A trey live minutes from now the very latest from morocco. But first, slipped away again pennsapennsylvania Trooper Saide convicted killer who escaped in Chester County prison 11 days ago he is no longer in the area where he was part of this morning. A doorbell camera caught Danelo Cavalcante in phoenixville about 20 miles north of the search area where police thought they had him pinned down. Authorities said he is an illegal immigrant and he is on the run. When will he be caught . Welcome to Fox News Live i am eric shawn. Arthel Hi Eric Hello everyone i am arthel neville. Investigators say cavalcante has change his appearance is driving a White Ford Van recently reported stolen by a dairy farm in the area. Police say he is an illegal immigrant and they warn he is extremely dangerous. Eric nate foy is been live following this manhunt where cavalcante was just seeing but what is the latest on the ground in the search . Boy, how this manhunt has changed overnight eric and arthel. Not only has cavalcante changed his appearance as we just showed our viewers he has that new van. We spoke with the farm owners were that van was stolen from. They did not want to appear on camera but they told us it happened between 7 00 p. M. 10 00 p. M. Last night there farm is just a mile and a half away from that perimeter that i told you yesterday shrunk because authorities were so convinced they had cavalcante surrounded in Longwood Gardens. Lets show you these pictures again of cavalcante as he has changed his appearance. He is cleanshaven now you see in these ring at camera pictures he is wearing a hat as well as a hooded sweatshirt. Green a prison pants still on for we have a picture of this van. Take a look. U. S. Marshals believe this is a 2024 transit van that he is driving. There are some identifying factors here. Notice there is damage on the back left fender. A cooling unit on top. This of course means that cavalcante is mobile he could be going anywhere right take a look at this video from yesterday. I mention authorities thought they had him surrounded. They used helicopters, dogs, drones, Hundreds Of Personnel to bring this manhunt to a close. This was at Longwood Gardens they focus their attention really specifically for over two days. All this began after cavalcante during crabwalk escape or take another look at this the tower officer on duty during this escape is now out of a job. They were fired to failing to report this. Cavalcante is now been on the run since this moment 11 days ago. He has now breached two separate Search Perimeters during this time. Back out here live you mentioned we just learned in the past 20 minutes the phoenixville area where cavalcante was seen on that ring camera they no longer believe he is in this area. They are telling residents that is why you do not see a major Police Presence right now. So there are more questions than there have been in recent days regarding this manhunt. I will send it back to you. Eric he seems pretty crafty and he is on the loose nate foy thank you. Arthel alright guys lets go to vietnam now or President Biden g is today per the talk was mostly about china when he held a Press Conference earlier today but President Biden is in hanoi for trade talks hoping to counter chinas influence. Mr. Biden went to vietnam straight from the g20 summit in new delhi, India Chinese president xi jinping was a noshow. Lets go to vietnam or President Biden is there today. But again the talk was about china pretty held that this conference peter doocy is alive and joining is now with more, peter what more can you . Arthel, after several days of meetings in south asia President Biden wants to make sure everyone back knows he only wants the best for china. And so really what this trip is about, its less about containing china i do not want to contain china. We are not looking to hurt china sincerely we are all better off if china does Well Progress President Biden also said he wants to make sure china abides by the International Rules of the road. He touched on what many Market Watchers have been saying the chinese economy is struggling right now. Theyve got some work to do to improve negative trends of President Biden at one point talked about the importance of a free press for it however his press corps was extremely limited with questions in vietnam during the only opportunity for q a on a multi Day International trip. Now i will take your questions. Let me so to give me five people here i am just following my orders here. Staff is there anyone i havent spoken to . I aint calling on you. I have five questions i dont know about you but im going to go to bed for. Zero questions about anything going on back home. Zero three President Biden is on The World Stage representing the American People. Poll after poll after poll find the American People awoke overwhelmingly worried he might be too old for a second term. But, it never came up. Arthel . Snow but White House Correspondent peter doocy thank you, eric . Arthel, washington on capitol hill conservatives really putting the squeeze on the democrats. This has the Budget Battles heating up ahead of a potential government showdown. Members of the Freedom Caucus flexing their muscles demanding money to build a President Trump trumps wall on the southern border. Restrict asylum for all of those migrants who are flowing over the border into our contribute Lucas Tomlinson live on the north lawn at the white house with the with the conservatives want too. September the start of nfl football and congress back in session. And a looming Budget Battle in whats going to happen her down the street on capitol hill when the house returns later this week. The u. S. Government is more than 32 trillion in debt. That is the most in American History some republicans want to see spending cuts. Think theres a solid block of a saying we are going to have to get real reforms right now and we are going to have to have hope there is a pipeline of other reforms coming through the regular appropriations process. Some democrats think the government will be shutting down after this month. I think we are very close to that potential outcome. I think speaker mc speaker mccaa binary choice of whether to work with democrats in good faith to fund the government, to address the needs of the American People or capitulating to the far right wing of his caucus and agreeing to the outlandish demands that they have made. The federal deficit is projected to roughly double this year its not just the u. S. Government in debt it is the American People and they are having trouble paying bills for the First Time Ever Credit Card Debt is over 1 trillion the default rate on credit card loans from small banks just hit it record high at 7. 