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>> liberal biographer calling the movie lone survivor propaganda. this morning marcus luttrell firing back. you'll hear him in his own word. "fox & friends" in our own words starts now. >> hello. i'm rita moreno and you're watching "fox & friends." >> if you missed the end of yesterday's show, rita moreno, one of the legends of show business was on our program. i think she forgot for a moment that she was on television and let something slip. >> it gave us a big chuckle. >> bob beckel says i know exactly what you mean, rita . >> i've got to tell you, we should not be surprised what came across yesterday from the president because from the day he hired john podesta to come in and help out and kind of help out the chief of staff, you knew that he was going to be consulting the president on executive order. he actually wrote a book about it. he says that clinton and bush did a lot of executive orders, they weren't aougs aougs -- using their full executive powers. this president made it clear he plans on dominating this year. if legislation can't move through congress, he's going to move it through his oval office. >> he's calling 2014 the year of action. all he says that is necessary is a pen and paper. take a listen. >> i've got a pen and i've got a phone. and i can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive action, administration action that moves the ball forward. and i've got a phone which allows me to reach americans from every walk of life, nonprofits, university to try to bring more and more americans around what i think is a unifying thing, making sure this is a country where if you work hard you can make it. >> here's the unifying theme. americans need jobs. and so many americans are out there, the jobs report that came out on friday revealed that we created the fewest jobs in three years in the last month. over half the jobs created were temporary. for every american who found work, five disappeared from the work force and roughly 347,000 americans gave up looking for work in the last month. so the president can say, look, i'm going to use a pen, i'm going to use my phone, i'm going to take action, i'm going to get the economy going, but you know what? even though his intention is good, rush limbaugh says what he's doing is not legal. >> executive orders to make things. he can do executive order and executive actions to get rid of the unfairness. going to make this lousy country finally fair. he's got these republicans standing in his way. fine, okay, i'll start writing executive orders. the hell with it, i'm going to finally make everything fair. now, he might have a pen and he might have a phone, but what he does not have is the constitutional power to run this country like a dictator. >> he's a constitutional lawyer on top of that, so he does know the difference. you know what president obama would say, you're right, jobs are scarce, the economy is not having the robust turnaround he projected it to be and most economists expected. that's why he needs to do these things because congress is in his way. i can almost hear the speech rolling off his tongue now. >> you're saying you're finding some sort of question under the fact, he's asserting that because congress can't come together. they can't get it together. by the way, he promised before his first term that would be something he would do is bring everybody together, unite the united states of america, bring it back, because they can't function together well, that gives him the authority under what rule to get in there with his pen and phone? >> do you know when he was talking about those promise zones, do you know who was in the audience? rand paul. rand paul showing we've got some commonality here. there are some areas of kentucky. we want to make a promise zone. when he gets ingredients and remnants of bipartisan, why doesn't he harvest them? pete: -- >> the problem with the promise zone last week, he's had trouble keeping promise over the last year or so. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. nonetheless it is clear he does not like working with the congress because he has not been able to convince them that his way is the best way. you know what? it's not just congress he's had a problem with. if you listen to bob gates, former secretary of defense who is going to be on our program a couple of hours from now, he was on with hannity last night and as it turns out the administration really didn't like the last president at all. >> admiral mullen and i used to joke, particularly the first month of the obama administration, when kind of every meeting in the situation room everybody would trash the bush administration and everything -- >> as if you're not there. >> the bush team, what a bunch of bums the bush team were. and we're thinking were we invisible? we were integral members of that team. >> i was reading your notes and i was reading that part of the book when it shows hannity got him to say exactly what he said in the book. and i'm saying this, do you remember when president bush took over and all the w's evidently were missing from the keyboard and the rumors about how bad the place was when he took over? i never heard those rumors when it went from bush to obama or on the transition. it even goes further than that. the spirit of anti-bushness went over to the vice president. he went over to say the tone particularly on biden's part, the neanderthals were no longer in charge in washingtonant the good guys were bad. do us a favor, stop bashing america as much and we've got your back. >> who are you behind closed doors? i think when you look behind closed doors and you look at a man who served the country as apartisan as possible, working both sides of the aisle without getting political himself and i'm referring to former secretary of defense robert gates who is on with us at about 8:30, he's talking about integrity or a lack there have when it comes to not seeing those around you as a part of a team. >> and he's blunt and he's with us very shortly. meanwhile, the president was frank a couple of days ago, on monday, in the pooler report where he was talking about what was going on with the uranium nuke deal. he channeled john lincoln none and he said give peace a chance. -- john lennon and said give peace a chance. it would have been more appropriate to quote yoko ono because she did the song walking on thin ice. she is no john lennon. the president is talking about let's give peace a chance and then rand came out with a tweet essentially saying he rolled the united states. the quote is our relationship with the world is based upon iranians' interest in hash tag geneva interest, world powers surrender to iranian nations will. we win, you lose. >> and then put a wreath on the grave. here is president obama telling democrats don't you dare put sanctions in place in six months should these talks fall apart you'll poison the well before we can actually drink from it. then iran, on the other hand, says the deal is in place. we won. they capitulated. are we sitting on two sets of rules here or what? in six months, if you're not sincere, sanctions will be worse. that strengthens the president's hand. he actually says he'll veto it. and iron cares so little about -- and iran cares so little about perception they make those statements. they are spitting in our face. >> jay carney said yesterday this was rouhani appealing. no big deal attitude. >> you know what is amazing about what jay carney said, the president of iran is just talking to the people of iran, then why was that tweet in english? >> good point. that's my native tongue. >> really? english. >> so you can introduce heather in your native tongue. >> i think celtic is your native tongue. good morning, guys. we begin with new developments overnight. the chemical spill in west virginia is now spreading across state lines and into the ohio river valley. chemicals are now being detected in cincinnati water supplies. city officials there shutting down two intake valves along the ohio river in order to dilute the drinking water. then in west virginia good news coming in. 39% of customers with american water -- the state's largest water utility -- are now being allowed to use their water. we'll keep watching the story and how it affects those in the cincinnati area. chilling details released from that school shooting in new mexico. police are looking into reports that the accused gunman, a 12-year-old, may have warned some students to stay home. witnesses say that the sevenths grade suspect armed with a sawed-off shotgun started shooting in the school gym hitting an 11-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl before a teacher was able to talk him into putting down the weapon. the 12-year-old is now in custody. the two students are in critical condition. fire crews on alert for hot spots this morning after a wildfire ripped through kimball island, florida. what started as a brush fire grew because of strong winds there. nearly 50 acres burned to the ground. no one was hurt. in virginia, it is a tradition for outgoing governors to prank the incoming governor. former governor bob mcdonnell was no exception. he left behind a grizzly surprise for terry mccall iffe. a giant stuffed black bear was placed in the bathroom of his office. imagine that, running into the bathroom and all of a sudden you see the bear. >> it kind of like the movie "the hangover." they went in the bathroom there was a tiger but it was a live tiger and it was stolen from mike tyson. >> very scary. >> coming up straight ahead, religion back at the forefront of the obamacare debates. the white house exempting nuns from issuing contraceptions. >> this morning the lone survivor himself, marcus survivor himself, marcus luttrell, firing back. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. in the nation, we reward safe driving. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insuran and get $100 off your deductible for ery year of safe driving. which means you could save... a lot of benjamins we put members fir, because we don't have shareholders. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ a group of catholic nuns going head to head with the white house in a fight for religious liberty. the white house exempting them from providing contraception as long as the responsibility is passed on to somebody else. but that violates their beliefs as well. so should religious freedom take a back seat to obamacare because that is the way it is supposed to be according to the administration. rich lowry, the editor for national review, joins us live. good morning to you. i know the affordable care act is gigantic, but somebody who wrote part of it had a sense of humor when it came to this. >> it's a good rule. politics actually a good rule of life that if you're embroiled in a dispute with a group called the little sisters of the poor, you are wrong. this is a group, they care for dying, poor people in the most desperate circumstance, just going about their business, leaving everyone alone and here comes the government saying they either have to sign a form assenting to coverage for contraception and drugs that might act like abortifat i o in s or face a fine. >> the administration said sisters we've got this form you are alluding to. just sign right here and this headache which could result in a gigantic fine every day for the organization, it will go away. but they are acting on principle and they say i'm not going to sign this. >> the same form that says we can't do this as a matter of conscience also says we authorize someone else to do it, and the nuns say no we can't do that. we're not going to sign that form because in any way assenting to the coverage of these drugs violates our conscience, one. and, two, the administration says actually nothing is going to happen because of the unusual circumstance in this case, because their health coverage is provided by another religiously affiliated group. the nuns say that might be the circumstance now, but the administration has said in the lower courts before this thing got to the supreme court, we're going to find a way to close that loophole and get this stuff covered. so the nuns want nothing to do with it. the american tradition, steve, going back to the founder, you look at the way we treated the quakers is provide the greatest possible running room for people's conscious -- consciences. >> there are 48 million catholics in the united states of america. catholics by and large stand against abortion and contraception as well. i know polls say they're more in favor of it for various reasons these days. but still something that is such a core principle for 48 million americans, you would think somebody who was crafting this affordable care act would have said shouldn't we have a bigger carveout for the people who just don't believe in this stuff? >> it's not just catholics. it's evangelicals and others. i was talking to someone from a group representing the nuns called the becket fund and they make the point there is the religious freedom protection act which ted kennedy sponsored, bill clinton signed and says if you're going to burden someone's religion thereto be cg government interest you're protecting. what the administration says in this case it is a compelling government interest that this mandate apply to everyone. then you look at all these exemptions, exemptions for employers that have less than 50 employees, exemptions for certain grandfathered plans. if you look at how many people they're exempting clearly there is not a compelling government interest that applies to everyone. so they should let the nuns off the hook. just let the nuns do what their conscience dictates. they know what that means much better than anyone else does and certainly than an obama administration lawyer does. >> do you think they're going to do that? >> it is a close case. i don't think it is a close case on the merits but you never know what the supreme court is going to do. at the moment there is an injunction against the administration in forcing this on the nuns applied by sonia sotomayor. temporary injunction since new year's eve. the good news is it is still rolling on. the bad news is it could end any day. >> thanks very much. next on the rundown, hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn but what about an ex-boyfriend? wait until you hear this story. thieves stealing names and social security names to claim your refund. what you need to protect yourself. