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Donald trump believes that the party needs to, basically, watch it. I think youd have riots. You know, we have im representing a tremendous, many, many millions of people. If you disenfranchise those people and you say, well, im sorry, but youre is 00 votes 100 votes short even though the next one is 500 vote ares short, i think you would have problems like youve never seen before. I believe that. I wouldnt lead it, but i think bad things would happen. Bill so as it is now, trump has 673 delegates, more than half of the way to 1237. Cruz trails him at 411, and theres a very big question of what happens to marco rubios delegates now that hes suspended his campaign. Stephen avery here, wall street journal says trump has 57 of the delegates, hes got the nomination. Politico says 50 . Give us a scenario where trump does not get the nomination. And then there are other people who have that number somewhere in between 57 and 50, 54 . Look, donald trump is this the drivers seat to the nomination. I think if he continues to build on his momentum and continues to add people to the bandwagon, hell get to that 1237 before the convention. Its far from a done deal. You can imagine in these coming contests if ted cruz were to surprise and win in arizona and capture those delegates, hes likely to win in utah. If he could sneak out a victory in wisconsin on april 5th and take those 42 delegates, it would give a sense that the momentum has shifted or at least trumps momentum has stalled, and then everything is sort of back to the beginning. I think thats the scenario you could also see a scenario where the contest continues to move beyond those states, cruz does well with very conservative primary voters, and john kasich steals some delegates in states in the northeast and midwest where hes expected to do well. Bill lets comet back to that count come back to that counter in a moment. Theres a group of conservatives meeting in washington, d. C. Today. What will that accomplish . Well, these are conservatives who dont want donald trump as the nominee, and they object to trump on philosophical reasons, i think for principled reasons x theyre doing one of two things; can we stop donald trump in this process, in the context of the republican primary process if we consolidate behind ted cruz. If that doesnt work, they want to set up con ton contingency plans where if donald trump seems to be at a point where he cant be stopped, they will look at independent bid scenarios and look at drafting an outsider to run and challenge donald trump and Hillary Clinton. Bill all right. Lets go back to the calendar now. The states fort coming forthcoming, arizona is tuesday, utah, idaho goes for democrats on tuesday, and then when you move into april, you mentioned wisconsin on the 5th of april. Then you go new york, 19th of april, pennsylvania, last tuesday in april. Where does ted cruz win there . Or where does john kasich steal a victory from trump in those big, significant states . Anywhere . Well, its hard to say about john kasich. I think ted cruz likely wins in utah and maybe over 50 with over 50 of the vote. Hes doing well there. The sense among utah lawmakers and republicans is that hell do well there. Arizonas tough, you know . Ive talked to arizona republicans who say ted cruz is a favorite. I think the issues set in arizona with the heavy emphasis on immigration might benefit donald trump. If i had to guess, i would put my money on donald trump, but these are things we really dont know. Theres not a lot of polling because theyre so late in the calendar. And interestingly, the state that could tell us where this race is going in part because its on its own and comes at a time where theres something of a lull in the calendar is wisconsin with its 42 delegates. I think the winner of wisconsin, if theres a split on april, this next tuesday, the winner of wisconsin, i think, will give us a real sense of whether this is unlikely to lead to donald trump getting to that magic number of 1237 or whether trump is really going to keep this momentum going. Bill gotta think immigration plays big in arizona, trade plays big in wisconsin. I think they both favor trump, but we will see. Stephen hayes live there in washington. Martha former House Speaker John John Boehner says in the event of a Republican Convention, he would put his support behind one paul ryan. Boehner saying, quote, if we dont have a nominee who can win on the first ballot, im for none of the above. They all had a chance to win, none of them won. He says im for paul ryan as our nominee. Speaker ryan saying, thanks but no thanks, not interested in that job. Of course, he said the same thing when boehner first put him forward for speaker of the house, and he was the Vice President ial nominee the last time around. Boy, is this whole thing general and rating a lot of different scenarios. Bill seemed like boehner back. Were going to debate on this martha didnt he endorse john kasich, right . Bill kind of, but that whole ryan thing was floated out there, and i dont know. I mean, maybe clevelands interesting. Maybe its a snoozer. I doubt its a snoozer. Martha i doubt it somehow. No matter how you look at it. Bill meanwhile, the upcoming debate in utah has been canceled. Donald trump pulled out, john kasich saying the same. Ted cruz giving his reaction last night with megyn, saying id still go if theyd have it. Well, the field has narrowed even more, and he could have had a direct debate with me, and yet donald apparently is ducking. Hes afraid of being challenged. And i think thats because the race has shifted to a terrain that is not favorable for him. Bill so john kasich taking it in stride, saying he does not need the extra Media Attention right now. Ive had more attention in the last two weeks than ive had in the last six months. So its fine, and im pleased with how its all going. You know, we really do have great momentum. And the most important thing, one of the important things is were seeing a lot of people come who, you know, were either on the sidelines or committed to somebody else. Bill that debate, of course, was set for Fox News Channel next week with bret, megyn and chris wallace. Bret will be in in the next hour, so i dont know on the calendar where the next debate happens. Weve had 12 or 13 so far . Martha 13, i believe. In some ways ted cruz is right, because when you get to a smaller number of people up there, you really get to see what they think about some of these deeper issues, and its a missed opportunity. Im surprised john kasich doesnt want to grab at it, because hes always complaining he doesnt get enough time at the debate. Bill maybe theres something moving there with trump and kasich. Martha just leave that out in the middle of the table. Bill maybe. Thats like waters world. [laughter] martha all right. New developments on president obamas nominee for the Supreme Court. Judge Merrick Garland off to capitol hill today, hell sit down to meet with democrats, many republicans Standing Firm they will not even give him the courtesy meeting which is traditional, much less a vote in the senate. Heres Mitch Mcconnell answering brets questions on this last night on special report. Will justice garland, judge garland, get a hearing . No, i dont think so. Look, were following the biden rule. When joe biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee back in 1992, he pointed out that no Supreme Court vacancy created during a president ial Election Year should be filled. Martha all right. Peter doocy has the latest on this from capitol hill this morning. What kind of reception should judge garland expect on the hill today, peter . Reporter well, from republican senators, hes probably not going to see any of them unless he passes them in the hall. Merrick garland is only planning to sit down with democrats unless something huge changes. And the republican patient leader, Mitch Mcconnell, spoke to Merrick Garland on the phone, and that phone call mcconnells office says was a favor for garland, because coming in for a meeting with mcconnell or any other republican leader right now isnt going to make them budge from their position. President obama should just not be able to put another judge on the court for a lifetime with just a few months left on his own term. Chuck grassley, meanwhile, is taking exception with part of the way president obama has started to describe his nominee, as somebody who applies life ebbs peens to their experience to their thought process. Grassley says there is no empathy standard required by the constitution, and that is all part of the new argument against Merrick Garland. Martha so there are some indications that some republicans are opening the door a little bit to at least a conversation here, right . Reporter and so far one has been really vocal about it, one member of the Judiciary Committee which holds all the cards now since they get to decide what they want to do with this nomination that got sent over from down the street at the white house yesterday, and that is senator jeff flake who is quoted as saying id meet with anybody, and that would include him. There are five other republican senators who say they are open to a sitdown with the president s nominee now that theyve seen who it is, senator portman, senator hatch, senator ayotte, inhofe and senator susan collins. Senator flake who has spoken most extensively about that, his argument says Merrick Garlands record scares him a lot less than a more liberal justice that a potential president clinton could put on the court next january. Martha yeah. Peter, thank you very much. Bill last hour secretary of state john kerry says he is now ready to characterize the atrocities committed by isis as genocide. Officials saying the secretary will make that announcement today say iing the violence against christians and other minorities constitutes the word and the action as defined. The Obama Administration has taken heat for a delay from lawmakers and many others who have been pushing for the designation. Officials say this finding, however, does not obligate the u. S. To take any additional action. So ask yourself whats that worth. Ralph peters will tackle that next hour. Well talk to the colonel. Martha all right. Will the Senate Republicans hold their ground and refuse to consider president obamas nomination for Supreme Court justice . Should they stick to that . We were just talking about this, but next up were going to get response from senator james inhofe coming up. Bill also, 2. 