Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200211

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Cardinal marching band Bishop High School New Hampshire. Welcome to primary day 2020 here in New Hampshire. Ainsley this is so exciting because the results are in from the small little town of Dixville Notch. Steve its an upset. Ainsley it is. Brian polls open at 7 00. We will get the results at 8 00. The band was up at 5 00. Awesome. Steve round of applause for you guys. Ainsley you dont realize. This fox news sends people here years in advance to scout out places because we know this is coming. We have kind of taken over this whole year. Steve lets go on inside. Brian we have woken up the all the prime time shows that went to bed about an hour ago. Thanks, guys, appreciate it. Ainsley thank you, everyone. Steve we are here at the Bedford Village inn which is so charming and so lovely, unlike our World Headquarters in new york. We have a coffee pot right here and ainsley is going to draw the coffee. Brian right. Im going to do it tomorrow for the record. Ainsley there is one for you. Do you want decaf, brian . Brian no, i dont want decaf. Are you kidding me . We do a morning show. Its not legal to have decaf fidecaffen nateed coffee. Steve i wasnt to a Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg rally. I movie star there to talk about mayor pete. Brian are you talking about Kevin Costner. Steve in a package you will see one hour from now. Ainsley i dont know you interviewed Kevin Costner is he my favorite. Yellow stone. Brian he is a very sexy man. Steve he just stopped for us. Brian wow. What did he come on our show for in the past . Steve look at this. How beautiful is this . Ainsley i could barely talk to him. Out of all the people i met. We were trying to get some dinner in the tavern last night which is on this property. Thats where pete hegseth is going to be. We talked to so many people from New Hampshire who watched our show. They were so nice. What else it known for the Granite State their moat he toe is live free or die. You have a part of the mountains part of the appalachian trail. Mount addieson, mount adams Mount Washington and others. And known for moose. Steve mainly they are known as the first in the nation primary. We did the caucuses in iowa. That was a disaster. The people here in New Hampshire say we have got. This we have been doing primaries for years and thats where we start today in bed ford. And Griff Jenkins is in bedford where the rest of the precincts will open up in just about an hour. And its going to be a big day here. People are really energized, griff. Griff yeah. Absolutely, steve, ainsley and brian. Good morning, you know, its been 100 years the centennial this year of New Hampshire being first in the nation. And its all eyes on Bernie Sanders. He led every major poll coming in to today. He won four years ago by an overwhelming number but he is taking it to the progressive left. And that we were watching Pete Buttigieg, the little known mayor from southbound sou. Every candidate agrees its time to remove donald trump. Listen. We can absolutely agree that the time has come to turn the page on this president and on this situation that this country is in. The way that we beat donald trump is we remember hes the enemy. A country that elected a man like donald trump, is a country that was already in trouble. I will be damned if im going to stand by and watch us lose this country to donald trump a second time. Griff something to watch today is how senator Amy Klobuchar does. She was surging yesterday. We will find out whether there is an appetite whether there is room for a moderate candidate. Her surge, this is what she told me. [ applause ] that is empathy. So i want you to know this exeter, i want you to know. This. That may not be exactly what i had, heres the thing. At the end of the day, we will find out what voters think. We do have those results, will. You mentioned Dixville Notch. Only five people. Minimum requirement of voters. Mike bloomberg in a writein campaign got three of them. Two democrat voters. One republican. And then you had sanders and Pete Buttigieg each getting one vote apiece. Bring you later when the polls open at 7 00. Brian so close to meeting new person. Miami, come to New Hampshire thought we would have a chance to see you still hours away. Ainsley griff, real quickly, those results we just put up, bloomberg has since gotten one more vote, right . He has three. Steve which is what griff said. Our voters. Griff two are democrat. One republican. But, remember, he is not even on the ballot here. Ainsley i know. He is a write in. Griff interesting to see whether that continues at any of the other polling location, guys. Brian griff, thanks so much. One of the big stories is the quinnipiac poll came out on the National Level and bloomberg is now third on the national poll. That is stunning. This whole strategy waiting and spending 200 million its not going to work. Its already working. He is already a factor. Yet he is not in the first two races. He is not even in nevada. Steve it all comes down to today there are a total of 10 democratic president ial candidates. They went out and they did 30 events yesterday. But it was the president of the United States who to taunt the democrats showed up at southern New Hampshire university arena. He had a crowd of 12,000 people. You know what . We have more people here in this arena and outside than all the other candidates together. Bernie sanders actually had 7700 last night. Which is the biggest crowd. And thats having been on the ground a little while here in New Hampshire. All day yesterday. Bernie sanders, i think, is just going to mop up. He is going to win substantially. Ainsley we were talking about it this morning trying to remember who had won in this state. Hillary clinton won in this state by just a small little margin, by. 4 . Our president won in michigan by a small margin there. They were neck and neck in both of those states. 50 of the state doesnt even declare democrat or republican. They write down undeclared. So this state could go either way. Brian when you talk to Brad Parscale we think we can flip minnesota and mexico and guatemala. But definitely they feel optimistic about New Hampshire. Here is why the president probably agrees. Listen. The radical left pathetic partisan crusade has completely failed and utterly backfired. Weve have the highest poll numbers that we have ever had. Thank you, nancy, very much. Thank you. [cheers and applause] as we keep on winning, washington democrats keep on losing their minds. They are crazy. My only problem is im trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate . I think they are all week you want to know the truth. [cheers and applause] we have so much more enthusiasm. And its not even close. You see. [cheers and applause] theyre fighting each other. Theyre all going after each other. They dont know what they are doing. They cant even count their votes. Brian enthusiasm. We saw the people line up out there in the mud. In the snow. Just for the hope to get in because there were so many requests for tickets. Its getting more and more astounding to the members of the other media that this the president is this popular and packs arenas for this long. This has now been four years of insane crowds. Ainsley there were at least 12,000 inside. Some say more than that outside. And folks that were interviewed out in the audience, they said they are really energized by this president. Strengthened by this president because of his record over the last three years and impeachment. They are frustrated with that. Steve listen, you can take. This is from dans twitter account and we are using it because he is right there at the edge of the stage. And able to see. Looks like about 12,000 according to the fire marshall as recorded by the union leader. The big paper here. Jonathan karl, abcs chief White House Correspondent was in attendance and said this about the crowd here in New Hampshire last night for the president. Trump supporters are as fired up as i have ever seen them. I mean, this rally is in an arena that i was at just two nights ago. Saturday night at an event that included all of the major democratic nominees, candidates for the democratic nomination. We have a bigger crowd here by far just for donald trump than we had on saturday for all of the democrats. Brian wow, thats Pretty Amazing and important to point out New Hampshire is a pretty big success story. They benefit from usmca. Even without the impact their unemployment is a full points below the National Average 2. 6 . Sixth lowest of any state in the union. When it comes to people with jobs thats through the roof. If you dont think donald trump can flip this state i dont think you understand who donald trump is. Ainsley if you dont meet a candidate in someones kitchen, dont vote for them. Steve no kidding. Pete hegseth is joining us live. Come on over. So you were at the rally last night. I was at the trump rally four years ago on the night he won the New Hampshire primary. And there was Something Special about the people in New Hampshire. They felt like they were at the beginning of something big. As it turns out, it worked out okay for him. Pete they still feel like they are. I was stand ago couple feet from jonathan karl. He was stunned. The faces of the folks in the media they cannot internalize how many people are in there but how many people are outside. Thousands of people could not get. In larger than any of the crowds democrats can muster. Steve right. The thing to point out it was 25 degrees when people were standing outside. Because i was standing outside of the Pete Buttigieg event. Pete overnight and all morning long and through the day to hear this. Pete we had a chance to talk to these folks. Brian did you bring a camera. Pete we did bring a camera and they did speak to us. Although it was difficult at times to admit. They are Trump Supporters not the opinionated kind. We asked why are you here and is there a democrat in New Hampshire that you are worried about at all . Here is what they said. Pete you see a democrat in the field that could challenge the president . Absolutely not. Not one. Not a one. Pete no one is going to beat him. No one is going to beat him. There is a lot of people in this state who are going to vote for democrats soon in a primary. What are they voting for . What ardo the democrats represe . Free stuff. Thats pretty much it. Pete anyone you think can go toe to toe with the president. No one can do it. I will say this. None of these candidates have the ability to bring out a crowd like this. I think that shows you a lot about where this election is going. Pete i have been to rallies in the past where people would say well, maybe this candidate or maybe that candidate. See how it all plays out. With the impeachment nonsense behind us and acquittal. People feel emboldened and look at the field of socialists. Whether you call yourself a socialist or not in this stage President Trump is in a great position. Steve when you hear people say those people just want a lot of free stuff. And they said that it was all about reprioritizing how the government spends the money. So that is how they think that is how it will be paid for. Come women a new plan. Pete when we talk to young people there. What about your friends . They love bernie because is he going to pay for their school. Brian pay off their student loans. Pete almost a single issue for some of these people. Steve marijuana. And marijuana. Those issues. Ing my crow targeted them. Ainsley hired 150 staffers in this state alone. He won this state in 2016. Camped out right next door. Brian stay home get high and i will pay off your loan. Pretty catchy slogan. Pete can you fit that on a hat . Brian im pretty sure. Ainsley stark contrast to the current president. Steve the president mentioned the voters in this state changing to vote in the primary. Republicans may cross over and vote for the weakest democrat candidate. But i have a hard time figuring out hot weakest candidate is. Pete thats what the folks told me too. Who is it . Im not sure. I think they run for the devout socialist. Brian klobuchar left a clue im not comfortable with a socialist at the top of the ticket even though her hand didnt go up high. Pete took three seconds of silence for her to tepidly put her hand up. Brian anyone looking like the bill clinton of this where at least on the move up, its someone who said im not comfortable with a socialist. Because no one had the guts to really say that before . Ainsley this is why bloomberg is doing well and got three of the writes in yesterday. Is he building more and more momentum. Wanting a replacement for biden. Pete a name we heard a bunch we have an eye on a guy who can spend a billion or 2 billion and contribute it to Nancy Pelosis speakership. That move is big today regardless hough wins. Steve also, four years ago today on the New Hampshire primary day that we wound up going to a diner for the very first time. Pete you guys started this. Pete we did. Tucker carlson and i were here. Trump president , then businessman trump was there. Jed, ted cruz. All the guys were there Chris Christie was there. Rather than send you at the diner this facility actually has a tavern. Pete im going to go after this segment right here im going to my room which is right there for 10 minutes. Then we are going to the tavern which is just across the way and talk to some voters. Ainsley is that true perfect picture of you who we all feel. Its like a ski lodge. Cozy, fires everywhere and brian bine good fires, like controlled fires. Remote control. Ainsley not a booed burning one. Steve you will be over talking to the folks about the first in the nation primary which people are going to start voting in the next 45 minutes. Pete they might head out from there and go vote. Brian pete, we will see you in a little while. Nice vest. Jillian is in new york. Jillian it is a nice vest, pete, i