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Down on his threat to close the entire southern border if the u. S. And mexico cant strike a deal on how to handle asylum claims. Bill he said mexico should move the flag waving migrants back to their country, by plane, bus but they arent coming into the usa. Well close the border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the wall. Sandra jeff paul has the latest from the u. S. Side of the san ysidro crossing this morning. Jeff, good morning. Good morning. Tense moments along the border at the san ysidro port of entry. It is now back to normal seemingly. At one point it got so bad that u. S. Customs and Border Protection were forced to close down all traffic moflg in and out of the u. S. During the demonstration federal authorities had tear gas as migrants tried to breach the border at several spots saying several personnel were hit by rocks. They planned to move by the Sports Complex to the port of entry. Several of those migrants rushed the border, were detained. Others did their best to run to safety. When we went to that side is when they started throwing tear gas at us. Many children who fainted. Many Young Children fainted. My daughter also got gassed, pregnant women and many men who also fainted. Homeland security secretary Kristjen Nielsen said anyone violating those laws along the border will be processed to the fullest extent of the law. Sandra how is the other side of the border responding to all this . The mayor of tijuana tweeted he will not let the Migrant Caravan disrupt the biNational Relationship that they have with the u. S. And Mexican Government says it will deport 500 migrants they say tried to cross the border. Several arrests were also made on both sides. Were also not getting any word yet if another march or demonstration is planned in the future. We should also mention that we saw several resources out here from the u. S. Side not just personnel on the ground but choppers in the air viewing what was happening. Sandra jeff paul, thank you. Bill all this giving fuel to the arguments about protecting the border. I want to bring in byron york, from the washington examiner. I hope you had a lot of turkey over the weekend. Nielsen says this. Dhs will not tolerate this type of lawlessness and not hesitate to shut down ports of entry and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone who destroys federal property and endangers our front line operators or violates our nations sovereignty. What are we missing . Some members of the administration are feeling vindicated now. Weve been told this caravan was far, far away from the United States. It might never enter the United States. It was mostly families with children who would not try to force their way into the United States. I think the events in tijuana at the san ysidro crossing basically are a confirmation that at least there are certain parts of this group who very much want a confrontation and try to enter the United States any way they can. I would look for more republicans to express or perhaps strengthen their already strong support for the president on the issue of Border Security. Bill the last part goes to the politics of it then, huh . You believe republicans will get further behind the president s policies . The polls show large numbers of voters support Border Security. They may be divided when you bring up the issue of an actual wall but they support Border Security. Yesterday, for example, senator joni ernst, the republican from iowa, appeared on television and said of course she would like the border to remain open but National Security comes first. So i think unless there is some sort of dramatic change in the story youll see Even Stronger republican support for the president on this. Bill lets talk about mexicos position. Here is what the mayor of tijuana said. The people of tijuana will not pay for the migrants. I wont send tijuana into debt. Were dealing with a humanitarian crisis and the federal government must step up to its responsibility. Thats reflecting on the current governorship in mexico. You have an incoming government that is brandnew very soon. How does this relationship work at that point, byron . Thats going to be key. You know, we had reports in the last few days that the incoming Mexican Administration had basically agreed to an arraignment where migrants could apply for asylum into the United States when they were physically in mexico. They would not cross into the United States but apply for asylum while they were in mexico. That would be a huge change. That was reported to be sort of a done deal. Then later there were reports it is not exactly a done deal. But how mexico deals with this crisis and by the way many of these migrants are not mexicans, they are Central Americans, guatemala and hondurans who have come through mexico. How mexico deals with that will be critical. Bill you wonder how many more caravans are behind them . Two or three or more than that. We dont know, do we . Administration officials would tell you how this one is dealt with will have a huge effect on the whether there are future caravans. Because there has always been an argument over an incentive effect. If you allow people to come to the United States illegally, then you allow them to go into the United States while they are supposedly waiting for some sort of ajudd indication on their asylum claim and you encourage more people to come. How this is handled will have a big effect on how many more are on the way. Bill good to see you, birmingham, today. Sandra the president will be back on the campaign trail heading to mississippi ahead of the Senate Election tomorrow between signedy hydesmith and democrat mike espy. The president said this. Mississippi, vote for cindy hydesmith on tuesday. Respected by all. We need her in washington thanks. Jonathan serrie is live from jackson, mississippi with the latest there. Jonathan, set it up for us. What will the president be doing out there . Good morning, sandra. President trump is planning rallies with senator cindy hydesmith in tupelo and biloxi later today. He campaigned with her back in october you may recall six months ago. She was appointed to fill the seat of senator thaad cochrane. She led an election in november she wasnt able to win a majority forcing the race into tomorrows runoff. As we know, one vote matters. Thats why this race is so important and so important that we send a conservative in cindy hydesmith to washington to support President Trump in case he does have another opportunity to confirm a conservative to the Supreme Court. The outcome of tomorrows runoff wont affect republican control of the senate but by how much they control the senate. The fact that the president is visiting mississippi later today shows how seriously the gop is taking this, sandra. Sandra jonathan, President Trump won mississippi by more than 18 back in 2016. How is it that this senate race has gotten to competitive . Its pretty amazing. During the campaign trail hydesmith made several gaffes and joked about attending a hanging and making it more difficult for liberals to vote. She said she meant these in jest. Given mississippis history, many people were offended. Take a listen. Senator hydesmith has been our senator for 30 seconds and she continues to embarrass us, say these things that draw the wrong kind of national attention. And i think its created an opportunity for mike espy. Democrat mike espy is making a final push to get out the vote. He plans to meet and greet voters this morning at a union hall and tonight spends to speak at a gospel event. He has political baggage of his own including having to step down as ag secretary. He was acquitted but faces new criticism for sepg a lucrative lobbying deal from ivory coast whose president faces International War crimes charges. His opponent is trying to portray him as a big spending washington liberal. Bill elections still going on. Sandra here we are. Bill i thought we were past that. A lot of the polling said she has a 10point lead. Sandra a lot at stake there. Biloxi there at the coast coliseum at 8 00 Prime Minister. Bill if she gets a victory youre at 53 in the senate for two years. Another big story today. The u. N. Security Council Holds an emergency session two hours from now. Russia fired on a u. S. Ally on sunday. Is that an act of war . How should the u. S. Respond . Well look into that. Sandra democrats want to find out if Matthew Whitaker plans to interfere with the Mueller Probe. Former attorney general Michael Mukasey will join us and well get his take on that plus this. People act differently when there arent cameras in the room. Trust me when i say that. Theyre very constructive interviews when there is no camera. Do not ask us to limit 17 months worth of Decision Making to five minutes of questions. Bill trey gowdy wants to get Loretta Lynch and james comey back on the hill one more time. Mike johnson from the House Judiciary Committee will respond to all of that coming up next live right here. We have a constitutional responsibility for oversight of our Justice System and we have to make sure that our top Law Enforcement agencies are not acting with political bias or that they have some sort of political agenda. Its critical to our associations. K pads, i bet you think bigger is better. Actually, its bulkier. Always discreet doesnt need all that bulk to protect. Because its made differently. The super absorbent core quickly turns liquid to gel, for drier protection thats a lot less bulky. Looks like good things really do come in small packages. Always discreet. For bladder leaks. Janice, mom told me you bought a house. Okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. You just answer some simple questions online, and you get Coverage Options to choose from. Youre ruining my workout. Cycling is my passion. Sandra fox news alert. The European Union striking a brexit deal with the u. K. Over the weekend. A critical breakthrough after months of highstakes negotiations. British Prime Minister theresa may must convince parliament to approve the deal. A vote likely to happen in middecember. It could be close. Some lawmakers already calling it a bad deal. Next hour one of the fathers of the original Brexit Movement nigel farage will join us with his take. Leaks are counterproductive whether jim comey is doing it, or the f. B. I. Or congress. The remedy for leaks is not to have a public hearing where you are supposed to ask about 17 months worth of work in five minutes. I think the remedy is to videotape the deposition and the transcribed interview. Bill trey gowdy offering a solution for getting answers out of james comey. He refused a subpoena to sit down for a closed door interview with House Republicans. Louisiana republican mike johnson on the House Judiciary Committee. How are you and welcome back live from shreveport, louisiana. What gives on this . What do you think happens . Well, i dont know whether well do it in open or closed sessions but we need our questions answered. We have been at this for a long time. Weve had joint investigations for many months and we have as many questions now as we have answers. So i understand what trey is saying, what gowdy said. Maybe the videotape is a good solution. Weve done a lot of videotape depositions in our time. The concern here is if portions of the tape are presented later, excerpts are used critics will say the video was edited somehow. It is almost a nowin situation. The point is we have to have comey under oath. I like the closeddoor session myself. Witnesses are more candid and we have a lot of important and Sensitive Information to seek. Bill if you do closed door session and no videotapes the leaks can go anywhere. If you do the videotape. Release it to the public we can watch it together. Whats wrong with that . Well, thats probably what well wind up doing. Either way as long as we get the questions answered thats what the Committee Members are concerned about. If we release the entire tape to the public i suppose people will claim that its edited. They will have to judge for themselves. The point is we have an oversight responsibility here. We have a constitutional responsibility as the congress on these committees of jurisdiction to make sure that our top Law Enforcement agencies were not acting with a bias. With all the evidence weve been given and the investigation weve done we have real concern about that and i think the buck stopped at former director comeys desk and attorney general lynchs desk and why we have to bring them in. This isnt about politics at all. It is about maintaining the integrity of our system of justice and i think the American People are concerned about that. Bill let me break it down. Take james comey first. What is the critical question that must be answered with him . Well look, we know from the evidence thats been gathered and presented and reviewed thus far that director comey, when he was in charge of this, exonerated mrs. Clinton, for example in the clinton email scandal investigation. He exonerated her before the f. B. I. Investigation was complete and even before key witnesses including mrs. Clinton herself were spoken to. Thats a real problem. We also know that the agent in charge of both the clinton investigation and the Trump Campaign investigation, which is peter strzok as we know by now, had a clear bias in favor of mrs. Clinton and against then candidate trump. These are real problems. We think it taints the overall investigations on both accounts and weve got a lot of questions yesterday to be answered about both of those things. At the end of the day comey has the answers. Bill i want to ask you what the specific is for Loretta Lynch. Based on that answer it seems like the questions fold one into the other. Is that a fair reading of it . Theyre all connected. They really are. At the end of the day this is about the American Peoples faith in our institutions. It is about the peoples faith in our system of justice and at the end of the day what keeps us up at night and what our responsibility is as a congress to make sure that this system of justice is being implemented with integrity. Thats an important thing that we have to get down to the bottom to. Everyone will draw their own conclusions. The American People deserve the facts and thats what were after. Bill republicans are lame ducks in the house. How much does that concern you getting the answers now or never . Well, we do have, i think, the clock ticking towards tend of the year. I commend goodlatte for asking for these hearings. We deserve the answers. I dont think it will take long to get the answers but we need to get both people under oath and its important for us to get it done. Bill thank you, sir. The republican from louisiana. Sandra thanks, bill. Sandra a new tellall book from two top trump insiders claiming some of the president s worst enemies are actually inside the white house. The attacks that this president has faced since the day that he won the election in november of 2016 have been unprecedented. The big part of what we outline in the book is how the Intelligence Community went after the president through the fisa application process. Sandra do they have a point . Well take all this up. Bill also Police Responding to a car stuck on train tracks. Wait until you hear the excuse the driver gave the officers who arrived on scene for this coming up. [narrator] the typical vacuum head has its limitations, so shark invented duo clean. 