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Questions the president may or may not have known. That assumes a lot. Mister kushners attorney has said he volunteered to share with congress what he knows about these meetings. What your question assumes is a lot of facts that are not substantiated by anything but Anonymous Sources that are leaked out. Reporter the mastermind behind the operation shutdown suggestions that there was any collusion with russia. The United States, we have access to the best data and the data we use on this campaign directly came from the Republican National committee and after the 2012 election to build a data set like never seen before. We didnt need data from anyone else. It was in the United States of america and the best data is here. All that is available to corporations in america are other people in america. Heather Michael Flynn agrees to provide documents to the Senate Intelligence committee has part of the investigation after invoking his fifth amendment rights refusing to testify earlier in this whole thing but obviously it continues. I wouldnt have been able to name that artist. What is this . Heather tell us what you think. There is no evidence to support collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia yet the conspiracy theories are spinning off the rails. Andrew mccarthy said the media is so focused on the kushner story because it fits their narrative of a coverup. There is no there there as far as collusion conspiracy is concerned about the things that happened this weekend that is important, people are giddy about this story, it up the collusion conspiracy because if there had actually been a collusion conspiracy there would already be back channels to russia. There would be no reason for kushner in december weeks after the election to set up a back channel to russia had there been one during the campaign. I know for the moment they are loving the story but it exploded the story. Rob doesnt that after an explosion ripped through the afghan capital. You can see the scale of that bomb with the smoke after a car bomb exploded near the german embassy. At least 80 people have been killed, 350 injured. A massive bomb, windows shattered, doors blown off. So far no group has claimed responsibility. This comes after another car bomb near the us embassy in kabul injuring three american soldiers. Heather the Trump Administration has astern message to north korea, if you fire a missile we can block it. Rob the u. S. Navy bolstered its fleet present in front of kim jung un. A Missile Defense test we conquered. Reporter the technology is so precise it is like trying to hit a bullet with another bullet in the us military pulled it off. The crucial test conducted over the Pacific Ocean. The mark enemy missile fired over 4000 miles away from Marshall Islands targeted by an interceptor deployed just north of santa barbara. The stakes couldnt be any higher as north korean dictator kim jung un fires a dozen missiles just this year. The weapon tested last week can reach hawaii. An electromagnetic pulse over hawaii will shut the state of hawaii down. Is more important people in pyongyang realize they cannot get away with striking the us with any kind of weapon. That is the Trump Administration act before it gets to the interceptor point. China is doing back channel networking with north korea in a way that getting them to try to stop a nuclear test, we will try to keep the pressure on china but we will continue to work with them in any way we think is best and we will do that this week. The Ronald Reagan in the sea of japan training with aircraft carriers early this morning meant to signal a more aggressive us military posture, no guarantee is a interceptor would work in a real war situation. Rob nice to hear. The ability to stop a Nuclear Attack is something defense officials have been focusing on for decades. Charlie hurts of the Washington Times are members when Ronald Reagan was marked by democrats for his socalled star wars plan but Charles Krauthammer explains why we should be thankful for it. It is crucial to remember over the past 30 years the political opposition to this, whether it was mocking Ronald Reagan for the star wars plan or ridiculing efforts since then to spend the money to build this kind of defense is to we should not forget that. It is a big deal and just in time. We had a point in history that we are susceptible to a rogue state. Hitting the homeland with a Nuclear Weapon and we need a way to shoot it down. As of a few years ago we had no way to do it. If a missile was launched at us there is no way to stop it. Is going to hit, it is going to kill. Heather tiger woods was asleep at the wheel before his dui arrest. The golf legend did not actually have any alcohol in his system but was on four medications including vicodin. The police report, slurring his words, and blowing a point during a breathalyzer in jupiter, florida. Police say his mercedes had two flat tires, damage to the rim and a tail light was out and the dash cam is expected to be released today. A tense standoff at an airport coming to an end after hundreds of offices swarming Orlando