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President trump meetings with bikers for trump. Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Be good to yourself. That is the advice this sunday morning. Good morning. That works for everybody. I love it when pete makes fun of millennials because hes one of them. Im on the edge. I could be either generation. I own the generation i want to be in when i want to be in it. You won yesterday. How do you feel today . There are a lot of people in social media wondering what happens to pete when the pressure is on. He seems to struggle. And a minute after he loses he bowls a strike. I was bowling last night, bowled a ton of strikes. What happened then . I dont know. Ed is intimidating, i know. Its true. They intimidate me, like they did hillary. Good morning to all of you. There is always a lot of news as we wake up on a sunday morning. Absolutely. So, you know, weve heard recently we know that bruce orr will be testifie testifyinge congress. The number four official at the doj. They want to any what nelly orr knew, connection to gps and what their connection is to Christopher Steele. More information coming out act the communication between the dossier and the folks at the department of justice. President trump tweeting yesterday raising some questions about his relationship with the attorney general as well. This is what the president tweeted, he said, the big story that the Fake News Media refuses to report is low life Christopher Steeles many meeting with deposit any ag bruce oo and his beautiful wife nelly. It was fusion gps that hired steele to write the phony do dossier. Ive never seen anything so rigged in my life. Our ag is scared stiff and missing in action. It is all starting to be revealed, not pretty ig report soon. Witch hunt. How do you feel he really feels about it . I couldnt even read it. Hes been upset about this for a very long time and there are many folks in the country that are irate about how this went down and are continuing to learn more. What many in the media dont want to admit is on substance the president has an important point to make. When you look at the number four official in the Obama Justice department, bruce orr, hes had dozens of communications with Christopher Steele who wrote the questionable unverified dossier about candidate donald trump. And so why was someone inside the Justice Department who is dealing with narcotics and other issues, dealing instead with Christopher Steele, a former british spy and sort of pushing this on the inside. When we find out that orrs wife was fork working for fusion gps which hired Christopher Steele to do the dossier in the first place. What is happening there. And also when he talks about the information in the dossier, lets not forget that the fbi and the bruce orr Justice Department used that information to go to the fisa court to get surveillance of carter page. These are important issues that many in the media are ignoring. The second is Jeff Sessions, his own nominee. A whole other problem. Hes trying to get ahead of what the House Judiciary Committee is doing the chairman Bob Goodlatte is going to throw out a number of subpoenas on the individuals that you mentioned. Well see if that leads to anything. How many subpoenas are thrown out. We dont hear anything. The doj doesnt respond. This will play out. Jeff sessions, well get to that in a minute. But kelly and conway also spoke saying there were shenanigans from people trying to prevent trump from getting into the office from the beginning. He is very pleased that more information is coming out, that you can now connect more dots between these people who were trying all of these shenanigans each after he was elected. As this investigation goes on, lets make sure the losers are investigated also. What people are saying right now is why are they talking about 2016, why cant they get over it. Because youre talking about 2016. We know nobody was colluding. Imagine the frustration, youre in the white house watching other Networks Cover the Paul Manafort tax trial wall to wall as if that has a connection to russian collusion. Conspiracies drip out. And you see more evidence that there was collusion with folks that were talking to russia to help the Clinton Campaign undermine trump. And this is not you, ed, but these journalists out there are supposed to be looking at the facts, investigating, find the truth, weve got our true calling in the trump era, were going to get to the truth yet the stuff is smacking them in the face and they dont touch it. Hes saying they come after me. Write the story of the century about this. Thankfully weve got folks hee doing that, greg jarrett and others writing books. His frustration is Jeff Sessions is help them release the documents. I know youve recused yourself but the fbi and the doj seem to be slow walking. The president has the power to declassify. He teased that he might. Might have to get involved. The president has been clear about his feelings about Jeff Sessions. He does not want him in that job. He said had he told me early on he was going to recuse himself from this Russian Investigation i would have found another attorney general. But speaking of Jeff Sessions, he was in houston and he showed the sound yesterday. He was there on friday talking about immigration. He went to a restaurant, to a Mexican Restaurant and as weve seen so many times with people that work for the Trump Administration, they are bombarded, theyre either asked to be kicked out, asked to resign on the spot. Each when things are going well. The chef is there posing with Jeff Sessions, we had a nice meal, i might not agree with his politics but i served him a meal. They social media gets inundated and get attacked. This restaurant, i dont know if theyre democrats, republicans, ptsindependents, vegans, they hd to smut down their social media. This is not the first time it happened. We talked about Sara Huckabee sanders when she was kicked out of the restaurant sitting with her family and friends. Here is a look back at some of the folks in the administration that have had issues with restaurants. Locking up immigrant children, kirstjen nielsen, youre a villain. Why are you separating families . Deport steven miller, a white house aide. How ridiculous. Its time if the businesses to fight back a little bit and not let the mob mentally shut them down. Its hard for them theyre under fire. They want to serve food. Thats your defense. People of all background, people of all faiths, all political views are welcome at our restaurant to eat because this is america. Like thats the easiest defense of all im. What the left is saying is you cant serve trump people basically. I dont want to serve Maxine Waters people not bawrs shes black but because of her political views. What if thats my view. If the restaurant said were not serving catholics anymore, there would be an yeu uproar. I think there is a bigger conversation about harassment about civility. I wish that the restaurants could say you know what, were going to serve whoever walks in our doorses. Doors. If i owned a hypothetl pizza hut, if Maxine Waters or Bernie Sanders walked in i would proudly serve them and take a picture with them. I dont agree with what you talk about but but come in. The restaurants are under pressure. Its a business. Theyve got to keep it afoot. After the head head happen you go on yelp and you have five as fastars or win star. Thats the left east faulting with not the restaurants fault. I serve food. I dont want to go politics. I want to own a pizza hut franchise. If they had a bar that went with pizza hut it would be a success. There were people on the left trying to get him to be involved in the senate race and he said im not going to do it and they said why, he people republicans buy sneakers too. Im trying to buy sneakers to people, i may be a democratic dt i want republicans to buy them too. We should celebrate people walking into any store to buy something. Thats what make this country beautiful. Finish your thoughts at friends foxnews. Com. Pizza is so good. I cant get a drink when im at spiz da hut. Pizza hut. I have. Thats why hes not as good at sports on saturday morning. I have other headlines i want to bring you. Starting with this. What was supposed to be a day of peaceful protesting in charlottesville quickly turned into an antipolice bash led by an mob. You dont care if people die. Others confronts police in riot gear and later attacking local reporters. More protests are expected today in charlottesville and washington on the oneYear Anniversary of a deadly white house supremacist rally. Last year Heather Heyer was killed. We know the name of an airplane employee who stole a plane from seattletacoma airport. Richard russells family is in shock. Police say the baggage handler had security clearance to be around planes but was not a licensed pilot. He flew around aimlessly before crashes on a pi pilot. The hawaiian governor survived a tough challenge beatintohead to the general ele. He is facing scrutiny over the false missile that sent the state in a panic in january. Meanwhile Democratic Congresswoman cruised to win in her primary. If only i could read that before i did it live. While you were sleeping, sna so launching a rocket on an Historic Mission to touch the sun. Three, two, one, zero. Liftoff of the delta iv rocket. Blasting off for the next seven years. This coming after glitches on saturday morningthat causes the first launch to fail. How cool is that. Im going to miss you pronouncing words. Its not easy. Ill give you that. Those were tough. Im not going to lie. It has been a yearlong fight to get texts that fired Andrew Mccabe sent out and now President Trump is threatening to get involved. Judicial president tom fitton is here next on why they want the texts. Why its so important. Broward county sheriff scott israel was the face of the failed response to the parkland shooting. Now hes the face of the departments back to School Safety tips. Darrel issa, cory lew window kicory lewinsky,diamond and siln a sunday morning fox friends. President trump amping up pressure on the fbi own its handling of fired Deputy Director andy mccabes Text Messages, tweeting, and i quote, why isnt the fbi giving Andrew Mccabe text message to Judicial Watch or appropriate governmental authorities. Fbi said they wont give up even one. I may have to get involved. Do not destroy. What are they hiding. Mccabe wife took big Campaign Dollars from hillary people. Joining u now is that conservative watch group trying to get the Text Messages. Judicial watch president tom fitton. Why cant you get your hands on any of these Text Messages . Its a lawsuit. So were representing a retired supervisor in the fbi, jeffrey danic who we all suspect there are Text Messages he has. They havent given us one text message and they just gave us a file, something with the court on friday. The president is on top of it saying that Text Messages arent covered by the freedom of information act. Open as far as we can tell, the fbi is the only executive agency that takes that position. So. This is a government phone thats being used. Youre requesting Text Messages because all of these government records in indeed Public Records and youre saying other departments treat Text Messages as government records but the fbi does not . That is my understanding and not only that, they wont look at them. And all all know why. Weve heard about the peter strzoklisa page Text Messages which were also suing more and havent gotten yet. And he talks about having an insurance policy after a meeting with Andrew Mccabe. And as the president s tweet points out, he had an inherent conflict as a result of his wife getting all of this cash from the clinton machine. What are you looking for . What do you think said Text Messages could reveal . I think theyre going to show specifically in our case how the clinton email information was wired and stifled by fbi leadership to include mr. Mccabe. So you say the president tweeted, as you saw, may need to get involved, do not destroy. Could that include the declassification he could declassification anything, right . This isnt declassification. This is look at the Text Messages, see if there are documents responsive to our freedom of information act and turn them over. Declassification is down the road. They dont want to look at the pile of the documents. So the president is right to be annoyed of this real violation of transparency. Who is violating this transparency . Is this the leadership . This is the leadership of the fbi that needs to take responsibility and the fbi obviously reports to the Justice Department. So leadership of doj. They know what theyre doing. And i just cannot believe, given everything weve fought with the Obama Administration, people that reportedly report to this president would presume that he doesnt want this transparency. Its clear that he does. To me this is just another deep state coverup. Theyre protecting their own still to this day after all of this time as opposed to the sunlight of transparency . Yeah. And theyre protecting the big corruption story from being fully exposed, how Hillary Clinton was protected while donald trump was illicitly targeted by the fbi. One quick i want to get your comment briefly on the new developments of the fact that bruce orr will be testifying, the new communications between him and Christopher Steele. What does that tell you . It tells me theres a lot more to be had in terms of information about this conspiracy. You had bruce orr laundering information for Christopher Steele that Judicial Watch uncovered in another freedom information act lawsuit, showed the fbi had cut off. Yet they were happy to get information from bruce orr because of his communications with steele that were really outrageous given the fact his wife was working at fusion gps at the same time. The doj and the fbi were an ethical mess around obama. Trump was victimized, hillary was protected. All of this info is coming out. Congress needs to get these people in public to answer for these really outrageous allegations that suggest not only ethical misconduct but criminal misconduct. Well see what comes on august 28th. Were getting the same treatment you are. We reached out to the doj fb a statement. Havent heard back yet. Tom fitton, thank you for your time. The boston globe declaring a war of words, rallying the newspapers to protect the President Trump from the freedom of press. Our next guest says this is only going to hurt the media. Specifistick around. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. We are back with some quick head lines for you. Republicans weighing their options after Chris Collins ends iz election bid. The announcement coming days after the new york congressman was charged with Insider Trading. He calls the charges meritless. It wont be easy to replace him on the ballot. It only happens in the candidate dies, disqualified or nominated for another office. The case should rest against Paul Manafort tomorrow. The former Trump Campaign manager has been on trial for bank fraud and tax evasion since july 31st meanwhile, the boston globe is now going on offense against President Trump trying to rally newspapers to protect free press from attacks at the white house. Dozens of newspapers have sounded on to publish editorials. Here to react, attorney and political consultant jacob daniels. Good morning. Do we have jacob . Okay. Well have him in a moment. Its interesting jacob, are you there . Do you have me . There are you. Very good. Good morning. I want to set this up. The president has been going back and forth with the media and now the boston globe is urging newspapers across the country, okay, lets fight back. Lets go after the president. What say you about this . I think this is a pretty foolish move on behalf of the media. Already you have twothirds to threequarters of the American People not trusting the media anymore. And so i think that this is just more cannibalism of the media itself. Its self inflicted and ultimately their coordinated attack i think it will be backlash and help the president. A big part of Trumps Campaign and the reason why he got elected is for the first time in a long time his base felt like someone was finally speaking for them. They had been talked to by the media and the elites for so long that no one was speaking for their voice anymore. The president they feel is finally doing that. You say this is just another example of people being told what to do and thats not going to end well. Certainly. You have it entirely correct. Remember they said 1237 delegates was impossible. They said he couldnt win. He removed the mlk bus from the oval office. All of these different instances. Really what it does is fueled the president s base. And you know, you see this activism in journalism right now. Really what it does is it grows the pool of people who are going to support the president in 2020 because theyre seeing just how biased the media is and how theyre letting the political ideology get in the way of doing their job properly. So jacob, a nuance the media likes to ignore is the difference between the media and fake news. This is the president tweeting about this on august 5th. He said the fake news hates me saying that they are the enemy to people only because they know its true. Im providing a Great Service