5 . Fofood prices continue to rise t levels not seen in decades. Inflation feels like it is locked in. The rate of increase has slowed but the high prices remain gas prices are the highest in the year, New Hampshire governor thanks this is what is on voters minds right now not who they will be voting for 2024. People are not asking questions about the indictments they are asking about inflation for their ask about border estir security for their asking about things and issues Mental Health the opioid crisis. Of congress only has 11 days to pass the 12 Appropriations Bills part of the Debt Ceiling Battle and its resolved over the summer speaker mccarthy. Arthel the house returns from recess tuesday as concerns grow over possible Government Shutdown at the end of the month is you just heard lucas reporting about. Lets bring in texas congressman now House Budget Committee chairman and member of the house so lets get right to it. First of all the hold up the Freedom Caucus want to limit funding for ukraine. They claim the fbi and justice departments are politically motivated. They do not want you fund them. Of course the latter is a subjective matter and if these Issues Congres congressman are t ironed out now, why should americans believe congress will sort them out in the next 20 days . Well look, the American People gave republicans in the house the power of the purse to use responsibly but resolutely to do a few things weve got to stop the spending that has created a costofliving crisis for working americans. Stacking up debt that is completely unsustainable installing out our economy. Secondly we have got to reign in this woke weaponize a bureaucracy. There is a overreach there is a polarization, there is corruption and we have got to hold this Administration Accountable through this power of the Person Reprioritize the peoples government on the peoples needs and interests and refocus on that core mission of keeping the American People safe and secure and Border Security is the most imminent threat to the safety and security of the American People. I think all republicans are focused on that. That is the goal and that is the outcome we want and the Funding Package coming out of the United States house. Arthel senator john cornyn a fellow texan said you do not put the federal budget on the table as a bargaining chip. He says that is not good policy, what do you say to that . I say why do you even fund a federal government that cannot do its first and most important job . Why would we spend taxpayers money on all of these woke policies and programs . This radical agenda this leverage of power by the government targeted on parents and people who are pro life advocates the list is long of the abuses and we cannot sit idly by weve got the power of subpoena and the power of the purse. We have to use it to rain all of this in and refocus the peoples government on what it ought to be focused on. Arthel why is it always delay congressman and not diplomacy . Look, let me speak to the senate. The senate a bipartisan infrastructure built was about 90 cents of every dollar on climate and not core infrastructure. America lost on that. There is Chinese Industrial policy for chip manufacturers. That was supposedly bipartisan. The Senate Funding bill is nothing more than status quo. It is a rubber stamp. We are going through every line, every account of every agency, policy, program is like zerobased budgeting we can root out the waste and woke and focus the government on things that matter like security and safety. In keeping the American People from having their fundamental rights and freedoms infringed. I think thats an appropriate thing for us to do and i believe that is why the American People gives the majority. Arthel i understand your job as a congressman is to look out for the benefit of the American People but the American People also Want Congress to do its job and then is able to Cart Compartmentalize and categorize certain issues and get the job done. Such a kind of take some of the politics out of it. And again senator cornyn says do not put the federal budget on hold due to personal politics. Look we did this with the debt ceiling. It took 90 days to get schumer and the president to show up. But we pressed and pushed and leaned into this so we could both raise the debt ceiling and cut the spending that was causing inflation and creating this potential debt crisis and we got some fiscal reforms at the same time. It is long overdue for us to go through the governments budget and all of these Appropriation Committee bills and right sides of bureaucracy that has grown 40 since it probated. There is a lot of work to do. It is serious work. We are not going to just kick the can down the road in a rubber stamp like our friends in the senate have done. That is not acceptable. The American People are tightening their belts, changing their Spending Habits they expect us to do the same with their tax dollars. Arthel they do and expect you to balance the budget and not running on crs all the time. I am sorry congressman, what does woke mean . Woke means in this case in particular politicizing sexuality. Politicizing race which is divisive