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Declared in florida ahead of a white supremacist speech, Richard Spencer takes the stage. Rob another school spooked by halloween, parents not happy about it. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jump around jump around jump around jillian if this doesnt get you going i dont know what does. You are watching fox and friends first this thursday morning. Rob thanks for starting your day with escalators 5 01 on the east coast, fireworks erupting on capitol hill is democrats grill attorney general Jeff Sessions about his claims of russian collusion. Jillian sessions refusing to back down while defending the president. Griff jenkins joins us with more on that hearing. Reporter Jeff Sessions was jumping around in the hot seat before the judiciary committee, defending Donald Trumps decision to fire james comey but declining to answer questions about his conversation with the president citing executive privilege. He did criticisms the clinton email of the investigation. I dont think it has been truly understood the significance of the error mister comey made on the clinton matter. He said he thought he did the right thing and would do it again. We were concerned he reaffirmed he would do it again. That was the basis that called for a fresh start at the fbi. Reporter the focus on russian meddling in the 2016 election in the fbi investigation in which sessions refused himself, sessions citing executive privilege. That the president mentioned to you his concern about lifting the cloud on the russia investigation . That calls for communication i had with the president , i believe it remains confidential. Reporter when senator our frank and accused him of changing his story, sessions, who once served on this committee as a senator had enough. I conducted no improper discussions with russians at any time regarding a campaign or any other item facing this country. I dont have to sit here and listen. You are the ones that argued without having a chance to respond. Give me a break. Reporter he told the committee he has not been interviewed by Robert Mueller on russia but said he would cooperate. We might hear about this. Jillian i am sure we will. This morning, host of the next revolution calling the heated hearing on capitol hill a complete waste of time. Washington at its worst, waking the best wasting time, who cares about this . Doesnt affect anyones lives. The support thing about the russian collusion story, is what Jared Kushner said. We couldnt even collude with our own campaign let alone russia. There is a serious issue about russia interfering in our democracy and the chinese, theres an argument about what we do about authoritarian regimes and what they are doing in cyberspace. Rob donald trump doubling down against allegations he was insensitive towards a gold star family vowing he did not tell the widow of Army Sergeant David Johnson that he knew what he signed up for. That accusation coming from democratic congresswoman frederica wilson. The white house ripping her for politicizing a condolence call. General kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate. He thought the call was respectful and that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on behalf of the country. Rob even a call to army widow becomes a politicized fight. The author of the grown warrior has to say about the tit for tat politics in washington right now. A sad day we have sunk to a new low where we are using a Service Member who gave everything to our country, sacrificed everything and using that death as a Political Tool to divide is even further. This man is a hero, this soldier is absolutely a hero and the fact is this tit for tat politics is not needed, we have to get away from the military. At jillian the convicted felon accused of gunning down three coworkers after leading police on a massive multistate manhunt accused of opening fire at a Business Park outside baltimore and shooting outside a used car dealership in his home state of delaware. Prince has a long criminal history including 15 felony convictions, 42 arrests and a history of workplace violence. He was fired from a job earlier this year after hitting a coworker and threatening others. The university of florida bracing for violent clashes ahead of a speech by Richard Spencer, the White Nationalist who helped organize the rally in charlottesville, which turned deadly when a car mode through. Half 1 million in taxpayer money being spent on extra security where protests are already taking place, prompting Florida Governor rick scott to declare a state of emergency, the Florida National guard is on standby for this. Spencer calls scotts move overkill. A live report from the university of florida later in this hour. He has been out of office 10 months but barack obama is about to return to the campaign trail in newark, new jersey to stump for democrat gubernatorial candidate murphy. The former president will head to a rally in richmond, virginia for democratic candidate for governor. Rob switching to football. We talk a lot about football lately and it is halfway through the season. Jillian but nothing to do with what is being done on the field. Yesterday meetings continued in new york, annual meetings and players were involved. Interesting because a lot of people were hoping to hear something change, something good from these meetings but that is not the case. Listen to what Roger Goodell had to say. Everyone should stand for the and some but they are focusing their attention elsewhere. Everyone should