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Phone including all of her emails. 250,000. They were uncovered by the officer in new york whos investigating abedin for possibly sixthing with a minor. He handed over his lap top and searched the data on the computer and according to government sources it turned up positive hits for state dot gov and clintons emails. They have had the lap top for several wheeks did james comey learn about it . Democrats have been slamming comey out there for investigating the emails. The top dem grocrat in the sena sent him a harshly worded letter accusing him of breaking the law. He violated it and bars them from using authority saying your actions demonstrated in serving double standard for Sensitive Information with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one Political Party over another. Trey gowdy had an equally harsh reaction. Thank god he is leaving is my initial reaction. My secondary action is i did not know mormons used drugs and any one who is capable of sending out a press release has to be under the influence of something. Clinton will be in ohio. Will she address this scandal one week doing . It will take weeks to get through all of this at a mini m minimum. The question is what exactly is in the emails on his computer . Oo it must be something significant. It has to be a substantial development. Is it possible some of the emails are part of the 33,000 missing . I think after the several meetings congress had with director comey he was clear the investigation was done and he would only open it if it was more information. Hillary clinton set up a private server s. She attacked director comey, which is ridiculous and during the q and a portion she said a letter was sent by the director of fbi to house republicans. She knows the game. She know whats going on here. Talking about Hillary Clintons bombshell the democrats praised her when she cleared clinton bu now they are back on the attack. What is different this time . You can use the hashtag keep talking. We are eight days from the election. The race is tightening. Donald trump gaining serious momentum. He goes on an all out attack over the investigation into the emails. Can you believe we are saying the final week . Final week but finally not over. Dropping a bomb on Hillary Clintons campaign republican rival donald trump who once krit saysed the fbi to attack clinton and he is gaining in the polls with eight days until the election, donald trump now trails by single digits. The Trump Campaign claims the fbi investigation is causing tightening in the race bringing them from a candidate they cant trump. They are hammering away at clintons integrity. Hillary has nobody but herself to blame for her mounting legal problems. Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful. She set up the illegal server knowing full well her actions put her at risk. Huma abedin shared lap top with former con combres man Anthony Weiner for possibly texting with a minor. Whats wrong with washington and his campaign is focusing on draining the swamp in dc if he becomes president. I will continue to address and expose the criminal corruption of Hillary Clinton and the threats to the survival of our system. Trump will be in michigan and pence will be in florida a must win state for the trump ticket and trumps wife millen yaw will be delivering her First Campaign speech in california. Fox news lart. A deranged killer who sparked an 8 day manhunt killed a shootout with oklahoma police. A farmer spotting Michael Vance in a field where he may be hanging out. Someone shot in the melee is expected to be okay. He has been on the run since october 23rd opening fire on responding officers and taking off in a stoenl car. A bomb she tell from a passenger using hundreds of people to evacuate in plane overnight. The flight was about to leave for dallas. Twitter Video Shows Police boarding the plane quickly removing the person who made the threat. Outraged passengers said they have no idea what was going on. They left us on the plane for hours. They were not allowed to get up, go to the bathroom. Passengers eventually were loaded on to buses until the all clear was given. A vow to review after italy rocked by the strongest earthquake in decades. Promise to go restore sites p around the city left in rubble after the 6. 2 magnitude quake rocked them outside of rome. Land slides; boerlds blocking rescue teams from hard hit areas. People left homeless. 20 people hurt but no deaths reported. A very happy halloween for cubs fans after a big win over the indians. There will be a game 6. Outside wrigley field, what game. They finally got one in chicago. I tell you what, its a little after 4 00 a. M. In chicago and the fans are still out here soaking up this victory. It was a totally different story between friday and saturday night when fans couldnt find the exits fast enough. Last night fans did not want to leave. It was the first world series victory since 1945. That was despite an early Cleveland Indian lead. In they scored three runs and a homer from one of the stars kris ryan. Then aradis chapman came in the 7th inning with one out when things were looking harry and he throws over 100 miles an hour. He was able to close out the game. Nothing scary about this halloween in chicago. Fans are ecstatic. They are going to live to see another game. Game 6 in cleveland on tuesday. It was worth every penny. Fans paid a pretty penny. Tickets were 2500 bucks upwards of 100,000 for prime box seats. Up, that is true. 100,000 for some of these prime box seats. Before game time today they dropped a little bit and cubs fever picked back up along with the prices. No free seats for these games. You could buy a house or a cubs ticket. The cubs fans they would buy a ticket. We will be watching on tuesday. Time now is 5 09 eastern time jet bursting into flames causing chaos in the cabin. A brand new focus on the investigation. Onethird of voters less likely to vote for Hillary Clinton after her email server bombshell as donald trump surges in some new polls. Is this the beginning of the end for the Clinton Campaign . We will have a fair and balanced update on that up next. The mom who crushed the halloween competition. Some of your halloween pictures. This is Joshua Causey the first and second as the George Bush Library at texas a m. Ashley draper dressed up her puppy. Keep sending them to us this morning. Liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila sigh i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. Wheres your brother . Wheres your brother . Hey, wheres charlie . Charlie . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you. Liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance Hillary Clintons Campaign Manager accused of staging violence at the donald trump rallies. Wikileaks releasing this december 2015 email sent to a clinton aid by a left wing strategist reading quote want to pass along with note i sent to bob cramer who as you know is consulting for the dnc and is close to robby mook. Mook insisting he had no connections to the Clinton Campaign. Wikileaks promising to unleash phase three of the election coverage next week. Eight days left until the election. Clinton campaign rocked by another one. The fbi reopens another investigation into Hillary Clintons email server. Nearly onethird of voters are less likely to vote for the democratic nominee. Here to weigh in democratic strategist chuck broach yah and joe burrell lee. Thank you for joining us this morning very early. Great to have you here. Lets talk about this. Whats happening right now in term of the polls and how they continue to change. Do you think this is a trend that will continue for eight days until december . You build your Campaign Around what is expected. Like when you and your sister were in the barn you jucome on snake and you jump back. You send your sister to see if it is a good or bad snake. It is already out there so thats whats happening in the clinton world. They have to pivot and talk about the issues. It is never a good day if you get this kind of a surprise or this kind of a surprise late. We have clinton at 46 percent. I am sorry clinton 42 percent and clinton 46 percent there. It was prior to the bombshell coming out on friday. Polls were start to go trend back in Donald Trumps favor. What this bombshell does is reconfirm this notion. This candidate cannot avoid scandals. Eight days ago this is what the Clinton Campaign was hoping would not happen. In a fourway poll a difference of only one percent between clinton 46 percent trump, 45 we ares. One percent between them. They have infrastructure. She has lots of staff and lots of surrogates working across the country. Hillary is going to be good in places where she was up 5er oh 6. If she loses two or three she should be okay. Clim margin between the senators and pennsylvania and New Hampshire and missouri. Thats what the new motivation and gop could harm democrats. If they ask them the democrats, do you still support Hillary Clinton . Right. Look. This is something that republicans have been sort of forced to answer for over the last several weeks. About time where democrats across the country have to answer whether they want to support a president ial candidate under criminal investigation by the fbi. Someone like doug shown had to be damaging to hear him come out and disavow his candidates choice. Theres another way democrats are spinning it, they are saying hillary is not under investigation. Her server is. Listen. The server of this race is under criminal investigation by the fbi. Your position appears to be. No, he said he is going back to look at the server. Hes going back is this your position . We are going to charge the server with a crime. The server is under fbi investigation. I think thats what you do when you are a politician. You pivot on a horrible narrative for yourself and for the party at this particular point in time. We have had the mess scared out of us and we want to move on to an issue about what we can talk about is a positive thing. Thats what the governor is doing. He never wants this to happen. You dont know if it is a good or bad snake but by god we saw a snake. The fbi doesnt run a travel agency they run criminal investigations of people not inanimate objects. The reason the server is investigated if you go through the part of the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton. That is what it is coming down to. They are trying to play it like wikileaks. Trying to paint Hillary Clinton as a victim of the fbi. Really there are three people to blame here Anthony Weiner for sending out crude pictures houma for not being forthright and hillary for having this coverup. 