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In new york city today, anyway. I was going to say, you cant become a meteorologist overnight. You are watching fox and friends first. Rob straight to a fox news alert, not ruling out terrorism in the toronto van attack. Jillian witnesses describe the horror. He went on the sidewalk hitting everybody, everything got shattered. A lot of people got hurt. I have seen a scene i have ever seen in my life. Jillian the search for a motive continues. Reporter we on the side of young street, they should this area down, the crime scene going several blocks and expect to be here several days coming over the scene. They dont have a specific motive but the alleged attacker is in custody after plowing a rental van for a multitude of pedestrians, the suspect is identified as a 25yearold from the toronto suburb of richmond hill. 10 lives were claims, 15 people injured. This large family things and that seen, others fighting for their lives as they were rushed to a nearby hospital for severe wounds. We dont realize anything. We have to follow what we have. They look deliver it. Reporter the van with extensive front and back damage, finally stopped, the driver taken into custody. Americas leaders expressed solidarity with canada. Sarah sanders released a statement, the United States stands with the canadian people in the aftermath, a van drove into a crowd of people coming killing several people and injuring many years, thoughts and prayers to the family of those affected and wish a full recovery to those injured. The United States government pledges to provide any support canada may need. Canadian Authorities Say it is too releases save tourism played a role, joined in the task force and Police Working together, counterterrorism officers deployed out of abundance of caution but there is no known is to new york city. Alek minassian will be in a court in toronto and we will learn about the charges. Rob and learn a lot more about Alek Minassian. New information about the accused waffle house killer who is now under arrest. Police finding travis ryan king near the scene of the shooting where he is accused of killing four people and his father could be facing charges for giving him again after they were taken by police when he was arrested last year near the white house. That includes the ar 15 used in the waffle house shooting which was stopped by a hero customer. That man, james shaw junior joined us earlier to talk about it. I did what i did because it felt like the ending was going to be the same, if i let him reload or if he came back there. Rob he grabbed the gun while the suspect was reloading. Shah spearheaded a Fundraising Campaign for families of the victims, raising 77,000. The two florida deputies in an ambush attack will be laid to rest, Funeral Services for sgt. Noel ramirez and 25yearold Deputy Taylor lindsay later this morning, deputies shot and killed at a Chinese Restaurant in trenton, florida when a gunman opened fire right through a glass window. The suspect took his own life. Sgt. Ramirez leaves behind a wife and two kids, Deputy Lindsay was a 3 year veteran of the force. Jillian George Hw Bush hospitalized in intensive care just days after his wife barbaras funeral. He was said to be brokenhearted over her death. A Spokesman Says he has a blood infection but is responding well to treatment adding the 41st president wants to go to maine next summer, the most goal oriented person on the planet. Rob our hearts with him and the family. The pres. Will host the first state dinner with french pres. Emmanuel macroin. Jillian they are holding talks about the iran nuclear deal, north korea and syria. Chris jenkins live in washington dc with a preview. Reporter history will mark the formal state dinner, the moment was not lost on the pres. s esteemed guest. A great honor, very important state visit given the moment of our current environment. Reporter the warm relationship was on display but they have to bridge key issues that divide them. Among them the iran nuclear deal. The pres. Does not like it, macroin will try to convince him to stay in it. The continuing conflict in syria, and trade and tariffs. Ahead of the bilateral meeting this morning, White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders laid out the pres. s goals on the iran nuclear deal. We think there should be a better deal, one that is positive, that works. We dont typically look to the leadership in iran to determine what our Foreign Policy is. Rob this as a may 12th deadline looms. The president will face similar pressure from Angela Merkel this week. Todays meeting will be followed by a joint News Conference in first lady milania taking a lead role, a video of preparations, 13 cables set up, times by candlelight. What is on the menu . Goat cheese gateau with a bed of lettuce from the white house garden followed by rack of lamb and jambalaya for the main course, i nectarine tart infused with honey or dessert. No democrats or journalists were invited. They got to show them up, the red carpet in paris, they have to impress. Jillian leaders from around the world keeping a close eye on the meeting in washington. Steve hayes, editor in chief at the Weekly Standard says macroin carrying the torch for the union to create a constructive relationship with the white house to resonate with allies outside france. The pres. Has taken time to listen to donald trump and understand how to play the pres. To appeal what needs appealing