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The United States has had to pay for them. 10 or 20 years it is massive amounts of money the United States has paid and stepped up like nobody. This has gone on for decades. This has gone on for many president s. No other president brought it up like i bring it up. Were protecting germany, france, all of these countries and then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with russia. You tell me if thats appropriate. I think its not and i think its a very bad thing for nato and i dont think it should have happened. Sandra kevin corke is live in brussels. Meetings are underway. What has been the response to the president s sharp rhetoric on nato funding and in particular germanys contribution . Good morning. On the one hand the germans say were proud of the fact weve increased our defense commitment and contributions to nato. They had a more difficult time explaining why, as he heard the President Point out on the one hand theyre asking for the u. S. And nato partners and the alliance to protect them from perhaps russia while at the same time theyre making deals with russia effectively billions of dollars in deals with the kremlin that help russia make money and help russia grow their economy. Here is what he had to say about that. How can you be together when a country is getting its energy from the person you want protection against or from the group you want protection against . When we stand together also in dealing with russia, we are stronger President Trump you are making russia richer, youre not dealing with russia. Part of a powerful back and forth this morning. Germanys defense minister said the energy issue with russia is separate and independent of its Security Cooperation with the u. S. And nato defending her countrys defense spending. I would suggest to look at the whole balance sheet. We are talking about 2 spending for defense of the gdp. This doesnt say anything about who is contributing what to nato. Were the second largest contributor after our american friends. She is saying look beyond the numbers. Germanys commitment to nato is decade long and continues to be very strong. Sandra do we expect to get a readout from the president s Breakout Sessions with macron and merkel and if so, when . Yeah, those Breakout Sessions will be happening not long from now this afternoon and we do expect to get a readout. It will be very interesting. I think it is important to point out the readout will go a long way toward letting us know quite bluntly how successful the nato summit has been. Keep in mind this is the key here people want to know one way or the other has this gone well . Why does it matter . It matters because the concern among many is that a rough nato would compare unfavorably say to the pending trump Putin Meeting which is coming up on monday in finland and that could exacerbate some fears were looking at a fracturing here in the west and what a lot of people here are concerned about. Sandra what a morning and afternoon there it has been so far. Kevin corke, thank you. Bill just getting started. Hu gurdon is here. Good morning. Size up what you have heard over the last few hours. How do you read the message here . You know, when people talk about someone speaking diplomatically they usually mean theyre being gentle and cautious. Diplomacy is about getting other countries to do what you want. Sometimes that takes belligerence and it is what President Trump believes is appropriate at this time. He is right on the facts. The other countries are not most of them are not contributing the 2 they say they will to nato and dont plan to get there for another six years. He is saying hang on, we are spending and defending you, were spending between 70 and 90 of total defense spending if you include nonnato stuff. And he doesnt think thats fair. It appeals strongly to the people back here and on the fact it is true. Bill i hear a different message. I dont think its just the nato members that are his audience today or even Vladimir Putin. I think he also has a message for his detractors in the u. S. Accusing him continuously of collusion with the russians and he is saying you are doing 11 billion with Vladimir Putin to get your energy. You got rid of your coal plants and Nuclear Plants and now you are dependent on Vladimir Putin. Almost in a way to say help us figure this one out when you are doing deals with the east and you are telling us to pay for your military support of the east and russia. There is a real irony is president is pointing to and youre absolutely right, bill. This is partly for domestic consumption over here. He is pointing out a cozy relationship and grossly unfair and ironic relationship between germany could double its Energy Supplies from russia, at the same time that the United States is defending germany and the rest of europe against the threat from russia. And when he says hey, unity is not just about us saying that were all friends before i go into the meeting with putin. It is actually about cementing our alliance and being unified and treating each other as i say he always emphasizes fairly. I think that would have a strong appeal back here and also the stuff that he says about russia will undermine the argument that he is in russias pocket. He wants germany to buy energy from the United States rather than russia. Pipeline is cheaper but if youre an ally, youre an ally. Military spending roll this on germanys defense spending. President trump germany is a rich country. They talk about they will increase it a tiny bit by 2030. Well, they could increase it immediately tomorrow and have no problem. I dont think its fair to the United States. So we are going to have to do something because we cant put up with it and it is inappropriate. Bill does germany change and the others change on this trip . I think they do. I think they have already accelerated their spending because of the way President Trump talked to them at the last nato meeting. He clearly calculates. He has no incentive not to talk like this i think because it has already worked to some extent but there is further to go. He thinks this is the way to press them and he may well be right. He has been right for the past year. Bill thank you, hugo. Right on from washington, d. C. Well see how it goes. In the end they have a way of coming together so well watch it. Sandra fascinating to see after all this time the president s talk on this and having his strategy play out while there and senator John Barrasso will be joining us in a few moments as well. Fox news alert on capitol hill. Former f. B. I. Attorney lisa page known for her antitrump Text Messages with peter strzok, will not appear at todays closed door deposition with two house committees defying a congressal subpoena. Her attorney has she needs more time to prepare. Goodlatte appears that page was something to hide. Catherine herridge is live from washington with these developments. Good morning, kathryn. The republican chairman that has direct oversight of the f. B. I. Issued a Statement Last night and points to further action in the near future. It reads we will use all tools at our disposal to obtain her testimony. Americans across the country are alarmed at the bias exhibited by top officials at the Justice Department and f. B. I. And it is imperative congress conducts vigorous oversight to ensure it never happens again. Republicans remain focused on the Text Messages and intend behind them. The height of the f. B. I. Clinton email investigation talk about doing fined yits at 302s. The f. B. I. s document of record for witness interviews. In another text from august 2016 recently uncovered by the Justice Departments Inspector General page writes trump is not ever going to become president , right, right . Strzok responds no, no he is not. Well stop it. One lawmaker told your show yesterday he is looking ahead to thursday already and agent strzoks scheduled public testimony. Well nail him down more. The whole committee will be participating. It will be a more active discussion. Im prepping my questions and i know that my colleagues are as well. Were assuming he is going to show. His lawyer has complained already he believes the process is overly politicized and not a real search for the facts. Sandra what else is lisa pages attorney blaming the delay on . Its a long statement. Her attorney seems to blame the f. B. I. For not providing documents in a timely manner and it reads lisa and i went to the f. B. I. Tuesday to review the materials that were previously produced to congress relating to her proposed interview but after waiting for more than three hours we were not provided with any documents. Weve asked the committee to schedule another date to allow sufficient time for her to prepare. This comes one day before former f. B. I. Agent peter strzok, imagines onetime lover and work colleague has been called to publicly testify before the house judiciary and oversight committees. Two weeks ago he underwent a transcribed interview. Privately some lawmakers have told fox news theyre considering whether strzok and page should be called to appear together, sandra. Sandra well keep watching all that. Thank you. Bill we expect to see strzok tomorrow. More on this later in the hour. Republican doug collins is live in 30 minutes from now. Join us for that. There is a lot going on between the page and strzok matter. Well figure it out together. Sandra a lot of uncertainty that builds over that. Will we see him tomorrow and if he sits down will he answer questions or plead the fifth . Bill fox news alert fiery explosion killing one firefighter in a suburban neighborhood. Sandra after two weeks the Thai Soccer Team and their coach rescued from deep inside a cave. How theyre doing today. Bill President Trumps Supreme Court nominee is on the hill meeting with senators as democrats fight to block his confirmation. Why some Top Democrats claim the president s pick was motivated by Robert Muellers russia probe. More on that. Theyre trying to make it something extraordinary when it is not. Theyre looking for every reason in the world to take this guy down. It is not going to work. He is too well qualified. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. 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Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx can help you find clear skin that lasts. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Sandra this just in as the president continues his meetings with nato. Chuck schumer leading democrat has just tweeted out about the president s upcoming summit with Vladimir Putin. Chuck schumer tweeting out President Trump should not meet with president putin alone. This, of course, is ahead of the president s oneonone with Vladimir Putin scheduled several days from now after the president makes a stop in the u. K. There is a scheduled oneonone with putin ahead of a bilateral meeting that will follow. Chuck schumer tweeting out moments ago. He has even argued that sitting president s shouldnt face criminal investigation. No investigation of a president. Is it any wonder that President Trump chose kavanaugh from the list of 25 . When we know he is obsessed with this investigation . Bill very interesting argument. Chuck schumer linking President Trumps Supreme Court pick to the bob Mueller Investigation as kavanaugh makes the rounds on capitol hill. He wrote an article in 2009 stating a sitting president should be exempt from criminal prosecution until the term is over. Democrats argue its terms for disqualification already. Alan dershowitz is with us. Here is what kavanaugh wrote in 2009 on screen. I believe it is vital the president to focus on his neverending tasks with as few distractions as possible. Did he write that or was it bill clinton . Its exactly the argument bill clinton made and i made when bill clinton was being impeached. Kavanaugh is 100 correct and not only is he right about the president , he is right about the senate and the house. They cant be investigated for what theyve done on the floor. It is right about judges and prosecutors. All of them are immune from investigation. They are immune from prosecution for performing their constitutionally authorized acts. I was in the air about kavanaugh. You helped to persuade me he maybe absolutely right at least on this issue. In my book i talk about the grounds for impeachment. You must commit an actual crime. Kavanaugh took a different view. He said maybe you can be impeached for committing dastardly behavior. Bill a lawyer could argue both sides. Who hasnt committed some weve distorted the the republicans stole the nomination from Merrick Garland and gave it to gorsuch. Garland should have been bill we can debate whether it was an appropriate action. I feel it was not and the democrats are trying to take revenge. I wish both sides would deescalate and confirm people on the merits. Scalia got confirmed 982. In those days