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items have been spotted, three satellite images and one visual id from a chinese aircraft. a couple of white pieces of large debris. so far they have come up with nothing ships have not been able to locate it. the current in that part of the world is pretty strong. they are in the process of studying to see how fast they move. when they spot something from the air they can figure out where it will be when the ship gets to that location. the complications there are the weather. in fact they say it has been very, very cloudy right down to the surface some of the australian pilots say they have been operating compared to their minimum ability. it really is beginning to hamper efforts to locate things visually. as far as actually finding the aircraft if debris is found so much emphasis is on the cockpit voice and data recorder with the pinging device sends out the signal for 30-days. the navy is sending in a code pinger locator. it is designed to be towed behind a vessel to pick up the pinging of the black box at 20,000 feet. it may be at the limit in the indian ocean. they might be brought to bear but first they have to get it to see if it can be ruled out or in. >> luge lou ziader, thank you. >> we are turning to 8 people now dead in the massive mud slide in washington state. the huge pile of debris spans about one square mile running several feet deep. >> devastation is just unrelenting. people have seen pictures of course but it is ten times more devastating when you see it yourself. >> the conditions are very, very muddy. it is like quick stand. they are not acceptable at this time. >> 30 homes are destroyed. about two dozen people remain missing. rescue crews say all efforts are being used to find any one who map be trapped. a massive oil spill near galveston, texas. a ship collided with a barge with 158,000 gallons of fuel. boats are helping cleanup efforts. oil ruz due has been spotted as far as 1212 miles out. right now the shipping channel is closed. oo be >> don't let the calendar fool you. old man winter not done yet. the northeast bracing for another gruelling snowstorm. maria molina is in the weather center tracking it all for us. >> good morning heather and patty ann. there has been a lot of talk about the storm system. it will be intensifying. all that matters is the exact track. the system will stay far enough away from the coast from places like philadelphia, places like new york city. what will be setting the stage are close temperatures that today are going to stay in place as we head through tuesday and wednesday. highs only in the 20's and 30's. here's a look at the timing for the next snowstorm. we expect them to come in on tuesday and by tuesday night snowing across new york city, parts of long island and the system starts to rapidly intensify across southeastern parts of new england some of the heaviest snowfall will be falling by 6:00 a.m. wednesday. it will be a big increase for any one heading out to work or in the early morning hours on wednesday. heather, patti ann very limited, long island, out here where we could see a foot of snow in it will be a big issue. >> here we go again. >> prosecutors planning to wrap up their week with the glblade runner taking the stand as early as wednesday. it is expected to run into the middle of may. they admit he fired the shots that killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he h he>> we could know the fate of osama bin laden's son-in-law. closing arguments expected today in this case. he plead not guilty to aiding al qaeda and conspireing to kill americans. he sat next to him claiming responsib responsibility for the attack. >> president obama having talks with his g 7 counterparts on the invasion of ukraine. they may be getting ready for another invasion. what world leaders are worried specifically about today. >> hoo in washington they think they are not doing enough small arms and other equipment to stop the russians afrom going any further than crimea. >> americans have to take them with the european partners there are things we can do that we are not doing. i don't think the rhetoric will want it on the ground. what we can do is offer them things that they can use to really protect and defend themselves. >> just a few minutes ago president obama landed in the netherlands and in a touch newspaper interview the president tried to explain the difference between his ideology and president putin's ideology like this. united states does not view europe as a battle ground between east and west nor do we see the situation in the ukraine as a zero sum game. that's the kind of thing that should have ended with the cold war. the ukrainian people do not have to choose between east and west. few hours ago one of the last places in crimea that was under ukrainian control was taken over by russian troops. those troops used gren yadz and guns to take over a marine base in crimea. they then raised a russian flag on the base and it is the latest provocative move made by putin as world leaders gathered in europe without him. >> we are now one week from the obamacare enrollment deadline of march 31st. and with millions still uninsured democrats are looking to go through the offense. they will take to ocean media to do so. they will tweet out graphics as well as sharing stories of success. this comes as a new pew research poll shows that 53 percent oppose the president's signature healthcare law. >> treasury secretary jack lew is having surgery tomorrow for enlarged prostate. he was treated for symptoms six days