in the way some republican lawmakers have done. And keeps his criticism usually private, doesnt broadcast it, taking shots at donald trump. He had a difficult balance. Donald trump is not popular in france or western europe generally. He has to be careful not to seem like he is being a toady to donald trump. We are boasting about success in persuading him on syria for instance. At the same time appealing to the president. Jillian german chancellor Angela Merkel will follow macroin visiting with the president friday. Rob special election day in arizona. A vote could play a role in who controls the house come november. Debbie lesko is favored to win the if contract still district seat over to my credit panini, the position left open by trent franks who resigned following allegations of sexual harassment. Jillian the governor pushing to make a deal with teachers ahead of a statewide walkout. Republican steve ducey endorsing a plan that would give teachers a 20 raised by 2020. Teachers say the plan is insufficient because doesnt give raises to support staff or increase school funding. Arizona districts from the strike. Rob it is a boy but we dont know what it is called, the new royal baby. The first, newly born. Jillian prince harry and the duchess of cambridge have not announced the princes name yet. The bets are arthur, james and albert. Showing of the baby in a red dress similar to the one Princess Diana war after harry was born. Rob maybe just call him prince. Fifth in line to the throne behind big sister charlotte. I went to kid to be announced like that guy did. Cant be that hard. 10 minutes after the hour. Mike pompeo making it through Senate Committee after rand paul and red state democrats agreed to flip their votes. Look back at history, secretary of state confirmation and bipartisan votes, john kerry was confirmed 943, Hillary Clinton was confirmed 942. Jillian Hillary Clinton and john kerry made it through unscathed. Why is our former cia director being put through the ringer in this . Our next guest, former staff director, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, says donald trump deserves a lot of credit here. First free tuition, now jobs for everyone, Bernie Sanderss new plan and how he says he can make it happen. Rob the horse named after rob cronkcowski has suffered a problem. Make a lot of noise they are so pretty rob a showdown on the southern border is a caravan of hundreds of migrants makes its way to the United States, donald trump ordering Homeland Security to keep it out of the country and deport anybody who comes in illegally, it is a disgrace, we are the only country in the world so naive, wall. The caravan from Central America has expanded under pressure from mexico and Us National Guard troops at the border. Jillian mike pompeo is a step closer to be the next secretary of state thinks to last minute vote changes from Key Committee members after White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders blasted democrats for stonewalling his confirmation. Secretary of state confirmation and bipartisan votes, john kerry was confirmed 943, Hillary Clinton was confirmed 942. Is this political posturing . Staff director from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, thank you for joining us. Was are your thoughts . Is this political posturing . I think it is, democrats who voted against mr. Pompeo were mostly doing so because of domestic policy concerns which is not in the purview of the secretary of state. Mike pompeo is incredibly wellqualified, the president once him, he has an unblemished record in public life, there is no reason not to confirm him. The pres. Should have able and clean nominees in important posts like this. Jillian you heard Sarah Sanders say looking for history, lets do that and work at however votes of played out in the past, colin powell was a unanimous vote, Condoleezza Rice was confirmed in 81 days, a little bit of posturing some people will say. The main deck is look at Hillary Clinton confirmed in 6 days, john kerry confirmed in one day. Look at that and look at what went down yesterday. It is hard to debate it, isnt it . It is sad because the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is a place where bipartisanship happens and Foreign Policy is critically important. Whenever we can we should have our Party Support american foreignpolicy, a very good job doing that over the years and the votes you are talking about are evidence of that. It is unfortunate they have gone partisan on this one vote. Jillian with your vote on democrat tunes being able to vote even though he made it clear he was against mike pompeo. It was a small gesture but an important one. By doing what he did, he allowed the committee to report the nomination, it would have been bad for the United States if mike pompeo had been reported out unfavorably to the senate floor. We all know he was going to pass the senate floor anyway, enough democrats supported him, sen. Paul, republican move from opposing to supporting so we knew he was going to pass. Important for the committee to be in the right place, what sen. Coons did allow that to happen. Jillian do you think there will be a point in this administration we ever see true bipartisan support . I am a glass is halffull kind of person. As this administration goes forward and we see success on things like north korea or syria there is a chance of some bipartisanship coming back. Im not going to hold my back but i think it is possible. Jillian