International after reports of a gunman near the rental car lot. Panicked passenger said you can imagine fleeing the area, they surrounded the suspects with guns drawn. Michael pettigrew is mentally disturbed and tried to commit suicide by cop. Eventually surrendered peacefully after nearly 3 hours. The gun turned out to be fake and no one was injured. Rob a jetblue plane forced to land when a laptops lithium battery burst into flames on board. The pilot touching down in michigan after smoke started to pour out of a carryon bag. Nobody on the flight was hurt. This scare comes months after they banned the Samsung Galaxy node 7 is a fire hazard. They have a lithium battery. The bag starts to smoke. Heather not fit to fly, United Airlines under fire for taking 2 dozen trips in an unsafe plane. Rob Cheryl Casone he was a huge fine the airline is facing. Reporter the faa wants to find United Airlines 435,000 for flying an unsafe plane. The as a proposed the fine for operating its airplane in, quote, not airworthy condition. In june 2014 mechanics replaced a fuel pump pressure switch on one of the carriers boeing 747 jetliner but the faa claimed the airline did not complete the inspection of the repair. The faa said united flu that aircraft on 23 Domestic International flights before the inspection was performed. Foxbusiness has confirmed jeb bush and new york yankees star derek jeter are no longer in talks to buy the miami marlins. Charlie gasparino reporting the deal has dropped out of the process after failing to come up with enough cash. Another bidder may we waiting in the wings, former president ial candidate, mitt romney. Finally, would you pay 445 for this . A sun dress that seems to be made of upside down jeans. It is on sale, a lot of buzz about it, questions and jokes on the internet is the designer 397, thanks for 265, the unique dress follows me window jeans, clear jeans and fake mud jeans. All the top headlines. Heather and tennis shoes as well. The time is 10 minutes after the top of the hour and Kathy Griffin slammed on social media after her disgusting depiction of donald trump. Carly shimkus live with the reaction on line. Heather back on the battlefield, Gitmo Detainee released by president obama has returned to terror. Heather what does top tv mean . Donald trumps tweet baffling the internet. [team member] now in the wells fargo mobile app you can request a onetime access code to use the atm. [customer] just my phone. [team member] yeah. [customer] thatll come in handy when you go out for tapas and you realize you left your wallet at home, but you cant not eat tapas. [team member] totally. [customer] yeah, this is better. Rob pretty sick depiction if you have seen it, kathy driven pleading for mercy from everyone instead of looking for laughs after posing in this photo shoot with a mark beheaded donald trump. Heather outrage on both sides of the isle. Carly shimkus, here with lash. Reporter she was trying to get a rise out of people and certainly succeeded but the consequences could be quite severe. Kathy griffin facing major blowback for posting in a photo shoot with a mock decapitated head that resembled donald trump. People on both sides of the political aisle condemning the image, some saying it is reminiscent of the isis propaganda and the comedian is admitting she went too far. I sincerely apologize. The reaction of these images. I am a comic. I crossed the line. I went too far. The images are disturbing. I understand how it affects people. It wasnt funny. I get it. Heather the apology came after negative tweets on the internet, donald trump junior defended his dad writing disgusting but not surprising, this is the left today. They consider this acceptable it imagine a conservative did this to obama as president. Chelsea clinton slammed the photo calling it vile and wrong but the twitter blowback could be the least of griffins concerns, the stunt has gotten the attention of the secret service who posted this to twitter writing on it the secret service has a robust Intelligence Division that monitors open reporting and social media to evaluate threats made against secret service protect these, the highest priority of all our investigations. Griffin collaborated with controversial photographer Tyler Shields who told fox news the image was meant as part. In a behindthescenes video griffin joked they would move to mexico after the photo was released for fear of imprisonment but jokes aside the stunts could cost griffin one of her most high profile jobs, cnn says they are reevaluating her role in their new years eve coverage. So this is certainly not the last we will be hearing of this controversy. What was your thought process to begin with to think this would be funny. Heather Charles Krauthammer calling griffin out on her publicity stunt. Political pornography from a d list comedian trying to get attention and she succeeded. If you are cnn does she still do new years eve . I will leave it up to the mavens at cnn. I can assure you this, i wont be watching. Rob what do you think of this photo shoot from Kathy Griffin . Send your comments on facebook, twitter or instagram or email us foxfriendsfirst