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Our military is the best its ever been. Its 2. 5 trillion worth of new beautiful jets and equipment. Millions of people are looking systemic solution we have to make sure this radical left doesnt happen. We just need leadership. Thats joe. This elections sit most important election in the history of our country. You know were going to cowboy, detroit steve live from new york city, you are looking at the new york harbor and that is the statue of liberty, lady liberty or as joe biden said last night lady, lady, lady on night two of the dnc. Welcome to fox friends for this wednesday morning. It is august 19th, and it is great to have you. As you can see we are all scattered out here on the mezzanine level, good morning to you ainsley and brian. Ainsley good morning to you, steve. Yes, two down and two more to go. Tonight you will hear from pelosi and hear from Hillary Rodham clinton. You will hear from obama and Kamala Harris. Brian. Brian yeah. Bill clinton spoke last night despite the fact that pictures are emerging from Jeffrey Epsteins plane unbelievably awkward if you ask me. Its now official joe biden is now the democratic nominee for president. Biden accepting the nomination in a classroom after roll call on the second night of the dnc. Steve which was actually quite cool. Jill biden struck a different tone during her address for obvious reasons. Ainsley thats where she taught in that very classroom. Griff jenkins is live in wilmington, delaware. Slams biden during his trip to the border. Griff . Good morning, ainsley, brian, and steve. Steve, you are right that virtual call was pretty cool it ranged from a beach to the American Samoa to a plate of calamari in rhode island. It surprised for more than 30 years. Now his wife congratulating him and speaking from a high school here last night making the case for her husband. Watch. I know that if we entrust this nation to joe, he will do for your family what he did for ours, bring us together and make us whole. Absent from her remarks though were the attacks on President Trump. That job last night fell to former president bill clinton who did so from chappaqua. At a time like this the oval office should be a command center. Instead its a storm center. There is only chaos. This one thing never changes, his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The Buck Never Stops there. Many wondered of what alexandria ocasiocortez would do with her limited time slot and we should note that cortez was not born yet in 1988 when joe biden ran for president the first time. She didnt even mention bidens name in her remarks. Rather, she nominated Bernie Sanders. Instead meanwhile President Trump hit the campaign trail from Battle Ground state of arizona blasting his opponent on immigration. Watch. Bidens plan is the most radical, extreme, reckless, dangerous and deadly immigration plan ever put forward by a major Party Candidate. It must be defeated and it will be defeated on november 3rd. It will be defeated. [cheers] so here we go for night three of the dnc. A lot of democrat star power let us show you former president barack obama. The Vice President nominee Kamala Harris. Speaker nancy pelosi, former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and senator Elizabeth Warren just to name a few. We shall see what we get. Brian, ainsley, steve . Brian all right. Thanks so much, griff. One of the biggest stories has to be aoc coming out and endorsing Bernie Sanders in a minute where she looked like a moss damage video. Looks like there is an agenda trying to get out with Bernie Sanders leading off day one and aoc with her hell to one minute speech endorsing Bernard Sanders right after. The theory is and hard to push it down, once joe biden is elected this party is going flying left. And when things like that happen and you see someone like aoc with the social media rock star she is basically saying everything bad about the country, where she wants to take it and what Bernie Sanders could do for it, bad combination. Meanwhile john kerry, former secretary of state, you know what he has been doing, rumored to be doing, Walking Around europe and the middle east saying dont worry, iran. Dont worry, europe, we will have donald trump out soon and well go back to business as usual. He pointed out his success as secretary of state and as if its the good old days. Lets listen to his view. For the eight years of the obamabiden administration, we led by example. We eliminated the threat of iran with a nuclear weapon. We built a 68nation coalition to destroy isis. We forged 195 nation agreement to attack Climate Change. We stopped ebola before it became pandemic. Donald trump inherited a growing economy and a more Peaceful World and like Everything Else he inherited he bankrupted it. When this president goes overseas, it isnt a Goodwill Mission its a blooper reel. Brian in his view no doubt about it when it comes to the iran deal 10 years get a nuclear weapon. United sunni world against it. Allow israel to reaffirm thinks place with israel has never been stronger in the middle east. The ebola virus and the pandemic given to us by china one thing has nothing to do with the other and it comes to the president s Foreign Policy. Nato has more money and more troops in eastern europe. Also, he has been the toughest on china to date. And its hard to really imagine things going better with mexico and central and south america than it is right now. Steve well,when you look at the fact that it is a virtual pandemic convention. Its a convention without convention you wondered how it was received by the United States of america. We did get the ratings for day one the ratings fell off the cliff. Broadcast networks down 42 . Keep in mind it was broadcast on 10 different tv networks and only 18. 7 percent rather, 18. 7 Million People watched. That would be about 5 of the country. The big question is how many people will be watching tonight. I know somebody who was watching last night is the fox news analyst and host of one nation on fox nation lawrence jones. Lawrence, good morning to you. Good morning, family, how are you all do you go . Steve we are doing okay. Last night on night two no real theme other than Donald Trumps a bad guy. Joe biden is great. But it was long on pain and short on hope. And if you are asking somebody to vote for somebody, you better have a hopeful vision for america. Where is it . Yeah. Good question. I mean, first to start off buy found it to be incredibly boring. You know, i understand we are in a different time frame. I hope the republicans are taking notes. I dont know if i could take another week of Something Like this even as a political junky. I dont know how the rest of the country could even take it. But, to your point, i think the democrats are in a pickle because they are having a problem finding what their why is. Why are you guys doing this . When president obama ran, it was hope and change. When donald trump ran, it was to drain the swamp. It seems to me that the message from the democrats is lets return to the old days. And i find that to be very problematic, to bring Collin Powell on the stage. To say bring bill clinton and john kerry. Do americans want the same foreclosure policy . Do they want the same Economic Policy . I think its going to be very problematic to get those voters that says byebye to the democrats to go back to the other side with the message that is nothing different, really. Ainsley you know, so, when i was watching last night, jill biden she pulls at your heart strings talking about the death of her son and the all they went through being a widower prior to meeting her and how they met sweet story. When you look at their policies. When you hear one person saying we are pushing progressive stories and another one saying no, we are moderate. Where does the Democratic Party stand. Im going to show to you with soundbites. One is President Trump at the border in uma, arizona last night talking about how bernie is the boss of biden and then we plotted that together with what bernie is saying about, hey, just get us in. Get us in washington. Well be inside that trojan horse and the progressives will jump out. Watch these two contrasting interviews. Joe biden is the puppet of the radical Leftwing Movement that i guess his new boss is Bernie Sanders. Cacan you believe this . Our job is the day after biden is elected is to mobilize our people in the fight for progressive agenda. If we can elect biden, if we can turn the u. S. Senate democrat, if we can retain democratic control in the house, there is a path open for us to really bring about transformative change in this country. So my question for you is who is joe biden . Is he progressive or is he being run by these is he progressive or moderate like he always had been but does he have to change to fit the narrative of the progressives . Well, he is what the base decides he has to be. What do you know by that . For two years i spent on College Campus warning america that these young people want generational change. They want transformational change. They want what they want. Okay . And then for the next year i spent traveling around the country talking to these progressive voters what they want. They want transformative change. And bernie is the grandfather of this movement while people are laughing at bernie and aoc, they were bringing new people into the fold. They just won two congressional seats taking people who have been into office over 20 years. So now you have a nominee that doesnt really have the support of the base. So what bernie is saying is lets get this guy in and then we will work behind the scenes to make sure he is the most progressive president. The problem is this a lot of the people dont agreei even though bernie is the leader of this, grandfather of this movement, they really arent buying. This they said look we have held our nose to vote for these guys for a long time. We dont feel like they are going to do what they say they are going to do. This is going to come down to can bernie, can aoc get on the ground, which is kind of hard in the middle of a pandemic and convince their supporters that they can really be the puppet masters . Brian lawrence, its fascinating balls if they dont use their power now they might not have it or they already consolidated and they are ready to throw it on the world. Something about the internal polls reveal that the American People dont want the bernie and aoc agenda on a mask level. Thats why joe biden was catapulted up to be the nominee having done terribly in the debate and terribly in the previous primaries leading up to South Carolina. Thats why she is given such a limited role and thats why Bernie Sanders says vote for him now but things are going to change day one after he is elected. Why are they so embarrassed by the left wing agenda that seems to be fueling interest in their party . They gave her one minute. I think its pretty hard to convince these progressive voters when you put all of these establishment figures on the stage last night. Not on just establishment, you know, democrats but republicans as well. I mean, no disrespect to the late john mccain. Brian Collin Powell. If you want to convince progressive voters that this is going to be some new policy dont show a video of john mccain. Dont put john kerry on the stage. Dont put Collin Powell. Brian bill clinton. All Great American heroes. Again, are you really trying to go back to the old days . That doesnt sound quite progressive. They will find this very problematic. I felt like they disrespected aoc. Brian no question. Even though they dont like her, she has the base of support. Brian not enough spackle in the world to go over that division no doubt about it. Lawrence, thanks so much. No problem. Brian meanwhile, we have a fox news alert now. A manhunt underway in portland for the person caught on camera brutally attacking a truck driver. Overnight police declaring a riot after several fires were set downtown including inside a government building. Todd piro joins us live as the citys mayor finally condemns the violence. Todd . Todd steve, anxiously and brian, good morning. The search is on for the man who viciously attack ad truck driver in downtown portland. Police have made several attempts to contact march keefe love with no success. Urging love to turn himself. In they believe he is the man seen here kicking the driver in the head knocking him unconscious. Witnesses tell fox news they believe the driver was attempting to help a transgender woman when the crowd turned on him. Portland police now begging for other witnesses to come forward. Meantime, senator Lindsey Graham pushing for a federal investigation tweeting the following, quote i would urge the department of justice to actively pursue prosecution of the perpetrators of this who are risk attack. The assault comes after more than 80 days of unrest in portland. Mayor ted wheeler responding to the chaos saying, quote i denounce all violence including the assaults that were filmed and posted to social media. Family members have set up a go fund me for the truck driver attack in that viral video. They have raised more than 95,000 so far. Brian, back to you. Brian all right. Thanks. Meanwhile next guest weighing in on the violence in a new oped. Law and order at the center of this election. What are democrats plans . Here is former acting ice director tom homan. Are you surprised they didnt even address this . No. You look at the democratic ticket of harris and biden, they are not even talking about it. They havent offered up any solutions they are putting on the table to discuss. This is a huge issue in this country. Cities in america are burning. Police officers are being assaulted. Buildings being burned. Saw the video of the man being beaten. They are not talking about it. They dont want to push the left. The left that has planned this anarchy across the country tribune, they want their votes. They are putting their election hopes ahead of the safety and security of america. I find that disgusting. Brian no question they want to talk about Racial Equity in this country but its being overwhelmed by this antifa presence. Lets look at this marquise love. He is the guy they are hunting for right now. His nickname is keith love. He actually worked for a Security Firm and he was seen that body armor that he might have had from that Security Firm. He is out there knocking people out when