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Force that they can respond to kids in crisis or who need help and i want to make sure that we put the well being and welfare of those kids before we put any other concerns. Rick william is live in los angeles with the latest on this. William . Rick, what im told by agents in the field yesterday and this morning is this system right now simply cannot handle the overwhelming number of Central American immigrants flooding the border especially families. 7,000 apprehended last november. 25,000 apprehended last month and because of that, the Border Patrol and ice are forced to shift migrants from place to place or drop them off at a bus station like this one in el paso. More than 400 released sunday and monday because, again, theres nowhere to put them. The case of this 8yearold felipe alonzogomez im told illustrates the problem. Heres the timeline. Agents apprehended this boy and his father near el paso last tuesday, december 18th. They were processed, given food and water. Two days later, december 20th they were transferred to el paso. Then, three days later, because of overcrowding they were transferred again to the station. A day later, december 24th, an agent noticed the boy looked sick and took him to a local hospital. He was admitted around 9 00 a. M. And got tylenol and antibiotic and ibuprofen and then released around 2 00 p. M. They took the boy to a highway checkpoint holding cell. He began vomiting and they returned to the hospital and he lost consciousness during transport and was pronounced dead just shy of midnight on Christmas Eve. Now, they say the agents checked the boys welfare more than two dozen times over roughly a week. Champion Regional Medical center is also going to come under scrutiny, of course, for releasing this boy reportedly with a fever of 103. Now, this trip from guatemala to the u. S. Likely took the father and son several weeks. Were told it is likely the two camped just south of the el paso fence for several days in wet, freezing weather. Now, the funeral of gomez follows earlier this month of the 7yearold jacklin who died in Border Patrol custody. Both ice and Border Patrol say they have mandates to hold people that cross illegally but court orders to release them in a number of days whether there is shelter space or not. Every child right now in c. B. P. Custody will receive a medical checkup if theyre under 10 years old and the agency has asked for medical help from the coast guard, d. O. D. And peopfem get that done. Rick thank you, william. Christmas has come and gone and the partial Government Shutdown is in day five with no end in sight. President trump Standing Firm on his pledge to fund the border wall. Saying without it, the government will remain closed. Meanwhile, former acting ice director tom holman says more should be done to discourage people from entering the country illegally. You entice people to come to this country. They think they can get to a safe sanctuary city and they dont have to obey the law. The democrats dont want us to arrest noncriminal aliens in the United States. Rich is live at the white house today with the latest on the shutdown. Hi, rich. Good morning, anita. Democrats in the white house are a few billion dollars apart on funding for Border Security at the southern border and to this shutdown, this partial shutdown persists. President trump was supposed to be down at maralago to celebrate the christmas holiday. Instead hes here pushing and demanding more funding for Border Security. The people of this country want Border Security. You know, its not a question of me. Id rather not be doing shutdowns. Ive been at the white house and i love the white house. But i wasnt able to be with my family. I thought it would be wrong for me to be with my family. My family is in florida. Palm beach. And i didnt want to go down there and be there when other people are hurting. The white house budget director says this shutdown could persist into the next congress and that takes over late next week. We know Congress Returns tomorrow. What are we expecting tomorrow . Thats the 115th congress. Thats the last few days of that. The 116th congress, when it takes over in the following week, the dynamics change a little bit. Senate republicans will remain in control but its the house where the democrats will take control there for the first time in eight years. The presumed incoming House Speaker nancy pelosi spoke to usa today and talked about this issue and said the president s demands on the border wall keep shifting and said first of all, the fact that he says were going to build a wall with cement and mexico is going to pay for it while hes already backed off the cement, now hes down to i think a beaded curtain or something. Im not sure where he is. Pelosi charges the president is using scare tactics on immigration to get more funding for this wall as this shutdown and this issue persists. Back to you. All right. Rich live at the white house today. Thank you so much. Rick with more on this, lets bring in chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner and Fox News Contributor. Byron, thanks for being with us. Good morning, rick. Rick lets talk news for the government to handle and anyone to handle with a child dying in custody and cant help the president s cause. No. And this shutdown seems to be the shutdown that nobody seems very eager to end. I mean, were not seeing any sort of roundtheclock negotiations. Were not seeing new proposals every few hours. Basically, all sides went home for christmas and theyll come back and talk about it maybe tomorrow. I think the big reason for this is its just a partial Government Shutdown. Its not a full Government Shutdown or even a half Government Shutdown. About a quarter of the federal government will be affected by this. The rest of it is fully funded through september of 2019. So were just not seeing some of the effects that we would likely see if there was a full Government Shutdown. Rick but the longer it goes on, the greater those effects will be and the more likely it is that we will hear about it and the people that are suffering because of it. Absolutely. I mean, one another reason we havent seen this much is, of course, it began on saturday and much of the country kind of went away for the long christmas weekend. And now theyll start up and youll have Government Agencies like the commerce department, the justice department, the agriculture department, all being affected by this. So we will see some effects of it. But so far, we havent seen enough for either side, President Trump or democrats on the hill, to want to give even an inch. Rick and the president has dug in his heels. He lost the house in the midterms. Does he see this, do you think, as his last chance to get the wall project funded . A couple of things. A couple of things. He has made one rhetorical concession. He says you dont have to call a wall. You can call it a fence. You can call it whatever you want. Nancy pelosi, we just heard, called it a beaded curtain. Hes not going to like that. But the president has made some small concession on that. Right now, neither seed seems interested in giving anything and democrats, of course, know that theyre going to be in power in the house of representatives come january 3rd. So the president will have even less leverage. So these two years that the president has had in which he controlled the white house, and republicans controlled the house and the senate, they were not able to get a significant amount of funding for the wall. It was the president s premiere Campaign Promise and now hes looking at the house being controlled by the opposition party. And even less chance of getting what he wants. Rick the president has said his key opponents on this all supported improving the wall until he made his Campaign Promise and made it his most important agenda item here in the white house. Is that fair . Actually, theres a lot of truth to that. Congress passed with overwhelming majorities in 2006 something called the secure fence act which called for 700 miles of multiple layer of fencing across the border. And in 2013, with the gang of eight bill, the Immigration Reform bill, that passed in the senate but did not pass the house, every single Senate Democrat voted for that bill which called for a southern border fencing strategy to build 700 miles of at least primary or double fencing layer across the border. In return, of course, democrats got a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally but yes, they have voted for big border barriers in the past. Rick the president has said its about security and we had the former ice director on fox friends this morning and said there were 138,000 criminals arrested last year including 2,000 homicides. So people responsible for 2,000 murders and 11,000 sex crimes. These are people who were arrested last year crossing the border. Well, the president has tried to make the point that a lot of crime is associated with illegal immigration. In other words, people come over the border who are not simply guilty of crossing illegally into the United States. So far, that hasnt worked. I mean, the democrats have dug in their heels on this and if you really do look at these votes i was talking about in 2006 and 2013, they have changed. And are now against any new barrier on the southern border. Rick well keep an eye on this one. Byron york from the Washington Examiner thank you for being with us today. Just days after the president announced u. S. Troops would withdraw from syria, the u. S. Led antiisis Coalition Conducts air strikes against the terror group in syria. What this means in the fight against isis. Rick plus trading about to get under way soon. Hang on. This after the dows worst Christmas Eve ever. When will the market stablize . Live report from wall street straight ahead. Have record kinds of numbers. I think its a tremendous opportunity to buy. Really a great opportunity. Still fresh. Unstopables inwash scent booster downy unstopables anita welcome back. 14 minutes after the hour now. A major assault against isis in syria. The u. S. Led military Coalition Announced that air strikes and coordinated attacks destroyed isis facilities and removed several hundred fighters from the battlefield. The news comes just days after President Trump ordered the withdrawal of american troops from syria. Lets bring in Lieutenant Colonel dakota wood, Senior Research fellow for defense programs at the heritage foundation. Colonel wood, thanks for joining us today. My pleasure, thanks. Anita so im guessing this latest action probably leaves some people confused. The president had said we had defeated isis. And that he was withdrawing as many as 2,000 troops. Now were seeing air strikes. Can you help us explain that . Well, theres no contradiction. The u. S. Will continue to have interests in the middle east and take strikes as appropriate against entities like isis that threaten u. S. Interests or prove to be a destablizing force. But the president has talked about withdrawing the Ground Forces, the 2,000 or so troops that have been working with the Syrian Democratic forces on the ground. So withdrawing Ground Forces is not the same thing as withdrawing from the region and i think thats really the key point that needs to be made here. Anita uhhuh. And we know the attacks were carried out from december 16th through the 22nd in the middle of the Euphrates River valley according to the news release from Operation Inherent resolve as this is called. What can you tell us about how successful these air strikes were and what they were intended to do . Well, america has a great precision strike capability so as long as you can get a grid coordinate, then these bombs or missiles that are used depending on the target that are being surfaced find their way to that target. Whether its b52s out of there or fighters out of jordan, the munitions placed against the target are almost always very successful. Hitting the command nodes, logistic and maintenance facilities would support isis operations. Those are the types of thing that really blunt the ability of Islamic State to be effective at all. And we have to remember they used to control half of syria and a third of iraq and all thats been taken away. So these are a few thousand fighters that are holding on, surrounded by enemies. And we really dont view them as being a significant threat to the United States in any way. Anita so theres been so much criticism against the president coming from both sides of the aisle about this withdraw of troops. Should these air strikes assuage people and should we expect that these air strikes should continue . Oh, yes. We have long standing relationships in the region whether its jordan, israel or continuing to work with saudi arabia on various issues. Turkey is a nato al ally and theyve given assurances theyre going to help contain the isis problem as well. Whether we continue to hold u. S. Ground forces there in syria when its in such turmoil as an internal problem, i mean, really thats at the heart of the debate. How long do you continue to be there . And the president has been frustrated by lack of clearances clear answers on whats the theory of the victory. What are those conditions . With the forces holding their own, with turkey having an interest in the region, we dont want to come into open confrontation with governments and syria forces so hes commander in chief of the military and the executive of the United States has determined the time for u. S. Ground presence is at an end. That doesnt mean that we wont continue to prosecute targets that are aligned with our larger strategic interests. Anita you talk about the alliances in the region and you mention turkey as a nato ally. Can we rely on turkey in that region to help defeat isis . Oh, i think so. They have an enduring interest as well. Nobody wants a destablizing entity like the Islamic State to hold terrain as they did in the past. I mean, nobody benefits from that. So turkey has its own sovereign issues along its border. Doesnt want the Islamic State problem falling over into it. Theyve got interests visavis syria that going on and certainly with iran and iraq. So nobody wins if isis if isis wins and i think we can rely on folks in that region to take care of a domestic problem, indigenous problem and something thats local to that area. Anita all right. Thank you so much for shedding light on that area for us. Lieutenant colonel dakota wood, thanks for being with us this morning. My pleasure. Thank you. Rick in a onetwo punch, a volcano erupts sending clouds of ash into the air triggering an earthquake. Details of where this is happening. Anita plus new evidence in the mysterious disappearance of kelsey berreth. What investigators found 800 miles away from her colorado home. A bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. So you wake up ready to make your resolutions, reality. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction with mattresses by j. D. Power. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends new years day. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Anita sicilians were awake ined early Christmas Morning by an earthquake. 