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant help keep teeth clean and breath play close.fresh and close. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good new beneful healthy smile food and snacks she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen and use promo code notme for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection and get a document shredder free. call the number on your screen or go to quick headlines. a bill inspired by reporter goes in court today. the media shield bill would strengthen legal protections for reporters and their sources in colorado a senator says he was motivated to carry the bill. a distraction to cause pilots to land at a wrong airport. it was revealed a company dispatcher sitting with veteran pilots was also put on paid leave. the ntsb is reviewing the plane's black boxes as it looks for answers. >> it's every taxpayers' nightmare. thieves stealing names and social security numbers to claim your refund. if you wait until the last minute to file your taxes you are at a greater risk of tax i.d. theft. here with the tips you'll need to protect yourself, dana kauffman. good morning. it's interesting. 43% of the identity theft complaints are related to taxes; right? so this is huge. nearly doubled from 2011 to 2012. you have 1.6 million tax-related identity thefts. why is this happening? >> it's easy to do. they get your social security number. they file a tax return, which anyone can do. they get the refund very quickly. and they get it and they can cash the check and they're off with the money before anybody notices. >> is the increase related to people filing late? >> the increase is probably also related to the number of social security numbers that were exposed and the fact it's e to do. you can do it on-line. it can be done from anywhere. >> you have specific tips for people now since we're gearing up for this season. what is the first tip? >> filerly. beat them to the -- file early. get your tax return filed under your number before anyone else can get to it. >> why let someone else get to your refund first? chase it. your second tip? >> verify your tax preparerer don't go to any fly-by-night tax service that advertises on the internet. make sure they are a legitimate service and you're not giving up your social security number to someone who would commit fraud. >> is there something we should be looking for when verifying? what can the average person to know they are absolutely verified? >> the i.r.s. website will verify -- the i.r.s. will issue tax preparer identification numbers and you can verify that through the website. >> your last tip for us? >> file electronically. you don't have to wait for it to go through the mail. people know tax documents are exchanged through the mail this time of year. >> is that factored more in terms of identity related to paper? >> it increases your risk a bit more. filing early is probably the best tip. having the paper documents in the mailbox during this time of year increases your risk. >> obviously if you've been waiting for that refund and it hasn't come start doing some digging. great tips for this time of year. so appreciated for our viewers and us. liberal bloggers attacking the movie lone survivor. they are calling it propaganda. up next, mark luttrell, the lone survivor himself, firing back. john -- happy birthday to drew brees. he is 35 years old today. ♪ from the classic lines to the elegant trim in each and every piece, ♪ kohler will make your reality a dream. ... you might need to come closer... ... half a world closer! a new report found that more than half of the people who have signed up for obamacare are older than 45. which is no big deal until you find out they were 25 when they first tried to log on to the website. >> one other thing about yesterday, we told you while the expectation was very high, only 2.2 million had signed up for obamacare. turns out when you actually go through the spread sheet, you realize that the department of health and human services does not reveal how many of those 2.2 million actually paid for it. remember, you don't really have insurance until you pay for it. still a great big question mark out there regarding that. >> you know what we've been talking about lately aside from obamacare and caught a lot of people by surprise is the war. think about what happened in iraq. you have al qaeda come back there, it makes for debate what our role should be in getting out of the ramadi and fallujah and then bob gates comes out with this book and then you have marcus luttrell's book based on his experience in his bestseller lone survivor. we are suddenly talking about the war and people are debating whether we should be in war or not and if we're glorifying the actual battle in running to the box office and watching realistic movies like lone survivor. >> with those worlds colliding and the discussion escalating, as it should, to your point, brian, a ton of liberal bloggers were out there riding the coat tails of this discussion claiming that "lone survivor" the film was propaganda. >> marine propaganda film. >> trying to convince us all. listen to this. it's hard for many people to read this out loud. >> this is from "the atlanta." >> when a film like lone survivor transforms its navy seals into infallible super men tragically bested it suggests that these men are role model in death and that it was war that made them. carnage and difficulties underline the message war is great, war makes you sent. what is such a sentiment if not prowar? >> we had the mother of one of the fallen seals on this program yesterday. when asked whether or not it was propaganda, she said simply hogwash. last night on the kelly file, marcus luttrell himself, the lone survivor, answered his critics this way. is it propaganda? here's his answer. >> someone told me something about prowar and i thought about it for awhile and i don't know if that is -- is that a real term? there is nothing glorious about war. there is nothing glorious about holding your friends in your arms and watching them die. there is nothing glorious for having to leave your home for six to eight months while your family is back here and you're away. the bottom line is there's bad people everywhere and every now and again we're going to have to step to them to make sure we preserve our way of life. and it's people like my teammates and i that have to do that. the men and women in the military. but there's nothing glorious about it. there's nothing prowar. nobody wants war. it's the most horrible thing in the world. we're all, we're somebody's sons and we're fathers and husbands and we've got friends everywhere. we just have a job to do, and it's different than everybody else's, sure. but it doesn't mean that we don't love what we do and we do it to the best of our ability no matter what the situation is. we swore an oath that we would do that. i know sometimes things don't as planned and the way we want it to, but that's nobody's fault. but that just happens. that's war. >> propaganda? it is a true story. >> it is a true story. no one can say it better than marcus luttrell just did. war is a means to freedom. it has been the means to freedom as history has proven. i triple dog dare the liberal bloggers out there to sit in a room with him -- >> they are continuing. magazines like the atlantic are desperate for people to read them. the rolling stone cheering communism, they are dying to be relevant again. heather nauert is always relevant. by the way, you can go on facebook. we're going to put that up. what do you think? do they have a point? are we giving people a romantic feel of war? is that wrong? we're going to go on and answer your questions. >> 35 minutes after the hour. people with preexisting conditions who want to enroll in obamacare now have more time to do so. the deadline is being pushed back once again. it was originally set for the end of december and then the end of january. but now the deadline is march 15. and the administration says it will give people additional time to shop for new coverage while they receive ongoing treatment that they need. israel's defense minister apologizing to john kerry this morning hours after a verbal assault on the u.s. secretary of state. he was quoted as saying kerry was obsessed with middle east peace and that the current u.s.-sponsored security plan for the region was, quote, not worth the paper it was written on. a couple hours later he released a new statement saying the two countries share the common goal to advance peace and then he went on to apologize for his earlier comments. an oregon man under arrest for crashing his car into his ex-girlfriend's house. police say matthew was drunk when he crashed his car into her bedroom with her two children sleeping in that same room. oliverez is facing a long list of charges including d.u.i. his bail is set at more than $2 million. this story is going to make you think twice before you get in the express lane with too many items. 77-year-old william galladay, a wal-mart customer in florida now attacking a fellow customer in the 20 items or less line after he put 22 items on the belt. witnesses say he got in the man's face and then he jammed his shopping cart into his elbow. he was thrown out of the store but came back with his fists in the air when the police arrived. >> get off my line. >> you know you're in trouble when the person behind you and you're checking out in the 12 item or less line is counting. >> but does a sixth of r.c. cola count as one or does it count as six? that's the debate. >> i vote one. >> a case of beer, does it count as four? let's go to maria molina who profiles the day ahead in weather. so far kind of nice outside. >> minced clams? do you count all the minced clams? >> when is the last time you bought minced clams? >> i'm trying to be more intriguing. >> congratulations. you have a winner. >> you made us think. >> i brought the show to a halt. >> let's take a look at the weather conditions because we have several storm systems we're tracking and one of them is a quick-moving clipper system across portions of the great lakes and it's not really producing much in terms of any snowfall accumulation. the bigger concern with the system is that it's colder and it's windy with it and now we're expecting another system to drop down into portions of the northern plains. and with this one we're talking wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour, a ground blizzard is possible. we have blizzard warnings in effect and watches as well for states of north, south dakota and also across the state of minnesota. otherwise cooler temperatures. chicago 19 degrees for your high today add low 20's for minneapolis. >> 22 minutes before the top of the hour. 765 million dollars may not be enough. a federal judge saying the nfl settlement may be shortchanging former players for injuries they sustained on the field. you have a suit filed by 4-rbg -- 4,800 players. the settlement would cover up to 20,000 retired players but the judge said that is not enough money to cover all those players' expenses. in a big move the giants hired jim coldwell to be their new head coach. into the first season he led the colts into -l super bowl. he was fired the next year. coldwell spent the last two seasons as the ravens offensive coordinator leading into the super bowl. talk about a poorly made bet. the man who used a stun gun on his wife as part of a bet over a football game is paying the price. john grant was fined $250 after pleading no contest. nicole grant told her husband he could use a stun gun on her if green bay lost to the bears. when he did, she called police saying she didn't think he would actually do it. sounds like we need dr. keith ablow. this is the first time i have brought whiskey to the set. this is george washington's whiskey. it just arrived in the mail from mount vernon. this is the exact recipe washington made. he made his own whiskey because the delivery guy never showed up. this is george washington's rye whiskey at mount vernon. >> i love how your book continues to come to life. >> let's drink to it. >> brian, you know what's great with that? minced clams. >> 22 of them. in other news, coming up, the white house wants to move our embassy out to the vatican but is this a good idea? a former ambassador says it will spell disaster. he joins us next. >> don't mess with the dynasty. america's favorite family is back for its new season but they're not alone. the surprise coming when they return today. >> and i have the need for speed. well, i did fire. well, i did fire. you can blow his house up. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness... but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my healthcare professional... that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. 