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Powerful earthquake strike it is middle east sunday. Heather good morning, youre watching Fox Friends First on monday morning. Hopefully you had a great weekend. Great to be back with you after a week off. Story that has been breaking overnight. Controversial face to face meeting between President Trump and federico duterte. Live from manila in the philippines with more. Beautiful shot there. Hey, good morning. Isnt that great . Its such a terrific way to come to you from the beautiful philippines from manila a lot of praise as he wraps bilateral with leader of philippines, part of active day. The president wrapping up a 13day, fivecountry tour here in asia just talking a great deal about trade and Security Cooperation and regional trade in particular, some very important notes indeed. Let me show you pictures as we have them and plenty of them therefore, President Trump taking part of event that brings leaders from all over the world, mr. Trump, of course, thanking his philippine counterpart for generous and warm hospitality and friendship. The two leaders breaking away in bilateral conversations that centered on trade, not just regional trade but Regional Security and the fight against isis. One of several oneonones on leaders throughout the region. Weve had many meetings, one right now primarily focused on trade, north korea other subjects, the dialogue has been very good. We look forward to the continuation of that dialogue. Now, look, i would be remisif i didnt share of the unexpected that happened during the family photo. Did you see this if youre online this morning you probably did, the crossedhands picture. Well, it didnt exact i will go how they drew up but President Trump played along just a bit. You have to get a lot closer together if youre going to have the crosshands, when they fall apart, what are you going to do . Have you ever been to a wedding, you probably know how this goes. Later theres a dinner tonight with the leader of australia, if you know how that relationship has been going with the president , not so much. We will see how dinner goes tonight. For now, back to you, my friend. Heather depending on who is listening on phone conversations between the two. Exactly. Heather well, the white house is firing back over claims that the president is being played by vladimir putin. This is another controversy. Former cia director john brennan expressed worried about President Trumps conversations with russian president. I think mr. Putin is very clever in terms of playing to mr. Trumps interest in being flattered. I think mr. Trump is for whatever reason either intimidated of mr. Putin, afraid of what he could do. Heather what do you think about that . Minutes later Steve Mnuchin hitting back on those comments. With all due respect to your previous guest, i think those were the most ridiculous statements. President trump is not getting played by anybody. Heather then you had President Trump tweeting over the weekend this, when will all the haters and fools out there realize that having a Good Relationship with russia is a good thing not a bad thing. Theyre always playing politics, bad for our country. I want to solve north korea, syria, ukraine, terrorism and russia can greatly help. In the wake of the comments by the former spy chief Kellyanne Conway slamming claims that the president is taking putins side over u. S. Intelligence officials. Listen. What the president believes is whats most important here. He believes the assessment of the intelligence communities and he stands by that. Hes very respectful, director pompeo said the same thing. This president has formed his judgment about that issue based on intelligence communities in this country. He wants to deal with president put i and other World Leaders on global security, on trade, perhaps, in other countries, on combating isis, on a nuclearized north korea. Most americans watching the show and everywhere in this country appreciate having a strong leader who is willing to take his council from the along the International Community and put the case right to north korea and say to putin, say to xi and abe and others and moon, join with us in making sure the nuclearized the north korea heather how about another fox news alert for you, more than 300 people are dead after a monster earthquake rocked the iraniraq border. Hitting in order of baghdad injuring hundreds more. Sending people running for their lives as buildings swayed. Look at the video. Turkish tv news station, showing guests shaking in their seat. Western mediterranean coast. 