10 people were injured but thousands fled their homes in fear. Temporary shelters were set up for residents whose houses were damaged or were too frightened to return home. Rick fox news alert. New York Stock Exchange opens minutes from now after a massive selloff saw the dow dropping 653 points yesterday. Its worse showing two days ago. Anita two days ago. Rick worst day showing on a Christmas Eve. Joining us to talk about that awful plunge. I was there. I was on the floor of the new York Stock Exchange reporting there and literally towards the end of the day, i spoke to one trader who said theres no incentive to buy right now or to even sell. He was just so shocked that the news that you had mnuchin calling the banks asking about liquidity, and then the fact that you had the president taking to twitter again to go after the fed. So you had those two issues when they didnt need to be issues at that moment in time. Normally theres the santa claus rally before the holiday. Rick it could have gone green. They messed it up. We cant put the blame on them because theres so many factors playing into the markets. Today youre seeing the futures in the green. Rick lets talk about that . The dow is up 170 points before i came on set. S p a little higher. Not much. Just by a few points. Nonetheless, you have so many factors playing into these markets. Its not just, you know, twitter and people on twitter but it has to do with the fear of a slowdown in 2019 and what that means for corporations. It has to do with the high level of debt that some of these corporations have and it has to do with political instability, foreign instability, the oil. If you look at oil, its below 45 u. S. A barrel at the moment. Rick which seems good to me. Gas prices are super low. Gas right now on average 2. 31 according to gas buddy. Rick the dow has taken a huge hit. And now, it seems like a good time to buy. People are saying, you know, you buy low. And you sell high. Things are low. Right. Buy on the dip is the mentality that you would take. Rick is this the dip . See, i think if you are a seasoned investor that understands that if youre going to take on some losses in the near future, you can handle it. Yes, you have some of these wealthy people and we have on fox business all the time that have funds that are worth a lot of money and theyre buying right now. Rick they are. For somebody thats watching at home and wants to invest, you know, a few thousand here and there individually, like, you know, i like walmart or i like this company, its a little bit riskier because of the head winds going into 2019. Youre going to the benefits of the tax cuts, were not going to see those anymore. Right . That was the benefits this year. So theres a lot of factors that play into next year. Its good to be cautious which is why youre seeing the price of gold go higher. Its often seen as a safe haven. Rick the president yesterday blamed the Rising Interest Rates and blamed the Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell and that gave some people some uncertainty and im wondering if that continues, like are we worried about what might happen there . And with his treasury secretary . Right, with the comments normally, you dont have a president this has happened before but normally not as vocal about the federal chairman, j. Powell. Rick are you saying this president is different than previous president s . Ive never heard that before. You know, you got to talk about the issue at hand, the concern about the markets. But the fed needs to be independent. Thats the most important thing. Theyre not supposed to play to politics and theyre not supposed to play to investors on wall street. Just because investors dont like what hes doing right now that doesnt necessarily mean its bad for the economy. Weve had such low Interest Rates across the board for quite sometime. And this hike right now is still within the 2 range. So its not like its going to inhibit growth that much when youre seeing the hike. And think of all the debt that is growing. Its been cheap money for too long. If anything, you have retail sales came out super strong. Unemployment, the lowest weve seen since december, what is it, 1969. Youre seeing 7. 1 million job openings across the country. Rick lets cut to the chase here. The president does know business and he knows the economy. And he turned this market around when he took the office. Is it going to bounce back . If i could accurately say that, then maybe i wouldnt be working here. Id be investing when is it bouncing back . I think that there will be a rally in the few coming weeks. Why . Because a lot of people that are buying on the dip right now and you have earnings coming out again. Next set of earning and theyre expected to be strong once again. Will that tiny rally hold . Im not so sure. I think its going to be weaker in 2019. Theres an opportunity out there. You need to know how on play the market. Rick all right. Well learn as quickly as we can. Thank you very much. Thank you. Anita the death toll climbs in indonesia after a powerful tsunami struck the coastline killing more than 400 people. Why an Early Morning system was never triggered. Plus on day five of the partial Government Shutdown, both sides are still at odds over Border Security. Many of those workers have said to me and communicated, stay out until you get the funding for the wall. These federal workers want the wall. The only one that doesnt want the wall are the democrats. What do you look for when you trade . I want free access to research. Yep, td ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. No hidden fees. No platform fees. No trade minimums. And yes, its all at one low price. Td ameritrade. Anita ok. Fox news alert now. Stocks opening for trading on wall street. And the numbers are looking a little better today. Up about 145 right now. Thats a lot better than what we saw over the last couple of days. Rick going to be up 1,000 in a matter of minutes. Anita really . I like that prediction. Rick yeah. I want to see if i can make it happen. Anita well watch that. Rick not supposed to do that, right . Anita no. Get us in trouble. Rick ok. Go dow fox news alert now. Israel carrying out more strikes near the syrian capital of damascus injuring three syrian soldiers, according to state media. This is just days after israeli Prime Minister netanyahu said israel could expand military action against iran and its troops in syria. Trey is live with more on this. Trey . Rick, overnight, war planes launched a series of air strikes towards iranian targets in syria. While the israelis are not immediately taking credit for the strikes, president netanyahu in jerusalem did say earlier this month, his country would be ramping up attacks on iranian proxies around israel. Syrian state media does claim that the strikes targeting damascus were unsuccessful though online video shows multiple impacts of missiles near the countrys biggest airport. In response to the wave of strikes, the syrians launched antiaircraft missiles at the war planes. One of the antiaircraft missiles missed and entered israeli airspace. The event triggered an air Defense System in central israel. A military spokesperson did add there were no injuries or damage reported. Russian Defense Ministry said Syrian Forces destroyed 14 of the missiles fired at the syria capital. It follows an incident where syrian antiaircraft missile attempted to shoot down an israeli plane leading to an russian aircraft being shot down. I did speak to israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and asked him about iranian proxies and says israel is prepared to do whatever it takes to defend its country. Rick . Rick weve certainly seen that. Thank you. I am proud to shut down the government for Border Security, chuck. Because the people of this country dont want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So i will take the mantle. I will be the one to shutdown. Im not going to blame you for it. Anita President Trump saying hed take responsibility for a Government Shutdown but in an op ed, tthe New York Post writin that Chuck Schumer doesnt deserve a pass. President trump may deserve all the heat hes getting for his bumbling role in triggering a Government Shutdown over the border wall sunday, but democrats, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer are no angels. Ted harvey is chairman of the committee to defend the president and former Colorado State senator. And jim kesler is former legislative policy director to senator Chuck Schumer and Senior Vice President for policy and cofounder of the third way. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Thank you. Good morning. Anita so let me ask you about that article in the New York Post that says you can blame the president all you want for the shutdown and as you heard him say, he would take all the blame. But that Chuck Schumer could end this thing tomorrow if he could just look past his hatred of the president and move one inch on funding for Border Security. Jim, you know senator schumer very well. At some point, are people going to start pointing fingers at him . Well, then lets get out of the make pretend world here because there was a 17 minute video that we all watched on Live Television where donald trump said i will take the blame on this. Schumer has tried on several occasions to Reach Agreement with donald trump on the wall. They had an agreement on 25 billion and they had another agreement. He backed away each time. Look, i think the president wants this showdown because hes had the worst month of his presidency. He had the mattis resignation, the flynn fiasco and the plunging stock market. This is a distraction he wants right now and i think hes playing that up to the hilt. Anita well, ted, you work for the committee to defend the president. And i guess hes not making it so easy for you right now. Huh . Do the American People buy the notion that the shutdown is all his fault, though . And what do his supporters want to see him do . Do they want him to stand firm on this border wall funding . Of course they want him to stand firm. This is the reason why the president won the primary two years ago against 16 formidable republican candidates. Hes the only one that picked up the immigration banner. Its the reason why he won the general election against Hillary Clinton because he picked up the immigration banner. Remember, it was Chuck Schumer 12 months ago that closed down the border closed down the government in support of allowing Illegal Immigrants to come across the border. Here we go again. Chuck schumer is not coming to the table and funding this effort. Not one democrat voted for it in the house when it came out last week. And here we go again, in the senate, where the democrats are holding up funding the border they are supporting Illegal Immigrants and supporting ms13, theyre supporting drug traffickers and human traffickers. If thats what they want to take to the american public, good for them. Anita ted, im sorry, jim, yesterday, the president spoke from the oval office and he talked about a fence, a barrier, a gate. He called it several Different Things. Do you think any of those things sound more amenable to Chuck Schumer and what kind of Border Security would he be in favor of . So lets just be clear. There are 16,000 Border Security guards on the border right now. Theres 700 miles of fencing on the border right now. That is democrats and republicans working together over the last eight or 10 years. The senate bill that passed unanimously so thats mcconnell, schumer and 98 other senators had 1. 6 trillion, 1. 6 billion for the wall that included 70 miles of new fencing and 400 new personnel. So theres Border Security going on there. The only answer isnt were going to build a wall that can be defeated by a shovel or a ladder. Theres a lot of ways to secure the border. Anita ok. Ted, what do you say about that . Well, if you remember last year, Chuck Schumer shut down the government because he wanted to support daca students but he didnt want to do anything about the border. He didnt want to end chain migration and here we go again. Schumer is not going to negotiate in any way whatsoever. Schumer said there is no negotiation. We are not going to move over with any negotiation. We are not going to fund the wall. That is the message that the democrats are sending to the American People. And if thats the message that they want to send, they certainly can. But theyre senators in tight races in 2020 will have to take that the American People. And lets have that debate. If they want to support Illegal Immigrants, we can have that debate or we can debate securing the american border and stopping ms13, drug traffickers, and human traffickers. Anita the president well all have to pretend two things that. We didnt watch a 17 minute video in the oval office where President Trump said im going to shut down the wall. We have to remember in support of safe borders. Mexico is if you want to take that to the voters do that. Defend standing up for the American People. Anita lets not talk over each other here. We cant hear you. Were out of time. Thank you so much for coming and, you know, of course, this debate is going to continue. Hopefully well see some action soon. Thank you again. Thank you. Anita uhhuh. Rick the death toll in the tsunami that struck indonesia rising to at least 430 people with many more still missing. As that country struggles to recover from a massive wave that devastated the coastline. Thousands are homeless. Amid fears that more tsunamis might hit. Amy kellogg joins us live from milan, italy. Whats the latest, amy . Hi, rick. Well, people really are frightened that this could happen again because the volcano that caused this tsunami on saturday is still very active. So people are scared that another one could happen again without any warning. So at this point, people are being told by the authorities to stay inside and stay away from the coast rather at least for now. Ha means staying at least, rick, a good half mile inland until it can be determined this is not likely to happen again. There has been rain, unfortunately, and plenty of misery, of course, as people try to stay comfortable and healthy in shelters. Others are still looking around desperately for their loved ones. The hope of finding survivors at this point is quite slim. Anyone still looking for family or friends is holding out hope. I saw a really heartbreaking interview this morning, rick, you know these personal stories trickle out. Helter skelter and there was a man who had taken his whole family to an outdoor concert on saturday. A wave the tsunami smashed into that concert. He managed to survive. Lost track of his family. Found the bodies of his wife and his daughter in two different places and is still going around quite desperately looking for his son whose body has not been found. Who has not been heard from since saturday, rick. Rick just awful. Amy kellogg in milan, thank you for that. Anita well, it wasnt much of a White Christmas here in the u. S. But the trip home might be another story. Blizzard continues could make travel very rough in the upper midwest. Meteorologist adam joins us from the Fox Weather Center with the forecast. How is it looking out there . You nailed it. There will be a big winter system that might slow down some folks. It always happens when warm air runs into cold air. Theres this pool of temperatures in the 60s in the middle of the country. But you fall just back behind it in denver, colorado, 21 degrees. Where that warm and cold air meets, thats where this system is beginning to fire off. Everywhere in the central portions is heavy rain. The northern portions is where were seeing snowfall so far and will the next couple of days. Currently snow falling across the dakotas stretching towards the west. This will continue to slowly shift off towards the east over the next 24 to 48 hours. Now, all of these locations under at least were looking at winter storm advisories so watches and warnings. Everything in the pink is the warning which is the most severe. Thats stretching from portions of northern wisconsin. All the way back across the dakotas, nebraska and then getting back towards colorado. This is going to be a slow moving march. So youre going to get rounds and rounds of activity. This is the future forecast. And you see everything on the backside. Theres rain. Everything behind this storm is constantly were talking about constant snowfall which over 48 hours time which is about how long this is going to linger, fairly widespread. Everywhere here is in the six inch rain. Isolated areas where the colors get darker and were showing you spots up to a foot of total snow coming down relatively quickly all along this frontal boundary. Well be watching it move the next couple of days. Wednesday temperatures, everything in front of here is rain and storms. Thats where the line moves. By thursday, this line is moving into the midwest. But if youre along the east coast, maybe this is good news for you because its feeling fantastic getting closer to the new year, and we have temperatures new york city by friday temperatures in the mid 50s. So were going to be watching the storm in the middle of the country. But theres plenty of other places where it is going to be warm as we ring in the new year. Back to you. Rick 43 in chicago is tshirt weather. Anita whats going on . Rick i dont know. Im sure the people in new york will be happy its not subzero on new years eve. Anita thats true. Rick a holiday boat trip turned almost deadly as their cabin cruiser goes up in flames off the coast of australia. Anita the investigation of a death of a colorado mother expands to idaho as her fiance is charged with first degree murder. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . 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Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. He eats a bowl of hammers at every meal he holds your house in the palm of his hand hes your home and auto man big jim, hes got you covered great big jim, there aint no other so, this is covered, right . Yes, maam. Take care of it for you right now. Giddyup hi this is jamie. We need some help. Anita a family of six lucky to be alive after their boat caught fire off the coast of australia. The group including a 5yearold child was on a 49 foot cabin cruiser when it went up in flames wednesday morning. The fire started in the engine room and quickly spread leaving the passengers no time to call for help. They jumped in the water without life jackets on but fortunately, everyone was rescued by passing boats. Rick new developments in the disappearance of a missing colorado mother. Investigators may have found evidence in idaho nearly 800 miles away from 29yearold Kelsey Berreths home days after her cell phone pinged in that state. Police arrested her fiance, 32yearold Patrick Frazee and charged him with first degree murder after a search of berreths home outside of Colorado Springs. Joining us now is the fox news legal analyst. Police have said that they found evidence but we dont know what that evidence is . Smart of them to do that because they have to obviously collect all this evidence and try to get the incrimination of their suspect who is the fiance. If they start releasing the information, it will give them a head start. The defense will get a head start. All of that will be close to the vest until the investigation is controlled and completed and sent over to the Prosecutors Office so pretty routine and very smart on their side. Rick we had heard about this cell phone ping before and it was apparently about 800 miles away from their home but two or three days after . Interesting. And whats key is the charge. Because the charge is solicitation of murder as well as first degree murder against the fiance. So solicitation might be the individual who was involved or at least suspected to be involved in the murder. Rick another individual besides the fiance. Exactly. Solicitation is exactly that. There are individuals involved in the murder. For instance, if they take this cell phone and then take it away from where this scene, they suspect she was killed in colorado and part of the evidence was taken across state lines into idaho. They can just muddy up the waters. If youre soliciting for murder and you are hiring someone out of state, that individual could easily have taken her cell phone and let it ping in other places. We already know there was a text message received during the time that she was missing. Rick but that message could have been sent by someone else using her phone . Exactly right. Rick yeah. There was video released, Surveillance Footage of her entering a Grocery Store. And a lot was made of the fact that we didnt see her leaving this store. I have a theory you see her leaving with someone else and the police didnt release that part of the video. Thats a great point. Rick is that possible . It could be. So much of what Law Enforcement is doing is taking the evidence and make sure they dont disclose it and publish it to the extent youre tipping off the defense and tipping off this other individual they suspect is also involved. Thats due to the solicitation of murder. So theres without question, there will be some other arrests made. Theyre just keeping it so close to the vest. Otherwise, they wouldnt have charged him with solicitation. They would have continued to just charge him with the first degree murder. But with solicitation, its a signal we know someone else is involved. Were going to get to that other individual. F. B. I. Is involved. You got local authorities involved. They really are circling the wagons and keeping it close to the vest theyre going to get closer and closer to this other individual or other individuals that were involved. Rick people who are wondering like why hasnt more happened on this case . Why is it but they need to take their time. They need to do it right. Such a great point. If they dont do it correctly, and they rush, thats when you get mucked up and thats when theres going to be defense coming forward and saying they didnt collect the evidence the way they should and the motions to suppress that evidence. Weve seen that in the highest profile cases with all the evidence being suppressed because the evidence wasnt collected appropriately and there was a rush. It really has to be methodical, careful and to the point. You want to get your person. Rick the suspicion on day one was on the fiance. He was free for quite sometime. Is there a strategy there that, perhaps, he might make a phone call or talk to somebody and reveal more that investigators need to know before they take him into custody . Excellent point. They do hope that someone is going to trip up. Someone thats being accused that theyll trip up eventually and trip up in who they talk to. Theyll get consciousness will rise up and theyll make an admission of some point. They knew and suspected him from the very start. 85 of murders are done by individuals who knew the decedent. A lot of people think no body, no case. Thats not true in this day and age when you have c. S. I. Great to be here, thank you. Rick appreciate your time. Anita go fund me making good on its promise to refund all donations after a new jersey couple and homeless man were charged with some scamming, scamming some very generous people. Rick live report on signs of Real Progress in relations between north and south korea. What the two countries are doing today. Rick good news for Good Samaritans in an alleged scam. More than 14,000 people who donated 400,000 to a go fund me page have received a full refund as the three people who did it allegedly, await trial on charges of theft by deception and conspiracy. A new jersey couple and a homeless man accused of making up a story that he gave her his last 20 bucks when she ran out of gas, then publicizing it to attract donations for him last year, apparently. Anita well, an ambitious project under way to reconnect railways and roads from north korea to south korea. The two countries breaking ground today but with sanctions in place, trains wont be crossing the border any time soon. Greg palcott is live from london with more. Greg, what is this train event today all about . Greg hi, anita. Yes, ambitious i think is the key word. Hopeful might be another word. Theres a lot of ways that this effort could get derailed in the north korean border town. Officials from north and south korea met for a ceremony mashing this possible rail link between the two countries. The officials from the south came on a train from seoul across the d. M. Z. , but, in fact, get this, rail link going as well as road connections which are also talking about the u. S. , the u. N. Would have to drop its economic sanctions against the north, considering the stalled state of Nuclear Negotiations right now, that doesnt seem likely in the near future and, in fact, anita, politician from south korea branded this whole thing as a publicity stunt by south korean president moon. Anita imagine that. Let me ask you, greg, where do talks stand between the u. S. And north korea as we head into this new year . I think its a mixed picture for sure anita. We did see a tweet on monday from President Trump and he claimed progress with north korea but frankly, there has been Little Movement on the denuclearization issue since his summit with the leader kim jong un in singapore. There had been talk of a second summit between trump and kim. Trump mentioned it again in his tweet. But that seems a ways off as well. Just two weeks ago, anita, we heard from the north korean state media. They said theyre not giving up their nukes unless, these are their words the u. S. Eliminated the Nuclear Threat against their country. This is a new precondition that might mean Nuclear Armed u. S. Submarines and bombers that operate in the broader asian region moving those obviously would be a deal breaker. One other thing that might be upsetting north korea right now, the decision by federal court on monday to award half a billion dollars in damages to the parents of u. S. College student warmbier. He was detained by the north and died after release from custody. North korea is supposed to pay that. I dont think they will be. One final, final note, anita, we will be hearing from kim jong un in a new years address next week. Perhaps, well get a little bit more clarity. Back to you. Anita well be looking forward to hearing what he has to say. Greg palkot, thank you so much from london today. Greg thank you. Rick President Trump not backing down on his demand for the border wall with a partial Government Shutdown in the fifth day, the latest on his showdown with Congressional Democrats coming up. Cant tell you when the government is going to be open. Its not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever theyd like to call it. Ill call it whatever they want. Im ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . Anita fox news alert for you now, the holiday is over but the partial Government Shutdown is still in effect with really no end in sight. Welcome to a brand new hour of america newsroom, everyone. Im anita vogel. Rick and im Rick Leventhal. Pleasure to be with you. Anita thank you so much. A quarter of the federal government is closed because of a budget stalemate and President Trump says it will stay that way until democrats agree to wall off the southern border. You have drugs, you have Human Trafficking, you have illegal people coming into our country. We cant do thatme. We dont know who they are. In the caravan, 618 people were very bad in some cases criminals. Wanted for very you saw the one man who said he was wanted for murder. I dont want them in the country. Rick live at the white house, ellison barber. Does it look like the president will ever get this wall built . Right now, it seems like there is a standoff is the best way that we can describe it i think at this point. The president says despite the government being shut down, he says that work is still happening at the southern border. Construction, renovation, and he said he awarded a contract in the oval office. Yesterday, gave out 115 miles worth of wall. 115 miles in texas. And its going to be built hopefully rapidly. Ill going there at the end of january for start of construction. Thats a big stretch. We gave it out at a great price. So were going to have great wall there and other sections to give out. Mr. Trump did not say who specifically received that contract. When asked, he said it was different people. He also did not say where this would be built in texas or where hes going to be visiting. The white house did not provide Additional Details in regards to the trip or the contract despite requests from fox news. U. S. Customs and Border Protection and the u. S. Army corps of engineers typically award contracts for border wall construction after Congress Approves funding. But the little bit of news that we did hear from the president said hes going to visit texas for this, what he described as a Ground Breaking ceremony of sorts in january. Rick . Rick this Government Shutdown continues until democrats in the white house can come to some kind of an agreement. It doesnt look like theyre close to anywhere on anything. It doesnt. We know that the white house gave democrats a counteroffer last week, somewhere between 5 billion for Border Security and some sort of physical barrier which is what the white house wanted and the 1. 3 billion that the white house says the democrats are currently offering. Congressional democrats say that it is just impossible to even know where the white house stands at this point because they say theyre hearing Different Things from different people about what the president will or will not accept. The president , of course, says that democrats supported barriers in the past. You hear a lot of people talking about the secure fence act and he says essentially, he feels like democrats arent willing to negotiate or talk or go with the wall that he wants because theyre not very big fans of his. Rick . Rick well, we suspect this will continue for quite sometime. Stay on it for us, will you . You bet. Anita and for more on this, danielle is a contributing editor for the Washington Free beacon. Daniel, good morning. Good morning. Anita how long do you think this is going to drag on . What are you hearing about any deals in sight there . There are none. It seems certain its going to get into the next year and new congress. I mean, if youre the democrats, you have to understand, youre sitting there and you know that President Trump and the republicans need democratic votes to get this across the finish line in the senate. You also know come the beginning of january, nancy pelosi most likely will take over as speaker of the house in which case the bargaining position goes up. I think all democrats, you know, from their perspective is better to sit back, wait, have nancy pelosi take over and have your Bargaining Power increase. Of course, if youre the republicans, youre probably wondering how come this fight waited until the very end of republican rule of the senate and the house of representatives and didnt take place the last two years of the Trump Administration. Anita yeah, right. That is strange timing. Speaking of the Democratic Leadership, we have from Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. Lets bring that up, if we can. It says, instead of bringing certainty into peoples lives, hes continuing the trump shutdown just to please right wing radio and tv hosts. Meanwhile, different people from the same white house are saying Different Things about what the president would accept or not accept to end his trump shutdown making it impossible to know where they stand at any given moment. The president wanted the shutdown but he seems not to know how to get himself out of it. What is it going to take to get out of it . Somebody has to make a compromise. Is there anybody in the Democratic Party willing to make a compromise . Well, not yet at least. Look, obviously, in order to end the shutdown, one side is going to have to cave or both sides will have to cave a little bit. If youre the democrats, theres no point and if youre nancy pelosi. Theres no point in caving now. She hasnt secured the speakership. She also while the republicans might have the right wing of the Republican Party to deal with, nancy pelosi and the democrats have the left wing of the Democratic Party to deal with. And they dont want any deal with trump add at all and they dont want any sort of Border Security and certainly not a wall. Theres a lot of politics, obviously were this is a political issue. This is washington. Nancy pelosi, east side is, you know, intent on describing the other side as unwilling to budge, unwilling to compromise. Something will have to give but theres no urgency. This happened friday night. Weve had christmas. This is as you said earlier, this is sort of the first day that were that were back to work. And a lot of people honestly are off anyway. Very quiet in washington, and i think were just going to have to wait. I think weeks, i dont know about months. Thats probably maybe a little extreme. But theres no urgency at all to get this done. Anita sorry to interrupt you. You say theres no urgency and maybe not for a lot of people. What about the 800,000 federal work theres are worried about not getting paid down the road . And i know they might get back pay but people live paycheck to paycheck. Theres some urgency for them. The president started off asking for 5 billion and the democras were offering 1. 