for our country. It is dividing and attracting the interest of our military so they are one big laboratory of social invention instead of focusing their efforts on trying to fight and win wars. Vitamin excuse me, do you think the military is simply concerned about their social agenda if you will as opposed to defending our country, is that what youre saying about the military . You Better Believe it. If you talk to the soldiers and sailors in this the pentagon and in our military under the leadership of this commanderinchief they are absolutely distracted at best if not divided within the pentagon because of all the leftists ideological programs that have no business in our National Defense and in our military. I just proposed a bill that said you cannot look at for example hiring contractors to provide munitions and other important things for lethal power for the United States where they are rank ordering Climate Impact is number one. How about being able to destroy the enemy and when wars as the first goal of our contracting for our Military Needs . Yes, it is out of control absolutely. Theres a whole of Government Assault on oil and gas in our and orenergy independence by ths administration. Arthel congressman theres a lot you threw in there and i am not saying the American People are not on your side in terms of getting some of these things ironed out. I just think that the American People are wanting congress to get their jobs done and again separate some of the personal for the politics anyway. Look, weve got 20 days left are you going to get a budget passed by then do you think . Arthel, we wont get everything we want with respective things ive outlined but we better make some meaningful progress. The only way to do that are for republicans to unify around a conservative funding bill. That is what her focus is going to be when we get back. I think the outcome is going to be better for the American People and for our country in the long run. It is hard at work but we did in the Debt Ceiling Debate and the outcome was better and more responsible we are going to do in the funding bill and i think were going to get the same outcome every american will win in that regard. Specially those strug struggledh costofliving today. Arthel this is all about the benefit of america so lets hope you guys get it done get the job done. They quickly did you watch ut texas and game last night . The one question i anticipated. [laughter] congratulations to your alma mater. [laughter] for that big victory over the crimson tide. That was big, congratulations might read rangers almost pulled it out over the oregon ducks but did not quite get there but we will bounce back. [laughter] arthel we did it we did it was great or a congressman, a lot of serious stuff i wish you well and hope you will get it done. Jodey arrington thank you very much take care. Before speak of the Gridiron Presents Arkansas were tailgating and Iowa College Football burgers and a politics all mixing prestraightahead predictions for the race trump versus biting again . We will tell you and Fox News Live continues right after this. With 30 grams of protein. Those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks uuuhhhh. Here, ill take that woohoo ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. Enter the 10,000 powered by protein max challenge. Your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel nothing beats it. New pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients it really works. Sleep more deeply and wake up rejuvenated. Purple mattresses exclusive Gel Flex Grid draws away heat relieves pressure and instantly adapts. Sleep better. Live purple. Right now save up to 900 off mattress sets during purples labor day sale. Visit purple. 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A 6. 8 magnitude earthquake very close to the epicenter you can see the destruction and damage caused to the medina the fifth largest city in morocco. The images we have seen over the past 24 hours have been focused on Rescue Workers and crews across this country. Trying to find survivors amid the rubble its part of what theyre doing here they want to see if anyone is trapped under this debris you see right here. There is been Construction Equipment coming back and forth. People using their hands, sticks, shovels trying to get the debris out of the way. Moroccos friends and allies have offered their support because this is an effort that will take weeks to complete. We are here right now but just outside of the city to the south there are many villages in the high Atlas Mountains that do not have the resources or the accessibility to get the help they have here. That is where many of the 2000 people lost their lives it is where officials and morocco are concerned they are still people trapped under the rubble. Remember this was the largest earthquake in morocco and 120 years the initial shaking was felt all the way to portugal. The authorities in morocco Fear Aftershocks and Historic Buildings to collapse thats part of the reason these crews are working so quickly to try to get the debris out of the way, eric. Eric trey, have you felt the aftershocks what is the spirit of the people like that is absolutely crushing and daunting to face the possibility they may not have enough resources to go through these sites like the one you are standing in front of it. Absolutely people are still in shock we have seen moroccan civilians in this medina the old part of Marrakech Sleeping in the streets. They are so fearful their buildings could collapse and they could see a similar fate to their fellow citizens. They are simply sleeping in the streets until Officials Say it is safe to return home. This right here another piece of Construction Equipment that they are using to try to clear these roads. But we see individuals coming out of their homes or faces are scarred a man just before we started talking here came out the big gash on his head. It is just symbolic of what is taking place here. It is a population thats trying to simply get by in the aftermath of the 6. 