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Cloudy, bill james mattis laying the ground work in Singapore Holding talks with key asian leaders. The road to negotiations will be a bumpy one. Bill we must remain vigilant and we will continue to implement all u. N. Security Council Resolutions on north korea. North korea will receive relief only when it demonstrates a verifiable and irreversible step to denuclearization. All these negotiations take time. Everything is on the table during the negotiations. You cant pect that you wont change rome in a day and i think thats a very realistic attitude. He the president says hang on a second, we may be able to do it. Sandra kevin corke is live from the north lawn. Bill already off to a busy start here. News from the hermit kingdom that could portend of the way they see things. Three Senior North Korean military officials have been removed from their posts and analysts think it could be a signal for more engagement with the world and the pursuit of Economic Development ahead of the summit in singapore on june 12th. The administration has been working hard to see what could happen in the advancement of these talks. The evidence some have told me is mounting that the north really wants to make history from the release of those three american captives to the visit to the white house last week of a Senior North Korean official. But white house officials are also even critics i should point out are tamping down expectations ahead of the summit. Theyre noting the norths reputation for deception and professed desire to hang onto the nuclear program. At the end of that process, thats the goal, unilateral disarmament and so forth. It will be a process. The danger is this will be a gigantic photo op. Ive supported the president with this summit in the past. North korean negotiations from the bottom up have not worked. Im the glad the summit is still on. The north koreas are focused and relentless. Our position has shifted dramatically. Governor richardson talking about the shift in the idea of accepting a phased denuclearization. Not an Administration Policy but the conversation certainly can continue in that direction. Well have to see how it plays out between now and the summit. While all this is happening as north korean officials made their way here to the white house today. Lowlevel stuff. Happened to see them walking through here and get a read on what thats all about. For now, back to you. Sandra you are on it for us at the white house. Bill maybe they didnt leave friday after all. Brandnew reaction from President Trump to a round of interviews of giuliani. Giuliani says that while the president probably in his words does have the power to issue himself a pardon, doing so would be politically challenging. Impractical. The president of the United States pardoning himself would just be unthinkable and it would lead to probably immediate impeachment. Bill with me now tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn. Nice to see you in new york city. What do you think about those comments . I think Rudy Giuliani has been around all of this for a long time and he will advise the president well. But i will tell you this, bill, when im in tennessee and im talking with people from tennessee, this kind of hype around the special counsel doesnt create one job or economic opportunity. People are tired of hearing about it. Bill do they ask you about it . Very seldom. They talk about tax cuts, jobs, securing the border and having constitutional judges. Bill its on the mind of the white house and the president. A moment ago he talked about it on twitter. Said as has been stated by numerous legal scholars i have why would i do that when i have done nothing wrong . In the meantime the never ending witch hunt led by 13 democrats continues into the midterms. Into the midterms. Does that affect you . I dont think it does because tennesseans are focused on a few things. What they want their u. S. Senator to do. What they want their member of congress to do and the special counsel is out there but it is not a top of mind issue. They do want the federal government to be fair. They want to be able to trust their government. And they see a lot of this as an erosion of that trust. Bill do you think that bob mueller and donald trump sit down and have that interview . I do not know. Bill who do you think wrot r overthweend . Im sure theyre trying to find out. Bill here is Rudy Giuliani from over the weekend. Watch here. Jay and i want to keep an open mind and i ve to just be honest and leaning toward not. But look, if they can convince us that it will be ief, to the point, five or six points they have to clarify and with that we can get this long nightmare for the American Public over, when you ask me about career, you know how terrible i have to feel this letter comes out. Somebody should be looking at these leaks and find out who the heck it is. Bill we just talked about that. He made two key points there. Hit five or six points. Nd we think that will happen . That would be setting the stage or the game, the playing field, the rules for how they were going to engage with him. Quite frankly, i dont know the answer to that. That is going to be a question for jay sekulow and rudy bi a week today we could look at donald trum arriving in singapore. What is your feeling if it happens eight days out . I give him a lot of credit secretary pompeo a lot of credit for getting north korea to the table. I think its a very hopeful time. When you ad some of the things coming from japan and south korea, and indeed that entire Indo Pacific Region are hopeful there can be movement to denuclearization. Something that is verifiable, something that is irrevocable. I think that would be a very positive step. Bill what do you think about him probably pulling the u. S. Tail yet again as he has for decades . We will see what he does. I think lets be hopeful that he comes to the negotiating table. Marsha blackburn. Thank you for your me today. Ce to see you back in w york city. Good to be herethanks. Sandra fonews alert on a potential serial killer in arizona. Authorities on the hunt for the gunman behind the killing of four people in that state, among the dead high profile forensic psychiatrist stephen pitt who helps investigate the 1996 murder ofjonbenet rams his death is connected to two para legals and a fourth victim. What is the timeline here . All happening in a short space of time. First we go back to thursday. The first shooting victim was steven pitt, the wellknown forensic psychiatrist you mentioned had worked on the Jonbenet Ramsey case in colorado and worked on a phoenix serial killer case in 2006. Witnses reported hearing a loud ment, then gunfire outside pitts office near scottsdale. The very next day, two parallels, ver arp and Laura Anderson were shot dead at a firm dealing with divorce and family law. Those three murders are related, although they wont say how. Then yesterday rder victim discovered, counselor and life coach marshall levine. He offered marriage and divorce counseling. Found shot to death in an office building. No case yet, though, sandra, whether this fourth murder is actually linked to the first three. But clearly, it is a route theyre looking at in their investigation. Sandra e a possible suspect . There is a suspect, at least in those three murders that police say are linked. There is the sketch. The man described by police as bald with a dark short brimmed hat. Very few other details on this. Perhaps, of course, because police are keeping wh they know under wraps for no thsathe investigation. They are also sang ey need to publics help. Listen here. Were asking the public to remain vigilant and any tips or other information that might be out of the ordinary to please call 911 so we can get that information and get working on those tips. With all of these people, these victims professionals within the legal and Mental Health communities, those communities very concerned here, sandra, as you might expect, wondering who could be next. Sandra jonathan hunt, thank you from our los angeles bureau. Ll a lot of anxiety over that now. Sandra a manhunt underway at this hour. Scottsdale police have a lot of work to do. A fourth victim identified. Bill developments on that. Fox news alert. There were thousands of people in the line of danger after a volcano erupts claiming dozens of lives. The latest on the situion and where thats happening, wow, more on that coming up. Plus theres this. By some experience. If there were a democratic president most people would think impeachment hearings uld have begun already. Sandra president clinton is trying to sell a new book. Our panel will take that one up. Bill President Trump marking his 500th day in office today. The pros and cons, well look at all that coming up next. This economy is sostrong that nobody should be worried about any of the spin that anybody is saying. Donald j. Trump has brought in tax cuts, deregulation and trade policies that are working for the american working people. Was able to take care of my family while i was overseas serving. It was my very first car accident. We were hit from behind. I called usaa and the first thing they asked was are you ok . they always thank you for your service, which is nice because as a spouse you serve too. Were the hayles and were usaa members for life. 