people got confirmed unless there was something really, really questionable about their background. Bill have you had enough time to study kavanaugh . Would you vote for him . I would wait to hear the questions. I have an open mind. My inclination is i would say yes, he is extremely distinguished. Look, he went to Yale Law School. He went to teaching at harvard. How can i very distinguished. People i know, a great professor at yale a liberal who shed tears when Hillary Clinton lost the election, he supports him in an oped in the New York Times. Great judges who are liberal and centrist support him. The democrats have to give him a hearing and an opportunity. I want to hear his answer to questions. I have an open mind. Bill your case against impeaching trump, your book, is out this week. Youve made a case for how you can read the book on the beach and not have folks look at you and ill explain in a few minutes. You put a cover on the book so when you are vacationing in marthas vineyard, the liberal bastion, they dont know youre reading your book. What does that say . Weve come to a position in this country where you cant even read a book that may help the Opposing Side without being criticized. So i asked my publisher to come out with a brown paper cover like you put on dirty books and tried to persuade people i would have written exactly the same book if Hillary Clinton had been elected. To make that point i had my publisher come up with an alternative title cover. The case against impeaching clinton. Its the same book with a different name because im a neutral, objective civil libertarian and it doesnt matter what side the person is on. I want to preserve everybodys civil liberties. Bill ill look for you on the beach. Thanks for coming back. Sandra the Trump Administration facing pressure to reunite mieg grant children and families after failing to meet a major deadline yesterday. What will happen with those families now . Were live from one Detention Center next. Are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . Then you need xfinity xfi. A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Bill another alert. Deadly explosion rocking a suburban madison, wisconsin neighborhood overnight killing a firefighter and injuring several others. A contractor struck a main line in the downtown area. More than 100 evacuated within a half mile radius earlier today. There was a big boom and it knocked me to the ground. I felt it like it took the breath out of my body. Ran outside and i saw a mushroom cloud. Dont know what it was, something exploded. Thats when we found out part of downtown is on fire. I can report that we have a couple minor civilian injuries, nothing major. Bill firefighters battled the flames for more than three hours after the explosion in madison, wisconsin. Sandra the federal government missing a Court Ordered deadline to reunite Migrant Children under the age of 5 with their parents. A second deadline approaching to reunite thousands of older children also separated from their families at the border in the past few months. In new york city alone more than 200 children are being held at a facility in east harlem. Brian yenis is there for us this morning. Here is the Family Center in east harlem. There are over 200 separated children at this center. We dont know when theyll be reunited with their parents or if any have been united with their parents but we know that children here are as young as 9 months old. Yesterday the government failed to meet the deadline to reunite all 102 separated children under the age of 5. Prior to yesterday the government had only reunited 4. Is judge ordered 59 more be reunited by the end of yesterday. Last night in michigan two young boys and a girl were reunited with their honduran fathers. The fathers are free with ankle monitors as their cases make it through Immigration Court and also new yesterday, sandra, the u. S. District judge in san diego says the government is taking too long vetting every single one of these parents. He says dna testing and extensive vetting is not needed for every single one of these parents unless there is a reasonable doubt unless the adult isnt a parent or extensive criminal history. Eight parents have been denied reunions because of their criminal records. Sandra what about the other deadline approaching, july 26th . Were talking about some nearly 3,000 kids 5 years or older that are supposed to be reunited with parents by july 26. We spoke to the lawyer of jenny gonzalez. Her kids were taken away and sent to new york while she was in detention in arizona. A crowdsourcing venture is out on bail and in new york trying to get custody of her two boys and little girl here at the center. Her lawyer says the process could take much longer. It took me five weeks just to sit down with my clients who are ages 11, 9, 6. Five weeks just to sit down with them. Go through the red tape. Im a lawyer. You would think ive had clients who have been accused of murders, violent crimes, and i get to see them instantly. Given the struggles the government has had in reunifying 102 children there is not a lot of confidence the government will do this for nearly 3,000 kids in two weeks time. Bill a fierce critic of the Trump Administration policies. Did mayor deblasio violate u. S. And mexican immigration laws . Plus there is this. President trump i think its very unfair to our country and our taxpayers. And i think that these countries have to step it up not over a 10year period but immediately. Sandra a Tense Exchange between President Trump and the head of nato over europes defense spending and those Energy Agreements with russia. Senator John Barrasso weighs in. He joins us next. The nato countries have paid 14 billion more dollars now that he is in office per year than they did under president obama because President Trumps tough talk America First really made the difference. President trump its a very small amount of money relative to what they owe and what they should be paying. It is an unfair burden on the United States. So were here to talk about that and im sure it will be resolved. We all agree we have to do more. Defense spending across europe in a generation. President trump why was that last year . Because of your leadership and your message. President trump they wont write that, will they . I have said it before. Sandra President Trump pushing his point that americas allies are not paying their fair share for their own defense and natos secretary general saying the president is not exactly wrong about that. Lets bring in John Barrasso, a member of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Good morning. Do you agree with the president . The president on both fronts. Number one they arent paying as much as they should. We shouldnt be paying more than in the United States to defend europe than they are willing to spend in their own defense. The other thing the president is going to mention is the fact that europe is becoming more and more dependent on russia for their Energy Source and specifically germany with their invitation for a pipeline. I have been fighting it all the way through including leading bipartisan senators to the secretary of state. This is wrong. Use every tool you have to prevent germany from becoming more and more dependent on russia for energy. Sandra there is this pipeline project that certainly came up. I want to jump to this sound. This exchange. Trump on germany where the president is asserting that germany is now totally controlled by and captive to russia, senator. Watch this. President trump germany is a captive of russia. They got rid of their coal plants and Nuclear Plants. They are getting so much of the oil and gas from russia. I think its something that nato has to look at. I think its very inappropriate. You and i agreed its inappropriate. I dont know what you can do it about now but it doesnt make sense they pay billions of dollars to russia and now we have to defend them against russia. Sandra sitting at that breakfast blasting our nato allies. Do you agree with the senators approach here . The president is unique in his approach but absolutely right in what he is saying. Germany decided to get rid of all its Nuclear Power plants and as a result became more dependent on russia for energy. Energy is called the master resource for a reason. It powers economies and countries. It is a force multiplier, an instrument of power. When germany is more dependent on russia for energy it gives russia more power over germany and the European Union as well. Sandra its been quite a morning and afternoon. The secretary general at the same breakfast of nato had this Testy Exchange with the president. Watch this and get your response here. Two world wars and cold war and were strong together. President trump how can you be together when a country is getting its energy from the person you want protection against or the group you want protection against . You have to understand what we stand together also in dealing with russia, we are stronger. I think what we have seen is President Trump you are making russia richer. Youre not dealing with russia, youre making russia richer. Sandra to repeat the president s question. How can you be together when a country is getting its energy from the person you want protection against or the group you want protection against . It seems like it is more than half of German Energy is coming from russia. Nato was established for the right reasons in 1949 as a deterrent against then the soviet union. The same applies today with russia. Vladimir putin is cunning, aggressive. He is opportunistic and use everything he can to take advantage and when he can use energy to gain an advantage he will do so and why i believe President Trump is right to bring the fight as he is. Sandra the risk is that the president s strategy does not work and the nations do not respond to his demands. What happens then . I think its a detriment to the European Union and specifically to germany to be that dependent on russia for its Energy Sources. Germany may say well in the short run there are some advantages in terms of the finances of the cost of the energy but in the long run the dependence on russia can only lead in my opinion to disaster. Sandra quickly before we let you go, senator, we havent had you on since the president named his pick for the Supreme Court, judge kavanaugh. Do you support the president s nominee . I think the president made an excellent choice. The president invited me to the White House Monday night when he unveiled the name to the nation. I think judge kavanaugh is truly a stellar credentials, mainstream. Highest quality. He has experience on the court. He has already been confirmed by the United States senate to the u. S. Circuit court. I think he is the right judicial temperament and intellect and the highest character. Im looking forward to the hearings and meeting with him and will vote to confirm him and get him on the court before the court reconvenes in october. Sandra great to have you on the program this morning. Come back, thank you. Bill meanwhile israeli p. M. Benjamin netanyahu is meeting with Vladimir Putin. Israel wants all Iranian Forces to leave syria. Jonathan hunt live near the israeli Syrian Border with more from there. Jonathan. No coincidence that Putin Netanyahu meeting is taking place just days before president putin is due to meet President Trump given that there is speculation among observers here that russia might be willing to force Iranian Forces out of syria if in return the u. S. Lifts sanctions currently imposed on russia. Meantime refugees continue to flock to the border here. The border is not being opened but israel is offering humanitarian aid and urgent critical medical care for those injured in the syrian civil war. Here is the story of one of those innocent victims. Two weeks ago this 10yearold girl whom we cant identify for her own safety was playing at home when Syrian Government forces attacked. A bomb hit her house. The roof collapsed. She has a very complex blast injury. Head injury, lung injury. But she is making progress and hopefully she will recover. The girls mother who asked not to be identified is with her in tel aviv medical center. Her 12yearold son was injured in the same bombing. Her other daughter just 18 months old was killed. We are living in fear. We are terrorized. There is no stability, we are frightened. And in a sign of the tensions here on the israeli Syrian Border a short time ago israel confirmed it fired a patriot defensive missile just a few miles from where were standing to take down a drone that was launched from syrian territory and crossed the israeli border. Now we know, bill, that syria does not have Drone Technology so that drone almost certainly launched by Iranian Forces. And that in itself could be a message to putin and netanyahu just before they meet in moscow that nobody tells the iranians what to do. Very high stakes here on this volatile border. Bill no coincidence. Jonathan hunt watching all that from the middle east. Sandra peter strzok and lisa page were expected to appear before lawmakers this week but page has already backed out for now. How do lawmakers plan to address this issue as they prepare to question strzok in a hearing tomorrow . House Judiciary Committee member congressman doug collins will join us next. Bill a baby miraculously surviving being buried alive. The reason the suspect reportedly gave for abandoning that child. Thats coming up next. What i heard was an exhausted, tired baby who couldnt have didnt have the lung capacity to cry anymore. It is a very faint whimper. Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. 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People go through lows in their careers, i prepared myself mentally to find a dead baby, if at all. And seeing and hearing that baby overcame me with so much joy. I have three kids. Sandra the baby boy was left in a 32yearolds care but he complained the infant was too heavy. Interesting words from a police officer. Cant prepare or train for that. Bill fox news alert. 15 minutes away from what we thought would be the testimony of lisa page behind closed doors. The attorney for her is now saying she will not be there for the interview with the two house committees. As i mentioned scheduled to start at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time. What gives . Republican georgia congressman doug collins is on the committee and with me now. Good morning to you. Here is the statement from the goodlatte, the chairman of the committee. He writes it appears that lisa page has something to hide. She plans to blatantly defy a congressional subpoena by refusing to appear for her deposition. Where does it leave you . More to what lisa page will do. They are supposed to show up. What are you hiding . You had many months to prepare for this. You started this. You started this process, you were shown bias. These are the kind of things you should have been prepared for. For her attorney to say there is a political element to this is laughable at this point. They were in there ka hooting together to cause problems and now its time to answer for that. Bill her attorney said the f. B. I. Has agreed to provide lisa with her notes and other documents to allow her to prepare but they havent provided those documents to date so were still waiting to work out a reasonable date for her interview. Goodlatte would say you have had months to get ready for this. Yes, my question is what kind of notes is she looking for . Trying to change her story, perfect her story . She forgot all the things with her and peter strzok that they had an issue with donald trump and making sure our laws are taken care of or injecting themselves into the political discourse. This is a concern for many years to come. We need to know why this was happening at the highest levels of the f. B. I. And why were they involved in this . This is bigger than that. Bill you think the f. B. I. Is slow walking this in the first place, right . If you go back to the attorneys statement the f. B. I. Not providing necessary material to prepare. Is that a slow walk on behalf of the bureau . The attorney is doing everything they can to protect their client. What we saw wray and rosenstein they understand what they need to do. We go back to mccabe, lynch, problems of comey. These are all things dealt with and were dealing with right now that are now having to be fixed because of congressional oversight. Were asking the questions the American People need to know because they need to have confidence in the department of justice. They are working toward that. I want to see them move faster. For the attorney of lisa page to say this is ridiculous. Bill do you think the strzok testimony will happen now . Im concerned he is not. Weve heard concern from his attorney that they didnt like the way last week went. Well im sorry, you have to be accountable for what you do. If he wants to come tomorrow and be truthful in his testimony we look forward to that. If he comes to say he is not going to answer any questions it leads to a deeper problem. At some point in time it will be held accountable and mr. Strzok will have to be held accountable for his actions. Bill you werent there for the private hearing . No, but i talked to colleagues that were. He was not up front from what i can tell and what has been said publicly he hasnt been very forthcoming. If i put the things he put into the record and been involved in the sensitive areas that he has and as i have asked many times about his security clearance even back as early as december and now as late as last week why he was even still involved in the clinton email case and why he was involved in the Mueller Investigation. He had issues we need to find out should he even been involved in those issues. Bill when do you find out about peter strzok . Well see. If he is innocent he can come forward and make that. I get how his attorneys are trying to protect him. The america Peoples Trust in the department of justice and f. B. I. Is paramount. Lets make clear. Strzok was not a lowlevel operative. He was at the highest levels. We have to make sure at those levels you cant have people tweeting well make sure this doesnt happen when theyre involved in this. Bill if the hearing happens well cover it live. Well see if it does. Sounds like its 50 50 now. It is up in the air. Bill thank you for your time on the hill. Thanks, bill, appreciate it. Sandra more heat at the southern border. Why Border Patrol officials claim bill deblasio violated both u. S. And mexican immigration laws. Bill for the First Time Since their dramatic rescue were getting a look at the members of the soccer team. How are they doing now . Their coach and the boys all came together and discussed staying strong, having that will to live and the will to survive. We were extremely fortunate the outcome was the way it was. Even though geico has been ohhh. Ooh ohh here we go, here we go. You got cut off there, what were you saying . Oooo. Oh no no. Maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years . Is that what you wanted to say . Mhmmm. I have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. You ok back there, buddy . Sandra more trouble at the southern border according to a letter obtained by fox news. U. S. Customs and Border Protection is claiming new york city mayor bill deblasio and austin mayor illegally crossed the border between mexico and the u. S. William la jeunesse is live in los angeles with more on this. William. Not just entering illegally over a dry river bed by disobeying a direct order from a Border Patrol agent to stay put while he called his supervisors. The mayors say they didnt do anything wrong after they tried to enter an immigrant Detention Center and denied access. The mayors then tried to get around security by going into mexico and entering the u. S. Illegally to photograph the facility. However, a border agent stopped them and ordered the group to remain in place while he called the supervisor to arrange transport to the port of entry as required by law. Disregarding the agents order the group departed and illegally crossed back into mexico according to a Border Patrol mexico saying the mayors violated laws and could have been jailed up to a year. Deblasios office said the mayor crossed the border at the that is news to the Border Patrol who say the mayors did not have permission nor were they under anyones supervision. The austin mayor has a similar story saying the mayor and Council Member was neither apprehended or obtained. They observed a Border Patrol agent speak with a Law Enforcement officer and the agent left. It was deblasios Security Guard. The Border Patrol wants that officer investigated for failing to comply. The group could have been or should have been detained and processed and fingerprinted but they departed before that could happen. Back to you. They also apparently were stopped by Mexican Police but disregarded that. Back to you. Sandra well keep watching that one. William la jeunesse, thank you. Bill President Trumps wasting no time in brus el slamming them about a relationship with moscow. Will it be enough to promote change . Bill richardson weighs in on that and the ateam is lined up and ready to go. Come on back at the top of the hour right here. Of hawaii, designed to respond to the bright sun and harsh glare of the islands, all while enhancing the view. After thirty years, were still independently owned and the freethinking hawaiian spirit that first inspired us, is still a part of everything we do. Our polarizedplus2 lenses not only protect eyes from harmful rays, they also make colors more vivid and contrast crisper. Try on a pair and see for yourself. The views better from here. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Sandra the nato summit underway in brussels at this hour. Meetings with our closest allies off to a confrontational start one could say. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Bill coming in hot, isnt he . Sandra testing exchanges so far. Bill bill hemmer, good morning. Starting with a bang bringing us todays newsroom news feed and todays top story. The heat is on as the disruptor president takes the show on the road. Ripped into our nato allies while sharing some nicer words about russias president Vladimir Putin. Ahead of their summit next week. Putin may be the easiest of them all. Who would think. Dont be confused, mr. President. Putin is not your friend. Bill the president arrived in nato. He is set to meet with World Leaders. President trump sent many of the leaders saying they need to carry their financial weight and he will deliver that message personally. Accusing nato countries delinquent for many years. They must pay more and the United States must pay less. The president has been blunt so far. President trump in germany were protecting france and all these countries and then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with russia and i think thats very inappropriate. You tell me, is that appropriate . That should have never been allowed to have happened. Blunt is a way of putting it. Sessions could be contentious. Folks at nato headquarters are getting ready for possible fireworks. Sandra that sets it up for us. Were keeping our eyes on a lot of events happening at this hour. A busy hour ahead. We have our ateam on tap at americas newsroom. Ateam josh holmes former chief of staff to senator mitch mcconnell. Mo elleithee is a former Communications Director and david asman is cohost of after the bell on the fox business network. What a morning so far. Good morning to all of you. What do you make of things so far, david . Weve never seen anything like this where a president of the United States in front of all of his allies, nato allies, lays out stuff that is very uncomfortable for them and particularly focusing on this pipeline. Everybody thought it would be over the nato spending issue. This pipeline has hit a real nerve. What it amounts to and what he laid out very clearly is that it is crony capitalism. It is something that doesnt make economic sense in a pure form. A political move that really hurts our ally ukraine, by the way, in a very significant way because it is going to send gas through the baltics rather than through ukraine. It will make it easier for the russians to cut off ukraine if they want to squeeze it as they have in the past. But it is also something that was put forth by former german chancellor schroder, a member of the board of gas from the Russian Energy company, he is a member of the board that deals with this pipeline. The point is its crony capitalism. Donald trump knows crony capitalism when he smells it. It smells a lot like it and it has hurt not only the germans but a lot of industrialists within europe making a lot of money from this. Bill interesting perspective. Mo, what do you think . There are a lot of people on both sides of the aisle who opposed this deal, right . Democrats and republicans in the u. S. But i think taking a step back from that for a second, were in a very unique and potentially precarious situation here where the president of the United States is going to a nato meeting and going after our allies right before he goes to a summit with the president of russia, whom he continues to hug and embrace. And that conflict bill its only day one. Thats fair. But if you look at his track record so far in these summits, whether it was the g7 or with north korea, were not getting a lot out of it. If anything were taking a step back in each case. Were now in a trade war. Were now seeing signs that north korea is not denuclearizing. Its questionable at this point. Bill the verdict isnt in yet. I dont think the verdict is in but i also think european allies have been so used to american president s traveling over and thanking them for their friendship. This is