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Will be the moderator of the big event drilling down on what americans need to know including the debt, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot topics. So going into this debate well get a look at the race. Bill clinton is winning in a fourway race and donald trump is 6 points behind at 39 . Trump vowing to drain the swamp and reform washington. We are going to win, we are going to take back the white house and put America First again. Well deliver real, real change. It will be a beautiful thing. And we are going to ends the government of corruption which it has definitely been. And we are going to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. Martha its become and catch phrase of this election for sure. John roberts joins us live from the mgm grand. Reporter things are going the wrong way for donald trump. A monmouth poll has him down 7 points in the silver state and in arizona Hillary Clinton up by 5 points. He needs a turnaround moment. What he needs to be able to do is pivot from the controversies that dogged his campaign and get on to issues and policies and contrast what he would do with the country and take it where Hillary Clinton wants to take the country. Even though polls show Hillary Clinton with the lead. Donald trump believes there is a brexit Type Movement in america that will defy the polls come election day. This is an election about truth. Some people cant handle the truth no matter what people may think of me. The one thing they know is we are going to tell the American People where we stand, where we are, we are going to tell them the truth. Believe me, folks, we are doing great. If we keep our spirit and we go out. And this is another brexit. Reporter there is one grate spot for donald trump in a follow among independents. He leads by 7 points. Martha, what if he needs is to win back women. Because he has been hemorrhaging support among women. So a big task for him at this debate. Martha well talk about that with Kellyanne Conway. Hes proposing radical preforms thats part of this drain the swamp theme. Radical reforms to the government. Tell us about that. Reporter the language hes using, there is no mistake in the way hes framing this. Draining swamp is language bush 43 was using in describing how he was going to fight the war on terror. Hes proposing banning people in his administration from lobbying for five years and initiating term limits in congress. He would ask for a constitutional amendment to do that. It is indeed time to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. If im elected president i will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of congress. Reporter it would be two terms for the senate and three terms in the house. Back in 2011 donald trump said the mayors race in new york city, hes no fan of term limits. But here he is in 2016, a big fan of term limits. Bill i want to bring in Kellyanne Conway, Trumps Campaign manager high above the las vegas strip. You came in last night, i imagine . Yes. Bill what is his play tonight. Lay out his strategy. What will he do in his final. Moments and Closing Argument. He will reminds people who the insider is and who the outsider is and what does it mean to be an insider in washington, d. C. It means you own part of the failed policies, the 19 trillion in debt. People believe the system is corrupt and rigged for money trends. For special interests, in the case of the state department, used as a concierge for the foreign governments who wants to give to the Clinton Foundation. The other thing he will do according to the topics laid out show how different donald trump and Hillary Clinton are when it comes to who they put on the Supreme Court. If you want top recast the United States Supreme Court in the likeness of Hillary Clinton, dont vote for donald trump. Her record as secretary of state is not a pretty one. She owns the russian reset, libya, benghazi. What else our policy in the middle east . Does israel feel safer . People may say thats so boring, government reform. Thats how donald trump got to this point which is saying somebody has to go to washington to turn the tables upside down. Why do we waste so much money as a nation. Why are people in poverty. We have five people doing the job of one person in washington, d. C. Martha it go to the drain the swamp theme. One thing i thought was interesting that he just said is whatever you think about me, this obviously there is so much about donald trump in this campaign. He had a rough few weeks with the stories that came out about women. When he said whatever you think about me, are we going to see him take the focus off him and put it on other issues . Mission number one, if this campaign is a referendum on Hillary Clinton donald trump wins. It should be a referendum on Hillary Clinton. Voters have the same option, do i want more of the same or go in a different direction. In a fox news poll 75 americans want to go in a different direction. Its a very important decision for people to make. Are they going to go with their hearts are where they tell pollsters, i have had enough. Most of the questions donald trump has gone the have been about him and most of the questions Hillary Clinton has gotten have been about donald trump. If you can tell last time you heard her talk about her vision or be uplifting. Even her ads are negative against donald trump. You are casting a vote for Hillary Clinton based on a campaign against donald trump. Bill there is a sense both have to lay out a vision and thats been woefully absent during this campaign. We were told she flew in late last night and went through another debate prep here in las vegas. What has donald trump done specifically to prep for this one . We were in debate prep last night, we just dont tell the media. And hes been preparing for quite a while for these debates. Hes even ganged. He likes the format. He knows the statistics. The statistics are simple, we cant get a fair shake. You see the reports, 96 of contributions from working journalists went tore Hillary Clinton. We have seen the foreign influence through the wikileaks information. The president ial debate allows him to bring that to the people. Martha he will get a question based on what happened with the women. What is your strategy tore dealing with that. The other networks, thats all they are talking about. And there are numbers that need to be fixed. And there are numbers that need to be fixed. How is he going to do that. Tonight when you you look at what he said, all these stories are lies. His wife went on your network and said the same thing. She thinks they are seeking fame or fortune and seeking political fortune. The timing is coincidental or not. A lot of these have been debunked already through witnesses. The important points for him to do here tonight is to answer that question as he has been answering it and go right to the problems with hoik why she is unfit to be president of the United States. 600 times Chris Stevens asked for security in benghazi. She never signed the front of a paycheck. She never created a single job. She and her husband went from being dead broke to being multi millionaires. Now we see some the transcripts where Hillary Clinton is being dishonest. You have be one person in public and one in private. Bill last night you said i think we are going to win because people love a comeback story. There are a lot of details that go into that winning formula. Bill but the answer suggests you are behind. Of course. Im an honest broker. He its a comeback. If you go to the primaries, hes done, hes finishes, this is the one that will sing him, he ought to get off the ticket. And people are always standing behind him. The crowds never dissipate. The enthusiasm and momentum is his, not hers. He talks about brexit. Its not that its 15 . If its 1 , 2 , 3 . People feel they can bet on a winner. Hoik has not been able to put him away. Why does she have current first lady president more popular than shell ever be campaigning for her. Another former president who just happened to be her husband, too. She has endless amounts of money and media help. And she is running on experience. Yet she just cant get there. We are competing within the margin of error within 4 or 580s that mitt romney and john mccain just lost. Thanks for putting up with the wind tunnel. Thank you for doing this. You did a great job with that microphone. President obama blasts donald trump during a white house News Conference. I invite mr. Trump to stop whining and go make his case to get votes. Martha the president disputes that the election has been rigged. Bill what brandnew polling reveals why the weeks ahead are so critical. You can run an errand. music playing push it real good. announcer vo or you can take a joyride. Bye bye, errands, we sing out loud here. Siriusxm. Road happy. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Step 1, cleans. Step 2, whitens. Every time i used this together, it felt like leaving the dentist office. Crest hd. 6x cleaning , 6x whiteninga i would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. Crest. Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. announcer vo you can commute. man on radio . 40 no flags on the play cheering announcer vo or you can chest bump. Yo commute, we got serious game. Siriusxm. Road happy. Bill 12 hours away from the final showdown. A fox news polled Shows Hillary leads by 7 points in a fourway race. Gentlemen, lets do some crosstalk. Everything is on the line. Your interview with kellyanne was interesting. What she wants him to do is make the case that hes the candidate of change. He has been making that case throughout the primaries and hes trying to make it here. One of the interesting findings when you ask which candidate is in a better position to be the candidate of change, Hillary Clinton is leading. I was stunned to read that. Thats why hes going to want to double down. He has a new ad out about change thats pretty effective. Thats the change he will try to make tonight. March report last few weeks spinning and spiraling on this story. I compare it to a dirt bike wheel going round and round. He said no matter what you think about me, which i think is interesting and perhaps a good strategy in a way. Whats crooked hillary all about . The problem is he hasnt solved some of his fundamental problems in the polls. The new fox results are symmetrical. 61 says Hillary Clinton has the temperament to serve as president and 61 says donald trump does not have that temperament. 87 of democrats are supporting clinton, 80 of republicans are supporting trump. Hes up 7 Percentage Points among men. Shes up 17 Percentage Points among women. Martha you look at nevada and texas which is leading republican. How do they spread themselves out to close this gap . I have no idea. But ill tell you what is not a good strategy. Something like going to wisconsin and attacking paul ryan. Paul ryan has the highest favorables of any republican in wisconsin. I dont know how he thinks thats a winning strategy. Attacking the Green Bay Packers doesnt make sense. Bill debate number one was 23 days ago. You worked toward debate number 2. The numbers went wider and wider. The get is why. Did debate number one make that much of a difference to put us in the situation where you are today or were there other factors . Absolutely it was his best opportunity. Its always the first debate is that chance. But the amazing thing is because Hillary Clinton is so unpopular he got a second chance. I went back and looked at the polls. Hillary clinton was up by 2. 3 Percentage Points. The day of the second debate she is up by points. Now she is up by 7. 5. This race could change. Trump never made up this ground. There was a period in june and july where he made up 7 points. It took him 40 days to do it. Hes got 20 days now. Its hard to see how he can fashion a strategy that will he lou him to make that case and reestablish himself as a candidate of change. I think his proposal to put for a constitutional amendment for term limits is a good one. He needed to put some more policy ideas behind the sense that he was going to come to washington and blow it up. Give people a sense of what he would do to bring positive change. Martha one thing he has done since the day he entered this race is surprise everybody. There is a possibility we could be sitting here tomorrow saying now we have a new game on our hands. Thats what Kellyanne Conway and their team are going to be doing. Its like a lego set it temperatures like the setup in hofstra, debate number one. And chris wall has will sit where hester holt was on the 26th of september. Byron york and steven hayes here. What a journey its bern. It all started many, many months ago in cleveland, ohio. Remember how crowded the stage was . Its down to tonight. First a little flavor from chris wall has from cleveland, ohio. 14 months ago. What evidence do you have, specific evidence, that the Mexican Government is sending criminals across the border. Youre a smart saver. You find ways to stretch your dollar. So why not compare your Medicare Part d plan with other options . Call or go online now and see how aetna medicare rx saver could help you save. With a low monthly plan premium. Access to over 60,000 pharmacies. Plus 1 tier 1 generic medications at preferred pharmacies including walgreens and walmart. Shop smart. Compare your part d options today. And find out if aetna rx saver is right for you. Martha Hillary Clinton and donald trump about to face off several hours from now. Chris wallace will be tonights moderator. This is a big night to be there with the two candidates who face this final matchup. Chris wallace up to the task to be sure. Interesting array of topics and and lot of news in the mix to deal with. Howard, welcome to the gal connie on the 27th floor. I know you talked to chris many times about the process and preparation for this. Crisp challenge is to deal with issues facing americans and not just accusations about donald trump and a lot of the press bias. But there is this question of a rigged election. Im told this came up in his debate prep yesterday, hes obviously prepared for that. He views this as a tsunami of unfairness. All these women coming out at the same time and even some Republican Leaders not behind him. The press views his as crack pot. Hes proclaiming conspiracies everywhere, debate moderators biased and the election soon to be stolen. Bill when you look at debate history, when did debate matter . Sometimes you think about debate number one or number two and make it the initial impression and the lasting impression. Does tonight matter in an unconventional race . It matters more so than any election i could think of. Usually the first one sets the tone. Usually by debate number three you hava a lot of rehashing of charges, Closing Arguments,tryir candidate. Look how much has happened since st. Louis. Donald trump talking in a darker way about rigged forces. Bill how about the wikileaks. Im sure thats going come up here tonight. When i hear Kellyanne Conway or mike pence or paul ryan talk about voter fraud, they say yes but it doesnt rise to the point where it will affect the election. Martha the other night he talked about being beaten up by the press. What people are looking for is someone who can give them a Comfort Level to be president of the United States which is a different tone that we havent seen in these debates before. I would go a step first and say the talk by trump of a rigged election. I can understand how he feels the whole world is against him sort of sounds like preparing for what you will say the day after the election. The polls would probably lose. You are talking about the core message. Right now, when he responds to every woman, every press story, it takes him away from what this election will turn on. Shell be asked a number of questions from Chris Wallace that have dribled out in the past 7 days about her time as secretary of state and the time at the foundation. She cant coast, even though she is ahead. Some of the other moderators have not been tough on her. Hillary clinton hasnt quite been able to close the deal. Bill less than 12 hours. Breaking news from oversea. A tense situation unfolding in mosul and iraq. Reports that isis is using civilians as human shields. Many expected that. Martha Hillary Clinton spending less time on the campaign trail as she gets ready for tonights showdown in las vegas. What is her message tonight. Well talk to martin omalley. How dose think things are going when we come back. When they look back at us at this time, well not be the ones that they talk about, the replacement of the great trojan horse. It is time to drain the damn swamp. A new detail this morning as the Iraqi Military continues its battle for the northern town much mosul. A terror Group Controlled the town for more than two years. Conor powell live in the neecht bureau with more on how likely is the threat isis can use chemical weapons. The pentagon said Briefing Journalists that the 4,000 to 5,000 isis fighters in mosul. They think these are the most extreme fighters, those about willing to do anything. They are gathering civilians around isis. There are fears isis will use chemical weapons. In the fast few weeks they collected evidence of a sulfur agent on spent shells. The good news is they think isis knowledge and understanding of how to use chemical weapons is fairly rudimentary. But thats a big concern for u. S. And iraqi forces pushing in on mosul. What other types of defensive capabilities could isis use, connor . Isis has been preparing for months. They have a fairly sophisticated setup. Kurdish peshmerga fighters some of whom are very sophisticated with solar panels for energy. They found full kitchens with isis fighters cook, surprising them as they have taken these spots. Isis is have much dug in not on in mosul, but in sounding areas. This is a big fight for isis and they intend to do anything they can to keep mosul. Bill 34 minutes past the hour now. Martha Hillary Clinton and donald trump have one big last