Rick reichmuth standing by with the latest. Its going to be good. I dont get to work with you guys every day. Appreciate it. Todd going to be fun. We can Casey Stegall live in new orleans. Of course we begin with rob schmitt in louisiana wheres storm is expected to make landfall. Rob, good morning. Rob good morning, guys. Yeah we are in here in morgan city about 75 miles or so to the west of new orleans, and this is where we think the eye is going to come ashore when it eventually does come ashore. Right now this storm is moving at a snails pace. People are worried how much rain is going to fall a foot to 2foot of rain in southern louisiana here. As we take a look out here we are standing on a 20foot concrete levee of a sort which holds back the river here. You can see why this is needed because this river is way beyond its banks already. If we look out a little further you can see the morings out there and you can see how much water has come up above the banks of this river. If we look on the other side, guys. This is the historic downgts morgan city area. This is a small little city here in southern louisiana. And at this point right now, this is still a Tropical Storm with, i think, 65 mileperhour wind gusts being reported. They are expecting that up to get up to the 75 Miles Per Hour threshold which will make this a category 1 hurricane. This is going to be the big first storm of this season. Its a little bit early to be talking about these storms to be honest with you. Usually these are more september october stories. Here we are down here and at this point louisiana is bracing for water. Thats what they are really worried about. Wind is one thing but water. There are so many different ways as the governor was just saying yesterday that louisiana can flood so much of this state, especially down in these areas thats built below sea level so you have got a ton of rivers that come up. You have the storm surge comes up. The gulf obviously. What they are really concerned about is water. And the army corps of engineers for the federal government has spent years ever since katrina rebuilding so many levees. Do a lot of Productive Work trying to make these areas safer for people to live in after more than 1800 people were killed in katrina. They have done a lot of work, they are hoping this is going to be a good test to show some of the progress that they have been able to make in these areas to keep people safer a lot of people live below sea level. In an area like this where you get so much rain and at risk for hurricanes and all sorts of things the Mississippi River has been swelled all spring and into the summer as well. Thats very important work thats being done, guys. Right now its dry. Were getting bands coming through and it gets really windy and really wet for periods of two or three minutes and dries the off kind of like it is right now. As thee bands probably get closer and closer together and get closer and closer to the eye. That eye wall might not come until noon at this point because the storm is moving so slow. Rick will get into that more. Back to you. Griff rob, let me ask you this question. At this point in the storm hardened folks in the Southeastern Louisiana do you get the sense they have heeded the warnings to evacuate and prepared for a storm coming so early in the season . Rob its an early season storm, griff. I didnt get the feeling that team were too worried about this one. Because when you say Tropical Storm, when you say category 1. People like you said are used to hurricanes. People live in south and florida and gulf coast. They start to hear 3, 4, then they get really worried. With a category 1 we have seen some sand bags out some retail shops especially in this area of morgan city. We are staying in new orleans. We drove out here for this. New orleans we didnt feel a lot of great concern. You could feel that in the media coverage. A lot of the local news is reminding people hey, we really do need to take this seriously. I know you are not too worried about it at this point. They are having a hard time emphasizing this coon a big water event because like i said this slow is moving so slow it. Could just park over southern louisiana and dump rain. They could get two feet of rain if those loifers breech again thats what killed people the last time this happened, when katrina happened and they had last big major storm thats what it was. It was the water. You dont need a category 3, 4. You dont need intense winds to kill a lot of people. Rememb, rob. Thank you so much. You mentioned new orleans, rob. Casey stegall is live in the new orleans Business District where barry is expected to bring dangerous storm surges. Casey, talk to us. Hey, guys, good morning to you. We are experiencing a lot of the same conditions that rob is just describing. Right now we have got some pretty heavy winds. Its not even raining at this point. Thats what we experience you had as we know as the storms are churning and making their way toward land. You start getting the outer bands which bestarted feeling 24 hours ago. Yesterday morning, when we started our shift, it will rain sideways for five minutes and the wind will be blowing like crazy and then it kind of gets eerily quiet. About 56,000 people across the state of louisiana are without power. That number is going up. It was about 25,000 a few hours ago. Now 56,000. And for now, the things are looking good here in the Business District. Lower lying areas, a little bit of a different story. To video now near lake ponch train. That is a big area of concern. As rob mentioned this area is essentially a bowl. Its below sea level. They have put in a lot of flood protection since katrina. Still, there is only so much you can do. You can see neighborhoods around lake ponch train, high water levels already causing water to spill into some of the streets there folks were packing up their pets and belongings to get out. Fox news drone video now showing the high water levels. You know, from up above, it really puts things into perspective river rob talked about is super high from all of the flooding this past spring. Additional rainfall and storm surge is of concern. More than 2500 Louisiana National guard troops were activated they were out ahead of time helping sand bag and distribute supplies. And then they will remain on the ground here to assist with rescue, recovery, and clean up. One more point to emphasize, we hated to sound like a broken record, but thats what we keep reading is what rob talked about how slow this is moving. The rain isnt here yet. But, once it gets here, its going to be around for a while. It is moving extremely slowly and so that is the real issue here is the water. So, were on stand by. Were going to be here all morning and keep you posted as this thing comes ashore, guys. Griff all right, casey, thank you very much. We have Rick Reichmuth, chief meteorologist here in studio. Rick, where does the storm stand . Talk to us. What the folks are watching down there in Southeastern Louisiana. Its parked right off the coast line. You want to get it overland. Dont give it any more time where it could strengthen. Moving so slowly. National Hurricane Center still expect it to get to hurricanestrength before making landfall. It is a strengthening storm yet. Pressure down to 9 millibars. That just means strengthening storm compared to where the pressure had been 12 hours ago. You will notice the last couple of days all of the action of this storm has been way off center from where the center of the storm is if you look at these last couple images a lot of that action which you can see dark reds there are really blooming at the center of the storm. So, that isnt good news, at least for the strongest of the winds. You will also notice, go all the way two days from now towards monday, and the storm is right around the arkansas, louisiana line. Thats the slow movement of the storm. And thats where all that moisture thats contained there is eventually going to drop in across parts of southern louisiana, mississippi, tennessee, alabama and arkansas. Those are the five states that need to be watching. This the radar image and the satellite image if you put that closer the parked right off the shore. If there has been any trends we have seen over the last 1 hours or so, that is that were going to see maybe slightly less rain right in the new orleans area and the official river flood forecast is a little bit lower than it was. Now they are saying they expect that river to crest right around 17 feet in instead of 19 and 20 feet they had earlier. That would be good news. One thing to point out on these maps, these were all winds that were reporting right now that Eugene Island offshore there, they are showing a wind gust of 91 Miles Per Hour. If that is the case, this probably is getting up towards hurricane strength and we might see some sort of a an adjustment. If dos it make a difference if its 70, 74 Miles Per Hour . Not initially. The big issue is moisture. That rain is going to be the story. You are either going to have it or not going to have it. If you look at this, you see its a really narrow piece of real estate thats going to get that heavy rain. You might be able to go 20 miles in one direction and talk about maybe 2 inches of rain. And 20 miles in the other direction and talking about 18 inches of rain. We cant say exactly who is going to get that 2, who is going to get that 18. Thats why Everybody Needs to prepare for that one of those things with this storm where we dont see it immediately because flooding is very difficult to get the images out of that this might be something probably monday we start to seat real impacts from this flooding that we arent going to see right when the storm moves on shore right here. When we dont see the pictures out of the way dont think we are out of the blue because there is a lot of water thats going to fall and thats going to cause all of our flooding over the next couple of days. Griff thats right, rick. You talk about the Mighty Mississippi cresting at 17 feet would be a good thing. Is it possible and i know the engineers monitoring the carrollton gauge where the river is off the highest. Is there is a chance in the coming 48 hours we see that become more of a threat. Rick oh, absolutely there is a chance of that. Thats because of this rain thats going to fall that still has to get into that river. One thing is storm surge flooding thats water thats pushing up the Mississippi River up from the ocean. Other is the rain that is going to fall that has to drain into the mississippi. The mississippi is already at really high level. Those levees overtime become taxed a lot of places along the Mississippi River have been in flood stage for 180 days, griff. Blows away any records of when we have seen that kind of flooding since recordkeeping and our levees have been built. Over 180 days is a lot of pressure consistently on those levees. Now throw in maybe 10 to 20 inches of rain going to go quickly back into that its going to continually stress these levees. Hopefully none of these scenarios play out and things will be okay. We cant rule that out thats why we need to talk about it this way. Griff thank youfully we have you and rob and casey keeping an eye on it. Todd there is other news. I was at lunch scrolling through my phone, reading all of these emails coming from Hillary Vaughn our reporter in this Border Patrol hearing on capitol hill. And to see the language that was coming out, it wasnt normal language. You could tell this was a hearing that was filled with fireworks. And obviously front and Center Tomorrow we are expecting a number of ice raids in at least 10 cities around the country. Protesters yesterday were doing a lot of stuff in protest of those raids. And, of course, in response to what was happening there in capitol hill. We saw a number of things. The thing that was most disturbing to me was in colorado. What they did with not only the American Flag but putting up another countrys flag on our soil. Jedediah essentially an American Flag taken down. Mexican flag put up. You also had a Blue Lives Matter taken down. And this was outside of an ice facility in colorado, in response, of course, to these raids that are up and coming. So this is the type of protest that you are seeing happen throughout the country. And that personal flag was put back in its rightful place. This is the type of division and polarization we have seen extensively on this particular issue. I dont think its going to get any better. I think its going to get worse and more divisive. Particularly when you look at that hearing, that house hearing that were going to talk about. We are going to have tom homan on later on in the show to talk about it. There was a lot of contentious exchanges between tom homan and the aoc and democrats and former ice director on this particular issue. Griff you luke there. That is the mexican flag raise the at ice detention facility. Nationwide from new york all the way to california. This is one of the ones where they want to release all of the migrants being held in these detention facilities and welcomed as Illegal Immigrants into america. Todd we will bring you those fireworks coming up later on. Jedediah we have tom homan on at 7 20 a. M. You are not going to want to miss this. He was there and had a very Heated Exchange with aoc. Dontly dont want to miss that. Griff more dnc fighting with nancy pelosi and aoc going to head. What does that mean for the party . We will hear about that next why dont you just meet me in the middle im losing my mind just a little. [do you want breakfast or no . ] free cancellations [definitely breakfast. ] how good is that . Be a booker at booking. Com. Welcome back. So we were talking about the border. We were talking about some protests that are building up around the country in reaction to tomorrows ice raids, including those protesters that had taken down the American Flag in colorado. And there was this house hearing yesterday where tom homan, former ice director got up and had to defend the Border Patrol and ice on many issues, was attacked by democrats. Take a listen to tom homan calling out congress for not doing its job and saying listen, if you want to fix this. Its your job to do. So. Let me explain to you why im sitting here so frustrated because im the only one in this room worn a green uniform and been on that line. We keep talking about open borders, abolish ice. Lets not detain anybody and let everybody go. That entices more people to come. This is not about enforcing law this is about saving lives. I have seen a stack of dead bodies. These angel moms and dad why have an open border. The more we entice people to make this journey 31 of women are being raped. Children are dying. I said months ago if we dont close the loopholes more women will be raped and more children will die. Its like nobody is listening. If you dont like what cbp does do your job. Congress failed the American People three 30 years i have been doing this job. They dont defend the men and women who have the American Flag on their shoulder and defend their nation. Griff tom homan spent 30 years on Border Patrol as we wait for ice raids to take place 10 cities across the country, ice raids that are being delivered because of the rule of law, remember, these are migrants who had their day in court and were ordered to be deported, but homan is talking specifically to congress who have created the conditions that were seeing at the border. This hearing with the House Oversight Committee Led by democrat elijah consumption was taking a look at children at the migrant shelters which by all account are difficult and dire. But these conditions that these children are in are because the direct result of congress refusing to both originally acknowledge then address the framework will. The immigration Legal Framework that congress made. The laws that congress made. And thats why he is so frustrated. So did they come around, democrats, and agree with him . No, they attacked him. Listen to how he was treated. Is it because these children dont look like children that are around you . Have you ever held a deceased child in your arms . Your comments are disgusting. Yes i held a 5yearold boy in my arms in the back of that tractortrailer and i knelt down beside him and prayed for him i knew what the last hour of his life wation like. I. I would like to declaim my time right now. You cant make a statement about medical care. Im not talking about the past. Im talking about the present. How can we elevate. I am not going to let your callus stand without response. Im extremely frustrated. Im not calling on you, sir. Of course not. You are not at the border. You are not at the border right now. You are in a hearing room. Its my time. The attacks came in strong. Homan stood his ground. We will have tom homan on. I will definitely ask him about that aoc exchange. Pretty phenomenal to see. 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He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Jedediah we are back with headlines beginning with a fox news alert. At least two americans among dozens killed terror attack on hotel in somalia. Police say four gunmen stormed the building after it was hit with a car bomb. Security forces shot and killed the attackers. In total at least 26 people were killed. Extremist Group Alshabaab is claiming responsibility for the attack. And in more breaking news overnight. Taliban terrorists now claiming responsibility for an American Service member killed in action in afghanistan circumstances surrounding the deadly combat have not been released. This is the 10th u. S. Service member killed in action in afghanistan this year. The house overwhelmingly passes a bill to make sure the 9 11 Compensation Fund runs out of money. Now moves to the senate where Mitch Mcconnell agreed to call a vote before the august recess. The fund set to expire at the end of next year benefits First Responders who developed illnesses linked to working at ground zero todd all eyes on Tropical Storm barry as it prepares to make landfall bringing heavy winds and rain. The cajun navy already mobilizing in southern louisiana to provide assistance on the ground. Griff joining us on the phone is sean budro cajun relief. Your guys and gals are out there. I assume you are prepositioned and ready for barry. That is correct. We are on stand by now. We have plans to meet with the Operation Emergency Center staff. First thing this morning and wait it out and see where we are needed. Griff sean, so our viewers understand. What preparations are you doing . What support are you going to bring to the officials this weekend of the storage. We like to focus on areas and reach people on methods they may not be able to able to. Social media, twitter. Their normal format is to follow 911. We are looking for noncritical assistance. You know, if its a life or death situation, call 911. If you have a pet and need to get out. We might be the right folks to do that. Todd cajun navy born out of Hillary Clinton katrina. This is the first one have you had to deal with since Hurricane Katrina and rita. What did you learn from that overall experience in 2005. In 2005, i wasnt involved with the efforts of the cajun navy. I came on board in 2016 when a flood very similar to this circumstances very similar to this created a flood in denim springs, livingston pair return. Parish. Areas surrounding baton rouge. Walkie talk qua. Mobile g. P. S. Tractors. Tree technology to coordinate ourselves and be effective in the field. Jedediah have you volunteers in seven states. You make such a tremendous impact on these communities. I wonder what the response is. In this up stance you will be delivering sandbags people handicapped. Veterans, people who are disabled people who cant get those sand bags themselves. You do so much on the ground what is the reaction from people to the amazing work do you . Its wonderful to see and interact with people and to get the responses. Its very heartwarming and i think thats really what drives a lot of us to continue to do this. For the officials, some of them dont know what to make of it at first. Thats why we try to make it clear we are here to assist in the capacity thats needed. We will always talk to the Emergency Operation center. If we dont go through the eoc we will be looking at noncritical only. Sandbags, things of that sort. It is always wellreceived whenever we are getting our jobs done. Jedediah in terms of being on the ground in a situation like this, how do you communicate with each other . How easy is it for you, all of the volunteers who are trying to effectuate this positive impact to communicate, given whats going on . Its remarkable. There are so many apps out there in the world today. People creating amazing things. This is an app. I stumbled on years and years ago when i started working with the cajun navy in 2016 was like, you know, its a lot easier to just push to talk instead of trying to type out a message on facebook messenger. Social media, walking talky act called zell low as well as glimpse for give us Realtime Data where people are and speak instantly. Todd you guys have a number that you want to have people call in case they need you. What is that number . We ask that people reach out to us first via social media offer sphreer r. Facebook or our website cajun relief. 