Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150606

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parents speak to megyn kelly setting the record straight about their brother. >> i see it as a revictimization that's even a thousand times worse. >> why? >> because this something that was already dealt with. >> more of that exclusive interview everyone is still talking about this morning. fox and friends begins right now. ♪ ♪ hey everybody the gang is all back together. clayton, welcome back. >> in the house. nice to see you guys. you look lovely in blue this morning. >> tucker as handsome as always. >> clayton you look handsome this morning. >> janice dean is live from the stakes all morning long. american pharaoh could pull out the triple crown. >> if he wins the belmont he could win the triple crown longest runs in history. >> place your bets but first. >> news headlines this saturday morning. we do have a first alert to tell you about. a brand new terror warning just days after police foiled a terror plot in boston. officers across the country now on high alert for other attacks. cbs news reporting the intelligence bulletin warns that social media is helping terror groups like isis recruit followers then plan attacks using simple weapons like guns, cars and knives listed as, quote attractive targets. well some gathering military and law enforcement as an example. also breaking overnight. five shots fired at a u.s. border patrol helicopter from the mexican side forcing it to make an emergency landing in texas. at least two bullets hit the helicopter in the cabin and the engine. the pilot was patrolling near laredo assisting agents who were interrupting drug loads from mexico. the pilot landed safely. no one was hurt. and a night at fenway park turns into a terrifying scene. a woman might not survive after being hit in the head by pieces of a broken bat that police say flew like a bullet it happened during the second inning of the red sox oakland a's game. oakland third base man's bat shattered and flew into the stands hitting her. fans watched in horror as she was taking out of the park in a stretcher and taken to a hospital. we hope she is all right. family and friends will say a final farewell today to beau biden the son of vice president joe biden. several stays for hours to get inside the church. paid their support. he died last week from brain cancer at the age of 46. president obama will be delivering today's eulogy. >> all right. thanks anna. there is a lot going on in the world. isis may take baghdad the chinese are hacking into federal databases the "new york times" needless to say is on it. they had a major story yesterday that you may have seen about senator marco rubio of florida it wasn't about his record or any major misdeeds. it was about his driving. it was about four speeding tickets he got and a number of other speeding tickets his wife got. and then, well, that was it, actually. that was the whole story. >> you must have think he had his license revoked or must have been buried the lead. >> bribed a cop or pulled a gun. >> tucker it says is right here, "new york times" th rks is a major bombshell of a story right here in the "new york times" drove through a stop sign. >> what did really? >> drop through a stop sign. >> you are making that up now. >> this is the stuff that -- i mean, it's unbelievable and you are reading through the story they set it up as if they are going to be talking about his political campaign, what is he is saying on the road that he is in a her were all the time. i thought it was going to be a interesting story about his campaign scheduling moving from campaign event to campaign event. >> i kept waiting for the part where he overthrew a country or embezzled money from a bank. >> sources of this information appears to be more interesting. appears to be coming from a clinton-backed group. here is what rnc chairman ryans priebus said last night. look out hanson and gretel you have to follow the bread crumbs. >> another article came out in the day. and track. when people go into places like miami dade court records, every time someone pull as record they have to who is pulling it. pulled by american bridge which is a hillary clinton research group. >> not by the "new york times"? >> it wasn't by the "new york times." pull by pull was american bridge. so what happens is you have got these research groups or hillary's team they package up the deal and they say here you go, here is some really bad stuff about marco rubio he got a parking ticket and go right to story. >> is this hillary clinton worried that a clinton/rubio matchup would not be the coronation. about his youthfulness and his energy. >> this is how a lot of political stories are written, i have got to be honest. dug up by rival campaigns and sent to the reporter as if the reporter did it himself. former employee at the american spectator and the hillary partisan -- i mean he is the err hillary partisan. it looks like the information came from his little hit group to the "new york times." they are denying it, but there is no record that any "new york times" reporter pulled this information. there is is a record that american bridge did. >> they denied it. if you read the front page of the "new york times" this morning though, to their credit, they are pointing out that george soros has been bank rolling what the democrats are trying to do right now against republicans on voting restrictions across the country. about $5 million i think donated to the clinton campaign and lawyers to try to stop or to -- their efforts to go after republicans which they say are limiting early voting in a lot of different states. here is hillary clinton on thursday down in texas where she got a little hired up about it. listen. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. what part of democracy are they afraid of? i call on republicans at all levels of government, with all manner of ambition, to stop fear mongering about a phantom epidemic of election fraud. every young man or young woman should be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18. >> she is such a demagogue it's unbelievable. she goes on to say republicans are racist because they are drying to prevent black people from voting. black voters voted in a higher percentage than white voters in the last election. no one is blocking anyone's ability to vote and she knows that they are terrified that they are not going to get the support from black voters that obama got and not going to get elected president. this is just pure race baiting for political gain. there is no other explanation for it. >> she has hit a number of different states on this. her top campaign lawyer has gone after a number of different states on this. meanwhile her state of new york where she was a senator has, i think one of the most limited early voting rights in the country. interestingly enough. chris christie in new jersey he lashed out about her comments on early voting. >> secretary clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in new jersey or any other state that she attacked. my sense is she wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country. so, you know, i'm not worried about her opinion. >> meanwhile we will speak to governor john kasich of ohio. his state was also the target of an attack from the hillary clinton campaign. he will respond to that. >> you watch that hillary clip and answer the question why have her numbers gone down since she announced for president. you watch that, is there anybody who could see that clip and say i'm going to vote for her. very appealing. >> >> not me anyway. >> we will see what john kasich says about this. it's wrong for democrats to be attacking hillary clinton right now. shooting themselves in the foot. >> interesting take. >> let's turn our attention to this now. a lot of you stayed up late last night probably, to watch megyn kelly's part two interview. holy smokes, yeah. >> this time sitting down about the duggard sisters after sitting down with the the parents a couple of nights ago. one of the sisters was saying josh was going through pursuant and a little too curious about girls. does that make it seem like they are excusing his behavior. we feel so much for these girls. they say they feel victimized even more now than they did back then because of everything that the tabloids are saying. here is what they said last night to megyn kelly. >> i think in the case of what josh did was very wrong. i'm not going to justify anything that he did or say it was okay. not permissible. but, i do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or pedophile or a rapist, some people are saying. i'm like that is so overboard and a lie. josh's case, he was a boy young boy in pursuant, and a little too curious about girls. that got him into some trouble. and he made some bad choices but, really, the extent of it was mild inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims. most of it, while girls were sleeping. >> mostly while girls were sleeping. of course one of the girls a years old at the time. >> that doesn't seem like a pew pubescent boy being curious about girls. we will talk about that 6:45 today. >> the family, the parents' side of this why did it take josh going -- the girls going to them and josh going to them three times before they did anything about it an amount of time before they went to law enforcement. >> it's unbelievably creepy, i have to say. the press the glee. these people are hated because they are christians with a lot of kids and everyone in the press hates them for that, of course. i don't know. you shouldn't live your life out on televis moralizer about it you shouldn't. never comes to a good end. >> they have welcomed the video cameras over the last several years during their show 19 kids and counting. they have been on fox and friends multiple times. but now that the press is negative, you can understand why they don't want the attention. >> tv distorts. tv is great. we work at it i'm totally for tv obviously. you don't want it in your personal space and private space. i just don't think you do. >> meanwhile coming up on the show, they are the five terrorists swapped for beau bergdahl. plus come take a look at this. that is a bear, a real bear. it's waving. >> he knows how to catch. >> here is a ham sandwich. >> is this fur real? we report. you decide. what do you think? ♪ freeze frame ♪ now freeze ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. days after cops killed a suspect they say wanted to behead police officers, the federal government has issued a brand new warning about possible summer terror plots involving what the feds call simple and accessible weapons. >> so, is this a sign that homegrown terror is getting even worse? joining us now you to react is lt. colonel tony shaffer senior fellow with the center for policy research. good morning, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. good to be on. >> this is cbs news reporting this. even last summer there was online chatter reported about isis trying to inspire level style attacks. how to build bombs in your kitchen and things like that. is this getting evil even worse? -- i believe this plot in boston would have seen someone beheaded even if this individual couldn't have got ton pam geller he would have gotten to somebody. what's ironic about this the places most likely for an attack like this to happen, legitimate citizens are unarmed. new york boston, washington. i walk out ever the studio here with a gun i get arrested. these are the places the police can't be everywhere. clearly there is a threat. this is where we are totally insane by somehow believing that law enforcement can be everywhere it needs to be constantly. so, clearly there is a threat. clearly they are telling people that we need to all take it very seriously. >> yes. so there are new reports this morning that the u.s. government tried but failed to turn the taliban five, those five level high taliban leaders bowe bergdahl into intelligence assets. i guess there are two questions, one why did they fail and two why do we know about this? is there any secret they are capable of keeping? >> no. i think this is something that -- it's a very complicated issue. to actually do something like, this tucker, is very difficult. let me say this about the effort. there is no doubt in mind we had the best folks we could working on this. what i said is a tough nut to crack. you know, who is to say that maybe one of them didn't actually turn and this is just false information. who knows? >> right. >> with that said the fact that it came out as not a good news story. this is what i think is a big headline, tucker. the white house has down played the importance of these guys from day one. not a big deal. just going back. clearly the effort made to bring these guys -- these guys are hugely important. these guys are going back to be four star generals in the war against our forces in afghanistan. so i think we have to understand that this is a very serious issue that these guys were not low level guys, this is a serious breach. should never have traded bowe bowe bergdahl for five four star generals. >> down playing bringing home bowe bergdahl with the pomp and circumstance in the rose garden. we are hearing the hearing will be be delayed. >> scrambling to find some thread to defend him. everybody i have talked to. i have talked to a number of senior officers directly involved, both dod and cia there is no doubt he desserted. i think their defense is trying to come up with some string. the defense is trying to say, there are some articles out already about this, indicating that he was trying to leave post to look for some military official, some general somewhere to report wrongdoing. i think he is going to try to throw his platoon mates under the bus to say he was doing something wrong and that's why he left. >> i'm beginning to suspect that susan rice is wrong that he served with honor and distinction but i'm withholding judgment. >> you would be a good intelligence officer tucker. that's a good set. sea. sea. >> a line from one left wing professor. is it true? we have got more on that. >> then, when cats attack, call 911? the man who called 99 is 11 and said his cat attacked him and that's why he couldn't get back in. next. ♪♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ (actor) when you work for yourself, taxes get complicated. take out the guesswork with quickbooks self-employed and stay in the flow. 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(vo) stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free, thrity-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. welcome back to headlines, the government worried that that have been cyber attack secrets about our military or economy. private information of four million federal workers may have been stolen. officials have said all signs point to china. chinese government denies any wrongdoing, of course. heart stopping moments for more than it hundred passengers on board amtrak train when it plows into a truck in chicago. no one on board the train was injured. it's not clear what caused the crash. tucker? >> thanks, clayton. >> well, a texas college professor claims her state's new right to carry law will improve student grades by intimidation. she wrote this in an op. ed. see new inflation where students earning 4.0 gpa with fire power rather than brain power. they are emotional when it comes to gpa's. who would want to give a student low gpa and get shot for it that's a sociology professor jessica gullion. it's always a sociology professor when it's something crazy and dumb. is it. plausible that students care so much about their grades they are going to demand a firearm to demand a higher grade? >> transform where it's a wild west type scene students are using guns to get the grades they want. it's absolutely ridiculous claim. this professor in her own words said it could soon be fire power and not brain power that's being used to threaten professors. and i think average americans, myself included look at this and realize it doesn't have any validity and it's simply not logical. >> well, if only students cared that much about their grades we would probably be in better shape in the first place. there is already great inflation. the result not of guns or threats but rate my professor and other online rating systems. college professors are afraid good grades they want to get promoted to get tenure correct? >> correct. i'm used to seeing this type of thing. i'm a correspondent with leadership institute campus reform. i'm used to seeing liberal biases professors. one reason this stuck with me in particular i have seen the positive. liberty university, can you carry on campus and in class. i went out and took a course and passed all the necessary tests and regulations. i was able to carry and i can say from personal experience i felt safer knowing that my safety in the classroom was in my hands and i could protect myself and my piers if anything happens. >> we haven't seen too many crimes with firearms committed by people with conceal-carry licenses, have we? >> the bottom line is people are going to do crazy things if they are crazy people. so, any student who is crazy enough to think it's a good idea to bring a firearm and threaten their professor is so crazy that they are going to do this evil and unlawful act whether there is legislation there to stop them or not. so by this professor of logic, maybe we should prevent people in the office every office setting to not allow firearms because next time you need to negotiate for a raise you may pull out a firearm and threaten your boss. and as this professor would say, you are using fire power and not