stand for the national anthem. That is an important part of our policy. It is also an important part of our game that we all take great pride in. I understand the way our fans feel and we feel the same way about the importance of our flag, the importance of patriotism and i believe our players feel that way. They will state to you and have stated to everyone publicly they are not doing this to be disrespectful to the flag but they also understand how it is being interpreted. That is how we deal with those issues. Rob the president had a tweet on this, too much talk, not enough action, stand for the national anthem. I think the commissioner has been put into a pickle what to do in this situation because the optics of telling players not to protest something they believe in in the pc climate in this country looks terrible. You have the president barking at you. I would hate to be in his situation. A tough one to be in. Jillian a lot of people unhappy with the outcome of what Roger Goodell had to say including mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas who called him out. The said thing is Roger Goodell acted like a parent who says to his child you really ought to eat your vegetables but im not going to make you and if you would rather eat ice cream go ahead because there is no consequences. What kind of statement was that you get the most worthless statement he could have made, we have no rules, totally unable to demand that our players respect the flag and the anthem so it is every man for himself. Jillian the game changer here, chris long of the eagles yesterday said he is donating his remaining jackets, playing the season for free and donating them for educational equality. If we start to see action like that, that is what good will come of this. Rob let us know how you feel, we have twitter, email and fancy stuff. Turn it over to us. It is 10 minutes after the hour, coming up, a brandnew threat from isis, terrifying plot to take down planes and inflict mass casualties. Jillian stories about the Trump Administration retracted since the last administration, how america feels about the Fake News Media and the next guest says he is not surprised. Rob the cup controversy is back. Wake me up when he called over mchi bbq. Amazing honky tonk . I cant believe you got us tickets. I did. I didnt pay for anything. You never do. Send me what i owe. I got it. I mean, you did find money to buy those boots. Are you serious . Is that why you dont like them . Those boots could make a unicorn cry. Yeah, tears of joy. The bank of america mobile banking app. The fast, secure and simple way to send money. And you look amazing. You ly comfortable. When your vneck looks more like a uneck. Thats when you know its halfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Downy and its done. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Fullbodied. Bp developed new, industryleading software to monitor Drilling Operations in realtime, so our engineers can solve problems with the most precise data at their fingertips. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. My bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldnt spend time with my grandson. Now depend fitflex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. Go to depend. Com get a coupon and try them for yourself. Jillian goodbye jefferson davis, enter barack obama as his Elementary School, once honoring the president of the confederacy. International baccalaureate elementary in jackson, mississippi will be named after barack obama starting this year. The change was initiated from students who are 98 africanamerican. Rob a war memorial in place for 92 years rules unconstitutional. It is known as the piece cross, it stands xl feet tall in maryland and honors world war i veterans with an Appeals Court ruling because it is paid by Government Funds it entangles government with religion and the American Legion that put up this memorial in 1924 does plan to appeal the ruling. Jillian donald trump tweeting fox news thank 46 of americans think the media is inventing stories about trump and his administration, the present chiming in saying it is much worse than this. Rob referring to a new poll by politico that revealed nearly half of voters believe the news media fabricates stories about him and his administration. Here to weigh in on this is chief of the Daily Caller News Foundation and author as well, the art of the donald, thanks for joining us today. Just give me a general idea what you think of the problem of fake news in this country . Obviously i would say the bulk of stories the media comes out with are accurate and true, i would hope. That is largely true. Here are the problems we have seen with the media. They are not intentionally lying but they are getting it wrong all the time. There is construction going on over here. One of the reasons they are getting it wrong is they are breaking a central ethical of journalism, that rule is you should not ascribe malice to something where you cant prove that. If they they shouldnt go with it and consistently do. It has distorted a lot of news stories and made things that are pretty normal seem evil and making the American People not pay attention. Jillian a couple graphics, a number of corrections issued in the media since Donald Trumps inauguration and the New York Times 6, cnn 3, Washington Post one. 46 of people at this point in time think the media is inventing stories but i found this interesting, there was a gallup poll in 1976 asking how much confidence do you have in the media, take a look at that, 