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Many republicans worried about the huge price tag. Increasing the payments from 600 to 2,000 will cost 463 billion. Bernie sanders threatening to filibuster until the senate votes. The physical lock step with President Trump. Its up to the senate, every Senate Democrat is for it. But, unfortunately, we dont have the republicans on board. Republican senator marco rubio says he support the plan, quote i share many of my colleagues concern about the longterm effects of additional spending. Buff we cannot ignore the fact that millions of working class families across the nation are still in dire need of relief. Coming be should pass regulation to increase direct payments to americans to 2,000. The 600 stimulus checks are expected to be shipped out as early as next week. The house voting overwhelmingly to overturn the president wants veto or 740 billion defense bill over 140 republicans voted against the president. It will defense bill passed 59 straight years. The president vetoed it last week there is no provision in section 230. First time that congress has voted to override from President Trumps veto. The senate is expected to vote later this week. Will. Will thank you so much. Will kaine along with Griff Jenkins and rachel camposduffy. Good morning to you both. Griff good morning. Rachel good morning. Todd we have had this conversation the last couple of days. Im not surprised but disappointed, i think, in republican votes when it comes to up creasing these covid checks from 600 to 2,000. Rachel you and i have had a conversation over several days which i have enjoyed. Different perspective on this. Shortly lay out what my thoughts are and hear your response. Rachel sure. Will number one, this has to be recognized as a unique time in American History. We are suffering through a government mandated economic shutdown. Businesses not able to open. So this is not normal. This is not politics as usual. Number two, i hear republicans and we talked to many yesterday talk about what about deaf submit why are we all of a sudden focused on deficits when americans need help the most. We havent had considerations about deficit funding foreign projects. These gender studies in pakistan arent new in these budget. We could have been worried about deficits. Why when it will will. This is americans money. Its our tax dollars. Not asking for administrative welfare program. We are asking for return of american money during a time of need. Im dispingted once again that republicans decided now is the time to depart from President Trumps populist message to help us out through this crisis. Rachel well, i think you are right on a lot of points. Heres the deal. The bill was sold as covid relief bill. And instead they are using income and not whether you were hurt by covid as the determinant of whether you get the money or not. So you have, for example, restaurant workers and the government worker who Health Worker who maybe is down the restaurant and they are all going to get checks. And i dont understand how you have a covid relief bill and then you tie it to all these other wasteful projects. I think its perfectly reasonable for republicans to say hey, maybe lets offset some of the cost of this. Lets 2,000 offset the cost by getting rid of the pork. I think thats enge reasonable. Shouldnt use this as redistribution program. Use it for what it says it is going to be for covid relief. Nonetheless, last night on tucker carlson, charlie hurt seems to agree with you, will. Take a look. Recall the most appal part of all of it is the fact that they are going to give us of hundred dollars back. They are going to give us 600 back . We are supposed to say thank you for this . This is 6 of 00 of our money that we made . Of course, it ought to be a whole lot more than that in the first place. Funny thing about this is if they want to give our money back to fight the pandemic how about just dont take it from us in the first place . How about that . Of course they will never do that because they always want the money to flow through washington so they can take their skim. Then they can give it back to us and then they can stand there and wait to be thanked for them giving it to us. Griff let me jump are in as the washingtonian here will and grifand rachgreat point. Divide republicans ahead of that senate race runoffs down in georgia and that is a big, big deal because it puts not only michigan mcconnell who has yet to even announce if he is going to vote on the 2,000 or not, it put republicans at odds with each other at a time that they cant afford to, someone who certainly understands it from the president S Administration former Ambassador Nikki Haley is tweeting this she says 2020 was the year socialism went mainstream the dangerous ideology which has failed everywhere it has been tried and ruined countless lives is on its way to becoming the default Economic Policy of a Democratic Party. This terrifying trend threatens the future of every american. The left believes that government knows best. If the past year has taught us anything, its that when government dictates how the economy is run, americans suffer. With the Biden Administration set to take power, now is the time to renew the fight for capitalism. There is so much at stake over these senate race runoffs. And you are not just talking about undoing the things that President Trump did when it came to the economy. The border, everything else. You are talking about putting the democrats in the dryer drih a Carte Blanche to do whatever they want. Here is what minority leader Chuck Schumer who could be the majority leader after these elections on november 7th this is how he put it. Listen. The now we take georgia and then we change the world. It yeah. Im sorry, could you repeat that mr. Schumer . Now we take georgia and then we change america. Griff there is no doubt, griff. You are absolutely right. Some on the line in georgia. The entire Progressive Agenda is on the line. If democrats control the white house, the house, and the senate, there is nothing standing in their way from packing the United States Supreme Court or whatever agenda item might be on their wish list. Everything hinges on what happens in georgia. If many imbelieve the numbers are up to 2. 7 million. Or 2. 1 million votes are already n georgia . Its about 20 of the total vote in georgia. Its suspected to be that high. So the question remains who is benefiting from all this early voting . Well senator david perdue says republicans are gaining momentum as they runoff. Momentum is come our way. People realize whats at stake here. We are the last line of defense against the democratic onslaught and radical it socialist agenda they have is aspider to in the president ial election and continue to do so now. People in georgia are beginning to realize how serious this is and we wont get another chance if we dont stop it now. The other thing is what you just said. If we gain these two seats and hold these two seats in the republican hands, we can block what these democrats are trying to do and protect what President Trump has accomplished over the last four years. Rachel yeah, about protecting about what President Trump has are done over the last four years. Also as nikki haley has said, its about socialism. Socialism is on the agenda. If you look at aoc and her squad, they have only grown and become more powerful. These are out and out socialists. Its not like, you know, barack obama back in, you know, 2008, 2010, when, you know, we knew his policies were socialististic but he was kind of shy of about showing who he really was. These people are out and out. If you look at the georgia race in particular. Hard to believe this is georgia a formerly red state thats in, you know, Kelly Loeffler in a tight race with basically a communist. Warnock, his church invited fidel castro to the church and gave him a standing ovation. That is how far the Democrat Party has gone i think a victory in georgia will only put that into year drive as they will game control of the senate. We will have senator Kelly Loeffler coming up here at. Auto 8 35 eastern to talk t this race and everything on the line. We will take a hard turf here to something not quite as dire but definitely maybe even more interesting are if you love the daily mail like i do. Alec baldwins wife is under fire for accusations that she faked her spanish heritage after it was revealed that she was born in boston and not in spain as she previously claimed. Here is from the New York Post cover. All bull. Alec baldwins life will hilaria or hillary mocked for fake if name. Will we have had quite the run of massacre raids havent we . There was of course a if former president ial candidate Elizabeth Warren clung to a dubious native american for decades. So much selfloathing thinking adopting another identity will make them more interesting. Hillary i cant despite her silent h is not as it will aggressive or consequential as these examples but her griffith is pretty freaking great. Proving what we all know about evils ofsome. The more people shove an down your float the more likely its a total lie. I found this story so interesting. One my mother actually is from spap. That was one thing i found interesting that she was faking her mom was from spain wil but o she is not spanish. We are in the Christmas Season will and griff. I thought a little bit about the movie elf. He wanted to be an elf. He thought he was an elf. He wasnt an elf. The same with will hilaria she is not spanish. It. Todd will ferrell was born and raised up in the north pole. It will hilaria is from boston. Delve into the details of the story its fascinating. Only it more fascinating. Only claim to spanish heritage is her family having a Vacation Home in spain. She was born to American Parents from the northeast from boston and her family lineage as researched by many now falling down the rabbit hole goes back to america to it founding. What her claim is to spanish heritage is an absolute mystery. Taken on, griff, the transportation of spanish culture. She has put on an accent. Dropped the h from her name. Changed her name from hillary to hilaria. Give you an example of what i can what im talking about. This is fascinating. This is from the today show in 2015. Reminder, born and raised in boston, native english speaker and i give you this from 2015. Are. Y will we have tomatoes, we have many cucumber . How do you say cucumber, griff . Listen, i have been to spain and to my knowledge, i didnt see any heritage plaque to hilaria i would be spending the remaining days with Hilaria Baldwin it would blow me away. Did i do that this morning particularly and yesterday afternoon. Its really the interviews she was getting for her book the living clear live method five principles for a fit body, healthy mind and joyful life, its unbelievable why there is this liberal it hollywood elite sentiment that believes that the American People are so stupid they can just write this narrative and force it upon us and benefit and profit largely from it. Joe concha, our Fox News Contributor is calling her out over the fake heritage claim. Here is what she had to say earliyer this morning. This is the worst accent i have seen faked since when Hillary Clinton used to go down to be georgia and become that other person. Yeah, i mean, physical cucumbers in english. Thats the telling soundbite right there. Instead of just apologizing for it because she is obviously caught red handed she is doubling down and digging further. Here is another great part about this by the way. The obituary for her grandfather says that he has american roots dating back to preamerican revolution. His first grand fathers wife was born in nebraska. Her caa speaker page says she was born in my orca. The thing all around is so baldwin. The gift that keeps on giving. Will. Griff whether or not alec never know whether alec is actually relieved its not him but rather his wife in this case. Rachel i can tell you one thing. Will go ahead. Rachel one thing i would say about alec baldwin be he is definitely a south pole elf. Will whats the news worthiness of this story . But its true. This is a person who is seeking fame and advantage. One of the terms he been tossed around is cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is not what is at stake here. Cultural appropriation has been turned into this awful thing. Part of american. We integrate cultures and turn this into the great melting pot. Growing prevalent of fraudulence in our society. This is not cultural appropriation. Its a flat out lie. Griff you are exactly right. A lot more on this. This is not going to be a story that goes away in the next two and a half hours. But we have to send it over to jillian now to get to the headlines. Jillian . Jillian good morning to the three of you. Chilling new body camera video showing the heroic actions of six Nashville Police officers. Watch, as they evacuate the area moments before the Christmas Morning explosion. [explosion] days earlier Anthony Warner reportedly gave away his house and car. Neighbor now recalling a conversation he had with the bomber last week. Is santa going to bring you anything for christmas . He smiled and he said oh, yeah, im going to be famous. Nashville and the world will never forget me. Only three people were hurt in the explosion but are expected to recover. Jillian a group of republican lawmakers in pennsylvania say 250,000 more votes were counted in the election that be voters. Frank ryan says they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of election day data. According to the results certified by democratic Governor Tom Wolf joe biden won the state by more than 80,000 votes. A federal had ha Appeals Court violation of free speech. The same court had previously declined to block his covid19 rules on houses of worship but heard the case again following the Supreme Courts ruling against cuomo last month. And th bills looking comfortable new kings of afc east. Monday night football. First down and 10. Continue to throw. Continue to complete, stays on his feet into the end zone. Touchdown buffalo. Jillian the bills stomp on the defending champs 389. 