like it. Lets get you caught up on headlines. Overnight President Trump and Vice President pence honored two soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. The president saluting and the vp putting his hand over his heart at a dignified Dover Air Force base. Sergeant gutierrez and rodriguez were killed when someone wearing Afghan Military uniform opened fire on our troops. The career criminal accused of shooting two nypd officers within 12 hours of each other is held without bail. Cops flooding the courthouse as Robert Williams pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. Prosecutors say he threatened to shoot more officers when released. And this morning we are learning williams had a runin with officers the night before his rampage began. Sources telling the New York Post that he got in the faces of cops but eventually walked away. Both injured officers are now out of the hospital. A 13th case of coronavirus is confirmed in the u. S. Overnight. The patient who returned from wuhan, china had been released from a san diego hospital by mistake after initially testing negative. Officials now fear the virus could spread through pipes. Found on two floors of a hong kong Apartment Building. The virus has now killed more than 1,000 people. Is this a sign of things to come for democrats . Watch what happens when iowas Democratic Party chair gives an update on what exactly happened with the iowa caucus. Precinct chair and precinct [inaudible] jillian i mean, you cant help it, right . A sign reading iowa Democratic Party following from the podium and right onto the floor. A look at your headlines, send it back to you. Steve they cant run an app. So why should they be able to use duct tape . Oh my goodness, how embarrassing. All right, jillian, thank you. Live from New Hampshire, democrats battling for delegates after the chaos there in the state of iowa. Could we actually see a brokered convention. Kristin solstice anderson on deck. Brian independents could be the deciding factor in New Hampshire. One of those independent voters joins us with a message for every democrat next. Going to have a little fun going to get me some you know im here im here for the party ready to juvederm® it . Correct agerelated volume loss in cheeks with juvederm® voluma™ xc. Add fullness to lips with juvederm® ultra xc. And smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvederm® xc. Tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the bodys immune response, or that can prolong bleeding. 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Comcast Business Security edge automatically helps protect all the devices on your network. Call today. Comcast business. Beyond fast. We can bring about a better day with your help. And im asking for your vote to make it happen. Give someone a chance who the state believes can truly lead this ticket. Im confident that with your help going out and knocking on doors and doing all of the things i know you are going to do, were going to win. Steve all right. Meanwhile, 2020 democrats make their final push, here in New Hampshire ahead of todays first in the nation primary, the spotlight now turning to the crucial voting block of independents which make up the greatest share of this states electorate. Here to weigh in on the race is one of those independent voters ted ghriskey. Good morning, steve. Steve you are an independent. You voted for obama back in 2012. Steve you voted for who last time . Donald trump. Steve why do you that. I figured he was an outsider. And we needed to kind of shake up in washington. And right now i havent been disappointed with that. Steve all right. So, looking forward to how independents here in the great state of New Hampshire are theyre there are 10 major democratic candidates. It seems like bernie has the most momentum on his side. I was at one of his events yesterday and people are so enthusiastic about him. He is getting a lot of enthusiasm. I will tell you a lot of the the people i have been talking with, one of the things concerned about is the whole thing of socialism. Im not sure thats long term thats going to sell. And thats a big concern for a lot of voters. Steve ted is a leadership coach. Yes. Steve one you have the things that people have said of Pete Buttigieg is that the fact that he does not have a lot of experience. Yes. Steve not a big leader yet. But, you say what about him. The colonel i have with him is his record in terms of you who he has handled criminal justice in south bend. What im hearing and what i have researched kind of concerns me. And thats one of the things im concerned about as a voter. Steve you think Tulsi Gabbard is actually interesting. She is. Whats interesting is when i listen to a the loft democrats, i hear a lot of negativity. With her she is very positive and i like her stance on a lot of issues like proSecond Amendment. She has some good moderate distances which People Like Us take a look at. Steve last night the president mentioned the tradition of voters in this state changing parties on primary day to vote for the weakest candidate. Can you explain how that works . Yeah. What happens in New Hampshire is when i are an independent, we have to declare when we get to the table. We say we either want the democratic ballot or the republican ballot. When they give it to you they mark you as that party. When you are finished voting, if you wanted to redeclare you have to go back in line and say i want my independent status back. If you dont, then you are affixed to that party for the next election. Steve all right. Loog look into your crystal ball, what do you think is going to happen . Today i think donald trump will probably win the republican side. I think from what im hearing it looks like bernie is going to win on the democratic side. Longterm we will see. Steve all right, ted gore ski, he is leaving here. He has to go buy his wife a a present. My wife jeany, happy birthday. I love you. Steve you still have to buy her a card. I do. Thank you, steve. Steve thank you. What are voters saying this morning ahead of the New Hampshire primary . Pete hegseth is talking with some of them over at the tavern as you can see. He is right there live. We will be with him. Up next, could there be a brokered Democratic Convention . Lisa booth and Kristen Soltis anderson coming up next. 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Welcome to both of you. A brokered convention is that bad news. Great news for us that are political junkies and love to walch this stuff. Fireworks and exciting. Bad news for the Democratic Party. If they dont have a nominee headed into the convention it. Means it will be harder for the eventual nominee to build the kind of big Campaign Machine that they will need to take on donald trump in the fall. Brian so you need 1990 delegates to do it, lisa. Steve right. Brian brian a lot of momentum. In july a coronation. Why not make that contest. The challenge though is if you dont have a defined nominee heading into the convention. Look, if its not bernie. But he has a plurality of delegates. Can you easily see how his people maybe stay home. Perhaps they turn out for President Trump. We saw in 2016 one in 10 bernie supporters ended up voting for President Trump in the general election. Thats a challenge for democrats. They are going want a consensus and behind their eventual nominee. Especially whether you have someone like donald trump. A booming economy. He has a lot to run on for the general election. He has a really organized campaign. Being the incumbent he is looking ahead at the general election which is something the democrats cant do right now. Brian kristin, im curious what you have have to say on this. Klobuchar, look at her crowds and did okay in iowa. Moving ahead of Elizabeth Warren and joe biden. Here is what she is saying. Tell me if this message resonates. So for so many people who dont agree with everything said on that debate stage, i dont agree with everything said on that debate stage. There are so many people, for them this is a patriotism check, a decency check. Brian and i dont like socialism check. She put her hand up. The only one to put her hand up. I think she is really understanding the fact that some democratic voters care deeply about electability. Thats consistently one of the number one things the democratic voters say they are looking for. They want someone that they think can win in november. Brian right. Bernie sanders on the one hand has a very devoted core of supporters. I dont think its impossible that he could win even with that socialist label. But, he definitely has positions far to the left of your normal mean american voter. And so Amy Klobuchar understanding that is trying to make the pitch, hey, democrats, vote for me, im with you on the issues. Im also someone that voters in the middle could go for. See, i think the challenge for Amy Klobuchar is one she is not a very dynamic candidate. Late to the game and even taking a look at nevada. Bernie sanders and his team have been there since the spring. You look at the beginning of january they had 100 staffers, not to mention thousands of volunteers that they have been training in the process. Clobles team say they have 100 people spread out between New Hampshire and nevada. She is a little bit late to the game and building that Campaign Apparatus in some of these states, especially looking ahead of nevada, South Carolina and super tuesday. Bernie sanders not only does he have at enthusiasm angle he is a dynamic candidate. He has infrastructure put in place in important key states. Brian if klobuchar finishes strong in momentum she stays. How will Elizabeth Warren rationalize cant stay in neighboring state and cant each finish in the top 4. Its going to be tough for Elizabeth Warren. Its going to be tough for Amy Klobuchar and mayor pete if they dont wind up coming out of state with really strong momentum. Once you hit South Carolina, thats where have you joe biden in strong position, especially with africanamerican voters. Nevada is good for bernie. Whats their path moving forward. Brian joe biden lost half of his south american support. Lisa his right. After a couple more losses. Brian strong start and better finish. Im glad we have your approval we can come back. Brian approval is strong according to quinnipiac. Pete buttigieg claims to be more moderate than socialist Bernie Sanders. But tony katz says the former mayor is just as radical. And hes on deck. He is sitting with ainsley. A good move. And pete hegseth also seems very nice. Is he speaking with voters at the tavern village inn because its walkable. Pete, whats your message . Pete and it has a fireplace. Its nice and warm. I dont know why you guys dont have a fireplace. Carolyn and michelle a couple voters here going to the polls in New Hampshire. We have had the politicians and the pundits. The peoples time to speak. They will be voting soon. We will get what they think first. Stay with us. My Psoriatic Arthritis pain . I had enough its not getting in my way. Joint pain, swelling, tenderness. Much better. My psoriasis, clearer. Cosentyx works on all of this. 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Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. Onceweekly ozempic® is helping me reach my blood sugar goal. Oh, oh, oh, ozempic® announcer you may pay as little as 25 per prescription. Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Steve i wonder if the neighbors are complaining. Brian the neighbors sean hannity and brit hume. Guertin high school. They are here and we have to provide notes for them. They are all going to be late for school today. Brian i have to start writing them out in the next break. Ainsley they all gues get passs today. I love this town. First guest said also mention we are known for maple syrup. Pete put a funnel on the tree. Steve it is a little more complicated than that. Brian thats the way it is in the cartoons. Steve you have only been to the grocery store. Brian thats all i have. Steve Bedford Village this is our unofficial headquarters for the next few days. New hampshire voters heading to the polls for the first in the nation primary. We have been waiting for year and today it starts. Ainsley democratic hopefuls turning up the heat and making final pitches to all the voters here. Brian but, will it work . Is someone closing in on a victory today. Pete hegseth at the village inn in New Hampshire. Pete i have been waiting for a diner to be in a tavern since i got. This. Brian right. [laughter] pete i want to invite you over here. I timed it out. Its 1 16 from the set. One of you guys coming over. Brian i would love to do it. Pete come talk to diners. Brian i would love to do that steve. Pete thats a deal. This is carolyn and michelle. Michelle, you were at the rally last night. Had a great time there. Made your way. In who do you think we are talking about democrats this morning. Who do you think has the advantage on the democrats . I always think that oh, gosh, bernie is going to do it but i think Pete Buttigieg has the momentum now. I just cant see him sitting down with heads of countries. Pete is that true challenge. Can he pass muster as the commanderinchief who do you think will come out on top of democrats. Could be buttigieg or the former governor mayor of new york. Former mayor of new york. No, no, no. Governor i cant remember his name. Pete if you cant remember their names they are in trouble. Go over to this tanget ladies, how are you doing . Whats your name . Deb. Pete who are you voting for today . Im voting on the republican ticket. Pete thats okay. Its a live free or die in New Hampshire. When you look at the democrats who has the advantage for the primary. I think pete. Pete do you . Pete maam, whats your name again. Meg. Pete you confessed you are an independent and voting on the democrat side. But who is your favorite candidate . Who are you going to vote for . Im leaning towards Amy Klobuchar. Pete you are. You said you were kind of undecided. When did you make that