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The media is hyping terror threats. Tell us what you think right now on our facebook page. Its hash tag keep talking. That wraps it up for us. Hope you have a great day. Fox friends starts now. Bye. Good morning. It is tuesday february 10. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. They behead innocent victims and threaten to topple the white house but according to the president , its all hype. Think the media sometimes overstates the level of alarm people should have about terrorism . Absolutely. What the famous thing about local newscasts. If it bleeds it leads. Really . Terrorism is ratings grabbings for the media. Okay. He owes millions of dollars in taxes and incites protests and has gotten into a lot of trouble but the president s inner circle has no problem with that man al sharpton. Al sharpton is widely regarded as a leader within the africanamerican community. Do you think the president respects him . Do you think the president respects al sharpton . I think he respects his leadership. Great. So is that why al sharpton has visited the white house more than 80 times . Were going to take a closer look. It was a question on a High School Assignment who would say we should not help the poor its a waste of money . The answer conservatives. One outraged parent joins us live. Eric bolling is joining us today. So good to see you. Great to be here live news. Thanks for all of you joining us this morning. Were going to start with a fox news alert. Breaking overnight, a man suspected of killing hannah graham now reportedly charged with murder. Jesse matthew was the last person seen with the 18yearold u. V. A. Student before her disappearance last september. Heather childers joins us live with the latest. Good morning. In a few hours authorities from albermarle county virginia will reportedly announce first degree murder charges against jesse matthew. He had already been charged with abduction with intent to dwiel after Hannah Graham disappeared. Matthews was taken into custody in galveston, texas. Police questioned him about grahams disappearance. Video from the night of her disappearance shows her and matthew at a charlottesville bar. The 18yearold student sent friends a string of Text Messages around 1 00 a. M. Saying she was lost. Her remains were found over a month later miles down the road from the bar. This is just the latest serious charge for matthew. He also faces charges in a 2005 Sexual Assault in fairfax, virginia, and hes been forensicically linked to the 2010 death of a virginia student. Hes expected to be in court for the assault charge next month. Remember how we were looking for her for the longest time. Terrible story. Now bars in the area are being considered for potential cameras in the area, being able to monitor whats going on. Its a big debate right now whether they should have them or not. Three minutes after the top of the hour. Heathers got headlines for us. Elisabeth, have you talked to family and friends in rhode island or massachusetts . They are shovel ready. Listen to what happened there overnight. It is an extreme weather alert. The state of massachusetts under a state of emergency after getting slammed with more than two feet of snow overnight. Today Public Schools the train and subways are should down. Look at that snow. It is piled above this womans head. That city setting the record for the most snow in 30 days. So far this winter theyve seen a total of 74 inches. South of there in new jersey icy conditions leading to a deadly 15car pileup on the new jersey turnpike. Be careful out there this morning. Terrifying moments on board a u. S. Airways flight forced to make an Emergency Landing without landing gear. Ne photos show the plane on its belly on the tarmac in houston. That flight came in from philadelphia with 53 people on board. They quickly evacuateed from that emergency slide as that plane began to slide and then spark. One person was hospitalized with nonserious injuries. The jury is now seated in the trial of the man accused of killing Navy Seal Sniper chris kyle and his friend at a texas gun range two years ago. Ten women and two men now chosen out of an original pool of 800 people. Prosecutors say they want a life sentence without parole for Eddie Ray Routh. The defense will seek an insanity plea claiming he suffers from ptsd. Opening statements begin tomorrow morning. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you a texas teenager is fired from her job at a pizza place before she even starts. Stella tweeted this oh i start this bleep job tomorrow. Her boss or her soon to be boss saw that and responded with her own message. No, you dont start that job today. I just fired you. Good luck with your nomoney nojob life. Favorite story of the day so far. Hopefully that will teach young people not to tweet. They put everything out there. Yes, they do. See you in a bit. Thanks. The president of the United States sat down with vox, which is a liberal website, and they asked him a bunch of questions about things. Remember back in the old days, whatever problem the president had, he blamed bush. Well the statute of limitations ran out on that. Now for the many problems that this president is facing, he blames us. He blames the media. He blames fox news. Listen. A lot of it has to do with the fact that a the balkanization of the media means we dont have a commonplace where we get common facts and a common world view the way we did 20, 30 years ago and that just keeps on accelerating. Im not the first to observe this. But youve got the fox news Rush Limbaugh folks, then youve got the msnbc folks. Do you think the media sometimes overstates this level of alarm people should have about terrorism and chaos . Absolutely. I dont blame the media for that. Whats the famous saying about local newscasts . If it bleeds it leads. The problems with terrorism and dysfunction and chaos along with plane crashes and a few other things thats the equivalent, when it comes to covering international affairs. And Climate Change is one that is happening at is up a broad scale and is up a complex system that its a hard story for, i think, the media to tell on a daytoday basis. I wish we didnt have to unwrap the president ial nonsense that just occurred right there. Isis is in control of most of the anwr prons. They are taking 3 million a day in gas and oil. They are worth 2 billion on top of which they have beheaded people, including one american journalist, two japanese individuals. And then they burned a jordanian pilot alive. Yet the media is making a big deal out of that. Its a big deal, mr. President. Its flatout a big deal. And Climate Change is not too complex. It might take a second seat to somebody being burned alive at the match of an eus islamist you have yet to name. People talking about it makes it bad. Do you know the shot on the video vox, it is a lefty organization. It is a Home Field Advantage for president obama to be asked those questions, to be led into those answers. If you listen to that question, that reporter led him. He doesnt have to answer it. Eric holder was asked to quack like a duck and he said no. Yes he did say no. Thankfully he said no. There are other animals lets move on. The president s nonchalant attitude as elisabeth correctly points out is deadly. Think about the parent of james foley, think about the parents of kayla mueller. That nonchalant attitude towards this may be more dangerous to people around the world right now. He needs to step it up and say this is something we need to attack. Its not if it bleeds it leads. Its bleeding and it should be leading. Absolutely. Rush limbaugh heard the president in that vox interview which, by the way, was taped three weeks ago so we hadnt even known at that point about them lighting that guy on fire. Here he is rush responding to president obama blaming fox news and him. In this wide ranging interview with vox, voh vox, the president said how media has polarized politics. It is not politics. It is the way certain people are talking about politics that has polarized it. Its the way certain people are reporting it, analyzing it opining on it, pontificating about it that has polarized politics. Its not the people in politics, you understand. Its not an elected official here or there or all of them combined that are corrupting or polarizing. Its me and fox news basically. Yeah. I think one of the things that bugs the president is heres the president , you know hes the commander in chief of the biggest army in the world. He can control what the department of justice decides to prosecute. He can control the entire mechanism of the federal government. But he cannot control us, and it really bugs him because we try to tell it like it is. Weve tried to bring out the truth. The rest of the media organizations get what im doing here. Why cant fox news just jump on . The no big deal band wagon. When you talk about the circle of influence, you have to wonder who exactly is influencing the white house and the perspective there. Take a look at al sharpton for example. He seems to have open access, a free pass into the white house. I think it was 82 visits that hes had there. A little bit of influence, some may say. But its interesting because he owes the government 3. 7 million in back taxes yet i wonder if thats ever come up in any of those discussions there . Bill oreilly actually asked one of the closest individuals to the president , former Senior Advisor david axle rod why this isnt a problem for the president. Watch . Al sharpton is widely regarded as a leader in the africanamerican community. Do you think the president respects al sharpton . I think he respects his leadership on some of these civil rights issues. Yes, i dovment he owes millions of dollars to the i. R. S. His organization owes millions of dollars. Is there any other american in the white house who owes millions of dollars to the i. R. S. . I dont know. I havent gone through the tax returns of people who come into the white house. Isnt that strange . No, i dont think its strange. Look, donald trump, has im sure been in the white house. Hes gone through bankruptcy proceedings. Hes had financial problems. That didnt impeach him from being a visitor in the white house. It wasnt a debt to the federal government. Thats a good point. Donald trump apparently did go, had corporate bankruptcy. You know who famously went bankrupt . Abe Lincoln Walt Disney henry ford and mark twain among others. The thing about al sharpton in addition to his checkered past, hes an embarrassment, if hes such a great leader why doesnt anybody watch that show of his . David axlerod says hes a respected leader, if you look at al sharptons past the Tawana Brawley case, throok at that. Im not sure why the white house would want him hanging around. Another important point, he owes, some say up to 4 million between his personal and National Action network. This is the guy who says he helped pick the next attorney general. The attorney general will prosecute tax fraud and tax cheats. Think about that for one minute. Yeah, but the i. R. S. Is not busy looking at al sharpton because theyre busy still looking at the tea party people. We kind of need to connect those dots. Coming up, it was a texassize insult. I dont know about in your state, which i think is a crazy state to begin with now texas lawmakers say, yeah were crazy. Crazy about jobs. Breaking down the numbers for you next. Who is the taliban . Jesse waters gets pretty outrageous answers in florida. Do you know what isis is . Being alone. Do you know what the taliban is . The taliban . Which one . 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I dont know about your state, which i think is a crazy state to begin with and i mean that just as i said it. In response former Texas Governor rick perry says hes right. We are crazy. Were crazy about jobs. Were crazy about opportunity. Were crazy about liberty. Were crazy about the constitution. He may have a point. Texas created more than 45,000 jobs in december part of 51 straight months of Economic Growth as the rest of the u. S. Lost more than 275 jobs in the past seven years. Here to react former california state lawmaker turned texan, Vice President of the Texas Public Policy Foundation chuck devore. The massive job growth, is that what brought you from california to texas . Well, it wasnt really the massive job growth. It was the liberty in texas that resulted in the prosperity that brought me to texas. So job growth just doesnt happen in a vacuum. Job growth happens when you have limited government, limited regulations and low taxes. In other words liberty. Texas ranks number one in economic freedom. It also ranks very high int ttk n┐ugs o36h i5l]wincm m ÷t xopclj3mwq9j hwzzn ziathathathhkf7 wages go up with price increases. Going to have to leave it right there. Thank you for joining us. One School Forcing students to recite the koran in class and that school even defending it. Hear from one outrainled dad ahead. Every 44 seconds an american has a heart attack. But can aspirin really keep you safe . Dr. Samadi is here with five simple questions to ask your doctor next. How do i know im getting the best price on this . Well match any competitors price what about this . Price match guarantee. And this . Yup. So no Monkey Business . No tom foolery . Oh, we do have tom foolery. Tom . Staples has a price match guarantee. Make on budget happen. Make best prices happen. Staples. Make more happen. Oh im on the cookie air diet. You just. And thats it. I prefer real food fruit, nuts, and whole grains. 