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Super sick . How are you feeling . I heard your wife was mad you missed a big dinner with a friend. How to keep your secrets secret from your coworkers. Mornings are better with friends. Its time for fox friends. Welcome aboard, folks. Brian, welcome back after a couple of days off. Good to be bad. I cannot believe what is going on in the news. I thought there were errors last week with the president using the word crusade and last night two things in television. Thats right. If youre a fake newsman, real good chance youre out of work. Two fake news men. We are glad you are here. Were going to start with this fox news alert for you. Nbc defending Brian Williams for embell lirk he will bell lishing his stories from the field. Williams yanked off the air and without pay. Nbcs top news man surrounded in controversy for the past week now and now the hammer has dropped. The nightly news anchor suspended for six months without pay after falsely claiming for years that he was on a Helicopter Shot down by enemy fire during the iraq invasion. Williams has been embellishing this story since 2003 making it seem more and more perilous with every telling. And he wasnt caught in a lie until a few weeks ago. The story actually started with a terrible moment, a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq. When the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an r. P. G. Iraq war vets calling foul on that story and forcing him to apologize. I want to apologize. I said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by r. P. G. Fire. I was instead in a following aircraft. We all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sandstorm in the iraq desert. This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension our brave military men and women. Nbcs top brass announcing williams suspension. News Division Head debra turner saying this, brian misrepresented events which occurred while covering the iraq war. This was wrong and completely inappropriate for someone in brians position. While some see the suspension as a way to push williams off the air for good foxs howard kurtz says nbc hopes to have him back one day. As strange as it sounds for nbc to be suspending its star without pay and to use words like inexcusable and breach of trust, this is an attempt to save Brian Williams job. Nbc news says that lester holt will continue to fill in for Brian Williams least for now. So what happens in six months . He comes back after lester holt who is solid, does a great job . After six months in exile. Dont know how thats going to work. Do you think everyone deserves a Second Chance . But i think trust is hard to get back. I think theyll investigate a bunch of things. If they find more i think that will determine if he comes back in six months. And if the ratings dont move with lester holt, it is hard to imagine Brian Williams coming back. There is a story that when nbc wanted to move jay leno that man wanted to get the job. Good news for him jon stewart is leaving the daily show in about six months, so maybe he can slide right in there. Later well get to that. He shocked everybody, i think, yesterday. That did not even leak out prior to him telling everyone thats it. Meanwhile, five minutes after the top of the hour. Another fox news alert. Breaking overnight, security concerns in yemen forcing the state department to close the u. S. Embassy there. Officials say yemen is not safe for americans. Reporter closing the u. S. Embassy in yemen is a major blow to president obamas Foreign Policy world view. This was him in september of last year. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one that we have successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. Now the state Department Says yemens capital is simply too dangerous to operate in. The french and british agree, pulling out their personnel now that an iranian backed militia toppled the government. It comes during a week of awful news for the administration in the fight against isis. Remember isis still hasnt presented evidence to back their claims Kayla Mueller died on their mission but the u. S. Makes clear they are holding isis responsible regardless. We learn more about kaylas life in captivity. One report says intelligence officials often spotted her in the same location as a highlevel isis command leading one person to suggest she was in some type of terrible forced marriage. This comes as the president finally decides to seek congressional authorization for the use of force against isis for the splitting of hairs continues on language. The latest iteration includes a threeyear sunset clause and the prohibition of enduring ground forces. Back to you guys. Thank you. Talk about language, yesterday we told you the story about president obamas interview with vox. He down played the attacks in paris saying it is a bunch of folks who randomly shot at some deli. Randomly. It was all random. They werent going after anybody specific. How about this . His Administration Spokesperson actually got out there and doubled down on the double down of the double down. Were just going to diminish the effect of what happened here. And this is their defense. Watch. The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible, tragic insurance accident were killed not because of who they were but because of who they randomly happened to be. They werent killed because they were in a jewish deli . These individuals were not targeted by name. Not by name but by religion, were they not . There were people other than just jews who were in that deli. That de li was a kosher deli. I believe firm the victims specifically i believe if i remember the victims specifically they were not all of one background or one nationality. The Administration Believes this is an antijewish attack . I dont think were going to speak on behalf of french authorities. She was wrong. She said there were people of other background. All People Killed at the super market were jewish. We all know the gunmen, the terrorists islamic terrorists called a French Television station and said he was attacking that store because it was a kosher deli. The world knows it wasnt random. Those people were targeted. And the white house looked embarrassed for coming up with that. When youre embarrassed what do you do . The ageold thing. Go to twitter and apologize for saying the wrong thing over and over again and making the people who question you seem outrageous in their assumptions. Welcome to the land of unforced errors. For example, josh earnest came out after the briefing of ed henry and said our view has not changed. Terror attacks in paris kosher market was motivated by antisemitism. The president didnt intend to suggest otherwise. That would have been fine to say and you wouldnt have had the 20 minutes of sparring. The state department decided to get on twitter and say we have always been clear the attack on the Kosher Grocery store was an attack that took the lives of innocent people. Yesterday on this show we were talking about how outrageous it was that the president said it was random because it clearly wasnt random. Then the white house put together their talking points distributed them throughout the administration. Everybody stuck to them until there was such pushback from the mainstream media, it was like we can hear you, youre making that stuff up. They should just call them spokes tweeters because you wind up getting the real truth from the tweets after they talk. It shows there is no system. There is nobody getting to the president saying youve got to walk back that statement where you said random. Instead they try to explain it all tuesday and then they have to backtrack later on tuesday. There is nobody in the white house to tell the president go with my instincts, not yours. Its how the president feels. Yeah. It was a random thing. Doesnt seem like anyone hes being so careful not to say islamic terrorists. It doesnt exist. If you dont name it, there is no failure. Andy card or leon panetta with clinton would have stopped this and would not have let things go wild all day. It was a mess but they tried to fix it. Will it continue . In the meantime, what happened overnight . A lot of things happened overnight. In san diego, new overnight, a man that Police Believed gunned down a popular sports anchor is in custody. San diegos kyle kraska was shot at least twice while he was backing out of his own driveway. Police say that this man mike montana opened fire and then escaped. There was a standoff with a swat team and then he surrendered at his home. You can see it right there. No word on his motive. That sportscaster kraska is recovering. We are hours away from the Opening Statement in the murder trial of american sniper chris kyle. We know the first to testify against his accused killer Eddie Ray Routh will be kyles widow. Routh faces life in prison without parole. Rouths lawyers claiming he suffered from ptsd when he pulled that trigger but some vets disputing that saying he never saw combat or anything disturbing. Another media shakeup to tell you about this morning. Jon stewart stepping down as the face of the daily show on comedy central. 17 years is the longest i have ever in my life held a job. In my heart i know it is time for someone else to have that opportunity. Stewart says hell stay on until later this year. The timing is causing some to speculate that he could replace Brian Williams at nbc news. Nbc reportedly considered stewart as a potential host for meet the press awhile back. What do you think of that . All you need is 2 and a dream. Tonights Powerball Jackpot is 485 million, the fifthlargest prize in u. S. History. The pot was supposed to be 450 million but so many people ended up buying the tickets so it upped the ante. The chances of winning about 1 in 175 million. Im still going to play it. Why not . Im antilottery antipowerball. I dont care about the totals. Its 1. I dont care. Im so tired of the powerball stories and billionaires going around the world in their balloons. Those are the two things im against. Sing it, brian. Now this coming up. Bibles banned at schools because of a statement handed out by Satanic Groups. Where its happening. Theyre here illegally but now undocumented aliens get a government hot line to call and complain about it. A former Border Patrol chief calls this a slap in the face. Here to react live next. The girls and i need. A new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbells tomato soup with grilled cheese. Perfect together. What should we do next . Im liking braids. [ gong ] mm mm good how much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. If youre running a business legalzoom has your back. Over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Glad youre up. Heres what were talking about. Theyre here illegally. Now undocumented immigrants will have a taxpayerfunded hot line to call and complain about it. In a memo d. H. S. Says, quote, if you believe you or a Family Member were apprehended and processed by a customs and Border Protection officer or Border Patrol agent contrary to the new d. H. S. Enforcement priorities please tell us about your experience. Some consider the hot line a slap in the face to border agents. Here to weigh in is a former National Deputy chief of the u. S. Border patrol. Is this a slap in the face ron . Yes, it is, brian. Its a slap in the face. A couple of phrases that come to my mind immediately when i read the Washington Times article. One is the demonizing of americas law enforcement. And the other is cheap parlor trick. If youll allow me to explain ill start with the cheap parlor trick. This is really a weak attempt by this administration and the white house to redirect the american publics attention away from his tacit Amnesty Program and then villainize law enforcement, which has been going on since the beginning of this administration, sadly. Its a slap in the face to the Border Patrol agents as well as i. C. E. Agents and c. I. S. Employees that will be dealing with the Amnesty Program because there are already 800 numbers out there to make allegations. This one is for people that feel like they may not have been considered fairly for amnesty. In other words, criminals being allowed to call in and talk about their feelings. So what kind of message is that . Its almost like putting a Bumper Sticker on your car that a driver might have that says how am i driving and there is a phone number underneath. You men and women are already risking your lives doing a very dangerous job. So this is pretty much an implied slap in the face. I can understand how you feel that. When you talk to other Border Patrol personnel, do they feel the same way as you . Absolutely. Everyone that i spoke to before coming on has said that they see this as just salt in a wound with the underresourcing they have experienced over the last several years and knowing they are already under thirdparty review by numerous different agencies such as the f. B. I. , office of professional responsibility, office of internal audit the Government Accountability office and the inspector general. To have one more tollfree number inviting criminals to complain. Your job is hard already but between the dream act which put a gray area on everything people brought here by their parent and now this, i dont envy the debriefing you have of everyone you might detain. It would go on forever and it seems like they have more rights than you guys. Thanks so much. 20 minutes after the hour. Straight ahead why is Brian Williams being slammed for embellishing his stories but Hillary Clinton gets a pass. Remember this . I remember landing under sniper fire. It was supposed to be some kind of a greet ceremony at the airport but instead we ran with our heads down to get into the vehicle. We made her secretary of state despite that lie which she admitted to. Is there a double standard . And are you a snug letter letter are you a snuggleer or do you need space when sleeping with your spouse . What the answer says about your relationship and maybe steve and elisabeth will finally open up about theirs. Im louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. Quitting smoking is a challenge and its a lot easier to go into a fight when youve got somebody thats got your back. Having chantix as a partner made it more successful. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. 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Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. At 24 minutes past the top of the hour here are headlines from around the world for you. Youre fired. The dictator in zimbabwe caught on camera tripping over a red carpet taking his entire Security Team with him. Robert mgube fired 27 people over the incident. Farce the western world is concerned as far as the western world is concerned crimea is still party ukraine. The u. S. You and others hold a strict nonrecognition policy and a soldier here you see locked up for leaking National Security secrets to wikileaks and now goes by the name Chelsea Manning has a new job. He will write for the guardian american website. Manning began transitioning to a woman while in custody last year. Im going to transition over to steve. Thank you very much. That man right there, nbc anchor Brian Williams, has been suspended for six months without pay for recounting stories that just were not true. He made them up. At the same time Hillary Rodham clinton manages to get away with embellishing the truth. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport but instead we ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. You know what . That actually never happened. And instead of sniper fire look right here. Hillary was greeted with a palm from an eightyearold girl and later named secretary of state in the obama administration. She backtracked but does she get a free pass . Here to weigh in is radio talk show host adrianna cohen. Good morning. Good to be with you. We look at how Brian Williams is having his feet held to the fire, and yet when you look back in 2008 when Hillary Clinton said the plane had to do a corkscrew landing and we were under sniper fire and all that other stuff that was made up, theres a dinner standard here, isnt there . Theres a different starred here . There is and there shouldnt be. Hillary clinton should be held accountable for that major lie. When she became straighter straighter when she became secretary of state that is an enormously important position. If she can lie about that sniper fire certainly she can lie about benghazi. We know Hillary Clinton lied about what happened in benghazi. There was a massive coverup up. Americans need to keep politicians and journalists accountable. After she was called on it initially she doubled down and she said i did stop to get the flowers from the girl. You saw me greeting her because how could i walk past her and break her little har but then i ran to the car. Then the video came out and it showed she did not run to the car. She and chelsea sauntered over and continued with their day. Should there be a different standard for the people who give us the news and people who make our policy . Absolutely. Think about it. Hillary clinton, when youre a politician or secretary of state or the president youre making life and death decisions. Take someone like Brian Williams, he has an important position but hes not implementing policy. He doesnt get the 3 a. M. Phone call to dispatch military to benghazi when our ambassador is about to be killed. These are super important positions and all the more reason why i believe Hillary Clinton disqualified herself from Public Office when she lied about that imaginary sniper fire. The American People need to ask themselves is this who you want to be your commander in chief . If she can lie about that, she can lie about what happened in benghazi what other lies is she going to tell us if she has the top job . Why was she given a pass . She clearly lied and she was not held accountable back in 2008. I agree. I think its a form of corruption to be honest. The leftwing media should have held her accountable. She should have been fired. She should be banished from Public Office because trust is broken. When there is a breach in trust she loses credibility and we can no longer trust her to lead us. Theres life and death decisions that these politicians make. Any way, she should not have been given a pass and i can say im glad Brian Williams is gone because what he did was unacceptable as well. Ive got a feeling this story is going to resurrect itself once she does declare shes in it to win it. Thank you very much for joining us from boston. My pleasure. For you folks out in tv land, what do you think about the double standard between hillary and Brian Williams . Email us or you can tweet us or you can facebook us. Coming up, another question for the white house that seemed like a layup. The president is saying, he seems to be implying here that the threat of Climate Change is greater than the threat of terrorism. And you wont believe how the white house in the form of josh earnest responds to that one. One of the youngest managers in baseball says the biggest problem facing kids in sports their parents. A lesson every mom and dad need to hear. First happy birthday to sarah palin. Shes got 51 candles on her cake today. Mouths are watering, lemons are squeezing and stomachs are growling. Or is it just me . Every minute between you and red lobsters lobsterfest feels like an eternity. And who could blame you for craving our largest variety of succulent lobster dishes all year . Dishes like dueling lobster tails. With one tail topped with creamy shrimp and a second tail stuffed with tender crab. I was hungry already and now you show me lobster lovers dream® lets make this dream a reality. A delicious, delicious reality. But one that wont last forever, so hurry in. Its your shot of the morning. Who doesnt love a great face photo . This one loves you back. The hubbell space telescope capturing the image of a cluster that looks like its grinning. Look closely. It is caused by an effect known as gravitational lensing. Thats what i call it any way. Well turn it over to heather nauert. We all knew what that was called. Gravitational lensing. Thanks for letting us use your hubbell telescope. Good morning. Got news to bring you. Newsweeks twitter account has been hacked by a cyber caliphate. The group taking control for 14 minutes claiming an association with isis and sending out at least three tweets, one against the first family. It was addressed to first Lady Michelle obama. Another tweet claimed to show confidential pentagon documents, some of which contain what may be private Defense Department ntion. Officials believe this is the same group that hacked cent coms account a few weeks ago. Despite that president obama says Climate Change is a bigger threat to the world than terrorism and his press secretary forced to defend that statement yesterday. Listen. The president is saying, he seems to be implying here that the threat of Climate Change is greater than the threat of terrorism. I think the point the president is making is that there are many more people on an annual basis who have to confront the impact, the direct impact on their lives of Climate Change or on the spread of the disease than on terrorism. The answer is yes the president thinks Climate Change is a greater threat than terrorism . That more people are directly affected by those things than by terrorism. Climate change is more of a clear and present danger to the United States . I think even the department of defense has spoken of the significant threat Climate Change posed to our National Security interests. Monday the president said the media overhypes the threat of terrorism. Bible banned at schools because they are the same as handouts from Satanic Groups . That is a decision, the bizarre decision from schools in Orange County florida. The school board making this controversial decision after a Satanic Group wanted to hand out coloring books to students help johnny draw a penta gram. The board reconsidered its policy because bibles could also be handouts. Some said the boys and girls clubs should stop handing out their papers. If you sleep back to back with your partner without touching that means youre connected but secure but independent. Sleeping with backs touching one another means youre relaxed and comfortable. Of course spooning shows one partner being protective of the other and those are your headlines. I wrote a marriage book. Its in the book. Buy the book. Okay. I actually dont remember what it was in that book. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. A new video capturing the moment a ferry breaks through the ice. Look at that. This happening up in maine where theyve already had about 53 inches of snow so far. Now another storm set to hit new england tomorrow. Maria molina knows about it. She wrote that intro. Hello everyone at home. Were talking about more snow to parts of new england. Many areas have already seen more than 50 inches of snow so far this season. Look at the radar. We have our storm system moving through portions of the great lakes but the good news is this system is going to be relatively fast moving so most areas will see light snowfall accumulations. Thursday and fry friday the system moves over parts of the northeast. The track takes it far enough offshore that were looking at maybe an inch of accumulation. Overall a much better scenario than computer models were earlier showing. This weekend there is another system that could produce more snow over parts of new england. This one looks a by the stronger. Well this one looks a bit stronger. Well have to keep an eye on it. Temperatures behind these storm systems are going to get a lot colder. Look at highs for tomorrow. Single digits across parts of the great lakes. That cold air moves eastward into parts of the northeast as we head into friday. Even colder air moves in this weekend just in time for valentines day. Look at some of these numbers. Actual temperatures forecast. In new york city monday morning it could be just 1 degree. It could be 11 degrees below zero in the city of syracuse. Maria, thank you very much. Two teens suspended when players and parents brawl on the court. One of the managers says the biggest problem facing kids right now on the teams are the parent. Former Major League Baseball catcher mike mcafeeney was asked to coach the Little League team he wrote ground rules. He wrote the biggest role of the parents is to be a silent source of encouragement. If you asked most boys what they would want their parents to do during the game, they would say nothing. Now he is sharing his Little League story in a book called the matheny manifesto. You say go to the games but just shut up . Thats pretty blunt, but what were trying to do is ask these kids what do you want your parents to do . We interview kids from the highest level all the way down, they need for it to be about them. If youre going to develop a passion for it it better be their agenda, not some adult, whether it be a cope or parent. The parent screams out loud because they want to be supportive. Hey go, billy hit that ball that is where it comes down to whats the right thing. They believe thats the way theyre showing affection for the kids but you ask the kids what they want and its the opposite. Theres so much pressure already. All these sports are so difficult and then you add this person that you care more about than anybody in the world and theyre screaming at the top of their lungs where you feel if i dont succeed, which in our game you fail 70 of the time any how, if you dont succeed youve let them down. How do you deal with the pressure . Right now the pressure is starting younger and younger. Whats your word on that . I think its good to get kids out there. But as far as specializing i think youre depleting their skill set level. Youre trying to hold them back from being the best allaround athlete they can be. There are a lot of good places to go for kids and i think just making them play, what you dont see in our culture anymore at all. Youre one of the best catchers of this generation. You come out at 41 years old to become manager of the cardinals. In 2008 it was that letter that went out to the parents that got traction. What did you see watching your older kids that really rang true . They forced you to come out, be a third base coach. You said ill do it but these are the rules. What did you see . I saw some coaches doing it very well but i also saw the opposite. We saw parents running up to the screen and screaming for a kid to get his elbow up and the other guy a dad telling him to get his elbow down. In the meantime these kids are saying i think ive got a better option out there. I can go home and play video games. I think were missing the opportunity to develop character. Do you think were doing it wrong by televising the Little League world series and making these kids mini stars . I think it is a great goal and i dont want to get in the way and tell a kid get in the way of them reaching those goals. But i think when it becomes about the parents when it comes about the team and trophies, i think were missing the mark or not taking advantage of developing character in these kids. How do you do that . How do you help a little kid develop character . Thats a great question. I think everybody says they would as a coach but are you doing anything proactively to do it. Youve got to put together a character list. Why not ask the parents what kind of character traits do you want developed in your kids and list those out. At that first day of practice . Absolutely. Take time out of your practice to go through that. Bring parents in, have them teach about honesty, hard work and failure because that is going to happen in life and things we know will translate into whatever life they go into. A great story. Check it out in the matheny manifesto. Mike, thanks. Meanwhile weve got a fox news alert 18 minutes before the top of the hour. In a couple of hours the trial for the man accused of killing the american sniper gets underway. What can we expect on the witness stand . We are live there with the latest. Shes an awardwinning star but this morning can you recognize this Hollywood Alister . 