foxnews. Com. We should get some good comments on this. Heather graduation disgrace was a family outraged after their military sons name is left out of the ceremony at all, just responded. Rob tiger woods asleep at the wheel before his arrest for dui and a number of prescription drugs in his system. How much trouble is he in . Our next guest an attorney with the punishment tiger could be facing. When you walked in faces that have never been theres nothing more important to me than my vacation. So when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Now i can start relaxing even before the vacation begins. Your vacation is very important. Thats why booking. Com makes finding the right hotel for the right price easy. Visit booking. Com now to find out why were booking. Yeah i love hanging out. With my friends. I have a great fit with my dentures. I love kiwis. Ive always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. Super poligrip free. It creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so youre more comfortable and confident while you eat. Super poligrip free made even the kiwi an enjoyable experience try super poligrip free. Rob trouble for tiger woods. The golfing legend asleep at the wheel, slurring his words where Police Arrested him on a dui charge, four prescriptions in his system is what they are saying but how much trouble is he in . Attorney jesse weber with legal analysis of this and a lot of people assume dui means alcohol is the problem but was being honest, there was no alcohol in his system but is still dui. I hate to see this. There was no alcohol, but his driving was impaired because he was under the influence of a substance. What is going to happen is he will either plead guilty or no contest to a lesser charge, probation, temporary suspension of his license, not really jail time for first conviction but it is really an issue with if he decides to fight this is an uphill battle for him because even though he says it was a mixture of medications and didnt know what was going to happen, it is a strict liability offense meaning he doesnt matter what he intended, your impairment was affected when operating a vehicle. Rob the doctor comes into play, if the doctor was prescribed could there be some kind of malpractice . That is what he will try to do. It goes further than nipping it in the bud. In inappropriate prescription of drugs, he has taken blame but this wasnt entirely his fault. If he mixed the drugs properly entered medical orders that will come out later. Tiger woods is not winning golf tournaments anymore, what keeps him alive is big endorsements, look at these, some of them right here, nike, rolex, tailormade, bridgestone. These are paying for a nice life, he has an 86 million house in jupiter, florida. These more protected now that we know alcohol is involved . Seems a little bit less. Nike is staying with him for now. This is a different situation than we had we 10 years ago dealing with infidelity, there are morality clauses in these contract. Celebrity is a Brand Ambassador for all these brands and what he does, reputation affect the brand. Even though it wasnt alcohol if he did abuse medical prescriptions and it comes out that happened then he is looking at possibly sponsors running away from him. Rob it looks it wasnt alcohol, it seems less malice. He was pulled over when he was found, not as if he was driving erratically and had to be pulled over by the police, he could say i felt something coming on and pulled over. Heather we have been discussing abuse of prescription drugs across the country. The time is 25 minutes after the top of the hour. What does bill clintons former cia director say about the white house leak . People who have broken these tacit and formal agreements are traitors to the country. This is the biggest scandal rocking washington right now. And chaos at the circus. A bear leaping into a packed crowd sending passengers running for their lives. Heather getting your morning moving. Roll the windows down. Good morning. You are watching fox and friends first. Rob coming up at 5 30 the white house standing by Jared Kushner defending against alleged back channeling with russia. Heather michelson has agreed to turn over subpoenaed documents to the senate. Christian content new details on the investigation. Reporter sean spicer is back, the white house defending the president , pushing back on allegations there was a back channel with russia, questions over what the president may or may not have known. That assumes a lot. Jared kushners attorney has said he volunteered to share what he knows about these meetings, i wont get into what the president did or did not discuss but your question assumes a lot of facts that are not instantiated by anything but Anonymous Sources that are being leaked out. Rob michelson agrees to provide documents to the Senate Intelligence committee as part of this investigation after invoking fifth amendment rights and refusing to testify earlier this year, scrutiny intensifies on Jared Kushner, the mastermind behind the operation shutdown suggestions there was any collusion with russia. We have access to the best data and the data