50 aftershocks were felt hours later. Nations largest Shopping Mall turned into scene from where children were visiting with santa, if you can believe it. A botched robbery inside mall of america turned into the stabbing spree when the suspect was confronted by other shoppers, two people were stand but will be okay, thankfully, customers holding the man down, all of this unfolding next door from where dozens of children were getting photos taken from santa claus. Final witness in the murder trial is expected to take the stand today, illegal immigrant Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez who was deported five times admits to shooting stanley but claims that the gun went off accidentally. The 32yearold was killed in 2015 while walking in pier in San Francisco. Here are sad news for you this morning, legendary column analyst liz smith has passed away. Died in new york home of natural causes. Column was one of the most widely read in the world for more than 25 years, helped usher in the era of celebrity journalism along with big scoops including donald and ivanas divorce and madonnas pregnancy. Definition of a lady but also found a way to make it entertaining and fun. Loved liz smith, smart and fun, gossip from the high road. Liz smith was 94 years old. She will be missed. Just hours from now the nfl will negotiate, get this, the 50 milliondollar contract extension of commissioner Roger Goodell, at least one owner says not so fast. Joining us from washington, d. C. With some more. Caroline, 50 million, its a big contract. Not bad. Heather not bad. 60 pay increase for Roger Goodell plus other goodies. Here is a breakdown. Contract would reportedly raise salary from and Lifetime Health insurance for his family according to espn, all 32 nfl owners voted in may to extend goodells contract and to authorize the Compensation Committee to negotiate on their behalf but its not a done deal. In fact, Dallas Cowboys jerry jones is threatening to sue the nfl if they okay goodells contract without further approval from owners. The negotiations time at awkward time for goodell since players have been kneeling during national anthem, protesting Police Brutality and racial inequality. Last month goodell said that we want players to stand but stopped short of imposing rule. Those kneeling including 49ers eric reed, one to have first players to join the movement and marquis, vernon knelt during the anthem yesterday. Here is what the American Legion has to say about that. We fought for the First Amendment which gives you the right to do that. Veterans in illinois also react to go kneelers yesterday with chairman of Advisory Council hosting an nfl jersey burning ceremony. Heather 60 increase in salary . Not at all. Way more than cost of living rates. You bet. Heather time now is about 11 minutes after the top of the hour and President Trump meeting with World Leaders overseas for more than a week talking trade and delivering stern warning to north korea and anthony joins us live up next to analyze the message that he sent to americas friends and enemies, plus, does amazon did amazon just ruin christmas . Free delivery on millions of eligible items. Heather oh, no, the ad that has parents fired up this morning. Lone survivor honoring world war ii veteran by helping rebuild the home after Hurricane Harvey. Janice dean witnessed all of it and shes live to tell us all about it. My name is jeff sheldon, and im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. Its great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize ive got a hundred orders i have to ship out. Shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everythings pretty much done. Its so much easier so now, were ready, bring on t. Shipstation. The number one ch of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get two months free. Heather welcome back to Fox Friends First. First offered sanctuary and now Illegal Immigrants are getting free legal help in dozen of u. S. Cities, launching safe and fairness for Everyone Campaign by paying legal bills for detained Illegal Immigrants facing deportation by ice. Atlanta, chicago and baltimore which they deem to be, quote, politically, economically and ethically diverse. Push to legalize marijuana nationwide is picking up steam against attorney general jeff sessions, 12yearold colorado lawsuit claiming she cannot move back to texas because medical marijuana is not legal which she uses to treat for seizures. Sessions has been outspoken, you know that. 29 states in washington, incg washington, d. C. Have legalized medical marijuana. Historic trip focusing on u. S. Trade and talking tough on north korea. There are many things we face but we will be facing them together in friendship and as allies, the regime has interpreted americas past restraint as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation. We are not going let the United States be taken advantage of anymore. Heather here to discuss message the president sent to the rest of the world, anthony, thank you so much for joining us. Great to be here, heather. Nice to meet you. Overall, do you think it was a huge success . I think it was a huge success and messaging to north korea that theres a line in the sand and dont cross that line and then the negotiations with all of our allies in that region particularly getting into his trade policies and so forth that he wants to put forth with china, better access to markets and rates and getting down to fighting isis in the philippines. I think hes covered a lot of topics and very aggressive and ambitious schedule. Heather aggressive and ambitious. A different feel from the last administration. Its no secret that president obama believed a weaker america made for a stronger world. He did everything he could to lessen american influence and presence and led to power and leader vacuums and so all these other nations say, well, we are going to