thank you for joining us, appreciate it. Rob 18 minutes after the hour, terror in the sky. Isis arming drones to attack cities in the United States. What police are doing to protect americans. Resistance fighters in the 70s didnt kill anyone but scared people. Jillian the barbara bush bashing prof. Being celebrated at an arts festival. Where is the outrage from democrats . Editor in chief at campus says if it were Michelle Obama they would be screaming from the mountaintops. He is here live. Why cant we be friends a long long time have my back. Thats just one less thing you have to worry about. We are the cochran family, and well be usaa members for life. Its rlly not very important. I was in the stone ages as much as technology wise. And i would say i had nothing. You become a School Teacher for one reason, you love kids. And so you dont have the same tools, you dont always believe you have the same. Outcomes achievable for yourself. When we got the tablets, it changed everything. By giving them that technology and then marrying it with a curriculum thats designed to have technology at the heart of it, we are really changing the way that students learn. And i cant wait for ten years from now when i get to talk to them again and see, like, who they are. Ftheres flonase sensimist. F up around pets. It relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. Olay regenerist shatters the competition. Hydrating skin better than prestige creams costing over 100, 200, and even 400. For skin that looks younger than it should. Fact check this ad in good housekeeping. Olay regenerist. Ageless. Heather rhonda jar from Fresno State University sparking controversy over distasteful tweets like this after the death of barbara bush but that professor is getting called out for another controversial comment. Look at resistance fighters in the 60s and 70s, they didnt kill anyone but they scared people, they would hijack a plane into be like we are not going to hurt anyone but we are going to hijack this plane. Jillian how does she fill the job . Editor in chief of campusreform. Org lawrence jones. She still have a job . Absolutely not. Of this was a democrat, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, all the knives would be out, she would be fired, her salary would be taken away but because this is a conservative woman there is a double standard. She was known for bringing people together, the main call, she typically disagreed with life go clintons of the world, bringing people back together, the professor has taken such she should be fired. Rob we were talking in the commercial break, i dont think there is not a lot of people in the world this stupid but you say you get complaints like this all the time about people that say things like this to our kids in the classroom. It is not an isolated event. We had a tip line and we get tips like this all the time, a literal chorus at a university, professors that yell at students because they are conservative and we get them every single day and these are the people that are preparing young people for civil discourse, supposed to be facilitating the conversation and there is a double standard, this professor teaches creative writing. Why cant she actually grade papers when you have such an aggressive the pres. Responded, a professor with tenure does not have blanket protection to say and do what they wish. We are all held accountable for our actions as this goes beyond freespeech, this was disrespectful. I listen to this conversation and my mind starts thinking that video clip is from youto. All of this stuff wasnt necessarily around. Are we having conversations more because of social media because you have everything being recorded now . I dont know if the world has changed but it is available. There is a certain amount of transparency because of the evolution of technology but the professors now have this agenda, trying to create this army of young people that believe the same radical viewpoints as them, trying to prepare for the next election and want these ambassadors to convert of young people as well. There is a part of it that technology has evolved. Heather everything is reported now. This has escalated, in general, the civility on both sides. It is radical on the left. Heather kids minds are so vulnerable in classrooms. People like this trying to brainwash them. If youre watching this you are funding this. Heather you will be on outnumbered at noon, thank you. Jillian 26 after the hour, caving to liberal thresher, high School Getting rivets mascot after 50 years. Rob the caravan packed with migrants, what power does the government have to deport these people . Our next guest breaks down the process. It took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Experience a blend of. And raw power,nship. Engineered to take the crown. Presenting the allnew lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. Experience amazing, at your lexus dealer. Most people come to la with big dreams. We came with big appetites. With expedia, you could book a flight, hotel, car, and activity all in one place. Jillian we are back with a fox news alert, new york city ramping up security following the deadly van attack in toronto, to terrorism officers deploying highprofile locations in and around the city out of the abundance of caution. In Toronto Police want to know why Alek Minassian plot into account killington people. They are not ruling out terrorism. Witnesses describing that horror. I have seen a