we use on the Campaign Came from the Republican National committee and what they did after the 2012 election, building a data set like never seen before. We didnt need data from anyone else, it was right here in the united rates and the best is right here. All that available to corporations in america and other people in america. Rob Michael Cohen and Boris Epstein also wanted for information from the house intelligence investigation, a lot of investigations into this. Heather even bill clintons former cia director James Woolsey says the real issue in washington is the white house leaks. A lot of things have been disclosed too much and that is the real scandal. People who have broken these tacit and formal agreements and taking classified information and turned it loose are basically traitors to the country. Heather setting back channels for communication is nothing new. The Trump Administration sending a stern message to north korea, if you fire a Nuclear Missile we can block it and the u. S. Navy bolstered fleet presence in front of kim jung un. Details on a difficult defense test that was mastered yesterday. Reporter the technology is so precise it is like hitting a bullet with another bullet and the us military pulled it off. A big moment, crucial test conducted over the Pacific Ocean we mock enemy missiles near the Marshall Islands, targeted by an interceptor north of santa barbara. Stakes couldnt be higher, and kim jung un fires a dozen missiles this year alone. The missile tested last we can reach a why. Electromagnetic pulse over hawaii would shut the state of hawaii down for decades. It is more important people in pyongyang realize they cannot strike the us with any kind of weapon. Heather does the Trump Administration act now before getting to the interceptor point . The administration believes china is doing back channel met networking with north korea in a way of stopping nuclear testing, we will keep the pressure on china but we will work with them in any way. Heather the uss Ronald Reagan in the sea of japan, training with aircraft carriers as early as this morning signaling a more aggressive dietary posture. Important to note there is no guarantee the interceptor will work in a real war situation. Heather i wanted to see them collide. I didnt get to see that. Heather another big story unfolding following the manchester bomber, may have acted alone after pouring over evidence the British Police say salman abedi but most of the parts were his bomb on their own. They are not ruling out the possibility of a wired terror network. 11 suspects remain in custody as we learn british mosques are refusing to bury the isis recruit, his body being kept far from his 22 innocent victims. Ariana grande will return to honor those killed and injured. Justin bieber, katy perry and miley cyrus also performing. Heather Olivia Newton john revealing her cancer is back, she received treatment for Breast Cancer that has spread to her back. She was diagnosed with and beat Breast Cancer 20 years ago, her daughter asking fans for prayers. Heather a family is outraged when a school leaves their military son out of his high school graduation. Dante left for basic training with the Army National guard two days before the ceremony. His twin brother carrying his picture as he walked across the stage. When it came time for dante to walk the stage they told me to skip his name. Deserve the same respect that i do. Reporter the principles as they dont announce students who arent there. Both of her twins will serve in the national guard. Rob may showers bring june flowers. Heather the cool temperatures, really chilly out there. Even i think we need some summertime, temperatures in the 50s to the great lakes and even across the rockies and a lot of the country experiencing below average temperatures and rain showers for the rockies, the gulf coast to the southeast and the northeast, future radar, unstable in the eastern half of the country, a new system moving into the northwest, wild fire danger in the southwest where we have the warmest temperatures, central us, stormy conditions along the gulf coast. On and off showers the rest of the work week for the east coast as well. Trying to bring spring to the weather map. Rob may be a little summer too. Donald trump has the internet going crazy just after midnight our commanderinchief posting despite the constant negative press covfefe. Some think he meant coverage but covfefe is the number one topic trending on twitter and even a hashtag. This guy even bought the license plate. Zauderer suiteing it out. This from mean girl saying stop trying to make covfefe happened. Met tweeting on Google Translate to see what it means in russian. Jimmy kimmel calling himself on twitter, what makes me sad is i know i will never write anything funnier than covfefe. Rob maybe he fell asleep in the middle of the suite. Heather a bloodbath in chicago over memorial day weekend but 29 shootingss progress. Rob the Mainstream Media hand during donald trump over his overseas trip as commanderinchief. The entire world is watching and most importantly Vladimir Putin is watching. Rob with foreign leaders joining in, our next guest says it is time to step up to keep their own countries safe. You could fill a book with all the things youll never learn from a book. Expedia. Everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. Our 18 year old wase army in an accident. 