Now the jingle bell has begun jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock three days until christmas, live look at midtown manhattan and 4 00 in new york, happy friday, you are watching fox and friends first on friday morning. We will remember. Un Ambassador Nikki Haley vowing to punish the nations who voted to condemn Donald Trumps jerusalem decision. Griff jenkins from washington with details as the middle east calls, some nations call for another day of rage. There are calls for another day of rage across the middle east, following a vote at the United Nations condemning Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as is relapse capital as Ambassador Nikki Haley blasted nations who voted against the us and warned there will be a price to pay. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation. We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the Worlds Largest contribution to the United Nations. Regions that didnt stop the palestinian Prime Minister from calling on member nations to take a stand. I call upon you to vote in favor of the draft resolution to make heard the voice. In the end, 128 countries voted to condemn the us while only 9 supported. There were 35 abstentions, 121 of those nations got a combined 21. 8 billion in us economic and or military aid in 2016. Those countries accounted for nearly half of all us foreign aid. You see the top five countries of those 121 all muslim or arab nations, iraq, afghanistan, egypt, jordan and pakistan among the top ten. Only one did not participate, that was kenya. You are hearing about these protests in malaysia. The Prime Minister to stand in solidarity with palestine. So far no images we can bring you. Rob Lieutenant Colonel oliver north slamming the un because he says it doesnt align with the will of the American People. He has this message for nations that rejected Donald Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. The decision to open an American Embassy at the invitation of a country that wants us there is a sovereign right of ours and the president did what she said. Asked on behalf of the American People who supported. Of 193 member nations of the un nine voted against, 35 abstains, 21 were absent, total of 65, the president and the ambassador both said they are taking aim and cutting up foreign aid budget seems to be a good idea. It wont play well in afghanistan, maybe it is time to invite the un to take up residence in one of the nations who voted against our sovereign right. Companies attempting to bring Donald Trumps border wall to life are now feeling the resistance. Democratic cities bending together in an effort to stop the president s promise from becoming reality. Anita vogel has more on this. Companies competing for the chance to work on the multibilliondollar project are facing a wave of boycotts from democratic lawmakers, coordinated efforts being launched in california, arizona, illinois, new york and rhode island that would prevent cities and towns from doing official business with the companys, part of a bigger resistance strategy to delay the construction of the controversial wall. Berkeley city council in california, the most recent to approve one of these ordinances, jesse arrogant calling it a, quote, highly impractical response to americas broken immigration system and a symbol of hatred. That only further demonize people of mexican and latin american descent. The associated general contractor for america till fox news it is asked attorney general Jeff Sessions to sue states trying to deny contractors who are involved in the border wall. The spokesman says, quote, given the fact this administration has been aggressively pursuing sanctuary cities this seems like an easy slamdunk. Nearly 100 Companies Interested in bidding on the border project are based in california which identifies as a sanctuary state. Donald trump planning a trip to san diego to review prototypes in person. A great while, we put up six different varieties of wall. We have some wonderful prototypes that have been put up and i may be going there very shortly to look at them in their final form. Despite the ambitious timetable for construction it remains unclear when the wall might actually go up. Rob today donald trump expected to make tax reform official, the white house saying theres a good chance the president will sign the bill into law in coming hours but unclear when he would put pen to paper. This will mark the president s first major legislative achievement and the biggest overhaul of the tax code in three decades. Another went on the president s record the government avoiding a shutdown, lawmakers passing a stopgap bill to keep the government open through january 19th. It includes funding for the Childrens Health Insurance Program and extends Government Surveillance Program as well. Despite threats from government democrats to force the shutdown it does not include anything on the aca to protect dreamers from deportation. Congress will revisit that issue next year. Fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe grilled for 16 hours and two sections on capitol hill, house judiciary and Oversight Committee questioning him thursday about fbi communications and agency handling of the clinton email investigation. This amid calls for him to be fired over allegations of conflict of interest and antitrump prejudice within the fbi. Look at this. Deadly blast leaves a family without a home days before christmas was a natural gas leak likely called this Phoenix House to explode, leveling it down to