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People ive ever known. Outstanding intellect and judge respected by everybody. I have great confidence in the u. S. Senate. They will go through a process and hear everybody out. I think its important. It is an accusation which the Ranking Member of the committee of juris dick shun has known about for six weeks but chose to keep secret until the 11th hour. Obviously if judge kavanaugh has lied about what happened, that would be disqualifying. These allegations ought to be treated with the utmost gravity. The allegations are extremely credible. Eric peter doocy is live on capitol hill with the latest. Good morning. First do republicans have the votes to confirm kavanaugh even if they dont hold the hearing on monday . They dont. Behind closed doors republican senator jeff flake has been warning leadership that a hearing is the least they can do to earn his support. I would have voted no this week absent her being able to tell her story. So im glad she is going to be able to and i may conclude afterwards that, you know, that he should go on and fill that seat. I may not. A lot will depend on that hearing. Senator john cornyn on the judicialary Committee Says next mondays hearing doesnt need any other witnesses except judge kavanaugh and his accusers but senate rules allow for one corroborating witness to back up each side of the story. Thats something that democrats are saying they expect will happen. Eric do we know if mrs. Ford, the professor in california, has been invited. Do we know if she actually is going to attend the hearing . She hasnt rsvped yet. Her Attorney Says she wants to be here. It is expected she will show. Democrats are already pushing for a delay. If its going to happen things should happen past monday because they dont think a hearing is enough. Senator Dianne Feinstein says that im disappointed the f. B. I. And white house are failing to take even the most basic steps to investigate this matter. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past and rush the process before were able to gather more information and the f. B. I. Is able to reopen and complete the background investigation. But the Justice Department is saying the f. B. I. Has already done their job in this case by learning about new information and then giving it to the Decision Makers in this case the white house counsel. The Justice Department is clear that nowhere in these allegations is there a discussion or an accusation of a federal crime being committed. Eric all right, peter. Potentially could be quite a showdown. Thank you. Sandra lets bring in jennifer mascott, assistant professor of law at George Mason University and a former clerk for judge kavanaugh and justice thomas. Thank you for joining us this morning. Obviously this is a long wait and see now to see whether or not the two of them will publicly testify and whether she will accept that invitation to publicly testify on monday. How long have you known judge kavanaugh . Thank you for having me on this morning and this is obviously a very challenging set of circumstances. I clerked for judge kavanaugh from 2006 to 2007. His first year serving on the d. C. Circuit. Ive known he and his family for 12 years. That entire time ive known him he has acted with the utmost character, integrity. I value him as a mentor and friend. Throughout this process he has had people from all walks of life along the spectrum come in and testify unfailingly to his character, his kindness, his generosity and thats the person that i know and have respected over these past 12 years. Sandra as someone who worked for him and clerked for him, what is it that you are hearing in the National Conversation about him right now . What is it that you are coming forward to share with us about his character . Well, you know, im coming forward to talk about what i know, which is all that i can talk about, thats judge kavanaugh for 12 years, i served as a law clerk for him his first year on the bench. What you heard from him in these hearings a couple of weeks ago is his approach to the law. He treats the law with fairness and respect. He has treated all of his law clerks, everyone ive seen him come into contact unfailingly with respect, integrity, transparency. He has been a terrific mentor to women and championed us in the legal profession. He has been just without fail a person who has had really over his career and his life an impeccable record. Sandra as a woman and former clerk of judge kavanaugh and someone you have known for 12 years as a friend, you have heard the white house come forward and say this woman should not be ignored, she should be heard. You heard republican senator jeff flake she should be able to tell her side of the story. How do you want to see all of this play out . Well, you know, everybody deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. I understand that the hearings have been scheduled to continue on monday. And ive heard judge kavanaugh say he would value the opportunity to share his story and to clear his name. I trust that the senate will continue to handle this with respect and treat everybody with dignity and fairness. Sandra many women have come forward that have known judge kavanaugh for many years. Many of the 65 women have known him since high school and two former girlfriends were on tv last night. Here is one of them last night. I couldnt believe it. Its just so polar opposite of the Brett Kavanaugh ive known for over 35 years. He has such a standup guy. Full of integrity. I admire him. He never exhibited to me or anyone else i know with treated no one with disrespect. Sandra should judge kavanaugh still be confirmed . So the judge kavanaugh that i know who has acted with unfailing character and integrity, has served with distinction for 12 years i strongly support his confirmation. Ive known him for 12 years. He has treated his law clerks, his family during that time ive known him with the utmost decency and respect and he has been just a tremendous Public Servant during the years ive known him. Sandra working with women is what he prides himself on. He has employed and had many women working around him. What can you tell us about that . Well, judge kavanaugh has made it a point to champion people of all backgrounds, women and men. Thats something innate in his character. He selflessly has put others ahead of himself throughout his public career with his family. Ive seen him in many different settings and just have the utmost respect for judge kavanaugh. Sandra thank you for coming on americas newsroom this morning. We appreciate it. Thank you. Sandra we will have much more on this developing story with our headliner white house director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp will be joining us and President Trumps attorney jay sekulow coming up at 11 00 a. M. Eastern time. Fresh reaction from the white house just ahead. Eric we are now learning that President Trump will be heading down to North Carolina tomorrow. He will survey the horrible devastation from Hurricane Florence. The news comes as officials warn the danger is far from over. Several rivers expected to crest. When that happens that means even more floodwaters will pour to those communities adding to an overwhelming deluge in the besieged area. There is devastation there. North carolina especially hit. The Cape Fear River in wilmington will crest at 62 feet tomorrow. Whats it like, griff, where you are . Well, it looks like the twin river has crested at record levels. Look at this. Its under water. You see gentlemen in a boat going to survey their property. The town cut off from civilization. Coast guard helicopters overhead. I want to bring in quickly the mayor jay bender. Has been the mayor for 36 years. The president will come here tomorrow. We dont know if he will survey this area or where he will go. He is coming to North Carolina to see the damage. Do you think he should come here . What does he need to know about whats happened to you . He absolutely needs to come here. Our town is devastated. Im really not sure what it is going to be like after its all over. This is maybe four or five feet higher than floyd. We have no water, we have no sewer, and weve been told we wont have power for eight days. Were a little town, were not like wilmington or lumberton or new bern. Theyre my friends and they have gone through the tough stuff but they have staff. We have no staff. I have no fulltime staff at all. Dont even know how ill be able to open my town office if i can get to it. The president needs to see that these little towns that are cut off except one way in and one way out are in desperate circumstances and the people are horribly frustrated. What resources do you need most . I know that working with the local authority here, the Sheriffs Office and what not you have some army, some National Guard. What does this town need and what are the people of the town saying to you . They need power. Were struggling with our water system. Our sewer has been compromised. Im really not sure exactly what the status is on that. When we were in hurricane floyd we had power. We just dealt with the difficulties with power. We have nothing. Now it looks like it will be a week before we get power. So were going we need gasoline. People cant even leave because there is nothing within 15 or 20 miles that has power to even get gasoline. Nothing to Power Generators or cars. Its pretty bleak. Mayor bender trying to do the best he can as we try to cover this. We saw blackhawks dropping supplies here for some residents. Most are evacuated. A few remain inside. It is a tough situation. The governor was correct when he said perhaps the worst was yet to come, eric. Eric small towns are under siege despite the heroic efforts of many of the first responders. Thanks. Rainfall as you can see has tapered off in the carolinas but the rivers remaining at major flood stage for the rest of the week. This will not go away any time soon. Coming up North Carolina Lieutenant Governor dan forest will join us ahead and tell us where the disaster plan stands now and what they can do for small towns like that one. Sandra another big move out of the white house. President trump heeding repeated calls from House Republicans to declassify a trove of documents related to the russia investigation. The American People will find out there was no basis for these fisa warrants. That the Important Information was kept from the court. There is going to be a dis sandra what the documents could say about the decision of the f. B. I. And d. O. J. To launch the russia probe. Will we be permanently basing american troops in poland . That request coming as the polish president comes to the white house today. All of this and much more live in americas newsroom straight ahead. Surance that wont replace the full value of your new car . Youd be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. Im gonna regret that. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty and its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you so lets promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on choicehotels. Com like this. Touchdown. Earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com eric fox news alert on another major and stunning developing story today. President trump ordering the declassification of several key fisa documents that led to the russia investigation. They include part of the warrant that was used to target former Trump Campaign aide carter page. Thats not all. Byron york, Fox News Contributor, joins us now. Almost unprecedented. What do you think the release will expose about what bruce ohr, and others were up to . We should learn more about what the f. B. I. Did with the socalled trump dossier, that collection of unverified allegations against donald trump that was compiled by Christopher Steele that former british spy who was being paid by the Democratic National committee and clinton campaign. One of the things that are going to be declassified are what are called the bruce ohr 302s. It was referred to memos the f. B. I. Wrote each time they interviewed bruce ohr. He served as the go between between Christopher Steele and the f. B. I. Ohr would meet with steele and steele would pass on the latest thing he found out and ohr would tell the f. B. I. What steele told him. Eric you think well find out exactly what was going on between the two. There were accusations that ohr was used as a cutout because steele had been dropped by the f. B. I. And they met a dozen times. Right. Each time bruce ohr was interviewed by the f. B. I. , the f. B. I. Wrote up a report on it. Thats what its called a 302. And there are at least a dozen of them that never saw the light of day and the president ordered them to be released. Eric what if this information showed there was a legitimate concern that the russians had infiltrated the Trump Campaign. That would be an enormous step forward because weve heard so many times that there is no evidence showing collusion. And if it did show collusion, i think that would be enormous. Another thing the president has ordered to be declassified are critical parts of the warrant application that the f. B. I. Used to get permission to wiretap carter page who had once been a trump advisor. A lot of that was blacked out when it was first released and the president has ordered some of that to be released as well. Eric and what if this information shows that there was no collusion, that there was nothing in these allegations and it was all smoke . Well, you have to think that the f. B. I. s carter page application, which was in october 21 of 2016 at the height of the campaign, would list what their concerns were about relations between contacts between links between russia and the Trump Campaign. And apparently what we will find out with the release of these previously classified documents is what the f. B. I. Was worried about so we can finally evaluate the case they were making for surveillance of carter page and for on a larger sense for continuing the trump russia investigation. Eric do you think this will expose finally the behaviors and a breath of fresh air or as adam schiff and others are saying it is abuse of president ial aauthority and put a chill on future informants. Democrats have made the same complaint about every time previously classified information has been released. You will remember when the nunes memo was released that talked about this fisa application that was back in february. Democrats beforehand said releasing it would be devastating to National Security and it wasnt. So in this case, well see whats released. But certainly republicans on the Committee Say that after it is vetted for sources and methods information, that releasing it will not harm National Security. Eric i said finally before but really finally doesnt the public have a right to know . Dont we have a right to know and have this information out as some say to finally try to get to the truth of some of this matter when we dont know whats going on . I think thats right. The trumprussia issue has been a burning controversy for years. People want to remove the president from office and use it. This couldnt be more important. The more we learn about it, the better. Eric sunlight can be the best disinfectant. Thank you. Sandra the biggest backer of assad said he has brokered a peace in syria. Putin and turkey behind the move. Could it work . What exactly is behind the deal. President trump slapping another 200 billion in tariffs on china. Where will this lead us . President trump well be announcing something and it will be a lot of money coming into the coffers of the United States of america. A lot of money coming in. To look at me now, you dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. 