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again? >> the oscar turned out to be a big night for this guy. >> who is your favorite movie star? who do you want to talk to? >> the big winners, the big speeches and hollywood highlights come flying your way. mornings are better than friends. watch this. >> you are watching "fox & friends" in the morning. thank you very much. >> thank you, superman. welcome to studio e in the heart of midtown manhattan. we thought it could be the storm of the century again. right now there is a dusting of snow outside. >> just barely. a dusting. >> let's hope it stays that way. >> there is a big part of the country that has a lot of ice and snow so our thoughts are with them. however our particular facility is up and ready. the lead story is the ukraine. putin's power grab continues and to the rescue, john kerry is going to head over there today to tell them to stop it. good luck. >> he's going over to kiev, the capital, which is okay right now. but this peninsula of crimea has been an area which putin said the russian-speaking people there have asked us to come in. their security was jeopardized we had no choice. we had to respond. putin did make one call. that was to china. he explained himself to china, had no interest in heeding the president of the united states who told him on friday don't go in there. europe was convinced putin wouldn't do this in defiance of the other g-7 countries. instead he did it and everyone is scratching their heads saying how did we miss this? >> despite increased efforts at reenforcement in crimea, kerry is going over, set to have discussions there. but he used bold words over the weekend, insisting that despite putin's actions, he's operating from a position of weakness. take a listen. >> let me make it clear. president putin is not operating from a place of strength here. president putin is using force in a completely inappropriate manner that will invite the owe -- the opprobrium of the world. the fact is he's going to lose on the international stage. >> how is he going to lose on the international stage? we know when it comes to options we're not going to do anything militarily. "the washington post" this morning -- it probably won't be delivered because there is a big storm in washington. but the headline from the editorial board from "the washington post" today is that president obama's foreign policy is based on fantasy. they say for five years president obama led a foreign policy based more on how he think the world should operate than on reality. and that's why we've heard members of this administration say this is against the rules, you can't do this, well, boo hoo, putin has been watching, putin has been taking names. and putin, i think crimea is phase one. he's going to go as far as he can. >> someone says there has been a build up between the missile testing, efforts to rebuilding that border post-olympics. you understand that talk is important but here's what the diplomatic and sort of economic pressure the u.s. will look to put on russia will look look. bans on visas, freezing assets, the g-8 summit in russia which met seven of the other industrialized nations tend to agree with that boycott but disagree on how much pressure should be put on russia. >> you could say it is time to put that missile defense shield back in the czech republic. >> too late. >> initial negotiations to make ukraine part of nato as well as other surrounding nations that want to be part of nato and russia saying you're getting too close to our borders, let's be honest. and the president of the united states would have to admit that. even secretary of state john kerry acquiesced to this notion. the mind set of set and reset a relationship has failed. the mind-set of putin, somebody hei] thought he for every day they stay in the crimea, add to their suspension. do something. >> and flood ukraine with economic aid and start pulling them away from russian natural gas and let you start selling our natural gatt at a price in which they can deal with that helps that economy stand on its own. >> one of the problems is if europe were to try to extract some pain from mr. putin, all those pipelines run across the ukraine -- i think there are about 10 or 11 of them, all putin would have to do is turn off the seven that go across the ukraine and i have a feeling he'd have pretty good leverage over europe in the dead of winter. >> not as much as they used to because they get so used to them trying to extract them and play that card. they're starting to look at other areas. germany and others are starting to do the same fracking we are doing. >> certainly it seems we're all reacting to putin at this point. we will keep you posted on that. in the meantime heather nauert. >> hope you all had a great weekend. a little cold out here. >> chilly. it's winter. >> got news to bring you. this one is coming out of south africa. that country's most anticipated murder trial of the year has started. oscar pistorius pleaded not guilty in the murder of his girlfriend. he shot and killed her on valentine's day last year. pistorius said it was an accident but prosecutors maintain it was deliberate. the case could send him to prison for at least 25 years. breaking news and sad news. the navy pilot whose jet crashed during a train exercise in nevada died in that crash. the navy isn't releasing the pilot's identity at this time, but here's what we know. the f.a. team went down near naval air station in fallon, east of reno. this happened yesterday. it took crews several hours to reach the remote crash site largely because of a snowstorm in the area. the aircraft is being called a total loss. more political drama taking place in washington. will disgraced i.r.s. official lois lerner testify before congress later this week. the house oversight committee darrell issa says yes, she will. listen. >> her attorney indicates now that she will testify. it's been a back and forth negotiation, but quite frankly, we believe that the evidence we've gathered causes her, in her best interest, to be summoned to testify. >> we heard that yesterday but her attorney now saying not so fast. after congressman issa's appearance on fox news sunday, lerner's attorney saying the former i.r.s. official has not waived her right to testify. she wants immunity for her role in the agency's tea party scandal. the house committee spokesperson responded with this statement, quote, bill taylor, ms. lerner's attorney, has confirmed in writing ms. lerner is willing to testify and she has requested a one week delay for the public hearing. ms. lerner may make her request on wednesday when she appears at that hearing. bill taylor making his own statement saying she will plead the fifth. >> pizza deliveries at oscar's biggest night. the oscars go to the favorite. >> and the oscar goes to... "12 years a slave." >> the drama about slavery won the highest honor of the night. best picture of the year, 12 years a slave, making history as the first movie from a black director to earn that coveted support. other big winnerrers cate blanchett won for her role in blue jasmine and lupita nyong'o won for her role in 12 years a slave. but the best speeches may have gone to matthew mcconaughey for dallas buyers club. listen to this. >> first of all i want to thank god because that is who i look up to. he has graced my life with opportunities that i know are not of my hand or any other human hand. >> gravity pulled in the most oscars with seven of them, including alfonso cuaron. and frozen won for best animated film. those are your headlines. >>kept voting for lone survivor there. but frozen in our house -- >> that's a big one. >> thank you very much, heather. we heard matthew mcconaugh he y thank god. there was an item in the associated press, they looked at hundreds of speeches over the last 13 years, and god is the last entity to be thanked. usually they thank their agent before god. >> those they have worked with. but the almighty has come in last. >> when matthew mccona you -- when matthew mcconaugh he y thanked god, they were slow to applause. >> last night ellen degeneres did a star filled selfie. >> ellen at one point said if only bradley had a longer arm. you see jennifer lawrence. >> brad pitt, angelina jolie all in there. ellen was like i want to be friendly after last year was kind of hostile. >> i love ellen, but the hollywood reporter today says in their review she was a flop, it was a long, boring self-involved show. one of the most interesting thing of the show was when ellen used a pizza delivery guy that she actually uses on her show. the guy, you got to hand it to him, he's pretty none khal lent -- nonchalent about it. >> not an actor? >> no. >> hi there. good morning. >> thank you very much. >> how much do you need? >> it -- thank you. thank you very much. >> take my credit card. here you go. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> as it turns out, you can get pizza at 6:12 in new york city. >> look at this. not so much a deep dish. it's a shallow dish. >> this is the breakfast pizza. >> this means the crew wants to rush to break so they can have pizza. >> i'm getting my credit card back. >> i'm going to take your pizza in the meantime. >> back to our top story on this monday morning. the developing situation in the ukraine. have cuts to our military and the president's foreign policy made it impossible to have a voice in the region? colonel david hunt reporting for duty says the president needs a history lesson. he joins us life. >> this war hero turned nypd cop, now we're hearing from the soldier who worked alongside caesar the dog. coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ chico's effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chanti is right for you. i had to qt smoking to keep up with this guy. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have...oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. we have to reset, reposition. i've got to be able to keep a modern military. so what we're talking about is gradually reducing our active duty strength by about 10%. i don't think that's an astoundingly large cut. >> all right. defense secretary chuck hagel hit the sunday morning talk shows saying military budget cuts absolutely necessary. with the situation unraveling in the ukraine as we speak, have those cuts and the president's foreign policy made it impossible to have a strong force in the region, any region? joining us is fox news military analyst colonel david hunt. you saw these moves. you know the president picked up the phone and told putin to do exactly what he did. he did it any way. how significant is that? >> when you've got russian soldiers without insignia, without unit identification, crossing an international border in the middle of europe, i'd say that's very significant. a week after the olympics, any good will we had in sochi is gone. the russian units are in the crimea and the next step would be going farther in the ukraine which we don't know what they're going to do. we have at this point no way to stop them. this happened in 2008 in georgia and we couldn't stop them there. we didn't. and the russian soldier stayed. to me, we've got zero options militarily, maybe a couple economic and political, which is way over my head. but the military option is off the table. >> the secretary of state says this is a position of weakness. he's essentially giving up kiev in order to take crimea because he knows he just lost an ally in the capitol building there. do you buy that? >> the russians -- putin has once again put a thumb in everybody's eye starting with our president of the united states who spoke to him for 90 minutes because we have nothing to stop him with. they moved divisions, army division, 20,000-plus soldiers across. they've shut down the crimea. the next step is kiev. they have economic politics to use against europe. the military option ought to stop russia doing anything. we have failed. and we continue to fail. we don't have a dog in this fight. but if we wanted to, military options have got to be off the table. >> you are very familiar with nato. what if we start giving them special status, put them on deck? what about putting the missile defense shield back into european nations we took out as a good-natured move with outstretched hand? do those thing matter? >> yeah. if you move anything in nato, anything east, if you do anything, the thing you just described would absolutely get the russians' attention. the issue is what do they do next? phoeu -- my point here is they have made a move. we don't have much to counter it except for instances you and i discussed. >> colonel, always great to talk to you. talk to you soon. >> you bet. >> he is up early to explain what our options are and it's not many. >> israel, why one country wiped them off its flight map. ♪ ♪ there's this kid. ♪ coach calls her a team player. she's kind of special. she makes the whole team better. he's the