public showdown and it happens tonight at the third and final debate in las vegas. Donald trump as well, we spoke to Kellyanne Conway. She said yes he has also been preparing. Including the Campaign Event that donald trump held, he was in colorado. When he was in colorado yesterday, he coined a new phrase for his campaign and talked about the changes he would like to see happen in washington. We are going to end the government of corruption which it has definitely been. And we are going to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. From washington, d. C. , martin omalley, governor, good to have you with us tomorrow. The idea of draining the swamp, creating term limits for members of congress, making it so people cant lobby within five years of leaving government positions where they work for the government. They are paid by the taxpayer and the next week they are being paid by corporate entities to sway legislation. Do you think that resonates with the American People . One of the great challenges we have in our country. So many people believe their government doesnt work for them anymore. That has to do with many factors. But many of these things are actually things Hillary Clinton has already come out for in her support of the building. And they would resonate more in terms of being persuasive were it not for the fact that hes the first candidate not to be willing to reveal his tax returns. And also he had his own Campaign Manager have to resign because of the millions he received from the russians and their public politicians. So i think donald trump lacks credibility in delivering his message, but i believe there is a lot of Popular Support for doing things that restore greater credibility. Martha its not something you hear that much from Hillary Clinton in terms of term limits and things along those lines. When you look at the things that have come out in wikileaks, they are sending her chunks of stories asking for approval, cheering them on. The press has been largely on her side and she enjoys a unique relationship that leaves a lot of the American People left out of the mix. I would respectfully disagree with you on that. I think no candidate has received more free air time on a 4 7 basis from not only Cable Networks but the cbs executive who was quoted saying i know we are giving to much coverage to trump but its good for ratings. Whatever i have seen of the wikileaks stuff which i think we should not forget, were hacked by the russian government according to virtually every credible analyst who covers this. I have seen nothing in there that terribly shocks or surprises or things we didnt already know. Martha it doesnt shock or surprise you that Hillary Clintons staff was discussing quite openly maybe these these should be included, lets get rid of those. Should we include things between her and the president when they have been subpoenaed by congress to turn everything over . That doesnt shock you . I havent read those particular ones you are talking about. Whenever there is a foia request. Martha really . Its been reported on quite a bit. I try to do the best i can to keep up on all of these russian dirty tricks. Its hard when they stage them every day. But i know from my own experience that if you get a foia or subpoena for record you do have to look and communicate and ask which ones need to be turned over and what the criteria is and those sorts of things. The bigger story a lot of people are missing is that these things are being stolen, these emails, by the russian government and hackers sent in that have been encouraged to do so by donald trump. Thats a pretty unprecedented. It would make Ronald Reagan roll over in his grave to have a republican who is as cozy as donald trump is with the russians. We havent had anybody come out and say that isnt an email i ever wrote. Ma. Marco rubio himself said, and hes a republican candidate for u. S. Senate and former president ial candidate that he wont discuss the wikileaks hacking because he doesnt believe he believes today it might be democrats, tomorrow it could be republicans being hacked. Martha in either case you have to hook at the consent as well as the concerns about hacking. Thats what we are trying to do here. In terms of vision, many say that Hillary Clinton obviously she is doing well in the polls right now. In terms of the vision for the country, do you think she has done a good enough job of presenting what a hoik presidency would look like for the American People . What is the number one thing you see her carrying the torch for . I dont think she has done a good enough job of laying out the whole vision. But she has an opportunity to do that tonight. She has shown she is plenty unflappable and plenty tough. She needs to speak to the bold steps we need to take. To talk about Climate Change not just as a threat, but as a job creation opportunity. And to talk about how Immigration Reform can help wages go up instead down. There is nothing like a drag on wages. We have the opportunity to reflect way she has in the last two debates and return to the issues that matter most. We heard too much about trump and not enough about us. Bill here is what Chris Wallace selected. Debt and entitlement reform, immigration, the economy, Supreme Court, foreign hot spots and fitness to be commanderinchief. Format calls for six 15minute time segments over a 90minute period. No commercial breaks. Then they engage or choose not to. Martha entitlements, Supreme Court, things we havent heard that much about. The dow is up more than 30 points as wall street continues to focus on earnings. Several Companies Reporting including ebay and mattel. It could indicate whether a rate hike is on the way. Thats one of the big things well be watching today. Another email drop from wikileaks. What is the latest batch reveal being her staff responding to the email server. Ed henry is going through all of that. He will be with us to highlight whats important. Bill president obama stepping up his attacks on donald trump. Do the words help or hurt Hillary Clinton. As our coverage continues, its sunrise here in las vegas. People would ask me in Different Countries that we traveled, what is your nationality and i would always answer hispanic. So when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. Im from all nations. It puts a hunger in your heart to want to know more. In trump should stop whieng and make his case to get votes. Bill president obama blasting trump over his accusations the election is being rigged. Juan williams ander in say dees schlapp, both are fox news contributors. Good morning to you. You heard it yesterday. I heard you talk about it on the five. Does the president have a point or does donald trump have a point . I think donald trump has a point to a certain point. Focusing on the rigged elections should be 10 of what he should be talking about. If he feels hes the victim of the media, the sexual allegations versus the wikileaks. But if im a suburban mom . Obama premiums have gone up 30 in my state. I want to talk about the economy and education. He has to bring in those women. Bill all those topics matter in nevada as well. I think mercedes political advisers are astute. But donald trump is trying to activate his base, and hes trying to, i think, urge them on in terms of grievance that they dont get a fair shot. Im particularly troubled that he was betrayed. Im semi quoting what the president said, the american tradition that we respect the democratic process. There is no evidence of voter fraud. Its very small. I looked at these things. Its just negligible. But what is true and what is troubling to me is people go out and monitor, especially the black community. I find that something thats corrosive beyond election day. I think in terms of there is some voter fraud. Its an issue that should be brought up. I think for donald trump the problem becomes when you are making that your central or one of your Central Campaign these you are losing your opportunity to broaden your appeal. They are ready to go out and vote. Im not arguing. Thats why president obama said stop whining. It smacks of thin skin and its all about me. I think women across the country see that and say get over yourself. Lets talk about something that matters. Hes going to have to really go out there tonight and speak to those women in particular. How would you advise him to do that. I think hes right on the issues when it comes to his child carol proposals and School Choice and uplifting africanamericans and his andic children. Obamacare premiums they have to pay more money. The economy, people cant get fulltime jobs. There are all these areas. He needs to talk about Hillary Clintons corruption. Everything thats been coming out in terms of the payforplay. The fact that this is the same sold stale politician thats been in tour for 30 years. If he can win on those issues thats credible. You say its entirely valid. But what vision has she made for her case. What would america be under president clinton . I think thats the case to be made against children