3 billion. Is there somewhere to meet in the middle on that . There are a lot of numbers in between that. It would require one side to concede to the other and this is a very volatile time. And obviously, a very divided time. In order to get to that place, in order to admit that the other that the other side has something valid to say is just, just not feeling it. Of course, if youre one of those people who requires a government paycheck, youre working for the government, of course, youre feeling it. And youre, perhaps, worried about the future. But i dont think politically, its just there yet. And, of course, a lot of those people will still get paid probably tomorrow or sometime this week for the last pay period. Their next pay period, their next paycheck would come Something Like january 11th so theres still a few weeks before they actually skip a pay period. Until then, and until people seeking Government Services are being denied and until theres those stories being written, i think the urgency would just kind of like this week, i just im skeptical that anything gets done this week, though if youre a republican, you better hope it does because your Bargaining Power decreases by next week when the democrats take over. Anita the clock is running out on their Bargaining Power for sure. But based upon what the president said yesterday at the white house, he said hes in no mood to compromise on the border wall, fence or barriers. Calls it a couple of Different Things. So it sounds like hes not budging. Its funny because hes not budging but he is kind of hes kind of tweaking his language. So its no longer a border wall hes fighting for. Theres these metal steel slats hes fighting for and a border fence that hes fighting for. In a way, perhaps maybe theres where where some compromise is taking place. Perhaps its not the wall that hes fighting for and perhaps, its something less. I think if youre a democrat, youre slightly heartened by that. Anita possibly. All right. Thank you so much for breaking it down for us. Thank you. Anita thank you. Rick incredibly important point that once people start missing paychecks, thats when the stakes go up. Anita absolutely. How many People Living paycheck to paycheck counting on that next paycheck. Rick right. They have to pay bills. Anita they have to Pay Christmas bills. Rick bound to get worse. Anita it is. Rick u. S. Led antiisis coalition announcing more air strikes and coordinated attacks in syria. The news coming just days after President Trump ordered a complete withdrawal of u. S. Troops from that country. Live at the pentagon, lucas, we expect these air strikes to continue after the u. S. Pulls out . Those air strikes will continue, rick. In fact, over 30 were launched against isis in Eastern Syria in recent days after the president announced he was pulling his forces out of syria. All of those air strikes in support of the u. S. Backed Syrian Democratic forces. A kurdish and arab militia fighting isis. Air strikes also are continuing against isis in iraq. This video showing a b1 bomber launched from qatar recently struck isis targets in northern ir iraq. B1 bombers like this were used to strike the assad regime in april and their 10 hour loiter time overhead will continue to be used against the group. A senior general in the u. S. Led Coalition Said isis presents a very real threat to the long term stability of this region and our Mission Remains the same. The enduring defeat of isis. British and French Forces will be staying in syria to battle isis and its not immediately clear if those forces will be able to control u. S. Aircraft for future strikes against isis, rick . Rick we know there are u. S. Forces in iraq over the border and those forces can and will be used against isis in syria as well. They could, rick. In fact, theres over 5,000 american troops in iraq and theres no plans for those troops to leave. American and french artillery units have been positioned along the border and shelling isis targets in syria. The last isis held town in syria is within range of those cannons. A leading democrat on the Senate Armed Services committee visited syria recently and convinced her it would be a mistake to leave opening the door to russia, assad and iran. We know isis is still there and we know theyve gone underground in lots of villages in syria and iraq and we want to make sure that weve got some overnight there so they dont come back. We leave and they come back. U. S. Special Operations Forces in iraq could also be used to launch raids inside syria. Rick . Rick Lucas Tomlinson at the pentagon. Thank you. Anita at least 43 people are dead after insurgent attacks on Office Buildings in afghanistan. How should the u. S. Respond . As President Trump appears intent on reducing our presence there. Rick police crossing state lines for evidence in the case of missing colorado mom kelsey berreth. What did they find . Could it help resolve their Unanswered Questions . This has been a methodical and time consuming multistate operation with investigators working nearly round the clock to find kelsey. While we have not found kelsey at this time, information has been developed that is helping to narrow down our search. Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. 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The cause of this crash is still under investigation. Anita well, new developments in the case of a missing colorado mom, kelsey berreth. Police say they have recovered fresh evidence related to her disappearance in twin falls, idaho, some 800 miles away from where berreth was last seen on thanksgiving day. Our Claudia Cowan is live in los angeles with more on this story. What do you know, claudia . Well, good to see you, anita. Authorities wont say what this new, fresh evidence is. Only that it was discovered in idaho near the location where her cell phone pinged after she went missing on thanksgiving, as you said, some 800 miles away from her home in colorado. Police are confirming that right around the time she disappeared, a text message was sent from berreths phone to her boss saying she wouldnt be at work the following week. But no word on who actually sent that text message. The man accused of killing berreth made his First Court Appearance on friday. Her fiance, 32yearold Patrick Frazee appeared by teleconference. He faces two charges of first degree murder and solicitation of murder meaning authorities believe he hired someone to kill berreth or be involved in the crime in some way which means more arrests could be coming as this investigation and the search for kelseys body continues. This has been a methodical and time consuming multistate operation with investigators working nearly round the clock to find kelsey. While we have not found kelsey at this time, information has been developed that is helping to narrow down our search. As you can tell from the arrest, sadly, we do not believe kelsey is still alive. The 29yearold mom was last seen at a Grocery Store near her home outside of Colorado Springs on thanksgiving day five weeks ago. Surveillance video shows berreth shopping with her 1yearold daughter kailey hours before dropping the child off with frazee, the childs father. The child is in state care. They reported her missing on december 2nd and authorities believe berreth was killed in her home. Anita . Anita such a strange and awful story. Thank you so much for that update. Rick the death toll in after beg afghanistan rising to 43 following an attack on two Office Buildings by heavily armed men. To discuss this, benjamin, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me on. Rick afghanistan has been a rough and violent place for a long time. How stable or unstable is it today . It remains quite unstable. The taliban have gained control of a large portion, almost half of the country and taliban themselves are factionalized and occasionally fight amongst themselves. I think this is the seventh or eighth substantial suicide bombing thats occurred just in kabul this year. So its not particularly stable. And i dont think weve made much progress in the last few years or even the 17 years weve been there sadly. Rick thats my next question. I was there in late 2001 when our troops first went in and where are we . What difference have those troops made. I know theyve sacrificed a lot over those 17 years. Have they accomplished anything . Well, i think there really have been two american wars in afghanistan. A first war in 2001 into 2002 that was effective and successful in at least pushing alqaida out and killing a lot of the alqaida leaders and displacing the taliban who hosted them. But there was a second war that was fought with increased intensity during the bush and then obama administrations to basically secure the country in a Nation Building Campaign and i think its that effort thats failed almost entirely. And thats very sad not just for the americans who died and suffered but, of course, for the afghans but i think we have to face up to the reality and realize that i think we can secure our interests in afghanistan without trying to run the place or without the government running the entire country. Rick americans who died and americans who sacrificed limbs, weve given so much to try to make a difference there. But, you know, it appears certainly that the afghans dont want us there and the president doesnt want the troops there anymore either. At least hes saying he will bring half of them out. What would the impact be of that . I think a lot of afghans do want us there so the government still could use our help but a lot dont. I think the impact of pulling out troops on the one hand would be a happy thing for our enemies. But at the same time, i think you could say whats going to end the war ultimately in afghanistan is a deal between the taliban factions of which there are several and the government. And our forces there might in some ways be inhibiting that deal because the taliban are so focused on pushing us to lead. So i dont think magically pulling out troops or even some of them will solve the problems but it might actually help spur serious negotiations. Rick there are peace talks ongoing with the taliban, as you mentioned, and it sounds like one of the insurgents demand is a complete withdrawal of u. S. Forces. We have a quote from Russias Foreign Ministry spokesperson who says who talked about the u. S. Plans to leave afghanistan and says we consider this a step in the right direction with the ability to begin the peace process. So lets just see how it will be realized and practiced because earlier, we heard that the americans didnt fulfill their promises in that area meaning that we had said we were going to leave and we didnt, i guess. And now shes saying if we do leave, it might make a positive difference. Yeah, im not sure what the russians are talking about, and honestly, i wish they wouldnt say anything. I think its very unhelpful when they endorse what the United States does because theres a whole group of people here and elsewhere that dont want to do anything that the russians endorse. But i mean, this pullout of troops thats being talked about is at 5,000 would essentially just reverse the sort of small surge or mini surge that the Trump Administration put in place. Its not it actually wouldnt be a rapid or large departure from u. S. Policy over time. So i think really, we got to look beyond that and focus on how do we get out entirely, not immediately, not precipitously but sooner or later. I think when something is not working, you have to find a way to stop doing it. Rick you do think the president is on the right track here. Yeah. I think hes on the right track in thinking that we can reduce force levels there. I am concerned about a lot of his National Security team. The National Security advisor and others who seem enthusiastic not just to increase this war but to have a couple others. So sometimes, it seems like this president has two foreign policies. The one hes running and one that his advisors think he should be running or trying to run themselves. Rick we appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. Anita president ial harassment. Thats what trump is calling it as democrats outline plans to ratchet up oversight of his administration when they take control of the house next month. How the president says he plans to fight it. Rick and santa, come back you forgot to bring a winning lotto ticket. Whats at stake with the next wait, i thought there was a winner. Anita i guess well find out. Hello mom. Amandas moms appointment just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. Get the right care. Right at home. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean cascade platinum. Rick fox news alert taking a look at the Dow Jones Industrial average which is in the green. Thats a positive sign literally. Were up 68, 69, perhaps, 76 points after that historic and stunning drop on Christmas Eve. Dropped 653 points on monday. But maybe were coming back a little bit at a time. Anita well see what the new year brings. All right. Yeah. Probably president ial harassment, and we know how to handle that. I think i handle that better than anybody. No collusion. After two years, no collusion. There has been collusion but its been by the democrats. Theres been no collusion and youre talking about millions and millions and millions of dollars of wasted money. Theres been absolutely no collusion. Anita that was President Trump sounding off to reporters yesterday warning incoming House Democrats that any new investigations into his administration could amount to president ial harassment. Lets bringn kevin sheridan, republican strategist and former spokesman for the 2012 Romney Campaign and democratic strategist roger fisk who worked on both the obama campaigns, bowe of the obama campaigns and in the administration. Kevin, first to you. Good morning. Anita good morning. Thank you for joining us. Kevin, so far, there hasnt been any sign of any collusion charges. And thats what the whole Mueller Probe was supposed to be about. So are continued investigations by incoming democrats harassment like the president says . Well, congress is constitutionally obliged to conduct oversight. But it doesnt mean they do it well, as weve seen on both sides in both parties. They dont necessarily hold any administration to account necessarily. They do forward a narrative that helps with, you know, making the case against whether or not a president is conducting himself inappropriately in office or one of the agencies is doing something inappropriate as the as in, you know, eric holder being, you know, brought before congress and ultimately, you know, censured and held in contempt. But to this day, do you think very Many Americans even know that or care about that . It helps drive a narrative but it doesnt necessarily settle the case. I think theyve got the media, theyve got the Mueller Investigation ongoing. This is just another arrow in their quiver that they will continue to attack the president. If they overreach, they will not succeed as republicans did against clinton. They failed