9 diggs setting the record for yards. Sending Bill Belichick into a frenzy on the sidelines. Bills have won 1 games and battling it out with pittsburgh number two seed in the afc. Will, i just turned on my tv yesterday morning when i saw you and lawrence throwing jobs at me while jabs at here to defend. Will it was mostly lawrence. Because of i feel bad for eagles fans. I dont like kicking people when they are down. I feel for you, jillian. Jillian its okay. Will by the way only thing worse off than eagles fans are the Washington Football Team fans like your friend griff over there. Griff i held my tongue we will beat the eagles and cowboys it. It. Will democrats are sounding the alarm cash is now apparently running dry. Details on the financial woes coming up dollar, dollar thats what i need i need the dollars thats what i need kids laughing dog barking sanctuary music its the final days of the wish list sales event sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. And a complimentary finding the right words can be tough. N it comes to autism, finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. You can adjust yourowest priccomfort on both sides. Your sleep number setting. 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I want to be on the front lines of implementation. Rachel in the final days of their campaign democrat candidates jon ossoff and warnock sounding the alarm about their ability to keep up with g. O. P. Spending. We need to continue our historic efforts to turn out every single voter. We wonten be able to do that if our fundraising revenue continues to fall. This as we learn the record are shattering fundraising more than 2 had you, Million Dollars are reportedly driven by outofstate donors in new york and california here to react is emily brooks. Welcome, emily, tell me, is this sounding of the alarm just a tactic to raise money or are they really on the ropes here . Look, at this point, it is helpful for them to raise money and are the sounding of the alarm will bring in more donations. At this point, we have a week left in the runoff race. There is only so much that raising additional funds can do. Of course, you still need to pay your staffers to get out and get out the vote. Tell people to go vote. We are way past the vote now that any additional tv buys are going to increase name recognition. Voters already know who these candidates are 2 Million People have already voted. Its really that final push. Rachel so i know a little bit about politics. My husband was a congressman. I was struck by the number about 95 of the money was raised in california. And new york. Because one thing i do know is that if your money is being raised in the state, thats an indication of what your enthusiasm is among the voters for you. So, what does this tell you that they have had to raise so much of it from people who arent from georgia . Well, i think that that number says a lot more about our National Politics as a whole when it comes to the senate and less about these two races. I mean, remember, already in earlier in this earlier in this election in South Carolina and maine and kentucky the challenger to Mitch Mcconnell they also raised more than 100 million combined from all over the country because the politics of the senate are so important when it comes to our National Politics. And its not only, you know, the figure about donations to actual campaigns is very key and tells you a lot. But also it republicans are also doing a lot of outside spending. These two Georgia Senate seats cannot be overstated how porpoise it is going to be for the next four years of the Biden Administration, the next two years of how much he can get passed through. Thats why you see all this money coming through. Rachel emily, we dont have a lot of time. One quick question for you. What do you think is going to happen on the runoff who looks like they are ahead . I cant make predictions, i think, you know, you look at the polls but we saw from this past cycle. You know, Susan Collins in maine was down in every single poll and she still whop her race. So im not going to trust when its this close its going to come down to the machinery of the campaigns and not necessarily what we are seeing in some of those numbers. Rachel fair enough. Thanks a lot for joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you. Watch rach despite the president s signature on the covid19 bill are gym openers still fear they will be left out in the cold two gym owners asking for help from washington and they will join us next. vo when subaru shares the love, good things happen. Over sixtyfour thousand pets supported. Over twentyfive hundred wishes granted. Over two million meals provided. Over four hundred National Parks protected. In fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred Million Dollars to national and Hometown Charities through the subaru share the love event. vo get 0 for 63 months and subaru will donate 250 dollars to charity. Little things. 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The city is seeing its highest homicide count in more than two decades. Meanwhile the expansion of operation legend leads to a major dent in solving crimes in the city of cleveland. More than 120 people have been arrested since the end of july. The effort led by the department of justice has resulted in 6,000 arrests nationwide. Over to you, griff. Griff two gym owners in two different states say they are being worried about being left out of Coronavirus Relief. Sounding the alarm in a new oped. Urging lawmakers to act on targeted relief for thousands of local gyms across the country hanging on by a thread because of lockdowns. The owner of row house in new york city. And jordan holland is the owner of it athletic in seattle. Devin, jordan, good morning to you. Thank you for being here. Such an important time while congress is working on what to do about covid we loaf. Let us first show the viewers the impact of covid19 on your industry. 6,000plus fitness facilities across the country. 57 temporary. 43 are permanent. Deb, i want to start with you. What do you Want Congress to do . Well, first of all, thanks, griff, thank you for having us on and thank you for helping to spread the word on this. What do we want coming to do . We want them to help us to get to the other side. So many gyms have had mandated closures. We have had restrictions in new york city we are still closed. Nine plus months after the original closure. And we just need relief to get to the other side of this pandemic. We support our communities. We support staff. We support clients. We keep them safe, healthy, and happy. And we need to be there for them when were allowed to open our doors again. Griff jordan, in the oped that you and deb penned so very important. Do you believe that the politicians in congress on both sides dont fully understand what gym owners need . I would agree with that statement. I mean, i stand behind everything are that we put down. We are struggling to keep our doors open going into the new year. And i think that we provide a Game Changing service. I think that what people take out of the gym is so much more than just fitness. And every gym that closes is a small hub in its local community that will no longer for the people who rely not just physical health but mental be health. If congress doesnt provide support to support an industry that has been so dramatically impacted by this pandemic, then more and more of those microcommunities across the country are going to shut down and that will be devastating. Griff boy, thats for sure. Full stlosh as many of our viewers know i do soul cycle a lot and they have been struggling to be outside. The gym owners trying to find any way to survive and hang on as you point out. Deb, let me ask you, President Trump is now getting involved in covid relief, a little bit late in the game but he certainly has this week. What would you say directly to the president as a gym owner . Will wow, griff. Thats a tough one. I think, you know, there are so many Small Businesses out there will suffering but gyms specifically. There was a lot of confusion with regards to whether we should be in phase one phase one or phase 4. So much inconsistency with regards to mandates and closures and different, you know, localities like new york city or states or at the national level. What we really have found though, especially is that we are keeping people healthy and safe in the gyms that are open around the country. So i would just encourage trump or anyone thats looking at this closely to please look at some of that information to see that we have kept people socially distanced. We have amazing cleaning protocols throughout all of the gyms that i know. Everybody is taking this extremely seriously. We have people very well socially distancing. The degree that people are asked to wear masks on. They are wearing them. And they are exercising safe live it and healthfully. They are getting that personal relief that they need. They are helping, you know. Ward against disease like diabetes and it cardiovascular disease and keeping their immune systems strong. So i would encourage everybody are to look at that information and understand, again, that we are helping the cause. We are not hurting the cause. And that in addition to understand that, yes, we need money. We need relief. We need to go beyond the ppp 1 or ppp. And we need to look at some real rent relief, especially in these high, high rent environments. Griff all right. Deb strugo and testimon holland. Thank you for what you do to keeps us healthy. Are Financial Assistance to easing real strictions we will continual to follow this story. Thank you for what you are doing. Thank you for having us. Griff all right. The New York Times accused of glorifying cancel culture ever a praising the former classmate who made public a girls odd snapchat video and ruining her life. Should the kids pay the price of old mistakes . David webb sounds off next. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. The sleep number 360 smart bed. Prices of the season on can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, no interest until january 2024. Ends monday. Welcour new virtual classes were designed for you andving . Millions of seniors like you. You can now choose from thousands of live virtual classes every week. 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The details of the story are fascinating. Just put a few more details on the backbone of this story, what i would say is this the other teen in this story, the one that discovered the video held on to it for two or three years until he could release it when it would do maximum damage to mimi groves prospects. It did. It caused the university of tennessee to rescind their admission offer or ask her to withdraw. Whats your reaction to this story, david . My reaction is there are a lot of parties in the wrong. This is not the real world. This is the mean girls world. Think about this. You have got a teen, Jimmy Galligan who holds on to something for three years waiting for the moment to go after mimi groves who used a pop culture reference of whether you are black, white, or otherwise, the use were of language which is something Jimmy Galligan and how its used abusive if used a certain way. Its pop culture if not. Think about the training days scene with Denzel Washington when he says my n word whole scene. Its pop culture used commonly in rap music whether you like it or not. This is exactly what he did. He set her up. The other party tennessee, the university, they were wrong. Because they cade to the mob for something that is fundamentally wrong and she paid a price after working hard to get on the Cheerleading Squad, to get into the college, there are a lot of wrongs here. And unfortunately, this is the cancel culture that gets glorified. They dont even understand whats wrong and whats right. Rachel i want to show you this quote from Jimmy Galligan the man or young boy who wanted i wanted to get her where she would understand the severity of that word. If i never posted that video nothing would have ever happened. Im going to remind myself you started something. You taught someone a lesson. How much of this is about power, specifically the kind of power that certain people want to get from race . Is or. Jimmy is misguided misdistricted. This isnt about power. Jimmy in is misguided misdirected and wrong on this. If he wanted to have an effect, go talk with her, engage with her. When you have an issue with someone engage with them. When you to out and commit public shaming, you are taking it way beyond the scope and in this case thats clearly it. So, again, you know, i use the term mean girls in a sense because thats the high school. He is a grown man and he should be ashamed of himself. She could have apologized and said this was my intent. By the way the individual joe she is talking about getting her drivers license at 5. Come on. This is ridiculous. And it takes away from the real discussion around when you use language in an abusive manner. Griff david, let me put up on our screen now let me show you mimi groves statement. She said im not perfect what i said years ago in adolescent in a short three second clip was wrong, irresponsible and degrading and i take full responsibility for my action actions and will continue to learn the history and true meaning of that word. As a father of two teenage daughters, have a certain feeling for mimi because our children are being forced to grow up so fast in this cancel culture. But you mentioned the other party you point the blame at the university of tennessee. Do you think, david, its time for u. T. To say enough. Were not going to let this happen to a young woman, were going to give you are her the opportunity to learn to broaden her horizons and bring her in . A lot of these universities, griff, are known for having these student courts where they bring them together and they hear this out. Why didnt they take that approach. If both parties one claims to be an aggrieved party afternoon the other one is the accused, why not bring them together . The university failed here. This is what is going on with ideology and cancel culture. It doesnt actually engage in a discussion to understand culture. It just simply destroys without any explanation. Will absolutely, david. I think its really important to highlight and underline once again mimi doesnt excuse her own language nor does her attorney. I spoke with her attorney last night on the story. Everyone says it was a mistake. The question is whether we hold adadolescents responsible at the age of 15 and destroy their culture or do we attempt to actually bring people together in a sense of understanding . Always good to talk to you, david, and hear your perspective. Are. Griff thanks, david. Rachel thanks, david. Will go up to jillian for head lines. Jillian arizona coming woman obacking calls for a special counsel to intreat hunter biden. Debbie lesko tweeting she joins fellow arizona congressman andy biggs on the move and sent a letter to the a. G. The delaware u. S. Attorney is currently investigating arresting Hunter Bidens taxes, and allegations have been made about his foreign business dealings and ties to Ukrainian Gas Company burisma. All but two construction workers injured last week in an explosion at a high rise willing in baltimore have been released from hospitals. Officials are still investigating what caused the incident. 