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Joe biden asking americans to vote early in whatever way is best for them. Also today happening now on major hearing on the hill, that is the former fbi director james comey testifying about the russian investigation. Chief medical correspondent mike emanuel has details on that and also speaking with former assistant u. S. Attorney Andy Mccarthy and independent counsel ken starr on that. A big hour coming up. We begin on the north lawn with the chief white house respondent john roberts. Nice to see you back at the white house today. Good afternoon. Always good to see you, bill, no matter where in the world we happen to be. To the president just left the white house headed for minnesota for a couple of campaign events. Talking more about one of the big issues that has been talked about in the aftermath of last nights First Encounter with joe biden, why did the president not more forcefully denounce White Supremacy, and what the president said about the Group Proud Boys when he said that they should stand back and stand by, the president on the south line of short time ago saying that he had no idea who the proud boys are and that they need to stand down. I dont know who the proud boys are, you have to give me a definition. I only have to say that they stand down and let Law Enforcement do their work. They will do the work more and more. As people see how the radical movement is and how weak. The Law Enforcement stronger and stronger, but again, i dont know who proud boys r. The president saying he does not know who proud boys are, right wing neofascist group and thrilled that they got mentioned. They are now incorporating what the president said into their logo and selling tshirts that say standby. The president has been criticized for not more forcefully denouncing White Supremacy and the very idea that when asked by Chris Wallace if he would that the president said this on the south lawn of a short time ago. I have always denounced any form, any form, any form of any of that. A lot of criticism of last nights event in itself as a hot mess, this is President Trump talking about joe biden on twitter saying many more people wouldve died from the china virus if sleepy joe was here president , he did not even want me to close our country and two months later when he said i was right. Now he likes to say that i did not close it fast enough, just another politician. As a president president hook criticizes joe biden, criticism of the event as a hot mess, more namecalling than a substantive debate on policy. Leading the president ial two debates to make some changes over the next two debates. And the cpc saying that it is clear that additional structure should be added to the format of the debates to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues. This epd will be carefully considering the changes that will adopt and announce those measures shortly. The commission grateful to Chris Wallace for the professionalism and skill he brought to the debate and tends to ensure that additional tools will be there to maintain order for the rest of the debates. A lot of people joking, as you can imagine, for the next moderator might need. Bill we can start with handcuffs. We will talk about their privately. Bill nice to see you. The capitol hill we go, fox news alert, former fbi director james comey testifying on the hill for more than four hours today about the russia investigation in 2016 election. It comes a day after the intel chief John Ratcliffe released unverified information claiming that Hillary Clinton approved a plan to survive a scandal by linking then candidate trump to russia. Instead mike emanuel stepped through it today. Missouri Republican Josh Hawley press the former fbi director on the information in that explosive letter. Did you open an investigation . I dont know what that refers to as i said earlier, that does not ring any bells when i read that. You did not receive any referral of this nature . I dont remember it. I dont remember receiving anything described in the letter. No surprise why mazie hirono in this political environment has a very different take than her republican colleagues on that letter. I find it amazing that we have dni radcliffe, issuing this kind of information, practically on the eve of an election, making an allegation, and in fact pushing off russia disinformation that it acknowledges. We can question him. James comey admitted that Michael Horowitz and the fbi actions at the start of the russia probe were problematic. The collection of omissions failures to considered updates and communicating to the team what is true and what is not true. And the Team Investigating and carter page. Its embarrassing. Its sloppy. I have run out of words. There is no indication, and the Inspector General would say it if he found it. The people were doing bad things on purpose. But that does not make it any less concerning and embarrassi embarrassing. After about four hours of testimony, Lindsey Graham was fired up calling for people to be held accountable. That we end to the whole drama within some of these things happen, no bad talk, really needs to be held accountable, other than, yes, my fault intellectually. Somebody needs to be fired or go to jail. It is worth noting that james