5 million up in smoke right there. More incredible video of a fire onboard a luxury yacht that just burned. Martha and growing calls for a brokered or contested convention depending on the definition to, quote, stop trump. So what exactly would that look like, what does it mean when you dig into this . Let me tell you, theres a lot you dont know about how this process works, and we will tell you how its going to go. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich joins us live. But first, candidate john kasich. I dont think anybodys going to have enough delegates. I think cruz has got to get 70 of the remaining delegates, and my strength is up here. Ive been playing in somebodys own home court. Now were getting to my home court advantage. This clean was like, pow it added this other level of clean to it. It just kinda like wiped everything clean. My teeth are glowing. They are so white. I actually really like the two steps. Everytime i use this together it felt like leaving the dentists office. Crest hd, 6x cleaning, 6x whitening. I would switch to crest hd over what i was using before. Martha five sheriffs deputies in North Carolina are being punished for doing nothing during this assault that was caught on video during a donald trump rally. The sheriff says the officers witnessed a trump supporter, john mcgraw, sucker punch a protester, rakeem jones, and then took no action about it. Three deputies were demoted and suspended without pay for five days, two were suspended for three days. The attacker, mcgraw, has been charged with assault. This nominee is not going to be considered. And, you know, the American People should understand, if the shoe was on the other foot, if this was a republican president submitting a nominee to a Democratic Senate in the middle of an Election Year, there are no circumstances under which the nominee would be confirmed. Bill so there it is from Mitch Mcconnell, he is not budging, saying the democrats would do the same if the roles were reversed. My next guest saying george w. Bush would not be confirmed. Senator jim inhofe, senator from oklahoma. Senator, how are you . Not even 43, huh . Wow. Yeah, thats right. You know, bill, but thats true. We shouldnt even be talking about this personality, because no nominee from this president is going to be considered. And everyone knows that. Certainly, judge garland knows that. I talked to him, he called me yesterday, and i made it very clear, it was already clear in his mind. And im sure hes a nice guy. There are going to be people talking about things in his past maybe would not be acceptable. Thats not the issue. The issue is were not going to and im very proud of Mitch Mcconnell for coming out when he did, when were in recess, and saying what he said; under no circumstances are we going to consider the nominee that comes from this president. Bill okay. Let me just fire a couple questions in here. Sure. Bill you talked to judge garland. How long did that conversation last . We talked probably, oh, three or four minutes. Bill did he try and talk you into it . Or otherwise . No, he didnt. Bill no . I tell you what i did, bill. The very second we first started, i want to make sure you unction, under no understand, under no circumstances are we going to consider your nomination, i think you know that. And then we visited about a couple of other things that werent even germane. So i dont think well have any further conversation. We shouldnt even be talking about him. Thats why i said yesterday that even if barack obama were to nominate george w. Bush, he wouldnt be considered either by this bill so this is d. O. A. , right . Yeah, it is, absolutely. Bill jeff flakes a republican, so too is orrin hatch, as you know. They both suggested they would consider this nominee. If Hillary Clinton won the election in november and you were in the middle of a lame duck session, have you thought about that . Oh, sure, you know, ive thought about that. And theyre entitled to their opinion on this thing. And who knows . This is a very distinguished judge, and we all understand that. We can disagree with some of the positions hes taken p people will be talking about that. Im not going to be talking about that because that isnt the issue. The issue is were not going to be confirming anyone that barack obama sends to us. Bill okay. One just last question and i have to say bill it sounds like hes got the door open a little bit during a lame duck session. You said who knows. Im just talking about me. Im saying what others may say could be different. But bill okay. What im concerned about, no. Keep in mind, this is 139 years weve had this policy that we are not going to do it during an Election Year, and this has stood for that length of time. So Everybody Knows it. I dont blame obama for doing this, because he has a lot of people out there thinking that somehow republicans are using this in a partisan way. Were not. Bill final question. You came out late yesterday and enforced john kasich for the republican nomination. Whats wrong with ted cruz . Whats wrong with donald trump . Well, its not a matter of the three, he would be the one that i would look, i know john kasich very well. I was in a bible study with him for eight years, and we were together in the house. He took over as budget director, and he actually gets things done, performs things. And he is the strongest one of the three of them on National Defense. Thats my Biggest Issue in this coming election. What this president has done in denigrating our National Defense is deplorable, and im hooking for the one looking for the one who would be the strongest in that issue. Clearly, it would be john kasich. Bill i know you know him back into the 90s. Hes got a tough road to go, we will see what happens. Senator, thank you for your time. Jim inhofe, republican from oklahoma. Thanks. Martha. Martha well, antiterror raids overseas, hunting for suspects in the paris massacres. What police found when they busted down doors in that city. Plus, that is somebodys multimillion dollar yacht against the caribbean blue waters there, at least thats what it was. Well be right back. At safelite, we know how busy your life can be. Oh no this mom didnt have time to worry about a cracked windshield. So she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there. So she didnt miss a single shot. cheering crowd i replaced her windshield. Giving her more time for what matters most. Howd ya do . We won nice thats another safelite advantage. Thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive bill from the hill, fox news alert now. Theyre talking about the water in flint, michigan. The governor there, rick snyder, just wrapping up his testimony. Hes been under a lot of heat in that state. The head of the epa also under a lot of heat, also testifying at the moment. Usa today reports this morning that realize taints lead taints Drinking Water in hundreds of schools and daycares across the usa, and she was just talking about hundreds of homes there in the sound bite. So that hearing continues. Well bring you head hawaiians and updates headlines and updates when we get it. Martha back overseas now as authorities in belgium identify a gunman killed during an antiterror railed, identified as a 35yearold algerian. Police raided that apartment in brussels in connection with last years paris massacre. Meanwhile, french investigators return today to one scene of the bloodshed, the bat clan theater. Bataclan theater. Greg talcott is following these developments as this hunt goes on for the remaining perpetrator in that attack. Greg, good morning to you. Reporter martha, terror and isis remain very much the focus of authorities all across europe. Police in belgium are still searching for two terror suspects who fled the scene of a deadly shootout tuesday afternoon in brussels. Four policemen were hurt. Shot dead by police, that algerian man illegally in belgium. Found with him, by the way, an isis flag, a radical islam manual, accomplish that cover rifle and a lot of ammunition. Last novembers paris terror attacks were mostly staged from belgium. There have been a lot of arrests in belgium since then. And in paris itself yesterday four people were arrested. The group thought to be planning yet another attack on the french capital. The ringleader already arrested in jail for trying to to go to syria back in 2014 to wage jihad. He was under house arrest but got under the terror radar, apparently, to do some planning, martha. Martha so what about the investigation into last years paris attacks . Any developments there, greg . Reporter yeah, this is very interesting. At the scene of one of the terrible bloodshedfilled terror targets of isis last november, the bataclan theater, there is a special committee of the French Parliament going through it, basically reenacting that terror. 