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The president of the United States as he is going to fix your problem, ask for your vote, looking to him in conference today. Rob donald trump hitting the road, House Republicans are one step closer to the largest revamp of the us tax system in decades. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian it is wednesday. We can do it. Over the hump. You are watching fox and friends first. Rob thank you for starting your day with us, a fox news alert, north korea, what could be a game changer, the rogue nation test launching a new kind of intercontinental ballistic missile. Jillian capable of striking anywhere in the us, donald trump promising consequences. The missile was launched a little while ago from north korea, we will take care of it. Rob amy kellogg with new developments. Reporter i have heard it pointed out that kim jung uns statement they have finally achieved their goal of becoming a rocket power does leave open the possibility he could declare testing is no longer important and this could be an opening for kim jung un to come to the table but that is hardly something the International Community can bank on. We dont know what is going on in the mind of north korea leadership. These are the images been to the north Korean People at daybreak, glorious montage of missile launches, yesterday the highest like a missile to date and the most potent, Nuclear Capable icbm, which means mars, if the 600 miles at an altitude of 2800 feet but analysts say it could have traveled 1000 miles putting the American Capital and its range, the missile landed in the sea of japan. This was the order to launch, kim jung un signing a, quote, fire with courage for party and country, impossible to know what is on the mind of the north korean masses, watching the launch on large screen, we do know it was extremely troubling and responded. In response, the south koreans fired some pinpoint missiles into the water to make certain north korea understands they could be under fire by our ally but the bottom line is it is a continued effort to build a threat. Reporter this casts a shadow over the south korean winter olympic games. In the meantime, the un will have an Emergency Security Council Meeting later today. Jillian with politicians ramping up talk of military force forestalling the missile test one expert now saying donald trump sanctions are key to tamping down the threat. Rob gordon chang joined us earlier and this is what he had to say. Donald trump has executive order that tells the world you do business with north korea you dont do business with the United States so we need to enforce that and that is not only about countries to buy things from north korea but also countries that handle the money for North Koreans and that is china. We need to start imposing costs on north koreas backers, we can strangle north korea and dont need to use force to do it. There are so many options. We heard senator Lindsey Graham with all this war talk introducing fatalism into the global conversation. We need to talk about sanctions instead. Jillian relief for a lot of people in a florida community, 51 day nightmare is over. Living in fear of a serial killer, what many have done for some time. Hours ago tampa police arresting 24yearold Howard Donaldson iii in connection with four murders in the Seminole Heights neighborhood of tampa. The break in the case when donaldson showed up at a local mcdonalds with a gun. He gave it to a coworker and said he was going to leave the state. The gun matched shell casings found at the crime scene and officers found bloodied clothes in his car. Donaldson has no criminal record in florida. In the battle between darkness and light, light has won. We are bringing someone to justice who doesnt deserve the right to walk among us. Justice will be served and then the process will occur when this individual rots in hell. Jillian victims shot and killed near bus stops, greenery Surveillance Video near one of the bus stop the only clue police had for weeks. A possible break in a frantic nationwide manhunt to find a 3yearold girl. Maria woods went missing from her North Carolina home after her mother put her to bed. The fbi pleading with the public to determine if these photos on your screen are of the toddler taken at a walmart monday morning 50 miles from her home. They are searching for the woman seen carrying the child. Priority number one is to find maria and we are asking the publics help in local and surrounding community for anyone who had contact with the family from sunday on to please contact us with any information. Jillian several adults were home when she disappeared including her mothers boyfriend who says he told her to go back to bed around midnight. Little maria wears leg braces, the family says she could not have walked off alone. Rob some drum on capitol hill, the top two democrats boycott a meeting with donald trump days before a possible Government Shutdown after one of the president s tweets, the senate takes a major step on tax reform. Life in washington dc with where republicans will go from here. Reporter the president heads to st. Charles, missouri to tao tax reform after a campaign in which the tax bill moved forward at the expense of what