comey appeared voluntarily, there was no need for subpoena. Bill i want to bring in Mike Mccarthy and ken starr to take us through this. I want to invite both of you. We will move to some of the election matters. Andy, you wrote a big piece last night. What do we learn today about what james comey did with that information or do not do . Well, he kind of distance himself most of it. This is the new trend in washington. If you ran an agency that has a scandal, everybody is willing to take responsibility, but nobody wants to take blame, and he made it quite clear that that was where he was coming from. He said that most of the information he thought about the investigation in his own office, he got from reading the Inspector General report. He indicated that the carter page investigation, while he was willing to concede that the greater trumprussia investigation, or i guess the russia investigation of russia into interfering in the election was very, very important. But he suggested that the carter page piece was a slice that wasnt so important that the details would get up to somebody at his high ranking position. So when he was asked about, did you know that you were relying on somebody, the fbi itself thought was a spy back in 2009, 20011, he said he did not ever recall being briefed on that. Again, i have to say that having worked for a lot of supervisors in the u. S. Attorneys office for 20 years, to have somebody as incurious about the major details of the most important investigation may be in the history of the fbi is baffling. Bill on the other side, what took you so long could have republicans proven anything on this . I think today they ratified that, which we really have known for quite a long time. Especially with the Inspector Generals report back in december. But also, lets not forget that the now muchmaligned fisa court and reform legislation pending that can better protect america as liberties and led by senator lee and senator leahy. Some bipartisanship in washington. The fisa court chief judge was extremely critical of what the fbi did. Their lack of professionalism, the errors, the omissions. And the more that we find out about the steele dossier, the more that we know that the fbi, lets leave james comey aside for right now, was absolutely blind to glaring errors, such as the russian consulate in miami, there is none. In this kind of director comey called it sloppiness. I think that by the time that john durham is through, we will know that fbi agent lebaron, who served both in the fbi and the special counsels office on detail, we will know that there was in fact an attitude, a frame of mind, and that was get trump. The more we know, the more the fbi at senior levels becomes politicized, and you will see that jim comey today didnt really deny that, and mainly what we heard today, he is a very smooth guy. He is very slick is i wasnt informed of that as andy said. And it is odd that he did not know, i was not informed, or than the classic i dont remember. Bill highly unlikely we get an answer before the election 34 days from now. Gentlemen, to both of you, i have about a minute left. But a very important topic that i want to get your reaction on. In the state of michigan, you can count absentee ballots up to 14 days legally. Wisconsin is up to six days. Pennsylvania three. This could change again over the next six weeks or not. What is your expectation come november 3rd that evening . My expectation is that is the beginning of the election counting process, bill, it will not be close to the end. If there is a onesided result, maybe we will know that night, but i dont expect that. I think that we will have litigation. Bill what would your expectation be . Very bad election laws that are getting worse, invitations to mischief. There will be litigation, the Election Results are likely to be contested, regardless of who is declared or seems to be the winner on the 9th of novembe 9th of november 3rd. Bill the only way you avoid this is if one blows out the other. Based on polling it is razor tight and a lot of these battleground states. Going to bring you both back to talk about that in the coming weeks. Thank you. Nice to see a gentleman. We have breaking news that a suspect in the ambush of two l. A. County sheriffs deputies who police have in custody at this hour. A Supreme Court nominee andy cohen and barrett back on the hill, talking with john cornyn, a Senate Meeting area soon, and we got word from the president for the First Time Since the showdown last night in cleveland that joe biden swings through western pennsylvania, in pittsburgh right now. Screen left. Coming up on that as we continue right after this. Attention veterans, todays all time low Mortgage Rates just dropped even lower. Veterans who refi now can save three thousand dollars a year. With newdays va streamline refi, theres no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. 3000 thats a big deal. Well, see this handsome man, his name was william. And william fell in love with rose and they had a kid. His name was charles and charles met martha. Isnt she pretty . Yeah. Did you know cliberty mutualir. Ty . Customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Just get a quote at libertymutual. Com. Really . Ill check that out. Oh yeah. I think i might get a quote. Not again aah, come on rice. Do your thing. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Bill charging a man in a shooting ambush, the deputies earlier in the month, william la jeunesse reports on that story live in l. A. , what did you learn today . They charge today, attempted murder could land beonte murray with a long criminal history in jail for life. Police have strong evidence, a weapon and video tying him to the shooting of two deputies almost three weeks ago. A. 40 caliber handgun tossed out of a car window during a Police Pursuit matches the one used in the shooting. And police say forensic, the prince and dna are on the gun. Deputies seem to have seen him throwing the gun out of a car and ballistics. Bullets fired from that weapon match those retrieved from the deputies. The detectives have video of murray in the stolen black mercedes before and after fleeing the shooting. It was determined through ballistic comparison that the pistol recovered was the pistol used two shoot the Transit Service deputies. That pistol was conclusively linked through forensic testing to suspect deonte murray. It came four days after the deputy shooting, Police Working on a separate carjacking case got in the pursuit and the suspect through the gun out the window. Eventually arrested, detectives tied into the shooting. A gang member with a long felony record for narcotics, stolen property, assault, and firearms violations, initially saying gang affiliation could be a motive. But today detectives say that he acted only because he hated co cops. It is part of the environment we are in right now. It is scary. The situation in a sense that there are people who have such deepseated hatred towards Law Enforcement are willing to just kill unprovoked. 500,000 of reward money was put out leading to an arrest and conviction. Police say that they got lots of help from the public suggesting the reward money will get paid out if murray is found guilty. He remains in jail and the deputys are to eventually return to work. Bill william la jeunesse, the follow up in los angeles. Also in l. A. , Police Chiefs saying assault on officers are up 156 compared to a year ago. And that most of these incidents have happened during protests against police starting in the month of may. He says that he recognizes a need for changes but that the trend is serious. He is calling on local leaders to step up and voice support for police. There is a lot of action on the hill today, President Trumps pick for the Supreme Court as amy kony barrett meeting with senators. And fighting about the russia matter, john cornyn weighs in on both when we continue live right after this. You dont seem to know anything about an investigation that you ran. So how can you now as a private citizen and former fbi director show up and then speculate freely or regarding any alleged ties between president putin and President Trump . There are lots of people who are confused about which medicare plan is right for them. Hey, thats me. I barely know where to start. Well, start here with me, karen. 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What did you think of james comeys appearance today . Unfortunately it is very disappointing for a guy who is an fbi director he claims not to know about what the fbi was doing. At an unprecedented time where they literally were involved in the election, running up to the 2016 election. Do you remember what he did to Hillary Clinton and our ghibli cost her the election, and then they went after President Trump and became part either wittingly or unwittingly of a russian inspired Disinformation Campaign designed with dissension and discord, and boy, did it work. Bill heres a question i keep coming back to, the information was unverified, but why did somebody not try to figure out the final answer . Like how long did that decisionmaking go until it just stopped . They simply did not follow their own rules and procedures. Thats what the Inspector General said. Bill why not . They got sloppy. They were complacent. They just did not do their job. And they need to be held accountable. And thats one of the purposes for this hearing. Bill you are saying that they made assumptions with the conclusion without getting to the conclusion . Absolutely. And without knowing that they were being played by russian intelligence services. Bill do you think we will ever know in the end . We need to know, because we need to make sure that it never happens again. Bill it has been four years, a lot of people on the right are thinking what takes it so long question market does not look like it will come before november 3rd. We are waiting for mr. Durham on his own schedule, this is really, really important. We cant let it happen again. Bill senator i want to take you back to last night, here is the moment that involves the u. S. Supreme court. Next hour you meet with judge barrett. I will ask you about that meeting after we watch this cl clip. The president also is opposed to roe v. Wade, that is on the ballot as well in the court, and so, that is also at stake right now. And so the election is all you dont know what is in the ballot, why is that in the ballot . It is not on the ballot. In the court. There is nothing happening there. And you dont know the view on rove he weighed. Bill how do