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obamacare. we have the big facts they had completely wrong. and the damage is so bad, it looks like a herd of elephants went through it. but that's exactly what happened. how did the elephants escape the circus? you don't expect that to happen. "fox and friends" begins right now. and we begin with a fox news alert. moments ago malaysia's transport minister confirming another piece of possible debris from the missing flight has been spotted in the indian ocean. it's believed to be in the same area where three other objects were picked up by satellite images. >> let's gets over to peter who's live in washington, d.c. with the latest on this. good morning, peter. >> good morning. that's right. there's even more evidence this morning that officials say point to flight 370 being somewhere in the southern search area. that comes in the form of satellite images from french authorities. we have not seen the new images. the malaysian transportation minister just announced their discovery. there are eight aircraft racing around trying to find whatever it is in the pictures. additionally, there are several privately owned planes now combing the indian ocean about 1500 miles off the coast of perth, australia. and a search area that continues to change based on drift models put together by scientists. we heard overnight from the australian prime minister a message about the importance of keeping the size of the search party inflated. >> more aircraft we have, the more ships we have, the more confident we are of recovering whatever material is down there. and obviously, before we can be too specific about what it might be, we do actually need to recover some of this material. >> today, search efforts are going to be complicated by bad weather in the indian ocean. it is foggy, and there are low clouds. authorities think they might be looking for a wooden palette and strapping belts, but so far there's been no up-close confirmation of that, and there's a chance that a wooden palette could have come from somewhere else because they're also used heavily in the shipping industry. before this morning, the most accurate satellite images were taken last tuesday. we have no idea yet when the new images that we're just learning about from the french were taken. back to you. >> so we're waiting on this peter a number of days now. welcome to john scott. some of these patterns, looking at these palettes floating, when you look at the drift patterns and the storms on the surface, they have to track all of those things. they're trying to predict where they may have moved many, many miles away. >> and those clear images we got of the possible debris we got in yesterday, they came from tuesday. so how long, you know, has it been out there floating around, if it is part of the plane? has it sunk? how useful are these images in the first place, really? >> in that part of the world, the ocean currents, just the currents, not the wind, nothing else, the ocean currents kick debris around at the rate of about one yard, about three feet, per second. so you think about how far some of this debris might have moved assuming it went down in the ocean there. they've got a huge area to cover. >> and rick is going to bring us up to date in the weather patterns in a moment. it is a mess out there. and meanwhile, back on land, they're now analyzing the captain's phone records. he's becoming -- because actually, investigators say there's no suspects yet. they've looked through the entire crew manifest. they've looked through the entire passenger list. however, they're giving a second look to the captain and a bizarre phone call he received just a few minutes before takeoff reportedly from someone using a prepaid phone, which normally you would have to have tied to a person who has to hand over i.d. to buy a prepaid phone. but in this situation, it came from a woman who did not have the proper identification, used a false i.d. >> again, we're working to get confirmation on this. just some reported information we're bringing you this morning. but these were part of efforts that were ramped up following nech in malaysia, that you have to show your i.d. card or a passport number as you're filling out the form to get these. but this is a mystery woman at the moment. also, officials are talking about finally formally talking to the wife, the estranged wife of the 53-year-old captain. >> that's the unbelievable portion of this. they were apparently separated but living together under the same roof. yet, they have not actually spoken to her about her husband, about his state of mind because in that society, it is considered improper to be so forward with someone who is bereaved. so they haven't talked to the wife yet. >> and she arguably knows the most about the mind of the man who was behind the controls. so it does seem a bit, you know, wild. and reportedly the fbi is adding pressure as they begin investigating too. >> well, they've already gone into the house and grabbed the flight simulator. they've taken that to virginia to analyze it. yet, they haven't talked to the wife. >> even that the fbi had been screaming to get that flight simulator back to this country a lot earlier because we have the diagnostic tools to look at that hard drive and try to recover some of those files. the malaysian government doesn't really have those tools. >> right. well, let's get over to rick, who's standing by. we're talking about those investigators out there trying to get a look at this choppy ocean, which is just getting worse, right? >> yeah, the next few days not looking good across the area. you see that cold front and where that debris was found, the last image. heavy rain, a lot of wind. those seas are going to get worse over the next three to four days. wave height models look like we'll see that increase until thursday. gives you an idea we probably have another four or five days of really rough conditions here before it mellows out a little bit. any kind of mellowing out there is short lived. maybe a day or two of calmer conditions. in the u.s., we have colder air that's diving in. it's going to be meeting up with a big storm brug across the south. guys, i hate to tell you this, we're potentially looking at a snowstorm across the northeast for tuesday and wednesday. >> people think we're just joking around about that. a nor'easter? >> a very large snowstorm. some areas up to 18 inches of snow. have to br we'll talk more about that this morning. >> and from what i've read, howling winds as well. >> very, very windy conditions. this is a legit nor'easter. just a matter of how close it gets to the northeast. >> all right, rick. thanks so much. other stories making headlines on your sunday morning. we'll get to those. a search for survivors is underway in washington state after a massive mudslide ripped through. the slide, at least 135 feet wide and 180 feet deep, cut off a portion of the highway near the town of oso just north of seattle. >> i heard this roar, and it was huge. i had never heard anything like that. i looked out the window and saw this huge wall of mud. must have been 20 feet tall. the next thing i knew, it hit the house. >> it's believed the mud slide was caused by ground water saturation from recent heavy rainfall. crews are working to contain an oil spill in texas after a barge carrying nearly 1 million gallons of oil collided with another ship. the barge began to sink as it leaked an unknown amount of oil into the galveston bay. booms were brought in to keep the spill from spreading. officials are worried about the bird population there since it is peak migration season. and today the white house and lawmakers are celebrating obamacare's fourth birthday, stepping up efforts to get americans enrolled ahead of the march 31st deadline. democratic leaders launching a social media campaign as well as events to increase the number of people in the program, especially young people. and hillary clinton trying to shatter the glass of ellen degeneres' record breaking oscar selfie. kimmel tweeted out this picture and said, no brad cooper, but three clintons. all right. well, matt drudge, you know him as the creator of the drudge report online. he's decided to opt out of obamacare. yesterday he posted a tweet saying -- here's what he said. he opted out of obamacare and he decided that he would pay the opt-out penalty, which he's calling a liberty tax. well, he was immediately slammed by the white house and others for what they called lies about this. >> they say that, you know, it's a 2014 tax so you're not going to be paying that until next year. there is a difference, however, though, if you have a business person. if you're paying a small business tax, all of the sudden you've got to pay that each and every quarter. >> it's a quarterly thing. so basically, drudge is going, wait a minute, if you check the irs' website, it specifically says it right there. yet, somehow, as soon as matt drudge tweets this, the progressive director for obama tweets this, flat lie, no fee for previous year, scary how much influence he once had. the other disturbing thing about this is the liberal-leaning media just follows suit and tweets similar things. >> and didn't check into it, go to the irs website. even talking points memo tweeted out, dude, there's no penalty until next year. you probably want to walk that back a little bit. >> and the disturbing thing about this is there was an actual white house effort to sort of shoot down a private citizen basically. >> have they followed up yet and apologized? do we know if they have an apology that came out? no? there is none? okay. maybe some time during our show this morning there will be a white house apology saying we're sorry we got it wrong. >> yeah, sorry we got it wrong even though it's our signature piece of legislation. >> and it's four years old. >> today, actually. happy birthday. >> coming up, breaking overnight brand new potential images of the missing plane. but are these images just false hope? why the so-called debris may be just a shipping container. and do you believe in ghosts? this video might change your mind. glass flying right off the counter. doing this all day, my feet and legs got really tired. so i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! so ally bank has a that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. it's still too early to be definite, but obviously we have now had a number of very credible leads, and there is increasing hope. no more than hope. no more than hope that we might be on the road to discovering what did happen to this ill-fated aircraft. >> that's australia's prime minister reacting to objects apparently spotted in the latest search for missing malaysian flight 370. now the malaysian government is confirming another satellite image showing debris in the indian ocean, but is all of this excitement over finding something giving the families of those missing false hope? joining us now, aviation attorney and licensed pilot. sal, they are, you know, still more than two weeks later looking for this thing. no confirmed sighting of anything that you can ab absolutely tie to the plane. i've not been part of a story before where seeing a palette floating in the ocean gave people so much hope. >> and one single palette. you're not seeing the kind of debris you would normally expect to see. i understand this is a very violent area of the ocean. it's something that would break up and move items very quickly. but the bottom line is, we're not seeing the kind of aviation debris we would expect from a 777 crash. >> but normally you would expect to find seat cushions, that kind of thing, kind of clumped together. >> yeah, that's the first thing you hear when you get on an airliner now. your seat cushions will be used as a flotation device. they float. they stay on top. we're not seeing any of that stuff. with the why not be able to find those cushions? they've been flying over that area for the last two days. they're going out there again today. so far, it doesn't seem like it's giving me a lot of hope. >> but the government of the united states, the government of malaysia, the government of australia, now a french satellite involved. they are all focusing on this area. they firmly believe that's where they're going to find this missing plane. >> at least that's where they're putting most of their assets. the united states, only the single aircraft. i don't think we should put our eggs in one basket. we have to look at these other areas of the world. this aircraft was on a different flight path when we last saw it. >> how do you hide a 777, though? >> don't think you do. certainly, you don't do it without help. >> suggesting that another government may have been involved if this thing is on dry land? >> we'd have to believe there was some kind of mechanical difficulty, a natural event of an aircraft, we'd have to believe everything happened within that short period of window between the radar loss of signal if kuala lumpur and before the acquisition of the signal at the ho chi minh city center. everything happens there other than the acars. they make the left turn and disappear from radar at that point. all of those things happen in that short period of time. >> what about the possibility of a fire in the cargo hold? we know they were carrying those lithium batteries. they've caused airline crashes before. >> and lithium batteries, these are what we call class c cargo holds. they have smoke detectors, fire extinguishers. we have a transmission moments later from the pilot saying good night, not specifying anything going on in the cargo hold. you believe they would know it on their computer system that they sit there and watch all during this portion of the flight. >> so you seem to be leaning away from the complete accident theory. >> well, we'd also then have to tex pla explain, if this is an uncontrolled fire in the aircraft, why does it fly for another seven hours? >> very good yes. sal, thank you. >> my pleasure. coming up, do you notice anything missing? the front page of the "new york times," international version. a big chunk of it gone. you get 4 lines onw at&t's network...ilies including unlimited talk unlimited text ...and 10 gigs of data to share. 10 gigs? 10 gigs. all for $160 dollars a month. you know, i think our family really needed this. it's really gonna bring us closer together. yep. yep. yep. yep. yep. yep. introducing our best-ever family pricing for instance, a family of four gets 10 gigs of data with unlimited talk and text for 160 dollars a month. only from at&t. of butheyou don't feelat thmosi, it's extremely simple. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit welcome back. some quick headlines for you. breaking overnight, terrifying video showing a massive fire that destroyed an elementary school in new jersey. police are calling the fire at james monroe elementary in edison suspicious because of how quickly the flames spread. no one was inside at the time. and three elephants escaped from a circus near st. louis. they wandered into a parking lot, wreaked havoc on cars there. the circus released a statement saying the elephants were scared by loud noises and were scared off. it took trainers 45 minutes to get them back in their enclosure. when you call insurance, you think they'll buy that? an elephant ran into my car. >> kind of like my dog ate my homework. an upcoming college conference about traditional marriage now being denounced as hate speech by the stanford graduate student council, which is denying funding for the event. joining us now is the president of the group organizing this event. thanks for being with us. >> good morning. thanks for having me on the show. >> just looking at the htitle o this, it sounds traditional. it sounds innocent enough. is there hostility towards gays and lesbians as has been asserted? >> no, not at all. the purpose of the conference is to promote discussion, not only rational discussion, but discussion that is respectful regarding the values of marriage and family on campus. >> right. so you went to this group and asked for funding to have this event. tell us how it all unfolded. what happened? >> so we approached the graduate student council for funding. they initially approved us $600 with a stipulation that we open up whatever speaking event that $600 would go towards to the entire graduate community. that is a stipulation we readily agreed to. immediately after that funding decision, members and supporters of the lgbt community decided to exert considerable pressure on the graduate student council to revoke funding at following graduate student council meeting. during that week, approximately 100 e-mails were sent to the graduate student council to that effect, and during the meeting after two hours of considerable debate and discussion, the graduate student council decided to vote 10-2 with two on stengss to revoke the $600 originally rewarded to us. >> maybe the budget was tight. was the budget too tight? it looks like in the first 30 minutes they approved $27,540 for other groups. >> yes, perhaps the budget was too tight. probably no room for proponents of traditional marriage. >> yeah, well, here's what stanford university has told us. this is their statement. although they did not receive funding from the graduate student council separate from the university, the group did obtain funding from other sources and the conference is proceeding. so how have things played out for you? i know initially they said you were going to have to pay thousands of dollars for additional security and that has since been rescinded. >> yes, things played out rather chaotically, if you will. we had to look for sources of funding without necessarily asking for sources of funding as per the university's regulations with regards to off-campus fundraising. we have been very fortunate enough to be able to obtain the necessary funds. however, we are still disappointed with the graduate student council's decision to revoke the funding. they set a dangerous precedent that night in which they said basically, view points which are sufficiently disliked by a certain number of students in the community will not receive the funding it needs. it was a violation of our freedom of speech. >> so what do you think going forward, you know, groups that are similar to you, do you feel like they'll be persecuted from the opposite end? >> if the graduate student council does not basically reverse their decision or the university does not step in, i fear for future organizations which wish to obtain funding to put on similar tame events which seek to promote rational and respectful dialogue on some of the most important issues in contemporary society. >> all right. well, your two-day conference still going on, on april the 4th. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. 28 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," as crews investigate the possible plane debris, our next experts says the 70-feet piece of debris spotted is most likely not from the plane. what he says investigators should be looking for. then, he hasn't even put on a jersey, but michael vick already has fans outraged. what they're saying about the new addition to the team. friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. 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[ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we'll raise it yet again. your shot of the morning. seth rogen and james franco. >> well, the real cover is this one here. everybody is talking about it, causing strong reaction on both sides. some fans of the couple took to twitter to celebrate. >> actress sarah michelle gellar said, well, i guess i'm cancelling my "vogue" subscription. >> what's the controversy? >> there have been rumors swirling that kanye west, for a couple years, has been begging anna wintour to photograph kim kardashian saying she's the most influential woman. we're both the biggest fashionistas ever. there was talk anna wintour didn't like kim. >> so you really don't know anything about this story at all. >> no, i hate kim kardashian. not really. >> a little strong-arm tactic to get you on the cover of "vogue." >> all right. >> let's re-create the photo. >> prom pose. 33 minutes after the hour, some other stories making headlines. new this morning, nato's top military commander says russia is focusing on the eastern border with ukraine saying it could pose a threat to a region in moldova. he says russia is acting much more like an adversary than a partner in the region. and all the news hits the print unless it makes your government look bad. this is how the international "new york times" ran. here's how it ran in pakistan. notice anything missing? the entire space is blank. the article discusses rumors the pakistani intelligence agency sheltered bin laden until his death. and michael vick hasn't even heated up for the new york jets yet. he was famously sent to prison for 19 months for his involvement in a dog-fighting ring, including killing underperforming dogs. a boycott of the jets and michael vick's facebook page. jets owner woody johnson said he met with the president and ceo of the humane society for making any decisions. and who you going to call? ghost busters! caught on camera, a glass object flies off the counter when no one is around. it falls to the floor and shatters. a store employee was in the back room at the time. when she heard the sound of breaking glass, she ran out. store owners plan on bringing it to ghost hunters. >> i'm going to tweet jason hawes, friend of the show. maybe he'll investigate that. good on that. do you believe in it? you think it's just a went countertop and a glass? >> exactly. did you guys enjoy yesterday? >> it was beautiful. is it gone? >> good, because it's gone. >> he always does that. >> not going to happen again for a while. it will happen again next saturday. we seem to be on a trend where we have these nice days on saturday. >> i'm going to walk in front of your camera. >> welcome. go on through. the cold air is back in place across the northern tier. temps in the single digits and just below zero along the canadian border. that air over the next few days is going to sink down again. we're not talking about that polar vortex air. there's more moderated sunshine, so the temps aren't as bad. we're talking about very unseasonably cold temperatures. you get to tuesday, and the cold air is in place across parts of the south. louisville, you're at 38 degrees for a high on tuesday. then we're going to start to watch it and meet up with a couple of storms. we have this disturbance across areas of the south. today we could see a few isolated severe storms. not a big severe weather outbreak, but a few storms that could be a little bit severe. this storm moves out of here. then this is that clipper that moves in. this clipper and the cold air meets up with this developing storm down across parts of the south. we're going to be watching for the potential of a big nor'easter. in fact, there will be a big nor'easter. it's just a matter of how close it gets to the u.s. is it new york that's a target? is it boston? is it parts of maine? guys, there will be a number of areas that see likely over a foot of snow. if there's any good news, you get a foot of snow this time of year, it doesn't stick around for long. but one last blast of winter i think we'll have to deal with. >> so cover your tulips. >> a foot of snow? >> yeah. >> i remember 1994 when we had like a foot and a half of snow in april. >> certainly can happen. well, moments ago, breaking news on missing jet malaysian flight 370. officials confirming another satellite image showing possible debris in the indian ocean's southern corridor. >> this comes just one day after the chinese government said their satellites picked up debris around 70 feet. >> but our next guest has investigated many airline crashes, including twa flight 800. large pieces of debris don't typically float. they sink right away. so are these new images just more false hope? dr. michael bodden is the man with that opinion. he joins us now. you worked on 800. >> 800 and a bunch of other commercial crashes. there are really two debris fields. one on the surface of the water for the flight stuff, small stuff. and the heavy stuff, the fuselage, the wings, sink to the bottom. so in a situation like, this in order to find the heavy stuff, you've got to first find the stuff on the surface. luggage, airline seats, oil slicks, which dissipate, bodies that come to the surface. it seems that the satellite tracking, especially in that rough water, is very difficult on small stuff. you've got to find -- have eyes on and ships or low-flying airplanes in order to prove there's been an airplane crash, you have to find something. then you have a better idea of where to look at the bottom. >> we were just looking at some of the footage from the search for 800. that was in fairly calm water right off the coast of long island. >> yeah, calm water. i spent 30 days there. in the very beginning, there was a big oil slick that was undisturbed by waves or anything. there were bodies. the luggage especially. and also whatever is in the cargo hold that floats comes to the surface. you know there was an airplane crash, which hasn't been proven yet, although very likely, and the satellites don't pick that material up. >> you know, it's interesting. when we talk about an investigation, what does that mean? we knew where this went down. we have no idea where this went down. we don't even have an investigation. >> that's the problem here. we don't know everything the satellites picked up. a lot of information hasn't been given out. but in order to find the debris field on top of the water, they're going to have to have eyes on something, like the palette maybe. in order for that to be anything, they have to prove it came from this plane, which is a long step still. >> i've been talking to you for years. you know how much respect i have for you. however, in the air france crash from 2009 which was perhaps the closest parallel to this one, one of the first things they found was the rutter, the vertical stabilizer. that was floating on the surface. >> that's right. but it's still small compared to a 70-foot wing. there was no 70-foot piece of metal that was found. there are air pockets and some composite materials and some of the tail that can float. but they're small. whether they can pick that up by satellite or not in rough seas is a question. >> i have to ask you, though, we're excited about any new information we get in. this morning we're hearing we have these new images we'll get from france. yesterday the images from the chinese. but if they're days old, how helpful are they really? >> well, the first thing is, if that's a palette, if they can show it came from the malaysian plane, then they know there's a plane there. right now we don't even know there's a plane there. in that area from what i hear, there's lots of debris. lots of things in the water. animals, wood, whatever comes in commercial shipping lanes. >> what if this thing went down with the fuselage fully intact under water? would any of the stuff float? >> well, no, not necessarily. except that a plane crashes, parts of it break up. >> if he landed it sort of like sullenberger on the water somehow and it just sank that way, is it possible? >> even with sullenberger, without anything breaking, it sank. if this was like a calm landing in the hudson river and it sank, theoretically, you could have a plane with all the passengers still inside, you know, two miles down. then you're not going to find it. >> wow. >> well, they did find air france. it was 10,000 feet down. >> it took them two years. the first debris field was that rutter and other materials, luggage. >> dr. bodden, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. coming up on the show, the president said, ditch your cell phone to pay for obamacare. >> their cell phone bill, other things that they're spending on, it may turn out that it's just they haven't prioritized health care. >> if you got rid of your phone or your cable, would the money saved really cover the cost of health care? we're going to break down those numbers next. and caught on camera, a biker nearly wiped out by a car. details on his brush with death. your mom could do anything. turn night into day. conquer the globe. stop floods. now she could use a hand, so she can keep living on her own. comfort keepers can help you help her. our professional caregivers are carefully chosen and highly trained to provide a variety of in-home services while truly engaging with your aging loved ones so they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chanti is right for you. until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. it would be a scary process... truecar made it very easy... for me to negotiate, because i didn't really need to do any negotiating at all. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit the countdown is on. only eight days to go before obamacare's march 31st enrollment deadline, and the president is pulling out all the stops to get young people enrolled. even by telling them their mo h monthly premium will be cheaper than most cable and cell phone bills. listen. >> you can get health care for $100 or less a month. in some cases, less than your cell phone or cable bill. >> but is that really true? let's ask kay rodgers. nice to see you this morning. >> nice to see you. >> he says in some cases it's cheaper. >> that's the key phrase there. i looked at how much it would cost someone making $25,000 here in new york for a silver plan, which is the midtier plan. on the high end, you'd pay $421. on the low end, you'd pay $138 a month. that's with a subsidy. the lowest end that you'd be paying. >> so even on the low end, and $80 to $90 for your average cell phone plan. >> verizon is about $90 a month. at&t, sprint, and t-mobile, it's about $80 a month. so health insurance here in new york, still certainly more. >> he also talks about the cable bill. >> yeah, cable bill. we took a look at nationwide averages according to the npd group. this is without internet bundled. it's about $90 a month. >> this is straight-up television. when you tack on the cable in some scenarios, it's still higher than that. >> exactly. >> so bottom line is it's going to be more expensive than your cable and cell phone bill. the president has eight days left to get young people to sign up. this is the area where they've had the most trouble, doing all the marketing. we saw him on the zach galifianakis show, on ellen. is it working? >> well, the latest demographic breakdown we got, about two weeks old, the 4.2 million number. only 25% of that group were between the ages of 18 and 34. we know they need these young people to lower the cost of health care. i asked young people, have you seen these tactics, are you enrolling? resoundingly, i heard them say, i'm staying on my parents' plan. you can do that until you're 26. in some cases, it's cheaper. they're not all signing up. while they did pay attention to these viral marketing tactics, a lot of them didn't connect the dots and realize open enrollment ends a week from tomorrow. >> we do know that the video, when he did that "between two ferns" thing, we know the web traffic for went through the roof. >> it did. >> but it people sign up? they visit the website, but did they click and buy? >> i posed that question to the centers for medicare and medicaid services and the department of health and human services. i said, traffic was high, did people sign up? they wouldn't give me those numbers. but you're not enrolled until you've paid your first month's peoplup. the department of health and human services is saying selected. they may or may not have made that payment. >> one final screen we have is the electric bill. if you look at an average electric bill by region, $122. >> on the high end. >> exactly. >> so health care is still more expensive in many cases. >> across the board, the president was wrong on his statement. >> it depends on how much you make. he's saying in some cases, it's a buffer. we found it really to not be that true. >> nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. coming up on the show, it's the number one the show, the number one movie at the box office so what goes into a sci-fi thriller like "divergent?" our movie guru kevin mccarthy takes us behind the scenes on that film. can't wait to hear his thoughts. >> action to survive. >> the new sci-fi thriller "divergent" dominating the box office this weekend bringing in $22.8 million on friday. >> our very own kevin mccarthy got a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the movie. he's one year older. happy birthday, my friend. >> i'm 30 years old now, so strange. just turned 30 three hours ago. "divergent" is going to be number one, new film based on the worldwide novel series. in the movies it's futuristic chicago divided into five factions so if you're selfless you're in the abdication facet. i visited the set back in june where they were shooting scenes and take a look. when i was 8 years old i fell in love with movies and always dreamed of one day being on a film set watching that process. today, 21 years later i stand on the set of "divergent," one of the most anticipated films of 2014. actually shooting sequences right now. that's why i need to calm down my voice. this is the exterior shots. interior shots will be seen on a soundstage. you can look. all just a construction site but everything you see in the movie you'll see the exterior. but the interior is shot somewhere else. you have blood on your arms. can you explain a little bit of what we just saw. >> it's a scene where triss about to be executed and her mom saves her and also the moment where she realizes that her mom belongs to this faction. >> in the movie this is a little bit different. >> a bullet grazed myself, a little residue from the makeup department. >> can you please come in here. this is my mom. she flew here from london. >> pleasure to meet you. >> we've come on to the set so she can check out the set and she's reading the book. >> a live set, pretty amazing. >> do you geek out, go like it's pretty amazing or you're used to it in. >> every time. the thing is -- i mean, what you do is play, and you're so lucky to be doing this. >> what time did you get here this morning, just curios. >> 6:00 or 10 of 6:00. >> and now we're like at 7:00 p.m. >> yeah. >> how many minutes of the movie did you get done today? >> that's a very good question. sometimes you get like five minutes and sometimes you get like 30 seconds if it's an action sequence. sometimes we'll get 50 setups and different angles and shots and it's only, you know, doing 50 seconds. >> you need to hide inside a faction to survive. we call it divergent. >> yeah. i was told you to be there, 2.5 out of 5. here in l.a., getting ready to sit down with the cast of "noah." tweet me your question questions @kevinmccarthytv so i'll bring the best ones i saw. so tweet me. >> happy birthday, kevin. great seeing you, man. have fun there with the cast of "noah." >> fox news alert. more on the malaysian aircraft. we have new satellite image which could be debris from the missing jet. details straight ahead. see what's new at some brokerage firms are but way too many aren't. why? because selling thfunds makes them more money. which makes you wonder. isn't at a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds". yikes!! then go to e*trade. we've got over 8,000 mutual funds and not one of them has our name on it. we're in the business of finding the right investments for u. e*trade. less for us, more for you. the fund's prospectus contains its investment objectives, risks, chargesexpenses and other importt information and should be re and considered carefully befo investing. for a current prospectus visit ♪ ♪ ♪ i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or well, good morning. it is sunday, the 23rd of march, 2014. we begin with a fox news aler. new development overnight. another image of potential debris from flight 370 surfaces in the key area where the search is under way. we are live with the breaking details. >> also, the president's signature law turns four years old today, but with only eight days left for the white house to reach its sign-up goal, it the not exactly a happy birthday. white house's latest plan for obamacare straight ahead. >> and he's used to stealing the spotlight but this time new jersey governor chris christie upstaged. >> it's getting warm. i need to go to the new jersey beach. >> meet the 3-year-old that stole the governor's thunder. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> welcome to "fox & friends" this sunday morning. jonathan scott in for tucker. welcome >> great to be here. >> i said three more hours to go and john raised his eyebrow. >> i do a two-hour show in the middle of the week so four hours. >> as a pilot in particular we're especially grateful to have you this morning. >> a lot of new developments this morning, john. >> really a strange story. the mystery goes on. moments ago malaysia's transport minister confirmed another possible piece of debris from flight 370 has been spotted in the indian ocean. david piper joins us live from bangkok, thailand, where he's keeping an eye on that. david, what can you tell us? >> hi, john, yes. the malaysian authorities say they have been informed by france, one of the satellites spotted a number of objects floating in the southern indian ocean, and new details yet, but also no images released, but planes have now begun returning from their search missions today, and they haven't reported any news of or any sightings. they have been making the four-hour journey to the search which is about 1,500 miles southwest of perth, australia. visibility has today out there though. the massive search area coming some 37,000 miles has now been split into two to help coordinate the search. much of the focus today has been on large objects spotted by chinese satellites, photographed around 75 miles from where an australian satellite spotted two large objects sunday. a small commercial aircraft also reported seeing some small objects floating in the ocean, and australia's prime minister remains hopeful if there's anything out there they will find it. >> still too early to be definite but obviously we have now had a number of very credible leads, and there is increasing hope. no more than hope. no more than hope, that we might be on the road to discovering what did happen to this il-fated aircraft. >> and the australia-led search is getting much-needed help to chinese planes that have arrived in perth as have two from japan. they are expected to joint search tomorrow. the reality is though there is no confirmation that the plane is down there, and the search continues along the whole of the southern corridor. also the northern corridor which includes here in thailand and as far as kazakhstan. back to you. >> david piper live for us this morning bringing us the latest on that and the developments raising a few questions for the families. the outrage, saw the video of the families demanding answers from the mal shab authorities which they have not been able to get, but are the random photos that they keep releasing giving false hopes to these families who are wanting some answers, and should the search be called off? a number of pilots sending out tweets, aviation experts, saying that this thing should be called off. they are not going to find anything. the amount of resources and time, you just lay this to rest. >> i disagree. i don't think you call it off. there is -- if that plane went into the ocean, there is going to be debris found somewhere, and they will be able to backtrack the currents and so forth using mathematical and computer modeling. it took two years to find air france 247 down in the atlantic ocean and they had a fairly good idea where the plane hit the water. >> today the world's most sophisticated aircrafter, pald the p-8, will be back out there. yesterday it had routine maintenance so it wasn't part of the search effort so 26 countries are involved in this. the united states military has spent an estimated $2.5 million already and that's your taxpayer dollars, and it is something to think about, for these families, i mean, you've got to feel for them. >> a dollar amount, three americans on flight there, and dave hampton on the show, we asked him this question. aviation experts coming out saying we should call this off. dan hampton saying, look, the amount of the white house booze budget is about $1 million, so we spent 2.5 million looking for human beings. >> this is the greatest mystery since amelia earhart and you have to find the answer to this mystery. was it pilot action, a fire this the cargo hold, terrorist act, hijacking? we don't know, and as long as we don't know, we don't know how to protect the rest of the fleet in the sky from the same kind thing. that's part of the reason you need to spend some money to find out what happened. >> and the other thing we still don't know, did it land somewhere safely? heard from mcinerney, seen him on hannity, he still believes this thing has landed in pakistan, the government is in on it and it could potentially carry a weapon of mass destruction which could put the entire world at risk. >> the newly trickling out photos, new wooden palette, what does it mean? here's another theory. take a listen. >> that's the first thing you hear when you get on an airliner, your seat cushions will be used as a flotation device. they stay up on top. we're not seeing anything of that stuff and with the p-8 poseidon from the united states we thought they would be able to find something of a basketball so why not find the cushions. they have been flying over the area for two days, going out there again today. so far it just doesn't seem like this is giving me a lot of hope that that's where it went down. >> well, what do you think? we heard from a lot of people yesterday on twitter, a lot of viewers saying maybe they should let this rest. what do you think about it? go to our facebook page and answer the question should the malaysian flight search be called of course, or is it too early? weigh in and give us your thought. >> over to rick wrightman with a look at our weather and conditions there, rick. as these investigators are searching that area, what kind of conditions? >> we are seeing one more storm coming in, that is right before where that debris was found, and behind it, maybe 12-hour breaks in between. there's a tropical cyclone. jillian way up here south of indonesia so zero impacts from where jillian is. if you hear that spoken of, don't worry about it. there won't be any swells getting into that area causing problems. this white indicates clouds and the green moisture. we go through monday, tuesday, wednesday, storms there, a little bit of a break on thursday and another one comes in on friday so we continue to see all of these problems there, and incredibly windier conditions. seas getting rougher and rougher and waves higher and higher all the way until friday, unfortunately. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. >> other stories making headlines, and at this hour a search for survivors sunday way in washington state after a massive mud slide ripped through, killing three people and destroying homes. the slide, at least 135 feet wide and 180 feet deep cut off a portion. highway just north of seattle. >> we went moving, and we were tumbled, and i had a mouth full of mud and nose full of mud and we under everything and we had to dig our way out. >> i didn't know if i was going to make it. i was choking. >> it's believed that the mud slide was caused by groundwater saturation from recent heavy rainfall. crews are working to contain an oil spill in texas after a barge carrying nearly 1 million gallons of oil collided with another ship. the barge began to sink as it leaked an unknown amount of oil in galveston bay. booms were lowered to keep the spill from spilling. officials are worried about the bird migration as it is peak season. a federal raid on his home in office in rhode island. gordon fox says he'll serve out the remainder of his term and not seek re-election. investigators are not saying what he's accused of but part of a joint office by the state attorney general's office, the irs and police. ladies, forget the concealer and eye shadow, a new claim finds bare is beautiful. 40% of men find women more attractive when they wear less makeup. >> can we get some applause. hallelujah. >> well, that just made our lives much'sier, didn't it, ladies? >> and tomorrow here on the show anna will go without makeup. >> can we get a cake out here with candles. >> happy birthday, obamacare. >> four years today since the president's signature legislation signed up. only eight days to go, of course, until that march 31st deadline to sign up so we're talking stock of where things stand this morning. >> and a recent poll came out that's shockingly bad. in fact, 53% of americans disapprove of the law, just 41% approve. that's an all-time high, john. >> the president has said just try it, you'll like it. he is convinced that this thing is going to get better as it goes along. the white house says 5 million people have signed up, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all 5 million have actually paid the bills. listen to jay carney. >> cms is working to provide more detailed data on who has already paid their premiums, what percentage of the population of enrollios that includes. we can point you to major insurers who have placed that figure at 80%, give or take, depending on the insurer, but we don't have specific data in a reliable enough form to provide. >> young people, of course, is the caveat. getting young people is the caveat trying to target the 18 to 34-year-olds, a lot of them if under 26 is on their parents plan, and another people weighing in on the segment earlier, the cost of a cable bill, electric bill that the president said would be cheaper than. one woman just saying it cost -- my insurance, $552. it cost me to cover my daughter's cell phone bill 150, cable and land line 175 and insurance is 552. >> so you can imagine why a lot of democrats are feeling a little bit vulnerable during mid-term elections for certain, yet nancy pelosi is saying we just couldn't be prouder of this thing. >> took us less time to win world war ii than it did to get a functioning website and health care program off the ground. >> that's true. images of possible plane debris pouring in this week, but is searching part of this ocean even useful. up next the ocean explorer that says this is where you go when you want something to disappearing. >> then they had millions in the bank. and how in the world was this couple able to collect welfare? >> what? good morning. 16 minutes after the hour. australian authorities now detailing how weather may affect the search for possible debris spotted in a very remote part of the indian ocean. >> the weather was not as good today. initially started. there we sea fog and low cloud out there, but the reports we're getting back now is that the western half of the area is quite clear, and it appears to be clearing to the east so we're hopeful we're going to get a full search in with good conditions. >> yesterday teams were searching in the indian, part of the ocean but is it even connecticut duesive to a search? tim taylor joints us now. >> part of the world that's the really not been very explored at all. no buoys we have to get information out there and it's rough seas. >> not even a shipping lane. it's just no reason to look here. it's in the middle of nowhere. if you wanted to pick the most remote place on the planet, it would be some place just like this, probably the most remote place on earth if you wanted to pick it. >> getting potential images from france and some from the chineseiers but they are days old. the currents are so strong, you say, so how useful are they? >> it's a place to start, and they -- the data can be extrapolated a little bit, but they are dropping buoys to trying to get some on-location realtime data of what the currents are do, and i'm sure they are plugging that into their formulas and search. not an exact science but a hunt and a search. >> the first amages that we had were seven days old. that second image was 75 miles to the southwest of the first image. prevailing ocean currents would be putting it into the opposite direction. >> yes. >> is there any way that small ocean currents on the surface could have pulled the same piece of wreckage back to 75 miles away. looking at the same image. >> it's a piece of matter, and one and waves have an effect on that. now what is it chapd like, mostly underwart, part of it above the water, catching the wind. all of it has a factor on it and that data if they do find this piece and they get the characteristics of how it's drifting they can plug that into their models and it will track back. >> we have the image on the screen. tell me what you see from that image right there. >> i see the west wind current which is basically in the roaring 40s where the cut, just run around the antarctic and then it's right on the edge where you get the indian gyre. it could be affected by both. probably a much better telemetry on the site because they are dropping a buoy stick to pick that data up, but if the storms are running through like they are and wind is blowing in a different direction than the current, it will move it in a different direction, or at least they will work in tandem to move it not exactly the same way the current is flowing >> i heard somebody say it's like finding a needle in a haystack and it's like finding a needle in nebraska and that is moving. do we have any hope? is this giving us any hope? >> a project i'm in the middle of working on is the discovery of a world war ii submarine i found 70 years after it sank. the families are just getting some kind of cathartic -- like the families in this catastrophe they didn't know for 70 years, and i've had 6-year-old, 7-year-old kids, 67 and 68 and a widow that is 96 that for the first time seeing where their parents are or husband is. >> it's a mystery to all of us. and for 239 people on board and all their families, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. >> should private companies be allowed to follow their religious belief as a major christian company goes head to head with the obama administration. >> and then new jersey governor chris christie never saw this question coming. >> how it's getting warm, i'd like to go to the new jersey beach. >> yeah. >> he gets upstaged by a 3-year-old. wisest kid? we need a new recipe. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. so good! [ wisest kid ] at [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! [ wisest kid ] at so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there ar24/7.branches? i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. time for a little news by the numbers on this sunday morning. first 250, that's how many pounds of marijuana authorities found at the crash sight of an ultra light aircraft near the u.s.-mexico border. the pilot nowhere to be found. authorities believe he ran away but was not hurt. next, 160,000, that's how many dollars a minnesota couple is accused of scamming from welfare while sitting on a yacht, a seaside home and nearly 3 million in the bank. authorities are searching for them now saying they may be hiding in the caribbean. finally 33 million. that's how many bucks this faberge egg was worth, and it was sold at a flea market to a man who thought it was scrap metal. the famous egg will go on display in a london museum next month. that's better than winning the lottery. >> all right. the health care mandate is a tough pill to swallow for hobby lobby stores, the first big business battling the feds for an exemption of the part of the obamacare act requiring a company to offer the morning after pill, something hobby lobby feels goes against their faith. >> well, this week the supreme court will be taking on the case. so what's at stake for religious liberties? let's ask fox news religion contributor father jonathan martin. >> good to see you guys. >> welcome back to "fox & friends sunday." >> not here very often so it's fun. >> what's at stake for religion liberty in. >> so surprising that the federal government would be willing to go -- to court with hobby lobby when they have made so many other exemptions, so many other. we know all the changes that have been made but will not do it. what's at stake for be hobby lobby is they believe it goes against their conscience to provide these four drugs that are potentially life-ending for a fertilized egg and say we don't want to do this, don't want to be forced by the federal government to do this. if that were a procedure, for example, like a heart surgery that had such importance to their employees and they couldn't get it any other place, well, then you could say the social benefit, the weight is so strong in favor of forcing someone to violate their conscience, then the government can do that. can somebody get other employment, did they get is on the -- can they get contraception some place else and why the government would say you can do that, it's a total mystery. on 259th there's oral arguments so it's interesting to see what happens. >> what's also at stake is $1.3 million a day in fines. they have got 560 different locations, and, you know, the owner says i founded this as a religious organization so what does it say to other business owners who want to start businesses on a religious primm premise? >> if hobby lobby loses is once you start your business you lose your religious liberties. as soon as you start a business, so don't go into business, and there's a lot of people doing that. even social agencies, right, who say, for example, we don't want to be involved in this or that. for example, i brought up the case that the obama administration has now basically got the catholic bishops out of the human trafficking services? why? the health and human services has forced any organization that provides help to women who are trafficked to -- to provide them abortion as well. that's -- if you're going to be involved in this, you have to do it our way or don't be involved at all. >> hard to believe in a country that was founded so a king could not dictate what individual citizens have to do, that we've reached this point. >> and that the government is spending our money to fight this tooth-and-nail? why? because they have a lot of backers who are making sure that they do. >> and they think they know best. >> father. great to see you this morning. >> john says he loves getting up early in the morning, i don't believe it. >> enjoy having him. >> my dog didn't so much this morning. >> thanks, father. >> when we come back, the nsa turning the tables on china. you've got to hear this. >> then milk and cookies will never be the same again. you've got to meet the man who is putting an adult twist on the classic snack. i tried depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. unlike the bargain brand, depend gives you new fit-flex®, our best protection. it's a smooth and comfortable fit with more lycra strands. get your free sample at why do people count on sunsweet pruneit's made only from prunes, the inothing else. it works, simple as that. it's a natural source of fiber and 5 essential vitamins. it's the smart choice for me. try sunsweet's amazing juices and new amazing prune light. until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. well, good morning. governor chris christie upstaged by a 3-year-old boy? >> how is this possible? >> now that it's getting warm, i need to go to the new jersey beach. >> samuel, i am excited to go to the jersey shore, sam yushlgs and i think like everybody else i'm ready to get rid of this [ bleep ] snow, samuel. >> you can't bleep in front of a 3-year-old boy. >> i love that. the governor took samuel's question at his 115th town hall in new jersey. kids get a chance to ask christie questions during some of the town hall meetings. he won't be appreciative of rick's weather report coming up in a few minutes. >> another potential nor'easter. >> eventual snow. no way. >> got other stories making your news headlines on your sunday morning. we'll get to that. massive fire rips through a small ohio town taking out an entire block of its historic district. >> it is. it's going. it's going. >> the fire causing some of the buildings to collapse. 