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Sandra meanwhile looming military offensive possibly averted on syria as last rebel stronghold after the leaders of russia and turkey say they reached an agreement to establish a Demilitarized Zone next month to separate the rebels from Syrian Forces. Benjamin hall is live from london this morning. What does this mean in the long run . Well, you know, sandra, as far as idlib. Theyve seen jets bombard their town hitting hospitals and killing civilians. This was saving them before the final onslaught. They met in the russia city where they agreed to create a demilitarized buffer zone between Syrian Government held areas and turkish back rebel areas to prevent the offensive. As part of this deal all heavy weapons held by the rebels and all radical linked fighters must be withdrawn from a 9 to 15 mile wide zone in idlib. The deadline for them to leave is october 15. Troops from russia and turkey who monitor the buffer zone and have observations posts and patrols to prevent what was feared to be one of the worst, most deadly offensives of this war. Sandra what does it mean for the wider civil war happening in syria . Thats still unclear. Idlib was the last rebelheld bass ton in the country. If the Syrian Government took it, it would mean total victory. Big questions before the offensive is called off. What happens to the heavy weapons and fighters there . Assad is set to take all of syria and idlib is vital to them. It is likely that assad will want to take it back. But for the moment the residents in idlib are safe and dont have to flee to turkey and thought 800,000 would head toward the border. The government offensive that so many people feared has been put on hold and interesting to see how other countries deciding the fate of syria, turkey and russia meeting to try to divide the northern part. Crucial also it is not the u. S. Taking a role in this. Although they do have influence in the northeast and south, this decision made entirely by turkey and russia. Eric north and south korea officially coming to the table yet again. Next what kim jongun is saying about President Trump at this hour. Sandra plus it will be mustsee tv when judge kavanaugh and his potentially accuser testify before the Senate Judicial committee monday. Judge napolitano will give us his take and preview next. The question for the senate, is there really enough evidence here, given the nature of the allegation, how old it is and the uncertain nature of it, to deny this man who has lived an incredible life a promotion to the Supreme Court . Hi im joan lunden. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Sandra Supreme Court nominee set to testify next week before the Senate Judiciary committee as he strongly denies allegations from his accuser. So far no word if she will accept the invitation to speak. Her lawyer has said she is willing to. President trumps attorney, jay sekulow, appearing on hannity last night saying its appropriate to hear from both sides. In this day and time. And i understand this. Allegation has been made, judge kavanaugh is going to respond. Thats the appropriate way. The accuser is going to have her time as well. It should be and orderly and appropriate process. Sandra judge Andrew Napolitano is fox news senior judicial analyst. I dont think anybody disagrees with that. We hear from both sides. Even the president who has been pushing aggressively to have judge kavanaugh confirm in time to sit with the Supreme Court the first monday in october recognized yesterday this will take a little time. The democrats would like a fullfledged f. B. I. Investigation of dr. Ford, husband and therapist and whoever else can could company ob rate the lie depeck tore and want the f. B. I. To interrogate judge kavanaugh, the lookout who says it didnt happen and anybody else who can corroborate judge kavanaughs side. I dont think that will happen. I think monday well hear from dr. Ford and examined by all members of the committee and well hear from judge kavanaugh and examined by all members of the committee. The senate rules permit one corroborating witness for each side. We dont know who, if any, those people will be. When this happened in 1991, talking about anita hill and clarence thomas, professor hill was effectively demolished by a brilliant, bigtering and fierce cross examination conducted by the late senator arlin specter. I dont think that can happen today in the metoo era. She cant be treated as aggressively as senator specer treated professor hill. It is an entirely different era. She may well be a victim, a liar, a dupe. Here is my questions. What happens at 5 00 monday afternoon its a draw . There are no rules. This is not a court of law where she has to prove her case by more evidence or he has to disprove her case by more evidence. It is a question of impression. Who more likely than not was the truth teller . Sandra whats the answer to that . That will be determined by four people. Senators flake, corker, collins and murcowski. The four republicans who may be looking for a reason not to vote for him, who may be looking for a reason not to vote for his confirmation or may be looking for a reason to vote for his confirmation. Those are the four that will hold the balance. I believe the democrats are in lock step. There are 51 republicans. If they lose one Vice President pence breaks the tie. If they lose two the nomination is history and a major defeat for the president. Sandra Dianne Feinstein makes the comparison to anita hill and lessons learned. Im disappointed the f. B. I. And white house are failing to take the most basic steps to investigate this matter. We must not repeat the mistakes of the past and rush the process before were able to gather more information and the f. B. I. Is able to reopen and complete the background investigation. She is talking about the clarence thomas, anita hill event which mirrors this. Professor hill made her allegations the last minute. There was no f. B. I. Investigation. They extended the hearing by three days. She testified, judge thomas testified and then various witnesses testified. Judge thomas, then judge thomas who sat right where judge kavanaugh sits today, the very same court, walked in and the first question to him was well, what do you have to say about her testimony . His answer was i didnt watch her testimony. This is a hitech lynching and im not going to watch it. I dont know if judge kavanaugh will watch his accuser on television as she makes these accusations but we will see some high drama. I dont know anything about professor ford. I know judge kavanaugh is brilliant and will not miss any nuance in what the accuser says. Sandra so many coming out on his behalf speaking of his character and have known him for so long. I want to quickly play professor turley on what he laid out that the gop needs to prove. When you have a case someone is alleging a Sexual Assault or rape either that person is a victim or that person is a liar. You dont have any mid point. If you finish mid point, the jury tends to rule against the defendant. So the republicans will be in a tough position. Theyll either have to address this or not. Im not quite as gloomy as my colleague and friend professor turley. I think a tie can still go to judge kavanaugh. At the end of the clarence thomas, anita hill hearing it was a tie even though senator specter rattled her she didnt change her allegations. The Senate Judiciary Committee Voted no preference. They voted to send the nomination to the floor. Which is why i think it will be determined by the four corker, flake, collins and murcowski, only senator flake actually sits on the committee. Sandra meanwhile there are no rules here. Sandra thats why there are so many question marks as to what will happen. Do you think she will accept this invitation and sit down publicly . I do. I make that statement from listening to her lawyer last night. Sandra all right. Big showdown on monday possibly then. I have to ask you quick before you go about the declassification of the fisa documents by the president in other news. Obviously this is much to the pleasure of nunes and jordan and republicans asking for this to haen. What happens now . Just because a document has been declassified doesnt mean it becomes public. A lot of these documents are protected bylaws that the president and congress cant interfere with. Documents that are reflecting an ongoing criminal investigation, documents that reveal sources and methods of intelligence, documents that reveal what was presented to a grand jury, documents that reveal thoughts and impressions about the strength of a prosecutors case. They cant be revealed. Even though the president signed the order last night it will take days, maybe weeks for dozens of pairs of eyes to examine the documents and see if there is law that keeps them secret or if they can go. Sandra judge, we always appreciate your analysis. See you again soon. We will have much more fresh reaction coming up from the white house in the next hour. White house director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp will join us live and well hear from President Trumps attorney, jay sekulow at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. Keep it right here. Eric north Korean Leader kim jongun reportedly crediting President Trump with what he calls stabilizing regional politics on the korean peninsula. Those comments coming as he is meeting and sitting down with south korean president moon jaein in another summit. Greg palkot is live in london with that meeting. What do we know about what those comments were and about any conclusions of the summit . Were getting more information, eric, on this first day of talks between kim jongun and south korean president moon jaein. Kim jongun also saying he wants a big outcome from these talks. Its safe to say washington would like that as well. It was a lovein from the very beginning. Kim and moon hugging each other when moon got off the plane earlier today. This is only the third time a south korean president has come to the capital of north korea. There was a motorcade through pyongyang. They road in a new car crowds cheering along the way. Moon saying today his biggest accomplishment from the talks if he could get the u. S. And north korea talking about denuclearization. Things have gotten stuck. Kim said he was promised a declaration of the korean war at that summit. The Administration Says it wants to see detailing of the nukes it wants to get rid of. Moon brought government and business officials here. If he cant get the u. S. And north korea together again, nothing will go anywhere. Meanwhile, while it was all sweetness and light in the pictures we saw today, the official north korean newspaper blasting the u. S. Again for gangsterlike behavior. More talks planned for tomorrow, eric. Eric pretty stunning picture of moon and kim sticking out of the moon roof there. Amazing in that car. Sandra. Sandra all right, Hurricane Florence bringing rain, wind, flooding and tornadoes as it weaves its path of destruction. Look at this. Even more terror for one state already dealing with the aftermath of that hurricane. More on that in just a moment. Eric cities and towns in North Carolina, many of them are cut off completely by the massive flooding. Officials warning several rivers are now dangerously close to overflowing. North carolina Lieutenant Governor dan forest joins us on that next. Someone i know been on the other side of town. Its heartbreaking. My heart i wouldnt believe this would ever happen. Flintstones meet the flintstones. Theyre the modern stone age family. From the town of bedrock. Meet george jetson. His boy elroy. With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. Sandra the tail end of florence posing considerable danger along its path. There is a tornado coming. There is a tornado sandra the storm whipping up tornadoes as it moved northeast. At least one person was killed after two apparent twisters touched down in virginia. One other person suffered minor injuries. A Tornado Warning is in effect in several counties in virginia. The strong winds tearing roofs off buildings. More than 6,000 homes and businesses are now without power there. Eric the worst of florence far from over in the carolinas as President Trump gets ready to head south tomorrow. He will see the devastation firsthand. Forecasters warning the Cape Fear River in wilmington is expected to crest today bringing more flooding. Officials urging people to get