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Peace in the middle east. Earlier, both visited the flight 93 memorial site in pennsylvania but in different time several hours apart, we will get analysis from Chris Wallace in a moment, Kristin Fisher reports five but first, we begin this hour on the north lawn and chief white house correspondent, what are we about to see . You are about to see what is probably one of the most moving ceremonies the president could possibly do and that is to bestow the medal of honor upon a Service Member who has shown incredible gallantry and sometimes they say in these citations in the face of death and service the country above and beyond. Sergeant major thomas payne was a Delta Force Operator back in 2015, he led a combined assault team to rescue iraq he hostages who were being held by isis. His team quickly cleared one building rescuing 38 hostages and then responded to a request for assistance in clearing a second building which was rapidly being engulfed in flames. He climbed up onto the roof of the building engaging isis fighters with grenades and small arms fire to clearing away so he could get to the entrance of the building and swapped out his rifle for bolt cutters and worked feverishly trying to get the door open while enemy rounds were hitting all around him. We finally managed to get the door open, liberating another 37 more hostages. In an interview with the department of defense, he said he knew he needed to work quickly. This in here. My team was responsible for one of the buildings that the hostages were being held in, most significant was the hostages will probably be executed. At that point, it was our duty to bring those men home. It should be noted that Sergeant Major pain is the first Delta Force Operator to be bestow the medal of honor. Others were operators who were posthumously honored with the medal of freedom. Also the first Service Member to be given the medal of honor for service and Operation Inherent resolve which is the fight against isis so it should be a very moving ceremony in the east room of the white house in just a few minutes. Bill 36 years old and is part of the first generation inspired by 9 11. Nice to see you on the north lawn there. Both paying respect for the victims and the heroes of flight 93 today. Kristin fisher has that story. The only day between now and election day where President Trump and Vice President joe biden put politics aside and even share a similar message. Today, the 2020 opponent focusing on the thing you cant help but think about when you visit this hollowed ground, that decision that the you write 93 passengers made to fight back. To lay down their lives in a sense. When you think about that, its one thing in a situation where you confronted with something. Consciously know that what you are about to do might cost you your life. The 40 of flight 93 did the most american of things. They took a vote, and then they acted. Together, they charged the cockpit. They confronted the pure evil, and in their last act on this earth, they saved our capital. President trump spoke first during the ceremony this morning right after the names of all the passengers and crew members were read aloud along with the ringing of the bells. Its notable that the president did not mention all the progress towards his promise to get u. S. Troops out of the country where the 9 11 attacks originated. Joe biden also refused to talk politics today. He came here several hours after his 2020 opponent was long gone and met with the families and also shared a brief elbow bump with the current Vice President , mike pence earlier this morning at the 9 11 memorial in new york city. One more moment i have to share with you before i go because i dont think a lot of people were able to catch it on television is while they were reading the names of the passengers and the crew members who lost their lives here 19 years ago today, a huge flock of geese come about 20 of them flew directly over the memorial. Everyone looked up, there are lots of very special moments every time this anniversary comes around, but that moment in particular really stood out. Bill thank you, nice to see you today. Want to bring in Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace with me. What struck you when the live replay started rolling earlier today . 19 years since 9 11, and it still is an open wound. Is still something that we feel so deeply, and i suspect this view when i know it was true of me as we hit each of those key moments whether a moment of silence when the first plane hit the first tower and then the third plane hit the second tower and then shanksville, it just transports you back in time to what you were thinking and feeling that each of those moments, and also about shanksville, its so interesting because those 40 people on board flight 93 who took the vote and then stormed the cockpit and drove the plane into the ground in that field and shanksville rather than continuing on and we all think it was bound to hit the beautiful dome of the capitol in washington was really the beginning of the u. S. War on terror, the response to al qaedas brutal, savage attack. And when you hear about thomas paine who is going to be honored today for his bravery and fighting isis in 2015, that war on terror on radical islamic jihaddism continues to this very day. Bill well stated there. The live replay, we get further from the moment every year because the