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The not so smooth criminal arrived at the San Francisco court in a stolen car and was promptly arrested by police once again. We appreciate you joining us today. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Fox friends starts now. Bye. Good morning everyone. It is thursday, thec first of may, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. We begin with a fox news alert. Torrential rains soaking the country. One sink hole the size of a city block and more water on the day. We have tips you need to survive a flash flood. Tension in the white house has the administration scrambeling emails linking the white house to a benghazi coverup. Why did it take a court case for you to release this . I can say this again and again, this document was not about tkpwepbgz. Not about benghazi . Then why was the email titled benghazi, mr. Carney. Russiac pushing back on sanctions saying that bear on a trampoline is now your own only ticket to space. Wow. Shepherd must be happy. Mornings, according to everyone we talk to, are better with friends. Welcome back to fox friends. Gabe kaplan. I will miss those guys. What did they say . Put a rubber hose up your nose . c mr. Carter funny what people remember. Thats horseshack. He passed away. Anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. Shell be back tomorrow. There was epstein, washington and barberino. You tune to a news channel for the news, and for that we turn to Heather Nauert. Weve got breaking news from the south. Parts of it were talking about could be weather related. We begin with a fox news alert. There was a gas explosion and it hit a florida jail leaving two inmates dead this morning. More than 100 prisoners and Corrections Officers have been hurt. This happened in pensacola, florida. The explosion inside the jail central booking area caused part of it to collapse. No word on what causedc the blast but that area has been hit with heavy flooding. Well keep you posted. Millions of folks across the east coast are in the grip of a storm that just wont quit. Relentless rain in pensacola, florida, causing this road to collapse, swallowing a truck. The driver inside that truck managed to make it out believe. Mobile, alabama, an elderly woman was one of those who had to be rescued. Fire fighters carried her to safety after her car was stranded on a flooded street. A little girl in a kayak in her family livingc room. Her family was trapped in their home in two feet of water. The only way to try to keep that little girl dry. In a botched execution of an oklahoma inmate, sparking a lot of outrage this morning and now calls for moratoriums on legal injections. Witnesses at the execution report a grizzly scene after one of his veins ruptured when he was injected with an experimental cocktail of lethal drugs. He was trying to move his head up from the gurney, trying to move his shoulders from the gurney and moving his legs. This is when they closed the curtain because it became very clear that whatever was happening was too dramatic for the media to see. The guy died 45 minutes later of a heart attack. A boat washed ashore in Washington State and it could be from that deadly trenami two years ago. Boat was covered in vegetation and shells. Police say there are some sort of asian symbols on the hull of the boat leading to speculation it was from the tsunami. Those are your headlines. Ill be back with more later. Heather, thank you very much. Brian, lets talk little bit about benghazi. At fox, weve been telling you this is a story we personally have talked to people who were there. We have heard stories about whats gone on. Now it has starteduz hit the fan. With that email that was released by the white house to Judicial Watch after they sued them, we now know that the white house had a conspiracy where essentially what they were trying to do was change the story. Lets blame that video; right, on what happened over in libya, in benghazi on that night where four brave americans died. Well, now we know that there was a coverup as well because they had redacted, they crossed out all the stuff. Then finally we got to see it. Yesterday the White House Press corps had it up to here. They realized they had been lied to for over a year and it even came down to where jay carney, who apparently is not paid enough because he tries to do a good job for the administration, he said that the benghazi memo that they prepared for susan rice before she went out on the sundayc shows, it wasnt about benghazi, even though at the top of it it said benghazi. Heres jonathan carl. You knew full well what susan rice primarily was going to be asked about was the attack, terrorist attack on a u. S. Consolate. Ambassador rice went on those shows and said the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over an internet video. We now know that was not true. I would point you to what mike morrell said repeatedly in testimony about the . X aqpaion of the talking points. Morrell said last month, when he heard that he said that is not something our analysts said. It came from the white house; right . Youre wrong. If you look at that document, that document that were talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. The topic was a prep call, prep with susan, meaning susan rice. It was sent at 4 00 saturday for sunday appearances. What i think is so exasperating, they rolled it in delayed on our channel, i think what is exasperating is youre trying to write a story, trying to follow through and youre trying to wonder if the guy talking to you and explaining it has read into the reality of it. But youve got to go with what he says. Jay carney was on that email when itc seems ben rhodes whose goal was to take this incident that blew up and try to find a way to spin it in which the administration doesnt look back and makes it look like theyre tough on terror. Bin laden is dead and al qaeda is on the run. You cant say that and beat mitt romney if that is not true. If the truth came out about tkpwepbgz on september 14 about benghazi on september 14 that in fact would not have been true. How different would that debate have been if they had been able to look at the situation and sayc guys you mean how would the debate have been if the white house told the truth . It looks like they did know the truth and was trying to spin it behind the scenes. The Mainstream Media didnt cover it in prime time, newspapers didnt cover it on the front page, although we did see it in usa today but it does appear the Mainstream Media is having a hard time covering it anymore. Are they trying to protect Hillary Clinton in the next general election . Is that it . Or do they think this is a fox story that is tired and the American People are sick of hearing it. It proves fnc has been right all along and we should have been covering it. Lindsey graham said last night this certainly is a smoking gun. This is Proof Positive that right after the attack, three days after the attack,c they did not give a damn about the intelligence. They wanted to create a political narrative to protect the president and i think most americans find that offensive and im not going to stop until somebody is held accountable for allowing it to be a death trap, somebody be fired for not coming to the aid of these people for at least nine and a half hours and somebody be fired for not protecting the American People. And i dont believe ben rhodes did this by himself. Somebody in the white house higher up than this concocted this story because they were worried about the reelection. When susan rice said i have no regrets, i gave the American People thec best evidence available, that is a baldfaced lie. Id like to see jay carney wired up to a lie detector. Im kidding. Jay carney said that particular prep memo was not about benghazi. Yet the top line says benghazi. The other part, Lindsey Graham spoke about this last night, in it it says this, quote, the investigation is ongoing and the u. S. Government is working with libyan authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the death of u. S. Citizens. Jay carney had been suggesting that was about the unrest at all the other embassies on 9 11 because of the video. But this particular thing that was circulated by ben rhodes and hes probably just the messenger, carney suggesting it was general unrest. And yetc specifically in the document it talked about americans who died, only died i. Jay carney, if he, if it wasnt about benghazi, it sure looks like it. If it was ed henry, he would have taken a shot at fox. Instead it was jonathan carl. You saw jay carneys wheels spinning thinking, rather than answering the question, he paused and said i have no answer to your question. There were four other guys that asked questions about it. Lets go toc gentlemans quarterly magazine. They are the ones who generally tell you how to get rid of that pimple real fast. Also pull out the cologne and rub it on yourself and prepare tend you bought the bottle. Yesterday they were talking about who should buy the l. A. Clippers. They talked a little bit about Donald Sterling. What they wound up doing was they said essentially, they insinuated that if you are a conservative you are a racist. This tweet went out and said good luck to Donald Sterling with whatever show he ends up hosting on fox news probably. How does that make us feel as fox news employees . Are you kidding me . How does it make you feel as a Fox News Channel viewer . What do you think about this . Email us at fox news. Com. Does that mean if youre a conservative, youre a racist . Its interesting. In whatever blog we saw fellow, or gal wrote this, g. Q. Magazine you continue to insult half of your readers who are conservatives by assuming they are racists. Hash tag unprofessional. Heres another. Im glad i no longer get you. G. Q. , maybe you ought to stick to the polka dot sox qnd hair gel. Straight ahead, detroit facing the biggest financial mess in American History and other cities not far behind. The man here with simple advice we cannot ignore. College students forced to fork over their dough just to get into their own ceremony. And they can thank nancy pelosi for that. Well explain. When la quinta. Com sends sales rep Steve Hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. You know what he brings . Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as he brings his agame the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com play in it. Work in it. Go wild in it. Do everything but wrinkle in it. The perfect fitting noiron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. Visit the shirt boutique, only at chicos and chicos. Com. In front of our house again. Its a free country dad. Our house. Our spot. Those are the rules. Ok who wants sweet rolls . I do me too are those kings hawaiian rolls . Thanks, carol people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of kings hawaiian. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Is levy using our clippers . vo oh. My. Tongue. Finally. announcer allnew friskies saucesations. A taste experience like no other. In cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. Friskies. Feed the senses. The city of detroit is in turmoil as it faces one of the worst financial problems in our history as a country. After filingc for bankruptcy last summer, the city is now more than 18 billion in debt. And last year the budget deficit hit 380 million. But theyre not alone. Outside of detroit ten other American Cities have filed for bankruptcy since 2008. So is this trend sure to continue . And what can other cities do to avoid these fiscal pitfalls . Here with us now to weigh in is the author of a brandnew book so much to do. Richard ravage. c richard, good morning to you. Pleased to be here. We see this all across the country. Its not just detroit. Its a lot of towns and states that borrow way more money than they could possibly pay back. That unfortunately is the case. The reason new york city almost went bankrupt in 1975 is for the previous seven or eight years it borrowed to cover its deficits, just as it is perfectly okay to borrow to buy a home. But it doesnt work if you have to keep borrowing to pay for your dinner. Thats what got new york into trouble and thats whats getting a lot of other cities into trouble. But the fundamental underlying reason for it is that theres an enormous fiscal squeeze. Retirement expenditures and Health Care Expenditures are rising a lot faster than revenues. And federal budget cuts add states face. In the last year or so there have been some cities, including detroit and i know you cant specifically talk about the detroit situation because youre helping them out. But there have been other states that have suggested we need to turn to the federal government. And they need to bail us out. Back in 1975 essentially new york city got kind of a federal bailout. We we, the federal government lent new york city a whole bunch of dough to dig themselves out of the hole. What about Going Forward now . Youve got to figure in the back of some peoples mind, like california, illinois, theyre all thinking if things get reallyc bad, we can turn to the feds. The feds have turned down california at a point a couple of years ago when they were in the most serious shape. I dont think thats forthcoming. What happened in new york in 1975 was the crisis started in may, at least thats when it became visible. The state of new york stepped forth, did a lot of things to help the city of new york, took over a lot of functions, paid a lot of costs. We had a governor who was brilliant politically and brilliant financially. And as a consequence, even though jerry ford in october said what the daily news characterized as ford to city drop dead. A very famous line which sort of rattled the white; c house. And a month later gerry ford agreed to a loan. And that was a loan that never cost the federal government a dime. They charged 100 basis points more than their cost of money and they were paid back immediately. Spaeup thats good. Of course the country is in much different financial straits. We have a debt of trillions. Check out his book so much to bear. Coming up, a story weve been following. Dozens of veteransc died waiting for care at a v. A. Hospital. Captain pete hegseth is here to talk about denying those deadly secrets. He got a d in biology. His parents say its the schools fault. Now theyre suing the school. What . That story is coming up. [ male announcer ] v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. Its what you need for that extra boost oh and did we mention its only 50 calories . Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In t juice aisle. Its progressive pain. First you have that, that feeling of numbness. Then you get the hot pins. It got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. The pain was, it was. I just couldnt handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. The pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] its known that diabetes damages nerves. Lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. To hear more of karens story, visit lyrica. Com. Students forced to pay to attendc their own graduation . U. C. Berkeley grads have to fork over ten bucks for their commencement address delivered by nancy pelosi. The Administration Says the money pays for food, flowers, snacks. A maryland family suing their kids school saying it is their fault he got a d because teachers didnt give him enough attention. The family says their son cant get into college now. Thanks, teachers. Its been more than a week since the disturbing report, 40 veterans may have died while on a secret waiting list for primary care appointments at ac phoenix v. A. Now lawmakers are demanding answers, but the hospital director denies knowing anything saying no secret waiting list has been identified internally. We still have not seen the list of the 40 deaths. We have not seen these documents. Veterans groups now demanding action. And here to explain is c. E. O. Of concerned veterans for america and Fox News Contributor pete hegseth. Good morning, pete. Is this just another scandal similar to nose in the Obama Administration where you investigate yourself and then you of course dont find anything . Or are you buying the argument there . The good old internal investigation. They dusted that one off again. That is exactly what this is. The folks that have identified this have multiple sources. Weve seen emails between the directors and others referring to this second list. There is a real investigation,c i. G. Investigation, g. A. O. Found similar problems. This is going to come to light. When it does, i dont know if it is going to be exactly 40 veterans that died waiting on a secret list but there are going to be names and it is going to be specific and it will be clear. If we waited for o. J. Simpson to cough up the old bloody glove we would have waited forever. This is their example. They are going to block as long as they can and hope we stop paying attention. Allegations are quite startling involves screen grabs, printing those out, sending that information to washington, the paper copy, shredding documents, not ever hittingc save so appointments were never made. Those are the allegations. The physician there, who is retired now, is saying im standing by what i said the first go round. So what are we going to see from Sharon Helman . Should she lose her job to this . This is not the first time shes been under fire. She should lose her job from it. Weve seen fleeing the scene not wanting to talk to reporters. When she did she said there is not an internal investigation. She doesnt want to talk about it. She should be fired. The v. A. Secretary should be fired. The problem is within this administration no one is held accountable. Even if Sharon Helman was to be fired they would knee two performance reviews and even then they could probably only demote her. The problem at v. A. Is no accountability because no are they banking on groups like yours backing down . If they are counting on groups like ours backing down they are counting on the wrong thing. There is legislation in the house of representatives called the v. A. Management accountability act which would empower the v. A. Secretary to fire poor performers like Sharon Helman. This is not the first facility that she has been at the helm of where there was a coverup. They covered up the number of suicides in spokane, washington. Without legislation where you can fire badc apples, poster children like sharon h e helman, nothing changes. The v. A. Secretary has said nothing. Like hes awol. Were going to keep demanding accountability. Thanks for your time today. Pete hegseth. 27 minutes after the hour. Coming up, russia pushing back on sanctions with this. That bear on the trampoline is your only ticket to space. Its Throwback Thursday and were sharing our baby pictures next. First a big happy birthday to tim mcgraw. 47. [ female announcer cre presents crest 3d White Whitestrips vs. A whitening pen. I feel like my lips are going to, like, wash it off. These fit nicely. 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Tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. Do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drinklcohol in excess. Side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. vo oh. My. Tongue. Finally. announcer allnew friskies saucesations. A taste experience like no other. In cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. Friskies. Feed the senses. Youve reached the age where you know how things work. This is the age of knowing what needs to be done. So why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to you doctor. Look at me im a baby you find yourself so cute, dont you . Im adorable this is a big throwback. It is. That is my mom back in the late 1950s on aunt mimis farm in southern minnesota. It is Throwback Thursday, folks. You know what that means. That is where . Thats in kansas . No, thatsc minnesota. Were you on vacation . No. Aunt mimi lived on a farm and we lived two towns over. Whats interesting is the car on the right which was our family car, my mom accidentally drove over my sister when she was a year and a half old. She turned out fine. She opened up the car door while my mom was backing up, and she rolled under the tire. So it was her fault . Pretty much, yeah. Oh, my goodness. But she was fine. She was in the hospital for ac day. Imagine what your mom went through. I know. Brian, take a look at you. Are you the crying baby . Im the crying baby. That was my older brother, jim. Clearly there was a dress code in my childhood. Put on your bow tie. You may have to close a deal today. Maybe you didnt wear one because you couldnt tie it. I looked at the size of my neck and bust out crying. I cried through almost every picture. I had a tough youth. I had to do just about all the chores and a lot of the bills. Brian, that is not you too, is it . No. I think we have a brandnew picture. I didnt have a baby picture to send from my phone but that was me, tcee ball. Shes got a bat and a mitt. She comes to play. You might as well make the catch. Since it is Throwback Thursday, wed love to see your baby pictures, email them to friends foxnews. Com. You can put them on facebook or twist, but the best way is get them to us by email. Show us what you look like now and what you looked like then. When you ask for now, you dont mean standingc there in your pajamas or worse. Show us what you look like roughly now and what you looked like then. Do we have one for heather too . Here it is. That is me. Two or three years old there, i think. That was at a marsh in wisconsin. That a bebe gun . One of those little pop guns. Years ago. They used to have a cork in the end. I was with my grandfather. We were actually hunting that day. He used to take me to the marsh with his dog. It hraopbdz like it kind of looks like your pants are camo. Flower pants. Thats what you do. When you go hunting, you wear pants with flowers on them. So much fun to do these. I have news to bring you. 35 minutes after the hour. c torontos cac smoking mayor back on mayor. New video reportedly showing rob ford smoking crack in his sisters basement. He announced hes heading to rehab. His spokesman said ford is finally ready to deal with his drug problems. He has a heisman troe ni and now a rap sheet. Florida police say Jamis Winston walked out of a store with crab legs and cow fish. Hec says he forgot to pay pore it. He has now been suspended. He has to do i 20 hours of Community Service and repay that money. Could new sanctions in russia over the crisis in ukraine scrub awry with the Space Station. An official statement says i suggest the u. S. Delivers its astronauts to the Space Station with a trampoline. Its not likely russia will suspend the service. Nasa pays them more than 60 million a person to get up to space because, you know, we basically dont have our own program. In six months we could do it. Another story, a softball game going to the dogs. It is in the middle of a Western Oregon University game. A dog runs on to the field, steals a glove out of the players hand. He drops it and thenc steals another glove. The game is put on hold. How cute is that . Finally the dog was cornered, taken away and the dog left the field. Hopefully with a bone or something. A little crafty, sneaky dog there. I wish he would have eaten my homework. Incredible new images out of pensacola, florida. Nearly two feet of rain turning this road to a raging river. The same storm in maryland where a sink hole the sizec of a city block opened up sucking up at least ten cars pushing them on to freight tracks. The good news, nobody was hurt much heres more good news. Shes back. Hey, maria. Good morning. Good to be here in new york. The storm system still on the move. I want to show you some of these rainfall totals because they are incredible across parts of alabama and the state of florida, many areas seeing over 17 or even over 18 inches of rain. How much rain fell in just a short amount of time are also incredible. Parts of pensacola saw more than five inches of rain in just one hour. That is why we did have such extreme flooding out there and are continuing to see the flood threat in places across florida and georgia and alabama. Across parts of the u. S. You could still bec looking at more rain and some of the storms could produce Severe Weather. The storm is exiting but we have the threat of Severe Weather. We want to remind everyone what happens if you are caught in your car during a flash flood, an image so common with this storm system weve seen across parts of florida and alabama. They sell window hammers. These window hammers, what theyre used for is to break windows of your car so if you happen to get caught in a flash flood this is a tool that could save your life. A window hammer, you canc buy it at many retail stores. That could be a lifesaver across many of these states. Make sure to have one of those if you know there is a storm system headed your way that could produce flash flooding or if you live in a floodprone area. Lets head back inside. Good advice. If you are in a flooded car, you might have to break the window. Thank you, maria. Lets talk movies. The amazing spiderman is back, action, fantasy and super hero we love swings into theaters this weekend. You know what it is i love about being spiderman . Everything. All right. Lets step into the fox light with Michael Tammero who had a chance to sit down with the cast to talk spiderman. Summerc officially kicks off with this big budgeted actionpacked sequel to the amazing spider man. It stars andrew garfield, emma stone and jamie foxx. We sat down with the cast over the weekend and asked what it was like to be part of the sequel. What was it like getting back into the spider suit . Amazing because im not going to get to be spiderman forever, you know, so im trying to just enjoy it as much as possible while i get the opportunity to. To me, when youre reading the comics, part of what makes spiderman great and ever long lasting was thec emotional domestic part of it. Pete and his girlfriend and his relationship with aunt may and these relationships that are really relatable. Thats at the heart of spiderman. That is what as a film maker im most intrigued by. There are so many different elements to the story. An emotional or visual feast for everybody in this movie. I think theres lots of stuff to take away. Part of the joy of this movie is watching the chemistry between emma stone and garfield who are a reallife couple. You can watch more on inthefoxlight. Com and guys you can follow me on twitter. Thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up on fox friends, a warning for anyone who getsc manicures, what you need to know about a connection to cancer. Remember when the president said this about benghazi. The whole issue of talking points, frankly, throughout this process has been a sideshow. Really . Brandnew details telling a different story about talking points. Andrew napolitano was just woken up, he put up a suit, he came here. Almost like spiderman. Go long, look lean, in this seasons most important fashion trend, the long shirt. Designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. The new long shirt. Visit the shirt boutique, only at chicos and chicos. Com. Woman this is not exactly what i expected. Man definitely more murdery than the reviews said. Captain obvious this is a creepy room. Man oh hey, captain obvious. Captain obvious you should have used hotels. Com. Their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. Instead of people who lie on the internet. Son look, a finger. Captain thats unsettling. Man you think . Captain all the time. Except when i sleep. Which i would not do here. Hotels. Com would have mentioned the finger. Before chantix, i tried to quit probably about five times. It was different than the other times i tried to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help peoe quit smoking. Its a nonnicotine pill. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. That helped me quit smoking. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agition, depressed mood, and suicidathoughts or actis while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix, and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of mentalhealth problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Nt take chant if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. If you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away, as some can be lifethreatening. Tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or bloodvessel problems or if you develop new or worse symptoms. Get medical help rightway if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams. My quit date was my sons birthday, and that was my gift for him and me. [ male announcer ] ask your door if chantix is right for you. We hope youre doing well. A quick look at headlines. A new study shows nail salon dryers that use ultra violet lights emit radiation that could lead to skin damage. Those dryers produce the same light used in tanning beds. Are you having trouble making your children behave . Listen up. A new study in the journal of eating disorders shows kids are more disobedient and aggressive when they eat food with their hands. That chicken leg, maybe swap that out for a chicken tender they can eat with a fork. The White House Administration scramblesc to explain emails linking them to the benghazi coverup. This was about the general dynamic in the muslim world at the time. This despite the email from ben rhodes which said the goal to underscore the protests are linked to a video and not a broader failure or policy. Is it time for the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate what really happened and should congress be doing more . Joining us is fox news senior judicial analyst andrew napolitano. Judge, wh d is the pweflt way to best way to get the facts . The answer to both questions you asked, is it time for the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel and is it time for congress to do more . The answer to both questions is the same. Profoundly yes. Ill tell you why. I watched karl rove on oreilly last night and reread the email and karl said a profound thing. Having been there, having worked in the white house, having worked for a president wh build a wall around themselves because the federal law prohibits federal employees except the president and Vice President themselves from engaging in politics. Hear me out. If the email that ben rhodes sent made its way to the Political Campaign remember, this is at the height of the president s reelection campaign. At this point it looks like mitt romney is at least even with the president soc the president s people are running scared. If that campaign was intended for and sent by mr. Rhodes, if that email was intended for and sent by mr. Rhodes, that is a felony, a violation of whats called the hatch act which is a federal statute that prohibits all federal employees except two from engaging in politics on the job. Those two are the president and Vice President. Not anybody who works for them. That would be determined by a special counsel. The Justice Department will never dig deep enough on one of its own for that. If you have to appoint a special prosecutor, is that going to happen with thec Valerie Plame situation when president bushs attorney general said i cant do the investigation. And president bush said this weird thing. He told everybody to cooperate, and they did. Now you have a situation, a very similar situation, different incident. How do we get to the bottom of this . If attorney general holder will not appoint a special prosecutor, youre not going to like the answer to this. I dont like the answer and people watching this are not going to like the answer, i think. If the attorney general wont do so and the president wont order him, there is no way to compel him. What could the house do . The house of representatives could stop having politicians ask questions of the people that know about this and hire a serious trial lawyer with great crossexamination experience. Ill suggest a name. Mike chertoff. Michael chertoff, former secretary of homeland security, former special advisor, form federalc judge, one of the greatest prosecutors in our era, he knows how to ask questions. Believe me, brian, Hillary Clinton is not going to be able to make speeches when Mike Chertoff is crossexamining her. Will he have subpoena power to make people come . Yes. He wont have the power to indict, which a special prosecutor would. But they would have the power to expose, to compel answers. And believe me Mike Chertoff, there are others, hes the best known, knows how to ask questions. Are we overstating what has come down the pike and been exposed or do you think this is a major move point in the benghazi case and i was disappointed at jay carneys efforts to hide that yesterday. Right and he was c. C. d on that memo. Judge, thanks so much. Coming up straight ahead, look at this one. One of these people is faking how they feel. Who do you think it is . Well show you how to spot a liar. He dishes out love to anyone trying to make money in the straupt business. Business. In the restaurant business. You guys are wimping out. John tapper is here now taking on a brandnew challenge. Hell tell you about it. I do a lot oresearch on angies list before i do any projects on my home. A a thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. Fancy feast elegant medleys. Inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. Fancy feast. A medley of love, served daily. Tower next guest has kept local watering homes from going under in the hit show bar rescue. Hes been here before. Now putting struggling restaurants to the test in his new show to see if they deserve another bite at success. Watch. This is all about the money and youll hear him say it like 50 times. Its legacy money didnt motivate him john tapper is here with a preview of his new show called hungry investors. Good morning to you. Hi. I noticed some yelling where youre talking about what youre going to do. In the new show, its a kinder, gentler you, if thats possible. That was kinder and gentler. I have two great partners. John besh and another one. We look to apply our resources to diamonds in the rough. Unlike bar rescue where im going in to rescue someone, these are people we want to have a longer Term Investment relationship with. You cant bite their head off. No, i can bite a finger or two off, but i want to keep their head intact. You want to put them through stress test to see if theyre worthy of your capital . Yes. Its really called an invest test. There are five criteria. Market potential and four others. We put them all together. Its quite deliberation between the partners. We go at it. There is two views to every situation. Weve all been frustratessed at our favorite restaurants closes. But whats the key to having a successful business . Its repeat customers, right . How do you get them . Its what i would call in one word a connection. You got it connect with your customers. You connect physically, through music, is one powerful way. You connect through products and most importantly with your staff. If your staff doesnt build relationships with their guests, then the longterm potential of your business is pretty bleak. You go to bars you know, your family has been in the business. You go to the bars where youre known. Cheers, where Everybody Knows your name. Sure. And you were telling us when you came in about what lousy weather weve had because youre shooting upcoming episodes. Youre essentially pitting two different restaurants, a facility out in new jersey against one in williamsburg, new york. At the end of the episode, are you going to invest money in one of them, both of them, maybe none . Any of the three. Really . We could choose to invest in both. We could choose to invest in just one. We could choose to invest in neither. We really are look at this as independent investment opportunities. If one of the three of us doesnt want to invest, then we dont. Getting the tel aviv us to agree, its not so easy. I look at the apprentice, youre the personalities behind this. You know what makes me feel good about this . This is fundamental capitalism. Its entrepreneurs and shows america watches you because they have an interest in this. Were getsing an education while being informed and entertained. I agree 100 . Bars are great small businesses. Im an advocate for small at the end of the day, were and were fighting for 90 of businesses in America Family owned. So thats who were fighting for. Its that family dynamic that a lot of people love. Watch the new show on spike tv. Thank you very much. Good to be here. Coming up, a massive explosion at a jail overnight. Plus, one of the countrys biggest music stars. Josh turner says he owes his success to his conservative values. He joins us live. [male announcer] ortho crime files. Disturbing the pantry. A house, under siege. 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To speak with an Insurance Expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. Personalized coverage and savings all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. Call. And ask about all the ways you could save. Liberty Mutual Insurance responsibility. Whats your policy . Good morning. It is thursday, may 1, 2014. Im anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. Fox news alert. Pounding rain causing severe flooding across the country. These pictures showing devastation and Mother Nature isnt done yet. Yep. Tension in the white house has the administration scrambles to explain the emails linking them to the benghazi coverup. Why did it take a court case for you to release this . John, i can say it again and again and i know you can keep asking again and again, this document was not about benghazi. Why was it titled benghazi, jay carney . More from that press secretary and that sparring session, verbal, coming up shortly. And one of these people is faking how they feel. Who do you think it is . The woman on the left or the person on the right . Who is faking it . Were putsing our skills to the test, brian and me, to figure out how to spot a liar. Thursday is always better with friends. Im telling the truth. Hi, everybody. Im huey lewis, stand by for the news. Since its National Honesty day, were making sure Everybody Knows how to keep everybody on. Youre going to test us . Right. cause i cannot tell a lie. Thank you, martha washington. Because of the two women we saw in the video, one was faking it. Youre going to i couldnt figure it out. It will be good. It will. Right now were going to Heather Nauert. Were following a story now thats come out of the south. There is a gas explosion and it rocks a jail in florida, leaving two inmates dead this morning. More than 100 prisoners and correction officers have now been hurt and many taken out of the jail on stretchers. This happened in pensacola, florida. It rattled homes three miles away. We dont know why the what caused that explosion. But there has been a lot of flooding in that area. That brings us to this next story. It is the storm that just will not quit and the pictures we are getting in are simply unbelievable. Lets start in florida where that rewill not attention rain caused rewill notless rain caused roads to collapse. That truck managed to make it out alive. In mobile, alabama, firefighters had to carry this woman to safety. She became strand in her car in flood waters. Then take a look at this. This is a little girl in a kayak in her living room. That house under two feet of water. Well check in with maria later for the latest on the weather. Other news now, today marks three years since we killed osama bin laden. Now a new state Department Report shows that alqaeda is becoming moremrn . n . n . n . n . Aggre. There was more than 40 jump in terrorist attacks between 2012 and 2013. The report also naming iran as a major supporter of terrorism. Okay. A nice story. An adore adorable bear cub named boo boo. He wandered into a shopping center. He was taken to a nearby1ln . n . nl hospital. Wildlife officials took some fur and put it in a trap for his mama bear to try to reunite them. In the meantime, he will live at a rehab center where he will be cared for. Kind of a nice story. Hes looking for his mom. Unlike honey boo boo. Different boo boo, right . Yeah. All right. Thank you very much. Yesterday we told you about Judicial Watch suing the government to get these documents on what really happened on september 11, 2012. To find out the communications in the white house, to see there was a skewing of the truth, a spinning of the facts as it relates to what we saw susan rice say, which was a flat out falsehood on 914 of 2012. So these documents are exposed, at which time it becomes abundantly clear that there was a lot of spinning of the truth and there was a concerted effort to send a certain message through susan rice to get people essentially off the trail that indeed alqaeda perpetrated the killings of four americans on 911. And that, the anger was high. The emotions went through the roof because the press corps in my opinion, was saying for two years, you have not been telling us the truth. And now were sitting here look at documents weve been asking for that you had to be sued to cough up. Yeah. Theyre pressing jay carney on this who was copied on the email, along with David Plouffe , and about a dozen of president obamas closest confidantes. So yesterday even the Mainstream Media, Jonathon Karl pressing him pretty hard. Listen. You knew full well it was susan rice primarily was going to be asked about that attack, terrorist attack on a u. S. Consulate in benghazi. She witness on the shows and she said that the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over internet video. We now know that was not true i would point you to what mike morell has said repeatedly in testimony about the creation of these talking points. Just last month, when he heard that, he said thats not something our analyst said. Now he said it came from the white house. Right . John, no. Youre wrong. If you look at that document, that document that were talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. Okay. So there is jay carney talking points memo was not about benghazi. Good try, jay, because up at the top of it, it says the topic, benghazi. Jonathon karl was not the only person from the Mainstream Media who asked really hard questions. Like we said, for over a year, those people have been lied to, the reporters and whatnot. Keep in mind, last year the white house released what they said was a complete set of the documents. And