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In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital compared to a leading Heart Failure medicine. Dont take entresto if pregnant. It can c harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make more tomorrows possible. Entresto, for Heart Failure. I prefer on the front end what will turn out to be the best prosperity boom in several decades. The economy is clicking on all cylinders, as you noted the jobs, the unemployment. Business investment is growing everywhere, money is being repatriated. Trillions of dollars are coming back home to the usa. This is all probably 3 growth. Bill there is larry cutler. President trump today marking 500 days in office. Want to bring in john sununu, how are you doing, governor . Good morning to you. Thank you for coming back here. I have a threepage statement from the white house came out moments ago on the 500 days. Ill give you the highlights in a moment. I want to hear from you the pros and cons. What do you think the white house has done well in the last 500 days . Forget about the economic numbers. Weve heard those. You walk around real america and hear employers grumbling they cant find a lot of employees now. Talk about wage increases and people are talking about perhaps shifting from the current job to a higher paying job. This pressure on wages is affecting everybody across the country, which is good. Everybody is going to get a little bit of a bigger paycheck over time and thats how you create, i think, really solid political support. Bill interesting. They break it down in three categories. One is the American Economy is strongnning on the world stage with leadership and also americas communities are safer and more secure. A tweet from the president on day 500. Its my 500th day in office and we have accomplished a lot. Many believe more than any president in his first 500 days. Massive tax and regulation cuts, military and vets, lower crime and illegal immigration, stronger borders, judgeships, best cone me ever and much more. Thats the case he is making. Take me through the cons, what are they . Couny has right now is this continued focus on mueller and the investigation. I think its dividing the country. It may not be the most important issue to people but something that does bother them. I think the democratic rhetoric is really agitating things and i think the president s style has allowed an erosion of the culture of the country with all the courseness that we saw over the last week with tweets and comments on television. That to me is the con that is involved here that somehow we have drifted into a courser society. Bill on the mueller matter, do you see that being resolved 18 months down the road . Of course it will be resolved. Im hoping its resolved quickly. I cannot imagine that if there is a serious charge against the president it hasnt leaked ou and so i think mueller is seeking to tidy things up. But i think the white house is right not to trust the team that mueller has put together there. So even though there is more than likely nothing there they are correct to be concerned. Bill there are primaries tomorrow. A few big states, california being one of them. Here is my observation. I think america 500 days ago give or take launched itself into a great deic experiment. Taking a guy from the Business World and putting him in the white house. I dont think theyre willing to give up on that experiment just yet. If you look at those especially in the Democratic Party running for office, every ad says im not a politician. Now, i know you know that thats poll tested. Theyve sat down with their focus groups and figured out thats what people want to hear which tells me they arent willing to give up on whats going on right now in washington with president but when you see the left start to marginalize more and more politicians further and further on the left and the party itself is trying to pull them off of that left ledger and more to the center, well, theyve got a bit of a political tugofwar. What is your feeling about how that is resolved as we look at these races this week . A lot of what you describe is taking place but more important than that, bill, is this unbelievable drift leftward of all those candidates that are running. Talking about free this and free that, cializing america, the Bernie Sanders theory of Democratic Politics and i think the democrats are going to find out thats not going to sell in 2018. If the republicans play their game right they will, i think, surprise a lot of people with a much better off year election than they might have been otherwise entitled to. Bill the house right now is a tossup. Youve seen the predictions. One number on the screen. Unemployment 3. 8 . When you are a commanderinchief what more do you want than that right there, governor . Last word. That is certainly something thats important. I think what the president is going to do with that number is rally the voters between now and 2018 and he will mind people of the democratic rhetoric calling for his impeachment and get his voters out and thats where the political surprise comes from. Bill thanks, governor. See you next week. John sununu from new hampshire. Sandra canada issuing a strong response after trump issues tariffs on allies. The ea thatwe are somehow a National Security threat to the United States is quite frankly insulting and unacceptable. Sandra still ahead in the next hour of americas newsroom, white house Peter Navarro will be here to responds for concerns of a potential trade war and a landmark medical study that could change the way doctors treat early stages of Breast Cancer. Brandnew developments. Well tell you how coming up. Mom . Dad . Hi i had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Bill an f. B. I. Agent in denver showing off his moves on the dance floor and everything is going great and winning the crowd until he does the back flip. When he does, he loses his gun. Goes to pick it up and the gun goes off striking a nearby spectator in the leg. Police didnt st the agent. The f. B. I. Is looking into it as a personnel issue lo local police to lead th stigation. Everybody is okay. Sandra not a good look. Ll not a good look, youre right. Sandra try not to have that happen again. Were watching a fiery explosion of ash and rock erupting from a volcano in south ntral guatemala yesterday sending lava flowing into Rural Communities and killing at least 25 people. Rescuers are struggling to reach people where homes and roads are blocked and covered in ash. Authorities fear more could die if they are not reached soon. Steve harrigan joins us with the latest on this. The initial explosion from this volcano happened at noon on sunday. It was so powerful it shot ash and rock six miles up into the sky. It was four hours later the lava began to flow, not the slow moving lava we usually see but lava mixed with mud that engulfed entire houses burning them down, trapping people inside. A number of bodi al on that lava. At least 25 people dead but that number is expected to rise considerably. There are horrific images of stunned villagers covered with ash. She said i covered myself with a sheet. I was afraid i was suffocating. She saw a small girl calling out for her mother and grandmother still trapped that lava. There are four active volcanoes on guatemala. The initial explosion from this one appears to be over but that doesnmean there could not be more eruptions ahead. Also mudslides ahead. There have been active rescue operations throughout the night, early dawn this morning, too. A lot of the roads are covered with lava making it difficult. Dozens of people still not accounted for. We could see that death toll rise significantly in the days ead, ndra. Sandra thank you. Bill ask democrats what the key is winning back the house in november, it is california. Voters gear up for big primary battles tomorrow. Is a blue wave heading for the golden state or this not as advertised . Well take you there live. Sandra plus were just a week out from a sitdown between the president and the north korean dictator kim jongun. What at stake to get these two leaders to the table together . Well ask senator John Barrasso. President trump were meeting with the chairman on june 12th and i think its probably going to be a very successful ultimately a successful process. Eywa it. We think its important. And i think we would be making a big mistake if we didnt have it. Try align, the 1 doctor recommended probiotic. With a unique strain that realigns your system. Realign yourself, with align. The first survivor of ais out there. 