8 magnitude earthquake people are injured, they are sick. They are simply trying to get by. And so by the International Help is just starting to arrive. Going to get out of the way here so this crew can get to this building they are trying to excavate. Eric. Eric was certainly do know its a block them and we wish them the very best and people certainly around the country to help the horrible situation that is ongoing. Trey, thank you live in marrakech, morocco. Arthel we wish them well such a beautiful city and the people thathere are absolute great and welcoming. Republican president ial candidates have been focusing on the early primary caucus states iowa is one of them. Several hopefuls looked tailgating at the big iowa iowa state Football Game former President Donald Trump was there as was Vivek Ramaswamy who then traveled to New Hampshire where he just wrapped up an event lets go to alexandria hoff she is following it all live for us from washington. Hey alex. Yesterday was the first time former President Trump and Governor Desantis went headtohead in a crowd since he iowa state fair. Even though they did not interact yesterday the former president holds a wide lead over gop competitors made a show of it tossing signed football and aims, ill ahead of the trophy game. Attending has become a veteran political tradition for white house hopeful to former president flipped burgers while at the Fraternity Tailgate and embraced the warm welcome. The region President Trump . What you think about this . This is some turnout. I guess the use it like a trump. I love iowa. [cheering] inside of Jack Trice Stadium the action was a bit more mixed initial cheers were combined with booing the former president watch the rival iowa iowa outofstate matchup from a private box while his closest rival Governor Desantis embraced a more lowkey Position Sitting in general seating for the game beside republican governor Kimmitt Reynolds who is recently blasted by trumper sank neutral on an endorsement. After tailgating and iowa yesterday Vivek Ramaswamy traveled to New Hampshire holding a Breakfast Meet and greet today. I think that is the real choice we face in this gop primary. Do you want incremental reform . Or do you want revolution . Also Ambassador Nikki Haley address the pole she is the gop is the best chance at beating President Biden. I think the reason it shows i would be biden by six points is simple. I think the majority of americans know we need a new generational leader. That we need to lead the negativity of the past behind us. The majority of americans dont want to see a rematch between trump and biden. That is been very clear. Practice getting very real very fast the Iowa Caucuses are about four months away, arthel. Arthel Nikki Haley Coming On Strong Alexandria Hoff Reporting live from washington thank you. And by the way we are going to have more on this race with Princeton University Political Scientist doctor laurent wright. She is coming up. T we will be righta back. With 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv the longlasting scent of gain flings made it smell like dave was in his happy place. The Massage Chair at the mall. But. He wasnt. Gain flings with oxi boost and febreze. Let Innovation Refunds help with your erc tax refund so you can improve your business however you see fit. Rosie used part of her refund to build an outdoor patio. Clink dr. Marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. Emily used part of her refund to buy. I run a wax museum. Let Innovation Refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. Stop waiting. Go to innovationrefunds. Com you really got the brows. We need to win the general election as republicans and donald trump cannot when those people while he is under indictment for cases. But secondly, lets look at the conduct, this is a guy who stole classified documents from the white house. Hidden from his own lawyers but hid them from the government for 18 months on january 6 he told those Folks Election was stolen. That was alive. Eric Chris Christie telling howard kurtz he things for President Trump cannot when a general election in november. Even of the former president is a current Runaway Leader and republican polls. The polls show mr. Trump is in a dead heat now with President Biden will that last . Lauren wright Princeton University Political Scientist joins us for the neatest on this. The former governor is out there hes number two apparently in New Hampshire and he is talking about the general election. You have a broader pool of voters, indep independents and e like, that is a much larger group than just the Republican Base do you think the polls now will hold more than a year from now . They might get even tighter. The catch22 here is more extreme voters in both parties and the primary process that go to the general election. Those candidates sometimes are more ideologically extreme than the moderate and swing voters that absolutely decide every election in this country. Until Chris Christie is right about trump. He is alienating to a lot of people but the surprising question and i think its an absolute legitimate one is how bad is joe biden that he has neck and neck with the former president twice impeached its facing these indictments where if charged they carry dozens of years of prison time for that is very controversial people think and Bidens America conditions are so bad some of them are willing to go backwards to trump. Eric the questioning President Bidens age just talked about that situation very want to redo something from the New York Times it was pretty surprising just the other debris they said why is joe and biden so unpopular . The economy is better than obamas first term. Inflation is ebbing the feared recession has not materialized. They beat the big problem is just simmering anxiety