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After comeys meeting with the committee. Comey fiercely defended the f. B. I. Bill here is republican John Radcliffe who led a lot of questioning. I confirmed that president obama was communicating with former secretary clinton on an unclassified, unauthorized server at least at one point in time while secretary clinton was in russia. It was fair to ask those questions. That wasnt any information that he volunteered. So we were really trying to probe into that. Bill that was last night. Here is peter doocy leading our coverage. What lawmakers want to learn today from Loretta Lynch. She was james comeys boss while decisions were being made how to handle potential investigations into the Clinton Campaign or the Trump Campaign. They hope if there was preferentialal treatment at the d. O. J. She would know about it. In yesterdays comey transcripts where lawmakers zeroed in on the infamous tarmac meeting where lynch and bill clinton meet privately as the d. O. J. Weighed charges against his wife. Jim ratcliffe asked about a Briefing Held shortly afterwards. Do you recall whether or not this briefing was held at the f. B. I. Because of that tarmac meeting or did it just happen to be a coincidence it was held on that day . Comey said it would have had to have been a coincidence. I dont remember a meeting in response to the tarmac meeting. Comey has previously told lawmakers he was concerned about the appearance of that tarmac meeting and wondered to himself whether or not lynch should recuse yourself from any clinton matters but he doesnt remember actually telling her that. He just remembers her telling him he could run point. Bill good to have you follow all that. What did comey tell lawmakers about this process for getting the highly secret fisa warrants on members of the trump team . Comey explained why he didnt tell the trump team about the socalled dirty dossier, which is seen as some of the evidence to potentially back up a fisa warrant so the u. S. Government could spy on u. S. Citizens until after the election. Comey was asked by jim jordan. Were you concerned at all the president might get the wrong impression that maybe you had this Important Information that some way you could hold over the president s head . Were you concerned about that . Did you convey it in such a way as to make sure he didnt go away with that impression . Comey said i was very concerned that he might interpret it as an effort to pull a j. Edgar hoover on him and asked by gowdy in late july of 2016 did the bureau have any reason to believe that candidate trump himself was working with russia the influence the election. Comey said i cant answer that. Yeah, i cant answer that. Gowdy asked why cant you answer that . Comey said because i think it calls for information that falls within the special counsels investigation and instructed by the bureau not to answer questions that fall within that. However, remember, last time comey was here he said the f. B. I. Was investigating four Trump Campaign associates for possible inappropriate talks with russia during the campaign and trump was not one of them. Bill more to come on that. Peter doocy. See you next hour. Four minutes past. Julie fox news alert on another big story this morning. Facebook defending itself after a stunning new report. According to the New York Times facebook gave other tech giants like apple, amazon, netflix gave them more data than previously disclosed. Good morning. According to internal documents obtained by the New York Times, the social media giant partnered with more than 150 companies allowing them specially negotiated windows into users privacy. Windows that Smaller Companies did not have. One example, facebook allowed microsoft binge Search Engine gave netflix and spotify the ability to read Facebook Users private messages. This was an exempt to rules that they had with facebook according to reporting from the times. Partnerships known as capabilities with other companies they considered, quote, integration partners. They audited their partners rarely but facebooks director called them high touch relationships. Relationships in place as recent as this past summer so vital their creation was cleared sometimes by Jeff Zuckerberg himself and chief operating officer sheryl sandberg. Some of the companies include the binge Search Engine, netflix, spotify, amazon. It was dependent on the arraignment. Facebook says to be clear none of these partnerships or features gave Companies Access to information without peoples permission nor did they violate our 2012 settlement with the f. T. C. Facebook wound down partnerships months ago. It shut down things with bing years ago. In April Zuckerberg testified on capitol hill that users do control their own privacy on their site after early reporting revealed Cambridge Analytica helped president Trumps Campaign by improperly using facebook data. More than 2 billion people worldwide use facebook. Julie thank you, very much. Bill from the white house, President Trump signaling a come prom aisles in the border wall battle over funding backing off a demand for 5 billion in the current budget but congress could consider a short term funding resolution to get us into a new year. There are a number of different Funding Sources weve identified we can use and couple with the money that would be given through congressional appropriations to help us get to the 5 billion. Im in consultation with the white house about the way forward. I think there is certainly bipartisan support for avoiding a Government Shutdown. They arent getting congressional approval for the wall plain and simple. Bill senator john kennedy, out of louisiana on the hill. Thank you for your time. A couple topics. Budget battle. I dont know what happens if the government partially shuts down or not. My sense is the thing you remember from this fight is whether or not a wall comes out of it. As of today what happens on that do you believe . Well, border walls work, bill. Thats just a demonstrable fact. I dont think well get the money for the border wall because i think mrs. Pelosi is not going to give an inch because she wants to be the next speaker and the new house of representatives will be a lot more liberal than before and they arent going to let her be speaker. I think we missed an opportunity here. We passed the criminal justice act last night. I didnt vote for it but it passed. The democrats desperately wanted that bill. I wish we had said okay, well support your bill. I wouldnt have supported it but well leverage your support for that bill with funding the border wall. Bill why didnt that happen . That sounds like an interesting debate. Hang on, 8712 the criminal justice bill passed. You voted against it. Why did that horse trading as they like to say, why didnt it happen . I dont know. There was none. I can tell you the democrats, my democratic friends are entitled to have their own positions. They were salivating over this bill. I wish we had tried to get something in return like the border wall. Border walls work. I dont think well get the funding for the border wall. The president is going to have to make a decision. I dont think it would be wise to shut down government. I think we are going to have to live to fight another day. Border walls work. Bill i dont mean to interrupt. Thats Republican Leadership who didnt lead the fight. Im not going to blame this on leadership. Im just saying its a missed opportunity. Bill on facebook i know you are hot on this story. You heard the story a moment ago. What is not for sale with that company . Well, the hits keep on coming. Mr. Zuckerberg told us that he was going to stop doing this. Now we found out yet again that facebook has sold our private messages to other companies for bucket loads of money. Now, the first time it can be a mistake. Second time its a choice. And i dont want to have to regulate facebook but they have to stop doing this. Facebook reaches 2 billion people. We arent talking about a few emails here. Facebook is no longer a company, its a country. And mr. Zuckerberg is responsible. He is a bright guy. Sometimes i know he is smart but sometimes i think he has no sense. And congress is going to have to regulate him and stop this and i hate to do it but by god i will if they cant clean up their act. Bill whats wrong with that very popular criminal Justice Reform bill . How come you voted against it along with tom cotton and others. The democrats would have you believe it is just going to help nonviolent drug offenders, the guy caught smoking a joint. Thats just not true. Im not going to vote i didnt vote to allow child molesters and carjackers and robbers out of prison. I just couldnt do that. I remember when i remember dr. Larry nasser who molested the 13yearold girls. Im not saying he would get out under this bill but im saying yesterday in conference a question was asked of the bills proponents will this allow a child molester to get out early from prison if a bureaucrat says he is nonviolent . The answer was yes and that sealed it for me. I think the main goal of a criminal Justice System is justice. It is not vengeance, its not rehabilitation, not the those are all important. The main goal is justice. I agree with what c. S. Lewis said. Justice exists when people get what they deserve. Bill senator kennedy, great to have you with us. Julie new reaction coming in out of the white house after Michael Flynns sentencing gets delayed after a dramatic court hearing. The things that may have taken place again is for the judge to make that determination. What we do know that was inappropriate by own selfadmittance of james comey is that the f. B. I. Broke standard protocol in a way they came in and ambushed general flynn. Julie what is next for the former National Security advisor . Former attorney general Michael Mukasey is here to react. Bill awaiting Loretta Lynchs arrival on the hill. What questions will andy biggs pose for the former a. G. Julie later elon musk unveiling his newest project. An underground tunnel that could change travel as we know it. Here is another laundry hack from home made simple. Do you want ready to Wear Clothing without all the hassle . You can, with bounce dryer sheets. Simply toss two sheets in the dryer to iron less. We dried one shirt without bounce, and an identical shirt using bounce. The bounce shirt has fewer wrinkles, less static, and more softness and freshness. 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Going in yesterday we had a defendant who had an exemplary record, charged with a crime where the guideline was 0 to 6 months. The government recommending no time. Everybody believed, i think reasonably, this sentence would be imposed and that it would be no time. The judge came out, started to talk about how disgusted he was with the defendants conduct. With flynns conduct including referring to a matter where he said he sold out the United States. If he was referring to his service before he went to the white house as a lobbyist for turkey, that wasnt charged. He didnt plead guilty to it and it didnt take place while he was at the white house. Bill here is what im trying to piece together. Weve talked about this . The reference to treason was inappropriate. Bill and to doing lobbying work in the white house when it ended in midnovember. That was not factual and that had to be cleaned up by the judge as well. Earlier this week flynns team said this was not on the up and up. None of that was presented yesterday and argued. Dershowitz makes the point the judge feels that flynn is responsible for a much more serious crime than he pled to. If that is true and if you except his argument, tell us. But if thats the case, why is that the judges call . I dont know whether its the case. I dont read minds. It is not the judges call. A judge is permitted on sentence for one crime to consider what is called relevant conduct meaning including uncharged crimes. But theyve got to be relevant to the crime to which he pleaded guilty. If he is concerned about the turkish lobbying thats not related to the false statements. That is something that should not be considered on sentence and if he says he will consider it, that raises a real problem. Bill the judge said i cant hide my disgust and disdain for your criminal offense. You lied to the f. B. I. And senior officials and the income administrations. He is entitled to his opinion but julie it wasnt the case. Bill why does it come up . It comes because the judge decided he couldnt restrain himself. Part of being a judge is restraining yourself. Bill he suggested that flynn has to cooperate more. Cooperate on what . And who is to say the level of cooperation hasnt already reached that point . Its the governments say on whether the cooperation has reached that level already or not. Bill its why they reached the sentencing point because the cooperation level was meant, true or not . I assume its true. I dont know what the cooperation was. For the government to recommend no time in a situation where as i said before youve got somebody with an exemplary record coming in on a first offense with a recommendation under the guidelines without cooperation of 0 to 6 months the government was giving away ice in the wintertime when they recommended no jail. In the ordinary course he wouldnt get any time. When they say well recommend no time, and the ordinary course the likelihood would be there would be no time. But the judge was convinced there was something going on that he didnt know about. Thats not his business. Bill any aspects of collusion he found yesterday . Zero. Zero. No evidence, no reference to anything that suggested collusion in the sense in which weve been using it here, that is some criminal relationship between the Trump Campaign