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[ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisin i nethat's my geico digital insurance id card - [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪ critics slamming the obama administration's decision to move the american spweu out of the holy -- embassy out of the holy sea, out of vatican city saying the move could strain u.s. vatican relations. joining us right now is one of those former officials critical of the move, jim nicholson. what is the problem with this? >> it is not in our national interest at all. when was the last time the united states merged into one location two important embassies? the answer, i think, is never. it allows one to only conclude that they do not consider the ambassadorship mission to the holy sea to be very important because they're putting it inside the compound to the embassy to italy. in fact, in surplus office space in an office building that they bought that's adjacent to the main embassy building. so it's a real diminishment in real and perceived importance of that relationship that we have with the holy sea, with the pope, who is probably the most ascendant figure today on the american stage. in fact, just yesterday the american secretary of state kerry went to the vatican and visited the secretary of state of the holy sea. so it just doesn't square. and the only reasons that they're giving is that it's going to save a little money, like a million or a million four a year. >> 1.4 million. >> and they are going to be able to make it more secure. i talked to people in the prime minister's office of the republic of italy and they said we absolutely can secure that free standing embassy. there is no reason for them to have to move it inside this compound and diminish it both visually and access. you'll have to enter in a side hallway. >> they bought it ten years ago. they bought the building ten years ago. they say overall it would save $1.4 million a year. when they bought the building ten years ago, didn't they intend to do this, to begin with? >> they do not own the building. the building is leased. it's a free standing building. it's interesting that one of the assistant secretaries of state said in giving reasons for this said that building is ugly and it's unprepossessing. that building sits in one of the most beautiful locations in the city of rome. it looks right over the circus maximus, one of the most coveted locations in rome and it's secure and the italians can secure it. >> you have four other ambassadors who join you in saying don't move the embassy. when you talk about the policy and what the embassy and the vatican can do, remember what pope john paul was able to do combined with ronald reagan to undermine communism and lift the iron curtain. >> that is the important point of this whole thing is that it's not in the best interest of the united states government to do this. ronald reagan fought hard, got bipartisan support in 1984 to establish this full diplomatic relationship. he did it for a purpose, to better align himself with the head of their sovereign state, the pope, to help bring down communism. the problems in the world haven't gotten any less. >> here is what the state department says, quote, the united states is moving the location of the embassy to a building that is safer, bigger and architecturally more appealing and slightly closer to vatican city. some have suggested the united states has been considering closing the embassy or down grading its status. nothing could be further from the truth. real quick, your reaction? >> it's specious. it cannot be true. i mean, i'm not sure of their motivation. some people say it's anti-catholic and so forth. i don't know that but i do know it is an errant's mission to do that. it's foolish. that is one of the most important diplomatic relationships that we have. picture when an american delegation of congressmen come. they don't come to the free standing building. they go down a hall, in a side entrance. the perceptions are reality, like politics and diplomacy. it's a foolish thing to be doing and it's not necessary. they can secure that building. it's state-of-the-art today. >> security we know, we can secure any building. ambassador nicholson, thanks so much. you're speaking out to this president. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> coming up straight ahead, she risked her life, was wounded fighting for our freedom in iraq. thanks to red tape, this navy vet is still waiting for her benefits and she's running out of time. she joins us with her fight for her life and change. and our nation's youth fatter than ever and falling behind. our next guest has a plan to change that and he's not taking no for an answer. there he is. ♪ ♪ oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant in a single pill. advil congestion relief. well, according to shocking new research, these kids are fatter and less fit than ever. even running 90 seconds slower than their parents did. here to weigh in, fitness guru and wwe superstar. good morning. >> good morning. >> you care about kids. you should worry about your own career, but you're worried about america's youth. >> i'm worried about everybody. if you take the study, they've slower mile time, that's not really the problem. they run slower. they're not professional runners. so their times aren't big deal. it's that they're heavier, gaining more weight. out of shape. so kids today, what the study can show they're unmotivated to be fit. what we need to do is get them the proper motivation. with the proper motivation, you need a good coach. the reason i came up with this fitness program is it not only gives you the information to change your life, whether you're a child or an adult or older adult, you get motivation. the most important thing. i will be your coach. >> you've got a great salesman for this particular program. that would be your father. >> yeah. my dad. i know he's on the other end of the spectrum, he's not a kid. but a 70-year-old man who lost 50 pounds with chronic asthma and health problems. he couldn't move. >> he got too big, he went on your program. >> he got up to 285. he got motivated. he came to me and said listen, we need to do something. but came to me like hey, john, i want to do your workout. no, it's about being the best you you can be. so let's find something you can do and if you can, everyone can. >> tell us what it is. >> first he was motivated. he wanted to change. once you get an individual that wants to really change their life -- new year's resolution are going, i'm going to drop five and ten. when you're ready, that's when you come to me. it's 30% workouts and they're simple, twice a week, 20 minutes of workout. i'm not killing you in the gym. you tonight need to join a gym. >> what kind of workout? >> basically moving you. >> stuff like this? >> pretty much. moving as much of you as we can for about 12 to 20 minu workout. >> what's the difference maker in your plan? >> it's the individual. really honestly, the main key is the motivation. 30% workout, 70% nutrition. you can eat as much as you want from a group of selected foods and then one day a week of anything you want. you want to give the incentive and establish has short term goal. it's that guy on the camera there endearing, not bashing orders -- barking orders at you. >> how much does it cost? >> ninety-nine dollars, but if you're skeptical and i know around this time, you hear a lot of messages about fitness and diet. go on our web site and try it free for a week. i believe in this product. it will change lives. whether you're a young kid or older adult who wants to drop ten, go to >> fantastic. >> i'm worried you can't keep up with me. that's why i won't work out with you. >> when can we see new action again? >> i got a big event coming up at the world rumble, the 26th. january 26th. >> thanks so much. >> thank you for bringing us the program. next, new obamacare numbers are dismal and you may be stuck paying for them. we are looking at an obamacare bailout possibly? will it work? >> good question. then, the next gerber baby being unveiled on this year. this year there is kind of a twist. you won't believe ho it is. it might be that kid [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? because an empty pan is a blank canvas. [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. [ woman #3 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. you would need le a bunch of those to clean this mess. [ counselor ] you're probably right. hi. cascade kitchen counselor 1 pac of cascade comete cleans tough food beer than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. casde. beyond clean and shine. every time. [dog] larrwanna play?arry? brand combined. [announcer] a healthy dog is a playful dog. [dog] let's do this larry. [announcer] help him keep those muscles while he loses a few pounds with beneful healthy weight. de with wholesome rice,real c, even accents of vitamin rich ggies. it's calorie-smart and tastes so good. beneful healthy weight...from purina. verizon innovators are creating air and soil sensor networks that help use water wisely, so american farms can keep growing for generations to come. because e wod's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful awers. verizon. millions have raised their hand for the proven relief of the purple pill. and that relief could be in your hand. for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms from acid reflux disease. find out how you can save at there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exi. avoid if you te clopidogrel. for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor abouxium. good morning. it's wednesday, january 15. remember government motors? taxpayers can now be on the hook for another bailout because of obamacare. remember general motors? do the american people even want what the white house is selling in the first place? then they targeted the president's political opponents leading up to the election. but now the irs could be in the clear? the latest on this developing story. and do you talk to your animals like our friend miss kay >> you want to eat it, don't you? hey, jay. hey, guys. such a good dog. that's what you is. >> is that normal or is that nuts? we've actually been in that house. it's normal. how does dr. keith ablow feel? he joins us live this hour. "fox & friends" hour two for a wednesday starts right now. >> hi. you're watching "fox & friends." where is my friend? where did he go? brian? >> yeah. i guess petra and sean penn are not together anymore. who is that hot south african? charlize theron. >> earlier we were talking about the story about the fight that broke out at the checkout line and you had a question. when it says 12 items or less, if you have -- >> a case of beer. >> separate items, the thing is, if you have 20 -- i think you said rc colas, each bar code scan is one item. if you had to scan it individually, let's say you have 20 of the same puddings, that's 20. >> changes everything. >> that's fascinating. >> pack of straws? >> great point. >> how many scans? >> okay, fine. one scan. >> i tell what you, you know what i'm happy about? i did a self-checkout and i didn't have to ask the old person to come over and help me out? >> the old person? >> but the people are so angry when they got to come over and unlock myself-checkout. >> brian, you're fired. >> he does not want to help me out. >> i used to work in checkout. >> they want to you check out yourself, shop alone. why do they even open up the doors? why don't we just order on-line? >> i didn't know you had so many thoughts about shopping. >> i shop a lot. >> heather nauert, who provided fun trivia for us. >> brian is so profound. >> do you self-checkout? >> no, i don't like those. i like people. bye. good morning to you. got some headlines. new details just released in that school shooting in new mexico. police are now looking into reports that the 12-year-old accused gunman may have warned some students to stay home that day. witnesses say the 7th grade suspect opened fire in a gym with a sawed off shotgun that officials say was pulled from a bag or musical instrument case. an 11-year-old ball and 13-year-old girl were hit before a social studies teacher talked him into putting down that gun. the family of the alleged shooter is expected to make a statement later today. the boy who was shot is in critical condition in the hospital and the girl is listed in satisfactory condition. we'll keep watching this story. a retired police officer who shot and killed a man in a movie theater over text messaging says it was all in self-defense. 71-year-old curtis reeves was denied bail in the case and he's accused of shooting 43-year-old chad olson after he asked him to stop texting during movie previews. reeves says he opened fire because he felt threatened when olson threw things at him, including popcorn. new developments overnight coming out of the west virginia chemical spill. it's spreading into the ohio river valley. chemicals are being detected in cincinnati's water supply. city officials there shutting down two in-take valves along the ohio river in order to dilute the drinking water there. back in west virginia, there is some good news this morning. 