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Officers say the driver told them she had driven on the tracks because they gps told her to go that way and she was 100 sober with no medical conditions. The car was towed from the scene and she was cited for careless driving. It happens. Google told me to go that way. Sandra technology is not perfect. Bill i dont know if you need to post it online. Sandra not a good idea. Maybe common sense should kick in. Gps, especially in the city they can loop you you around. Bill sometimes its wrong, smitty, right . Sandra im glad everybody is all right. The United States security counsel will hold an emergency meeting today after the Ukraine Military says russia seized three of its warships near crimea. Trey has more. The u. N. Security council will hold the emergency meeting in just under two hours to discuss the latest escalation near the ocean that left three ukrainian vessels captured by Russian Forces. It began after a russian ship rammed a ukrainian tug boat. Following the incident the boats exchanged fire leaving at six ukraine soldiers injured. Fighter jets and attack helicopters were used by Russian Forces to disable the ships and capture 23 sailors. Those sailors are still in russian custody leaving ukrainian president demanding from russian leadership their release immediately to try to deescalate some of the tension that erupted in the region. Sandra how are the ukrainian and russian governments responding to the military clash from yesterday . Sandra, as for the russian response right now the countrys foreign minister has blamed the ukrainians for the clash and ultimately said that the russians are not afraid of any International Sanctions that could be levied against the country after opening fire on the ukrainian vessel as the president of ukraine is calling for martial law. Russia state media warned ukraine of consequences for the clash and saying it was an attempt to provoke contact. The white house and state department havent released statements or commence thus far. The u. N. Security Council Meeting will happen in under two hours and told by the white house the president has been briefed on the situation. Sandra trey, thank you. Bill a big deal. We have a live picture out of kiev with the Parliament Meeting there in ukraine. You watch this story now. The geography land and sea is a big deal. It is very tight in that part of the world. Especially with russia annexing crimea. It is hard to move out there without crossing one another. Sandra well see what kind of update we may get in the 11 00 hour today with the Emergency Security Council Meeting. Anything that nikki haley comes out and says there well take it for you. Bill there is a consideration on behalf of the ukraine government to impose martial law. A very serious matter that broke sunday afternoon. Well watch it throughout the day. Britains government seized documents that facebook has long tried to keep secret. We know whether the president has obstructed justice in the past and whether his appointment of whitaker was designed to obstruct justice. Sandra adam schiff accusing whitaker of not being clear on his intentions around the Mueller Investigation. Former attorney general Michael Mukasey is standing by and will join us with his analysis next. When youre looking for answers, its good to have help. Because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. At humana, we know thats especially true when youre looking for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan. Thats why were offering seven things every Medicare Supplement should have. Its yours free just for calling the number on your screen. And when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agentproducer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan thats right for you. The call is free and theres no obligation. 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What would you like the power to do . Sandra cyber monday, the dow starting strong up triple digits out of the gate. A minute into trading and a nearly 200 point gain on the dow. Some tech stocks that have been beaten up over the last couple weeks are bouncing back today. Rightly so. Its cyber monday from the thanksgiving holidays and they start shopping online at their computers back at work. Not you, of course. Bill dont let the boss know, right . Head winds throughout the month of november. Theyre still out there. Were fighting against the tide a little bit so far. 9 31. Up triple digits. Nice to see. Internal documents out of facebook the company has sought to not make public. The confidential files may provide evidence of blatant disregard for user privacy. What does it mean for you . Greg palkot is live in london with more. Some Important Information emerging this morning on this very important story. Pressure building on facebook on this side of the atlantic. A committee of the u. K. Parliament investigating facebook and Consumer Privacy and data mining. It has seized documents from a businessman involved with a facebook Third Party App while on the trip here in london. Those documents could expose what facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg knew and when he knew about the sharing of facebook users personal information for the use of other firms. One big reason why the u. K. Is involved in this is Cambridge Analytica based here in the u. K. He came out earlier this year they used personal information in tens of millions of unknown facebook users and including that information for use by the Trump Campaign. The Parliamentary Committee is looking at making those documents public and could do so next week. They say theyre within their rights even though that app firm is involved with its own legal scuffle in the United States. Theyre trying to keep a lid on those documents. British lawmakers are holding a hearing on secrecy involving social media and the use of disinformation. They had invited facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg to appear at a hearing tomorrow. He is a noshow and decided not to friend them. Bill it goes on. Greg palkot on that from london. Thank you. You are going to bring whitaker before the congress. One of the key decisions the attorney general will make, whoever is in that role, is when bob mueller puts together a report on among other things obstruction of justice, will that report be shared with the American People . Will it be shared with congress . The American People need to know. They deserve to know whether their president is interfering with the Impartial Administration of justice. Sandra likely Incoming House Intel Committee chairman adam schiff continuing his feud with President Trump and whether whitaker plans to interfere with the Mueller Investigation. We turn to former attorney general Michael Mukasey. Good to have you here this morning. You heard it from adam schiff vowing to bring whitaker before congress and believes the appointment was unconstitutional in his words he believes the acting a. G. Was chosen by the president for the purpose of interfering with the Mueller Investigation. Is there anything that you have seen or heard that indicates to you or concerns you about whitakers ability to carry out his position . One word . No. Matt whitakers appointment was lawful and as it turns out constitutional. I had doubts about that. The office of legal counsel, the governments principal goto office for legal opinions, issued a 20page opinion describing 200 years of practice in which people who fit Matt Whitakers description have been appointed as acting heads of agencies. I think it is constitutional. That said i think it will be a good idea if the president put somebody at least put somebody forward for nomination to be the permanent attorney general. That cant be Matt Whitaker. It would be unlawful. You cant nominate an acting. He ought to focus on who will do it long term. Sandra one of the complaints you hear from adam schiff and other democrats opposed to whitaker being in this position is that he is not being transparent enough and not communicating to congress his intentions. Does he need to be more transparent with congress . He is not there to communicate with congress. He is there to run the justice department. And for him to be simply talking to congress, thats not his job. It wasnt my job when i was there. If adam schiff wants to find out what his intentions are, he intends to subpoena him. To talk about obstruction of justice really misreads the law. An investigation is not subject to the obstruction statute. The obstruction statute has to do with obstructing a proceeding. There is a lot of law to be effect and investigation is not a proceeding. You can put that aside. Secondly, the Mueller Investigation for what its done appears to be nearing the end. And finally, there hasnt been mueller was put in place to determine whether there was a crime committed in relation to a relationship between the president or his campaign and the russians. So far there has been nothing on that score. Zero. Sandra when you talk about the Mueller Investigation coming to a close and what happens when the report is generated and who will see it. Alan dershowitz was on one of the sunday programs over the weekend and he had this to say about its conclusion. I think the report is going to be devastating to the president and i know that the President Team is already working on a response to the report. And so at some point when the report is made public it will be made public probably with a response alongside. Sandra trying to figure out what that means there. He says does not believe it will criminally affect the president but devastating to the president. Sandra i have no idea what he meant. I am not sure what he knew what he meant either. If what he is saying is that the report is going to contain a lot of innuendo, then obviously the president will respond. He says the president is already working on drafting a response to a report that hasnt been released yet. So its sort of Everybody Knows what everybody else is going the say i guess. Sandra the critical questions are largely political when it comes to this report. When he says devastating to make sure he gets his words in here, it will paint a picture, he says, that will be politically very devastating. He says this will instead lay out the facts of the case. He suggested the president is more legally vulnerable in matters related to his business. I wanted to make sure i get that in there. As far as the report itself. Sandra by the way, the special prosecutor was not put there to investigate the president s business. If it is in his report it is off the mark. Sandra maybe he is saying politically devastating not its up to whitaker if the public sees it. The ship of state is the only ship that leaks from the top is what some say. Whether Matt Whitaker releases it or not somebody will get it out there. It will be out. Sandra if youre whitaker do you release it . Sure. There is no point in trying to keep it secret. The president is going to respond and it will come out as dershowitz said with his response. Sandra the rare rebuke of a sitting president by a Supreme Court justice, john roberts. Firing back at the president for what he referred to as an obama judge. Very rare to see this sort of public sparring between a sitting president and a Supreme Court justice. It is rare. Although its happened before. President obama in his 2010 state of the union criticized the Supreme Court to their face. They were sitting right in the audience and he issued a rebuke to them over the Citizens United decision. You may recall Justice Alito sitting there mouthing the words not true, not true, right . So there has been this kind of exchange before. It is not real attractive. Fact is judges as they are to enforce the constitution and generally do their level best. On the other hand, judges do come with opinions and points of view and sandra interesting to see that play out. Before i let you go, great to have you on set this morning. It is a very special day for someone close to you. A very special day for my wife. Its her birthday and i want to wish her happy birthday and there is nothing ive ever done since weve been married thats worthwhile that ive done without her help. Bill she is a sweet woman. Nice to sigh. A big weekend in the nfl. Minneapolis late last night. The vikings denied the green bay packers. Minnesota has got a great stadium and a good win. The packers are winless on the road for the season. Playoffs dont look good. Meanwhile, the battle for ohio was a mess for cincinnati. Man, the bengals lost at home to cleveland. 