kind of player that puts the puck, horsehide, bullet. right where it needs to be. coach calls it logistics. he's a great passer. dependable. a winning team has to have one. somebody you can count on. somebody like my dad. this is my dad. somebody like my mom. my grandfather. i'm very pround of him. her. them. dso i got dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles. ired. they absorb the shock of working on my feet all day. i feel energized! get dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles at walmart. i'm a believer! time for quick headlines on this monday morning. it's the biggest terrorism trial since 9/11. jury selection starts today for osama bin laden's son-in-law in new york city. the al qaeda spokesman is charged with conspiring to kill americans on september 11, 2001. he is the highest ranking al qaeda terrorist to face trial since the attack. an airline that gets u.s. taxpayer dollars for security has wiped israel from its flight map. united arab emirates has an official travel route map that shows surrounding countries but leaves israel off the map. interesting. >> it was hollywood's biggest night, we keep talking about it, of the year, the 86th academy awards. who were winners and losers? >> joining us is dominick patton. when you start off, you look for the big announcements like big actor, best picture. best actor not a surprise, right? >> not at all. everybody thought matthew mcconaughey was going to get it and it was all right, all right, all right. >> that's how he ended his speech; correct? >> matthew has been making that line throughout the awards season and he did it again last night. and i thought what was a very raw and honest and moving speech especially when he talked about his faith. >> yeah, let's listen. >> first off, i want to thank god because that's who i look up to. he has graced my life with opportunit hand or any other human hand, whatever those things are, whatever we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to or whoever it is we're chasing. to that i say amen. to that i say all right, all right, all right. just keep living. thank you. >> one of the best speeches. usually the thanking to god, as steve pointed out earlier, has come last. god also made its way into darlene love's acceptance speech that she performed gospel. what did you think of that? >> i thought it was fantastic. the documentary 20 feet from stardom is the magnificent story of triumph and great music. a lot of music we love comes from the blues and the blues comes from gospel and as darlene showed last night, gospel comes from god. >> lord god, i praise you and i am so happy to be here representing the ladies of 20 # feet from stardom. ♪ >> she was fantastic. >> it's hard to play the music and get her off the stage when she's singing the music. >> last night, pow were -- how were the performances? annually they have famous people come in to sing the big songs as well? >> i thought the outpouring of faith gave people a different look into hollywood last night, but the music we saw, at one point with pharrell williams, the oscar became the grammys last night. i think if you want to figure out how to save the music industry is make it the movie industry. >> and pharrell had the hat back, didn't he? >> it was fantastic. >> you got to see meryl streep dance. you got to see everybody dance. the music is what might pull the ratings up. >> last year with seth mctphar land had the best ratings. i thought the oscars were a little dull last night but she might pull those numbers up especially with that selfie. >> it was big for the twitter world. i thought she was very good but i thought it was a be nice to hollywood night as opposed to last year when it was make fun of hollywood. >> they seemed to like that better, though. >> dominick, thank you for your take. >> thank you for staying up late to give us the early morning rundown. straight ahead, the united states sends afghanistan billions of dollars in aid but that's not stopping president hamid karzai from trash talking the united states. his latest shot at us coming up next. >> don't believe in climate change? 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[ female announcer ] join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. kand i don't have time foris morunreliable companies.b angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® it is your shot of the morning. some of you may have heard but brian kilmeade is a really big fan of the serial quest. >> this is the tweet i got from the quaker oats people, you're a big fan, that's great news. this morning i saw a package and said i should wait until later but somebody told me i should open it up. i opened it and i got this thing from tina. she said you got your quisp cereal. it is call ali baba whole foods -- >> wait. i thought quaker sent it to you. >> no, but tina did. it was made in 2011. >> it's actually good. it's good until april of this year. >> this is pretty much a deadline. >> quisp came back on the market. it was buddies with quake. they used to battle it out. kids would vote on quisp or quake and quisp won. >> the question is will you guys become quisp eaters once you try it? >> a total stranger sent food through the mail and you want me to eat it? >> what i want to see, steve, is if you would try it -- you can't have it because it is not gluten free. >> all of a sudden you're gluten free? he's gluten-free all of a sudden. >> i just had p. >> i'll try one. i think it is gluten-free. wheat, barley. >> i'm nervous. i'm shaking. it's brian's childhood dream. shouldn't brian be trying it? >> heather, i'll let you try next. good! this better be gluten-free, kilmeade. >> quisp, good for you. >> pretty good. i think our kids would like quisp. >> let's get tina on the phone. >> go to the ali babba near you. >> where does tina live? >> look that up later. quaker, what's up with that? they can't even send you a box? >> they're a little backed up. they have oat problems. >> all right. i have serious news from overseas. we all know this, the u.s. sends billions of dollars to afghanistan in aid but that is not stopping afghan president hamid karzai from trash talking the united states once again. karzai telling "the washington post" that he feels, quote, betrayed by the u.s. for what he says were insufficient efforts in targeting the taliban during the war. this comes just weeks after the outgoing president released 65 suspected terrorists who have been tied to attacks on americans. karzai still refusing to sign a security deal to keep our troops in the country past the end of this year. afghanistan will elect a new president on april 5. dear climate change deniers, don't buy apple stock. apple c.e.o. tim cook says if you don't agree with the company's climate change initiatives, don't buy the company's stock. he said environmental initiatives are important to the company even if they don't contribute to the company's bottom line. what do you think of that? >> too stoned to succeed. california governor jerry brown says he's not sure if legalizing pot is a good idea. he's afraid the country could lose its competitive edge if everyone is high all the time. listen. >> the problem with anything, a certain amount is okay but there is a tendency to go to extremes. all of a sudden if there's advertising and legitimacy, how many people can get stoned and still have a great state or great nation? the world is pretty dangerous, very competitive. i think we need to stay alert if not 24 hours a day, more than some of the pot heads might be able to put together. >> california voted to legalize pot in 1996 but only for medical use. remember this dog caesar? he was on our dog last week. he is the first military veteran dog to be adopted by the nypd. now his former handler, an army vet, wants to reunite with the dog. he says he spotted the pooch's picture and immediately recognized the dog. according to conley, he took care of him in 2012 and says he hasn't seen the dog since then and plans to contact the nypd for a reunion. those are your headlines. to get back to that california pot story, maybe they need to come here and have some quisp and pizza at 6:30 in the morning. >> let's go outside to new york city's 48th and 6th avenue. it was supposed to be snowing and icing and it is not too bad at 24 degrees. >> that's right. good morning. our storm system took more of a south early track and hiding the mid-atlantic. that is where we could see up to a foot of snow in the higher elevations. this morning we have snow as far west as southeastern missouri. this is a storm system that even has ice concerns. the winter storm warning are in effect as well as winter weather advisories, ice accumulations potentially exceeding a quarter of an inch across sections of tennessee and even western north carolina. that is a big concern. locally higher amounts up to an inch of ice expected. otherwise widespread 6 to 12 inches of snow expected. a big concern of this storm to the north and west of it is how cold it is. feels like 19 below zero in chicago and 20 below in minneapolis. let's head back inside. >> maria, thank you very much. we are located at rockefeller center. at the top of the rock, more than 1,000 people climbed the rock to raise money for multiple sclerosis right here. >> the event is particularly close to the heart of janice dean who hosted the event. she joins us right now. incredible event. tell us a little bit more. >> a thousand people took part and raised close to a million dollars for m.s. awareness and research. >> just walking up the stairs. >> 67 flights of stairs. it's close to me because i was diagnosed in 2005 with m.s. i came on "fox & friends" and told people in 2007. the reason i did that was because when i was diagnosed, i wanted to find people who were doing okay. this is a disease that we associate with wheelchairs all the time and that's what i thought when i got the diagnosis. oh my gosh, my life is over. who's going to marry me? what about my career? i wanted to start spreading the word that you can be okay and live with a chronic illness. the drugs are getting better. you know, i believe in this lifetime we're going to see a halt to the progression of the disease. to see the oral drug that are out there, the injections are what we have seen over the past few tk-bgz, and that's -- past few decades and that's a constant reminder that something is wrong with you, but to have pills to be able to take. >> how do you explain that m.s. has different reaction on different people? >> i've been doing relatively okay. my doctor tells me it is a one-third rule. one-third do okay and live a normal life. hopefully that is phaoefplt one-third have relapses and have a pretty good life and one-third doesn't do well unfortunately. the research is getting better and drug are doing better. i am a great support system. neil cavuto also has it. my boss said what do we need to do? if we need to build ramps, we will. since then i've gotten married, i have two children, i'm a meteorologist, i've written two books. you can do well with that. i'm living great. it is one of those diseases like the weather i predict. the storm is always there, you don't know when it's going to strike but if you have a positive outlook and a good support system you can pretty much do anything. >> it is great to have you and congratulations on raising all that money. >> i want to do a selfie like ellen and make it go viral. >> sit on my lap. >> at january niece dean. >> look -- at janice dean fox. >> look how cute we are. >> coming up next on our show, baby's got a gun. this picture of a baby holding dad's rifle burning up the internet. dad says no big deal. we report. you decide. >> worried about the n.s.a. spying on you? a new encrypted phone is so secure, even the government can't crack the code. the man behind the phone, a retired navy seal, going to be joining us live. >> you can't get into my cloud. ♪ ♪ what does that first spoonful taste like? ♪ ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. a a quick headlines now. baby's got a gun. firearm fury over this picture of a six-month-old baby with a rifle. it was posted on a connecticut gun shop facebook page. the baby's dad, christopher duffy, says he set the gun on his daughter's car seat to test how light it was. the photo has since been taken down. nasa gets into the spirit of the oscars releasing breath taking gaffety inspired photos. the shots include pictures of spacewalks, the hubbell telescope and glimpses of the space's atmosphere. steve? >> are you worried about the n.s.a. spying on you? a lot of people are. what if you could use your telephone, your cell phone without worrying about the government or one of the dozens of other world agencies invading your privacy? >> the new encrypted black phone aims to do just that. joining us to explain how it works, the cofounder of the black phone. how exactly is it different? how does this phone keep your information safe and not others? >> it is a high end design for all your calls, your texts, files, your cloud storage and your brow encrypted. you can still download google play apps. it protects you from those apps taking your data out of the phone. >> how? >> we have special software we call private o.s. it's automated. it is by default private and you have the control now, not the apps or the big tech company. >> one of the reasons you hope to sell a whole bunch of these at a little north of 600 bucks is it's not just the n.s.a. looking at you. when you go into a store, all these stores have the technology to suck all your personal data out of your phone so they know how to market to you? >> the new gold coming out of the ground is your data. it is bought and sold a thousand times over. a free app, it's not really free. you're paying with your privacy. this stops these becons in the stores from accessing your data. you walk into a store today, they can get a month of your g.p.s. location. this stops it. >> you can't get your information back; right? once somebody has it, it's out this, that precious possession you call it. what would stop a criminal from taking and using this phone for their own purposes? do you see that as a future, looking into the future? for every good guy, there is a bad guy out there. >> absolutely. we know that .1% of the world population no matter what, a car, the internet, they're going to use it for bad things. fortunately law enforcement and intelligence agencies have dozens of other ways to find the bad guys. >> can anybody get this? >> anybody all over the world can order it. we've already sold 500,000 to a very innovative telecom in the netherlands. 