To add seats to make the Super Legislature rather than have them sit back and do the judging. Steve congratulations to the dodgers and at 6 01 in the east. We start with a fox news alert. It was a second night of rioting in philadelphia after Police Killed a black man armed with a knife two days ago. Police say at least 1,000 looters trashed and ransacked Stores Across the city. Brian Aishah Hasnie live in fill whether i a first hand look. Watching looting of all these stores live on television. Jill. Yeah, good morning to you steve, brian and ainsley. Standing here in person watching this happen. It was happening a little while ago a couple people walked into these stores to see what was left. I want to talk about the store behind me. The Walmart Store right here is completely a disaster zone. I want to point out the bullets on the ground that are all over the place gives you a good idea of what these looters were going after. What they wanted to steal. More than 1,000 looters ransacking stores just like this one. I want to show you some video from overnight, too. Looters carrying away dozens of tvs. Christmas trees. Get, this guys. Someone even wheeled away a washing machine. A whole washing machine on a dolly. Its just craze. We also saw very heavy Police Presence on this second night of unrest. One officer was injured in these clashes. And now we are hearing from the president ial candidates about whats happening here in philadelphia. The Biden Campaign releasing a statement that reads in part looting is not a protest. It is a crime. It draws attention away from the real tragedy of a life cut short. The white house also releasing a statement hitting back at democrats though. They said this the riots in philadelphia are the most recent consequences of the liberal democrats war against police. The Trump Administration stands proudly with Law Enforcement and stands ready upon request to deploy any and all federal resources to end these riots. Now, the chaos obviously erupting as authorities investigate the death of Walter Wallace jr. Police say they ordered him, who by the way had a criminal history, who drop a knife but he continued to move towards those officers in this video who then each fired seven shots at him. The Police Commissioner says they did not have tasers at the time. They have been placed on desk duty as the da now promises to review body cam footage that has not yet been released to the public. Guys, answers could not come soon enough as the state has now called up the Army National guard to be deployed if and when necessary. Steve, brian, ainsley . Steve all right. Aishah hasnie in philadelphia with the news choppers overhead. We thank you very much. Meanwhile it is six days to go until election day. Joe biden and President Trump trading shots on the campaign trail yesterday and there were a lot of them. Ainsley they were. Biden calling trump a con man while the president predicts a depression if he loses. Brian Griff Jenkins live in pittsburgh with a focus on the Battle Ground state of pennsylvania, griff. Griff hey, brian, ainsley and steve, good morning to you. Tcialg pennsylvania may determine the outcome of the elections. To understand it politically you have to imagine the state as pittsburgh and philadelphia on either side with alabama in the middle. And boy was it close last time with 2016. President trump flipped the state red by a mere 44,000 votes. It looks like its that close again. If you look at the latest real clear politics average. We can show you biden leading trump by less than four points. Now, both candidates have been putting a big emphasis on this state. The president hammering biden on particular lit oil and gas industry. Forcing biden to walk back his position on fracking. Meanwhile, as you mentioned yesterday, in michigan and georgia, the two candidates just savaged each other. Watch. This election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. You are going to have a depression. We have seen chart ton, a con man, the phoney populist who sought to play on our fears, appear to our worst appetites and pick at the oldest scabs they have for their own political gain. Griff 2 million pennsylvania voters have voted in the keystone could keep us holding on past november 3rd. Any will be ballot dated by election day will be counted three days after. Ivanka trump has appearance while first lady melania was in the philadelphia area yesterday. Joe biden uption policy and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy america and all that has been built in the past four years. On the campaign trail, the president heads to arizona for two rallies today while biden is not traveling although is he going to deliver remarks in wilmington later today. Brian, ainsley, steve . Steve hes good at that all right, griff, thank you very much. It is interesting. When you look at the number of people who have already early voted, either in personal or via mailin ballot 67. 8 million have mailed in or early voted. That is half of the entire number of people who voted back in 2016. What is interesting though is the fact that when you look at the democrats have made prediction. Will early votes. We need to have 70 of our voters in early. In florida, iowa, north carolina, pennsylvania, and arizona, the democrats are actually short of that target. And, of course, big threat for them ainsley and brian. Republicans are planning on a lot of their voters showing up on tuesday. The actual day of the election. Ainsley yeah, friends in new york who went to vote had to stand in line for several hours. Can you drop off if you got an absentee ballot at the front door you dont have to wait in line. A lot of republicans are planning to go on that day. I imagine its going to be a long wait. They say its worth it and they wants to do it. If you look at you know, all the polls say different things. They have the overall polls have joe biden up about 5 points nationwide. Dave wasserman who in writing for the 5 38 back in 2016, is he one of the very few that predicted that President Trump would win. Getting that electoral vote. But he saying now its time to sound the alarm. He says joe biden is likely to be the next president. But you have matt toury political analyst. He is saying there with one thing that the polls are not taking into account, listen to this. We have to remember one thing, donald trump is the most dynamic president ial candidate of my lifetime. I have never seen anything like it. And him personally going to these locations and drawing people out physically in semi rural and rural areas where they need to pile those votes up. Thats going to going to come back home in a big way to donald trump on election night. I dont think these polls are picking that up. Seems to be working for joe biden to not have anything on his schedule because is he up in the polls. We are curious to find out how this is going to resonate on election day with the president going out and doing two or three rallies every single day, brian. Brian interesting too he is going to georgia and sending harris over to texas. Really are you trying to expand the map or seal off the map. Think about how the president is surging in florida and pennsylvania. So secure and perhaps in ohio it . Became official we know Tony Bobulinski came out before the last debate and gave his written statement about his dealings with the biden family how he was asked to come in and help out the bidens on International Business affairs. They recruited him. So few people picked thumb story it was a bombshell. People werent interested in finding out what joe biden and his family were doing while he was Vice President. While, perhaps, when he was senator in between those two and a half year when will president of the United States. Sat down with detail. When he cass walled out by adam schiff as part of a russian disinformation campaign. Think about this. If you are a patriot. If you served time in the military. If your dad and grandfather have done the same thing and then adam schiff goes on television and said what you just saw was russian disinformation. Your integrity is called out. Now suddenly you are working for the enemy who you plotted and planned against for patriotic causes. So Tony Bobulinski sat down for an hour, maybe longer. We saw an hour with Tucker Carlson. When he talked about specifically with backup documentation of his dealings with the biden family and his two meetings with joe biden, listen. Sitting with jim biden and hunter biden. And joe came through the lobby with his security and hunter introduced me as this is tony, dad, the individual i telling you about that is helping us with the business that we are working on and the chinese. Will will will. Tucker the former Vice President said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his sons business dealings and was not involved in them. Thats a blatant lie. When he states that, thats a blatant lie. When i attended the debate last thursday and in that debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president and i will be honest with you, i almost stood up and screamed lier and walked out because i was shocked that after four days or five days that they prepared for this that the biden family is taking that position. Brian this Energy Company with i dos to the Chinese Communist party. Dad did business with led by Hunter Biden Bobulinski screaming at chinese officials saying you owe me 20 million for the last two years of work. Hooking him up with romania, poland, monaco, kazakhstan and ukraine. Wait a second jim biden and joe biden. Family business hooked up with multiple countries for, what . Their influence with the biden name. Two times they met with joe biden. When they went over and asked during from joe biden to bobulinski was we asked you look out for my son, who we know well chronicled drug problems. Why, if you are the father thats concerned about your son would you play a role or even know about putting him in high stakes International Money deal knowing that when addicts are dealing in stress thats the easiest time for them to relapse and you put your family fortunes on his back while questioning this guy bobulinskis integrity . This thing is blowing up and people have to pay attention. Steve i will tell you what, what was really interesting what what Tony Bobulinski told tucker last night essentially on october the 18th, about three weeks ago. About three weeks ago, tony talked to a former partner in the business by the name of rob walker who hadnt worked in the Clinton Administration and in the bush administration. What he was doing and, brian, you alluded to this. He was demanding that adam schiff retract the claim that the laptop and Everything Else that bobulinski had provided was russian disinformation and was a smear on joe biden. Tony told walker if he does not come out on the record and say that it was russian disinformation, he was going to provide the facts and walker said oh, tony, you are just going to bury all of us, man. Thats where we are are right here. He also recounted a story about how he was walking to a car with joe biden in los angeles and joe said to him his parting remark was keep an eye on my son and my brother and look out for my family, ainsley. Ainsley the question is were they using their familys influence access to the Vice President to make millions of dollars that would be a crime if that allegation turns out to be true. Blins said he is on the receiving end of these emails he told tucker on may 13th, 2017, i actually got one of these emails outlining a plan to have 10 of their company ow Oneida Holdings held by h for the wig guy held by hunter for the big guy and he said the big guy was joe biden. Brian let me expand on that why is joe bidens percentage went from 10 to 20 . Who was he collecting for . Where is that money today . And why does the fbi have this laptop for almost a year and we heard nothing . Steve whats so interesting about this story is it would be so easy for the Biden Campaign to tamp down. They could go look, that wasnt his laptop. Or we have never met with Tony Bobulinski. But, instead, they choose radio silence. Ainsley well, thats because the networks arent going to cover it. They covered very little of it. Steve lets see if anybody covers us covering that. In the meantime 6 14 on this wednesday morning. Jillian it is wednesday, yes. Welcome to wednesday. Steve i know, long week already. Jillian only half over. Begin with this fox news alert now. At least four officers are hurt following violent protests in washington, d. C. Overnight. [explosions. Jillian police deploying tear gas and smoke bombs. Unrest started over the death of keron hilton. He died after driving a scooter away from a traffic stop and hit a car. Protesters smashing wind dose at Police Precinct and shattering cop cars at least one person in custody. Hurricane celebrate that star trek as it heads to the gulf coast. Set to make landfall in louisiana this afternoon. Mandatory evacuations have been ordered for parts of new orleans. The storm already leaving a path of destruction in mexico. Zeta is expected to bring heavy rain, powerful winds and storm surge up to 8 feet. Texas Supreme Court is upholding limits. The ruling means each county will be limited to one dropoff site. A legal battle over the order has blasted for several weeks. Democrats say its unfair to voters in larger counties. But the court rules voters have many options including early in person voting. Well its a celebration 32 years in the making. The Los Angeles Dodgers are once again world series champs. Dodgers have won it all in 2020. Jillian the dodgers beat the rays 3 to 1 in game 6. Third baseman Justin Turner was pulled from the game after testing positive for covid19. He returned to celebrate on the field. Turner says he feels great and has no symptoms. Fans back in los angeles celebrating well into the night setting off fireworks al over the city. One car catching fire after doing donuts over fireworks. No arrests are reported. Congrats to them. Brian they got the lakers and the dorgets now in los angeles. Ainsley i hope it was worth it the that guy lost his car. Brian no bars are open to celebrate in. Celebrate in backyard 6 feet apart. Ainsley congratulations to them long time coming. Thanks, jillian. Many are down playing the reports about hunter biden. Scifi tail about hunter biden and martians and chinese. Attack joe biden on conspiracy theories. Ainsley gerry baker says the media is not supposed to be guarding joe biden. He joins us next to explain. Everybody say find your rhythm. Your happy place. Find your breaking point. Then break it. 