then it turns out there was this. Because so many things had been redacted, had been crossed out. So it looks like there was a coverup because something was unclassified, then they unclassified it. Sounds like the white house lawyer who did that. Then it was all about ultimately a conspiracy to change the topic, blame the video, not the fact that it was terrorism as well. You know, here at fox, some of our critics have said, why are you covering that . There is no there there. This proves there is some there there. Lindsey graham has been criticized as well. And he responded to that last night on special report. My response is that if i am doing something wrong for political reasons, i should have egg on my face and i should be punished by the people in South Carolina. If what he is saying is a bold faced lie and that im correct that this administration hid the truth from the American People about a coordinated terrorist attack cause they were more worried about the president s reelection than telling the truth to the American People about why four people died, they need to be held accountable. When i wanted to get to the bottom of gitmo, i was a hero. When i challenged the torture policies of the Bush Administration cause i had been a military lawyer, i was doing the country a service. Youve got americans in harms way as i speak tonight. Many of them in uniform and throughout the Foreign Service feel like theyve been let down by their government and the colleagues that serve their country that their death has been dishonored and what happened was distorted for political reasons. If for no other reason, somebody needs to be held accountable about lying for those who died. And why they were never rescued and why no one has ever been brought to justice. Can you imagine there is some other communication that reveals why rescue operations were never put into play. This story is largely been called something that Fox News Channel covers, just a fox story. And there are a couple different schools of thought on why the Mainstream Media hasnt been covering it. Have they not been covering it because they dont think its a story anymore, that there is no scandal there . Are they not covering it because the American People arent interested in it . Or are they doing it because they are trying to protect the president or trying to protect Hillary Clinton should she try to run, which all indications are she will . So are we going to start to see more of this or is this going to continue to be something that we have to press here at Fox News Channel . I think a lot of the Mainstream Media has to pick up the ball and they did yesterday. Lets see if they follow through, if their bosses let them cover the story. Meanwhile, speaking of bald face lies, it sounds like the university of Californiasan Diego has figured out some sort of technology or Something Like that to tell whether or not somebody is in pain and ultimately lying. Right. So this is a. Thing to do at work, if your coworker is trying to say no, i wasnt the one who broke the printser. Or if your kid is saying, im hurt or im sick, i cant go to school and theyre grimacing in pain. Take a look at this. I got to pick out who is lying . The guy on the left or right is really not feeling well. One of them is faking it. One guy is laughing. One guy is kind of gritting his teeth. Im going to go with the guy on the right. Whats the question . Who is faking it . Well, according to the study, the one who is really in pain is this guy. Researchers say notice how his mouth is tight and raised. This guy that was real. I was right the guy on the right was faking it. When someone is faking their pain, they open their mouth at regular intervals. So next time there is like a foul in basketball or something and the player goes oh, oh, now we know. There was a problem with people taking diets in soccer. I think the nba has other problems im not sure. It has to do with open mouths. The results in the study are showing 50 of humans are able to tell, but 85 of computers are able to tell. Wow. Were better off asking the laptop. Very good. Wall street republicans throwing support behind Hillary Clinton for 2016 . Charlie gasparino explains whats going on. Then, can you guess which very famous person lived here . That house is now up for sale. Here is a hint, its a steal for 888,000 smackers. A steal. [ female announcer cre presents crest 3d White Whitestrips vs. A whitening pen. I feel like my lips are going to, like, wash it off. These fit nicely. [ female announcer crest 3d White Whitestrips keep the whitening ingredient in place, guaranteeing professional level results. Crest whitestrips. The way to whiten. Guaranteeing professional level results. We cannot let the fans down. Dont worry the United States Postal Service will get it there on time with Priority Mail flat rate shipping. Our priority has always been saving the day. Because our priority. Amazing . Is you the amazing spiderman 2 delivered by the United States Postal Service. Make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrees crafted with care and designed to delight. Fancy feast. Love served daily. [ banker ] sydney needed some Financial Guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. So we talked about her options. Her valuable assets were staying. And selling her car wouldnt fly. We helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today. And tomorrow. So lets see what we can do about that. Remodel. Motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. They take a banker. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Because when people talk, great things happen. Make a my financial priorities appointment today. Ive got a todo list and five acres of fresh air. Happiness is a driveover mower deck. [ male announcer ] thats how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. All right. If former Florida Governor jeb bush, pictured there, doesnt run for president and new Jersey Governor Chris Christie backs out as well, who would wall street support . How about that woman right there, Hillary Clinton . According to a new report, gop donors would prevalenten over ted cruz or rand paul in 2016. Really . Lets talk now to fox business senior correspondent, charlie gasparino. You know how wall street works. Is that right, shes number three behind those two . Yeah. If you had a polling of the top wall street guys, she would be number three behind those two. We should point out, this is politicos thesis. I dont necessarily agree with this. I think if rand paul and ted cruz showed they could beat her f the polls were tight, a lot of wall street guys would support them because they wants less government, less regulation, the type of stuff that they dont like, that hillary, while she was working with barak obama pushed. Thats the big thing. Is the taint of barak obama enough to force money in big business . I think politico is calling it too early. Thats what they do, just to generate buzz. Were talking about it right now. But who does wall street like best . I think they like jeb or christie. I dont think christie is going to run. I think the traffic jam will hurts him. I ran into jeb the other night. He sounds like hes running. It was at a charity event. I walked up to him and it was funny, before i could get something out, i basically said, whats happening . And he said nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. He was all nervous. Like it sounds like he didnt want to announce it right there. He wants to save it to come over here to fox friends. But you just talked a little bit about if hillary runs. I mean, we were just talking about benghazi. Forget about the white house. They got a lot of explaining to do. But so does she regarding benghazi and to your points, shes got to explain why she has so whole heartedly embraced the president s policies, which led touts gdp yesterday of. 1 . There is a taints with barak obama right now. Not just the business communities. His poll numbers are lousy. I think it was two weeks ago i was saying she has to decide whether shes going to run and she knows her biggest challenge is overcoming the obama economic legacy. The economy could be really by the way, economic cycles run in seven years. Yes, weve had a lousy recovery, but we still had a recovery. Suppose in a year from now, six months, the economy starts going negatively. We had a. 1 gdp prints. Thats as good as it got. And shes got to run on that. If hillary does not run. Some are suggesting elizabeth and wall street loves her. They shouldnt be calling it. They dont like her. Why not . She was for all those massive regulations, that new Consumer Protection agency she pushed. Lets face it, shes maybe to the left of the president. And thats hard to do. Our mayor comrade. Charlie does join us on thursday and its throwbackthursday. Charlie, tell us about fiveyearold you there. Where are you . In my mothers apartment in the bronks. You can tell, there is the couch with the plastic on it. Are you wearing black socks . Black socks. Im channeling my inner Elliott Spitzer rights there. Let me get this straight. Were putting a picture of you on television in your underwear . You put it on. Not me. They asked me for a picture. You gave us the picture no, i showed you the picture and you chose to put it on. You were an adorable baby. Thank you. Not a lot of people say that. Wearing black socks. Thats funny. Go to the beach now in your black socks. Thank you very much. Coming up, college kids forced to pay for their own graduation per head. The speaker, nancy pelosi. Well explain. And hes a Famous Country singer, but he still understands the value of a dollar and what hard work is like. Josh turner is here this morning. Good morning to you, josh. Chicos effortless shirt. Play in it. Work in it. Go wild in it. Do everything but wrinkle in it. The perfect fitting noiron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. Visit the shirt boutique, only at chicos and chicos. Com. announcer from the company that invented litter, comes litter reinvented. woman hey toss me that litter announcer tidy cats lightweight. All the strength, half the weight. 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Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Comm side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams. I did not know what it was like to be a nonsmoker, but i do now. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Time for news by the numbers. First, 67 . The number of obamacare enrollees who paid the first months premium. 25 of these people are in the highly sought after 18 to 34 demow that anna is in. The amount of taxpayer dollars the government lost on General Motors bailout. The u. S. Spent 350 billion to bail out the giant and sold their shares at a massive loss. Whose idea was that to sell . 888,000. Thats the price of the home legend yogi bera is selling in new jersey. They lived in the house for 40 years and raised three sons there. His baseball number was 8. Hence the price. 888,000. He is one of Country Musics most recognizable hit makers, selling 5 million albums with four number one hits. But in his brandnew book, josh turner admits there is something far more important than fame and fortune, faith and family and the Country Music star joins us right now. Hes got a new book out called man stuff. Josh turner, what is man stuff . You know, first of all, the title came from my second son, colby, the one on my shoulders there. He and i were actually headed to my cabin in South Carolina one year and my wife, jennifer, looked at him and said, what are you and daddy going to do at the cabin . And he said, were going to do man stuff. Thats where the title came from. But in spite of the title, this book i think is for anybody and everybody because its full of life lessons and experiences a lot of auto buy graphcal stuff that i feel ive become a better man from. I tell people all the time that its easy to be a male, but its a lot harder to be a man. Yeah. One thing i love about you when i saw you in there in the makeup room, as soon as i heard your voice, its so recognizable. But what i love is that song, youre talking about being your man to your wife. Rights. How important is that in the world you live in on stage, in the spotlight . Well, im pretty blessed cause my wife is actually a member of my band. So we travel the country together. Our boys travel with us. Its cheaper that way, too. Yeah. Absolutely. I tell her she gets paid pretty well. There is a chapter in the book about encouraging men to not only love your wife, but to learn your wife and to really know her. Like i say, there is a wide variety of topics that i cover in this book. There is a lot of humor and a lot of deep stuff that i normally wouldnt share from stage. Explain how you learn your wife. What does that mean . Just we opened up with timeless love and i talk about how that is about quantities time. When you a good amount of time with somebody that you love and that you care about, you really get to know them. You really know their ins and outs, strengths, weaknesses. Thats when you really develop a strong relationship with somebody is when you learn that person. As i mentioned before, fame and fortune changed us. Were much more selfish. Has it changed you . It has. Its been an incredible journey for me. I think like its given may platform to do things like this and get my voice out there. But yeah. From my very first hit it allowed me to buy my first house and this changed me personally and professionally. Jays robertson wrote your forward. Hes the older brother. Everyone thinks hes taking orders from his younger brother. Why is he for effect for this forward . Perfect for this forward . Hes from duck dynasty. Even before i met jayce, i felt we were kindred spirits, then it was like we were brothers and kind of wild. I felt like he would be a great guy to write the forward because he and i spent a little time together before this book thing came about. And he did a great job. He nailed it. All right. Youre on the book tour right now. What else do you got cooking . Ive been in the studio for the last i dont know how many months work on a new record. Im about nine songs in to that. Were all over the country this year. Everybody can go to joshturner joshturner. Com to see our tour schedule. Could you guys do a duet, you and anna . We could work something up. No, i mean right notify baby lock the door and turn the lights down low and music on the soft and low baby we aint got no place to go. She quit on me. I dont have all the words there. Thats the man and woman stuff. Check out the book called man stuff. Thank you very much. Thank you. Cool jacket. Thank you. You want it . Yeah. You mind . According to you, you can afford it. Youre rich. He is selfish. Look at that. Coming up, were switching gears. Devastating floods sweeping across the country. Up next, maria molina is going to show you how to survive a flash flood if you get caught in your car. She did and find out what you should do. Then he was on our show yesterday talking about future trends like space travel. Remember that . Wait until you find out what he did once he left our set. Its pretty messed up, shows a lack of character. He didnt think we are on twitter as well. We are. You, my friend are a master of diversification. Who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with Chocolate Cake and ceviche . The same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. Its a masterpiece. Thanks. Clearly you are type e. You made it phil. Welcome home. Now whats our strategy with the fondue . Diversifying your portfolio . E trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. Are you type e . Dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis which may be fatal. Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. Weve got a fox news alert. A gas explosion rocked a florida jail leaving two dead and injured more than 100. Massive flooding in the area. As of now, the cause is unknown. Jonathan serrie is live on the scene. Tell us whats going on there. Reporter yeah. Absolutely. The atf in florida fire marshal are on scene to determine the cause of this explosion. If you look at the building behind me, the county jail, you can see visible damage there from the massive explosion that central time. Again, the cause unknown. However, based on the preliminary investigation, local officials believe that it may be related to extensive flooding in this area. There was water on the ground floor of the jail here from a massive storm system that came through here earlier in the week, dumping heavy amounts of water in this part of florida. Two inmates are dead. Officials say 100 to 150 other inmates were injured, or 100 to 150 others were injured. That includes both inmates and Corrections Officers. At the time there were a total of 600 inmates inside the building. About 400 men, 200 women. Those who were injured were brought to area hospitals. Knows who were not injured have been brought to other detention facilities. Authorities went into the building and swept it three times so they believe that all of the inmates and all of the staff are accounted for. But now the question is what caused this explosion in the central booking facility of the county jail. Again, the atf and florida fire marshal investigating that at this hour. Back to you. I bet they are. Jonathan with the very latest, thank you. A lot of breaking news this morning. Incredible new images out of pensacola, florida. Nearly two feet of rain turning this roadway into a river, washing away cars and stranding drivers. The same storm pounding baltimore, maryland r where a sink hole the size of a city block opened up. Ten in all cars wound up on a freight line. Thankfully, nobody hurt because nobody was inside any of the vehicles. Get this, more rain on the way. Maria molina here right now, who is following these storm, is finally back in new york city. Great job. Tell us whats happening now. We expect several more inches of rain across parts of northern florida, georgia, and parts of alabama. These are areas that were hit hard by flooding. I want to mention that the same storm system that produced the flooding along parts of the gulf coast is the one responsible for the tornado outbreak earlier this week and also over the weekend and that tornado that moved through mayflower, arkansas, has been confirmed as an ef4, with winds close to 200 Miles Per Hour. So thats why those images that we saw out of that area just so did he have stating and heart breaking. We expect more rain across parts of florida today with the storm system slowly winding down. Take a look at some of these rain totals. We have seen more than 18 inches of rain across parts of alabama and also in florida with more rain expected today. We could be seeing that flood threat aggravated because the ground is saturated and farther off toward the north across the northeast, by the way, we saw some rainfall records being set in la guardia. Over five inches of rain. We expect some storms with the storm system as well, thunderstorms that could produce some isolated Severe Weather out there along parts of the east coast. Keep that in mind. Of course, we also wants to point out, with the flood threat in place, what happens if youre caught in your car during a flash flood and youre forced to break a window . Some of the tips that are recommended for people is that you break side windows, not the fronts and rear window. Thats because it has smaller surface area so that could really help you possibly save your life if you are caught in that. And weve seen these images out of florida, the Florida Panhandle of cars being swept away by flash flood. Try to break a side window and not the fronts or rear. Lets head back inside. Thank you. Do you remember that guy . He was on our show yesterday around this time. Michael moyer. He is one of the guys, a writer at Scientific American. We had him on yesterday to talk about futuristic trends and he talked about gizmos in the future that will make life easier. Stuff with chromosomes. You know what . It was an interesting segment. I thought we had a nice chat before the segment aired during the commercial break and afterward and all that. But apparently he didnt quite see it that way bus as soon as he left the couch, he gets out of the building, he starts saying things like this on twitser. Went on fox friends this morning. Kind of feel like i should take a shower. Okay. So that was i believe you could take that as a negative. Yeah. I think that was pretty much a hit. So that seemed weird to us. But then he kept tweeting. He also attacked our makeup artist. He wrote, everybody is in a bubble. Makeup girl, where you think the plane is . Me puzzled, bottom of the ocean. Her, no. Its on a military base somewhere. Thats a little off. Here she is trying it make him look better than ever, watch the sleep out of his eyes. Now hes commenting and making her look like an idiot on social media or trying to where everybody has crazy theories with where this plane is. We heard them a lot more on other networks. We cant find the plane. By the way, should we tweet out if small talk doesnt go in the direction that you want . Now you have to mock people that are trying to be friendly to you . So is that the message we should learn here . It didnt end there. It was time for the moyer family to get involved. Mrs. Moyer, who sounds like a delight, says this wow. At fox friends, thats where you can reach us. A host kilmeades reply to, i guess thats her husbands handle, mention of new earthlike planets, do they have football . I was kidding i wondered if they had football apparently weve got the clip. It was a joke look at this. Theyre launching a new satellite in 2018 thats designed explicitly to find earthlike planets. Do they have football . We dont know yet. They might have water, but certainly have football. I really thought you were serious on that one. I think he didnt know how to react and felt like a dummy. He even laughed. But whats curious, though, is it looks like he has a problem with fox. We invited him on. So if he had a problem, why did he come on . Clearly it was just to promote himself and maybe his magazine as well. But classy, we put him on. Weve nice conversation and then he stabs us in the back. We thought we would give you the back story of what happenedcn . nn michael moyer of Scientific American came on yesterday. We should get up to his standard on american scientific is no small talk, if you dont have a good theory about the plane, dont even talk to him. If you have something to say about another planet, dont bring up sports. Thats what i learned from it. By the way, if you think that hes right on the money and you give him tremendous thumbs up for courage for tweeting once you left after a million plus people took in and talked about your magazine for the First Time Since you put it together, then congratulate him. But if you dont like the way he handled his appearance here, start tweeting at him. Let him know how you feel because if he feels as though he doesnt like the show, hes insulting the viewers as well as the anchors. The bone that he had to pick with fox, he said was that he wanted to come on here and talk all about Climate Change. Our producers decide what we air. We talk about Climate Change all the time. The things he talked about were interesting. Robots driving your cars in the future, replacing unhealthy genes with healthy genes so you can cure diseases. Things that actually matters. We know that some day the earth will be so hot, only row botts will survive. Okay. Of course we care about all of it. Anyway, we just thought wed give you the back sto happened with that guy from Scientific American. All right. Now lets turn over to patriotic american who has got the news. Thanks, steve. You bet. Good morning. Lets talk about some other stuff thats going on. Torontos crack smoking mayor, we vaunts heard from him in a little bit. Weve got an update. Hes back on crack. There was a new piece of video that surfaced reportedly showing him smoking crack in his sisters basement. Hes now announced hes taking a breck from it all and heading back to rehab. His lawyer says that ford is finally ready to deal with his drug problem. Well keep you posted. Listen to this one, students forced to pay in order to attend their own graduation . Ucberkeley grads had to fork over 10 of their own money to go to their own commencement address that was delivered by nancy pelosi. Administrators say the money will pay for things like food, flowers and snacks. But students will not have their names read off at that ceremony. What do you think of that . You can call this a bill pushes for baby changing tables to be put in the mens bathrooms. There is also a separate bill proposed that would make changing tables in businesses accessible to men and women. Lawmakers say it reflects a change in todays family dynamics. Those are your headlines. Steve and brian, you were both good diaper changers, right . I would like that because they have the family bathroom which is i love to find. But now let men change some diapers. Absolutely. When i was a little girl, my mom always said my father never changed a diaper in his life. My husband is the best. Here is my trick and this mites work for your kid. Relaxed my children would be if i introduced the knicks, like the p. A. Announcer. Patrick ewing. And charles oakley. As i introduced them by the time i got to john starks, he would be calm. What a great secret. Okay. True story. Tweet that. Coming up on fox friends, teenager suffers a seizure on the bus. What does the bus driver do . Nothing. His outraged mother here next people join angies list for all kinds of reasons. I go to angies list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. Angies list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. Youll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. Now that were expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angies list and look for pediatricians. The Service Providers that ive found on angies list actually have blown me away. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrees crafted with care and designed to delight. Fancy feast. Love served daily. So nice to have you here at fox friends. 46 minutes after the hour. A florida mother in a state of shock in searching for answers after her 16yearold son had a seizure on a school bus. According to the kids on the bus, the driver refused to stop and call for help. Cynthia shepherd is here to share that horrifying story. Good morning to you. Thanks for being with us. Good morning. Tell us what happened to your son, andrew. Hes in eighth grade, on the school bus and what happened . My daughter witnessed him having a seizure and she let the bus driver know and he didnt do anything. He just kept going. I know this is hard for to you talk about. Thanks for sharing your story. You say he has diabetes and addisons disease, which can cause very low Blood Pressure and even a coma. What happened next . Yes. They arrived to the stop and the driver kept insisting she got him off the bus. Another child yelled to him that hes having a seizure. He still didnt do anything. By the time my daughter got him to the fronts of the bus, the driver turned around and looked at him and still told my daughter that they had to get off because it was their stop. I understand she tried to get the driver to take the two of them home, thinking that would be a safer location . Yes. What happened is the neighbors came out and started helping. They had to call 911 . Yes. She came out and she brought o. G. To see if he would drink it. My daughter called 911, hand the phone to the neighbors so they could give the correct address to where they were. We saw that picture of andrew in the hospital. How is he doing now . Is he back at home . Yes. Yes, he is. How is he doing . Hes doing really good now. Hes doing really good. What is the school saying as youre calling them asking for answers about how on earth this could have happened . The school board is not returning any of my calls. I havent spoke to them since the day that i reported it to them. So i really dont know because they just keep saying its under investigation. They say that theyre investigating. What do you think needs to happen to this bus driver in particular and even for other bus drivers . Do they need some sort of education on dealing with situations like this . I believe they need medical training, you know, so it doesnt happen again and theyre aware of situations like this. When youre having a seizure, you dont move the person, you know. And he made my daughter pick him up and get him off the bus. I believe the driver should be fired. Wow. Thank you for being with us and keep us updated on the story. Were so happy that andrew is doing okay this morning. Thank you. Good luck. 49 minutes after the hour now. The clippers owner banned for life for exercising his freedom of speech. Now some lawsuitants say even more speech should be regulatessed. Wait until you hear what they just told our john stossel. 