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From President Trump to House Republicans either pass tax cuts or lose next year. Fox friends first continues right now. Time to get up and get your week started, its monday morning and good morning to you, youre watching fox friends first, im jillian mele. Rob all right, im rob schmitt 5 01 in the east coast. The fate of disgraced Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl hearing begins today. Jillian kelly wright is here with the latest and what we can expect this morning, kelly. Kelly jillian and rob, good morning to you as well, speaking out for the first time after pleading guilty for they have been more honest than him. At least the taliban were honest enough to say, im the guy who is going cut your throat. Here it could be the guy i pass in the corridor who is going to sign the paper that sends me away for life. Bergdahl was captured in 2009, you recall after leaving base in afghanistan, the taliban eventually freed him in may of 2014 as part of a controversial Prisoner Exchange with five taliban members who were being detained at Guantanamo Bay detention center, three soldiers suffered lifechanging injuries and the search for bergdahl, their statements are strong evidence against him, retired Green Beret Commander michael led the special forces team that conducted that search. Soldiers were injured, soldiers were killed directly in the search and whats more typical to prove like i was saying was indirectly, you know, how many were harmed because they didnt get as back as they should have because it was dedicated to look for him. Kelly bergdahls defense attorney may argue concerns as candidate trump reportedly calling him a traitor. We are tired of Sergeant Bergdahl who is a traitor, a no good traitor, who should have been executed. Kelly bergdahl entered whats known as naked plea, that means to deal for lesser punishment, hes hopingly any lee any antsy from judge. Rob possible serial killer on the loose after three people were shot and killed in just ten days in the same neighborhood in tampa, florida, all three victims traveling alone, they were not robbed. Interim chief brian urging people to not leave their homes alone. Theres nothing linking these three individuals, they come from good families, they have good backgrounds, they were just alone. I think the natural instinct is to hunker down and not go outside and we are actually encouraging people to come out because all three individuals were alone. Dont leave alone. Thats so scary to hear. Rob Police Searching for this person right here. 25,000dollar reward being offered. Jillian frightening, murder trial of Juan Francisco lopez sanchez, illegal immigrant accused of gunning down kate stanley in San Francisco peer. Sanchez had been deported five times and released by officials months earlier despite immigration officials to keep him behind bars, he faces life in prison if convicted. Attorney general Jeff Sessions to combat violence gang, hes speaking at Law Enforcement conference in philadelphia which has been overshadowed by protest. The group known for ruthless attacks with a membership of 10,000 and growing, many gang members come from el salvador where sessions traveled in july to meet with other leaders. Rob obama era uranium deal could turn into a criminal investigation targeting the clintons. Representative ron desantis says confidential informant in the case could be the key to linking them to a bribery scheme here as the House Oversight committee continues to investigate. Lets look at the facts here. Who was the fbi director when all of this stuff was going on in Robert Mueller who is now the special counsel, who was the u. S. Attorney in charge of copying the plea deal which many believe was the sweetheart deal with the main perpetrator here, Rod Rosenstein who is the Deputy Attorney general, obviously eric holder was involvedded, Loretta Lynch was involved. Rob a Website Online investors with a russianbacked company known as uranium one gave millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and this all happened before the uranium agreement was signed off by then secretary of state Hillary Clinton and the obama administration. We will follow that one. Jillian President Trump giving republicans ultimate ultu ultutimatum. Ivanka will go to pennsylvania but the news here that on a Conference Call with House Republicans, President Trump sent clear message, act now to advance tax reform or face consequence which is wont be pretty in midterms elections and adopt the Senate Version to faif way for tax reform and tax cuts. Its going to end up, i think, again, doing very well and i think we will get our taxes, i think its going to be, well, hopefully before the end of the year but maybe much sooner than that. Theres a great spirit for it and people want to see it and i call it tax cuts, it is tax reform also, i call it tax cuts, itll be the biggest tax cuts ever in the history of the country. Speaker paul ray yeen hopes they can pass something, a goal shared by Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell, dont expect democrats to get on board. We intend to accomplish now and the end of the year. If you go to mcconnell way you will end up tax breaks, lowering income tax breaks for those making 400,000. They can do without democrats, they need only a simple majority but getting all republicans on the same page, not a done deal, the president is having lunch tomorrow with Senate Republicans to try to rally support. Jillian Griff Jenkins live in washington. Thanks, griff. The owner of Americas Team sounding alarm over nfl anthem protest two weeks after telling players theyll be benched if they disrespect the flag. There is no question. There is no question. The league is suffering negative effects from these protests. Jillian jerry jones comments coming as nearly 2 dozen players kneeled or sat during National Anthem yesterday, San Francisco 49ers, giant u. S. American shaped flag but a dozen 49ers players still kneeled. 