500,000 right off the bat to them. >> why don't other devices protect us like yours? >> they make money off your data. it is a different business model. any time you innovate, you make enemies, so we're prepared for a little blood on the floor as they say. >> at least they can't find you. >> there you go. >> the brand-new black phone. mike janke, former navy seal and c.e.o. of black circle, pleasure having you. >> thank you. >> coming up ahead this morning brand-new gun laws may have some up in arms. gun owners could soon have them confiscated. could the government really take them away? that's coming up. >> do you know you spend one-third of your life on your mattress so how do you pick the right one? there is a science to it. maria molina is coming up to give us the results. it is sleep week. why are we awake? ♪ ♪ go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. [ as cosby ] i want to see the comedy programming with the children. [ british accent] watch bravo! yeah, i want to see "the real housewives." rewind! yeah! jimmy? it's been hours. we told you the x1 entertainment operating system show me "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." that's what i'm talking about right there. [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. it's 7 pins to am did -- minutes to the top of the hour. we're kicking off with sleep awareness month. >> the mattress is the most important piece of furniture in your entire house. you heard me, the mattress. we special one third of our lives on a mattress. what do you need to know about choosing the right one? maria molina hit sleep ez here in new york city to find out. >> spring, foam, latex, air, queen size, king size. mattress stores can be condition fusing and one in five americans are unhappy with their mattresses. meet the man with the mattress plan, dr. robert. >> sleep is a hot topic because all the research shows what we do at night really impacts our day. we found just small changes in your mattress support will impact how you sleep at might and the pain you have the next day. >> shopping requires more than just a few minutes in the shop. his first tip, do a personal inventory. >> what your body type is, height, weight, width of your shoulders. maybe about some pain you're having in the daytime so they can take that recommendation in as part of what they do when they're trying to fit you for the right mattress. >> tip two, pack your own pillow. this is my actual pillow from home, cover and everything. so you think is fine? >> actually works extremely well. if you can see this, again, your chin is not down on your chest. that's the way we need to look at it. >> time on a mattress is your friend. >> a lot of people don't like to do that. they don't like to come in and lie down for a period of time. 15 minutes is not too long. make sure this mattress is going to support you like you need it to. >> not everyone is just like me. and you mentioned there are many other issues with sleeping. snoring being one. >> it's one of the major components is the snoring of a partner. there are some things to help solve that from a mattress. make sure that if you are a snorer, get a mattress like this sleeping beauty that has a very soft top that allows you to stay in your side sleeping position for a longer period of time. a motion bed will slidely raise the head up and keeps the airway open. >> you mentioned joint pain. what is something to help alleviate that? >> one of the things that people when they have pain, especially low back pain, shoulder, hip, they think they need a firm or hard mattress to be supportive. that's really wrong. we don't want something that's firm and hard. we want something that will conform to you and relieve some pressure off the shoulder and hips. a lot of times we recommend a nice firm support underneath. but on top of it, we like these pillow tops that give us some cushion or relief and fills in for the small part of our back. >> by using these few tips, i was able to find a perfect mattress for me. now i got to get it out of here. >> put it on the top of the station wagon. >> yeah. that was great. very interesting tips to spend 15 minutes at least on the bed at sleep-eze and take your own pillow. totally normal. >> if i can get myself to sleep around at sleep eze. i'm study ago purchase. >> donald trump barely needs to sleep. he'll talk about that and so much more when we come back at the top of the hour. >> he takes a shot at the oscars. ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning. today is among, march 3. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. ukraine scrambleing to send fighter jets. is president obama regretting saying this? >> putin? in the 1980s urena, calling their foreign policy back 'cause the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> donald trump here to weigh in. >> government reclassified illegal guns as legal. so does that give them the right to confiscate them? we'll look at those guns and talk about it. >> and ouch. did you hear what donald trump thought about the oscars? as usual, he's holding nothing back. who will he take a shot at? ellen degeneres? will he take a shot at the pizza guy? or the selfy? we've got lots of territory to cover 'cause mornings are always better with friends. >> hi, this is jane seymore and you're watching "fox & friends" which is by far the most fun show ever. >> yeah, since she came over, i signed up for herallry. i get e-mails. they're trying to provoke me to buy jewelry. she does the open heart thing. >> she's an extraordinary artist. >> right. she solved so many problems when she was dr. quinn, medicine woman. >> that one hour show. >> it was fantastic. >> we don't have a medicine woman, but we got heather nauert. it's happening now. >> good morning. how about this weather here? kind of a real bust, wasn't it? >> thankfully. >> yeah. it's a good thing. >> big storm down south. >> that's right. and that's the story we have this morning. snow and ice expected in several cities across the east coast. new york, and boston. nowhere to be found this morning. but there are still 2,000 flight cancellations and delays across the united states this morning. at least 500 of the canceled flights are out of the washington, d.c. area where you can see right there, the snow has been falling for a couple of hours now. philadelphia is also seeing some light snow this morning. we'll keep watching this for you. and maria molina is on it all morning. the biggest terror trial since 9-11. jury selection starts today for osama bin laden's son-in-law in new york city. the al-qaeda spokesman is charged with conspiring to kill americans on 9-11. he is the highest ranking al-qaeda terrorist to face trial since the 9-11 attacks. we'll watch that for you. breaking news overnight. it is sad news to bring. the navy pilot whose jet crashed during a training exercise in nevada died in that crash. the navy is not releasing the pilot's identity at this time. but here is what we know. the team went down near the naval air station in fallon, east of reno yesterday t. took crews several hours to reach the crash site largely because of a snow storm. that aircraft is being called a total loss. the star studded selfies and a lot of surprises on oscar night. but the oscar went to the favorites. >> the oscar goes to "12 years a slave." >> that drama about slavery winning the highest honor. best picture of the year. "12 years a slave" making history as the first movie from a black director to earn that coveted award. there were other big winners. jared leto for "dallas buyer's club." lupita nyong'o won for her role in "12 years a slave." and cate blanchett won best actress for "blue jasmine." then do you remember last year, jennifer lawrence fell as she was going up to accept her best actress oscar? she did it again last night, poor thing. she fell on the red carpet and laughed it off. ellen degeneres laughed at it during the show. >> jennifer, by the way, i am not going to bring up what happened last year when you were, you know. it's ridiculous. something like that happens and it's embarrassing and then people just talk about it and it just, you know. >> got to laugh at yourself, right. the best acceptance speech may have gone to best actor winner matthew mcconaughey for "dallas buyer's club." you have got to listen to it. >> first off, i want to thank god 'cause that's who i look up. he has graced my life with opportunities that i know are not of my hand or any other hand. >> you don't hear that too often coming out of hollywood. nice to hear that. "gravity" pulling in the most oscars with seven, including best director and fan favorite, "frozen," won best animated film. those are your headlines. nice story about matthew mcconaughey, isn't it? >> it is. >> all right. thank you very much. we learned earlier from maria molina that this is national sleep week. there is a guy who actually has his own line of mattresses and talking aboute line now. mr. sleepy. i'm talking about donald trump. good morning to you. >> i do, with a great company named certa. they have a line of celebrityies do proposalses. they got rid of every other celebrity and it's called the trump signature collection. it's the number one selling mattress 'cause i guess people want to sleep with me. i don't know what it is. and it's actually fantastic mattress and i remember fergie was sleeping at my building in chicago where we have these mattresses. she said, where do i get this mattress? so it's been amazing. tell your viewers to get it from serta. >> bottom line, you famously don't need much sleep. everyone knows that. >> and last night you could have used the oscarss according to all your tweets, falling you on twitter, those put you to sleep practically. >> i thought it was a terrible oscar. i don't use too much sleep, i guess. but i found it hard to stay awake. i thought it was unglamorous. whatever happened to the old days where we had glamour? you look at the oscars last night, i just thought it was a terrible production. i tweeted it. i was very strong and some people loved what i was saying and they were writing saying you're right. you're the only one that tells it like it is. others were saying horrible things about me. i don't think i can report that on "fox & friends." i could care less. it will probably get decent ratings and all that, but it was not a good one. >> is it okay -- ellen was really nice to hollywood and did the pizza thing and the selfy, every man situation. what's the better approach? >> i just like glamour for something like that. the old days, you had great glamour. even you look at the people, they weren't great looking last night. you think of the oscars, who was great? who was beautiful last night? who was great looking? the glamour wasn't there. it was just taken away. i don't know why you always have to have a comedian as a host. ellen, i like her. i've been on her show many times. she's a nice person. but i just think that she is did not hit it. she seemed very awkward last night, very unstable in a sense, and i just thought she did not hit it at all last night. and i just don't know, why do you always have to have a gleaned? why can't we bring glamour back. >> what about you? >> it's not my thing. i would be glad to do it. it's not my thing. they should try it differently. go back and you look at the original oscars, it's all about show biz and -- every line doesn't have to be a comedic line. >> no doubt. >> you get tired of it. >> let's talk about breaking news out of the ukraine. russian fighter jets twice violated ukraine's air space over the black sea during the night. according to interfacts, the news agency, says ukraine's air force scrambled an intercepter aircraft and prevented provocative action but gave no further details. there is no way we can really do anything militarily, donald trump but you know what? our president has sent all the right messages to people all over the world, do anything you want. we're not going to enforce anything. >> he's not a respected man. he's not a respected man. the thing i have the most concern about is that he's being so lambasted for not being respected and for being a joke that he'll do something really stupid to show that he's all man and that's a real problem because obviously if russia respected us, they wouldn't be doing what they're doing. now, very interesting, look what just happened. a few days ago, they told kerry and him, they will not go in. we will not go into ukraine. we will not do that. it will never happen. 