21 workers were hurt following the blast last wednesday. A window washing crew was temporarily trapped on dangling scaffolding, how scary. President trump giving more support for disadvantaged families to pay for private school tuition. He signed an executive order opening up federal money for states under the Community Services block grant program. The money can also be used to help with home schooling and other educational expenses during the pandemic. Take a look at this a mailman with a huge heart and some pretty awesome dance moves delivering smiles to a little girl in portland. Every day they both dance as a way of saying hello. The toddlers dad says that the precious routine thats made the pandemic a bit easier to bear. Even posted a video to tiktok and as you can see why its captured hearts far beyond their quiet little street. That is adorable. Send it back to you. Rachel that is adorable. We are going to see do you have those kind of moves, jillian . Jillian nope. Not a bun. All right. We are going to see if adam has those kind of moves or at least has the weather for us. Adam i have all the moves but i need a beat. Until you have one i will stick with the forecast that you guys are asking me for. Rachel ba ba. Adam i was worried about that. Will i will get into this before the music starts playing. Big winter storm. Look at the temperatures northern portions looking at really cold air particularly right there in the heartland. Get around the oklahoma area and suddenly getting freezing. There is a system shifting to the middle of the country. Big snow maker for folks in the plains eventually from kansas city to chicago. You do see where the ice is everything in the pink. Farther south dipping into texas heavy rain here by this afternoon. We have got winter storm watches and warnings. Fairly widespread. Advisories getting all the way back into the intermountains. The plains completely covered from kansas city getting up to chicago. I think some of the areas where you are going to see the most snow eventually from this system continuing on. Here is your future forecast it does stay basically right along that line. If you are a little farther to the south and the east. This is nothing but a big rainmaker for you as you know if you are there, a little too warm for there to be snow. Here is where the snow result 3459ly does fall. Some of these areas again kansas city up to chicago and north. We are going to be talking about areas getting anywhere from 4 to 6 inches of snow here through the middle of the week. Back out to you guys. Griff all right, adam, sounds cold but you better start warming up if we get a beat to drop in the next weather report. [laughter] griff thanks, buddy. Adam i have a busy hour ahead of me learn how to dance. Griff next, the impact of the Georgia Senate runoff elections on america. Our next guest is a veteran and father who says a vote for the left is a vote not just for liberal politics but to supplant American Culture with a new unrecognizable version of itself. Georgia native jeremy hunt on deck lets go for every trip youve been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. Because the best trip is wherever we go together. Dflings odors onto your softle fsurfaces . Because the best trip is wherever we go together. Then they get release back into the air, so you smell them later. Ew right . Thats why febreze created small spaces. Press firmly and watch it get to work. Unlike the leading cone, small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces. So they dont come back for 45 days. Just imagine what it can do with other odors. Will just one week away from the Senate Runoffs in the balance of power hanging in the balance of these races. The next guest has already cast his vote for the incumbent g. O. P. Senators. In a new fox news oped he warns a vote for the left is not just a vote for liberal politics. Its a vote to supplant American Culture with a new unrecognizable version of itself. Here with more is georgia native jeremy hunt. Thank you for being with us. Tell us what you mean. Why is this about more than just the liberal agenda, more than just liberal politics. Well, you know, i have realized that this election, you know, it really has been kind of a relate check for me. You know, up until this point i have voted for myself and voted for what i think. I am realizing that im actually having to vote for the future. This is serious election. And when you think about democrats controlling both chambers of congress, controlling the senate and the house and the white house, you know, we are they are able to basically transform American Political Culture and really codify their vision for the United States in a way that should concern all of us, you know, and my wife and i we recently a year ago we had our first child and i think about, as a young dad, i think about how so many much my decisions affect her and voting is one of those. And i think about what kind of america too i want her to grow up in . Do i want her to grow up in america where she is told that socialism is good and america is evil . Do i want her to grow up in america where everything that she does has to be a product of her race and identity politics . Well, to me, the answer to that question is no. So thats why i couldnt support warnock or ossoff in this election. I had to support the incumbent g. O. P. Senators. Will realm focus in on one line on your oped on foxnews. Com. Jeremy, its really interesting, Raphael Warnock and jon ossoff are radical in redefining what it means to be an american. In your estimation, how is it they define being an american . Well, you can look at the rhetoric. Warnock, i mean, as i wrote in the oped he clearly, you know, just kind of shrugged at marxism in his book. He has talked about how, you know, its totally fine what reverend wright said about, you know, the sermon i dont even want to say it on the news here how he condemned america. So, their History Speaks for them and the words they used in the past speaks for them. They want to redefine america as this purely evil place instead of the beacon of hope that we have been for generations. And, yes, america isnt perfect but we are always Getting Better and better with each passing generation, thats the message that we have to pass on to our children. Thats the message that inspired me to serve and thats the message that we need to continue teaching to each passing generation in our country. Will. Will you may have begun to answer this question thats all right we only have a minute left. I still want to clarify it with you. If thats how Raphael Warnock and jon ossoff define america in your estimation. How do you define america . Exactly. I mean, its all about looking at history can saying, okay, we have made mistakes, but how do we go about fixing those mistakes . What have we con to overcome those mistakes . And how have we defeated evil here at home with slavery and jim crow and also defeated evil abroad and backtoback world wars. When i say im proud to be an american. Its not just a slogan for me. Its my reality. Will absolutely, jeremy. I think america has proven to be the greatest experiment in human history. That doesnt mean its perfect but a good job of trying to strive to be better every step of the way. Really good perspective. Check it out at foxnews. Com. Jeremy hunt this morning. Thank you for your service. Thank you, will. Will take care. Dozens of bars and restaurants taking legal action to open indoor dining. The empire state backlash coming up at the top of the hour when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Finding understanding doesnt have to be. Together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org kids laughing upbeat tempo sanctuary music its the final days of the wish list sales event sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. And a complimentary just washed laundry doesnt smell. Just washed. Our thats because theres hidden sweat and body soils that cause odors on your clothes. 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Griff we begin this hour with fox friends with a fox news alert. The senate will now take up the bill to boost stimulus checks to 2,000. Will the president showing his support overnight tweeting, quote give the people 2,000. Not of hundre of 600. They is suffered enough. Rachel Lucas Tomlinson is in washington. Thats right. House republicans breaking with President Trump on two major votes the democratic controlled house voting to support the president s call to support those payments to americans to 2,000. Many republicans balked. The vote was 2757134. Only 44 republicans out of nearly 200 in the house supported the president s plan. Many republicans worried about the price tag. Increasing the payments from 600 to 2,000 will cost 463 billion. Bernie sanders is threatening a filibuster the bill until the senate votes. The senates top democrat is in lock step with President Trump. Its up to the senate every Senate Democrat is for it. But, unfortunately, we dont have the republicans on board. Republican senator marco rubio says he support the president s plan, quote i share many of my colleagues concerns about the long term effect of additional spending, but we cannot ignore the fact that millions of working class families across the nation are still in dire relief. Increase direct payments to americans to 2,000. The 600 stimulus checks are expected to begin shipping out as early as this week. The house also voting overwhelmingly to overturn President Trumps veto on 740 defense bill. Over 100 republicans voted against the president. The defense bill was passed for 59 straight years. President trump vetoed it last week. There is no provisionary in section 230. This would be the first Time Congress has voted to override the president s veto. The senate is expected to vote later this week. Griff, rachel, will . Will all right. Lucas tomlinson in washington. Thank you, lucas. And do you know as lucas points out there at the very end, its expected. So the president s 2,000 check that he hopes to deliver to the American People now hangs in the hands of Mitch Mcconnell. Senate majority leader will see if it does indeed come to pass very tough vote for a lot of republican senators. But, you know, we spoke earlier to some of the fitness folks in this country. Deb strugo and jordan holland to coauthor the piece for fox news website talking about the fact that they felt that the covid relief bill, which does not have a specific line or attention to fitness owners thinks that they should have it. So not only do they want the restrictions to be eased, as more than 6,000 gyms across the country have gone out of business or at least temporarily closed, they need specific ppp for their industries to continue. Heres a little bit of what those owners devin jordan had to say this morning. Listen. What too we Want Congress to do . We want them to help us to get to the other side. So many gyms have had mandated closures. We have had restrictions. What we really have found though now, especially is that are we are keeping people healthyened a safe in the gimenez that are t are open. Interest industry so dramatically impacted by this pandemic. More and more of those microcommunity across the country are going to shut down and that will be devastating. Will. Will you know griff, restaurants in the Restaurant Industry rightfully get a lot of attention having suffered the effects of this government lockdown. All kinds of Small Businesses suffering through these lockdowns. And so many of these government mandates seem to run contrary or at least not hand in hand with the science. And thats what a new york judge by the way is saying when it comes to the rules here in the state of new york. A new york jump ha judge has tow cuomo that his plan to keep Small Businesses closed including restaurants will have to be set aside unless he can find a compromise or provide Scientific Evidence to it will restaurants bars and restaurants. What we are looking at here rachel and griff, i think the beginning, i hope, of hard questions being asked about those who would make rules, who would mandate what we can and cannot do with our lives. As we see dr. Anthony fauci move the goal post on herd immunity from 60 to 80 . As we see the tiches between california and florida on the effectiveness of lockdowns in suppressing this virus. We should be asking these hard questions. We should be questioning whether these blunt instruments like lockdowns are doing their job. I know Dennis Prager is asking those questions. I know hes saying lockdowns big mistake to actually being criminal. Watch this. Half of america doesnt hear what youre saying. They only hear what the members of the left wing media have to say. So they have never heard the horrible price that humans have paid for these what have ultimately become criminal lockdowns. The people who have their income support the lockdowns and the people who have lost their income do not. Here where i live in los angeles, i cannot enter a restaurant. But just last week i flew from florida here, i ate on my airplane without a mask two inches from the person next to me. Now, why is that safe eating without a mask two inches from people but i cannot eat without a mask 8 feet from another person in a restaurant . Rachel he brings up such a great point. You know, this idea that these lockdowns, its been one of the most perplexing things for me to wrap my head around how the big businesses have somehow been spared from the lockdown and the little guys are the ones getting hurt. And i was so encouraged at the lawsuit in new york is forcing the governor to show the science. Again, we have been told from the beginning, follow the science. And, will, you brought up a good point about dr. Fauci. I mean, you know, he has been wrong on a lot of things. A lot of really important things. And, yet, the things that his recommendations have enormous effects on peoples livelihoods. On peoples ability to keep their business open. Really on their ability to pursue happiness which, by the way, is supposed to be