89 people were killed when gunmen burst into that rock concert last year, as youll recall. Theyll be looking very closely at that. And later today there will be some explosions blown at a location in southern france. Remember, suicide bombers also targeted a soccer match at that same time in paris last november. Now, there have been some serious accusations made that bureaucracy, Bad Organization slowed the response of Antiterror Police in paris at the theater and other locations allowing isisbacked terrorists to do a lot of damage. So people are looking to change things, make sure the response at least changes and maybe other attacks can be prevented. Back to you, martha. Martha lets hope. Greg, thank you so much. Bill so some in the Republican Party saying they need to stop donald trump. But who chooses the nominee, the people or the party . Thats a question for Newt Gingrich. He was live on deck. Martha plus, heres your cinderella story so far. March madness tips off. Well tell you who was president last time this school won a single game in this tournament, when we come back. When heartburn hits fight back fast tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum oothies only from tums martha well, the Washington Post, one of the countrys most influential newspapers, basically casting donald trump as a threat to our freedom and our form of government. The headline in the Washington Post editorial says this, quote to defend our democracy against trump, the gop must aim for a brokered convention. That is in this mornings Washington Post. On that and related issues, Newt Gingrich joins us now, former speaker of the house and a fox news contributor. Newt, good morning. Good to see you to do. Good to see you. Martha basically, when you take a look at the post, they say its not just on policy issues theyre concerned about mr. Trump. They say hes a threat to american democracy, that he basically reminds them of, you know, strongmen throughout history who have used religion and weaknesses in the, you know, sort of in the fabric of the country and exploited them. What do you think about that . Look, i think the hysteria of the left is going to get worse and worse all summer. The post is typical of that. They can somehow swallow 2,000 confidential and secret emails by Hillary Clinton, they can swallow 2 billion at the clinton foundation, they can swallow all sorts of unanswered problems and conflicts with hillary because, after all, shes on the left and, therefore, shes of the true faith. Whats going to get worse, i predict, is when it begins to sink in that trump is going to be prepared to go into the africanamerican community, to actually go into neighborhoods that the democrats think are closed to republicans. You had somebody the other day on msnbc said he shouldnt campaign in chicago, st. Louis or cleveland because theyve had raciallysensitive shootings. The idea that an american candidate for the american presidency has any neighborhood they cant go in will tell you just how far the left has gone into thinking it owns the country. That editorial with represents accurately the hysteria of the left. Martha do you expect that he will do that, that he will go into those neighborhoods and speak . I would hope so. I think donald trump actually has a slogan, make America Great again, which could apply to every american. I think trump in south side chicago saying making America Great again saying your children shouldnt be killed, your schools should actually work, there should be jobs in your neighborhood, i think that would shatter the fabric of the Democratic Party and expose the degree to which theyve exploited poor people without actually helping them. I think it would be very healthy for america, and i think it would lead to madison, wisconsinscale opposition. Scott walker had some 80 threats. His wife got a note saying you may become a widow if Governor Walker continues with its reforms. The left, when it loses, goes hysterical, and i think they have a likelihood of losing this year. Martha lets listen to this quote from an expert on the rules of delegates. Take a listen. Well, its getting to be increasingly hard to stop him at this point. I think Republican Leaders really have two strategies at this point. One is to deny him the actual nomination by having a contested convention, and then if that happens and they do try to deny him the nomination at the convention, you have to convince the American People that its okay that the party makes a decision at the convention thats not consistent with whoever got the most votes. Martha yeah. And the party says you must get to 1237, that thats a hard and fast rule, and if you dont get there, it opens up the process. And i think a lot of people would be curious to know that the delegates who then, you know, if you get through the first round ballot, then the delegates, the people standing on the floor at those conventions which weve all seen for years and years covering these races, they actually get to cast their votes. But those people havent all been chosen yet across the country. Theyre in the process of choosing them between now and the convention which leaves open a lot of doors for Party Politics at the state level to engineer those people to go a certain way, does it not . Look, heres what the old line washington establishment doesnt get. There are only two candidates who can be nominated for president , one is ted cruz, the other is donald trump. The best way for cruz to try to be the nominee and he understands this, and hes working very hard at it is to beat donald trump in the primaries. Lets say that cruz can win enough primaries that trump comes short. That doesnt mean theres going to be a third candidate. So the establishment gets to choose, do you want ted cruz whos an outsider, or do you want trump whos an outsider . Theres not going to be a third candidate. John kasich could play a role, but kasichs not going to win enough primaries to become the nominee. So the fact becomes one of these two outsiders is going to be nominated, and anybody who tried to sneak in at the last minute without competing would find both trump and cruz opposed to them, and they would simply be crushed. These two guys are going to have over 80 of the delegates between them. Martha yeah. I mean, in terms of the ground game, cruzs ground game has been very good so far, and the word is he is working very hard for that scenario. If delegates need to be wooed, you know, to the convention floor, they, the cruz campaign, is setting up, you know, orchestrating a way to do that effectively. Do you think donald trump is on top of that game as well . I think if they come out of the last primary in early june and they have six weeks to the convention, every undecided delegate will get a chance to ride in the trump helicopter or, theyll get a chance to ride in the trump airplane, theyll get to visit the trump winery. [laughter] look, donald trump is a great salesman, he understands what hes doing. He wrote the art of the deal, and hes a good negotiator. Ted cruz is very, very smart. Youd have a very healthy competition between these two guys. But my point to the washington establishment is they dont have a third choice. Theres not going to be some magic done with delegates. Those delegates are americans who know what theyre doing, theyre going to be wired together by social media, theyre going to have a chance can you imagine if youre the last delegate who is the deciding vote . Donald would call and say howd you like to come down to florida with me, cruz would call and say have you ever seen all of texas . You would be wined and dined in all of american politics. Martha and they say there are no more brokered politics. If it gets what do you think of the Erick Ericksons of the world who are meeting in washington and john boehner whos throwing out paul ryans name in this process . Whats your message to that . Have fun. Its an amusing parlor game. It has no meaning in the real world, but if it makes you feel better. I draw a distinction, john boehner is genuinely fond of paul ryan as i am and boehner, i think, would rather see somebody other than cruz who caused him a lot of pain or trump who im sure he sees as a strange outsider. If they want to form the lets elect Hillary Clinton club, fine. But they ought to be honest about it. Any effort to help anybody but the republican nominee helps Hillary Clinton. And if you think giving Hillary Clinton the Supreme Court, having Hillary Clinton run our Foreign Policy, having Hillary Clinton support the unions to continue ruining our children in schools, if you think thats acceptable, do it. Erick ericksons not playing a riskfree game. If he does not support the republican nominee, he is functionally supporting Hillary Clinton and the general in the general election. Martha newt, thank you. Always good to talk to you. Well see you next time. Bill so, mr. Speaker, while we have you here, who wears it better . Well, im looking at the monitor [laughter] my granddaughter, maggie, gave me this tie. I dont want to hurt your feelings, but i think in all honesty, the lady next to you has an elegant green of just the right shade. Sorry, have to tell you this, but im with her, and i think she looks perfectly irish bill hands down. Martha ill go with maag mys tie. I maggies tie. I like it best. Thank you, newt, good to see you, sir. Bill a little more march madness barely