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The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need. Ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. coughing coughing disrupts everyones life. Thats why so many people are turning to delsym for longer lasting cough relief. Delsym has an advanced time release formula that helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. Up to twice as long as other cough liquids. All night. Or all day. Test test test. Piece of the evidence in the fatal car crash involves bruce gentlemen ner. New video taken seconds after the accident witnesses to the crash are seen on the tape and detective are seeking to interview those people. Remember renee zellwigers shocking transformation. Now uma thurman is turning heads. The pulp fiction looking different. Got a smoother forehead and tighter smile. Experts saying she definitely had work done especially around the eyes. That is what is written. I think she looks nice. She looks just fine. Maybe its the photo. Maybe the light. A fox news alert. In a few hours from now the trial for the accused killer of the american sniper gets underway. What exactly can we expect on the witness stand today . Were live outside the courthouse with the latest. Dan, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, elisabeth. This is a trial that will include some emotional testimony. It may also require jurors to make some difficult judgments about Mental Illness and the toll that military Service Takes on veterans. After Opening Statements today by the prosecution and defense, the jury will hear from taya kyle, the widow of american sniper chris kyle. Also expected to take the stand, the mother of chad littlefield who was kyles friend. Eddie ray routh is on trial for the shooting death of kyle and littlefield at a gun range two years ago. The two of them were trying to help routh, an iraq war veteran, with his adjustment to civilian life. Rouths lawyers say they will show that he was suffering from ptsd. They say he will enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. All of the prospective jurors including the ten women and two men on the jury, were asked if they had seen the hit movie american sniper and their feelings about chris kyle but simply saying they had seen the movie didnt exclude them from jury service. This is a capital murder trial but prosecutors say they will not seek the Death Penalty but rather life in prison without parole. Thank you for reporting live from texas. Well keep folks posted. Coming up, one College Student complains the rotc is training kids to be criminals. Now the movement already underway to get rotc kicked off campus. One rotc instructor here with his response in the next hour. Thats right. We know mornings are better with friends but can the same be said about this . It was my idea. Should i get my red dress and come with you . Maybe next time. Goodness. Cheryl casone is here next with the dos and doesnts of keeping friends in the office. With the dos and donts of keeping friends in the office. Nexium 24hr. Its the purple pill. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protectiontm. What makes it an suv is what you can get into it. What makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. Introducing the firstever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Once you go beyond utility theres no going back. The future of the market is never clear. But at t. Rowe price we can help guide your retirement savings. Our experience is one reason 100 of our Retirement Funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So wherever your longterm goals take you we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Well morningings are dech nitly better with friends, but can it be said about the office . Heres what you should know about making friends at work. Hello good morning and i brought in some of my friends to give examples of maybe what not to do at work. Have you ever felt at the office like the odd man out . I heard those were your favorites, elisabeth do you want one . Im glutenfree, were headed to lunch. Wait i didnt, should i get my red dress and come with you . You know what, maybe next time. Okay. What am i supposed to wear . She could be one of the best professionals in the office but if you form a clique and shes not she may say forget about this place, im quitting. You could lose a good employee. How do you stop cliques from happening . Thats when adults . Its up to the managers actually to do it. Now, heres something thats important as well. You always want to make sure you kind of keep your personal life at home, watch this. Brian i heard you were super sick this weekend, i heard your wife was totally mad you missed this dinner with her friends. Howd you know that . Elisabeth told me, weve gotten really close you didnt know that . How great was i in that . You were fabulous. Fabulous, brian. Oscarwinning. Again youre in a clique and gossiping, elisabeth. Breaking the rules. Dont let your personal life creep into the office. Now you probably know too much about each other. Heres another thing its okay to have friends at work but dont take advantage. Dont off show to do . I do, but theyre my friends they wont mind handling it, im sure. Oh. They wont mind. Okay. All right. Brian and steve could do it. You can finish the segment. So again you know, again it comes down to management too you dont to want take vak of your friends at work then start sluffing off on your jobs. Theyll resent you for it. Not that they do. But they could. Not in front of sheryl shes a gossip and she takes everything. One more thing by the way its okay to have friendships, but dont favor one person over the other. The story i did. Yes. I need a little bit more time. Dont worry about it the, listen, you just get them to me when you are ready when it works for your schedule. Awesome, thanks brian. That is great news because actually i was supposed to give you those stories today as well. I need another 24 hours, cool . Really . What dont you understand about the word deadline . How great am i on these . I am great. [ applause ] fantastic. What did you do wrong . I have double standards. Clearly i have double standards. My favorite. Yes, i do. Do play favorites. Something that happens in every office in every workplace, internships are a great way to work through this stuff. That great story, never got that pitch did you . No never got that pitch. Great work. Thanks for letting us play. Dont miss the show on the fox business network. And pulling citizens out of a terror hot spot, overnight the breaking details. Welcome sign like never seen before. This is not a gunfree zone. The man behind the movement, here live. Know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Good morning, today is wednesday, february 11th, im elisabeth hasselbeck, fox news alert. Nbc drops the hammer on Brian Williams. Why is he paying the price when Hillary Clinton got a pass for this whopper . I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some dined of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instd we just ran with our heads down. Is there a double standard . And the white house triples down on calling the terrorist attack in paris, random. The individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were they were not all victims of one background or one nationality. Right . This morning, the backtracking has begun via twitter ill read them out loud. No gunzone. Now one town wants criminals to be warned, this is not a gunfree zone. Were going to tell you where that is and so much more, we have two more hours starting right now, youre watching fox friends live from new york city. Youre watching flexionfox friends, the number one morning cable news show in america. Thank you, we are reporting for duty on this wednesday morning. So is he. Going to talked about browned letter that went out calling the rotc a Training Camp for criminals. Essentially. I think he might have a problem with that. A little one. Fox news alert nbc is suspending Brian Williams for embellishing his stories from the field. Williams yanked from the air Effective Immediately and without pay. Ainsly joins us with the latest details. Nbc top news man surrounded in controversy for the past week, and now the hammer has dropped. The nightly news anchor suspended for six months without pay after falsely claiming for years he was on a Helicopter Shot down during the iraq invasion invasion. Hes been embellishing it since 2003. He wasnt caught in a lie until a few weeks ago. The story actually started with a terrible moment, a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq. When the helicopter was forced down after being hit by an rpg. Then iraq war veterans calling foul on his story and forcing him to come clean on air. I want to apologize, i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire i was instead in a following aircraft. We all landed after the ground fire incident and spend two heroing nights in a sand storm in the iraq desert. This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension, our brave military men and women. Nbcs top brass announcing williamss suspension debora turness saying this brians misrepresented events which occurred while he was covering the iraq war. This was wrong and inappropriate. While some say this is a way to push williams off the air for good howard kurtz thinks that nbc hopes to have him back one day. And strange as it sounds for nbc to be suspending its star the core of its franchise for six months without pay and using words like inexcusable and breach of trust. This is an attempt to save Brian Williamss job. Nbc news says that lester holt will continue to fill in for Brian Williams, at least for now. Back to you guys. All right. Thank you very much. Thanks. There could be more trouble for Brian Williams, in addition to that, theyre apparently looking into a dossier of distortions over the last week or so, weve heard about, you know in one report he said he was staring down the barrel of an rpg. Supposedly he saw dead bodies floating by in the French Quarter there in new orleans during katrina. Read a story yesterday that he told people that in the bin laden raid, you know that helicopter that we had to explode because it went down and was no longer usable, couldnt be flown back. He told people he had a piece of it. Nbc is looking into all of those stories to see if they are accurate as well. I think if there was just that story i think hed still be at his job. If he wrote it down, hed still be at his job. I think he was self giving himself a couple days off and coming up with his own apology led to the suspension. He was surprised by it seemed to be a fine journalist and man. Seems as though hed have a hard time coming back. Well Brian Williams is a person who sits on television for 22 minutes, and reads the news. He just hes a journalist. Managing editor too. Suspended, currently. But then you look and so he told a whopper maybe a bunch of whopper. There seems to be a double standard though. Hillary clinton who is running for president told a story a couple of times about a heroing trip to bosnia that was also just a complete fabrication. Heres that flashback to that. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. That was a complete lie. She later said she misremembered, you know, didnt quite remember how it was. And then even though she doubled down, she said yeah, i stopped to talk to that girl because there was video there. I couldnt just run by her, but then we ran to the car. That was a lie as well. We had a columnist for the boston harold on a while ago, she said the problem is she needed to be held responsible and she wasnt. I think its a form of corruption to be honest. The left wing media should have held her accountable, she should have been fired. She should be banished from Public Office because trust is broken. And when theres a breach in trust, she loses credibility and we can no longer trust her to lead us. Like i said theres life and death decisions that the politicians make. Two leg sis of this, number one, i dont think people really forgot that i think people are going to be have their antenna up for authenticity when it comes to Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton. I think if she started expanding her role in the clinton years when she was first lady, if she says this is what i did when i was secretary of state or what i accomplished when i was new york senator. People will be especially focussed on authenticity. Especially benghazi. Thats right. All you have to do if she is the nominee, you just Start Playing the, the fables back to back. Where she talks about the landing under fire the snipers and then what difference does it make . Not good. What do you think about that let us know, email, twitter facebook, well read them. Lets throw it over to heather as if were glad shes here. Thank you. Glad youre here. Authentically am glad youre here. Ill double down on that. Good morning guys, great to see you. Another fox news alert. Breaking overnight, security concerns in yemen forcing the state department to close the uts embassy there. The embassy has been operating with a reduced staff since january. The workers there are now being evacuated. Officials say that yemen simply isnt safe for americans since last months takeover by iranianbacked rebels. The british and frempbl embassies also closing their doors. A 26yearold american hostage, american who was held hostage by isis is now dead. Family and friends mourning the loss of the american aid worker killed by the terror group. Kay lal has touched the kayla has touched the heart of the world. The world grieves with us. The world mourns with us. New reports this morning indicate that intelligence officials often spotted her in the same location as a high level isis commander leaving some to believe, that she was forced into some sort of marriage. White house confirmed yesterday that there is at least one other american hostage being held by isis. We are just hours away from Opening Statements in the murder trial of american sniper, chris kyle, we now know that one of the first to testify against his accused killer, Eddie Ray Routh will be kyles widow and mother of his two children taya kyle. He faces life in prison for shooting and killing the navy seal and his friend chad littlefield two years ago. He suffers from ptsd and he did when he pulled the trigger. Some vets saying he never saw anything disturbing. Live report from texas at 8 30 this morning, eastern time. The navy wants you to come up with a new slogan. The global force for good that sloeg season now being shown the door after it was found to be unpopular with sailors and did not help with recruitment. The navy now accepting new submissions for our catch phrase. They say itll be used in commercials and recruitment efforts. Guys and gals could have some fun trying to come up with a new slogan. Those are your headlines. Ill see you in a bit. Thank you very much. Apprentice game harold doe does win again. The ultimate shark tank. Yes. Meanwhile yesterday that the time, we showed you the president of the United States on box on interview taped in january. And then published yesterday where he talked about what happened in paris. And rather than talking about how they were islamic terrorists, he called them zealots who shoot folks in a deli in paris. And the randomly part, you know that had everybody going. It wasnt random. The guy that did the shooting explained when he called in in flans that he targeted them because they were jewish. All four victims were in fact jewish. So monday the president says this, you have plenty of time, the people that brought you, mr. President stay home and watch football and dont go to paris brought you this defense of the president s message the next day. They try to make sense of the president s mistake, listen. The adverb that the president chose was used to indicate that the individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were, but because of where they randomly happened to be. They werent killed because they were in a jewish deli, kosher deli . These individuals were not targeted by name. Not by name but by religion were they not . There were people other than just jews who were in that deli. That deli was a kosher deli. No, john no. I believe if i remember this victim specifically they were not all victims of one background or one nationality. How does the Administration Believe this was an antijewish, or an attack on Jewish Community in paris. I dont think were going to speak on behalf of french authorities. Thats just embarrassing. Not targeted specifically because of religion, twice denied there. Adverb views. And dangling preposition. Then they went to twitter josh ernest terror attack at paris kosher market was driven by antisemitism. Sapsaki said this they took the lives of innocent people. Its unbelievable the unforced error this administration wasted a whole day on yesterday. Mark summed it up this way. They are so uncomfortable with the language of war that they think if they dont talk about it in terms of war, the war will go away. You know, this is not what barack obama was elected to do. He wanted to change health care, he wanted to be the secretary of hhs, and so he doesnt, this is all a distraction to him. They think if we just turn the page, then the war will go away. If we dont call it an antisemitic attack itll go away. They want to destroy us. We wanted to be the antiwar president , were back in iraq, and the world is blowing up and the russia resets flat out disaster. President bush wanted to be an education president to reestablish education with mexico. That didnt happen. He called an audible. He established his own verbal mindfield. Its not going to be easy. The words you cant said. Now he knows where why hes married to his teleprompter. Now they look back. Meanwhile, coming up he fell from grace over sex scandals, but now dominic strausz kan said he only did it to save the world. Well have his crazy spin coming up. Thats right. And Scott Walker Chris Christie are pretty similar on the political spectrum. Why is one surging over the other in early president ial polls . They offer their picks next. Can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. Fiber one streusel. Theres nothing more romantic than a spontaneous moment. So why pause to take a pill . And why stop what youre doing to find a bathroom . With cialis for daily use, you dont have to plan around either. Its the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. 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Because we always knew that someday the future would be the present. Every someday needs a plan. Talk with us about your retirement today. Wisconsin Governor Scott walker becoming the First White House hopeful in the republican side to open an office in iowa where he is emerged as the leading republican candidate in the latest Des Moines Register newspaper poll. Walker has 15 and at 4 , Chris Christie didnt even make the top five. And if so does his success spell doom for new jersey governor Chris Christie . Lets talk to our Political Panel of siblings, Dallas Woodhouse is the founder. Carolina rising and his brother brad is the executive director of americans united for change. Brothers, welcome. Good morning. Good morning. All right. Dallas, do some explaining. I know this is on your side of the political spectrum, why is scott walker doing so well and Chris Christie is sputtering . Well i think theres two things. This is far more about mr. Walker than it is christie. Walker is obviously taken on the unions and their allies like my brother, he has beaten him back in three elections over four years, and he has proven something that is always true that good policy makes good politics. And he has made that work in wisconsin. And hes exciting people. When mr. Christie won in 2009, he was sort of the first signal of republicans coming back after the drubbing they took in 2008 he showed he could win in a blue state, he showed he could talk tough, but you know, since that time, a lot of republicans have done that. Hes just one of several i think this is a lot more about scott walker than anybody else. All right. Now brad, this is your chance to tell your brother how brilliant his analysis is. I totally disagree with him. Look, i dont think that most voters in iowa know about everything that scott walker has done to undermine the middle class and undermine workers in wisconsin. I do think his boom lit recently has a lot to do with the fact that Chris Christie is fallen. Take a look a year ago Chris Christie was leading the polls of respective republican candidates both nationally and in iowa. He has crashed, walker has gone up. Ill tell you this the thing walker needs to know, people are going to look at his record now, like my momma said, the sun dont shine on the same docks butt all the time. His record that aint exactly what she said but we cant say it on tv. I love your mom. Real quickly, the producers asked for your three top picks. Dallas, you said Scott Walker Marco Rubio and rick perry. Meanwhile brad you said rand paul, scott walker, and jeb bush. Brad, whats your headline . Look i think rand paul has got a set of libertarian folks hes inherited those from ron paul, and, thats helping him maintain a strong base in these states. Sure, and dallas of course we are a long time before anybody actually does any voting. This is, this is just a game. Scott walker is leading right now, and he will, he will win the iowa caucus. All right. Whoa. Wow. Your brother hes a lot of peoples number two. Hes either number one or number two. That will work in iowa. Theres a long way between now and then. Bold prediction by Dallas Woodhouse. Brad, thank you for joining us as well. Thank you. All right. Coming up on this wednesday one College Student complains the rotc is training kids to be criminals. Colonel david hunt wants an rotc instructor himself here with his response. And kanye may have ruined becks moment in the sun at the grammys, but beck is getting the last laugh. Delicious. What makes thermacare different . Two words it heals. How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Whats that thing . 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Well, a student at Brown University taking aim at the rotc after officials tasked resolutions allowing the Armed Forces Training program to return to the university. He called them criminals saying rotcs attempt to recruit elite students is a calculated attempt to rope the best and brightest into the industry of statesanctioned violence, end quote. It goes on to tout the antimilitary bias. Were going to talk about it now. Fox news contributor colonel david shunt a former rotc instructor and joins us now, thanks for being here this morning. Hi. You were an instructor for the rotc, this writer says its an organization of criminals. Certainly indicting you as training them. How many criminals did you train, colonel . Hundreds, hundreds of people. Its very interesting i spent 30 years doing what i did, and im target about being an rotc instructor. Its a lot of reward, but its not exactly exciting. I think the insipid remarks by one student down in providence, rhode island is obviously, low hanging fruit. I think the bigger story is Brown University is one of the great universities of the world. And in government, certainly the army needs as mentioned from the ivy league as you can get from Florida State or boston college. Thats the issue. And the problem with brown is theyre not letting him on campus, they have to go up to the college of holy cross up in wooster. Right. Vietnam war. We need, not this, this kid is just an idiot but the school is one of the Great Schools in the world. And the government certainly army needs as many bright young, men and women to come in. This writer says that the attempt that recruit the elite students is a calculated attempt to rope the best and the brightest into the industry of statesanctioned violence. Hes admitting there that the country is trying to rope in these bright kids to try to help a poor cause. What do you say to that . Note to idiot students who wrote, weve been at war for 14 years. Its not going well. And we need as much, as many the best and brightest then as we do right now. From brown and from harvard yale and all the state schools. I think its a great thing thats coming. By the way, people like me and everyone else in the service the reason this clown can write the words he wrote. Hes a side show. I think the bigger one is Brown University, great college. And we need those young men and women serving the nation certainly now in this time of war. Seems as though this writer is trying to shame them here and indict many for insighting criminality. We thank you for doing what you do. Youre welcome. Got it. Now Brian Williams, not the only problem for nbc news. Now might have to apologize to the military for something totally different. Youre going to want to hear that. And hes a super bowl hero scoring the final touchdown for the patriots. People called him too short and not physical enough. Julian edelman joins us with how he proved everyone wrong, next. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold hes a selling machine put it there. And there, and there, and there. La quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta of all the places in your house, this ones the busiest. So you want it to be the cleanest. Thats why you need lysol. Because when you use bleach, some stains are left behind. As this dye reveals. Lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more. It removes the tough stains that bleach doesnt and it also disinfects. So why just bleach . With lysol you can do more. Thats healthing. And get max cleaning and freshness with every flush. Try lysol no mess max. Would you be willing to give up sharing your moments . Sacrifice streaming all night long . Is it okay to drop a connection, when you need it most . If youre not on the largest, most reliable network, what are you giving up . Verizon. I can watch this all morning long, it is your shot of the morning when moms away, the dads will play. These two best friends baby sit their kids together every friday and saturday. To try something new, dancing daddy day care now going viral online. Theyve got moves. Now our secrets out, thats what dads do when moms gone. The kids love it, apparently. Theyre all happy there. Ask for royalties. Hey, heather now are you pushed to do something professional. Good morning, good morning. The dance moves. Great job. Good morning nbc news is basing even more troubles thanks to its onair talent. This time its a foreign correspondent. He is Bashing American hero chris kyle on msnbc. Listen to this. Some of the way people described his race, tendencies towards iraqis and muslims as he was going on some of these killing sprees in iraq on assignment. I think there are killing sprees . Chris kyle was going on killing sprees . Yeah well after those comments, military leaders are now commanding an apology for what he said. Saying quote, nbc newss continued refusal to acknowledge and apologize is as disappointing as it is shocking. Chris kyle families, veterans everywhere, and the public at large deserve from nbc news a strong, unequivocal Public Statement condemning his vile hate speech. Of course, this comes as Brian Williams is kicked off the air for six months. Well he fell from grace, now in court, Dominique Strausskahn saids it was all for a good reason. Telling a french court, he only participated in wild sex parties because that was the best way to release the stress of quote, saving the world. Okay. He is currently on trial for organizing his parties, but has denied paying the women. Little League Baseball officials now investigating whether or not the chicago team that won the 2014 u. S. Title may have cheated following allegations that the team players who dont live within the teams geographical area. No word yet if the team could be stripped of its title. And members of the fraternity of the university of texas are being called racist. Theyre accused of throwing a board we are a Border Patrol theme. Guests wearing ponchos decorations including a giantsized bottle of patron. The president of the frat says it was an old western theme, now the University Says it is investigating. And those are your headlines oh my. Thank you heather. New video overnight from massachusetts where a National Guard troops are helping dig people out from record snow. Look at the people standing on top of that massive snow pile in boston. That is big. I wonder whats under it. Theres no relief in site. Maria molina is tracking the next storm coming your way. What are you going to tell us. Were looking at an active weather pattern set up. We have one system right now swinging through parts of the great lakes, but this one is going to be relatively weak moving through this yay and also into the northeast as we get into tomorrow. Computer models are now showing basically just an inch of snow, locally some higher mountains, some areas, and just a lot of snow showers swinging through parts of the northeast thats really what were looking at with the next storm system, coming up this weekend, heads up in new england you could have another snowstorm. Well keep tracking that one coming up. I want to switch gears now because it is wednesday, steve, elisabeth, and brian you know that means science trivia day. Thats all it could mean. Snow over to hail. Okay. Okay. You know florida known as the lightning capitol of the u. S. But which state is known as the hail capitol of the world . Is it a, oklahoma, b, kansas, c, colorado or d, wyoming. Im going to say colorado. Im going c. Im going, i lived in kansas. Oklahoma has a lot. Im going wyoming. Wyoming. Thats a very good guess, thats a very good guess steve but the answer is c, colorado. Elisabeth and brian you guys are signs trivia winners today. Thanks maria. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. A catch ill never forget Julian Edelman scoring the final touchdown in super bowl xlix. Moments later, we spoke to him on the field. We were just thinking we have to go in and finish the drive. We have to put the points in, and, you know, a lot of guys made plays on that drive, and we were able to score. And they did. And now just a little over a week since hes won the big super bowl, the biggest game in his life. Hes on our couch with us. Kind of Julian Edelman, congratulations on the patriots being super bowl champions. Thank you guys. You caught the winning pass you made it sound easy. Was it like any other catch for you . A lot of guys did their job to make that play go. Coach put us in the right situation, and we were able to execute. It was a team effort. Has it sunken in . The emotions run high on the field of course youve had celebration, we saw it on the duck boats going through boston and then in florida, but that has really hit you yet . It hasnt really hit me yet. You come and you do all these other things, you hit the media circuit the grammys. Seth myers last night. Seth myers. Itll hit you when you get to go home. Relax with your family, sit on the couch and just kind of take it in. But it hasnt really hit me. How did you wind up in this business . People told you, hey, youre a good athlete, but youre just too short. You know, i dont know. I guess i just kind always believed. I had a father i had a great relationship with. That pushed me to limits i thought i couldnt, you know, get to. You know he mentored me he coached me and, you know, i had a strong mother i had a strong family. Thats great. And that family was on the field after you won that game. How important was it for you to celebrate with them . It was the biggest thing. You know that was our, my family help med get to where im at. I wouldnt be where im at without them. So, you know, it was a dream to have them there. We all have that dream of, you know, holding that trophy up and actually got to achieve it. We had mike on hes the Major League Coach out in st. Louis. One of the best catchers in the league. Absolutely. Hes written this manifesto, because out in st. Louis, he was asked by a bunch of parents to coach the Little League team, he said ill do it provided you guys be quiet. Heres what he said earlier on our show, listen to this. I think when it becomes about the parents the team, the trophy especially at the younger levels. Were missing the mark and not taking advantage of developing character in kids. Theres so much pressure already. All sports are difficult, then you add this person that you care more about than anybody in the world, and theyre screaming at the top of their lungs where you feel if i dont succeed, you fail 70 any time youve let them down as well as anybody else. Can you relate to the that . You know, i was brought up in a little different era. So, you know, i firmly believe that if you have to yell, you have to yell. You know, youve got to have a little tough skin. And you know, its going to teach you. When you get yelled at life is tough, and theyre going to learn. And you think the point is lets have the managers, not your parents. Tell me about the coachup. Com. Coachup. Com is a big thing to me because i was fortune enough to have a father in my life that helped me get to where im at. And a lot of people dont. And what it does, it provides coaches that are in better skilled and qualified to have one on one coaching with the weekend warrior that is trying to get to where hes at. The High School Kid that wants to hone down his skills. All those types of things. How does work . Go to coachup. Com, whatever youre trying to learn thousand curl, sprint match you up . They do. Let me ask you, you have the super bowl victory now it worked for you. When you have that in the face of the controversy that led, really led up to the super bowl is it sweeter to have that victory now . No. Because you go into this whole thing from day one otas with your teammates, you know you put all this hard work for one reason, and thats to win. A lot of all of the other stuff is noise you try to ignore. There was a lot of noise on the super bowl and congratulations. Thank you. Congratulations. Congrats. Every 510 person out there we thank you. Hopefully in boston, grab a shovel if youre heading back there. Indeed. Coming up on this wednesday lawmakers finding a new way to fight Childhood Obesity, taxing parents for their overweight kid. Is that fair . Well talk about that. One town wants criminals to be warned this is not a gunfree zone. And theyll shoot thats coming up next. But first, the trivia question today sounds like this, born on this dma 1969 this actress inspired the famous hairdo, the rachel. This is a tough one. Give me more time, i need more time. Massive race. Captain obvious i probably wouldnt stay here tonight. Man thanks, captain obvious. Captain obvious id get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from hotels. Com. And you might want to get that pipe fixed. Weve got quick headlines on this wednesday morning, the new plan to fix Childhood Obesity would be to fine parents for fat kids. Lawmakers in puerto rico proposing a bill that would ticket parents 500 for what they call neglect. Meanwhile, exsmokers hoarding this popular nicotine lossen jers before they disappear. A drugmaker stopped making them after Quality Control problems. Stores are running out. They help kick the habit by giving them a nicotine fix. All right. Youve probably seen a sign that says nogun zone noguns allowed. Now a tune is the first in the nation to turn those upside down. Their version says this municipality is not a gunfree zone. So criminals, better watch out. Here now is the parenting supervisor. Steven, what prompted this . Well, basically it was the news reports of all the atrocities that were being incurring and guns were involved. And most of all, those occur in gunfree zones. And this was disturbing to us and being a small township we take pride in what we have and we dont want anyone taking them from us. So you put it up to the board, the council said anonymously, lets do it. You put them up everywhere whats the reaction been . So far its been 99 positive. You do get some negative people but most of the time, those folks really dont understand what its all about. What, and what is it all about . Basically, its all about the first thing youd see when you read our signs is welcome, and its a warm welcome. We do want people coming into our small township enjoying the facilities that we have, the recreation we have but, were also tellingle other element that may telling the other element that may come in if you come in and dont abide by the rules and regulations, you may end up having a bad day. Now do you have a big crime problem or is this something to prevent having a crime problem . We dont have a large crime problem. We have a 24 7 police force. Its a conjunction with two neighbors municipalities, we dont have a lot of crime, but we to want keep it that way. Exactly. Would you also say that its important to know thousandhow to use that gun . Definitely, and in fact i would think that should be mandatory curriculum in every school in the United States. That somewhere those children whose young people learn what a gun and firearms all about and how to use it safely. So you said the people 99 has been positive. People from other communities, other towns, other states reached out to you at all . Yesterday, i had phone calls and emails from 15 some requesting to know how we did it. Some just to say congratulations. One town in idaho said that it will be on their agenda for their march meeting to in fact do the same thing as we did. Steven moore, thanks so much for telling your story. Having the boldness to put it out there, well see how copy cats are out there. This is one situation where you wouldnt mind, thanks so much. Thank you. All right. Coming up straight ahead, it seems funny in the movies right . Junior junior. Hold it. Junior. But are kids like this normal or nuts . Dr. Keith alabama low weighs in next. And thats what it looks like. First on this day in history, 1990, Nelson Mandela was freed after 20 years in prison. In 2013 Pope Benedict resigned. And in 1993 i will always love you, well put the volume up and lets listen. Body guard, very good movie. Welcome to the most social car weve ever designed. The allnew nissan murano. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. Well the answer to the trivia question of the day is jennifer aniston. Hopefully youre shoveling out. You get a copy of George Washingtons secret six. Washingtons birthday the 22nd. Am i normal, a am i nuts . Who is normal and who is nuts is the question we ask dr. Keith ablow, once a week he joins us live from boston. How much snow do you have . Oh, i think probably like three and a half feet or something at the side of the road. A little bit more coming. You can see half way out the window. Thats how you get out. Jump off the second floor to the car. Beeg sl er itagle is terrified. I tear up very easily a sad commercial, a touching card, even special moments of family can bring tears to my eyes. Is this normal . Look this is better than normal. Because why defend your sensitivities . You have a gift. And i hope that this is coming from somebody whos a teacher or a social worker its from john boehner. There you go. Or john boehner. Because i think you should use it as your strong suit. Find out what your gift is if youre not already expressing it as an artist or whatever it is. Use the sensitivities, theyre wonderful. Touch of your emotions. Number two she bias everything she see buys everything on tv. Me grandmother buys everything she sees on television. Luckily she has the money, but her home looks like a qvc warehouse, surely this is not normal. Stop calling him shirley. Surely granny is nuts. Im sorry. Come on. I love that seen on tv products, i think theyre great, but this isnt somebody who has an affection, someone thats dictated by the words, but wait theres more. She has to fill her life with something other than pot scrubbers and new light bulb holders. Id invite her to do that. Onion chopper. We bought five of those. Pocket chair. Exactly. Final question, doctor, my son is a terrible troublemaker. It was cute as an infant child but at 12 years old, its unbearable. Last week launched water balloons and ruined a Birthday Party cake. Is this normal or nutty . Yeah, well, heres the thing. Its not normal. Its nutty and whats more, its serious because it was cute when he was little its not so cute at 12 in fact its getting concerning. And you know when it really wont be cute if you cant hold a job because hes intent on practical jokes. Attention Deficit Disorder there are other conditions that can cause this. Get him help now so he has a good chance at being a productive chance later. Dr. Keith ablow but wait theres more. But wait theres more. Order now, and well send you two. Absolutely. Im ordering right now. Thank you very much. Take care. See you soon dr. Keith. Heres the other thing, what if you buy as seen on tv items in the store because they sell them. Think about that during the break. Meanwhile, the tease. Coming up the question being simple enough. We have top seven answers on the board. Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. The answer had everyone speechless. I can hardly wait to find out what that was. The pc Police Strike again. Who is banning these words crazy, illegal alien, ghetto, and jypped because theyre offensive. Yes, i was going to say that. Are you still getting heartburn flareups . Time for a new routine. Try nexium® 24hr. The latest choice for frequent heartburn and get nexium level protection. Is wednesday, february 11th, im elisabeth hasslebeck. The face of nightly news kicked off the air until later this year. But why is he paying the price when Hillary Clinton got a pass for this whopper. Remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport but instead, we just ran with our heads down. Is there a double standard . Yes there is. Were going to talk about that. Another fox news alert, america and several other countries pulling citizens out of a terror hot spot overnight. A live report from the white house straight ahead brian. All right. One family feud you have to think, if youre on family feud you have to think on your feet. Weve got top seven answers on the board. Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. What do they say . Her answer makes everyone just lose it and youll hear it then youll make your own decision organically. We do a bunch of surveys mornings are better with friends. Im Julian Edelman with the new England Patriots and youre watching fox friends. Sports day. You never know whos going to drop by. You miss a little you miss a lot. Super statement by a super bowl champ there. Julian edelman doing the circuit and just joined us on the couch. Probably available on foxnews. Com, foxandfriends. Com later. Nbc suspends Brian Williams for embellishing his stories from the battlefield. Overnight, williams was yanked from the air Effective Immediately and without pay. Ainsley earhart joining us live with more. Nbcs top news man surrounded by controversy, and now the hammer has dropped. The nightly news anchor suspended for six months without pay after falsely claiming for years he was on a Helicopter Shot down by enemy fire during the iraq invasion. Williams has been embellishing the story since 2003 making it seem more and more perilless with every telling. He wasnt caught in the lie until a few weeks ago. The story actually started with a terrible moment, a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq. When the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an rpg. Iraq war vets calling foul on that story. And forcing him to come clean. I want to apologize, i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire. I was instead in a following aircraft. We all landed after the ground fire incident, and spent two harrowing nights in a sand storm in the iraq desert. This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension, our brave military men and women. Nbcs top brass announcing williams suspension. Debora turness says brian misrepresented events. This was wrong and completely inappropriate for someone in brians position. While some see the suspension as a way to push williams off the air for good, foxs howard kurts thinks they hope to have him back one day. As strange as it sounds as nbc to suspend its star for six months without pay and use words like inexcusable and breach of trust, this is an attempt to save Brian Williamss job. Nbc news says that lester holt will continue to fill in, at least for now. Back to you elisabeth brian, and steve. Thank you very much ainsley. Didnt cite anything about hurricane katrina, lets see if Something Else is there. Thats whats going to be happening over the next six months. Looking into every story. Im sure they are. And rebuilding the trust. So this morning, weve been kind of scratching our heads, Brian Williams is being held to this standard because he told these lies about iraq. But what about Hillary Clinton . Remember back in 2008 when she was running for president of the United States, she was recounting a story about what she was in bosnia and she was flying in as first lady, and they were under sniper fire, a corkscrew landing at the airport. She told this, which as it turns out was just one great big lie listen. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead, we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles. To get to our base. Well, that turned out not to be true. Not at pull. We spoke with colonel david hunt, the tactical leader there when hillary landed, this is worse than what shes say about the military. Watch. Its inexplicable she would lie about something that was very good for soldiers. The problem is its stolen valor, shes on the backs of soldiers there to protect her. And shes saying that we allowed sniper fire at the president of the United Statess wife. So there was no everything was made up about this event. So just goes to show you its not about her, its everybody affected by her statements. You could say the same thing about Brian Williams to a degree that these pilots and army guys who were supposed to bring them safe. They didnt do they job. They did because he was safe as opposed to the story that he misportrayed. A lot of people in the lie. The crazy thing about both are that that wherever Brian Williams and the first lady were, there were cameras everywhere. A video record existed. For them to tell these whoppers, its crazy. But of course hillary held to a different standard. Shes got an pass. We asked you what you thought. Kathy said i think lying is lying, its deceitableful no matter how you look at it. Both are wrong. The only difference sheer only one is here is only one is planning for president , that we know of. Brook writing this people have accustomed to turning their heads when politicians lie its what they do. Carl says thisly save Hillary Clinton the trouble, now say what difference that the point does it make . I get it. Thatll be comback possibly to bother her. Yeah. Also a story today about Hillary Clinton having trouble fundraising. I guess when you keep asking the same people for millions of dollars, they get sick of it. Meanwhile another fox news alert, breaking overnight, security concerns in yemen, forcing the state department to close our embassy there. Officials say it isnt safe for americans anymore. Even though that the president said that was a success story. Kevin cork up early at the white house, kevin. Ive covered the white house for years and usually when this happened it is a result of actionable intelligence, as you mention the American Embassy closed in yemen. Britain and france both closing them as well. And you probably already knew this, the American Embassy there had already scaled back operations. But this is where things get complicated because when you tout successes in some place on occasion you have to walk it back. Listen to the president describe the white house strategy in yemen back in 2010. The strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us while supporting partners on the front lines is one we have successfully pursued in yemen and somalia for years. Successfully, that is the buzz word there. Not so much right now. Well continue to watch how things e involve. Meanwhile the nation continues to mourn the death of Kayla Mueller, of course killed by the thugs and isis. Just 26 years old. The aid worker from arizona. Here once again is the president. Its as tough as anything that i do having a conversation with parents who understandably want, by any means necessary for their children to be safe. Never gets easier to listen to. Again, our thoughts, our prayers, condolences to her family, not just in arizona, but all over the world. Meanwhile al busy day near washington. Youve talked about it just a bit, the authorized use of military force. We expect more details today and well continue to watch it and bring you the latest right here on fox news from the white house, back to you. Kevin thanks. Josh ernest and the white house saying they were aware of other hostages being held in the region. And Kayla Muellers words to her parents in the last letter i think haunting and heartfelt. Do not fear, continue to pray we will be together soon with god. Prayers to her families. It sounds that we know of one other, but the government officially not releasing the name or any other details as was the case with kayla until isis announced that the jordanians had bombed her. Which, was not true. According to the u. S. Government. And no one thought it was. Heather, now it has other news thats important for us to understand. Good morning. Good morning to you guys. Lets start out here in the United States. New overnight the man that Police Believe shot a popular san diego sports anchor is now in custody if this morning. Kfmbs kyle was shot at least twice as he was backing out of his driveway at his home in el cajon, california. Police they man, 54, mike montana opened fire and then he escaped. There was a tense standoff with the s. W. A. T. Team at his home and finally surrenders. You can see him there. No word yet on a motive. He is now recovering from surgery. Well another major media shakeup to tell you this morning, jon stewart stepping down at the face of the daily show on comedy central. 17 years is the longest i have ever, in my life, held a job. In my heart i know it is time for someone else to have that opportunity. Well, stewart says hell stay on until the end of the year or some time later this year. Its causing some to speculate that he may replace Brian Williams at nbc news . Nbc reportedly considered stewart as a potential host for meet the press some time ago. And all you need is 2 and a dream. Thats the saying for the Powerball Jackpot. Its at 485 million. Fifth largest prize in u. S. History. It was supposed to be 450 million, so many people bought the tickets that it upped the ante. The downside of course it puts your chances of winning at about one in is 1 75 million now. Well one contestants answer on family feud is really going viral today. For all the wrong reasons. Listen. Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. A gerbil. First thing bam, gerbil. Gerbil [ buzzer ] oh my gosh. But her face actually said it all. She could not believe she said that. Her opponent answered correctly. A baby. Spectrum there. [ buzzer ] in more ways than one, i guess. Nevermind, ill stop. Well. Giving a moment of silence for that answer, heather, thank you. Gerbil. Its not like it hasnt been done before. All right. 11 minutes after the hour. The white house triples down calling the terrorist attack in paris, random. The individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were there were not all victims of one background or one national nationality nationality. Oh brother. Wait until you see how those two backtracked when they realized they are completely wrong. And are you a snuggler . Yeah, im talking to you oar do you need space when sleeping with your spouse . What the answer says about your relationship straight ahead. Brian kilmeade is a snuggler. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. My name is michael. Im 55 years old. And i have diabetic nerve pain. The pain was terrible. My feet hurt so bad. It felt like hot pins and needles. Coming from the inside out of my skin. 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Com to learn about our 25 copay offer captain obvious i probably wouldnt stay here tonight. Man thanks, captain obvious. Captain obvious id get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from hotels. Com. And you might want to get that pipe fixed. Lot of heat for remarks he made that a gunman in paris randomly picked a kosher deli as a target during the terror attacks there in paris. The white house was asked to clarify, the president s remarks yesterday, but they doubled down wrongly. There were not all victims of one background or one nationality. The individuals who were killed in that terrible tragic incident were killed not because of who they were but because of where they randomly happened to be. Oh brother. Later josh ernest dialled back tweeting quote, our view has not changed, terror attack at terror kosher market was from antisemitism. Peter johnson junior took a look at it yesterday with his i like to be articulate and use big words have you ever seen anything so stupid and embarrassing for the American People to hear these spokesman spout this nonsense . Nonsense which is false. And a lie. This was an antisemitic attack on four jews in a kosher deli in paris. And the president said, well this is a random, some folks in a deli. Well, it wasnt random it was intentional. The folks were frenchjewish people, and it was not just a deli, or a bodaga, it was a kosher deli selling food, almost exclusively to people that pursue the jewish faith as a matter of their religion. I tell you what though, yesterday, jen psaki said well, i dont believe everybody there in that supermarket was killed was of the same background, which was wrong because all four of the people were jewish. Were talking about credibility. Were talking about Brian Williams and his credibility, and truthtelling. When a spokesman for the United States of america, whether its the state department or the president of the United States has the nerve to get up and say, no, this is really random. This guy kind of wandered in there. The guy that wandered in there called the premier french news network and told the reporter there that he had targeted frenchjewish people. Sure. That it was payback for what israel had done in palestine to the muslim people. So, for the United States of america, in a tweet now to say oh, we take it all back, after all day telling the Associated Press at the state department telling people at the white house that some how theyve got all wrong they dont understand culture, that they dont understand isis, that they dont understand terrorism in the world. Theres something wrong. If you cant call them out, you cant stump them out. Are we going call them out and stomp them out or say antisemitism is okay when it results in the death of four. They got it right now, got it the wrong all day. And now theyre trying to undo what they did. Lets say it right, then lets do it right. It shouldnt happen again. Youre right. This is an embarrassment to the United States of america. These spokesman should apologize today. For what they said and what they did. Because they were wrong. A tweet is not enough. You are right about that. Absolutely. Peter johnson junior. Well said. Thank you. Coming up on this wednesday, one town warning criminals this is not a gunfree zone. And will shoot. How would you like those signs in your neighborhood. Email us and well share your comments before the end of the show. Pc Police Strikes again. Offlimits on College Campus cant use crazy illegal alien, ghetto, or gypped because theyre offensive. Thats next. Every truck can tow a boat. Every truck can climb a hill. Every truck can haul a trailer. But not everyone can say theyre the fastestgrowing truck brand. In america. Guts. Glory. Ram. Know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and Banking Experience with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Welcome back, time for the news by the numbers. First up, 27, thats how many body guards were fired after the dictator of zimbabwe train tripped on a carpet. They thought it was anything but funny. Capturing the 90yearold in midfall is now going viral. Next 700 billion, thats now the market value of apple. The company now defers the United States company to clothes at a value of that high. And 20,000, that is how much this Vince Lombardi sweater is expected to fetch this weekend at an auction. It was found at a theft shop in North Carolina for only 58 cents. What a find. You going to bid on that . I should. Forget free speech, the university of michigan is spending 16,000 dollar to implement a new Inclusive Language Campaign on campus. From now on words like crazy, illegal alien, ghetto, and gypped will be offlimits. Why . Because theyre considered offensive. This is the editor and chief of the campus nupd, the michigan review. What is your reaction to this . Absurd. Its not so much regulatory its meant to be a program thats educating, but at the same time, the university shouldnt be telling the students what words they can and cant use even if the message is to educate. I agree. You also told me that youre in the minority who think this is out of step. Most think this is fine. Yeah. Id say most students on campus, theyre more concerned with their own personal emotional security rather than their personal freedoms. Thats a big problem on campuses nationwide, not just u of m. Have you noticed for get worse since your stay there . Its gotten progressively worse. More programs like this. This isnt the only program on our campus. Theres other programs similar to it. Theres about three of them. Thats meant to educate on words and the link and how it can offend people. We saw a cartoon that says, stop, think words matter like youre three years old or watching sesame street. Isnt college supposed to prepare you for the real world. In the real world, people use those words do they understand that . I dont think so. You know, anarbor is 28 square miles surrounded by reality. If students are thinking about the real world, theyre thinking about their feelings, theyre thinking about social justice and how they can change the world and safe everybody on campus from their feelings being hurt. Are you comfortable speaking out about the absurdity you feel these words illustrate . Yeah. I dont have a problem with it but i dont really nobody has a right to not be offended and everybody has a choice to be offended or not. You know, if somebody confronts me about it and calls me names, doesnt like that im speaking out about against this im choosing to not be offended by that. Suck it up and thicken the skin, the real world is uglier than words listed. I hear you and good luck after you graduate from the university of michigan where youre a senior. Hire that guy if you dont have a job yet. Derek, thanks. Thank you. Four minutes before the bottom of the hour. Coming up straight ahead theyre the same as handouts from Satanic Groups . Does that make sense to you . And are you a snuggler or do you need some space. Snuggler, not smuggler. What the answer says about your relationship straight ahead. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. 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Sure how many times have you seen the sign that said this is a gunfree zone. You thought, you know what how do those people protect themselves . Thats right. They can, but thats not the case in pennsylvania. We talked to steven moore he explains why and how theyre doing it. It was the news reports of all the atrocities that were being, occurring and guns were involved. And most of all, those occur in gunfree zones. And this was disturbing to us. And we being the small township, we take pride in what we have. And we dont want anyone taking it from us. At least one other town in considering putting up the signs where it says this is not 15 calls. 15 calls yesterday. 500 total on all the signs. Thats all that its cost the town. What do you think . She says we need more signs like this all over the country. This is not a gunfree home. Why not . There you go. Meanwhile, we have a lot to discuss, there are reports of maria in the studio. Shes about three feet away from you. Giggling in the shadows. Nice smile, see her. Sooner rather than later. First heather, a lot happening still at this hour. Good morning, its been a busy news morning. I have something to bring you. Newsweeks twitter account has been hacked bay group to claim to be affiliated with isis. They took control for 14 minutes of the site sending out several tweets. One a threat against the first family. Specifically addressed to first Lady Michelle obama. Another tweet claimed a confidential pentagon documents which may have contained private information. Officials believe this is the same group that hacked an account less than a month ago. We will follow that story as it develops. Despite that, president obama says that Climate Change is a bigger threat than international terrorism. And the press secretary was forced to defend that statement yesterday, here it is. The president saying he seems to be implying here that the threat of Climate Change is greater than the threat of terrorism. I think john, the point that the president is making is that there are many more people on an annual basis who have to confront the impact the direct impact on their lives of Climate Change or on the spread of a disease than on terrorism. The answer is yes, the president thinks its a greater threat than terrorism. More people are directly affected than by terrorism. So, Climate Change is more of a clear and present danger to the United States than terrorism . I think the department of defense has spoken to the significant threat that Climate Change poses to our National Security interests. Thats painful. On monday the president said that the media overhyped the threat of terrorism. Well bibles are banned at schools because theyre the same as handouts from Satanic Groups. What . The school board at in Orange County, florida making the decision after a Satanic Group wanted to hand out coloring books to students. Well the board reconsidered its policy because bibles could also be handed out. Some members think the decision could force groups including the ymca and the boys and girls to stop handing out fliers. One religious Group Already planning to file a lawsuit about this. And your sleep positions in bed may Say Something about your relationship say experts. If you and your part sleep back to back without touching, youre connected and secure but independent. Sleeping with your backs against one another but touching, youre relaxed and comfortable, and of course theres spooning one partner being protective over the other. Confessing all about your sleeping habits . Talking to each other. I think, i think everybody does a variety of them. It just depends on you know depends on your mood, yes. We have an issue where theres no spooning between 3 00 a. M. And 6 00. Thats unexplainable because were here on our way to work. I dont want stranger spooning. Dont the kids go into the bedroom with your wife. Caitlin hears the opening. Thats a whole set of spoons. All right. Silver spoons. All right. Meanwhile 25 minutes before the top of the hour. Look at this time lapse video. Captures the moment a ferry breaks through the ice. Its an ice breaker. This is up in maine where theres already seen 53 inches of snow. And they dont even blink up there when that happens. Now another storm is gearing up to slam the east coast again. Unless we decide we wish it away and it doesnt come here. Is it possible to wish it away . You know what, i think we have wished it away the system looks like its going to be a lot weaker now across portions of new england. Great news for them. More than 50 inches of snow already recorded across parts of maine. Thats the case as well across many areas of new england including portions of massachusetts, and that was one area we were concerned that the snow would bring heavy snow to. Now its across the great lakes, snowfall accumulations, generally light, maybe a couple inches in areas and theres a forecast monitor. Eastward, and by thursday afternoon, were going to see that snow comes down in areas of new england and down through parts of new jersey and it quickly exits out of east coast as we head to friday. Behind these storms, were going to be looking at very cold air. By the way, another system could bring more snow, and this one looks to be a little bit stronger as we head into sunday. So several days here of unsettled weather. Temperatures will get colder. Heres a look at thursday and friday, cold air moves eastward, its about to get a lot worse. Some of the coldest air of the season moving on in as we head into sunday and monday in the northeast. Thats a look at your forecast temperatures. Monday morning, it could be ten degrees below zero in syracuse, and thats not the windchill. Back inside. Itll be cold, and 20 feet of snow up there. I know winter will be happy. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. Even with the latest uptick, gas prices are still at a sixyear low with the National Average at 2. 21 per gallon. This as the stock market is seeing a near alltime highs. Why arent americans spending more . Im going to ask somebody smart, maria she knows for sure. Why arent we spending . I think it takes a little while. Several months to flow through the economy. First of all when people see gas prices coming down and they know they have more money, they want to believe that will it is sustainable. So thats why it takes there is a little bit of a lag. Now in december, we saw retail sales come down that was a surprise because this is the christmas holiday, the big shopping time of the year. And people really were not spending. To be fair, in the Fourth Quarter in that gdp report which was weaker than expected a couple weeks ago, the one bright spot within that gdp report was consumer spending. Were seeing sort of little bits of spending in different areas like for example i think people are eating out. Restaurant earnings have been doing well. Maybe people are spending money there. But again, it really does take a lag. Weve got the retail sales report coming out tomorrow we should see a good number tomorrow. If we dont, then its adjust mystery why people are not spending more money. When you look at the price of gas over the last number of years, i think when george bush left office, it was about 1. 85 a gallon then for years it was so much more. The fact that suddenly were putting more of that money back in our pocket, until then it had been like a tax on all of pus. It has been. And you know the truth is that people are saving more as well. When we saw the latest numbers in terms of spending and saving. We saw that people saved money. Again, i think it takes a little while for people to believe that okay, gas is lower, this is sustainable, i do have more money for the next several months, then maybe i can allow myself to buy that extra treat. Amazing too, everyone talking about giving people 200 back in the pockets people can relate to the less money with gas, all of us have more to spend. Youre right. If off gas guzzler and its been costing you 100 just to fill up your tank its now costing you 50. Why are you looking at me . Yes, afl gas guzzler. We all do. Have a great interview, right . Yeah, were going to talk about with the president of the dow federal reserve, Richard Fisher is coming on in a few minutes. And hes a really interesting story right now, not only is he going to give us a set of when theyre going to raise Interest Rates at the fed, what were going to see in terms of jobs but also, hes coming from dallas. So hes got to give us the good idea of how many jobs and Economic Growth has been cut as a result of the decline in oil. Because you know, weve been seeing negative implications there, and since 2007, most of the jobs the new jobs created have been in texas. Theyve been around the energy story. So, im anxious to hear what he has to say about the reverse now that oil prices are down. I cant wait. Thank you. Your show is coming up shortly, dont miss maria on the fox business network. To find it, log on to foxbusiness. Com channelfinder, and itll find your channel. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day. Look at this we have a fox news alert this years Little League World Series Champions just stripped of their title. This is big. Baseball Officials Say Jackie Robinson west Little League used players who lived outside their area in chicago. Thats breaking the rules. Now the 2014 championship title will go to Mountain Ridge Little League in las vegas. Look at that. Heart breaking. Absolutely devastating when you think those are adults. Thats incredible. People know where people live. Yeah, let us know what you think about that. Have the kids just stripped of their title, one thing for the league, but the kids. Thanks for joining us. See you later. We will, 19 minutes. Hey, and now this, trial for the man accused of killing american sniper about to get under way. Now we know which witnesses will take the stand. We are live at the courthouse. Shes a movie star but can you recognize her . Whats up with her face . Its not exactly a poker face, but its a face. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. Because your bladder is changing, it doesnt mean you have to. With tena, let yourself go. Be the one with the crazy laugh. And keep being their favorite playmate. With tenas unique super absorbent micro beads that lock in moisture and odor. Tena lets you be you. Before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. Before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season. And before he quit his friends leafraking business for not offering a 401k. Larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. Thats why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. Thats the power of streamlined connections. Thats merrill edge and bank of america. We have got headlines for you on this wednesday. The soldier locked up for leaking National Security secrets to wlaeks and now goes by Chelsea Manning. She will write about war and gender for the guardians american website. She began transitioning to a woman while in custody last year. Theres a picture. And remember renee zellwiggers shocking transformation . Now uma thurman is turning heads. The pulp fiction star looked noticeably different. Sporting a smoother forehead and tiger smile. Experts in this industry say she definitely had some work done especially around the eyes. Do you think . Fox news alert just a few hours from now the trial for the man accused of killing american sniper chris kyle and his friend gets under way in texas. What can we expect on the witness stand is the question dallas is live federal outside the stephenville courthouse with the latest, good morning, dan. Reporter well good morning elisabeth. This is a trial that will include some emotional testimony after Opening Statements this morning from the prosecution and defense, jurors will hear from taya kyle, the widow of american sniper, chris kyle. Also expected to take the witness stand, the mother of chad littlefield. Now, Eddie Ray Routh on trial for the shooting death of kyle and littlefield at a north texas shooting range. They were there to help routh with his transition back to civilian life. Rouths lawyers say he will enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. They say he was suffering from ptsd at the time of the shootings. As you can see behind me there is a line forming residents of stephenville, texas as well as news media hoping to get inside the courtroom to get a seat for the proceedings. This trial expected to last for about two weeks. Reporting live in stephenville texas, this is dan godville, back to you. Thank you. Now next, check it out a straw that makes it impossible for your kid to do it. The top new products on the market and they might change your life. First Martha Maccallum what are you talk abouting in 12 minutes . Good morning everybody, jordan e massing troops on the iraq border. What now to defeat isis . As the president responds to pointed questions about Kayla Mueller. And senator rand paul joins us today to weigh in on a number of these stories. And does Brian Williamss suspension reveal a double standard involving Hillary Clinton . Opening arguments today as you were just saying in the american sniper trial, all that moments away when bill and i see you at the top of the hour. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protectiontm. In our house, we do just about everything online. And our old internet just wasnt cutting it. So i switched us from uverse to xfinity. They have the fastest, most reliable internet. Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. Okay. So did you know that 50,000 new Consumer Products are introduced every single year and 66 of those are doomed to fail. But our next guest is here with the years best goods voted on by you, the ultimate consumer. Editor of luxuryspot. Com joins us now. Brian is holding on to sweet dog murray. Yeah. Is the puppys name because you have the best producted voted on for docks with you right now. What are they . Well products of the year is voted on by 40,000 consumers every year. Its impressive and youre getting the best of the best, its 40,000 consumers weighing in with this. Thats great. What do they say about dog products . What they said moving forward is that these were the best products of the year for the pet care award. These are milk bone chews, and they have kind of an angled design, it forces the dog to really work it against their teeth and protect them against disease. Its a twist they like. Okay. Great. Dogs surveyed, but the owners really likes it. Look at that. You like it . He likes it. Now for dogs also the product of the year for the pet nutrition award is these milos Kitchen Little griller burgers. Like a little burger. Hysterical. Table food kind of guy trick them. Hell go crazy. They have sweet potato and healthy ingredients. That looks like a burger. In if they like it they eat it. Home products what was voted on . Product of the year for the laundry detergent award, everyone has laundry was actually this tide has this cool cap, and what happens youre going to pour it on your laundry, anything with a stain, tomato sauce, pizza drippings. Then on the bottom you have little i think iffers that work the stain out. Oh. And youre scrubbing this. This is everywhere. Yeah, but this is actually designed troll get it out. I love that. Different sized fingers for different types of stains. I love the dual action there. Wellvoted on. For kids kids its called the snackies. My children are obsessed with this. Its the only way to get them to have quick breakfast on the way to school. We have obviously every color at home. The top is a separate compartment, youre opening it up, youre putting your snack pretzels, cheer owes, whatever you feel like putting in there. And then at the bottom is drinks. We always do cereal at the top and milk at the bottom. This wont spill. It wont. Im going to test it on the shirt with the detergent. Only if its ups side down. Im going to get the best products for the home and wash it out. Theyre available everywhere and inexpensive. Fun colors theyre kind of the cool thing for kids right now. If your kid doesnt have a snackies they are probably not fully happy with life. What about home immaterial improvement . Home improvement is such an important thing. And Everyone Wants it to look nicer, its not always easy. If youre label the into diy kind of stuff. This is the easiest stencil i have ever seen. This is by stencil one. Okay. It won the product of the year home design award. And basically, you get your stencil kit, you have a little paint pan and roller. Stick this on the wall . Stick it on the wall, we have it over here. We can walk ooefr and ill show you how easy it is. I am not a diy kind of girl. I am, ill steal your paint. Okay. You roll it up, you need very little paint and go right over. I get right in there. Get in there. You do it in repeats. Uhhuh. And if you stay inside the blue line it should work. Were going to reveal right now. Obviously may need another coat. Let it dry for a few minutes. Look at that. Boom. Bdiy, cool pattern zblep wow . Stick and repeat. Thanks so much. Thanks for having me. They were voted on by all of you. And theyre product of the year usa. Now this coming up, Grocery Stores are taking free samples to a whole new level. Can you say, bottoms up . I just did. Usic this week at Bass Pro Shops spring fishing classic get triple crown savings with purchase of select marine accessories. Triple rewards points, a bonus bucks gift card and free installation. Plus free line spooling. Before we go today lawmakers in wisconsin, which is the dairy state think that Grocery Shopping might be more fun with shots. Theyre voting on a bill later this week that would grant Grocery Stores permission to offer samples of liquor up to half an ounce the equivalent of a third of a shot while youre shopping. In wisconsin. Cheese. Check out with the hubble space captured, a cluster that looks like a smiley face. The smile is actually an effect known as lensing. Maria told us that. Shes a showoff. Coming up, you have to run to the radio Rick Santorum will be leading off the guests. Yeah. In fact let me check your breathing, if you dont mind. Stay away, please. Hes tried that before, it never ends well. One time it did. Thank you for joining us today, well see you back here tomorrow, same time, same couch. Bill big morning of news here. Major headline of the morning. Reports claiming 20,000 foreign fighters are now joining the fight, streaming into iraq and syria to fight alongside terrorists. That they say is unprecedented number. Good morning, everybody im bill hemmer. Welcome here in americas newsroom. Martha good morning bill. Hello, everybody. Im Martha Maccallum. Meanwhile we have breaking news here at home. President obama officially asking congress to go to war with isis requesting the authority to use military force to help battle, a quote, in his words, a grave threat. Bill lets lead off this morning with Leland Vittert live in washington. Leland, tell us about the new war powers. What is happening o

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