around falling poll numbers at this big debate. It shubt pointed out a new poll has him up four points in ohio but hes in trouble in most other battleground states. Very important 90 minutes. I was listening to Rush Limbaugh when i was driving home and he was making the point, Mainstream Media is going to beat up whoever the republican nominee is and has historically. This is the first time the nominee, donald trump, actually is fighting back. If somebody is going to put something out there that he says is not true, hes going to fight back and thats what were seeing. Steve, hes fighting back against saturday night live. Do you know how often i want to do that . He goes ahead and does that. He doesnt care. It looks like somebody at the state department was asking this fbi guy, and the guy is Patrick Kennedy, under secretary over there, still has his job, was saying, hey, can you change the classification of this classified document from hillarys server to unclassified so that we can put it in the basement and nobody will ever see it . The evident came back and said yeah, if you can put me in hot spots around the world were not allowed in like iraq. We interviewed john kirby earlier on the show. He says were reading too much into it. Listen. What were talking about, its called a 302. Its a summary of an interview with one fbi employee who gave these views. We looked into this and the fbi looked into this. It is just not true. There is no quid pro quo. What did happen is pat kennedy did talk to the fbi as he did on other email traffic that we were getting ready to release to foia to discuss and better understand. Did you say the fbi guy got it wrong . What im saying is the fbi as an institution said there was no bargain suggested. You are blaming the fbi . No, no, no, not at all. What im saying is that both the state department and fbi looked into this and there was no bargain even suggested by the a 302 is a summer of the conversation. Fbi guys dont record things. If thats the summary, whats the long conversation. Heres the summary, it actually used the phrase quid pro quo . Thats why. Weve got to lani davis who is going to talk about this. Nbc was not happy with billy bush because ten years ago he did a feature with donald trump and one of the source tapes that was not used in the final package, they were rolling on it, when he was inside a bus. The audio was very damaging to donald trump and because he let the whole thing roll, it looks as though billy bush has done some damage to his career so bad it blew up his network contract. It looks like hes been bought out he lost his job. And it done after just a month at nbc. He was fired and his contract was for 10 million. They gave him that money . Its confidential. We dont know. But tmz says hes getting 3. 5 million. His lawyers are making a case. Billy told everybody about the tape. Its not like the buses didnt know anything about it. I asked sat down with Melania Trump. I asked her what it was like . What was the conversation between the two of you and what are your thoughts about what happened on that bus . This is what she said. Those words were orves sieve to me and offensive to me and they were inappropriate and he apologized to me and i expect i accept his apology, and we are moving on. From a womans perspective, what were your thoughts when you heard those tapes . This is not the man that i know. We could see, as my husband said as well, for a successful businessman, entrepreneur, entertainer, the tv being so much in my life, being in so many shows, so many tapes, its very hard to run for Public Office. And he did it anyway. He said i want to help American People. I want to keep america safe. I want to bring back jobs, bring back economy. So our children, our future, will be the best way possible. What do you say to women who are watching . Women voters, female voters that havent been able to get past it. What do you say to them . Whats your message to women . My husband is kind. Hes a gentleman. He cares about people. He cares about women. He pushes them to the best level they could be. He gives them a chance to prosper in his organization, and in his campaign. And hes not the man that we heard on the tape. Thats a great interview and you are going to have a little more the complete interview coming up in about 10 minutes. Thats right. Its such an important question you asked. What do you say to women who cant get past it . In other words, im married to it, i got past it. Also on a side note, hes been shedding female voters. He has to find a way to stop that and if hes trying to say your question to melania and her answer was to all the female voters who decided for the first time, especially married ones, im not going with the republican candidate and the answer they hope brings back women to his side. Well, you know, she really has to believe that he is the best choice for our country if shes able to do an interview like that and defend him because like she said, those comments were repulse sieve, but she said i have forgiven him. We have moved on. Hes learned a lot through this whole process and we didnt know at that point he was going to run for president. And the trump people say that this is all, you know, the accusations are made up politically timed to damage him politically with women. Weve got a fox news alert, apparently the very latest batch of john Podesta Emails have been dropped by wikileaks. Even though he was shut down. I got to give credit to howard stern. He said out of context when hes hanging out with the guys, he says things we shouldnt. Howard stern said im not going to release tapes over the years because that would be breach of trust. Who would go on the howard stern show afterwards if they have any ambition . The full interview comes up in ten minute. Was there an attempt to make a backroom deal to keep her emails under wraps. One of her biggest defenders is going to talk about that. He