we interpret that exchange . I mean joe biden does not want Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court, because typically the left uses the court to bail them out of fights they cant win either at the ballot box or in congress. And the fact that she is calling balls and strikes according to the rule book, follow the constitutional laws, that is not good enough. They want to make sure that they can continue to use the court as an unelected policymaking body. Amy Coney Barrett is their Worst Nightmare when it comes to calling balls and strikes in the model just described. Bill you meet with her in 60 minutes, what do you want to learn . We previously had an opportunity to confirm her to the seventh circuit. Im familiar with the backgrou background. To me it is just i want to learn more about how her and her husband managed seven children including two adopted children both being busy professional people. The American People need to know her and know that she when a couple of senators targeted her faith as somehow disqualifying her from service on the court, that is unconstitutional. Article six says that there are no religious tests for office in america. So i want to find out whether she is ready for what is coming at her. What we saw with the Brett Kavanaugh is going to be on steroids. Bill about a week and a half away, john cornyn from texas. Thank you for coming by today. In a moment, President Trump is off to minnesota. Martha maccallum and Chris Stirewalt take us through northeastern ohio and p. A. And what that might tell us about the strategy on behalf of both campaigns coming up. It was 1961 when nellie young lost her devoted husband. Without him, things were tough. Her last option was to sell her home, but. 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Here is 2016 results. Joe biden is going to get to cleveland, ohio, and go down here to start county over western p. A. , we will see him in a moment. You see all of the red that President Trump did, cleveland, columbus, cincinnati. Probably the akron, kent area. These are bluecollar voters who have been democratic voters for generations and they have switched to donald trump four years ago. And these are the voters that joe biden is going after today on that train tour. Look from Ashtabula County and northeastern ohio, the president picked up 60 of the vote. Eight years ago, look at where barack obama was in the same county. These are the voters that joe biden is trying to target based on his performance and last night drop down, and very similar story coming here and start counting, another that had flipped. We look at this corner of the state and go back to 2012, all that red to be blue. And those are the people that are refocused today. I will switch over here to pennsylvania, pop out a little bit, take it from 2012. Heres 2016. This is pittsburgh with a former Vice President of a moment ago, and this is west moreland county, where the president did quite well at 66 of the votes. Greensburg in p. A. , that is from Jacqui Heinrich picking up the reporting today outside the train station where she awaits. Hey, jackie. Joe biden is running a little bit behind schedule, but the crowd has been forming for a little over an hour. And that is the scene at other points of long the seven stop route. The camera says at various points there are crowds that are gathering to cheer him on even in places where biden is just passing through. Not even addressing people. Jill and joe biden are traveling through johnstown, pennsylvania, similar to what we saw in the dnc. Not writing alone, people who are struggling to pay their bills hopping on for a leg of the trip to speak about his plans for the country. For example, the General Motors Assembly Line worker whose plant closed down after 17 years shares his story about leaving his family to work in another state to maintain insurance coverage. And he saw him giving the remarks and alliance, ohio. He just been question saying in last nights debate President Trump dangerously cast down villages mc of the election in a way that no other president has done and failed to condemn White Supremacy Group Proud Boys issuing instead what they call a call to arms. Biden issued his own message and try to ensure listeners that the Election Results will not be doubted if enough people vote. I promise you, if we win this election, this president will step down, he has no alternative. The American People will not stand for it, no agency would stand for that happening. My message to the proud boys and every other White Supremacist Group is cease and desist. This is not who we are as americans. Following last nights debate the commission on president ial debates and announce that they will make some changes to allow more orderly discussion of the issues. Before the even came out, joe biden said he would be ready to change including just having one microphone so that people can hear the answers. We are still waiting for any details on what those changes might be. Bill Jacqui Heinrich, i want to bring in martha maccallum, and Chris Stirewalt, how are you doing. Martha looks better than you, chris, but no surprise. [laughs] no surprise. Bill they said how is cleveland, i said, pretty good. And then the game started. You get it, right . Both of you, martha, you