Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160811 10:00:00

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nachos. face full of nachos and cheese and salsa. >> pirates fan getting a plate of nachos, scrambling to go after a foul ball. he loses the ball, his beer and his food. poor guy. >> all that cheese. but he was laughing about it. >> have a great day. "fox and friends" starts right now. bye. well, good thursday morning to you and your family. tail end of the week. it's august 11th. i'm ainsley earhardt. we start with a fox news alert. a dramatic raid takes down a would-be homicide bomber, s.w.a.t. team shooting a man. wait until you hear what he wanted to do. a blistering attack on president obama and hillary clinton by donald trump. >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. >> the co-founder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> i had a feeling that was
coming. that as more americans feel isis is actually threatening their lives in this country. and brand new details and new trouble for the guy who climbed up trump tower yesterday and brought midtown manhattan to a halt and everyone near a television to a halt by the way. who is this man behind the suction cup stunt? i think his name is steve. >> it is. "fox and friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> they can jump. they can jump over cars and make baskets. they are part of the dunk -- they are some of the best dunkers around. later on in this program, they're actually going to jump over us as they -- everything is
getting set up right now. we were trying to get taxicabs and ubers. pull up on our plaza. we'll have guys jump over you in their car. >> did you see that video, they jumped over a lamborghini. whoever owns that, very brave. >> if you scratch that -- >> we have four of them on the plaza. showing them what they can do. they're culled dunk artists. >> if you're a great dunker, find out how in a couple of cities in america you can make your mark in the dunk -- >> were you able to dunk? >> not like these guys. >> i dunked a doughnut this morning. >> america runs on dunk in. >> i dunked an oreo. >> there you go. thank you very much clayton, thanks for joining us in brian's place. he's still on vacation. on this thursday, we start with a fox news alert. a dramatic raid stopping what could have been a who i can terrorist attack. it unfolded an hour from the american border. >> a known isis fanatic planned to blow himself up during rush
hour in canada. police set up a sting around aaron driver's house after being tipped off about the deadly plot. during that takedown, he set off an explosive hurting himself and police managed to shoot and kill him as he was about to set off another blast. >> police say driver had been on their radar for a year and was known for tweeting about supporting isis under an alias including targeting police and military. they were watching this guy. >> they were. he was arrested lass year and restricted the amount of time he could be on the internet. he couldn't be on it at all and not on social media. >> hats off to the law enforcement officers who were responsible for this. they stopped it in the nick of time. >> i think you could be right. on the topic of isis, we turn to the campaign trail. >> donald trump accusing president obama and hillary clinton of creating the terror group. >> fox news senior national correspondent john roberts is live in miami with the latest. >> ainsley, steve, clayton, good morning to you.
we're at the national association of homebuilders conference on miami beach. donald trump will be addressing the gathering this morning. talking about the economy, counter program, a big economic speech hillary is giving in detroit today. here in florida, she leads narrowly. she's about two points ahead. donald trump certainly has to win florida if he ever hopes to become president. spirited rally last night north of here in ft. lauderdale in which donald trump went after hillary clinton very, very hard on isis. in the past he's called her isis mvp. last night, going after hillary clinton and barack obama. taking it even further. listen to what he said. >> they honor president obama. isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. he's the founder. he's founded isis.
and i would say the co-founder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> donald trump also unveiling last night a number of new visual aids. a charge showing the increase in the number of syrian refugees under president obama's watch. another graphic that showed the decline in home ownership rates across america and then a third graphic that showed a contrast between the amount of money that hillary clinton has received, millions upon millions of dollars from hedge fund managers versus donald trump, which is counted just in the thousands. the donald trump campaign may be meeting as early as today with the commission on presidential debates to talk about the three propos proposed debates. he wants to do all three debates, he wants to know the conditions, not that there's much room for negotiation. donald trump just wants to be treated fairly. here he is. >> i'd just like to see a fair moderator. that's all i'm looking for. we have a lot of unfair people
treating us as republican and conservatives. if you're a republican and a conservative, you get unfair treatment. look at what "the new york times" said the other day. they practically admitted it. >> you know, donald trump still not happy, though, with the fact that a couple of the debates go up against nfl football. in the past they've gone up against sporting events. steve, ainsley, clayton, if that guy climbing trump tower was named steve, maybe he wanted to be on the economic team. >> he's got six on the inside of the building and yesterday climbing on the outside. >> although now he's at bellevue hospital psychiatric. >> john is talking about the debates. they're right around the corner. september 26th is the first one at hofstra. >> almost in september. >> i know. >> maybe he's on to something here. he's talking about the anxiety at the speeches and tapped into a lot of the anxiety the americans are feeling right now.
take a look at new polls about how americans are feeling about isis and the threats we keep seeing on television and hearing about. do you feel your personal way of life is under threat from islamic terrorists? 61% responding saying yes it is. >> what about the american way of life, people were asked is it under threat? 47% said a great deal. and 31% said some. when the question comes to this. this is key. is the country going in the right direction or the wrong track? 65%, 2/3 of the country say we are on the wrong track. that is not helpful to hillary clinton because she essentially is seen as a third term of barack obama. so if you like the track we're on, which 2/3 of you don't, you would vote for her. donald trump is counting on people saying, you know what, time for a change. i'm the guy. >> for folks at home watching, send us your e-mails and let us know your concerns and if you
think the polls are on target. it's friends@fox we'll include more later. mean while, if you've noticed over the last 48 hours, the media has been so concerned with talking about what donald trump said a couple of days ago about the second amendment people. mainstream media saying he's calling on them to assassinate hillary clinton. he did not say that. he was simply saying he wanted the second amendment people to vote. in the hysteria on the main steam media, they looked at that and for some reason they left this out. this is a headline. there's a former governor of ohio by the name of ted strickland. he's now running for senate. office of rob port man. he had unbelievable things to say about the death of antonin scalia. it was helpful to his side. i'm not kidding. >> the death of scalia saved
labor from a terrible decision. i don't wish anyone ill, but it happened at a good time because once that decision had been made, it would have been tough to reverse it. >> but it happened at a good time. his death happened at a good time. >> he did apologize. it shows you how the hypocrisy in the mainstream, going after donald trump for saying something he didn't say. this is crystal clear what he was saying. >> rather than focus on that or hillary clinton's latest e-mail problem, they were talking about donald trump and stuff like that. >> let us know what you think about that. friends and you can weigh in on that. >> heather childers is filling in for her they are nauert. >> nice to join you. efrp else at home as well. dozens injured, including two firefighters at an explosion that roxanne apartment buildings
in maryland. right outside of d.c. take a look at the damage. the force blowing steel doors and bricks hundreds of feet. people forced to climb out of smoke-filled rooms. some each jumping for their lives. children were also reportedly being dropped from windows. the cause of the explosion not yet known. to another alert for you. a sheriff's deputy shot dead. police in arkansas trying to figure out if he was ambushed on purpose. former marine bill cooper was shot while responding to a 911 call. >> he had community policing in his heart. we ask for the community to pray for us, not just our department but all law enforcement throughout the nation. >> the chief of police was grazed by a bullet. the suspect, billy monroe jones, armed with a rifle and body armor. he was taken into custody after a standoff. the u.s. air force struggling to defend our freedom. not enough combat pilots to
fight the ongoing air war. an official calling it a crisis and only expected to get worse. the shortfall blamed for low pilot morale due to long deployment and higher paying jobs for private airlines. the air force also saying that the planes are old and they're scrambling to find parts for planes. it's considering paying a $35,000 bonus to keep pilotsment. and finally, there's brand new details about this climber this morning. he captivated the country yesterday using suction cups to scale 21 stories at trump tower in new york city. the 20-year-old trump supporter named steve said that he did it to meet the gop nominee. crews finally yanked him inside after a nearly three-hour ordeal. he is now getting a mental evaluation and facing charges when he gets out of the hospital. okay. so it all ended well. but i couldn't help but laugh when they pulled him in. >> they jerked him in, didn't they? >> it was a conspiracy theories
about this if i can say it. people think trump has a new suction cup company. he's a trump supporter. these would be a great -- >> that's a good idea. >> trump suction cups. >> you never know. in one of the newspapers here in new york, today, you heard the analysts people say they interviewed one. guys who climbed like 20 of the world's tallest skyscrapers. said he did it the wrong way. he's lucky to be alive. he's lucky that nobody got hurt trying to save him. >> absolutely. the police officers who were saving him were out of the window trying to unhook him. i was fearful for them. >> trump tweeted later in the afternoon thanking the nypd. >> he did. steve from virginia came to new york to see mr. trump. mr. trump was in virginia. good job, steve. meanwhile, was a dnc staffer murdered for leaking thousands of incriminating e-mails about the democratic party?
that's one conspiracy theory. former d.c. homicide detective ron wheeler is going to take us to the crime scene in a live report next. religious leaders try to build a new mosque in their community. the residents shut it down. now the religious leaders are suing the entire city. you can run an errand. (music playing) ♪ push it real good... (announcer vo) or you can take a joyride. bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. siriusxm. road happy. i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop.
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(announcer vo) you can go straight home. (howard stern on radio) welcome to show business. (announcer vo) or you can hear the rest of howard. bababooey! (announcer vo) sorry, confused neighbors, howard's on. siriusxm. road happy.
a murder mystery in our nation's capitol. dnc staffer seth rich, there's his picture. he was gunned down in the street. new questions about a motive. wikileaks offering up to $20,000 in reward money for any information on his death. hinting at the fact that he might have leaked those e-mails. former d.c. homicide detective rod wheeler is live on the scene there where he was actually murdered. rod joins us now. good morning, rod. >> reporter: good morning. how are you? >> i'm great. thank you. paint the picture for us. >> reporter: that's right. well, i'm here in the bloomingdale area of northwest washington, d.c. just to give you a lay of the land. we're only two blocks from the historic howard university and maybe three miles away from downtown washington, d.c. this street i'm on is the actual
block, the actual intersection where mr. rich lost his life on the early morning of july 10th. yesterday i had the opportunity to come over here and kind of walk the scene. let's take a look at what i found. >> this is the actual block that he was walking on and according to the paramedics and the police department, it was somewhere in this area here where the intersection is located where they actually found his body. he was approached by two individuals according to the police ropt, and according to the police, they don't know whether or not the individuals were attempting to rob him or what they were trying to do. what we do know is that these individuals were armed with some type of weapon and there rich sustained two gunshot wounds to the back. there's a lot of other areas i want to show you real quick around here where the suspect r or suspects could have ran. there's a number of alleyways over here. you can see what i'm pointing over directly across the street there. on this side there's one as well. the other significant thing in a criminal investigation like this is the amount of lighting during
the nighttime hours. this shooting took place at approximately 4:19 a.m. early morning hours was very, very dark outside. if you notice, there's only two streetlights out here. very dark area. heavily populated area. a lot of residential homes. >> reporter: now, my sources are telling me at the metropolitan police department is that they are pursuing a number of leads but they're still imploring citizens in this community to come forward with any information they have at this time. >> all right. thank you so much, rod. we did get a statement from the family and they're saying, please don't make this political. they don't feel like it is. their son was killed for killed for those reasons. hillary clinton promising to put americans back to work but will her economic plan work for you? we're going to explain what it means for your wallet. a dog fell off a crowded ferry in the middle of the atlantic ocean. how a group of fishermen came to
the rescue.
it is 23 minutes after the top of the hour. time for quick thursday morning headlines. first off, a woman who planned on joining isis on her honeymoon is going to learn her fate today. jaylen young pled guilty to conspiring to provide material support to the brutal terror group. she faces 20 years in prison. her fiance was arrested before boarding a flight from
mississippi to turkey. the department of justice shelling out millions of dollars to cities that protect violent illegals. judicial watch. the watchdog group rmt reports more than $342 million in grant money was given to ten cities and states that fought federal efforts to deport illegals. 130 million of that money went just to california. clay, over to you. >> thanks, steve. hillary clinton unveils her economic plan today. from the start of her campaign, she's promised an economy that will work for every american. but how would it work for you? let's bring in our panel. fox business reporter and co-host nicole -- and risk and reward. general you ever fulton and fox business senior correspondent charles gasparino. nice to see you. we've gotten shades of what she's talking about the past few weeks. a fair share surcharge. dee dre tackle this one for us. >> she wants rich people to make
more. so if you earn more than a million dollars a year, you pay higher and then if you earn more than $5 million a year you payette geun-hagain -- again hi >> universal preschool, all these things for families. it has to work out that way. essentially, she's going to tax the riff, long story short. >> what about regulation. donald trump wants to get rid of regulations. lean on specifics. we don't know what he gets rid of. >> he would clearly unshackle the energy industry. she's trying to crush it with more regulation. he put a moratorium on further regulation in the term because we've been overregulated and it crushes businesses. she on the other hand will continue with regulation and as we noted, have -- when we talk about the tax brackets, he's moving it from 7 to 3 in a way to favor the $30,000 earner.
the $100,000. a whole new bracket that will now -- so many people -- >> you hear the tax brackets on the screen. charles, what do you think? >> is this going to be more of the same? >> it's worse than the same. one of the sort of things that we were going to since reagan and bill clinton was a simplification of the tax code. hillary clinton is going to complicate is more than barack obama. there's a lot to quibble with, with donald's plan. it's a low bar against hillary clinton. this thing is really bad. i will tell you this, if you think she's going to only tax rich, it ain't going to happen. in order to pay for everything, giving away -- for giving loans, college loans, she wants to do that. the tax creep has to go down to lower earners. it has to happen or else we'll get massive deficits. that will be an issue. i'm telling you, average people, she won't say it, the liberal media won't report it, average americans will be paying through the nose if she gets elected president.
