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Endorsement. Bill we have a look back at last nights debate. Everyone up here has worked very, very hard. But donald is right, there are only two of us who have a path to winning the nomination. Donald and myself. The Republican Party has a great chance to embrace millions of people it has never known before. They are coming by the millions. They should seize the opportunity and embrace the people month for the First Time Ever love the Republican Party. Be smart and unify. I know many people feel appeal in the things donald trump says. But they have consequences here and around the world. The embassy is the former consulate. Second of all i dont know where cuba is going to sue us. But if they sue us in miami they will lose. You make better with your enemies then you do than you do with your friends. A Strong America is what the entire world is begging for. Where has america gone . I will do everything in my power to make america rich again. To get rid of waste, fraud and abuse which is ram in the this country. Hillary clinton says shell cut waste, fraud and abuse if only they had smarter people in washington. Thats the statement of a liberal who doesnt understand government is the problem. Bill Chris Stirewalt writing about this today. Lets talk about the debate in a moment. But first ben carson. What does his endorsement mean for donald trump . I will say this. What it means about ben carson, this is a surprise for a lot of people who focused how much carson brought civility and kindness to the campaign. For him to get behind trump was a slight surprise to me. But i think it might be a reflection of how much he resented what ted cruz did iowa and his staff circulating the story about carson dropping out. I think that may be part of it. The other part is it ratifies the idea of outsiders who have not served in office before, so that doubles down on that brand. Bill as we talked this week, its a time for choosing very soon here. With regard to the debate. This was like ali in the ring. Falling back on the ropes. You werent sure what he was going to do. What did that do to his opponents. At least two of them are in a fight for their lives. You say do not win their home states on tuesday. How did you score . Donald trump had his best debate. Certainly he went back to what we had seen before, trying to stay out of it and trying to hold back and not dive into every scrum. He was trying to be more president ial. But the big advantage for him was i expected that cruz and rubio, his chief purchase sewers, given what the newsian had been of late and all the discussion about Trump University and his Business Record and transparency and tax returns and on and on, and violence. The guy who punched the guy. I thought we would see a sustained attack on trumps character and fitness. But instead they led off with that. They had a few policy scraps with hip but i was surprised how willing they were to let trump off on the character stuff. Bill Reince Priebus before the debate said the republicans will get behind the nominee. Trump put down his delegate marker. He said whoever had the most, whether it was a majority or not, should be the nominee. I dont think thats the rules. Those are not the rules. If you expect to have the most delegates you think that ought to be and you would be in favor of that. The question now, and this is what really matters. We go into the decisive phase of this nominating contest starting tuesday. We go for big stage, winnertakeall stage. Based on his prior performance with certain voters. Illinois ought to be pretty good, ohio might be okay. Kasich is doing well there. North carolina could be cruz country. How that works out. This is a lot of delegates. How soup or tuesday 2 work out will be probably the decisive moment. If donald trump wins big, gets a ton of delegates, he could move into a 200delegate lead. It becomes a moot point. If ted cruz can keep alive the idea he can win outright, well go on and on and on from here. Bill thank you, sir, stand by. Heather cuba coming into the kfg in last night debate with the gop candidate sounding off about president obamas decision to open relations with the country. Cuba is making as wash our country. We dont make good deals. We have people who dont have a clue. Cuba has free elects, cuba has freedom of the press. Cuba kicks off the russians and the chinese. Cuba stops helping north korea evade u. N. Sanctions. Cuba take all the fugitives from american justice and send them back to jail where they belong. Then we can have a relationship with cuba. Donald supported barack obama and john kerry. I have a fundamental disagreement that we shouldnt be allowing billions of dollars to go to nations that hate us to go to cuba, iran, and to let them use those billions of dollars to try to murder us. Heather phil keating has more for us from miami. Thats especially familiar territory for marco rubio, right . Absolutely. The nor from florida, cuban american. Hes lived the cuban debate his entire life. On the stage in coral gables, the importance of floridas tuesday fly mary quietest. Home of the hurricane, but shockingly last night no storms on that stage. Plietd, dozens of discourse. And issues like political debates of old. There are on two of us that have a path to winning the mom nation. Donald and myself. Great thing about politic. The reason why we watch it, whats true today is not necessarily true tomorrow. I think the republican establishment should embrace whats happening. We are having millions of extra people join. We are going to beat the democrats. We are going to beat hillary and beat them soundly. We are going to rebuild that military. And if we capture any of the terrorists alive. They will not have the right to remain silent. They will not go to a courtroom in manhattan. They will go to guantanamo bay. Reporter 99 delegate are up for grabs in florida and 66 up for grabs in ohio. Heather it does appear by the polls trumps florida lead is shrinking. Its been a big 10 days in florida, especially for marco rubio, the home 8 senator who sent 7 million on a media blitz, much of it criticizing trump. Trumps lead has shrunk. The Monmouth University poll. And rubio 7 point behind in a Washington Post poll. You have to be registered as a republican or democrat to vote in florida, independent cant. Last night debate what you fun, it was different. There were a lot of good feelings in that room. Its something frankly the Republican Party need, and today is something very, very special because dr. Ben carson was respected by everybody. Everybody wanted his endorsement and Everybody Loves him and truly admires what he has done. His life has been an incredible life. And i just want to tell you that having his support really i think it adds total kree den to what im credence to what im trying to do and what we are all trying to do. I want to introduce dr. Ben carson, special, special person, special man. Thank you very much. Thank you, donald. This whole process getting involved