about bidens age . Maybe some voters just assume a vote for biden is a vote for the hapless Kamala Harris in which case a different leader with the same policies might be more popular. What happens when the voters are then faced with President Biden was some of these concerns that some have . The problem biden has is that on these top issues that voters care about crime is one, immigration is one, education is up there and the economy is at the top of every single list. He fare bears very badly on thee issues. Only asked people he does not have a record they can support on these issues. People absolutely hold president s to account for the economy. People arent comparing to the obama years they are comparing to four years ago when they feel they were more financially secure. Voters Pay Attention to all of these policies the Biden Administration says help the economy now but what is true and trump absently has this problem to is when trillions of dollars were injected into the economy and a short period of time partially in response to co bid. That created the Inflation Biden is now claiming credit for tamping down. His economic policies have not done that. The Inflation Reduction Act was Healthcare Subsidies and uncapped tax credits for green energy proposals. And so once republicans get their teeth into those policies it is going to be an easy story to tell about bidens economic failures. Eric talk about republican policies us look live right now we have video in New Hampshire and durham, New Hampshire Vivek Ramaswamy just wrapped up a speech there he is in front of the house talking hes shaken up making a lot of noise and is very controversial in this race. He is planning a major speech in washington on wednesday about his plans at dealing with the federal government this is what he said quote i will lay out detailed plans for shutting down five major federal agencies using executive authority. How has heat been dealing with . There is his tweet talking about dealing with shutting down agencies and rescinding federal regulations but he has been talking about a revolution. He says all that is required ass a u. S. President was to Wish Ann Spine and knowledge to act. How is he resonating in this . This is probably one of my Chief Pet Peeves i teach Public Policy that prints you cannot and burn Government Agencies that Employ Hundreds of thousands of people. What usually happens is republicans and democrats get into office they beef up these agencies and politicize them and try to get them to bend to their will. I am sure if Vivek Ramaswamy was elected he would do the same exact thing. Its not that easy. Yes it makes a good sound bite, revolution, burn the whole thing done start fresh thats just not how the government works. Anyone who is incidentally thought about it would say the same. Eric found that going to put you on the spot now, any prediction or what is your prediction . For a biden match up or gop primary . For a potential biden trump. I would say and again by a very slim margin i think barden while biden has a National Vantage but its very interesting how tight it is and will probably continue to see that. Eric alright we will keep at it its always good to see you. Thank you very much. Arthel eric, Virginia Governor has pardoned aloud in county father who was arrested for protesting at a School Board Meeting. That father was outraged after his daughter was sexually assaulted in a high school bathroom. The governor announced the pardon today on fox news sunday. Cb cotton is live in New York City with more. Hi arthel Virginia Governor said in a statement about the pardon the father of the Sexual Assault victim was a Quote Wrongfully Prosecuted and convicted priest scott smith daughter was sexually assaulted in a bathroom by another student and a Loudoun County high school in 2021. That same year the suspect was later transferred to a Different School for a second student was sexually assaulted. Smith then attended a School Board Meeting saying the board failed to protect his daughter and accusing Board Members and trying to create a coverup. Smith was dragged out of the minute you can see right there on the screen the father was arrested and convicted of two misdemeanors one charge was later dismissed but the dead set to appeal the missed conduct later this month he will not need to do that anymore because that conviction is now officially pardon by Glenn Youngkin who says parents have a fundamental right to be involved in their childrens education, listen. Mr. Smith did what any father would do what any parent would do was stand up for their child. And even worse what then happened was the perpetrator was moved to another school and sexually assaulted another young woman. This was a gross miscarriage of justice i was so pleased to speak with him on friday and be able to issue a full pardon for him. Special grand jury found a late last year the Loudoun County School District looked out for its own interest with the handling of the two Sexual Assaults of prompting the superintendent to later be fired for it shortly after he was indicted on three Misdemeanor Charges at local outlets report the trial for some of those charges are set to begin later this month now arthel, scott smith arrest made National Headlines even becoming a focal point of the virginia Gubernatorial Election back to you. Arthel i would be that parent who would have shown it myself. Not good cb cotton thank you. Eric arthel he was a mob boss now turns out he is a bestseller former head of the buckling of crime family is a ms. Billy he is a feature in or jimmy hoffa investigation series On Fox Nation. Now he is a celebrity. He is in the latest episode of the Ririddle The Search for jamr hoffa. In our show he revealed details that werare unknown about the ha case. Those stories also included in his biography that is just been released. That is how he went from Mafia Boss To Signing Autographs at the barnes noble. He made a recent