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Will commute former illinois governor Rod Blagojevichs prison sentence and pardoning former new york city commissioner bernie kerik and Michael Milken. Kerik was nicknamed americas cop after his leadership after the attacks of 9 11. He spent three years in federal prison after pleading guilty to tax fraud and lying to the government. Former illinois governor is serving his eighth year of a 14 year sentence for political corruption. Blagojevich made headlines in 2008 when he was convicted of trying to sell president obamas senate seat, saying it was leaping gold. Blago expected to walk free later today. Lets kick it off this hour, john roberts with the north lawn. Wind it off. The blago commutation has been coming for some time. Supporters of him have been floating the idea since President Trump took office. Today it became a reality. Blago has been incarcerated in a federal prison in inglewood, ind colorado since 2012 angle colorado. The conviction of trying to sell the senate seat that once belonged to barack obama. He had a trial ended in a missed trial but convicted in 17 of 20 counts in his retrial. President trump saying that the 14 year sentence that was imposed upon blagojevich was excessive. Listen. I dont know him very well. Ive met him a couple times. He was on for a short while on the apprentice years ago. Seemed like a very nice person. Dont know him. He served eight years in jail. Has a long time to go. Many people disagreed with the sentence. Hes a democrat. Hes not a republican. We should remind you its not a pardon for spee blagojevich ja commutation. He gets out of jail and will likely get out today but will still remain a convicted felon. We are told the president was on the fence about all of this as late as last night but decided this morning to go ahead and do it. In addition, as you mentioned, the president did give a pardon to bernard cara, who spent three years in jail with charges of making false statements. Financer Michael Milken was in jail for securities fraud. The president citing milkens advocacy work for Prostate Cancer is one of the reasons for his pardon. Among the people who advocated for milkens pardon, Rudy Giuliani whose investigation at least in part led to the charges against milken and ended up with him in jail. Renee giuliani appealing to the president to say milken has paid his debt to society. Its time to expunge his criminal record. Bill there were questions about bill barr during the backandforth. It was the first time the president has talked about bill barr in public. At least on camera since barr last week publicly rebuked the president for tweeting about cases before the doj saying that hes making my job impossible to do. The president today said the attorney general has got a point. Listen. I do make his job harder. I do agree with that. I think thats true. Hes a very straight shooter. We have a great attorney general. He is working hard. And hes working against a lot of people that dont want to see good things happen in my opinion. Hes a man with great integrity. The attorney general is a man with incredible integrity. Just so you understand. I chose not to be involved. I am allowed to be totally involved. Of course what all of this is about is the roger stone sentencing. The judge in the roger stone case, amy berman jackson, held a telephone hearing today in which she notes the sentencing would go ahead as scheduled. Stones attorney had petitioned judge jackson for retrial but she saw no need today to postpone the sentencing hearing. Revise sentencing recommendations to judge jackson, the doj did not put down a specific number, leaving it in her hands to decide, the memo reading based on the facts known to the government, sentence of between 87 and 108 months, the initial recommendation, imprisonment could be considered excessive and unwarranted. The government differs the court as to what sentence is appropriate under the facts and circumstances of the case. The president was asked if he would consider a pardon for roger stone. Hes been asked that question before and as he said in the past, he said again today he didnt want to talk about it. Hes not thinking about it. He did issue seven pardons and commutations. Bill thank you. Want to bring in andy mccarthy. Good afternoon. President said in a wide umbrella of commentary earlier today that they are all scams. Makes sense as to why he would deliver all these decisions today. I think whats going on with the pardons in particular blagojevich, the unstated thing that he hasnt made a statement about, bill, is andy mccabe and the fact that he just recently in the last few days there was an announcement from the Justice Department that that case is being dropped. I think what hes trying to contrast is people who have been the subject of very aggressive Law Enforcement investigations, some of them, like special counsel investigations because they involve Public Officials versus what happens to the investigators who push the envelope and sometimes exceeded their authority and seem never to be held accountable. I think the president thinks that issue is a winner for him and this draws it in stark contrast. Bill he said a really rough thing happened to roger stone. General michael flynn. Someone has to stick up for people. In a general sense, do you feel the president s coming at this from clearly his perspective. Having gone through the mueller matter and see what he considered massive corruption within the department of justice aimed at him and his administration and now he