tone shat that she is the third term of obama. She supports obama on so many policies. Her slow gone stronger together suggests she has a vision talking about women to families and children. And she has a history of doing that. What is it . She wants to tax the rich and not tax the middle class in order to produce more jobs. Tonight i think well get a good taste of this with Chris Wallace. I think chris asks specific questions. He will ask how would you boost our economy. What would you do about the deficit. What would you do about the immigration problem. Bill there would be great value if thats the line of questioning. With chris i think thats what you are going to get. Bill juan, your hair doesnt move out here. Mercedes looks great no matter what. Martha we have new numbers on the crucial battleground states. Our coverage continues from las vegas. [ ] upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business the conference call. The ultimate arena for business. Hour after hour of diving deep, touching base, and putting ducks in rows. The only problem with Conference Calls eventually they have to end. Unless you have the comcast business voiceedge mobile app. It lets you switch seamlessly from your desk phone to your mobile with no interruptions. Ive never felt so alive. Get the future of phone and the phones are free. Comcast business. Built for business. Martha las vegas is a city built on dreams and big events. You can see the Different Networks are set up. They anticipate this event will bring in 100 million in free publicity for las vegas. They are also hoping according to the governor that it almost tempt a convention, republican or democrat, to come here the next time around. The governor recently signed a bill that will finance a new stadium that they hope will host the las vegas raiders. Bill thats going to happen, too. The raiders in vegas. Thats a match made in heaven. Martha the governor signed off on it yesterday but the nfl has to agree they will go through with it. Bill people have these conversation every day. They are happening here in nevada, too. Who do you vote for . Who will do the best job for america. What issues are on the line. It comes back to obamacare and the economy and National Security here in nevada as well. Real estate has been a rollercoaster here in nevada. They want the economy to turn around. But its a swing state. When you look at the polls over the course of what we have seen in nevada. The other day i went out to find the famous sign you always see, its 1. 8 miles at the end of the strip. There are lots of tourists. People pull up on buses to take pictures of it. I have been there four times and i had never laid my eyes on that sign. Its oh iconic for this town. Bill we went inside the debate hall. Its the same setup they had in hofstra 3 1 2 weeks ago. It mat. About 1,000 people inside and thats it. Martha i wonder who that is advantageous to. Both cam pains said we dont want to sit at the table. We want to sit at the podium. You think about the debate with Hillary Clinton and barack obama when they were sitting at the table. It changes the tone. Bill based on history and tradition we see at least one of the debates at the table. It creates a more interests that setting, i would argue. Thats the layout for tonight. Wallace is in the center chair. Wow, Chris Wallace tonight, 11 hours from now. New revelations in the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Wikileaks launching another batch. Well talk to ed and figure out what its going to show. Martha the boxing match in vegas among the two candidates. Well be joined in a few moments by eric trump. Well talk about how the nominee is doing today as americas newsroom continues live from las vegas. Sun has come up. You are going to look back at this election and say this is by far the most important vote you have ever cast for anyone at any time. Tomorrows the day well play something besides video games. Every day is a gift especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto® a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto® was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto®. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto® with an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto®. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your heart doctor about entresto®. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. And if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to assist you twentyfour seven. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Martha International Intrigue overseas linked to the 2016 president ial campaign. Ecuador confirming that they cut off Internet Access at the London Embassy for wikileaks founder Julian Assange because the emails released website having impact on u. S. Election. Where he has been holed up for some time. Welcome, everybody, brand new hour two of americas newsroom live from las vegas. We only get to say that a little while longer. Im martha maccallum. Really glad youre with us. Big, big day. Bill im bill hemmer. Wikileaks, releasing a new batch, new round of 2000 emails from Clinton Campaign chair john podesta. This happens overly hours after final debate between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Ed henley is given the job going through data and emails. He is back in washington. We had another release at the last moment. Lets try and figure out what sort of impact this could have on the debate later tonight, ed. Lets start there. Reporter could be big. This is round 12 of john Podesta Emails being dumped out there by wikileaks, thousands more. What were seeing in latest batch fallout of Hillary Clinton mocking that question i asked her in august of 2015 at a News Conference there in las vegas where she, when i asked her about whether or not she had wiped her email server clean, we later found out about bleachbit. You remember see the motion, what do you mean, wipe it with a cloth . Well, shortly thereafter john podesta and other aides were scrambling coming up with a better answer. They knew that fell flat. The email we just got, they have a script for her, if youre asked about this again, did you wipe the server, yes or no, they say quote, you should answer i asked they be deleted. How that happened up to the Company Managed the server. Theyre cooperating with everyone. A sterile answer she was not able to straighten out. Last couple moments, why has the email scandal not gotten more scrutiny in some quarters, look at email from john harwood of cnbc. Remember he moderate ad Republican Debate in the primaries. He says to john podesta, quote, amazing some people still think it is worth burning so much Interview Time with person most likely to be next president on her emails. Burning questions on her emails. That is september 27th, 2015. I just checked the transcripts who did interview with Hillary Clinton on that day. Meet the press, chuck todd, another part of nbc. He might want to have a word with mr. Harwood, bill. Bill that is in the offing. Anymore embarrassing information about Bernie Sanders and primary Season Campaign and back and forth that way . What is interesting, you head into tonight. Hillary clinton with a lead as you say but she has to sort of put this race away making sure she gets turnout from former sanders supporters, particularly millenials. Weve seen her on the trail recently with Bernie Sanders. Is using him as surrogate but in these emails, were seeing some in the clinton camp trash sanders in recent months. One email from joh complaining that sanders came out against a Climate Change deal that president obama brokered, and podesta calls sanders a doofus. That is not kind of thing that will win over sanders folks. Bill thank you ed. Ive been called worse. See you soon. Martha. Martha just a few hours away now. Candidates will take the stage. It is final debate, mods rate the by our own Chris Wallace. What win happen tonight. Eric trump, Vice President of development and acquisition for Trump Organization and son of the president ial nominee. Good to have you with us. Welcome to las vegas. Martha great to be here. Been a rough couple weeks in many ways. So give us sort of the feeling, the tone of your dad today as he looks ahead tonight. He feels great. I feel great. I was in ohio last few days. The amount of love we feel is incredible. You couldnt drive a mile without seeing trump signs. Everywhere we go we see same way. Very sad look at emails, ed henry really not being covered. It is not being covered. So sad. Donna brazile giving Hillary Clinton questions in the debates ahead of time. Some. Stuff happening is truly, truly sick. Theyre making fun of evangelicals. Theyre making fun of christians. Mocking, quote, unquote, needy latinos. No one talking about it. Videos coming out last couple days, a person who worked for the dnc, person works for democrats who was in the white house 339 times, is bragging on hidden camera how he was inciting violence at all of the trump rallies, at the trump rally in chicago we had to cancel. Inciting violence. No