by explaining this to the American People that that purposely cause Great Division and distrust, they can also cause war. Theyre very dangerous and sick. Describe the difference between the media and how the president frames fake news. Well the media is a great thing. Its important to hold our politicians accountable. You know, its, you know, my wife when i met her, she was a journalist. You guys are great people. Youre journalists. Journalists in general arent bad. Its people out there who have an agenda, who are intentionally putting out information that they know to be false and thats what the president chark r characterizes as fake news. I agree that fake news is very bad for our country. You admit then that the media in general is not the enemy of the American People . I dont think the media in general. I think that people who are out there to take malicious actionss to harm this president instead of reporting the facts. I think that those, a lot of those people, if theyre misreporting intentionally, i believe that falls into the category. Or not revealing a bias. Well play it down the middle. Were calling it facts when its so clear that the dripping hatred. That to me is fake news. I agree with you entirely. I think its a problem. And i think, you know, its just contributing to the erosion of the medias credibility in the minds of the American People. And so they do this sort of thing like coordinating this attack with the 100plus newspapers on august 16th to their peril. Just undermines their credibility and its not moved by the boston globe or the other papers joining. The papers are deepening that line in the sand between him and other people. Whats wrong with though, since you agree, we have First Amendment in the country. The president is going to go back and forth with the media and there are going to be disagreements. The boston globe is saying were going to stand up. The president attacks the media at news conferences and does it on twitter. Whats wrong with the news media speaking up if are the First Amendment standing up for their rights to report. Its entirely fine. We all have a First Amendment right, thank god. The boston globe is free to editorialize, have opinions just like the rest of us. Thats a great right that we have in this country, the freedom of the press. But in this particular situation it rises beyond just opinion. It rises above journalism. This is a coordinated effort geographically across the United States with large, medium and small newspaper to attack the president on a singular issue on the same day. And so this is getting away from opinion and editorial and really becomes more of activism or politician politics theyre free to expose themselves as the president is free to expose them for exposing themselves. Thank you for your time. Coming up, why dont you trust in god . Those are the words that help oscar winning actor Anthony Hopkins overcome a struggle with alcohol. Our Religion Panel is here to is the cuss how those same words apply to you. President trump revs it up with bikers and the visit turns patriotic. Hello, clairece. Free yourself and your husband. Who am i. Ill tell you in two words who i am, what i am and how i live. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love. You havent lived a life at all. Oscar winning actor sir Anthony Hopkins inspiring on and off the screen. He recently revealed his past struggles with alcoholism and how it vanished after hearing these words, why dont you trust in god. The star saying in 1975 a woman at the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting spoke those words to him leaving him to never crave alcohol again. So here with how these same words can apply to your life is our Religion Panel, the speak era by and jonathan merit. Foxs religion contributor. And president of the nations mosque. Great to have you with us this morning. Thanks it was those seven words, why dont you just trust in god. What was your reaction when you heard that story . Sn yeah, such a powerful stor. It really touched my heart. I think the power of community, of somebody saying to Anthony Hopkins, this can change your life, this can help you grow as a person, that power of community is so important in the faith journey. And i think as a rabbi, as a you ivjewive seen that power in mn community. And the sense of hope. And the sense that change is always possible, that we can grow and that god gives us that strength to grow and that invitation really changed Anthony Hopkins life and as a result changed many of our lives because we got to experience this extraordinary ak store, this extraordinary creative force. And i think it reminds us in this era of so Much Division and tension what a powerful and Unifying Force faith can be. Im so grateful for in. Jonathan, believing in something bigger than yourself. Reminding you that youre living here for a reason right . I think this is a lesson that every Single Person can take to impact their life in some way. I think there are two jonathans. Im not sure who youre referring to. I call you father john. This jonathan first. I totally agree with you. This story is the story about the power of spiritual conversations. About a third of americans say theyve made a quote big change in their life because of a conversation about faith. Unfortunately because of the culture that we live in, thats increasingly antagonistic to conversations about religion in public with many people are not willing to have the Difficult Conversations and its hard to know how many Anthony Hopkins weve hissed out on because a person of faith was too afraid or too timid to speak to someone about faith and say the things they know are true. Father john, to you next. You also say it may not be now that youre wanting to find or search for that person in your life and search for god but eventually you will. Because we all go through difficult things in life. You lose someone your love. You get older and you realize you want that in your life. Anthony hopkins describes how he really lost control of his life, in his case through drinking. Life throws curveballs at all of us. And if we have a somewhat suffering free life, we all get old. And its hard getting old. And at some point we realize that we cannot be the answer to ourselves, because were all dying. Maybe that sounds very bleak on this early morning. But when we get to the point of saying i need to trust in something outside of myself, i think thats when we open ourselves up to the possibility of an allloving, allpowerful god that has a solution to our problems. That word trust, and those seven words, why dont you just trust god, ultimately it all comes back to that word. Yes, it does, abby. Inspect its really a part of our nature. Even before a state of consciousness. Theres a level of trust there. When we come through the fetus and the mother we trut trust. Before we know we begin to trust. And the founder of the country, we knew it was integ gral to our success. In god we trust. We made that a significant part of our nation. Me having served in the military, when i took the oath of office, i had to use those words and many of our pib lick officers use those same words because we know its integral that we know that we believe in something thats bigger than owrs that created us. What a great conversation to have. Thank you all for being with us this morning. I hope that inspiring everybody to search for those answers today. Thank you all over to pete and ed on the couch. All right. Great conversation. Really moving. We got rick outside. Rick youre inside now. Hi, rick. Doing a little bit of work . Whats up . Peripheral vision, you should have that checked. You werent there a second ago. I thought i could test you on that one. The fire danger out across the west. Temps baking. In fact yesterday, First Time Ever that west Glacial National Park hit 100 degrees since 1948. The heat is on again. Its going to be dry. Out across the eat, incredible rainfall yesterday, all kinds of flooding from jersey through connecticut. Most of the moisture is going but it will refire again later on in the day. Another humid one later on in the afternoon, a chance of the storms. Texas big rain coming in throughout the day stretching into oklahoma also parts of kansas. We havent had much rain for a number of days and we could use some. Big storms moving through las vegas. Im sure today youll see some of the damage that went through the las vegas area. Some of the storms 60 to 70 an hour. Temperature wise, down to the southeast, youll have a dry nice day. No humidity there wer but not as much in the way of storms. You need to get classes glas, glasses that wrap around your face. Meanwhile investigators trying to figure out how an Airline Employee was able to steal an empty plane before crashing it. A former fbi agent is here to share his insight. The socialist from the bronx has quite a few gaffes. Listen. I am not the expert on geopolitics. Were here in kansas city. Were going to flip this seat red in november. Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. New fact checks and cortez is firing back claiming sexism. What . honking when your craving strikes, you need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. No one can totally can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. High cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. Youre more than just your bipolar i. Ask about vraylar. Quiek headlines for you Parkland School shooting survivor is slamming sheriff scat israel for being featured in a back to School Safety tweet the broward sheriffs offices recently releasing tips for the starting school year. The picturing sheriff is in the top corner. He was widely criticized for his departments response to the School Shooting that left 17 students dead. On twitter, quote, retire in shame, your self aggrandizing coward. The rain not putting a damper on President Trumps rally with 200 bikers. The president inviting him inside his bedminster golf club. When the weather cleared, they sang the pledge of allegiance for hitting the road. Listen. Lets hear those engines now. The president tweeting after the visit, quote, quite a scene, great people who truly love our country. What a scene it was. Thank you, pete. Investigator looking into how an Airline Worker stole an empty plane from seattletacoma airport, flying in loops and upside down as air force fighter jets tried to stop him. Former fbi special agent chad jenkins is here to weigh in. Great to have you here. Good morning, ed. How are you . Now that weve had 24 hours or so to make a little more sense about something that truly was unbelievable when it first started break in the middle of the night friday into saturday, whats your take in where we are in figuring out exactly what happened . Yeah. We still dont have a ton of information, ed. So the information right now is the lead agency to determine basically two questions off of this, the how and the why the individual was able to steal this aircraft and go ahead and do what he did. So thats what the fbi was brought in. Obviously nstb, faa are all doing that as well. But those two questions will help determine what his motive was and how he facilitated it. Witness interviews, family interviews, as well as the Evidence Response Team out at the crash site to recover the black boxes and then ams the forensic analysis of all of his electronic devices, social media scrub to see what was that motivating factor to go ahead and do this, this act. Chad, you know, authorities are saying that he was fully credentialed hean had access to the cargo area, that he used the tractor to place the plane on the runway and no security violations occurred. He had access. Clearly he was doing the wrong things but he looked like he was doing things that were okay. Yeah, but all measures he was credentialed, he could do all of the things that he did. May have even had, you know, taxi access as well where he could go ahead and move the aircraft and thats why he knows the procedures to turn it on. What weve got to look at its heartbreaking. You look at the radio transmissions. He self admittedly stated he was a broken man. Leads me to believe there is a Mental Health concern for this individual. And all too often we see this, whether this isolated incident or all of the violence that were seeing throughout the United States, active shooter situations, we see too often when we do the retro investigation after the fact, we see these Mental Health disorders taking place. Its time that we had these conversations of not having it be a stigma but being courageous to reach out for help before these horrific acts take place. I think thats the route we need to go. Adding physical security measures, we continuously do that all of the time but we got to have the Mental Health talk to really get in the forefront of these horrific acts taking place. Theyre tough conversations to have but that is a great point. We live in a new world. Great to have your expertise. Great to see you. Thanks. Coming up on the show, President Trump now doubling steel and aluminum traifs on tir ki. What is the motivation behind that move. Were going to ask someone who works in the Steel Industry next. Protests continue on the football field. How the nfl is responding this morning. The president this week doubling down on turkey tweeting, quote, ive just authorized a doubling of tariffs on steel and aluminum with respect to turkey as their currency, the turkish lira slides downward. Aluminum will be 20 , steel 50 . Our relations with turkey are not good at this time. Here with the motivation behind that tough move from the president , the impact this will have is someone who actually works in the Steel Industry. Ceo of fjm dch farro. We hear a lot of politics back and forth and a lot of the president s critics say that tariffs like this aimed at turkey will end up hurting americans. Thanks for having me here. I think it does to a certain degree. Right now that tariff could impact and it will impact the rebar industry as well as the pile industry, which is piping and surge. Rebar is mainly for the structure concrete and mason ary. How will it impact the americans . The prices will go up. Theyll have a monarchy on it not a monarchy. A type of monopoly on it where the prices will increase double. And will it increase, you know, steel that we export as well . What will it do forjobs here in this country . Diswh i think it may increase. My knowledge is that the American Mills havent really increased their capacity for these type of products. So it seems to me remaining the same profit goes up, prices go up, but as far as anything else, i dont see any new jobs being imported that way. And then the president also talking the last couple of days about new tariffs on canadian cars and threatening, look. If you dont deal with us fairly, im going to institute tariffs. We heard a lot of complaining about this from the president s critics. Is smart for the president to take on turkey and ca canada sag give us a fair deal. We understand that he wants to keep american in jobs, keep american products. From my perspective its very difficult for me to understand. Its twofold. It has worked to my benefit as far as increase in sales for my industry. Simultaneously its difficult to determine what will be the long term effect here because the prices as they go up, it does affect mom and pop Shop Operations when you talk about the mom and pop operations, your steel company, weve heard a lot about optimism in the markets right now. Weve got 30 seconds. Do you feel that with your company right now . Whats the Business Environment . There is optimism but thats also uncertainty at the same time. Its a double edged sword again. Where do we stand moving forward. Prices will increase, American Mills have to increase the prices because of that demand. Where do we go with that . Preappreciat we appreciate it disair darrel issa and Corey Lewandowski coming up live. More information coming out about the communications between that dossier and folks at the department of justice. President trump tweeting yesterday furthering this narrative. You can now connect more dots between these people who were trying all of these shenanigans even after he was elected. The doj and fbi were an ethical mess around obama. Trump was victimized. Hillary was protected. We now know the name of the Airline Employee who stole a plane from seattletacoma airport. Richard russells family is heart broak. He flew about aimlessly before crashing on an island. To our knowledge he didnt have a pilots license. I dont know how he had the experience. President trump meeting with bikers at his golf club in bedminster, new jersey. To the republic for what it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all. Welcome. Good morning. Its not our town. The president s town now but he doesnt want any part of it. Hes in new jersey, tweeting from there saying hes sick and tired of the swamp a year in and his own attorney general. This is our town. Welcome come into our living room. Were happy to have you. I love how ed jump to the news. That is who you are. Hes pretty frustrated with that town. We had a picture of the white house. Hes not there today because theyre doing renovations. Hes taking a break in new jersey. But hes fed up more than a year in that his own attorney general is still not listening to him when he says there