72 of people had a great confidence. Look at that, look at the numbers today, the amount of retractions, where did we go wrong . Why dont people believe in the media . It is worth keeping in mind in a 70s and 60s the United States saw a decline in public face in these institutions. It has gotten worse. Since donald trump has become president and since he ran for president it pulled the closs off of the mascot. A lot of people use to say dont talk about the crazy conspiracy of the media, they saw such obvious media bias in the runup to the election, people around me in dc and new york going crazy over donald trump, exposed by is on a level that before was unconscionable, people would hide it more frequently. Is called the major networks, nbc, cbs, abc fiction writers and he has a history of calling stories in a lot of peoples opinions are accurate but negative towards him as fake news. What im wondering is does this have a boy who cried wolf affect . When you call everything fake news, when the fake story does come along like those 6 from the New York Times and a few from cnn, is there any credibility to say that is fake news if you cant stories that might be true but just negative about you fake . That is where he hurts himself. One of the great things he has done, that turn came out just after the election when people on the left were trying to figure out how did people in america not like Hillary Clinton and tried to blame crazy things on facebook and a lot of calls for censorship. Reporter after reporter asking josh earnest what do we do about fake news . He had to remind the media the First Amendment. Donald trump took that term and made it meaningless, turned it on its head so people couldnt use it and the weapon iced it. That was a good thing for the press because places like fox news and daily caller were next to be targeted by a lot of folks as fake news because they didnt like the story that he did change the term. Jillian i also the immediacy of our generation, who is first to get the story on twitter and sometimes you get things wrong. 19 minutes after the hour, going one on one with a security guard, the shooting timeline riddle, why did ellen degenerate below it and get no answers . She manages to say you are a true hero because by getting shot in the leg you saved so many lives. That is not what happened. The interview sparking questions this morning. She has been ripped over her vulgar attacks on the first lady and is plotting to take down donald trump. Carly shimkus without Chelsea Handler is putting her cool aside to some extent. s show me a river road is calling, so whats it gonna be . Hey its an amazing day, traveling our own highway, no matter where it leads us we can smile, cuz theres meaning in the miles. Whentertaining us,es getting us back on track,hing . And finding us dates. Phones really have changed. So why hasnt the way we pay for them . Introducing xfinity mobile. You only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. No one else lets you do that. See how much you can save. Choose by the gig or unlimited. Xfinity mobile. A new kind of network designed to save you money. Call, visit or go to xfinitymobile. Com. Jillian she has been ripped over her vulgar attacks on the first lady and Chelsea Handler is putting her career aside to focus on her plot to take down the president. Mika brzezinski Carly Shimkus is here. That is what is going on. Chelsea handler invested in two things, her trump hating commentary and her show on netflix. She decided to ditch the show to focus on political activism. Here is a quote from her announcement which i decided not to return for another season of chelsea and instead devote as much time as i can to becoming a more knowledgeable and engaged citizen and focus on projects of significance to me. As one can expect, people who dont like her are responding. Brett says because you lost a ton of former fans who dont watch you for your political humor and would rather watch your comedy and john says you are an entertainer, numbers were bad, you lose money, dont forget theres a movement to make america a proud strong country once again, 63 million of us. Shes not stepping away from the spotlight, shes coming out with a netflix documentary. Brett and john will be excited to see it. Rob true if the numbers are down. Netflix is keeping her on for the documentary. Might have some fans out there, no halloween for some kids. Donald trump talked about end is searching the war on christmas but what about the war on halloween . Another Elementary School in massachusetts is doing away with their halloween parade. Students in massachusetts will celebrate black and orange spirit day and some parents are angry. Take a listen. We have numerous events that are not allinclusive. We cancel one event on that thought process we have to cancel every event. The news spreading to social media. Why do they have to ruin everything . What is next . The easter bunny . The easter bunny has no chance. Why man halloween activities robbing kids of their fun . Pc police are out, your Halloween Costume a the offense of government go through a checklist before picking one out. Rob in this climate too. Free press for dr pepper. There was serious drama on capitol hill but didnt have much to do with attorney general Jeff Sessionss testimony. What it had to do with was ben sass having a slippery finger syndrome and dumping dr pepper all over ted cruz. Take a listen. There was some drama that distracted you. Paying enough attention dumped it on ted cruz. That was distracting us on the side. I would love to see a picture of ted cruz after that. Now that we have your attention with dr pepper lets not forget the real substance of todays hearing, ted cruz said put a picture of ben sass above the dr pepper bridge in our lobby. He is now cut off. There is a dr pepper fridge in the lobby completely devoted to dr pepper . I didnt know there was such a thing. Rob sadly there is no video. 