hairstyles look older, the cars look older, the clothing looks older and at some point, we will look at this thing and think that was a long time ago. But when you think about 9 11 compared to the pandemic, these events have a way of changing our lives. Think about it change the way we travel, change security, change sporting events, the pandemic right now is changing the way we live in the way we work on the way we use technology, and these moments 19 years apart are now bookends for so many people in the way they conduct their life. Asked. There is one big difference, and i think its a sad comparison because 9 11 brought us together not forever, but certainly for months if not a full year and all of the divisions with the bushgo reelection in 2000, those were all forgotten and we were all reminded as we always should be that there is so much more that brings us together than divides us. Unfortunately, this pandemic has only added in that unity of purpose we saw in the days and weeks and months after 9 11, i know weve got an election and i know people are on different sides of the election but we could use that sense of common purpose now more than ever. Bill i think Rudy Giuliani was reflecting on a similar way earlier today, play this clip from this morning. Election years always bring out the worst in everybody, i think. And frankly, i think we werent quite as partisan and werent quite as divided into two camps as we are today, so it was a little bit easier for us to come together, and there was more of a feeling of general patriotism there. Bill i think that reflects what you were saying. About to cleanse the palate with a significant event at the white house and we will see a young man who went into harms way in a significant way and save the lives of dozens and dozens of people. That again brings me back to 9 11 because we all remember that terrible day. We all remember the two towers burning, and the First Responders, seven civilians ran to the danger. And thats the extraordinary thing about thomas payne who we will see honored in just a few moments. Yes, he was on a mission. Yes, he was a special operator, so he is well trained for this, but taking care of this building, freed hostages and saw some of his colleagues in danger and the hostages that were being held by isis in that separate building and he ran to the danger and thats the dash thats what weve got to keep remembering, thats who we really are, not all of this fighting about everything. Politics is important and took the founders 200 plus years ago, they knew it was going to be beanbag. Would be a combat sport but we should remember what binds us and 9 11 does that you talk about it being a long time ago but you cant forget that weve got to pass it on to our kids and their kids so that it remains as brilliant and clear a lesson 50 years from now as it is for us today. Bill thank you, chris. He was 16 or 17 years old. Wanted to sign up for the service and his mom said you cant do it because you arent a age and we are about to see the highest honor for him. We will see you on sunday, Fox News Sunday, talks with steve cortes Senior Advisor for the trump team and senior policy advisor for the Biden Campaign and then joe buff, fox sports a lead playbyplay announcer on your local fox stations. Check it out and check the tv listings. We will see you real soon. Standby for the moment from the white house as we await that, another historic peace deal now in the works for the middle east. President trump making that announcement today and will have live reaction from state Department Spokesperson in a moment. Plus, remembering 3,000 lives who died in Lower Manhattan 19 years ago today. This guy was a Crystal Clear blue day here in new york city on the morning of 9 11. In them moment, i will talk with that man, what hes doing today in a significant way to make sure that all of us never forg forget. [taps playing] is mealtime a struggle . Introducing oreida potato pay. Where oreida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this. With this. When kids wont eat dinner, potato pay them to. Oreida. Win at mealtime. Three thousand dollars potato pay them to. Thats how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the va streamline refi theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. As new challenges have arisen, weve grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. And then found the home of my dreams. But my home of my dreams needed some work sofi was the first lender that even offered a personal loan. I didnt even know that was an option. The personal loan let us renovate our Single Family house into a multiunit home. And i get to live in this Beautiful House with this beautiful kitchen and its all thanks to sofi. There have been two Peace Agreements with israel in the last 72 years. This is now the second Peace Agreement that weve announced in the last month, and i am very hopeful that they will be more to follow, i can tell you this tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also join in. Bill that from about an hour ago, brokering another historic peace deal in the middle east announcing israel and bahrain are normalizing relations to join the united arab emirates, ceremony on tuesday at the white house, Morgan Ortagus to talk about this. Good to see you today. Might get interrupted, seeing a lot of people come into the room at the white house we will see how much we can get through. Which country is next . We