3520 the final. That ends clevelands 25game losing streak on the road. Quarterback Baker Mayfield setting a browns rookie record. Four browns touchdown passes. Bill do we have one more . Just for grins. There we go. Just rubbing it in. Sandra what a weekend for football. Bill if your team is having a problem i play cincinnati and everything woe, out. Thats the way it is. Sandra we wont mention that seven overtime. Bill oh, so sorry. Sandra well talk about that later. I need more time. A new tellall book giving a deeper look into the white house from two trump insiders. Were saying the media, the republican establishment and the Intelligence Services not together but separately are undermining this president. Sandra both Corey Lewandowski and david bossy they say the president s worst enemies are in the white house and were talking about someone who worked in the white house for years. I think most americans think its weird. 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That should be a scary thing for every american. Bill Corey Lewandowski layinging out his argument on Fox News Sunday talking about his new book with david bossy claiming there are dozens inside the white house working against the agenda of the president. Trumps enemies, how the deep state is undermining the presidency. With me now is governor john sununu chief of staff for george hw bush. Hope your turkey break was great. You know a lot of people would worked in the west wing and wrote books. Whats the incentive to do that . One is to sell books but i have to say im not a great fan of books written while the president is still in office. I waited 25 years to write mine and made sure my president was happy with me writing it. But corey and dave have written one, now this is their second one. Im sure it will get a lot of visibility. A lot of talk, a lot of interest. But im not sure how far it advances the ball in terms of the president s agenda. Sometimes bill sometimes you want to send a message. I think a lot of this book is trying to send a message to john kelly. Here is how the New York Times wrote it up. The new book gets voice to trumps claims of a vast conspiracy against him. The book has caused anxiety among trumps aides for weeks as they anticipated it. Would use it to harm some of them with the president after a bruising Midterm Election cycle. What do you think of that premise . Well, bill, i havent read the book yet so i admit that and im talking on speculation on the basis of speculation and a couple of news articles. I think theyre rather pointed. Ive seen from what ive seen about a couple of folks in there including the chief of staff, john kelly. Look, everything that comes out of a white house is always related to some kind of a factual incident. Exaggerated greatly to make the point that the individual wants to make. And i think you should look at this book in that context. There is a point they want to make, a factual basis somewhere on all the incidents but without a doubt corey and dave are very good at putting the emphasis on the right syllable and getting the message they want across. Bill a quote from the president. When asked whether or not he thought that president obama was aware of the surveillance during 2016 personally i think he knew, yeah, just remember what they did. Let me put it this way. If the same thing happened to him it would be treason and they would be locked up for 100 years, end quote. There you go, governor. There is lots of evidence that the Intelligence Community one way or the other doing more in following the Trump Campaign than they were in following the clinton campaign. There had to be a reason for it. It is probably correct that it was the internal bias of the white house and the agencies and the f. B. I. At the time. And so there certainly is strong factual basis for that conclusion and the president is right. If a republican had done that to a democrat, there would be all hell to pay. Bill you waited 25 years to right your book . I did. But it really came out very, very well, bill. Bill indeed it did. Congratulations to you. Thank you, governor. Nice to see you. Thank you, bill. Bill john sununu from new hampshire. Sandra blizzard conditions making travel a nightmare in the heartland. Another car was spinning towards me. He managed to avoid me but i spun out and as you can see, im in a ditch now. Sandra more on the post Holiday Travel conditions and where this weather is heading next. Ies to get in my way . Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. Or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Mitzi with less joint pain, watch me. For less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Be careful for everybody else. Slippery, sliding all over the place. Sandra the governor of kansas declared a state of emergency. Hundreds of flights delayed or cans eld as a powerful snowstorm. Ohare had 670 Flight Cancellations now. Oh, the busiest weekend of the year. A lot of folks are trying to get out. We still have some blizzardlike conditions across the ohio river valley. We got dumped on. Some areas over a foot of snow in parts of iowa and illinois getting close to it. Kansas and missouri. This storm is on the move. The good news is its weakening a little bit. We arent seeing the blizzard warnings like we had over the weekend. Were still seeing 35, 40 mileanhour winds now across the ohio valley in regards the great lakes and the new england area. Winter weather advisories are posted. Things will start to calm down but wind gusts. Its hard to fly. We have wind gusts in excess of 30 to 45 miles an hour. Well have travel delays as the system moves east. Single digits. Teens, those are windchills by the way. And then the system will move in towards the northeast in the next several hours into the rush hour for some of the big cities and then wind up into parts of canada and new england as we get into tuesday. Here is some additional participation. A mainly rain event along the coast. Interior sections could get a foot or more in new england. Highs for monday. Cold behind that system that moved across the midwest and great lakes and brought the blizzard conditions. Chicago is Getting Better but we did see close to a foot of snow, a foot or more of snow and then well start to see those temperatures start to moderate thursday and friday. The next storm system moves across the west and moves into the central u. S. Bringing more the potential for snow and maybe even severe weather. An active pattern setting up. Im just sorry a lot of people are stranded for turkey day. Sandra some of those long weekends will be extended. Thank you. Bill hemmer made it back. Bill we were on the east side of the storm. Iowa and kansas, chicago, detroit. Sandra my friends in chicago sent me a picture. They got a lot of snow. Shoveling their way out right now. Ohare airport is going to be something a couple days of that. Bill any time you get to ohare and atlanta and have a storm it causes problems across the country. Good to hear from your mom and dad. I love it. There in illinois. Fox news alert hectic scene at the attorney r southern border. Hundreds of migrants trying to cross into the u. S. Illegally. Tom hoe homan has a lot of ideas what to do next. That and more coming up. chime [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Starts with a december to remember at the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 399 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Sandra this is a fox news alert. Conflict at the border with hundreds of Illegal Immigrants rushing toward the u. S. As reaction continues to pour in from President Trump. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Bill im bill hemmer. The u. S. Border patrol using tear gas to turn back some of the migrants trying to reach the border. More than 5,000 Central Americans camping out in tijuana. The mayor of tijuana. I will not allow our relationship to be fractured by the bad behavior by the caravan. Were affected at the border crosses. Many people from tijuana, they work, study and visit the United States in healthy peace. Doug mcelway is live with more. Good morning. This marks a real moment of truth for the Trump Administration which promised repeatedly during the campaign and the first two years of the administration to crack down hard on illegal immigration and appears to be do doing that as the first of the Central American caravans is stalled at san ysidro. 50 migrants broke through the border and were apprehended. That following a tense day near tijuana as Border Patrol agents fired tear gas to crowds trying to cut through con sen tina wire. President trump said mexico should move the flag waving migrants to their countries, do it by plane, bus or any way you want. Congress, fund the wall. Mexico is growing increasingly frustrated with the caravans irrespective of the tweets. Yesterday the interior minister said it would immediately deport those who tried to violently enter the u. S. From tijuana and according to the Associated Press bolstering security on its side of the border after the arrest of 39 people and the skirmishs are a source of focus in washington where democrats taking over the house of representatives. Listen to the comments from the man who is the next chairman of the House Oversight committee. They should be allowed to come in. Seek asylum. Thats a law. We have a system that has worked for a long time. This president has come in wants to change it. Thats up to him. But now the congress has got to stand up. Dhs secretary nielsen rumored to be leaving her post under sometimes intense criticism from the president for his lack of toughness took a tough line yesterday in a statement that said dhs will not tolerate this type of lawlessness. It will not hesitate to shut down ports of entry for security and Public Safety reasons. She added that any law breakers in these caravans whether defacing government property, attacking Border Patrol agents or breaking through will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Bill more to come. Thank you, sir. Sandra back on capitol hill new developments unfolding after former attorney general Loretta Lynch and james comey are both issued subpoenas to testify behind closed doors. Comey pushing back saying he wants to testify but only in public. Last hour we spoke to congressman mike johnson who sits on the judiciary committee. I dont know whether we do it in open or closed session but we need our questions answered. Weve been at this for a long time. The House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight committee have had joint investigations for many months and we have as many questions now as we have answers. Sandra chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. What more is congressman trey gowdy saying having these former officials testify. Good morning. The retiring House Oversight chairman is proposing a middle ground option. Not a high profile made for tv open hearing and not a closed door interview. Something the public would eventually get to see. Leaks are counterproductive whether jim comey is doing it, the f. B. I. Or whether congress is doing it. The remedy for leaks is not to have a public hearing where you are supposed to ask about 17 months worth of work in five minutes. I think the remedy is to videotape the deposition. Videotape the transcribed interview. James comeys reaction to the subpoena came on twitter. Happy thanksgiving. Got a subpoena from House Republicans. Im happy to sit in the light and answer all questions but resist a closed door thing. Ive seen enough of their selective leaking add distortion. Lets invite everyone to see. Let the negotiations begin but time is precious with republicans about to lose power in the house. Sandra lawmakers are returning to d. C. To face leadership vote in the house this week. Thats right. On the democrat side and slowly youre seeing nancy pelosi lock up some of the critical votes shell need to become house speaker. Steven lynch of massachusetts, one of 16 democrats who signed the letter saying he would not support pelosi for speaker now says he would support her over republican on the house floor but he told a local tv station in boston he Still Believes democrats should offer a new direction in their party. Another prominent democrat says pelosi will get this done. If there was someone