to higher ground. Here is North Carolina governor roy cooper. Crisis in North Carolina continues. Catastrophic flooding and tornadoes are still claiming lives and property. My most Important Message is first. For many parts of North Carolina, the danger is still immediate. Floodwaters are rising as rivers crest and they will for days. Eric Lieutenant Governor dan forest joins us on the telephone about the situation. Lieutenant governor you know our hearts with you and the people of your state. What do you expect today . It could be days or weeks before the rivers recede . Well, we certainly think theyll crest over the next few days across the state. As far as receding goes, it could be a good week before you see these waters recede and get out of these towns and people can get back in to even begin the process of thinking about cleanup. So it really is a horrifying and heartbreaking situation for towns all across our state. Eric were looking at the Cape Fear River now. Thats expected to crest at 62 feet. This is much worse than floyd and matthew. How do you cope . Well, first just like the governor said, the first thing is to make sure that peoples lives are taken care of. Weve been pounding this drum for a week and a half now that you need to get out. If youre in the path of these rivers, you need to evacuate. We have shelters for you to go to. There are places to go. Please heed these warnings. We already have a high death toll. We dont want to see any more. We need to make sure those people are taken care of. It is going to continue to fill up some of these towns and people may think theyre out of harms way because the sun is shining and the rain has stopped. That really isnt the case. Please, if you are watching tv, listen to the news, heed the warnings right now. Eric that can be deceptive when its beautiful outside and you have the devastation as we are looking at now. On the ground there are reports that water systems, sewer systems have been shutting down. Some of the Power Companies running out of gasoline. How do you get the supplies in . How do you get the food in because the truck routes are cut off. The first question about the waste Water Treatment facilities being shut down. What you see is what happens with every hurricane, when those facilities shut down you have human waste flowing in the streets. The first case the this is a human health risk. We need to make sure people arent Walking Around in bathing suits walking through this water like its a swimming pool. It is dirty contaminated water. Dont act like its clean by any means. It is a health risk, dont do that. The other side is the coast guard, the National Guard, other organizations have been air dropping food into places like wilmington. Theyve been getting mres and fuel in there. We have a one single pathway into wilmington now which is allowing some of these supplies to get in. There is some good news in some places and some places that are still completely cut off. Islands in the middle of maybe a farming community. Weve seen this in samson county where people cant get in or out. Maybe days and weeks before some of this water recedes. Eric its unbelievable. Lumberton, a friend of mine texting me about the situation there. Bottom line, you think you will be air dropping supplies over the next certainly week before the waters recede and you get the access back in. Maybe so. I hope not. I hope we see some especially like wilmington, see that water recede more quickly. The military, the navy has ships off the coast to help with that. Weve seen military helicopters flying all over our state. I was down in lumberton yesterday. Half the town is operating business as usual. Half the town is under water. I think thats part of the danger we face is people thinking its over when there are neighbors out in extreme need there. This is a time for people in North Carolina to help their neighbors and reach out to their neighbors. This will go on for years, the cleanup. We need to make sure were doing what we do best when nature does what it does worst. I think its the time for us to step up and help neighbors. Eric absolutely. Lieutenant governor dan forest. Thank you for joining us. Sandra coming up next hours Bernie Sanders raising eyebrows after saying this. We cant even use dirty words in the United States senate. No, we just starve little children, go bomb houses and buses of children and give tax breaks but we dont use dirty words. Discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Addon advantage. Take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. So you dont have to stash antacids here. Here. Or, here. Kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. One pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. Sandra the president of poland is visiting the white house today coming as his country is asking the pentagon to permanently base u. S. Troops in poland as a deterrent to russian aggression. Lucas tomlinson is live from the pentagon this morning for us. How likely is it that the u. S. Military to base troops in poland permanently . Its not likely to happen any time soon. The president of poland is due at the white house in the next two hours and talking about permanently basing troops in poland to send a strong message to russia. We look at all offers made like that but no decision is being made right now. But looking at it, yes. 10 days before President Trumps inauguration the u. S. Army rolled into poland to send a strong message to russia to back off its neighbors following moscows invasion of ukraine. 1,000 u. S. Troops and 80 tanks have rotated through poland since without breaking a 1997 nato agreement that bars permanent basing of u. S. Or nato troops in countries like poland. Today the number is down 85 from what it used to be. Some pentagon officials would like to see the number increase. Earlier the month the u. S. Army said it would send 1500 more troops in germany. Those additional troops are not expected for another two years. Poland does spend 2 of its gdp on defense, one of the reasons for the warm reception here at the white house. Sandra Lucas Tomlinson at the pentagon for us. Thank you. Eric this morning were following the two major stories that have major implications for our country. Gearing up for a Supreme Court showdown is nominee Brett Kavanaugh gets ready to publicly next week talk about the woman accusing him of Sexual Assault decades ago plus President Trump ordering the Intelligence Community to declassify a trove of documents related to the russia investigation. Coming up our headliner is Mercedes Schlapp from the white house. She is on deck on all of this the next hour and trump attorney jay sekulow will join us at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. You wont want to miss this. Two major stories this morning for you on americas newsroom. On our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. 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A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Sandra President Trump ordering the declassification of key documents related to the start of the russia investigation, a move top House Republicans have been wanting for months now. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. 10 00 a. M. In americas newsroom, im sandra smith. Eric hello, im eric shawn in for bill hemmer this morning. The president responding to calls from congress to release those records which could shed new light on the possible antidonald trump bias within the f. B. I. And Justice Department. Congressman pete king says the documents, he thinks, will show the fisa court was being used to spy on an American Election campaign. The American People will find out there was no basis for these fisa warrants. That the Important Information was kept from the court. There will be a disproportionate influence of the dossier. Sandra Catherine Herridge is live in washington thank you, sandra, good morning. There is no official timeline for the release of the documents so a sours familiar says they expect the carter page and interview with bruce ohr. The Justice Department is on a compressed timeline and they added the records could come in days, not weeks. Bruce ohr matters to the russia case because of his connection to the trump dossier. After the former british spy behind the dossier was fired by the f. B. I. In november 2016, documents show that the spy Christopher Steele maintained contact with the f. B. I. And other government officials as was the Opposition Research team behind it fusion gps by using bruce ohr as a back channel. If the leader of the free world, the president of the United States who has had to deal with this russia nonsense for this long, if he orders it done, this shouldnt take more than a few days. This morning President Trump tweeted what will be disclosed is that there was no basis for these fisa or surveillance warrants. Thats the Important Information that was kept from the court will be a disproportionate influence of the fake dossier and soon the public can make that assessment on their own, sandra. Sandra democrats say its an effort to undermine the special counsel investigation. Well, the response to the declassify indication has really split along party lines with the house intelligence committees ranking democrat adam schiff speaking for many in his party calling the president s move an abuse of power, not about transparency. The release of Text Messages from f. B. I. Senior leadership really is unprecedented. The president calling for russiarelated texts, clean copies without sections blacked out from former f. B. I. Director james comey, Deputy Andrew mccabe, ohr and peter strzok and lawyer lisa page. A source close to the process said they expect this step may take longer because of the sheer volume of messages involved. The texts are expected to shed more light on two key tracks in the investigation, one was building an obstruction case against the president after comey was fired in may of 2017, and the socalled insurance policy that was discussed by strzok and page two months before the president ial election, sandra. Sandra thank you for your report. Eric meanwhile judge Brett Kavanaugh, his confirmation divert evidence by the bombshell that hit on sunday. It brings us a major hearing expected on monday. There could be a showdown between the Supreme Court nominee and his accuser Christine Ford. Thats the discussion today. Threatening to derail Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a case of he said she said. 51yearold Christine Ford claims judge kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than three decades ago but judge kavanaugh denied the accusations reading it is a completely false will gaition. Ive never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or anyone else. The president wants everything done perfectly. I want the American People to be happy. To do that you have to go through this. If it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay. All of this comes a handful of days before the committee is scheduled to vote on kavanaughs nomination. The white house wants to leave this up to congress to figure out. They do want judge kavanaugh to have a chance to tell his story. But at the same time they believe that ms. Ford should have a chance to tell her story as well. I want to have both individuals come before the Senate Judiciary committee and testify under oath. The Senate Judiciary committee is making plans to let both sides tell their story in a public hearing on monday morning. Judge kavanaugh and hills accuser, Christine Ford, say theyre willing to testify before congress to tell their sides of the story. I dont know where it will go but its a potential opening up of a can of vipers, not worms, vipers on monday with an unpredictable end. Sandra right now Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell speaking on the senate floor on judge kavanaugh. Alleged to have taken place. So this alleged incident is completely at variance with his entire life history. He welcomes the opportunity to address the committee about this claim but colleagues, we should not have gotten to this point in this manner at this time. That this process has played out with so little order and sensitivity lies solely at the feet of Senate Democrats who saw a political advantage in leaking this to the press instead of vetting it through proper channels. But this is where we are. So on monday chairman grassley and our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee will reconvene. They and the American People will hear testimony under oath. Now, on an entirely different matter, yesterday the u. S. Senate sent a clear message to the millions of americans who personally have done battle with addiction to opioids and prescription drugs. We sent a message to the families who have watched our nations Drug Overdose fatalities double in the last decade alone to those in recovery who struggled to access the housing and Work Opportunities they need to get back on their feet, to the governors, mayors and local leaders who have seen communities from rural towns to inner cities literally hollowed out and threatened by this epidemic. Sandra youre listening to Mitch Mcconnell speaking on the senate floor on capitol hill now. He just got done saying we should have never gotten to this point when it comes to the allegations against judge kavanaugh ahead of what was supposed to be a thursday vote on his confirmation. He said democrats saw political advantage leaking this to the press rather than vetting through proper channels. So we will hear from judge kavanaugh as he just confirmed under oath in that testimony that is supposed to take place on monday. So those are the major topics that weve been watching this morning. This continues to be our lead story. Lets bring in our ateam. Christine cafaro and phillip bump. Chris, ill start with you first. You listened to Mitch Mcconnell on the senate floor. He has been working behind the scenes. To shore up what has become a chaotic process for judge kavanaugh. It became chaotic at the last minute. Circus theatrics in this hearing. A new wrench in the process. Interesting