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But i think the world is grateful that we are talking rather than getting ready to go to war. And i think that the president wants it to work if he possibly can. Sandra that was former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich telling Maria Bartiromo when it comes to the north korean summit it is not happening until it is actually happening. All signs are indicating the meeting will be happening next tuesday. Lets bring in senator John Barrasso member of the Senate Foreign relations committee. Great to have you in studio this morning. Nice to see you. Hard to believe were a week out. Do you think it will actually happen . I do. Credit to President Trump. He has replaced the policy of weakness with a policy of strength for the United States in his 16 months in office. Around the World Leaders whether kim jongun, vladimir ancan elakness. Pect streng the prident is doing the right thing and i congratulate him. Sandra what do you give the president credit for . How did he get us to this point . A lot of posturing over the last 16 months. He found a north korea that had a Nuclear Weapons syin place more sophisticated because what we believed it was. It has gotten them to the table with a demand. He knows what he wants. A complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. He is very firm. He doesnt want more or less. Thats what you have to do when you are working on a deal like this. Sandra part of that negotiation has shown the president being willing to walk away if needed and go back to speaker gingrichs point they may wake up this morning something could change and it could get scrapped. Thats a possibility. It could. President trump knows north korea with a Nuclear Weapon makes the entire world less stable and safe. With their ballistic capacity to hit the United States. The president knwe need peace and stability abroad if we want security at home. He is doing the right thing but he is willing to walk away if that happens. I think walking away from the iran deal was a big part of this. North korea cant show up and say we want the same deal that iran has where inspections when we want them. Keeping the missiles. The president was right and i think that set the stage for this. Sandra pieces of puzzle coming together youre saying. As far as a victory for this administration and your party, how big would this be to have this sitdown happen . Its big already. It is important for north korea, too, to come to the table and longterm its most important for them to get rid of their Nuclear Weapons if they want to be engaged in a world economically. It will be better for them. The president has restored americas power around the world militarily, economically, politically. He is doing the right thing. Sandra another big piece of this puzzle has been the president s team around him and mike pompeo. I have woed with mike pomp and wee traveled the world together to security conferences when he was in congress and then as secretary of right now secretary of state but before that c. I. A. He is clear eyed. He knows north korea is talented at moving weapons around. He is the right person to be there as well as secretary of defense mattis. Theyre a good team. Sandra what do we think of word of a possible putin trump summit. John huntsman was on the air over the weekend and responded to word of this and here is what he had to say. Potential meeting, it would be a ways off and the president at the right time will say what needs to be said. The white house will obviously make an announcement but i think the president has stated before that he would like to get together with president putin at some point and solve some of the issues between us. Thats a good thing. Sandra do you think this is a possibility . It is a possibility. Putin is cunning, aggressive and opportunistic and said he wants to restore the former soviet union. He is a guy who respects strength. President trump is a strong leader. So a meeting like this from the art of the deal President Trump knows if you want to get to a negotiated deal you have to actually be visiting with the person who can say yes. In terms of russia, Vladimir Putin is that person. Sandra in terms of conditions that you would want to see set in order for this trump putin summit the take place. What would they be . Thats a long way off. Certainly with what putin has done in ukraine, with incursions, taking over crimea and his role in syria has to be part of it. Sandra the white house has put out this morning 500 days in the accomplishments in office. Foreign policy and the strategy that this president has implemented are touting as a big win so far. Where are your criticisms . Its not just Foreign Policy. The economy. Consumer confidence, 18year high. Unemployment at 19year low. Cut taxes in 31 years, gotten rid of so many regulations. Would i have liked to do more . Yes. Conservative judge on the Supreme Court. 21 Circuit Court judges. This is a president and Congress Working together. The president needs reinforcements in the upcoming election. What this president and Congress Working together as a team have been able to accomplish is historic. Sandra are you optimistic heading into the midterms . I am. I was visiting with people. A sense of positiveness around wyoming and the country that i think we can be happy about. Sandra great to have you in studio this morning. Bill come on back, all right . I dont know how abby booked that guest. Thank you, senator. There are numerous primaries in several states that will go down in 24 hours from now. But most attention is on caliiawhere democrats think that where they can take over the house. Thanks to a jungle primary system, democrats faced a very real possibility being locked out the general election. A lot of attention in the southern part of the state where peter doocy is live near san diego. How do you get locked out in the general election . They could get locked out if all the democratic congressman challenging the republican split up the vote too many different ways and none finish first or second place. Then theyre out. Weve got eight people on the ballot. The jungle primary in california. What sounded like a great idea, the top two vote getters move forward has turned into all sorts of gamesmanship. Democrat theyre warning democrats if they dont rally around them they might only have republican choices in november. A republican challenger could be runner up. If i come in second, the democrats or the republicans dont have to spend any money to defend the seat. Its already a republican seat. If there are no democrats on the ballot come november its one less district that democrats could use to try to retake the house. Bill republicans have a lot of retirements coming your way. How are they looking in districts where republican members have decided to retire . Democrats are trying to foix on issues they think were ignored by longtime incumbents. We have 52 miles of coastline. We care about clean air and water and clean beach. Getting the Nuclear Waste off our coast. Issa has been a member of hasnt solved the problem. Republicans are talking about policies that line up with the trump agaoend. Taxes are huge. Sanctuary state. Cash and release. Everything in sacramento is hitting the state hard and the democrats are offering just resist. It doesnt pay the bills. And that is the pitch from a republican coming out of one of the seven districts in california that voted for a republican member of congress and Hillary Clinton in 2016. Bill interesting tomorrow. Thank you, peter doocy in california. Thank you. Sandra all right. Listen up. If you missed game two of the nba finals you missed a clinic put on by steph curry leading the warriors to a blow out win. He drained a total of nine threepointers, count them. An final records. He had 33 points. My bet with you, mr. Bill hemmer, is looking pretty good. The warriors up two games to, well, a big nothing. A big nothing. Bill zero. Sandra the series moves to cleveland for game three on wednesday night. I like that graphic. Winning. Bill im still with cleveland. They have a long way to go. Its written in stone right there. I think losing that game won the way they did. You could almost see the players last night. Lebron james said it was the worst loss of his entire career, high school, pro, all of that. Well done, sandra. Facebook once again on the defense as the Company Pushes Back a report thats drawing new concerns about privacy. More on that story in a moment. Check that out. Plus this. Have a listen. I do think that its still an open question but it is beginning to get resolved in favor of not doing it unless they start coming across with things were asking for. Sandra Rudy Giuliani issuing a direct challenge to Robert Mueller as the president s legal team weighs whether the president should sit down for an interview with the special counsel. Our panel is on deck. Potential to avoid a subpoena entirely if the teams can Work Together and it is determined that the questions that will be asked will be relevant to an investigation to prove once and for all there was no collusion. For your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. There has to be a high bar they have to reach in terms of convincing us theyre fair and well get the things we need. You cannot indict a sitting president nor can you compel process. Well say hey, you got everything you need. You got 1. 