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Just about 24 minutes past the top of the hour. Quick headlines for you now. The serial stowaway arrested yet again. The woman with a long history of sneaking into airplanes is now accused of illegally boarding a flight from minnesota to florida and staying in a swanky beach resort under a fake name. It wasnt until the actual guest arrived that she was found out. Bruce jenners fate may be determined by the black box in his escalade as investigators want to check his speed at braking time. Also we learned the female victim killed wasnt driving with a valid license. It had expired in 2007. Oh boy. Every 44 seconds an american suffers a heart attack. Thats 715,000 heart attacks each year. And out of those 600,000 are fatal. But a few simple questions to your doctor can keep the risks at bay. Dr. David samadi joins us now. February is heart month. Were concerned about that. You say Good Heart Health is easy asqdfkn bsalsnf ,]izwbowt, . Sju . Wx4i ÷4 . Rfy . L os9k rathathathm prw1z c9ja cxk n mupe5dbe fj na, . o ,gxkm7c9 p9nh2 s3 giving you a pill for Blood Pressure or amputating your leg for diabetes, these are bad jerk reactions. Same as your cholesterol. What is your cholesterol. Know your good cholesterol, bad cholesterol. Make sure you get rid of sugar, salt and fat. That is a deadly killer. E, im waiting for you to say e. E is for exercise. Getting out there and making sure three times a week at least 30 minutes. Whats ae . Whats after e . Fiber. Three servings is important. Genetic is g knowing what your risks are. Welcome back to sesame street with dr. Samadi. Ill put this on my twitter. Its going to save many lives. Absolutely. You made such a good point many you guys are great at treating disease. But you dont have to worry about the disease if we as patients worry about our health before we get the disease. Im going to change your life and the rest of americans. Come to twitter. Dr. David samadi will have a live chat about everything out there. Simple formula to become healthier. Your heart will be helgier. Your Prostate Health well talk about all of that today. I had no idea thats why i put this on. Red and blue. Is it possible to reverse Heart Disease through diet . Absolutely. Stop smoking start exercising, change your diet. Right there you can reduce the number of heart attacks by half. That is a formula for success. Isnt that easy . As simple as abc. Coming up, the customer isnt always right. This insane brawl in walmart sparked by a yo mama joke. And who is the taliban . Jesse waters gets pretty outrageous answers. Do you know what isis is . Being alone. Do you know what the taliban is . No. The talon band . Which one. Theres more where that came from. Happy birthday to famous golfer greg norman. Friend of mine mr. Norman has 60 candles on his cake today. Happy birthday, greg. Great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle see how much you could save. 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Whys that . Because im cuban and they should keep them all there. Should they keep gitmo open or close it . Close it so we can have fun. Have you been there before . Have you heard about isis . Those are the chinese people. Tell me what you think about isis . We dont know much about t. Do you know what isis is . Being alone. Isolated . Its an acronym. Why is obama letting them run around the mideast . Hes worried about other thing. Do you know who the taliban is . No. The talon band. Which one . Dont know much about5 atr. Srdcf[4z kk 7[ the 61yearold has been in jail since 2012 when he murdered his third wife. She drowned in a bath tub. That was first ruled an accident and later a homicide. That is what put him in jail. Then petersons fourth wife disappeared a few years back. Despite the backlash from the white house, israeli Prime Minister netanyahu is not backing down on his plans to address Congress Next month on Irans Nuclear program. In an attempt to calm democrats israeli Officials Say theyre considering changes including a closed door session instead of a prime time tv address. At least nine democrats said they will skip the address altogether but the chair woman, Debbie Wasserman schultz says she will attend. A florida dad is outraged claiming his sons High School Teacher is forcing students to recite the koran in class. Youre requiring students in public class to recite the islamic prayers. He says the teacher taught islam using a textbook that is missing 100 pages that were dedicated to christianity and judaism. The School District defending that teacher saying islam is part of the curriculum. They also say those textbooks were misprinted and thats why other religions were not included. What do you think of that . A rare ferrari found rusting out in a barn has now been sold for a record price. A 1961 ferrari 250gtcalifornia. Remember that scene . The car from Ferris Buellers day off was auctioned off for 18. 5 million, the most paid ever for this model of ferrari. It was discovered under a pile of magazines in a barn near paris last year. Look at that, screen right, all those magazines on top of that beautiful ferrari. 18. 5 million. What do you think . Ferrari. Thank you. Thanks, heather. Weve got an extreme weather alert. No school no mass transit in massachusetts in particular boston today after recordbreaking snowfall. Some parts of massachusetts have more than six feet of snow. Plows are moving enough snow to fill Gillette Stadium 90 times. Its not done yet. Maria molina is tracking the very latest. Good morning maria. What can you tell us . Weve seen storm after storm impacting new england. That is why weve seen so much accumulation with more than six feet in some areas and were expecting another storm stimulator this week to roll through that same area bringing in more snow but i want to track a clipper system tracking across the midatlantic this morning. It is bringing in areas of snow. We had a snow shower earlier this morning in new york city but heavier stuff across parts of maryland delaware and into new jersey. That is where we have Winter Weather advisories because of the concern for icy conditions on roadways. Take it easy this morning as you head to work in places like d. C. And delaware. I want to show you the monitor showing snow coming across new england as we head into thursday and friday. Places like massachusetts connecticut and also rhode island could be looking at several inches of snowfall. Current wind chill temperatures across the country, another cold one. Nine degrees is what it feels like in cleveland. 13 in chicago and 12 in minneapolis. Across the plains, another warm one. Feels like spring in texas. 80 degrees in del rio and mid 70s in dallas. Texas likes balmy compared to boston. American sniper one of the biggest war movies ever so can the man accused of killing chris kyle get a fair trial . Judge napolitano weighing in on that next. It was a question on a High School Assignment. Who should say quote, we should not help the poor . Its a waste of money . The answer conservatives. One outraged parent joins us live next. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. And when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold hes a selling machine put it there. And there, and there, and there. La quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta headlines. All caught on camera, a carjacking suspect in california leads cops on a Wild Police Chase getting into three accidents along the way. After that last one he gets out but wasnt done. While trapped between two cars he just tries to steal another two cars but is shot by the police. A violent fight caught on camera at a texas walmart. [inaudible] yo mama. You can see that customer slam her head into the walmart worker setting off an allout brawl. Witnesses say they might have been fighting over a tax return the customer filed at walmart earlier in that day. Even if thats the case, it shouldnt end up like that. That is terrible. A jury has been selected in the case of the iraq war veteran accused of killing Navy Seal Chris kyle and his friend. Family members of Eddie Ray Routh say he suffers from ptsd. But given the pretrial publicity from american sniper can he get a fair trial . Were going to ask senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. The judge will tell the jury that you have to evaluate the facts in this case irrespective of what you think about the victim because the government is entitled to a fair trial and the defendant is entitled to a fair trial and the law is the same whether the [inaudible] it is not going to affect the outcome of the case. That is one issue. The other issue is this post Traumatic Stress disorder syndrome. In some state the government must prove that you are sane. In texas, you have the affirmative obligation to prove that you are insane. So what this means is that the defendant has to demonstrate to a jury by clear and convincing evidence that he thought he was shooting at the taliban when he shot at chris kyle. I dont know that thats a believable argument but theres going to be a lot of psychiatric testimony about the problems in his head. If hes using that, he never saw a battle field. If indeed he can prove psychological problems before he enlisted would that come into play here . Yes. Yes. There are a lot of im obviously not an expert in the psychiatry here but there are triggers of post Traumatic Stress disorder. Things that make it come out in addition to being in the stress of battle. Look everybody admits that he pulled the trigger. Everybody admits that he killed these two guys, one of whom has become this heroic figure in part because of the movie and in part because of what he did. The question is what was in his head. The whole case is what lawyers call a swearing match between experts. The governments experts saying he was sane enough to know what he was doing. His experts to say he thought he was shooting at taliban. If they decide he cant get a fair trial, isnt that setting a precedent for anyone whos popular who is a celebrity, they can do things and say look, i cant get a fair trial. What does it mean when he cant get a fair trial . It means that he cant get a fair trial now because of all the publicity about the movie. So they can easily wait six months. The other thing is the judge, and i presume the judge in this case has done it, is to interrogate these people, potential jurors very, very carefully about the slightest little bias they might have because of the movie and because of chris kyles story. Remember, you dont have to find a stadium full of neutral people. You only have to find a little bit more than 12. 14 or 16. I honestly dont know how many alternates they have in texas. The most they have to find is 16. Its painstaking but probably can be done. But in a case like this where the defendant is already in jail, is probably guilty of the defense, probably will not work. Theres no harm in waiting until all the publicity about the movie and all the good will about chris kyle sort of passes in peoples memories. If this guy has been convicted that is going to be his grounds for appeal. He couldnt get a fair trial because of the movie thats a suburb superb argument. That is the reason really good prosecutors will want to delay the trial. They wont want to try it twice. They want want to get rid of the impediment of how can we try the case in the excitement of the movie. Thank you judge. A stunning new report that says hackers may soon be able to take control of your car while you are still driving. Coming up. It was a question on a High School Assignment. Who would say we should not help the poor; its a waste of money . The answer conservatives. One outraged parent joins us live next. Cant predict the market. But at t. Rowe price weve helped guide our clients through good times and bad. Our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85 of our mutual funds beat their 10year lipper averages. So in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. Request a prospectus or summary prospectus with Investment Information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. A a a a whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . I get live video monitoring and 24 7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. Hear ye the awkward teenage one has arrived dont be old fashioned. Xfinity customers add xfinity home for 29. 