Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20140125

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did raise her son bull ru all by herself is firing back. she joins us this hour. stay tuned. and are you waking up again after yet another sleepless night? why one night of restless, one restless night could be killing you. this is no joke. fox and friends begins right now. >> hi, everyone. you are watching fox and friends. >> so you are in good company if you are watching "fox and friends" this morning. >> good morning. welcome to "fox and friends." we will show you the images of one night of, what is it, women's threshold like 7.5 hours of sleep? >> some ridiculous number. >> eight hours of sleep, that unachievable? >> it's been done before. but i've never met anyone who did it. >> especially if you have little kids in the house, it's an impossible task. >> water the longest you got to sleep? >> three hours at a time. i sleep in shifts when i do this. so i sleep four hours at night two, hours in the afternoon. >> we will break it down for you, what is it doing to your broid body? >> brain tissue, not good. >> you will be an awesome sailor, anna. first, it turns out all the problems in the world have been solved. obamacare, benghazi, the irs, the disaster that is the american economy, how do you know that? because the press has been covering governor mike huckabee, woes comments this week have been so wildly misconstrued as to be unrecognizable. >> you are here to look at what the new yorkers all around the world are saying and putting toke of what governor huckabee has said. take a look. >> it's not exactly what i think republicans were planning on. >> it sounds offensive to me. >> it's pretty clear he doesn't think women should have birth control. few have an issue with women's equality at all? >> some women out there are probably wincing. >> it's gross. >> this is getting back to the narrative of shaming for lack of a better term when it comes to women, if you get pregnant, abortion will be a constitutional right. >> i don't care how you credit, talking about women's libido and a sugar daddy, i don't know what member of the family they want to make sugar is not a good picture. >> just clarifying be close from the south. this uncle sugar is a combination of uncle sam and a sugar daddy. take a look at what governor huckabee actually had to say. >> in the democrats want to insult the women of the america by making them believe that they are helpless without unc sugar coming in and providing them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it. >> so huckabee wasn't slamming women for not controlling their libido, he was slamming the operative theory on the left, which is women can't be fully women without the help of the federal government, which is a ludicrous concept. by the way, i have known governor huckabee for 20 years, i can say, first hand experience, he is not a judgmental person. he is a truly decent and gentle man. >> 100%. >> so the picture you see on other channels is ludicrous. >> it has been leading. i happened to flip around, with every fuse cast. you would think there was nothing else going on in the world. >> what is going on in the ukraine, sochi, with the olympic games and clamp down on security there. what is going on around the world? no, it's all governor huckabee all the time. in fact, this show will have governor huckabee who may be on later in the hour, next hour, to explain what he really said and really meant a. so stay tuned for that. >> he is coming on at 9:00 today. he really is one more example of the left wing media trying to and democrats essentially trying to say that republicans are wedge close this false war on women, which is completely false. >> do you feel under effect? >> for the, let me say one thing. there are reasons women tooik take birth control, if you have a bad skinner or a family history of ovarian cyst. >> that is not what governor huckabee was talking about at all. it was completely taken out of context. it was reducing women to only caring about the one thing and that is, you know, our reproductive organs and there are so much more that we care about, anyway. i don't know, i can't wait to talk to him at 9:00 and let him defend himself. this is ridiculous. >> thank you on that. we will talk to him in the 9:00 hour. meanwhile, obamacare hits the 3 million number that the white house has hoped for. meanwhile the ruleing is in for a group of nuns suing over the contraception pan date. we are live in washington, what happened? >> reporter: well, good morning, while this plays out, the supreme court says a group of catholic nuns does not have to comply with the contraception mandate in the affordable care act. most plans have to cover aproofd contraceptives for women. >> that includes charitable groups, universities and hoopts. they're all compelled to comply. but the colorado organization, little sisters of the poor on theed. now they need to say if writing that they're a religious organization and for the time be close, they are exempt from tear requirement. it could, however, impact many other groups across the nation. >> this decision that the supreme court made today applies to little sisters, it also applies to 400 other catholic news organizations that insure through the same insurer. i think this is going to have repercussions on all of the cases associated with the mandates. >> we are hear close from pro choice groups, they've responded saying this is a pharaoh case. it's not about religious liberty. simply paperwork. the same day we also learn 3 million americans have seened up for health care coverage, while the administration is boasting the projected goals should be hire to reach that goal of 7 million by march. imposed on the website, they did not pose specific age breakdowns or how many folks have actually completed enrollment by paying through tear first month's premium. back to you, guys. >> a small caveat. thanks. >> thank you so much. we have other headlines to get to on your saturday morning. for the deals, just one week after three americans were killed in a bloody terrorist attack in kabul, afghan president hammond car sigh says he will not seen a security deal with the united states until peace talks resume with the taliban. without this deal, the united states will not be able to keep troops in afghanistan past the end of this year. also new overnight, police making an arrest in a shooting death of a south carolina university football player. 19-year-old justin singleton is now charged in the murder of 20-year-old brandon robinson. he was shot outside of a dorm room on campus, sending police on a massive man hunt for the shooter. at this time there is no motive for that shooting. the federal court has been hacked. the cyber attack prevented lawyers from filing legal papers online and the public from trying to access cases. still for the word on who did it or how many courts may be affected. engineers are investigating and are work fog bring the system back up to speed. and brand-new homes just released showing the moment justin bieber was drag racing through a miami neighborhood. can you see the rented lamborghini riding through the residential streets the speed limit is 30 miles per hour. miami police said they pulled bieber and his friends over going up to 60 miles per hour. bieber is charged with dui and resisting arrest. there are reports both his parents were involved. there are reports he got the meds from his mother and his dad may have been blocking off the streets. >> you are only going 60 in a lamborghini, i to the he would be go close much higher. >> do i that in michaelry. >> he is doing something wrong if he is only doing 60 miles per hour. justin, get with it. figure it out. all right. here's your temperatures waking up this morning the cold air is in place down towards the south. 32 degrees right now this morning, san antonio and dallas, you will warm up today back into the 60s. certainly better than you were yesterday when you saw that freezing rain. this is the next clipper system moving in across the northeast. this is almost a repeat of last weekend. a series of clippers move on through. we will see that snow. by tonight, nothing that will cause big problems. maybe an inch or so. it's continuing to remain very drive. none of this moisture making etc. way to southern california. unfortunately, that drought continues, as we move this through time here, one of the clippers moves through, sunday another clipper moves through, hein each one of these guys, it gets colder, we warm up on pond, really cold on tuesday. we just keep doing that. >> so really cold by super bowl sunday? >> we will be talking about that this morning. >> good. >> it's still a week away. it's hard to say exactly. but there are no signs that this pattern is going to break out today. >> that's what we get for having it here. >> east rutherford, new jersey, it should have been tampa. let's talk about the olympics, because terror threats continue a couple weeks ahead of the sochi games in russia. now the state department is issuing travel alerts this morning to anybody traveling to russia ahead of the games. meanwhile that, area is going to be inundated with millions of people. we are getting reports the fbi will be alongside the olympic athletes. there will be a contingent of people following athletes around. we will speak to an expert a little later in the show about this, troubling sign there is if russia right now. one thing to be certain of, though, is the russians are pretty humors on this topic, incompetent a lot of times as we have seen. certainly, no liberals for example chechen separatists hanging by their thumbs, at the first hint. >> even vladmir putin not coming out and talking about the terrorist attacks that happened in the former city of stalingrad. i remember the attacks that happened there a couple of weeks ago. really no talking about it. >> well, they lie about everything. they control the press. so it's hard to know whadz happening. we do foe that the russians, you know, to the extent they can find these people will be killing them. >> there was a problem, there is a hotbed of islamist extremist activity not far from there. the north region, in volvograd, 500 males away from sochi. so the proximity is close. if you are a family member, who you have watched your child, a parent and supported them to greatness and then be scared to go watch them. do they have something to worry about or not? we have mixed opinions from bill daily saying one ting, governor mitt romney saying another him listen. >> they're out there. the to and from routes are very vulnerable. almost to the points they could be vulnerable as some of our troops in iraq in these war removed routes. >> i would feel safe going to sochi. that doesn't mean anything is 100% guaranteed in the world of terror. i believe the hard venue, the sport close events and the like will be safe. >> so we'll have much more on that coming up a little later in the show. meanwhile, president obama's pick for the ambassador to norway, may want to brush up on the government where he could be working. >> norway has been very quick to denounce them. >> government is denouncing them the coalition government is a part of the coalition of the government. >> more on the unbelievable exchange coming up. then the president doesn't think it's any more dangerous tan col. does that mean we should legalize pot? we debate it next. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. we are thinkers. the up all-nhts. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can s, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. >> well, president obama's marijuana remark is sparking a debate after he told a new yorker magazine, quote, i smoked pot as a kid and i view it as a bad habit. i don't think it's much more dangerous than alcohol. smoking pot leads to more crime and use. we are joined by fox news analysts. >> good morning. do you think we should legalize it and get it out there? >> i never thought i would hear myself say it. i think we should legalize it because it's a popular drug and if you can't beat 'em tax 'em. listen, the crime rate would go enstantly down. those are two reasons. >> are you kidding me? you can't beat 'em, tax 'em? what are we going to do to the murder rate? we can't beat 'em, we'll tax 'em i never thought i would say this. i'm not comfortable liamizing it at this point. number one, the difference in alcohol and marijuana is you could have one glass of wine and/or one beer with your meal, it's not going to have an effect on your be close. you could have one toke of marijuana and it is, it is. in other words, it's not alcohol versus marijuana. it's alcohol abuse versus marijuana. >> it's a ha hughes nogenic drug which is -- ha lus nogenic drug. 50% of the americans support legalizing marijuana, public port is behind it, i suppose. >> the last statistic i read, i don't know if you can trust it or not, at least 12 million americans admit to using pot regularly. not for nothing, we can poll our friends, i know people who smoke pochlt i personally don't. >> she just snorts it. >> they are functioning quite well. i don't think there is a problem with legalizing it. we will have drug driving. >> a what about 14-year-old kids? >> what about the other side of this arthur, which is tieing up our legal system with marijuana use. >> i can only speak about new york city, because that's where i practice law. it doesn't. you get a ticket. if you are walking around with a small amount of marijuana, a tick, yes, you do have to go for the court and pay the ticket. but at least in new york, you are not spending time in jail or anything like that. if they legalize it, the dra conian punishment if somebody is over the late age and can purchase it, gives it to a kid or sells it to a kid. >> that should be a huge punishment. >> we don't have to reinvent that. >> alcohol, a kid have one beer, a 13-year-old has one beer or two beers, it's not the same as having two hits of a joint because of the hallucinogenic effect on you. >> ar thursday nice see you. >> we should have samples here and do a morning taste test situation. >> we'll see if our boss would go for that. >> come on, he's sleeping. >> what do you think about this? our facebook question of the morning, do you you think we should legalize marijuana? >> thank you. i have to go back. do something. >> coming up here on the show, are you waking up again after another sleepless night? why one restless night could be killing you. we'll show you the signs and the controversial comments of headlines after last week's game. this morning, the sea hawks quarterback, richard sherman is facing for trouble with the cfl. details ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ me announcer ] this is the story of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. 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>> it does, you think about it. i might be a little drowsy, fall asleep on the set. actually, you you increase the risk of heart attacks, accidents on the road. >> after one day? >> after one night of a lack of sleep. not a whole night of lots of sleep, but losing one hour of sleep, we can see an increased risk of heart attack. >> you have a screen graph, so memory problems. >> it's a little hard to concentrate. probably as a college student, you stayed up all night, maybe didn't get enough sleep. we seen college students that don't sleep do poorer on tests. we are the same way. our ability to remember information the next day decreases if we don't get enough sleep. if you are getting older, you find yourself losing those car keys, it may be the fact that you are not losing sleep but getting older. >> i fine when i lose sleep, i say things i normally don't say and eat a lot more. >> especially around eating a lot more, obesity is a big problem. we all try to track it via nutrition or exercise. >> we see appetite control hormones, it tells us whether we are hungry or full. we see an imbalance and we find ourselves wanting to overeat when we get an opportunity to do that. >> or eating to stay awake. after several weeks of sleeplessness, you have maybe a job that makes them have to do this or a newborn as clay was mentioning at the top of the show. these are risk factors, risk of heart attacks increase, lower immune system, a.d. dchl and increase in aches and pains. so what do we need-to-? if we've got an issue like this, how do we take care of it? >> first off, i think we have to address the quantity problem. most people are looking for quality. i will only commit to six hours of sleep. i want to get a good six hours. that's not true. we have to commit to quantity of sleep as well, seven to nine hours of sleep bhorders around the aghours. >> for people with jobs, can you do it in shifts? naps? >> some people that sub scribe to that by sleep close where you get one big chunk and another chunk later on with substituting faps. >> i wond hear what the long-term effects. i have been doing morning tv for years, i feel i probably aged lodger than i normally have. >> it's memory loss issues, with not getting a consistent night's sleep, i have been forgetting all sorts of things on a regular basis. >> that's true. what we find with peoplery is we have to have some sleep to consolidate our memory at night. we need to be able to do that. we see brain cell death. if you are not getting enough slope, they show brain cell death. >> you cannot make up for it, you can't catch up on the weekend? >> the problem is you will catch up on the weekends because of the fact that you are really tired. but it doesn't help solve the problem of not getting enough sleep tonight. you are going to have consequences the next day. >> we took some photos of before the show, what we lock like before we come into the studio and this is without a lack of sleep. i have a photo here. it will shock you. this is what i look like without the proper amount of sleep. can you get a closer look at this? >> that is remarkable. >> as you roll out of police custody. >> they're all smiling. >> if there is anything we can learn from this, the moral of the story is that's enough. >> coming up, be quiet or face a fine. the town that could outlaw snowmobiles even loud conversation. details coming up. then it's these videos turns heads, parents letting their kids hang out the wind to get up close with the lion. would you let your child do this? nather coming up. . you today we're going to play a little game which 4g lte map has the most coverage? 