49ers, by the way lost 30 points. Maybe they should put attention to football. Rob they got spanked. They probably should. Le the anchor coming out of twoweek suspension for a couple of twitter tirades and telling fans to boycott dallas cowboys. I violated the policy. I deserved it. Rob she told tmz, she deserved suspension but wont take back what she said. Jillian amend the wound before you back to work on the air. [laughter] rob kind of apologizing. Second offense. Rob at tend of the day, she wont lose her job. Jillian outrageous claim as left hits new low on battle with the Trump Administration. I agree that steve bannon is a White Supremacists and Steven Miller seems to be and studies have shown that they have allies sprinkled around the white house. Jillian white house is firing back. Rob Major Medical breakthrough in opioid crisis. Can you imagine, dr. Nicole sapphire has the pros and cons. Jillian over nfl and empty stadiums. We are going to show it to you coming up [bell rings] so i was at mom and dads and found this. Cds, baseball cards. Your old magic set . And this wrestling ticket. Which you still owe me for. Seriously . 25 i didnt even want to go. Ahhh, your diary. Mom says it is totally natural. 25 is nothing. Abracadabra, bro. The bank of america mobile banking app. The fast, secure and simple way to send money. Expestandard. E lexus rx with advanced safety. Lease the 2017 rx 350 for 399 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Unstop right there im about to pop a cap of mmm fresh in that washer. With unstopables inwash scent boosters by downy. Ah, its so fresh. And its going to last from wash to. Wear for up to 12 weeks. Unstopables by downy. Rob welcome back, white house firing back after democratic senator labels senior white house official as racist. I agree that steve bannon is a White Supremacists and Steven Miller seems to be and i know that studies have shown that they have their allies sprinkled around the white house. Rob white house calling senator browns comments outrageous and brown was react to go similar criticism brought on by representative federica wilson who has been in the news a lot lately. It seems that one member of own party doesnt want anything to do with Hillary Clinton, democrat joe manchin saying itll be best for her to stay awise for election in West Virginia. It wouldnt be good for her and for me. Its hard to justify. She made a big mistake and it was wrong, thats all i can say. Rob referring to comments made about putting coal miners out of work. In West Virginia not a good idea. Jillian brandnew Research Reveals once a month shot for addicts that could have same effects of daily medication, here dr. Nicole sapphire, oneself a month. People who dont know and understand how it works, explain what this is. 142 americans die over opioid crisis. Low dose of opioids, curves the high and helps with withdrawal system, they are well studied and we know they work. They are costeffective, they are cheap. The latest study i use the term loosely because theres a small experiment that came out of norway and we can talk about that later but what it showed there was this new injection, the shot, if you will, thats once a month and stops the effects of opioid, so youre not giving someone allowdose opioids, they are essentially blocking it. If they were to taking opioids, they have terrible reaction to it, severe withdrawal from it. Jillian it is once a month, what is the cons. The drug company is lobby to go get it passed so its in law instead of having studies that show us that this actually works. One thing that we do know that when people go without opioids and then they take some, they tend to have fatal overdoses, they die, our concern is, they have this injection so they are without opioids, maybe they dont get the next injection but they have pay tale overdoes and they die and we werent able to save them and we havent studied enough and the small study isnt showing it. We have big studies underway which are expecting results in december. Im looking forward studies. Jillian before you pass too much judgment on it. You mentioned the fact that its expensive. Is there a point in time that you see Something Like this coming down in price. This is something that President Trump loved, we need competition, we need other companies to market this and drive down costs. When you have one company they can put it at whatever dollar they want. You mentioned President Trump, he has been a big proponent of trying to fix the problem in this country and you had Melania Trump in the last couple of weeks in West Virginia at opioid treatment center, they are touting the issue trying to solve it, in your opinion, what do you think will solve it . Just one shot wont fix it all. Thats one one of the concern ti have. If President Trump declares national emergency, which i think he might, federal funding to a lot of rural red america that voted for trump and with that treatments, methadone, new injection, they also need Mental Health treatment. We need to make sure that we are dealing with underlying