39% of customers with the american water, the state's largest water utility, are allowed to use their water. talk about a real joke, a connecticut man busted after posting a tour of his pot farm on youtube. >> as you can see, god has gifted me with an abundance and it's more than i need, so i want to take the extra and give it to people. >> oh, my. okay. that's lane bradley. he says he has terminal cancer. he's seen on the video asking for donations. he even gives his name and address, which cops eventually used to track him down. police say he has a long rap sheet. the -- that guy looks like he's been smoking a little too much of that stuff. >> perhaps. >> it makes the cops' jobs a lot easier. >> thank you very much. yesterday we were telling you about the obamacare numbers. so far not great. don't have enough of the young healthy people signing up. they have a larger proportion of people who are older and sicker. hhs wouldn't say how many people it actually paid. as it turns out, of the people who have signed up, they would only sign up 80% of them if they got some sort of subsidy, which makes it look like you got to pay people to use it. >> what you have here is a plan that it looks like needs a bailout. people are saying what's the big deal? we bailed out gm, it worked. bailed out chrysler, what's the big deal? there is a huge difference. number one, because for the economy to survive, lot of people think the auto industry shouldn't absolutely collapse. you help it out and they stood up on their own. george will sees a difference, because cars people like. obamacare people don't. >> we bailed out detroit because the executives of general motors and chrysler made a lot of dumb decisions and bad cars. the affordable care act is the edsle in this story. the economic model is just faulty. now, the trouble is people kind of like fords and chevrolets and it's a brand they can identify with. no one identifies with an insurance company. so it's going to be intensely unpopular, but it will happen. >> and the reason we brought that to you is because there are a number of people who say as soon as the cost curve changes and the premiums jack up, the only thing that's going to save the insurance companies is some sort of a bailout. george wills saying, maybe they won't wind up with a bailout even though many have said it's already written into the affordable -- not so affordable care act. >> and probably won't be supported by many americans. we know what that means for us. another odd victory for the administration. the f.b.i. not filing criminal charges over the irs targeting the president's political opponents. the f.b.i. is unlikely to file the charges about those who the irs targeting conservatives. but the attorney who represents many of the targets says wait a minute. they never actually contacted the victims in this case. so if it is a criminal case, why wouldn't you reach out and contact my clients who feel as though their rights have been violated? >> again, they haven't made a decision yet. but they're indicating they won't file criminal charges. they're saying evidence shows so far that it is just a mismanaged bureaucracy enforcing rules about tact exempt applications it didn't fully understand. they're not good at their job, they're not doing anything illegal targeting tea party groups, putting them on the shelf during the election season. >> i'm a little confused because in the bob gates book, and we'll have bob gates about 90 minutes from right now -- he made it clear that when he looked in at the obama administration, what they seemed to do in the white house was everything they did was geared toward reelection. keep in mind, this targeting of tea party groups and conservative groups before the election. yet they haven't apparently spoken to any of the people who were damaged by this, including jenny beth martin, who represents the tea party patriot s. >> our conclusions are that the administration or people within the administration are allowing this to be swept under the rug instead of investigating it thoroughly. they wanted to silence us and they've done what they can to silence us. we're not going away, but they've done everything they can to make it difficult for us, if not impossible at times, to exercise our first amendment rights. >> i was talking to lis wheel yesterday. she said it's so bizarre to indicate how a decision will go before you actually make a decision. she can't figure it out. >> they need an investigation to find out if a crime was committed. >> maybe it's an intentionally to see how this feels. >> it was bad. >> maybe to people, some people it feels bad. other people it is not a big deal to ignore it. we saw how few carried the irs scandal as opposed to governor christie scandal. >> i think what she's getting at is how can you determine there wasn't a crime commit fundamental you don't look? >> right. >> and talk to those who are claiming that their rights have been violated. >> and keep in mind, there were senior members of the irs who assured congress for over a year, no, they're just imagining things. we didn't target anybody. so don't worry about that. and remember they also said it was all done by low level people just in that office out in ohio. as it turns out, both those things not true and yet, now according to this leak in the "wall street journal," nobody is going to get in trouble criminally. we'll stand by what -- we'll talk to congressman jordan in the next hour about this. he's outraged. >> that's right. coming up, our veterans denied the benefits they deserve. hear from our of our heros who has faced the back log system firsthand. america, get ready for this. hottest husband in the country revealed. you're going to want to stick around to meet him. ♪ ♪ oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive. hundreds of thousands of our country's heros, veterans being denied benefits because of government red tape. our next guest knows firsthand how veterans are being short changed. she's living it. lauren price is a navy vet who served in iraq and developed a terminal lung disease. it took her four years from 08 to 2012 for veterans affairs to settle her claim. she's also the founder of veteran warriors organization. thank you for joining us, lauren. i think it's important to outline what you're dealing with since you left iraq. >> i have a terminal lung condition. i had partial amputations on both hands. i was a convoy driver and crushed bones in both hands that required the bones to be removed. my lung condition is now -- i have probably a two-year left, if i'm lucky, to live. >> wow. you outline your claims and your needs in 08. what happened? what's the delay? what's the issue? >> well, that question was never answered for me. my claim was complete. my surgeries were finished. my lung diagnosis was done. there was nothing left to give them and i was still on active duty. by their own rulings, they're supposed to consider that automatically service connected. i was forced through repeated appeals, denials, multiple medical appointments that were not even supported in the records and then still denied and it took four years and congressional inquiry and contact with washington, d.c. legislators to get them to finally adjudicate my claim correctly. >> general shenseki said we reduced the back log. what do you think? >> i can tell you they have not. they have pushed their back log now not reflecting the claims that are being denied. some of them arbitrarily without any regard to the evidence provided or a person's military record being in front of the rater. they are now pushing that back log, have now pushed to the appeals. as of monday morning, the appeals are approaching 300,000 cases that are new appeals and that number does not even include notices of disagreement and things like this. >> i don't understand the military is known for their efficiency. everyone shows up on time. they deploy without questions asked. they come back when they're told their time is done. what breaks down from the time you serve until the time you need benefits like this? what's going on? >> veteran warriors really examined that for five years, what is the problem, because all of us who serve in the military understand efficiency, standardized forms and complying with timeliness, appointments, things like that. we get into this civilian sector that is now so bloated with administration. every new bell and whistle that comes down the road, they want to explore at the cost to the taxpayer, but have forgotten that the very purpose of the veterans affairs is to serve the veterans. if they've been written into the law, veteran warriors' purpose in our purpose to overhaul the claims, processing all of the veterans affairs is to remind them that that is their purpose for existence and to bring that back to being the forefront of every single person that works for the veterans affairs. >> as hard as you're working for others and yourself, how do you make sense of your diagnosis? how are you dealing with it. >> my diagnosis came about three years ago and i'm very resigned and my husband is probably my best friend and the most amazing care giver. we now jokingly talk about death can chase me. i'm not going to sit down and wait for it. i am going to -- this is my mission and i have a very finite amount of time to deal with it, but i plan on taking veterans warriors to dc again, to the congress, to mr. shenseki, and pushing this because the v.a. needs to be overhauled. >> veteran warriors 1 point com. thank you for your service and good luck with everything. we want to be with you every step of the way. let us know how we can help. >> thank you very much for having me. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. 18 minutes after the hour. is the u.s. on the decline? america failing to make the top ten list of economically free countries. where do we land on that list? we'll examine it. plus, unveiling this year's winning gerber baby. they're all winners, but only one picture gets on that jar. there is a twist. find out what it is next. ♪ ♪ this year, i'm trying the protein thing with real protein. [ female announcer ] try a yummy lean cuisi dish. with 13 grams oprotein for 10 ys, you'll feel great. i'm trying this too. maybe this. nope. not trying that. [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisin natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. time now for news by the numbers. first, 12. that's america's ranks among the world's freest economy. we're down from number six in 2009 when president obama took office. the reason we're at 12? regulation, taxes and debt. next, 100,000. that's how many computers world wide have been impacted and implanted with spy software from our friends at the nsa. the software can be activated even if a computer is not hooked up to the internet. cool. and finally, five. that's what season of "duck dynasty" kicks off tonight. a & e says fans can expect the introduction of little known family member, rebecca, as well as another family member who will join the robertsons to stir things up. >> oh, my. >> good luck to them tonight. they were more than 150,000 submissions and this morning, we're unveiling the winner of gerber's fourth annual photo search. >> it's a little disconcerting. i'm used to being the cutest one on the couch, but i have to give up that title. the first, the gerber baby is here to celebrate their win. the ten-month-old twins. levi and his brother. congratulations. >> is that the first contest they've won? >> yes. >> you guys are setting a precedent here. how did you actually hear about the contest and how did you enter? >> i heard about it through the gerber facebook page. >> five second rule. >> it came up shortly after they were born. i saw an advertisement for it and thought i'd give it a shot. >> you're holding paxton. >> i am. >> how is it going to work? ever since whenever they started putting a baby on the jar, it's only been one face. are they going to have both faces? >> no. they're going to keep the same face, but they're just representing gerber for 2014. >> or they could go with bigger jars. >> there we go. >> the way these guys eat. >> everybody thinks their kids are the most beautiful. it turns out yours are. how do you feel? >> it feels great. we feel blessed for having both these guys. >> you get $50,000 for this, right? >> yeah. >> what are you going to do with it? >> we're going to put a lot of it toward their college. >> put it away, help pay for their college. >> five second rule. >> again. you each get to do that. >> right now they love spoons. >> $50,000. oh, my goodness. were you shocked? who found out first? >> i did. i heard through a voice mail actually on my phone. i was shocked. absolutely. >> she screamed and i thought something was really wrong. i was in the basement and i took off upstairs. >> he thought something happened to the boys. i was like no, we won! >> surprise there. >> as is the case with twin, aside from constantly picking up the spoon, do you constantly find yourself -- is that levi or packs upon? does it matter? >> i've never gotten them mixed up. >> i'll get them mixed up. >> every once in a while. >> 4 in the morning. >> can you already see the difference in their personalities? >> absolutely. yeah. pax is very laid back. very calm. like his name, means peace. and levi is just rambunctious and keeps us on our feet. >> like a quarterback. anything in his hands, he throws. >> oh, yeah. >> they balance one another. >> totally. >> what's the reaction been from your family? >> we actually haven't been able to talk about it yet. >> today is the big reveal? >> yeah. >> you'll be getting e-mail, texts. >> why did they decide to wear their hair the same? >> how long are you going to dress them alike? >> forever. >> until they can dress themselves. >> yeah. >> wait until she starts dressing you in the same clothes. then you'll be in trouble. >> is gerber your chosen food for the children? >> it is. >> that's all they eat. >> that's all they eat. >> up until sixth grade, stringed beet -- strained beets. >> i heard they like oatmeal? >> yeah. we do the gerber oatmeal in the morning with a fruit and they love the second foods green beans, believe it or not. >> i remember that. >> nice throw, levi. >> it will cost you a dollar. ladies and gentlemen, here they are, the brand-new babies from gerber, the struckland kids -- strickland kids. >> congratulations. >> now we got two go sees later on. coming up, your tax dollars hard at work advertising food stamps in mexico. the outrageous way your money is being used coming up next. and falling in love is easy to do. just ask a second grader. it's a lesson in love you have got to hear. >> pay attention, levi and paxton. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. when i'm training, i always listen to music. for the gym, it's hip-hop. for cross-country, classical. and for jumps, i need something...special. so i use my citi thankyou visa card for music downloads and earn two times the points... plus a little extra inspiration. [ ♪ music plays ] the citi thankyou preferred visa card. earn two times the points on entertainment and dining out with no annual fee. citi, with you every step of the way. it says here that increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disse. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it. probably wasn't talking about dollars. pretty much everybody wants to keep those. ♪ most car insurance companies know this -- because they keep yellinabout it. onlyhey don't say how they're saving those dollars. ♪ but esuran was born online, raised by chnology, and majo in efficiency. when they save, u save. so you can keep your dollars. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. (scream). >> your shot of the morning. >> terrifying! >> the remote controlled stroller with a fake demon baby. cry would lure unsuspecting good samaritans to check on the baby devil, then pop out. the prank part of a marketing campaign to keep people from doing nice things to other people. >> scary. >> it's called the movie "devil's due." did you ever see that commercial, like the baby tries to punch its way out of the uterus? >> you kidding? >> you've seen that ad, right? >> is it a real movie? >> i think good thoughts. >> that is pretty funny. scary, but funny. if. >> you'll see it. you'll notice it now. >> the collection of thoughts that you have today, fascinating. >> you'll apologize for me tomorrow. >> i will. >> that will be my job probably again. listen, they had in a second grade class, they had a couple of minutes left in one particular period. so the teacher said okay, kids. i want you to write down how people fall in love. and so the kids did it. but there were these two girls who were so profound, the brother of the second grade teacher actually tweeted out a list and -- >> we can't show some of them. >> some of them are so charming, but he does put into perspective how kids think people fall in love. >> it's a step by step program on this cute piece of paper. it's a number one, first you stare at the person. >> makes sense. absolutely. don't blink. >> start staring. then you get close to each other. >> okay. >> makes sense as well. >> while you're still staring. >> just closer. close staring. then you ask for a date. >> you know what? you could do all those in about 30 seconds. so according to the kids, you can fall in love in about 30 seconds. >> yes. 30-second love. what do you think is the proper way to meet mr. or mrs. right? give me the five steps. not me. give us the five steps. tell me your methods, your five steps, knowing we'll give you the first one, stare. start with that. >> not in a creepy way. >> yeah. >> the creepy stare could not work for you. >> cassidy a lot of staring, but we're just listening. i'm staring at you 'cause i'm waiting and listening. >> for something intelligent to come out and you're giving up. >> i'm going to stare at heather. >> you can be like brian and just pounce. that was his trick with his wife. >> i did not pounce! what are you talking about? >> he started with a little stare. >> right. >> then he pounceed. >> i haven't found that in a hallmark card. okay, honey, i'm pouncing. >> then staring. >> we'll give her a call and find out the story. >> good morning to you all. i love your wife. israel's defense minister apologize to go john kerry this morning just hours after a verbal assault on the u.s. secretary of state. he pulled no punches with his comments, saying, quote, the only thing that can save us is for john kerry to win a nobel peace prize and live in peace. but he back pedaled hours later, apologizing and saying that the two countries share the common goal of advancing peace. how is this one for outrage? a $1.1 trillion spending bill in front of congress right now will still allow the u.s. government to promote food stamps in mexico. the bill says that advertising food stamp programs to foreign governments is strongly discouraged, but it's not prohibited. what do you think of that? at least it was cheaper than a regular love chat line. karim collins of louisiana was arrested for calling 911 in hopes of finding a little romance. he told the dispatcher that he needed a woman. that's a quote. that's what he said. cops were not amused, but they did take him to one of the hottest singles joints in town, the county pokey. as brian might say. >> keep me out of this! >> the county jail. one woman in america is an incredibly lucky lady, that's because she's married to this guy. 48-year-old tom wright. he was voted 2014's hottest husband by redbook magazine. yeah. the california native is a construction worker and says he's been getting a lot of ribbing from his buddies, especially since his wife said how much she loves his legs. she didn't tell him she entered him in the contest. the couple winning a five-day trip to the caribbean. he looks like a good looking guy. congratulations to her. those are your headlines. >> everybody looks good in a wet suit. >> you think so? >> i don't think everybody. >> that guy. >> kissinger doesn't look good in a wet suit. >> i got stuck in a wet suit one time. >> you got stuck in a lot of wet suits in "survivor." >> i wish i had one. >> you didn't have much. >> maria molina will give us an update on the weather. first we have trivia, right? >> yeah. science trivia. it's back. we had a little break over the christmas holiday last year. but now it's back. today's question is, why is snow the color white? >> okay. >> is it because a, it flects the color white? is it because b, it reflects all the colors? c, it absorbs the color white? or d, it absorbs all the colors? which answer choice could it be? >> i would say reflects. >> b. is this family feud style? >> answer b. >> it flects all the colors, you are correct. that is a correct answer. so a quick and easy explanation of this is because visible light is made up of a rainbow of colors and when light hits snow, all the colors are reflected, which we see as the color white. another example is grass. it absorbs all the colors, but green is reflected. so we end up seeing grass as green. >> and conversely, black absorbs all the colors. >> absorbs all the colors. exactly. you're on the ball. >> there you go. >> today. >> good day. now let's take a look at the weather conditions across the country because we do have some snow to talk about across portions of the great lakes and this snow isn't very significant. we're just looking at about one to three inches of snow accumulation. but the issue is that there are some very gusty winds socialed with these clipper systems that continue to move through parts of the midwest and the northern plains. so we do have blizzard warnings and watches in effect for states like minnesota, north and south dakota, and that really goes into effect as we head into tonight and into tomorrow morning as another clipper moves in from canada and will be producing some gusts as strong as 60 miles an hour. otherwise high temperatures across the great lakes. a little chilly. chicago, your high temperature at 19. in california, take a look at l.a., the high temperature today will reach 85 degrees, gusty winds out here will produce an elevated fire danger. so red flag warnings are in effect. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much, maria. so you have a concussion, $765 million is not going to be enough. if odd concussion playing football. the federal judge saying the nfl settlement with the players really was not enough for those who sustained on-field injuries. if you figure that 4800 players actually filed that claim against the nfl, they say the nfl knew they were dangerous to playing football, but didn't tell the players. i could have told them. i watched them play. they tackle each other. they will cover up the 20,000 retired players, but the judge says the settlement amount will be reexamined. big news for detroit fans. they established called. he served as colts head coach. replaced tony dungee. in his first season, he led them to the super bowl and got fired a season after. then peyton manning had a two-year neck injury. he's back. he ended up leaving. andrew luck came in. he was out. now he gets a good job. detroit has a lot of talent. check out this college basketball. buzzer beater and upset. arkansas tied up with kentucky. 13 seconds left. less than ten. he misses the three. then the dramatic dunk with .2 seconds left. arkansas stuns kentucky 87-85. that's what's happening down south. >> 20 minutes before the top of the morning on this wednesday. the report cards are in on america's schools. the best thing, only earning a b minus. so what can be done to improve america's schools? who better to ask than former dc schools chancellor michelle rhee, he she joins us live. >> and do you talk to your animals like miss kay? >> that's what you do, you want to eat it, don't you? >> hey. >> hey, guys. j.j., such a good dog. >> dr. keith ablow on whether that kind of behavior is normal or nuts, coming up. >> heel, heel. ♪ ♪ play close. good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good new beneful healthy smile food and snacks verizon innovators are creating air and soil sensor networks that help use water wisely, so american farms can keep growing for generations to come. because e wod's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful awers. verizon. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. ♪ no need to chuck, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ juspack them in our flat rate box ♪ ♪ we'll come to yo door and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bought but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were chey ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-peasy ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holidays like the u.s. postal service. with improved priority mail flat rate, just print a label, schedule a pickup, and return those gifts at a same low flat rate. just print a label, schedule a pickup, progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on quick headlines. third person now on paid leave after the southwest plane landed at the wrong missouri airport. the company dispatcher was sitting in the cockpit with the pilots which could have been a distraction. the ntsb is still reviewing the plane's black boxes. and today the federal communications commission will begin sifting through hundreds of public comments to consider allowing cell phones use on planes. the ban has been in effect since 1991 and most people are against lifting it, including me. the fcc has two months to go through all the comments. steve? >> thanks, brian. the nation not making the grade when it comes to our kids' education, according to a new report card, no states got an a this year. but the nation's overall gpa is up slightly. look at that. it's 1.4, which is a d. >> yeah. ever so slightly. what can be done to improve our schools? let's ask former dc schools chancellor, and founder of students first, michelle rhee. good morning. >> good morning. >> so what was the most important thing you're taking away from the findings and the tiny incremental increase here? >> well, it shows that we are moving in the right direction as a country, but it also shows how incredibly far we have to go. the international results came out a few weeks ago and basically shows that the u.s. is 17th, 21st and 26th in the globe when it comes to reading, science and math. so clearly if we want our kids to be able to compete in the global marketplace, we'll have to improve our education system. >> why is it, michelle, that we spend probably more than any other nation on our kids' education and yet, we are in the middle of the pack. not at the front? >> yeah. it's a real problem. if you look at expenditures over the last couple of decades in this country, we have more than doubled, almost tripled how much we're spending per child. yet, the results have remained pretty flat. in math, we have now been overtaken by countries like the slovak republic, countries that are spending a lot less than we are. so we have to make sure that we are cutting down on the bureaucracy and putting taxpayer dollars where they're going to have the impact the most, which is in the classroom. not into central office bureaucracies. >> we're now looking at the states that got an f on this new report card here and we're seeing iowa, virginia, vermont. >> montana, north dakota, wyoming, and nebraska were on -- >> 11 total. leading the nation, though in better news, louisiana, florida, indiana. we see b minuses and c pluses. what's the key step that needs to take place in order for these grades to actually go up literally? >> so the states that have been seeing the greatest progress have been focused on the three things that we think are most important. first elevating the teaching profession and making sure there is a highly effective teacher in front of every child. the second is really making sure that families have information and choices. we never want any family to feel like they're trapped in a failing school without options. so you have to provide choices