5045176289. For people who may need to ask for something and may not be able to full will fill out the forms on website to request rescue. Griff we appreciate all of the volunteers at the cajun navy willing to come out particularly on this boat if they turn into the water flood event that we fear this could possibly be thank you, sean. Thank you. Griff democrat infighting reach as fevered pitch as aoc and nancy pelosi go head to head. What does this mean for the future of the party . Thats coming up next. That i won the best of i casweepstakes it. And i get to be in this geico commercial . Lets do the eyebrows first, just tease it a little. Slather it all over, dont hold back. Well, the squirrels followed me all the way out to california and theres a very strange badger staring at me. No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Uhhuh, wheres the camel . Mr. Big shots got his own trailer. Wheeeeeee believe it geico could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed it can. With your sleep number setting. Can it help keep me asleep . Yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save up to 600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Who used expedia to book the Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Griff we are back with a fox news alert will storm bracing for bashy along the shoreline. Jedediah very first storm of the season. Officials sounding the alarm as 56,000 people are without power across the state of louisiana. It is a dangerous and life threatening storm. It will be probably hurricane when it makes landfall on the louisiana coast line. Every rainfall will be possible, major to near or even record flooding will be possible. A strong storm surge potentially lifethreatening. Flooding is expected to slam new orleans. And obviously very, very concerning. Steve we have Team Coverage this morning tracking Tropical Storm barrys every move. Jedediah meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is here in studio with the latest forecast. Todd we begin with Doug Mckelway in the French Quarter overlooking the river. Right now it is looking pretty good, actually. One of the reasons for that is we are between bands. Im completely dry right now and the wind is not all that strong. When they do come on, they come on suddenly and picks up considerably and the rain comes down in tore rents. The other piece of good news is the respect river right now. Its expected, according to the National Weather service to crest at 17. 1 feet above flood stage. Thats lowered from the earlier predictions of 19 feet above flood stage. And considering the fact that most of the barriers most of the levees surrounding the areas that protect the city of new orleans are at 20 to 25 feet tall, thats good news indeed. Earlier looking at one foot protection under those projections. Now we have got 3 feet to work with hopefully those projections will be correct. The bad news is, as you guys have been following all morning is that the hurricane is the Tropical Storm, i should say, is moving at extremely slow speed about 3 Miles Per Hour and west northwesterly direction. And so that means whatever landfall it hits is going to be inundated with rainfall, the expectations are 10 to 20 inches of rain. I have seen some projections of 25 inches. Thats more than 2 feet of rain. And when it moves slowly, obviously it has a chance to accumulate greater. Thats a concern here in new orleans because much of the city lies below sea level. The city has 120 pumps. These high volume pumps capable of pumping 1,000 cubic feet per second each of them is. They readily admit they cant keep that in check when we are looking at the rainfall totals that they are looking at. Nevertheless, they have not ordered mandatory evacuations in new orleans. They have told people if you are going to say, stay in your house, be careful. Be considerate. Use sand bags. Go outside and make sure you check your storm drains because they need to be clear in order for those pumps to be working. But, everything is functioning pretty well. Its very quiet around here. The French Quarter is not buzzing with excitement and partiers as it normally would be. I was struck yesterday morning as the number of people that came out when the daylight came up a lot of people in the French Quarter, the horse drawn carriages were out. People were out playing trombones. One guy was playing with a little band you are my sunshine. There is no sunshine and there wont be today. But the spirit is optimistic here. We do expect it to get a lot worse when those bands come through again and the rainfall totals pick up. Back to you in new york. Todd live for us in new orleans, doug, thank you very much. Lets go to Rick Reichmuth. Rick, the thing that stands out to me about this storm is really what were worried about is the river. The reason we are worried about the river is the snow that happened 4, 56 months ago. Rick crazy, isnt it . It really have crazy. Record breaking snow across the far northern plains. All of that snow melted and we have been talking about flooding for four monthsed to saying way up towards the north. We still have rivers in flood stage up across north dakota and nebraska. Still a lot of water in the Mississippi River shed that comes out and exits Plaquemines Parish across southeast louisiana. Take a look at this. These are the things im noticing. These are the winds gusting at places where we have stations. One of them is buoy at Eugene Island. This has been seeing winds over Hurricane Force for the last 30 minutes or. So 91 mileperhour wind gust, 82 mileperhour currently. Way out into this band thats probably about 150 Miles Per Hour away winds gussing in the 60 mileperhour range. This band will continue to rotate on shore across parts of maybe mississippi and then see all of these rotate in across areas like new orleans and eventually the center of the storm go southern louisiana. Thats where we will see the worst of the winds. Winds wont be the worst of the story this bulls eye right here green. Flood warnings going on right now. Heaviest of the rainfalls. Not just along the coast. Extends way further inland. These are the two most reliable models. You notice this heavy band of heavy rain. A lot of places 4 to 6 inches of rain. Thats going to cause localized flooding immediately. Get into some of those spots 10 to 20inch rain. You will notice a really sharp cutoff between the haves and have notes in this. Go over towards new orleans. This one only 2 inches that would be great news. Little farther towards the left baton rouge, morgan city those are the spots probably in that 10 to 20inch rain and thats where we will see the worst of the flooding. Guys . Griff rick, thank you. Jedediah we will turn to headlines for you. Vice president mike pence says his visit to a Migrant Detention Center showed him how dire the border situation is. Things have gotten worse. For the First Time Ever the vast majority of people that are coming across our border are families with vulnerable children. Jedediah the Vice President spoke with several families and pleaded with congress to address immigration loopholes. A sheriffs deputy jumps into action saving a baby from choking. Watch this. Come on, baby. Cry for me. Cry for me. Come on, open those eyes, sweetheart. There you go. As long as she is crying like that, she is breathing. The South Carolina deputy giving cpr to baby reilly just 12 days old. This after pulling over the mom for speeding to the hospital. He continued for five minutes until pair met ding a arrived. Good for him. Miley cyrus says she refuses to have kids until Climate Change is resolved. The pop singer telling elle magazine the earth is angry and cant handle any more people right now. She says, quote until i feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, im not bringing in another person to deal with that cyrus is an outspoken liberal supporting many causes, including abortion rights and housing inequality. Thats the first time i have heard that. Todd we are glad you chose a different approach. Jedediah at least she is passion mat about what she believes. Give people credit to stand by what they say. Todd democratic divide alexandria ocasiocortez seemingly plays the race card on House Speaker nancy pelosi saying she is, quote pointing out a pattern of pelosi singling out newly elected women of color. Griff William Lacy Clay firing back at cortez saying what a weak argument. Because you cant get your way and push back you resort to using the race card . Unbelievable. Jedediah where does the Democratic Party stabbed . Joining us now radio who he host and army veteran cathy barnett. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. Jedediah what do you make of the infighting. Crazy stuff going on now between pelosi and aoc. Its like i have got to get my popcorn. I never thought i would be here at fox trying to defend nancy pelosi. But, aoc is playing right out of the democrat playbook called chapter 1, page 1, paragraph 1 where it says if you dont like something, if you dont understand something, and if you dont have the and if you are ill equipped to debate the merits of something, then cry racism. Its a very effective tool for the democrats that they play for many, many generations. This is not the first time they have played the race card because its an effective way to get people to push back. The problem is that racism actually does exist. When people like aoc, nancy pelosi and others play the race card for their own personal agendas or because or to be used as a stop gap measure because they cant debate the issues at hand, it diminishes real issues of racism. Todd i feel like republicans are torn on this. Some republicans saying i feel really bad for nancy pelosi. I feel like have you others who say whats good for the goose is good for the gander. I love that listen i have never met nancy pelosi so i dont know whether she is a racist or not. Quite frankly i dont care. I think what most Americans Care about is whether we are going to have an economy if we can afford to buy a home or renting next year or living in our mothers basement. If i will have steak tonight with my family or forced to eat hot dogs again. Thats what americans really care about. Griff in fairness cnn reporter caught aoc in the hallway and asked if she thought nancy pelosi was a racist and she said no. My question to you, cathy, now that you have two liberal democrat stall warts arguing over women of color is the caucus at a point from which it can return now . I dont know. I dont have a crystal ball. One thing i do know is the coming home to roost. For the past two and a half years, as a black woman, i have been told i need to hate this president , that he is a racist. That there is something wrong with him. And instead of debating the merits of the issue, why not a southern border wall. Why we dont want to put the citizens Citizenship Question on the 2020 screen 202. Democrats are resorted to racism, playing the race card. And now these younger generational millennials they have grown up on a full diet of this. Griff cathy, thanks for being here and thank you for your sufficiency. Thank you. Todd new two two polling trends could spell trouble for democrats. Polster says the latest data shows the president is on track to win reelection. We are breaking down the numbers next. Plus, continuing coverage of Tropical Storm barry live as the storm closes in. Dont go anywhere. Tuck haggling with the dealership over their high prices, worrying if you got a good deal. Its why we invented the new way to buy a car thats completely online, so you get the low price from the start. No expensive dealerships. No commissions. No pressure. Only buying a car on your time knowing the low price you see on our site is the low price youll get. In fact, this is how our customers have saved literally hundreds of millions of dollars with us versus dealerships. At carvana, we dont just say were going to save you money, we save you money. danny after a long day of hard work. You have to do more work . vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. danny every day youre nearly fried to a crisp, professionally vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. Quickbooks. Backing you. 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Here to crunch the numbers as always trump 2020 campaign polster and president of mclaughlin and Associates Jim income glock lynn. Good they worked out names like that because thats your last name. Slide one. Here we go slide one, Approval Rating in Battle Ground states. We all know this race is going to come down to just a few states. This is good news for the president. Why . No question about it. Because, remember when the democrats were talking last time about the old blue wall, democratic blue wall no way no republican could win, pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin . This president knocked down that blue wall and he won overwhelmingly. Interesting part these are quinnipiac polls i have seen better numbers for him there. His job rating, especially on the economy is way over 50 in those important Battle Ground states. Todd lets get to the economy. Because we have manufacturing state. Manufacturing state. Manufacturing state. And manufacturing state. Yeah. Todd boom, here we go the economy. The economy is really what is going to win him for him. Four out of five showed trump divide democrats or in the margin of error. Only losing to biden. Im going back to this. 51 approve of trumps handling of the economy. We have heard this from the clinton days, jim carville about the economy, stupid. No different in 2020. No question about it. And peace and property parity. Usually what reelects president s. His numbers went up after he was talking peace with north korea and also after what happened in iran. And he didnt he showed a lot of measure on that and he is clearly going after iran. He is being tough on them and he hasnt brought in troops and whatnot. People are impressed by that even though he is attacked by democrats i think their attacks back fired on iran. Todd top issue for voter we said this earlier no shocker here. Healthcare 21 . Do the democrats really attack on healthcare . Do the republicans respond or do the democrats republicans just say look, were going to try to punt until after 2020. No. I think we want to go on offense on healthcare. Think about it. The democrats right now are the ones who want to repeal and replace obamacare. They want to abolish private health insurance. This gives President Trump a great idea because obamacare is still very unpopular. And the democrats know that by the way. I think its going to be a sleeper issue here this time for the republicans. And i think donald trump is going to do really well on the issue of healthcare. Todd quick question on the economy. 20 seconds. Are you a little bit worried if they cut Interest Rate at the end of this month the economy will peek right in time ever to the elections in 2019 that the president needs to to peak in 2020. Beautiful thing that the president s policies especially tax relief has created jobs and most importantly its increased wages. Especially with low income earners. Thats something that the democrats couldnt do in the obama era. Todd jim, the touch screen didnt break we have about 475 days to break it between november of 20206789 appreciate it. Our coverage continues as Tropical Storm barry inches closer to the coast line. Lifesaving hasps to help you during and after a storm like this. At the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Lease the 2019 rx 350 for 389 a month, for 36 months, and well make your first months payment. Experience amazing. But i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Griff welcome back. Tropical storm barry threatens to bring heavy rains and flooding as it prepares to make landfall along the gulf coast. Jedediah new Technology Offering lifeline. Here with apps to help survive a storm. You get stuck like i was in Hurricane Katrina downtown new orleans for days on end. You try to figure out i that giferred my way through that situation as best as i could. Now it taught me which apps are really crap and which ones are really spectacular that you should always have not only in a hurricane but any crisis any emergency. Jedediah take a look. I want to start with the siren g. P. S. App. What does that do. Let me jump to that. This is actually brilliant. This is an app. Regardless if you are a hurricane or not. Download siren geps available in both platforms. In an emergency, you can see this on the phone it, will actually share with a 911 dispatcher your exact latitude and longitude. Your g. P. S. Coordinants. Where you are located. Guess what . During major storms and flooding the street signs go away. Land marks are under water and emergency workers and rescuers dont know how to navigate your neighborhood like you even do. Its a brilliant, simple thing and it also simple easy to use and free. Make the button app. That big if you are in an emergency. Disaster alert app. Is amazing. Take a look at this one. This one takes you jump to it right here takes to you 18 different types of disas herbs are monitored glocially on this one. It shows you a recent earthquake here. Move you around and take to you louisiana. You would see that it is all over giving you localized information including weather data on this. But it goes through scrolls. And you can dial in which disasters you want to be aware of inside of that app. Jedediah the one that fascinates kne knee me the most is zello turns your phone into a walkietalkie. Every member of your family if you are caught in an emergency of any sort this should be on every member of your familys phone it automatically does this. For example, hey, griff, were all going to meet in the living room, go now. Griff okay, kurt, im running to the living room, come rescue me. Does this work when you are not too feet away from each other it . Works if you have Cellular Connection or wifi. Presumably before the storm or during the storm is when you have still have those services its after the storm that cell phone towers start to go down. Jedediah if you are not gadgetsavvy are they user friendly. Anybody can do. This just the best at this pointipduring a storm. Keep your phone with you. Every member of the family phone with them and a charger in each pocket of each individual. Griff it could save lives. Griff thanks for joining us. A fox news alert, Tropical Storm barry pushing closer to storm. We will take you there live coming up next. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . For making bucket lists bookers know summer is for booking it like booking a beachside resort, and ordering two more tacos than you need to. Check. Showing the deep end whos boss check. Starting a scooter gang with the fam. Check. Awesome bookers know summer wont last forever. Youre gonna thank me so be a booker at booking. Com. The worlds number one choice for booking accomodations. And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, ill wake up ready for anything . Oh, weve got your back. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, save up to 600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Griff a fox news alert and straight to our top story. The gulf coast now bracing for barry as the Tropical Storm nears landfall. Communities are on high alert for what could be the very first hurricane of the season. Jedediah 56,000 people already losing power across louisiana. Moments ago, delta canceling all flights there. Todd a strong storm surge lifethreatening. Flooding is also expected as we bring you in now. Griff, jed, todd here live. Team coverage for you all morning long. We have got you covered all around the country but, of course, focusing on three major states today, mississippi, alabama, and, of course, louisiana. Griff thats right. We have Team Coverage this morning. Meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is tracking Tropical Storm bareys every move. Jedediah Casey Stegall is live in new orleans. Todd we begin with rob schmitt in morgan city, louisiana where the storm is expected to make landfall. How have the conditions changed in the last hour. The last hour it feels pretty much the same. Its gotten windier but the storm is moving slow. Definitely going to pack a punch when it comes. We are going to be pretty close to the eye. I think its going to slide to the west of us. Means we are going to be on the dirty side of a storm. The right side is usually where more wind and rain come. Thats where we will be. The river, now that we have a little bit of Natural Light on it get a better picture what were looking at. This storm hasnt come in yet and look how swelled this river is see that bridge out there, barely above the waters level. And you can see the banks right here these moorings and here comes in the water in right here. Shows you all the more importance of levees like the one im standing on here. Give you a closer look at this. This was built back in the 80s by the army corps of eption nears. I just got nailed by wind right there. 20foot high concrete wall. This river can get really high. This storm hasnt even hit yet and its already this high. You look over here and the town of morgan city. This is what keeps so many communities here in southern louisiana dry. Are levee systems like this. Without it, you have so many people in this area that live at or sometimes below sea level and water comes from so many different places. Comes from gulf and whichever son with you will. Its a wet area. A swamp land down here. If when you live below sea level can you get needed out so fast like we saw in Hurricane Katrina. The conditions, were getting gusts in the 30s i believe is what we are feeling right now. The storm itself is still at Tropical Storm out in the gulf maybe 40, 50 miles out on the coast. Maybe a little closer at this point. Once it gets to 74 mileperhour sustained winds and category 1 hurricane. That, believe, is still the anticipation. A state of emergency has been declared. Federal state of emergency for louisiana. Thats going to open up those fema resources to come down here. The president signed off on that yesterday. That will likely be needed. Because water is going to be the big concern. We could see a foot to 2 feet of rain be dumped here in louisiana and all through the south. Into mississippi and other parts as well as this storm system moves ashore and potentially just parks or moves at a snails pace and all that rain just keeps dumping and dumping and dumping. And like we have talked about this morning, the Mississippi River has been tremendously swelled from too much rain already from spring into the summer. And putt this storm on top of it. The track of the storm after it gets done with louisiana here it looks like it will move up the mississippi and keep dumping way too much water as we have seen throughout the river valley and down through here and all that water gets dumped up north has to come back down here as well as it empties out into the gulf. Water is going to be the big story with this storm arrests the sky starts to brighten here on this saturday morning. The storm has slowed down a little bit. We were expecting that they would be in the brunt of it right now and feeling Hurricane Force winds potentially right now. At this point we are still a little bit ahead of it and looking like it will move on later this morning and into the afternoon, guys. We will send it back to you. Griff we have seen your live shot it. Looks like some power in morgan city behind you which is a good sign for folks riding it out. Rob a little bit of power, griff. We have been seeing transformers popping like crazy. Its like fireworks. The blue sky pops up every once in a while. We have seen at least four or five of them at this point. Power is dicey. There are i think about 50,000 customers without power in louisiana at this point. So it depends on where you are. Todd as you guys all know when you see that blue pop you start getting nervous because theangs that means its coming. Rob, thank you. We go from morgan city to new orleans the business direct. Thats where we find Casey Stegall live for us there casey, how has the situation changed there in the last hour . Good morning to you guys. The wind has picked up. And the sun is starting to come out a little bit. At least peeking behind the clouds. But its eerily quiet for 6 00 in the morning right here in the middle of the Business District of new orleans. We are just a couple of blocks from canal street and the famed French Quarter. The wind is starting to gust here. No rain just yet. But i got to say this is a city. And this is a state that is not taking any chances whatsoever with barry. The entire Hurricane Protection system that was put in post katrina is activated. And we want to show you some video. This is quite impressive. In fact, never before been done. All 244 flood gates that were built to protect the levees and the community of new orleans, they have all been sealed and closed off ahead of this storm. That is in conjunction with giant pumps that were put in post katrina that are running to help clear out some of the water. The u. S. Army corps of engineers keeping a close eye on the improves levee system. The levees protecting new orleans are 25 and 25 feet tall. The highest is 25 feet. Now, there is concern, however, with those Mississippi River levels because normally its about 6 or 7 feet above sea level this time of year. And its expected to crest tomorrow at 17 feet. Lower than first anticipated with this storm surge, but obviously a whole lot higher than it typically is. So Emergency Management officials have been saying that residents need to be prepared for extreme downpours and flash flooding. Look at this video it. Is from wednesday, when barry was not even barry. It was just an invest. And it was a Tropical Storm disturbance that was forming before it pushed out over the gulf. It dumped 8 inches of rain on this city in three hours. And they were not prepared. The roads turned to rivers. Business us were flooded. But then it was flash flooding. So the water went down within a matter of hours. But yesterday at one of those press briefings, the officials on the ground here compared what could potentially happen with barry to that situation on wednesday because of the tremendous amount of rain it could drop. So, again, now, the pumps are running. The gates are closed. And the preparations have been made. Were waiting for the rain at this point. Back to you guys. Thank you, casey. We will head over to Rick Reichmuth for the latest. What have you got . Rick going to to come in bands. Maybe today and tomorrow prolonged rain it. Will be those bands that moved through. Interestingly, the storm looks better on satellite representation than it has kind of in the life of it for the last couple of days the storm has had all of its energy dislocated from the rest of the storm. When that happens its hard for a strong to strengthen. Deep reds. Getting closer towards the center. A few more hours of leftover water. Really good news its about to move overshore because it will lose that chance that it has to strengthen. If we had more time see much more strengthening storm. You get the idea it still a strengthening storm and thats why the national Hurricane Center believes it will get to hurricane strength before it makes landfall. We like to categorize things. Going to be in that 70 to 75 mileperhour range. Some damage but not huge damage. Its going to be the water from. This take a look at what happens over the next few days. The storm does not move much. Whatever is left of that storm will be across southern parts of arkansas thats not a lot of distance and that means we will will have a couple of days to see that rain. Because of the way the rotation of that circulation goes, those rain bands will continue to pour over the same areas and thats why we will see some spots, those rainfall totals getting pretty extreme. We still expect 10 to 20inch range from this, guys. Where exactly that happens we still cant say. Better looking a little bit that it j s. Just just to the west of new orleans. That isnt good news if you are in baton rouge. Jedediah thank you, rick, would he appreciate it. We will head back to politics infighting on the left. Very entertaining. I like infighting on the left and right because sometimes it shakes up the heart a little bit. You have to shake it up. Interesting we see all this infighting between nancy pelosi and aoc. We knew when aoc and ilhan omar and regard tlaib was going to create tension with the old leadership. Guess who weighed in on the controversy between pelosi and aoc thats right very own President Trump weighed in. Listen to what he had to say. I think cortez is being very disrespectful to somebody thats been there a long time. I deal with nancy pelosi a lot. And we go back and forth and its fine. A group of people is being very disrespectful to her. And you know what . I dont think that nancy can let that go on. Cortez should treat nancy pelosi with respect. She should not be doing what she is doing. And i wil will tell you something about nancy pelosi that you know better than i do she is not a racist. For them to call her a racist is a disgrace. Jedediah is she being disrespectful . Is aoc being disrespectful or challenging the status quo. Many people call the tea party disrespectful at the time when mike lee and rand paul saying you are disrespecting the john boehner. Maybe aoc feels like she is doing her job by challenging pelosi. Could be. Is how the squad operates. When i hear that phrase the squad. I think this is a group that wants instagram points. Im not trying to be flip when i say that take it back to twitter and facebook they obviously are the social media foursome that wants all the attention and big headlines. What are they doing of substance . Keep in mind this is the group that didnt vote to help out the border even though they have been complaining about it since the moment they got in office even before. So i think there is some truth to the fact when you hear President Trump say that obviously he is not joining the Democratic Party. Is he not going to be running for Nancy Pelosis reelection campaign. But there is a general thought that there is a way things are done in washington and these four are really upending it not in the right way. Jedediah question is how significant is this division and infighting within the Democratic Caucus. And we saw a snapshot yesterday, the official twitter handle of the House Democrats tweeting some shame towards aocs chief of staff because his comments just under a month ago, almost a few weeks ago that was basically calling out a very little known interest congressman Charisse Davis who flipped a red seat blue. This is what the House Democrats said who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a native american of woman her name is congresswoman david not charisse. She is a phenomenal member who flipped a red seat blue. We have a growing divide in this caucus. Hakim jeff res said we are having a healthy argument out of love. But when you are taken to twitter on an official tweet this by the way just democrats Progressive Group certainly aligned with aoc and her group, nancy pelosi do not tweet, strong words. Jedediah what is the implication going to be when it comes to policy on the left. Are they going to be able to get anything done . If these televisions within the left see the world very differently. Nancy pelosi is a woman who does believe in compromise to an extent because she wants someone of her party to get elected next round. So she is trying to figure out how do i appeal to those independent voters. Whether you have a hard left wing of the party that has that social media following and young generation, very passionate and very excited and you have to battle them thats really difficult. Todd we told you what we think we want to know what you think friends foxnews. Com. Jedediah whont twitter fight . Was it aoc or nancy pelosi. Griff or is it over. Sound off on ice director tom who he map and he fires right back. Mr. Homan. No. Im not calling on you. You are not at the border this is ridiculous. You are not at the border right now. Tom homan will join us live coming up. Of course all morning long we are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm barry as it nears the coast. Our live Team Coverage continues when fox friends returns on a saturday morning. At complain about dry mouth. They feel that they have to drink a lot of water. Medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. I like to recommend biotene. It replenishes the moisture in your mouth. Biotene definitely works. 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Griff here with more is kim graham director of the National Oceanic national Hurricane Center. Mr. Graham, good morning to you. We know you are busy. What can you tell us about what the latest on your operations are . Well, woe still have those gusty winds. The worst is yet to come. Look at radar big area of moisture that still has yet to come forward into louisiana. But its interesting because beyond the radar range is even more. So throughout the next 24 hours or so all this moisture is going to continue to move north. Look at these rain bands. This is where we get that heavy rain as far as the mississippi coast and even into alabama and mobile there could be tornadoes there could be flooding rains at any one of those rained bands. Jedediah when it comes to flooding, im actually concerned about what can be done about this. We talked about some people who said oh there are these structures, these pumps that are built in. How with what d degree of accuracy are you able to predict the extent of the flooding for example right now . Its really difficult ahead of time to figure out exactly where this is going to occur. Thats why we talk about you know in broader terms of looking at the risk. This is from our weather prediction center. This is the highest risk we can issue. High risk of flooding. And even a moderate risk throughout a large area. But if you look at the yellow area here. This extends into tennessee and alabama. All throughout mississippi. We try look at the big picture here and where that is going to occur and try to get people ready because any one of those areas you could experience these tropical rains. All of this is going to move in the midwest. Todd obviously the Mississippi River is the wild card in this particular storm. Those of us who are lay people not weather men or weather women. How weird is it to have a july hurricane or Tropical Storm . And to have one this early happens but to have one with the Mississippi River so high thats very, very unusual. But, you know, we have got to talk about the Mississippi River as well. Thats why we have been watching the storm surge at the mouth of the river. If you think about this, this huge river, one of the biggest rivers in the world draining out into the gulf of mexico. When you plug that drain, it backs it up. Thats why we have been concentrating so much on storm surge. Other rivers here too. You saw that rainfall forecast. Rivers around baton rouge. All these other areas with rainfall. When that tide is high. Those rivers fill up and cant drain. We will have other issues as well. Griff if you live 10, 15, 20. Even 100 miles north of new orleans but you are in that mississippi watershed, you should Pay Attention to the flooding possibilities. Yeah, these tropical systems arent just coastal. The moisture moves northward any one of those areas. You look at this large area. Get the heavy rain and flooding even along the coast and inland. You have got to Pay Attention. Lets not drive our cars out there where water covers the road. Griff ken graham, thank you very much for joining us. You bet. Todd sparks flying on capitol hill as democrats attack retired ice director tom homan. Mr. Homan. No. Im not calling on you. Youre not at the border this is ridiculous. Youre not at the border right now. Tom homan is going to tell us all about the heated hearing when he joins us live next. Can my side be firm . And my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, ill wake up ready for anything . Oh, weve got your back. 