theyre not looking with 8 or 9 people gathered around him. What is that type of behavior tell you about whats been going on for the last three months in portland . Again, i put it right at the feet of the democratic leadership. Nancy pelosi doesnt talk about it. Chuck schumer doesnt talk about it. I truly believe they want chaos in this country come november whether its violence in the cities or slowly opening cities or not reopening the cities out of covid. They want chaos in the cities because they think it helps their election. They pivot to Defund Police reimagine police the very person supposed to protects that man defund them and reimagine them. Its upside down whats going on in this country. Democratic leadership is ignoring it. Brian it is. Lets just finish this up. Our detectives continue to investigate this assault as well as other acts of violence directed towards protesters. We need more than just video from social media in order to hold people responsible. We need people to provide information. Issue plots and fingting people. What else do you need besides video peoples faces . We have other jobs. These cops have been defamed. Demoralized. Many are retiring. They came a half hour later after one person called in when this guy was flat out unconscious when they got to him on the street. Do you know the mindset of the Portland Police . Look, i started my Law Enforcement career as a cop. We can fix this easy, brian. Let the cops let the police do their job. Let them do the job they are trained for. They joined the police force because they want to serve the community. Let them do it. Dont we fund them or reimagine them. Dont take their equipment away. Dont vilify them. Let them do their job. They are the finest 1 this country has. Let them be coming and protect our communities. Thats why they are there this is an easy fix. A democratic leadership and people like the portland mayor, you know, too little, too late, now you Say Something after you have a videotape of a man being beaten. Totoo little, too late. Brian governor is upset but is he powerless. At Chicago Police retiring at double the rate. 335 have retired since the end of july can you blame them. 475 retired last year. 339 the year before. Because they have been vilified while murders, homicides are raging. Its hard to believe this is happening in america. But where is the Republican Party where are they saying we have a urban plan for america . They dont even run for office. The American People need to understand, this brian. Every dollar you take away from Law Enforcement means less enforcement. Whether its less patrols on the street, less cars, less overtime. Less money for undercover operations. I ran a budget of 8 billion. Every dollar counts. When you take a dollar away from the Police Department that equals less enforcement on the street. Equals less protection on the street. I said this many times people like de blasio who wants to defund protective detail first. Detail the 22 men that protect you 24 7. If you want to take safety and security away from the communities. Take your safety and community away first. Show us what a great leader you are. Brian another good start his wife has a 2milliondollar budget for 14personal staff. A speech writer makes 170,000. A chief of staff that makes 150,000 while you hop on behind your microphone and say have to cut 22,000 jobs including a billion out of the police force. Meanwhile i do want to talk about immigration where the president was yesterday. 300 miles of wall. He haS Immigration plan. He has cooperation from central america. He has great cooperation with new mexico. Here is the president. The biden plan would unleash a flood of illegal immigration like the world has never seen. Its crazy. Bidens plan is the most radical, extreme reckless, dangerous and deadly immigration plan ever put forward by a major Party Candidate. Brian tom, characterize three and a half years of the president S Immigration plan. President trump should take a victory lap. Immigration is down 60 to 85 from the high last year. No other president has been able to achieve that especially when congress and the courts are fighting him every stecht way. I wrote an oped on this. If joe biden was to become our president. All that success on the border goes away on day one because he wants open borders. He wants free healthcare. He wants to get rid of ice. And he wants to decriminalize illegal entry. He already said he is going to stop all deportions on day one. He said to the rest of the world its okay to come here illegally and violate our laws. Brian kids in cages obama is the one that set that up. Tom homan works for democrats and republicans. He just wants to see security. Thanks, tom. Brian conner lamb featured as one. Countrys rising stars. While working families are struggling he is looking out for the people already doing just fine the wealthy, the big corporation. Brian sean parnell next. His opponent. They get that no two people are alike and customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Almost done. What do you think . I dont see it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Jillian good morning, we are back with a fox news alert. A state of emergency declared in california as wildfires erupt across the state overnight. More than 30 different fires are burning right now fueled by high heat and winds. A rapidly growing fire forcing evacuations in napa and i sonoma counties. Firefighters working throughout the night to help people get out. At least two First Responders have been hurt battling the flames. And overnight the Trump Campaign suing new jersey over the states plan to mail ballots to every voter. The campaign accuses Governor Phil Murphy of violating residents voting right to open to fraud in the november election. This as the postmaster general lois dejoyce suspends changes to the Postal Service after outcry from democrats. The House Speaker nancy pelosi says the decision doesnt reverse damage already done. Ainsley . All right. Thank you so much, jillian. Night two of the Democratic National connection highlighting the partys rising stars in a 17american key noted address. While working families are struggling, he is looking out for the people who are already doing just fine, the wealthy. The big corporations. The donors who his campaign. He is looking out for himself. If there is one person who is looking out for us. All of us. Thats joe biden. Our next guest is a retired u. S. Army infantry captain running for congress in pennsylvania his opponent congressman conor lamb. He was amongst those featured last night as the next generation of Democratic Party leaders that you saw in that montage he joins us now. Good morning, sean. Good morning, ainsley, thanks for having me. Ainsley you are welcome. Combat veteran. You for our country. You saw last night conor lamb running for the same seat in district 17 in pennsylvania. What was your response to what he said last night . Well, i got to tell you nothing says rising star independent moderate voice for western pennsylvania quite like reading prescripted soundbites and opening up for Stacey Abrams whose primary claim to fame is losing an election in grand fashion and refusing to accept the result and conors lamb saying the president not helping the working class. 8 years under barack obama and joe biden the state lost 151,000 jobs the lion share of which in the manufacturing sector. Under just three years of President Trump we brought those jobs back plus 14,300. The proof is in the numbers. Conor lamb is not right for western perry. And he is in lock step with the most radical members of his party. Ainsley interesting because conor lamb last night talked about the economy and disagrees with what you just said. Listen to. This when our economy was on the brink, joe led the recovery effort that created millions of jobs. Including here in western pennsylvania. Under his leadership america bounced back with the longest economic expansion in history. Ainsley whats your response to that . I will tell you talk to Business Leaders all across western pennsylvania. Democrats and republicans. They say under three years of President Trump the Economic Growth that they have experienced has been unprecedented. And theyre just starting to emerge from just being saddled with 8 years of regulatory nonsense from the barack obama and joe biden presidency. They are just starting to be prosperous again. All of that is a tribute to President Trump. Bottom line is. This President Trump, he is charting a path forward for this country. And businesses all across western pennsylvania, they know that they know and they recognize it. This isnt politics as usual for them. Ainsley so, sean, we recently got the list of those folks speaking at the rnc, nic sandmann, patricia and Mark Mccloskey the couple defending their house with the Fire Departments. Nikki haley, mump and mike pence and obviously mr. Trump and on the list is your name. Ainsley, listen, 10 years ago i left the military broke and broken didnt know what i was going to do with my life. And now i am speaking at the Republican National convention. Dont believe anyone when they dont when they tell that you this nation is not exceptional. This is the most amazing country on the face of the planet. What were going to talk about next week is the Great American story. And we are going to send a message to all americans that it is okay to love this country. Its okay to be patriotic. And its okay to believe that america is the greatest nation on the face of the planet and you are going to see that theme played out in every single speaker next week. Ainsley sean, real quickly, tell us your story. I was at the hunt of the bin laden. Find the guy in 2006. We didnt find him but we found a lot of the bad guys. Took a 85 casualty rate. Some of my men were wounded twice. Six of my men were shot in the head. We all survived. I was wounded myself and medically retired before my time december 19th, 2010. I left the military and came back to grad school and try to make a name for myself and now running for conscious. America is the best country in the world. Ainsley you are an author and a dad. We look forward to see you on stage next week. Thank you. Ainsley we did invite his opponent conor lamb for an interview but he has not yet responded. Two nights of the Democratic Party convention is in the books. Next guess says a theme is start emerge here but one the democrats should be worried jump go ahead and jump when we started carvana, they told us that selling cars 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. 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And theyre actually pulling out the minerals from the enamel. I like to recommend pronamel to my patients. Pronamel will help push the minerals back into the enamel, to keep the enamel strong. I know it works. And i hear nothing but great things from my patients that have switched to it. Faced with a president of cowardice, joe biden i is a manf proven courage. Donald trump has divided our country, diminished our greatness. We need a president with dignity, integrity. A man with a mission to take responsibility, not shift the blame. Concentrate, not distract. Unite, not divide. And joe will restore honesty, decency and trust to the white house. Of you who he restored decency to our government. He is a decent, compassionate man. Wow, several democratic heavy hitters using the second night of the dnc to attack President Trump while praising joe biden and the next guest says this seems to be the emerging theme. Steve so will this theme work with the voters . Joining us now media reporter for the hill joe con challenge. Joe, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve joe, before we answer that question, im looking at the internet. They are split. Did joe biden, when he was live, after he was nominated, did he say im joe bidens husband or im jill bidens husband because the internet is split. After watching that about 47 times im split. I think 24 i had joe and 23 i had jill. These are the sort of things that end up going viral and end up taking the headlines and isnt being what we should be talking about. Far more important things going on in the country right now. As far as that emerging theme that you mentioned, right . Im seeing two. Prominent democrat here if im looking at headlines rips trump, slams trump, roasts trump. Okay. I think we have seen this movie for the last three and a half years whether it be the Political Press or whether it be democrats to the point where its predictable and has extra mold on it. And the theme should be very discerning for democrats because they dont have an optimistic message. I dont hear anything outside of okay, joe biden is decent and normal and he is a good man and that isnt exactly going to cut it in terms of putting together a bumper sticker. Its bumpy on a bumper sticker. If this convention is supposed to appeal to the woke mob or average cnn viewer great. The way you win elections six states, florida, North Carolina, ohio, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan. You have to appeal to independent voters to undecided voters and right now we dont hear a message from the Democratic Party on how they will make the American Peoples lives better and if you look at viewership, guys, its down 50 on the broadcast networks its 50678930 overall when you work in cable and actually even less than half than the president got when he gave his state of the union dreals back in january prepandemic. No one is tuning in because its boring and predictable, guys. Ainsley all right. So it was obviously recently announced that joe biden picked Kamala Harris for his Vice President and, of course, you know how to works all journalists are calling and trying to give interviews. They will give their first interview to People Magazine as a joint interview. Joe biden, this is hei their headline why do yo. Why do you think out of all the news outlets they chose People Magazine. Ainsley, its amazing. We kept hearing how joe biden is going to be a leader that stands up for the American People. He cant even stand up to tough questions or screw the think. Nor can Kamala Harris. They should be taking Chris Wallaces call. He says he calls every week to do the Biden Campaign for interviews and they keep saying he has other things to do or maybe sit down with Jonathan Swan my old colleague over at the mill who is currently at ax yols or bob cusack the editor