cause and what is going on here and we need to make sure we get it off the streets, legal and illegal forms of opioids. Jillian thats part of the problem thats available. Supply and demand. Jill illinois thank you for joining us this morning, appreciate it. Rob. Rob thanks so much. 18 minutes after the top of the stowr, Bowe Bergdahl sparking outrage for saying that the taliban is more honest than the u. S. Military. The idea that thats worst than what the taliban was doing which included beating him with copper cables until he couldnt walk is absurd. Rob dramatic sentencing for bergdahl, thats today, we will find out what hell get. All right, hes been blamed for Hillary Clintons election loss, but his former fbi director james comey preparing a White House Run for himself . Can you imagine . Carley shimkus with the rumors online. Thats all coming up next. So they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Oh very nice. Now im turning into my dad. I text in full sentences. I refer to every child as chief. This hat was free. What am i supposed to do, not wear it . Next thing you know, im telling strangers defense wins championships. Well, it does. Right . Why is the door open . Are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood . At least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. I mean, why would i replace this . Its not broken. Feven being the backng half of a unicorn. I mean, why would i replace this . Fortunately, the front half washed his shirt with gain. Ah. The irresistible scent of gain flings laundry detergent. Rob all right, he has been blamed for Hillary Clintons election loz but ousted fbi director james comey making a run hymn. Jillian Carley Shimkus siriusxm 115 here with the speculation thats circulating online. Oh, man. Carley continue to grow by the day, but the big question on social media today is all about james comeys interest in running for president and here is why, theres speculation on social media that james comey goes by the name, ryan on twitter, story in and of itself. A tweet recently posted under that account and it says this, good to be back in iowa, something that president s have said in the past a number of times. So to get this straight we are talking about e crypted tweet that only possibly belongs to him and some people say that hes definitely running for president. Others not so convinced. The only thing that hes running is people who take credibly. Karen on social media says i think hes running from justice. Harsh tweets. Jillian cant see how this one plays out. Rob i would vote for ryan, i want to see president ryan. Carley yes. Jillian empty stadiums . A bunch of pictures circulating that show a lot of empty seats in nfl stadiums and some are wondering whether it has to do with anthem protest. A lot of empty seats there, a lot of tweets say, a lot of empty tweets at Chicago Bears game, bears usually sell out. Lucas oil is very empty, people are coming because they paid season tickets in advance. Some people or fans dont want to pay a lot of money to watch a protest. Jason also says next season will be brutal on the nfl if they dont get a hold on this. So theres no real numbers if ticket sales are down, we will probably get that in a couple of weeks, its still pretty early on. Rob i would love to know how the next season tickets go. Thatll be interesting. Lets talk about the halftime show. Carley absolutely. Going by this picture, we can officially say Justin Timberlake is the super bowl halftime show performer, its official and he also said this during sunday night football game, take a listen. You know, people are flying and lady gaga jumped from the top of the stadium or something, i dont know, im 36, i dont know how much of that [laughter] carley still pretty young. I think he will do just fine. Nsync congratulated him on twitter. The last time he performed, you know what happened . Wardrobe malfunction. Will Janet Jackson perform with hymn as well . Jillian shes ban, the nfl ban her. Carley people are going to be mad, theyll be a boycott. Rob it took two to tango. They both have the same rules. I saw timber lake a couple of weeks ago and they were all over each other. I thought that all hollywood marriages were fake and phoney, they were married for a while. Im a Justin Timber lake fan. [laughter] jillian 26 minutes after the hour. Thats very important news, rob. Fox news alert, Nuclear Armed u. S. Bombers on standby 24 hours a day as tensions with north korea hit alltime high, how a former president is offering to help. Thats why i have to stay there to be the one at the top. Rob and nancy pelosi really defending herself with the selfproclaimed master legislator is saying now, stay tune. My bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldnt spend time with my grandson. Now depend fitflex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. Go to depend. Com get a coupon and try them for yourself. Jillian fox news alert, u. S. Air force prepare today put on b52 bombers on alert since the First Time Since cold war. Rob ryan live in london with the very latest this morning, ryan. Thats right, the air force is taking steps to make sure that 76b52s can be ready to fly at a moments notice according to chief of staff, general david goldfine, told National Security website that the u. S. Renovate renovating and the infrastructure is being prepared if there is such 24 hours, they can make good on it. President trump appearing on fox business, hes hopeful that china can put the pressure on kim jong un to change course, the