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And if anything happens, dont forget about the new xfinity my account app. You can troubleshoot technical issues here. If you make an appointment, you can check out the status here. You can pay the bill, too. But dont worry about that right now. Okay. How do i look . Thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. Introducing the xfinity my account app. 53 minutes after the hour. The nba came down on hard on Donald Sterling for his racist remarks banning him from the league for life and fining him 2 1 2 million dollars. The nba has the right to do that. But what about other forms of free speech . Now some law students say even more speech should be regulated. So here to crack down on us is john stossel. He says hes not thrilled with the answers hes been gets getsing and how america is responding, are you . No. People should remember that the nba is a private group and fox can fire us if they dont like what they say and the government is different. So i was upset a couple years back when i asked law students at seton hall, what should be banned to protect people . We have the clip. There is no value that comes out of hate speech. Words have a Significant Impact and when theyre used as weapons, it can become problematic. And i dont think thats what the framers of the First Amendment intended. This students wants to do ban on political speech by corporations. Thats the only speech you hear. They will own the air waves and own all the advertising venues, so they can afford it. Corporate speech is not protected. The potential is very large for corporations to improperly influence politicians. What about the argument words are like bullets, they wound people . Thats what they were saying. But i think words are words and bullets are bullets and its important we keep them apart. By the end of it, these students had basically said the bill of rights should say Congress Shall make no law bridging freedom of speech except for hate speech, corporate speech, hunting, movies and once i said that, they went, i guess we went too far. The instinct to ban. Absolutely. The troubling aspect is youre talking to future lawyers in that particular thing. Theyre lawyers now. They should know in america, what he said was terrible. In america, you have the right to say stupid stuff. The answer is more speech. You can fight words with words. Cant fight bullets with bullets as easily without getting hurt. How does that play into your theme this weekend . Tonights . Its all about speech. What are you allowed to say and what are you not allowed to say . I hope i dont step in the wrong its your show, john. You can say whatever you want. Its hard to have lou dobbs do the stossel show. Well be watching. Thank you. Four minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, russia not happy with sanctions, so theyre telling us take a trampoline to space. Well explain. Bounce on this [ male announcer ] v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. Its what you need for that extra boost oh and did we mention its only 50 calories . Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In t juice aisle. Govern. Its thursday, the fist of may, 2014. Im an mccoyman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. We have seen roads turned into rivers. But how about a living room turned into a Swimming Pool and a girl in a kayak . More incredible images from across the country. Meanwhile, our white house scrambling to explain the email linking the white house to the benghazi coverup. Boy, it got hot yesterday. Why did it take a court case for you to release this . I can say it again and again and i know you can keep asking again and again. This document was not about benghazi. Mr. Carney, if it wasnt about benghazi, then why was it titled benghazi . Rret russia not happy about the sanctions on individuals we puts on them. So theyre saying a trampoline is your only way to get into space. The bear or the trampoline. Were going to send bears into space because it is russian. By the way, according to all reports, mornings are better with friends. Roll the head shots. Good morning. This is favio. Youre watching fox friends. Mornings are better with friends, arent they . Very often we get photo bombed or video bombed because people know that they can come stand right here and wave at the camera. We just got video bombed during the commercial. Can we see it . Watch. Slow motion. Hes on the phone. Hes coordinating with somebody. Im making a lot of sense. Im trying to pretend like im interested in everything there he goes. Oh, yeah. Work it. Hes on tv twice. Wow. Now Everybody Knows. Come on down to 48th and 6th and you can do a fist pump. Why not . Weve got a very busy day. Were going to tell you all about that benghazi coverup conspiracy thing. Its troubling. Right now we turn to Heather Nauert who has got some really bad news. Good morning to you. News coming out of florida. This happening overnight. We start with a fox news alert. Victimmors are scrambling to try to figure out what caused a gas explosion at a florida jail that left two inmates dead and more than 100 prisoners and Corrections Officers injured this morning. Many had to be taken out of the jail on stretchers. This happened at Escambia County jail in pensacola flax fellow. 600 prisoners are being bussed to other jails. This blast rattling homes as far as three miles away. There has been a lots of flooding in the area. That could be to blame for the blast. We will keep you posted as we follow the story. In the meantime, it is the storm that just will not quit. These pictures were getting in are unbelievable. New video coming from outside philadelphia this morning. People rescued as the water rose as high as six feet around a bus. Then all the way down in florida, because this has been affecting the entire east coast, rerentless rain cause causing a road to collapse. In mobile, alabama, firefighters had to carry this elderly woman to safety. She had become stranded in her car that was in the flood water. Check this out. A little girl in a kayak in her living room. The house under two feet of water. Boy, so much damage for so many families across the country. Today is may day. Its also known as International Workers day and here is a look at how the world watches this. Tho thousands defy protest bans in istanbul. Police using waters cannons and tear gas on the crowd and in cambodia, at least five people hurts. Protesters demanding a higher minimum wage and in bangladesh, garment workers packed the streets demanding the execution of a factory owner whose building collapsed, killing more than 1,000 laborers last year. And another story, could new sanctions on russia over the crisis in ukraine scrub our ride to the Space Station . A russian official sounding off saying, quote, after analyzing our sanctions against the space industry, i suggests the u. S. Deliver its astronauts to the i. S. S. With a trampoline. Its not likely russia will suspend the service. Nasa pays them more than 60 million a person to get up to space. And those are your headlines. You know theyre talk being may day, when i was a little kid, we always gave flowers to our mom on may day. We dont have flowers in america because the winters lasted too long. The flowers are not coming out. They are. April showers bring may flowers. But not like yesterday. It became cold again. The earth stopped spinning. I dont know whats going on. For the guy at scientific america, hes kidding okay . Who is heather talking about there . The news. Yeah. She was talking about the trampoline. Did you want to riff on that . Yes. For 60 million, we could have taken four trips and built our own rocket. Why are we writing checks to them . If they need a trampoline, contact jimmy kimmel. The big news this morning, we told you yesterday about the smoking gun email, as its been called. Remember the conservative watch group had to sue to get documents about benghazi. Apparently in the subject line it does say benghazi and its basically saying that lets try spin this whole thing that its not a policy failure, that its all the video. Sparked by this video. The Mainstream Media is catching on and starting to realize that where there is smoke there is often fire. Jonathon karl pressing jay carney yesterday. You knew full well what susan rice was primarily going to be asked about was about that attack. Terrorist attack on a u. S. Consulate in benghazi. She witness on the shows went on the shows and said the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over internet video. We now know that was not true. John, i would point you to what mike morell has said repeatedly in testimony about the creation of the talking points. Just last months, when he heard that, he said thats not something that our analysts would say. That came from the white house. Right . John, no. Youre wrong. If you look at that document, that document that were talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. Right. So hes saying that what was going on in the muslim world was about the video. Unfortunately for him, as anna said, up at the top it said benghazi. So for him to say it wasnt about benghazi, also at one point in the document it says how were going to work with the libyan authorities to bring justice to those responsible for the deaths of u. S. Citizens. Okay. The only time that people died in libya, the americans, were with benghazi. Look, its becoming very, very clear, the white house said last year, weve released a complete set of documents. They didnt do that. There was a coverup, there were things that were unclassified, then classified by the white house lawyers so we couldnt see them. Then now that we see them, it looks like there was a conspiracy to convince the American Public seven weeks before an election that it was all about the video. It wasnt about the state department not giving the security they needed. Lindsey graham last night on special report, as passionate as i have ever seen the senator from South Carolina, he says clearly when you look at it, a lot of this had to do with actually 100 of it, had to do with getsing barak obama relie elected. My response is if im doing something wrong for political reasons, i should have egg on my face and i should be punished by the people of South Carolina. If what he is saying is a bold faced lie and that im correct this administration hid the truth from the American People about a coordinated terrorist attack cause they were more worried about the president s reelection than telling the truth to the American People about why four people died, they need to be held accountable. When i wanted to get to the bottom of gitmo, i was a hero. When i challenged the torture policies of the Bush Administration cause i had been a military lawyer, i was doing the country a service. You got americans in harms way as i speak tonight, many of them in uniform and throughout the they2 qq let down by their government and the colleagues that serve their country that their death has been dishonored and what happened was distorted for political reasons. If for no other reason, somebody needs to be held accountable about lying about how those who died. Congressman chaffetz, senator graham, chaffetz is coming up later, have led the way on this. Everyone is ridiculing them saying theyre spitting in the wind. There is no there there. The president said there is no talking points. What are you talking about . And now it turns outs there were talking points, there were emails and they were withholding them and i think that more than just fox is angry. Thats what i saw yesterday. Meanwhile, two years ago, at that time there were attacks in the area, there were protests throughout other capitals throughout the middle east and north africa, at which time the president thought it would be a good idea to get on line, puts the tape together, leaning with the secretary of state, and have a message to the people of pakistan. Dont go crazy. We apologize. Here is a little video to show you that that bad movie thats out that ridicules islam has nothing to do with america thinks. It costs us 70,000. Now that we know that they dont think that, the riots were because of that. Think about what we could have done with that money. Yeah. 70,000 for this video that was the alleged coverup of the alleged coverup, this is how far they were going to do this. Not only to protect president obama, but to protect then secretary of state. Because they were doubling down. They had put that out. Yeah, its all about the video. So what do they do . They put the guy in jail. They hired alt those all those television stations. Hillary clinton said the u. S. Has absolutely nothing to do with this video. Excepts use it as an excuse. Meanwhile, lets talk a little bit about gq, gentlemens quartersly magazine. Curious, apparently they dont like fox and apparently they dont like conservatives and apparently what they did with one of their columns talking about the guy who soon used to own the l. A. Clippers, what they have said is if you are a conservative, youre a racist. Here is what a tweet said. It said good luck to Donald Sterling with whatever show he ends up hosting on fox news probably. Right. Thats pretty insulting i would think to not only us, but to you. Mickey tweet this, gq magazine, im canceling my subscription and his web address at fox friends. Sally says gq has a low i. Q. And here is a viewer email. G. Q. Magazine recruited my friend out of high school to model and turned him into a life long drug addict. Wow. Those are some strong words. Really, maybe gq ought to stick to the colorful socks and the pocket squares and hair gel. How brilliant is gq . Half the country leans to the right. Half to the left. For them to anger half of the country who might buy their stupid magazine, thats just not a Good Business model. Whoever is managing their social media account, i wonder how long theyre going to have that job. I dont know how long i can go with this boycott cause i have no idea what to wear on the weekends if i dont have that magazine. Just wear that. Okay. American scientific or Scientific American, hes kidding hes kidding you guys coming up on fox friends, a warning for anyone who gets manicures. What you need to know about a connection to cancer . Pay attention, joel. But first, are we about to see another housing crisis . Bob massi looks like that. Fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. If you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution thats right for you. With easy stepbystep guidance, were here to help you turn your dream into a reali. Start your Business Today with legalzoom. Thats why i got a new windows 2 in 1. It has exactly what i need for half of what i thought id pay. And i dont need to be online for it to work. It runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. 