ultimately. Anita im sure you have a different take on this and theres a host of investigations that the democrats can launch, correct . Well, i do. But i also at the same time hope they dont go in the same extreme direction that the House Republican leadership did with some of the kind of obedience of the nunezs and jordans in the world. There is room to be a sober steward of someones responsibilities without going way off the reservation in a completely partisan direction. For example, in october, ivanka trumps clothing line got over a dozen merchandising licenses to do business in china. Thats worth tens of millions of dollars. Senior white house advisor getting merchandise licenses in one of our main competitors is a worthy subject of discussion and scrutiny. But i would counsel democrats to not go as far left in the direction as the president s defenders did over the last few years. Theres a pentup need for oversight because the Republican Leadership has been absent in the last two years. Anita it seems like everything the president does is certainly under scrutiny and as we enter into the new year and were looking at the democrats taking control of the house, are we going to see many more investigations . What do you think . And how does the president combat that when hes got so many other things on his plate . Kevin, to you first. Absolutely. I mean, youre going to see youre going to see Oversight Committee hearings on literally every agency, i think, every mini scandal youve heard about or read about will be investigated. To what effect . It remains to be seen. Sometimes these investigations do produce an intended results, you know, the benghazi oversight investigation went on for quite a while and didnt nail Hillary Clinton on it but did uncover the clinton server and that did ultimately bring her downfall. We dont know what theyll ultimately find. These things kind of take a life on their own. If they overreach and get out ahead of where the american publics opinion on, you know, the correct use of oversight is, they will pay the price politically as republicans did in 1998 when they went too far with impeaching and trying to convict president clinton. Anita final thought on that. I know you said you dont think the democrats should go too far but they should do their job and they should perform oversight. And investigations that are necessary. Absolutely. The list can go on and on. You can limit yourself just to the cabinet, for example. And theres plenty of issues there that are deserving of sober scrutiny. What is troubling most about the president and its almost as if hes never studied history at all. Theres never been a president ever thats been happy with their coverage. But somehow, hes able to be the champion and the victim in every situation. And thats a very adept set of psychological and ill end here. If he were to reorient and pivot and actually start to act as president of the United States and not just president of his base, some of these problems would not necessarily just go away but theyd get better. Every time he doubles down on his base, hes doubling down on making things political rather than policy conversations and thats how theyll end up as political conversations. Anita well see what the new year brings. Thank you so much. Kevin sheridan and roger fisk. Thank you. Thank you. Anita have a good day. Rick the suspense grows over the Mega Millions jackpot dragging out the holiday cheer. I thought there was a winner. There was no winner of that 321 million jackpot yesterday. So there is still hope that santa could reappear with a belated gift for some lucky soul. I know i did not im also among the losers here. Anita look at that. Rick not a good investment as far as i can tell. Yeah, you know, i didnt win either clearly. It looks like santa not even santa could pull this one off. At least not over his course of his first night. Maybe hell recircle back. But anyway, nobody won the jackpot but two people actually did win the Million Dollar prize. It has soared overnight, though, that new jackpot is 348 million. Winning numbers last night were 2, 8, 42, 43, 50, mega ball 6 and the megaplier of 3. The other one was in connecticut. That lucky person went home with 3 million because they matched all five numbers plus the megaplier. Overnight, it shot up to 348 million. People are already trying their hand this morning. Tell me why you are so certain. Usually, i think about something and it usually comes true. Didnt wake up this morning and the sky looked different or anything like that . No, i looked like i was the only one coming to work when i woke up today. Definitely deserve this, too. I probably should. I probably should. Ill split it with everybody. So if you choose the cash option, you will be sharing that prize with uncle sam and still come home, though, with around 210 million. Really not bad. 210 million reasons to try again. Rick thats a lot of train tickets at penn station. If you buy tickets, in some kind of pool, i want in. Also, jackie, im told that nobody has come forward tore that 1. 6 billion prize that somebody won in october. Yeah. No, we still dont know the identity of that person. Winning ticket was bought at a Convenience Store outside of simpsonville, south carolina. That was in october. We still dont know their identity. They have until april 21st to come forward and claim it. It was the largest lotto jackpot in history. The winner, again, has until april 2 1s. If youre listening, thats you. The lottery manipulated the numbers last year, lessening the odds of winning but allowing that jackpot to reach record highs. The theory was the bigger jackpots would draw more attention leading to more tickets sold. The chances of winning that big jackpot were 1 in 325 million. We dont know who that one person was. Rick i hope he knows. Wouldnt that be a shame if that ticket wound up in the trash . It would be a shame. Anita its been a wild year in hollywood. And the entertainment industry. Jonathan hunt gives us a look back now. With another years end, its time to look back at the top moments in entertainment. Bells were ringing in 2018, who can forget the fairy tale wedding of prince harry and Meghan Markle . Justin bieber and Haley Baldwin tied the knot in secret and preanka chopra and nick jonas closed out the year with their festive nuptials. Harry and meghan were pregnant. Jessica simpson, Carrie Underwood expecting. Bridgette nielsen welcomed a little one. The kardashian clan grew, too, kim, kloe and kylie welcomed babies. Eva longoria, Rachel Mcadams and cardi b became first time moms. And a major moment for the gender pay gap. After it was found out that Michelle Williams was paid less than 1 of costar Michelle Williams fee for reshoots of the film all the money in the world. Wahlberg later gave his 1 is. 5 million fee to the times up Legal Defense fund in williams name. That thing looks human. In movies the shape of water took home best picture at the oscars. Francis mcdormand took best actress and gary oldham won a statue for darkest hour. Blockbusters black panther and crazy rich asians shining a bright light on the lack of diversity in hollywood. Not only two of the top earning films both featured casts predominantly made up of people of color. 2018 brought the left power to the polls as stars stepped out to support candidates in the midterms. Taylor swift song line political endorsement alone prompted over 65,000 people to register to vote. The pop singer was named 2018s most influential person on twitter. Even though she only tweeted 13 times throughout the year. And kanye west created a media frenzy sitting down with the commander in chief to talk prison reform. Falls from grace, Roseanne Barr fired from the popular reboot of her sitcom following racist tweets posted on line. Comedian kevin hart lasted two days as the host of the Academy Awards stepping down amid criticism over years old antigay tweets. The me, too and times up Movement Building momentum in 2018. And there were a number of high profile takedowns. Harvey weinstein accused by more than 80 women of Sexual Assault faces criminal charges. Americas former favorite dad bill cosby was sentenced to three to 10 years in prison for Sexual Assault. And former cbs chief les moonvees after a dozen women accused him of sexual misconduct. These celebs called it quits. Jennifer anniston and justin, channing tatum, Robert De Niro split from Grace Hightower and Ariane Grande and Pete Davidson called off their very publicen gaugement. In a bid to smash the stigma, davidson, mariah carey, henson and selena gomez were among the celebrities speaking up about living with Mental Health issues. Still, for many stars, the road to recovery is a life long battle. Especially when suffering from addiction. Demi, ben afleck and Heather Locklear all seeking treatment in 2018. He put the e in egot. John legend making history as the first black man to win an emmy, oscar, tony and grammy in his lifetime. Kendrick lamar becoming the first rapper to win a Pulitzer Prize for music. T. Swifts reputation with billboards top album of 2018 and drake had the number one song of the year with gods plan. Gods plan yet another year in the lives of the rich and famous. Certain to be outdone in 2019. In hollywood, jonathan hunt, fox news. Rick any major plans for new years eve . New york city getting ready for the ball drop. Security operations to keep the holiday crowds safe already in full swing. The nypd commissioner james oneal joins us in the next hour of americas newsroom to talk about that and a lot more. Anita yes and President Trump putting a high priority on Border Security and the safety of america. Why he says the wall is worth fighting for. Crime does come across that border. Didnt miraculously appear in the United States. They entered the country illegally. Wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. Once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. I found my tresiba® reason. Find yours. Ask your Diabetes Care specialist about tresiba®. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends new years day. Anita welcome back. Russia raising the nuclear stakes. Vladimir putin announcing his military will deploy hypersonic Nuclear Capable missiles starting next year. Putin says the move means his country now has a new type of Strategic Nuclear weapon able to easily evade missile Defense Systems. The kremlin claims the missile can strike anywhere in the world traveling at 20 times the speed of sound. I cant tell you when the government will be open. I can tell you its not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever theyd like to call it. Ill call it whatever they want. But its all the same thing. Its a barrier from people pouring into our country. Rick President Trump not backing down saying the only way to fully reopen the government is for democrats to approve funding for a border wall. Pablo is a columnist for roll call here to talk about this. Thank you for being here. How are you . Great to be back on. Rick as a columnist, i assume you have an opinion about that. I do. I have several opinions about this. I remember for almost two years, President Trump saying that mexico was going to pay for this wall. Now hes asking the American People to pay for this wall through congress. And hes throwing a temper tantrum that has resulted in the Government Shutdown and put 800 americans out of work over the holidays. This is awful. This is just another game of chicken hes playing. He needs to start actually taking seriously his promises made, promises kept mantra because mexico is not paying for the wall and also, if we think about it, just, what, two weeks ago nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer were in the oval office with president. What did he say . He said look, if this happens, if the shutdown happens, it will be a trump shutdown. It will be something he takes credit for and he takes the blame for and now hes starting to blame democrats. He cant blame mexico anymore and blame democrats. He has to own this shutdown. Just on fox business channel, if you look over at what charles is talking about right now, there is a lot of fear in the markets. So it goes a lot deeper than just 800 workers out of work. Rick i cant watch charles because im listening to you. Hes saying its a scary time for investors. Thats something i was watching in the green room right now. This is all trump caused. This is something he has to own. He has to quit blaming other people and start owning it himself. Rick can you understand why the president might feel its important to have a wall and have Border Security. Why he would want that for the American People and why the American People might elected him for that reason . I think that his base, yeah, if you look at the latest, what is it, npr poll. Rick not just for his base but the security and safety of the American People. 69 of americans in the latest polling saying that the wall is not a priority. So i dont think hes doing it for the American People but doing it for his base. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I really do. Right now, the wall is not a popular thing and something that people are into and its starting to have real world consequences fortunately the more he has to balk against democrats and republicans in the house, the more dysfunction that we project to the world, were supposed to be a shining beacon of progress but this is a very, i hate to say it, dictatorial power play in the process. Rick there is a process thats supposed to be when you come into the country. When you have hundreds of thousands of people illegally crossing, you can understand why the president might want to put a stop to that. We have hundreds of thousands of people who are americans that are out of work. So the National Treasury employees union did a poll just in the last week or so that showed that 85 of these people that they polled, i think it was 1500 sample of their 150,000 members, of federal workers, these are american federal workers, have said theyve had to cut their spending on Holiday Gifts as a result of this furlough threat. So i mean, what do you think the people actually care about more . Buying their Kids Christmas presents or getting some wall that honestly is a joke. Its completely underestimates the resiliency of the american immigrant. People are not its not going to stop people. It never has and never will. Rick it has effective walls have stopped people. We saw it in the san diego area where the illegal crossings we want down more than 90 when they improved the wall there. But i dont want to get into that any further right now. We only have a little bit of time left. We know how you feel about this issue. What do you know being on the hill there about how long this might take . Whats the sense there of how long this battle between the president and the democratic opposition will go on . Honestly, rick, this is gridlock and the worst of the washington swamp. This isnt just on the president but members of congress as well. The inability to reach compromise is at this historic level. Again, its not to answer your question, it could go on for a while. But honestly, i would go to rollcall. Com and check out an op ed by the former congressman and health and human services, its a process issue within congress that puts us at this gridlock every time we look for a way to fund the government, it becomes sort of like a brinksmanship plight that results in a shutdown. Thats irresponsible. The American People do deserve better. Rick thanks for being with us today, pablo. Thank you, rick. Happy holidays. Rick same to you. Anita the devastating tsunami in indonesia killing hundreds in a single night. And destroying thousands of coastline homes. Well bring you the latest on Recovery Efforts on the ground in our next hour. Anita high flu virus activity already happening in some states as folks across the country are reminded to take proactive measures during the winter months. Lets bring in dr. Marc siegel, professor of medicine at n. Y. U. And a Fox News Contributor. So nice to see you. Great to see you in person. Welcome to the cold east coast. Anita yes, true. So i was reading up on this and it looks like so far, two states are pretty severe, georgia and colorado. That means theyre experiencing high flu activity. Right. And then theres widespread activity in new york, california, georgia, alabama, massachusetts, delaware. So you can see that flu doesnt Pay Attention to red or blue or purple states. Flu doesnt discriminate and thats an important message. California, your state. Heres the message which is its holiday time. Everybody huddling together. Everybody coming in, sharing good cheer. Hugs, kisses, guess what that spreads. Flu and flu loves cold weather and loves low humidity. Thats why we start to see it emerge right now. Anita ok, we have a long road ahead of us. Were looking until april. Last year was a particularly bad season. We saw 80,000 deaths last year from flu related diseases and thats what flu does. It knocks down your immune response and you have more heart attacks and more pneumonia. People dont die of the flu but tend to die of complications. The same strain thats predominant last year is start to go emerge now. Good news is the flu shot much better matched for it this year. So everybody out there has to get their flu shot. Its about two weeks for it to work. And guess what, the compliance rate is in the United States. 