650,000 additional emails by some counts. Thank you both for joining us. We will see you again. Nascar nightmare. What caused an out of control car to plow through clouds rowd speedway. A service dog is banned from a flight. Harassment and ultimately my flight was denied. The whole situation perpetuated by disability. Sent me into crisis mode. The legal action she is taking now. Here are some of the halloween pictures. Went to a trunk or treat this weekend for his family. Donna dressed up as dorothy for the wizard of oz. Theres no news like fox. Theres no news like fox. We will be right back. Welcome back to Fox Friends First. This plane burst into flames at the airport. They combed over the debris looking for clues they could find. Uncontrolled engine failure caused the horrifying scene sending sparks flying sparking a fuel fire that sent smoke billowing into the cabin. Some passengers had minor injuries and ran to escape. A 13yearold is . The hospital. It happened after a race in Martinsville Speedway horrified witnesses say the driver of the chevy truck tried to pass another car and lost control in the crowded parking lot. I was standing right behind that truck, the chevy old style truck. Up against the fence i felt the wind go behind me and i heard screams. The dreyer not yet charged. Unfortunately unpack your umbrella in parts of the country. Seeing more rain today. It was like 80 degrees today near halloween. Janice dean checked out halloween weather. Love it. Going crazy all of a sudden. This is all that was left, right . Oo i love the stuff you can find. The hat and the gloves. This is a onetime deal where i dont have to get dressed up. Part mardi gras, part witch. Absolutely. I think the big headline today is going to be the fact that it is going to be very warm across much of the central u. S. How warm . Temperatures 10 to 30 degrees above average. That is going to last well into the sweep. It is going to last several days. Kansas city today and tomorrow 1 today. The average is 60. St. Louis it is going to be 83 tomorrow. That will be the big take away. We have a system in the northwest so your kids will have to bring maybe an umbrella for trick or treating. Otherwise the rest of the country looks pretty good. Lets take a look at your spook tack cue layer halloween forecast. There it is. A few witches and goblins. Otherwise looking good across the central u. S. Where i am from in canada you had to wear your snow suit under your halloween costume. You are not going to have to do this. There tonights forecast. 67 in far go. It is unheard of for october, november. 86 in atlanta. Potential for snow across the northwest. I have some spooky candy. Whats your favorite candy . Candy corn of course. Candy corn . Are you lying . Really . I like it. You dont . I dont understand the candy corn. What about you guys . My favorite is the milky way. I am a huge recease fan. Recease pieces. Remember the smart tees . I love the smart tees, too. They are like wax. Thats why i like them. I dont know what it is. You can use that as the hat. Trick or treat. I love my mini mouse ears. My favorite costume growing up was mini muse. Are you going to wear that . I am going to wear the rest of the day. You have the tiny bite size or do you go all in with the big bars . When i was a kid he would get mad at the houses that gave out the little care mel. Or the apple. Who gives out apples . You know theres somebody watching right now that does that. I am going to be bouncing off the walls. Get out of here. Get out of here. Leave some for the other cast. Okay. Ill just take it. Well the time now is about half past the top of the hour. Donald trump gaining momentum. But hes not the only one. Republicans are gaining momentum because republicans are coming back home. Thats why you are seeing the movement in polls. A closer look at the pictures for the Battle Ground states coming back. The fbi under fire. Accusing james comey of breaking law as the Clinton Campaign tries to dodge this. Turning the tied, team trump counting big games in the polls while taking aim at Hillary Clinton and the new fbi email investigation. How they plan to make up ground during the home stretch. He wants to give every Police Officer in america a doughnut. Fox friends first continues right now. It is a great monday morning. You are watching Fox Friends First. Thats a little m m in the background there. I am clayton morris. We are back with a fox news alert this morning. The fbi under fire. Harry reid accusing Hillary Clinton of breaking the law. The investigation ramps up overnight. Getting a warrant to search the lap top huma abedins husband Anthony Weiner. Kristin fisher joins us live from washington, d. C. Following the breaking developments. Hair rae reed is eye cueing the director of the fbi of violating the law as a hack jack using his authority to influence the reaction. Senator reed says your actions in recent months demonstrated a double standard with a clear intent to aid one over another. Over the weekend democrats have been slamming comey for reopening this investigation. Remember these are the same democrats that just a few months ago were praising comey for his decision not to recommend charges against clinton. Look how trey gowdy responded to the news . Senator reid is a political hack. Comey is not a republican or democrat. I have had my differences with him in the past. He is not a political hack like senator reid is. The fbi investigation is looking at huma abedins estranged husbands lap top who is under investigation for possibly sexting with a minor. They were handed over his lap top on october 3rdrd. The fbi searched his computer which turned up positive hits for state d. Gov account. They have had the laptops for several weeks. When did fbi director james comey learn about it . Will he release more information about it before election day. You would think he must have something in order to go this far. I wonder if they will let them know what wthe. Donald trump getting serious momentum as he goes over an attack on the renewed investigation. Hillary Clintons Campaign is trying to turn things around. It is halloween in the race for the white house Hillary Clinton may seem like she is receive ago bit of a trick while donald trump may feel like hes getting a treat from director comey that after james comey dropped that bombshell on the election on friday. The fbi obtained a search warrant to start reviewing top clinton aids huma abedins shared lap top former congressman Anthony Weiner for possibly sexting a minor. Whats wrong with washington . His campaign is focusing on draining the swamp in dc