underway, and already we have a cinderella story. Get this, they get to the real tournament today. Crusaders first tournament win in 63 years. They have a losing record. But the men from worcester have a National Title back in 1947. Martha who was president 63 years ago . That was our tease. Anybody . Anybody . Bill truman. Martha you going with truman . Is that right . Im getting radio sirens from the silence from the control room. [laughter] theyre always there for the answer for you, right . Not so much. Not at the moment. All right, lets take a look at the markets and see whats going on here. Dow down about 10 points. Not a whole lot of action. It closed on the Higher Ground yesterday on the feds decision to hold the line on Interest Rates and oil prices. Were going to keep an eye on the markets throughout the program. And then theres this for you. Sea world phasing out its world famous orca show. Did you hear . They were on fox friends this morning talking about this. In response to heavy criticism about their treatment of animals. They say this is a general trend across the country, and they are part of it. Whats next for the killer whale show . Bill also, how would a trump clinton matchup play out . Got a great debate on that next. Dont miss it. Hillary clinton, your likely opponent, you gonna go scorched earth on Hillary Clinton . I mean, you going to get into all the personal stuff with her and her husband, the scandals, you gonna do all that . The lexus command performance sales event is on. With extraordinary offers on the visionary ls, the generously appointed es and the new, eightpassenger lx. This is the pursuit of perfection. The roles you play in life are part of what make you, you. And youre not going to let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure with nutritious calories, 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. Come on grandma giving you the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. From the 1 doctr recommended bran. Ensure. Always stay you. Martha breaking news on capitol hill, the Senate Armed Services committee now holding a hearing on the pentagon budge amid growing concern were not keeping pace with threats from russia and isis, not to mention new challenges coming from china. Among those expected to testify, defense secretary ash carter and the chairman of the joint chiefs. We will keep an eye on that. John mccain, the chairman of that committee. Any news that comes out of there, we will get it to you right away. Hillary clinton, your likely opponent, you gonna go scorched earth on Hillary Clinton . I mean, you gonna get into all the personal stuff with her and her husband, the scandals, you gonna do all that . Well, i think id rather not say now, its a little early. I want to get it first. We had one little runin about two months ago, and i helped bernie a lot because, frankly, her numbers came down after that, but that was my only real confrontation with her. Whatever it is, it is. Ill do what i have to do. Bill so donald trump not revealing a whole lot, but what would a trump v. Clinton matchup look like . Brad glickman, i get your emails every day. Of course you do. Bill your fingers are working hard. Monica crowley, fox news contributor, shes got a piece out again today. Good morning to you. Good morning. Bill lets handicap it, ladies first. What does it look like, monica . I think that was actually very effective because he doesnt want to tip his hand if he is the nominee, and he doesnt want to let on what hes prepared to do. But what we do know about donald trump is that he is not a politician. That liberates him from the constraints normally applied to normal politicians. That also explains a big part of husband appeal. Donald his appeal. Donald trump is a street fighter. Nobody plays dirtier than the clintons. He is fully prepared to mirror their tactics and to do whatever it takes, like they are, to win. Bill brad, do you see this, can you picture this yet . I mean, whats fair game and whats not . [laughter] or is everything fair game on both sides . Look, i think, unfortunately, probably everything is fair game. I disagree with monica to some exfeint. I dont think that the extent. I dont think that the clintons want to have a campaign where they go after Donald Trumps personal life. I dont think thats the type of campaign the American People want. Donald trumps already previewed the type of attacks he will engage in x theres one reason. Its why he says lying ted and little marco and all the things hes done on the campaign trail. He has no actual policies. He cant name a Foreign Policy adviser. He says that putin should be the one to prosecute the war on terror and that we can just sit back. So he has to go personal, find other things bill if thats the case, then its up to secretary clinton to draw that policy out. Yeah. Absolutely. Bill this is what we town from trumps team on instagram yesterday. [laughter] bill Pretty Simple theme, monica. Hes going to make Hillary Clinton look weak. Yes. And brutally effect effective, by the way. Shes coming on the heels of eight years of president obama who has been widely perceived as weak and ineffectual both militarily and in prestige and influence around the world. So she is closely tied to him, obviously, was his secretary of state. Look, donald trump, again, is not constrained. He is, hes already demonstrated hes ready to go for the jugular and stay there. Hes a fierce competitor, and unlike previous republican income knees from bob dole, mitt romney, john mccain, all fine men, but they were willing to play by gentlemens rule ands take their feet off the gas when with it counted. Donald trump does not play by those rules, and thats why the democrats are concerned. Bill wow. Hes going to fight back. Weve seen that already. For sure. Bill brad, address that. Look, monica thinks that the solution for the republicans inability to win the presidency is to nominate a jerk like donald trump and have somebody who is not a gentleman, somebody who insults megyn kelly the way he did, maybe would do that with world leaders. Theres no evidence in the polling that thats what any part of the electorate, except the republican primary electorate, wants. Hes losing badly in the polls, bill, to sanders, to clinton in a general election bill youve got a lot of time to turn those numbers i get the point youre making. In the time i have left, monica, are you worried about women . Are you worried about hispanics . [laughter] better be. Bill does the turnout already overshadow those concerns . Well, sure, of course. Those are perennial concerns for the Republican Party, and trump does have some issues there, but he also has enormous crossover appeal which is why a lot of union guys are worried, because hes talking about primarily the two issues that directly affect their livelihoods; illegal immigration and trade. Thats why hes pulling so many forward. But, yes, i mean, look, when it comes to running against and defeating Hillary Clinton, again, donald trump is not constrained by the idea that he has to worry about who she is or the clinton machine or the fact that she is a woman. He will treat her as any other point. Bill okay. Matte drudge said it a math drudge said it a month ago, its what america wants. Thank you, brad, thank you, monica. Appreciate it. Martha coming up, the next race track could be in the sky. Drone racing and why it could become the next nascar. Bill oh, really in oh, really . Vi pole position the world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Came out today thousands of people to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges martha once mostly limited to the military, drones are now finding their way into almost everything in our lives, including the racetrack. Pretty cool. Jonathan serrie live in atlanta to tell us more about drone racing. Jonathan . Whats going on. Reporter hey, martha, this is really cool. These races are go on in a sporting arena, an abandoned mall or a warehouse. The drones send back live pictures to the pilots and fans, so if youre wearing the goggles, it actually feels like youre flying through the race. Its like an outer body experience. Reporter while watching a live feed through a pair of goggles. You get a fullbody rush. You have to learn to control your nerves, and thats part of racing. Its like nothing ive ever done in my life. Reporter zumas won this race in miami organized by the Drone Racing League or drl. Theres organized drone racing in almost every country ive ever looked at. So were focusing on taking that hobby, that exciting new sport and turning it into something professional, something that people can watch at home and get excited about. Reporter competitive video gaming or esports generated nearly 750 million in revenue last year. Analysts say drone racing needs to attract major investment and advertisers to tap into this. Certainly, it has potential in that it builds on a few things that are very popular right now. People are buying drones, people love playing video games, its a spectacular thing to watch. Reporter like nascar, epic crashes add to the excitement of drone races but without risk of injury to the pilot. You definitely take more chances because you know if you crash, you change a couple of props, and youre able to go to work the next day. Reporter and steve zumas is a selfemployed home builder by day. He plans to take flight again in an upcoming race in dubai. Meanwhile, drls next scheduled race is for this weekend in los angeles. Martha . Martha gotta go, honey. Gotta go to a drone race in dubai. [laughter] jonathan, thanks. Bill