will see. I think what is really incredible is today on 9 11, a day where we are of course a very somber and pensive thinking about the people that were lost on this day, we are able to honor their memory through peace so as the president pointed out, and as Prime Minister netanyahu pointed out, it took 26 years to get an agreement between arabs and israelis and then just 29 days later, we have a second agreement, recognition between arabs and israelis. I was in the oval office with the president and it was one of the biggest honors of my life to be a part of this historic day. Bill remarkably put. I am hearing reports about sudan, kosovo, can you confirm progress with any of these countries or others . I just left the middle east a couple days ago with secretary mark pompeo, actually back right now to work on another historic Peace Agreement hopefully to get there between the tallow band and government of afghanistan but its evident when i was in the middle east that the tide is turning. There was a new generation, a much Younger Generation of leaders in the middle east and they dont think about israel and the palestinians, the way that their fathers and their grandfathers thought about it. They want to have recognition. Remember, when he came into power, the first place he went to was saudi arabia, the cult of israel and said we were going to take a radically different approach in the middle east. In embolden and empower our friends and allies and were not going to give billions of dollars to the Islamic Republic of iran. Bill thank you for your time, a few more questions but the president is now in the room. Thank you and we will watch it on tuesday at the white house, Sergeant Major thomas paine with the commander in chief as well. An army ranger from South Carolina being recognized today at the age of 36, father of three for what he did in iraq freeing 38 hostages within minutes in one building and then not giving up the fight in another building as well and helping his own men to get out to safety. A ranger in the u. S. Army and said as a kid, i wanted to be like a g. I. Joe and today, he gets in honor even higher than that. Lets drop into this ceremony in the east room of the white hou white house. In a family he loved in the nation he loves fostering the pure motivation of all warriors who fight for those who stand behind them. You equipped his hands for warfare and forged within him a heart that regarded the liberty of others of greater value than his own safety. You assign him in the ranks of those whose common bond is uncommon valor when taber needed to be boldly confronted. Your work through him not only preserved life but preserve the legacy of his team and the ideals of our great nation. Nevertheless, we know that opposing evil comes with a great cost, so we pray that the honor of this ceremony and the ministry of your spirit would comfort the families and the teammates of Master Sergeant josh wheeler and Master Sergeant john dunbar. I pray in jesus name amen. Thank you very much, beautiful job and thank you for your service. Please. Today, its my privilege to present the congressional medal of honor to a warrior who is devoted the last two decades of fighting the forces of terror. Please join me in welcoming todays extraordinary recipient, Sergeant Major Thomas Patrick payne. Congratulations. [applause] thank you very much. Grateful to be joined by pats wonderful wife allison and thank you very much for being here on is very momentous occasion, this is the big one, you know that. This is the big one. Also with us is patrick and allisons axyearold son erin, thank you for being here. You have a very nice little award back there, beautiful pen, right . You will save that pen, thank you. I want you to know that your dad is one of the bravest men anywhere in the world. You know that, right . You knew that before. I think you knew that before we knew it, so congratulations. With us also is our first lady. Thank you, darling. And Vice President mike pence. Mike, thank you very much for it along with secretary of defense mark esper. Thank you. Congressman richard hudson, richard, thank you very much. Secretary of the army ryan mccarthy, thank you. Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley, thank you very much. Amazing the way all these generals are showing up, this is something. This is the big one, as i say, always do. Always will be. The army chief of staff thank you very much. And Sergeant Major of the army michael, thank you very much. I also want to recognize the three medal of honor recipients that are with us. Matthew williams, edward byers, and walter, thank you very much. [applause] thats great. A lot of brave people are with us today. Grew up in a small town in South Carolina. His dad as a police officer, his grandfather served in world war ii, korea, vietnam, service to our country really got us through their very, very rapidly. Exactly 19 years ago today on september 11th, 2001, news of the attack in our nations great country, this was just an attack like has never happened to us, but it went through the high school and went through his classroom and pat was sitting there listening, his teacher saw what he told the students there, generation had a fight to win. Going to fight and fight to win and that moment, pat was called to action. He knew that his country needed him. Ten short months later at the age of 18, and Army Basic Training at fort benning, soon he joined the elite