little bipartisan spirit existed in this badly divided city. The tactical squeaks through the Senate Committee 1211 on a partyline vote. The good news for republicans is ron johnson and bob corker who had reservations about the bill voted yes. We have a unanimous vote. The tax bill goes the next step and we will get it passed. The senate will be popular. Reporter debate in the full senate could begin as early as this afternoon. Yesterday started on a contentious know when the president tweeted the meeting with chuck and nancy about keeping government open and working, problem is they want Illegal Immigrants flooding into the country unchecked, weak on crime and want to raise taxes. I dont see a deal. That as you can imagine did not sit well with senate and house my leader lives Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi who boycotted the white house meeting. Given that the president doesnt see a deal between democrats and the white house, leader pelosi and i believe the best path forward is to continue negotiating with republican counterparts in congress instead. Reporter the president added salt to the wound by keeping schumer and pelosis nametags in place at their empty chairs next to the present while mcconnell and ryan conspicuous sat nearby, policy tweeted the in teacher photo up, his stunts more than addressing the need of the american people. Paul ryan and mcconnell relegated to props, sad. Whether the tax bill passes in the senate rests on senator john mccain. He has a lot of things trouble him about the bill. His maverick reputation is looming large. Stunts on both side and we will analyze this further. Good to see you early in the morning, thanks very much. Donald trump pointing the finger at democrats saying they will be to blame if the government does shutdown next month. I would blame the democrats. Look at the military, we want strong funding for the military, they dont. So many things. As an example they want high taxes, we want to cut taxes. A lot of big differences, we will see what happens. Rob the left can take nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer for talking their case out the window if they try to place blame on republicans. The politics of blaming the republicans for shutting down government which they do very effectively, very hard for them to blame republicans when they cant even show up. This was a stupid tactical mistake by the democrats. The present dealt with him on the last budget deal, democrats over the republicans, he is actually shown a preference to listen to them and the happiest people today were Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan, didnt have to worry about that rug being pulled out from under them again. Jillian megan moyle jumping into the role of a royal. The former american times and prince harry will visit nottingham kicking off a 6month tour of the uk. Boots on the ground in the uk, excited to get to know more about different communities, smaller organizations, that im passionate about under this umbrella. Just the beginning. Jillian a couple will attend a Charity Event and meet with teachers working with at risk youth. Rob Senate Republicans one step closer to tax reform. When the president of the United States tells you hes going to fix your problem he asks for your vote i was more than willing to give it to him in congress today. Rob that was one of the dicey ones, what will it take to flip the other holdouts your next guest, former republican congressional candidate says for some it is personal and not just political. Jillian the best news you will hear all day, how you can turn water into wine in your own home. Can you a sense the excitement in my voice . We are coming back. Stay close to me bps natural gas teams use smart App Technology to share data from any well instantly. So they can analyze trends and stop potential problems in their tracks. Because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. Im gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya one day maybe next week, im gonna meet ya im gonna meet ya, ill meet ya rob republicans one crucial step closer to tax reform. Key holdouts advance the bill after sitting down with the president. Every time i have been with donald trump he has been very engaged, very gracious quite honestly. Had some real reservations for this committee vote. I was a no yesterday and this morning but had good discussions. We dont have video close yet but it is awfully close. Rob here is republican strategist noel nateport. Our first fancy graphic shows concerns a handful of people have and this one here, the impact on the deficit and the National Debt which has exploded in the last we 10 years, john mccain, corker, flake and lankford watching money. We are 20 trillion in debt and that is a problem, they want this to be deficit neutral because they dont want a filibuster. One of the things republicans platform on the economic side, we focused on reducing the national deficit. I can understand some of the People Holding out until today, corker, mccain, mikulski, flake, they are holding out for different reasons, Small Business cuts. Rob dont go as deep as the corporate rate which they want to drop to 20 . I can understand that, something to carry the banner. I understand