>> i agree. >> at least as far as what she's saying. whether or not we believe her is an entirely open matter. she's saying i'm going to target the people who make more than $1 million a year and more than $5 million a year. >> that means small businesses. don't forget small businesses, we're not talking about the guy that might have owe might be a freelance writer and files a small business. small businesses that employ people often file their tax returns as individuals. they will get crushed here. they will lay people off. that's what's going to happen if this plan. >> we've seen that. and started seeing that. what about the infrastructure issue? all the bridges crumbling. >> she's actually going to be adding to our nation's debt. president obama has doubled our debt. she'll continue to do so with her overregulation. talk about small businesses, she's not going to bring down the corporate tax rate for them. they won't be creating jobs. but paying for infrastructure. she'll be adding to the nation's -- >> she wants to spend $275
billion on infrastructure. trump actually wants to do double. >> let's be really clear with this infrastructure. this is a boondoggle. i think that is one of the weakest points of donald trump's plan. barack obama spent $800 billion on an infrastructure plan to get jobs. unemployment went up after that. none much in ever works. it scares me that donald is going obama-light on this infrastructure -- >> trump is confusing so many democrats because in some spots he's actually borrowing some of their -- >> get americans to understand, donald trump's plan is not for the $5 million earner. it's for somebody who makes under $30,000 won't be pay any taxes at all. he's working hard for the low-income americans. >> i'm sure we -- as soon as we see more details, we'll dive into it more. >> the failed economic policies are crushing americans. >> donald will blow a hole --
>> did you get the business guys tomorrow. >> he will blow a hole in the budget. you have to admit that. >> he's done that -- >> thank you, guys. >> thank you, clayton. >> we'll continue this in the hallway. coming up, a mother makes a horrifying discovery. live video of her daughter's bedroom streaming online. it can happen to anyone. we'll talk about parents taking amazing precautions with the wep cams. >> talk about taking their talents to new heights. look at this. >> we know they can jump over a car. next we'll see if they can jump over us. we're putting steve out there first. first, we have to say happy birthday to chris hemsworth. he's 33 today. take a look at these
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♪ ♪ how does he do that? this was a big shot. those are the dunk guys. all part of the rise competition going on right now across the country at k-marts. they're actually going to be dunking on us and over us while you're standing up. >> get dunked over shaquille. >> shaq who is like ten feet tall. wow. we don't have to worry about getting kicked in the face. >> i think you're going to be okay. >> we're going to watch that a little bit later. >> what is our deductible on insurance? >> that's coming up in a couple of minutes. heather childers has the news
for this thursday. >> looking forward to that. in the mean time, stories we have been following. we begin with brand new disturbing details about the nightmare days after three young girls fell nearly 50 feet out of a ferris wheel in tennessee. the company has been in trouble before. three years ago at the north carolina state fair, five people went flying into the air when a ride suddenly started as they were trying to get off. investigators found a safety mechanism had been disabled somehow by the same worker operating the ferris wheel. police believe a mechanical failure also caused monday's horrifying accident. the girls remain hospitalized. the youngest, just a 6-year-old girl suffered a traumatic brain injury. a group of muslims taking legal action after their plans to build a mosque are shut down. this is in sterling heights, michigan violated first amendment rights and turned it
down due to islam phobia. they said it was traffic concerns. the u.s. attorney and the department of justice are investigating. a mother, listen to this, making a horrifying discovery. can you imagine her children's bedroom streaming live online allowing strangers to watch her two 8-year-old daughters. the feed from her home security camera in texas was hacked. a woman immediately sharing it on facebook. so the mother of two children would see it. that's scary. finally, a heartwarming story for you. a group of fishermen rescue this dog in the middle of the ocean. it apparently fell off a massachusetts ferry and was spotted by passengers. they flagged down a nearby fishing boat who hoisted the dog into the boat. the passengers erupt sbod cheers. great ending there. let's look at the weather forecast with maria standing by with the latest. >> hi heather. good to see you. we're tracking all kinds of extreme weather today. let's start out across parts of
the gulf coast. we had this storm system that's been extremely slow-moving bringing in floods across portions of northern florida and it's off to the west. it will bring at that heavy rain threat across louisiana, mississippi and into parts of alabama. there will be a flood threat over the next couple of days. we are anticipating as much as 8 to 12 inches of rain out there. so a number of flash flood watches are in effect, including for the city of new orleans. meanwhile, across the upper midwest and in the plains, there's a storm system moving through bringing in a possible round of severe storms with damaging winds and large hail possible. the temperatures across the east coast continue to climb, along with that humidity. expect heat index values to be into the triple digits in many areas out there. meanwhile, in the plains, another scorcher. 98 degrees for the forecast high in kansas city and 103 in dallas. now let's head over to ainsley, steve and clayton. >> thank you, maria. they are taking their challenge
to new heights literally. launching into the spotlight are four of the best dunkers around the country. they're making their way across the country, going for the gold in the all-new k-mart rise challenge. >> they're going to try to dunk over us. dupg artist chris staples, porter mayberry and the founder. demetrius is here with us as well. >> good morning, guys. >> nice to see you. >> you're so talented. cool to watch you. >> that was a almolamborghini i that video? it was when we launched in los angeles. >> what did you say to the owner? we're not going to scratch it. >> you got to trust the process. >> the owner covered his eyes and walked away and heard all the screaming at the end. >> you were telling me what each of them are known for. you are best known for jumping over shaquille o'neil. who was that like? >> i jumped over shaq. he's a big guy. >> i'm 5'5".
>> you're 5'5". >> how did you convince him to let do you that? >> he didn't want to but he got me to do it at the end of the show. >> what are you famous for? >> i played three years with the harlem globetrotters. i'm blessed to be out here in new york. >> clayton played for years for the washington generals. >> that's right. >> you won over 500 dunk contests, right? >> how did you get into that? >> i started very young. my first one, i was like 11 years old in paris in france. by the age of 14, i was winning dunk contests and dunk shows. >> there are a lot of people who can dunk. tell us about the rise competition at k-mart. >> it's the launch of rocket -- the rise to wear with k-mart. we're able to have partners with them that created premium products at affordable prices for everybody. to let everybody know that it's a performance brand, it's cool and driven.
we start where these guys are going across the country during the dunk competition. at the end in chicago, the winner between all of them wins their first signature shoe. >> now, you jumped over shaq. but never over steve doocy. you're going to jump over us now? you want us to line up under the net? >> i'll tell you how to do it. you close your eyes. >> where do you want us to stand? where we don't get hit? >> put us where you want us. >> so we get hit in the back of the head. oh, my god. >> really? >> okay. should i slouch? >> are you nervous, steve? >> don't ask. >> we're okay? >> okay. >> someone gets kicked, it's steve. >> oh, thanks. >> sorry. i'll block you. >> ready? >> oh, my gosh.
get close, guys. >> sandwich. close your eyes. >> i'm glad i showered this morning. >> are you nervous? >> i felt -- >> that's okay. >> wow. >> i still have all my teeth. >> one more time. >> one more time. >> i felt the wind. a cool breeze. >> nice. >> wow. that is -- no way. >> that is amazing. who was that? was that you. >> who was the first one? >> you were the first one. >> whoo! >> take a licking and keep on ticking. >> coming up, should you have to show a photo i.d. to vote or is that a form of discrimination? the decision that came down before the election. new hillary clinton e-mails are revealing her age practically putting the state department up for sale.
tim cotton is live. there he is. >> he's 7 feet tall. can we jump over you, senator? >> looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. live 24/7. with 24/7 digestive support. try align, the #1 ge recommended probiotic. could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right?
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. welcome back. quick headlines for you. the medical marijuana movement is up in smoke. the obama administration is expected to once again strike down requests to loosen federal rules surrounding the drug. the dea will also release an extensive study claiming there
is no scientific evidence of therapeutic benefits. with three months until the presidential election, the wisconsin controversial i.d. law back on the books. it allowed people who did not have a photo i.d. to cast a ballot anyway. steve? thank you, clayton. hillary clinton is assured america will would be no conflict of interest between her foundation and her state department. as new e-mail reveals, that was not accurate. not the case. now a new report claims the department of justice chose not to investigate. here's reaction as republican senator and member of the senate arms services committee tom cotton who it looks like you did play basketball at some point in your life. >> i played a little basketball for the high school sand lizards. i was a high school hero and college zero. >> now you're a u.s. senator. go figure. >> what do you make of the new -- i know everybody is talking about what donald trump may or may not have said
regarding the second amendment, he wanted people to vote. lost in the shuffle has been the conversation about hillary's e-mail that were obtained bijou digs watch that looked like pay for play. if you wanted something from the clinton state department, give the clinton foundation some cash. >> i don't see how you could read the e-mails any other way. the regular on the foundation and the state department on the other hand, which is apparently in violation of at least the spirit, if not the letter of the agreement that she made when she went into the state department as secretary of state. i've long said that i don't think the e-mail controversy and the clinton foundation controversy are separate controversies. i think they're the same. i think one of the main reasons she up the secure server was because she wanted to continue to conduct clinton foundation business. a lot of them had business in the state department and they got that business completed. >> how about the headline yesterday, senator, that apparently the fbi and we don't know at what stage, this comey
thing in the last month or so. the fbi wanted to investigate the clinton foundation but the department of justice headed by the attorney general says no, you don't have to. that doesn't smell right. >> it's surprising to me that they wouldn't allow fbi to investigate given what we know what she said which is not truthful and given the indications about the links between the foundation and the state department. >> then the story from about a week ago where apparently that iranian scientist who was executed, he was being discussed in e-mail between hillary clinton's staff. and that was on her unsecured server up in the basement of her house in chappaqua, new york. >> i don't know if we can draw a link between the e-mails and the fact that he was later detained and then just this past weekend executed. it goes to show just how unwise it was for hillary clinton to set up that server in the first place. that was the original sin. if you're the secretary of state, you inherently have to
track classified information every single day. to set up an unsecured server, it's almost unavoidable you'll use classified information as we know hillary clinton did. >> there's a number of committees on capitol hill and judicial watch and other watchdog groups as well have tried to get some of the documents, some of the e-mails but been stone walled along the way. it looks like with the judicial watch finding of a couple of days ago, which they got a month ago, we're starting to see the problem. >> well, it's been like pulling teeth for years with hillary clinton. but that's really just the way the clintons have been operating for 25 years in the public eye. they can consistently stone wall and shield everything they do from public eyes. >> does it feel like the department of justice is doing their job when it comes to the clintons and the clinton foundation? >> i can't say i have a lot of confidence in attorney general lynch right now. she met in a private meeting out
in phoenix at an airport days before the fbi was going to announce the findings. it feels like attorney general lynch is deferring to the fbi when she thinks they're not going to pursue the clintons. but in this clinton foundation matter, she's overruling when she's afraid they may pursue the clinton foundation. >> but you got that wrong. they were talking about grandchildren and golf. senator, always a pleasurement thanks very much. >> thanks. meanwhile, coming up, remember when candy crowley took obama's side while moderating the presidential debate? could it be worse this time. joggers being attacked across the country. the self-defense moves that could save your life are coming up. let's get another basketball here. here they are. there's something out there.
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what they say to us is oh, is it based on a true story? so it's already in the realm of possibility to people. >> it's about no matter your race or gender you should be able to be whatever you want to be. >> you're a ball player. you do this for you, your team or don't do it at all. >> catch "pitch" this fall only on fox. >> that looks like. >> i watched the pilot episode yesterday, it's fantastic. it premieres september 22nd only on fox. be sure to check out fox news magazines. follow me and there's my cheesy picture. >> you look great. that's funny they had to find a woman who can throw ball. >> and you said you binge watched on netflix. >> what was it about? >> it's leek goonies, steven
spielberg, fantastic. eight episodes. >> see you michael. coming up here, remember when candy crowley took obama's side during the presidential debate? could it be worse this time? and stunning details that the state department pulled strings for hillary clinton. but could she pay the price? judge napolitano is in the studio.