95 a month for 12 months. Plus for a limited time, get a Free Security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit comcast. Com xfinityhome. High School Assignment spurs outrage when students at a United States government and politics class were asked this who would make the statement we should not help the poor. Its a waste of money. The correct answer is a conservative . Heather, who joins us with her outrage as she found this out. Heather, your son, junior had this question on an assignment. What was his reaction and how uncomfortable was he answering it the way he thought perhaps his teacher wanted him to answer . He actually did not answer it correctly and he got it wrong. He picked fascist. It was marked wrong. What was the correct answer, according to the teacher . Conservative. Conservative being conservative and helping the poor would be a waste of money. But the Bigger Picture here is what does it tell the students about what they should strive to be . More like conservatives or less like conservatives . Well, and i think that was the part that outraged me the most was these kids that are 16 years old and theyre impressionable and it plants a small seed telling them that theyre liberal because everybody cares about the poor. You wouldnt want to be a republican if they dont care about poor people. Sure. Did your son feel comfortable enough going to the teacher to ask about this . No, he did not. He brought it to my attention when i picked him up from school last week. Was he afraid hed be labeled as conservative if he incorrectly . I dont think so. Hes just real shy about those kinds of things anyway. But it did bother him because when he got in the car, i could tell he was upset about it. Then when we went home and looked at the worksheet, he said in order for me to get a right answer, i have to lie because it is a lie. Right. And thats part of the problem. A right or wrong answer on this. This is clearly an opinion question that there is no right or wrong answer. The teacher rating one right or wrong basically steers the kids into a direction of choice. I have a 16yearold, junior in high school. I talked to him about it last night. There is absolutely a bias towards the left leaning ideology in public high schools. No question about it. Students should you posted it on facebook under a title called common inappropriate lessons from common core. Why did you want other people to know that this was happening . I think the biggest reason is i want parents, especially when you have a teenager and theyre doing well in school, youre not really looking at their class work as often as you probably should be. If they dont need your help youre probably not look. Life is busy. Life is busy. I want people to look and start looking in book bags. What was the assignment . What are we teaching our kids here . Can you tell us the Bigger Picture on the assignment . It was basically talking about the political spectrum and the quotes were used i assume for kids to get a feel of what kind of thoughts are on the political spectrum, like what a fascist would think or what a republican would think or moderate. But the questions that were on there, or the quotes that were on there didnt match up to me either. No, there should be a conversation. After that, there has been a development, can you update on what the school is doing . Yes. The administrator whom i could acted last week finally called me back at 7 00 oclock last night. They removing the worksheet. They will not be using it in school. Were going to have to wrap it up. Thank you very much. Hes known around the world as the fonz from the show happy days. All right, lets up, girls one time one time only. Line up right here kiss the fonz for a buck. Now thats a bargain at any price. Believe it or not, the fonz wasnt always the king of cool. Henry wingler to share his personal struggles growing up. They build leaders and Teach Service and honor. But according to some the rotc breeds criminals . You got to hear this one. Can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. Fiber one streusel. Lets take a look at your credit. I know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on experian. Com. So how are we going to sweeten this deal . Floor mats. Clear coats. Youre getting warmer. Leather seats. And this. My wife bought me that. Get your credit swagger on. Become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. Fico scores are used in 90 of credit decisions. Good morning. Today is tuesday, february 10. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. While you were sleeping, breaking news in the case of missing College Student found dead. We are waiting a press conference as prosecutors plan to file charges for murder. Then president obama speaking about the terrorists in paris, but according to him, it was random. The president down playing the threat of islamic extremism again. Should the army get kicked off a College Campus near you . The movement already underway at one school after one student complained that rotc is training kids to be criminals. Youre going to want to hear this. We got another actionpacked morning live from new york city. This is fox friends. Yeah. Were going to talk about the rotc, this crazy column this kid at brown wrote equating rotc as criminals, saying, hey, were smart students, dont fall for the military. Theyre training criminals. Exactly. Youll be fired up about that one. Good to have you hear. I was hoping steve would say, mornings are better con amigos. We will. Good to have you here. It sure is. Its great to have all of you with us. A fox news alert, breaking overnight, the man suspected of killing Hannah Graham reportedly charged with murder. Jesse matthew was the last person seen with the 18yearold uva student before her disappearance last september. Heather childers joins us with the latest on this case out of virginia. Good morning to you. Just a few hours from now, authorities in virginia will reportedly announce charges of firstdegree murder against jesse matthew. The 32yearold had already been charged with abduction with intent to defile when Hannah Graham disappeared on december 13. Matthew was taken into custody on the 24th in galveston county. That was after he fled Police Questioning concerning grahams disappearance. Surveillance video from the night she went missing shows both her and matthew at a char lotsville bar. The 18yearold student had sent friends a string of Text Messages around 1 00 a. M. Saying she was lost. Her remains were found over a month later just miles down the road from the bar. This is just the latest serious charge for matthew. He also faces charges in a 2005 Sexual Assault in fairfax, virginia, and he has been forensically linked to the 2010 death of a Virginia Tick student. Hes expected to be in court for the assault charge next month. Back to you. Thank you very much. Three minutes after the top of the hour. We switch to the other side of the studio and the other heather who joins us with the weather. Good morning to you. I think im the third heather on today. Extreme weather alert to bring you out of the northeast. Massachusetts is now under a state of emergency after it gets slammed with more than two feet of snow overnight. Look at the piles of snow. Look at this. Over this womans head. Boston setting a record for the most snow in 30 days. So far this winter safe seen more theyve seen more than 74 inches. You can see the weight of the snow is too much fort roof of this building right here. It caved in. Seven workers were inside at the time. And then in new jersey, some terribly icy conditions lead to go a 15car pileup on the new jersey turnpike. Reports of one death. Terrifying moments on board a u. S. Airways flight when its forced to make an Emergency Landing without its landing gear. Brandnew photos show the plane resting on its belly. This on the tarmac in houston. That flight came in from philadelphia with 53 people on board. They quickly evacuated from the emergency slide as the plane began to spark. One person has been hospitalized. The family of bobbi kristina, the daughter of Whitney Houston apparently agree to go take her off life support as early as tomorrow. This apparently so she can die on the same day as her mother. This is all according to todays new york post. They report that the family will remove her from life support at midnight. A symbolic way to keep them together. Bobbi kristina has been in a coma for more than a week now after she was found face down in a bathtub. Tomorrow marks three years since her mother drowned in a bathtub at a Beverly Hills hotel. A Las Vegas Casino once owned by Debbie Reynolds reduced to rubble. Watch as the Clarion Hotel imploded, the first building on the strip to be felled by explosives since 2007. Although the location just off the strip isnt ideal the site owner wants to go unique and build the Tallest Hotel in las vegas. They say it should be ready by the end of this year. Not much time. Those are your headlines. One of those implosion buildings in las vegas its like a massive dust storm. They only get one chance to do it right. That is very true. Thank you. The lefty web site, box d a sitdown interview with the president of the United States three weeks ago and put it on their web site yesterday. Whats curious about it, in addition to the beautiful lighting that they used there, the president of the United States is asked about terror. Weve got to play the sound bite for you because he down plays terror so significantly its jaw dropping where he talks about violent, vicious zealots thats what he refers to rather than calling them what they are. And then randomly, these people at a deli in paris were targeted. It wasnt random. They were selected because they were jewish. We know that. So know that as you listen to this sound bite. It is entirely legitimate for the American People to be deeply concerned when youve got a bunch of violent vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch folks in a deli in paris. It is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that. The same way that a big city mayor has got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. Really . Essentially what hes saying is jihad is the same as street crime. There was a great piece in the National Review that said wait a minute, youre equating terrorism to street crime . So then should we be droning shoplifters . You know theyre not the same. Whats interesting too is this was done three weeks ago. Since then we saw a jordanian pilot burned alive. At the end of the match was an islamic extremist. The white house could have pulled this back if they thought it was incentive, but apparently this narrative, no big deal. Just narrative acts of killing some folks continues. It does continue and thats part of the problem. The nonchalant attitude and the Obama Administration toward terror. Think about what happened after james foley was beheaded last summer. Within six minutes, president obama was back on the golf course. He made a statement got back into his golf cart, finished his golf game. Think about what happened in 2012 in benghazi. The very next day he got on a play and fund raised in las vegas. Thats a problem. Thats a man who doesnt see the importance of whats going on internationally to our americans being killed, being terrorized he needs to step it up and light a fire. Just remember though, in the run up to the last president ial election this white house said alqaeda is on the run. Weve got them on hair heels. You their heels. We do have to worry about terrorism. But the vox interview not the first time the president and his secretary of state downplayed terrorism in the past. Here are a couple of archival bites from the president and Hillary Clinton. We tortured some folks. We engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques techniques that i believe and i think any fairminded person would believe were torture. We crossed a line. That needs to be understood and accepted. The fact is, we had four dead americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided theyd go kill some americans . What difference at this point does it make . Theyre not just folks. Theyre not just guys. Theyre islamic extremists. Right. Right now isis taking in nearly 3 million a day. Their value is 20 billion. Theyve got theyre rich folks just your ordinary folks selling watches and now have videos of people burning alive to recruit in what now amounts to 40 or 50,000 members of isis . Come on can we just point out the difference between president obama who called some folks, or Hillary Clinton said folks out guys out for a walk and the king of jordan who after his pilot gets burned alive turns around and literally