20 minutes later, they went in. it's unbelievable. >> why? >> putin is a smart, calculating guy, we're talking about a different league of -- i don't know if it's street smarts or intelligence or whatever, but this country is being laughed at. >> we're trying to be friends with guys who don't want to be friends with us. >> they tell us they're not doing it. okay. and then literally 20 minutes later they go in. and they go in without their uniforms 'cause it's easier and took over. now, it's not our backyard and it is his backyard and you can make a lot of comments about what we should be doing, et cetera. but there are a lot of things we could be doing economically to russia. russia is not strong economically. we could do a lot of different things to really do numbers on them if they wanted to. they're not concerned with our leader. they really aren't. if you looked at syria or what's going on with iran, look at what's going on with iraq. i've been saying on your show for four years that iraq will be taken over by iran. that's what's happening. they're not buying weapons from iran. iraq is gone. we spent $2 trillion and thousands of lives in iraq and totally lost it. okay? iraq is just gone. and when you look at afghanistan, how karzai treats obama, he treats him like a child. it's unbelievable. >> remember when mitt romney said this at the foreign policy debate and was laughed at by the president. listen. >> russia indicated is a geopolitical foe. not -- >> excuse me. it's a geopolitical foe and i said in the same paragraph, and iran is the greatest national security threat we face. russia does continue to battle us in the u.n. time and time again. i have clear eyes on this. i'm not going to wear rose colored glass when it comes to russia and mr. putin. >> in the 1980s they're calling for their policy back because the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> your reaction to that cavalier approach? n mitt romney was so right and nobody knew how right he was going to be and you look at obama's response and just take a look at what's going on. syria was propped up by russia. syria is now back in their fold 100%. that whole deal is coming to an end because russia is taking over. we're out. and i'm not saying we shouldn't be out because we've got to start rebuilding this country. we've got to rebuild our country. we're living like a third world country if you look at our roads and bridges bridges and airport. look what he did with syria and iran why russia is backing iran and bigly. it is absolutely insane what's happened to this country over the last four or five years. >> absolutely right, donald trump. >> that's not to absolve bush because he started in the case of iraq, he's the one that started the war in iraq and he's the one that did plenty of stuff. so i'm not a fan, if you want to know the truth. >> bush left in iraq, after the surge, it was ready to be turned over. we pulled out and left it naked. >> well, we're not going to stay there for the rest of our lives because we have schools, universal, brian, that have to get built. we have a country that has to be put back together. our country is a mess. and i say make america great again because we are not great any longer. and we have no leadership whatsoever. >> all right. he's a guy who has a mattress because people want to sleep with him, we heard earlier. donald trump. thank you very much v a great week. >> thank you very much. >> coming up straight ahead, the government just reclassified some legal guns as illegal. does that give them the right to take them away? we'll examine. >> then why did a popular tv show just take god out of the pledge of allegiance? parents will want to hear this. chances are your teens are watching it mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. he. state of connecticut reclassified some legal guns as illegal. does that give them the right to confiscate them? that's what it says in a new warning letter that could go out to gun owners. if you receive it, you could be -- if you refuse, you could be convicted as a felon. our guest is a second amendment advocacy group and he's here with us. good morning to you. tell us about this letter. so it has been drafted, but not yet sent out? >> that's correct. to our understanding it has not been sent out and there are no named individuals on this letter at this time. >> so this letter is stating that guns were legal are now going to be illegal. what is your main concern when it comes to the potential of confiscation? >> well, the concerns are how would the state police proceed in a situation like that? would they give folks ample opportunity to turn them in or are they going to go door to door? there is a lot of individuals out there, first off, connecticut had defacto registration now for close to 20 years in the state of connecticut. so essentially all they would have to do is match up the database of individuals that had their firearms registered by the january 1 deadline and then compare that to the list of individuals that did not register those firearms. if they are classified as assault weapons, they can go door to door and a lot of those folks are unsuspecting individuals. they simply do not know about the law. >> you're concerned when it comes to allegations of civil disobedience and possibly felony charges here when it comes to ownership of these. >> yes. there are some individuals out there that have stated they are choosing not to comply with the law and our hopes are that everybody remains calm in a situation because i think the last thing anybody would want is something to go wrong by standing on their principles. >> what are you saying to gun owners who may northbound this situation? what do you want to see happen on both sides? >> well, i think myself and the other leaders in our organization want people to make sure that they're aware, first and foremost, of the law because after the law's deadline passed, i was still receiving numerous communications from individuals that were unaware that certain magazines that they possess are now considered illegal contraband. i would hope that those individuals would be safe and remove their firearms from the state if they don't want to not comply with the law. they need to do what they need to do. >> absolutely. scott wilson, thanks for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me on. coming up, the government making emergency government easier to get. is this a good message to send to our kids? then you can share, but do it without saying a word. parents being tossed out for cheering. victor cruz is here to tell us what he thinks about that next. ♪ ♪ go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and and u'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a widrange of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for. tap into the full power of your fidelity green line. call today and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity rollover ira. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. eating healthier,tion by drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. we got news by the numbers. first, $44,000. that's how much fast food chain arby's bought this hat for on ebay. it was worn by grammys. the money will go to the charity from one hand to another. good cause. next, two bucks. that's how much an unofficial version of the trademarked cronut is selling for at the city eclaire bakery in new york's little italy. fans of the real pastry are not pleased. the original treat costs five bucks. but it's delicious. and finally, 30 million. that's how much money the action flick "nonstop" made at the box office this weekend, making it the number one movie in america. "son of god" debuted at number two with $26.5 million. we told you last week about the idaho parents being sent to the penalty box for cheering at their kids' games and it was a basketball game. it's called sigh lentz cheering. check it out. well behaved fans. >> the parents can hold up a hand and wave. this is dumb. should we ban cheering from youth sports. let's talk to victor cruz, joins us right now with thoughts on the new rule. he's with the new york giants. good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> growing up, how would you have done if your family members could not have cheered for their kids? >> you can cheer, but you can't say things? >> no, you can't say anything. >> you can't make any noise. >> i don't know. that's tough. as a player, it kind of wouldn't bother me, but i know my dad would have problems because he was probably the most vocal guy in the stadium. he would be under the court pointing and yelling at me. it will be kind of tough. >> fans are allowed to clap and hold up signs. if they do something negative, they're forced from the field for about a minute with the red card and coming back. do you think it made you tougher to hear that? >> i think it did. i think it developed -- allowed me to play against some adversity. developed a level of thick skin for me -- before the game, i knew i would get some yelling. so i had to play through that and learn how to overcome some obstacles. i believe it helped. >> sometimes, because they're taking out the bad with the good, it might be the only place some kids get to hear something positive about what they're doing. so why take occupant good as well? what's your take on that? >> i agree. it's tough 'cause kids want to be appreciated when they do something good and want to know and feel they did something good. what if a kid hits a game winning shot and you can't cheer the way you want to, especially if it's your kid, it's tough. definitely two fold. it depends how you look at it. >> let's talk about something that means a lot to you. this offseason you want to get people to understand the need to get a good breakfast. some people can't afford or choose not to. >> i'm here with the school breakfast initiative. it's way to build awareness around breakfast. >> are you serving us breakfast today? >> i brought you some breakfast. >> great! >> i wanted to bring you guys some things. >> what do we have here? >> this is like a blueberry plate here. that's an apple biscuit kind of thing. >> you know how food and energy translates into performance, right? in the classroom, at practice, at games. what does this mean to the kids for you to get behind this program? >> it means a lot. it's good to build awareness around something like this because i know when i was growing up, breakfast wasn't even a big part of my day. i may try to eat at school. but if i didn't eat at school, if i was running late, i wouldn't eat 'til 12:30, 1:00 o'clock. it's great to get kids excited about it and get the right protein and nutrients. >> i got a feeling some kids will be seeing you serving breakfast to them a little later, aren't they? >> ps school number 75 and along with this initiative, i donated $10,000 in breakfast grants of my own money and 2,000 of those dollars is going to school ps number 75. i'll be there getting kids excited about breakfast. >> and so that should be great. a lot of those kids who are yawning at 11:00 o'clock or 1:00 o'clock, actually they have nothing in their system. so that's one thing to get them started. one of the last times we saw you was against seattle. do you believe there is a prohibitive favor to repeat? >> i think as long as the new york giants, they're really favored to win. but seattle is a really good team and they have a defense which a lot of them are returning this year. so it's definitely going to be -- they're going to be the team to beat and we'll be ready to go. we'll recharge the batteries and see if we can make a run at it. >> i know you've been hurt. can you still catch? >> absolutely. >> there go. >> i love your