just a fundamentally different way of doing business. Nato is incredibly important to the United States, to our security and the security of our allies but i dont think its too much to ask that those who benefit the most from its security pay their fair share. Anybody suggesting for a moment he is acting in flavor of Vladimir Putin and russia, the point is this is their pet project, a project that putin is probably going to be making billions in his own pocket and trump is going after it head on like no president or no european has ever done before. What a great curveball to start things out with. He knows his critics will focus on the fact he is in there being soft on russia. Okay, lets talk about that for a minute. Lets talk about germany and who is benefiting from the pipeline . Sandra were waiting for the meeting with the president and Angela Merkel. We know the president is taking on germany in a way weve never seen before. The president is using words like captive, like russia is Holding Germany captive with this energy supply. What would you want to see from the president if they are not paying their fair share members of nato, how would you like the president to go into this . Absolutely. I think were all in agreement that just as previous administrations from both sides of the aisle have called on our nato allies to pay more for their own defense. There is no question they should do that. But to create a situation where our nato allies are questioning the United States support of nato, which many of them are right now. When the president sandra the president is questioning their support of nato. The president of the United States is out there saying russia should be part of the g7, that russia should be absolved of all the criticism when it comes to election interfering and meddling. There is a lot of anxiety right now about russias role in the world. A lot and donald trump and the fact that he is hitting russias nerve. It is one thing to say things for propaganda purposes, another to expose and rip the cover off of one of the biggest scams in europe taking place in terms of russia right now. Bill in case viewers are joining us right now. It was a 5 30 address between President Trump and the head of the e. U. We have a clip of that. Play it and ill get you to react in terms of the framing of his message and ask yourself who is really his audience . President trump were protecting germany and were protecting france and all of these countries. And then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with russia where they are paying billions of dollars into the coffers of russia. Germany will have almost 70 of their country controlled by russia with natural gas. You tell me, is that appropriate . Bill this went on for 5 1 2 minutes. Think about who the audience is. Is it the e. U. Or both . Or is it the retrackors here in the u. S. Saying youve been collaborating with putin for so long. What are you talking about, you did an 11 billion to get your natural gas from Vladimir Putin . But it starts i think it starts with what he was elected to do, which is to shake up the status quo. The status quo has never seen anything like this and in this case the status quo is the international community, our International Allies and our international enemies. He is sending a message to both allies and enemies and the people back home. I think its a trifecta. It is a terrific way to start the meeting. He knew everybody would say he is soft on russia. The idea you can point out a very specific dictionary definition of crony capitalism that germany is undertaking here that bypasses a bunch of nato allies and benefits uniquely russia, he has turned this over. A lot of germans were upset about the fact that their money is being spent on a project that is going to benefit primarily the former leader of germany and perhaps the current leader of germany, merkel may get a piece of the action. Thats the way things work in europe. Bills point about this may be a message i would argue to sort of confuse and muddy the waters with his detractors back home is a legitimate point. That is part of what he is trying to do here. Lets be honest. This is a president who he himself has shown has business interests and has had business interests in russia where he stands to personally profit from those business relationships. So to go into meetings in with nato leaders and lob this grenade in there is actually fairly hypocritical. Sandra he expect to hear from the president a short time from now meeting with Angela Merkel. Well bring it live when it begins. John barrasso is a big fan of what he has seen so far this morning. Watch. Energy is called the master resource for a reason. It powers economies and powers countries and a force multiplier and an instrument of power. When germany is more dependent on russia for energy, that gives russia that much more power over germany and over the European Union as well. Sandra interesting stuff ahead of hearing from merkel. Bill you can get natural gas cheaper from a pipeline than shipping across the ocean. But you could also buy our natural gas in germany and the United States could make a lot more money and that goes to the president. A holistic approach, right . He is undercutting the number one critique of him that he is tough on nato allies and soft on russia. He is pointing out the allies are soft on russia. Barrasso is right. This is a big issue not only for germany and our allies in the region and United States. If you want to buy American Energy President Trump has a couple numbers they can call. There is another issue we havent mentioned and one of the reasons germany is doing the deal with russian theyve made commitments to reducing their carbon levels but instead theyre transferring it to russia. Bill Angela Merkel on the left. President trump discussing military expenditure, talking about trade, we have a very, very Good Relationship with the chancellor. We have a tremendous relationship with germany. They have made tremendous success and i believe our trade will increase and lots of other things will increase. Well see what happens over the next period. [speaking german] let me say that i am glad to have the opportunity to exchange a views and we had an opportunity to have an exchange of our economic developments on issues such as migration and also the future of our trade relations. We also briefly touched upon the president and im looking forward to further [inaudible] and i think its important to have these exchanges. Were good partners and wish to continue to cooperate in the future. President trump thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. We did discuss that, thank you very much. Thank you very much. Bill john bolton, james mattis. Mike pompeo is there as well. Sandra the president great meeting talking about military spending and trade, Good Relationship he is talking about. Merkel pleased for this opportunity. They are talking about trade and looking forward to more exchanges in the future. Thats about all we know of that and now theyll continue. Bill they will continue. The bottom line is we rely on germany as sort of the anchor for what is happening in europe. Frankly so does the rest of the european community. Germany controls the european monetary union. Theyre the strongest economy in europe, europe proper, not the u. K. Here. We need germany. Europe needs germany, but we are going to expose what they are doing if its not within germans interests, let alone our interests and thats what this pipeline is all about. The strongest economy, yet they dont pay 2 , right . Its pretty remarkable. I thought one of the things that was really interesting was the body language of Angela Merkel there. You recall her Office Tweeted out that picture after the g7 summit of her sort of like scowling and staring down at the president. She looked pretty engaged and leaning in trying to communicate she is listening. So, you know, perhaps he is making progress. Bill when the nato summit wraps is there a statement of unity . I would hope it would be yes. I thought one of the Biggest Challenges weve seen so far on the International Scene with this administration was coming out of the g7 and the very public lack of disunity there. I hope we can once again be in an era where the United States and our nato allies are Standing Shoulder to shoulder in a sign of strength. The more there is a rift here, the more Vladimir Putin smiles. What would you rather have . Would you rather have a chummy meeting where everybody is smiling and shaking hands and behind the scenes crooked gas deals are being made with russia or would you rather have awkward moments at a televised gathering that leads to something being exposed that has been happening under cover for decades . This started in 2005, this corrupt pipeline deal. What i would rather have is a strong Nato Alliance where there is no question at all that we are all Standing Shoulder to shoulder at a time when the threat from russia is strong. But i dont want to be deluded by these nicesounding documents that come out that dont mean anything. Neither do it. Something a lot of people agree is hypocritical on a pipeline, exposing that and using that to blow up a summit to me i dont think its blowing up. Sandra simple numbers to ask you about here. Say we should be Standing Shoulder to shoulder with our nato allies. Germany currently spends 1. 2 on defense spending, 3. 5 the u. S. Should that number come up for germany . Thats why he is taking them on. He is right to push for that as every previous president has been right to push for that. Im not saying that they shouldnt be paying more. Now the president in his tweet last night i think had a number of factual errors in there as if these were dues into a country club. Sandra he is talking about actual spending. But at the end of the day they should all be raising their amount. Thats exactly right to be pushing that. But we shouldnt be doing it or pushing it in a way take raises questions about the strength of the alliance at a time when that is russias sole interest. I dont think we are. I think weve been used to polite negligence where people shake hands and move on and let the problems go another day. My sense is nato stays intact and i dont think its weakened. These are business negotiations. I sat there and said you made a decision to get rid of your coal and Nuclear Power plants. Those are your decisions. You know, mo, you used a great expression. At the end of the day. I agree with you on that expression. For all the talk, all the bombast and perhaps misstatements etc. What matters is at the end of the day if they pay more for nato. If they pay for more the United States peacekeeping efforts. If they pony up where they should be ponying up and agreed to and where we have not enforced them to pony up in the past. I believe we should let all these negotiations play out. The track record so far has raised a lot of questions in my mind and a lot of peoples minds. But theyre talking about paying more. Bill you guys go to the bullpen, okay . Sandra go to the greenroom. Bill get loose. President trump upping the ante as the u. S. Fires a new trade war with china slapping tariffs on 200 billion more on chinese imports. More on the start to the nato summit. President trump calling out our closest allies over defense spending and ties to russia. Can they get back on track and stay that way . Governor Bill Richardson, our headliner, takes that on shortly. Booking a flight at the last minute doesnt have to be expensive. Just go to priceline. Its the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40 . Just tap and go. For the best savings on flights, go to priceline. Where were making the next generation of multiscreen welcadvertising possible. Ght, we have the broad and targeted reach you need to access the customers youre looking for on tv and digital platforms. 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Between those and the tariffs weve put out there. 32 1 2 billion, 6 what we imported from china last year. Lets lay the numbers out there. It is not ending the world but were ratcheting this thing up and we have to. One thing that bothers me, it is a long list, 195 pages. Dog and cat food. Leashes. Orange juice. Since march of 2007 orange juice prices have gone down 15 and weve lost acreage. Vacuum cleaners, tv component parts, dog and cat food. Sewing machines, you wonder why we have to import them in the first place, right . This is the crux of what gets missing in the headlines is the idea that america was so selfsufficient in all of these things. Did we do a grand bargain to get a cheaper and more often inferior version of these things while the jobs that were here that created them in the first place vanished . Thats what a lot of people in the heartland believe is the case and hoping at the very least reverse that or get smart fair deals so the stuff we do produce here we can sell in those countries. Sandra yesterday you were talking about the scare tactics that have been used on our countrys farmers and Chuck Grassley had something to say about the impact of these tariffs on our farmers and i want to get your response. Listen. He takes the competitor to the brink and doesnt go over the brink well get a better deal. If he goes over the brink its catastrophic. Soybeans and corn in my state it is catastrophic. Last year china imported 100 million tons of soybeans. They actually 90 ofist was90 was imported. Theyve been trying hard to create their own soybean market for decades. Poor irrigation, a lot of things have hurt that. There is not enough soybeans laying around to feed 1. 