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liberty mutual insurance. good morning to you and your family. it's thursday, it's the end of the week, august 11th, i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump unleashes a blistering attack on president obama and on hillary clinton. >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. the cofounder would be crooked
hillary clinton. >> that as another isis inspired terrorist stopped just before he blew himself up in public. and this department of justice spokesperson dodged every question about hillary clinton's e-mail until this happened. >> i can't speak to certain cases. >> i'm sorry, am i speaking english? >> judge napolitano has the reaction in months. >> it could be the worst fan foul balanl incident ever. >> face foul of nacho, cheese, salsa. >> that's nacho cheese. the foul ball incident everyone is still talking about this morning. "fox & friends," hour two,
starts right now. >> yeah. that's embarrassing. >> better than catching it in the beer. because it splashes all -- >> splashes all over you. >> ruin a good beer. >> you're right. i'd rather -- what was it, cheese or salsa or something? >> gavin our producer said he'd rather have nacho cheese on his face. >> hey, clayton is in today. brian is still on vacation, he'll be back on monday. >> good to have you here. donald trump is going right after hillary clinton and president obama. >> the republican nominee claimed they helped create isis. >> fox news senior national correspondent john roberts ask live in miami with the very latest down there. good morning. >> reporter: clayton, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. donald trump at 10:00 will be addressing the national association of home builders conference here in miami beach, at the fabulous fountain blue hotel. this is after a big speech on
the economy and taxes that hillary clinton will be giving in detroit later on today. donald trump unveiled as part of the new package of visual aids a decline in home ownership among americans. with these we should point out are graphics that originally appeared on fox news as part of our reporting and he highlight last night the -- highlighted last night the amount of money that hillary clinton got from hedge fund managers versus what he's received and donations to the clinton foundation and then the increase in the number of syrian refugees who have been coming into the country under the obama administration's watch. he hit hillary clinton and barack obama very hard on the idea of the rise of isis saying they came into being as a result of their policies. here's what trump said. >> honor, president obama. isis is honoring president obama. he's the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. he's the founder.
he founded isis. and i would say the cofounder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> reporter: donald trump waited until he got to florida to hit hillary clinton on the appearance of sadiq mateen. he's the father of the orlando shooter who spent the entire time that hillary clinton was on stage seated right behind her smiling for almost her entire appearance. here again is trump from last night. >> wasn't it terrible when the father of the animal that killed the wonderful people in orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind hillary clinton? of course he likes hillary. because hillary won't even say
the words radical islamic terrorism. >> reporter: however, at the same time though, donald trump's campaign had a little bit of its own optics problem because seated behind donald trump throughout that entire speech was disgraced former congressman mark foley. you can imagine that both campaigns will probably in the future will be a little more careful about who's sitting behind the candidates as the camera pans there. >> if it's thursday, this must be miami because he's following trump all across the country. johnny, thank you. thank you. we're bringing in judge napolitano to react to what's happening in the news. we learned this morning that the fbi went to the doj earlier this year an they said, we want to -- we want you to investigate the clinton administration and they said no. >> i'm going to challenge that story on the basis of information that has come to me and on the basis of my understanding of the way the fbi works. the justice department can order fbi to engage in an
investigation. it cannot stop the fbi from engaging in an investigation into which it has evidence. so for the initial evidence gathering stages we're not talking about presenting this to the grand jury, we're not talking about who we're seeking to target or indict. in the evidence gathering stages the fbi is an independent agency. obliged by the law and the fiduciary duty that its employees have to go where the evidence takes them, no matter who the evidence brings them to. >> just to be clear you're saying that despite this story that's out there that said the fbi wanted to investigate the clinton foundation but the department of justice said you can't do that, that's not accurate? >> yes. i can tell you that fbi is investigating the clinton foundation. >> they are? >> because the evidence of public corruption of mrs. clinton making decisions as the sitting secretary of state using
the authority of the secretary of state that she obtained from the federal statutes in order to benefit her husband and her husband's foundation is simply overwhelming and cannot be avoided. >> well, what about the doj side of this? did they decline or did they as they have said we did our own investigation? we looked into this on our own -- >> is it just spin? >> i think it's spin and i think it's spin coming from the people that do not want this to be a topic -- >> you mean loretta lynch, the lady that was caught on president bush's plane. >> i don't know where the spin is coming. the fbi agents with whom i have worked and the fbi people that i know are very, very serious about their obligation to uncover criminal activity no matter where those investigations take them. they would not permit a political appointee to stop that investigation. >> well, the reporters at the department of state got frustrated because they were trying to uncover the truth
regarding the pay for play e-mail that are -- >> they don't tell me that -- don't tell me what the spokesperson couldn't answer. >> well, what a perfect segue. watch this. >> can you tell us why the state department redacted that name and whether or not this person wound up getting a job or not? >> okay, well i can't speak to specific case -- cases. >> i need a little help understanding why this person''s name cannot be shared. >> i can't speak to specific cases. >> would it be wrong to assume that then that this is -- you know, a case of nepotism or something like that? >> i can't speak to specific cases. >> you don't feel like there was impropriety in the relationship between the clinton foundation and the state -- >> we talked to a wide range of levels. >> has the department looked into this and determined that there was no impropriety? >> the department is regularly in touch with people across the whole spectrum.
>> i'm sorry, am i not speaking english? the question is whether or not you have determined that there was nothing improper here. >> we feel confident that all the rules were followed. >> can't speak to specific cases. they do that all the time. >> of course they do. here's what that is about. that is about people making application -- e-mails showing that foreign governments, foreign groups and foreign persons made applications to mrs. clinton for exemptions from complying with american law. she has the authority to grant those exemptions. secretaries of state do it all the time. but as soon as she granted the exemptions, what did they do? made enormous contributions to the clinton foundation. the case of public corruption is easier for the public to understand, easier for a jury to understand, easier for the government to proven that who did what with e-mails. >> well, as a former judge, current -- you were never a
former judge, right? you're always -- >> he's always judging. >> well, you might be called to the bench to moderate some upcoming debates if charles krauthammer has to say. take a listen to donald trump on getting a fair moderator. >> i want to do the debates. you know, i did very well in the other debates. obviously i wouldn't be sitting here. i will tell you this, i don't think they should put them opposite of nfl games i don't think that's fair. hillary clinton would like that. but i don't think they should be opposite nfl games. and i want to see a fair moderator and whatever else will look at. but i want to do the debates. >> the real issue is who moderates. and the candy crowley moment i don't know if it was a decisive one, but it was shameful. she took the side of obama and she was wrong which made it even
worse. so i think it's very important for the commission to think very hard about who would be acceptable to both sides. generally speaking the media is overwhelmingly liberal. if you take a random sample you'll get liberal moderators who are trying to be objective, but it's hard to be. i think we'll make the point to see who the moderators are and if they are unacceptable you can say i'm not going to participate unless we get somebody else. ask a bunch of respected, retired judges to be the ones who choose. >> retired judges. >> what a sweetheart. here's my idea. it's little different. hillary chooses the person to question trump, trump chooses the person to question hillary. >> well, trump could ask you to do it then. >> she'd be out of the race. i'm exaggerating. it would be fabulous. those two people pick the third person as the moderator.
>> there wouldn't be any whining later. >> there wouldn't be any whining or softballs. if trump chose me my job would be to go for her jugular. and we'd real fire, real questions and hopefully real answers. >> not a so much. >> thank you very much. it's 7:11 in new york city. >> let's go over to heather with some headlines. >> and we begin with a fox news alert. a dramatic raid stopping what could have been a horrific terrorist attack. this unfolded an hour from the u.s. border. a known isis fanatic planned to blow himself up around rush hour. during the takedown, he set off an explosive, hurting himself. police managed to shoot and kill him as he was about to set off another blast. he had been on the radar for a year and he was known for
tweeting about supporting isis under an alias. police are trying to figure out if an officer was ambushed on purpose. bill cooper was shot responding to the 911 call. >> he had community policing in his heart. we ask for the community to pray for us. not just us, but all law enforcement. >> well the chief of police was grazed by the bullet. the suspect was taken into custody after around hour long standoff. dozens are injured including two firefighters after an explosion rocks apartment buildings in maryland right outside of d.c. the force blow steel doors and bricks hundreds of feet. some jumpled for their lives and children jumpled from the
windows. over 2,000 flights cancelled on delta since monday and more expected today after a power outage hit the computer systems. about two-thirds of the flights are leaving within half an hour of the departure time. some got to fly in the private jets to complete their journeys because of the chaos. back to you. that's pretty nice. >> if you're one of the 40 people. >> not if you're waiting all day. >> 40,000. >> thank you, heather. coming up on a thursday, could we soon see less of this? could this impact the fight against isis? we'll talk about it. and the groom who went on his honeymoon without his wife. should he head right to divorce court instead? look at that. pregnancy is an exciting time,
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mapping the oceans. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? my job at exxonmobil? turning algae into biofuels. reducing energy poverty in the developing world. making cars go further with less. fueling the global economy. and you thought we just made the gas. ♪ energy lives here. well, we could soon see a lot less of this. our air force dropping bombs trying to take out isis. like here. where they're blowing out a tank in libya. >> and there are not enough combat pilots to fight the terrorists.
garrett tenney has the latest on this story. >> reporter: good morning. fox news first reported this shortage in may after visiting two bases and yesterday the top officer said it's reached a crisis level. at the annual state of the air force briefing at the pentagon, general david gold fine said that fighter pilots are leaving a at a higher rate. currently there are 700 fewer than what the air force needs to be at full operating capacity and within a few years that number is expected to jump to 1,000. a big reason so many pilots are choosing to leave is the constant overseas deployment over the last 20 years as the u.s. has carried out an aggressive air campaign in the war on terror. pentagon officials are now trying to stem the flow of pilots leaving the service, by working to improve the quality of life as well as by offering higher retention bonuses.
>> we will pay a $35,000 rpa pilot retention bonus for those who are at the end of their active duty service commitment and who of course agree to stay with us. >> reporter: pilot shortages are not the only problem though. as we reported back in may, the air force is also facing a massive shortage of mechanics. 4,000 fewer than it needs. now while the shortage is at crisis level, the general says that so far it has not affected the u.s.'s operations over iraq, syria and libya. back to y'all. >> so they still need people to fix the planes and fly the planes. all right, thank you very much. >> many of the pilot goes on to become commercial pilots so where are the pilots going to come from? >> no kidding. coming up, joggers being attacked across the country in broad daylight. we have the self-defense moves
to save your life. and millions and millions of dollars are being paid to be border agents and you're footing the bill. >> really?
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23 minutes past the hour. some quick headlines for you. an unbelievable case of irony. man who killed someone during a road rage incident is now dead because of road rage. gary durham confronted a man in an argument and the other one shot and killed durham. another swimmer, fighting for their life after getting a brain-eating amoeba. official says man got it from
dirty water on private property in ft. lauderdale. people who get the bacteria have a 3% survival rate. an 11-year-old south carolina girl died from the same thing last week. all right, thank you, clayton. well two young women murdered in broad daylight. their killers are still on the loose. 27-year-old vanessa marcotte was jogging near her mom's house in massachusetts on sunday when she was attacked. her murder just days after 30-year-old karina vetrano was killed while running in queens, new york. the killings are raising a lot of questions about how we stay safe when exercising and here is self-defense instructor, steve, you have been here. you brought along your assistant. >> my assistant, carolyn. >> and you teach techniques to women specifically. >> yes. >> can you show us the techniques we need to know? >> yeah. one of the things that i suggest joggers carry is pepper spray.
they want to hold it in the pistol grip so when they get their finger under. most hold it like this. this removes the fine motor skills. one of the techniques to do is if i run up behind her, which is a blitz, i grand her hair. she comes over, elbow strike and knee strike. she's going to spray and yell. be very verbal at the same time. >> okay. >> go ahead. show her. you're jogging. i come up behind you. i grab your hair, over with the arms and the elbow, knee knee -- >> back off, back off. back off. so what are some tips also before we learn the next technique? you need know the route you'll take. don't do it in the middle of the night. don't run in central park kind of thing at midnight. >> when possible, jog or run with somebody else. we know that in today's world that's not possible. get a feel for your route. don't have your earbuds in. that takes a way the -- takes away the auditory sense, and in
one case the young lady was texting right before. have a plan. head on a swivel. check behind you and in front of you. if you see something react immediately. >> what if you're jogging down street, you see someone ahead, if you don't feel comfortable do you turn around? >> put the brakes on and go the other way. >> show us something else if you're approached. >> another blitz from behind. boom, she'll drop into base. look, hand comes up to the groin, group. spin, spray. she goes. >> the spray, that gives me so much peace of mind. if i would run with pepper spray. >> legal in all 50 states. next technique is if she was running, i came up behind, i dried to drag her. she doesn't want to go to the secondary location. good, she can reach me, i can't reach her. spray, back off. if i want to drag her somewhere, she moves her hips.
makes a "c" with her legs, kicks and sprays and goes. >> if current in that situation you're terrified. you don't want to go into the woods or be dragged into the other area. fight for your life. >> if you're taken to the secondary location, they're unforgiving. we saw in the case they were taken from here to there. scream, yell, kick to the groin. get away. >> concentrate on that area. what about poke in the eye? >> we blink, you have a natural blink. make a natural "c" like that you take away my air, my ability. you run. >> what if you're approached from the front. most of these are from behind. >> all you'll do is go back off, like this. good what's going to happen, i might grab you to drag you. you're going to sit your butt to the ground. >> i would be terrified. if i'm in this position you can get on top of me. >> you can reach all of my points i can't reach you.
the ground is your friend. the opposite of what you think. >> i wouldn't have thought that. so you taught me several things. good job, good job. i wouldn't mess with you. good sport. donald trump trading some serious jabs with hillary clinton. >> one thing to make bad decisions. it's another thing to be wacky and make bad decisions. >> there is no other donald trump. he is the same person who can be provoked by a tweet. >> so who scored the knockout on that round? ed rollins steps into the ring, coming up next. and the groom who went on his honeymoon without his wife. should he head right to divorce court and get off that plane? i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms.