step in where theres a hole and thats what President Trump was handed when he took over. Heather going back to trade policies with china, we were just discussing, that was one of the first things that the president talked about when he announced candidacy f not the very first thing. Thats right h. Hes always viewed correctly that access to their markets is very challenging for u. S. Companies and i think thats part of the announcement that hes getting ready to make in next day or two. Heather 280 billion, we can bring that up, one of the things taking place. Finally, lets go to north korea. Important topic, people say he has or has not handled it correctly. I think he has. You have to look at it through diplomacyition military and economic lens. Diplomatically, we have the two Un Security Council votes. Hes reassured the allies, diplomatically hes there on the ground. Militarily we are doing shows of force, we have three Carrier Strike groups in the sea of japan there off of korean peninsula. Thats very rare if that to happen. Usually when we have two we are getting ready to go to war. Economically, the sanctions have tightened the screws on north korea, russia is cheating a little bit in the north and allowing for a flow of goods and supplies into north korea but, you know, informationally thats what everybody gets freaked out about and so when the president tweets or whatever, the information of war thats going on is part of overall effort to squeeze north korea. Heather behind the scene things happening. Yeah, the president saying to the north korean leader, you think we are crazy, we are ready to go, if you want to draw if you want to pull us into this thing, if you want to fight, we are ready to fight. Heather the comment about blinking, we wont blink. Okay, thank you so much for joining us. We are out of time. Thank you, time now 20 minutes after the top of the hour and possession of a pipe bomb, what was an air Traffic Controller doing with a weapon of mass destruction . The charges playing out in court this morning and Country Music super star Carrie Underwood rushed to hospital after falling outside of home. New information on the condition up next heather anthem outrage boiling over. At least three players taking a knee as america honors real heros. Carley shimkus here with the social media backlash, good morning. Carley good morning, thats right, heather, the nfl honored veterans day before two minutes of silence before the game and teams wore camouflage gear. But two players from the San Francisco 49ers and one on the new york giants did, in fact, kneel on the sideline during national anthem. While this number is much lower than normal, people on social media are pure furious. My father is on deployment. Stand up or get out. Another tweet, in honor of my father i boycotted the game, a lot of people said they were not going to watch football, nfl football out of respect for veterans and active members of the military. Heather yeah, going along with the trend that theyve had going. All right, so am stone in a little bit of trouble. Carley hot water with parents in ad thats running in the uk showing dad hiding presents instead of santa claus. Toys and games but free delivery on millions of eligible items. Carley Everybody Knows its santas duty, thanks for advertisement. My 3yearold is asking why the man is hiding parens instead of santa claus. Jeff bezos asked for forgiveness, im sure he will remain on the nice list. Heather santa has all kind of help. Carrie underwood was injured . Carley she took to twitter saying, thank you so much for all the well wishes with, everybody, i will be all right. So glad youre okay, praying it feels quickly. Heather she has her husband. Thank you so much for carley. It is the russia investigation that democrats dont want you to know about and the scandal is growing but the Mainstream Media virtually ignoring it. Tom who helped expose Hillary Clintons emails here with that story that you will not see anywhere else. And see you later alligator, the monster surprise, yeah, monster you could say, one family found this waiting in their garage. Heather welcome wack to Fox Friends First, 4 30 in the morning in the east coast, while President Trump finishes asia tour, congress is full steam ahead on passing tax reform to put more none your pocket. But the question everyone is asking, can they get it done by the end of the year, Griff Jenkins joins us now in washed with what is happening today or should happen today, maybe to push it forward, going, griff. Good morning, heather, thats right. They are moving closer but remember a plan has to pass both chambers before they can begin reconciliation process on a final bill and already both plans are meeting criticism. A New York Times over the weekend suggest that its going to raise taxes, something house ways and means kevin brady says is false. I believe theres tax relief all up and down the income level for families regardless of what they earn and joint committee on taxation confirmed that every income bracket sees tax relief. For the New York Times analysis, look, they are describing an america that doesnt exist. Lets look in the senate plan theres seven brackets, four in the house, the senatelets homeowners deduct and