98. When i call usaa it was that voice asking me, is your daughter ok . Thats where i felt relief. Were the rivera family, and we will be with usaa for life. Heather remember what president obama said about closing one time obey . Hundred people that get released from a handful i going to be embittered and still engaging in antius activities. Rob severe lamarr took part in a french isis recruiting network and he is far from alone. According to the director of national intelligence, 121 former guantanamo detainees have returned to terrorism. 49 people shot in chicago over memorial day weekend and this is being hailed as progress. Five people killed, 44 wounded in shootings between friday, and monday night last weekend, that is a drop from seven killed and 61 injured last year. Officials crediting new technology to detect gunshots and predict shootings as well. 947 people have been shot in chicago, illinois so far this year. Mahmoud abbas the Mainstream Media hammering donald trump over his first overseas trip as commanderinchief. The president riding high from the big foreign trip that as he arrives back here at home he will face a reality check. The entire world is watching and most importantly Vladimir Putin is watching. The fact that our president does not respect those allies, shows more warmth to Vladimir Putin and his cronies, more warmth to the saudis, who were where the 9 11 terrorists came from. Heather not just the media, it seems as if some World Leaders may be picking up the fight as well. Rebecca heinrich is a fellow at the Hudson Institute and former Foreign Policy advisor to arizona congressman trent frank. Thanks for joining us. Lets get to one of those World Leaders specifically, Angela Merkel. Here what she had to say. Reporter our transatlantic relationship is one of the most important. In a statement i made or what i said recently as do to the fact that in the present circumstances we have additional reason to realize we have to take our fate in our own hands. Heather you think that is a good idea. Yes, this is what donald trump has been trying to tell them. The previous couple president s have been trying to tell them, are european allies, they have to start contributing more to their own defense and there military, they have to contribute personnel to missions nato agrees we are going to fight. This has been the message of donald trump she didnt go to europe to win a popularity contest with european leaders, he went to represent the interests of the United States of america and that is what he did and there will be some differences here but Angela Merkel have an election in september, donald trump is unpopular with her people, a little bit of this is political bluster and it will be all right in the next couple years, she has to contribute to defense. Heather to put that in perspective germany pays 41 billion last year to nato, only 1. 2 and they are supposed to be paying 2 , they pay well below and the climate deal, she had a big issue with that but as donald trump said it is a fine line, you want to protect the climate but you have to have american jobs. You have to put those first and foremost and the United States carries the water and he has other priorities to put in place, defeating isis, pushing iran back where it was before the iran deal, back to international isolation, it earns the right to participate in the International Community and stop supporting terrorism, these are the priorities of the president so until nato start contributing more, other secretaries of defense made the same argument, just the donald trump is being taken seriously and making people uncomfortable. Heather the trade deficit, germany alone the trade deficit was worth 65 billion in 2016. This is something people dont realize. Reporter people dont realize and once again our president is not going to continue to Pay Lip Service or keep things as they are, the way they have always been for some sort of diplomatic reason, what he wants to do is represent the interests of the people. Some of this is tough talk, nato needs us, they dont have a strong military, they have not invested, they need the United States, need to start taking the president seriously and i think they will because they have shared threats. Heather we appreciate you being here this morning. Rob what is coming up with fox and friends . Great show this morning. A big show coming up on fox and friends including former Campaign Manager for donald trump, the first interview since his name was mentioned, youre going to ask about that and how they break the senate logjam. And former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich will be here. We will ask about the Kathy Griffin incident, the latest on the russian scandal in paris climate accord. What does the president do in utah senator michael you live in studio with the new book, if anything gets past the senate, you need the support of utah