finds sympathy in others who have brought their cases to him. Generally speaking is that a Fair Assessment . Yeah, i dont think theres any other way that you could interpret this than that the president is looking at these cases a new with an eye toward what he thinks happen to him in terms of the injustice that was done and the heavy handedness and unseemly in zealousness with people who committed process offenses and who were not found to have been complicit in the thing that was the rationale for the investigation in the first place, namely the fever dream that there was a trumpkremlin conspiracy. I think hes looking in all of that and in his mind trying to underscore the injustice he thinks thats been done. Bill two more topics, 2 minutes left. Do you believe the roger stone sentencing will continue . I saw comment from you earlier suggesting that the sentence will not happen this week. Why would that be . What i thought was that because it seems to me at least that he has a motion to make for a new trial, because of the juror. The juror who gone on and theres at least a allegation theres bias there, that it would take some time to litigate. As i understand, the judge seems to have come to the view that there is no reason the sentencing cant go forward, so its likely to happen. Bill the judge has full authority here. No matter what bill barr says or the president tweets about, correct . Thats right. Part of reason its been such a fabricated controversy is that whether you are sympathetic to the harsh recommendation that the trial team made in stones case or to the Justice Departments more position of the 4year sentence, the fact is that the judge is not bound by any that she doesnt really need any input from the Justice Department. Shes expert in federal sentencing law. Bill we will see how she rules on thursday. Lastly on bill barr, the president admitted his tweets give bill barr a tough time. Im looking at a statement that came out 12 minutes ago from senator Schumer Graham in support of bill barr. How would you characterize the relationship . It underscores with the president said is that hes making bill barrs job a lot more difficult. Barr is a great attorney general. He is right now under siege. I think a lot of it is made up. Some of it the context for what happened today, bill, is this narrative that the left is trying to create and the democrats are trying to create that we have a politicized Justice Department where what matters is what is your relationship to the president. If barr is fighting that off, today is not helping him do that. Bill all in an afternoon. Andy mccarthy, we shall speak soon. Thank you, sir. 10 minutes past the hour. More right now. Another big story we are watching. They will be a showdown in sin city. Michael bloomberg will be on the stage. They could get ugly has a tax keep flying. In moments, brandnew reaction from the Biden Campaign. Simone sanders joins us live. More than a dozen americans on lockdown right now in quarantine in the state of nebraska. We will talk to a nurse who is in charge of the patients who may have the coronavirus. I had a heart problem. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. Va Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50year lows. Newday usa can help you refinance your mortgage and save thousands a year. Newdays va streamline refi makes it fast and easy because theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. I urge you to call newday usa now. Bill Michael Bloomberg is set to appear in his first president ial debate tomorrow night after a rule change and a lastminute surge in polling. Top three National Front runners will come facetoface in las vegas after days of revving up the attacks against each other. Bernie sanders and Michael Bloomberg continue to rise. Joe biden is appearing to slide. In moments, reaction from a Senior Advisor in South Carolina on bidens team prefers peter doocy reports. Bernie sanders told 17,000 supporters in Washington State last night, he heard the democratic establishment is getting nervous about his rise and he said the democratic establishment should be nervous about his rise. He also had took a big shot at Michael Bloomberg saying that he couldnt buy the democratic nomination but he doesnt think bloomberg could win anyway. We say to mr. Bloomberg, you are certainly not going to win when you have a record in new york city that included racist policies like stop and frisk. Which cause communities of color, africanamericans, latinos, to live in fear and humiliation in new york city. The Bloomberg Campaign is signaling a strong push back to comments like that with his Campaign Manager tweeting the Opposition Research on Bernie Sanders could fill Donald Trumps empty fox con facility in wisconsin. Very dangerous, even perhaps disqualifying. Biden told donors in denver, by the way mayor bloomberg says the Health Care Bill was a disaster, allows a bill. He has 60 billion to explain it. Pete buttigieg also here in nevada looking for help, countering bloombergs aunts. So what im asking of you is to spread whatever sense of hope you think it was maybe worth it to spend the time here together today. And to share that with anybody you know who will be more convinced by a word from you then they will be via an ad from me about the value of getting involved. For so much of the democratic primary and caucus season the focus has just been on beating donald trump next year. No little bit of it is becoming Michael Bloomberg in the primaries. Bill thank you. Simone sanders, Senior Advisor for joe bidens president