bargaining power it doesn't have validity. >> you would have to be assistant professor of sociology to think this is real. thank you for joining us live this morning. good to see you. >> thank you. >> next in the rundown brand new clues in those murders in washington, quadruple murders that rocked that city. what the police found in the suspect's car that could change everything you think you know about that case. and it's off to the races this morning. our own beloved janice dean is live from belmont where we could soon see the first triple crown winner in nearly 40 years. we have got the latest. oh, it's so impressive. so good. hello. hi. [ laughter ] oh, it's so is impressive. so good. hello. hi. >> it's your shot of the morning from jelly stone park. watch this. not your average bear. this waiving kodak shows off hand hi. >> how many puns can we fit in there? >> oh, nice catch. >> did he really -- was that like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? >> the couple caught the bear on camera while visiting the farm. >> it's gone viral. i would like to know what they threw was it official or sandwich. >> honey and peanut butter sandwich? >> i accept everything he see on the internet as true. anna much wiser. >> did you think that was a guy in a bear suit? the other day i was up in the mountains and got to see a black bear walk front of us and my boy was scared that i was maybe dumb enough to get out of the car and take a photo of him. he was maybe 40 feet away. was that dumb of me. >> was that yours? >> it was my pet bear brought him home. black bear wandering through looking for some fish. >> i don't know. was it stupid though that i got that close? >> i think it's wonderful. i could watch bear pictures all day long. we will bring you the bear and the trampoline shot coming up in the show he. >> more bear pictures. let's get to your headlines. newly unsealed documents revealing what police found inside the murder mansion suspect darron wint's car after the brutal clilings. he was driving a chevy cruze when police tracked him down. samsung phone. wint did not act alone. the brutal slayings of saf voyeur slaws slawps savopoulos his wife and son. >> united express flight new jersey to it connecticut. as the plane approached bradly airport the pilot reported of seeing smoke on board. the crew quickly put out the flames and the plane made emergency landing. the cause of the fire still under investigation. well he just wants to fit in. the man who shot president ronald reagan apparently tried to get a job at subway and starbucks but he didn't get hired. newly released documents reveal that john hinckley has been doing that over the past two years. the 60-year-old was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the 1981 shooting that wounded reagan and three others in d.c. but now federal judge is deciding if he can live away from a mental hospital full time. hinckley says he just want to be a good citizen get a job, and live a normal life. like being a barista or sandwich artist. and a connecticut man called 911 after early morning standoff with his had pet. >> i felt that my cat was getting too aggressive. and he attacked me and he attacked me in my leg and bite me. so me and my wife, we come outside and now we cannot go in the home for like three or four hours. >> this is, you said a cat? >> yes. >> fierce. the homeowner says the cat had a baby the night before and was likely being protective. the couple equally got back inside and told to stay away from the cat for the rest of the nit. everybody is okay. >> they are not okay. they are not okay at all. his wife -- would you respect your husband if he said we can't go inside the cat is enraged. >> nothing will ever be the same in that household again. >> about 12 hours from now we could see the first triple crown winner in almost four decades. all eyes are on american pharaoh who hopes to take home the coveted title. >> fox news meteorologist janice dean is live from belmont park with some changes taking effect for this year's race. oh no, it's going to be a tough mudder, huh? >> it's supposed to clear up later on this afternoon. and my maps prove that we are expecting partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 70's for race time. but right now, it is pouring rain here at belmont racetrack for the 147th belmont stakes. and the fellow who is very excited about the rain is john durso who is with communications here at belmont stakes. john, thank you for coming. >> thank you janice, good morning. >> you are soaking wet but you love this rain, why? >> you know who loves the rain more? american pharaoh. he loves to ron in the -- run in the slop. he started out in arkansas. this is a great sign for what we are going to see today. >> a great sign. you say it was raining when he got here to belmont. >> absolutely. when he came off the plane which i was at. he came right off. he got right into the barn here, it was pouring out. but, you know what? you saw all the love for this horse. this is just an exciting time for all of us here at belmont park. we can't wait to see everyone today. >> i hate to bring it down a little bit. but last year i was here all day long and i stayed for california chrome to see if he would win the triple crown and, you know, it was tough getting out of here. people spent hours in time. long island railroad. 36,000 people road the railroad and there was a lot of problems. what have you done this year. >> the big thing we have limited ticket capacity. limited tickets to 90,000 and as of approximately 10:30 last night we were completely sold out. 90,000 fans we are going to have here screaming for american pharaoh it's going to be an incredible day. long island railroad they have actually installed a new station increased capacity. we have redone our parking lots. this is is a bigger and better experience for all of our fans. we can't wait to see everyone. >> you have the go go dolls playing tonight. >> this is very important. if you don't have a take ticket please don't come out to belmont park. if you did buy your ticket on ticket mast error. put $2 down. it's going to be a great day. >> you have done this before. what's different this year? last year california chrome there is something in the air this year. >> clearly there is something in the air too. this is even a better feel, too. you can have a number of different horses from fermento to frosted. that's why it's important for our racing fans a across america. find your favorite horse put $2 down and be a part of history today. >> i hope you get dry. he is walking around here saying i don't need no rain coat or umbrella. >> it's the greatest job in the world to be the spokesperson for the belmont stakes and a little rain ain't going to rain on my parade today. >> nicely done it is raining and supposed to clear up anna tucker, and clayton. we will be here today for maybe the first triple crown in decades. >> thanks so much. cool hat. >> you look awesome. when california chrome was up for the triple crown steve coburn he raised a lot of eyebrows and people were debating it should the rules change. because these horses are coming in with fresh legs who maybe -- the horses that hadn't run the kentucky derby were coming in for w. fresh legs mile and a half race most grueling. he said i don't think i will ever see another triple crown winner in my lifetime. you are a sore loser. be true to other winners like second seq. territory and the -- >> nasal strips. >> do you wear them at night. >> yes. don't snore. >> 20 minutes the top of the hour. duggard daughters getting emotional as they break their silence to our very own megyn kelly. >> they didn't have a right to do that we are victims. they can't do this to us. >> but can they? does the family have a case against the city that released the record of their brother's wrongdoing? we'll be debating this live next. >> it doesn't look like an ocean to me. how did this boat end up on top of a pickup truck. ♪ another one bites the dust. ♪ and another one gone et another one gone ♪ another one bites the dust ♪ ail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. smash it! make the call and ask your doctor if jublia is right for you. new larger size now available. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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check your broker with brokercheck. we have got some headlines from the road for you this morning. first up a rear end collision rocks the boat in more ways than one. boat hits the trailer and ends up on top after another truck hit them from behind and didn't stop. injuries at this point are still unknown. here is why you shouldn't text and drive. texting truck driver loses controls and overturns in maryland spilling yellow and white paint all over the road it could take several days to clean it up because they have to peal the paint off the road. the trucker is embarrassed. >> two of the duggar girls are upset about the scandal that has shaken up their family. >> they didn't have a right to do this. this isn't -- we're victims. they can't do this to us. >> the system that was set up to protect kids, both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like this in their life and the ones that are affected by those choices, it is greatly failed. >> should josh duggar's juvenile records have been released in the first place? does the family have a valid legal claim against the city? here to debate criminal defense attorney guster and trial attorney heather hanson. thanks for being with us and discussing this very tough story. let's talk about the release of the documents. were any laws broken with that release period? >> yes. juvenile records are supposed to be sealed. any time someone releases something like that, a police report or documentary evidence, that is illegal. they should have known that especially if we he can show that this was done in malice or for revenge or out of jealousy that's going to be a problem for the city. >> could the argument be made though the names were redacted and pronouns are we americans with disabilities acted. >> blame the police here they did what they were supposed to do. when freedom of information act, the person who receives that has to respond to it here when they investigated the case, josh do you go garr duggar was over 18 that's why it wasn't automatically sealed. no one from the family moved for it to be sealed or expunged. therefore it's a public record and they had to respond to the freedom of information act request. >> he was a juvenile though when these incidents happened eric, so does that make a difference? >> it does make a big difference because the way that the youthful offender and juvenile records are determined is based upon the age at the time of the offense not when the police report was filed. it's based upon the age of the at the time of the offense which makes it a juvenile issue. that's why they should have never been released. this family is being -- the girls are being the sack i have official lambs for the political football that's going back and forth right now. that's pretty bad. >> this is a two part interview that our megyn kelly did. in the first part she interviewed michelle and jim bob duggar, the parents. he said they came to them on three different occasions. could they have been charged with anything? did they handle this appropriately to continue to have him in the home and they even went so far as locking the bedroom doors and telling the kids to don't sit on laps and girls stay with girls. boys stay with boys? >> it's really two different questions did. they act appropriately for parents? this is a terrible decision to make to choose handing your son in to police and protecting your daughters. legally could they be charged? sure. we see their parents allow their children walk to school alone be charged with child endangerment. can you see the situation if parents are allowing their girls to stay with a boy who has done this they could be charged as well. >> go ahead. >> the parents they did something, they took him out of the house. purpose of juvenile court where if they turned him in to the police, the purpose of juvenile court is to rehabilitate. and, according to everything i have read, that's what they tried to do on their own. so, it's questionable, in my eyes why are people attacking them for what they were trying to do with the juvenile system does anyway. >> let's look at the flip side of this and the magazine. so the family said they are going to take legal action. why are not sure what that will be. they they don't want something like this t happen again. what about the magazine? what's their case? >> they have every right to ask for this information. they are a tabloid magazine and this is what they report upon. the freedom of information act gives them the right to get this information. this is a perfect storm of problems where a the love the information was not appropriately redacted these people could not be identified. the fact he was reported after 18 made it not automatically sealed. neither the police at all or the magazine did it anything wrong in this case. >> eric, the final word. >> the magazine should have known better. they did know better. this was all about politics and making money and shame on them for sitting here and putting these rape victims these sexual assault victims, airing their assault. and that's bad when we get to the point where we want to sell magazines and we're putting sexual assault victims' information out there on purpose. that's the part that bothers me the most. >> eric and heather, thank you so much for your insight today. >> 48 minutes after the hour. the governor of ohio, potential 2016 g.o.p. candidate coming out swinging at jeb bush. >> i didn't think i was going to be back up here again because frankly i thought that jeb was just going to suck all the air out of the room it hasn't happened. no hit on jeb. no hit on you jeb. >> so will he actually run? governor john kasich joins us next hour. and do you want to keep your brain in shape? try yogurt. up next the foods that will give it the boost it needs to stay healthy and it's doctor-approved. audible safety beeping audible safety beeping the nissan rogue with safety shield technologies. the only thing left to fear is you imagination. nissan. innovation that excites. your credit is in pretty good shape. >>chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to kaboom... get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. brain disorders are some of modern medicine's greatest challenges. new research suggest the solution to treating and preventing alzheimer's depression and autism doesn't lie in the brain at all. joining us now the author of brain maker the power of gut microbs to heal and protect your brain for life. >> welcome back, clayton. >> a few years ago you were on the show for first big book which was called grain brain and that book really changed the way that my family eats, cutting back on a lot of the whole wheat and grain and getting rid of the lot of the carbohydrates in our diet. tell us about the new book. >> it's a new playing field. we now understand that the gut and brain are connected. they are not in separate places. and that everything going on in your gut right now moment to moment is affecting not only how your brain is working, but in addition, your risk long term for worrisome things like alzheimer's, m.s., parkison's and we even see a dramatic relationship between the gut bacteria, the bacteria living within the gut which we call the microbium depression and autism. >> let's talk about that you say to eat fermented foods. >> foods meek they are fermented means that they have higher levels of pro-biotic bacteria. during the process of fermentation these bacteria replicate or become more numerous. talking about kim chia cultured yogurt and drink kabucha. foods enrich your body with bacteria. >> the overprescription of antibiotics. you know it's unnecessary to take a lot of these because what does it do to our gut when we take antibiotics. >> that's true. everybody would agree that we are overusing antibiotics, our most well respected journals like the journal of the american medical association are telling doctors like myself hey, you need to back off. why? because when you take antibiotics, excessively you are traumatizing these bacteria in your gut. understand this is the key now that we finally have to open the door to things like curing diseases of the brain. reducing depression. helping people finally lose weight who were so stuck and were eating the wrong foods now when we reprogram good bacteria, by choosing the right foods we can lose weight become less depressed and really begin to protect the brain against some of these really devastating conditions. >> in your first book, grain brain, you really talked about staying low carb. you are not going away from that in the new book. >> for a lifetime i couldn't do that we know cash bow high cash bow hydrates good in fiber. people are overdoing the carbs. what do people do then if you want to drink a soda and sugar in it. maybe i will just have the sugar free, the diet soda. that's even more devastating in terms of weight gain and risk for type two diabetes. worse than drinking the sugar-sweetened beverage. you are surprised. >> yeah. >> it is surprising but it's happening because of the effect of the artificial sweetner on the gut bacteria. well, what brain maker is all about is you made these mistakes and here is how can you fix it. >> new book brain maker is out now. go out and pick it up. dr. david prometir always great to see you on fox and friends. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> just in, the documents that say they were, in fact, high risk. we're live in washington with the breaking details. plus just weeks after a man landed his entire row copter without being detected. another scare at the white house. what happened that has 1600 pennsylvania on lockdown? 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governor john kasich joins us this hour. >> jerry seinfeld doesn't perform at colleges anymore and he is glad he doesn't. listen. >> my wife says to her well, you know, in the next couple years i think maybe you are going to be hanging around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys. my daughter says that's sexist. >> proof colleges are way too p.c. fox and friends hour two starts right now. ♪ i came out in second place ♪ now the race is on ♪ and here comes pride in the back stretch ♪ heartache going to the inside ♪ high tears are holding back ♪ trying not to fall >> you can hear the raindrops. you can probably hear a pin drop. >> the race is on. >> right but there will be 90,000 people packing into belmont pack there in belmont, new york, for the belmont stakes to see if american pharaoh can take the triple crown and end the 40 year drought in horse racing. our janice dean is out there this morning with a cute hat on. >> pride in the back stretch here comes heartache. >> here is how dumb i am i know you want to hear that last year i thought we were missing a b from the graphic. >> did i too. >> i thought it was belmont new york. people kept saying it's elmont, new york. >> using context clues i can see why you thought that. >> i thought they lost the b. >> that's how dumb i am. >> we will get to it to janice in a bit. first alert. the obama administration released six gitmo detainees to you're gray saying that they posed no national security risk. >> brand new documents show a much different story. >> much different. christian fisher is live in washington, d.c. for us with the latest on this troubling story. kristen, good morning. >> good morning, well, when the white house released these gitmo detainees to you gray the administration said they pose nod threat to national security. classified documents just released by wikileaks pretty much say the exact opposite. this classified report by the defense department concluded that five of the you gray 6 uher you're gray posed a risk. but seven years after that report when the you are gray six were being released. the state gitmo wrote this to the president. there is no information that the above mentioned individuals were involved in conducting or facilitating terrorist activities against the united states or its partners or its allies. here is how the state department responded to that discrepancy. >> traps there was additional information that showed the previous information was incorrect. i don't know that to be the case but there may have been. we certainly stand by the in special envoy sloan's letter. >> the authority for this controversial release came from the obama administration's guantanamo review task force. their work remains classified. thanks to wikileaks. we now know that one of the six. >> this report is troubling on a whole number of levels. and the idea of this legacy idea that guantanamo bay we need to close it because it's -- it empowers the enemy, gives them fuel to the fire, that's why they hate america going after guantanamo bay. charles krauthammer has a totally different take on it this is totally outdated. this idea for closing guantanamo bay needs to be off of the table. listen. >> does anybody still believe as obama once did he probably still does, that the reason for the rise of boko haram or al think bob or any of these groups around the world the ones in libya are agitated because guantanamo stay open? it's a preposterous idea. it is irrelevant. it's obsolete. i think what -- we are hostages to a promise obama made. he made a promise to withdraw from iraq as well and we saw how that turned out. it's something he ought to give up and the country ought to insist keeping these bad people under our control. >> yeah, think about the propaganda on the flip side and how it emboldened them even more. and they are going wow. everybody is just getting released whether it's the you six is or taliban five. >> one of these guys i was reading this morning he has found a new wife. he is a groom and showing off wedding ring in pictures. >> exactly. it's ludicrous. the argument is that our justice system is put them on trial and fair way and justice would be fair. our justice system is that good. the existence of grawb is the root of their anger at us is so dumb clearly they believe that at the white house. >> if that's not scary enough, a new bulletin out this morning from the federal government warning that weekend be facing here in the united states a summer is of terror. of course, this comes after the foiled boston terror plot. this government-issued and we will read it to you. the ability of terrorists overseas to communicate via social media or encrypted methods with homegrown violent extremists in the west allows organizes such as the islamic state to virtually recruit individuals or groups of individuals to carry out attacks in the west. >> this something cbs news is reporting. i remember even last summer there was so much online chatter they had me out live in times square because there was a threat of lone wolf attacks web site saying to all the lone wolfs in america how to make homemade bombs in your kitchen. is it getting even worse? we posed this question to lt. colonel tony shaffer he said yes it absolutely is and the fbi and police can't be everywhere. every day citizens need to be vigilant. >> the places most likely for an attack like this to happen legitimate are citizens unarmed. new york, boston, washington i walk out of the studio here with a gun i get arrested. these are the places police can't be everywhere. clearly there is a threat. this is where i think we are totally insane by somehow believing that law enforcement can be everywhere it needs to be constantly. so, clearly there is a threat. clearly they are telling people that we need to all take it very seriously. >> of course. by the way you don't want to live in a country where law enforcement is everywhere. you just don't. you don't want to live in that kind of society. you want to live in a place where ordinary citizens are taking some responsibility for their own protection, living as free men and women, right? >> right. >> that is the country you want, i think. >> of course if you see something, say something. it's been effective in new york. we are going to switch gears and tell you about what's making headlines. we have a first alert. five shots fired at u.s. border patrol helicopter from the mexican side forcing it to make an emergency landing in texas. at least two bullets hit the helicopter in the cabin and the engine. the pilot was patrolling near la redo. the pilot landed safely. no one was hurt. a major scare in the stands at fenway park. a woman might not survive after being hit in the head by pieces of a broken baseball bat that police say flew like a bullet. it happened during the second inning of the red sox oakland a's game. third baseman brett laurie's bat shattered and flew into the stands hitting her. fans watched in horror as she was taking out of the park on a stretcher and taken to the hospital. >> another drone sighting putting the white house temporarily on lockdown. federal officials saying last night's spotting was a false alarm and all operations have returned to normal. this coming just weeks after a man flew a drone in the park near the white house prompting another lockdown. in april a man was arrested after he landed in a gyro copter in the capitol lawn. washington and nearby communities have been a no drone zone since 9/11. and continuing a military family legacy. the grand son of the anola gay pilot is now in charge of the stealth bombers. paul continue bets the fourth on the right. took command of this bomb wing on friday. he has served in the air force since 1989. his grandfather paul tibbets flew the bomber when it dropped the bomb in hiroshima in 1945. he died in 2007. >> an amazing story. i cannot believe there is a paul tibbet the fourth. that's so cool. >> janice dean is at the belmont where it had been pouring down rain no umbrella. hey, janice. >> that's why we have hats, right? for the sun brim as well as the potential for rain. it was raining this morning. it is starting to let up. and you know what? my forecast says partly cloudy skies for race time at 6:506789 the 147th belmont stakes will american pharaoh do it? tune in. all right. let's take a look at the maps because we have other weather stories to tell you about not just here in new york. we have showers and thunderstorms across the southwest. as well as the chance for maybe even some severe weather today across the plain states, large hail, danging winds and even isolated tornadoes later on this afternoon for the areas you see shaded in orange and yellow. okay. so if you live across the high plains and central plains you want to be looking out for the potential for hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. there are your highs today very warm across the central u.s. and we're going to get a little bit of rain across the southwest courtesy of hurricane blank cana, as it moves towards baja, california. we are at belmont, 37 years since we have had had had a triple crown. we didn't do it last year with california chrome. will we do it this year? it could happen. the rain is apparently a good sign. back inside, tucker, anna, clayton. >> thanks, janice. >> good question. thanks janice. >> governor of ohio and potential 2016 g.o.p. candidate, john kasich, coming out swinging at jeb bush. >> i didn't think i was going to be back up here again because frankly i thought that jeb was going to just suck all the air out of the room and it just hasn't happened. no hit on jeb. no hit on you jeb. >> is governor john john kasich ready to run? he joins us next. ♪ love ♪ in the nation, what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. welcome back. the number of republicans running for president growing by the day. former texas governor rick perry throwing his hat into the ring on thursday. expanding the field to 10 in florida. this is always a mouthful for me. and former florida governor jeb bush expected to jump in later this month and the number of candidates is expected to continue to grow. ohio governor john kasich being labeled by analysts as a name to watch. >> governor, great to see you this morning. >> thank you. >> so, when will the now. come? will you make an announcement later this month? have you decided whether or not you will run? >> well, we're in the process of assessing internally. you know, we are have a very disciplined group of people and we don't want to do something if we don't think we can win. it involves resources and organization. i'm in new hampshire and you know, up here we have john sununu, the former senator who is my head of the political operation which is as good as can you get. i'm optimistic that we might be able to make a positive determination in terms of when we will let you know. we have our own internal calendar and we will let you know. >> interesting there you made some comments about governor jeb bush of florida who has not yet announced that he is running for president but likely make that announcement shortly. you said this at this business round table on thursday. let's take a listen. >> i didn't think i was going to be back up here again because frankly i thought that jeb was going to just suck all the air out of the room and it just hasn't happened. no hit on jeb. no hit on you jeb. >> so there you go. that was your comments the other day about jeb bush. i think when you were referring to air being sucked out of the room, are you referring to donations and money being able to pour into the campaign that he hasn't sealed the deal yet? >> no, no, no. he is going to have all the money. i said he had more money than wells fargo has. no, i'm talking about the level of enthusiasm. look, is he a good guy. i'm just making an observation. i was really expecting you know a join lead in polls that just hasn't happened. that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. but my sea. right now is that this field is wide open. some people say is it too late? >> no, it's not too late. in new hampshire nobody is for anybody yet. it's a very wide open situation. what really matters in this presidential business is how you do in the early primaries. if you don't do well in the early primaries you are out. if you do well in the early primaries, you know, you are on a rocket ship and people know who you are everywhere. that's kind of the way this works. it's most important particularly in place like new hampshire where you are doing grass roots. people want to look you in the eye. they want to question you closely. they want to ask you a lot of questions. and that's just the first go around. then you have got to kind of do it three or four times. that's how it works here. they don't really care about polls or, you know, any of that stuff. they just want to know how are. it's a great beautiful process. and some of that applies to iowa as well. >> so i have heard you call certain polls silly in the past. i'm going to put a poll up here on the screen right now. maybe you will call it silly, i don't know. here is what the latest fox news poll looks like with you at 2%. bush at is it%. just a minute ago you said you thought that he might be running away with the pack. he hasn't sealed the deal yet. he is at 12%. so, when you are looking at this poll on the one hand but also theying the polls out the window on the other hand. how important are the polls in the race? >> first of all it's not about polls. it's about what i hear on the ground. and, secondly, these national polls -- let me ask you a question. do you think it matters what they think about me in alaska? as compared to what they think about me in new hampshire? no seriously. those polls are national polls that go to places -- i mean they know me a little bit in north dakota but probably not that much. what really matters is now you do in these early primaries. now, if you were to look at bill clinton he didn't register in polls. we know barack obama basically didn't register in polls early on. that's not the way the system works. we don't have a national primary. we have state by state. so look, i don't really care about all that stuff. it's my judgment, being in politics and that of my team, do we have a path? if we do, we will do it. if we think we don't i will just be governor of ohio which is, you know he what? one of the best jobs in the country if not the world. >> coming up, can you more from my interview with with governor kasich and what he really thinks of hillary clinton that's coming up at 8:45 this morning. stay with us. need a raise? just change your position and boost your salary by $40,000. you can do that if you work for the gompleght. that outrageous story next. do you know couples that fight all the time. >> do you want me to help me to do the dishes. >> i want you to want to help me do the dishes. >> why would i want to do dishes. >> it turns out that could be the key to the lasting long relationship. really? ♪ for the whole wide world to see ♪ de usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. hi friends, time for news by the numbers. government gone wild edition. first, $17 billion. that's how much social security overpaved in disability benefits over 10 years. many payments went to people who were not qualified. no longer disabled or dead. next $40,000. that's the raise an official got for a new job he created for himself in 2000 10. he was caught two years later and fired. finally, nearly $800,000. that's how much doj is spending to create a video game. the goal is to prevent violence among its creators. >> i'm sure that will work. thanks anna. >> money well spent. does this look like a happy relationship to you? >> you know we can't have a monkey in the house. [ laughter ] >> i know. i wasn't going to buy a monkey. [ laughter ] you don't even like i thought it. it might be fun. >> that's right. because maybe i don't want to think that my husband who i'm married to would like to live with a monke well marker i would. >> well, maybe i do. >> research says staying silent can lead to break ups. is complaining really the key to as ling relationship. >> let's ask the all pro-dad seven essentials to be a hero to your kid. always great to have you on our show. >> always great to be here. >> that video is, that the key to a long relationship. >> i don't know about that complaining necessarily isn't the key to a long lasting relationship but i really believe that when there are those minor scratches in relationships that we need to treat them before they become infected and can scar the relationship ultimately. and so either extreme is dangerous to either retreat completely in silence or attack in anger. so the better posture is just to be direct, honest and have a posture of humility and gentleness and kindness when addressing issues with your spouse. >> i guess otherwise then we will appear crazy when we just absolutely fly off the handle when there is one dirty dish in the sink. >> exactly. exactly. >> i have got to say though i have been married happily for 24 years i have constant positive reinforcement. pretending everything is great in the end makes >> that's right. and you are awesome. >> you are awesome. everything is fine. >> ask my wife. >> i'm serious. >> i have fumbled the ball some times and had the flag thrown on me. i promise you i'm not. i'm working on it. >> like a toddler right? they fall down and they hurt themselves