went to college with hillary. The son of Clint Eastwood gets his biggest role yet. His own dad. A man has got to know his limitations. The impression that will have you seeing double straight ahead. Something new has arrived. Uniquely designed for the driven. Introducing the firstever infiniti qx30 crossover. Visit your local infiniti retailer today. Infiniti. Empower the drive. Well, today is the day before the third and final president ial debate. Stunning new documents confirming one of Hillary Clintons Top State Department lieutenants may have tried to make a deal with the fbi in the middle of her email investigation over the department of state. Donald trump says this is a crime. The state department was trying to cover up hillarys crimes of sending classified information on a server our enemies could easily access. This is felony corruption by any standard. Okay. For reaction now from the clinton side, lanny davis is a former special counsel to president bill clinton. He went to law school with Hillary Clinton and he joins us live from the nations capital. Good morning to you. Good morning. Lets go ahead and briefly talk about this fbi document where quid pro quo is mentioned. Theres an agents name. Advised that in exchange for marking the email unclassified, state would reciprocate by allowing the fbi to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden and then in another point in the document it uses the expression quid pro quo. Lanny, it looks bad. Well, let me give you facts. Thats all i do and well argue from the facts if you think the facts are not good. Please tell me. Fact one. There isnt a single document or word in this story that alleges that Hillary Clinton knew or was involved in this story. Fact one. Fact two, that the career dlipt who is mentioned, not lieutenant, but career diplomat argued that a do you mean three years later should be deemed classified. He lost the argument. Third fact. The fbi documents says it was the fbis agents idea for the favor to be done while he was reviewing the kennedy argument. It was not a quid pro quo from kennedy. It was an fbi agent who initiated the idea. Fact three. But it kind of looks like, lanny her palestinians at the state department are pals at the state department are trying to clean up the email mess. Thats what it looks like. I cant argue with your right to have an optic look. Thats what it looks like. Thats what it looks like to you. I gave you three facts and the first fact is that shes not involved, and the second fact is that the career official lost the argument, and the fbi initiated the idea of having more fbi agents in a Foreign Bureau which the fbi said had nothing to do with the debate about a threeyear post facto retroactive decision to declassify a document. You are a lawyer. You said there was no evidence she was directly involved. Patrick kennedy is directly involved. It looks like that Jason Chaffetz is going to have an investigation. If it is proven that he broke the law, you know, should he be fired . Absolutely, and congressman chaffetz has a right to make the inquiry. As long as he sticks to the facts that are not in dispute. Remember, ambassador kennedy is a career republican and democrats. Hes there as a career. He argued about a document that was deemed classified three years later after the document was not classified at the time in 2012. If congressman chaffetz deals with those facts and finds any wrongdoing, i would be surprised because the fbi yesterday said there was no quid pro quo. Indeed, there was an fbi agent that was fact three who initiated the idea of more personnel in a foreign office. Well, you know, it just looks bad and thats why they are going to look at it over at house oversight. God bless. Bring it on. The facts are on. Hillary clinton has nothing do with this. Fact one, why im here because im an old friend of Hillary Clintons. Im here because i love being on this program and it has nothing do would with Hillary Clinton. Lanny davis with the hillary side of the story. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Coming up, ainsley is going to sit down with melania in two minutes. When cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. Its the only cold flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you instantly feel. Theraflu. For a powerful comeback. New expressmax caplets. Its good to hear from lanny davis again. Absolutely. He came out there to put their side of the story. A lot of people dont agree with it but god bless him. We talk a lot about the billy bush thing with donald trump. I got to sit down with Melania Trump to ask her for the very first interview since all of that happened since a week and a half, two weeks ago and i sat down with her in her house yesterday afternoon, so here is her take on that and the interview pretty much in its entirety. Melania, thank you so much for sitting down with me today. Of course. Welcome. You are married to someone running for president of the United States of america. It was quite an amazing year and a half. It was a lot of excitement and a lot of drama, and we just enjoying it. You know, im very strong. Im very confident, and i could handle everything, but what i will not allow, people saying lies about me, saying lies about my family, my husband, and i file a lawsuit and i will file to the end, because i will not allow that. What lie made you the most upset and how would you like to set the record straight . The lie was that i was working as an escort, what is not true, and its just terrible whats going on out there. Is that a double standard with the Mainstream Media . It is a double standard and i see that the media, they want to damage my family and my husbands campaign. There were some reports about your immigration issue and how you got into this country when you started modeling here, your visa, becoming a u. S. Citizen. What are the facts . The facts are that i always obey the law. I