should he become president. They found 650,000 emails. This could be the mother load. This could be the 33,000 that are missing. No doubt in the next nine days hillary and her special interests will say and do something to detract from her crime and to distract. Eight days until the election. Donald trump now trails Hillary Clinton in the polls just by single digits. It is real will tight and the Trump Campaign claims the fbi bombshell seems to be causing more tightening of the race showing voters reluctant to trust clinton. We saw the republicans coming home with the obamacare premiums the same time donald trump is laying out his vision for america his plan for urban renewal how we repair and build our unner cities. This race we believe we are leading even the most harden denned media sceptic says its a jump ball. That means the race is possibly starting all over again with the Trump Campaign in michigan. Trumps wife milan gnaw will appear on the campaign trail as well giving her First Campaign speech in pennsylvania. A lot going on, guys. Just a weeks ago. To say the least. The rally for republicans the numbers moving toward donald trump. Go pack chairman david avela says he is not the only one gaining momentum. No question trump has momentum. He even in the state by state polls you see Movement Towards trump just as you are seeing Movement Toward the senate candidates. The republicans are gaining momentum because republicans are coming back home. Thats where you are moving in the polls. Republicans are coming back to the republican ticket as well as older voters. Men are voting frin higher percentages in the republican ticket. There is no question. They were show ago dead heat in a fourway match up. Both candidates stand with 46 percent. In over time the name of the game in week eight of the nfl team. Jerry max with sirius xm115 with highlights especially for the panthers. They finally con. Congratulations. They didnt have to work over time. They work time and a half but they get paid plenty well to work over time. Show down between two star rookie quarterbacks between wednesday and prescott. Dak prescott drops back finds bryant for a 22 yard touchdown. His first. Fast forward to over time. Dak prescott does it again. Scrambles around. Prescott will go left finds jason wit ton. They win their 5th straight 2923. Oakland raiders quarterback derek carr joins rothlisberger. The only players to throw for more than 500 yards with four touchdowns. He finds seth roberts for the game winning score in over time. Beat the buccaneers. 550 passing yards. Tied for first in the afc west in denver. The morning game in london went half hour into the early afternoon games. Bengals were tied at 27. Thats where they finished. Hopkins with this one. First time since 77 with ties in backtoback weeks. This game was played at wimbly stadiums. They feel the same about a lame high score. They are used to it in soccer. They are used to 11 games that last forever. This is probably the first good game they have been able to see. One friend tweeted me they were probably waiting for penalty kicks. You had a chance to go to the world series. How awesome was that . Such great memories in cleveland. Had an opportunity to interview the fox sports crew who does the pregame show. It got me thinking about pete rose the fact that he is not in the hall of fame it makes his legend even bigger. I got to go to the rock and roll hall of fame. The driver said no time but we did. I notice you left out panthers highlights. Thats okay. One victory is not really a highlight, is it . It was huge. It was great. Fantastic year for the defend nfc champs. Good to see you this morning. It is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. 8 days until the election. Foreign policy is a top ken for voters. Who has a better plan for our country. We will take a closer look in the series. Her service dog was band from a flight. Harassment, embarrassment and the flight was denied. The whole situation perpetuated by disability. Sent me into crisis mode. The legal actions she is taking now. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. Oh oo ju just eight days until the president ial election. We are taking a closer look at Foreign Policy a top concern or voters. James rosen takes a looks at where both candidates stand. Theres a knock at the door theres a uniformed officer. September 9, 2011, marked the dividing line of her life the day her husband specialist chris horton was shot and killed by the taliban. They watched the numbers debate Foreign Policy but no one views the policy through the lens than gold star widow. There has never been any talk about veterans. There has been no talk about afghanistan. We are still not addressing the issues. He saw three americans killed in afghanistan. Instead the nominees sparred over russia who will be tougher on Vladmir Putin on iran the nuclear deal as secretary of state finalized by her successor and the broader middle east during the over throw of has any must be bar reck. She pushed and left libya in the chaos that spawned the benghazi attack. Clinton helped manage the u. S. Withdrawal from iraq but isis gathered strength there and in syria. She persuaded obama to funnel weapons early on in the countrys civil war. She left behind a writ fen record and record of actions. Sh she is relatively a realist but certainly not an idealist who seeks to remake the world. As a Real Estate Developer licensing manager and reality tv star donald trump possesses next next to no foreign experience. They are bringing drugs, they are bringing crime, they are rapists subsz kwent meeting went smoothly. Trumps Foreign Policy stand has been contradictory he denied allies like south korea should have Nuclear Weapons which he did say. Japan has a problem