ago after a met -- at a metro city hospital. he will be out of work for a week recovering. president obama nominated lew as head of the treasury department. >> actor james revmore has died. he was in home land, the talented mr. ripley and scent of a woman. he died after battling melanoma. rebhorn is survived his wife and daughter. new clues into the suicide of scott. she warned mick jagger about his death. taking out a loan to remortgage the apartment he bought her. scott's sister and jagger are battling where she will be buried. his sister wants her near his childhood home in utah but mick jagger finalized plans in california. the no chan ties at the box offi -- new franchise at the box office. "divergent" comes oupt easily on top bringing in $56 million. mr. pea body and sherman and 300 lives of an empire and the film "god's not dead" with 8.5 million surpassing expectations for it's opening weekend. >> a new deal could revolutionize the way we watch tv. lauren simonetti on fox business network. >> good morning everybody. how about a deal that puts an end to that an joying buffering. they are teaming up the world's biggest companies so comcast companies get faster internet when they stream video. all sorts of content from apple gets the same treatment as network content coming from cable. a lot needs ironing out including weather comcast customers pay a monthly subscription fee. what are you having for breakfast? is most of the ingredients are costing more money. especially bacon urging 13 percent also the prices of coffee, orange juice and eggs because of global supply problem proble problems. gum sails have dropped 11 percent the past four years to $3.7 billion. they were succehesitant to shel $1 for a pack or there are other options like mints. >> the time is 12 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up circus chaos when three elephants escape and head for the parking >> before i cout an elephant came out in front of the suv. >> an up close look at the animals before they were captured. >> some wop shippers are going to church at a drive through. >> pooif people still missing after a crash in a reservoir. the identities on those aboard have not been released and the cause of the crash is not yet known. the boy was killed whilst trying to save his girlfriend from an oncoming train. they were walking to their school dance. they made their way across the tracks but couldn't get out of the way in time. >> when it got closer that just laid on the horn. he pushed her he went under. >> the friend remains in critical condition. the conductor hit the emergency brake s but could not get the train to p to. >> the navy football player is asking for prayers this morning. third company member will mcanyy hit a hard hit on the practice field this weekend. he was rushed to the hospital he had surgery for a brain clot. the 19-year-old is in a coma but they continue to get small responses from him. >> four people are hurt after two spooked horses bolt into a crowd in california. one of the horses fell on to a 52-year-old double amputee who was thrown from his wheelchair. officials unsure what spooked the horses to begin with. >> a wild time in the circus but they never imaged this. >> a trio of elephants broke through and began running wild through the parking lot. we quality up with a woman who saw it all happening. >> we could feel the ground shaking in front of us. >> she had just put her car in park. too oo an elephant came out between the rv's. >> her who teenaged son had just left. >> they turnedite in front of my car and came down the side of my car, too. told them to hang on and i pushed it into reverse. i could go back a few feet because cars were surrounding me. >> managed to snap these pictures of the three huge females during a sold out matinee. the animals one after the other weaved between two pickup trucks. >> the elephants took the pickup truck and moved them out. we saw a car part being thrown up into the air. the windows were being smashed by the elephants. >> smith said it took trainers at least 40 minutes and lots of peanuts to get them safely into a semi trailer. he said staff did the best checked to protect all of the people and all of the animals. >> the trainers and handlers did everything the right way. this is a feek thing. >> kim hudson reporting for us there. 19 after the hour. it has been nearly 7 years since the mysterious disappearance of madelein mccann. suspects who may know what happened. >> caught on camera passengers go flying when a bus driver violently slams on his brakes. wait until you hear why. my name is jenny, and i quit smoking with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. 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[ male announcer ] ask your door if chantix is right for you. >> welcome back. two new suspects in the disappearance of madeliein mcc n mccann. they are looking for two accused con men who were seen knocking on the doors of the apartment build where the mccanns were staying in portugal back in 2007. police previously released these pictures of the suspects but at the same time they thought they were portuguese. now they think they are eastern european and have long sense left the area. president obama reportedly sending in special forces to hunt down ue began can w-- ugan war lord joseph kony. he is known for attacking villages murdering people and stealing children is believed to be hiding in the jungle. patti ann? >> heather this malaysia airline doesn't have enough troubles already we are learning now too you incidents involving the