one is talking about the fact that someone through molotov cocktail through a window at rnc offices in North Carolina. Someone through a brick bill weve been reporting on that. It is your fathers responsibility to prosecute the case as you do now against Hillary Clinton. What is his approach into tonights final debate . Believe me, he will prosecute the case. He can prosecute it better than anybody you saw quite frankly in the debate. Hillary clinton cant stand on her track record. She promised upstate new york, you all know the story, she promised upstate new york 200,000 jobs when she was senator. She didnt deliver a single job to upstate new york. She runs around claiming she will create 10 millions jobs in the United States. If she couldnt create one job for new york how can she create any jobs for this country. Look at her entire Foreign Policy, cost nation 6 trillion, thousands and thousands of lives. Isis the worst it ever been. The problems, civil wars in these countries are worst than they ever been. Her Foreign Policy is horrible. Her track record as politician for 35 years, longer than ive been alive is horrible. Her only gameplan to attack my father, spend special interest money, 3 4 of billion dollars to special interest money to go after my dad and her media has been on her side the entire time. Martha these stories about women, when you look at poll numbers, very sort of practical way, he needs to make up ground with women. How will he do that tonight . How will he reassure women who perhaps were with him . His solid supporters have not gone anywhere. That is very clear. They are with him. But he needs to extend some reassures to women that may have drifted because of these stories. He will assure people his policies are what is best for this country. Our country has been totally left behind. We have 20 trillion worth of debt. We have educational system in the country ranked 30th in the world. Dont hear our politicians talk about it. We have he had indicationsal system 30th in the world. Reading comprehension, 34th. Math skills, nobody is talking about it. Median income has not gone up in is a years. People are making less than they made 15 years ago. Obamacare, hillary says we could tweak it and make it work. Obamacare doesnt work. Martha the message for men is same as message for women . He wont make any particular outreach to calming waters for women voters . Should be what is best for americans. Hillary clinton track record with women, average female executive makes 80,000 less than the average male in the Clinton Foundation . When she will start practicing what she preaches. I find the hypocrisy incredible. I find the hip hypocrisy truly incredible. Bill well see battleground states, a lot are in margin of error. Nationally suggests that youre behind. Kellyanne conway was talking last hour Campaign Chair about a comeback. America love as comeback. Do you see at this point, 20 days out as a campaign that needs to come back in order to win . Do you concede youre trailing today or not . Listen ive been on your show a million times. Since the day we entered the race, meaning before the primaries last june, ive been telling you guys well win this thing and i fully, fully believe that im in all the states. Im in pennsylvania, ohio, North Carolina. I was just in colorado, in maine. Im in all the swing states. You see the love. I have 500, 1,000 people coming out to see me speak. Im a civilian in process. I do knot want anything to do with politics when this thing is over. I find so many politicians truly horrible people. When you see a thousand to have me speak we movement. People want their country back. They want america back. Theyre sick of getting ripped off by overseas companies. Sick of us losing our jobs and sick of us losing our manufacturing. Sick of Health Care Costs going through the roof. Sick of 22 veterans taking their own lives every day because a va failing our military. Martha youre talking a lot about the issues. And i think we had Mercedes Schlapp on, advisor to republican candidates. She said i would like him spend 10 talking about rigged election issue. He felt too much on it, too many tweets, too much focused about him personally upset he is not doing as well as he wants to, he needs to do more about the issues. Are we going to see him pivot away from him and more towards what youre talking about tonight . Great thing, quite frankly, questions chris will actually ask the questions. In the first debate you didnt see any hard questions asked. There wasnt question asked about emails or Clinton Foundation. Clinton foundation may be one of the greatest ponzi schemes in the charitable world. No one want to talk about, very sad, most of the media, not throwing on you guys, most of the media doesnt want to prosecute that case. Martha john harwood spelled it out in email to john podesta we just saw. Try seeing that on any other channel. Try seeing that on any other channel. The problem when hillary whistles the rest of the media dances. It is very sad. Bill you flew in last night . I just flew in from ohio. Bill kellyanne said your father was doing debate prep as night. Do you have anymore information on that about how that went or set up. He is doing debate prep. He is doing a lot of debate prep. He always taken it incredibly seriously. He saw how well he did in the second debate. No question he won the debate. Bill we were told after debate number one he went back and watched it is that true. Im sure he did. I dont know but im sure he did. Bill the set yawp tonight is exactly as it was 3 1 2 weeks ago. I think setup, the open forum with people asking questions that is great for him. He relates to the bluecollar worker so well. He relates to of arage americans so well. That is who we deal with every single days with we operate our business whether contractors. He had the great warmth with people and he responds very, very well in the setting. On the flipside i dont think hillary does at all. She is in this political elite. She is white marble office in washington, d. C. She is very, very disconnected from every day americans. I think he actually excels in the forum. Martha well see how he does. Thank you, eric. Always good to have you with us. Bill watch fox news for for all details leading up to nights debate. Were less than 11 hours away. First time ever a fox news anchor moderates a general election debate. That honor goes to our colleague Chris Wallace and you can catch the final debate between donald trump and Hillary Clinton live at unlv, 9 00 eastern time on fox news channel. Pregame however, starts now. Martha so donald trump is hoping to give Hillary Clinton a run for her money out there tonight by outspending her in some battleground states as well. What is the impact there . Our buddy Chris Stirewalt will be here and charlie hurt will be here as well. So the guys are coming out in just a moment. Bill new polling showing a tight race in important battleground states including right here in nevada, the site of the final matchup. Those polls and a whole lot more as las vegas edition of americas newsroom waltzes on down the road. Are you on medicare . Do you have the coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. So nows the time to get on a path that could be right for you. With plans including aarp medicarecomplete insured through unitedhealthcare. Call today or go online to enroll. These Medicare Advantage plans can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with Prescription Drug coverage, and extra benefits all in one complete plan for a low monthly premium, or in some areas no plan premium at all. Other benefits can include 0 copays for an annual physical and most immunizations, routine vision and hearing coverage, and youll pay the plans lowest prescription price, whether its your copay or the pharmacy price. Or pay zero dollars for a 90day supply of tier 1 and tier 2 drugs, with home delivery. Dont wait, call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll in aarp medicarecomplete. Martha back live here in vegas. Donald Trumps Campaign shelling out serious cash in crucial swing states at this point. Republican nominee is spending 11. 7 million on tv ads in seven states this week. Hillary clinton spends 10. 