else that had that same package of talents id say support them. No one i think is Better Qualified than she is right now. There is no one i want to see more in that role and im confident at the end of the day she has the votes to do it. A big challenge for the antipelosi kol lition. Nobody has stepped up to run against her. Sandra and bill. Sandra thanks. Bill want to bring in americas ateam. Hello, good monday. Our spanish speaker says what about tijuana . Lets clear it up. What will happen there . Let me Say Something about it. The folks from the border of mexico in many ways have more in common with the United States than they do with central america. I covered the region for 12 years. They rely on commerce with the United States. Not with central america. Unlike the people that invade the u. S. Border, they travel to and from the United States quite frequently. So they really do view these Central Americans as a problem. Some are calling them invaders. They are taking their housing, theyre taking their food and they are endangering their relationship with the United States. This is a real problem. I just have to say one thing. To see children going through what they are going through now in mexico being grabbed by their parents or by their guardian or whomever it is and being used as pawns in this is child abuse. It is child abuse. And whoever encouraged these Central Americans that they would have a free ride going into the u. S. Border those people should be in jail. Sandra its heartbreaking to see that and the use of tear gas. You are hearing about that this morning. The u. S. Border patrol chief and she weighed in this morning and responded to the use of that tear gas. Listen. Agents were being assaulted. Large group rushed the area and they were throwing rocks and bottles at my men and women putting them in harms way as well as other members of the caravan. We needed to disperse the group. It was imperative we disperse them from the area. First and foremost we have to protect the people protecting us. You see border and customs patrol doing us. Theyre protecting the people there on the Border Guarding our points of entry. If you are going to storm through the fences and try to climb the walls, attack our men and women who are in uniform protecting this country, theyre going to defend themselves using nonlethal force. This is not new. Theyve used pepper spray in the past. This was a large scale disturbance and responded with tear gas to disperse the crowd. Of course it shouldnt but here is what i dont understand. Millions of people cross this border every single day. Yet somehow 50 to 500 people cause this uproar where you now see kids barefoot in diapers being tear gassed. We havent seen that before. This is from an administration who separates children from their parents. The legal right of these migrants is to come to our border and apply for asylum at the port of entry. Unfortunately the Trump Administration has decided as representative cummings pointed out in an earlier interview theyve changed the rules and they keep closing the port of entry so its a bait and switch. Bill theyre trying to discourage others from doing the same thing. I think whats interesting about this wrinkle over the weekend is the reaction from the mayor in tijuana. We dont hear from him often. He is not too happy with this. I think david, based on your experience in that part of the world, how do you as a government allow Migrant Caravans one after the other after the other to move through your country inhindered until they reach a point where a mayor in one of your biggest cities said hold on, folks . Figure this out. If people think our immigration policies are harsh, no matter who the president is whether it was obama who separated children or President Trump who separated children. The fact is that mexico try to get through mexico as a migrant. Their laws are much tougher. It is so much more difficult to get a job in mexico than it is in the United States. Bill they allow these people to move through their country. To a certain extent they had no choice. There was a Strong Movement behind the caravan that had the eyes of the world on them and felt they needed to get as far to the border in safety as possible. But now that they are there and now that theyre causing riots, theyre causing a big headache for the mexicans. The Mexican Government is about to go through on change. On saturday we have a new mexican president. And the leaving the departing president was hoping his departure would be peaceful. This is destroying their whole government. Quickly, though. The Obama Administration did not separate children from their parents. They absolutely did. They did it when they thought they were being trafficked. Right. Or it wasnt their parents. But that was separating. There are many instances mary anne i can tell you from personal experience there were many instances where children are used as pawns. They are taken by people who are not their parents and in those situations they should be separated from the people. All 5,000 kids separated by the Trump Administration were pawns. Every one of them. They were using as pawns they were told that they would have an easy time getting across the border. Have they had an easy time . Have they . Sandra bring this to the white house response to hear the white house doubling down on their threat to close the southern border. The president said he was going to stop the caravan and enforce our laws as they exist. He has the power under the law to stop this flow of immigration. He is breaking the law. He is not. Bill we wont settle this today. Topic number two. Newt gingrich on james comey whether he will respond to subpoena. The former house speaker. The question is what theyll get into. It doesnt help you much if comey says i would like to appear in public and as soon as he is in public he says i cant discuss this because its classified. I cant discuss that. So i think the question of the topics. As a general rule i think its always better to have the American People involved. Bill what gives, marc . You have a period of 30 days perhaps before gowdy and goodlatte or one or the other gets answers from Loretta Lynch and james comey. Do you videotape it, public or private . Depends what you want. If you want actual answers you do it in private. If not you get a fiveminute side show circus and spartacus moments from democrats trying to score political points. What gowdy was saying yesterday is this is the right way to do it and since when has the subject of a subpoena especially a former Law Enforcement official got to determine how their interview will take place . He would have never stood for that as f. B. I. Director, give me a break. Come on. He didnt feel that way when Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours about benghazi in front of the world or Andrew Mccabe or peter strzok or rod rosenstein. He complains they only have five minutes to answer questions. He only does it when it suits him. Bill speaking of spartacus. Cory booker. I will consider running for president. A shocker, thats something that ill do. The people in new jersey are talking to me about it. I will consider that. So booker was asked about it over the weekend. Klobuchar was asked about it. Brown was asked about it in ohio, tom stier didnt dismiss it and john kasich is considering as well. How big should that stage be when we get to primaries . Remember how big the republican stage was, 17 people. I think the democrats in comparison to that have narrowed it down somewhat. Interesting to see. What interests me about klobuchar first of all not exactly a household name. Maybe it would become one soon. She said she likes to get things done. She has to prove it over the next few months. She has to prove on issues like immigration as we were just talking about. Make a deal with the wall, an immigration deal. Is she willing to make the middle class tax cuts permanent as a lot of republicans want to do in exchange for Something Else . So if she is a person of her word and wants to get things done, she is going to have about a year the prove that. Sandra do you like what youre seeing and hearing so far about your a party . There are 22 people thinking about it. Bigger than the republican field. Everyone is thinking about it. The problem is if you arent doing something about it now youre already behind. Cory booker is having trouble finding really good operatives. People have already committed. Elizabeth warren has done more leg work than anybody to prepare. The obama team will be if you dont have your staff and operatives, you can think about it but you wont be successful. Bill any democrat that works with this administration will lose in the primary. Angry liberal voters will fill it and decide who gets their nomination. Sandra he set this up. This is going to be great, he says. Bill a great panel. Sandra it was. Thank you very much. Bill thank you marc and david. Sandra mary anne, thank you. More on the unrest at the border and how the u. S. Should handle thousands of migrants trying to get into the country when we talk to former acting ice director thomas homan. The u. K. Working toward brexit. Nigel farage, whats next and what it means at home. 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The deal we have agreed today unlocks a Bright Future for the u. K. Outside the e. U. We can strike new trade deals around the world and open up new markets. We can focus our energies on important issues that matter to the british people at home. Bill a big deal coming to a head. Prime minister theresa may and leaders of the e. U. Reached and agreement on the terms of brexit. Still needs approval for a vote. Miej el far nigel farage. It looks like a worst deal in history. What she did was signed up to something that is legally binding and what it means is we give away about 60 billion sterling. In return for a period of some years during which we have to accept all the e. U. Rules. New ones as well without having any say over how those laws are made, which is what i would call taxation without representation. We dont get back at this stage of the game control of our borders. We arent able for some years to do trade deals and the worst bit. The worst bit is well only be allowed to leave the e. U. s Customs Union if they agree to it as well. It is rather like me saying ill voluntarily put myself in prison. When i want to leave you will let me go, wont you . Weve signed up for purgatory. Its madness and legally binding that were stuck and we cant get out unless they agree. Why should they agree . Actually what she signed up to is us indefinitely being rule takers from the European Union. The one up side is if this deal is approved, we do leave the European Union legally on the 29th of march at 11 p. M. Next year. The down side is what she signed us up to gives us even less sovereignty than we had as European Union members. Its a bad deal. The worst deal in history and i very much hope the British Parliament votes it down. Sandra how do you make that case and possible consequences . How do you quantify that in how you think its such a bad deal . Its a bad deal because it gives away too much money. A bad deal because it traps us in something we cant leave unless the other side agrees, and its a bad deal because it could go on for years and years and years. And it is not honoring the vote. We had a referendum in this country. The greatest ever. Democratic exercise in the history of our nation, a majority said leave, mrs. May is trying to please both sides. It is sort of a half in half out, never, never land and leaves the prospects of a trade deal between us and the usa have been kicked way, way into the future. We arent taking our opportunities. And i actually think that it is so bad that i think parliament will vote it down, which will leave between now and christmas if im right, to a major chris. Bill another story regarding facebook to Cambridge Analytica. There is a fellow who worked for Cambridge Analytica and send out a quiz. Millions of people took the quiz and he was able to capture their personal information and the information was sold to whoever came to bid on that information. Facebook says this, what is the dcms, what does that stand for . Thats our department of culture, media and sport. Government department. The materials obtained by the Dcms Committee are on a protective order. Weve asked the committee to refrain from reviewing them and return them to counsel or facebook. Whats the point of this story as it relates to the consumer that they need to understand . Here is the point. The great Conspiracy Theory is that we won the referendum in this country because firstly it was all funded by the russians but there is no evidence of that at all. The second Conspiracy Theory is the Great British public were brain washed by people like Cambridge Analytica putting line advertising. It is very interesting that our official information commissioner, the regulator for all of this stuff, produced a report a couple of weeks ago saying there was little evidence that Cambridge Analytica played a significant role at all. This is all the establishment doing their best to doom brexit. Theyre not taking brexit lying down. Sandra very interesting. Nigel farage weighing in. What do you think the future is of the company and leadership in facebook . I met mr. Zuckerberg a few months ago. Challenged him directly and i must say firstly they should now be classified as publishers, they arent a platform for all ideas. Ill make a prediction. The former Prime Minister to David Cameron whose leadership period led to the demise of the democrats. Whose prominent role led to leave winning. If he is now head of facebooks global affairs, given his track record, i think ill sell my shares in facebook. Sandra well see where it goes. Nigel farage, thank you for joining us this morning. The nations busiest Border Crossing is back open after it was temporarily closed when hundreds of migrants rushed the border there. Former acting ice director tom homan joins us next. Bill a big story, an emergency session of the u. N. After russia fires on a u. S. Ally. Is this an act of war . How should the u. S. Respond . The latest on whats happening on that coming up in moments . Alice loves the smell of gain so much, she wished it came in a fabric softener too. [throat clears] say hello to your fairy godmother, alice. Oh and look they got gain scent beads and dryer sheets too sandra take a look at the dow here now. An hour into trading and the dow is up 352 points. 