13 businesses in downtown garrettsville destroyed, including the downtown food bank. two people hurt. the cause is under investigation. >> call it turning the tables. according to a new report leaked by edward snowden the nsa has actively been hacking into chinese technology giant. the company which produced internet routers and other communication equipment has been considered a security threat for years. u.s. government officials thought it might be bugging equipment sold to the united states. according to the snowden report we've been monitoring the company's top executives and inner workings in the name of national security. protesters in spain throw fireworks during a clash with police. >> this brand new video released overnight showing tens of thousands of people protesting against tax increases and budget cuts in madrid. 12 people have been arrested and six officers hurt. spain's prime minister has pushed through tax increases and made cut to government programs since taking office in 2011. if your march madness bracket isn't looking too great, you're not alone. there he is. the dayton flyers busted brackets all over the country with their upset of the syracuse orange, the third ranked orange didn't hit a single three-pointer the entire game. freshman tyler ennis had the chance to win it for syracuse but missed the last-second shot. 11th seed dayton advances to the sweet 16 where it will take on either kansas or stanford. >> wow, that is an upset. >> have you been watching these games? >> you know, i'm not a huge basketball fan, but i do know syracuse was not supposed to lose. >> over to you, rick. >> i picked that one. >> you did? >> no, no. clayton is yeah like right. >> i did not. >> here's your temps as you're waking up this morning. notice the cold air creeping back in, even across areas farther to the south. kansas city, your 25. one system pulling down cross a's of the south is bringing very heavy rape. get ready for potentially strong storms, certainly soaking. this is the future radar, what the next 50 or 60 hours will look like and you'll notice the system, a clipper that will pull down across parts of the great lakes and take a look at that. this becomes potentially kind of a monster nor'easter for us for tuesday and wednesday. certainly a nor'easter, a monster nor'easter, just a matter of where it goes and who it pummels with the snow and wind. certainly all the big cities from new york, boston, maine in line for the big storm. >> i always refer to you as a genius. >> clearly. >> but are you prepared for another genius in the studio in morning? >> there is only one genius in the room. >> dominique ansell, the creator of the cronut, a croissant smashed together with a done youth and here in new york city where people line up around the block. >> not only that and the greatest dessert i've ever tasted. >> that's not hyperbole. that is true. >> when we tasted, it it melted to the floor and now you're back with your brand new intention. what is your new invention? >> chocolate chip cookie shot. it's made to look like a milk glass. >> how will the cookie hold the milk, it will leak through the booting. >> there's a chocolate coating inside that prevents it from going through. >> looks like something out of the flintstones. >> you guys want a bit? >> we don't usually encourage people to do it at home but we can do that for you at the bakery. >> with the crow nut you only make 500 of them. people go on and hire people to stand in your line to get cronuts. >> how many of these? >> 250 a day. >> you do a smart thing because you do your cronuts in the morning for that line and these come out of afternoon. >> this comes out are -- >> even the milk is amazing. >> this is my favorite. >> yeah. >> holy cow. >> especially the cookie, it's very moist and tender. >> at what point do i get to chew on the cookie? >> i've seen people taking the shot and eating the cookie or you can sip a little bit and eat the cookie as you go. >> you are truly a creator. >> what are you working on right now? >> actually my book. it's coming out in october with simon & shuster. a cookback talking about innovation and creativity, a question people often ask me so i want to give spot reader. >> is the book edible? >> i didn't work on this one yet. >> you can chew on the cover. >> dominique, thanks so much. what's the name of your store? >> dominique ansellkery, that's my name. >> get in line at 3:00 in the morning. >> dominique, are you married or -- >> i'm not, not yet. >> bring those over here. >> are you saving us any of those? >> sorry, no. >> 39 minute after the hour. they got him election, and now the younger generation is speaking out. >> all right. >> that's partially how he got into office. >> millennials taking on march madness, the obama scandal edition and wait until you hear what they have to say. >> and caught on camera, a bike nearly wiped out by a car. the incredible ending you have to see. i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 a month? 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joining us now, reporter caleb bonham. you went to the campus and showed the brackets of the various plaguing the administration right now. here's baracktology. >> it was a sad state, that i was able to compile so many scandals into a march madness parity bracket. we could have started an n.i.t. tournament of obama scandals, quite ridiculous, but the students, what we hear from the students at the leadership institute's campus reform is that they are really upset with the scandals taking place. they know about them and are very concerned about them, the nsa collection of data, irs targeting of conservatives, using one of the strongest enforcement arms of the federal government to discriminate and profile those are different ideologies. the nsa collecting of data, the irs targeting of conservatives and the president's failed promise that if you like your plan, you like your doctor, you can keep your plan. >> yeah. >> it resonates with college students and they are upset. >> that's one of the things that we wanted to play a little bit of the reaction to. if you like your plan versus nsa or i'm sorry, judd spying on reporters. listen. >> president obama's promise that if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period, versus the department of justice spying on a.p. reporters. >> i would definitely go with if you can like your plan you can keep it. >> why is that? >> because that was pass ed and what the whole entire health care law was passed on. >> the health care promise. >> obamacare. >> the reaction to, this was there any skepticism or disavowal of what's been going on? >> absolutely. the students took a look at that board and they said they were very disappointed with what was going on. seeing all of those scandals laid out really brings into light the fact that the hope and change that was promised to my generation really has been, you know, anything but that. they took a look -- many of them advanced the president's failed promise, deemed lie of the year, the idea that if you like your plan you can keep your plan and did recall the fact that the president called out conservatives. he said that if you misrepresent what is in this plan, we will call you out. yet his administration continually perpetrated that lie that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, and so when he's called out about it, the college students started to see through that. they are seeing through the talking points. they are seeing the reality that this is not a good plan for our generation, that this is something that we're very concerned about. >> i know that you asked some of them what they thought about the whole program. let's take a look at some of that. >> what do you think of all these scandals on one board? >> it's pretty incredible. i didn't realize how many scandals were going on. >> what do you think of all the scandals on one board and what do you think that it means for this administration? >> that's terrifying. i really trusted this administration at first and like they have broken a lot of that trust and i really wanted to see some change happen but i don't know. like they just got really sketchy really fast. >> so much for hope an change, huh, caleb? >> absolutely. thanks for having me. >> caleb bonham, >> the white house and left media tweeted matt drudge over obamacare. the facts that they had completely wrong and tired of your leftovers tasting lubery from the microwave? this new one will not let this half. we'll have a look at new cool gadgets for your home before they hit the store shelves. ♪ oh-oh, oh, oh, la, la-la, la-la, la-la ♪ ♪ na-na-na, na-na-na--n some things just go together, like auto and home insurance. bundle them together at progressive, and you save big on both. ♪ oh, oh-oh, oh, oh hey, it's me! [ whistles ] and there's my dog! [gasps] there's my steps! i should stop talking. perfectly paired savings. now, that's progressive. (meowright on cue. (laughs) it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime. with wholesome ingredients and irresistible taste, no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. what would you like for breakfast? >> the usual. >> milk, cereal. >> thanks, mom. >> well, we may not be as advanced as the jetsons just yet, but our everyday gadgets are getting better and better. sarah leibovitz just attended the international home and housewares show and she's here with a sneak peek of the best. i love that show. nice to see you. >> nice to see you, too. good morning. >> i love my coffee, too, it's a staple around here on the show. what is this? >> espresso is world renowned. they've come to the market with a machine that makes espresso and a large cup of coffee. >> you have the pods here. >> you have the pod behind us. it has a bar code scanner and it scans the coffee and knows whether you're going to make an espresso or a large cup. it also has a crema, which is a signature of good coffee. >> i'm going to have that cup of coffee. the vitamix. i always hear about this. >> this is a professional 750 series. and what it does, basically everything, just make smoothies and dips and hot soups. this model has two extra settings. they added self-cleaning and puree. and you just turn it on. >> don't stop my coffee, sarah. >> i have to stop your coffee. basically, you just turn it on. and in about a minute, you have a full smoothie. >> the coffee knows i want to drit, so don drink it, so doesn't shut it off. >> this microwave takes all the guessing out of cooking. you just enter the food and how much you have and it knows automatically what you need. >> so you put in a slice of pizza, it's not going to come out like a pizza of rubber. >> you can program for a pizza, say one slice, two slice, or the weight of it. it also has a shortcut which has a lot of the settings we normally use like melting butter, melting chocolate. >> you ever do that when you melt the butter and you forget that you did it? >> all over. usually you just used softened butter for baking. >> soda stream. what have they done with their new design? >> this is a soda stream play. a person is going to be able to go online and pick a different color for the column and a different color for the base. what's great about this machine, when you press it down to carbonate it, it automatically slides back up. >> people save so much money on their sodas, but just put a lemon in there and a lime and you've got carbonated water. it's fantastic. summer is almost here. hopefully, except the whole foot of snow we're about to get. what has dyson done with this new design? >> dyson's new cool fan is 75% quieter than previous fans. want to see if i can try to get it on here. >> there you go. >> basically it has a remote control and a sleep timer. it's still safe for children, for pets. you don't have to worry. you can barely hear it. >> what you're actually hearing is the coffee maker. it's so quiet. dyson, another genius. >> and my wife is a big fan of these pots and pans. >> gas electric induction. it has the same signature top as their cast iron. so it's easily recognizable to their core of customers. it's a great cook set for anybody. >> and silicon. >> silicon spatulas. >> and finally from riedel. >> they make wine glasses to enhance and optimize the experience of drinking wine. so it's the same idea for drinking coach. basically they designed the shape the same as the bottle. you can really get the scents and the aroma when you smell it. if you pick it up, you'll be able to see. you can really enjoy the experience of drinking a coke. >> i got hit with the carbonation. is my coffee done yet? >> i think it's done. >> sarah leibovitz, everyone. i appreciate it. check all these gadgets out. coming up here on the show, the fbi poring through evidence from one of the pilots' homes. is it still a possibility that it's viewed as terrorism? chris wallace joins us at the top of the hour. and do you believe in ghosts? glass flying right off the counter at a store when no one was around. what happened? when i can. 