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it is your shot of the morning. they are the brave americans risking their living to keep us safe. our police officers and firefighters and first responders who say it's just part of the job. it's what they do. >> like this new jersey police officer over ten days he saved the lives of three people. or this philly firefighter who rescued two flags from a burning building for a veteran's last memorial day. >> often these stories don't get told so we want to honor them on "fox & friends." you can help by nominating someone who answered your call for help. submit on our website, just go to everyday heroes, submit your idea. >> that's fantastic. i would like to nominate all of the first responders who went over to trump tower to try to keep that guy from falling off -- >> that was scary. how many flights? 21 floors up can? >> a couple hundred feet up.
>> they were risking their lives to get him back in. >> when they went to work, did they have any idea they'd be leading every news cast? >> we have spider-man on trump tower. >> anyway, nominate a first responder. we'd love to salute them on our show. meantime, over to heather childers who has some headlines for us. hello. >> good morning to you. and to everyone at home. well, the doj shelling out millions of dollars to cities that protect illegals. it's true. judicial watch reports more than $432 million in grants went to ten cities and states that fought federal efforts to deport illegals. california, where violent crime has sky rocketed is at the top of the list with $130 million of that money. disturbing new details about the worker operating the ferris wheel when three girls fell nearly 50 feet in tennessee. he was behind the controls of another disaster at the north carolina state fair. five people went flying when a
ride suddenly started as they were trying to get off. investigators found a safety mechanism was disabled by the same operating worker of that ferris wheel. and the end of an era at magic kingdom, walt disney world is pulling the plug on the famous main street electrical parade come october. oh, no. well, filled with glowing, spinning gloats it's been dazzling parkgoers for over 40 years. it is headed to disneyland in california for a limited time before turning off the lights for good. and a new husband is enjoying his dream honeymoon without his honey. instead, he's posting these selfies with a cutout of his bride as he travels throughout italy. why? they were about to leave for the two-week vacation when she realized she lost her passport and couldn't go. well, she's taking the news though. letting her husband have fun without her. so i guess it was a good idea. >> i have news for you.
if you go on the honeymoon without the bride, you're not going to make it to the first anniversary. >> oh, no. >> there's the beauty of going on the honeymoon for crying out loud. >> very true. >> heather, thank you. all right, as is the case on the final day for our college associates, ainsley is over with danielle who has decided she is going to do the sports. >> well, we love danielle. she is a woman after my heart, because she is from the south -- well, you go to school in the south. issue going into -- she's going into the senior year, you're from new jersey. your mom is special to you. >> i was raised by a single parent, i'm so driven, i have a 4.0, and i hope to go on to law school. >> and your sister is a reporter. >> that's right. bridgette, shout-out to you. >> we love having you in the
studio with us. you have been such a help to me, helping me study, bringing my the materials. we love you and we wish you all the best. we'll be here throughout your career. you e-mail us, you call us, we here. >> thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> knock 'em dead. here she is doing sports. take it away. >> thank you. another day of dominance for team usa in rio. superstar swimmer katie ledecky in the swimming. tonight, michael phelps and ryan lochte will compete for the last time in the olympics stage. and carmelo anthony making history on the court while leading team usa to the close victory over australia. he broke the all-time u.s. olympic scoring record. finishing with 293 points all time. the u.s. still in first place in the olympic medal count with 11 golds and 32 silver. talk about a ball fail.
>> going for the catch. >> wow. >> nachos. face full of nachos and cheese and salsa. >> ew, a pirates fan in pittsburgh getting a plate of nachos to the face while scrambling to go after a foul ball. he loses the ball, his beer, and his food. >> whoa. >> what do you think about that, danielle. >> that was not too fun. i would not like that many my face. >> you did a great job. >> thank you. >> you have a future in sports. >> thank you so much. >> over to you guys. >> good job. all right, coming up on a thursday, look closely at this video. a dog fell off a crowded ferry and was -- was left to swim alone in the middle of the atlantic ocean. how a group of fishermen came to his rescue. and donald trump trading serious jabs with hillary clinton. >> one thing to make bad decisions. it's another thing to be wacky and make bad decisions. >> there is no other donald trump. he is the same person who can be
provoked by a tweet. >> provoked by a tweet. who scored the knockout this round? ed rollins steps into the ring next. but first a trivia question, born on this day in 1953 this wrestling superstar is a musician and actor who appeared in "rocky 3." who is he? be the first to e-mail us at with the correct answer. nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here.
at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america!
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don't know if you have noticed but the race for the white house is a knock down dragout fight to the finish with
the candidates going toe to toe on the trail until the voters make their decision on november 8th. we'll keep score each week, there he is, boom boom, you were rocky -- >> the rock. >> in the original. >> swam like a rock and hit like a rock as well, is what the coach told me. >> he does have a super pac to benefit trump. >> trying to. >> how is that working out so far? >> pretty good. >> all right. let's look at some of the sound bites. let's bring the fight mike down here so i can use the big voice. fight mike, down, down. there we go. >> get ready to rumble. >> first round, hillary clinton versus donald trump. on honesty. >> dealing with a very dishonest human being. you know, remember the word -- do you remember the word short circuit? i watched that interview with chris wallace. the lie on the lie on the lie. her greatest achievement in life will be getting away with what she got away with. >> it's really outrageous to me that somebody who claims to be
so successful has done it by stiffing hard working americans. painters and plumbers and glass installers and marble installers and architects. >> okay. so ed, who won that round? >> he won that round for the simple reason that she basically said on the fbi director had cleared her, on the chris wallace interview she did. obviously he didn't. you can play that again and again. and certainly the charge that donald trump doesn't pay his bills is not necessarily proven but the fact she's not honest has been something that the american public believes. >> what about that short circuit business? >> that's a code now, we're not sure if her health is perfect. that's a key to be explored more and more. >> so round one to donald trump. round two, hillary versus trump on decision making. >> she simply lacks the integrity and temperament to serve in the office. her leadership time which is
volcanic and impulsive and she makes bad decisions, okay? hey, you know it's one thing to make bad decisions. it's thing to be wacky and make bad decisions. >> don't be fooled there is no other donald trump. what you see is what you get. he's the same person who can be provictorinoed by a tweet. so just imagine donald trump in the oval office facing a real crisis. >> all right, ed rollins, round two? >> the tweet is a good line, but the critical thing here is he introduced something new which is the secret service agents who basically said when she was in the white house she was very erratic. very emotional. i think that's a side that we haven't seen yet. >> okay. third round. here we have hillary clinton versus donald trump on -- you have been waiting for it, the second amendment. >> you are running to be president or you are president of the united states, words can have tremendous consequences.
yesterday we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from donald trump that crossed the line. and now his casual inciting of violence, every single one of these incidents shows us that donald trump simply does not have the temperament to be president and commander in chief. >> nobody in that room thought anything other than what you just said. this is a political movement. this is a strong, powerful movement, the second amendment. you know, hillary wants to take your guns away. she wants to leave you unprotected in your home. this is a tremendous political movement. >> all right, ed rollins, second amendment round goes to who? >> to her. at the end of the day, people thought it was a threatening remark and that's all we talked about. i'll give her that round.
>> sure. let me ask you this because you have been in politics for a long time. when you heard what donald trump originally said about the second amendment people, what did you think? >> didn't bother me at all. i knew he was talking about nra and others who were behind him and it got blown out of proportion by the mainstream news media. >> i don't know if you have noticed, mainstream media a little biassed. >> a lot biased. in the end i think they think that donald trump got away with a lot in the primaries. >> they're trying to kill him. >> they're having a substantial impact. >> your advise to trump? >> get more scripted. he had a good speech on the economy. you need to run -- you win the weeks. it's like a fight. you win the rounds to win the fight. you've got to stay on that message all week long and that's not what he did. >> some people, ed, say, when he's on the teleprompter he's got a different persona than when he was out and about like he was last night. >> he likes to ad-lib and entertain the crowd but at this
point in time, he can't afford to make mistakes. he's behind in the polls, he needs to drive his message. >> all right, rocky rollins, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. coming up, she was a star tennis player poisoned at wimbledon. we have disturbing new details straight ahead. and hillary clinton set to reveal her tax plan later on today. stuart varney says that plan will make america more like europe. taxed to the max. he knows something about europe. on this day in 1841, frederick douglass gave his speech in nantucket. in 1972, we withdrew from vietnam. and 1999, genie in a bottle by christina aguilera. ♪ ♪ what's up guys- we're dude perfect. make sure you don't miss out on the bass pro shops fall hunting classic. we'll see you there. the classic starts this weekend with savings on great gear.
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we're back now for the answer to the "fox & friends" trivia question. it's hulk hogan. he's 63 years old today. what you gonna do when the hulkster runs wild on you. the winner is joe acheland. he'll get a copy of brian's book, "thomas jefferson and the tripoli pirates." today, hillary clinton unveiling her official economic plan. from day one she's promised an economy that will work for every american. >> but the next guest has a warning about that. stuart varney joins us right now. you worry that hillary's plan will make america great again like europe. >> look, we have a great choice about where we want to take the economy. do we want to go down the european road, cradle to grave security, or do we want to go the american route which is vigorous growth, dynamism,
individual liberty to get things moving. so a very clear choice. and today hillary clinton reveals her plan. >> tell us a little bit about it. >> it's a plan where she would raise taxes on the rich, on wall street, on corporations. she would increase and expand social security. she would have big spending plans for infrastructure and education. and as i said, she would raise taxes on individuals and the rich in particular. on corporations and on wall street. so it's tax and spend. it's a form of european democratic socialism. that's the route that hillary will take us down. >> you either vote for donald trump who is going to lower taxes for every bracket, or hillary clinton who is going to tax the rich even more? >> it's a stark choice, i do. i think it's europe or the america that we have come to know in terms of growth and expansion. donald trump would lower taxes for individuals and for corporations. he would cut regulation. he would encourage domestic energy expansion and output.
that's a recipe for vigorous growth in the economy. look, you can't solve our problems without economic growth. growth creates jobs and prosperity. and that is the glue that binds our society together. >> that's what the obama administration tried to do with $800 billion in infrastructure spending, shovel ready jobs last time around. now she wants to spend nearly $300 billion. i thought we fix all the bridges and roads. $800 billion, where did the money go? >> i think there's fair room about what happened to that money. and how much need to spend on infrastructure. donald trump's plan by the way will be at least double hillary's plan. you know, we interviewed him on this program a couple of days ago and i asked him about this fund, the infrastructure fund. he wanted to be very big. he wants private money to go into the fund and be spent on rebuilding roads and bridges so he has a much bigger infrastructure plan than hillary clinton at this point.
>> so hillary clinton wants to make us more like europe and donald trump wants to make us grow again. >> that's my opinion. >> with all sorts of stuff. what's the matter with europe? >> what's the matter with europe? >> what's the matter with europe? you remember, you're a refugee. >> i am a refugee from european socialism. it's not a sustainable model. they're bankrupt -- many of those societies are bankrupt. low growth. virtually no growth for many, many years. their population is actually declining. and it's aging. that is not a sustainable economic model. it's just not. it might sound great, lots of holiday, lots of free stuff. fairness and equality. >> it sounds good to pa lot of people. >> but it doesn't work. they're in decline. >> what people like about donald trump's plan, he takes it from four brackets to three brackets. everybody gets benefits because everyone is going to have the taxes lowered. hillary clinton has eight different brackets. it's not simple. >> look, i want to stimulate private enterprise.
if you can stimulate the private sector of our economy, you can grow. >> you can -- >> do you tax them more? >> no. >> or do you low taxpayers and put more money in -- lower taxes and put more money in the taxes. >> gasparino says he doesn't do anything to talk about that. >> he says he will not touch social security and medicare. i think that's a problem because at some point down the point it has to be addressed. he won't touch it. >> a couple of days ago when he was on with us and you asked him a great question, forecasting you know if he's elected and his plan is enacted, what kind of growth are we talking about with donald trump. >> i asked him are you getting to get 4%, he said we'll get 4% growth or better than. we did under ronald reagan in the early '80s. >> right now we're at 1%. >> hillary is speaking in detroit. >> same place that donald trump did. >> we'll be watching. >> thank you very much indeed. coming up on a thursday, the left wasting no time hitting
donald trump where his -- for his comments on hillary clinton but they might have missed -- apparently they did what this democratic senate candidate said in ohio. >> the death of scalia saved labor from that terrible decision. i don't -- and i don't wish anyone ill, but you have to have a good time. >> so you think you'll hear about that in the mainstream media? we have the answer. and last hour, you watched the dunk of -- you watched them dunk a basketball over us, what will they do next? the dunk artists are putting on a show in the plaza. >> that was close. marie believes that her chicken pot pie gives you the perfect recipe for catching up with family. so she takes the time to prepare a golden flakey crust made from scratch. and mixes crisp vegetables with all white meat chicken and bakes it to perfection. because marie callender knows that making the perfect dinner isn't easy as pie,
but finding someone to enjoy it with sure is. marie callender's it's time to savor and know there's even more to savor with family size pot pies. hey, you're yes, sir. clarence! you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a one-thousand dollar volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on a new 2016 passat. sorry ma'am. no burning here. ugh. heartburn. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. new alka seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief.