john kerry announcing isis is committing general sid eens genocide eens christianss and other minorities. What took the government so long . Martha good question. Plus, the battle for the republican nomination, man, is this getting smoking hot. Down to delegate math. What happens if nobody gets to the magic 1237 . To be the republican nominee takes 1237 delegates. There are only two candidates that have any plausible path to getting there, donald trump and me. By the way, if donald continues getting delegates at the same rate he has so far, he wont get to 1237. Incredible bladder protection from always discreet that lets you move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. Try it. Were so confident youll love it, well give you double your money back if you dont. Incredible bladder protection. Double your money back guarantee. Thats always discreet. Martha concerns of chaos on the road to the republican nomination. Donald trump warning the Republican Party, the will of millions he says can not be thwarted. Hello, everybody. Im martha maccallum. Good to have you here this morning. Hour two starting now. Bill you look lovely in your irish green. Martha thank you very much, laddie. Great to be here today, isnt it . Bill im bill hemmer for one day. Path from the nomination far from assured, but there is talk about a contested convention. Is that talk just from the media or the party elites . Or just james rosen, correspondent live in washington now. How are you, james. Good morning to you. Trump expands his lead over cruz to 262 just this week. Where does he now turn his attention, james . Reporter good morning. The gop fr increasing turning his attention to the general election. Trump skipped the debate to invitation to the aipac. It offers opportunity to court the jewish vote. On the oreilly factor, trump was asked about how he would confront Hillary Clinton. He cited the exchange two months ago where mrs. Clinton accused him of sexism and trump invoked the misdeeds of former president bill clinton. Very frankly her numbers came down very big after that. But that was my only real confrontation with her. Whatever it is i will do what i have to do. Reporter as for cruz he is campaigning in arizona ahead of tuesdays primary there. 58 delegates up for grabs. In interview with me earlier this week in houston, senator cruz acknowledged the math that politico and others put forward he has to win 80 of the delegates to deprive donald trump the nomination. I asked senator cruz if he can run the table that way . He said, of course he can. Headtohead, if we to forward to beat donald consistently 5545, we end up winning more than 80 of the delegates report report in the utah caucuses 40 republican delegates up for grabs. Bill james, john kasich, third man in the race, clearly pegging his hopes on contested convention. What has he said about that since his victory in ohio tuesday night . Reporter kasich strategist john weaver says none of the three gop candidates can secure the 1237 delegates needed to lock the nomination on first ballot. In such an event the delegates will evaluate which of the three candidates has a proven track record plus one other factor. They are going to wonder about who can win a general election. Who can win ohio. I can tell you those folks cant. Yen you do i because they cant. They dont have the right tone or philosophy. Reporter right tone or philosophy. Kasich enannouncing endorsement of former threeterm governor mike leavitt who served as head of Environmental Protection agency under george w. Bush. That is example how kasich is so different in this contest. I dont either donald trump or ted cruz would rush to push out a press release being endorsed by someone who used to head the Environmental Protection agency. Bill nice green, my friend. It is. Bill hardly. Martha so, donald trump has weve been saying bowing out of the next Republican Debate forcing that event to be canceled essentially. Trump saying candidates have enough debates. He plans to make a speech that night as james talked about at aipac. Governor kasich refused to show up without trump and senator cruz is now mocking donald trump. He is scared to debate and, you know he just, he looks down on voters. He thinks theyre gullible and believe whatever he is saying. I will be in d. C. For aipac as well. Since donald is running from debate im happy to debate him there. Martha bret baier anchoring special report and moderates the debates for Fox News Channel. Bret, good morning to you. Good morning, martha. Happy st. Patricks day. Martha happy st. Patricks to you. Looks like come monday a regular night of special report. No debate. Your thoughts. It kind of fell apart quickly. We heard and heard from donald trump himself and his campaign he was not going to come definitely. He had scheduled this speech in aipac to speak to aipac and they gave him several nights. He chose monday. And said that he was not doing the debate. Then john kasich said, if he is not going, if trump is not going to be there, im not going to be there. So that left ted cruz. And we actually offered ted cruz a town hall. He decided not to take us up on that. So i think he is coming as he said, to d. C. To speak to aipac opposite donald trump. And you know, he offered to have a debate. Ted cruz did. We would be happy to host that, martha, right here in the studio. I could put up the chairs. Everybody get around the table. We would be happy to do that. Martha make that happen, exactly. Kind of too bad because there were for so long, so many people on the stage. I think when you get down to these fewers numbers donald trump says, oh, weve had enough debates and how many times can you answer the questions. With every round there have been new questions and really new challenges because the heat gets more on these individuals as the numbers get fewer and fewer, bret. Definitely. It is a different structure, its a different environment when you have fewer candidates. Eventually you could see getting to oneonone. Thats what ted cruz ideally would like to see. I think cruz has a bit of an advantage here. He feels comfortable in that environment. He is, hes good at debating technically. And i think the other two realize that. Donald trump says, you know every time he does a debate, no matter how it is perceived, his supporters say he did great and he ends up winning looks at overnight polls says, i did well. Frankly the votes have tracked debates havent really affected him at all. The delegate math, 1237 is magic number, but imagine ted cruz outperforms donald trump for the plurally, not the majority. In other words he gets one extra delegate than donald trump in these races, the 22 contests from now until the convention. So, he doesnt get the magic number but he still has more than donald trump. That is short of 80 that we talked about there. And, you know, then you go back to Donald Trumps comments saying, whoever has the most should be wellpositioned and should be the guy to get the nomination come cleveland. Martha except that that just isnt the way it works, right . Right. Martha you have to have 1237 according to the party. If you dont, that forces the rounds of voting to begin. You know, it looks very tricky for most of these scenarios. Even the one you laid out for ted cruz, does it not . No, it does and it involves logistic its in cleveland. The most likely scenario that the momentum trump has seen propels him to get to the magic number of 1237. That is the most likely thing. But of the other scenarios you see they fall short and ted cruz surpasses donald trump in delegates heading to cleveland and best case to make to form consensus with others. When they suspend campaigns like marco rubio just did they hold on to the delegates. They are still bound but once you get to cleveland you can influence the delegates to go wherever you suggest they go. Martha all right. Were learning more of this process we didnt have to know. In the past it wasnt an issue. But it is so fascinating to see how the delegate selection plays out in these states and who brokers together. Who they are. Martha yeah, really, really Good American democracy stuff. So, bret, thanks so much. Well see you. See you, martha. Martha you bet. Bill breaking news this morning. U. S. Government officially labeling the atrocities of isis as genocide. Secretary of state john kerry saying isis committing genocide against christians and other minority religious groups. Here he is a bit earlier today, using the word daesh, another name for isis or isil. Daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control including yazidi, christians and shia muslims. Daesh is genocidal by selfproclamation, by ideology and by actions. It is entire world view is based on a eliminating those who do not subscribe to its perverse ideology. Bill secretary kerry also adding that any potential criminal charges against the extremists must result from an international investigation. More on this coming up with colonel ralph peters in a moment. Meanwhile defense secretary ash carter testifying right now before the senate. That hearing comes a day after the armys top general deliver ad dire warning about national security. Jennifer griffin is live with that from the pentagon. Jennifer, do we expect to hear, or what would we hear from the defense secretary today . Reporter well the Opening Statements have just begun and we expect the defense secretary ash carter and chairman of the joint chiefs, general joe dunford and the pentagons comptroller to argue against further Defense Budget cuts, bill. Expect fireworks with senator john mccain chairing the hearing. 