27 minutes after the error, fox news alert, brandnew fears isis could be planning another 9 11 style attack. Former Deputy Commanding general weighs in on this next. Jillian veterans thought they were signing up for College Education but turns out they were being scammed. University officials scheming to steal from our brave men and women. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. Now, im earning unlimited 2 cash back on every purchase i make. Everything. Whats in your wallet . Expestandard. E lexus rx with advanced safety. Lease the 2017 rx 350 for 399 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Brandnew fears that isis could be planning a 9 11 style attack. Healing duke warning the terror group is trying to take out planes and inflict mass casualties. Rob former Deputy Commanding general of us forces in afghanistan and author of the siege, former Brigadier General anthony tatum. Thank you for coming on. This is a big plot and very aggressive in nature, is it conceivable isis could do Something Like this in its current state . It is totally conceivable. This is why it is so important that we continue to fight the enemy on their 5 yard line, not our 5 yard line. I remember when i was in afghanistan, as Deputy Commanding general we intercepted two or three tax planning by foreign fighters and we stopped those attacks. Today we have enemies that want to destroy our nation, kill our citizens and we need to be aware of this, there are evil people in the world have the resources and means to do us harm. Jillian if this were to come to fruition how confident are you in 2017 the United States is ready for this . Highly confident our enforcement officials are on the ground, absolutely the best, between the fbi, local law enforcement, military personnel overseas and on the homefront and the department of homeland security, intelligence sharing is strong and we would not be talking about this if we werent confident it was going to happen and we had the resources to defeat it. Rob isis had a rough couple months under the Trump Administration and stronger military in general. They are running scared which is fantastic news but what will fill that gap where they were . We run the leaders of these countries out like Bashar Alassad or Saddam Hussein or qaddafi libya, it does create a vacuum and theres nobody in charge and often you can get something worse like isis. What is happening right now is two things have gone on, one is the Trump Administration releasing rules of engagement that allowed us to do hot pursuit and other types of effective engagement of the enemy that were not allowed before. The second thing is the kurds have stepped into the plate big time, winning in mosul and winning in raqqa is in large part due to kurdish help. When you look at postconflict syria, you have to have a conversation about kurdish independence which is a tough topic for syria, turkey and iraq to talk about, but they are a strong and ardent ally of the united rates for multiple multiple years and engagements. Jillian you break up one form of isis and you will see another one pop up in some other way. The fear is real so the question is how do you expect that to pop up . Al qaeda be bigger and stronger to get our report they have been recruiting isis members. Usama bin ladens son, his favorite son has come out and announced he has taken charge of all factions of those that hate america of islamic origin. He poses a real threat, he should be on, i am sure he is on our nofly and watch list and looking for him and his associates so that we can kill or capture them and continue to keep the pressure on this enemy that wants to coalesce and do us harm. Rob a huge swath of land and we dont want to nation build so have to figure out what is going to happen with nobody in control, thanks for coming on this morning. Other headlines. Massachusetts facing life in prison in a plot to behead a conservative blogger. David white convicted in a scheme to kill Pamela Geller after she organized a prophet mohammed cartoon contest in dallas. Two other terrorists were gunned down by law enforcement. Whites uncle was also radicalizing later killed by police. Jillian jesus campus breaking his silence but no new answers on that confusing timeline in the las vegas massacre. Ellen degeneres hosted him on her show but only asked what happens, not when. As we were walking down, i heard rapidfire, i went to lift my pant leg up and saw the blood and i called in on the radio that shots had been fired. Jillian mark stein calling the whole thing absurd. Why dont we ask mister campos what happened . No, he has disappeared, he is off the scene, no one has seen them for a week and he comes back on the Ellen Degeneres show. That is how conspiracy theories start. Jillian Ellen Degeneres says her interview was the only one campos plans to do. Rob spain will impose a direct rule on catalonia after its leaders failed to meet the 10 00 am deadline to declare independence. The decision coming after catalonias leader threatened to declare independence if no talks are brought to the table. A Cabinet Meeting is expected in madrid this weekend. Could spains suspension of catalonia jillian defrauding us veterans out of 24 million landed two women in prison, thousands of veterans thinking they were using the post9 11 g. I. Bill benefits to sign up for courses in new jersey. Their money was going to courses marketed by a pennsylvania company. Two women pleaded guilty to wire fraud and face 20 years in prison. You need more than a dollar and a dream to win the mega millions. Jillian playing the lottery will cost you 2. Also increasing, the payout, jackpots will start at 40 million instead of the current 50 million, winning one in 300 million. I hope you win even though you dont play. One of those things. Rob you cant win if you dont play. Every week i wish i would win. It is ridiculous. I am playing the lottery, you never know, might get lucky. 