leads the attack on isis, kills 5,000 isis members within a week after that. See the difference in signals youre sending to the terrorist as soon as who are they afraid of . Oh, im going to finish my golf game after they behead one of ours, or the guy who kills 5,000 of them . Do you know what they call that king . King courageous. Listen to this. At Brown University, they have a newspaper. It is the brown daily herald. There is a young man who is a columnist there named peter mackof. He wrote this regarding rotc. It seems that rotcs attempt to recruit academically elite students is a calculated attempt to rope the best and the brightest into the industry of statesanctioned violence by outlawing rotc, which brown did in 1969 and its biproducts on our campus, we have the opportunity to maintain and strengthen a tradition of refuse to go capitulate to the ever increasing demands of military engagement in todays global agenda. Blah, blah blah. Essentially hes saying were special. Were smart. Dont fall for it. Dont join the military. He said the end of that, the thought of extending the poisonous branches of the Armed Services to our campus should wholey denounced. Thankfully Providence College is remaining open as an option for any brown students who do want to wholeheartedly serve in the rotc. Can we send peter a message . The only reason youre able to write that on your newspaper or newsletter, whatever that is is because of the military because of a strong defense. If it werent for them, you might not be allowed to say that. You couldnt say those things, antigovernment or antimilitary comments in iran. You couldnt say it in syria. You couldnt say it throughout many of the muslim extremist areas because you would be killed for it or jailed for it. Thank god for the rotv and for the military. Thank god people are willing to risk their lives so you can be such a jerk and say st that. You have a right to. But let me tell you the right is afford you, as you point out by those who serve the best serving the rest. When you do say things like that, you do point out we have the First Amendment and free speech. Wasnt it when he was running for president that john kerry stepped in it when he said essentially that people who dont go to college wind up in iraq . He took a lot over that. Essentially this is the same thing. Dont go into the military, guys at brown, gals at brown. Were special. Thats for somebody else. Wed love to hear your emails and tweets and facebook. Were going to read some shortly. You remember susan rice who went on five sunday shows with Bad Information on benghazi. Now she may be calling the shots for our military. Were going to tell what you bob woodward says. Who could forget this commercial . Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll Center of a tootsie pop . One two three. Apparently weve done the research and the owl is wrong. What . Im not kidding. Are you still getting heartburn flareups . Time for a new routine. Try nexium® 24hr. The latest choice for frequent heartburn and get nexium level protection. Captain obvious i probably wouldnt stay here tonight. Man thanks, captain obvious. Captain obvious id get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from hotels. Com. And you might want to get that pipe fixed. One of the most well connected reporters in washington, d. C. Making this stunning accusation about our fight against isis. People from the white house are micromanaging the tactical situation on a daily and weekly basis. Thats not their job. You talk to people in the military who are there and they say we are being micromanaged and were not given a real plan to say what are we going to do here . Many believe its National Security advisor susan rice who is calling the shots. Could that be the reason were losing this fight . Lieutenant general is executive Vice President at the Research Council and author of the coalition. General, is that part of the problem that the white house is calling the shots on what to do against isis and not the military . Well, president obama is going into his fourth secretary of defense. The previous three have all said that they were frustrated by the micro management. The latest to be chuck hagel as early as january of this year and he said exactly the same thing. Susan rice has no Statutory Authority to give the secretary of defense or any of the general officers or the leadership of the military military advice or directives and thats exactly what happened. Woodward is correct. And there are a lot of people who think maybe Valerie Jarrett has a lot to say about how we handle foreign policy, how we handle the military, et cetera. Is that another concern . Well, its big concern particularly with regard to iran. There are many who are now saying that she is really the architect of this nontreaty with the iranians which ultimately will result in the iranians having a Nuclear Program and america having to accept a Nuclear Armed iran. Yeah shes a powerful influence on him. So when the pentagon feels that the shots being called from the white house are incorrect what do they do . How do they handle that . Well, what they should do is they should push back on the president. They should complain. The National Security advisor is picking up the phone and calling field commanders as this one is reported to be doing then the professional leadership in our military should be balking and pushing back and as a last resort, if they cant get any satisfaction and they see that their influence is meaningless to the president then they make a Public Statement and they resign and they tell the world why they have resigned. Right. And they write books and talk about it afterwards. Honestly, as a taxpayer i wish they would do it while theyre in the job. The secretaries of defense need to push back harder on the white house. I got to leave it here, but thank you very much for coming on. Thank you. Coming up, want Big Government out of your life . First Lady Michelle obama says all you have to do is i dont know not only can cars now break into hackers can break into your car with ease, they can take control of the wheel and your brakes while youre driving. I think a hacker just hacked into the teleprompter halfway through that script. Why do people count on Sunsweet Amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside . Its made only from prunes nothing else. Its works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Try Sunsweet Amazin prune juice. Also available in light. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. Welcome back. Time for news by the numbers. First, 20 billion. Thats how much the department of health and Human Services plans to hand out in obamacare subsidies this year. 6. 5 Million People collecting an average of 268 per month. Next 16,000. Thats how much the university of michigan is spending on its Inclusive Language Campaign to encourage students to stop using words such as illegal, alien ghetto and gipped because they are considered to be offensive. Finally, the answer to an age old question. Mr. Owl, how many lickit take to get to the Tootsie Roll Center of a tootsie pop . Well, why researchers claim they cracked the case using a mathematical formula and apparently a lot of lollipops. Check out this the Surveillance Video that shows how easy it can be for thieves to break into cars with the keyless entries. So what can do you to prevent your car from a hack attack . Joining us now is the chairman and founder of Identity Theft 911, adam levin. Nice to join you outside where its chilly. Wed like to thank enterprise rental car for this toyota camry today. Tell me how the bad guys can plug into your cars and essentially hijack your information. Basically they come at it from a variety of different ways. There is something known as the onboard diagnostic port. Different in every car to where its located. The folks that service your car, thats how they get into the computer system. Is that under the hood or around inside the cockpit . Its generally they lift the hood and look somewhere in the hood and they connect it. Then they plug in. For mr. Goodwrench thats great. But if its somebody with nefarious intent, that could be a big problem. The issue is that the port is already open. They may find a way to remotely connect into your car through that port. What does that mean . What could they do . What they can do is they can lock and unlock the doors, which is the big first step. Can they do other things to the control panel, like make it seem like you have less gas than you do . Yes. They can manipulate the control panel so that you think you have more gas than you do, so that you get stranded someplace. Why dont you hop inside that side right there. So thats some of the stuff they can do when it comes to the control panel there. Oftentimes in many cars, you will see digital readouts for the amount of gasoline you have. Also your speedometer. Not so much here action other cars, more so. So they can manipulate the numbers. The troubling thing would be if they made it seem like you were out of gas and then they could essentially wind up carjack you or worse. Or worse. They make you think you have more gas than you do so that as youre driving through a remote area, they could literally carjack or kidnap. One thing you need to do is keep your keys in a safe place. Keep them in a safe place. Know where they are. Remember the oldfashioned device, the club . Yeah. The more we advance, the more we go back. The club. You want to look the Steering Wheel as best you can because if they cant do anything with it then they have a problem. I thought we were past those days. Yeah, well, we might be. Then the situation is they can manipulate the accelerator so they can speed you up. They could disable the brakes so that they now leave you powerless. They could literally drive you off a cliff. They could drive you into another car and cause an accident if they want to cause a multiple accident. They might be able to do that. Ways they also come in through onstar systems. As you sync your phone with your car, if there is malware on your smart phone, they could do that. They could do it by way of a cd, which is something you put in your car. Good way to protect yourself. Adam levin, the cofounder of Identity Theft 911, thank you very much. Thank you. You just scared the living daylights out of me. Elisabeth, back to you. Thanks. Now this coming up, eat healthy or else more government. Thats the word from the first lady. But isnt she also the one forcing changes to School Lunch Menus . And hes known all around the world as the fonz from the tv show happy days. I loved it. Watch this. Eat healthy. Yet up to 90 of us fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more, together. Add one a day. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus, for women, physical Energy Support with b vitamins. And for men, it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. Take one a day multivitamins. Wisest kid . The girls and i need. A new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbells tomato soup with grilled cheese. Perfect together. What should we do next . Im liking braids. [ gong ] mm mm good it is your shot of the morning. No laugh for a map who cracks up at a dog sliding on the ice. Come here. Talk about instant karma. He wipes out moments after he makes fun of his dog. It can happen to anybody. His dog ran over his karma. Very nice. You get your friend ill say hello to heather ho joins us now. Henry winkler will be with us in about a minute and a half talk being his new book. Hes got a great book series for kids. Your boys will love them. I just met him. Hes so nice. Great to have him here. Ive got serious news for you. Fox news alert overnight fighter jets from the United Arab Emirates launching fresh series of air strikes against isis terrorists. This after the uae suspended flights as part of the u. S. Led coalition. Now the uae is sending a squadron of f16s to jordan to help out in that fight. This as we learn the syrian president al assad reveals that he receives general messages from the u. S. Led coalition against isis, but dont get any direct cooperation were told. Syria is not part of that coalition obviously. The Measles Outbreak back here at home is growing worse and worse by the day. The latest count, 121 people have been sickened by the highly contagious virus in at least 17 states now. Cdc Officials Say all but 18 of those reported cases are tied to that outbreak in californias disneyland. Many of those infected were never vaccinated. Doctors and top lawmakers are pushing parents to vaccinate their children. Adequate Vaccine Coverage including full dosage of vaccines on time could prevent the measles from becoming a widespread problem. As sure as the sky is blue. Vaccines work and are the most reliable safeguard against the spread of this dangerous virus. A recent poll from pew shows an