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"fox & friends" hour three starts right now. welcome in on this sunday morning. john scott is here. >> thank you, good to be here today. >> john thought the show was only two hours long. we had to rope him in, keep him here. brought in some treats for him. >> what do you have? >> john tried to run. he was running down the hallway to stop him. >> welcome to "fox & friends." this is how we stay awake and alert. >> would you like a crimpet? >> is that what that is? >> i don't get this kind of professional service. >> the guy that had the cronut. now the milk chocolate cookie shot. >> the cronut -- i'm sorry, the cookie shot is very much in my tummy right now. >> i only ate half of that. john, great to see you this morning. we'll have other service just to keep you here the next couple hours. >> fox news alert. this morning malaysian officials are confirming another piece of a plane possibly belonging to flight 370 has been spot fld the ocean. >> david piper joins us live now from bangkok, thailand. what's the latest? >> reporter: hi, john. yes, the malaysian authorities say they've been informed by france that one of its satellites has spotted on the t floating in the southern indian ocean. meanwhile, planes have been searching all day the area down south of perth, australia. but so far, the ones that have come back haven't reported anything being found. they have been making that four-hour journey to the search area. this search area covers some 37,000 miles. has now been split into two to help coordinate the search. visibility has been poor out there today. much of the focus has been on a large object spotted by chinese satellite. it was photographed only around 75 miles from where an australian satellite sighted two large objects last sunday. a small commercial aircraft also reported seeing some small objects floating in the ocean, including a palate. >> part of the description was a wooden palate and a number of other items, which were nondescript around it. and some belts with different colors around it, too, scrappy belts of different length. we tried to refind that yesterday. with one of the new zealand aircraft. and unfortunately they didn't find it. >> reporter: australia's prime minister tony abbott remains hopeful that there is anything throughout, they will find it. the australia-led search is getting some much-needed help now. two chinese planes have arrived for perth as have two from japan. they're expected to join the search tomorrow. there's no confirmation that the plane is, in fact, down there and the search is continuing right along the southern corridor and also in the north here in thailand and as far as kazakhstan and india. back to you. >> david piper live for us with the latest on this investigation. investigators now looking at this wood palate that was reportedly seen. experts saying it could be falling off of a cargo ship. these things happen all the time with belts that may have been wrapped around the side of it. they couldn't find it. swirling ocean conditions right now has these things breaking apart and moving all over the place. >> those wooden palates are common in the shipping industry as well as the airline industry. in a lot of ways, whose guess is correct in this one? >> and have you ever flown across the pacific ocean, you can just spend hours and hours and hours. i know we're talking about the indian ocean here. but it is a vast expanse of water, as your previous guest was saying. this was more remote than some of the deserts on earth because basically nobody goes there. >> dr. bodden investigated a number of high profile airline crashes before being brought in to identify bodies and debris and wreckage. he had his thoughts on what kind of debris we'll be looking for or not be able to find. take a listen. >> there are really two debris fields, one on the surface of the water for the light stuff, small stuff. and the heavy stuff, the fuselage, the wings sink to the bottom. so that in a situation like this, in order to find the heavy stuff, you've got to first find the stuff on the surface. luggage, airline seats, satellite tracking, especially in that rough waters, is very difficult on the small stuff. you've got to have eyes on and ships, or low-flying airplanes in order to prove that there's been an airplane crash, you've got to find something, and then you have a better idea also where to look at the bottom. >> dr. bodden, a part of twa during the investigation and recovery process after that. john, you brought up a great point about the 2009 incident that happened with air france. and it was a wooden palett that was found first, right? >> no, it was the tail section, basically the rutter. they found that floating in the water. that was one of the first pieces of large debris. and it's a metal piece. but because of the way these planes are built, with air pockets and so forth, it was still floating. so it is certainly possible -- especially the wings. the wings contain the fuel tanks and the fuel tanks are very robust and sealed. so it is possible that you'd be finding sections of the wings still floating but they're finding nothing. when you have to pin your hopes on finding a pallet out there bobbing around in the ocean. >> and it's not an easy haystack to find. this is one of the most remote parts of the world. and for airlines -- commercial airline flights don't even go over this region. investigators having to fly out from perth and back into these carry conditions right here, too. >> yeah, 1,700 miles just to get to where that is. and one other thing. debris that potentially would wash up on shore that you might think of from certain storms, take a look at this. this is just a simple map of the earth here. and the equator right there, the far majority of land on earth is north of the equator, and down at the level here where we've got this possible debris, take a look at this. there's only two little pieces of land that run along that same parallel, and it's new zealand and it's the tip of south america. so we don't have much at all in any way of land mass. potentially maybe the current would bring some of that in towards the australian coastline, but just not a lot of land for any of that debris to wash up on. also, the bad weather, we have a front straddled right across the area right now that's bringing rain, clouds, and very rough seas and the pattern over the next several of days keeps those conditions going on. there's going to be a series of quick storms that move through there. this is the future radar. we've got clouds and those tight black lines indicates really strong winds. so we'll have very bad waves going in. obviously with the cloud cover and rain, it's hard for those pilots and people on the plane to get a visual cue on anything on the water as well. >> thanks, rick. we have some other stories making headlines this hour. we'll get to that. the search for survivors is under way in washington state. after a massive mud slide rips through killing three people and destroying homes. the slide, at least 130 feet wide and 180 feet deep cut off a portion of the highway just north of seattle. >> i heard this roar and it was huge and i never heard anything like that. i looked out the window and i saw this huge wall of mud. must have been 20 feet tall. and the next thing i knew, it hit the house. >> it was caused by ground water saturation from heavy rainfall. crews are working to contain an oil spill in texas after a barge collided with another ship. the barge began to sink as it leaked an unknown amount of oil in the galveston bay. officials fear the local bird population could be hurt because it is peak migration season at the moment. president obama has a new critic in his plan to give the u.s. control of the internet. former president bill clinton speaking on a panel this weekend. clinton stressed the importance of having the united states maintain oversight over the internet addresses and website domains. clinton says that despite what supporters of edward snowden say, the u.s. has done a pretty good job of keeping internet open and free. well, who you gonna call? ghost busters. caught on camera, a glass object flies off the counter at a country store in new hampshire. a store employee was in a back room. the glass fell to the store and shattered. the owners now plan to bring in ghost hunters to investigate. you're a big fan of that show. >> i am. jason hawes, friend of the show, creator of "ghost hunters." i'm checking on twitter to see if he's weighed in yet. sometimes in that situation, it's a wet table. my analysis will be thorough. wet table and a glass can just slide right off the table. >> or maybe a piece of fishing line and a piece of scotch tape, too. >> that's true, too. matt drudge, you know him as the creator of the drudge report, one of the most highly trafficked websites online. the drudge report there, news aggregation site. they occasionally break some big news. well, he took to twitter yesterday talking about how he's opted out of obamacare, and he said he's going to opt to basically call the penalties. saying i'm calling it a liberty tax. the left fired right back at this. >> yeah, in fact, the white house progressive media person, he tweeted this. he said, flat lie. no fee for previous years. scary how much influence he once had. that's from jesse lee. the problem with all this is that the irs's website actually says blatantly right there that matt drudge was correct because he has to pay quarterly and he's about to hit that april 15th deadline. the other issue is that the left wing media, many of them just followed suit along with the white house and tweeted the same. >> talking points memo wrote, dude, there's no penalty until next year. except that there is a penalty next year if you are a small business and you pay your taxes quarterly. so whether or not how many employees you have, whether it's 100 or less. people weighing in on twitter about all of this. let us know what you think about matt drudge's having to pay this penalty or not. i haven't heard anything from the white house coming back and making any kind of a apology or saying maybe we were in error not knowing how many employees you have. but no apology or message yet from the white house. >> yeah, especially when it's their signature piece of legislation celebrating four years today since the signing. >> they are trying to celebrate. 53% of americans, as we saw in that fox news poll, don't think obamacare is such a good thing. >> the disapproval rating at an all-time high. we have a lot more coming up for you. a third set of satellite imagingsimages emerges. is it still possible the disappearance of flight 370 is being eyed as terrorism? chris wallace joins us next. jimmy carter revealing the only president who never called him for advice. that answer straight ahead. what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. dso i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ired. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! ♪ ♪ ♪ it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. cozziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don'drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. we're back now. malaysian officials confirming that there is a third satellite image showing possible debris in the southern indian ocean. the latest image yet to be released reportedly comes from a french satellite. >> that's right. this as the fbi, some agents there here in the united states are poring through possible evidence from the pilot's home computer and flight simulator. >> so, does it mean that they are still looking at terrorism as a possible cause for the plane's disappearance? joining us now, chris wallace, he is the host of "fox news sunday." talk about the intergovernment relations going on here. the fbi wants to do more, as i understand it, chris. but the malaysian government is saying no, we've got this handled. >> well, yes. that was certainly true in the opening days, john. and good morning to you. but i think less so as we're now into the third week. and in fact, as you point out, the fbi has brought the hard drive for the chief pilot's simulator back to quantico to the fbi laboratory outside washington. because the pilot deleted some of the files of his practice flights. now, that could just be maintenance on his part, or it could be that he was deleting the fact that he had been practicing some kind of sabotage of this flight, and apparently the fbi is state of the art in terms of being able to retrieve deleted files. so we'll see what they find out. if they're able to retrieve anything. we'll be talking to the right guy at the top of the hour, the chairman of the house homeland security committee michael mccall. very in touch with the security community, the intel community, and we'll ask him whether the fbi has turned up anything. >> and there are reports that the fbi has been pressuring the investigators to speak with the wife of the 53-year-old captain, that they haven't formally questioned her, just kind of generic questions they've asked so far because of cultural differences. what have you noticed as a man who's been in the news for a very long time, just a collaborative effort with 26 different countries in on this search. >> i'm not sure i like this very long time. i wasn't there for the wright brothers and teddy hawk, anna. >> okay, okay. >> but in any case, there's no question that malaysia has messed up this investigation in the extent that you realize how lucky we are in the united states, because we do seem to get solid information and we get it about as quickly as officials feel it's responsible to put out. but, for instance, it now seems clear that the malaysians were still talking about the plane being -- and searching for the plane in the gulf of thailand in materially days, that's to the northeast of malaysia. when in fact, they had hard evidence that the plane had gone across the malaysian peninsula and headed out west. so yeah, there are differences, and you can see those in the tremendous frustration of the families of the people onboard the flight, especially the chinese families who had been storming these news conferences in malaysia, demanding answers. that may not be realistic, but at least the best information they have. >> who do you have coming up on the show today? >> at the top of the hour, we'll be talking to the chairman of the house homeland security committee mike mccall. very plugged in to the latest on the investigation. also dr. allen diehl. we'll talk to them about whether he thinks the satellite images are or are not part of the plane. if you do find them, can you retrace? because we're talking about a couple of weeks later. and then we're going to be talking about ukraine with our panel. john kasich, the governor of ohio. remarkable economic turnaround in that state. running for re-election. some people say a real possibility as the gop candidate for president in 2016. we'll talk to him about all of that. we'll ask him how he's feeling now that dayton beat syracuse in that big upset last night. >> good times for ohio this morning, chris. thank you for that. and all the experts on your show. do you have another expert on your show to analyze how you and john scott managed to wear the same tie today? >> look at that! >> did you guys call each other? >> i have a theory about that. >> what is it? >> that we both got it from the same source, which is the clothes fairy at fox news. >> this happens a lot with the ladies and our dresses, too. >> chris wallace has impeccable sartorial taste. >> if there's anything i can do to emulate him, i am happy to do so. >> i feel the same about you. >> i meant that earlier comment as a compliment, chris. >> i never thought he was going to make it across the atlantic. >> you can listen to some of his reporting tapes from the lindberg times. coming up on the show, blockbuster recreates the story of noah's ark. but there's one word you'll never hear in the biblical epic movie. wait until you hear what it is. don't just spring clean your closet. clean up your cash, too. some great finance questions answered for you next. (knocking) hello? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling) ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ and nothing runs like a deere. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save. until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. time for your news by the numbers, the zero edition. zero. that's how many times president carter says president obama has called him for advice. that makes him the first president post-carter not to ask for carter's input. next, zero. that's how many times you'll hear the word "god" when the new movie "noah" starring russell crowe comes out this week. and finally, zero. that's how much this thief got after robbing a free snow cone day. when it comes to spring cleaning, chances are you cleaned out your closet, tossed out your spare junk. while you're at it, why not fix up your finances as well? joining us now, our finance expert, thank you for being with us. >> good morning. >> we really need to tweak our budget. a lot of people set up these new year's resolutions and we may be getting off track. >> exactly. i'm one. i'll be the first one to admit, i'm a little bit off track as well. this basically means to take a really hard look at your finances. it's going to be first, the end of first quarter pretty soon. that basically means we have four quarters in a year. you want to just see what you're spending, you want to make sure you're also saving, too. you have the funds for the rainy days. a little statistic. 64% of americans don't even have a thousand dollars in their savings account just in case for something were to happen, if they needed to access that. every little bit counts, even if you can only save $5 a month, you want to make sure that you're putting that towards that savings account. >> a lot of it is just getting in the hand. >> you say we need to dig through our documents. some our our membership awards are about to expire, too. >> if you have credit cards that you're getting points for or if you're getting other membership awards. you want to make sure that you're tallying that. taxes are due pretty soon and you want to make sure you are totally organized with that. you also want to make sure that your documents are in order. if you go to the irs site, it says that you should only maybe keep your tax documents for three years, no more than that. so you want to make sure that you're shredding those documents and make sure that you're not privy to identity theft. >> yeah, don't just toss them out. we've been seeing a lot of reports of that. >> definitely don't want to do that. >> and you say let technology take over. why not, right? it's easy and we could avoid some late fees. >> exactly. if you set yourself up for online payments or or line banking, you can make sure that those payments are getting made and you're not going into, let's say getting charged for late fees. and you want to make sure -- this is happening to me all the time. let's say you do have this online payment set up. you want to make sure those vendors aren't overcharging you. your cable bill. your mobile phone bill. i mean, this is happening to me right and left. i actually have to go home and do this right now. but make sure that those charges aren't hitting your bank account. that you maybe haven't authorized. >> thank you so much. we've got to leave it there. appreciate your time today. cleaning up our finances, just like we're cleaning up our closet. coming up, notice anything missing? the front page of "the new york times" international paper is blank and it wasn't a mistake. then the united states uses satellite images to track down terrorists. why is the world having such a hard time finding that missing malaysian jet? an expert analyst is here to explain what's different. ♪ don't you forget about me ♪ good morning. time for your shot of the morning. hillary clinton trying to break ellen degeneres's record-breaking selfy. she posed with jimmy kimmel for a photo. >> kimmel tweeted out the picture with the caption "no bradley cooper." >> they are getting there. >> they are getting there. what do they have, about 4,400,000 to go? >> something like that. ellen's retweet here from the oscars, 3.4 million times it was retweeted. >> okay. there you go. >> a lot of stars in that one. we had some other stories making headlines in your sunday morning. massive fire ripping through a small ohio town, destroying an entire block of its historic