decision and why . I like her calm sense of presence. She doesnt really make loud, huge, bold statements without having something to back her up. Pete they say New Hampshire decides late. You made a late decision for Amy Klobuchar. Do you get a sense democrats and independents have been surveying until the last minute and make a call then . Absolutely. Pete who do you think will come out on top . Have you bernie and mayor pete, whats your sense . Im kind of looking. I think pete and bernie really have strong people backing them. So, i dont know. Its a tossup. Pete it is a tossup. It that is official prognostication from the tavern. Back to you. We will have a whole group of folks here all morning long asking them about who they are voting for. Anybody here go to the trump rally last night . [cheers] pete some made a trip to the rally last night as well which is indicative of the crowds. Democrats here in New Hampshire. You are on notice next hour. Steve all right. Sounds like funnel. Get on the shuttle bus. Pete talking to that last woman how it is mayor pete and Bernie Sanders and kind of a tossup right now. I would say half the people that were at the Pete Buttigieg event yesterday were still shopping around. They were still looking. And i would say 35 of them, maybe 42 , said to me that they would not make up their mind until they were actually at the voting place. Looking at the names. Ainsley Bernie Sanders has a 150 staffers. Buttigieg 80, biden 80 and Elizabeth Warren 55. Steve it was get out the vote thing yesterday. They are very organized. Brian speaking of shopping, jillian can shop online now we need her to actually tell us the news. Jillian i cant shop online right now. But in a couple minutes, maybe. Lets start off with this. Evidence is mounting against lori loughlin. The bogus athletic resume of one of the couples daughters has surfaced. The document is heavily redacted and doesnt name which daughter but the graduation date of 2018 does point to olivia jade. The resume includes a whole bunch of accomplishments for someone who never rowed competitively like gold medal and top 15 finishes. Search on for a vandal who defaced headquarters in new mexico. Spray painting the phrase still traitors angering party officials. Thats a very strong word. Hanch words. Tears at the fundamentals of our country. Jillian vandals spray painted last year removing the new graffiti could cost more than 3500 bucks. School children are thrown from their seats in a horrific bus crash. The shocking video was just released. [explosion] jillian thats hard to watch. Trapped students. They escaped out windows and the emergency exit. Police say a mustang ran a red light and caused the wreck. No one was seriously hurt. Thankfully, if you are a parent out there that video, im sure, these rattle you. Brian i thought you have to wear seat belts now. Steve they dont have seat belts in buses. We talked about that before. They feel more people would get hurt by seat belts. Brian i never talked about that. Ainsley that one child hit the ceiling. Steve terrible. Something to think about this morning. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. Janice dean is in new york city. Janice, there is occasional snow and we have got a temperature around freezing, right . Janice why do you need me . You are right. So here is your New Hampshire current temperatures. We have got temperatures in the 20s and 30s but things will improve as the day goes on. With relatively mild temperatures for New Hampshire this time of year. We could see a little bit of snowflake activity for the southern part of the state. All in all not a bad forecast. No reason to blame the weather person not to get out and vote in the primaries in New Hampshire. Not a lot of moisture getting it way into the region. Thats the good news. Now, as far as the rest of the country, especially across the southeast and parts of the south, we have very heavy rain thats going to bring the potential for flooding. North of that, thats where we are going to see the snow. But the flooding is going to be the main concern and Severe Weather throughout the day today. Listen to your local forecast, and, steve, back to you. You could safely do the weather in New Hampshire today for me. Steve well, because i was outside. And janice, what you are saying is the weather is not going to stop anybody here in New Hampshire from voting. Janice it shouldnt or just blame the weather person if you dont go out and do it. Steve thank you very much, janice. Brian you and jillian can talk amongst yourself. Ainsley and shop. Michael bloomberg is skipping New Hampshire gearing for super tuesday. New audio of him discussing stop and frisk. Brian here is more from the band playing take on me i will shut up now and let you hear it. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Walkabout wednesdays are back get a sirloin or chicken on the barbie, fries, and a draft beer or cocacola all for just 10. 99. Hurry in wednesdays are for outback. Outback steakhouse. Aussie rules. Yo steve this morning former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg is facing backlash as newly resurfaced audio reveals stop and frisk policies he has been apologizing for since he decided to run for president. Ainsley joining success tony katz. Is this going to hurt him. The answer is yes because anything that they can utilize to cancel out 53 billion is going to hurt. And for a guy who wants to make himself in this democratic mold of woke and in this democratic mold of inclusive which has been a problem for people like Pete Buttigieg when he sees a way, in this is absolutely brutal. I think the bigger question is going to be if you were to talk to new yorkers right now, how do they see the city under bloomberg versus how they see the city under current mayor bill de blasio. When you realize they preferred it in terms of safety under bloomberg, thats going to lead to the question of do stop and frisk actually work . I will let them engage and enjoy that entire explosive behavior. Brian im wondering if bloomberg is even happy for this to get out early when he is not officially even in a primary yet . Thats one of the, i think, bigger conversations this conversation is this something that was leaked out . If so, what campaign leaked it out and then for what purpose in a primary that he doesnt exist in . Somewhere someone thinks making a differentiation, a separation from bloomberg gives them a value. Steve he is in the news, because this morning he won the Dixville Notch vote. He wound up with three votes so he was the big leader. We have asked you a number of times about Pete Buttigieg because you are have indiana. Is he described as a moderate by a lot of progress miss at this carrots like Pete Buttigieg. You say he is not so moderate . No. The great thing about Pete Buttigieg is the way he couches a conversation, engages the moderation. He doesnt want medicare for all. He wants medicare for all who want it. He doesnt want to take all your guns like bourque but now is the perfect time to come and get all the guns. He isnt a moderate. He is on that radical tip. The difference between him and Bernie Sanders is a question of speed. How fast they want to go to get to the thing. Brian bernie is a gift for him. No doubt. The perfect foil and person to separate from. This is what is so fro frustrating to Amy Klobuchar. Wait a second im the more moderate one she believes in obamacare and that used to be the most radical thing ever. She doesnt understand why she cant get moderate love and buttigieg is getting all of it. Ainsley thank you. See you guys later. Steve nice to have you. Steve the polls are about to open up in some precincts here in New Hampshire. How do voters feel this morning. Stopped by a couple rallies last night. Dooce on the loose. Primary edition live from New Hampshire. Stop dancing around the pain that keeps you up again, and again. Advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. Advil pm yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Steve there they are just outside the Bedford Village inn which is our headquarters here in New Hampshire. It is the cardinal marching band from Bishop Guertin high school playing superstition. Ainsley look how beautiful this is we have our green room up there. Hair and makeup on that side. We have all of our staff over here. This is so convenient. The tavern is next door where we were all eating dinner last night. Brian we actually walked down the stairs onto the set. Ainsley exactly. Brian like what mr. Rogers had. Steve i think did he live here . Brian he lived in his house. Steve i think we overdressed. We should be wearing ski jackets and boots and whatever people are wearing out to vote today. Ainsley you normally have an hour commute in about. How is this . Brian a lot of my took you 30 seconds. I got caught in traffic on the stairs. When you look at the tuba i remember in high school i used to say they are so lucky because if you have a if you are tuba player you do not have to travel with a tuba you get two tubas. You traveled with your mouthpiece. Right a way you look at the tuba people and how do they do that on the bus. Ainsley clarinet was too small. Brian had to bring it back and forth. Ainsley what instrument did you play. Steve saxophone. Ainsley how many years did you play . Brian did you go pro . Steve i could play pretty well. Brian next hour steve on the set. Ainsley i wanted to play the cello. Mom said you are playing the violin because there was one under the bed my sister played it. Steve there is always room for cello. [laughter] welcome to New Hampshire. Ainsley Griff Jenkins is live inside Bedford High School where people are starting to vote. Hey, griff. Griff hey, ainsley, brian and steve. Take a look. This is Bedford High School. Have you got the voters coming in, lining up. Just a few minutes before i came on here. The head guy here was swearing in the ballot clerks. Take an oath to do their job. They expect anywhere from 8 to 10,000 voters to come in here this, of course, all eyes on Bernie Sanders. He is, of course, the frontrunner. Home field advantage, led in all the major polls. Buttigieg is closing in on him. Find out whether this twoman race is going to be as close as possible. One thing for sure the frontrunners didnt waste any time attacking each other. Senator sanders ideals are certainly ideal thats think most americans share. There is a hole in his proposals that amounts to 25 trillion. Bigger than the entire size of the american economy. My friend, mr. Buttigieg and my friend joe biden, they have dones and dozens of billionaires contributing to their campaign. We dont have any. Whats going to be fascinating to watch today whether moderate voices come out. Amy klobuchar leading that pathway. She had a surge in the polls late in this process. And we went to an event yesterday to ask her to what she attributed that surge. Heres what she said. Being strong. The debate was a big deal for me. And we are really excited about how this is going. And we just want people of New Hampshire to turn out. I have put my heart into this. And i think people saw that on the debate stage. These polls are open until 7 00 p. M. We already have the results from that tiny Dixville Notch that traditionally votes at midnight. They have been doing it for 60 years. The results surprising. Out of the five residents who live there. Four were democrats, one was republican. Michael bloomberg got a writein for three of them two. Democrats, one republican. Total of three for bloomberg. And then buttigieg and sanders each got one apiece. Brian, ainsley, steve . Steve all right. Griff jenkins live here in bedford, New Hampshire. Thank you very much. Brian griff, where did you put your coat . Steve with his tuba. Brian i have never seen you without a coat on. Ainsley there he is did he put it back on . Brian no, its just his sweater. Griff the coat is hiding. We are inside warm weather for once. Ainsley thank you. Steve thank you very much, griff. Ainsley this state is important because its the first primary in the country and even more important this year because iowa, we still dont know the results. Everyone is waiting to see who is going to win today. Steve and when you look at what griff just said, you know, here in New Hampshire, it seems to be Pete Buttigieg is suddenly on fire. Bernie, you know, he has got such a good ground game here. Yesterday, as soon as we landed, we hit the ground running, i wound up going to some get out the vote rallies. And very impressive. Last night bernie had 7500 people at a rally. I went to hudson and i went to milford. And i even caught up with a very famous movie star who signed on for one of the candidates. Watch this. [cheers] steve thats the guy everybody is here to see. Here in hudson, New Hampshire, bernie is trying to rally the troops. Lastminute, trying to get everybody to come and vote for him. And i am confident that with your help going out and knocking on doors and doing all the things i know you are going to do, we are going to win here in New Hampshire. Steve what one thing do you love about Bernie Sanders. I love a lot of things about Bernie Sanders. For me bernie is my choice because of integrity because he has been saying the same thing for 40 years. Bernies values are union values. Middle class values. His whole campaign since the very beginning is based on equality, justice, and fighting for the people. Looks like the establishment not crazy that bernie is on top right now. You think so . You know, i think the debacle in iowa was beyond tragic. Steve under a are going to vote for . Bernie sanders. Steve all right. Bernie just energized the crowd. He has gone onto the next event. Lets us go onto the next event and its over there with Pete Buttigieg, the mayor. We love you, we hope you win. Pete is my guy. Why do you want pete . He is very middle of the road. He is not really extreme. I like him. He is smart. He has the military experience. I mean, he is very charming. He is younger than