overwhelming 83 of americans say that they believe that vaccines are safe for kids. A hearing on the debate happening on capitol hill today. Well watch this story as it develops throughout the day. Want the government to stop bugging you . Start eating healthier foods. In a recent interview, first Lady Michelle obama says, quote, if you dont like the doctor, if you dont like the government if you dont like folks messing with your life the best thing to do is make sure youre healthy. She also says kids will eventually like her school lunch program. Talk about buying the hand that feeds you. A teenager in texas fired from her job at a pizza place even before she starts work. Stella tweeted this, i start this [ bleep ] job tomorrow. Her soon to be boss then saw it and responded with a message of his own of the he writes no, you dont start that job today. I just fired you. Good luck with your no money, no job life. What do you think of that . Those are your headlines. I love it. More instant karma. Lessons to be learned from that because future employers, theyre watching. Theyve got google. Oh, she was twitter fired, ouch. Hopefully the boss isnt watching her facebook. Theyre just watching us all the time. Were televised all the time. Meanwhile, weve got extreme weather to tell but. New video out of new hampshire. This driver going nowhere fast after her car got stuck in a snow bank. Oh, no. There is no relief in sight. There are now two more potential storms on the way. Maria molina has it all. Good morning. Thats right. Were talking two possible storms for new england. One coming up thursday in through friday and the other for the weekend. A very active weather pattern. Its been in place and looks like it will be continuing for at least another week or so across parts of new england. I want to take you farther south across parts of the midatlantic because out here we do have a quick moving storm system and its bringing in Winter Weather across states like virginia, maryland and delaware. Parts of new jersey, also picking up some snow from that system. Very light stuff. Enough to cause issues on the roadways. We do have Winter Weather advisories. Parts of the plains also looking at the potential for some snow with another quick moving storm system thats going to potentially bring Winter Weather to new england as we head into thursday and friday. Thats the american model. You can see it swing through portion of connecticut, rhode island, bringing additional snow. A record season for areas in massachusetts. Current windchill temperatures are very chilly. 16 in new york city. Cold day in cleveland. 5 your current windchill temperature. In the plains, those high temperatures are very mild. Temperatures in the 70s and even 80s for some of you across parts of the southern plains. Lets head back inside. Maria, thank you very much, from chilly days to happy days. Thats right. Hes known all around the world as the fonz, from the classic tv show happy days. Watch this for a flashback. Listen up girls one time one time only. Line right up there, kiss the fonz for a buck. Now thats a bargain at any price. They went wild. Henry winkler who played the fonz, wasnt always the king of cool. Today hes speak out about his struggling growing up they inspired his new book and series heres hank. Its part of his book series and the great Henry Winkler joins us live. Good morning to you. How are you . Its a real pleasure. Thank you. Im so happy to be here. The series is incredible. Thank you. First of all, theyre so easy to read. Theyre fun and its like a kid is talking through the entire thing. Here is hank as a knockout already. We have one at home to. Now you have all four. Get out ive signed them for your kids. You are so kind. Its important to you because the message is you struggle you couldnt get through a book growing up. I did not read until i was 31 actually. How is that possible . You know what . You learn to fake it. You didnt realize until you were 31 that you were dyslexic. I also didnt realize until i was 31. But then i said, my mantra has changed and my mantra what i realize now is i would have missed out on so much my life if i did not say, i will try. At thes inity. Yes. I talk to children and say to them, all you have to do is try. If you have a dream you dont give up and just try. So henry im sure people out there are wondering throughout the happy days series, you werent able to read scripts . I was not able to read it very well. So we would sit around the table. I would stumble. Now, my line then depends on and somebody elses depending on me for the timing, for the joke. And i would screw their joke up all the time while we were reading it. Finally i realized why because my brain didnt work like that. My daughter is dyslexic and weve had the conversation before. Its so hard to read, but you just to do it over and over. When you were applying to colleges back in 28 colleges. Thats how many you applied to. How many said yes . Two. How long did it take for you to graduate . I did it in four years. I was able to do it in four years, but i was nearly kicked out my first year from emmerson college. Then they said, hes such a nice guy, well just hold on it him. In high school, though, it took you numerous times. Could you graduate on time . I took geometry for four years, same course. And here is the thing, nobody, since 1963, has ever said the word isoceles triangle to me. We need to teach children because you have a learning difference. I do. One out of five. Thats 20 of the population we just kind of let float away. What does it mean now that youve gone from where you were in your struggle, having that tenacity, to offering these great books to kids . Outside of hi children and grandchildren, these are the proudest moments of my life. Truly. And my partner lynn oliver, and i, we sit in her office and these are now hank is in the second grade, before he was diagnosed. We use a font i read about that. The font was developed by a dad in holland for his children who are also dyslexic and it just no matter who you are, its easier to read and the publisher said yes, well be the first to read it in america. We have new readers in our home and we go to yours because its easy to get through. All three are dyslexic, because it is hereditary. All you need to know is your child needs to be a great citizen on the earth and they will fly. The most important thing a parent can do is bioa childs selfimage. We showed a clip earlier of the fonz giving a girl a kiss. You owe him a dollar now. Wait a minute. Can we just have an instant replay . Thank you so much. As a mom with readers i thank you. And thats for all the moms and dads out there. Thank you. They will make them laugh. Parents say to me, oh, do you know what happened . Can i say this . You buy your books at your local book store, but amazon made this the book of the month for february. A wonderful thing. Thank you very much. Thanks for letting me come. Check it out. Heres hank. I made a dollar coming up they behead and burn people alive. But president obama says terrorists are just like street thugs. It is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that. The same way that a big city mayor has got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. Is the leader of the free world really just like a big city mayor . Were going to talk about that straight ahead what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. What makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. Introducing the firstever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Once you go beyond utility theres no going back. President obama down playing isis and its threat to the world in an interview with vox. Com. The president thinks the group is just a media invention. Do you think the media sometimes overstates the sort of letter of a level of alarm people should have about terrorism . Absolutely. I dont blame the media for that. Whats the famous saying about local newscasts . If it bleeds, it leads. Joining us is Peter Johnson jr. Maybe the president should focus less on broadcast journalism and more on fighting the jihad around the world. There is this detached, cool smooth kind of talk that says listen, your anxiety is too high. The issue doesnt merit that kind of anxiety. So they talk in these cool detached, dark tones on this hard left liberal, vox outfit. And look at each other and say, these people are really out of control. The masses dont really understand whats going on. Its not an existtensial threat. Things will work out f. It bleeds, it leads. The media fox news out of control. Just shut it down. Everything is okay. I got it taken care of. Dont worry about it. The president discounting or down playing the threat of isis, decapitating people and then talking about blood matters. American lives do matter. Absolutely. Something else the president mentioned was, you know its a lot like being the mayor of a big town, that fighting crime business. Watch this. It is entirely legitimate for the American People to be deeply concerned when you got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks. It is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that. The same way that a big city mayor has got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. And this goes to the heart of what is wrong with the president s policy on fighting terror. It is not crime. It is not a Police Officer walking the beat in our neighborhoods, in our town in our villages and our cities, in our counties across the United States. Its not about crime. Its about the ideology and its about destruction. If the president sees it as crime, were not going to win that particular war city, the nation the citysite will be infested with the crime thats called isis and alqaeda. Not crime, mr. President. What does the president say is the big story . Global warming. Lets fight the threat today. Worry about the sun tomorrow. There you go. Thank you very much. Coming up, one dad says his son is being taught to recite the koran at school. We are requiring our kids in our Public Schools to learn islamic prayers. Really . That school says its part of the curriculum. Were going to debate that one a l next now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. C prayers and and what would be the equivalent of the jewish and the christian Ten Commandments called five pillars of islam. So parents of students at a Florida High School outraged after some of their kids were being forced, if you heard to recite the koran. The textbook dedicating an entire chapter to the rise of islam, but missing from the page s, christianity and judaism. Should this be allowed. Joining us are our guests. Thank you both for being here. My pleasure. Hot debate right now. Some parents are outraged that this is even taking place. Is this merely an exploration of religion . Well, because investing in our education is one of the greatest demonstrations of our commitment to the future, we applaud and appreciate any teachers that provide a well round education to our children. That means not just learning about one thing but comprehensive knowledge on such a matter, which is why with the muslim immediate, were led by the most significant muslim leader in the world, and he doesnt call for indoctrination of our children or forcing our religion or others. But does he call for separation of religion and state and also for advocating forbe the pursuit of knowledge, expensive secular. I think thats whats really going on. Its not a matter of choosing one religion over the other. The spokesperson already said they would learn about judeoism and christianity and this is the first time theyre being introduced to islam. The concern is when the first 100 pages discussing judaism and christianity were missing, is that the problem you have or is it in the fact that theyre talk being this in a Public School . Yeah, there is a big difference between teaching about religion and teaching religion. And i think this is what the parents problem was, is that you can learn about the history, a great history of all the religions, of course and then there is a difference when it comes to prayers. I would think that muslims would also have an issue if in a medrasa you were needing to recite jewish prayers. I think that would be resisted. So when youre looking at is lack service actually no. Because we read from the elder testament and new testament. But see thats the difference. Reading from a book or looking at some dynamics within a book of a holy book for religion is one thing. These kids were having a prayer on a blackboard, having to repeat it. One of the take Home Projects was to make a prayer rug. Yet there is remarkable history when youre going to teach history and in this textbook its not just this one school and one parent. Many districts are saying yes weve got to have this book rewritten because it does move into an experience of engaging in the