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Not today, dry eye. She always wanted her smile to shine. Now, she uses a capful of therabreath healthy smile oral rinse to give her the healthy, sparkly smile she always wanted. crowd cheering therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Scifi tale about hunter biden and hearings and chinese and stuff that seems to be no real credible source other than bobulinski. Authenticity of the story, the sources. You start to see how that agenda and bias can get really tricky. These repeated unfounded attacks. All he did was attack joe biden on nefarious conspiracy theories. Brian some in the Mainstream Media down play the karageorge of the you will story. Some arent supposed to be guarding the former Vice President. Gerry baker fox business. Just a quick glimpse of what other networks are saying about this veteran of the navy, naval officer with impeccable reputation comes forward with Text Messages and emails about specific deals and locations easily verifiable. How do you explain the lack of curiosity about the Vice President s familys dealings and his role in it . The media, brian, some time ago just decided to put a protective wall around the media. I should say Tech Companies as well put a protective wall around joe bidens candidacy. They believe the election of joe biden is so important to the country and they believe beating donald trump is what they have been trying to do for the last four years. They decided whatever comes up. Whatever story. However damaging it could be to joe biden they will just ignore and it continue to down play it and continue to elm if a sides anything they can thats negative about donald trump. Its you know, its the most media the media has always been biased and we have known that and seen that for over 20, 30 years. I never have seen anything like this a story completely credibility. Decent, upstanding american. I watched the interview lace night as millions of people did Tony Bobulinski who is a credible figure. People are not going to fay attention, the most disturbing thing is as you say they are going to discredit him. They are going to demean him and damage him and call into question his patriotism. It really is one of the most extraordinary things i have seen. Brian gerry, to tell you the truth im disappointed the wall street journal didnt have it on the front page. Im being honest not even editorial as i can see. Tony bobulinski said. This he is listening to this deal come through. He was recruited to help the biden family on International Business because is he already independently wealthy individual. Selfmade Success Story recruited by the bidens and sitting there listening to this deal coming through seeing Different Countries dealing with asking this question. Listen. Im think guilty about biden family like how are they doing this . I know joe decided not to run in 2016. But what if he ran in the future . Arent they taking political risks or headline risks and i remember looking at jim biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this . Like arent you ternsd . And he looked at me and laughed a little bit and said plausible didnt. Brian that was jim bidens comments to bobulinski who was sitting there. Your reaction . It doesnt get more brazen than that i mean to actually acknowledge that what you are doing is so questionable that you actually, the phrase plausible didnt is a long standing one in politics meaning essentially you know, i can get away with denying something thats true. In other words, i can get away with saying falsehoods. Its brazen. And, again, brian. The reason, frankly, they are able to get away with it is because the media decided that they are going to let them. Could you imagine if this were a republican, this were donald trump . We have seen so many stories about donald trump the last four years. Many of them based in absolute no truth whatsoever. They have been investigated left, right, and center every conceivable angle of every allegation thats ever been made about donald trump has been on the front page of newspapers. Has been investigated by the major networks. This is an important story. And they are just simply burying it. Brian gerri, its astounding you point out npr stories. You will came out the minute elected resistance starts. Now we are seeing the beginning of the ignorance. Ignoring a story. We need this could change. If we had somebody following joe biden today that said do you know tony blings, did you meet with him twice what role did you have in deals in china with the energy firm linked to the Chinese Communist party and we look and see jim bidens taxes that show millions of dollars that came from cefc of china and evidently he went from 10 to 20 . Who was he collecting that money for there were a lot of questions he would have to flat out lie to get around. So far he has not been asked. Gerri. My hope is that someone ho will have the guts to do that. Either ask him that or what flavor ice cream he likes. Thats the level of questioning that he has faced so far during this campaign. Brian thanks so much. We are going to catch you on wall street journal at large fridays at 9 30. A great show that you host. And that is gerri baker. Gerri, thank you. Thanks, brian. Brian Mike Bloomberg launching an ad in texas and ohio. Will thfor theformer vp. Back in january, we knew that this was really, really bad. We had ample forewarning. But we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. Completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. There were things that could have been done. A lot of people have died needlessly, and theres nothing more frustrating than feeling like youre fighting against someone who should have your back. We are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. Ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Through the walk of life, walgreens has always been there to help make life easier. And now were doing the same with medicare. So you can easily find the best, most affordable plan for you. Visit walgreens. Com medicare to get started. Walgreens. We make medicare easy. Visit walgreens. Com medicare to get started. And sweetie can coloryou just be. Gentle with the pens. Okey. Okey. I know. Gentle. Gentle new projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Steve well, in a lastminute push for joe biden. Former mayor Mike Bloomberg is shelling out 15 million bucks on tv ads in the states of texas and ohio in an effort to put pressure on President Trump in states he won back in 2016. This, as the former vp campaigns in georgia while senator Kamala Harris is veto visit the Lone Star State where a new poll puts biden in a slight lead. But do these states have a real chance of turning into the biden column . Lets discuss with the polster and Fox News Contributor Kristen Soltis anderson. Kristin, good morning to you. Good morning. What do you make of bloomberg putting 15 million into texas and ohio . Thats a head scratcher. It is. Well, texas is a state that i think democrats have had their eyes on for over a decade. It would be a huge prize for them. And as a result. Have you got a lot of democrats that if they feel confident, perhaps overconfident about their chances of winning the election, they may be trying to run up the score at this point. Texas is a state also where there are a number of races further down the ballot. Especially for house of representatives, where democrats would love to expand Nancy Pelosis majority if they can. I think thats why texas is on Mike Bloombergs radar. Steve you could be right. It was a couple days ago that joe biden improvised essentially his upcoming travel itinerary. He said he was going to go to iowa and to georgia. And he was in georgia yesterday. But, to a lot of risks averse democrats they are going wait a minute is, this going to be Hillary Clinton 2016 all over again. Joe biden needs to park himself in pennsylvania and in florida and dont go to those other places. Otherwise, if he winds up losi losing. He should be spending every minute and every dollar in some of those states that donald trump flipped from glow red four years ago. Every minute he spends somewhere else is them trying to run up the score in a way that feels strategically risky. Now, georgia also falls into that same column of texas where the state democrats have had their eyes on many years. I think emotionally they would love to be able to sort of steal that prize from republicans. You also got races further down the ballot but texas and georgia are also the kinds of places that have spawned big National Democratic stars. Even though Stacey Abrams and beto orourke lois those states statewide. Big leaders in their party. I understand emotionally why democrats want to win there. Strategically any minute they are spending or any dollar they are spending on those states is not a dollar theyre spending really suring up really solid wins in this race. Steve got to figure that biden team is sitting internal polling shows them they are up by a certain amount and thats why thee feel comfortable. At the same time, you know, this the x factor in this whole race is the socalled shy trump voter. Polster asks you are did youing to vote for donald trump or joe biden. You would be more likely to say joe biden over donald trump because of all the baggage that comes to the person who feels the polster is asking oh how could this guy be supporting donald trump, blah blah blah, all that stuff. That really is the unknown in this at this point. How big that number is. To me, the big unknown is actually the sky high turnout. If im trying to think of what the case is for why the biden team is looking at states like georgia and texas. It is the sky high turnout. These are states where you already have 70 . 80 of the ballots cast that were cast in 2016 and we still have a week to go. With sky high turnout anything is possible. That doesnt necessarily mean that biden has got this in the bag. Steve all right. Lets see what happens. We should know a week from today if we are lucky. Thank you. Thank you, steve. Steve next guest says the election will make or break the economy. He said this in wisconsin. Its the choice between a trump boom or biden lockdown. Its a choice between our plan to cut your taxes. His plan is to raise your taxes. Steve okay. Former wisconsin congressman sean duffy here to react next. But, first, you got a minute today . Think about downloading the fox bet super 6 app. And play the election 2020 game for a free chance to win 50,000 bucks from our chance at fox bet. Pick six possible outcomes and watch elections day coverage on fox news on tuesday to see how it unfolds. Downloads the fox bet super 6 app. Today so you can get started and you might win 50,000. Not bad. Ry, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. Try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. We use 11. 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Ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. Thank you to all involved in our clinical trials. I get around ainsley this is your shot of the morning. President trump taking a lap around the speedway in wisconsin before revving up voters at a rally there. Brian the president waving to the crowd as he president ial armor named the beast. Steve i bet he would have loved to roll down the window do the thing with hand. Speaking to thousands of cheering supporters rally in west salem. Ainsley must be cold there he has his gloves on. Lets bring in sean duffy wisconsin congressman. Good morning to you. Good morning, good to see you guys. He had three stops all around the country. Lets play a sound bite from this rally where he was talking about showing the voter what a Trump Administration would look like compared to a biden administration. Watch this. This election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. Thats what you are going to have when they raise the taxes. Biggest tax increase in our history. Its ridiculous. The difference between a trump boom or a biden lockdown. A choice between our plan to cut your taxes or even and i have to tell you know we have given you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. You know that biggest regulation cut in the history of our country and sleepy joe biden, his plan is to raise your taxes at a level that our country has never raised taxes before. Ainsley they do have different issues. And different opinions about taxes. Different opinions about law and order. What is important to folks in wisconsin . First, i think if you look at donald trump, he is having a ball, isnt he, racing around the track. You know, in the beast. You saw him a couple days ago coming out of marine one. He is having fun on the campaign trail. Oftentimes thats a sign of, you know, a winning campaign. But, when you look at President Trump he has his morning in the America Ronald reagan vision vs. The joe biden were going to have a dark night and when you talk about actually beating covid and lowering taxes and being American Energy independent, those things work with the american voters. We are going to open up your schools. We have got to navigate covid but we can beat covid. We have had an economic boom under trump under covid19. We can do it again. If you are looking for a guy who actually had v. A rock star economy i am the one who can do it because i have a history of doing it. Thats what actually works with the Wisconsin Voter. Creating a lot of the energy four state for the president. Brian so, congressman, you understand wink you also for the president. Wisconsin going through a surge of the coronavirus. The president uniquely qualified to comment on it because he knows how brutal it can be and how great it is that he bounced back especially in his age bracket. Do you think including that in a speech to wisconsin whether its next time or today targeting that will go a long way . I know what you have been through. I know what the numbers say. I know its a tough fight. But you can something acknowledging what you guys are going through to keep you from packer games and the sports bars . Well, i think the president could be a little more compassionate. I understand how tough it is and how hard it is and how fearful it can be. I think he is less compassionate on covid and more like i beat it. You can beat it. I think for older voters, i mean, its a frightening disease because its older voters who are dying. However, brian, we have got to recognize that you have, you know, 1 or less of the people who are dying from covid. And having more hospitalizations but maybe less deaths. Its a really Good Progress that we are making with covid. And i think he should talk about that. Because people are thinking about covid. But, again, i think its the right message to say were not going to have lockdowns. Were