many of the other candidates. But i dont think thats a detriment. He has amazing energy. Amy, last night, we liked her. Hopefully we will see if pete sounds like you are kind of shopping around. Always, this is New Hampshire, man. Steve why do you like pete . Why are you here . I have been listening to him all summer. I made up the mind in the summer after listening to him three or four times. In my mind thats where i line up. Steve after waiting below freezing temperatures. I believe you will make me the next president of the United States. If you do i will work every day to make you proud. Steve the people of New Hampshire will do the deciding. Thats what it is all about. Its about democracy coming out and hearing and hearing different opinions and you dont get a chance to do this very often. Once every four years so here we are. Steve i heard somebody say, you know, iowa picks corn and New Hampshire picks. The president. [laughter] receive receive so Kevin Costner was there for mayor pete. Whats interesting is the speakers at mayor pete and mayor pete himself said dont be surprised if we shock the world today. So i dont know if they know something with the internal polling. They are surging. Nonetheless, right now, i think its 1 and 2, bernie and pete here in New Hampshire. Ainsley well definitely know the answer tonight, right . Brian i hope. So. Ainsley did you go into the booth and cast your vote. Everyone gets one vote. You write it in. And then most of those are hand counted. There are a few counted electronically. They are paper ballots. Brian polls close at 7 00. Start getting results at 8 00. The president says if you are going to have a primary or caucus im going to show up the day before. Did he it again in New Hampshire. Steve was talking about a huge line for bernie and pete. It didnt approach what donald trump was able to do in New Hampshire. Here he is talking really for the first time at a rally post impeachment. At stake is our present battle survival actually of our nation. Only this way can we save the america we love and drain the washington swamp once and for all. That swamp is a lot worst than everybody ever thought. That swamp is a dirty swamp. [chanting drain the swamp] as we keep on winning, washington democrats keep on losing their minds. My only problem is im trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate . I think they are all weak you want to know the truth. [cheers and applause] brian he wants an opponent so bad. Steve does. 12,000 people at the trump rally last night. It was four years ago here in New Hampshire at the primary donald trump won, a little bit of trivia, who was his main republican challenger . Four years ago . Brian New Hampshire . Ainsley four years ago. Steve donald trump had 36 and john kasich wound up with 16 . Remember . Ainsley that feud. John kasich didnt come to the convention. Brian going on. He was trying to find a pathway to run himself. Meanwhile, Kevin Mccarthy was out and about last night. Ainsley he was. Pete hegseth caught up with him at the rally and put a microphone in his face and asked his opinion about mayor bloomberg and the whole race. Watch. Brian winning back the house. If you had to put odds on you, the republicans taking over the house right now today, where would you put them . I would put them up about 70 . This president is breaking records. The best economy. They dont want to go back. We want to go forward. Pete let me ask you about Mike Bloomberg, he loves to talk about how his millions flipped the house. How concern are you about a billion or 2 billion going into the race . Im very worried about him buying our democracy. He gave them more than 110 million. Of the difference between us being in the minority majority is less than 106,000 votes. Thats the votes that Michael Bloomberg bought. Ainsley 70 chance that republicans win back the house. Steve he would then, by conventional wisdom, wind up being the speaker of the house. Here in New Hampshire, they are thinking that 420,000 people will wind up voting today. Yesterday at the Bernie Sanders event bernies people said that they had knocked on 20 of the doors in New Hampshire on saturday alone when people were home. Ainsley i believe it. Brian how many pretended they werent home. Most people dont like people knocking on their doors they dont know. Oh, great, a stranger. I will get it. Ainsley one of those on the door. Tip toe to the front door and look out if i dont recognize go back. Steve here in New Hampshire, everybody expects people to knock on the door and half the time its the actual candidate. And you open the door and did you go into the coffee table and you sit down and talk about the issues. Ainsley this is one of those places where everyone is friendly, about the folks. A saying here in this state if you dont meet a candidate in someones kitchen, dont vote for them. Because they like to meet and greet. Brian i remember the first time i met jillian she was very nice and now she is doing the news. And she is still nice. Jillian my parents neighborhood my neighbors will call to say hey, dont answer your door. Someone could come in. Ainsley that sounds like my parents street. They all know each other. Jillian miss you here in new york but i will get you caught up on headlines. The career criminal accused of shooting two nypd officers within 12 hours of each other is held without bail. Cops flooding the courthouse as Robert Williams pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. Prosecutors say he threatened to shoot more officers when released. City Police Officers are demanding something be done. These Police Officers that sat in that courtroom would have gave up our seats if any of these elected officials had the backbone to say excuse me, can i sit in this courtroom to make sure theres justice . Jillian williams reportedly had a runin with officers the night before his rampage began. Sources tell the New York Post, he got in the face of cops but eventually walked away. Both injured officers are now out of hospital. More than 100 american troops are diagnosed with traumatic brain injury following the Iranian Missile strikes in iraq. The pentagon confirms 109 soldiers were hurt. Thats a 50 jump from the 64 reported last month. Almost three quarters of the Service Members are back on active duty. The january attack is considered retaliation after u. S. Forces killed a top iranian general. Florida republicans vow revenge at the ballot box after a man drives his van right into a tent of volunteers . Outrage. We are outraged we are outraged this is not who we are. This is unamerican. Jillian gregory tim is charged with aggravated assault after police say he drove into a g. O. P. Registration event. Republicans believe this was a targeted attack. Air force 1 getting a makeover. Unveiling a design for president s new plane. Take a look. Air force requesting update to the boeing aircraft with a red, white, and Navy Blue Color scheme including a flag on the tail. You see it there according to the budget request the two brand new jets will cost more than 800 million. The current light blue version design was introduced during the Kennedy Administration in the 1960s. Looks pretty good. Send it back to you. Ainsley i know, jacque o is the one who picked out that color the robin egg blue. Steve indeed. Looks like there could be some changes. Jillian, thank you. Still ahead live from New Hampshire. We have florida senator rick scott. Look at that brian is checking him in at the front desk here at the Bedford Village inn. Ainsley plus as voters hit the polls, next guest slamming Bernie Sanders socialist ideas saying they just dont work. The author of socialism is evil. Justin has kins is here. Hey, justin simple as can be just as simple as can be we used to live on instagram the meaning of a smile to me is the beginning of a conversation. The best advice i can give anyone. Is dont wait. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to free exam and xrays for new patients without insurance. Yes to flexible hours and payment options. And yes, youll start smiling more too. Dont wait, book at aspendental. Com or call today. A general dentistry office. Ready to juvederm® it . Correct agerelated volume loss in cheeks with juvederm® voluma™ xc. Add fullness to lips with juvederm® ultra xc. 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The basic instability of us being able to afford our lives due to being paid less than a living wage, we dont have to live like this. As voters hit the polls Bernie Sanders and his endorser aoc are pushing Big Government as a solution to poverty. Brian i wonder if that will work. Next guest is wrong. Arguing socialism is the cause of poverty. Not the cure of poverty. Steve joining us right now on the curvey couch here in bedford, New Hampshire, is the editorial director at the Heartland Institute and author of socialism is evil. Justin haskins. Brian not a lot of gray area there, justin. Im not hiding about how i feel about socialism. Steve i have a feeling Bernie Sanders people would have a bone to pick with you. I talked to some of them yesterday. I said, you know, the rap is that he just is offering a lot of free stuff to people. And they said no, its not free stuff. Its reprioritizing how the government spends money. I see. Well, thats one way of looking at it, i guess. I think the more accurate way of looking at it is to say that Bernie Sanders wants to control virtually every aspect of your life or he wants some government bureaucrat to control every aspect of your life. And really, that is their priority. Thats what they are most interested in. They say this is all about helping the poor. They say this is all about helping the middle class, the truth is those people would be punished more than any other group of people just as they are everywhere in the world where socialism has ever been tried. Ainsley justin, you live in boston. You are a millennial. Why did you write this book . How did you learn so much about socialism. Because im terrified. I know a lot of people, really good people, young people who believe socialism is a good idea. Steve where did it come from. It came from the indoctrination factories our Public School system and from colleges and this idea that socialism is basically a form of charity rather than what it really is all about force and control and manipulation. Ainsley talk to millennials who are watching. What is wrong with socialism why dont you like it . Socialism, even if it could work, it cant work. Its never worked anywhere its ever been tried in the history of human sizzles. Its deeply immoral. Putting the collective in front of the individual. Every individual gets paid by the collective. The individual doesnt matter. Religious beliefs, whether you are a minority, all those things get tossed out the window. Whatever the majority wants thats what it gets. If that means you lose your liberty, too bad four. Brian sanders always talks about look at denmark and sweden and norway. What do you say to that. Those are not socialist countries. In fact, the heritage foundation, cato institute, some of the leading think tanks in the world have analyzed this in many respects they actually freer here than we are in the United States. They do have socialismized industries. Brian so do we though. Exactly right. They are not socialist economies by any stretch of the imagination. Tack taxes and business regulations. They are actually freer than we are or at least socialist stick than we are. Steve if you fast forward to november if Bernie Sanders is the candidate, its a binary choice. I think donald trump would love to make that argument. I think donald trump would absolutely love to make that argument. If Bernie Sanders is the candidate. I dont see any way that he wins in the midwest especially but even in florida where have you lots of venezuelans and cubans they dont want socialism. Brian Bernie Sanders hasnt put his ideas into action. He didnt do in vermont as a mayor hasnt done it as a senator. He hasnt passed any legislation. Ran one committee into the ground the v. A. And apologized for it. Why does he have momentum . I dont get it . People are buying into this wildly idealistic belief that socialism could actually work. Bernie sanders political career is kind of like socialism. It has failed at every turn it never works. Thats the whole point. Brian we have you fired up. Democrats in his own party dont even like him. Its amazing. Ainsley got you fired up about socialism. I do. Brian thats why the book is great. Socialism is evil. Steve if Bernie Sanders is watching right now he might be out the door waiting to have a conversation. I would love to. Steve the thing about him though he does not back down. Thats true. Neither do i. Ainsley coming up, fox friends cohost pete hegseth is having breakfast with friends. Is he talking to New Hampshire voters who they think is going to win in their state. Steve coming up next florida senator rick scott is going to join us live. He is in New Hampshire with us. Only thermacare ultra pain relieving cream has 4 active ingredients to fight pain 4 different ways. Get powerful relief today, with thermacare. When they bundle home and auto with progressive. Wow, thats. And now the progressive commercial halftime show, featuring smash mouth. Hey now, youre an all star get your game on, go play thank you goodnight [ cheers and applause ] now enjoy the second half of the commercial even renters can bundle and save where did that come from . The kitchen. It was halftime. Just phenomenal right now the number of new employees that we are trying to draw. I mean, they just arent available. As far as the benefit packages, i mean i think finding that the wages are increasing because there is a lack of employees coming in. And its actually a good the state of New Hampshire is a great place for people to come to. Ainsley that New Hampshire businessman praising the soaring economy in this state in his state as voters are heading to the polls for todays primary. Steve