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bush a political target. and hack attack. first target and now neiman marcus. the disturbing report to show your information is not safe anywhere, not even in your own purse. "fox and friends" hour one starts right now. >> hi, this is allen and you're watching "fox and friends," and sometimes i'm a friend. >> isn't allen a great voice? he's a "mash" man. happy sunday. are we getting rid of what it means to be a baby? a new trend is emerging, tucker, stick with me, a new trend is emerging among parents that getting rid of bouncy seats, pacifiers, what else -- >> no baby talk. >> no baby talk anymore. i'm totally for it. don't baby your baby. when they come out of the womb -- >> give them "the wall street journal." it is really picking up in hollywood. but should we be trusting hollywood for parenting? >> no, but let me know your thoughts. let's get to your headlines with a fox news alert. we have brand new warnings to tell you about over the massive data breach impacting target and neiman marcus. at least three other well-known retailers may have suffered similar hacks but on a smaller scale. sources not revealing specifics. the hacks taking place during the holiday season and earlier last year. more details as get it. a live look at where the body of the former israel prime minister ariel sharon lies where people can pay respect. a state memorial is planned for tomorrow. sharon is one of the most controversial figures there and was in a coma for eight years after a devastating stroke at the peak of his political power. no west virginia the water crisis could drag on there for days. this morning hundreds of thousands of people are waking up for a third straight day without clean tap water. crews say the cleanup is difficult but it is progressing. >> i think all the trends are going in the right direction, and we're hoping that we keep going in that direction and don't see a reason why we won't. >> at least four people have been hospitalized for symptoms related to the spill. the west virginia poison control center says they feel that over 800 calls have been fielded. alex rodriguez is suspended for the entire 2014 season, including the playoffs if they were to make it there. this as new details in the biogenesis doping scandal emerge. major league baseball's main witness ejected the slugger with banned substances himself because a-rod was, quote, scared of needles. rodriguez still claims his innocence and says he won't give up vowing to fight his suspension in federal court. experts say the odds are stacked against him there. >> you think? heavy rain this weekend on top of melting ice. now some areas seeing major flooding. in west seneca, new york, overnight dozens of people were rescued by rafts and bulldozers from their homes. thankfully nobody was hurt. >> and flooding not the only problem. >> oh, no, look at that! >> high winds in north carolina bringing down these buildings under construction near raleigh. the line of storms also toppling trees and downing power lines. rick reichmuth is watching all this, where is it headed now? it's gone. yesterday we talked about the ice jams potentially happening, that's kind what the flooding was. across the northeast, very warm temperatures. temperatures still warm. melting that snow and the frozen rivers and streams very quickly. that ice tried to move downstream, it gets stuck and all the water behind it causes the flooding. we'll see more of that today. temperatures still remaining warm across the eastern seaboard certainly compared to where you were earlier this week. the flooding concerns still because of this ice jam situation that we're going to see the next couple of days here, but the rain for the most part is gone. the storm has exited the ooerm seaboard bringing very heavy rain and winds yesterday. that's the video you saw out of north carolina with the houses tumbling. but the storm now through parts of south florida. certainly the east coast is done, maybe a little bit of rain left for parts of far northern maine. behind it, we'll see colder air move in, not bitterly cold, but colder air. and we might see a little of lake-effect snow over the next couple of days. all the precipitation that we're going to see for the next day or two is going to be out west. more rain and mountain snow moving into the pacific northwest, but not as strong as what you saw yesterday. most of that energy moves to the north in to canada. a little bit of that moves to the south as we'll see showers across the coastal areas and down across southeast texas. temperaturewise, everybody looking pretty good. tomorrow as you head back to work, we'll see temperatures start to see cold air move in across the northern plains, but won't be as bad as the last one. that's good news. >> charlotte, if they are worried about the game time today, there was paint and stuff flying all over, but it's fine. >> it's fine. both games today inside. >> inside games, good. thank you, rick. we have new revelations from the robert gates book, the former cia director and director of defense has a new book out. we have seen a number of excerpts. one overnight in the wall street journal. really an amazing, amazing story. in it he describes what it was like when he first showed up in the situation room with the new president, barack obama, in january of 2009. >> this is kind of startling because he was a part of the previous administration. the way he describes it is after if he wasn't. he said, i've been the secretary of defense for just over two years on january 21, 2009, but on that day i again become the outsider. for the first several months, it took a lot of discipline to sit quietly at the table as everyone from president obama on down took shots at president bush and his team. sitting there i would often think to myself, am i invisible? discussions in the situation room allowed no room for discriminating analysis. everything was awful and obama and his team had arrived just in time to save the day. >> this is from his them moemoi out called "duty." he also said he felt like yoda because he was older than a lot of the people there and certainly felt like an outsider. but it's so bizarre. he was defense secretary from 2006 to 2011 and served every single president since nixon with the exception of clinton, yet he somehow still felt like an outsider here. >> he describes the meetings in which he said people in the meeting were making key decisions who were in high school when he was the cia director, and yet their relative youth and inexperience didn't prevent them from making decisions no person should be capable of. but the conversation in the situation room allowed for no discriminating analysis. that's a terrifying thing to say. that these people see everything to the line of politics and don't think through their decisions in any other way. >> it manifested itself in the surge numbers and the analysis from the generals and those on the field in afghanistan saying 30,000 additional troops were probably needed to fight the taliban summer surge that was coming, the summer offensive, though you hear that no discriminating analysis, you know the obama administration didn't want to do the 30,000, whittling it down to 17,000. this decision seared in his memory was one conversation and interlude with vice president biden and president obama when getting ready to talk about going forward with military action in afghanistan. he said, i should consider the president's decision as an order. i am giving an order obama said quickly. i was shocked. i had never heard a president explicitly frame a decision was a direct order. with the u.s. military, it is completely unnecessary to issue an order to get something done, nor had i heard a commander do so. biden surging the complete unfamiliarity of both is like something right out of a hollywood. >> like right out of the movies. when president obama seemed to want to have this central competent government in afghanistan, gates was saying, you know what? that almost seeks like a fairy tale. what we need to do is continue to hammer down on the taliban. make sure afghanistan doesn't become a haven for al qaeda even more than it already is, and it just really displayed his lack of military experience. and he was trying to overcompensate. >> experience in anything. this is why you don't hand the most powerful country in the world over to someone who is a state senator a week ago. the insecurity comes through in every sense of this. they are complete ly worried of being overruled so they overcompensate through aggression, failing to listen to the military brass, because they are terrified and unsure of themselves. >> they are scared they are not going to be listened to as commander in chief. you don't say, that's an order, go carry it out. that's how kids talk when unsure of themselves. this guy is the president and running the pentagon. there's more on this with a sunday morning appearance on one of the talk shows from robert gates. we'll try to play the video. if there's something relevant, we'll bring it to you later in the show this morning. oh obamacare strikes again. a second wave of imminent insurance policy cancellations. these of small businesses. we are live in washington with the very latest on this developing story. elizabeth? >> reporter: good morning. we are seeing reports in "the washington post" which say there could be more widespread disruption on the horizon potentially impacting millions of people covered by smaller companies. the notices they say will be sent out in october, shortly before the next open enrollment period. so what could change? well, some small businesses may not be meeting new basic requirements and other insurance companies may be designing new plans, so either current coverage could be canceled or amended, meaning owners need to get a new required policy. it's really hard to predict an exact number of future impacted. somewhere between 18 to 24 million are covered by companies with 50 employees or less. and 40 million work for a company with less than 100 workers. meanwhile, many insurers are having a hard time for people to pay for coverage, but reports are there's a gap between the approximate 2 million who selected plans and those who actually paid. critics say the white house is really not revealing true figures. >> they don't tell us how many of the enrollees have actually lost existing coverage and were forced into the exchanges. and the numbers don't tell us whether applicants have actually paid their premiums and received coverage. >> on the other hand, the administration is out thing the recent number and the president saying yesterday during his weekly address his signature health care law is having a positive effect on the economy. clayton, tucker, anna, back to you guys. >> thank you, elizabeth. coming up on the show, we've been telling you about the stunners in robert gates' new book. could these allegations have anything to do with why many have left their post under president obama? and we are getting an assist with the super bowl halftime show. we have the big stars just added to the lineup coming up. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeable truck, good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year. ♪ and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram. ♪ ♪ if i was a flower growing wild and free ♪ ♪ all i'd want is you to be my sweet honeybee ♪ ♪ and if was a tree growing tall and green ♪ ♪ all i'd want is you to shade me and be my leaves ♪ grown in america. picked & packed at the peak of ripeness. the same essential nutrients as fresh. del monte. bursting with life™. the same essential nutrients as fresh. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. a new book written by former defense secretary robert gates is pulling the curtain back on the president's foreign policy. it paints the president as a commander in chief with very little trust in his military leaders. could this be why we have seen so many generals leave their post over the past five years? we welcome today former under secretary of defense for intelligence under president bush, lieutenant general boikin. we see a picture of a president who doesn't trust his leaders, is that what you see? >> people have been through the cold war, people prepared to fight the soviet union, and people who had been at war with terrorism since 2001. and then you have a president that comes in who is known to have been mentored by a communist, frank marshall davis, who has been associated with terrorists like bill airs, so there's natural friction between the president and his senior military commanders. what he didn't understand was the culture of the military as bob gates says to where they are going to have to support the constitution and follow the orders from the president. >> you get the sense some of the president and his staff, some who are very young, are really concerned about being manipulated by pentagon brass, do you think that's a fair concern? >> well, i think that it's exactly what occurred. i think it's exactly the sentiment you see in the staff he's surrounding himself by, but i don't think it's a valid concern because that is not the culture of the military. look, when a military leader reaches a point where he can't follow the orders of the president, he has a moral obligation to simply step forward, lay his stars on the table and say, i'm done. i can no longer follow your orders, which by the way is what gates should have done. and i think that one of the things that's revealed in this book is the fact that he didn't have the courage to stand up to the president on issues that, like budget cuts, like the timing of the repeal of don't ask don't tell, i think he reveals that in his book that he didn't have the courage that we expect leaders to have. >> he describes how many generals in all branches have left the service under obama, do you think that is because of these tensions? and why would obama fire so many generals? >> well, first of all, some of these generals needed to leave. some of them were involved in things that were just intolerable and unacceptable as a senior leader. but there are others that i think left under very questionable circumstances. and i can tell you from talking to some of the leadership in the military that many of them are leaving because they don't want to preside over the demise of the military. when you look at budget cuts and sequestration and a variety of other things, that's one of the reasons they are leaving now. >> lieutenant general jerry boykin, i appreciate you coming on this morning. thank you. >> thank you, tucker. coming up, diamonds are forever, they say, but that's not true when you break up. who gets to keep the ring? one man sues to find out. and raise a glass, there was no water in sight, so one fireman had to improvise. he used beer to fight the flames. the maguiver of the fire department joins us next. 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hi, tucker, thanks. an 18-wheeler caught fire on the side of the road, and while the fire extinguisher didn't do the trick, you won't guess what did, beer! >> the firefighter used cases of beer to stifle the flames. joining us is firefighter captain craig merrow and his wife jamie merrow. nice to see you this morning. welcome to "fox and friends." >> good morning. >> take us back to the fateful day when beer was used to put out the fire. captain, tell us what happened when you pulled up to this truck. >> sure. we run down the road and jamie noticed that there was a smell coming from somewhere. and we topped the hill and could see the 18-wheeler was going down the road and his brakes and the tires had caught on fire. and the car in front of us kind of flagged him over and he pulled over to the side of the road. that's kind of where it all started. >> so what made you decide to actually use the beer, though, you couldn't get the fire out, right? >> so the gentleman driving the truck had an extinguisher and he was not using it real good, so i took it from him and crawled underneath the truck to try to put the fire out because it would get a better direct hit on the flames. at that point it went out for a second and then flared back up. and i asked the guy and said, hey, what's in the back of your truck because we need to offload it because the whole truck is going to burn up. and when he said it was beer, we said, i said, hey, maybe we don't have to offload it. maybe we can get the fire put out. so he started doling out cans and cans of beer. so i shook them up and put it on the flames. >> you started shaking them up. so jamie, are you sitting in the car the whole time watching this unfold? what in the world were you thinking? >> it was one of those moments where i wasn't sure if i should panic or if i should just stay put and let craig do his job. he's very good at what he does, so i felt pretty secure that he was there taking care of things, but when the tire exploded, i could hear that from the car, and so that was -- that was a little nerve-wracking. i was really thankful when i could see both craig and the driver again and i knew that they were okay. >> yeah, i guess so. captain moreau, your foster kids who are young, too, they are thankful the beer worked. it could have been a different scenario. did you know what would happen when you used that to extinguish the flames? >> i didn't, but i did know that i could tell them to drive off, the roads were really starting to get bad. and i was told there were fireworks in the back of the truck, it would have been a different story, but thankfully it was just beer and worked like a champ. it's funny that it caught on so much. >> captain, when you looked at that beer for a second, did you hesitate? you looked at the beer and saw it was coors light and heard the stories of coors light tasting like water. if it was an american beer, maybe i'm not going to do this, but because it was coors you said, i'm going to go for it. >> well, my brother-in-law nathan made the joke it was the choice of beer and i had to sacrifice a few to save many. >> well, since you were now the boonies and far from the fire department coming to your aid, coors light did the trick. >> it was actually coors' banquet beer. >> did they contact you? >> they did contact me. i haven't met them yet, but we have had a few discussions with them. >> i think you might have some beer coming your way. >> i don't know. also, my fair station is right besides the budweiser brewery, so we have joked for years putting a fire out with a beer but not thinking it would be off duty with coors instead of budweiser. >> captain moreau, great story this morning. >> thank you for having us on. >> thank you. coming up on the show, scary moments in the sky. what happens when your pilot has a heart attack in midair? you won't believe who came to the rescue. was it captain moreau again? forget the baby talk, the pacifiers and the baby's food. start treating your infant like an adult? good idea? bad idea? we'll tell you about it, next. 