ranks of the Legendary Army rangers. Became an exceptional soldier and excellent sniper. He saw heavy combat in multiple theaters of battle in 2010 during the deployment in afghanistan. His leg was severely wounded by an enemy grenade while recovering in South Carolina. Pat met with his wife, probably not a bad wound, was it . I hope youre going to say it was worth it. Was paid less than two years after being injured, pat competed against one of the prestigious vest ranger competi. In october of 2019 on his 14th deployment, pat was part of a Team Assigned to plan and conduct and operation to rescue 70 kurdish prisoners being held by isis b barbarians in iraq and received horrifying intelligence that they were planning to massacre their captains and bury them in a freshly dug graves, pat and his teammates raced into action after midnight on octobea helicopter and departed on a mission to free the hostages to two buildings guarded by dozens of ruthless and bloodthirsty isis terrorists and was in command of a team as well as a ramp to the helicopter with them, rushed into a blistering tale of gun fire. Pat and his team swiftly overpowered the enemy, secure the building, and freed 38 of the hostages. Then, pat received word that the rest of the assault team was facing harsh resistance in another complex. Pat turned to one of his fellow soldiers and said lets get into the fight right now, lets get into the fight. He saw that the other building was on fire, and he knew more of the hostages were still trapped inside. He and his team climbed up the ladders to the roof and opened up fire on the enemy, multiple isis fighters detonated suicide vests ripping a portion of the building into pieces, but pat and his fellow rangers fought through the fire. The bullets on the deadly blast. Pat navigated to the front door and saw the captains were being held behind the metal door secured by two very heavy padlocks. He grabbed a pair of bolt cutters and ran through smoldering flame and smoke as bullets impacted all around him, pat succeeded in cutting one of the locks before the scorching, sweltering heat forced him to leave the building for some air. He caught his breath in a few seconds and was back. He ran right back into that raging blaze, sliced the final lock and release the rest of the hostages as the building began to collapse. He received orders to evacua but refused to do so, didnt want to leave anyone behind. He ran back into the burning building that was collapsing two more times, he saved multiple hostages, and he was the last man to leave. He wouldnt leave no matter what they said, no matter who ordered him to do it, he wouldnt do it. He was the last on one out. One of the largest and most Daring Rescue missions in american history. Pat and his team rescue 75 captives and killed 20 isis terrorists. You embody the righteous glory of american valor. We stand in all of your heroic daring and gallant deeds. You truly went above and beyond the call of duty to earn our nations highest military honor. Pat would be the first to remind us that he was not alone that day and one army ranger made the ultimate sacrifice, Master Sergeant josh wheeler, josh missed something, right . Josh was something. He said that before. Today, we are deeply moved to be joined by Master Sergeant wheelers wife, ashley wheeler. Our hearts break for your loss. A great man, that was a great man. Where is ashley . Please, stand up. [applause] thank you very much. Thank you. Our nation endures fearless warriors like josh, willing to lay down their lives freedom, our children could grow up in peace because josh had the courage to face down evil. Our debt to him and to you is everlasting and we appreciate it very much. We will honor him forever, you know that, very special group of warriors, men, great men. Has said as soon as our soldiers boots hit the ground, they are ambassadors of the american way of life. Everywhere they go, the men and women of our armed forces and still are friends with hope, our enemies with dread, and our fellow citizens with unyielding american pride. Over the course of his service, pat has embarked on an astounding 17 deployments in defense of our nation, thats a lot, right . Okay. I needed that little extra confirmation. Thats a lot. He now serves as an instructor at the u. S. Army special Operations Command training the next generation of american warriors. Today, he joins the Immortal Company of our most revered american heroes. You personify the motto rangers lead the way, and you inspire us all. Hit is now my privilege to present Sergeant Major Thomas Patrick payne with the congressional medal of honor. Id like to ask the military aid to come forward and read the citation. Thank you so much. Attention to orders. The medal of honor is awarded to Sergeant First Class thomas payne, United States army for the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on october 22nd. His heroism and selfless actions were key to liberating the 75 hostages giving a contested rescue mission that resulted in 20 enemies killed in action. Sergeant first class paynes gallantry under fire and sense of valor are keeping with the highest commissions of military service and reflect greatly upon himself, the United States special Operations Command, and the United States army. [applause] i invite you to join me in prayer. Thank you for the gift of liberty you have given us and those who have safeguarded liberty through heroic acts for our