to his point this was sat upon by newspapers and the democrats since july. My thinking on why this probably came out now judge kavanaugh is considered in washington to be more likely of a swing vote than anyone else nominated by President Trump. Somebody who the democrats could live with but certainly to the maybe not as hard right as the other ones. They wouldnt try to derail the process and bring it to light unless they saw a chance to win the u. S. Senate. They have a chance to win the senate with ted cruz on the run in texas. The democrats are not going to change their mind, most of them. The republicans however can be peeled off by the democrats. If you have flake, corker, murcowski and collins. They could be pulled back and an election issue for a vacant seat or confirming. Eric what do you think theyll do . They havent come out and said they said they want to hear this information. Kavanaugh, i think, has a lot of burden of proof. He categorically denied it. No room for error. If he can say he wasnt at this party starting to come out now thats the thing that might push them over. Sandra collins has spoken out saying the obvious. She said this woman should be heard and if judge kavanaugh has lied at any point in this process he should be disqualified. Anything beyond that we have not heard though. Thats right. I think this is what were used to hearing from folks like murcowski and collins. You will see the hearing on monday that will be extraordinary. We havent seen Something Like this since the anita hill hearings since clarence thomas. That happened after he was passed out of committee. But i do think its fascinating to think about the political ramifications of this. Chris is absolutely right. This will have significant political ramifications. Im not sure if it was motivated by that. But this is a nominee who is already at relatively middle polling doing poorly among women. Part of that is because of concern about how he might rule in roe versus wade case but raises the specter before the midterm elections where republicans are struggling with women voters of keeping him at the forefront of the conversation. I dont think thats good for republicans. Eric is this even fair to kavanaugh . Feinstein sat on this for six weeks she said because professor ford didnt want to go public and now it comes out on sunday. More importantly i think this was the way that Dianne Feinstein rolled this out was actually unfair to the accuser as well. Not only am i a democrat but social worker who trained with victims of Sexual Assault and domestic violence. When Something Like this happens and a credible allegation comes forward and is now tarnished because it has been basically utilized as a political stalling tactic it discredits the entire situation. I think its really unfortunate. Its important for the American People and the Senate Judiciary committee to have both the accuser and judge kavanaugh under oath as is happening on monday but i agree with phillip, there is going to be political implications here. Republicans are really in a tough spot. If they do vote for kavanaugh, they do run the risk of being attacked before the midterms and democrats now in red states have some cover not to vote for him as well. Eric do you think flake, murcowski or collins can be peeled off. He is on the committee and he is considering. One vote difference between democrats and republicans. He said this woman should be heard. Jay sekulow spoke out on hannity last night about the response from kavanaugh. And how this should play out. Here is how he detailed that. No one can question whether judge kavanaugh has the intellect to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. If youre looking at judicial philosophy 300 published opinions. You have to look at this in this day and time i understand this, allegation has been made, judge kavanaugh will respond, thats the appropriate way. The accuser will have her time as well. It should be an orderly and appropriate process. Sandra thats all we can we know at this point. Thats all that can play out at this point. What do you expect is going to happen on monday if she accepts this invitation . I think she probably will. She was somebody who didnt want to get dragged into this at the beginning but she was questioned even democrats were saying hold on a second, an anonymous accusation. She will have to go and state her case and up to judge kavanaugh to get witnesses to say he wasnt there or he wasnt in this room. If he was in this room and it becomes down to him and mark judge and her and he said she said it will make it difficult for republicans. Republicans who vote yes may get hit with sandra in the wake of this how many women have we seen come forward . We had a female clerk that worked for him at the top of this show came on and spoke on behalf of his character. Two of his former girlfriends went on fox news last night to speak on behalf of him. I wanted to give everybody an update. We get word that judge kavanaugh has arrived at the white house and there now. As he did about this time yesterday morning as well. Regularly has meetings there. We arent sure what the meetings are. One can assume this is being discussed. I want to play some of the sound from his two former girlfriends on with martha last night. I was absolutely shocked. I just couldnt believe it. Its just so polar opposite of the Brett Kavanaugh ive known for over 35 years. I was confused, surprised, shocked and i still cant believe it. The very same. I couldnt believe that these allegations had come out when i had been at the hearings for a couple of days and we just watched woman after woman come forward praising brett and his respect for women and his professionalism and his kindness towards them and then this at the last minute came out. I was equally shocked. Sandra he hasnt been short of support speaking on behalf of him since this has happened. Sure, absolutely. What was being alleged here is not a pattern of behavior and not the case he is being accused of predator behavior or anything along those lines. It is not unusual if someone had an incident. This will be judged on monday. If there were an incident along the lines that were accused, if it were one incident that happened one time while he was drinking there is not surprising other women wouldnt have seen that behavior from him. Those are important character testimonials. But it doesnt get at the issue here. Did this thing happen on this day . Beyond which we havent heard any other accusations. Eric does it disqualify him . Only the Senate Judiciary committee can make that decision. There are some organizations that have already called for judge kavanaugh to withdraw himself from all of this. I think the appropriate course is being taken. The American Public as well as the United States senate who have the juris dick shun will be able to hear everything and make their judgments. This is a court of public opinion. They can pass it on and say were going to send it to the senate and not vote up or down. Sandra this will continue. Brett kavanaugh is at the white house right now. More on that coming up. A jampacked morning with a host of hot topics for the white house. Mercedes schlapp is todays headliner. Eric jay sekulow will also be here in the next hour at 11 00 a. M. Eastern plus theres this. Sometimes its rescue, sometimes its hand out food and water. Sometimes health and welfare checks or pulling dogs out of second story bathroom. Eric god bless them. The volunteers helping with rescue and recovery in the wake of Hurricane Florence. Were hearing that President Trump will be heading to North Carolina tomorrow to see the devastation for himself this as the floodwaters are rising higher and higher expected to crest tomorrow. We have a live report from the ground state ahead. Straight ahead. 100 home loan for veterans. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. The newday 100 va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your Credit Card Debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments an average of 600 a month. Call them today. Go to newdayusa. Com, or call 18665519967. If youre a veteran, own a home, and need money for your family, call newday usa to use your valuable va home loan benefit. Thank you, admiral. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Thank you, admiral. 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Were outsmarting it. Visit cancercenter. Com and schedule an appointment with our cancer care specialists today. Lease the 2018 rx 350 for 439 advana month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Sandra a dramatic escalation of trade tensions with china. President trump slapping stiff tariffs of 200 billion on chinese products and china is retaliating. Markets are reacting daytoday. Lets talk about the u. S. Tariffs on 200 billion of chinese goods coming. We had little tariffs in august, one in august, one in june. This is a big one. Its less than was expected. Originally donald trump and his folks said it would be 25 on the 200 billion. Now its 10 and it will go up to 25 on january 1 unless there is some big retaliation. Now china has retaliated and it announced its own tariffs on things like liquefied natural gas that we send to china. Thats less than was expected. First they said they were going to have a 25 tariff chinese. It will only be 10 . Eric why are they backing down . Everybody is. Were less than we originally said and theyre less. Nobody wants a trade war. It would hurt u. S. Consumers and pay more for stuff that comes from china. It would hurt china because they wouldnt have deals with the u. S. They need. Lets face it. China since the year 2000 which is when china joined the world trade organization, theyve been acting like outlaws and stealing a lot of our goods, theyve been going against wto world trade organizationed ikts that argued in favor. The u. S. Won every one of those disputes but china doesnt follow. If you join a club, you have to follow the rules. They havent been following the rules. Sandra thats been the president s point all along, right . We heard it from the candidate donald trump. We now hear it repeatedly from President Trump. He tweeted this this morning. China has openly stated theyre trying to impact and change our election by attacking our farmers, ranchers and Industrial Workers because of their loyalty to me. What china does not understand these people are great patriots and fully understand that china has been taking advantage of the u. S. On trade for many years. They also know that i am the one that knows how to stop it. There will be great and fast economic retaliation against china if our farmers, ranchers or Industrial Workers are targeted. Again, very often with donald trump as you know, the rhetoric is stronger than what actually ends up happening particularly in trade disputes. Eric it sends a message. Sure it does. Beyond what i said about the world trade organization, they we have now in china a guy who wants to be dictator for life. He is a dictator, still a communist government. He has changed all the voting rules to make him leader for life. And he has this initiative called made in china 2025, and basically what he wants to do is to have total selfsufficiency in china. Export like crazy and allow no imports. Thats totally against the world trade organization, the idea of global trade. So he is on the face of it very openly defying the rules of an organization that he has joined and he cant continue to do that. Sandra fascinating stuff. Well continue to see how it plays off. Have to run the number by you. Hispanic Household Income reaching an alltime high topping 50,000 for the first time ever. What does that tell you . It tells you first of all its a 3. 7 increase than 2016. We keep hearing former president obama talking about how he started the economic boom that were in now. We are in a very different kind of economic boom that has been ignited, if you will, by all of the probusiness changes in the economy that have been put forth by donald trump. President obama, when he came in in the midst of a recession, it was a bad time. Instead of lowering taxes and lowering regulations to give u. S. Businesses a head start, he raised taxes and raised regulations. Only when trump came in as president did we see the benefit business have waited for. Minority communities, whether its africanamerican or his tan i can community has responded better than any other individual community. This is great for the United States. Sandra you hear that administration taking a lot of credit for that. David asman, thank you. As weve been reporting this morning, Brett Kavanaugh is at the white house right now as a matter of fact. Meanwhile were learning from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley he has not yet heard back from Christine Ford or her representatives about whether she will appear at that hearing on monday. President trumps attorney jay sekulow is on deck next. Well talk to him about that. Eric have you heard about what senator Bernie Sanders said . He is under fire for some controversial comments he made about our country. Our ateam is back on deck to respond to this senator. This is loma linda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. You see so many people Walking Around here in their hundreds. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up, but im working on it now. I will do whatever i need to do. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. The best simple salad ever . D great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Stop fearing your alarm clock. With new zzzquil pure zzzs. A drugfree blend of botanicals with melatonin. That supports your Natural Sleep cycle. So you can seize the morning. New zzzquil pure zzzs. Eric getting word President Trump will be heading down south tomorrow as residents and officials in North Carolina remain on high alert. It is a state under siege. All signs point to the Cape Fear River today cresting up to 62 feet while folks notice danger zones are struggling to get basic Services Like food and water. Rick leventhal is on the ground in wilmington, North Carolina which had been completely cut off. Hi, rick. There is one main road into wilmington now but there are a lot of folks here and surrounding areas that still dont have power and thats why they are willing to come a and line up a few blocks from downtown to get one of the most basic and essential and valuable Services Existing here in this area today. That is ice. Weve talked to some of the folks here who have told us how important ice is in their lives. As you can imagine without refrigerators or freezer. Dave brought a wheelbarrow. You drove about a half hour to get here. . I stopped to get my gas for my generator and i got wind this place was open with big bags of ice. My next door neighbor wanted ice. He brought me a wheelbarrow over. How long have you been waiting . About an hour. Good luck. I talked to darius earlier no wheelbarrow or cooler. How will you get the ice home . Get my jeep. How much ice will you get . Depending how much it costs. How important is it to you . Essential. Good luck to you, man. Thank you. Theyre 4 for 20 pounds and bring the receipt to the door and get handed the ice and theyre helping them with carts and shopping cards and dollies. That building next door, i have to look inside. The coolest place in town. They have pallets full of ice in there and keep selling it until they run out. These folks are grateful this is here but theyre also looking to get power back on. We dont know when it will happen. Eric astounding. You dont have power, you need ice. Its 86 degrees. Clearly our hearts go out. You see the difficult situation there. Sandra our best to all of them. Thank you, rick. We cant use dirty words in the United States senate. I cant . We just starve little children, we go bomb houses and buses of children and we give tax breaks to billionaires but we dont use dirty words. Sandra after Hillary Clinton declared that american democracy is in crisis. Lets bring back our ateam cap re cafaro, Chris Bedford and phillip bump. This could have a headline in 1968 where Bernie Sanders comes from. The campus 60s left. What is going on in yemen is a war between saudi arabia and the proxies for iran. People are getting killed and two mean forces going at it. The kind of scale and dangers of this war that were seeing in yemen show how just and careful the United States is when we conduct any kind of military operations. Eric the situation horrible whats going on with yemen. The bombing of that bus which the critics say was bombed by the saudis using american munitions and that we basically have blood on our hands and the senator is referring to that. He is doing it in a joking way. Its tricky ground. A comedian it is clear he was intended to joke. Weve seen lots of jokes in politics go south. It is hard to read that. Whether or not it landed as a joke is a different question. I think he meant it that way. Senator sanders is in a different position now than in college. Even before he ran for president he is now essentially the voice of the far left in the United States, perhaps ocasiocortez is keeping up on him in that regard. Those jokes will land a lot differently now than they would have three years ago by virtue of his heightened position in the conversation. As someone who was not a declared democrat for decades. He represented vermont as an independent since the early 1990s and unfortunately joking or not, its these kind of statements that i think are damaging to the Democratic Party and people point to and say this is why we dont believe the democrats are supportive of america or patriotic. He has to be careful, as do we. It is not a fair assessment. Certainly democrats are just as patriotic as any american but with statements like this, its an easy sound bite to point to. Sandra or how about statements like this, a chunk from the recent essay by Hillary Clinton writing trump and his cronies do so many despicable things it can be hard to keep track. That may be the point to confound us so its harder to keep our eye on the ball. The ball is protecting american democracy. As citizens thats our most important charge. And right now our democracy is in crisis. She is absolutely right. We have an Intelligence Service that seems like it could have been undermining a president ial candidate. American citizens being spied on by secret courts. It is not because democrats lost the election. A common thing you see from democrats. If they lose something the system doesnt work. Whether its twitter, facebook, elector all college. They say the system is broken base their ideas didnt win. If you live in new york you dont know anyone who disagrees with you. They couldnt imagine how President Donald Trump could be president. But it happened because outside there are people who disagree. Eric what about those who blame President Trump, with his tone, tenor and rhetoric. The American Republic is stronger than tweets. Any bad words like Bernie Sanders talked about, those wont undermine american democracy. I think our systems are stronger than that. It is a totally valid point. Speech itself is not necessarily going to undermine america. Donald trump has made comments that he said in the past america does bad things in defense of vladimir putin, for example. There are lots of ways you can talk about america that dont necessarily undercut america. The timing of this piece in the atlantic is fascinating coming on the heels of barack obama making the same argument in a speech last week or the week prior. Everything is blurry by now. I think that the points that are raised, yes, it is the case that Hillary Clinton in particular is frustrated by the results of the 2016 election but that doesnt change the fact there are lots of indicators that Donald Trumps approach to the presidency is vastly different than past president s. Any way that runs contrary to what a lot of people would expect of an american president. I think that fosters legitimate concern among americans. Hillary clinton included, barack obama included. But that Hillary Clinton and barack obama are both trying to tap into. It is bad timing for Hillary Clinton. She is the wrong messenger for this message because she looks like a sore loser. There are legitimate concerns. No question as you said, phillip, President Trump has absolutely thrown all conventional norms of governance out the window and certainly as he publicly maligns Jeff Sessions and voiced concerns about the judicial process working is not clear whether or not he thinks the Justice Branch as a coequal branch of government, that being said when we throw out things like crisis, constitutional crisis or democracy in crisis, thats when i think people start to shut off. You lose any kind of merit that might be in that argument because they say this is a sore loser, its political. It was right away. He and his wife sneaked away for a steakhouse, didnt tell the press pool and we were told it was a constitutional crisis. Eric is it a winning message for the democrats or will it fall on deaf ears . The only winning message for democrats is focus what we can offer rather than being against donald trump. Sandra some might make the argument they havent gotten that message yet. We have to look at the fisa document the president has ordered the declassification of these key fisa documents in the russia probe and senator Lindsey Graham says he is a big fan of this move by the president. Listen. All i can say this is the most corrupt thing ive ever seen in any life. If the shoe were on the other foot. If the f. B. I. Agent liked trump and hated clinton it would be front page new. Im glad the president let the information out to the public to show how corrupt it was. A fascinating issue for a lot of reasons. One is there was this dossier report, which has become the word dossier is from a shorthand for unfair to President Trump. It is important for folks to remember when the f. B. I. Got access to this document, compiled by a former source of theirs, Christopher Steele who had information alleging the contacts between Trump Campaign and russia, they combined it with carter page. He was a target of russian intelligence in 2013 combined with we dont know what else and said after he had left the campaign its worth pointing out well survey this guy. They got a fisa warrant application and the warrant an carter page and began surveilling him. We dont know whats in the fisa application. Im happy to see this. I want to read all of it and see what its about. Its important to note the broader context for this is sort of gotten crammed into a shorthand of all this reveals corrupt behavior when we dont know whats in the fisa application. Thats important to remember. Republicans and democrats have been cherry picking this information and leaking it based on how it helps them. As reporters to get our hands on the full thing. What will be the most interesting are the interviews the f. B. I. Conducted to justify this to get ready to prepare for this fisa. Was there evidence in these interviews that would clear carter page that wasnt included in the request for the warrant . And thats going to be interesting. What judge nap earlier on the show mentioned that it doesnt really matter necessarily that President Trump has asked for these to be declassified because they may not actually become public. If they do it will be weeks on end. Because it is a continuing criminal investigation we may never see the 302s or interview notes from the f. B. I. So we can only assume at this point and well see what happens if they actually get it. Eric adam schiff and democratic congressman have called it abuse of president ial power and criticized it. However, doesnt the American Public have the right to know what happened . Dont we have the right to know what they were doing on behalf of us and to see if democracy was perverted or if they had legitimate reason to believe the russians influenced and infiltrated that campaign . Absolutely. 100 . The challenge is the average american, myself included, probably everyone sitting at the table and prepared to be able to evaluate that by having a fisa document dumped in front of us. A lot of context and process to understand. It will be important for there to be objective analysis what it says and means. Part of the challenge to chriss point of the stuff being leaked you get to throw out things that people understand and what context you want them to understand. Numerous examples of the Text Messages. Damaging between strzok and page but there have been ones that have been seized upon as meaning more than what they actually do because we dont have the full picture. Thats the problem. Is this a pattern of corrupt behavior that is pervasive or are these bad apples . I think there is a difference there as well. Eric President Trumps Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is at the white house now were told ahead of the big hearing expected on monday where he will go under oath in front of the senators and the Judiciary Committee and answer questions about Sexual Assault. His accuser has been invited to testify as well. Were learning she hasnt yet responded to the invite. Much more on this coming up and see if she will attend the blockbuster hearing on monday. Sandra at this hour Brett Kavanaugh is at the white house. The judge obviously facing Sexual Assault allegations. He is set to appear before the Judicial Panel on monday to answer questions about that. His accuser has been invited as well. It is our understanding at this hour according to Chuck Grassley she has not yet gotten back on that invitation so we dont yet know whether or not she will appear on monday. Lets go to our headliner of the morning, Mercedes Schlapp is live at the white house, director of Strategic Communications. Thanks for your time this morning. A busy morning at the white house. What can you tell us . Is there any further guidance that you have at the white house about whether or not Brett Kavanaughs accuser will speak publicly on monday . I dont. But i can tell you judge kavanaugh is ready to speak today. He wants to be able to clear his name. He is being forthcoming and making sure that he is able to talk about this completely false allegation. He feels very strongly about this, sandra. Someone obviously in this process in the last minute effort by the democrats to stall the vote, to basically try to smear judge kavanaughs reputation and senator, i have to tell you ive known judge kavanaugh over 17 years. I worked with him when i was single and he was single. We worked closely together hour after hour on important issues related to the Bush Administration and he was a perfect gentleman. Incredibly professional and respected amongst our colleagues. It is a shame the democrats have decided to put a halt in this process and not just let the vote go through. Sandra is judge kavanaugh still in the white house now . Yes, he is at the white house and continuing to talk with his team here. And again, very focused to make sure that he would be again, he welcomes the opportunity to testify. He wants to insure this is about clearing his name and he is being transparent and forthcoming in this process. He has nothing to hide in this. As we know, this is something that as he mentioned about the accuser, he didnt he had no idea who the accuser was until she identified herself. And again, we stand with Brett Kavanaugh. I can tell you just working with him for so long and knowing him in a social setting, that he is someone beloved and someone who just has such high character and again, this is about insuring were able to defend his integrity. Eric are you troubled by the way this played out . Dianne feinstein, the senator had the letter. She said she did not reveal professor fords identity because she wanted to keep it confidential. There it was in the Washington Post splashed on sunday. Then it came out at the very last minute. Do you think this was politically motivated or do you believe that there are legitimate concerns that have to be addressed . Absolutely. I think when you look at the fact that the democrats pushed this through, senator feinstein pushed this through in the very last minute. The eve of the Committee Vote when you know she has had this