is a whole other piece of the story to be investigated. He had some friends visit him, some biker friends. Well get to that in a few moments. But as youre saying, hes frustrated this morning. You might say that. President trump slamming what he calls the rigged department of justice and their handling of the russian probe. The president accusing his own attorney general of being scared stiff and missing in action. Jillian turner is live in washington getting up early for us with all of the details. Good morning. Good morning, guys. Yep. The president is taking to twitter again this weekend to weigh in on the ongoing mueller probe. Hes not holding back his agitation. Writing around 5 p. M. Last night, the big story that the Fake News Media refuse to report is low life Christopher Steeles many meeting with deputy ag bruce orr and nelly. It was fusion gps that hired steele to write the phony discredited dossier paid for by hillary. Do you believe nelly works for fusion and her husband works for the department of justy. Ive never seen anything so rigged in my life. Our ag is scared stiff missing in action. Its starting to be revealed. Not pretty. Ig report soon. Witch hunt. Hes referring to senior doj official bruce orr who has been attacked, his attorney general and house intel chair devin nunes. His reason is orr relationship with Christopher Steele, the author of the steele dossier and then orrs wife previously employed by fusion gps, the firm hired to compile Opposition Research on then candidate trump. The critics of the president insist theres no reason for the focus on bruce orr now. His connections have been publicly known for months a enh was removed from the deputy Attorneys Office as soon as his friendship with steele became known. Last week the president faced charges of obstruction over on capitol hill for his actions regarding the are doj. Not deterring him this weekend from his crusade against attorney general Jeff Sessions. A lot to unpack there. The prosecution obviously begin with his recusal. But i think he sits here saying look at the way the swarp is sws coming at me. Eric holder under obama called himself obamas wing man. That was a quote. I got your back. And he did. And he did have his back. Democrats say if the attorney general has your back, its unseemly, unethical. Youre trying to, obstruct justice. I think president obama wants him to run for president. Eric holder. These two are very very close and throughout history its been that way many times. The president has made it clear how he feels about Jeff Sessions. But tom itton, you talked to him early on the show, he had been over this from the beginning saying that the doj is an ethical mez and they must answer to congress. The doj and the fbi were an ethical mess under obama. Trump was victimized, hil hillay was protected. All of this info is coming out. Congress needs to get the people in public to answer for these outrageous allegation allegatiot suggest ethical misconduct and criminal misconduct. Fitton in this case is suing to get the Text Messages that Andrew Mccabe, the number two under james comey at the fbi, Text Messages he may have been sending to other officials at the fbi and what not that weve never seen. The fbi trying to tell Judicial Watch and others those are not public documents even though it was on we believe Andrew Mccabes work phone. When weve seen ore fbi official Text Messages like strzok and page theyve been damaging to the fbi narrative. We still dont have all of those. We only have a fraction of them. Thats why so in people are frustrated. Wowe just want some answers. I dont know fits a coverup or a slow walk but it feels like even inside the Trump Administration there are officials at the top not working to bring the sunlight if you come into a new place, youre not responsible for what happened there before. Youre responsible for cleaning up that reputation. Fbi, doj, whatever it is, be the cleanser as opposed to the cover coverup. Get it out there and see what happens. Weve got Alan Dershowitz on the show, 7 20 this morning. Its an interview you dont want to miss. The darling from queens, the socialist from queens, an lex andrea cortez. We talked about her on the show. As weve gotten to know about her and how she feels about specific issues and the direction she wants the country to go, it hasnt always gone her way. Always gone right. So Washington Post did a fact check and found five false claim. Before we go to why that matters with, listen to a few of the gaps that our favorite socialist has made recently. You use the term the occupation of palestine. What did you mean by that . Oh. I think what i meant is like the settlement. Do you think you can expand on that . Yeah i think i would also i am not the expert on geopolitics. Were here in kansas city. Were going to flip the seat in november. Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Nancy pelosi, do you recognize her as the leader for the House Democrats . Of course. Well i think absolutely right now, you know, she is the leader of no, no. Just last year we gave the military a 700 billion budget increase which they didnt even ask for. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist if the world. Medicare for all is actually much more is actually much cheaper than the Current System we pay right now. You hear democrats these days saying, oh gosh, the president is telling fibs, were going to fact check him. You should check what every politician says. Now their darling there, theyre Fact Checking her and the Washington Post goes through all some of the claims and find there are all of these inaccuracies. How does she respond . Puts out a tweet, first time female candidate makes a small slip on a budgetary figure during interview. Quote, the girl is so uninformed. She needs to be quiet until she knows everything. Shes basically saying that when republicans make mistakes in their men its not a big deal because its a woman and a democrat, its sexist somehow, which is absurd. This comes after she called ben shapiro, called him out for cat calling her, hes wanting to have a one on one debate. On substance. And she called it cat calling. Remember Kamala Harris was at net roots saying identity politics. That is the definition of identity politics. The socialists in the bronx, i dont chair what your racial identity is, you, the facts aree problem. Not your gender. More of a liberal publication put out a tweet saying a jobs guarantee, some of the things shes pushing would cost 42 trillion over ten years. 42 trillion over ten years. Think about this. When she says its free. Exactly. Makes absolutely no sense. When i make fun of Bernie Sanders is it because i hate white men . Thats the problem. Clearly you do. Clearly. Its about the issues. About where you stand. About the facts. And to be fact checked, its a reminder you got to know what youre talking about when you run for office. You won and you throw yourself out there, youre going to invite the scrutiny that comes with us. Make up numbers that its free but it costs 42 trillion. Over ten years. What would that do to the debt. Send us your thoughts. Friends foxnews. Com. What was supposed to be a day of peaceful protesting in charlottesville quickly turns into an antipolice bash led by antifa mobs. You dont care if people die. Others confronting police in riot gear and later attacking local reporters. More tense protests are expected today in ha charlottesville and washington. Last year 32yearold Heather Heyer was killed after being hit by a car that plowed into a crowd of counter protesters and a Security Guard is gunned down by police after firing shots at a manager of a store that he was supposed to be protecting. Someone ran in and said active shooter. People were just run in the door, probably 30 people. I was scared, you know, just wanted to get as far away as i could. Las vegas police say it started with an argument. The Security Guard went in the parking lot and came back with a gun shooting into a packed discount store. He was shot by police and taken to the hospital. Luckily no one else was injured. And theres a story weve been following. California firefighterring gaining ground on the wildfires raging across the state. Officials claiming that the tide is turning as the state expects a slight cooldown in temperatures tomorrow. The men do seen no complex wildfire is burning more than 325,000 acres with 67 contained. And the carr fire that claimed eight lives, thats burned 190,000 acres with 55 of it contained. Some improfment. With 135 days until christmas. First Lady Melania Trump is getting a head start for the most wonderful time of the year. Shes seeking volunteers to help turn the white house into a winter wonderland. Creative minds can apply online until september 3rd. And musicians have until the 17th. The chosen volunteer wills be notified by october 1st. You can go to fox and friends. Com to apply. I i have a feeling shell know what shes doing there. Very stylish lady. She doesnt want me to apply. I dont recommend it. A restaurant posts on social media about a visit from Jeff Sessions and then is forced to remove its social media pages. This is just the start of a trend of attacks not the start. The middle of the attacks. Cory leCorey Lewandowski is hero react. Athletes takes a knee during the National Anthem. The Police Unions are taking a stand of their own. Wait until you see what theyre doing coming up. Including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Youre a villain. Locking up immigrant children. Why are you separating families . Deport stephen miller. Members of the Trump Administration facing continued harassment from liberal protesters this time a Mexican Restaurants in texas forced to take down its social media pages after posting a picture with Jeff Sessions. Former Trump Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski joins us to react. Unfortunately it were reporting on these stories too often. Have you been confronted a the a restaurant or somewhere youve been people recognize you and ask you to leave . Ive been confronted many times. Whether its secretary nielsen or sarah Huckabee Sanders, i dont understand the vitriol of people trying to do their job. Im a private citizen. Ive been out to dinner be friends and family. Most of the time people are respectful but you always get one or two of the people who want to come up and Say Something rude to you or ask you to step outside. I dont envision me ever doing that to somebody else. Even though i fund me fundamenty disagree with the previous administration, i could never go up coa person serving in that administration and yelling at them in a restaurant or attacking them relentlessly. Its a real problem with the count fridacountry. This is also adding to the problem and not solving it. What is that lack of tolerance tell you about how the left is approaching all of this . Because, i mean, if you, during the Obama Administration were to say im not serving obama people, youd be calling a racist, they would say youre intolerant, you were a horrible person and yet it seems accepted to say its okay to say because you support the president were not going to serve you. It shouldnt be accepted. This is the direction weve been for the last two years under the Trump Administration. Jeff sessions is doing his job as the attorney general to the best of his abilities and the problem is he should have the right like everybody else to have a meal without being disparaged or confronted. And you know, its really the Restaurant Owner who took a picture. Because it is a big deal to have a cabinet member of any Administration Come into your restaurant and have the opportunity to have you serve them and take a picture and put that out there for everybody. And even if you dont like the person, you know, what the Restaurant Owner had to do was take down this post because he didnt want his family being attacked, he didnt want his restaurant attacked and thats not right. Our country deserves better. We deserve better as a people and ve to get to a place where we can respectfully disagree with people without being disrespectful. Is the mindset of the left that youre evil people and you shouldnt have a moment of peace at all and should these restaurants stand up a little bit saying we serve serve. Say what you want about us. Were not about politics, were about good mexican food. Thats right. But the Small Business owners get inundated by social media and the proests the from the left and they feel the Economic Impact to their homes and families and its difficult for them. We saw when sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed back on jim acosta during the press briefing, racing issues to him, i feel sorry thats what happened to you but that wasnt what transpired when she was asked to leave a restaurant and the Restaurant Owner followed her to the next restaurant. That is unacceptable behavior. If you dont want to be in a position to have people come to your restaurant, let them know ahead of hi time. I dont think its fair on either side. The opposite of what a democracy is all about. Good to have you with us. Thank you. Its been a year long fight to get texts of what deputy fired Andrew Mccade said. President trump is threatening to get involved. Should he . Well ask allen dershowitz. Carrie underwood debuts her baby bump at the dwran grand ol. Chicken . chicken. Chicken thats right, candace yl are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. 1. 5 miles. Thats how far away a sniper killed someone in afghanistan. The best long range shot in the uk air service. The machine gun used is nearly 40 years old 3,500 is how much you can get fined for taking sand, shells from a beach. Finally 245 million, thats how much one luck we person won last nights powerball drawing, 245 million. The Winning Ticket was sold in staten island, new york. The winner has not come toward. Where are they hiding . I dont know. Well bring it to you as soon as we know. President trump slamming the fbi tweeting why isnt the fbi giving andy mccabes text message to Judicial Watch or appropriate governmental authorities. Fbi said they wont give up even one. I may have to get involved. Do not destroy. What are they hiding. Judicial watch president who has been fighting for the texts weighed in earlier on our show. Heres what he said. I just cannot believe, given everything weve fought with the Obama Administration, people that reportedly report to this president would presume that he doesnt want this transparency. Its pretty clear he does. To me this is just another deep state coverup. Here to react, author of the the New York Times best seller the case against impeaching trump professor Alan Dershowitz. Good morning. The Text Messages that Andrew Mccabe sent should be a Public Record but the fi fbi is tryingo say it isnt. Do you think the president should get the records or not . I understand the mt. s frustration. Should be Public Records and transparency. But im heur the president s good lawyers are advising him to stay out of this. Remember that according to a the New York Times report, mueller is trying to stitch together an obstruction case based on tweets, based on statements he made, based on other things, theyre trying to concoct an obstruction case and you just dont want to play into their hands. You didnt want to give them anything that they dont already claim they have. Hold on, professor. How can you obstruct if you observe it up . If you give more transparency . Of course. Believe me, youre absolutely right. But thats exactly what they were claiming. Now, the president has many options. He can instruct his attorney general to vigorously seek to get the materials, that would be entirely proper. He can instruct his white House Counsel or even his private lawyers to figure out a lawsuit that would entitle the courts to main date the kind of transparency that the president is seeking. But i think for the president to get into the weeds on this one, the cost benefit analysis i think would favor having his legal team to it. I know as a lawyer i never ever allow my clients to get involved in trying to obtain evidence because it can be misunderstood or even not misunderstood, just prosecutors who are overzealous will look for anything to try to help stitch together an obstruction case and the president shouldnt be playing into the hands of mueller in his attempt to do that. Because that would be a violation of civil liberties. Youre absolutely right. Transparency is good for all americans. Civil liberties are good for all americans but the president shouldnt be playing into the hands of mueller by helping him stitch together even a phony obstruction case. What i always love, you take the politics out saying every Single Person in the country should be concerned with the way things are handled. It matily its the job of the fbi and the doj. When you look at the handling of Hillary Clinton and the email investigations and the early days of russia and that investigation, was there a different treatment . Thats what the president talks about. Tom fitton said these were handled very differently. Thats why i called for, from day one, a neutral objective nonpartizan Expert Commission to look at the whole election of tweeb. 