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Considering it was 18 people who hated donald trump yard Robert Mueller, obviously not fan. It is hard to have obstruction when you have no crime. He just ruled that there is no obstruction. You had no event. You didnt had crime. You had crime on the other side. Sandra meanwhile, Top Republicans say it is all political theater, warning democrats they better be prepared. Its a friendly subpoena. That shouldnt surprise your viewers are the American Public because this particular special counsel, he has been friendly to their cause from day one. Hes been courted by the other side, just so that they can harass the president and keep on this narrative. You are going to accept the role as special counsel, youre going to have to expect that youre going to be having to testify before congress. They can do anything that they want in the house. Sandra catherine herridges live from washington. Hey, good morning. Thanks, sandra. Good morning. Sending this letter and subpoena late last night. Securing public testimony for july 17th, which will likely include a closeddoor session, current classified matters. He had no right to deny the subpoena, and the white house would not get far asserting privilege. Our interest is for the American People to see it from him. It has been a campaign of misrepresentation. The president says no collusion, that is not true either way. House republicans say that they are eager to hear from Robert Mueller as well. Key issues, including when he confirmed there was no conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and russian officials. First reporting lisa page and james comey both testified behind closed doors last year that collusion was still unproven when he was appointed. That was nine months into the fbi counterintelligence investigation, which included a subpoena for a top aide. Its going to backfire on the democrats because we have a lot more questions that are unanswered in the scope of what has been answered for democrats, largely in the 445 pages that laid out the bestcase scenario for them. Both sides to drill down on this part of Robert Mueller statement about alleged obstruction. Democrats had at the time that it stopped him from bringing charges against any sitting president , but william barr testified that mueller so that there were other factors, including evidence that weed against any charges. The report after if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. Explaining that under Longstanding Department policy. A president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional. Even if the charge is kept under seal and hidden from public vi view, but too is prohibited. That same Justice Department event where mueller did not take questions, he said that the report was his testimony, and he had no intention of testifying further, and any testimony would not go beyond i just want to know if the timing of this announcement from the two house committees. Theyve been working on this for sometime, but it gives them a lot to talk about at the debate with the candidates. Sandra that is for sure. Catherine herridge. Coming up, by the way, big morning here at americas newsroom. We will hear from the Top Republican on the house Judiciary Committee, in front of Robert Mueller, will testify. Doug collins will join us at the bottom of the hour. Trace also, moments ago, the president calling the upcoming democratic debates but says boring, but he says that he will be watching. Set to square off tomorrow, all of them looking to stand out in a very crowded field. Peter doocy is live with more on tonights debate. Peter. If anyone wants to take a shot at joe biden, they can do so without him standing there to defend himself. The frontrunner in this particular group of randomly selected hopefuls is elizabeth warren. Recent polls show that she is a progressive favorite of the moment. Even though she is debating democrats tonight, her focus last night was President Trump. The war in afghanistan, the war in iraq, would you go to war with before, due to the recent events . No. We need to create space for diplomacy to work here. We need to work with our allies, and i think we need to admit that Foreign Policy by tweet is not working for us. On stage with warren jeanette, beto orourke, trying to get position, after watching his polls plummet recently. Cory booker, who hasnt been able to get any traction in the primary polls yet, bicep curls, according to a clip on social media, and then there is the democratic governor from washington state, whose entire campaign is focused on an issue that affects south florida, where they will be hailing from. He basically said he will make sure to keep his focus on the climate tonight. So, half of the debate qualifiers are going to take the stage tonight. Half of them will take the stage tomorrow night. The dnc came up with a lot of brandnew parameters for people to get to the stage, and now is the first stage to see if they have put together a show that democrats want to watch. Trace its going to be fascinating. Peter doocy a life or is in miami. Sandra so much to get you there. Lets bring in karl rove, fox news contributor. You were just quoted by the president in that interview there about elections being about the future, not about the past. I want to ask you about the debate tonight in a second. But first, to the Mueller Report. The fact that we are now going to see Robert Muellers on this hill, publicly testifying july. Thats going to be a big day. I really big day, but we shouldnt overestimate how big it is going to be. If mueller stays within the corners of his report, we are simply going to hear more of what we heard before. I think its interesting, since the Mueller Report came out, maybe people even read the report themselves, digested it, heard about it, the percentage of people who say that the impeachment process should not go forward has risen. So i know the president gets upset about mueller, but mueller has provided a way to say we have already had this litigated. Its already been reviewed, lets move onto the business of the country. Democrats make a mistake by letting this investigation and impeachment narratives dominate the conversation for them. Sandra interesting, the warning from the House Freedom caucus chairman there says that democrats better be prepared. Elizabeth warren, possibly the biggest heavy hitter we will hear from tonight, she tweeted this out. That report made clear that the president of structure justice multiple times. If you or anyone else, he would be in handcuffs. William barr can try to cover for him all he wants, but the American People deserve to hear the truth from mueller himself. What does that tell you about the direction that democrats will go in on july 17th . Well, it says theyre going to hyperventilate. I am not saying that this is ultimately with the group of people, swing voters, that this is a compelling argument. Theres clear evidence evidence of obstruction. Well, did a president obama obstruct the Hillary Clinton investigation when he went out publicly and said that she had not done anything wrong . Should he somehow be charged with obstruction of justice . Was the attorney general of the United States guilty of obstruction of justice were meeting with former president bill clinton on the tarmac in phoenix where he wanted to talk to her . Was bill clinton engaged in obstruction of justice . The people are clear they will have to start asking questions about things like th that. Let us move on to the business of the country. Sandra all right. Tonight, ten candidates each night. Beginning tonight, the president was asked in that new interview with Maria Bartiromo if he would watch. Heres how he responded. It just seems very boring, but im going to watch it because its part of my life. Do i want to watch these people . Thats a very unexciting group of people. Biden is a lost soul. He doesnt know where he is i dont think. Hes changing his views rapidly. Sandra what do you expect when those candidates take the stage tonight . First of all, this is part of a process. How many debates did we have in 2016 on the republican side . An infinite number. Can you remember one moment i crystallize everything . I cant. Think about the democratic debates in 2008 and 2016. They had a Smaller Group of characters, but even then, its hard to put a finger on something in one debate that causes everything to change. So we had a look at this, particularly with ten people on the stage. Five moderators, 15 people trying to get a word in edge wise. They are going to have three or four moments of peace and order to save their piece. What is going to be left is an impression of who that person is. It is going to be very hard to get a viral moment that somehow boths this thing open. People say you know, she seemed to make some sense on this. He seemed to i want to learn and hear more. This is just the beginning of people absorbing this information and having an impact on the vault. Sandra that is the point of these debates. It karl rove, appreciate your time this morning. Fox news has your postdebate coverage was shannon bream. She will be going with bret baier. What do you think, trace . Mustsee tv. Trace its going to be mustsee tv. I know joe biden is going to be listening. Breaking news. Two u. S. Service members killed in afghanistan. What the pentagon is saying about this tragedy. Sandra the white house announcing a new press secretary. So, who is Stephanie Grisham . Trace new clues in the search for a missing utah student. Releasing pictures of mackenzie 310. We are live in Salt Lake City with the latest on the investigation. We encourage the public to help us answer these questions, such as who is the person she met and had to park . Does she have an alternate phone that she was using . Sandra breaking news out of afghanistan. Two American Service members killed overnight. The pentagon has not yet identified them or confirmed how they died. The news coming just hours after mike pompeos visit to the war zone, where he said he was hopeful for a peace deal with the taliban before september. Did they understand the message you are sending last week . Choosing not to strike i chose not to strike. They shot down an unmanned dro drone. I think everybody does. Trace President Trump with a warning to iran after president rouhani slammed by a new economic sanctions. If u. S. Forces in the region are targeted again, it will end in obliteration. Lets bring in the station chief, fox news contributor, daniel, great to see you. On iran, he was asked if he had an exit strategy. He said we dont need one. He things that the u. S. Is holding all the cards. What are your thoughts on that . I think he is also hopeful that iran will get the message that iran should not precipitate a work which neither country wants. Lets be clear, he responded to them with increased sanctions, and also reportedly, a precision strike on that same missile site, launching the attack against our drones. So the president i think rightly so decided that this was not the right time to respond kinetically. I think iran was trying to bait us into that action in the hopes of dividing us from our european allies, and it didnt work, but we have made it clear that there is a redline. It would have been a different response that would have been resume suicide for iran. Trace john bolton came out and said if they enrage uranium, all options are on the table so, they are stockpiling lowgrade uranium, and apparently as early as tomorrow, they will reach the limit allowed under the jcpoa. About two months ago, iran threaten to enrich uranium to weapons grade levels that would be happening as of july 7. In the event that they didnt receive any sanctions. They will not get the relief that they want, so that really is a key date for us. Trace i want to move on to north korea, if i can. A sound bite from the president yesterday talking about north korea. Mention of another meeting . We set at some point we will do that. Trace the south korean president moon says this is going slowly, right . The idea that this thing is going to happen overnight, he says and i am quoting here, he says there is no reason to regard the Current Situation just because the pace has remained slow. Complete denuclearization, a task that cannot be achieved overnight, but if there is a third summit, there has to be some concrete steps. Yeah, i think i would have a medium level of confidence that kim jong un would like to meet with President Trump again. He dialed up the temperature of last month with those Short Range Ballistic Missile test that caused so much angst, especially for our ally, japan. He also hosted them in north korea. All of that i think, steps designed to gain some leverage in anticipation of this. I think we need some preparatory work before a summit would take place. So that we could actually achieve something, and thus far, there had been none of those negotiations, so we will have to see where it takes us. Wickedly difficult, extraordinarily complex challenge for us. In part because of the diplomacy over the two plus decades. Trace ive got to go, daniel, but quickly, how important is this . Do we need this thing to happen . Trying to to get together to try to solve these tariffs . Well, for sure. The g20 is going to be a very important opportunity for the president. Our trade relationship with china, north korea, russia, iran. The key issues of the day. I certainly expect them to take full advantage of that. Trace daniel hoffman, good to see you. Thank you. Sandra a group of 9 11 First Responders meeting with Mitch Mcconnell over the 9 11 Victims Compensation fund. The latest on this very important story next. Ive been to 180 funerals. Im about to go to 182. So yeah, its frustrating when you see this dysfunctionalal g group. Exactly, nothing. Theyre completely different people, thats why they need customized Car Insurance from liberty mutual. Theyll only pay for what they need [ gargling ] [ coins hitting the desk ] yes, and they could save a ton. Youve done it again, limu. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Trace Mitch Mcconnell has agreed to hold a vote on the bill to permanently fund the 9 11 Victims Compensation bill, following a meeting with a group of 9 11 First Responders on capitol hill. One advocated weighing in on a special moment with the senator yesterday. To get his commitment today, everyone in the meeting today heard it. We are satisfied. Are we happy . No. We gave Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell we wanted the Senate Majority leader to be reminded of people like detective louis alvarez. Trace he is a retired new York City Police detective who was diagnosed with cancer 16 years after he rushed to ground zero. He is now spending his final days with his family and hospice care. You know, a lot of people wanted it, so many people said stephanie. Shes here, she knows everybody. She actually gets along with the media very well, as you know. A lot of the folks in the media like her very much, and i think shes going to be fantastic. Sandra that was President Trump weighing in on his new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham. It seems she will continue to serve as the first ladys Communications Director, as melania trumps treat would indicate. Good morning. Not a lot of people know who Stephanie Grisham is. Most americans probably dont even know what she looks like he or she hasnt been a television warrior the way that Sarah Huckabee sanders is and the way that sean spicer was. She was an obvious choice for the president , she has been there, she has the first families confidence, and she is not shy about mixing it up with journalists, who she says are very superficial in the way that they cover the first lady. For example, when a cnn contributor said that she did not understand the role of first lady, said Stephanie Griffin demott grisham wrote a piece about sandra they have come to know her very well over the past couple of years. She wrote out a tree to Stephanie Grisham, saying she will be an incredible asset to the country. Sad to leave the white house, but happy our team will be in such good hands. Proud to have another mom and a great friend in this role. We got to know Sarah Sanders through so many of those press briefings, which eventually came to an end. How do we know it in what capacity will shes sorry about this role . Well see how those press briefings . There is no indication. Stephanie grisham will not be a highprofile tv spokeswoman, but she will be an important force behind the scene, dealing with reporters. Her other title will be Communications Director for the president. She is seen as very responsive to journalist, but also kind of nononsense when she thinks the coverage has been unfair. She will be more like a typical staffer, but with a lot of influence. Sandra july 17th is going to be a big day one Robert Mueller will testify. Media coverage of that testimony will be off the richter scale. Your expectations . Well, the buildup itself is going to be like ten super bowl rolled into one. When the hearing finally comes, it will be treated like the Watergate Committee hearings. Of course, there is a million more outlets now than in 1973, but the difference is that mueller is a reluctant witness. At the same time, you know, hes going to stick to the report. Hes going to try to stay out of the politics. I know that many in the media and Many Democrats say just having him in front of the cameras, that he could simply read the report, and this will magically transform public opinion. All of the celebrities have been reading the report. I think ultimately it may be a disappointment because we know what is in the report. He may try to be a dull witness, and most americans have already decided what they think about this investigation. Sandra very interesting. Trace remember one Robert Mueller said he would not be testifying . I dont expect that this will be the only time i speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself. No one has told me whether i can or should testify or speak further about this matter. Trace that was on, and this is now. Warning democrats they had better be prepared for whatever comes out of the public testimony next week. Top republicans in july, on the Judiciary Committee, congressman doug collins joins us next. Sandra we really look forward to that. Plus, the prosecution resting its case in the navy seal, Eddie Gallagher. What is next, and whether the jury could get the case this week. You saw fogginess, shoddy nest. He saw negligence. You saw willful misconduct. You saw it exactly the way they teach you not to do a criminal investigation. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Whoa. Travis in it made it. Its amazing. Oh is that traviss app . Its pretty cool, isnt it . Theres two of them. Theyre multiplying. No, guys, its me. See, im real. Im real he thinks hes real. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Wit looks like jill heading offe on an adventure. Jill has entresto, a Heart Failure medicine that helps her heart so she can keep on doing what she loves. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto, for Heart Failure. Where to next . Entrust your heart to entresto. Sandra quick check of the markets this morning on a wednesday morning. 2 minutes into trading as the Trump Administrations of they are close to trade deal with china. Of course, all this with the president heading off to the g20 summit. The president made a lot of remarks, touting that great economy and how strong it is. As a result of his policies we are talking about the 2020 election. Trace it was down, now it is back up. We will talk with Maria Bartiromo coming back up on that. They talked about everything on the planet. We are going to dig in. Sandra maria joins us shortly. Thank you. They spied on my campaign. Its as simple as that. Its probably the biggest political scandal. They got caught doing it. They are totally unified, they get a totally pure Lindsey Graham is beside himself. He looks out the things that happen, he can even believe what happen. He cannot believe it. Sandra President Trump just moments ago reacting to the news that former special counsel Robert Mueller has agreed to testify publicly for two Congressional Committees on jul. That too is a wednesday. Joining me now, one of the lawmakers who will be asking questions in that room. Doug collins, he has the republic on the house Judiciary Committee. Good morning to you. What questions do you have for Robert Mueller . The list is long, and it will get longer. Where do we start . Why did they assemble the team that they did . When did they decide that there was no collusion . There was no conspiracy being done. When did they decide to discuss it in the Mueller Report . There is just a plethora of questions at all go back to the timing, the integrity, and the part of this report, and those are all questions now that he is going to have to answer or try to avoid. Sandra put this hearing in context for us as far as anticipation and expectations. In recent history, some of the big hearings that we have seen. Most recently, michael cohen, jeff sessions, james comey. How big of a moment is this going to be on the hill . Was going to be a big moment, but its something ive been asking for since april 8th. We have talked about it in many of our committees. Why would we waste valuable taxpayer dollars when the chairman is trying to make an impeachment and still not getting to the heart . What is going to happen, i believe it is exactly what bob mueller would say, the truth speaks for itself. No collusion, no conspiracy, no charge of obstruction. What he really doesnt want to talk about is the stuff that surrounds why so hearings got there, and why he left out the things that he did. It began to be something that could have been done a lot quicker. This is something that the democrats, that they finally were forced into doing because i had no other options. Its going to reinforce what the report said. Everybody got a chance to read this. It says what it says. What we are going to find out is the dark underbelly of what started it all. Sandra as far as the details of this hearing, we know that it is to go committees, house judiciary, and together, u will be in the hearing room. July 17. What does that hearing room look like . Set the stage for us. I wish that my chairman had actually done what he agreed to do after the consultation with us. We had to hear through press releases, but here is an interesting issue. My understanding is that is going to be the Judiciary Committee asking questions. Then break, and then there is going to be a transcribed interview at the end. I am assuming we either both asked questions this is how it was put together and thrown out there. It should be three separate parts. Sandra to be clear, did you just say that you found out about the subpoena for Robert Mueller through a press release . Youre their Ranking Member on the Judiciary Committee. I did. That is how it seems to operate these days. Not even in discussion with me personally about this. There was some discussion. A quick heads up to our stuff, but i was hearing about it from the press before the chairman himself. Sandra there is a lot of concern about these open, public hearings. A lot of people assume that there is going to be a lot of political theater. Will we actually learn anything, get any real answers as lawmakers try to dig in . That is going to depend on Robert Mueller. I think we are not going to find out anything new, concerning what was in the report. He said he would only talk within the four corners of the report and not answer hypotheticals. We are going to ask direct questions on our site, how he got there, what did he do, how the investigation got there, but this is what the president should understand. This is what Lindsey Graham understands, this is a chance to put this to bed. The democrats have exhausted all of their cards, trying to blemish this president , who is doing a good job. This is time to put it away. Sandra are there any other preconditions, now that he has been subpoenaed . By the way, adam schiff calling this a friendly subpoena. Here is adam schiff on another network last night. I dont think the special Counsel Office would characterize it as a friendly subpoena. He did not want to testify. He made that very clear. Nonetheless, they will respect the subpoena. Sandra so, can you clarify that for us . I think adam schiff is having trouble with the facts. That is not new for him, but mr. Mueller wanted the subpoena to come in. Sandra congressman, thats not what we heard from Robert Mueller when he first publicly spoke. Since the release of the Mueller Report. Here is Robert Mueller. May 29th. After that investigation, if we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not however make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime. Sandra that was the moment that opened the door for a lot of speculation, congressman. You know it well. He said, congressman, this is the last time you will hear from me. Are you suggesting that he wanted to be subpoenaed . He wanted to speak publicly before lawmakers . I guess he did not want to voluntarily come here that was part of the negotiation. It is interesting that i got two different opinions. Adam schiff on tv saying that it was friendly. I think the issue goes back to when did it become any prosecutors job to exonerate somebody . Thats not their job. For me, that was such a james comey moment, trying to cover for everything that he d did. Sandra but what led you to that . What led you to that conclusion, that Robert Mueller wanted to be subpoenaed . The conversation that i had with my chairman. Sandra can you tell us that was the way it played out. They wanted to make sure that it got in, not something that they had discussed with mr. Mueller. The subpoena was a way to get him and after they had discussed it. Sandra obviously, republicans and democrats are going to go into that room with two very different goals in mind. What is the end game, congressman . It is to finally put this to bed. We have a president that has done his best job, and everyone is saying about this Mueller Report was going to do terrible things to him, and at the end of the day, it did not appear no collusion, no charge of obstruction. Now it is time to move on. My hope is we get our questions answered. Sandra we are reporting that he is expecting to stick to the four corners of his report. Do you expect his testimony to vary from the actual Mueller Report itself . Not on the outcome was. I think that is what we are going to see. Sandra congressman doug collins, we really appreciate it if youre drinking my brown committee. We appreciate your time, sir. Trace making history in the bottom of the first last night. The 20th straight game with a homer. Breaks the 2,000 to record by the texas rangers. Sandra wow. Okay. Trace this is the first time that they have had sandra you are a big baseball fan, right . Whos your team . Speak to san diego padres. Sometimes you have that misery. Sandra go cubs. A police calling on the publics help now to help find that missing utah College Students. Pictured there, new Surveillance Video from a investigators just releasing these images of her hours, right before she disappeared. We will speak to the police directly involved in this investigation next hour. B2 plus, President Trump sounding off on the potential of trade deal. The obama economy, and a whole lot more. Maria bartiromo just wrapped up that interview. She will join us live and phyllis and on all the headlines next. Say that more with aimovig. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults that reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. Dont take aimovig if youre allergic to it. Allergic reactions like rash or swelling can happen hours to days after use. Common side effects include injection site reactions and constipation. Aim to be there more. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. We went in, and then they said we are not going to give you certain things that we agreed on. I said thats okay. I told my people leave the office right now. They have taken advantage of us as a country for so long. We rebuilt china. They genius, theyre great, but you know what . Theyre so far ahead. We rebuilt china. Weve given them 500 billion a year for many years. They want to make a deal more than i do, let me put it that way. Trace President Trump speaking with Maria Bartiromo ahead of his trip to the g20 summit. She is the anchor of sunday morning futures on the fox business network. So good to see you. The interview was just fascinating. I was running it back and forth. We were kind of getting ready for the show, so i was watching the interview out in the lobby. It is fantastic. Lets move on from there. China is important because a lot of people are saying he needs to see president xi at the g20 this weekend. Its important that they come to at least baby steps, if not giant steps in some type of deal. People would like to see them at least talk about the next leg of a potential deal. But i dont think anybody is expecting that we are actually going to see ideal get done in a day on saturday. Lets not forget the last time this happened. In april, they were very close. Steve mnuchin was saying it was 90 there. They didnt want to put into law that it was unlawful to steal intellectual property from america. These are the big ticket items. Forcing the transfer of technology. The chinese have an enormous amount of money. They acquire companies in silicon valley. They force you to just transfer your technology to the chinese company, then a few years later, beating us at our own game. Thats what the president wants to stop. And they are trying to in terms of being the superpower militarily. That is another thing that the u. S. Is trying to stop. Trace you made another good clarification. He was talking in the past. The market was rallying. Why are you rallying . It doesnt make any sense to me. Thats exactly what happened. Do you buy into this . Global recession is right around the corner. Well, whats even more important is if the president puts a 25 tariff on these chinese goods, that is really going to rock the markets, i think. He was very clear with me, saying it may not be 25 . Maybe 10 . The bottom line is he is still in the mindset of tariffs. We are going to keep them to account. We are not going to be the piggy bank for the world anymore. We will make sure that they keep their fair share. I think eventually, he would like to do a deal, but if he doesnt, hes okay. He is talking to vietnam, the other Southeast Asian countries about doing a deal. It could be that we dont get a deal. We will see will see. Trace you also talk to him about jerome powell, the economy. I want to play some of this. I have had nine Interest Rate hikes. Obama had nothing. He had cheap money. So our economy is far broader than obamas economy. It was ready to crash. You couldnt do anything. I have the written rules and regulations, but they are reasonable. Obama under obama, you couldnt do anything. He should have never raised their rates. Nobody had ever heard of him before, now i made him trace thats what he was saying. There was the debate over whether or not he could fire jerome powell. He says he wont. He has made no secret of the fact that he doesnt make much of jay powells work so far. Lets not forget that in 2018, jay powell was talking about raising Interest Rates are timeless. Or unwinding the balance sheets, further tightening. So he was on autopilot in a sense at the end of the year. We are talking about three rate cuts. You dont do that 360 in such a short time. Obviously, they made a mistake at the end of last week. I trace are surprised ever that he is willing to answer anything. He answered virtually everything. He did, and i think the reason is because the president is who he is. That is why he has his loyal base of supporters. He is not afraid to say it the way that it is. I think thats why people like him. Trace we want to play this sound bite. How concerned are you that Technology Companies are censoring conservatives . They make it very hard for people to join me on twitter, and they make it very much harder for me to get out the message. What im i going to do about it . These people are all democrats, its totally biased. If i announce tomorrow that im going to become a democrat, i would pick up five times more followers. The president said that he wants to see competition in this space. Lets not forget 90 of searches go through google. Thats market dominance. He wants to see legislation because i will lead to competition. I think these companies are basically gearing up for 2020. They dont want him to win. The interview was exceptional. Thank you for joining us. Spew on the estranged husband of a missing mother of five, Jennifer Dulos, appearing in court today for a custody hearing. We will be live outside the courthouse. Like endless shrimp monday admirals feast tuesday four course feast wednesday and more. Five days. Five deals. Fifteen dollars. See you before six. Sandra new developments now in the case of the missing connecticut mother of five. Jennifer do lis possibly viog the terms of his release on ba bail. Laura ingraham is live with the latest there. Laura. Weve got a lot going on there today. That Family Court Hearing is expected to get underway any minute now, and we are expecting at contentious battle between the lawyers in this case. There are a lot of different sides. Over the custody and psychological evaluation that was done on both of the famili families. Some of it has been leaks. A lot of the motions filed yesterday, thats what it is all about. We want to show you norm pattis showing up here today. The attorney for fotis dulos. When he arrived, he said he will tell the judge who ordered the evaluation that he needs the information within the document to help build his case and his clients defense. Late yesterday, the divorce attorney for Jennifer Dulos, who has now been missing, filed to have them held in contempt for revealing some of the contents of that evaluation in media interviews. Another attorney representing jennifer do list is asking the Court Appointed guardian to be removed of wrongly releasing it to fotis dulos. Over the weekend, norm pattis suggested that Jennifer Dulos could have faked her own disappearance, similar to an gone girl scenario, framing a woman for her disappearance and murder. They say that those types of statements are only hurting the children. He replied the truth is, sometimes inconvenient. He spoke to us about violating the court orders, telling fox if its a crime to tell the truth, i plead guilty. We will have more on this as it develops. Sandra laura, thank you. Trace we are awaiting decisions from the supreme cou Supreme Court. We are alive they are. Plus, reaction pouring in after Robert Mueller agreed to testi testify. Is this ride safe . I assembled it myself last night. I think i did an ok job. Just ok . What if something bad happens . We just move to the next town. Just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best Wireless Network according to americas biggest test. Plus buy one of our most popular smartphones and get one free. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Do your asthma symptoms ever hold you back . About 50 of people with severe asthma have too many cells called eosinophils in their lungs. Eosinophils are a key cause of severe asthma. Fasenra is designed to target and remove these cells. Fasenra is an addon injection for people 12 and up with asthma driven by eosinophils. Fasenra is not a rescue medicine or for other eosinophilic conditions. Fasenra is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks, improve breathing, and can lower oral steroid use. Fasenra may cause allergic reactions. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. Dont stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. Headache and sore throat may occur. Havent you missed enough . Ask an asthma specialist about fasenra. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Sandra fox news alert appeared fresh on the news that Robert Mueller will testify publicly july 17th. Jerry nadler speaking on capitol hill. Lets listen. Mr. Mueller is an honest man and understands that you must that congressional subpoenas are not optional. I suspect whatever the white house says, they are not going to make this mr. Mueller she said that he would come in. Is he allowed to have a lawyer in the room . Im not going to get into that. That may be. Guys, guys do you have any concerns . He may not be as compelling of a witness i think thats this will be the last question. I think that given the nature of what he has to say, he will be a very compelling witness. Thank you very much. Sandra more on the public testimony of Robert Mueller. That will be having july 17th. But first, any moment now, we could get a decision in the highly anticipated cases of the Supreme Court. Welcome to our brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Its 10 00 a. M. On the east coast. I am sandra smith. Trace and im trace gallagher. The two rulings could directly impact the shape of american politics for years to come. One on the scope of his executive power. This could impact our future elections. Shannon. Hey, we are literally waiting right now as we count on the final days of the term pure lets talk about those two big decisions. Partisan gerrymandering, is this court go to get involved in telling statelevel legislators how they can carve their districts . Of course, all of that could impact how the house and the balance of the houses decided by voters, so thats a big one. They have never struck down partisan gerrymandering before, but we have compelling cases. We expect that we could get that decision today. Of course, that Citizenship Question that would add to the 2020 census. There has been an urgency, the government saying that we have to get these in by july to make the deadline. They have argued all along it is a legitimate viable question to ask people when taking an assessment of who is here in this country. The left has said that they are very worried that a number of minority population, people who are immigrants will be very nervous about answering a Citizenship Question and that they will not complete the form. People will be undercounted. They are aware that minority groups will get full representation when it comes to assigning congressional districts. Funding for schools and hospitals, and there has been a twist in this case. There is a group now petitioning, saying we found Additional Information after the death of a wellknown g. O. P. Operative, saying he actually gave advice to the administration to specifically add that question to the 2020 census to benefit republicans, and the white house moving forward. It is something that occurred, and it bubbles up before after this case, the court has heard the case here. The briefing was done, the oral arguments. So now we are waiting to see if the Supreme Court will take that and anyway into consideration, whether they will delay the hearing, send it back down for further additions to the record. We just dont know. But we could have this decision, and as soon as we get it, we will let you know. Trace shannon bream, life for us at the Supreme Court. Thank you, shannon. They spied on my campaign. Shes going to win, but if she doesnt, we have an insurance policy. To get him out of office. Robert mueller, they went for him, and the two lovers were together, and they texted back and forth. He terminated them illegally. He terminated the emails. He terminated all of the stuff between them. Its something you have never seen. Robert mueller terminated their Text Messages together. He terminated them. Theyre gone. And if thats illegal he does a crime. Sandra that was President Trump just a short time ago, brandnew reaction pouring in this morning as Robert Mueller agrees to testify publicly about the russian investigation. The former special counsel appearing before congress in a public hearing july 17. Kevin corke is live out the white house this morning. Kevin. Be careful what you wish for. That seems to be the message from the white house and some g. O. P. Lawmakers. Crossexamination, and i can open up an entirely new set of issues. Let me share very quickly what Robert Mueller said. Remember back on the 29th, he said we chose those words carefully, and though words speak for themselves. I would not provide information beyond what is already public in any appearance before congress. He says that after of course hes breached the public on the 448 page Mueller Report. But those remarks did fairly little to settle demands for his testimony. Thats been going on for weeks. They say that i want to hear from him no matter what, and obviously, he will do that we are back to before congressional lawmakers. Here at the white house, indignation from the present, repeatedly it calling into question his fairness and impartiality. It never ends. We had no obstruction. We had no collusion. We had a report that was considering 18 people that hated donald trump. You have mueller, that obviously was not fanned. Not a trump person. How these people are picked is by itself incredible. Yet, there are reporters no collusion. No obstruction which was ruled on. And now i hear mueller is going to go again. How many times are we going to go through this . Five times . You may have also seen that statement from chairman nadler. They have demanded to hear from the special counsel. If there is a feeling here in washington that this is all a pretext to impeachment. We will see if that turns out to be the case. We are looking forward to the 17th with great interest. Sandra it will be an interesting few weeks leading up to that. The two lets go to our ateam. Chris bedford, editor in chief of the daily news foundation. Progressive radio show host, and fox news contributor. I guess we should begin with you, leslie. Welcome to all of you. I think the whole thing is picking up on the be careful what you wish for. This will blow up in their face. This will blow up in their face. There is no collusion. There is nobody on earth to bring the obstruction case based on these facts. The president gave 1. 