have all the documents. I have very clean past. I would never stay here as undocumented. I think all women in america felt for you and for what you went through, and just all the allegations of these women coming forward. What was your reaction . I was not surprised in one way because as i said before, everything was organized . Why now . Why three weeks before the election, and what they are accusing my husband, that is not the person that i know. What is your message to these women . That all the allegations should be handled in a court of law, and without evidence, to accuse somebody, a man or a woman, its damaging and its unfair. When he came out, he apologized immediately on that i think the tape was released on friday. He immediately came out and said i said it. I was wropg, and i apologized. Those words, they were offensive to me and they were inappropriate, and he apologized to me. And i accept his apology. And we are moving on. So what do you say to women who are watching . Women voters, female voters that havent been able to get past it . My husband is kind. Hes a gentleman. He cares about people. He cares about women. Hes not the man that we heard on the tape. Many times, i gave him advice and i didnt agree to do all the tapes on howard stern, with billy bush, because i know those people. They hook him on they try to get from him some some inappropriate and dirty language. He decided to run, is it true that you were pushing him to do that and did you all have a conversation like, okay, some of these things might come out, some pictures and conversations. How did you handle that as a couple . We talked about t his life was open book. A lot of people know about it. My husband is raw and hes real and he tells it as it is. What do you think about becoming first lady of the United States if donald trump does win . What do you envision . In 21st century, its very important now, we see social media. It can be very, very bad. I see what children go through and its really sad and i would focus on that. What do you think of Hillary Clinton . I think shes fighting. But i see it like its clinton machine behind it and they are playing politically correct games and they are protected very well. There are a lot of people that want to hear more from you. Well, it was my decision not to be on the campaign trail. My priority is our son and i want to be a mother first. I wanted to ask you about the debate. What is your advice to donald trump . Just to be himself. Keep it calm, cool, focus, and to talk about issues that American People want to hear about. So she says shes not going to be on the campaign. She has never planned obon the campaign trail. She said shes a mother first and no one is going to make her do anything. They agreed in the very beginning that she wasnt going to be out there and thats her choice. At the convention, she came out, gave a great speech and then there were parallels to Michelle Obamas and suddenly she was not rolled out. Watch on the interview with you. Shes terrific. Shes strong. Its going to be posted on fox friends website. Act now while supplies last. Gun shop owner offers a huge preHillary Clinton as president sale in case she gets the chance to sign an executive order. Youll meet the owner straight ahead. Just when you thought the race for president couldnt get more outrageous, the white house decides to weigh in. You are telling me that the candidate who p snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs. That was supposed to be a joke, but are you laughing . Were live in washington, next. [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] on the road again [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. Cartels, militias, terrorist groups. They all need a place to park their cash and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. Cartels, were going to steal their money, sir . No, we are going to destroy it. Were going to finish this mission. Anything we find is ours. Do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks . I mean the rush, ive never felt anything like it. If we stay here were going to die. Then we die. We are just 21 days away from the election and the white house is zeroing in on the trump campaign. Yep. Claiming that gop candidate snorted his way through the debates. Doesnt sound appropriate. Ed henry is live in washington with the latest details. Hey, ed. What a story. Good morning, guys. Josh earnest never used the word cocaine from the white house podium in the Briefing Room but he might as well have done it because there were gasps in the Briefing Room yesterday when he decided what was a joke about donald trump had a drug problem and in fairness he was responding to what was a pretty aggressive charge by donald trump over the weekend that maybe Hillary Clinton has such a bad Health Problem that she is taking some sort of drugs to get her through these debates. Heres what trump said over the weekend followed by earnest with a joke that fell flat. We should take a drug test prior because i dont know whats going on with her. But at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end it was like, oh, take me down. She could barely reach her car. Donald trump suggested that president ial candidates should have to take a drug test. You are telling me that the candidate who snorted his way through the first two debates is accusing the other candidate of taking drugs . Thats a Curious Development in the campaign. Are you saying just now that you think the sniffling or snorting as you described it might have been related to not at all. You heard the gasps in the crowd. Yeah. I was expecting more chuckles. You saw the back pedaling very quickly there. Josh ernie are theest earnest making it clear it was a joke. This was a microcosm of the election. Aggressive charge by trump and aggressive response from the white house and the voters are wondering why arent they talking about jobs or health