but thanks to to everything turned out perfect. [crying] weird, but perfect. [flute] good morning to you and your family. it is thursday, it's august the 11th. i'm ainsley earhardt.
a massive inferno moves through the apartment complex, children being dropped down to survive. those breaking details straight ahead. >> wow. donald trump unleashed going after the president and hillary clinton on terror. listen to this. >> isis is honoring president obama. he's the founder of isis. the cofounder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> got a feeling founder and cofounder are probably not on their official resumes. anyway, stunning new polls on isis and what americans are really afraid of coming up. the left wasting no time hitting trump. i they must have missed what this democratic senator said though. >> the death of scalia saved labor from that terrible decision. and i don't wish anyone ill, but it happened at a good time. >> his death happened at a good time.
think you'll see that in the mainstream media? "fox & friends," hour three, starts right now. ♪ last hour -- about two hours ago, i think we stood back up again. the world's top dunk artists dunked over all three of us. >> while we were standing up, sandwiched together. >> my hair was a little askew and there's half a can of aqua net in here. they'll join us at the conclusion of this hour and we'll see some other crazy stuff they can do. >> they're so talented. one is famous for jumping over shaquille o'neal. >> yeah. he's very tall. >> were you nervous? >> i purposely got really tight to both of you. so if they were to fall on -- >> at least you're honest. >> they're the dunkers. we're the dunkees. in the meantime, the race for
the white house. donald trump going after hillary clinton and president obama with something new. >> that's right. the republican nominee now claiming they helped create isis. >> fox news national senior correspondent john roberts is live in miami with the latest for us. >> reporter: ainsley, clayton, steve, good morning to you. the folks are lining up here at the hotel, at the national home builders association where donald trump will be speaking this morning sort of the counterweight to the big hillary clinton economics speech she'll be giving later on in to detroit. trump last night in sunrise, florida, hitting hillary clinton and president obama hard on isis. he has in the past called hillary clinton the mvp of isis. last night he took that even further. >> honor president obama. isis is honoring president
obama. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. okay? he's the founder. he founded isis. and i would say the cofounder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> reporter: donald trump reveals some new visual aids last night. these were actually graphics he made up of graphics that have aired on fox news to illustrate the current economic situation and the national security it is ya, showing the increase in the number of syrian refugees coming into the country under president obama and contributions to the clinton foundation, the decline in home ownership nationally and the comparison of the amount of money that hillary clinton has received from hedge fund managers, $50 million compared to what he received which is
$9,000. and trump may be meeting to discuss the three proposed debates starting on september the 26th. he would like to do all three debates but he wants to know about the conditions. basically telling our greta van susteren, when it comes to debates he wants to be treated fairly. >> i want to see a fair moderator. because, you know, we have a lot of unfair people treating us as republicans and conservatives. if you're a republican and conservative, you get unfair treatment. look at what "the new york times" admitted the other day. they practically admitted it. >> donald trump still not happy with the fact that two of the proposed dates coincide with nfl football games. one on a sunday night and one on a monday night. when the presidential debates go up against sporting events the presidential debates do much better so maybe the complaints
should be coming from the nfl, not the trump -- >> yeah. i have a feeling the ratings will be great for the debates. >> john roberts, what's the name of the hotel you're at in miami? >> reporter: well, i mean, people call it the fountain bleu. frank sinatra celebrated what would have been his 100th birthday last year. so you feel a sense of history here in miami beach this morning. >> there you go. john roberts at the fountain bleu as we say in kansas. >> thank you. john roberts. we have some new polls out this morning, because maybe trump is tapping into the anxiety, this feeling, you know, over the past few months we saw a surge of crime. we had a down turn in ten years and then in april and may we started to see crimes in major cities like detroit, memphis, chicago. >> what about all the terror
strikes? >> not only in the united states, but overseas. a new poll is tapping into that. do you feel your personal life is under threat from islamic terrorists? 61% say it is. >> and then how much do you feel the american way of life is under threat right now? 7 -- rather 47% say a great deal. 31% say some. so you add them together, 78% of the country saying that the way of life is under threat. >> people are worried about national security. is the country going in the right direction or have they gone off on the wrong track? 65% of those polled said the wrong track. 30% said the right track. >> we asked for some viewer comments on this. monica wrotes on facebook, absolutely we're on the wrong track. i'm considered middle class and yet we can never get ahead. >> don is on facebook and she says if the numbers are so high for us being on the wrong track and feeling unsafe, anyone why are hillary clinton's poll numbers so much higher than
donald trump's? where are the 60 percenters putting their votes? >> good question. across in pennsylvania and other states, hillary clinton is up pretty high. >> america is way off track, all our values and laws are being threatened. >> one of the thing aebs the -- about the polls, take a look at how many democrats they poll and how many republicans and how many independents. invariably, they seem to always ask more democrats than republicans. >> yeah. one of the questions is what party do you identify with. people whether or not they admit it to the pollsters. >> the media is focussing a lot on donald trump and the second amendment comment they made. but ted strickland who is running for a senate seat in ohio hotly contested race. he's a democrat. he was on the campaign trail and he made this comment about the death of justice scalia.
listen. >> the death of scalia saved labor from that -- from a terrible decision. and i don't wish anyone ill, but it happened at a good time. because once that decision has been made, it would have been tough to reverse it. >> it happened at a good time that is terrible. the guy he's running against, the current senator, who is a republican, rob portman, essentially said are you kidding me? you're talking like that? now, mr. strickland has apologized. he said it was insensitive. but it's curious because about an hour and a half ago a brand-new quinnipiac poll came out for the state of ohio and it shows rob portman, the republican, is actually nine points ahead of mr. strickland. i think the margin is 49 to 40. so there you go. >> let us know your thought about that. speaking in front of the labor group.
heather childers has a look at our headlines this morning. good morning. >> good morning. we have an update to a story we have been following for you. breaking right now a desperate search for people who are missing after an explosion and fire rock an apartment complex in silver springs, maryland. this is right outside of d.c. the blast injured dozens including two firefighters. look at the danger. the explosion so strong, it blew steel doors and bricks hundreds of feet. there are reports of parents dropping their children from windows as well. more breaking news for you. dramatic raid overnight stopping what could have been an horrific terrorist attack in canada. one hour from the u.s. border. police set up a sting around aaron driver's house after being tipped off about a plot to blow himself up during rush hour. driver set off an explosion, hurting himself. police shot and killed him as he
was able to set off another blast. the u.s. air force is struggling to defend our freedom. that's not enough combat pilots to fight the ongoing air war where they're dropping bombs and trying to take out isis. it is called a crisis and that it's only expected to get worse. the air force is saying that its planes are old and falling apart. and a heart warming story for you. a group of fishermen rescue a dog paddling alone in middle of the ocean. look closely. >> get him, get him. >> oh, my. >> well, here's what happened. the pup fell off a massachusetts ferry. he was spotted by passengers. they flagged down a nearby fishing boat. the fishermen on board pulling the dog on to their boat and then the passengers on the ferry erupting into cheers. a lucky little dog. a good swimmer too.
>> doing the dog paddle. >> good point. >> all right, thank you very much. well, new hillary clinton e-mails revealing her aides practically putting the state department up for sale and jeff sessions will join us live to react to that next. parents everywhere, this one is for you. one mom jumps for joy literally as she sends her kids back to school. yeah. the photos you need to see. people are going to be doing celebrations all over the country. >> she's happy. >> now i totally understand why.
hillary clinton e-mail scandal continues to spiral this morning. newly released e-mails show she pretty much put the state department up for sale, with her aides trading for donations to the family foundation and new a in report reports that the doj chose not to investigate. here to react is donald trump supporter, senator jeff sessions. thank you for join us. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> people are calling this pay to play. do you agree with that and why? >> i think that is a fair description of it. it does clearly appear that individuals who were dealing with the united states government and their -- and its
representative hillary clinton as secretary of state made massive contributions to her and bill clinton's foundation. and it does appear from the e-mails that they got benefits from that. so i think that is unacceptable. i do believe it is worthy of an investigation. in fact, as i understand the fbi director he indicated some weeks ago that that issue was not closed. >> i want to read to our audience one of the e-mails so they can see what exactly took place. so we have doug band, the head of the chinnen the foundation and he wrote on april 25, 2009, we need gilbert chagouyr to speak to the substance person regarding lebanon. he's the key guy there and it's very important to us. he sent that to huma abedin who
works with clinton. she writes back, it's jeff felman i'm sure he knows him. i'll talk to him. and doug says better if you call him. now preferable. this is very important. let me get this straight. we have a big donor who is really good friends with bill clinton. he gives money to the family foundation and over in the state department, she's going to give that guy a favor because he gave money to her family foundation. is it unethical, dangerous? >> it's dangerous. it's worthy of a serious investigation and when he said it's important, he didn't mean it was important to the united states. he meant it was important to the foundation which is the private entity. and the secretary of state cannot be using the power of that office and -- to subordinate national interests to the foundation interest. i think that is a serious problem and who knows what else would be in some of these
e-mails that have not yet been disclosed. so these were e-mails that had been suppressed, held back, not released and just now coming to light. >> well, senator, many people are saying, doj is not even going to investigation. the fbi wants to. many people are saying she's going to get a pass. this is one more thing that she's going to get away with. what does donald trump need to do to combat the mainstream media and hillary clinton? >> i think he needs to talk about this issue and her integrity and leadership ability. but actually he needs to also move forward on the great issues that he raised about the economy on monday. that was a fabulous speech laying out a plan that will actually increase growth and productivity in america. help wages rise. instead of fall. they fell again second quarter. wages for americans, it's down $4,000, median income in america since 2000. the people of this country hurting.
they're not angry because they're just irritable. they're angry because systematically things have not gone well. it's time for this government to respond. we need change and donald trump has got the right ideas and can make this country better. >> senator jeff sessions from the great state of alabama, thanks so much, senator. we appreciate you joining us. next on the run down was a dnc staffer murdered for leaking thousands of e-mails against the democratic party? rod wheeler will tell us what he found next. and forget hawaii. an american couple had something else in mind for their honeymoon. fly to syria to join isis. if you have a typical airline credit card, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. this where you typically shop?
you should be getting double miles on every purchase! the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. not just ...(dismissively) airline purchases. seriously... double miles... everywhere. what's in your wallet? when this busy family... a cracked windshield... ...their dad went to the new safelite-dot-com... ...and scheduled a replacement... just a few clicks. with safelite you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! thank you. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace.
we have some quick thursday morning headlines for you right now. a woman who planned to join isis
on her honeymoon is now headed to prison instead. jalen young will be sentenced after pleading guilty to conspireing to provide material support to isis. she faces up to 20 years in prison. young and her fiance were arrested before boarding a flight from mississippi to turkey. a group of muslims taking legal action after a city in michigan shut down their plans to build a mosque. they say it was partly due to islamaphobia in the community, but city officials say it had to do with traffic concerns. the u.s. attorney and the department of justice are investigating. we will keep you posted? a murder mystery playing right out in the d.c. capital. there's seth rich, gunned down in the street, two weeks before the convention in philadelphia. before the democratic convention. >> everything kind of turned weird when wikileaks founder julian assange offered a $20,000
reward for information on rich's death, hinting he may have been the one who leaked those dnc e-mails. that's sparked speculation about whether this was just a botched robbery at 4:00 in the morning or a political hit. >> former d.c. hom detective rod wheeler is live at the scene. rod, the one thing, you know if it was a robbery as some had suggested why didn't they take his wallet or his phone or his watch? they were all there when they found the body. >> that's right. good morning to you, steve. i can tell you that i walked the crime scene yesterday, a lot of things i have uncovered. let me show you all what i exactly found at the crime scene yesterday. this is the actual block that he was walking on. and according to the paramedics and the police department, it was somewhere in this area where they actually found his body.