well, our next guest can relate. He was a businessman before going into the politics. Joining us is florals republican senator rick scott a long way from home. A way. Warmer weather down there. Steve no kidding. You were at the president s rally last night. They had Something Like 12, 15,000 people in attendance and outside. A lot of people in the crowd were really amped up about how the economy is doing. Oh, gosh. You talk to people up here and the economy is doing very well. Unemployment is way down. Done a good job up here. True around the country. Thats why trump will win. He will a have a big win in florida and there was so much energy here. It was fun talking to people. They are excited. Ainsley this is a swing state. Important state. First primary. A big indication for what we are going to see in the future. What do you think will happen . Do you think it will be President Trump running against who . Well, i hope its sanders, gosh. Socialism vs. Capitalism. Squaller and death of socialism and opportunity of capitalism. I mean, we are all glings going to vote for capitalism. I grew up in public housing. My mom said thank god you grow up in america you can be anything. Not true in venezuela and nicaragua i hope its sanders. Brian i think the president does too even though he has fervent base. 59 of the country says they are better off this year than a year ago. 75 think they are going to do better this year than last year. Over in jacksonville, florida, they had a guy plow into a g. O. P. Voting registration tent. And no one is talking about this. I know. If a republican had done that against a democrat, okay. Then trump would all be trumps fault, right . Brian right. There is no conversation. I will tell you what, its going to energize republicans are already energized in florida but its going to do even more. Steve here is dean black, chairman of the Republican Party of deval. Talking about what happened. We support peaceful political processes, and the only revenge we talked about is the type that you get at the ballot box. The best revenge is victory, we said. But we emphasized that this needs to be peaceful. Steve and, senator, you said you feel like florida is going to be. Trump is going to win. Steve why do you say that . First off, the rnc has done a really good job with grassroots. They helped me with mine a year and a half ago with my race. They are all still there. So ronna has done a good job. Trump is doing really well. Economy lowest Unemployment Rate on record. He will win big. Brian governor sorry, senator, that was your old job. Steve he will answer to both. Brian mitt romney came out and said im a man of faith and i can not i have to be honest and the president is guilty and he should be removed from office. You voted for the president not to be impeached. Does that mean that you werent listening to god or your faith . Well, okay. The trump trump should not have been convicted. The House Democrats didnt prove anything. And thats what i did im a christian. I dont talk about my religion that day. What romney has to do is talk to his citizens of utah, thats who he represents and they will decide how he is doing. House democrats did a bad job. It was partisan. I have a bill right now that would change all of this. If you want to go through the house and get impeachment done, its got to be 60 of the vote. It should never have been partisan. Founders never wanted it to be partisan. That would change this. Steve like the bird rule in the senate where you have to have a margin. Brian it never has been partisan. Ainsley do you have support with that vote. I think its going to pass. A lot of people think we are just helping trump. Look, clinton wouldnt have been impeached. Steve right. Thank you, senator governor, whatever. Brian thanks for coming down. I will talk to you on radio. Great. Steve coming up on tuesday, James Carville, the democrat, is doubling down on his warning against Bernie Sanders. Certain part of the Democratic Party that wants us to be a cult. Im not interested in being in a cult. Steve well, former dnc chair Donna Brazile is here and she is going to react to that she is coming up. All right all right woman no matter what business you are in, Digital Transformation never stops. Verizon keeps business ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. second man virtualize their operations. third man and could even build ai into their customer experiences. We also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. woman where machines could talk to each other and expertise could go anywhere. woman when it comes to Digital Transformation, verizon keeps business ready. The sun is risin as the day begins time for reflectin on family and friends and hey, we got somethin just for you sniffing its a cup of your favoriiiite. loud splashing highpitched laughter dang woodchucks with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on Car Insurance. Transitions light under control. Upbeat music transitions signature gen 8, available now in 4 new style colors. Transitions. Brian i told you the sun would come up. You guys doubted it. Steve take a look. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the Bedford Village inn in bedford, New Hampshire, we have with us today the cardinal marching band from Bishop Guertin High School Just down the road a piece. We have taken over the entire complex. Ainsley this is where we are warehoused right now. Our studio is in here. A whole work crew on this side. Hair and makeup. Green room up there. We are all contained in this compound which is wonderful. Brian we all have ankle bracelets. Ainsley so easy. The commute to work was very swift. Steve fantastic. Four years ago the diner segment was born. We thought as an homage to that we would actually install our own diner here. There is not a diner but there is a tavern. Pete a tavern live and on site. Brian whats the difference . Pete alcohol. [laughter] doesnt really work well in the morning but it doubles as a diner. Brian what are the people like . Pete people are great. Steve go on over and talk to the people and well. Pete right now . Were just going to watch. Ainsley find out who they are voting for and what they care about and bring us breakfast. Steve pete said it takes a minute and 16 seconds for him to go. Is he going by the front door. Ainsley we will watch him run through the parking lot over to the tavern. Pete look who is here Kimberly Guilfoyle and. Sometimes you run into don jr. And kimberly on the air when you are running over to the diner. Doesnt happen at every diner but it happened right there. Apparently on the show later on. Is that true, guys . Thats true. Brian don jr. Will be on the show. He got a big mention last night by his dad. Maria harf juan williams. I dont know who they are pulling today. Brian no one is stopping to talk to you. Pete no, im not an important person. Okay . This much im reminded of every single day. If you guys had walked with me then we would be mobbed right now. Come on in. Look at this. This is the tavern and dining rooms here. Ainsley everything is so quaint and cozy and tavern like. Pete look at this. Doesnt it feel like the Founding Fathers maybe were here . I dont know. They might have been. Brian absolutely. Pete drinks right there for sure. Excuse me, maam. Now, this is the shortest walk we have ever had to a diner. Are we there . Come on in. There we go. This is why its a tavern, guys, and not a diner. This is why its a tavern. But we will be there later on. Thats for the after the after the show show. But, until then, look at these folks. A lot of folks from New Hampshire, voters who are going to be out and about today going to the polls. So, lets talk to them. That he was the whole point was that 1 16. I hope you timed it. I tried to make it as quick as i could for you guys. Maam, whats your name . Joanna. Pete you are supporting the president. I am. Pete why are you supporting him. Im very happy about his policy in the middle east. How he acknowledged the capital being in jerusalem. Acknowledged the west bank. And israeli sovereignty there. Pete got it. Now your son is a democrat or independent. Independent. Pete excuse me. Whoa. We got that on camera. An independent. Tulsi gabbard supporter. I am. Pete why you have a Tulsi Gabbard supporter. Im happy from the day one she wants to end u. S. Involvement overseas. Bringing that back on changing regime war internationally back to the u. S. And to our people. Im happy that she is addressing Climate Change on day one. And glad she is bringing the Democratic Party of by and for the people rather than the h elite. Pete she hasnt registered much she has made a lot of democrats angry if there this process. Do you think she can win. I do. I truly do. Pete you and four other people in the state. [laughter] just kidding. Independent, not a democrat. We are getting that clear this morning. Maam, i will sit right here. You went to the rally last night, correct . I did, i did. Pete you are supporting the president . I am. Pete whats the big issue for you. Economy and healthcare are my two big things. Pete absolutely. Let me go to your colleague whats your name . Pete dan. They all Work Together and different Political Parties and they all get along. Isnt that nice . Absolutely. [applause] pete but you are a democrat voting in the primary who are you voting for. Amy klobuchar. Pete why. I like amy because she is a uniter not a divider. I like the moderate aspect of things. The division in our country is at greatest point. I want to bring it all back together. She is a smart lady. Number one in her class at yale political science. I just think she has a lot going on for her. She has done a lot. Pete and you feel like a win is really important for her here if she is going to become a top tier candidate. I think today matters. She has to do well today. Pete but who do you think will win ultimately when you talk to fellow democrats. I think bernie has a good support system out there. And he seems to be knocking on more than most. Pete you said you were watching tv what was happening. We got a lot of calls and a lot of them were bernie calls. I think he has a support system thats probably unmatched. Pete let me ask you, last question, are you worried as a democrat being labeled as a socialist going into the general election if you do nominate someone like Bernie Sanders . No. Im not concerned about that. I think there is a lot of back and forth through both parties. Its just words. I think i mean, there is something to it but im not concerned. Pete not concerned. There you go. Well we have a Tulsi Gabbard supporter, Amy Klobuchar supporter. I believe we talked to another Amy Klobuchar supporter. A lot of people making their decisions late in the game. I have heard that time and time again. We have been getting these commercials and hearing the radio ads. People knocking on their door. A lot of bernie supporters canvassing the blocks, talking to the voters. Its anyones game today. A lot of latechanges at the last minute at the polls. We will keep talking to the people. I might walk back to the set. Im going to run this time so its going to take me 43 seconds. I will see you in a bit. Ainsley will you bring us some breakfast, please . Steve bacon. Pete im bringing you breakfast. Ainsley bloody mary for brian. Steve virgin. When he is talking about the independents thinking about voting today when you go to the polling place, then can you change parties and say i would like to have the democrat ticket so they can vote on that because if you are an independent, you cant do the democrat or the republican you have got to pick one. And did you go back to the beginning of the line. Ainsley every state has different rules about how that works. If you look at the voters here almost half of them dont identify as a republican or a democrat. They identify as an undeclared. Brian after here you have nevada. By the way people say its the same app. And they have. So same problems. This might be the smoothest voting primary that we have for quite some time. Hey, jillian, i know you are covering other news for us. Jillian thats right. Good morning from new york city. And we will start with this. I told you so. Thats the message from Ricky Gervais as oscar viewership hits a record low. The comedian warned hollywood to stay out of politics when he hosted the Golden Globes last month. Oscar winners didnt listen. Sundays show averaged just 23. 