guaranteed for us in the tech collar ration of independence. These are huge questions. Im glad to see that people are finally starting to fight back, put in lawsuits, and demand that the people who are making these rules show evidence that these rules are actually based on science. Will absolutely. Griff thats a good point. I want to turn to the other story we have been talking about this morning. That is, you know, 2020 was just a year of cancel culture. We saw so many examples and in this final week we see the young girl, mimi groves, denied admission to the university of tennessee. It all started with this headline in the New York Times a racial slur, a viral video and a reckoning. You see here the quote from it a White High School student withdrew from her chosen college after a 3second video caused an onroar online the classmate who shared it publicly has no regrets. That student, mimi groves, has apologized and said that she does not excuse her use of the racial slur. As a father of teenage daughters, i was struck, will, by the great interview you did last night with mimi groves attorney shan wu who said ultimately this really ought to be in the university of tennessees lap now to give her a fair look. Heres a little bit of what the attorney told you, watch. Mimi was a kid when she did this. She is appalled in having said that. She is not trying to excuse it in any way. What she lost was her dream, like many athletes, she had worked most of her young adult life for this shot at going to a great school and being on their team. That was taken away from her in what can only be described as a rush to judgment. The school the university of tennessee, caved n a pap nic to a lot of hysteria, a lot of social media going on. And they didnt give her a meaningful investigation, which would have revealed that this happened years ago would have revealed the context of it. Will yeah, griff, rachel, the details of the story are so important because they tell you exactly what has happened and who the real villains are in the story. The story is that mimi groves did something when she was 15 that she absolutely knows and has admit was a mistake. She was 15 years old and she used a racial slur in a social media post. From there that post was essentially archived by a fellow student for three years until she was a senior in applying to the university of tennessee where he then put it out when with it would do maximum damage to her future prospects. He succeeded. The university of tennessee asked mimi to withdraw from being admit into that university or they would pull away her admission. They said leave kindly or we will kick you out. She was on the cheer team or scheduled to be on the cheer team. So what we are seeing here is not just cancel culture. We are seeing a real men november lens among fellow students fellow americans towards the mistakes people hit sometimes before they hit pursuant. I came to the world of sport you both know that i watched athlete win the Heisman Trophy and see journalists dig through their history. Nfl what you might have tweeted when you were 1. God forbid you won the national ch m because somebody wants to see what you tweeted when you were 12. Its a sick culture that want to punish children and wants to compromise your futures for mistakes. Make no mistake they are mistakes. Mimi does not apologize. Or rather she does apologize. She makes no excuse for what she said back then but we as a society have to ask ourselves whether or not we are going to go about punishing children and compromising their future for things they said when they were young. The real villain, rachel, i want to say this the real villain are the adults in the rooms. The New York Times for glorifying this story and the university of tennessee for caving to this type of mob mentality. Rachel absolutely. By the way, i also watched your interview on the story and as soon as i saw that that story was coming up, i gathered my teenagers and my college kids because i wanted them to watch it. Because whether we like it or not, this is the woke cancel culture world that we are that they are living in. And they do express themselves on social media and there are real consequences to it. My own daughter, you know, had an experience like this not saying that word but talking about socialism on campus at her university and faced a severe backlash and even death threats. So, you know, this is happening in our kids need to know there are consequences to them. You are right. Its the adults in the room. We had david webb on earlier who said that the university handled this all wrong. Take a look. Real world. This is the mean girls world. Think about this. You have got a teach, jimmy ga galigan holding on to something three years for a moment mimi yofs pop culture reference. Is he a grown man and he should be ashamed of himself. The other party, tennessee, the university. They were wrong. Because they caved to the mob for something that is fundamentally wrong and she paid a price after working hard to get on the Cheerleading Squad to get into the college. There are a lot of wrongs here and unfortunately this is the cancel culture that gets glorified. Will will. Will i want to echo one point. You have teenage daughters. Will i have teenager sons. What we all know is kids can be morons and thats simply a truth. The truth is are we going a lou those children to grow and understand and educate themselves or are we going to destroy them . Griff thats spot on and really whats lost is that student James Galligan who held the tape for three years dr. Will he learn that what he did is going to come back to haunt him . We will talk about this as the show continues. We are going to turn now to jillian for more head lines. Jillian thats right. Good morning. Begin your headlines with extreme weather. Heavy rain is fall across Southern California causing two people to get stuck in the high water. Firefighter in Orange County rescuing them from inside this flood channel. The rain turning to snow as the system moved across the state dumping several inches in the mountains. Parts of the midwest now bracing for this system, which is forecasted to bring frigid temperatures. Jeffrey epsteins long time companion maxwell denied bond again. Maxwell remains a flight risk. 28 million offer was second attempt to get out of a Brooklyn Jail while awaiting trial. The british satellit socialite g epstein recruit girls for sex. She has pleaded not guilty will a Biden Transition Team official confirms the couple will get the first dose in washington, d. C. Meanwhile, novavax Fifth Company entering phase three of vaccination seen trials. The trial is being funded with up to 1. 6 of billion dollars with operation warp speed. Support is pouring in for the family of an army veteran ar afr their home is destroyed in this fire. Take a look. The family losing Everything Christmas eve. The mohica says it started from electrical fire from outdoor christmas lights. Community and it will family Fundraising Efforts have raised over 100,000. Thats a look at your headlines. Send it back to you. That is devastating especially on christmas eve. Also promising to see communities step up for each other and raising money for that family. Defund the Police Movement is growing on popularity on the left. Are they being honest about policing in america . The president of chicago fraternal order of police is here to debunk the myth. For what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Itthe new sleep numberst pric360 smart bed. On on what if i sleep hot . Or cold . No problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with mom . You got this. So you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss our new years special, save up to 1000 on new sleep number 360 smart beds. Plus, no interest until january 2024 on all smart beds. Ends monday. Until i found out what itust . It actually was. D me. Dust mite droppings . Ewww. Dead skin cells . Gross so now, i grab my swiffer heavy duty sweeper and dusters. Dusters extends to 6 feet to reach way up high. To grab, trap and lock away gross dust. Nice for dust on my floors, i switch to sweeper. The heavy duty cloths reach deep in grooves to grab, trap and lock dust bunnies. No matter where they hide. No more heebie jeebies. Phhhhew. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. Will violence erupted in chicago over the weekend with the sun times reporting 8 People Killed and 22 others injured in shootings from thursday to monday morning. This as the city records 244 more deadly shootings than last year. Here to discuss president of the chicago fraternal order of police john. Lets start with these stats this is devastating. More and more we hear stories or perhaps not enough hear stories of people dying in places like chicago and off times, john, its children. Good morning, will, thanks for having me. You know, you are right. I will touch on be a quick story. We are over 700 homicides by gun in chicago this year and close to hundred total homicides for the year. Its reaching historic levels. And this when the city council and the mayors budget just cut 600 jobs from the budget when crime is soaring its ridiculous. Literally just two days ago we had a kid who just turned 13 years old go into the store to get batteries for a Christmas Toy at 9 00 a. M. In one of the most peaceful parts of the city who was gunned down. Ridiculous. Will climbing crime hate in these cities is going unreported. Here are four myths about the defund the police is movement i would love to go through them and you set the record strayed straight if you will. Will will the myth is that police are killing large numbers of civilians. What is false about that that makes it a myth, john . Well, first of all, that was an article written by a Seattle Police officer. I happen to concur much of what he said specifically chicago, we have been as of december 13 people shot by the mr. Its in chicago. There has been 10 Police Officers shot. Thankfully none of them they all survived. But the point being, we interact with the public millions of times over a year in a 13,000 Member Police force. We recover thousands and thousands of guns. They are not just found on the street corner. They are taking from violent he offenders and only 13 times someone was shot by the police. Will these stories become antidotal we consider you very largely or wellqualified to address these quote unquote myths. Number two the anticop movement is largely peaceful. Is that true, john . Of course not. We had many examples this summer in chicago where peaceful protests were hijacked by anarchists. Specifically everybody has seen the video footage from the columbus statue assault where 52 of our officers were injured in that assault by violent anarchists. They have absolutely hijacked the movement and the narrative. If the goal is to have a lawless nonpoliced society, Mission Accomplished because the politicians in this city and state are actually falling for it. Will one of the things the proponents of the defund the police unit say not about cutting costs reapportioning it. They go into the argument it wouldnt lead to increased lawlessness. Thats myth number three in this article. Its abolishing police wouldnt lead to lawlessness. Is that true, john . I think you could ask the officials recall in minnesota about that wonderful decision they made there. But, you know, just to piggy back off that real quick. Law enforcement officials and leaders in the state of illinois, we have obviously came together under under the Law Enforcement coalition to come with Common Sense Solutions based on it fact not emotions since obviously changed laws in springfield to make the profession better but even more make the victims heard and make their stories count and not just some headline story that gets forgotten within a day. Will we only have a few moments left. I want to ask you about number 4 in this oped and the myth put forward that todays police are militarized. I have done Police Departments across the country have been able to purchase over the years has increased its military surplus gear often. Is it a myth that the Police Departments are militarized . Its a very big myth. You know, a lot of that surplus gear can be as simple as office furniture. Look at it this way, you dont have to look any farther than a couple days ago in nashville. What do you think a squad quud it cars chance would have withstood blown up as opposed to humvee. There are specific use ofs for bearcats and Armored Vehicles that regular use vehicles arent going to supply the same level of protection. Its ridiculous to say we wouldnt be allowed. We are not marching town down the streets with tanks and grenade launchers. Will we appreciate you jumping on addressing these myths and highlighting whats going on in your city of chicago. It should be talked about more whats happening to the civilians across our nations biggest cities. Thanks, john. Thank you, happy new year. Will happy new year. What will happen to your taxes if democrats take the senate. A look at the numbers that will affect your wallet coming up when it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Finding understanding doesnt have to be. Together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org with priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Keeping your oysters busihas you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo rachel new chilling body camera shows heroic actions of six Nashville Police officers clearing the area moments before the christmas explosion. Charles watson joins us live in nashville as we learned what the bomber revealed to a neighbor. Charles . Racism rachel, good morning,e getting a look body camera footage from the Police Officers who hurried in to evacuate resident before the massive r explosion in the area. Dramatic video you can see the officer moving past 63yearold suspect Anthony Warners rv as a recorded message warned that a bomb was set to detonate. Moments later the will will rv explodes rush over as they frantically try i to get officers to safety. Are you guys okay . Where is your car . Okay. Go to your car. Meanwhile, the Associated Press reporting monday the neighbor of warner told them the suspected bomber in a brief conversation days before the explosion said, quote nashville and the world is never going to forget me. This as the fbi reportedly looks into the idea that paranoia about 5g Technology May have motivated warner to target an at T Data Center that was heavily damaged in the Christmas Day blast and, rachel, it is important to not that investigators have not publicly stated a motive in this case. Federal Authorities Say they will continue following up on leads as they search for answers. Back to you, rachel. Rachel thank you, charles, for staying on that story. Im going to move over to griff. Griff all right. Will rachel thanks very much. New poet if democrats prevail in the peach state tax also go up for families and businesses across the country. Tax reform Grover Norquist joins me. Grover, good morning to you. A lot riding on those georgia runoffs. What does it mean for georgia families and really American Families across the country . If the democrats win those two seats, they can and will they is said raise aer so reiss of taxes. To start with they will repeal the Republican Trump tax cut for Median Income family of four thats a 2,000 increase in your taxes every year. Add to that, are they want to bring back the obamacare penalty tax which 100,000 people in georgia alone. 