in the political process was something i never particularly intended to do. But i listened to the people. It was really all about the people. It continues to be all about the people. Its not about the Republican Party or democratic party. Its about the people of america. And what i was what had been seeing recently is political operatives and parties once again trying to assert themselves and trying to thwart the will of the people. I find that is an extraordinarily dangerous place to be right now. I want the voice of the people to be heard. I want the political process to play out the way it should play out. The Republican Party would be wise not to adopt lets stop this guy and promote this guy policy. But rather start thinking about what are the things that will be helpful for america. Right now, you know, we are in the process of going off the deep end. We are going off the cliff for fiscally irresponsible, we are hating each other, we are destroying ourselves. A house divided against itself cannot stand. We are failing to take a leadership position on the world stage. Some people said, why would you get behind a man like donald trump . Ill tell you why. First of all i have come to know donald trump over the louisiana few year. Hes actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about america. There are two different Donald Trumps. There is the one you see on the stage, and the one who is very cerebral, sit there and considers things very careful. Thats the donald trump you will start seeing more and more of right now. And some people said, but, well, you know, he said terrible thing about you, how can you support hip. We buried the hatchet that was political stuff. And, you know, that happens in american politic. The politic of personal destruction, all that. Its not something i particularly believe in or anything i get involved in. But i do recognize it is a part of the process. We move on because its not about me. Its not about mr. Trump. Its about america. And this is what we have to be thinking about. I have found in talking with him that, you know, there is a lot more alignment, philosophically and spiritually than i ever thought that there was. He will speak to that. But that actually sprayed me more than that actually surprised me more than anything. I realize how a persons image can be greatly distorted, having been the victim of that, i probably understand it better than anybody. As the American People we are focusing on, as they begin to see the real individual there, and those who are helping that individual, i think we are going to be comforted as a nation. We have to start working together. We cannot allow the agents of division to continue to separate us. As a nation, our strength is our unity. And we just have to sort of ignore those people who are always trying to stir up strive. And im appealing to some degree to the media as well. You are part of america, too. And should be interested in strengthening our nation and not in creating divisions, not in creating conflicts all the time. If we start having that american attitude, that american a spirit that made us great and took us to the pinnacle and made us great in no type at all, believe me, everybody will benefit from that. We are talking about how can we make america a place thats successful for everybody. We have 330 million people. Well be competing with china and india, 1. 4 billion. We have to develop all of our people. People who are the downtrodden in our society. We are not doing them any favors by patting them on the head and saying, there, there, well take care of all your needs. We need to train them to climb out of dependency. Thats what america is about. And its not about socialism. Socialism is seen as a panacea by people who dont understand it. Young people think its just being concerned about other people and thats not what it is. Its cradle to grave government. You let them take care of you but you give them control of your money and tropical of your life. And the he athletes at top control everything. A declining middle class and growing dependent class. Thats not what made America Great. Im going to be helping him. Others are going to be helping him. One of the things i discovered in this country is we have some incredibly smart people. None of us knows everything. But when we begin to use those smart people effectively to accomplish the goals of america, you are going to see us once again begin to ascend to the pinnacle, to a much higher pinnacle that we ever achieved before, and thats where america should be. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you very much, ben. Ben and i were talking lengthily yesterday. One of the things i realized is his great love is education. He was telling me things about education. And he was so righton and so good. Its such an important element for our country. I said ben, congratulations, you be just have to get involved with us in education. Our educational system in the united states, we are ranked at the bottom of the pack worldwide yet we spend by far the most money. Second doesnt even exist. Ben will get have much involved in that and get involved in healthcare where hes an expert. During the debates ben when it came to healthcare and talking about health, ben was in a class by himself. So its such an honor to have ben. Hes a friend. Hes become a friend, and i really appreciate endorsement, ben, thank you. Any questions, folks . Mr. Trump, two questions. Did you guys sort of jerntly or formally apologize to each other for some of the nasty things you said to each other. Yes, its politics. Its tough stuff, a tough business. I used to think real estate in manhattan was tough. This is a tough business, this politics. A lot of things happen in politics that dont happen anywhere else. We understand that. The question always comes up with big endorsements, were any promised made to dr. Carson in your administration or runningmate . No. When ben called he didnt say would you do this ore do that. He just wants to help. He feels strongly about whats happening. You see the crowds we get. We get crowds that are amazing and record setting. Its the cover of any magazine. There has never been anything like it. Ben seize it. Ben will have a big, big part. Maybe ben dont know that, but ben is going to have a big part. We want to keep that kind of talent. Do you see dr. Carson playing a policy role or out on the campaign trail going places you are not going. And when he says there are two Donald Trumps, do you agree with that characterization . I probably do agree. There is the public version and people see that. I dont know what they see, but it seems to have worked over my lifetime. Its probably different than the personal donald trump. Perhaps there are two Donald Trumps. You know, im somebody is a thinker. Im a big thinker. And i have my ideas and they are strong and typically they worked out. What i want to do the theme i have for this entire campaign is make America Great again. Thats what i want to do. Very simple. I want to make America