2016. It was not our finest hour. They should look at the allegations against Hillary Clinton. The one thing they shouldnt do is try to weaponnize the criminal Justice System either against Hillary Clinton or against donald trump or against their campaigns. Criminal law should always be a last resort, not a political tactic used by either side against the other. The same thing is true against impeachment. In my book i could have written the same book if Hillary Clinton were elected president and they were trying to use the impeachment mesm nispeachment mt her. We have to reserve this for the most extreme emergencies and were not even close to being there on either side. I think both sides have to deescalate. They have to have a cease fire and stop weaponnizing the criminal law and criminal Justice System. Thank you for coming in. Have a good sunday. Terrifying moments when a school bus full of kids flipped over on the highway. Who is responsible . And hunting season is just around the corner. Bass pro shops and cabelas is here where everything you need. Coming up next. That was a shot. I heards a rumor we are going to drive it too. We are . Got two of them . I hope so. Want to race . Another competition. I love it. Ed have you ever been on a fourwheeler, no. And then hell go beat me. I bowl all of the time. Im not saying anything. I saw your bowling moves. You got lucky. All right. I do want to bring you some head lines and then well go out and do bass pro shop. We start with the father of missing iowa student millionly tidbits is taking the search for his daughter to the state fair. Its many all iowans come together once a year and so i cant think of a better more crowded venue to get people to think about where molly is and how we get her back. Authorities are expected to give an update on the 20yearolds disappearance tomorrow afternoon. He went missing more than three weeks ago while on a run in her hometown in brooklyn, iowa. A manhunt under way for a hit and run driver that slam into a school bus that was full of children. Emergency crews rushes 42 kids and adults to the hospital after the bus flipped over on the new jersey turnpike. All of the victims have not life threatening injuries. The bus was heading to newark from the mayors Family Reunion and picnic. A stand against the miami doll anyone ps Broward County pba Vice President calling it a slap in the face. Two unions urging members to boycott and return their tickets. The pba posting this, this organization does not honor First Responder answer ten dangers they put themselves in every day and take out that baby bump. Carrie underwood posting the first photo of her pregnancy while waiting to take the stage at the gand ol grand ole opry. Announcing baby number two days ago that they have an adorable 3yearold son isaiah. Congratulations to them. Lets go to rick for weather. Because pro shops an bass pre are here. They bring the towers and we get a high view of the plaza which is nice. Its a tiny bit cooler up here than it is at on the ground. Weve got some big storms again especially for places like d. C. , down through virginia. Watch how the day plays out there. You see the line of storms going through later on this afternoon across parts of virginia. Be careful. We earl going to watch the storms that could be severe. Across the southeast, much of georgia and mississippi, alabama, youre looking good but were watching for storms across texas and up across the northern plains, put that map into motion. Were looking hot and dry. All right. Pete, hey, pete rick, down there. Whats up. Where are you in. Up here. There you are. I had no idea where you were. Good to see you. Hunting season is right around the corner and Bass Pro Shops and cabelas have everything you need. Ask trent cole. Thanks for being here. Fall is coming. I dont feel it yet but im going to feel it soon. Hunting season is coming. Hunting season is around the corner. A good time to gear up and Bass Pro Shops and cabelas is having a fall hunting class. Its exciting. A good time to receive great deals and also bring your stuff in and trade in or new equipment. Its not just guys, its the whole family. A whole Family Experience at Bass Pro Shops. Its a family deal. Men, women, kids, you know, its for everybody. I mean Bass Pro Shops, they specifically i mean with women, its a big thing. More and more women are getting involved. Yeah, involved. And you see the women getting involved. Excuse me. Im sneezing. Im having trouble adjusting. What if i dont know much about hunting and i want the get involved, man or woman, do you have experts there to help me out . Thats one thing we pride ourselves on, expert outfitters that we serve in the sports and stur. Stuff. We are very excited to teach you all about whether its hunting withi,camping, hiking. We have extra outfitters that we pride yourselves on that will help you. Did you teach your daughter how to hunt . Im getting her there. Shes going to get there. Shes at a young age right now. Having women in the outdoors, i want my daughter to have somebody to look up to. Its very important to have women in the sport so, you know, we can keep pushing the tradition. Bring them in at an early age and then theyre in the deer stand with you. How about the gear, though. You can bring in your old stuff and get some new stuff, right . Yes, you can. You can gave up to 340 on optics, shoes. Its anything, you can bring it in. Cameras, you name it. Cool. You come in, bring your old stuff in, trade in and get the latest, newest gear. You cant beat it. Its a great sale. The hunting season is around the corner. Something you dont want to miss. These are 10 1 2s so im not going to hi to miss these. Where can folks learn more. Bass pro shops. Com or cabelas. Com and see the latest greatest stuff. Receive some great deals. Trent, thanks a lot. Ill keep one boot. Maybe the other one too. Rick is still up in the deer stand. One group of liberal teachers conspiring to hide their antitrump bias from parents. Our next guest say its another example of the left breaking rules by pretend there is a crisis. Plus, Mike Huckabee on the show, Florida Governor rick scott, california congressman darrel issa coming up life. Were going to see if rick is able the come down from the deer stand. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Prepare for your demise, do your worst, doctor. I will. But first, a little presentation. Hijacking earths Geothermal Energy supply. Phase 1. Choosing the right drill bit. As long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. All right. Welcome back. Weve got quick headlines for you. So what would you do if you came home to this . A woman finding a Mountain Lion hanging out in her Colorado Living room. The giant cat pushing through a screened door. Thats not going to work. Making its way through several rooms. Police firing bean bags eventually scaring it out of the house. Wow. Whoa and this is a dream come true for cat lovers. An Organization Called gods Little People kas rescue hiring a new caretaker to watch over its sanctuary in greece. Youll sup vise dozens of cats, live on an island while getting paid and youll only have to work four hours a day. Wow. Could be your new job. Pete our professional cat reader. Thank you so much. Hes walking off walking down the stairs. Meanwhile a group of Public Schools history teachers in newton reportedly pledged to reject the call for objectivity in the classroom. They dont want objectivity. An article states that antitrump sentiment fueled that bias. Thats right. One teacher apparently wrote to his colleagues, quote, this, i am finding it really difficult in the current climate to teach kids to appreciate other perspectives. The other viewpoint might just be blatantly rayist. Michael knolls is the host of the michael knolls show. Here you have a School District saying we dont want objectivity when our children are learning in these classrooms because the protrump view is racist. You know, President Trump has this knack for making his opponentopponents honest. He has the democrats admitting theyre socialists, many teachers admitting their ear indoctrinating. Progressives, the future is certain by the past is always changing. This is especially true in the teaching of history. This is much bigger than one high school. For years and years now the left has replaced standard history books with propaganda. As a result of this, according to one survey, a third of american millennials believe that george w. Bush killed more people that joseph stalin, the majority of them cant explain the purpose of the bill of rights. According to one survey, just 18 of American Students are proficient in u. S. History. There was one teacher at Newton High School who said that objectivity is a weapon, a destructive weapon against social justice. This races an obvious point. Is truth is the enemy of social justice, maybe theres something wrong with social justice. The greatest thing about our country is the differences of opinion, the ability for all of us to learn about those. And where you learn them is in school. So this is really alarming when you see Something Like this happening. Michael, how do we change this . Because we have you on all the time on the show and youre great talking about millennials and what were facing today. How do we move forward and better ourselves . How do we allow for more conversation and opinion . Well, education is the basis here. If you education is the way toward upward mobility. If you teach a child lies knowingly, thats child ie buice. Child abuse. If youve a teacher who does that, you should be fired. This is a massive advertisement for homeschooling and school choice. We need more choices in the classroom otherwise youre going to breed ignorance and in the vacuum of the ignorance youre going to getdology, not get et. We reached out to the School District and the federalist had a quote from the history teacher, a teacher said, im concerned that the call for objectivity may just inadvertently become the most effective destructive weapon against social justice. So what in the heck what in the world is going on here when you have teachers saying we cant have objectivity, that we cant give kids more than one point of view . This is a full scale assault on truth. Beyond just Newton High School. When you look at the antitrump socalled march for science. The leader for the march for science itself says that objectivity, that objective truth is really just a fiction of the white male hierarchy. This is an allout assault on truth and communication. Because if objective truths break down then were going to be grunting and screaming and shrieking Interest Groups butting up against one another. We see it on the left a lot these days that was a quote from the teacher. We reached out to the district but think didnt give us a comment. I cant imagine what the parents are thinking if their kids are at their school. What a difficult situation this must be. Michael, good fo to have you wih us. Good to see you. Meanwhile, a restaurant in houston decides to post on social media that Jeff Sessions came in to have a meal. Then comes the backlash. Its just part of a trend of attacks on trump officials. Like when Sarah Sanders was refused service at a restaurant. Whats going ow on here. Her dad reacts live. Fun with science. Experimenting with liquid nitrogen on the bra disa. Plaza. Could we fit anything else on the plaza this morning . I dont think so. What does help for Heart Failure look like . The beat goes on. It looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. The beat goes on. It looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. Ladiladi. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps your heart. So you can keep on doing what you love. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. Yeah entrust your heart to entresto. The beat goes on. Were taking some serious flack from folks right now. Well get to that later. Were beating the su serm heat h science. That is true. Dee spangler joining us now. Why does it seems im always outside. Because its messy. And at some point we get terrified with something that happens. Youre going to be fine for this segment. Throw on your glasses. Most of the air that we breathe. Is there more . Yeah. Most of the air that we breathe is nigh dro general. Nitrogen, 320 degrees below zero. When we pour it out of the photographic like this, its a liquid but it wants to be a gas. Its perfectly okay. Perfectly fine. Now it wants to turn into a gas. If i put this on top we get a geyser. Isnt that crazy . It wants to turn into a gas. Will it explode . Yeah, thats why its. All right. Dont try this at home. Heres what im thinking. We have this baths that are here. It turns into a gas so quickly. Heres the liquid nitrogen here. Take a look at this. Never ending. We can take fruit. Lets say you wanted to dice this in the kic kitchen. This goes into the liquid nitrogen. These have been cooking a little while. Rick, heres this one here. Just smash that one for me. Nice. Its like glass. Thats good. That was really nice. I like that. Oh my gosh. See . Theyre like glass. I wont be cooking that onion. You could. Could i eat it . You could if you want to but i have Something Else for you to eat. Stick to your tongue. This will be more fun. I cant talk. Look at this. If you want, they use it in food all of the time. So look. If we take now here, lets freeze these. Put the these in the liquid nitrogen. It takes the oxygen away from it. Take it out like this. I just want you to. Oh my gosh. I love that. Cold winter day. Youre going to love it. Try that. That is insane. That looks great. Try that one. Nice. So amazing. Great thing about it is you can do the same thing with cereal. Keep it forever like this and pop it in your mouth when you want some cereal. Watch. How can kids not love science when they sea this stuff . Our job is to make it as fun as possible. Have these guys try. You look good. Perfect. And you can even take, for example, a beautiful flower, a beautiful flower. Can i smash it . Oh, please. All right. Now take your hands and squeeze it. Ready . Squeeze. Turns into glass. See that is. That is unreal. Just glass. These are all things that we can do with liquid nitrogen. Were just staying cool. What is this . Our science club. Every month a new kit comes to your house for parent to get kids excited about science. Spanning herscienceclub. Com. A lot more fox friends coming on the other side. Youre going to go in the barrel, ed. Pop it in. Ready . Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . The Doctors Office just for a shot. But why go back there. When you can stay home with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. In a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. 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Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace more information coming out about the communications between that dossier and folks at the department of justice. Hes fed up that his own attorney general is still not listening to him. Yeah. The doj and the fbi were an ethical mess under obama. Trump was victimized, hillary was protected. A restaurant posts on social media about a visit from Jeff Sessions our country deserves better, and we have to get to a place where we can respectfully disagree with people without being disrespectful. President trump meeting with bikers for trump members at his golf club in new jersey. We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] pete ive never seep an apple shatter. Abby that was unbelievable. Were going to do another segment outside. Ed summertime is time to unplug. Its nice to get them engaged and have fun with science, with math and keep the brain going. Abby and have some competition. The people out there were giving you so much crap, they called him choking pete. President it wasnt him pete it wasnt him. I think he just chokes a lot. [laughter] oh, my god ed someone who always brings it, no matter what, is Mike Huckabee, former governor of arkansas. You never choke under pressure, governor. Boy, i hope i dont today. Pete, im so disappointed in you. This is not like you, pete, you can do better. Pete i know, i know. Ed we wanted to talk about the news, and weve got some tweets from the president where this weekend with as you can tell hes still frustrated with the mueller investigation, and one of the his real frustrations, the media likes to attack him and say, oh, hes out there attacking mueller. Hes trying to make a point, governor, that the investigators leading the investigation be havent exactly been fair when you look at Christopher Steeles relationship, for example, with bruce orr at the Obama Justice department. I think youre being charitable about that, ed. I think we have an increasing level of evidence about both a conspiracy or and a coverup, the two things that would normally be a national scandal. Every media person in america would be all over this like green flies in a cow pasture. What were not seeing is any interest on the part of the media to look at the fact that you have the highest levels in the department of justice and in the u. S. Government and apparently and, obviously,ing were conspiring to make sure Hillary Clinton was elected and donald trump wasnt. And then after donald trump was elected president , to essentially stage what is nothing less than a coup to try to get him out of power and delegitimize his election. Im telling you, this is an incredible, shocking scandal really maybe outtone