5 million across the country to punish you for not buying obamacare, its a 700 tax. You tonight get anything for it. It just punishes you. The republicans took it to remember would have. Biden wants to bring it back. They also want to raise the taxes on business the Corporate Income tax. Right now our Corporate Income tax is 21 . Communist china is 25. We have a lower tax now thanks to the republican. Used to be 5 under obama and biden brought it down to 21. Biden wants to bring it back up to 28 or 35 . That would be more taxes on investing in america than communist china. That will drive businesses and jobs out of the country. Add to that the energy tax that biden and the democrats are all talking about, the tax a gasoline tax on all forms of energy. The socalled carbon tax. That is set not only to go in and increase the cost of filling your tank by about 10 each time you fill it up, but then it automatically increases without any votes from congress ever. And thats their goal is to get this automatic increase in your gasoline prices the cost of energy for your home. It is a series of marv tax increases. Take the Capital Gains tax. Double it. And thats something that they want to take it up to over 40 highest since when jimmy carter was president and we had the very slow economy because the Capital Gains tax is so high. Griff we put it out on the screen there when we were talking, grover, all of this 4 trillion essentially in tax hikes that the by denharriS Administration will bring. Just quickly in the time we have left, if republicans can hold the Senate Michigan mcconnell remains in power how much will that help alleviate the Tax Implications that you have illustrated . The heres the good news if the democrats win, i listed the parade of horribles that come 4 trillion in taxes as the opening bid, if the republicans hold one or both of those seats, no tax increase will pass. Because the republicans, most of the republicans in the senate enough to filibuster any tax hike have made a commitment to never raise taxes. They have taken the Taxpayer Protection pledge that americans for tax reform shares for people. Hold the republican senate. No tax increase for the next two years and hopefully four. Griff all right. Grover norquist, thanks for taking time this morning. We shall see one week from today the Senate Georgia runoffs. Thank you, sir. Good to be with you. Griff all right. House lawmakers approve a plan to boost direct relief payments to 2,000 for every american. Congressman tom reed and josh heimer both supported the increase and wants the senate to do the same. They join us next. This is how we do for every trip youve been dreaming of, expedia has millions of flexible booking options. Because the best trip is wherever we go together. Will welcome back today on capitol hill the senate is set to take up a bill to boost stimulus checks to 2,000 our next guests both voted for it in the house. Rachel here to explain Problem Solvers Caucus cochairs tom reed and new jersey democrat congressman josh got heimer. Welcome to you both. Im going to start with congressman reed. Tell us, you voted for the 2,000 stimulus money did you also discuss if the Problem Solvers Caucus. Something we dont see republicans and democrats working together to solve problems. Did you also discuss discuss the pork in the bill and we directing some of that money towards aid for people he and coronavirus . Yeah, its great to be with you Problem Solvers Caucus 50 members josh on the putting country before party. Focused on getting the relief bill done. When the issue of the checks came up and worked with the president and the president requested the additional aid, there was broad discussion about do we want to support that as a group but each individual member of the caucus made their own independent decision on it. Now, i recognize in this big budget bill there were issues with the spending. There were issues that were mixed in with this big package and thats not the way to run congress. We are also trying to solve that in the Problem Solvers Caucus. We had what we had in front of us. I voted to support the check because i believe the American People deserve more money. Griff another Josh Gottheimer i want to bring up is override of the president s veto on the ndaa the defense act. How significant do you think that vote was 109 republicans got on board with that. Pretty clear and convincing. This is a piece of legislation for the last 60 years has been bipartisan. We passed and you are talking about in there is a pay raise for our troops, Key Resources to our fighting terror and cyber security. So, clearly you saw a lot of democrats and republicans coming together around that and i think it will likely get overridden the president s veto will get overridden in the coming days. Will congressman, i would love to get both of your perspective on this. We talked about this the past couple of days on fox friends. I will go to congressman reed first thats the balance of power. We know the democrats control the majority but the margin is fairly thin. I believe its down to 11 votes in the previous run for House Speaker nancy pelosi had 15 defections from the democratic side against her leadership. This time, of course you have coronavirus in place where some members could be missing from the vote. First of all, i will ask you, congressman reed, do you think this is a realistic concern for democrats that she could potentially not win a House Speakership despite having the majority . S well, i will say that question is better directed towards my college Josh Gottheimer on the other side. Going into the next congress you will hear about the Problem Solvers Caucus. We will be stronger than 50 members we are in this congress. We have been at this for four years. We have a commitment to vote as a block. When we get to 75 consensus. We will be able to influence not only process but also the substance of the bills coming to the house floor. With a tight majority of four being the difference between the majority and minority, Problem Solvers Caucus is going to have a huge influence as to how the country is run and where the country is going because we are going to stand up for the American People. Its time for d. C. To listen to the people first and thats what were all about. Todd i did plan to correct this to you congressman gottheimer as well. Is that a realistic concern on your side of the aisle that nancy pelosi could not win the leadership of the house. My understanding by their counts they will have the votes. And just to add to what tom said, you know, cochairperson of the Problem Solvers Caucus dolls a phenomenal job. The whole idea here that we think is going to be key in the next congress is the fact that democrats and republicans are going to be the ones working together to make the difference. That he was the only way, given how raiser thin the have majorities are going to be the only way going to governor. What we did on the covid relief package as we followed the Problem Solvers Caucus working with a group of senators, democrats and republicans, quote together and said here is the way we must find a package, we must will help the American People and emergency pandemic relief. Thats how we must get the package to the floor and to law. Griff congressman reed, let me quickly congressman gottheimer is saying working with the senate counterparts. Are you confident that the Problem Solvers Caucus will even continue to exist and have a relative input in, indeed, the democrats take the senate ever after are next tuesdays election runoff down in georgia . S i couldnt have said it any better than josh just said. Is he a great leader on the democratic side. We have become best friends in congress. We trust each other. The tight majorities in the senate and the house are going to be relevant. I will tell you working now with our Senate Partners the gang of 8 over there. I can he will it you the relationships are deep. And we are sick and tired of the gridlock of washington, d. C. We are proud im a proud republican. Josh is a proud democrat. Its now time to let the debates happen and put the American People first and the Problem Solvers Caucus is going to be larger in numbers and that shows you the strength of our organization. Attracting more members into our group. Will all right congressman reed and gottheimer thank you for joining us on fox friends this morning. Thanks so much. Will take care. Thank you. Will check in with jillian who has additional headlines this morning. Jillian good morning. Start with this story we are following. Prosecutor is fighting to stay on the mcclols ski case after the judge booted her for appearing too political. Circuit attorney it will gartner send out fundraising emails mentioning the case. She says there was no misconduct in other emails. The couple charged after pointing guns at protesters who broke into their gated community. Congressional staffers are now eligible to get the covid19 vaccine. Congress is attending physician Brian Monahan announcing to staffers for every house and Senate Member can get vaccinated. Four staffers can receive the vaccine if they work for a Committee Chair or ranking member. Monahan did emphasize the vaccine should be given to critical employees. Lori loughlin reunited with her daughters after being released from prison monday. Reports say the homecoming was a cheerful and emotional moment. The full house actress served two months in federal prison you in california. She and her husband pleaded guilty to fraud charges related to the College Admission scandal. He is serving five months and is scheduled to be released in april. Check this out. An 11yearold big catch earning him praise online. Tyler reeling in a 48pound trout from a utah pond. Look at that thing. The state sharing this picture along with one from earlier this year when the boy caught another weighing 41 powbz. Tyler releasing both trouts after taking these photos. Man, he has got some luck. Right . Will yeah. Trouts fight, too. At least in my experience . I have done a little fly fishing. I dont know what a 41pounder would be like. Jillian i dont know. Will lets see if we have gotten the music yet. Put adam to the test. Says he is going to dance if you drop a beat. Adam i decided the problem is its way too early to dance because it needs to be 5 00 or 6 00. [sighs] will excuses mounting. Right. Adam if there is ever an afternoon or evening edition of fox friends bring me pack and i will be feeling loose by then. Rachel not a good excuse. Adam until then i will talk about the forecast. Thats a great excuse. People at home understand. Heres what we are looking at across the country as far as temperatures go. This really matters because there is a big storm front moving into the center of the country where the cold air is we are talking about snow right there in oklahoma. Thats going to be freezing rain, which could be some of the worst of this. If you look farther south than that texas, nothing but rainfall for you. Here is the big storm system we are at aing attention to. Winter storm watches and warnings from kansas city stretching up towards the chicago land area where there is going to be spots anywhere 4 to 6 inches of snow eventually and even on the southern edge of that see some of the freezing rain which will make for hazardous driving conditions here over the next several hours. Where is the rain and where is it going to be snow . Here is your future radar and you do see basically everything in the southeast and even lifting off to the east. It becomes nothing but rain because its been so were warm yesterday. We will continue to be warm here the next couple of days. So here is your rainfall and snow amounts. I do think most of the snow again getting into the upper you were midwest and great lakes region. Anywhere from 4 to 6 inches of snow for that. Guys, sorry, i let you down. No dancing for right now. Back out to you. Will how are we supposed it. Adam i watched some tiktok. Will there is a little something. There is a start. Rachel all right. Well g. O. P. Women made historic strides this election cycle. And be now two women who previously served in Congress Want to keep that momentum going. They make the case for senator Kelly Loeffler to keep her senate seat and they will be on with me next. Stay tuned. She was an American Girl wil many plugins are stuck in the past. They release a lot of scent at first but after a while, you barely know theyre working. New febreze fade defy plug works differently. Its the first plugin with builtin technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell 1st day fresh for 50 days. It even tells you when its ready to be refilled. Upgrade to febreze fade defy plug. Rachel welcome back to fox friends. The g. O. P. Saw a surge of women get elected this year with 18 republican women ready to serve in congress for the very first time. In a new foxnews. Com oped our guests say as the year of republican women continues, now its Kelly Loefflers turn. She is joining me now are winning for women Board Members will Barbara Comstock and former New Hampshire senator kelly ayotte. Welcome to both of you. Ithere is no question defied pundits. Made historic gains in new congress. Tell me whats different now . Whats changed . Why have we seen these gains . Well, first of all. Rachel i will start with you senator ayotte . Thats great. It was a great year for republican women. If you look at the house seats nine out of the 12 house seats that flipped from democrat to republican were women running. In a historic number of women are in the house and so now Kelly Loeffler she has done a great job, already