and you go you are okay, you are okay. and then they don't throw a tantrum. >> you are fine unless it's arterial bleeding you are fine. >> i love it i'm going to start adopting. can we sit down and talk about this a little bit more. >> in this study research isers say they don't let it metastasize into something bigger. it's hard to recognize those foments before it gets to that big blowout moment when there is yelling and screaming or whatever. how do you recognize those signs early on? >> sure, my wife and i like to use the scale 1 to 10 type of thing where 10 is this is a big deal to me. for example my wife might say well, you left the dishes in the sink, which i do and is that a 10 to her? is that a big deal or is it not a big deal? is it two or three? to her that's a two or three. she can just let it go. now if everything is a 10 to her, then that might be something that she needs to address. >> pick your battles. >> yeah, pick your battle so to speak. for example snoring was a big deal, clayton we talked about that. so i did something about it. we talked about it and i addressed the issue. >> what about, you know, when we disagree he about something philosophically? we have to figure out what matters more. i'm right or is the relationship more important? >> that's always important. if you guys want to be the american pharaoh in your relationship you really have to ask that question. is it more important to be right or is the relationship more important? and the relationship is the triple crown it wins every time. >> that is such a deep point. so sometimes it's worth just saying, you know what? that's fine. >> my wife has done that many times. she knows she is always right. right, anna? >> right. >> but she knows that the relationship is more important. >> she sounds like a wise woman. >> she is a wise woman. she is like you she is right every time. [ laughter ] >> i am learning not to be that awful. not to be that right. >> you are awesome. >> thank you. >> you are awesome. >> let's hang out together. >> we can do this for the rest of the show. >> no, you are awesome. >> mark merrill thanks for joining us this morning. >> coming up next can he ran a so-called ferry of fools, charging innocent tourists hundreds of dollars for ferry tickets to staten island when the ride is free. this morning, you won't believe what he is doing now. >> then jerry seinfeld doesn't perform at colleges and he is glad he doesn't. >> i don't play colleges but i hear a lot of people tell me don't go near colleges. they are so p.c. >> we have been saying that for a while. is he right? we have got the proof next. >> first let's check in with eric bolling for a look what's coming up on cashing in. >> abercrombie employees must wear muslim head garb. not exactly but the supreme court says you better let some. public high schools in america. and big old 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afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. menu from the bakery all the way to the soups and salads. joining us is the head chef of panera bread. i love panera. so i wanted to be in this segment. tell us about 750 ingredients on the no-no list. >> first of all i would say all good food starts with great ingredients. we took all the artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners. >> things like titanium dioxide doesn't need to be in fresh mats real la doesn't have to be bright white. we like the natural hues. free of the no-no list. isn't things we -- just isn't what we took out of the food but things that will never go into the food. kind of a guide post for the future. >> gotcha. because having an apple that's perfect doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy. sometimes the organic apples don't look as pretty the others. >> beauty is not in the perfection of food. >> let's look at examples. >> mediterranean chicken and kiowa salad. this is roasted tomato fritito. grape ripe tomatoes peak of perfection and add oregano. >> adding flavor but not fat. >> keen what you sort of the. plant forward in diet. salad in and of itself. >> very hip with queen what quinoa. >> fresh pepper, olives and greek dressing. this is an he or herb vinegarette. all of our salad dressings are free of those things now. >> when we add protein, this is good for you too. >> it's great. in fact, go ahead. add it right. in as well as the toasted almonds. going to add a little bit of crunch. >> one more question for you. sometimes people like eating places that, you know, whether it's mcdonald's on their healthy menu or go to chick-fil-a and get the grilled chicken or panera and getting the healthy items. they are doing that because it's convenient but don't want to pay extra costs. are the price points staying the same or having to go up a little bit at panera, good food and clean food doesn't have to be more expensive. weave found some things were less expensive once we took all the no-nos out. now, that's not the case in everything. >> we are going to have to wrap it up but can i taste that. >> you got it i'm going to give you a taste right here. >> all right. chef kish, thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> guys, hand it over to you, tucker, clayton as i gobble this down. >> she used to eat at panera bread every day. >> it must be good. >> the cinnamon crunch bagel. >> there she goes. thanks an. >> that first alert. search is on for -- two colorado realtors at gunpoint. releasing video from a wal-mart store showing a man they are calling a person of interest in the attacks. the man used zip ties to tie the hands and feet of his first victim then called her husband for ransom before robbing her. he targeted his next victim about an hour later wow. >> so if you see them at wal-mart call authorities. next up, the duggar sisters coming to their older brother's defense. josh duggar was a teenager more than a decade ago when according to the family he, quote, inappropriate i can't tellly touched four of his own sisters. after that incident the family says they dealt with it on their own which included locking bedrooms doors, preventing something further from happening and going to counseling. fox news exclusive two of those sisters are sharing their own story with our own megyn kelly. watch. >> in josh's case, he was a boy, young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls. that got him into some trouble. he made some bad choices. he asked me to forgive him. and i had had to make that choice to forgive him, you know. and it wasn't something that somebody forced like oh, you need to do this. you know, it was luke you have to make that decision for yourself. >> both sisters say they were completely unaware of what their brother did at the time until he admitted it because they were sleeping when those incidents occurred. they say since those reports have surfaced they feel more like victims now than they ever have before. >> new this morning the career conman accused of swindling $400 out of two towrszs for tickets on the free staten island ferry. no it's 100 bucks even though it's free. is he now trying to take new york city for a ride. gregory reddick is suing the city over his arrest claiming the law allows him to sell tickets to sightseers without a permit because is he selling quote, entertainment. >> he is not the one driving the boat. >> reddick charged with unlawful vending in the scam. >> reddick has now announced he is running for u.s. senate. [ laughter ] just kidding. meanwhile needian jerry seinfeld say he and no other comedians no longer feel they can perform at colleges because they are too politically incorrect. sex isist and racist and don't even know what those terms mean. >> i will give you an example. my daughter is 14. my wife says to her well, you know, in the next couple years, i think maybe you are going to want to be hanging around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys. you know, my daughter says she says that's sexist. they just want to use these words. that's racist. that's sexist. >> that's prejudice. >> they don't even know what they are talking about. >> seinfeld went on to say that political correctness is the enemy of all humor. >> it's amazing too, if you think a lot of these comedians have made their cash at college campuses. dave book. >> of course. >> you wonder if they would be able to do it today. >> not funny clayton at all bigot. >> serious at all times. political correctness hurting the economy. lot of times you laugh when you can't cry or when you want to cry but it is too painful to do so. so if you hit on these taboo topics or let comedians do it for you, you can use that comic relieve. >> everyone wants to be offended these days, janice dean is never offended. can you say anything to her. she laughs it off. great sense of humor. following american pharaoh this morning. horse to make history first triple crown winner since 1978. >> to win that coveted crown he have to win tonight wants belmont stakes the longest and most difficult of the races that make up the triple crown. >> fox news analyst janice dean in elmont, new york this morning to bring fantasy sports to the next level. explain, pretty lady. >> hello and look who has joined me. we are horsing around this morning at belmont track. here are some the horses that are testing out big sandy, the longest track in north america and this is what sets it apart. of course, the preakness and a the kentucky derby are shorter tracks. this one is a mile and a half long and that's why it has been 37 years since we have had had a triple crown here at belmont. in elmont. we are hoping that today is a game changer. and speaking of games fantasy sports matt is here from draft kings. you are one of the sponsors here at belmont. nice to see you. >> nice to see you too. >> is the winner going to be wearing this? >> that's right. this is part of the overall deal that we did with belmont. this is the -- a. >> a little coat? >> yeah. >> a warming blanket. so the winner will be wearing this? >> yep. >> that's fantastic. i think i need to try this on maybe. >> yes. tell me about fantasy sports because it's becoming very, very popular. >> draft kings is a one day fantasy sports site where we offer 10 sports players throughout the u.s. and canada can come on and they sign up and compete against each other in leagues at the end of the night we have winners and losers and kind of everybody can come back and started fresh the next day. >> and how long has draft kings been around. >> about three years now. >> that's amazing. how did you get a sponsorship here at belmont? >> any time something big is going on in sports, we want to find a way to get involved. our players obviously love the idea of this triple crown potential and so we worked with belmont to put together some packages. we have 10 of our players are actually here with track side vip access. and we'll have players in the winner's circle actually at the end of the night. and, you know, we are definitely looking forward to a really good day. >> how many females do you think play fantasy sports, come on, tell me. >> millions of females millions. >> what's the percentage, is it going up? >> it is going up, absolutely. at one point i think it was under 10% of fantasy sports was female and it's creeping up. >> is it because they want to get closer to their partners maybe? >> yeah, i think it's that it's much more accessible now. fantasy football is mainstream. everybody plays that and things like golf which we offer on draft kings. i think it has drawn in a balance between male and female. >> who are you rooting for today? >> i don't want to play favorites we are pretty excited about the potential of a triple crown. american pharaoh has been running really great. it would be a cool thing to see. we will see what what happens. matt, thanks for being here. i can't wait to try on this little horse warmer, very exciting. we are live in elmont for the belmont stakes. we could have a triple crown 6:auto is race time. we will be here i a. all day long and the good news is skies are clearing just like the forecaster predictor. back inside clayton and anna. >> anna said we would like a horse warmer in the studio. >> yeah, bring them. in. >> brand new clues in the d.c. mansion case as police reveal what was found inside the family assistant's car. judge alex father rare here live to help us break down the new evidence. >> big world that seems to get smaller every day. we are looking at family trees. can you guess which two of us are related? 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>> for a have a right of reasons. this is too big of a crime for one individual. they always suspected somebody else was involved. some knowledge of the security system. security tapes were taken and things like that. so you are naturally, as a police officer going to look at insider somebody who has knowledge how the system works. there might have been a dog in the residence and things like that. so, a chauffeur naturally would be a good suspect. in addition to that he initially gave a statement saying that he was called early that morning by the victim, by the husband the father, and asked to bring 40,000 over but then when he spoke to the police the next time "i received a text message the night before." or visa versa i was called the night before and received a text message that morning. if i talked to you about what did i last night. i'm not going to confuse whether i was called this morning or received a text last night. once somebody starts changing their story like that immediately focus lasers in on them. they served a search warrant on his vehicle. his vehicle was also found a block away from the family residence a day after the murders there is a lot of things that are unanswered and suspicious. >> so correct me if i am wrong he initially said he didn't know what was in the bag, the bag of cash. now there is a text he sent to apparently his girlfriend saying i got 40 ground here. >> yeah, there is even a discrepancy about how he received the money as well. because originally he said that he received a manila envelope containing the money and then later on he said that what he did was he received bundles of cash and he pit it in a manila envelope when he put it in his car. facts are not consistent when you are making up a story. it doesn't mean this guy is involved. maybe he has got other reasons why he is not getting his facts straight but it's certainly a reason for the police to focus on him. now that they served a search warrant on him they found laptop and external hard drive which is he is involved could be valuable in providing information. they also found his passport which is kind of unusual. i don't know but. i don't drive around with my passport in my car. they served a search warrant on wint the guy who is in custody the guy whose dna was on pizza. >> welder. >> exactly. they found a couple knives or maybe it was a knife. they found a couple of cell phones and ipad. the victims all suffered sharp trauma injury of some sort. and also the -- their cell phones were all taken. so we don't know yet if these cell phones are tied to the victims or if the knife has any d.n.a. on it because the police just have to file a report saying these are what were recovered. now they will test them it and see what evidence, if any. even if they're the defendant's cell phones, cell phones are a treasure trove of information. even if you delete text messages your cell phone is a computer it keeps it police can go in with software and retreat messages. >> you hope they are. it's a very troubled police department and you hope they are be competent in this one case. >> pleasure to be here. thank you. >> the road to 2016 is paved with a ton of bad reporting. case in point the "new york times" slammed senator marco ruby year's record. not his political record, or financial record. his driving record and his wife. where did this story come from? we will tell you. george clooney blood relatives to one of us on the couch. can you guess who? we are digging deep in our family tree coming up. z. let's go, 'wheels'. rental car deals up to 40% off. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance flonase controls six. seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. my lenses have a sunset mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors indoors and in the car. hey friends, good morning, we are all family no matter how differential we think we are. now we have the proof. we are actually even cousins. can you believe that? next made it his goal to create a worldwide family tree. we lineage. you will never guess what he has dug up. a.j. welcome back to the show. >> what's up, can you see? >> so we are related? what's the deal? >> we are related. we are not first cousins or second cousins but if you want to know you are my uncle's fifth grade aunt's first cousin's 3rd grade grandson. so come on over to thanksgiving next year. >> family reunion. >> don't bring the cranberry sauce. >> so how is this possible? i mean, with with databases and how exactly is this possible? is it really true? >> oh, yeah. it's happening. i got an email two years ago from a guy he says you don't know me but i'm your tenth cousin. i thought he was going to ask me to wire $10,000. turns out he is part of this group of researchers who are building the biggest family tree ever. and it is online, thousands of people collaborate bragd in 160 countries. literally 240 million people on it. i'm on it, you are on it you are on it. >> with just a few dates and names, birth dates and death things my aunt marty and aunt carroll digging up my family tree as far as back and gave them to you and you came up with some cousins of mine. >> who is anna related to. >> i have -- you actually go way back with that last name of yours. it's spelled a little different but you are my ninth grade aunt's seventh grade any son's husband seventh grade grand niece. you are related to lucille ball. >> lucille ball. >> i could see that. >> do you want to see some resemblance here when i was at the go go cluster family the famous scene where he is on the belt chocolate factory. >> this might upset her but she is related to prince william and prince harry. >> that is true. not married yet. >> i think you are far enough. royal family. they do marry their cousin. >> they do marry their cousins. >> you are also related to mr. couch jumper himself. >> tom cruise. >> absolutely. you are tom cruise's well, it's a little long but you are there. >> how about clayton? >> clayton, you have got some good ones, you are actually blood cousins with george clooney. you are his 11th cousin once removed. >> that's where he gets his devilish good looks. >> exactly that's what people say. >> this is why clayton can think so great. apparently also related to michael jackson. >> that's exactly true. >> and cher? >> and cher. >> and elvis? >> you are right. all music. >> clayton, do you want to shake your hips for me. >> we would love to hear some. >> only if paid for it. >> the show is the global family reunion. >> it's actually a party and it's happening today. >> where? >> in no. and there are over 50 performers, 500 activities. we have got food from around the globe. david blaine is coming to do magic. sister sledge. >> cousin, good to see you. we'll be right back. ♪ in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts you can count on nationwide. ♪ love ♪ because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange ♪ just another way we put members first. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ thanks for being with us. today is saturday, the 6th of june, 2015. i'm anna kooiman. this is a first alert. days after police kill a man who wanted to behead cops for isis. a grand new terror warning this morning. where lone wolfs are looking to strike this summer. >> the road to 2016 are paved with pretty absurd news stories. the "new york times" hitting senator marco rubio over his record not his political record but his driving record. we've got more. >> plus the duggar daughters breaking their silence exclusively to fox news about the news that'sed their family. >> my goodness the most of the stuff out there is lies and not true. for truth sake we want to come out and set the record straight. >> plus an expert here with the impact of coming out of this story. fo begins right now. >> ♪ american man ♪ we're an american band ♪ we come into your house >> >> grand funk railroad for you. >> looking at janice dean warming up a pony at belmont this morning. >> that's not janice dean but the horses are stretching their legs at belmont park. 90 thundershowers people are are going to be packing in there to see american pharaoh can do what has not been done in nearly 40 years. take the triple crown. >> we will tell you where to lay your money. stay tuned for that our betting tips. >> get out your bets. great to see you this morning. we have headlines for you. >> right to this. we have a first alert to tell you about. brand new terror warning this morning just days after police foiled a plot in boston. officers across the country now on high alert. cbs news reporting an intelligence bulletin social media helping isis recruit followers. then plan attacks using simple weapons like guns, cars and knives. listed as attractive targets summer gatherings voffing military or law enforcement. also breaking overnight. five shots fired at a u.s. border patrol helicopter from the mexican side forcing it to make an emergency landing in texas. at least two bullets hit the helicopter in the cabin and the engine. the pilot was patrolling near la raid doe intercepted -- woman suffers life-threatening injuries after being hit in the head by a broken bat that police say flew like a bullet. oakland's third baseman lowery's bat shattered and flew into the stands. hitting this poor woman. fans watched in horror as she was taken out of the park on a stretcher and taken to a hospital. and family and friends will say a final farewell today to bo -- beau biden. the late son of vice president joe biden. people waited for several hours to get into the church. the vice president thanked people for support as they passed by beau's casket. he died last week from brain cancer at the age of 4 had had 6. president obama will deliver today's eulogy. and those are your headlines. >> well, a lot of pressing issues facing the candidates as we head into 2016. and you think that the news media will be covering these issues at large? it turns out not necessarily. if you pick up the "new york times" this morning you will read an amazing story about marco rubio and you think this would be about his campaign. maybe funding all the issues that he is tackling. will he be a threat to hillary clinton? no, in fact, they are focusing this morning on his driving record. >> and they are pretty shocking. buckle your seat belts ladies and gentlemen. because read the "new york times" so you don't have to. it turns out marco rubio got a total, drum roll, please, of four tickets. that's right, in the last 2 0 years he has been pulled over four times. his wife has been pulled over quite a few more times and this is all the news that's fit to print. the question is; why did the "new york times" think this was a news story and where did this information come from? >> yeah, you thought when you read the headline that they were burying lead. maybe he had his license revoked he did something absolutely terrible. shot somebody, something. >> total number of driving offenses between the two of them was 17. you wonder why they brought in his wife into the whole mix when he only had four. well obviously to bring the numbers up to 17 and make it seem like more of a problem. >> this is the kind of thing that people make their decisions on in the ballot box. see the candidates and the first question how many tickets has this man's wife received as a driver? >> does the "new york times" look funny for doing this? >> it's the sexist position. >> so where did all this information come from? well, if you follow the bread crumbs like hansel and gretel you will see it leads back to a group on behalf of hillary clinton. listen to ryans priebus "on the record" last night with greta van susteren. >> here is what the deal is. another article came out during the day and you can actually track when people go in to places like miami dade, you know, court records, every time somebody pulls a record they have to record who is pulling it turns out every single record was pulled by american bridge which is a hillary clinton research group. >> it wasn't by the "new york times." >> it wasn't by the "new york times." pull by pull was american bridge. so what happens is you have got these research groups or hillary's team they package up the deal, and they say oh here you go, here is some really bad stuff about marco rubio. oh, he got a are parking ticket and then they go right to story. >> the "new york times" have denied that they say that isn't where they got their information. >> american bridge is run by hillary's number one fan boy david broke. researchers, op researchers from american bridge did in fact pull this information the "times" denies it if your wife getting a lot of tickets could i tierian for running. i should get in the race. i have something in common with marco rubio. i didn't know that. >> if you are senator marco rubio this morning. maybe you should take this as a compliment that hillary clinton sees you as one of the biggest threats and that's why all this information as minuscule as your driving record is being dug up. maybe they see him as a threat because of his youthfulness and his energy. >> these stories hispanic vote. >> these stories get clicked on online. these are click type stories. they have legs, remember the dog on the car story with mitt romney? >> here is a real story. this is hillary clinton who hasn't, by the way answered any questions from reporters in, i don't know, months. she gave a speech the other day in which she claimed that republicans are intentionally acting out of some deep animus toward people of color and the young are trying to prevent millions of americans from voting. i don't know if we have that sound bite. yes, we do. watch this. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions american citizens from voting. what part of democracy are they afraid of? i call on republicans at all levels of government, all manner of ambition to stop fear mongering about a phantom epidemic of election fraud. every young man or young woman should be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18. >> fear mongering? what is she doing? outland dish. >> fear mongering with those eyes like this. by the way, this is pure demagoguery. she went on to claim that republicans are trying to prevent black voters from voting and have been for some time. black voters voted higher proportion than any other group in america more than white voters in the last election. this isn't true. it's a lie. >> governor john kasich coming up here on the show in a little while. we asked his thoughts on this because her top lawyer going after the state of ohio where governor kasich is, of course, governor. and he says this is pure demagoguery. why not look at your own state, hillary he says. >> if you are wondering why her poll numbers go down the more she talks watch that clip again if you dare. >> do you know whose poll numbers skyrocket when she does talk? >> janice dean. >> 1 2. >> 1 2 1 2. >> even doing that she sounds great. >> 1 2 1 2 did you hear that? >> 1 2 1 2. >> american pharaoh could make history today at belmont park, right? >> sorry. yes, you are absolutely correct. just checking audio very important behind the scenes matters here at fox news channel. but we are in elmont for the belmont stakes. it hasn't happened in 37 years and only 11 horses have done it. this has been the longest drought since the last triple crown affirmed was the last one i think. right? there is something in the they say the rain was a good news, maybe a good omen for american pharaoh. that is the horse that people are looking to count on to bring that triple crown to belmont. and you know what? we're going to be interviewing another big potential winner. maybe an upset later on today. frost's trainer is going to be here at the bottom of the hour. that's going to be exciting, i think it's something you need to tune in for because i'm going to have a special interview with trainer who is near and dear to my heart. let's take a look at the maps. the rain has subsided here in elmont. we are excited about that we are predicting a very nice forecast later on today. you see dry and pleasant. it wasn't that way earlier on this morning. i have to tell you. so 75 at race time. that's at 6:50. and we are expecting a light wind. so let's take a look at the radar over the last 12 hours. potential for showers and thunderstorms across the southwest. and the central plains, pay close attention because we could have the potential for severe weather today across portions of the high plains and the central plains. looks like a slight to enhanced risk of hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. i need you guys to pay attention to your forecast, all right? and then hurricane blanca, category hurricane in the pacific. we think it will be hurricane cabo san lucas. it could happen. check 1 2. i'm going to be announcing later on today. >> you remember last year janice was out there for california chrome. the idea was the same thing. could we have a triple crown winner and the trainer says he doesn't think he is ever going to see one in his lifetime because of the way the rules are right? these horses are coming in with fresh legs after. >> her hat was green last year. i remember that. >> weird how you remember things. >> the duggar daughters break their silence exclusively on the fox news channel about the scandal that has rocked their family. >> the most of the stuff out there is lies, it's not true. so for truth's sake we want to come out and set the record straight. >> what does the interview tell us about the effect on those sisters? up next an expert weighs in on what the family is going through. >> plus, do you think the shortest line will get you out of the grocery store faster? 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(vo) stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free, thirty-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. as the victim we have to come out and speak. this is something we chose to do. nobody asked us to do that. jess and i were talking oh my goodness most of the stuff out there is lies, it's not true. for truth's sake we want to come out and set the record straight. >> the duggar girls breaking their silence over the scandal. >> doctor, these girls are mentioning they feel more victimized now than when they did when their older brother violated them. what are they going through today he? >> what they're going through is probably reliving everything that happened to them. they claim they were asleep when it happened. so they didn't know about it two traumas here. the trauma of finding out from their family, from their parents that they were violated. they heal, they went through therapy and now they're reliving it because we are talking about it. >> they are breaking their silence amend the girls addressed that in this interview last night. let's take a listen and i want to get your response. >> families view us like that only the families reporting it i feel for the other victims out there in other families who who maybe the parents may take a pause before they do something to report or to take care of what's going on. >> what did you think about that? >> i think she has got it all wrong. i don't think victims are thinking people are going to find out about this, i'm going to be all over the press. she is famous, so she is a public figure. we're interested in what happens to their lives. they act like everything is we are just a little family. they are not. they are very famous, they are public. we at the present time know what's going on with them. it's the opposite. the idea that the fact that she is coming forward somebody at home is watching and thinking you know i watch this show, i really admire them, they have come forward, this has happened to me. i think i'm ready to tell my story. if anything she is providing courage and she is looking at it like it's going to keep people in the closet. no it's going to make girls and boys come out and say this happened to me. >> we definitely don't want to suggest anything any because we don't know what they're going through. what this has been like for them at that time and over the years. the same word tracks that they are using if you watched part one of the interview with with megyn kelly michelle and jim bob duggar said the exact same thing. is this something they were coached for before the interview? is this something a counselor has been telling them to sort through their feelings? what do you think? >> possibly, we don't know what they have been told. they don't just have parents and a counselor, they have pr and tlc. important what they say because they want to potentially keep the show going. they have an image. even though they say we are just a family. they are a family who makes a lot of money and a family who is in the public eye. that said, i think they are genuine. i think you can seat pain. they are willing to say word victim. we had heard that they were protecting their brother but the truth is if you watch the interview they really weren't. they were coming out and saying we were victims. we were victimized. we have forgiven him. we don't trust him but we have forgiven him. >> they talked about counseling through. this we want to get your response to this. listen. >> what are you doing? you talk about what happened. you talk about the actions that have been taken you just -- we really wanted to make sure that everything in our hearts was dealt with. >> later in life they are dealing with this now. can they find solace? will they be okay with counseling now? first part of my question. second part is on josh. can he change? has he changed? he is now a father. he has a kid. so, this happened to him. is he -- can he effectively change and can they look at him and say you know what? that was in the past. >> there is a great deal of research on both of those questions. the first is 22% of girls who were offended in this way, who were sexually violated in this way over the clothes by a sibling 22% of them have extreme trauma later on in life. so while they seem okay right now. there is a chance that they will have what is sort of mimicking ptsd symptoms where later on they will have trouble. anxiety, depression, trouble in relationships 22%. as far as josh goes, there is a good deal of research, a pivotal study in 2010 found that children that incest their siblings, they learned it somewhere. they saw it somewhere else. so the question is where did he get the information from? if he is not a pedophile where did he see that? what is he mimicking? >> great point. maybe something will come out on that later. you hope not. he and the other kids didn't see that anywhere else. >> because most kids if you are sexually curious you would experiment with a pier. to it experiment with a sibling means there is something going on. there is a reason why somebody came into his mind and where did it come from. >> something i haven't heard other doctors say dr. cooper