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Jedediah retired ice director tom homan taking to capitol hill to defend Border Patrol during intense house hearing. Held deceased child in your arms. I held a 5yearold boy in my arms in the back of that tractortrailer. I knelt down beside him and said a prayer for him. Reclaim my time right now. You cant make a statement about medical care. Im not talking about the past. Im talking about the past. Im extremely frustrated. Mr. Homan, im not calling on you. You are thought at the border. There is ridiculous. You are not at the border right now. You are in a hearing room. Its my time todd retired ice director tom homan joins us now. I think berniey character said it best on another show on the channel. If he were you, he would have walked out. What why did you stay. If i would have walked out thats what they want. They dont want the American People to hear the truth it. Got to a point where that congressman conley, the guy that started yelling in the end, he spent five minutes berating the Border Patrol. Obviously targeting me for that discussion. And at the end of that, i wanted to respond. But he wouldnt let me respond. He wanted a row cats Say Something he wanted to hear. Is he a coward. That little girl walked away, went to his office and sat there. Because he picked a fight and when i wanted to fight, he ran. He didnt want the whole hearing yesterday was political theater. They did not want the American People to hear the truth. I think a dozen times during that hearing whiff tried to talk and people were shutting me down this has nothing to do with transparency. You dont want the truth. You dont wants to be transparent to the American People. You want to get your false narratives and talking points out to shut me down. As can you see halfway through the hearing i had. It. The chairman could pound his gavel all he wants. I wasnt going to be silenced. The American People need to hear the truth and push back on this false narrative being pushed by the democrats. Jedediah you know, tom, one of the most compelling moments from the hearing was the exchange that you had with alexandria ocasiocortez. She challenged you on family separation. We have some sound on that. I want to take a listen and then get your reaction. It was truly remarkable. Mr. Homan, your name is on this. Is that correct. Yes. I will signed that memo. So you are the author of the family separation policy. I am not the author of this memo. But you signed the memo. Yes. Of zero tolerance memo. Which includes family separation . The same as it can with every u. S. Citizen parent gets arrested with a child. Seeking asylum is legal. You want to seek asylum you go through the port of entry and do it the legal way. You know tom, for me the key here was like watching a motion, emotional argument battle a factual argument, you said listen this is the same as any u. S. Citizen adult who commits a crime and gets arrested. This is the procedure. We are following the same procedure. What was it like to be in that exchange with her . It was quite pathetic that im sitting there in a room of lawmakers that dont know the law. I mean, you had her she obviously didnt know. I had to take her to school. Enter the country illegally is a crime. Which she didnt obviously understand. And the other congressman tlaib, she didnt want to use the word illegal alien. I had to explain to illegal immigration act. In title 8 United States code. These are laws enacted by congress. So, if you dont note law, i mean, im sitting in a room full of lawmakers. They dont know the subject. I forgot more about this issue than anybody there would ever know. And it was just really sad and pathetic that these people they think they know what they are talking about. They dont. Again, its all pushing a false narrative and lets try our hardest to stay away from the facts. Todd tom, lets talk about rule of law for a moment tomorrow. Ice preparing for nationwide raids. These are Illegal Immigrants ordered by a court to be deported after getting their day in court. What do you make of the protests we are seeing . They were raising and taking down the American Flag and raising a mexican flag in aurora, colorado. They have been doing this across the country. Hillary clinton turning out in one those protests. How do you feel about that as a Law Enforcement officer of 34 years of carrying out the laws that those lawmakers made . Its disgusting. And, you know, nancy pelosi is out there yesterday telling people how to invade Law Enforcement. Here is a senior lawmaker. Been a lawmaker for decades. Ice is enforcing the laws that congress enacted. You know, all these people they demand these people have a legal right to claim asylum. They have a legal right to see a judge. That is a system that is set up. The legal system. That is the law. But, when they dont like the decision that comes from a federal judge, all of a sudden they throw the law out the window. Have you got representatives in congress, lawmakers tell people to evade the law. Its disgusting. I mean, cant nancy pelosi be impeached for that . How do you tell the American People to ignore the law. Todd tom, are you worried that all of the protests, all of the attention democrats are putting on it will actually put ice enforcement officers in danger starting tomorrow . Absolutely. Their job is already dangerous. These men and women put themselves in harms way every day. But, yes, when they stir up the rhetoric and they stir up the hate, its going to make their job more difficult. So i just stand by and i hope and pray they all go home to their families at night. And, again, if these people and ice gave these people an opportunity to turn themselves in after they lost their case and they refused to do it. So ice has to go seek them out because, if they dont, then there is no integrity in the entire system. Fire all the judges. Get rid of all the Border Patrol, because nothing means anything anymore. Jedediah you know, tom, they talk about how its all political theater when you watch these hearings. I have to say i think its really important that you there were and stood firm. If somebody doesnt go and represent that point of view and represent that reality. Then unfortunately those political talking points that are not weighted in reality stick. I appreciate you being there. I thought did you a great job. I appreciate you being here today, we all do. Thanks so much. They will never shut me up. Not going to happen. Griff thank you, tom. Jedediah Tropical Storm barry inches closer to the coast line. We are live on the ground coming up next. 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Todd take a live look right now in new orleans where communities are on high alert for what could be the very first hurricane of the season, obviously waiting on wind speeds to see if that happens. The mayor sounding the alarm as more than 61,000 without power across the state of louisiana. Across the board, man, woman, child, stay off of the street of the city of new orleans. We are looking out for individual safety and that of everyone else. This is the this is the call to action. Stay off the street. Griff Delta Airlines canceling all flights to new orleans in the last hour. A dangerous storm surge potentially life threatening, flooding heavy winds are expected. Thats why we have Rick Reichmuth here with us to give us the latest as we track the storm, rick. Rick hi, guys this storm is a series of a few different greents all ingredients all setting up us. One is the snow and spring rain. Part of this all this water exiting down the Mississippi River. This week we have seen rain from earlier bands from this storm that moved through. New orleans we saw 6 to 8 inches of rain. You get this idea that southeastern corner there of louisiana, a lot of spots four to six inches. The ground is already saturated. The rivers are already full. A lot of rain moving on shore. Not a huge storm surge, see some spots maybe 3 to 6 feet. Which is going to be problematic certainly. Because the ground is so sat temperatursattemperature rated n has nowhere to go. Where you see this green extends up towards western tennessee, eastern arkansas. Right along that lower Mississippi River valley. Thats where we are expecting the worst of the rain. We do have winds with this. Winds on Eugene Island a buoy out there to the south of the south coast winds there well over Hurricane Force. Then did you go out across areas towards mobile, gulf shores, very heavy rain band where the center of this rain is a lot of real estate is going to get a lot of rain and wind. Rainfall totals some spots 10 to 20 inches. You notice the have and have notes of the rain is going to be extreme over a short amount of distance. Go maybe 30 miles one direction maybe over a foot of rain. 30 miles another direction maybe end up with an inch or two of rain. Very heavy at this point. Looks likely to be to the west of new orleans. Not ready to call new orleans safe from this yet but likely just to the west of new orleans is where the heaviest of that rain is going to be. Guys . Griff rick, for the residents of baton rouge from earlier models thought they might be spared a bit more now perhaps should be taking more precaution . Rick baton rouge is the bulls eye of 10 to 20 inches of rain. Southern of louisiana is flat. Pretty much all at sea level. That flooding is always tricky. If you are in a spot where you know you are prone for flooding be prepared for that that is likely coming your way. Bownch kind of in the thick of it. Jedediah we will turn now to Doug Mckelway, he joins us in the French Quarter overlooking the Mississippi River. Doug . Yeah, glad the sun has come up so you can see the river behind me. Take a good look at it. Its up nice and high but not so high that it poses a danger, at least as of yet. The good news as pertains to the Mississippi River is that the flood stage is protected to be at 17. 1 feet above normal. Thats lowered down from 19 feet. So it gives us an extra margin of safety. Lots of margins of safety in new orleans. Im standing on one of them right now. Look down this way and can you see that this restaurants and walkway is actually a barrier to the Mississippi River. And its one of several. Another one is right over here. A walkway, its called the moon walk. You might think thats a strange name until you remember that moon bran drew wa landrieu was the mayor. Named that in his honor. And this way another level of barriers. I have to race down here. Hold on tight, steven you have a lot of steps to go down here. The army corps of engineers embarked on million at this billiondollar plan to upgrade the levee system and flood protection barriers in new orleans after katrina. This is part of it right here. This is built by the flood protection protection authority. Its gu gigantic medal roller. Medal pad with rollers beneath it. It slides into place here. One of them here. There is another one right over there. It helps protect a key part of the city. Its what draws people to the city of new orleans right down there. The French Quarter. There you have it. You can see its pretty much empty right now. Not a lot of people out but the city has not been evacuated. Did Somebody Just call my name . I think i just lost you. Griff we got you. Thank you, doug for keeping us posted. We will be tuned in to you throughout the morning and giving our viewers the latest on new orleans. Thanks, doug. Jedediah turn to headlines for you now. A tennessee man dies from flesh eating bacteria just hours after visiting the florida beach. Getting a large sore and red bumps on his body after a trip to destin beach. His daughter initially thought it was because of his cancer treatment. Something we never seen before. And within just a few hours, of being at the hospital he had to go into icu. Within 48 hours of being in that water, he was gone. Jedediah she says the bacteria naturally occurs in the gulf of mexico but disease specialists say its very rare. And a firsttime flier having quite the struggle at an airport. This hilarious video shows her trying to climb on to luggage Conveyor Belt in turkey reportedly thinking it would take her to her plane. You could see her looking around confused before completely falling over. Airport staff rushed to grab her where she adds up in a baggage sorting room. Todd could you . Jedediah you never know what im capable of. Bill and Hillary Clinton getting a mixed reception. Oh, at a billy joel concert in new york. My good friend here tonight Hillary Clinton. [cheers and applause] [boos] jedediah i heard some boos in there. Take the boos in stride. What can you say . Headlines. When you are that controversial some people are going to love you. Some people are going to hate you. Todd i cant believe you would walk on a baggage carousel. Jedediah im not going to say it has happened before but im not going to say it hasnt happened. Todd for the next couple months try not to do that at least until you have the baby. Griff griff what legal consequences could they face . Well, thats coming up next. Chuggachugga, charles my man hilda, i like the new do. Got some layers in there, huh . The more, the merrier. Got to have this stuff in the morning. Oh, thats too hot. Act your age. Get your own insurance company. Carlo, why dont you start us with a little bit of cereal . You can spread it all around the table. And were gonna split the warm hot dog. And ill have a glass of grape juice to spill on the carpet. Oh, uh, do you want some to spill . Act your age. Get your own insurance company. With moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, your plans can change in minutes. Your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working, ask your doctor about entyvio. Entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Entyvio has helped many patients achieve longterm relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. Ask your doctor about the only gifocused biologic just for Ulcerative Colitis and crohns. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. I felt withdrawn, alone. Mile, you become closed off. Having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. Now, i know how happy i am. There was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. I wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to flexible hours and payment options. Yes to free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance. And yes, whenever youre ready to get started, we are too. Call now at 1800aspendental. Todd 44 minutes arch the hour. Very busy news day. Facebook getting slapped 5 billion fine over privacy practices from that Cambridge Analytica scandal. Federal trade commission reportedly approving the deal according to the wall street journal. It is the largest fine the ftc has ever levied on a tech company and a lot of people doesnt think its enough. Airlines extending ground ordered on 737 max jets. The airline canceling all flights with boeings jet three months longer than planned 737 max was ground dollars as you recall worldwide in march over two fatal crashes. Griff all right. Its time for legal round up and we start with an apparent act of mob justice in philadelphia. Police say a man stole a car after identified 25yearold woman left it running with three children in it to visit other boyfriend. Boyfriend chased the car on foot catching it. When it was stuck in traffic and beat the suspect with the help of other men from the neighborhood. Jedediah suspect later pronounced dead. What happens now to the parents and others who helped stop the carjacker. Here to weigh in is criminal defense attorney donna silver. Donna, welcome. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Jedediah this story is crazy now. People are wondering what are the implications going to be for people who stopped carjacker. On one hand happy we stopped a car jacking with three children in the car, right . Thats terrible. On the other, this mob could have gone too far. You have a right of selfdefense in just about every state. And in pennsylvania, the actual statute says you can protect yourself or others, in other words, the three children, against harm or evil. Thats very nebulous. But, once that harm or evil is neutralized, you now have a duty to stop. And it doesnt appear that this mob did, obviously, because now the carjacker is the victim who is dead. Todd you know this case is making it into a criminal law textbook. Because this is one of those cases where it divides the class. Everybody on one side you says one thing and everybody on the other says another thing. Very lidge atlantay. When you have three children who could have been. Todd mom shouldnt have left the kids in the car. Jedediah little kids, very small. Should never have done that. Left the car running. We know that that doesnt anybody the right to steal your children. Griff a woman 33 years old evelyn driving in new mexico driving a minivan pulled over Border Patrol 10 undocumented immigrants in the van apprehended. And she tells the Border Patrol that she is an uber driver. Yeah. Now im willing to bet that these 10 people did not call an uber to take them over the border. Todd what . Shocking. Here is what she needs to worry about though. It is a federal crime to help smuggle noncitizens into the country and get you 10 years in prison for each person. To 10 times 10 is a big sentence. Jed wow. If you do it for financial gain it, can increase the penalty. And if you do it knowing that they are going to come here to commit a crime it, can enhance the penalty. She is looking at potentially a really long time. Griff is there across state violation as well. The driver is from arizona but in new mexico transporting these Illegal Immigrants. Its not going to matter so much because its getting them into the country without bringing them to a proper border or port of entry is what is the crime. Jedediah this next story we have is the u. S. Womens soccer star all al allie long, we whereas robbed in her Los Angeles Hotel room after the win. Someone stole my wedding ring, cash and key to my favorite city after just receiving it from my hotel room. Do you make copies of your city mayor . Obviously she is tweeting at mayor de blasio. So sorry to hear it. Dont worry about the key like any good new yorker. We keep a spare for our neighbors. We got you covered. I dont want to blame allie long, but she did leave her hotel door ajar. They were having fun. They were partying. So it made a criminal easy to get in there and steal her valuables. But, that said, there is probably a ton of footage to find out who walked into the room, how many people walked into the room. And when the key to this city shows up on ebay, that might be another tipoff. Todd does the hotel have any liability . Probably not. Unless it was an employee. If it was a Hotel Employee they will have liability. Griff jonna spilbor, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Todd Tropical Storm barry inches closer to the coast line. The acting director of fema joins us live next. Here, it all starts with a simple. Hello hi how can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Todd our top story Tropical Storm barry continuing to inch toward the gulf coast. Jedediah this as President Trump declares a federal emergency for louisiana authorizing dhs and fema to coordinate all Disaster Relief efforts. Griff joining us now is the acting administrator of the federal Management Emergency Agency pete gainer. Mr. Gainer, tell me are you ready for barry and what is your biggest concern as the storm approaches . Good morning. Yes, we are ready. And our biggest concern is life and safety, you know, no matter if this remains a Tropical Storm or a hurricane, were really concerned about the rain, 10 to 20 inches. Flash flooding. So, its really about making sure people are aware of this threat when it comes to barry. Jedediah many of us can visualize what that means on the ground. What does it mean . First of all here in washington, d. C. At the National Response coordination center, the entire federal family is here making sure that we are coordinated across government and down through local government. Emergency management is logicalllogical locally executed state and federally supported and we live by that through any disaster. We also have some of our experts colocated with the state Emergency Operation centers. We also have commodities distributed regionally. Everything from food, water, emergency communications, ready to go should any of the impacted states require it. Todd pete, as somebody whose family suffered a lot during hurricane sandy, which was, for us, a flood event, we are expecting a flood events, especially in louisiana, up and down the mississippi. Are you confident in the funding for the National Flood Insurance Program and are there enough individuals that are in that area that have taken advantage of the Insurance Program . So, highly confident that we have enough money in the nfic programs to pay any claims that should result. Unfortunately, you have to have insurance 30 days prior to an event. If you dont have insurance today, its too late to get that but if you have insuring for nfip and flooding you will be paid out. Again, i think today our focus is on life safety making sure people stay off the roads, dont impede First Responders, stay out of the water. Dont put yourself or your family at risk. Griff turn around dont drown. Pete, let me ask you about this, talking about assets on the ground right now. We have seen the storm shifting a bit western, changing its track. New orleans breathing a little bit of sigh of relief at least initially as opposed to say baton rouge. Are you moving assets in realtime western at this moment. We have different staging sites across the region. So we are well aware of any of the impacted states potential. So, again, we can move them, you know, back and forth as we see fit. Right now they are all stationary. I think we did some good planning to make sure we are in the right place should the forecast deviate left or right. Griff hurt pete gaynor thank you very much. We want to give out for people in states mississippi, alabama and elsewhere, you can go to fema. Gov to download the mobile app. For alerts and tips. No one will be more at the forefront of this stage than fema. And you have heard administrator gaynor there talking about prepositioning fema assets. I remember from covering katrina that fema took a black eye in this one and really the katrina lesson that they have been prepositioned very, very well. Jedediah outrage is growing after protesters take down the American Flag and replace it with the mexican flag as they rally against tomorrows ice raids. More on that coming up. S your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Booking. Com offers free so bookers can book now. And ask their boss later. [do you want breakfast or no . ] free cancellations [definitely breakfast. ] how good is that . Be a booker at booking. Com. And my side super soft . 