for families. and then the third is what we're talking about, making sure there is fiscal accountability that our dollars are being spent wisely in the classroom. >> sure. michelle, given the fact that many school districts in this country have teacher tenure and teacher unions, how big an impact are those two things on our 1.4 gpa as a nation? >> well, when you think about teacher quality, which by the way, research shows is the number one in-school factor that impacts student achievement levels, is the quality of teacher inside the classroom. and when you have laws in place that, for example, some states still have laws in place that say that in the time of layoffs, you must lay off the most junior teacher. so last in, first out. if you were the last person hired, you have to be the first person fired. that makes no sense because you have some new teachers who are absolutely great. they're very effective. so why would you want to rid the school district of those highly effective people? you've got to get rid of policies like that if you're going to make sure we have the best teachers in the classroom and this country is gog make sure that we have the best teaching force in the world. >> absolutely. those are great goals, realistic, if we follow what you say. we thank you for being with us. we certainly all want what's best for the kids. >> absolutely. >> thank you for joining us today from nashville. >> one of my favorite places. coming up, we heard america react to his explosive tellan all book. now we're hearing from him. former defense secretary robert gates joins us live with more revealing details that you have got to hear. plus, does your wife vacuum the house at least twice a day, guys? is that normal or is that nuts? dr. keith ablow has the answer coming up. first this day in history. >> on this date in 1995 on bended knee, by boys 2 men was the number one song. >> sing it, guys. ♪ [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle. mmm! this is delicious katie. it's not bad for canned soup, right? pfft! [ laughs ] you nearly had us there. canned soup. [ male announcer ] they just might think it's homemade. try campbell's homestyle soup. are you normal or are you nuts? it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow about suggested questions you send us once a week. there he is live from boston. good morning to you, doctor. >> good morning. how are you? >> we're doing okay. first question, elisabeth? >> good morning, doctor. so this one came in. it says, i can't touch cotton. i'm fine with cotton clothing. but when it cotton swabs or q-tips, it gives me shortness of breast and chills. >> i'd hate to see their ears. >> wow. well, i don't feel like i'm really earning my pay today because you should know, too, that's nuts! look, here is the thing, that's the bad news. it's not normal to fear cotton. but it is a phobia and luckily you can treat phobias with exposure therapy, where you expose yourself to more of it and slowly over time where you imagine being exposed to it and medicine and psycho therapy because you don't fear cotton. you fear something else. this is a place holder. let's find out what it is. >> maybe it's rabbits. peter cotton tail. >> no, you can't join my practice with a thought like that. >> let's listen to this person. my husband and i make cartoon-like voices for our pets and random animal, squirrels in the yards, birds, et cetera. it makes us laugh. but i wonder if other people do this, are we normal or are we nuts? >> people do this. they do this with babies and animals. i do this. if i want to get a squirrel to come to the little patio outside my office, do i put out a cashew and use this voice? no, i use a baby voice, then i can throw anything out. lucky charms will work. i've used them. >> or peanuts. >> i was going to try the voice, but i don't want to do that. >> let's hear the voice you use to call the squirrels. >> come here, squirrel. something like that. >> okay. >> i can't really do it without a squirrel. >> you need the squirrel there. >> i'm so much better in the presence of a squirrel. >> okay. final question, somebody's wife vacuums their house at least twice a day even as much as six times. i, the husband says, was okay until she started making me vacuum. normal or nuts? >> nuts. that was bound to happen because she thinks that if she can control her whole environment, that everything will be okay and that if the house is clean, her life is in order. guess what? the carpets may be pristine. something is bugging your wife and she's got to find out because your life, sir, is going to be tough until do you. >> should he ask her what's bugging her? >> absolutely. i'm a big fan to say look, this is crazy. cleaning these carpets. what's really bugging you? what haven't you told me that you are reticent to tell me about your early life history? >> she can't hear your question over the vacuuming. what? >> there you go. >> turn off the hoover. >> dr. keith ablow who talks to squirrels in boston, thank you very much. >> imaginary ones, too. >> i would have left that part out. straight ahead on our show for this wednesday, liberal bloggers some of them attacking the movie "lone survivor." real life story, calling it propaganda. this morning the lone survivor minimum himself, marcus luttrell fighting back. >> people like my teammates and i that have to do that and men and women in the military, but there is nothing glorious about it or pro war. nobody wants war. it's the most horrible thing in the world. s about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. good morning. today is wednesday, january 15. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. he's made major headlines all week for both his compliments and criticism from inside the white house. >> every meeting in the situation room, everybody would trash the bush administration. we're wondering, are we invisible? >> there is a lot you haven't heard from robert gates, like what he thinks of the president's closest advisors. he's here live this hour to tell us. and we told you about some liberal bloggers blasting the movie "lone survivor" as a piece of propaganda. this morning the lone survivor himself gets the last word. you'll hear from marcus luttrell. >> and what happens when you trio smuggle 22 items through the 20 items line or less at the supermarket? "fox & friends" starts now. >> oh, oh it's "fox & friends." >> oh, oh, it's wednesday. mike, mike, mike, mike, mike. >> by the way, i guess secretary gates is here, right? >> he's here this hour on "fox & friends." we're going to do an expanded session him, two blog. if you have a question, e-mail us, or on facebook or twitter us. >> we'll go in the back when we're not on. let's talk about the president's approach to governing over the next 2 1/2 years. >> 20141 the year of action. he's calling everyone to rally behind him. he's saying all you need, he's got a pen and a phone and who needs congress? take a listen to this. >> i've got a pen and i've got a phone and i can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward. and i've got a phone that allows me to convene americans from every walk of life. nonprofits, businesses, private sector, universities, to try to bring more and more americans together around what i think is a unifying theme, making sure that this is a country where if you work hard, you can make it. >> i don't blame him for trying to get stuff done. but isn't there a process we have in this nation? >> capitol hill? >> sure. the guys in congress pass bills and then they're administrated by the president. this should not surprise anybody. there is gridlock up on capitol hill and john podesta, who the president hired as a senior advisor, has been a big advocate of, you know what? who needs that stinking congress. let's just do it, executively and we'll have the various cabinet secretaries go ahead and do things our way. so that's what he's doing, although a lot of people, including rush limbaugh, thinks it's probably illegal. karl rove said the president is probably stretching the way you're supposed to do it. >> the president wants to be zeus. he wants to have all the powers at the oval office on his desk. i understand the frustration, but you remember when president bush lost the house and the senate, his last two years when nancy pelosi was anything but cooperative, was personally demeaning, he said okay. let's see what we can get done here working together. they had the financial crisis and came together on that. i don't think president bush ever said okay. i think i'm going to go out on my own right now. and he was the guy known as the cowboy. >> yeah. exactly. not just shooting from the hip, but also really bypassing what this nation is b according to many. they are furious that the president would take action this way. let us know what you think about that. we have found principles here that have a balance when it comes to government and is congress being dysfunctional a reason to just sort of push them to the side and do it himself? >> interestingly enough, the president is making this push now. he's two weeks away from the state of the union address. so there he's going to be at the podium in the house of representatives talking to congress about how he's bypassing them. so it will be delicious irony. >> let's talk about the war. amazing that with the publishing of secretary of defense gates' book, with what's happened in iraq now, with al-qaeda coming back and now in afghanistan where the problems we're having there, hamid karzai and finding out the status of forces. then out comes this movie, "lone survivor." it rockets to the top of the box office. it brought up the whole question, i thought, of the war and i thought it was great to see our guys like two last year when the bin laden movie was out. this is going to be another great year for a look at those modern day war fighters. no more vietnam. we have our own generation of fighters. instead, a lot of people are pushing back on what this movie is about. they say it's glorifying war. for example, from the atlantic, it's written, this movie suggests that these men are role models, only in death. and it was in war that made them noble and heroic. the difficulties underlie the message. war isn't great. war makes you great. what is such a sentiment if not pro-war? so saluting those who fought, especially in that seal team unit, they think it's a pro-war message. >> to be able to go out there and express yourself is a freedom that was actually won on a battlefield. there is a cost. there is a method to get there. marcus luttrell, who we've toked to here and followed his story, the lone survivor wasn't going to let anyone get away with saying that their film, the story that was true is propaganda. take a listen. >> someone told me something about pro-war and i sat and thought about it for a while and i don't even know if -- is that a real term? there is nothing glorious about war. there is nothing glorious about holding your friends in your arms and watching them die. there is nothing glorious about having them leave your home for six to eight months while your family is back here and you're away. bottom line is there is bad people everywhere and every now and again, we're going to have to step to them to make sure that we preserve our way of life and it's people like my teammates and i that have to do that and men and women in the military. there is nothing glorious about it. there is nothing pro-war. nobody wants war. it's the most horrible thing in the world. we're somebody's sons and we're fathers and husbands and we got friends everywhere and we just have a job to do and it's different than everybody else. sure. yeah. but it doesn't mean that we don't love what we do and do it to the best of our ability no matter what the situation is. we swore an oath we would do that and i know sometimes things don't go always as planned and the way we want it to, but that's nobody's fault. that just happens. that's war. >> it is war. and while there is the criticism out there, i truly in my heart believe that these people who shay that is just a piece of propaganda, they are the minorities. if you see the movie, you will realize this is a true story about what happened to those guys who died for freedom. and it is powerful, as powerful as any movie you're going to see and it is pro-american. no doubt about it. but it's also real. >> right. it also underlines the fact that we have an opportunity to make these wars ends the right way. we should have a national focus on what we're going to do as the troops pull back and the role we're going to play in afghanistan after hamid karzai. can't say you're sick of war in the final lap. got to make sure it ends right. not like the rapid pullout in afghanistan and iraq. >> and enjoying your freedom of speech, while spitting in the face of those who fought for it. what the heck is wrong with being pro-american? i'm just asking. now i'm going to toss to heather. >> we've got an update on the chemical spill in west virginia and it's affecting other states. new develops that were coming in in the west virginia chemical spill. it's spreading across state lines and into the river valley. chemicals are now being detected in cincinnati water supplies, we are told. city officials shutting down two intake valves along the ohio river in order to forget the drinking water there and also in a northern ken condition. water intakes are expected to be closed for up to 30 hours, according to the cincinnati enquirer. good news in west virginia now. 39% of customers with american water, the state's largest water utility, are now being allowed to use their water. we'll keep you posted as this continues to develop. details released in the school shooting in new mexico. police are now looking into reports that the 12-year-old accused gunman may have warned some students to stay home that day. witnesses say that the 7th grade suspect opened fire in the gym with a sawed off shotgun. officials say it was pulled from either a music bag or some other regular type of bag. an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old girl were shot before a social studies teacher talked that student into putting down that gun. the family of the alleged shooter is expected to make a statement later today. the boy who was shot is now in critical condition. the girl is in satisfactory condition. u.s. now sending more aid to syria. the government announcing it's sending another $380 million in order to aid the humanitarian crisis there. the crisis has left more than 130,000 people dead. forget the cracker. polly wants a medal, being hailed a hero, alerting his owners or her owner to a fire at their home in florida. listen to this. >> bird sounded as if it was in fear for its life. it was a really desperate scream. i thought it was tangled up in the cage and injured. i think it knew something was really, really wrong. >> the parrot waking up just in the nick of time. good little birdie. >> heather, do we know whether the bird was squawking or actually saying a word? >> i think squawking. >> evacuate! evacuate! >> i'll ask the bird. >> please. coming up, we've heard america react to this explosive tell-all book. now we're hearing from him, former defense secretary robert gates joins us live with more revealing details you haven't heard yet. >> plus, you've heard about a pie this the face. whatever happened to this politician? it might be worse. ♪ ♪ oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on i'veot a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's te for advil cold and sinus. 