and the russians and the russian effort to influence the 2016 election. We havent seen anything concrete about that. Bill next question. Flynn is back before the judge in march. Midmarch. Does he go to jail at that time . Short answer, i dont know. I think that will it will afford an opportunity for everybody to take a deep breath and timeout and perhaps have a determination that he has cooperated enough after all not to get jail. But i think yesterday was a really bizarre, ugly incident. Bill march 13th is the date on the calendar. Mike mukasey, thank you two days in a row. Julie breaking news coming into the newsroom now on the situation in syria. Were now hearing the Trump Administration is considering pulling u. S. Forces out of that country all 2,000 of them. Were live from the pentagon next. [narrator] the typical vacuum head has its limitations, so shark invented duo clean. While deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. Duo clean technology, corded and cordfree. Weve got to get out of here. What do you suggest i do . Flap my arms real head and head toward the window . I got a better idea. There is a chair over there. Try to get it. [laughter] bill talk about a great pair. Penny marshall, lavern and shirley show. The passing of the acclaimed actress and director. Penny died due to complications from diabetes. She was the first women to direct a first film grossing more than a million dollars. The actor tweeting, goodbye, penny, man, did we laugh a lot. Wish we still could. Love you, hanks. She leaves behind a daughter and three grandchildren. She was 75 years old. Great life, great talent. That was a major, major hit growing up and part of a different era today as we look back. Julie they dont make shows like that quite frankly. Two women who basically led the actresses of today. They were quite a laugh. She was awesome. Well move on now to a fox news alert. U. S. Officials confirming to fox news the Trump Administration is considering pulling all u. S. Forces out of syria, about 2,000 american troops there now. Lets go live to Lucas Tomlinson with the latest on this breaking story. Thats right. U. S. Officials confirm the white house and President Trump are considering pulling out all 2,000 troops from syria. You recall u. S. Troops have been in syria since october 2015 when the isis war was ramping up under the Obama Administration. Now the news today comes as a surprise to pentagon officials ive spoken to but it shouldnt come as a surprise because President Trump warned that he was considering this move back in the spring at numerous campaign rallies. President trump were knocking the hell out of isis and well be coming out of syria very soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon. Were coming out. Secretary mattis and john bolton helped pump the brakes saying they need to stay in syria to see an enduring defeat of isis, something the u. S. Military is close to achieving. Currently there are only 2,000 isis forces remaining in Eastern Syria in a small city in Eastern Syria that represents 1 of the territory that isis holds compared to two years ago when isis held an area across iraq and syria the size of ohio. Now this news comes than less than a week after President Trump spoke to his turkish counterpart. Turkey has considered the u. S. Backed fighting force in syria to be a terrorist group due to their links to a group in turkey that killed tens of thousands inside turkey over the past decades. Last week u. S. Envoy to the isis war said the objective of u. S. Troops in syria was enduring defeat of isis and there was no signs that the u. S. Would be forced to pull all their troops out of syria. Currently those 2,000 troops in syria are looking to be pulled out very soon. Julie a Big Development this morning. Bill powerful tornado leaving a path of destruction. Homes flattened. Tell you how the survivors are doing today after this. Julie Loretta Lynch set to face lawmakers as they want more answers about the trump russia probe and the clinton email. Bill talk to Judiciary Committee member andy biggs. He is here next live. James comey from day one has been a corrupt cop trying to get to the president and it shows in everything he has done, including what he failed to do, which was to be honest to both barack obama and to President Trump. It looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. The beat goes on. It looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. Ladiladi. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps your heart. So you can keep on doing what you love. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. Yeah entrust your heart to entresto. The beat goes on. Bill hang on, 9 31. Markets are open. Watch the trading underway on wall street. Another wild ride yesterday finishing in the positive yesterday ahead of an expected Interest Rate hike. We dont know what the fed will do. Fed chair makes his call around 2 00 eastern time. Despite some wild market swings and some sharp comments from President Trump. Yesterday the president told the fed feel the markets, dont just rely on numbers. The markets have been hammered. The white house says he is just expressing his opinion. Were up 32 points at the beginning of trading today. 2 00 sharp eastern time today. Julie all right. Back to our top story now this morning. House lawmakers set to question former attorney general Loretta Lynch days after james comeys second interview as two house panels race to wrap up investigations. The Justice Departments handling of the clinton email and the trump russia probes before democrats take over in january. Congressman andy biggs is on the house Judiciary Committee and will be in todays meeting with Loretta Lynch. Thank you for joining us this morning. What would you like to ask the former a. G. Well, we have to take a look at the timeline. In late june of 2016 she is meeting at the tarmac in phoenix, one of the hottest cities in the country. Why meet on the tarmac with the former president who is married to an investigative target, president bill clinton. Shortly within a week later mr. Comey is announcing, without her participation, that he is going to exonerate Hillary Clinton. He has changed the standard of proof and so these issues and with Loretta Lynchs participation, those need to come out today. It points to a double standard what happened to Hillary Clinton and what is happening to Michael Flynn and anybody associated with President Trump. Julie i want to read part of the transcript james comey addressing the carmack meeting you just brought up there. Congressman ratcliffe asks do you recall whether or not this briefing was held at the f. B. I. Because of that tarmac meeting or was it just happened to be a coincidence that it was held on that day . Comey responds it would have had to have been a coincidence. I dont remember a meeting in response to the tarmac meeting. Do you buy that . No, its hard for me to accept coincidences here. It would have a long string of could incidents like that to exonerate Hillary Clinton and pursue mr. Trumps Close Associates and some who arent so close. It isnt just the timing of it. Just think of this. He basically threw Loretta Lynch out of the Decision Making process. He called then the morning of the News Conference to let them know he would go forward with the News Conference exonerating Hillary Clinton. Thats not a coincidence. Julie some might agree with you. I want your take on comeys attack on republicans. Lets play a bit of james comey. Republicans used to understand the actions of a president matter. Words of a president matter. The rule of law matters, and the truth matters. Where are those republicans today . At some point someone has to stand up and not slink away into retirement but stand up and speak the truth. Julie all right. Ill let you answer. Where are those republicans today is what he wants to know. He is talking about following the rule of law and thats what were trying to do. Here you have a guy who has admitted he lied and sent people in violating the f. B. I. Protocols to interview mr. Flynn. He didnt call the white House Counsel and admits all these violations going on. He admits fisa warrants being issued and you know what . So were trying to adhere to the rule of law and he is pushing back on that. I think in the end 20 years from now people will look back and say what did you do mr. Comey to denigrate the f. B. I. . Julie he denies he brought any negativity to the f. B. I. And its reputation. He says that. Regarding what you just brought up about him going ahead and sending in investigators to talk to Michael Flynn without clearing it to the white house and admitting not only did that and didnt hand pick the investigators who we knew were biased against the Trump Administration but on top of that had it be a more established administration that they would have clearedist with the white house. How established do you have to be after youve been voted president and you take office, is that not established as president . That part was a bit confusing. Well, he is trying to say that it was he actually admits that he took advantage of the he says hysteria. The reality is they were organizing. All new administrations organize and why you have a 100 day period of cooling off. There was a white House Counsel and he chose to disregard the white House Counsel and f. B. I. Protocols and seems like he was trying to get at President Trump and those around him like peter strzok y mccabe and the others have admitted they were trying to do. Bill andy biggs, always great to see you. Thank you so much. Policy victory for the president. The Senate Passed sweeping criminal Justice Reform with bipartisan support. The bill expected to get the green light in the house this week. Mike emanuel live on the hill to bring us details on this and whats next there, mike. Next stop is the house where we dont expect drama. Theyll most likely act on it tomorrow before they wrap up their work in this congress. It was a huge vote. 8712 vote in the senate last night. Ive never seen anything like this and ive been around this business a long, long time. From the left and from the right, take a look at, you know, grassley and lee and durbin and booker. Go figure. And then have it endorsed by President Trump at a press conference three weeks ago and Vice President pence come to the Republican Caucus lunch and say we want to pass this bill for sure. Eliminate some mandatory punishment and assistance to help helpmates develop life skills. The biggest criminal Justice Reform in a generation. How do you eat 10,000 marshmallows . One at a time. How do you get support for a bill . One person at a time. Thats pretty much what the republicans supporters of this bill have been trying to do. The politics of this quite unusual with the white house, democrats and a number of republicans supporting it. A huge victory for the white house, bill. Bill those who voted against it. What do they not like about it . Some suggesting it may be too easy on violent felons and drug traffickers. This bill allows people convicted of bank robbery and coerceing a minor into prostitution to be released early from prison among many other offenses. Thats the fact of the bill itself. Talk about unusual politics. 12 republicans voted against it. A bill backed by the white house. But with 87 in favor, that is a huge bipartisan victory. Bill thanks, mike emanuel on the hill on that. Julie to the white house saying the president is not retreating from a fight when it comes to Border Security. The president says he is not going to back down from Border Security and he will find the money one way or the other because he has a solemn obligation to other us. We need an immigration policy that works. Julie were two days away from the shutdown so will both sides come together . Will the president get anything for his wall . Well ask a democratic congressman next plus there is this. Where, where, where . Can you pull him out . Bill dramatic body cam ra now showing a Police Officer pulling a man out of a burning car. Well let you know how this turned out and where in a moment. Bill give me your arm. I need your help. Its too hot. 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Ends monday. Julie you should hear the christmas tunes in the commercials. Nevada setting a major precedent becoming the first state where women are in the majority in the legislature. Women will now hold 24 of 42 seats in the state assembly and 9 of 21 seats in the state senate giving the state legislature an overall female majority. Bill you are the woman, right . 