lady with her leg and, oh man, it is gruesome. I couldnt believe what i have seen. Everybody, these people in the streets, one by one. Jillian Alek Minassian is in police custody. Police in new york are working to prevent drone attacks, Deputy Commissioner john miller says the threat isnt new but they want to be prepared. That he permit is assessing its technological ability to take control of drones which isis threatened to use drones to drop bombs on players and fans at the world cup in russia. The senate delaying the confirmation hearing for the a secretary nominee ronnie jackson. And lawmakers raising concerns over the white house dr. s qualifications and reported allegations of improper conduct. Chairman isaacson indicated unsubstantiated allegations made, he wants to do it right, we told him he wanted to delay the meeting, that was fine with us. We want to get the facts out, we have to do our due diligence. Jillian it is likely of the hearing will be rescheduled or postponed indefinitely. Succeeding in obama your holdover fired by donald trump last month. Donald trump and the first lady preparing for the first state dinner with french pres. Emmanuel macroin, the trade deal which donald trump threatened to pull out of. Donald trump says the us will scrap the deal my may 12th if tougher restrictions are not imposed on the country. Rob Migrant Caravan closing in on the us southern border as hundreds of Illegal Immigrants prepare to flood the us border. Donald trump saying not to let these caravans of people into the country but what power does the government have to deport them . Joining me as a radio talkshow host who served in the reagan and hw bush administration, thanks for coming in this morning. A quote from kiersten nielsen, and referred for prosecution for illegal entry in accordance with existing law. And how they are trying to claim asylum. The asylum process is lengthy and very slow. A publicity stunt of having a caravan, secondly a new tactic by these folks to enter the United States and in the process of seeking asylum, 75 or more rarely get in. However, the problem is there are so many that are asking before it, that the courts are backed up. There is a lengthy process and these folks are often released with the understanding they are going to show up again at a court date. These folks disappear and they dont show up again. Heather they are trained on how to do this as they come through the caravan from mexico, getting training from american groups, proimmigration groups how to maneuver the situation to make sure they can get the court date and it doesnt matter that the court date, the hearing wont go in their favor, they are going to disappear into the country and be Illegal Immigrants at that point. Exactly right. The problem we have got is the asylum process is a magnet. Folks know it and are using it will utilize it even more so now the border enforcement has gotten tougher. We have got to figure out how to discourage people in some fashion to keep them from coming and showing up at our doorstep and stuck in the situation of what to do about this. Rob we have such a favorable immigration policy in this country for people that want to come here. We are quite lax compared to the rest of the world. We have been talking about emmanuel macroin, he is a centrist politician who beat out a far rightwing politician to win the presidency in france and him and his party have put together an immigration policy that in a number of ways tightens up immigration in france including the one year jail sentence for anyone who comes into the country illegally. If a centrist european politician can put a plan like that together, why is it anytime you see anything about keeping Illegal Immigrants out of the United States you get calls of racism . That is the problem we have got. Remember what hungry and other countries did not long ago where they had to shut down their borders because they were being overwhelmed by immigrants. The same tactic been attempted in this situation to put the United States in a bad situation to create a border crisis. We have got to address this. Immigration is not a racial issue but an ethnic issue. My family has lived in south texas for 6 generations. We know the problem of illegal immigration and oppose it. This has given rise to rightwing parties in europe that a lot of people did not expect to see, something people want in most countries around the world is an immigration system that works and people to come into the country. We appreciate your time. Jillian at the top of the hour we are talking about the weather and dont think it will thunder in new york city, and janice will let us know. Is rob correct . Reporter there could be a rumble of thunder. The day will be fine, a little cloudy. How was yesterday . What a Beautiful Day we had in new york city. I promise more of the same ahead. Lets look at temperatures, 48 new york, a little cooler across the Northern Plains and upper midwest where we have another system moving through, mainly rain but higher elevations, not out of the question even through parts of colorado. This could bring potential for a Little Thunder across the northeast. Did you like that . The past 24 hours across the midatlantic and the northeast. This is the one that will bring the possibility of a risk of stronger storms as it moves across the northeast tonight into tomorrow. Tomorrow we will see potential for rain delays across the northeast as we head throughout the day. April showers bring may flowers. Im going with that. Rainfall, some areas could receive upwards of 1 to 2 inches in isolated areas. There is the forecast, not bad across the central us, minneapolis 62, this system moving into the planes, not a big deal here, the southeast we will see the rain and phoenix 97. If you like it hot, lets go to arizona. Rob in november. Next week looks better. For that parade anytime soon. Rob lets see what is going to happen. 