religion and teaching the religion versus teaching about it. And of course, when youve got 100 pages missing from the textbook, it also sends a message that maybe there is a different agenda at work here. But what it also tells you is the importance of the parents being involved in their childrens education because you dont know whats going to really be happening in a curriculum. Do you draw that line there to differentiate the teaching and teaching about here . Because if its done incorrectly, then it takes away the opportunity for kids to learn properly about religion. Would you say in fairness thats whats happening here . Absolutely. Any subject doesnt really how the teacher teaches it. We really have only this one story coming out of florida, so we dont know whats happened. We have to talk about what are we talk being . Are we saying we should ban all religion from being mentioned in school . N of course not. Thats not the issue here. Again, there is a history of a religion and then there is teaching the practice of that religion. And i think thats what the parent had a problem with. And again, other districts are having a problem with it. Unfortunately, no one was asked to bow down and do the prayer. Well, theyre starting to make the prayer rug. They were reading from the Ten Commandments. Were asking people to be 21st century citizens. We thank you both for being here. We want you to continue the debate by letting you think about it. Thank you. Coming up, he owes millions in taxes and incites protests. But the president s inner circle has no problem with al sharpton. Laura ingraham will weigh in on that. And its a jawdropping Photo Everyone is talking about this morning. Were talking to the cover girl herself. Do not miss Sports Illustrated model, hannah davis joining us live in the next hour. Needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. My doctor said lets try lyrica. Lyrica has helped relieve my pain. Its known that. Diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. 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Terrorism is just a ratings grabber . Oh, Laura Ingraham is here to react. You Better Believe it on this one. And he owes millions in taxes to the federal government and incites protests. But the president s inner circle has no problem with the reverend al sharpton. Al sharpton is widely regarded as a leader within the africanamerican community. Do you think the president respects al sharpton . I think he respects his leadership. Of course. Is that why he, al sharpton, has visited the white house more than 80 times . Were going to take a closer look. And one College Student complains the rotc is training kids to be criminals. Now the Movement Underway to get it kicked off campus. Your emails pouring in on this one. Mornings are better con amigo s. Eric bowling who today is hosting the 8 with us because its 8 00 oclock eastern time when you say con, i was thinking con carne, with cheese. How are you . Were glad youre with us. Were going to start off with headlines and heather nauert. Good morning. Good morning. Great to see you, fox news alert to bring you now, the man who is suspected of killing College Student Hannah Graham is reportedly charged with murder. Jesse matthew already charged with the abduction of the 18yearold university of virginia student. Authorities in virginia are holding a press conference at 11 00 a. M. Today to officially announce the updated charge against him. Graham went miss not guilty september last year. Surveillance video showing both her and matthew at a bar in charlottesville, virginia. Her remains were found a month later, miles down the road. Matthew faces charges of Sexual Assault in another case. That trial is scheduled for march. Extreme weather alert for the northeast. Massachusetts is under a state of emergency after it gets slammed with more than two feet of snow overnight. Boston now setting the record for the most snow in 30 days now. Look at the snow. Up above this ladys head there in the boston area. Boston receiving more than 74 inches of snow so far. You can see the weight of the snow, too much for the roof of this building. It caved in. Seven workers were inside that building at the time. And then looking at a new jersey icy conditions lead to go a tedly 15car pileup on the new jersey turnpike. Roads are slippy in the northeast. The jury is now seated in the trial of the man accused of killing Navy Seal Sniper chris kyle and his friend at a texas gun range two years ago. Ten women and two men now chosen out of an original jury pool of 800 people. Prosecutors say they want a life sentence without parole for Eddie Ray Routh. The defense will seek an insanity plea saying he suffers from ptsd. And listen to this story taking a real punch at patriotism. A Brown University writer at the Student Newspaper attacking classmates who participate in rotvc, calling it an organization of criminals. He writes it seems that rotcs attempts to recruit academically elite students is a calculated attempt to rope in the best and brightest into the industry of statesanctioned violence. The thought of extending poisonous branches of the Armed Services to our campus should be wholey denounced. Brown banned the rotc back in 1969. Interested students can join at nearby Providence College. A lot of your emails pouring in on this one. What is everybody saying . Glad you asked. Lot of email regarding that op ed in the paper. For instance, the first one k on Facebook Says my daughter is in the program and i wont be taking her out. She loves it. Thank you. We thank her. Betty saying this, criminals . Try living in a country without these criminals to save your freedom. And susan writes in maybe the columnist from brown should rethink his op ed and be thankful that he has the freedom to write as he wishes without fear of persecution. Laura ingraham joins us once a week. Shes joining us from our nations capitol. So the message from this brown writer, brown College Student is that were special. Were smart. Dont go into the military. Yeah, well, this doesnt surprise me. A couple friends of mine are in the Providence College rotc program and these are great young men. Dougie kingsley i know you watch fox. Hes a junior at providence. These are among the best and the brightest in our colleges and universities today. And that a left Wing Community activist wanna be wants to trash the rotc, theyve been doing this since the 70s. This is not any big surprise to me and shoot be any surprise to the fox news viewers across the country. So let me ask you this, three weeks ago the president did an interview with vox, sat down with a well lit interview where he said that the media is to blame for overstating terrorism and its horror and really we should be focusing on Climate Change. Watch this and weve been dying for your reaction. Do you think the media sometimes overstates the sort of level of alarm people should have about terrorism and this kind of chaos as opposed to a longer term product of Climate Change . Absolutely. And i dont blame the media for that. Whats the famous saying about local newscasts right . If it bleeds it leads. You show crime stories and you show fires cause thats what folks watch. Its all about ratings. The problems of terrorism and dysfunction and chaos along with plane crashes and a few other things, thats the equivalent when it comes to covering international affairs. And Climate Change is one that is happening at such a scale and such a complex system that its a hard story for i think the media to tell on a daytoday basis. What do you think . Number one, the lighting was really creepy. I dont know if vox needs a new lighting package for its shoots. But i found that to be extremely creepy. It was dramatic. Weird that was just bizarre. You dont light the president of the United States that way. Number two this is from an administration that declared that there was a war on women that sent its Community Relations department into the Michael Brown shooting when there was no indication, since vindicated was at the heart of what happened to Michael Brown, whipping people knew this idea that the police are randomly shooting black people in the street. Thats the kind of thing that they believe is a national epidemic, which is not true. Yet we have real threats to real americans as we saw in fort hood, as we saw in that recent beheading, as we saw in the attacks on the Police Officers in new york. And were exaggerating this . That is really rich from an administration that has tried to whip up more division in america on racial and ethnic and genderrelated lines. I find that to be even for obama, thats quite a stretch. You know why. I mean, he took a shot at Rush Limbaugh. He took a shot at us. If he would have had time im sure he would have taken a shot at you. The president can control so much and control the department of justice and figure out who theyre going to torment. He runs the military. Hes the commander in chief. He can not control the press and its bugging him. It drives him crazy. He has really thin skin to be president of the United States. The idea that anyone doesnt like him i think bugs the you know what out of him. I dont think he can comprehend how someone couldnt general flect at his kneel at his every move and word. He thinks the following things are big threats to the United States. Talk radio fox news, the tea party, religious conservatives. I think probably anyone who takes his or her faith very seriously that clashes with their world view on any number of social issues the prolife movement, and returning veterans who dont much like the way the Obama Administration treated veterans at the v. A. Those are the threats to the United States and as far as those random acts of violence that occur in the United States, those are overblown. Were the extremists. He has no problem defining his enemies for sure. What do you think about al sharptons visits to the white house and his influence there . Bill oreilly just grilled David Axelrod to find out how can this guy who owes 3. 7 million in back taxes have visited over 60 times to the white house . Watch this. Al sharpton is widely regarded as a leader within the africanamerican community. You think the president respects him . I think he respects his leadership on some of these civil rights issues yes, i do. He owes millions of dollars to the irs, his organizations owes millions of dollars. Is there any other american in the white house who owes millions of dollars to the irs . I dont know. I havent gone through the tax returns. But isnt that strange . No. I dont think its strange. There are people who look, donald trump im sure has been in the white house. Hes begun through bankruptcy proceedings. Hes had financial problems. That didnt impeach him from being a visitor. It wasnt a debt for the federal government. Grand total of 82 times. Obama and al sharpton are in some ways cut from the same Community Activist cloth. Right . Obviously obama became president of the United States. Al sharpton is still agitating and doing Community Organizing and the fact that hes a dead beat organizer, because he owes so much money to the federal government local, state taxes, thats irrelevant. The only people who matter in the irs under obamas, i think training their lens on the real did he do beats are dead beats are groups like the tea party or those who want to organize for conservative causes. They will scrutinize those groups, put them under the microscope. But someone like al sharpton, he will get a pass every time. And oftentimes, i will say this, oftentimes from corporate america, there are a lot of cowardly ceos and Board Members out there who are afraid of al sharpton. I say this to them, al sharpton has declining respect among a lot of africanamericans in the country who call in to my radio show and they say, you know something . He doesnt represent me. I dont know why you guys put him on television cause he doesnt represent me. We should remember those africanamericans who are angry that hes out there trying to represent them. What did he do at the white house 82 times . Think about this for a second. If were talking about race Race Relations in america are very argue arguably at its worst in six years. If its about money, the guy owes money. Strategizing. I think there is a lot of strategizing going on for 2012 and 2016. How are we going to get minorities out to vote . Making them frightened about the Republican Party or conservatives. Back to Michael Brown or eric garner. We know race did not come into play in these cases. It is highly irresponsible for them to continue to whip this up and divide americans when they need a unifying leader in any party. They need somebody who brings this country together. Be optimistic about the future. I want to say one thing going back. I know were running out of time the president yesterday, back to the terrorism issue, when he referred