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Griff snow showers shutting down a levee ahead of what could be the very first hurricane of the season. Jedediah officials sounding the alarm as more than 62,000 people are now without power across the state of louisiana. It is a dangerous and life threatening storm. It will probably be a hurricane when it makes landfall on louisiana coast line. Heavy rainfall will be possible. Major to near record level flooding will be possible. Todd Delta Airlines canceling all flights new orleans this morning. A dangerous storm surge life threatening, flooding and heavy winds. Bring you in to our studios here in new york city, a lot to cover. We will get into the politics throughout the course of the morning, griff, jed and todd joining you on your Tropical Storm. Griff we have Team Coverage tracking Tropical Storm barry. Every move, Casey Stegall is live in the storms path in new orleans. Yeah, we also have meteorologist Rick Reichmuth in the studio with his latest forecast. Todd we begin with rob schmitt live for us in morgan city. Have you major way to the water. Whats it like . Rob as you might think, as the winds are really kick right now. As you can tell the storm is getting closer and closer. Every hour it inches closer. You might think this is the gulf of mexico. This is lake palord here in this town and we just moved about five minutes up the street here in morgan city. You can just see the water is not supposed to be nearly this far up. And this is what we are going to see all over southern louisiana and lakes and ponds and rivers high water as it moves up. You can tell how high this water is at this point. And, again, this is before the storm even hits. The Tropical Storm is still probably about 30, 40 miles away to our south. But it is moving in. I mean. We are seeing just a lot of wind debris, stuff like that. We got off of that levee that we were standing on on the other side of the city. Its definitely a lot windier over here as the storm gets closer and closer. Again, louisiana is under a state of emergency mandated by the federal government there is a loft resources moving. In fema is going to be moving in here. And, again, this is going to be a water story. Water is going to be the big concern with this slow moving storm because we could see a foot, we could see two feet of rain be dumped here over the next 48 hours. Everybody thinks, you know, at this point we thought we would be getting hematocrit by the eye of this storm this morning. Its gone so slow that we are still on the top of kind of the outer bands. So, as this thing continues to slowly move and dump rain all over southern louisiana it, could be raining on this storm into monday. If you think about it. If its dumping a couple inches an hour that number adds up, adds up, adds up, and a lot of people live at or above sea level and thats why its so dangerous. The government has poured billions of dollars into fixing a lot of levees and a lot of vulnerable places in these areas. That needed it. Especially after katrina which was that huge eye opener for a lot of people in this country and especially in this region vulnerability that existed when you get too much water and when those levels levees do fail. We are still waiting on the storm to come about and still moving this way at i think 5 Miles Per Hour. Maybe even slower than thats that bad news for this area. If this stalls out. Thats a big problem for people who live down here. Back to you. Going to be a bet one. Casey stegall live in new orleans Business District where the wind is starting to pick up, casey . National Weather Service put rain is lop s lopsided. Rick talked about that earlier. They are saying the bulk of the rain is still offshore its not going to really start coming down until it makes landfall again as rob just talked about, that is happening very, very slowly. This thing is just creeping along as it gets closer and closer to shore no doubt there are still a lot of concerns about the flooding potential here because it is moving so slow. Once it arrives that means the rain isnt moving out any time soon. You know, when we started the show. There were 56,000 people without power. Now that number is over 61,000. So we are watching that climb. Lower lying areas have also started to experience some issues. Video now of some of the spots that were talking about the rain coming down prior to bareys arrival has flooded neighborhoods around lake pontchartrain. The video coming in from st. John parish where water levels have caused to spill into streets. This is localized flooding at this point. Folks we talked to were going in to get their pets and they were trying to get out. Some people are under mandatory evacuation orders. Others are under voluntary evacuation orders. Emergency management officials are asking folks to stay off the streets here in new orleans there is no official curfew. All of the city transportation, the public buses. Everything has come to a grinding halt. And it is eerily quiet at this hour as we are still waiting for that bulk of the rain to to arrive. Back to you guys. Jedediah thank you, casey. Rick reichmuth is following the storm closely. He is here with the latest. With the advisory came out from the National Weather service. The winds are up to 70 Miles Per Hour. One more tick up 75 its a hurricane. Right at the top of Tropical Storm. Those are just delineations that you put at some points to call it a hurricane officially. 74 mileperhour is that point. You get the idea over the last say, six hours the storm looks a lot more structured than it has really in its entire lifespan its good that its about to move over land and remove that option to strength any longer its core is in its most favorable structure for strengthening and cut off moisture source for it. 70 Miles Per Hour. The center of the storm looks like to the south of march island. March island is the island there are no people. Its not populated at all. Thats good news. The main point as everybody is saying is it moves very slowly. It does look like the majority of the moisture while its all most of it is offshore. Most of it likely on the east side of that storm as well thats where you will see the storm. Marsh island louisiana. Other bands moving over the mobile area, you get an idea you see reds and yellows pulling off towards the north. If you against under one of those bands you can quickly get 3 or 4 inches of rain in an hour cause localized flooding. We will see some of that rotate farther off towards the west. Towards new orleans we will see that the. Bulk of the moisture coming online is over across alabama and mississippi, even though we have got the center of the storm down just to the south of louisiana right now. That big bulk, thats where the worst of the winds are though. Those winds are going to continue to pull in. Now we have them sustained at 70 Miles Per Hour. We have been seeing them gusting to 91. Buoy offshore. There you guys see where that flooding concern is flooding concern for the rain thats about to fall. Also flooding concern because thats right where the Mississippi River is all that water is going to go into the mississippi and stressed last couple of months. Griff mississippi watershed all the way up to memphis, tennessee. Thats why they are saying from the officials stay off the road and let the officials prepare for whats going to be a water event. Rick fatalities from hurricanes are the majority of them are from inland flooding. Its not from the impacts that happen right on the coast. Its from flooding far inland. This is going to be one of those stories. Hopefully people heed the warnings and stay off of the roads and stay in safe places so there are no fatalities, when the majority of fatalities happen inland from people who crossroads and see that flooding happen from the rain far inland. Jedediah you know, rick, there is no mandatory evacuation in this cases i always wonder when i watch stories like this unfold what is the deciding factor where someone where a mayor would say this meets what the criteria for a mandatory evacuation . What does that look like the distinction . Rick each town, each place where you live has own geography and place place susceptible to flooding and other places not susceptible to flooding. Parish where the Mississippi River goes up they did have evacuation going on. I think they are probably going to be okay from this storm. But they did preemptively evacuate. One thing very interestingly, there is a spillway that is to the north of louisiana. Griff, you have probably been there the Mississippi River, because its been so full, one of the options was to release some of the water out of that spillway. That would have moved all that water down the river basin and then you are making a decision were going to put a bunch of water into that basin instead of new orleans and now it looks like the majority of the moisture is going to go into the achafawan basin. These are all decisions that was the army of corps of engineers. In this case it certainly looks like they made the right choice. Griff its going to be a water event. We caught up with the director of the national Hurricane Center ken graham earlier talking about once the storm hits its only going to get worse as you mentioned. Here is a little bit of what ken graham said. The worse is yet to come. If you look at this radar, big area of moisture that still has yet to come forward into louisiana. Look at these rain bands. This is where we get this heavy rain as far as the mississippi coast and even into alabama and mobile. There could be tornadoes. There could be flooding rains in any one of those rain bands. Moisture moves northward. So, clearly, its going to be on all of these stories wstormswe have been at e flooding afterwards that causes death. If you are watching this and may be in that flood zone. Dont go out if you dont have. To say you dont want to become a problem that officials have to deal with when they could be dealing with another life threatening situation. Jedediah we will continue to follow this storm for you throughout the show. In the meantime fireworks going on on capitol hill yesterday. There was a hearing over border security. Addressing family separation policy. Addressing the conditions in these processing centers. Tom homan was there former acting ice director. He had some very Heated Exchanges with democrats, particular whether i alexandria ocasiocortez. Take a listen to House Democrats attacking tom homan during the testimony. Is it because these children dont look like children that are around you . Have you ever held a deseized child in your arms . Your comments are disgusting and yes i held a 45yearold boy in my arms in the back of that tractortrailer. I snelt down beside him and said a prayer for him. Because i knew what his last 30 minutes were like. I had a 5yearold son at the time. Of the recommendation you recommended you recommended family separation. I recommended zero tolerance. I would like to reclaim my time right now. You cant make a statement about medical care. Im not talking about the past. Im talking about the present. How can we elevate im not going to let your callus stand without response. Im not calling on you, sir. Of course not. Youre not at the border. This is ridiculous. You are not at the border right now. You are in a hearing room. Its my time. Griff tom homan knew he would be ganged up against by the likes of conley and other democrats. Because Border Patrol officials had been talking for 18 months about this crisis that was coming, and now these conditions they have and homan earlier on this show said that he was there for a reason. And he is worried about what the dems are doing. Listen. The whole hearing yesterday was political theater. They did not want the American People to hear the truth. I think a dozen times during that hear when i tried to talk and people were shutting me down. This has nothing to do with transparency. You dont want the truth. You dont want be transparent to the American People. You want to get your false narrative talking points out and shut me down. I wasnt going to be shut up or silenced so i went at it. Im glad i did. The American People need to hear the truth and push back on false narrative being pushed by the democrats. Todd you heard him express his frustration. This is congress. This is a body supposed to create the laws on this problem. Individuals are using to this to grandstand and draw attention to themselves. Nobody is drawing. Its a show. Yesterday. Jedediah he will tom homan doesnt take garbage from anyone. He digs his heals heels. In he needed to fact check a lot of the nonsense being spewed from the left. He wanted to present alternate vision of what you are saying is happening this is actually happening. I for one that he was there and he has the personality he does to with stand i would have lost my mind, tom. If you are listening i would have lost my mind. Griff a lot more to talk about ice raids possibly coming tomorrow and other stories about the border. Todd americas drug czar warning the crisis at the border is fueling the u. S. Drug epidemic. We have to stop the flow of drugs coming in. Americans are not protected. Cbp is just completely outmanned. They are diverted from doing their job. Todd he just got back from the border. He tells us what he saw when he joins us live coming up next. With moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, your plans can change in minutes. Your head wants to do one thing, but your gut says, not today. If your Current Treatment isnt working, ask your doctor about entyvio. Entyvio acts specifically in the gi tract to prevent an excess of white blood cells from entering and causing damaging inflammation. Entyvio has helped many patients achieve longterm relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. 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I was just down there and im telling you it is worse than it was six months ago the last time that i visited Border Patrol is stretched so thin because of the humanitarian crisis of people coming in between ports of entry that they cant do their real job of protecting the border. Were seeing record amounts of drugs coming into this country between ports of entry because of whats happening. Politics have to be put aside. This has to be bipartisan. The president was right. There is a crisis and the crisis is drugs coming into this country. Todd jim, lets show the numbers on how bad the crisis is. This is Border Patrol nationwide drug seizures just this year alone. Thats close to 40 pounds of cocaine seized from october 1 to june 30. Again that is the cbp year. Look at the meth numbers close to 47,000 pounds of meth. Your main take away today is, yes, you may not live in arizona or texas or california, but the crisis at the border effects all 50 states because of that drug problem. That can and will make it into your community. They have to think of the southwest border as their backyard. And people need to protect the yard. They need to protect their house. And in this case its the border with drugs coming. In and you didnt mention fentanyl the deadly drug where just a few grains of it can kill someone. They have seized a ton, a ton and a half in the last 10 months coming in to the country from mexico. This is the drug that is killing so many americans. We have 70,000 people a year dying and people are letting the drugs coming in because of whats happening down there. We have to be tough. Griff thats a good point, jim. Cbp tweets out regularly the seizures that we get almost on a daily basis. Just a few days ago. A massive seizure of fentanyl and cocaine in laredo, texas. Do you get the sense that lawmakers there in washington are heeding this and are doing something to try and bring you support . I dont feel like enough of the democrats are at all. What we need to do is put this aside. We have to recognize that our duty in d. C. , whether you are appointed to the position or whether you are elected by your constituents is to save lives. Focus on that. Keep the drugs out of this country and protect american lives. Thats what we have to do. Recognize that thats the crisis here. Griff jim carroll the drug caesar for the u. S. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you. Griff our live Team Coverage continues as Tropical Storm barry nears the louisiana coast. Team ryu con mobilized during hurricanes maria and harvey. Now they are deploying to the gulf. We will get an update from them coming up. Stay tuned. Jedediah we are back with a fox news alert. At least two americans are among dozens of People Killed at a terror attack at a hotel in somalia. Security forces shot and killed four gunmen who stormed the building after it was hit with a car bomb. The attack lasting 14 hours. In total, at least 26 People Killed. Extremist Group Alshabaab is claiming responsibility. Also overnight, taliban terrorists claiming responsibility for an American Service member killed in action in afghanistan. Circumstances surrounding the deadly combat have not been released. This is the 10th u. S. Service member killed in action in afghanistan this year. And President Trump is coming to Nancy Pelosis defense. Watch this. Cortez should treat nancy pelosi with respect. I wil will tell you something about nancy pelosi that i do. She is not a racist. Jedediah this after alexandria ocasiocortez sparked more infighting in the party. Saying nancy pelosi is singling out newly elected women of color. Tropical storm barry inching closer to the gulf coast. Todd meteorologists predicting the storm could cause millions of dollars in damage. Griff now one organization that has helped communities during hurricanes maria and harvey is mobilizing to get ready for the afte aftermath. Jedediah here is more is corey ide welcome. Good morning and thank you for having me. Jedediah tell us how team rubicon is planning to help people overcome this storm . Yeah, so team rubicon is a nonprofit Disaster Response organization that leverages the skills of military veterans to help people respond to disasters recover from humanitarian crises around the world. Right now exclusively focused on the effects of Tropical Storm barry. We are staging people supplies and Additional Resources out of our Resource Center in dallas, texas. We are portioning that to be able to quickly respond into louisiana as well as mississippi and potentially all the way up into tennessee. Todd any time we look at Tropical Storm or hurricane there are a number of factors that can be evaluated whether its the wind, whether its rain damage and in this one it looks like its specifically going to be flooding. Does that impact your calculus as to how you allocate resources and what you need to help these communities recover following the storm . Yeah, absolutely. You know, our positioning of people and supplies and other resources is really targeted at being able to quickly help communities assess the damage of a storm, that can allow Additional Resources to come into that community. And we are specifically positioning to be able to help those families in broader communities help muck out their homes clearing of debris and water from those homes. Potentially gut out those homes which is the removal of damaged furniture and furnishing in those homes. Really accelerating the recovery for those families. Griff thats tough stuff. Im sorry, thats tough stuff, corey a lot of times get in there and get the drivewadrywall out. Talk to me about the veterans and what they benefit, how they get something out of this. Yeah. Team rubicon really sets up and avenue. We seek to have an avenue for veterans that have recently transitioned out of the military to be able to reestablish a sense of community, purpose, and identity. A sense of mission, after they have left the military by serving amongst fellow veterans and civilians. By providing timely Relief Services to folks affected by disaster. Jedediah your organization is amazing. As i look at this. Have you over a roster of 100,000 volunteers. 