4 billion people and i will say this much. I get where he is coming from and he is talking what they call wall street. But china wont be able to make up for u. S. Demand for u. S. Imports. There is not. No place in the world to say where can we find a bunch of soybeans laying around to feed a billion people . I will also say this. They have had a little success recently in creating their own and part of it is because they found a miracle fertilizer that comes from america. We have to fight fire with fire. Bill you are winking at it. Generally were on an upward trend. A grand total of 32. 5 billion is what the tariffs add up to in an economy of 19 trillion. Thats what were talking about here. There will be individual Horror Stories but it is a long we should have had this fight a long time ago and its bill how does it end . Well save that for tomorrow. Sandra youve been out and you like the president s strategy. I was a never do tariffs kind of guy. I did research and i tariffs we implemented in 1922 that sparked the roaring 20s and we came out of a Great Depression some say because of lower taxes. Bottom line this is a fight that goes beyond traditional adam smith stuff, way beyond it. Bill catch you tomorrow. Sandra President Trump taking a hard line on nato defense spending. Were live from brussels. Our headliner, a former u. N. Ambassador is hear to weigh in. Governor Bill Richardson will join us next. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. 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The hand wringing you notice now after the president s admonishment of the germans for allegedly being engaged in frankly hypocritical behavior. On the one hand theyre saying well do business with the russians. Well do billions in business with the russians. Well, at the same time they are benefiting from u. S. Security both unilaterally and part of nato. Thats where the rub is. Now german officials have made the argument that with their Energy Cooperation is separate from that Security Cooperation. Again, energy separate from security. But thats an argument that the president has forcefully rejected. His criticism is this, the arraignment and the lack of investment by germany is at its very core an affront to the american taxpayer who by the way have spent trillions in protecting germany and our allies in europe over the many decades since the second world war. Critics argue thats the kind of thinking that actually undermines the strength of the alliance and could open the door for russia to fill the void of a weakened west. Thats a strain that will be put to test here throughout the meeting and throughout the president s fourcountry trip. Sandra kevin corke in brussels this morning. Bill straight to our headliner, Bill Richardson former governor of new mexico and former ambassador to the u. N. Welcome from cape cod, massachusetts. When you bump into dershowitz up there say hello. He was here earlier selling books. Dont tell me what you did not like today, tell me what you did like. Well, i just wish the president would be as tough on putin and kim jongun as he is on the germans and nato. But what i did like is look, the Nato Alliance has not been paying its 2 just as it said it would at a previous nato summit. Theyre getting there and going in the right direction. So my hope the positive that i see maybe in the president s unique negotiating style is that he is trying to get leverage on the europeans on issues like trade, like tariffs, were in a little bit of a trade war there that he is getting them to make that 2 , the germans are at 1. 2 . But you know, bill, i just it bothers me that, you know, were dumping on the most Important National Security Alliance we have and thats nato. I mean, its good for the United States. Weve got 28 military american bases in host countries. They help us on afghanistan. Nato helps us against soviet expansionism. I dont understand sometimes the president s tactics. Bill you would feel better if it was said in private . Yeah, i would, especially that comment that russia controls germany. Thats not the case. That natural gas, russia has a lot of natural gas. It is all over europe. I dont know if germany has alternatives to get other natural gas from somebody else. I mean, this is a Political Energy reality in europe. Sandra here is the president speaking directly on that hypocritical relationship that he sees between germany and russia. Listen. President trump were protecting all of these countries and then numerous of the countries go out and make a pipeline deal with russia where they are paying billions of dollars into the coffers of russia. So were supposed to protect you against russia but they are paying billions of dollars to russia and i think thats very inappropriate. Sandra do you agree with the president there taking on russia taking on germany . No, i dont. I think that russia i worry about the summit with russia. I think were giving up too much with russia. Russia is squeezing our allies on natural gas. Russia is taking very bad steps in crimea, theyre messing in syria, theyre messing with iran. You know, i just wish the president would recognize that we want to build our alliances. We want to get the germany, and france and European Union to counter some soviet activity. He seems to think that the strategic benefit is more with russia. Now, im going to wait and see what happens in the summit with russia. But quite frankly im a bit concerned. Bill dont you think we woke up this morning and the other Cable Networks were losing their minds. How can you go to germany and be so con fronational. Theyre our allies, not enemies, but this is a public negotiation he is conducting here. This is a business deal. I would venture to guess in a day or whenever the nato summit wraps that you will get a statement that says that nato is as strong as ever and he will take that to london and take that message to Vladimir Putin. Do you think im wrong about that . No, you are not wrong about that. I saw the private session between merkel and the president. They got along better. They dont get along that well. They dont have the good connection that should exist perhaps our most important ally along with britain and france. So i am concerned. Look, you know, there is no question that we have an over spending on nato and europe needs to do more. But it is a Security Military alliance that benefits the United States, too. It is equally important to us. I mention the fact that after 9 11 article 7 selfdefense of nato was invoked to protect and help us. We have 40,000 nato troops in afghanistan and iraq, 28 American Military bases are hosted by nato. They protect europe from soviet expansionism in eastern europe. I this vibrations and diplomacy angle should be stronger. Its a Security Alliance we have to maintain in threats from isis and russia and syria. Sandra what are your expectations with the summit with Vladimir Putin. You seemed to be a fan of the president s open negotiations and his tactics leading into the singapore summit. So why are your expectations any different leading into this putin summit . First, i think him meeting putin is the right thing. We meet with our adversaries. I dont want us to be too friendly with them like he was with kim jongun. I supported that summit. Now with putin. Here is my worry. We have to say to putin you cant keep messing in american elections and european elections. You have to do something about the annexation of crimea, you have to start helping us and working with us to get assad out of syria. You have to find ways also to help us squeeze iran. You are buddies with iran. There are a lot of important issues that we need to raise with russia that somehow, because of the president s i dont know if its an infatuation with putin. He seems to like these authoritarian guys. We arent driving what our American Security interests. Sandra not everybody is in favor of this oneonone. A democrat leader in the Senate Chuck Schumer said he shouldnt meet with putin. I think he should. Im for meeting adversaries. But i dont want the president to have a love feast with putin. I want him to get something done to protect americas interests, thats all i want. Sandra we love having you on the program. Thank you for being our headliner today, sir. Democrats digging in their heels opposing the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Is the left grasping at straws in their fight . One republican says democrats are trying to move who is the most Insane Person on the issue. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Sandra lets bring back josh holmes, mo elleithee and david asman. Mo is not exactly the easiest last name to pronounce. Its one s in asman. Thought i would just put that out there. [laughter] bill just a small transition to the u. S. Supreme court. Sandra so judge kavanaugh, where do things stand this morning to transition to a very serious topic . This morning as far as the divide and the battle that we see playing out over his confirmation process, mo. I think it is more likely than not that he will be confirmed. I think it would take something pretty extraordinary for that to be derailed. Now, having said that there is reason there are hearings and a reason why people go over the record. I think democrats have every right and are right to point out the areas where they are concerned primarily when it comes to roe versus wade and his position on the Affordable Care act and when it comes to who role he would play if the investigation into President Trump ever made it to the Supreme Court. I think all of them are legitimate questions. We already know in roe versus wade. In 2006 senator schumer asked him specifically do you consider roe versus wade established law. His answer was yes. We already know that. I think the president then candidate trump said that he would one of his litmus tests was to pick someone that would be 100 absolutely against. Sandra he did not ask about that and not a requirement. Because it was known before. Judge kavanaugh has a 12 year record on the d. C. Circuit. Dont pretend that Trumps Campaign rhetoric will i am confident when it the record is examined everybody will come to the conclusion that he is well qualified. Bill you think he passes . Likely. One of the most jarring sort of things about this is the rhetoric that democrats had right off the bat with this nomination. To act that kavanaugh of all people is some radical that is here to destroy the constitution was one of them. That millions of people were going to die as a result of this nomination. That kind of thing puts the Democratic Party out on a fringe that i think most American People cant relate to. Mo, you arent on the fringe. When you heard Terry Mcauliffe say that saying millions of peoples lives are at risk as a result of kavanaugh. You dont agree with that, do you . I used to mccaul i have. He is a friend of mine. Some people are using overheated rhetoric. I think that is now the norm in politics on both sides of the aisle as we were talking about earlier. And thats a problem. Lets look at the record. Lets let the beauty of a democracy is you can ask the tough questions and we can disagree and push on these things. Democrats should be pushing on roe versus wade and preexisting conditions and on his role in an investigation. And then well see how it turns out. I will say this, i do think that there is a political up side as well for democrats on this issue and that by pushing these issues in the midterm a lot of people are looking at the down side for republicans. I think there could be an up side particularly down ballot as these issues would mobilize. You meant a down side for democrats there isnt a down side. I think there is a down side for democrats in terms of coming out with the rhetoric that is totally unbelievable. Most americans im talking about the issues and i am, too. Roe versus wade was discussed with kavanaugh by senator schumer back in 2006 and to say today Terry Mccauliffe comes out and says millions of lives are at risk. I think the senate map is the most instructive things where the politics lie. If you think about states like north dakota, indiana, west virginia, missouri, these are all states where President Trumps view and kavanaughs view is much more alignment with the