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[ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. my feet felt so heavy at the they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like lking on a wave. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer! . >> it's the shot of the morning. check out this awesome time lapse video of metlife stadium in new jersey, that's the site of this year's super bowl federal government week. are you watching it come alive. it took nearly three years to build it. you can watch it go up in weekend is. no cost to you, by the way the stadium was completed in 2010. we are over a week away and the big game between the broncos and the seahawks. >> right here on fox. >> in time's squa. they are building a whole ski slope. >> is that true? >> there is a whole ski slope, it will be taking up two block, tubing down right in time's square, they're setting up all sorts of scaffolds. >> i am shocked, the producer put me on. >> it's a matter of time. >> thanks for the ideas. >> we have two stories this morning that might get you fired. we'd love to get your take on it. we tweeted it a few minutes ago. a new doll has just come out which turns away. so this new doll is causing controversy. people think it's promoting anorexia. because it has a magnet in its mouth. when you attempt to feed the doll, it turns its head away when you put the spoon up to its mouth. all critics are saying this is promoting poor eating behavior. first of all, have you ever tried to feed a baby? >> and the toy makers is saying just that, it's an effort to try to teach children that this is what mommy goes through. and daddy or mommy and daddy have to go through. >> the basics? >> good grief the doll does eat. you just have to turn it on the other side, like, whatever. >> the doll doesn't eat everything you put in front of it. which is a lesson peeking for myself could stand to learn. not eating everything in front of sui not the same as anorexia. . >> it's a huge leap for critics. >> it's america's biggest problem, people don't eat enough. >> i think it starts younger and younger. there is a big problem in the united states, at the same. >> not a problem for me. >> it seems ridiculous. the bicker problem is obesity. it's an obesity problem in the united states, it's not anorexia. it does affect a small percentage of the population. >> a 2-year-old feeding a babydoll are not going to have these messages. they will see how difficult it is to feed a baby when you give them peas, you turn your head and spit it out. >> it might be doerp tan children's toys. >> the kane calls, stupid name for doll, by the way, highly unpronounceable. a range of doll was recreate real life experiences between mothers and their babies to create a positive look. >> next they're coming out with an obama doll, too. >> here's a video that has people on twitter. it shows people on safari in south africa hanging out the car window to take pictures of lions right nearby. some are saying, gasp, this is dangerous, we're endangering the south african parents are endangering their children by letting them get too close to the big cats you sew on your screen. hmm. >> it's the same thing in a park, you see the signs that say don't feed the goes, because they will duty all over the sidewalk, at a camp ground, don't feed the bears then they will attack you while you are laying in your tent. >> here's the thing, south african style. >> once they see a snakes, oh, that's cool, let me take a picture of it. it's a copperhead. >> i love the dad, all right, kid, family vacation, hang out the window, get a closeup of that guy. >> this is the coolest thing i have ever seen, a family not coddling their children, so there is no lion out there. this is a metaphor for life. >> first of all, lions are slow, slough like. they move. >> i think you would lose your lunch if they happened. >> like simba. >> finally parents who aren't quivering with fear over their kids. here's the lions, get out there and go pet those lions. toughen up a little bit. >> what do you think on facebook or twitter, e-mail us. 37 minutes after the hour. on other headlines, this morning, showing you chill close recordings from a florida movie theater where a man was shot and killed for texting. >> i don't know. yes, yes, yes. . >> come on. >> 43-year-old chad wilson was shot in front of his wife as he was texting their baby-sitter who was watching their 22-month-old daughter t. accused shooter 71-year-old retired police captain is being held without bail facing murder charges. richard sherman's comments across the nation. that's not what's got him in trouble with the nfl. >> i'm the best corner of the game, when you try me with a receiver like crabtree. that's results you will ever get. done you ever talk about me! >> this choking gesture you see here, sherman is be close find $8,000 for the move. the nfl said he went over the line calling kaepernick, did i say that right? after he threw an interception locking up the game for the seahawks and sending them to the super bowl. and people ticked for snow blowing too long. in massachusetts, south of boston, is consider close doing away with loud noises, snow blowing and lawn mowing limited to 15 minutes an hour. they could be ticked up to $300 bucks for making noise louder than $355 decibels. that's about the level of a casual conversation. the town says they got to do something about the 300 more complaints filed last year alone. and president obama hand picked top campaign donor as the ambassador to for way, but perhaps he should have done more research before his nomination hearing. check out his answer when senator john mccain asked him about the country's progress party. >> we get some fringe elements that have a microphone, that spew spear hatred. he always has been very quick to denounce them. >> government has denounced them, the coalition is a part of the coalition government. >> i stand corrected. i would like to leave my antser with they are at, it's a very, very open saturday. >> i have no more questions, it's a highly qualified group. >> o', boy. >> oh, got ka they have the most members of parliament. >> so he knows nothing about norway. he hats no problem calling them haters. >> he did go to norway at epcot. >> eonce the vikings get their hands on that guy, they will eat them. >> that's awesome tv. we should watch that all morning long. >> all right, guy, how do you think about that goal? >> okay. there you go. if rommer kwoeft coaster will continue. you will continue to be sick of it. that's what's going to continue to happen. over at least the next seven days, this is one of the clippers moving lou. we have that big snow this week, across the mid-atlantic seaboard. this clipper physically moves through, behind it the colder air comes in. we will continue to see them come through and drop the signatures come down behind each one. here's the next three days, this is the start of the coming workweek. take a look at minneapolis and chicago, temperatures monday and tuesday below zero. there is your average, you should be warm in new york city, staying below freezing. we will probably see these areas get above freekz on one of those upsite, guy, in a couple of hours, in your case, it will be on monday. >> for those few hours, bikini weather? >> absolutely. it's all relative, right? >> oh, absolute, actually. it is absolutely freezing. >> well, the less rising star running for governor in the state of texas. she is under fire for making key parts of her life's story, a single mom. coming up, meet the congressional candidate she is compared to who really was a single mom. plus, are you headed to the super bowl? we got all of the last minute travel information you will need for cheer close on your favorite team. so stick around. . an elementary teacher in the state of california is under arrest accused of bringing food laced with pot to a faculty pot luck. 47-year-old theresa badger is facing poison close charges and twitter lights up with panic after google's e-mail service goes down t. outage caused by a software buzz, one person tweeted this, how do you e-mail people in goggle to see what the problem is? almost a beneficial question. another tweet read this way, it's okay, pokes, it was a temporary hiccup. lol. and. >> lol to the super bowl. the biggest game of the year is just over a week away. it doesn't matter if you are cheering on the seahawks or the broncos, every football fan wants to be there for the super bowl. so here with last minute travel hits and passes, senior editor of orbit's ja fine's tour. good morning to you. so this is denver's seventh appearance in the super bowl, for the seahawks, it's their second, right, so who importantly who has the most passion fat fans? >> according to they are seeing 21% more sea hawks fans booking tan the blackhawks fan, they may be a little more excited. it's their second time there. >> it's so darn loud in there. tell us about plane tickets. is it still even possible to get them? that aren't thousands of dollars to get here? >> it is possible. in fact, for the two teams that are coming. we are seeing that from 3 to $400 it's a range in terms of average ticket prices coming in that weekend. saturday is the cheapest day to fly in. people are trying to get here for friday for the festivities for the weekend. you do need to book sooner tan later. the desirable times are booking up fast. >> this is the first time the super bowl has been in an open air stadium in a cold city. do you think that is having any impact? >> i think this is going to be a popular super bowl weekend because of its proximity to manhattan. people know homes are cheaper this year than they were last near in new orleans. i think available and all of those things coming into play are making it a popular season for super bowl. >> it's shocking to me, can you get a hotel room in the financial district for about $130 $150 bucks? >> yeah. they are staying in manhattan around the stadium, with three night minimum stays. in the city you are looking at two night minimum stays, $180 for two star hotels, up to $350 in the time's square and downtain areas for four star hotels. >> i imagine it be close probably on fire as well for some more inexpensive options and be close able to live leak a new yorker. what about the events going on in the big city? i know broadway is doing deals, also, they are taking over federal blocks in time's square. >> the official event is super bowl boulevard, 34 to 47th streets, all the big fun super bowl things to do. also happens to be broadway week. two for one tickets there. the lunar parade and street fair in downtown or manhattan over the weekend. a 4d put on by the new york road runners. a football competition. there are lots of things for people to do. >> janine, thank you so much for your time today. everybody at home, can you see the game on fox next sunday. don't forget, our very own bill o'reilly sits down before the game. 49 minutes after the hour. the less rising star running for governor of texas is under fire for making up parts of her life stories, her struckments as a single mom, for example, next, meet the congressional candidate she was compared to, she really was a single mother. delivering more than pizzas to a community and handing out prescriptions to those who can't get them for themselves, you will meet the man behind this act of kindness coming up. . to ignore the fuzzy details indeed the lies about texas gubernatorial candidate wendy davis' life. she claims she was a divorced teen mom to put herself through school. that's not true at all. she was in her 20s when she left her children behind to go to harvard law school. her ex-husband paid for it. the day he finished pay for it, she left. she also gave up custody to her children. joining us now is tea party activist, katrina pearson. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> what do you think when you hear this, wendy davis' life story, proving untrue? >> well, you know, the democrat party sure knows how to pick them. you know, we saw wendy davis champion the murder of unborn babies and then she turns around and runs for governor and claims she's pro-life. all of a sudden we find out she didn't want the kids she had to begin with. it's pretty tragic, especially when there are so many women out there that she could have inspired being a single mother just to find out that it's all a hoax. >> well, this isn't some peripheral issue in her campaign, either. her campaign is predicated on her life story. right? she's not running on the issues that happens to be this single mom. she talks about her life, it's the centerpiece of her campaign. so what's the response been? is the political press corp. in texas all over this? >> you would think they would be but they're not really. this is a champion of the democrat party. millions of dollars have fled into her campaign and propping her up as the next leader in the democrat world. the reality is there are so many women like myself who did get pregnant as teenagers, who did struggle, who didn't run to men for the answer, who didn't run to government for the answer and those are real stories that are empowering to women which you would think the democrat party would embrace considering it's their policies that keep these women in poverty. >> we're looking now at a picture with you and your son. how old is your son? >> my son is now 17 years old, christmas day. >> what does he think of your run for congress? >> you know, he's a teenager. i've been so active for the last five years. he just -- he thinks it's great. it's something that i believe in. it's something that he understands. and, you know, he can look around and see that those policies are very detrimental, especially to those of us in a minority community where the policies are entrenched, where women's spirits get trapped because of them. i'm out there using my story to get out there and talk to women all over this district and show them the american dream is still possible even if you are a pregnant teenage single mother. >> so you've had what i think most people would acknowledge a pretty inspiring life story. you over came a lot. you're doing well. and yet by the standards of the professional left, you don't count as an actual woman because you're not for abortion. >> exactly. that and so many things. being a republican which is unheard of, correct? that's the thing. when i'm out there talking people look at me and say, wow, she was pregnant at 19, ended up getting married, got divorced, fought desperately hard for her child. you know, went through some major obstacles. put herself through college. became someone who broke that poverty cycle in her family and we should champion that. instead we're championing what was called abortion barbie who is out there not even wanting her own children, league at her story. this is who the story is propping up as one of their future leaders. it's tragic. >> in a big way. katrina, thanks is a lot for coming on. >> thank you. coming up, they came out in full force to support president obama's new numbers show. now losing faith in the government. we'll break it down for you in detail next. and a familiar face, slow-jamming the news with jimmy fallon. ♪ employees getting dropped from their existing plans ♪ ♪ not to mention an obamacare website cha has been riddled with technical problems and glitches ♪ ♪ uh-huh-huh >> mitt romney like you didn't see him during the campaign. we have more when "fox and friends" continues. stay a p i've helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. 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[ vehicle approaches ] [ dennis ] introducing quickfoto claim. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. good morning. it is saturday, the 25th of january, 2014. doubling the down. one senator wants an even bigger crack down on the tea party telling the irs to be more aggressive? >> we have to redouble those efforts. we have not worked hard enough on this. >> and that's not all chuck schumer is saying. they thought they hit the jackpot when they scored tickets to the super bowl but a family getting one unfortunate surprise when they went to pick them up. they were turned away. we'll tell you what happened. in a familiar face slow-jamming the news with jimmy fall fallon. ♪ employees getting dropped from existing plans ♪ ♪ not to mention an obamacare website riddle with glitches ♪ glitz please ♪ >> mitt romney like you've nerve seen him before. "fox and friends" hour two starts right now. hi, it's suzanne somers and you're watching "forx and friends." i am them every morning of my life. >> so sweet. >> thank you so much. >> who was that mitt romney? where was he during the campaign? that's what always happens. right? remember bob doyle was hilarious after the campaign. al gore began to be funny after the campaign. >> it's true. >> is it their handlers or is it nerves or is it the pressure? what is it? >> they don't care at that point. >> you redouble down the book at the campaign. see all the people tell you to do one thing, act a certain way. >> this is love attachment, when you love something too much, you don't get it, anna. >> oh, no. >> deepak chopra is going to be joining us later in the show. we have headlines to get to on your saturday. police making an arrest in the shooting death of a south carolina state university football player. 19-year-old justin singleton is now charged in the murder of 20-year-old brandon robertson shot outside a dorm on campus sending police on a massive manhunt for the shooter. police originally searching for four men and they're not saying if the man hunt is still ongoing. at this time there is no motive for the shooting. a judge in texas ruled a pregnant woman can be taken off life support. she was declared brain dead in november but because she was pregnant texas law said she must remain on a ventilator. her husband filed a lawsuit saying she was always clear that she did not want to be kept alive by machines and doctors state the fetus cannot be born alive at this point. the judge gave the hospital until 5:00 p.m. on monday to remove life support. >> there's nothing happy about today. it's a sad situation all of the way around. we are relieved that there's no canal, move forward with the process of burying his wife. >> the hospital has not announced if it will be appealing the ruling. a new warn for americans in russia for the olympics. do not wear u.s. logos outside olympic venues and for the first time the state department updating its travel alert to one american about possible black widow suicide bombings. this after a series of suicide bombings late last year. officials urging the americans in the area to be mindful of their surroundings. >> this is not unique to russia. we generally give this kind of guidance around big international events, partularly if there is a threat like we've seen here. >> 10,000 american athletes and spectators are expected in russia for the games less than two weeks away. season ticket holders get the surprise of a lifetime, tickets to the super bowl. but when they went to pick them up, the team said no, dice. here's the problem. the tickets were in the name of family members who passed away. team says the ticket holder of record must be the one to pick up the ticket. >> one time they said it's broncos policy, one time they said it's nfl policy. i don't know whose policy it is or if they're just making stuff up as they go. >> the ticket holder still say they're loyal fans but wish they were treated differently. clearly. those are your headlines. rick and i talking about the weather. i'm saying i want on super bowl sunday, i want a snowstorm. is that wrong of me? during the game. >> i think a lot of people felt that way. if you're going to bring us to a cold climate. >> we love watching football when you have a big snowstorm happening in the middle. it's awesome. >> i'm not going to rule it out. there are things that happen meteorologically. eight days away from it. sometimes you can say something will for sure not happen. i can't say that in this case. >> you're telling me there's a chance. >> that's what ends up happening. when i do that, no, wait, the super bowl. i'm not saying that, either. i'm saying we can't rule it out just yet. temperaturewise across the country, it's cold. you see that pink there. we're going to continue to see the cold temps come in. overnight, above freezing for the first time in five days. it's not going to happen again for a while. take a look at your overnight lows in chicago. tuesday morning, a low of minus 20. so the cold air is coming back. in fact, this cold air we're going to see monday, tuesday, wednesday across the northern plains and east, colder than this week. i hate to tell you but it's going to get colder. along with this, winter weather advisories. see that green that, there's blizzard watches. the next clipper will bring more wind. not a ton of snow with any of these clippers but that adds up to a decent amount of snow. maybe a foot of snow after you feel with four or five or 12. we'll keep see that dry out west continues but clayton, by sunday, we are looking at their possibly some precipitation, rain, snow, i think it will be a little bit warmer than we're seeing right now but it's going to be right on that cusp. po essentialtentially a snow. >> not that side snow. >> i can't say that. >> bring back local warming. what happened to that? >> you talk about all this cold, it means there's hot somewhere. and temperatures across alaska where you think it should be really cold have been warmer than texas, warmer than new orleans, all week long. they're dipping down to temperatures around 40 degrees in anchorage. >> wow. >> it's weird. there's cold someplace, there's too much heat in another place. >> send the cold back to alaska. >> yes. speaking of weird, there are numbers you can't fully believe. this may explain why this has gotten so little coverage. you may have heard this week that 3 million people have signed up for obamacare. 3 million. well, that's obviously less than 1% of the american population but it's being touted by some as a milestone, a landmark in is great news yet scratch a little beneath the surface and it turns out that number is not real. >> you do a little scratch and sniffy sniff on those numbers and it starts to smell bad a little bit because when you dive into it it's actually people that haven't even paid for their premiums, elizabeth was doing some reporting earlier on this and she was talking about that. that includes those people who have not yet paid. they've signed up, they've not mailed in their check to actually be covered for the insurance, which is, you know, if you don't pay for insurance, you don't get it. >> right. and that's the standard in the insurance industry, when you pay your first month's premium, that's when you're actually -- that's like saying we have 25 million viewers but 20 of them haven't turned their tvs on. >> but they own a tv. >> they own a tv and they like "fox and friends." they're not watching right now but they're viewers. can we not count them in our ratings? >> no, we've been doing that wrong, i guess, for a while now. >> we have numbers for you about what voters are saying about how the health care law is going to be helping them, you know, kind of a thumbs up, thumbs down here for their taxes. the first total we have increase your taxes. 63% versus 6% decreasing. >> others think their total health insurance costs will go up. look at that. 62% of you think that your health insurance costs will go up compared to 10% will decrease. >> federal deficit, 56% say this will increase its size. quality care for americans, this is the key number, we don't talk about this enough. what the actual effect is here. you can sign up every person on the planet but will it provide decent medical care? only 36% saying yes. >> and then for your personal quality of health care, 19% say it will be increased 39% say that it's going to be getting worse. >> we finally got some good news this morning. you know how the obamacare and the obama administration decide to make a little exemptions here as they go along, sort of course correction if they need to. once i i guess gi thaet some blowback in the mainstream immediaty. the little sisters of the poor, mandate that they were not exempt from that contraception. >> will you look at these criminals you're putting on our screens. this is public enemy number one, right there with the guitar. the obama administration went after these nuns because they didn't obey, they were inconvenie inconvenient, they were the eggs that needed to be broken in order to make the obamacare omelet but they were stopped in their tracks, the obama administration, by the supreme court of the united states. >> would you stop making food metaphors this morning i'm hung hungry. >> sorry controversy they said they're going to stick to their guns, they're not going to be exempt as a result of it and now they are. here is the update. take a listen to this. >> it means little sisters are protected. the little sisters for 175 years have done one thing, they've served the elderly poor. that's all they do. they do it according to their faith. the government came and said you're going to have to violate your faith. that's what we're going to require of you to do. the little sisters said, we can't do that. if you don't, we're going to fine you millions of dollars a year. and now they don't have to. now they're protected, at least so they can have their day in court and go through and argue. >> all right. that was our interlude of good news. reali tirksz turns out the irs scandal may be on going. how do we know this? the senior senator from new york, chuck schumer, said so out loud in a speech to the center for american progress, a left wing lobby group in washington, d.c. he said, the irs ought to be targeting the tea party even more. listen to this. >> obviously the tea party elite's gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of undisclosed dollars into campaigns with ads that distort the truth and attack government. we're not going to have a broad discussion of this issue here, as i mentioned. it's clear we're not going to pass anything legislatively as long as the house of representatives is in republican control. but there are many things that can be done by the irs and other government agencies. and we have to redouble those efforts. we have not worked hard enough on this. >> political enemies using the irs because they attack government. if there's one thing the first amendment doesn't allow you to do, under the circumstances to criticize government. that's the whole point. >> right. >> free speech. >> leave that out. >> don't criticize government. let's not get crazy here. >> these comments from senator chuck shchumer comes just days after the government's review of the irs and say there likely will not be any criminal charges involved in this. so i guess it was a phony scandal. >> so you're saying that the administration, after using the irs to crush people who are opposing the president's re-election, isn't going to punish itself for doing that? >> um, shocking. >> wow. >> i wonder what the method is behind that madness. he paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our freedom and now this soldier's identity is stolen. his sisters are sick about it. you're going to hear from them live. they came out in full force. this is what president obama but new numbers show millennials now losing faith in the federal government. we break it down next. 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[ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with applicati sites. discontinue andgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with bt cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. my feet felt so heavy at the change your number. turn it up. they used to get really tired. until i started gellin'. i got dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. when they're in my shoes, my feet and legs feel less tired. it's like lking on a wave. dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. i'm a believer! the mac, young people love president obama. they got him elected the first time. there's evidence this morning that that affair may be cooling. new polls from the young americans foundation shows that 48% of young people say the federal government is too big compared to this 4% who say it's too small and 62% say they're less confident in the fed's handling of major programs in the wake of obamacare. >> how did president obama lose support of the young voters who helped vote him into office twice? joining us now is actually from the young americas foundation. good morning to you, ashleigh? >> good morning, tucker and anna. how are you? >> awesome. >> what happened? some of his most enthusiastic supporters, are they having buyer's remorse? >> they certainly are. i think that's the key word here is what we found at young america's foundation is 18% of young people between the ages of 18 and 24 will likely to enroll in obamacare. compare that to a whopping 43% who are not likely to enroll. so buyer's remorse or what have you, i mean, the administration has been touting the fact that young people are going to be enrolling and, you know, the support of obamacare here and the success of it is based upon young people. they need 40% to enroll. and we know that's not happening. i believe the latest numbers have only 25% of young people enrolling. but, you know, our numbers are definitely showing that young people are not interested. and i think they're a bit naive or they were when they were, you know, supporting the president and now they're very alive and woken up and a bit jaded. so i think counting on the support of them, they are definitely not going to get it. >> here's the obama care number among young people. 55% of people approve, 42% approve. could it be they learn that they're the ones paying for it. i know comedy central didn't tell them that before the election so they had no idea. now some of them do know, is that the deal breaker? >> i defendant anily think so. they're realizing this is being subsidized on their backs. they were promised free health care and that's not the case. they have to support the older and the sicker generation. and what we actually found in our poll at young americas foundation, too, is that 34% of young people believe they will be worse off under obamacare compared to 19% who think they would be better off, which is an actually very interesting statistic, seeing as that the administration has, again, kind of applauded and touted the fact that young people under the age of 26 can stay on their parent's health care plans. so why is it that they feel they would be worse off under this insurance policy? >> certainly finding out that it's a different program than what was peddled and pushed. so probably losing some support there because of that. what about just the federal government in general and the way that millennials are feeling disenchant disenchanted? doesn't it come down to trying to find a job even right now? >> yeah, i mean, you find unemployment for the youth, 6.3%. it's extremely high. they're saddled with student loan debt. the national debt per capita, $55,000 per person. and that's huge. and they're facing that economic crisis. and then you see 48% of young people today are very distressing of government and believe that government is too big as opposed to 4% that think that it's too small. so that's a stunning 12-1 ratio show that young people really are, you know, seeing how ineffective government is at handling these big prabs. >> ashley pratte, not your average young person. a pizza shop delivering more than pizzas to its community. handing out prescription medications for people who can't get them for themselves. you'll meet the man behind this act of kindness next. plus, what your teen could be at the super bowl? all you have to do is pray. we'll explain coming up. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? all right. get out your calculators. it's time for news by the numbers. first, 74,000, that's how many people may have been effected after laptops were stolen from coca-cola's atlanta headquarters. computers contained people's social security numbers and addresses. they have since been found. next, 33, that's the percentage of football fans who say they pray to god for their football team to win. one in three. finally, $1.2 million. that's how much this house featured in the greatest film ever made "ferris bueller's day off" was recently sold for. it's in the northern suburbs of chicago and it languished on the market for five years. clayton? >> congratulations on your purchase. >> thank you so much. well, the extreme cold weather has bought out the best in one pennsylvania community. a pizza shop owner sent out a message on facebook saying they would deliver prescriptions or supplies to anyone who couldn't b go out in the cold. wrote this, quote, if you have a medical or physical disability, please, please do not attempt to leave the house. call my cellphone and i will make every attempt to help you. as always, no food order requ e requir required. god bless and be safe. simple act of kindness touch mg around the world. owner of fox's pizza den. tom and community member and volunteer firefighter who has offered his time to help tom's mission is pete. welcome to the show. >> how are you? >> hi. >> tom, what made you decide to do this in the first place? >> just -- really, i don't know. i mean, just -- this is our home. small community. just do what we have to do, i guess. >> well, something had to have moved you to this. this is in in pennsylvania, an area i know well. small area, right? you have a really tight knit community there and your pizza shop services a lot of the community members on a regular basis. did something happen in your family that you were aware of how difficult this could be for older americans to get out there in this cold temperatures? >> well, i'm a nurse, and, you know, i've been a part of the fire department for 20 plus years. and you know, you just know you have to help people. i don't know. it's really hard to explain why i do what i do. i do a lot of things on a whim. this was one of them. and it's just hard to explain. >> yeah. pete, it's been a success, right? a number of people took up the call and said, you know what, i'm not going to go out in negative whatever it was 14-degree temperatures to try to get some prescriptions. how did you get involved in helping? >> well, i know tom from just being in the community and so i just kind of -- he came up with the idea first and whenever he did, i told him that i would be more than happy to help out. i can schedule my time and i do have older patients that need things so i just kind of -- it was a fit. and i stepped up with sttom andt seems like i'm riding his coattails but really i'm not. we're doing this for our community. it's a tight knit community and we care about people around us. if it just takes, you know, checking on your neighbor or whatever, that's what we do. >> what did you hear when you were out making deliveries for people? >> thanks. god bless you. >> tom, what's been the ripple effect? what have you heard from your customers and also the people that you are helping? >> i'm sorry, can you repeat that? >> sure. i said, what's bb teen the respe for you not only from the people you're helping but the people coming in buying pizza on a regular basis? >> the people, they're grateful. you know, they're -- they're a little shocked, but i'm humbled by it and i, you know, i try to just thank them. but sometimes i have a hard time responding to people being so grateful to me because i'm just not used to that. i just do it because it has to be done. >> well said. i mean, that's the best way to do things, right? well, you know, we would love for everyone in that area, go down to fox's pizza den. say thanks to tom and pete for helping out the community and buy a pizza. buy a couple of them for super bowl sunday, by the way. good to -- great to see you guys. sorry there's no steelers in the super bowl this regards. >> you say you're from the pittsburgh area. if you are ever near, don't be afraid to stop? >> i will. i will come down and say hi when i'm in that area. thanks, guys. >> i got to say hi boo boo to my daughter. i have to. >> hi, boo boo. >> most important girl in my sglif nice. >> all right. thank you guys so much. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you. coming up here next on the show, a newspaper chain targeting gun owners. details on the plan to build a state-by-state database. plus, move over mary poppins, there's a newnan any in town and this one might just have her beat. 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ of course the president will also be discussing his health care plan with many hoping to hear solutions to some of the issues that have effected its rollout, such as lower than expected enrollment and employees getting dropped from their existing plans. not to mention an obamacare website that's been riddled with technical problems and glitches. >> glitch please. >> it's your shot of the morning. you recognize him, it's mitt romney slow jamming the news on the "late show with july my fallon." it's called appropriately mitt. >> seeing a lot of the different side of him than we saw on the campaign trail in that documentary as well. >> people want to get his perspective now since he kind of went into hiding for a while after a campaign, you're exhausted. wanted to get his thoughts on the obamacare rollout and the olympics and other things. so here was his take on obamacare. listen. >> the website, the implementation, the technology, and that's still kind of a mess. and it's hard to understand how something that was so important to the president would not have received enough attention to be done properly. but that will ultimately be solved and a lot of people will be upset and hurt during the process. longer term the problem is people are going to lose insurance they wanted, doctors that people expected to be able to keep, they're not going to be able to keep, premiums will go up. it's not going to be real popular for a lot of folks. >> worries about the quality of care and even getting into the doctor because of long lines. >> boy, the difference between that man and the man we covered for a year and a half on the campaign trail, really marked. there's something about not run for president that is good for you. >> it's freeing. we talked about this earlier. you know, remember al gore after the campaign when he was unchained al gore, he was actually funny. remember bob doyle? i remember him going on leerman just a -- seemed like a few weeks after the campaign was over and he was throwing jokes out left and right and it was hilarious. i remember dave saying, where's that guy during the campaign? he might have been elected if you saw him. >> the caucus got more annoying after he lost, i thought. i guess no change in some people. >> when you're surrounded by handlers telling you the act a certain way, you have talking points, i think that's probably part of the appeal when people see chris christie, love him or hate him, bridgegate and everything else, he's real. >> he's definitely real. >> get off the beach! >> yeah. we do have other news headlines we need to get to on your saturday morning. chilling new recording from the 911 call made when a man was shot and killed for texting in a florida movie theater. >> i don't know. looks like an older gentleman in the movie theater. >> is the suspect still in the movie theater. >> yes, yes, yes, yes. >> i'm going to get you to the sheriff's office. >> okay. breathe, come on, buddy. brooelt. >> 43-year-old was shot in front of his wife as he was texting their baby sitting who was watching their 22-month-old daughter. the accused shooter, retired police captain, is being held without bail facing murder charges. sisters of a fallen soldier outraged after a man steals her brother's identity just to pick up women. police say brandon used staff sergeant matthew's name, picture, and also information to create an online date prog file and turns out it was all part of an international catfish game to see who could keep an internet relationship the longest. >> the fact that, you know, you said it was a game, that just blows my mind. >> this is not funny to us. this is our brother. this is his name. these are his pictures. this is his honor and you're stealing it. >> unbelievable. he was busted when women he tricked contacted the family. he is charged with criminal impersonation. and national news claims it is planning to build a state-by-state database identifying conceal weapons permit holders. internal e-mail stating the media was going to create the database to examine the high number of people getting permits. the chain released a statement saying a poorly crafted internal memo meant to highlighteder toial discussions and planning incorrectly indicated that such a database was being planned. it has been considered and rejected. and move over mary poppins. there's a brand newnewna nanny e block. his job duties include playing with the baby zoo animals to keep them social and to compete them -- with them at meal time to get them used to sharing their food with other animals. and blakely can fly, also, when shos not -- with umbrellas. >> look at that. >> and get medicine down with sugar. >> more animal videos, please. let's check in first before more animal videos outside in the cold. >> i feel balmy out here at 22 degrees. >> that is bikini weather. >> that's what i've got on underneath this. we do have winter weather advisories across areas of the ohio river valley. one of the clippers will get enhanced a little bit with the lake-effect snow. this is that clipper moving through right now. you can move into it. going down across parts of kentucky. might see that moving through the mid atlantic and northeast. light coating of the snow for some people. nothing that's going to cause major problems on any of the roads. be careful if you see those patches on the roads. in towards the northern plains, you know, we had that first polar vortex that everybody was talking about. the cold air a few weeks ago. this is how the air coming on monday and tuesday is going to compare to that cold batch. pretty close. we have very, very cold air is going to be coming in as if we're already not cold enough. it's going to get a little bit worse. the temps on monday and tuesday, a little bit colder than we are right now. here's your temps today. go today, tomorrow, you see that cold slides again towards the northeast and the next batch begins to move in to the far northern plains by monday. anna, send it back to you inside. >> we're talking weddings. know anybody who has gotten engaged lately? with 39% of proposals happening between thanksgiving and valentine's day we are in the height of engagement season. for everybody planning their nuptials we've got ways to save big on the big day. founder and ceo of the world's first brooid dall search engine >> my brother and his girlfriend, now fiance just got engaged in is a segment for them to watch. first, you need to know your priorities, where you can skimp, what's important to you. >> wedding plans can be overwhelming. one of the hardest things is setting the budget. you need to talk to your partner about how you want your wedding to be. what are your priorities? is it cake, food, entertainment? so wore going to give you a couple of tips on how you can save. >> and even with the save the date and the stationary with actual invitation. >> exactly. you can go high with a custom suite which will cost you $3,000, letterpress, we have a gorgeous collection, or she has an etsy store where you can purchase these online for a fraction of the price. there's also minted which has all online stationary you can buy. affordable, cost effective. >> you said 3,000 but down to $300 online. >> huge savings. >> yeah. >> and next up we have the booze, right? i mean, you can do some of this yourself. >> yeah. so one of the things you want to consider is when you're choosing a venue to try and actually book off season or book on a thursday night or on a sunday night or a sunday day. if you have a sunday day you can have a brunch wedding and one reason to have a brunch wedding is to have awesome fantastic brunch cocktails. so here is an apple cider mimosa. it's easy to make. you just take one scoop of brown sugar and, you know, pour in a little bit of apple cider, pour in some champagne and have a beautiful cocktail. >> it is. and then this cake is beautiful, too. but a sheet cake may make more sense for some people. how much money could we save on that? >> this cake would be $2,000 for 130 people. if you go with a sheet cake you can get it for less than $1 per serving. huge savings on the cake if you're not big into pretty fancy stuff. >> if you put a piece in the freezer, it's good luck. and next, you know, we could be a do it yourself bride and do your own hair and makeup. how much savings? >> if you hire a makeup artist, $250 to $500. do it yourself? prep, prime, and powder. so i would say prep with a great lip scrub. we have this fresh lip scrub so you can have your lipstick last all day. we have a fantastic setting blush that has spf. and so powder sets all day and you don't sunburn. >> flowers, go to the farmer's market or grocery store and the dress, got to get to this because you can save thousands of dollars. these are gorgeous dresses. >> yes. these actually are from a little white dress collection by donna morgan. all under $250. they're perfect for a brunch wedding. and they're absolutely stunning. they're very affordable. >> get a cocktail dress or a white bridesmaid's dress, right? kelly, thank you for your time today. good stuff. saving brides and parents of brides and grooms a whole lot of money this morning. 41 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox and friends" they raided his home looking for guns but all they found is a single shotgun shell. now he's facing jail time? next, has your child ever turned his head away refusing to eat? this doll does that. some are outraged saying it promotes anorexia. well another great thing about all this walking i've been doing is that it's given me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. from the classic lines to the elegant trim in each and every piece, ♪ kohler will make your reality a dream. before chantix, i tried to quit probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. 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[ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. welcome back. some parents are upset over this new doll. it won't eat and she shakes her head and keeps her mouth shut when kids try to feed her with a spoon. some say it's promoting anorexia. here is the founder of and founder of national action against obesity. nice to see both of you this morning. welcome to the show. >> do you like this doll, liz? >> i personally don't like this doll. the reason that i don't like this doll is because there are enough problems with children today and little girls with their body images and anorexia that i'm not sadoll is going to but what i am saying is that there's no reason for a little girl to be feeding a doll and a doll to be saying no to the food. >> this is a more moderate position and some critics says this is promoting anorexia and teaching young girls at a young age that they should avoid food at all costs because we don't want them to be obese. what do you say? >> the doll doesn't come with like, count my rib or a gym or i'm so fat or any of these pro anorexia messages. it does eat. you have to position the spoon correctly. you know what? someone who doesn't eat every single morsel food offered to them is a great message. dolls who do everything promotes obesity. >> you have a couple of kids at home. >> two boys. >> one on the way. >> a little girl on the way. >> yso you know and i know as a dad trying to feed your little baby there with a spoon on a regular basis, you know, they don't eat everything. >> right. >> very often you do get some peas or something in their mouth and they're going to spit it out on the floor. >> of course. >> isn't this just showing you how difficult it is for parents to feed their kids in a first place? >> twofold. yes, it could be showing that it is hard because we all know that it's not so easy. however, having this doll out there that's saying no, no, no, no, no when you first put the spoon to her mouth is kind of sending a mixed message perhaps to these little girls saying, you know, i don't want to eat. eating is not good. >> healthy to eat and you know the problem? they just gave it a bad name. >> i agree. >> won't eat? a fussy eating, great time eating. they gave it a bad name. >> yes. there are other names, the name for the doll actually, i think, is not the best name for the doll. >> i said this earlier i think it's a terrible name. it's unpronounceable especially this early in the morning without coffee. here's a statement from the company. >> nenuco is a range of dolls to recreate real life experiences between mothers and their babies and to foster role play and positive learning. agree or disagree? >> i agree. i think the doll is made, it's unique. it should -- it's supposed to teach little girls how to play as the mother role. however, this particular dolby putting it out there and saying no, no, no, no, no to the food is not a particularly a doll i would go out and buy for my young daughter. >> agree with the message or disagree? >> the doll does eventually eat. while anorexia is a frightening illness, the eating disorder affecting the majority of under the circumstances us is that we eat to the point of damaging our bodys, i'm more concerned about obesity and this doll has no implication on either. it's just a toy and kids will have fun with it. >> facebook page, ff weekend. mimi, nice to see you both. now, go eat something. coming up on the show, president obama's pick for the am boss door to norway may want to brush up on the government where he could be working. take a look at this exchange. >> norway has been very quick to denounce them. >> government is denouncing them? the coalition government, the part of the coalition, the government. >> more on the unbelievable exchange coming up. and they raided his home looking for guns but all they found was a single shotgun shell. now he's facing jail time. that man is here next. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. armed police officers raided the washington, d.c. home of mark whittacec looking for firearms. they didn't find any, but they charged him with unlawful possession of ammunition when they found -- a hefty fine. the same man prosecuting him chose not to go after nbc news anchor david gregory when he broke the law by showing a 30-round magazine on television. mark, thanks a lot for coming on this morning. >> good morning. >> so you're facing jail time for having a single shotgun shell, not for having firearms, but a single shotgun shell. i think it's hard for our viewers to believe this happened in america. this happened in this country? >> it was hard for me to believe it was happening ought way through. i kept saying all the way through the process that this can't be happening, this can't be happening until in fact it did. this has been going on for 19 months now. >> so do you have a long record of violent crimes? >> nothing. absolutely nothing. >> you're a financial advisor, with with no criminal record of any kind. no indication you're a threat to public safety, this in a city with a very high crime rate a and the police dacame to your house in georgetown and handcuffed you while they searched it in the. >> there were actually two searches. they came to my home in june to ask me if i had firearms in the home. i said i didn't. they searched the home during that search, found no firearms. they went back and got a search warrant and came back in july and raided, a s.w.a.t. team raided my home, came in, threw me downing on t on the floor, t girlfriend down on the floor, held guns to our head, handcuffed up. they spent a couple of hours tossing the house, top to bottom. at one point taking an old safe that was in the house when i moved in and breaking it open in the driveway with a sawsall at 10:00 at night. finding nothing there, they found a shotgun shell on my desk from an old hunt, it was a souvenir from an old hunt, it was a nonoperable shotgun shell. ultimately that's what they arrested me for. >> so the shotgun shell isn't even operable? it's a dud, it doesn't even work? >> i saved it from a hunt. there's a story behind it they don't need to get into. it was on my desk. it had been there for about five years. i had kind of forgotten that it was even there. so yeah, they took that shell. >> they treated it like a rocket propelled grenade. >> yes. >> it's funny in a dark, perverse, grotesque way, the police do stuff like this. but the truth is, you could go to jail for real over this. are people coming to your aid r you being defended by any second amendment groups, are you representing yourself? >> i have a criminal defense attorney who's been excellent in this entire process. at this point we have had eight court hearings over this issue. we have another one coming up on february 11th. i do have an attorney who was one of the attorneys in the only case brought before the supreme court on a second amendment issue and, yes. >> i'm sorry, we're out of time. but you really are a victim of gun control gone completely crazy. mark, god speed, come back and tell me what happens. she's under fire for making up huge parts of her life story. hear from the congressional candidate, she's being compared to who says it's an offense, those lies. and if you could track your spouse's every move, would you? there's an app that will let you do it. going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. good morning and happy saturday, it's the 25th of january, 2014. obama care is still -- the irs is still targeting conservatives, so what's the main stream media focusing on? comments taken out of context from mike huckabee. >> it's gross. >> more of that. coming up. and this morning, mike huckabee is firing back. wendy davis of texas, completely busted, making up complete parts of her life like her struggles as a single teen mom. now the congressional candidate really did live the life wendy davis claims she lived is firing back. watch. >> it's pretty tragic, especially when there are so many women out there that she could have inspired being a single mother, just to find out that it's all a hoax. >> and she didn't stop there, trust me. and honey, i'm here. a new app lets couples share everything, gps tracker and all. but should you and would you? fox and friends hour three starts right now. this is stone cold receive austin, you're watching fox and friends. >> oh, good morning. good morning, stone cold. >> his first name is stone. >> good morning. >> we need names like that. >> sorry. sorry. >> the rock. >> can you smell it, the rock is cooking. >> if you're waking up this morning, you may be wondering what's going on in the world, obama care, the crisis in the ukraine, wars here, there, and everywhere. no. if you're watching any other channel but ours, you may be hearing about mike huckabee who's leading the news on network after network, because liberals are claiming he's against women. >> listen to what the other networks have been running nonstop over the past few days over the governor's comments. take a listen. >> it's not exactly what i think republicans were planning on. >> sounds offensive to me. and to women. >> it's pretty clear that he doesn't believe women should have birth control. given issues of women's equality. >> some women probably were wincing when their heard that. >> this is getting back to the narrative of slut shaming, to use an old term. >> i don't care how you cut it, talking about women's libido, or uncle sugar or sugar daddy is not a good picture. >> being from the south, uncle sugar is a combination of uncle sam and sugar daddy. and governor mike huckabee was not saying anything of the sort. take a listen to what he really said. >> the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without uncle sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido without the help of the government, so be it. >> governor huckabee said this has gotten more attention than any of the president's scandal. anything from benghazi to the irs scandal. if you look around the main stream media, this is what they were covering. >> the message too. i have known huckabee for 20 years, since at the paper in arkansas. i can totally vouch for him, he's not waging war on anybody, much less -- by democrat who is understand without women, single women with college degrees, they can't get elected, that is a core part of the democratic constituency. this war on women nonsense which is not really at all, is essential to winning an election. >> it's completely false. and this essentially is the left wing media and democrats as a whole trying to act likes we as women only care about one thing and that's our reproductive organs and that's not the case. governor mike huckabee were not talking about women who need birth control for health issues, like a family of history of ovarian cysts. one other thing that's really -- wendy davis who's under fire for the lies that she told and she's actually running for governor, running an entire state. governor mike huckabee isn't even running for anything. he has a tv show on fox news. >> wendy davis of course down in texas and we had katrina pierson on the show this morning talking about this hoax in texas. listen. >> the democrat party sure knows how to pick them. you know, we saw wendy davis champion the murder of unborn babies and then she turns around and runs for governor, claims she's pro live. then all of a sudden, we find out that she didn't want the kids she had to begin with. it's pretty tragic, especially when there's so many women out there that she could have inspired being a single mother just to find out it's all a hoax. >> so this piece, i would recommend to all of our viewers, wrote that critical book on bush. explaining that wendy davis's life story she tells us doesn't match the facts at all. it's hard for me to judge that because other people's marriages are pretty opaque. here's the part i'm happy to judge. she gave up custody of her child after she got divorced, the child was young, at home and she went to go be with people she thought were more interesting and basically said that. you know what, i'm going to go ahead and judge that. call me judgment. giving up custody of your child, it's a deep reflection of her character. >> to learn about broad language, but straight up lies. that was a lie. when you were 21, not when you were 19, and among other things she said. >> what woman gives up custody of her kid because she wants to go pursue opportunities? i'm not for it at all. obama care enrollees hitting the 3 million mark, but that's still short of what the white house says it needs for obama care to make economic sense. meanwhile the ruling is in for a group of nuns suing. >> to give you a little background on this case. it was launched by the colorado organization, little sisters of the poor. they object to the fact that the majority of health plans have to cover contraceptives as preventative care for women, that includes charitable groups, universities and hospitals. but late last night, the supreme court told that group of catholic nuns they do not have to comply with the contraceptive mandate. so that could have massive implications. >> i think the real question here is truly why is the government forcing the little sisters of the poor and other religious plaintiffs to provide contraceptives, the government is big, it's powerful, it can find many other ways to distribute contraceptives that does not involve nuns. >> pro choice groups have responded saying this is a very narrow case, saying it's not about religious liberties but it's about paper work. we have learned that 3 million americans have signed up for health care, and the original projected goal should be about 1 million higher. the website did not post specifics on age breakdowns or how many people have completed enrollments by paying their first month's premium. >> actually paying, that little detail, paying. eight minutes after the hour, more headlines making news on this saturday. this is new overnight. no deal, just one week after three americans were killed in a bloody terrorist attack in kabul, afghan president hamid karzai said he will not sign a security deal. about this deal, the united states will not be able to keep troops in afghanistan past the end of this year. also new overnight this morning. police making an arrest in the shooting death of a south carolina state university football player. 19-year-old justin singleton is now charged in the murder of 20-year-old brandon robinson. he was shot outside of a dorm on campus sending police on a massive man hunt for the shooter. police were originally searching for four men and they are not saying if the man hunt is still on. at this time there is no motive for the shooting. the plot thickens in the justin bieber drag racing arrest. brand-new home surveillance video showing the pop star driving a rented lamborghini through a miami neighborhood hours before his arrest. here's where it gets interesting. miami police saying bieber and his friends were going 60 miles an hour in a 30 miles an hour zone. by the gps inside the lambo reported speeds of 75 miles an hour. bieber was charged with dui and reskising arrest. ambassador to norway perhaps should have done a little bit more research before nominating him during this hearings. listen to this, check it out. would senator john mccain ask him about the country's progress party. here's what he said. >> you get some fringe elements that have a microphone, that spew their hatred, norway has been very quick to denounce them. >> government has denounced them? the coalition government, part of the coalition government. >> i stand corrected, and i would like to leave my answer at, they are, it's a very, very open society. >> i have no more questions for this incredibly highly qualified group of nominees. >> he also sadid last year go t maelstrom roller coaster at norway. the maelstrom and the nome pops out and scares you. >> he also has a handsome t-shirt too. >> all right, guys, very cold and snowy again across parts of the east, the west, not the case at all. these are the series of clippers. this is the latest one moving across the ohio valley, the eastern great lakes right now. throughout the day it will spread through parts of the mid-atlantic, it will snow from d.c. up to new york and boston this afternoon. it's not going to cause big problems. then out to the west, there's this incredible ridge blocking the storm track. temperatures breaking all kinds of records for the month of january as well as all kinds of records for lack of rainfall there. so not good news, but the storm track in the next few days will continue to circulate through and we see these re-enforcing batches of cold air, the coldest is going to be monday and tuesday, probably the coldest we have seen over the last week and a half and then it will come up a little bit. >> what is some good news at this point? >> if you like cold, that's great news. >> that's a good point. if you're a penguin. >> coming up, brand-new warnings from the state department about traveling to sochi, even telling our athletes not to wear their team usa gear because it's too dangerous. is enough being done to keep our athletes safe overseas. 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[ sighs ] [ male announcer ] always rich, never bitter. gevalia. which 4g lte map has the most coverage? this isn't real difficult... pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to verizon. verin. that's right! the choi is obvious. verizon's superfast 4g lte network is over three times larger than any other 4g lteetwork. now get one, two, or even three-hundred dollars off a new smartphone depending on the smartphone you trade in on america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network. that's powerful. verizon. now get a free lg g2, with a 13-megapixel camera. probably wasn't talking about dollars. pretty much everybody wants to keep those. ♪ most car insurance companies know this -- because they keep yellinabout it. onlyhey don't say how they're saving those dollars. ♪ but esuran was born online, raised by chnology, and majo in efficiency. when they save, u save. so you can keep your dollars. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. 