heart on the field and off the field. you're a great guy. victor cruz, incredible program. >> ladies and gentlemen, victor cruz from the new jersey giants. >> if he can't have this, there is always quisp cereal. >> that's right. and next up, why did a popular teen tv show take god out of the pledge of allegiance? parents, you'll want to hear this. and even the biggest oscars losers went home happy last night. we're going to tell you what they got as a consolation prize. >> are you talking goody bag? >> a goody bag. ♪ ♪ captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. all right. this is your oscar post game show and even if you didn't win, if you were nominated, you were able to take home a goody bag worth -- get this -- $80,000. we've got some of the things here and we're going to point out some of our favorites. >> you need a posse just to bring this home. >> vodka from israel. distilled. this i love. >> the mace gun? >> i love a mace gun. >> a lot of people carry mace, but -- >> it's fashionable. >> i don't know if it's a smart thing. >> get my piece mace gun. it goes with my outfit. >> they have all the colors. this right here, is that the poler loop? >> that's it. >> this thing is 24 hour activity tracker. goes to all your exercise levels, sleep measured, instant feedback. >> too bad we have to give this stuff back because i would really like to try the rouge maple syrup. this is $280 a bottle. >> why? >> it's organic. >> eat your heart out, log cabin. >> we should use this today. special. >> what else do we have? >> pet health is another. an electrolyte therapy for your pet. that's over $1,500. >> i thought the fact they can lick themselves improves the quality of their life. >> plus they wound up with this walking tour of japan. add it all up, it's $80,000. price list was michael tammero's coverage of the oscars and joins us right now from tinseltown. prosecute you up all night last night? >> i went to bed for a little bit. where is my gift bag? i got nothing! and i was there. >> we got all the stuff and it's right by you. >> we sent you to the oscars. isn't that enough? >> especially since you were instagramming. >> it's enough. i fiek feel like a big winner. the big winner last night was "12 years a slave." this has been one of the tightest oscar races we've seen in many years, between "12 years a slave" and "gravity" and "american hustle" which got shut out. even though everyone was saying 12 years would get it, that hasn't been the case the last couple years. largely because the way the voting works for best picture. kind on a weighted way. foxlight did a fantastic job of marketing the film with the headline on billboards and print ads all around l.a. the last couple of weeks with it's time. it's time for the academy to honor a movie of the african-american spirit. the second time in 86 years. it's time 'cause they had a hard time getting some of the academy members watch this movie. it's time to put the dvd in, watch the movie and vote. and also, part of the success of the movie is for this young lady, lupita nyong'o, who won best supporting actress. she was largely an unknown. this is her first major motion picture and when she took the red carpet back in january at the golden globes in that stunning gown, she became hollywood's it girl. everyone took notes of her and she's done everything right since and listening and watching her speech last night tells you why. >> thank you to the academy for this incredible recognition. it doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's. when i look down at the golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you're from, your dreams are valid. thank you. >> beautiful. michael? >> yeah. beautiful. we'll see a lot more of her in years to come. we were live last night and had two favorite moments. the first was hollywood's it girl, jennifer lawrence showing us why everyone loves her so much. when she spotted us on the red carpet, she walked over to u saw our candy and this is what she did. >> she took some. good for her. >> favorite moment. >> did she have a slim jim in that? looks like she had stuff already. >> the other favorite moment was at the very end of the red carpet when brad and angelina arrived. the entire place stopped. they arrived without publicists, which is unheard of in this town. they walked practically flowed over the red carpet, waving to everyone. they looked like hollywood royalty. look at the two of them. she was wearing a gather justice metallic dress. they were stunning. >> michael, you made us feel like we were right there with you the whole time. we thank you for that. we want to let everybody -- >> if you follow me on foxlightmichael, you can see some of the behind the scenes pictures from the red carpet last night as well. it's like you were there! >> thank you very much. get a nap. come back to town. it is 22 minutes before the top of the hour. let's go over to heather nauert who has got some headlines. >> hi there. good morning to you. south africa's most anticipated murder trial is now underway. oscar pistorius has pleaded not guilty in the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he shot and killed her one year ago on valentine's day at his home. the first witness at the trial told the court she heard blood curdling screams from a woman, then followed by shots. pistorius says her death was an accident and that he thought she was an intruder. prosecutors say the shooting was deliberate. that case could send him to prison for at least 25 years. we'll keep watching this throughout the morning. the morning after pill just got a whole lot easier to buy. the f.d.a. is saying that a generic version of the emergency contraceptive plan b pill can be sold over the counter without proof of age or even a prescription. the pill boxes must have a label stating that they're for use by women age 17 and up. why did a popular television show just say take god out of the pledge of allegiance? listen to this. one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> it's called star crossed. a teen show and is set in the future. some parents are now outraged because under god was taken out of the pledge. but critics say it may be part of a deeper plot in the show. the show is about humans and aliens and a high school in 2024. those are your headlines. >> it's a documentary. >> brian? >> by the way, is this true that we have maria poised to give us an update on the big storm that hit new york? >> yeah. i have think she's outside right now. >> the big storm that stayed south of new york city thankfully. so we're waking up here in new york city and it's already dry. snowing a little earlier. not much accumulation. a light coating. it's slippery. be careful. heavier snow coming down across parts of the mid-atlantic. that is where we could see up to a foot of snowfall along some of the higher elevations of the central appalachians and in between the snow and the rain we actually have freezing rain coming down across parts of kentucky and through parts of virginia, up to a quarter inch of ice expected. locally higher amounts and that is a big concern on the roadways early this morning. winter storm warnings in effect from missouri to parts of southern new jersey. so those are the hardest hit areas. that's where we're looking at possibly more than six inches of snow. up to a foot in some of the higher elevations of the appalachian. you can see a little in tennessee, western north carolina, more than a quarters inch of ice. temperature wise behind the storm, very cold. 18 below zero is what it feels like in chicago. 15 below in kansas city. even into texas. take a look at dallas. currents windchill, just 1 degree. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. straight ahead, need an honest answer? the best time of day to get truth from someone. we think it's the morning. >> and it's our top story. the developing situation in ukraine. the president and john kerry issuing strong warnings to russia, but is putin hearing them? >> illinois congressman adam convincinger live on that coming in right now. good morning to you. >> first, the trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1982, this actress got married to justin timberlake in 2012. who is she in be the first to e-mail us with that answer. ♪ ♪ (announcer) scottrade knows our clients trade and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. 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[ male announcer ] your heart. it powers your body to walk enough stairs in a lifetime to climb the empire state building 1,000 times. your heart is amazing. take care of it with centrum silver. multivitamins with b vitamins and lycopene to help support your heart and packed with key nutrients to help support your eyes and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. welcome back. quick headlines for you. connecticut man is in jail after his two-year-old daughter caused a car crash. police say the 33-year-old left the toddler in the car alone and sheesh managed to put it in drive, smashing into two parked cars. thankfully she wasn't hurt. her dad is being held on $15,000 bond. you may want to think twice before trusting someone after lunch. a new study suggesting people are more honest in the morning than the afternoon. researchers say we have stronger self-control in the morning because we have more energy stored up. one of the most honest men, steve. >> thank you very much. fox news alert out of the ukraine. scrambling interceptor aircraft to stop russian fighter jets overnight. is putin no longer listening to america's tough talk? >> the united states will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs if there is military intervention. >> i think it would be a mistake and this would set in motion so many different dynamics that are not in anyone's interest. >> he's going to lose on the international stage. russia is going to lose. the russian people are going to lose. he's going to lose all of the glow that came out of the olympics. he is not going to have a sochi g8. he may not remain in the g8. >> i don't think he cares. joining us is a member of the house foreign affairs committee, illinois congressman adam kinkingser. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> it's great to have you here in new york city. so far in this, putin is winning. >> yeah. it appears so. let's be very clear about something, this reset with russia is over. it's gone. it's been gone for a number of years. i think it's time that we just recognize that. you look at georgia, for instance, back a number of years ago, putin, a russian, moved troops into the northern part of georgia. they have militarized the border and that's what they're doing now in ukraine. it's important for us to stand up. we can do it a number of ways. we have to be clear it's time for georgia to come to the nato. it's time for some serious sanks against russia. but let me be clear on something else, when you put a red line down you and fail to enforce that red line, this is the result you get. people that are willing to test you. >> the lead editorial in the "washington post" says, president obama's foreign policy is based on fantasy. for five years, president obama has led a foreign policy on more how he thinks the world should operate than on reality. he's a lawyer and he figures they got to follow the law. this is putin! he doesn't follow the law. he gets what he wants. >> that's absolutely right. you look where we were on foreign policy when president obama came in. the worst people could say was iraq was a disaster. today all over the world there is trouble. putin is saying, this is a doomsday scenario, by the way, for russia -- for us is russia moving into ukraine. they've done it. now we have to sit back and see what happens because the president has not been strong in the past. >> it looks to many like crimea is just phase one. >> there is a whole thing about ukraine nobody is talking about. that is under stalin, they basically starved out the native ukrainians in the east and populated it with russians because at some point they can come in and say, and they didn't know it would be 2014, that they can use the excuse of coming in to protect native russian speakers as the excuse for invasion of the ukraine. this is going to get worse before it gets better. we have to be in this for the long haul. we have to make russia a pariah state. >> we'll see what our president does. so far it hasn't been much. thank you very much. >> good to be here. straight ahead, he's the king of country radio and he's heard all of it from untold stories behind garth brooks' hit "friends in low places" to blake shelton. he's spilling the secrets of country music. he's on the set and he's up next. ♪ ♪ play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and on expedia you can book any flight, car and hotel together to save even more. pl, get an extra $100 when you . expedia, find yours. with the stunts and loud explosions and all the muscles. 