its foundation. Neighbors say it happened as workers to live in an oven to the home. One of those employees is in critical condition, another person has died. The exact cause of that blast under investigation. A close call for 100 passengers on a United Airlines jet, smoke in the cabin forcing the flight from houston to boise to make an Emergency Landing in college station, texas. All 80 were put on another flight, nobody was hurt. It is unclear where the smoke was coming from. Sad news this morning, legendary broadcaster dick and berg known for his two word catchphrase oh my died of an apparent heart attack, won 13 any awards in a career that stand six decades. Time for me to move on, looking forward to that and looking forward to calling another Big League Baseball game tonight. Rob he retired last year, and full of announcers to call super bowl olympics, final four, world series and wimbledon. He could do it all. He was 82 years old. Honoring our nations heroes donald trump paid a special visit to injured american soldiers at the Walter Reed Center and the Vice President flying around the world to surprise troops in afghanistan just days before christmas. The latest from the nations capital. Rebuilding the military, restoring democracy and once again giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and coast guard the resources and training you need to accomplish your mission and come home safe. Reporter mike pence stressing Donald Trumps commitment to supporting the United Statess role in afghanistan in a surprise visit to the country thursday evening, the vp meeting for nearly an hour before going on to speak with troops at Bagram Airfield telling soldiers the us is dedicated to defeating the taliban and terrorist groups in the middle east. The armed forces of the United States will remain engaged in afghanistan until we eliminate the terrorist threat to our homeland. The Vice President was set to travel to egypt earlier this week, those plans were canceled due to the vote on the tax bill and chilling relations between palestinians and christian leaders in the region. That trip is rescheduled for mid january. Back in washington donald trump spending time visiting troops at the walter reed medical center, taking time to award a purple heart to a soldier being treated at the facility. We are going to wish them a merry christmas, happy new year and we love those people. Reporter during the Campaign Donald trump openly criticized the United States involvement in afghanistan but since taking office he has said he plans to focus on defeating terrorist organizations in the country. Rob first a chilling christmas threat aimed at the vatican, then one aimed at times square, isis is using santa claus to question an attack just days before christmas. Ambassador nikki haley Standing Firm after the un votes to condemn the recognition of jerusalem as his relapse capital and move the embassy. Our next guest, the director of the israel project, says the move will only strengthen the United States ties to israel. Millions of americans heading home for the holidays. Are you one of them . Todd pyro at new york airport just outside the city. Reporter get ready to meet some important people, these were the ones that got to the airport at 4 00 am but do not expect it to be this easy later today, we are live in the work airport on the greatest game day right before christmas when fox and friends first returns. America at the embassy in jerusalem, that is what the American People want us to do and the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. An overwhelming majority of the un General Assembly ignoring threats from the Trump Administration to cut funding over a vote condemn the decision to you move the us embassy to jerusalem but how much do these countries rely on the United States and what could this mean for diplomatic relations going forward. Joining me, thank you for coming. As we look at the numbers here the United States spends by far the most on the un itself, 2. 1 billion, every other nation combined, 5. 2 billion, is this organization the United Nations in the eyes of this administration. I dont think it is obsolete but one of the things they were talking about is for lack of a better way of saying it the threats worked. The United Nations passes 80 of its resolution when it condemns israel and we know the president has been skeptical about this and nikki haley has. When they came out with their threats for the last couple days this ended up being, it looks from the outside in, a historic low watermark, couldnt get two third of the General Assembly to oppose israel and the ambassador knows this and has reached out to the actual friends of the United States to condemn us. One of the questions moving forward is is it obsolete . The question is, can the rest of the country that voted against the United States for our sovereign decision to move our embassy, what are they going to do . Rebuilding and restoring these relationships. Rob israel doesnt have a lot of fanfare in the world, not a lot of countries really support israel. The United States is one of its few friends. You see a lot of folks abstain from this, didnt want to touch it, they dont want to stir the pot . This would come with ramifications it sounds like a lot of anger in the middle east, 35 countries abstained from this vote. What did you make of that . There is a lot of fairly insider regional analysis about this stuff so you look at the efforts israeli Prime Minister benjamin and yahoo made to expand the list of his relapse