and chief of the hill or maybe 60 minutes as every other campaign has done after they announced their ticket. They are not doing it because they cant defend their agenda. And Kamala Harris, if you wanted to bring her up as an example, she says that she believed joe bidens accusers yet she goes to work for the guy even though she believes the women that are accusing him of shower. Or i dont hear anybody from the Democratic Party saying boy, we had bill clinton speak last night he is not only accused of shower. But rape. The me too movement guys appears to at leastth people in the media who scream about it they are taking the week off because no one is bringing up those questions and the bottom line is if you want to sit in the oval office or you want to sit on air force 2, you better take questions from the press or else you dont deserve to be in that office if you cant defend your agenda around the green new deal, taxes or horrible portland, seattle, new york, atlanta or minneapolis. They wont condemn it. That comes from Kamala Harris or doesnt come from Kamala Harris who is only a former attorney general of the largest state in the country. Brian joe, i think they think they won already. As al davis said just win, baby. This is what it takes to win thats not doing anything will be key. One thing even the New York Times picked up. The agenda as its written, a platform as it reads is more liberal than barack obama in 2008. His former running mate. So they are saying they are liberal, but they are revealing they might be more liberal than you can even expect. So that, to me, is scary. They might be covering up their actual agenda which is scary to begin with. And we know, this brian, because alexandria ocasiocortez, who has more twitter followers than anybody in the Democratic Party, she is the rising star. They give her i have been on the air with you right now three times as long than alexandria ocasiocortez got last night to address people there and then aoc on top of that during her 60second speech doesnt bring up two words very key. Its a name. Joe biden. Didnt even mention him once. How do you have a alexandria ocasiocortez convention and not bring up the nominee. To your point they think they have it won they might want to look at cnn poll showing that joe biden and donald trump are separated by four points. More key points to original point around battleground States Joe Biden only leads donald trump in 1 point 15 Battle Ground states after a pandemic and everything we have seen in american cities, what happened to the economy only up by 1 pointed . Get optimistic message and what you are going to do for the country. Donald trump is bad and im a good guy. That aint cutting it. Hillary clinton tried that and it didnt work in 2016. Steve we where out of joe concha time its always hardest to go first when you try to invent something. Democrats went first with their convention this week. As republicans roll out their convention on monday night, aside from that roll call with 57 little videos are there any parts that the think the republicans should use from the dnc or do you think the rnc should just completely go because you are a media critic in a completely different direction . Completely different direction. Optics are so key. The president addressed a graduation at west point it was outdoors. You can socially distance outdoors. This is indoor contagion. Doing this at the white house. Open up the south lawn and put people out there socially distanced Wearing Masks but at least have a crowd. Have something where you can respond to the president because without alaws lines everything is falling flat here and thats why see are seeing viewership so down. The message is inconsistent or at least not even there or the fact that it just feels so stale because when you have that big applause line you dont hear a thing that would be key for the president and the Republican Party to do at this point. Have it outside if you can with the weather and get a crowd of some kind in to it to respond to all the things that they say they want to do for the country. Ainsley all right, joe, you take yourself off the air. Why dont you try it . Oh, yes, thats true, thank you, ainsley. I have a tee time at 7 45. I shot 66 on sunday. Brian that is not true. Capitalize on that. Brian that is not true. Okay, tiger. Front nine, guys. Ainsley exactly. [sighs] ainsley thank you so much. Hand it over to jillian. Jillian just nine holes can i beat him. Lets start off with this. A Seattle Police officer is speaking out after getting hit in the face by an explosive during a weekend riot. Watch this. The only thing i could see was a bright flash and then a loud bang and what felt like a hammer hitting me in the face. And my first initial thought is like im going to lose my left eye. Its really hard. Officer adam one of the more than a dozen rioters were arrested. Good year is responding to back lacial over a zero tolerance policy. An employee is calling discriminatory. A slide reportedly presented during diversity training black lives matter and lgbtq pride acceptable while labeling Blue Lives Matter, all lives matter. Imagine da attire or politically affiliated slogans unacceptable. The tire company says they asked their employees to refrain from quote workplace expressions political campaigning or any candidate or Political Party that fall outside the scope of equity issues. Now to this. A new york man charged with vandalizing american flags and a 9 11 memorial is already out of jail because of the states bail reform law. Andre was allegedly caught on video cutting down three flag poles dishonoring a memorial back in july. Political science traveled to Washington State but arrested when he came back to morning on friday. A motive is not clear. A look at your headlines. Send it back to you. Brian coming up straight ahead, former Deputy Attorney general sally yates slamming President Trump in her convention speech. He has trampled the rule of law, trying to weaponize our Justice Department to attack his enemies and protect his friends. Brian a little bit of a surprise. Former doj official ian prior says yates is the deep state personified. He explains next. Big night, big night book two separate qualifying stays and earn a free night. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. From the moment President Trump has took office, he has used his position to benefit himself rather than our country. He has trampled the rule of law, trying to weaponize our Justice Departmenttoa tack his enemies and protect his friends. Steve that is former Deputy Attorney general sally yates among several speakers to blast President Trump on night two of the dnc. With reaction this morning, we have former Deputy Public Affairs director for the justifiable department ian prior, ian, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve of course, sally yates famously fired by donald trump after 10 days because she refused to enforce his travel ban but you say its nice of the dnc to have a deep state personified speak at the dnc. You are talking about her. Yeah, absolutely. First action of sally yates most of them are familiar with where she refused to do her job as acting attorney general and defend the president s travel ban which was later upheld as constitutional by the United States supreme court. Meanwhile she is out there talking about the president weaponizing the department of justice to investigate and prosecute his enemy . What planet is she living on . She was part of the Obama Biden Administration that essentially trumped up an investigation into the Trump Campaign, cooked the books, got flynn investigated. They used the department of justice as a develop to go after the Trump Campaign. Not the other way around. Steve right. We did hear from her in the last couple of months that apparently at that Oval Office Meeting with joe biden and the president , sally yates was there and she was going to tell the president barack obama about the fact that apparently during the transition there were some phone calls between Michael Flynn neld a the russians. And obama turns to her around sells by the way did you hear the russians and flynn have been talking on the phone and she is like wait a minute. She connects a lot of dots here. Yeah. One of the dot she failed is the fact that peter strzok said it was joe biden brought off the logan act. If you remember couple weeks ago sally yates testimony it wasnt peter strzok or joe biden it was james comey. Everybodys famous whipping boy. You are looking possibly at the next attorney general of the United States as someone who is going along with the typical democrat talking point and, you know, hoping that people forget what she did during her tenure as acting attorney general. Have you written a oped for the washington times. The headline is Biden Harris Administration would turn the department of justice newt department of social justifiable. What do you mean . Well, look, when we came in to the department of justice in february, march, 2017, there was a lot of unraveling to do on the Obama Department of justice. You are going to see a lot of that come back in full force if biden wins. I would say even more. So remember, during the Obama Administration, sure you have black lives matter, you had all these radical groupings that were pressuring the justifiable department, but you didnt quite have it the level it is now where you throw in four years of the left going crazy over trump. You are going to see a lot of policies that are going to handcuff the police that potentially are going to send taxpayer money to liberal activist groups as a result of third party settlement. And, you know, going soft on [inaudible] going hard on Police Department. If that happens you will see a big uptick in crime in a Biden Harris Administration. Steve so they were going along with the Obama Biden Administration doing just that and then came donald trump and while Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself, sessions and bill barr have been trying to undo a lot of what they did. Right . Yeah. Thats absolutely correct. Look, [inaudible] first and foremost position i bring up in the oped what you would have is the civil rights civil rights under sue Police Departments force them to enter into onerous consent decrees tie the hands of the department. Not committed a criminal crime civil rights in the department of justice under obama with pressure from outside leftist groups that are going after Police Departments. What do you think is going to happen now if joe biden wins the election . He is going to roll over these folks. You have the solid out there slg policies dismantle the department of justice and turn it into the department of social justice. Steve would the past be prologue . Ian prior used to be spokes fern for the department of justice thank you very much. Thank you. Steve you bet. Coming up on this wednesday tammy bruce and white house chief of staff mark meadows. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. 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Phhhhew. Glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. Im making pizza on kings hawaiian mini subs. Yum kings hawaiian. Cast 32 votes for our next president joe biden. [cheers] thank you all. It means the world it me and my family. Joe biden will be champion for an economy we build back better than before. They want to double and triple your taxes. Who has a 401 k , s p just broke an alltime record. We will reform our immigration system. The biden plan would enleash a flood of illegal immigration like the world has never seen. With the covid19 outbreak on the path of killing 200,000 people how did donald trump respond . I swiftly implemented a travel ban on china. Biden opposed the ban. If we had listened to sleepy joe biden, hundreds of thousands of additional american lives would have been lost. America deserves a president who is looked up to, not laughed at. But if biden wins, china they will own our country. Burdens we carry are heavy. And we need someone with strong shoulders, thats joey. This election we are going into is the most important election in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] im a soul man im a soul man ainsley you look at that image, gosh, you are reminded so much our country has been through. The Freedom Tower where after 9 11 the World Trade Center fell and that was built it. Reminds us this is an election year. You are free to vote for whatever candidate you prefer. Last night, night two of the dnc. We have tonight and we have thursday night as well, yes, tonight and thursday and then biden will actually speak to the world. Steve and then the republicans take over. Brian right. We will see if the ratings are any better get an indication of who is not and who is not. I believe that was blues brother jim aykroyd and john belushi, am i correct . Steve i think so or sound alike crew. Brian right. They were very good. Steve thank you for joining us. Many choices in the morning what you can watch. Thank you for making us your number one morning news show meanwhile on this day three of the dnc. Lets review day two joe biden now the official nominee for president. He accepted the nomination after a sitter actual crosscountry roll call with 57 little videos from all across the country. Ainsley yes and then former second Lady Jill Biden striking a different tone during her address. Thats the very classroom which she taught. He did that standup like hosting a magazine show and joe biden came out at the end to say how proud is he of her and see you soon. See you now. President trump slams joe biden during his trip to the border yesterday. Good morning, brian, ainsley, and steve. Yeah, after 32 years, joe biden finally has the official nomination in a party whose politics have drastically changed since he first ran in 1988. And n. That nationwide roll call spaing from Edmund Pettus bridge in selma speech came from jill biden in the classroom where she taught english in the early 1990s. Here is what she had to say as she made the case for her husband. We just need leadership worthy of our nation, worthy of you, leadership, to reimagine what our nation will be. Thats joe. And kamala will work as hard as you do every day to make this nation better. Dr. Biden did not directly attack President Trump. She left that job up to former president bill clinton and former secretary of state john kerry who lent in to President Trumps Foreign Policy. When