lawrence, thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up on the show, that doesn't look like an ocean to me. how did this boat end up on top of a pickup truck? >> then, do you think your neighbors are bad? this woman had to put up a 60-foot screen to block hers. but the says her wall has got to go down. she is not backing down though. she is joining us live with outrage this morning. it's a neighbor nightmare next. ♪ if you're taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications. but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene available as an oral rinse toothpaste, spray or gel. biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. remember, while your medication is doing you good a dry mouth isn't biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. hey friends, you are looking good on saturday morning. time for quick headlines now, the government now worried that massive cyber attack could be the first step to getting bigger secrets about our military or economy. private information of 4 million federal workers may have been stolen. officials have said all signs point to china. the chinese government denies any wrongdoing. and he just wants to fit in. nolle released documents reveals a man who shot president ronald reagan tried to get a job at subway and starbucks. but he wasn't hired. john hinckley says he just wants to start living a normal life. 60-year-old was found not guilty in the 1981 shooting that wounded reagan and three others. >> tucker, over to you. >> thank you anna. tear down that wall, mrs. dwyer that's what one town in vermont is telling a long-time resident after she put up a screen to block her neighbors out. she says the 60 by 24-foot screen is there to protect her livestock from her neighbors. their activities distract her animals she said. but the town wants that fence down and they are finding her in a big way until she takes it down. ruth dwyer joins us this morning from new hampshire with more on this situation. ruth thanks for coming on this morning. >> thank you tucker. >> as i understand it, you have lived in the same place for a long time. have you had unobstructed view. >> over 40 years. >> over 40 years. people come, in build a house, all of a sudden your view is obstructed, your animals are spooked, so you build a fence on your own property and the town is telling you take it down, we're going to continue to fine you. is that a fair summation? >> yes except it's not a fence. it's a screen. it's just a piece of greenhouse shade cloth between some telephone poles. you really can't call it a fence. the town is calling it a wall, it is not a wall either. it's a screen. >> it's on your property. >> absolutely, it's on my property. >> why are they finding you for something you are building with your own money on your own land? >> that's a good question. i question that they even had jurisdiction because it is a farm and usually the department of agriculture has jurisdictions over farm structures. but they insisted that they did because it was a wall. and the neighbors complained about it and said it was lowering their property value. and my point was it's a farm. i need it for control of livestock and to keep peace. and it's a temporary structure. i planted 68 cedar trees in that area, as soon as they grow, i had intended to take the screen down. until they grow high enough to block what's going on across the road, it's been causing me problems. i'm not blaming the people who built the house. they he have kids and they do things that people would normally do. but the locations had made it really difficult for me. i'm trying to do the best can i to keep the farm going and i'm there by myself with a lot of animals and my mother who is quite sick and it's not easy. it was a help and it has helped me the town is insisting that i remove it or they will continue to fine me. >> how much have you been fined and you have paid any? >> i have not no. and i have no intention of paying it they told me in the beginning of march if i didn't remove the screen in seven days they would start finding me $200 a day. the state says you can't do that. the towns can't fine people that kind of money without a danger to public health being addressed and that's certainly not the case here. it turned out that our local select board the governing body in the town, the night before the zoning board voted to do this to me, the local select board passed a new law that said anyone with a zoning violation would automatically be fined $200 a day if they didn't remove it. so, that's a federal crime. the select board can't do that. it's a federal crime. and they changed the rules in the middle of the ballgame and the zoning board went along with it and that was what really got my attention is why would they choose to do that to target me as an individual. but the local press was involved. they had it on the front page of the paper before i even had the first hearing. >> wow. >> and we already had local officials commenting on it against me and, you know, prejudging me. i didn't feel i could get an unbiased hearing for that reason and i didn't. and now i have had this, you know, this sort of -- it's become a federal case because they have made it one. >> it sounds that way. >> i think it's a relatively simple solution but they don't see it that way. >> vermont used to be a pretty reasonable place until it was invaded by people from other places. >> vermont was a reasonable place. it was. it changed a lot. >> you should have built a wall around the state but you didn't. ruth dwyer, great to he so you this morning. >> you got it, yeah. >> thanks. fire in the cockpit terrifying moments on board a passenger plane. how the quick thinking crew changed the day and the lives of their passengers. we will tell you what happened. plus janice dean is out of the studio and off to the races. janice? >> yes he we are at the 147th belmont stakes. will we have a triple crown? will american pharaoh do it? it hasn't happened in 37 years. the horse that could upset that is frosted his trainer mcglocklin is coming up next. you will want to stay tuned. ♪ ♪ the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr. clean's magic eraser welcome back, it's time forever your shot of the morning to you. a connecticut man calls 911 after early morning standoff with his crazy cat. >> tough guy. >> the problem is that my cat was getting too aggressive and i was inside and he attacked me and attacked me in my leg and bite me. so me and my wife, we come outside and now we cannot come in the home for like three or four hours. >> this was, you said a cat? >> yeah. >> like do i need to clean out my cat? >> we had to go see two movies and have dinner out. we couldn't even come back to our house. >> the homeowner says the cat had a baby the night before and was probably being protective. >> just making excuses. the couple eventually got back inside. were told to stay away from the cat the rest of the night. everybody is physically okay. self-respect is the casualty. >> my seven pound cat. >> i love that we have file video of cats and was labeled file. we want to be clear that's not the rabid cat. >> reputation irreparable damaged. once your husband runs away from a cat can you rebuild that? no. it's sad. it's gone. >> let's put up the file video of the cat. >> that's why you should have dogs instead. now cat people hate me. other stories making headlines on your saturday morning. mid-air scare fire breaking out in a cockpit. 36 passengers were on the flight new jersey to connect cut. as the plane head the to the airport the pilot reported smoke on board. crew put out the fire. emergency landing the fire still under investigation. a rear end collision rocks the boat in more ways than one. check this out. a boat attached to a trailer landing on top of the pickup truck. calling hauling it after another truck came up from behind and failed to stop. the bizarre crash sent the woman driving the second truck to the hospital with with unknown injuries. and if you think the shortest line is your best option at the grocery store think again. scientists have revealed the fastest way to pay for your groceries is called the cueing theory. and there is two key tips for you. one, join ther is pen tiny line. that's the long winding line okay, that sends you to the next available register, but if there isn't one, go to your left. 90% of the population is right handed and will naturally head to the right. >> that's true. >> so find the snaky line. >> those of us who are left hand have had known this for years. >> do you ever go to the left. >> i don't go to grocery stores ever that's my solution. >> buy online. >> amazon. >> janice dean is standing by at the belmont stakes just a few hours away now. >> for a run of american pharaoh that could lead to history, ending the longest drought in horse racing history. janice, 90,000 people are are expected to pass into belmont park today. what's the feeling like there? >> i mean, it is exciting and the fact is they have sold out. so, if you you are planning to come to belmont don't come if you don't have tickets. right now they are grooming the track. i have a very special guest with me. karen mcglocklin is frosted's trainer. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what the is importance of the grooming of the field right now? >> we need to get the track dried out for later because it's going to be sunny and nice. it should be fast but it rained this morning, they are fixing up the track for later. >> so, listen, frosted could bring an upset today. how do you feel? >> why hope people are booing me after the race. we want to win. is he doing really well, training great so we're excited. >> the one thing about the triple crown is the horses have to win three races the derby, the preakness and the belmont stakes, frosted rested in the freakness right? >> yeah, we have five weeks rest which is great for us. >> you think that will help. we haven't had a triple crown in 37 years. obviously if he is getting his rest and he is eating well and he is gaining weight, this could be be an upset today here at belmont. >> we hope so, yes. the five weeks is to our advantage. american pharaoh has run three times in five weeks. four races races in eight weeks we hope that tires him out. >> what are the odds right now? >> we are second choice. like at 6 or 7 to 1. >> >> what are the criticisms about the horses? like california chrome last year the owner got upset because he thinks that every horse that runs this race needs to win all three. >> yes well, you can't run in all of them. that's just the way it is. we chose not to run in the middle leg of it. we don't like to run back that quick. it just happens. and it's fair for everybody. >> so, listen, i know a the will of folks out there are rooting for american pharaoh but, you know, frosted has a little place in my heart because of his trainer. i was diagnosed with m.s. 10 years ago and karen you were goinged as well? >> yes i have had ms since 1998. but i like to say i have m.s. but it doesn't have me. so we have t and fight our battles every day i'm doing well. >> you are very open with it which is important. it's nice for me to see people who are thriving with an illness. >> yes. you have to -- i don't mind talking about it's tough on me every day. but, like i said, i'm able to do my job and have two grown kids now, 21 and 24. and a great wife. we have been together 32 years. we battle it every day together but everything is going great. >> well, you are a big inspiration for me. thank you for being here. i might have to bet on frosted today. thank you karen, for being here. >> thank you very much. >> god bless you. >> thanks, janice. >> that was moving, janice, thank you. >> just hope frosted doesn't flake. >> yeah, he's great! >> they're great schams. >> that was good. >> are you going to leave me hanging right here? >> i can't even watch this. >> oh, man coming up on the show hillary clinton taking jabs at republicans. >> i call on republicans at all levels of government, with all manner of ambition, to stop fear mongering about a phantom epidemic of election fraud. >> up next, ohio governor and potential 2016 g.o.p. contender john cank fires back and he says her words are outrageous. >> plus, come take a look at this. that's a bear right there. you see he knows how to catch. he knows how to catch. is this it fur real? we report you decide. >> he has unfair advantage. his claws stuck right into the thing. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures, for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪ here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. top of the morning, friends. quick headlines for you now. from the animal kingdom. a waiving kodak shows he is not your average bear. >> hello hi. [ laughter ] oh. >> nice catch. >> right in the leather. a couple captured the bear on camera while visiting a game farm in washington state. the bears are trained to wave to visitors. next an 8-foot alligator has one florida man feeling the miami heat on his doorstep. the man was about to walk his dog when a neighbor frantically screamed for him to go back inside. he quickly retreated. calling animal trappers because a white-faced off and fawn rejected bias his mother at birth is now thriving to a michigan animal farm. they call the deer dragon he will need to be tough to survive since his rare condition subjects him to many health threats. over to you. >> number of republicans running for president growing by the day. 10 have officially declared. ohio governor john kasich may also jump in. i spoke to him earlier about his agenda for a potential 2016 run and found out what he he really thinks of hillary clinton. >> can you really change washington? you can maybe do it in ohio. can you get to washington and actually make a change? that's what americans are calling for. they are sick of the rancor. >> yeah. well you remember, i was chairman of the budget committee in washington. that meant that we were able to reign in the entire federal government for a period of time. we balanced the budget and ran surpluses. look, in this country i have had a lot of experience, a member of congress to governor of ohio, private sector. i can tell you that these major problems entitlements, social security, immigration, rebuilding america's defenses, it can't be done with just one party. and i remember when ronald reagan was able to recruit phil gram and the bull we believe so those handful of democrats that helped him change the country. my effort would not be just to reach republicans but to reach out to reasonable democrats who see the kind of problems that we have in this country and are willing to put america first and party second. the same is true for republicans. look, in this country in politics today we need people who care more about america than they do their party. as for me, the republican party is my vehicle and not my master. it never has been. and so we have had a lot of success working with democrats, working with republicans, solving problems. that's what we need to do. ohio, when i came in as governor was basically dead. and now we are hopeful, we are up almost 350,000 jobs. the largest amount of tax cuts in america including the death tax. things are going, you know, in a positive direction. we do it together. everyone in america should feel the american dream is alive and everybody can share in the bounty, the growing positive things in america. that's where we need to be. >> hillary clinton though calling out republicans and saying that republicans are dividing america around their tactics on voting. listen to hillary in texas and she calls out ohio. i want to get your response. take a listen. >> today republicans are systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. what part of democracy are they afraid of? i call on republicans at all levels of government, with all manner of ambition, to stop fear mongering about a phantom epidemic of election fraud. every young man or young woman should be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18. >> her top campaign lawyer going after the state of ohio, among others, to get early voting on track and to make sure that democrats and those have a chance to vote early and often i guess. what's your response? >> clayton well, look, i already have really vented my feelings about this but let me say it one more time more directly. i like hillary. i have not been attacking her. there will be time for us to compare our records. but her words were outrageous. they border -- they didn't border on demagoguery they were demagoguery. in my state you can vote for 28 days. in her home state of new york, you can only vote on election day. why doesn't she just sue new york? why doesn't she clean up her own place before she comes talking to us where we have 28 days and to make a charge that the republican party somehow is trying to keep people from voting, i mean, you talk about dividing people. i am really he disappointed in her for. this i mean, that is -- that's just outrageous. she has -- i mean, to have the gull to say that, you know we're dividing the country with this kind of a statement when they have one day of voting in new york and 28 days in ohio and they are going to sue us? i mean, frankly, it's a joke. it's a joke. it's not right. hillary, you are better than that. knock it off. no more dividing america. let's have a campaign based on who can build america not on somebody who divides america and that goes with the republicans in my party who spend all their time attacking her. let's get her good ideas out there and stop dividing america. we don't need it anymore. the people don't want it anymore. >> we'll get you out of here on this has hillary clinton been running an effective campaign. [ laughter ] >> she has been criticized for not talking to the media much. she has been having listening tours. >> i'm done talking about hillary. i'm done talking about hillary. she and i have had a long relationship. i'm done criticizing her for now. she knows better than. this somebody must have put this script in front of her and she read it. but i'm not going there. i'm more interested in the fact that we need to balance budgets, shift power out of washington rebuild our national defense. create economic opportunity have our workers get more wages. that's what i'm interested in. not spending my time being negative. i have had all the negative things i have to say for a long time now i hope, i think, clayton. >> john kasich, the great state of ohio. thanks for joining us on fox and friends. always great to he see you. >> all right clayton. thank you. >> good luck to your cavaliers tomorrow night by the way. looks like they are going to need it. >> ann coulter setting off controversy with these comments on immigration. >> if you don't want to be killed by sisz -- ice sis don't go to syria. if you don't want to be killed by a mexican, there is nothing i can tell. >> you is ann coulter right to sound off? we will bet she will make more news. stick around for ann coming up. anna is ditching the couch to save sea lions. how she helped them on their road to recovery next. ♪ ♪ and we'll all turn out okay my lenses have a sunset mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside to inside mode. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors indoors and in the car. well more than two weeks after the massive oil spill off santa barbara on the california coast, dead marine mammals are still washing to shore. tragically the majority are sea lions. >> this as issues plaguing the california sea lion population this year. >> i went to san diego to see the problems firsthand and to learn what marine rescue centers are doing to help. take a look. it's common for california residents to spot sea lions on their shores. but not when they look like this. more than 3,000 starving. the california sea lion pups have washed up along the coast. rescue centers can barely keep up. of course the best way to solve a problem is to find the source. animal experts say the research could take years. they're rescuing rehabbing and releasing as many as possible. among those happening is sea world in san diego. >> we basically have two years of worth of what we would normally rescue on site we're rehabilitating. >> joy dee has participated in thousands of marine animal rescues but never seen a season like this. the res kau team takes me along a sea lion distress call. >> you can see his ribs. he's very lethargic. he needs rescue. he is on the edge of a cliff. we don't want him to dive over. >> what's your game plan? >> because we want to be sneaky miami and emily are going to go behind the animal so he can't see them coming. >> ready? >> ready. >> they're going to get one of the nets over him and lift him up to you and i. >> he's so thin. >> you see his skin is hanging off him like a pair of loose pajamas. this animal hasn't had a meal in a long time. he could definitely use our help. >> how long is the recovery process? >> it depends case by case. you're seeing the start of a very long, intensive care process. >> caretakers initially feed pups a liquid formula until the system strengthens and they can go for solid fish like this. >> the goal is to get the animals to a nice fat, healthy weight. one thing they need to prove to us is they can eat competitively. in order to survive in the wild you have to be competitor. survival of the fittest. >> after a clean bill of health it's time to head home. >> it's interesting when we get out and see a change in the bep behavior. it's like they can smell the salt water and it's time to go home. >> it was very nice rehabilitating you. go on. look how good they are. >> they look so happy. >> they're waiting fir their rehabilitation buddy. >> that's it. there you go. good luck. >> we've done our part. and now it's all on them. >> jodi says in her 20 years of rescues, the releases are the most rewarding. >> i'm gettingional. this is why we do it. we put a lot of time energy and passion into giving the animals the second chance of life. without sea world these an ma'ams would have perished on the beach. they would not have made it. >> is that a seal selfie? >> breathtakingly cool. >> and sea world san diego has rescued 800 sea lions this year. many people think it's known for their amusement park and animal shows. they've been active in the research since before the parks opened 50 years ago. and they're not the only ones helping out. the california wildlife center has been active. and i was getting emotional, too. they waited and circled the boat to wait for their friends to go out. >> and they waved to you. >> he spoke to me. he said thank you, anna. >> coming up on the show they were released from gitmo and the white house told us they were no real threat. now now documents tell us a much different story. we're live from washington at the top of the hour. hello and good morning friends. today is saturday june 6, 2015. i'm anna kooiman. a deadly terror warning days after the police kill the the man who wanted the attack the boys in blue and behead them. where loan wolves are looking to strike this summer. >> and six gitmo detainees living alone in uruguay. one of them knew about 9/11 before it happened. we have breaking betails coming up. plus jerry seinfeld doesn't perform in colleges, and he's glad. >> >> a lot of people tell me don't go near colleges. they're so pc. >> is he right? we've got the proof. who is this guy? fox & friends hour four starts right now. ♪ hey, everybody. good morning. happy saturday. we're live at the belmont stakes where 90,000 people will be packing to see if american farrow can win and take the crown. >> we have the answer. you want to know where to put your money? janice dean will tell you. >> it's been so long since the last time the triple crown was won. >> due to budget cuts they took the "b" off. >> that is true. >> much more of that. >> the rest of the show is totally true. >> we're just being silly. >> right now to the fox nusz alert. at the end of last year the obama administration releasing six gitmo detainees to uruguay. >> brand new documents tell a different story. >> kristen fisherer is live in washington the troubling details. good morning, kristen. >> good morning. according to the classified documents just released. they were considered a high risk for release and a threat to national security. that was the conclusion of a report by the defense department in 2007. seven years later the same men were released the to uruguay. it said quote, there is no information that the above mentioned individuals were involved in conducts or facilitating terrorist activities against the united states partners or allies. those documents say they knew one was a senior explosives trainer for al qaeda. here's how the state department explained that discrepancy. >> perhaps there was additional information that showed the previous information was correct. i don't know that to be the case. but there may have been. we certainly standby the information in his letter. >> it turns out more than 60% of the 115 gitmo detainees were previously deemed high risk by the defense department. back to you. >> we standby the information, which has now been proven false. it's not true. >> these guys have a tough life where they're living. one is a new groom. he's been showing off pictures of his wedding ring. >> on instagram. that's good for him. >> is it possible that these go back and we're tracking their every movement. they're going to lead us to other bad guys. >> that was the plan to turn one or all six of them and use them in the war on terror. but apparently that didn't happen. none agreed to cooperate with the united states. >> there's been a long narrative about guantanamo bay. it's fuel to the fire for the enemy. it emboldens the em enemy when they see guantanamo bay, their friends being held in captivity for many many years without any sort of trial or due process. charles says this line and narrative has got to go. listen. >> does anybody still beliefve as obama once did, probably still does that the reason for the rise of boko haram are agitated because guantanamo stays open? it's a preposterous idea. it's irrelevant. it's obsolete. so i think we are hostages to a promise obama made. he made a promise to withdraw from iraq as well well. we saw how that turned out. the country ought to insist keeping the bad people under our control. >> how about the propaganda the other way, right, tucker? you think about the guys going back and being rock stars and having a hero's welcome. is that not show we're not being tough enough on terrorists? >> the head of isis was at baghdad at one point. this is the best in the world, something we should be proud of. we should try them all either in the military system or the civil system because they're the best and they do produce just results all the time. we should be proud enough to use it. they don't inspire terror. that's silly. let us know your thoughts. you can weigh in online. >> we have another alert to tell you about now. a u.s. border patrol helicopter is forced to make an emergency landing after getting hit by two bullets. the pilot assisting agents intercepting a drug load from mexico at the time. the gunfire causing minor damage to the cabin and engine. the pilot did land safely. no one was hurt. a major scare in the stands at fenway park. a woman hit in the head by a broken bat that flew like a bullet. it happened during the second inning of the red sox, oakland a's game. the third baseman's bat shattered and flew into the stands hitting this woman. fans watched in horror as she was taken out of the park on a stretcher and taken to a hospital. now to extreme weather. dramatic video, catching the moment a tornado slams the through a nevada town. >> my word! >> wow. the twister touching down in hawthorne, ripping trees right out it have ground you see there. strong winds tearing apart rooftops destroying at least three homes and five businesses. tharngfully no sewer injuries were reported. and comedian jerry seinfeld says he and others don't like to pnch perform at colleges. he says kids are too pc. >> my daughter is 14. but my wife says to her, well you know n the next couple of years i think you'll want to hang around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys. my daughter says that's sexist. they just want to use these words. that's racist. that's sexist. that's privilegeejudice. they don't even know what they're talking about. >> he went onto say sp political correctness is losing control. >> nothing is funny anymore. everyone is angry. you go back and watch old episodes of the tonight show nothing was off limits back then. >> if you're mad about political correctness, there's no greater anecdote than humor. seriously. raise the flag of resistance with jokes. >> we mock each other all the time on this show. janice great to see you this morning. looking lovely. >> why the long face this morning? >> because i know that my horse, frosted, will flake. and i'm going to lose major money. >> he's great. >> oh my gosh. that's terrible. yes, we will have to see. i will place your bets later on today. we are at the 147th belmont stakes. will it happen? will we have a triple crown? it could happen this year. 6:50 is race time for american farrow. it is starting to rain a little bit, but apparently that's good luck. if you don't have tickets, you can't get in. let's look at weather across the country. we do have showers and thunderstorms across the central u.s. there's the map. we have the potential for severe weather including hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes across the high plains and the central plains with a good chance where we could see pretty damaging tornadoes later on today. so just keep that in mind. listen to your local weather forecast. your highs today, very warm across the central and southern plains. 75 in belmont. and one more thing. hurricane blanco we're watching that because it could affect cabo san lucas in the next couple of days. i'll place your bets for you, all right? >> thank you. use your money though will you? >> yeah. >> did you see -- holy smokes it was must-see television last night. the the dug gar sisters and this is a follow-up to the mom and father opening up about their story. now the sisters sitting down and also talking about what effect it's had on their lives, and also defending their brother, saying he's not a child molester. watch this. >> i do want to speak up in his defense against people calling him a child molester or a pedophile or rapist people are saying. he was a boy. young boy in puberty. and a little too curious about girls. and that got him in trouble. and he made some bad choices. but really the extent of it was, mild inappropriate touching. on fully clothed victims. most of it girls. >> oh. >> yeah it's a tough story. >> it's unbelievably creep pi i would say. but i algs think, i mean these are apparently two of the victims of what happened. and i think it is worth listening to their side of the story, and their point of view. i think that is valid. and people running around passing judgment on ought to take their perspective into account, i think. >> in part one you heard from jim bob and michelle duggar. they were telling girls to stay with girls and boys to stay with boys and not to sit on people's laps. is that right way for parents to handle it? it's another question people are asking this morning. you heard the same type of words from the daughter as the parents. some are saying were they manipulateded? is this something they believe? were the counselors helping them sort through the emotions or were they coached before the interviews? >> you have a family in front of camerases. many people have criticized the family for exploiting the children in the first place, inviting the cameras in the house while they're being raiseded. so they're under intense scrutiny from the beginning. >> they're certainly under scrutiny now. these are both married women. they're adults. i think we can take their words at face value. i will anyway. but a lot of media hate the people anyway for their beliefs. let's be honest. the fact that they're in your face christians. the fact that they have all these children. i don't know. i can see sort of all sides. >> i would say 19 kids. that's a lot of kids. >> i wish i had 19 kids! >> none of us know what the girls are going through. our hearts go out to them and josh and his family too. >> more on that coming up in the show. it was a school bus accident that left two young children and a teacher's aide dead. now we know what the bus driver was doing seconds before the crash. >> and ann coulter setting up controversy with these comments on immigration. >> if you don't want to be killed by isis don't go to syria. if you candon't want to be killed by a mexican, there's nothing i can tell you. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. attention. did you or anyone in your household work around asbestos-containing gaskets and packing? the garlock bankruptcy may affect your rights even if you do not presently have an asbestos-related disease. garlock's products were used in industrial and maritime settings, where steam, hot liquid or acid moved in pipes. certain personal injury claims must be filed by october 6, 2015. you may have a right to vote on garlock's plan to reorganize and pay claims. call 844-garlock or go to what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. ♪ is this the year you take the trail less traveled. then you belong at bass pro shops with great father's day gift ideas at incredible savings. like redhead bass tournament shirts - 2 for $30. and save $30 on rugged shark men's slip ons. if you don't want to be killed by isis. don't go to syria. if you don't want to be killed by a mexican, there's nothing i can tell you. >> that was ann coulter, of course. the less plan to turn our country into a third world hell hole. ann coulter joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. so what did you mean by that? >> well in fact i think i said it on this program with you when i was in the middle of writing the book and i thought fox was spending a bit too much time on isis. i think i said it right on that couch exact same thing. and all in syria, and tens of thousands of americans have been killed by mexicans. >> by mexican nationals. >> yes. >> citizens from another country living here. >> yes, illegal alien ls. this book is heavily about legal immigration. and, i mean, i comment that there's so much fixation on isis. the champion beheaders are mexicans. they pioneered the practice of putting video taped beheadings on television. there are far more beheadings by mexicans than of isis and by americans in america. but you know you search the news and that doesn't get talked about, but there's such ab obsession with talking about monsters 7,000 miles away that i've noticed that even people on my immigration restriction side have started making the argument terrorists could come across the mexican border. but who else could come across mexicans, there this this feeling among people who live in washington but you raise the debate if your book. >> pretty much the whole chapter that is about amnesty. the democrats and republicans will get together and pass amnesty in the dead of night. they are waiting to pass the amnesty. so that's a disaster. i start with that in the first chapter. basically the rest of the the book is about legal immigration. and you're totally right. i've noticed the way way liberals have the chip in the brain that makes them say adversity is the strength. republicans think we love immigration. teddy kennedy's 1965 act has completely changed who is coming in via legal immigration. it was legal immigrants who blew up the boston marathon. legal immigrants staged 9/11. legal immigrants engage in prostitution and human smuggling. engaging in child rape and animal sacrifice. >> so in one sentence your solution is -- >> halt for ten years. that wasn't originally my solution. i would rather go back to the pre1965 rules where we brought in the countries that traditionally populated america. but there are so many people nonprofit and government officials and immigration judges working overtime to bring masses of third world people is who need help from the country. we need to shut it down to shut the organizations down. >> caught on camera dirt bikers taunting the police and the worst part the police can't do a thing about it. this morning some wanted for murder. and this single mother had no car and trouble getting to work. all that changed to a total stranger who just bought her a vehicle. we'll meet that mom when she joins us live next. [phone rings] [man] hello,totten designs. sales department? yes...i can put you right through. sales department-this is nate. human resources. technical support. hold please. [announcer]you work hard to grow your business. [man] yes!i can totally do that for you. [announcer]our new online business planning tools will help your business thrive. wells fargo.together we'll go far. ♪ (music plays throughout) ♪ the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... from the smallest detail to the boldest leap. healthier means using wellness to keep away illness... knowing a prescription is way more than the pills... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. ♪ ♪ healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion... and that when technology meets expertise... everything is possible. for as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. hey, everybody. 24 minutes after the hour. another drone sighting putting the white house on lockdown. last night's spotting was a false alarm and all operations have since returned to normal. this comes after a man flew a drone into a park near the white house last month. in april a man was arrested after he landed in a gyrocopter on the white house lawn. a watchdog report says overpaid disability benefits by $17 billion over ten years. many payments went to people who were not qualified, no longer disabled, or dead. dead. 25 minutes after the hour. it's the longest and most difficult race of the triple crown series and it's happening in a few hours. >> all eyes are on american farrow who is number one, according to the odds maker. that horse hopes to take the triple crown. >> i wonder if the horse knows he's racing. have you talked to american farrow? did he tell you he is excited? >> reporter: he's resting, i think. i have not talked to the horse. that has not come from the horse's mouth. >> the only person you haven't interviewed. >> but look at what i have. do you see this? this is an official belmont stakes racing festival glass. but it's empty. so you know what we're going to do? we're going to fill this one up. come on over here. you are on official whiskey ambassador. what is that? >> i peddle whiskey around the country, look after our american whiskeys. and one of the first times we've done this. a commemorative bottle for the belmont stakes. any relationship we have with the jewel. so i'm exciteded to make it to this contest. >> how long has the belmont jewel be around? >> i'm not sure but for quite some time. >> we've been involved. as far as the official whiskey going in retooled the recipe and it's quite a success. >> bartender, show me how it's done. >> first, we're going to take an ounce and a half. >> ounce and a half. >> of our whiskey, right? >> oh i'm sorry. knob creek bourbon. and then two ounces of fresh l lemonade. all nice and easy. i think you're going to shake this one as well. >> i'm shaking. >> and once out pomegranate. it's nice and easy. very smooth. >> let's shake it. >> i'll fis your -- fill your ice for you. any bartenders i speak to. shake it like you mean it. and then you have a great cocktail. >> okay. a good grip. you hold the microphone. >> she looks like she means it. >> okay. let's fill this one up. if i can get this one up. look at that. look at that. cheers. thank you. >> now i can't sip this on air. i'm going to put it behind my ears. cheers! cheers! you think we're going to have a winner? will we have a winner today? >> i think you're winning right now. >> you're going to be attracting everybody with that perfume. >> you smell like a belmont jewel. >> coming up on the show he never thought this would happen making a margarita, a man left burned by limes left out in the sun. dr. david somadi with how it happened and other dangers you need to be aware of this summer. >> for real? >> this single mother had no car and trouble getting to work but that all changed thanks to a total stranger who just bought her one. meet that mother when she joins us next. ♪ every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. ♪ those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. ♪ >> now you got me singing. >> she's no dummy. it's your shot of the morning. dr. lawrence phillips teaching anna how to perform cpr in times square. >> hundreds of people doing a relay behind me going on. they broke the book of world records, going on all day long in a relay of doing cpr for two minutes at a time. >> you suggest that you keep doing that for a couple of minutes. >> yeah until medical professional gets there. >> or the mannequin comes to life. >> this is the hand only version that does not involve rescue breathing. the reason they're teaching people that as part of cpr awareness week which runs through tomorrow is a lot of people are concerned about doing it. and because they don't want to do the mouth-to-mouth. and if you teach them to do this. you can help save a life. >> wow. pretty impressive world record. >> if i were to expire in your presence. >> yes, you are. >> all right. onto other stories making headlines. new details about a school bus crash that killed two young girls and a teacher's aide last year. investigators just announcing the driver behind the wheel was texting when he crashed into another bus in december. the investigation wrapping up just days after the driver passed away. apparently of natural causes. because of his death, no charges will be filed. and caught on camera dirt bikers taunting police in washington, d.c. >> it is illegal to drive dirt bikes in d.c. but city policy prevent cops from chasing them so bikers have been riding wild. this comes as police release surveillance video of 14 persons of interest in a local reporter's murder. all of them riding dirt bikes and atvs. she was shot and killed at a bus stop last month. her family says she was used at a human shield by the intended target. and new this morning, the career con man accused of swindling $400 out of two tourists in new york city for some tickets on a free staten island ferry. gregory is suing the city over his arrest. claiming the law allows him without a permit because he's selling what he calls entertainment. he's now facing unlevel vending charges in the scam. and attention shoppers walmart says it's changing the tune when it comes to music played in their stores. and per employee feedback they're hitting pause on justin bieber and celine dion. walmart stores and distribution centers will have a new sound track they're calling walmart radio. those are your headlines. >> all meghan trainor, exclusive exclusively. >> clinton? >> walmart radio. well a single mom's prayers answered by a complete stranger. desperately needing a car, connie called a used car dealership in north carolina to see if she could arrange a payment plan to buy a car. what she didn't know is a good samaritan overheard her conversation when she made the phone call and paid for her car. connie cole joins us from north carolina. nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> connie when you were making the phone call to the car dealership what were you sayinging tosaying inging to them and why did you need the car so desperately? >> i'm a single mom, and i don't have much money. i'm living with my dad. he had been taking me back and forth to work. and i didn't have any money. so my dad had saved some money up. >> and your dad, who had surgery recently knee surgery, you really had to rely on him for the rides. johnny when she called you, what did you have to tell her about structuring some kind of payment plan? >> she told me how much money she had to spend. i told her i would certainly do my best to get her in the best car i could for the money she had to spend, and told her to come see me and we would work with her any way we could to get her in the car and try to help her out. >> when you were on the phone, you didn't know somebody was listening to your conversation and overheard it. this person by the way, has asked to remain anonymous. what happened when you got to the car dealership? >> i was looking at a car. johnny had come out there. and he had told me that there was a man there and had heard my conversation. our conversation when i called and he was going to call him, and the man had gotten there within three or four minutes of my arrival. >> and what did the man tell you? >> well, the guy he wishes to remain anonymous. he was listening to our conversation and when i hung the phone up. i said it's a lady named connie. she sounds like she really needs some help. he says i tell you what write my number down and when she gets here call me. he picks his phone up and called his wife and exactly what he said to her is there's a lady on the phone while i was talking to johnny. she seemeded very distraught. i think we ought to buy her a car. his wife said are you serious? he said you should pray to jesus and ask him what you think we should do and call me back and let me flow. and obviously she agreed. >> connie what did you think when you found out this man wanted to buy you a car? >> i was very overwhelmed. words can't explain how i felt. i've been praying and praying for help. and it was like god answered my prayer ls. >> what did you say to him? >> i told him thank you and i gave him a hug, and i told him thank you a thousand times. and told him how much it meant to me and my kids. >> what did he want in return? >> nothing. just for me to do it to others if i could. >> unbelievable. johnny i take it this kind of thing doesn't happen often at your dealership does it? >> i've been doing this a really long time and i've never seen anything like this happen before where somebody pays for the entire vehicle. without even knowing the individual that was purchasing the car. we're happen to facilitate such a miracle. >> we appreciate you sharing your story with us. god bless you and good luck to you. this gentleman has asked to remain anonymous. he cant come forward and tried to seek any sort of attention from it which is more remarkable. thank you, guys. have a wonderful weekend. >> you too. >> former texas governor rick perry running for the white house and ready to get america on a better path he says. >> we have the power to make things new again. to project america's strength again, and to get our economy going again. >> so how are his words resonating with voters? frank is up next with the dials. then, just this week a man got swallowed by the the sand after digging a hole at the beach. how can you make sure you and your family are safe this summer? dr. somati is here. first let's check in with kneel for what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys. good morning. we are coming to you at a special time today. police say these isis inspired attacks are just ramping up. also they need to do more to take them out. and if you missed the debut if of fox business network, you will have missed what may be the defining issue of the 2016 lerks. it's your chance to get in on the action. you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your test. test. test. test you've heard of a "win-win," right? 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>> you see something like this 7 to 8 feet of this cave of sand sha collapsed over him. it's quite dangerous. we see 52 fatal and non-faital cases this year. 31 people died from these sand caves. >> i believe it. >> and the average age is somewhere around 10 years old, 3 to 21-year-olds. parents, watch kids. before you know it the sand can collapse on them. you may not even be able to find your child because there's no trace of it once it collapses. and the big message is really not to make any hole deeper than the knee level that goes for adults, for kids. >> it seems like adults would know that, would know better. but parents, tell your kids don't doing in something like that. >> when patients come to the emergency room like this, if they make it that far, the first thing we do is make sure their vitals is stable because the compression of the sand pressure on the heart and the lungs and sometimes inhalation of the sands are absolutely important. so getting the airway the circulation and stabilize them is the way to go. this guy is very lucky. >> as a kid i was terrified of quick sand. that 'twas going to be around me. but i never had a fear of margaritas until this morning because a man got second-degree burns from limes that he left out in the sun. look at this. this is not a joke. i mean dow see this regularry l? >> people may mock this. i had a cousin who died from a cocktail onion. this can be dangerous. >> it's real. a lot of times with lime or celery or parsley, when you get the uv light, it actually can activate chemicals that will give you the same dermatitis or inflammation of the skin within 24 hours clayton you're going to see like a real redness, xh a first degree burn and in two to three days sarmtas a result of this lime interaction you can get blisters and second degree burn. if you see something like this just put a cold towel on top and you go to the emergency room. >> from the lime juice. >> exactly right. interaction of lime juice and the uv light in the sun can actually cause this kind of dermatitis. >> that's why it got worse over time. >> it will make your hair blonde won't it? >> it works. >> did you see this story? this is crazy. a man got hit by lightning. this happens all the time in the summer on golf courses. he got hit while riding his four-wheeler. >> we see the most dangerous type of injury out there. when it happens, if you hear the thunder, you want to get out of there. go indoors and just don't take a chance. in this particular case he ran to a tree a single tree out there which is always a big target for him. don't use your cell phone any phone with a 0 cord because the electric shom can come through that. and don't stand next to any concrete wall because it has a lot of metal. that also can transmit some of this electrical shock. he's also another lucky one. he's suffering from some hearing loss, also bleeding on the brain. it's stabilized, his condition. he's recovering from this but this is serious stuff. people need to pay attention. get out of the pool. get out of the lake. if you hear the thunder, don't kid around. go indoors because it can really affect you. you can die from this. we're going to see a lot of these in the emergency room so that's why we're preparing people and parents to be aware of all of this. serious business. >> what are the most common injuries during the summer months? >> when i used to work in the emergency room, stab wounds people are out there, a lot of alcohol injuries, motor vehicle accidents and a lot of these by the beach. we're posting by the way a lot of this information on our blog samadi it's continuous live as we are speaking all of this information is going out there for parents to be aware. the biggest one is the first story you talked about. >> sand. >> a couple of years ago i was will actually involved in one of these accidents. they pulled the guy out. he couldn't breathe. we had to do a live chest compression. i saw you were practicing. it comes handy sometimes unfortunately. we got so lucky that that guy lived and we saved him, but these are real-life lessons. >> scary. >> thanks doctor. >> but go out and enjoy. >> just stay away from limes. >> be careful of your margueritearita margaritas. >> good foyou thought that was great, just wait. more "fox and friends" coming up next food won't get stuck and you can enjoy every single bite. eat loud, live loud, super poligrip. super poligrip holds your dentures tightly in place so you never have to hold back. laugh loud, live loud, super poligrip. . there's so much more fun tomorrow. june is national safety month. all morning we'll have tips you neefd to know pool safety pet safety and more. >> this is the show that keeps you safe. >> log on to fox and for our after the show show. we're protecting you against limes. >> yeah we are. >> see ya. >> buy everybody. you are looking live at st. anthony church in wilmington, delaware. we are just about a half hour away from the start of the funeral for beau biden, son of vice president biden. president obama has landed in wilmington, on his way to the church and will deliver the urology for his friend's son. meanwhile, a major escalation in the war in yemen as a scud missile is used for the first time. saudi arabia says they shot down the missile. the scandal rocked their family. now the duggar sisters speak out in a fox news

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