only by the fact that the media could care less about it, and they want to focus on something donald trump tweeted or try and misunderstand something that he said or did. Unbelievable. Pete that is true, governor. Ed is known for his charity. [laughter] but getting to the heart of it, ultimately the president says, you know, keep the documents, maybe i should get involved. Is this something where the white house needs to intervene with the doj or the fbi . Alan dershowitz thinks she should do it, the president is thinks he should do it, the president is flirting with the idea. I think openness, transparency is the best friend the president has. Let the chips fall. And the fact that congress has been stonewalled time and time again, this is frightening to me because if you have a branch of government that has the constitutional responsibility of oversight and theyre being stonewalled by another branch of government, that is the constitutional crisis. Im not hearing that, but im telling you, you cannot have a threefold functioning government of three equal branches if one of the branches is thumbing its nose at the other and saying im not giving you the docks even though im documents even though im constitutionally required to do it. That is the kind of obstruction of justice we should be looking at, so maybe the president should say open up the documents, let everybody or see everything. That certainly isnt obstruction, that is a construction of justice the. Abby yeah. He does certainly seem to be flirting with that idea. To another topic that i know you are passionate about, your own daughter, sarah Huckabee Sanders, experienced the same thing going to a restaurant, being asked to leave, and she gracefully did that. On friday a restaurant manager took a photo with Jeff Sessions, posted it on social media. He was pressured to take down all social media and defend the restaurant because of who he was and, of course, serving the president. What do you make of all of this . We see this happen time and time again. You cant even go to sit down and have a meal and enjoy that with your friends and family. Its absurd. And i dont think the left even understands the irony of what theyre doing. They say theyre against fascism, but theyre practicing a form of fascism by trying to shut down a viewpoint that they dont agree with. And not just shut down a viewpoint, but anybody who even has a commercial enterprise in which they do what they are supposed to do, and thats be in business. In new york city where you guys are, you go to a restaurant, and every one of them have a letter in the restaurant, a, b, depending on the cleanliness, a, b, c, and d stand for dont even eat here unless youre trying to commit suicide. [laughter] we need to start putting a letter in the window of restaurants r or l, right or left, and then maybe just have one that says all, a. Everybody can come here. I think what has to happen are restaurants and businesses and people need to start pushing back on this very vocal but very unamerican minority who thinks that it is their responsibility to shut down peoples businesses because they dont like who went into that business in a public place. This is really outrageous. Have you ever been asked to leave given your role and what your daughter does . Youre a recognizable person. Have you ever been put in an awkward situation . Is and if so, how did you handle it . I get asked to leave a lot of places, but i dont think its because of my political views, i think its just because they dont like what i ordered. [laughter] when someone comes up to me in a public place and get in my face and tell me im the biggest idiot theyven f ever seen, im horrible, i just look at them, i let them finish, i smile and say, you know, its funny you should say that, my wife says that same thing to me almost every day. [laughter] and it totally messes them up. Im not going to waste my time arguing with someone who doesnt know me and whose opinion, frankly, i could care less about. Abby yeah. Thats a great strategy. Pete governor, im going to ask you to step back to 30,000 feet, we had a tight primary on tuesday, a lot of people prognosticating about what novembers going to look like. As you hook at the landscape, what do you see happening in november . Well, if the republicans are smart, theyll make this a simple message, theyll quit talking like a bunch of accountants in the Coroner Office of a highrise Corner Office of a highrise. Heres the simple thing, elect democrat, youve got open borders, and you have to give all your crumbs back, your bonuses and pay raises. Elect republicans, you can keep your bonuses, keep your pay raise, well keep this country safe, well build a wall, and youll have a secure border. Thats your choice. Id make it as simple as possible, keep that message out there and dont get mired in some of the more really draconian and even just esoteric details that republicans tend to do. Republicans, quite frankly, are horrible at messaging. It makes me just crazy sometimes. They dont speak to the hearts of people, they speak to their heads. And thats a huge mistake. Pete stay away from the numbers, gdp. Those are all important things, stock market and that, but ultimately how it affects peoples lives. Yeah. You know, gdp, that makes sense to people who follow economics, but rather than talk about gdp, talk about the fact that your paycheck is not only better, more secure, but your pension is stronger. Make it personal. So that the person sitting at the Kitchen Table whos bone tired from a hard day of heavy lifting of things at work can understand it and relate it to his own life. Not to some is, again, boardroom somewhere and how their Stock Options and marginal tax rates are doing. Abby speak to their hearts. That is great political advice. Governor huckabee, always good to see you. Pete thank you, sir. Have a great weekend. Abby turning to some headlines we are following. What was supposed to be a day of peaceful protesting in charlottesville quickly turns into an antipolice bash led by an antifa be mob. Watch. You dont care, people die. Abby others confronting police in riot gear and later attacking reporters. More protests today in charlottesville and in washington on the oneYear Anniversary, last year 3 2kyearold heather highier was killed by being plowed into by a car. And be theres this, we now know the name of an Airline Employee, Richard Russells family saying they are heart broken and in shock about the man they knew as bebo. Horizon air baggage handler had security clearance to be around planes but was not a licensed pilot. Russell flew around aim restly before crashing on an island. The fbi is search for a motive but dont suspect terror. And the hawaiian governor survived a tough challenge in the primary. He advanced to the general election and is still facing scrutiny over that false missile alert that sent the state back into a panic back in january with. He will face republican andrea tupela. Meanwhile, the Democratic Congress woman cruised to win. And the rain not putting a damper on the president s meeting with bikers yesterday. When the weather cleared, they went on to sing the pledge of allegiance before hitting the road. Watch how this played out. Lets hear those engines now. [cheers and applause] abby the president tweeting after the visit, quote quite a scene. Great people who truly love our country. He was in some good company yesterday. Ed you were getting the hang of those names. Abby whoo. [laughter] ed democratic darling alexandra to ocasiocortez has been in a fullstale media blitz since winning in june. Medicare for all is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the Current System that we pay right now. Ed is it cheaper . Shes getting fact checked now by the Washington Post, and she is not happy about it. Our own Martha Maccallum is live here next to react. Pete plus, the chargers wrestle oakland, the latest nfl player to protest the National Anthem. And a Police Officer who was live at that game with reaction. Chicken . chicken. 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Its just a gray dot. There are multiples on the table one is cash, three are fha, one is va. So what can you do . Shes saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. But you got this Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. Understand the details and get approved in as few as 8 minutes by americas largest mortgage lender. I think what i meant is like the settlement. I am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world. Medicare for all is actually much more, is actually much cheaper than the Current System that we pay right now. Abby a new fact check and review, the Washington Post revealing that alexandra ocasiocortezs gaffes are not just embarrassing, theyre inaccurate. The socialist firing back claiming its sexist. Ed our own Martha Maccallum is guest hosting Fox News Sunday this morning, and she joins us to weigh in. Good to see you, martha. Good to see you. Ed ocasiocortez was this big winner from the left, all of a sudden people start Fact Checking thing, and she says youre being sexist. Yeah. I think shes going through baptism by fire here. She has existed in a bit of a bubble in new york where a lot of people probably dont question any of these notions or the things that shes saying. Theres probably a lot of modding and agreeing nodding and agreeing. Everybody is working two jobs, and everybody is work 60, 70, 80 hours a week, and the Washington Post drilled town on that, and it turns out theres about 45 of the american working population whos actually holding down two jobs and a very small number working the kind of hours shes talking about. She also talks about the shrinking upper middle class, turns out its actually expanding. You know, this is a tough moment for her. I think its unfortunate that shes fall being back on an argument of sexism to defend herself here, but shes going to be dealing with these kinds of confrontations from here on out, and she will have to be more drilling down on her facts. Abby trial by fire is the best way to describe it, and it comes at an interesting time for the democratic party. Are they going to lean more in that direction of casio cortez or more of a moderate tone . I think this is a good time for them to learn as they go, right . To figure out what is the right message that can attract their base. Absolutely. And like both parties, they have people at all extremes. What theyre finding at least in the midterms so far is that those who are tacking a little bit more moderate seem to be more successful in some of the races weve seen so far. Obviously, theres a lot still to go as we head towards the midterms. The definition will be more defined as they move forward, but theres a lot of the dissension in the ranks for nancy pelosi. And e think thats the kind of push me pull you that the democrats are experiencing in terms of that more progressive voice. Pete martha, this morning you are hosting, as we mentioned, Fox News Sunday. What have you got this morning . Were going to talk to Kellyanne Conway this morning. Its sort of an eerie anniversary as we mark one year since the violence at the hate rally and the white supremacist rally that took place in charlottesville, virginia. So were going to look back at that, look at race issues in america. Were going to talk to Kellyanne Conway about the president s feelings on that and how he feels his success rate has been in that department. Also senator Lindsey Graham and senator jack reed. When you look at turkey, iran, the sanctions leveled against these countries and china as well, we are in a very aggressive Foreign Policy moment. So were going to speak to the two of them about that as well. Abby so many good conversations and some perfect guests for that. Good luck, we will all be watching, you will be fabulous. Thanks, guys. Abby all right, we are taking another look at a new york liberal that is now being revealed that mayor bill de blasio had a celebrity fixer for years, and you wont believe who that is. Pete plus, kanye west doubles down on his support for the president. Our next guest says dismissing him is a very bad idea. When i touch you like this its so hard to believe but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. 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The company planned to make moves after European Companies responded to President Trumps steel and aluminum levies. Pete kanye west is Standing Firm in his support for President Trump. Everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me and then told me every time i said is i liked trump that i couldnt say it out loud or my career would be over, id get kicked out the black community. You cant bully me. Liberals cant bully me, news cant bully me, the hiphop community, they cant bully me. Because at that point if im afraid to be me, im no longer ye. Abby our next guest says dismissing kanye west is a bad idea. Ed former Police Officer Brandon Tatum joins us live. Good to see you. What do you think about kanye . When he first threw it out there, some people thought, oh, hes got a new album, its publicity. Hes sticking this out and making it clear that hes being world about this in se finish bold about this in saying hes not going to be told who he should support, what he should believe in. Right. And, i mean, i applaud him for that. And i think one thing that people are missing is kanye west is speaking to the subconscious heart of americans, and, you know, hes speaking about the opportunities that we have, the freedom in this country. And to me personally, my interpretation of it is hes speaking about what god wants for us. To be independent people and for us to be what god has called us to be and not be confused or misled about what other people are trying to suggest for us to be and to do. Abby i actually found that so refreshing. I wish that we had more conversations on late night when people could just be themselves and be bullied by saying how they feel about issues, whether you agree with it or not. Kanye tweeted in response that he got some pushback, people saying he didnt handle the question as well. But he said he just wasnt able to answer it, but as ed said, he stands by everything he says. You say we shouldnt dismiss kanye west. What do you mean by that . Well, i think if you dismiss him, like i said in the previous statement that i made, this is what people are thinking. I mean, think about this for a second. Kanye west was told he should only be a dj, he shouldnt rap. Ended up being one of the greatest rappers of all time. They told him he need to shut his mouth and not show support for the president , and he ended up having the number one record in the world. And i think donald trump or represent ares the same type of thing where they laughed at him on television, they said he would never win, they made all these jokes about him, and now hes the president of the free world. And in my honest opinion, hes killing it. Hes doing a great job, and hes inspire me and other people to be more supportive and encouraged by what countrys doing moving forward. If you dont want that, if you dont want to be free, if you dont want to be all you can be or what god has made you to be or be a free thinker outside of the box, then dismiss hip. But if you want dismiss him. But if you want to accomplish the things in your heart, you probably should take him serious and apply some of the principles. Pete weve seen the president s approval rate anything the Africanamerican Community almost double over the past year. How much of that is the policies . How much of that is kanye west . Get us inside that change. I think the change is going to be based on culture, its going to be based on emotions. I think policies come secondary when youre seeing things that are negative in your community. You dont care much about policy, all you care about is how are are people fixing this, are these things being fixed. You see kanye west, candace owens, all of the other black influencers around the country and people who are opening up and voicing their opinions about what the president is doing, some of which are facts that are being presented. Lowest unemployment in history, you cant disregard those things. And i think africanAmerican People in this country, we are not weak. We fought through slavery, jim crow. And i think now is another opportunity for us to get information, and were going to be wise about what we get, and were going to vote for things that are going to make tour communities better make our communities better. Ed some of the president s critics are trying to inject race into the nfl you may be having trouble hearing the president s critics have said the anthem controversy is in part the president attacking black athletes, that hes picking on them somehow and its not about the flag, its not about patriotism. What say you . Well, i think that people that make that argument are just flat out ignorant. I think its clearly about the flag. Its about the National Anthem. I mean, the people who are dividing this country, its not the president. It has nothing to do with the president. If youre sitting there taking a knee, pumping a fist, doing whatever you think is necessary during the National Anthem, youre causing people in this country to be from frustrated with you. The president is just reflecting the thoughts of most americans that