4 million documents to him. They testify for 30 hours. He made everybody available to mueller, but he wanted to talk. He answered questions in writing, so this president did nothing to you stop mueller from finding the truth. Conservatives are saying, and theyve said that Robert Mueller is not and exonerate her. He cant find enough evidence, thats the end of the case. He also said when he was at the podium, that any testimony beyond this basically isnt going to happen. Obviously, im paraphrasing, but if you look at 2013, he testified before congress before. He called him a liar. I dont think this is going to backfire on democrats, as many are saying. Alan dershowitz said that. I understand there are only certain things within the scope that he can answer. There are questions about the democrats want answers to you. I dont know if they are going to get the answers, but its their constitutional responsibility and oversight to ask those questions, such as why dont you why didnt you clear him from any criminal behavior . Why did you disagree with the attorney general comments . Sandra you mentioned alan dershowitz. I will bring you in on this. Here is what he wrote. The real victims of the democratic intent to politicize the criminal Justice System are ordinary americans. If they can demand that he testified, then any Congressional Committee can subpoena any prosecutors who declined to prosecute any ordinary american. This would establish a terrible precedent that would undercut the rule of law. I kind of agree with everyone here, but i dont think that anyone should be quite as excited as republicans and democrats are about this. The chance that he is going to Say Something that blows up are extremely low. He has basically made that clear. But you can see in the New York Times today that this has the power to potentially reshape the Political Landscape . I dont know what theyre talking about. You can hear the hope and excitement. Nothing is really going to come out of this, except for continuous overreach. By congress on where they stand on prosecution. Trace we saw this when Robert Mueller spoke, going back to the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, where the democrats take away what they want to take away from it. And i am sure there are grocers going to be the very same. Exactly. I think it will be more of a circus. He did say that he doesnt plan to testify beyond the scope of this report. And i dont think that a lot of democrats who issued these subpoenas asking him to come in and testify recognize i think they recognize that they wont want anything new. Sandra hold on. I want to push back on that for as i can. Go back to that moment. Robert mueller, when he finally spoke publicly after the release of the Mueller Report, he left the door open for a lot of speculation. When he said after that im quoting him. After that investigation, if we had confidence that he clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not, however, make a determination as to whether or not he did commit a crime. That was not a of the democrats got everyone riled up, and it seems like he throwing bone to them. The ball is in your court. You should go ahead with investigations. Sandra you cant say that that didnt change things. It changed the moment. Hes a very, very dry and disciplined and strict person. I dont expect that the democrats are going to get much more than they got in the press conference. Sandra i if this is any more of whats to come, he said this is whats coming up. Why did they assemble the team that they did . When did they decide that there was no collusion, and no conspiracy being done . When did they decide to discuss this, not other parts . Those are all questions that he is going to have to answer or try to avoid. Just going off of that, i think the real thing here with democrats and why they wanted Robert Mueller to come in, i dont know if they expect to learn a lot. I think they wanted to be a tv spectacle. They want the American Public to see them answer these questions. It not even every member of Congress Read the full report. Americans are not reading 400 pages of that report. They did not go into the details of what he wrote. I think that they are hoping that this will help shed light on. This seems like a losing battle. Home runs for the democrats. This is not about home runs. Now, it is not. I dont agree with that. This is just about their responsibility. This is our responsibility to the American People. You have to remember, there are the majority of democrats in the house, and many in their constituency you want as. If that is not just one Robert Mueller sad the exact quote that sandra just said, and thank you, because thats like what youre going to hear a lot. Sandra i am not saying i am just letting he does have the ability to Say Something that could change the way at the American People see that report. That is what theyre going to ask. Specifically. Republicans are going to ask about the fisa warrant. Democrats are going to be limited when it comes to some of the redacted material. These are questions that many, not just congress, but the American Public have, which is why did you leave that cliffhanger . Trace we touched on this in the intro. Here is one more sound bite of that. Just a short time ago. Watch. Bob mueller better be prepared because i can tell you, he will be crossexamined for the first time, and the American People will start to see the flaws in his report. Is being spied on my campaign. Its so illegal, probably the biggest political scandal. He got caught doing it. They have been totally unified. They get it. Lindsey graham is beside himself. He looks at things that happen, he cant even believe it. He cant believe it. Trace weve got two sound bites coming out of it. You can kind of see the direction. Trying to figure out where the republicans are going to go on their investigation, what seems to have been the administration watching they dont want to say spying. Very closely surveilling the Trump Administration. Sandra thank you very much to our ateam morning. Another big story that we are watching, president from calling the upcoming democratic debates boring. He says that he will watch, taking the stage tonight in miami. The ateam will be back in just a moment. Trace brandnew images showing utah College Student Mackenzie Lueck from the moment she went missing. What they are looking at and what they are asking the public to do when we speak to an officer on the case next. After discussions with her family and friends, we see no indication that she has gone off the grid before. This kind of behavior is uncharacteristic for her. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Its the lowest prices of the season. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is now 1299, save 400. Plus, 0 interest for 36months. Ends saturday. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Hey i live on my own now ive got xfinity, because i like to live life in the fast lane. Unlike my parents. You rambling about xfinity again . Youre so cute when you get excited. Anyways. Ive got their app right here, i can troubleshoot. I can schedule a time for them to call me back, its great you have our number programmed in . Ya i dont even know your phone anymore. Excuse me . what . I dont know your phone number. Aw well. He doesnt know our phone number you have our fax number, obviously. Todays xfinity service. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Ill pass. Trace fox news alert. We are awaiting a speech from President Trump in one hour. Evangelical christians gearing up their support for the president ahead of the 2020 race. We will take you there live once that begins. Sandra fox news alert. Salt Lake City Police releasing images of utah student Mackenzie Lueck walking through the airport before she took rideshare to a park at which point she has not been seen since. They are asking anyone who may know anything about her meeting with the person at the park to please come forward. Investigators also asking mackenzie herself to let them know if she is safe but does not want to be found. Claudia. Sandra, as the search for Mackenzie Lueck now enters its ninth day, they want people to know what she was wearing and what she was doing during the roughly 30 minutes or so that she was at the Salt Lake City airport. Video surveillance cameras tractor from the moment she got back into Salt Lake City from los angeles, when she had been attending her grandmothers funeral to the time that she had left the airport and our rideshare. She was wearing a light colored sweater, blue handbag, and picked up a brown suitcase. They say that 23yearold Nursing Student didnt talk to anyone or call anyone, so its unclear exactly when mackenzie arranged about 3 00 a. M. Meet up at a Suburban Park miles away from her apartment near the university of utah. They are desperately working to identify who was in the other car waiting for her. The description we have is vague. It could have been a male or a female. We have exhausted all avenues of determining that information and want to ask this person to please call us. Investigators, now including the fbi, coming through her cell phone records, looking into her social media accounts, including dating apps, and they are trying to determine whether she may have had a second phone. Also asking mackenzie to check and if she can, and they continue to say there is no indication she is in any danger. Unfortunately, one potential lead has turned out to be a bust. Video surveillance cameras around the park were not operable. Of course, they question whether the person who met mackenzie knew her. Trace for more on the investigation, lets bring in Salt Lake City police detective. We know that she got there about eight and a half miles from her home at 3 00 in the morning. It do you have any kind of clues as to why she goes there at 3 00 in the morning, and who in the world she is meeting with . We really dont, and that is kind of our starting point for this investigation is her last known whereabouts at the park, being dropped off by about lyft driver. Sandra the lyft driver was questioned. What came from that . The lyft driver obviously dropped her off on monday morning, and we didnt begin this investigation until thursday, so he didnt have a lot to recall about the situation. It was dark out, 3 00 in the morning. Not a lot of information came from that. Like we said, we dont know if we have a male or a female that she met up with. We dont have a very good idea of what kind of car that person was driving. So its a bit of a mystery at this point. Sandra there was no reason to believe that the lyft driver was involved with her disappearance . That was rolled out. Absolutely not. That has been ruled out. They have been more than cooperative. So we are looking elsewhere. Trace we know that there are several search warrants that have now been filed. Do you know can you give us any kind of insight as to whether these are being set out and filed, what you are looking for . We are casting a very wide net with this investigation. We are looking into all of the social media, her past. The people in her past. All sorts of different avenues of the investigation on this. Everything is open and available to us, we are working with our partners. With the fbi. We are not going to leave any stone unturned. Trace so far, nothing in her social media footprint to indicate that she has a history of running away, that she had any aspirations of running away, nothing that you can find. We havent found any evidence that this was planned or that this was something that shes done before. Sandra so then why