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If you own a home or youre thinking about buying, consider yourself warned because some of americas biggest banks need your business and they may be back to some of the old tricks that got us all in trouble. Joining us to explain what this means to you and your money, fox news legal analyst, bob massi. Hes out in vegas, baby. Governing to you. Good morning. You know, after so many people had to declare this is in the form of a question in the aftermath of excessive bankruptcy, foreclosures and destroyed credit what, is happening in the world of lending for the consumer and the homeowner . The lenders are crying. The lenders are saying were just not getsing enough business. People dont have the credit necessarily to get what they want. So the lenders are crying and what theyre doing is theyre adapting and theyre modifying and theyre enticing the homeowner. Theyre enticing the consumer and buying cars to get back in the game and theyre making it easier for them to do it. So once again, we have to be careful as prospective homeowners and consumers to exact plea what theyre doing and saying. Thats a good question. In fact, weve got a graphic to that points. What are the lenders doing now to get the consumer and the homeowner back in the arena to get money from them . Auto financing, theyre doing subprime loans. Sub prime . Are you kidding . No. Auto financing theyre doing. Theyre basically charging at some points 15, 20 on this money. You have wells fargo and other lenders that are lowering the fico scores down to 600 on fha loans. Look, they understand, steve, the emotion i talked about this before and unfortunately, human nature never changes. They want to own. So what do they do . They throw it out there again to the homeowner, prospective homeowner, the consumer saying were going to make it easier for you to get into it. I want to be clear on something, even though fico scores have been lowered by some of the lenders, they still are requiring, steve, a high percentage, 15, 20 money down if youre going to buy a home. So theyre wanting more money down in some cases. But whats important for our just understand what when you borrow money, alt theyre doing is throwing money at you. What is it costing you . And can you meet the obligation . Dont fall back and say its so enticing, the emotional buy, steve, the opportunity to make money, six, seven years, Investment Properties in america is what got us, many of us, in a position where we lost so much. And bob, what youre suggesting is what the banks are doing is giving noun people who cant pay it money to people who cant pay it back again and that led to a big bubble and where we are today. There is a risk. Look, if you and i as a responsible citizen, you have to look at the way the economy is in our country, the way unemployment is still is in our country, can you really meet this payment if you hit a bump in the road . If you hit a bump in the road, guys, then you have to look i dont buy unless i know if something goes wrong, i can survive. We have to live that way anymore. If you dont and you miss a payment, you do this, the same domino effect is going to happen again. Credit gets hit, bankruptcy gets hit, foreclosure happens, repo something of cars, we got back into the same jackpot we did several years ago. We got to look out for ourselves because nobody is look out for us. We cannot blame anybody anymore. Were more informed than ever before. If you got questions for bob as several people did and we just asked him about it, visit our web site. Scroll down and look for that rebuilding dreams section at the bottom of the page. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. Coming up, president bush gearing up for his annual Wounded Warriors ride and dr. Mark siegle is with them. Well check in live. And what really happens behind the scenes in washington. Talk to me. What about . Anything. Doesnt quite matter. Congress, legislature, words like that . Yeah. Exactly. One of the stars from beat, mac walsh matt walsh is here live some stories make headlines in the medical world. A brandnew report shedding light on a connection between manicures and cancer. Researchers visited 16 different salons in the United States and looked at those u. V. Lights used for gel manicures. You know them, steve. They found it could take as many as 24 visits to some salons to reach the point where the light triggers cancercausing dna damage. Take that, marcus allen. And here is another reason to make broccoli parts of your diets. Getting enough fiber may be a life saver for people who have had a heart attack. Researchers at harvard say extra fiber increased longterm survival rates by 25 . So what would washington be like if our politicians and communication directsors acted like this . That was the planet. We can do this. Youre a did you go person, right . What kind of dog do you have . I have a real dog. An open secret in washington. Do you know who is playing golf with . Who. No, no. Who . You dont know and you want me to find out. Yeah. So funny. How close is the show veep mirror what really happens. Matt walsh is an actor on the show, good morning. You ready for year three . Yeah. I dont have to do anything. We made it. Fictional character. It seems awfully real to me. According to people in dc, the show is fairly accurate to the way things happen behind the scenes. You work for the Vice President. Im the Communications Director for the fictional Vice President s. Are you suggesting that this is what its like working for joe biden . No. I think its more about truthfully the humanity, like youre pushing ideals through a system. So its human people trying to do their best and inevitably theyre flawed human beings. Thats my take on it. Good way to put it. Americans have a fascination with what happens in politics and washington, d. C weve seen it. But this is funny. How does it keep viewers attention . Why is it season three and hopefully more for you . Season three, shes running for president. Like west wing was aspirational and house of cards is like conspiracy. I think our show goes for the joke, but its also a little more realistic. This year the stakes are high because shes bringing in all these consultantses and were all worried about our jobs. She wants the office so bad, shell fire anybody. So were all terrified of losing our position. Does it scare you that people come up to you and see what its really like and you have a Vice President thats somewhat not ready for the job, so shes going to become president . Does that scare you . Yeah, its a little disamonthsing when people say your show tackles whats wrong admire like i would never be a politician. I think thats the worst job in the world. What would happen if selena myer became president . Terrible things. Nuclear holocaust, budget crisis. Its cause shes just not up for the job. Shes not she has created that character, would not be a good president. No. I love the behind the scenes story. Youre on hbo, so you can do some ad libbing there. There is some filthy talking. There is definitely filthy talk on cam remarks off camera. We know elaine benes is funny. So what is it like behind the scenes, when off gel together . Its great. We do a lot of improv, so there is great chemistry and we all hang out after the show because we spend a lot of time on the show insulting each other. So its important to sort of mend that friendship after the show and have a drink and play cards and stuff. It is hilarious. My wife and i love the episodes and my kids are all hooked on it. It airs sunday at 10 30 p. M. Eastern time on hbo for the fresh ones. Or get your friends hbo go number. I use kilmeade. Thank you for saying that. I have no idea what youre talking about. Matt, thank you very much. Straight ahead. Who is that cry baby . Its throw back thursday and were sharing our baby pictures next. I had a lot on my mind. Devastating floods sweeping the country. Up next, maria will be showing us how to survive a flash flood. Check her out. When sales rep Steve Hatfield books at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. And when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings . And thats how youll increase market share. Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as amazing sales he brings his agame la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. It may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to your doctor. If your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. Or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. Viagra home delivery. Get started at viagra. Com. Viagra home delivery. The only thing better than the smell of freshcut grass. Is the smell of perfectly level, freshcut grass. That yellow seats my favorite chair. You wanna find a john deere dealer . Just set your gps to tractor expert. When my grandson grows up, its his. But its all mine now. Thats how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. Get 600 dollars off all john deere fourwheel steer lawn tractors now at a dealer near you. Back with a fox news alert. Labor department releasing brandnew weekly jobless numbers. 344,000 firsttime unemployment claims were filed last week. That is up a little higher than expected. All right. 28 minutes now before the top of the hour. We want to show you video out of pensacola, florida, taken by a drone. You can see homes and cars submerged by nearly two feet of water and more rain on the way. Maria molina is following these storm and joins us. Good morning. Hi. Incredible images out of that Florida Panhandle due to the heavy rain. Look at some of the rainfall totals across parts of florida and also alabama. They have just been incredible. Well over a foot of rain across some of these areas. Its not just across parts of the gulf coast that weve been seeing flooding, but also the northeast. We have set rainfall records across portions of the northeast. Look at parts of maryland picking up over seven inches of rain from this storm system. The rainfall rates were also incredible, pensacola picked up over five inches of rain in one hour. Several more inches still expected across the southeast. So there is that threat for flooding that will continue. In the northeast, most of the rainfall accumulations will be generally light. A few showers. Thunderstorms possible on parts of the east coast with an isolatessed risk for Severe Weather. Keep that in mind out there. This is the same storm that is responsible for the tornadoes that were produced across so many states over the last several days. I want to mention in mayflower, arkansas, that tornado was confirmed as an ef4 with winds close to 200 Miles Per Hour and weve seen so many images of flood waters sweeping away cars. We want to give you some tips here because if the unthinkable does happen and you are caught in your car during a flash flood and youre forced to break a window, you want to try to make sure you strike in the center of the window with as much force as possible. Thats where it would be easier to break it and also try to break the window where the water is flowing away from the car. Not towards the car because then youre looking at the water rushing into your car and also remember if you broke it, there is glass there as well. So that would be another big issue. Lets head back inside. We should also point out when you just broke that, in that video, you cut up your hand pretty hard. Yeah. I used a window breaker. I dont think i could have broken it with my hand by itself. That window hammer really helps people break those windows much easier. So thats something also. Throw in your car, keep it in there. You were really brave in that segment. Thanks. Lets turn to Heather Nauert who joins us now with the very latest on torontos crack smoking mayor. We havent heard about him as much lately. But we do talk about him when new video emerges. The crack smoking mayor, rob ford, back on crack again. A new video surfaced, reportedly showing him smoking crack in his sisters basement. Hes announced hes taking a break and headed to rehab. His lawyer says hes fine low ready to deal with his real drug problem. He has a Heisman Trophy and National Championship and now a rap sheet . A Florida State star jameis winston, walked out of a publix grocery store with 32 worth of crab legs and crawfish. He said he forgot to pay for it. Hes now been suspended until he completes 20 hours of Community Service and he has to repay that money. A rash of possible food poisonings at a conference on food safety. More than 100 people now reportedly getting sick at the food safety summit in baltimore, maryland. State officials are trying to figure out what on earth happened. 