this president depose overseas its not a Goodwill Mission its a blooper reel. He breaks up allies and loves letters to dictators. America needs a president that is looked up to, not laughed at. Now the snub of the night came from representative alexandria ocasiocortez who made no mention of bidens name in her short remarks choosing instead to nominate Bernie Sanders and exto the virtues of the progressive left. President trump hitting the campaign trail accepting the National Border patrol councils endorsement in arizona and slamming his opponentS Immigration plan. The bidenharris plan is a stepbystep recipe for abolishing americas borders. Joe biden is the puppet of the radical Left Wing Movement that seeks the complete elimination of americas borders and boundaries. So get ready for night three. Tonights theme of the dnc is a more perfect union. A lot of democrat star power. Former president barack obama along with the Vice President ial nominee Kamala Harris and you have got speaker of the house nancy pelosi former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and senator Elizabeth Warren. We shall see what we get, brian, ainsley, steve . All right, griff. Thank you very much. Here is the cover of the New York Post aoc, joe, talking about how the socialist fire brand doesnt even mention joe biden in the speech on his big night. The whole thing about a convention ainsley and brian is, to convince people, particularly the independents in this country that the nominee is essentially thought a crazy person who is going to do something so radical. But, when you look at the policy platform that they have adopted. Its not really what joe biden has stood for for these, what 47 years . He has been more of a centrist. He has been a moderate. As you can see in this image right there with Bernie Sanders. Bernie sanders was very popular in the beginning and so are his far left ideas. So get joe biden a job essentially a lot of people on the far left had to say okay, okay, we cant win but joe can. And this was exemplified in a conversation that an Editorial Board member of the New York Times had yesterday over on another channel where she revealed that joes platform is a lot further to the left than a lot of people think. Watch. I think whats funny is that actually bidens platform is far more liberal than Barack Obamas was years ago so when we looked at that as an Editorial Board we were blown away how much more similar it is to Bernie Sanders platform in some ways than barack obama in 2008. Thats interesting when you book end the comment as we saw the rollout for Kamala Harris in the last week. People keep going she is a centrist. She is a centrist. She is a moderate. When you look at her record she is louisville way to the left. Ainsley look at biden more like bernie than barack. All these bs, bernie, biden and barack. He has to be to appeal to the progressives. Progressives are saying we tried to win with bernie that didnt work. So lets get into washington with biden who is establishment, who has a lot experience, taught himself as more moderate. He will appeal to that base. And then why will bring in all the progressives then eventually what we stand for, you know, remember. Steve lets get in the door. Ainsley get in the door and infiltrate washington and the country. Remember when bernie was running and he said im socialist. Everyone said what, do you understand what that means . Slowly but surely more and more people liked his message. Thats how it starts. Brian its amazing, too. Because he was about to win the nomination and jim clyburn and the establishment stopped him in his tracks in South Carolina. Steve bernie. Brian bernie, he had it locked up he was a much better debater and campaigner. He knows his issues. He never worked in vermont and passed anything in kind in the senate but he memorizes textbooks. Ainsley being from South Carolina i still think that biden would have gotten the nomination. Clyburn helped but i still think would have because they love barack obama. Brian possibly. They all waited for clyburn to make his endorsement. I just remember what aoc said back in january oh my god in any other country joe biden and i would not be in the same party but in america we are. And that played out last night. Tammy bruce is with us now. Fox news tributer, fox nation host and president of the independent womens voice. I dont understand, are they embarrassed by their agenda . Are they covering up their agenda . Bernie sanders and alexandria ocasiocortez seem to know something that we dont. Yes. Its interesting also about South Carolina. They needed clyburns machine because biden had no money. That was the issue really was organizing. And that remains an issue when it comes to enthusiasm. But what we do have here and this is what is very concerning. They needed biden to be the nominee because that keeps them have having to discuss what the platform is and what socialism is if Bernie Sanders is the nominee, then we would have a real discussion because people who you know, ainsley, you are right. People like the message but they have no idea whether a it means and how it works. This allows socialism to move through without having any conversation frankly this virtual version of a convention also has kept us from being brought to the American People because there has been no floor fight. Normally you would have had alexandria ocasiocortez on the floor of a convention organizing people and there would have been interviews that were live and would have been a lot a lot of Different Energy and that kept them from having to do that so i think its the deliberate gaslighting and i have to say its because i dont think joe biden is making any of these decisions any more than he made the decision to have an interview with cardi b. I dont think he knows what that means. Jill biden is involved in that it tells you someone else is making the decisions they are not good now and they are not going to be good. Steve aoc complained only got one minute whereas john kasich got 67 mor much more time. There she is last night she was recorded so she would not go long. Brian or rogue. Steve go crazy and Say Something else. Here he is talking about the little bit about the Progressive Movement that she is pushing which is probably way to the left of what joe is watching, watch. Infidelity and gratitude to a mass Peoples Movement working to establish 21st century social, economic and human rights including gainer teened healthcare and labor rights for all people in the United States. A movement that realizes the unsustainable brutality of an economy that rewards exclusive inequalities of wealth for the few at the expense of longterm stability for the many who organized democracy. Steve she was given that one minute. Tammy, love her or hated her a lot of people feel she is the future of the party we are going to be seeing her a long time. Joe bidens problem telling people what you are going to do. Biden and obama had 8 years. We saw the economic destruction. We saw the social destruction we certainly saw the Foreign Policy dynamics and pallets of cash to iran. Donald trump is the put because we didnt like what we saw for 8 years or perhaps 12 years or even 16. And now last night at the convention, you have this young woman who, you know, can put a sentence together. These days that apparent slay very big thing in the Democratic Party that you can sound coherent. But we have got to have more than platitudes and things from textbooks that people dont necessarily know how its going to be implemented. I would say that she went along with this and it means she has been promised something. So you have got to consider. Steve good point. Consider what a Joe Biden Cabinet is going to look like. Its not going to have colin powell or kerry or susan molan nayeri although they were a symptom of what was horrible about the old regime and swamp. Its going to be rarkd and ilhan omar and alexandria ocasiocortez. What is she going to be, what in the treasury Bernie Sanders . These are serious things but you notice that you dont you are not getting any specifics, its all about hes not donald trump. Well, the fact of the matter is, donald trump is delivering and so its good to know that all they have got is vote for us, we are not that guy. But you cant run the free world with that kind of an attitude. Ainsley lets talk about some of the issues. The presidency has been traveling all around the country, minnesota, wisconsin, and arizona this week while the democrats have been experiencing their convention. An issue very important to him as you know iS Immigration, building that border wall. So when you talk about that issue, the democrats like Kamala Harris have said she wants free healthcare for illegals and she wants to stop construction on the border wall. Here is what the president said about immigration yesterday down at the border in arizona. Joe biden has pledged to abolish immigration enforcement, suspend all removals, provide free government healthcare and, you know, they want to give it to illegal aliens. You dont get it you dont get it. Restore catch and release. Shield violent criminal aliens. Bidens plan is the most radical extreme reckless, dangerous and deadly immigration plan ever put forward by a major Party Candidate it must be defeated and it will be defeated on november 3rd. It will be defeated. [cheers and applause] ains tammy, what do you think . Donald trump ran on issues in 2016. He was consistent from the primaries through the general election. That was unique. Normally you have what you see with the democrats now which is a switch over when they are trying to pander to everybody. But, this what we dont have to do is guess really about their attitude about the border. We saw what the Obama Biden Administration did and it was complete chaos. We know what Kamala Harris represents from california, San Francisco and her own statements directly at the democrat debate. Her hand went up when it came to free healthcare for illegal aliens. Again, there is no explanation about how you are going to pay for it. But the main issue that the americans American People are worried about is safety in their communities. And she was, i believe, the da there in San Francisco when kate steinle was murdered and which really sparked understanding that Donald Trumps concerns were correct and that we needed to do something differently. This is back to the future for democrats that is not a movie any of us want to go and experience in realtime. Brian cardi b did admit joe biden is going to give away free college which is going to be interesting. We will see what else when fracking stops and the border wall comes down. Lets shift to Corporate America and diversity trach which takes place in a lot of corporations. For example, good year. Something stood out about good years trainings when they had their acceptable and unacceptable list. Acceptable in terms of things to display and support. Black lives matter, lesbian, gay, by sexual transgender pride. Lgbtq, of course. Whats unaccept somebody supporting policemen, Blue Lives Matter, all lives matter. Cant say that a guy got fired as sportscaster in sacramento. Maga attire. Is he exactly the president. The political affiliated slogans or material. Im surprised you cant walk in with a joe biden hat if there is one. Whats your reflection on that then i will give you good years statement. Its interesting, i dont know if the Human Relations Department there or the human reels department looked at that that is effectively a list of marxist attitude or conservative or libertarian or political independent attitudes will get you fired. This is crazy. Yet, it is what we are seeing within the liberal framework of you who people are thinking is that deplorables will be punished you cannot act freely and the we are going to set different kind of standards for the different groups and you are going to know that you are not welcome here and that you must sensor yourself. That is antiamerican. Its not what is acceptable. Unions should not accept it and certainly the Human Resources department and lawyers should have problems with this. That particular video was shown at diversity training at topeka plant. Came from akron. The home office of good year put out a statement trying to explain this. Goodyear is responsible workplace. We do allow associates to express their support on Racial Injustice and other equity issues but ask that they refrain from workplace expressions, verbal or otherwise, in support of political campaigning for any candidate for Political Party as well as other similar forms of advocacy that fall outside the scope of equity issues. Brian no cops. Steve ban on the Blue Lives Matter thing. Also, yesterday, we knew that the president was going to pardon somebody. Somebody big. It was announce theyd pardoned susan b. Anthony who was arrested back in the day when she went in to try to. Brian she looks like trouble. Steve you know, heres what you know, clearly donald trump is making a statement here by doing just that but, at the same time, you have got people on the political left who are going, ugh, i cant believe he did that suddenly some people dont like susan b. Anthony. From a New York Times article on trump pardoning her they write she is also an increasingly divisive figure. Brian exactly. Steve adopted by antiabortion forces and criticized for relevant gating black suffragists to the sidelines. I did not realize she was increasingly divisive figure, tammy. Yeah. Its a little scary, isnt it. Look they are trying to cancel her. All we need to do is have President Trump join the Democratic Party and they will cancel themselves and all our problems would be over. Susan b. Anthony was arrested in 1872 for voting in the president ial election. She was arrested because she was a woman. Women were not allowed to vote. She voted for president grant, my ancestor. And so this was the right thing to do. I think the left is frustrated because donald trump is doing things that no one else wanted to do or willing to do. Steve every democrat president for the last 100 years has had the chance. They have and even when it comes to Racial Justice and the first step act, why wasnt barack obama moving on those things. When you are president , can you do a heck of a lot. The first middle east peace deal in 26 years what was the difference . Its called leadership and called being creative and the willingness to step outside of the bubble to get out of the same things that everyone expects, this pattern of the swamp and this is the reminder that he is also doing things because it matters. Not to please someone or to placate or to keep the status quo and thats frustrating to the left because they imagine that that is who think are. There has got to be a reconciliation for me as a former democrat, as a gay woman. As somebody who would be considered libertarian or even liberal on social issues. The Democratic Party has been a fraud. We are seeing now and why the left is so frustrated is because donald trump represents the nature of the freedom that both democrats and republicans crave, that american its in our d. N. A. Its who we are. And pardoning susan b. Anthony was a perfect move. It was very deaf and because it was the right thing to do and it reminded people that donald trump is the creative individual who is committed to american freedom. He is not committed to the system as it exists and its a very exciting time. Brian i never thought we would be debating the post office and susan b. Anthony but we are. Ainsley im sure it will be brought up at the rnc. I know victims of cancel culture will be speaking next week. Thanks so much for being with us, tammy. Thanks, guys. Ainsley you are welcome. A manhunt underway right now for that suspect in that horrific attack on a truck driver in portland. The reporter who saw the assault first hand is going to join us with an update coming up next. I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tech when youve got. Safelite can come to you. Tech and youll get a text when were on our way. 