6 Million Viewers after stars mentioned impeachment, healthcare and global warming. Gervais tweeted in part, quote i tried to warn them when they lecture every day hardworking people, it has the opposite effect. Patriotism on full display by a fedex employee. The man caught on camera folding an American Flag that was knocked down by high wind. He tucks it inside the front door of a new jersey home. The homeowner says he wasnt even delivering a package. The fedex says they commend the actions of the employee who went above and beyond to secure the flag. Well, dwayne the rock johnsons daughter is joining the family business. Simone johnson signing with wwe to become a fourth generation wrestler. The 18yearold posting this video showing her training in orlando. She writes, quote for the little girl who fell in love with wrestling and was determined to make this dream a reality, this is for you. Im beyond thankful for this opportunity and ready to get after it. Lets do this. A look at your headlines. Send it to you, janice. Brian wow, thats going to be interesting. Jillian yes it will be. Janice it will be, right . Janice brian always gets his commentary in before the weather. For New Hampshire, no reason to not get out there for the primaries today. Most of that moisture is to the south of you and you can see in new york city we have got rain moving in. We could see some snow interior northeast across the midwest and the great lakes. The big concern over the next couple of days is going to be the flooding rain fall over the south. Were talking about several inches of very short period of time. And we have the stalled front thats going to bring not only heavy rainfall but the threat of Severe Weather today. So this will be the big story if you live in some of these areas, just know what to do if there is a watch or warning in your area. And we will certainly keep you up to date. All right, we go to New Hampshire to steve and ainsley and brian. Steve all right. Brian hi, janice. Steve coming up next on this telecast live from New Hampshire. Former dnc chair Donna Brazile is here live. Come on over to the curvey couch. You are the next contestant. Oh. Ainsley coming in hot. Hold on ainsley this morning, Michael Bloomberg facing backlash as newly resurfaced audio, that you just heard, reveals him defending those stop and frisk policies that he has been apologizing for since launching his white house run. Steve our next guest says mr. Bloomberg has some splaining to do. Fox news contributor and former dnc interim chair Donna Brazile joins us live here on our portable curvey couch. Oh, baby, this is just as good as the real win. Steve donna, what do you think about this coming out today on the first in the nation primary. The mayor has more splaining to do. One thing to go in a black church and say im sorry. Its another thing when people will figure out that over 600,000 people were stopped. Black and latinos. Look, i have an uncle who was a cop in new york and first cousin. I know this is not about law enforcement. Its about a policy that was found unconstitutional. Unconstitutional nine out of ten of those individuals were innocent. So, imagine being stopped, i mean, most people dont get this. Its not only humiliating but when you are innocent, you are being stereotyped because of the color of your skin. And its wrong. So i think he has a little bit more explaining to do. Ainsley why do you think this dropped today . This was just released this morning . Hello . Steve politics. We are in a primary season. And this is a race of delegates. Steve bloomberg is surging. Yes. He is spending inordinate amount of money. I have never seen anything like it. Lets be honest. Somebody asked Michael Bloomberg running. I like him. I have a soft touch for some of the stuff he is saying. This is serious. I know africanamerican, latino voters, and i believe other voters will be concerned about a policy that was found unconstitutional. Brian James Carville is somebody else like you a lot of experience in democratic politics. I dont know how you feel but he is very concerned about the direction of the country, excuse me, the party. Especially the fact that Bernie Sanders is on top and democratic socialist and not officially in the Democratic Party. Here he is. Winning a general election . We have got to win North Carolina and we have got to win georgia. Looking for somebody that can come in and not just excite them but talk about things that really matter to them in everyday life. They are not interested in socialism and the revolution and all that foolishness. There is a certain part of the Democratic Party that wants us to be a cult. Im not interested in being in a cult. Im 75 years old. Im just not im not a very culty person. Brian whats your reaction to that . Do you understand where he is coming from. Absolutely. James is a brilliant strategist. Remember, it was James Carville who led the Democratic Party in 1992 when the Democratic Party defeated a sitting incumbent. So he understands whats at stake. Not just for the party but also for the country. The second thing is james was here in New Hampshire to support michael bennett. He is more of a centrist candidate. James is a pragmatic politician. He does not like candidates too far to the left or to the left. Brian what about you . Im still shopping, honey. Brian do you feel bernie is a cult . No. I know Bernie Sanders. I know all of the candidates. Let me say this about bernie. Some people really rip bernie. He believes in equality for all americans. All americans. No matter if you grew up on one side of the track or the other side of the track. I know that everyone likes to hit Bernie Sanders because he has such passionate stands. But bernie is one of those american politicians who believed that we have to level the playing field. Thats my view on bernie. Steve there you go. Ainsley thank you so much, donna. We did reach out to the Bloomberg Campaign to get a reaction. We have not heard back. I have got to say one thing, i just saw donald trump jr. Its been four years. Im not giving him any more advice because the last time i gave him advice his daddy won. [laughter] brian you were trying to stop it. Ainsley you did it. I did it. Ainsley thank you. Martha mccallum is going to help lead our coverage when the polls close but first she is going to join us on the curvey couch. Brian how do you know . Oh, can you see her. Steve oh, look, its a danceoff clap your hands oh, oh, clap your hands clap your hands four years and counting. So watch out. 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Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all smart beds. Only for a limited time you can play modern songses and kids like it instead of these marching band song sos. This is why i love this band. This is the cardinal marching banding from a high school ten minute away from where we are. They are playing kreases train and love to thank them because theyre kids they would like to sleep in and got here very, very early and started plays as loud as they could at 6 00. We woke up everybody within a fivemile radius of the village inn Job Well Done we woke them up because today is the day to go vote. were all in this big building here like a big xowngd, the tavern is nec door their hotel and a their room it is in here. Weve got a work space over here hair and makeup over there and green room over there and martha walking through sometime we saw don jr. Walking through. We with saw sandra smith walking up g to hair and makeup this is so fun because were in our studio we dont get to see everyone else. Maybe thats intentional. Only thing thats not happening here is actual voting so we have dispatch because hes live inside Bedford High School where just behind him griff thats what its all about people in the first in nation primary are starting to do the picking. Thats right. Steve ainsley and let me show you around here. Look this is where voting is happened they had about 5 or 600 people come through already. People sitting down these are all ballot clerks sworn in before they did their thing had and voting booth in the back. What it look like here with ton of cameras media, some local, some national and let me take you over here Katrina Pierson in Trump Campaign bringing in show you shes over here now. Theyre just representing the Trump Campaign coming in. We havent seen any other campaigns and beyond it you haves school clubs, a High School Business club and they have hot fresh Chocolate Chip Cookie but story o. C. Is how people will vote will sanders hometown favorite come out on top and we said there was a surge in klobuchar voting and one who said she was with klobuchar. Tend to go to far left with with warren and sanders but im not so sure i dont know amy won me over and i think in this instance, in terms of the Bigger Picture we might need someone a little more in the middle rather than someone all the way to the left. Just a sampling of one voter that weve seen so far and one person said he was a republican but changed and vote for buttigieg here in New Hampshire you have to vote for republican, ballot or undeclared choose one or the other anyway, the lastly ill leave you with this results just incase people are just tuning in only 5 people voted in that notch four republicans, one, one was a republican but Mike Bloomberg got three out of the five two democrat votes one republican then you have sanders and buttigieg getting each one vote. Very telling very interesting keep you posted here. Guyses. Griff do you know rules because what if you have gym today do you still have to go to gym . Great question. The school has no classes today so there will be no gym. No math no science and no history. It is all about voting and if you have a school club coming in and baking cookies. Right. Good job griff. Good chance for kids to learn about politic thats good. A high school outside our door here. We also have martha hosting executive director of the story joining us live shes helping to helm our coverage tonight so when polls close, are we going to have exit polls . I have a question for you were you worried i wasnt going to wake up on time this morning . Because of the band [laughter] in the window at 4 30 in the morning to warm up. So okay first i was going to say were all on a campus here. And so we see each other all of the time, so i, you know, curl up in bed. I have a fox friends hit in the morning 4 30 in the morning. And like it is them. Why do we need a morning show and run a repeat. It wasnt going to stop. Sorry. So anyway theyre awesome. Going to have a late night. Alarm clock you could ask for. Unlike iowa where you guys didnt have any idea what had to do. Iowa a was really remarkable. I literally got so like punchdrunk watching that all of a sudden numbers coming out giving victory speeches like wait did i miss something . I dont think we have any numbers so yeah finally yesterday we got numbers but i think by the time they came out no one really cared. To actually know. They be most of the polls close at 8 some closing at 7. 5, u9d 30 somewhere in there get probably the first results that welcome probably make a call on tonight. So you know, i think they have a very good reputation in New Hampshire forking being able to get these numbers out. They have for years. I was at a Pete Buttigieg event last night with a big turnout they said, dont be surprised if we we surprise the world tomorrow. What do you think he meant . I think everybody is hope hadding to be the big story out of New Hampshire. And as of late as yesterday 30 to 40 of the voters said they havent exactly made their final decision yet i talk to lots of voters over last self day who said same thing Amy Klobuchar sure shopping around and you know, i think one of the interesting trends to watch is sort of that third spot biden, warren, klobuchar and which one comes out in that spot. If its not warren, what is rationization for staying in not only withinning it shes on the top three. How do you get raise money . No governor from montana has ever lost here and gone on to continue. Paul beat bill clinton here in 1992, but, of course, bill clinton went with ton get anonymous but yeah you absolutely should win if youre in the neighboring state and she was favorite here for a long time and Bernie Sanders, obviously, doing well. Martha this morning when we were starting the show we got fox news alert on our phone video has been just leaked of mayor bloomberg Say Something about stop and frisk from earlier. He did go to that Brooklyn Church africanamerican church mega church in brook lean and apologize in the the fall. But this video is just released of what had exactly he said about stop and frisk. Listen to this. This is from 2015. [inaudible conversations] murderers and murder victims say oh, my god you are arresting kids on my lawn. Yes, thats true. Why . Because put cops in minorities [inaudible conversations] okay. Not a coincidence that the particular audio was dropped on a podcast on the day of the first the nation primary. Obviously, the other democrats will use this against him in a huge way. He came out to apologize you have to wonder whether or not he would have been better off planning his thinking on stop and frisk and speaking by it. You think about the the way President Trump handles it when hes confronted with anything like that. He doubles right down and says yes, and the facts of what is in that statement are actually you know theres some truth to a lot of the facts in this statement. But hes going to have a hard time on that issue and a lot of places. In a way you can say get is out now opposed to when hes in a race and democrats so hes going to theres a lot of evidence of him being on both sides of the issues. In brazil we were on and we had her on our show and you can now heres what she said about this whole incident. I think mayor has more explaining to do one thing to go into a black church and say look im sorry but it is another thing when people will figure out that over 600,000 people were stop ised. Black and latino look i have a uncle who was a cop in new york and first cousin so i know im not this is not about law enforcement. Its about a policy that was found unconstitutional. Unconstitutional and nine out of the ten individuals were innocent. So imagine being stopped, i mean, most people dont get this. It is not only humiliating but when youre innocent youre just being stereotype because of the color of your skin. So this is the campaign surprise you woke up to today. You know, people have different feelings about this issue and talked to former plifs in new york who say they got so many guns off the street in that program and that it was helpful in terms of crime in the city. But this you know democrats were looking for way to go after a Mike Bloomberg theyre going to use this extensively the other big thing against him is that hes Mike Bloomberg that he has, you know, 50 billion dollars, Bernie Sanders is going to hammer that over and over and over again. But you know, he wanted to notch in earliest race to get results from. Meaningful not necessarily. But interesting. And he nevada debate will be a very big moment for him and nobody has seen him get up on stage and talk if youre from new york you have. But people across country i talked to people up here who said never heard him say anything. So thats what they found a lot of people did not know who he was they couldnt believe it. Other thing is hes going to be in the debate but not on the caucus right . So hes you can vote for him but part of the debate. it is like a debut hes coming out. Able to