38 minutes after the hour. A basketball game brought to a halt as teenagers take a knee, nothing to do with protesting, the patriotic reason for this could make your day. 3 months paid family and medical leave. Healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege. Jillian first free education, now jobs for everyone. How Bernie Sanders says he can make it happen. Rob flying in the lap of luxury, the airline that makes you feel like a millionaire even if you are not. I am getting drunk on a plane hello mom. Amandas moms appointment just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. 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Gillette. The best a man can get. Bp is taking safety glasses to a whole new level. Using augmented reality so engineers in the field can share data and get expert backup in the blink of an eye. Because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. And so should you. Midas has a lifetime guarantee on these parts. Thats right. On things like struts, brakes, shocks. All kinds of automobile parts. Guaranteed for life. Does he turn everything to gold . Not everything. Luckily hes not a dog person. Always a touch better means limited lifetime guarantees on every brake job. Now get 100 back on a 2axle Brake Service with your midas credit card. Higher and higher rob very early this morning, hosting the pres. Of france. We have full coverage of that on fox news. The Supreme Court we hear a case that changes who represents texas from capitol hill, justice is hearing arguments challenging country personality of voting maps, the legislatures accused of discriminating against minority when redrawing district lines in 2011. Of the court rules against texas the state could be forced to redraw the maps. And answers expected by june. A lot of things Bernie Sanders once everyone to have. Tuition free. 3 months paid family and medical leave. Healthcare is a right of all people, not a privilege. Very giving guy and adding another list, the vermont sen. About to unveil a plan giving jobs with 15 an hour pay, as minimum wage and health benefits, to anyone who wants or needs a job. According to the Washington Post the plan is missing some details like how in the world the country would pay for it. Jillian article doing away with its highly debated ascot to be more inclusive. They are instructed to change the mascot, a confederate soldier. She doesnt want to offend students or the community. The school is using a flag with initial there is a logo. Students will rename the rebel mascot by the end of the school year. A horse named after rob cronkcowski, he will not race in the upcoming Kentucky Derby due to an illness. I support what is best for the horse, he will come back strong and healthy and im excited to see him race again very soon. The types neil announces steak in the race to compete in the belmont stakes. Want to experience the perks of private travel without burning a hole in your pocket . Now you can. What is this about . Reporter jetblue will be selling seats for semi private flights, mainly along the west coast. They are selling these flights through their website, they are cheaper than what you expect with a private plane but this is semi private, other people, you have all to yourself but is available now. Any idea what this will cost . They are a little more than your normal flight but it is 300 or so. These are 30 feet planes mainly departing from private terminals. Lets talk about doughnuts. Krispy kreme has a new doughnuts available only now through sunday, september 29th. You will remember back in january there was a big thing where we had to vote out of four, it was lemon, blueberry, april, i wasnt really a fan of lemon but it was set to drive. Thank you so much. Liberal activists taking aim at the rotc. The reason why this could get your blood boiling. Carly shimkus without future american heroes are firing back. Lets see what is coming up on fox and friends. I like to keep it to myself. I will tell rob because i like you to be surprised if you are okay with it, we are talking about what happened last late dramatically on the Foreign Relations committee that helped mike pompeo get through, cory gardner of colorado and White House Communications director Anthony Scaramucci talks about communicating with the french president but he got a lot yesterday. And natos threshold, what will donald trump give macroin. Dr. Oz in the eye of the storm whether he is on his show or in surgery. The other day, driving on the road when he sees a bus on fire. What he saw, what he did. He will be closing the show, dr. Oz. Reallife dr. He plays one on tv and on the side of the road. That was for you. You have someone else on the show too. We have jillian and ainsley are hard and her dad talking about a new book and not just today. Let me urge everybody to get dressed. Jillian coming great back. My digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. But those days are over. Now, i take metamucil every day. It naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. So i