letter since july and senator feinstein met with Brett Kavanaugh, never brought up the issue. They had a closed Committee Meeting where you would address sensitive topics. Never brought up. Then they submitted over 1,000 written questions to Brett Kavanaugh, none of them included this allegation. Now all of a sudden at the last minute senator feinstein is coming forth with this letter . It is just incredibly disturbing. Eric do you think it was planned . Again, i think the democrats from day one have made it very clear they arent going to support judge kavanaugh. I have to tell you judge kavanaugh not only are his credentials incredibly impressive and the mere fact that he has been gone through six f. B. I. Background checks, extensive background checks. Obviously has worked at the highest levels in government both in the executive branch and Judicial Branch and now his reputation theyre attempting to smear his reputation. We believe the process has to go through. Thats what the president has said as well. Sandra she should not be ignored, his accuser should be heard. We want to hear the latest from President Trump and what he is saying this morning on that. Mercedes schlapp, stick around and well get back to you live at the white house after this. Liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty you wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Sandra lets bring in back in Mercedes Schlapp from the white house where Brett Kavanaugh is still in the white house having meetings the morning. What can you tell us the president is saying this morning knowing the accusations that are against judge kavanaugh now and judge kavanaugh has agreed to speak under oath on monday. We dont know if his accuser will. What does the president want to see play out here . I think its important what we want to see play out, we want judge kavanaugh to have a vote. Thats critical. It was set for this thursday. We are allowing the Senate Judiciary committee to make this decision to hold the public hearing and let the voices be heard. Also let judge kavanaughs voice be heard, which is the mere fact he is saying look, i would testify today to clear my name. And he is being very forthcoming in this process. We want to move forward. We know that the Supreme Court will reconvene october 1st and to have that ninth justice is very important. The stakes are high and one thing i can tell you is from judge kavanaugh, he has been serving our country for decades. He is someone i admire and when you look at his family and who he street as a person i think its so incredibly telling that right now you have these democrats want to tear him down. Eric do you think he will be confirmed . Absolutely, i do. I think at the end of the day when you see what judge kavanaugh has talked about in terms of his 32 hours of testimony and the mere fact that he himself is willing to come forth talk about this. Sandra we really appreciate your time at the white house this morning. Thank you very much. Much more coming up. Jay sekulow, the president s attorney will join us at the top of the hour. But the va home loan benefit is a big one. If you want to use it to get cash, call newday usa. Va loans are all they do. And dont let less than perfect credit hold you back. Even if youve been turned down for a va loan by your bank, call newday usa. Theyve been given automatic authority by the va. They can often help veterans when other lenders wont. By refinancing up to 100 percent of your homes value, you could take out 54,000 dollars or more. You could use that money to pay Credit Card Debt and other expenses, plan for retirement, and get back on your feet financially. Need money for your family . Call newday usa right now and use the va home loan benefit youve earned and deserve. Go to newdayusa. Com. 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Sandra fox news alert at the top of the hour on the supreme showdown with a new Senate Hearing set up as the white house stands firmly behind judge Brett Kavanaugh in the wake of a Sexual Assault allegation. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom on this tuesday morning. Im sandra smith. Eric for the third hour hello. Im eric shawn in for bill hemmer this morning. Two major developments were we are reporting to you from fox news at this hour. First judge kavanaugh right now at the white house. Second were hearing his accuser professor Christine Blasey ford has not yet agreed to testify on monday. Lets get straight to the white house on this where john roberts is standing by on the north lawn good morning. The Senate Judiciary committee has set monday as a hearing to hear from Christine Blasey ford and judge kavanaugh. How it will all play out on his radio show this morning,. Chuck grassley said he may consider may consider having an independent questioner ask all the republican questions not to have the appearance of 11 white men grilling kavanaughs accuser and also said the order of appearance at the hearing would likely be ford first, then kavanaugh and that they would be the only two witnesses. Grassley also said as you pointed out at the top he has not heard from ford or her representatives about whether she will appear. So late yesterday the white house indicated that judge kavanaugh is eager to clear up what did or didnt happen. A statement said judge kavanaugh looked forward to a hearing where he can clear his name and stands ready to testify tomorrow, that would be today, if the senate is ready to hear him. The president offering him a big show of support yesterday. Listen here. President trump judge kavanaugh is con of the finest people that ive ever known. He is an outstanding intellect and outstanding judge, respected by everybody. Never had even a little blemish on his record. If ford were to not agree to appear senator grassley said he doesnt know there would be a purpose of having a hearing at all. If she isnt going to show up why do we need to hear from anybody . Eric that would be interesting. Besides senator grassley talking about an independent questioner the democrats want their own investigation. P Dianne Feinstein sent that letter that she received from Christine Blasey ford to the f. B. I. Now democrats pretty much to a person are saying before there is any hearing, we need to have a full f. B. I. Investigation of these allegations. Listen to what Chuck Schumer said followed by richard blumenthal. I believe her, many, many, Many Americans believe her. The path forward is crystal clear. There needs to be a delay in the confirmation vote but before any hearing, there needs to be a full, fair, f. B. I. Investigation. Otherwise a hearing is going to involve questions that are uninformed essentially shooting in the dark. Senator grassley said the f. B. I. Investigation is closed. The f. B. I. Will not be doing any more investigation. He said what we have here is an opportunity for two people to come forward and tell their stories and then the Senate Judiciary committee will have to be the jury and decide who is telling the truth. Now, as to when a possible vote on confirmation could happen in the Judiciary Committee it has to be three days after the final hearing. At this point Chuck Grassley saying were taking it daybyday to see what happens. Eric if it goes on monday it will be stunning and dramatic and high drama on capitol hill. Sandra lets bring in jay sekulow, trumps attorney. Thank you for joining us this morning, jay. Can you weigh in on the moment . As we know, judge kavanaugh is currently at the white house meeting with his team discussing the steps forward. Your thoughts this morning . Well, i think there is a process that goes forward on a judicial confirmation. Set forth in the United States constitution. The president has the authority to nominate someone to the Supreme Court in the United States. It is Brett Kavanaugh. Then the senates role is advice and consent. They can have hearings, make a determination and vote yes or no. There has been an allegation now. So what happens is i think senator grassley has done it correctly. That is he has opened it up for an additional hearing to determine if there is a basis Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. If the accuser here, dr. Ford, does not testify i tend to agree with the chairman of the Judiciary Committee at that point i dont know why you would have a hearing. If she does testify, Brett Kavanaugh should be given the opportunity and will be given the opportunity to defend his position. And make his statements. So i think there is a straightforward process here. It will be implemented and followed. Thats what our Founding Fathers envisioned in the determination of the constitution and why the constitution works. Because we have these various branches of government, separation of powers and allows for the process to move forward. There has been an allegation, a way for it to be handled an vetted and thats what will take place if the accuser goes forward. Sandra if she does go forward and sit down and also answer questions under oath on monday at a hearing before the Senate Judiciary committee, so what happens then . She gives her side of the story, he denies the allegations. Its he said she said. What happens then . Then the individual members of the United States senate make a determination as to whether they are going to vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. That becomes a job for the senators based on the evidence that theyve heard. And they will make a determination as to veracity and truthfulness and thats the way the constitution is set up. In that sense again it falls back to the process. What senator graham has said and senator grassley has said allows for a process to move forward in an appropriate and expeditious way to get it resolved one way or the other. Sandra what senator grassley said speaking on the senate floor a few moments ago saying we should have never gotten to this point with how he concluded his remarks there in this manner at this time. He said that the reason were here lies solely at the feet of Senate Democrats who saw a political advantage in leaking this to the press instead of vetting through proper channels. Do you agree with that . Well, i tend to agree with senator grassley for two reasons. One, if the information was gathered back in july, why was it not put forward . Number two, in a situation like this, to literally spring it on the week of the vote shows the politics of it. Now, having said that, there has been an allegation. So the proper approach is to let that allegation be vetted by the Senate Judiciary committee. Thats who should be doing the vetting here. Thats who has the Constitutional Authority to do the vetting. Thats the way this moves forward and the appropriate way for it to move forward. If, in fact, dr. Ford shows up and decides to testify, then judge kavanaugh will have a chance to respond and the senate will weigh it and make the determination and the way the constitution is structured. Sandra the president is looking on and saying everyone should be heard. The white house has maintained their stance on that as far as i can tell from the beginning. We heard from Kellyanne Conway yesterday, Mercedes Schlapp was on the program a few moments ago. The president has meetings today. We might hear from him later. Thats been the position of the white house from the beginning since the allegation surfaced, right, jay . Thats right. The allegation has been made, vet it out in the appropriate process. The process is very straight forward and thats what should be utilized. There has been there is no surprise here in this sense, that when Something Like this happens, the way the process is set up it can be handled within the process. Thats the way it should be. An allegation is made, the senate makes a determination of veracity and truthfulness and then they make a vote. And they either confirm or do not. That individual is either confirmed to the Supreme Court or not. Thats the way the process is set up and thats whats going the happen here. Sandra kavanaugh is at the white house. No response still from kavanaughs accuser whether or not she will be there on monday. High expectations she will be. Well see how it all plays out. Other big news in the middle of all this the president decided to declassify the key fisa documents related to the russia probe. What does all this mean . It means the American People will find out what started all this and what was going on. I suspect what they will find, this was not only a rigged investigation as some people called it but it may be much worse than that in that the allegations that may come forward i havent seen the documents. Theyre being declassified now. If what were hearing from the media is correct, what was going on was i heard on your network last night a possible surveillance of the campaign by either government agents or others, this would raise not only serious legal issues but the illegality of what was going on here. If thats the basis for this entire inquiry it raises a whole new host of serious issues that have to be addressed at the forefront of why we have an inquiry going on now if you look at it from the standpoint of when this started now going on two years because it predates the bob Mueller Investigation and there has been no collusion, there is no collusion and then they got lisa page saying there is no collusion and you wonder how did this all start . I think were about to find out. Between that and the fisa declassification, i suspect the American People will see soon will be in for a real awakening here what was going on. I think it could be it will be a significant moment. I havent seen it so i dont know whats in the documents but everything im hearing from you are colleagues that this will be significant. Sandra what we do know is which documents will be declassified including the f. B. I. Reports on interviews with the Justice Department official bruce ohr, the reports and interviews prepared in connection to carter page and surveillance of him and also all the Text Messages. A number of Text Messages tied to key players in the russia investigation. He wants those without redaction, President Trump. Jay sekulow, great to have you on the program. Hope you come back. Thank you. Eric fox news alert on critical talks in pyongyang. Thats where kim jongun and south korean moon jaein are holding their third summit of this year. What they are hoping to accomplish ahead. Sandra u. S. Officials warning residents to get out immediately as the rivers in North Carolina get closer and closer to cresting today. Thats a live look from our reporters camera near fayetteville, North Carolina. Thats right now on the blackhawk chopper. Much more on the stories of heroism as rescue crews work to save the lives of those trapped. We will do whatever it takes to keep the American People safe. 