hear from hill. We did reach to the his campaign and havent heard back were still waiting for a response. All right in meantime you know, couple of days ootion, joe biden was beaten up buttigieg and going of a Bernie Sanders, and yesterday ate parentally he changeed tax on the last 24 hours and then he just decided to attack donald trump instead. What do you think about about that a particular strategy . I thought you were going say now heres the soundbite with martha. Yeah. I think that biden has had a very had a rough few days. I mean and his main spokesperson sanders we spoke with last night is already in South Carolina so that tells you something right there. They are just going to sort of shake dust off these rowpgdz and get down to South Carolina and nevada and hope things go better for the men and e early in the state but hes not campaigning as a a convention and president was speaking here in New Hampshire last night. Heres a little bit of the president last night at his rally here. The radical left pathetic party disan crusade is completely failed utterly backfired. We have the highest poll numbers that we have ever had had. Thank you nancy very much, thank you. We keep on winning democrats keep losing their minds. Theyre crazy. My only problem is im trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate i think theyre all weak. I want to know we have so much more enthusiasm about that that. It is not even close theyre all fighting each other. Theyre all going after each other. And they dont e know what theyre doing and cant count their vote. So there youve got the president taunting the democrats. Can i say one thing about that. We were at that arena a few nights ago i went to cover the democrats dinner all aft candidate were there it is a fundraiser table in the middle i would say it was about 80 full with two of the beggest areas tarped off upstairs it was not full and candidate were there, and you saw the crowd last night. And i was there four years ago you said you were too went over to cover rally four years ago to figure out what was going on with a big trump phenomenon and people were lined up around block and they were last night as well. People say oh crowd size doesnt matter but, i mean, come on. Did you have to pay to get to the dinner . A ticket for 20 dollars so all different entry poupt but yes a fund raiser. How do you get momentum for reelection and impeachment gave a punkuation, an end and a start. So it is going to be big. Speaking of starting your special coverage our special coverage stoorts tonight at 6 p. M. It runs until weve got all of the answers. All right. Thanks you guys. Woke up early take a nap now. All right [laughter] jillian joins with us the news. Good morning to you at home as well lets start here career criminal awe accuse of shooting two nypd officers within 1 hours of each other is held without bail. Cops flooding the courthouse as Robert Williams pleaded not guilty to attempted murder. Prosecutors say he threatened to shoot more officers when released. City cops demanding something be done. The Police Officers in that courtroom would have gave up our seat if any of these elected officials had had the backbone to say excuse me. Can i sit in this courtroom to make sure theres justice . Williams reportedly had a runin with officers the night before his rampage began. Sources tell the New York Post he got in face of cops but eaivel walked away both injured officers are now out of the hospital. A 13th case of corona virus confirmed in u. S. Overnight. The patient who returned from wuhan, china last week had been released from a san diego hospital by mistake. After initially testing negative that patient was not among the First American evacuees being released today. No words on that january flight from china tested positive. Officials now fear that virus could spread through after a sound on two floors of a hong konging Apartment Building a virus has now killed more than 1,000 people. The Trump Administration is cracking down on sanctuary cities doj announce significant escalation handing down lawsuit and sanctions in california washington and new jersey. Attorney general william barr says sanctuary cities put american citizens in danger. Fortunately in various jurisdictions socalled aggressive politicians are jeopardize the Public Safety by putting the interest of criminal alien before those of la abiding citizens. Right now ten states have socalled sanctuary policies statewide. And heres a question is this a sign of thing to come for in thes . Watch what happens when iowa Democratic Party chair gives an update on what happened with the iowa caucus. I dont think i have precinct chair and whoops. A sign reading iowa a Democratic Party following from the podium and betting right on to the the floor. Look at your headlines, back to you. [laughter] things cant go right in iowa. Man. People deserve better. They deserve better next time staple gun we have a big 45 minutings left in the show mark medicine does and donald trump jr. Theyre both going to join us live. There they are having coffee to the. Survives in New Hampshire after a dismal finish in iowa. Plus get up and take back this country and take it back now. And fox news correspondent peter has been following biden nobody should coffer the primaries more than here. And hes next. A lot of Healthy Foods are very acidic and arent necessarily great for your teeth. The acid can actually wear away at the enamel which over time can cause sensitivity and a lot of people start to see their teeth turn yellow. I like to recommend pronamel to my patients to help them protect their teeth and keep the enamel strong. Applebees new irresistabowls i like to recommend pronamel to my patients now starting at 7. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Can you help keep these iguys protected online . . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. What about wireless data options for the family . Of course, you can customize and save. Can you save me from this conversation . That we cant do, but come in and see what we can do. Were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover. At your local xfinity store today. Joe biden fighting to survive after a fourth place finish in iowa. You have to wonder is it possible and New Hampshire is make or break moments. Lest talk to fox news correspondent peter who has spent probably the most time of any Fox News Channel reporter here in the great state of New Hampshire. Good morning to you, peter. Good morning thanks for having me. So, you know, joe biden didnt have a good iowa now people are looking at hb New Hampshire he was saying hang with with me or for 24 hours it is going to be okay so he is making it seem like no matter what happens tonight. Hes in it. He sees first four as one. And in South Carolina and super tuesday and bloomberg with a couple of billion dollars is like four days later. Yeah so have you noticeed on the trail with him the confidence waning as the guy that hopped on the trail as the prohibit front runner to guy who is maybe fighting for his life. If it has waned hes very good at making it seem like it hasnt and hes somebody and in d. C. When youre a senator and vp for 40 years, he knows how to just make it so that shes probably his top surrogate as of right now. I dont think anybody has had more exchanges reporter candidates than you and joe biden and they get picked up and then i hear about it from shoppers at the grocery store. Heres peter and joe biden over last couple of months on the campaign trail. If you are the best choice for the the democrats in 2020 why tonight president obama endorse you . I asked president obama not to endorse. Draw bigger crowds than me here in the state. Youre going to go after me no matter what. Yeah, you and its okay. It is good im a big boy i can handle it. How many times have you ever spoken to your son about a overseas business dealings. Ive never spoken to my son everybody looked at this, and everybody looked at it said theres nothing there. Ask the right questions. And i dont think ive figured out what right question is. The right questions here. So we have an answer thats not true by the way. After he turned and sad that you actually were asking more questions he walked away. I tried. The thing is with the former Vice President , despite the clip hes been generous with his time and a lot of he takes the question and a lot of time his staff will see me out stand next to car with microphone and text me say okay what is it today ill tell them. Ill say hey i have a question about this. And defensive about his son. Come right on over so defensive about his son he was on today show he was on with savannah remember, and he was defensive with her. Rng doesnt like it. And quick question seem to me he gets angry so quickly not just with you. What is with how do you characterize that . I did not cover him a ton before he was a candidate. So its possible that that is just how he operates and it is possible that we have not seen him challenged on personal questions like that or really on policy questions. And in a really long had time at least not since people everything is recorded from 15 angles. Sure and tonight youre going to be at the Bernie Sanders headquarters right . I was with him last night. And durham at the university of New Hampshire and he had 7500 people he had a very, he had the crowd that is closest on the democratic side it a President Trump and granted he had aoc and strokes and rock banding but there are a lot of people filing for hour and conventional wisdom is bernie race to. He won and he could go two for two with heart problems i dont know if i would want a band opening up for me. Right [laughter] i will ask him. [laughter] if you dont mind. But even you want millennial vote. Peter thank you very much. Good job. Thank you, peter. All right meanwhile ainsley. Donald trump jr. Is checking in on to our studio there ringing the bell that guy is the doorman. And coming up, next congressman mark medicine meadows joins us on the couch. Whats he doing here . When did you see the sign . When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics yeah, and now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com hi with the worldse s first invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . And its not the trailer right next to us . This guy . You dont believe me . Hop in. Good lookin pickup, i will say that. Oh wow. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Oooohh thats awesome. Whered the trailer go . I love it. Its magic. What do you say wow, thats the analyst facing backlash over the question to the president he left the white house yesterday. Gop congressman martin meadows fired up about this over the commander in chief and joins us now. Good morning to you thanks for being with us congressman. Great to be with you and here in New Hampshire. I know thank you for being here. So what did you think of that, of that reporter . Listen. I mean, if thats best question that a reporter can ask is about a cult you know, if you talk about colt followings they have fallen around democrat candidates but listen this is all about the president accomplishments what he was able to do. What hes still doing and what a he will do in the coming five years. And impeachment. I think theres a renewed sense of energy, theres really not only did the president have the best week hes had in three years with acquittal in state of the union but job report Everything Else but its also an understanding that were going to move forward and that the not even impeachment is going to to stop this president from accomplishing what he promised on a campaign trail. Whats a happening in your life next i know youre retiring. You know im still here in the fight. Im just going to be fighting from a different Vantage Point i can tell you this that president not only is here in New Hampshire and iowa, it was in both of those places but were going to continue to work to make myrrh sha message that donald trump is delivering not just in North Carolina but across the state continues to get delivered. So i have to ask you we watched friday when the twins were marched out as i should as they should. We also saw that so were also seeing reports that the president figure out who going to one publication who anonymous is the author is going to be getting rid of that person we also dont know who whistleblower technically is. Are you supportive of the president doing this because reportedly according to the New York Times Ron Johnson Susan collins and other senators said mr. President dont act like youre getting even with those who had had unkind testimony. This is not about getting even butting having a team around you thats willing to support your agenda. Listen, this is the only president who can run on his accomplishment in the first three years, and still run against his own administration. Because part of his administration is trying to defeat the trump agenda and so it is important that you have a team and can you panel what this president could have accomplished. If everyone this were in the boat rowing the same way but weve got people that are trying to turn the canoes over trying to turn boats over and theyre within the west wing. It is not even just is in parts of d. C. It is actually at 16 had 00 pennsylvania avenue. This is just the beginning. I guess Robert Obrien talks about gutting down to 150 from 400. I talked to mr. Obrien last night spoke to him and hes all about making sure that the president has the best support to make sure that we can move this thing forward and hes right to do so. Okay cock man. Thank you so much for being with us from North Carolina and high land to prettiest part. Thank you. And hes still on team trump. Yeah. Thank you so much. All right what are voters saying before they head to polls in New Hampshire this morning. Pete is tag to some of them, thats coming up. Now hes finally in the band always wanted to be in the band up next donald trump jr. Will join us live how do i know . Hes gettings close. 