4 million documents, 28 witnesses, president has given every explanation and correctly so. You have everything you need. What do you need us for . Bill President Trumps framing that issue. Saying any attempt to subpoena the president will spark a new court battle. Lisa boothe and fox news contributor, mary anne marsh. Lisa, are you an attorney . Mary anne, are you an attorney . No. Bill were 0 for 3 ladies. Lisa, i dont think donald trump is going to sit down with bob mueller. You heard the parameters by Rudy Giuliani. What do you think, yes or no . . Absolutely not. Theyve handed over tons of documents. Mueller has interviewed dozens of witnesses. Why would you sit down with mueller . I would rather fight the legal battle and enforce mueller to put up the goods and make his case why President Trump should sit down with him in a legal format. I wouldnt do that. Look no further than the federal judge in manaforts case that point blank told mueller he doesnt care about fraud. That entire thing is based on prosecuting President Trump and against him. Eachment charges also look at flynn, bill. You had james comey tell congressional investigators that the f. B. I. Agents did not think that flynn had lied to them. Yet when mueller takes over this investigation, flynn pleads guilty to one count of lying to investigators. So of course i would not trust this mueller team. I would be hesitant going into it and wouldnt sit down with them. Bill to mary anne marsh, your other counsel. My feeling is giuliani would take it to the u. S. Supreme court to fight a subpoena. Thats the plan. I dont know if it goes that far at all. What do you think, mary anne . Thats where mueller will take it. Bill he is . A cleanup on aisle 16 pennsylvania avenue for the litany of lies told by trump and his associates and they came to realize that if they dont tell the truth under oath, that they are in trouble. If they do tell the truth theyre in trouble. Thats why team trump leaked the trump memo because they need to try to correct some of these lies before trump testifies before mueller. Mueller, if trump turns him down. Mueller will subpoena him and take it all the way to the Supreme Court if they fight it and he will win into the Supreme Court. Donald trump will be testifying under oath, giuliani and Everybody Knows it and thats why theyre trying to clean up some lies publicly to get it out of the way. Bill a lot of hes and hims. You are saying mueller will charge trump, is that what you said . Im saying mueller will compel trump to testify under oath and will subpoena him if trump doesnt agree. If trump fights that subpoena, they will take mueller will take it to the Supreme Court and mueller will win there and trump will have to sit down. Bill bill clinton has a new book out with james patterson. Up. Topic of impeachment came here he is from cbs. Watch here. Thinif the roles were reversed, now this is me just talking based on my experience, if there were a democratic president and these facts were present most people i know in washington believe impeachment hearings would have gun already. If there were a democrat in power now . And most people believe the press would have been that harder. Bill i assume to say that much harder on the president. What did you think of that, lisa . We have democrats right now calling for impeachment against President Trump. You have people like tom steier putting up 20 Million Ad Campaign calling for impeachment for President Trump. If the roles were reversed you wod have individuals using impeachment as a partisan political tool. At least a call for impeachment. President clinton also said in that interview he wouldnt want to be president right now. He doesnt want to embarrass himself. Im sure he embarrassed himself d his wife and entire country when he was president of the United States. Bill you want to get in on this . No one doubts that the republicans would have already started against hk if she were in the white house. They said that before the election. The difference, Robert Mueller has 19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas. The republicans going into 2016 had four investigations against Hillary Clinton on benghazi, server, uranium one and everything else. Not one indictment or guilty plea, nothing, out of it. Of course they would be impeaching her, no question. Bill bill clinton had more to say. Well play it foyou in 30 minutes. There is still time for law school. Go cavs. Bill im not recommending law school, just saying there is still time for it. Than, bill. Might take you up on that. Sandra it could be a major breakthrough in the fight against Breast Cancer. Why a new study is starting to take chemotherapy off the table. Marc siegel will explain whats new in the field. I want to talk to you about what happened with the Republican Party. There is no Republican Party. There is a trump party. Republican party has taken a nap somewhere. Sandra Kevin Mccarthy pushing back against those comments from john boehner. Why he says he is proud of what the Republican Party has achieved under the Trump Administration. This scientist doesnt believe in luck. She believes in research. It can take more than 10 years to develop a single medication. And only 1 in 10,000 ever make it to market. But what if ai could find connections faster. To help this researcher discover new treatments. Thats why shes working with watson. Its a smart way to find new hope, which really cant wait. With expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. Cliberal gavin newsom from knows becoming governor. They also know chicago lawyer john cox has thirteen losing campaigns under his belt. And cox supports bad ideas like a 23 percent sales tax California Police officers and Police Chiefs stand with antonio villaraigosa. As mayor, he worked with law enfo and cut Violent Crime in half. Antonio for governor. Sandra a new medical study finds women with Early Stage Breast Cancer can skip chemotherapy with no risks. Lets discuss this with dr. Marc siegel. Professor of medicine and fox ws medical correspondent. Sounds like good news. What can you tell us . Its great news and answers the question weve been asking for over a decade now. If a young woman comes to see me or older woman average age of Breast Cancer is 62 years old. We have 250,000 cases per year in the United States. If im lucky enough to be able to say to the woman we have it early, we can take it out. The next question they ask me sandra is what is my chance of rrence . I say before this, i said im not entirely sure. And if a person is in intermediate category where there is not a high risk of recurrence or not a very low risk traditionally weve given them radiation, hormone therapy if theyre hormone receptors for Breast Cancer and added chemo. Chemo has a lot of side effects. It makes you lose your hair, nauseous, vomit, sick and can cause leukemia and infections. We dont like giving chemo. We t know what to do. There has been a genetic test out now for 10 years called taylor x. That test actually tells us what your risk is. Theyve studied 10,000 women over 10 years and found that in that intermediate category their score from 11 to 25. If theyre in the mid range ndra ulnumber emo. That is supposed to fall in that range be wrong and that person actually did need chemotherapy . No. But it is a personalized decision. I have to look at you and say a person with Breast Cancer here is your family history, here is your personalized risk and here is what i think will happen and now i have this tool taylor x that i didnt have before to tell me with a high likelihood whether im right or wrong. They looked at this over 10,000 women and found those who got chemo did just as well as those who didnt. Sandra sounds like its a game changer. When it comes to doing tests and knowing someones genetics. 21 genes tested. It guides treatment and personalized medicine. This is the wave of the future. This will tell us how to treat patientsand this is affecting 70,000 women a year who end up with Breast Cancer and dont know whether they should have chemo or not. For those 70,000 who are intermediate risk range the answer is no. Big game changers. Sandra there are 1. 