he was approached by two individuals according to the police reports and according to the police, they don't know whether or not these individuals were attempting to rob him or what they were trying to do. but what we do know is that these individuals were armed with some type of weapon and mr. rich sustained two gunshot wounds to the back. now, there's lot of other areas i want to show you real quick around here, where the suspect or suspects could have ran. there's a number of alleyways over here. you can see i'm pointing over directly across the street there. there's one on this other side as well. the other thing that's significant in a criminal investigation is the amount of lighting during the nighttime hours. this shooting took place at approximately 4:19 a.m. early morning hour, very, very dark outside. there's only two streetlights out here. very dark area. heavily populated area. a lot of residential homes. now, my sources -- my police sources are telling me they're looking at a number of different
possibilities and they are aggressively pursuing multiple leads. they're still imploring that the community members to come forward with any information they have, but they haven't ruled anything out and they haven't ruled in anything at this point, steve. >> okay. the families released a statement on what has been unfolding with this julian assange angle and obviously the politics on this. they say some are attempting to politicize this horrible tragedy and in their attempts to do so are causing more harm than good and impeding the ability for law enforcement to properly do their job. is that true, rod? >> yes, that is true. a lot of times when you have these conspiracy theorists come out with all of these pie in the sky theories it interferes with the police investigation. because what happens is the family members of the deseed end they start hearing these things and the police have a good idea of what happened with this crime. people need to let the police do
their job and i think at some point we'll probably see an arrest made in this case. >> all right, we sure hope so. rod wheeler in the d.c. neighborhood, rod, thank you so much. >> you know, there's another alternative, that would be given the fact this man is dead, just have julian assange say was he the source? yes or no. >> right. when asked during the interview -- he wasn't asked that question about him. he just brought it up. brought up this idea to talk about it. >> and then the reporter did say, are you saying he was a source? and he said i don't release my sources. >> our sources face a lot of risks. >> interesting. >> it is very confusing. so we'll keep you posted on that. meanwhile, does trump have a problem with the state of pennsylvania? a new poll has him down by ten points. so here to analyze, the architect, karl rove, coming up. and she can fly a fighter jet. but it's her cooking skills that are really taking off. lea gabrielle is whipping up her
mom's lasagna because cooking is better with friends. there's her family. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for
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♪ ♪ we should be dancing, yeah it is your shot of the morning. look how funny that is. a mom looks like -- what five kids, literally jumpingi for jo now that the kids are headed back to school. >> happy first day of school, kids. i'm not going to miss you. asking you to share with other moms who need a good laugh. >> her husband takes these every year. >> as we were tuesdeasing that w minutes ago, my friend said you have to show cynthia morgan's picture. there's cynthia jumping over the
two little boys on the front step. >> that's like the staples tag singing -- it's the most wonderful time of the year. >> she's a former navy pilot, she se she's a member of the fox family, and lea gabrielle said she's no chef. >> you have one recipe lasagna from her mother. she's here with her niece eva, dad and mother. >> so they're trying to train me to cook. eva has been practicing and teaching me how to make lasagna. so you want to tell everyone how we make the cheese sauce. >> so you put four cups of ricotta cheese in and then four cups of mozzarella cheese, and beat two eggs. one cup of -- yeah. parsley. >> is it true she was never a cook growing up? >> no, she's a fighter, not a
cook. >> are you so proud of her? >> i am. >> can you believe this? she flies airplanes. >> she's on tv. >> i know it's your recipe. where did you get the recipe? >> well, over the years you use many recipes. you finally just kind of refine it into something that works best for you. >> so you mix that up. through the magic of television. >> what do you do? >> then the cheese filling -- eva can start putting -- or lea can the meat sauce. >> what kind of meat sauce? onions, tomatoes. >> onions, garlic. >> now you have a gluten free noodle, is that right? >> i usually use a gluten free noodle. >> do they taste the same? >> they do. you can't tell the difference. the one difference is with the new noodles you don't have to -- you don't have to cook them before you bake them. >> fantastic. >> oh. >> steve, why gluten free? >> i don't eat gluten, i'm
allergic to it. >> so if you want to eat at your house -- >> that's right. >> eva has a special recipe, i understand you can make a poppy with raisins and pears and -- can you show us. what do you do? >> so you take a pear half and put it on the lettuce. then you take two mandarin oranges and put them right here like a collar. >> okay. >> then you take a prune and you flatten it out like a dog's ear. kind of. >> looks like dog's ear. >> like snoopy. then you take a cherry -- maraschino cherry and make a nose. then you take the -- >> the raisins what are they for? >> for the eyes. >> for the eyes. very nice. >> that's terrific. >> it is. all the recipes will be on the
website. thank you for joining us. >> and i'm all about this. snoopy. see the puppy salad she made? >> very nice. >> heather, while we eat, take it way with some headlines. >> so cute! i love eva. well, we do begin with a fox news alert. there's a major shakeup. macy's reportedly closing 100 stores. it's all due to weak mall traffic they say and rising competition online. still unclear which locations will be impacted and what will happen to the employees. the stores are expected to close early next year. so beware of that. well, talk about a cruel case of irony. a convicted road rager killed in a road rage shooting. police say that gary durham who spent ten years in prison confronted a driver in tampa, florida, and then it turned deadly when the driver pulled out a gun and almost shot and killed durham. rising tennis star poisoned
at wimbledon. police are investigating after 18-year-old gabriela taylor ended up fighting for her life in the tournament. the tests later confirmed she got a rare dead by bacteria typically spread by animals. her family thinks rivals put something in her water. he might be the luckiest guy in the world. a man who survived a fiery crash landing in dubai won the lottery six days later. now, the 62-year-old indian car dealer taking home $1 million jackpot. he knew god saved him in the crash for a specific purpose and he plans to use the money to help those less fortunate. so good for him. lucky guy. those are a look at your headlines. now over to maria for a look at your weather forecast. >> all right, good morning, heather. hello. we want to look at the weather conditions across the gulf coast
because we have low pressure that continues to spin that moisture on the parts of the coast and it's producing heavy rain. so we're tracking the potential for some flooding out there. raining across portions of louisiana and it's moving on in as well across parts of the florida panhandle. later on, we can pick up several inches of rain out there. we have concerns for flash flooding. and warnings are stretching along the gulf coast. we have possible severe weather later on today so we're watching that closely. those temperatures and by the way the humidity as well continuing to build across portions of the east coast. you can make it up into the 80s today in new york. and then you factor in the humidity, it's going to feel a lot hotter than what the thermometer reads. across the plains, 97 for a high in kansas city and 93 over in dallas.
now over to steve. >> thank you. does trump have a problem with pennsylvania? a new poll has him down by ten points, and does that matter? we have karl rove, the architect. and we're taking the show to new heights this morning. the world's best dunk artists are here to show off their skills by dunking as they jump over ainsley. whoa, nice. miles per hour. to win, every millisecond matters. both on the track and thousands of miles away. with the help of at&t, red bull racing can share critical information about every inch of the car from virtually anywhere. brakes are getting warm. confirmed, daniel you need to cool your brakes. understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t.
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here's some headlines. talk about a foul ball fail. >> wow. >> nachos. face full of nachos and cheese and salsa. >> wow. a pirates fan in pittsburgh getting a plate of nachos to the face while scrambling to go after that foul ball. he loses the ball. loses his beer and his food. it's a one in two million
find. a man in massachusetts catches a rare bright blue lobster. even more rare -- guess what? it's the second time he's caught one. that bright blue lobster, well, it gets its color from the alter -- alteration in the dna. and the flavor is a bit unexpected. guess what it is? swedish fish. would yoolate cookie is filled with cherry candy red cream center. >> why would they mess with the original? they're fantastic. >> you can buy them too. >> thank you. let's talk politics. does donald trump have a problem in pennsylvania? a brand-new quinnipiac poll out shows him trailing hillary clinton by ten points but he does not seem too worried at this stage. >> i think we're going to do very well in pennsylvania.
pennsylvania hasn't been won by the republicans for quite a while. but i think we'll win pennsylvania. i think we'll win pennsylvania easily. >> that's optimistic, is he seeing something that the polls are not? joining us to break down the numbers is former deputy chief of staff to george w. bush, karl rove who is joining us from austin. good morning, karl. >> good morning, doocy. why didn't we see you doing some dunking? i heard you were the power center forward in kansas. >> i am very impressed -- >> waiting for you do the double dunk. >> i'm impressed you'd know our mascot was the tigers. we have professionals to do that, okay, karl? let's talk about this ten points. trump is confident that he can win pennsylvania, but it's been a long time since a republican has taken pennsylvania, hasn't it? >> yeah, 1988 was the last time that the republicans won its. george w. bush came close in 2004 -- a 2 1/2 point loss.
it's wider since then. in the recent polls in the real clear politics average he's done 9.2, but we have a little bit of weirdness going on here. in the marist poll just out, he's down by 11. on the 10th of july he was down by nine. but in the quinnipiac poll, today he's down by 10. but in the middle of july he was actually up two in the poll. that might have been because back in july they were interviewing registered voters like the marist did in the bulk of the polls. but in the august poll, quinnipiac interviewed likely voters. so a change in the methodology there. a lot of the polls will start here in august and september starting to look at pools of likely voters as opposed to registered voters or -- and look, pennsylvania is a critical state for the blue collar working class strategy of donald trump. if he takes the states that mitt romney won, plus florida, plus ohio, and wins pennsylvania, he's president of the united states.
>> and there's certainly at of people who are hurting in pennsylvania and that's what trump is banking is. is there anything that happened since the democratic convention? was it just her bounce or something else that impacted this? >> look, her numbers have gone up and her image has improved, but her convention was not particularly great. what's happened is several inflicted wounds through and including this kerfuffle over the second amendment comments. getting in the argument with the gold star family and spending your first post convention news conference trashing the runner-up to the nomination. this is not constructive and he's missed plenty of opportunities to go after her in a way that would advance his
cause. most notably with her interview with chris wallace and he spent time bashing the fire marshals for not allowing enough people into his rallies. >> well, regarding the senate races in florida and pennsylvania and ohio as well. look at this, karl. in florida, rubio versus representative patrick murphy for the senate seat. marco rubio right now is up by three. but as you can see, it's still neck and neck. it's in the margin of error. still a tough race for rubio isn't it? >> oh, yeah, absolutely. again, let's be careful about looking at one poll. others show a wider margin. but i think that's mainly because rubio is better known that the likely democrat. what's interesting however, if you step back and compare the senate polls to the presidential races in those states in most instances wisconsin is an outlier, but in the other instances, the republican
incumbent is running well ahead of trump. the most notable example is the state of ohio. portman has build up a significant leader have us is his democratic component running well ahead of donald trump. >> sure. his democratic opponent said something really insensitive about antonin scalia dying last year. that's all bad. meanwhile, let's talk about this. donald trump says now he's happy to do three debates if there's a fair moderator. how often does that actually happen where there's a fair moderator, fair to the various candidates? >> well, look, we used to have in the 20th century a general consensus that the moderators were fair and impartial. jim lehrer had a great reputation as being fair. but in recent years there's questions. i call it the crowley ever felt, candy crowley seeming to correct mitt romney. she was wrong, he was right. in the debate. it has caused a lot of people to be concerned about the
impartiality of the moderators. that's only been made worse by the performance of some of these moderators in the democratic and republican presidential debates where they appear to be unfair. that's a lot of concern about. i'm not certain there's an easy solution. charles krauthammer suggests having retired judges this there. interesting idea. not likely to happen. but it's a sign of how delicate the people's confidence in these institutions is when somebody like candy crowley otherwise a great journalists decides to do something in the debate that's inappropriate. looking like she's putting the finger on the scale for one candidate one way or another. >> that's the way it looked like. karl, have great day. and thank you, sir. >> same to you, doocy. meanwhile, they have no problem dunking basketballs over our heads. can they jump over ainsley, clayton and a car?
that's next? but first, bill hemmer. who owns that car. maybe later. you know, always the last few inches of that jump there. it was close. we are watching. good morning to you, mr. sir. breaking news on the scathing report just out. did the u.s. government hide the reality of a growing isis threat? we're on that today. meanwhile, trump opens a new offensive. he said obama and clinton are to blame for isis. we are to show you his claim this morning. clinton goes public on her economic plan. as trump gets ready for a rally in florida you will see that this morning. it is august, this campaign has already -- is already red hot. see you in wbr id "wbr101963" 11 minutes, top of the hour on "america's newsroom." /b
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cool breeze. >> whoa!
>> earlier in the show, we saw an incredible leap of faith, didn't, we steve? >> yeah, they're ready to jump over the vehicle parked behind us. >> welcome back chris staples, guy due pew, jonathan stark and competitors in the k market rise challenge. somebody hit the back of my -- i was grazed. >> you know, we brought you a gift first. so you can jump over somebody, jump over a car. >> this is part of the thing, what is this? thank you. tell us about the sneakers. >> so these are the rise sneakers that we just launched with our partners, k mart. it's the premium athletic brand affordable for everybody. >> at the rise dunking
competitions you can have the shoes personalized? >> yeah. when you get your shoes at the competition -- look, we're customizing them for free. >> you have pokemon on the side? >> of course. look at it. pokemon thing. >> why did you come one this line and team up with kmart? >> because i think there's an opportunity for the masses and anybody to have great product. everybody wants a high performance shoe they can go out on the court and play on. or walk day to day in. but we want it to be affordable for all families out there. kmart was able to understand that vision. >> mr. porter, we didn't have the video then to show everyone, but you have dunked over shaquille o'neal, is that right? >> he's a small fellow. how tall are you? holy smokes, you're 5'5", right? >> 5'5". >> look at that. how did you talk him into that?
>> it took a lot. but he caved in to let me do it. he said if i jumped on him, he'd do bad things to me. >> is he scrunching a little? >> he's a big guy. i had to get over here. >> i think the key to dunking is repetition. keep going. core workout. all of the guys, we do different things. >> right now, we have a beautiful ford mustang behind you. who's going to do the dunking? guy. guy. he needs the ball. >> all right. >> kids, don't try this at home. these are professionals. >> start with a match box car to get good at this first? >> did you say start with a match box car? he's been doing this since he was a baby. >> so you're confident he'll be able to do this? >> very confident. >> we need some energy out here. >> all right. here it comes. >> here we go. >> they look ready. ladies and gentlemen, here we go! >> don't blink. >> oh!