5 million in advertising in seven states. First time in president ial race, you have donald trump spending more than Hillary Clinton. We hadnt seen that. He took a lot of pried he is not spending that much money. That equation flipped a bit. Lets bring in one of our favorite pairs of people, Chris Stirewalt, fox news digital editor, charlie hurt, columnist for washington times. Bill gentlemen, the two of you in las vegas. Martha in this corner bill like hangover 3. Martha or four or five. I just got back from the gym. Bill i believe every word you said. Totally. Bill 20 days. You can follow a Campaign Based on where they put money. Right. Bill what you do you see today as you follow the money . I mean, i guess, its hard to take anything out of it because the map is so screwy right now. I see Trump Campaign making a move in virginia and moving money into virginia. That doesnt make any sense. He is out of the running in virginia. That is not happening. Hard for them to pick their core group of states because the map continues to shift. Outperforming mitt romney in other republicans like iowa the doing great there. That is not something they expected. Doing better than other republicans in ohio traditionally. We see him doing worse in places likes arizona and places like georgia. These texas is down to three daggone points. Allocation of resources becomes hard when you have a map that screwy. Martha doesnt matter if youre doing in better than iowa and ohio than the previous candidate they dole out the same amount of electoral votes. Has to win nevada, win arizona, got to win ohio and win florida, and those are states theyre not looking great at the moment. Sure. I think one of the things that has been an appeal for donald trump he is blowing up the map. Weve had the same map for past 20, 25 years. He is completely blowing it up. Not entirely to his advantage, he should be doing better in some places but the fact, you know, going back to the point about fact that he is finally spending some money in some of these places, testament to the fact that the message he has been carrying is a great message and been able to do it for free in a lot of places but the problem with that of course you cant, you cant control the message as well when it is earned. Bill when you listen to analysis or here, anywhere, there is conventional wisdom building around this election. Right. Bill im not necessarily convinced that is the right way to think about this. All right. Bill i think that is why you play the game. That is why you vote. And thats what you figure out in 20 days. If we look back to three weeks ago, if we go back three weeks, this is close race. Donald trump is trailing its a close race. That is three weeks to go. There are three weeks left. He is down a lot. Could that change again . Yes. If it changes it starts tonight and here. Shows humility and deference, grace under pressure. Becomes the kind of person people can say, you know, donald trump shocked his way to the republican nomination. Martha right. If he really wants to shock america again tonight he goes out on stage you know what, i made mistakes, so have you, i learned and im ready to do this job. You changed me in this election. Martha you couldnt be be in terms of women voters. Women voters care what men care about. I dont like make division. Cant ignore numbers about. He has 20 point deficit with women. That will work with women, if he comes out look, im a jerk sometimes, right. I have done things im not proud of in my life. I am not guilty that im being accused of. You have to cut me some slack because you have to look at big picture, because im the message carrier. And stick to those messages. That is only thing that gives him traction, humility and that graceful guy over there is talking about. That is part of the reason why people hate politics so much and hate politicians. Because they do, boil everything down to gender politics, racial politics, all the stuff, and the vast majority of people find that pretty disgusting. Going back to the thing you said, bill. If we learned anything from this election, conventional wisdom has been really wrong at every step of the way. Bill flip around the conversation to her challenge tonight. You look at our fox polling that we put out last night. The number of americans who are displeased or not satisfied with their candidate is extraordinary. Yeah. Bill so she goes into the arena tonight, her mission is what, chris . She wants to run out the clock. She has the lead and she wants to run out the clock. Bill ropeadope . Say nice things they have been throwing brickbats and fun i dont ionss to rattle her as they do, they expect trump to unleash the mother of all battles, the full attack. She has not to take the bait and not react, stay cool. I wrote the other day, i believe this, if your Closing Argument in the campaign your opponent that your opponent is creep and a letch. You failed as candidate. Didnt fail as much as other guy. She has never made her argument to the american electorate what the point of her is being not donald trump. Bill what do you think of that, charlie, quick . Unfortunately he is exactly right. But, and if she could just erase this debate i think she would. I dont know that she can turn much around herself but he can. And if he turns things around tonight, that could be trouble for her. Martha vision contest tonight. Whoever has the stronger vision will be the person that is talked about tomorrow. Bill thank you, gentlemen. We cant wait to see your movie. It is going to be, wow, tigers. Over the next 20 days Hillary Clinton, donald trump they are in a tight race right now across the country. These two will spend quite a bit of time in battleground states. What does the latest polling reveal. Well break down numbers in a moment. Martha state department and Clinton Campaign pushing back on allegations of a quid pro quo situation between the clintons and the fbi and the state department. Well talk to the rnc spokesman sean spicer, whether or not that affects the campaign tonight. When we come back. Bill Hillary Clinton, donald trump now fighting for the lead in several battleground states before tonights debate in nevada at the moment. Monmouth poll has clinton with a sevenpoint lead, 4740. Cnn in North Carolina has it at statistical tie, clinton 4847 . That is within the margin of error. Lyle condit, university of Virginia Center for politics, author of bellwether, why ohio picks the president. How are you doing . Doing well. Bill last time we talk it has been some time. What do you see now breaking in states like North Carolina . What is interesting the National Polls right now are showing a pretty big clinton lead. Some of these Battle Ground states are a little bit closer. Some of the polls you cited particularly in North Carolina, nevada. Seems like clinton might be pulling ahead but the key thing i think to remember, states like North Carolina nevada, even ohio are states that probably trump really needs and clinton doesnt necessarily need. She probably needs to hold on to of the competitive states of virginia, colorado, pennsylvania, wisconsin, all places where she seems to clearly be leading in order to get bare minimum of 270 electoral votes. At this point looks like she is on track for more than 270 electoral votes and some states particularly republican appear to be moving toward her, particularly arizona, typically republican state clinton may be leading in or might be tied. Bill let me take to you ohio. Quinnepiac has them deadeven tie. This is remarkable, 45 for clinton, 45 for trump. He had shown a lot of strength in that state. If you put all the polls together i think he still has a slight lead in ohio. What makes ohio different this year, you being the expert on it . So, couple of reasons, first of all, historically, ohio typically votes very close to the National Average but to the extent it deviates from the National Average usually in a republican direction. Also there are some demographic factors in ohio that i think benefits trump. The state is whiter than the nation. White voters are generally more republican. Also there is a bigger contingent of White Working Class voters, whites who do not have college degree. That group is generally a little bit stronger for trump than it is particularly for republicans. Those factors help trump in ohio. But the trend in quinnepiac poll, is interesting. Few weeks ago they had trump up five. Now it is tied. The trend is toward clinton. I think clinton has a very small lead in ohio right now but you would expect that state to be better for trump than he is nationally. Bill so is when you and sabato sit around think about this stuff, when it comes to factoring in debates like tonight, how much does a third debate in 3 1 2 weeks essentially matter to that middle four to 6 that is still perhaps persuadable . I think historically the first debate is probably the most important and they probably decrease in importance as we go along here. Maybe if there is some dramatic change tonight, if the, either candidate starts acting dramatically differently, maybe that has an effect, to be honest i dont think the second debate really moved the needle much at all. We saw the race was getting close before the first debate. Clinton was judged to be winner of first debate. She rebuilt her lead since. Nothing really changed that. So at the second debate was not all that meaningful, you wouldnt expect going into it, that the third debate would mean that much either to the polls. Who knows, maybe something out of the ordinary happens tonight, that actually does cause a shift in the race. Bill listen, that is why you play the games, right . Thats right. Bill why you will have tens of millions of people watching tonight. No pressure on Chris Wallace. Kyle, thank you so much, kyle condit thank you so much. Nice to have you back in