7 new cases of Breast Cancer in 2012 alone in the world. Thank you. Great news. Bill a terror attack overseas, target and motive. Fallout continues over the new trade tariffs. Did things get more complicated . There is word from the president a moment ago and Peter Navarro is live with a response coming up live next. Her salon was booked for weeks, until her laptop crashed this morning. Havit problems . Ask a business advisor how to get on demand tech support for as little as 15 a month. Get your coupon for 20 off supplies, technology and furniture at office depot office max. Sandra this is a fox news alert. Were awaiting a speech from secretary of state mike pompeo as preparations for a historic summit and north korea kick into high gear. One week until we could see history unfold in singapore. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Bill how was the weekend . Sandra good and rainy. Rain isnt bad. Bill ducks love it, right . Good morning, sandra. Im bill hemmer. Good morning. Eight days and counting until President Trump and kim jongun sit down facetoface in singapore. James mattis returning from a security conference there saying the end goal is Crystal Clear for the u. S. Dprk loomed large in almost all of my discussions. But surprising commonality about a complete, verifiable, irreversible destruction of wmd, starting with nuke and dmd. Bill greg palkot back in london home. Good day to you. We understand a big shakeup in the north korean military. Is that all about, greg . Hi absolutely. There has been some real housecleaning at the upper ranks of north koreas military brass in advance of the trump kim summit which you noted. Various sources today are confirming that north Korean Leader kim jongun has replaced his defense chief, his chief of the general staff of the army, as well as the director of the armys powerful Politico Bureau all with folks more loyal to him, less conservative, a bit younger. Theyre all still in their 60s or so. There has been some grumbling in the ranks over plans with kim meeting with President Trump and commit to some form of denuclearization. Also thought that kim wants a team he can trust and not wage stage a coup while he is away. Even those willing to divert military manpower to economic needs. That we know also, bill, is a new focus of the young leader. Bill what is st on the summit . Anything getting in the way as of now . As of now, no. It is absolutely Going Forward on several fronts, bill. A first after the meeting that we saw last friday between President Trump and north korean vice chairman of the communist party kim yong chol. Diplomatic team from the u. S. And north korea are meeting through the weekend and today, along the dmz. Theyre trying to thrash out the absolute detail of the agenda for the summit and ov the weekend we saw more reports, bill, that south korean president moon could fly in for a very important after summit, a threeway meeting with President Trump and north Korean Leader to declare an unofficial end to the korean war. So far as we know, there has been a truce ending that decadeslong confrontation. That is, bill, if kim jon can fit it into his dance card. There has been talk of a meeting maybe later this year with syrian president assad and new talk of perhaps a summit between kim jongun and russian president putin. So well see. Bill thank you, greg palkot. The latest from london. Sandra meanwhile another big story were following today. President trump issuing a very Strong Defense of his trade policy ahead of a g7 summit e the u. S. Could find itself isolated on trade and tariffs. The idea that we are somehow a National Security threat to the United States is quite frankly insulting and unacceptable. I dont think were satisfied yet that they will protect or uphold all the shipments of steecoming into canada from around the world. Look, the president has declared our Steel Industry a National Security matter. And he hopes through these ons rebuild it. Sandra Peter Navarro is the director of the white use trade council and joins me now. Thank you for your time this morning. What is the mood heading into the g7 summit with everything thats going on at this moment . The mood is quite good given that were celebrating the 500day anniversary here of the administration. If i may just point out weve created nearly three million jobs, over 600,000 manufacturing and construction jobs. We have unemployment 3. 8 , th lowest rate since 2000. Weve got africanamerican and hispanic unemployment rates at the lowest since they started collecting the data on it. We have massive new investments in aluminum and Steel Industries because of our tariff and tax policies and this economy is solid as the rock of gibraltar. As we go into the g7 i think the primary message for all those countries that we put steel and aluminum tariffs on is simply this. We arent aiming those tariffs at you. Thats not the point. The point is sandra the difference is that they feel like they are. When you look at a statement put out by the g7 nations conveying their unanimous concerns and disappointment. You just heard from the canadian Prime Minister calling these tariffs insulting and unacceptable. Is this just an overreaction on their part . Absolutely. Let me explain here. The problem we have, as t trump has said, unless we have aluminum and Steel Industries we dont have a country. The problem we have is weve got more than 20 countries flooding our markets with steel, about 15 countries flooding our markets with aluminum. And over the past decade these industries here in america have simply not been able to perform in a way which is going to keep them in business. These tariffs are purely defensive in nature designed to bring these industries back to life and guess what . From day one those tariffs were announced theyre working. On day one u. S. Steel announced the reopening of a big facility in granite city, illinois. On day one those tariffs kentucky, century aluminum put in 150 Million Dollars in modernization and expansion. Just last friday we had a plant groundbreaking in ashland, kentucky, the heart of poverty in america in appalachia, a rolling millbecause of the tax and tariff policy. To our allies and friends, there is really two messages. One, we have to do steel and aluminum tariffs in the interests of our National Security. We arent aiming these at you. Sandra i think thats the issue. I think thats the issue that the canadian Prime Minister trudeau was having with this. The premise behind it is that its a National Security concern. So then to do this to canada Justin Trudeaus question is canada a threat to the United States . I would say simply to the Prime Minister these tariffs are not aimed at canada or china or russia or any other country. Its simply a way to defend ourselves, our industries so we can build the ships and the planes and whatever to defend this nation and by the way, to defend our allies. Thsecond point i wanted to make is a broader point about the president s trade policy. As he has tweeted we lose close to 800 billion a year and we have lost the trade war. A lot of it is because of the unfair trade practices not just of strategic competitors like china but of our friends and allies in places like canada and europe. For example, the canadians, they behaved very, very badly on er. That cosjob in. They perform badly on dairy and hurt our Dairy Farmers in wisconsin. When we go to europe, we have, for exple, if we try to sell an automobile to germany, right . They slap a 10 tariff on that car plus a 19 tax. Were only charging them 2 1 2 . Sandra i have get back in here these are very important points and the American People just like these other nations are trying to wrap their mind around this. But larry kudlow talked about the economic hit that could result. We had Mick Mulvaney on fox the short term pain. About kudlow dialed it down by saying this is basically a family quarrel. Listen to this. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes families have disputes again good faith negotiations were part of our announcement the other day. These matters can be solved. No one said they cant. Whether they will be, i dont know. Sandra what is the possible economic hit or short term pain that we could see as a result of this . I think larry absolutely right. These are trade disputes and treat them as such. In terms of the economics of all this, what weve seen, for example, with the steel and aluminum tariffs is a massive amount in new investment and the solar and dishwasher tariffs. Foreign investment came into this country so we could build dishwashers here with american hands. So what were seeing, i think, is very positive Economic News from these trade pocies and basically with this economy the way it is, this economy is strong as a rock of gibb sandra there is talk about isolation for the United States at the g7 summit. Any response . This basically needs to defend itself against unfair trade practices. This president got elected to that and barack obama, george bush and bill clinton got us into the mess were in now. This president is standing up with the courage and vision to do the right thing for american workers. Sandra okay. We appreciate your time this morning. A great 500 days. Sandra we hope you come back. Thank you. Bill from the white house want to move overseas quickly. Suicide bomber striking in afghanistan killing at least 7 and injuring 20 others. The explosion hit a gathering of top muslim clerics in kabul after they put out a statement against terrorist bombing. You had 2,000 of the top clerics in afghanistan under one big tent near the university. Ast theyhad issued a fore the religious order. First of all calling for the taliban to answer calls for peace talks with the Afghan Government and they ordered th all g especially suicide bombs were forbidden in islam. They were hit by a suicide bomber before the clerics started filing out of the tent and near the gate to the university. Police say if the bomber had penetrated firmer the devastation would have been both the taliban and isis have been stepping up their attacks in afghanistan as they generally do in thspring. However, top u. S. General in afghanistan John Nicholson says the taliban and Afghan Government have been Holding Secret talks. Bill. Back to you. Bill thank you, mike tobin the latest from the middle east. Sandra 500 days in to President Trumps term. A Top Republican guing the beis t to c im proud of this Republican Party and what weve been able to achieve. Two million more jobs in america. Yeah, we are working hard exactly what we said we would do. Sandra House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy says he is proud of his party and all that they have accomplished under the Trump Administration. Brit hume will join us with his take plus this. Do you feel no, i do not i never talked to her. But i did say publicly on more than one occasion that i was sorry. Bill this interview president clinton on a book tour defending his decision to stay in office after a sex scandal with a white house intern. Well have more on what he is saying today in moments. Together in so many new ways. Theres new cedar plank seo. Tender Maine Lobster and shrimp, cedar roasted to perfection. Or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. 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Just wondering your thoughts as you looked on in the middle of this Metoo Movement and the former president rejecting criticism over the entire scandal. Something like that eventually was bound to happen if mr. Clinton was going to put himself out in public and be interviewed as he is doing on a book tour now. The Metoo Movement would be uncomfortable for him given his long history of predatory behavior with women. He was bound to face that and he did the best he could. The Metoo Movement was bound to be embarrassing to him. Sandra i want to move on to politics of the moment, brit. Things are getting interesting heading toward the midterms. Well enjoy our summer first. John boehner made comments last week saying there is no Republican Party there is the trump party. Kevin mccarthy decided to push back against that and say this. So you know what . Im proud of this Republican Party. Im proud of what weve been able to achieve. Twmillion more jobs in america, yes, we are working hard exactly what we said we would do. Thats a proud Republican Party, a party that stands on their principles and part of what we ran on and part of what we said we would do. You know what . Were accomplishing it. Sandra want to get your thoughts on that. This gets to an interesting question which kind of divide the Republican Party at least the conservative movement at this point. Thats this, has trump had more impact on the Republican Party than it has had on him . You can make a pretty good case, sandra, the party and its ideas have had more impact on him than he has had on it. For example, on issues of the economy, deregulation and taxes, on military spending and the bolstering of our military to a more robust Foreign Policy to social issues such as abortion. The president has taken the standard republican position on those issues. On two issues, immigration and trade, he has strayed from republican orthodoxy but we dont know what the outcome of those will be yet and at l clear where that will end up. But it is not clear to me that the Republican Party has undergone a transformation under trump as John Boehners comments suggested. Sandra for those who missed them, here was the speakers words from last week. Listen. There is no Republican Party. There is a trump party. Republican party has taken a nap somewhere. Elections are while off. Theyre won or lost based on who shows up to vote. Trumps people showed up and hillarys didnt. I think the most interesting question about that is whether that was a virgin mary at his side or a bloody mary. But the speaker was having a little fun there and he sounded to me like he was kind of riffing. I dont think there is yet a trump party. When trump is gone i think the Republican Party will still be the party of lower taxes, lighter regulations, Strong Defense and the rest of it. And mr. Trump will go his way. The argument, of course, from a lot of conservatives is oh no, he will be a stain on the Republican Party forever and we may even need a new party to represent the conservative movement. I kind of doubt that. Sandra interesting stf. Great to start off the week with you, brit. Thank you. Bill the line of the morning. Sandra making a lot of noise over there. Bill u. S. Supreme court now with a ruling narrowly in favor for the colorado baker who would not make a wedding cake for a same sex couple. You may recall this case now. His name is jack phillips. He took his fight to the u. S. Supreme court and now were waiting for a bit more analysis from the court. Just have one line right now and it comes by way of the a. P. Supreme court rules narrowly colorado baker who wouldnt make same sex wedding cake. Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime we have this. New concerns about privacy on facebook. The social media giant may have to issue another apology and how you can protect your information. That case up next right here. We didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake. It was my mistake. And im sorry. I started facebook, i run it, and im responsible for what happens here. Sfx muffled whistle text alert. Im your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. Jackpot. And if youve got cutrate car insurance, you could be picking up these charges yourself. So get allstate, where agents help keep you protected from mayhem. Like me. Mayhem is everywhere. Are you hands . Keep your most valuable insights hidden from your competitors. The ibm cloud. The cloud for smarter business. Bill here we go back to the breaking news. Supreme court has ruled in favor of a colorado baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same sex couple. This case goes back about six years, 2012. The name of the store is the Masterpiece Cake shop. A devoit christian he told a same sex couple that he wouldnt create a cake for their wedding based on his religious beliefs. The Supreme Court by a majority rule in favor of his religious rights not to bake a particular cake for that couple. Thats the ruling were getting now from the u. S. Supreme court. Sandra more history. During oral argument in December Justice Anthony Kennedy and other conservative justice is had expressed concern about the potential effect on other merchants with strong religious objections to samesex marriage. So this is this ruling coming out right now. Jack phillips was the owner of that masterpiecke shop lakewood. The couple are Charlie Craig and David Mullens. This just coming out right now. Bill the ruling is a 59page decision and you will need a little time tgo through that. I dont think it will happen at the moment but trying to find at the moment how the justices broke down in a case like this, which could prove significant. A lot of observers on the right and left are waiting to see how a court under neil gorsuch and under the Trump Administration would rule in a case like this. They rule narrowly in favor of the colorado baker who would not bake that cake. Sandra the Supreme Court ruled 72 that colorados actions violated the free exercise clause. The opinion as i just stated was written by Justice Kennedy. Justices ginsberg and its a 5yearold legal battle. Weve been following it for quite some time. Bill the customers were carly craig and David Mullens and represented, many thought, a bit of a test between the constitutions guarantees to free speech and religion that prohibited discrimination against the lgbt community. Phillips was fighting for the rights of a creative artist to choose what theyre able to sell based on how they make that decision. Craig and mullens were fighting for the rights of lgbt customers. Sandra this coming from the opinion. Whatever the compliments of speech and free exercise principles might be in some cases the colorado civil