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Its my dream now to go into clean energy and whatever the next new fuel source is, thats where i want to be. I want to be on the front lines of implementation. Brian back with a fox news alert man caught on camera brutally attacking a truck driver pulling him out of the car. Overnight police declaring a riot after several fires set downtown. One of them in a second. One of them in a government building. Im sure the president realizes that the citys mayor finally condemns the violence. Todd wheeler. Brian, good morning. The search is on to find the man police say viciously attacked a truck driver in downtown portland. Police have made several attempts to contact marquise love with no success. They are urging love to turn himself. In they believe he is the man seen in very disturbing video particular kicking a driver in the head knocking him unconscious. Witnesses telling fox news they believe the driver was attempting to help a transgender women when the crowd turned on him. Senator Lindsey Graham pushing for a federal investigation tweeting i would urge the department of justice to actively pursue prosecution of the perpetrators of this horrific attack. The assault comes after more than 80 days of arrest in portland. Mayor ted wheeler responding to the chaos saying, quote i denounce all violence including the assaults that were filmed and posted to social media. Family members have set up a go fund me for the truck driver attack in that viral video. They have raised more than 95,000 so far. Brian, back to you. Brian all right. Thanks so much. Lets move on this story now. The next guest witnessed the entire assaulted and posted the video. Joining me now is the reporter and host of lives matter on youtube drew hernandez. Drew, how horrific was that to watch . It definitely was traumatic. You know, i am an investigative reporter. I have seen a lot of crazy stuff. Especially in portland. But what i witnessed this particular night literally was in my professional opinion based on what i saw and what they did from beginning to end in context was border wall execution, an attempted execution. By the time they had him on the floor, they had already punched him, kicked him, they brought him down strategically with some pretty impressive combat moves twice. And he was already submissive on the floor. He was almost pretty much waving the white flag hey im not aggressive and then they dealt that kick to the back of the head which was completely unacceptable. Brian i want to get clear on exactly what happened. Spinning the story and saying he was trying to run them over and he was a white supremacist. First off that woman by the door and gets tackled from behind what was she doing . Well, she was just trying to defend them. Because they were being attacked. This was a series this was aa see events from beginning to end because black lives matter was holding a rally that night and the rhetoric was extremely dangerous. The guest speaker that night was saying things like she believed that Police Officers should have been choked by their own umbilical cords when they were babies. She was saying all kinds of bizarre statements saying that she is willing and ready by any means necessary to achieve justifiable and the way this started was a few black lives matter advocates, militants whatever they were about three of them in front of the Javits Center started accusing this young white man of recording them and they aggressively escorted him away from the Javits Center and then as they were escorting him away, they physically assaulted him and started beating him up in the middle of the streets in front of a 7eleven so at that point is when you see that transgender woman begin to defend that guy so then their anger gets shifted onto the transgender woman. They rob her. They start beating her or they, whatever they identify as. But, as they are physically assaulting her and robbing her, thats where the truck driver comes in. He was actually starting to defend her they shifted anger and completely started going after him or his wife or girlfriend not too sure who she was but they started punching them in the face. They tackled her to the ground. They were punching him in the face through his truck window. Thats when he got this n. His truck to evade the situation. To be honest with you if that guy wanted to run a bunch of people over he could have done it, but he didnt. If you watch the video is he very cautious. Is he trying not to hit anyone. Brian i wonder if he regrets that thousand . Trying to evade the investigation. They chase him down the street until he eventually crashes. Thats when you see him out of the car and they just execute him in my opinion. Very violent. Brian he is in the hospital right now. The guy that the police are looking for is marquise love employee of star protection. Security firm office in portland. The ceo told fox love was employed but he was unarmed guard. Even though he was wearing body armor they said he didnt keep it from his old job. Do you know this guy . I dont know who this guy is personally i will say that this morning at 00 a. M. I have the entire video in context from beginning to end. This isnt the on guy that needs to be brought to justice. There are multiple individuals that were involved with this that assaulted, physically assaulted multiple people that you will see on video and i know Law Enforcement is currently in an investigation in portland. Its not just this one guy. There will be multiple people brought to justice. Brian we will look for that posting and have you back and everyone has to all hands on deck to get these guys under control. Three months of chaos. Absolutely. Brian still ahead mark meadows on everything about the convention. This convention and the one we are watching. Wrn we support memorable moments, concentration in hectic times. And focus to win the day. Unlike ordinary memory supplements. Neurivas clinically proven ingredients fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. Take the neuriva challenge with our moneyback guarantee tools, cattle, grain, traded goods. Even shells represented value. Then currency came along. They made it out of copper, gold, silver, wampum. Soon people decided to put all that value into a piece of paper, then proceeded to wave goodbye to value, printing unlimited amounts of money as they passed the buck to the future. Thats why its time for Digital Currency and your investment in the grayscale funds. Go digital. Go grayscale. For the eight years of the Obama Biden Administration we led by example eliminated the threat of iran with a nuclear weapon. Destroy isis. Donald trump inherited a growing economy and a more Peaceful World and like Everything Else he inherited he bankrupted it. When this president goes overseas, it isnt a Goodwill Mission its a blooper reel. At a time like this, the oval office should be a command center instead its a storm center. Its only chaos n. One thing never changes his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. Ainsley lets bring in mark meadows the white house chief of staff of good morning to you. Good morning, ainsley. Ainsley you have heard john kerry and bill clinton saying its chaotic. Whats the white houses response. When you look at john kerry talking about Foreign Policy and how he made iran supposedly a safe nation, not a single american believes that this is the only president who actually went after a terrorist and took him out. How do we know that . We saw it in realtime where this president took on a threat and iran is the state sponsor, the preelm inequity state sponsor of terror and, yet, john kerry is supposedly going to applaud the efforts of the Obama Administration . Its been this president who has acted not just domestically but on Foreign Policy. We saw that just a few days ago with Historic Deal between the uae and israel something john kerry would only hope for. Democrats continue to blame this president for none of problems. You hear about the economy. Not a single american believes that President Trump inherited a good economy. He made a great economy. And he is doing it again in this vshaped recovery. Brian you know whats interesting is john kerry tone. He broke a leg in france when he should have been working. Guy endorsing not enough in the world to put all his bloopers on one reel. People should understand how israel was isolated and jam peace deal down their throats what he did to sacrifice to get iranian deal which senator cardin and senator schumer dnc sign off on. Well, you are exactly right, brian. And as we look at what this president has done on the national stage, you know, president obama went around the world on an apology tour. What we see is this president is bringing back not only the preeminence here domestically from a Foreign Policy standpoint again. Israel is safe earn. Middle east is safer. The United States is safer. Can i tell when you this president came, in one of the things that kept me up every night is the fact that north korea had made unbelievable overtures toward this country. Yet this president took the bold action to not only going to there and engage but make sure americans are safer. He needs to be applauded for it instead of ridiculed by some virtual televised prop last night. Steve talking about apology tour. Essentially the president this week has been taking a victory tour. Yesterday he went to human marks arizona, to celebrate the fact that on his watch we have got 300 miles of brand new wall. Something that joe biden really doesnt want. Heres the president yesterday. Watch this, mark. Joe biden is the puppet of the radical Left Wing Movement that seeks elimination of americas borders and boundaries. They want to take the wall down. They dont want to have borders. They want to have sanctuary cities. Lots of bad things they want following orders from his boss, i guess his new boss is Bernie Sanders. Can you believe it . Steve a lot of Bernie Sanders platform is now the democrats platform. Mark, when you look at the general policies, the differences between donald trump and joe biden what are the top three things, aside from immigration, that people should think about . Well, this president delivers on his promise. And you mention immigration. We were there celebrating the 300mile on a wall that no one said could be built. But this president said he would build it. When we look at jobs and wages going up. This president not only delivered. When we look at trade deals, he said that we are going to put American Workers first. He did exactly that did historic trade deal. The list goes on and on. We have got an embassy in jerusalem that previous president s had only promised this president delivered. The list not only can we make a long list of what this president has done but we can make a longer list of what he will do in the next four years and thats why the American People will certainly vote him in on november 3rd. Ainsley so, mark, as brian was saying earlier i cant believe we are talking about the post office and thats such a heated debate now in this election but it is. The postmaster general said the operational changes at the u. S. Postal services are going to be postponed until after the election. He says, quote to avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail im suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded. You are having officials suing the Trump Administration over this issue. Whats your reaction . Well, they should be suing the Obama Administration. Listen. This postmaster general did the right thing. Said were going to put these operational decisions on hold. They are not President Trumps operational decisions. They came from 2011 under the Obama Administration. And now all of a sudden there is outrage in this you know, this unbelievable uprising with democrats there on capitol hill where they are saying oh my god nancy pelosi did nothing. Nancy pelosi knows she did nothing. Have to fix it. President wants to make the post office great again. I want tel all the possession workers to hear that he wants to help you and make sure you have the proper funding. You will get a chance to do that the democrats when they come in and want funding for the post office. Not only will we ask for that we will say we need to help small businesses. We need to put money back in peoples pocket possibility with perhaps a skinny deal to make sure checks go out. Lets go ahead and do that i call on nancy pelosi to not only finally fix the post office but lets find the things that are hurting americans across the country because of this peament. Lets pass a skinny bill. We will be hear o here on satury maybe they will be with a negotiating heart. Brian the Business Model doesnt work. Its no ones fault it doesnt work. It doesnt mean that your letter carrier is lazy. They are not bad people it doesnt