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[ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] control your tv with your voice. the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. time for the answer to the aflac trivia question of the day. who is it? jessica biel davis. she's now 32 today. >> no longer married to him. >> and our winner katherine savage from san antonio, text t, gets my book. speak of books. >> nashville's country radio king has the inside scoop on all of country's top stars. even johnny cash. and now jerry house is telling us his stories from the other side of the microphone. his first book is called "country music broke my brain". good morning. >> good morning. i like how you plugged your book before i got mine. >> it's the parade of plugs. >> here it is. it's just the history of lying, cheating, smoking, it's all in here. i've got a lot of whacky friends. a lot of love stories. >> you were part of country music before country music became part of america. it used to be in a region. now the country is embracing it. how did that happen? >> hit songs. hit songs. that's all it is. nashville is a song factory. so everybody -- there is a lot of stories in here about song writers. i have a good friend who sold his publishing to a little song to pay his bar bill and the song turned out to be "friends in low places" which probably made $25 million. >> just like that. 'cause in nashville, there are a million guys who got a million songs and it's hard to figure out which is which. let's talk about taylor swift. you knew her when. >> i knew her when she was an embryo. she was that big. i actually started in the book, a section called "people i'll never get even with" because amenities, they're so far ahead of me, they're so good, i will never get up even with them. and then i had a little bump in the road with her. not bad. she didn't murder anybody. >> what happened? >> well, she kind of dissed me at a music event and it kind of hurt my feelings and she had actually made me a painting that said a little heart flying away. she said, because of you and believing in me, i made it, love, taylor. i went, well, i could have -- you're not going to talk to me now? i sound like i'm 12. >> these are the stories people want to know. you know the stars that we can only listen to. >> right now we're going to listen to a star. one of your friends on the phone, martina mcbride, are you there? hello? n good morning. >> tell us a secret about your friends jerry. >> i think he wrote nice stuff about me in the book. >> be nice to him then. what impact has he made, martina? >> jerry made a few impacts on this town and that we all got to listen to him every morning for many, many years and he made me laugh every single day. and the thing i love most about jerry is that he's one of the people that is super funny, but really generous. so you know how some people have to be the only funny person in the room? they're funny, so they can't let anybody else have any -- they don't laugh at anybody else's jokes. he's always so generous. he's just a great person. i'm really proud to know him as a friends. >> what a great testimony. >> she has a book coming out. it's called "under the table," isn't that your book? >> yes. >> what's your book called? >> "around the table." >> a little different story. >> one of the great things about jerry is hes have a writer. he understands from the musical point of view and the personality point of view. we're thrilled you called this morning. >> absolutely. >> jerry's new book comes out tomorrow. thank you very much. >> pleasure to be here. >> great to see you. and he meant it. we're going to step aside. coming up, larry the cable guy we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. ♪ ♪ ♪ good morning. it's monday, march 3. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. the situation in ukraine escalates as the country scrambles interceptor aircraft to stop russian fighter jets as putin continues to taunt the world. what can america do? >> fill tear option -- military option ought to stop russia from doing anything. we have failed. >> but does the administration's tough talk really mean anything to russia's president? >> plus, will she or won't she? conflicting reports over whether we'll get answers from lois lerner. more on what we can expect. >> one of the biggest moments on the oscars last night. so big this oscar selfy took down twitter. more from the big winners. the best speeches and all the highlights from hollywood's biggest night. by the way, most agree mornings are better with friends. >> this is larry the cable guy. you're listening to my friends over at "fox & friends". ♪ ♪ >> that's the green room. not the dressing room. larry the cable guy apparently trying to replicate what happened last night with the selfy. they should call him hairy the cable guy. >> wow. >> i don't know why more friends haven't joined him on the selfy. >> it could start something big. >> i close my eyes and it's still there. >> is it possible to unsee that? >> joining us, a man with his shirt on, bret baier. >> you thought. >> oh, man. i think that might have broken twitter, too. >> yeah. >> for a different reason. >> lot of people unsubscribing. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. >> look better with friends. >> let's talk about the big story you'll be covering. you'll be talking about ukraine, putin, phase one, right now crimea. john kerry going over. he's going to wag his finger and stop by kiev tomorrow. bret baier, what's the very latest on the situation in the yew rain? >> the very latest is you're seeing protests develop all over that country and they're not just in crimea. you're seeing video here. that's that southern region that is essentially controlled now fully by russian forces. you're seeing, however, russian separatists, we're told, pop up in the northern eastern part of the country near kiev and start these protests. we're not sure it's russian forces spurring that. but that's the concern is that president putin and his forces would expand from crimea and towards the capitol and start to take over the whole country. you mentioned secretary kerry is heading over to kiev to stand with the authorities, the new ukrainian government, the interim government there before an election is held and to send a message that putin should step down. but so far, all indications are, that's not happening. >> will that be enough? brian, you spoke with colonel hunt earlier and he painted a grim picture in terms of how much that word will actually resonate when it comes to these international affairs. take a listen. >> 'cause we have nothing to stop him with. they moved divisions, army divisions, 20,000-plus soldiers across, they shut down the crimea. next is kiev. they have economic power to use against europe. for the military option to stop russia doing anything, brian, we have failed. >> so go ahead. >> the colonel is right on the military front that there is really not a focus on the military side, at least according to senior officials here. but there is a lot of focus on the economic side. they're already pulling out of preliminary talks about the g8 in sochi in june. that's a big deal. the fact they got allies to not go to these preliminary set-up meetings to the g8. they're pulling back from trade discussions with russia. that's a big deal in the big picture. the russian economy is not cooking with steam. it's actually fairly vulnerable. the ruble has fallen 8 1/2% this year and it's not a great economy. so economic pressure from allies can make a difference, according to senior officials. the problem is so far, it doesn't look like even the talk of that has done that. >> the difference between georgia and here is i think that the administration was kind of caught by surprise that they went in there and there was a very vociferous leader, he was almost taunting the russians. we're seen like standing by. this time, president obamas was on the clear, he made it clear, don't go in, don't go in, and they went in anyway. this was forecastable and preventible if they wanted it to be. >> yeah. that's the other interesting side of this is that the president's warnings, the direct warning not to go in, the president's admonition in the briefing room on friday, and then the bold, going to the russian parliament directly to ask for military intervention publicly and then getting approval and then going forward over the weekend. you know, it kind of in your face crossing this newest red line by president obama. that is the thing that is most -- i guess the boldest action by putin. but to be expected if you look at his past and how he's operated, especially with president obama. i think senior officials believe that the economic pressures can make a difference. they think thank -- angela merkel provided an offchance for putin. they're watching whether this expands to other parts of ukraine and they may see it. i'm not standing in fronts of a blue screen. >> where is the capitol? >> this is a snow squall and there is the capitol dome behind there. >> you can't see it. >> you took our snow. >> listen, speaking of snow jobs, lois lerner went up on capitol hill. she read a statement and took the fifth. we heard yesterday from darrell issa that he had been talking to her attorney and she was going to speak. and this was the sound bite from fox news sunday. watch. >> her attorney indicates now that she will testify. there has been a back and forth negotiation, but quite frankly, we believe that the evidence we've gathered causes her in her best interest, to be somewhat -- >> lois lerner, former irs official, who took the fifth last may, will testify before your committee? >> according to her attorney. >> this will be on wednesday? >> on wednesday. >> the attorney then speaks out and says, i do not know why chairman issa said that? he just goes on to say they never had a deal like that and that's essentially it. so what do you hear behind closed doors? >> this is really interesting because the committee believes that they had her on track to testify wednesday. so when this statement came out from her attorney, the people on the committee were a little confused as well. so i think there is some figuring out to do in the next couple of days. obviously they don't want to have her come up to capitol hill and spend the day saying -- pleading the fifth all day again. but it's not just the snow storm that is screwing things up here. they don't know what's going on with this testimony. >> clearly it was not in play. >> clearly there must be some sort of documentation on behalf of the lawyers. so don't be surprised if we see that in the next couple of days. we know you got a busy ten hours to prepare for your show there in snowville. >> see you guys. have fun with larry and maybe he can put his shirt on. >> we're hoping. >> we'll see if he can watch his show tonight. >> thank you. all right. heather nauert is giggling off camera. >> at larry the cable guy. brian is very jealous. >> i absolutely am. i love his wardrobe deal. >> i know you were talking about what's going on in the ukraine. new information that's just coming in. we start with a news alert. the prime minister of that country saying that a military conflict there could threaten the stability of that entire region. russia now controls the crimea region. secretary of state john kerry says that all option are on the table when it comes to u.s. response. he says the u.s. will move quickly to impose penaltieses if russian president putin does not withdraw troops. we'll keep you posted. now let's take a live look at south africa's most anticipated murder trial. oscar pistorius pleaded not guilty in the murder of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he shot and killed her last valentine's day at his home. the first witness, one of his neighbors, says she heard blood curdling screams from a woman, then followed by shots. pistorius claims it was an accident and that he thought she was an intruder. prosecutors say that the shooting was deliberate. the case could send him to prison for at least 25 years. we'll keep watching this story. also breaking news overnight, and sad news, the navy pilot whose jet crashed during a training exercise in nevada died in that crash. the navy isn't releasing the pilot's identity at this time. we do know this, the f-18 went down near the naval air station in fallon, nevada, just east of reno yesterday. it took rescue crews several hours to reach the remote crash site largely because of a snow storm there. that aircraft is now being called a total loss. our thoughts and prayers go out to that pilot's family this morning. drama, tragedy, comedy. all on display at the oscars last night. there were a loft surprises. the best picture went to the favorite movie. >> and the oscar goes to "12 years a slave." >> "12 years a slave" making history as the first movie from a black director to earn that coveted award. other big winners of the evening, the best supporting actor, jared leto for "dallas buyer's club." lupita nyong'o for her supporting role in "12 years a slave." cate blanchett won best actress for "blue jasmine." and the best acceptance speech may have gone to matthew mcconaughey for "dallas buyer's club." if you missed it, here it is. >> first off i want to thank god because that's who i look up to. he has graced my life with opportunities that i know are not of my hand or any other human hand. in the words of the late charlie lawton, who said, when you got god, you got a friend. that friend is you. >> wow. "gravity" pulled in the most oscars with seven of them, including best director and also fan favorite, "frozen," won best animated film. those are your headlines. how about that matthew mcconaughey? >> i want to thank god 'cause that's who i look up to. >> you don't hear that from celebrities. >> a dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this kind of snowy monday in washington. rather drizzly here. many blame new york's governor cuomo for killing jobs. so why are a group of conservatives calling themselves republicans for cuomo. he says they're sell out. >> and one reporter getting a little too close to the story. stuck on the side of the road during the sochi olympics. see what happens next captain obvious: i'm in a hotel. and a hotel is the perfect place to talk to you about hotels. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. new york is the financial capitol of the united states. why is it losing money and so many jobs at an alarming rate? talking $45 billion over the last ten years. many blame democratic governor como. his taxes and an increase in state spending. so then why are a group of conservatives calling themselves republicans for cuomo still lending their support to him? here to explain, charles gasparino. there are some democrats that -- is andrew como a typical lib vertebral democrat? >> he's in the sense he talks about the wealthy. when you cut down his rhetoric, look at what new york is is, ths is the home of liberalism. he hasn't changed that. he doesn't allow fracking upstate which would alleviate the unemployment problem up there. this guy is allowing bill de blasio, the mayor of new york to essentially end charter schools, ends expansion of them. not even saying anything about it. yet you have a group of republicans, people who call themselves republicans, led by the founder of home depot, saying that conservatives and republicans should vote for this guy. and what i've been reporting and writing is that if we should support him, they shouldn't sell out so cheap. kind of like stockholm syndrome. they're stuck in new york and somehow think cuomo is their savior. >> remember what he said conservatives, there is really no place for you here. those who believe what conservatives believe. let's look at sop of the stats here. we have a tax rate at 8.82% tax rate statewide. it's the eighth highest among states. by the way, many states don't have any. 136.3 billion in spending for 2014. that's up almost 2%. >> right. we should point out, the leader of this group, i believe, he is -- he basically lives in new york, but also, i think he is domiciled in florida where they don't have an income tax. >> that's him. >> why should someone in kansas care about this story? these guys are basically creating the groundwork for andrew cuomo if he runs for president in 2016. there is still an open question to whether hillary clinton runs. if she doesn't, this guy becomes the odds on favorite and these guys provide the names, connections, background, to help him run for president. there is two ways to look at it, to be duped or getting kick back s from the white house if he gets in. >> it's like saying, what's the difference between a communist and a socialist? in the ends, not much difference. >> a lot of your money ends up in someone else's pockets. thanks so much. >> you bet. 19 minutes after the hour. next up, abortion and prostitution being taught to high schoolers? is this the new textbook? why parents say this is crossing the line. we hear from one mom coming up. and don't believe in climate change? better switch to samsung. why apple's ceo says he doesn't want your business. now some quick headlines. a missing skier is found alive in colorado after being lost in a remote wilderness for two days. crews say alex mcguiness accidentsally ended up in an out of bounds area and couldn't find his way back. crews say he was cold and exhausted, but he's going to be okay. and an airliner gets u.s. taxpayer dollars for security has wiped israel off their flight map. united arab emirates owned airways has an official travel route map that shows surrounding counties, but leaves off israel, the country. elisabeth, over to you. >> thanks. the troubles with schools in north carolina. this morning parents are outraged over a new book that is being assigned to their high school students containing references to abortion and prostitution. it's part of the government's common core education program. >> this book laden with perverse material is required no analysis of inappropriate sexual contents or the impact on students of such content. and no principal or parent review or approval is required. >> but despite complaints a school board voted to keep the book in the classroom. that mom you just heard right there joins me now. good morning. certainly you had some passion when you were speaking to the board. they voted to keep the book in there, had explicit material. part of the common core classroom curriculum. why is it not common for teachers or educators to be looking out for content? >> that has been my question all along and where is the accountability? unfortunately, there is none, at least in our case, we did not find any to be there. and we have continuously asked questions about who does review this material and we have yet to find out. there is policy in place that gives teachers all of that right and all of that choice. however, when a parent comes to that teacher or the school to voice a concern of the appropriateness of that content, we are not welcomed, unfortunately. >> you were met with opposition, but i know you have some support behind you. how are you finding those numbers of parents behind you supporting you? >> well, another element of this is that parents, unfortunately, are not aware of the content until right before they get ready to read the book in class. so that's been one of the issues is full disclosure of that content. when parents became aware due to our research and our stepping out with the concerns, many parents joined us and have signed petitions, written letters to the board of education, expressed their concerns to the school and the administrators as well. >> up to this point, you had to find out from a friend that this material was explicit, that they were talking about rape and torture, abortion, prostitution, to a high schooler. now it seems as though you made some headline. will there be an opt in or out? what did they decide? >> they've decided to continue things just the way they have been, which is not equal educational services and that's been part of the issue. unfortunately, no changes have been made. we fought for full disclosure to parents of the book content. we fought for an equal educational service offered. choice options given instead of feeling separated and excluded from the classroom and inclusive type option which would choose between two books and have literature circles in the room so that everyone could be included into the classroom setting. >> do you feel as though parents -- if kids choose not to read material that's explicit by definition here, do you believe that they are punished? >> they are. and i believe even the students especially feel that. it's very difficult for those students to speak out because we've taught them to be respectful of the teachers and of adults and elders in their lives. however, that is the reality of the situation. they feel punished for choosing these alternate option because they are excluded and separated from the classroom. teacher instruction, class discussion, all of those things. >> absolutely. we thank you for keeping up the good fight, looking out for the kids and being with us today. >> thank you, elisabeth, for having me. >> you got it. next up, the u.s. sends afghanistan billions in aid. but that's not stopping president karzai from trash talking the u.s. forget that oscar selfy. we're blowing up twitter with larry the cable guy shots. he joins us to break down his favorite moments from last night right there. retreat. those litt things still get you. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet helpsapproved to treattime the msymptoms of bph, like needing to go freently. tell yr doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthenough for sex. do not take cialis if youtake , as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drinklcohol in excess. side effects may include headac, upset stomach, delayed baache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury,gety if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breaing or swallowing, op taking cialis and get mecal help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ (announcer) the subaru forester. motor trend's two thousand fourteen sport utility of the year. when you get some recognition, you can't help feeling alit, and a little pro. love. it's what makea subaru, a subaru. >> demonstrating -- hitting us. >> did you see that? your shot of the morning. fox philadelphia reporter, steve, nearly gets knocked down by a wave of snow on live tv. he was broadcasting live on wtxf talking about all the stopping out there when a speeding plow truck sprayed with snow, but like a pro, he just kept on going. >> wow. >> that's impresssive 'cause that's a lot of salt, ice, snow mix. he's tough. >> do you think it was done on purpose? like he coordinated with him? you used to work a plow, right? can you direct the plow into somebody? yes. 'cause the other guy came by first, he was able to go straight ahead. >> i mainly worked with dirt. >> oh, okay. maria molina has worked a plow before. do you think they directed that plow towards him? >> are you saying they might have done that on purpose? >> that's what i'm saying. >> you're turning this into a little bit of a conspiracy over there. >> maybe he was just a little too close to the action. >> yeah. he was trying to report the story, which was how much snow there was on the ground, the storm system, and he got too close to the snowplow. >> has that ever happened to you? >> no, has not happened to me and of course, as you see, it would not happen to me today. >> no, it wouldn't. >> our storm system has stayed to the south of new york city. it did produce a little snow earlier this morning, but that is over and done with. it's to the south, across parts of maryland, parts of virginia and west virginia that we do have that snow coming down and actually even as far west as sections of southern missouri and northern arkansas. winters storm warnings in effect from missouri to southern new jersey and there are some areas that could be picking up to a foot of snow. so where you have the snow coming down that, is where the storm system is quite intense. we also expect accumulations of ice to be more than a quarter of an inch in some spots. again, totals up to a foot in the higher elevations of the mid-atlantic and temperature wise behind the storm, it's very cold. look at chicago, cleveland, and kansas city. it is below zero there in terms of windchills and even cold down into cities like memphis and dallas. currently in dallas, it feels like zero degrees. bundle up. >> march in like a pride of lions. thank you very much. we should also point out one of our guests earlier, jerry house, was going to fly out of new york city today, but because they canceled already close to 2,000 flights, he's sticking around new york city one extra day to promote his book. >> and also to further recap the day, donald trump has the number one selling mattress. people like to sleep with him. let's talk about the oscars. >> we had a ton of recap from red carpet to award ceremony. best picture, "12 years a slave." matthew mcconaughey, "dallas buyer's club." cate blanchett, best supporting hack direct. and jared leto. >> and supporting actress lupita nyong'o's "12 years a slave." and what's interesting is -- we had read that the associated press looked at over the last 30 years, about 100 acceptance speeches. nobody ever thanks god. they thank their agent and publicist before god. you know what? that was before matthew mcconaughey who did just that this year. >> first off, i want to thank god 'cause that's who i look up to. he's graced my life with opportunities that i know are not of my hand on any other human hand, whatever those things are, whatever it is we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to and whoever it is we're chasing. to that i say amen. to that i say all right, all right, all right. to that i say just keep living. right? thank you. >> i think the most astounding thing -- >> i praise you and i am so happy to be here representing the ladies of "20 feet from stardom. ♪ i sing because i'm happy ♪ i sing because i'm free >> if you're darlene love, you can do that. that was fantastic. also, ellen degeneresw jennifere went up to accept the oscar and fell down. she had a dress problem and all sorts of things. apparently this time she actually said that she rehearsed going up some stairs. that would not be a problem, right? well, it was a problem when she got out of the car. she actually fell on the red carpet. i think -- >> she fell on a cone, it looks like. >> yes. it looks like she got caught bay pylon and so she took a tumble on the red carpet right there. >> i'm going down, my posse is going down with me. >> two in a row. >> and ellen degeneres poked a little fun during the opening. >> jennifer, by the way, i am not going to bring up what happened last year when you were, you know. you know the thing when you fell out of the car tonight, when you were getting out of the car? no one needs to know that. i am not going to mention that. she fell on the way out of the car. if you win tonight, i think we should bring you the oscar. >> hilarious. >> we wanted to know from you what your favorite momentser. melissa says, my favorite moment was turning it off and going to bed in the middle of the oscars. they were lame. >> and another said matthew mcconaughey, hands down. before last night i thought he was a wonderful actor. now i think of him as great, brave man. >> keep the facebook comments coming to us and twitter and you can e-mail us. we look at the e-mail box as does heather nauert who joins us with headlines. >> good morning. 