not going to have mavericks. Not we are going to have masks. We can have less masks and freedom. In wisconsin that works because as you know our governor shut down our state. Our Supreme Court opened it back up. He has shut down how many people can go into bars and restaurants. He has a mask mandate. Im not opposed to wearing masks. Most people arent. We also want freedom to be able to go into a place where no one is there and take our mask off. That matters and the president wants common sense approach is resonating with the Wisconsin Voter as both sides message the covid issue. Steve sure, of course, ultimately with the covid issue is that close to a quarter of a million americans, however, have died from it and that is stark and that is stunning. Meanwhile, the cover of the New York Post today this is Tony Bobulinski talking yesterday to Tucker Carlson and essentially what he did was he spilled the beans on joe biden. He said that he had met the former Vice President a couple of times and, yet, while some people with less than a week before the election, so many people would like to hear his story but they dont because the channel they watch or the newspaper they pick up. Watch this. Where the media has tried to hide and i personally feel its disgusting, is between that may 13th email and the final document that was executed called Oneida Holdings llc. What i would ask the American People to read and look at is how from may 13th to the oneida document that got execute dead jim biden go from 10 owner to the 20 owner and the brother of the potential president of the United States who in documents defines himself as a political adviser to his brother and so i will leave that to the American People to answer that but i dont understand how the american journalists is allowing that gap to be talked about and defined. Steve there are journalists who are able to get close enough to mr. Biden to ask him questions. You know, nobody has asked. Hey, whats the deal with Tony Bobulinski . Did you meet him . And what did you mean when you said to him, mr. Vice president , look out for my family . What kind of shake is he drinking chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. Absolutely ridiculous. I wonder if the media will treat bobulinski like vindman remember in the impeachment hearings they said is he a war veteran and serves in the military they have to believe him and trust him. Why doesnt bobulinski get that same respect from the left wing media he doesnt. I felt last night on tucker he came across as honest and trustworthy. He doesnt make any money off. This is he a wealthy guy already. Is he a democrat. There is no you will tierie ultn but to claim his. Joe biden and his family have made a lot of money from the chinese and probably some other places. And the problem with that is not that joe biden made money especially when he wasnt in the vp office. The problem is that he has lied to the American People. He said, you know, i didnt make a penny from a foreign source. Bottom line is he actually did and that was exposed last night. Brian got to see where that money is some questions that need to be answered. What is the fbi doing with the laptop . They have had all this evidence for nine months and Text Messages we hear. Have a guy willing to testament he spoke the other day. What has the fbi found . If they found nothing, shouldnt they Say Something i found nothing . There is no problem here . Should they look at it, brian . There is zero commentary from the fbi like a blackout like the media and big tech. Its ridiculous. Ainsley all right. Sean, thank you so much for being with us. Thank you, guys. Brian sean duffy. Many polls show Gianno Caldwell seen evidence in places you wouldnt. He joins us next. burke deepsea driving, i see. customer Something Like that. burke well, heres Something Else with your farmers policy perk, new car replacement, you can get a new one. customer that is Something Else. burke get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum but when i started seeing things, i didnt know what was happening. So i kept it in. He started believing things that werent true. I knew something was wrong. But i didnt say a word. During the course of their disease around 50 of people with parkinsons may experience hallucinations or delusions. But now, doctors are prescribing nuplazid. The only fda approved medicine. Proven to significantly reduce hallucinations and delusions related to parkinsons. Dont take nuplazid if you are allergic to its ingredients. Nuplazid can increase the risk of death in elderly people with dementiarelated psychosis and is not for treating symptoms unrelated to parkinsons disease. Nuplazid can cause changes in heart rhythm and should not be taken if you have certain abnormal heart rhythms or take other drugs that are known to cause changes in heart rhythm. Tell your doctor about any changes in medicines youre taking. The most common side effects are swelling of the arms and legs and confusion. We spoke up and it made all the difference. Ask your parkinsons specialist about nuplazid. Janice good morning. A fox news weather alert. Zeta is getting stronger and we are anticipating a category 2. A strong category 2 moving into eastern louisiana and western mississippi later on this afternoon. National Hurricane Center has found winds much stronger than originally anticipated. And this season this would be the fifth named storm that goes into louisiana. This one, im concerned with new orleans. We are going to see higher storm surge totals than anticipated. Some could see nine feet of storm surge and we are concerned about the new orleans area. If there is one saving grace is this storm is going to move quickly; however, very strong winds, potentially life threatening storm surge and heavy rainfall in its path. So, weather alert. New orleans, you need to be solidifying your preparations and knowing what you are going to do over the next couple of hours as weather conditions go down hill from here. Ainsley, over to you. Ainsley thank you, janice. Many Credit Credit the trump voter. Can we expect the same recalling secret trump voter this year . Gianno wrote about this on fox cop. Thfoxnews. Com. Good morning, gianno. Thank you for having me. Ainsley tell the people who are watching why you decided to write about the hidden voter . You know what . This is very interesting phenomenon. In 2016 we saw voters who hadnt voted in the previous two elections or at all come out to support president donald trump. Now we have seen media saturation of negative press toward the president. 2016 President Trump said something something very important to black america e he said what do you have to lose. Flip that statement on its head i would say what do you have to gain . President trump has made an investment and his administration has made an investment into africanamerican and hispanic hop Labor Relations and i will mention first step act. Opportunity zones. Funding for historically black cleengts colleges and universities. And by virtue of that President Trumps numbers with blacks and hispanic men have trended up to a point that is so significant that it can literally change the course of the election. So, when i talk about the hidden trump voter. There is other demographics of hidden trump voters people clearly afraid of being considered racist or any of these negative narratives that the media has put out there. The hidden trump voter in part is the part of black and hispanic men. Look at the numbers in terms of among africanamericans because we are talking about younger folks. Those are under 45. 35 of those who are 18 to 29 black americans like President Trumps strong demeanor and for hispanics, under the age of 45, he is attracting over 35 of those individuals and in places that really really matter. We are talking about swing states. Meanwhile, joe biden flip flopped more times south beach when he talks about his policies and impact for africanamericans and those hispanic as well. At this point i dont believe that a lot of americans even trust joe biden enough to do what he says he is going to do. Just look at fracking. Ainsley we hear a lot of people saying they are going to vote for joe biden as la referendum on trump. Dont you think there is that group that would vote for trump as a referendum on the progressives they are worried that joe biden is going to be pulled in by the progressives . I a podcast out loud with ji an know caldwell pc culture. Listen and like and give 5 star rating. I talked with Herschel Walker on this very topic. He was saying he believed people would go out and vote on behalf of President Trump because they dont like the other side. And thats an important point. People are not going to capitulate to this forcing of you have to vote for this person because everyone else doesnt like him or the media doesnt like him. Generations z and folks born between the year 1997 and 2012 these individuals are going to be the largest voting block to vote this year. They became voting age. You are talking about 25 Million People. These individuals hate to capitulate to what the norms are. So they, in some cases will definitely buck joe biden and vote for trump. Ainsley okay, gianno, listen to your podcast and go read his article on foxnews. Com. Out loud with Gianno Caldwell. Ainsley former New York Times editor bari weiss sparring with host on the view on the issue of courtpacking. The fact that he has refused on the record to say whether or not he will pack the court i think is very suspicious. Im glad he didnt answer because, frankly he doesnt have to. Good to see you, how are you . Gimme five, good job all right isaac, good to see you. How are you, man . Nice to meet you mr. Vice president. God love you, i just wanted to say hi. Well i cant preach like you guys can. America is a place for everyone. Those who chose this country, those who fought for it. Some republicans, some democrats, and most just somewhere in between. All looking for the same thing, someone who understands their hopes, their dreams, their pain to listen. To bring people together. To get up every day and work to make life better for families like yours. To look you in the eye, treat you with respect, and tell you the truth. To work just as hard for the people who voted for him as those who didnt. To be a president for all americans. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Itson the new sleep numbernumber 360 smart bed. What if i sleep hot . Or cold . No problem, with temperature balancing, you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . 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Thats a blatant law. When he states that thats a blatant law. This is an important story and the media have just simply burying it. The Republican Party has been packing the Supreme Court. Packing the court is about adding more justices to the bench. Packing the court doesnt mean appointing justices that some people dont like. We are expecting a strong category 2 moving into louisiana. A more vulnerable area the Hurricane Center is saying life threatening event. Gorgeous have won it all in 2020. Fired up the crowd lets get loud ainsley how many years. Steve 32. Ainsley 32 years and the dodgers finally pulled this off and they won last night. Congratulations to those guys. Always fun to watch them jump on each other afterwards. Brian baseball pulled off 60 game season. Fox able to televise it and let some in neutral site. Its a season like no other. The dodgers have been pretty consistent in the top spot for the last five, six years. So, congratulations to them. They finally got over the hump. Last time they won it. Kirk gibson was in the lineup. Steve look at that well, in our lineup today. We have Griff Jenkins in pittsburgh with a look at the Battle Ground state of pennsylvania because, griff, thats what it all comes down to, doesnt it . Griff it sure does, steve, ainsley and brian it. Could come down to pennsylvania. You mentioned 32 years for the dodgers. 32 years ago when george h. W. Won pennsylvania it was blue all the way until President Trump flipped this state in 2016 red with a mere 44,000 votes. Thats less than 1 it. Appears again to be that tied. Look at the real clear politics average. You see the candidates separated by less than four point. President trump has been hammering biden in pennsylvania in this area particularly over the oil and gas issue and forcing Vice President biden walk statements back on fracking. This election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. You are going to have a depression. We have seen charlatans con man, phoney populist who fought to play on our fierce. Appear to our worst appetites and pick at the oldest scabs we have for their own political gain. Griff now so, far nearly 2 million pennsylvania voters have already voted. We can be hanging on past election day because here ballots need to be postmarked by november 3rd will be counted up to three days after. Ivanka has an appearance here in pittsburgh today. First lady melania was in the philadelphia area yesterday. Joe bidens policy and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy america and all that has been built in the past four years. Griff guys, one moment in bidens georgia swing getting a little bit of attention this morning. It was this moment. Watch. My name is joe biden. Im jill bidens husband and im kamalas running mate. [cheers] [laughter] you all think im kidding, dont you . Griff you wont see biden traveling today. He has no campaign stops. But he is delivering a delaware speech on healthcare while the president heads to arizona holding two rallies. Brian, ainsley, steve . Brian there is no state thats going to be uncovered from states he thinks he should win to states he has to win. He is doing it all. Thanks so much, griff, appreciate it. Now to a fox news exclusive interview. Hunter bidens former associate calling joe bidens denial of alleged involvement in his sons business dealings a blatant lie. Steve Tony Bobulinski told Tucker Carlson last night on our air that he raised concerns to joe bidens brother jim that involvement in the deals could jeopardize a future president ial run for joe biden. I know joe decided not to run 2016. But what if he ran in the future arent they taking political risks or headline risk . And i remember looking at jim biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this . Arent you concerned and he looked at me and laughed a little bit and said plausible didnt. Ainsley the Biden Campaign says that bobulinskis claims are quote desperate at the p a they thick farce. Well, if you watch that full interview with tucker last night its definitely eye opening. He said i have served this country. My