Great again. We have so many problems whether its trade, terrorism, we have so many problems with the debt. 19 trillion going up to 21 in a short fashion. Policy for politics for you . Dr. Carson is both. But hes going to be very much on policy. Ben was always strong on policy. You have been talking about unity on the campaign trail in the debate. Can you fill us in on outreach efforts you are making to capitol hill and then i wanted to ask you an Islamic State question. Weve been called by the biggest people in politics, over the last couple weeks. You saw paul ryan reach out. We dont necessarily agree on everything because im strong on borders and security. I think paul will have his views and probably certain things will change. But paul ryan reached out and we had a great conversation. Many other people at the top, top level. I see you covering one person who is saying donald trump must be stopped. I talked to him two days before and he said, donald, we have to come together. They are reaching out to us because they see whats happening. We are getting millions of additional people that the Republican Party has never had before it many the biggest story in politics is whats happening. We are having millions and millions. People come up and vote for the republicans. They get out, they register republican. I have had so many people tell me i never voted republican in my life. I left the democrats to register as a republican so i could vote for you. Independents, democrats. We are you have 65 more than that. Millions of people more. The republicans want top embrace them. I want to ask you about the Islamic State. In the debate you talked about potentially sending 35,000 american troops to the middle east. Thats more troops than george bush sent. Well get them back real soon. It will be up to the generals. The generals have to be able to play their own game. We want to have the right general talking to us. But well find the right general. Well find the right guy or person or woman. Potentially for a long war. It will be quick. We are very powerful, we dont use our power. On the burying the hatchet with ben carson you mentioned politics is rough. Do you personally regret any of the things you said about ben carson. I was thinking about it yesterday, i have such respect for him. The cnn poll came out 4915, how do you like that, ben. He wouldnt have been happy. But during this whole thing nationally. So cnn comes out 49 for trump and 15 for the two others were at 15. The one person that just kept sneaking up on me, i couldnt lose him, was dr. Ben carson. I could not lose that guy. I was doing well. Trump would be at 28 at that time. I remember when it was 28, ben was 18. Then he was 19. The next week he was 22. I thought, whoa, whats happening here. I dont like this. Then he was 24. Then i had a pretty good poll where i took. Leap in one. But then what happened, nbc, wall street journal who always gives me bad poll, by the way, thank you for the nice thing you always say about me. Sitting next to david, thank you very much. Now shell be mad because she is embarrassed. Ben, then we had one poll where ben went ahead. I said, this guy is unbelievable. So i started going after ben. And its politic. And i was really impressed with the way he fought back. He fought back with silence and strength. Somebody else would have i was up pressed. Its true. He many the one person, i couldnt lose him, i couldnt shake him. He did so well. Just go up, up, up, so steady and solid. I fought back and hit hip hard. He under that because i talked he understood that because i talked about it with hip yesterday. I gained a lot of respect for him. You talk about the two Donald Trumps that there may be, dr. Ben carson brought that up. When you say i want to punch a protester in the face or when you said the thing about dr. Ben carson . Its politics we have had some violent people at protesters. They are not just people saying these are people that punch. These are violent people. I get the biggest crowd by far. Not even a contest. The one thing good about protesters is you have to go into the massive stadiums with 25,000 or 30,000 people. Because the cameras never ever turn and show the stadium. But they dont. When there is a protester its great because the camera is up there. Its a negative as opposed to a positive, so necessity turn. We had a couple that so they turn. But we had one that what you violent. That was a very vicious he was wearing very loud and started swinging at the audience, and you know what . The audience swung back. He was swinging, he was hitting people, and the audience hit back and thats what we need a little bit more of. Im not talking about just a protester. This was a guy who should not have been allowed to do what he did. And the police were very, very restrained. But the police were very, very restrained. Yes . Does the rnc ever come to you and say think debate need [inaudible] no i think it what you time. It was time it was substantive last night. It was a very elegant debate it was very stub and tough. Ben said that was a beautiful d it was very substantive. It was a great debate. I wont tell people i won even though i did. I refuse to say, time magazine, fox 91 at fox. We had the debate and i think i did what i had to do. We have had enough debate in my opinion. These debate have been like vince macman should have put them on. Too much. Last night was something that was very important. And the candidate didnt speak about it. But it just sort morphed into a dig need debate. You said you hadnt decided whether you will accept fundraising for the general election. If you go that route doesnt it undermine your pledge to voters . I dont think so. I wouldnt be taking money. If anything the party might take money. Thats up to the party. Thats up to them. Its something i havent given much thought to. I selffunded my campaign. Ill be in for 50, 60 million at a minimum. The money is sort of irrelevant. I have a natural instinct to be a little bit careful with money. Thats the way i am and thats the way we have to be with our country. Right now im you would know better than we, maybe 30 any or more. But other people are in for 150 million and they are nowhere, they are out of the race. Somebody said hes only been doing this for six months. I was on the other side of the system. When they talk about Campaign Finance laws, i know it from the real side, not from the politicians side. I want to go back to what major asked and what tom asked about what dr. Carson said on the radio about two Donald Trumps. Some people know you and like you because your public persona. Is that the real donald trump or something we dont see . Its an interesting question. I dont like to overanalyze myself. But i will tell you i try and be who i am. I want to be honest. Certain questions are asked me and i give a straight answer as opposed to a political answer. I answer truthfully. We have to start being truthful on our country. Like the question on islam. I could have given an answer the other night which