friends, places like tours of countries in africa, south america and a lot of those countries abstained. Or move from yes to abstain or abstain to know on these folks and the easy answer is the right one which is a lot of smaller countries that dont want to get on the wrong side of the Trump Administration looked at what Ambassador Haley said, a number of times over the course of the week including the hours leading up to the vote that the president would take it personally of our friends around the world condemned the sovereign decision. The list of countries that get the most military spending as of 2016 by the us, iraq at the top, 4 billion, israel 3 billion, egypt 1 billion, this started with egypt. We spend a lot of money overseas but it is a good idea in some respects to our own interests, trying to keep these areas stable. Is it a good idea to pull money out of these countries . That is the right question. The Trump Administration listens to what measures it will take. Egypt is an interesting case because the egyptians did not initiate this resolution, it was initiated by the turks and yemen but egypt is an interesting example because they are on the security council, for all the talk in the media about how this isolated the United States, after the nonbinding vote in the morning in the General Assembly there was another vote in the security council. A binding vote that egypt was involved in that was on a us resolution involving International Security against foreign terrorist fighter that passed unanimously. Egypt is another example, countries want to make it right for the us. Thanks for coming on this morning, appreciate the perspective. We will be right back. Rob new details of a reallife College Party mimicking something out of animal house. You make me want to shout shout shout rob one of the most important films ever produced. Police say there was so much abuse inside this home that the air registered a 0. 01 on a breathalyzer. The party hosted by Fraternity Members at american university, so desperate to get away, jumped out of a second floor window. Holiday Health Warning your Christmas Tree could be making you sick. [sneezing] im allergic to Christmas Rob doctors warning real trees can trigger lifethreatening emergency reactions thanks to mold pollen. It is known as Christmas Tree syndrome. The danger grows the longer the tree is in your home. Some solutions shaking in before you bring it into the house, hold it down or go with a fake 3. We dont advise that. Get a real 3. It is not just trees, Christmas Music can take a toll. All i want for christmas is you you baby rob listening to Christmas Music is bad for your mental health. The reason, hearing the songs can stress you out by reminding you of all the things you have to do before the holidays like by all these presents. They can irritate people if they are played too loud or early. Retail workers are the most at risk of course since they use these Christmas Songs on a loop for 40 days in a row and they can cause your brain to lose focus or just drive you nuts. Does Christmas Music drive you crazy or do you love it . Email us your thoughts at first foxnews. Com, instagram or facebook. 26 minutes after the argument democrats working overtime to slam the president s tax reform bill even after it passed. You know the end of Mary Shelleys story . The monster comes back to destroy. She is proud of this frankenstein things she has going on. What the democrats have to run on in 2018 . What are their ideas . Some say it is a lot of nothing. Rob heroes home for the holidays, incredible reunions that make you proud to be an american this christmas, stay tuned. Rob a fox news alert, sickening Images Released by isis promising christmas terror. One showing a decapitated santa claus and another has the words soon in christmas with a bloodstained knife, the group threatening families inside their homes after posting a guidebook for lone wolf extremists, this is the third in a series of christmas related threats by the killer jihadists in recent weeks as very the serrated from their Holding Syria and iraq. Officials are certain las vegas gunmen killed himself. According to the coroners report, Stephen Paddock only had one wounds, a gunshot to the mouth, the court confirming all 58 victims of the mass shooting died of gunshot wounds, none died of injuries while trying to escape the rampage. That city, las vegas, has taken their security to the next level, installing 800 safety posts to protect pedestrians, they are connected underground to steel frames and can withstand a head on collision from a car driving 50 miles an hour. Las vegas will install 8000 more safety posts next year. Remember when susan rice lied to the American People about the benghazi attack pinpointing the acts of terror on a you were to video . Hateful, offensive video. Spontaneous reaction to this hateful video. There was a hateful video. Heinous and offensive video. National security advisor blasting donald trump on his America First strategy in an oped titled america is no longer a global force for good. Relinquishing the nations moral authority in these difficult times will embolden rivals, make a mockery of the very idea of America First. This after donald trump announced his new America First National Security policy. First she called the gop taxable armageddon. Now nancy pelosi has been comparing it to frankenstein. Good, good. Democrats making the dramatic literary reference at a press conference not for the first time. Anyone familiar with frankenstein, a