both slash corporate rate 20 and the senate plan delays it a year and the senate flan completely eliminates state and local taxes while the house allows 10,000 up to property taxes and that difference has some republicans in hightaxed states like peter king very concerned. They are going to lose most of the property tax deduction, all of state tax deduction, a family of four will lose 18,000 of exception, medical bills, they will lose that, specially someone with longterm illness, the doctor, all of that, devastating impact on areas like mine. So we will where things stands where the president comes back and applies pressure for them to get it done. Heather get her done. Griff jenkins live for us this morning, thank you, griff. After three decades as one of dcs most powerful lobbying firms, the podesta on the brink of shutting its doors of collusion investigation. Tom fitton always knows whats really going on, thank you for joining us this morning. Thanks for having me. Heather lets look at the podesta fact facts. Tony podesta worked for lobbyist and john podesta worked for obama and clinton administrations, why does it seem that any ties with democrats are looked past in terms of the Mainstream Media but if youre tie today republicans, then you have big problems . Its remarkable because Paul Manafort was in partnership with the Podesta Group on the very issue for which hes being charged by by the mueller people. Mueller is prosecuting manafort for improperly lobbying but the Podesta Group isnt being charged when you can make the same argument. Tony podesta who is still running the group or was says hes innocent. He filed all the forms properly and nothing to yell him about, well, so does Paul Manafort, mueller is focusing on Paul Manafort who happens to be the former Campaign Chair for donald trump but tony podesta whose brother john, by the way, was Hillary Clintons one of her top Campaign Officials who as a Campaign Official presumably would have had some knowledge about the dossier, we know he met according to one report after it was published. John podesta and the Clinton Campaign were working hand and glove with the fbi to target team trump. It just screams desperate impact or desperate treatment between manafort and podesta, the trump team and the clinton team. Heather yeah, i was looking back through some of my old notes over the years specifically with you and we had talked i was looking at the kremlin finance company, the 75,000 shares of stock involving john podesta and then you had tony podesta and i read here that it was his Firm Received the Podesta Group more than 24 million in fees in 2016, much of it coming from Foreign Government according to report that is were out there. This has been going on for a while and people for a while have been looking past it. John podesta was a Business Partner with russians, it was a lot of money as you point out, some questions about whether he properly disclosed those moneys or whether he divested himself appropriately when he went into government during obama administration, but either way, the standard for mueller seems to be if you did business with the russians and youre a republican, youre going to be on our sides but someone like john podesta, no evidence that similar issues with democrats are subject of investigation and, of course, Hillary Clinton through herself from her husband received millions of dollars involve involved uranium and you can bet you mueller wont go near that. Heather had 500,000 and the speech with former president clinton and all of that. There has been some evidence for a while but mueller apparently is not looking at it. Tom, thank you so much for joining us, i appreciate it this morning. Have a great day. You too. Heather air Traffic Controller, did you hear about this, possessing a weapon of mass destruction, Paul George Dandon who worked at the Charlotte International airport had a pipe bomb at his house. He is set to face a judge on federal charges, he allegedly received it from his roommate who made it and plan today use it on a neighbor after some sort of dispute. Hes also been arrested. He now faces federal charges. The incredible moment when dozens of students plunged through the floor at a packed college party. Watch this. [screams] up to seven people injured at a university of north texas student third floor apartment, 48 people were forced to leave apartment and firefighters say that too many people jumping at one time caused that collapse. Imagine this, coming home to this 8alligator in your garage. Thats exactly what happened at the country club in naples, florida. Wildlife officers locked in battle with the gaiter trying to lure him out, they were finally able to tape his mouth shut and safely remove it. They dont know how it got into the garage in the first place, important to find that out. Time now 20 minutes until the top of the hour. Fox news alert for you, hundreds are dead and more than one how people injured after massive earthquake rock it is middle east, live as screws scramble to save survivors and the move just made by bill gates to create a futuristic city that the world has never seen before. When i was a navy seal, i trained as hard as i could to stay alive. I have more than 30 pieces of shrapnel