ial campaign, live in columbia, South Carolina. Good afternoon and thank you for your time. Happy to be here. How are you . Bill i am fine. Thank you. How does joe biden take on Michael Bloomberg face to face tomorrow night . Look, bill, first of all Vice President biden is very much looking forward to the debate. Its an opportunity to go before caucus goers in nevada and voters across the country, especially before folks in nevada go to the caucus sites on saturday to talk about two very important issues, guns and health care that are important to folks across the country but critical for nevada caucus goers. I think Michael Bloomberg has a different challenge and that is for the Bloomberg Campaign to rise to, if you will. Michael bloomberg hasnt been on the single debate stage. Hasnt been on the ballot in a single early state, havent won a single delegate. He is unvented. Hes been weathering headlines about Sexual Harassment in his company. His racist stop and frisk policy that he advocated for. And expanded as mayor of new york. And his demeaning warrants about president obama. I think that on the debate stage, Vice President biden will continue to communicate his message. Bill i am assuming everything you just ticked off is fair game for joe biden tomorrow night. Is that how he contrasts his record of Public Service with Mike Bloomberg . To be clear, bill, i believe that there is little light next to Vice President bidens experience versus anyone else on the stage. There will be a number of candidates on the debate stage but only one person who has the Foreign Policy expertise to deal with the issues that will face the next president of the united states. Only one cannon on that debate stage has taken on the nra twice and won, joe biden. Plans to do so a third time when hes elected president. The reality is joe biden not only has the experience. He has the tenacity and he is the policies ready to be, ready to take it to the next level. Bill it sound like you should be on that stage tomorrow night. Politico, here is the headline. Bernie breaks out of the pack in nevada, rivaling campaigns. The race for second and third place. Applies Bernie Sanders so strong . Look, bill, im senator sanders has been running for president since june of 2015. I will say we feel very good about our organization in nevada. I do believe theres a poll out that shows us extremely competitive with senator sanders with latino voters in nevada. We are all in on nevada and South Carolina. We view it as a launching pad into super tuesday. Bill if thats the case and joe biden set over the weekend that nevada is not a must win although he expects to do well there. At what point does your campaign can see that joe biden has got to win somewhere . [laughs] bill, i think we said that low, only two states have voted in the contest. Two. Not 10 , not half the nation. Two states. We have set were looking forward to these additional nominating contests where we planned to to do very well. We think we can do externally well in nevada. We think we will do is trim the well in South Carolina and we think we will go to super tuesday to amass a number of delegates. Its a delegates game and we are playing for the long haul and we are playing to win. Bill i saw Bernie Sanders with a massive crowd the other night. I saw Elizabeth Warren with a massive crowd maybe six months ago. I havent seen joe biden brought a huge crowd like his campaign would expect. Simone, is his campaign right now on life support . [laughs] not at all, bill. We are very much in the race and we are in it to win it. We believe joe biden is the greatest retail politician in america. Crowds are great but crowds dont vote. What our strategy has been particularly in nevada is to put, ensure Vice President biden has the opportunity to connect with voters oneonone. Hes been doing a lot of otr stops. Doing a lot of smaller events to connect with voters. Bill i can remember not too long ago i if you finish fourth, you drop and folder campaign and thats not happening this year. Why . Bill, i think first of all, its a travesty to think that this nominating contests could be over before the base of the tenant credit party has an ability to have its say. You dont find the majority of black and brown voters in iowa and New Hampshire which is why i think this raises still very competitive, it still a race and i think its a place we think we can do while going forward. We have to allow the folks who are the base of the party having their voices heard. Bill we will talk to you before South Carolina. Thank you, Simone Sanders. Thank you for your time. Back to our top story. We are waiting to see exactly when Rod Blagojevich walks out of prison a free man. Get a live report from the colorado lockup next. Give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentyseven vitamins and minerals. Ensure, for strength and energy. Bill updating the top story. President trump handing clemency decisions including commuting the prison sentence of exillinois governor Rod Blagojevich who was convicted for trying to sell president obamas former senate seat. Alicia acuna is live at the president in littleton, colorado, waiting for the release. Hello. Hi, bill. We have reached out to the Federal Correctional Institution in englewood to see if we can get any update on when this is all going to happen. We have not heard back from the minimumsecurity prison, that as you mentioned is located in suburban denver. From what fox chicagos reporter larry yellen is telling us, he says he talked to Rod Blagojevich his wife patty and