dad served this country. My brother served this country. I didnt do that to go out there and someone say that stuff true about my family about me about what i did with this business. So i wanted to come out and tell the truth. He said that he talked to rob walker, another expartner of his. And he said, look, if you dont get adam schiff to retract his claims that this is russian miss misinformation that can a t. Came from the kremlin im going with my information im going to talk about my Text Messages and meetings with joe biden and his son hunter. So watch this. This was adam schiff. This is the flashback. We know that this whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin thats been clear over a year now that they have been pushing this false narrative about the Vice President and i had son. Ainsley this is what Tony Bobulinski said about this last night on tucker. Im only sitting here because they have not not only have they not gone on record. They have denied it and they have tarred my family name. I have a long history of serving this country and have other congressman out talking about russian disinformation. I healed a top secret clearance from the nsa and the doe. I served this country four years in one of the most elite environments in the world natal Nuclear Power training command. To say have a congressman out there speaking about russian disinformation or joe biden at a public debate referencing russian disinformation when he knows he sat face to face with me to know that and associate that with my name is absolutely disgusting to me. Ainsley so he went on to say that when he told his old Business Partner, mr. Walker, when he said if you dont get adam schiff to retract that. Steve yeah. Ainsley im going to come forward with all of this and walker he said you are going to bury us all. Brian what does it mean big picture hunter biden along with jim biden trading on the family name able to get influence with Different Countries to get some mysterious funds and raise money. One of those funds and companies is an Energy Company directly learninged the biggest one directly linked to the Chinese Communist party part of the deal when they are doing the chinese belton road program and building roads and bridges and governments Czech Republic and pakistan going to build this for you and in turn going to pay us or get a piece of your country. This is one of those companies that was actually doing that work. And after a while, bobulinski is saying whoa, whoa, this is getting out of control. I cannot believe you are meeting with kazakhstan, poland, morocco, ukraine, romania . By the way, where is the money . Until he get senator johnsons report and he realizes that hunter biden is using the money raised that he said never came into the accounts as his own personal piggy bank thats when he came forward. Adam schiff made it final. As soon as they started questioning his integrity and started getting Death Threats then he took action. Having said all of that last night with tucker. Having had the press conference before the debate. He sat down with tucker, told the whole story, backed it up with documents. Gerry baker of the wall street journal just the day before wrote a story how the media is in cahoots protecting joe biden. And he doesnt know why and he has never seen anything like it before. Listen. Protective wall around joe bidens candidacy. They believe that electing joe biden is so important to the country and theyve believe beating donald trump what they have been trying to do the last four years. Whatever comes up, however damaging it could be to joe biden they will just going to ignore it and continue to down play it and continue emphasize anything they can thats negative about donald trump. Its the media has always been biased we know that and seen that over 20, 30 years. I have never seen anything like this. Brian its not like the fbi doesnt know it, steve. The fbi has the laptop. They have everything from that Computer Store since december of 2019. They have not acted. Tell me if that doesnt bother you or you think its important before you vote to find out family joe biden with him directly profiting, perhaps. At least thats what he explained is in cahoots with six or seven different governments . Steve fbi never confirms whether or not they are doing an investigation. So that does not surprise me at all. Brian they do have the laptop and they did leave a receipt with the computer owner and no one disputes it. Steve thats true. We dont know if there is an investigation. We dont know what they are looking into. We dont know who they are talking. To say the meetings with between joe biden and mr. Bobulinski happened after he was Vice President of the United States. So the question isy any laws broken, ultimately that would be great for people to know before the election. Brian something to point out 2015 is when he was first approached with a biden Family Business. Steve what i said was it was the first time joe biden spoke to Tony Bobulinski in 2017 after he had left the white house. The question is what if anything law wise was broken . And we would like to know that this could be an october surprise but to gerry bakers point so much of the media not covering it. Ainsley thats what is so frustrating. Brian amazing. Ainsley you see everything that the president went through with the russia scaxdz scandal. Brian ukrainian call. Ainsley its such a double standard. And thats why i understand a lot of people dont likes the president s tweets but i understand why he has to do that because he doesnt feel like he is getting fair coverage on, you know, in Mainstream Media. Brian never seen anything like this before ever, ever. Steve speaking of coverage on other media. Remember a couple months ago columnist bari weiss who respond resigned on her Facebook Page from her job at the New York Times. Summarizing this does a good job politico article on that starts like this New York Times opinion staff writer and editor bari weiss announced her resignation on tuesday decrying the papers Workplace Culture towards staffers who hold anything other than left of center ideology act of bravery different point of view. Ainsley goes into last talking point. Steve exactly. Thats my point. She was called to fill in on the view and she clashed with some of the other hosts over joe biden and the fact that he has refused to reveal whether or not if elected president he would pack the court. She would like to know before people vote. Apparently other people on the view dont share her view. Watch. The Republican Party has been packing the Supreme Court for decades. They have been packing the judiciary for decades. I think what were going to see is, perhaps, the democrats unpacking the Supreme Court so that there is more of a balance. Packing the court is about adding more justices to the bench. Packing the court doesnt mean appointing justices that some people dont like. I think one thing that a lot of centrists and moderates are looking for right now is whether joe biden will have the strength to stand up to the left wing flank of his party. The fact that he has refused on the record to say whether or not he will pack the court i think is very suspicious to some people. Im glad he didnt answer because frankly he doesnt have to. You dont think the American People deserve an answer about that. I think he will give an answer when he is ready to give her. Ainsley good for her, the American People are entitled to have an answer on the issues when you are trying to decide how are going to vote for for president of the United States it. Is up for the voter. If you are not satisfied with the answer of one and you are the other, then usually you vote for that one. When the candidate is not giving an answer thats a problem. Ainsley proud of her saying defense of packing the court is adding more justices. The problem with this is if the democrats add more justices then when a republican is president again, then they will add more. Then how many justifiables will be on the Supreme Court. Steve ultimately when they say republicans have been packing the courts for years. What theyre talking about is filling judicial vacancies. Ainsley Ruth Bader Ginsburg said you are a president for four years. You are entitled to you do that. Brian joe biden is talking about rotating Supreme Court justices to other courts. Thats unbelievable. They are also talking about restructuring the out of whack District Courts which is unbelievable. Jonathan turley is going to be on later to expand on this. President trump says this election is a choice between a trump boom or a biden lockdown for the economy. Is he right . We are going to ask Trump Campaign senior strategic adviser steve cortes he suspect next. Its made for him a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. Get an insurance quote today. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids with the ninja foodito intelligesmart xl grill. Ing just pick your protein, select your doneness, and let the grill monitor your food. It also turns into an air fryer. 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At walmart, target and other fine stores. But you can work out anything wowith comcast business. W. Get fast, reliable, and secure internet on the nations largest gig speed network. Flexible tools like wifi you control. Voice solutions that connect you from anywhere. And expert advice here, here, or even here. Be fast. Be flexible. Bounce forward with comcast business. Get started with a powerful internet and voice solution for just 64. 90 a month. Plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a 300 prepaid card. Call or go online today. Im not going to shut down the economy. Im going to shut down im not going to shut down the country. Im going to shut down the virus. [applause] this election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. But its a choice between a trump boom or a biden lockdown. Ainsley joe biden promising not to shut down the economy trump makes the frurej joining success steve cortes. Good morning, ainsley. Ainsley everyone says dont look at these national polls. Look at the polls state by state. What do you think is going to happen in these Battle Ground states . I think thats correct. If we look at the Battle Ground states. I think all of them are within reach, quite frankly from both sides and who is going to get their people to the polls in the closing days will determine who wins. I believe we are going to close. And the main reason actually give to you with reasons one because of you who aggressively we are campaigning and how aggressively we are trying to earn the votes of americans. Secondly and more importantly, it is the economy. The economy roars back to life in this country right now. All of the economic metrics that come out in recent days are just stellar. Just yesterday we got durable goods which hit a new high for the trump presidency. Both the industrial. The consumer side of the economy are roaring back to life. There is a Great American economic renaissance flourishing across our land. The way to continue and accelerate is to rehire donald trump as our national ceo. Alternatively, unfortunately, joe biden threatens to squash all of this momentum with the largest tax cut in American History as well as the threat of lockdowns. We are not going back there. He is the surrender candidate. Surrender to china and the china verizon. We are not going back to lockdown would he say this that pledge from donald trump whereas we have on tape joe biden saying is he willing to go back there. Ainsley they seem to be neck in neck in most of these Battle Ground states. New router out that says young hispanic voters could tip the race in these key Battle Ground states. When you look at the numbers, there are 32 million latinos, 13 of all eligible voters about 40 of the eligible latino voters are between the ages of 18 and 345. The younger generation. We are doing really well among latinos in part of because of the economic record of the president and we have reached out to them the campaign has in intentional and respectful way if you contrast that with joe biden his idea of hispanic outreach is going to florida and playing desbusines song on his e cringe worthy moment. Most hispanics by definition are working class people. If you notice the lockdowns, the main proponents. The loudest voices looking for lockdowns or restrictions they are generally i shouldnt say generally they are almost always part of the credential class of people. People who are work effectively remotely. Frankly dont mind sitting upstale homes working on laptop or consultant while wearing lululemon there is a whole Different Group of america who cant work remotely coming and truck drivers, welders and waitresses. Many of them black and brown americans. Those people cannot have another lockdown. And we are the America First movement is the movement for those people. Those deplorables. Those working class americans. They are the beating heart of this country. Of our movement. And donald trump is their voice and their representative in government. Ainsley all right. Steve, good to see you. Thanks for coming on. Thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. Coming up, joe biden suggests rotating Supreme Court justices now. Constitutional expert Jonathan Turley calls the idea a partisan scheme. The details next. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. Looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes overthecounter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. Ha these drops probably wont touch me. Xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. What is that . Xiidra, noooo it can provide lasting relief. 