voters there than anybody in the Democratic Party particularly when they are engaging in this kind of rhetoric. If you take it to its logical end and they want to press the case that obamacare is in peril and roe versus wade is over, how does that play in those states . I think the answer in north dakota, Heidi Heitkamp is in a lot of trouble. Bill if he is confirmed by october 1 youre riding a wave. Sandra what are the biggest roadblocks that kavanaughs confirmation press . Theyre looking at collins and murcowski on the roe versus wade issue. How he answered it in his Circuit Court confirmation hearings is answered it. Bill what about on the conservative republican sides. Rand paul doesnt like his views with the nsa and now all the other conservatives are basically put at ease but i dont know about rand paul. I talked to rand pauls Office Yesterday and can tell you he is open minded and looks forward to talking to him. I got the impression that this could very much be a yes vote from rand paul. David, thank you. Mo, thank you. Josh, come on back. Nfl players striking back at the owners. The fight over the anthem is not over yet and well tell you what is happening on that. The 24 7 crew is on deck. Liberty mutual accident forgiveness means they wont hike your rates over one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Bill fox news alert. You are about to see a few comments from trump and french president macron in brussels. Were on a pool system. The tape comes out of a camera the same time were waiting on it. Sandra there is a live shot in brussels right now. Macron and the president. Theyre meeting now. Lets listen. President trump a friend of mine, the president of france, who is doing a terrific job being president of france. He is changing a lot of things around that had to happen and i think will be very successful. We have a tremendous relationship. Were discussing trade and were discussing nato and discussing a lot of different things. And hopefully in the end it will all work out. So it is great to be with you. Thank you. [speaking french] President Trump it sounded great, i have no idea what you said. I remind everybody that almost one year ago you were present and your wife for bastille today. And we worked together for 12 months now. And made some decisions. And going to Work Together. President trump thank you very much. [[inaudible question] President Trump thank you very much. [many people speaking at once] sandra meeting their taking place between the french leader and the president donald trump. At the end it was interesting. Questions were shouted from reporters asking macron is germany and Angela Merkel beholding to russia. We thought he said no. The president said macron is changing a lot of things around. Bill heard nato in here as well. They love a handshake when the president went to france a year ago. When macron stopped speaking President Trump said it sounded beautiful but he didnt know what he said. He came home with an idea to have a military parade. It will happen november 10th of this year in washington, d. C. About what is that, four months from now. Sandra the president challenging nato allies on paying their fair share, you have seen macron take the side of germany and Angela Merkel. So this conversation is an extremely important one. Remember it wasnt too long ago these two were embracing and hugging and shaking hands. A lot of smiles being exchanged in that room but a lot of negotiations. Bill right now we have merkel and macron done from brussels so far today. Sandra World Leaders sit down for talks at the nato summit. President trump setting off some fireworks at a breakfast this morning. Back live to belgium for the latest next. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. Were life line screening. And if youre over 50. Call this number, to schedule an appointment. 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You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Sandra fox news alert at the top of the hour on fallout from the tens start to the nato summit where President Trump took on our allies going after the countries that do business with russia. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom on this lovely wednesday morning. Bill nice to see you. Im bill hemmer. He is getting ready for a working dinner after going after nato in particular germany over the Energy Agreements with russia and took aim at countries falling short on defense spending and allowing the u. S. The pick up the tab on that cost. President trump were protecting germany and france and everybody. Yet were paying a lot of money to protect. I have to bring it up because i think its very unfair to our country and taxpayers. And i think that these countries have to step it up not over a 10year period but immediately. Sandra chief White House Correspondent john roberts is live for us in brussels. Good morning, john. Good afternoon to you. Good morning to you, good afternoon to you, whatever it might be depending what clock you with on. The president came the brussels and is shaking it up. He just had a bilateral meeting with Angela Merkel after the president this morning in his bilateral meeting with the nato secretary general really slammed russia as you mentioned really slammed germany, rather, for crafting this pipeline deal with russia. The pipelines that will bring oil and gas directly to germany from russia. The president suggesting this morning that germany will literally be controlled by russia because it is getting 70 to 80 of its energy from russia. After the meeting the president said they talked about the pipeline, he and merkel. The meeting was cordial. President trump were having a great meeting and discussing military expenditure, talking about trade. We have a very, very Good Relationship with the chancellor. We have a tremendous relationship with germany. They have had tremendous success. And i believe that our trade will increase and lots of other things will increase. As you saw in the last few minutes the president was asked in his meeting with the president of france whether he believed that germany was being controlled by russia because of energy purchases. The president deferred to macron to that. Macron said no, he did not believe it. A lot of what were hearing that the president is directing to germany and maybe france at some point is really linked to trade. And the president believes that if he can get some movement on trade from some of these European Union countries, then maybe i might dial back on some of the rhetoric about russia and pipelines and expenditures to nato. Sandra thank you very much. Things changing on the ground there. Well get back to you later. Bill another fox news alert. Lisa page, the former f. B. I. Attorney known for her antitrump Text Messages to peter strzok will not appear at a closed door deposition expected to begin an hour ago. House Judiciary Committee chair Bob Goodlatte says it appears page has something to hide. Catherine herridge is live on the hill for more on that. Thank you, bill, good morning. The republican chairman of the house Judiciary Committee that has direct oversight for the f. B. I. Released a Statement Last night. The key phrase points to further action in the very near future. It reads in part well use all tools at our disposal to obtain her testimony. Americans across the country are alarmed at the bias exhibited by top officials at the Justice Department and f. B. I. And it is imperative congress conduct vigorous oversight to ensure that never happens again. Republicans remain firmly focused on the antitrump Text Messages exchanged between page and former f. B. I. Agent peter strzok. The two had an affair during the job at the f. B. I. Page resigned and strzok was walked out of headquarters in washington in a text recently recovered by the Justice Departments Inspector General page writes trump is not ever going to become president , right, right . Strzok responded no, no, he is not. Well stop it. Earlier today one lawmaker told your show he thinks he is just not going to buy it. My question is this, what kind of notes is she looking for trying to change her story, trying to perfect her story . If she forgot the fact that they had this issue with donald trump, that they had an issue with being the Department Justice fair arbiters making sure our laws are taking care of or injecting themselves into a political discourse. The lawyer laid some of the blame on the f. B. I. Claiming they went to the bureau yesterday to get access to some of the relevant documents so her client could prepare for this deposition today but she said they were there for three hours and were not given access to those records. Well definitely follow up with the f. B. I. To see what their version of events is from yesterday. And separately within the last two minutes the House Speaker paul ryan has weighed in on this issue saying that he is very disappointed with pages decision and he emphasized the congressional subpoenas are not optional. The thing to watch for today is whether strzok will follow suit or whether he will testify tomorrow. I think it will be very fluid throughout the day. We didnt learn about page until the 11th hour last night. It may be well the case with strzok today as well, bill. Bill thank you. Sandra joining us now for more on all this John Mccormack Senior Writer at the weekly standard. Why arent we hearing from lisa page today . We dont know. She says through her lawyer she hasnt had enough time. She went to the f. B. I. To review some documents the other day and they werent available. Chairman goodlatte said thats ridiculous. We have been asking to speak to you since december. The subpoena just recently did come but they have known this is going on for a while. As catherine mentioned we dont know whether peter strzok will testify tomorrow. As of now they think he will. One possibility this would be speculation is that lisa page and her attorney just want to have strzok, who has already testified privately, have his public testimony go forth and she will go second. I dont think she can keep this up and not testify to congress at any point. She can drag her feet a little point but at some point shell have to speak publicly. Sandra Bob Goodlatte says this. It appears that lisa page has something to hide. She plans to blatantly defy a congressional subpoena by refusing to appear. She is a critical witness. We will use all the tools at our disposal to obtain her testimony. Will we ultimately hear from her . You are suggesting possibly they wanted peter strzok to go first and then well hear from page. You dont know for sure but i would expect you would hear from lisa page publicly at some point. She can only drag her feet for so long. Eventually she will be able to view the documents and if it comes down to it congress could issue contempt charges and force her that would raise the stakes. So i do think we will hear from her. That is one possibility that i suggested that they want. Strzok has already testified privately he will go publicly tomorrow and at some point well hear from lisa page. Questions about how did you interpret those Text Messages when he said no, no, well stop it. You would expect strzok would Say Something we just meant through voting and activism. Sandra thats the key question why they want to go over the text message. The Inspector General report looked into all that and the Inspector General report revealed in Peter Strzoks case this did not play out in the Decision Making of the investigation and the work he was playing out at the f. B. I. What is the key question when they finally have lisa page sit down and they can ask questions . I think there will be several. Certainly how did you interpret that when he said no, no, well stop it. How do you interpret the insurance policy. What did that mean . Those are key questions youll have her be asked and i assume she wants to be on the same page as strzok when she does so. Sandra what do you expect from Peter Strzoks hearing tomorrow . 11 hours behind closed doors we know how that went. If he has been willing to testify behind closed doors unless there are more documents he hasnt seen yet i would expect him to go forward with us. We had the Inspector General report. I dont see what the documents are or what documents lisa page hasnt seen yet. Right now i think the strzok will appear tomorrow. As Catherine Herridge said we wont know until the last hour. Sandra great to have you on the program this morning. Bill how will the crisis unfolding in syria and growing concerns about iran fighters in that country . How will it figure in todays sit down by the israeli Prime Minister and the russian president . Sandra the president s tough stand with nato an business dealings with russia and defense spending. How is his approach working . President trump this has gone on for decades and many president s. But no other president brought it up like i bring it up. Your mornings were made for Better Things than psoriatic arthritis. As you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for psoriatic arthritis. Taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. 