u. S. Is prepared to do whatever it takes. We prepared for anything. We are so propaired like you prepared like you wouldnt believe. Former president jimmy carter says hes ready to help, jimmy carter went to north korea under Clinton Administration for talks, he told general mcmaster that hes prepared to go should they want him to in interview with new york times, so far the answer from the Trump Administration has been thanks but no thanks. U. S. Defense secretary jim mattis congratulating the country on victory. It was a tough fight as you know and i think that Philippines Military sent message to the terrorists anywhere. Jillian mattis landed in the philippines earlier this morning and attending meetings from ten Southeast Asian nations. Sentencing for disgraced army Bowe Bergdahl, at least the taliban were honest enough to say, im the guy who is going to cut your throat. Former u. S. Army special forces jim joined us earlier expressing comments. He has a nice warm cell, hes getting three hots and a cod every day, the idea thats worse than what the taliban was doing is absurd. Jillian bergdahl pleaded guilty and held captive for five years before being traded for terrorists under obama administration. A character assassination that he went through to call me out of my name and empty barrel and all the work that ive done in this community, not only does he owe me an apology but he owes an apology to the american people. Jillian you remember days ago when she loved the attention from the white house. You mean to tell me that i have become so important [laughter] that the white house is bothering me in i have to tell my kids that im a rock star now. Jillian latest in a war of words between the white house and the florida congresswoman over the president s condolence call to la David Johnsons widow. Rob House Minority leader is pushing back insisting that shes not going anywhere. I was ready to go home if hillary won, the woman at the top of the table, i was the only woman at the table. And thats why i have to stay there to be the one at the top. [cheers and applause] rob so thats her side of it, but is that really a strong argument to stay in power when her Party Continues to lose seats nationwide . Here now to debate this democratic strategists chuck rocha and White House Correspondent for the Washington Examiner baggy, we appreciate it. Good morning. Rob its been a rough year or two for the democrats, but can you chalk this up being Nancy Pelosis fault in any regard . Theres a lot of blame to go around from the democratic consultant on the panel here to tell you that we need to do a lot of soul searching ourselves. Shes qualified and elected by her peers, i did digging last night, only 19 of the idiots across the street tat capitol are women, only 19 , more women voted than men, i will be the first to admit that even with gabby that women are way more smarter than men. Rob ly probably give you that one too. Gabby, same question to you, singularly her fault or is it any at all her fault . I mean, i think nancy pelosi has been wonderful fundraiser in the Democratic Caucus and house for a numbers of years. You can tell that just by, you know, looking at how Many Democrats have come out calling for a young person to take over in that role, they really want a new generation of leadership and its not just men who are calling for nancy pelosi to step down, vice chairwoman of representative Linda Sanchez has said that its time for somebody new to take over. Its a testament to what democrats realized they need to do going to 2018 and that requires change in leadership and somebody who really understands the messaging that theyre going to need if they want to, you know, take back the house or even regain some seats in the house. Rob yeah, chuck over to you, you can see two ways, by the way, theres more construction, i think you can hear in the background, we had the same problem last week. Same question, though, you have one side that says we need to young leadership, somebody fresh, somebody new, the other side is that pelosi has been doing this a long time, youre a master of the craft, arent you . I have been running campaigns all over the country. I will tell you this, the average age of the democratic leadership is 77. Theres a whole new generation of democrats who come of age under barack obama who are looking for ideas and thoughts of generation and i applaud them and lift up voices, i think we need more of that all throughout our party. Rob yeah, gabby, over to you, for people that are calling for somebody new, you kind of have to be careful what you wish for because the next person who gets their job bike a wacko like tom perez, could be a lot worse . It could be, berniecrat. [laughter] they need to be careful. Some democrats who have taken interest who are in touch with the workingclass voter who President Trump reached in the 2016 and those are really the folks that democrats have struggled to reach out to and so i think that thats something they need to focus on, install someone new in the role, somebody who is capable of reaching those socalled forgotten men and women across the country. Rob chuck, we will give you the last one here. We dont know whats going to happen. Lets take gender out of this for a second. You need a female voice, understandable, who would be the best person to lead the house to turn the House Minority in. Well from the berniecrat, mexican red neck like me, this is what i think, somebody like congressman ruben gallego, has been representing arizona, new young gun, actually went and sacrificed for his nation, he would be a great person. Rob okay, thats very interesting. Thank you very much for coming on this morning. We appreciate the candid talk and construction noise as well. We will see you later. Jillian i wonder when they will wrap up construction. Week two. We have serious news, fox news alert, tense moments in tampa, urging search ramping up right now for possible serial killer after a third person is murdererred in ten days, police see Surveillance Video to close on killer. Rob convicts are being rewarded for not beating each other up. Stay tune. [laughter] to sound paranoid, but dya think our recent online sales success seems a little. Strange . Na. Ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. Theyre affordable and fast. Maybe too affordable and fast. What if. People arent buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets . . hi bill. If that is your real name. Its william actually. Hmph affordable, fast fedex ground. Jillian welcome back, fox news alert, fear is growing able football about possible serial killer in florida community. Rob three People Killed in the same tampa bay neighborhood. Shala with more this morning. Special Community Meeting is scheduled for tonight, among those in attendance the tampa mayor as well as the tampa police chief both are expected to address that spike in violence here in the citys Seminole Heights neighborhood here comes after residents and relatives of victims joint forces of victims for a series of community walks, three people have been gunned down one half mile stretch and police are investigating whether or not the same person is responsible for all of the murderers, benjamin mitchell, detectives have not discovered any connection between the three people but investigators continue to look at the time frame of killings, proximity of crime, lack of motive and that each victim was alone when killed as connections between their deaths. Authorities are also still working to identify a man seen on Surveillance Video after the first shooting. When asked if police could be dealing with a serial killer late last week tampa police chief say, quote, theres no one more concerned about Something Like that than i am. Reporting live at Tampa Police Headquarters sheila reed, fox news. Jillian thank you, scary time for that community. Fox business alert, terrifying new warning about hackers taking aim at brandnew target. Rob Tracee Carrasco on what we need to know, tracee. Tracee department of Homeland Security and fbi, a Major Industries Nuclear Energy aviation, water and even Government Entities are being targeted by cyber hackers trying trying to get into systems. Now this has been going on since may. Theyre not disclosing how many attacks have happened or specifically who has been attacked but they are putting this warning out there which is pretty rare for them to do. Jillian mom always said you have to eat vegetables but now is the time for kids to say, no, im not eating. Tracee if they were by the brands. This is a recall by the the vegetables are packaged in manns facility, they tested positive, store brands, they come in different names, Grocery Stores like albertsons, walmart, target, trader joeys, all the brands, and so they were sold from october 11th through the 20th, im sorry the dates best ewe october 11th through the 20, that may have passed, you still might have these in freezer, get rid of them. I keep those in my freezer for a while. Rob interesting story. As we get more deliveries, everything is getting delivered, congestion in cities like new york its going to be a problem. Tracee new york city mayor de blasio is trying new Pilot Program thats going to stop curbside deliveries between certain hours to have day, morning rush and evening rush to ease up the traffic congestion. So its not just the food deliveries but the delivery trucks that park and also doublepark on top of that causing a major backup. The program will start in january, some areas of midtown manhattan, queens and brooklyn. Jillian wow. Tracee we will see if it works. Rob a lot of them do whatever they want and take the ticket. Tracee exactly. Rob President Trump plan to go release the classified Jfk Assassination files. Will they answer any lingering questions or fuel even more conspiracy theories, our next guest chaired the committee that investigated this case. Jillian first, lets check in with Brian Kilmeade to see whats coming up in fox friends. Hey, brian. We will do that within the three hours, we promise. Also coming up on the show, we will have Newt Gringrich talking about the president s first nine months in office as well as chance of passing a tax plan. Also we are going to have Kellyanne Conway coming from the white house and how maybe some arguments are lawmakers in his own party are working to his benefit, kirk cameron, doesnt seem to be aging and brandnew movie. Dont miss a minute of fox friends and urge you to please get dressed. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Fullbodied. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats up to 16 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to faster downloads with internet speeds up to 250 megabits per second. Get fast internet and add phone and tv now for only 34. 