planes. overnight one of the air buses made an emergency landing in long kong due to a failing generator. on friday a block of birds shattered the windshield in one of the jets. all of this comes as a search intensifying for missing malaysian flight 370. bus passengers are turkey are taken for a wild ride. >> the driver slams on his brakes after getting into an argument with a woman she thought the bus was making several stops the driver said she was making one. words were exchanged he told her to get off she refused so he sped up and hit the brakes sending all of the passengers flying forward as you saw. >> good grief. you have no doubt heard of a drive in movie but how about a drive in map? the daytona beach drive in christian church showing up with pets, grape juice and bread are handed out at the gate then they tune into a radio station to sing along and pray. >> we have had people who have been able to come here even when they are batted elling diseases and have felt that i don't have to get dressed up to go to church. >> this priech a perfect for those with antsy children. >> we have brand new pictures of the two iranians flying with stolen passports. these images raising fresh fears about the missing planes. >> having kids before a specific age will guarantee cute babies? the study you will want to hear. >> first on this day in 1965 nasa's ranger nine reached the moon and sent them live across america. >> in 1898 the first automobile was sold by the carriage company. four-wheel steering is why i get up in the morning. 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[ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. go! [ male announcer ] it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot... ♪ pulls you back into your lane... ♪ even brakes all by itself. it's almost like it couldn't crash... even if it tried. the 2014 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. >> chinese search teams spotting two large objects floating in the indian ocean. could it be debris from the missing plane. what we are learning right now from the search sight. >> the death toll rising and hope fading following a devastating mud slide. >> we have a road there. that road is buried in a mile of this m maybe people that are in that their cars may be people in houses. >> this morning a desperate search for many who remain missing. >> this teenaged boy took the altar at church begging for someone to adopt him. the phones began ringing off the hook. this morning the adoption agency under fire. "fox & friends first "fox & friends first" continues right now. ♪>> good morning from the streets of new york city to your home wherever you may be waking up this morning. thank you for joining "fox & friends first". i am hither childers. >> i am a chinese plane spotting an object in the indian ocean in the same area where satellite images had shown possible debris. >> new video shows an ice breaker heading toward the scene in hopes of finding it. >> gathering possible evidence. when you look at the search area what we have found is three satellite sightings of possible debris. a chinese aircraft showing a couple of large pieces of debris. is that from the plane? we don't know. that requires the next step being shipped to the area to get their hands on the debris to see if it is wreckagwreckage. as far as the flight crews are concerned the real concern is the weather. >> we assessed the weather conditions. we have deteriorated. there are other aircraft out there 13 other areas. ality times we were right down looking for any opportunity. >> it is about 5:30 p.m. in that part of the world. that search day is coming to a close now. however even though we don't have any confirmation that any of this debris is from an aircraft there are plans being presented now to kind of deal with that ven duality if it happens. one of the things we are seeing is the navy is preparing to deploy a pinger locator device. it is towed behind the vessel in the area to search for any pings coming from the black box. it is powering the king system for 30-days at least. they want to make sure it has all of the items they need. >> thank you for joining us. >> thanks. >> meanwhile fears of a cover up are growing amid claims this photo of two iranian passengers at the airport was tampered with. take a look at the picture of the two men who boarded the flight with stolen passports. it will appears them having the same pair of legs. their feet and shadows are in the same position while their faces t-shirts and bags are different. police are denying any doctoring. they are hampering search efforts to release the cargo manifest. they need to know what was on the plane. the object or debris spotted in the indian ocean can be better identified. it is not clear why officials won't release this. we are turning to another fox news alert for you. 8 people are dead in the massive mud slide in washington state. the huge pile of debris spanning about one square mile running several feet deep. crews are searching for about two dozen people who are missing this morning. >> there is really no missing piece in this rescue efforts that we could use that we don't have. every single helicopter, every single hovercraft, every single personnel every communication system the flur system we have a full rescue effort underway. >> about 30 moehomes are destro. some of the roads are completely covered in mud and debris making rescue efforts extremely difficult. >> efforts are underway to contain a massive oil spill near galveston, texas. a ship collided with a barge spilling fuel into water. oil