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New cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean new cascade platinum. Eric we have a fox news alert on the continued devastation of florence down south. Youre looking at live pictures right now coming in from our camera thats aboard a blackhawk helicopter thats helping in the rescue and recovery operations as you can see. That deadly storm has caused epic flooding in the carolinas, it is expected to get worse especially along the swollen river banks. So far 32 people have died including a 1yearold boy. In some areas its the first day today that evacuees are being allowed to return to their towns. When they get back home theyre discovering they have nothing to return to. Hundreds of thousands of homes remain without power as rescue crews and Good Samaritans are working around the clock continuing their search for people who are trapped in the floodwaters. Our next guest spent most of this past weekend rescuing people from those waters. He is pastor Jim Pennington, the Senior Pastor of Temple Church in new bern, North Carolina and joins us now. God bless you for your work. Good to have you, sir, absolutely. You are unselfishly helping others. How difficult is it and what is it like . Its an amazing thing to see right now because we have teams coming in from literally all over the country, washington state, california, new york, florida, georgia, alabama, all sorts of resources. Red cross, salvation army, Southern Baptist convention. All sorts of teams coming in. Its an amazing thing to see it working smoothly, jointly. Ive traveled the world somewhat and i respect those things that ill tell you, i love america. This is one of the reasons. When people are in need americans come to each others help. Eric what is it about the american spirit and human spirit and faith youve seen play out . In terms of faith, as Christians Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as we love our selves. They turn around and extend help to others. Eric how does it work . How do you know where people are . We have a Disaster Relief team set up from our North Carolina Baptist Convention and they have been leading teams into our entire community about a 30mile radius going into the home areas, subdivisions, finding those homes that have been totally destroyed, those people who have needs, and then we send out a mud crew, they clean their home for them. We send out teams with chain saws to cut down trees and feeding 25,000 people a day at our site here at our church. I say we, its a concerted effort. For instance, our feeding ministry, the red cross provides the food, we provide the manpower and distribution and cooking and that type of thing. Multiple Law Enforcement organizations. Weve got 62 National Guard troops that are sleeping in our sanctuary at night here all working jointly together. Eric we thank you for your service and thank you for what youre doing. Finally, pastor, can you get back to normal . How long could you think it will be before life resumes as you knew it before florence . The difficulty is this storm has a onetwo punch. The first punch was the hurricane itself was the wind, rain and massive storm surge that destroyed hundreds and thousands of homes. It then went west of us and camped out in the Charlotte Raleigh area, the foothills of North Carolina. And that rain is now flooding back. It is flooding downhill towards the atlantic and were at the bottom of the hill. All that rain will come. The highways will be shut off again probably in a day or so and well be an island, so were encouraging people continue to pray, continue to send help. Not just this week but for weeks to come as well. Eric pastor Jim Pennington that we will. I speak on behalf of all our viewers who are watching you, thanking you and thanking your parishers and others helping out in this desperate time of need. Pastor Jim Pennington, the Senior Pastor at the Temple Church in new bern. Thank you. Thank you so much. God bless. Sandra new details about a russian plane shot down over syria killing 15 people on board. What happened right before the strike and why russia is blaming israel for it. Eric south koreas president is in north korea with the third summit for kim jongun. Do you think they can get the Nuclear Talks with the u. S. Back on track . Well tell you next. E of the bee as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. If you need cash for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Give us a call. Call now 18553761361. Of course, daniel. Fridge, weather. Clear skies and 75. Trash can, turn on the tv. My pleasure. Ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. Okay. And make ice. Pizza delivered. Whats happened to my son . I think thats just what people are like now. I mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. Even on social media. Hell be fine. [ laughs ] will he . I dont know. Will he . I decided that i wanted to go for Electrical Engineering and you need to go to college for that. If i didnt have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Sandra fox news alert. An exclusive new images showing what happened before and after israeli air strikes in syria last night. Moscow said the strikes resulted in Syrian Forces accidentally shooting down a russian plane killing all 15 people on board. Benjamin hall is live from london for us. Hi, sandra, as you say it was syrian antiaircraft fire that brought down this russian plane. However, russia is placing the blame firmly at the feet of israel saying it had used the russian plane as cover for an attack it was carrying out on a syrian air base. Fox news obtained exclusive satellite images showing before and after pictures of that attack that was taking place in syria by israeli jets. The Israeli Defense force issuing a rare statement saying they targeted Syrian Military facilities from which, quote, systems to manufacture accurate and lethal weapons were about to be transferred on behalf of iran to hezbollah in lebanon. The russian plane was downed over the Mediterranean Sea on monday evening heading to a russia air base while they claimed 14 israeli f15 jets for cover as their attack against a military shipment. The actions of israel could be considered as hostile and reverse the right to take further step in response. Putin and russia have supported the Syrian Regime with air power and air defense systems. At the same time israel and russia have had an understanding over syria with russia allowing strikes on Iranian Military strikes in the region. In the last hour president putin down played the incident saying it was a tragic chain of events. None of the major countries in syria want confrontation of this. A turkish jet shot down a russian jet in 2015. At the time people thought it might lead to more but it didnt. Now whether theyve reached an agreement it can be moved on from. Tense moments over the last couple of days with the russian 15 russian airmen dying at the hands of syrian antiaircraft fire. Sandra thank you very much. A major agreement between turkey and russia in syria. Can it avoid a bloodbath in the countrys last rebel stronghold . Security Committee Chairman Michael Mccaul is on deck and will join us. Eric the remnants of florence are still deadly. Well have the latest on the efforts to save lives and to get food, water and fuel to the desperate people who are stranded in places completely cut off by the floodwaters. Eric fox news alert on the dire situation continuing in the carolinas, President Trump is expected to visit North Carolina tomorrow to survey areas hit hard by florence. Rescue crews meanwhile are still working around the clock searching for anymore survivors trapped in the floodwaters, ellison barber is in dillon, South Carolina surveying the area. What are conditions like there now . You can see for yourself how bad it really is. Yeah, eric, in some parts it has where it was bad yesterday in the last couple of days the water has gone away. This part of town obviously not. Were told by people who live here this goes back for blocks. The little river is not far from here. This area right here all of this is just from rainfall. The river is one of those rivers that officials are saying could flood and make things worse because of all the water coming down from North Carolina. The people who live in this Community Say this is an area that does often flood. They saw flooding during hurricane matthew. Nothing quite like this. Some of the water has gone down in the last 24 hours but only by a couple inches. Theyre expecting things to potentially get worse because of that river. A lot of people are in this area stuck in their homes and really just waiting things out right now. Eric some people are stuck in their homes back there. Did other people evacuate . Right. There was not an Evacuation Order for this area and a lot of people are here and they say theyre just staying here and hope eventually they will be able to get out. They cant get out without any high water vehicle. Ill walk this way so you can see how far all of this flooding goes. I spoke to one woman who lives in this area. She is a teacher and she told me she said we have resources, we can rebuild from all of this but the thing with Dillon County is about this population, the percentage of people that live at or below the poverty line in Dillon County is 14 more than the national average. When i was speaking to that woman she said we in this area have means to rebuild. A lot of people at the school where i teach do not. They come to school during the wintertime and they dont always have coats. They have nothing. Now because of water like this theyve lost everything. Another thing she talked about was the Emergency Declaration that President Trump has signed for South Carolina. It mentions eight counties and she said she is disappointed that Dillon County isnt on it because this sort of flooding you can see more this way, this goes on so far in this county. Any time you think the water has started to clear up you drive a few more blocks and realize what you thought was improving is a whole lot worse further down. Eric it is astounding to see youre in a street and walking in someones driveway, which is certainly knee high just astounding. Ellison, thank you. Sandra another fox news alert. Extraordinary move President Trump ordering the declassification of f. B. I. Documents, some republicans say will show the russia investigation was tainted by antitrump bias. House intelligence Committee Chairman devin nunes reacting to how soon those documents could be released. 20 pages with no redactions. Thats simple as going to the department of justice, making 20 copies and sending it out to the press. Its very, very simple. The only thing that could take a little bit of time would be the interviews that are in conjunction with the fisacarter page fisa, that could be a little problematic. Sandra lets bring in Homeland Security Committee Chairman and texas republican Michael Mccaul who sits on the Foreign Affairs committee. Thank you for being here this morning. Well see when we see them. Thats still a question. What do you expect well learn from them . Well, i used to work at the Justice Department. Federal prosecutor. I worked on fisas. It would be a very extraordinary thing to do but i do believe these are extraordinary circumstances. You have a fisa application that contained political Opposition Research by the opponent, in this case Hillary Clinton, as part of the application for a warrant to spy on an american citizen. So i think i know right now the procedure is that when the president orders this, it goes through the i. C. , interagency Intelligence Community to declassify and protect sources and thoughts and National Security and then release the documents. I do think, sandra, in this case, the Public Interest in knowing what is going on here outweighs the investigation. Sandra a lot of the president s biggest supporters are applauding and cheering on the move. What are you hearing from those in the Intelligence Community on this . You know, its a mixed bag. I think the rank and file particularly say in the f. B. I. , mr. Strzok and the top f. B. I. Agents who got so political within that department, that agency, when i worked there you didnt wear your political stripes. It was a badge of honor to be nonpolitical. Ive never seen this kind of politicalization of the f. B. I. And the department. Thats why i think in this case the fact that they used political Opposition Research as evidence to get a warrant to spy on an american citizen is so extraordinary. I think these are extraordinary times and i think it calls for transparency. Sunlight is the best disinfectant here. I think the American People deserve to know what happened. Sandra at the end of all of it, perhaps it can be good for morale and the lack of trust, perhaps, that we have seen discussed when it comes to our intelligence communities in the wake of all this. What do you think . I think so, too. I think once this is cleaned up, the American People will know there was a few bad apples at the top and rank and file members of the f. B. I. And the Intelligence Community are good patriots working for the federal government to protect our nation. And i work with them every day and theyre not political at all. I think these few bad apples give them a really bad name and we need to expose them for what they are. Sandra all great points and good to get your thoughts on that. The