16 minutes now past the hour. this morning fears continuing to grow about just how safe sochi will be for the olympic games. athletes are being told not to wear their team usa gear outside of the venue. michael, nice to see you this morning. we're hearing word of what putin is spending, which is mind-blowing, upwards of $50 billion on the game, and don't worry, everybody's going to be safe because we are deploying what they're calling a ring of steel. what is this ring of steel? >> the ring of steel is a, i think is kind of a name really for all of the security pieces that putin's actually coming up with in order to try and maintain as much safety as possible around the games. so you've got an artillery system that can take out multiple targets, you're going to have special forces all over the area. you've got security checkpoints, a whole plethora of security checkpoints, he's actually banned all unofficial cars from the area. and you've also got an intelligence network that has access to 1,400 cctv cameras which i think is hugely important. but the reality of this is we live in an unusual order. there is global terrorism. there are insurgencies and the threat is now quite high. and i think we all now have to be vigilant wherever we travel in the world. >> it is true. but we seem to see a disconnect between the u.s. state department and the russian government, vladimir putin says everything will be fine, security will be tight, nothing to worry about. and then we hear from the state department this morning that we need to be worried about wearing u.s. olympic gear outside of venues, that the fbi will be traveling with a contingent of athletes what. does the state department know that vladimir putin doesn't? >> i don't think there's a disconnect. we had these conversations pre the london olympics as well. the british actually had 5,000 soldiers. you have missile systems deployed into london. you had an aircraft carrier put on the tens. so i think these discussions that are going on, i think are healthy. i think what putin's trying to do is just reassure people that, you know, he's doing the best that he can to ensure the safety. i think the examples such as the uniforms, that's a judgment call. i think it's great to get the flag out there, but it's really hard to police, because it's not just the athletes that are going to be wearing the colors, you have supporters that are going to be wearing red, white and blue. >> millions of people are going to sochi. would you be worried about going there? >> about every two hours, a pedestrian in the u.s. is hit and killed by a car every eight minutes a pedestrian is injured by a car. i think there's a lot greater chance in sochi of being hit by a vehicle than there is succumbing to one of the black widows. the black widows are a small group of women who have had husbands who have been killed in the conflict since the soviet union dissoled in 1991. the reality is out there. >> thanks so much. coming up here on the show, she took pot luck dinner to a whole different level. why this teacher is now in hot water for what she brought to the pot luck. and honey i'm here, a new app where couples share everything, a gps tracker and all. but should you and would you? a cyber guy is here to explain. [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on chestnut street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i-95. ♪ this magic moment it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those who believed they had thpower to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world's great stories. that began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ being carried in your arms... but after a morning spent in the caribbean, playing pirates with you in secret coves, an afternoon swimming with dolphins, finished with a movie watched against the setting n... shwon't exactly be short on memories. princess cruises, come back w. ♪ some quick headlines for you. pope francis is coming to america. but we're going to have to wait a little while for that. a vatican source says the pope will visit philadelphia in september of 2015 to attend the eighth world meeting of families. that's a meeting that happens every three years and was started by pope john paul ii. a california teacher is under arrest accused of bringing food laced with pot to a faculty pot luck. apparently misunderstood the point of the meal. the 47-year-old woman whose name in real life is apparently teresa badger is being charged with poisoning. have you heard about the smart phone app called couple. it's a goal of helping you stay connected with your significant over. >> but some are going a little overboard allowing them to keep tabs on their every move. good morning. >> good to see you. >> great too see you as well. how does this thing work? >> you just told me something very interesting. technology ran amok on the table this morning, with apps galore, you go out with a guy who wants you to use this app called couples. >> i said it could freak people out a little bit. >> it could scare people. >> let me read to you, kurt, what the app description says. couples is a more intimate way to share your life and the best way to stay in touch with your favorite person. it's free, it's fun and it's completely private. that's what it says. >> it's intended to be private. it's intended to have two people who are joined with their hearts love one another through this app in the greatest of sense. too many people have downloaded it. it is actually a really good app. i like it. >> tell me what it does. >> here's the deal, instead of facebook, or twitter or social media, a platform where you're sharing with the world, that takes away the intimacy you're sharing with your better half. what this let you do is share everyday things, photos, videos, a grocery list, all in one app. then you can thumb kiss. they put their thumb on the screen at the same time you put your thumb. in the most recent update. it now, you know, straps a digital leash around your other half because you can check out where they go with a broadcast beacon. >> in my family, when we have family get togethers, we have an app called twist. it will let all the family members know where she is on her journey. did the kids cry, did she stop for a couple of hours. if you're agreeing to do this and you're a couple, what's the big deal? >> here's the other side of that. the other side of that, you have another half who may be a little less secure in the relationship. turn that broadcast beacon on, where are you, and you don't turn it on. why aren't you turning it on? are you schacheating on me? it opens up a can of worms that says i need to know where you are at any moment. and the questi this isn't the app for me. everyone's using it, why won't you turn yours on. >> you can see on the app that you're at hooters. >> this is definitely interesting. but if you're somebody who doesn't want everybody to know where you are, not necessarily just through this app, but any others. how do we protect ourselves? >> there's this big giant master switch that you can turn off that very few people actually know about. in terms of if you have an apple product like an ipad or an iphone, let me show you this. this is so simple. so you click settings and then you click privacy inside of this and there are locations services, this is what's broadcasting your location. you can turn that whole puppy off right there. or you can just individually go and see which apps do you currently have on your phone or ipad that have access to pinging your location. i think you'll be surprised if you look at this list which ones do have permission to know where you are at any given time. >> it can be dangerous for stalkers if you're somebody who's a runner, they can figure out exactly where you're going and what time of day. >> you may want to use location services for the weather, but you might not want to use it for facebook. >> exactly, you turn that off and you start losing those conveniences, for example walking near an airport where they know you're going to be on a flight and your boarding pass pops up. so it's a trade off. but it's good to know you can turn it off and on. >> good to see you. >> and we'll get to the bottom of anna. >> you're never coming back. 28 minutes after the hour. are you waking up again after another sleepless night? why just one restless night could be killing you. parents letting their kids hang out in the window to get a close-up of a wild lion. would you let your child do this? feed the lion. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. ♪ that's a picture there of new york city. >> and getting ready for the super bowl. >> look at that big, you see the fox sports setup down there. you see all the scaffolding. >> we had a guest on earlier, you can actually still get a hotel down in the financial district for like 140 bucks a night. unbelievable. >> tickets to the super bowl going for like $2,500 way up in the cheap seats area. look, we suffer from a lack of sleep, i think most of this country has a sleep problem. and americans not getting enough sleep. a new study out shows a remarkable two in five americans aren't getting enough sleep. and now we're getting some science behind exactly how it's affecting our bodies and it's pretty remarkable after just one night of a proper night's sleep. >> we're all sleep deprived. after one night of sleeplessness, memory problems, anxiety, we're more likely to have an accident, even a loss of brain tissue which is certainly alarming. we had a guest on earlier this morning to talk about it. take a listen. >> we actually see an increased risk of heart attacks, accidents on the road. >> after one day? >> after one night of a lack of sleep, not a whole night of loss of sleep, we have an increased risk of heart attacks. >> you see a connection between lack of sleep and dementia and alzheimer's. >> lots of bad things. >> heart attack increase. add, and adhd in kids, but it's not just having bags under your eyes or bloodshot eyes or being a little bit tired, you're going to be asleep at the switch. >> i'm not alleging that there's a speaconspiracy from the mattr makers that we're not getting enough sleep. but there's something a tiny bit of indulgence. my father had dinner with us. i said what's the one thing you would change he said don't sleep so much. you can get so much more done when you have a proper night's sleep. you can be so much more effective in the time that you're awake. >> not me. i regret every minute i have ever spent sleeping. i wish i hadn't slept so much. >> i wish america had a little more of that. get the hell out of bed, america. >> zombies, we'll be a nation of zombies walking around. >> crashing into each other. fighting with their spouse. >> tucker carlson -- >> i think you're a freak of nature, we actually asked you if there are people who are sup superman and kind of have that kryptonite. we do have some news headlines that we need to get to on your saturday morning. we have some chilly new recordings from the 911 call where the man was shot and killed for texting in a florida movie theater. >> who shot him? >> i don't know. it looks like an older gentleman in the movie theater. >> is the suspect still in the mo theater? >> yes. >> i'm going to get you to the sheriff's office. >> okay. breathe, come on, buddy. >> 40-year-old chad watt soften was shot as he was texting their babysitter. the accused shooter, 71-year-old curtis reid, a retired police captain is in jail without bail facing murder charges. the best one of the game. that's the result you're going too get. don't you ever talk about me. >> so what did get him? trouble? this choking gesture here. sherman being fined $8,000 for the move. sherman says he was over the line after he threw an interception, locking up the game for the seahawks and sending them to the super bowl. coming soon, snow blowing too long? in massachusetts just south of boston is considering doing away with loud noises, snow blowing and lawn mowing could be limited to 15 minutes an hour. residents could even be ticketed up to $300 for making noise louder than 55 decibels. that's just a little bit of the casual conversation. the town says they've got to do something about it because they got more than 300 noise complaints last year alone. and terrifying video out of south africa. children on safari within feet of two dangerous wild animals. we missed the part where he lunged a little bit toward the car. the two children are hanging out of the window of the car taking pictures of the dangerous an malls. after the scare t lions turned around and left the area. the children continued to snap photos. we wanted to know what you think, should parents be letting this happen? crystal says no, those animals are so dangerous they could lung and tear off a child 's head before anyone can even more. another viewer says as a father of four, i would like to express my feelings about children hanging out of the window at a wildlife park, however i'm afraid of the nsa -- >> i thought it was against the rules to roll your windows down at a game park. >> yeah, not too many rules in south africa. i think these parents are the coolest parents in the world. nobody got eaten. so let's work backwards from reality here, nobody got hurt, they got super close to the lion. that's the most memorable things ever, and the parents aren't those overprotective coddling, hovering types we see in america. >> we don't get proper sleep, and go play with lions. >> how cool is that? why didn't i have you as a teacher. why didn't i have parker carlson as a tiechner high school. >> tucker is a high school teach o'tea er. you know that i'm on your side on this. >> we'll have a coalition in favor of danger. >> we should have cobras in the studio. i was going to say something that i realized i shouldn't. follow me on twitter and correct map. you see that pink coming back in acro across parts of north dakota. chicago you're 27 right now. enjoy it because you're not going to be back up there, maybe a little bit for your day tomorrow. monday and tuesday, high temperatures below zero. low temperatures monday morning minus 20. so the cold air is going to be back in. let's a take a look at what happens in the next five days. i'm not talking about the west, l.a., phoenix, your temperatures are going to be in the 70s and 80s again. we cool back down to 41 in dallas and then those negative temperatures and again down toward the deep south. so new orleans on tuesday, you're at 39, atlanta you're at 34. wednesday atlanta, you're just barely getting above freezing, and in florida, you're only into the 40s, 50s and 60s. new york, by wednesday, at 20. there will be some snow with these clippers that move across and each one of these clippers doesn't bring a ton of snow, but you add it up over the next few days and we'll see a few spots, maybe six to eight inches of snow. all right, guys, send it back to you inside. have you ever wondered how a memory was made? the amazing video of how memories are created. that happens next. then you might not know it by how the main stream media has been revolving around hillary, but she's no slam dunk for 2016. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. the top stories on our website, for your health this morning. sitting with your legs crossed could be hurting your heart. new studies found it could boost blood pressure by 7%. vains get depressed and could cause blood clots. experts say you should always avoid crossing your legs, especially for more than 15 minutes at one time. researchers at a university tagged and tracked molecules moving through a mouse brain to understand how the brain works. over to you. well all eyes on hillary clinton for potential 2016 presidential run. this week's "new york times" magazine even put hillary's face on a planet in the middle of some solar system. but despite all this talk, is hillary clinton really a shoe in for the democratic domination? jo larry, thanks for joining us this morning. you wrote what i thought was a very smart counter intuitive piece on hillary clinton, talking about everybody in washington who's going to walk on the stage and get the democratic nomination. you say it might not be that simple, why? >> i got to tell you, tucker, thank goodness the "new york times" magazine has done a profile of hillary. because if there's one person who's been under covered that we need to know more about it is hillary clinton. so i'm really looking forward to this tomorrow. you know, tucker, we have been around a long time. go back, go back to this point in the cycle right before the presidency changed hands the last time. in other words, around 2006. you will remember virtually every article presented the presidential race, the coming presidential race two years in the future as a race between hillary clinton and rudy giuliani. and they had distinguished presidencies, i don't remember so well as age. i'm sure they both serveded a mirror rabably. i don't think either one of them got nominated. my point is it's way too early for a coronation. we do this every four years, it gets worseer four years and it gets earlier every four years. >> the base the democrat party is really upset about is wall street, that's where hillary clinton's money comes from. isn't that going to be a problem for her? >> now owe see why the clintons were so prominent at new york mayor deblasio's nomination. they're saying, yeah, we get a lot of money from wall street, but please ignore that record in the 1990 0s. >> do you think joe biden's going to run for the democratic nomination? >> you know, obviously i don't know. i would think he would be very inclined to. we know he wants to be president. he's run twice before. this is it for him. you know, he would be 74 by inauguration day of 2017. he will have been vice president for eight years, he'll have a reasonable call on the nomination. he might give hillary clinton a run for his money. >> the rest of the world just assumed hillary would be the democratic nominee. it's not that simple. i appreciate it, larry. >> or president. >> or president for that matter. >> exactly. well, when a teen saw a little boy fall through the ice, he ran to the rescue. how did he learn to that? the boy scouts taught him to do that. and a day in the life of eric la grand, that's coming up. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? . hey there, how you feeling this saturday? hope you're doing well. our next guest took the boy scout motto of beprepared straight to heart. >> when zach thomas was walking home from school and saw a young boy fall into an icy pond, he saved the day. joining us is zach and his proud mom. good morning to both of you. thanks for joining us on "fox and friends." >> good morning. >> this all happening in illinois. a fourth grade boy falls into the pond there, and tell us exactly how it played out. i mean, you're watching this unfold. what did it look like? >> so i got off the bus. i went inside to get a skateboard. i started playing to their school, my brother's school. and we were on our way to the park. and i saw a kid walking on the pond. i was thinking to myself he's going to fall, he's going to fall. and then he did. and then i jumped off my skateboard. and i went and i pulled him out. >> and how did you do it? how did you know what to do? the boy scouts gave you some sort of training. what was that? >> like if he had hypothermia, i could help him. >> so what did you do to get him out and get him to the side of more solid ground? >> i reached out, and i grabbed him and lifted him out. >> now, mom, i know that you're super proud of your son. you know, what's he learning from all of this? >> he's learning that his brother is a hero, obviously now. and that there's fears of children out on the ice and in the water and that safety comes first and we should think before we make a decision that could potential be very dangerous. >> this is unbelievable. a 14-year-old kid knows what to do and swoops in to save the boy. we hear he's doing well. his name is being protected. the family wants to be anonymous. how do you like all this tension that you're getting? do you feel like a hero? >> yes. >> you certainly are. sounds like you saved this little boy's life. very impressive. a salute to the boy scouts as well. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> be prepared. zach certainly was. the mainstream media taking mike huckabee's comments out of context. this morning he's here to set the record straight. there he is. we all know the biblical tell of noah's ark. but this 4,000-year-old find revealing new details about its roots. that's straight ahead. today we're going to play a little game which 4g lte map has the most coverage? 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to prot when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ waters in new jersey talking about chris christie. goldberg about people on the doll and young american women may be in danger. we'll tell you how. we'll see you then. hello. good morning to you. it is saturday the 25th of january 2014. obamacare is still a mess and the irs is targeting conservatives. but why is the mainstream media focusing on comments taken out of context from governor mike huckabee. >> it's pretty clear he has an issue with birth control. and. >> well, it's gross. >> oh, boy. governor mike huckabee is here live on "fox and friends" this hour to fire back. and doubling down. one senator wants a bigger crack down on the tea party, telling the irs to be more aggressive. watch this. >> we have to redouble those efforts. we have not worked hard enough on this. >> and that's not all senator chuck schumer is saying. and he's the rutgers football star paralyzed by a tackle. he's proving you can rise above tragedy. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. hi, this you're watching "f friends." >> most importantly, you are watching. it's 9:00 a.m. on the east coast. we're glad you're watching us this morning. >> yes, he's been drinking. unlike us. >> make sure to stay tuned for that grand story. the rutgers football player paralyzed from the neck down. he's really turned tragedy into triumph. >> just his spirit is unbelievable. trying to get into walking, it's amazing. >> i apologize for every complaining about anything. now to headlines. police making an arrest in the shooting death of a south carolina state university football player. 19-year-old justin singleton is charged in the murder of 20-year-old brandon robinson. he was shot outside of a dorm on campus, sending police on a massive man hunt for the shooter. police originally searching for four men, and they're not saying if the man hunt is still going on. at this time there is still no motive for the shooting. a judge in texas has ruled a pregnant woman can be taken off life support. marlice was declared brain dead in november. because she was pregnant texas law said she must remain on a ventilator. her husband filed a lawsuit saying she was always clear that she did not want to be kept alive by machines, and doctors say the fetus could not be born alive at this point. >> there's nothing happy about today. this is a sad situation aural the way around. we are relieved that eric munoz is now move forward tw process of burying his wife. >> the hospital hasn't announced if it will be appealing the ruling. an american translator arrested in cairo. the u.s. citizen was working alongside an egyptian film maker. cairo police not giving any other information about the arrest or where they're being held. the american embassy also not saying much but do confirm that ars. and a huge find for historians. art facts that may show original blueprints from noah's ark. a 4,000-year-old tablet has been deciphered. it tells a similar story to the great flood complete with detailed instructions for building a giant ark. more interesting for you, it has the specific instructions that animals should enter two by two. the main difference from the traditional story, the ark is round. the next step, engineers are going to follow the ancient instructions to see if this ark could have actually sailed. and an update. carnival cruise lines trying to get their hands on that. i can't read it myself. but that's an amazing story. >> that is crazy. let's check in with rick, who is standing i in the weather center. >> we're talking about new york city. there's going to be a lot of attention on new york this week because of the super bowl happening just across the river. this is what the next number of days look like. if you think you're cold now, get ready. it gets cold again tomorrow, warm on monday. really cold on tuesday and wednesday. and then maybe we even it out just a little bit. but even it out in the cold range. there's a clipper that will move through the big dip in the jet stream there. and then this big ridge across the west. and so the storm track goes way up into parts of alaska, and the temps are very warm across the western seaboard from canada, alaska, down across parts of california. then we see the big dip. that is going to be the general pattern. and we keep seeing these clippers move through. that big trough and ridge thing may flatten out a little bit. depending on which side of that you're on will be the divider and colder air. if that is further north, that maybe brings warmer air in by next weekend and at least parts of the country could stabilize a little bit. that would be very good news for people by the time we get towards next weekend. super bowl, and people so incredibly cold. but this week we know the cold is here. monday, tuesday, wednesday, the coldest days we've seen in a couple of weeks sochlt we're not done. >> we won't blame you personally, rick. >> please don't. >> tempted to. governor mike huckabee is joining us now. you had a very quiet week. >> yeah, pretty quiet. >> we'll get to your comments and the controversy surrounding them in a moment. first your take on the news of the day. this morning which is another exemption from the obama administration. this time it's the little sisters. the group of nuns over the contraception mandate. but the administration had come out right away after the story broke and said absolutely not. there's no reason to be exempt. they fill out the piece of paper and they're fined. >> i think the supreme court made a good decision. it's not the final ruling. it's not a definitive work, but it's a very important political step in recognizing that the government has no right to tell a religious order how much it can believe. you can't have a government defining the limitations of faith and belief. that's in essence what obamacare was being forced upon with these nuns. >> is this a precedent with reverberations? >> let's hope so. hobby lobby is a company that could go out of business. these are christian people with strong pro-life feelings and convictions. they're not going to violate them. that have said if they go out of business, they go out of business. that's a remarkable and courageous stand on the part of companies who have decided their liberty and ability to be americans is so sacred they're not going to let a government run over them. which is where we're headed with this administration. >> how shocking they have to take a stand with that overreach. now wendy davis is running on two things. she's in favor of abortion. >> at any time, with any circumstance, under no restrictions. >> and her biography. she explains she's a single mom. raised these kids. went to harvard law school. turns out, the morning news investigated this. a lot of details are untrue. her husband paid for law school and she gave up custody of her kids because she wanted to be a lawyer. will this affect the race at all? >> if she were a republican it would be toast. it would be over for her. the media would never let up. she was disingenuous. she lied. she made up things. but because she's a democrat, they're going to say, well, it's really no harm, no foul. here's the sad thing. wendy davis didn't need to embellish her story. she's still a harvard law graduate, that's significant. there are plenty of things in her biography that are strong enough for her to run on without making stuff up. like when bloomenthal. >> what's disturbing about this too is her defense on this. she needs to learn about using broad language. it wasn't broad language. it was complete lies. the year of her divorce. and there were ore things as well. are texans really going to want to vote for her? if you can't trust her on the campaign trail, how do you trust her in office? >> she clearly stretched beyond the truth. i remember when i made my first space walk for nasa, it was an extraordinary moment. i'm being careful not to oversell the experience of being on the moon and taking the space walk. >> fs extraordinary. you brought me a space rock. i have more from the staff here. >> wendy davis and her staff, the controversy doesn't doesn't end there. this may be the thing that really hurts her. her campaign team mocking her opponent greg abbott for being in a wheelchair. >> i'm really wondering how this is going to work out since he's in a wheelchair and most of the slogans are "stand with wendy." that's in our subconscious now. so it's interesting to me, from a psychological point of view how it's going to stay out. >> he's in a wheelchair but he has no sympathy for anyone. >> he may have a personality disorder. >> first of all, not good looking. he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality, and he's in a wheelchair. >> and all the people laughing in the background. there's not enough soap in all of proctor and gamble to wash out the mouth of somebody who would say something like that. i know greg abbot. he's a great guy. he's smart. he's courageous. he's overcome a lot. for him to be subjected to that kind of contempt. that kind of just, really terrible attitude towards someone the disabled. i can't imagine anyone justifying that. >> at 26 he was hit by an oak tree and has been in a wheelchair ever since. wendy davis said the language used in this video is abhorrent. greg abbott has persevered through great challenge to raise a family, have a productive career, and for that he deserves our respect. >> all right. well, governor huckabee is going to stick around for his reaction to this. >> it's clear he doesn't believe women should have birth control. >> some women were probably wincing when they heard this. >> it's gross. is. >> that video looks like the middle of a dungeon. that's the mainstream media slamming him for his comments taken right out of con tek. plus, want to avoid fighting with your spouse like this? the simple solution that's already in your house and could keep the peace. >> alcohol? >> you think that i nag you? >> that's all you do! all you do is nag me! the bathroom is a mess! you should probably go work out! nothing i ever do is good enough! good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. 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"okay, this is the price,"sman comes and you're like.ells you, pretty clear that he doesn't believe women should have birth control. i think he has an issue with women's equality overall. >> some women were probably wincing when you heard it. >> it's gross. >> you just watched a bunch of obama accolades bashing huckabee for his comments. let's look at what he said. >> if the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe they are helpless without uncle sugar copping in and providing them a prescription for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it. >> governor huckabee is back with us to set the record straight. are you surprised by the reaction this week? >> yeah. i said the very thing on my show over the the weekend. it was seen by millions of people. i used the exact same language and you didn't get a peep out of anybody. what was said in advance of that is we as republicans don't have a war on women. we have a war for women because we believe women are equal. point is the women i know are intelligent, thoughtful, capable of running things. capable of making big decisions. they didn't need the government to hold your hand. they were not victims of their gender. everything that you heard from people like cecil richards and others, well, i was disparaging women, i was upholding them saying women are not helpless. i've been married 40 years. let me assure you my wife is not helpless. my wife is a strong woman. my daughter, my daughter-in-law are strong women. i respect them as equal ls. my wife can do things i can't do. that's my point. and they took this basically based on a couple of tweets, which is part of the problem we face in our culture. you cannot reduce thoughtful discussions to 140 characters and carry on what i would call an intellectually responsible conversation. >> but wouldn't you say some of the people attacking you who ar they know better. they saw your comments. they know you're not attacking women or coming out against contraception. this is part of a cynical and yet purposesful plan to whip women into a frenzy. >> i think they want to change the subject. if they were honest they would have to admit that democrats are the ones who demean the women. they made it appear the real interests are not jobs and safe neighborhoods and good schools for the kids and for a better job. what they need is a fripgs for birth control and free birth control. if they get that you can calm the women down. i think the women are smart. they are capable. the uncle sugar comment. what does that mean? if you have lived in the south, you've heard the term. uncle sugar. uncle sam, when he becomes a sugar daddy, he becomes uncle sugar. i've said that in speeches for the last 25 years. >> we asked uncle sugar to come on the show, and he turned us down. >> i want to say taz only woman on the couch that i totally agree with you. what's offensive is that the left wing media is being lap dogs to democrats and putting us into a box, acting like the only thing we care about are reproductive organ ls. >> i have a much higher opinion of women than apparently most of the democrats do. i don't think they want to hear from from a republican. when i was governor ai pointed more women to high level chief positions in my government than any government in the history, including bill clinton. i'll be happy to talk about my confidence in what women can do. there's a record to show for it. it's not just talk. it's what i did. >> my party that think bill clinton respects women, it's like a joke. it's completely phony. you're not phony. >> who is coming up on the show? >> steven seagal is coming on so you better watch. >> thanks, governor. we will watch. they raided his house looking for guns, but all police found is a single shotgun shell, and now he's facing jail time. you'll hear from the man coming up. and the rutgers football star paralyzed by a tackle. a day in the life of eric [ me announcer ] this is the story of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ 22 minutes now past the hour. time for quick headlines for you. the family of an executed ohio killer has officially filed a federal lawsuit over the drugs that were used. this was the first lethal injection by the state of ohio to use on an untried two-drug protocol. dennis mcguire's execution lasted 26 minutes. the family claims the constitutional rights were violated. and a man accused of smugging cocaine over the mexican border is under arrest. the mexican man lied about being a u.s. citizen during a stop in california. custom and border protection officers searched the car and found 53 packages of cocaine. >> look at all that. wow. >> well, it was a tackle that left millions stunned. former rutgers university player eric legrand was paralyzed during a game three years ago. >> but he's shown how you can rise above tragedy. anna has this remarkable story. >> had the pleasure of meeting him. an amazing guy. got a chance to hang out with eric and see what a day in his life is like for him. take a look. >> a harness secured to the ceiling. after a lift and the assistance of four people, eric legrand puts one foot in front of the other. >> how does it feel? >> i always explain it feels like i'm walking in space. >> during a college football game at metlife stadium, the defensive tackle for rutgers university took down a player and never got up. >> it was the scariest moment of my life. >> the hardest