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Last night we were around when there was a number of shots that were fired between these groups of looters and things got a little precarious at that point. Police were at times nowhere to be found. It was a game of whackamole Police Police and the looters looters clearly outnumbered the Political Science in this situation. This was one of the wall matters that they were looting up until about 5 00 a. M. This morning. The first people who showed up at the walmart got the very best stuff. That was the tvs that they were age too clear out. Some people wheeling out brand new washing machines. Shoes, especially sneakers were very popular. Thats what one of the shootings was over. There were about 11 people shot just last night and back here at the walmart can you see a number of rifle rounds still sitting here at the entrance to this walmart a number of other stores that were hit all up and down this part of town. We are about 15 miles or so from where Walter Wallace was shot. So, one has a hard time understanding what this has to do with his death other than the simple fact it is an excuse to loot and to get free stuff. Which is what a lot of people were doing. They were even looting fake Christmas Trees for an early christmas decoration project. The white house said on, this the riots in philadelphia are the most recent consequences of the liberal democrats war against the police. The Biden Harris Campaign talking about Walter Wallaces shooting thing we cannot accept in this country a Mental Health crisis ends in death. The police have said that theyre going to continue and try to investigate the shooting of Walter Wallace meantime try to get ahold of their city. The problem is that despite the fact that the National Guard is being called up. This is a big city. There are a lot of areas like this couple of miles and somewhat suburban philadelphia that have all of these stores. And as soon as police concentrate in one area of this city to try and make sure things dont get out of hands. That leaves entire areas like this completely unguarded and the looters just come over and take over, ainsley. I know. Hopefully the National Guard will help with that and provide more Law Enforcement. Thanks so much. Brian yeah, two days later everything is gob. Thanks, leland. New backlash this morning after those explosive claims from Hunter Bidens exbusiness associate about joe bidens alleged involvement in his sons business deals. Listen. The former Vice President has said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his sons business deals a and not involved in them at all this sounds like direct involvement in them. Thats a blatant lie. When he states that, thats a blatant lie. In that debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president and i will be honest with you i almost stood up and screamed liar and walked out. Steve all right. Here with reaction as you can see far right on our screen right there. We have got Fox News Contributor and George Washington University Professor Jonathan Turley. Professor, good morning. Good morning. You know in a normal Election Year this would be called an october surprise. That would mean everybody would be covering it. Is it seems only a few news outlets actually covering. This and have you got to wonder why. Thats right. A controversy is only a scandal if its covered. If its danging. If there is no coverage, no scandal. Sort of interesting about Lesley Stahls interview on 60 minutes when she laughed and said he is not involved in a scandal she is right because there is no coverage. You cant have a scandal without coverage. Because there is no scandal without coverage. What is fascinating about this. Major story. This emails appear to be authentic influence peddling by son blackout. And from an academic side. It reminds me that recently a stanford journalism professor called on the media to put aside this concept of objectivity. Objectivity has no place in it stands in the way of activism. Objectivity for the purposes of this election. Ainsley this is what is interesting too in the interview last night tony said that he asked jim biden, joe bidens brother if he was worried about getting caught. Listen to this. Im thinking about the biden family like how are they doing this . I know joe decided not to run in 2016. But what if he ran in the future . Arent they taking political riskes or headline risks and i remember looking at jim biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this like arent you concerned . And he looked at meal and he laughed a little bit and said plausible didnt. Ainsley jonathan, whats your reaction to that . And if all of this is true. Is there something illegal here or is it just unethical. Put your finger on the right point here. We still dont have any evidence that this influence peddling and this is what this is actually influenced Vice President biden. Also no evidence that fascinating about this is influence peddling is a protected activity in washington. Congress has written the laws to allow this type of influence peddling by giving money to spouses and children you avoid bribery and corruption statutes. This is a form of legal corruption. Which is why many of us objected when joe biden said my son did nothing wrong. Whether hunter biden did anything criminal is one question. There is no question that what he did was wrong. This was raw influence peddling on a grand global scale. Brian are you comfortable with the next president of the United States having a Family Business associated with a chinese Energy Company who is associated with the Chinese Communist party . Not an independent entity linked to the Chinese Communist party . This is unbelievable that this is going on. That people arent paying attention and this should at very least be a factor and he should be forced to answer. But they dont ask him is that the laptop of your son. Are those emails your sons . Is that his signature . What does do you know bobulinski . Did you meet with him twice . We cant get a single question. But i do want to if i can, can we jog over to the other big story we talked about on the radio yesterday . And that is the change in our court system should the senate go to the democrats and should joe biden win the presidency. They are talking about rotating Supreme Court justices. Listen. There is some literature among constitutional scholars about the possibility of going from one court to another court. Not just always staying the whole time on the Supreme Court. There are just a group of serious constitutional scholars have a number of ideas how we should proceed from this pointed on from the time im sworn in to be able to make such a rnlsz. Brian rotate like a volleyball game. No longer my turn on the Supreme Court. Next up . No. This is not a profile of courage. Its a profile of convenience that what Vice President biden is doing here is wrong. He called some of these ideas bone headed when he was a senator and he is going to create a commission to make them bona fide proposals. Why . Because some of these proposals have these wacky ideas. And you are now seeing in a senate floor senators like senator blumenthal seemingly referring to these proposals and telling his colleagues if they vote for now Justice Barrett there will be, quote, consequences. So he is basically saying look, vote no or the court gets it. That is something we never thought we would see in the senate. I never thought i would hear these words from president ial candidate. 60 . Roughly 60 of the American People are against packing the court. This is appealing to that angry 30 that you are offering the institution to to satiate their anger. Steve you pack the court and 60 angry. Jonathan turley, thank you for joining us live. Thank you. Steve meanwhile in political news First Lady Melania Trump hit the campaign trail yesterday and called out joe biden. How effective will she be for the Trump Campaign which has six days to go. Lisa, tammy, madison here to discuss next American Woman the world is in turmoil. Been turned on its head. Of a possible recession. American cities are experiencing a devastating surge. Hello, im michael youssef. Lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i dont blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. But if i told you that theres only one voice that you can absolutely trust. After all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. Im talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. And i will give you rest. Hes the only one who can give you true rest and peace. Will you come to him . [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world . Visit findingtruepeace. Com to find a voice that will never let you down. Again, thats findingtruepeace. Com. At aspen dental, were making every day a little brighter with our smile wide, smile safe promise. Weve got you covered, in every way, giving deep cleaning a whole new meaning. And if you dont have insurance, well give you an extra safety net, too, with a free new patient exam and xrays. At aspen dental, were making it alright to feel safe and get smiling. We promise. Call 1800aspendental. Joe biden wanted policy and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy america and all that has been built in the past four years. We must keep donald in the white house so he can finish what he started in and our country can continue to flourish. [cheers and applause] steve there you have got the First Lady Melania Trump returning to the campaign trail yesterday warning pennsylvania voters against what she calls joe bidens socialist agenda. So how effective is her message with less than a week to go . Joining us right now we have a panel of great speakers. We have Fox News Contributor tammy bruce along with women for trump cochair madison and Fox News Contributor lisa booth. Good morning to all of you. Good morning. Hi, steve. Steve good to have you. Hey, madison, lets start with you. So how effective is having the first lady out with just one week left before the election . Because so many people have already decided. I think its critical to have the first lady of the United States out there. We have to remember that she is an immigrant. She is someone who is the example of living the american dream. She came here. She had a very successful deer. And ultimately became first lady of the United States. And, of course, we cant forget the fact that President Trump had supported and empowered women for many, many years. Im an example of that. Justice Amy Coney Barrett is an example of that and Ambassador Nikki Haley is an example of that secretary devores. Secretary chal. The list goes on. A president who empowers women and its important that we have people out there speaking about his accomplishments. Speaking about the choice we face next week because there are women who are on the face that may sway their vote between now and next tuesday or if they vote early before that. Steve thats right. Tammy, there is a brand new abc news poll that has come out that shows that joe biden, according to this and they insist its not a misprint in wisconsin is up 17 points and its attributed to the Covid Response and with women it says that joe biden is ahead by 30. Yeah. Look. I think we learned in 2016 and even through this process that polls are especially weak these days because of the nature of people feeling comfortable expressing their political opinion which has become extremely difficult and in many places dangerous. The poll that matters is the one on november 3rd. I think what we have got here and american women understand this especially is that none of us are really free and minorities understand this as well unless we are financially stable. That the work the president has done not just in supporting individual women but his accomplishments and agenda make our lives safer. We are able to see our future for our children. We are able to live lives where we can have our children go to the schools that we want them to go to, violence, drug abuse, gang activity. What we are seeing in philadelphia. Anna example and other democrat run cities, every American Mother worries about where her children are at night because of the nature of this kind of political activity and, donald trump is the only one who is able to put a stop to it and who understands womens lives. So its the financial a aspect that we are able to make decisions that best suit us because this country is strong only donald trump will bring that i think those numbers in wisconsin the president is fighting hard for all people in wisconsin. Certainly women as well first lady is going to have a big impact not only now but in the next four years in the white house as well. Lisa, somebody fighting hard for joe biden is barack obama. He was out on the stump in orlando yesterday and was fiery at the president. Watch. This you have a president right now he wants full credit for an economy that he inherited. He wants zero blame for the pandemic he ignored. America created 1. 5 million more jobed ijobs in the last three yf the Obama Biden Administration than in the first three years of the trumppence administration. And that was before trump could blame the pandemic. But just like Everything Else he inherited. He screwed it up. Steve lisa, how effective was the former president yesterday. Well, look, at what joe bidens to do to the economy. He wants to shut everything down due to covid again. He said that on the debate stage last go around. When you look at what bidens former chief of staff said, he said that they got lucky on h1n1 that it could have been mass casualties in American History and they simply got lucky. There is absolutely no evidence that joe biden would do a better job leading on the pandemic. And i think President Trump has done a good job of demonstrating where he has taken leadership and where joe biden would not have. Particularly even looking at the travel ban that President Trump implemented. Regarding Melania Trump as well. One area she humanizes and explains President Trump in a way nobody else can what she does and what she said the other day and what she said before is look, you might not always like what my husband says, but he gets the job done and he is honest. Is he effective. That is the strongest place and thats the strongest message where republicans can be to rebutt joe biden and the democrats cirk line of attack. Steve thank you all for joining us lisa and tammy and madison. Have a good day and thank you very much. Six days until election. Thank you. Steve all right. 