still in my leg. But i still push myself to the limit. If it werent for my tempurpedic, i wouldnt be able to sleep on my left side at all. The tempurpedic veterans day Savings Event is here, and now is the time to take advantage of this incredible offer. Save up to 500 instantly on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer today at tempurpedic. Com. You wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Heather we are back with fox news alert, a desperate search for survivors at the hour after earthquake rocked the iraqiranian border. Kitty logan joins live from london with the climbing death toll, good morning, kitty. We are still working on getting our shot organized with kitty, with can tell you 330 people killed, you are looking at video shot from camera inside one of the stores, the ground shaking, people running for their lives, a video inside a convenient store, items flying off the shelves there and some other video that we showed earlier in the show which was from a news station i believe there in the area, someone being interviewed at the time and you can see the video shaking, the person shaking in his seat and before finally running off the set. Kitty logan was going to let us know in terms of details of after shocks and what happened right before it and so shes joining us now. I believe we have the connection with her. Kitty, what is the very latest . Well, this was a strong quake, magnitude study 7. 3, felt right across the region and most of those who thought to have died are on the iranian side of the border. The epicenter was 19 miles from iraqi city close to border with iran, the quake was felt as far as mediterranean coast. Hit around 9 00 p. M. In the evening local time when most people would have been home and some were seen running out to buildings in panic, now, this was also quake of 14 miles, it may well have caused a lot more damage, people were forced to spend the night outside their homes after buildings were destroyed and there are also reports of power cuts. Now the worsthit area a rural part of iran, fewer casualties on the iraqi side but the quake felt across the country and officials are saying that they are stepping up rescue efforts in daylight hours, heather. Heather kitty logan, thank you, we will see what the day brings, appreciate it. Now to this fox news alert for you, youtube finally blocking thousands of videos from wellknown terrorist pushing propaganda, Tracee Carrasco from Sister Network fox business with latest move. Good morning, tracee. Tracee good morning, heather, yes, youtube has been under pressure from government and counterterrorist advocates to remove all of this content and now finally theyre taking down several thousand videos of extremist american who influenced several terrorists like the Boston Marathon bombers and fort hood gunman. About 18,000. Its a pretty big move for them. Heather a bigger question, why wasnt it done earlier, thats what i would like to know. Bill gates, hi firm bought arizona land for 80 million to create a smart city . Tracee yeah, this is a really big idea here. This is by a belmont partners, bill Gates Investment firm, 50 miles west of phoenix arizona to create a smart city, so this is really a futuristic city looking towards the future and they are going to have highspeed Digital Networks and really create around technology. Health earth all right, Tracee Carrasco joining us live thank you very much. Tracee thank you. Heather 15 minutes on top of the hour, Illegal Immigrants using sanctuary cities to avoid arrest but elsewhere illegals are fining sanctuary in churches around the country. Bible lessons that the churches need to hear. Thats up next so youre looking for male customers, ages 2554, who live within five miles of your business . Like these two. And that guy. Or maybe you want to reach women, ages 18 to 34, who are interested in fitness. Namaste. Whichever audience youre looking for, well find them were the finders. We work here at comcast spotlight, and we have the best tools for getting your advertising message out there. Anywhere, any way your audience watches. Consider them found. Heather welcome back to Fox Friends First, a growing number of Illegal Immigrants finding sanctuary in americas churches to avoid being deported back to their home countries. So should churches face repercussions, here to weigh in Fox News Contributor pastor robert jeffers, we appreciate it. Thank you, heather. Heather a piece in the New York Times, is housing these illegals, is that the biblical thing to do . Well, i think our viewers are going to be surprise today learn that churches actually have no ability to harbor or offer sanctuary to people breaking the law. I mean, right now Law Enforcement officials can go into any church, any mosque, any synagogue and arrest those who are breaking the law whether itd be Illegal Immigrants, domestic tertists or tax evaders, the only reason immigration officials arent doing it right now is dont think the optics would look good if they do that. Heather what about the ice considers the churches safe zone . Again, the law is on the side of ice to enforce immigration policy and, look, heather, i believe as a pastor, my job to teach people to obey the law unless it contradicts