1 1 2 gain. Still below 25,000. Tech shares bouncing back right now after a rough week last week. They suffered their worst thanksgiving week since 2011. Also up with the Technology Names today. Retailers. Shoppers were out in full force on black friday and over the Holiday Weekend and a lot of optimism that consumers are opening up their wallets and spending money. Bill i think its because your dad is shoveling snow and contributing to the successful economic push. Well done in chicago. Sandra lots of snow there. Bill another standoff between russia and a key u. S. Ally. Watch this story now. This could get very tricky. Ukraine demanding the release of three warships captured by russia on sunday off the coast of crimea prompting an emergency meeting by the u. N. Security council. It will happen in 30 minutes. Trey is watching that to bring us up to date. The u. N. Security council will hold that emergency meeting in about half an hour to discuss the latest escalation in the sea that did leave three ukrainian vessels captured by the russian navy. The ukrainian and russia boats exchanged fire leaving at least six ukrainian sailors injured and the ukrainian president is calling for the introduction of martial law in ukraine to allow for postponed elections. The parliament will vote later today. He spoke directly to russian leadership demanding the release of 23 sailors detained by russia following the maritime clash. The russian response, the foreign minister blamed ukraine for the event saying russia isnt concerned about International Sanctions as punishment for opening firing on a ukrainian vessel. Russian state media warned ukraine of consequences for the sunday clash and called actions they took on sunday an attempt to promote conflict. We havent heard from the u. S. State department or white house about the clash between russia and ukraine. President trump has been briefed on the situation. Bill thank you. Sandra the crisis at the border. President trump threatening a permanent border shut down after the scene yesterday forced the boarding crossing to shut down temporary saying mexico should move the flagwaving migrants, some stone cold criminals back to their countries, do it by plane, bus or any way you want but they are not coming into the usa. Well close the border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the wall. Thomas homan, former acting ice director. Good morning. How do you think the white house is handling the situation at the border . Absolutely perfectly. The president tweet is right on target. Mexico needs to step up and take action or shut the border down. It will hurt mexico a lot more than this country. Sandra its heartbreaking over the Holiday Weekend seeing these images of families and children being dragged across some of them not wearing shoes. Nobody wants to see that, thomas. There is heartache when you see those pictures, the rule of law the president continues to hammer down on. How do you address both . First of all ive said many times i certainly feel bad for the plight of these people but they arent true Asylum Seekers. They dont qualify under existing law to claim asylum. Theyre caring signs i want a job. That doesnt qualify for asylum. I understand the plight of these people and understand wanting to be a part of this country but there is a legal way to do it. They arent following the legal process. They are using this system that harms Asylum Seekers who really are escaping fear and persecution. The women and children, we have to look at the facts here. A minority of this caravan, a small minority is actually women and children. Most are adult males. But the media some of the media are grabbing shots of the women and children to try to pull at the heart strings of america and even the caravan itself. The people that are coordinating the whole event will put the women and children up front to make it seem like this is 5,000 women and children when its not. Theyre playing the game. Some of the Media Outlets are playing the game. The vast majority of males seeking employment in the United States. Not women and children. Bill this is Amy Klobuchar from the state of minnesota was asked on the sunday chose. She talks about the weaponization of the administrations policies on imgaition. Secondly, comprehensive immigration reform. He have has gut punched on that a number of times. We have the will to put the money at the border for better security and combine it with some sensible reforms including things like a path to citizenship. He has chosen instead to weaponize this, to politicize it. It is wrong for our economy and also wrong for our work with the rest of the world. Bill she says a lot in that statement and puts it in the president s lap. Hear the talk, where is the walk. I worked from congress. I was up on the hill many times. The democrats are the ones pushing sanctuary cities. The democrats were the ones talking about abolishing ice which entices more people to come to this country illegally. Ive been on the hill several times asking congress to close the loopholes. They wouldnt do it. There wouldnt be a caravan today if they would have closed the loopholes and raised the bar for asylum. If they would have took the necessary steps we needed a caravan. If she wants to blame somebody for the Current Situation she needs to look knee mirror. Sandra earlier we heard from the u. S. Border patrol chief talking about the decision to use tear gas. She was defending that decision saying these groups rushed the area throwing rocks and bottles at the men and women on the border. What more are you hearing, what more can you tell us about the interaction and the confrontation at the border, tom . Carla is a great chief. An american patriot. I saw that interview. She is right. That was an appropriate Law Enforcement response to a serious situation going on at the board. Agents were being assaulted. They need to protect themselves. They defend this nation. It was an appropriate response. We need to stand by our guns and cant allow people illegal entry which is a violation of our laws. They need to do it within the right way. The president has made it clear and so has the secretary. If they want to claim asylum go to a port of entry. Have your due process. But if you enter illegally isnt the answer. Number one its a violation of our laws. You have to respect our laws. You cant have it both ways. Bill we heard from the tijuana mayor in mexico and he is not happy either. He is blaming his own federal government for the problems here. You have a new administration coming into mexico. Do you think they operate differently with the trump whous . Im hearing rumors about an agreement staying in mexico while asylum cases are litigation. When the new president comes into power saturday well get the answer. He understands the situation and i think he will help us, i really do. Bill thanks for being with us today. Sandra we are getting some breaking news on the future of General Motors now. Theyre slashing jobs. All this as we continue to watch the dow soaring as we kick off a new week up 337 points. Bill more on the trade war with china. Could a deal between beijing and washington be in the works . You know who has an answer on that . Charles payne as an answer. Sandra there he is. Bill how are you doing . Sandra good morning. Bill did you have a good thanksgiving . It was great. [narrator] if you want serious cleaning with a cordfree vacuum, you need a shark. Because only sharks cordfree lineup has Duoclean Technology so you can deep clean carpets and give hard floors a polished look. And with two swappable batteries at maximum suction, our shark ion f80 gives you more run time than the dyson v10 absolute. And now shark takes cordfree beyond stick vacuums by introducing a full upright model. Shark ion cordfree vacuums available in stick and upright. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. vo you do more than grant wishes when you share the love. You give hope. Get a new subaru, like the all new forester, and charities like makeawish can receive two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru. vo get zero percent during the subaru share the love event. Bill u. S. Stocks on a tear. General motors announcing layoffs. Dont like to see that. They might be closing factories as well. 344 to the up side. Charles payne. Lets make some money. Where do you start . The rebound. We are getting mixed results mixed guessing on brick and mortar. We dont know yet. Some firms do things like take pictures of parking lots but we do know online. Online has come in substantially better than anyone thought it would so far. Adoeb had to update your thanksgiving number three times. A little momentum on one side of the equation. A little hope on the other side. Sandra it looks strong so far. People are out shopping, black friday reports have been pretty strong. Who knows what will happen cyber monday here . What about the General Motors storing . 15,000 employees getting laid off. Shutting down possibly five factories . Im not surprised by the news. Last month i think it was, we stopped buying cars. Ive been talking on my show about the death of the car in america. People just arent buying cars. Here is the good news. That means you have to be flux if you dont have to go with a car. If you can buy an s. U. V. Or crossover or pickup truck. They cost a lot more money. That is what americans are going with now. The last quarter General Motors reported they had their highest ever average selling price for the third quarter. What theyre selling is selling like gangbusters but the cars are holding them back. They will double resources allocated to electric and Autonomous Cars over the next two years. Is that where things are going . Autonomous more than electric. Autonomous more. But thats where were going. Bill the sales of pickup trucks is amazing . Ford the crossovers have been the thing thats putting cars out of business. Pickups and s. U. V. S have been strong for a long time. The crossover thats crushing the cars. Sandra digging through trade tariffs. General motors is saying have hurt business costing it a billion in war material costs in the United States alone. Steel and aaluminum. I hope the administration will remove them from canada and mexico. Keep them on china. Remove them on canada and mexico with usmca tentively a done deal. I thought they would have removed them by now. That has hurt. This is not about hurting General Motors. This is about demand. Hardly no demand for cars in this country. Listen, its not a bad thing. These other products cost a lot more money and they have fatter profit margins. Bill consumers are changing. Last thursday talk about china. Theyll meet soon. President xi and President Trump. It was turkey day in maralago. President trump i can say this. China wants to make a deal very badly because of the tariffs. Right now on 250 billion dollars they will be paying us 25 . Theyll be paying a tremendous amount of money. Which frankly is great for our country. Were taking in billions of dollars from china. In the last quarter chinas growth was the slowest since 2009. China has some serious economic issues. Really serious economic issues. I push back against those folks saying its no big deal because they have a 100 year plan. No, they told us what their plan is. Made in china 2025. Not made in china 2125, not 2225. Made in china 2025. Thats their date to tell the world were arrived and the number one country. It wont happen. The idea that somehow they can kick back and except this is wrong. Good olive branches from china. The german Insurance Company got an okay. Two weeks ago they allowed american express. Come into the country with the credit cards. They promised in 2012 and dragging their feet. Good olive branches. 2025. Not 2125. Sandra thank you. Now this, there could be new hope for those suffering from alzheimers. There is a new vaccine that could hold off the symptoms of it. New questions as students at one university fear the death of a freshman student, a girl who could have been which could have been caused by mold in her dorm room. Our doctor is on deck for all of this. Sandra the death of a student at the university of maryland sparking fears of dangerous mold in the dorms. 