1 3 of Army Brigades are not ready be to deployed into combat. That from Opening Statements a moment ago. Bill the army and marine chiefs yesterday warning about the changer of budget cuts on lives of american troops. What did they say exactly . Well their remarks really raise the eyebrows. Army chief general mark millie warned bill sorry about that. We faded to black there in a moment. Do we still have jennifer . We got you back jennifer. Lost you for a moment. Yes. General mark millie warned yesterday that the army is at great risk against a great power war with countries such as russia, china, iran or north korea. That raised eyebrows on capitol hill. He and marine commandant general robert miller, said military focused so much on counterterrorism budget cuts that the force is not raising for largescale conflict. They raised eyebrows, the rise in Helicopter Training accidents which doubled in the past two years and tripled in terms of the number of deaths, one example, the collision of two marine super stallions on january 14th in hawaii. In 2015, 12 helicopter crashes killed 30 troops. We dont have enough airplanes to meet the training requirements for the entire force. The force thats deployed is trained and ready but its, it is a little bit different for every model, type and series. So we are working on this and not all of it is related to aviation maintenance, some of these events but its a fact our mishap rate has gone up. Reporter the Defense Department is requesting this year 582. 7 billion, a slight increase to its budget from last year. But there are still caps on what the branches can spend that money on, bill. Bill got it, jennifer. Thanks. From the pentagon there on all of that, thanks. Martha so some new details coming to light about Sergeant Bowe bergdahl. What newlyreleased documents reveal about his state of mind when he walked off of his base. Bill so long to shamu. Seaworld making a big change in it is killer whale shows. Well tell you what the word is on that today. Martha donald trump warning there could be chaos if he is denied the nomination. Why one of his supporters says, she doesnt think that is such a bad thing. In all fairness to them i dont know. I dont know if theyre going to stand for it, bill. But that is what happens. They prevoc to such an extent, the answer is yes, i would absolutely be able to stand above it. We have over 15,000 activities that you can book on our app to make sure your little animal, enjoys her first trip to the kingdom. Expedia, technology connecting you to what matters. Then your eyes may see it, differently. Ave allergies. Only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. No other nasal allergy spray can say that. Complete allergy relief or incomplete. Let your eyes decide. Flonase changes everything. Bill breaking news now. Harry reid is speaking in washington d. C. He has no kind word for donald trump or republicans during the extent of this last commercial break. So just wanted to let you know what is happening there. That takes us to our next segment that deals directly with trump. Martha there is new controversy over comments made by republican frontrunner donald trump. Trump warning there may be riots if there is a brokered convention in cleveland this summer. Comes after several scuffles broke out at several rallies. One supporter defends candidates comments and idea of riots. Riots are not necessarily a bad thing because you are fighting the fact that our establishment Republican Party has gone corrupt and decided to ignore the voice of the people. Martha here she is. She is joining us live. Chief political commentator for usa Radio Networks and trump supporter. Scotty, welcome. Top of the morning, martha. Martha top of the morning to you too. Getting controversy, your comments. You dont mind riots, are you okay with that . Of course i dont want riots, i dont want violence. I dont want anybody else to be hurt. I dont think mr. Trump wants either. I will go with the communication director of the rnc thought it was a figure of speech when mr. Trump spoke out. Mr. Trump can defend himself. There is lot of emotion of 2016 campaign of republicans who are very upset with the party who felt like voices had been suppressed. That they had been ignored. They worked hard in the grassroots to get this congress elected, this Republicanled Congress but they have done nothing to allow the obama agenda to continue to steamroll through. You had a lot of emotions going into it. Mr. Trump, not being politician, being a part of main street. Saw that, felt that, has been really able to capture the hearts and minds of his followers on both sides of the aisle because they realize that same frustration. He is only one Offering Solutions unlike the status quo that weve had within the gop for the last eight to 10 years. Martha you know, we have not witnessed this kind of phenomenon, and this kind of fashion for a candidate. You can debate whether or not he will have the support he needs to get to 1237. No doubt Trump Supporters are extremely committed to him and they are very passionate. If they do get to the convention, theyre hearing these store is today. No doubt youre a supporter as well. About movement in washington. Some insiders to sort of wrest this away and change the dynamic of all of this you by think it is probably fact that if you get to this convention and they try to wiggle it away from somebody that has gotten a lot of support in this country. I think there will probably be some tensions for sure. Martha, you have to realize why theyre so loyal to mr. Trump right now. Trump supporters have been beaten up, demonized, screamed at, almost worse than those in the tea party when we saw the tea Party Getting started. These folks are loyal. When they produced button for mr. Trump. They feel like theyre a part of his campaign. Done excellent job putting people over politician has he gone down the campaign trail. You are correct if they get to cleveland they realize the way of the people, those right now, 7. 5 million people, peoples voices and votes are being ignored there will be emotion. However were having a fight as Trump Supporters not only within our own party we have other side. Nobody is talking about evil and demonizing, dangerous language coming from the other side. You know youve got this democracy spring coming up from moveon. Org and george soros. Theyre sitting there they will cause the largest historical disobedience weve ever seen. And nobody is pointing out, thats wrong right there. Mr. Trumps message is message of unity within the Republican Party. Yet he still has dissenters were sitting there to fight. Those progressives on other side have nothing but destruction and total chaos on their plans. How do you win in this situation, martha . Martha thats a good point. When you tell people to come out and vote in primaries and you encourage them to get out there and vote have their voices be heard and you turn around an tell them you can put tell gates in place that will change what they with decided in states across this country, a lot of people will wake up and say they dont think that sounds like such a great system. Let me ask you this about ted cruz. A lot of people see this potentially coming down to ted cruz and donald trump. John kasich believes that he has his own path that remains to be seen. He is certainly the third person who is very much in this race still. But for you personally, as a tea party advocate, why not ted cruz . Why donald trump . Well you know i was avid supporter of both of them. My dream was to keep the conservative movement. Martha, i wanted to celebrate right now, this silent majority so many of us worked hard for the last few years were showing we are the majority of the Republican Party when you add the votes together. It is heartbreaking to watch the two groups who used to fight side by side now become enemies of each other, like the civil war when brothers had to fight against one other. Martha you made a choice. Why did you choose donald trump over ted cruz . When it came down to it, came down to provide for my family and also to protect my family. Neither one of those were going to be accomplished if we had Hillary Clinton or supposedly bernie in the white house. When you look at amount of people who are crossing over, independents that are becoming involved in the gop, and are getting behind mr. Trump, i realize to fight the democrat machine like hillary i had to make sure. Like i said, both of them we should be celebrating were at the top. Instead were too busy with this civil war and acting like children tearing each other apart. Martha thank you very much. Thank you, martha. It is official. The government says there is proof isis is committing genocide. What took them so long . Ralph peters, the colonel, has an answer on that next. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov my purpose in appearing before you today is so assert that in my judgment daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control including the yazidis, christians and shia muslims. Daesh is genocidal by selfproclamation, by ideology and by actions in what it says, what it believes, and what it does. Bill that from a bit earlier today. State department saying isis is committing genocide and those crimes are being committed against christians and other minorities as we just heard from secretary of state kerry in iraq and in syria. Lieutenant colonel ralph peters. Fox news strategic analyst. This was the deadline this week and now we have the verdict on behalf of the government. Your belief now is what . Well, my belief is the government still doesnt have much sympathy with the destruction of 2,000 years of christian civilization in the middle east. You have to really parse the statement. Now the administration woos shamed into this. They were forced into accepting this obvious genocide of genocide. Bill, look what kerry said, listen to what he said. He said not just christians, also yazidis, thats true, that is valid. Then he includes hundreds of millions of shia muslims. Shia and sunni muslims in the middle east are in a great islamic civil war by diluting it, by diluting genocide there is less pressure taking on Christian Refugees. The other problem, biggest one and ugliests one he limited to isis to daesh and it is not just them. It is not just isis. There is destruction that has been accelerates for year of christian civilization in the middle east. It is also al qaeda, al nusra, hamas, hezbollah and even to an extent the muslim brotherhood. Kerry and the Administration Made the smallest tiniest statement they could make on genocide. Basically, yeah, this is genocide, but look and this and were really not going to do anything. Bill finding this does not obligate the United States to take any action or any additional action defense isis militants. What is this about . What its worth, colonel . Symbolically it is very important. It does have legal implications under international law, certainly perpetrators of genocide, that is a significant charge. Also, this is another reason kerry included shia muslims, it would allow us to give priority to genuine Christian Refugees from syria, for instance. By spreading it out broadly including shia muslims basically takes that away. Oh, theyre all refugees, et cetera. Im glad he said it. Im glad were finally calling it genocide but he this isnt 100 solution. This is the 5 solution. Bill youre seeing this only as it applies to refugees who might want to seek asylum . That is how you see this, right . That is where i really see the pragmatic aspect of it. That it recognizes that the christians fleeing the middle east are victims of genocide. That differentiates them from all the thug militants fleeing into europe for personal or professional reasons, et cetera. Im glad he did it but i feel like this Administration Still romanticizes islam. Still finds somehow christians distasteful. Almost as if the administration christians have no real right to be in the middle east. Christians have been there a long time before muslims were, six centuries. Bill you wrote a piece this week quoting in the wake of the holocaust wellmeaning werners declared never again but the real issue is, whos next. 101 years, bill, armenians, world did nothing. Holocaust, world did nothing until it was too late. Rwanda, did nothing until it was too late. Even in the balkans it took srebnitsa to get people moving. When it comes to genocide in front of our faces, democracy is sad to say tend to respond very tarred dilly. When it is so destructive of all humankind and wanton detricks of christian civilization in the christian heartland of the middle east, i believe it is time for action. I think this is something worth fighting for but obviously the administration doesnt. Bill all tragic. Colonel ralph peters in washington. Thank you. Martha Major League Baseball player adam la roach is leaving the game. The white socks designated hitter retiring after 12 seasons because of his little boy and what the team says a bit too much time together. Bill donald trump dominating the delegate count but it still may not be enough to secure the nomination before cleveland. Is a contested convention the right thing in the republican future . You decide. Im dealing with two smart, tough guys and i want to make sure i end up winning. I would like to get to the finish line. Sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Bill as you know donald trump is racking up delegates with wins in more than a dozen states so far but theres a chance he may be short of the number needed to secure the nomination outright, 1237 on the board. That could spell trouble for trump at the convention. Daniel harper, author of cling ton, inc. , the audacious rebuilding after political machine. Dan, good morning. Thank you. Bill the New York Times calls this the shadow campaign. Trump and cruz, to a lesser degree john kasich. What are they doing in the shadows, daniel . So when you go to the polls and you write in or you hit the button or whatever youre voting mechanism is for donald trump or ted cruz or john kasich youre not actually voting for those people. Youre voting for delegates who are picked by the state to vote for that person, be it donald trump or john kasich on the first ballot at the convention. Thats what youre voting for. So the question is, who are those delegates and battle right now is, for whom those delegates, who those delegates are. Are they going to be cruz supporters, are they going to be donald Trump Supporters . Are they going to be republican establishment figures . Who are those people technically . Bill thats a great question, if they are establishment, do you know, by the way, they tend to be what would you say . They tend to be state establishment. Not washington establishment but in texas there are people involved in the texas gop for instance, or people who are involved in statewide politics, not connected to washington per se but, obviously they have, tend to have grandstanding in the party. Bill so put the three faces back on the screen, guys. Daniel, which one of these is more establishment . Is it trump, cruz or john kasich . I think at first blush you go with ted cruz because his traditional conservative. When you think of a conservative can diet it is ted cruz. He checks the box on pretty much all issues important to conservatives for many years. And he has a established campaign and he has been doing this trying to influence the delegates process to get his delegates on the ballot abuse he wants it, if it goes to a second ballot, and that is when the convention becomes contested he wants those people to be loyal to him, like him, vote for him. However i do think donald trump and Newt Gingrich spoke about this very well in the last hour, i think donald trump as a celebrity figure and as a popular person, and as a persuasive person, i think he has an advantage that we shouldnt undercut or underestimate. As Newt Gingrich said, you know when you spoke to him an hour ago, he will take you to maralago. Put you on the trump helicopter. He will win over people individually. Exactly. Bill what we dont know what the relationship the trump team has with these delegates at the state level, right . Thats what youre saying . Right now it is considered minimal but i would submit that it will probably grow and donald trump being a persuasive guy will probably have more of an advantage than at first blush when you think ted cruz has an advantage. Donald trump being persuasive guy, having all these resources at his fingertips. Sending delegates to mara. Maralago, the way Newt Gingrich laid out, the kind of thing dont like about politics, bribing people for these delegates it would undercut Donald Trumps messat. Exactly. It become very complicated and it is all behind the scenes. Bill i sense trump will get tote magic number, he will get so close that the party will have to decide whether or not it wants to risk a fracture in november. Thats what i woo bet on as well. That would be my bet for sure. Bill thank you, daniel halprin. In washington, d. C. Thanks. Martha some documents released in bottom Bowe Bergdahl case. Army medical officials they believe bergdahl was suffering from mental illness. Chief correspondent Catherine Herridge joins us live from washington. What do we know, what are we learning . Reporter thank you, martha. According newlyreleased documents that Sergeant Bowe bergdahl left post in afghanistan to draw attention what he claimed were bad leadership decisions by officers above him. Bergdahl told an army investigator, quote, it was selfsacrifice thing. For context these documents were made public by bergdahls attorney Eugene Fidell who consistently refused requested by fox news to discuss his client this is bill oreillys Jesse Watters trying to talk to him. I made these requests available to counteract necessary publicity surrounding his client. Newlyreleased document from july 5th fifth showed a Army Sanity Board evaluation that he suffered from skis copersonality disorder. A web site people with disorder have trouble interpreting social cues and can develop significant distrust of others. He was charged with desertion before the enemy with his military trial this summer, martha. Martha anything to challenge the statements that is different in the record, catherine . Reporter there is. Photos obtained by fox news and obtained last december challenged claim he abandoned the post because of leadership issues. His teammate was given a thumb drive, told fox quote, that whole story he walked away to tell on us doesnt make any sense. He was relaxed. There was nothing about leadership problems. Bergdahl was a good friend to me but he messed up and needs to be held accountable. While only bergdahl can explain his state of mind and why he selected these images to leave behind with his platoon mate he does seem relaxed posing with a goat. You see that there. Another shows him enjoying comeaudrey with fellow teammates as they dig their position. And there was out of focus selfie took of himself and chose to leave with his platoon mate. Fox news left an interview, gave fidel end of last year