care, or Something Like that, guys . Josh earnest was expecting chuckles because maybe the White House Press corps is in the tamping for hillary. Or maybe its a clown reference. Another story, heres heather. Good morning to all of you. This is coming out of chicago and really a stunning piece of news. The chicago Police Department now releases shocking new video of one of their own officers under attack. Heres what happened. A suspect punched and slammed a cops head on to the pavement but that Police Officer does not fight back. The reason, she was afraid of possible media attention. Let go of her taser. Its not working Police Officials now say that the officer did not pull her gun because she does not want to cause National Outrage over race and policing. Well, just moments ago retired Police Sergeant told us that that mind set is worrisome. Get down on the ground get down on the ground . Get down on the ground im afraid we dont have that sound byte right there. Here we go. You cant have that hesitation and if you have to use deadly force, dont hesitate. Dont risk your life or the life of somebody else. That out of chicago. Well, one college Football Player is standing up for america even when his teammates wont. Take a close look at this photo. It shows Connor Brewer standing alone on the sidelines during the National Anthem at illinoiss milkin university. His teammates were protesting by staying in the locker room. The universitys president defended their actions, writing, quote, when the issues involve race and justice and differing con techs of what patriotism mean, all of us can stand for education. Well, i like that man standing on the sidelines. Right by him. Our National Anthem. Scott eastwood, the actor, nails an impression of his father, Clint Eastwood. Take a look. A man has got to know his limitations. Well the 30yearold actor channeling his hollywood legends character in the movie, the good, the bad, the ugly. Looking good. He just made our day. So it was about a year ago when Thomas Jefferson and the pirates come out in hard back. Its now in soft back. I brought it up to date. Since his launches, you have an opportunity to know about it. Its the first battle against islamic terror. This is what the book is about. The year 1785, the United States of america was the worlds newest nation. No president , no constitution but buried in war debt and it already had its first enemy off the coast of north africa. Islamic radical pirates. Pirates, from four islamic nations, morocco, algiers, tuneis, tripoli. They captured our ships, plundered our cargo, and turned the crew into slaves. The congress tasked two future president s to come up with a deal. John adams and Thomas Jefferson. They met with the tripoli ambassador facetoface. The ambassador was uncompromising. Demanding money for passage. According to the koran, it was their god given right. They didnt have a deal. Back in the United States, they waited for a recommendation and thats where adams and jefferson split. Adams said we cant fight them unless we want to fight them forever. Jefferson says you cant pay for peace. He sensed that the attacks would start and the price would only go up. In this case, jefferson was 100 correct. The United States borrowed money that would cost them up to 20 of the entire National Budget and yet somehow the attacks continued. When George Washington took office, he would continue to make the payments but he would also commission the building of six ships, including this very one, the u. S. S. Constitution. What were they like . They had copper bottoms, solid oak side, they were fast, strong and built to fight. The training at sea would get intense and it wouldnt be long before the confrontation would begin. The American Forces were brave and brash. Like marine legend presley obannen. The armys general. Steve decatur, he led the charge against the pirates, harassing their ships, even blew up an American Ship the u. S. S. Philadelphia that the pirates once claimed as theirs. Jefferson knew that diplomacy would be tried but ultimately he knew he had to use force. So successful was decatur that soon after, britain, sweden, france and spain would do the exact same thing, america was showing the rest of the world the way to confront terror. Through strength brings peace. Next week i have a look at stephen decaturs house. It was dying he willally diagonally across from the white house. Its a great book. Thanks. Appreciate it. Im going to be in tulsa this friday after i leave vegas. Atlanta, barns and noble there and over to sanford in florida and in jacksonville as well. If you live in decatur, georgia, you have to buy this book. Because you got to know why your city is named the way it is. I brought mine today from amazon. Up next, it is the prehillary gun sale that has everybody talking. Meet the gun shop owner who says it could be now or never. There he is. Hes next. Wanted dead or alive, voters casting ballots from the grave. Who are they voting for . Stay with us. For lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads here. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in Doctors Offices. For deep penetrating relief at the source. New aleve direct therapy. Get your guns for cheap. A las vegas gun shop is taking aim at Hillary Clinton by advertising a prehillary sale warning that gun prices are going to skyrocket once the quote crooked democratic nominee takes office. After crook hillary gets in. Is the ad successful . Lets check in. Cameron, thanks very much for getting up early. Did this start out as a joke . Well, lets put things in perspective. I run a weekly newspaper ad. So this week, we ran the prehillary gun sale but the prior week we had the glocktober sale. So the purpose of a newspaper ad is first of all to be noticed. Sure. And to be seen and then secondly to induce the customer to come into the store and to buy something, so i was looking at this week coming up. We have the president ial debate here and it seemed like an effective way to get notice. Look at me. People are worried about that, though. The folks that want their guns and want to keep their guns, they are, im sure, going out and buying new guns because they are scared their gun rights are going to be taken away. What are folks saying when they come into the store . Yes. Thats exactly correct and we have historical precedent to this. When obama was elected to his second term in november 2012, there were 2 million background checks conducted by the fbi. The following month, there were 2. 