district. >> there it is. it's going, it's going. >> 13 businesses destroyed, including the town's food bank. at least two people were hurt. the cause is under investigation. call it turning the table. according to a new report leaked by edward snowden, the nsa has actively been hacking into chinese technology giant, the company which produces internet reuters and other communication equipment and has been considered a security threat for yeempls u.s. government officials thought it might be bugging equipment sold to the united states. according to the snowden report, we've been monitoring company's top executives and inner workings in the name of national security. all the news that's fit to print, except if it makes your government look bad. this is how the front page of "the new york times" international edition ran in most of the world. the headline is a story on what the pakistani government new about bin laden. but here's how it ran in pakistan. you notice anything different? the entire space is blank. that missing article discusses pakistani intelligence agency sheltered bin laden until his death. we all remember this scene from the movie "twister." >> go! go! >> now a team of storm chasers trying to collect data from inside a hurricane are building a real life armored car and naming it dorothy just like the one in the movie. two 20-year-old engineers built the machine, it is coated in a bulletproof material and outfitted with cameras to live stream the inside of tornados. they haven't tested it inside a real tornado, but they believe it will be perfectly safe. >> i've got an idea for one of your next travel segments. >> no, sir. no way. >> live inside the tornado! >> if you won't do it, i know someone who will. he'd be willing to risk his life to go inside a tornado. >> guaranteed. i would do it. you know what today is? >> national hug your cat day? what is that? >> it's a dog. but aside from that. national puppy day, apparently. we've got a bunch of puppies here that later on the show we're going to be telling you how you can adopt. this is peanut. pretty cool dog. maybe i'll take him. take a look at the weather maps. i had some people yesterday send me their screen pictures, see if we have any spring going on. there's spring skiing. great to see in park city, utah. spectacular day on the slopes. they've had decent snow out there. now the temperatures are looking good. getting up to 45 degrees today. it's going to warm up to be a great spring ski day out there. keep sending me your pictures. maybe some actual spring pictures on 2013 or send them to me on my facebook page. take a look at where it is absolutely not feeling like spring. minus 24 this morning in international falls, minnesota. minus four in duluth. 15 in omaha. factor in the wind, it doesn't change all that much there, but it is incredibly cold across the northern plains as that cold air is going to filter in not at such cold temperatures, but it's going to move in towards the east coast, and as it does, we have got the stage being set for a big snowstorm. so not a lot of spring just yet. rain today down across areas of the south. this will be severe in a few little isolated spots. a few downpours causing a little localized flooding. but by tuesday into wednesday, this is one of the models that we're watching, and we've got the potential for a blockbuster storm in towards new england, maybe new york city. some of the models are indicating well over a foot of snow, especially across areas towards the east. >> i can't hear anything you're saying right now because i'm looking at the puppy. >> somehow a puppy makes that snowstorm seem okay. >> this guy will disappear in a foot of snow. >> thanks, rick. >> you bet. a new third satellite image surfaced on a french satellite this time that may show debris from the missing plane. >> the image has not actually been released yet. but if the united states can use satellite images to track down terrorists and even build a life size replica of osama bin laden's compound, why are we having such a hard time finding that missing malaysian jet? >> a former intelligence analyst is joining us now. bruce, thanks for being with us. >> good morning. thank you. >> so a lot of people are going, we've got 26 countries involved in this search and flights are going out searching the areas on a daily basis. why are we having such a hard time? >> the short of it is i don't think we really have a clue of where this plane is. and the world's a big place, and everybody's doing their best to look at it. but we're talking about millions of square miles of potential area to scan. it's huge. >> so help us understand this and educate us on these satellite images and why they're having such a difficult time pinpointing and identifying anything in this area. we have these satellite images of osama bin laden's compound during the pakistani raid where they're able to monitor people walking around in a courtyard. they're able to see who's coming and going. how is this different? >> when you're talking about a compound, you have a known location on the earth, and as that satellite comes around, you take a scan, you see those images, you analyze them. it's very, very straight forward. but when you're going around the earth and you have really no clue where on earth this plane is, you're now in hunt mode. and it's a very tough -- especially in that area, you've got seas with white caps. you've got cloud cover. you've got a cyclone coming in. from a satellite imagery perspective, it's difficult to analyze. >> it's also a portion of the planet that typically there would be not really any reason to watch, right? so you have to take these satellites that are up there, you have to take the assets that you have and focus them in on that particular patch of ocean, which as you described is huge. >> yeah, exactly. a lot of times in this area, we're not even going to -- we'll take the images, but we won't process them because there's really no need. so everyone's now focusing there. when you focus there, you're going to find stuff because the sea is full of debris and trash, and this i think is what we're dealing with. >> so bruce, can you break it down for us and all of our viewers? if you had these images and you were in charge of investing all this, what would you do step by step? >> yeah, it's a lot of processing. ultimately what you're going to do is try to process these images to identify anomalies that are of interest. whether you do edge detection to look for things that are straighter, or the size to try to narrow down looking at the images that are of interest. but then it takes time. i love what digital globe has done with, where any viewer can go on and see and actually be an analyst and go on and look at these images and see what they look like. and you can actually participate by tagging objects, it's called crowd sourcing and be part of the process. >> i was reading some reports. you can shoot them down if you're hearing otherwise. but people were tweeting us the other day, after that image was made public by the authorities, people were saying hey, on, that was pinned a few days ago. other people were pinning it. so we need to be careful of crowd sourcing, but if you have all extra eyeballs looking at things, that could help other authorities get to the bottom of it. >> absolutely. when you're sitting there trying to do millions of images, even if it takes a second per image, that could be 300 hours of duration. but if you have a million people looking at these images, you're going to be done in seconds, right? the whole crowd sourcing thing is to get votes. like, five, six, seven people looking at image, you're going to get a better result. >> what about scanning methods that don't require optics? what about radar sweeps or something like that? is there any other way short of physically looking at the image that comes off the satellite? >> unfortunately, in order for those, you've got to get close to the object. you've got wave action. it's very difficult to detect the debris in that water without being essentially right up on him. we have airplanes passing over, we have ships that are out there trying to spot this right in the same neighborhood and they're just not getting it. it's very, very difficult. >> fascinating. bruce mcindoe, former intelligence analyst, president of i-jet international. thank you. >> thank you. when we come back, details on a major mastercard security breach. then, the u.s. giving up control of the internet. what does it mean for our freedom? our next guest says we don't know and that's why we should be scared. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. [ woman #3 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. . . ♪ ♪ ♪ 44 minutes after the hour. let's get up, let's get moving. mastercard investigating reports of a potential breach involving online payments to california's dmv. the dmv says there isn't evidence of a direct breach to a system, but it has opened an investigation and is cooperating with federal investigators. and three elephants escaped from a circus. they wandered into a st. louis parking lot, wreaking havoc on cars there. the circus was claiming that the elephants got scared by loud noises and ran off. it took trainers 45 minutes to get them back inside their inclosure. fortunately, nobody was hurt, except the cars. >> i would love to be the insurance agent that received that phone call. got hit by what? well, the united states about to give up one of its most prized possessions, control of the internet. the big question, though, is why. 80% of american households use the internet each day. so what does this mean for your freedom, and what about our security? theresa peyton is the former white house chief information officer and author of the book "privacy in the age of big data." welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me. >> bill clinton had the clinton global initiative this weekend saying even that we should not give up the control of internet domain names to the international community. what do you say about this? should we be concerned? >> clinton and i definitely agree on this one. we should be concerned. this is historical. since the late '90s, the internet has basically had its yellow pages and white pages managed by i-cam, the internet corporation for addresses, names and numbers. it's an independent body that works with the department of commerce and they get input from the international community and from people like you and me today on the internet. they've done a great job. we're talking about changing the internet as we know it without really having a true game plan defined. >> so do the average american, what does that mean to them? for instance, registering a domain name, i-can is going to e-mail us to let us know, hey, is this your registration information, your name? we know that this web address belongs to a human being and not someone overseas somewhere doing something malicious, right? >> you're absolutely right. all roads lead to i-can, so whether you use go daddy, google, or any other registration company, they basically do what you just said. the other piece that they're interested in is internet traffic routing, so they try to make sure that the internet speeds and that we don't have clogs and traffic jams on the network. they also take accountability for that. they've also done a great job in not stepping into political agendas and censorship. so, for example, if a porn site wanted to be on there, people may not agree with that, but they say this is not the place for us to do censorship. censorship and content filtering should be a decision made at the country provider or the service level provider, but not here. they tell people leave your agenda at the door. everybody's entitled to a unique address and unique name. >> the obama administration is saying first of all, internally -- the i-can has given up a lot of control over the years anyway. and that this is really a response to the scandal from the international community, that they want to know that the united states government doesn't have a lock and key over the internet. what do you say to that? >> you know, i think the two issues, although similar because they involve the internet are different. you know, so surveillance of private sector company data and surveillance of internet traffic is different from actually assigning the names and addresses and being sort of the yellow book in the white pages of the sbe intinternet. the international community and individuals like you and me have a voice today and we get to say today how we feel about the governance structure and how things are working. i think the other thing that concerns me is we haven't actually named the go-to framework. so how many countries is it? do we all get the same vote at the table? who decides who sits at the table and who doesn't? these are all unanswered questions for something very historic. we're also used to a very instantaneous response. you know, if you applied for, you're going to find out quickly whether someone else has already registered that. we're very used to that american way, the speed and innovation. is that going to change when we go to a big international governing body yet to be determined. >> that's right. by the way, i have so don't even try it. theresa, great to see you this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. coming up here on the show, a third satellite image that may help lead to the wreckage of that missing malaysian jet. the reporter who's been breaking these stories since the very beginning is going to join us live next hour with some great information. and being in the army is tough. but a brand-new comedy is showing the funnier side of it. creator of "enlisted" joins us next. you say men are superior drivers? yeah? then how'd i get this... [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? the new military comedy "enlisted" delivers a funnier side of army life, but it doesn't shy away from tackling tough topics, as well. >> i know you've been working since deployment. >> can we please not have a heavy talk on soldier appreciation day? i'm wearing board shorts. >> i told you to go talk to someone. >> that stuff is great for people who need it, but i'm doing fine. >> you don't want to talk to a counselor? you can talk to me. hi. i'm a nice guy. >> so what inspired the show that many are calling a modern day a m.a.s.h.? joining us now, the creator of the show, kevin beagle along with greg bishop, a military consultant to be for en"listed." kevin were we're at a time in this country where only about 5% of families have a member of a family in the military. >> it may be 1% currently, but to me, it always seemed like the more interesting setting possible for a show. there's comedy ip harnt but there's drama inherent in the world. i had written on a show called "scrubs" for years. i knew if you could set something in the world where serious things happen and comedic things happen, that's a great place to tell stories. it came from that idea where it could honor my family and friends. >> and what brought colonel bishop on board? >> well, we shot a pilot for the show and a pilot is basically the first episode you do trying to get picked up. and we frankly made way too many mistakes on that pilot. so we knew we needed to course correct and get squared away, so we brought greg on board to make sure we looked as legitimate as possible and basically opened up the show and said what could we fix and he laughed and said a hell of a lot. >> give us an example, greg. can you tell us one thing that you might have changed out of that pilot or -- >> wearing headgear, wearing the uniforms are light away, haircuts. >> shaving. >> shaving. proper military courtesies and customs. the list kind of goes on. >> we're obviously -- we're obviously a comedy, but we want to get the stuff right because we owe it to the men and women that do this job. the show is a very respectable show and it's coming from a loving place. the last thing we want to do was to appear we were poking fun when that certainly wasn't the case. >> and i know viewers are helping out the wounded warrior project, so there is a very good opponent to what you're doing. >> yeah. it's been really kind of cool. on some shows, when the fans support a show, they'll send something into the network like a token of appreciation like, you know, for a show called like chuck, they sent sandwiches to the network. here, our fans, we like the show so much we're going to make a donation to the wounded warrior project. that kind of speaks to how wonderful and great the fan base is of this show. >> those of us who have loved ones in the military looking forward to it. may you have a long run with enlisted. kevin biegel, greg bishop, thank you both. the president's signature law turns four years old today. break out the candles. but with only eight days left for the white house to reach its signup goal, it's not exactly a happy birthday. the white house's latest plan at the top of the hour. and the new jersey governor chris christie, upstaged by a 3-year-old? >> this is getting warm. are you deciding to go to the new jersey beach? this is the oreck magnesium rs with a super fast roller brush that picks up deep down dirt with ease while its powerful direct suction technology means all that mess is delivered straight into the bag combine that with the innovative slimswivel design and hard to reach becomes easy to clean the wireless quickswitch allows you to effortlessly move between carpets and hardfloors while its large high performance wheels move smoothly through even the thickest carpet pile the side brushes make cleaning up against edges easy its also got an amazing ultra-light magnesium alloy frae try our 30-day risk free trial and easy payment options if you don't love it, you don't keep it call, click, or drive to one of our 400 oreck stores nationwide order now the oreck magnesium rs good morning, everybody. it is sunday, march 23rd, 2014. we begin with a fox news alert. while you were sleeping, a third settle of satellite images emerged that could point to the wreckage of that missing malaysian jet. we are live with the breaking news. and the left wing media teaming up with the white house to attack drudge. and you can teach an old dog new tricks, but he may not like them. ♪ what happened to all their treats? where are the treats? hey, i want a treat. i did a trick for you. more of those priceless reactions, next. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ why can't we be friends >> are they in the makeup chair? i think they are. >> because today is national puppy day. >> oh, it's a great day. >> yeah. we've got more than a dozen of them we're going to be playing with a little bit later. and they are all up for adoption. >> they are. pick your choice. which one would you take home? put them back on the screen. >> let's see. i have a studio apartment with a 100 pound yellow lab. i cannot take home another dog. don't show me that. >> apparently we have a couple of great danes that are up for adoption. >> they would fit in that apartment real well. >> ann, i think you need to take a couple of them. it's your duty. >> right. >> meanwhile, a fox news alert, malaysian officials confirming another piece of debris possibly belonging to flight 370 in the indian ocean. david is joining us now with the new information. good morning, david. >> hi, yes, good morning. the malaysian authorities have confirmed that france has spotted another object in the southern indian ocean by satellite. we don't have that image yet, but one unnamed official says it's around the same size as the object found by chinese seattle release yesterday. that's about 70x40 feet. meanwhile, the planes that have been out searching are returning now to australia. they haven't reported any sightings of those objects. they have been making the four-hour journey to the search area which is about 1,500 miles southwest of perth, australia. visibility is said to have been poor there today. the massive search area covering some 30,000 miles has been split into two to help coordinate the search. much of the focus today has been on a large object sighted by that chinese satellite. it was photographed around 75 miles south of where an australian satellite sighted two objects last sunday. australia's prime minister remains hopeful if there's anything out there, they will find it. >> still too early to be definite. but obviously, we have now had a number of very credible leads and there is increasing hope, no more than hope, no more than hope that we might be on the road to discovering what did happen to these ill fated aircraft. >> and the australian led search is getting some much needed help now. two chinese planes have aride in perth as have two from japan. they're expected to join the search tomorrow. but the search is continuing along the whole southern corridor .also to the north as well as here in thailand and as far away as india and kazakhs n kazakhstan. >> david piper live for us this morning in thailand with the latest there. thank you so much, david. in the daily mail, it was reported that the microscope is being turned back on the captain because we know the fbi removed that computer. the flight simulator, which is being reviewed right now in quantity toe, virginia, but now new details emerging about a phone call he may have received just a few short minutes from a takeoff. >> it's from a mystery woman. these again are unconfirmed reports. she called from a pay as you go cell phone and the idea behind why she's a mystery is that in malaysia, following 9/11, they ramped up their anti-terrorism effort and they made it so you would have to show some sort of identification card or your passport number or something as you're filling out the paperwork. and she did it under a false identity. >> to buy the phones, to get one of those prepaid phones you would have on to show i.d. but the malaysian government is a fairley you a authoritarian government so a lot of people, if they have any dispute with the government whatsoever they will trying to get around that regulation so they don't get their phone calls intercepted. it's fairley common over on there, apparently, to use a fake name to buy one of these prepared cell phones. but a woman or a phone bought by a woman who used a fake i.d. called the captain in the cockpit just moments before that jet took off. >> we should point out that the sympathy card, you pop them out, the sympathy cards on the side of your phone, they traced it back and found out this person bought one of these and traded on the black market that people don't have to show i.d. for. they're popping them out and putting them into the phone. >> and one more small number, after being pressured by the fbi, some investigators are going to start to talk again with the wife of the 53-year-old captain. they haven't formally questioned her, just some surfacey type things because of cultural differences. but you think about this, this woman knows more about the mind of the man at the controls arguably than anyone else in the world and she hasn't been pressed yet. >> well, we know they're estrang estranged, also, living in the same house, but not technically divorced yet. >> some interesting questions on that case. rick is keeping an eye on the weather for us now in the part of the ocean where they're search postponing. >> yeah. one of the things about these satellite images, we're negative taken an indepth look at satellite images across this part of the world. we're getting satellite image coming in saying we see something but we get excited, but we've never looked to see what type of debris is out there. so all these different crates and items that are out there. interesting. >> weatherwise, we've got a storm that is right over them right now, a cold front moving through, very windy conditions with this and we're setting up -- there's always a stormy apparent across this area, but we have had a couple of days of career skies. right now, we're going to see a quick secession of storms moving through the area, keeping waves roughs, keeping clouds in the area and we're going to see rain from time to time, as well, causing problems. we clear out maybe briefly by the time we get towards friday. quickly, back towards the mainland u.s., i cannot believe we are here now into spring and the minus 23 this morning as you are waking up in international falls and it is windy across parts of that area. so minus 21 in duluth. so we're talking about spring. no sign of it right there. and that cold air eventually is going to meet up with some moisture across parts of the south. we have a clipper that's going to come through this area. and, guys, we're watching the potential for a pretty big snowstorm. there will be a block burst nor'easter across areas. we're going to see snow, we're going to see very strong winds, so your tuesday and wednesday travel across the northeast is going to be greatly impacted. it will definitely be cold and a big storm. >> and all of your tulips and dafodils that have begun for spring some sprung. >> and it's northeast skiing season, right? >> i know you're excited for that. >> my i don't believe it face. >> we do have some other stories making headlines this morning. search crews following the sound of cries to find people trapped under debris after a massive mudslide rips through a community of washington state. at least three people are dead, six homes destroyed. that slide, at least 135 feet wide and 180 feet deep cut up a portion of the highway near the town of oso, just north of seattle. >> i heard this roar and it was huge and i had never heard anything like that. and i looked out the window and i saw this huge wall of mud. it must have been 20 feet tall. and the next thing i knew, it hit if house. >> the mudslide was caused by groundwater saturation from recent heavy rainfall. texas crews working through the night to contain an oil spill after a barge carryinging oil collided with another ship. the badge began seeking. booms were brought in to keep the spill from spreading. officials fear for the local bird population since it is peak migration season. a college conference about traditional marriage values denounced its hate speech. the stanford graduate student council now denying funding for the event. the purpose of the conference the students say is not to add hot hostility towards gay people, but the school still cut the funding. the president of the school organizing the event joined us on the show. >> they set a dangerous precedent that night in which they said viewpoints which are disliked by a certain number of students in the community will not receive the funding it needs. it was a violation of our freedom of speech guaranteed to us by our student constitution. >> stanford released a statement saying the conference is going on as planned. new jersey governor chris christie upstaged by a 3-year-old? >> now that it's getting warm, are you deciding to go to the new jersey beach? >> samuel, i am excited to go to the jersey shore, samuel, and i think like everybody else i am ready to go rid of this [ bleep ] snow, samuel. >> the governor took samuel's question at a town hall in new jersey. kids get a chance to ask questions during the meeting, but you can't cuss when you're answering a 3-year-old. >> i thought the kid cussed at him first. >> no. >> i can't believe he laughed at it. >> who are you talking to? >> oh, jersey. >> break out the birthday cake. >> today is obamacare's fourth birthday. the legislation passed four -- it's hard to believe four years ago. we only have eight days left until the march 31st deadline for people to sign up or take a look at that penalty. but the american people are not too happy about this. >> take a look at the latest fox news poll. 53%. this is a pugh poll, i'm sorry. 53% of the people disapprove of that 4-year-old program. 41% say they approve. the white house is saying 5 million americans have signed up, but that doesn't necessarily mean they've paid their first premium. here is what jay carney had to say about that. the -- is working to provide more detailed data on who has already paid their premiums, at what percentage of the population of enrollees that includes. we can point you to major insurers who have placed that figure as 80%, give or take, depending on the insurer. but we don't have specific data that is, you know, in a reliable enough form to provide. >> you don't have the data to provide that? so 80%, give or take. so on of that number that we're hearing, about 20% off of that before you arrive at this march 31st deadline. >> remember, they said they needed 7 million people by tend of march. now they have four. not all of whom have paid. but they're calling that a victory. yeah. they're saying it's a winner and they're not going to worry about what it would do politically. they're thinking more about the well fare of the american people. yet how many people have lost their plans and their doctors. >> we heard from the american people, you. here is what ken tweeted us. the biggest debacle ever. the less than mainstream media spins it as if it were good for us. >> and joy writes us, i think they know it's falling apart and the administration is scared. that's why they're wasting our tax dollars to sell it again. >> here is montgomery. wherever the number stands, we will never know the truth. the truth is not in this administration's dna. well, one of our viewers there is saying democrats getting on board to try to get out there and sell it. we see the pr campaign for the white house pushing into youtube and other areas these last few days. >> my prediction is any democrat running for re-election will not be pushing the sign up. >> probably be running away from it. >> let us know what you think about it. meanwhile, a third satellite image that may help lead to the wreckage of that missing malaysian jet, the reporter who has been breaking the story from the beginning is going to join us next. >> they had millions in the bank, a lake house and a yacht. so how in the world was this couple able to collect welfare? >> she looks happy. >> i guess so. is this the bacon and cheese diet? this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. [ crickets chirping ] but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? [ exhales deeply ] [ male announcer ] well there is biotene. specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants, biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. [ applause ] biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. on our fox news alert, a third satellite image, this many coming from a french satellite might show debris from that missing malaysian jet far off the coast. the image, though, has not been released. here with more on the search from that jet, "the wall street journal's" jason belinni knows a lot about the images that they're coming up with. you haven't seen the french image yet, either? >> well, no, they haven't e-mailed it to me specifically. >> but they're hopeful. >> they're hopeful, but it's interesting that the australians are telling "the wall street journal" that they're getting so many satellite images to go through that they don't have enough manpower themselves to analyze these things. it takes a while to really go through them and there are quite a number. so they're calling author colleagues in new zealand to assist in this. >> so this is interesting. we just had a guest on talking about this very issue, bruce mcendoe, because of the kroud sourcing functions. when this image that we were showing yesterday appeared from the malaysian authorities people were writing us saying, hey, this was up on tomknob, this crowd site where people were able to go through these satellite images maybe not just through the authorities. maybe we need to get more crowd sourcing involved in this. >> but what i do hear is that it takes real expertise to do the serious analysis. and also they're getting images coming from these planes. we had eight flights that went over the area just last night. overnight our time. so they're taking pictures, as well, that need to be anlzed. more and more information is coming in. they have to take a closer look at that and see whether there's anything there. >> and what are you hearing about the captain and the investigation in trying to retrieve los those last files and also about that phone call, that two-minute phone call from the mystery woman? >> we don't have a lot on that yet. it's still among the stands we're looking into that's being investigated, but nothing new from us on that. >> and think about it, the search area starts a four-hour flight from off the coast. that's like flying from new york to colorado before you even get to the search area. then you've got a few hours worth of fuel to search. >> yeah. and apparently sailors called this area that roaring 40s because the ocean absolutely roars. the waves are rolling at 30 feet in height -- excuse me, 30 meters in height. do you know what that is in feet? >> 90 feet. >> that's right. that's huge. and then the plane flies in at 300 feet, so that's with 2 about 200 feet between the highest wave and the plane. that's a difficult area if they get something to get out there and retrieve and it to mount a rescue to find the plane if that were to happen. this is going to be one of the hardest areas in the world to do that. we can't down play that. >> look forward to more of your reporting in the "wall street journal." >> thank you. coming up, in the story of noah's ark, there's one word you'll never hear in the movie. are christians up in arms about it inspect. and drudge's critics might want to check their facts. we'll explain. wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children lauing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where th almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married, they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. ♪ ♪ ♪ we begin with a fox news alert. one person is dead and 16 are hurt after a shuttle bus overturns on i-95 in virginia. witnesses say a car was speeding, swerved into the bus lane causing the bus to run off the side of the road. state police are still looking for that driver. and the daisy flyers busting brackets all over the country with their upset of the syracuse orange. the 11-seed dayton taking down the third seed 55-53. dayton advances to the sweet 16 and will take on either kansas or stanford. >> rick and i both had them in our bracketes. >> right. internet mogul matt drudge both under attack from the white house and mainstream media when drudge admitted this on friday, just paid the obamacare penalty for not getting covered. i'm calling it liberty tax. the author of "hollywood hypocrites" joins me now to analyze this. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you for having me on. >> so there was a response and surprisingly from the white house. a white house aid tweeted this, flat lie, drudge, no fee for the previously year. scary how much influence he once had. what did you make of that response? >> you had the white house and you had their allies in the media finally thought they caught matt drudge in a lie. they were going to embarrass him. instead they ended up embarrassing themselves. as drudge pointed out and pretty much anyone who has basic knowledge of how businesses operate, know that if an individual files their taxes as a business, they're paying quarterly. that means matt drudge, like millions of other business owners, are paying the first part of their 2014 taxes now. and then three months from now, they'll pay again and three months after that. the fact that none of these reporters who ran with this story right away bothered to just ask an accountant, hey, if i'm a business owner and i'm filing my taxes, when do i have to start paying them? by any accountant would have been like, woeb yeah, you have to start paying them now which matt drudge did. and once again, he allowed the media to beclown themselves. >> here is a response from talking points memo. americans don't pay a penalty for not having health insurance until they file their 2014 taxes in 2014. so either drudge is lying or he paid a huge penalty a year earlier than he needed to. >> well, it's the ignorance of it. individuals, yes, they pay their taxes when they filed them a year after. but businesses don't do that. as any business owner will tell you, you pay your taxes quarterly based off your estimated earnings and expenses and in these new federal taxes now is the obamacare tax. it's an estimate and judge, like millions of other business owners, have to pay it now. and it's interesting, the huffington post had to walk back and say there's no enforcement mechanism now for the obamacare tax so why the matt drudge even paying it? as we've seen the last two years with the irs, any person like matt drudge can't get away with not paying a tax that is required now by law. >> interesting walking it back. there's no authority there to enforce it. we know from the targeting at the irs. you're absolutely right about that. great to see you this morning. we did reach tout matt drudge but haven't heard from him yet. >> they got him elected, now the younger generation is speaking out. >> fast and furious. >> because that's partially probably how he got into office. >> obamacare. >> millennial taking on march madness, the obama scandal edition. wait until you hear what they have to say. and they the then "vogue" said it would never allow a kardashian on its cover. but what's that? the backlash will have you crying or laughing or somewhere in between. is that possible? i bought a car, over and tells you, and you're like. a good deal or not. looking at there's no buyer's remorse. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit our shot of the morning. they say you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, but what about magic tricks. ever try that? >> let's see. ♪ ♪ >> oh, cruel. pretending you have treats in your happened. this guy is ready to perform some magic for some pooches. he held a treat and then he made it disappear. dogs love that when you do that. hide some bacon and then don't give it to them. >> if it really was a treat, i think they would have found it. >> he was looking for it. >> looking for it in his pants. >> that's why i keep all my bacon. welcome back to friends and fami fox and friends. thank you for reminding me, it's national puppy day. >> we have an expert here talking about what the best puppy is for your family, if you have young kids, a small living quarters, what type of dog is good for you. and once you get them home, how do you train them? what do you do with them? >> you have a studio apartment, you have a large lab, .you want to know how many more dogs can you fit into this apartment? >> no, that is not the question this morning. i will not take any of these home. >> photo bomb. >> anna will come to your apartment and help you train your dog if you adopt one today. >> wasn't he well behaved yesterday? baxter is great. >> hey, so we hit the streets to find out what college students are thinking as they're approaching graduation and what they know about what's unfolded from their federal government. what do they think about the president right now given this march madness? could they rank the president's top issues that he's been dealing with right now, scandals and otherwise. here is what they found. take a listen. >> president obama's promise that if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period, versus the department of justice spying on ap reporters. >> i would definitely go with if you can keep -- if you like your plan you can keep it. >> why is that? >> because that was half the lie of the entire health care scheme was sold on. >> oh, man, this is going to be the plan. >> obamacare. that's the biggest scandal. >> a promise that wasn't fulfilled. >> so that reporter you saw there, kayla bottom going out there to george mason university and he said, you know what? all of these scandals essentially are being bullied otherwise and our generation, he says, are getting hit with the don't bully and be bossy and all that and all of on these scandals are bullying. and what about obamacare celebrating its fourth birthday today? this is what he thinks about that. >> students took a look at that board and said they were very disappointed with what's going on, that seeing all of those scandals laid out brings into light the fact that the hope and change that was promised to my generation really has been, you know, anything but that. they're seeing the talking points. they're seeing the reality that this is not a good plan for our generation. that this is something that we are very concerned about. >> interesting there from caleb. when you hit the campus, it's interesting, take a look at this. we were shocked to see this. john caught this and i agree. look at those side burns. >> whew. >> and this is what's going on in america, 1969 all over again. >> no, it's like 1865. >> it's the same thing if you head to brooklyn, although it's not the side burns, it's the moustache. >> the facial hair in brooklyn these days. >> the civil war look with the shops go down into the moustache. >> that's what's happening on campuses around this country. >> send us your fu man chus, if you can. we have a fox news alert. first, the search continues for possible debris from missing malaysian flight 3730. australia, china and most recently france saying they have spotted objects on satellite images. crew ves scouted the indian ocean trying to find remnants of the plane. it's been two weeks since that airplane sdaep disappeared. the search will continue tomorrow. we asked you at home what you thought, should this search continue? james says enough is enough. no more speculation on what might happen. we need to hear what we do know. gary says if none of the current debris findings pan out, i would scale it back until something concrete shows up. sorry for the families. and lori says, if i were on that plane and alive, i sure wouldn't want the search to stop nor would i want it to stop if i was a family member of someone on there, but realistically, it nearly seems impossible. and the bible based movie noah is hitting theaters this week. >> man corrupt these world. they must be destroyed. >> but there's one major word missing from the entire movie -- god. the movie is already banned in several middle eastern movie sess is getting blasted for dramatic publicationes and ee logical doomsday messages. a minnesota couple is accused of scamming $150,000 in well fare while sitting on a yacht, a seaside home and nearly $3 million in the bank. >> these rich folks ripped off the system. and i will assure you that this office is going to do every darn thing we can do to make sure these people do hard time. >> authorities are searching for them now, saying they may be hiding in the caribbean. everyone wants to get on the cover of "vogue" magazine. kim and kanye are causing quite a stir with their cover this morning. seth rogen decided to get in on the auction. he tweeted a photo shopped version with himself and franco. rogan captioned the picture, it had to be done. check this version out. we think it could work. hey, you guys. kanye is awful close to me. >> that's not kanye. that's me. >> and i think, you know what? he is so small. i would be about six feet taller than him. >> you look good on that cover. >> okay, anna winter, i'm next. >> they put him on an apple box. let's get it out to rick. >> there is no more story i could care less about than a kardashian story. can you find anyone? >> let's talk about puppy webs shall we? >> check this out, it's national puppy day. i think there's 16 of them here for adoption we're going to be showing you a little later on in the show. this guy is pretty awesome, his name is popcorn. take a look at the weather maps. hindersonville, north carolina, we asked for some spring and the bradford pears are in bloom across north carolina. always the first tree to bloom there. rain showers this morning, some rain showers all afternoon, rain showers for the next probably 36 hours or so. keep sending me your pictures, your spring pictures. i'm rick reichmuth. cold air is going to move across parts of the northeast. by the time you get to tuesday, only 51 in atlanta. for this time of year, that's cool. we're only going to be in the 60s across the northern half of florida. so the cold air is going to get pretty far south. in addition to that, we've got a storm that's brewing. all this rain that we've got across parts of the south, but that kind of hangs out there for a couple of days and develops eventually and then a clipper moves in across parts of the northern plains. as it dives in across the northeast coast, we're talking about the potential for a really significant snowstorm, a nor'easter. in fact, by tuesday into wednesday, it could be a blizzard, especially on cape cod and the islands. eastern parts of long island and parts of coastal maine. we'll continue to track that. meanwhile, puppies gone crazy, guys. >> can't wait to get out there. >> thanks, rick. coming up here on the show, the american medical association is one of the reporter of obamacare. but noe now that's changed. the provision that's passing the buck and leaving this ground of doctors heated. as you saw there, we've got puppies on the plaza and you can take one home. stick around as we celebrate national puppy day. what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone back into my pocket as if nothing happened. i don't need it right now. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. ♪ whoo-hoo! ♪ [ male announcer ] our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! [ male announcer ] you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. with a super fast roller brush that picks up deep down dirt with ease while its powerful direct suction technology means all that mess is delivered straight into the bag combine that with the innovative slimswivel design and hard to reach becomes easy to clean the wireless quickswitch allows you to effortlessly move between carpets and hardfloors while its large high performance wheels move smoothly through even the thickest carpet pile the side brushes make cleaning up against edges easy its also got an amazing ultra-light magnesium alloy frae try our 30-day risk free trial and easy payment options if you don't love it, you don't keep it call, click, or drive to one of our 400 oreck stores nationwide order now the oreck magnesium rs not only is it the largest doctor's group in the country, it was also some of the biggest support of obamacare. but the times are certainly changing. the american medical association now protesting a provision that could leave physicians on the hook for paying patients' bills. dr. donald alazano is the former president of the ama and author of i on leadership" and the little red book of leadership lessons. what is it, when you get into the type print, the ama was all behind obamacare four years ago when this thing was announced. but when you get into the final print, there is a real potential problem for doctors. tell us about that. >> yes. the ama, in my opinion, made a serious mistake supporting obamacare or the patient protection and affordable care act. and they did it before the house of delegates met. the board decided to do that. what they need to do now is to say they made a mistake and remove their support. what they're trying to do with the issue that you're bringing up about doctors being on the hook for 60 days of nonpayment by the insurance companies is they put the material on their website and it's helpful to know that. but it's additional, more complex information. and right now, doctors are overwhelmed with new icd-10 jargon, the coating system, but diagnoses and all of the meaningful use jargon with the computer. and doctors are just overwhelmed with all of this information. >> let's back up because if a person who has subsidized health care under the aca, if they have a policy, they go to you as a doctor for treatment. >> yes. >> if they have fallen behind in paying their premium, the affordable care act requires that you as a doctor -- well, the insurance company pay for 30 days. but beyond that, it falls on the doctors to collect? >> right. well, john, what happens here is that there's a grace period. so the patient has 90 days to pay. and if the patient doesn't pay, the insurance company in one of these state charesponsible only 30 days. but meanwhile, the doctors responsible for the next 60 days, that could be a significant amount of money depending on -- >> yeah. a patient who goes to you for many repeat visits, they have some kind of a chronic condition, they're there week after week after week could rack up thousands of dollars. but if they haven't paid their premium, the doctors have to pick up the charge? >> well, they won't get paid for it. in other words, there may be testing in the office and so on and the doctors won't get paid for it. they're destroying the practice of medicine with there law. in 2010, i wrote an op-ed and gave it a failing grade. i said it was worse than gull ver being tide up. now we see more and more regulations coming out. all this advertising that the government is doing, all that will do is make a bad product fail quicker. it's like dragging about a car that has a broken engine to get you to the destination. in the end, the car is not going to get you to your destination and this law is not going to do it. there is a way to fix the system. the system needed to be fixed, and you needed to do it by buying insurance across state lines, individual ownership, medical liability reform, all of these things, tax credits for buying your own insurance. so those people that still fall outside of the safety net, we have to have a way to fix them. but all we're doing is just making more of a mess with this law. >> dr. donald thomisano, thank you. >> thank you, john. it's the big craze right now, selfies. did you know there is a school too teach dogs how to do it? where do you think we got this picture? speaking of dogs, it is a puppy parade on the plaza. how you can make one of these adorable pooches your own, coming up. those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. >> we have quick headlines on national puppy day. talk about flying high, a small plane carrying 250 pounds of marijuana crashes near the u.s.-mexico border and the pilot took off, nowhere to be found. police believe he was uninjured. now take a selfie. the london-based business city dog is teaching a canine how to snap bark wood. the 90-minute session costs $247. here are a couple of dog who is don't need a selfie lesson. here's baxter, all 100 pounds of him and my dog, winston. i took that wile we were driving. >> does he always have his tongue out like that. >> more tongue than he can fit in his mouth. >> in honor of national puppy day. we have kent bow wow here with -- where are you? hiding. you are helping us pick out the perfect puppy that are all adoptable by our viewerless. >> if someone is thinking about getting a puppy, put some thought into it. not every puppy is right for every person. >> not every lifestyle and switching for research and bringing them into your home. >> let's talk about the breeds. >> these are a couple mixes and these are from the local rescues. these are great dane mixes. they require exercise and can be mellow. they can be okay for homes that they don't mind resting for a while. they need a flies run or walk. >> when you get a rescue dog, you may not know how big that dog will get. you get a pure bred, you know what you are going to get. when you get a rescue -- >> they may turn out larger or smaller than you may expect. >> i have peanut who is a pit bull mix. >> peanut and popcorn are from the humane society. they are pit bull mixes. high energy. someone that will exercise them and lots of behavior and training. very important to get your dogs on schedules and get them trained so they don't end up back. >> people are afraid of pit bulls. >> they should not be. >> it's all about the owners. >> how they are raised and trained. absolutely. >> what about these here? >> these are the mixes from the rescue. they are from the same mommy. they all came from the same mommy. they tend to be high energy and need lots of exercise as well. when you meet dogs, you try to see how active they are with you. some are going to show you some of their personalities off the bat. >> popcorn is shivering. >> if you live in 300 square feet, can you have a dog? >> absolutely. there lots of places you can bring your dogs to exercise. you can walk your dogs. get your family on board and divvy up the responsibility. make sure you have the supplies and get them on a schedule as soon as you can. is there a dog named chewbaca out here? >> yes there is. >> chewy. >> national puppy day. >> i love when we have statements like this. camera guys don't know where to turn. how do we adopt? >> on your website, we have all the rescues. you can find a location and we'll have all the links as well. you can foster dogs as well. we have all the information there. >> can we get tammy a jacket? we'll be right back. >> welcome back. thanks to john scott for filling in for tucker today. john? tomorrow on the show, hulk hogan will be here. >> donald trump is always on mondays and "duck dynasty's" hell robertson. >> he will give the big boost on the air. >> i will see you tomorrow on happening now. >> and chewbaca. the dog. >> have a great sunday. see you back here next weekend. >> once again the search for flight 370 and another possible break this morning. malaysia saying the satellite images show more possible debris and the search area for the missing airliner. the third time in as many days we have been told satellites have spotted objects that could be from the plane. maybe not. the vast is and isolated south indian ocean. good morning and welcome to america's news headquarters. >> i'm jamie colby. still on the top story as search planes crisscross a remote area of the indian ocean

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