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Lainl, the bishop curtain marching band from New Hampshire thanks for you all being here this morning nice and warm up here, right . Pfnlg beautiful. Have you enjoyed youre ethan right. Have you enjoyed being wakeup call for all of Fox News Channel . I love it. Honored to be here. Great to have you now you play on Football Team too and at halftime you change out of your football uniform to lead halftime show. I do it has been a real fun four years you know able to play football and do banding both things i love so much and bg has been awesome at accommodating skill set so honored to be a part of this awesome program. Rnl linebacker to drum e back to line backer maam whats your name . Genevieve this is a big band school suspect it from all around new england people come here to be a part of it. People from a lot of different towns and three people from New Hampshire, massachusetts, but honored to be here very excited. Got it thank you so much for being here. Last word to you on behalf of your band mate a what does it mean to be on fox and friends this among . Honored about to be here and great to be firsting thing in the morning for all america to wake up to. First in the morning for the first in nation primary. Weve got best out here. Theyll keep play for us guys dont choir. Lsht one time if which you have a woodwind instrument if you want it to be wood not brass. All right. Only brian would think of that. Great today. I know. That belong to donald trump jr. Executive of the Trump Organization son of donald trump who is also in attendance lasting night at the big rally. Here in New Hampshire where your father was essentially taunting democrats. Well listen i dont know if he was taunting as much as he was to democrats to supportersing in in that room you guys saw it. It was truly incredible to basically to have that many people show up on a cold day you saw people standing outside for 36 hours in the mud. In the freezing cold rain. I mean, New Hampshire in february not exactly florida. It was, it was really special it was awesome to be there. Well you werent only there. You were called up on stage and you spoke for a while. Listen to how don jr. Was greeted. As don jr. Make a good space . [applause] [chanting] good kid they wngt through a lot for this. They went through a lot for the hope. Theyre chanting 46 they want you to run after your dad with another noir four years. Humbling my only focus is literally making sure he can get reelected in 2020 when you look at the accomplishment. The things that hes been tiebl get done. The thing hes been able to get done despite unprecedented resistancing nothing but resistance no one watching can name a single thing that the democrats have even tried to do over last three that and a halfs other than prevent him from doing something and i love the direction that this country is going. I love that hes fighting for americans putting Americans First you know fight for lowest wage and unemployment numbers are lowest in recorded history for every demographic, i mean, were really living in blue collar boom which is what he promised and youre getting that many people to show up to stay is that long and be that supportive. I follow you on instagram i know youre very is supportive of a number of republican campaigns in addition to your father around the country. What about what happened down in jackson vol where the guy ran into the crowd and a republican Voter Registration event. You know, the silence was deafening. You know, when i see that happen a and by the way, the violence against conservatives, republicans and Trump Supporters it is so prevalent and so underreported, i mean, if at all. If the shoe was on the other foot and that was a some sort of pretend crazy right wing with whatever person doing it to Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren number one news story all over america. Theres not a journalist that wouldnt be covering it for weeks. But when it happens to a trump supporter you know, it is honestly getting to the point of from the left and from the media which are basically same thing at this point. It is truly disgusting it would be one of the largest if not the largest story superseding primary stuff all of the krazness in iowa, if it was the other way around but when had it happenses to a trump supporter and it is because theyre a trump supporter we can condone that and truly disgusting and im getting sick of it and so are americans. How abouting a aer that guy is in court thankfully didnt hurt anyone. But hes in courts and he looks backed a camera just smug like i dont care what you think of me. Im happy proud of this. Watch this. Look, yeah. It is truly disgusting what would the headline say . We know what they would say. Okay it would be you cant even imagine what it would be. Its so sickening, and again thats the environment in which we are. Thats what the democrats because they wont cover it and almost started condoning these sort of attacks and it is truly disgusting and i really looked to someone on that side someone in the media to have the guts to actually say enough is enough. But i e havent seen a guy and it has happened time and time again analogy they make and comparison they make we know where they would go with this one but you know what ive heard ing nothing. Right one person charlie organization put together a video. They just talked about when nancy pelosi ripped up that script. How many people stories you ripped up and the script was of the state of the union address. She wants that thing taken down. Well thats by the way, i work with charlie a lot as you know and Bennie Johnson put together that meme that was my idea i want this. Can you put it together. And he did and i was first one to post it, and because i was there. I heard those stories. I was sitting next to those great americans and each story so special and so unique to watch her do that at the end in this contrived, you know, prething because she can get away with it. Theres no one holding them accountable and those were incredible american stories she ripped up, of course, now because you know that bias, that sort of disgusting, you know, action was highlighted now she wants total censorship thats what it is you guys not coming for Second Amendment but First Amendment you cant do anything against the leftest or youre going try to get censored thats what she said when nancy pelosi is going to facebook to basically take down a meme of her actual actions. You know, this isnt like a fake video. Its just were highlighting this incredible american. Rip up that dream. Highlight this american. Rip up that dream. Thats what she was doing. But again, theyre used to never having any pushback. Theyre used to no one fighting back and thats why donald trump is catching on with conservative so well. Because hes actually said guys, you can push back. You dont just have to take loss because leftest want you to. Are social Media Companies trying to take it down . You know, listenly if they do that one you know, it is all over because you can ask. Not luke a modified you know thing. It is very clear this isnt some sort of, you know, adding words to someone it is just exactly what she needs highlighted. Nancy pelosi because you know the fast when hes had had with people and ted cruz comeses to miengtd they get along now and support one another. I felt like he would probably do that with nancy pelosi and try to work with her but the impeachment hearing and did he intentionally not shake her hand . Listen the way i saw it honestly i dont think so. He handed a paper and turned around the and she moved for it he was looking towards mike pence so he dpght shake his hand but National Prayer breakfast and not beginning to pretend. Im praying for donald trump nobody believes that no one believes that nancy pelosi is sitting there pray for donald trump. Praying that he get out of office maybe. But i think republicans appreciate his honesty and listen, you know he could be tough it at times. He can be a lot at time for some of even the conservatives. The reality is this, if you went through on a daily basis what he did the attack, look at what hay went through and put his family through right. Hunt per biden totally offlimits but barron trump you can go after him thats okay because hes trump kids. You know what you probably look at the world at differently and probably push back at harder and fact that he has pushed back harder that has allowed him to achieve what hes achieved if he did what most conservatives did roll over and die, when challenged by left, you wouldnt have the accomplishments that he has. When you got a chance for the 46th president of the United States. [laughter] i know. Thanks don ill talk to you on radio. Pete is talking with voters before they head to polls in New Hampshire were going check in with him and hes giving away food but first coming up in 10 minutes smith, about good morning ladies and gentlemen. Good morning you guys youre in the building over here. We are over here join us this morning. Good morning everyone from New Hampshire. Voters are heading to polls in had the Granite State for first in the nation primary. Democrats out in full force last night. Making their last minute pitch to votes and president holding race as race for 2020 moves full steam ahead. And sanders from team biden is do or die time and Lindsey Graham stangdzinging up for president who had a big rally last night plus Chris Wallace not just the a team but a plus, plus team joining me nine to noon. Well see you. howling wind thats a reason to switch to jackson hewitt. Our tax returns come with a free lifetime accuracy guarantee. Life may change. Your lifetime accuracy guarantee wont. Tax prep guaranteed at jackson hewitt. Molly my np spends a lot of with me and gives me a lot of attention which led to my diagnosis. She initiated tests and found out what was wrong. Shes treated both my children since they were born. Bridgette i feel that my np cares about me as a person and not just if im sick or not. Molly and i really love my Nurse Practitioner because we have such a strong connection. I know that whenever i call, shell be there for me. 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Pete dongt let me down. We will not let down we never do and try not to but your expectations are high so we do the best we can. Thats bryant saying hello to everybody by the way. And Steven Ainsley but that is about mission and pundits are had their say and people will speak today and well learn who might be new front runner for democrat peat we shall see before that i met dylan at the trump rally i asked you your generation of yng people a lot them are going for Bernie Sanders in this state. Why do you think that is . Well i think a lot of them needing to go to a trump rally toering if out socialism will never exist in america and best is yet to come. [applause] theres one side of it thank you for joining us for break past this morning. Whats your name . Manny. Youre supporting Pete Buttigieg. When you look at the candidate hes charismatic more middle versus on the end not a socialist but someone who has solutions and looks at future his intelligence, his background, his view on how he manages thing really appeals to me. Now maam youve been involved with with a campaign and looked at candidates and going door to door and he mentioned more in the middle but folks on the right would say well still for the green new dole and he want it is trillions of new spend doesnt sound very middle to me. How why are you attracted to pete . I would say that folks on the left would say hes, you know, weighing not left as well. So i support pete because he brings me hope. He brings my Blood Pressure down. He makes me makes me feel that i can get along with my thaibs that he can bring the country together. He has the right values. He has the right vision. He has the right blend of experience, and i know some people feel he doesnt have enough experience. But he has shown that he can take the intelligence that he has and values that he has and a the advisors and people he gathers as a team and use it to build what had is needed to move forward whether thats improving south bend or i believe improving the country. Turns out this is election cycle that hasnt on democrat side just been about experience because that would mean joe biden would be nominee does it maam you went to trump rallies last night there was some talk about about joe and hundredth per bieldzen there are you surprised how hes slid in polls at all . No. Why not . Hes terrible. I mean really she was ready to talk about the president you have five seconds. I want to talk about individual mandate and im so proud of this president for taking that down. Bauds as we discussed insurance earlier 50 doesnt know what individual mandate is but strike middle class here we have to leave it right there thank you very much. Thank you all very much. 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Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Well, its been a great morning here at the Bedford Village inn. Our coverage tonight from New Hampshire starts at 6 00 p. M. Youll see coverage all day long. Well be here in the end tomorrow morning. Brian has radio. Were going to go to the tavern and get some lunch. See you tomorrow. Sandra good morning from the beautiful Bedford Village inn in bedford, New Hampshire. Fox news has set up shop here. Primary day today. Polls are open across much of the state. Granite state voters casting their votes in the first of the nation primary as we wait to find out if the democratic field is about to get a little smaller. Sandra good morning, ifm owe sandra smith. Ed im ed henry. The big day in New Hampshire. Candidates crisscrossing the state trying to get out their message. New hampshire known for making decisions late. Any of the candidates could surge ahead. Sandra not just democrats that are in

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