major agreement between turkey and russia in syria. Vladimir putin put out this statement, mr. Chairman. Russia and turkey are working closely to resolve the syrian do you believe it to be the case . Im always cautious with russia, iran and assad. They dont have our best interests at heart. However, i talked to the administration this morning. This is welcome news by them because look, weve been talking about a nofly zone, safe haven in syria for a long time. Iran, assad and russia were getting ready to go in and blow up the place. It is important for your viewers to know that. It was getting ready to happen. Turkey intervened at the last minute and said look, we have two million refugees in our country. We cant absorb anymore. If you do this three Million People in this province, idlib, and we dont want a million more to come into turkey. So if we can save innocent civilian lives in that province, three million of them through a no fly zone safe haven so be it. I cautiously welcome this and i think the administration will be looking at it with a close eye. But i do think it is a positive development in syria. Sandra fair to say youre cautiously optimistic as far as trust is always a factor there but possibly it could work. Chairman Michael Mccaul. Always good to have you. Thank you. Eric south korea and north korea meeting in pyongyang to work out a deal for kim jonguns regime to have talks with washington greg palkot is live now in london with the latest. Hi, greg. Thats right. Kim jongun is saying that he wants a big outcome from these talks. The folks in washington probably are hoping for that as well. It was a lovein from the very start. Kim hugging president moon jaein from south korea as he got off his plane flying in from seoul. The third time theyve met this year but only the third time ever a south korean president has come to the capital of north korea. There was a motorcade through pyongyang. Wellorchestrated event with crowds cheering along the sideline. Moon said his biggest accomplishment could be getting the u. S. And north korea to Start Talking about denuclearization. Things have gotten stuck by the june summit but it was praised today by kim jongun. President moon brought a bunch of government figures trying to improve interkorean ties. He knows if you cant get the u. S. And north korea talking again, nothing will go forward. Meanwhile, while it was sweetness and light in the Public Events in this mornings official north korean newspaper today it blasted u. S. Gangsterlike behavior saying again a quote, the u. S. Is totally to blame for deadlocked talks. Moon and kim will speak tomorrow. It was two hours today. Out there the offer and interest from the white house of another trump kim summit. Well see. Back to you. Eric well see if anything is accomplish. Sandra republicans and democrats teaming up on capitol hill to fight the growing opioid crisis. What is the bill of the senate that just passed . Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh is at the white house at this hour as the Senate Judiciary committee has invited him and his accuser to testify under oath in a public hearing on monday. Could that put his nomination in jeopardy . 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Eric judge kavanaugh is still at the white house at this hour as both he and the woman accusing him of that Sexual Assault in high school, she is now 51yearold california professor Christine Blasey ford. Theyre both invited to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee on monday under oath. Judge kavanaugh says he is willing to testify but as of this hour it is unclear if professor ford will appear before the committee. It seems theyre waiting on word from her lawyer. What can we expect if it does go through . Tom dupree joins us. Elizabeth wydra also joins us. Let me start with you, elizabeth. Talk about a showdown. What do you think can be accomplished on monday both potentially stating their conflicting accounts . I think first of all dr. Blasey fords story and her personally should be treated with the appropriate sensitivity and seriousness that her allegations really deserve. I think its unfortunate that the men of the republican majority on the Senate Judiciary committee are rushing ahead with hearing testimony before allowing the f. B. I. To do an appropriate investigation, question any witnesses, put together all of the documentary evidence. Thats really what should happen before they come in to testify. Dr. Blasey ford has said she is willing to testify because this story is already out. She wanted confidentiality but unfortunately when that wasnt possible she said her civic duty required her to come forward. Frankly i find it offensive that people are trying to portray this traumatic experience that affected her life into some 30year long plot to try to derail Bret Kavanaugh by democrats. This is a traumatic experience that happened to dr. Ford and we should all treat it seriously. Eric does elizabeth have a point . I agree its useful to have a full airing of this. Weve heard from professor ford and her version of events. What we havent heard yet is judge kavanaugh discussing this at length. I think having a public hearing on monday where both sides can make their statement, be subjected to what im sure will be vigorous questioning from every member of the committee, i think its useful. This is hard to do trying to figure out what happened or didnt happen so long ago. I think that the senate will make a good faith effort. I hope they will to actually get to the truth here, to hear what dr. Ford has to say but also to hear what judge kavanaugh has to say. Eric what do you say to those who think the judge is being sandbagged and a political hit job because Dianne Feinstein had that letter, it was secret, kept so she said because miss ford did not want to go public and now this after the hearings are over. I think even the opponents of judge kavanaugh would agree that senator feinstein did not handle this the right way. That this was something that could and should have been raised earlier in the process. I think its unfortunate that were now in the position where its the 11th hour that his nomination was about to go to the committee this week and move to the full floor. At this late stage in the game these allegations are being raised. It doesnt mean it gets swept under the rug. Its a good thing well hear from both sides monday. The way this was handled by the democrats i dont think was right. Senator feinstein dr. Ford asked for confidentiality and senator feinstein was respecting that wish. Frankly, this isnt an 11th hour issue. She had raised this issue previously earlier in the summer before nominations even before the nomination even came out. Certainly way back in 2012 speaking with her therapist. She told her husband as well. And there is no 11th hour. There is no clock on this. This is a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court and senate should do the right job, not a rush job. Eric what do you think will happen . I think this is going to be tough for the senate, which is why i think that the f. B. I. Should do an investigation before the hearing. I agree that dr. Ford and judge kavanaugh should be heard on this but it should be done the right way. The senators arent really in a position, frankly, they havent shown themselves very well suited to be looking into claims of Sexual Assault. The f. B. I. Should do it. Eric tom, your prediction. Chuck grassley is suggesting an independent person. What will happen monday and will it affect the nomination . It will be riveting drama on monday, no question about that. I suspect there is going to be a long debate about these charges. Well hear her side of the story, well hear judge kavanaughs side of the story. I think the interesting thing will be whether there is any additional evidence that comes in on either side of the ledger that either corroborates or undercuts these claims or if were going to be left with the classic he said, she said dilemma. Eric compelling high drama almost unbelievable. Sandra lets get to Harris Faulkner and melissa to tell us whats coming up at noon. The Senate Judiciary committee is planning on holding a public hearing with judge kavanaugh and Christine Ford. The woman accusing him back in high school. We are getting a lot of new detail how the hearing might look and the white house strategy to keep the nomination on track. The president is ordering a trove of documents on the russia probe declassified, including Text Messages then f. B. I. Director james comey and some democrats about bashing the move as a threat to National Security. Whether the documents will show big bias at the d. O. J. Or not. Well see. Our next guest, something that he will definitely drill down on sitting in the center seat. Youll have to watch at the top of the hour. Sandra you got our attention. Well be watching at noon. The Senate Making a move to battle a health crisis. How Bipartisan Legislation aimed to curb the opioid epidemic. Dr. Marc siegel is here to break that down. What makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. woman learned ao play second language. Applied to college. Applied for a loan. Started a business. Started a blog. Shared a picture. Shared a moment. Turn your wish list into a checklist. Learn more. Do more. Share more. At home, with internet essentials. Im ready to crush ap english. Im ready to do what no one on my block has done before. Forget that. What no one in the world has done before. All i need access, tools, connections. Highspeed connections. Is the world ready for me . Through internet essentials, comcast has connected more than sixmillion lowincome people to lowcost, highspeed internet at home. Im trying to do some homework here. So theyre ready for anything. Sandra big news from capitol hill. The Senate Passing Bipartisan Legislation to combat the opioid epidemic. Joining us now is professor of medicine and member of the fox news medical ateam dr. Marc siegel. What exactly does this legislation entail . Do you think it will work . First of all hugely bipartisan. The number one thing we have to say. The only bill passed before the midterms the way things are going. Usually bipartisan 991 vote. 8 1 2 billion. Some think it should be more. Its a big step in the right direction. What i like about this bill, it extends the use of an antidote to opioids and shown to get people off it. Theyre extending funding for it and have more physicians prescribing it. Its an excellent idea. The second thing theyll go after fentanyl, which is huge. Weve been talking about all the Overdose Deaths. Over 70,000 now. 30,000 linked to fentanyl. Theyll try to track packages at the post office electronically and on the internet is another big idea. The fda is part of this bill and limit opioids to blister packs of up to seven days. You cant get the situation where you are getting more and more opioids and increases your risk of addiction. Sandra the numbers from the cdc are staggering. Everybody knows a family member, work colleague affected by this. In 2017 nearly 30,000 deaths related to fentanyl and synthetic opioids. 20,000 in 2016. The number has gone up. I still blame physicians. They prescribe 250 million opioids and then people end up not getting their opioid prescription. They run out and they end up addicted. This isnt everyone but enough people then they go to the streets and if theyre on heroin it is laced with fentanyl and where the Overdose Deaths come in. You stop breathing. Sandra based on what youre seeing laid out here when you look at the numbers that theyve got the attention of washington and that washington is working closer and closer towards some sort of fix . This is just a tragic situation we continue to see play out in in country. Its a huge step in the right direction. I want to see more Mental Health. Its at the core of this. Part of this bill is repaying Mental Health providers for taking care of Substance Abuse. It may not go far enough in the communities. This is a Public Health emergency in the communities. Everyone used the think of addiction as a separate problem. It is part of the health of our country. We need Mental Health providers, we need more of them. A lot of people that are depressed or anxious or have severe Mental Illness end up on opioids, taking sedatives. Drinking alcohol. We need more attention to that in the trenches of medicine. Sandra what about the lone repayments to behavioral Health Providers practicing in Substance Abuse disorders. Facilities could be helped by this . Hugely. A big difference between the house and senate bill. Ill go on tv saying i hope the house part is whats passed is that facilities that have more than 16 patients in it that are there for Mental Health reasons and also have Substance Abuse problems need to be reimbursed for taking care of opioid addiction. The house bill has it, senate doesnt. Sandra something you feel passionately about. If this is passed its a good step. Eric the next seat on the Supreme Court hanging in the balance as the nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh responds to those allegations of Sexual Assault when he was a teenager. Will his accuser testify before that Senate Committee . Well have the latest on that next. Welcome to the place. Where people go to learn about their Medicare Options before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . Yep. 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Harris fox news alert, high drama on capitol hill. Supreme Court Nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser have been invited to testify publicly before the Senate Judiciary committee on monday. As the panel delays the vote now on the confirmation of President Trumps high court pick. Youre watching outnumbered. Im Harris Faulkner. Here today, melissa francis. Fox news contributor lisa boothe. Former state Department Spokesperson marie harf and joining us in the center seat, former utah congressman and Fox News Contributor jason chaffetz, also author of the new book the deep state. How an army of bureaucrats protected

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