senator mike lisa we will ask about that. Stick with us on fox and friends coming shortly. The future isnt silver suits and houses on mars, its right now. Think about it. We can push buttons and make cars appear out of thin air. Find love anywhere. Hes cute. And buy things from, well, everywhere. How . Because our phones have evolved. So isnt it time our networks did too . Introducing americas largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. Its a new kind of network. Xfinity mobile. Heather the shocking picture sparking nationwide back lash, Kathy Griffin posing in a photo shoot with a beheaded donald trump. Rob shes trying to apologize for the damages been done. More with a lot of reaction. Reporter she is receiving a lot of attention but not the kind of attention she was looking for, Kathy Griffin facing major blowback for posing in a photo shoot with a decapitated head that resembled donald trump. People on both sides of the political aisle condemning the image with something it is reminiscent of isis propaganda. The comedian is admitting she went too far. I sincerely apologize, i lose the line and crossed it. The images too disturbing, understand how it offends people. It wasnt funny, i get it. Heather this is after receiving criticism from her close friends. Anderson cooper saying i am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate. And event with griffin in july, the statement saying he believes the image was inappropriate and not the kind of thing that should be part of our national discourse. Could be the least of griffins concerns. The stunt hasnt gotten the attention of the secret service. And writing on it, the secret service has a robust Intelligence Division, and social media to evaluate threats made against secret service protect these receive the highest priority of all investigations. Griffin collaborated with controversial photographer tiger shields, meant to service art. And after photos were released for fear of imprisonment. And the high profile jobs, cnn says they were reevaluating on new years eve coverage. She is sorry is offensive and it didnt go over well. Debating today. Stevey says shame on you, you arent sorry, you just dont like the heat you are getting. He has always been a vile person, absolutely disgraceful, if she had any fans left i hope they abandon ship, she is going down fast. Heather no matter what your feelings about our president no one should stoop this low. She needs to have her head examined. Griffins or find stunned, what do you think . Log on to fox and friends first Facebook Page for life debate. Chaos, the shocking moment that a bear leapt into the audience sending spectators running for their lives. Heather galloping through the streets. Running wild through rushhour traffic. Real cheese people get big flavor in every little bitty bite. Sargento snack bites with 20 calories per stick. You can grab em. Skewer em. Pop em. Just dont ever call em mild. Sargento snack bites. Big flavor in a little bite. [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. Run away [ grunts ] leave him leave him [ music continues ] heather have fun with your replaced windows. Brick and mortar. You get more than a big discount. Thats what you get for bundling home and auto jamie you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Were gonna live forever you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Theres nothing more than my vacation. Me so when i need to book a hotel room, i want someone that makes it easy to find what i want. Booking. Com gets it. They offer free cancellation if my plans change. Visit booking. Com. Booking. Yeah. You tell what is happening . Terrifying moments when a giant there leaps into the crowd, the animal breaking free after the trainer accidentally let go of the leash. Screaming, fleeing the tent in panic. All of this happening in northern ukraine. More video showing the moment underground water pipes burst and explode into the air. You can see its well and below wide open. The blast reached 7 stories high. This unfolding as crews in ukraine tested pipes that have not been used in nearly 40 years. Rob if your kids bought something from the amazon apps you could soon get your money back, amazon giving out 70 million in refunds to customers. Has your child ever let go of a balloon outside and watch it wander into space . A democratic lawmaker in california pushing for a ban on releasing mylar balloons because they are known to cause fires when they had power lines. Runaway horse racing through new york city during rush hour. It got loose from nearby stables, offering care drives to tourists. Heather that wraps it up for us, fox and friends starts right now. American interceptor missile successfully destroyed and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile just in time. We are reaching a point in history that we are susceptible to a rogue state. Heather an explosion ripped through the afghan capital. At least 80 people have been killed. 350 injured. Kathy griffin put this picture of her holding masked bloodied head depicting donald trump. The same vein we have seen

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