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Sandra tough talk by President Trump where he singled out germany with his business dealings with russia as he pushed our allies to pay their fair share when it comes to defense spending. Joining us now is Mac Thornberry chairman of the Armed Services committee. Thank you for your time this morning. Youve been following the happenings in brussels. What do you think . Do you like the president s approach here . Well, this pipeline has been a key issue of concern for some time. As a matter of fact, last Year Congress passed a bill that not only condemned the pipeline, but levied sanctions against companies that helped build it because the bottom line truth is, when europe buys energy from russia, they help fund Russian Military aggression. And so the president is exactly right to raise this. Members of congress has been raising it for the past four years in meetings with the germans and others. Sandra by the way, we keep talking about this and i wanted to be exact. Were talking about an 800 mile long planned pipeline beneath the baltic sea. Germany has been pursuing it. The president is calling them out on this. What is this going to do with our relationship with our closest allies . Well, it puts a key issue front and center where it needs to be discussed. Now, there is another part of the story. That is for too long the United States would not or could not sell energy to germany and other european countries. Weve started to turn that around. Congress lifted the ban on exporting oil. We have begun to actually build export terminals so natural gas can be shipped to europe. We are doing better, we need germany to do better to look to the west for their energy, not fund the Russian Military. Sandra we heard the President Campaign on this tough talk and his Harsh Criticism of our allies and their contributions to nato leading into this and were witnessing the Testy Exchanges. How do you expect these nato members to respond . Well, there will be some pushback but one way they responded is if you look at how much the 28 countries of nato spent on defense, 27 of the 28 increased defense spending last year, which is a Welcome Change in the direction things had been going. So a lot of them still dont spend enough and i think the president is right to keep the pressure on. But what he and secretary mattis, even though they have differat both of them have been able to achieve is a turnaround in defense spending not only among the europeans but among us. Remember, we cut our own Defense Budget about 20 over the last eight years. We need to lead by example. We are. They need to follow that example. Sandra the president said by comparison his summit with Vladimir Putin in russia is going to be easy compared to what he is doing now as far as his stops before he gets there. What are your expectations for this oneonone meeting with Vladimir Putin that some of your colleagues, democrat colleagues are coming out against saying dont meet . Chuck schumer says dont meet with putin oneonone. It is fine for them to meet and talk. I would be very cautious about agreeing to anything with Vladimir Putin. Look, some of this is kind of like the disagreements you have in your family. You know that the bonds that unite you are far stronger than the differences you have. Sometimes the rhetoric can be pretty heated in family discussions, but nato is the most successful alliance in the history of the world. It can withstand these differences over pipelines or over defense spending because we understand i think all the nato countries understand Russian Military aggression, what it has done, the threat it poses. It is those bonds that unite us are still stronger than these differences. Sandra thank you for your time this morning. Its a busy week, thank you. Bill as you were talking fox news alert this word from nato leaders in brussels crossing the wires now. According to a summit declaration. A communique we are getting from belgium. They pledge unwavering commitments to their defense spending targets. Another headline says nato summit says russias recent activities have reduced stability and security, increased unpredictability. Well see what else that has to say when we get more on that. Back here at home the state of new york a group of firefighters doing some patriotic work to save old glory. Near rochester firefighters called to the scene of a burning track that had a flag inside. The flag had immense sentimental value as it was a gift from his younger brother. It is now tattered and charred but plans to frame it as a symbol of overcoming adversity. No injuries. The cause of that fire under investigation. Old glory has been saved near rochester, new york. Cool story. Sandra the coast guard responding to a plane crash with nearly a dozen people on board. Details on the remarkable story of survival. Bill democrats digging in their heels opposing Brett Kavanaugh. Brett kavanaugh is one of the smartest, most qualified people any president could choose as a republican. What they are saying is elections matter only when democrats win. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Olay regenerist wipes out the competition; hydrating better than 100, 200 even 400 creams. With our b3 complex, Beautiful Skin doesnt have to cost a fortune. Olay. George Mason University and former law clerk for judge kavanaugh. Great to have you on. Give us some insight into who the man is. Thanks so much for having me on, bill. From working for judge kavanaugh he is an independent and fairminded judge. Shortly after his nomination the other night usa today referred to him as the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in generations, one of the sharpest legal minds in the country. If he were to be confirmed to the Supreme Court i expect he would continue to look at every case with a open mind like he has done for the past 12 years on the d. C. Circuit. I worked for him for a year and after that i went on to clerk at the Supreme Court. Bill what kind of a boss is he . He is very approachable, meticulous. I think thats one thing to take away is the rigor that he looks at the law and keeping an open mind. 34 law clerks signed onto a letter that went to the senate Judiciary Committee, republicans, democrats, independents talking about how he looks at every precedent. He doesnt leave any stone unturned in looking at what is the law that governs in a particular case and that he listens to all perspectives. Bill you know there is opposition, right . Here is Dianne Feinstein with some very pointed words about how she believes he would act as a Supreme Court justice. Brett kavanaugh appears to meet all President Trumps promises of how his candidate will rule on specific issues. His record on the bench in the Bush White House and as the republican political operative indicates that if confirmed, he would be among the most conservative justices in Supreme Court history. His views are outside the mainstream and there is every reason to believe he would overturn roe. Bill a lot to react on that. Take a shot at it. Is she right on the claims about being the most conservative, about going after roe versus wade . Look, judge kavanaugh has never spoken about that particular case or how he would rule on any particular case. He looks at every case with an open mind. I will also point out of course there are strong views and thoughts, the Supreme Court nomination and so a lot of people have strong views on it. But shortly also after judge kavanaugh was nominated his colleagues at Yale Law School and harvard where he has taught particularly from yale came out and praised him as a mentor for students and focused on how qualified he is. Typically in this country weve looked for an independent judiciary with qualified nominees, thought leaders and judge kavanaugh fits right in there. Bill sorry for the interruption. What do you think murcowski and collins do . How do they receive him . I hope they look at his record and cases and see how fairly he applies the law. I believe that saw that senator collins has referenced how qualified he is and i should point out the New York Times yesterday in an article talked about how senators manchin, heitkamp and done elly voted for judge gorsuch. Kavanaugh is similarly qualified and he would also go into the Supreme Court to be an excellent, fair minded judge. Bill i dont sense a lot of drama in your answers because you know him so well and worked for him. Does he get approval . I think he does, yes, bill. Bill thank you for sharing your story in washington, d. C. Thank you. Sandra one deadline missed, another fast approaching with the Trump Administration and what they are doing to unite Migrant Children with their parents after being separated at the border. Bill the president s hard line approach to nato with defense spending. Is it working . An update from brussels coming up next. I think now it ought to be sinking in that he means business. I love my grandma. Anncr as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Sandra fox news alert the federal government missing a courtordered deadline to reunite Migrant Children under the age of five with their parents. All the while a second deadline is quickly approaching to reunite thousands of older children who have also been separated from their families at the border over the past few months. New york city alone more than 200 children are being held at a facility in east harlem. Were there live this morning. Brian. Right now Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti is getting ready to speak in front of the Family Center in east harlem where over 200 separated children are being taken care of as well as there is also immigration activists also speaking here about how this is a moral issue for this country. That deadline came and went yesterday. The deadline to reunite some 102 children under the age of five with their parents. As of yesterday morning just four children were reunited by the government. The judge ordered that an additional 59 needed to be reunited by the end of yesterday. We shall see how many have been reunited today. Last night at an ice center in grand rapids, michigan, two young boys and a girl were reunited with their honduran fathers, reunified parents are freed with ankle bracelets. There is not enough room to keep them in Detention Centers. The government said 12 parents have been deported without their children, complicating reunions. Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to find the parents. Especially where we had already been deported we need to communicate with them. Some live in rural areas and difficult finding them sometimes. We need to track them down. We need to talk to multiple family members and that can take some time. In a statement ice said this, quote, for the past two weeks ice has been staging adults in geographic locations near hhs shelters to facilitate that process and continue to reunite the cases cleared by hhs as clearly as possible. The judge also ordered this process of vetting the parents be streamlined. He said it is not necessary to vet every single one of these parents through dna testing and fingerprints and all of that. He said that they should only vet parents who have a reasonable doubt that these adults may not be the parents at all or if there is some sort of extensive criminal background. We know that eight parents have been denied reunions because of the criminal background. As you were talking, sandra, there is another deadline looming. In two weeks the government must reunite 3,000 separated children by july 26 as again the pressure is still going here. You have Michael Avenatti representing one of the fathers of the parents speaking here today. Sandra Detention Center in new york city, thank you. Bill fox news alert giving you more details from the nato summit. Leaders pledging their unwavering commitment to defense spending. This after President Trump questioned why the u. S. Pays the lions share while germany has deals with russia. Here is the back and forth around 5 00 east coast time today President Trump across the table from the head of the e. U. Two world wars and the cold war we are strong together. President trump how can you be together when a country is getting its energy from the person you want protection against or from the group you want protection against . You understand when we stand together also in dealing with russia, we are stronger. I think what we have seen is President Trump you are making russia richer. Were supposed to protect germany but theyre getting their energy from russia and explain that. Bill mary kissel, how are you doing . Something else to wake up to. What was your take on the grenade that was lobbed down the hall today . I think