45 which is ridiculous. Health care workers only 75 which is a disgrace. Anita you know, that was my next question. Theres always this story out there that, you know, you shouldnt have a flu shot because it actually makes you sick before you get better. It doesnt. You dont get the flu from flu shots. You get a minor allergy or some type of sniffles from the flu shot or maybe in the area where the flu shot is it can be sore for a day. Its not the flu that youre getting. Flu is to protect the people around you. Theres something called herd immunity. Youre getting a flu shot, youre decreasing your risk of spreading the flu. If theres a pregnant woman in your house, someone thats immuno compromised youre protecting the very young and very old by you, a healthy person getting the flu shot. Anita flu shot for everyone. Everyone. Plenty of time it works this year. Good to see you. Anita rick . Rick guess who didnt get a flu shot. I got one for you. Rick yeah . Its back to the drawing board at the white house and Congress Seek a solution to end the shutdown. We have a live update coming straight ahead. Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Rick fox news alert on the fallout from the death of an 8yearold migrant child in u. S. Custody amid the standoff over wall funding. With the partial Government Shutdown in its fifth day. Welcome back to americas newsroom im Rick Leventhal in for bill hemmer. Anita and im anita vogel in for sandra smith. U. S. Borders protection ordering medical checks on every child in its custody after a little boy from guatemala died on Christmas Morning. Hes the second migrant child to die in their care this month. This tragedy in the middle of a Border Security battle in washington sparking a partial Government Shutdown. Live team fox coverage now. Rich edson is at the white house. First, to william in los angeles. William, good to see you. Bring us up to date. Right now, the Border Patrol is apprehending 1500 families and children a day. Moments ago in a conference call, officials voiced frustration trying to comply with decisions of the courts and congress while still enforcing the law. In the death of this 8yearold boy, felipe alonzogomez, is one example, they say, of a system built 40 years ago to turn back a few men in hours to a system today that is overwhelmed by asylum seeking families clogging the courts, Detention Centers and shelters. Were seeing with these flows huge numbers of families with lots of children, young children, as well as unaccompanied minors coming into border custody after crossing the border unlawfully that our stations are not built for that. So agents apprehended gomez and his father south of el paso on december 18th around 1 00 p. M. Two days later, december 20th they were transferred to the el paso station and then, few days later, transferred again because of overcrowding to new mexico, now a day, december 24th, an agent noticed the boy looked sick and taken to a local hospital. He was admitted and given tylenol. Tested negative for strep throat. With a temperature of 103, he was given an antibiotic and released at 2 50 p. M. They took the boy and his father to a highway checkpoint holding cell where four hours later, he began vomiting and they returned to the hospital at 11 00 p. M. And he lost consciousness during transport and was pronounced dead shy of midnight on Christmas Eve. The pair received regular meals and dozens of personal checks while inside their cell. Champion Regional Medical center will not comment on their decision to discharge. Now, c. B. P. Says right now, they are arresting 25,000 a month and many are going to the hospital daily and theyve asked the c. D. C. To investigate these symptoms. Maybe a virus. What could have caused this childs death . And also because of overcrowding, the Border Patrol are shifting detainees from place to place or dropping them off at bus stations and 400 released sunday and monday in el paso because there was nowhere to put them. The blame game has already started. Did they receive the right medical treatment . Why were they released by the hospital . People are going to second guess. They said they did not want to second guess the doctors who said it was ok to release them. They are asking for help to screen all detainees under 10 years old. Back to you. Anita wow. William in los angeles. Thank you so much. I cant tell you when the government is going to be open. I can tell you its not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever theyd like to call it. Ill call it whenever they want. But its all the same thing. Rick President Trump reacting to the partial Government Shutdown blameing it on democrats who refuse to fund his border wall. Rich is live in the white house with more on this. Rich . Good morning, rick. And democrats and republicans, the white house are a few billion dollars apart in Border Security wall funding in getting this Government Shutdown to end and essentially, youve got difference on semantics with the white house and democrats and republicans fighting over different phrasing whether its a border wall or Border Security or all the elements that lie in between. President trump spent his Christmas Day at the white house where he continued to demand and push for more funding for that Border Security. The people of this country want Border Security. You know, its not a question of me. Id rather not be doing shutdowns. Ive been at the white house, i love the white house. But i wasnt able to be with my family. I thought it would be wrong for me to be with my family. My family is in florida, palm beach. And i just didnt want to go down and be there when other people are hurting. The white house budget director has suggested that this shutdown could last into the next congress. The next Congress Takes over in the latter part of next week. The Current Congress is supposed to be back in session tomorrow. But with no agreement between the white house and democrats, they really dont have anything to vote on that would actually open up the government. So with all of that going on, youve got Democratic Leaders now commenting on this. The Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer and the presumptive or presumed incoming House Speaker nancy pelosi have written a joint Statement Released a couple of days ago saying instead of bringing certainty into peoples lives, the president , hes continuing the trump shutdown just to please right wing radio and tv hosts. Meanwhile, different people from the same white house are saying Different Things about what the president would accept or not accept to end his trump shutdown. The president suggesting he was supposed to be down at maralago this week but has indefinitely suspended that trip while a good chunk of the government or theres a partial Government Shutdown in washington with nothing on the negotiations ongoing to suggest its going to end any time soon. Rick sounds like there wont be a deal today. Keep an eye on it for us, will you . Got it. Anita and for more on the border wall standoff, lets bring in vince, editorial director for the daily caller. Good morning to you. Good morning, thank you. Anita ok, were hearing from our own rich edson and many others that the shutdown will likely last into next year. What are you hearing . I think its very likely it will continue into the next year. Heres why. Nancy pelosi who is a key person in this entire conversation does have a lot of left wing pressure not to coordinate or not to reach a deal with the president of the United States at all until shes voted speaker of the house. I think that point is right. So early in the year, youll see that. The beginning of the year, there will be that speaker election. Once nancy pelosi can claim, you know, hey, i won. Im speaker of the house. That will give her some bargaining room. For now, she needs to protect her left wing flank. I think this partial Government Shutdown will continue. Anita into the new year, nancy pelosi becomes speaker and we know that President Trump is insisting on money for the wall. Is there any signs of wiggle room there with money for the wall once nancy pelosi becomes speaker . I think there are signs of wiggle room. The acting chief of staff for the president said this very weekend that they are talking about lowering the amount that they want so the president has asked for 5 billion in wall funding. Just to put that in perspective, 25 billion is what he ultimately wants. He could come down to just a fifth of that. 5 billion and said this is this is the thing. This is what i want and now mick mulvane ye saying theyre getting closer to that for things that arent a wall. It comes down to semantics somewhat. Is it a fence, is it a wall . Ultimately, the white house seems like its in a position to make some deals. Democrats, on the other hand, dont. This very week, we see this Christmas Eve message released by Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi saying that the president is not giving them certainty and government workers are out of work because of the president. If thats a big problem to democrats, they can fix it. All they have to do is come to the table. It sounds like youre saying the president has already done some bargaining if hes come down from 25 billion. Let me ask you about the effectiveness and whole idea of having a wall. Definitely two sides to this. This morning, we heard from former ice director thomas homan. Lets hear what he had to say. Look here, i think the president is doing the right thing. Ive seen some comments from earlier in the show, every place a wall or barrier has been built, it has resulted in decreased illegal immigration, decreased drug smuggling. 100 of the time, its proven effective. People like nancy pelosi and schumer need to look at the data. Its available to them. They can look at it. Anita so those are facts. What do you think it takes to make the American People understand that . Well, look at whats coming across the border without a wall. For instance, you hear all the time, experts say you dont need a wall. How about the Border Patrol . They say you need a wall. How about tom homan, he says you need a wall. Why do they say that . They know it works. If you want to see, we have these recent tragic examples of children crossing the border and dying. A 7yearold girl and an 8yearold boy just in the last few weeks. If you want that to continue, leave the status quo in place. Dont get control of our border. If you want sex trafficking to continue, dont get control of the border. If you want drugs to keep crossing the border, dont get control of the border. If you want to fix those things and like to see the drugs go down and the sex and the Human Trafficking going down and youd like to see kids not killed trying to make their way into the United States that incentivizes that type of border crossing, then you do have to control the border. And obviously, the experts, the Border Patrol, ice, support building a wall because it works. Heres one other thing, the policy implications of building a wall, thats one of the few policies that cant be reversed easily by his successors. You cant just knock down a wall like you can with so many other policies you can ignore. Anita so much involves money and meeting in the middle. Theres the game of semantics and what kind of wall is it . Is it a fence or barrier . What do you think ultimately if there will be some compromise . Whats this wall even look like . Well, the president has made, i think, clear many times what hed like to see. And actually, i mean, if you want to engage in the semantic fight, a fence or wall, the key is its really what the Border Patrol needs to secure the border. Ive seen this border wall up close and i know what they have they basically need and what these guys ask for. The president said it a lot. They need to be able to see it through it to the extent that they can. Thats not going to be a completely opaque wall. You have to be able to see through portions. Thats about safety and security. You have to be able to see who is approaching. The Border Patrol has asked for these things. If its a matter of wording at then end of the day, thats the deal the president should lead for. Thats an opportunity for him to say i got what you needed and got what the voters put me in office for which a barrier on that border to help gain control of it and right now, it doesnt have any control. Anita that was his number one campaign issue. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Thank you. Rick a volcano erupts and triggers an earthquake. Anita and the nypd relying on the latest in Law Enforcement technology and revelers safe in times square this year. Or colds. I am not for just treating my symptoms. ahchoo i am for shortening colds when im sick. With zicam. Zicam is completely different. Unlike most other cold medicines. Zicam is clinically proven to shorten colds. I am a zifan for zicam. Oral or nasal. Anita a volcano triggered an earthquake in sicily caused by mount etnas eruption. 