work. Its got to be fixed. I know you are suing new jersey because they have decided to vote by mail. If you show up in person its now provisional. What do you hope to accomplish there . Well, listen, if its okay to show up to protest, its certainly okay to show up and vote in person. And we see democrats with this hypocritical point that says somehow that we shouldnt be able to show up at the polling place and cast our vote. Thats just ridiculous. Heres what we do need. Give them some options where mailin voting if they request an absentee vote we want to encourage them, the post office will be ready to deliver those ballots. We also want to say if you show up in person or drive up curbside, you should have the ability to do that. For states to make these decisions. Brian what about extending the days, having november 2nd and 3rd to give people social distancing if thats their worry . What about proposing something that takes the pandemic into account . Brian thats what the secretaries of state should be doing. In my home state of North Carolina we have early voting. There are not really the long lines that you see. Can you show up for two or three weeks ahead. Show up and actually cast your vote in person. Can you request an absentee ballot. Listen, there are plenty of ways to do. This but the secretaries of state need to understand its not the post offices fault. Its not Donald Trumps fault and its certainly not the new postmaster general who has only been on the job for less than two months. Steve before did you go, the seeing you meant before this one, mark, im sure you saw the segment on the video where the guy on the truck in portland is beaten unconscious. It is absolutely terrible what theyre doing. There is a manhunt they are trying to find out where the guy is the guy who does all the violence right here. Can you explain to me why the democrats have not denowngsed violence in the cities . You know, particularly during their convention . Are they afraid they are going to come off as propolice because what were seeing right there is so antiamerican. Well, its antiamerican. This put, i traveled with him yesterday to arizona as you know. Not only once but a dozen times he says we have got to do something about it. We sent in the fbi. We spoke to doj attorney general barr yesterday as it relates to that they are too busy talking about defunding the police instead of making our community safe. Its time they stand up and say this is wrong. All americans see it. You see it. I see it. And its time that they side with President Trump and say were going to make our communities safe again. Brian might put federal agents back there. It looks like were going to have. To say they are not doing the job that they are doing obviously when we look at that we want to make sure that not just portland is safe but every city across the country is safe. And as we look at that, were going to work with our local Police Departments to make sure that the kind of events that you saw there on social distancing and the video doesnt happen again. Ainsley all right that hatred and violence is so hard to watch. Thats someones child. Thanks so much, mark, for being with us. We appreciate it . Thank you all, take care. Have a good day. Ainsley you too. 46 minutes after the top of the hour. Chicago is seeing a spike in violence. Now the city is dealing with a surge of Police Officers retiring. Chicagos Police Union President says that its only going to get worse and he joins us next. Since youre heading off to school, i got you this brita. Dad. I just got a zerowater. But weve always used brita. Its two stagefilter. Doesnt compare to zerowaters 5stage. This meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. Our tap water is 220. Brita . 110. Seriously . But zerowater let me guess. Zero . Yup, thats how i know it is the puresttasting water. I need to find the receipt for that. Oh yeah, you do. Jillian good morning, we are back with quick headlines starting with a fox news alert. A live look at a massive factory fire in grand prairie, texas. Look at this. Right now firefighters battling the flames near electrical towers. A huge plume of black smoke can be sent miles away. Workers say the fire broke out at the facility overnight. Flames spreading to power lines, knocking out power at nearby homes no. Word yet on what caused the fire or any reported injuries. We will certainly stay on top of that two midwestern universities now changing course over the pandemic. Notre dame and indiana moving all Classes Online until september 2nd. The schools president says its out of caution after 146 students and Staff Members tested positive for the virus this month. Michigan State University announcing its going viral for the rest of the semester. The students plan to live on campus stay home. Steve . Steve look at that thank you. Chicago Police Seeing a surge of retirements as that city is rocked by violence as many are. A report in the Chicago Sun Times showing 110 officers will retire from the force this month and next. That is double the usual average. Chicago fraternal order of police for lodge 7 john catten zarha joins us live from chicago. Good morning to you. Good morning, steve. I havent seen anyone do one of those Public Opinion polls where rank. Going to college. When you get out of college what kind of a job do you want . Do you want to be a policemen . These days people would say no because it just doesnt seem like anybody has got your back and everything you do is wrong. I couldnt agree more. I think at this point in time in todays environment, Law Enforcement is absolutely the hardest profession and the most unappreciated profession by the politicians. You know, there is a big silent majority that absolutely support the police. Hopefully we can inspire them to be not so silent Going Forward and force these politicians to do the right thing. Steve you know, when you see the things going on in americas cities, john. You have the dnc that tonight will be night three, they havent been talking about this violence. They havent been talking about supporting the Police Officers. Why is that . Well, because they dont like the police. They are really trying to see where this whole defunding conversation goes. Specifically here in chicago why are under descent decree spend more money not less money. Goofy protest about defunding the police mayor could squash it in one sentence saying its not going to happen period. Alder men have been silent, too. Shame on them. Steve i saw this story how Record Number of Police Officers are leaving the force in San Francisco. Its the same case there chicago. Its not as if they are at retirement age. So many of them say, you know what . Im just leaving this job. And im moving to florida. And im going to get a Law Enforcement job there. Agreed. 55 was the magic age for a lot of people for the last 10 years or so to leave. Now they are leaving prior to 50 years old. Worry about healthcare some other way. When you have a mayor who does not appreciate the police and i dont care what she says, she could spin it any way she wants but earlier this summer she made a promise to take care of the back pay for the raises that we have been without three years for our members. Now all of a sudden three months later lawyers are adding conditions to this raise poisoning the whole pill. And its just not fair. On top of though, everybody saw the bobby rush fiasco hollywood production she made at Public Safety headquarters. Again, for what . She is calling for officers to be fired for the most simplest transgressions. Who wants to work in that ensnrirmt. Steve no kidding. The numbers dont lie. Take a look homicides and murder up 50 in chicago. Shooting incidents 40 city wide since last year. Should the people of chicago feel safe . You know, no matter what the men and women of the Chicago Police department are going to keep doing their job. We are i think last count we were over almost 7,000 guns confiscated for the year. Thats including all the homicides we already h think how much blood shed would be in the streets. Steve no kidding. John, hang in there people of chicago need you. Thanks, steve have. A good day. Steve you bet. You too. We have liz cheney and eric trump in the next hour of fox friends. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum on kings hawaiian bread yum kings hawaiian. His work does not capture the full measure of joe biden. Folks dont just feel like they know joe the politician, they feel like they know the person. When joe sticks up for the little guy, we hear the young boy who used to stand in front of the mirror, determined to vanquish a debilitating stutter. When joe talks to autoworkers, whose livelihoods he helped save, we hear the son of a man who once lost his job. When joe talks about hope and opportunity for our children, we hear the father who rode the rails home every night so he could be there to tuck his kids into bed. When joe talks to gold star families, who have lost a hero, we hear another father of an american veteran, somebody whose faith has been tested, and who knows who to lean on to find the light. A resilient, and loyal, and humble servant. And through his life, he has never once forgotten the values and the moral fiber that made him who he is. The best part is hes nowhere close to finished. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Hello, im michael youssef. Lately, we are hearing so many conflicting voices and i dont blame you if you are anxious and worried and troubled. But if i told you that theres only one voice that you can absolutely trust. After all, he wants nothing from you and wants to give you everything. Im talking about the lord jesus christ, who said, come unto me, all who are carrying heavy burdens and worry and anxiety. And i will give you rest. Hes the only one who can give you true rest and peace. Will you come to him . [female voice] are you waiting to find a trustworthy voice in the midst of the chaos of this world . Visit findingtruepeace. Com to find a voice that will never let you down. Again, thats findingtruepeace. Com. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Parties who politics have drastically shifted sings he first ran in 1988. She did not attack President Trump and her remarks. She made the case for her husband as president this morning though on Good Morning America she was asked about her husbands mental aquite at this and a campaigned a attacking for it. Here is her response. I see joe every single day and he is writing speeches and being briefed and making phone calls. I dont see any of that joe is totally engaged and you know joe. He loves it. He is the i guess, consummate politician. Obviously attacking President Trump has been a big part of the first two nights. Last night that task fell on the shoulders of former president bill clinton who had this to say, listen. Its only chaos. One things never changes, determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. Stops there. Griff many people what alexandria ocasiocortez would do with her short time. She nominated Bernie Sanders and later clarified that they had asked her to do so because sanders met thresh hold to be nominated, however, the organizers did not instruct her to specifically not mention bidens name which was perceived by many as a snub. Meanwhile President Trump hitting campaign trail blasting his componentS Immigration plan. The most radical, extremely immigration plan ever put forward by a majorParty Candidate. It must be defeated and it will be defeated on november 3rd. [cheers and applause] griff all right, here we go, night three, more perfect union. Star power, former president barack obama, the Vice President ial nominee Kamala Harris along with Speaker Pelosi and Hillary Rodham clinton and if i could add my favorite of 57 delegate locations where it was rhode island where they did it with a guy holding a plate of calamari. Brian we know what you like to snack on when youre not surfing. Steve if they were going to do delaware again, they should do it in front of the guy mowing. Brian lets bring in congresswoman lynn cheney, won primary last night, expected to walk right away with that, turned down run at senate. Congresswoman, welcome back. We have to bring you to Foreign Policy. Here is what john kerry decided to do with his time. For the 8 years of the obamabiden administration, we led by example. We eliminated the threat of iran with nuclear weapon, we built 68nation coalition to destroy isis, we forged 185nation agreement to attack Climate Change. We stopped ebola before it became pandemic. Donald trump inherited growing economy and more Peaceful World and like Everything Else he inherited, he bankrupted it. When this president goes overseas, it isnt a Goodwill Mission its a blooper reel. Brian congresswoman, he wants to point out the iran deal, paris Climate Change and how he reacted after they created isis by leaving iraq. Your witness. Congresswoman im sorry, im still stuck on bill clinton calling the oval office the command center. Thats thats not what i think of when i think of bill clinton. Brian we all had to pause for that. Congresswoman exactly. John kerry, dont forget, john kerry was the architect of the iran deal, the iran deal which has no verifications in it. Not only that, john kerry traveled around the world acting as the head of the chamber of commerce for iran trying to get investment money into iran. What President Trump has done is absolutely the opposite. He has said we are not going to be part of a deal that gives us false comfort and gives pathway to a bomb and impose strict sanctions, maximum pressure campaign. It is exactly the opposite of the disastrous policies to have obamabiden years and john kerry, you know, is an example of the failed past and im frankly surprised that the democrats had chosen to highlight so many of the failed leaders of the past at their convention this week. Steve well, more tonight and tomorrow as well. Congresswoman, the number 1 issue obviously facing america right now is the coronavirus. When the coronavirus really hit and we realized things will have to get shut down for a while, the stock market absolutely tanked. Yesterday marked the end of the shortest bear market in history because like the president said, it was going to be a v, it went up and it has gone clear back up. Its right on the edge of record highs as well and one of the things that democrats thought for the last couple of months, okay, donald trump