to that shooting, the terrorist attack in the jewish deli in paris as another random act where a bunch of folks shot up a deli i found that so appalling. That deli was targeted. We know it was targeted because it was a kosher deli. It was not randomly picked. This was a brutal act of violence, done by terrorist islamic terrorists. His casual reference to that yesterday should set off alarm bells to our jewish friends across the country and anyone who cares about rising antisemitism around the world. Were going to talk to karl rove about that in about 20 minutes. Go do youre radio show. Coming up, its bipartisan bill to create jobs. But president obama says he will veto the Keystone Pipeline bill when it hits his desk this week. Senator joe manchin, a democrat, has a message for the president coming up next. And its not a question you would expect to see on a High School Assignment. Who says helping the poor is a waste of money . And if you said conservative, you got it right . You exercise. You choose the salad. Occasionally. But staying well physically, financially, emotionally its hard on your own. So cignas got your back and your knees, 24 7. Cignas there to answer your questions. Or when you need some coaching. In sickness and in health, cignas there, helping you to get well and stay well. Thats having a partner, whos with you all the way. Cigna. Are you still getting heartburn flareups . Time for a new routine. Try nexium® 24hr. The latest choice for frequent heartburn and get nexium level protection. Well, it is a bipartisan bill to create jobs, but president obama says he will veto the Keystone Pipeline bill when it hits his desk probably later this week. Why . Senator joe manchin is a democrat who plans to support the bill despite the president s threats. Hes a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee. Good morning to you, senator. Good morning, steve. How are you . Doing okay. I know you got nine democrats who are squarely behind this. All the republicans are. But there is one democrat who is not and that is the president and hes going to veto it. Why . Steve, its just a shame. Its really truly a shame. I dont know why i cant speak to that at all. The bottom line is that with nine bipartisan democrats and republicans working together all were asking for is look at the bill. Look at the jobs it creates. Look at the security it gives our nation. It makes us less dependent on foreign oil. Were buying oil from venezuela and saudi arabia. Were buying oil from russia every day. This would diminish this and then we buy from the friendliest nation we have canada. Also canada agreed to use American Made steel in all the pipes. Theyve agreed basically to pay the 8 cents into the skill Fund Recovery and agreed basically to abide by all the commerce rules that you cant ship oil out of this country. Treated the same as if it was extracted in texas. Weve hit every barrier and i cannot understand for the life of me. Well, a lot of people say, look, the president it raises a lot of money with the environmentalists. Hes got to build that big library. Its going to go with his handout asking them for money. And if the pipeline gets built, theyll say look, they built it on your watch. Im not going to give you any money. Steve the environmental community, basically its more of environmental hazard to transport that oil by rail and by truck. Even all the Environmental Impact studies have shown that. Its much more cleaner and better for the environment if we do it by pipe. Right. And who is getting rich off the fact that were shipping it by rail . Warren buffet who owns those railways. But im sure thats just a coincidence that hes a big obama supporter. Certain things happen. Like your phone just ringing a minute ago. Im so sorry. Thats okay. It was probably the white house calling you, hey, youre not going to say anything about that pipeline, are you . You can be sure that didnt happen steve. That wasnt that. Before you go senator, what is your message for the president of the United States . I know he watches fox news. He was just talking about us. We have so many challenges around the world right now. We want to keep america safe. We want to grow this economy. We have a chance to grow the economy if we had a good energy policy, if we got our fiscal house in order. And basically people had could depend on government working with them. Working with all of us, even though we might not agree, i can respectfully disagree and ill always respect your opinion, but you should at least talk to us and we should Work Together to try and find common solution. We do that in west virginia. Thats how we act in west virginia. Because youre a fair and balanced state. Senator manchin, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you steve. Good luck on that bill. Coming up, the customer isnt always right. This insane brawl at walmart sparked by a yo mama joke. And its a jaw dropping photo shoot everybody is talking about. This morning weve got the real thing. Sports illustrated cover girl hannah davis live in the studio today. The wait is over. The 2015 Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition is officially here and gracing the cover is 24yearold swimsuit model hannah davis. She joins us live on the couch. Congratulations. Thank you. How did you find out that you were on the cover . What was your reaction . Oh, my gosh. Well, they actually posted this video online cause i was being taped for this s. I. Now online video. So i thought i was just coming in for an interview. Then it turns out they were showing me pictures from previous years and asking me questions about it. And then the next picture was blank. And they said, were having some technical difficulties. So they said, why dont we bring out a picture of this years photo. And im like, what . Okay. And then the editor came out revealed the picture. Surprise and i crying and i was just terrified and hugging everyone. It was really overwhelming. Because because you felt you would be the last person on the cover because they always put girls on beaches and there you are on the farm. I know. I was riding a horse all day. I was hot and sweaty. I did not imagine this to be the cover. So yeah. I was totally blind sided. But obviously very excited. Congratulations. Thank you. What did your parents say . My mom, i called her and she if you see the video she actually says i wet my pants. She was that excited . She was that excited. But actually all my friends and family flew in and threw me this Surprise Party the next day. I thought i was going to dinner with my brother and they all sort of jumped out at the restaurant and all my closest friends and family were there. So its really special. So what happens next . Youre swimsuit cover model. How does that open doors . I look up to so many of the past cover girls like tyra and Christie Brinkley and Kathy Ireland so having a career like that would be great. You about i think for right now, im kind of enjoying myself. I just found out a few days ago and now im getting a lot of new opportunities. I bet. Tell bus your story. Youre from . The virgin islands. Your parents wound up there . My parents actually went on their honeymoon there and they stayed. Because it was so beautiful. Yeah. Obviously. Yes. So how long were you there . I lived there until i was 18. Then i moved to new york. You doing okay in the cold . Well, i lived here for six years. But i havent even gotten used to it still. Im an island girl at heart. Clearly. Like im not even dressed for this kind of weather. Make it long island. I dont know about that. Its an island. Did you know that she was going to be wearing that color dress . I did match my college to your dress. We need to bring in the spring a little bit. You get a lot of attention. Obviously now it will be even more because youre on the cover. There is a ton of talk about relationships, of course. Derek jeter. Is this love . Is this love . Im very happy. Wait, you guys are dating . You and derek jeter . Personally and professionally im happy and i couldnt be more excited because i get to celebrate the next few days with my family, my friends. Have a big party tonight. It should be fun. We wish you success. What time does it start . We can be there. 6 p. M. Thats a little late for us. You look fabulous. Im sure in any bathing suit. For every other woman who is seeing this coming, one quick tip to make your bathe oclock suit fit better . I think its picking the right bikini. I like string bikinis because you can always make it bigger. Yeah. Okay. Make it work for yourself. Now we know eric. Now you guys know. Congratulations. Thank you so much. Have fun. I will. Coming up on our tuesday telecast hgtv booted them off the air for their views on traditional marriage. But you think theyre backing down . Not a chance. The benefitham brothers are here to tell us what really went down behind the scenes. Thats right. And you remember susan rice who went on five sunday shows with bad info about benghazi. Now she may be calling the shots for our military, were hearing. And karl rove understands the white house but he doesnt understand this one. Hes up next with insight. Your daughter has a brilliant idea for her science project. And you could make it happen. Right . Wrong. Because youre not you youre a Cancer Hospital and your daughter. Shes a team of leading researchers. And that brilliant idea is a breakthrough in patient treatment that could save thousands of lives. Which means you need a diverse team of advisors helping you. From Research Data analytics all the way to transformation of clinical care. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. Entirely legitimate for the American People to be deeply concerned when you got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in paris. It is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that. The same way that a big city mayor has got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. Big city mayor folks random bunch of words to analyze. Here is karl rove. What was he talking about . He down playing the war on terror. Its not a problem. Its like what any big city mayor has to deal with and just a fact of life. There is a reason why last september in the wall street journalnbc poll many people said we were less safe than before 911. In contrast in 2002 one year after 911, only 20 of the American People said we were less safe than before 911. This man has no sense of what it is that were in and the danger that our country faces. This is not the worst of it. The worst of it is the kind of things he said in the interview on vox and what he said op the National Strategy and what with zoo car i cant. He said we got to get over the notion that these terrorist organizations represent an exist tensionial threat to the United States or the world order. What happens if isil establish has caliphate in the middle of the historic region fueled by oil revenue . Were already seeing the results. There are thousands of Freedom Fighters flocking to syria because they have the money and the resources to help achieve their dreams. So talk to us about why the military, the generals, the pentagon doesnt push back more aggressively to the white house . If there is no strategy, why dont they say come up with secretary. Weve had secretary gates secretary panetta now general flynn, and others say that the white house is essentially tone deaf and unresponsive to their requests. I thought two interesting things this weekend. General flynns statement that nobody is in charge. Nobody wants to be in charge because if you have to report to Valerie Jarrett and susan rice as the commander of the military effort in the region, youre not in charge. And so nobody wants to be in charge. Second of all the mindset, you go to the National Security document that they put out last week, its deeply troubling because they define their failures as successes in order to repeat them. Weve responsibly ended the war in iraq. No, you didnt. You didnt leave behind a residual farce that gave you the capability to say what your own strategy documents says is your goal. You mentioned susan rice. Bob wordward woodward was on over the weekend and he revealed that it sounds like susan rice is running the show. Listen to this. People from the white house are micromanaging the tactical situation on a daily and weekly basis. Thats not their job. You talk to people in the military who are there and they say we are being micromanaged and were not given a real plan to say what are we going to do here . Whats your reaction to that that shes calling the shots right now . Im upset you cut me out of that picture. Im actually sitting next to woodward. Shes playing Lyndon Johnson 1968 and literally picking the targets, according to woodward that our air strikes will hit. You dont want that in the white house. You want that left in the hands of the military commanders. Now, they say