>> that's all right. >> that's okay. we'll try it again. let's try it again. >> we have one more ball. >> all right. back into play. all right. >> putting the ball exactly where he needs it. >> exactly. >> all right. that's key, isn't it? >> do they notice he's jumping and putting the ball through his legs as he's jumping over the car? >> unbelievable. here he goes. come on! >> all right! we'll be right back. >> we're going to try it one more time. >> try it one more time. he's got it. >> we'll try it again when we come back.
all right. last chance, guy duepy going to try to dunk over the mustang. >> everyone cheer for guy.
>> oh! >> we're going to be joining on facebook live. in the "after the show show." >> five seconds. one last time. oh. man. bill: a fox news alert. a bombshell report on isis. a top government report said government officials altered reports to make it appear the war against the terror group was going much better than it was. abby: morning. abby huntsman in for martha maccallum. it started as an allegation a year ago when a career intel officer delivered an assessment of the fight against isis. but we are learning those reports were being changed at

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Jewellery , Wrist , Automotive Fog Light , Disc Jockey , Vehicle Audio , Gps Navigation Device , Automotive Navigation System , Honda Civic Hybrid , Speedometer , Measuring Instrument , Gauge , Tool , Tachometer , Odometer , Hardware , Trip Computer , Loudspeaker , Carbon , Electronic Instrument , Monochrome , Black And White , Computer Speaker , Style , Colorfulness , Lens , Siding , Column , Steel , Composite Material , Window Covering , Ford Motor Company , Suzuki Swift , Suzuki , Scion , Peugeot , Hyundai Elantra , Lexus Gs , Mazda Cx 9 , Subaru , Mazda Cx 5 , Hyundai Sonata , Kia Optima , Highway , Horizon , Freeway , Morning , Plain , Thoroughfare , Nonbuilding Structure , Cumulus , Company , Maserati , Volkswagen , Standing , Stone Carving , Geology , Sculpture , Firearm , Sand , Concrete , Shadow , Carving , Sash Window , Prison , Rectangle , Number , Paper Product , Website , Artificial Turf , Diagram , Document , Square , Parallel , Guard Dog , Non Sporting Group , Sea , Afterglow , Sunrise , Sunset , Red Sky At Morning , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Dusk , Evening , Sun , Dawn , Calm , Ocean , Pier , Channel , Meteorological Phenomenon , Shade , Luxury Yacht , Apartment , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Wave , Wind Wave , Beach , Wetsuit , Surfing , Surface Water Sports , Coast , Boardsport , Tide , Silhouette , Statue , Monument , Wakeboarding , Bodyboarding , Extreme Sport , Water Sport , Waterway , Sleeve , White , Elbow , Abdomen , Wildlife , Geological Phenomenon , Terrain , Mold , Skimboarding , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Wakesurfing , Hill , Adventure , Crocodilia , Crocodile , Marine Biology , Reptile , Pond , River , Regularity Rally , Porsche 930 , Porsche 911 Classic , Porsche 912 , Porsche 911 , Convertible , Porsche 911 Gt3 , Land Lot , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Birds Eye View , Bay , Reservoir , Mountain Pass , Cliff , Inlet , Chocolate , Coffee , Dessert , Ice Cream , Material Property , Bar , Food Court , Coffeehouse , Fast Food Restaurant , Shopping Mall , Cottage , Farmhouse , Backyard , Manor House , Driveway , Landscaping , Garden , Mansion , Shed , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Garden Buildings , Pontiac Vibe , Umbrella , Ball , Ford Fiesta , Mazda3 , Fordc Max , Mazda , Supermini , Ford Focus , Opel Insignia , Opel , Peugeot 3008 , Kia Sportage , Porsche Cayenne , Arch , Volvo V70 , Kia Soul , Water Resources , Canal , Water Feature , Biome , Forest , Natural Environment , Reef , Coral Reef , Winter , Underwater , Coral , Turquoise , Stairs , Pedestrian Crossing , Signaling Device , Newspaper , Publication , Hot Air Ballooning , Balloon , Petal , Aerostat , Houseplant , Car Dealership , Jeep Commander Xk , Isuzu Trooper , Jeep , Gmc Envoy , Jeep Liberty , Jeep Patriot , Jeep Compass , Chevrolet Silverado , Limousine , Kung Fu , Vovinam , Town , Honda Pilot , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Retail , Ram , Dodge Ram Srt 10 , Jeep Grand Cherokee , Chevrolet , Nissan Armada , Public Utility , Water Transportation , Speedboat , Fishing Vessel , Inflatable Boat , Boating , Ship , Yacht , Motor Ship , Fishing Trawler , Naval Architecture , Skiff , Tugboat , Sailing , Great White Shark , Lamniformes , Lamnidae , Marine Mammal , Fish , Killer Whale , Whale , Cetacea , Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat , Air Hockey , Mountainous Landforms , Wilderness , Vegetation , Spruce Fir Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Shortleaf Black Spruce , Highland , Mountain , Hill Station , Nature Reserve , Mountain Range , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Conifer , Bridge , Spruce , National Park , Pine Family , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Fell , Fir , Mist , Evergreen , Mount Scenery , Larch , Pine , Old Growth Forest , Rainforest , Balsam Fir , Fog , Lodgepole Pine , Massif , Woodland , Tundra , Alps , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Wildflower , Valley , Vascular Plant , Plant Community , American Larch , Northern Hardwood Forest , Natural Landscape , Lake , Bank , Reflection , Watercourse , State Park , Crater Lake , Summit , All Terrain Vehicle , Off Road Racing , Tractor , Rally Raid , Trail , Rural Area , Dirt Road , Shrubland , Motorsport , Botanical Garden , Botany , Herb , Hemp Family , Plantation , Groundcover , Artemisia , Kale , Heracleum Plant , Cypress Family , Gardening , Fern , Branch , Downhill Mountain Biking , Grove , Freeride , Plant Stem , Mountain Biking , Deciduous , Ecoregion , Terrestrial Plant , Riparian Forest , Cool , Pilot , Agricultural Machinery , Go Kart , Orangutan , Tape , Werewolf , Neanderthal , Aggression , Angry , Shout , Book , Chewbacca , Macaque , Enduro , Endurocross , Racing , Motocross , Mud , Outerwear , Blazer , Love , Online Advertising , Percussion , String Instrument , Musical Instrument , Lamp , Pipe Organ , Ford Transit , Minibus , Soldier , Flesh , Cat , Whiskers , Kiss , , Wing , Agriculture , Field , Vineyard , Crop , Farm , Grass Family , Grapevine Family , Vitis , Horse Tack , Horse , Horse Harness , Mane , Halter , Stallion , Log Cabin , Inn , Cherry Blossom , Travel , Blossom , Place Of Worship , Outdoor Structure , Monochrome Photography , Taxi , Court , School Uniform , Fur , Camera , Cameras Optics , Digital Camera , Single Lens Reflex Camera , Reflex Camera , Film Camera , Camera Accessory , Webcam , Pool , Personal Computer , Major Appliance , Wrestling , Pride Parade , Spring Break , Pole Vault , Net Sports , Leisure Centre , 3x3 Basketball , Cake , Icing , Cake Decorating , Birthday Cake , Buttercream , Baked Goods , Sugar Paste , Chocolate Cake , Torte , Fondant , Casino , Netball , Running , Marathon , Exercise , Athletics , Long Distance Running , Endurance Sports , Track And Field Athletics , Landmark , National Historic Landmark , Tower , Daytime , Museum , Drinkware , Trophy , Glass Bottle , Award , Tableware , Barware , Beer , Wine Bottle , Liqueur , Alcohols , Stemware , Champagne , Bartender , Guitar , Bass Guitar , Plucked String Instruments , Audio Engineer , Rock Concert , Dinosaur , Lizard , Double Bass , Bicycle Wheel , Brass Instrument , Bowed String Instrument , Weapon , Action Figure , Tattoo , Guitarist , Icon , Sign Language , Pattern , Moonlight , Paint , Bed , Plaster , Cabinetry , Molding , Learning , Education , Rubiks Cube , School , Kindergarten , Baby , Mechanical Puzzle , Sconce , Art Exhibition , Red Hair , Crawling , Recliner , Fixture , Bicycle Part , Bicycle Frame , Beige , Keychain , Cg Artwork , Mythology , Cathedral , Feather , Lace Wig , Drawing , Natural Material , Chip , Home Door , Shelving , Shelf , Model Car , Scale Model , Compact Van , Meadow , Dew , Mercedes Benz W201 , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Automobile Repair Shop , Classic , Antique Car , Garage , Floristry , Fence , Home Fencing , Picket Fence , Web Page , Identity Document , Playground , Clip Art , Kitchen Appliance , Shirt , Handrail , Display Case , Chest Of Drawers , Exhibition , Window Blind , Transparent Material , Window Screen , Training , Management , Business School , Streetball , Flip Acrobatic , Muscle Car , Racquet Sport , Wall Ball Sports , Volleyball , Home Cinema , Space Station , Satellite , Planet , Astronaut , Mecha , Ferris Wheel , Amusement Ride , Fair , Roller Coaster , Rescue , Strongman , Spoke , Tang Soo Do , Hall , Laptop , Computer , Cruise Ship , Ferry , Brassiere , Water Park , Aircraft Engine , Map , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Strategy Video Game , Adventure Game , Thread , Bicycle Motocross , Freestyle Bmx , Flatland Bmx , Cycle Sport , Block Party , Stunt , Custom Car , Photobombing , Softball , Coach , Baseball , Internet Meme , Jumping , Strength Athletics , Eating , Bat And Ball Games , Basketball Hoop , Tennis Court , Acrobatics , Nail , Computer Keyboard , Cash , Payment Card , Jury , Swiss Ball , Exercise Equipment , Fitness Professional , Pilates , Weight Training , Dumbbell , Stomach , Aerobics , Zumba , Aerobic Exercise , Hospital , Loft , Service , Medical Assistant , Medical Equipment , Health Care , Medi Cal , Patient , Dentistry , Clinic , Physician , Local Food , Fruit , Apple , Strawberries , Barechested , Natural Foods , Marketplace , Selling , Market , Whole Food , Bazaar , Greengrocer , Grocery Store , Vegetable , Supermarket , Vegetarian Food , Trade , Cage , Pet Supply , Dog Crate , Parakeet , Budgie , Perching Bird , Flower Arranging , Manicure , Gym , Strength Training , Circuit Training , Sports Training , Class , Bowling Equipment , Bowling , Bowling Pin , Ten Pin Bowling , Teacher , Plaid , Cutting Board , Kitchen Knife , Kitchen Utensil , Cutlery , Asparagus , Leaf Vegetable , Bromeliaceae , Insect , Caterpillar , Health Care Provider , Acoustic Guitar , String Instrument Accessory , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Jazz Guitarist , Music Artist , Guitar Accessory , Song , Bassist , Foot , High Heels , Sole , Pianist , Writing , Shooting Range , Hat , Cowboy Hat , Fedora , Cowboy , Marines , Military Organization , Infantry , Cuatro , Ukulele , Recording Studio , Rv , Trailer , Travel Trailer , Bus , Horse Trailer , Electric Guitar , Microphone , Professor , Porsche Panamera , Headphones , Media Player , Comfort , Sofa Bed , Tablet Computer , Reading , Dinghy , Boats And Boating Equipment Supplies , Craft , Tubing , Bathing , Sleep , Suspension Bridge , Cable Stayed Bridge , Fixed Link , Skyway , Extradosed Bridge , Headstone , History , Memorial , Historic Site , Ancient History , Grave , Swimming , Tennis Player , Tennis , Ice , Visual Arts , Peach , Wallpaper , Seminar , Groom , Conference Hall , Supervillain , Leather , Leather Jacket , Motorcycle , Motorcycling , Cruiser , Motorcycle Accessories , Cyclocomputer , Bike , Cityscape , Gun , Rifle , Revolver , Sad , Metro , Airport Terminal , Missile , Duathlon , Toyota Matrix , Scion Xd , Toyota Sienna , Mazda Mazda5 , Toyota , Nissan Quest , Mercedes Benz Vito , Eurovans , Triathlon , Half Marathon , Cross Country Running , Ultramarathon , Porcelain , Blue And White Porcelain , Cup , Pottery , Ceramic , Serveware , Debate , Carpet , Personal Trainer , Twig , Savanna , Pasture , Grassland , Tints And Shades , Autumn , Oak , Haze , Mercedes Benze Class , Baby Carriage , Baby Products , Baby In Car Seat , Baby Activity , Mammal , Felidae , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Carnivore , Kitten , Maine Coon , Hyundai Veracruz , Snout , Alaskan Malamute , Pomeranian , Siberian Husky , Sled Dog , Spitz , Dog Breed , Wolfdog , Wolf , Canis , Darkroom , Dungeon , Basilica , Swat , Church , Shrine , Recreation Room , Greenhouse , Annual Plant , Creative Arts , Arch Bridge , Headland , Loch , Estuary , Viaduct , Beam Bridge , Lake District , Steeple , Clock Tower , Spire , Corporate Headquarters , Classical Architecture , Headquarters , Brutalist Architecture , Medieval Architecture , Listed Building , Seat Of Local Government , Zebra Crossing , Tarn , Escarpment , Plateau , Fjord , Depression , Chaparral , Canyon , Floodplain , Formation , Badlands , Unesco World Heritage Site , Panorama , Factory , Warehouse , Forklift Truck , Hangar , Blackboard , Chalk , Aisle , Ice Hotel , Aquarium , Freshwater Aquarium , Airport , Industry , Engineering , Electricity , Crane , Birth , Mother , Bedroom , Infant Bed , Toy , Stuffed Toy , Laminate Flooring , Handbag , Bag , Luggage And Bags , Linens , Party Supply , Carmine , Pen , Writing Implement , Ball Pen , Nail Care , Marker Pen , Nail Polish , Baggage , Weightlifting , Balance Beam , Alley , Street Stunts , Cycling , Bicycle Helmet , Bicycle Clothing , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Cyclo Cross , Road Bicycle Racing , Racing Bicycle , Road Cycling , Road Bicycle , Bicycle Tire , Hybrid Bicycle , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Bicycle Pedal , Bicycle Saddle , Turban , Carriage , Lampshade , Home Accessories , Dress Shirt , Bun , Function Hall , Ping Pong , Boxing Ring , College Baseball , Baseball Park , Baseball Positions , Baseball Player , Baseball Umpire , Pitcher , Infielder , Violin Family , Violin , Neon Sign , Celestial Event , Super Bowl , Mattress , Lingerie , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Uniform , College Softball , Sports Uniform , Pitch , Catcher , Baseball Protective Gear , Bodybuilding , Wrestler , Professional Wrestling , Jersey , Sportswear , Soccer Specific Stadium , Race Track , Football Player , Ice Hockey , Hockey Protective Equipment , Airline , Cockpit , Airliner , Takeoff , Flap , Supersonic Aircraft , Airbus , Airbus A380 , Narrow Body Aircraft , Wide Body Aircraft , Grummanf 14 Tomcat , Marina , Passenger Ship , Dock , Harbor , Port , Ocean Liner , Orchestra , Musical Ensemble , Reed Instrument , Woodwind Instrument , Ice Cave , Glacial Landform , Cave , Freezing , Glacier , Winter Storm , Caving , Bouquet , Centrepiece , Wadi , Outcrop , Batholith , Aeolian Landform , Prairie , Phragmites , Steppe , Poales , Food Grain , Wheat , Flowering Plant , Grain , Barley , Rye , Tongue , Marsh , Wetland , Paddy Field , Acura , Acura Rdx , Acura Mdx , Acura Zdx , Toyota Fortuner , Subaru Outback , Sheep , Ratite , Ostrich , Flightless Bird , Grazing , Herd , Wind Turbine , Wind Farm , Windmill , Turbine , Mill , Honda Cr V , Renault Koleos , Volkswagen Tiguan , Line Art , Referee , Concrete Mixer , Independence Day , Government , Chrysler Pacifica , Troop , Chef , Shopping , Tropical Cyclone , Blizzard , Precipitation , Storm , Tsunami , Television Studio , Filling Station , Porch , Balcony , Digital Compositing , Race Car , Group B , Auto Racing , Bmw X5 , Espresso Machine , Boot , Coffeemaker , Office Chair , University , Onion Ring , Pest , Blouse , Step Cutting , Clothing , Jeans , Leggings , Denim , Fashion Design , Fashion Model , Sweater , Tartan , Cardigan , Coat , Tights , Waist , Collar , Jheri Curl , Afro , Polo Shirt , Eyelash Extensions , Handwriting , Computer Monitor , Aircraft Carrier , Chengduj 10 , Shenyangj 11 , Naval Ship , Sukhoi Su 35bm , Mcdonnell Douglasf 15 Eagle , Mcdonnell Douglasf 15e Strike Eagle , Mcdonnell Douglas Fa 18 Hornet , Sukhoi Su 27 , Lockheedc 130 Hercules , Lockheed Ac 130 , Boeingc 17 Globemaster Iii , Military Uniform , Military Officer , Arctic , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Air Show , Light Aircraft , Parachute , Parachuting , Outer Space , Astronomical Object , Makeover , Roller Skating , Street Sports , Sphere , Moon , Runway , Fashion Show , Haute Couture , Ankle , Academic Institution , Bronze Sculpture , Bronze , Relief , Painting , Sketch , Toy Vehicle , Body Of Water , Lacustrine Plain , Canoe , Bayou , Fish Pond , Yoga Pant , Spandex , Binoculars , Plastic Bottle , Arm Wrestling , Undergarment , Conformation Show , Dog Sports , Lawn Game , Dog Agility , Animal Sports , Sporting Group , Obedience Training , Rhodesian Ridgeback , Working Dog , Hug , Kettlebell , Weights , Construction Equipment , Technician , School Bus , Electronic Engineering , Tabletop Game , Collectable , Research , Laboratory , Puzzle , Toilet Seat , Medical Technologist , Research Institute , White Coat , Medicine , Pharmacy Technician , Woodworking , Patio , Machine Tool , Outdoor Play Equipment , Dollhouse , Mural , Golden Retriever , Retriever , Labrador Retriever , Companion Dog , Kia Sorento , Bentley , Lexus Is , Bmw M3 , Cadillac Sts , Audi A5 , Second Generation Lexus Is , Lexus Ls , Bmw 5 Series , Kia Forte , Kia Cerato , Kia Forte Koup , Toyota Camry , Citroën C2 , Third Generation Fiat Punto , Porsche Cayman , Overpass , Kia Carens , Kia Cee D , Convenience Store , Convenience Food , Malus , Superfood , Grocer , Shopkeeper , Diet Food , Vegan Nutrition , Emoticon , Crescent , Military Camouflage , Non Commissioned Officer , Airsoft Gun , Practical Shooting , Trap Shooting , Shooting , Trigger , Assault Rifle , Shooting Sport , Fire Department , Emergency , Fire Marshal , Fire Apparatus , Fireman , Motorcycle Speedway , Motorcycle Racing , Freestyle Motocross , Auto Race , Road Racing , Arrest , Special Agent , Security , Adventure Racing , Skirmish , Paintball , Interview , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Christmas Lights , Christmas Decoration , Christmas , Neon , Crustacean , New Year , Peking Opera , Futsal , Handball , Parasailing , Dietary Supplement , Liquid , Fluid , Picnic , Barbecue , Lunch , Taste , Buffet , Marriage , Sari , Breakfast , Comfort Food , Hamburger , Sweetness , Frozen Dessert , Salad , Ritual , Packaging And Labeling , Carton , Laundry Detergent , Hyundai Entourage , Dodge Caravan , Ring , Flash Photography , Heptathlon , Optometry , Flyer , Brochure , Magazine , Book Cover , Arête , Desert , Mountain Bike , Mountain Bike Racing , Cross Country Cycling , Hyundai Santa Fe , Hyundai Tucson , Boxing , Guard Rail , Boxing Equipment , Crest , Crew , Clay Pigeon Shooting , Resort , Motel , Pendant , Locket , Christmas Ornament , Necklace , Silver , Cook , Dairy , Cream , Milk , Mousse , Dough , Pineapple , Carrot , Root Vegetable , Cruciferous Vegetables , à La Carte Food , Baby Carrot , Legume , Crudités , Garnish , Broccoli , Muffin , English Cuisine , Quiche , Pastry , Cookware And Bakeware , Cookies And Crackers , Gas Stove , Grilling , Barbecue Grill , Outdoor Grill , Cimbalom , Shorts , Racket , Racquetball , Kite Sports , Air Sports , Windsports , Paragliding , Soft Tennis , Rolls Royce Phantom , Rolls Royce Ghost , Rolls Royce Phantom Coupé , Rolls Royce Wraith , Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupé , Sandal , Basic Pump , Chapel , Chandelier , Outdoor Table , Middle Ages , Marching Band , Joker , Netbook , Computer Icon , Trampolining Equipment And Supplies , Outdoor Power Equipment , Plough , Farmer , Harvest , Hay , Farmworker , Swing , Playground Slide , Little Black Dress , Beet Root , Beet Greens , Beet , Radish , Juice , Smoothie , Red Wine , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Skin Care , Candle , Marshmallow Creme , Outdoor Recreation , Jogging , Racewalking , Athletic Shoe , Sprint , Mixing Console , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Musical Instrument , Street Fashion , Fur Clothing , General Motors , Sea Ice , Iceberg , Outdoor Shoe , Knee , Refrigerator , Boutique , Outlet Store , Closet , Wardrobe , Tire Care , Chicken Meat , Churrasco Food , Seabird , Bouldering , Juggling , Figurine , Eclipse , Spiral , Vortex , Psychedelic Art , Actors , Awning , Café , Clothes Hanger , Dry Cleaning , Button , T Ai Chi Ch Uan , Bathroom , Spider Web , Bridal Clothing , Wedding Dress , Surgeon , Operating Theater , Arcade Game , Computer Hardware , Radiology , Medical Imaging , System , Patriarch , Metropolitan Bishop , Banknote , Cadillac Escalade , Ford Flex , Dodge Nitro , Ford Ranger , Ford Super Duty , Fordf 550 , Volvo Xc70 , Nissan Titan , Snooker , Light Bulb , Supper , Hobby , Army Men , Flowerpot , Pharmacy , Scale , Prescription Drug , Chemist , Coupe Utility , Truck Bed Part , Cornales , Wedding Reception , Banquet , Nativity Scene , Dinner , Inflatable , Cani Cross , Dog Walking , Middle Eastern Food , Bake Sale , Prom , Indonesian Food , Steamed Rice , Nasi Liwet , Gift Basket , Meat , Hawaiian Food , Costa Rican Cuisine , Staple Food , Peruvian Food , Chinese Food , Korean Food , Burmese Food , Swedish Cuisine , Lettuce , Dip , Cabbage , Daughter , Japanese Cuisine , Ceviche , Thai Food , Autocross , Racketlon , Tennis Racket Accessory , Strings , Rackets , Tennis Equipment , Nissan Leaf , Bocce , Padel , Formula One , Formula One Car , Open Wheel Car , Formula Racing , Indycar Series , Formula One Tyres , Kart Racing , Sports Car Racing , Clothes Iron , Sneakers , Vehicle Brake , Brake , Gramophone Record , Endurance Racing Motorsport , Race Of Champions , Stock Car Racing , Sports Prototype , Ariel Atom , Track Cycling , Keirin , Plywood , Wire , Electrical Wiring , Electrical Supply , Drum , Drummer , Tom Drum , Drums , Drumhead , Cymbal , Bass Drum , Snare Drum , Idiophone , Gong Bass Drum , Membranophone , Timbales , Percussionist , Hi Hat , Modern Dance , Cheerleading , Cheerleading Uniform , Energy Drink , Jazz Club , Orange , Mitsubishii Miev , Volkswagen Passat , Volkswagen Jetta , Volkswagen Cc , Elliptical Trainer , Indoor Cycling , Ipad , Graphics Tablet , Track , Arecales , Fighter Pilot , Jeep Wrangler , Old World Monkey , Grizzly Bear , Terrestrial Animal , Jeep Cj , Groupset , Crankset , Shellfish , Lobster , Invertebrate , Arthropod , King Crab , American Lobster , Freshwater Crab , Homarus , Dungeness Crab , Crayfish , Chesapeake Blue Crab , Cajun Food , Cancer , Seafood Boil , Homarus Gammarus , Singaporean Cuisine , Spiny Lobster , New England Clam Bake , Mantis Shrimp , Oreo , Cookie , Ritz Cracker , Jell O , American Food , Opera , Volkswagen Eos , Toyota Camry Solara , Bugatti , Bugatti Veyron , Audi Cabriolet , Shelby Mustang , Ford Mustang , Roadster , Nissan Rogue , Nissanx Trail , Nissan Qashqai , Subaru Tribeca , Alfa Romeo , Alfa Romeo 8c , Pontiac Solstice , Nissan Juke , Newsprint , Physicist , Folk Instrument , Baseball Glove , Baseball Bat , Kimono , Fisheye Lens , Art Gallery , Vernissage , Village , Golf Course , Golf Equipment , Segway , Golf , Precision Sports , Soccer Ball , Putter , Golfer , Golf Club , Professional Golfer , Pitch And Putt , Wedge , Match Play , Hickory Golf , Fourball , Foursome Golf , Stick And Ball Sports , Golf Ball , Cadillac Dts , Mini Cooper , Seat Belt , Calf , Shoe Store , Hot Rod , Mazda Mx 5 , Town Square , Cattle , Dairy Cow , Bovine , Great Dane , Cow Goat Family , Schnauzer , Dobermann , Fox Terrier , Miniature Schnauzer , Wire Hair Fox Terrier , Vertebrate , Puppy , Chihuahua , Jack Russell Terrier , Pembroke Welsh Corgi , Welsh Corgi , West Highland White Terrier , Australian Shepherd , Pillow , Bed Frame , Studio Couch , Loveseat , Bed Sheet , Bedding , Underpants , Briefs , Longboard , Skateboarding Equipment , Skateboard , Longboarding , Skateboarding , Balance , Costume Design , Stretching , Nap , Bedtime , Romance , Yoga , Long Sleevedt Shirt ,

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