1 minutes before the top of the hour it. Is once again a very busy weather day and for that we turn to janice dean who is in the weather bunker hi steve, yes. Latest advisory from the national Hurricane Center. The storm has strengthened again 90 mileperhour sustained winds. Core of the strongest winds and storm surge and heavy rain going to come right on top of new orleans. A very vulnerable area. Hopefully they are ready for a strengthening category 2 storm that is going to move in this afternoon. So 90 Miles Per Hour. That puts us almost at a category 2 storm. We are expecting winds of 100 Miles Per Hour once it makes impact later on this afternoon and this evening. There is the latest track. We got it early. National Hurricane Center is trying to get the information out because the storm surge totals have gone up considerably. Now that we are dealing with a strong category 2 storm with upwards of 9foot storm surge. We could see upwards of 8 to 10 inches of heavy rainfall. Hurricane warnings now in effect for the eastern part of louisiana in towards mississippi as well. So this is an unfolding situation. A stronger storm than we anticipated. People need to pay very close attention to their local officials. This is a life threatening storm now moving into louisiana later on this afternoon. Steve, back to you. Steve all right. January anything, thank you very much for keeping us updated. Meanwhile, coming up. A Jewelry Store says they were given a Court Summons for violating covid19 restrictions even though the store was closed. One of the owners joins us live coming up next. Among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. [narrator] this is steve. Something he used to have gum problems. Now, he uses therabreath healthy gums oral rinse with clinicallyproven ingredients and his gum problems have vanished. crowd applauding therabreath, its a better mouthwash. At walmart, target and other fine stores. Brian Small Business in brooklyn claiming new york state inspectors unfairly targeted their Jewelry Store for potential covid19 violations despite their business being closed to customers. You cant put us out of business. We will be back. We will be back. For what . We will be back shortly. For what . Going to get a summons. There is no reason. Brian two different state inspectors returned with a summons the next day arguing the husband and wife store was open and, quote fully operational with only the two of them inside though. The owner of its all a gift in brooklyn, new york. She joins us now. Now the city came by. They had no problem. The state came by and what are they claiming you did wrong . They are basically claiming that were open with our gates down and us inside. Were a husband and wife team. We have been working there for 10 years. We have been following everchanging rules since march. We understood the need due to covid19 and a lot of deaths in the country. And we were very concerned for ourselves and for our family. And we have been following the rules ever since. Much to the chagrin of our customers who pull on the doors all day and are greeted with a sign that says please do not they cant get in because there is a lock on the door it says please just call us and we will take care of whatever you need by delivering it or shipping it. And thats what they saw on the doors when they got there. And they still considered it that we were open when we were working inside. Brian what i dont understand is i understand they dont want a capacity crowd. Why cant someone browse your shop . Right. Brian why . They dont want anyone inside. And across the street there is a bodega with people going in and out. There is a candy store with people going in and out. There is a supermarket a block long with people going in and out. And its sad to see that manicurist, a hair salon other things like that. We sell essential things. And people really need us. We dont mind to deliver or ship. We have been doing that but they are not happy with that. Brian the city was okay with it. The state isnt. Its unbelievable what you are forced to go through. Do you still have rent due . We have rent. We have rent. You had to pay for your materials . We have to pay for our materials. Brian you cant just do business . The Holiday Season is coming up. Forced shutdowns constantly. What do i do when i finally open . Do i fill the store . Do i not . We are in business 10 years here in a community where everything seems to be shut down. Our schools are shut down. Our synagogues are shut down. Everyone is moving around, however, and, you know, you could just go to another zip code and get your nails done. You could go to another zip code and buy something. Im taking my red zone infraction anywhere else. It doesnt make sense. Everybody is moving around. These guys are. Brian odette you have got to fight. This thats the only thing that gets their attention. You have to sue back . We are working on councilman to take care. Brian i hope everything works out. We did reach out to the state to the Governors Office we have not gotten a response yet. I will be on my voice mail all day. Thanks so much. Im sorry you had to deal with that. Thank you. Brian Hunter Bidens former Business Partner speaks out. Why isnt the media covering this . We are. Election. fisherman vo how do i register to vote . Hmm . Hmm . Hmm . woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do girls are gonna grow up and be about buproud of me for. That my reporter Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg admits a operational mistake after the company failed to take down a page promoting vigilante events in kenosha. The complaint says one of the 6 main suspects, adam fox, live streamed a video on a private facebook group. Zuckerberg i go home and just ask, will my girls be proud of what i did today . Im szasz. [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. We walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. Weve both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. After about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didnt notice before. Its still helping me. I still notice a difference. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. President trump crisscrossing the country, making two stops in the sun belt today but nothing on joe bidens calendar. The morning in America Ronald reagan vision versus the joe biden were going to have a dark night. Joe bidens policy and socialist agenda would only serve to destroy america. I think its critical to have the first lady of the United States out there. She is an immigrant. She is someone who is the example of living the american dream. I remember looking at jim biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this. He laughed at me a little bit and said plausible deniability. This was raw influence peddling on a grand global scale. Our population has grown enormously since then. Should we expand the court . Lets take a look and see. [cheers and applause] brian yeah, here we go. The dodgers, congratulations to them. The last time they won the series, kurt gibson was traded to the oakland at will thetics, and now its 32 years lawsuiter, and theyre champions. Lauter, and theyre champions. With 70 Million People already are voting, you cant even say election day anymore, can you . Its like election end. Steve i think we depicted it a couple months ago as it was going to be election season, leading up to the world series which we hope, ainsley, will cull my mate a week from yesterday. Ainsley i dont remember this many polls being open for weeks before the election. Is that because of covid or am i forgetful . Steve well, there have been so many people horrified by the fact that maybe im not going to be able to get my ballot counted ames awps right. And you have to do it safely. Steve people want to do it in person or mail it in. Ainsley Griff Jenkins is hive hive is live in pittsburgh. Six days, griff. Reporter yeah. It might even go past election day here in pennsylvania. They can count ballots three days after the election, now pennsylvania may very well decide who is the next president of the United States. In 2016 it was razor thin. Trump flipped it red by less than 1 , 44,000 votes. Now it looks to be just as tight and heading in a very, very close race. Let me show you the real clear politics average. Biden leading trump by less than 4 points. Now, one question is whether its going to be the an effective attack that President Trump has issued on biden for his mistake on the oil and gas industry in that last debate. Meanwhile, in michigan and georgia both candidates just lighting into each other. Watch. This election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. Youre going to have a depression. Weve seen a charlatan the, a con man, the phony populist who fought to play on ore our fears and pick at the oldest scabs we have for their own political gain. Reporter now here in the keystone state nearly 2 million voters have already voted. Hopefully it wont go past election day. Now, as far as aa appearances, ivanka will appear in diss burg where i am today, and yesterday first lady melania was in the philadelphia area hammering away at joe biden saying he has a socialist agenda that will destroy america. One moment getting some attention from bidens georgia swing yesterday was this when he introduced himself. Watch. My names joe biden. Im jill bidens husband, and i am kamalas running mate. [cheers and applause] [laughter] yall think im kidding, dont ya . Reporter check out the map, biden will be at home in delaware while the president heads to arizona for two rallies. Kamala harris will have two appearances in the grand canyon with state as well, and Vice President pence will make stops in michigan, in wisconsin, two very key battleground states as well. Brian, ainsley, steve . Brian thanks so much. Its interesting, the Vice President go out and have one appearance, ad hoc appearance on monday and a couple yesterday, but the president of the United States, hes going to be doing about three today, and theres going to be nothing right now on the schedule outside of a speech in delaware by the Vice President. A lot of people are getting concerned that hes sitting on his lead. Right now we see that the Trump Campaign is very optimistic about florida and much more optimistic about pennsylvania. Trailing by 6, and they are kind of worried about texas, so the one official told me they believe theyre up by 4 or 5 in texas. As we look at six days until election day, this is how frustrated the team is that not only the medias not for them, theyre against them. A study was found of network news coverage, 92 of all the stories about donald trump are negative now. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, his scent weapon was finally secret weapon was finally out and about, Melania Trump. She is extremely popular. Now that shes feeling better, she was going to go out monday, once. Then on tuesday she was. Listen to her. Joe bidens policy and socialist agenda will only serve to destroy america and all that has been built in the past four years. Joe biden i attacks President Trumps decisions to put American People first and closing travel from china. Now he suggests that he could have done a better job. The American People can look at joe bidens 36 years in congress and 8 years in the vice presidency and determine whether they think he will finally be able to get something done. For the American People. [applause] brian so this you go. She is out and about. If you want to know whos voting the most, it is right now texas, followed by florida, followed by north carolina, the most early voting ainsley california too. Steve the way theyve broken it down for the most part, they say of the early voting, the democrats are more likely to mail in their votes whereas republicans are more likely to do inperson voting. Of course, as we have said, the republicans are counting on majority of the rerepublicans who are going to vote for trump to show up in person on tuesday. But according to the trump team the, they say that in florida, iowa, north carolina, pennsylvania and arizona the democrats are short of the 70 , which is their target of democrats, who show up to vote. So while the number is sky high, the number of people whosoever have early voted, nonetheless, they are short of that. And the thing that the trump voter, the trump team is counting on is the fact that there are a lot of people who did not vote for donald trump in 2016 and didnt vote for anybody. But over the last four years, the trump team has gotten them to register and has motivated them, and they are, ainsley, one of the reasons behind these gigantic, skyhigh numbers of people who are early voting. The people who were not on the radar before now could be pulling the lever for the guy in the blue tie. Ainsley so i have a friend that works on madison avenue, and she was saying shes concerned about if trump wins, what will this mean for our city, will there be looting and rioting like in other cities. And we did see that in new york a few months ago brian i think the biggest story, you have a friend working on madison avenue. I didnt know anyone was working ainsley yeah, shes working at a clothing store. Rodeo drive has decided to close on election day because our country is so divided. And then we play the sound bite of melania, obama was down in florida saying we cant afford four more years of this, and ilhan omar saying progressives will try to influence joe biden if he is elected. We already knew it though. Last night on tuckers show, Tony Bobulinski was on. He served our country as a u. S. Navy lieutenant, his dad did too, his brother did too, served our country at least as soldiers, and he said i care so much about my reputation, and with this story, the alleged email story came out, he said adam schiff was saying, look, this is russian misinformation, this is not true. He said he heard that, and it really made him upset because he said he knows the truth, that joe biden and hunter biden, they did use their influence to make money from other countries, he believes. And he said that he has emails that were all sent to him from may 13th, 2017, that outlined a plan to have 10 of their company, Oneida Holdings, held by h for the big guy, hunter and joe biden. Well, steve doocys son peter was out on the campaign trail recently, and heed asked joe biden do you know anything about Hunter Bidens buzz dealings . And he said, no, i dont. Listen to what tony said. Sitting with jim biden and hunter biden, and joe came through the lobby with his security. Hunter introduced me as this is tony, dad, the individual i told you about thats helping us with the business that were working on and the chinese. The former Vice President has said he had no knowledge whatsoever of his sons business dealings and was not involved in them. Thats a blatant lie. When he states that the, that is a blatant lie. In that debate he made a specific statement around questions around this from the president , and ill be honest with you, i almost stood up and screamed liar and walked out because i was shocked that after four days or five days of being prepped for this, that the biden family is taking that position. Brian yeah. He also referred to in the emails as the big guy and the chairman. Thats what hunter refers to him as. And they told him dont ever put joes name in any texts. Joes information comes face to face. They met face to face two times. They talked about the International Business dealings he thinks the American People should know. They should know that the biden family was dealing with an Energy Company linked to the Chinese Communist party, and they were making millions of dollars from it. The first meeting they had, hunter was yelling at an executive from cesc saying wheres my money, you owe me 20 million, and he thought, what is going on here . Jonathan turley