350 Disaster Response operations. Im curious from your perspective, what is the biggest challenge when you go in to a location that you want to help people . What is the biggest challenge that you face . Yeah, i think especially in an event of this magnitude, this was a widespread event. Its going to effect the majority of louisiana and into mississippi and tennessee. We are going to be working with local officials and other Community Organizations to quickly identify where the greatest need is. And we do that by using things like the social Vulnerability Index to identify folks that are at higher rates of poverty. More challenge Housing Conditions as well as transportation challenges. So were going to be assessing that down to a neighborhood block by block level. And we would be pushing teams in those communities in the coming days. Todd corey, this isnt a storm question but a personnel question as well. Why do you think individuals who gave so much previously in their lives to our Armed Services are then deciding hey, i want to give more when so many other individuals in our country are just happy to let somebody else take the mantel . You know, team rubicon is built to serve. And we live that out every single day. These are folks that are some of the best of america. 70 of our organization is veterans and the remainder of that is made up of First Responders and other citizens that are built to serve and are positioned to help folks on their worse day. These are folks that live a life of service. And i think, you know, as america is a country built on service, these are folks that want to continue that well after their days of wearing a military uniform and they put on their team rubicon uniform. Todd a phrase built for service. Thats the perfect summary of these individuals. Griff if you are a veteran watching this right now, corey, how can someone reach to you, perhaps, volunteer . Yeah, the best way to do that is by visiting team rubicon u. S. A. Org. You can sign up as a volunteer today as well as if you are not in a position to volunteer but you are in a position to provide a monetary donation, thats one of the best ways to rapidly get our people and supplies into these communities. These communities. Griff is there Anything Team rubicon needs . As you are about to deploy to the area, is there anything you specifically need. Yeah, the biggest thing is people and financial resources. We have got 100,000 of the best of the best right now that are staging. The most effective way that someone is not currently engaged with team rubicon is that financial donation. And you can do that by visiting team rubicon u. S. A. Org or checking out any of our social media handles or if you are not in a position to donate right now, spread the good word of team rubicon as well as the other organizations that are going to be providing services. Jedediah wow, corey, we are really appreciative i know people around the country and world are as well. Thank you for sharing that with us. Griff thank you, corey. Thank you. Griff here we go again Kamala Harris vs. Joe biden. Watch. I was one of those many children who was personally impacted by that, and im not gonna let us engage on a debate stage who is going to be the next president of the United States. Im not going to allow us to engage in revisionist history. Griff is senator harris trying to get attention and boost in the polls . A former Bernie Sanders staff weighs in. Stay tuned. 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Thats why you have been concentrating so much on that storm surge. But there is other rivers here, too. You saw that rainfall forecast. Rivers around baton rouge, all these other areas of all of that rainfall. When that tide is high. Those rivers fill up and cant drain. We will have other issues as well. Todd Delta Airlines kansas ling all flights to new orleans this morning. A dangerous storm surge, potentially life threatening flooding and heavy winds are expected. Right now we have live Team Coverage for you all morning long tracking Tropical Storm barrys every move as it is on the edge of becoming a major hurricane. Jedediah Rick Reichmuth is in studio with the latest forecast. Griff we begin with rob schmitt in morgan city, louisiana where landfall is pretty much on top of you. I know its not expected for a couple hours but rob, it sure looks like you are taking a beating. Rob we are not getting the eye yet obviously but the storm has arrived. We are getting hit pretty hard right now. These winds we will have to ask rick about that but i think we have got to be over 50 mileperhour in wind gusts here. I dont know what the sustained are at this point. Its about to knock me over. The rain is starting to come in, too. We found a little dock here where people keep their house botsd. Popular thing here to do in louisiana. You can see at love them remain. They are going to stay here. We just talked to a guy that came in to check on his boat. Said are you worried about the boat . No not too worried about it. These guys are battle hardened. See the American Flag in the wind. Just an indication just how strong these winds are here today. Again, a as the photographer got got blown over there you saw the camera shake a little bit. Its very, very windy at this point. And we are waiting to get some wind gust readings. I know you might have them on the screen there because we just fixed our monitor on the other side of this park here. But, water really is going to be the story. This is a slow moving storm. Right now about 75 miles west of new orleans and im not sure the situation there at this point im sure they are starting to deteriorate as well. Those conditions there. But, over here in this area, and to the west of here, it is going to get bad here really fast. This is switched just in the last half hour and really turned into a powerful storm trying to keep the water out of my eyes. But you can see we are just on a lake here. You would think this was the gulf the way i mean, look at how much wake is in this water here. If you were boating on here, it would be a disaster. The beach over here we were at 30 minutes ago, completely overflooded at this point. Just a lot of water and it continues to move in and all of these rivers, you know, the gulf, the rain, its just water everywhere. And the hope, i think for a lot of people is, that this storm starts to pick up speed and gets out of here. Because the longer that this just sits here and innun dates low lying areas, swamp with low lying areas sea level is going to get worse and worse for a lot of people in this region, guys . Griff rob, stay safe there. We will check back in with you. As he mentioned its low lying there. And, the storm moving a little west morgan city where he is west of new orleans. We check in with Rick Reichmuth to talk about really the track of this storm and whats happening. Rick if you have been down to that part of the country, its all bayou. Thats what that is. Its waterways everywhere. And a lot in a lot of ways thats there to protect from hurricanes. Thats kind of you who that all evolved. And that absorbs a lot of that storm as that storm moves on in. Heres the radar picture. Im not sure what we are looking at on camera. Here we go. Rain over towards mobile. We have rain going in towards biloxi. This is really heavy rain thats moving. In also has a lot of lightning. See a lot of thunderstorms there. One band of storms moving right over new orleans right now. This is the first one we have seen this strong in a little bit of time. You notice its just one thin narrow band. You can go to one side of the French Quarter probably will. Not looking at rain the other side of the French Quarter very heavy rain. How localized thunderstorms are go over to where the center of the storm is somewhere there around march island no. Population there at all. The heaviest of the rain is just to the south of that one of those bands is moving up towards where rob is in morgan city. You get the idea from the satellite image, radar only goes out about 250 miles from where that radar beam is. Cant extend out and get that radar picture to that Southern Side of the storm. We know its all raining there. Satellite image is howl we get a sense of that. Storm, 70 mileperhour storm sitting right offshore. The bulk of the moisture just to the south of it, not on the north side and as the storm pulls towards the north all that moisture will move on shore slowly. Next few days move a couple hundred miles a prolonged rain event that prolonged rain events means the rainfall total also pile up over the next couple of days and see that flooding concern there all across southern mississippi. All right. There is a live shot for you. Take a look at and this i will send it back to you. Griff all right. Rick. Thank you. Jedediah a fox news alert. Right now protesters in hong kong clashing with police. Thousands rallying against a controversial extradition bill that would send criminal suspects to mainland, china, to face trial. Demonstrations have been going on for weeks despite hong kong leaders backing down on the bill. And police open an arson investigation in connection with the two brush fires sweeping through hawaii. The flames burning out of control, scorching at least 9,000 acres on the island of maui. Two towns ordered to evacuate with the governor declaring this a disaster area. Police, meanwhile, are looking for a maroon colored ford truck that was seen leaving the area of one of the fires. And facebook getting slapped with a 5 billiondollar fine over its privacy practices. The federal trade commission reportedly approving the deal over the Cambridge Analytica scandal according to the wall street journal. It will be the largest fine the ftc has ever levied on a tech company. Chris pratt makes a surprise appearance at a nashville bar leaving a Country Music star. The actor busting out some johnny cash alongside rising musician sarah gai gayle meech. He is cool. Some people have the cool thing going on. I dont think i have that. But he definitely has it. Griff i wouldnt get up on stage in a bar and sing city blues. Jedediah some people have it. Its a gift. Griff he does. Its good to be chris pratt. Fox news poll shows joe biden with a solid lead among black voters in South Carolina. Next guest says thats crucial to win the democratic nomination. Can joe biden seal the deal . We will discuss it coming up next. Plus, our Team Coverage continues Tropical Storm barry as Tropical Storm barry approaches the gulf coast, winds picking up. We will bring the latest to you. Stay tuned. Bookers are booking getaway deals starting from 15 percent off so their tacos are 15 percent tastier theyre scooting 15 percent smoother and their kids love them 15 percent more with getaway deals with at least 15 percent off, you can be a booker at booking. Com and my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . 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Jedediah a new fox news poll shows joe biden holding a strong lead among black democratic primary voters in South Carolina. Our next guest says no democrat can win the nomination without black voters. So could this seal the deal for biden primary victory . Joining me now director of social justice for the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign tezly figaro. Welcome as always. Thank you. Do you think this is going to push biden over the edge potentially in gaining that gain in the primary. I think people are very familiar with Vice President joe biden. My grandmother is not from South Carolina but she absolutely adores, you know, joe biden. She also doesnt know who senator Kamala Harris is. She is not familiar with senator elizabeth warren. So, i think its really important for joe biden not to take black voters for granted or any voter for that matter to just assume that he will be pushed to the top. We still have a very long way to go. Senator harris and warren have been chipping away at those numbers, one by one. Both were at the Essence Festival bothy not. Both have been on Breakfast Club actually senator shars has been on three times. To say take that for grantside a mistake. Bernie sanders out of competition for the second and third spot. They are chipping away. The men are falling and women are rising clearly on our side. Jedediah Jason Johnson talked a little bit about biden, made some comments. I want to get your reaction to this. This is what he said. Quote he cant put on this obama mask and think thats going to allow him to skirt through. He has to be out talking to the kind of voters that matter and africanamerican women are the backbone by turnout and interest and passion in the Democratic Party. Joe biden has got to fix that problem on his own. What do you make of that . Jason is right. I mean, you know, something that we talk about all the time of not, you know, taking for granted and mentioning my best friend is president obama every three minutes. You know, thats not going to cut the cake. But i do, in his own defense, im not a biden surrogate. I can certainly understand him wanting to talk about his most recent experience with president obama. Obviously he will have to stand on his own and people dont want to feel that he is using that as scope goat my best friend is barack which he did on bff day. I think did more harm than good. He will have to run on his own for sure like he has done previously. He have to make it and be prepared at debates which clearly he was not at the last do bait. Jedediah particularly when dealing with Kamala Harris successful coming to debating she has a lot of prosecutorial experience doing that she is not holding back. She has gone after joe biden on his civil rights record. She has made that a corner stone of her launch upward in terms of the polling. Im curious how successful you think that will be for her longterm. Do you think that those attacks on joe biden could actually lunch her above him and she could be the nominee as a result of that. No. If i was running and i was a former prosecutor i would continue to, you know, hammer and hammer away at him. She sliced and died him like South Carolina southern potatoes. Thats clear. I would do the same thing 50s in her position. Look at senator warren she didnt debate him at all and her numbers have rose as well. A little bit of the debate performance. A lot having to do with name recognition. These candidates getting out and making their voice heard and people are actually listening. I have been critical of senator harris and her prosecutor background at the same time, it does benefit her. She is very effective with taking people head on. She did what senator sanders did not do. Which was go directly to the head, directly to the top and try to take him down. He wasnt prepared. We will see if he will be prepared again at the end of this month. You worked for Bernie Sanders last time around. Im curious when you watched those two debates, who was the stand out for you . You may be inclined to say bernie. Im not sure where you stand on that. If you were try to be objective here was there a standout . I think Kamala Harris did a great job. Im inclined to tell the truth whether i worked for him or not. Im independent and certainly have my own, you know, train of thought. And Kamala Harris clearly won that debate. Anybody that was watching it, republican, democrat, independents saw she clearly won that debate. The first round, you know, the night before, i would say that [inaudible] did a good job. Senator booker did a good job. A lot of candidates have come out and said they debate and tackle issues head on. Clearly she won. That was obvious. I have think is senator sanders made a mistake by not going after joe biden. Im sure he wanted to do this lets just all get along routine. It didnt allow him to stand out. I have a feeling he will probably change that at the end of this month. Jedediah tezlyn, thanks so much for being here. I love having you on. You are a truth teller. Thank you. Jedediah you say whats on your mind and thats the end of it. Thank you so much. Talk to you again soon. Thank you so much. Jedediah winds intensifying and water rushing ashore as Tropical Storm barry prepares to make landfall. We are breaking down the app. Everyone needs to weather the massive storm coming up next. Griff Tropical Storm barry closing in on the gulf. Kurt the cyberguy has a look at some of the more emergency apps to help weather the storm that we see there. This is morgan city, louisiana. You see on the screen where rob schmitt has been all morning and some of these apps, kurt, certainly can be critical in a storm like this. Yeah, you lose contact with cable television. You lose fox news. Start to look for your local Radio Station and start to tune into apps. Apps are very effective before a storm, during a storm and after a storm and for any emergency for that matter. We talked about when you are reporting out in storms gas buddy helped you out. It finds a gas station thats actually open after a storm. Todd and that doesnt have a tremendous line. There you go. You learn that very important thing to come up with. Great ones here are the basics. American red cross has first aid free downloadable app. You look at it and it gives you the critical things to do in an emergency when you are at home and you cant dial 911. And you want to get the word out, well, this is what lets you handle some basic emergencies at home. You tap on any of these how to do cpr, electric shock, et cetera. And this will guide you through those steps needed. Also, on this, is one for your pets. Which is amazing. You are at home. You know, we often dont think about our pets. How do you deal with some emergencies that come up for cat or dog. Its all right there. You hit the emergency button. Jedediah called pet first aid, right . Yes. Free from red cross. Extremely helpful. The one i love for tracking weather. Dark sky, we were just looking up in the louisiana area and it gives you this is one for the best radar to track weather with. And already 30some odd million downloads of dark sky. And the other one is my radar. And that one has some extraordinary layered information on it that lets you hone in to your region and track storms like nobodys business. And you can also layer wind on top of it. If rain, for example, in this storm is what you are interested in knowing about, you can layer that in. And it will also alert you if its just coming near your neighborhood, it will give you the information you need to say hey, in 20 minutes, we are going to have about seven hours of heavy rain. So you better do something to protect yourself. Jedediah its amazing when you think back to 20 years ago when this stuff didnt exist, it must have been a whole different dynamic facing these type of tragedies. It was am radio. What this has done also and we talk about the walkietalkie app. Zello. That lets you coordinate an Emergency Response with your family like this. Griff these apps could save lives. Thanks for being here. Thank you for bringing us the latest as Tropical Storm barry approaches. We have more fox friends coming up. What do we want for dinner . Burger i want a sugar cookie i want a bucket of chicken i want. Its the easiest, because its the cheesiest kraft. For the win win. You are looking right now live at the gulf coast as it braces for what is expected to become hurricane barry. Right now were only a Tropical Storm but, again, we are waiting for wind speeds to increase as the storm creeps closer to shoreline. Jedediah thats right. More than 70,000 people are now without power across the state of louisiana. This ahead of what could be the very first hurricane of the season. Griff Delta Airlines canceling all flights from new orleans this morning, and heavy winds are expected. Well, we have live Team Coverage tracking barrys every move. Meteorologist Rick Reichmuth is here in the studio with us with the latest. Pete but, of course, we begin with rob schmidt in morgan city, louisiana. Rob, we have monitored your conditions throughout the course of the morning when we started at six. It wasnt bad. Now youre pretty wet. What is going on there . Reporter yeah, were soaked. Were getting wallop ared at this point, and were just waiting for the moment when its most likely going to turn into a category one hurricane. Right now we believe its still a tropical tomorrow. Were pretty close to some of the worst parts of the storm. I just checked my radar, and its getting a lot closer. Obviously, were still tens of miles away from the eye wall, but the winds