monster that was created. Do you know the ending of Mary Shelleys story . The monster comes back to destroy. Rob nancy pelosi leading the charge is democrats slam the tax plan after it passed but former congressman Jason Chaffetz says their messaging doesnt resonate with voters and here is why. America wanted a disruptive president , they didnt like what was happening in washington dc on either side of the isle. Democrats only thing they can point to as a highlight for their 2017 is a generic ballot you know it was a terrible year for democrats. They lost big, hillary clinton, if the race were run again, donald trump would win by bigger numbers, he did help unite the party. After the republicans did the reverberant face plant by blowing it on obamacare they finally realized maybe we ought to come together and the president did work hard behind the scenes and democrats, what are they going to run on . We think your taxes should be higher, how dare the republicans cut your taxes. They got nothing to run on other than a generic ballot. Talking travel, millions of americans on the move, the busiest two day travel period of the Holiday Season. We are in it right now. Todd pyro joins us in new jersey, is it busy at 4 30 in the morning . Reporter it is not bad but this shot, travel holiday live shot all reporters do in is a competition between all media members, ready . This is the calm before the storm. You like what i did . This 48 hour period of the Holiday Season more people will travel this year than ever before. Aaa expect 107 million americans to be traveling including 61 2 million that are flying, the worst time to hit the road 3 30 to 5 30 p. M. Aaa says try to avoid that time if possible. At the airports even though there is no specific threat of terrorism, expect to see increased security including bomb sniffing dogs and heavily armed officers and be prepared to move any devices larger than a cell phone from carryons when you go through security and some airports will have new automated screening equipment to speed up the process but regardless, make sure you leave extra time. One of those gentlemen leaving extra time is my buddy michael, good to see you where you headed . Costa rica. Reporter that is cooler than going to a coldweather area. What are you doing there . Go to the beach. Reporter anything specific you want for christmas or any other holiday . I want another phone. Reporter how old are you . 12. Reporter he has one phone, he needs another phone because ofyearolds are cooler than i could ever hope to be. The calm before the storm, pack your patience. Pack your patience. Every time i hear these words i cringe. Reporter holding on to pack your patience for the 6 00 hour. Rob we appreciate it. 37 minutes after the hour. What does Justin Trudeau want for christmas . Radical islamic terrorists . Has engaged and turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinarily powerful voice. Rob you might not believe how he plans to handle the threat in his own country. You have seen his commercials. Better ingredients, better pizza, papa johns. Rob how the founding father is getting a job change, we will talk about that. The apple watch 3 on a family members newscast, we will break down everything you need to know about the hottest lastminute tech gifts. A bunch of stuff, stay tuned. Rob down to the wire for christmas shopping, 3 days out now but if you have a few names left on your list we have the hottest lastminute gift ideas for the tech lover in your life. Everybody wants something tech. Kurt the cyber guy is here to tell us. We have some good stuff here. Still have time to get these things. If you order them today you can get them in most parts of the country before christmas. Many things the same day if you are in a major metropolitan area. The amazon echo, the all new echo is smaller, has great sound and that is the big thing everybody is talking about alexa who can control your house, futuristic, 79, on dale. Back up in time this is so cool. One touch 2 from polaroid. It makes those instant pictures. The original selfy machine. It is not static, 28yearold salvaged this 80yearold company when they went bankrupt and they have more modern instant type of photos. Apple watch for 3. 59, which configuration you do, this is a superhot seller. People waiting for that cellular stuff that had them wait all of the sudden these are selling like hot cakes you can get in time for the holidays. You can go up from there and two different sizes and get the alexa or google home and this is from tp link and this is all stuff that is 40 or under to power up your house a smart way. You can dial up with color light you want coming out of your lamp, from your smartphone and a bunch of different outlets. It is a smart way that is inexpensive to add a stocking stuff for or great smart things to your home. Bos is the name when you travel with noise canceling head sets. Users saying these are better, sony nailed it out of the park, wireless Bluetooth Noise Canceling head sets. These are available online. If you order them today you get them on time for the holidays. You are going to pay if you missed the holidays altogether, 9. 99, floating poppers from phantom fireworks, look at that, have your own party, 9. 99, your own Party Anywhere you go. Rob thank you for the heart attack on live television. Holiday shopping guide. Rob paper all over everything. People love this. Selling superfast. Rob a unique vision. Merry christmas. 