watched the interview i too. From a legal perspective, this is problematic. Ethically as well. Listen. Controversy thes only a scandal if its covered, if its damage. If theres no coverage, no scandal. Any way you look at this, it is a major story. This is, these are emails that appear to be authentic that are detailing the influencepeddling by the Vice President s son and his brother. This is a form of legal corruption. If any of us objected when joe biden said my son did nothing wrong, whether hunter biden did anything criminal is one question. Theres no question that what he did was wrong. This was raw influence peddling on a grand global scale. Brian Tony Bobulinski, who i know who people who know him personally said hes as. Honorable as the day is long. They were dealing with a chineseowned enterprise, it had Strong Financial and Political Support from the chinese. Communist party. If you know all this and you look at tony and you believe him and you still want to vote for joe biden, go ahead. But you should noting tolerate not knowing this. To have people shield you from information that might make you a more knowledgeable voter should not be tolerable to the American People. Steve the cover of the New York Post has this cover this morning, look out for my family, because that apparently is what joe biden said to Tony Bobulinski after their meeting in 2017. Biden had already left the vice presidency, but what he was trying to make sure, that tony understood was, tony, look out for hunter and jim and my family as well. All right, meanwhile, lets talk about this, one of the things that joe biden has been reluctant to talk about because his details are all over the place. Its would he pack the court. First he said im not going to tell you until after the election, and then hes talking about maybe doing something where you bring Supreme Court justices down to the Minor Leagues and then you bring people up for a little while like a baseball team, essentially. Hes been all over the place. Yesterday on the view, bari weiss, who was an opinion editor and left because there is such an inuntil answer of any other intolerance of i any other point of view, she thinks that the American People is owed an explanation from joe biden and got into it with the other hosts. Listen to this. The Republican Party has been packing the Supreme Court for decades. Theyve been packing the judiciary for decades. I think what were going to see is perhaps the democrats unpacking the Supreme Court so that there is more of a balance. Packing the court is about adding more justices to the bench. It doesnt mean appointing justices that some people dont like. I think one thing that a lot of centrists and moderates are looking for right now is whether joe biden will have the strength to stand up to the leftwing flank of his party. The fact that he has refused on the record or to say whether or not he will pack the court, i think, is very suspicious to some people. Frankly, he doesnt have to answer. You dont think the American People dont deserve an answer about that this. I think they will get an answer when hes ready to give one. Steve and earlier in that conversation where the host talked about how the republicans had been packing the courts for a very long time, the republicans have not been expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court beyond nine. I dont remember that happening. What shes talking about is the fact that there have been a number of i vacancies at all sorts of levels in the federal government, and they were simply filling vacancies. Brian right. Kagan and sotomayor, by the way, were not republican selections. Ainsley Ruth Bader Ginsburg said youre president for four years, if theres a vacancy, legally the president is allow id to pick someone. Thats not called packing the court. There are nine right now. If the democrats come in and pack the court with another five or however many they want, then when a republican president comes in, they cant complain when they pack the court with another additional five. Brian just so you know, youre electing a president that is going to change a branch of government. Just be aware of that. Ainsley exactly. Steve 8 15 now here in new york city, and jillian joins us. Youre starting with weather. Reporter thats right. Hurricane zeta is expected to make landfall as a category two storm in new orleans. Widespread damage is expected. Mandatory evacuations are underway. The mississippi coast is bracing for a dangerous storm surge up to 9 feetment the storm already or leaving a path of destruction in parts of mexico. Janice dean is tracking that. Covid19 cases are hitting a record high in the u. S. The enday average topping 70,000 nation wide. There are nearly 8. 8 million total cases and more than 226,000 deaths in the u. S. Hospitals in 46 states are reporting increases in coronavirus patients compared to two weeks ago. This as the Trump Administration announces a deal with eli lilly to buy 300,000 doses of its antibody treatment if it gets approved by the fda. This just in, a federal judge issuing new orders to the u. S. Postal service to insure ballots are delivered as quickly as possible. The judge ordering the usps to perform late and extra trips to the, quote, maximum extent necessary to increase ontime delivery. Its a reversal of rules puppet in place by the postmaster general earlier this summer. And today the tunnel to Towers Foundation is getting a big check. The company is donating 100,000 to the foundations covid19 fund. Proper number 12 Irish Whiskey has given more than 1 million to support families of first responders. Frank siller set up the foundation to honor his brother, firefighter stephen siller, who rushed to the World Trade Center on sleth and died september 11th and died while trying to save the lives of others. Ainsley thats so nice of them. 100,000, thats going to go a long way. Thanks, jillian. Coming up, a second night of looting and unrest in philadelphia after police shot and killed a man with the knife. We are live with a look at the damage there, coming up next. History also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. Especially during this Holiday Season of hanukkah. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day this now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. Your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. This is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. The communists came and wiped it out. And now were coming to her and saying, its okay to have faith. Its okay to light the hanukkah candles. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Brian back to the fox news alert, the second night of riots in philadelphia after Police Killed a black man armed with a knife. Steve police are estimating about a thousand looters trashed and ransacked Stores Across the city. That is a look at some of the aftermath from a helicopter, ainsley. Ainsley Leland Vittert is there on the ground in philadelphia with a firsthand look. Weve been watching your reports throughout the morning, and you were doing a report, and some guy was stealing a washing machine behind you. Right in plain daylight or at least the lights were shining on him. So was the camera. Reporter yeah. They were taking anything. They didnt care about the that camera. The police were sort of outmatched. Theyre playing whackamole with these looters who clearly outnumbered the police. The police could only stand back at some point until they brought in reinforcements. This is one of the walmart that was looted. Tvs were very popular, washing machines, sneakers were exceptionally popular among the looters. Were a couple of miles, 4 or 5 miles from where Walter Wallace was with shot and killed, so its hard to imagine what the looting has to do with his death other than being used as an excuse to get a lot of free stuff. And police just dont have the numbers to protect every store in greater philadelphia as the looters make their way around the city. The white house is saying the riots in philadelphia are the most recent consequences of the liberal democrats war against the police. The Biden Harris Campaign talking about the shooting saying we cannot accept that in this country a Mental Health crisis ends in a death. The real issue here is this is becoming extremely violent. There were carjackings last night of people who had cars filled with looted stuff and at least 11 shootings. We were around in a couple of parking lots where multiple clip were emptied among the looters including one that left a 15yearold girl, guys, in critical condition. A tough night there in jeffly. Steve leland, thank you very much. Brian they need more cops it looks like anyway, hopefully, the National Guard. 23 minutes after the hour, President Trump says a joe Biden Victory will cause an economic depression, but a new report claims wall street is giddy about biden. Really . Does he have the edge on the economy all of a sudden . Robert wolf and White House Economic Recovery Task force member Stephen Moore debate next. Download the fox bet super 6 app for a free chance to win 50,000 from our friends at fox bet. Pick six possible outcomes, then watch election day coverage on tuesday to see how it it unfolds. Download the fox bet super 6 app to get started. Go ahead, im not going to ask you again. Muck un burke deepsea driving, i see. customer Something Like that. burke well, heres Something Else with your farmers policy perk, new car replacement, you can get a new one. customer that is Something Else. burke get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum steve President Trump warning voters that a biden presidency would lead to an economic disaster, predicting a depression if trump loses. This election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. Youre going to have a depression. Your 401 k s. Look how great our stock market had a little blip yesterday because nancy pelosi not approve stimulus. Steve meanwhile, a new politico report says wall street is growing giddy, in their words, about a Biden Victory. So who will the voters pick as the better caught to lead on the economy a week from yesterday . Here to discuss on the left side of the screen, former obama economic adviser and Fox News Contributor robert wolf and minute of the White House Economic Recovery Task force, steve moore, screen right. Good morning, guys. Good to see you. Steve okay. Steve moore, whats the president talking about how if joe biden is elected, theres going to be a depression . Well, first of all, the big, big news comes out exactly 24 hours from now when we get the west economic report probably in a hundred years in this country, and thats gdp in the Third Quarter which this september was up somewhere between 33 and 35 . Its ap amazing report. Every indication right now is so to about the economy. Positive about the economy. Look at manufacturing, construction, the housing market, its hotter than its been in probably 50 years. Small Business Confidence is up. Were riding on the back of secretariat, and the question is do you want to change horses, in my opinion. Look, i do think that the biden agenda is very scary for not so much investors, but for workers. You get rid of the oil and gas industry the, which is something that biden admitted he wantedded to do. If you raise those taxes by 4 trillion over a decade, i just dont see how that creating jobs. Steve robert, over to you. Well, steve didnt answer the question. The recession happened during the Trump Administration. The last recession happened during the bush administration. And if you actually look at the history, almost all the recessions take place when there is a republican president. The stock markets actually done better under both president clinton and president obama than it does under trump. With respect to the article youre talking about, ben whites political article, Financial Services are all in for biden for the most part because he has a plan. President trump doesnt have plan. The build back better plan actually does better with jobs than the trump plan. The trump plan is payroll tax cuts. Its not a plan, its a Blunt Force Instrument that doesnt help those unemployed. And i would say to steve on the gdp number, im hoping for a great number, but, steve, you know just to get call this year we need gdp to be 55 just to be equal this year. And 50 of the people that lost jobs still are out of work. So this idea that all of a sudden its the greatest and sec retear yacht, thats all b. S. , steve. Elle say that. Tell robert, let me respond to that. First of all, you know, the gdp would have been up by about 4050 if it werent for the blue states that are all shut down. By the way, steve, im in chicago right now. The mayor of chicago has just shut down the restaurants again. I mean, just at the very time the city is starting to get back on its feet. Its like a ghost town. And you see that in new york, you see it in chicago, you see whats happening, you just reported what is happening in philadelphia. I mean, robert, how can you justify these actions by these democratic governors and mayors that are shutting down their economies at a time weve got to get our economy running again . Once again, not accurate. Over 35 states, red and blue, are seeing covid cases spiking. Its amazing the white house is now a hot spot. So lets not talk about who is handling the pandemic well. Its overwhelming. People want to switch from trump to biden because he has not handled the pandemic well. This idea also that blue states the red states run literally 7 of the top 10 deficits that take federal money are run by red states. They take federal money. You know your facts are opposite on that, right . We should go back to when you were conservative and worried about deficits because you would not be able to say that about the steve steve, 15second rebuttal. Massachusetts, new york, illinois and new jersey have the highest death rates. What do they all have in common . They have democratic governors. Nine of the ten astronauts, robert, today with the highest unemployment rates are run by democrats. Is that what you want for the country . Steve robert, 15 second, final word. On tuesday were winning those states, thats why youre giving them to us already. Steve a week from today well know, guys. Look forward to it. Steve robert, steve, thank you very much. Meanwhile, a group of Energy Workers are meeting with democrats to help save their jobs. If democrats destroy the oil and gas industry i wont have a way to feed my family, pay my bills. They are concerned and so is texas congressman joe crenshaw. Says dan crenshaw. Joe biden needs to listen to them closely. Hes next. We live in uncertain times. However, there is