43 minutes past the hour now. This is not about whether we need Border Security. We need Border Security. It is about not wasting a lot of taxpayer money on something most people think is ineffective. I hope we can bridge these differences and hoping the president will agree its a bad idea to shut down the government. Bill democratic senator Chris Van Hollen doesnt like the border wall. Thats clear. A member of the House Finance Services Committee representative dan kildee here today. You heard what von holl en said. What do you think about the comment about money . Is it the money or policy you dont want to give the victory to the white house . Well, i think its a bit of both. On the policy i think people who are thoughtful on this issue disagree with the president. For example, Republican Congressman will herd who is a friend of mine thinks its the wrong approach. He spent 10 years in the c. I. A. And represents the border. I listen to him pretty carefully. He doesnt think its effective. But bill he is just one person. He is just one person but there are 435 of us all one person and come with a perspective. Privately when i talk to my republican colleagues, i think we all they and we would all prefer to have a much more thoughtful approach about what actually works on Border Security and not default to what was admittedly a fairly simple suggestion the president made during his campaign promising that mexico would pay for it. We ought to just do it in a more thoughtful fashion and not democrats and republicans bear responsibility for this, by the way, not put ourselves in a position where one of these really serious policy questions ends up being the thing that could shut down the government. Thats just no way to run bill the money theyre looking for, what is it, less than 1 of 1 of the budget or whatever the math comes out to be . Its not about the money. What you are arguing is principle. If you think about it this issue has gone on for decades now. And i dont know if hitech surveillance gets the job done. I dont know the message you send to make sure more caravans arent stranded in tijuana mexico for weeks and months on end. This is a priority that needs a solution and everybody in washington talks that way but it doesnt appear to be going anywhere. I want to remind you what some of your Democratic Leaders have said going back 10, 12 years. Have a listen here. We cant keep track of people who are in our country and trying to cross our border. There is something very wrong with that and were going to try to fix that. Were making some steps to do that now. Well authorize badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders and that should help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants, higher gdp, redust deficits. Bill were they all wrong, sir . Theyre absolutely right. The question is whats the solution . And none of those people believe including a lot of republicans that we should just pretend that putting up a great big wall is going to solve that problem. Especially when much of the difficulty we face. For example, the president mentions Drug Trafficking or terrorists. They come through the border checkpoints as much as they cross in the middle of a desert. So what do we do . Thats the question. We shouldnt just act as if and pretend that putting up a wall is going to solve the problem when people who are really smart and understand how Border Security works say that thats not the solution. I agree that i agree we ought to have a serious effort to make sure we have Border Security. We ought to get it right and not just pretend because the president gave a speech during a campaign and said were going to build a wall and mexico is going to pay for it. Bill he won that election. So did i. Bill i get it, you have a vote as well here and in congress. Sarah sanders yesterday told us on this program they may go find the money somewhere else. Well see what creativity comes out of washington on that. I want to get you on one more thing here. Nancy pelosi in all likelihood will take the gavel in early january. Would you agree on that january 3 . If so, as a party now, what do you talk about in terms of advancing your own agenda as opposed to going after the president when you have that authority in the house . Well, i think we have to focus on an economic agenda. We do have oversight responsibilities but that cannot be the principal focus of the congress in january. We need to talk about the things that people worry about sitting around their kitchen table. Economic issues, pension security, healthcare costs. If we dont focus on those things well be making a big mistake. Bill well see what happens. Dan kildee, thank you for your time. Have a Great Holiday and come on back. The democrat from flint, michigan. Julie that was the democratic side. Next hour well get reaction from the republican side. House majority whip Steve Scalise is the headliner today and will join us. Bill elon musk is looking to revolutionize the way we get around. A look at his new tunnel. Come on and take a free ride julie Chicago Police combing through body cam footage of the two officers struck by a train. They were responding to shots fired. A call came in sunday night. Footage reportedly shows the officers on the tracks observing an approaching train while walking and talking about where the suspect could have gone but that train masked the sound of another high speed train that was only feet behind them. Both men were newly appointed officers and the father of young children. Bill dramatic new video out of texas, deputies rescuing a man from a burning car. This is how that happened. Two deputies pulling the driver out while his lower body was on fire. He was airlifted to a hospital in critical condition. Were awaiting a status update on him today. Amazing stuff. Julie wow, unbelievable. Elon musk unveiling his transportation tunnel under the streets of los angeles. The streets will become hitech. Its an underground tunnel system to make transportation faster and easier in the most congested cities. Were live with more. This is incredible stuff, jeff. Pretty neat to see. For the first time the public got a chance to see how this new tunnel loop will function to a degree. Admittedly musk says its a little rough around the edges but he is excited what it could mean for the future of travel. This tunnel is a little more than a mile long and for its initial run he used a model s to show you it works. A car is lowered in an elevator and uses pro trueded wheels. The car went 35 miles an hour. Once its up and running and functioning how it should cars could reach speeds up to 150 miles an hour. It is not only about the speed. There is relief from headaches caused by the gridlock on the roads. What it amounts to is an actual solution to the traffic. Something that i think will actually work. It is scalable, and we have a demonstration tunnel here and we expect to expand this over time to many cities all around the world. And give people more time for their friends and family. For those who got a chance to go on the trip through the tunnel they say the ride was bumpy. Musk warned of that yesterday before those rides but vows to have the path as smooth as glass once its finished. The initial tunnel costs 10 million and not the price of the tunneling machine, research and development. Took 18 months to build and musk has similar projects developing in chicago and in washington julie im curious. Does it have to be a certain car that goes in this thing or can you drive your average car . So there are some parameters. One is its only meant for autonomous and electric vehicles. Thats how it is planned now. I mentioned the protruding wheels. He said you can modify cars and put those things on the end so they can run in the tunnels. Julie so cool. I want that here in new york. Ask him if he can work here. Bill another closed door meeting on the hill in moments. Former a. G. Loretta lynch faces republicans in the same week the heated interview with james comey. What do they learn today . The trump team saying the u. S. Mission in syria is accomplished. Our troops will be coming home from there. A live report and what were learning about that breaking news this hour. Come on back. Are you a veteran, own a home, and need money for your family . Newday usa can help. We earned a lot of va benefits with our service. But the va home loan benefit is a big one. If you want to use it to get cash, call newday usa. Va loans are all they do. And dont let less than perfect credit hold you back. Even if youve been turned down for a va loan by your bank, call newday usa. Theyve been given automatic authority by the va. They can often help veterans when other lenders wont. By refinancing up to 100 percent of your homes value, you could take out 54,000 dollars or more. 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Julie im Julie Banderas for sandra smith this morning. We talked to andy biggs who talked about what the committees are looking for today. We have to take a look at the timeline. So in june, late june of 2016 she is meeting on the tarmac in phoenix, one of the hottest cities in the country, why meet on the tarmac, with the former president married to an investigative target. A week later mr. Comey is announcing without her participation that he is going to exonerate Hillary Clinton. Bill peter doocy leads this hour in the hallway. What kind of evidence do they expect to get and what are you hearing so far . We should definitely expect to see a little bit of evidence regarding the Text Messages between former f. B. I. Officials peter strzok and lisa page. We got a glimpse of that yesterday in comeys previous testimony two weeks ago where some of the lawmakers wanted to know specifics about why didnt Hillary Clinton wind up getting charged with anything . John ratcliffe at one point asked james comey the day before the clinton interview on july 1 lisa page texted peter strzok and Loretta Lynch and said its a real profile in courage since she, meaning lynch, no knows charges will be brought . She said i dont remember, i read it. I think ive read about it in the media. Answers like that where comey does not remember things have been very, very frustrating to republican lawmakers so now they are about to have a chance to see if his old boss, Loretta Lynch, who just walked past us will be any more forthcoming. Bill how big a factor is the tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and bill clinton . Its central to the entire investigation. What republican lawmakers are trying to figure out, theyre trying to use subpoena power to figure out why the Trump Campaign wound up getting investigated but the Clinton Campaign did not. Loretta lynch insisted she only met on a private jet with bill clinton in arizona. It was hot outside and wanted to catch up and talk about things like their grandchildren and brexit. A big story in 2016. But because her Justice Department was weighing charges against bill clintons wife that day, charges that never came, lawmakers want more information and more detail and they want it on the record this morning. Bill well wait for that live from the hill. Thank you, sir. Julie fox news alert. A potential breakthrough on the horizon on the fight over border spending as the Trump Administration signals it may be open to a compromise with democrats that would actually avert a partial Government Shutdown. Kevin corke is live at the white house with this everchanging story. Kevin, is the president softening his stance, would that be the correct way of describing it on the need for wall funding or is he doubling down . Thats a legitimate question. One way or another they will get the money they need to build this wall. That is the view of white house officials who say this is the president s responsibility to protect the American People. In fact, the president himself said as much on twitter. Let me share a bit of what he had to say on social media this morning. He said in our country so much money has been poured down the drain for so many years but when it comes to Border Security and the military, the democrats fight to the death. We won on the military which is being completely rebuilt. One way or the other, there it is, we will win on the wall. He had another tweet that i want to share it for perspective. He talks a bit about mexico somehow paying for the wall. He says mexico is paying indirectly for the wall through the new replacement for nafta. Far more money coming to the u. S. Because of the tremendous dangers at the border including large scale criminal and drug inflow. United States Military will build the wall. Exactly how that might play out is still anyones guess. It is clear the president s legal team is preparing an argument. It is a win they say both for the president himself and for the American People. Two important facts. One, that this president believes his first and solemn duty is to keep us safe including enhanced Border Security. The second point it doesnt change the fact that the border is so porous that it has gotten worse since the democrats voted for Border Security 12 years ago. It only got worse. This president wont back down from that and he will continue to fight for that funding. The fight continues and the negotiations i should point out, julie, continue on capitol hill. Julie what can you tell us, kevin, about a possible withdrawal of u. S. Forces from syria, the news breaking at the top of the show. Our pentagon reporter got the dod to confirm its in the planning stages for the u. S. To withdrawal 2,000 or so troops in syria. We have broad confirmation from a number of different sources. In fact, to be blunt, weve heard the president sort of talk about this for months. And i should tell you this, this would be a major policy shift in the middle east and it is something he talked about a bit on twitter. Let me just share this. This really gets to the thinking behind why there will be this withdrawal of american troops presumably if it happens as we expect. The president tweeting we have defeated isis in syria. My only reason for being there during the trump presidency. I should tell you this the Vice President is actually over at the pentagon. You see president erdogan of turkey, this move comes after a conversation with him just last week. A lot of moving parts here, julie. Well keep an eye on it and see how things work out. I mentioned briefly the Vice President mike pence is also at the pentagon and see if he has anything to say about that today. For now back to you. Julie kevin corke, thank you very much. Bill dramatic hearing as the federal judge delays sentencing for Michael Flynn. Americas ateam is primed and ready, tim carney, mac lotter, former press secretary to mike pence and mo elleithee. A lot to shoot at here. Lets back up a little bit and find out what happened with this judge yesterday. It was quite clear he was not happy with the allegations that the feds acted inappropriately, i would suggest, and he