1300 people were there from food companies, the government agencies, including the f. D. A. A town is trying to tell a guy in florida, see oleates, alligator. Larry miller keeps two pet gators in the backyard of his South Daytona home. Hes been fined 250 for not having the proper permit to keep them there. People has dogs and lizards and cats and i have alligators. Oh, my. Well, the two gators will be removed from his yard today and taken to gatorland. Thats a place. Larry plans to buy two acres of land, he says, so he can get his pets back. Good for you, larry. Dont try this at home. That was great you belong at gatorland. If youre a gator, thats as good as it gets. Today is Throwback Thursday. Tbt. Weve been tweeting out our pictureses and youve been sending us yours as well. Were looking for your baby pictureses. Lets get started. Ben looks like Heather Nauerts picked. Which one is heather . Heather is locked and loaded. Then you can see the other fellow right there with green underwear. There you go. He could get a haynes deal there. All right. Rick thinks he looks like brians picture. When you look side by side, you know what . Separated at birth. Thats my brother jim, who clearly had all the clothes in the family. I just got a pullover and i didnt have a neck at that point in my life. I was eating jelly beans with buttser for lunch and dinner. And scott in pennsylvania. 33 years later. Look at this. We were asking people to send us their pictures when they were kids. Then where they are now. Thats cool. Brian, just a moment ago when you said you were you didnt have a neck because you were eating jelly beans and buttser, for the guy from that magazine, he was kidding thank you, steve. I appreciate it. Hes kidding just keep in mind. Were just trying to lighten your day. Meanwhile, look at this. Its our shot of the morning. Carvelle ice cream set up shop on the plaza to celebrate free cone day and getting the inside scoop im kidding, here is maria molina with a special guest. Good morning to you. Good morning. Thats right. Today is carvels free cone day and joining me is scott, the president of the company. Scott, why is today free cone day . Carvel likes to kick off the summer with free cone day. We do this every year, so today from 3 to 8 00 p. M. , any guest can come in and get our favorite flairs, vanilla and chocolates, and salty carmel. And you have more than 400 franchises across the u. S. Today youre also sharing your new flavor, which is salted carmel. We have a cone here ready to go so i can try it. What do you think . Delicious. This is great. So thats what you have going on today. Its also your 80th anniversary. So you have this cake that you brought here. We have one with steve, elisabeth and brian. Here are their photos. Thanks for bringing my cake as well. Just kidding. But you also have fudgy the whale. Why is your mascot a whale . So almost 40 years ago, tom carvel invented fudgy the whale as our fathers day flavor. Its a favorites of all children. And today youre also doing something special. When people go to your stores, they can buy a 2 coupon book and some of the proceeds go to the red cross . Well raise at least 30,000 and guests can buy, for 2, they buy a coupon book worth 20 of value. And the red cross currentsly helping in so many states. Lets head back inside. You were edging out fudgy the whale. Can someone give him a hug or something . A great cause. Maria, we would like three of the salted carmels in here. Just for research purposes. In a few minutes. That was some fun. Now serious stuff. Up next, College Students forced to pay to get into their own graduation ceremony. Why . The keyneat speaker, nancy pelosi. And president bush gearing up for his annual Wounded Warriors ride and our very own dr. Mark siegle is with him. He was there last year. Hes back. Were go live to texas coming up go long, look lean, in this seasons most important fashion trend, the long shirt. Designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. The new long shirt. Visit the shirt boutique, only at chicos and chicos. Com. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in with Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. It may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to your doctor. If your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. Or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. Viagra home delivery. Get started at viagra. Com. Natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. Its what you need for that extra boost oh and did we mention its only 50 calories . Need a lift . Couldve had a v8. In t juice aisle. Good morning. 44 minutes after the hour. Quick headlines. A8ed7]7q9 edition. Pay to attend their own graduation . Ucberkeley graduates have to fork over ten bucks to go to their own commencement address delivered by nancy pelosi. Administrators say the money pays for things like food, flowers and snacks. And family in maryland suing their kids school saying its their fault he got a d because teachers didnt give him enough attention. The family says their son cant get into college now. Okay. Meanwhile, president george w. Bush is welcoming 16 wounded veterans and active duty soldiers to his Prairie Chapel ranch for the Fourth Annual w 100 k Mountain Bike ride. Joining us from Prairie Chapel ranch is our own dr. Mark siegle. Good morning. Youre making a ranch call today. Exactly, steve. Good morning. Were here at the Prairie Chapel ranch. This is the Fourth Annual event. Were honoring 16 warriors this year that have been wounded in the iraq and afghanistan campaign. The goal is to honor their resilience, sacrifice, gets them back on the bike, back to regular life. The Bush Institute now has a military Service Initiative. Im joined by christa mars a staff sergeant, wounded in afghanistan by a suicide bomber. Actually saw this program a few years ago and it inspired him to join the ride. Chris, tell us about this. I was laying at Walter Reed Hospital and just turned on fox news and watched you guys riding around and i looked over at my mom and dad and said, im going to do this in a couple years. I said next year and they kind of looked at me funny cause i was in rough shape. But im here now. You are the ones that got me interested in this. How prosecute you wounded . Suicide bomber. Motorcycle bomb. Broke both my legs, lot of shrapnel, head trauma, some broken facial bones. What about posttraumatic stress . Were featuring that this year and trying to get rid of the stigma attached to it. Yeah. Its there. A lot of guys have head injuries, the tbi, which has a lot of the same symptoms. It compounds it. As their brain kind of comes back from the tbi, some of the ptsd kind of wears down, too. Its always going to be with a lot of the guys for the rest of their lives. This is a colonel and the head of the military Service Institute at the bush foundation. Tell us what your goals are here quickly. President bush and the military Service Initiative wants to honor all 2. 6 million post911 vets and their families in the one to 1 1 2 million that will come out by facilitating a successful reintegration. So helping great leaders like chris and the 16 men and women out here today l its through employment, education, housing, families, or health and wellness issues like ending the stigma associated with posttraumatic stress. Guys, as i tell the riders every year, if you see president bush, youre going too fast. You see dr. Siegle, youre going too slow. Back to you in new york. Good advice. Very nice. All right. Thank you very much. Thats such an honor he was watching us at walter reed and back there today. Coming up, remember when the president said this about benghazi . The whole issue of talking points frankly throughout this process has been a side show. Okay. Brandnew details telling a different story about that side show. So is it finally time for john boehner to call for a special counsel . Jason chaffetz has been investigating this and is here next. First were going to check in with Martha Mccallum for whats coming up at the top of the hour. Good morning. Good morning. About a half hour from now, congress is going to hear from a new witness in the benghazi case. Sources are telling us that this could be quite interesting news from this hearing. Well bring you that live. Plus, bill oreilly takes on the relationship between the white house and the press on this story. And leon panetta says the u. S. Is in a dangerous world and cannot afford to back down. Bill and i will see you at the top of the hour vo oh. My. Tongue. Finally. announcer allnew friskies saucesations. A taste experience like no other. In cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. Friskies. Feed the senses. What does that first spoonful taste likok. Honey bunches of oats. Ching mmmm mmmm mmmm wow its the oats. Honey. Yeah. Honey bunches of oats. This is a great cereal. Weve been talking about it all week. New emails blasting a hole in the white houses steer that then ambassador susan rice was just repeating the latest intel when appears on all those sunday shows in the aftermath of the benghazi attacks on 9112012. One email from a former aide outlined the prep work saying, quote, the goal is to underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a broader failure or policy. Why werent these emails given to congress when they asked for them last august . Joining us now is a member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee who asked for those emails, did not get those emails, congressman jason chaffetz. Congressman, a lot of people watching this say, whats changed . Whats changed for you now . We have a whole nother set of documents. The Oversight Committee has roughly 3200 new documents that weve gotten in the last 30 days. Despite the white house saying this is a phony scandal. It was done a long time ago. What difference does it make, you ever the White House Press secretary in an embarrassing moments, tried to say that the ben rhodes email had nothing to do with benghazi. Thats absolutely laughable. Today were going to hear from a general, air force general who was there in germany as this was going down in the room. Were going to hear from him, what was happening in that room . Were the facts as we knew them . And the white house just cant keep saying we were dealing with the best intelligence we had. Oh, yeah . What was that intelligence . What did the military think was going down . So we had talking points ahod mike morell said i had no idea where that word tape came from. But you also have him dealing with offering a his services to help work something outs with the state department. Thats also in these documents. He said that he was worried it would be embarrassing to the state department. That doesnt sound like somebody who is trying to get out the truth about whats going on in benghazi. You would the station chief himself say it had nothing to do with a video and that that led to some sort of mob that got out of control. One thing, you guys got to help Gregory Hicks cause his career is all screwed up because believe. But today, youre going to talk to general lovely lovell. What is he going to say about these giocoso have been saved or at least helped . We got to hear it from his own lips. But i think generally what happened is they were waiting for Hillary Clinton and the state department to offer some direction. They were there in a support mission to the state didnt. What did Hillary Clinton direct . What did she wants . What was her communication with the president . Ends up Hillary Clinton didnt even speak with the president that night. So you have air force the pentagon and resources, they tried to come up with this lame story that they couldnt have gotten there in time. Im worried that they didnt even trio get there. Thats what i want to ask the general this morning. Is it time for the speaker of the house to commission a select committee and get a real prosecutor asking questions consistently with followups and start making some progress on this . I think we have been making progress, but its getting increasingly difficult to deny the fact that we have a major, major scandal. We have lies that are perpetuated by this white house. I dont know how over the course of time we continue to resist the idea of creating a select committee, if were going to be stove piped. The reality is were issuing subpoenas that are going out there. But they have got to comply with those. When the white house and the state department dont comply with subpoenas, we got a major, major problem in this country. You know what . Theyre not. Judicial watch is having a court order to make them do it is the only thing that do. It makes me wonder if anything is going to change. Anyone who passes away, talking points is not going to happen and there is no there there, i think they have a hard case to prove. Congressman, youve been there, been to libya, done the research. I look forward to the hearings today. Thanks so much. Thanks, brian. Coming up next, fox friends will wrap things up and Say Something that might change your life. When sales rep Steve Hatfield books at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. And when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings . And thats how youll increase market share. Any questions . Can i get an a, steve . Yes three as amazing sales he brings his agame la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so youll be ready for business. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com la quinta to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, hes agreed to give it up. Thats today . [ male announcer ] well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. I was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. And now ive got to take more pills. Yup. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easyopen red arthritis cap. At od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in. With Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Tomorrow were off to the kentucky derby. Right . Right. Fun. That will be great. And cheerleading a sport, yes or no . She says yes. See you tomorrow. Good morning, everybody, a fox news alert. This will be a significant day as the white houses benghazi story is falling apart. Sources telling fox hes expected to reveal new information about what was happening on the ground that night or what was not happening on the ground that night. Both critical. Im bill hemmer. Welcome to americas newsroom. Martha its Brigadier General robert lovell. He says he watched the assault in realtime

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