that. The national deficit, i understand that. If you look at the majority of People Holding out, i felt these were personal because you got to look at john mccain who we know as this guy, doesnt like the president. Rob corker is getting on board. The second graphic shows people the impact on small as this is, johnson from wisconsin and baines from montana, these guys, a great deal in this tax bill too. I understand that fight and we all do. Not just corporations that should enjoy tax reform but Small Businesses and clips for days, on the back of Small Businesses. Rob the one that could incorporate john mccains repeal of the individual mandate, messing with obamacare time that into the budget. We hear a lot, opposing a number of things as president does and gerri moran, a moderate conservative and assume he is as well but im not sure if his particulars. They are worried about healthcare. John mccain is the crucial vote. If they take that out they might get those two back but they dont mess with the repeal. I think you are right but i dont like seeing the same game almost like the antitrump gang, the same bad actors that keep coming back and look at the people opposing what trump has got or the republican party, trying to be unified, mccain, flake. Rob there are some personal vendettas and the president has made some enemies and you see how it becomes a mess that mcconnell has to deal with trying to satisfy all these different needs. You dont get paid enough. Thanks for coming and. We appreciate it. Jillian the war on christmas has officially begun after this ad urging worshipers to find the perfect gift is banned from the public. Carly shimkus is here live with the church is fighting back. What you made me do what you made me do what you made me do rob cnn boycotting White House Christmas party but could the white house get the last laugh . Jillian Carly Shimkus with serious xm with the burning response from Sarah Huckabee sanders. The spirit of christmas cant stop the feud between cnn and the Trump Administration. The network says they are skipping the annual White House Christmas party for members of the media. In light of the president have continued attacks on freedom of the press as cnn we do not feel is appropriate to celebrate with him as invited guests. We will send a white house reporting team to the event and report on it if news warrants. There a sanders celebrated this news on twitter saying christmas comes early, good news from cnn. People on twitter who dont like network used this as an opportunity to sound off, twitter says the white house staff will lose sleep over this one, tragedy, kim says cnn is like the relative you have to invite but you really dont want to come anyway. A lot of attacks on cnn over this. Jillian what is the latest in the war on christmas . A pretty big one, the Roman Catholic archdiocese of washington is suing the dc metropolitan area transit all Church Authority because they rejected this ad that promotes a website. The website is about finding god and giving back during the holiday season. And a statement from the metro, in 2015 Washington Metro Area Transit Authority changed its advertising policy to prohibit issue oriented advertising including political, religious and advocacy advertising. The reason this isnt outside buses on the holidays is they stated religious. The archdiocese said this is a violation of their First Amendment rights. A lot of people are chiming in on twitter. Look like it is not politically correct to be a christian. Another twitter user says glad they are still, the ad doesnt mention religion or the reason for christmas but even if christians want to buy ad space they are denied. One last tweet from man who says that is what christmas is, has everyone lost common sense . Pretty controversial. The president , bringing back christmas, saying Merry Christmas is a normal thing, speaks to that attack. Moon jaein rob trying to stay out of the pc nightmare. It certainly is. Jillian 25 minutes after the hour, outrage as the mastermind of the benghazi attacks escape the most serious charges against him, Family Members say the Obama Administration is to blame. Rob ivanka trump showing what it means to be a champion for women. The growth of women Led Businesses and simply good for society, it is good for our economy. Rob or next guest who wrote the book on first families explains why history will remember ivanka as a powerful woman of the white house. Helping keep shoppers safe. This is a financial Transaction Secure from hacks and threats others cant see. This is a skyscraper whose elevators use iot data and ai to help thousands get to work safely and efficiently. This is not the cloud you know. This is the ibm cloud. The ibm cloud is the cloud for business. Yours. [ mouse clicks, keyboard clacking ] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ mouse clicking ] [ keyboard clacking ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. avo but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. Noninsulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. 