57 in new york, bringing temperatures up for much of the country. The northwest the only spot we will see potentially heavy rain and mountain snow and coastal florida. Look at that, really clear map. We love it like that. The northwest this time of your we see pacific storm is ramp up and move in, not only heavy rain but heavy mountain snow. The good news is some of that rain will get into northern and central california. We had devastating wildfires. There is the forecast, much of the country spectacular, perfect day to go out and buy a lottery ticket. Rubbing it in. You can come on my yacht when i win. Rob 38 minutes after the hour, massive truck recall, the most popular vehicle in the country because the door can swing open when you are driving. Jillian a state of emergency declared in florida ahead of a white supremacist speech as tensions rise coming up next. Jillian the university of florida bracing for potentially violent clashes over a speech. The speech by Richard Spencer set to take place today. In gainesville, florida some beefed up security measures. Reporter good morning to both of you, security extremely tight surrounding university of florida. Interstate roadblocks on campus, certain sections blocked out with high Police Presence this morning. Richard spencer here at the university of florida, spencer, the president of the National Policy institute and coeditor of alt right. Com will take the stage at 2 30 holding a press conference at 12 45. Governor scott declaring a state of emergency ahead of his visit, bringing in extra security, the price tag, 500,000. The university tried to deny his request to speak but forced to give in after the threat of First Amendment lawsuit. Students organizing rallies, 3000 people plan to protest the White Nationalist ideology speech. Protest areas set up for activists on both sides, the National Policy institute handing out tickets on behalf of spencer, featuring 750 people, the band items on campus, no weapons, torches or baseball bats, backpacks, water balloons, umbrellas, the us is minted as usual on campus, responses are scheduled. Students are concerned for their safety. Rob hope this one goes better than the last one we heard about Richard Spencer. An incredible story of bravery, great movie at the box office, reallife heroes portrayed on the big scene in only the brave. Jillian based on the Granite Mountain hotshots who battled the wildfire that blazed in june of 2013. Fox news contributor kevin mccarthy, good morning. Reporter such an incredible story, and honor to talk about the amazing story of these heroes. There is a personal connection to a Country Singer who performed the song for the movie called hold the light and here is his personal connection to this movie. Being in arizona, got through after the fire happened, a benefit concert, a personal story for me and make the stakes higher. The message you placed in your head, the firefighters, what they say they are going to do, you dont see that, holding on to the light in these dark times. The beauty of this film is it has this tragic element, 19 of the firefighters, 20 lost their lives during the fire in arizona, it talks about the idea of family and how selfless these men were. Josh bowen plays the superintendent whose character is amazing but the personal film for him as well because he was a volunteer firefighter in arizona many years ago. The director wanted to create as much of a realistic environment for the actors as possible, creating a two acre back lot where they lit things on fire, exposing actors, brolin speak on the realism of that but this is nowhere near the danger these men really faced. There was one toward the end, the fire was big, massive and hot and at one point i said are you okay . Yes, i turned around, my backpack which was a real one had melted. I cant parallel the two because it was safe, it was contained, there were a couple wildfires that were not necessarily contained the we werent near. It started to get out of hand. One thing i found fascinating was i wasnt familiar with how the hotshots worked, digging the lines and fighting the fire with the fire, a fascinating job. The movie serves as a reminder of the selflessness of people laying down their lives to protect people. The casting is phenomenal. Miles teller plays the character of the only survivor of the 20 hotshots in the film. The filmmaking is fantastic. As you watch the movie are connected to every single one of these people ended that is the beauty of this movie. It has a tragic element that you walk away with a positive feeling. Jennifer connelly plays amanda walsh, josh brolins wife in the film, she was a real you will see the real cowboy boots of his wife in the movie. They do a great job out west. Amazing what they do. Thank you so much, appreciate