have gotten powerful. Its actually down a little bit from the hit about 30 minutes ago. We thought we were going to get blown over. Behind me, this is morgan city, and you can see just how oh, theres the wind. The wind has returned. See just how intense these waves are kicking up here in this lake which makes you wonder whats the gulf look like at this point. Its hard to get a camera down there because most of the areas close to gulf were mandatory evacuations. Most of the evacuations that took place came from, some places south of new orleans and other like that, sparsely populated but People Living in dangerous conditions for this type of weather. For the city of new orleans, they just gave everybody a shelter in place, not even a voluntary evacuation. At this point they said its a Tropical Storm, maybe a category one, shelter in place, try not to go out, do anything unnecessary, and just buckle down and get through the storm. We did see sandbags, some people bagging things up, but new orleans is about,s probably going to end up being about 100, 150 miles away from where this storm is going to come in and hit. So they should be at least on the safer side from the brunt of the storm. Now, the rain is a whole other thing, and all the water that comes in with this is going to be a whole other story for new orleans, and thats what theyre really worried about. Reenforceing those levees which theyve within working on ever since katrina hit, trying to make those lowlying areas where theyre just so vulnerable to flood water safer. And thats where a lot of the emphasis has been for new orleans. This storm has tracked more to west. Were about 75 miles west of new orleans, and this storm is going to now hit west of us. So its more to west [audio difficulty] thats generally good news for everybody closer and closer to coast of texas. Were getting about 55 mileanhour wind gusts here in morgan city. Again, just to west of new orleans. And the sustained winds have got to be getting close to that number too because these winds have been, i think theyve been sustained for about a minute, but its feeling pretty strong. The gusts about blow you over when they hit really hard. Back to you. Ever the anchorman, you picked the right time to toss. Were going to go the over to rick to find out have the wind speeds reached anything that will indicate we are hitting hurricane strength now. Rick nothing thats been verified exempt there was one except there was one buoy, they do that so they can get more readings to help protect people onshore. We had one gusting up to 91 miles an hour earlier this morning in one of the outer bands. Or the inner band, i should say. That gives the indication that that wind will eventually get towards the coast, and i think well see gusts in excess of Hurricane Force. Do we see sustained . Right now theyre saying sustained at 70 miles an hour. Who cares, 75 miles an hour, doesnt make a huge difference. Here you go, the main core is now very close, the core of that thunderstorm activity is close to where the center of the storm is, but its losing its moisture source quickly as it moves towards the north. I say quickly because it is so close to shore. A big concern, this is excessive rain outlook let me go back. There you go. Where you see that purple there, Southeastern Louisiana, they indicated three days out, they gave this high alert for excessive rainfall three days out. Theyve only done that two other times, the department that does this. One was hurricane harvey, the other was florence, and we saw all the flooding that eventually happened. Reporters saying, hey, this isnt as bad as we thought it might be, then you see what happens a couple days later from all the rain that falls over a couple of days and the flooding that happens. Thats our concern with this storm across Southeastern Louisiana. You go farther towards the north, moderate flight risk. We often see ease areas from rain, and this is where were going to see even where the ohio and Mississippi Rivers meet, were going to be talking 35 inches of rain. Keep in mind all of that water eventually has to go right back out down towards the Mississippi River, or into the Mississippi River and then out past new orleans. Take a look at this, rob is probably 200 miles away from where this band of storms is. And thats been pummeling the mobile area and just towards biloxi. Thats going to continue, those bands of storms. We might see rain there that totals 8, 9 inches of rain. We had one line of storms that moved through new orleans. That ones gone right now, and still the bulk of that rain is offshore across southeast louisiana. The bulk of the moisture is still yet to come, so were just at the probably 3 into this storm rain wise. Griff and thats why the national Hurricane Center is saying their main concern is the lifethreatening flooding because of the rain and the surge. Rick yeah, weve been saying sg that all along. This isnt a big wind storm, this is a rain situation. And the rain, which maybe wouldnt have been that bad if the Mississippi River was low and that ground had room to absorb the water. But all the rivers and bayous are full. Now you add this rain on top, and it just has nowhere to go. Griff that area just below new orleans saying theyve had 200 days of high and mighty Mississippi River. Rick breaking river. If you hear us say parish, its just louisiana calls them counties. Jed in the midsts of all of this, we have some political chaos happening, a lot of infighting happening in the Democratic Party particularly between nancy pelosi and what i call the aoc wing. Its with aoc but also a lot of the new freshmen congresswomen who have a different, you know, possibly more farleft vision, a more caddal, some might say, of where the party should go. In the midst of this rivalry, President Trump decided, guess what . He was going to weigh in. Check it out. I think cortez is is being vy disrespectful to somebody thats been there a long time. I deal with nancy pelosi a lot, and we go back and forth, and its fine. A group of people is being very disrespectful to her. And you know what . I dont think that nancy can let that go on. Cortez should treat nancy pelosi with respect. She should not be doing what shes doing. And ill tell you something about nancy pelosi that you know better than i do, she is not a racist. For them to call her a racist is a disgrace. Jedediah you know, i would agree. To accuse nancy pelosi of anything like racism is really out there. I would just remind donald trump, though, that he went into the establishment and really shook things up. So when it comes to, you know, new blood as we like to say, the aocs, the rashida tlaibs, whoever they may be, theyre tired the of the status quo, and you got to give them credit when they say this is the old guard, and im not afraid to shake things up. But to that extent, trump came up with nicknames that are sort of funny, when you call somebody a racist, thats a nextlevel thing. Jedediah yeah. She didnt call she alluded to the fact that some of this was behavior that may have been in the realm of racism. Then she came out and said im not saying that, you know, shes a racist. But, of course, the context of what she said is indefensible to me. But the idea of bunking the establishments thats someone that as someone on the right aye always supported, so ive got to support them on the left when they do the same. Griff to your point, ask former speaker john boehner, right . He didnt take the tea party seriously. They were upset with the status quo with. Well see how far it goes, because heres a snapshot we saw just this week of the infighting, the Division Within this Democratic Caucus when you had the House Democrats official twitter using to tweet out some, i guess, shame, if you will, or fire specifically at aocs chief of staff. Right . This is were showing you now this one which i cant quite read because its so far away. Here we go. Who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a native American Woman of color . Her name is congresswoman davis, a phenomenal new member who flipped a red state blue. Keep her name out of your mouth. Theres a lot of details there, basically aocs chief of staff calling out a new member in kansas. So this is a lot of infighting thats going on, and ill tell you the guy thats most worried about is congressman hakim jeffreys, and right now he has a lot of holes popping left and right hes going to have to deal with. I have a question for you two. If you are ronna romney mcdaniel, do you look at the 31 districts that are trump districts that were flipped and say, hmm, theres a golden opportunity here between now and election day, november 2020, for me to focus on those districts . Because the democrats have given me an amazing opportunity. This in thefighting infighting could be a wedge, and i could cause a problem. Maybe you dont get all 31 jedediah yeah, definitely. Absolutely, you could say that, 100 . The infighting does often times help the other party, but also its growing pains for the party itself. Everybody talks about, oh, the tea partys going to ruin the republican party. It wasnt. It made them rethink who they were and what they stood for, forced them to care about debt and spending. When you look at democrats and their values, i think some of these newcomers are saying, hold on a second is, we need to stand for x, y and z in 2019. Who knows whos going to win that battle, they want that independent vote. But i think its good sometimes when a party gets new blood in there and they kind of shake things up. Not to say that they should be calling nancy pelosi anything close to racist, thats absurd griff the democrats need to go after their favorite target, donald trump. Instead, theyre turning on each other. Jedediah it happens, what can you say . Protesters in hong kong clashing with police. Thousands rallying against a controversial extradition bill that would send criminals to Mainland China to face trial. Demonstrations have been going on for weeks despite hong kong leaders backing down on the bill. Also overnight, taliban terrorists now claiming responsibility for an American Service member killed in action in afghanistan. Circumstances surrounding the deadly combat is have not have not been released. This is the tenth u. S. Service member killed in action in afghanistan this year. And the house overwhelmingly passes a bill that would make sure the 9 11 victim Compensation Fund never runs out of money. It now moves to senate where majority leader Mitch Mcconnell agreed to call a vote before the august recess. The fund benefits First Responders who adopt workers linked to develop illnesses linked to ground zero. And Colin Kaepernicks anthem kneeling is not a thing. Remember the whole, the heat that ended up around the bend the knee and Colin Kaepernick. Many smart people have said it actually was not a thing. The russian bots started taking that. Jedediah yeah, she says those same russian bots have already attacked her president ial campaign. Yeah, i mean, this is one of those things where, obviously, we know russia was involved this our 2016 election, but if we blame russia for everything, its the boy who called wolf all over again. And at some point its just going to be lumped in jedediah i mean, the Colin Kaepernick scandal, thats a headscratcher for me, but you never know. Griff and it doesnt make sense why senator harris is running for president , has debates coming up, why shes going to go after the Colin Kaepernick story which really was a losing issue jedediah yeah. Griff for the democrats. All right. Vice president pence hits the border to really see the crisis for himself. One of the lawmakers who went along with him, senator thom tillis joins us live next to say what he saw. Griff plus, our Team Coverage continues as Tropical Storm barry pushes closer to the shore. Youre looking live there in new orleans. Of weve got more. Weve got more on the way. The Vacation Rental which led to the discovery that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Expedia. Everything you need to go. You get more than yourFree Shipping. Ir, you get everything you need for your home at a great price, the way it works best for you, ill take that. Wait honey, no. When you want it. You get a delivery experience you can always count on. You get your perfect find at a price to match, on your own schedule. You get fast and Free Shipping on the things that make your home feel like you. Thats what you get when youve got wayfair. So shop now my only impression on my visits here is that things have gotten worse. The president and i will continue to press for congress to take up legislation that takes the tool away the human traffickers use to entice these vulnerable families. Well end all this discussion about a manufactured crisis, and well get to solutions. Griff Vice President pence calling on congress to fix the crisis at the border while touring migrant detention facilities. Our next guest joined the Vice President on his visit, witnessing firsthand how this crisis is taking a toll. North carolina senator thom tillis joins us now. Senator, good morning, thank you. Good morning. Griff you were on this trip, you went down. Every member of the Senate Judiciary committee was ine violated, but it appears only republicans went. Yeah. We had a few empty seats on the plane. We wanted everybody to see the same thing at the same time, hear the questions and get to facts. And the fact of the matter is the democrats declined that request. I appreciate Lindsey Graham and the Vice President going down to border and going to Great Lengths to let the American People see the crisis. Its not manufactured, its a real crisis, and congress has to stop it. Griff senator, talk to me about what you saw inside the migrant shelters. We have had lawmakers, in particular alexandria ocasiocortez talking about the treatment of the migrants by these Border Patrol official. What did you see . What i saw was a facility for families where either the mother and the children or the father and the children were together. We spoke with these children, mike lee and rob portman speak fluent spanish, so we spoke with them directly. We asked them are you being well cared for, they all said yes. The kids had smiles on their faces, the mothers in a couple instances said they were being well cared for. These are clean facilities with access to food, diapers, toil letlies and snacks, the things that you need as theyre being held and processed. Then we went to other facility which is similar to a booking facility at a police station. Its overcrowded. We wanted to let people know that that has to be fixed. It gets fixed by giving icet resources they need to ice the resources they need to hold them at a facility while their being processed. Theyre being processed. The facility the had more than twice as many people as they should have. This is what i admire about Vice President pence. He demanded that he go to that extra facility. The secret service and other people did not want him to. He got within arms reach. He wanted the cameras, the American People to see the crisis that were talking about, and its a crisis that can only be ended by Congress Acting and providing the resources to i. C. E. That they need to do their job. Griff i have been there, i have seen it, im glad you went, senator, with the Vice President , but is there any hope that your colleagues across the aisle are going to listen to what you saw . I hope so. I mean, they are responsible for these facilities where we simply have to keep these people. There are a Million People over the course of the year that are going to come into this country illegally. The people that are in this Holding Facility tried to evade capture. Theyre not the ones who came across the border, sought out a Border Patrol agent and said i want to seek asylum. These are people who tried to get into this country, evade the law. Many of them, hundreds thousands of them across the border are associated with gangs. They have past criminal records. We cannot possibly release them into society. If we do, they will disappear, and they will make our country less safe. Griff senator thom tillis, thank you for joining us and giving us that insight, sir. Thank you. Griff all right. Helping our nations heros with these patriotic shoes. Country music legend larry gatlin is using his fame to help a military family. He joins us live. There he is. Morning, larry. Limu emu doug mmm, exactly Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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And was proven in adults with mixed episodes who have both mania and depression. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia, due to increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a lifethreatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. High cholesterol; weight gain; high blood sugar and decreased white blood cells, both of which can be serious or fatal;. Dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. Ask if vraylar can help you get on track. Some quick headlines here on your saturday morning. The Trump Administration scores a rare win in its efforts to crack down on sanctuary cities. The federal Appeals Court ruling the Justice Department has the right to deny Police Grants to departments that refuse to cooperate with officials. Los angeles sued the Justice Department when it was denied a 3 million grant. And President Trump hoping to get a similar victory in the legal battle over border wall funds. The administration has asked the Supreme Court to overturn Lower Court Rulings blocking the president from using military funds to build the wall. The ninth circuit recently ruled against the administration saying it was congress job to allocate those funds. Muck there he is, the legendary country owe behind all the gold in country true owe. Jedediah the gatlin brothers teaming up to give you a new patriotic sneaker where a portion of the proceeds go to survivors. Griff joining us now, Country Music legend larry gatlin of the gatlin brothers. Thank you, sir, for being with us. How did this come about . Well, we were doing a concert in california, and a gentleman had on a pair of turquoise shoes, so the man gave them to him. That kind of started that part of the shoe deal. Now, lets go back about ten years ago, i walked into a hotel in washington to do a concert for taps. I didnt really know much about it, but a fella that was a good friend of mine told me to do it, that i needed to go visit with these people. I walked into that lobby and saw a lifesized cutout of a little 10yearold boy wearing his fathers his dead fathers marine dress blues and his cover. They dont call it a hat, its a cover. It reminded me of a little boy who used to wear his fathers marine jacket around, me. So i did the concert, i bet Bonnie Carroll who started met after her husband in the air force was killed in a plane crash, a support group. And i thought, i want to be involved with this. Between the shoes and bonnie and taps and a little Country Music, it all got together. So we have may i show you . Absolutely. Jedediah of course way in there it says larry, steve and rudy, the gatlin brothers, and it says taps on the back. And its jedediah wow. It has these red things right here, cushions. And when you get over 50, you need cushions [laughter] jedediah larry, i need them already. I need em now. [laughter] now, im a marathon runner, and ive run every single pair in a pair of newtons, and i cant run out and buy them fast enough. But i want to come back to story you were telling, because you and i first met, you were doing a concert at walter reed, 2004. And, you know, why is it that youre so moved, why is it you feel the need to do this for our military families . Of all the bad things ive done in my life, the one that i regret even more than some of my, you know, when i used to live by the motto that even colombian drug lords children need to eat, thats the old days. What i regret most is that i never served my country in the military. I was number 296 in vietnam. Ive tried to make up for that, steve, rudy and i have by joining up with the uso. That aint like getting shot at, but its our way of giving back. Our