feel. Lighter. Try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. Take the 2week challenge and see the difference metamucil can make. Begin to feel what lighter feels like. Available at walmart and walmart. Com we use our phones the same way these days. So why do we pay to have a phone connected when were already paying for internet . Shouldnt it all just be one thing . Thats why Xfinity Mobile comes with your internet. You can get up to 5 lines of talk and text included at no extra cost. So all you pay for is data. See how you could save 400 or more a year. And get 200 back when you sign up for Xfinity Mobile and add a new line of unlimited. Xfinity mobile. Its a new kind of network designed to save you money. Click, call or visit an xfinity store today. Jillian welcome back. Socialist group on one College Campus taking aim at the rotc posting flyers demanding the program be removed. Carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with social media reaction. Reporter in dramatic democratic socialist of america in city college of new york calling for a end of the students rotc program with flyers just like this that say the rich will never die for you, dont die for the rich. Some on social media are fighting back and defending the rotc, this tweet saying when our rotc students going to demand getting rid of the socialist organizations . Anthony says punish the young boys and girls who are proud to be part of a longstanding Patriotic Program for young people, no free thought anymore, this is punishing their beliefs and fox news the rotc program is widely praised as being a Great Program that provides leadership skills and free college education. There is a picture making the rounds and rightfully so. It shows a group of High School Students playing basketball dropping to their knees out of respect for a passing funeral procession. One of the deceased family members posted it on facebook saying they took a knee out of respect, out of honor. This meant a great deal to our family. May god bless each one is i feel they will achieve greatness. So many people responding to this including darlene who says hats off to the zone men for showing such respect, parents, teachers and perhaps religious leaders can be proud. Proof that the Little Things are not so little. This level of respect not something you see every day. Rob mitt romney not having an easy time in utah with the senate bid. This is a good way to get the people of utah behind him. Mitt romney did attend the Oklahoma City basketball game. He can be a heckler too. He is talking Russell Westbrook who managed to get four fouls, this video going superviral. He may be petty enough to run for senate in utah but nothing wins over utah primary voters, and wearing a custom mitt romney jersey. He has my vote, that person is a utah jazz fan. Mitt romney able to look like that. Rob thank you. Jillian it is 7 minutes until the top of the. Animal gone wild, how a giraffe escapes, a goose attacking a golfer. Viral videos that start your morning off right. I want 20 roc i want to rock u all night sunlight i want to rock with you all night gonna rock the night away jillian good morning. Live look outside at chicago. Guess what . Rob, you like this song. I can tell you like this song. You bopped your head a little bit. Rob a lot of Michael Jackson in the car. A fan favorite. Beautiful city at night and in the day. Jillian time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Animal edition. First up, the good. Police officers rescue a kitten trapped on the hood of a car. A driver in georgia called 911 after hearing a purring noise from the engine. Cops got the cat out with all nine lives intact. Rob they climb up through the bottom because they like the warmth of the engine. They like to be warm. I have seen that happen before. Next a giraffe makes a run for it at break neck speed at indiana zoo. Escaping through an opening in her enclosure. Can you imagine seeing that in neakd after two hours of freedom, she wandered back actually on her own. Jillian she got bored i guess. Interesting. Finally the ugly. I tweeted this yesterday after carley did because its so funny. A High School Golfer gets attacked by an angry goose. The bird going after the teen after he got too close to her egg on a course in michigan the golfer not seriously hurt. Upside down. I had so many people responding on twitter yesterday. So many people saying oh my gosh golf actually not boring. Jillian golf is not boring. What would you do if you are in that situation. Rob geese are mean. Dont mess around. Dont get close to the egg. That hilarious picture. Is he upended by a bird. Jillian thank you so much for joining us this morning. Rob fox friends starts right now. See you later. Police say a tenth person has died after a driver driver a rented van. I have never seen a scene like this in my life. Manhunt Waffle House Police shooter appears to be over. He got on the ground immediately proned himself out and put him into cuffs. President trumps pick for secretary of state mike pompeo has enough votes to be confirmed. What i have been concerned about with director pompeo i wasnt sure if he shared the president s vision. Today the president will host the first state dinner with french president emmanuel macron. We can expect this to be a very productive and very positive state visit for both countries. Central american migrants traveling in a caravan or home stretch i have

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