was trying to figure out where that allegation came from. What was your reading . He went so far in showing his feelings about general flynn that went beyond charges that were not even filed or things that were pled to there is now a potential ive seen other legal commentators talk about the possibility of an appeal if there is prison time with the sentence. Judges tend to like defendants that plead guilty to actually show remost. To actually show contrition and i think one of the biggest mistakes that general flynn made here is that in his lawyers own sentencing brief he blamed it on the f. B. I. He blamed it on this deep state conspiracy, quote, unquote, that the judge looked at that and said thats just not cool. Thats just not right. You broke the law. You admitted to breaking the law and now you are blaming other people for it. I dont i cant think of many legal scholars would say the flynn teams strategy going into this hearing was a smart one. Bill a lot of people reacting the way marc is. A lot of people are reacting in the sense that they did not expect a judge to insert himself in the manner that he did. There was certainly im from a family of lawyers and judges are notorious. Sometimes you get judges who are a little ornery, heated and improvise. The worst thing that judge sullivan did was he actually made a factual error. He talked about flynn being a former agent while being for the white house. I think flynn being a Foreign Agent after being a general is problematic but he was not to make a factual error like that while youre in the sentencing hearing that speaks of a judge who was heated for whatever reasons he was upset but deviateing from the facts. Julie im curious what will happen to the sentencing phase. Robert mueller suggested through cooperation that some of these people dont go to prison and look how it turned out for Michael Cohen. Alan dershowitzs oped. You can react. Flynns first option is to ask the judge to throw out his questionable guilty plea but it will be difficult to do so in light of his statement at the sentencing hearing he accepts his guilty plea. His second option is to cooperate even more. There may not be much more he can say or do. The former National Security officer third option, seek to recuse judge sullivan because of the judges prejudicial statements. He pushed off the new sentencing hearing to march now is the new time frame. Bill may happen then, may not. Well see what happens. General flynn had the misfortune of the fact that two of his former associates were charged in federal Court Two Days before the hearing and essentially implicated him. We dont know where this is going to go for flynn. The one thing i will say is that flynns team should be a warning to everyone else. Dont try to litigate it through a Public Relations strategy designed to undermine the whole thing. It can backfire. Julie i want to ask you this. What do you make of republicans positions on the fact that Michael Flynn wasnt told that if you lie to the f. B. I. That you could go to prison. Some are actually arguing that. On the flip side he would know if you lie to the f. B. I. It is a crime. Did it need to be told to him . Im not sure its an either or choice. Both things can be true. He did lie to the f. B. I. And admitted to that and the f. B. I. Could have violated its own procedures and protocols which added and doesnt change the fact he lied. I think both things can be true and the f. B. I. Needs to make sure theyre following their protocols as we are seeing in so many other areas relating to jim comey and others, the f. B. I. Has the protocols for a reason. Bill Sarah Sanders with us yesterday and after that she went into the Briefing Room and the question comes is there any evidence of collusion here and the president has already staked his claim on that and here is what Sarah Sanders said with regard to the president. Not when it comes to things that have anything to do with the president. The activities that he has said to well let the court make that determination, to have engaged in dont have anything to do with the president. Lets remember what the whole thing that this started is supposed to be about. Whether or not russia influenced the election and whether or not the president had anything to do with it. Bill did this flynn case get you any closer to solving that . No. What bothers me on russia is what came out in the cohen case that he was still trying to develop hotels during the campaign after locking up the nomination. Tumble was still trying to line up hotels in russia while that was going on. I have think its corrupt but not campaign collusion. If were talking about the narrow question of collusion is where most of the democrats have focused. That has been a stupid focus. It is not. There there are other problems that have to do with trump. Bill if he lost the election he goes back to being a businessman. Sarah is right. Its a different question than collusion on the campaign with russia. Julie all right. Collusion on the campaign with russia there has not been any proof of that. The question now is they have to get this tackled by january when democrats take control. The russia investigation, while it has pointed the fingers at many, therefore the collusion issue does that go out the window . Is it over . Come january is the democrats seeking proof of collusion, Robert Muellers investigation end . Only Robert Mueller knows when Robert Muellers investigation ends and only he knows what he knows. For all of us to sit around and say there is no proof. We havent seen what mueller knows. He started to tease it out little bit by little bit. The cohen stuff was incredibly damaging in implicating the president in some federal crimes. There may be a connection to russia and its role in the campaign but the dots havent been connected yet. We dont know when they will be. Bill two years and counting. Stand by. Round one is done. More to come. Julie were waiting to see what comes out of a closeddoor meeting currently underway between two House Committees and Loretta Lynch the former attorney general arriving just moments ago. Next hour former independent counsel ken starr will join us live. Bill facebook responding to new reports claiming it shared more user date why from previously known. Julie Mitch Mcconnell saying he will introduce a short term resolution to fund the government. House majority whip congressman Steve Scalise joins us next. You saw lots of senators on the floor talking, negotiating, dealing with the issue of the importance of keeping the government open and what a responsible governing body does. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. 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Together well make the right choice. Later this morning ill introduce a continuing resolution that will insure continuous funding for the federal government. The measure will provide the resources necessary to continue normal operations through february 8th. Bill Mitch Mcconnell on the senate floor a moment ago introducing a short term spending bill two days before the Government Shutdown. Republicans may have gotten President Trump to come around to a compromise. Steve scalise is our headliner today. Thank you for spending time with us today. Will they get this done . Obviously the senate and house are working with President Trump to make sure that we pass a bill that he supports, that gives him the tools he needs to continue building wall. There is a lot more that needs to be done. And if the negotiations will go until february one of the good things about that is that the state of the union will be right before the end of that next funding resolution which means the president has a real Good Opportunity to go to the country, make a case at the state of the union for why nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer are on the wrong side of this issue, not wanting to keep our country safe when the president is fighting to build a wall. Bill your state colleague senator kennedy was with us an hour ago. He says republicans missed a golden opportunity last night in this criminal justice bill. He was making out the case that democrats wanted this very badly and passed 8712. All 12 votes in the nay section were republicans and you could have ill let senator kennedy make the point here. Watch. I dont think well get the money for the border wall. I think mrs. Pelosi is not going the give an inch because she wants to be the next speaker and the new house of representatives will be a lot more liberal than before and they wont let her be speaker. I think we missed an opportunity here. Bill he went on to say you have democrats where you wanted them and you could have gone ahead and negotiated with them over this border wall. Why did that not happen . Well, what he is talking about the what happened in the senate or what shouldnt have happened in the senate. Im in the house. A lot of things i disagree with the senate on in terms of the way they operate. What were focused on in the house is working with the president to get him the tools he needs. Look, one of the things that President Trump said in that meeting last week, he acknowledged that nancy pelosi was having the votes to become speaker and offered to help her to get there but he also knows that after that vote for speaker, there is going to be a better ability for him to negotiate. In this gives him another chance to make the case in the state of the union to make the case to the entire country. Julie you heard senator kennedy talking about the wall and pelosi and said walls work. The president tweeted the following today. In our country so much money has been poured down the drain for so many years. When it comes to Border Security and the military the democrats fight to the death. We won on the military which is being completely rebuilt one way or the other well win on the wall. How so will republicans be able to eventually get this wall . They say mexico would pay for it through nafta. What do you say to that . Well, President Trump is correct in saying number one, that he made it a priority to rebuild our nations military and we were able to deliver on that. Worked with the president to get it done and it is happening right now. We just approved a few weeks ago the first pay raise for our men and women in uniform in years. Something they deserve. President trump signed that into law. Now what he is saying is that mexico will pay for the wall through the newly renegotiated nafta, which is dealing with mexico and canada. So if thats going to be the case, in the meantime he still has the ability to build some more wall and he said he can do it a lot cheaper than what the earlier estimates are. I dont doubt that. President trump knows how to build things. He knows how to negotiate to get what he wants. I want to see the president get what he needs to keep our country safe. His top priority and he has done a great job of that by the way. Just making a statement with this caravan he is standing up. Even used the military saying we wont let people in who want to come here and attack our Border Patrol agents. Over 600 known convicted criminals in the caravan, drug traffickers that are part of it. He is keeping the country safe. Bill paul ryan has a farewell address in 2 1 2 hours from now. Long time colleague of yours, 20 years in washington what is his legacy as he says goodbye . Paul ryans biggest legacy as speaker will be the tax cuts and jobs act. We worked very closely with the president. This was something that paul made as a signature of his time in congress from when he came to congress. He wanted to reform our nations tax code and we were able to do it and look at what its doing to get our economy back on track. He also started to finally create an ability for people to talk about reforming these broken mandatory spending programs and look at medicare alone. Medicare is right now headed for bankruptcy in the next eight years if nothing is done. Paul was at least able to start a conversation and actually had votes in the house saying were willing to save medicare from bankruptcy. Pass a plan to save it so seniors can get the promise made to them. Every democrat voted no. What theyre saying is let medicare go bankrupt and paul started the ability for people to touch the third rail of politics and say we can reform some of these broken programs and save them for future generations. Bill you consider that a success. Well, i think the fact that he was able to start that conversation was really important. On the tax cuts and jobs act that is signed into law now. First time in over 30 years that we were able to reform the tax code. President trump made it a signature achievement of his and it was something that actually working for families right now. They have more money in their paychecks here at christmas. A lot of people will buy more christmas presents because they have more money in their pockets. Pelosi wants to take that away and reverse the tax cuts. I know President Trump wont let it happen. We wont let it happen. Julie i dont think voters that could be an unpopular decision and she clearly wants to win over a popularity contest if you think about it. I just want to ask you moving forward into the new year, how might democrats learn from what is happening now. The president is willing to negotiate for border wall funding to prevent the Government Shutdown. How might it help smooth things out in washington come january . Well, first of all President Trump is going to only support something that advances his position. He has laid out a number of things he wants to do to keep america safe and build the wall. And well continue working with him on that. If there is an opportunity for nancy pelosi to work with him, President Trump has already said he will do that. If she is going to try to reverse the successes that weve made, she will try to take the tax cuts away, President Trump wont let that happen because he can veto anything that comes out of the house. The senate will have to also as a republican majority be able to block that. But well be fighting to expose the things that they are doing and if they will try to move an agenda thats kind of more in line with their socialist caucus right now. They moved so far to the left that there are socialists winning elections in democrat primaries thats a problem for nancy pelosi. But we wont let that happen and ultimately the president is not going to make sure its signed into law. Bill thank you for your time. Merry christmas, happy holiday. All that good stuff in louisiana. Bill Merry Christmas to you all, too. Julie facebook sparking new anger over another stunning privacy report. The social media giant handing out the keys to your personal information more than what was previously known. Our ateam will take that up next. Julie also in the contentious climate of caphill. A bill manages to get through the senate with bipartisan support. Why it marks a victory for the white house and president. The big win for the president is a big win for those who paid their debt to society and ready for reentry. This is about workforce development, about education, skills training and the ability to get a Second Chance im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. Smoking. It dictates your day. I didnt like something having control over me. I wanted to stop. The thing is i didnt know how. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. Tell your Healthcare Provider if youve had depression or other Mental Health problems. Decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. The most common side effect is nausea. For me chantix worked. Boom. End of story. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Bill another black eye for facebook. Another privacy scandal. Facebook offered users a privacy wall for the consumer and allowed Big Companies like amazon and netflix to go around it giving them wide open access to your personal information. Back with our ateam tim carney, mac lotter, mo elleithee here on set. Nice to see you fellows once again. Whats not for sale at facebook . They make a very interesting distinction. They promised we dont sell your information. What happened here according to the times is something different. They shared the information because they saw mutual benefit. In other words, letting amazon or yahoo use your information on facebook helped facebook grow its network, grow more users, connect more people. They didnt sell it, they gave it away. Julie right. After users actually signed up and the privacy wall goes up you would assume as a Facebook User privacy means your information is private. Whats the point in a privacy wall . I think thats right. This is a crisis of trust that is almost unparalleled right now. I think Silicon Valley is one of them facing a crisis. The notion that someone we have always traded in data. We were talking about this in the greenroom. Its not a bad thing, okay. The republic moves on. Businesses do well and doesnt intrude on most peoples lives. There is a difference between knowing which magazines i subscribe to or websites i click on versus reading my messages without my knowledge, without my approval. Thats what facebook will have a major reckoning over. They dont understand what theyre getting themselves into. Using that example. If you listened on my private phone conversation you would be violating the law. If you opened my regular mail you would be violating the law. I agree with what senator kennedy said earlier in the last hour. No one wants to regulate these Tech Companies but if you violate basic privacy, decency, i have a feeling the federal government will quickly come in and start to work through that process. Bill on that note here is senator kennedy. Right on cue last hour with us. Push now we found out yet again that facebook has sold our private messages to other companies for bucket loads of money. Now, the first time it can be a mistake. Second time its a choice. And i dont want to have to regulate facebook. But they have to stop doing this. Bill is that where its headed . Many have talked about this for a year now. The irony is facebook is better positioned than anybody else to handle the regulation. I think senator kennedy is right. Regulating facebook should be a lastditch effort. It would regulate all social media. We know what happens. The big guys hire the senator who wrote the law and work around it. You kill competition. If anything will give users the privacy they need it might be lawsuits or fcc. It will be competition. Someone setting it up to protect data. I dont Want Congress sticking their finishing ners there. Theyll do it wrong. Bill well see what happens. Everybody knows you are being tracked but not that it was sold. The arrogance of Silicon Valley. That they could do things differently than anybody else with no ramifications. Julie more people are using email than physical mail. You go through my mailbox either physical mailbox in front of my house or digital one should not be okay and should be against the law. It will start being viewed as a utility. Bill a continuing resolution to take us through february. Is this how you resolve a shutdown . It will keep the discussion going and the government open. The president has made it clear this morning on twitter he will find other ways to get the wall built and funded. The Republican Congress never learned how to do appropriations. I became a political reporter in 2000. They would pass out of subcommittees appropriationss bill and the full committee and house and senate would pass it and have a compromise. That doesnt happen anymore. The government shut downs happen because they pass continuing resolution after each other. When the democrats take over the house, will things go back to normal . This a an easy way they arent doing their job. Julie theyve got until february, right . So january democrats take over. That means that democrats in control for one month before this. What compromise is nancy pelosi going to lead on this . Look, i think democrats here is the thing, despite the president s mean tweets on this issue, both sides actually do want to see some increase in Border Security, right . The president is hanging it all on the wall. Democrats have put other Border Security measures on the table. I think you strip away all the politics and insanity of washington julie i know what word came to mind when you were saying that. I can feel it. I think this is an area where we can find congress proved yesterday it knows how to find bipartisan Common Ground on the Prison Reform issue. Border security is one but we just have to stop all this bill we know what democrats dont want to do. They dont want to give this president a victory on the wall. Thats what its all about. We dont know what wall means. Bill the money is that much. This is the point. Wall does not mean wall from san diego all the way down to brownsville, texas. The wall is going to mean something else. So i agree the democrats dont want to give trump a victory on it but i dont know enough about when his base says they want a wall, what will they be satisfied with . A wall for the arizona desert, a wall thats 10 feet high . A fence. Bill its progressing as we go. The president will find the money. It may not be all 1093 miles but he will put it where it works and makes sense. Walls work. Everywhere theyve gone up illegal immigration has been cut by 90 . Bill a midnight deadline friday night. Julie great seeing you all. A staggering new statistic. In 2018 the number of journalists killed in retaliation for their work has doubled worldwide. The most wellknown recently u. S. Resident saudi columnist jamal khashoggi. Rick leventhal is covering the story. Khashoggi is the most widely publicized journalist but just one of 53 to die across the globe. Many murdered in retaliation. Khashoggi a native of saudi arabia was living in the u. S. Working for the washington post. He had gone to the saudi consulate in the u. S. Made the top five most deadly countries for the first time this year because of that shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper in annapolis, maryland. Two other americans died in the u. S. Covering extreme weather. The most dangerous assignment is no surprise afghanistan. 13 members of the press lost their lives. Many in backtoback suicide bomber attacks. The annual cpj report found more reporters have been jailed for simply doing their job. This is a really disturbing signal that journalists have become bigger targets. Journalists are in the cross hairs and that given that the most dangerous thing is politics it is showing there is a pretty low threshold by those in power for investigative independent or critical reporting or commentary. The report found 90 of journalists deaths go unpunished. Bill a rare tornado in Washington State wrapping through a Seattle Suburb yesterday. The storm touched down around 2 00 in the afternoon near a walmart in port orchard, washington some folks who evacuated their homes are finding them flattened. Our neighbors house was demolished and there was a gas leak. So our street was evacuated. So we cant go back until that is fixed. Bill local authorities saying dozens of home suffered damage. No reports of major injuries again from Washington State. Meanwhile President Trump continues his uphill battle against the d. C. Establishment. Our next guest says the past 48 hours are living proof that the quote, deep state is alive and well. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. 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Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. In baltimore, a community sees new life rise from ruin. In southern california, a small Family Business becomes a beacon of hope. In seattle, people with disabilities create success and shatter barriers. Day in, day out, people prove that when we work as one, we have the power to create Better Futures for us all. Bill amid a whirlwind news about james comey and Michael Flynn. Loretta lynch behind closed doors. A new oped in the New York Post called more proof the deep states hypocrisy is alive and well and the author is michael goodwin. Explain. Look, the Michael Flynn case is one. You had the Trump Foundation under court order now being forced to dissolve itself. New York Attorney general crowing about how this proves there is one standard of justice for everything for everyone. I argue if there were she would be arrested for perjury on the spot. What were seeing across the standard is a double standard of justice where the trump allies, the Trump Foundation is treated far differently getting much more scrutiny than the Clinton Foundation, for example, which was in new york doing all kinds of things that never drew the attention of any regulator because they are all democrats. You look at the Michael Cohen case. How he was treated for his Campaign Financing violations and yet you have the same thing with the mayor of new york, another democrat who gets away with even more scandalous behavior on a daily basis and then, of course, you have james comey and the f. B. I. All of them the most corrupt f. B. I. In american history, peter strzok, Andrew Mccabe recommended for a perjury prosecution. We havent heard anything since april about that. And yet everyone associated with President Trump goes to jail, gets convicted of something for lying to the f. B. I. Im not defending Michael Flynn, im not defending the Trump Foundation, i would simply like to see the same standards applied to the Clinton Foundation, the comey, to strzok, to page, to mccabe that are being applied to the president and his associates. Julie we learned a lot from those transcripts from james comey during his couple days being interviewed. One that struck me interesting you mentioned peter strzok, one of the investigators asked to go in and question Michael Flynn. They didnt quite run it by the white house they just did so and his buy as against the Trump Administration. James comey says he did not appoint these investigators. It happened to be it was peter strzok. He is only one of a number of members of the f. B. I. That clearly had disdain for the president. Strzok pops up everywhere. Interviewed Hillary Clinton. Didnt take notes, didnt record it. The things that he didnt ask her that the members of congress got out of comey. They didnt ask her about bill clintons meeting with Loretta Lynch. They didnt ask her about the bleach bit. The questions that anybody would ask her were not asked by peter strzok and recall that lisa page said to him be careful, she is going to be our new boss. She said she should win the election 100 million to 0 before he interviews her. Bill from your piece quote number two. Comey, now leading the charge against flynn from the sidelines you write, admits with bravado broke the rules. And far worse gave Hillary Clinton all the breaks in the world with just a scolding and setting up secret surveillance of the Trump Campaign for reasons still unclear. Bill i will add on your piece not once not once you write did new york state officials display any curiosity about a potential wrongdoing. Whatever the clintons did was good enough for them end quote. You see that with the foundation and neither the new York State Attorney general cared about the foundation, which was raising and spending tens of millions of dollars every year. About six months of what the Clinton Foundation did in one year would cover a decade of the Trump Foundations raising and spending of money and again if the Trump Foundation misused its tax privileges for selfdealing, they