18yearold olivia died last week after contracting a rare virus. Dr. Marc siegel is with us, a Fox News Contributor and director of medicine. What happened . Im not sure its the mold. A lot of controversy about this mold that it caused it. The father of the teen who died said look, but the thing is this virus is common and can live on surfaces for days. It can live in wet areas, in pools. Im not 100 sure the mold couldnt have played a role. Its usually transmitted by coughing, sneezing or touching. It is a common virus but the strain that has been reported here, strain 7, is very, very prone to complications. In fact, our military is vaccinated against strain 4 and 7 with a very, very powerful vaccine not used here. Bill the father of the student, we dont want any of their kids to have it happen to them and we dont want other parents to have this unimaginable grief that we have. A statement from the university of maryland as well says what weve done is stepped up our cleaning efforts. Were on high alert and diligent to follow up on cases when students are sick to make sure they dont get worse. I guess there is a central question in this. Can mold kill . Mold can kill on its own. Black mold can kill on its own. The question is, is mold playing a role here . It speaks of a wet surface. I would say it might be. I also want to make sure when we talk about this infection. I looked into it. The Research Shows high potency alcohol is the way to get rid of the virus. The usual disinfect ants dont work. High potency alcohol can get rid of it. I would consider the vaccine if it continues to spread. We have to go to the military for that. Isolate people who are sick and move them to another dorm, a good idea. This is a particularly problematic strain. Sandra scary for those two students. Very severe pneumonia. Here is what this is. You actually take dna an inject it into the skin and causes an lloyd. It is one of those proteins that builds up in the brain of patients with alzheimers. Over 6 Million People have it in the United States now. It impacts families big time. It is a terrible, terrible disease. But if you give this vaccine and you get the protein that you have with alzheimers, two of the proteins, you know what the body does . It causes an immune reaction and knocks it out before it forms. Looks like it could impact 50 of the dementia in the United States. Bill it prevents it from occurring and may reverse the progress and affect 50 of those with dimension. Human trials are next. Could be a big game changer here. Sandra this isnt the first time weve heard about an alzheimers vaccine. There was harmful side effects before. Thats a great point. You know what it was causing . Inflammation. You give the vaccine, get a lot of inflammation with the immune response. This time, this research has been on this for his whole career and this researcher is all he does. This time no inflammation and no big side effects. Bill six million with alzheimers. The number is growing higher. It will get up to 20 or 30 million and there is also a group that dont yet have alzheimers on the way to it. We call it a family disease. It dev estates families, caretakers, loved ones, friends. You count on someone and you cant count on them. The quality of life goes down. It is a terrible disease and on the way up. Those proteins you find in the brain are markers of it. Getting rid of them or preventing them could be a big game changer. More trials next. Sandra you project the number of alzheimers cases in this country could double by 2050. I think its true. We have a lot of early prealzheimers on the way up. Bill a big day for mars. The mars probe only hours away from touching down on the red planet. Landing on mars is never a foregone conclusion. Less than half the times weve tried to get into orbit and land on mars we havent been successful. Bill countless challenges to make it go right today. The head of nasa will join us to tell us about it coming up live. I would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. One of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. If you need cash for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Give us a call. Call 18774235732. If youre a veteran, own a home, and need money for your family, call newday usa to use your valuable va home loan benefit. Thank you, admiral. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Thank you, admiral. With todays rising home values, that could mean more money for you and your family. Thank you, admiral. Money to pay down debts and get financial peace of mind. Thank you, admiral. Well do everything we possibly can to get you approved. Call 18774235732. Sandra the Ukrainian Navy saying russia kept ships and sailors. Were monitoring this for you and well bring you any news as it comes. Another fox news alert unrest at the border with the president making clear that lawlessness will not be tolerated after hundreds of migrants rushed the u. S. Border on sunday. Welcome back to americas newsroom, everyone. Ifm owe sandra smith. Bill im bill hemmer. Turkey day was good . Sandra fantastic. Bill ditto. The nations busiest port of entry after it was closed when migrants tried to illegally tried to enter. Thomas homan is the former acting ice director and with us last hour on americas newsroom. I certainly understand the plight of these people. I can certainly understand them wanting to be part of this country. There is a legal way to do it. They arent following the legal process. They using the asylum system which harms real true Asylum Seekers that really are escaping persecution. Sandra chief White House Correspondent john roberts kicks things off. Good morning. Good morning. The white house taking a hard line here on this Migrant Caravan. The president taking to twitter this morning saying he would close the entire border if something isnt done to keep these people from crossing into the country illegally. The president tweeting mexico should move the flag waving migrants, many of whom are stone cold criminals back to their countries, do it by plane, bus or any way you want. They are not coming into the usa. Well close the border permanently if need be. Congress, fund the wall. Migrants overwhelmed the Mexican Police in riot gear and went toward the border forcing the United States to close the border in san ysidro yesterday. Border patrol agents firing tear gas toward the crowd to disperse them. Kirstjen nielsen had a strong statement saying some of these migrants attempted to breach infrastructure along the brorder and threw project ills. As i have said dhs will not tolerate this type of lawlessness and not hesitate to shut down ports of entry and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law to anyone who endangers our front line operators or what happened yesterday is an i told you so moment at the white house. The president has been warning for weeks as the caravan has been making its way through mexico that Something Like this happens might happen. A real warning to mexico to say if you let these caravans freely go through the country to the United States border it will affect the normal course of business between the United States and mexico. The mayor of tijuana seems to get that message tweeting i will not allow our by National Relationship to be fractured by the Migrant Caravan. Theyre doing things out of the law. Were affected at the Border Crossing. Many tijuana people work, study and visit the United States in healthy peace. Here you have the mail orr of mexico say we send a lot of people across the border into the United States every day to work, to study. Theyre being affected by all of this. So clearly somebody is on the same page in mexico with the president. But the white house believes not enough people are on the same page. Sandra john roberts with reaction from the white house this morning. By the way, the ongoing Mueller Investigation, john, what does the president have to say . Last tuesday the president submitted his written answers to several questions that Robert Mueller wanted answered. Today the president taking to twitter to rip the Mueller Investigation again in anticipation of what could be a forthcoming report from the special counsel. The president tweeting, quote, when mueller does his final report, will he be covering all of his conflicts of interest in a preamble and recommending action on all the crimes of many kinds from those on the other side . What happened to so Many Campaign workers, people inside from the beginning asked me why they have not been called. They want to be. There was no collusion. And mueller knows it. Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz saying that he believes the upcoming Mueller Report will be politically devastating for the president. He doesnt think it will include criminal charges. On the same day former Trump Campaign aide George Papadopoulos reports to prison for making false statements to the f. B. I. A lot of moving parts. Sandra every day, john roberts. Thank you. Bill southern border back open after migrants clash with border agents. Jeff paul is live in tijuana to tell us whats happening today. The mexican side of the border. Good morning. Thats right. Were here on the u. S. mexico border in tijuana where things got out of hand. It started with a demonstration that started over there in tijuana involving those migrants with the caravan. At some point a large group within that demonstration broke off and ran across the canall and where they rushed up to this particular border wall right here and things got out of hand. As you look at video it shows you what was going on. Border patrol agents that rocks and large pieces of concrete were thrown at them and they were forced to use tear gas and pepper bombs. The head of Border Patrol defended the actions. Our agents were being assaulted. Large group rushed the area and they were throwing rocks and bottles at my men and women putting them in harms way as well as other members of the caravan. We needed to disperse the group. With that assaultive nature we needed to disperse them from the area. We spoke with some Border Patrol agents patrolling the wall saying they havent heard about any other demonstration or marches in the future planned just yet. Theyre ready to respond. Off to my shoulder you can see what theyre doing. A barbed wire fence and dirt mound that separates the u. S. And mexico in the nomans land and beyond that is where some of the Border Patrol agents are getting ready trying to get a lay of the land if anything were to change out here. We do know that 42 people were arrested who illegally crossed into the american side. Several others were told did that as well but they found their way back over here to the mexican side without being arrested. Bill thank you jeff paul the latest from there. Across the room sandra has more. Sandra on this with gerry baker host of the new prime show wall street journal at large with gerry baker. Start off by talking broadly how you are seeing and covering the escalating tensions at our southern border. Clearly this is something that i think has both practical and symbolic imimportance. Practical importance is there is a group of migrants trying to get into the United States illegally and trying to challenge the United States laws and trying to establish order. That is a practical problem and has to be dealt with. Whether it has to be dealt with in this way we dont quite know. The laws have been in place for a long time that require those migrants to apply for asylum as they were under president obama and President Trump. Well see how it works out. The symbolic importance it fits in with the president s message that immigration, there has been uncontrolled immigration into the United States for a very long time. There are too many Illegal Immigrants in this country and they need to be that problem needs to be addressed. The president is using this opportunity on the on the ground attempt to break the law and get in to make the point the United States needs to do a better job of enforcing its border. Sandra joni ernst made a similar point over the weekend. I certainly think the president sees results any time that he does bring up an issue and he does lay down certain reasons why he is doing what he is doing. And we are seeing results. Sandra what he is doing now and well hear more about it tonight when we see the president. He is doubling down on threats to close the southern border. What happens next with that . There are a number of things. He made the threat. Right now that threat hasnt been implemented out there. He is saying to the mexican authorities why do you let these people through your country . Mexico will say some have settled in mexico and some returned to central america. The president is saying to mexico look, make sure its your responsibility to stop these people from breaking our laws. Make sure you stop them doing it and sending a message to the domestic political opponents about Border Security and saying weve got to do more. We must shut down this border and ultimately you have to fund my wall. Sandra that will become the big question whether or not there will be a shutdown of the government overboarder security. Well see where it goes. Gerry baker, congratulations on the show. Well tune in thar that. Bill the president goes to mississippi early today. Two big rallies ahead of a big vote in the state. Will he be the deciding factor . Karl rove has thoughts on that. Sandra House Republicans have a new suggestion for the closed door testimony of james comey and Loretta Lynch after issuing subpoenas to appear next week. Will they finally get answers . The buck stopped at comeys desk and lynchs desk. This is not about politics at all. It is about maintaining the integrity of our system of justice. I think the American People are very concerned about that. Held. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. Once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. 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With tendercrisp technology, food will be juicy on the inside, crispy on the outside. upbeat drumming the ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Sandra nikki haley speaking to the u. N. Supreme Court Council right to the issue of russia after the incident from yesterday involving the Ukrainian Navy. This closed quarters, tight quarters between the geography and waters in the sea by ukraine. This could be something that you need to keep a very close eye on. A moment taking three ukrainian ships hostage. Ukrainian government meeting in parliament considering martial law. Nikki haley strong in her language just a moment ago. Were watching the story. General jack keane will tell us what we need to understand in a few moments here. Leaks are counterproductive whether jim comey is doing it or the f. B. I. Or whether congress is doing it. The remedy is not having a public hearing where you are supposed to act about 17 months work of worth in five minutes. The remedy is videotape the deposition and the transcribed interview. Sandra House Republicans issuing subpoenas or james comey and Loretta Lynch to appear behind closed doors next week on the justice departments actions during the 2016 election. Lets bring in congressman darrell issa who serves on the judiciary and Foreign Affairs committees. What do you want to know . What trey gowdy said is critical. We need a deposition, not a hearing. We need real questions asked that dont occur in a fiveminute evade situation. Comey can basically not answer a question for five minutes and you are on to the next question. So the first and most important thing public or private we need a deposition. We need real testimony about the real wrongdoing that occurred that is still living with us two years later. I think thats the most Important Message for everyone to take is that these two individuals have never answered in a normal deposition mode where there is an hour of question and answer and you are given time to answer fully but you are expected to answer. Sandra of course, james comey has made very clear his concern about closed door testimony that there will be very purposeful leaks that would be used by republicans to make him look bad. So would you be in favor of an open hearing to take place . Mike johnson, the republican from louisiana, was on earlier saying i like the closed door session because witnesses are more candid. What needs to happen here . There are a couple of in twens. Chairman gowdy posed one, which is you fully video it. Make it available so that not in realtime with an audience there the way a live hearing is but do it in a deposition format. Thats standard procedure to videotape depositions under federal rules. Thats one possibility. The alternative would be a live but no studio audience, if you will, deposition in which that streaming video would be available in realtime. Thats a possibility. Lets remember one thing. We dont and shouldnt expect Loretta Lynch to listen to comey to get her answers ready for vice versa and a host of others. No federal no federal prosecutor would ever want to have his first witness be heard and seen by the next 10. As you know, that even in a normal trial, which is not televised, the witnesses that will be called next are normally kept out of the room. The normal process of investigation says it should be closed. If there will be some modification lets first understand that its a decision of congress, not a decision of the witnesses what those modifications will be. And certainly comey has been disingenuous to the American People time and time again. He has certainly been disloyal to the president and divisive. Sandra well see what happens there. Meanwhile a few seconds left, tell us what you think about adam schiff, the democrat, the ranking democrat, asking the acting attorney general, whitaker, who he has already said he doesnt believe the appointment of whitaker was constitutional wanting him to testify before congress. Well the first thing is he seems to want him to testify before an inappropriate committee, the Intelligence Committee that will he be chairman of. There is a proper way to determine whether or not a president ial appointment is constitutional and it is not in the house or the senate. The fact is the law is already in place. It has been in place for years. It has been used for years. The president used it, has an opinion that it is appropriate and quite frankly the federal court system is the only appropriate place to decide that. So for my congressmen and women on both sides of the dome, they should recognize that weve already passed the law. We dont get to reinterpret it. Thats the job of the federal court system and there already are cases there. Sandra well see how that all plays out and what happens when the Mueller Probe wraps, whether or not we see that publicly. Still so much questions. Congressman, final word. If it ever wraps. Sandra interesting. Well watch it. Thank you for coming on the program this morning. Thank you. Bill were watching the story. Russia opening fire on ukrainian ships seizing crew members prompting at an emergency meeting underway now. We expect reaction from nikki haley on the move. Retired fourstar general jack keane will weigh in with his thoughts coming up next. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy oh good, youre awake finally. Youre still here . Come on, denise. Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. With solutions to help provide income throughout. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. Oh. So, that means no breakfast . I said there might be breakfast. I was really looking forward to breakfast. I know. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Bill emergency meeting, u. N. Security council now underway. Russia hitting on ukrainian vessels off the crimea peninsula this weekend. Jack keane is here, chairman for the institute of the study of war and fox news strategic analyst. Nikki haley is up a moment. What do we need to understand about the activity that took place off the coast of ukraine just yesterday, sir . First time weve really had maritime tensions. Weve had major flareups between russian separatists and ukraine is war taking place there. This is about a couple of things. One is the ukraines north of the strait where this took place is the sea where ukraine has a number of ports that are very valuable to them. 25 to 40 of their economy comes out of those ports and they entered the black sea from there and then into the european and global economy. Very important to their survival. Russia has been putting pressure on this and stopping all ships, inspecting them. The first time they engaged Ukrainian Naval ships and its part of the issue. An economic squeeze on ukraine as much as the military pressure in eastern ukraine. They say russia rams ukrainian vessel and seizes ships and crew and accuses ukraine of provocation, three question marks there. Is this an exception to the rule, sir . Or do you think russia and Vladimir Putin are changing something there . Well, first of all i believe the russians are lying through their teeth as they normally do to be frank about it. A couple of interesting [drops here. Putin, before an International Meeting thats coming up next week, the socalled g20. His history is he at times creates an incident or flareup prior to that meeting to give him more status when he goes into the meeting. That could be at play here as well. The other thing they are talking about imposing martial law, the president of ukraine. He is facing a tough election next year. That martial law may give him some political status as well that he doesnt have right now because the competition will be pretty tough. Those are the issues that arent front and center but at play literally here politically. Bill interesting. Quickly on the syrian positioning by on behalf of the u. S. Military. What is happening in that conflict that we need to understand, sir . First of all, the last vestige of isis enclave is by the syrian iraq border. Syrian kurds or socalled ypg are doing the fighting. Many miles away from raqqa which they were willing to do. They want to be up by the turkish syria border making certain that the turks arent taking advantage of their homeland. What the United States is doing now interestingly is establishing military outposts along the turkish syria borders to keep the kurds in the fight in the southeast and they have confidence their interests are being protected in northern syria. Bill something to watch, general. Thank you for bringing that to you are attention. Jack keen there in washington thank you, sir. Sandra were also watching the powerful winter storm slamming the heartland right now dropping a foot of snow in some areas forcing flight delays and a slippery mess on the roadways. Bill President Trump goes to mississippi in a few hours stumping for hydesmith in a battle to hold onto what could be the 53rd senate seat. Sandra First Lady Melania Trump unveiling what christmas will look like at the white house this year. Well show you a glimpse of it next. Youre headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sometimes a cough gets in the way of a good nights sleep. Thats when he needs vicks vaporub. Proven cough medicine. With 8 hours of vapors, so he can sleep. Vicks vaporub. Goodnight coughs. Bill President Trump will make a rally today, a couple in mississippi to rally support for republican senator cindy hydesmith faced in a tight runoff tomorrow against democratic challenger mike espy. The president said i will be in gulfport and tupelo for hydesmith. She is strong on the border, military, great vets. Needed in d. C. Karl rove former White House Deputy chief of staff, Fox News Contributor. How are you doing . Good day to you in austin, texas . Im fabulous, how are you . Bill does he need to go there . Im looking at a couple of things here. First of all this is what happened on election day. You have the runoff tomorrow because no one got to 50 . A poll sponsored by a republicanleaning group shows her up 10 points. In that poll is right does he need to go there . Go ahead. Interestingly enough that poll is sponsored by a Republican Group rrh but also by a Democratic Group bold blue campaigns and issued by conducted by a polling firm in louisiana that frankly 538. Com gives them a c rating and on average theyre off by eight points. If you take a look at it 5444 looks like a big league. If you have a margin of error by eight points it could be anybodys game. I think this. Youre right. On november election day nobody got 50 of the vote. If you take the two republicans they got roughly 58 of the vote. In the senate race, two senate races one for sixyear term. My sense is the republicans have an advantage here. The combined vote of the two republicans in the special election in november were 58 . I would expect her to win. Why not go . The president likes having these rallies. He is very popular in the state. It cant hurt. It could certainly help. If it is going to be a close race and yes, the democrats have more energy as theyve had in most contests this year. Whether thats sufficient, i dont know. Bill why take the chance . Have the rallies and ahead of the vote tomorrow. We spoke two weeks ago and you were thinking then nancy pelosi is not a shoein necessarily. Looks like she probably is now. Democratic opposition melts away as the left gets behind her. The quote. Progressive require control of congress to fulfill their main policy goal of expanding government so they understand the importance of a united fronts. Dont look for the caucus revolt. Did she work the art of the deal for herself, karl . Look, it isnt over yet. I wrote a column last week for the wall street journal listing the sources. This is just two days after the letter came out from 16 democrats and then i illuminated the number of others that had already said im not supporting her. And it was more than enough to knock her down to 203 out of 2 she needs 218 to win. Knocked it down to 203, 4 or 5 depending how people fell out. She is twisting arms and breaking legs and formidable and likely to win. Brian higgins signs a letter says no way will i support her. Then now he is supporting her. A deep blue district but a lot of people on the list of names who said ill never support her, two women in michigan who represent previously republican districts, a woman in kansas. A former mayor of salt lake who won by 700 votes. How will they go home and say i did it after my arm was twisted or my leg was broken . Bill theyre folding. Thats what you are saying, right . They could. Well see. Jim cooper of tennessee who voted against her before. He is not folding. Lets see how many do and how they explain, those that do fold, how they explain it to the people back home. Remember, a lot of them were very clear about this under no circumstances will i support her. Colorado, maine, these people were not unclear about it. She is a tough character, i know. I saw her up close and personal for seven years and she is tough. And she is backed by a strong, very liberal members of the house. In the democrat caucus, they make things Like Committee assignments and designates the chairs and designates subcommittee chairs and so forth. She has influence. Bill her phrase was a transitional position. Well see how long the transition lasts. That was another point the wall street journal made. She doesnt want to be a transitional figure. If the democrats retake the white house in 2020, she wants to be speaker of the house like she was when barack obama came into office in 2009. Bill i like the white board. Hope you had a great turkey. Sandra fox news alert on rough weather. Blizzardlike conditions in the midwest with snow causing travel chaos at the end of the thanksgiving weekend. Mike tobin is live in chicago with the latest. Lots of snow behind you. More to come . Well, not so much more to come. The wind is still howling. It looks like the worst of the storm is behind us. 169,000 homes without power it doesnt feel like the worst is behind us. From nebraska to michigan everybody got their first taste of winter. 