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(cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. come on. >> how are you? uh-oh. uh-oh. >> it's your shot of the morning. a baby girl meets her uncle for the first time, but there's a catch. her uncle is her father's identical twin. she kept looking back and forth between dad and her uncle with confused eyes. not surprisingly. the video uploaded to the site live yesterday. it has nearly a million views. >> so often you put your baby in front of the mirror and go like this and are making faces and getting them to make faces. she's probably going, why am i not in this picture of myself? if this is my daddy, where am i in this in sn. >> any time you can fake out babies, those are the most viral videos. if you are clever enough to confuse a baby, that is impressive. >> forget babies altogether because a new book wants to end the trend of parenting to babies. talking down to them as if they're not your equal. the book out now basically says that we should get rid of baby bouncers, sippy cups, pacifiers, and that we should treat them mostly as equals. cast them out into society so they can pretty much fend for themselves. >> yeah, get a job, stop being so lazy. >> exactly. this is a trend sweeping hollywood like all trends. and like a lot of hollywood trends, partly dumb. some of them is not dumb, though. you raise your child in a way you want the child to be. so if you want your kid to grow up talking in baby talk, go ahead and do that. why not speak in complete sentences? >> the baby talk thing, researchers found over the years we elevate our voice to a certain point because children understand it better. i naturally thought i would do baby talk until i had a baby. then i was like, is it time for bed now? i'm like, what am i talking like this for? >> i've seen you with your kids and your wife, you speak to miles like an adult. you say, use your words, tell us how you feel. >> that's right. because you realize, what tucker's saying, you want to have them on par with -- you become the kind of person that they should be and not coddling them and padding up the furniture so they run into corners and don't get hurt. just allow them to be little humans. >> as far as getting rid of the pacifier, they argue the pacifier is just a plug and that kids, they have a right to cry. if they need to cry, let them cry and cry it out until they soothe themselves. do you agree to this? it's tough to listen to as a mother and father. >> that's why people pick up their kids, but it is not just letting them express themselves, it is letting them understand they have to deal with whatever frustration is causing them to cry in the first place. they cannot manipulate you through crying. that's an important battle to win right away. >> not only just manipulating you, but plugging their mouth up so they can't cry. they are crying because they are tired, hungry, or something else. there's something else bothering them. try to get them to explain that, actually have some sort of a connection rather than putting that into their mouth. >> because you could turn them into heavy smokers later in life. >> e-mail us your comments, facebook us, let us know what you think about this story. it is taking parenting too far and should babies be babies or adults immediately? we have headlines to get to. chilling new details about the deadly case of road rage out in pennsylvania. police are now saying that the victim, 28-year-old timothy davidson, made multiple 911 calls as he was chased by a crazed driver last weekend. police not releasing the tape but say they believe the shooter pursued davidson for up to 15 miles before he was run off the road and shot several times. police still searching for the suspect. absolutely heroic actions by a nurse on an airplane saving the pilot's life. the plane was flying from iowa to colorado when a crew member asked if anyone could provide medical assistance. when the nurse volunteered found out's it was the pilot. the nurse worked to keep the pilot alive. he was rushed to surgery right after the plane landed. he's going to be just fine we are told. and diamonds are forever, or are they? a new york man suing his ex-fiancee because he says she won't return the family ring he gave her worth $40,000. >> come on, lady. >> and he may have a case. new york law says an engagement ring is conditional and the woman only gets to keep it if the marriage happens. singer bruno mars getting help with the super bowl halftime show. ♪ >> rock and roll hall of famers red hot chili peppers are going to collaborate with him. the super bowl halftime show is the watched musical show of the year with over 100 million viewers in the united states. this airs sunday, february 2nd. live from east rutherford, new jersey, right here on fox. >> do you get to just call in back up? if you are invited to do the super bowl halftime show, do you say, i want billy joel to come in? >> are they going to get rid of the lights with beyonce last year? she was so hot. >> yeah, in that outfit. speaking of football, a crazy day in the nfl playoffs yesterday. the early game yesterday, the saints at seahawks, it was a mess. raining mess there yesterday. in fact, they practiced all week sticking their hands in water with spray bottles. fourth quarter, seattle leading 16-8. marshon breaks free for a touchdown. driving with chance, after that on-sidekick, drew brees, if he would have stayed inbounds -- he threw that forward pass and they ran ten seconds clock. they should have gone out of bands for a chance for a hail mary. game over. seahawks win, 23-15. next up, colts/patriots. fourth quarter, 29-22, new england. watch this. what a performance for the record books. four touch downs yesterday, 73 yards for the touchdown. fourth of the game. patriots win 43-22. tom brady didn't throw a single touchdown pass yesterday. they are going to their third strait afc championship game. 1:05 eastern, carolina hosts the 49ers down there. the rain has left thanks to our own rick reichmuth who told us that. and the chargers at the broncos. that's at 4:40 this afternoon. all right. well, police are hunting for a burglar who broke into the home of philadelphia eagles' wide receiver desean jackson stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars. jackson was out of town when this happened. his mother found the home ransacked. the suspect allegedly stole one of jackson's safe and cracked open two other ones. no signs of forced entry into the home. hmm. rick reichmuth is standing by with details on the world outside. what's going on? >> clayton, did you stay up last night? >> i made it through third quarter. i couldn't do it anymore. >> interesting because all the rain is there. the rain is gone from the northeast. a little bit exhibiting maine, and we'll see snow across the tug hills plateau. that same system that brought the severe weather across the southeast is completely gone now. also great news. so today a much better day all across the eastern seaboard, hence a little cooler than you were but not bad. snow in the pacific northwest and the central rockies. we'll look at the future radar. watch how this plays out the next couple of days. more rain and snow today, it will taper off tomorrow. central rockies around colorado could see a foot of snow, which could be great news for ski areas. by tomorrow we'll see the energy move in across the central gulf. and we'll see rain showers, none of it too heavy, but a few areas mixing up a half inch of rain. through tuesday, this spreads through the eastern seaboard. temperature wise behind the fronts temperatures cool down a bit. you'll notice monday cooling down to fargo and tuesday we'll cool down back again in buffalo. and then wednesday probably our coolest day around the chicago area. then we warm back up on thursday. so overall, no major cool down, which is great news for us certainly after last week, but little bouts of slightly cooler weather, which is what you see in winter. thank you, rick. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. ronald reagan had a strong warning for america at the start of his political career. be careful of big government. 50 years later, have we listened? and the incredible listen mark wahlberg learned from a navy s.e.a.l. behind the scenes of the movie "lone survivor" is coming up. >> there ain't nothing i can do. on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name. but she's not worried. checking her experian credit report and score allowed her to better address the issue ...and now, she can move right in. experian. live credit confident. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. ronald reagan has a strong warning for america at the start of his political career. listen. >> no government ever volunta voluntarily reduces itself in size, so the government programs never disappear. actually, a government is the nearest thing to eternal life that we'll see on this earth. >> 50 years later l the united states finally listen? nick rangune is with us this morning. welcome to the show. >> good morning, clayton. >> how relevant are those comments today? very relevant. it is refreshing to see that speech, that was 50 years ago, there's a symmetry with war on poverty. we are celebrating the 50th year of that, but in many ways we have sound bites from the speech. reagan warning about big government and in some ways there's a safety net aspect to it, but there's also a spider net to it, meaning it traps as many people as it creates a safety net for. so i think it is very relevant today. >> it's so striking to watch early reagan speeches to see how just plainly ideological they are. reagan said what he thought. he argued the principle almost exclusively rather than politics. that worked for him. >> it really did. i mean, part of reagan is he used some variation of that throughout his political career. he was a democrat for most of his adult life, and then in the '64 campaign he became a republican, but that variation of speech, his bedrook philosophy of smaller government, strong defense and strong, moral values, was something he carried on throughout his presidency. people say reagan was an actor, but he was a great writer and wrote his own speeches. he put pen to paper and he believed the words he was saying. he was not just reading off a teleprompter. >> president obama has this week said the war on poverty is far from over and has renewed an effort to increase the minimum wage. here's president reagan talking about welfare and entitlements. let's listen to that. >> republicans in congress just let that lifeline expire for 1.3 million americans. congress needs to finish the job right away. >> he looks a lot different than ronald reagan. but let's listen to ronald reagan now. listen to this. >> so now we declare war on poverty. do they honestly expect us to believe that if we have $1 billion to the $45 billion we're spending, one more program to the 30-add we have, and remember this new program doesn't replace any, it just duplicates existing programs, do they believe that poverty is suddenly going to disappear by magic? >> your thoughts on that, nick. >> it's a strong point. the point he's making is relevant today. what does one more program do? in this case, he's talking about the redundancy of programs, but i think we spent $15 to $20 trillion since 1964 and a trillion a year. and his point is, what is one more program going to do? should we just rethink the way we're approaching poverty instead of giving asis the answer assistance, i think it's a relevant point. >> i think you are right. there are not three republicans who would say we don't need another anti-poverty program because it won't work. there are very few people who talk like reagan anymore. >> i think paul ryan is one of them. he gave a speech a couple days ago and talked a lot. it was sort of reagan-esque. he was channeling his inner reagan, talking about not just government assistance, but he talked about the government safety net and getting beyond that. getting people the skills and encouraging them. the problem with the social safety net, it is regressive. the more money you earn the less assistance you get. it doesn't encourage you to do more. >> nick ragone, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. next on the rundown, mark wahlberg plays the only man to make it out of a mission in afghanistan. we'll go behind the scenes in the movie "lone survivor" coming up. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don'drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. 51 minutes past the hour. oh, 52 minutes. it just changed. based on a true story and best-selling book by marcus latrell, the film "lone survivor" hit the nation this weekend. it is number one. the movie tells the story the book told. >> it is a navy s.e.a.l. team in the battlefield in afghanistan. >> we have three options, let him go, hike up, probably be found in less than an hour. two, we tie him up, hike out, roll the dice. he will probably be eat up by wolves or freeze to death. three, we compromise. >> we cannot do that. >> "lone survivor" is a hit that a texas movie theater had to cancel other films to compromise for the demand for it. kevin mccarthy is here with us this morning. good morning. >> thank you for having me on. "lone survivor" is one of the most intense, powerful, emotional films i have experienced. and based on the story of the 2005 navy s.e.a.l. team ten operation red wing that centers around the four navy s.e.a.l.s on the mountain. i sat down with wahlberg to talk about the power of the human spirit and how far they pushed themselves. i asked wahlberg, what did you learn about taking on the role of marcus luttrell. here's what he had to say. >> i'm not as tough as i thought i was. next to those guys, i grew up being an athlete and a fighter, but the mental capacity these guys have and what they can endure, it takes a special individual to do what they do. but they also inspire me every day to be a better man. >> you know, it's incredible, if you remember the opening 20 minutes of "saving private ryan," that intensity you felt with spielberg's movie, imagine that 20 minutes of intensity for over an hour and a half. and the director did a great job of bringing this to the screen. mark wahlberg, ben foster, phenomenal. marcus luttrell has a cameo into the film. make sure you stay there through the credits. while the story is a tragedy, there's an element of inspiration. i felt very patriotic when i walked out. we all think we know what these guys go through, what they see, the risks they take, but the truth is, we never really will know, but this movie brings you really close. i give it a 4.5 out of 5. >> we'll speak to marcus luttrell later in the show. we'll talk about his wife who hadn't seen the show. >> he has a couple scenes in the film but he wrote the book so there's a lot of element there. it's a powerful movie. make sure you stay through the credits. i guarantee you it's an incredible experience. >> that's coming up at 8:20. also, the golden globes going on tomorrow. what are you picks for that, kenneth? >> i'm looking forward to that tonight. i'll be tweeting but the two main categories, best picture drama, i'm going to say will win gravity." and best musical comedy should be "hustle." >> i was shocked every six to eight seconds. my jaw was on the floor for longer. >> and in is a sweet person. robert redford, will he pull out a surprise win tonight? >> that's going to be interesting. i think ford is going to take best actor award for "12 years of slave." he was phenomenal. redford is a big favorite in the role, but i think he will take the golden globe for best actor. >> follow kevin tonight as we tweets during the golden globes. >> go see "lone survivor." powe >> if you can get a ticket. >> it is number one this weekend. $38 million. >> all right. kevin, thanks. four minutes before the top of the hour. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," three more retailers have just been hacked and your information could be at risk. details at the top of the hour. and the jackson five reunion. details on how and when the brothers will be getting back together minus one, of course. we've got it. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes! well, i found this new thing called... [ dennis' voice ] allstate quickfoto claim. [ normal voice ] it's an app. you understand that? just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get [dennis' voice] a quicker estimate, quicker payment, [normal voice] quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your...father. [ vehicle approaches ] [ dennis ] introducing quickfoto claim. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. my feet felt so heavy at the just another way they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like lking on a wave. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer! good morning. great to be with you. it is sunday, the 12th of january, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. from heavy rain to melting ice and major flooding, people rescued from their homes in rafts. the rain so bad it delayed an indoor basketball game. >> so much rain that it's not uncommon, but that's not good. >> looks like a leak. what's next? rick is tracking it all. and just released, shocking brand new revelations from former secretary of defense, robert gates. why he says the obama white house made political decisions and it's national security decisions. and lawmakers will lower the bar. you can go to new mexico. should it happen? we'll tell you about the new low standards for american schools. "fox and friends" hour two starts right now. >> you're watching "fox and friends," that's a great way to begin your day. >> uh-huh. it's a great way to begin your day. happy sunday. 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. much earlier on the west coast. we hope you're having a wonderful weekend. >> yeah. this is cup number three of coffee for me. that's the problem, you stay up to -- there's no alcohol in it. you stay up late watching football, they put the games on at 8:30 at night and forces me to stay up. >> i think you can get hiccups from eating or drinking anything. even apple juice. >> i just assumed alcohol. good morning. everyone. >> hope you're doing well. we need to get to your headlines as we start with a fox news alert. everybody check your bank statements because your information could be in the hands of a hacker right now. over one-third of americans exposed after massive security breaches impacting target and neiman marcus. reuters reporting at least three other well-known retailers are suffering similar hacks but on a smaller scale. sources not revealing specifics. the hacks taking place during the holiday season and earlier last year, means there's no telling who could be at risk. the west virginia water crisis sparked by a massive chemical spill could drag on for days. this morning many are waking up for a third straight day without clean tap water. the cleanup is difficult but progressing. >> i think the systems are working, all the rentrends are going in the right direction, and we hope to continue going in that direction and don't see a reason why we won't. >> at least four people have been hospitalized for symptoms related to the spill. the poison control center said they fielded more than 800 calls. a live look at jerusalem where the body of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon lies in state. the public is lining up to pay respects. sharon died saturday at the age of 85. a state planned memorial is set for tomorrow. sharon, one of israel's most controversial figures, has been in a coma for eight years after a devastating stroke at the peak of his political power. to sports now, the yankees' third baseman alex rodriguez suspended for all of next season, including the playoffs if they manage to make it to the playoffs. this as new details emerge in the biogenesis doping scandal. the key witness anthony bosch is telling "60 minutes" he injected the slugger with banned substances himself because a-rod was, quote, scared of needles. rodriguez says he's innocent and won't give up vowing to fight this suspension in federal court. they say the odds are heavily stacked against him. >> looks like the experts are right. heavy rain on top of melting ice, now some areas are seeing major flooding. the state of ohio, warmer temperatures created an ice dam that pushed water over the river banks on saturday. >> and check this out. indoor nba game delayed because of rain. how do you have a problem inside? that's still ohio there. take a look at this. >> yes. this could be interesting. >> he saw something coming in. >> yeah. i'm sensing with this much rain that's not uncommon, but that's not good. >> what happened in d.c. on saturday at the wizards/rockies game. the heavy rain caused a leak in the roof. officials delayed the game after the water began to fall on the court. what's next? rick has the answer. really rough yesterday. i think this general weather pattern we are in isn't going to change. so we're not going to see the mayor cold air we had, but we'll see bouts of cold coming in. and the west coast can't buy a drop of rain, which isn't good at all. california has had the driest year they have ever had on record. and there's no rain really in sight for them, unfortunately. temperature wise, you will see this. it looks nice. part of problem with the ice jams is we saw such cold temperatures this last week that the rivers froze. and now they are melting. and the ice doesn't go down smoothly for the rivers and causes dams. behind it, then the water ends up flooding. because of that, no more rain across the northeast, but the flooding concerns will still continue, especially if you live near the river banks or stream banks that have the ice in them. the storm has moved all the way off the eastern seaboard. all that's left will be cooler air that will move in and across the great lakes near the tughill plateau we'll see some moisture move in, a little bit of snow. into the pacific northwest we have this ridge out here, so we continue to see the storm track move to the north. we'll see the snow across the central rockies. very windy conditions out there as well. and that's going to continue. and you see the drought here across california as i mentioned, such a dry year, they are going to be seeing the winds pick up tonight. a big santa ana wind event moves in tonight through tuesday. could be talking about a major santa ana wind event meaning warm conditions and a fire threat all throughout southern california through wednesday. >> thank you, rick. >> thanks a lot, rick. more revelations from the robert gates book. he has written an account of his years running the pentagon under the obama administration. and there's all kinds of remarkable facts in here. the latest comes from "the wall street journal" piece he wrote overnight in which he describes being in the situation room for the first time with the new obama administration in january of 2009. >> it basically describes it as being a total outsider and as if they forgot he was here with the previous administration with president george w. bush. here's what he said, quote, i had been the secretary of defense for just over two years on january 21, 2009, but on that day i again became the outsider. for the first several months it took a lot of discipline to sit quietly at the table as everyone from president obama on down took shots at president bush and his administration. sitting there, i would often think to myself, am i invisible? >> he was secretary of defense from 2006 to 2011 serving every single president since nixon with the exception of bill clinton. so he's been around the block. to feel like an outsider and to earn the nickname of yoda, the ancient jedi a teacher to all of them, he said i did feel like an outsider. i was older and more experienced than everyone around me. >> he said they were children making important decisions, people he describes being in high school when he was cia director. this is the money part of the quote here, discussions in the situation room allowed for no discriminating analysis. keep in mind, these are the most significant national security decisions made by the most powerful country in human history. and there was no discriminating that analysis. it was all bush was terrible, we are great. we are the ones we have been waiting for. >> some of that analysis from the battlefield saying with the taliban summer offensive, we need 30,000 troops to combat the summer offensive. the obama administration saying, no, we'll give you 17,000. in fact, secretary gates at the time also describes a conversation with vice president biden and president obama that makes them seem like sort of petulent children. read this, along with us, he says this, then came an exchange that is seared into my memory. biden said he was ready to move forward in afghanistan but the military should consider the president's decision as an order. i am giving an order obama quickly said. i was shocked as i had never heard a president explicitly frame a decision as a direct order. with the u.s. military, it is completely unnecessary. as secretary of defense, i had never issued an order to get something done, nor had i heard any commander do so. obama's order at biden's urging demonstrated the complete unfamiliarity of both men with the american military culture. >> this shows he's simply trying to overcompensate. gates believed having a central competent government in afghanistan was more of a tarry tale and the better thing to do was to really beef up the afghan security forces themselves and try to make afghanistan less of a safe haven for al qaeda than it already was. >> so the amount of people who didn't have experience, didn't know what they were doing, worried about being rolled by the experience generals had at the pentagon. the result was terrible relations between the white house and the military gaffe. and the results of that has been an awful lot of military leaders retiring, leaving service for the private sector. we talked a minute ago to lieutenant general jerry boykin. here's what he said. >> when a military leader reaches a place where he cannot follow the orders of the president, he has a moral obligation to step forward and say, i'm done, i can no longer follow your orders. i can say that many of them are leaving because they don't want to preside over the demise of the military. when you look at budget cuts and sequestration and a variety of other things, that's one of the reasons that they are leaving now. >> again, the new book is out now called "duty." pick up the "wall street journal" with the second xerps released from his book. it talks about the troop surge and whether they should advance troops in afghanistan or put more assets into iraq as well. >> it's just a reminder it's pretty hard to learn this stuff on the job. you have no experience at all making executive decisions at any level, much less over the biggest military in the world. it is pretty tough to learn it. >> that's why few senators become presidents. usually governors become presidents. coming up on the show, the nfl going to pot? roger goodell says he won't rule it out, but is that a really good idea? randall hill joins us to weigh in on that. and the young people need to sign up for obamacare to make it work. but what happens if they don't? our next guest is here with the rude awake anything. awakening. i always say be the man withhe plan but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. but with less energy, moodiness, i saw my doctor.rive, a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can store t levels to norm in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger an 18 or men with prostate or bret cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of por increased acneor in women may occur.air report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlaed or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrh, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. ♪ welcome back. the obama administration says health insurance will be more affordable for young people under obamacare. they have been saying that for years, but after doing the numbers that does not seem to be the case at all. according to the american academy of act wares, singles ineligible for government subsidies will see their premiums increase 42%. those between 60 to 64 would see a 1% increase. >> the question, are young people in for a rude awakening under the new health plan? here to weigh in is program officer for young american foundation, ashley pratt. good morning, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, anna and tucker, for having me. >> the youth vote was critical in electing president obama the first time and the second time. and now they are seeing these numbers and really feeling the pain. what's going to be the effects? >> yeah, certainly. young people were among obama's most avid supporters and now what we're seeing is young people are going away from him in droves because of the amount of broken promises he's kind of not held his end on. and what carl rove actually pointed out in the piece in the "wall street journal" last week is under obamacare there's a provision that many people don't know about, it's an adjusted community rating. so what this does is essentially forbids anyone from being charged a premium three mimes more than anybody else, so what this does is incentivises insurers to jack up this to young people who cannot afford it. so what is the incentive to purchase obamacare through the exchange full-well knowing their premium will nearly double or in some cases triple? and that's what we're seeing among young people at young america's foundation. we actually had a former intern contact us to say, you know, the obama administration is touting the fact that young people under the age of 26 can stay on their parents' plan, but what if their plan was canceled? so for this intern, she's lost herself in the exchange trying to find health care. so people are being hurt by the policies of thissed administrat, especially obama care. >> the unemployment rate for young people is sky high. tell us about the youth misery index that's hit an all-time high under this president. what does it mean? >> certainly. so the youth misery index is something that the young americans foundation puts out annually. we come up with this number, which this year is 98.6, by adding up youth unemployment, student loan debt numbers and then we take the national debt per capita. so youth unemployment in august was 16.3. and then the student loan get average was 29,400. so that's 29.4 on our scale, which is the highest it's ever been. and then you take the national debt, everybody sharing that $17 trillion debt that obama has racked up during his presidency. and that number is 52,948. so 52.9 on the scale. so it all comes out to 98.6, which is the highest it's ever been. and under obama, since 2009 until now, what we have seen is an 18.1% increase under his administration for his presidency. therefore, we believe that makes him the worst president for youth economic opportunity. and again, young people are very disenchanted now at this point. and they were some of his most avid supporters as anna had pointed out. i think now they are really jaded because they are being left behind by this administration and expected to pick up the tab from the reckless spending going on in washington. >> yeah, they should have thought about that before they voted for him. we'll see if it changes voting patterns. ashley, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. next on the rundown, did you make a new year's resolution? are you having a tough time starting? of course you are. there's science behind it. we'll tell you why. and even the jackson five reunion details on how and when the brothers are getting back together. 