0 bye. "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ >> gretchen: tgif, everyone. it is friday, good morning, and i am gretchen carlson. where was the help when four americans were fighting for their lives in libya? we now know there was no help. brand new details on how the administratio failed to send back up and how four men were left to die. >> steve: millions of people still in the dark and lining up for miles just to file up the gas tanks and gas cans . so what is the president and newest cheerleader, michael bloomburg doing about it? the president is in vegas and the president is preparing for a mara thon. >> eric: four days left until the election. head honchos at 30 rock about to show support for the president in a big way. we'll explain as "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ "fox and friends". >> steve: thank you very much. we needed a translator. eric is in for brian. >> gretchen: we have more shocking details about the benghazi details. a guard hired to protect americans, may have been working with terrorist. peter doocy is got the latest. >> that's right. gretchen, the local police force may have been taking pictures of the target and passing them along to the terrorist. hours before the terrorist disappeared, one of the guards noticed that the local police force was acting suspiciously . and president, and all of this happened on their watch. i am not sure it is good to admit. >> steve: it is clrer and clearer that mistakes were made leading up to it and that night as well and what do they do. big election. let's go ahead and have a cover up now they are stone walling. rudy guiliani looked at the information peter delivered and what we told you they had an emergency meeting and told washington, there is a bunch of insurgents in training camps. if they attack us and can't protect us. rudiual jul doesn't see a smoking gubut something big are than that. >> this is's situation that didn't have to happen. you don't need more smoking gun. to me it was a smoking cannon and when they blew a hole in the consulate wall and now all the annex was attacked by heavy gunfire. don't forget what this means, next two or three weeks after the attacks, the obama administration and state department and inteleto a certain degree blamed a movie knowing very well it was a coordinated attack on the consulate andanex and this information proves it was a massive cover up. >> steve: you know, gretch, alluded to this leading into peter. it is a drip, drip, drip of new information coming out and it would be a bigger story if the media pecked tup. but hurricane sandy came along. >> gretchen: they were not covering it more. >> steve: they had stuff in the washington post and daily beast and mr. lakey is after it, but we may never know what really happened. and the other big story hurricane sandy turning more deadly . death toll at 90 can that number could climb. four and half million people are still without electricity. most of them in new york and in new jersey. one of the hardest places hit was staten island, new york. flood waters fill would homes and strong winds ripped the homes off of foundation and there are bodies in the water and have you seen fema out there? anais live this morning. >> good morning to you steve. we are in staten island and you can see hurricane sandy's storm surge pop the boats up and put them on cars and toppled street lights and now they are blocking . debris in the folks lawns. aid has been super slow to come. hundreds of people are still janet napolitano plans on surveying the area today. >> gretchen: tragic photo of that mother with her husband who went for help and apparently people did not help her when she tried to find the kids . she rode out the storm outside. you would think that the politicians and president and mayor of new york, it would be rescue mission and getting these people back to homes and getting them fed, nope, instead unbelievablably the new york city mara thon goes on sunday. most important picture on the cover of the new york post the gen rators are putting electricity to tents in central park instead of the entire area of staten island or long island. that area has no power or home or shelter, nothing. >> steve: it is here in new york city and streets of midtown are fill would of people who are here for the mara thon that is here this weekend. and politicians said why didn't they cancel it. we understand millions of dollars come in the city. but still, we have people in the water in new york city. it is the worst storm to ever hit new york city, eric, why is it going on? if rudy guiliani was the mayor of new york city. those generators would not be parked outside of a tent in central park they would be in staten island. >> eric: number one the morgs on staten island. they are using make shift morgs-- morgues. and mark them in the gas stations where the lines are long. only a few have power . number three getting power to people. like those people . we have no clothes. we can't get back in our homes. new york city mara thon can be done couple of weeks down the road. >> gretchen: at the same time michael bloomburg endorsed president obama because of climate policies? that from a economic guy who earned and made billions out of his own brilliance to pick climate change as the reason right now? that was related to the storm? >> eric: you know what that is related to? it was a deal that went down before the storm happened. bloomburg at this date you are going come out and endorse president obama and tie it to climate change. that is a back door deal . no one in their right mind would say i am endorsing president obama because of a climate change stance. that is crazy town. >> steve: we sound frustrate we are. there are reports here in new york city people don't have food they are dumpster dive looters and people using blackberries and iphones as flash lights and people are stealing them from them it is extraordinary situation . >> gretchen: a lot like hurricane katrina. they saw all of the dead bodies afterwards. >> steve: if this was a republican president do you think that the main stream media would handle it differently? the president's photop in new jersey is now in las vegas. >> eric: i love chris christy and he did victory laps with president obama and for fema, but where is fema? i am in favor of letting the states handle all of these things. but if you are going to do victory laps and say fema is the greatest institution in the last four or five years, they better be here. i haven't seen anything. not a thing. it is a disaster over there. >> gretchen: we have much to discuss this morning! in the meantime a fight for -- >> steve: fuel. >> gretchen: you know beha, we have so much to tuke about. >> steve: gas line in new jersey two miles line. >> gretchen: and the obama administration failing to call in back up as four americans attacked in libya. we'll continue to focus. did the white house leave them to die? former army chief-of-staff jack king is here to react. >> steve: media bias exist and proof is in the numbers and we have got them! ♪ ♪ little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. 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