lead this year. Was this race fundamentally reset in any way after last night . I honestly dont think we will know for a little while. We are going to talk to some ohio voters tonight and get their feel for it. I feel like we have heard plenty from the pond and on what happened last night. But i think that it will be interesting to hear how folks really felt about it who are in the areas that are potential swing areas. I think that there are so many people who are already decided in this race. You have 58 who might have been moved. There was so much chaos and so little actual substance. And you go back and you look at some of these issues that were brought up last night, filibusters and packing the court and all of these things that i think we need to sort of edify a little bit further to get peoples real sense of it. But it was crazy. Bill i will take one headline, prowest solars more president ial than either man on tuesday. And i thought that that was an insult to prowrestlers. Do you believe that last night they said anything fundamental in the election . No, i mean, look. It was bad, bad, bad, bad. And there are a lot of reasons for americans to be embarrassed about a political system that produces two people that behave like this. Its disheartening, right . But i dont think that it change the race. I think that donald trump wanted it to change the race. Thats why he came into hot, over modulated, swinging too hard. 77 interruptions pit he came in that way because he knew that he needed a change. As we know when you are down in a game, you take the shots you should not take and swing at the pictures you shouldnt swing at, and you make mistakes. I think that trump knowing he needed the change them race led him to the strategy that backfired. Bill back to marthas point, i was listening to some of the clips and i thought there was more substance than i heard last night, because the style was all over the place. We are popping around to two and three different topics. The voter and viewer cant keep up with that. I thought when i was told earlier today, people who are watching this felt they gained very little from it. They learn nothing new. And i go back and you listen to it, i will just play a clip. Running about 40 seconds. What the team is saying is that joe biden did not give a lot of answers last night. Heres the example of that. Are you willing to tell the American People tonight whether or not he will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court . Whatever position ive taken that will be the issue. The issue is the American People should speak. Make sure you in fact let people know. He wont answer the question. Why wont you answer that question . Radical left, would you would you shut up, man . Do you support the black lives matter call for Community Control of policing . What i support is the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face. Bill there are three examples. That first one is fascinating. When you look at it, what he is saying is i cant tell you what i think about that, because i want you to elect me first. And then i will let you know how i stand on this. He is saying, let the people decide. And then i will tell them if i want to pack the court or end to the filibuster. These are two issues that could fundamentally change the foundation of the United States government and judicial system and the way that it works and the legislative system. So yes, joe biden, you have to answer the question and you need to do it before the election. Its a big, big deal. Bill how did you hear the three points . You know, biden is like nancy pelosi, what did she say . We have to pass it so that you can find out whats in it. That was totally unsatisfactory answer. He had his moments where trump was trying to have him name police organization. And it looked rough. But heres a problem with President Trumps strategy. Where biden is heading down the ski slope face first and it is trump who saves him. He is the one who is shouting, he is breaking up the flow of the conversation. The worst thing you can do is let them talk. He is a gaffe monster and the king of gaffe. All you have to do is let him talk and he will talk himself into trouble. With Chris Wallace, he was going to have a hard time. Trump led them off the hook. Bill its like he is about to jump in the pool. I cant help but think that that is the kind of thing that i do believe would have been benefited from real mock debate situations with the president doing that. If he had joe biden, and i dont know if they ever actually did that. It sounds like they did a lot of backandforth with chris christie, rudy giuliani, but that might have opened up that talking point, right . You know what, when this happens, let it lie there. And to the president had paraded with three, four, five, six layers of attack all in one answer. And it just ended up coming out in a wash. Bill interesting discussion. Nice to see you. We have six hours between us. And you always look great, okay. Handsome man down there. Thank you, chris. See you at 7 00. Thank you, bill. Bill the judge in nevada, with the las vegas massacre, the court ruling that mgm resorts is responsible for an 800 payout. The thousands of victims and the families. Back in 2017, fired from windows of the Mandalay Bay Hotel killing 58 and injuring hundreds more during an outdoor music festival. It was the deadliest shooting in recent u. S. History. Some more breaking news, covid19 strike in the nfl. The action teams have taken now after a recent outbreak. A critical member of the Coronavirus Task force. Admiral brett giroir showed america how to take a rapid test right in the rose garden this week. He will be here live to tell us about that and more. Keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. 