would have been perfect and nobody would have been talking about it. But there is a problem and we have to find out what the problem is and we have to solve the problem. You are not going to solve the problem unless you know there is a problem. I want to answer questions honestly and forthrightly, even if im on stage with cameras on it, i have to answer honestly. Just along the same lines, why are there two Donald Trumps . Did you at some point make a conscious decision to behave differently in public . I think there is one donald trump. You have all of this and you have somebody else that sit and read and thinks, and im a thinker. I have been a thinker. Perhaps people dont think me that way because you dont see me in that form. I thought it was nice what been said actually. It is. The side of me. Im a deep thinker. I know whats happening. Will we see more of that side of you . I am going to work with ben on so many different things. When i was with ben yesterday, the thing that most impressed me. I know his views on healthcare because i heard them and i always felt he knew more by the than other people on the stage. But i was most impressed with his views on education. Its a strength, a tremendous strength. So bens going to be involved with us in any aspect he wants to be. The toned down version of what we saw last night dr. Carson referred to as your cerebral side. Do you plan to tone down your performances as a candidate . I didnt go there as a toned down person. I went and whatever happened, happens. You have to be able to swing with the punches. To be honest with you, i didnt know if i was hit i would have hit back. There were those people who said to me, it doesnt matter, let them call you names, let them do of what they want. Stand there and take it. You are leading, you have got a substantial lead, nobody its going to beat you. Dont do anything. I said i cant do that. When somebody hit, i have to hit back. I thought everybody did well. I used the expression. I thought it was an elegant debate last night. You said earlier you felt you had enough debates. There is potentially another debate scheduled march 21. Is your suggestion to the rnc at this point, guys, we had enough . I think we had enough debates. How many times do you have to give the same answer to the same question. I think it would be nice to finish off with this one. I thought cnn did a fantastic job last night. I thought jake was a great moderator. It was just a really nice way to finish off the debate season. I think its enough debates. I know they are getting big ratings. The democrats are not getting ratings at all. And our debates are getting very, very big ratings. But one of those things. I think we had enough. The Networks Want him, i dont think the candidates want them. The networks have much want them. There is a phrase you have been using the last several days on the trail. You said embracing to the Republican Party. As you move forward now annals the contests start are you going to find yourself surrounding yourself with more people. The Republican Party should come together and embrace these millions of people going down and voting. Millions. South carolina, new hampshire, no matter where it is, its millions of people. I was going to bring down a list, i said i didnt want do bore you people. We had states up 102 from four years tea go. There is something happening thats beautiful to see. These are people in many cases as i said last night. These are people who never voted. Im talking about 40, 50, 60, 70 years old. They have say mr. Trump i never voted before. And they have a trump shirt on. They never put a political shirt on in their lives. They said i have had literally when i shake hands with people or when i sign autographs people are saying i never voted before, mr. Trump. But im so proud to be voting. Its been an amazing party. I guys used to be a member of the establishment. I have said embrace the. Instead of fighting it. Instead of fighting me like people from club for growth. These are people who came top my office. They asked me for 1 million. I said who are they. I dont even know who they are. I said well, let me think about it. And i fond out who they are. I said im not going to waste a million dollars. As soon as i did that they went negative on me. If i would have given them 1 million they wouldnt be doing negative ads. They are extortionists. The ads are lies by the way. We should embrace it. The Republican Party should grab this and well have a victory like the Republican Party never had before. I will win michigan, thats not in the play book for the Republican Party. I have a chance to win new york. In new york they always talk about the six states you have to win, florida, virginia. Just go down the line. Pennsylvania, ohio. You have to win certain states. If you lose one of them, its over for the Republican Party. Structurally its much more difficult for somebody who gets elected from the Republican Party. With me i win and lot of states that arent in play for anybody else. I own states that i will get states that are unbelievable. That are unthinkable for the Republican Party. And we should embrace it. A couple more. You have said dr. Carson would be handling education for you. Here in florida a lot of people argue will common core. But its up to the states to handle that. How will dr. Carson do something about the issue a lot of people have in common. Ben knows the education and knows whats going on. Im personally opposed to common core. I like local education. Ben feels very much the same way. I think ben will do a Tremendous Service for helping the states. We want to see it. His great love for education. When you serve those schools with the parents and teachers instead of some bureaucrat in washington. You will do a lot better. Whats your reaction to the news Mitch Mcconnell has been advising Vulnerable Senate republicans on running away from you if you were the nominee. Im sure that will change. Republican Party Leadership, do you believe they are disconnected from the electorate . Do you see that as uniting the electorate towards the Party Leadership . There is a big disconnection between the see called leadership. I dont even know what it is. There is a disconnect between the socalled leadership and the people. But the people are much more important because they are the ones doing the voting. Thats why im standing up here today and other people arent. The Republican Party lost its way. They lost two elections that they should have won. Certainly the last election they should have won easily. In my opinion you have easier than the one we have coming up. The Republican Party lost its way. The Republican Party, something has happened. Well call it a miracle. But they are talking about it all over the world. Its the biggest story in all of politics. The millions and millions of people pouring into the Republican Party, not just the democrats, but the Republican Party. These are people who were disenfranchised and havent had a pay increase in years. They have seen their