serving the people of georgia. She is a strong business woman. So, this is the year of the republican woman. And its so important to get her elected and to not only for the country for the majority in the senate and for really to make sure that the democrats dont do all kinds of crazy things with taxes and, you know, socialism so this is just a critical election but republican women ran very strong. Im very proud to be a part with barbara of a group that is focused solely on electing republican women and this is a great year. Rachel congresswoman, tell me so you have this super pac, i know its raising money for conservative women, republican women in office. But its doing more than providing money. Tell me what else your super pac is doing for women who want to run for office. Well, yes. Winning for women is helping in the loeffler election. We have an ad with former ambassador and former governor nikki haley helping getting Kelly Loeffler elected. You also have senator joni ernst. Senator Marsha Blackburn down in georgia helping. But also the pac itself along with i also serve on the pac view pac and actually republican state legislative committee. We are trying to get more women and more minorities elected. And we have been very successful this year. Both on the state legislative level and the house. And now in the senate. So, we a lot of women just stepping up. This year what was different you ask what was different, was a lot of women saw 2018, they saw these democrat women get elected and they said they dont represent us. We want to have more representation of women. And the only way we are ever going to reach parody is if there are Many Republican women just like democrat women and this year we also elected women from very, you know, hard red seats as well as from these swing seats. But women did particularly well and overperformed in more difficult swing areas. Thats why its so important that we get Kelly Loeffler elected here so we have a senate majority. I think the American People said they do not want far left politic was. They want to have a balance. And having the senate in republican hands is very important. In terms of whether going to raise taxes or defund the police or, you know, defund the military. You know, we have really worked hard. Senator ayotte worked hard on rehabilitating our military the time she served in coming. So now we need to keep sure make sure we keep that going. Rachel the message matters the messenger also matters. Tell me whats the difference that a woman makes in congress . You both serve. I will go to you senator ayotte. What is it that a woman brings to this job in congress that maybe a man cant . I think women bring a strong perspective that sometimes different than men. As mothers, as sisters, as daughters. Lets face it. And also one thing that i think is important is that the democrats have always tried to claim, i think, falsely that they are the party of women. And there are so many strong conservative women out there and their its voices they want people to represent them. I think that women like Kelly Loeffler running for the people of georgia to represent everyone in georgia. Especially the women in georgia to stand strong for them. I think thats what is so important and to have their voices heard. Rachel of course. We are getting up on a hard break right here. But this election is coming up. Its very important a lot on the line here. So we will see if your super pac made all the difference or not. Thanks for joining us today. Thanks its great to be with you. Great to be with you. Rachel okay. Coming up, we are actually going to have senator Kelly Loeffler. She joins us at 8 30 a. M. Eastern. Also ahead Newt Gingrich and rob smith. Stay with us. Just what i needed i needed someone to please and packages to 160 million addresses every day. 65 million election ballots and now holiday gifts. When it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Finding understanding doesnt have to be. Together, we can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org the sleep number 360 smart bed. Prices of the season on can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, no interest until january 2024. Ends monday. Rachel welcome back to fox friends were going to go straight to a fox news alert. The senate will now take up the bill to boost stimulus checks to 2,000. Griff the president showing his support overnight tweeting give the people 2,000, not 600. They have suffered enough. The measure, passed in the house, 275134, only 44 republicans support the president s plan, as many are worried about the price tag. Will Bernie Sanders is threatening to filibuster the vote and override President Trumps veto to get the senate to vote on the bigger stimulus checks. Someone i think very capable of addressing this divide within the republican party, quite frankly, this divide over populi sm, and perhaps recent concern about deficits is Fox News Contributor and former speaker of the house, is Newt Gingrich, whose also the author of trump and the american future. Newt, were so glad to have you. Im very interested in your perspective when it comes to this. I think growing fight among republicans on whether or not to continue President Trumps populous push on the party which the 2,000 covid stimulus checks i think represent versus concern over deficits which are real, but, we have republicans, some of whom are going to support President Trump on these checks and others think now is the time to refocus on the deficits. What do you think republicans should be doing with President Trumps call to increase these checks . Look, im the only speaker of the house in your lifetime whose balanced a federal budget for four straight years so i believe in balanced budgets, but this is like being in world war ii. We have a disaster in this country made dramatically worse by democratic governors in places like california, illinois , new york, who have been crushing Small Business, killing the Restaurant Industry, leaving the average person, you know, the big losers have been middle class americans. The big winners have been the very rich and Government Employees got paid for not doing any work including millions of members of the Teachers Union who didnt do any work but got literally collectively billions of dollars for sitting around, so i think if youre an average everyday person you look at all this mess, and you think the government has clearly not done its job, particularly the State Government led by democrats, and 2,000 will help me. I think thats whats going on. I think when youre in the middle of a crisis like this or like world war ii, phase i is to get out of the crisis. Frankly, the tragedy of biden potentially becoming president is if he goes back to obamas failed policies, well get no economic growth, well have high unemployment, the only answer to the balanced budget is to have very dramatic levels of growth and underlying structural reforms. Youre not going to get either of those in a democratic presidency. Rachel speaker, welcome to the show. As you know, were only one week out from the georgia runoff. No one knows the state better than you. Tell us, you know, what youre seeing on the ground, what youre hearing from your friends in georgia, and also, lets talk a little bit about the democrats who are sounding an alarm saying that they need more money what does that tell you about the state of the race . Well if youve got terrible candidates, more money just increases the size of the bankruptcy. The big thing to me in the last two weeks, weve suddenly realized not only how radical Raphael Warnock is and a lot of his views and his endorsement, for example, of reverend wright s sermon that talked about gd america and the chickens would come home to roost at 9 11 but also warnocks personal problems with his ex wife and warnocks apparent failure to run a childrens camp several years back where they now have, you know, an eye witness now in his early 30s talking about how terrible the camp was, how abused children were, and that warnock was responsible so, warnock i think is in deep free fall now and in ossoffs case weve now discovered that he lied about how much money he was getting out of china. Hes been paid by the chinese apparently for several companies , has not released the amount of money and coming on top of what weve seen with swalwell, the democratic congressman who had a relationship with a Chinese Communist spy, and with what weve seen with hunter biden, i think ossoff now has a big problem. Do you really want a Chinese Communistsponsored u. S. Senator from georgia, i think most georgians are going to say no. Griff but you know, newt, ossoff may actually, you know, he almost won a house seat that you know well thats very conservative, traditional seat so things are clearly changing there. I want to ask you because we have senator loeffler coming up in just less than a half an hour and well ask her about her potential votes. Do you think the president put loeffler and perdue in a difficult spot now with this push for the 2,000 checks as the send mate have to vote on it . Look, the only survey ive seen actually says about 80 of the American People favor the president s proposal, and i think its because as i said a minute ago. The average american knows that the really rich have done well, the Government Employees getting paid fulltime for doing nothing have done well and if youre an average american youve been battered including in democratic states by terrible terrible policies, so theres a huge underlying ground swell for what trump wants to do. Obviously, senator loeffler has to make her own mind up, but my advice be to vote for it because we are in a situation where the president s states has appealed to his own base. Hes coming to georgia on monday night to campaign for both senator loeffler and senator perdue and hes turning out his base as central to their winning and i think they will win and in the long run, that this is just one more piece of data thats not going to define things by itself but on the other hand i would say youre not, this is not about deficit spending. That train is long gone. Were in the middle of a disaster. I think the average american deserves some help. The very rich have done obscenely well out of rising price stock values et cetera, the Public Employee unions have done absurdly well, not going to work while collecting full paychecks which is why you dont get pressure on the left to do anything except crush Small Businesses and crush restaurants and cripple peoples ability to go to church. Its really been a weird couple months and i think the president is pretty good at this stuff, has figured out a winning formula and i would just say the average republican, when a big enough train comes through, it just as well for you to throw yourself on the tracks and get run over. Will a disaster created by china when it comes to the virus and government when it comes to shutting down our economy a disaster we need to come out use you say, newt. You brought up being the only speaker to balance the budget in my lifetime. Last night i said this , newt. I said the Democratic Party has veered further left than at any point in American History since the 1930s and nikki haley said something similar, she tweeted 2020 was the year that socialism went mainstream and the dangerous ideology which has been failed everywhere and on its way to become the default Economic Policy of the party and this trend threatens the future of every american and left believes the government knows best and the past year has taught us anything is that when government dictates how the economy is run americans suffer and with the Biden Administration set to take power now is the time to renew the fight for capitalism. Those are the words of nikki haley. Do you agree that socialism seem s to be going mainstream . Well, look, absolutely and thats because the universities have been abandoned to marxist and socialist and for two generations theyve been teaching young people things that are just not true so youre graduating a lot of people thinking venezuela or cuba is a Success Story which is a total denial of reality but the only thing id change about what you just said is the current Democratic Party is way to the left, frankly roosevelt in the 1,930s would have opposed, he was against welfare. He was for work requirements. He would have thought much of what they said was crazy, so i think this is the most radical party, which is why in georgia, it makes perfect sense that they nominated radicals, warnock is the most radical candidate i think ever nominated in American History by any major party, and ossoff is very radical, basically, a San Francisco Nancy Pelosi Kamala Harris liberal who gets twice as much money from california as he does from georgia, and it was no accident that when they got to the runoff both warnock and ossoff did a fundraiser at a San Francisco restaurant as their first fundraising event in the runoff, so i think they just tipified the modern Democratic Party which is proving at the state level that it loves dictatorship and hates church and hates synagogue and it is hates Small Business and hates restaurants, but it loves big government, and it loves dictating the people how they can live their lives. Griff mr. Speaker, let me take you to january 6, the certification of the president ial elections in the keystone state. Some 17 republican members of their legislature, they are really opposing the certification. Here is a quote from those 17 state lawmakers. They say these numbers just dont add up in the alleged certification of the president ial election rules results was absolutely premature , unconfirmed and in error. Your thoughts . Look i really think the congress would do the country an enormous service if they would, in fact, stop and spend at least a week having hearings. What the courts have done by hiding behind procedure, is weve never had hearings on the substance and im convinced that all the major states, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona, georgia, im convinced that this is the most corrupt election probably in all of American History. Just take the 400 million that zuckerberg spent renting governments in a way which clearly violates the 2002 federal voting act, because he was spending the money in philadelphia but not in rural pennsylvania. Thats a total violation, 400 million spent turning out the vote whose far more than joe biden won by, so just take that one example. There have been no hearings on that. Griff yeah, but newt, how do you draw the call for hearings when the courts time and time again have failed to support this . Because the constitution, if you read the section on electing the president , and if you read the federalist papers, they dont have any role for the courts. The roles are for the state legislature and for the congress , and it be nice and then several states have begun holding hearings. Senator ron johnson held a very powerful hearing about a week ago and began getting at serious things, but i think we have to recognize that 74 millionplus people voted for donald trump. 