one thing you can be certain of. The men and woman of the United States postal service. We are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. And also deliver the peace of mind knowing that whats important to youlike your ballotis on its way. Every day, all across america, we deliver for you. And we always will. We know that this whole smear on joe biden comes from the kremlin. Thats been clear for well over a year now, that theyve been pushing this false narrative about the Vice President and his son. Top secret clearance from the nsa and the doe. I served this country for four years in one of the most elite environments of the world, and to have a congressman out there speaking about russian disinformation or joe biden had a public debate referencing russian disinformation when he knows he sat face to face with me, to say that and associate that with my name is absolutely disgusting to me. Brian you could imagine how you feel if you serve in the military and youre an outstanding american, is selfmade Success Story and then being called out like that, smeared like that. Texas gop congressman dan crenshaw talked about, is here to talk about everything. First off, Tony Bobulinski, a guy who serves in the military, now labeled by congressman schiff as a russian agent. Whats your reaction to that . Well, thanks for having me on. This is pretty typical of adam schiff. He uses his position to spread if lies. Hes been doing it for a long time, were all used to it. And if i apologize to tony bob lin secure for bobulinski for having to deal with it now. Anytime theres a narrative of facts they dont like, they claim its been debunked, its russian disinformation. No questions to answer. Heres the bottom line, and we need to explain whats going on here. Theres a possibility that joe biden is actually compromised by the Chinese Communist party. Okay, heres why. We know for a fact, this is undisputed, that hunter biden has gone around the world getting sweetheart deals because of his familys name. The question is has joe biden also benefited from that. From the testimony that hes presented, from the emails hes presented from this laptop, it shows joe biden possibly did get a 10 stake in this deal. Tony bobulinski says theres no doubt in his mind that the big guy is hum. Is he the big guy . Are the emails real . Did he meet with Tony Bobulinski . These are very simple questions. And when theyre asked, they say, oh, those questions have been answered. No, they havent. Were about to potentially elect a president compromised by the Chinese Communist party because this Energy Company has direct ties to them. Steve yeah, indeed. Lets see if anybodys able to get close enough to joe biden to ask him those questions between now and tuesday. So far not so good. Dan, weve got a sound bite from the thursday debate with joe biden, and when joe biden said this, people all over the oil belt said what did he just say . Listen to the former Vice President at the debate versus donald trump. I would transition from the oil industry, yes. Oh, thats a big statement. It has to be replaced by Renewable Energy over time. Over time. And ive stopped giving to the oil id stop giving them federal subsidies. Will you remember that, texas . Well, is and now you put together an ad with oil workers. Watch this, folks. If democrats destroy the oil and gas industry i wont have a way to feed my family, paw my bills or make a living. Please, dont take my job away. Steve its pretty simple, dont take my job away. Dont transition me to unemployment. And thats exactly what a vote for democrats is. Thats what this ad is about. We have over 250,000 workers here in houston that are begging democrats, stop threatening their jobs. Theres millions throughout texas and millions more throughout the country, all right . What does this mean . What is an attack on our Energy Sector for america . Its not just the loss of millions of jobs, its higher electricity prices, its rolling blackouts. Look to california, this is what happens. And its higher global emissions because it turns out Energy Demand throughout the world will increase by 2530 over the next couple of decades, so whos going to provide that energy . Russia, saudi arabia, iran. Russian natural gas is 47 higher emissions than u. S. Natural algas. So democrats want to prevent us from exporting cleaner natural gas to the world which, by the way, is responsible to reducing emissions in the u. S. Down to 1990 levels. Youre actually going to get higher global emissions. This is how crazy their plan is, destroy american jobs, destroy the American Energy sector, destroy our American Energy independence, and its its bad for the environment. You cant vote for these people. I mean, or their plans are so awful and so bad for texas and for our economy and for the world. Ainsley yeah. You heard him say im going to get rid of this industry. People are going to be out of work. How are they going to pay their bills . What would you do without your job . Id have to move back home with my parents. It doesnt even make sense why a candidate would say that because all these people are probably not going to vote for him as a result. Nancy pelosi, first of all, not passing relief money for people out of work, and also she wants to take Court Packing a step further. Will be to this. Should we expand the court . Lets take a look and see. But not and that would make to the nine District Courts, maybe we need more District Courts as well. Ainsley dan, whats your response to that . You know, its mindblowing. I hope the American People are paying attention. Lets take a step back here. What are they really saying . Theyre saying if we get the senate, the presidency and the house, its not enough power for us. We need more power. We need more Court Packing. Thats an insane thing to say. So all those radical policies, destroying our Energy Sector, raising your taxes, opening up our borders, opening up to china more, allowing them to walk all over us, all of those radical policies, they have to implement them somehow. How do they implement them . Well, they need more power. They need to pack the courts. They need to fundamentally change the institutions of our true mic. Republic. And these people have a fundamentally different view of why a court even exists. See, conservatives understand that a court exists to interpret the law as it is written. Amy Coney Barrett had to remind all of us of that. Thats a very important and quite simple role of the judiciary. Democrats dont believe that. They believe that the judiciary is there to act as an additional legislature. To implement their outcomes that they like the most. Thats what theyre doing. Thats why they want to pack the courts. Its a very scary thing. They want to completely remodel our institutions just to implement their radical agenda. Im begging americans, you have to notice whats going on, see this for what it is. It is a power grab that is unprecedented in history, and we cant give it to them. Brian its there in the platform for the dnc, and its there when ilhan omar talks to axios. That is the policy. Thanks so much, congressman dan crenshaw, best of luck in your race too. Good to be with you guys. Brian janice deans got the weather. Hi. I know theres a lot of break news, but this is really important. We have, we think, a category two storm, a very strong storm moving into the eastern half of louisiana, into mississippi that could bring lifethreatening storm surge. So this is a stronger storm than we originally anticipated. Its going to make landfall this often into this evening and, unfortunately, the storm is strengthening as it moves inland. We could see storm surge on order of 9 feet over these vulnerable coastlines including the new orleans area which is under a hurricane warning. Very damaging winds as well that are certainly going to bring power lines down, and were going to have a big problem on our hands as we get into the afternoon and this evening. Expecting a landfall, we think, along the southeastern coast of louisiana, but the core of the strongest winds also going to affect mississippi. And this is a vulnerable coastline where some of it is below sea level. So this is very concerning because the storm is strengthening. Its a lot stronger than we had anticipated, and the national Hurricane Center is saying this is a lifethreatening event are. Please listen to all your local authorities and make your final preparations. This is a big deal, guys, you know . New orleans is has escaped the wrath of these storms so far. This one is different. Back to you. Steve especially with all that flood potential behind you. Its just going to keep going and going and going. J. D. , thank you very much. Meanwhile, President Trump is making a pitch to one key demographic. Suburban women, you should love me for what im doing because im saving the suburbs. [cheers and applause] steve well, up next a suburban mom whos supporting the president. But first, lets check in with sandra smith. Sandra weve got rachel camposduffy coming up on that same story as well. Good morning, everyone. Six days to go until election day, 70 million votes cast as polls lean towards biden. Karl rove will join us, three key battleground statements. Plus a live update from philadelphia as the city sees another night of violence, more than 1,000 looters ransack businesses there. And we are watching for a tech hearing on capitol hill. Facebook, twitter, google, Mark Zuckerberg will be joining live in the front of a Senate Committee this morning. Were going to be watching for news from that. Join trace and i as we take you through the next three hours, live from americas newsroom six days out. See you in a moment. Expecto patronum and action. 16 people died did he catch our bad guy . Were know as the charmed ones. You got one day to show me what you got. I want to fight. You need us harry. What a goal bockey ball, hockey ball, you name it ball. Im gonna be ready. Just say show me peacock into your xfinity voice remote or download the app today. So the suburban woman wants law and order, they want safety, and they dont want a regulation thats going destroy the suburbs. And then i listen to these people talking about how is so four years ago they talked about the same thing. They said women will not be voting for donald trump. And then after about four hours and they declared total victory for trump. Ainsley President Trump making a pitch to suburban women with less than a week to go before the election. One suburban mom is explaining whew e shes voting for trump in a new oped that she writes. Quote in 2016 i took a chance and cautiously vote for donald trump based on the promises he made. This year im proudly voting for him based on the leadership hes shown over the last three and a half years. Lauren joins us now, or shes a mother of two. Hey, lauren. Hi, ainsley. Thanks for having me on. Ainsley were so glad that youre here. Why, first of all, are you so happy with what hes done for your family . Well, hes done, you know, hes kept every promise that he has made over the last four years. Hes done more in 47 months than joe biden has done in 47 years, and i think its just so important that we look in this election cycle, we dont look at it as personality, we start to look at it as policy. Its is so easy to get caught up in twitter feeds, but its really about the policies that these two candidates are proposing. Thats what we really need to focus on this election cycle. Ainsley what is it that the suburban mom wants in a candidate . First and foremost, the safety of our families. Joejoe biden cant even i say te words law and order. It took him months to kind of, sort of condemn whats going on in this country. And now were being told that this is mostly peaceful protests. Donald trump has gotten the support of countless Police Organizations and unions that have reluctantly come out to even support anybody in past elections, and if they did, it was always the democrats because they know that this president has their back. Iowans indiana uhhuh. And thats the kind of thing that we need the hook at. Ainsley lauren, i know youre a freelance journalist as well. Around our sickles and our profession, here in new york city i know you live in fairfax, in d. C. If you talk to a woman there, theyre going to say vote for kamala because shes a female and what an example to tell our little girls. But you write you say you have two young daughters. You said a vote for trump a vote for your girls. Why do you feel that way . Well, you know, its interesting that they say that about kamala, but they werent saying that about Amy Coney Barrett. I watched with my daughters, i watched the hearing, and heres a woman, she was first in her class at notre dame law school, shes a very accomplished law professor, shes very well respected, she has is a mom of seven kids, two of which she adopted from haiti. And we sat here, and i had to listen to a democrat senator, patrick leahy, whos been in the senate for 45 years, tell my daughters that she was going to set women back decades. I would like to know, this is joe bidens america, ladies and gentlemen. Ing why is there a place at the table for Ruth Bader Ginsburg,ing or but this is not a place for Amy Coney Barrett . Ainsley what about the secret trump voter . Are there some secret moms or a lot of secret mom voters out in the suburbs . Oh, sure they are. We live in fairfax county, its a very little area, but there are a lot of people over here that dont want to tell you who they vote for, they dont want the talk about it because people over here, they are very liberal. A. Ainsley yeah. People in new york, im sure you get this, will come up to me and say we watch fox, and im secretly voting for him, but i dont want my friends to know that, i hear that a lot. Absolutely. We hear that a lot around here. Ainsley thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, ainsley. Ainsley more fox friends just moments away. Finish there is a code under brian, open your smartphone, scan that and it will help you download the fox news app right there. Its the best app. I use it every day. You can watch fox coverage live. Great election stuff. Bye. Sandra a second night of violence erupts in philadelphia over the Fatal Police Shooting of Walter Wallace junior. Officers confronting hundreds of protestors some throwing bricks and rocks at police injuring at least one. 1,000 looters ransacked businesses overnight. Some were caught on camera hauling away appliances including as seen there a washing machine out of the stores. This just hours after wallaces family begged for the violence to stop. A full report is coming up. President trump this

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