should be held accountable but so should the Clinton Foundation be held for the same thing. Bill double standards are some days the only standards america has. Thank you for coming in. Julie the markets waiting in anticipation ahead of a major fed announcement today. Could we see another Interest Rate hike . And if so, how will the president react next. tand in your garage,son a brand new john deere. Thats not a mirage. With 60 months financing at 0 , say happy holidays to money well spent. If additional offers are what you desire, visit your john deere dealer before they expire. Now, start up your engines and drive out of sight. New john deere equipment for all and to all a good night. See your john deere dealer today to discover more great deals and special financing offers. New year, new deere. Julie big day. The Federal Reserve expected to once again raise Interest Rates. The dow trading higher ahead of this big announcement. David asman is host of bulls and bears on Fox Business Network and joins us now. 2 00 we expected to get the announcement of how much. What are we expecting . We dont know what were expecting. People were saying it is a slam dunk he will raise rates a quarter point. But now some people im getting words from insiders who we rely on at fox business saying we wouldnt be surprised if he didnt raise rates. Part of the jaw boning by the president but concerns about the global economy. If there was a rate hike it would not only affect things in america but worldwide because a lot of people rely on the fed rate to borrow money in their home country. And if governments and private companies included. That means costs will increase dramatically. Bill weve seen a major slowdown globally. Not so much here at home but the stock market has pulled back a lot over the last 30 days or so. A tweet from yesterday. Hope the people at the fed will read todays wall street journal editorial before they make another mistake. Dont the market become more ill liquid. Feel the market. You see what the market is doing today. It is up significantly. Partly because that idea not only is it more likely that he may leave rates the way they are than it was yesterday. He probably will raise rates. At 2 30 he gives a talk to reporters explaining why. If he says were more cautious than we were before. Were worried about the global slowdown. Were worried about what is happening in the United States and were worried about things if we raise rates things really falling apart. Now, if he doesnt raise rates at all, though, people will start saying gee, maybe the economy is worse than we thought. Those fears might become injected in the market. Bill i dont think they move on rates and i think im always wrong. You are in the minority. 70 of investors think theyll raise rates a little. If he does, he is a grinch, if he doesnt he is a wimp that cant stand up to the president. Shopping is going great. Not only is shopping going great. What i love despite all these packages that were now dealing with, millions and billions of packages around the world, ups, fedex and the u. S. Post office is doing extremely well. 98 to 99 of the packages arriving on time. They are trudging through the snow, ice, cold weather and delivering 98 to 99 of the time on time. Julie thank god for them. Ill be the guy in the middle today. Bill Loretta Lynch is behind closed doors taking a lot of questions by republicans. What will they learn . Ken starr on that and a lot more. Come on back at the top of the hour here on americas newsroom. And if id been caring for toms dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues. Thats because im trained to report any changes in behavior, no matter how small, so tom could have peace of mind. Well be right there. We have to go. Hey, tom. You should try right at home. Theyre great for us. The right care. Right at home. Ito address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. If you need cash for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Give us a call. Call now 18553761361. Bill a lot of news. Fox news alert. New progress from the shutdown showdown. Mitch mcconnell saying he will introduce a bill today funding the government through february and the white house softening its stance on a sticking point. Brandnew hour begins. Julie im Julie Banderas in for sandra smith this morning. President trump signaling he is open to a deal on the funding the government appearing to back off just a bit on his demand for 5 billion for his border wall. House majority whip Steve Scalise our headliner last hour. First of all President Trump is going to only support something that advances his position. He has laid out a number of things he wants to do to keep america safe and build the wall. And well continue working with him on that. If there is an opportunity for nancy pelosi to work with him, President Trump has already said he will do that. Julie chief White House Correspondent john roberts is live with more. First, john, we hear you have breaking news on syria. Fill us in. Good morning to you. We were talking about this all morning that the president has decided he will start pulling u. S. Forces out of syria. We do have confirmation in a statement a short time ago Sarah Huckabee sanders confirming all that saying five years ago isis was a very powerful and dangerous force in the middle east. Now the United States has defeated the territorial caliphate. The victories over isis in syria dont signal the end of the Global Coalition or its campaign against isis. We have started returning United States troops home as we transition to the next phase of this campaign. No word on what the next phase is, though. The president first started talking about this last march but dialed it back quickly after his National Security team cautioned that the fight against isis was not over and that pulling u. S. Forces out could give isis an opening to reconstitute and the issue Iranian Forces were operating in syria as well. The new posture regarding syria comes a week after President Trump spoke with the turkish president erdogan over the telephone about all of this. Erdogan has been threatening to attack u. S. Backed Kurdish Forces in the northeastern part of syria because theyre connected with militants in turkey. The National Security council hasnt bothered to answer this despite our inquiries if we pull u. S. Forces out of syria, what does that mean about Kurdish Forces . Are we leaving them to their own devices against turkey . We have left forces to fend for themselves before in afghanistan and didnt turn out well for the United States. The other issue is the National Security advisor john bolton specifically said ahead of the United Nations General Assembly back in september that u. S. Forces would not be leaving syria as long as iranianbacked forces continued to operate in syria. So a couple of open questions, julie, that we dont have the answers to. Weve reached out to official efs to try to get those answers. Julie whats the latest word moving on now on this possible Government Shutdown of the white house possibly coming up with a negotiation here to prevent that from happening . Mitch mcconnell will introduce a proposal continuing resolution to fund the government through february 8th. It appears as though the white house is likely going to have to eat that, as much as the president has said in the past he didnt want a continuing resolution. He wanted 5 billion for the wall. The president has backed off on the demands for 5 billion for the wall. It seems as though he will take as much as he can get out of congress. The latest proposal was for 1. 6 billion with another 1 billion thrown in for Border Security that wasnt specifically allocated. The president continuing to say he wants to build what he always refers to as the wall saying in our country so much money has been thrown down the drain. The democrats fight to the death for the military and immigration. One way or the other we will win on the wall. As i said the president wanted 5 billion but he wont get anywhere near that from congress. So the president is looking for other ways that he can plus up the money. One of the prime targets is the military construction budget. The president making the argument this morning on twitter that Border Security is a National Security issue. Also saying that mexico will ultimately foot the bill. The president tweeted mexico is paying indirectly for the wall through the replacement for nafta. More money coming to the u. S. The National Security part. Because of the tremendous dangers at the border including large scale criminal and drug inflow, the United States military will build the wall. Kellyanne conway saying the president has a duty to control the border. Listen here. When the president says he is not going to back down from Border Security and he will find the money one way or the other its because he has a solemn obligation to all of us including people who didnt vote for him to make sure were protected in our communities. This is about Border Security. Sovereign nation. At least if the white house is not dig in its heels this morning about this it looks like the white house is going to have to agree to sign a continuing resolution if it passes through the senate. It would keep the government funded through february 8 but not give the president what he is looking for. Julie john roberts, thank you. Bill a lot to cover there. Five minutes past. Loretta lynch is behind closed doors right now with house lawmakers taking questions. The former a. G. Facing a lot of questions about the Justice Departments handling of the clinton email matter, the trump russia investigation. Her testimony follows former f. B. I. Director james comeys with members of the same committee. Ken starr former independent counsel and the author of a book that came out in september, Still Available today. Good morning to you. Thanks for being here. Lets divide this into chunks a little bit. James comey has been there twice over a period of 10 or 11 days. What do you think based on transcripts and his comments publicly do you think we learn from that . We learned that jim comey can do no wrong and that everything that he ordered was exactly right including the handling of that first telltale interview with mike flynn. So i found it disturbing. Government should turn square corners. Judge sullivan found it disturbing that there was essentially not an ambush but a taking advantage of with the directions of andy mccabe, the then Deputy Director of the f. B. I. And so forth. So humility bill in the Michael Flynn matter . I dont want to cross lines just yet. Continue. It was the red line i just crossed . A lot of water here. Keep going. What we learned from the comey testimony is the f. B. I. Does everything right all the time. It cannot be right. We have to have greater accountability and i just dont think that what weve learned from the transcripts is the former director comey has any sense that there was an air gaition of power on his part with respect to the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the way he conducted himself shows a lack of humility. Bill he was asked any of it was his fault. He said no, blame republicans, blame politicians who are retiring, blame fox news, on and on it went. Andy biggs is on that committee and is responsible for some of the questions now and he was with us earlier today. He characterized how comey took charge of the clinton matter and what it he basically threw Loretta Lynch out of the Decision Making process. He called them the morning of the News Conference. Thats when he let them know he was going to go forward with the News Conference announcing the exoneration of Hillary Clinton. Thats not a coincidence. Bill last part of that its not a coincidence. But that together. Its not a coincidence he decided in light of all that had happened with Loretta Lynch conduct and so forth that he had to take charge. It was an Alexander Haig moment that im in charge here and ill announce the ultimate disposition of a very important matter to the American People and the rule of law. So again it was taking of power on his part. Bill what do you think they learn from Loretta Lynch . Shell probably stay with the story weve heard thus far. This was really talking about taking advantage, this is bill clinton taking advantage of Loretta Lynch. It was almost in an ambush. The former president should never have done that. I was proud to see when the reports came out one of the senior staffers tried to break it up. That person knew this is utterly inappropriate. Now, they say we were talking about grandchildren and everything under the sun. The appearance of that since it was an unplanned, unscheduled meeting for bill clinton to thrust himself on the attorney general and put her in a very awkward position. So im very i was chief of staff to the attorney general to the reagan administration. Im sympathetic to her position. If she stays with her story, the appearance is horrible. Bill you mention the sullivan matter as it relates to general flynn. What happened inside that courtroom yesterday . Bill, what we saw is our separation of powers at work. Instead of accepting the very thoughtful recommendation, which makes a lot of sense to me as a former prosecutor independent counsel, namely no jail time. He was offended. Judge sullivan, a very honest and upright man was offended. First at the f. B. I. And their conduct as we said before and the way that they approached general flynn in that fateful interview in january of 2017 but then he turned his ire. To the general himself. He seemed to be really offended by the representation of turkey and to use the term treason, which he walked back from, just shows the depth of his moral indignation. Happily for general flynn the judge didnt bring down the hammer. He threatened to bring down the hammer and get now a threemonth reprieve which tells us that the bob Mueller Investigation wont end for the next three months. Thank you, bill. Good to see you. Bill thank you. Julie facebook responding to a New York Times front page story that it gave tech Companies Like spotify and netflix access to users private messages. We have more from our denver bureau. Hi. The New York Times obtained hundreds of pages of facebook documents finding partnerships with some 150 Companies Just one example. According to the times the social media giant permitted amazon to obtain users names and Contact Information through their friends and additionally netflix and spotify also had specially negotiated deals that allowed access to user data other companies didnt have. As part of a statement facebook stats weve taken a number of steps to limit Developers Access to peoples facebook information. As part of that effort were in the midst of reviewing all our apps, apis, Application Program interface and the partners who can access them. Facebook rarely audited partnerships and relationships often cleared by zuckerberg. Congress is going to have to regulate them and stop this and i hate to do it but by god i will if they cant clean up their act. On the heels of a series of data and privacy scandal zuckerberg tried to insure congress that users have control. Most partnerships ended in 2017 but some were still in place as late as this past summer. Bill in a moment when did president obama know about the investigation into Hillary Clintons server. Newly released testimony might be shedding new light on the answer to that question. Julie the stalemate on Border Security on the hill. Whats the next move for congress . Karl rove will weigh in next. The president has not given up yet and i do think the issue of whether the democrats their one disastrous crime away from looking really bad. There are problems with people coming to the u. S. Illegally. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. The psoriasis. Tina i had to find something that worked on all of this. I found cosentyx. Now, watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of Psoriatic Arthritis. It even helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms. If your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if youve had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. I got real relief. I got clearer skin and feel better. Now, watch me. Get real relief with cosentyx. Bill 17 past. Moving along the white house signaling the president will compromise on the border wall to avoid a partial Government Shutdown. Mitch mcconnell will introduce a spending bill to punch this baby into february of next year. Karl rove, Merry Christmas, nice to see you in austin. You have a white board to explain where we are on the border wall. Well, look, im not certain anybody can explain this. Lets put it in context. The fiscal year 2019 federal budget is 4 trillion 470 billion. This fight were going through that is talking about shutting down a big chunk of the government is President Trump wants 0. 005 for the border wall. The democrats have offered 0. 0016 trillions or 1. 6 billion for Border Security. So we got the difference between 5 billion and 1. 6 billion. 3. 4 billion out of a 4. 4 trillion dollar budget. Were talking about shutting down 25 of the government. We have Chuck Schumer saying well never be for the border wall. Yet he was one of the 80 members of the u. S. Senate who voted for the secure fence act of 2005 which authorized the construction of 700 miles of border wall and there were 19 people who voted against it in the senate. It passed the house 283 to 138. Schumer voted for it. Feinstein voted for it. Lots of democrats voted for it. Now we cant find an agreement on it and we only have 600 some odd miles of border wall. We havent gotten the 700 he voted to authorize. Bill it aint about the money. This is politics and it is sad for our country weve come to a point where we have these kind of fights and we have 25 of the federal government threatened to shut down because nobody can find a common sense agreement to say okay, you can have not 5 billion but 4 billion and spend 500 million on something other than the wall. No, we cant do that. Bill what do you think about negotiating on behalf of the white house and Sarah Sanders suggested yesterday on our program they could get the money from the military and still get the job done . Look, they cant, but they can get the money because you pass an appropriations bill. There is an appropriations bill that covers the department of Homeland Security. If you have unspent monies inside that budget you can under certain circumstances repurpose that money for other things. You cant take money from the military budget and move it by yourself over to the department of Homeland Security but inside the Homeland Security budget there may be money and probably are some unspent monies in some accounts that can be moved to help fund the border wall. So maybe thats a facesaving gesture. Give him most of the 5 billion and he cobles together some more. Bill i think its the last time ill speak to you on television before the new year. Two weeks from tomorrow nancy pelosi in all likelihood will be the next speaker of the house. How are democrats going to manage their newfound power . Dan kildee says i want us to focus on the economy and jobs for the American People. He is a democrat from flint, michigan. What do they do, what does she do . What does it look like, karl the democrats in the house are badly split. You have a lot of new members who are members of the democratic socialist far left wing, the bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren wings and they have plans for free college, green deal for new deal for green policies, all kinds of spending and tax increases. You have traditional liberals like kildee and a bunch of centrist or blue dog democrats who want to do something about controlling the deficit and spending and then you have a bunch of people spread throughout all three of those groups who dont want to do nothing more than get donald trump. Bill a lot of them want to do that. 15 seconds how does she corral that . She has to exercise a lot of strong leadership. The thing that will grab the Evening Headlines will be the investigations of donald trump and you can count on jerry nadler and cummings and others leading the charge. That will dominate in my opinion the First Quarter of the year whether she likes it or not on Public Perception of the democrats not doing things the people want. Bill karl rove. Thank you. Julie all right. I like the white board today. New reaction to the administrations plan to withdrawal u. S. Forces if syria after President Trump tweets isis has been defeated there. No cover up spray here. Its the irresistibly fresh scent of febreze air effects. Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors, burying the smell in a flowery fog. Switch to febreze air effects febreze eliminates even the toughest odors from the air. And it uses an allnatural propellant to leave behind a pleasant scent youll love. Use anywhere odors can spread. Freshen up, dont cover up. Febreze air effects. Bill new revelation about the late former george h. W. Bush as we learn he secretly sponsored a filipino child by the name of timothy for 10 years. They were pen pals. He wrote letters. Giving a few hints along the way who he really was. It wasnt until little timothy aged out of the program that he finally learned of his famous pen pals identity. Thats a paul harvey story right there. Cool stuff. Julie he actually did write people back that wrote him in the white house and recently wrote a letter back that he had forgotten or not written back years later wrote back to somebody who wrote him. What a wonderful man. New developments for you. President trump tweeting this morning he plans on withdrawing u. S. Forces from syria. Thats more than 2,000 u. S. Troops total. Now the president also suggesting their presence is no longer needed there. Lucas tomlinson is live from the pentagon. President trump also tweeted that isis has been defeated but u. S. Officials here say there are more than 2,000 isis fighters remaining in Eastern Syria and hundreds of american air strikes against the terrorist group just last week. The president warned at spring rallies this day was coming. By the way, were knocking the hell out of isis and were coming out of syria soon. Let the other people take care of it now. Very soon, very soon were coming out. Defense secretary mattis and john bolton convinced the president to keep american troops on the ground not only to continue the isis fight but to keep an eye on Iranian Forces in syria. Three months ago bolton said we arent going the leave as long as iranian troops are outside iranian borders including proxies and militias. Last week President Trumps envoy said american troops would not be leaving syria any time soon. I think its fair to say americans will remain on the ground until we have the pieces in place to insure the defeat is enduring. Enduring defeat of a group like this means you cant defeat their physical space and then leaves. Bill critics point to the pullout of all american troops in morocco is waving the way for isis. The 5,000 american troops in iraq will remain. U. S. Forces havent pulled out of syria yet but those days are coming soon is what im told. Bill former a. G. Loretta lynch is behind closed doors on the hill taking questions on the clinton email matter, the trump russia investigation. Bret baier joins us in a moment on what lawmakers might be able to learn today next. Were just asking questions. Were trying to get a transcript of what really happened so that folks are treated equally under the law. I think folks looking at this objectively and fairly see that. When my mother first began to forget things, we didnt really know what that meant or where to turn for more information. Looking back i wish wed asked for help sooner. Thats why i recommend a place for mom. Its a free service that pairs you with a local Senior Living advisor who understands memory care and can help you find the right place for your mom or dad. Our advisors have helped thousands of families and can help answer key questions like we all want whats best for our parents, so get advice from someone whos done it before. Call today and talk to an advisor who knows memory care. Youll be glad you did. Bill 11 31 now. The former a. G. Loretta lynch testifying behind closed doors on capitol hill. The Justice Departments handling of the clinton email matter. The trump russia investigation. Bret baier joins us now what we could learn from todays meeting. Merry christmas, off we go here. I dont comey has been there twice in the last 10 or 11 days. I cant recall the last time she was there for a meeting such as this. A couple of years ago now. It has been a year plus. And its rare. And obviously she hasnt answered a lot of questions about all of this. Its closed door. We wont get a lot of insight. Perhaps the transcript comes out tomorrow as it did with jim comey. But these questions are central to where republicans see this double standard of how things are handled at the beginning of the trump probe and how things are handled with the clinton investigation. Bill did you see ken starr 30 minutes ago on our program here. He is wellknown for going after bill clinton as a special prosecutor in the 90s. What he says is that bill clinton is to blame for putting pressure on Loretta Lynch for getting on board that airplane. I forget the exact phrase he used. He was pointing the finger at him. Youve had comey come out and basically say none of this was my fault. Its not the problem of the f. B. I. Its the fault of republicans in congress, republicans who are retiring, fox news. He was pointing a finger of blame at everybody this past week. He was. And he has been very vocal. He has come out and said that the country should rally around and prevent this president from being reelected. This is the guy who was supposed to be calling balls and strikes at the f. B. I. It was fascinating about the tarmac meeting and how it influenced not only comeys decision to come forward on the clinton email situation, but also influenced a lot of other things and that i think is going to be some of the questioning today as well. Bill andy biggs was with us two hours ago and how he characterized it then. Late june of 2016 she is meeting on the tarmac in phoenix. Why would you meet on the tarmac with the president former president who is married to an investigative target and within a week mr. Comey is announcing without her participation that he is going to exonerate Hillary Clinton. It all points to kind of a double standard here. Bill thats his position. Listen, she has denied that the conversation went anyplace else other than grandchildren and what they were doing. There is a lot of questions about the timing and at least the image of it and it affected jim comey and affected really the race Going Forward and the investigations to come. Bill ken starr used the word ambush with the meeting on board the plane. This is one of the last times House Republicans will have an opportunity to get these answers. Do you think after the close of Business Today they are going to be theyre ready for a report and satisfied with the answers . My guess is no. My guess is that there is too much chicken on that bone, bret . I think youre right, bill. A lot of this has been not fulfilling. Not a lot of answers have come out of it. There will be a summary report i think of these committees. But how much it gets talked about and covered in the wake of Everything Else well see. I dont think theyre getting a smoking gun if thats your question but i think they will be able to dig in a little bit on the questions that they wanted to ask. Bill another topic here quickly for you about an hour 25 minutes from now paul written gives a farewell address. First came to congress as a young man, 28, 29 years old 20 years ago. Whats his legacy today . What is his message as he departs congress now . I think its mixed. He has had a tremendously successful career as a congressman on the Budget Committee and then he became this, you know, v. P. Nominee who was fighting with the president ial candidate mitt romney against budget deficits and death and then as House Speaker has overseen a lot of increase actually in the deficit. Not all his fault obviously. But the current environment is not one that he matches up with from his past experience as a v. P. Nominee. He is probably one of the smartest guys when it comes to money and the ability of articulating government and the concern ahead. Eventually the country will have to turn the Aircraft Carrier of state to get our finances in order before we hit a brick wall. Paul ryan was that guy. He is not leaving as that guy. Bill well see you later tonight at 6 00. Never miss it. Well be watching tonight and see what paul ryan has to say at 1 00 and well carry it live then, too. Merry christmas. Julie 35 years ago today 241 u. S. Service members killed by truck bombs at the marine compound in beirut, lebanon. Iran was linked to the suicide attacks but the victims and their families who were awarded 3 billion in damages are being denied access to those funds. Gillian turner is live with the latest on this one. Good morning, this is one of the more surreal stories out there now. A case that pits fallen American Service members against the government of iran and also before the Supreme Court. Now the families of those 220 marines killed in 1983 took the iranian government to court where they proved iran was behind the terrorist attackened were also granted 2. 