sake and for the sake of others. Your call upon each of our lives may not be to serve as First Responders or warriors on the field of battle rushing into burning buildings rescuing others. Even still, may our participation here today and the strengthening of your spirit compel us all to live lives of honor and valor for the good of your kingdom come up for the good of our own families, and for the good of the United States of america. I pray in jesus name amen. [applause] bill quite a remarkable moment on what is a remarkable day for all of us. Seeing thomas payne getting the medal of honor award. After the attacks on 9 11 occurred, he knew it was time to step up and wanted to sign up and she was denying that request to wait until his 18th birthday and was in an Army Ranger Competition on espn at two years later, he won that competition. Today, the medal of honor. Today, friend of the show and the friend of the channel, chairman and ceo, the foundation that helps families of fallen First Responders, welcome to our show today and good afternoon to you. You live this day to honor your youngest brother and you went a long way to make sure the names of the fallen were read today. Why was that so important to make that happen . Of people were listening and i know so many people were, certainly people viewing fox and listening to the families reading the names that tell the story of their loved one, its so important you do it live on this day every year and it was just a remarkable thing. Just listening to the medal of honor recipient, hearing that he ran into a building that was on fire ready to collapse and hes getting the medal of honor on 9 11 is so iconic and just so important that he is getting it today because thats what so many firefighters did, my brother did 19 years ago giving up his life to save others. Bill they had canceled this and then you stepped up to do it and then they brought it back, but then put up the money to make sure they have their ceremonies conducted today. So hats off to you. But also today, you are building homes for wounded veterans in this country all the time, you were given an enormous donation today. That money is going to take at least 50 names off the waiting list, paying off mortgages for 50 great heroes. People that died for our country can take it on First Responders that left the young families behind is just incredible but wanted to do it on 9 11 and wanted to be significant and wanted to change all these great heroes lives. All these beautiful things happened on a day that was so sad 19 years ago, we say while we have time, let us do good. This is good, we gave a house away today that 9 59, that the time that the south tower fell, gave it away to a gold star family because we know that we have to do good in memory of all of those who perished, not just my brother, but the 7,000 who have given their lives protecting our country. Bill a remarkable donation. What did it mean for the Vice President to be there today to participate . He was so gracious, talk to so many 9 11 family members, just read two passages from the bible that was so fitting and so beautiful and it meant a lot to the tunnel to Towers Foundation that he took the time to come here and pay his respects and he knew it was important that we read these names out loud on this day every year and he made sure that he was here this year. Bill you have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for so many, thank you for sharing your story, going to make sure you get on today and your web site is on the screen, so maybe we can drive some more money your way. Thank you, look forward to seeing you. Thank you and god bless all the 9 11 families. Bill in the meantime, President Trump and joe biden both visiting shanksville, pennsylvania, today not about politics but with 20 electoral votes on the line, can tip the scales this year, the coronavirus relief. Looking less likely after they advance a slimmeddown version of the bill, weighing in on that when they continue after this. What if people with type one diabetes had the power to manage their condition without fingersticks . To always know their glucose levels and where theyre heading with just a glance at their smart device. The power to make treatment decisions. To customize alerts and alarms to help keep them in range. The power to lower their a1c. All this knowledge. Powered by a small wearable. The dexcom g6. You know limu,ug after all these years its the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But this, this is the future. The future of communicating of hearing and connecting with life. And this, is eargo. No appointments no waiting no hassles. And they are practically invisible in your ear. Now you see it. Now you dont. If you have hearing loss now is the time to do something about it. Were here and ready to help you with your hearing loss. Bill President Trump and joe biden both visiting the memorial today, a swing state but biden says no politics on this solemn day. Peter doocy reports live in gettysburg today, how is it going . This is a battleground state that joe biden has been to more than any other this cycle, usually comes to talk trump, but not today. Not going to be making any news today, not going to talk about anything other than 9 11. Keep all their advertising down, its a solemn day and thats how we are going to keep it. Im not going to be holding press conferences. Its a solemn day all around. Biden is in a strong position