she said that the process is in motion but theres a lot of paperwork to be done. And if that paperwork is not completed by 8 00 p. M. Mountain, 10 00 eastern, then all of this goes to tomorrow morning. Then they release what happened in the morning at some point that we havent been confirmed that the time. Once the former illinois governor is released he flies back to chicago where his wife says private security guards will pick him up and theres a plan to speak to the media. Nothing is confirmed until Patty Blagojevich speaks to her husband. In his time since entering the prison in 2012, blago had to let his trademark black hair go, hair dye not allowed. He exercised and also formed a band that went by the name of the jailhouse rockers. The 63yearold after losing at the appellate level and a denial by the u. S. Supreme court to hear his case was set to walk out of prison in may of 2024. President trump intervene, something he had publicly considered at least since last year publicly. In this tweet from last summer the president wrote Rod Blagojevich, former governor of illinois, was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He has served seven years. Many people have asked that i study the possibility of commuting his sentence in that it was a very severe one. White house staff is continuing to review the matter and of course today we get word that that in fact is happening. Coincidentally or maybe not coincidently as part of the trip out west, President Trump will be in colorado here on thursday. He has a rally in colorado springs, that is south of where im standing. Also once this whole thing does finish, and blagojevich is released, its a 27mile drive to Denver International airport. When he got here he was followed by helicopters. When he leaves, we will see. Bill likely choppers in the air. Alecia quinn you, thank you. We are on verdict watch for the accused rapist, harvey widescreen. Jurors started deliberating a few hours ago. The former movie exec pleaded not guilty to all charges and his defense rested without calling weinstein to testify. He faces a maximum of life behind bars if the jury convicts him on all counts. We are on watch for that today. Meanwhile more than a dozen americans on a cruise ship off the coast of japan are now being quarantined at a medical facility in nebraska. In a moment, the woman who oversees it will join me live and the coronavirus taking a big bite out of apple. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . 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I understand you drove the van, you are overseeing the care of the people. How is it going . Its going great. I think thats what makes a great team. People are able to do lots of different things. Bill we had a guest on yesterday who said her husband may be infected with the virus, coronavirus. She came on the air two or three hours ago and confirmed it. Can you confirm that news that this gentleman named carl is infected . At this time really any time in outbreak, we really save confirmation of those early tests to the cdc to perform. We did preliminary testing here and anyone who tested positive we send those tests to the cdc for confirmation. Bill how long will it take to get word on that . Usually a few days. Bill so you have a waiting period. Are there others possibly who might be suspicious at the moment . Yes, i do. Bill how many . You know, it is hard to speculate right now. I think there will be several of the group we brought yesterday. Just as we knew there were several suspect folks who ended up coming to us and that was initially why. Bill can you tell if they came into contact with the virus on board the boat or on board the plane when they flew home . On the boat. Bill and how did they find nebraska . Well, we have been building our capacity here for a long time. It goes back to 2006 when he opened the bio containment unit here and then spent about nine years begging anyone to really notice us. And then of course 2014 came and we cared for folks with ebola virus disease. We had three patients at that time. I think than the rest is, so to speak, history. Recently we have been funded to create the national quarantined center here at a National Training center for the National Disaster medical system teams, et cetera. Bill you are ready, arent you . You are ready, right . Absolutely. Bill i know that you train for this. I think in your words, we train and we train and we train. Has it paid off . Yes. I think anytime you practice, you practice like you play, to use a sport analogy. We practiced and trained quarterly for many, many years and have continued to do so. Bill last question, can you say as to why this thing is so confounding . Yeah. You know, i think theres a lot we dont know about the virus yet. The spread of it, although sorts of things. So we are on the heels of a rather significant influence season, and if it spreads like influenza, i think thats the challenge. And then of course you can found that with not having the vaccination yet. And that will take quite some time to achieve. We really need to do a lot of things. Bill good luck to you, shelley. Give our best to everybody in nebraska. Thank you, Shelley Schwedhelm running the show. As the deadly virus continues to spread through china one of the largest economies, its also affecting markets around the globe. The tech giant apple warning it will not meet its sales target this quarter because of the disease. Fox Business Network susan li has been tracking the story all day at fox business. How are you doing . Apple says they are not