take a fist to the foolery that theyre doing in the nfl for no reason. It has accomplished zero. And i would like to tell these players, go pump your fist at planned parenthood, in chicago where black people are getting shot every day and 31yearold boys 11yearold boys lying dead in the street. And another thing, get off your sorry knee and go to the local police department, fill out an application and serve your community. Thats what i would like to see. Id have more respect if they do that. Until you do that, dont say anything to me, dont take a knee. I dont want to hear your sympathy. Abby wow. Some powerful words there. Brandon tatum pete thanks for your service. Appreciate you guys. Ed meanwhile, bill nelson says floridas election systems were hacked, he claims, by the russians, but the democrat says he cannot give specific evidence because its classified. Governor rick scott has a mention for him, hes going to join us live to share it just ahead. Abby plus, hunting season just around the corner, so Bass Pro Shops and cabelas are here to give us archery lessons. Ooh, i see a competition coming. Ed oh, yeah. Abby thats next. When my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Wild thing, you make my heart sing. Pete that is a creepy shot of the morning. A slithering surprise for a man just trying to work on his car. Ed it was a 5footlong boa constrictor. The sneaky serpent forcing him to call for backup. Abby police and animal control officers in massachusetts safely removing what they call the firebreathing dragon, giving it back to its rightful owner. Still unclear how the snake snuck under the hood pete its unclear . Rick something seems fishy. Pete i bet the engine was warm, it wanted to be warm. Ed he should have called because pro shops. [laughter] pete the Great Outdoors is calling. Ed here with ideas on how to get your kids outdoors, put the machines and screens down from Bass Pro Shops and cabelas, trent cole. Abby hey, trent. Rick tell us about the fall hunting classic. Well, i mean, its great. Theyre putting on a lot of events there in all the u. S. And canada stores. Wewe have, theyve got a kids archery range, a workshop is, i mean, a lot of great stuff. But, like i said, over here, you know, weve got an archery range here for you guys. Abby its all about getting kids outdoor, right . Teaching them just the fun of being outside. Yes. Kids are our next generation. Theres studies proving getting kids into the outdoors is good for the brain. Its very important to get our kids outdoors, show them the way. Its all about family as well. It brings everybody together, you know what im saying . Theyre in there watching tv, playing video games, i mean, getting them outdoors is good for the brain. Rick one of the great things about Bass Pro Shops, you go there, youre [inaudible] give us a lesson here on how to play archery. Ed lets see rick do it. Im going to go first. First thing is safety. Always know your target, always look beyond. And then, you know, when you yet to shoot here let me give you one here. Im going to take one. You always want to have a straight back. 90 degrees. You want to make sure youve got your hand on the grip here, and you want to get two fingers. You want to knock it, knock the arrow. Abby all right, trent, show us how its done. All in one motion. When you draw back, you lock this elbow in, and you want to anchor right here where your fingers are right to your rick all right. Ed lets see it. Find your target rick we see it. Take a deep breath, release. Shoot. Abby good luck, rick. Wow pete there we go. Rick i think i beat you on that one. Nah ed you ready . Make sure, like i said, you got your grip. Make sure your hand take this off first. There you go. Anchor it to your pete oh, boy. Find your target. Pete i think by teed, rick. We tied, rick. Rick is this a lefty . You a left the city or righty . Abby im a righty. There we go. Rick thats right. Youre a righty. Abby this way . You know what . Ed, go ahead. [laughter] you guys okay, now here, take this pete go for it, abby. Youre righthanded, right . Abby yes. Rick this is what is beautiful about Bass Pro Shops and cabelas, anybody can go in there. There you go. So all in one motion, youre downing to lock elbow in youre going to lock this elbow in. No, no, right here. [laughter] take these two fingers, put them here like this. Abby got it, got it, got it. You can start with that first if you want to go to grip. But when you release, youve got to let go like this. A. Abby got it. Okay. Okay, i got it. You got it . You sure . Whoa, whoa, whoa, youve got to extend it all the way no, come all the way back. There you go. Pete better than anybody abby you guys were yelling at me [laughter] that is awesome. Abby i downplay it, you know . Ed Bass Pro Shops. Com, a bellas cabelas. Com. Pete anyone can learn. Theyre telling us move on. Florida senator bill melson says the States Nelson says the States Election systems were hacked. Governor rick scott is running for his seat, hes got a message for him. He joins us live next. Ed and were having a little fun with science on the plaza. Steve spangler experimenting with liquid nitrogen. Just ahead. Dont try this at home. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Pete some quick headlines for you. A deadly weekend in chicago. Gunfire fills the citys streets. 9 19 people shot on 19 people shot on friday alone including a 15yearold boy in the face. Thankfully, he was not killed and is in stable condition. Two victims did die including an 18yearold man. And yesterday four others were hurt including a 12yearold girl by a driveby shooting. So far on all of those, no arrests. Hundreds of extra Police Officers are now focused on patrolling the crimeridden neighborhoods to get control of the violence. Well see if they do. Well, new york city mayor bill de blasio needs a little help from his closing celebrity frie. Cynthia nixon worked with the mayor for years as a fixer. In one case, she lobbied for her former sex in the city can costar Sarah Jessica parker trying to save park pers favorite restaurant in parkers favorite restaurant in manhattan from closing. Abby . Abby all right. Thats how politics work. Thank you, pete. All right, moving on. Florida democratic senator bill nelson making major allegations this week that russians hacked floridas voting systems without providing specific information because he said it was classified. Nelson tweeted this i and several of my Senate Colleagues are trying to make sure state officials are aware of the ongoing russian threat so they take the steps necessary to safeguard our elections. Its unfortunate that some florida officials would try to use this. Ed but state officials are demanding proof saying they have, quoteunquote, zero information to back up senator nelsons claims including our next guess whos running to take Nelsons Senate seat, floridas republican governor rick scott. He joins us live. Abby good morning. Good morning. He didnt say it was a threat. He said that the chair and the vice chair to have u. S. Senate Intelligence Committee said the florida election systems have been penetrated, and russians are free to move around. He was clear that it was happening. Then when he was asked for details, he said, oh, its classified. Then on friday when we asked for more information, he said, well, the administration is withholding information. So one of two things is happening. Either he simply made it up, or hes released classified information. That tease ed that should not be out there in the public domain. Yeah. We want to have free, Fair Elections in the state. We did in 2016. We spent a lot of money to make sure that, you know, we have a is system thats very difficult to penetrate. Hopefully, impossible to penetrate. And now he is saying east either it happened, or he simply made it up. He needs to be clear, tell us what happened. Abby so he is claiming that russians hacked some of the voting systems in the state that you are governor of, by the way. You would think you would have access to this, at the very least have heard about it. Have you heard nothing . Not only have we heard nothing, weve reached out to homeland security, reached out to the u. S. Senate Intelligence Committee, weve reached out to fbi, and no one can confirm what he said. So now hes basically clammed up. He wont talk to any floridians. You cant find him. He wont talk to the media, and hes trying to act like he didnt say this. He said it happened, that its classified, and then he said, oh, they wont release information. Ed we had one of our producers reach tout senator nelsons office last night. Obviously, if he wants to come on anytime this coming week and respond to him, we want to have him on, want to be fair in this Florida Senate battle you have going on. What do you think is going on here . Obviously, youre in a heated political battle with senator nelson, but when you suggest a moment ago maybe hes making this up, are are democrats just trying to scare people . We saw it with russia and the president , they threw the election, they say that with no ed of collusion. Is this with no evidence of collusion. They raise doubts in the publics mind about russias influence. Well, i assume hes desperate. Hes a career politician that doesnt have anything to run on. But, you know, this right to vote people have died fighting for the right to vote. This is important. They shouldnt be out this trying to scare citizens of my state. Our primarys going on right now, absentee ballots are out, early voting starts on monday. Our primary is later this month, and then the generals in november. I want to make sure people know that their vote matters in this state. Abby so you are hoping to make a move to washington, running for senate. The jobs very different from being governor. You get to take months off or weeks off at a time. You dont get to do that when you are governor as a state, as you you know well, and that is something youre pushing, to make washington work again. Tell us what thats all about. Well, we need to have term limits. We have it for president , for most governors, in my state for house and senate. We need to have a twothirds majority of Congress Vote to raise your taxes and fees. Thats on the ballot in florida from my legislature. We need to give the president a lineitem veto so they can save money, watch how the moneys spent. If you vote to shut down government, you shouldnt if youre a congressman or senator, you shouldnt continue to get paid. No budget, no pay. And then work full time. I mean abby crazy concept. [laughter] yeah. They make 174,000 a year. Ed governor, if youre elected senator, i feel like youre going to be very unpopular if you start saying you need to work full time. [laughter] im going to work hard. Abby no, it is a great cause. Great to have you on. Ed as i mentioned, senator nelson, if you want to respond, anytime this week. Abby coming up, the doj in the hot seat. Bruce orr will soon Face Congress over his communication with the author of the antitrump dossier. Darrell issa will be in that room when it happens, but first he is joining us live next hour. Ed plus, were having fun with science on the plaza. Kids, put down the screens, get out there. Chicken . chicken. Chicken thats right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. Buffalo Style Chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie just tear, eat. Mmmmm. And go try all of my chicken creations chicken rick cover your ears. Whats this . Abby its all god. [laughter] pete anything can happen whenever our next guest stops by. From exploding bubbles, science experiments always go off with a bang. Abby thats right. Back with us again, steve spangler, host of exploration diysci. Weve already had so much funned today. Thank you. You guys are so cool. Thanks for letting me do this. Rick im anxious about this one. Abby a lot of toilet paper. You were nice enough to save the toilet pape prefer my last visit paper from my last visit. Come back here, and ill show you what this looks like. Look at this. Remember we were, working with liquid nitrogen the segment before. The nitrogen goes inside the bottle. You can kind of see what it looks like down here. See how its going in . Is that liquid wants to become a gas. In this particular thing i want to know what happens when a small amount of that gas now gets contained, and we put it down in here. So theyre going to fill up both of those abby if you would have conceded in this size, would it just explode . Yeah, thats exactly what were going to do here. Oh, thats great. So take a looked this. All right. Is here is the liquid nitrogen. Look right in the camera and say dont do this at home. Heres what were goinged to do. Realize, guys . Are you guys ready . So whats happying r going to happen is this whats going to happen is this, were going to cap it off, drop it inside the barrel with warm water, then were going to put this on top and im going to join you back there. 3, 2, 1, seal it off. Good job. Now its a race against time. Abby whoa. Good. Now come over here. Is heres what happens. Its growing inside, and we dont know how the bottle whoa [laughter] that was a really, really nice thing. Abby that is insane tada now, this does not come to your home every week, i promise, all right . This is not in the kit. Abby whyd it do that . Because that gas expanded 1700 times, bam, and you get that incredible pressure. If youre going to try to get kids to remember something, were all about creating experiences. Not just an activity abby memories. Kids arent just going to remember worksheets, and the jobs theyre going to have are going to be invented. Inning. Rick speaking of which, the science club of the month. Yeah. Wine, whatever [laughter] kind of cool things as well. I want parents to be able to do these things at home. Abby gets them off the couches away from gets them thinking about that future job we have yet to invent. You look great in those safety grasses. Abby thank you so much. Do i have to clean this up now . [laughter] pete you do. By yourself. Rick theyre all going to walk away. Abbys going to sweep it all up. Ed you ever see her with a roomsome. This is why im forced to be outside. Pete coming up, a march attended by indiana that to comment indiana that turns into a giant antipolice protest. And Michelle Malkin joins us live next. What . Wheres that coming from . I dont know. I started my 401k early, i diversified. Im not a big spender. Sounds like youre doing a lot. But i still feel like im not gonna have enough for retirement. Like theres Something Else i should be doing. With the right conversation, you might find youre doing okay. So, no hot dog suit . Not unless you want to. No. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with td ameritrade®. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Its league night . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Bowl without me. Frank. im going to get nachos. Snack bars closed. Gah ah, ah ah. Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Pete more information coming out about the communications between that dossier and folks at the department of justice. President slamming the fbi tweet ing why isnt the fbi giving andy mccabes Text Messages to Judicial Watch. I understand the president s frustration and it should be Public Record. Pete a restaurant post on social media about a visit from Jeff Sessions and then is forced to remove its social media pages our country deserves better we deserve better. They say theyre against fascism but they are practicing fascism. Businesses and people need to push back. Meeting with bikers for trump members at his golf club. Pete for beating the summer heat though with science. Can i eat it . [laughter] abby youll have nothing left this weekend. I can sweep it. Pete clean it up and then abby who knew. I have skills. It took me a while to wind up but the end result, i had the peanut gallery behind me. Ed yeah, we were stepping it up pete i have no faith ill be honest. No, no, i have a lot of faith in you, archery not one of them but you just wept like this right, boom. Closer than any one of us. Ed weve got some surprises. Abby im excited my last hour were going out strong. Ed absolutely. Abby do you know who i was thinking about during archery was Michelle Malkin, because shes a westerner, and im from utah so i feel like we can kind of connect our bloods connect because we know what its like to be in the outdoors and doing some of those activities so michelle good to have you with us. Thank you and youre really rocking that catness vibe, abbey and to do it in heels and that dress. Abby right . I loved it. Abby girl power. The whole deal well michelle great to have you on a lot to get to this morning lets start with someone we talk about on the show the socialistic from queens, alexandria cortez shes made the rounds and really been put through the fire as were getting to know more about what she stands for and having to back those up with some substance with some facts so the Washington Post put out a fact check on her, before we get to that though here is just a look back on some of those interviews with her. You use the term the occupation of palestine. What do you mean by that . Oh, i think what i meant is the settlement. Can you expand on that . Yeah, im not the expert on politicals on this issue. Were here in kansas city to rally for brent welder. Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Nancy pelosi, do you recognize her as the leader for the House Democrats . Of course. I think absolutely right now, she is the leader, i mean just last year, we gave the military a 700 billion budget increase, which they didnt even ask for. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist in the world. Medicare for all is actually much more, its actually much cheaper than the Current System that we pay right now. Ed so its interesting, michelle, because the Washington Post fact checked a bunch of that a lot of it turns out to not be true but what was true was when she said im not an expert on geopoliticals. Yeah, shes not an expert on much so welcome to the jungle, alexandria. Its about time and i think it shows you what happens when you have a media manufactured darling. This is somebody who has bragged about her own economic pedigree. She apparently got economics in International Relations degree from Boston University and its more like fakonomics, because she doesnt even understand the basic facts about the definition of the Unemployment Rate and she bragged on her twitter accountant her knowledge of the jeannie coefficient which has to do with inequality of wealth around the world and thats the only thing that stuck in her head but why has it taken so long for the Washington Post to fact check . Most conservative bloggers and writers were Fact Checking her a month ago and this says as much about cortez as it does about the medias willingness to embrace these anointed self appointed geniuses and darlings and their hunger and thirst to create the next generation. Abby she was criticized. She would respond to your criticism i would guess by saying youre being sexist about her because this was her response to the Washington Post after they fact checked five Different Things shes said this was her tweet. She says first time female candidate makes small slip on a budgetary figure during interview this girl is so uninformed she needs to stay quiet until she knows everything comparing it to incumbent male congressman brings a snowball to disprove climate change. What do you make of that because you know back and fourth of ben shapiro that its sexism, that it was cat calling on his end what do you make of all of that . Well i i would remind her of the treatment by the National Media of pretty much every republican woman conservative woman in public life, running for public office, who is scrutinized and brutalized for every policy position they hold. This happened to sarah palin. This happened to so many other republicans at all levels whether the women are running for school board or for National Office and what she wants is a double standard in treatment and so its offensive to me, as a woman, whose been outspoken on so many issues and politics and policy over the last 25 years for her as a first resort to invoke the sexism card. Grow up. Pete well yeah, so she leaves the bronx and then Higher Education makes absurd statements, gets critiqued and immediately goes to identity politics is this a preview of what our politics may look like for coming decades because of what kids have been socialized to look at . Yes of course it is and i think im pointing out that she came from Boston University and leftist academia where you are marinated in nothing but identity politics and this is how you argue its a natural outcome of all of that and look im sending my daughter off to college next week believe it or not and i have properly immunized her against this kind of identity politics radicalism and of course the undercurrent of radical socialism that so many of these kids are brainwash ed from the time they get to kindergarten really. Abby michelle you look so young youre sending a daughter off to college . Ed we better fact check that. Pete well done. All right ed weve got an update on another important story. The iraqi refugee accused in the attempted murder of a Colorado Springs cop he evaded deportation despite a fiveyear crime spree because of a court ruling, what needs to happen now in this case but also more broadly, what needs to happen to stop this kind of nonsense . Well this iraqi refugee got into the country under the expansion of a special Refugee Program that was created by barack obama and many of us who cover Immigration Enforcement issues warned at the time that the lax enforcement of background checks was going to cost american lives. Now, the Police Officer here who was shot a couple of weeks ago did survive thank goodness and the community has rallied around him but he is not the only one. In terms of refugee reforms basically i think we should have a moratorium. There is so many communities across this country that have become dumping grounds for refugees who are not properly vetted and who have shown none of the qualities that we want in the people who come here. A sense of assimilation, attachment to western and american principles, and its that kind of vetting that the trump adminitration has called forever since President Trump came into office, and what do they get from it . They get attacked by the media, by the open borders left and right for being racist when all were doing is trying to make sure that our immigration policies whether were talking about the border and making sure that illegal aliens are not allowed into the country without the proper vetting, or whether were talking about the Refugee Program, Legal Immigration programs and temporary visas every step of the way we have to make sure that we have control over the process and clearly, when you look at whats happening across the country particularly with the targeting of i. C. E. Agents we are in a state of anarchy and the white house is trying to reign that in against all of these forces that are against securing our borders pete we should have a system that serves citizens first and has some merit attached to it. Here is another story we know youve been paying attention to so the son of a prominent emom in brooklyn whose part of really bad stuff will his sons were a part of a Training Camp in new mexico training kids to become school shooters. Youve been looking into this for years. Hes one of the unindicted co conspire it fors in the World Trade Center bombing what do you make of all of this . Well these kinds of training grounds have been operating essentially in plain sight for years. I started blogging about training grounds that were run by muslim operatives who had reached out to radical emoms in london for example, and these were operating in across the heartland, in places like bly, oregon and upstate new york. Even here in colorado there was a High Altitude camp run by operatives in an old mining resort that has become a tourist destination, and its shocking because the people who have been warning and whistle blowing about exactly these kinds of training grounds have been what . Attacked and theres this entire sense of silence a code of silence about it and we saw that when the new mexico story broke out. You had Mainstream Media that would not talk about the prominens of the ideology that led to the founding of this camp this is somebody ive been talking about for years now. 13 years ago i was calling attention to this attempts to place islam propaganda ads on new york subways. Hes preached hate and believes our Constitutional Government should be replaced by a caliphate. Hes talked about forming an army of muslim radicals in new york city to help take over the country. Is it any surprise that a toxic apple has sprung from this jihad tree . His son was the one that established that new mexico camp but you wouldnt know it from the Mainstream Media that simply said a man was responsible for taking these kids hostage. A man. Imagine if he had right wing roots can you imagine . It would be front news every day abby unbelievable. Pete when we say Michelle Malkin investigates abby she really does. Ed good luck with your daughter and college next week. Abby i bet she doesnt fall far from the apple tree in your family. Turning to other headlines were following closely. Starting here, what was supposed to be a day of peaceful protesting in charlottesville quickly turns into an anti police batch led by an antifa mob. [crowd chanting] abby others confronting police in riot gear later attacking local reporters. More tense protests are expected today in charlottesville and in washington. On the one Year Anniversary of the deadly white supremacist rally last year if you remember 32 year old Heather Heyer was killed after being hit by a car that plowed into a crowd of counterprotesters horrible day. And theres this, a Security Guard is gunned down by police after firing shots at a manager of a store. He was supposed to be protecting someone ran in and said active shooter. People were just running in the door probably 30 people. I was scared. Just wanted to get as far away as i could. Abby Las Vegas Police say it all started with an argument. The Security Guard went into the parking lot and came back with a gun shooting into a packed discount store. He was shot by police and taken to the hospital. Luckily no one else was injured. And while you were sleeping nasa launching a rocket on a Historic Mission to touch the sun. Watch. 3, 2, 1, 0. Liftoff. The mighty delta 4 heavy rocket. Abby overnight the parker solar probe blasting off from Cape Canaveral to explore the sun for the next seven years how cool is that . Ed coming up weve got a lot. The doj and bruce ohr will soon Face Congress over his communications with the author of that antitrump dossier, and darrel issa will be in the room when it happens hes live, next. Youre turning onto the street when you barely clip a passing car. Minor accident no big deal, right . Wrong. 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Abby were back with this newly declassified text between former doj official bruce ohr and the author of that antitrump dossier revealing an alleged coordination between the Obama White House and the Clinton Campaign to drag down donald trump. Pete gop lawmakers demanding answers and hopefully now they get them as bruce ohrs reportedly scheduled to face the how judiciary and Oversight Committee on august 28. Ed so darrel issa sits on those panels joining us live good morning, sir. Good morning. Ed what you do expect . Well what we want to know is how could somebody, any attorney , but particularly a highranking deputy in the department of justice, how could they ethically not disclose these conflicts and context. The word bias gets thrown around all the time so lets move past the question of can you prove bias. Can you prove unethical behavior on its face, thats what we have failure to disclose, context that shouldnt have happened, his own conflict because of his wife, but clearly, these context that make it seem like the department of justice had a Program Designed to keep donald trump from becoming president. Abby so you could throw out lawsuits as we see from Judicial Watch in places and also subpoenas as were hearing that might happen with rod goodlatte on members of the doj and the fbi but it seems like time and time again were not getting them to comply. Were not getting the answers at least youre not getting the answers that youre wanting and many American People are waiting for those. Why is it taking so long and why are we not getting that information . Well oddly enough congress hasnt given itself any tool, other than a subpoena which can be at times ignored and impeachment which is a pretty blunt tool. Theres no question at all, what we need clearly is an order from the president around the attorney general if necessary that the department of justice fully complied with congress, period. Ultimately thats what we need. I know the president feels that way. I believe that the attorney general and his recusal has created a sum blink block within which his deputy has chosen not to comply. Pete congressman have you and others gone to the white house and said we would request you we want you to make this move to press doj and the fbi to finally comply. Well i think one of the problem is that because this is an investigation about wrongdoing against President Trump when he was candidate trump there may be a reluctance. In the ordinary case its Jeff Sessions job to do it if not Rod Rosenstein obviously the deputy is not willing to do it so yes mark meadows, jim jordan, myself and others who very much care about getting to the truth, weve spent our careers on the oversight and judiciary committees, we want that, we want compliance, were tired of this idea that ongoing investigations that never end will stop you. Just a side line people remember brian terry gunned down during the early parts of the Obama Administration. We still dont have all the answers on that. Ed and this is years later you make an important point there. It is. Ed i think to abbeys point a moment ago people want to see accountability. They do abbey. Abby good to see you this morning. Good seeing you abbey. Ed meanwhile Broward County sheriff scott israel with the face of the failed response to the parkland shooting now his department is giving backtoSchool Safety tips, is he really doing that . Interesting. Abby plus diamond silk are fired up. They are live with us, there they are thats next. Very saggy. Its getting in the way of our camping trips. But with new sizes, depend fitflex is made for me. Introducing more sizes for better comfort. New depend fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Pete we have quick headlines republicans weighing their options after Chris Collins ends his reelection bid. The announcement coming days after the new york congressman was charged with Insider Trading and collins calls the charges meritless. And prosecutors are expected to rest their case against Paul Manafort tomorrow. Its unclear if his lawyers plan on calling any of their own witnesses to stand after that. The former brief Trump Campaign management has been on trial for bank fraud and tax evasion since july 31. Abby thank you, pete well democratic darling alexandria cortez taken to task getting fact checked for these. You use the term the occupation of palestine. I think what i meant is like the settlement. I am not the expert on geo politicals on this issue. Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Capitalism has not always existed in the world and it will not always exist in the world. Medicare for all is actually much more, its actually much cheaper than the Current System that we pay right now. Ed really . Well the Washington Post revealed that alexandria cortez gasps are not just embarrassing theyre actually wrong. The new york socialistic firing back claiming yes, sexism. Pete social media stars and Trump Supporters diamond silk join us now to react welcome both ladies thanks for being here so a socialistic from the bronx says a bunch of crazy stuff she clearly doesnt know enough about. The Washington Post fact checks her they always do that to conservatives they finally do it once to a socialistic and find five claims to be false and she says you cant say that about me thats sexist. What do you make of that . Well see thats what they do and this is what democrats do first they play the race card and when that dont work now they play the sexist card. Thats what Hillary Clinton did when she said oh, women didnt want to vote for her. So here is the deal. This young lady you know i wonder if shes smarter than a fifth grader i wish she would debate a fifth grader and see how far she gets but what the views that shes doing this is the democratic mind, poverty, slavery, somebody to have their finger to control you. Robbing peter to pay paul. Right this is their mind set and listen she is like the gift that keeps on giving to the republican party. We want her to keep talking, because were listening. Abby she has every right to be out there. This is what dome is all about seeing Something Like that at her age winning a race talking about issues shes passionate about we can all agree on that but youd think being in the public eye shed want to have debates shed want to show people more about those ideas, ben shapiro is someone that has wanted to go up one on one against here weve asked her a number of times she has respond ed by saying this. She said just like cat calling i dont owe a response to un solicited requests from men with bad intentions and also like cat calling for some reason , they feel entitled to one, so shes saying there shes not responding but its a pretty clear response right there. Hes cat calling her by saying he wants to go one on one on the issues. But see thats what they do. On the democrat side you have a woman the first thing she want to say is she want to cry like somebody is cat calling or somebody is abusing them or bash ing them in some type of way thats right. Listen we want to know what you know. We want to know how youre going to help this country and i think theres nothing wrong with a debate. A good debate on the issue so that we can see what side of the aisle youre really on. Thats right. Because it sounds like that you want us to all be poor and i dont think we want to vote for you. Thats right. I dont think nobody should vote for you. And instead of bringing socialism here to this country, how about go over to a socialistic country and see how thats working out for you . Yeah. Pete yeah, not so good. Shes one of the socialists from the bronx is one of 50 democrats now rejecting nancy pelosi. Should she become the speaker of the house . I presume you agree with the president that you dont want her to become speaker but you think shes a pretty effective leader of the democrats if you like republicans. [laughter] who nancy pelosi . Pete yes, nancy pelosi. I think nancy pelosi, let her say where she is. She has been, look, she has been a great person to let all americans know that she is only working her party only works for illegal aliens. So let her say that. I love what the democrats have become. They are making us all look good i love it. Pete [laughter] ed diamond silk love it. Abby good to see you this morning, ladies. Pete appreciate it. Well a player for the chargers the latest nfl player to protest the National Anthem this preseason. A former Police Officer whose at that game has a message for him this morning. Abby and hunting season just around the corner, Bass Pro Shops and cab el las here with the best atv. Go net them, rick. Pete hit the brakes. I promise to have and to hold from this day forward, til death do us part. Selectquote can help you keep your promise. With Life Insurance starting under 1 a day. But you promised dad. Come on. Selectquote helped jim, 41, keep his promise by finding him a 500,000 policy for under 26 per month. And found kathy, 37, a 750,000 policy for just 22 per month. Since 1985, weve helped millions of families by finding them affordable coverage by impartially shopping highly rated insurers offering over 70 policies. Dad, youre coming right . You promise . You promise . You promise . I promise. Abby is that pete hegseth . Ed no its your shot of the morning, champion eater joey chestnut. Hot tags may be it but who knew the american eating icon dab el ed in the cheese curd game in wisconsin. He did not win. Abby he took third place in the firstever cheese curd eating competition at the wisconsin state fair eating four and three quarter pounds. Pete thats right the cheese cu rd king of the world is Darren Breeden eating 5. 