jobs go to china and mexico and japan and vietnam and every other country in the world other than us. It will end. When you get to the general election and you talk to democrats, what are you going to say to them . Let me tell you about the democratic voters. One of the things we are going to do, we are going to get so Many Democrats its already been proven. So Many Democrats have signed registration forms in the primaries where they voted for me. They left. They say they had never done this in their lives. There was an express democrats for reagan. I had people in hollywood saying everyone out there is voting for you. But they wont admit it. I have after tough stance on crime and borders. But they are liberal people, they dont want to admit it, but they will vote for trump. If it does come down to a convention fight, ways your campaign doing . I think well do it without going down into the convention without having a fight. But i do feel, whoever has the most delegates at the end of this trip should win. Im prepared but im hoping to prepare. Well have ohio should be great for me. They are losing tremendous numbers of jobs. You have seen whats happened with the coal industry in ohio. I think ill beat john kasich. Hes been an absentee governor. Chris christie said john kasich was there much more than him which was true. He then went to different states, big in south carolina. He was in and he didnt been. Didnt win in new hampshire. Didnt win in michigan. He guaranteed michigan. He said i will win michigan, and i thought he said if i dont win michigan ill drop out because mitch began is his neighboring state and i won michigan in landslide. And he was living there. John has been not really there. Hes have much in fave of Transpacific Partnership tpp. That will be the destruction of ohio. Now that the oil is down. Ohio got lucky because they struck oil. The budget of ohio went up more than any budget in the entire united states. But they got lucky because oil was under their ground as opposed to some state where they dont have the oil. Now that the prices of oil are down, ohio will have a lot of problems. You are not going to be in Salt Lake City on march 21 in the next debate. I didnt know there was a next debate. There has been a ratings bonanza. I would do debate if the network agreed to give all the money to the Wounded Warriors or veterans. But the network are making a fortune on these debate. The rating for the debate are through the roof. But i think its type to end the debates. [inaudible] you have been hearing from republicans like paul ryan. Have you reached out to anybody in the Republican Party . I would rather not say. I have been hearing from everybody in the Republican Party. They are congratulating me. These are not stupid people. They want to embrace it. Do they want to take millions of these voters if you look at the polls, dei went to nevada which i won. The people that work in the polling areas, they have been there for 2025 years, the political people, every single time i go they say we have never seen anything like this. You go to nevada they say we stand here and the place would be empty all morning long, now you have lines 5 blocks long. Its an amazing thing. On the debate take you said trade i one of the areas on which you right, have much so. In the context of ohio. How would you say you did on trade for Hillary Clinton . Hi are you i terrible at trade. First of all she has no business instinct. She doesnt have the energy or strength to get the right trade deals. You need strength and stamina. You need a lot to get these deals done. To do these deals with they put 12 countries in one. Tpp is and example. I want individual trade deals with individual countries. Some countries treat us better than others. China will take advantage of tpp. Its not in it now. But they will come through the back door. I have so many friend in china. I have respect for china. Im not angry with china, im angry at our people. We have a 500 billion trade deficit with china. We are going to become a rich nation again. We cannot become a great nation until we become relationship again. Im going to save social security. There are so many thing we can do. Its going to go quickly, too. Your decision to endorse trump or senator cruz. Why not endorse senator cruz. We had a lot of excellent candidate. Any of the 17 candidate running could have done a fine job. But one of the real factors for me is what will happen if we allow the political operatives to succeed in their endeavor to stop donald trump. I think it would fracture the party irreparably. And it would hand the elect to the democrats. They would get 24 Supreme Court picks and america would be forever changed. Thats the big picture. Its not about me or mr. Trump. Its about america. Why not senator cruz . I feel mr. Trump is willing to do what need to be done to break the stranglehold of special Interest Groups and the political class. Are there any remaining hard feeling toward senator cruz over what happened in iowa . I have completely forgiven him. Thats a duty one has has a christian. You said throughout your life god has led you to your most important decisions. Did god lead you to donald trump . I prayed about it a lot. And i got a lot of indications. People calling me i havent talked to forking a long time saying i had this dream about you and donald trump. I also i also tend to think that fat way god speaks to you is by giving you wisdom. That wisdom says to me is if we allow this attempt to disrupt the will of the people to be successful, it will fracture the party in an irreparable way and hand the election to people who i personally believe would destroy our country. And the reason i say that is because, you know, hoik was a great friend of saul alinsky. She was on a firstname basis with him. He wrote the book rules for radicals. If you havent read it, i recommend you right and see the kind of things that are recommended to fundamentally change this nation from the Great Success we have to a socialist country. The dedication page in that book says dedicated to lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom. I dont want anything to do with that. You talked about burying the hatchet. Did you have any conversation like that with senator ted cruz and did he ask for your endorsement . He did not specifically expw for an endorsement but he did apologize. He said he wasnt really aware with what was going on and didnt agree with it. Why mr. Trump over ted cruz. You said a week ago today that you were endorsing we the people. It sounds like in that intervening time youve involved as a central focus, what i hear you say, the effort to stop donald trump is what motivated you to endorse him. Is it trumps quality for the presidency or the movement against him that put you where you are now. Its about we the people. We need to empower the people. That wont be done through politic as usual. Be that republican politic as usual or democrat politic as usual. It requires somebody who is a bit of an iconoclast but has the ability