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>> she has been in charge. they didn't tell us this. we found out because people we did interview told us she's the one who led their interviews when they were doing their so-called investigation. here is the other interesting thing, steve, there are 10,000 lawyers in the justice department. here in washington and around the country. and we're supposed to believe that barbara bosserman is the only one that can do this investigation? don't you think out of 10,000 lawyers you could find someone who didn't contribute to the obama campaign, someone who is a little more objective, a little more independent so the american people can say this a fair investigation and a real investigation, this is an investigation designed to get to the truth. don't you think out of 10,000 lawyers -- here is the other thing, why this civil rights division? why the most political division in the justice department? why not the criminal division? why not a criminal lawyer, somebody who has been in a courtroom? why not them do the investigation? those are the kind of questions we need to get to the bottom of. those are the things that just -- when you look at this, tell the american people, this was not done in a credible fashion. >> right. and when you look at the history of this case, senior officials from the irs assured congress, assured you guys and gals, there has been no targeting going on there. and then we heard from them, you know, yeah, there might have been something, but it was low level people out in ohio. now it looks like they're going to get away with it, which you feel is political. >> remember the context, too. a week after this was made known to the public, inspector general's report went public, eric holder said we're going to get to the bottom of this. four weeks into the investigation, our committee had a chance to interview then director muller. i asked him three questions. i said, who is the lead agent? how many agents have you assigned to the case? have any of the victims' groups been interviewed? four weeks into it, he said, i don't know. i don't know, i don't know. the three answers to those three important questions. that was the whole context for this investigation. and now they're telling us no one is going to be prosecuted, no one did anything wrong when four weeks into it they couldn't tell us anything about the case and now bosserman has been heading it up and she's a political contributor to the obama campaign. that's why this is such a sham. >> it looks like it to a lot of people. congressman, who i've got a feeling is not going to let this drop. >> not at all. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> what do you think about that? e-mail us. want to get ahead in your career? learn from a spy. up next, a former c.i.a. operative revealing the agency's secrets you need to know to succeed in legal business. and then register raids. that's what happens when you try to smuggle 22 items through the 20 items or less line. you got to hear what happened to this guy as we roll on life from new york city and wal-mart. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. 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hey, he broke the rules. all this week we've been teaching you the rules. the rules to the secrets of the c.i.a. how to harness the secrets of america's top spies to better your own lives. today features mike baker, former c.i.a. covert operator for 17 years who used his lessons from the c.i.a. to launch a career in business and his series has just been renewed and that's great news for you. first, help us civilians be like you. you broke it down for us. we appreciate it. number one, determine your risk appetite. what do you mean? >> it's very important. when i got out of the agency and started a business diligence, i started with a buddy of mine who came out of the british teams. and we do nothing -- knew nothing about business. so we first wrote the world's worst business plan. it was actually voted world's worst business plan. and we had to rely on something. so i ended up realizing without knowing it in the time that's with the agency that i was picking up certain principles. knowing your risk appetite in the agency is critically important. despite what people might think from films and books, the agency on the operations side constantly goes through this risk versus gain evaluation. ahead of any task or objective or opportunity or operation. and business organizations need to do the same. and not only do you need to have a system to evaluate the risk versus gain, then you need to be able to clearly explain it to your personnel. >> got it. you have another one i never heard before. get off the x. >> yeah. this is on a absolutely important. up with of the things the agency does very, very well, you get a tremendous amount of responsibility early on in operations in the agency. and one of the things that they teach you -- again, sometimes without you understanding it -- is how to make decisions with imperfect information. if you wait to gather all the information that you think might be out there before you make a decision, i guarantee something bad is going to happen. so you learn how to make those decisions with imperfect information and indecision, indecision leads to failure. the other part of this is, you got to have a plan b because once you get off the x, typically things all start to fall apart. once a military operation or ambush, once that whistle blows, nothing goes according to plan. so you need a back up plan. by the way, starting an ambush with a whistle is usually not a good idea. >> i heard that. i've seen a lot of the movies. bob gates is in the back. we'll ask him that, too. immediately admit your mistakes. hypothetically, did you make a mistakes. admit it and come clean quickly? >> absolutely. very first chief i had when i got out in the field, just before i went off to do what i was doing, he called me in his office. he looked at me, a tough guy and he said look. if you screw up out there, if you make a mistake, you come in and tell me immediately. we'll deal with it. inevitably at some point, i made a mistake. i made a bunch, but i made a mistake and i tested that. i walked into his office when i got back in the area and i said this is what i did. i made a mistake. he dealt with it and he dealt with it appropriately and we moved on and i never forgot that lesson. mistakes are an occasional part of taking risk. so you need to have that culture within your business that allows for people to come to you and say, i screwed up. >> and not get fired. that's key if you're gthe ceo. nothing stays the same and know your operating environment. and also part of your principles. congratulations on the continuation of the series. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. coming up straight ahead, by the way, tune in all this week for more secrets of the c.i.a. tomorrow we focus in on a spy and how a spy goes undetected. the simple ways you can alter your appearance to fool just about anyone. for us, it's a frown 'cause we're always smiling. it throws people off. next up, this school has no gym class. this school has no textbooks. yet the principal is driving a beamer. and wears fur coats. we take you inside the so-called school of no. and he's made major headlines all week for his compliments and criticisms of president obama and president bush. there is a lot you haven't heard from former defense secretary robert gates. he joins us live next. ♪ ♪ wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! paul ryan had such pretty blue eyes. sometimes the tvs forget he's satan incarnate. >> when was the last time you heard voices? it's important to take your medicine regularly. what was that? coach harbaugh? is that you? playing for the 49ers weekend as quarterback, i would love to. >> you really suck a (bleep). >> okay. so there you've got some actual lawmakers reading actual tweets, hate tweets that were sent to them and they read them aloud hilariously. >> right. undercutting power i guess in some way. >> what did you say, imaginary friend? >> heather nauert, you have some actual stories. >> that is so funny. what a great idea and great way to turn it around. steve, congratulations on being named kansasan of the year. >> thank you. >> very nice. >> congratulations. >> actually, the next guy we're going to talk to, bob gates, was named kansan of the year three or four years ago. you get a nice dinner and plaque. >> congratulations. good morning to you all. i have some headlines. israel's defense minister apologizing to john kerry this morning hours after a verbal assault on the u.s. secretary of state. he pulled no punches, even saying, quote, the only thing that can save us is if john kerry to win a nobel peace prize and leave us in peace. but he back pedals hours later, apologizing and claiming that the two countries share the common goal of advancing peace. the hunt is on for a tiger that has killed seven people in northern india. the tiger has been on the prowl for two weeks now, forcing thousands of terrified villagers to stay indoors. the latest victim was found in a forest yesterday. the tiger is believed to have strayed from the area from a national park. and talk about a vicious attack, guatemala's vice president hit in the face with flour. two women throwing the flour on her following the president's state of the nation speech. one woman telling reporters she attacked her because, quote, i have the right to express myself freely. she was taken to the hospital after she had trouble breathing. she's expected to be okay. listen to this one. a bet is a bet, right? wrong. if you ask this guy's wife. 42-year-old john graham used a stun gun on his wife after her football team lost to his. his wife said he could tase if the packers beat the bears. the bears lost and grant collected on the bet. zapping her three times. that's when she called police. she says she never thought her husband would actually go through with it. he was fined $250. those are your headlines. let's check with maria molina for weather. >> good morning. hello, everybody. let's take a look at the weather conditions across the country. we're tracking a clipper system moving through portions of the great lakes producing light snow accumulation, generally one to three inches of snow expected. farther west across parts of northern plains where we do have blizzard warnings and watches in effect because a new storm system will be impacting that area and the concern really with that storm isn't significant snowfall accumulation. more of a wind concern. wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour are a concern. high temperatures staying chilly across the great lakes. high temperature in chicago, just 19. california, very warm. l.a., the high temperature, 85 degrees. that with low humidity and also gusty winds are producing an elevated fire danger out here. we have red flag warnings in effect. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. joining us now live from new york city is former secretary of defense under president obama and also george w. bush, got a brand-new book out, have you heard about this? it's called "duty." bob gates, kansas boy, real pleasure to have you. >> thank you. >> we've seen a lot of interviews, a lot of people don't understand what happened to you on the first day of this year? >> well, i wish i could say that it was something adventureous like back country skiing or rugby, but the truth is it's pure clumsiness. i tripped on a rug on new year's day and cratered. >> we are happy to have stumbled upon your book and millions of others as well. certainly cause ago bit of controversy. one thing you say and i read it cover to cover. there was a lot in there. quote, you say never miss a good chance to shut up, one of your favorite expressions. certainly maybe not taking your advice now, but in reading this, i know you were incredible at really taking in information before giving your own opinion and making a decision. why is it important to you now? i'd admit i would agree you're not a type of person to leave your duty at the door of the white house now. it seems as though there is a calling that you have with this book to write it now and speak up rather than shut up. >> first of all, the book is dedicated to men and women in the u.s. armed forces and so in the first instance, i wrote it for them, their families, and for the american that sent them to war for ten years to show and humanize the passion and the debates that took place about war policy in both iraq and afghanistan and the war that was going on in washington while they were fighting in iraq and afghanistan. and the issues that were being discussed, why certain things that happened, happened the way they did in terms of presidential decisions and so on. second reason is that in a paralyzed and polarized city, where nothing seems to work, i made it work. i managed to cut three dozen major defense programs that i thought were overdue, overspent and so on. i was able to prolong the surge for 18 months with obviously a lot of help. and then the third reason is that i think there are a lot of -- as we look at syria, we look at iran, china, russia, i worked for eight presidents and i think i have a perspective on how to deal with these problems that i brought to those presidents and because those debates and issues are still before us, i wanted to put my views on the table. the shape of the defense budget and what our military capabilities ought to be, and finally, the impact of a paralyzed and polarized congress on being able to conduct a coherent national security policy. >> which is important to do it now -- >> i've been criticized for writing it now, but waiting to write those things in 2017 struck me, would make everything irrelevant. >> do you hope that the president and his people that work for him change their ways by putting it in public and forcing more scrutiny on their practices in order to come to better decisions when it comes to these hard decisions? >> i obviously, as a parent from the book, would like to see less micro management from the white house, but as much as anything, it is a message to congress as well about how damaging their approach and the way they are conducting their business is to the national security of the united states. people ask me, what's the greatest threat to american national security today? i say it's encompassed within the two square miles that involve the capitol and the white house. >> meaning the spending and diminishing the military? >> the paralysis, the sequestration of the defense budget, and on and on. >> you were talking a little bit about the white house and we've read and we've quoted you talking about how controlling they were of everything. also about how from the get go, you realized, wait a minute. everything it seems the administration is doing is focused on reelection. in your book, you write about how jim jones, former commandant for the marines, he told you at summit meeting and other places that white house personnel were advising the president about things they knew nothing about. in fact, you also write about how some of the senior advisors to the president, like valerie jarrett, robert gibbs and david axelrod, they had a lot more influence over the president than the national security advisor. >> well, what i write about is that domestic politics had -- was discussed as part of the dialogue on national security issues to an extent that i had not previously experienced. >> you mean when you say domestic politics, get reelected? >> not just getting relie detectorred, but what's the reaction of the democratic base going to be. by the way, i also heard this on the bush administration. >> okay. >> but by the time i arrived in the bush administration, most of the sharp ill bode political gurus had pretty much disappeared. so i heard less of it and it was a different time. he was not going to run for reelection. but the points i do make is that although politics was a part of the discussion, i would say -- the way i've described it is that obama was aware of the politics, but not driven by them as biden and rahm emanuel were. and on several occasions, including the decision on the afghan surge, he basically made a decision that went contrary to the advice of all of his political advisors and the vice president. >> right. >> to his credit. >> yeah. >> the one thing you transferred two administrations at two critical times, two wars, conflicts going on, you said on page 322, for the first several months under obama, it took a lot of discipline to sit there quietly at the table as everyone from the president on down took shots at bush and his team. sitting there, i would think to myself, am i invisible? i mean, were you surprised at that? not only was it uncomfortable, you made a lot of the decisions they were criticizing. >> admiral mike mullen and i would ride back and forth together to these meetings at the white house and we'd look at each other after one of these meetings and say, so what are we? chopped liver? do they not realize that the team they were just trashing, that we were integral members of that team at a very senior level? >> hello! >> i mean, that's the way washington works. as i say in the book, i also had confidence as i sat and listened to that that four or eight years later, the next president and his team would be saying the same thing about these guys. that's the way it works. >> the vice president's message when he went overseas, the neanderthals are gone. don't worry, the good guys are here. that had to get under your skin. >> yeah. that's one of the leading neanderthals. >> your defense method of holding a cup of coffee, right, that it would prevent you from sort of losing it when things got frustrated. >> these guys that the angrier i get, the quieter i get. >> i want to hear -- this is harry reid claiming the war was lost in the surge. we'll see how quiet you get after hearing this. >> i believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and you have to make your own decisions what the president knows -- that this war is lost and that the surge is not accomplishing anything. >> your thoughts? >> i was enraged when i heard that. for a senior political leader in the congress in essence to tell all those american kids out there that they were putting their lives on the line for nothing, i just felt was incredibly irresponsible and so in the book, i follow that with a quote from lincoln. i don't know if you have it right there. lincoln had some pretty strong words for members of congress who tried to effect troop morale. >> i'll get it when we come back. >> can you stick around for one more segment? >> sure. >> good, because it's in the teleprompter. coming up, our lightning round with secretary gates. he's sizing up some of the obama administration's past and presents members. you don't want to miss that. >> there was a long pause when you said yes. and you're talking to your rheumatologist about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problem serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask yourve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. 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>> he's a great guy. very savvy politically. i think did he a great job at the c.i.a. >> at one point you write he had more influence than anyone in the white house, including the president and the vice president. >> yeah. leon had been around a long time. but he just had a practical sense. he reminded me of guys like tip o'neil and the people who had been around and were very balanced, had a great sense of humor, but very tough. >> david axelrod remind you of anyone? what are your thoughts on him? >> i didn't have a lot of interaction with david. he was always very civil to me. in the meetings that i was in, mostly he just listened. so i don't really have -- i didn't hear him say things in the meetings in the situation room that would cause me concern. i know that political advisors to presidents weigh in on national security issues. after all, presidents have to figure out the politics of all these problems. but i really didn't have any -- we basically had a cordial but distant relationship. >> he seems ticked off at your -- the fact that you were inferring he was the secretary of defense. somebody else, valerie jarrett? >> actually valerie was never in any of our meetings. she was basically sort of what was characterized as the power behind the throne, if you will. and so again, we had a cordial relationship, but i literally never saw her in a meeting on national security. >> interesting. can you stick around for one more segment? >> sure. >> all right. more talking with former secretary robert gates about his book "duty" and coming up, his message to the troops. that's next. >> first we'll check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up. >> fascinating stuff. looking forward to the next segment. good morning to all four of you. senator rand paul on the nsa issue. it's a big deal this week. we'll talk to him. karl rove on chris christie. has the media crossed the line? you guessed it, another day and another delay on obamacare. we'll explain all that when martha and i see new ten minutes -- see you in ten minutes l-natural eggs... lean antibiotic-free ham... and vermont white cheddar. get 16 grams of protein and 23 grams of whole grain in the breakfast power sandwich. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. >> we are back with former secretary of defense, robert gates, his book is out. one of the controversial remarks, according to many, is that you say that the president, president obama, had an absence of passion when it came to the mission. did that, when you would speak with the troops, because you're the soldiers' secretary, there's a great trust there. did they feel that? what sort of message was it sending to them? >> i think that there was a mixed message because the president's decisions, as far as i was concerned, were the right decisions. the decision to surge 30-plus thousand additional troops and continue that campaign. the troops, even in the small lunches that i would have with junior and enlisted on, they're pretty careful about ever saying anything negative about their commander in chief. it was more of a sense i got. these young people serving over there are very aware. they know the score. and they knew they were not hearing from the president about why this cause was important, why it was noble and why it was worth their sacrifice. and that was -- the president made the right decisions, but i missed having the troops hear him tell them why they had to be successful. >> you told rahm emanuel that. you say the president needs to take ownership of this war and he listened, but there is no word that he relayed that. >> well, about a week later, he gave one of the few speeches during the time i worked for him where he actually did say some of the things that i just described. but that was about the only time he ever did it. >> something you sent out on your last day working as secretary of defense, you sent out in a message because you were afraid that if you said these words aloud, you might break down. so we're going to share them with folks. your countrymen owe you their freedom and their security. they sleep safely at night and pursue their dreams during the day because you stand to watch and protect them. you are the best america has to offer. that's beautiful. >> that's the way i felt. >> and also, you talk in the book about how just before you were confirmed, you're walking through the mayflower hotel in downtown washington, d.c. and somebody recognized you from the news. >> yeah. actually i was having dinner alone at the mayflower and a lady walked up to me and she said, are you mr. gates, the new secretary of defense? and i said yes, i am. she said, congratulations. then she teared up and she said, i have two sons serving in iraq. for god's sake, bring them home alive. we'll be praying for you. >> you thought about that every day? >> i never forgot that. >> to this day? >> to this day. >> it is a terrific book. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming in and sharing your story. look forward to talking to you again and can't wait for the next chapter of your career. >> i think i'm done resume building. the book clearly not going back to dc. >> back in a moment [announcer] word is getting out. purina dog chow light & healthy is a delicioly tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. tomorrow on our show, cheryl casone here with how to avoid becoming a negative co-worker in the office. you're going to want to see that. plus we'll talk about the movie "lone survivor" with the director, peter berg. >> he did such a great job. >> danica patrick also joining us live. our thanks to former secretary of defense. >> he'll be with us in the after the show show. bill: great stuff, guys, thanks. good morning, everybody. fox news alert. we're awaiting any moment for more information released on the deadly benghazi attack. the senate intelligence committee releasing details on its investigation about that tragic night. remember just yesterday, fox news confirming leading members of the administration knew it was terror within 15 minutes of the attack that day. stand by for more in moments. another fox news alert. the nsa responding to a new bombshell report claiming that it used radio waves to spy on nearly 100,000 computers worldwide. good morning, everybody. we're working through this right now and welcome here to

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