7 million conducted, shattering the previous record. We know when an antigun politician takes office, there will be a spike in demand. Its the same thing you saw with cabbage dolls and x boxes and beanie babies. When theres a sudden spike in demand, prices go up. Beside getting notice, do you think people will buy because they fear its being taken away . Fear is a driving factor in firearm sales. Whether we like it or not, a gun is often used for defense as well as sporting purposes and hunting and target shooting, but its one of its primary purposes is selfdefense. So fear is a motivator in a lot of firearms purchases and sometimes the fear is based on personal safety, protection in the home, and sometimes its based on political considerations, but the forbidden fruit, something may be taken away. Cameron, you left out laser tag, atari, and a vhs. Thank you. Cameron hopkins joining us from the mgm down by the pool where we will be sitting tomorrow morning. Thank you very much. Sorry we missed glocktoberfest. The dead vote going to one president ial candidate. Next, the outrage out this is happening. Lets check in with our only friends, bill and martha. I saw you guys were playing golf last night. Oh, man, did we have fun at that place. We havent been working at all, by the way. Good morning. What have we got coming occupy this morning . Whats the best strategy for both in this final debate. Terrific analysis coming up on that. Thats the big question that remains with such a short time to go. Weve got brandnew polls as well. Some of the battleground states fresh out this morning. More specifics on the fbi quid pro quo. And the wikileaks emails whats new on that front. Ed henry is here. Jennifer griffin is here, were got a whole bunch of our buddese here to join us. Psh psh lunch is ready campbells spiderman soups. Made for real, real life. Thanks mom im sorry, dead people generally vote for democrats rather than republicans. You want me to tell me that i think the election in philadelphia and chicago is going to be fair . I would have to be a moron to say that. There you got Rudy Giuliani right there. Dead people voting. We know it happens from time to time. Rudy giuliani told cnn that the dead prefer democrats. Is that true . Election lawyer and former attorney for the Voting Rights section of the u. S. Department of justice joins us right now. You have handled some dead voting people cases in the past, havent you . I filed six in the last year against philadelphia, broward county, florida, is spending places where the voter rolls is corrupted and we had one case there was somebody on the voter rolls in texas who died in 1944. Dead people are voting and its something that this administration isnt doing anything about. Why is that . They must like it. In the bush administration, we enforced a law that motor voter that forced state and Election Officials to clean up their voter rolls of dead people. When i was there, we shut it down after the obama inauguration. These people are opposed to cleaning the voter rolls. Why is that . New we have 4 million ineligible and dead voters on American Voter rolls. Thats too many and thats going to affect the election. 2 million is a big number. 4. Everybody is going Mainstream Media, its not rigged. You dont have to worry about dead people voting. Are you saying those people are wrong . Yeah. They are covering up criminal activity. Groups like the league of womens voters and the fciu, they like it the way it is. There is a case in oregon, Lafayette Keaton voted for his dead son. Why wasnt he prosecuted by the Justice Department . That is the other problem. The Obama Administration is not prosecuting voter fraud. If you stopped giving traffic tickets, what would happen to the highways . Is Rudy Giuliani right . Most dead people vote democratic. You have to be a criminal if you vote for somebody thats dead. Thats very easy to do in most places, especially those with voter i. D. Or vote by mail so whether or not criminals send a vote by democrats, theres plenty of social science data on that. Interesting stuff. Take care. When we come back, some brandnew gems from the latest Wikileaks Dump. You dont want to miss it. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. Thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. Tena lets you be you fox news alert, new Wikileaks Dump. This is interesting. From podesta to Hillary Clinton. Here are some people they considered to be vice president. You got tim cook of apple, bill gates who is not. Melinda gates. Eric holder, possible running mates for Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, we got this picture from a viewer. Sean kelly in the small town of anna, illinois. Parent the charlies fast lube has changed its sign to read brainwashing brought to you by abc, nbc, and cbs. Wow. Thats very funny. Very interesting. Well see a lot of interesting billboards in las vegas. Thats the next time youll see us. Thats right. Join us tomorrow live, 6 00 a. M. Eastern, live from vegas. Bill good morning. Before donald trump and Hillary Clinton square off in las vegas, we have the latest controversy. Martha do you like it up here . Bill yesterday we had a slight Tropical Storm rolling. Martha we are crossing our fingers that wont happen here

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