rescue has been spotted in the gulf of mexico. it is blocking more than 60 vessels including three cruz ships. >> president obama is in europe heading to talks with the g 7 counterparts about the growing crisis in ukraine. this after concerns grow that russia may be getting ready for another invasion. what world leaders are concerned about today. peter? >> just a few hours ago russian troops with fren nadz and guns took over putting putin's footprint on one of the last places in crimea under ue trainian control. it has leaders in washington worried. some think we should start arming ukraine to keep the russians from beigoing any furt. >> americans have to take a tough stand. there are things we can do that we are not doing. the rhetoric i don't think matches the rhetoric on the ground. they don't want u.s. troops on the ground neither do i. i don't think you do either another does any other american. but what we can do is offer them things that they can use to protect and defend themselves. >> president obama is on the ground in the netherlands. he weighed out the differen-- l difference between dc and moscow in an interview with the newspaper. the united states does not view europe as a battle ground between east and west know do we see the situation as a zero sum game. that's the kind of thinking that should have ended with the cold war. the ue trainian people do not have to choose between east and west. there are 100 international monitors on the ground between kiev and moscow. they are working with the organization for security and cooperation in europe. they are on the lookout for ue man rights violations and plan to be there for six months. heather? >> peter doocy joining us live this morning. thank you. >> we could soon know the fate of osama bin laden's son-in-law. closing arguments are expected today in the kate against abu gates. he is pleaded not guilty of aiding al qaeda. he is seen in a video taking responsibility for the attacks sitting next to osama bin laden. >> the oscar pistorius murder trial planning to wrap up their case this week clearing the way for the blade runner to stake the stand. it the trial is expected to run until the middle of may. pistorius admits he fired the shots that killed his girlfriend reba steenkamp. he has pleaded not guilty to murder. he says she thought she was an incruder. >> old man winter is not done with us yet. >> apparently not. the northeast bracing for another brutal snowstorm. maria molina tracking it all for us. >> good morning heather and patty ann. we have the first winter weather watches that were issued across parts of northeastern new england including a blizzard watch it could be looking at a foot of snow gusting up to 60 miles per hour. they stayed far enough away from the coast that you will see 1-3 inches of snowfall accumulation in southeastern parlths of new england that could be looking at snowfall totals from the system. it starts as early as 3:00 p.m. many people head out to work early wednesday morning across parts of new england it will be a very tough commute and no stns through wednesday afternoon. temperature wise we know for certainty it will be cold over the next several days across northeast. very windy. the windchill temperatures are going to feel like winter through wednesday across the northeast and midwest. >> i think old man winter needs to read the calendar. >> hopefully you didn't put the coats too far away. >> thank you, maria. march madness has seen number ones rise and some fall. one seed arizona easily handling gonzaga blowing them out 84-61 to advance to the sweet sixteen. and over in the east region virginia was taking on 8th seed memphis it was another route. the cavaliers winning 78-60 sending them to their first sweet sixteen since 1995. and it was only a matter of time until a number one seed fell and it was undefeated wichita state deep rolled by kentucky. the wildcats ended their run 78-76. a close one. >> big win for soul surfer bethany hamilton. she took the top spot in the pipeline women's pro in hawaii. she lost her arm but that didn't stop her from living her dream. she was back in the water a month later. this was her first win in nearly a decade. >> a man who lost both of his legs in last year's boston marathon bombing is now engaged and becoming a father. 28-year-old jeff bouman and his fiancee eric hurley are expecting their first child in july. he was identified as helping them find the survivors. the time now is almost 50 minutes until the top of the hour. coming up this keen ager captured the nation's attention when he stood up at church and begged to be adopted. why the adoption agency is now under fire. >> actor paul walker coming back to life. they are planning to fake it in the next "fast and furious" movie. i'm looking forward to... for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. a a a >> we are one week away from the obamacare deadline. democrats are turning to social media for the final ush p. members of the healthcare strike team they plan to tweet out graphics highlighting the law and its success stories all week. meantime obamacare is headed to the supreme court. craft store hobby lobby is fighting the government over several birthed control mandates. stkd be a landmark case for religious liberty. >> it is important because it is about the right of every business owner in america to run his or her business according to the religious convictions and deeply held moral beliefs. it is a time honored right in this country. >> they don't oppose all contraception but four specific drugs that cause