marine father 92 years old, corporal curly gatlin, hes not a former marine or an exmarine, hes a 92yearold marine not currently on active duty. He instilled us a love for this country, duty and service to country. We pretty much had boot camp every saturday morning when we cleaned up the alley behind our house so it would be up to marine standards. So its been ingrained in us, so thats our way of giving back. See, i cant talk to a 10yearold kid whose father or mothers been killed. What am i going to tell them . But other 10yearold kids in a little is circle sitting on the floor crying and venting and letting a counselor who knows how to do that, they can help a little bit. So our way of helping, and like i say, they come in pairs. [laughter] rudy jedediah i love it interesting business model. All right. He does have the other one on. Jedediah there are patriotic americans across the country, i see those and i want those right away. Are people going crazy rushing to buy these . Its been unbelievable. Were getting face tunes and i tube, all those [laughter] i dont do that. I dont know what that is. [laughter] griff larry, im signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon in october, and ill run in a pair of those shoes right there. Jedediah looking good. You got it. 50 goes to taps. God bless. Griff very good story. All right, our friend, ed henry, is saving his sisters life. He courageously just donated 30 of his liver to her. Well check in with him. Hes recovering. Thats coming up. Hey, ed. Here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone youre a drifter . I thought you were kevins dad. Little bit of both. If you ride, you get it. Geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Griff were back with a fox news alera live look from new orleans where heavy rain and strong winds are pounding the gulf coast. Jedediah Tropical Storm barry creeping closer to shoreline. A dangerous storm surge, potentially lifethreatening flooding all expected. Griff our team is tracking Tropical Storm barrys every move. Well get an update from meteorologist reich reichmuth Rick Reichmuth in a moment. Rob schmidtt in morgan city, louisiana, and it sure looks like youre getting hit by something. Reporter were just southwest of new orleans about 75 miles, here in morgan city where were seeing wind gusts around 55 miles an hour which is a Pretty Healthy wind gust, sustained less than that. As this storm gets closer and closer, right now at this point its just off the shore, and youre going to see that here in just a second. As you see, were still getting these strong conditions, a lot of rain coming down and moving mostly is sideways. Some pretty strong winds, theres a lot of limbs and branches down. As we get out here, were going to go explore and figure out what all we can find. Weve been kind of locked out for the last couple of hours, but were curious as we move closer to water what we can find. Weve heard some stories about rescues being made in other parts closer to water. Not sure how close we can get because a lot of those roads simply wash out. Theres a reason why they have mandatory evacuations here in southern louisiana. But the storm, like i said, its going to hit maybe 100 miles, 150 miles away from new orleans. That is where a lot of the energy and focus has been for this hurricane. Obviously, everybody remembers katrina, or i should say Tropical Storm at this point, most likely toon sob a hurricane. Soon to be a hurricane. New orleans is not near the eye of this storm, but it doesnt mean theyre not in a lot of danger. If we have levee breaches, it could spell trouble for them. Guys, back to you. Jedediah were going to head over to rick now forwet updates. Rick guys, i want to introduce you to something were launching here today on fox news, and weve been building out Weather Centers mixed with cameras that we can go out and deploy in various places during a storm to get a better idea. So often when were covering the storm the reporter has to get into a safe spot. We can put this box out into a more dangerous spot. What youre seeing is a live cam matching up to live camera matching up to live data right here. Gee e yo locating it, the temperature, the wind direction, the wind speed, we know right now weve got a sustained wind from our Weather Center of 21 miles an hour. The max gusts weve had within the last 60 minutes is 49 miles an hour. A little bit of nerdery going on here matching up with our live cameras. Were really excited to launch that right here today and well continue to do this throughout hurricane season. Obviously, this our first big storm of the year. Get ready. We might not know what the impact is for a couple of days, because its going to take a long time for this rain to fall off the sky and gather, and well see the flooding picture. Rick, you know who else is excited about that . Rick stanley when reporter you will have a box to strap to a tree somewhere. Well do it. Thanks, rick. Jedediah we have a very special guest for you now, our very own ed henry who recently had a major surgery. He donated, if you remember, part of his liver to his sister, colleen. They are both now in recovery. I believe we have ed on the phone. Are you there . Ed yeah, good morning. Jedediah hi, ed we are is so excited to see you in recovery. I cant believe it, you look amazing, and i already saw you eat an english muffin with some Peanut Butter and yeah, thats the elvis menu, people are teasing me. Thats what they gave me, and you need a little protein the, a little fruit. Im telling you, we feel great. My vitals are good, i got out of the icu yesterday, still got some aches and pains, but its really not a big deal because we succeeded in victory, i think, in winning our goal which is to get my sister healthy. I mean, were, you know, not done yet, you know . Theres a long road ahead, but her vitals are strong. Shes now, just in the last few hours, updating, she got out of the main icu herself, which is remarkable since the surgery was only tuesday. This is a major, major operation for each of us, but longer and harder for her. And shes now in aen kind of a smaller intensive care area and is headed soon to a private room like i am. And the best thing is the surgeon, we each had our own surgeons, and mine was terrific, and hers was as well, and her surgeon said that as soon as he got the 30 of my liver and put it in her, it immediately started working, immediately. Jedediah wow. Ed just a miracle. An absolute miracle. Jedediah and one thing thats amazing is that we had talked about the possibility on the show, we did the preliminary coverage that you might not be in a condition to get up and go see how shes doing. It worked out that you were well enough that you were able to go and make sure she was okay. Ed yeah, you know, the first morning, wednesday i was still in a haze and they said, do you want to get up . The doctors and nurses encouraged me, said youve really got to get going because you feel like you got hit by a truck quite literally. I said, yeah, everyones been telling me youve got to get going. I felt a little dizzy, my Blood Pressure went down, and i was like, whoa, is in the right thing to do. But they said we want you to go visit your sister. So i got up, went for a walk and then, you know, we toasted. We had apple juice [laughter] jedediah not a bad substitute. Griff you are such a hero to not just us, but hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of americans out there. Your fights not over yet. You and colleen will have a little bit of a road, a longer road ahead. Tell us about what thats going to involve. Ed yeah, we dont know yet because i hope to be out of the hospital in a couple of days. Think its going to be longer for her, obviously. She has a much bigger incision than i do because she had to have her old liver that was experiencing this degenerative disease taken out, so she has this l incision. I just have a line in the middle of my belly. Getting teased by my kids because of the scar and all that, little battle scar. But what i want to say more than anything is, yeah, she has a long road ahead, but she already has her color back. Because of the liver disease, she was kind of yellow and jaundiced, and everybody who has come to visit her says shes getting her color back. Like i say, its only a few days. Thats a miracle as well. And what i really want to say more than anything is all of you there on the couch, jennifer and our team, sabrina and tammy, go down the line of all the producers, lauren at the top has been my Guardian Angel in leading me through this. Bottom line is our viewers, i literally had no idea last sunday when i was about to tell people about this. I thought, hey, ill get this out of the way, ive got to go away for a while. Theyre not letting me go away. Everybodys tweeting me [laughter] texting. Im trying to respond. I had to turn my phone off for a couple of days. The prayers that were feeling, i cant thank everyone personally, i want to thank everybody now. Youve been amazing. I totally underestimated the outpouring, its been amazing, and my family cant thank you enough. What has been so fascinating following your social media is not only the outpouring of support for you, but also the awareness that you have raised for Organ Donation in the aggregate. Talk a little bit more about that. Ed yeah. I mean, i hope that really does make a deference. I made clear a difference. I was trying to be honest, i was trying to save one life because its somebody i know and love, and i think were getting there. But i totally underestimated the outpouring, and i underestimated the impact we could have at fox news together starting with our ceo, suzanne scott, who when i first went to her, she said dont worry about the campaign, the show, anything, go take care of family. And if thats meant so much to my family that now, i think, through the show, through other shows, i mean, i was getting reports from my parents that the night before the surgery tucker and sean and everybody was cheering us on and praying. I had no idea. I didnt ask for any of it. Everybodys just been doing it on their own. And so youre right, i think a lot of people have now gotten awareness of this. Ive gotten a lot of messages on facebook and elsewhere of people saying i had no idea that the liver regenerates, i might be able to help somebody. So i do help i do hope it helps people because i think the outpouring has been enormous for my family, and i hope it touches more family. Jedediah i cant tell you how many people sent me messages that were so overwhelmed and praying for you. We love you, we miss you, we want you to recover. I will be visiting with a puppy in one arm ed i was going to say, you promised puppy visits. Jedediah i had to wait until you were fully ed im going to regret asking for this. [laughter] ed, you and i are going to a World Series Game there in the bronx at some point in october, its going to happen ed i hope you didnt jinx it, but im with you. Last night was about my best night. I got to see our yankees win. Jedediah thanks for joining us, ed. You bet. Thanks, everybody. Griff we cant get you back here fast enough, ed. All right, a big week for wall street. Charles payne shows us the numbers and how long we can expect this booming economy to last. Hey, charles. More, more, more how do you like it, how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it, how do you like it all you can eat is back. How do you like that . Applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. If ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Who got an awful skin condition. With uncontrolled moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, you feel like youre itching all the time. And you never know how your skin will look. Because deep within your skin an overly sensitive immune system could be the cause. So help heal your skin from within, with dupixent. Dupixent is not a steroid, and it continuously treats your eczema even when you cant see it. 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Com right now. Fox nation is the perfect companion to fox news featuring your favorite fox news personalities like youve never seen us before. We go outside the studio and take you across the country. Its beyond the headlines with exclusive series, specials and documentaries that entertain, inform and celebrate americas people and places. Were bringing you americas history and telling americas stories the right way. Take a look. After serving our country today we honor your extraordinary courage retired Staff Sergeant david sits down with fellow veteran pete hegseth. Part of our celebrate america month only on fox nation. Jedediah we are back with a fox news alert. A jetblue plane is being evacuated at Newark Airport in new jersey after a suspicious item was found onboard. The tampabound aircraft was about to take off when a Flight Attendant spotted the unknown object. The plane returned to it gate and all a passengers were forced off. An investigation is underway. No other flights seem to be impacted. To another fox news alert, at least two americans are among the dead in a terror attack at a hotel in somalia. Police say four gunmen stormed the building after it was hit with a car bomb overnight. They were shot and killed by security forces. The attack lasting 14 hours. In total, at least 26 people are dead. Extremist Group Alshabaab is claiming responsibility for the attack. Meantime, the trump economy booming as the stock market closes at new highs, ending a recordsetting week on wall street. Griff this as President Trump convinces Lockheed Martins ceo to keep a pennsylvania plant open saving over 400 jobs. Jedediah here with more on the week in Economic News is Charles Payne, host of making money on fox business and my own personal business adviser. No [laughter] all right, so what are the impacts of this . I want to talk about this Lockheed Martin and the impact of trump on this and the jobs that have been gained preserved. One of the more important aspects is how President Trump has forged personal relationships with a lot of Corporate America and its not through, you know, its been through tough love, to be quite honest with you. He has scolded them, he has called them to white house, he has put pressure on them, you know . But when they do the right thing, he also makes sure that the American Public knows. He can get on the phone and say, hey, come on, does this really have to happen . And in this case, it did not really have to happen. I think thats whats really important that people need to understand. Griff so the dow, that was the big story this week, broke a new record. All the the major indices broke new records. So the dow, which is only 30 stocks, that made a new high, the s p 500, 500 stocks made a new high, nasdaq as well. Hot flying stocks griff dow over 27,000. Its absolutely remarkable. And i think it has a lot more room to upside, i really do. How much of this do you blame or give credit to potential drop in Interest Rates at the end of the month, or was it already baked in . It wasnt baked in. There was some confusion other it. I think what people are getting wrong with respect to Federal Reserve, historically the Federal Reserve has been like the firemen. They come and put out the fire when the economy starts to burn down, they put it out. If you listened to jay powell particularly over the last year and this year, it seems like he had an awakening or an epiphany. He wants to make sure the fire never starts, and this is what people are missing. We do have persistently low inflation in this country, and remember, the Great Depression was about a deflation death spiral. When prices are going down, people dont shop because a they think theyre going to go lower, and when they dont shop, people dont get jobs. I mean, it is a death spiral. Were not anywhere near that, but powell is smart enough to know that that is his biggest concern right now. Griff thanks, charles. You got it. By the way, im filling in for neil, neil cavuto, at 10 00. Very special guests. Well be watching. See you guys later. Griff fox news alert. Barry heading into the gulf coast, an update from the coast guard coming up next. They really appreciate the military family and it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Prpharmacist recommendedne memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Wind and rain intensifying at this hour as barry prepares to make landfall. Coast guard already responding and rescuing trapped residents overnight. Griff joining us now with an update is admiral carl schultz who happens to be the commandant of the United States coast guard. Thank you for taking time. I assume operations already underway. Give us the latest, please. Good morning. Thanks for the opportunity to be here. Were positioned in the region east and west of the storm. Looks like morgan city may be where landfall occurs today. Particularly in the mississippi, inundation, you know, particularly on the east side of the storm is our principal concern. We rescued five fishermen off the mississippi yesterday, my understanding is were out there assisting 12 folks this morning. I dont have the particulars. That was an airsea type rescue situation. Working with our state, federal, local partners, weve got coast guardsmen in the region ready to respond and see what the next 72 hours hold here. Jedediah i was just reading that the Coast Guard Family Support Team has been set up to provide lodging and other support to evacuated dependents. So the amount of work that you do, people arent really aware of just how extensive the assistance can be. Thats correct, jedediah. Personally, were focused about our folks, about being prepositioned to respond to citizens in the region. We want our First Responders to be able to be focused on the job, theres some areas where theres voluntary evacuations. So a lot of this is preparation and standing by to see what happens. I think right now its the winds are, i think its going to be a severe water event regardless, and yesterdays projections a little more dire, i think now were looking at 17 feet or so at flood stage. Hopefully, the levee system should be able to handle that pretty well. But we want to be prepared, thats what its all about. Ive got to get your reaction to this amazing video of the coast guard doing this, basically, you went on a submarine in the middle of the water. It was unbelievable to watch. Talk about this mission. Yeah. No, thats a pretty exciting bit. I think its hit about 5 million places on social media. Were on the pointy edge of freedom protecting the homeland. This was 16,000 pounds of drugs, the coast guard cutter monroe came into san diego here on thursday the, Vice President pence and omdcp director were there, and they offloaded 39,000 pounds. That was the second selfpropelled submersible. This is exciting stuff. This is the sophistication of transnational criminal groups trying to bring drugs into the Central American corridor here to streets of america. Griff commandant, i think you ought to use that in the promotional video. Thank you very much for joining us today. We wish you and all your men and women safe days ahead as we look forward to you being a part of this Tropical Storm barry. Thank you, sir. All right, thanks for the opportunity. More fox friends moments away. gasp singsong budget meeting sweet. If you compare last quarter to this quarter. Various mmm. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream. Jedediah we want to thank you all for joining us today and and you both for being here on the couch, its been amazing. Continuing coverage of Tropical Storm barry on the networked. Charles bracing for barry, fox on top of the gulf coast, on alert as lifethreatening flooding is on the way. Good morning, everyone, im Charles Payne in for neil cavuto. Youre watching cavuto live, and we are live with rob schmidtt in morgan city, louisiana. Louisiana senator bill cassidy on how his state is preparing, and Rick Reichmuth on the latest. And katrina commander general russell ray on the rescue missions that are already happening. Lauren simonetti on the costs that are mouin

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