going to meet their sales target, rare for americas largest company. Its a signal that Global Business might be under threat because of the coronavirus. Apple is a special case. Yes, its huge. It represents 5 of the s p 500. Five companies in history have had that type of influence. Apple is unique in the fact that they get 20 of their sales from china but they build more than 50 of their iphones in china as well. Youve heard this over and over again. More than 170 companies here in the u. S. Have warned that coronavirus will impact sales and eventually profits. It might be temporary but its across all industries. Airlines, cruise lines, even mcdonalds, starbucks, even nikes and under armours and car companies. Bill thats a pretty obvious answer, that there will be a drag on other companies. Even though apple does a lot of production in china. Are you hearing that today . Walmart reported and they said even for a walmart having to reopen their stores but only unlimited hours in china. That might have an impact on their bottom line as well. So you heard it from disney. The entertainment sectors being impacted. They had to close a few of their theme parks. People arent going to movies, being quarantined in china. Its across all industries. As with sars in 2003, yes there might be a sharp decline initially but the recovery will be steep and quick when it happens. Bill i think what it tells us perhaps is that if we thought we had a handle on it, we are not quite sure if we do just yet. Yes, thats a very good point and we have heard from the administration that there might be some unintended consequences as a result of coronavirus in a positive way as well, jobs might be brought back to the u. S. Especially when you see your supply chains upended like this, for a company like apple thats worth 1. 5 trillion. Might be thinking lets bring the jobs back. Bill a lot of money in the 401 k and apple. Who doesnt . Nice to see you. Susan li, thank you very much. Roll this now as we move forward. Today we see two mayor mayor bloomberg today we say two mayor bloomberg, we are a dt an oligarchy. Youre not going to buy this election. Period bill shade of things to come for tomorrow night. Bernie sanders ramping up the hits against mayor bloomberg. We heard from the Biden Campaign already, so what does the Bloomberg Team need to do tomorrow . President trump heading west as we speak, making a pit stop in hollywood. Well tell you what thats all about coming up shortly. I have major money saving news for my fellow veterans. Va Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50 year lows. Call newday usa. One call can save you 2000 a year. With the newday va streamline refi theres no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. And my team can close your loan in as little as 30 days. 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Elizabeth warren just fired off a tweet, are you ready . Let it begin. She says its a shame Mike Bloomberg can buy his way into the debate but at least now primary voters curious about how each candidate will take on donald trump can get a live demonstration of how we each take on an egomaniac billionaire. Its on. I dont think that stage is going to have any shortage of egomaniacs and while she may not be a billionaire shes worth about 12 million bucks according to forbes magazine. This idea that Mike Bloomberg is not vetted, i think its a little odd. Not only dealing for three terms with the new york media here but he did participate in a Mayoral Debate along the way. I think youre going to find and voters are going to find a candidate who is ready to compete on wednesday night. Bill let me show you, fox research. Wspent about 50 million in the rcp average of polls for Michael Bloomberg puts him at 14 . If youve got the graph. Is the money working . Or is the party still searching for someone it can get behind . I think its both. Obviously no one has ever had this much money to put into a campaign, but what we have seen through time is that money enough wont do it. The tv ad buys get him a hearing. They get a message out. They get people to consider him. I think to get actual support and ultimately to get votes, you do need to make the sale. I think his strength is exactly what youre asking about, maybe voters who arent satisfied with the current slate of candidates. Bill i have lived in new york for 19 years. I dont remember a debate he participated. Not memorable. Bill do we know if he is efficient a at this craft . I think what people remember more are his scraps with the press. He was a frequent speaker and communicator with what is the countrys most aggressive, largest media horde. So i think that end of it is not going to be his problem. But you are seeing now certain issues that may have been successful here, maybe now get a different view from voters nationwide but i dont think his ability to engage and communicate and advocate is going to be his problem. Bill you have seen the polling. Bernie sanders looks to be a clear front honor, you would agree on that . Yeah. Bill if we agree on then, is bloomberg the best candidate to take on a democratic socialist on the National Stage . I think he is and i think thats what we are going to get wednesday night. I wouldnt expect bloomberg to lead with it. I think its going to be a counterpunch when sanders goes after him for his wealth and the suggestion that he is simply buying or attempting to buy the nomination. I think for the first time we are going to get a candidate on the stage who can moment a frontal assault on socialism. He may not choose to