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Jillian the mastermind of the 2012 terror attack or socalled mastermind is acquitted of murder, taking the Death Penalty off the table. Jillian Marianne Rafferty has reaction to the verdict. Reporter that verdict spiking nationwide outrage, the ringleader of the benghazi attack spared the Death Penalty because being the mastermind behind the brutal death doesnt count as murder at least according to a jury. Convicted of terror charges but found not guilty on 14 others. The 2012 attack resulted in the death of chris stevens, state Department Information management officer sean smith and Contract Security officers tyrone woods and glenn doherty. Family members lashing out calling the verdict a miscarriage of justice and putting blame on the Obama Administration. And accessory to the murder is guilty of murder as much as the person who pulled the trigger. The Previous Administration granted this foreign terrorist american constitutional rights. That should not have happened. Jillian sean smiths mother saying she was not surprised and not happy with the verdict and goes on to accuse Hillary Clinton who was secretary of state at the time of having no heart. The cia director calling the verdict a small measure of justice with the terror inflicted unpatriotic men and women stationed in benghazi, 60 years in prison but a sentencing date has not been set. Rob a bombshell report that dozens of criminal conviction cases like the texas church shooters were not reported to the gun database. The Inspector General reviewing 60,000 cases after the service failed to report the history of domestic violence. That failure enable them to purchase the weapons to kill 26 people during the sunday worship. As a family who lasts nine relatives in that shooting filed the first lawsuit against the air force accusing them of negligence for his part in this. John conyers spotted flying coach on a plane back to detroit igniting rumors he might be heading home to resign. We dont know as Top Democrats ramp up pressure on the veteran lawmaker to bow out following a sex scandal avalanche, and the representative to step away from capitol hill after defending him last sunday. This is and conyerss first rodeo with the ethics committee, accused of using former aides as personal servants. The investigation was closed because conyers, quote, took responsibility for that. Stranded tourists finally have a way off of the island where a massive volcano has been erupting and spewing ash and lovable is the airport tree opening just hours after being shut down for two days, all the ash is spewing from aviation officials downgrading the warning level forcing thousands to evacuate from the indonesian island, the second largest airport can open tomorrow morning. Jillian ivanka trump making her first Solo International trip to india promoting womens rights around the world. Feeling the growth of women Led Businesses isnt simply good for society but good for our economy. I encourage everyone to come together, learn from each other and find new ways to lift barriers in our society so women are free to innovate, empowered to succeed and able to leave our children a brighter future. Jillian how is ivankas role helping this administration . Here is the author of unusual for their times, on the road with americas first ladies, we appreciate it. How important is she to this administration . Very. She proved herself a valuable asset on the campaign trail and that is bleeding into her fathers administration, a capable and successful and intelligent businesswoman and perfect ambassador on the global stage for women empowerment. Jillian when you look at the climate we are in and how many women across the country are speaking out about Sexual Harassment and different allegations, how important is it for ivanka trump and the administration . Her success in the business world, strong figure in her fathers administration take womens Empowerment Movement to a new level, new popularity, hot topic, and travel internationally. Jillian what has impressed you the most. The way she holds herself and her style, politics is a rough and dirty game, you can get beat up in the press and her father has been on the receiving end of that, the firm outward appearance and a good message to the world and good message for women. Jillian she made her mark already or do you think shes just scratching the surface of what shes going to do . Scratching the surface. President ial families have been part of their Administration Since the beginning. Jeffersons daughter stepped in in the third administration, and on and on, for her to take that role and step up and move into the white house shows she will continue to make a mark in this administration is an important member. Jillian shes not the first Family Member to come out and be able to take her stand and be a role model. Most people remember amy carter, the carter sons were hugely effective in this campaign as part of the peanut gate and they helped their father in ways that got him into the white house so they were very effective. Daughters stepped up to be hosted. Harriet lane, james buchanan, she came in, made the largest in the National Gallery of art, these Family Members, cousin to stepped in these roles made significant marks the last into modern times on america. Jillian we will see what she does my thank you for joining us. Rob lets talk about some weather. On the east coast, it is warm. 