10 people were injured but thousands fled their homes in fear. Temporary shelters are set up for residents whose houses were damaged. Many others are too frightened to return home in case another quake hits. Rick new york city is pretty popular anew years eve. More than a Million People will be here ringing the new year. Times square is set to host revelers welcoming 2019 with the ball drop and new yorks finest will be out in force. Potentially using the latest in Law Enforcement technology that flies through the air to keep everyone safe. Well talk about that in a second here about preparation and new York City Police commissioner jimmy oneill. Thank you for being with us today. Good morning. Rick i know this is a huge event. Youve been commissioner in the nypd for a couple of years now. 27 months. But whos counting . Rick you are clearly. We spoke in december before you took the job and since then, youve done some pretty good work. You and your officers have done pretty good work. Homicides in 2016, your first full year there were 290 homicides. Lowest since the 1940s. Actually since 1951. We had 292 last year. As of this morning, were down three. The biggest story, i think, is shootings. Were down were at 744 right now. Were down 36 from last year. Last year, we ended up a little over 780. The cops, its not the nypd. Our federal Law Enforcement partners and the prosecutors and especially the f. B. I. , bill sweeney and the men and women continue to help us not only with traditional crime but Counter Terrorism, too. Rick one of the safest big cities in america and in the world, also a city that never sleeps. So do you sleep . I get a couple of hours every night. But hey, this is the job. I became a cop in 1983. Never in my i was riding the subways from 8 00 at night until 4 00 in the morning and never in the wildest imagination did i think i would be the police commissioner. Im here now and in it 100 because the cops do such a great job each and every day. Rick its a tremendous responsibility. And that responsibility extends to times square on new years eve when you have a million plus people in one place and youve got to make sure they get in and out safely and that everything goes smoothly. Yeah. Its a challenge but this is what the nypd does, one of the things that we do best and we just had the marathon. We had thanks giving and we had the Tree Lighting and then we have new years eve. As you said, over a Million People. But we work with great people. Chief of department terry monahan, chief of manhattan south, steve hughes, they have such vast experience in doing this type of work. And its going to be a great day. All the people from the special operations is going to be there. Harry weeden and got all sources of s. R. G. S, well have. Rick we dont know what the letters mean. You have guys with big guns and a lot of technology and were hearing potentially drones in the sky for the first time. Yeah, this is something that were concerned about. Were concerned about a lot of things but we are concerned about drones and we are working with our partners in the f. B. I. And we have counter drone technology. So anything that happens around the world, we need to Pay Attention to. Whether its drones, whether its, you know, las vegas style attack or in the subway or on street level, something that we have to Pay Attention to and weve deployed quickly. John miller is our Deputy Commissioner of Counter Terrorism and intel and him and chief golatti and chief watters do a terrific job. Lot of good things happening in new york city. Rick this is a city that always has a target on its back. You really cant rest even though you make it look easy and things go smoothly here every year, you have to look for anything and everything at all times. This is what the joint Terrorism Task force does. They look at the threat stream not just before new years eve. Not before the marathon. They look at it each and every day 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Anything that comes over that threat stream that might have an effect on us, its fully investigated by the joint Terrorism Task force of the Intelligence Bureau. Rick even though we dont hear about it necessarily every day, youre getting threats and hearing threats and seeing threats. What were seeing is that threat stream and even, if it rises to the level of the task force, the f. B. I. , the nypd, great partners in new york state police, they help us fully investigate it. If it doesnt rise to that level, then our Intelligence Bureau investigates it. Rick what about this year . Is there anything that concerns you or nervous about . Theres no specific or Credible Threats against the event or new york city in general. We have had three attacks, three terrorist attacks in the last 27 months and if you listen to my messaging afterwards, you know, im telling you to go about and live your lives. But Pay Attention to whats going on around you. You know, not just on new years eve but each and every day. Maybe take off your headphones and stop talking into your phone and look around you. If you see something out there that doesnt look right, dial 911 and flag down a cop so everybody has a responsibility here. Rick last year was ridiculously cold. This year it wont be as bad. Im thinking in the 30s. And thats not good for you, right . Because if people hang out longer than you want them to. 30 degrees is still pretty cold. Last year, i think at midnight it was 4 degrees. I dont think ive ever been that cold. Maybe one other time in canada. Rick when the ball drops, you want people to go home. They hang around for a little bit. We have a good exit plan. Steve hughes works on that, billy mars was the chief in manhattan south before that. But once people clear out by 12 30, they have other things to do. Rick do you get a dollar every time you say somebodys name . You made a lot of money. Why i do and i do that for a specific reason. So many people, 36,000 uniforms, theres 18,000 civilians. Want to make sure everybody in this Police Department and everybody that does Law Enforcement in new york city gets the credit for keeping us safe. Rick do you miss your uniform . Ill tell you, thats the one thing i do miss about this job. I do love wearing the uniform. Im proud of it. Even though tom selleck wears it on blue bloods not supposed to be not its a civilian position. Rick thank you for a safe city and lets keep it going. Nice to see you. Rick happy new year. Yep. Anita it was the go fund me scam that went viral. Why people who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to help a homeless veteran are getting a full refund as a new jersey couple gets ready to go on trial. Rick plus, were checking the markets the day after christmas as investors hope for an end of the year rebound on wall street and there it is. Up 128. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. So you wake up ready to make your resolutions, reality. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction with mattresses by j. D. Power. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends new years day. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Like concert tickets or a new snowboard. Matt whoo whoo jen but that all changed when we bought a house. Matt voila jen matt started turning into his dad. Matt mm. Thats some good mulch. Im awake. But it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ wrapper crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. Theres quite a bit of work, cause this was all this was all stapled. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. Rick thousands of people who donated to a go fund me scam to help a homeless vet have gotten their money back. Go fund me issuing a full refund of the entire 400,000 plus dollars raised in what prosecutors say was a scam cooked up by a new jersey couple and a homeless man. The woman claimed the homeless vet gave her his last 20 which she ran out of gas and publicized the story to raise money to help him. Prosecutors charging all three with theft by deception. Anita wall street bracing for another wild day after steep losses on monday. So when will the markets stablize . Lets bring in lauren from the fox business network. Hi there hi. Anita hi. Thanks for joining us. I would like to make the argument that the market is stablizing right now because weve been in the up direction all morning. If you remember monday, Christmas Eve, the Christmas Eve meltdown, i mean, the dow fell more than 650 points. Its that nauseating up and down lately down movement that has so many people saying whats going on with my 401k, do you touch a market thats been oversold . And i think the market is oversold thats been sold so much. But who is buying the dip . Now, when youre down 650 points and only up 117 the day after because the markets were closed yesterday, you have to wonder, what is going on . We got these great numbers from Mastercard Spending pulse on Consumer Spending money on the economy. Christmas and hanukkah shopping. Great numbers. Best ones weve seen in six years. Why is wall street down so much . Theres a major disconnect between wall street forecasting something in the future or trying to figure out whats going on in the future and the consumer thats in the present and the present economy is healthy. Anita couple of things in the world of politics going on. That would be affecting the market. You know, a lot of people blaming some of the market meltdown on the notion that the treasury secretary reached out to the top executives at the top banks assuring them that everything was ok and that scares people. But today, were hearing from a Top White House advisor that the president says hes very happy with treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and he defended those calls to the banks. I have no problem. I dont think anybody with skin in the game here has a problem with the treasury secretary or anybody in the administration calling the people who know something, the heads of the major banks and saying whats up . Do you have enough liquidity . But they publicize that. When you publicize that you might be worried about something and you need reassurance from the banks, that makes people wonder what is he worried about . Should we be worried . And the plan totally backfires. It backfired on the treasury secretary. A lot of people were arguing that mnuchin who was doing a great job was only safe as long as the market goes up. If it goes down, hes on the hook. The president trying to quell nerves. I guess that was the reason behind that comment and the same goes with the head of the fed, j. Powell. Anita do people get nervous when the market was hovering around at 25,000 . You got to get used to this. This is the new normal now and now were back down to 21,000. Where do you expect it to level off . The bull market lasted for nine years. I pulled the numbers and arguably we could still be in a bull market. Ill get to that in a second. In the meantime, the nasdaq is up over 300 . If you looked at i looked at my 401k and havent done it recently, i dont want to feel sick to my stomach, but the last time i looked at it before this october on turbulence, you feel rich. Right . So that bull market feels great. But all bull markets do die. What kills them . We dont know. Theres something called a bear market which is a decline of 20 from a recent high. And its more like a something a technician would look like. The nasdaq is in a bear market. As of mondays close, the dow is 330 points away from it and the s p is six points away from that. We are teetering all three major averages not only having their worst december in history, december is when you get the santa claus rally, right . But for the dow, the worst december since the Great Depression anita thats not what you want to hear. What we dont know about the future is what wall street is trying to figure out. They could be worried for the wrong reasons. I hate to say it. Time will tell. Right now, things are looking pretty good based on the Economic Data we are getting from the president. Anita still a lot of volatility. So much. Anita its frightening to see it and more than a 600 point drop. But let me ask you, what do you think . How does the potential agreement on the Government Shutdown and getting past that, how does that affect the stock market . So theres three shutdowns this year. The longest shutdown was 21 days back in 1995 and along with 1996 and the government loses money. I think its 6 1 2 million or Something Like that. Historically because weve been through this before, the market wont react too much because its typically just a partial shutdown. Only a quarter of the government isnt at work. When you have both the white house and the democrats digging in their heels saying we are not budging on this money for a border wall, you have to wonder how long does this last . Who blinks first . What gets us out of this. In the meantime, folks on wall street are saying what are we supposed to do . Its a shutdown. Its china and the trade issue. Brexit, great britain. Whats going on with the fed . Does chair powell stay . Right now, yeah, he stays. But theres i hate i hate when people use the word uncertainty. But theres so much uncertainty, its really difficult to decide how youre going to allocate your money in the new year. And arguably a lot of people have already left, you know, the Hedge Fund Managers are gone. Theyve cashed out so who is participating right now . Anita well look for good things in the new year and not a bear market. I know. Rick whatever you guys were doing, it was working. Up 175 now. Look . See that . You said we were stable now, lauren. Youre putting me to it, all right. The close is always a question mark, rick. We never know the close. But i think we close higher today. I feel like we have to. Rick it could be the defining issue in the 2020 race, how democratic president ial hopefuls plan to go on the offensive. We have details. Plus a new warning in the tsunami zone. What authorities are telling folks near the coast amid fears of another disaster. We are doing the assessment of the damage and laws and learning about the civility for the relocation. Strong and ill be your friend ill help you carry on lean on me. Anita well, new fears of another tsunami in indonesia as authorities warn folks to move away from the coast where massive waves triggered by volcanic activity killed more than 400 people. And it comes 14 years to the day after the catastrophic tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a Million People. Our amy kellogg is following the story live from milan, italy. Amy . Hi, anita. Well, half of those People Killed in 2004 were actually from indonesia and thats because the earthquake that set off that tsunami happened on the island of the sumatra very close to where the volcano that was erupting on saturday took place and, of course, that volcano has been blamed for the tsunami that happened on saturday for setting off this underwater landslide. Theyre saying that 22,000 people have been displaced since saturday. And 430 are dead. Now, even if all homes were not destroyed, people are being told to stay away from the coast for now as the volcano is still active and the fear is, as you mentioned, it could set off another tsunami with very little warning. The welfare of the children and temporary accommodation on the coast, about getting them enough water and the spread of disease. Some people, however, have been given the ok to return to their homes to check on damage. Many are simply too scared to go anywhere near where the damage occurred. Ive been staying here since sunday and im too afraid to stay in my house because of this disaster. Again, today is the 14th anniversary of the asian tsunami that killed 230,000 people. The earthquake that caused that was a 9. 