in pennsylvania up nine points in a recent nbc news poll and is constantly stressing his family is history. Visit his boyhood home in scranton that he talks about all the time often joking but he was once pennsylvanias third senator. Says there is something even more important than Family History and that is voting history. In biden now has second thoughts about a mid90s vote for the trade deal that has drawn bipartisan heat for manufacturing job losses, nafta. He was interviewed on cnn and they said which is better, nafta or the usmca and he said no, the usmca and he says what . Couldnt believe it. He said usmca. He made a mistake. From his perspective, he made a mistake because he doesnt know whats going on even though he is right, they were a little surprised. Biden was in the same place as Vice President mike pence in new york. They saw each other and bumped elbows. Was in the same place President Trump was in pennsylvania later on in the day, the two of them did not cross paths. That wont happen until the first debate. Bill what is he doing in gettysburg . We just came to get a lay of the land for the electoral college. We will have a nice piece tonight about the impact of nafta. Nice place to be. Bill i bet it is, just curious. Nice to see you when we will talk again really soon. In the senate failing to advance a covid package leaving hundreds of billions of dollars of aid in limbo. Want to bring in our friday money team, Austan Goolsbee, chairman of the council of economic advisors for president obama, good to see you both. I dont know if its ever going to get done. Do you . Its just a tough call. The democrats basically say unless trump gives a trillion dollars, the state and local governments, thats basically the blue state bailout that theyre not going to go for any deal at all and thats a shame because they agree on some payments for hospitals and other Vital Services come up with the whole thing is being held hostage because democrats want to make sure all this money goes to these. Bill republicans charge the democrats do not want to help they because that would improve the economy during election time. Do you buy into that . Not all democrats but i think some democrats yes dont want to aid the economy because a healthier economy. Saying maybe we dont need. Bill do you believe that there will be a deal at some point . I lean towards thinking there wont be. Sounded like steve had three different positions in his first two sentences they are if the democrats are wanting to spend more money. You think the president s survival instinct would be kicking in 52 days from the election but apparently not. The same mentality that the virus is going to go away, its going to disappear, dont have to do anything, just wait, there will be a miracle. Now wanting to apply that to the rescue and relief efforts. Not just blue states, its all the states that are in Critical Condition and already laid off a million and a half workers, and there are millions to go if they have to try to balance budgets and the faces of downturn and the Small Businesses money has dried up and we have been saying all along for months, on these very debates, these are the two big speed bumps we have to avo avoid. Draconian fire all the workers in the Small Business is running out of money and liquidating in another way for unemployment. Bill i was watching that, go ahead, steve. Just had a jobs report, just had at 100,000 workers, number one. Number two, 16 states virtually all of them read states that already balance the budget this year and they say we dont need money and this is money that is targeted and the reason is here in illinois, illinois is bankrupt and so was new york and new jersey and california, minnesota, those states are just poorly managed and now people in texas and florida and tennessee paying the bills for these blue states. Thats not even remotely true. Bill the other thing you said as the economy is starting to bounce and yet you dont need it. Do you subscribe to that possibility that we are starting to see more of a recovery . We are starting to see more of a recovery, seeing some bounce but seeing nothing like the drop. Hits like we said from the beginning, we let up 21 million runs in the first inning and now weve added back less than half of that. We still have 29 and a half Million People on unemployment, and this is a critical period for the economy that we cannot let go to waste. We now bounce back and stalled out in the spot where we are, we are going to have millions fewer people that work then should. And i make one quick point . Running ads right now across the country featuring Austan Goolsbee saying eight or nine years ago when he was working for president obama the best way to help the economy would be through a payroll tax cut, now trump proposed that payroll tax cut and your democratic colleagues say its the worst thing. Is it a good thing or a bad thing . He didnt propose a payroll tax cut. He has proposed a person borrowing against themselves that gives you a loan on your payroll tax and that they would cut it in the future. He has proposed a payroll tax for every business and every worker in america, and nancy pelosi says no, she doesnt want to cut the tax. Bill steve brings this up every week, austin. Ive got to run. The interview that joe biden did with jake tapper was very interesting from a trade perspective. We have a couple seconds left here, but it seemed as if this is prime for a debate