47 of the American People now believe there was fraud. I dont see how biden is going to ever be considered legitimate , unless we clear this up and frankly, they dont want to clear it up because i think if it got clear, wed find out that this was a corrupt illegal election in which things happen that shouldnt have happened and in which the American People deserve, its several thousand dead people were voted they didnt vote, they were voted. Well who voted them . Why are none of those people being arrested . You go through item after item like this , its dismaying to me as somebody whose been active in public life for a very long time , to see america decay into a venezuelaquality really, i think, corrupt election, where oligarchs like zuckerberg and he is an oligarch, just like the russian oligarchs, he decides hes going to buy an election, he puts out 400 million in a totally unfair way and nothings done. You just look at this again and again and i wrote a piece the other day that weve got very wide coverage on why i will not give up which is at gingrich 360 and i feel strongly. Well see what happens next week , but in my mind, there are no circumstances where biden will become a legitimate president , theres a circumstance where he may be sworn in and well all recognize his presidency but thats whats happened with president buchanan in 1856 when they clearly stole the election and i think its a huge mistake if people want the country to come together to run over 74 Million People, ignore their complaints, ignore 47 of the country who thinks it was fraud and just blindly have the establishment shove its way through on the 6th of january. Will i read that piece, mr. Speaker on the Washington Times, you talk about the election being the final straw and the leadup to that the censorship, the big tech issues that youve been referencing mark zuckerberg, the claimed illegitimate mass it for four years when it came to Donald Trumps presidency id encourage anyone to read deeper on your thoughts its out at gingrich 360 or Washington Times always good to talk to you thank you, mr. Speaker. Lets go to a few additional headlines with jillian. Jillian good morning following a number of stories including this a special advisor to los angeles District Attorney george gascone is being accused of orchestrating a sweetheart deal in a gang member case. The local fox news affiliate ktt v reporting that mario tre jilio offered a deal to a defendant in the case via his public defender who served on gascones Public Policy committee and the case involves a mistaken identity killing of a 26yearold fernando roho in 2016. The deal offered is reportedly for the shooter to serve only seven years. The deputy District Attorney prosecuting the case tells the judge he had no knowledge of the deal, no response yet from the das office. Today nashville residents are expected to get a close look at their home near the scene of this Christmas Day bombing. The Business Owners also plan to survey the destruction and chill ing new body camera video shows the heroic actions of six Police Officers, watch as they evacuate the area moments before the blast. Only three people were hurt but are expected to recover. An arizona congresswoman is now backing calls for a special counsel to investigate hunter biden. Representative debbie lesko tweeting she joined fellow arizona congressman andy bigs on the move and sent a letter to the ag. The delaware u. S. Attorney is currently investigating Hunter Bidens taxes and allegations have been made about his foreign business dealings and ties to Ukraine Gas Company burisma. Well, the bills looking pretty comfortable in their role as kings of the afc east as buffalo embarrasses the new England Patriots on monday night football. On first down and 10, and continue to throw, continue to complete, it stays on his feet, into the end zone, touchdown buffalo jillian the bills stomp on defending Division Champs 389, not even close but bigs setting the team record for receiving yards in a season, the lackluster performance sending patriots coach bill bell echick into quite the frenzy on the sidelines, look at what. The bills have now won 12 games and are battling it out with pittsburgh for the number two seed in the afc. Thats a look at your headlines ill send it back to you. Will down goes the king, the patriots. Down go the kings of the nfl for quite some time. Griff well ive got an eagles fan and cowboys fan here, i must say that you should expect the Washington Football Team to win, not only the nfc east ill predict the super bowl. Will listen we have to go to a commercial break but let me just say i feel bad for you, griff, i do. Yesterday, ben domenech pleaded with us to take sim path it on your team, only for hours later, you to cut your first round drafted pick just a year or two ago. Its hard times. Griff were fixing a few things will okay, all right new data raising questions over what counts as coronavirus deaths in minnesota and why state lawmakers are now demanding an audit, well talk to them, next. Research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres something you shouldnt try at home. Look, Liberty Mutual customizes Home Insurance so we only pay for what we need. Its pretty cool. That is cool grandma very cool. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. New projects means you need to hire. Gers. I need indeed. Indeed you do. 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Rachel welcome back to fox friends. Two minnesota lawmakers are calling for an audit of coronavirus deaths in the state. They raised the alarm after reviewing data from nearly 3,000 death certificates and they found that 800 of those counted as a covid death actually didnt have covid as an underlying cause of death. Joining me now are Minnesota State lawmakers mary fransen and scott jensen who is also a practicing physician. Welcome to you both. Let me start by asking, mary, what motivated you to take a look into this data . Thank you, so some concerned citizens came forward and they actually had the death file from the Minnesota Department of health that they had purchased and asked me to take a look at what they were seeing. There was a lot of data so i enlisted a team of some pretty smart people to look at it, including dr. Jensen and what we did is we reprocessed that death file. We isolated the cases where covid19 is the underlying cause of death as well as the death where covid is mentioned but not listed as the underlying cause of death, and through this process, we found clear cut examples from the Minnesota Department of health files public records, rachel, of suicide, a drowning, an auto accident, where the passenger was ejected from the vehicle. We found dementia, those are the really sad cases when theyre dying of dementia but also being classified as a covid death, and strokes. I also just was so shocked at what i found that this could not keep silent. Rachel so whose directing that these deaths be counted in this way . How is this happening that this data is being so corrupted . Where is the direction coming from . Thats a good question for doctor. Rachel doctor jensen . Sure if you go back to april this past year youll see that the department of health and the cdc were both putting out advice and instructions to go ahead and use covid19 in a more casual manner than weve used before. It was as if the format that weve used for the last 17 years to identify the initiating event and the sequence of causation was changed, if it involved covid19. Thats where it started, so i think that weve seen a tremendous encouragement to go ahead and use covid19 as one of the diagnosis in the cause of death sequence. The most important diagnosis on a death certificate is the underlying cause of death. The underlying cause of death is oftentimes referred to as the one that gets tabulated as a part of our federal registr ar. When we say 650,000 americans died of Heart Disease in the last year were looking at where was this diagnosis placed on a death certificate and it would have been the underlying cause of death but i think it begs the question we have to follow the money and when you see rachel rate thats the question you see that came in if you could hit a threshold of 161 admissions to your hospital with a covid19 diagnosis between january and june, you receive 77,000 of additional money for each one of those admissions rachel wow, well thats the Million Dollar question. Why and youre saying that its for the money and that the cdc and the Health Departments are allowing this data to get corrupted. Really quickly do you think this kind of miss counting is happening across the country, not just in minnesota . So in florida there was a Health Report that said a covid19 death toll was inflated by 10 . In washington, its being reported that the death toll be over inflated by 13 and in colorado, it has been reported that at least two cases of gun shot victims were being classified as covid19 deaths, and that is why we are calling for a full audit. President trump, if you are watching fox friends this morning, i am asking to request a full audit of every single state in the nation because minnesota is not an anomaly. The citizens of our country are being led in fear, and that fear is leading them to make irrational decisions based on the governors with their shutdowns with us not being able to exercise our life, our liberty, our pursuit of happiness so we need this ought it and we need the truth and the public deserves the truth. Rachel well thank you, mary, thank you, dr. Jensen this is very important and youre right the American People deserve the truth. Thank you. Were going to move on from the coverage of violent riots to lockdown backlash, 2020 was a year full of hypocrisy from the media and the elites. Rob smith is here with a look at the double standards. Please stay with us. When it comes to autism, finding the right words can be tough. Finding understanding doesnt have to be. We can create a kinder, more inclusive world for the millions of people on the autism spectrum. Go to autismspeaks. Org. To save you up to 60 . These are all great. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. kids laughing dog barking sanctuary music its the final days of the wish list sales event sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. It was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. Without him, things were tough. Her last option was to sell her home, but. Her home meant everything to her. 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Well, so i have a new episode of the podcast is about the biggest winners and losers of 2020 and one of the biggest lessons we learned is that the American People really didnt come out on top this year because we have a class of elites and politicians who are literally living not by the rules that they want us to live by. You look at gavin newsom in california having dinners with 15,000 wine bills when hes shutdown bars and restaurants. Look at Governor Cuomo in new yorks awful decisions. Look at Lori Lightfoot shutting things down in chicago but getting hair cuts, look at nancy pelosi getting a perm when everything was shutdown the list goes on and on and on and so the biggest lesson of this year is that the ruling class, these elites, do not really care about the American Public and they dont care about the American Public enough to at least go by the rule that they want to push on us. Will i would add to that, rob you include censorship from Tech Companies what we are allowed to know about, read about, learn about and what we are not and you realize exactly what you said, but here is a question im always confronted with. Who are you defining, rob, as the elites . So im defining elites as , were talking big tech billionaires, were talking politicians. I think that when we define elites we talk about people that are trying to control others and also not living by their own rules, so every politician that i said to you earlier, they count as elite. We have big tech billionaires that are trying to control what we all see on the news that were all exposed to, these people are elites, so theyre how i define them. Will yeah, i think in the past we might have been tempted to define elites simply by the leland level of their wealth but what its become is whether the have the fashion fashionable views for that to be necessary, that is what it is to be an elite in 2020 and then you get to as you pointed out make the rules for others and look down your nose at them. I want to share a story with you rob, i got to get your perspective on this really honestly a tragic story here is the headlines from the New York Times a White High School student withdrew from her chosen college, the classmate who shared it publicly says he has no regrets, the headline is a racial slur and a viral video and the story is that a 15 yearold inappropriately used a racial slur. That video was held some three years later and then disseminated in order to destroy her future. What it successfully did is the university of tennessee rescinded their admission for her. Whats your reaction to this story, rob . First of all, look. The girl said the word in the rap song at 15 years old, never should have said it but i think that we have to have a real conversation about the kind of world that we want to live in , and how much we are punishing people as adults for things that they did as teenagers in a social media era. I think the New York Times is wrong for reporting this for kind of like trying to make a star out of this kid who destroyed this girls life. I think the university of tennessee is bad for bowing down to cancel culture by rescinding her admission. I think that theres just a lot of losers on all sides here, but particularly the New York Times who took such glee in recording this story, because the fact that they use this story and they shed this National Light on the story tells me that they agree with the kid, that exposed this girl, and they abused the power of one of the most elite, again theres that word elite, one of the most elite journalistic institutions in the entire country to literally bring down an 18yearold kid for something she did when she was 15 years old. Its just not moral. Will right it wasnt just reporting to your point but what youre saying is its glorifying the destruction of a childhood mistake. Yes, a mistake and destroying somebody for it. Rob, always enjoy your perspective thanks for getting up with us this morning. All right, thanks, will. Will take care. We are one week away from the georgia runoff elections that will decide control of the u. S. Senate. Senator Kelly Loeffler is coming up, on this program, stepping off of the campaign trail, visit ing us here on fox friends. [narrator] this is ste. He used to have gum problems. Now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinicallyproven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. crowd applauding therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. The sleep number 360 smart bed. Prices of the season on its a better mouthwash. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, no interest until january 2024. Ends monday. Now we save the world. Will in the final days until the crucial georgia runoff elections our next guest warns democrats will try to transform america if they win the senate. Griff here with whats at stake one of the contenders georgia gop senator Kelly Loeffler, good morning to you, youre in the final stretch, youve got a big visit coming from the president who will be down in dalton on monday, what is the Closing Argument youre making to georgia voters . Well, griff, good morning. Our closing statement is to get out and vote. The future of the country is on the ballot here in georgia. Were the battleground, were the firewall for stopping socialism, and you heard heck in that clip say he wants to change america. His radical agents of change are our opponents, Raphael Warnock and jon ossoff they be a rubber stamp for Chuck Schumers sam re shaping this country into something unrecognizable. Well hold the line in georgia but i need all georgians to get out and vote thats why were chris crossing the state nonstop. I was in south georgia this weekend heading up to north georgia right after this and im looking forward to making sure that georgians understand exactly whats at stake here because thats what were fighting for and were going to keep up that work until next tuesday, a week from today, but polls are open now until thursday. Regular business hours, we need georgians to get out and vote make sure their friends and family have a plan to vote, make your voice heard thats what the president s coming down to georgia to do. Rachel senator, before i ask you your question i want everyone to know that we did invite your opponent, Raphael Warnock to the program. We did not get a response. I want to ask you about him because there have been recent revelations from his wife that he was involved in a Domestic Violence indent. What is your perception of how that is being received particularly by women in georgia well, rachel its incredibly troubling, and georgians deserve answers to this , and obviously, my heart goes out to her. This is a very serious issue, and these are the questions that the media, here in georgia, theyre refusing to ask, Raphael Warnock, his history here, with these abuse claims, and also weve recently learned as i asked him in our debate, he obstructed an investigation into child abuse at a camp that he ran at his church. He refused to answer those questions and now the victim has come out and hes talking about it. My heart goes out to him. This is a very serious issue. Why isnt the media covering it but most importantly, why is Raphael Warnock not answering these questions about his role in this abuse and why he obstructed this investigation. We have to get to the bottom of it. This is disgusting. Its disqualifying and georgians deserve answers. Will senator loeffler, iphone the previous couple of weeks both you and your republican colleague david perdue have been proud of the Coronavirus Relief bill that was passed. President trump wanted more though and he wanted more than 600 checks going to americans and increase that amount to 2,000. Thats been passed now in the house. Its going to go to the republicancontrolled senate, so will you support that bill, that encouragement from the president once it gets to the senate . Well, will, look. The president has fought for our country from day one. He continues to fight for every single american. Ive stood by the president 100 of the time. Im proud to do that and ive said absolutely, we need to get relief to americans now and i will support that but look, here is the issue. Democrats have blocked relief time and again. Thats why were in this situation as a country. Weve tried to pass that relief since this summer, nancy pelosi, Bernie Sanders, theyve admitted that they held it up because they were playing politics with the lives of georgians and all americans around this election, and we have to hold democrats accountable on january 5 because thats whats on the ballot. Whose going to fight for the American People . Thats what david perdue and i have been doing since day one and were going to continue to do that. Griff so senator it sounds like youll vote to support the president s push for the 2,000 checks, but will you vote to override his veto which will come up through the senate soon, on the Defense Authorization bill . Well, look, griff. I have been proud to support our men and women in the military. President trump has been a huge champion for our military and rebuilding it and securing our national defense, and were going to continue to make sure that we support our men and women in the military, but look, my opponent, radical liberal Raphael Warnock has said that you cant serve god and serve in the military. Thats wrong. Thats an attack on our military, and he be the first in line to stand with Chuck Schumer and cut funding to our military. Georgia is an incredibly important military state in this country and ill always stand with our men and women in the military and i thank President Trump for fighting for them. Will senator loeffler id love to focus your state has been the focus of everyones attention for quite some time now and you have some pros and cons it looks like going into your election. On the con side there are many that have questions about the Election Integrity in georgia. There are many who are suggesting georgia is the center of all of our election controversy. On the pro side, everyone knows whats on the line, whats at stake, when it comes to your races. I believe the numbers now north of 1. 3 million or so votes that have already come in in georgia. Is that a pro or a con . Theres so much early voting does that favor you and david perdue, the republicans or does that favor the democrats . Will, over 2 million have now voted and that is a pro. We need georgians to turn out and vote for david perdue and Kelly Loeffler, like President Trump said, because the future of the country is on the ballot, and early voting is open here until thursday. We need georgians to get out and vote, because we have to make sure that were the firewall to stopping the radical agenda of Chuck Schumer. He wants to fundamentally change this country. Thats why im chris crossing the state. Thats why davids out every single day and were going to get this job done but we need georgians to turn out and vote and weve invested in a significant operation here to make sure that the vote is fair. Weve got 4,000 poll watchers. Were in the courts right now. Were going to make sure its fair, but we need georgians to do their part and vote and preferably vote early. Inperson voting, you know, is efficient and quick and safe and secure and were going to make sure that happens. Rachel well that election is in less than a week, a lot riding on that we wish you luck and thanks for joining us this morning. Griff thank you, senator. Thank you, rachel. Rachel well toss to jillian. Tell us the headlines. Jillian good morning, okay so this is a story out of california where a salon owner is filing a lawsuit against governor gavin newsom and his stayathome order. They were outraged after police in body armor showed up at their business. The owners say it felt like a drug raid. It was honestly just humiliating, and terrifying. I mean, were honestly just trying to earn a living very safely. Jillian the salon received three misdemeanor citations. The massachusetts house over rides the governors veto of an abortion bill and if it passes in the senate as expected it could cod it friday abortion rights in the state constitution and also allow 16yearolds to get an abortion and allow the procedure after 24 weeks of pregnancy and republican Governor Charlie Baker tried to make changes to the bill but his recommendations were rejected. And the impairment of the center of the hunter biden laptop controversy is suing twitter, he accuses the social media giant of defaming his name by effectively labeling him as a hacker. Twitter, at first, blocked the New York Post report, allegedly detailing hunters foreign business dealings claiming it relied on hacked material. And how about this , a gallup poll finds President Trump to be the mostadmired man of 2020. 18 of americans naming him as their pick ending Barack Obamas 12year run and he got 15 of the vote and when broken down by party 48 of republicans named donald trump their most admired man compared to just 13 of democrats naming joe biden. Those are your headlines ill send it back to you. Griff all right how about that i love the end of the year polls like that. Thanks jillian. Will thanks jillian. Griff a laid off disney worker has found a patriotic new source of income by creating one of a kind flags youre looking at one there. His story, coming up. Did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Honey honey . New nyquil severe honey is maximum strength cold and flu medicine with soothing honeylicious taste. Nyquil honey. The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever best sleep with a cold medicine. Its moving day. And are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Its moving day. And are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Sandra good morning, republican senator david perdue will be joining us live next tuesday well ask him what is at stake for his party and for the country plus the latest on the stimulus bill for struggling americans, and the New York Times accused of glorifying cancel culture after an Incoming College freshman is forced to withdraw, mark tiesen joins us live top of the hour on that well see you live from americas newsroom in moments. Griff well turning a hobby into a source of income after being laid off from disney world one man started his own patriotic business out of his florida garage creating a one of a kind wooden American Flag, as well as thin blue line, and military flags. The owner of it all started with the flag, and joining me now, mark, a few days ago we did this as our shot of the day showing your great flags. Its great to have you thank you for being here. Explain to our viewers who may have just heard of this story, why youre doing this. Well, i was laid off officially from the Walt Disney Company after being a leader there for 23 years and during our furlough period when we were in the shutdown in florida, i had always dreamed of and wanted to make a flag for our house, so i started hand crafting and made a flag, a large one, and my son said hey thats a really cool flag can i put that in my room . Im like okay, yeah, thats fine so then i had to make a second flag and then a third flag and my wife started posting pictures of the flags i was making on social media and the next thing i knew all my friends and family wanted to buy a flag, so it kind of just grew from there. Griff and mark have you been surprised by the response to your flag . Yeah, i would definitely say its been a great response, a big surprise, but i do need to give a lot of thanks to not only my lord and saviour but i also do need to give thanks to wonderful Facebook Group that was started by furloughed and laid off cast members and its called ear for each other and a wonderful group, if youd like to support on facebook a lot of cast members need help support both financially and emotionally but also, we were connected with somebody from a local newspaper out of that Facebook Group and thats the west arms times, and Daniel Hendrix picked up our story and we got picked up on the local fox affiliate. Griff mark its such a fascinating story but ive got to ask you what does the American Flag mean to you . It means everything to me. Ive always been a very patriotic individual, very patriotic family, our oldest son is currently active duty in the air force, hes stationed at joint air force base charleston, weve just always admired our country. This is the best place in the world to live, and that flag means everything to us. Griff mark, thank you for your familys patriotism and verse to our country. I just have one last bone to pick with you now, with a daughter at the university of georgia i saw the alabama crimson tide one, but are you going to do the georgia bulldogs and other schools as well . I would love to. That was a favorite for daniel from the west orange times because there was a request for that so that was a special request. Id love to do more flags of other schools and also obviously we do a lot of the military flags, things like that, so im sure i could do one of those for you. Griff good on you, thank you so much and for our viewers who like to order a flag it all started with a flag, you can go to it all started with the flag or head to our website ox fox friends. Com, mark newman thank you very much and congratulations on your success. Thank you very much, griff. Griff more fox friends moments away. 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Have a good morning happy holidays to all, fox news alert from washington come all eyes are on Mitch Mcconnell after the house voted to increase coronavirus stimulus checks to 2,000 last night, President Trump is calling on the senate to do the same. Good morning, everyone. Im sandra smith. Good morning, im jon scott, House Republicans are in support of the increase, Many Senate Republicans shot it down. Some are standing with President Trump, marco rubio is one releasing a statement saying, millions of working families are in dire need of additional relief which is why support 2,000 in direct paymen

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