1 on the richter scale. The casualties came from a dozen countries in the area. It was one of the worst disasters witnessed in recent history and one thing thats kind of interesting, anita, i mean, in terms of Lessons Learned from that, obviously, Warning Systems are simply inadequate and its a zone that sits on fault lines with volcanic activity. So clearly, and it is one of the most disaster prone regions in the world. So clearly, so much more needs to be done. But in the meantime, one thing that some of the survivors have been saying is that the resilience that was displayed by the indonesians after the 2004 tsunami has given them strength to go on with their lives. And finally, one last detail in all of this, you know, youd think with that volcano going off, there would have been a sense that, perhaps, a tsunami could have happened. But in fact, that volcano had been going off since june. So people were clearly getting used to it. And those who monitor these situations presumably thought, well, this isnt an imminent danger so that all changed in a heartbeat on saturday night. Theres certainly a lot to be learned, of course, the focus now, though, is just taking care of the injured and homeless and continuing to look for the over 100 people, aneitanita, who are missing. Anita so much anxiety for those folks there. Thank you so much for that report. Rick now to the 2020 white house race. Its almost 2019. With democratic president ial conte contenders unveiling plans to lower Prescription Drug prices, highlighting the Important Role that health care could play in the coming campaign. Joining us now, jenna ellis, director of Public Policy for the James Dobson Family Institute and nathan ruthan, democratic strategist, author of boomers to millennials and founder of millennial politics. Welcome to you both. Strategist. There, i said it. Good morning, rick. Rick good morning. Obviously this is an issue that resonates with voters. If you can bring down the drug prices, then i mean, youre bringing down drug prices. Thats a big deal. Thats absolutely correct. And i think this was a key platform that President Trump ran on in 2016. But for all that weve seen recently, there hasnt been so much action on it. It would make sense that 2020 contenders would want to tackle this issue early on and get that issue in front of voters and saying im your champion here. Rick what about that . The president did go on the record on this. He had talked about it extensively during the campaign and his presidency. Can the democrats take this issue away from him . I dont think so. The democrats are proving that they really dont understand why the American Family and the voter really supported President Trump in 2016 and have been so happy with the economy and the tax breaks and everything that the president has done. The democrats continue to want to infringe on and actually just go into the free market economy and they want to continue to regulate it and rather than understand it, the government isnt supposed to be a competitor here and so what theyre not looking at and the problem with health care and why obama care failed miserably to the average american is they didnt understand that a free market economy means the government can stay on the margins of the economy and provide some incentives and some regulation. When were talking about the government stepping in as a competitor and actually being a manufacturer, thats going to result in the average american paying the price for not only the increased liabilities for manufacturing and all of the things that go into the government participating in the free market. And so i think that as were talking about this over the next two years, people are going to realize and the average family will realize this is going to affect them negatively. Rick we want to get what senator Bernie Sanders said on this last month and get you guys to react to this. Here it is. The greed of the Prescription Drug industry, he tweeted, is literally killing americans and it has got to stop. At the start of the new congress, i will introduce legislation with representative ro khanna to stop big pharma from ripping off the American People. Can he do that . I think it will be interesting to see if it will pass in the new legislation and hes right. There have been a lot of examples, the one that comes to mind is the epipen that has increased 600 in the last few years and the actual production costs havent changed. Theyre profitting off the life saving drug where, as far as the government stepping in, they could be a negotiator in this. Then the other one is the pharma bro who purchased rights to the pharmaceutical drug and overnight, as soon as he got those rights, raised the price from 13 to over 750 a pill. So while the free market is a great tool for capitalism and boosting wealth and all those other things, we are seeing some sort of abuses because there are lax regulations. Rick i understand the need not to overregulate. You cant argue against bringing prices down essentially, can you . But what is the solution . Is it more government regulation or is it for the government to provide incentives for other competitors to get into the free market and for the market to solve itself . If were talking about the government stepping in and decreasing profit and taking away the incentives for manufacturers to provide these solutions and actually provide the epipen and provide all the other pills that do work, then the government is actually taking away the free market incentive to participate and find these drugs in the first place. So while i would agree with you that we need to do something, its not the government stepping in. Heres ultimately what it comes down to is the idea that we have people profitting off health care. These are peoples lives that are at stake so we need to move to a system that values people over profit and says if you or a loved one get sick, you shouldnt have to go bankrupt to pay for your own health care. I think this is a very simple value that the American People are starting to understand. Rick we got to leave it there, nathan and jenna. This will be an issue in the upcoming 2020 campaign. Thanks to both of you for being here. Thanks, rick. Anita massive data breaches making headlines this year. Leaving consumers vulnerable to cyber criminals. Just ahead, a look at what could happen in 2019 and whether congress will pass more privacy regulations. Rick plus a College Athlete killed days after calling campus and city police asking for help saying she was being harassed by a convicted sex offender. Why her parents say her death was preventable. Rick several 911 calls raising concerns about Campus Police at the university of utah. Calls from a utah College Track athlete, Lauren Mccluskey in october revealed the 21yearold was frustrated police did not follow up on her complaints of harassment by a convicted sex offender. And days later, Salt Lake City police say she was shot and killed by 37yearold Melvin Rowland much the two briefly dated. A review shows mccluskey was in contact with both university and city police. Anita this year is seeing a surge in data breaches of Big Companies like facebook and google exposing Sensitive Information of consumers and users. So what does this mean for Cyber Security in 2019 . Lets bring in morgan wright, senior fellow at the center for digital government. Thank you for joining us. You bet, anita. Anita so this is a scary subject for everyone because we all willingly or unwillingly give up our private information to Big Companies in order to create accounts and in order to sign on. So this really affects everybody. Look, and the sad part is theres very little we can do about it anymore. Its one thing to say hey, i can defend my home but my information is in these Big Companies like the marriott data breach, the starwood group, google, yahoo. So a lot of these companies cant even protect our privacy at this point so weve had truth in advertising for a long time. So its about time for truth in privacy to let people know heres what happens. And a lot of this isnt the cyber criminals. A lot of these are state actors like russia, china, iran, north korea, they will continue to be the most obnoxious threats but the most dangerous threats to the United States in 2019. Anita what do you mean by truth in privacy . What does that mean exactly . Look, weve had truth in advertising for a long time. I wrote a column recently called the creepy things that happens to your information in a data breach. A lot of our information actually ends up in the hands of state actors to be used against us. The office of Personnel Management breach, 121 million security clearance forms, mine being one of them. 500 million accounts from starwood that include name, address, Social Security number, passport numbers. If people knew these companies werent taking the proper measures to protect our privacy and ending up in the hands of people to commit espionage or steal information from the United States used to commit breaches, i think people would be a lot more leary about giving their information and demand more action. So i think after all these hearings, google testimonies, zuckerbergs testimony, a lot of these testimonies i think 2019 will be the year when congress either finally passes better enhanced privacy like the gdpr in the e. U. Offer making c. E. O. S criminally liable like they do so theres not any fraud anymore in these organizations. Anita thats my next question. Youre talking about criminal liability, perhaps, down the road to help consumers feel more protected. Yes. I mean, you know, what it finally took is pictures of c. E. O. S being dressed in orange and being perp walked and going to jail before the guys realize if i put my name on this, this information has to be correct. Were now at that watershed moment with Cyber Security and our personal information. These folks have to treat it like gold. They have to treat it the same way they treat funds and the reason they got criminally prosecuted, you havent seen those kinds of cases anymore. I hate to get the government involved. You were just talking about in your last segment, does the government need to be involved . We tried litigation and regulation and now its time for legislation. They have to pass a law. Only the government has a big enough boot to put in the rear of these companies saying you have to take this seriously. I dont have the power to make them do Something Different with their organization. That has to come from the government. Anita you feel so vulnerable. You have to give your information in order to sign on and make an account and whatever you need to do. Whats a couple of tips for consumers as were buying things on line . Im guilty of that, too. Thank you to amazon, they know more of what im going to buy than i do sometimes. Its the minimum information necessary. Think of this as if youre going to do something, use a separate email account for that. Make sure you have Strong Passwords and youre protecting your communications. So dont have unencrypted wifi at home, things like that. The biggest thing to do is when it comes to using your information, whats the purpose youre doing it. Are you really getting the benefit out it was . Dont willie nilly click through and say log in with facebook or log in with this because theyre siphoning and sucking in your information to do that. Be very deliberate. And you know, the challenge is, too, a lot of people dont understand the impact of when you sign up, how much information youre actually giving. So let the buyer beware. People have to be more careful of what theyre giving up and i dont think weve done a good job of understanding what were giving up. Anita use a separate email account. I like that. Morgan wright from the center for digital government, thank you so much for that great information. Thank you. You bet, thank you. Rick a Family Vacation almost ended in tragedy as a boat catches fire off a coast of australia. Remarkable when you see these flames how people on there survived. And after months of quiet, missile attacks are launched near the syrian capital of damascus. Who is taking responsibility for this . Hey, guys, we are keeping a close eye on the markets for you as the white house points to signs of good things to come in 2016 or 2019. Im going to flip that nine around. Anita flip that around. Id like to go back in time. Holiday retail sales looking strong. Well tell you what the president is saying now. Democrats and progressives jockeying for position ahead of 2020. And its going to get interesting. What forces loyal to independent senator Bernie Sanders, they are now saying what theyre saying about texas congressman. All that plus our one lucky guy. Outnumbered at the top of the hour. Rick a family of six in australia all safe and accounted for after their boat caught fire off the coast of australia. The fire started in the engine room and quickly spread. The entire boat was engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes. All five adults and a 5yearold girl had to jump into the water. Fortunately, everybody was rescued by the crew of a passing boat. Anita israel launching more air strikes near the syrian capital of damascus. State media reporting three syrian soldiers were injured. The attack comes days after israelis Prime Minister said israel could expand military action against iran and its troops in syria. Trey is live from jerusalem with more on this story. Trey . Anita, overnight, war planes launched a series of air strikes on iranian targets in syria. Western intelligence sources are confirming to fox news at this hour that israel was behind the attack and that russia was notified ahead of time. Now, according to syrian state media, the strikes targeting damascus was unsuccessful. Online video shows multiple impacts of missiles near the countrys biggest airport. In the response of wave of strikes, syria launched antiaircraft missiles at the airplanes. One of the antiaircraft missiles missed its target and entered airspace. It triggered a Defense Missile system. No damage or injuries were reported. The russian Defense Ministry says syrian air defenses destroyed 14 of the 16 missiles fired on the syrian capital. Strikes come after months of quiet following an incident in september where syrian antiaircraft missiles attempted to shoot down a plane leading to a Russian Military aircraft being shut down. Following that, the russians gave the latest missile Defense System that would allow for more accuracy during military escalations when countries like israel are targeting iranian proxy. I spoke with the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and asked him about iran and he said israel is willing to do whatever it takes to defend its country. Anita . Anita all right, trey keeping an eye on things for us. Thank you so much. Rick all eyes on wall street today after another big selloff Christmas Eve and look at that. The dow up 274 points. Well continue to bring you the latest Market Action here on the fox newschannel. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It can even warm your feet to help you fall asleep faster. So you wake up ready to make your resolutions, reality. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Ranked 1 in Customer Satisfaction with mattresses by j. D. Power. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends new years day. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Rick a pitching prospect for the Kansas City Royals did something amazing for his parents this christmas. Watch. I had a loan from the bank. And i paid off all of your debt as well. What . Instead of saving every weekend, and replacing the savings account, you can spend it on yourself. Rick that is the mom reading the letter from her son telling her that he paid off all of their bills and their house payments. Everything. To be a good guy. Brady singer, considered a top prospect of the Kansas City Royals posted that to his twitter account saying you cannot think them enough or giving up so much to support his dreams. Now he will be a big leaguer, and his parents can go to the game and not worry about the electric bill. Anita they raised him right. What a great christmas gift. Rick im trying to figure out if the dad already knew. And i dont know now watching it a second time. Anita who is recording it . Rick i think that he was. It was either that or some of the family members. A great question. Anita is still a great story. Rick a pleasure anchoring with you today. Look at what you did to the dow industrial average. Anita im not taking any credit. I dont want to get myself in trouble. It is so good to see it in the green. Quite a bit after that big drop the other day more than 600 points. Rick it is all because of you, anita, coming in here from l. A. Anita i will come any time. Rick i think that you have earned a spot. I dont make those decisions, but we hope that you have a great rest of your day. And outnumbered starts right now. Anita thank you for watching. We begin with a fox news alert, President Trump not walking down from his Border Security is a partial Government Shutdown enters it spent the day. Not going to reopen soon. Democrats have vowing to hold the line and refusing to approve funding for a border wall. All of this as a senate is set to reconvene tomorrow. This is outnumbered, i am julie banderas, here is morgan ortagus, Fox News Contributor jessica tarlov, host of kennedy sizzle on the fox business network, kennedy is here. Also will be on new years eve by the way. The teasing as soon as possible. Joining us on the couch, howard kurtz, the host of media buzz. You

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