rights consideration of this case was inconsistent with the states obligation of religious neutrality. The reason and motive for the bakers refusal sed on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions, they found. Bill the high court has been in this situation before, twice before on the subject of samesex marriage, 2013 going back five years ruling the federal government must recognize gay and lesbian marriages. That was the challenge. In 2015 three years back extended samesex marriage nationwide. As i mentioned, the presence of a stalwart conservative and a fellow coloradan by the name of neil gorsuch represented a tougher test for those bringing the case. This baker has prevailed today. Sandra given all these considerations it is proper to hold they write in the opinion whatever the outcome of future controversy, the commissions actions violated the free excise clause and its order must be set aside. The court ruling for the colorado baker who would not make that same sex wedding cake. Bill 72 decision. It wasnt 54 razor thin. 72. Ginsburg and sotomayor in the dissent. Judge napolitano will be here on set in a matter of moments to take us through it more. Sandra california could be even bluer after tomorrows primary elections. How far left with the golden state go . Bill upcoming showdown in singapore. Will kim jongun be willing to give up his nukes or is he simply stringing the president along . Analysis and insight from general jack keane next. Sandra this just in. The Supreme Court has ruled for the colorado baker who would not make a wedding cake for a same sex couple. Weve got Shannon Bream standing by on the phone with us right now in what has been about a fiveyear conversation. The Supreme Court is now setting aside the court ruling against the baker who wouldnt make this wedding cake for that same sex couple. What are you learning now that youve been able to look at the details here, the Supreme Court ruled 72 that colorados actions violated the free exercise clause. Its interesting. I havent been able to read the whole thing. Im in my car on the way to the studio. But from what i can tell, we really thought they would be looking back to the statements by the commission. The initial first body that looked at this case and ruled against the baker here, jack phillips. There were comments by one of the commissioners how he felt about the religious issue. The wording in the opinion that ive seen is this isnt a huge broad sweeping it isnt saying that no one ever has to participate in a wedding ceremony if theyre in this type of business but points back to the commissioner and says if there is obvious religious bias against someone belis you cant base a ous decision on that. There was a very pointed moment where Justice Kennedy was talking to the attorneys for the couple and said tolerance has to work both ways. Im very concerned by what ive seen in this case that tolerance was not extended to mr. Jack phillips the baker because of his religious beliefs. You didnt want to pin too much one way or the other on that statement when he made it during the arguments. He was tough on both sides and you never know if he is playing devils advocate or trying to still make up his own mind. That moment really stood out. It was clear he thought this baker had not gotten a fair shake. It looks like in the decision today he is pointing back to that language from the commissioner and saying you can make a decision on these issues sandra that is noted in the opinion. The opinion was written by Justice Kennedy, shnobream is on the phone with us, Justice Ginsberg and sotomayor dissented but he writes the reason and motive for the bakers refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions. The court is not deciding on the big issue in this case whether a business can refuse to serve gay and lesbians couples. Justice kennedy said the issue must await further elaboration. What does that mean . Yeah. Thats an interesting point because i do think he is narrowly pointing to the language that commissioner and saying its clear this first body that made the decision had bias against him. That doesnt mean we cant relitigate this issue when it becomes a more fleshed out case in the future and you dont have the obvious animouse. We thought over the years some were right for the court. They didnt take one until this case and its specific and making the ruling specific as well but i think it will stand for a while because i think while these kinds of conversations continue going on with the makeup of the court and waiting to see if Justice Kennedy retires i think lgbt advocates will be hesitant to bring up another case with the Supreme Court as it stands today. Sandra fox news at night 11 00 p. M. Eastern time. Youll have a long day. Bill lot more on this coming up. There is this. Lets get to it. James mattis was in singapore over the weekend and listen to what he said. Oh, gosh, its off, a bad letter comes in. And immediately its back up. Welcome to reality. Its only on tv that everything is fitting together. It will be bumpy. But nothing late breaking or recent, no. Bill the defense secretary giving a clear idea on the road to the singapore summit next tuesday. Retired general jack keane, good day to you. Thank you for coming back been in touch with a lot of people over the weekend. I was watching the president as he escorted the north korean delegation away from the white house into their waiting car and turned to the cameras and said were a go for 6 12 18. What do we need to understand about what has transpired since friday . First of all the potential and opportunity here is great. What were doing here the president and his National Security Team Definitely need to be commended. Were not just affecting security of the United States but also of the region and the world at large. Because we know that north korea proliferates Nuclear Weapons. Thats one of their objectives and what makes them so dangerous. Here is what i think well find out pretty quickly. I think the president has some understanding already from talking to kim jonguns advisors, particularly his key advisor that kim jongun definitely wants to put denuclearization on the table. I think that has happened. Whether its complete and reversible irreversible denuclearization well find out through negotiations. We can stress test this in the first eting clearly. Here is what we need from them. We need for them to tell us how many Nuclear Weapons they have and where theyre located. Identification and location. Then we have to put in place and by that i mean also the fuel sites, storage sites, research facilities. Then we have to do the same thing for ballistic missiles. We dont talk about it much. Part of our program is the elimination of ballistic missiles. Then the other thing if we are going to verify all that and inspect it, bill, then we have to put in place an inspection plan. The United States will want to participate in that with other independent inspectors. We are not going to rely on iaea to do that as we have in the past because they have so miserably failed in the past. That will start the stress test. Bill few people know this issue better than you do. How do you rate our chances of success as you lay out that case . I think we have a pretty good chance. Ive always felt that what kim jongun started way back in the olympics, his acceleration and urgency, it seems like his commitment to it, it just all felt differently. Im not a polley anna kind of guy but i think this feels differently. I think we have some chance for success here. Im elated that pompeo is involved in this. He opened up the back channel not wellknown to the north koreans top security guy way before he went over there. So he has been engaged in this and getting inklings certainly that something is different from the north korean perspective. Can they be manipulating us as they havesure, they can still be manipulating us but i think we have huge potential. Bill apologize for the interruption. I think the president said the north koreans are ready to come into a modern world. They have a long way to go on that. The other thing he said on friday was this about ending the armistice korean war. President trump we talk about ending the war. This war has been going on the longest war, almost 70 years, right . And there is a possibility Something Like that. We did discuss that. The ending of the korean war. Can you believe were talking about the ending of the korean war . I thought is this the fallback resolution. Is that what you get going in, so both sides can claim victory and lets go to the next step after that . What do you think . I think theyll get that. End the war, put on the table a proposal for a peace treaty north korea, south korea, china, the United States. Whats good about that. At some point those two armies facing each other could pull away from each other on the dmz and that would be very significant. Also i think they can