its refreshing to hear a u. S. President tell the truth about what is going on in nato and particularly what is going on in germany with the pipeline. It is a putinbacked project and it basically hooks germany to Russian Energy for years to come. It is a security problem and the president is right to highlight it. Bill i dont think a lot of people saw it coming. We thought well talk about defense spending trying to hit your targeted 2 but not this. No, not this. It has been a concern for several administrations and germany brought this on itself. There are plenty of things germany could do to supply the country with energy but Angela Merkel has ham strung germany because he has green Energy Policy and shuttered coal and Nuclear Plants. The pipeline isnt finished yet and it has problems with denmark. It is not a done deal yet. Im glad that President Trump is highlighting this and highlighting the hypocrisy of germany saying we want protection from russia but well spend billions of dollars and undermine projects elsewhere in europe through ukraine. Bill he said were helping you pay for your military defense and yet you are doing deals to the tune of 11 billion. You made a decision to get rid of coal and Nuclear Power. Germany was left with fewer options to go ahead and find Energy Sources for its people. Thats true. Not as if europe doesnt have Energy Sources. They can import l g, britain has tons of natural gas that it is not fracking. I hope trumps comments jolt the europeans into action. It is not just an energy issue. Germans pay two to three times the cost for their electricity that we do in the United States because of these policies but it is a security issue and nato needs to address that among other things. Bill a lot of pieces written about this. I assume youll write one of them. John barrasso the senator from wyoming was with us earlier. The president is unique and unconventional in his approach but he is absolutely right in what he is saying. Germany decided to get rid of Nuclear Power plants and became more dependent on russia for energy. It is called the master resource for a reason. It powers economies and countries, a force multiplier and an instrument of power. When germany is more dependent on russia for energy it gives russia that much more power over germany and the European Union as well. Yeah, he is 100 correct. Just not the pipeline under discussion here. It is also nato expansion places like ukraine who want to join, it is reorienting nato back toward its traditional role. After the soviet union fell what is nato for . We have a renewed purpose for nato because putin is invading its neighbors and a conflict in syria and ongoing conflict in afghanistan where nato plays a vital role. They cooperate with the african union. Nato is a very Important Alliance and you have to speak frankly to your allies. I wish President Trump would give nato some credit. There has been more cooperation and more spending commitments, thats great. There is more to do. Bill i dont know how it ends but it is a kumbaya moment. This is usually behind closed doors and now it is at the family dinner table and were talking about it. How does it prepare him to go into monday with Vladimir Putin . Im concerned about this summit. Administration officials are characterizing it as a deliverable in itself. You heard the u. S. Ambassador to russia John Huntsman say that. Senior Administration Official assert that. Its called dumbing summits down. It is not good for the u. S. President to go with really no idea of what the commitment is going to be or what you want to achieve. Just to have a chat. You legitimize Vladimir Putin by doing that. Prior president s only to big summits when there is something agreed to beforehand not just to have a social call. I think putin is a cany operator and knows what he wants. He has been in power 18 years. Wasnt to remain in power and wants to sucker the United States into helping him maintain that power and to extend russias power reach throughout the middle east. So i think there are a lot of pitfalls here the president could fall into. I know he is being well prepared by bolton and pompeo but i am concerned about the language that the administration is using prior to the summit. Bill well watch it carefully and well be in finland on monday. Sandra highlevel talks between two World Leaders about the situation in syria. What we can expect from the facetoface between the israeli Prime Minister and the russian president next. Crabfest is back at red lobster discover our largest variety of crab and crab dishes all year like new crabfest combo. Your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. Or try crab lovers dream. Sweet, juicy king crab and jumbo snow crab cozied up with crab linguini alfredo. Even our shrimp is crabtopped so hurry in and get your butterdunkin game on cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. And now bring home the seafood you crave with red lobster to go. Call or order online today. Bill new pictures of the Thailand Soccer Team being released seeing the boys sitting in their hospitals beds after the dramatic cave rescue. The whole world was hoping and praying. The kids and coach saved after weeks trapped in that flooded cave. The doctors say theyre in pretty good physical condition. Also a little bit of weight loss but theyll put that back on. Sandra so happy to hear that. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in moscow with Vladimir Putin. Pressure is building in syria over the presence of iranbacked forces there. The kremlin saying a complete withdrawal is, quote, absolutely unrealistic. Lieutenant colonel james reese joins us now. What do you think about that . Good morning. Putin is right. Iranian irgs will not leave syria any time soon. It is a difficult situation for the whole middle east having the Iranian Forces inside syria. Sandra what do you expect from this facetoface meeting between putin and israeli Prime Minister netanyahu . The israelis have said now you have the ceasefire inside syria thats very contentious right now but it is happening. Theyve put a buffer to the Golan Heights with syria. They dont want any Iranian Forces within 25 to 50 miles or otherwise they will attack them. The israelis do not want the iranians in syria. Like president putin said that will still have issues there and the israelis as weve seen will go ahead and bomb iranian sites. It will be contentious and there is a reason why the two the Prime Minister and president are meeting during the nato conference prior to President Trumps meeting with putin. Sandra obviously this is not the first meeting between the two. This is another one in a series of meetings. Do you think this gets anywhere . Do you think netanyahu and putin get anywhere with this . What they really did is netanyahu wants to tell putin that if the iranians break any agreements theyll get bombed and have attacks against them. He wants to look putin in the eye and tell him that. Putin gets that. If youve watched, they dont come back with a lot of rhetoric after some of these things happen. I would tell everyone right now syria as it has for years literally is still i think more important than what is going on in north korea right now. You have the nato aspects, turkey, russia, iranians, israel. A lot of terrorism coming out of there and we have to get it fixed. Sandra the attack on sunday at the air base deep inside of syria some israeli analysts saying it is a signal to putin is israel is sticking to its guns regarding any iranian presence in the country. Do you expect it to stick to its guns . Absolutely. They will continue to bomb those targets as they see them. Sandra amazing when you see the relationship between these two countries and between the two World Leaders, colonel. In the back drop of the meeting of World Leaders that weve been watching how would you describe the current relations between israel and russia as we await this next meeting . You know, i would describe that relationship as business like. I think there is respect on both sides of the governments and at the president and Prime Minister level. And again, Prime Minister netanyahu is telling president putin this is what we are going to do. Weve shown we are going to do it. We wont back down. I think president putin sees that and again i tie all these things in together. This is just not military, there is economic aspects and everything involved here. Putin is playing his hand here. He has a plan for this in the long haul for both israel, the u. S. And nato. Sandra what part do you think our president will play in this . This is happening just days before President Trump will be meeting oneonone with the russian president. We know the president wants to ask again putin leader to leader, facetoface, can he do anything in syria to make this issue get better, to make the civil war, the war between the coalition any better, and can he do anything to get the iranians out of syria. We know he will ask that from a mantoman perspective. Putin will take that and have rhetoric back and he is going to it will be the game, negotiation piece. He is not going to bend but he plays a major role in syria and how things are going to roll inside syria and outside. And then when you have turkey in the north that becomes another factor that nato has to take into effect. Sandra before i let you go youve been watching this morning at these ongoing meetings and the president taking on nato about paying their fair share into nato. Finally your thoughts on that. Yeah, i mean, the president is a disrupter right now. Like someone said a few minutes ago it is about time were doing that. I think he has come in not really attacking this time. He is laying out the facts. But i said this the other day, i watched one of our nato Coalition Forces when they walked into iraq in 2003 when they joined our task force. They showed up with men and backpacks and their back. No vehicles, no night vision and no bullets. We had to buy that for them so they could compete and be part of the coalition. The president is doing the right thing. Sandra Lieutenant Colonel james reese, great to have you on the program. Bill controversy from the border in a moment here. The new york city mayor, did he break both u. S. And mexican law during a visit there . Well give you a live report and tell you whats happening on that story coming up shortly. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. 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The men and their entrepreneur crossed the border on foot instead of going through an official point of entry which is not allowed. William la jeunesse watching the story live in l. A. What happened . The mayors deny doing anything wrong but the Border Patrol says they entered illegally and disobeyed a direct order to stop from the Border Patrol agent. They were denied entry to enter a detention camp. The mayors and staff tried to avoid security by going into mexico and entering the u. S. Illegally to take photographs of the facility and the agent confronted them and ordered the group to remain in place while he called his supervisor to arrange transport to the port of entry. Disregarding that order they crossed back into mexico. The mayors violated two u. S. Laws and could have been jailed for up to a year according to the Border Patrol. Deblasios office disputes it. He crossed the border under direct supervision and approval. Any suggestion he was at any point detained or not authorized to do so is a complete joke. The Border Patrol says the mayors had no permission and no supervision. The austin mayor defended his actions as well saying the mayor and Council Member were neither apprehended or detailed. Observed a Border Patrol agent speak with a u. S. Law enforcement officer and the agent left. The Border Patrol wants that officer, deblasios nypd Security Guard investigated for failing to comply with an order. We asked disblastio for a name. Who with the port of entry did they talk to. We didnt get it. Bill running it down for us in l. A. William la jeunesse has been at the border more times than anyone counts. He knows it. Sandra all right. Well, President Trumps Supreme Court nominee back on capitol hill today. The latest on Brett Kavanaugh on outnumbered. That will be next. Throughout september and october. So you can fill the rest of your year with amazing trips. 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During a Tense Exchange with the nato secretary general, the president calling on our allies to contribute more to their own defense and demanding to know why the United States spends so much defending nato countries from a threat from russia and the europeans spend billions buying gas from russia. This is outnumbered. Im harris faulkner. Heres melissa francis. Republican strategist and fellow for the independent womens voice, the very independent womans voice, lisa booth. And

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