a series of questions how the photos are consistent with his story he felt there were leadership problems and he was somehow a whistleblower and victim in this case, martha. Martha catherine, thank you. Bill 20 minutes before the hour. Merrick garland, president obamas nominee before the Supreme Court goes to capitol hill today but Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says a hearing will not happen. This has been the history of, this has been the tradition to not throw one of these nominees into the middle of a president ial election cauldron. Well honor the precedents that have been created over decades. Martha president obamas pick for the Supreme Court, judge Merrick Garland, heading up to capitol hill today. He will meet with some top senate democrats. Meanwhile republicans are Standing Firm against confirmation hearings for any nominee that the president puts forward until after the election. Look, were following the biden rule. Elections are going on all over the country. The next president will be making this choice. The people will decide who should be the appointing authority. So no, he will not be considered by the senate. Martha talking about the biden rule there. Here is what Vice President joe biden said back in 1992 when he was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. The Senate Judiciary committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever, until after the Political Campaign season is over. It would be our pragmatic conclusion that once the political season is underway and it is, action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the Election Campaign is over. That is what is fair to the nominee, and essential to the process. Martha emily tish sussman, Campaign Director for center for American Progress action fund. Ashley pratte a senior political reporter. Welcome to have you here. I want to play a little bit, this is josh earnest asked about the biden rule yesterday on special report. Lets watch. Talking about biden rule, the rules are essentially if the president puts forward a nominee that person gets a fair hearing or upordown vote whether or not senator biden supports them. Martha ashley what do you make of that . Biden put this precedent in place, right . All of sudden republicans are ones who are evil and holding off nomination to the Supreme Court. Oh, my gosh it would be so terrible if there was absence there. There is Campaign Going on. No one wanted to be the sacrificial lamb offered up by president obama. Garland is offered by in this political game the democrats are playing saying centrist figure. His position on gun ritz is not very send tivity at all. That is republicans will be fighting for. Lets wait and let people decide come november who will determine who the nominee is before the Supreme Court. Martha emily, the thinking is joe biden set the precedent here and republicans are merely going by that precedent. What biden did was made a comment when he was chair of Judiciary Committee. The comment he made right after that, if you do bring forward a consensus moderate candidate then we would absolutely give him a hearing give him in for a vote. That was the full comment he made. If were talking about it as a rule, the rule that biden moved forward with as chair of Judiciary Committee was actually bringing forth and confirming justice. That is what he actually did when he was chair of the committee. He actually confirmed 17 justice in Election Years. When he was chair of the committee. That is actually the rule here. Martha ashley, that is the argument here. You know, how is it better for republicans to not give this man a hearing, who has been put forward. I know that there are questions about his perspective on gun rights. Some people see him as moderate. Some dont. Why not give the man a hearing . You know what . That is fine but i think it is up to the American People, right . Come november we will have made up our minds. Martha the American People nominated an elected senators who are in place on the Judiciary Committee. Thats also true, martha. I completely hear what youre saying but i do think at end. Day the people in the senate were put in there by the American People. The president was put there by the American People and that should be that nominees decision to then nominate someone to Supreme Court. I do not think this should be something right now the senate is deciding in the middle of a very, very heated and contested election cycle that hasnt even determined who the nominee for each Political Party will be at this point. I do think were at very critical moment in our nations history. And i do think, obamas pick right now would definitely tilt more to the left than it would have been in the past decade. Martha it would also feed into the argument, emily, would it not, it gives democrats opportunity to sigh republicans are being obstruction it. I dont think it is opportunity. It is actually real. How much dysfunction do we accept . How much do we think is enough . The president had nearly a year left in his term when he nominated garland, or when scalia died and nominated garland. The senators have nearly a year left in their term. How much dysfunction is fine to shut down . He is consensus nominee. Nobody can say and nobody has said worked an volunteered for clinton and dukakis . How is that centrist . He has history of working for democratic president ial candidates . How is that centrist at all. The position on gun rights and actually his reputation as justice he is very fair and provides very narrow opinions. Im sure martha you guys are arguing about his philosophy, his political philosophy and appears that is not even on the table because we spoke with jim inhofe, senator earlier said it didnt matter if George Walker bush was nominee. They didnt want to hear from this person at all in any case because they feel like it shouldnt happen until after the election. So that is what is fair. Thanks a lot, you guys. Emily, ashley, good to see you both. Thank you. Bill jon scott coming up next on happening now. Good day to you. Happy st. Patricks day to you, mr. Hemmer. There is new momentum for john kasich, donald trump and ted cruz and Hillary Clinton. There are vulnerabilities for each of those candidates though as the race nears the final laps. Well talk delegate math, possibility of a contested Republican Convention and various candidate strengths and weaknesses as we look ahead to next weeks primaries and caucuses. Chris wallace is here. We have Fox Team Coverage ahead happening now. Top of the hour. Bill the world says goodbye to Frank Sinatra, jr. , who followed in the footsteps of his famous father. You could argue he did it his way. Bill the son of Frank Sinatra has died at the age of 72. Frank sinatra, jr. , died suddenly yesterday while on tour in florida. Julie banderas in hoboken, new jersey, at Frank Sinatra park where we remember him this morning. Good morning. Reporter here at Frank Sinatras park, this is memorial to old blue eyes. His son lies rest in peace with his father. His musical legacy he followed after his sudden death. He was in florida, daytona beach, florida. We have pictures to look back at his life and career with his florida. In daytona beach, florida, Frank Sinatra, jr. , canceled a concert after feeling lightheaded. He was taken to a hospital where he suffered a massive heart attack and died of cardiac arrest at age of 72. He was born in jersey city, new jersey in 1944. He spent his childhood watching his dads career at spotlight. While his dad was making movies and on tour he grew up to love music. He became his dads musical director and conductor and later singer in his own right. After his fathers death caused by a heart attack in 1998 at age of 82. He went on touring the performing elder sin naught address music in las vegas. He performed National Anthem at new york yankees and Los Angeles Dodgers game, in celebration of what would have been his fathers 100th birthday. He appeared in nearly two dozen tv shows and movies but his life story grabbed nationwide attention after his bizarre kidnapping at age 19. He was returned safely to his family after they paid a 240,000 ransom and three suspects were arrested. So certainly his childhood was unlike anyone other than the late Frank Sinatra. But certainly he will be remembered as he carried on his legacy. Leaves behind his son, michael, bill. Bill no question. E banderas the river in hoboken. Thank you, julie. Martha there are three republican candidates still in this race but there is still a big wildcard. How the delegates could upset some of these peoples plans. G. G. Learn about non24 by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. What is this going on . It is st. Patricks day and we dusted off the green blazer traditionally marked in the United States by parades and beer, whiskey also works. 13 million pints of guinness will be poured today. Look at the irish dancer, whiskey in the mix. Going green to honor the day today. The irish Prime Minister gave president obama a traditional bowl of shamrock. The chicago river, topsecret powder turns the river green for five hours. Pretty bright green. How are you going to celebrate . John i have 11 days left in lend. That is how i will celebrate. Have a great day, see you tomorrow. John brandnew development on the heels of the supertuesday primaries which clarified races on both political sides. Heather as the dust settles on the latest president ial contest from donald trump, the party so block is nomination. John real clear average p

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