abortion. opening arguments are set for tomorrow. >> a kansas city woman was living in a houseboat under a fake identity. she was convicted of federal payroll fraud charges in 1996 but took off before being sentenced. she faces federal fugitive charges. the teen who begged churchgoers to adopt him now needs a permanent home. now the adoption agency is under fire. many potential families say they have contacted the agency to adopt him since his plea in september. the families say the calls have not been returned. the state department of children and families say adoption from costar ca-- foster care can tak up to a year. coming up a new warning for women who want to be mothers. the factor in your every day life that could cut your chances in laugh. >> the good wife bombshell. a sudden plot twist has fans of the hit show in shock this morning. >> let's check in with steve doocy to see what's coming up on "fox & friends." >> still no sight of the missing malaysian flight 370. we will show you a replica of it being used now. hulk hogan 30 years old. along with donald trump. charles krauthammer and willie robertson with a special story. busy three hours kicks off in 11 minutes from now on your channel for news the fox news channel. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at breaking news on that missing plane. moments ago malaysian officials announced an australian plane searching for that wreckage has located two objects within the search area. >> a few minutes ago the prime minister received a call from the primeç minister of australia who informed him that an australian search aircraft located two objects in the australian search area. one circular and one rectangular. >> earlier today a chinese plane spotted suspicious objects but they have not been conclusively linked to that missing plane. >> ladies, the next time you're having a bad day just relax. a new study claims that stress can double the risk of infertilety in women linking the two together for the first time. women under intense stress are half as likely to conceive within a year of trying but a daily remedy of light exercise may increase your chance of becoming pregnant. >> speaking of babies, if you're a man getting older and you still haven't hadç children, you may want to get on it. >> isn't he gorgeous? >> researchers have found that older fathers have uglier children. the study found as a man gets older sperm-producing cells don't copy his d.n.a. as well leading to genetic mutations. a child born to a 22-year-old father is 5% to 10% more attractive than those of a 40-year-old father but they may actually live longer. >> a fox news alert. let's go live to the netherlands where president obama is issuing a joint statement with the $e is there in -- for talks with his g-7 counterparts on the growing crisis in the ukraine. let's listen. >> as the prime minister said, we just had an excellent opportunity to experience the museum and to see those documents, including the treaty of friendship that john adams negotiated more than 2 #00 years ago, a reminder of the historic ties between our countries. and this is, of all the press conferences i've done, is easily the most impressive backdrop i've had to a press conference. of course we're here for the third nuclear security summit, and i want to thank his majesty as well as the people of neglect land for all tiu -- netherlands for all the preparations that goes into bringing together heads of state. this is one more example of dutch leadership on many global challenges. as you know, the neglect land is one of our closest allies. >> you've been listening live to the president reporting there with the prime minister in the netherlands, there of course for a g-7 summit, talking about the growing crisis in ukraine and the threats of nuclear safety. we will have much more on this coming up on "fox & friends" at 6:00 a.m. in a few minutes. >> on a much lighter note, filming resumed onç "fast and furious 7" and we know how the late paul walker will remain in the movie. filmmakers will use body doubles. filming was put on hiatus last year. an alert if you're a fan of the good wife. the show took a shocking twist killing off the main character. >> no one wanted you. i hired you. i pushed for you. >> josh charles, who fans know as attorney will gardner on the show, was shot by hisç courtroom and later declared dead. the actor said creatively he was ready to move on. he tweeted out all my life to the good wife fans. playing will was a good experience. thanks for your support and kind words. >> three minutes till the top of the hour. a zealous hockey fan takes it to the extreme and got hurt. >> caught on camera, you've got to see this one. one rowdy hockey fan getting a taste of his own medicine. >> you can see him banging on the glass, but as players skate by and crash into the wall he is sent flying into his seat. >> that had to hurt. looked like a young guy too. >> poorç guy. >> thank you so much for joining us. >> "fox & friends" starts now. good morning to you. today is monday. it is march 24. i'm ainsley earhardt and sitting in for elisabeth hasselbeck this morning. moments ago search crews spotted two objects in the search for the missing malaysian jet. news of a possible cover up. why security photos of two iranians on board have the same legs. >> can you say photo shop or something? >> i can. >> straight ahead, the obama administration pressing the reset button again this morning, this time launching a european tour in the netherlands. at this moment one of the

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