if you had 1,000 air strikes, that operational tempo, if you put it in the context of months and months weve been there is very small and the reason is its all landing on her desk and shes trying to play general and they ought to leave that in the hands of the people who know how to do it. The white house should set the goal. It should not try and manage the war. General quinn stepped up the position a year early. Right . He said the theory of cutting the head off the snake is not sustainable when you have people come up and challenge the president and his ideology and suddenly theyre gone. Does that indicate theyre out of there as soon as they oppose any kind of i dont think the administration fires people. I think it ignores people. Thats even worse. It has these we have at the top of our military some of the smartest brightest people in the world who know how to get this thing done if the president will give them a strategic goal and authorization to work. In the Bush White House any of that . Did the white house ever call directly to the field generals and say this is how we want it for you to bypass the pentagon . No political people. But the president would talk to the field commanders and say, what do you need . But thats the president. Thats the president of the United States. Look the president obamas predecessor was a leader. This man is not a leader. And he is ironically enough demonstrating his lack of leadership by taking on tasks that should not be done within the white house. You should not micromanage the war from the white house. All right. You would know a thing or two about the white house and how it operates. Karl rove, thank you for joining us live. It is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. And heather starts with a fox news alert. Good morning. Its related to what you were just talking about. Fight against isis. It is a fox news alert. Overnight fighter jets from the United Arab Emirates launching a fresh series of air strikes against isis terrorists. This happening after the uae had suspended its flights as part of the u. S. Led coalition. Now the uae is sending a squadron of f16s to jordan to help out their fight against isis. This as we learn syrian president Bashar Al Assad reveals that he is receiving general messages from the u. S. Led coalition against isis. But claims they dont have any direct cooperation with the United States. Syria is not a part of our coalition. The excop and convicted wife killer, drew peterson, is now facing brandnew charges this morning. Hes now accused of trying to hire a hitman to allegedly kill the prosecutor who put him behind bars in the first place. The 61yearold is now been in prison since 2012. Thats when he was convicted of murdering his third wife, kathleen savio. She had drowned in a bathtub, but her death was first ruled an accident before it was determined to be a homicide. That case was then reopened when petersons fourth wife, stacy, you see her here, disappeared. A School Assignment claimed that conservatives dont care about poor people. That is now being pulled from the curriculum. This all started when a wisconsin student told his mom about a worksheet. It asks, which group wouldnt think about helping the poor people since its a waste of money . The student thought the answer was fascist. But the correct answer according to the School Guidelines was actually conservative. Earlier that students mom explained why this assignment went too far. These kids are 16 years old and theyre impressionable and it plants a small seed telling them that theyre liberal because everybody cares about the poor. You wouldnt want to be a republican if they dont care about poor people. Her facebook posting then spurned outrage. The school reached out to heather last night with that update that its being taken off. Attention, shoppers. We have a fight on aisle 1. Oh, my gosh. That brawl breaking out on camera at a walmart in texas. You can see that customer slam her head right into that walmart worker setting off an allout brawl. Witnesses say they may have been fighting over some sort of tax return that a customer had apparently filed they store earlier in the day. Oh goodness. Well update that as we get it. Who does that . My head hurts just watching that. Thanks. Coming up, Family Members of those who died on september 11 want to know if justice will ever be served. I screamed at them, at the top my lungs, how could you make me go back there . Catherine herridge spoke to those families. She joins us live from gitmo with the latest bombshell next. Whatever you do dont cheat on this woman or youre going to pay. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. 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Ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. And no one wants that feeling to fade. Thats why theres woolite darks. Without harsh ingredients, it keeps darks vibrant for over 30 washes. So your love for dark clothes doesnt have to fade. For the love of darks. Woolite darks. We got some other headlines for you. Bruce jenners fate may be determined by the black boxes in his escalade as investigators want to check his speed and braking at the time of last weekends deadly crash. They have black box in those . We just learned the female victim who was killed did not have a valid drivers license. And this smashed audi r 8 is a result of one womans reaction after discovering her husband was cheating on her. Viral video shows the car windows smashed, the Leather Seats cut, and the paint scratched from front to backers completely keyed for more than 100,000 worth of revenge. And thats the news. Disappointing delay in the 911 hearing at Guantanamo Bay. Two accused conspirators stall the proceedings and now families who lost loved ones are calling it an embarrassment. Catherine herridge just sat down with them and shes live at Guantanamo Bay with what they are saying now. Good morning to you. Reporter good morning. A lot of these families come from all over the United States to sit in the military court and when they got there yesterday all they saw was 20 minutes of action which was extremely disappointing because they expected to hear a lot more about the 911 crime itself. Not the complaints of the suspects. At this point were going to start arguing whether or not the when he was being transferred, come on. Its convoluted and i dont see any the 911 suspects were first arraigned here at Guantanamo Bay back in 2008 under president bush. Then a year later, attorney general eric holder announced they would go to civilian courts in lower manhattan. That was quickly reversed over concerns about security and also the cost. Then in 2012, once mr. Obama revamped the military commissions, the men were arraigned for a second time here at Guantanamo Bay and with legal blocks preventing the transfer of the men to the United States for trial the chief Prosecutor Says this is the only option. Trials are important. Trials to establish guilt or innocence are important. Its something very important to americans and its important in this case. We need to try everyone we can try and thats what were committed to doing. Reporter another Family Member who volunteers their time at the 911 memorial down in the base of manhattan, as well as the memorial site itself, says he came here simply to keep his family story alive. Got a call from the medical Examiners Office telling me that they had a positive identification of a severely charred bone forgot. And i screamed at them at the top of my lungs how could you make me go back there . And there is another young man here who was in third grade when he lost his father and was so easy to forget as the trial grinds on is more than 3,000 kids lost one or both parents on 911 and will be back in court when it resumes tomorrow. Guys, back to you. Such good point. Catherine herridge live at gitmo streaming from cuba. We thank you for that. Hgtv booted them off the air because of their views on traditional marriage. The benham brothers are here to tell their side of the story. First lets check in with hemmer for whats coming up. Good morning. Breaking news on the Coalition Strikes overnight on isis. Full details ahead. In his own words, how the president views the media terrorism, and a lot more. Purple hearts will now go to the victims of the fort hood massacre. One soldier shot seven times will join us live on the long workplace wait. And the big dig gets a whole new mean not guilty boston. 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Joining us authors of whatever the cost, facing your fear dying to your dreams and living powerfully, david and jason benham. Thanks for being here. You suffered a great loss really for sticking by your beliefs. Worth it in the end . Absolutely. And were the first people that would say the persecution that we experienced is nothing compared to the persecution that christians are experiencing all over the world. This was more like pressure and although we did experience a loss, its always worth it in the end when youre willing to let go of whats in your hand then god can give you whats in his. It had to be hard at first, i imagine, to really surrender that. Thats why we say in our book, die to your dreams. This whole hgtv platform, we were excited about getting on the show and showing our family and ive got five kids. He only has four. But big brother is always picking on you. We were excited about the platform. When it was taken, it was difficult. So tell the audience if youre not familiar, you put together a series on hgtv, it was taped filmed ready to go. But you had made some comments that they had heard about years prior that they heard about not on tape, but in your private life and they pulled the series. In the context of a Prayer Service the night before the Democratic National convention in 2012, we called the church to repentance and a lot of the moral ills and spiritual decline in our country is directly the result of the church not being salt and light in the culture. So we prayed and asked god to forgive our nation and ourselves for the sins that are in our nation. In that context right wing watch wrote an article and really created a narrative that made jason and i out to be hate figured bigots. Here you are about with the launch of a Successful Program and business and an opportunity to make some cash. And when confronted with hgtv and those that didnt support your beliefs, you could have denied your beliefs or decided to hide them or say you had some sort of conversion, a change of heart. Did you think about that at all . Was there a time you thought we should just keep our beliefs to ourselves and continue in business . I tell everybody that the secret to courage is first recognizing your inner coward. And then letting the spirit of the almighty god come in and unleash your inner lion. We went through several situations where we thought maybe we should be quiet. Maybe we should . That was tough for us. That was what we call a peter moment, when peter denied jesus. But we got through that. And then we were able to stand strong. We only give god the credit because hes an idiot. I have a question but i want to you respond to that first brother. Yeah. We were scared. We genuinely were scared. But its at that moment that we understood when jesus, just before he we want to the cross and he said, lord, if you can take this cup from me, so be it. But your will be done. We experienced that your will be done moment. You know what . We are not going to deny our faith and if our faith calls us to a reality show, so be it. It also ended up costing you some sort of income there for a while. And youre dads, trying o support your family. Your entire family was really with you, willing to suffer the brunt of this. In our book we talk about how we got through that. We share a lot of principles about that. But anything you let go for your faith is definitely worth it. Why dont you stick around. Well take a quick break and you with be with us. More in minutes. We were talk being their family. There are your better halfs right there guys. Gorgeous wives. Thats right. Nine kids between you. The guys from hgtv loved your wives, right . They absolutely did. Thats one of the things that america is going to miss the most. They didnt even realize our wives were phenomenal. You guys were a package deal. Right. Youre an inspiration to so many people. Great job. Whatever the cost is the book. More on the after the show show. Eric will be on at five on the five. Bye, everybody. Bill fox news alert. Blaming the media for overhyping the threalt of terror. President obama claiming news outlets report on terrorism because it makes a quote sexy story. Martha despite growing terror warnings from his own generals about isis and other terror groups he says the media avoids covering stories like Climate Change because terror stories

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