appearance and the pennsylvania barnes noble store of the mall. For his book the life we chose the last secrets of americas most powerful mafia family. The guy sitting next to him as s the author of the book. We were signing for three and a half hours. Bill is a very popular guy in these parts and they all came out progress you see them on tv you hear about them all of the time and all of this. But to see him in person was priceless. Is something we all grew up with. He is a living legend. Saints have a pastor. Sinners have a future. That is gods work. Turns out so many people lined up to meet the former mob boss in person and get a copy of the book. As you can see the line went out the door. Theres a chance for those folks to meet a former godfather in the flesh, in person. You can also see more of him and what he says On Fox Nation series of course riddle, the search for James R Hoffa streaming now On Fox Nation. More news here on Fox News Foxe when we come back. Has two layers of relief. The first is fast, the second is longlasting. We give you your day back, so you can give it everything. Tylenol. Number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. J. P. Morgan Wealth Management knows its easy to get lost in investment research. Get help with j. P morgan personal advisors. Hey, david ready to get started . Work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. 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Right are ringing Jake Tech Policy Research at the heritage foundation. Jake, the big agenda item is the threat of ai to the integrity of the 2024 president ial election the ability to spread this information. Do you think there is in any tutorial zuckerberg and muscat can provide to stop this . Frankly we are still the very early stages here. The senate has not done much of anything to prepare for this. With the tech executives coming to washington there is an opportunity for them to wake up dissenters give them some sense of urgency. But at the end of the day they represent the Company Shall be affected by these regulations. They are not incentivized to do much of anything to hurt their business, their bottom line. Theyre probably not going to get the full picture but its absolutely a threat is something the senators need to take seriously. Arthel in a white you could ask is this a bit late in the making . Is the ai genii out of the bottle and folks who wish to use ai for nefarious reasons no weights to circumvent the safeguards . You could say we are probably several years late to this. We should have been doing something far before these products are reaching consumers to make sure the deployment was safe. But now were playing catch up and there is really no telling where this could take us. Just about anyone can get their hands on sub technology that could cause real damage. So the longer we wait the harder it is to correct course the harder it is to make sure we are built on the Semi Foundation for the future. This is something the senators need to take very seriously. And frankly we need to be moving a lot quicker than what we are doing right now. Arthel do you expect the senators to get briefed on the legal positive uses of ai and the benefit to the medical field, education, Innovation Et Cetera . Its really tough to say what theyre going to hear from this closeddoor meeting with these executives. It is not going to be representative of what the Average American is looking for prey these are some of the wealthiest individuals in the world representing some of the Biggest Companies in the world. They are going to come and give them a vision for how this can be used to make the u. S. Economy flourish but probably wont be talking about how it can be used to make the average individuals life better. The senators are not going to be operating with any kind of objective information from these meetings. They are going to be special interest talking points at the end of the day this is a Lobbying Effort with these whene individuals come to washington. It is kind of unclear we will get from the separate is not going to be something thats going to help the Craft Legislation for you and i to flourish in the future. Arthel thinking of the answer to this question but ill ask it anyway. In 30 seconds do you expect the senators to hold zuckerberg and musk accountable to siphon ai venerated misinformation and all this information from the Social Media Platforms . Absolutely not. At the end of the date zuckerberg is on the largest contributors in the last election cycle they all know that when it comes to meet with him in washington. You can expect them to do just about whatever it Zuc Zuckerbers looking to accomplish her. Arthel so what is the point. [laughter] thats really a great question. This is something that was organized by Senator Schumer and it seems to be something that is to prop up these businesses and make sure they are sound. At the end of the day we need to be legislating for the American People. We need to make this technology safer way to make sure its deployed in a manner that is going to help us. This is really just going to help the corporations that they go along with the information the closeddoor meetings. Arthel lets see what happens if we get some reports from whats happening behind those closed doors we will talk about it maybe next weekend, jake thank you very much. Thanks for having me. We will be right back. Dr. Scholls has the breakthrough youve been waiting for. The first fdacleared athome skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. From pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. I suffer with Psoriatic Arthritis and psoriasis. I was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. Cosentyx works for me. Cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis or psoriasis. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lowered ability to fight them may occur. 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