65 billion to this day iran refuses to honor that settlement and pay the families. There should be consequences for their actions. So were pursuing that through the court system. 241 men were killed including my brother, captain Vincent Smith and we feel that iran needs to pay for that crime. The former National Security advisor to president obama says this attack remains a blight on the marine corps soul. 241 people lost their lives. 220 marines. Now this case is before the Supreme Court. Julie there is also now an opportunity i understand for the Trump Administration to weigh in on this case, correct . The Supreme Court is slated to take up the case but asked the Trump Administration to weigh in on it. First the families say this is a nobrainer. The Supreme Court has asked the Trump Administration for their opinion about this case. And it is really quite an easy thing. They will either side with the marine corps families or side with the government of iran. Senior military policymakers say it presents the Trump Administration with unique opportunity to do the right thing and act in americas National Security interests. It was iran backed and iran continues today to be the biggest purveyor of terrorism in the world. They also say if there is any hope of curbing Irans Nuclear program this is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate u. S. Strength and solidarity, julie. Julie thank you so much. Bill great britains Opposition Leader facing criticism for something he would not say out loud during a raucous meeting of parliament. Theresa may fielded one questions. After one answer corbett mouthed the words stupid woman. Ive got an advice for the gentleman. Look behind you. Julie that would say it. Bill some members are calling him to apologize and he doesnt see any reason for an apology. They have to figure out the brexit deal. I was watching on sky news the other day and bbc in london. This thing is massively complicated. Im not quite sure what they do. Theresa may survived the vote a week half ago and she is in the drivers seat for the moment. Julie interesting they dont remember cameras are in the room. When you are calling a woman stupid do it behind her back or not with the camera or never call a woman stupid. I love to dole out advice. Former attorney general Loretta Lynch in the hot seat now as we speak as we learn more from the james comey transcripts. What they reveal about the handling of the clinton and trump investigations. Former d. O. J. Official john yoo on that next. Bill giant waves hitting the california coast. National Weather Service in San Francisco saying the waves this week could sweep people off the pier and into the water. Dont want that. It warned of certain death if people went into the ocean. Some surfers not heeding the warnings. They like to ride the tide in the pacific. Julie are you a surfer . Bill no. Julie ive never tried it. Bill mixed success. Julie youve gone out there and tried. Ive never tried it. Im scared of getting caught by a wave. I like to stay above water. Stay above ground or water not below. House republicans releasing transcript from james comeys five hour closed door session on monday. He faced quite a grilling on the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the f. B. I. s disparity and treatment between the clinton case and russia investigation. We spent a lot of time probing former director comey about why all of the departures from f. B. I. Protocols with very few exceptions seemed to work in favor of Hillary Clinton and the folks associated with her and to the detriment of donald trump and the folks associated with him. Julie john yoo is a former Deputy Assistant u. S. Attorney general. Thank you for talking to us. Good portion of mondays fivehour grilling included congressman trey gowdy of South Carolina trying to connect the dots between the former president obama, his knowledge of any possible National Security breach by Hillary Clinton as then secretary of state and here is the key. Whether the f. B. I. Department kept the former president abreast of what was going on. What is your take and the president s knowledge . An interesting part of the transcript of the comey hearings that hasnt been covered that much by the media. Congressman gowdy really got into the nittygritty of why did president obama go on national tv and declare that Hillary Clinton had not violated National Security laws by keeping classified information on an easilyhacked server before any briefings by the f. B. I. Why did comey authorize the interview of Michael Flynn and try to encourage no lawyers and try to make it sound when it wasnt even an interview and at the same time when the f. B. I. Interviewed Hillary Clinton they allowed potential witnesses to that breaking of possible breaking of law to serve as her lawyers and to give her quite favorable treatment compared to Michael Flynn. Julie i want to talk more about the 60 minutes interview in 2015 and with regard to the former president s knowledge of the investigation gowdy asked comey about that interview in which obama said that former secretary of state Hillary Clinton this is a quote, merely made a mistake and didnt mean any harm in the leak of her emails. Gowdy asked comey did you address it with him personally and he said he didnt. Yes, president obama went on the air. The president and chief Law Enforcement officer for a nation and declared Hillary Clinton essentially innocent before investigations had been completed. Second then where did president obama get that information from . Congressman gowdy and some of his other colleagues were loretta link and other Department Officials getting word to president obama and third congressman gowdy reminded anyone who was reading the transcript that president obama had been sending emails back and forth with Hillary Clinton on their private email accounts which would suggest he knew already that there had been some kind of open, unclassified server available to Hillary Clinton that might have had classified information on it. Julie you know, part of the grilling was also about the Michael Flynn interview and the fact that he lied to the f. B. I. I spoke with congressman andy biggs in our first hour about comey breaking protocol for that interview and listen to what he had to say. Here you have a guy who has admitted he lied and admits he sent people in violating f. B. I. Protocols to interview mr. Flynn. He didnt call the white House Counsel and admits the violations and fisa warrants being issued and you know what . Were trying to adhere to the rule of law and he is pushing back on that. Julie pushing back. Why is he pushing back on not following protocol when he admits he broke protocol without clearing the flynn interview with the white House Counsel . The transcripts show the flynn interview and the way the f. B. I. Went about it encouraging him not to have lawyers present and mr. Comey said getting away with evading the normal protocols for the f. B. I. Sending people to interview the white house that was the end of a train of a long series of decisions on what gowdy was trying to get at. When did you decide to conduct an investigation of the president ial campaign. We should have learned from the nixon and watergate controversy. Julie great to see you. Thank you very much. Bill outnumbered is up next. Melissa and harris have a preview. Good morning, bill. Former attorney general Loretta Lynch is being interviewed by lawmakers in her role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation and certainly about her infamous tarmac meeting with bill clinton in the midst of that probe. We dont know if shell answer or what well learn but well report what we do. Things getting worse for facebook. The New York Times now reporting the social network supplied personal information to millions of users to microsoft and amazon saying they didnt break any rules intentionally. Lots of folks beg to differ on this one. Well debate. Remember the Text Messages and talked about the information they could share . They did. All that plus our guy in the middle outnumbered top of the hour. Back to the man of the hour, bill. Bill everything is for sale apparently, right . Julie thats scary. Thats a true statement. Bill new way to beat the traffic in l. A. How about a supersede tunnel . Why the future of commuting might have just arrived. Check it out. chime [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Bill if elon musk has his way it will move cars at 100 Miles Per Hour below the earth. Jeff is watching this. It was an idea that all started over a tweet from elon musk where he complained about traffic in l. A. Thats starting to become a reality. The tunnel loop behind us a little more than a mile long. It ends right there at the construction site where musk himself surfaced yesterday after taking one of the inaugural rides. Excited what it could mean for the future of travel. The system is designed to do over 150 miles an hour through the tunnel. Wouldnt it be incredible if you could travel around l. A. , new york, d. C. , chicago, paris, london, anywhere at 150 miles an hour . Phenomenal. Traffic is soul destroying. This is the publics first chance to see how the tunnel will function to a degree. A car is lowered from the surface using a platform like an elevator using special protruding wheels to keep in vehicle in line it drives through the tunnel. The car traveled only 40 miles an hour. Musk says once everything is in line 150 miles an hour should be the standard speed and they used a tesla model x. Some are wondering if this is only meant for cars his company produces it is not intended to be restricted to a test la. I used one for convenience sake. But the this is not intended to be a Walled Garden or just for teslas. Any Autonomous Car can be outfitted with the guide wheels. He admits the project is rough around the edges. Several people who took the ride in the tunnel saying it was bumpy and felt like a wooden rollercoaster. Musk says it will be as smooth as glass. This particular tunnel cost 10 million, took 18 months to build. Currently has projects over in chicago and washington that are similar. Bill you first. Thanks, jeff. Live in california. Julie i dont know. It looks cool but scary. A busy day on capitol hill. Loretta lynch facing questions on the hill as Congress Races to avert a Government Shutdown. How will this week shape the agenda for 2019 . Are you a veteran, own a home, and need money for your family . Newday usa can help. We earned a lot of va benefits with our service. But the va home loan benefit is a big one. By refinancing up to 100 percent of your homes value, you could take out 54,000 dollars or more. You could use that money to pay Credit Card Debt and other expenses, plan for retirement, and get back on your feet financially. Call newday usa right now. Call 18555104063. Bill how was that for you . Julie it was all right. The bill does all right, are you kidding . Julie it was awesome. Can we do it again tomorrow . All three hours . Bill only if you insist. Julie and you will go on a little vacation . A little vacay . Bill ill go and try to surf. Julie outnumbered starts right now. Bill byebye. Melissa fox news alert, former Obama Administration attorney general loretta lynn testifying behind closed doors in capitol hill, appearing before a joint house panel who is investigating the dojs handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe and trump russian investigation. This is outnumbered, i melissm melissa francis. Harris faulkner, katie pavlich, host of candy on the Fox Business Network, kennedy herself. Joining us on the couch, my favorite guy. David as men. Hosts of bulls and bears on the Fox Business Network, weeknights at 5 00 p. M. Eastern. Thanks for inviting me

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