washington, d. C. Thanks. Martha. Martha is Hillary Clinton starting to move past the election and looking ahead to congress . Well talk to give driven who covers the Clinton Campaign for us. She has been following them throughout. Sean spicer rnc, get both sides of the equation. That is next as our coverage rolls on from las vegas. Me and the guys walked into this place. You Woulda Thought from the name it was gonna be packed with sailors. So i immediately picked out the biggest guy in there. And i walked straight up to him. Now he looks me square in the eye, and, i swear he says, welcome to Navy Federal Credit union. Whoa friendly alert i got a great auto rate outta that guy. Now i have a wonderful hybrid. Slate blue. Creme interior. He was so nice open to the armed forces, the dod and their families. Navy federal credit union. Martha have you heard. There is a big match happening tonight in las vegas. Hillary clinton and donald trump will go at it for one last time and that is hours away as we sit and watch this preparation for this evening. Clinton may already be shifting her focus in some ways beyond tonights debate. She would like to do that. Her campaign concentrating on downballot races hoping to take control of the senate and house as well. Jennifer griffin who covers Clinton Campaign joins us now. Jennifer, welcome. Good to have you here today. Hi, martha. Martha how are they going about that . It is interesting. Look where theyre spending money. In the last couple days we learned theyre spending 6 million in battleground states but trying to help in senate races where they think they have a chance. There really there was meeting took place on capitol hill with chuck schumer, if the democrats win the senate, he will be the majority leader and harry reid. They said, look, you have have had a strategy up to this point youre trying to peel away republicans who are not comfortable with donald trump, youre trying to attract independents. We need to focus on races. If you win you need to govern and you need the senate. That is when you started seeing them shifting money to other races. It will be very interesting. Talking to Chris Stirewalt about this. He has split ticket, very much in his gameplan. If Hillary Clinton does win, the thinking is because she has had such low favorability numbers she will not pull over independents and republicans who may cross over to vote for her. They will vote republican the rest of the way down the line. It is interesting, if you look at most recent fox news poll, donald trump is winning independents by , that is interesting. Even though other numbers among women and minorities hes down. In terms of splitting the ticket, some of the races in missouri and indiana, which are typically red states, theyre saying please send money but dont have your candidate come. Theyre not asking Hillary Clinton to come and campaign with, theyre not confident that she is going to help the ticket but they do need the money. Theyre in tight races. I think that is how theyre approaching this. Each state, they have a different strategy but i think it is notable when we were back at Democratic Convention it was very clear they were trying to open up the tent. They were trying to make republicans feel comfortable, if they werent comfortable with donald trump. Were open to you. Why you saw many republicans on the stage. They have been rolling out lists of republicans who say theyre voting for Hillary Clinton but now the Democratic Party itself, the machinery is saying, actually, we need you to link those republicans to donald trump. That is why you saw president obama in his speech in ohio this week try to say, republicans, you have to answer for donald trump. So theyre now trying to make the Republican Party own donald trump. Bill outside of that though, when it comes to being a commanderinchief, you have to tell voters what your vision is for the country. There are many who suggest that she has not done that effectively. Does that change tonight . Well, i think what youre going to see change tonight, and you saw jen palmieri on the plane gaggling with reporters, talking about how they will present Donald Trumps vision as scorched earth vision and the reason you have heard Hillary Clinton be so quiet in recent days even with all the wikileaks controversies and, she is going to try to run out the clock until the election and they are, what, what youre going to see is she is going to try to look like somebody to unite the country. That is why he have this is slogan, stronger together. She wants look for day after the election. They think polls look good for them. Now she will try to look president ial. She doesnt need to fight, she doesnt need to show that she can take donald trump down and fight in the mud. She is going to try, will it work . I dont know. Bill jennifer, thank you. Terrific to see you out here in las vegas. Jennifer griffin there. Meantime youve got this other story now, two democratic operatives resigning after release of a sting video which they talk about dirty tricks to swing the election. Watch a clip of that right here. Hillary, is aware of all the work that you guys do, i hope . Campaign is fully do they tell hillary what is going on . Hillary knows through the chain of command. The campaign is dnc. Democracy partners. Focal groups goes and executes [bleep]. Bill there is more from the tapes. That is small clip. Sean spicer, chief strategist, Communications Director for the Republican National committee. With us on floor 27. Good morning to you. The dnc said they were subcontractors and had no connection what were doing across the country. What is the rncs response to this . To quote Hillary Clinton i think this is deplorable. The idea you would hire somebody, subcontractor, employee, in any way, shape or form to create violence at an opponents event orally, is just disgusting. That is not what were about as country. Bill one of the allegations just so our viewers know, if they havent seen it, they are talking about a trump rally specifically in chicago about six months ago. Yes it was. It ended up in violence. Weve seen this now. She is the one who hasnt lived up to fitness to serve. Bill they feel good about polls on Hillary Clintons team. They also feel as if she runs out the clock. What do you say to that, sean . There are 20 days to go. As i mentioned at outset. If americans, if she is ready to run out the clock she wouldnt be where they are. Everything is margin of error. This is tight race. Hillary clinton defacto the incumbent. She has been around for washington in 30 years. She just left as secretary of state of the obama administration. If people were ready to continue that, she would close the deal by now. She is defacto incumbent. I dont think people are ready to continue down the path what weve seen for last eight years. Bill it will sure be fascinating. It will, Chris Wallace will do great for us. He will. Thank you for having me on the 27th floor. Bill sean spicer from the rnc. Martha American Service member and civilian have been killed in an attack in afghanistan. The shooter was dressed in afghan army uniform when opened fire inside of a military base. The shooter was later killed. Well bring you more information on this breaking news story as we get it for you. Bill meantime back here in las vegas. Significant happens overseas, this will certainly be in the basket of topics tonight. Chris wallace has quite a list for those topics later tonight. What will he ask and how will the candidates respond . There will be tens of millions of americans waiting to hear this in prime time. In a moment we talk to the cochair of the president ial Debate Commission about how this will play out. That is next, live in las vegas. Before taking his team to state for the first time. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. Coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1 cash back everywhere, every time. At places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Which helped him give his players something extra. The cash rewards credit card from bank of america. More cash back for the things you buy most. Martha we are high over the vague gas strip and we join you on the day of third and final president ial debate. What a trip this whole election cycle has been. Were at end of part of the road with 20 days to go until november 8th. Hillary clinton and donald trump will go headtohead tonight. They will do that at the university of nevada las vegas. This is last time the American People see them together on stage quite this way. Our own fox news anchor Chris Wallace has been preparing questions to moderate this event. There is so much news in the past 10 days to be incorporated into this for sure. It is divided into six 15 minute segments on topics from the economy and Supreme Court and fitness to serve. We have the chair of prodential debates. Thank you, martha. Martha thanks for being with us. What can we expect tonight . What will be a successful evening in your book . I talked to Chris Matthews your colleague, yesterday. Martha Chris Wallace,. Im sorry, Chris Wallace, yesterday, told him in a way he is hitting cleanup. He had the ability to see the other debates go forward before him and including the Vice President and to see what issues werent covered, important issues in this campaign. And as you know chris has laid out six general areas which he is going to try to drill down on and make sure these candidates are not just talking about their own personalities or views of the other open points personality but talk about the national debt. Talk about immigration. Talk about Social Security and other entitlements. Talk about the Supreme Court. So i think that is very, very important. That is what im hoping were going to see. Martha chris has said that he feels like it will be a success if, in a way it is forgotten he was one moderating the debate. He wants to sort of put those questions out there and get them talking to each other and revealing their positions on things in front of the audience. Do you agree that is a good way for moderator to perceive to go at this . We have viewed role as moderator in our debates, being facilitator, facilitator of discussion between the candidates. I have to tell you this series of debates has been toughest job for moderators i think ive seen in 30 debates or so weve done because of interruptions and failure of one candidate to lit the other complete a thought. He has a tough job to do. And, but you know he is up to it and were really looking forward to seeing thousand things go. Bill no questions about that. You know, frank, he said he will be a timekeeper, not a fact checker. Our thought, this is debate. This is not interview. There is difference between journalist interviewing candidate and asking him or her question and following up. Here it is a debate. That means if a candidate says something that is improper or incorrect it is up to the other candidate to be the fact checker. Now if they dont fact check and really critical issue the moderator has a difficult task how to get through and make sure that the public is getting the correct answer but not to be someone who says, yes, youre right, candidate a or youre wrong, candidate b. Bill i know youre not in our business you but it is in our business to figure out how much people will watch. What is your guess . Well you know the first, the first debate, we think it was well over 100 million. Nielsen said it was 84 or 85. That doesnt count cspan. Cspan told me about 15 million. That gets you up to 99 million. That doesnt count people watching on computers, ipads, iphones, streaming, so forth. I think the second debate was up around 85 or 90. This one were hopeful will match the two debates. The American People when they go to the polls, will know where the candidates stand on issues. Issues are what are important. Whoever wins this race. Whoever becomes the president he or she has a tough job to bring this nation back together to get congress to work again together to work in the best interests of American People. Important to let the American People know where they stand. Martha one last question for you, why are they not sitting at a table . We historically have had table sittings. We feel actually it is in the best interests of debate. Sort of, podium stand as walls. You get a better discussion when theyre seated at tables but well listen to the candidates. If they dont want to sit at tables, they prefer to be at podiums we have no problem with that we work that around the edges. So long as changes that they want dont really attack the integrity of the process and get to what were trying to accomplish in the debates. Martha do they both equally want want to be podiums or more said one or the other . Well, both of them, both of them agreed they wanted podiums, fine. The vicepresident ial debate was seated at table. Those candidates didnt care. Martha interesting dynamic. Frank, thank you very much. Thank you. Bill Frank Fahrenkopf, the Debate Commission. Back in new york, jon scott, happening now rolls your way next. Good morning, to you bill, i dont have to tell you. Youre ready for it. Countdown to the final debate. Chris wallace moderates the between clinton and trump. Some analysts say it is the last chance for mr. Trump to turn around sagging poll numbers. Well get Team Coverage and in depth analysis and latest on the polls, including fox news polls on the state of the race. Coming up, happening now. Bill jon, good deal, thank you. See you in 11 minutes. That arena will be filled with drama in 10 hours. Well take you to the front row after this as our special edition of americas newsroom rolls on live from vegas. Nice. Bill if you are one of lucky ones, thousand people, maybe student at school at unlv or with inclinton team or trump team, you will be here front and Center Wednesday night. Chris wallace will be in the main chair in the middle. Donald trump will be stage left and Hillary Clinton will be stage right. Keep in mind, debate number one, similar set up. 85 million, watched at home. Debate number two, 70 million. Now we have debate number three, final one which will occur exactly 20 days before america decides. Stakes are high. Listening to Frank Fahrenkopf there, he makes excellent point millions of people not counted in debate number one. The audience will be huge. It is the Perfect Moment for Hillary Clinton or donald trump to sell their final ideas to why they should be commanderinchief. Perfect forum. Martha we always say this. It is very true tonight. I think true now more than ever. Donald trump has a huge mountain to climb ahead of him tonight. He has to close a lot of doors and pivot on issues that have been doing him for the past couple weeks. Some of them he sort of laid right into. Others he needs to kind of move on and give Bigger Picture what kind of america he sees. She needs to do the same thing. As we talked about. The person who can create a real vision for america tonight and do it powerfully may come out of this thing quite a bit stronger. Bill we mentioned polling numbers we put out from fox last night. The number of people who are either unsatisfied or just flatout not satisfied feel it all around you. Bill with their candidate, i dont think the numbers have ever been there before. That says, that says something about where we are. Martha it would be nice if people came out of this debate feeling a little better maybe about this process and about the future of the country and about these two candidates. Theyre going to be loaded for bear. I dont know if well get a kumbayah moment this evening but i think some people might be sort of feeling it. Bill one of the, one of the best researchers in our entire industry is Chris Wallace. I mean he will spend hours drilling down, drilling down and looking for the answer to that elusive question, trying to it in a way where it is most effective for audience at home. I want all the viewers to know youre in great hands tonight with our colleague in chris. Martha i can already hear him in my head, but sir, can you answer the question. Sir, can you answer the question. Secretary clinton, can you answer the question . Bill we had a fantastic dinner at place called ferraros. Gene per record ferraro and his wife. Martha bob massi, who we know from fox should be in the that picture too. This is his hometown. He opened our eyes to Wonderful Community it is and what a figures family the ferraros are. Bill thank you for allowing us to come to your city to enjoy it so much. Martha been a real pleasure. See you this afternoon at 2 00, right back up here on the 27th floor. Well take a quick break and be back more live from las vegas after this. Approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. Thats where aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plans insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company come in. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they could help pay some of what medicare doesnt, saving you in outofpocket medical costs. 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Martha viffa las viva las vegas. Donald trump was raised is on the auction block. Its fully furnished basement. How about that . Anybody interested. 1,650,000. A lot of people are going to be surprised that that house could get 1. 65 but the real estate is different in new york than other places, folks. Whose kitchen doesnt need an update . Martha exactly. [laughter] bill we should have known. We have like a 3hour pregame so hope you can be a part of that later today. I will see you at 6 00 oclock this afternoon and happening now starts right now. John trumps kitchen could use goldplaited fixtures. It has a basement. John hours away from president ial debate moderated by our own Chris Wallace. Welcome to happening now. Im john scott. Heather im in for jenna lee. Nice to be here. Both candidates making lastminute preparations preparing for show in las vegas with brand new fox new poll showing donald trump has some catching up to do. Do. 20 days until election day

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