part of that day was waiting. i didn't pray for him to, you know, be able to come off the table and walk again. i prayed for him to be able to come through that surgery. >> the collision left eric paralyzed from the neck down. >> he had a machine breathing for him, and he said to me, how are you doing. that was the first thing he said. we're going to get through this again. then he says i'll be back. real matter of factually. >> typically day takes me about two, two and a half hours to get ready in the morning. my nurses come in. they have to get me washed, get me dressed, make me presentable for the day. it's a long process. i'm not the smallest of people, as you see. >> how has your life changed? >> taking care of him. i didn't think at this age i would be taking care of him again. but i am. you know. >> he's swapped out football drills and teammates for three-hour rehab sessions and therapists. >> come on up. in. probably the biggest thing that i've seen is just his ability to maintain sitting so well for his level of injury. i thought he was your best friend. >> it's important that you make it look as natural as possible. we're hitting the hamstrings when normally they would flex the knee. >> eric spends five days a week rehabbing at kesler institute, the same place where christopher reeve came, and inspired by his foundation's efforts to raise funding for paralysis research, eric started his own team legrand. although in a chair, eric gives inspiring speeches as he tours the country for legrand. >> this could happen to anybody. it could be driving down the street one day and get in a car accident. i want people to realize that. it takes the funding for the research and ultimatically the clinical trials to see what works. >> eric expands his reach by collaborating with big companies like subway. >> one day i believe i'm going to walk again. >> eric is a strong willed boy. he was stubborn. he didn't like the word no. >> although he may not be able to work out with the team, he'll always be part of it. rutgers retired his number 52 jersey and he's the voice. >> i do pregame, halftime and post game show. this is my career. >> like most 23-year-olds, eric is glued to his smart phone. state of the art technology also outfits eric's childhood home. >> i head to the right. that activates the door. >> oh, wow. it means you fight through adversity no matter what the situation is. this is my lifting system. it's over there on the wall. it slides on the rack. all the way over here. go back that way. and believe me. you will walk again. >> oh, 100% right now. didn't go through the same type of situation that i'm going through. >> and that's why he started team legrand to help other people in situations like that. they are trying to find a cure for it, raise funding for it. and the ncaa's catastrophic injury insurance. that is paying for everything that you see here. team legrand goes back to help people like that in the situation. >> and you realize what you take for granted. wow, i wish i could do that some day again. >> and big congratulations. he just earned his degree in labor there. >> that was a great piece. >> thanks, yeah. well, president obama says pot is not more dangerous than alcohol. pe meet a man who says the president is wrong. the debate rages. this man knows what he's talking about. drugs almost took his life. we'll tell you. and then a familiar face slow jamming the news. it's mitt romney like you have never seen him before. ♪ of course the president will also be discussing his health care plan with many hoping to hear his solutions to some of the issues that have affected his rollout ♪ ogresso soups ogresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. 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[ cellphone beeps ] this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. jimmy, i'm not running again. there's a lot of great candidates for 2016 and i'll be supporting the republican nominee 100%. >> don't you mean 47%? >> that's a low blow. but it's pretty funny. >> i had to do it. >> i love his face in the background. >> excuse me. it's your shot of the morning. the republican presidential candidate. former governor of massachusetts, mitt romney, slow jamming the news on late night with jimmy fallon. the two wrapped up in everything from the problem that plagued obamacare's website to the netflix documentary called mitt. >> it's funny to see him like that, having fun, poking fun at himself because the characterization of him during the campaign. the handlers telling them they have to be stoic. >> you covered politics your whole life, since you were like a newborn. why don't they do this? bob dole was funny when he stopped the campaign. al gore was funny once he stopped the campaign. he's funny now that the campaign is over. >> these guys have no sleep. they're under a ton of pressure. there's a lot of money on the line. in some ways they want it too much. they're also surrounded by people telling them what to do and say and think and it's hard to be yourself. >> one comment can undo a campaign. it can be a late night on an airplane on a press corps. >> we're going to take the white house! >> the 47% comment is a perfect example. so he makes the mistake of being candid at this fund-raiser in be boca raton. >> jimmy fallon has a reputation for getting people loose and out of their comfort zone. take a welcome to where was this mitt romney on the on the campaign trail? a campaign, i guess, to get across what's going on in your every day life. you have 30-second ads. if you ran an ad telling jokes, it wouldn't do well. and then the debates you're wearing suits and going back and forth with the other guys. you're going back and forth with the president. so it's fot an opportunity to have people get to know you as you are. >> interesting. interesting. well, jay leno, speaking of late night hosts, is about to be on 60 minutes on sunday night. this is the first real sitdown with him when he's talking about the transition of the tonight show over to jimmy fallon taking over. he says revealing things about what happened when conan o'brien took over t"the tonight show." take a listen. >> it's not my decision. i think i would have stayed if we didn't have an extremely young guy ready to jump in. sure, i would have stayed longer. we have somebody very good, very talented. he's probably more like the young johnny than almost anybody since. and he's really good. so you go with the new guy. it makes perfect sense to me. if they said look, you're fired. we don't know who we're going to get. but anybody but you, we want you out, i would be hurt. but this makes perfect sense to me. i understand this. >> this is the new coke strategy. you have the leading soft drink in the world. why not get rid of it? he was in first place and they took him off the air. >> and the ratings tanked as a result of it. then conan o'brien comes in and gets his own show on tbs. he was referring to jimmy fallon, feeling this is a replacement for him. he said he felt blind sided by nbc when they brought conan in. they basically pulled the switcheroo on him and leno didn't go quietly into the night. then suddenly he got that 10:00 p.m. show, that tanked. >> i wonder why nbc is in trouble ratings wise. >> jimmy fallon is great, though. 37 minutes after the hour. chilling new recordings from a 911 call when a man was shot and killed for texting in a florida movie theater. >> who shot him? >> i don't know. looks like an older gentleman in the movie theater. >> is the suspect still in the theet sner. >> yes, yes, yes. >> i'm going to get you the sheriff's office. >> breathe, breathe. >> 43-year-old chad olson was shot in front of his wife as he was texting their babysitter, who was watching their 22-month-old daughter during the movie. he accused shooter 71-year-old curtis reeves, a retired police captain is being held without bail facing charges. chuck schumer is doubling down. he wants a bigger crackdown on the tea party. now telling the irs to be more aggressive. >> obviously the tea party elites gained extraordinary influence by being able to funnel millions of undisclosed dollars with ads that distort the truth and attack government. we're not going to have a broad discussion of this issue here, as i mentioned, and it's clear we're not going to pass anything legislatively, as long as the house of respepresentatives is republican control. but there are many other things that can be done by the irs. we have to redouble the efforts. we have not worked hard enough on this. >> schumer's comments coming days after it was revealed. there will not likely be any criminal charges. armed police officers raided the washington, d.c. home of mark after his ex-wife tipped off the cops. they were looking for firearms. they did not find any. but they did arrest him and charged him with unlawful possession of ammunition from a single shotgun shell. he talked about his disbelief early yore on fox and friends. >> it was hard for me to believe it was happening all the way through. this can't be happening. this can't be happening until, in fact, it did. this has been going on for 19 months now. >> well, if he is convicted he faces jail time and a hefty fine. so you want to avoid a scene like this? >> i want to work. >> all i ask, brooke, is that you show a little bit of appreciation that i get 20 minutes to relax when i come home instead of being attacked with questions and nagged the whole time. >> you think that i nag you? >> that's all you do! all you do is nag! >> classic scene. the key to a happier relationship could be tied to the lighting in your home. bright lights can increase aggression and lead to nasty fights. if you want to bring out the harmony, dim the lights before a serious discussion with the spouts. >> i'm thinking about it. go on. got to slow jam the groove. >> slow jam. >> i don't know ha that means, but i'm into id. >> all right. rick is outside. monitoring this very cold weather for us. you need a heavy coat, mittens, scarf, and you're not wearing any of it. >> it's not that bad today. today is a nice day across the eastern seaboard. when i say nice, i mean upper 20s. but that feels a lot better than the single digits and teens. beautiful sunrise from nebraska. gordon, nebraska. that's awesome. scott sent that to me there. today not that bad in that area. gordon currently at 42 degrees. getting to 52. you're on kind of the western side of this dominating trough. you're going to drop the temperatures back into the teens with one of these clippers that moves through the area. we're going to be stuck in it for much of the upcoming week. maybe a slight change by the weekend. difficult to say at this point. here's how the temperatures are going to play out. we warm up tomorrow in texas. but then we cool back down on monday in tk. by tuesday we cool things down. you get the patd tern here. by tuesday and wednesday, everybody is looking cool. meanwhile out across the stwes reing warm. all right, guys. back to you guys inside. >> thank you, rick. if you plan on kicking back a cold one during the super bowl, which is to say drinking a lot of beer, don't miss this. which beers go best with your football foods. president obama doesn't think pot is anymore dangerous than alcohol. next we meet a man who says the president is downright wrong about that. he knows what he's talking about since drugs ruined his life. >> first, let's check in with neil on the cost of business freedom block. >> good morning. more workers are finding out they can't really keep their health care plans. could that have been the plan all along? it may scare you. and the threats mountding ahead of the olympics. is this putting more of america in danger when a top military guide is worried about something going on in washington. and the u.n. is focusing on global warming and blaming the money you make for it. cost of freedom all over it. 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>> yeah. 23 years. state and federal prison, yes. >> that's heavy dutity. what did you think when you read the comments, almost parenthetically, saying oh, yeah, weed is no more dangerous than alcohol? >> i don't know what he was thinking to say a comment like that. i've had kids in treatment centers around the country. i have kids e-mailing me asking why the president of the united states would say comment like that nationally, when these kids are in treatment centers fighting for their recovery that are addicted to marijuana. i don't know what he was thinking. he needs to come out with a public address telling all kids he doesn't con drone drug use, any illegal drug substances or saying they're not dangerous. he needs to tell everybody that they're dangerous. >> but he is definitely on the side of public opinion. if you talk to anybody under 30 and use the phrase marijuana addiction, you get laughed at. as i'm sure you know. so when did public opinion switch on this? and people were against smoking a lot of pot are seen as totally out of touch and stupid. >> and president obama needs to go with me to the treatment centers and alternative schools and ask these first time pot smoker kids to tell me, they smoked pot the first time in their life, ran a stop sign, totalled their parent's only car. honor roll students start smoking pot and drop out of school. so he doesn't know what he's talking about. he needs to go with me and talk to these kids in person. >> what do you think as you see marijuana legalized and on the cusp of two other states. >> the marijuana revolution is out of control. if you want to take the market away from the marijuana smugglers for the growers and all the way down to the street dealers and dime bag dealers, you'll have a 1,000% increase in cocaine, crack, meth and heroin distribution in the country. those smugglers aren't going to stop pushing marijuana. they're going to move harder drugs. it's going to be an epidemic of cocaine wars again if states start legalizing marijuana use. >> thanks for having me, i appreciate it. >> if you plan on kicking back with a beer during the super bowl, and you probably do. then don't miss the segment coming up. we're showing you which beers go best with your football foods. stay tuned. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? 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>> there is. there is a tip to pouring to not use glasses in the freezer, what ends up happening, you pour it. it kills the carbon napocalypse bonnation. >> no frozen beer mugs. >> absolutely. when you pour it. you want to hold the glasses at a 45-degree angle instead of pouring it down. if you pour it straight down, you will waste the foam. >> this glass is specific. it gets more of the flavor out of the ipa. >> arrow aroma is a little more. you recharge your beer. >> i just drink out of a -- >> give us the beer and the pair close can matter. >> i'm pour close down, from colorado, it's great with fried foods t. spice from the hal pjaa poppers. >> the pale ale and jalapena poppers. >> am i right? >> one of my favorites is spinach and artichoke dip. what does that pair well with? >> i chose a pilsner, i think it's delicious. the creamy big spinach artichoke dip is great for crisp, light refreshing beer. >> if you don't have these, can you use the fittest glass you have in your cupboard. >> the last thing, chili, i always make chili every super bowl party. that's the thing. >> a really big robust chili, dark chocolate, roasty flavor, it pours out the spicy complex flavors of the chili and it's great to give guests different options. >> where can we get these glasses? online? >> spiegel;, bloom closedales. again, they're fabulous. >> that's great tips. great stuff. >> i feel like i will break these glasses. the reason i like the thick glass is it's in the freezer, i will knock it over, drop it. you have a few beers. >> there is a time and a place, for craft beer, if you want to enjoy the experience, the color the aroma, use the glass if you are slimming back, multiple or plain beer. >> do you want more tips people can ask for? >> a & e. twitter handle. >> thanks, guys. >> now we drink. there's a new way to buy a car. it's called truecar. and truecar users... save time and money. so when you're... ready to buy a car, make sure you... never overpay. visit today. >> and tomorrow on" fox and friends" we just showed you the perfect beer for your super bowl party. we have super bowl snacks for the pups. >> and kevin mccarthy will all be here tomorrow. >> it will be a great show. that's our personal germany tee. we'll give you the show back if you don't love every minute of it. stay tuned. it's hard to take back. >> thank you. >> thank you, everybody. but now, diving, layoffs, percolating and big name companies like mickey d's seeing fewer customers buying. well, all of this sent unemployment climbing. hi, everyone, this is "bulls and bears." welcome. everybody. there is lots of red arrows on wall street, main street, should we be bracing for more pin clips? >> i think so. i think it's the root of the problem is people just aren't spend close. lo

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