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Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Bill nfl delaying the sunday game between the Tennessee Titans and the pittsburgh steelers. Nine players and staffers for the titans have tested positive for covid19. Rescheduling the game for either monday or tuesday. Stay tuned. Indoor dining back in new york city today. Kind of. Restaurants have not been able to serve food indoors for more than six months. They can open now at 25 normal capacity. Modernity says its potential Covid Vaccine producing antibodies for older adults similar to younger adults, the sound effects are about the same as a highdose flu shot. The u. S. Government has to deal with it for 100 million doses of the Covid Vaccine. Looking at that last night with the status today. I will bring in admiral brett giroir, at the u. S. Department of health and Human Services and to lead for a covid19 diagnostic testing services. Its great to have gone. Thank you for your time today. Great to be here with you. Bill is the headline with modernity or some other company . We are all optimistic. We have four companies with four other vaccines that are in phase three trials. That is the final exam before authorization or approval. We know that all of the vaccines in early trials it generated a immune response that was very good just like you get when you get the real virus, and sometimes even better. The news today, i only have the headlines. Ive not seen all the data. But it is just a great breakthrough to note that Older Americans can actually generate an immune response. Because sometimes they cant. If they can generate an immune response and be protected, then we know that we can target that vaccine and early doses to those who are most at risk. Its really, really good news. Bill i take that is very positive. The 1st of october, give us a frame for a timeline on when you can go to the next stage or st step . Thank you for asking this question. It is so very important. There is no set timeline. What happens is we have to wait for a number of events. The people who are in trials, there are tens of thousands of them, there has to be a certain number of infections. When a certain number of infections are hit, then an independent scientific body called a data and safety monitoring board will look at the data. Nobody else gets to look. If that data looks really, really good according to prospectively defined outcomes, they could recommend to stop the trial, because we know that it is safe and effective and you need to deliver it to the fda for a second look. They could also say, we dont know yet. Continue the trial, or they can even say that we have a problem with this vaccine. We need to stop it. When that happens depends on the number of events, when it gets to the fda depends on the dsm v, the data safety monitoring board. And then they will review it in a transparent way. Bottom line, no short cuts to and effectiveness. Bill i understand and appreciate your answer. Maybe for a frame of time, this could be weeks away or a year away . Is that what i hear from your answer . So we are expecting that based on the number of events that we think the companies will be taking a look at their data in late october or early november. What the data shows depends on what the data shows. But this is not a year away. It is a very realistic possibility that we could have millions of doses ready to go and in peoples arms within the next couple of months. And we know that we have the manufacturing capability. Now again, things have to go right. We are planning this to have at least 100 million doses by the end of the year. But the data has to prove that it is safe and effective. You cant rush that. But i think we will get a look at october and november and maybe get an early indication. Bill very interesting. I hope you come on back. In the meantime on monday you gave a demonstration prayed i was listening carefully from cleveland, ohio. And you said on monday 100 million of the abbott labs fast testing kits would start to be mailed out on monday this past week. Has that happened . Yes, it has. And in fact in the two weeks prior to this week, we started the 50 million shipment to nursing homes, assisted living, Home Health Care the historically black colleges and universities and tribes. So we started out already. This week we started the hundred million test shipment to states. 6. 5 million went out this week. They are going to all states and territories in accordance to their population. And this is an outstanding way to open or keep open the k12 schools and protect the teachers courage to work with Critical Infrastructure and first responders. It is a breakthrough. 