the message put out by the police to her, saying if you are there and youre safe, please let us know . Why send about message . We have had other cases where a person has gone missing, and they simply didnt want to be found. And it happens probably more than people realize. In this particular case, due to the circumstances of missing flights, missing school, we are concerned. If she is okay and shes out there, and she just doesnt want to have contact with her family, we are going to respect that. We just need to hear from that. We need to have her contact local Law Enforcement or contact us and let us know that. And we will respect our privacy. If we can verify that shes okay, we are going to move on. We are going to close the case. Trace you dont know that shes okay, but you also dont know that any harm came to her because there is no evidence suggesting that any harm came to her. We dont know either way. Thats why we are going to continue investigating. So either she reaches out to us or we find out Something Different happened, and it leads us in a different direction. Sandra i know you have a tip line out there. Thats going to be key. Anyone who saw something, please Say Something. Weve got the missing person tip line up on the bottom of our screen right now. If you could just take a moment to say why thats so important. If you did see something, stomach happen, call that numb number. We dont know where the tips are going to lead us. Somebody has some information out there. She obviously met up with somebody at the park. Somebody knows something, and we hope someone calls an end lots of snow. Trace detective greg wilking, thank you for joining us. Sandra fox news alert on a new showdown looming on capitol hill. President trump is threatening to veto a bill addressing the growing humanitarian crisis that our border. We are live on capitol hill in just a moment. Trace plus, the case of Eddie Gallagher now in the hands of the defense. What to his attorneys have to do to make their case . I think we have proven it to be an extremely weak and corrupt story, but theyve only heard one side. Nowif they get to hear the other side. Ge ts. It all takes cash. 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Im not happy with it because there is no money for protection. Its like were running hospitals over there now. What people dont understand is you have separation. Separation is a terrible thing of the families, and i said im going to put people from that standpoint. Trace blasting the measure by the house for migrants at the border. They say it falls short. Meanwhile, the senate is working on a bipartisan bill. Mike emanuel life for us on capitol hill. Mitch mcconnell has expressed some frustration with the delay in the senate. I am rather surprised at the Democratic Leaders being willing to do that, but it is obvious that he feels the need to shut the senate down. For a couple of days, in order to accommodate all the members of his congress. Trace passing their own humanitarian aid package last night, but it faces the veto threat from President Trump. Congressional republicans say it contains poison pills, such as preventing Homeland Security and Human Services from sharing information to make sure that children are not placed with human traffickers or other predators. Here is the pitch from the speaker. Our legislation is a vote against the cruel attitudes towards children of this administration. This bill does not find the policy instead, it funds effective, humane alternatives to detentions that have a proven record of success. Three republicans voted yes on the bill. Pennsylvania, texas, and new jersey. For democrats defied at leadership and voted no. Ilhan omar, presley of massachusetts, ilhan omar saying throwing more money at the very organizations committing human rights abuses and the very administration is not a soluti solution. Pressure is building here with these federal agencies saying that they desperately need the money for the humanitarian crisis. Trace mike emanuel come sandra resting his case. There was certainly drama in that case after the court heard stunning testimony from a key witness. Special forces medic who said it was him, not gallagher, who killed that isis prisoner anoraks. And iraq. What happens next in this case . It was a bombshell moment when the key witness of the prosecutors put on the stand said it was him that killed that isis prisoner. Yes, not only that, but they gave that guy testimony immunity, which means that anything he said cant be used against him in the future, and that he had some good lawyers who went to his commanding officer, and he wont be able to be fired. Sandra he also said that he did indeed see Eddie Gallagher stabs that isis prisoner in the neck, so how does the defense make their case today . The defense doesnt have to make your case. It is that government that has the burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense made a standard motion the judge denied that motion. Now the defense has this choice. They can do nothing and rest, or they can put on the case, and the big 100,000 question is whether he takes the stand, and i wouldnt put him on the stand. Most Defense Attorneys on. Trace resting is also a risk. You risk the people looking at you, thinking why are they arresting the case without defending themselves . Yeah, but thats the situation in every criminal trial, trace. Do you put your guy on the stand . You have the constitutional right not to testify. The government has to prove the case, and the jury will be charged obstructing but he is presumed innocent, beyond a reasonable doubt. That is the highest form of proof to the law. There is always a risk. That is why it is called a trial, not play. We dont know the end. Sandra what is your best guess as to how it plays out . No clue. Ive been a judge in that court house, ive been a prosecutor in the courthouse. The Monkey Wrench here medic. That is just a focus on the isis fighter who died. Whether they have proven him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, i dont know, but remember, guys, there are several other charges here. Possession and use of illegal substances, posing with a corpse, flying drone over an area, so he could be found not guilty of the murder charge, or who knows what . He could be found not guilty of everything. It is too early to know. We will know within the next couple of days, but even then, these are officers. The people on this jury. Military juries take their oath really seriously. They are very well prepared. Trace but on the big charge of murder, if you dont have definitive cause of death and you can prove that, that goes a long way in Eddie Gallaghers favor. Yeah. When i was a homicide prosecutor, i would always want to put the forensic pathologist on the stand to say what was the cause and manner of death . Here, there was no autopsy. The body was not available for an autopsy. They testified based on a video but wouldnt go so far as to say what the manner of death was. The prosecution has a huge burden. I think that they this immunity deal, this testimony immunity deal gave that medic a green light to say whatever he wanted to say as long as that government could improve it was incorrect. We will see whether that endures to achieve gallaghers benefit in the end. Sandra a lot of surprises that have come up. We will see how that plays out. Meanwhile, i want to ask you about the i. C. E. s detainer request. The 23yearold massachusetts man with a history of traffic arrests. He is the one accused of killing the seven motorcyclists in this horrible collision in New Hampshire last week. Hes a ukrainian man. I cant pronounce his name. Its very lengthy, but your take on this decision . Yeah, i cant pronounce his name either. Look. I. C. E. Is perfectly within their right to put a detainer on this person who doesnt have legal status here. His father said he just got his green card. His father will know whether you did or not, but he clearly has an alcohol problem, has clearly had many brushes with the law before, and being a citizen of this country is a privilege, not all right, so the fact that he mowed down these former marines and their loved ones is more than enough for us for your team to put this detainer on him. Once thats over with, they are required to cooperate with i. C. E. And hand him over. What they do is up to him. Trace he is facing seven counts of negligent homicide. So the evidence is pretty overwhelming. He also has a history of reckless driving in the past. I. C. E. May not ever come into the picture in this case. They may not, but just like chief gallagher is presumed innocent, so is this ukrainian dude. But the fact is that he has no legal status, and if he does, i. C. E. Still has an interest in him. They are both constitutionally presumed innocent. Sandra cully stimson, grew to have you on this morning. Trace the u. S. Supreme court, learning about all remaining cases will be released tomorrow. That means that the big ones on the census and sandra five years after james foley was killed, has the handling of hostage situations in a war zone seen any improvement . We will find out. Trace expects the gloves to come off. Around one of the democratic debate gets underway. Our ateam is back. Is this ride safe . I assembled it myself last night. I think i did an ok job. Just ok . What if something bad happens . We just move to the next town. Just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best Wireless Network according to americas biggest test. Plus buy one of our most popular smartphones and get one free. More for your thing. Thats our thing. A migfrom aimovig. To be there for the good. And not so good. For the mundane. The aweinspiring. The heartracing. The heartbreaking. Thats what life is all about. 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Lets bring back in the dayte dayteam. Alayna treene, chris bedford, and leslie marshall. Joe biden has got nowhere to go but down. I do think that we will see a lot of him tonight. Candidates tonight trying to take on joe biden. I think honestly, there are so many candidates. Its going to be a lot of fighting for attention. We could see a new front runner. Going headtohead with joe biden. The more important thing from talking with the strategist, they say that rather than focusing on joe biden, they should be looking at how can i show that i can take him on in the general election . Sandra whether or not they will focus their energy on him, we dont know, but the president certainly took them on. He is a lost soul. He doesnt know where he has, i dont think. He is changing his views rapid rapidly. They took in 28 million. Youve done a great job sandra a lost soul, says the president. I find it interesting because if President Trump were along with 19 other people, would he get that much money . Right now, it is spread out among 25. He is not all lost soul, and thats how people speak about their competitors, right . I want to quote him ryan because i thought this is historical. This is speed dating of the American People. That is really what is coming down to. You have 2 minutes to defend yourself, a taxfree sacks, attack the other opponents, state your case, outline specific policy. It cant happen, so its going to happen is the American People are going to see some people theyve never seen before, dont even know. There is going to be a lot of pressure on to people especially pure tonight, elizabeth warren. Shes the only one in the top three or four, depending on which poll you read, and she is either going to hold onto her numbers, or she going to sink. I think she has a problem with this because shes not good as in years. Shes good at outlining policy. Tomorrow, biden. Can he do as well as he did when he was vp, debating paul ryan . Trace it is not just doordie for elizabeth warren. They have got to really perform. Walker was in second place when they had the last democratic debate. Karl rove says he doesnt even remember a lot of knockout moments, but i thought there were a lot of knockout moments. If you were in one of these major campaigns, he may be similar to biden with the amount of money and backing that he h has. Taking down big, mean donald trump. We didnt see that happen at all. He basically dominated the stage that was completely filled with people. We do have an opportunity. Carly, when donald trump talked about her face, she came back, talking about how women would respond, i thought put one in her. Sandra based on that, each night, may be mayor pete. They are getting a lot of stories and profiles. Now we will see them, see how well they actually do. I think a lot of people who are experts in debate say try to stay away from the viral moments. That is what produce beto orourke, to see them getting into the policy, i think it will be really interesting to watch. Sandra amazon moderators. Certainly some different personalities mixing things up when it comes to the questions. Is going to be a difficult thing to wrangle all of them. I dont envy them with this many people, this many personalities, to all say what they actually believe in and keep control. Sandra here is what the wall street Journal Editorial Board says to watch for. Who, if anyone, willing to take on the most extreme ideas. Who will dare to call them economically damaging, and will anyone challenge the excess of identity politics . Deplore bowls or worse. There is a couple of things there. You may not see them attack the Green New Deal or medicare for all. This is going to be problematic for any democrat because with democrats, they need to move left. In the general, they need to stay centered. That is what we saw with the Hyde Amendment and joe biden. I think youre going to see another reversal. Sanders, his cost for his student debt plan, which is similar to elizabeth warrens, he is going to get attacked by the democrats. I think that in addition to this, this is a problem we are going to see. How can you capture the left . What is driving a lot of the democratic party, then also be a candidate that will be able to take on trumped in the general election. Trace good to see you. Sandra Jared Kushner unveiling our portion of President Trumps plan. Why the white house is calling it the opportunity of a century. Live report from bahrain next. For too long, the Palestinian People have been trapped in an inefficient framework of the past. The piece to prosperity vision is a modern framework for a brighter and more prosperous nation. And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . 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Meanwhile, white house Senior Advisor Jared Kushner in an interview with fox news revealing some details about the Trump Administrations muchanticipated middle east peace plan. We have more live on this this morning. What are we learning . Sandra, the Trump Administration summit answered a second day today here in bahrain. There are no israeli or palestinian leaders here. It is being used as an opportunity for the administration to launch the economic portion of middle east peace plan developed by Jared Kushner. The approach to peace focused in part on 50 billion from private investors. Infrastructure projects and job creation. In an interview with fox, he claims to have gotten positive feedback for the plan. And what we are learning, according to the Trump Administration is that they would like to see the palestinians and israelis come to the table. He focused a lot on iran, saying that if it is successful, it will be irans worst nightmare. Sandra thank you. We will be right back with a brandnew hour. Trees, thank you. Trace Benjamin Hall checking in for me. I will see you on dana perinos show. Or a few years old, we want to buy your car. So go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our technowizardry calculates your cars value and gives you a real offer in seconds. When youre ready, well come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. Thats it. So ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. You should know about the home, and need cash . Newday va home loan for veterans. The newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your Credit Card Debt, put cash in the bank and lower your payments over 600 dollars a month. It lets you borrow up to 100 percent of your homes value. Not just 80 percent like other loans. And that can mean a lot more money for you and your family. So call newday usa. 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North of new york city. And we are expecting him to step out of that court room in stamford, connecticut. As you can see, the camera is on the doors. We could hear from them. If we do, we will likely bring that to you as soon as we have that. Any update on this story, Benjamin Hall joining us now as we await his attorney, the screen right there. Making comments. We will listen as they begin. Down in front. Obviously, today was an interesting day in family court. They are parallel proceedings and family and criminal court. I just met with the prosecutor to brief him on what took place. My understanding is that there will be no further proceedings for the next several weeks. We will continue with our investigation. We are pursuing numerous leads. You heard us say today, comments that they made comments to give us great concerns for her safety. We are actively contemplating the revengesuicide hypothesis as an explanation for her disappearance. We will not comment further on the investigative activities at this time. Mr. Fotis dulos has a brief statement, and he will say it at this time. I just want to tell my children that they are constantly on my mind, and i miss them very much. I realize there is great Public Interest in this. No one can be more interested in this then mr. Fotis dulos. Sandra you just heard for the first time from fotis dulos, the estranged husband of missing Jennifer Dulos. I just want to tell my children i love them and i miss them. His representation, norm pattis, made the original comment there after the hearing is now done for the day. This is a family case. Not an opportunity for the council to establish a criminal defense, which was just said in that courtroom, so no major update there, but he did say no further proceedings for several weeks. To the investigation will continue. That is the update from connecticut. Also saying that they would continue to pursue that revengesuicide hypothesis that we have heard about for some time. Sandra all right. Any more updates on that, we will bring this to you. Meanwhile, any moment now, President Trump will be making remarks on the controversy about my current facility, housing hundreds of children in texas. Welcome to brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Things are moving. I am sandra smith. Benjamin and im Benjamin Hall, and for bill hemmer. Ahead of the chinese campaign, where immigration will be a hot topic. Customs and border housing my grandchildren. Sandra President Trump speaking exclusively with our own Maria Bartiromo. We dont need anybody. If the democrats would get rid of the loopholes. They call them loopholes for a reason. Loopholes to come into the country. If the democrats would get rid of the loopholes and would fix asylum, it would take an hour. We could sit down and make a deal. They refuse to do it for two reasons. They want open borders. Sandra we are live in clint, texas. Good morning. Sandra, good morning. At the small Border Patrol station right back here is the one that everybody is talking about, the one that was thrust into the National Spotlight after attorney stopped by this location to visit, and then they described horrific conditions inside of it. They said it was extremely cramped, that children were going without food, and that a lot of kids had not showered in days. So once the allegations came to light and people started reporting on it, nearly all of the 300 kids on monday went to a different spot, but yesterday, we were told that about 100 kids have since been brought back here. Though, what changes were made to address the original concerns, officials are not saying, which has Immigration Rights advocates unsettled. A government review is now being done. We really have a dire situation here, but because of the unsanitary conditions that these children are being kept in, the unhealthy facilities that are being run there, it is not made for children. The number of children who are being kept there. Now, customs and Border Control say that border apprehension continues to climb. They are simply not enough space to detain people. Just this morning on capitol hill, top brass within the u. S. Border patrol testifying and also expressing concern about the dangers that they face. 44 individuals, over 400 so far. Smugglers are often placing children in nothing more than a makeshift raft or pool toys to cross the dangerous real ground river. To that point, we want to show your picture but first give you a warning. Its extremely graphic and heartbreaking all at the same time, but it drives this point home. It shows a father and his daughter face down in the banks of the rio grande river. Near the Rio Grande Valley region. A photojournalist snapped this picture of his daughter and his 23monthold daughter who drowned, attempting to cross the river in the month of june alone, eight similar drawings have happened in the el paso sector alone, and that is again in just one month. Sandra heartbreaking image there. Casey stegall, thank you. Benjamin reaction pouring in over one of the most anticipated hearings in decades as Robert Mueller agrees to testify. Here is congressman doug collins, Ranking Member of the house Judiciary Committee on americas newsroom earlier today. It is something i have been asking for since april 8th. What is going to happen is exactly what bob mueller said, which is that the report speaks for itself your no collusion, no conspiracy, no charge of obstruction. Hes done. He doesnt want to talk about it anymore. Benjamin Kristin Fisher is live out the white house. This morning, President Trump about the special counsel himself is the one who has committed a crime here. He accused bob mueller of illegally terminating communications. Listen here. He terminated the emails. He terminated all of the stuff between them. Some stuff you have never seen. Robert mueller terminated the Text Messages together. He terminated them. Theyre gone. And thats illegal. Thats a crime. So that gives you a taste of the kinds of questions we might hear when they get a chance to grill bob mueller exactly three weeks from today. Republicans i wanted to focus in on the origins and possible misdeeds within the Justice Department, but the reason mueller will be testifying behind stomach before both of the committees is because they subpoenaed him. They fought for this. They are simply hoping that having mueller spell out the president s actions on live tv for all the world to see will be enough to make a difference. I think just as he says what was in the report, says it to the American People so that they hear it, that will be very, very important. They have been subjected to months of deception as to what was in the report by the attorney general and by the president. Lindsey graham said last night he thinks that this hearing will blow up in their face. Whatever happens, this is going to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest congressional hearings in decades, benjamin. Benjamin july 17th is the day for that. Thank you very much. Sandra for more on all of this, lets bring in martha maccallum. Good morning. Sandra so, mueller will be testifying. Who is this going to benefit . Who walks away with the benefit of Robert Mueller testifying . I think we have to listen to Robert Mueller when he says he is going to stick to the four corners of his testimony. This isnt something he wanted to do, but we made it very clear. I wouldnt be surprised if there has been a lot of nudging from his people because they dont like the way their work has been perceived. But they are going out into the public workplace, and they are selling their Services Based on the fact that they are very high up in this investigation. They want to have their own moment here in terms of the way about the report is interpreted. They dont like the way that bill barr summarized it, and they want to have another crack at this whole thing now in order to put a bow on the way that they want this report to be perceived. It is beneficial in that it keeps the narrative going. People are starting to forget about this. It gives them is that carrot and stick to continue this. Sandra we had the ranking republican joining us earlier. He suggested from his view that he did go to them and wanted to testify. We dont know whats happening behind closed doors. He said he found out about the subpoena from a press release. They didnt tell republicans that this is happening. Here is Robert Mueller, to your point, releasing the report, that he did not want to testify. Here is Robert Mueller. This will be the only time that i will speak to you in this manner. I am making that decision myself. Any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report. It contains our reasons for the decisions that we made. We chose those words carefully, and the word speaks for itself. Sandra that reminds you of where he stands, heading into this public hearing and makes you question whether or not we really learn anything beyond the that. The team has encouraged him to do that. I think that is one of the boxes that they are really going to try to check to keep this in the bloodstream and key making sure that their work on it looks good. Sandra two big nights of debates coming up tonight and tomorrow night. Ten candidates will take the stage, and ten will take the stage tomorrow night. We have the lineup for you. I think it is going to be fascinating. Looking at cory booker, there are a few people who are on the margins of the toptier. It is very important for them to have a good moment in order to keep their campaigns alive. I think a lot of people have been surprised that roy booker has not taken on a little bit more traction. Not too many years back, he was considered a real rising star, so i think he is going to be somebody to watch. It could be a make or break kind of moment for him. I would watch for Kamala Harris to go after President Trump, not waste their time, with the expectioexception of joe biden. Backwards is a. K. A. For joe biden. Whenever you hear people talk about going backwards in time, he is the person that they are pointing out without naming him. Sandra joe biden of course will be on tomorrow nights lineup. Two nights, two big debates. The president said he will be on a plane, but he will watch it. He watches everything. Thanks, martha. Good to see you. Keep it right here. Shannon bream, joined by bret baier and ed henry at 11 00 p. M. Eastern time. Benjamin court action this morning in the case of the missing mother of five, disappearing more than one month ago. She has appeared in court for a custody hearing, and we have now heard from him for the First Time Since jennifer disappeared. Arguing this morning about where the case goes from here. Five years after james foley was taken hostage and killed by isis in syria, families, what they are saying about the agonizing wait for information on their loved ones. Diane foley joins us next. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. So chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Rkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. 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Plus buy one of our most popular smartphones and get one free. More for your thing. Thats our thing. It has been five years now since the american, james foley, was beheaded by isis terrace in syria before he was taken hostage and held captive. His mother was desperately trying to secure his release. Today, they are finding a significant improvement in dealing with that Government Agencies do you get information about their loved ones. Joining us now, james foleys mother, diane foley, founder of the james foley foundation, created to help return american hostages home. I am, thank you very much for speaking with us today. My pleasure. Benjamin if we could go back to 20122013, i wonder if you could tell us what it was like dealing with the government at that time and how candid they were. It was appalling, benjamin, as an american. There was no one whose job it was to help strategize to bring americans who are innocently taken hostage and brought home. So it was a horrible ordeal, and thats why we undertook this research, to talk to benjamin there have been great improvements. I know that it was set up, the Family Engagement teams, so there have been significant improvements. Are you happy with how far its come . There has definitely been improvements. And i applaud the Trump Administration for continuing this structure in place. It is definitely an improvement. However, one of the findings was that they are also unlawfully detained americans held by foreign governments that dont have the same interagency support that these families have. That was one of our findings. Benjamin there is an extension between the two, those that have been kidnapped by terrorist organizations, or other foreign governments. Governments. Yes, our government makes that distinction. An example is Saudi Arabia Holding an innocent harvard educated doctor. I am hoping that President Trump and secretary pompeo will reach out to mbs when they are at the g20. Ask for the release of the doctor. As well as others being held unlawfully by a iran, venezuela, syria. So many. Benjamin they have made it a key goal of theirs to bring home americans held abroad. They have had some success, at least a dozen, but still many others left. One other interesting point is whether the families are able to pay ransom to terror organizations. Is there any change in that . No. And we you know, our government adheres to the no concession policy. But changes where our government is more aware that we must negotiate. We must be creative in how we approach and actually engage with captors, be it foreign governments or terrorist groups, we must negotiate. Benjamin the james foley legacy foundation. Thank you. Thank you for your time. Sandra the estranged husband of the missing mother of five, fotis dulos facing charges in connection with Jennifer Dulos disappearance. We will have more for you and what is next in that case. Fotis dulos speaking out for the First Time Since his exwifes disappearance. I just want to tell my children that they are constantly on my mind and that i love them and i miss them very much. To look at me now, you dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. You see me. But if you saw me before cosentyx. I was covered. It was awful. But i didnt give up. I kept fighting. I got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. Clear skin can last. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you. Cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis find clear skin that can last. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. 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Good morning to you. First off, we just heard from him. His attorney spoke first, and he said he wanted his children to know that he misses that a man thinks about constantly. Well, you know, fotis dulos, this entire matter, it has been a month since jennifer is missing. The two sets of twins, extremely troubling. What is profoundly troubling is his dna that was mixed with her blood at the primary residence. That is the primary concern. His concern for his children, really immaterial in my view. Sandra this is a Fascinating Development in this case. He and his girlfriend are out of jail, but are wearing gps ankle bracelets. They did reveal that he crossed state lines into new york. I guess his explanation for that was that his gps device that was telling him where to go directionally took him across state lines, and that he didnt intend to do that, but fascinating to have that happen and not have someone in his position the more careful. What did you think of that development . Extremely fascinating and extraordinarily convenient and coincidental. I get a similar lack of directional acuity that he suffered when the police requested him to come in and make a statement about his wife. So apparently, directions are not a strong point for fotis dulos, but how very, very convenient that he crossed state lines. Also wants to have a chat and has petitioned the court to have private time with the girlfriend. Also extraordinarily convenient. Sandra do you think we get any answers on this one soon . Well, i think the answers are going to be that people are going to learn, and he will learn that blood although it doesnt have a voice, and dna scrapings and all of the other 21st century forensic assists speak very loudly indeed, and they speak loudly as it proceeds for the court. I would say that the breach of probable cause and preponderance of the evidence and so forth, particularly beyond a reasonable doubt, i think hes in trouble, and i think the noose is tightening indeed. Sandra last question on this. As we learned that fotis dulos, the estranged husband, asking to see his girlfriend. We dont know whether or not they are going to allow this to happen, but she too is charged in this case. Is not going to be allowed . I cant see any judge allowing that. What would possibly be the reason to petition the court to speak with his girlfriend, who is viewed as a coconspirator in many regards, particularly as it relates to some of the other factors in concern with the clothes being tossed from the vehicle. I would say thats a big hammer is going to smash that down. Thats not going to happen. Sandra here is the Salt Lake City police on the timeline of the events. They have new Surveillance Video. Video. The timestamps on the video, and she deeply and at 2 09, got into the lyft at 2 40 00 a. M. , she walked from the jetway to catch the lyft, with a quick stp to pick up her luggage, as she did not appear to talk to anyone in the airport. Sandra still a lot of unanswered questions. Today so that they cant come from the make and model of the vehicle that picked her up. Or very early morning, i should say. What you think about this one . Well, a couple things. Evidently, they are not even aware if it was male or female, but thank god again that it is 2019 and the world is connected for two reasons. What we are going to do here, and what the police will do, is play connect dots. Connecting the images. It is extremely difficult in this day and age to travel even one block without being captured on public or private video ima image. That will establish where she was from the time ideally that driver dropped her off and at that address where she met this individual who is not known. Either the gender or the make of the vehicle. I think also youre going to see reward money being a very effective at prompting individuals who may have greater recall when there is cash involved. Sandra pat brosnan. Thank you. That number is up on the screen. They are asking you to call th them. Thank you, pat brosnan. Benjamin big hearing underway right now. Taking on terror and misinformation on the internet. All of this as President Trump calls out media giants. What im i going to do about it . These people are all democrats. Its totally biased towards democrats. Veterans like us earned the powerful va home loan benefit that lets us borrow up to 100 percent of our homes value, instead of just 80 percent like other loans. At newday usa, that can mean a lot more money, especially if your home has gone up in value. On average, our veterans take out 54,000 dollars. 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Build attendance for an event. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. They should be sued because whats happening with the bias, and now you see it with that executive yesterday, the hatred for the republicans. Its not even like g, lets lean democrat. Actually, i heard that all during my election. They were swamping us with negative stuff. Sandra President Trump slamming bias by a big tag. Calling executives of google, twitter, and facebook. Gillian turner is live in washington on that. Good morning. Taking their first bite of the apple now, when it comes to online propaganda, terrorism, and holding the big three social Media Companies accountable. Their responsibility for fake and altered videos on their platform, accusing them of allowing them to remain online for way too long. Going straight to the jugular, the chairman asking them about their videos that had been edited. Speak about something where we think that we need to get to it faster. We need to make sure that we are getting this information to people as soon as we can. Its also a reason that at 6 3 6 30 p. M. So it took you about a day and a half. Yes, it did. He has also been jones and to get them in the hot seat to sprd ideology. They see these attacks as a turning point. They wants them to tamp down on terrorist content. They are going on the defense today, sticking mostly to the same party line. They will never be perfect. We have made real progress. We are committed to combating extremism on our platform. We have learned a number of lessons. The threat environment, renew approach on crisis response. So far, and acknowledgment from these three speaks, dominic the giants, they say these executives are merely treading water, hoping to stave off legislation that will box them in. Sandra Gillian Turner in washington. Tanks. Benjamin we are waiting for three major rulings from the Supreme Court, expecting to come down tomorrow on the last day of the term, including whether a Citizenship Question can be added to the census. It is a case that will impact the election. Joining us now, judge napolita judge napolitano. Thank you very much for being here. Pleasure, benjamin. I confidently predicted the ruling would come down today. I was wrong. Benjamin we are still awaiting. One of the reasons for the delay is something that rarely occurs, and that is evidence that was found after the case was submitted to the Supreme Court. So challenging the senses, one is already in the Supreme Court. The lower courts have ruled against the senses, saying that you cant ask this question about citizenship. The judge also ruled against the government, thats where this new evidence is coming from. I havent seen it. It alleges that it shows racial bias on that b should the Supreme Court loo look at it . I suggest to you that is what the justices are wrestling with even as we speak. There was quite rare plea from the department of justice yesterday. They wrote letters to the Supreme Court about this. In that letter, they said that the full circuit order underscores the need for this court to address equal protection claim in the immateriality of the abovecaptioned case. So the unlawfulness of the secretarys decision can be fully and finally resolved. It is the file that allegedly shows racial bias on the part of the census preparers, who added that question. The doj is saying to the Supreme Court please forget about this other case. Please dont make a decision on the basis of evidence you havent seen. Please look at the submissions we have given you. We have to look at them for the next few months, with or without the question, we need a ruling. That is basically what they say. Benjamin thank you. We will see if we get an answer tomorrow. Sandra we are awaiting the president. He has taken the stage, so to speak and deliver a speech at a conference there in washington. The faith and Freedom Coalition 2019 the road to majorities policy conference in washington, d. C. This is him getting on a plane. Air force one, he will be heading to japan for the beginning of the g20 summit, the last two days of the week. He has taken stage there. Leading up to his speech a few moments ago, hearing from evangelical christians, giving him a lot of credit for what he has been able to do since he took office. He will be speaking to an audience of evangelical christians, so he is set to take the stage, stepped up to the microphone, then stepped away. He is enjoying the applause and direction in the room. All of those, one day after we now learn that Robert Mueller will publicly testify on july 17th before the house committees. Here is the president of the United States in washington. President trump thank you very much. Thank you for the extraordinary leadership that you displayed for a long time. I have known ralph for a long time. And i didnt realize this is number six. Six times, and i will see you next year. [cheers and applause] will will ten years ago, you found of this organization with a great deal of prayer, today, d Freedom Coalition is the largest faithbased get out the Vote Organization in modern american history. Congratulations as well to this years recipient of the Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement award, dr. Bill bennett, who is a great guy. Where is bill . Is he here . Where is bill . Will you come here, bill . I love this guy. I watch him all the time. He is always fighting for us, fighting against the fake news. Come here. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] President Trump are his boys here . Hes got the best looking family. I dont know how he did it. His wife is beautiful. Stand up. Look at that. What a family. What a family. He doesnt know how i did it. With all due respect, you are a very attractive man, but melania has the edge. [laughs] if youll excuse that. Hes from queens, im from brooklyn. We talk like that. This is a great president. This is a great meeting. Our country depends on you, mr. President. We are grateful for everything you do. Next year, they are after, and the year after. [cheers and applause] President Trump thank you, bill. Special man. Thank you very much. And hes a fighter. Hes a fighter for good. We like fighters. We like fighters for good. Its wonderful to be back here, pastors, rabbis, and a Record Number of students. Thank you all for the tireless work that your steadfast work and your daily prayers it is incredible what it has done. Keep them coming. Very important. Keep them coming. We are at an interesting time in our countrys history. Its very fragile. You know, its one vote. Its one justice. Its one little thing, and it can all change. You have to be very vigilant. You have to go out and vote. November 3rd is a big day next year. November 3rd. Mark it down. [applause] but i want to thank you for your voice, your time, and your energy and to knock on doors and make calls and immobilize your fellow americans. Because with your health, we will see and once again win a historic victory for life, for family, for faith, and for freedom. [cheers and applause] after just two and a half years, our country is soaring. Our communities are thriving, our economy is booming perhaps like never before. We may have the greatest economies in the history of our country, and we are once again defending and promoting our Great American values, and we are saying Merry Christmas again. Did you notice . I usually save that for november, december, but i was just thinking, as i mentioned, i was thinking they are all taking it down off of the department stores. It used to you say happy holidays. They are saying Merry Christmas again. Its very interesting. They are proud of it. Since the election, weve created 6 million new jobs. Nobody would have believed that. Weve lifted more than 6 million americans off of food stamps, and we are getting americans off of welfare and back into the labor force. They are so happy. They are making money. Look what they are doing. [cheers and applause] and youve seen me say this before. Where is sean . Is he here . He is the mvp. Where is he . Is he here . We just went over some numbers. Stand up. Mvp. Im going to read his book. He gave me his book in 2005, 2006. One was that . 2005 mvp. I said you think i could take him in an arm wrestling contest . His good friend said dont do that, mr. President. Thank you, sean. Im going to read the book on the plane. Im going to japan right after this. I will be meeting with some nice fellows. [laughter] other nations, competitive nations, competitors. Thats okay. We are doing great. We are doing better of them. Thank you. [cheers and applause] africanamerican, hispanicamerican, Asian American on employment have reached the lowest rates in the history of our country. Our history. The whole history. And if i was wrong about that, sean, if i made that statement, and if it wasnt exactly correct, all those people back there, and theres a lot of them, you would see the report before i was even finished. He would see headlines. I have to be very careful, sean. The womens Unemployment Rate is now the lowest in 65 years. [cheers and applause] to help american families, we doubled the child tax credit. I was ivanka trump worked hard on that. We are fighting for all americans embracing the faith, community, we are embracing it like it hasnt been embraced in many, many years. You know that. And when we are doing that, where uplifting. We are greatly uplifting. When i asked for your support and 2016, americans of faith, put under assault, but the shameful attempt to suppress religious believers ended the day i took the oath of office. [cheers and applause] and now, by the way, because of what were doing, with respect to the amendment, you know what im talking about, our leaders, like all of the people who have been so supportive, are pastors, ministers, priests, rabbis. All of our religious people, allowed to speak again, we are allowed to talk without having to lose your tax exemptions, your tax status. Of being punished. The people that we most want to hear, our great clergy, now able to speak without fear of retribution. And im very proud of that. I am very proud of it. They can speak. Unless they speak against me, in which case we will bring it back. [laughter] we will bring back that Johnson Amendment so fast, sean. I am only kidding. Im only kidding. Theyre going to take it seriously. We have breaking news. [laughter] theyre going to say see, i told you, he wants to be a dictator. I told you that. They are unbelievable, what they do. You will have to sit with a big smile on your face. Bill understands that, right . We are cherishing our nations religious heritage once again. My administration has taken historic action to protect religious liberty. [cheers and applause] we are protecting the rights of doctors and nurses and teachers and groups like the Little Sisters of the poor. We are with them. We made a lot of progress. Weve taken action to uphold free speech on college campuses. [cheers and applause] colleges are now, by the way, looking around very carefully when they fear conservatives and religious folks off of their campuses. Looking out very, very carefully. Because they have a big, fat, beautiful monetary penalty to pay. I havent heard too much about it since i did that a few months ago. Did you notice that . I havent heard too much about that. We gave them billions and billions of dollars, and then they dont let people speak. Liberal, conservative, doesnt matter. Republican, democrat. You can do that. We are preserving our countrys tradition faithbased adoption. And we are proudly defending the sanctity of life. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] President Trump book keep fighting because of most of the people in the room no, its very fragile. Unfortunately, democrat politicians have become increasingly hostile to prolife americans, who want to help more children find a loving home and share their dreams with the world. Virtually every top democrat now supports abortion right up to the moment of birth. By the way, if you watched virginia, the governor, after the moment of birth, that was something that nobody that was something that nobody heard of before. After the moment of birth. Nobody believed it. I had never heard of it. I dont think anybody had heard of it when he talked about wrapping the child and then discussing with the mother whether or not she wants to keep the child is born. So that becomes an execution. That becomes an execution. Every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of god, and that is why i have asked congress to prohibit the lateterm abortion of babies. [cheers and applause] and they will do that. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] President Trump thank you very much. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. During my first week in office, i reinstated the mexico city policy. People thought that wasnt going to be happening. Weve issued a final rule to put up title x taxpayer funding from subsidizing the abortion industry. And it just last month, our administration ended funding of fetal tissue research. All of us working to foster a culture that celebrates the sacred every human life. This could all change very quickly, just remember. Weve done things that nobody thought possible. Weve done things that are so good and so righteous. Also so fragile. The wrong person in office, in this office right here can change it very quickly. Bill will tell you that. Bill understands the system probably better than anybody, and bill will tell you that we are building a society that values the limitless potential of every person, and we are strengthening the bonds that tie us together in the wondrous tapestry of creation. Here with us is someone who shows us the power and majesty of life. I was very proud to host her in the oval office earlier this year. Katie shaw. Wheres katie . Wheres katie . Thank you, katie. [applause] we had a great meeting, right . Thank you, katie. You look well. Really well. Thank you. So nice. She was in the oval office and really made a great impression on everybody. It was very exciting. Thank you very much for being here. Katie is from indiana. She was born with down syndrome and now works at a local store. Does a fantastic job, volunteers in her community, and has testified before lawmakers. As katie said, its a wonderful life. Ive made the world a better place. Katie, yes you have. You have. [cheers and applause] our nation is uplifted by incredible americans like katie who fight for the dignity of all humanity. My administration has also taken historic action to protect americans rights enshrined in the constitution. Democrats are determined to pack the courts with a radical left to judges who will oppose their own far left views on the American People. That is why i will soon appoint my 145th judge to interpret the constitution as written. [cheers and applause] you know, normally, when a president assumes his position in the white house, no judges. You, as they retire, they get sick, they pass away. Things happen. They leave, and you get one, two, three. I inherited 138 empty spots. 138. I said this is impossible. Because president obama didnt get them through her couldnt get them through or something happened. But i said how many judges do we have . 138 federal judges. 138, which is percentage wise going to be a record, but the only one that has a record greater than my percentage was is it george washington. [laughter] [cheers and applause] i will never beat the record. He had 100 . But i have more. We have more. But he had 100 . He appointed everybody. But think of that, 145 judges. 138, and then through other things, we picked up some additional we put in fantastic people on the courts, and it makes such a big difference. Nobody would believe. We have two new Supreme Court justices. Neil gorsuch and brett kavanau Brett Kavanaugh. And exactly a year ago today and a 54 decision, the Supreme Court upheld the First Amendment right of pregnancy care and just last week, the Supreme Court ruled 72 that the peace cross wasnt that nice . [applause] there is one that have come dow down. Its a beautiful memorial in maryland which honors are heroes of world war i, its in the form of a cross, and they say can stand on public land for all to see. Isnt that nice . [applause] its so beautiful, and it takes up such an important place in that area and that whole state. They wanted to rip it down, take it down because it was a cross. We won that one just two days ago in the Supreme Court. Isnt that great . [applause] americans belief in god has forged the character of our country and made our nation a light unto the world. We are respected again as a nation, i will tell you that. And im not only talking from a religious standpoint. Our country is respected again. [applause] today we are excited to be joined by hundreds of College Students, including eight students from liberty university. A great school. Who just got back from a mission trip to oklahoma. Where are you . Stand up, please. Wow. [cheers and applause] thats fantastic. Its a great school, and Jerry Falwell is a friend of mine. He was with me right from the beginning. And he is so happy about it. I could tell you stories, he said that he was so honored to be there. He understood from the beginning what was going on. He doesnt say, and so did pastor robert jeffress, a great friend of mine, our president might not be the best of the bible. [laughter] he may not have read it too thousand times. But hes the best for us. [cheers and applause] thats true. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting] usa usa usa usa President Trump thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. And who are those 70 . [laughter] ralph asked that question. I do, i want to talk to them. As one of the great students, phoebe recently said, every day on the trip as a chance to love others the way christ loves us. Where is phoebe . Stand up, phoebe. Thank you very much. [applause] i want to think phoebe and i want to thank the students who are here with us today from all over the country. We are really its incredible what you are doing. I think people have no idea the numbers we areal

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