do it but you think about biden and klobuchar have been raising concerns. I think you now get a more general attack. I think hes capable of doing it and i think you may have to do it i think he may have to do it. Bill we will see if his strategy pays off. You will get a measure about how he takes the shots and reacts to them and the tone by which he reacts. Final comment. Its got to be a strong reaction. He is skipping the first four contests. Super tuesday is the super bowl for him. This is his moment. Bill thank you, james. Wall street journal. Nice to see you, sir. Enjoy tomorrow night. As democrats get ready to debate in las vegas, President Trump is heading west. She corresponded Jonathan Hunt reports live in Beverly Hills. Jonathan. Good afternoon. President trump should be here in Beverly Hills in about three hours time. His first order of business and meeting with the l. A. 20208 olympics organizing committee. The president has been a big supporter of the proposed 7 billion olympics. Clearly his 4day swing out west is not a lot less about l. A. 2028 that it is about campaign 2020. He wants to raise a lot of money and fire up his base. The money raising, he will have a fundraiser here at the Montage Hotel in Beverly Hills. Later today he will have a big fundraiser. Tomorrow at the rancho mirage, palm springs. The oracle cofounder larry ellison. He will be making appearances in arizona, colorado, nevada. Every night of the trip, hes going back to las vegas. Thats no coincidence perhaps that thats obviously the focus for democrats this week. Their debate debate there tomorrow night and the caucus on saturday and before he left joint base andrews today, President Trump was very happy to try to cause a little mischief among the democrats. Listen. It just seems unfair whats happening to Bernie Sanders to be honest with you. I watched it happen four years ago. Always be careful what you wish for. Im not wishing for anything. Whoever it is ill be very hap happy. Whoever it is, ill be very happy, he says but you can expect the president to weigh in at pretty much a return on this 4day run through the western states. Bill Jonathan Hunt, thank you very much. To our viewers at home, here is what the map looks like in february. We are done with iowa, New Hampshire and now we move to nevada. This saturday the caucus, 36 delegates on the line in nevada. The following saturday, South Carolina, its a primary strata vote. South carolina, 54 delegates up for grabs. We moved to march. Super tuesday. Watch how the map explodes. On the first tuesday in march, 415 california, 228 in texas. 110 in north carolina. 99 in virginia. This is where you find the vot votes. In a moment, disaster at daytona. An update on the condition of ryan newman next. In happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. And let me tell you something, rodeo. 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Ryan newman ill turn for the final time. To the inside. Here comes crash into the wall, into the air goes newman. Upside down in a shower of sparks. Ryan newman comes across the line. Bill this went on and on. The doctors say his injuries are not life threatening. The report on his condition at the moment. An amazing finish there. Newman was about seconds away from winning the checkered flag in this years running of the daytona 500. The disaster struck him and his mustang and at fiery and scary finish to nascars premier race. Denny hamlin to win the race for the third time, second year in a row in what was a photo finish. Fox news meteorologist shot that interview and interviewed him trackside. These races get so crazy at the end. You know that something is about to happen. We dont like to see him upside down. That is the scary part. We are praying for him and his family and hopefully everything is okay with him. His number 6 was nudged from behind sending him airborne, upside down, into the air, and into extreme danger. When he landed, the highspeed car behind him smashed into the drivers side door. He had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital where he remains in serious condition. But doctors say his injuries are not lifethreatening. This was already eight daytona 500 for their history books as President Trump visited as the grand marshal telling the drivers, gentlemen, start your engines before the heavy rains in the afternoon delayed the race until monday. Praying for ryan newman, a great and brave nascar driver. Today is the 19th anniversary of Dale Earnhardt jr. s fatal crash also at the daytona 500. Ryan took ninth place last night while sliding across the checkers on the roof of his car. His 18th couple win including the 2008 daytona 500. Bill thank you so much for that. On a day of president ial pardons, former San Francisco 49ers made the cut. He pleaded guilty 21 years ago to a gambling fraud scandal where he paid 400,000 to a former louisiana governor. He did not go to prison and was fined 1 million and suspended for a year. He left the nfl in 1997. The 49ers won five titles under his leadership. Stocks are down across the boa board. Here is neil now and your world. President trump look at what happened to general flynn, a highly respected man. His life has been destroyed. You look at roger stone for a tweet and some other things. Take a look at what is happening to these people. Somebody has to stick up for the people. Neil was the president of tipping his hand . Not before sending off a firestorm. The former illinois governor and pardoning former San Francisco

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