44 minutes after the hour. The old iphones get slower as they age. That confession is turning into a lawsuit. We will tell you about that. Scientific study everybodys talking about, can too much Christmas Music really be bad for your health. What our viewers think about this coming up. Rob canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomes reformed terrorists back into his country, he says they can be used to bring good into society. We know someone who has engaged and turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinarily powerful voice for preventing radicalization in future generations. Rob an array of opinions on this idea. He also called donald trump a, quote, Disruptive Force but also a dealmaker and negotiator, they get along pretty well. Another big win for donald trump in the future of American Nuclear power. In a unanimous vote Georgia Power giving the green light to continue building two new Nuclear Reactors and get decadelong industry freeze in this field, Georgia Power calling the move, quote, key to ensuring our state has affordable and reliable energy. All 21 2 million customers will get a 70 rebate because of cost overruns and delays. Home sales getting an unexpected high according to the National Association of realtors, existing home sales searched 5. 6 to an annual rate of 5. 81 Million Units last month, the highest level since december 2006 when we were in the middle of that big housing run. Donald trump sell rating on twitter writing home sales hit best numbers in ten years, make America Great again. A foxbusiness alert, outraged iphone users slamming apple with a lawsuit after the Company Admits to purposely slowing older phones down. Tracy is here with the owners versus apple. This bothers a lot of people. Reporter a proposed classaction breach of contract suit brought on by two iphone users, they say they never consented to apple to allow apple to slow its phones down. The best thing, they are demanding a jury trial. This comes after apple admitted to deliberately slowing down older models of the iphone to make them last longer and here is what they said. As a result of these actions, plaintiffs and members had their phones slow down, thereby it interfered, use of positions of their iphones. This is for iphones 8 or older. Rob what happened to papa john . Reporter papa john himself is stepping down from his position as chief executive after that nfl controversy where he said that nfl and kneeling protests was due to poor thirdquarter results. He says now he is stepping away from the company and heres what he said earlier, the nfl leadership has heard papa johns shareholders and the controversy is polarizing the country. Rob i dont see that being a big deal. Cold and toys r quote us doing the Holiday Hours thing. Reporter lastminute shoppers, the clock is ticking, you can still shop starting yesterday, kohls, 24 hours through 6 00 pm Christmas Eve and a 63 hour shopping spree starting this morning 6 00 am through 9 00 pm Christmas Eve at toys r quote us. Those chains open 24 hours and this saturday is supersaturday, the busiest shopping day this Holiday Season, 126 Million People will be out there. Rob it might be picked through on this one. Thanks. All i want for christmas is you you baby rob imagine how much money mariah carey made off of that song. It is impossible to go anywhere without hearing Christmas Music and Scientists Say listening to it could be bad for your mental health, causing stress, trigger unhappy childhood memories, even cause you to lose focus. We asked does Christmas Music drive you crazy . J on facebook rights Christmas Music puts me in a good mood. I look forward to this time of year. Danny tweeting only when i hear it in the second week of november, seems they start earlier every year. Paul emailed us i love Christmas Music, i play one cd after another, some people love it but if you work in a retail store you have probably gone mad. 53 minutes after the hour, here is coming home for the holidays never gets old. The most heartwarming homecomings that will make you want to salute our troops this christmas, stay tuned. I got my whole life to save the world in my hands last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears i give it to someone special rob the producer of this show just made my morning by playing the greatest Christmas Song ever written. Just enjoy it for one more second. All right. The most wonderful time of the year is becoming more wonderful for many families as thousands of soldiers across the country surprise their loved ones by coming home for the holidays. Our favorite heartwarming videos taking the internet by storm as families get the best present of all. The best Christmas Present we could ask for. We were hoping he would make it here before the holidays. [applause] best Christmas Present ever. You know who that is . The best father. Are you excited . You are going to do that. You cant put words to explain how it is to be with your family for christmas. The United States will remember this day as we will remember when so many countries come calling on us to pay even more. Jillian a stunning un vote led by a scathing response from the Trump Administration. Time to put your own money where your mouth is as donald trump responding to nations that dont respect us. Residents of sesame street shelling out big bucks to become social justice warriors. Great escape day in roads and airports, expected to be wild, fox and friends first continues right now. A White Christmas just like the ones i used to know where the treetops glisten

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