60s today. There are some changes brewing next week. Them changes coming but you dont like change. That is where the cold air is. 20 to 30 , through the central us, not a nice day on the east coast, a storm system moving into the northwest, an ongoing situation for them. Not a big storm system but a little rain and snow and this will be the next weather maker. Computer models heading into next week, there could be changes, cold air and snow but todays forecasts, northwest looks unsettled, parts of the mississippi, thundershowers. Back to julian and rob. We think that all day. Sometimes it happens, what i can do with my magic powers. Rob police say a serial killer, the man accused of innocent people in cold blood behind bars, live at Police Headquarters with brandnew charges next. Jillian campus craziness taken to a new level, when university offering a white racism course on your dime. Classes like this make it harder to fight real racism. I text in full sentences. I refer to every child as chief. This hat was free. What am i supposed to do, not wear it . Next thing you know, im telling strangers defense wins championships. Well, it does. Right . Why is the door open . Are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood . At least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. I mean, why would i replace this . Its not broken. Use pantene shampoo together with 3 minute miracle daily conditioner. Their prov formula is like a multivitamin. Making your hair 2x stronger see the difference when you add 3 minute miracle daily conditioner. Rob the Supreme Court hearing arguments in the landmark case, can police track your cell phone data without issuing a warrant . The case stems from a 2011 arrest in Detroit Using his phones location. The Supreme Court previously ruling citizens wave their Fourth Amendment right to privacy when sharing information with third parties like a wireless provider. Jillian donald from winning round one in the battle for the top watchdog, the judge sided with the white house giving the legal greenlight to the commanderinchiefs picnic mulvaney to take over calling this peaked earlier saying the ruling clears the way for the Trump Administration to finally drain the highly criticized agency. He did say we would uphold the law, follow through on things the copd was supposed to be doing but you can count on the fact they are going to end the regulatory reign of terror. Jillian donald trump raising the vision posting a big win for the consumer. I was distracted. They dont win anything in the court. 43 minutes, campus craziness taken to a whole new level on your dime. Jillian a Public University in florida offering a white racism course for the spring semester. Is this what we want to teach our kids in school . Rob campusreform. Org media director phillips coming in this morning. Lets bring in, show this description, talk about what this course is. In this course we will interrogate the concept of race, examine the racist ideology, the practices that have operated for hundreds of years to maintain white racial domination and discuss ways to challenge white racism and White Supremacy toward promoting Antiracist Society where whiteness is not tied to greater life chances. That has to be one of the most antiwhite descriptions i ever heard. Students are paying 600 to 2400 a semester to take this course. It is starting from an incredibly biased standpoint. There is racism throughout history and in america today. When you label everything racist nothing is racist. You desensitize people to it and enable students to not actually analyze things critically and it is dangerous for professors to be less concerned with facts, more concerned with stirring the pot. We need the vision at this time in america and professors are concerned with their agenda and making everything for their leftist narrative. Jillian researching a topic earlier, how are you going to teach this class and to be unbiased, this class to my knowledge there is even a waiting list, what are people hoping to learn . The professor said for people who are angry with the title if you are upset about the title it shows your ignorance on the subject. The arrogance of assuming if you disagree with me were not just wrong but ignorant and many students in the class come in and you can imagine the pressure to speak up and disagree with what the professor is saying because his stance is so clear. If this were a one off thing you could say it is a one off thing but it is not. Campus reform classes, teaching statues are racist, geometry is White Supremacy, everything. Rob if you want a real discussion about racism it could be an interesting course. Find one culture that doesnt have racism toward another culture, one race that doesnt dislike another race for some stupid reason. It happens everywhere, it is universal, it will never change, only focuses on how evil white people are. It is important we analyze every culture to learn the problems and poised to remember this is a problem of taxpayer money. People upset by this, youre the one paying for it and many times this happens because there is no accountability. Professors know they are getting away with it because people dont know where their money is going, he might pull federal funding for