30 minutes after the hour. and starting today, the biggest terror trial since 9-11, jury selection begins for osama bin laden's son-in-law here in new york city. the al-qaeda spokesperson is charged with conspiring to kill americans on 9-11. he is the highest ranking al-qaeda terrorist to face trial since the 9-11 attacks. we'll watch that throughout the day. the u.s. sent billions of dollars to afghanistan in aid. but that is not stopping afghan president karzai from trash talking the united states once again. karzai telling the "washington post" that he feels, quote, betrayed by the u.s. for what he says are insufficient efforts targeting the taliban during the war. this comes just weeks after the outgoing president released 65 suspected terrorists who had been phid to attacks on americans. he is still refuse to go sign the security deal to keep our troops in the country past the end of this year. afghanistan will elect a new president on april 5. dear climate change deniers, don't buy apple stock. the ceo says if you don't agree with the company's climate change initiative, don't buy the stock. he told shareholders that environmental initiatives are important to the company, even if they don't contribute to the company's profits. and listen to this one, too stoned to succeed. jerry brown says he's not sure if legalizing pot is a good idea. he says he's afraid the country could lose its competitive edge if everyone is high all the time. listen to this. >> the problem with anything, a certain amount is okay. but there is a tendency to go to extremes and all of a sudden if there is advertising and legitimacy, how many people can get stoned and still have a great state or great nation? >> good point there. california legalized pot in 1996, but only for medical use. those are your headlines. we should all -- did you share your clip? >> no. >> are you suggesting when you get potted up, you get kind of punchy? >> probably like the quisp and fought loops and a lot of stuff. >> thanks very much. coming up, chaos escalating in ukraine. is president obama regretting saying this? >> putin, in the 1980s are now calling for their foreign policy back because the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> peter johnson, jr. has something to say on that next. and he's no stranger to selfies. did larry the cable guy take outwitter with his picture from our green room? larry is straight ahead. you're watching live -- what's he doing now? >> very nice! he just took that off the wall. quick headlines. baby's got a gun. firearm fury over this picture of a six-month-old baby with a rifle. it was posted on a connecticut gun shop facebook page. the father says he set it on his daughter's car seat to test how light it was. the photo has since been taken down. and an army veteran holds a reunion with his old partner, caesar, in the new york police department's newest officer. he says he took care of him in afghanistan, but says he has not seen him since. he plans to contact the nypd for a reunion. steve, peter? >> thanks. a fox news alert. chaos in the ukraine. russia sending its military against the united states' advice. so does this mean mitt romney was right when he said this? >> russia indicated is a yo-yo political foe. not -- excuse me. a geopolitical foe and i said in the same paragraph, i said and iran is the greatest national security threat we face. russia does continue to battle us in the u.n. time and time again. i have clear eyes on this. i'm not going to wear rose colored glasses when it comes to russia or mr. putin. >> in the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the cold war has been over for 20 years. >> okay. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us live right now. peter, looks like mitt romney was right and the president was wrong. >> great "saturday night live" line. but now he looks like an impotent, vacillating country. the notion of the president on the phone for 90 minutes with mr. putin and this continues to take place, mr. kerry now says he's going to kiev for god knows -- who knows what, but a lot of republicans are saying we need to step it up. they're not calling for military intervention, but they are saying, listen, russia out of the g8. sochi, good-bye. asset freeze. travel visa freeze against russia. there needs to be some kind of punishment or price paid for an invasion of what used to be a sovereign country. >> sure. but if you're somebody and you're running a country around the world and you see what our president has said in the past, if you cross that red line, you're going to be in big trouble, and then somebody crosses the red line and nothing happened to him, it's like, what does our foreign policy word mean? >> you're making reference to what the president did in syria and it's an open invitation to sovereign disaster time after time after time. the democrats point to president bush's experience with georgia in which russia did something very similar to what they're doing now. but i think what we've seen now is a mindset of this president that, well, i can handle civil war. i can handle allegedly al-qaeda and the terroristic threat, but this is something in a geopolitical sense that hasn't occurred in his own mind, based on that debate that, could ever actually happen. and now he's trying to deal with it in this kind of flailing way. republicans are saying, listen, we've got ten different alternatives. pick one so we appear to be act not guilty a strong forthright way. america is kind of waiting to act and the world is waiting to see what america does with regard to this incursion into the crimea and hopefully not into the whole of ukraine. >> let's see what we do 'cause it looks like putin will do whatever he wants to. welcome back from vacation. >> thanks very much. it's 12 minutes before the top of the hour. next up, forget that oscar selfy. we're blowing up twitter with larry the cable guy's shot. he joins us live to break down his favorite moment from hollywood's biggest night with elisabeth and brian. first let's check in with martha mccallum who is going to preview what happens in 12 minutes. >> good morning to you. putin wages war in ukraine and president obama will now have to respond. so what will our president do? great line - up for you on this really important story this morning. and the epa and white house press for new regulations on oil producers. what it could mean for you in the showroom and at the pump. a baby holds an assault rifle. somewhat surprising reaction to dad's picture when bill and i see you at the top of the hour ok, here's the way the system works. let's say you pay your guy around 2 percent to manage your money. that's not much, you think except it's 2 rcent every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors" ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e*trade and find out how much our advice costs. over tispoiler up. it's low. really? yes, really. e*trade offers investmen advice and guidance from dedicated professional financial consultants. it's guidance on your terms not ours that's how our system works. e*trade. less for us, more for you. we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hiddethreats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the has of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threatbefore they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. last night hollywood's finest took down twitter with this star studded selfy. >> earlier this morning, larry the cable guy got in on the action from our green room. he joins us now. oh, my goodness. good morning. >> i tell you what, i normally would look better, but it was a long flight in from the red carpet last night. we were dancing until dawn. >> when everybody was watching the oscars, what were you doing? >> i watched a little bit of the oscars and then i switched on off between that and golf and stossel. everybody is watching the oscars. i'm watching stossel in the hotel room. >> that's funny. >> you had fun back there with yourselfies. >> can we do one? >> yeah. >> get in the middle. >> i'll get in the middle and lay like this. can i lay over you like this? >> sure, why not? >> you can't see me. >> where is doocy? get in there. >> don't strain. >> there we go. we got it. >> did i kill you, elisabeth? >> i got to be honest with you, i'm out of breath. oh, my god. >> out of breath doing a selfy? >> you know you got problems when you're running out of breath on a selfy. >> with "12 years a slave," i should come out with 40 years a fat guy. >> you're going to be pretty fast, i hear you have something important to tell us about racing? >> yes, i do. first of all, before i talk about that, see my hat, prisolec. you can't beat giving away two tickets to any race you want to go to in the country. $1,000 cash, and a monster utility vehicle, a monster utility vehicle. it's unbelievable. but here is what i'm doing. i was in daytona beach. we're at the race, ryan newman is a buddy of mine. all of a sudden he started talking trash on me. so i started talking trash on him. there i am. see i'm down there in my monster utility vehicle. >> somebody is going to win that. >> so ryan starts talking trash. i said, i'll tell you what, i'll meet you in the fort worth race and i challenge you to a race. i guarantee i can beat you. >> what did he say? >> he said he'd do it. so i'm going to race ryan newman. >> he's going to kill you. >> are you experienced? >> you never seen me race before. >> you're a cable guy! not a race guy. >> i'm taking on ryan. i believe i can beat him. >> it's going to happen in april, as i understand it? >> yeah. the fort worth race. i'm being serious about it. we're gonna race. >> don't yell at us. you got yourself into it. >> you guys are being mean. >> you have a movie, right? >> i do. i am filming "jingle all the way 2". >> really? >> first i wasn't going to do it 'cause sinbad got an oscar for that. but it's going to be a great kids' movie. i'm going to film it for a month. it will be a lot of fun. that movie will start off where the last movie ended on the dvd aisle. so that's going to be -- >> what's up with jennifer lawrence falling down again? she's like the new gerald ford. that's what she is. she's gerald ford. >> what else did you like? >> it's unbelievable. i don't know, i was watching stossel, i told you. >> can you stick around? >> yeah, i'll do whatever you want. >> we'll have more with larry the cable guy. >> do you have shirts with sleeves? >> i was going to wear some today, but it's kind of cold out. there is three dogs outside stuck to hydrants. >> right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the oscar selfy that crashed the oscars or our selfy here? >> you've got to like that. we want to start on a russian invasion. the military forces of put *. deeply entrenched i entrenched e with more forces on the way. there is some drama yet on this as we start a fresh week here in america's newsroom. martha: good morning, everybody. ukraine calling it a declaration of war. the president of the ukraine says russia is trying to kill

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