wont have the economy to run on. Aside from unemployment which is staggering, the economy is doing okay. Well, look, i think its absolutely clear to the American People. The democrats have combined failed policies of the past with fraud of socialism that they see as our future and if the democrats prevail, we will not have an economic recovery. Every single policy theyve put forward is one that will make it much more difficult for us to recover from the pandemic, to get the economy back going again where we need it to be. The economic policies that we have seen from President Trump and the republicans in the house and the senate over the course of last 3 and a half years, the cuts in regulation, the cuts in taxes, those are the kinds of things that we have to see to bring the economy back again to get people back to work. Socialism which is the promise of Bernie Sanders and aoc, they have a chokehold on the democratic platform and they are the ones that will be setting policy into the future. That would be an absolute devastation to the country. Ainsley the president spoke to arizona while dnc was having night 2 and Bernie Sanders is the real boss of the party and bernie said at the dnc, get up to washington and then we will define the party and what direction we are going to go in. Joe biden is the puppet of the radical Leftwing Movement. I guess his new boss is Bernie Sanders, can you believe it . Our job is today after biden is elected is to mobilize our people in the fight for aggressive agenda, if we can elect biden and turn the u. S. Senate democrat and if we can retain democratic control in house, theres a path open for us to really bring about transformative change in this country. Ainsley whats your reaction to that . Congresswoman look, Bernie Sanders, aoc, joe biden, they are advocating the quick sand of socialism. They will actually sink and devastate the nation and they talk about giving power to the people. Kamala harris slogan is for the people. Every time i hear that i remember what they are actually doing is taking power from the people and giving it to the government. They are taking freedom, socialism doesnt work, it has never worked, it will drive the nation into the ground and its crucially important that we dont give them the opportunity to do that this fall. I think that the president being at the border reminded people once again, for example, of how important it is to secure the border but also that the democrats want to use taxpayer funds to give Free Health Care to Illegal Immigrants that come across the border. Those kinds of programs would be devastating. We have to get the economy growing again and the democrats are not the solution that. Brian and then go to college for free. Itll be a great plan. John kerry, pulls off it is a good song. I dont think france needed that. They speak french. They dont know what he was talking about. Congresswoman exactly. Brian congratulations, congresswoman, congratulations on your win. Not a surprise, is there a strategy to win back the house . All i hear republicans talking about holding the senate and democrats taking the senate, i dont hear about a plan to take back the house. Is there one . Oh, absolutely. We have amazing candidates all across the country. You guys had sean a while ago and the democrats, theres something thats similar between joe biden and his method of campaigning and what we are seeing from vulnerable house members across the country they are in hiding. They cannot go back to constituents and districts and talked about anything that they have accomplished because Speaker Pelosi has fundamentally failed to lead and they do not want to describe that back home and we feel good about taking message to the American People that we are the party that will bring back economic recovery, national security, defeat the virus and get the economy going. Steve congresswoman, since this is the post game show, is there anything that you have seen so far that you would like the republicans to to next week or something that you would like to see them do that they havent done, so far by the democrats . Congresswoman well, i can guaranty you that our Convention Next week is going to surpass viewership, its going surpass inspiration. Steve how are you going to do it . Congresswoman everything that youve seen this week. I have to hand it to rhode island for the calamari. Brian we saw colin powell. Is your dad going to endorse the president . Congresswoman i dont see that as any big surprise there. Brian your dad going to endorse the president . Congresswoman my dad has always supported the nominee of my party and im confident he will do so this time around and had great event for the president here in jackson hole last summer and raising money for him and rnc, we are looking forward for great next week and great november victory. Ainsley all right, congressman, thank you so much for being with us. Congresswoman thanks, great to be with you guys. Ainsley lets hand it over to jillian. Jillian fox news alert now. Wild fires explode inside overnight. Mandatory evacuations are being ordered near napa valley. This video showing flames consuming a web cam on top of a mountain. More than 30 different fires burning across the state. Our fox affiliate in San Francisco reporting some homes had been destroyed, at least 2 firefighters have been hurt. Also breaking right now a manhunt underway in portland for the person caught on camera brutally attacking a truck driver. Police believe marquise is seen kicking the man in the head. Definitely was traumatic. Literally a borderline execution and attempted execution. He was already pretty much waiving the white flag, im not aggressive and they dealt the kick to the back of the head which was completely unacceptable. Jillian Portland Police declaring a riot over night after several fires were set one inside government building. Overnight Trump Campaign suing new jersey over the states plan to mail ballots to every voter. The campaign accuses Governor Phil Murphy of violating residents rights by opening door to fraud this as the post master general louis dejoy with changes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the decision doesnt, quote, reverse damage already done. White house chief of star mark meadows joined us earlier saying the white house is willing to work with democrats. Call on nancy pelosi to not only fix the post office but find the things that are hurting americans across the country because of the pandemic. Lets pass a skinny bill. We will be here on saturday, hopefully they will with a negotiating heart. Jillian pelosi plans to hold vote on post office bill saturday. Republican house candidate kimberly attacking democrats. Watch this. The people that run baltimore, dont, i can prove it. Walk with me. They dont want you to see this. Jillian joined Fox Friends First earlier this morning calling for change in democratled cities. The more republicans that get out and talk to people in inner cities instead of just writing them off, the more of us that get out to talk to people, i think we can make a change. Jillian President Trump showing support, quote, kimberly will work with the Trump Administration and we will bring baltimore back and fast. Dont blow it, baltimore, the democrats have destroyed your city. Alook at your headlines, ainsley, thank you. Ainsley good deal. Thank you so much, jillian. New researching Shows Americans still dramatically misunderstood coronavirus and the data find americans are overestimating risk of death for people under 25 and risk for americans 65 and older is half of what it is. Fox news medical contributor dr. Dr. Nicole saphier joins us now. Explain what the study says. Doctor ainsley, diversity makes our nation beautiful and im a big supporter of various opinions which make us strong, however, ainsley, misperceptions act facts especially in a time of crisis can be extremely dangerous and have consequences. Individual risks of covid undoubtedly depends on age and your health and what this tells us, this survey is essentially they showed that based on political affiliation a lot of people believe that it is more deadly to their age group than not. And so what we have to do, ainsley, get through the weeds and follow the facts. As you get older risk for severe covid19 drastically increases. 92 of the deaths are people over 55 years old. That being said, those people still have a lot of living to do, so we have to do everything we can to continue to protect those vulnerable, but as we are seeing the media headlines saying that cases in children are increasing and schools are shutting down, its really important to look at that. Are those clinically significant infections and are they actually brig it back to vulnerable populations and the truth is, it doesnt seem to be doing that right now because we know more about this virus and we know to protect the elderly but one thing that i want to highlight, ainsley, for the younger people in arizona and texas, 20 of the people that are hospitalized are under the analysis of 50, so you still have young people being hospitalized with covid19, however, one to have greatest risk factors in younger populations is obesity, ainsley, and obesity in the United States is ramped and you have 20 to 30 of our children are obese. We as a nation have to get healthier to continue to move forward. We will have to continue protecting our elderly but its important to keep in mind that this risk is post more to elderly. We cant just look at the deaths. Thats irresponsible because covid19, the virus that causes that, its tricky, you have a lot of people who have longterm effects from the illness whether its heart, lungs, kidneys, there was a Telephone Survey a month ago that showed 35 of young people under 35 after the infection two to three weeks they were still having symptoms. Its not just about life or death, ainsley. Its a much Bigger Picture than that. Ainsley why do you think people are underrest under estimating or overestimating . We are in an election year. They tend to look at things that make people fearful. Vote for me because i will save you. When you look a a lot of media younger cases are being highlighted. Whats the clinical relevance of outbreaks . Are children being hospitalized and children dying and the answer at this point is no. Its important to make sure that we get the facts out there. The elderly are extremely vulnerable. This is a very tricky virus but after we learned from the nursing home blunders, we know to protect the elderly which is why we we are not seeing seeinge death rate that is we saw in march or april. Ainsley thank you so much. Democrats praising joe bidens economic agenda at the Virtual Convention but what kind of impact would it have on the real world and your wallet . Economic experts are here to debate. Hike Simon Pagenaud takes the lead at the indy 500 coming to the green flag, racing at daytona. Theyre off. In the kentucky derby. Rory mcllroy is a two time champion at east lake. He scores stanley cup champions touchdown only mahomes. The big events are back and xfinity is your home for the return of live sports. Brian glad youre up, hope youre dressed. Los angeles county sheriff permanently banning transfer of sheriffs to ice custody, theres no greater threat than a million undocumented immigrants who are afraid to report crime out of fear of deportation and having their families torn apart. And Texas Governor greg abbott freeze on property tax revenues in cities that defund the police. Abbotts push coming days after the Austin City Council voted to slash the Police Departments budget by 150 million. Steve. Steve brian, thank you. The stock market set too rep one hour from now following yesterdays record high ending the shortest bear market in wall street history after the pandemic struck. This as bill clinton addressed dnc touting joe bidens economic genius, watch. He can do it again. Joe biden wants to build an economy far better suited to our changing world. Better for young people, better for families working and raising their kids, better because of a living wage and access to affordable Higher Education and health care. Steve here to discuss bidens potential impact on the economy, as you can see right there fox news contributor, robert wolf, screen left, and on the right member of the Trump White House Economic Recovery Task force stephen moore. Good morning to both of you. Stephen, youre first this time. Joe biden has helped us bring back from recession and he can do it again. We are right at the edge of records again. This was something that the democrats were going to let trump have it over. Right now its not doing so bad, unemployment is terrible but nonetheless the economy seems to be doing okay. Stephen well, the economy is coming back, no question. This is a recovery now for 3 months. Its been pretty good, 9. 2 million jobs have come back, now, of course, we lost 20 million jobs during the height of the pandemic so theres still a lot of work to be done. I think quite frankly, steve, the real debate now that we are seeing signs of recovery, do people think that joe biden or donald trump have the better formula for rebuilding this economy, you know, its so interesting listening to bill clinton because the economy did great under bill clinton, democratic president , the problem is that the democratic priority over the last 20 years has moved so far to the left from where the kind of bill clinton moderates were, i think voters really have to worry about the kind of leftwing tax and spending regulated agenda. Steve robert, stephen has a great question. What is joe bidens formula to rebuild the economy . Yeah, i want to unpack bunch of what stephen said. The president called super vshaped recovery. We lost 12 million jobs, 12 million have not come back, 60 , thats still a majority. 