schools that dont protect free speech and some people pull federal funding from schools teaching things like this. Jillian 47 after the hour, time to check in with what is coming up on fox and friends. Reporter we are in a place called olive branch, mississippi, close to the tennessee side of mississippi. We are at the neighborhood grill and we will talk to folks about the issues of the day. So much going on in washington, a lot of people want to talk about that. There is an emphasis on bike american, making american. They proudly serve us farm raised catfish. We will talk to people about that, talk to people about football and eli manning on fox and friends. On the other side of the break, dont go anywhere. Its halfwashed. Add downy odor protect with 24hour odor protection. Downy and its done. Breaking news as the florida the regular case, suspect under arrest. Fox affiliate in tampa live with the latest, some piece for the folks in the Seminole Heights area. And in the past month or so, police said they got there guys, named howley manual datsun iii. He was questioned yesterday afternoon. With all four counts of murder being held in the Hillsborough County jail. What led up to all of this, this person according to folks in the Seminole Heights area, terrorizing this neighborhood. The city that he worked at, inside the bag was a gun, told the employee not to tell everyone there was a gun inside, he then left, that employee told an officer inside the mcdonalds, an employee had given them a gun, mcdonalds came back to that mcdonalds, he was arrested, taken into custody, with questions. During questioning donaldson was advising he could end the conversation but donaldson provided consent to conduct a search on his vehicle, his cell phone and examine his gun, all the evidence points to him. We have a soundbite from the mayor, listen in. In the battle between darkness and light, light has won, we are bringing someone to justice who doesnt have the right to walk amongst us. The process will occur when this individual rots in hell. Reporter a lot of questions including who this person is. He is 24 years old according to his facebook page, he graduated from a local high school but a lot of questions, the big one not only for friends and family of those that were killed but what is the motive, not only folks in the neighborhood wondering the same question but so are investigators, developing story on fox news. Rob could be a game changer for cigarette sales, forced to reveal the true impact of smoking. Jillian tracy is here to explain. Reporter Tobacco Companies have to admit on National Television smoking kills 1200 people a day. This is part of a court enforced Advertising Campaign will have to run for a year, 5 days a week on all Major Networks during prime time hours and this is to show how dangerous, how addictive smoking can be. There is a battle back and forth between the court and these tobaccomakers. They are going to have to fess up as some companies are saying. This is just one of the efforts to show how dangerous smoking is. Rob i never even see the ads anymore. Jillian lets turn water into wine. Soda stream, you turn a glass of water into soda, now they found a way to turn water into wine. You can use a white wine concentrate selling it and turn it into a bubbly glass called sparkling gold. It is only available in germany so maybe you can find someone to ship it to you. They are testing it and maybe they will bring it to the us. Rob how romantic, thanks so much, be right back. Bp is taking safety glasses to a whole new level. Using augmented reality so engineers in the field can share data and get expert backup in the blink of an eye. Because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. Jillian time for the good,ed bad and the ugly. First the good, heroic troopers putting their lives in danger to save a man trapped in a burning car in new york. You can see them reach into the car as as flames shoot out and they pulled the driver to safety. Rob your taxpayer dollars used to settle a lawsuit to booze filled environment on capitol hill. Money was used to will being drunk on a daily basis. Jillian finally the you will or funny. Excited, engaged, expecting and emily. A College Student from california posting her hilarious Christmas Card comparing her happenly in love to singleness and childless status. I saw this going around on social media i thought that was hilarious. Rob humor. Emily, call me. I will take you out sometime. Fox friends starts right now. North korea launched another intercontinental ballistic missile. This one with greater range than any fired by the communist north to date. I will take you we will take care of it. If you are a tin pot bully like the regime in north korea, little kim. Then sooner or later you will pay for your threat. The socalled master mind behind the benghazi attacks was convicted today on terror charges. But he was cleared of murder charges. This is a total miscarriage of justice. An accessory to murder. Also guilty of murder. President trump came a step closer to the goal line on tax reform today when the Budget Committee voted to send the bill to the full senate. I think its going to pass and its going to be very

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