90 minutes west is the town of rockford. They got clobbered. They had 11. 7 inches. That sets a record for rockford in november. A little further south the quad cities, vehicles ding out, snowplows trying to get better. Something unique to this storm is the wind that came howling down Lake Michigan from north to south creating waves up to 16 feet prompting the coast guard to warn people to stay away from the shores of Lake Michigan. Particularly the cycling and running path there. The waves come crashing over the top of that and almost reached and flooded lakeshore drive. The waves can draw you back out into the water. The coast guard is warning if you went in the water hypothermia would set in quickly if you could survive, its too rough for them to put rescue boats in the water and the warning is in place. Of course, the storm has to hit when everybody is trying to get home from thanksgiving dinner. Flight aware. Com is saying upwards of 1400 flights are canceled. More than 8,000 delayed. Good luck getting home, everybody. Sandra chicagoans know how to dress for the weather. Weve been watching folks and theyre bundled up and still going to work this morning. Saw a bike path behind you. Mike, thank you. Bill has your dad finished the driveway . Ive been a little busy. I havent checked in. Hopefully. You know chicago. We get this weather often. Bill it happens. Sandra you have to be prepared for it. It is not officially winter yet. Bill its early. The border battle is heating up. Hundreds of migrants tried to rush the border on sunday. President trump has taken a tough stand. A lot of plans in the works including one to shut down the southwest border permanently. Can he legally do that . The judge will lay out the options coming up for the west wing in a moment here. Stand by. We need to stand by our guns. We cant allow people illegal entry into this country. Its a violation of our laws. 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Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. The ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. On the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. Lean on me, when youre not strong and ill be your friend ill help you carry on lean on me. Bill the white house releasing a federal report warning of the impacts of Climate Change. National chime at assessment says extreme weather has cost the u. S. Billions of dollars and predicts disasters will worsen, economy will shrink. Is report is written by officials from 13 federal agencies and outside scientists. President trump has been a vocal skeptic of manmade Climate Change and its effects on the country. Sandra unrest at the southern border. Highly the nations busiest port of entry is back open again it may not be for long. The president is threatening to close the border permanently after hundreds of migrants tried to enter our country illegally. The president tweeting this. Migrants at the southern border will not be allowed into the until their claims are individually approved in court. We will only allow those into our country legally. Hope you had a great weekend, judge. The big question is because we keep hearing this from the president , the threat to shut down the southern border permanently, can he do that . He cannot legally do it. We know that because of federal statutes which i understand his frustration. They were last revised in 1986 when our lelationship with migrants coming north was very different than it is now. Thats the law as he finds it. Thats the law as he is required to enforce it. Thats the law that the federal judge in San Francisco that the president attempted to disparage by calling him an obama judge told him he had to enforce as well. Look, he doesnt have to tolerate lawlessness and certainly the officials at the border can use reasonable resistance to lawlessness. But the law says if you have a bona fide asylum claim, meaning youre escaping a government pursuing you or escaping a government failing to enforce basic law and order, you can enter the United States. The president doesnt want to hear this but its the law. Anywhere you want. You are then to be brought in the u. S. Back to the port where you should have entered and processed there. The process is a cursory examination and interview to see if there is a legitimate asylum claim. If there is you are released or detained as President Trump has been doing until your actual trial on the asylum happens. The trial doesnt happen for six to eight months because there are so many people ahead of you. Sandra because it was the thanksgiving weekend and we saw the confrontation at the border, so far have our Border Patrol agents been told to act within the law at the boarding using tear gas and other methods of protecting themselves when they were confronted with these migrants. In my opinion yes. Their job is to protect themselves and their colleagues and protect the border in that order and then to protect the migrants. Sandra breaking news coming up. Bill breaking news from overseas, nikki haley talking about russia at the moment at the u. N. Law abiding sieve liesed nation to act impeding ukraines lawful action through the strait is a violation under international law. Ist is an air grant act that the International Community must condemn and will never accept. In may the United States condemned russias construction and opening of the bridge between russia and occupied crimea. In august the United States condemned russias harassment of International Shipping in the the sea. And the kerch straits. We continue to stand with the people of ukraine against russian aggression. It is our expectation that our European Partners will lead this effort through the normandy 4 format which we support. We call on russia to respect its International Obligations and not obstruct or harass ukraines transit in the kerch strait and to deescalate the sentions its created. As President Trump said many times, the United States would welcome a normal relationship with russia. But outlaw actions like this one continue to make that impossible. The United States will maintain its crimearelated sanctions against russia. Further russian escalation of this kind will only make matters worse. It will further undermine russias standing in the world. It will further sour russias relations with the u. S. And many other countries. It will further increase tensions with ukraine. In the name of International Peace and security, russia Must Immediately cease its unlawful conduct and respect the navigational rights and freedoms of all states. Thank you. Bill nikki haley. Weve been waiting on that. Several Ukraine Naval ships taken hostage on behalf of russia. Its a tense matter now, the ukrainians have a lot of concern about what will happen in their own country and considering martial law. Sandra the ambassador said the u. S. Will continue to stand with ukraine against russian aggression. Bill stay tuned on that. This is coming up too. Sandra counting down to a mars landing today and this will be tricky. How do you land a probe traveling at 13,000 miles an hour . The head of nasa will be here to explain next. Ready to get your feast on . You better be cause its red lobsters new create your own ultimate feast event pick 4 of 10 favorites to create the ultimate feast youve been dreaming of. Will you choose creamy lobster mac cheese, tender, wildcaught snow crab. 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Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Bill mission to mars castoff whats called seven minutes of terror. It is only hours away. The head of nasa, my guest from pasadena, california. Thank you for coming back and so our audience knows, this is the latest rover launched last may and seven months later you are hours away from touchdown. This rover is traveling at 13,000 mileanhour. In order to complete the landing, you have to slow it to five miles an hour before it hits mars. How do you do that . Its not easy. The reason its not easy is because mars has a thin atmosphere. What will happen as you mentioned, it is traveling at almost 13,000 Miles Per Hour and enter the mars atmosphere. At that point the heat shield will absorb a lot of the energy. Pieces of it it will somewhat dissipate but it will take away the energy and at some point it is going to release supersonic parachutes that will slow it down more and finally it will be released from the supersonic parachutes to land with rocket thrusters that put it on mars in 6 1 2 minutes. During that time were not going to have communications really with the vehicle at all. By the way, even if we did there is an eight minute delay between mars and earth because of the speed of light. The signal takes that long to get back to earth. So there is a lot of anticipation. Maybe some nerves here in pasadena. But were all very excited and it is an Important Mission for nasa. Bill i have a lot of questions. You sent rovers to mars before. Why is this different . We have. This is different because were going to understand the interior of mars. Here is what we know about mars. It used to have a strong sphere that protected it from radiation from space. That enabled it to have an ocean in its Northern Hemisphere. 3 4 of mars on the Northern Hemisphere was covered with an ocean and had a very thick atmosphere. In other words, mars was actually hab itable. Im not saying there was life there but it was possible that life could have survived on the surface of mars about three billion years ago. Then at some point it changed. It lost its sphere and at that point it lost its ocean and lost its thick atmosphere. Were trying to understand what caused that change and ultimately to do that we have to look inside mars to understand its core, its metallic core. Is it molten or solid and it is a part of the puzzle why it lost its sphere and being hab itable to not habitable. Bill do you see images or video or both . Well get data initially just beeps and then eventually well start getting images. Yes, that will happen a little bit after noon here on the west coast. Bill 3 00 our time. Last question here. How do you test for this when you are trying to slow down the rover from 13,000 miles an hour to 5 . Its not easy. Especially in an atmosphere that is not like ours on earth. But we do a lot of computational fluid dynamics and computer modeling and ultimately we can test a lot of it in chamber. But when you talk about traveling 13,000 miles an hour and entering an atmosphere that is different from the atmosphere on earth its difficult to test. This has been done successfully by the United States seven times in our history. Weve had one failure but done it successfully seven times and the only country on the planet that has successfully landed on the surface of mars and today will be the eighth time. Bill red, white and blue in the red planet. Good luck to you. Were pulling for you. Thank you. Sandra fascinating stuff. Chaos on the southern border after hundreds of migrants try to rush a popular port of entry. What should congress do, as well as the president . Outnumbered will take that one on next. speaking in italian prenderro dieci biscotti. Eeee twelve bomboloni. I just got my ancestrydna results 74 italian. And i found out that im from the big toe of that sexy italian boot calabria. It even shows the migration path from south italia all the way to exotico new jersey so this Holiday Season its ancestrydna per tutti order your kit now at ancestry. Com bill okay. Sandra to get ready for it, bill its beginning to look a lot like christmas at the white house. First Lady Melania Trump releasing a video showing the halls duct with boughs of holly in the 19foot tree in the blue room. Highlights include a row of red trees and bulbs with the words of her antibullying initiative. A bill how beautiful that is. Wow. Good stuff. Sandra are you ready for this . Bill Merry Christmas get used to it. The sandra we are there already Pretty Things for joining us, everybody. Outnumbered starts now. Harris we begin with a monday fox news alert. President trump threatening to close the entire southern border with mexico. As a migrant crisis is reaching a new level, now. Officials shutting down san diegos Border Crossing for several hours yesterday after hundreds of migrants started rushing the fence. Officials are saying that some even threw rocks at border agents. You are watching outnumbered. Im harris faulkner. Here today, melissa francis. Fox business and kurt dagen mcdowell

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