agree on a process to bring north korean and south korean Families Together that have been separated by the armistice and all the separation all these years. And the last thing i want to go back to your point. Kim jongun isa young man in his early 30s. He has potentially 40 plus years to live. When you look at that from his perspective does he want to continue to go down this road with all this pressure all the time on his regime . He wants to stay in power. And if we can guarantee him security, which will be the issue for him, and preserve it so that he can develop that country, then maybe we got a chance here. Well see. Bill general, thank you. Jack keane from colorado today. Thanks. Sandra we have breaking news on the situation in the state of arizona. Police now trying to contact a suspect in connection to recent killings. Four people fatally shot in a threeday period. Three of them believed to be related. The manhunt is underway at this hour and right now Scottsdale Police say theyre attempting to contact that suspect inside a scottsdale hotel. An Extended Stay Hotel near 69th street and shea boulevard. It appears to be connected to the recent killings of four professionals, one of them a highprofile psychiatrist in the Jonbenet Ramsey case. Were following the details and will have more on the other side. When did you see the sign . When i needed to create a better visitor experience. Improve our workflow. Attract new customers. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. Thidea is you cant interfere with him either from in form of indictment or question. You cant interfere with the president s time, effort, concentration. We think we also have a very good argument in a practical sense which isnt just theoretical. He isnt playing tidly winks. He is involved in historic negotiations right now. Sandra he is laying out reasons why the president cant be bothered with a subpoena between him and Robert Mueller looms large. Trumps legal team putting out their message. Do not subpoena the president to testify. Lets bring in judge Andrew Napolitano who has some thoughts on that. In the spring of 1974 when the very same issue was addressed subpoena from the independent council to the white house and president nixon refused the Supreme Court said you cant refuse. You have executive privilege. The ability to kedocuments d testimony ay from the courts and congress in a broad array of areas. In a criminal investigation it is narrowed to diplomatic and military secrets and sensitive National Security secrets. Everything else you have to cough up rather by documents or testimony like everybody else. Why mayor giuliani and the writes of this 20page letter now six months old overlooked this ruling, the controlling ruling in the case is beyond me. Sandra it is interesting to hear trumps allies speaking on behalf of the president. Corey lewandowski had strong words. There is a way to avoid a potential constitutional issue. Working with mayor giuliani and his legal team. Limit the scope. Then the team will decide if the president is willing to do this. Look, they have been trying to negotiate a sitdown between the president and bob mueller for months. The sitdown is not under oath. Not necessarily in place of a subpoena to testify before a grand jury. An informal interview. The lawyers for both sides will be there. F. B. I. Agents will be there. They may limit it with respect to time. They may limit it with respect to subject matter. But mayor giuliani said over the weekend we arent inclined to do it. Most lawyers would say dont do it if you have a client who likes to talk and you have a client who sometimes contradicts himself. In that environment a lie or a substantial contradiction could hult in an indictment. Can the president be indicted . Absolutely. Would he be tried on the indictment. Not until after he is no longer president. Sandra there is so we want to geto you this rning. I have to move on to the cake shop opinion put out by Justice Kennedy the Supreme Court ruling 72 colorados actions violated the free exercise clause and the bake shop wh refused to make a wedding cake for a same sex couple. Colorado has its own civil rights laws you may not discriminate if you have a public accommodation. Anybody can walk in there and if they can pay for the cake you have to sell it to them on the basis sexual orientation. Thker says it is rooted in my religious beliefs. The state of colorado has a duty under the First Amendment to be neutral in religious beliefs. But yet taking the words of so of the colorado officials who enforced this regulation, they were not neutral, they were hostile, they were hostile to the christian belief that marriage is between one man an one woman. So with respect to this case and this case only, the baker ls becae th decision not to bake the cake is rooted in his religious beliefs. I think this is a dangerous opinion because it will allow others to say my religious beliefs prohibit me from dealing with women or italians or africanamericans and theyll base it on the logic in this case. Sandra well see where it goes next. 72 in favor of the baker. I thought it would be 54. I was surprised. Bill new questions swirling around facebook and the privacy of your data. A new controversy. Facebook is responding. What you need to know coming up next right here. Find the remote yet . Nah. Honey look, your old portable cd player. My high school rethainer. Oh dont. Its early 90s sitcom star dave coulier. Cut. It. Out [laughing] what year is it . As long as stuff gets lost in the couch, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Cliberal gavin newsom from knows becoming governor. They also know chicago lawyer john cox has thirteen losing campaigns under his belt. And cox supports bad ideas like a 23 percent sales tax California Police officers and Police Chiefs stand with antonio villaraigosa. As mayor, he worked with law enforcement, and cut Violent Crime in half. Antonio for governor. Bill facebook pushing back against a report it formed data sharing partnerships with dozens of device maker including apple, samsung, amazon. They deny doing anything wrong. How are you doing, sir . I read the story, saw facebooks response. What is this all did about . Its an interesting problem because part of it is facebook has a continuing problem with privacy. They constantly have done things over the past 10 years or so that many people are now looking back on and going, i dont know that we like that idea. In this instance, the way it reads to me and what facebook has said to me we had a conversation about it earlier, what happened is facebook said to apple and blackberry and amazon and anybody who was making a smartphone in the years before we had those handy app stores, if you want to access facebook from within your smartphone device, here is the tools you need to do that. Here is the restrictions were putting on the information you can get and they moved forward. In the years since then we have the facebook app that works on the iphone and androids and blackberries and windows mobile. Now they roll back that ability. Facebook is saying we arent going to let you do this anymore. Bill we agreed with many of their past concerns, we disagree with the issues theyve raised about these apps. Apple has been Super Critical of facebook. At the highest level tim cook. I saw this article and i said everybody is in on it. Everybody seems to be in on it. Bill is that a fair conclusion. They say we want our users to snap a picture with your eye iphone and share it by way of facebook and the developer kit is the easier way. Thats what they did. They didnt necessarily violate anybodys privacy. I dont believe they did. Bill we are just to assume whenever were on that device someone is watching everything youre doing. Thats a fair conclusion. Whether you have an iphone. Sandra secretary of state mike pompeo to begin speaking shortly at the organization of american states as we await any new remarks ahead of next weeks big planned north korean summit. We get it all straightened out . Because i was a heck of hours. Stick with the Supreme Court ruling, will watch the Singapore Development as we go. On and on. Stick a big monday morning for you happening now its right now. Fox news alert now as the Supreme Court rules on a controversial case. The justices setting aside the ruling against the colorado baker who would not make a wedding cake for a samesex couple. But the high court did not decide on the larger issue about whether a business can refuse to serve and customers. The ruling turning on what the court ruled as an antireligious bias when the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled against the baker jack phillips. The justices voting 72 that the commission violated his First Amendment rights. In just about 30 minutes, Shannon Bream will join us to break down what this means. Jon another fox news alert

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