to listen and make wise decisions. We had a lot of evangelicals come out to the rally when i was there. Do you think that will be representative of the American People and do you think you can help bridge the gap with the evangelicals as well as the people of color . I hope we can bridge the gap with everybody. All the policies that i have ever talked about and mr. Trump is going to be on board with this, too, we talk about things that are good for everybody, not for this group, for that group. The whole concept of picking and choosing winners and losers is something i think is antithetical to what we believe, dont you . That simply is not would not happen with a Trump Administration. We would be looking at ways to do things that benefit all americans that create an equal playing field. Equality of opportunity, that whats we are looking for. That doesnt mean that we are not sensitive to people who are downtrodden. We are very sensitive to people who are downtrodden and will be putting in place thing that will allow those people to ascend. Many people have been placed in a position of a tendency for generations. They dont recognize whats going on. We have to change that. What are you doing [inaudible] fighting in the east in but they are now in our neighborhoods. What [inaudible] china [inaudible] they will. I will let mr. Trump answer that question. Dr. Carson, do you see a future for yourself in politics, even if there were no promises made as part of this endorsement . Would you be interested in seeing a Trump Administration . Im interested in saving america. My concern is our posterity. All the people coming after us. We are destroying any possibility of the American Dream for them with the policies we are doing. So i would be very interested in helping to achieve the goal of saving america and making it great. Absolutely. You talk about two Donald Trumps. The one we see in public, the one we see in private. Does that worry you for the American Voters . Should the voters know that accepting donald trump and as it relates to you, you and mr. Trump started a number of different issues whether its a muslim data base or religion. Are we seeing a second dr. Carson . I dont think so. My point being that there is a different persona some people have gotten the impression that donald trump is this person who is not malleable, who does not have the ability to listen and take information in and make wise decisions. And thats not true. You might get that impression from look at debates and looking at some of the public appearances. But hes much more the cerebral than that. And a much more reasonable person than comes across. But as you well know, because you heard me talk about it a lot. The media they are skillful at painting people certain ways. It may not be who that person is at all. That person can spend all of their time trying to change the media or they can just move after he head. I think hes decided hes going to move ahead of and focus the attention on the American People, not so much on the media. I think thats the right way to do it. Will you be campaigning with mr. Trump . Well be doing some campaigning together. Have you been promised a runningmate slot. We have not talked about a role other than being involved in helping formulate policies. The things that have been in place and growing over the last few decades led to us a place of incredible stagnation. If we want to embrace those policies that will create the atmosphere for entrepreneurial risk taking and capital investment, you will see an explosion like nothing you have ever seen before. We havent been doing that. I dont think it will be that hard. I dont think mr. Trump thinks it will be that hard either. Thank you all very much. Great honor. Go outside, we have coffee and drinks. Enjoy yourselves. Thank you. Bill that was a fascinating 55 minutes. Dr. Ben carson the headline endorsing donald trump. Dr. Carson said a number of things including i have forgiven him in reference to the insults and the barbs back and forth. I think both candidates, all the candidates in the race are getting fair share of endorsements. No one has more endorsements than congressman than marco does. Every statewide leader here in florida is supporting marco rubio. We have a lot of momentum we have a lot of momentum everyone said marco won last nights debate. We saw polls closing dramatically prior to the debate. That will continue to happen and were excited for prospects in florida on tuesday. Bill this would seem to support your argument on screen. Trump ap38 , rubio at 31. Difference of seven points, however, in our poll that came out the day before trump had 43, rubio, 20. That is a difference of 23 point, alex. You can do the math. Average them together. But it is clear you trail in your home state. As it stands right now, that would be a doordie, correct . There is no doubt the polls have been all over the place. Weve seen the polls all over the place throughout the race. Heck on the day of the iowa caucuses, poll said trump would beat marco by 14 points. We ended up tying trump effectively in iowa. Most accurate polls show the race open dramatically. Were winning early votes and winning absentee votes. As of today, marco way ahead of trump in terms of votes already cast. Voters near making final decision in the florida primary. Here is important thing they have to consider. Any vote other than marco is vote for donald trump. Marco is only candidate who mathematically can defeat donald trump here in florida. If you like ted cruz, if you like john kasich and want to stop donald trump you need to vote for marco here in florida. The only one that can stop trump. Bill on this debate last night, some described it as civil. I think trump described it that way. Seemed i mentioned an hour ago, trump was doing ropeadope. He was ali in the ring. Guys were not quite sure how to respond to him. Marco rubio has tried several different tactics. None has proved successful to date. Has trump strategy confounded your own strategy how to fight back with him . Well i think there are two things boeing on here. The media is utterly fascinated by donald trump. I sat in a chair here 45 minutes while you showed an entire press conference where no news was made. The only news made trump conceded public persona than private persona. Bill alex. This was not just anyone coming out supporting trump. This is former rival in the game past seven months. Absolutely. Ben carson is good man. He announced he would be endorsing him. I have no quibbles with the media, if you cover the race that way thats fine, i would say if you look at debate last night, it was very substantive and donald trump doesnt have a lot to say on policy. What he does have to say is wrong. He was wrong on israel last night. His cuba policy is totally wrong. He says we dont need to reform social security. That is just wrong. He doesnt recognize the debt crisis facing america. Two weeks ago he didnt know anything about health care policy. We still dont know what he would do as president. Contrast that with marco rubio who has been Crystal Clear what he would do, if he was president. How he would lead america into new american century. We have detailed policy plans on our website, marcorubio. Com. Donald trump simply doesnt have that. Bill that is up to him to make that case. Contest after contest voters not agreed with that. Last point, we did this in the fox polling right. Among those early voting started days ago in voter, among those already voted trump at 41 . Marco rubio second at 22 . Among those yet to vote we find trump at 41 , rubio 19 . 