5 Million People have left the workforce, our participation in the labor force is like 61 . Its horrific and when we talk about, first of all, we know that the stock market and employment is not correlated otherwise you should be telling bill clinton and obama. Obama had return of 180 which is much better where we are than the Trump Administration on the stock market and you have to look at the return and thats how you look at the markets based on return and its not correlated. By the way i am in the market and i want it to go up. We have to look at unemployment and right now we are in a recession, yes, who has brought us out of the bush recession, who brought us out of the other bush recession, both of those have been democrats, clinton with bush 41, obama with bush 43 and, yes, i believe biden will take us out of the trump recession. Steve all right, robert, i asked you what the formula was and didnt answer you. I can answer you. Steve i gave you a chance. Too bad, next time. Obviously you were trying to dodge that no, i wasnt trying to dodge anything. Steve go ahead, whats his formula to get us out of this. Bring back manufacturing, right, which we lost jobs in manufacturing, lets make sure we have in our opinion education 6 out of ten jobs, actually right skills and right training. We have a whole plan that we can talk about that ive talked about 3 times now, steve keeps talking about the payroll tax. I think we should go back and look at the video tape and talking about the biden economy. Steve all right, stephen, you were shaking your head no during that but the economy was doing great until the pandemic, so how much of where we are today is because of Donald Trumps economic plan and how much dependent upon the pandemic which is nobodys fault. Stephen so lets go back. It was a decent economy but only one of three americans during Obama Presidency rated the economy great. We saw more progress for black americans, hispanic americans, for Asian Americans and women in 3 years than 8 years under obama. Its a pretty powerful expansion. Here is the issue, people should look at joe bidens economic program. Ive read through it, robert, and youve got massive tax increase and massive Government Spending and decapitate oil and Gas Industries which is one of our Major Industries n. The next 15 years woe would have no oil and gas plan. I just dont see anything thats progrowth in the program. Steve all right, we will give robert 15second rebuttal. Not accurate. Its energy plan, okay, as you know. Number 2, we are talking about taxing those who make over 400,000 and trickledown economics has actually brought us into the recession and lastly whites and minorityies steve all right, robert and stephen, good talk. We will step aside. Eric trump is coming up next so when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. 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Retire better i think what is funny is that bidens platform is far more liberal than Barack Obamas was years ago and so when we looked at that as an Editorial Board, we were kind of blown away at how much more similar it is to Bernie Sanders platform in some ways than barack obama in 2008. Brian we just dont know. We know its written, we know who speaks but we dont know what joe biden is actually going to do. Lets bring eric trump, executive Vice President of the trump organization. Let me bring it up to you, eric. You probably took in and we lived through what president obama wanted to do. What about this . Eric well, brian, i mean, you literally have a party thats calling Law Enforcement gestapo and a party that wants socialized medicine, you have biden that wants to increase taxes by 4 trillion, 82 to people, pretty much anybody that pay taxes would have taxes skyrocket. Where do you want me to stop . They want to get rid of your first amendment, they want to get rid of your second amendment. This is not the party of j. F. K. This is not the party of bill clinton. You see them last night on the screen. You see aoc. These people are crazy, some of their policies are crazy and would literally destroy this country. Steve eric, im sure youve been watching. You know the reviews have been that the Virtual Conventions are flat in come come and how are the republicans starting next saturday night, first night, what are you going to do, youre from a family of tv producers, what will you do to get people to watch . Eric a couple of things. We are not going to be smugged which the other side is. You watch some of the interviews and the anger that radiates some of the people. Joe biden created one job, its called hunter, he stole money from china and took lots of money and enriched himself at the behest of American People. Other than that, these are career politicians and have been in washington their entire adult life. Youve never had a Single Person thats spoken to far that has created a single job. Exact opposite. Look at oc, cost new york state 25,000 jobs. Amazon was supposed to come in here and bring billions of dollars in investment, she scared them out of new york state. These are washed upcareer politicians that have been around forever. When you have literally republicans or republicans in the 1980s speaking, you know, and theyre your keynote, give me a break. These people are phoney, these people are totally part of the swamp. You no real people there. Youve got no real people who have ever created jobs or created manufacturing or have done anything outside of the beltway and i dont think thats what america is interested in and quite frankly i think thats why theyve fallen on their face and ratings are so bad. I mean, its tough to watch. Its pretty its pretty boring. We do. Its going to be great. I think youre going to see i think you will see a lot more action but beyond that i think you will see a lot more diversity of thought and people and people that arent from washington, d. C. And people who havent been in government for 47 years, entire adult life and people who have actually accomplished something outside of that city and i think you will see a big difference. Ainsley sally yates was one of the speakers last night who served under the Obama Administration and testified recently in front of congress saying that she didnt remember if it was biden or she didnt remember if biden or obama had any influence on the Michael Flynn investigation. She was speaking last night, worried about the future of our country. Listen to this. Speaking at a Political Convention is something i never expected to be doing, but the future of our democracy is at stake. From the moment President Trump took office, hes used his position to benefit himself rather than our country. Hes trampled the rule of law, trying to weponized our Justice Department to attack his enemies and protect his friends. We need a president who respects our laws and the privilege of public service. We need a president who will restore the soul of america. We need joe biden. Ainsley what do you say about that when you hear comments about your dad that hes only benefiting himself and hes protecting his friends . Eric ainsley, sally yates should be in jail. What she did to my father and what they did to my steve he fired her. Eric the irony of that is incredible. You know what the greater irony is when bill clinton is talk about the sanctity of the oval office. Theres no one that sacrificed for Political Office than my father. He was tired and sick of seeing losers, bad trade deals, 150 billion to iran, you know, signing nafta, worst trade deal ever costing the country tens of millions of jobs, literally losing all manufacturing, losing our economy, i mean, i heard robert wolf before, what a joke that whole thing was. Under obamabiden our gdp was growing at. 9 . It was an absolute joke n. The 8 years of obamabiden the dow went up by 4,000 points n. The 3 and a half years of my daughter the out dow has gone up by 12,000 points. I dont want to hear it from these people and no one that has ever sacrificed more than he has, you know, personally, professionally, financially. Look at all of these people they are living in beautiful houses on the water, wilmington, delaware and theyve been Public Servant their entire lives. They only sought to enrich their families. You see hunter biden taking 1. 5 billion out of china getting 600,000 a year working with little oil and gas company in ukraine and i mean, come on, guys, the hypocrisy is incredible. Brian he took the train and brought his own lunch and he end up with a mansion and compound. Eric i guess he got a mansion then. Brian eric, thank you so much. Lets go up to jillian mele, she has the rest of the news. Jillian fox news alert now. Massive factory burning in texas, firefighters battling the flames as chief is expected to burn into tomorrow. Plastic manufacturer, the fire broke out at the facility overnight. The Fire Department says it started after power lines fell on Plastic Products inside the plant. No injuries reported. A man convicted of murdering Michael Jordans father is on parole, 33 years after murdering james jordan, convicted in shooting of jordans father as he slept in car. This was 1993. Michael jordan shockingly retired from basketball months later and career in baseball which his father hoped he would pursue but he returned thank basketball winning 3 more championships with the bulls. Prosecutors say Jason Kirkland and 3 other men including mafia member ran the scheme in new york. Kirkland spent the money on lavish items on private jets and luxury cars. All four pleaded not guilty. House candidate sean harnell calling out opponent after he was featured as one of the democrats rising stars at the convention. Nothing says rising star and independent moderate and opening up, connor lamb, hes not right for western pennsylvania and hes in lock step with the most radical members of his party. Jillian harnell blasted lamb saying joe biden would be good for pennsylvanias economy noting the growth in manufacture from President Trump. Steve from news to weather. Steve, toss us to adam klotz. Ainsley literally. Adam thats exactly thats what happened. More heat with that little bit of wild fire danger. This is whats happening across the western states. Weve seen the redflag warnings in the last couple of days and that continues Northern California up north and east. Its dry, hot, its windy, that fueled some of the fires, another day, temperatures running up in triple digits, 104 and getting up to 110 range in southern california. It continues to be very hot and i will leave you with. A couple of troubled areas we are paying attention, to atlantic, hurricane basin, these will likely become tropical storms, still long ways off from making landfall in the United States but these are two storms that we are watching. Steve keep an eye on the caribbean, thank you, sir. Ainsley democrats discussing many issues at the convention but they barely mention the violence across the country and Michael Goodwin says the party is obligated to find a solution and he joins us next. I like liberty mutual. 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In a new oped our next guest argues that joe biden and his party has an obligation to find solutions as nearly all cities are run by democrats. Michael, one thing pretty consistent in the last two days. No one seems concerned about the violence. Micheal yes, brian, they have not mentioned the violence at all. Protests, all kinds of things, black lives matter as and its as though its happening in another country, violence in seattle, portland, new york, chicago, none of it has made appearance at the convention. Youve got the democratic governors there, a lot of people even some of the mayors, Lori Lightfoot was talking about health care and nothing about the violence which as the wall street journal recently recorded doubledigit increases in almost every major american city. In new york city alone its something on the order of 60 people dead more than this time last year, 60 deaths in one city. You start to multiply by all of the other cities and you see hundreds and hundreds of people have been killed and the democrats, additional people, and the democrats have nothing to say about it. Brian michael, think about this. The president picked up endorsement of the police union and picked up the Border Patrol Union Yesterday and chicago homicides are up 53 , philadelphia 31 and in new york city up 30 , weve topped last years total, so why if youre just a savvy politician, forget about what you believe. Why give up law and order as an issue . Why not express concern about the men and women in blue . Micheal well, i think its clearly a political choice, brian, and i argue that joe biden, the old joe biden would not have put up with this, letting the activist run the party in a way so that the ordinary concerns of people are not addressed. I mean, this is a huge issue, but i think it is a sign of diminishing of joe bidens faculties. He was always tough on crime. That was part of the things that made him a powerful senator in his hay day, but clearly the days have past and the Democratic Party has changed dramatically and hes not capable of getting in front of this movement and say, hey, we have to stop this, innocent people are getting killed in the cities where we are the power, we have to get in there and help those cities. In fact, what you saw in new york the other day was the federal government came in, made gun arrests that in new york city and state courts, the suspects would have been let go immediately. The feds came in and helped the nypd. That should be happening everywhere but the cities dont want it. I mean, its a remarkable situation thats developing across the country and the democrats have nothing to say about it. Brian joe biden does say, yeah, im for Law Enforcement but hes not done emphatically and not reacted to the news like Everything Else. They were talking of different ways of policing, reforming, modernizing, thats where i thought we were at 2 months and now we are in chaos and lack of respect. Michael, to be continued, great column. More fox friends in just a moment. We see you. Looking out for all of us. But you cant lose sight of your own wellbeing especially if you have a serious chronic medical condition. At aetna, were always here to help you focus on your health. Because its always time for care. Set your dvr for 6 00 a. M. Eastern every morning so you never miss a minute. Thanks for watching us. Thats the intrepid in the background with the space shuttle. I would like both. See you tomorrow. We were bringing people together. We were bringing people together like never before. Success was bringing everyone together and we got hit with the china virus. We were bringing people today. Sandra democrats spend their convention attacking President Trump for the second night in a row. Tonight democrats set to make history when senator Kamala Harris becomes the first woman of color officially nominated to a major Party President ial ticket. Good morning, everyone. Weve made it to midweek, trace, good morning. Im trace

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