scripture, obey all the law include immigration law, god is giving law heather its interesting, because you hear the need for separation from church and state in some specific issues and but when it comes to this issue it seems to be that the Mainstream Media and a lot of liberals or democrats tend to say, oh, well, lets merge the two. Thats right, when i look at the bible god has created three institutions, the family, the church and the government. Government has a different responsibility than the church, government is an enforcer and restrainer of evil and heather contrary to what some highprofile religious figures say right now, enforcing the laws, enforcing border is not unchristian concept. God is the one who created nations and boundaries for which nations exist, the new testament teaches and enforce the borders. Heather do you think it has to do with just disagreeing with the president s policies in general . Oh, i i think a lot of that is true, government has the right to establish laws to protect itself citizens and i believe that government needs to do its job and allow the church to do its job of teaching members to respect governing authorities. Heather all right, roman13 specifically talks about that. People at home can look that up. Thank you pastor jeffress. Thanks for having me. Heather well the time is now about 10 minutes until the top of the hour and lone survivor marcus honoring veteran by helping rebuilding home after Hurricane Harvey and our own janice dean was there to witness to whole thing. Shes here live with the heart warming experience. Good morning, janice. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette and her new mobile wedding business. At first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed andtadahpaid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Heather welcome back veterans serve our country and they never really stop fighting specially marcus, lone survivor from operation red wing who made it his mission to help others. Our own janice dean joins us, 100yearold veteran that needed help, right . Janice i cannot wait for you to meet him. When you go to a disaster area, like a war zone, i got to see both, 100th birthday today, take a look. Heather happy birthday. On monday i will be 100 years old. Janice lived his whole life in texas, experienced a lot of hardship in 99 years, but has never experienced a storm like Hurricane Harvey this past august. After it destroyed his home mr. Fly thought he lost everything when mel one and Marcus Luttrell found about the story would help out. Lost her and then harvey and taken everything. He was such a humble man and so sweet and kind. When melanie looked at me, he wants to spend 100th birthday in his home, thats what did it. We launched a campaign the next day online and raised almost 90,000 . Just a couple of days, got in touch and they were kind enough to take this project over. Tell us about your service as veterans. I served and then i was discharged and i went back to my regular business and i really didnt a whole lot attention to the fact that i was a veteran of world war ii. A lot of years past and then suddenly, i guess, world war ii veteran got kind of scarce and i was outliving some of them so they paid more attention to me. The greatest tragedy of war is to forget veterans, today 99 years old, to bring attention back to veterans that served and did what mr. Fly did is amazing. Yall kept coming to get me even during harvey, yall still havent come rescue me. Just because i retired from the combat life doesnt mean that i cant stand up and fight specially when we get hit like this. I pulled my weight. Thats what you do around here. You earn the place among our people. [applause] it is all kind of our own special op stuff, its about taking care of people that have served the country and we appreciate it. Janice your table has been restored. Its the same pool toobl. [laughter] walking through here and hearing everything and when you see the goodness and what we are capable of, i bet you he lives 20 more years because you have somebody to live for and walk around the house and check something out and hear every little piece that went into it and thanks for your service. This is the at least we can do. Did you ever think you would live 100 years old . No, i didnt think i wanted to live over 100 years old and now im kind of glad i am. I just hope in their reining days of their lives that they are going to be as happy and content as i am and going to be in my house because of what they have done for me. I really, really appreciate it. Thank you so much. Janice thats amazing. It really is an amazing man. Heather absolutely, stick around another 100 years to play pool and get spoon collection. Fox friends continues right now. See you tomorrow. As the world knows, the United States since our election on november 8th has been moving ahead really brilliantly. Rob monday november 139, fox news alert while you were sleeping President Trump arriving at the summit to meet with World Leaders, we are live with what to expect as he wraps up his twoweek tour overseas. Jillian nfl head Roger Goodells contract demands almost offensive as nfl protestors, a plane for life

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