with that. Maybe they would be better off if they defended themselves. Where noouks . Including with nukes, yes. Saudi arabia to the gulf to nato states must start paying more to get security guarantees causing some Foreign Policy discern of trumps plan. Check in with Brian Kilmeade to see whats coming up on Fox Friends First and a busy morning. We werent able to come up with anything. Can you run one of the weekend shows . We have had nothing today. If we have to be pushed to do a topic these are most of the people we are going to be talking about. Social media. Why is it all of those faces and names the higher ups and multi millionaires in social media are all pushing for Hillary Clinton . That is where all vlt money is going 95 percent strong. Does that have anything to do with the fact that the email scandal is not trending on facebook and twitter . I think there might be some kind of linkage. We have a huge roster again as we have eight days into this big election takes place. I dont think you should miss a minute of the show. Amazing eight days. Whats your favorite hole keen candy . I dont acknowledge halloween. I did not acknowledge halloween. Terrible holiday. It is ridiculous. Come on. Anti halloween. Come on. See at the end of the show what he is dressed up as. I think he will be in the costume by the end of the show. See you brian. We will be right back. Stay with us. Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. Speed always wins. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. Welcome back. Hillary clintons wikileak headache growing stronger by the day. Batch 23 showing another example of media bias. Clintons chief strategist forwarding an email from a cnn source to aides and staffers titled, heads up between us. The cnn source alerts the clinton camp to new favorable poll results not yet released. All this as secret sharing sites warned phase 3 of election coverage is on the way. What does that mean . The small newspaper making a big splash issuing an apology for its antidonald trump election coverage. In an editorial, the daily commercial out of florida, said it has not done enough to mitigate the antitrump ways in the pages of this paper and admitted that you, the voter deserve better than we the media have given you. The coverage was not only fair to the republican nominee due to a lack of resources. A combat veteran who says she was hugh mill yapted by American Airlines is suing the company. Arguing back and forth, humiliation, harassment and ultimately my flight was denied. The whole situation perpetuated by disability and sent me into crisis mode. The airline refusing to let lisa mccombs who suffered from ptsd board with her service dog. The agent argued with her saying what is your disability anyway . Shes asking for unspecified damages. Now, a texas mom wins what is going viral with a costume that, well, take a look. It looks like a refrigerator until you open the door. And you see her severed head inside. Its frozen inside next to a box of waffles. Her daughter sharing the killer costume on twitter getting tens of thousands and likes and tweets. She won a gift card in her office costume contest. Thats creepy. Pretty good. Good but creepy. I wait until the last minute to get mine. Theyre sold out. What are you going to be . Ill reveal it tonight on social media. All right. The time is 54 minutes after the hour. Call him the doughnut boy. Were going to introduce you to the 8yearold who wants to give every Police Officer in america a sweet treat. Pandemonium, you wont believe how far one guy went to impress a woman. Hey, searching for a great used car . Yeah you got it. Just say show me millions of used cars for sale at the all new carfax. Com. I dont want one thats had a big wreck just say, show me cars with no accidents reported pretty cool i like it thats the power of carfax® find the cars you want, avoid the ones you dont plus you get a free carfax® report with every listing start your used car search at carfax. Com that Airline Credit card yout . Have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Great. Is this why you asked me to coffee . Well yeah. But also to catchup. Whats in your wallet . It is two minutes until the top of the hour. Top Senate Democrat harry reid attacking the fbi as the feds get a warrant to search Anthony Weiners laptop. Reid accusing comby of trying to influence. Election by reopening the investigation. A former South Carolina Police Officer michael flag he will is accused of shooting a man in the back during a traffic stop. Hundreds of Passengers Police questioning the person who made the threat in florida. First up, the good. A florida boy passing out doughnuts across the country to Police Officer as a sign of thanks. Hes given out more than a thousand. Next, the bad. Another dump for the condemned. Someone piled manure outside of a headquarters in cincinnati. A man in china caught on camera sneaking bo the panda pen at the zoo all to impress a woman, of course. The daredevil learning the hard way that pandas arent always as cuddly. The animal grabs on to his leg. But he did get away. Pandas look adorable, but theyll scratch your eyes out. Theyre a bear. Wrestling a panda will not impress a girl. Take note. Fox and friends starts right now. Bye. Well, good morning to you and your family. It is monday, 30k9 1st. This is the last long week before the election. Im ainsley earhardt. We start with a fox news alert. Hillary clintons top aide is lawyering up after the fbi does get that warrant to read more than 650,000 new emails on Anthony Weiners laptop. Oh, boy. How do you get to 650 . I think thats the mother lode. How do you have that many emails . Sit down and keep typing. No wonder nothing gets done in our

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