150 million tests going out rapid point of care, highly accurate between now and probably the end of the year. Bill how does that change the game . Somebody suggested that the abbott labs does not have the accuracy as some of the other deep nasal tests, do you agree with that . No, i dont agree with that. If you are symptomatic, so if you have symptoms in the first seven days of symptoms, the abbott test that i showed you, which is just a swab in the tip of your nose has over 97 sensitivity compared to the best laboratory tests, and a 98 specificity, meaning very few false positives. So this is an outstanding test. We have no reason to believe that if you are asymptomatic it would be different. We have not shown that yet, but we look at the regulatory framework. We are testing a sims medic people. We know that people without symptoms have just as much virus than people with symptoms. We are deploying it that way. Bill 100 million now, 100 million next month, 100 million after that . The federal government purchased 150 million then we expect to get those out between a couple weeks ago and probably the last week in december. This completely depends on the ramp of production by abbott. But after that they will be making 48 or 50 million a month. And we have to see where we our an outbreak. But we may buy some or all, it depends where we are. Bill thank you for your time today. I appreciate you breaking down all of that. Come back very soon. Thank you. Fox news alert, from california, has not stopped out there. Wildfires ripping through wine country in california, some of them barely contained. A live look now at deer park where homes were burned down entirely. The report on the ground will take us there alive when we continue. Napa valley next. Usable at newdayusa thats what were doing. Musicaln i his home, he may wano purchase, we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. My wife and daughter had been killed in an automobile crash, and lying in the bed were my two little boys. I couldnt have imagined what it wouldve been like if i didnt have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. Forty years later, one of those little boys, my son beau, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given months to live. I cant fathom what would have happened if the Insurance Companies had the power to say, the last few months, youre on your own. The fact of the matter is health care is personal to me. Obamacare is personal to me. When i see the president of the United States try to eliminate this health care in the middle of a Public Health crisis, thats personal to me too. Weve got to build on what we did because every american deserves Affordable Health care. Im joe biden and i approve this message. fisherman vo ce how do i register to vote . Ential election. Deserves Affordable Health care. Hmm . Hmm . Hmm . woman on porch vo can we vote by mail here . grandma vo youll be safe, right . daughter vo yes four girls vo the polls voted grandma vo go out and vote its so important man at poll vo woo grandma vo its the most important thing you can do bill here we go on the wildfires burning through parts of wine country in california, scorching more than 40,000 acres. Tens of thousands had to evacuate. Matt finn back on that story. Deer park, california, just north of napa, hows it going . Heavy thick smoke and ashes in the area. Still under evacuation right now. So the majority of people are not even able to get back into their properties and homes to see if they are still standing. This building which we believe is a Community Center burned only a fraction were able to access and show you in a short while ago to the north of us, the county sheriff announced the fourth death in the fire in napa county, this area police are blocking roads that are still dangerous, and power lines, this is all destruction of the glass fire at 48,000 acres and just 2 contained. One professor said every vineyard owner with visible grapes stands to lose millions of dollars because of the weeks of smoke here in the napa county. Heres one man describing what it was like to evacuate this fire. Talking about digesting all of the pollution. So basically for me and my family to just realize that we lost everything. In california, the fire has 52,000 acres, 146 structures destroyed coming out 7 containment, a slight improvement from overnight and for people who have visited the area or know the area not far from up the road is berger cellars that was destroyed. The michelin rated middlebrook restaurant also burned down. And we are also at calistoga ranch which looks like a bomb went off. Bill the images are just horrifying. Thank you for that. Ratings in for last night, 64 million watched, but off about 13 million from 2016. So we go. Neil thank you very, very much. The former Vice President will be making a stop right now. Duluth, minnesota, as well. Where the president on the United States will be campaigning in the battleground states all. And this after the big debate that has both sides chomping at the bit to either explain themselves or add a little bit to the drama. Word as well that the president ial debate commissioner wants to reanalyze the rules to avoid some of the talk over that was kind of on scope from beginning to end in last nights debate. We will explore what kind of options they are considering short of the cattle

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