it. Have a good day. Jillian coming up starbucks served up a cup of controversy with these snowflake holiday cups last year. This years design just revealed. Rob live in forbes, virginia having breakfast with friends. Reporter we are really stoked for todays diner, you never know how a diner will go until you get into it but we are excited about todays diner. We are in virginia. You are asking yourself why, theres a huge governors race in virginia between democrat Ralph Northrup and republican ed gillespie. Donald trump has endorsed ed gillespie and president obama making one of his first public appearances since leaving office, he will be in virginia today. We will be speaking with people about that and the issues of the day and we have the pancakes and something covered in gravy. We dont know what that is. Fox and friends hits you up at the top of the hour. Ah, dinner. Throughout history, the one meal when we come together, break bread, share our day and connect as a family. [ bloop, clicking ] and connect, as a family. Just, uh one second voice guy. [ bloop ] huh . Hey . I paused it. Bam, family time. So how is everyone . Find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. Jillian a massive truck recall, the most popular vehicle in the country pulled off roads because the door can fly open while you are driving. Pretty dangerous. Ford is recalling 1. 34 million, 2017 ford f 150 trucks and super duty trucks because the side door may swing open and wont shut properly either. That could happen when you are driving which is pretty dangerous, ford will send a letter to people who will niece trucks and they will fix it up but get that taken right away. I did not have dodi fields which is good. Dodi fields is recalling strawberry yogurt on your screen because it contains dairy. If you have an allergy to dairy milk and eating visit can be dangerous for you. You could have a bad reaction. It has an Expiration Date of november of 2017 sold in 18 states. Get rid of that if you have it. Rob lets talk about holiday cups even though it is not even halloween. People go crazy over these starbucks cups. This was leaked online, a picture of it and traditionally they have been read. This year is a white starbucks cup. An employee leaked this picture. We are not sure this is the only design they have, last year there were 13 different designs. People go nuts over these. Rob Roger Goodall says players should stand for the national and the but he wont make them. Jillian do you think there should be consequent as for an outstanding . We share your comments next. The inlaws have moved in with us. And, our Adult Children are here. So, we save by using tide. Which means we use less. Three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. Those are moms. Anybody seen my pants . Nothing cleans better. Put those on dad its got to be tide. Were on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, its time to wake up to keurig. Wakey wakey rise and shine oh my gosh how are you . Well watch this. I pop that in there. Press brew. Thats it. Look how much coffees in here . Fresh coffee. So rich. I love it. Thats why you should be a keurig man fullbodied. Are you sure youre describing the coffee and not me . Do you wear this every day . Everyday. Id never take it off. Are you ready to say goodbye to it . Go go ta da a terrarium. Thats it. We brewed the love, right guys . all yes. We brewed the love, right guys . Bp engineered a fleet of 32 brand new ships with advanced technology, so we can make sure oil and gas get where they need to go safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Jillian welcome back. As we have been talking about for days, Roger Goodell called fought for lack of action after saying players should stand for the anthem but is he not going to make them. People chiming in all morning long. Every place of employment has a code of contact except, apparently the nfl. They are allowing the nfl to be used for social issues on the fans time and dime. Rob bobby on facebook worthless goodell is scared of the players. I guess he would rather lose a few million fans instead of handful of players. He will find out soon he made the wrong decision. Jillian when the nfl continues to lose sponsorship, revenue and fans, perhaps then they will right the ship. But i doubt it. Rob wade dropping the mike on the last one. Refusing to wear decal on their helmets to Honor Fallen Police officers which is a very good point. Jillian time now for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Rob young girl giving up birthday presents to help out canine officers. She asked her friends to donate money to buy a 1,700 bullet proof vest for this pup instead. Heather this black lab wont ever need a bullet proof vest. Deciding to stop bomb sniffing training saying she wasnt enjoing herself. Lulus handler adopting her instead. She enjoys chasing rabbits in her backyard. Rob i wouldnt want to work if i was a dog either. The 1,000 bailing i 1,000 bag. White truthfully cream cheese very expensive. Koji berry and jelly and golden leaf. Actual gold on there proceeds go to a soup kitchen. Jillian could do some more things with a thousand dollars. Have a good day. Steve live from new york city in studio f. Come on in, folks. Its the october 19th edition of fox friends. Ainsley hard to believe its the end of october. When you hear october 19th, what do you think of . Steve happy birthday to me. Ainsley we are so glad you were born. Steve thank you very much. Brian what you are referring to,

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