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[ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. jim, i adore the pool at sion your to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotel's robes are fabulous. i have 12 of them! 12? shhhh, i'm worth it... what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. earn free nights worldwide with ♪ the reason we're playing the jackson five, they have signed on to play 40 shows. they are announcing their concert series to play at the hollywood resort and casino starting february 20th. next up, 350,000 dollars is how much someone paid for a permit to hunt an endangered black rhino in africa. a safari club auctioned it off and many hit the streets in protest. $350,000 to negotiate that right. finally, $5 million is how much was spent on marijuana in colorado in the first week of this year. recreational pot became legal in the state starting january 1st. okay. so did you make a new year's resolution you're having a hard time starting and keeping? new research shows there could be a science behind why you are putting off tackling those new challenges. >> so it's not your fault. what is that science? how do you break the pattern of procrastination in 2014? joining us with the answer is the founder and ceo of equalibrium. there's a physiological reason why i procrastinate? >> well, with all the stress out there, procrastinating makes it worse. >> makes it worse. do i have the means to do it? >> i think you do this because of the thoughts that are in your head driving you to do things. for example, if you are procrastinating a lot, you say, i should get everything perfect. if you think you have to get everything perfect, it's a barrier to jump in and get it done. >> like a lot of entrepreneurs, if you have everything done before launching -- you have tips here. you say to get to the root of the problem. stop procrastinating. what do you mean by that? >> we like to say that in order to get to the root, you have to refrain what's really going on. so you can fix it. so if you're thinking, i should get everything perfect, let's refrain that and say, who better than i to start doing this? or i am incredible just to begin this task. and that makes it easier to jump in. >> how do you figure out what belief it is that's doing the holding you back? >> that's great. you have to really see what's holding you back. is it that you feel like you always get everything wrong? you always screw everything up? you will never get it right even if you start? it's part of reflecting to figure out what is really making you tick and then refrain that. we like to call it trap it, map it, zap it. trap that thought, reframe it, map it to what is really going on, and then you zap it and get started. >> self-knowledge is the first step here. how do you do that? a lot of people find their thinking comes best in the shower, you take a lot of showers or go for long walks, how do you get to the core of the problem? >> we teach people to do with this our online solution, but really it's a matter of exposing, thinking about what is really getting you, keeping you back. and pretty quickly you'll understand if you're a perfectionist, if you personalize everything, if you exaggerate anything, if you're frightened, it is not very hard to see it. >> there's got to be one thing from keeping you going over that hurdle, they don't take the little steps to take them down the right path. how do you get them out the door to do that? >> i often say just make a list or just say, i'm only going to do this amount right now. because once you start, you're on your way. >> right. january bruce, thank you for your time. coming up here on the show, a kid graduating high school? no problem. don't follow january's rules, but let lawmakers lower the bar for you in can school. it's happening in one state so you can graduate more easily. we'll tell you where it is. and the white house wants to make it even harder for service? [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪ ♪ >> this is the most important segment this morning. mayor de blasio is catching after eating pizza with a fork and knife. this is how new yorkers eat pizza. nice to see you this morning, john. >> how do you say this word? >> mobattis. >> when you saw the mayor, what did you think? >> i'm not saying the mayor is wrong, but the right way to eat a slice of pizza is to keep it open. this way, whatever toppings are on it or whatever you add to it. grated cheese or hot pepper, you don't fold it. if you fold it you might as well get a sandwich. if you want a fork and knife, go to a french restaurant. if you want to eat lombardi's pizza, you eat it flat so you taste everything. >> that's a big bite. >> can you turn it into a stromboli then? >> this is what people do on the street, shove it all down. >> people on the run make a sandwich out of it. but if you want to enjoy a slice of pizza, you hold it in your hand open so you taste whatever is on it. >> so what you're saying is you're not going to say the mayor was wrong, but he's totally wrong. >> i just want to improve his taste buds. >> but you also want the potholes on your street filled, too. >> if he can do that, yeah. >> how long have you been -- what's the key to great pizza? how long have you been making pizza there? >> lombardi has been in business for 65 years. and the best way to make a pizza is to have a hot, hot oven. >> 500 degrees? >> i cook at 800 degrees. >> whoa! >> and it stays at a steady 800 degrees. >> he's got the secret. >> john, thank you for joining us. rick reichmuth better not be out there. do we have our own rick out there? >> without a slice of pizza. i have never been -- >> he had three pieces earlier. >> it was probably four, let's be honest. we'll take a look at the weather for today. we had big storms move through the southeast yesterday. today things are cleared out, but we'll be certainly cooler than yesterday. strangely warm yesterday. take a look at how the day progresses across the northeast. we'll see a few snow flurries flying around the great lakes. temperatures for everybody a little cooler but not cold, not cold is good. looks like colder air moves in next weekend. so be ready for that. down across the southeast, very dry. in fact, very dry conditions. we'll see the dew points extremely slow. by tonight we'll start to see a bit of moisture move in across the south/central gulf. we'll see a little bit of mixing today across northern minnesota in towards parts of wyoming later on this afternoon with a few showers pulling in. temperature wise, not looking that bad. then out across the west, the storm track far to the north. so we'll be seeing rain and snow across the mountains. tonight the santa ana winds kick in with the fire threat continuing through wednesday. all right, guys, i'm on my way in for the pizza. >> we'll save some for you. >> we all have food baby belly now. 34 minutes after the hour with a fox news alert to get to. here's a live look at jerusalem where the body of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon lies in state. thousands lining up to pay their respects. we are live there with the latest this morning. good morning. >> reporter: israel has begun the official mourning process today as ariel sharon is here. flags are half-staff around the country. there was a moment of silence held for sharon earlier, and now he's lying in state here until 6:00 p.m. now, we've seen a steady crowd, it's not by any means large crowds of israelis coming to pay their respects, but a steady number of israelis paying their respects here for the former prime minister ariel sharon. he leaves a very mixed legacy here in israel. some call him a war hero, some call him a war criminal. he was a historic general politician, perhaps best known around the world for disengagement of the gaza settlements, which is an ironic twist of his legacy here. he was someone who championed israeli sentiments originally throughout gaza and the west bank and later disengaged. he has a mixed record here. he's controversial. but the one thing everybody says about him was he was a leader. that's what israel needs and what many israelis say is lacking in their political conversation these days, is leadership. >> thank you, conner. now to get to other stories making headlines this sunday morning. third time is not the charm for the partridge star david cassidy who was arrested for drunk driving again. cassidy was pulled over friday night in los angeles and failed a sobriety test blowing more than twice the legal limit. this is the third dui arrest for cassidy since 2010. new developments over the george washington bridge scandal. one of new jersey's top lawmakers now saying he will convene a special session thursday to vote to extend the investigation and the state's subpoena power. lawmakers indicate governor chris christie's former chief of staff and former campaign manager both fired over the cover-up may be called to testify. the governor has denied knowing what his assistants did as political retribution and has apologized. new outrage over the way veterans apply for disability benefits. the obama administration wants to switch to a standard claims form streamlining the system but possibly cutting into the amount of money veterans receive. right now feds can send informal claims like a handwritten note and be eligible for the department of veterans affairs, but they say it is too confusing and causing a backlog. those are the headlines. thank you, anna. we'll turn our attention to schools because new mexico has lowered the bar this morning because new mexico has one of the lowest graduation rates in the country. and kids there do not do well in math and science and generally don't do well enough in school to graduate. 70% of the kids take four years to get through high school there. well, new mexico has a new plan. we'll give you twodiplomas, one for the kids doing okay and one for the kids just doing average, and we'll lower the bar for them. >> the current diploma of xleps and the new general diploma. requirements for the general diploma would be lower. the proposal is for credits to be brought down to three. is this a good idea? or already the way that we stack up around the world is ridiculous. >> well, it's a stupid idea that's not going to fool employers into hiring people with fake diplomas. the real question is, why does new mexico have such a low graduation rate? the teachers unions? maybe. but there are a lot of factors, though, immigration is one of them and new mexico has half their population foreign-born. the other breakdown is if you don't have a father at home, if your parents aren't married, you are much less likely to succeed in school. if you are born out of wedlock, you see bad education outcomes. >> the department of education says any attempt to low er coure standards for students is cause for concern. why don't we just lower the standards so if you have remedial skills you can still graduate. >> if you think this is affecting america's long-term prospects in a global economy, and it is, then let's get real. why are standards so much lower than they were? why are students not achieving what they want -- because there have been major changes in the way the american family is structured with consequences. >> not everyone is going to go to college, either. i mean, this would hurt your challenges of getting into colleges, but i would think that the government there would be focused for the kids to go to trade school and learn skills to give back to the community and society rather than giving them a free ride. >> another meaningless credential. everyone gets a trophy. bay con bacon lovers be warned. you should know what you're about to pay. and roger goodell says the nfl may go to pot. he won't rule it out. randall hill is joining us live, next, to weigh in on that. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. [ male announcer ] wt kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all th natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exnmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas... powering our lives... while reducing emissions by up to 60%. energy lives here ♪ and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? the headlines for you, overnight general motors released the picture of its latest pickup truck called the 2015 gmc canyon. not many details yet as the canyon hits stores later this year, but that's what it looks like from the outside. and we have a big problem on our hands. a fast-spreading virus is causing bacon prices to skyrocket. the virus hit 22 states so far. no threat to humans or food safety but the industry leaders expect pork prices to jump because of it. so stockpile your bacon now. well, could medical marijuana ever have a future in the nfl? roger goodell giving reporters a vague answer when asked about it this week saying, quote, i don't know what's going to develop as far as the next opportunity for medicine, but we will continue to support the evolution of medicine. since his refusal to rule it out, here to give us his take, nfl wide-receiver randall hill, nice to see you this morning, randall. welcome back. >> nice so see you, thank you. >> what was your response to the commissioner's vague comment about the future of medical marijuana in the league when you heard it? >> well, i know he was very careful in his response, but me personally, i'm totally all the way to the right. i don't agree with it. i'm 44 years old and never had alcohol before in my life. and 5:00 this morning i woke my wife up who is a board certified internal medicine doctor and said she would never write a prescription for it. >> although the denver broncos in the national football league in the state of colorado where medical marijuana is legal now as we saw people line up for blocks to get it. could the league outlaw to say players can't do it when players before have stood by it? ricky williams never saw a problem with it. he says, i don't agree with that that it was an achilles heel. i kind of think of it more as spinach for popeye. >> if you need medical marijuana for your health, then maybe you shouldn't be playing football. maybe you should be taking care of yourself. in situations where it is a terminal cancer-type of situation, i totally understand that, but even those types of situations you won't be on the football field playing. you will be sitting there at home taking care of your health and well-being. >> the players who suffer from inflammation issues say this could help them out. let's be honest, randal, you knew when playing there were players using this reck reuationally. do you think it hindered their game in any way? >> i look at it from a different perspective. once, if it's in the nfl, the next thing you know, maybe a pilot who maybe needs to use medical marijuana, now he's flying high, literally flying high. so i just don't agree with it. and some people say it's natural, organic and of the earth, but so is oil and gas but you don't see me taking a glass of that either. >> this is your opinion, you haven't had alcohol, you've never done drugs, that's not the case with other players in the league. what do you think the response is from others in the national football league? >> i think that most of the players are going to be right down the middle. i think some of the players are going to say, if it's supporting medical use by all means, but talking to my wife, 60 years, a board certified medical doctor, she said she would only write it for an internal situation. that's not a professional football player, that's someone at home trying to take care of their well-being. >> tonight, the carolina game, panthers and 49ers, who do you pick? >> i have to pick the guys out west, the 49ers are going to come in and probably pounce all over the panthers. >> now to denver then, denver and the chargers, who do you pick? >> come on now, you got to go with denver, even though it's the issue we're talking about. go with denver. >> peyton manning there in the mile high city. randal, great to see you today. open joe i a great day of football. >> thank you, sir. coming up, over 5 million people have lost their insurance thanks to obama care, but what's in store for 2014? we just found out it could be a whole lot worse. plus detroit's auto show. the car czar is there with a preview of what to expect. well another great thing about all this walking i've been doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ no need to chuck, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ juspack them in our flat rate box ♪ ♪ we'll come to yo door and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bought but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were chey ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-peasy ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holidays like the u.s. postal service. with improved priority mail flat rate, just print a label, schedule a pickup, and return those gifts at a same low flat rate. 52 minutes after the hour. how are you feeling? hope you are doing well. the motor city is revving up its engines for the detroit auto show with 500 vehicles on display and over 50 new models. it's the super bowl of car shows. we are joined live from the showroom floor with doug, good morning to you, doug. first we have the chevy colorado? >> absolutely. in fact, this is the super sneak preview. i'm shocked they even let me in here. all the cars you have never seen before, and we'll start with the truck you have never seen before. this is new from chevy. the 2015 . chevy is bringing us back with the price point in the mid-$20,000 range. get it in the extended or crew cab, six air bags, a v-6, 302 horsepower. the colorado is going to be a winner this year. look for it in showrooms later on in 2014. and from acura, they are showing off the all new rlx. i'm sorry, anna. >> this one is the new one from acura, right? >> this thing has all-wheel steering. so with the hybrid package, the rear wheels turn as well. that's really cool. acura will come back to make a big splash with this car, 32 mpgs. should be around the $60,000 price point. i have not heard a lot from acura, but i think the rlx will go a long ways to change that. and this one you need to have to tour around manhattan. the 50th anniversary of the ford mustang. this is the one we have been waiting for. they started redesigning it back in 2009. it launched here officially in detroit. tomorrow three different engines setups available, including the absolute perfect 5-liter v-8 they are famous for. 9 million mustangs have been sold since it started. $23,000 late summer 2013. that's putting pressure on the camaro. and check out this k900. it is rear-wheel drive, really comfortable and super quiet. look at the backseat. you could have a driver for this car. ultimately premium car. kia believes the company wants a luxury car near with the pricepoint near $50,000. you will be surprised how nice they are. and if you want to get fancy, the jag. they took the rims off it. 550horse power, zero to 60 in four seconds. if you ask how much? i'll tell you, about $113,000. and then if you are lazy like me and don't want to do much, get this audi. the audi connect is a car that will drive itself. i'm not kidding you. it uses the ultimate in technology where you can drive along, take your hands off the wheel and the car knows where to go. it will even tell you what speed it should set at in order to only hit green lights. that's kind of cool. add to that the fact if you have a medical emergency or even slump over the wheel, it pulls over to the side of the road and calls the ambulance. audi says they are darn close to incorporating this technology into a lot of their cars. so much more to see. we'll show you that live tomorrow in detroit. the press doesn't show up until tomorrow morning. we have a lot more for you. back to you in new york. >> that is scary with the guy's eyes closed and it pulling off to the side of the road. doug live from detroit's auto show. thank you so much. 56 minutes after the hour. he was the only man to make it out alive from a mission in afghanistan. now his incredible story is playing out on the big screen. the real life lone survivor marcus latrell is joining us next. and president obama, shouldn't his focus be on creating more jobs and not giving out handouts? john roberts is here to weigh in. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes! well, i found this new thing called... [ dennis' voice ] allstate quickfoto claim. [ normal voice ] it's an app. you understand that? just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get [dennis' voice] a quicker estimate, quicker payment, [normal voice] quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your...father. [ vehicle approaches ] [ dennis ] introducing quickfoto claim. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. [ metal clanks ] ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? [ gears whirring ] talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. [ cellphone beeps ] this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. good morning, nice to see you. it is january 12, 2014. i'm anna kooiman. from heavy rains to out-of-control storms, parts of the country experiencing so much rain these homes didn't stand a chance. >> oh, no! look at that! >> that's a home in north carolina. details on what's in store for you straight ahead. and the white house touting more than 2 million sign-ups for insurance, but many haven't made their premiums. so are they actually signed up? are the real obamacare numbers worse than the white house is letting on? we have details coming up. the real story of four navy s.e.a.l.s on the big screen and now "lone survivor" marcus luttrell is here to tell us all about it. "fox and friends" hour three starts right now. hey, everyone. it's time to get up with "fox and friends, safe, natural and effective. >> safe, natural and effective, thank you for that endorsement. that's all true, isn't it? >> is it natural? >> something not natural is velveeta but there's a shortage in time for the super bowl. we have great ideas. >> like a chemical plant went down, we can't ship it, we can't handle it. yesterday i tweeted a website out, go to my twitter feed, i tweeted out a website that propped up to save nacho cheese for the super bowl. >> no it's nacho cheese. >> it's not your cheese. >> this is my favorite show ever. we do have a fox news alert to get to, so we'll start with your headlines this sunday morning. check your bank statements, everybody, because your personal information could be in the hands of a hacker right now. over one-third of americans already exposed after a massive security breach impacted target and neiman marcus. overnight reuters reported at least three other well-known retailers may have suffered similar hacks on a smaller scale. the source is not revealing specifics. this took place during the holiday season and earlier last year, meaning there's no telling who could be at risk. the west virginia water crisis sparked by a massive chemical spill could drag on for days. this morning hundreds of thousands of people are waking up for a third straight day without clean tap water. crews say the cleanup is difficult but it is progressing. >> i think the systems are working, all the trends are going in the right direction. and we're hoping that we keep going in that direction. i don't see a reason why we won't. >> at least four people have been hospitalized for symptoms related to the spill. the west virginia poison control center says they have fielded over 800 calls. new overnight, a fire escape collapsing in philadelphia sending three people to the hospital. right now one is listed in critical condition. people living nearby say it sounded like an incredible explosion. here's one you want to listen to, singer bruno mars getting help with the super bowl halftime show. ♪ >> i love that song. mars asking the red hot chili peppers to collaborate with him at football's biggest event. the pepsi super bowl halftime show is the most watched musical event of the year with more than 100 million viewers in the united states alone. the super bowl airs february 2nd live from new jersey on fox. now to some extreme weather. heavy rains this weekend on top of melting ice, some areas seeing flooding of a large scale. west seneca, new york, overnight, dozens of people had to be rescued by rafts and bulldozers from their homes. nobody was hurt but flooding was not the only problem. >> oh, no, look at that! >> this is in north carolina. the winds brought these homes down. no one lived in them so no one was hurt, but the line of storms also toppled trees and power lines. the bad weather is now out to sea and several areas are still experiencing flooding. rick knows where it is, rick? still across parts of upstate new york and toward new england. the warm temperatures have caused the ice that formed this last week with the very cold temperatures to begin to melt and cause these ice dams. that flooding from the ice dams happens very quickly, which is why you have to see the sudden rescues happen yesterday in west k seneca, new york. the water immediately goes outside of the banks. that's not from the ongoing rain. temperatures still above freezing all across the area. we still have flood concerns there, so watch that for another day or two. temps cool down again by the time we get to the latter part of this week, but this week, in general, is warmer than average. this is the storm that brought the heavy rain there. and the severe weather across the southeast, winds are up to about 70 miles an hour. that's all gone. we'll see a little bit of snow flying across the great lakes. then we'll watch areas across the west. today, one more day of strong winds and strong rain here across the pacific northwest. snow in towards the mountains with winds picking up in southern california. santa ana winds this day. temperatures remain warm for a couple more days for everybody, which is great. >> warm. relative to where we are in january. >> you don't need a jacket. thank you. we'll talk about obamacare this morning because we've been wondering about the 2.1 million sign-up number that the obama administration rolled out and how can we trust if the numbers are coming out accurate after the website mess and everything else? when you dive into the 2.1 million enrollees you get two separate categories. >> yeah. it is pretty unbelievable. it turns out, we don't have hard numbers on this because they don't exist, but we know from a survey of individual insurance company that is a huge number of people who signed up for insurance have not paid their premiums on that insurance. maybe up to 40% of all people who the obama administration says are covered have not paid. so that's the equivalent of saying i own a lamborghini because i went to a dealership and told them i was going to buy one. have you paid for it? no. then you don't own the lamborghini and you don't own health insurance. >> same with car insurance. you have to send in the premium when you buy a new car. you don't have coverage until the first premium arrives. then it is retroactive from the day you call, if i'm not mistaken, but you still have to mail in your payment otherwise it doesn't count. therefor you are not covered. >> here's the other part of this, this is very risky for the small insurers, in particular, because if they have a smaller pool of customers and these people insured, what happens if you get sick? you're one of the few people that really does get sick and there's nobody else to subsidize your health care cost? so they can really put them in hot water or it can leave those insured in hot water. >> if you do a survey, here's what you would find. a lot of people who voted for obama in '08 and '12 believing their health care was going to be entirely free. i bet a lot of people thought they didn't have to pay. the administration has doubled food stamps and the obama supporters say, i don't have to pay my mortgage anymore or for health care. >> a new report is highlighting back in the fall we had the wave of cancellations as the obama administration was trying to be reassuring back then. industry analysts now restricting this from small businesses yet that we have not seen. here's the numbers they are touting. 18 to 24 million insured through employers with fewer than 50 workers could be affected by this. >> 40 million covered through firms with fewer than 100 workers as well, health and human services estimated in 2010 that's up to 80% of small groups planned and could be discontinued by the end of 2013. when you hear numbers like this and then you hear about the obama administration and the liberals wanting to raise the minimum wage, or a lot of people want to do that, think about how much that could be hurting small businesses and what they are doing for hiring. we heard they just added 74,000 jobs far short of the 197,000 jobs expected. how are small businesses going to be hiring when they don't have enough money to pay for the health coverage for all these people? and when their minimum wage, if that went up, is on a larger scale. they'll have fewer money to go around. >> so the former lieutenant governor, the person who went against hillary clinton, had this to say about obamacare and what's going to happen as the employer costs get higher, as they will. watch. >> the crisis that's about to occur this year, most americans get their coverage at work through their own employer or spouse's employer, but this year as both plans expire employers are going to be required, if they provide coverage, to provide the washington potential benefits that cost more than what employers are accustomed to providing. >> did you hear that? the quintessential benefits. don't anybody lie to you. these are benefits people need, they didn't have them before and now they do. no, these are the product of lobbying. i live in washington, i can tell you, these benefits are in there because the people who make money from the benefits lobby for congress. if you can guess the federal government forced people to buy service, it's pretty good business. that's what they have done with obamacare. >> read this report in "the washington post" on what to expect. more to come on the show, including this. he was the only man to make it out live from a mission in afghanistan. have you seen this movie yet? the real life "lone survivor" marcus luttrell. should his focus be on creating jobs and not more handouts? john roberts is joining us, next. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. visit truecar.comoney,com,tu and never overpay.yer's remorse. a good deal or not. "okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, this will be a year of action. i'll keep doing everything i can to create new jobs and new opportunities for american families. and that action should begin by extending unemployment insurance for americans who are laid off in the recession through no fault of their own. republicans in congress just let that life line expire for 1.3 million americans. congress needs to finish the job right away. >> well, president obama arguing there for unemployment benefit extension after this week's dismal job report showed a drop in the jobless rate to 6.7% but only 74,000 jobs were created. what's next in this battle over benefits? joining us is the great john roberts, welcome. they have republicans boxed in on this question that changes the subject away from the unemployment rate, puts them back in the driver seat, is this a winner for democrats as they think it is? >> i don't know. i think harry reid tipped his hand the other day when he said the republicans were cold-hearted in their approach to american insurance. many people ask what is cold-hearted for wanting to pay for the extension in the unemployment benefits? kelly ayott is taking it on the chin for how to pay for the extension in the unemployment benefits, but there comes a time, tucker, and you know this all too well from the time spent in washington, when you take a look at the budgets, how long can you keep opening up the purse and dumping money out before generations to follow us are looking at a mountain of debt they can't deal with and their economy suffers as a result of it. there are many people who say we need fiscal responsibility in washington and it starts with paying for the unemployment insurance extension. >> if republicans don't move on that, will we likely see executive action of the president doing this unilaterally without the help of congress? >> that's pretty difficult, it has to go through congress, but you have to wonder if this is a plan the democrats are floating. the latest one out there, 31 week extension from harry reid and we pay for it with $17 billion in sequester cuts, but those don't kick in until 2024, we'll pay for this now and we'll get it ten years from now. i don't think a lot of people believe that, so does he really want the extension of unemployment insurance benefits or does he want this to go down to defeat? so the democrats can use this to beat republicans all the way to november 4th. >> speaking of doing things on your own from the side of president obama, the new robert gates book out, "duty," more revelations in "the wall street journal." i wanted to share this to get your thoughts on this. he says this about the troop surge in afghanistan, the decision in 2009, then came an exchange that is speared into my memory. biden said he was ready to move before and the military should consider the president's decision as an order. i am giving an order, obama said. i was shocked. i had never heard a president explicitly frame a decision as a direct order. with the u.s. military, and as secretary of defense, i had never issued an order to get something done nor had i heard any commander do so. obama's order of men -- what do you think this is going to do for people's faith in the president? >> it is an interesting and unusual excerpt from that book and vice president biden's approach to the military. his son bo biden served in the military for so many years. ultimately he should be familiar with the relationship between the executive officer and the military. it is almost like a cliche war movie where the sergeant says to the private, that's an order! the president doesn't necessarily need to issue orders to the military, people typically follow along, but gates illuminates the idea that the president was stressful of his commander, general crystal, general petraeus. there's an excerpt in the book where he says that gates talks about, are they suspicious of my politics or recent the fact that i never served in the military? do think think because i'm young i don't see what they are doing? one of the contributors to fox news said yesterday it reminds me of the movie line from ya "gladiator." if they don't respect me, how can they love me? it shows insecurity on the part of the white house and a misunderstanding how the military operates. certainly you will get push-back from the pentagon, but that's part of the give and take from their grand plan. so it's practical as well. >> john, who is coming up on the big show today? >> we have got a fabulous panel coming up. we're actually going to lead with the panel today. we have george will, bob woodward, i was just talking to him. he popped in a while ago. he wrote the first book, the first big article on the gates book, carl rove will be with us. as we talk about the rise of al qaeda in iraq with senator ben carden. so a great show coming up this morning. and that's on the fox broadcast network this afternoon at 2:00 p.m. eastern with the fox news channel. >> check your local listings for the show in your area. john roberts, great to see you this morning. >> great to see you, too, thanks. this high school smashes the backboard of his first dunk. and he was the only man to make it out alive from a mission in afghanistan. now his remarkable story playing out on the real screen. the real life "lone survivor" marcus luttrell is joining us here. truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? ♪ ♪ so you canet out of your element. so you can explore a new frontier and a dient discipline. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. so you can be inspired by great food once again. jim, i adore the pool at sion your to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotel's robes are fabulous. i have 12 of them! 12? shhhh, i'm worth it... what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. earn free nights worldwide with hope you're doing well. 22 minutes after the hour. quick headlines now, pope francis naming his first batch of new cardinals. the pontiff announced this morning he's elevating 19 men to the post on the 22nd of february. the new cardinals come from all over the world. and new video showing a capsule arriving at the international space station. in it? christmas gifts plus some equipment. the launch was delayed last month after the station's cooling system broke down. all right. clayton, over to you. >> it's a true story of strength, courage and brotherhood. >> rules of engagement says you cannot touch that. >> i understand. and i don't care. i care about you. i care about you. i care about you. >> they are unarmed prisoners. >> this is not a vote. >> it's that decision that changed the lives of four men, all members of s.e.a.l. team ten. and today their incredible story is seen on the big screen this weekend. the movie is called "lone survivor" highlighting the bravery of the men through the eyes of the only man who made it out alive. the real life loan survivor, former navy s.e.a.l. marcus luttrell. great to see you here on "fox and friends." >> thank you for having me. >> marcus, the navy s.e.a.l.s are quiet and work in the shadows protecting our country. why did you want to tell the story? and how does it feel to have a big hollywood blockbuster on your hands? >> the story came out basically to, in my eyes, honor my teammates and what happened up on the mountain that day. and in the beginning it was not my idea for this to happen, the navy and our community actually approached me and said we were going to declassify this operation and put it out to the american public. mainly because there were so many people who lost their lives. most people talk about the guys that were on the ground, but you can't forget about the 16 guys that died in the helicopter that day as well. and when something like that happens, you lose that many lives and a helicopter gets shot down, it's going to get out. and all the rumors flying around and speculation, the family members were just losing their mind kind of a deal. so the powers that be decided they were going to, like i said, declassify it and put it out to the american public. the book kind of took off. we never expected that. and to answer your question about having a movie about it now, it's a -- i'm very happy with it. i think that all the stories that float around this country and the world, and they decided to do this particular story to make a movie out of, is -- it's a great honor. because more people watch movies than they read books, right? >> sure. sure. and that must've been difficult, your family, your wife having read the book and understanding of course in conversations with what went on with you there, and then you go and sit in the movie theater with your wife. what did she say to you after walking out of the movie? >> she department say anything but she hugged me for a long time. after a while driving home, she just said, i'm sorry you had to go through that. and i said, it's okay, it's fine. it was my job. that's what i signed up to do. and believe it or not, s.e.a.l.s pray for situations like that, that's the stuff we want to get into. and we got what we wished for. >> take us back to that day for those of our audience members who don't yet know that story. put it in some context for us, specifically that clip we were seeing with mark wahlberg. >> it was a special mission. we were going after a high-value target with ties to osama bin laden. we were designed to go in with the green light to eliminate the threat, or we called in for the quick reactionary force and provided overwatch for the team. the scene you just saw is -- it's kind of the turning point. it was a pivotal moment in the mission. we got walked in on by civilian goat herders. we took charge of the situation ultimately turning them loose and then we relocated 45 minutes later. we got walked in on by a large malitia. >> you were working with hollywood actors, what did they want to know from you? >> the fine fundamental details of how we do business. in the beginning when we first started training these guys, we didn't cut them any slack. we threw them straight to the deep end of the pool. they had to learn tactics, verbiage, everything it takes to do a fluid shooting and moving and communicating kind of drill. and they got it. they didn't complain, they didn't do anything but work hard and try and learn our skillset. i guess it got deeper with that when they started asking questions about each guy that died up on the mountain that day, the personal questions, the private questions, that just allowed them to get into that role, even deeper than they thought they could. so i was real pleased with the way they did business. i never -- there was never any questions or i got upset or my teammates got upset about it. so they were all great. >> yet another reason to go see this movie this weekend. the movie is called "lone survivor" opening this weekend. it should be a big hit. i think all americans can do well by going to see it and putting this mission in context. marcus, we thank you so much for your service to this country and thank you for joining us this morning on "fox and friends" as always. thank you. >> yes, sir. take care. >> thank you, guys. coming up on "fox and friends weekend," diamonds are forever, right? wrong! when you break up, who gets to keep the ring? one man is suing to find out. and say it ain't so, a velveeta shortage raising big concerns ahead of the super bowl. don't worry, we have five dips you can make without the big cheese. celebrity chef jay jackson is here. [ female announcer hands were made for playing. ♪ legs, for crossing. ♪ et...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections andancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if youe any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholestel levels have happened. your doctor hould perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines y take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. ♪ . who knew there could be a shortage of a fake cheese product? velveeta, there's a big shortage raising big concerns ahead of the super bowl. >> but no need to fear. we have five dips you can make without the big cheese for the big game. joining us is celebrity chef, mr. food, jay jack southern. good morning. >> good morning. great to see you this morning. as a chef, you must've been just horrified at the prospect of velveeta going own. >> i was horrified. you go to make your favorite cheese and what happens? you go to make your favorite dip? what happens? flag on the play. so fumble it and we'll get through it. a very simple alternative if you don't have the velveeta is cheddar cheese, american cheese, and a little milk. put it in a bowl and melt it. >> is that the same consistency? >> i don't eat baked cheese. it looks good. this looks like it could be. that's cheddar and what's the other one? >> american cheese and cheddar, milk, a little cumin for flavor and pour it right in there. >> does it keep that consistency as it warms? >> it gets looser. do minute intervals or do it in a crockpot. >> let me ask you this, will it have the same shelf life of velveeta and last 40 years? >> no, it won't last 40 years. this is the buffalo chicken and blue cheese dip. it's great and goes with vegetables, chips, bread, you name it. we've got a greek-inspired dip, also. all the traditional status, tomatoes, hummus. >> everybody likes hummus. >> what is this right here? >> i love bacon. that's me. it's bacon and spinach dip. so it's got a little cheddar and cream cheese in it. it's got a little tomales and tomato. >> people won't be disappointed if they are missing velveeta because all these look better than that. >> there's a life after velveeta, trust me. >> is there velveeta withdrawal? >> fine twitches of the hand. >> this is one of the symptoms here. >> i like that. >> i want to mix it up there on the end. we have kind of a sweet alternative to savory dips. and that's a hot apple pie dip. so all that is really is apples and brown sugar, it's cinnamon, a little orange juice, you mix it all in with some room temperature cream cheese, lay it in the tray. put the cheese on top of it. did you make that up? because that's brilliant. >> i'm putting you to work. there you go. >> is that true? it works. >> you mix it up, put it in the tray and bake it with a little cheese on top. this is a great alternative. >> that's brilliant. >> for the bacon and spinach dip, it's cream cheese, a little spinach, it's bacon, tomatoes, a little chives, and then cheese in here. >> you are a genius. >> thank you. >> want to come play on super bowl sunday, the second of february? >> absolutely. >> all these retcipes are on now rick has a special guest outside. >> we have women out here from florida. are you making velveeta cheese dips for the super bowl party? >> evidently, that's our favorite. our husbands can't do without it. >> there you go. they were not prompted for that. take a look at the weather map as you wake up this morning. your day today, we'll be looking at a cool day across the northeast, but not cold. temperatures are looking a little cooler than yesterday. down toward the southeast, very dry. that front moves through and it's not humid at all. it's a very dry air mass across areas of the southeast. temperatures will be fine. plenty of sunshine. a nice day to get outside. temps in the southeast drop by wednesday or so. so enjoy it the next couple of days. in toward the northern plains, a mild day as well with temps dropping a little bit over the next couple of days, but not that bad. across the west, we'll see snow across the interior mountains. high pressure builds into the great basin to bring the santa ana winds tonight across southern california. back to you inside. thank you, rick. >> thank you. 37 minutes after the hour, fox news alert now. a live look at where the body of former israeli prime minister ariel sharon lies in state. thousands are lining up to pay their respects. sharon died saturday at the age of 85 after spending eight years in a coma. a state memorial is planned for tomorrow. also this morning, we have some other headlines. stunning new details about the deadly case of road rage out of pennsylvania. police are now saying the victim, 28-year-old timmy davidson, made multiple 911 calls as he was chased by a crazed driver last weekend. police not releasing the tapes but say they believe the shooter pursued davidson for up to 15 miles before he was run off the road and shot several times. police are still searching for the suspect. and diamonds are forever, or are they? a new york man is suing his ex-fiancee because he says she won't return the family ring he gave her worth $40,000. and he says that he may have a case. new york law says an engagement ring is conditional and the woman only gets to keep it if the marriage actually happens. it is sports time now, a verdict is in, yankees' third baseman alex rodriguez suspended for the entire 2014 season including the playoffs. this is new details in the biogenesis doping scandal emerging. major league baseball's chief witness in the case against a-rod anthony bosch telling "60 minutes" he injected the slugger with banned substances himself because a-rod was scared of needles. rodriguez still claims he's innocent and won't give up to fight his suspension in federal court. experts say the odds are against him there. how about some football now? the divisional round of nfl playoffs. seahawks hosting the saints. fourth quarter, seattle leading. marshall lynch breaks down the sideline. 31-yard touchdown. seahawks go on to win 23-15 in a hard-fought game there. next up, colts and pats. for the performance for the record books, scoring four touchdowns, the patriots win 43-22. they are going to the afc championship game. tom brady did not throw one touchdown pass. unbelievable performance there. here's what today's schedule looks like 1:05 eastern time carolina hosts the 49ers. and at 4:40 peyton manning and the broncos take on the chargers. well, he's got game. a north carolina high school student making a smashing play on the basketball court. take a look at this. during the second quarter of friday's game, the teen makes a dunk shattering the backboard. it was his first dunk ever. that's the way to do it. >> wow! >> not used to seeing a dunk in the basketball court with the game smashed. the game was postponed to a later date because there was no spare board to install. they had to clean up the plexiglass. >> maybe it's time to not make them out of plexiglass. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. more trouble for this actor with his latest run-in with the law. and the controversial "rolling stone" article says the they are going to start fighting capitalism and embrace socialism. is this how people under the age of 30 feel? 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[ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period. if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. >> that was the promise, but it's not true. and that's affected many people across the nation. many are taking on more expensive health care plans. one man is deciding to do without. he joins us now. he's real estate appraiser jim brumfield, joining us from san francisco this morning. jim, thanks for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> tell us what happened with your health care plan. >> well, i got the cancellation notice in late october and i guess i just start by saying i had my own insurance since i was probably in my mid-20s and i'm 53 years old now and it was a catastrophic plan, but i liked it. it was blue cross. >> yes. >> and i was paying $196 and the first $5,000 was on me but it fit my lifestyle. i could afford that. >> yes. >> so i take a lot of exception here, we hear the supporters of oba obamacare saying these are all junk plans. it wasn't junk plan. it didn't cover pediatric care and you know, prenatal care and all that. so anyway, i then got in contact with my insurance agent because i was, you know, i was under the impression i would be able to keep my plan and of course we find out that's not true, and to cut through the red tape, ended up around middle of december she finally gets back to me with my new options which are roughly around $500 a month. >> you went from $196 to $500 a month. what do you do at that point? that's a big difference. >> i made the decision that i'm out. i'm not going to participate for now. whether i can do that long-term, you know, i'm 5 3. i'm healthy. it was interesting you talk about the young invincibles, you need to talk about the old invincibles like me. >> you're 53 and because of obama care you're going without health insurance in. >> as of the 1st of january i have no insurance. it isn't my choice. >> it can be a hazardous thing to do. >> it can be. >> you decided because of these changes, have to go without. >> well, it's also a protest, too, but look at it this way. 500 bucks a month roughly is $6,000 a year. >> yes. >> for i want to use the right word, a bad health care plan. >> right. >> and so i'm looking at that, why do i want to -- could you go broke quickly or you can go broke over a number of years. >> yes. so you're choosing the latter? >> i'm choosing the latter. i'll take care of myself. i look at my -- can i do it into, you know, as the years go on in probably not, but for now that's the choice i'm taking. >> what a shame you have to make that choice considering you had a plan that you were happy with that you chose yourself. >> yes. i agree. here's the insidious part, too, and i want to get this out quick because this will go by quick. on california care, and anybody can do this, enter a 53-year-old male single and enter an income of $45,900. >> right. >> i know you're good with math, tucker, i watch you all the time. now enter $46,000 income, okay? >> yep. >> difference of $100, right? >> right. >> at $45,900 you get a $3,100 subsidy from the government. at $46,000, you don't. >> huh. that's -- unfortunately we're out of time but that's a very, very narrow line between getting health and not. you are obviously on the wrong side. >> go through the different age groups and see similar breaking points. it's like even if you get your insurance you'll look at the end of the year and say maybe i should make a little less so i can get that subsidy. >> you're caught in between. jim thanks for joining us this morning. i appreciate it. >> thanks for having me on, tucker. "fox & friends" returns in just a minute. prego alfredo?! [ thinking ] why can't all new things be this great? ha ha! whoa! [ monkey squeals ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. we hope you're doing well. it's sunday the 12th of january, 2014. heavy rains, flooding. people rescued from their homes. some storms delayed an indoor basketball game. >> we've had so much rain that it's not uncommon but that's not good. >> so what's next? rick is tracking all of it for us. just released, shocking new revelations from former secretary of defense robert gates, why he's calling himself an outsider in the obama administration and how he says the obama white house made national security decisions. wait 'til you hear. and could your teacher do this? >> okay, okay the teacher -- oh, yeah! >> the break dancing teacher taking the internet by storm. that will get you to learn. you got to try all new sorts of things to get people to learn these days. >> whoa. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. >> i think we need to get that guy, bring him in and have him teach us how to break dance. >> you could do that. >> i could no one dancing move, the coffee grind. >> i'd slip a disk. >> you were on "dancing with the stars." >> i can do the flight attendant, you put the mask over and -- >> the shopping cart. >> the cable up and -- >> welcome to "fox & friends" this sunday morning. we're glad you chose us this morning. smell this, these are fresh revelations the "wall street journal" printing a new excerpt from "duty" the new robert gates book that is out and hitting store shelves this week, and in it some startling revelations about the conversations and the relationship with president obama and vice president biden. in fact, so much so that when robert gates first showed up at the white house he was wondering if anyone saw he was there. >> he was wondering if he was invisible and felt like he was an old geezer because he was so much older and had more experience than everybody else. i want to give you an idea of some of what we're hearing today in the "wall street journal" some excerpts just released. "i had been the secretary of defense for just over two years on january the 21st, 2009 but on that day i became the outsider, for the first several months it took a lot of discipline to sit quietly at the table as everyone from president obama on down took shots at president bush and his team. sitting there, i would often think to myself, am i invisible? discussions in the situation room allowed no room for discriminating analysis. everything was awful and obama and his team had arrived just in time to save the day." >> it was all about them and they did not want to hear diversion opinions about anything. you'd think the situation room would be the one place in the executive branch where discriminating analysis would take place but he said he was excluded. if you didn't agree you were not welcome to pipe up. you also get a sense on how totally out of touch president obama is with the military, security, the customs, the culture of it. this is the guy who referred repeatedly to corpsmen, of course the term is corpsmen after he was president and the book reinforces these guys have no idea what the military does. >> there was one particular discussion as it related to the 2009 troop surge in afghanistan. the president of course did not want 30,000 troops and discussions with military brass who were there on the field said we need 30,000 troops to combat the taliban, the summer offensive that was going to unfold very shortly. he said no, we're going to like 17,000. this was a fresh analysis from the field, but then came this one really startling revelation here in the book that secretary gates writes and i'm quoting here, he says "then came an exchange that is seared into my memory. biden said he was ready to move forward but the military should "consider the president's decision as an order. i'm giving an order, obama quickly jumped in. i was shocked, i never heard a president explicitly frame a direct order with the u.s. military, it's completely unnecessary. as secretary of defense i never issued an order to get something done nor had i heard any commander to do so. owe pa ma's order demonstrated the unfamiliarity of both men with american military culture." it sounds like something out of a movie or cop drama. >> he turned to the corpsmen and said that's an order? i'm ordering you? >> of course gates has an extensive background serving defense secretary there for 2006 to 2011 and really serving every president since nixon with the exception of bill clinton, and when the obama administration came in, he said that that was an issue that he had in relating to them was they had a lot of clinton comrades surrounding them and the communication barriers were tough for him. >> the guy is just not a leader. that's the portrait that emerges. gates doesn't say the president's dumb but he paints a picture of a guy who has no idea how to lead other people, who is not involved in the minutia, doesn't understand the things over which he has command, and ends up alienating the very people we need to protect our country. gates makes the point, though, larger point that we've lost an awful lot of capable military leaders during obama's first term. we had general gerry boykin, one of the great american heroes, we had him earlier on in the show, this is his explanation for why we've lost so many top brass >> when a military leader reaches the point where he can't follow the orders of the president he has a moral obligation to simply step forward, lay his stars on the table and say, "i'm done. i can no longer follow your orders." i can tell you from talking to some of the leadership in the military that many of them are leaving because they don't want to preside over the demise of the military and when you look at budget cuts and sequestration and a variety of other things, that's one of the reasons that they're leaving now. >> more on that, in fact secretary gates making a television appearance this morning, and we will try to bring some of that video to you, if there's anything relevant for our show we'll share it with you. >> we certainly will. >> we have a fox news alert and headlines we need to get to. your personal information could be in the hands of a hacker right now. over one-third of americans already exposed after massive security breaches impacting both target and neiman marcus. overnight reuters reporting three other well-known retailers suffered similar hacks but a smaller scale. sources not revealing specifics. the hacks taking place during the holiday season and earlier last year, meaning there really is no telling who could be at risk. thousands lining up to pay their respects. the former israeli prime minister ariel sharon, he died saturday at the age of 85 after eight years in a coma. state memorial is planned for tomorrow. the west virginia water crisis sparked by a massive chemical spill could drag on for days. this morning, hundreds of thousands of people are waking up for a third straight day without clean tap water. and crews say the cleanup is difficult, but they say it's progressing. >> i think the systems are working, all the trends are going in the right direction, and we're hoping that we keep going in that direction and don't see a reason why we won't. >> at least four people have been hospitalized for symptoms related to the spill. the west virginia poison control center says they fielded over 800 calls. all right, love this video. this teacher schooling his students on break dancing. >> wow! >> okay to teacher! whoa! yeah! >> "breaking 2: electric bugalu." >> the brooklyn high school teacher showed off his classic break dancing moves, the video posted just two days ago on youtube already getting over 100,000 views. >> did you have a cool teacher you remember? >> if you look carefully you can see a coffee can for tips in front of the screen. >> he's in central park working. >> i never had a teacher break dance. >> never had a cool teacher. >> you never had a cool teacher? >> i'm just kidding. we define cool differently in 1985. now on to extreme weather, heavy, heavy rain this weekend on top of melting ice caused major flooding in west seneca, new york. dozens had to be rescued by rafts and bulldozers from their homes. nobody was hurt, thank heavens. check this out, an indoor nba game delayed because of the rain, watch. >> oh, see? >> yes, and this could be interesting. >> we saw something coming in. >> yes. we had so much rain, it's not uncommon, but that's not good. >> not mopping up sweat, mopping up rain, it happened in d.c. saturday at the wizards/rockets game. the heavy rain caused a leak in the roof there. officials delayed the game after the water began falling under the could are the. that storm is out to sea. what is next? let's check in with rick. >> dry air the next couple of days. ice flooding across the northeast, temperatures warm and well above average across the northeast today and tomorrow, tomorrow a few degrees warmer again. we'll cool down a little bit wednesday and later on in the week we cool down quite a bit again. temperatures across the country looking good. the system brought heavy rain and incredibly strong winds, some winds gusting to 80 miles an hour across parts of the southeast as the storms moved if. parts of the great lakes will see winds move across with cooler temperatures, cooler than you were yesterday, a little bit of lake-effect snow. out across the west more rain and snow moving into the pacific midwe northwest and this storm track invades california. california has had one of the driest years they've ever had. and parts of l.a. last year or since july have seen up to about an inch of rain in about six months. that means we have the drought and starting to see a santa ana wind event moving in tonight, winds gusting to 60 miles an hour and with dry conditions and relative humidity low big time fire threat wednesday through southern california. temperature wise today looking good everywhere. minneapolis well above freezing which is going to be very nice. chicago up to 35, and back into the 50s all the way up the eastern seaboard again for your start of the week. >> i read in the english paper out of the uk, the united states about to get hit with polar vortex 2, not going to happen? >> not going to happen. >> what does the british newspaper know about our weather? don't they have dreary weather to occupy themselves? >> the media went crazy with the polar vortex. >> tom hanks is cast in the movie version. the brits mocking our weather? have they no shame in thank you, rick. jobs report, millions of people giving up hope of finding work again. is the answer extending employment benefits? both members of congress are here to debate it next. these guys are keeping it in the family, father and son competing on the same college basketball team. they share their story, coming up next. hey, guys! [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. need a lift? could've had a v8. so ally bank really has no hthat's right, no hidd fees.nts? it's just that i'm worried about, you know, "hidden things." ok, why's that? well uhhh... surprise!!! um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. is a really big deal.u with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu. quarter past the hour. the emmaus college basketball's team colors are blue and white but lately they have seeing a little bit of gray as well, and these guys are really keeping it in the family, because both father and son are on the team. paul and caleb ruter join us live. thanks for being with us here. >> no problem. >> no problem. >> both sporting the team colors. i love it. >> you betcha. >> paul, automei'm going to stah you. you wanted to get back your degree but what made you decide to do it and join the team? >> well, like you said, i wanted to go back and finish my degree. i went there back in 1980, but i could only go for a short time because i was farming full time and my brother came back from the service so he said go ahead and go, so i did. and so i always wanted to go back but we had six kids, i married my wife, dee, with he met at a mass, and we had six kids, living on a farm, and it just happened that my, two of my sons are working on the farm right now so i don't have to be there, so it just worked out really well for us. >> and caleb was going off to college, too. caleb, most kids really enjoy the freedom when they get to leave mom and dad's roof and sent to college for the if, time but your dad decided to tag along, you weren't just seeing him on campus, he was on your basketball team. how did that make you feel? >> awful! no, it was a blast. i mean, we've played basketball together my whole life so when he told me he was coming, i didn't believe him at first. okay, this could be fun. at least he's not on campus, though. i get a little freedom. >> i do have -- we are in some of the same classes, too, with i is kind of nice. >> and he always beats me. >> who scores the most points and who scores the highest test scores? >> he's good in the classroom. i'll say i'm better on the court which i'm okay with. >> yeah, okay. paul, so what was the tryout process for you like? >> well -- >> he told me not to have that pause, i'm sorry. >> here, let me take this one. >> caleb will talk for me. >> everyone made the team, let's just say that. >> everybody makes the team, everybody gets a trophy. in this case you think it's good. do you have certain plays that you do together? are you constantly high fiving? what's the bond like between the two of you? >> like i said before we've been playing with each other pretty well and for the past 18 years so our chemistry is pretty good so when we get on the court together, i know what he's going to do, he knows what i'm going to do so we can make plays that way. >> you're right here. paul, what do the other players think about you, since you're a little bit older than everybody else? >> just a little. well, you know when i first got on the court last year i was thinking what are these guys thinking of me? but you know, i love those guys. they love me and they're very encouragin encouraging, and yes, so it was great. last year, i have to bring this up, last year, the last game of the year, i did outscore him. i was the leading scorer. >> look at you! congratulations! i think your wife needs to come and be a cheerleader, too. silver cheerleader. >> they all say that. >> what a neat story, paul and caleb, good luck this season, too. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. 19 minutes after the hour now on this sunday. next on "the rundown" a terrible jobs report, millions of people giving up hope of ever finding work. is the answer extending unemployment benefits? a republican and democrat, both members of congress, here to debate that, coming up next. and it's the latest in parenting trends. forget the baby talk, the pacifier and food. start treating your infant like an adult. is this a good idea? we'll read your e-mails coming up. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen and use promo code notme for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection and get a document shredder free. call the number on your screen or go to 23 minutes past the hour. big headlines for you. overnight general motors issuing the release of its newest pickup truck, called the gmc canyon, expected to be loaded with usb ports, onstar and a teen driver feature. i wonder what that will do, it will text for you? it's estimated to paing about 200 horsepower. canyon sits show rooms later this year, it will probably take selfies for you. marijuana is already a cash crop for colorado. sales for the first week of january came in at $5 million. recreational pot became legal in the state, starting on january 1st. tucker? >> thanks. despite the unemployment rate dropping to 6.7% the jobs market is not doing well according to every economist who has taken a look. for every person who found a job in december five stopped looking for work entirely. is the answer extending unemployment benefits. here kentucky democratic congressman john yarmuth and arizona republican congressman gosar. republicans argue if the president spent more time working on the economy and less time extending benefits we'd have a lower unemployment rate. how do you respond? >> the president put forward as long ago as three years and continues to talk about it a jobs creation program focusing on innovation and infrastructure and education. we've gotten no cooperation from republicans in congress so i think it's disingenuous when republicans haven't put forward any ideas for creating jobs. most importantly what we're talking about here are 1,450,000 people who are already cut off from their long-term unemployment benefits, people with 2 million kids in their house hol households and this is becoming a human crisis. there's a human side to this. there's an economic side to it, and we need to focus on all of those. >> congressman, democrats argue republicans can't possibly get in the way of helping this hurting group of unemployed people, too many of them. that's politically untenable. how do you respond? >> coming from a very rural area just like the congressman from kentucky, and my people, they're tired of being victims of an administration that doesn't understand that jobs are created in the private sector, not in the public sector like government. they're tired of being victims. they want a job to build their lot in life and experience the american dream. i don't know where the congressman was but we've had the raines act to allow creating job, the keystone pipeline, the skills act to retool them for the jobs of tomorrow. i don't know where he's been but we've always been at the table trying to create jobs, out in the environment for jobs because the private sector will create the jobs, not government. >> congressman yarmuth you want to extend unemployment benefits, fine. why not pay for it. why not take the money it's going to cost and cut it from something else. every government program has no fat that can't be cut in. >> these are what's called emergency unemployment benefits and fall under the same category as any other emergency. if we had a natural disaster, a calamity, 1 milli.3 million peo lost their income it would be paid for. >> you don't suspend the rules of math because there's an emergency, do you? >> we actually do, yes, we do. >> maybe that's the problem. >> it's just a question of what the responsibility of government is to help our needy citizens, and we've got a situation here where long-term unemployment is at the highest level it's ever been since they've kept records since 1946. when president bush extended unemployment benefits he didn't ask for offsets. this is something that again 14 out of 17 times when we've raised, when we've extended the benefits we haven't asked for offsets. the other thing is, tucker, if you're going to provide unemployment benefits, emergency benefits you might as well try to get the stimulative effect and the economists that have looked at this, not everyone, have said that if you extend benefits it's 240,000 to 300,000 jobs that are created. so again, there's a broader impact to the economy you have to continue, too. >> mr. gosar, where should the money come from, in the short time we have left? >> this has to be paid for. there's lots of different things. you look at the waste, fraud and abuse in davis bacon, $100 billion right there. there's a lot of opportunities here, tucker but the other side doesn't understand math, is that the president says for every $1 you spend in unemployment you get $1.80 back. i don't know what kind of economic math that actually comes to. that means every one of us should go on unemployment and actually have a stimulated economy. that's absolutely ridiculous. >> gentlemen thank you for talking to us this morning for that debate. i appreciate it. >> thank you, tucker. >> thank you. >> thank you. he's the only man to make it out alive from afghanistan on a s.e.a.l. mission that went wrong. his incredible story on the big story the real life lone survivor. can't graduate no problem. lawmakers want to lower the bar. what do you think of that? details ahead. ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant . look! >> it's your shout of the morning, a baby girl is introduced to her uncle for the if, time. here is the catch, her uncle is her father's identical twin. she kept looking back and forth wide eyed and totally confused and mute because of the pacifier, this video uploaded yesterday already has nearly 1 million views. more by the end of this show no question. >> she had to decide which arms she wanted to be in. are you moo i ty daddy. >> i can't if igit out. which one is the daddy? the one on the right. >> must be. >> he knows how to hold the baby. the uncle is like i don't know how to hold this baby. >> you're not going to poop, are ya? >> daddy has the strong grip. >> there is a new trend from hollywood where all new trends start among some actors, a new trend in parenting, and it goes like this, we treat our babies like babies and that is tripling them for adult hood so the new idea is don't talk them baby talk, ban all the normal baby equipment, baby bouncer, sippy cups, sass fires and treat them like the little adults they are. >> give them a "wall street journal," don't use a highchair, sit them there with a regular cup not a sippy cup and apparently that will make them be productive adults. >> there's om truth in this, rie parenting. i almost fell down the steps by the way. we need to baby proof our stud i don't studio for rick. they take it and go overboard, baby proof their homes, cover every corner of every ka you havie table. >> slather the kids in antibiotics or anti-bacterial -- >> the foam or whatever. >> give the kids weird allergies. >> christine in colorado writes, babies are not adults and they're adorable as babies. they need our care and protection as infants and toddlers. i agree but speech pathologists disagree, they do not like sippy cups and pacifiers, this he think it inhibits speech in kids. let them develop without that. >> outside around dogs they should be a little bit dirty as far as i'm concerned. they should be. >> no hand washing in the tucker carlson household. >> that's why they don't get sick. you ever see the movie "baby" is it called "babies" a huge hit documentary. there was no speaking in the who el movie and they follow these kids from around the world and kids growing up in a tent in africa, hanging out with goats, they're dirty and totally well adjusted kids and show this family from berkeley and overprotection, they're coddling them, doing all of these things and it was a stark contrast and these other kids are fine, well adjusted normal kids. >> the point of this to me, why are with he looking to hollywood to decide whether it's a good way to parent our kids or not. ily' look to them for fashion, diet advice, the latest workout trends. parenting? >> i never get plastic surgery without first consulting "us weekly" i'm totally with you on that. speaking of helping them in the long run, schools once again lowering the bar for students, in new mexico it turns out less than 70% of all high school students actually graduate from high school so the state has a new plan, just lower the standards and give a new kind of diploma. >> this is sickening. two different diplomas they're proposing, it will establish the current diploma system of excellence and then it will create a new one called the general diploma. so instead of requiring kids to learn math and science skills it will just lower the bar so that these kids can graduate anyway. right now the united states ranks 28th in the world for math and science skills. we plummeted since the 1970s, i think in the 1970s we were ranked first in the world. instead of educating our children, bringing more knowledge to our brains -- >> i don't think people ask the question, what is different? we had teachers unions then, teachers unions now. we have' had them for a long time. what changed since 1970? massive amounts of immigration, people who don't speak english don't do well in school and the total collapse of the family. half the house holds in america, half the children are born to single parents. we know for a fact kids growing up without a father don't do as well in school. >> what about the curricula in. >> it's changed for sure but those are the two major changes nobody mentions. like this is happening in a vacuum and yes there are crummy teachers but bigger changes underfood. >> we want our kids educated so they don't have a piece of paper or diploma, so they can be more productive citizens of a community and of a society so if they're having such an issue with this, you know, i don't know that lowering the requirements is a better idea. how about they're not going to get a diploma to go to college, why not work on the trade schools that can make them be productive citizens and have some sort of skills to give back to the community. >> a lot of those jobs recession proof, you need a plumber during a recession, you need a carpenter during a recession. eddie writes "just go ahead and give kids diplomas after fourth grade and put them on welfare and be done with it." >> well we're getting close to that. larry writes "sounds luke a good idea, when i was in school there were social passing grades because we need truck drivers, and those jobs can be done without a diploma." you fear those not graduating in new mexico are not becoming truck drivers. it's hard to become a truck driver. >> and difficult to become a plumber and car penner is. you have to know a lot of things. let us know what you this by that, weigh in on our twitter page, ffweekend, and also facebook as well. some stories making headlines on your sunday morning, the verdict is in, alex rodriguez, yankees third baseman, suspended for the entire 2014 season including the playoffs. major league baseball's chief witness in the case anthony bosch telling "60 minutes" he injected the slugger because a-rod was "scared of needles." a-rod vowing to fight the suspension in federal court. experts say the odds are against him. the movie "lone survivor" is get so long popular a movie theater in texas stopped showing other movies so it could play "lone survivor" on more screens. this picture posted on twitter shows the sign the theater posted, even canceling hits like "american hustle" and "the wolf of wall street." we spoke with the retired navy s.e.a.l. the movie is based op. on what the support is like. >> i'm happy with it. i this i that all the stories that float around this country and the world and they decided to do this particular story to make the movie out of is, it's a great honor. >> the movie took in $14.4 million in the first day alone. experts are saying it could hit $38 million by the end of the weekend. this next video takes a college trip to a whole new level. ♪ ♪ gimme, gimme your, gum me your attention baby ♪ ♪ i got to tell you a little something about yourself ♪ >> big pants. >> exactly. spent three months in china and decided to dance his way through the country. he says he was there on a study abroad program and wanted to document his jurourney in a unie way. >> this is what young kids are doing. >> it totally confuses the chinese. that just set them back in their race against the united states by a decade or more. >> the panda is getting in on the action. >> bewildered confusion. when he withent to beijing we couldn't see him through the smog, the terrible carcinogens in the area. >> that's the picture he should have had the camera five feet away. who was taking the video? >> i think he set up a tripod. >> it was the panda, he got a panda. >> hired a panda. >> a lot of pandas china. clayton i got a call from apple following up on a service call they did for me this week. >> yes? >> reporter: on a sunday morning. >> customer service. tell us, rick, what was that customer service problem you had? >> reporter: can't go into that. >> you won't go into that. >> reporter: we couldn't but all my weather time will get cut up. you talk about your polar vortex back up where it should be across the arctic area, my new favorite city, yellowknife, feels like minus 44. toward the u.s. a big warmup is happening. still some cool air there and we'll see shots of cooler air moving across the northern plains this week, nothing that will be anywhere near what we saw. today's forecast across the northeast, a cooler day than yesterday but warmer than it's been and slightly above average, a few snow flurries around the great lakes. down to the southeast it's dry conditions, no humidity, reaching into the southeast a little bit of cloud cover across south texas and by tonight a few showers moving across southern louisiana. to the northern plains a little bit of mixing, freezing rain and some snow move in towards the northern plains tonight. terps looking fine and out towards the west, snow across the inner mountain west in towards the rockies, southern california getting ready for big wind and dangerous fire conditions for the next few days. all right, guys, back to you inside. >> thanks, rick. coming up the mainstream media having a field day with chris christie, dismissing him as a presidential candidate during bridgegate. where was the outrage durs the irs scandal? howard kurtz host of "media buzz" is here to analyze the media this week. >> the non-profit helping teenagers prevent bullying by paying for them to go under the knife? it's plastic surgery to prevent bullying, is it a good idea or going to for? we talked one teenager who did it. look at the dichbs difference here. we'll talk to him. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? probably wasn't talking about dollars. pretty much everybody wants to keep those. ♪ most car insurance companies know this -- because they keep yellinabout it. onlyhey don't say how they're saving those dollars. ♪ but esuran was born online, raised by chnology, and majo in efficiency. when they save, u save. so you can keep your dollars. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. test test test suffering from the flu is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. prescription tamiflu attacks the flu virus at its source. so call your doctor right away. tamiflu treats the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. so don't wait. attack the flu virus at its source. ask your doctor about tamiflu, prescription for flu. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on welcome back. it's the apology that's causing quite a bit of media buzz. watch. >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. i'm responsible for it. it happened on my watch. the buck stops at my desk and so i have to act. >> governor christie saying even though he says he knew nothing about the bridge being closed he takes full responsibility because it happened while he was governor. the press is making a lot of this, even dismissing him as a 2016 presidential candidate. does this match the outrage they showed during the irs scandal, botched health care rollout for benghazi. joining us is howard kurtz host of "media buzz" right here on fox. howie, where would you put this in the context of media outrage? >> of media outrage? well chris christie himself has helped boost this scandal, tucker, into the stratosphere holding that two-hour marathon. i don't know about you, i needed a bathroom break after a while. it provided great visuals for the press, everybody is replaying the clips as you just did, as we're going to do lawsuiter this morning, whereas the irs scandal i thought was outrage, more abstract, a newspaper story than suitable for television and when there wasn't a direct connection shown between president obama and the regional cincinnati office it became harder to sustain the storyline. >> it also didn't fit quite the press narrative at the time. the irs story broke when the president was enjoying pretty much unanimous support from reporters, that's changed a little bit about owe bamobamaca. don't you think politics had something to do with that? >> maybe. i used to say chris christie was the media's favorite republican. lot of journalists like him, he's great copy. his pragmatic brand of republicanism appeals to east coast journalists. it's fascinating to watch the media turn on him not because this is a juicy story, come on, deliberately causing traffic chaos to are four days in ft. lee, new jersey, it's easy to understand but also because his strengths as being an in your face jersey shore kind of guy also lends itself to flipping the kamecamera, is he a bully, engage in petty retaliation or allow his aides to do so. >> one thing reporters do at the drop of a hat is speculate forward, years, and so the current story on governor christie is that this may wreck his opportunity to win the republican presidential nomination years from now. is that really the roll of reporters, to be jumping to those conclusions, do you think? >> well, if you start putting reporters in jail for speculation, i think we have to build a few more prisons, but it is ridiculous, tucker, to say two years before the iowa caucuses, well, christie's toast, or is he toast because of a local bring scdge scandal tha serious because it mars his image. if nothing else comes this could be a mere forgotten footnote two years from now. people rushing to say first he was the front-runner and now that he is toast i think are guilty of premature speculation. >> we could be speaking chinese two years from now. who knows what the future holds. we know the future in about an hour is "media buzz" today at 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. howard kurtz sits down with our own brit hume. thanks for joining us. i'll watch. paying for teens to get plastic surgery to prevent bullying. is this a good idea or insane? we'll talk to one teen who actually did it. stay tuned. wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. 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