25point difference on first category. 22point difference on second category. I will give you last word. How do you close the deal in florida on tuesday. Were ahead in terms of early votes, absentee votes you just noticed. We have momentum going into tuesday. I think last nights debate was a big moment for our campaign. Voters saw what they knew at the start, this is generational choice what kind of country america will be in the 21st century. Is this a country where our kids can do what for them what marco east parents did for him . Is this country where we end up looking like rest of the world. There is a lot at stake in this election. Marco rubio only candidate put forward detailed ideas how to create a new american century. He isoonly candidate that can beat donald trump here in florida. I think voters have a lot to decide. Bill we shall see. Alex, thanks for your time. Thanks for being patient. We did take Carly Fiorina two days ago when she endorsed ted cruz. Alex live in miami. A topic at that came up, you will hear a lot in the media about the rallies whether or not they are over the top. There are some clips of one particular rally where an africanamerican is leaving this arena and it was, shall we say verbal and also physical when in turn a man in his 7s gave this young man a pretty good shot to the face. You will see that clip repeatedly. There was context that needs to be added to that. What happened there, what was going on at the moment and what transpired afterward, how do these two explain that. Donald trump was asked about this this is how he reacted just a moment ago. Weve had some violent people as protesters. Theyre not just people saying oh, these are people that punch. These are people that are violent people. I get biggest crowds by far. Not even a contest. You people dont like to report it but actually one thing good about protesters you have to go into these stadiums, massive stadiums with 25 and 30,000 people and you have to at least, cameras is never turned. Hey, ben, cameras never ever turn show the stadium. Turn and show they dont. When there is protester up in the corner that is great. Cameras alter. It is a negative as proposed to a positive so they turned. We had a couple really violent. Particular one i said, like very vicious, it was guy, swinging very loud and started swinging at audience. You know what . The audience swung back. I thought it was very, very appropriate. He was swinging. He was hitting people. And the audience hit back. And that is with we need a little more of. Im not just talking about a protester. This was a guy should not have been allowed to do what he did. Frankly if you want to know the truth, the police were very, very restrained. Bill now that is what Trump Supporters like in him. And they have said that repeatedly. Chris wallace, anchor of Fox News Sunday with me now. Youve been watching this. Lets talk about the headline first, chris. The carson endorsement means what for tuesday and beyond . Oh, i dont know that it means a lot. I mean carson is a fine man and to the degree that he speaks to Donald Trumps, integrity and bluster that all the lot more to trump than that, i suppose it is helpful. Will it get him a lot of votes . Almost always we make too big of a deal of endorsements. I dont know that the Carly Fiorina endorsement of ted cruz means a lot either. You would rather have carsons endorsement than not. Do i think it will swing a lot of votes . Probably not. Bill a lot of governors endorsed. You see where that has potten them. I dont know one or two, more than picked right person to win their home state. With regard to this debate last night what did you think of the strategy of the four men on stage . And when you consider how much isthe line for tuesday for kasich in ohio and rubio in florida, did they go too soft perhaps . Well, look, we are all in the news media business, were frustrated campaign managers. We always think we could advise a candidate better. I thought it worked out like gangbusters for trump because hes ahead. To the degree there isnt a big shift in the dynamics of campaign that works very much in trumps favor. Made him look more reasonable, more president ial to use overworked phrase and that is all to his advantage. I think rubio and cruz were right not to get involved in personal insults, particularly with rubio. That backfired terribly. Seems to me they left some policy differences on the board they could have gone after trump more on quite frankly, i thought alex conant might have been more effective he was saying trumps failings when it comes to poll i sir issue than rubio was on the stage with millions of people watching. Think of it in terms of a football game, if youre behind, with marco rubio in florida he is in the fourth quarter. You dont keep running the ball into the line to change the game. I dont know that trump or cruz rather rubio or kasich did enough to change the game. Bill last question. We have a debate in 10 days we think. I wouldnt be so sure. Bill thats why im asking. Trump is suggesting weve had enough of this. I dont think we will have an answer until wednesday on that. What is your view, quickly, chris . I agree completely. I dont think they want to debate. I think they feel there have been you have in. This was i believe the 12th debate. Not an unreasonable argument to make but it is all going to depend how tuesday goes. If trump has good night. If he wins florida and maybe even if he doesnt win ohio he is a couple of hundred delegates ahead of everybody else, my feeling they will probably say thats it. I talked to some people in the Trump Campaign who feel that way. On other hand trump has bad night and loses ohio to kasich and florida to rubio, they will probably take a second look. Bill see you on sunday, Chris Wallace in washington. On sunday chris sits down with Ohio Governor john kasich only two days before the doordie primary in his home state. Tune in for full coverage, tuesday the critical primaries. Well start in americas election Head Quarters at 6 00 eastern time. Thats tuesday march 15th. Stand on by. Heather other nice going on today. Former first Lady Nancy Reagan will be honored and her life will be celebrated in a funeral ceremony this afternoon at the reagan president ial library. More than 1000 people are expected to attend to pay tribute to a woman who touched so many lives. Shepard smith joins us from the Reagan Library in simi valley, california. Hi, shep. Heather, hello one of the more beautiful places across the country. In nancy reagan would have dialed up the morning to begin, driving up the hills in simi valley, a hot red sky coming up and slow fog rolling over and now gorgeous bright blue skies. Nancy reagans called her families and ronnies, city on a hill. Certainly showing in all the splendor today. That is going to change, which made for a change in the plans. As you probably heard nancy reagan planned funeral many years ago, down to the most minute detail. Part of that was to try to recreate atmosphere around her husbands funeral in 19894. It was that 1994. It was that particular day in the evening. 