at the end of september about where joe biden and barack obama were regarding trade during the eight years of the white house and i thought it was a very Interesting Exchange because he confessed at one point usmca is better than nafta, getting a comment on that. The only thing ill say about that is the usmca is better than nafta and 95 of whats in the usmca that is not in nafta came word for word from the Transpacific Partnership that obama and biden negotiated. Bill make it quick. Obama and biden were in the white house for eight years and they didnt get it done. Donald trump does. Bill that was quick. Thank you, steve. We will see you in political ads very soon. See you next friday and thank you for coming back today. In a moment, a High School Senior pleading for a football season that has escaped him so far. Going to talk to him in a moment about getting back on the field and why he believes hes changed the future for him and his family coming up next. Ys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Come on in, were open. All we do is hand you the bag. Simple. Done. We adapt and we change. You know, you just figure it out. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. I tat newdayusa thats whatany vet thatwere doing. Lutely. Weve just been finding a way to keep on pushing. We put our arm around the veterans. When i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. Everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. Bill there are some High School Football teams pleading to let them play. He is one of them, a senior. He says football is the best way for him to help change his life. He is with me now. How are you doing, but . Thanks for doing this today. I was really moved by some of the comments that you made with reporters. He said i need everything so i can make it out of cincinnati, get my mom out of the, and everything else. You cant play. What does this mean to you, aaron . It means a lot because i grew up playing football, and really all i know is playing football, so its like everything is being taken away. It dont feel right because this is all i know and what i love to do. Bill you also set football is what keeps us safe, keeps us together. I agree with that too. The problem in ohio, they are playing against other schools, their traveling. Teams from ohio going to kentucky, e and you guys are sitting on the bench. What is your message to those who make a decision on this, aaron . I just think that they should give us a chance because if all these other schools can play and be safe and continue to do what they do, i think we can do the same thing. Keep everything safe. Make sure we had done the right path. Bill i know youre looking for a scholarship. What do you think of the possibility of getting looked at by some colleges that might give you a shot in the future . I really dont know because its like so many opportunities are like being taken away because we need more to make more film to send so that they can look at it, but we cant get them highlights that we need to keep going. Bill yeah, i understand. So this is your best shot. Is that right . Yes, sir. Bill for the School Officials that say now is not the time, they are going to meet on monday. I think the other day, you and your teammates showed up and said let us play. What did they say to that . Yes. Well, they still turned us down. We were up there, determine that we were going to get a yes, and we were trying to get her to. She still turned us down. Bill why is that . The viruses out there . What did they tell you . I think its because the teachers are scared of it and dont want to be inside the building, so we cant go inside the building, so i guess they dont want us to play football, but technically, we have to log into a computer, get our attendance taken. We have to do the work to stay eligible, so we are in school, so why cant we play at . Bill they are going to meet again on monday, the 14th of september, and if they agree to it, you might be on the field by the end of the month. What do you think the chances are right now . The chances are low. For me and my teammates, this feels like we are not going to have a season at this point. Bill i hope you are wrong about that. You are thoughtful young man, and i know youre really concerned about what happens after high school. Being a senior, you have to have a lot of anxiety right now about the future. Youve got a great school, a great team, and i want to wish you the best of luck, aaron, for sharing your story. I hope you get a yes on monday. Thank you. Bill tell your mother hello. Your mother, angela. She never misses a game, and shes ready to go on the road as soon as you are. Give her our best. Nice to see you today. Speak up thank you. You too. Bill lets end on that on this september 11th. Set your dvr and never miss a report. I hope you enjoy the weekend during these covid times. Things are changing out there yet again, as you know. Here is neil. Neil thank you, bill. Im neil cavuto, and this is your world. Bygones are backgrounds, at least in the significance of this day, which we all know what happened 19 years ago. At this very hour, they were looking through the rubble of the world trade center. Thousands lost their lives. Close to 3,000. The significance is not lost all these years later. Coming together in the middle of a covid crisis here. Some spikes in cases but some return to normalcy as

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