2 pounds in just six minutes our wonderful producers brought some cheese cu rds for us. Abby he knows how to do hot dogs. Pete these are manhattan cheese curds. These are not the real deal, but minnesota, wisconsin, iowa state fair cheese chords kurds are the best thing that youll ever have theyre dripping and so good. Abby sounds like something you would absolutely love. Well we do have headlines i want to bring you this morning and we start on a very serious note. A deadly weekend in chicago as gunfire fills the city streets, 19 people shot on friday, alone including a 15 year old boy in the face. He is now in stable condition. Two victims died including an 18yearold man and yesterday, four others were hurt including a 12 Year Old Girl in a driveby shooting so far no arrests have been made. Hundreds of extra Police Officer s are now patrolling the neighborhoods to get control of the violence. Horrible. And we now know the name of the Airline Employee who stole a plane from seattle tacoma airport, richard russels family says they are heartbroken and in shock about the man they knew and police say the horizon airbag age handler had security clearance to be around planes but was not a licensed pilot. He flew around before crashing on an island the fbi is searching for the motive but dont suspect terror. And theres this a Parkland School shooting survivor is slam ming sheriff scott israel for being featured in a backtoSchool Safety tweet. The Broward County sheriffs officer is releasing a picture in the top right corner as you can see there israel was widely criticized for his departments response to the School Shooting that left 17 students dead. Kyle reacting to the post on twitter saying this, resign in shame, you coward. And National Anthem protest cap ping off the first week of the nfl preseason chargers tackle raising a fit before playing the cardinals after two dolphins players kneeling thursday, former tucson Police Officer was on the chargers game and he joined us earlier on the show and says its time to end the protest. Here is what he said. If youre sitting there taking a knee popping a fist who ing whatever you think is necessary during the National Anthem youre causing people in this country to be frustrated with you. The president is just reflecting thoughts of most americans that theyre doing in the nfl for no reason, it has accomplished zero abby meanwhile two broncos player stayed in the locker room before their game against the vikings. Those are some of your headlines rick we are lucky enough to have bass pro all morning long. Whats going on . Rick it is Bass Pro Shops and cabellas fall hunting classic its still summer but fall is around the corner happening right now here with exclusive deals from Bass Pro Shops and cabellas, welcome back. So this is one of your big ones amazing sales, lessons, everything just at any Bass Pro Shops and cabellas. Yes, we have our fall sale especially like this one, were expanding our trade deal on cameras, bringing in old stuff and trading it in and a lot of great stuff here. Rick so youve got these atvs and Bass Pro Shops has this great tradein deal so you can bring your old one and trade it in for a new one . Yes. Well bass pro and cabellas is the number one place to get clearance and sale. You see pete riding around here. Abby its in this confined space of new york city and manhattan but it looks so fun. Ed and these are brand new. Yes, this is the new one and its very quiet and has a new system in it and also it has the capacity of 2,000 pounds. Abby our own ed henry is not even driving hes in the passenger seat. Its quite safe. [laughter] rick if youre hunting pete i wont hit you, i promise its simply your preference you could have an atv, it depends on your terrain or a power pro like right here, its very quiet. Its got the intake and some people want that for hunting they want to use it to pursue their game in a quiet manner. Rick thats awesome i hear you sell more atvs than any other place. Yes cabellas is the number one place for getting great clearance deals and you cant beat it. Come out and visit and learn a lot. Rick thank you for being with us all morning. Abby great to have you. Can you leave ed is not driving . Coming up on the show it has been a fight to get fired Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe and now President Trump is threatening to get involved so what is the downside of declassifying those documents . Our own Maria Bartiromo is exploring that question this morning and she joins us live, next. 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Ed quick sports headlines tiger woods charging into the top 10, actually top three or four on the final day of the pga championship. His pace has been good this week. Ed woods is four shots back as the leader entering todays final round chasing his 15th career major and first in 10 years. Its going to get interesting this afternoon and barry bonds returning to left field one last time under an emotional day in san francisco. The giants retiring his number 25 before their game against the pirates and he played 15 seasons with the giants and broke Major League Baseballs alltime home run record while playing in 200d under alleged performance enhancing drugs. Abby leave it to ed to write a book on baseball. Pete moving on President Trump threatening to get involved in the yearlong fight to obtain the texts sent by fired Deputy Director andy mccabe. Abby our next guest is explor ing the potential risks. Ed here is Maria Bartiromo. Maria good morning great to see you guys. Ed you hear the president s allies saying declassify the information but there could be downside to putting it out there maria well i dont understand the downside. Were exploring that question today on sunday morning futures, why would the president not want to declassify these documents . We know that this investigation of socalled collusion between donald trump and the russians officially launched on july 31, 2016 but there was a whole host of activity before july of 2016 in the way of informants in the way of conversation and the doj says they dont have anything else before july 31. We dont have any documents before the of the investigation actually launched. Devon nunes the chairman of the Intel Committee is questioning that and he wants to see all communication electronic communication before that investigation started, and we know why. Hes on my show today but the reason is because hes not seeing evidence of how this whole collusion narrative started. Abby and Bob Goodlatte as wellhead of the House Judiciary Committee were hearing is going to subpoena some of those individuals. Maria im understanding that the subpoena is out and they have a date, august 28 is when bruce ohr will go testify, so the date is there. The date is set. Hes going into answer these questions of course of all of this activity. I dont understand why, when i interviewed President Trump a month ago he said look theyre telling me not to get involved but well see. I think they will end up getting the documents theyre not and there are reallies beings here if the American People do not see what took place here because if the house splits in november youll never hear another word about this investigation and thats what some people, i understand, are waiting for. The clock to run out. Pete thats probably they always wait for the clock to run out in washington. What are the public leadership saying about this . Youve got members saying lets do it, leadership saying anything . Maria its interesting because you really have a twosided thing going on within the leadership. On the one hand the leadership keeps saying stick to economics we just had 4. 1 Economic Growth lets be telling that story. Dont talk about in poaching Rod Rosenstein because thats what the dems want they want to impeach donald trump just focus on whats important and that is what this administration has done in terms of Economic Growth which has been very strong we know that so thats why you have some reluctance they dont want to go back but the American People have a right to know what happens and the president needs to declassify this. I dont understand why shining a light on it is not a positive and were going to ask that as well. Ed well shell be doing it again this morning. Abby in 15 minutes. See you soon thanks maria. Pete deep sigh. Its abbeys last day on fox friends couch and here to help celebrate her husband jeff and her baby girl are here, live. Abby oh, my goodness. Pete do it right. Maria look how big she is now saving on this saving in here. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com ed the momentum enter weve been dreading is saying goodbye to abbey weve got the whole family because weve had so much fun all of us together. Pete its impossible to put into words what you mean to us here on the weekend, so we did a little, we didnt do any work but a lot of producers did a lot of work to bring this package for you. Abby oh, that is so sweet. Pete Abbey Huntsman joining us on the couch. Abby are you going to be nice to me today . Abby were already having way too much fun on the show. Pete yes. I cant believe im doing this right now. Abby im doing my job. This is what i get to do. Abbey is your hat bigger than mine, girlfriend . Abby Kentucky Derby today. Pete that was your first assignment on fox friends. You see the horses prepping for later today for the derby. Fox friends was running in the derby. Abbey huntsman was there last night at the cme. Abby its okay, i just interviewed radicals call flats. Good morning, fox friends. Abby hey guys. Ladies and gentlemen, Abbey Huntsman. [applause] abby guys its too early to sing. No more singing. Pete you like waking up to that voice. The song though. Pete not yours, ed. Abby this hour were doing beer and yoga. Thanks for being here. Pete i love it. Im having fun this morning. Pete did i i say doug . I meant dog. Abby is that george . Why is my dog here. Abby as always weve got a lot of news to get to. Show me the walk. Sure. This is where everything takes place. This is where all of the action happens. Abbey is at the white house with the easter egg roll this morning. People in this country are happy. Abby whenever we go to these thats exactly what i hear from them like thank you for giving us a voice. Abby by the way i told everyone that breakfast is on you so i hope youre okay with that give me your card later. Do you guys argue politics all the time . You already voted for different people. Yeah, i still love you. Abby [laughter] hi, fox friends. This is about the height of awesomeness to be interviewed by my daughter. This job came up, i really didnt even bat an eye. I just said do you know what, lets do it. Abby its going to be tough leaving five of the seven kids behind. Youve got more grandkids on the way. I want to bring in my husband, i will tell all of our viewers out there that have been so great about writing me, we are having a baby girl. I can not believe pete walked up the stairs a moment ago with a basket full of fried pickles and said abbey do you like them . Im pregnant. The only thing better is fried pickles. We have a surprise for you abby oh, my gosh are you serious . Oh, my goodness griff abbey is back in the studio for the First Time Since becoming a mom. Abby i said im going to get emotional. I have no idea the love that i would feel for Something Like this and she has changed our lives. [applause] abby were like a family. This is what friends are for. In real life were good friends. [applause] abby thank you for spending the time with us. Abby oh, my gosh. The last three years have been the most transformative i think of my entire life. Ive given my heart and soul to this place and to you guys and in return, youve given it back to me and so have our viewers and now i have this little one, all she knows is fox friends, and this is a really tough thing , and im moving on to the next chapter and mainly to be with my family and to spend time with them, but i just want to thank everyone for being part of the show. Im leaving you guys in great hands, because the people that i work with are the very best in the business. Every single one of you from behind the camera to our producers, the people that i work with on the air, you guys are my family. Everybody. So i just want to say thank you to all of you. Ed well miss you a lot. Abby ill miss you all and thank you to everyone that watches the show and thank you for believing in us theres no other place youll find the stories that we tell the way we tell them because of this team. Pete were going to see you a ton but youre not losing friends, you know that. That is whats so wonderful about working with you and working with this team is what you see on camera is real and what you see abby this is real. Ed and we have one more surprise. Rick when you think of people abbey is one of the most Beautiful People ive ever known and you are as kind as you are beautiful and thats so much more important. And thats what we all takeaway. Ed on camera and off and thats why we have one more surprise. Pete one more surprise . I dont even know what it is. Oh, it is a surprise. Abby oh, my goodness. You guys are too much too sweet. This is, this show is just in credible. It really is. Do you want your first face of frosting . Thank you so much. Oh, wow thank you guys i love you all. I really do. Pete its been wonderful. Abby friends forever. Ed absolutely. Abby thank you, guys. Pete well be back more fox friends coming up. Life changes come away with me barnabas but i am a simple farmer. My life is here. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Life is a highway, i want to ride it all night long abby i have been so spoiled by all of you but i could not leave without leaving behind a gift for you all, because im not going to be here just to remind both of you of what winners you are, how special and how talented, and rick you can share this too. This is for ed because hes deserving of it today. Ed [laughter] abby but you have to promise me youll share it when other pep get it. Ed oh, yeah. Rick i like this. Pete wow. Abby its well deserved ed. Ed i will not wear the crown now because our queen is leaving abby ill pass it off to you ed and the next time pete actually beats you whenever that happens pete youll get the crown. Ed if and went. Pete this isnt goodbye we know that. Ed we wish you all the success well miss you. Abby thank you guys so much and thank you to starbright floral. Rick and Megan Macdonald for putting that together. Abby megan youre amazing have a great sunday this is not goodbye forever. Love you all. Maria good sunday morning the kremlin responding this morning to new u. S. Sanctions against moscow taking direct aim at the u. S. Economy. The president praising mexico for telling canada to wait as negotiations for a new nafta deal intensify, and House Republicans make a move to get more information about that selacious but unsubstantiated steele dossier. Good morning everyone thanks for joining us im Maria Bartiromo welcome to sunday morning futures. Russia is upping the ante in a show down with the United States after washington punishes the kremlin for coordinating a nerve agent attack on british soil. House Foreign Affairs Committee Ed Royce on what vladimir p

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