90 more per month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Jillian saving more than 10 lives and using himself as human shield in the middle of the battle. Today the war hero will finally be honored. Gary michael rose will receive medal of honor nearly 50 years during vietnam war. Rob amazing, serving as medic when the unit came under fire. He was wounded, he had kept treating other soldiers. Hero and he deserves it, absolutely. President trump vow to go release the longblocked classified Jfk Assassination files. Will this put longtime conspiracy theories to rest . Jillian or will it ramp up more . Chairman of house Forensic Committee that investigated jfks assassination, he joins us to weigh in. Thank you for being here this morning. We appreciate it. Talk about your role and what you did and trying to dig up some information and your opinion of this being released possibly . In 1977 the committee set up House Elect Committee of assassinations because there were a lot of opposition to the Warren Commission report, initial rob initial report. Oswalt wrote by himself. We had different jobs. I was in charge of the Forensic Pathology Committee that looked into the cause of death, how many bullets were fired, two from behind. Thats been autopsy and report has been released but the committees that worked on russia , cuba, the mafia. Rob could have been involved. Cia or hoover or covered it up. Rob will be or his vp was one of them. Thats right, thats right. These groups, conservative groups are very much around us, so i think that the release of the rest of the records, final records which i think President Trump is absolutely right in releasing them should help resolve, put to rest many of these conspiracy theories. Rob and clear the air. You were closer than almost anybody and you saw the evidence yourself. When you look at it, it is kind it seems kind of funny, why would jack ruby kill oswalt, seems like something had to be up, right . With all of our ability to try to put things together, we know that oswalt had a rifle and he shot in april of 63 he tried to kill general walker and turned out he missed. Now, he disliked general walker because he was very conservative. He liked president kennedy. He didnt know anything about president kennedy coming to dallas. He worked in texas depository. The day before he came to town, the newspapers had to route the route in which he was going to go. Rob you said he liked kennedy, oswalt liked kennedy . He disliked walker but he saw the route that was being taken by the motorcade and passed right by his building. He brought the rifle in and just by chance he shot and killed him. Jillian let me ask you before you go real quick, some people argue that it could damage National Security interest, is there anything in your opinion, any bombshells, anything that could be in document that is you think could do that . I think after 55 years its unlikely theyll be anything. Itll be embarrassing, i think, for the hoover and cia as part of not protecting the president and coverup. But if there is anything seriously going to be damaging, then President Trump can keep that aside. Rob see what it is before release and redact anything. Its unlikely. Rob no conspiracy there you say . No conspiracy, no conspiracy. Jillian thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. Five minutes until the top of the hour. Pizza party for prisoners, convicts are being rewarded for not beating each other up. Rob how nice. Talking about more than the fourthquarter touchdown that happened seconds before it. Thats a big ouch. Pulp. Another day of work. Why do you do it . Its not just a pay check, you actually like what you do. Even love it. And today, you can do things you never could before. Youre developing ai applications on the cloud. Finding insights hidden in decades of medical documents. And securing millions of iot sensors. So get back to it. And do the best work of your life. [he has a new business teaching work of lessons. E. Rodney wanted to know how his business was doing. So he got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he can see his bottom line. Ahhh. Thats a profit. Know where you stand instantly. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Bp uses flir cameras a new thermal imagining technology to inspect difficulttoreach pipelines, so we can detect leaks before humans can see them. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Jillian welcome back. Time for the good, the bad and the ugly. First the good. Two virginia officers and two capitol hill officers being awarded with officer of the year for being first on the scene when a gunman opened fire at congressional baseball practice it happened in june in alexandria, virginia. The officers credited for saving representative Steve Scalises life. Rob next the bad. Pizza violence one pizza slice at a time. More than two dozen pizzas were delivered at some of the worst rikers Ireland Program cut back on violence. Bribing them with pizza. Jillian mike evans making a huge touched catc touchdown cat. Rob she was filming too. She is tough. Have a good day. Fox friends starts right now. See you later. President trump striking a confident tone as the white house looks to seize momentum. It will be the biggest cuts in the history of this country. There is tremendous spirit for it. The fate of disgraced Army Sergeant bo bergdahls sentencing hearing starts today. I think he will probably get life in prison and he earned it. Obama era uranium deal could turn into criminal investigation. Who was the fbi director when all of this stuff was going on . Robert mueller who is now the special council. Counsel counsel. Who paid for the dossier . When this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight

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