2004, of course. We all have memories of it. She wanted it to in the evening. Rain is coming at 11 00 this morning. That is when the funeral will begin. It will bring back people, republicans, democrats, all walks of life sort of rare these days. First Lady Michelle obama will represent the first family. Rosa lynn carter will be here. Hillary clinton will take a break from campaign trail to attend as well. President bush 41st and his wife laura will be here representing the bush phamly, president bush the 43rd will be here. President bush, the 41st and his wife will not be able to attend. They will bring republicans and democrats from nancy pelosi to Newt Gingrich will be here. Tom brokaw. Katie couric, wayne newton, melissa rivers, tina sinatra, mr. T, who worked with nancy reagan in just say no to drugs campaign. She said, my life didnt really begin until i met ronnie and they will join each other on the hill behind me this afternoon. Well be here for coverage all day. Heather a love letter from her ronnie will be read. Everyone at home you can watch as shep said, he will host it as we remember nancy reagan. Special coverage begins 1 50 p. M. Eastern here on tse fox news coverage. Bill that will be remarkable moment. Shep is exactly right on simi valley, it is absolutely gorgeous on top of that mountain in southern california. Heather members of 10 president ial families will be there to say goodbye. Bill as it should be. Donald trump turning last night from the insults to inclusion in the party. One of the biggest political events anywhere in the world is happening right now with the Republican Party. Millions and millions of people are going out to the polls and theyre voting. Theyre voting out of enthusiasm. Theyre voting out of love. Bill so he is asking republicans to unite now. After months of mudslinging will he win over Party Leaders . What will they do . What will they decide . Then there is ted cruz last night. We have to get beyond rhetoric of china bad, actually get how do you solve the problem because this solution would hurt jobs and hurt hardworking tax payers in america. Heather hitting donald trump hard over ideas on trade, and accusing trump being part of the washington machine. Not an outsider. Plus this. Whoa. Bill that is a massive fireball erupting at a construction site. It is caught on camera. What happened here next . Youre late for work. You grab your 10gallon jug of coffee, and back out of the garage. Right into your wifes car. With your wife watching. She forgives you. Eventually. Your insurance company, not so much. 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Were taking people from the democrat party. Were taking people as independents. And theyre all coming out and the whole world is talking about it. It is very exciting. I think frankly the republican establishment, or whatever you want to call it, should embryce whats happening. Heather joining me now, juan williams, fox news political analyst and cohost of the five. Mercedes schlapp former media spokeswoman to president george w. Bush and fox news contributor. Thank you both for joining us. Mercedes, i will start with you. Your response to the News Conference that we just heard and dr. Ben carson throwing his support behind trump saying his reason because it is about we the people . Well i think for ben carson, for donald trump this is obviously a very important endorsement. Ben carson really brings in the evangelical base, an area where donald trump has done remarkably well in many of these states. So with ben carsons endorsement, it is really justifying almost bridging that gap where other evangelical voters can say, okay, maybe if ben carson is there, i might be willing to join the pack. Will that happen . Well have to see but so far i think for donald trump this is very, very good news for him. Heather juan, what do you think . Trump said carson would provide both policy role and a surrogate role when it comes to health care and education . The bandwagon rolls on. I think dr. Carson wants to join is what is at the moment winning team an looks on its way to be the team that wins the republican nomination. What is interesting to me to hear dr. Carson say, really he is getting behind donald trump because he does not want the establishment to stop trump. He thinks it is important that the voice of the people, he interprets that as the votes coming to trump, be heard loudly and not be allowed somehow defused by the strategies, the money coming from the establishment. He thinks will be a unity effort. I dont know about the power of terms of the evangelical vote. Trump is already doing pretty well as mercedes said, but i think when you think about the idea of, for example, some of these rallies, some of the troubles, the racial questions, the kkk, and all that, i think again it has power there. I think this really does help donald trump. Heather since you referenced that, talk a little bit more about that because donald trump did talk about some of the violent outbursts, incidents that happened at some of these rallies. He says he doesnt stand for that. You think that ben carson will help in that respect . Well it certainly softens the racial edge. I dont think there is any question that given the statements that mr. Trump has made not only about mexicans and muslims and you know, he still says islam last night was topic of the debate, islam hates america and all the rest. That of course the fights and video that bill was referencing. To have ben carson stand there, ben carson who has been personally vilified by donald trump and saying you know what . I know this guy. Things are better now. I think that has to soften some of that racial tension in the american mind. Heather says he buried the hatchet with him. Also mercedes says he buried the hatchet with cruz. There are some issues between the two of them as well. And were talking about being outsider moving forward and if you listened to the debate last night, cruz trying to present himself as the real outsider. I think for ted cruz he was the original outsider. He is the one that did take on the battle against the establishment here in washington, but i think that the messaging is key. While ted cruz has been very strong on his conservative credentials, i think donald trump has managed to really sell that message to those millions of voters who felt

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